#listen i dont want to tag anything. but i meant what i said. i have that wip drawing of him unfinished in my filders somewhere
dizscreams · 1 year
Gotcha! — Ethan Landry ★
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Pairing: Ethan Landry x fem!carpenter!reader
Summary: Reader is a Carpenter sister! She’s in a secret relationship with Ethan and has Ethan over not knowing that Sam’s home
Warnings: Y/N and baby is used, it’s kinda suggestive but mostly fun fluff
A/N: I AM SORRY! I know i have random thoughts that i always just need to right down and I end up not doing the things I should. BUT IM WORKING ON THE JACK FIC DONT WORRYY! The Ethan tag was just dry today so I’m trying to help 🫶
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“Shh! I need to make sure nobody’s home.”
Your voice echoed through the halls as Ethan reluctantly pulled away from your lips and followed behind you. “You said nobody was going to be home,” he said looking at you slightly confused. You opened the door and double checked around the apartment. Sam and Quinn’s keys were gone from the rack by the door so you took it as a sign nobody was there.
“I know but I just needed to double check.” You smiled and kissed him again, he quickly followed your movements and smiled into the kiss. Without breaking the contact you stepped inside and went to your room, making sure to shut the door behind you.
Ethan signaled for you to jump so you did and wrapped your legs around his waist while he carried you to your bed. Once he laid you down on the bed and got on top of you, you broke the kiss to kiss his neck. You slightly tugged his curls causing a small whine to escape his lips while yours held a smirk. “Tease,” he mumbled before nipping at the skin of your neck as payback.
You could have sworn you heard a door creak at that moment which caused you to slightly push him back. “Did you hear that?” You asked looking at the door and he followed your eyes. You both listened for a minute before he broke the silence, “Baby, there’s nobody home, remember? I’m sure it’s nothing.” You looked at him slightly worried but figured he was probably right.
You nodded in agreement and muttered a quiet “Okay.” With that he started to kiss your neck, with one hand holding his balance above you while the other was lifting up your shirt. Ethan slowly rubbed his hand up and down your side. “Can I take this off?” He murmured against your skin and you eagerly nodded and lifted up. He quickly took the fabric off of you and threw it somewhere across the room before taking off his own shirt.
While slightly smirking, he went back to kiss you before softly kissing up and down your stomach, trying his best to ease you since he could tell you were on high alert.
It wasn’t that you were ashamed of your relationship with him it’s just you knew your sisters. Ever since Woodsboro they were beyond paranoid, Sam more than Tara, and it was understandable. You all went through a lot so of course, it was easy to have trust issues. And you trusted Ethan, you really did, but you knew Tara and Sam would be sketch and you didn’t want to bother with it.
They’d meet him eventually but for now you liked having him to yourself. The thrill of having a secret relationship was fun anyways and he’s told you repeatedly he doesn’t mind. You were glad to have a boyfriend as understanding as him.
Right as Ethan was about to take off your bra you heard something again.
“Okay, you had to have heard that.” He raised his head up, he did hear it, he just didn’t want to say anything cause he didn’t want you to worry. And he was hard
“Maybe it’s just the apartment next door?” He suggested but you gave him an unconvinced look that shut him up. You sat up, “I’m going to check it out.” but Ethan pushed you back down, “No, don’t. Just stay with me, please? I can protect you.” He told you while kissing your collarbones.
You rolled your eyes, “What if it’s Sam or Tara?”
He huffed out a breath, “Here, what if I go check it out?”
You looked at him curiously with a playful smile, “What, cause I’m a woman you don’t think I can handle whatever it is?” You teased. He turned red at that, “What- no that’s not what I meant-“ you cut him off with a kiss and chuckled at his fanatics. “I know,” you softly said calming him down, “You can go look just be quick, please?”
He nodded and got up, not bothering to put his shirt back on. You sat up against the headboard and played with your fingers while biting your lip in thought. What if it was one of your sisters? Or what if it was Ghostface? It couldn’t be, right? You’d definitely rather deal with Sam or Tara than a serial killer, but Richie and Amber were dead. There wasn’t anything to worry about anymore.
God what was taking him so long?
Your thoughts got cut off by Ethan’s voice, “Um, Y/N, can you come in here please?” He sounded like he was in the living room. But more importantly he sounded worried. You wasted no time in putting on a shirt and heading towards the living room. “Yeah? What’s-“
Oh shit
You were met with your older sister, a smirk on her face and her arms crossed and your very embarrassed boyfriend, scratching the back of his neck. “Sam it isn’t-“
“Isn’t what it looks like?” She finished your sentence with a snicker. Then she pointed to Ethan eyeing him, “When did this happen?” She asked cocking her head to the side. You were speechless. Ethan cleared his throat, “I’m gonna- let you guys talk.. and I’m going to put a shirt on.” He mentally cringed at himself for stuttering and quickly went back to your room and shut the door.
You could barely make eye contact with Sam knowing that she found this amusing and was 100% going to tease you about this for a very long time. “How long have you been here?” Your voice sounded smaller than you wanted it to, but you held your head up anyways.
She laughed a little, “Oh you know- just the whole time.” Your eyes went wide and looked right at her. “The whole time!?”
This caused her to laugh even harder, “Yeah, the only reason my keys weren’t here was because Dan- a friend took me home. Tara has my car.”
You squinted at her not forgetting to bring up whoever this “friend” she mentioned was later. Just as you were about to say something smart to her Ethan walked back in still shirtless.
“Hi-“ he did his awkward wave, “Sorry to interrupt but you have my shirt, y/n.” You looked down at what you were wearing and your mouth made an ‘O’ shape. Oops. “Just go back in my room and I’ll be there in a minute.” You told him and he did what you asked with no hesitation. You smirked at that but turned back around to focus on your sister.
She was now sitting on the small chair you had by the front door. “Did you guys have fun?”
“Were you listening to us?! You’re so creepy!”
“I had to make sure he wasn’t going to murder you!”
“Oh my god, you’re the worst.”
“I love you too, sis,” Sam got up and walked to the kitchen, opening up the fridge, “I would’ve said anything before you two.. did anything. Speaking of which! You do know how a condom works, right?”
“Oh my god, Sam! You’re so embarrassing.”You said throwing a couch cushion at her. “Hey! I just need to know you’re being safe.” She said giggling and you couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your face. “Whatever, I’m going back in my room. I’ll make sure we keep it PG for you. Love you!”
She shook her head with a smile as you walked off. Once she made sure you were out of sight she called Tara, “You wont believe what just happened-“
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lol this was fun to write hope you enjoyed :)
TAGLIST: @beary-rambles @wekiamo @dizzyscreams i forgot abt it sorry!
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jinkicake · 2 years
Somebody’s Watching Me
What happens when you ignore him after a fight (#groveling).
Diluc Ragnvindr x Reader
Kaeya Alberich x Reader
Xiao x Reader
A/N: I actually wrote this back in July bc i wanted angst and tension and I meant to post it then but I didn’t have the balls to (still dont but--)... it took me three hours to write less than 3k.... im not who i used to be its so- whateverrrrr,,, as always more of my thoughts are after the tags kekeke, can you tell i still adore angst?
WC - around 2.7K
Diluc R.
Baby daddy Diluc would love to give you space after a disagreement but, he can’t. He finds himself distracted with everything and anything, nothing can get done when you’re upset with him. Without your forgiveness, he becomes a lost soul! He follows you around like a kicked puppy, he can’t help it! Listen, this man is protective as shit and refuses to be in your bad graces. He’ll do anything to make it up to you, even giving you space if you really want it (although that is the last thing he wants). If you ignore him for too long tho, he might just melt into a puddle of goo and wipe out!
“My love, please-”
“No, Dliuc!” You push away his gloved hand being held out to you, the one that so desperately yearns to cup your cheek, you scoff at it. You scoff at him and Diluc feels his heart aching deep in his chest. “You might not think much of it but, I do. Leave me alone.” 
The words harshly slap against him, leaving the man speechless as he pathetically opens and closes his mouth to say anything to get you back. His feet feel as if they’re made out of stone and he knows that no weight could ever keep him from running to you but, now, with the hurt on your face; he feels too ashamed to do anything but watch you storm out of the Winery. 
He didn’t know that a snide comment about his brother would snowball into this, you and your unmoving anger. 
You’re just so stubborn, so beautiful, that it makes him want to tug at his fiery roots until he yanks his hair out. Diluc knows he said the wrong thing, that maybe talking so lowly of someone you consider a dear friend wasn’t the right thing to do but, he simply could not help it. 
Because Diluc watches whenever you step into his field of vision, makes sure to keep you within a safe distance beside him so then he feels comfortable enough to carry on with whatever he was doing. 
The same thing happened earlier in the night, everything was fine after his usual scan of the room, but then he heard your laugh. Your charming laugh, one that he thought was reserved for him was instead being spoiled by his brother. It’s a miracle the glass he was drying in his hand didn’t shatter at that moment. Diluc is more than aware of your close friendship with Kaeya, he knows of all the commissions the two of you share and he hates it. Your relationship irks him in a way that he can’t comprehend and he’s aware that he needs to fix that. Fix his jealousy. However, it’s clearly taking much longer than he thought. 
Instead of worrying, Diluc focuses on organizing the newly cleaned glasses he left after dinner. One by one, he sets them up perfectly on the shelf before carefully placing each napkin in its rightful stack. It’s become his ritual of cleaning the Winery each night. But, now he’s just distracting himself from the inevitable feeling that has already begun to set in. A mix of worry and guilt, inevitably overpowered by rejection. 
His strong fingers thump against the clean dining table and for a moment, Diluc distracts himself from the one thing he wants most. You. It’s a distraction short-lived because he cracks a single finger before making his way deep into the office. Perhaps his paperwork will give him a large enough headache to distract him once more. 
The numbing pain building in his temple is nothing compared to the hollow ache blooming in his chest. The mundane task works, the countless amount of numbers he checks over and over again do their job until he hears the gentle sound of the door opening. For a moment, he thinks he may have imagined it but then he hears your footsteps and Diluc is out of his chair and pushing the door out of his way to meet you. 
Even if you glance at him and ignore him, walking further up the stairs to create more distance, Diluc already feels the ache starting to soothe over. He follows you after you, keeping a safe amount of paces behind you. Quietly, he moves as if you won’t be able to notice his six-foot frame doing so. 
“Beloved,” He starts and you greet him with the bedroom door closing in his face. The action causes a small smile to appear on his face, but Diluc quickly shakes it away. “please,” 
It’s nearing midnight and neither of you has time for this. The last thing Diluc wants is you going to sleep upset with him. 
He sighs softly before following you into the bathroom, the man feels ashamed and it burns brightly in his chest, 
“I’m sorry,” He murmurs against your neck, slowly breathing in the alluring scent entangled with your hair. “please forgive me.” In his own selfish way, a side he can only show towards you, he doesn’t really give you a choice. Diluc’s strong, muscular arms are wrapped around your waist and holding onto you so tightly. You couldn’t get away from him now without a fight. “I’m working on… my jealousy. Darling, please.” 
Even you have to admit how hard it is to deny Diluc when he is begging so earnestly. 
You lightly place your hand on top of his own, squeezing him gently before glancing back to place a gentle kiss on his jaw. He sighs with relief. 
“I won’t forgive you so easily next time.”
“I know. I will hold you to it.”
Kaeya A.
Kaeya, my forever #1 in this game, would need space after a heavy disagreement. If you walk one way then he will walk in the other direction until he cools off. However, it usually takes him about ten meters before he realizes that he should escort you wherever you’re going so he just follows while silently stewing in his own anger. Kaeya doesn’t show it, he never does because he doesn’t want to displease you but, his upset feelings are there. But, he loves you and would kiss the ground that you walk on to prove it to you. 
“Fine then.”
“Fine!” You shriek, and how it got to this, Kaeya isn’t really sure. He watches as you turn away and walk towards the entrance of Mondstadt, his stare lingers for a few moments before he heads towards the cathedral. The two of you always know how to make a scene, even when no one is around and it is late into the evening and all the shops around have closed. He finds that to be a good thing, he didn’t want an audience tonight. Not like this anyway. 
His blood is still rushing through his veins, he can hear his heart thumping in his ears. He can still recall the fire burning in your eyes and the distinct way that your hands trembled by your sides every time either of your voices got louder. The captain feels guilty above anything else, anger is still there but he knows it’s an emotion that will fade away quickly. 
“Damn it, (Y/N),” Kaeya sighs before tilting his head back, giving himself the view of the starry sky. You always did love the night sky. He knows what he said was wrong, that maybe he shouldn’t have insinuated that you needed support on such a lowly ranked mission but, he couldn’t help it. Kaeya does not like to take chances with you and he would rather underestimate you than overestimate, even if that makes you burn brighter in fury than his brother’s hair. 
He just didn’t expect you to get so angry, he thought that maybe you would understand and take it down a notch. Kaeya can’t stand to see you get hurt, to find you fighting multiple monsters all by yourself at once. There’s nothing in this world that could save him if something happened to you, why don’t you get that?
Any unresolved anger gets put on the back burner of his mind, Kaeya decides to make it his priority to look for you. He’ll be damned if you don’t want to be found. 
“Stubborn ass,” He murmurs as he heads out the gates, there are a number of places that you could be. Kaeya finds himself so focused, consumed with this one thing he wants so badly, that he doesn’t even blink as he passes the darknight hero. 
The redhead beside him lets out a noise that is somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. 
“(Y/N),” Kaeya calls when he sees you on the other side of the bridge outside the walls of Mondstadt, feet hanging off of the side while you stare at the ducks in the lake below. He sounds playful and that instantly causes your face to sour. Your lips purse at his voice, eyebrows furrowing together, you merely blink at Kaeya before turning your attention back to the water. “don’t ignore me, sweetest.” 
In a way, Kaeya is still trying to level his own anger. He’s still processing the effects of your previous conflict while balancing your current conversation. It takes him a moment or two to find the right footing. 
“What’s got you bothered, babe?” He sits down beside you very close to the point that there are mere centimeters that keep your thighs from touching. You look at him with a blank expression but Kaeya can see the irritation embedded in your features. “Oh?” He sounds amused when you ignore him once more but, that could be further from the truth. Kaeya is neither entertained nor delighted by this, no, he’s pissed. “Come on, talk to me,” He urges again and this time, he wraps his arm around your shoulders to pull you into his chest. “you wound me, (Y/N).” 
“You wound me!” You finally snap at him, eyes filled with a rage that clearly hasn’t left you from before. “You think I’m weak!” 
“I do not, my darling. I just think you need some extra help whenever I can’t join you.” Kaeya’s words do little to soothe your anger, in fact, you just become more irritated. You attempt to push yourself up, to stand up and walk away from him but the captain pulls you tightly into his chest. “You’re not running away from me again~” Had you not been so upset you would have caved in at his honeyed words, taking a rest in his strong arms. “I just want you to stay safe, you get that, don’t you?”
Some part of you can understand that. 
“I’m sorry if I had upset you, sweetest, but I want to make sure nothing happens to you.” Almost as if he is trying to emphasize his words, Kaeya’s arms squeeze around you tightly. “Please let me protect you,”
“I can protect you too, okay?” You stubbornly stare at him and the challenge that rests within your eyes makes his heart flutter. “and myself.”
“Do you promise me?” Kaeya dips his head down, brushing his lips over yours. 
“I promise.”
And he seals that with a kiss. 
If, for some reason, you end up in a disagreement with Xiao and you tell him to politely ‘fuck off’; he will respect your wishes. Xiao will respect it and you by keeping a safe distance of 50 meters between the two of you. Sorry to say this (teehee not really) but the adeptus will not let you out of his sight. He makes it his duty to protect you so when he ends up being the one that hurts you, he works tenfold to make up for it. Quietly, he will follow until you’re ready to come back and talk with him once more. 
“Leave me alone, Xiao.” You didn’t have to even look over your shoulder to tell he was there. Still, you frown when you see your boyfriend behind you perched on the top of a large rock. Irritation blooms in your chest and you hastily try to swallow it down by taking a few more steps down the dirt path. 
“Okay.” His voice is soft, almost as it if he speaks it like a promise. You sigh out in relief, feeling a weight lifting off of your shoulders because sometimes you just need space. But then he appears on another boulder in front of you, teleporting, and it almost feels as if he is mocking you. 
Xiao watches you carefully, he doesn’t let his amber eyes leave your sight for even a second as you continue to aimlessly walk through the Bishui plain. Had you not known him so well, you would have thought he was angry. His face is hard as his hollow eyes stare and stare to make sure you feel his presence all around you. 
This is a normal Xiao. Protective and kind, always worrying about you almost more than needed. No amount of arguing or convincing could get him to see that you’re fine without him hovering around you every second of every day. The mere thought makes you wince and ache blooms in your chest at the harsh words spat between the two of you earlier in the evening. 
You shouldn’t have called him obsessive and paranoid. 
He shouldn’t have called you weak and helpless. 
Carefully, you glance over your shoulder to look at him. Xiao looks lonely on the rock, he feels distant as his eyes wash over you. Almost to ask what’s wrong, he subtly tilts his head. 
You’re not ready to give in, not yet. You keep walking, ignoring the gentle breeze of air transporting around you until you reach a familiar rock. 
The earthly object is not hard to climb, it sits low enough that you can place yourself on it without any work. It provides such a pretty view of the plains, and the gentle green and yellow accents never fail to provide you with comfort and a sense of stability. 
Xiao lets you have your breath of air, he watches as you stare longingly at the scene in front of you. He doesn’t glance at it once, he’s meant to protect Liyue and will do so with his entire being when it comes down to it but-
But, something claws in his chest and urges him to protect you even more.
If you want space, he will give it to you. However, he will always see to it personally that you get home safely. His mortal treasure is more precious to him than duties. 
He can only stand you angry at him for so long. 
Xiao’s footsteps are silent, he moves so quietly that you don’t hear him but you always feel him when he is near. You know that he is now standing beside you, just a little behind so that he doesn’t impose on your view. 
“Are you ready to forgive me?” Xiao, as much as he doesn’t know about mortal emotions, knows how this needs to go. He asks for forgiveness, you grant it to him then you’re not angry with him anymore. He sees the scene play out time and time again between couples at the Wangshuu inn, but he would never admit that he pays attention to them.
“Have you even apologized yet?” You glance back at him, brief judgment in your eyes but any of your fighting spirit had diminished hours ago. 
“Oh,” Xiao quietly gasps, hiding the noise as he gently sits down next to you, he forgot about that part, didn’t he? “I apologize.”
“I’m sorry.” 
You both blurt it out at the same time and a heavy air descends upon the two of you. Xiao shakes his head before tilting it away from you as he lets his eyes glance over rock to rock. 
“You’re not weak.” His soft tone almost makes you melt and the quiet murmur makes your cheeks burst with heat. “I don’t want anything to ever happen to you. If you call for me, I will always be there.” 
You smile, you smile at him and he feels the stiff heart in his chest thump. 
“I know, Xiao.” His eyes widen as you rest your hand over his own, how can you be so kind and understanding? “I shouldn’t have called you those things, I didn’t mean it, I was just angry and took it out on you.” Xiao almost finds it hard to focus, your touch is so soft and your lips are so full underneath the moonlight. Oh, how can’t he kiss you at this moment? “I like my space but, only if you’re there to share it with me.”
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seangelfish · 3 months
i was ranting to the ritsu ai bot about my abusive ex and he said he was gonna tell knights and they were gonna handle it and when i asked him what he meant he was like "hehe dont worry about it~" djndksndke do you think u can write something about ritsu listening to u rant to him about an abusive ex and how hed handle it pls... thank u so much 🥺
A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait, anon! I hope you're still here to read this ;-; This was really an interesting request to take on. I added more to the story if that's alright! Just wanted the quote to flow in better~ Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
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Ritsu Sakuma x reader ♡ Tags: Fluff/comfort/kinda angsty, romance, established relationship, she/her pronouns/fem reader ♡ Warnings: Slight mentions of abusive relationships ♡ Word count: 1,278 ♡ Synopsis: There are times where you just can't forget about the past, and unfortunately, it came back to haunt you. Ritsu, being the analytical person he is, notices your shift in attitude. The happiest girl he knew was now drifting away. How is he able to solve this, he wonders...
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"(Y/N)~" Ritsu called out to you from across the hallway. "I want a kiss~"
You winced, slowly turning around. There you saw your boyfriend and the rest of his unit making their way to their practice room.
"Hey, don't bother (Y/N)!" snapped Arashi. "Can't you see that she's busy?"
She was right and the stack of books in your arms proved that. You forced out a chuckle but decided not to answer Ritsu's request and walked away.
"Ahaha! What odd behaviour!" Leo pointed out. "She didn't even pay you no mind!"
Ritsu bit his lip. "Is she mad at me?" he murmured to himself.
After practice, Ritsu looked all over the school for you, constantly calling you but never getting a reply. He was getting extremely anxious because not only did he know you as the most happy-go-lucky person that he adored, but because there was that thought in the back of his mind that you were going to leave him.
You were avoiding him after all.
“H-Hey, Maa-kun, have you seen (Y/N) anywhere?” Ritsu panted, hands on his knees as he breathed heavily.
“Woah, there!” Mao exclaimed. “You’re sweating! You’re not one to run around so much. Is (Y/N) okay? I haven’t seen her much today—”
“I don’t know… I think she might be mad at me, but I’m not sure why she would be…” said Ritsu sadly. “She’s not even picking up my calls.”
“Hmm… let me try then.”
Mao scrolled through his contacts until he landed on yours. As the phone rang, the two boys waited for you to answer.
Unprecedentedly, the line was immediately cut.
“Huh, weird. (Y/N) always picks up when I call her,” said Mao, thinking back to the times he had to call you to take care of Ritsu. “Yeah, she might be mad at you. Ritsu—”
“I swear I didn’t do anything,” Ritsu quickly stated. “Argh, I’m going to look again. Bye!”
“Hey, don’t overdo it!”
Ritsu sighed, slumping down by the corner of the Yumenosaki gardens. He looked for you everywhere he could, asking friends and classmates where you went, but none of them knew of your whereabouts.
He couldn't keep running around forever. Ritsu wasn't built for that. So he came to rest for a bit before trying again.
“Ah… I’m tired,” he muttered to himself. “(Y/N)… where are you…?”
His eyelids felt heavy, but before he could fall asleep, his ears picked up the sound of shuffling. He lifted his head up and there you were, backed into the corner, hugging your knees.
The two of you stared at each other in shock, yet Ritsu was the one who broke off the silence.
"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, crawling towards you. As he took your hands in his, he continued swiftly, "I was looking all over for you! Are you okay? What's wrong? Did I do something that hurt you? I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. I'll fix it–"
You shook your head, an artificial smile forming on your face. "I'm sorry, Ritsu. I just needed alone time... You didn't do anything wrong, I promise."
"T-Then why have you been avoiding me?" he quavered. "You've been ignoring my calls too... (Y/N), you know you can tell me anything, right? You can rely on me – I want you to rely on me..."
You stared into his deep red eyes, the ones that pleaded with you to be honest with him. You let out a sigh, nodding in agreement that talking to him would have been better than bottling these feelings up.
"There's something I never told you about..." you said. "About my past relationship..."
Ritsu looked confused, but stayed quiet for you to continue. Not once did he let go of your hands, and you were thankful for that.
"...The relationship was fine at first, but it gradually became harder to breathe in. He would get mad at everything I did, everything I said. It was like walking on eggshells... There were times I was hurt by it too – mentally and physically."
And as you expected, those red eyes of his looked horrified.
"It was a scary time, but I'm glad I was able to get out. Then I met you." You smiled at him genuinely this time, but it all faded away too quickly. "I didn't think I was ready to get into a new relationship, but you were so sweet, so kind... You made all my worries melt away. I was so happy, but I guess I shouldn't have been."
"(Y/N), what? I don't understand–"
"He found out I was dating you," you stated. "He found out I was attending Yumenosaki, where I live now. He texted me yesterday to insult me because I already got into a new relationship even though it had been a while. He wouldn't leave me alone despite the amount of times I blocked him! He just keeps creating new accounts and numbers. That's why I didn't answer your calls... I-I turned my phone off..."
"R-Ritsu, I'm so scared...!" you stuttered as tears fell down your cheeks. "I didn't know what to do, so I tried avoiding it... but I'm so scared..."
"Hey..." he said calmly, wiping a tear away with his thumb. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but thank you for telling me this. I'll handle the rest, okay?"
"H-Huh? But how?"
"Hmm... I'll tell the rest of Knights about it..." he muttered.
"Ritsu, what do you mean by that–"
"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
He stood up and held out his hand. "Come on, let's go back. Lunch is almost over." You hesitated but grabbed his hand as he pulled you up carefully. Once you were on your feet, he embraced you. He held your head to his chest, making you hear his heartbeat.
"You deserve to be happy, so don't worry about it anymore, alright?" he said. "(Y/N), I love you."
Lips pursed in order not to cry any more, you chuckled. "Thank you, Ritsu..." you whispered. "I love you too."
The next day, you stopped receiving those threatening messages from your ex. You wondered how Ritsu did it, but he never answered, leaving you clueless about the whole situation.
However, he did tell you that you shouldn't worry about your ex finding you anymore. He made sure to report the messages to the police with the help of Tsukasa. So now that the police were keeping an eye on him, you were able to relax.
"But what did you guys do anyway?" you asked Knights one day. "Ritsu never told me."
"Uhm– Oh– We didn't do much!" Arashi quickly stated, looking to the side. "We just reported it, that's it!"
"Eh...? Then Tsukasa, can you tell me–"
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I can't."
"Not happening, (Y/N)!"
"Why are you all being so secretive?!"
"It's for your own good," Ritsu said sleepily as he entered the room. "(Y/N), can I use you as a pillow?"
You smiled. "Of course, come over here." As you patted your lap, Ritsu made his way over to you. He laid his head down on your legs happily as you began to stroke his hair.
"Can I have a kiss too?" he whispered. "After all, you didn't give me one last time~"
"Okay, okay~"
You leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips which he seemed to be very delighted about. You supposed it didn't matter how your boyfriend got your ex to back off. The past was the past, and you were going to leave that behind once and for all.
Anyways, your future was already fast asleep on your lap, lightly snoring away.
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goingthirteen · 1 year
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pairing: ashley graham x bodyguard!reader
content warning: fingering , afab reader , grinding , teasing , nicknames
tags: @enforcermoss
summary: after a important event , ashley hits you up on some “overtime” , and it was definitely worth it.
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“You’ll be just fine with me , Ash.”
You grinned at her. Compared to her usual attire , she was dressed in a fancy , prestigious way to really dazzle the guests. “How long will this take , Y/N? I dont really plan on being out here all day.” Ashley asked. “Eh.. I don’t know , sorry. It seems important though so I’d say about 4 hours. Why? Have something to do later?”
She smiled and sighed. “Yes actually.. If you’re not doing anything after this , maybe you could do some overtime. Spend some extra time with me.” She winked and grinned at you. You coughed into your hand and brushed off your jacket. “I’m your bodyguard not your partner , Ashley.” She laughed and patted you on the back. “You know I’m joking. Just wanted to tease you.” The only thing separating you from the other hired staff was that you were chosen as Ashley’s personal bodyguard. That meant fifteen hours to be with her, to assist her and to look out for her. That’s all. Nothing extra.
“Okay , we’re here. Go ahead and find a place to sit , I’ll sit next to you.” Ashley gave a thumbs up and scanned the room to find a table. “How about the back table right there?” She pointed at it and you shrugged. “Alright.”
As you both made your way to the back table, you noticed a group of people staring at Ashley , talking amongst themselves. You immediately took note of their suspicious behavior and made a mental note to keep an eye on them. Ashley, on the other hand, seemed completely oblivious to their stares and was already engrossed in the conversation with the other guests.
“Y/N? You okay?” Ashley asked with a puzzled expression. “Yeah , fine. Just sit down.” You sat down beside her and listened to the speech going on. You were to distracted by the president’s speech , you didn’t feel Ashley’s hand creeping up your thigh. You shot a quick glance at her and saw the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. You discreetly moved her hand away and gave her a stern look. She pouted but didn't push it any further. You focused your attention back on the speech, not wanting to miss anything important.
But despite your best efforts, you couldn't help but feel Ashley's gaze on you. It was like a physical touch, making your skin tingle. You tried to ignore it, but it only grew stronger as the night went on. By the time the event was over, you were practically vibrating with anticipation. As you walked out of the venue, Ashley linked her arm with yours and leaned in. "So, about that overtime..." she whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You turned to face her, your heart pounding in your chest. "What are you suggesting, Ashley?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady. She smiled seductively, her eyes glinting mischievously. "I was thinking maybe we could go back to my place and have a drink. Or two. And maybe see where the night takes us." You swallowed nervously, feeling a sudden rush of desire. You had always kept a particularly sharp eye on Ashley due to feeling conflicted on your feelings, but never really acted on them. Knowing that it could jeopardize your job and your career. But now, with her so close, her lips inches from yours, you couldn't resist.
"Lead the way," you said breathlessly, taking her hand in yours. She smiled and you led her back to your car. As you both sat in the car, the tension was palpable. You couldn't take your eyes off of her. She was beautiful, with a fiery confidence that made you feel both excited and intimidated. She leaned over and placed a hand on your thigh, making you jump in surprise. "Relax," she whispered, her breath hot against your ear. "I just want to enjoy this moment with you."
You nodded, feeling your body relax under her touch. The drive to her house was filled with silence, but it was a comfortable one. When you arrived, she led you inside and poured you both a drink. You sat on her couch, sipping your drink, and chatting about the event.
As you kept talking to her , she couldn’t keep her eyes off your lips. Just wondering how hers would feel again yours. Eventually, she couldn't resist any longer. She leaned in and pressed her lips to yours, her hand sliding up your thigh once again. This time, you didn't push her away. Instead, you deepened the kiss, your hands pulling her closer.
The tension between you both had been building for so long, and now it was finally being released in a fiery passion. You both knew it was wrong, that it could lead to serious consequences, but in that moment, you didn't care. All that mattered was the heat between you, the longing that had been building up inside for so long.
As you both pulled away, panting heavily, you knew that this was something that couldn't happen again. But at the same time, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of being with Ashley once more. It was a dangerous game you were playing, but you were both willing to take that risk, to see where the night would take you.
“Ashley.. We shouldn’t be doing this , really..” She rolled her eyes and grinned at you. “You keep saying that , but you still keep engaging with me.. Maybe you wanted this to happen.” She smirked and gripped onto your thigh. “What if we get caught? You know what’ll happen..” Ashley sighed. “I know. But it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy tonight. Just this one night.”
She smiled and intertwined her finger with yours and pushed you down onto the couch. “So , lets enjoy the time we have together for now..” She smiled and kissed your neck , running her hand down and to where your belt was holding up your pants. “Can I take this off?” She questioned , staring at you with lustful eyes.
You looked over at her, slightly confused. “Please.” You whispered out. She smiled and unbuckled your belt and then your pants , throwing them to the side. She ran her fingers over your underwear , inhaling your scent deeply. She placed a single finger on your lips, her soft touch sending chills down your spine. “Could you take my top off?” You nodded and took off her top and threw it on the floor , her black bras straps hanging off her shoulder.
“Fuck.” You mumbled. Ashley’s fingers messed with the band of your underwear before slipping her hands into it , gathering your slick on her fingers. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while..” She said , smiling. You moaned softly and bit your lip , staring into Ashley’s eyes. She stuck two of her slim fingers into you and thrusted it in and out slowly. She started to grind against your leg slowly , chasing after her own pleasure as well.
She watched your face twist into different expression as she sloppily thrusted her fingers in and out of your soaking cunt. You whined and bucked your hips forward , riding her fingers. “Feels good , doesn’t it? I knew “overtime” would be worth it..” She pressed a soft kiss to your lips , her tongue exploring your mouth.
“Fuck.. ‘m close , Ash.” You whispered. She bit her and moaned softly. “Shit , me too..” Ashley gripped onto your hip and continued to grind against you , her eyes fluttering as the pressure in her stomach built up. “F-fuck.. ‘m cumming..” You groaned, staring at her intensely.
Her fingers pumped in and out of you faster and faster, urging your own climax to come quicker. “Cum with me.. “ You felt her grip your hip harder and grind against you harder , her own climax approaching. Ashley came with a muffled moan as she bit her lip , releasing her juices all over your leg. You moaned and threw a hand over your mouth , trying not to moan loudly.
She took her fingers out of you and made eye contact with you as she licked her fingers clean. Your eyes fluttered as your orgasm sent you crashing down. “Fuck..” You mumbeled as your body relaxed and Ashley lay her head on your chest. “I’m glad I have you that offer for overtime.. It was so worth it. She grinned at you and pressed kisses to your collarbone , what was left of her lipstick making marks all over. You rolled your eyes at her and pulled her up and into your arms.
“Yeah , well don’t get used to it. This was a one time thing.” She scoffed and stared at you. “C’mon.. you can’t deny you loved it. All those moans you were making.. So pretty.” You furrowed your eyebrows and playfully hit her. “Don’t get to cocky now. If I wasn’t so tired , I would’ve done more.” Ashley smiled. “Oh whatever.”
You checked the time on your watch and sighed. “I should probably get going. I’ve been here long enough.” Ashley pouted and got off top of you. You grabbed your clothes and headed for the door , Ashley walking not far behind you. “Stay with me , Y/N. Please?” She asked with those puppy dog eyes she always used to get what she wanted. You stared at the door then back at her. “Okay , fine. Only because you asked so nicely.” She smiled at you and dragged you upstairs to her room.
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© beebopbeeboop 2023
➜ do not repost my work on any other platform , translate it , copy , or steal
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
Whumptober day 28, bloody knife
Ugh hey I found a way to write this one. Ok this is another super short one, it’s meant to set up the next few days. So this is also important to know what is going on.
Once again, please for the love of all things that are holy DONT tag this as LU. This is not LU read the gosh darn tags before you reblog please!!!
Warnings: bloody injury, poison kinda?
Hyrule woke up with a jolt. It was dark outside, and all he heard was the quiet snores of his companions, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something woke him up. He sat up, staring at Windy who was keeping watch with Green.
“Hey Freckles!” Windy called out quietly, and Green waved. Hyrule rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the dark forest ahead of him.
“Is everything alright?” Green asked.
“I… I dunno,” Hyrule said quietly, still staring at the dark forest. Windy only snorted.
“Scared of the dark are ya?” He teased, and Hyrule glared at him.
“No, Eyebrows, I just… I have a bad feeling.”
Green looked at Windy concerned, and he got serious quick.
“Did you have a nightmare?” Green asked, and Hyrule shook his head.
“Did you hear anything? ‘Cause we didn’t.”
Hyrule shook his head again, and the two younger heroes glanced at each other.
“Do you need to pee?”
Hyrule gave the two a look and they lifted their hands defensively.
“It was just a suggestion!”
“I don’t think a sense of impending doom is a sign that I need to pee,” Hyrule deadpanned, and Windy giggled.
“Well, do you?”
Hyrule glared at them harder and stood up silently. The two burst out laughing as he grabbed his candle and marched into the forest.
“W-wait!” Green called out to him. “Do you want someone to go with you?”
“I won’t be far away, I can just holler if something happens. Now shut up before you wake up the others!”
The other two nodded and Hyrule marched behind a tree, far enough to not be heard, but close enough in case something happened. He wasn’t necessarily afraid of the dark, in fact, he’s found comfort in it at times, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease tonight. He stared ahead at the dark forest, holding his sword tightly as he listened to the night sounds the forest normally made. Suddenly, it all went silent, and he spun around, only for something to slash at his chest. He tripped over a root and landed on the ground with a yelp, clutching his bleeding chest. He gasped at the dark figure standing over him, holding a bloody knife, not needing the light to know that this was one of the puppeteer’s creations. Hyrule shot up, pulling his sword out and ready to call for help, but suddenly it felt like the energy was sucked out of him. His sword fell to the ground as he collapsed, feeling weaker by the second.
The figure stepped closer to him, and he tried to summon any form of magic to protect him, but he realized that it was his magic that was being drained. He laid helplessly on the ground, watching as the figure reached out to grab him, but he heard a yell before he was touched.
Windy game barreling in, swinging his sword left and right in a maniacal, yet a strategic manner at the same time. He put himself in between Hyrule and the perpetrator, pointing the sword at the puppet. Green appeared behind the puppet, with the rest of the colors surrounding him. Windy jumped to Hyrule as they attacked the puppet, and Hyrule only laid there helplessly as he started to get dizzy.
“Hyrule! You’re bleeding!” Windy exclaimed, rummaging through his pack for a potion.
“W-wait,” Hyrule breathed out, “p-poison, my magic… it’s being drained.”
Windy frowned at that and looked up at someone else who knelt at Hyrule’s side.
“Time? Do you have a magic potion?”
Hyrule looked over at Time who was the one who sat near him. He looked through his pouch and shook his head.
“What’s happening?” The older hero asked.
“Hyrule says his magic is being drained. I wonder if the blade that cut him had some sort of magic draining poison or something.”
Hyrule breathed heavily, watching as Twilight appeared, helping the colors fight off the perpetrator. He felt cold but hot at the same time as his strength left him, and he no longer was able to hold himself up.
“C’mon, Hyrule, stay with us!” Windy begged, giving him a red potion. “This should help with the wound and the poison! Just stay awake!”
Hyrule fought to stay awake as he sipped some of the potion, with Time helping him keep his head up. The potion helped give him strength, but his magic was so drained that he had a feeling that he couldn’t stay awake. He suddenly heard shouting and magic being blasted at the others.
“Wild! Age! Get back!” He heard Twilight yell out, and Windy held Hyrule.
“He’s…. A portal… out…!” He heard Windy shout out, but Hyrule felt the world grow dark around him, and the familiar dizzy feeling of losing all his magic overcame him, and darkness whisked him away.
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pooplyface1423 · 3 months
~The most radiant angel in all of heaven~
Pt 5
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When you and Hope finally got down, both Lucifers and Faith's smile dropped.
"Faith, we came to get you get your things, and let's leave," you said with a stern voice, making everybody slightly tremble
Before Faye could speak up Lucifer spoke
"Y/n? Is that really you!? Wow, it's been so long, " He said, walking up to you
"Yea, it has been" you said coldly looking at him
"Know if you'll excuse me. I'm here for my daughter," you said, walking up to faith
You walked past him, and there he saw Hope an exact replica of himself? This can't be what he is thinking right right?
"Faith, let's go"
"But mo-" " No buts Faith, we have to go now"
Everybody looked stunned
"What do you mean faith im here to get you back into heaven if Se-"
"I DONT CARE," says faye, holding back tears
"Y/n, can I talk to you really quick?" says lucifer
"If there is anything you want to say, you can say it here," you say, looking down at him
"No, I think this should be private"
"I won't repeat myself, Lucifer,"
"FINE THEN ARE THESE TWO MINE?" he says, desperately pointing at hope and faith
"No, the father they had is gone"
"y/n, please, I-I never meant to hurt but-"
"Save it. I only came for my daughter"
"Now Faith hurry Sera will soon enough find out were missing"
"I-i don't know what you're talking about, faye, but please let's talk about it when we get home"
"I don't dear, please let's go home"
"IF YOU DONT THEN WHATS THIS," she says, throwing your blue journal onto the floor
Yay finished. im sorry this is way shorter than the other parts. But I'm very busy with a lot of things.
hope y'all like it
Tag list
@lxkeee @yourmommylol04 @adaizel @vann13
@juskonutoh @selvyyr
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bridgyrose · 10 months
First of all, really love that Ladybug-centered eyepatch Ruby fic you did! It reminded me of an idea I had I wanted to tackle on my own someday, but I think you could write it better.
May I request a SLIGHTLY NSFW Ladybug fic that takes place in a post-Salem AU? Where Blake and Ruby are being intimate one night with each other's battle scars as they're barely clothed (Ruby is missing an eye in this one too)
(Slightly nsfw, but not enough to warrant a tag)
Ruby dropped onto her bed and let out a heavy sigh as she rubbed the scar on her shoulder that led down to the prosthetic she wore. Even after months of healing, it still burned if she moved too much or came near a grimm. Not that it really mattered to her much. Feeling pain was one of the few things that let her know she was still alive, that everything she went through was real, even if everyone else had forgotten. 
“Everything alright?” 
Ruby sat up and nodded as she looked at Blake, a small smile crossing her lips. “Yeah, I’m fine. My prosthetic was starting to act up again, but I think its fine now.” 
“It only acts up because you dont listen to the doctors,” Blake said as she sat down next to Ruby, placing a hand on her thigh. “You spent the month you were supposed to be healing running around keeping people safe from grimm. Its amazing you didnt break anything else while out there.” 
“Being a huntress means keeping people safe-” 
“And keeping people safe means keeping yourself safe too.” 
Ruby went quiet and looked away from Blake, her hand gripping her shoulder. Of course she knew Blake was right, but at the same time, she didnt know how to rest. People always needed help from the grimm and being a huntress meant going out and protecting those that couldnt protect themselves no matter the danger she would face. No matter how much it was going to hurt her to keep pushing herself. 
Blake sighed and gently pushed Ruby down onto the bed and fiddled with her prosthetic to take it off. “And since you cant go back in time to fix that, we’ll just have to deal with what we can for now. Like listening to the doctor and not wearing your prosthetic all the time unless you’re on a mission.” 
Ruby rolled her eyes a bit and kept still for Blake. “And how else am I going to hide my scar?” 
“Why would you?” 
“You… you know exactly what I had to do to stop Salem.” 
Blake nodded and pulled the prosthetic off of Ruby and gently rubbed her shoulder. “I know, but I also know who it saved. If it wasnt for you, then Cinder would’ve been killed.” 
“And what good did that do? No one remembers what any of us did and Cinder ran.” 
“Because if you didnt save her, then she wouldnt have saved me.” 
Ruby hesitated for a moment as she watched Blake remove her shirt and then move her hand to her chest. Even for being a few months old, she could still feel the indent the scar left on her breast. She gently squeezed, then pulled away. “Yeah, but it was my fault you were there. I should’ve gone alone and kept you guys out-” 
“And you would’ve died if you had.” Blake kissed her and smiled. “You dont need to worry about that. We’re all alive, Salem and Ozma have been put to rest, Cinder hasnt been a problem for any of us since she ran off, we’re still helping others, and the kingdoms are all finally starting to work together and making strides with keeping villages protected. What more could you ask for?” 
“Maybe… maybe for people to recognize what we’ve done.” Ruby pulled Blake close and rolled to her side. “I know this is how Oscar wanted things while he helps Professor Goodwitch get everything settled with the academies, but part of me feels like we need a bit more recognition for what we’ve done. For everything we went through.” 
“And rest wasnt enough?” 
Ruby went quiet once more, not sure how to answer. Rest was never enough, especially since she never really stopped being a huntress even when she was supposed to. And even if she had, it still didnt feel right that no one knew the sacrifices that she and her team made in order to stop Salem. The reminders of those they had lost were silently wiped from Remnant by the God of Light, only allowing them to know their deeds while the people they protected were oblivious to it all. Finally, she spoke quietly, her voice cracking with each word. “I… I wanted Penny, Winter, Pyrrha, Clover… everyone we lost to get to this point to be remembered.” 
“Then we can talk to Oscar about making a monument for them.” 
“Whats the point if no one remembers?” 
“The point is for us. For you.” 
“Yeah, but-” 
“No buts.” Blake kissed Ruby and gently moved her hand from her shoulder to her thigh. “They were all of our friends. And you’re right, its not fair that they get to be forgotten like this. We’ll figure out a way to celebrate them.” 
Ruby nodded and cuddled into Blake, pressing close to her. “Alright, I trust you.” 
Blake rubbed her back and smiled. “Then rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” 
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himbos-hotline · 10 months
Aesthetic ask for you 🤗 I associate you with a nice, cool breeze. I always find your posts and interactions with you do refreshing and nice. It’s a nice breather and a reminder of why I like the Wrestle-Tumbr community. 💋
AHHHH omg this ask has been living in my head rentfree!! This is like the softest message ive ever gotten and i kinda lowkey teared up when I first got it! I dont get why people are always so like stubborn in the wrestling fandom like those who are always obsessed and addicted to finding and learning about drama and causing arguments make no sense to me. I think people forget that we are watching wrestling to have fun, to hang out with one another and enjoy things. We shouldnt have to listen to stupid arguments and shit about whose better or whatever drama is happening backstage, what happens happens and it shouldnt really impact what we do and how we have fun. Ive seen people put out posts regarding fans of the elite/punk/any other wrestler hoping that they die or "get better taste" because they find someone enjoybable. Not everyone is gonna like what everyone else does, thats why fandom is a great place cuz everyone else has different opinions and feels and vibes about everything but as soon as the fandom starts attacking people for said opinions/facts/vibes/anything else.
Like yes theres certain wrestlers I dont support or like that tumblr ADORES but im not going out of my way to attack and upset people for having a different opinion. Thats not what we're meant to be doing, thats not having a conversation thats just being a wanker. I personally dont understand people who send hate anons at all because honestly, is that all you can do? you see someone happy over something you dont like and you wanna just...cause that person pain for enjoying something different? Why is that your progative? Why is that why you find fun?
Im just trying to vibe and if I see a post or a ship or something I dont personally enjoy- I simply, scroll past it, its not hurting me. If it is hurting me, I block the tag and I simply carry on with my day. I dont expect people to enjoy everything I like. But when people start expecting and setting out what feels like rules for fandoms or expectations, it takes the fun out of existing.
im sorry you got like a multiparagraph rant on such a sweet ask but i never understand the utter hatrid that people carry in their souls. The world is a dark place and you want to push more darkness into someones heart? Are you jealous that their candle of joy is burning when yours is smoldering? Joy is something fragile and fleeting online nowadays, dont be the cunt that shatters it.
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cherryfinolahobbes · 2 years
Morning Chill
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Prompt #2
Prompt: morning air just a bit colder than expected
Ships/Pairings: Ot3: Cosmic Hearts (Stephen Strange/OFC/Wong), Wong/OFC
Warnings: None. Fluff and light petting
A/N: I meant to add the prompt list Im using to the last Drabble and I forgot. The prompt list is linked above. I hope to continue these throughout the month, but a lot of it will decide on my work load because my vacation ends today. I do hope to continue them though because I really miss writing. Wong deserves so much more attention from the fandom so please enjoy a prompt with him.
Tagging: @mastersofkamartaj @kakashibabe02 (If you’d liked to be tagged, please let me know!)
Disclaimer: I dont own anything in the MCU/Marvel franchise. I only own Cherry and my own silly plots. These are for entertainment only.
Prompt: Morning Air Just a bit Colder than you Expected
For the most part the Sanctum stayed at an even temperture. Magic made it possible as it did many things in brown stone home, but not always. This morning the old building seemed to be ignoring it’s soft occupants. Not a single fire place lit in the autumn morning with the Great Seal Window faceted with several crystaline layers of frost.
The cold nipped at noses and fingers and Wong was going to get to the bottom of it once he got the damn stove to light so he could make some tea. He huffed and growled at the old appliance until a slender hand slipped past his brown one.
“You gotta speak nicely or it won’t work at all,” Cherry murmured, her own voice thick with sleep. She murmured something in a honeyed voice and turned the knob. Without missing a beat, the old gas range clicked and hissed to life with the flicker of fire and the young woman looked quite proud of herself.
“You’re going to have this whole building turned against me,” Wong muttered, the corners of his mouth tipping upwards. To be fair, the kitchen had all but come under Cherry’s hand. Even without having an ounce of magic in her blood, the appliances and gadgets seemed to bend to her whim. It felt like a loyal dog listening to someone else other than you.
Cherry laughed, her blue eyes bright and her cheeks still pink from waking as she placed the pot of water on the burner, “Well, sometimes you catch more flies with honey than vinegar,” She answered before a shiver ran through her frame. She was bundled against the cold in a heavy hoodie and sweat pants. She crossed her arms over her chest to ward off the cold.“Any idea what it’s so cold today?” The Sorcerer Supreme gave a shake of his head before he slipped his hand into the nook of her arm. He pulled the other woman to him, enjoying the scent of her as she came against him. No matter what time of day or activity he caught her in, she always smelled of vanilla and kitchen spices. He’d never figured out if it was a perfume she liked or if after all her years of cooking the scents had become embedded in her skin. He ran his hands over her arms and back to help warm her as she pressed closer to soak in his body heat.
“This old house is temperamental at best. After breakfast, I plan to go to investigate,” He liked the way she fit to him, soft body melding to his frame, warm and comfortable. It definitely stoked something else in him as he leaned down to press a kiss to her temple and then her cheek and finally the plush mouth which had already raised up to greet his. “If you’re cold…I can think of ways to warm you up,” He murmured, his voice going low and hungry as his hands slid down her ribs with purpose and he felt her respond. Her body arched into him, pressing close as she chased his mouth for another kiss.
“A fire would be nice,” She said against his lips, her tone sweet and soft as her fingers curled into the material of his robes. “And someone to share it with,”
A needy sound rose in the other man’s throat, pressing hard to her, herding her against the counter to pin her there, the kisses becoming edge with want, “Fire might take a minute. I had something more effecient in mind,” He purred against her. She gave that little whine he loved, a high pitched mewl in her throat, as her hands abandoned their perch on his chest, coming up to cup his face, kissing him greedily as he tugged at her shirt, wanting to feel the naked skin of her waist.
The whistle of the kettle shook them both apart like two people caught in a plot. Cherry’s cheeks were flushed and her eyes blown wide with desire. She watched him as the moment stretched and Wong finally made a gesture. Golden energy flicking the stove burner off and the sharp sound of the kettle began to die away.
“Now,” He murmured, lifting her up by the waist to deposit her on the kitchen counter. He fit himself in between her thighs as her small hands took his face again, her legs wrapping around his hips to anchor him to her. “Where were we?”
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insanitysoup · 2 years
I can't believe I made this blog for Javelin The Suicide Squad and haven't posted about him even once. Flula owned my whole ass for at least two business weeks! All thanks to a stupid role which he played for five minutes and immediately fucking died. Honestly, iconic behavior.
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rinstars · 2 years
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PAIRING : Suna Rintarō x Reader.
GENRE : Angst.
TAGS/WARNINGS : NSFW. Fake Dating. Unrequited Love. Profanity. Enemies (not really) to Lovers. Friends with Benefits. Not very canon compliant.
SYNOPSIS : You have been in love with your best friend Sakusa Kiyoomi for as long as you can remember. The problem? He is in love with somebody else. And for you to snag even the tiniest bit of his affections, it seems like you would willingly go through drastic measures.. Even if it means teaming up with his lifelong rival, Suna Rintarō
PLEASE LOOK AT THIS NOTE PLEASEEE PLEASE PLEASE IM NOT EVEN KIDDING PLEASE : This is NOT the last act yet!!!! There's still ACT XII then the epilogue. Calm down u guys. Sorry this took me like 10 billion years to finish but in return I gave this act my all. Dont give me the "___ is OOC" BS please. I believe hes someone who wouldn't say some of the things I put in this act but definitely would want to if hes given another medium. Overall, I think hes a very emotional person with ppl he loves. I am really proud of this act u guys. Hope u enjoy it hehhe
SONGS TO LISTEN TO : Cry by Cigarettes After Sex, All I Ask by Adele, Off My Face by Justin Bieber, Afterglow by Taylor Swift
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There wasn't much to say as you sit in the passenger seat of your best friend's car as he drives you home from the trip that cost both of your hearts.
You fell in love with your best friend, went on a fake date to make him jealous, fell in love with that fake boyfriend, and got your heart broken.
Just simply the best trip anyone could ever ask for.
Sakusa glances at you every five seconds and you feel bad that he even does. If anything, what he and Yura had was far more genuine than what yours and Rin's could ever be and yet, he's still the one looking after you like he wasn't six feet below the ground from the crushing revelations his girlfriend had for him when she said she has always liked Rintarō.
If someone so beautiful, amazing, and perfect like Sakusa could get their hearts broken—betrayed and left in the air by the person they treasured, you imagine that leaves someone like you with a heart in the gutter. And it's unfair. While no one ever said the lane to falling in love was easy and you were once a determined witness when you fell the first time, it didn't prepare you for the second time around. It didn't even serve to ease the pain—that maybe this heartache was just like the last one and the next one would be better. Rather, this was a painful reminder you couldn't be allowed to be happy. Not then, not now. It was an unfair realization.
More so, you weren’t a Sakusa Kiyoomi. You didn’t have men lined up in the doors to the locker room because everybody wanted a glimpse of the top Olympic athlete, even if it was in your sweaty, sticky form. You didn’t have that money. You were always a step too far from the kind of life Sakusa lived. No bachelor would ask for you because the only ones lining up your doorstep were those who smell of nicotine and party drugs. The ones who are too drunk to remember your face as much as you're drunk to even remember what you'd allowed to happen the night before.
You think this must be the one and only time Sakusa would ever get his heart broken. He's far too perfect. Too many options he could choose from. You? You were lucky to snag his attention as a best friend and get a little of Rintarō even if it was just for the shortest time meant to get the attention of another.
"Are you alright?" He rubs the pads of his thumb against your knuckles, soft and gentle voice you barely hear from Omi whispering against the confinement of his car.
He knows this question is futile. Nothing but words to fill the silence neither of you knows how to fix. He says it over and over for the sake of making both of you believe it was alright—that your heads didn't repeat it to you over and over about the fact that both of your lovers are left in the cabin doing God knows what.
"Yes, Omi. All great," you tell him monotonously and almost feel bad. He didn't deserve to be on the bitter end of your heartbreak but you also knew if anyone would understand your shift in mood, it would be him.
Are you okay?
Everything fine?
Sure, YN.
It's nothing but a cycle. A repeated throw of words that mean and weigh nothing to either of you. It's nothing but a bandaid to the wounds that wouldn't stop seeping through the thin gauze yet both of you are foolish enough to believe that it takes your mind off the pain—even if just for a minute, a second.
It was almost pathetic—your state, at least. Everything Omi is going through, you can understand clearly. There wasn't anything comical or even pitiful about his state. What he feels isn't pathetic. That was the love of his life. The only one he ever imagined, probably. You don't remember anyone who came before Yura and when they got together, the click and chemistry were instantaneous. It wasn’t easy to swerve away from conversations, of both friends and family, about how they'd probably end up together—married and with a small family. Two children of Japan's biggest tycoons, the heirs they'd make just as beautiful as them. It was difficult to even force yourself to believe they weren't made for each other then no matter how much it gnawed at your heart.
The turn of things right now for him is anything but similar to your comically pathetic and pitiful state.
Yours is a different story. You could laugh at yourself if you were nothing but a mere bystander watching everything unfold. You hurt and you blame yourself for it because that's the reality, isn't it? A girl who couldn't get a snag of her best friend's affections gets in a fake relationship with his nemesis to steal off his girl and get her best friend to herself gets what she wants but only when she already couldn't give a damn about having her best friend because she's already fallen for her fake boyfriend.
What did they say about getting a taste of your own medicine again?
Yura turned the tables on you. She played her cards so effortlessly and easily until you didn’t realize she was the one breaking all of you up. You didn’t think it was possible, not for a second, that she would do something so out of character—at least from how you knew her. But then, the whole plan about breaking Omi and Yura up wasn't your character either. Not to mention, you never really knew who Yura really was. She was just.. that girl to you. Beautiful, smart, rich, everybody's dream girl, prom queen, homecoming sweetheart—everything you could think of. The fact that Omi liked her was another testament that she might be a good person.
The scene just a few hours before you strapped yourself inside Sakusa's car is still very clear. Very vibrant. Very telling of the truths you wanted to tune out so bad. It was all the things you feared.
What more, she isn't the person you thought she was at all. And still, you didn't feel like you could blame her for it. She's very harsh with her truths. Incredible straightforwardness and confident jabs at your already breaking heart as she wraps a finger around your wrist to turn you around on the way to the front. Being with Yura had always put an undeniable stain on your pride. She always felt like someone out of reach—and maybe she really was. She had everyone you've ever wanted after all.
Sitting in the backyard for a moment to calm down seemed like a good idea when you stormed outside the room you shared with your fake ex-boyfriend. However, it was easy to realize that it wasn't. Not when a thin frame is walking gracefully towards you so noticeably. You knew she was there for you the moment you caught sight of her hair—to apologize or say something else, you weren’t sure. But you did know then that you didn’t want to have the conversation she'd asked you to have. You're too out of it, too shaky and too miserable for anything that has to do with her and Suna.
However, it was something inevitable.
You couldn’t escape her. Not with the way she said the first few words to attempt a conversation—no, a confrontation.
"I'm not sorry," her soft voice reached you, firm but gentle the way you've always remembered it to be.
The way she said it immediately pulls the break on your feet, swallowing thickly as you feel her grip on your wrist loosen. She knows you wouldn't run away. Not with what she just said. Not when you both know this is the only time this conversation is gonna happen and that if you don't push through it now, you'll never settle the tension that hangs in the air around you.
"It's what Suna would have wanted. We both know that," there was a tone in her voice you couldn't pinpoint. Pity?
"Excuse me?" you spin around, eyes meeting her hazel ones as she stares back at you hardly. There's a gleam in her eyes. You weren't sure when it stopped looking innocent for you but now all you can see is the hostility behind them.
"I'm sorry I hurt Kiyoomi, YN. I promise. I loved him, we had a great relationship," her eyes flash with remembrance. "But I'm not sorry I chose Rin or that I kissed him. I loved him more, I've always known that but I thought I was over him until you two were together."
You look back at her with indifference, inwardly wincing at what she's saying. Where she found the courage to talk about this with you, you're not sure. Why would someone run after someone's ex-girlfriend to tell her something like this? Sure, you and him were a fraud. But everyone believed it was real. Hell, you believed it was real for a good while. It was a genuine relationship to everyone who looked, everyone who watched. You liked to believe you put on an amazing act as someone with real beating feelings and if there was one thing you didn't need right now, it's to hear her say these things—or even talk about Rintarō.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because you’re his ex and other than Kiyoomi you’re the only one stuck in between this whole mess we made. YN, I hope you know—"
"No, Yura. Why are you talking like that?" The infuriating itch catches up to you, running your fingers on your hair to push it back. This whole mess they made? She's speaking like this was always meant to happen and you and Omi were nothing but chess pieces mistakenly pushed to the side once everything is set for her win. However, you knew there's no way Suna was involved in how it all turned out because the whole purpose of both of you getting together was to snatch her back. So why was Yura acting like she expected this?
"Like what?" she asks almost innocently. The look on her face makes your fingers twitch. This was the woman who hurt your best friend, kissed, and took your boyfriend from you. You could only spend another second in her presence without snapping.
"Like I needed to hear this from you," you frowned back at her, brows drawing together. "What happens with his and my relationship are ours. Don't get in between it. You don't have to explain anything to me, Yura." you tell her slowly, internally wishing the conversation ends right there.
You notice the way she slightly steps back in mild shock as a response before regaining her composure and releasing a breathy laugh—almost as if in disbelief.
In return, you couldn't help but stand perplexed. When has Yura started being like this? She was always the last person you would've expected this from—at least from what you knew of her. It's a revelation seeing her even speak in this tone—albeit it's still a lot softer and kinder than you'd probably hear from anyone else in a confrontation.
Still, was it really that far-fetched? Or were you just blinded by whatever image Yura had painted in your head? It shouldn't be a shock at this point. She kissed Suna behind both your and Sakusa's backs. If you thought about it months ago, you never would've even guessed it was a possibility but now you're in the very face of the aftermath of that very kiss. Really, you could only know so much about a person. To begin with, you didn’t really know Yura very well at all.
You wanted to understand where this is coming from. Why her breaths get shallow by the second, why her lips were red and trembling as she takes you in. However, none of it makes sense to you. Trying to believe she was just another victim in this vicious turn of events is hard to swallow as you keep remembering the fact that it all began with her. Besides, what else could she ask for? Is there anything else you had that she didn't?
You recognized flaws. You recognized how easy it is to be swayed by emotions. Perhaps, if you weren’t on the painful end of this ordeal, you would've understood Yura wholeheartedly. But now, all you feel is disdain at her audacity to act like this in front of you. You couldn't find the humanity in you to feel bad about any possible thing that must have caused her to act this way—if there was any to begin with.
"I'm saying this because I don't need you getting in the way of us again, YN. I really can't take another time," she throws her head back lightly, snapping you back to the reality that this is really happening and not just an evil figment of your imagination finding someone else to blame and direct the hurt on. Fingers clenching on her sides like she's holding back from something—the restraint in her doing its very best at work, you take in the slight weight that's added on her voice.
"I don't believe I got in the way of anything at all, Yura," you shake your head intently. Determined to stop holding yourself back as you had nothing and no one else left to protect.
"You always get in the way of the things I want!" she cries in frustration, eyes blazing as it shines over. "Kiyoomi, Rin, everything. Everyone wants you. And I've had to always be the second choice."
A sensation bubbles in your chest. Heavy and thick as it slowly develops into a laugh that soon starts stealing your air and turning into a choke. The sting in your eyes as the wind blows into your face registers before you realize the fact that you're starting to cry. Biting your lip as hard as you can, you swallow the lump that painfully throbs in your throat.
"The things you want?" you manage to cough out, an exhale escaping your lips slowly as you feel the tingles spread on your arms. And it wasn't that you needed the answer, but it seems like Yura was determined to enlighten you anyways—every word out her lips making your head light.
"Do you know how hard I had to fight to even get Kiyoomi's attention? That party we were in, God, that stupid party," she laughs humorlessly. "It would've been damn near impossible if I didn't get you out of the way!" Her arms flail around her, frustration clear as she recalls the events in her head. When her head snaps back forward to look at you, she's all red-rimmed eyes—whether that's of anger or sadness, you couldn’t tell. Probably a mix of both.
And you knew exactly what she was talking about. That party. The first one you attended in Sakusa's world because he never bothered to before but needed the sponsorship for his Olympics then, leaving him no choice—and that's why he'd brought you with him. As if to ease the discomfort of being among obnoxious rich people with more sense than money. It was at that party he first met Yura. And it was a little after that that they'd begun dating. You didn’t even know how they'd met.
After all, how could you? How would it be possible when you were locked alone in a fancy granite balcony in the presence of cold winter air without your coat because someone thought it'd be funny to keep you out?
It wasn’t a traumatic event, far from it. Even if Sakusa found you an hour later breaking into sneezes every five seconds, you tried not to take the whole thing to heart. Although it was true that it steered you away from parties with people like them ever again, it wasn't like it left a deep scar in your heart. It was just what it is. An unfortunate thing but you didn’t allow yourself to keep dwelling on it. If anything, you believed it wasn't even intentional. Maybe they didn't see you were out and thought the air blowing in the room was too cold and they needed to close the doors to keep it warm. Maybe it was just an accident.
But now it all feels like it's clicked into place. Like everything suddenly made sense and you're seeing the full picture. By then, you couldn't help the helpless pang of pity that hits you. How she could think and act like this after taking everyone you've ever wanted was something you didn’t understand. And you only felt pity for yourself—even more than you did before. You didn’t want to wallow in self-despair but it seems to be the only thing following you.
Shaking your head, you meet Yura's eyes—blinking faster and faster as the wetness threatens to spill over your stinging eyes. "You got both of the men I've ever loved, Yura. I didn't get either of them."
Almost as if your words did something to her, Yura's eyes cleared up—the fog in them dissipating as she looked at you in understanding. "If you know that, then stop getting in between. Let us be, YN. Let's end whatever cycle we've put ourselves in."
There's an eerie sense of calm in the way she said that. You don't like it. "I don't know what you're talking about but if it helps, Rin didn't talk about you for a second when we were together. So do yourself a favor, Yura. Stop telling me these things because they don't matter to me."
The lie is bitter in your mouth because it does matter to you. What she thought of you then, what she thinks of you now. But at the same time, the truth is also sweet. The fact that Yura was never a part of your conversations with Rin save for the first few days you both began seeing each other makes you feel slightly better.
It wasn’t what Yura wanted to hear. Obviously so as she bites back, "And he hesitated to pull away when we kissed but you knew that, right? Because you saw us. You saw me kiss him and how he couldn't pull me away if not for your presence and his guilt nagging at him. So if it helps, YN, even if just for a little, remember that the next time you start thinking your place in his life ever compared to my place in his."
Now that puts you to a stop. Like your whole world crashes and the remnants of your already breaking heart start turning to ashes. The last of all hope is lost on you as reality rubs itself on your very face.
She's right. You saw it all clearly. But to hear her confirm it, the truth of Rin's hesitations and how he probably longed for her as much as she longed for him—you felt like you couldn't breathe. And it's probably a weak move, the one you did next, but you couldn't care less as you storm out of the backyard, going around the house to the front as you catch your breath—tears spilling all over your cheeks the moment Yura is out of your line of vision.
It was when you're rounding the house you start feeling like everything is suddenly moving in slow motion. It had been too late for you to hide your tear-stricken face on the figure you caught in the corner of your eyes and by the time you could react, the sound of the front door throwing open has already reached your ears and Rintarō is running through it.
You couldn't even stand to see his face right now. His angled jaw and straight nose are nothing but a reminder of what you and him weren't anymore. Of course. Of course, he didn't feel that way towards you. There was no way he would long for you when he'd been longing for someone else for the longer part of his life. There was no way his heart would hurt at the mere thought of what you had coming to an end. How could he when he didn't love you? When whatever he probably felt for you then was all gone the moment he's in front of Yura again?
But still, he's calling your name. Shouting it like he didn't let you go just an hour ago from the bedroom you're both supposed to share. His shoes make a loud sound as he puts his weight into running—the pavement beating as he tries to catch up with you. Near the cabin, just a little around the corner to the right, you see Omi opening his car door—catching your eye before signaling a nod that says he'll be waiting for you inside.
Far out of the house, you give up on trying to hide your emotions any further. Taking a deep breath, you stop from your running just as a familiar set of slender and calloused fingers wraps itself around your wrist. As soon as it registers, however, you're pulling his arm away from him—turning around immediately to try and put the best version of a glare you can put out right now.
"Where are you going?" he breathes out just as the warmth of your fingers slips from his cold ones.
He sounded frantic. Like this is the first time he's absorbing the real meaning of things now that it's ended this way. His voice is pitched slightly higher while the fingers that were once around your skin rake across his deep brown hair—all messy, much messy, than the last time you've seen him. Your eyes look over his shoulder, his reflexes acting faster than his mind as he takes a step to block your vision—lightly shaking his head pleadingly.
"I thought we talked about this," there wasn't any energy in your voice. You're exasperated, shoulders slumping as you settle to look at his foot rather than his face.
"We haven't talked about anything!" the sudden volume in his voice makes you wince. You didn’t want to think about the desperation pouring from his pores. Didn't want to spend even another minute thinking he cared about you like you wanted him to.
He's probably riddled with guilt that he's getting her and you don't have anyone. That's possibly the only reason why he's acting like this.
"I want to end this, Suna, please," you exhale and speak with as much firmness as you can, refusing to let the shivers break you even as goosebumps rise on the surface of your skin. "You don't understand. I just—please, I want to go home with Omi right now. Let's stop doing this."
With that, Rin takes a step back. Like you just smacked him and he's in the middle of recovering from a blow he didn't see coming. It was then you decide to meet his eyes, the frown in his features evident with the tight clench of his jaw. You couldn't tell if he was even still breathing, but you used that as an opportunity to escape—brushing your shoulders with his and hearing him exhale shakily in return.
The decision killed you. It felt like a knife was being twisted inside your chest and the blood was uncomfortably seeping through your clothes. There was nothing to smile about. Nothing for you to feel good at. Every step away from him felt like goodbye. Every air you breathe without the swift scent of his cologne felt like oxygen was being cut from you.
Despite all that, what you'll probably never know is the fact that it kills Suna ten times over. To see you walk away from his life for what feels like the tenth time. That the blood he feels as if it's staining his shirt is creating a puddle that threatens to drown him from his feet.
What's worse? He lets you.
It was a normal day at best. Seeing as it has only been a week since you and Omi drove away from the cabin, it's a miracle you're even out of your house. You don't have it in you yet to be sociable and mingle with others—especially not when your only friends are the ones you share with him and you're almost 100% certain they definitely knew at least the gist of what happened, you have close to no one left. If it wasn't for Omi, you'd practically be alone and wallowing in your despair.
That's when you realize you don't really have anyone else that's close to you. Not even something like a hobby to take your mind off of things. Not a single sport you're good at. You're smart, you make a great amount of money from working in an Engineering company as one of the group leaders but it's hardly something you could call yourself passionate about.
Sakusa is different. He seems to be taking everything way easier than you. You don't understand if he's just putting on a front or he's just accepted it within himself that whatever he had with Yura was over. He has his cousin Komori, at least. And he has volleyball to keep himself occupied. If there was only one thing he loved more than he loved her, it was volleyball. You didn’t have anything like that.
You could've complained but you really couldn't find it in you to ask for anything else. At the very least, you weren’t groveling as much as you used to and you had Omi with you.
The only thing not normal about this day is your lunch appointment with one of Suna's closest friends—who, as time went by, happened to also become one of yours in the few moments you've been in each other's company. He'd insisted on meeting. Said he hasn't seen you since that day you left earlier than everyone else with Omi. He hadn't mentioned if Yura and Suna stayed and went home with them. If she rode in his car because she didn't bring her own seeing as she came with Omi. He didn't tell you how Suna acted since that time you told him you wanted to end it and looked like you'd struck a painful cord inside him.
That was for the best, you figure.
You weren’t trying to find out they'd slept together the last night in that cabin and spread each other's scent on either yours or Omi's sheets. But maybe seeing Osamu would bring you the closure you needed. That trip ended so abruptly for you and you regretted not having the chance to say goodbye to your friends. It's been a week now. You're ready to face the memories of that day. It helps a lot that Osamu wouldn't put you in a tough situation or press you about the topic.
"Hey," you mumble quietly with a smile which he returned, standing up from his seat to hug you sideways. He's already in his seat by the time you've arrived.
Shaking the snow from your hair, you look at the seat he's chosen and suddenly feel a rush of gratefulness that you had the glass walls to distract you from the awkwardness of how everything felt. It wasn’t Osamu making it awkward. It was you, if anything. You felt ashamed at everything that happened and dragged them into.
"Should we order?" There's a softness and edge to Osamu's voice at the same time. He's kind but confident. If being friends with Suna was anything to go by, you're pretty confident he's a lot more of a smug playboy than he plays it out to be with his close acquaintances. Not that you minded. The Osamu in the streets didn't concern you like the Osamu with his friends. At the very least, he's a lot less loud than his blond twin.
Shrugging, you meet his eyes with a quick, "Yes."
He insisted on ordering for both of you, standing up to the counter and returning with a plate of pasta and garlic bread. You didn’t fight him on doing it. He'd been the one to invite you anyways. The appetite and energy couldn't be found in you despite your wishes. It was probably dramatic but Suna played a bigger part in you than you'd care to admit. A week is hardly enough to put an end to the pain that kept you up at night.
You stab your pasta mindlessly, chewing on the garlic bread occasionally to appear like you're enjoying the meal. You didn’t know why you're even here to begin with. There's a question hanging in the air you wished he would just get over with.
Osamu eyes you toying with a ring on your finger. It wasn’t anything significant. Just an accessory that seemed to click something in Samu's mind—seeing as he suddenly decided to speak.
"His ring was a present from Yura," he began slowly, and just like that, the breath was slowly getting knocked from you. "She got it in an arcade when they were together and made him promise not to take it off. One time, years ago, Suna was drunk out of his mind and snapped when a girl tried to slip it off his fingers and play with it while sitting on his lap."
The shake of his head tells you he didn't exactly agree with the ring—or perhaps the sentiments behind it but you don't say anything. You didn’t know why you had to hear this. Everything you learned about Suna and Yura was just another nail to your coffin. At the same time, you don't stop Osamu. You didn’t want to. Their history has always been a mystery you wanted to solve but you didn’t have the courage to ask it from the man, Suna, himself and hear the love story that would send you crumbling. Now, you had nothing left to break. He'd taken that heart with him when you arrived at the cabin.
"Yura said it was a promise," he swallowed like he didn't really want to talk about Suna's business to me but felt like he had to. He probably felt bad. "A promise she'd understand him even when no one did. She was a force in his life. Only she matched his energy and Suna was afraid he wouldn't find that rush again."
"He could've found a woman crazy about him just about anywhere," you wanted to scoff but settled for an awkward laugh.
"He was young when they met. Not to mention they met when—" he hesitated but one look at your eyes and the dullness behind it had him confessing with a heavy breath. "When Sakusa cut his chances off with you. They were both young and he felt like he found a match. He said something about her being the only woman he'd ever probably crave next to you once when we were much younger. But you were off-limits since he found out whose best friend you were. So, eventually, all that drifted onto Yura."
"I don't understand why you're telling me all this, Samu," you frown at him, beating of your chest so loud, you could practically hear it. "Their love story is not my business."
"Maybe," he agrees before his gaze hardens on the drink in front of him. "After all, I knew it was a bad idea the moment I found out you were dating."
"Then why—"
"But she'd dragged him along for five years. Made him think only she could possibly match that attitude and understand the way he glared at almost every fucking thing he sees because he's never in the right mood. He doesn’t know another love than what Yura showed him, if you could even call it that, YN," he grimaces as he says that. "Then she'd gotten in a relationship with Sakusa and he felt like she betrayed him and got another woman taken from him the second time."
"I thought they hadn't been talking anymore when she and Omi got together?"
"They've always been talking, YN. She came home that week and brought the hope it was just any other week in their lives. A week that meant Suna would stop seeing his regular fucks in town because she'd left hers back overseas. That was how it's always been for them. Many guys, many girls but only each other when they were in the same town."
You couldn't say anything back at that. It sounded like he was telling you they always found a way back to each other and making a point that was the reason they're back together again—dismissive about the facts they'd just broken two innocent hearts... Okay, not that you were any innocent in this outcome but still. Watching you carefully for any reaction that would tell him to stop, Osamu felt like he was drawing his own conclusions by looking at your face alone. He could tell exactly what you were thinking because he continued immediately. Probably to make clear of what he's trying to say.
He keeps breathing heavily before continuing. Like this conversation is hard enough for him to bring up. Like he isn't the one who had this idea in the first place. "He'd sworn he didn't like you that way anymore and he's forgotten about you all those five years. Then suddenly, you're there and you aren't off-limits anymore—the one other woman he's wanted as badly as he wanted Yura."
Looking away, you find the strength in you to mumble, "He very obviously doesn't want me that much if we're having this conversation."
Osamu just looks at you for a long time. You weren't sure if seconds or minutes passed but he just stares at you—gauging if he's making the right decision and you'd get what he was trying to say.
"YN just—" he leans back in his chair like you and Suna both exasperated him but he's too good in the heart to let it slide when he could've done something about it. "I'm saying, he definitely feels for you. He's goddamn stupid but he's also confused because that.. woman, has engraved herself so deep in him and whether he wants to admit it or not, he's clinging on to that younger years they both shared even when he didn't feel that way for her anymore."
Your heart hurts listening to him say all this. The truths you'd probably never pull out of Suna yourself. What was Osamu thinking? Of course, you understand what he's trying to say. Better than anyone, you're probably Suna's greatest witness to the desperation he had for Yura. It made your chest ache to think about what he'd gone through—the image of a boy who'd wanted someone to be his match so bad he'd settled for someone who was so good at making him think he wouldn't be able to find another. Maybe that's why her ring was so significant to him even during the time you were together. He's been made to think if the plan failed then he wouldn't have anyone left and he wanted the love he thought she gave him.
You resented him. Resented how you had to hurt because you didn't realize the gravity of what he felt for her. You disliked the way you hurt, the way it felt like no matter the signs he showed that he wanted you he still felt so weak when faced with her. And you hated him. Hated him for letting himself get played as much as he'd let Yura play him. Hated him that he's been wanting her for five years when you probably would've loved him far greater than he's ever experienced if he'd only still felt for you then.
"Samu," you begin, eyes stinging as you suddenly feel sad again all over. "I don't know what to do."
He nods at you in understanding, fingers drifting to rest on top of yours in the table before smiling gently. "I'm not asking you to do anything. Suna just pisses me off with how he works things out and I know he'd never tell you about it. If it helps at all, figured I'd be the one to tell ya."
Just as you are about to thank him, he follows up with more words. Each one of them knocking you over, "I've never seen him want to be over her so badly, YN. Until you. He cares a lot about you, more than he'll ever care for Yura. So do what you have to do. It doesn't have to include forgiving him for whatever he did."
 The snow was still as thick and heavy as it had been the day you left him. The coldness of the air still stings your cheeks and your fingers are cold like they've been made from ice. With that, your heart still felt as heavy as it was two weeks ago. You still feel like you could go crazy just thinking about him. There's an overwhelming surge of pain and love when one of his favorite songs would play in the playlist you didn’t even realize has been filled with all of the songs he always used to hum.
These days, it feels like all you ever do is hate. Hate the way Yura got to him first, hate the way you love him even though you're hurting, hate the fact that sometimes love is not enough and you feel like your heart will never be back to what it once was. You loathe how it's so hard to make yourself believe he would never long for her again. Hell, it's even hard to believe he truly liked you that way.
Maybe it was stubborn. Especially when someone's been telling you he cares. But you didn’t think you could handle someone just caring. There's an expectation you wanted him to meet. And it was selfish. So selfish but you couldn't bring yourself to even think you deserve any less after everything. Besides, even if you didn't find out what you did about Yura and she was just another girl in his life, the heavy feeling of once again not being enough and going through what you did with both Omi and Suna scares you.
Deep inside, there's an annoying itch that tells you nothing will be different regardless of what you know. Nothing will miraculously change just because a friend of his told him to get over Yura like she didn't once mean the whole world to him. You felt like you should understand. But it was hard when you're blinded by all the wrong things there is to find and say about Yura. Moreover, nothing's changed at all for the past week because you're too hurt to talk to him. You've all but given him the idea that you even want to talk to him anymore. Still, there's hope bubbling inside you. Maybe he'll break in first. Just this time, you wish he could just brush off your wishes and talk to you first.
Whatever that talk would lead to doesn't even matter. You just wanted to talk to him. Hear his voice. Pretend like everything is fine with the first hello on the other side of the line.
Staring at your phone felt like an eternity. His name blinks at you. With a black heart on the side because he insisted it looks way better than the other colors. The thought almost made you smile. He was so childish with little things sometimes and he never failed to make you laugh.
The contact name taunts you. Your finger has hovered over the green call button more times than you have probably blinked in your life. He's just directly across your house. What's making this so hard? You probably should have just walked straight up his walkway and act like everything is fine and you just wanted to talk. His birthday was tomorrow. Maybe that excuse would be good enough.
Another sigh and a failed attempt at finally pressing a button, a notification makes you jump from your seat—eyes stinging as you look at the same black heart you've been begging the heavens to talk to you, finally being the first one to give in.
Rin 🖤
I miss you so fucking much I can't spend another second not sending this and letting you know. You know I do.
Your eyes immediately water at his words. He's never texted you like this. More times than you can count, he's only ever made you laugh with his messages. Now, he sounds and feels so vulnerable that you allow your heart to hurt for him even just a little. He didn't deserve your antagonism.
To: Rin 🖤
Happy birthday, Rin.
Rin 🖤
Not for another day, baby. Wait a bit more and tell me in person tomorrow.
You don't attempt making a comment or correcting him on that. Not when you don't even realize the way your tears have started falling until there was a small drop of wetness on your thighs. Falling on your couch, you clutch the phone to your chest. Glancing outside of your window to his, you can't help the clench in your heart when you don't notice his car in the driveway—lights turned off and not a sound playing from his playlist. Maybe meeting him tonight is wishful thinking after all. Maybe he's with her. He probably missed you but it wasn't enough.
Perhaps it was these lack of expectations. The building anxiety and doubt that threatens to suffocate you. Perhaps you've felt that way because, with the smile that graced your face when you saw his obnoxiously expensive black car light up his driveway, all the negatives would have been worth it.
Like he senses you watching him from your window, his eyes meet your just a second before he's turning off the ignition. It was then the both of you felt an almost painful invisible pull. He looks at you like he's asking for permission. Like there are so many things he wants to say but only if you let him. The choking is heard in the air before you even register you're sobbing—eyes turning heavy and it falls down your cheeks with a slight nod of your head.
And just like that, like he saw the nod before you even gave it, he's opening your front door—wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his nose on your neck. He lets out a sigh of relief the moment your warmth envelops him and he swears he could feel his heart break a thousand times over. He breathes you in like he'll never breathe again. The wet kiss he pressed on your bare shoulders lingered until his fingers were drumming on your skin.
"Hit every fucking red light the moment you replied to me," he mumbles almost incoherently, palms sliding to your backside before he's pressing you on the wall. There's no way he could get enough of you, he thinks. You fit so perfectly in him. Every gap he didn't know he had, you somehow magically fill in. He could touch you for the rest of his life and not once complain about it.
"I was waiting for you," you groan breathlessly, stomach tightening as he trails open-mouthed kisses from your neck to your mouth. You could feel his cock pressing on your thigh and suddenly the need could overflow in the room.
You were waiting for him. Literally and figuratively. Like this is the one and only time you have in the world to be with him, you've waited because you knew he'd come. You waited to feel his lips again every night. Waited to feel him around you, touching you like he wouldn't have anyone else in the world but you. You're still waiting for him.
You hope he'd wait for you too.
After this kiss. After the sex. After tonight.
That hardly matters in your head now, however. He's here. Two weeks after everything, he's right in front of you. Kissing you so hard like it makes up of everything he could only wish he could put into words. He squeezes his eyes like he's in pain every time you make a sound of pleasure. There's such a grand pain in his heart he's not sure he'll be able to overcome right now. He pushes all the thoughts out of his head, because at least, for now, he has you. Tomorrow can wait.
"I'm sorry, baby," his words grow muffled as he whispers on your lips, brushing his own with yours in a silent ask for permission. Connecting your lips with his, you both let yourself go for the night. "So fucking sorry for everything."
You crave him. Very much so that your heart wants to tear itself apart inside. You're both way past pretending you could last another second without being wrapped in each other. You could hardly breathe if his scent wasn't filling your senses.
Grabbing your thighs from the back, he lifts you up—legs wrapping around his waist as he wraps his hands on the side of your neck, angling it slightly to him and brushing his thumbs on your skin. Like a magnet connecting both of you together, he gently presses his lips—the saltiness of your tears staining his tongue until he starts feeling bitter again.
Disconnecting from the kiss, you look into his eyes. The lump in your throat so strong, you couldn't just swallow it no matter how hard you try. "You're my everything, Rin. It hurts so bad,"
"I know baby," he shakes his head, forehead pressing to yours. The quick rise and fall of his chest move in rhythm to your own. His heart beating as it is breaking with yours. He knows where this is leading. Can hear it in your voice. See it in your eyes. But tonight there's just one thing he wants, "Please. Just for tonight, baby. Pretend one more time for me. Like you'd still take me and that whole fucking trip never happened. Baby, please."
Desperation drips from his voice—raw and frantic. Like if he didn't say it then, he'd lose you forever. Suna thinks it was funny how much he could want you this second but be willing to let you slip from him so easily—if your happiness would depend on it. You're shaking beneath him. Eyes never leaving his because you're just as afraid he'll disappear.
Nodding against him, you feel the sobs wrack your whole body. Squeezing the words out of you, you tell him in response. "Please."
Please if just for another night.
Please touch.
Please love.
Please make you cry for him because it makes you feel the way your heart beats for him. Makes you feel alive. Makes you feel like you're experiencing the love you'll probably never experience again.
Suna pushes you away from the wall, lips never leaving yours as he carries you to your bedroom. You deserve better than a wall fuck. You deserve better than being pressed against a cold, hard, drywall. Smoothing the hair from your face, he takes you up the stairs with one arm wrapped around your waist. The tears won't stop falling for you. The more you look at him, the more you break.
"You're so beautiful," he breaks your trance with a whisper, gentle and slow on your lips. He wants to call you his. Wants to tell you he's yours but he didn't.
He's lost the privilege to call you that a long time ago.
Laying you down the bed, he's gentle as he grabs the sides of your underwear—slipping it down your legs but not breaking the contact with your eyes. His chest is caving in. You're the most beautiful, most amazing woman he'd probably ever be with. He didn't have to look down and away from your eyes to be able to tell you're perfect. His own throat tightens up.
"Are you sure you want this?" He dips a head on your neck, kissing your ears softly as he asks you.
"More than anything in the world, Rin," a sad smile grazes your lips, fingers threading through his already longer hair.
Pulling the rest of your clothes off with his, he slowly lowers himself down, lips on your jaw as he slowly pushes himself in. His hips stutter, the feeling of your warmth against him making him lose his mind. The way you wrap around him. The taste of your skin.
Then, suddenly, it feels like he's forced into the realization that tonight would be the last. He didn't know why. You didn’t need to tell him but everything about tonight feels that way. He tries to savor every single inch of yourself you're willing to give him.
You can't stop the tears falling from your cheeks. It was both pathetic and embarrassing you're crying at such a moment. But you leave tomorrow. Five thousand miles away from him seems and feels like you'll ever get a taste of this again any time soon.
This isn't the goodbye you shared that day two weeks ago. This isn't anything like the screams or the begging. Nothing like the doubt and the hurt that he didn't love you like you loved him. There isn't a trace of selfishness.
This is what goodbye really is.
This is saying goodbye to your one true love—for how long, you didn’t know. This is accepting that sometimes love is not enough to keep two broken souls together. This is a goodbye that would stick. A goodbye that wouldn't allow texting until the other shows up in front of the other's door because it was physically impossible.
Sometimes it was hard to remember who you were before someone special walked into your life.
With Rin, it was the complete opposite.
It's hard to forget what life was before him because all it ever was then is a monochrome of all the things you wanted and couldn't have. All the things you wished for in hopes it might finally make you happy. You remember every moment of your bleak life eight months ago. The routine you fell into, the expectations that broke you. It wasn’t at all hard to forget.
Because you remember exactly when all of that changed. When you looked forward to text messages that would come in at two in the morning because you knew you'd get to see him skate. He'd laugh at you when you ran and almost felt like fainting trying to catch up but that hardly mattered because he'd take you out to drinks and ice cream after. Pulling you in his lap when he played his games suddenly become your most comfortable position and location.
He wasn't there then he was suddenly everywhere.
And God, did you love him. You loved him so much and the feeling of him stretching you out. Your heart beats so loud for him that every inch of you welcomes him. The pain you feel for him—for the kind of life he lived with Yura and the things he put you through, could only be so strong because you adored him.
With his last thrust, orgasm spilling inside you as your thighs shake and you come apart with him, you reach for his neck—wrapping two arms around him as you cry out in pleasure. He rocks against you a few more times, riding his high with your name falling from his lips with a groan.
When you both regain your breath, he doesn't collapse on top of you immediately. Holding your eyes, he props himself up with his elbows—gaze scanning your whole face like he's trying to memorize what he would miss. Then, with a soft voice, a shaky smile, and so much emotion to break him apart, you tell him,
"I love you, Rin," you don't hesitate. And it wasn't a declaration like the last time. You simply wanted him to know. And you'd let him know as much as you could tonight.
This was the love he was supposed to have gotten then. You wanted him to know someone loves him as much as you do that the love he believed in then would pale and fade from him. You wanted him to understand that despite everything, you love him and it was the kind of love he should believe in.
Not even this goodbye would erase it.
"I love you so much," you repeat because he'll probably not hear it from you for a while and you didn't want him to forget.
You wished you could have stayed. That you were strong enough to believe in both of you. That you could forget everything that happened along with the pain that came with it. But you weren’t. You didn’t want to lose sight of what you had. What you could possibly have. But tonight is where you say goodbye. This is where you draw the line.
You'd be losing each other, for now, but he wouldn't be losing you.
And if a month from now, a week from now, the love is still not lost on you, then maybe you'd find yourself again. In the afterglow, when everything after the storm has calmed. When you could love as much as you want to because the harsh burn of the sun has settled.
He smiles at you sadly in return, reaching out to brush your cheeks and kissing you until you fall asleep. He held you and you could feel the beat of the heart you know longs and beats for you. You could feel the warmth in him. There's the light way his hair tickles your shoulders. The steady rhythm of his breath lulls you to sleep. He rubbed your spine as you lay on his chest, the calloused touch of his fingers as a result of years of volleyball another addition to the million things you'll miss from him.
Morning came faster than you could have prepared yourself for. The light coming from the blinds makes you squint. Your inner thighs hurt, your breasts sore. A reminder of the events that transpired the night before. You feel sticky and hot all over but there's a noticeable kind of coldness on the other side of your bed.
You didn’t set any expectations. You knew he'd be gone by the time you opened your eyes. You probably even felt it when he slipped away from you because you could clearly remember stirring from your sleep. Still, looking at the side he was supposed to occupy, your heart drops to your stomach. He hadn't even stayed to say goodbye. He asked you to wait another day for his birthday greeting. Now, you couldn’t do it with a final kiss on the lips you'll be missing for months to come anymore.
It's like there was hardly any evidence he was even there last night.
If not for the pieces of paper folded neatly on his side—blending so nicely to your white sheets, you almost missed it.
With shaking hands, you grab the papers. You didn’t know if you wanted to read the things he was going to be telling you. Maybe he'll tell you finally that you were wrong about him. That he still loved her and would love her for much longer. You don't believe you're ready for it. You don't think anyone is ever ready for something like this. But you suck it up, lean back on the headrest of your bed, and start to read.
     I don't know how to start this. There's a lot of things I need to tell you. I'm writing this as you walk away from me, in the cabin I'm supposed to stay in for another day without you. Without your warmth, without your voice. I only had your scent left but now all of that's gone too because I made the mistake of getting too close with a woman who wasn't you. A woman I'd never feel for as much as I would ever feel for you.
     I'm stupid. Osamu has told me over and over again that I would never make the right decisions while I'm hung up on someone so badly. He'd said I'd never be with someone who wouldn't leave me hanging if I kept hanging on to someone that wouldn't even commit. It's ridiculous because I never lived by that advice. I never listened to Samu until you were in front of me and I wanted nothing more than to shake her hold on me. I didn't realize it was at that point, YN. And I was so mad at myself I let it become a part of me for so long that I couldn't remove myself from it fast enough to make you stay.
    I failed you. What this is is probably both karma and self-sabotage. I've done things I'm not proud of. I see it now. I should've done a million things better. But all I did was choose the wrong things.
    It was always a bunch of couldn'ts for me. Couldn't commit, couldn't move on, couldn't choose the right things. And in return, all I've wanted from you was your coulds. That you could somehow accept that I'm messed up and couldn't get my shit sorted out, that you could love me despite that, that you could understand.
    And I feel so bad, baby. Because you could. Over and over again. That's all you've given me. All I've asked from you, even in secret, I got in return.
    You don't need to ask from me. I know I've put myself in a situation I need to fix whether someone asks me for it or not. I wished it was that easy so many times, YN. I felt like I was so close. I was almost there and I'd run out of time.
    That was all my fault. You don't have to tell yourself maybe you could have waited longer, another could, because you don't have to. You've waited long enough. None of the reasons why we didn't work out your fault. It was all mine.
    I wouldn't want you to keep waiting. Don't wait for me, YN. I'm not worth waiting that long over. I don't want any more of your memories of me to be with so much hurt. Not when the ones I have of you are possibly the best moments of my life.
    2nd-year high school was the best memory I had of going to school. You were in the crowd, in the seats close to the court because you were watching Sakusa Kiyoomi play and I looked at you. I thought then you were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. That you could have the worst personality and I wouldn't even mind.
    It was the first memory I have of feeling like I was in love. I was so young and it's ridiculous to even think a sixteen-year-old could ever feel like that.
    I don't know why I let your asshole of a best friend get between me then but that was the worst mistake of my life, clearly. Then it's all what-ifs. What if we had met then? What if I didn't let anything stop me? I saw you everywhere after that. For years after. And while the beat of my heart dulled for a little, it never got quiet, YN.
    Then I see you again, so fucking close eight years later with that look in your eyes. Like you loved Sakusa so much and he didn't love you back. I didn't know why there was an urge for me to make sure you never felt that way again. My heart beat so loud I'd never believed more that it really exists inside me.
     From that moment, the only memories I've ever had were those that I'll never forget.
    How did I let all of that go to waste? How did I mess up something I've wanted so bad?
    I'm so fucked up.
   Now you're sleeping beside me. On the last night I'll see you, at least for quite some time. I don't know why this letter has gotten so long. But maybe there were just so many things I wanted you to hear but couldn't say. There were also things you probably didn't want to hear but I wanted to say anyway. I'm a selfish bastard.
    Even as you kissed me on the lips and told me you loved me over and over, I couldn't say it. I didn't want to because you never would have gotten to the airport if I did. Because I'd be too selfish to let you go. Because hearing me finally say it would make you confused. I know it would. And I didn't want that.
    Love is not supposed to hurt, YN. And I've hurt you far too much. I don't want the three most important words I've ever said to be associated with the pain I would cause you if you happened to stay.
    But I wanted you to know anyway. It would probably be easier for you if I just never tell you to begin with but the thought of you not knowing kills me. I'll be selfish and tell you, YN.
   I love you so much. I love you so fucking much I don't know how I'd go through tomorrow without you. Without knowing how long I'll have to wait for you. But still, I love you so much that I would. Because you've waited for me when I had nothing in return to give you.
   But you don't have to do that, YN. You don't have to wait for me. Fall in love and be happy. Sure I'd kill the guy ten times over in my head but I'd still want you to find the happiness you deserve. One that would come without any baggage.
   Don't reply to this letter. Don't text me a happy birthday or call me because you feel bad like I know you would. This letter isn't to keep you stuck in the past. It's what I hope would send you in the future.
    I love you so so fucking much.
    You're my everything.
-        Rin with a black heart emoji because it's cooler. I love you.
You cried for so long after reading the letter that you had to force yourself to get through the day of getting ready. You cried in your shower, didn't bother to put makeup on because you cried all the way to the drive in the airport. You'd cry handing on your ticket too—your fingers shaking as you hand in your passport. The flight attendants have given you weird stares but your focus is stuck on the letter you sneaked in the back of your phone case. After that, you cried for days and weeks more to come.
You missed him. You wanted to call him, text him. He's in everything you do. Every new place you go to, you wished you could have experienced with him. It had been his birthday then. The day you let him go. And every 25th of the month you count the days that passed since he told you he loved you, wishing it stood true in the test of time.
It stayed that way for a long time. Like a never-ending cycle you've grown used to. It was a day to day of loving him,  missing him, and regretting he wasn't by your side when you could have done something about it.
But like what everyone said, time heals everything and it passes by in the blink of an eye. A lot happened in such a period of time and you've both gained and lost a lot.  Though, it shouldn't be too surprising.
Not when it has been two years since that day you left.
Still, faster than you could have imagined, everything has changed from the way it was before you boarded the plane.
And if the wedding invitation on your mail with his name written in bold isn't enough testament to the fact, then you aren't sure what is.
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
To Build A Home (Part Two)
Part Two: Cracked porcelain dolls
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Pairing: Ot7 x 9 tailed fox Hybrid! Reader
Fox Hybrid! Jin, Human! Namjoon, Human! Yoongi, Wolf Hybrid! Hoseok, Cat Hybrid! Jimin, Wolf Hybrid! Taehyung, Fox Hybrid! Jungkook
Genre: Hybrid AU || Fluff || Angst || Smut/ implied smut || Strangers to lovers AU || Best friends to lovers AU
Summary: You and Jin figure out what went wrong between the both of you. Your plans may also be ruined, Yoongi doesn't want a hybrid, let alone three.
Word count: 10.2k
Tags/ warnings: Hurt, comfort, swearing if that makes you uncomfortable?, an attempt at angst and fluff, blushing fluffy haired Tae, kissing.
Notes: i dont know if its because i've read through this chapter so many times but i dont know if the emotions pull through how i wanted them to but i dont want to re-write the whole chapter again because i like the plot aspect of it.
Series masterlist
Part one
“Namjoon what the fuck?” Yoongi whispers.
You were sat on a mat in-front of the fireplace, towel drying your tails. It was at times like these you hated how many tails you had. The amount of time it took to dry lasting what felt like an eternity.
Your hybrid ears twitched at the voices of the two men in the other room. Your hands continued their task as you listened in on what was being said in the kitchen.
Namjoon had introduced you to Yoongi, the producer waddling out of his home studio upon hearing the front door swing open because of the wind making a dent in the wall, the older producer pulling his hair now knowing he would have to fix that if they didn’t want their landlord hot on their tails when their lease ended.
The weather had progressively gotten worse ever since Namjoon had found you sat under the bus stop, the wind picking up, rain feeling like a million little pinpricks on your skin. You were grateful Namjoon had given you his umbrella, the weather a little more bearable even if your fingers felt stiff and body aching for you to warm up before you froze to death.
Yoongi had given you some of his old clothes, the ones he usually wears if he decides to dabble in painting or help Namjoon build a new desk for his bedroom. The clothes were a little too big on you, the fabric soft though so you didn’t really mind all that much. You’d rolled up the long sleeves so they wouldn’t get wet as you slowly made progress on drying your tails.
The tips of your fingers and toes tingled from being sat in-front of the burning fire that Namjoon had put on when he noticed you shivering even after changing into some warmer, dryer clothes, limbs still locked from the cold.
“She was sat there alone hyung! What if one of those places took her?” he motioned his head towards you, the older producer of the two shaking his head.
“And what about her owner?” Yoongi muttered, sitting down at the table.
Namjoon followed him, sitting in the chair opposite from his housemates. “We call them obviously and explain the situation”
“Namjoon you can’t keep doing this. I don’t want to be the one to have to always tell you this, but you’re climbing up the social ladder and if anything bad happens because of this” Yoongi’s hands motion in your general direction, “then I can’t get you out of this mess” he tells the younger, sympathetic smiles on his face when his friend frowns.
“Nothing bad will happen, I was just trying to help”
Yoongi hides a smile under his hand, Namjoon looking liked a kicked puppy somewhat endearing to him. He knew his intentions of brining you here were good. Namjoon didn’t have a single bad bone in his body, always putting others before himself, even if they were hybrids. Yoongi knows Namjoon meant no harm to you or your owner, but he knew how media places worked these days, trying to find any dirt on people that could possibly ruin their careers. He could already imagine hundreds of article titles, stealing hybrids, secret slave trading, kidnapped hybrid, the list goes on.
You pause, mind reeling with possible occupations Namjoon may have. Government? Possible. Celebrity? You doubted it, you would have seen him online at some point. Successful business owner? That would explain the nice house and expensive clothes.
Yoongi pushes himself up off the chair, feet taking him to crouch down beside you. You were watching the fireplace; flames dancing like a snake would to a charmer at the sound of a flute.
“You hungry?” Yoongi’s question caused you to twist your head in his direction.
“A little” you tell the producer, he hums.
“If I get you something to eat, how about we call your owner” Yoongi asks, finger’s drumming against his thighs.
You were pretty sure Jin would be pissed. You’d broken one of the very clear rules he had set after your actual owner died.
“’No leaving the house without him knowing or being there, even if you did wear a collar.’ It’s to keep you save sunshine, you know I only do this because I care”
Of course, he sets these rules to keep you safe, you know that, and you’ll forever be grateful for him for the kindness he’s shown throughout his life.
But you weren’t a child anymore.
Jin couldn’t solve all the world’s problems and although you may have believed that growing up, you knew how shitty the world was now. If you had a problem, then you would solve it. Because although you’d like to hope that you and Jin will be together forever, you’re not naïve enough to believe he will want you to cling onto him when he wanders off and tries for a family of his own.
“Can we wait a few more hours?” you ask Yoongi, eyes trailing towards the window. The rain looked worse than it had half an hour ago when you first arrived at Namjoon and Yoongi’s house. Lightening flashed across the sky lighting up the dim living room.
“I guess, but I’m sure they’re worried about you” Yoongi tries, but you don’t budge; just shrugging your shoulders.
“A few more hours” you tell him, pulling your knees towards your chest as you continued to watch the pitter patter of the rain sliding down the glass window.
Yoongi stands up, turning towards Namjoon who is stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Both of them sit back down at the kitchen table, Namjoon with his notebook and pen while Yoongi scrolls on his phone, not really paying attention to what he was looking at.
You continue to watch the droplets of rain run down the window, thunder clapping close by followed by a fork of lightening.
You hadn’t always enjoyed the rain, it reminded you of what you couldn’t have because you stood out too much, it reminded you of the freedom you will never have because you’re a hybrid and not a ‘normal’ human being.
The oldest memory you have of the rain was when you’d been living with your old owner for a little over a year. Your memories of childhood were like fragmented glass, shards of times and places not really falling back in the right place when reconstructed but still there, nonetheless.
Your old owner was a nice man, greying hair, never married. His dream was to have a child of his own, but with work taking up all his time, dating was never something he really put time into so he never had a child.
Jin was his own selfish decision, with his health declining, and time spent at home more. He felt lonely. He bought Jin from a hospital that were selling new born hybrid babies whose mothers hadn’t made it through child birth, the fathers of each children either nowhere to be seen or killed when they refused to impregnate more women for more experiments.
Each child being sold for small prices as there was no guarantee that they would live for more than a few months.
“I don’t like the rain that much” you pulled your knees to your chest, fingers picking at the tattered soles of your shoes. You must have been 6 at the time, Jin nearing 14.
You frowned as you sat beside him on the ledge of the window, staring longingly at the garden. You weren’t allowed to play outside in the rain. Your owner telling you that your immune system was a lot weaker when you were young, often getting sick if you stayed out in the cold damp weather, or the seasons began to change. Jin sitting beside you in bed, words of praise between a spoonful of chicken soup and a kiss on the forehead when you would swallow the icky medicine that tasted like out of date candy and stale drugs.
Sometimes you’d see the other kids outside splashing around in their brightly coloured wellies that were all colours of the rainbow. Umbrellas an array of zoo animals that would dance above the heads of the children, raindrops looking like perspiration from dancing around for hours on end.
“And whys that?” Jin gently placed down his pen, homework forgotten as he turned to you. He had always liked studying, had always been smart since the day he could start talking and reading. That’s why you loved him so muh, he had the answers to everything. You loved him the most because he was your Jinnie and always took care of you even if you pulled a tantrum because you couldn’t clamber on the furniture with dirty shoes on, he always gave you a kiss goodnight and would tell you stories about the children that lived on the moon as you drifted off to sleep.
“It’s no fun” you pout, willing your fingers to not touch the glass. You knew they would leave greasy fingerprints on the glass, and your owner’s back was playing up again so it would be hard for him to clean and would ask Jin to help him, but Jin already had a bunch of chores to do so you didn’t want to make him even busier.
Your owner would dip between fazes of sickness; some days worse than others.
His cough caught both of yours and Jin’s attention from where he was sat on the couch.
“Grandpa” you toddled over to the old man, hands helping you push yourself up onto his knees.
His hands brushed through your stumpy little tails, the fur not having grown that much over recent years.
The old man hummed, closing his book to give you all of his attention.
“Grandpa can I buy an umbrella?” you asked him, body curling up to lay over his lap, his fingers still combing through your abundance of tails.
“Of course” he would laugh, yellowing teeth showing.
“Can I get a fox one that looks just like Jin?” you wiggled around to look up at the old man, your owner tapping his chin in thought before nodding.
“Y/n you’re a fox too” Jin would tell you that night, his head peeking into your room to say goodnight.
“But I don’t look like Jinnie does” you whisper, mind hazy with sleep. Jin’s frown looking exaggerated in the dim orange of the lamp light.
He comes and sits beside you in bed, “Doesn’t mean you aren’t still a fox” he tells you, hands brushing the base of your hybrid ears. Your tails flicking around under the blanket.
“Then why I can’t I play outside with all the other kids?” you ask.
Jin bites his lip in thought, “Do you want grandpa to be lonely?” he asks you.
You shake your head. Of course you didn’t.
“Well, me and you have to keep him company and if you play with the other kids all the time, who’s going to take care of grandpa and the vegetable garden?”
That made sense. You hum in agreement.
“I love you” you whisper as Jin slips next to you under the blanket.
“I love you too my little fox” he smiles, his tail wrapping around one of your smaller ones.
You don’t know how long it is between the that night and the next time it rains, but when it does you have an auburn fox umbrella that you dance around the garden with. Your fingers are muddy from trying to catch frogs that slip through your pudgy fingers and worms that wiggle as you grab multiple in one hand at a time.
“Smile” Jin grinned, holding the camera up to his eye. Your smile is wide as you hold the umbrella, yellow welly boots splatted with thick mud. Your raincoat was a hand-me-down from Jin when he was young, the hem falling at your knees.
Jin stares at the photo of you, eyes red from crying. Taehyung hasn’t left his room since Jin got home a few hours ago, the fox going manic on all hiding spots around the house.
He knew of all your little hiding places, the hours of hide and seek aiding him in his search. But you weren’t anywhere and if the open gate were any indication of where you were then he didn’t know where to start looking. The pit in his stomach growing in size at the thought of what could or what has happened to you.
Said fox hybrid falls onto one of the wooden chairs around the dining room table. He taps his phone screen to check for any calls even though he would have heard them. He’s made sure his ringtone was at it’s loudest so he wouldn’t be able to miss it.
Jin would have gone out to look for you, but the rain made it hard to drive, roads slippery and even with headlights on it was hard to see plus he wasn’t in the best state of mind. The last thing he needed was you missing and himself in hospital.
Taehyung dragged himself down stairs a little before it was dinner time. No food was being prepared, Jin just staring blankly at his phone. He knew you didn’t have your own phone; he could see it slung on the couch; bright green phone case easily visible from where he was sat. He could only hope that you had finally memorised his phone number, although he doubted you had, never even knowing your own number.
He jolted up when his phone began to ring, Taehyung scrambling to listen in on the conversation.
Jin cleared his throat before pressing answer. “Hello?” his voice wavered. Praying that this unknown number had some good news about you.
“Y/n? Yes, she’s mine” he choked out, eyes brimming with tears again. The person on the other line speaks for a moment, Taehyung only hearing fragments of what is being said, his chin resting on Jin’s shoulder.
“I can come and get her now” Jin hummed, eyes darting around the room to find his car keys. His hand patting down his jacket to check if they were there.
Taehyung felt a sense of relief wash over himself; shoulders falling forward, hand running over his face.
Jin slipped his phone into his pocket. “She’s safe, sleeping at someone named Namjoon’s house” the fox explained.
“Jin hyung if she’s fine then you don’t need to go out in this weather” Taehyung pulls the sleeve of the older’s damp rain-soaked jacket.
Jin’s eyes darted to the window. “I’ll be fine, I need to see she’s okay” his smile doesn’t reach his eyes.
His finger’s shake as he tries to put the key into the car, hands slamming on the steering wheel when he can’t get it in. Taking a deep breath, he tries to calm himself down. His head falls forward, the rain hitting the roof of his car unnerving. Every second he wasted felt like he was losing time in getting to you, he knew you were alive, he knew you were close by but he wouldn’t be able to calm down until he knew you were safe back at homewith him, not some gruff sounding man named Namjoon.
He tries again and the car revs to life.
Did he run a few red lights? Yes. Did he speed? Most definitely. Luckily all the roads were still empty, he was more worried about his car skidding with how fast he was driving but that didn’t matter now.
He unlocks his phone, Namjoon having messaged him the address. He knew of the area, just finding the specific house would be hard especially in the rain. He slowly drove past the row of houses, eyes squinting to see the house number.
His foot slams on the breaks when he gets a glimpse of the house at the end of the street. Without even taking the keys out of his car, he flings the door open. The loud bang of the car door being slammed shut cuts through the pattering of the rain. He stalks up to the front of the house, wet knuckles knocking against the door before he pushes the doorbell a few times.
A man a lot shorter than Jin was opened the door, “Are you Namjoon?” the fox asked.
“No, he’s inside. I’m guessing you’re here for Y/N?”
Jin nodded frantically, legs bouncing up and down as he waited for the shorter human to hand you back to him, or let him in, he didn’t really know.
“Come in, it’s raining pretty badly. I’m Yoongi” the human extends his hand towards Jin who shakes it a little harder on accident.
Jin slipped his shoes off by the front door before following Yoongi into the living room. Namjoon leaves the kitchen as the two of them walk by, his eyes catching sight of Seokjin’s auburn tail that he forgot to tuck into his jeans.
The fox catches sight of your tails first. You were curled up on your stomach in-front of the fire, you tails working as a blanket to cover your back. Your ears twitched at the footsteps, eyes opening to see who the extra pair of feet were.
You made eye contact with Jin, you couldn’t tell if he was mad, upset, relieved or a mix of all three. You couldn’t tell, his scent a weird mix of emotions that you couldn’t discern, the rain diluting a lot of his scent as well.
Jin outstretched his hand, palm up for you to hold. You looked at it for a moment before standing, Yoongi’s pant legs pooling around your ankles as your bare feet sunk into the plush carpet under your weight.
Jin pulled you into his chest when your hand touched his own, his head falling to rest on your shoulder as he let out a shudder, adrenaline finally dissipating. Body now calming down that he could physically touch you again.
“Don’t ever do that again, please” he whispers, head lifting to look into your eyes. You watch as his eyes glaze over with tears, hand reaching up to brush your nest of hair from your forehead. A watery smile gracing his face as he just held you for a moment.
He turns towards the two producers, his body bending to a 90-degree bow. “Thank you so much for taking care of her, if there is any way that I could repay you both please tell me” the fox looks between the two of them.
Namjoon shakes his head, hands waving frantically. “No, no, it’s okay I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if I just left her at the bus stop” the producer smiles over at you.
Jin’s eyes flicker back to you for a moment before narrowing. The bus stop?
You tug at Jin’s jacket sleeve, he bends down so you can whisper into his ear. (A habit he’s had since you were both small)
“Jinnie can you ask them over for dinner as an apology?” you ask him, finger’s still tightly pinching his sleeve. The fox tilts his head in thought, “please?” you add a little louder, head doing that small tilt that melts his heart a little.
“Fine, but you have to wash up” he compromises, you lift your hand up, pinky finger out towards the fox. He smiles, connecting your two little fingers.
“Would you both like to come over to eat, I feel bad just leaving this here when you’ve helped out so much” Jin offers.
Namjoon and Yoongi look over at each other, the older producer shrugs. Namjoon smiles, dimples making an appearance. “Sure, I can bring your dry clothes over as well then” Namjoon looks at Jin and then you.
“Our last day off is tomorrow and then I doubt we’ll be free for a few months” Yoongi runs a hand through his dark hair.
“I already have your number; I’ll text you the address then” Jin tells Namjoon who nods a little too eagerly.
“Are you mad?” you ask when Jin shuts the door of the car.
“Am I mad? Y/n I’m fucking livid” Jin turns to you in disbelief. His chest felt tight, the weird ominous feeling not leaving even after he saw you safe. “What the fuck were you doing?” he asks, willing himself to not raise his voice at you. Although you could tell how mad he was from his souring scent.
No matter how mad you made him over the years he would never raise his voice. Even when he’d tell you time and time again to not walk through the house with muddy boots because he would have to clean it, your owner’s back having gotten worse over the years, Jin would never shout. He would never shout when you’d try to roughhouse your owner even when he was sick in bed. Or, when you’d reached puberty and suddenly the fox was the bane of your existence because he was stricter with rules about going out, Jin didn’t shout. He would never shout at you because he knew you meant well, could always see where you were coming from, either it be a lack of understanding of the world around you, or lack of expression because you weren’t free like the ‘normal’ kids. He knew it must be hard being confined to the four walls of the house, no friends other than your owner and himself, always being told how precious you were and that’s why you weren’t allowed to go outside because the big wide world is too dangerous for a creature like you.
Normal hybrids had a hard time, but with you standing out so much he felt terrible for what he couldn’t give you.
“Finding someone to adopt us, or adopt you, I don’t know” you tell him honestly.
He pushes the key into the car, windshield wipers clearing the rain.
“At the bus stop? Y/n do you think I’m stupid?” He scoffs, hands tightening so hard on the steering wheel his knuckles were white.
“What do you mean? It was raining I was trying to find shelter” your eyebrows furrow.
The snort Jin lets out isn’t pretty, “Bullshit”
“What do you mean? Oh- Jin no, you don’t think I would run away, do you?” you fingers shakily reach out for the older, he pulls his hand away fast like your touch burned him.
“What am I meant to think Y/N? Taehyung calls me panicking because he can’t find you, you didn’t take your phone, and you were waiting at a bus stop” he exasperates, eyes searching your face for anything, something to tell him you weren’t lying? You wouldn’t actually run away, right?
“I forgot my phone” you whisper, eyes watching your shaking hands sat in your lap, “I was at the bus stop because it was raining, and I didn’t have an umbrella” you tell him again.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jin asks, less strain in his voice as he falls back into his seat.
Both of you just look ahead for a moment, “Because I can’t rely on you for everything, Jin. This whole situation, me, all of it is myfault and is putting more stress on you than you should deal with” you don’t look at him, worried about how he would look at you.
“Y/n I’m here to help you, we’re family. None of this is your fault, I’ll fix it all don’t worry there’s always a way” he tells you softly.
“That’s the problem Jin” you sit up and turn to him, “You can’t fix everything”
You watch his eyes glaze over with hurt, he bites his lip in thought. “Jin you’re as much of a person as I am, I can’t put you through all of this.” Your hands hesitate in reaching out to him.
Where had it all gone wrong? He remembers the days you would look at him like he had the answers to everything, would tug at his arms and ask him anything. He didn’t know how to explain the hurt he was feeling at that moment in time, like someone was squeezing all of his organs, waiting for his lungs to burst. It felt like he was watching himself break, skin cracking like porcelain, a doll that was no longer useful, ugly, ready to be left alone in the corner of the damp dusty attic for the rest of his days.
“Of course I can fix it” he looks over at you with tears in his eyes, hands shakily reaching out for your face.
“Jin” your hands hold his on your cheeks. Your eyes close for a moment, relishing the feeling of having him this close.
When you open your eyes, Jin looks broken, nose reddening as tears streak down his cheeks.
“What happened to us?” you ask, he smiles shakily.
“I don’t know” he tells you honestly, his hands scrambling to pull you into his chest as he chokes out a sob. Your hips dig into the centre console, but you ignore the discomfort as you take a quivering breath, tears cascading down your own cheeks now, your own hiccupping harmonizing with Jin’s.
“I’m sorry” he tells you, fingers running up and down your back delicately.
Maybe the both of you were porcelain dolls, what you had so picturesque and beautiful but in reality, you were both oh so delicate, the situation causing the two of you to break, shards metaphorically cutting into his skin. Jin thought this was poetic, how eerily similar his and your relationship was to something so delicate but dangerous, he knows that the cracks will last forever, evidence of this moment in time where you broke his trust but maybe he was also in the wrong, he couldn’t shift all of the blame on you. And even if the cracks will show, he doesn’t mind because he will mend the both of you again and again, each line evidence of your relationship growing. He knows neither of you are perfect and that’s why he thinks you’ll be okay, go back to being best friends, go back to the love you once shared because his love for you was infinite and he didn’t think any metaphor or poem would be enough to explain to you how much he needed you as much as you needed him.
“For what? I should apologise for making you worry” you sniff, back of your hand wiping the tears from your cheeks.
“I’ve been neglecting you recently, this wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t working so much”
You pull back a little to look at him, “Jin don’t blame yourself. I shouldn’t have been selfish and thought I could do this alone” your thumb wipes his tear-stained cheeks, “It’ll always be me and you”
“Always?” he smiles, this one reaches his eyes.
“Of course. You’ll be stuck with me forever” you tell him, proud smile on your face.
He laughs, hand lifting to wipe the snot from under his nose.
“I’ll take more time off work” he tells you, tone final.
“I’ll tell you when I need help then” you match his tone, “And no more fighting”
“No more fighting, and no more secrets” he adds.
You nod, “Promise”
Taehyung tackles you as soon as you step through the door.
“Why would you do that” he looks down at you in his arms, fingers skimming over your tails. A shiver running down your spine at the sensation.
“I’ve already had a go at her” Jin places a hand on your shoulder.
Taehyung looks between the two of you, both of your sad scents still lingering behind your strawberry creamy scent.
“Are you two, okay?” he asks, eyes now adjusting a little to the dim entranceway; eyes catching at both of your blotchy faces.
“I’m tired” you wave him off.
“Me too” Jin agrees, “It’s getting too late to cook now so how about we order something? Taehyung why don’t you look online why we go and freshen up”
The wolf hums, head subconsciously rubbing at your own to get rid of the foreign scent your clothes were drenched in.
The bathroom was steamy, air thick as you slipped into the bath. You pulled your knees to your chest, watching Jin sit down facing you.
It’s silent for a while, both of your laboured breaths the only sound in the bathroom.
“I’ve missed this” Jin whispers, deciding anything louder would ruin the calm atmosphere.
“Me too” you agree, arms pushing yourself forward. You reach out, arms lacing behind his neck as you just bask in each-others embrace.
“I love you” Jin whispers into your shoulder, warm breath tickling your bare skin.
“I love you more” you pull back, hand pushing his bangs from his forehead.
“Impossible” he laughs, hands reaching behind you to grab your tails that were submerged in the water, “Turn around, I’ll shampoo your fur it’s probably gritty from the rain” his hands pick up one of your tails, hand ringing out the excess water.
You sit with your back to Jin as he takes his time lathering up the special shampoo designed for hybrid fur. His fingers are delicate when they brush over your ears. Eventually you both turn around and you clean Jin’s tail and ears, shampooing through his hair as well.
At some point you’re sat between his legs again, both your hands roaming freely over each other. It wasn’t sexual, just a way to be grounded again and know that the both of you are okay and will be okay. Jin feels less like he wants to crawl out of his own skin when he touches you like this, knowing you’re actually here, safe at home where nothing can hurt either of you, knowing that you’re his and he’s yours and nothing can come between that. No petty arguments (although he thinks this situation is a little bigger), no humans, nothing.
He knows it’s normal to have hiccups with your loved ones, but he always gets so shaken up and anxious when things go wrong with you. You’re all he has, all he needs and all he’ll ever want (for now, later he’ll come to realise that his heart has enough space for many more), so he always worries about the ‘what ifs’ when these situations occur. What if it goes too far and you never forgive him? What if you run? He got a taste of that and he doesn’t want to ever experience this feeling again.
Of course, something of this scale hasn’t happened before and that’s why he can’t shake away the guilt and sadness of the events of today. Usually, your petty arguments are solved with tender kisses before drifting to sleep, slurred apologies as both of you will your eyes to stay open because the both of you know that you’ll be by each other’s side when the sun wakes you up in the morning, the both of you basking in its golden light until noon where you’ll cook side by side, laughing the afternoon away in the garden, fingers intertwined as you talk about what’s beyond you both.
Now he fears you’ll be gone.
He wants to believe you; he really does but what’s stopping you from upping and leaving? You finally got a taste of freedom, of how easy it is to just walk out and start a new life. He feels guilty for these thoughts has he holds you in his lap, thumb stroking your hip under the lukewarm water.
Your sopping tails pulled around into your lap so your back could press against his solid chest.
“You wouldn’t leave right?” he asks, voice barely above a whisper.
You let out a long breath. “No. I told you. It’s you and me forever” you turn to look at him, “You still think I tried to leave”
Jin’s head tips back to rest on the wall, “You’ve never done anything like this before, I don’t know what to think” he tells you honestly.
Your hands cup his cheeks, tipping his head to look down at you. You’re silent for a moment. You just look at Jin, his face still puffy from the crying in the car, face looking weary from the mental stress he had been put through, all colour drained from his cheeks. You knew it was your fault.
“No words I say can reassure you, I think I understand that now. But please, please, please know that you are my home, I have no reason to run. You haven’t neglected me; you haven’t done anything wrong. We’re okay, Jin, please tell me we’re okay”
His hand reaches the back of your neck, pulling you in for a soft kiss. You both close your eyes, his plump lips pillowing your own as you melt into him, all tension dissipates from both of your bodies.
“We’ll be okay” he whispers, lips brushing your own as he speaks.
“Okay” you nod, understanding that it may take a while for the hurt to heal, for him to fully trust you again.
You peck his lips before pulling back, “The water is getting cold, let’s get out” you push his damp hair from his forehead.
Both of your fingers were pruney when you finally agreed to get out of the bath.
“Hey, up, you’ll make the bed wet” Jin jokingly scolds you from the closet, his towel hanging loosely from his waist.
You slip off the bed onto the plush velvety carpet on the floor, pout on your lips. He brings back two pair of pyjamas and underwear for the both of you before he lifts you up from under your arms, pulling your towel away from your body.
“You big baby” he tuts, hands moving you to turn around so he can dry your tails that were still dripping wet.
As he does that you pull your shirt over your head, before he hands you your towel to dry your hair.
You slip out of the bedroom first after changing, Jin deciding he wants to blow-dry his hair.
You watch Taehyung for a moment from the door, he was sprawled across the couch on his stomach. His fingers scrolling down on the laptop looking for something to eat. You flop onto the wolf’s back, his hand reaching behind to scratch the base of your ears.
“I was thinking we get something greasy, used to make me feel better after a stressful day” he murmurs, eyes scanning over the array of restaurants.
You hum in reply.
“Sounds good” Jin says as he emerges from the hallway, handing Taehyung his phone to order you all something to eat.
“Ah Taehyung” Jin catches the attention of the younger who looks up from the fox’s phone, “We are having guests over tomorrow”
“Guests?” he hands the phone back to Jin.
“Some friends sunshine made today” he motions his head to you. You head falls onto Taehyung’s back as you groan.
“Oh okay” the wolf nods, tight lipped smile aimed at the eldest.
Jin had left an hour ago to pick up ingredients for dinner. He’d messaged Namjoon that morning with a time and place, the producer sending a cute sticker as a reply.
You’d been in bed all morning, not having the motivation to get up.
Jin had woken up with you curled up in his arms, your hybrid ears twitching against his chin. He’d accidently woken you when he had called into work asking for a day off. After that he had showered you with kisses until you had fully woken up, nothing needed to be said, just lazing in each other’s embrace, watching the sun rise above the gate of the back garden.
You decided today you wouldn’t get up until you really had to, body and mind in a weird sluggish state where even the thought of having to get up or even think for yourself made you want the world to just swallow you up.
A light knock on the door encouraged you to poke your head out from under the blanket, “Yeah?” you called out, the door clicking open a little.
A fluffy head of hair and shaggy grey wolf ears peaked behind the door before you could see the rest of Taehyung’s face.
“I was wondering if you were hungry?” he asks, voice quiet. You made a noise in thought.
“Not really” you tell him, pulling the blanket closer up your chin.
Taehyung nods sceptically, “I’ll be downstairs if you need me, just shout or something”
“Okay” you close your eyes once the door clicks shut.
Your eyebrows furrow however when there’s a knock at the door not even an hour later.
Taehyung sheepishly pops his head into the room, “I tried a recipe I found online and wanted you to try it” he tells you, body fully slipping into the room, tray in hand.
You sit up, Taehyung’s shoulders losing any tension they once had at your silent agreement. He carefully places the tray next to your feet before he tells you to wait a moment. He scuttles over to the curtains, pulling them open wider to let more sunlight pool into the room. Your eyes instinctively shut; sun too bright.
The wolf stalks his way back over to your side of the bed, motioning for you to scootch over. You do as told, moving towards the middle of the bed allowing Taehyung to take a seat beside you as he grabs the tray and places it across your lap.
“Eat up” he encourages, watching your every move as you pick up your chopsticks.
“It’s kinda creepy you just watching me like that” you look at him, teasing smile on your face. His cheeks turn a dusty pink at that, clearing his throat he crosses his arms across his chest, eyes darting to look at the door that connects to his room.
“Oh yeah I have something to show you” you tell him after swallowing your food, Taehyung turns towards you, head tilted.
“You’ll see” you brush his off, offering him some food which he gladly accepts.
“I should be a chef” he hums in approval.
You snort at that, “you’ll never beat Jin’s cooking”
“Yeah, but you’ve been eating Jin hyung’s cooking since forever” he argues, and you shrug, “you’re biased”
“Am not, I just know what good food tastes like” your shoulders shrug.
“Whatever” Taehyung shakes his head, biting his lip to stifle the smile that threatened to spread across his face.
You waddle closely behind Taehyung who carries the tray downstairs depositing all the dirty dishes into the sink before he turns to you expectantly.
“What did you want to show me?” he asks, glint in his eyes.
“Follow me” you tell him, slippers shuffling against the hardwood floor as you both make your way to the back door.
You both stand in-front of the summer house; you stop when your hand holds onto the doorknob. “It’s not the best but I hope you like it” you tell him.
Your head tips for him to go inside after you push the door open. His eyes scan the room, unlike yesterday he really takes a look at the room; from the pillow piled bed to the rustic little mini fridge sat in the corner.
“You can sleep in the main house during the winter since the heater in here isn’t the best but I hope you like it” your voice slowly starts to get quieter towards the end of your sentence.
Taehyung doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t know what to say. Thank you? Maybe that was a start but he felt like all the words he wanted to stay were lodged in his throat and wouldn’t come out.
“Oh wow” he breathes, the interior décor a little off from what he would usually choose but he had a vison for what it could look like over time.
“I was also going to buy you a trumpet since you wanted to learn but I thought you could choose which one you wanted, they all looked so.. complicated” you told him as his eyes scanned over the room again.
“You did all of this, for me?” he turns towards you.
“Of course, you’re family Taetae” you smile.
You’re taken by surprise when he launches at you, arms wrapping securely around your waist and picking you up.
“Thank you so much, you didn’t have to do all of this. I don’t deserve any of it” he whispers.
“Of course you deserve it, I mean I did technically bring you here against your will because I was selfish” you tell him and he laughs.
“I wanted to come” he confesses, allowing you to stand on your own two feet again. Taehyung looks down at you, soft smile on his face, “I just didn’t want to admit it, you weren’t all that bad”
“I knew it” you exclaim, jumping on your toes, “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it” you jump around him now.
He laughs as you bounce around, happy now that you’re feeling better than yesterday and this morning.
“Thank you” he tackles you onto the bed, the both of you giggling.
Your head feels giddy and light, you feel better knowing Taehyung didn’t hate you, that Jin wasn’t angry at you and now you had two potential owners that you could try to win over to adopt all three of you and then you’ll be able to live happily without the two assholes that visit way more frequent than you would like.
Jin called out for both of you and Taehyung when he got home, eyebrows furrowing when he didn’t get a reply from either of you.
Shopping had taken a lot longer than he had expected, he had stopped by an electrical store to buy Taehyung a phone, that way communication would be a lot easier than Taehyung fumbling around with the two-decade old landline they had sat beside the front door.
“Taehyung? Y/n?” He called out, dropping the bags on the kitchen table.
His heart pounded faster as he listened out to try and hear if you were anywhere in the house. His head snapping towards the open back door when he heard giggles coming from the garden.
He took long strides towards where he could hear the two of you laughing. He peeked into the summer house, watching as the both of you lay on your stomachs on the bed, Taehyung holding your phone as you watched something.
“Well, would you look at that” the both of you flinch, turning to look at him like two deer caught in headlights.
“Don’t let me disturb you, I’ll be starting dinner soon. Taehyung I also bought you something” he tells the wolf who’s shaggy grey ears twitch in interest.
“For me?” he asks, sitting up.
Jin nods, “You can get it later” he waves him off.
“I wonder what it is” you flop onto your back, head turning towards Taehyung who looks down at you in thought.
“Me too” he comically taps a finger against his chin.
“Probably new clothes again, there’s a thrift store next to the place he usually goes. Between you and me, Jin has a shopping addiction”
“I could have guessed that he always comes home with something. He must make a ton of money” Taehyung flops onto his back as well, “Where does he work?”
“Tech company, I never understood what he does but it pays pretty well considering he’s a hybrid. The owner of the business was a friend of our old owner. Had similar views on hybrids so he started a company for hybrid employees.” You explain, fingers fiddling with the loose threads of the pillow under your head.
“Jin hyung must be super smart” Taehyung praises, body turning onto his side to look at you.
You follow his movements, eyes looking into his own, “He’s super smart, I’m jealous of how perfect he is” you smile.
“Yeah. He can pretty much do anything, although his dancing is questionable” you snort, “he was always studying, made me feel lame because I wasn’t into reading books until I was a teenager”
“Everyone is good at different things” Taehyung tells you.
“I guess, I don’t mind living in his shadow though.” You tell him honestly.
“You should be proud of who you are Y/n, you’re just as perfect as Hyung is. I’ll tell you a secret” he motions for you to lean in closer with his index finger, you scoot forward so your noses are almost touching. “When I first saw you, I was jealous of you”
“Me?” Taehyung feel your breath against his lips, he nods.
“Yep” he smiles, “I saw your pretty white hybrid ears, and your tails reminded me of a halo as well. Like a pretty little angel. I was so jealous, grey wolves aren’t that great, but you were the prettiest hybrid I’ve ever seen” he tells you softly.
“Grey wolves are great” you argue back, “sure they’re common but I like your tail a lot more than mine” you grin.
Taehyung shits up dramatically with a hand on his heart, “Mine? Have you seen yours, they’re so fluffy and pretty” he points at you accusingly.
“Yeah but they’re a hassle to take care of and they bring all of this trouble and superstition” you sit up too, eyes flitting towards his tail that was swaying behind him.
“But” he points towards them, “they’re pretty. You’re pretty. And I like you a lot actually, even if you do have superstitious tails” he concludes, standing up with his hands on his hips, “I will now go and see what hyung has bought me” he marches out of the room with rosy, red cheeks and his shoulders hunched over.
“You okay?” Jin asks Taehyung who stiffly walks through the door.
“Yes, I’m perfect” he drops onto one of the wooden chairs, wincing when he hits his tailbone on the varnished wood.
“You sure? Your cheeks are really red” the older teases, Taehyung’s back going rigid as you wander through the kitchen.
“Oh?” Jin raises an eyebrow, turning back to the pan with a knowing smile on his face before he places the phone box onto the table in-front of Taehyung who looks at him with a happy glimmer in his eyes.
“Hyungie you didn’t have to” the wolf bites his lip to cover his smile.
Jin waves him off, “Go and charge it then I can show you how to use it”
You open the door, Namjoon and Yoongi having dressed up a little more than they had yesterday. “Hi” you smile, opening the door wider, Namjoon handing you your bag of clothes that had dried since yesterday. “Jin is almost done cooking” you tell the both of them as you lead them towards the double doors into the main living area.
Taehyung eyes the two of them warily, eyes scanning over their forms. He notices the lack of tail and hybrid ear, he sniffs the air, nose assaulted with two new scents as well as yours and Jin’s mixed scent. They didn’t smell of hybrids at all.
“Namjoon, Yoongi please sit” Jin motions to the table.
Both men’s eyes land on a frowning Taehyung who pulls you into the seat beside him once you get closer to the table, seemingly haven forgotten his small confession from earlier.
“Who’s this?” Namjoon asks, trying to make conversation as he sits opposite you.
“This is Taehyung, he’s a wolf” you tell him proudly.
Yoongi’s eyes wandered over to Jin, his ears and tail free for the both of them to see, he then looks over at you and Taehyung sat opposite himself, his eyes fall onto your tails.
“Y/n let’s play Mario Kart again after dinner” Taehyung pulls his chair closer to yours, shoulders touching.
“Yeah okay” you nod, eyes flitting over the Jin for help, the sudden tense atmosphere making you start to sweat.
Jin however, was useless. His back was facing you, not even indulging himself in the conversation.
Your legs swing back and forth as you look at your lap.
Jin looks over the four of you at the table as he places a bowl of rice in-front of Namjoon. Once all the food is on the table and he sits down, he looks over everyone.
“Okay if no one else will say it” he tuts, causing everyone to turn to look at him, “We’re all hybrids” Jin announces.
Yoongi tries to stop it but he snorts, “None of you have hidden it well” he motions to Jin’s head. The older’s hands reach up, eyes widening slightly when he realises, he must have taken his hat off while cooking because it got too hot.
“Ah it seems you are right” the fox coughs.
“If you don’t mind me asking, is your owner okay with us coming over?” Namjoon asks sheepishly, worried that he will get the three of you in trouble.
Taehyung scoff before making a show of piling your plate with food.
“Can’t get angry if we don’t have one” you wave them off.
“Don’t have one?” Yoongi asks, you nod.
“Okay I think that’s enough of that at the dinner table” Jin declares, “How’s the food?” he asks.
“Really nice thank you” Namjoon bows slightly.
“Oh yeah Namjoon” you catch the younger producer’s attention, his eyes opening a little wider to let you know he’s listening.
“I saw you have plants at your house” you tell him, his eyes light up. Happy now the subject was a little less tense.
“Yes, I’m usually busy so I keep some low maintenance plants in the living room” he tells you.
“Y/n has some stuff growing at the end of the garden if you want to take a look after dinner” Jin suggests, Namjoon nodding eagerly. Yoongi pinches his thigh, Namjoon coughing a little in shock; the older producer shaking his head with a fond smile, Namjoon always getting a little too excited when it came the smaller things in life.
Dinner went somewhat smoothly after that, Jin feeling a little more comfortable now that Namjoon and Yoongi understood that thiswas it, the three of you were hybrids and they were okay with that, okay that you lived alone and okay that you weren’t locked up in a facility. Namjoon seemed a lot less tense as well, going as far to ask questions about your garden, even the movies that Taehyung had shown interest in when Yoongi had mentioned them in passing.
You looked around the table with a small smile on your face. Sure, Namjoon and Yoongi hadn’t exactly agreed to adopt any of you, but imaginations were funny little things, if given the smallest glimpse of what could be, your mind can conjure up a hundred different scenarios based on that short encounter. You couldn’t help the warm feeling that blossomed through your chest like a flower would in the warm spring morning at the sight of what could be, and what will be if you had any say in it.
Taehyung seemed a lot less wary than he had been when the two producers had walked through the door. Initially he was worried they were here to take all of you to a facility, but Namjoon knew of the trumpet players he liked so much and although Yoongi was a lot quieter than his friend, but he would talk when he deemed necessary.
“Sunshine, go and show Namjoon your garden before it gets dark” Jin tells you once everyone has eaten. Your head instinctively darts towards the glass doors that lead into the garden, the sky an array of oranges as the sun began to set.
You hop up from your seat, smiling at Namjoon who downs his drink before following you into the garden.
Jin sits back in his chair, eyes wandering over the producer who lazily looked over what he could see of the house.
“Yoongi right?” Taehyung asked, voice lower to make himself seem more intimidating.
Yoongi hums, eyebrow raising in question.
“I just want to know your motive behind being friends with our Y/n” The wolf crosses his arms, chest puffed out.
“I have no motive, Namjoon may be a different case since he was the one who brought her home”
“Home?” Taehyung barks, “She wasn’t home, this is her home”
“Calm down pup, it is my home, and I don’t care about your silly little fox friend, you’re looking too into what I’m saying” he leans over the table.
Taehyung falls back into his chair, prominent frown on his face.
“I don’t want a hybrid is all I’m saying” Yoongi sighs, Taehyung’s frown tugging at his heart.
The screech of Jin’s chair being abruptly pushed back catches both of their attention. “Then it seems now we understand where you stand, and it’s not in a place we need you to be. How about desert?” Jin asks, smile forced which Yoongi notices.
Taehyung stands up, “I’m full” he stalks his way out of the double doors into the hallway up to his bedroom.
“What did you mean?” Yoongi asks the older who is busy fiddling with the dirty dishes on the side.
“Huh?” Jin doesn’t turn around, worried he may snap at the older.
How was Jin meant to tell you these nice men didn’t want you? Your plans and dreams would be crushed and now you’d be back at square one.
“I’m not at the place you need me to be” Yoongi elaborates, turning his chair to look the fox whose tail was wrapped around his thigh.
“Don’t worry about what I said, it must have been a heat of the moment thing” he brushes Yoongi off with a small smile.
Jin can hear you babbling on in the garden through the open door.
“These are my cabbages” you tell the producer, “But there’s these caterpillars that keep coming to eat them and I don’t know how to get rid of them”
Namjoon hums in thought, fingers gently holding onto a cabbage leaf, the holes making it look more like green swiss cheese.
“I know a homemade bug repellent that could help you” he crouches down beside you, “I’d have to find it in one of my notebooks, but I know I have it somewhere. That way the plants won’t get contaminated with pollutants either” he explains.
“You’d really do that?” you ask, eyes glimmering with something he can’t exactly decipher.
To you this sounds like a nice invitation to be able to see the pretty faced man again, “I’ll ask Jin to message you next time you’re free then” you tell the older and he nods enthusiastically.
Namjoon listens as you rattle on about the other plants you had been growing, even going as far as fishing out your favourite basket (which you tell him) from the small shed next to the summer house, where you pick out the ripest vegetables you can find before handing it over to him with a bright smile.
“This is Taetae’s new house too” you open the door to the summer house, your phone still slung on the bed from earlier.
Namjoon looks around, “I decorated it” you tell him happily, eyes looking over his face to gauge his reaction.
“It’s very cosy” he nods, flopping down onto a beanbag in the corner, “Are those herbs?” he asks.
You nod, Jin said they take up too much space in the kitchen, so I brought them to the summer house” you tell him, sitting at the edge of the bed.
“You said you didn’t have an owner, right?” Namjoon asks after a beat of silence.
Your eyes wander to the box hidden under the shelves in the corner of the room, the box of memories you kept hidden away. “No, we don’t have one” your voice is soft.
“I don’t mean to pry, but how do you sustain yourselves? I know hybrids aren’t the most taken care of” he tries to choose his words carefully.
“Jin. He works. Also, inheritance money” you explain.
“Inheritance? From your parents” he sits up a little straighter.
“No, they didn’t have any money to give” your smile doesn’t reach your eyes, “Have you ever wanted a hybrid Namjoon?” you ask, eyes flittering across his face.
He thinks for a moment, hands on his knees as he looks at you. Body seeming to curl up on itself.
“I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it properly. I work a lot so I wouldn’t be home to take care of them” he explains.
“What if they were okay with that?” you ask, catching the producer off guard.
“I would still look into it more; I would hate to neglect them or do something wrong” he tells you honestly, “I think it would be nice though, I love living with Yoongi but sometimes you need a little more you know” he asks.
You shake your head, “I don’t know”
“Ah I suppose you have Jin.” He nods, “And the wolf”
“Taehyung?” you ask, Namjoon nods.
“He doesn’t seem too fond of me” Namjoon smiles sheepishly.
“It’s nothing against you, I just think he doesn’t like humans that much. Didn’t like me that much either” you wave him off.
“Ah that’s okay then” he grins.
“Jin is probably finishing up with dessert if you have room for more food” you smile down at Namjoon who grins back, dimples making an appearance.
You follow behind him, watching the wide expense of his back flex as he slips back through the door into the kitchen. Jin and Yoongi seem to be having coffee at the table.
“Ah sunshine, guess what” Jin beckons you over to his side. You stand next to him watching Yoongi take a sip of black coffee.
Jin’s hand brushed through your tails, “Yoongi here works as a producer, and he’s helped a few of those singer’s that you like”
You nod stiffly, not sure how Yoongi feels about you as his sharp eyes peer into your own.
“That’s really cool. Where’s Tae?” you ask, looking over towards the living room to see if you could see the wolf’s shaggy ears.
“He went upstairs a little while ago. Go and call him down for dessert, it’s almost done” Jin tugs lightly at the tip of one of your tails.
A small whine reverberates from your throat as the sensation that tickles your spine, eyes glazing over as your shoulder slump forwards a little. Jin pats your butt in encouragement as your feet drag you towards the doors.
“Taehyungie” you knock on his door lightly.
When the door clicks open, Taehyung has a frown on his face as he looks down at you.
“Jin says dessert is almost done” your head flicks in the direction of the stairs, Jin’s laugh echoing down the hallway.
“M’ not hungry” he murmurs.
“But I don’t wanna sit alone” you whisper, eyes cast down.
Taehyung stands there, head tilting in thought. He watches you fiddle with the hem of your silky shirt, something he hadn’t seen you wear before, but you had explained you wanted to make a good impression to Namjoon and Yoongi.
You weren’t stupid, you knew it would take more than a chance encounter in the rain and a silk shirt to possibly form a relationship with them, either it be a friendship, more or less, you weren’t bothered.
“You have Jin” he tells you softly.
“But I want you and Jin there” you look up at him, eyes reflecting the warm glow of the lamp light from his bedroom.
“Fine” Taehyung huffs, outstretching his hand for you to hold.
He turns his head away from you when you smile up at him like he had gifted you the world, his cheeks burning crimson.
He didn’t have the heart to tell you about Yoongi had said earlier about not wanting a hybrid, let alone three, the small bounce in your step enough for him to stay guilty and hide this little secret for a little longer. Hopefully you’ll realise that maybe Namjoon and Yoongi weren’t the perfect humans you were looking for to come and save you.
“There you two are” Jin laughs, ushering you to sit down as he places a bowl between the two of you. You look over at Taehyung, he looks back at you.
“This looks good” you bite your lip, trying to stifle a laugh.
Bless Jin but he would have to stick to cooking, baking clearly not his forte. Hidden beneath the mountain of vanilla ice cream and enough sprinkles to challenge grains of sand on the beach sat a burnt apple pie that looked more cremated than it did cooked.
You even saw Yoongi try to hide a smile behind his spoon, piled with ice cream and sprinkles.
Maybe Jin wasn’t so perfect at everything he did, and as you giggled with Taehyung, sharing spoonfuls of burnt pie that tasted of bitter burnt sugar and sweet ice cream to counter it, you hoped that this happiness would last forever.
What you all fail to notice are the cat-like eyes that watch from a hole in gate.
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ksyongi · 2 years
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getting caught doing their choreography - performance unit
pairing: performance unit x g!n reader
100 follower special <3
warnings: suggestive, fluff, kissing, all lowercase other than the dialogue
note: please do not copy my works!!! reblogs and likes are appreciated!!!
tags: @dinosbestie @odetoyeonjun
jun: walking into the kitchen after coming home, after hearing the seventeen music being played, thinking that you would be casually listening to the music whilst cooking your meal. but walking in the kitchen to the sight of you dancing to 'rock'. with the spatula in one hand as the food was in the oven cooking. he leant on the wall with a smirk present on his face. when the final pre-chorus came, you turned and saw him there and shrieked, wondering how long he had been watching you for. "why didn't you make any noise when you came in? or even wish me? like why did you just have to stand there and watch.." you rambled before hiding your face in your hands. he walked to you and took your arms and held both your hands. "you were clearly enjoying yourself so i did not want to interrupt honey~" you could not tell if he was teasing you with that tone or was being serious. "maybe after we finish our meal, you could show me the choreo's you know, maybe those hip movements could come in handy after, but save your energy~ you look so fucking sexy right now" he whispering while placing a kiss on your neck before walking off. you scolded yourself for not realizing he was there and calmed yourself down before preparing your meal and the soon after events.
hoshi: asking to meet him in the practice room since he wanted to show you his new choreography. you were there for a rough 10 minutes before you got bored because god knows where he was. you fiddled with the computer and decided to play 'crazy in love'. the mirrors were covered so you barely saw yourself. soonyoung walked in and was about to call out to you but quickly quieted himself when he saw you dancing. before you could do the turning movements he pressed himself to you and you jumped and turned your face and saw him looking at you, eyes filled with lust. "sweetheart, why didn't you tell me that you could dance?" you nervously chuckled before telling him "uh...it's not that good soonyoung, dont exaggerate" he tilted his head and bit his lip before saying "oh baby i'm not exaggerating, you looked so sexy till you made me hard". only then you managed to feel something pressed behind. you did not say anything as a rose blush dusted on your face. "oh i could take you here, right now but lets keep it private shall we?" he took your hand and dragged you through the halls and to his car, trying to not let others notice his boner.
the8: minghao said he needed to get some groceries leaving you alone at home. after his single, hai cheng dropped, you would watch it on repeat. but this time, you decided to try and do the choreography. standing up and getting the key points right, you just wished that he was there for you to catch you for that certain part. "go back to that part again" you hear a voice behind you. "i thought you were at the supermarket hao?" he smiles and says "i forgot something and came back to get it but you happened to be dancing too so nevermind, i can get the things another day, i'm here to fulfill your wishes so lets do it" you guys do the choreography again and you were having so much more fun. "you're stronger than i expected hao" "of course i am, im not that weak" he says confidently. "that's not what i meant but okay" you shoot back at him. "want me to prove how strong i am? because i can and will. this time i won't go all gentle like usual too" he gave you a smug smile.
chan: you were in your shared room, finding an interesting book to read. music was playing on shuffle, you were playing yours and chan's shared playlist. it was all soft and nice as you were searching for a book on the bookshelf but then 'fast pace' started playing. "why didn't we make two separate playlists?" you thought to yourself and cursed seventeen for having catchy songs. it was about to turn to the chorus and you got scared from a voice saying "dancing without me i see? is this a plan to seduce me or a coincidence?" you quickly acted normal again before turning to him and saying, "maybe i planned this? maybe i didn't?" you looked to a seat that you brought in earlier to reach the books at the higher level but you did not manage to get there yet. chan sat down on it and looked at you nodding for you to continue. you went around him, giving him a mini lap dance before ending the song by grinding down on him" well, it resulted in 'hey tayo' playing after and you bursting out in laughter trying to avoid the teases.
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koulia · 3 years
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◈ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 — keisuke baji
◈ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — !! VALHALLA ARC SPOILERS !! DONT READ IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS FOR THE MANGA ,, major character death , angst for tha soul <3
◈ 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓 — one shot , gn!reader
◈ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 — angst
◈ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 — did i have to make this? no. did i want to? yes <3 the title would make more sense if u listen to i want you - mitski btw
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it was the day of the fight between valhalla and toman, everybody had been preparing for it, mentally and physically.
you had invited baji over to your house a few minutes before it began, wishing to see him if anything happens; your gut feeling insisted to cherish this moment.
“i love you, baji.” you said, watching him strap his boots up.
“i love you too, but why’re you saying that outta nowhere?” he asks, the corners of his lips quirking up
you fiddled with your fingers, adjusting the promise ring he gave you 2 weeks ago, “just in case something bad happens. i want you to come home in one piece.”
“of course i’ll come home, i promise!” baji smiled, showing his fangs.
he wraps you into a hug, rocking you side to side, whispering an ‘i love you’.
and with that, he’s out the door, waving a goodbye as he turns on his motorcycle.
: : :
it had been hours since you’ve last seen baji, you were pacing back and forth, trying to think of what to do.
you made your mind up, grabbing your coat, keys, and phone— locking the door behind you as you run to the junkyard he said he’d be at.
you could hear the sounds of people getting their ass beat, but what stood out to you the most was baji’s voice. your legs felt like they could give out at any moment, yet you kept running to see him.
at that moment, he dropped to the ground, you ran to his side, chifuyu holding his now bloody body.
“BAJI!? W-WHAT DID YOU DO??” you screamed, tears pricking in your eyes. your legs ached when you dropped to your knees but you couldn’t care less.
“hey darlin, why’re you here?” he grimaced. his attempt to smile only hurting you more.
you shook your head as if you were trying to remove this image from your head, as if you were saying ‘no, this isn’t happening’. but your words were caught in your throat.
you held him in your arms, resting your forehead on his— ignoring that his blood was painting your jacket crimson.
“you promised me, baji. you promised that were coming home..” you sobbed violently, tears spilling from your eyes; you wanted to be strong, but seeing him like this, you just couldn’t.
“i know, and i’m coming home,” he raised his left hand, his matching promise ring still on his finger.
“you’re coming back..?” it felt like the end of your world, feeling baji’s body temperature lower quickly.
he slowly nodded his head, tears in his eyes too.
“i love you, y/n.” he whispered, barely audible if you weren’t so close. his eyes closed, breathing shakily.
“i love you, baji.”
he smiled one last time, before he stopped breathing. sobs racking through your body as you pulled him in closer.
baji was a man of his word, but maybe promises were meant to be broken..
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©2021 g0joluvrrr all rights reserved . do not translate , repost / republish , edit , or claim any of my works as yours .
taglist - bold means i cant tag :( @salsas-without-the-middle-s @inkesmind @sir-haitani @plutosexc @antagonixxt @morosis-haze @taskilla @babydaddyleorio @cosmiclvsh @sanzusdealer @hood-nami
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 2 years
You’re a sensible and level headed person in the Bridgerton fandom, what is your take on the EW feature? I don’t think I’m a super reactionary person, however, I’ve had a creeping feeling that S2 just isn’t going to be good (both critical reception wise and fan response/satisfaction). TVWLM is the best book and they’re bungling with it for some reason…
Haha I'm glad I seem sensible! Yes I try to keep this a relatively drama and discourse free blog.
That being said, I've turned off my asks for the next day or so because I'm gonna write big long fun posts about the new content we got today but don't have the time to answer anything beyond this one.
To be honest, my first reaction to the article wasn't actually how I personally felt about it. I saw that Jonny and Simone weren't the cover and I thought, 'oh dear, people are going to have things to say about this.' And they did and they still do about many of the things mentioned in the article. Which is obviously fine.
Onto my thoughts: Entertainment weekly is no award-winning publication. There were points where I thought the journalist extrapolated to a hilarious amount (like in the post introducing the characters, they implied that Theo Sharpe and Eloise would be good for each other??) and points where it was just hot air.
The cast had some insightful things to say about themes and commentary, and ultimately I have no real opinion on the fact that they focused on the side characters a lot. Those characters are a sure bet. It's press and I won't claim to understand marketing or the semantics of scheduling. I do think it would be weird if we never got a Jonny Simone cover somewhere at some point, though.
In terms of bungling it, safest assumption is that it's a bit of a wash? What are the chances that it'll be amazing? What are the chances it'll be theworstfuckingthingever? Small for both. There will be good and bad and it will certainly never be 'great' with the way it bites off way more than it can chew in terms of class, race, and even women's issues. In terms of pulling off a good romance, though, I have faith.
The actors (Jonny in particular) have shown very keen understanding of their characters, and they continue to hone in on important character beats such as Kate's utter devotion to her family and Edwina. I don't think Kate and Anthony's story can be bad with good performances and chemistry, and a basis of the characters we love. Even if it *is* bad, nothing's ruining Kathony for me because I'm not letting it lol.
This opinion may get me in trouble: I personally don't really care how well it is perceived critically or by GA or my followers. I only care that I like it myself (which I am determined to do within reason), and that I can continue to enjoy writing/reading fic. How good the subsequent seasons are also isn't something I care about, but for the rest of the fandom's sakes, I hope yall enjoy it.
Critics usually overexaggerate and GA (and by that I mean, non-internet ppl who don't think too hard about it) are easy to please. I don't think it'll do the same numbers but whatever. The promo isn't a disaster but it could probably be better.
Now onto the last part which is probably what a lot of the question was about.
I think the largest points of contention in the article were the "Bombay" thing (which people have rightly complained about. I'm no history wizard and I'm also a white girl from the American midwest so I don't want to play any role in the discourse other than listen. Anxiety is warranted and I hope it is aptly criticized when it comes out). And the 'triangle' thing.
I think we've gotten to a point today where people are mostly trying to be positive in the tag after a chaotic afternoon. I agree. The words seemed offhand, innocuous, meant for GA, and also infused into the article without hearing it straight from Jonny's mouth. Passing interest from Edwina or Anthony will probably last two seconds.
This may be bold, but even if Edwina is into him, or (worst case scenario?? And HIGHLY unlikely) upset about the marriage or even if Anthony PROPOSES/almost marries her, it would be a wild divergence but I wouldn't completely hate it. Kate's twofold guilt/turmoil would be interesting. This wouldn't just be "fighting over a boy," it's been driven home that Edwina and Kate are soulmates, and that they are adding depth to the relationship. So the worst case scenario is only moderately upsetting for me, but I have more hope than that anyway. We've been conditioned by popular media to assume all love triangles are bad. Drama can be annoying but it can also leave room for character development. it's a generally interesting narrative choice to have characters be into someone that isn't their true love beforehand (a la Siena), which, in a show that boasts its "progressivism" and a fandom which wants it to be even more so, is a more modern idea.
Adding drama and complexities to subplots in order to give your cast things to do can be okay if done right. Promo isn't the nail in the coffin for actual screen time and even if Kathony is only on screen for a half or third of the time, 4 hours of content is better than nothing. That ratio will only continue in later seasons as they keep adding to the cast. Polin's story will be so bloated with Danbury and Queen stuff and Eloise drama and setting up the next phase of the show if they even have it, so why cross compare?
So tldr
The best way to think about S2 is a fun AU, no expectations. Whatever the s2 is, it may be show-canon but it isn't gospel.
If you don't like s2 then it shouldn't ruin your entire bridgerton experience. It's okay to be disappointed, but like, being disappointed is what real life is for. It's not coming anywhere near my escapism.
Now that this essay is over I'm gonna write a post abt actual theories!! If you made it this far, Godspeed homie.
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jiilys · 3 years
would u help me out for a second. im in the mood to write for the first time, and i think your style is beautiful. sitting down n actually trying though, im stuck as fuck! i’m realizing that in your dialogue/scenes you’ve got a lot of Little Things. little tiny elements that are subtle & just enough. how are you deciding that lily is building a house of cards at the moment or sirius is sitting in a tree or whatever during a given scene? how do you come up with those ideas for dialogue that are so silly & real & sneakily tender? do you know where it’s going when you begin? any advice for just… starting something?
ps: i appreciate you. you make it look easy & that’s very very cool
This is a lovely question!! Sorry it took me so long to get to it, I didn’t want to get it wrong. Also I’ve included some examples to try and explain what I mean in practise, but it also comes off rather like plugging. tragically this is unavoidable. Anyway, all that being said I have no idea how to advise you about dialogue and coming up with it, I think just listening to people talk helps. Don’t forget contractions, and when in doubt always trust the reader to keep up, real people don’t say perfect or even grammatically correct sentences a lot of the time. We also cut each other off all the time, especially when we’re trying to be funny. Like, here’s an example from warm front:
“He’s not even two. He probably would have thought it was, like, having a lie down or something.”
Harry was laughing now, “A lie down?”
“Yeah, a spontaneous, truck-induced–“
“–Permanent–“ “
–Permanent, lie-down. I’m almost jealous now actually.”
Another thing, but people say um and like or can't speak or cut themselves off, especially when they’re nervous. James when Lily says she loves him for the first time: ‘“Wow,” He breathed, “I’m– wow.” He put both hands on her cheeks and kissed her crazy, abruptly, dumbly. Her head spun.’ He can’t even speak! Dumb boy.
I think natural dialogue sometimes just requires you to read it aloud, which is very embarrassing but ultimately quite useful in trying to figure out whether something sounds normal or not. Use casual words, and try not to go dictionary hunting: if you cant think of the word chances are your character can’t either
In terms of concepts I have no idea, but I do have a few tips. I write all my short one-shots in one document (its called ‘just bad’ lmao) so its easy to start something, write a few lines, and then if it doesnt work just start a new concept, but still have all the old stuff handy. if you feel like you’ve written yourself into a corner its probably because you took a wrong turn earlier, so its just a matter of going back up and figuring out where you turned onto the dead end, or where a line could be funnier and/or sadder and/or more meaningful. Sometimes the bare bones of a decent line is there but you have to work it a little.
In this harry/ginny thing where harry is apologising for all the attention and ginny brushes him off she says:
“It’s nothing,” her voice, all force, “Anyway, it’s more funny than annoying.”
The response went through a few drafts, all variations on the same thing:
(1) “You’re funnier.” [too short, doesn’t make sense, and not really that funny. unholy trinity]
(2) “You make it funny.” Harry said, looking at her for real, “It’s not– you make it like that.” [this could work! I have no idea why I cut this, I think I forgot abt it lmao]
(3) “You’re the funniest person I know, Harry said, sincerely, and Ginny felt her heartbeat all through her, “You make it funny.” [jumping from ‘its more funny than annoying’ to getting this sincere out of nowhere is a little much, even for harry who is famously whipped]
I ended up going with this:
“It’s nothing,” her voice, all force, “Anyway, it’s more funny than annoying.”
“You’re funny.” Harry said, looking at her for real, flustered, “I mean– you make it funny. That’s all you.”
It follows the flow of the conversation and I think the way he says it, ‘you’re funny’ like its obvious, and then being like oh fuck and over-explaining it stumbling a little “I mean– you make it funny. That’s all you.”. You know when you like someone and you say something that gives you away before you can stop yourself? I wanted it to sound like that. Just gotta keep in mind how people behave, we are so stupid a lot of the time, we give ourselves away.
The thing about short stuff i find is implying a lot of history without actually describing a lot of it. I normally do this by having memories come up as almost shards, one second of feeling. You know when you’re in a conversation with someone and they mention someone or a past event, and it rises to the top of your brain, but only for a second? i find sometimes when you’re reading stuff people will try and replay entire memories or events mid-conversation, which is not something you do when you think. You don’t need to replay it beat by beat, you were there! This sounds vague as hell so I’ll try and show you what I mean:
From good crimes: “Petunia is engaged.” Lily’s voice, raw and wrong, “To Vernon. Eliza Hunt told me at the supermarket.” Sudden flashes of Petunia, the only time he’d ever met her, sat in the back of Lily’s twenty-first, pinched and whispering. “Whose Eliza Hunt?” This seems as good a thing to say as any.
pretty on the nose (the phrase ‘sudden flashes’ is pretty so i'll allow it from past me). But see how you don’t need to know how Petunia didnt talk to anyone, how she left early, how she was the odd one out: you don’t need to read all that, you already know because she was sat in the back and because pinched is such a mean verb, spiteful and sharp, you can already imagine how the evening went without me saying so
From my proposal take, after Sirius finds out they’re engaged: Sirius’ grip on his shoulder tightened for one second, still grinning, and James knew what he meant. “I know.” He said, because only Sirius had been there for all of it, when they were fifteen, drunk on Firewhiskey for the first time and James had said I think I’ve fucked it, I think I’ve fucked it but I like her for real.
you don’t need a description of the whole night, what party they were at, who they were with, what they were talking about: the important bit is that Sirius was the first person he told, and that they’re both remembering that at the same moment because they’re soulmates lmao. You know when something big happens for a friend and you feel so full of pride & love that you feel like you’ll burst into confetti?? this needed to feel like that, and you only need a flash for it
I feel like I’ve sort of strayed off from what you asked me, which is really advice on how to start something. I normally start with a line, usually of dialogue, and then try and build from there because dialogue is my thing. You might have a different thing! Some people write from concepts or locations, or an image. i might start with one or a few lines of dialogue, write them down, and then try to build from there. For example for the proposal thing I started from james just saying “Marry me”, which I find more romantic than ‘will you marry me’, purely because it sounds like he simply couldn’t stop himself from saying it, like it rushed out. Another example, this thing started from just “don’t be mad at me” “okay” James agreed instantly, because he is such a sucker for her.
When I write I don’t normally know where I’m going! I normally set out to write something I think is vaguely funny and evokes An Emotion, and then I just play around with stuff until I get there. when I write certain stuff and I have scenes in mind, stuff I want to happen, but I find that if I try to plot it to tightly its not exciting to work on, because sometimes you write a good line by accident, that you hadn’t thought of when you sat down, and you surprise yourself. That is a really nice feeling! i want to maximise that feeling.
'What I mostly try to remember is that writing something down, anything down, is useful. Sometimes you write for a whole night and dont get anything useable, but its like clearing pipes. Sometimes you have to flush through shit to get to the good bits. All the rough stuff, the things you don’t like or didn’t work, you wrote to get you to the stuff that did work. All of the bad shit got you here! It wasn’t a waste, you were working to find the good thing
If I had any tips its just the usual stuff, read! It is annoying how much that helps. Also, and I know this may make you shudder, but reading poetry is useful just because in no other literary or media form is language so important. In comics you have pictures, in novels you have plot and character, in film you all that and cinematography, but in poetry you live and die by how good the words are. If you want recs here’s my poem roundup tag, that I do sometimes, or if you want something just now read this by Anne Carson, which uses words like ‘smashing’, ‘boatwash’, and ‘green’ in the best way possible. Also it has these lines: “Recently having learned to recognize the type of tree called sycamore, / I see them in any forest— / the ones that look harrowed, / in shreds, but / go also / straight up into life,”
I mean, think of a sharper image than that?? It’s not possible. Just try remember to stay true to your characters and that in real life, the little stuff is the big stuff. Little things the people around you do normally show they care more than big speeches, and if you want to show love that’s how to make it feel lived in. You want to build a world! the little stuff is usually the world. Take some from your own or dream the ones you wish you had.
This truly was a very kind message and I’m so grateful you like my stuff, I hope any of this was even half-useful, although now reading it back it is borderline nonsensical. I’m going to bed now, good luck with the writing, and don’t forget to send it to me!!
caro xoxo
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