#listen i've loved this musical since i was a child
caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 days
do you think Eridan would listen to kpop ? (either the human or Troll variant)
if not...then which troll would be the most likely to :3c
LOL no way, he's a hipster. KPop is mainstream as hell; if anything, he'd have disdain for it (and for pop as a whole). One of the less emotionally perturbed trolls would probably enjoy that stuff, though I don't know that I'd call any of the Alternian crew the kind who'd consider it to be their favorite, since nearly all of them are at least a little alt in some way, and kpop (and idol culture as a whole) is heavily tied up in politics, propaganda, capitalism, and consumption - so the troll version of it would be that times a thousand.
I'd say Feferi, Gamzee, and Kanaya probably quite like it because they're most at ease with their society, but it's not their favorite. Equius probably sees it as being aimed at the lower castes, and therefore crass and beneath him. Everyone else would probably get the propaganda vibes and dislike it on principle, even if some of them might secretly find some songs catchy (cough Karkat cough).
If you want to get into Beforan trolls, haha, oh man. I think more of them would like it than not.
Normally, I'd say that Eridan would at least make a show of liking it, given how much he makes a show of being a Sea Dweller(TM), but his hipster tastes, like his interest in magic, don't appear to be things he can shake. Karkat even calls him a hipster, so you KNOW he's out here dissing Trollor Swift and making disdainful faces when people bring up Troll Marvel.
I have as a selection of bands for Eridan Have a Nice Life (post-rock/post-punk/shoegaze), Sprain (noise rock/experimental rock), and Tool (alternative metal/art rock/progressive rock). Generally, I find he vibes with stuff on the darker side of post/prog rock, or the more lyrical side of heavy metal - both in terms of themes (lots of darker topics, like death, murder, suicide, child abuse, etc.) and in terms of sound. It also fulfills the requirement of being "hipster" by nature. Eridan is a very troubled, angry, violent guy, and I personally like to call the linked bands "angry man music". Just a smattering of lyrics for those who don't want to listen:
I've been doing a lot of damned things without you And all the damned things I do confound you Yeah, Satan and his devils try to take my hand And the angels on my shoulders try to tell me that they understand Oh well, oh well
Imagine this: I'm the guest on some obscene talk show In a cell of moral compromise The audience is made up of everyone that I have ever met in my entire life Every sin I've ever committed is put up on display by screens hung around the stage And we watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch The host says "I now present to you an elaborate choreography of failure!" The audience erupts with seemingly coordinated jets of jargon laughter "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Shame on you!"
I'm broken, looking up to see the enemy And I have swallowed the poison you feed me But I survive on the poison you feed me, leaving me Guilt-fed, hatred-fed, weakness-fed It makes me feel ugly
I think even when his tastes do venture lighter, they still never really cross the threshold into pure pop. There's always going to be a hipster, indie, punk-y, shoegaze/post-rock bent to his tastes. I also list for him Dirt Poor Robins, Family Crest, Johnny Hollow...
Wisdom unearned is Intrepid and proud Till we’re dragged by the tide and nearly have drowned Entropy thrives In conditions enclosed Innovations arise When humanity chokes
Cast your heart to the floor, love Feel the sting, feel the weight Of a love, of a love not strong enough Your head's on fire Your hands and feet come off the ground Oh, sweet desire, when your mind, when your mind When your mind's not strong enough It's not that your head is gone It's just that your heart is on fire, fire It's not that the beat is off It's just that your heart is on fire, fire
Once when I was all alone I called you, and you weren't at home My heart fell like a stone, to the ground To the ground, to the ground Why, when morn had dawned on me And anger grew like ecstasy And Leda threw the swan on me and I fell to the ground To the ground, to the ground
Hilariously, this alt/hipster taste means that he runs up against stuff that's ridiculously anti-government; I personally like to believe he does actually listen to outright anti-fascist songs, but if you point it out, he's just like. No it isn't. So SWMRS, Silver Mt. Zion, Vansire.
Well, you gotta keep it up But it will never be enough No sonrisa teenage shit pop Well, you gotta keep it up But it will never be enough No sonrisa teenage shit pop Death to the motherfucking fascist insect This shit makes me so sadistic Death to the motherfucking fascist insect This shit makes me so sadistic Death to the motherfucking fascist insect This shit makes me so sadistic Death to the motherfucking fascist insect This shit makes me so sadistic
There's fresh meat in the club tonight God bless our dead marines Someone had an accident Above the burning trees While somewhere distant peacefully Our vulgar princes sleep Dead kids don't get photographed God bless our dead marines
So I convalesced in the middle west And fell for Ohio's roads I'm standing still by the windowsill Where I once watched the world explode So when it's looking dark in your narrative arc I'm here and you can talk with me A hackneyed fool under fascist rule Wasting days singing about his dreams
It's a pretentious-ass taste, but one that fits in with the vocabulary he likes to use:
CA: all of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES CA: an wwith my empiricists wwand i servve as the righteous hope that wwill incinerate delusion and the deluded alike CA: my holy fire is the wwhite fury bled from the wwrath-wweary eyes of fifty thousand nonfictional angels CA: and wwhen theyre finished wweepin they wwill boww before their prince GG: wow what are you talking about
I miss the days when stars were saintly They sang to me in ways innately Before we enslaved the symphony To playing anthems for selling things I used to wonder, wander farther Into awe, but those days were squandered My ghost was lost to the grownup gallows So I find my spirit in the bottle
Those modal masterworks Atonal oeuvres it seems When I ask afterwards All message lost in between The shifting aperture Depicting sun-soaked scenes I guess they resonate That's Universal Consciousness
Fate’s a funny thing It makes a victim of the will and brings a suit of broken bands A snake so full of tail That it can barely breathe to say it “doesn’t understand.” So, what am I to think? What am I to think? I’m doing it now At least I know I am At least I caught myself before I sent this out Into a stupid world that doesn’t give a damn Oh, what kind of fool do you think I am?
Like, I really can't stress enough, but Eridan is abjectly fucking miserable, angry and violent, anxious and unhappy. And his taste in music should reflect that, his feelings of impotence, his angry and anxious energy, his desperation. Have a Nice Life is probably the band I pick for him, because their discography reflects so greatly these emotions of anger, impotence, self-loathing and self-destruction.
The thing about being a hipster is that there's, the way I see it, three main reasons people wind up falling into it - the first is that they want to feel special, feel better than other people (not really Eridan's deal); the second is that they're just generally a music liker and their taste is indiscriminate enough to include indie stuff, too (and this is also not really Eridan's deal); and the last is because there is something in their soul that cries out for validation that they can't receive in the mainstream - for example, emotions, impulses, thoughts, and urges too dark for radio play (such as an obsession with genocide and murder). It's actually really important to me that Eridan IS a hipster, and specifically the type of hipster who's super pretentious and looks down on stuff that's "popular."
He has a massive fixation on being understood - complaining constantly that people don't "get it," that "nobody understands." This would extend to his taste in music. He would seek out genuine-ness, something grungy, something real, and unfortunately, stuff that's made for mass-market consumption must have the edges sanded off by nature. Given he actually gets upset when people don't "get" him, I'd wager that he doesn't treat media that he feels doesn't "get" him pretty poorly, too.
To be clear, I'm not trying to diss KPop in any way. It's not really my thing, but I get why people like it, and I'm not saying you shouldn't. Just feel like I have to toss that in there. I just really don't think Eridan would like it. And also he would probably be mean about it if you told him you liked it.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 month
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The Return of Superman- Mark
(cw: f!reader called “mama”, a child duh)
Mark had spent a good few decades with a lot of his life documented on cameras. There were music videos, behind the scenes vlogs, cameras, talk shows, selfies, you name it- he did it. There was however, one area of his life that wasn't show or documented for the public. That was you, your marriage, and his son.
There had of course been the announcement on SM's end about Mark being in a relationship, then there was SM the announcement five years later about the two of you being married paired with a post from Mark with a wedding picture of the two of you where your face wasn't seen, and then the last announcement 3 years ago announcing the birth of his son.
Mark completely understood and agreed with your apprehension to show aspects of your life to the public, especially regarding your son. There was the occasional post with you and you can recall the uproar it caused across social media when Mark finally posted your full face on his public account. It was complete madness. People had managed to track down your place of work and even found other pictures of you from your friend's account. You had reason to be apprehensive regarding the privacy of you family.
However, as your son got older, you and Mark got more comfortable sharing more and more about your life, still being mindful of your privacy. So when Mark's managers called and mentioned his own episode on The Return of Superman, you had both discussed it and cautiously agreed with a few conditions. Conditions that were met with no argument since Mark was such a big celebrity to lock in.
Mark was sitting in the confessional, the familiar black curtain behind him as he introduced himself to the camera, "uh yeah, hi. My name is Mark Lee, I've been a member of NCT since 2016. My wife and I have been married for almost 9 years and our son is 3 years old."
He pauses as he listens to a producer as a question. He chuckles and shakes his head, "My son and I spend a lot of time together, but loves his mom. I try to take him out for some father and son bonding, but he cries for mom after an hour, when he play together he always involves her. It's great, I obviously love her too, but I think these few days the two of us will be kind of rough."
The scene cuts to the cameras panning over the space of yours and Mark's home as the commentators laugh and predict what they think will happen.
Mark is shown sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly before putting on his glasses and heading for his son's room. You had left the night before for a much needed girl's weekend with friends. You waited until your son was gone, peppering his chubby cheeks with kisses as he slept in his toddler bed before sneaking out of the room and bidding Mark goodbye with his own barrage of kisses and watery eyes. You knew Mark would be fine alone. He was a good dad and his confidence had skyrocketed once his son had grown out of the shaky steps phase.
"Wow, that is such a cool boy room!" One of the commentators marveled as the camera in Mark's son’s room showed the room covered in Spider-man. He had Spider-man sheets, blankets, wall stickers, toys, books- everything.
Mark smiled softly at the sight of his son sprawled across his little bed, still deeply asleep. Mark made his way to the kitchen and began making breakfast. He turned on the rice maker and began cracking eggs into the pan, watching tiredly as they turned from translucent to white.
One commentator cleared her throat, "this is interesting. Isn't it well-known that Mark can't cook eggs? I wonder if he's gotten better or his son likes them?"
The scene shows Mark and his son sitting at the dining table, his son blinking slowly and using both his hands to keep his head up. Mark laughs softly, scooping up a spoonful of rice and fried egg to feed his son. Usually, he'd be able to feed himself but this morning he's just too sleepy and Mark admittedly likes babying him. He is still a baby.
His son tiredly chews, his eyebrows furrowing and his face falling into one of confusion. He opens his eyes fully as he leans away from the next spoonful of food heading for him. "What's that?" his little voice asks as his finger points at the egg.
"It's eggs and rice, bub. Say ah," Mark instructs.
"Mama made it?" his son asks while turning his cheek away from the spoon.
"No, I made it," Mark replies, deciding to instead take the bite of food for himself.
His son scrunches his face up and takes the fried egg from his bowl and places it into Mark's, "yucky, Appa. No thank you!"
Mark tilts his head back with a roll of his eyes as the commentators laugh and compliment his son's good manners despite him calling the egg 'yucky.'
The scene cuts to Mark and his son standing in the entryway of your home, putting on their shoes. As Mark opens the door, his son freezes, "is Mama sick?"
Mark is hesitant to respond, "no, Mama isn't here. Remember it's going to be just me and you until tomorrow night?"
He can hear the familiar catch of his son's breath as he nervously looks up at Mark, "she's ok? She's coming tomorrow?"
Mark feels his heart melt, and the commentators all aww and coo over how cute the 3 year old is. Mark crouches down in front of him, picking him up and hosting him onto his hip, "of course she's coming back. Come on, we're going to go ride bikes at the park and get dinner with uncles later. Does that sound fun?"
His son sniffles and nods, "and ice cream?"
Mark laughs, "yes, and ice cream."
The camera crew follows Mark and his son around the park, watching as Mark teaches the boy to pedal and steer the bike. He eventually gets the hang of it and begins riding around on his own with a big smile. His little laughs and giggles fill the air as he zooms in every direction much faster than Mark or any of the cameramen expected, especially the cameraman tasked with following the boy around with his heavy camera.
It's all going well, no tears, no complaints, not even a mention of you, until the tricycle comes to an abrupt stop and turns when it gets too close to the edge of the grass. Mark sprints over the second he sees the tricycle teeter over and makes it to his son before the tears start.
He keeps calm as he looks his son over for any wounds, finding none and immediately being filled with relief. His son must have just gotten scared from the fall. Nonetheless Mark holds him close and rocks him as he cries into Mark's t-shirt.
"I want Mama," his son cries.
"I know buddy, I'm sorry. Does it hurt anywhere?"
His son continues to cry and shakes his head, his sobs turning into sniffles as he calms down. Mark pushes the hair away from his son's forehead and presses a long kiss to the sweaty skin, "you are being so brave, bub. I know it was scary, huh? I am so proud of you."
"And Mama too?" his son asks with watery eyes.
"Yes, and Mama too. You can tell her all about it when she comes home tomorrow. You can tell her that you heal fast like Spider-man."
His son perks up and his eyes brighten, "like Spider-man?"
Mark nods and stands, with his son in one arm and the tricycle in the other, "Oh yeah, big guy. Just like Spider-man, whenever he gets scared he keeps going, right?"
This sets his son off on his little tangent about Spider-man fighting the Green Goblin, then Doc Oc, and how he uses his webs and how the bad guy loses and Spider-man always wins.
The scene cuts to Mark in the confessional, "I really have enjoyed my time on the show, but I may be worse than my son. If you have me back, can she stay too? Please."
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU oscar piastri x fem!singer!reader (fc: olivia rodrigo)
side note: the way i used to dislike oscar and now i'm so immensely proud of what he's achieved is crazy. what a character arc of me.
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♡ liked by conangray, oscarpiastri, sabrinacarpenter and 238,495 others
yourusername i am beyond the moon happy and proud to announce that my debut album is out now in store and on all music platforms! having worked on this for so long, it feels like seeing my little child grow up 🫶🏻 my team and i invested a lot of time and effort into this and i'm insanely excited for you to experience it. let me hear your thoughts and opinion on this! 💜
view all 7,293 comments
user2 the way this captures the spirit of being a teenage girl so well ⤷ user3 she literally took my feelings and put it into words it's incredible
conangray i'm so proud of my babygirl comment liked by yourusername ⤷ yourusername ah stop! you helped me so much in the process, huge huge thank you for supporting me 🫶🏻😭 ⤷ user4 i love y/n's and conan's friendship so so much!
oscarpiastri 💜🖤 ⤷ user5 OSCAR?
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♡ liked by conangray, landonorris, oscarpiastri and 201,394 others
tagged: conangray
yourusername the last few weeks have been absolutely crazy! i've recieved so much love and positive feedback for 'SOUR' ... i can't even describe how loved and appreciated i feel. i love you guys so much!
view all 6,283 comments
user6 you deserve this so much!! your music makes me feel so many emotions, it's incredible
user7 can't believe how far you've come! been listening to your solos for so long and now you have a whole album aaahh ⤷ user8 remember when she used to upload covers on youtube?
oscarpiastri insanely proud! comment liked by yourusername
user9 oscar is being a bit suspicious these days i don't trust him ⤷ user10 lando is also liking sooo something is brewing in the paddock for sure
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♡ liked by conangray, madisonbeer, oscarpiastri and 302,183 others
yourusername my first performance here in melbourne (my hometown) felt so fucking special i'm in tears from how amazing you guys were! my official tour dates are coming soon!
view all 8,283 comments
user11 is it true that you and oscar are childhood friends ⤷ user12 what if they're dating ⤷ user13 what if sour is actually about him?
conangray ahhh i'm so proud of my bestie! comment liked by yourusername ⤷ yourusername couldn't have done it without your pep talk
user14 someone said sour is about oscar and y/n's former relationship? ⤷ user15 is this confirmed?
oscarpiastri what an amazing show 💜 comment liked by yourusername
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♡ liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, sabrinacarpenter and 328,283 others
tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris
yourusername cat's out of the bag thanks to this dingus
view all 8,094 comments
user16 no because it's kinda sweet they revealed their relationship during oscar's homerace (even if it was accidental) ⤷ user17 and her having had her first concert a week ago in melbourne as well (which he attended) like since when is melbourne so romantic like that
oscarpiastri i already told you i'm really really sorry ⤷ yourusername save your apology and gimme a kiss
landonorris great so now i see your annoying asses in real life AND on social media ⤷ yourusername haters gonna hate
user18 but... i wanna know who the album is about then ⤷ user19 real like babes let us knoooowwww
user20 i love childhood friends to lovers aaahh comment liked by yourusername
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sage-nebula · 6 months
"Suffer No Fools" - Shiver vs. Marina Analysis
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It's been a few days since "Suffer No Fools" released, but I wanted to go ahead and release my analysis of Shiver's and Marina's verse since that's the one that has caused the most discussion within the fandom. I've seen a lot of debate over Marina's section in particular, with people unsure whether she was being sincere or sarcastic, and I think the actual answer is a little more complicated than one or the other, at least with regards to the first couplet of lines both she and Shiver sing. Of course, people are free to interpret this song however they wish, but after seeing numerous interpretations I personally didn't vibe with, I just wanted to put my own out there, breaking it down line by line.
So! Here we go.
Exchange 1:
Shiver: "Your haunting voice -- there's no escape. How nice it must be for your fans." Marina: "You're far too kind! I love your vibe. I can learn so much from your style."
Analyzing from dialogue only:
Shiver is insulting Marina's voice by calling it haunting and saying there is no escape, insinuating she wishes there was one. She says how nice it must be for Marina's fans, again implying that she isn't one.
Marina says that she loves Shiver's vibe, which on the surface could be a compliment, but given the context (a music battle) it could also be a Mean Girl "ooh I love your [thing] :)" passive-aggressive drawing-attention-to-something-ugly insult. More direct though, is the "I can learn so much from your style"; you can learn what not to do from someone just as much as you can learn what to do from someone. Marina's engaging in plausible deniability here.
HOWEVER. Lyrics are NOT the only thing that need to be analyzed from this first verse, which is arguably the MOST important exchange between these two. Instead, we need to look at how these lines are delivered.
Shiver is singing in a traditional Japanese folk singing style, specifically a style based on Shima-uta, which her voice actress has a background singing in. Unfortunately, I don't know the actual term for this style of singing, only that it's not kakegoe, something Shiver also does that is different from this. Anyway, in these lines specifically Shiver is singing in her Shima-uta style, a style that she has presumably been practicing since she was a small child, a style that is probably culturally significant to the Hohojiro clan. Singing in this style is not something that just anyone can do. It's completely different from singing in a (for lack of a better word) "western" style. The way you breathe is completely different. The way you incorporate your voice into your breathing is completely different. So by singing in this style, which Shiver has been doing practically her whole life and which, presumably, only she of the four there can do, Shiver is FLEXING on Marina regardless of what lyrics she chooses to sing.
But then Marina, who grew up under the domes in Inkadia, who presumably has never heard Shima-uta before she started listening to Deep Cut and heard Shiver sing, who presumably has had absolutely no training whatsoever on this style of song . . . mimics it perfectly and flexes on Shiver right back.
Could Marina's words to Shiver be interpreted as passive-aggressive in turn? Yes. But does it matter? No, not really. Because in this first verse, Marina's ACTUAL comeback is to take the style of singing that Shiver has been perfecting her entire life and throw it right back in her face despite having never (as far as we or Shiver know) practiced it herself. Shiver was flexing by presumably doing something Marina couldn't do, only for Marina to do it flawlessly, being every bit as divine with a voice so fine as Pearl said she was previously. Marina says "I love your vibe" so she takes it. Marina says "I have so much to learn from you" but does she really, when she can already do exactly what Shiver can, and has, just now, right in front of her?
And Shiver noticed, hence:
Exchange 2:
Shiver: "You remind me of my neighbor's little daughter . . . What's that saying? 'Octo see, octo do.'" Marina: "Glad you approve -- your praise has left me moved. Thanks to your notes, I'll find my groove!"
Shiver drops the Shima-uta singing, because now there's no point. Marina can also sing in that style, so it's no longer a flex. Shiver lost ground on that one, so instead we're back to the same (again, for lack of a better word) "regular" style of singing that everyone else is using. For that reason, we can go back to analyzing purely based on the words alone.
Shiver is calling Marina a copycat, essentially, because Marina copied her Shima-uta singing style in the previous verse (hence why Shiver had to drop it, as previously noted). Marina then gives her "glad you approve -- your praise has left me moved" . . . basically noting that by Shiver accusing her of copying, Shiver is saying that Marina -- someone who just tried the singing style off the cuff right there on the stage for the first time -- was just as good as Shiver, someone who has trained in that style her whole life. The audience saw for themselves that Marina was able to emulate the style, but Shiver saying, "you copied me!" is basically admitting that Marina was just as good as her in Shiver's own eyes, and Shiver is a pro. That's Shiver's aggravation handing Marina the win and Marina smiling wide as she accepts it.
Exchange 3:
Shiver: "Oh, look at the time. Isn't it getting late?" Marina: "Not at all! I could go on like this all night long."
This one doesn't even really need an analysis. For all that she prides herself on being "so cool even sharks call her cold-blooded," Shiver is known for being easily irritated and riled when she's losing due to her competitive nature. Marina successfully got under her skin, and this is her trying to end the battle fast because she didn't have any further comebacks. Marina, meanwhile, gives the classic "I could go on all night" because she's not riled at all, and is instead perfectly comfortable in this environment, knows what she's doing, and has had the upper hand from the start.
It goes back to another post I made about Experience vs. Inexperience. Shiver and Frye are still new idols, whereas Pearl and Marina have been at this for a long while. And while off the stage Marina is a sweet, kind, gentle person who will go out of her way to help others, and can sometimes be a little spacey or naive, she's also a 23-year-old literal genius who has been in the music industry for years now and knows full well what a rap / music battle is and knows her way around a stage. Personally, I found it to be a little infantilizing to insinuate that she "didn't realize Shiver was insulting her," when not only do I think she knew full well, but also she was the one with the upper hand not because of sick burns (that's Pearl's department), but because of sheer innate musical talent.
But those are just my thoughts! Everyone else is free to have their own.
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fandoms--fluff · 5 months
Hi, I was thinking Hope x Reader. Where Lizzie was a doing a spell and accidentally hit reader turning her into a baby. In the room, Hope heard crying and she found the baby.
Vampire to Baby
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Female vampire reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: none
Hope runs into Lizzie and Josie's room with Josie as soon as they hear the high-pitched crying of a baby. "What's going on- oh my god" Josie froze under the door frame.
Hope's eyes widen, walking towards where Lizzie is holding a wailing baby girl, close to tears herself as she tries calming the baby down. "Where did you get a baby?" Hope asks the blonde.
"Okay, so don't freak out, but I was experimenting with a spell and..."
Five minutes prior
"What are you planning to do with that anyway?" You look up from your magazine. motioning to the papers splayed out with spell work in progress.
"I want to turn things back in time, like if someone knocks a glass of juice over, the spell reverses it," Lizzie grumbles, the spell not working for the fourth time. She cleans up the spilled water on the ground with a towel.
"Okayyy, fifth time's the charm" Lizzie mumbles before chanting the spell in a different order this time.
"Nothing happened, ughhh" Lizzie groans and throws her head back. Her head snaps back up as soon as she hears the tiniest little whimper coming from where you were lying down on her bed.
She looks over to the bed and lets out an audible gasp. A few seconds later, tears start to run down your small cheeks. She now has a de-aged vampire who so happens to also be her best friend.
"You turned my girlfriend into a baby?!" Hope exclaims, taking a closer look at you.
"Now, don't be mad" Lizzie winces at the look on Hope's face. "It was an accident."
"My vampire girlfriend is now a baby" Hope stated, eyes blazing.
Josie composes herself and walks over to her twin and best friend. "Okay, before anything worse happens, how about we calm her down" Josie nods at you, tears still rolling down your face.
"Don't you think I've been trying to do that? It's not working!" Lizzie tells them while giving a look and bouncing you in her arms.
"Give her over" Hope sighs. And Lizzie happily passes you into the tribrid's arms. As soon as you're rested against her chest, your
"Rude. tell us she's your favorite without telling us" Lizzie crosses her arms.
"Okay, Hope, you look after y/n/n. Lizzie and I will find a way to reverse the spell. Come on" Josie leads her twin over to the desk with littered papers.
Hope nods and clutches you tighter in her hold, walking over to your guys' room across the hall.
"You're a really cute baby, ya know?" Hope coos. You reach up your tiny hand and clutches onto a wave of her hair. She examines you as you play with her hair. You're so tiny and small, and so vulnerable.
She hugs you closer to her, not wanting you near any danger. Since this school is like a magnet for dangerous things.
You blabber incoherent things as you snuggle into the older girl's chest. You like her, she's warm and you feel safe around her.
Hope looks around the room and lands on the cd player on the dresser. You insisted on keeping the player after finding it in a box of old 'junk' Alaric was going to throw away. Plus you had a bunch of cds anyways. And you argue a lot with Lizzie that cds are a better form of music than on a phone, but then again you weren't a child when cds were being used, unlike all of them.
"Hey, you wanna listen to some music?" She asks animaticaly. You gurgle in excitement, and Hope takes that as a yes.
She walks over the wooden dresser and turns the power button then the play button. And in a couple seconds, the intro to 'oops I did it again' plays. That must have been the last cd and song you were listening to. Hope chuckles at how you always blast either this song or 'you give love a bad name' to get her out of bed in the morning.
You giggle and start kicking your legs excitedly, liking the music. Hope chuckles and kisses the top of your head. She then has an idea and starts carefully spinning and dancing around the room to the song with you held in her grasp.
Hope carries you down to the dining hall/room. It's been a couple hours and she's been getting hungry, and she could also tell you're hungry as well.
You hide your face in her chest when someone walks up to you two. "Hey MG" Hope smiles, cradling one of her hands on the back if your head.
"Hey. What's with the baby?" He asks, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "Oh, uh, just babysitting, yeah...um, bye!" Hope comes up with a lie quickly before walking away, eyes widened. For being the one and only tribrid (vamp side not activated yet), she sure sucks at lying.
She walks over to the table of all the trays and places two plates on a tray. As she piles on food onto both the plates, she can feel eyes on her. So she quickly grabs utensils before walking as fast as she can with a baby and a tray of food up to your guys' room.
"Alright, food time" Hope sighs, sitting on the bed, against the headboard with the food in front of her. She grabbed lots of napkins, knowing there's going to be some kind of mess made.
"You look at the plates of food and clap your hands together before reaching towards the fruit cup on one of the plates.
Hope picks the fruit cup and a spoon up and starts to feed you. You munch on the strawberries, watermelon, and grapes happily. She watches as you eat the fruit, using her other hand to feed herself a piece of pizza as well.
Just as she lifted the spoon to feed you a grape, the door slammed open, presenting the twin siphoners. They quickly make their way inside, shutting the door behind them.
"We found a reversal spell" Josie tells hope and starts to explain what it intails.
"Okay, let's do it" Hope gently lifts you up off her lap and into the middle of the bed. You look up at her, confused, as she moves the food tray over to her desk.
She holds out her hands, inviting the two girls to siphon off her. They immediately grasp her hands and start to change the spell. Hope follows with after hearing the verse the first time.
In no time the spell took affect and where there used to be a baby you, is now a full grown vampire you. They all let out a simultaneous sigh of relief the spell worked.
"What the bloody hell happened?" You groan, standing up from the bed.
"Hah, so funny story..." Lizzie scratches the back of her neck.
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blushstarot · 4 months
PICK A CARD: a message from your future self
Pick whichever picture you feel more attracted to and skip to that pile.
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Pile 1
nine of cups, four of wands (reversed), the magician (reversed).
Okay, but this pile is giving me really sweet vibes, your future self feels like a genuinely carrying person, and looks back at you as a mother figure would. They just want you to be happy and feel welcomed and the energy is overall very heartwarming. Quick thing I want to add before y'all actually read the letter, i don't know if some of you are fans of musicals, specifically of Hamilton, but while I was writing the letter, the melody of dear theodosia was playing in my head so yeah, it might be important for you to know.
"Right now you may feel like you don't fit in, that you lack support, and that you aren't enough. I know you feel insecure but believe when I tell you that you don't have to be scared about that, you are enough and you all the skills and abilities you need to be successful. The universe is working to bring blessings your way, but you have to put some work on it too. Use your intellect, concentration and willpower to make this wonderful things happen, you have the power to manifest the outcome you want. Leave the past behind and put your mind in anything you want to accomplish, I know all our wishes and dreams will become a reality soon enough, for now it's the time of time of happiness, joyfulness and fulfillment."
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 2
page of cups (reversed), strength (reversed), page of pentacles.
I actually had to redo this pile because I got busy with something important mid reading, and when I had time to continue I couldn't really connect to it again, so I pulled other three cards to do the reading again. The vibes then and the vibes in this new one, suggest that your future self know you are having hard times, and are probably dealing with some childhood related issues, but they want to tell you that things will get better. Also something tells me that they REALLY wanted you to get their message, since they sent both the bearer of messages and the bearer of good news.
"You're going through difficult times, and right now I want you to try to connect with your inner child by embracing the fun side of life. I've always loved how we are young at heart, even sometimes a little bit naïve, but lately you've been ignoring your inner emotions and listening too much to people that are bringing you and your self-esteem down. I bring you good news from the future, a future where all our goals are achieved, but that is only possible if you make the right decisions now and put the groundwork necessary. The future I'm from might seem too far away from were you are today, but time passes quickly and is unforgiving, so I want you to take my advise and keep it close to your heart. I know you can become a person who is both mature and young at heart, I've seen it and have been cheering for you through all that journey, because after all I'm you, and I've already done it."
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Pile 3
the fool, strength (reversed), five of swords.
I feel like your future self is encouraging you to start something new, maybe something you always wanted to try but never really made time to give it a chance. They want you to focus on the positive and to stay away from people that don't support your dreams. Overall, I feel this is more of a warning of what's to come, in hopes it helps you to be more prepare to face it.
"You're going to enter a new chapter in your life, it may look like something difficult at first, but you need to tap into your inner strength and don't let your fears and anxiety paralyze you. This new chapter is full of exciting and thrilling adventures, you just have to trust your heart and make a leap of fate. If you are not careful, you might end up self-sabotaging and getting involved in a serious conflict, causing unnecessary stress. When the time is right, I need you to stand up for what you truly want and what you believe."
**As in all the PACs, just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, this is for entertainment only, so have fun with it!
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Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of your message.
You can find more of my PACs on my master list, and if you have any suggestions on future PACs you want to see me do, you can send me and ask.
Bye byeee ✨
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You know what screw it, I wanted to finish chapter 59 today but I feel horrible and it's just not going to happen so for now you can have this completed scene under the cut with my great affection love love peace peace feel free to react as it'll make me happy etc. etc.
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Friday 18th March, 2022, 07:57 Members: Lily Evans, James Potter
James Potter: i think it's pretty amazing that you and beatrice know the exact date that you first met when you were two
Lily Evans: Lollllll Hello to you too
James Potter: although idk how sirius would react if we knew and i suggested celebrating that hello, also beautiful hello beautiful is what i meant to say
Lily Evans: Suave of you.
James Potter: i'm only just having my first coffee of the day, alright? give me five minutes and i'll be on my game
Lily Evans: I suppose I can allow you five minutes. We didn't always know, but my mum's been journaling every day for most of her life, so a few years back we did a little detective work and it turns out she'd written about my first day at Little Tots. We've done something for our anniversary every year since, but she's blown my gift out of the water this time around.
James Potter: why, what was your gift?
Lily Evans: I bought her a ladyship. She's Lady Beatrice Booth now. Officially. Incredibly it only costs £30 and you get a tiny plot of land in Cumbria with it. I gave the pack to her housemate to leave out today so she'll get a huge kick out of it when she gets home later.
James Potter: how ironic is it that you got her a ladyship and i was looking into getting her canonised earlier
Lily Evans: Lol why?
James Potter: because i really really really liked that video, evans
Lily Evans: I see. I see. I see. Not embarrassed about you having seen that AT ALL. Although I suppose I don't have a right to be embarrassed when I've seen all of your childhood photos, do I? It was probably about time that you saw some of mine.
James Potter: what would you have to be embarrassed about? you were an adorable child i loved watching you grow up on an instagram reel with, inexplicably, flo rida's musical accompaniment
Lily Evans: Lollllllllll I know that probably seems like a weird choice, but it was our go-to dance song when we were eighteen. And on that note, I was a very awkward teenager, as you've now seen.
James Potter: almost everyone on earth was an awkward teenager and the ones who weren't awkward peaked in their teens, so think of how they've suffered since then although i guess sirius is the exception anyway you say you were awkward, but fifteen year old me would have been DESPERATE for fifteen year old you's attention
Lily Evans: Oh, you say that now.
James Potter: no i would have been and i wouldn't have gotten it because as we've previously established i was a prick when i was fifteen so if i'd gone to school with you i still would have been a prick, but a prick who wanted your attention and did all manner of stupid things to get it i would have driven you mad
Lily Evans: Twenty-seven year old you wants my attention and I've not been driven mad over it once, to be fair.
James Potter: twenty-seven year old me has much improved with age and is more deserving of it you however have been a delight your whole life which i now have visual proof of hence i'll be calling your best mate saint lady beatrice from now on
Lily Evans: I wasn't a delight my whole life, I promise you. As a child I was a precocious little shit who thought she knew everything and couldn't be told otherwise. That's why I got into so many scrapes, doing stupid, dangerous things because I couldn't just listen to my mother when she told me "no, Lily, that's dangerous." I was like a working class Peppa Pig, honestly, no wonder my sister couldn't hack being around me half the time. So you're not the only one who has much improved with age. And fifteen year old me would have had a massive crush on fifteen year old you, BELIEVE me.
James Potter: oh really?
Lily Evans: Would I have let you know about it? Absolutely not. But it still would have been there.
James Potter: you mean like the crush you've had on me this whole time?
Lily Evans: I already have to get you back for some nonsense you pulled yesterday, Potter, so I'd advise you not to pile on and add this to the list.
James Potter: lollllllll
Lily Evans: I'm serious!
James Potter: oh i'm sure you are to which i say go on then do it
Lily Evans: I will do it.
James Potter: you go right ahead i can handle it
Lily Evans: You're being very cocky right now and while I can't pretend I don't like it, it'll also prove to be your downfall later.
James Potter: we'll see, we'll see
Lily Evans: We will see.
James Potter: whatever you need to tell yourself, sweetheart
Lily Evans: I think the fifteen year old you has taken over the controls in your head, mate.
James Potter: he probably has, yeah but what can i say he's really chuffed about your crush on me
Lily Evans: You mean the crush you've decided I have that I haven't confirmed?
James Potter: right, yeah, of course, clearly i'm the one in the wrong here still sleeping in my bed, are you?
Lily Evans: I have to go do a work thing now.
James Potter: oh, sure, that old excuse
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chantiying · 5 months
Message from your inner child
Before to start, sorry for any mistakes or grammar error. English is not my first language. How to choose? Think of something you liked when you were a child (a game, a toy, a smell, a candy, your favorite stuffed animal) and try to remember you as a kid, take a deep breath and when you're ready, you and your inner child choose the image that drawn to you. Remember tarot is not set on stone and you can change your path whenever you want. This is for entertainment purposes. This reading is general so if it doesn't resonate with you just let it go
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: ¨·.·¨ :
` ·. 🦋
(˚ˎ 。7
TW. Direct or indirect mention of abuse, bulling, violence, familial violence, broken family among others.
Ok, let's go!!!
Hello my friend :) Do you remember how disastrous our childhood was? Do you remember that there were some people who hurt us? Remember when we were pushed aside from parties? Do you remember when we found out that sometimes the "love" of a couple is not two but three? Remember when we found out what infidelity meant? Come, here and close your eyes for a moment, because I want to tell you a secret but I don't want you to see me are you ready? Yes? Ok: the infidelity of our parents marked me
I know since then we don't know what it means to love or how to make a relationship work. I know it's a lot harder for you than it was for me. I know sometimes you wonder if you're loving too little or too much, I know you're scared of being harmed like mom and dad did. Do you still feel that strange feeling of isolating all noise with music or the TV on while we sit on the floor of the room begging for it all to end? I do love you, my friend :) I know it seems a little difficult, I know it seems a little hard to say and hear, I know you may not believe it because they made you doubt what it means to love someone, but, I'll let you in on another secret: I don't feel alone anymore. I've learned that sometimes we have to leave where the water overflows to build a better castle. I learned to be smarter and not to argue when it's not necessary, to stop talking where no one listens, to live with myself and with you.
Please, I know it's not easy, but I want you to start again, on your own, I want you to leave everything behind, to let the dragons (they are not bad I already talked to them and they said they are on our side) I want you to let them destroy what hurts us, and to start building your own fortress. I want to be your first beautiful relationship. I want that you love me because I love you and I will always love you. Please love me, okay? Let's be you and me (km little you, hehe) against everyone. I want to be your partner in crime and have us laugh together. I promise you that after that, we're going to smile more and forget what they did to us.
You also have to eat well, did you hear me? Oh and don't tell anyone, but, I'm craving our favorite sweet treat from when we were little, can you eat it for us?
I'm always with you, don't forget me, I'm you but in little. Oh, something else, let's pretend it's your birthday, yei ! let's be happy for today and close your eyes again and make a wish
Francis Forever Mitski, Innocent Taylor Swift. Grey, Purple, Blue. Leaves & Streets. Orange juice?, Music, Cartoons, Headphones, Magic Wand. Mulan (I'll Make a Man Out of You)
🧸🎂🎈🍫 🧸🪄🎈🍫
Hey!!! What's up, buddy? I am very happy, I feel that I have arrived where I needed to be, I feel that the sun has finally risen, I feel that all the changes I had to go through have now paid off. The knowledge, the peace, the beliefs, everything I needed to cultivate is bearing fruit. See? I even speak as someone cultured and intellectual 😸. At first I didn't notice it, I was incredulous, but then I started thinking and thinking and thinking, and I realized that the change started in the interior. I know, you don't have to tell me, it sounds very cheesy, it sounds silly, but, I must admit, even if it's a little embarrassing, that sometimes dreaming and being cheesy is kind of fun SO DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME 😾😹. Ok, let's be serious, mate. We went through a time where we didn't believe in anything and we didn't even know if we should believe but I kept doing it. I kept looking until I got to where I needed to and BOOM it all made sense. Our lives are going to get better, we're better now, we're brave, we're smart, we're strong, we're cool !! We still have to keep learning, we still have a long way to go, but I learned that learning is also fun. DON'T GIVE UP, OK? Ok. I know it's hard to grow, but we've always wanted this, we've never bowed down, we've never given up, we've always looked forward and we'll continue to do so
Keep in your heart the ones who help you and give you happy moments, then let's continue writing our story
No matter how many steps forward you take, whether it's one or two or a thousand, I'll always be there proud of where you've taken us and what an amazing person you've made us. I only ask you to never forget where you come from and where you are going, don't forget to be grateful, don't play with anyone's heart or time, that's not good 😾. I want you to appreciate the time and I want that, when you think that the world is against you, or that everything is going wrong, you can change it. Don't worry, I don't want you to blame yourself for everything, but I also don't want you to always blame it on others. I know sometimes it's hard, keep trying again and again, even if you're scared don't don't victimize yourself because heroes don't do that, and you and I have the prettiest cape, we have the cutest glitter and we have the best superhero story just for us, and don't be afraid, because superheroes can do anything and if we can't our superhero friends will help us 😼
Let's be great, let's be epic!
Disney, A lot of changes or currently changing something, Happiness, Beach, Comics, Sun, Summer, Ice cream, Watch, Hats, Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, Hannah Montana, Vacation, Pop en español (Pop in Spanish), Extrovert, Mischievous, Spider man? Funny, Tangled (the movie)
🦸, 👨‍🚀, 🐱, 🚀
There are two of us, we are yourself and I, and it has always been like this ☺️, do you feel confused? Because I do, a little bit, you won't get mad if I tell you, right? You'll understand, right? I feel like everything is going so fast, I feel like I can't stop, I feel like I want to rest, I feel like when I wanted the geography or math hour to end and go out for recess to get some fresh air. why is everything going so fast? I want to understand what's going on, I want to, I really want to, but I can't. Do you no longer feel distrustful? Do you believe in other people yet? Because I don't do it yet 🥺, do we have friends yet? Or are we still alone? Are they still hurting us? Are we still unsafe? I don't want to be like that anymore, I promise you, (crying?) I want to have a lot of friends, I want to be loved, I want to play, I want to have fun, but I can't believe in others, do you? I don't want to be alone, I know I said it was you and me, and I still believe it, it's you and me against the world, but I also want us to be more against the world. I want someone to turn on the light and hold my hand, would you? I want you to hug me, talk to me, I feel like you're mad at me, at the little you from a few years ago, did I do something wrong? Do you think it was my fault that we were treated like this? Do you think it was my fault that we were disappointed? I'm a little annoyed with you too, not gonna lie. you know what? I was a kid but you have everything to change what happened to us, you pretend that it doesn't hurt anymore and that's a lie! you're still upset and scared, listen, it's ENOUGH! Do something for us. At least I'm angry but I want us to change this, I want us to be happy. I want us to be together and happy, I want us to be one, I want you to remember me, but not only the bad but the good as well, remember what we like, remember the watercolors, the music we liked, remember the sun, the window, remember the yard, remember the stories that mom/dad used to tell us. Remember Mom/Dad. Remember the puddles after the rain. Please, I'm not asking you to want to be a child again to do everything differently, I'm asking you to connect with me so that our creativity flies, so that you know where to go, so that you can start something new.
The magic is in us, accept us, what you don't want to let out, is what makes us most beautiful
You will get what you want, but don't want everything, don't be ambitious. Don't forget us, don't forget you, never forget yourself.
Sadness, Grudge, Sobbing, Poverty (both spiritual and economic), Pranks, Bullying, Grass, Secret place, 8 years? Cold, Scams, Rain, Mirror, Emojis. Monsters, inc. As a child, Madeline The Person. J's lullaby (darling I'd wait for you), Delaney bailey. All I want, Kodaline. Rises the moon, Liana Flores
ꗃ🗝₊˚⊹♡ 𓉞 . ⸙͎。˚⋆ 𓋼
Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. To be honest I struggle being consistent in what I do, but I'm trying (no, I'm really trying) to be more consistent.
Today, is children's day in my country, so I decided to do this spread for you all, because I consider that connecting and embracing our inner child is one of the most healing things we can do. So happy Children's Day !!
Alic (Chanty) 🪽
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plasticfangtastic · 2 months
Dairy Girl-- Part 3
A Homelander x F!Reader fic
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A/N: 1more part to go, I've be going on a 4 day trip on wed so I should post the final part next wk, thanks everybody for reading here is part 2 (there's a link for part 1 there)
Synopsis: In order to provide a constant supply of fresh breastmilk for Vought’s number one hero, Vought has had to get quite nifty in order to prevent this secret desire out the press and the public– you have unfortunately discovered the truth.
tags: child death mention, depressive, dark, kidnapping, stocklhom syndrome, HL tw.
word count: 4.4K
Part 3-- Fields
You’ve been here for months.
You aren’t quite certain of the timeframe but you kept track of the full moon, how often things faded and re-emerged, you’re sure half a year of your life has vanished slower than ever before, for weeks you find yourself holding on, now you aren’t sure why? This body of yours grows heavier around his arms as you sat there in that massive corner booth listening, as he squeezed your jacket as if to remind you he had a hold on you… or to make sure you were okay, you hoped.
Several months have passed and you can’t help but wonder how you ended up in this Chinese restaurant having dinner with your captor.
Homelander’s visitation continued to be more sporadic, your time seems of less importance these days, you find yourself painfully alone, no matter how pretty the tapestry, how interesting the films have become, how delicious the food is or how the forced expansion of your music taste as they feed you an eclectic collection from japanese city pop to medieval folk rock albums changed the fact that you were alone. It had been endless weeks since you last saw a human being beside Homelander.
You stared at that steel door, its presence tempting you, mocking you, insulting you.
You pressed aimlessly at the panel hoping it would break or force somebody to emerge to tell you off– just the sound of a live human would be enough to fill this emptiness inside you even if it was for a short burst. The library elevator had been locked and no amount of pulling would get it to break, your voice, your sole company, birds would come and sing ‘hello’ but as pretty as they were they flew away at the sight of you.
Everything was perpetually quiet.
At least when the sun still lingered.
At night you couldn’t even sleep this awfulness off, your brain trapped you in a different nightmare.
The only time when this house wasn’t submerged in silence was in your slumber.
Ghost lived here you’ve come to accept.
“Every night I have the same nightmares” you spoke to a squirrel one morning
Cries of a baby you can never find, as you wake up, dazed and exhausted you hear the faintest cry and all your mind has tried to do these past few weeks and months have been to move on but ghostly cries forever remind you of the emptiness left in your arms, ghost hoping to crush everything within you, but when the sun is out you tell yourself that your baby boy is gone, you accept it. 
Every night before bed you recite a fresh mantra ‘you’re okay now, that in the future perhaps you could finally become a mother, that the embers still burn inside you, your love is there but is not wrong to move on’ but your nightmares won’t let you move on from a pain you couldn’t forget.
You pray to whatever god you believed, or used to believe for dreamless slumber, each night the thought of sleep frightens you, making you wish for death for it was kinder.
The only peaceful slumber comes with a blond catch.
In your arms he’s both small and larger than life, light and heavy, his lips pursed on your sensitive skin, his quiet moans and mewls send shivers down your spine yet bring you an animalistic primal comfort that tap in a primitive part of your motherly brain, his scent fades and returns the next time reeking of oatmeal and chamomile, as your nose sinks on his hair and he wraps his naked hand around your waist itching to crawl higher, to hold your breast much like a real baby would you forget he is grown, picking his fingers and letting them hang on your own, in this times were you drift away from boredom– you sleep peacefully. Wondering if there was safety in this? The world’s most powerful man held against your bosom, nothing could hurt you here– not even the nightmares. Afraid of him you supposed.
Homelander looks up with glassed eyes, licking his lips as he pops your nipple out his mouth, blissed out, so happy it colors you with envy– that’s the only smile you know it's 100% genuine, you seen all his earlier movies it certainly been refined but his smile is disturbingly faux… convincingly sold, nevertheless as he nuzzles you and giggles softly into your chest that you learn what his truly looked like.
When was the last time you smiled like that? You wondered.
You hand caressed his face cleaning a loose drop off his chin.
“You want me to stay tonite?”
It’s been almost 2 weeks since he stayed more than a couple hours, you don’t know what to say, he still fills you with fear but as the afternoon glow colors the tapestry and the night creeps closer and closer you want that safety… just one night without nightmares.
“Please stay…”
Homelander smiles and squeezes your sides, forcing you into a hug, he begins talking and is not a conversation you can follow or wished to but is music nowadays– the sound of another person, it's the sweetest music you’d ever listened to, searing banalities into your eardrums, but its sweet… something to make you forget that by morning he’d be gone and you be left alone with nothing but ghosts and thoughts.
“Can we switch positions?” Your arm has grown numb under him.
He grumbles pouting like a child, but he’s happy to oblige, the TV plays quietly in the background you’re unsure how much longer the tape has, but he stares at you as he sits straight waiting for further instruction, while you fix the pillows.
“I just want to be the little spoon…”
Homelander eyes light up–literally. It doesn’t last long and his lips curl dropping on the bed with eager eyes, your grimace is internal but you crawl into padded arms.
“Promise me you won’t leave in the middle of the night…” you say so quietly, he stares at those pretty eyes of yours and those thick dark circles under your eyes allowing himself to caress your cheek– until morning…”
“Ryan is off on a camping trip with one of his buddies… I can stay the whole weekend.”
“It’s friday, Y/N.” He says as if that was obvious.
Your eyes open so wide it hurts your face, but you nod furiously, a part of you dies, whatever self-respect you had is fading as the only thought consuming you is that for at least 2 days you’ll have company.
“I’m surprised you let him go”
“I have a few men watching him from a distance, and I can fly and check up on him at any point” he says through gritted teeth.
“It’s nice that you trust him. Must make him feel like a big kid… My parents never let me do such things…”
“Why not?” He asks, watching you with genuine surprise as your body loses resistance, sinking into him.
“They worried too much… always sheltering me… watching over me…” You missed them, you missed a world of people, now those obnoxious actions of the past warm your heart but you don’t let it be seen– He’s lucky to have you.”
You stayed in his arms until the credits finished rolling.
“Kill the feed!” Homelander shouts startlingly you stiff, he waits in silence grinding his teeth, jumping out of the bed almsot throwing you off the mattress, once his cape unfastened he turns back to you– what? you think i'm gonna lay down all night in this?”
You just watched him as he moved around your room entering your closet as you shook off the scare, and procuring an oversized t-shirt grumbling to himself about ordering some loungewear, you watched him undress with your heart creeping up your throat, squeezing the duvet as your worst nightmares tease an entrance to reality, with each thud of his suit and clanking of gold your heart rate doubled in speed, he who had very much avoided touching most of you, could very much do so and you’d be powerless to stop him, he turns around throwing you a look of disbelief making you wonder if ‘mind-reading’ was a unpublicized skill of his.
Without his suit… he seemed more human than he had any right to be, his bright orange undies peeking under the old t-shirt with a pulled neck allowing you to see a handful of chest hairs creeping up, Homelander left you in the room heading out, his eyes examining that all cameras were in fact turn off and so were the microphones, stopping by a tacky painting of kittens in the hallway, tapping on the thick frame carefully.
“I was thinking I should have this place redecorated” He said loudly, his hand stroking the frame– bring it into the 21st century… What do you like– farmhouse chic… art deco? Altho your house was a mix-match of things.”
You jumped off the bed and followed him keeping distance as you tried to suppress your trembling hands.
“You’ve been to my house?”
“I was curious about you… you’ve been here 5 months and the doctors are surprised you haven’t… lost your mind.” He turns to you– altho you’ve been playing the music twice as loud as before”
“Is lonely in here…” You look away trying to figure out the best words you ought to say– you haven’t visited me in weeks”
“I told you. I’m busy– I have a movie… we are doing some re-shoots… the studio feels like they need a new direction and we needed a new post-credit scene so it ties up with The Deep’s next film and–” he bites his tongue– I should call… I’ll have a phone installed… but what can I do to make your stay here less lonesome.``
“Keep me company… at least downstairs I could see the other girls…” You look down– are they okay?”
“That whole thing has been shut down. No need for it to continue if I have you.” 
He didn’t expect to see that beam of light in your eyes, but then those lips of yours straightened for something sinister came into your mind.
“What happened to them?” Faces that were still fresh in your mind spoil– are they okay?”
“Who knows…” he shrugs with genuine indifference– oh don’t make that look! I didn’t make the order, I simply told them to close shop… I can find out if you want.”
Staring into his eyes for what could’ve been an eternity but you never answered, which seemed to please him, he stretched his hand asking for yours and in that darkened hallway he seemed to be its only shadow, you obeyed afraid of displeasing him punished with abandonment for another endless loop, his fingers are always so warm and soft around yours. 
“You don’t sleep very much do you? I used to sleep a lot when they left me alone… which wasn’t often” He squeezes your hand pulling you closer– you can talk to me, Y/N. I want to know…”
“You’ve been to my home… you should know why I don’t sleep much…” 
“I can’t… imagine what you’ve been thru… If I lost Ryan–”
“I accepted it. I think it just wasn’t my time or his time…” You cut him off– I don’t know ‘bout God’s plan or nuthin but I just accepted that maybe one day it be for me but not yet.”
Homelander gave you a half moon, glad to see how strong you’ve been, glad to know you could withstand his abuse… you continued to be a challenge.
That night you both laid in bed, cradling him in your arms watching him mumble loudly in his sleep, his eyes shifting wildly, you watch him fight in his nightmare as you thought of your own… of those women and the bottles, how your signatured had doomed them, you bit your lips and watched him until exhaustion ate you up.
Waking up with a kiss from the sun without ever experiencing a single nightmare, not even their faces haunt your sleep.
It made you ill to be so relieved.
He kept you company, watching movies and eating popcorn, lounging around forcing you to read books to him, you thought that this would all you two would do-- just lounge around and pretend you weren’t growing bored.
“Wanna go out for dinner?” 
Your ears perked up.
“I’ll go and tell them to get us some clothes, and we can go have dinner.”
“You mean outside?”
“Of course silly… you’ve been good, I think you deserve it.” He jumps off the couch, heading towards the metal door dragging his feet– you like chinese. I saw you had lots of take-out menus.”
“I would love to” You ran after him, hugging him– can we get Ice-cream too… afterwards?”
“I could always go for a milkshake.” He kissed your cheek– be a good girl and go get ready would ya?”
He faded into the other side, hearing those metal doors slide open filled you with joy, you had your chance, you were good, you did all that Homelander wanted of you, you listened to his endless ramblings and you gave him what he stole you for without complaint, and now he rewarded you, the gods had finally heard you.
This was your chance.
You would run to the cops, you would hide in the sewers, you would run until your feet were stumps if you had to but you would get out of here, away from him, away from his dollhouse.
You were so focused you didn't even register his sudden kiss until you started to undress in the bathroom, you touched your cheek wondering about why he'd done so.
You did as you were told and as your hair dried he came back bearing clothes from this century entering the bedroom as you stood covered with nothing but a towel, he came in an orange t-shirt and a navy jacket his sight on your face as if he had manners. It took you a few seconds to realize these were your clothes, washed and ironed, he threw them in the bed lingering for a few seconds before returning you some privacy.
“You look good” You smile feeling weird in your own clothes, nothing but a band t-shirt and your best jeans, he handed you a jacket that was definitely not yours but a matching one to his own– they told me there’s this bar you liked quite a bit”
“The Loose End?” you smiled, they knew you there, the bartender knew you by name, the regular waitress Liz knew you too, if he took you there you could find a way out– they’re cheap and the nachos are great… and they have live music every weekend.”
“It’s a date then.” 
For the first time you crossed those steel doors, those wall held a boring room, a set of desk littered here and there alongside filing cabinets, a young man in a lab coat handed Homelander something while you looked around everywhere this whole setup was nothing but a repurposed kitchen, a storage close, and the entry hall, two large windows let the light in allowing you to see the driveway, and more evergreen forest, there were no houses just road and bushes indeed this location was as desolated as initially suspected. Leaving through the front door you spotted a pair of bikes parked on the side, while the garage was closed. A random man dragged a trolley filled with peonies, your feet were trembling as you stepped on that welcome mat, the air was so chilly against your skin, so refreshing on cracking lips.
Grass… trees… clouds… nowhere to run, you looked at the bikes but never did you look for their keys five seconds ago.
“Are we getting an Uber?” You looked at him.
He took you by the waist, not giving you an answer before jumping straight into the heavens, there was a town to the east, a highway near it, before your words could leave your body, he pressed your face against his shoulder, it's a whistling sound singing in your ear as an insanely heavy weighted blanket slammed against you, this song kept playing cut abruptly by honking, your feet hit the ground and you could’ve sworn you’ve died he lets go of your head messin with your hair as you parted from this tight embrace, looking bemused.
“Am I alive?”
“There’s not a safer vehicle in the world than me.” He chuckles– you’re fine.”
Blinking hard you looked around and immediately recognized the street peeking from the end of the alleyway, your old apartment was 20 minutes from this place, you started moving without him.
Your neck snapped back as he took your arm, forcing you still.
“The restaurant is that way.”
He held your arm so tight your fingers tingle from numbness, interlocking elbows as he forced you into the street, to passerbys you were just another nameless couple, nobody gave you guys a second look, the afternoon light was beginning to fade behind tall buildings, you look at strangers pleading for them to notice something was off only to meet discomfort and indifference, people minded their business and in the busy street you two failed to stand out, you knew every street and in your silence you hoped to see familiar faces but nothing but strangers surrounded you both.
Both stopping at the entrance of a chinese restaurant, you’re sure you’d ordered from here before, the place is loud and there’s a TV set on the sports channel, it smells of fried rice and oil and you can hear the cook shouting in cantonese, he never lets you speak and the waitress is too busy talking to her coworker to care just telling you to sit anywhere you like.
He sits you in a booth on the corner away from the window almost hidden but able to see a good chunk of the people, the tv plays in the back but you can’t see it, your face is obscured by a beam, the more you look at the decour it strikes you as cheap and busy, lights dim and there wasn’t many people inside no doubt he picked this place for a reason.
“I feel like egg rolls and sweet and sour pork… you want noodles or rice?”
“Rice… with chicken… and…” You glance at the menu– scallion pancakes…”
Time moves like a dream, you count the exits, the number of waitresses, you hear the phone used for take-out orders but from your spot you can’t see the phone, you see the paper sign saying ‘toilet’ which could lead to an unseen exit, maybe into the kitchen, but as the entree arrived you knew you couldn’t run to your old home, you could run to the nearest metro station take the train anywhere, the direction made no difference you just had to find a cop… anything to save you.
As you force yourself to chew it dawns on you how Homelander has not spoken, turning to see him and he has a dry smile in his lips, his sight focused on the table on the furthest end of the room, the party grew louder you assumed they caught his attention annoyed by their presence or something in that vein.
Dishware clank and people spoke and baseball played but his attention was on them alone, you swore you could’ve run and he wouldn’t notice.
“Are you okay?” You spoke with the meekest tone you could muster– is there something wrong with the food?”
He scoots in his seat moving closer to the edge of table, this boot could’ve sat a party of five with ease so he left you with a lot of space and for a moment you felt as if he was about to just walk out but instead he looked at the empty spot then jerked his head towards the direction of the party.
“Is there a friend of yours there…?” You try to remain bubbly, finding his demeanor uneasy.
Following him you take his former spot but he doesn’t leave the boot, and then you see it.
The big thing he was staring at.
She was so thin that it looked bigger than it should, she was a tiny frail thing and the bump protruded out of her stomach violently. She sat back down, her grin so big and her laugh so chirpy as she rejoined the group.
The group too engrossed in each other to notice… to notice the crying woman on the other side of the dimly lit restaurant.
He seemed the same, his hair was the same, his beard was the same, his shirt was the one you bought him last christmas and he looked… happy… happy as he kissed this woman you’ve never seen, holding her hand, caressing her stomach, she didn’t need a name for you to despise what she meant, there it was your ex-husband who shouted at you about not being ready to be a father, your ex who showed up late to the funeral and didn’t stick around to comfort you, who never made it to the hospital visits more than twice, here he was happy.
Looking at a young thing carrying the baby he did want.
Just like he never looked at you.
“Am so happy you’re having a little girl!” The older woman who sat across from him said– after everything that happened I'm just elated for you Eric.”
You heard your mother’s voice with so much clarity.
“After Y/N I never thought I would find somebody but I think she would’ve been happy for us. I’m just glad you guys are doing okay after everything…”
“It’s hard but you are still family and we can be happy for you and your sweet little girl”
You watched him comfort your mother, the way he talked about you as if he meant it.
When did he ever mean it? Did he find remorse in his heart after you were gone or was it to brush away the accusations.
‘Who would you run to?’ that voice in your head asked, your family was right there, your dad, your mom, a mutual friend of you both, your ex– they were all there but they didn’t see you, the more you focused on their words, the way they mentioned your name as if it made them feel icky.
“I was thinking of naming her after Y/N, I know she meant a lot to Eric and had we not met at that support group–
You ran off the booth, rushing to the bathroom, you’re sure somebody looked at you as the plates rattled, Homelander gave you a glance but didn’t follow you.
Slamming the door behind you, in that ugly cramped bathroom you screamed into your knees, every fiber of your body recoiled, tightening around your chest, you stayed there until your own sobs hurt your throat and your eyes itched from salt.
Staring at your swollen eyes and red nose you washed away what you could, nausea still lingered robbing you off your appetite.
The door opened and there was no red, white and blue suited supe, just a hall with faded pictures and a storage closet, walking not knowing what to find, not wanting to be seen.
He was still in the booth, happily waiting on you with a bag of leftovers propped on the table.
“Let’s go home…” You whispered, your throat hoarse.
“Home? Where is that?” he grins
“Home… take me home… please…”
He stares at the party who are now sharing their final drinks and readying to leave.
You sit on the edge pushing him into the booth, forcing him to pay attention to you and not those behind, maybe it was because he was Homelander that you kissed him, that you had the attention of a more enviable man than Eric ever was that you kissed him in front of him  and your family, maybe it was because it felt good, his thin lips soft and delicate against yours, it was  quick thing, his shock was palpable in the nervousness of his kiss was cute, but it felt good… for once something felt good again.
“Let’s go Homelander… I don’t wanna be here anymore…”
His lips pressed against your cheek before lifting himself, making sure to cover your sight as you both left the building turning away from the window as the party began to gather their things, he stopped for a second after walking for a few minutes.
“I just need to text Ashley something before I forget… work stuff” You didn’t care.
He typed slowly with his index instead of his thumbs which made you cringe a little.
“All good. You sure you don’t wanna go watch a gig, we don’t have to go back home.” He said softly.
“My tits hurt.” His eyes light up at the lie– unless you wanna have a sippy in the toilets before the show stars to help me out here”
“... I… I do…” 
If he blushed any harder he’d be a stop light, you smiled unable to stop chuckling at his stupid face.
“Didn’t peg you for the kind of guy to get freaky in the bathroom of a dingy bar… guess America’s son does have a real kinky side to him.”
“You have no idea darling… do you have a kinky side perhaps?”
“Fuck me.” Her stomach popped into your head, his hand caressing her bulge played on loop, his disgusting smile, all of him played all around you, memories of his touch burnt your skin, everybody had his disgusting mug on their faces– and find out.”
He took your hand and started walking faster, throwing away the bag of takeout into the lap of the first homeless person he’d seen.
The woman looked at Eric as he said goodbye to your parents, her phone buzzed, turning around to hide her screen, a text message from with a receipt for 25,000 dollars deposited on her account, as well as a doctor’s appointment booking.
She signed with relief.
“Understood.” she texted back.
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autisticlenaluthor · 4 months
Hi, my name is Rory, I’m going to the Eras Tour in Amsterdam on July 5th and if you guys could somehow help me get this to @taylorswift / @taylornation - it would mean so much to me
Three years ago, I went from being perfectly healthy, to watching my body and my health rapidly deteriorate. My entire world got turned upside down— I lost the ability to eat, drink, and even stand for more than a few minutes.
I don't remember much from when I first got sick. But I know I listened to Mr Perfectly Fine on a loop almost every day because it was the only song that could capture how I felt. I've known and loved Taylor's music since I was six-years-old and first heard the album Fearless. i remember the first song I ever heard (love story) like it was yesterday; but somewhere during that time, her music became like therapy for me.
Since 2021, I've been diagnosed with three incurable diseases. two of these are rare, and one is predicted to only get worse with time. I've spent countless days inpatient on the peds floor receiving treatment, tests, and surgeries. And through all of it-- I've leaned heavily on Taylor's music.
My mom bought our Era's tour tickets last summer during the Europe pre-sale. I was in the hospital at the time and immediately told all of my nurses, doctors, dietitians and basically anyone who came into my room, that a year from then, i'd be seeing taylor swift. Whenever I could get out of bed, I was in the playroom with my child life specialists, making friendship bracelets to give out to other Swifties at the show. The thought of going to the Eras Tour singlehandedly kept me going through the hardest time of my life. And it's kept me going ever since.
Months later, I was hospitalized again, right before the release of 1989 TV. I'd been admitted the day after seeing The Eras Tour Movie in theaters (I was in theater 13, row 13!!) and I remember being so relieved that I hadn't had to miss it.
I had become known by most of the nurses as "the Taylor Swift girl” and the night before another procedure, I stayed up until midnight with everyone else so I could listen to 1989 TV. Hearing those songs-- I felt the happiest I'd been in so long. I felt normal again. I was sick and I was alone but I was connected to every other person who'd stayed up with me and that feeling was indescribable.
Taylor gave that to me, and so much more.
Over the course of my journey, I've listened to Sparks Fly to keep me calm while my doctors inserted feeding tubes down my nose. Whenever I have to be put under anesthesia, I have a nurse put her music on shuffle so I can listen to it as I fall asleep. When I had my big surgery in December, the last thing I remember was Bad Blood playing in the OR and saying "this is a funny song to have surgery to".
All of this is to say, Taylor has given me strength and hope during the worst part of my life, and she continues to do so. Her music is truly everything to me and getting to go the the Era's Tour is already a dream come true on it's own. And if it's possible - being able to receive the 22 hat and give Taylor a friendship bracelet would make all of that pain feel worth it. It would mean everything to me.
if you could reblog this and tag @taylorswift and @taylornation I'd appreciate that so much!! thank you to everyone whose read this far, and everyone whose shared this <3
EDIT: I’m going to be in section 119, row 20, seat 11
also if anyone is interested, I included some pics of the mentioned moments below the cut!
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seeing the eras tour movie the day before having to be admitted, and then making friendship bracelets for tour in the hospital
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the mirrorball is hung in my room for good luck
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the bracelets i’d started making in the hospital, right after getting the tickets
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and the day of the 1989 TV release - id stayed up until midnight to listen to the album, and then had my anesthesiologist play ‘Style’ for me to play while they put me out for my procedure
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one-piece-aus · 1 month
Hii I hope your day is going well ! I was looking through your masterlist and saw your music hcs from a few years ago for the straw hats and I don't think you did the followup for supernova trio? I was wondering if i could request that myself or even music hcs for all supernovas if possible? Thank you :)
Ahoy! I sorta haven't been getting around to it like many of my other hcs and requests, but I am in the mood to do music related stuff! Also I've broaden my music tastes a lot since last time so I might need to update the Strawhats' later, but for now we're here for-
Music Genres/Artists the Supernovas Listen to (Headcanons)
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If your first thought is that he listens to the most edgiest emo music there is, you're absolutely right!/hj
Okay, but being real here, he's gonna be picky about the edgy music, I'd say it leans more to moody rather than depressed
Songs like that would be Something in the Way and Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana, Paint it Black by Rolling Stones, Natural, Bones and (maybe) Enemy by Imagine Dragons, Heathens and Stresssd Out by Twenty One Pilots, Losing My Religion by R.E.M. , Crying Lightning by Artic Monkeys, Duvet by Bòa
Crazy by Gnarls Barkley was 1000% played a repeat nurmous times
Can be found at 1 am - 3 am listening and sometimes singing Wake Me Up Inside/hj
Oblivion by Dirty Palm on the other hand is played here and there but he's not too much a fan of bass songs unless he is at the club drunk and dancing all that stress & trauma off (love that one rave Law fanart )
Viva La Vida by Coldplay is a classic favorite for him
You know, he probably listens to Maneater by Daryl Hall because Dr. Heart Stealer gives those vibes
Enjoys the SIAMÉS album Bounce Into The Music but would also find comfort in their album Home
His go to genres would be soft rock or alternative rock but isn't opposed when it comes to certain pop songs like Don't You Worry Child (catch him at the right time and he will get emotional over that song)
Enjoys the older stuff & independent artists (I remember reading Law is German so many he'd like German music?)
Artists he listens to: Nirvana, Coldplay, Three Doors Down, Franz Ferinard, Artic Monkeys, The Score, Imagine Dragons, and Fall Out Boy
Metal Music
Was that not obvious?
Loves the classics
Metallica, Guns & Roses, Thrasher, Black Sabbath, Rob Zombie, Three Days Grace, Smashing Pumpkins
He enjoys rock
The Offspring, Foo Fighters, Skid Row, Rolling Stones, Finger Eleven, Ozzy Osborne, AC/DC
He enjoys some new bands like Yungbund, Blacklite District, and Goku Luck
I know there's pirate metal but he gives more viking metal vibes (does listen to both)
You know he's jamming out to the second Death Note opening & Kaiju No. 8's opening
Traitor by Daughtry and Unstable by Chaotica
He might like phonk
Says rap is crap (who's gonna tell him Goku Luck is hiphop)
Allergic to Country/serious
Is the kind of Metalhead that says Nu Metal is not Metal
Psst, can I let you in on a little secret? He secretly listens to Lady Gaga, don't tell anyone or he'll kill you
Listens to most of the stuff Kid does but also has his own tastes
Nickel Back, Coldplay, Valley of Wolves, Unsecret, Skillet, One OK Rock, Meatloaf, Opal in Sky, Okamoto, The Cranberries, and Man With a Mission
Killer is more familiar with sea shanties than Kid
He enjoys listening to Uta (Ado), his favorite song of hers would be Gira Gira because he does relate to the lyrics (he really wanted to go to her concert but the crew probably got caught up doing business on another island and missed it)
Secretly would go to a 90s pop rave, waving glowsticks as artists like 2 Unlimited blast through the speakers/silly
Is the kind of Metalhead that says Nu Metal is Metal (not in front of Kid though)
Also allergic to country/serious
Dark Academia and Goth Ambience
He enjoys the somber pianos, it's peaceful and helps him study
Organ pianos are pleasing to him as well, if played right
He might be able to play piano but the violin (which is another instrument he enjoys listening to) is tricky to find the rhythm he prefers
Does love classic violin yet finds the epic violin music videos on YouTube to be appealing
And if he’s not listening to that, meditation/ambiance music is playing
Unironically listens to background music from video games such as Minecraft or Genshin Impact
Moonlit Night from the Death Parade OST is one of his favorites
If you can't tell, he enjoys soothing instrumentals
Is a big fan of Tchaikovsky
Enjoys music from 90s Disney (Cinderella especially)
Absolutely listens to Phantom of the Opera! Look at this man! You can't tell me he doesn't!
Probably enjoys French love songs
DJ Apoo is in the house and you know he's all about the funky music!
80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, and even 20s, he loves all the rave & bass boost songs
Eurodancer, Daft Punk, 2 Unlimited, it's all a bop
Hip-hop & Rap are his jam (his taste for that would not be mine so you may list them here)
Apoo is pretty organized with his playlists, being a DJ and all, has most of them separated by genre
He thinks listening to music from Anime, Movies, and Video Games is stupid (*hands you your baseball bat*)
His ass is boring
He listens to whatever is playing on the radio
Not much of a music guy so he doesn't have any custom playlists
He might be fond of a few songs that come on the radio
Music to Drake is mainly just background noise when driving
While he doesn't mind someone playing their music, he prefers if he can understand the lyrics
Drake will easily get flustered if he hears spicy songs being played, especially if someone else is there, if he’s alone he’s instantly changes the station
Popstars by KDA
I think her taste leans to rebellious as in "Fuck you, I do what I want"
So her taste can go from Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time by Panic At The Disco, to Seven Nation Army by White Stripes
Artists she listens to on the regular would be The Offspring, Panic At The Disco, BTS(?), P!nk, Fallout Boy, Cozmez, Fake Type, UNSECRET, and Eminem
Maybe a few Kelly Clarkson songs like Stronger and Since You've Been Gone
She does not like others putting on music, you can expect her to make a fuss if you try putting on something
Auxcord hog
The Godfather OST/hj
But for real he does like Italian instrumentals
Has a taste for soft love ballets
A few French and Spanish songs are appealing to him
He doesn't like pop, hip hop, rock, metal, or rap, and doesn't understand why the youth enjoy it so much
Except for 80s J-pop, he can see the appeal for songs such as Airport Lady by Toshiki Kadomatsu or Telephone Number by Junko Ohashi
And soft rock, specially the love songs like Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel or Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elves (he just loves his wife, guys)
So basing this off one of his hobbies Oda has confirmed
He loves seductive music, whether it’s playing in the background or he looking for something to listen to
Most played songs is Careless Whispers
Jazz and spicy pop are his top genres
Prime examples are: Mirrors by Natalia Kills, Sway by Michael Bublé, Pause by Pitbull, One More Night by Maroon 5, Stalker's Tango by Autoheart Lent
I could make playlists for them if y'all want but for now, do what you will with these headcanons, make your own playlists ✨️
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cityofmeliora · 1 month
What do you think about Copia’s childhood? I saw your post about Terzo’s, so I started wondering. Where do you think he was raised, who do you think he was raised by, how did it contribute to who he is today?
ok so first, i just wanna be clear that this post isn't gonna include anything about Cardi's twin because i'm still waiting to see what happens next in the lore before i try to write anything involving him.
with that out of the way,
like all my Ghost headcanons, my headcanons about Cardi are built on the foundation that the band Ghost lore is about 1) an evil satanic cult, and 2) a dysfunctional showbiz family from Los Angeles.
basically, i think Cardi had a very lonely childhood. and he has psychological issues caused by a lifetime of Sister Imperator's insane parenting. his anxiety in Rite Here Rite Now, about how being Papa is all he wants to do and all he thinks he could do, SCREAMS of "unethical Hollywood parent who molded her child to be a star" to me.
i do think Sister 'raised' him, or was at least present in his life since he was a child ("You'll always be my little Cardi.") and she just... didn't him she was his mom / Nihil was his dad. (i guess it's quite similar to children of catholic clergy IRL, who are sometimes raised by family but never told about their true parentage, or know the truth and are told to hide it.)
Cardi is autistic, obviously, but i also think his awkwardness is him being socially underdeveloped because he comes from an isolated cult environment. he was a weird satanic homeschool kid who almost never interacted with anyone outside the Ministry, and he was basically left to watch movies and listen to music and play video games all day. i like the idea that Cardi had dance training when he was young, though. that was probably the only time he really got to interact with others. and because he grew up in the Los Angeles area, on the occasions he did get to go out, he was always surrounded by the entertainment industry and people trying to rise to stardom.
anyway, i think this was all somewhat intentional, or at least worked in Sister Imperator's favor, to mold him into a neurotic showbiz baby in service of her evil satanic death cult. (though i don't think he cares about the cult aspect of Ghost at all. he's been in it his whole life because he didn't have a choice and has never known anything else. he really just wants to be a rock star.) growing up without the love of friends + family, Cardi filled that void with games / music / film. so... of course he wanted to be an entertainer when he grew up– that was his only avenue for human connection.
and i think Cardi kinda knew Sister Imperator was giving him special treatment and pulling strings to put him in position to become Papa, though he never understood why.
a major point in my Terzo character analysis post is that he was very ambitious and he loved being an entertainer and a showman, but he was frustrated because he wasn't allowed to express his full potential. i wrote that his mindset was "i know i'm good enough. and i could prove it if they would just let me."
and ever since i wrote that, i can't stop thinking about how Cardi feels the exact same way.
he's super talented. he's worked very hard. he's proud of his accomplishments. he's proven he's capable! but Sister Imperator doesn't respect him. she infantilizes him. she keeps the training wheels on. she doesn't want him to be capable!
Sister Imperator does not allow Cardi to have independent thoughts or make real decisions for himself. she allows him the illusion of autonomy when she needs to, but every time he shows a little bit of awareness of how fucked up his life actually is, she shuts him down to keep him under control. she purposefully hides information from him so he won't know anything she doesn't want him to know. she intrudes on his privacy because his bedroom doesn't have a door.
i think their relationship has been like this his whole life.
you can see examples of this manipulation / obfuscation throughout the Chapters, and you can see a lot of it in Rite Here Rite Now.
first off, the opening narration gives the context / background information that sometime in late 2021, when Cardi was 51 years old, he found out his two bosses are actually his parents, and his mother kept this a secret from both him and his father his whole life. which is. wild. to say the least.
(i think when he found out, he was disappointed by the realization that he got to where he is because he was secretly a nepo baby and not because he was doing a good job on his own.)
moving on. in Rite Here Rite Now, Cardi's main source of stress was that he fully believed his parents were going to murder him and then put his body on display to sell VIP tickets for his successor's concerts. this was genuine fear, and he had a legitimate reason to believe they would do that to him because they actually did that to his three older brothers! and in the later Chapters, Sister Imperator and Mr. Psaltarian were totally fucking with his head and making him think he was going to die!
he asks Sister why he can't continue being Papa for longer –because he doesn't want his parents to kill him when they're done with him– and she just brushes him off and tells him to keep playing his show. then in the Miasma scene, Cardi has a critical moment of awareness and asks what the hell is actually going on in his life and who's in control.
PAPA EMERITUS IV: One thing I do not understand… All these things… here, all of this stuff, and all of these things we're doing, where we go, and when, and to where… Who decides these things? I mean, who's calling the shots?
this is totally fair! he has a right to know this information!
in response, his parents completely avoid answering the question. they shut him down and basically tell him he sounds ungrateful for the life he has.
SISTER IMPERATOR: You waste so much time and energy worrying about what's been and what's next, who's next and whatnot. As with all things in life, it circulates. Everything that has a beginning has an ending. There just has to be an orderly transition.
she never tells him the truth. she just tells him to stop worrying. stop thinking.
they never tell him they're not going to kill him. They Never Tell Him They're Not Going To Kill Him. THEY NEVER TELL HIM THEY'RE NOT GOING TO KILL HIM.
Cardi spends the last third of the movie making peace with the idea that he is going to die soon and his parents will be the ones to kill him. after Respite On The Spitalfields, he seems resigned to his fate. he tells the Nameless Ghouls they're not doing an encore. he says "Fuck it." but Sister Imperator, still explaining nothing, tells him to do the encore and he unenthusiastically gets back on stage.
SISTER IMPERATOR: Even though you don't understand right now, sooner or later, you will know what I'm talking about. Things –events– are unavoidable. Now you go back out there and give them one hell of an encore. And that's all you have to worry about. PAPA EMERITUS IV: Okay. SISTER IMPERATOR: Off you go.
by the beginning of Square Hammer, he decides he is actually happy with the life he has and he's okay with whatever's coming. and he still expects he's going to die... only for them to totally fake him out.
Sister Imperator dies instead. in the letter she leaves him, she tells him, "My son, I'm sorry I could not find it in my heart to tell you about my condition. I was afraid you might lose your sometimes frail concentration." more obfuscation. more infantilization.
at the end of the letter, she promotes him to head of the Clergy. he takes on his new job assignment as Frater Imperator and he seems to think he'll have more power now that Sister Imperator is "not in charge anymore." i'm not so sure about that.
and this isn't even getting into all the other weird shit going on between them in that movie! why was Cardi literally unable to see her wheelchair and medicine until the Spoksonat scene? why couldn't he remember his twin brother who he spent time with as a child? either Cardi is even more mentally unwell than we know, or Sister is messing with his head in even more ways than we know. maybe both. probably both.
i do believe Sister Imperator loves Cardi. that does not negate the fact that she is also manipulative and dishonest and has no respect for him, and that made her a terrible parent. she caused him a lifetime of unnecessary confusion and suffering in furtherance of her goals. yes, he is often childish and irresponsible. but i think the way she treated him didn't allow him to mature on his own.
the worst part about all this? i think he's convinced himself that he loves her, too. (he doesn't actually know how to feel about her. it would be too painful to think about.)
in summary, to me, Cardi's life is like The Truman Show, except it's the bad ending where the producer (Sister Imperator) successfully convinces him to stay in the bubble.
this was supposed to be a headcanons post and it totally turned into an analysis post, but i cannot help it. i just love Cardi so fucking much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WANT CARDI TO BE SAFE AND HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw i think his actual legal given name is Cardinal Copia Imperator. yeah. i believe Sister Imperator actually named him that.
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loganwritesprobably · 3 months
Hi is it possible for you to write about a reader(gn) who takes care of Chopper like he's their child? I've always thought Chopper was adorable and wanted to spoil him like he was my kid.
Dancing In The Rain
Hey anon - thank you so much for this request! It was lovely to write something so sweet, and platonic! It's a little bit short, but I hope you enjoy it
Listen to the playlist Read the fic here on AO3 or below the cut
Notes/Warnings: Chopper & GN!Reader, parental reader, dancing in the rain,
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You'd joined the crew shortly after they'd left Alabasta. You met them on Jaya, and you couldn't resist the call to join them - they had such big dreams, and people on Jaya just seemed.. complacent. You'd never achieve anything if you stayed here, so when Luffy offered you his hand at the final moment before they set off to take the knock up stream to find the sky island, you figured at least it would be a cool death if they didn't succeed, and you took his hand. You'd been with them ever since.
You were sailing between islands, with the crew scattered across the deck. The weather wasn't the best you'd experienced but it was enough for you all to be out and enjoying the salty sea air. Nami and Usopp were sitting together, animatedly chatting about something; Zoro was leaning up against the railing and taking a nap; Sanji was doing something in the kitchen, probably for Robin and Nami; Luffy and Brook were sitting amongst the tangerine trees and talking about piracy; Franky and Robin were tucked up together while she read a book and he brainstormed invention ideas; and Jinbei was of course steering the ship. It was sweet. You loved just watching the crew interact, and relax in their downtime between huge battles. It was then that you realised you weren't sure where Chopper was. You took another glance around the ship, and pushing off the wall you'd been leaning on, you noticed he was tucked up with Zoro taking a nap, he'd been obscured by Nami. You smiled, glad you'd spotted him, and relaxed once again.
The issue with the Grand Line is that the weather can be utterly unpredictable. Nami looked up at the sky with narrowed, scrutinising eyes, and after just a few words, she and Ussop packed up to head inside, Robin noticed them go and prompted Franky to follow. Surely enough, just a minute or so later, the heavens opened and sheets of water began falling from the sky in heavy rainfall.
Zoro woke slowly, frowning up at the sky, where Chopper remained asleep on the swordsman's chest. You walked over toward them, smiling at Zoro as you gently woke Chopper. He'd slept plenty anyway. "Gotta get inside, we'll all catch a cold." You said with a soft laugh as Chopper slowly woke, blinking slowly as his brain caught up with what was happening. He looked up and let a few droplets of rain fall, allowing you to pick him up as you did. "Rain actually doesn't make people catch a cold." Chopper told you as he continued watching the rain fall as if hypnotised, hardly even acknowledging you. You nodded for Zoro to head inside, and he happily did so, content to find somewhere less wet to take a nap.
You were about to follow suit, taking Chopper with you, when from beneath the protection of the branches of the tangerine trees, Brook began to sing and play his violin. Luffy joined him shortly after, pitchy as ever. You were temporarily stunned, but found that your heart felt warm. This was your crew - your family. Chopper began to sing along from his place in your arms, and unable to resist, you joined them too. You begin to step and twirl around the deck in something resembling a dance, and after a moment Chopper hopped down from your hold and changed popped a rumble ball, shifting to jump point. He took your hands in his own and the two of you began twirling around to the music.
You couldn't help your joyful laughter, giggles escaping you between lyrics of the song Brook was playing as you spun around the deck with Chopper, becoming increasingly soaked by the rain. It was such a silly use of a rumble ball, but why shouldn't he be able to use them to bring himself joy? He was still a kid, after all. It didn't take long for Luffy to jump down from beneath the trees and join you in the rain, wrapping his arms around you to join your not-quite-dance, and then other crew members quickly came to follow.
You danced and sang while Brook played music, making the most of a good day despite the weather.
─── ・ 。゚☆: ⊹.🩺. ⊹ :☆。゚・ ───
Later that night, after dinner, you carried Chopper in your arms toward the med bay. The other boys were still being rowdy, and you wanted Chopper to rest well. You backed into the door carefully to push it open, using your foot to make sure it closed softly, and rested the young reindeer on the bed. He stirred for just a moment before pulling the blanket further up toward his face and cuddling further into the pillow. You sat on the edge of the bed, gently removing his hat and setting it aside, then reached to brush your fingers through his hair.
He was such a sweet boy, and so much had happened in his life. If you could, you'd wrap him up tight and keep him safe for the rest of your lives, because he was just a kid and he should be protected. But his dream was to heal people, and who were you to take that away from him? You left the room briefly and returned with a glass of water which you left beside his hat, so if he wanted a drink when he woke then it was there for him.
Before leaving again, for the last time to let him rest, you leaned down to press a gentle kiss to his forehead, carefully tucking the blanket in around his small body to keep him safe and warm. He didn't stir this time, just remained in a peaceful sleep. Carefully so as to not wake up, you stood and left the room, ensuring the door closed as softly as possible behind you. You didn't have kids of your own, at least not yet, but you'd like to think Chopper came close to that.
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Requests are open! See below links for my other works, and how to leave requests. I write both canon/canon and canon/reader requests for your enjoyment
AO3 | Fanfic Masterlist | Request Rules | Fic Trades Guide | WIPs
Tags: @claryeverlarkf @uselessboots
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fandoms--fluff · 8 months
You'll See When We Get There
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Older Mikaelson sister reader x Hope Mikaelson
Summary: You take your little sister to the American Girl store in Houston.
Warnings: None
A/n: I've loved American Girl since I was a child and I really wanted to write this.
Ever since you introduced Hope to American Girl dolls, she's loved them. You got her one for Christmas four years ago, one of the truly me ones that looks like her. And the nine-year-old is attached to it, to say the least. She takes the doll basically everywhere and plays with her with all the doll things she's gotten over the years. She also convinces you to play with her, and you love it and how her face lights up with excitement every time you agree.
She's also gotten Uncle Kol and Aunt Rebekah to play with her sometimes. And once actually got Uncle Elijah to play with her as well after a lot of begging him and you helping her until he complied.
You got her the one for Christmas because of how she loves your own Felicity doll that you got in the 90s when she came out. That's what you play with, her and your dolls together.
Hayley always smiles as she watches you and Hope play, knowing you don't have to, but you do.
It's got you thinking about how, even though she loves the dolls, she's never been to an American Girl store before. So that's how you came up with your plan to surprise your little sister.
You talked to Hayley and your dad about it, taking Hope on a road trip to Houston, Texas, and surprising her with going to the AG store. It's the closest store to you guys, so you wanted it to be a big surprise and everything. They agreed quickly, knowing Hope had been talking about wanting to go to the store for a long time.
"Hey, Hope" You smile, walking into her bedroom after setting down a bag in the doorway. She's sitting on the floor, her doll sitting in a chair, and doll food is set up on the purple table. A miniature fork in her hand, pretending to feed her.
"Hi!" She grins. You walk over and crouch down next to her. "I have a surprise for you," You tell her. "But, first you need to pack a bag."
"Why?" She asks, clearly excited about the surprise.
"We're going on a road trip, just you and me. And when we get there, you'll see the surprise" You run your hand through her hair before standing up. She follows and starts packing a bag with you.
Once you guys are finished, you zip up the yellow bag and swing it over your shoulder, picking up your own bag as well. She looks back across the room.
"Can I bring my doll?" She asks, not wanting to leave her here all alone. She knows that Mommy and Daddy will be here, and some of her aunts and uncles, but still.
"Of course you can" You nod over for her to grab her. The doll is wearing a lilac dress, with matching shoes and bandana. She lifts the doll into her arms and follows you down the stairs, into the living room.
"You guys are heading out?" Hayley asks. "Yeah, I want us to get there before dark" You answer her.
"Do you know where we're going, Mommy?" Hope looks up at Hayley.
"Sorry, baby, I can't say, it's a surprise" She kisses the nine-year-old's forehead. "Okay," She sighs dramatically, making you chuckle.
"Bye Mommy, bye Daddy" She hugs them before you guys walk out to your car. You put your guys' two bags in the trunk. There's also another bag with snacks and juice boxes you already put in the front seat beforehand.
She climbs into her booster seat and buckles herself up as you start the car.
During the almost six-hour drive to the hotel, you and Hope munched on snacks and listened to Disney music.
Once you got there, it was almost seven and you were both tired and hungry. You parked the car in the hotel parking lot.
"Okay, we're going to check in, and put our bags in the room, then we can go get dinner" You turn to look at Hope.
"Okay. Can we get pizza?" She asks. "You read my mind" you chuckle, making her smile brighten.
You guys walk down the street to a pizza factory after dropping the bags and Hope's doll in the room. She didn't want to get it dirty, so it was easy to persuade her to not bring it for once. But you didn't feel as bad since you know she'll be really happy when tomorrow comes.
"Pepperoni?" You ask her as you guys stand in line. "Mhm!" She nods in agreement. When you guys get to the front, you order a small pepperoni pizza. You take the number card for the table and sit at a booth. Your sister sitting across from you.
"Where are we?" She asks, remembering you never told her exactly where you guys are.
"We're in Texas right now, more specifically, Houston" You answer her.
"Why?" She tilts her head. "It's part of the surprise. You'll see tomorrow." You ruffle her hair.
"Where are we goin?" Hope asks. She's kneeling on the made bed facing where you're putting on your leather jacket. "Well, you'll just have to see for yourself. Let's go, shall we?"
Hope lifts her arms up for you. You walk over, lifting her up into your arms. She wraps her legs around your waist and her arms around your neck. You place a kiss on her forehead before setting her back down on the ground.
"Why don't you grab your doll and then we can go," you tell her. "Okay!" Hope exclaims, excited about getting to bring her doll along. Her feet patter against the carpeted floor and grabbed her doll from the chair that she turned into the doll's bed last night.
She comes back over to you, taking hold of your outstretched hand. You make sure the hotel door is locked before walking down to the parking lot.
You guys had the hotel breakfast earlier in the morning, pancakes, fruit, and hashbrowns.
All throughout the drive, you take notice of the excitement on Hope's face as she clutches her doll close as she looks out the window.
"Okay, we're here" You park the car, getting out of the car. Hope follows you, jumping out of her booster seat, doll clutched in her arms.
Hope holds your left hand as you lead her through the mall. She pauses, her face brightening the moment she sees it. The American Girl store. You guys are standing four feet away from the entrance, beside a display of the 90's twins.
"Well, what are you waiting for, let's head on in" You tell her ruffling her hair with your other hand.
Not wasting another second, she pulls you into the store quickly, heading right over to the display case of all the historical dolls.
As she's looking at all of them, she tilts her head and looks up at you. "Why is Felicity not here?" She points up to all the dolls. "Oh, well they retired her a while ago. Meaning they no longer sell her anymore" You explain. "Oh, that's sad," Hope says.
"Yeah, it is a bit" You squeeze her hand before she ultimately gets distracted by everything again.
Let's just say you spent a lot of money, definitely spoiling your baby sister, but who can blame you? In your defense, you've been planning this and it's not like you were setting a budget anyways. You can never tell if that's a good or bad thing.
You and Hope walk into the house, a bunch of American Girl bags full. You guys had just gotten back from another five hours on the road.
Hayley and Klaus walk into the room, their eyes immediately going to the excessive amount of red shopping bags. "Well, I see you guys had fun," Hayley says.
Hope runs over to her, "Mommy!" Hayley holds her daughter close before pulling away. "Y/n/n took us to the American Girl store and we had so much fun and there were so much things" Hope explained, energy pumping through her veins after sleeping for the last s and a half hours in the car.
As Hope continues to animatedly tell Hayley about the trip, Klaus walks over to you, hugging you.
"Do I even want to know how much money you spent?" He asks. "I wouldn't recommend it," You tell him, faux wincing.
"I have to say, you learnt well from Rebekah" Klaus shakes his head chuckling. "Well, she is the best on the subject of shopping" You lean into your father. He wraps his arm around you as you guys watch Hope open the new doll, Addy, and take her out of the box.
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Pls More general sfw headcanons of cooper and reader? Ghoul or pre war whichever you prefer honestly.
General SFW Prewar!Cooper Howard Headcanons 2
(I'll do some Ghoul SFW in a follow-up; this got away from me a little.)
Clearly he enjoys film and theatre, but he has a fairly secret soft spot for musicals. Pretty much any musical will pique his interest, and you'll spend a fair few date nights out seeing shows. You find it very endearing that he wants to share his interests with you. He's got an especially soft spot for some of the older, cheesier musicals though; hope you're ready to see "Brigadoon" like a half dozen times! He's got that one on tape.
"Old Yeller" is banned media in the Howard household (as are most things about dogs who die), as well as books like "The Velveteen Rabbit", which he read to Janey when she was four and never truly recovered from. Coop cries like a baby every time and gets so embarrassed. You once asked Janey if she'd ever seen it, and she tells you, rather conspiratorially, that she once watched it at a friend's house.
The old man actually cries quite easily when he's moved by something. He'll try to hide it away, but every once in a while he fully loses it (tbh it's the 'child death' type stuff that really upsets him; to this day, he's still a little mad at Barb for showing him "Bridge to Terabithia" on family movie night and thinking he would like it). You think it's the sweetest thing and you always reassure him that it's nothing to be ashamed of.
I imagine that, like a good, engaged father, he takes a particular interest in Janey's likes and hobbies; if you ask him what she likes, he can give you an entire list of things you can engage with her on, every single one of them accurate and up-to-date. If Janey really likes a book series, he'll read it (or maybe listen to it if he's short on time). If she really likes a band, y'all have fun at the concert! Every group comes through LA so you may be going to several concerts a year eventually. He even knows who her favorite member is! He only falls in love with you more when you do the same with her.
He's a true romantic at heart; despite being really torn up about the divorce and thinking he'll never fall in love again, he does, and hard. It's not long before he (unbelievably, to him especially) finds himself wanting to propose. He waits a while, though, wanting to feel out the dynamic between you and Janey, worrying about how Barb will feel when she ultimately finds out. He doesn't want to be married to her anymore, but he still cares for her, and he doesn't want to hurt her.
I'd like to think that he and Barb had a pretty nice, large wedding (as I've said before, likely at an older age than many of their peers, even if, canonically, it seems they were already dating during Cooper's military service; they both strike me as the type to want to wait until they were better established to actually marry). Not anything too crazy, but since Cooper's career was really starting to take off, she did want to use the wedding as an opportunity to rub elbows, so there were quite a few people in attendance that he flat-out didn't know. It didn't bother him much at the time; Barb always loved an opportunity to network and Coop could never deny her anything. But, given a chance to do it over, I think he'd do things differently.
With you, he'd wanna go to the courthouse. He'd be happy to have a nice, private ceremony eventually, maybe a little vow renewal for your one-year down on the beach in Mexico or something. But when you get legally married it'll be at the courthouse, just the two of you and Janey. You wouldn't have it any other way.
You try your best to keep it under wraps, but, well...marriage licenses are a matter of public record, and there are people whose whole job is to unearth things like that. The fallout (ha) from it may be stronger than you anticipated, but, at the end of the day, you have one another, and you're happy with that.
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radioisntdead · 6 months
Hello!! I just read your velvette fic and it blew me away!!
Would it be okay if you made a fic of lucifers new wife meeting the hazbin hotel gang, along with mentioning how she died? It can be a song fic, and if it was, maybe what I know now from Beetlejuice?
If I'm asking for a lot, I'm sorry, this is my second time requesting something :)
Either way, thank you for considering this request, and if you could tag me if you make it, that would be nice!
With love 💙💙
Good evening my dear! First of all you're doing great requesting! @fuck-this-shit-xin
Normally I prefer not to write for Lucifer for a couple of reasons, but the moment I read what I know now, I immediately went into writing mode, I ADORE THAT SONG, and Beetlejuice the musical as a whole but that song changed me, I annoyed my parents by playing it all the time back in 2020. I may have gotten slightly off track of the request, (I got excited writing reader singing)
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If I knew then what I know now
Suicide and Self harm, Reader was a child star, Reader like the others breaks into song.
Link to the song, highly recommend you listen to it while reading!
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Well, meeting your new husband's daughter was a bust, you ended up at her hotel, and he proceeded to get in a fight with a radio deer man and it was chaotic, So you decided to have a redo dinner where you could properly meet her and everyone,
Unfortunately the duck obsessed man had some type of emergency leaving you with your stepdaughter, her girlfriend and a couple of the other hotel residents alone.
"I'm sure he'll be back eventually."
You said with a strained smile, nervously smoothing out your dress as Charlie nodded,
"Yeah! I'm sure it was something that was super important, So uh, how'd you meet my dad?"
"Oh! Well it's a funny story-"
"Better question how does he perform in bed?"
"I'm not answering that."
And that pinwheeled into everyone drinking at the bar, chatting about random things and eventually Angel dust said something about his erotic films and you said you were in a couple of films when alive, although yours were more.... Family friendly
"Life is a thing that should be cherished, let me tell you I wish I could go back to it sometimes," you said swirling the alcoholic beverage in your hand,
"What wassssss your life like?"
The radio flickered on, letting a tune pour out.
Alastor raised an eyebrow.
"I was hot, I went to parties a lot"
You leaned back in your chair, recalling when you were alive,
Well that's not what Charlie was expecting you to open with,
"I was driving Lamborghinis, Sipping super-dry martinis,"
You downed the rest of your drink before standing up, moving to the music
"In the tiniest bikinis on a yacht"
You were quite scandalous when you were alive
"But I was depressed"
You put an arm over your head and leaned back leaning back, Alastor pushed you forwards with his cane.
"Also completely obsessed"
You had competed in beauty pageants since you were a child, you had starred in some films both as a child and as an Adult.
"An unhappy beauty queen"
It had been installed in you to be beautiful, the best, you had to eliminate your competition by outshining them, you were thrusted into the spotlight at such a young age, you never stood a chance.
"Who dreamed to be Miss Argentina"
A role you couldn't reach no matter how hard you tried,
"I had such low self-esteem"
You were beat down verbally by not only those around you, but by yourself, no one could beat the words you told yourself in the late hours of the night.
''I was a mess''
You had drowned your woes in alcohol, cocaine and other things, no one truly knew how much of a mess you were, being completely functional to do your pageants or films.
"So I gave it all up for the netherworld''
You flipped your hair as you twirled around.
"I've been here forever, girl"
You couldn't tell how long it's been since you died, you witnessed the decades change slowly but surely as more souls fell below.
"If I was more clever, girl"
You smiled.
"I would've stuck it out, Knowing what life's about,"
Oh how you missed looking out your window and seeing the blue sky, the sun, you missed fresh fruit, you missed the trees, normal looking animals!
"Pain and joy and suffering"
Maybe if you were born into a different life you would've been happier.
"Failing but recovering"
You made the decision to fix yourself, you hated the way your coping mechanisms made you feel, it destroyed you.
"I'll tell you another thing, Everyone comes here alone"
You motioned at the residents of the hotel, you weren't completely wrong, Angel dust came alone, Alastor showed up alone but summoned forth Husk and Niffty later on, Sir Pentious technically had his eggs but still.
"So if you are breathing, Go home!"
You danced with the rhythm of the music, hips moving.
"If I knew then, What I know now"
You placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder,
"I would have looked within and let love in somehow"
She gave you a warm hug you returned the hug before stepping back
"If I only knew the truth back then"
It was the last time, that's what you told yourself as you opened the bottle of Vodka, just one last time.
"I wouldn't have had my little "accident""
The little voice in your head was telling you it was going to get worse, and worse, you would never escape this life, you would forever be watched like a puppet, there was a letter opener on your nightstand, you were using it to open fanmail early that day.
The bracelets on your wrists moved showing a glimpse of the red markings that ended your life.
"Don't be blind"
You laid on the cold ground, blood staining your clothing, you looked up and saw the night sky, the stars were so, so beautiful.
"We left our whole lives behind"
You wondered who found you, your manager? a friend? Family member?
"See a shrink, Call a priest"
You moved around,
"Ask the recently deceased"
You glanced at the hotel residents, they hadn't died recently, you snapped your fingers summoning forth little puppet like people, where they sinners, did they come from you? Were they like the eggs? Who knows.
"Death is final and you cannot press rewind"
Stage lights turned on.
"Don't jump when the light is red"
"Toasters should be used for bread"
"Never smoke cigars in bed"
Three puppets sung, different colored lights shining on them
"Nietzsche was right, y'know, to live is to suffer, bro"
"Don't cheat on the one you wed"
A puppet dress in a suit popped up next, mocking a groom.
"Never whip a thoroughbred"
"Angry pygmys shrunk his head"
"Why did it take death to see, Happiness was up to me?" They sung in unison, each puppet dressed to match their line.
You stepped onto the stage the puppets surrounded you, standing beside and behind you.
"If I knew then, What I know now,"
You moved with the puppets,
"I would've laughed and danced"
Regrets filled you through and through
"And lanced every sacred cow"
You never did the things you wanted too, you never truly indulged in the hobbies you loved,
"I thought I knew, but I was wrong!"
If you could turn back the clock you would, without hesitation,
"'Cause life is short"
You would've probably still ended up here but at least you could've said that you lived life to the fullest!
"But death is super long"
You had an eternity to make up for the things you never did in life, it wasn't the same for multiple reasons, the main one being you were in hell.
A puppet exploded into a pile of confetti beside you.
"I exploded!"
Niffty quickly moved to clean up the confetti.
You danced to the music, twirling the puppets around, pulling up Charlie up onto the stage for a quick dance, A stray puppet pulling Angel dust into a very disorganized dance as he was tall while the puppet was not, Alastor did a goofy dance while another puppet aimed to dance with the eggs.
it wasn't all bad being down there, after all you did met your darling husband who you loved, and being married pulled you up above the average sinner.
Charlie hopped off of the stage
"If I knew then, What I know now"
Lights moved with you around the stage
"I would've crossed every line and drank all the wine"
One of the puppets wandered off to grab a glass of wine only to be stop by husk picking it up and tossing it over.
"Before my final bow!'
You did a half bow before twisting around, face to the puppets as they danced around you.
"If I knew"
You raised a hand the faintest of strings could be seen
"The things that now I know"
"I would ride the highs and cherish the lows"
Life was something you should've NEVER took for granted, you longed for the sense of normalcy that came with it,
"Going, it's a quick trick 'round the rodeo"
A small wooden horse with a smaller puppet moved around the stage for a moment.
Your movements became more face paced, your voice
"So before they lower the curtain, be certain to enjoy the show"
You bowed elegantly.
"That's what I know!"
The curtains closed.
"Life is short but death is long, Here, one minute then it's gone""
"Thought I knew but I was wrong, If I only knew what I know now!"
Your legs gave out below you, collapsed on the stage, the puppets vanished as the song ended, you were glad the curtains covered you.
You could hear the hotel doors fling open,
"Sorry I'm back! Everything's dandy now, what'd I miss?"
You heard your husband say, you took a deep breath before standing up brushing yourself off.
"Why are there ducks stuck on your coat?"
"I see Alaska is still here,"
"It's Aʟǟֆȶօr."
"Dad, Alastor please behave"
And that was your cue to prevent another fight You opened up the curtains with a large smile,
"Luci! You just missed my performance"
You said leaping off the stage tackling the short fallen angel into a hug, flustering him at the sudden attack of affection.
"I- wHAT?"
You wished you could go back and live life to the fullest but you couldn't do that, you had to spend your afterlife with your regrets, you would forever have that desire to go back, to live a sense of normalcy but you had your husband and maybe a new family with Charlie and Vaggie.
You looked forward to what the future held.
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Good evening folks hope you enjoyed! Lucifer didn't get much page time (??) because no idea how to write him and again I wanted to indulge in reader's musical performance, thank you for tuning in I am making my ways through requests!
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