#listened to it again recently like this week and now i wanna keep listening to ittttt XD
kuiinncedes · 1 year
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sanguineterrain · 17 days
your most recent jason fic has me in a bit of a chokehold and its bc you do so well with the dialogue and the banter!!
HONEYLOVE???#?*×& i need to be physically restrained (i appreciate your fics respectfully)
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anyways, the fic has me thinking: imagine it's the same reader, but they know Jason's alive and they're back to being friends again (skipping over the drama of "YOU'RE ALIVE?!?" "yea lmao sorry ily tho") but there's this tension now. and since Jason's not working with a mask anymore (and he's slightly more vulnerable with r), it's him who gets flustered and it's r who does the flirting playful banter. maybe it ends with a kiss (˘ ³˘) ?
i'm such a sucker for a flustered Jason and there's something that tells me he gets really weak in the knees for someone he adores >:) anyways, you can always choose to write this or not but a very big, fat thank you if you do
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the reaction pics are SO FUNNY i'm glad you enjoy this au <3
jason todd x gn!nocturne!reader. pt 3 of vigilante reader. this is basically reader just being feral over jason :> they speak for all of us, really. love confessions, tension, somewhat flustered jason, more sparring lols.
pt 1 / pt 2
Jason Todd is alive. Jason Todd is sitting two feet away, talking about a case.
You can't quite believe it. You went home two days ago and expected to wake up to the whole thing being a dream or the result of a Poison Ivy hallucinogen.
You can't stop staring at him. It's weird. You're being weird. But you can't help it.
Every time you see Jason, you want to look at him for as long as possible. You don't want to forget his face. This new face. Scarred and hardened, but still good. Still loved.
And, well. It's not like Jason's bad looking. Sure, you thought he was cute when you were teenagers. Resurrection makes the heart grow fonder, et cetera.
But now? Now, Jason makes your heart stupid. You can barely contain your desire. It's been two weeks since he revealed himself, and every time you see him, you have to dig your nails into your palms to keep yourself from showing him what he does to you.
Sometimes you think he sees right through you, but if he does, he never acts on it.
"—listening. Yo. Ground control to Major Tom. Are you with me?"
Jason waves a hand in front of you. You blink.
He's unmasked and in a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt and dark jeans—the most comfortable you've seen him, actually. His hair is still wet from his shower.
"Sorry," you say, suddenly zeroed in on the three droplets of water sliding down his neck. "I'm listening. Just looking at you."
"'Cause I'm so pretty?" Jason asks, batting his lashes.
You reach over without thinking. He freezes when you wipe the water off of his neck. Then you tuck a curl behind his ear.
"You should let me blow-dry your hair," you say, taking your time in dropping your hand. "It'll take ages to dry in this humidity."
Jason's eyes have gone wide. Pink splotches bloom on the apples of his cheeks.
"Uh." He swallows. You watch his throat bob. "Thanks. Maybe... next time."
"I'll steal Dick's. He's got the fancy sixteen setting one."
That makes Jason smile. "Hm. Some things never change."
His eyes crinkle at the corners. Fondness swells swiftly in your chest.
You stay like that for a moment, caught in each other's orbit.
Jason breaks it first, leaning away. "Right. You should probably get back to the Manor. Br–the others'll probably think I kidnapped ya."
You shrug. "I quit."
"Bruce was getting on my last nerve. I can't work with someone like that."
Jason snorts. "Join the club. Look, I can't say I'm not thrilled that you're stickin' it to the old man. But if this is 'cause of me... I wouldn't be mad if you kept workin' with him. Honest. If that's what you wanna do, don't let me stop you."
"Jason." You rest your hand atop his. "I joined this life because of you. To honor you. You taught me how to help people, not Bruce. You taught me what it meant to be kind, to be a part of something bigger than myself."
To love, you don't say.
"I..." He shakes his head. "You became Nocturne for me?"
You close your eyes, then open them. You've cried so many times. You don't want to stay in your grief any longer. Not when he's right in front of you.
"When you died, I..." You take a deep breath. "Nocturne was something to ground me. I think Bruce recognized that. I think he knew how much you meant to me. He didn't have to take a chance on me, and I appreciate that he did. But I've realized that he doesn't know everything. Can't see what's right in front of him sometimes."
You squeeze Jason's wrist. He sighs.
"God, I'm sorry," he says.
"What're you sorry for, Jay? You came back. That's all I ever wanted."
Jason chews his cheek for a moment. Then he stands, chair scraping the floor.
"C'mon," he says.
You follow him to the living room. He moves the armchair, the couch, and rolls up the rug. He disappears down the hall and returns with two thick mats. He tosses them onto the floor.
"Uh..." you say. "What're you—"
"'M gonna show you what y'did wrong that night on the roof."
"Wow. Can't believe you're still single. Being reminded of my shitty combat skills gets me so hot."
Jason rolls his eyes. "Alright, smartass. Just 'cause you quit the Bats doesn't mean you won't go out there and keep helping people. I know you. The least I can do is pick up where Dickface left off in your training."
"The least you can do, huh? I think you just wanna pin me against the floor again," you say, smirking.
He clears his throat. "That—no."
"No?" You step closer and look at him through your lashes. You're so close, you're touching his chest. "What happened to tying me up 'cause I was out when I shouldn't have been? Isn't that another educational technique?"
Jason's throat bobs. "That wasn't—I was just saying things."
"Hm. That's too bad."
You skip right past him, onto the mat, and hold out your arms.
"Okay. Put the moves on me, J.P."
It takes Jason a moment to craft his usual poker face. When he does, he groans. "'M not an evil Gilded Age financier. Still don't like 'J.P.'"
"But you like me-ee," you sing-song.
He shrugs. "Sometimes. Until you give me a heart attack and run into a burning building."
"Wish I could've seen your face for that one," you say as you steel your shoulders and secure your feet.
"Better you didn't. I'm sure there was a vein or two popping outta my forehead." Jason cracks his neck. "Ready?"
"Lay it on me, big guy."
"You first. Attack me like you normally would."
So you do. You step forward and throw a punch similar to the one from your rooftop spar. Jason catches it, of course. But this time, he locks you in a hold. One leg is between yours, and your arms are twisted behind your back with one hand. Humiliating.
"Dude!" You wiggle. Jason doesn't yield. "Jay, come on. No petty criminal is gonna know how to do all that."
"I know. The point of this is for you to know how to use someone's size against them."
Jason presses his cheek against yours. You tamp down your shiver. You can hear his heartbeat.
"Take a breath," he murmurs.
You close your eyes and breathe. Jason's grip doesn't hurt, but you're frustrated by how predictable you are. How he knows your body. A part of you is missing in not knowing him the way he knows you.
"Alright," he says. "Think. What part of me is exposed?"
"Not the important parts, I hope."
You can feel his eyeroll.
"You're hilarious. C'mon, focus. What can you attack?"
"Um... your legs. You trapped my arms, but my and your legs are free."
"Good." The praise warms you. Being this close to Jason will never get old. "What else?"
"What else? Do you have a tail I don't know about?"
"Sucha wiseass," he says, mouth close to your ear. "Your head. You're still able to move your head, and you're close to my face."
"Yeah, I'm not headbutting you. Out of the kindness of my heart."
"I appreciate that, sweets. Sweep my leg."
So you do. Jason goes down easier than he normally would for your benefit.
"'Kay," he says, once again underneath you. Now you have his hands pinned. "Good. Remember what went wrong last time?"
"You bucked me off like a Clydesdale."
He smiles. "Yeah, okay. So what'll you do different?"
"I'm not in my suit," you say. "I don't have extra weight in my boots."
"No, but you don't need it if you keep my legs apart."
"So that was your plan all along, huh? Perv."
Jason coughs. "Ah-hum... I—c'mon, lock my legs."
You grin and spread Jason's legs, using your knees to keep him immobile.
And then you just stare. This time, it's not because you're thinking about the miracle of resurrection (though what a miracle it is). No, you're just thinking, once again, about how your best friend got really, stupidly pretty.
And how you really, stupidly wanna kiss him.
Jason still looks young, but his jaw is now defined. He's got a five o'clock shadow coming on. His lips are full and pink. Freckles dot his cheeks and nose. The nose that still has a bump from when he broke it during a fight with Riddler.
You remember how he played it off for weeks. Bruce said that didn't even cry. But when you asked if it hurt, Jason had said yes.
You wonder when the last time Jason cried was. You wonder how much pain he's suffered since.
You wonder if he knows he's got your heart in the palm of his hand.
"Hey," Jason says. His voice is soft. Shy. "I lose ya again?"
You shake your head. "No. Never."
"There somethin' on my face?"
"You're a lot to look at," you say. "Pretty, pretty boy."
That gets an undeniable reaction. Jason Todd has never been able to take a compliment. You've been exploiting that all day.
Perhaps you know him better than you thought.
He exhales sharply, like you've sucker-punched him. His eyes dart to you. Waiting.
"Your eyes are green," you say. "Like, mixed. Blue and green."
Jason nods. "I—yeah. The Pit. Changed 'em. Changed me."
You lean in. His gaze flicks to your mouth. You watch his Adam's apple bob in a hard swallow.
"They're still pretty," you say. "Always had pretty eyes, Jaybird."
"Heh, right. Even with this shit?" He points to the scar that crosses over his right eye, stopping at his lip.
You let go of his wrists—not that you were holding them that tightly anyway. If this were a real fight, you would've lost ten times over already. Considering how much of you is touching Jason, you happen to be winning hard.
You trace the puckered white flesh with your thumb. Jason flinches but doesn't pull away.
"Your face could never turn me away," you say. "Never."
He closes his eyes and shudders. "Y'too nice to me. Always so nice t'me. Even when we were fighting. Why're ya so good?"
Your lips are a hair from his now. "I don't know how to make it more obvious, Jaybird. I'm absolutely insane about you."
Jason's eyes fly open. He sees your mouth and his breathing increases. You smile.
"Yeah, want you bad. No place I wouldn't follow you. Do anything for you."
Jason makes a strangled noise in his throat. You grin.
"C'mon, big guy. I'm right here. Come have me, Jay. I'm yours."
Jason soars up and kisses you. Swallows you, really. His hands hold your waist for dear life. You wrap one leg around his.
You nip his lip. Jason whines softly. Delicious.
You grab his face, fingers tangling in his curls. Jason sits up, slotting you against him. One hand supports you on your back, the other on your side.
"God—" He breaks away, just barely. "You're way too good for me. Had sucha... sucha crush on ya when we were kids. Y'so sweet."
You blindly find his throat and bite, hard enough to leave a mark. Jason makes a guh sound. You lick the bite to soothe it.
"Missed you," you say into his skin. "Missed you so goddamn bad, Jason."
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah," he babbles, clinging to you as you kiss up his neck. "Yeah, missed you too."
"Not letting you go," you say, almost snarling. You're angry with want, angry at the world for keeping this from you for so many years. "It's you and me now, Jay, mkay? Gonna be mine?"
"Always been yours," he says, panting. Jason finds your lips again. The kiss is messy, uncoordinated. Full of love. "No one but you."
You haven't fallen behind. You're starting anew.
"Never been anybody but you."
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little-miss-vader · 1 year
As You Wish
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Jedi Reader
Summary: Anakin recently started feeling a little different about you, he doesn’t wanna be around you. You attempt to speak to him and he comes clean.
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Warnings: SMUT GO AWAY MINORS 🫶🏼 Improper use of the force, cunnilingus, p in v sex, kissing, uhhhh yeah just normal smut.
A/N: Hi guys, I’ve been MIA but i really did want to write something so I ACTUALLY wrote something short and simple for the time being. I had this idea a week or so ago. I promise i’ll be back soon with some longer ones!! Thank you guys for everything again 🫶🏼 the smut is just simple. What i would imagine if he was in too much of a rush to put on a performance cuz he’s desperate. Thanks for reading!!!!!
Word Count: 2.7K
Anakin was tired. He had not slept in what felt like weeks. The air around him was heavy and he couldn’t even keep up a friendly conversation. You could feel it. You knew but you didn’t know how to help. You had known him for years and never had a day where he didn’t crack a cocky joke or flash a pretty smile at somebody. Mostly you. You would tell him to be cordial and he would tell you there’s no room for that in his feelings.
Secretly, you loved it. But now, something was wrong and you couldn’t ask what it was due to his avoidance of you. You wanted to know what you’d done to go from the center of his attention everyday to the presence that would cause him to leave a room.
You were walking with a few fellow Padawans, they were talking about how the training droids needed to be updated. You were barely listening. All you could think of was how to talk to Anakin. As you walked toward the courtyard outside the temple, you saw him sitting down and staring at his lightsaber between his hands.
You excused yourself from the group and walked toward him. They all rolled their eyes as you left without a second to spare. You jogged over to him and his eyes didn’t even do as much as twitch to look at you as you stood in front of him. “Ani-“
“Anakin.” He responded, his head lifted to look at you and your lips parted in mild shock before closing again. He never had a problem with you calling him that before. “I’m a bit busy, Y/N.” He stood up and clicked his lightsaber hilt to his hip. You shook your head.
“No. You’re not. You’ve been avoiding me and I need to know why.” You stood up straight in front of him and crossed your arms. Although your attempt to look big in front of him was never to any avail. He looked down at you.
“I don’t have time for this. I really don’t.” His words were short. He began to walk past you and you grabbed his arm. A shock went through your body like an electric current when you saw an image flash in his mind as your hand went to grab his wrist. It was no surprise, you were stronger with the Force than most your own age. He spun around immediately to face you and you dropped your hand.
The image wasn’t there long but it was the clearest one you’d ever seen. In his mind, your touch created an image of you under him while his face nuzzled into your neck. The image was of glistening bodies and heavy breaths. He stared at you knowing exactly what had just happened.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered and Anakin was silent. He didn’t say anything. You looked around the courtyard to avoid his eye contact as his intense glare bored into your head.
“The first time that happened, Obi-Wan was right next to me. It was two weeks ago. Your hand grazed against mine and I saw things I would never have been able to explain if somebody picked up on it. I can’t be around you. This is why I can’t be around you, Y/N.” He spoke and your eyes glued themselves to your feet. That’s why he hadn’t spoken to you. He would leave a room at the drop of a hat if you came in and that was why. Your cheeks flushed and you stuttered out another apology.
“I don’t want to hear an apology. I want.. I want something I can’t have. In light of that, I need you to stay away from me. Don’t touch me. Don’t call me Ani. Don’t even talk to me.” He spoke and your head raised to meet his stare.
“I don’t wanna do that..” You whispered. “You’re my friend. I care about you.” Anakin laughed at your words and his head shook in disbelief.
“If you cared about me you’d do one of two things. Leave me alone or let me have you in the way I want.” His voice was hushed as he neared you, there was people around and he didn’t want to cause a scene. You gulped and looked at him. It was no question, Anakin was handsome. There was a reason you had an affinity for being his friend. Your hand brushed against his and he sucked a breath in through his teeth as you both saw a new image pop into his head. “Stop it.” He said, his jaw was clenched as if he was in agony.
“I’ll do as you wish.” You whispered. His eyes softened and his features dropped their harsh position.
“Which option are you referring to, Y/N?” He whispered back, his brows furrowed and his tongue darted out to dampen his lips. You simply smiled at him and raised your shoulders in a small shrug. He raised an eyebrow and took you by the hand. He didn’t let go and you saw a glimpse of what he was thinking of. You nodded as confirmation and he wasted no time to stand next to you and place his hand on your lower back, guiding you toward the entrance of the palace.
Your heart began to race as he speed walked the both of you toward the corridors of the boy’s dormitories. It felt like you were out of breath and when he would see people were walking by he would drop his hand from its spot on your back, very secretly grabbing your sleeve instead. You were practically being dragged behind him when you both walked further to find the dormitories were empty. Your shorter stature made you almost have to jog to keep up with him.
When you got to his room he opened and door and allowed you in before following behind you. He shut the door and locked it promptly. Your eyes watched his hands, they were big and his fingers were long. You’d never noticed it before and the notion made your stomach turn in a way you couldn’t get enough of. “I need to clarify exactly what it is you meant when you said-“ He began and you shook your head, pressing your hands against his chest before leaning up and kissing him. His hands immediately found their place on the sides of your face, his fingers tangled into your hair.
“I wanted this. I wanted you. When you began to avoid me it broke my heart, I found myself thinking the worst. I thought you hated me.” You whispered as you pulled away and his lips chased yours as you tried to speak.
“I don’t hate you. I hate how you make me feel. I had a dream about you after the first day those ideas popped into my head at your touch. I couldn’t look at you without thinking the most filthy things. I couldn’t risk letting that be exposed to the council.” He pulled you in again and your breath caught in your throat. Your bodies were sharing heat now, his hands gripped the sides of your face like he didn’t want you to go anywhere ever again. Your lips clashed against each other in a way that oozed desperation and it caused a small moan to leave your mouth. He winced and you pulled away.
“What’s wrong?” You whispered, concern laced your voice. Your eyes followed his gaze down and you noticed the tent he created with his pants. Your cheeks flushed and before you could get another word out Anakin grabbed you by your clothes and began to pull them off at what you would classify as a record speed.
“You drive me insane.” He groaned as he dropped to his knees and pulled your pants down around your ankles. You stepped back and out of them and he gripped at your hips to pull you back to him. “Your skin is just as soft as I thought it would be.” His words were laced with a groan. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at you and watched as your chest heaved. Your stomach flinched when his hot breath hit it. “You smell even better.” He whispered as he placed wet kisses on your stomach and hip bones. Your knees almost buckled at the feeling and you leaned onto the wall next to you for support causing your hips to angle further up toward him.
A growl left his mouth when you unknowingly granted him access to you. He trailed his kisses down and you gasped softly at the understanding of what he was about to do. He watched your reactions, wincing again at the painful feeling between his legs. He liked it. Your eyes darted toward his bed which was right next to you and his followed. A simple movement was all it took and your legs were hooked around his shoulders, his hands holding your lower back close so you didn’t fall. With a quickness that shocked you he stood up and walked you to the bed, his kisses still scattering themselves over your lower stomach. He laid you both down, him on his chest and you on your back, his head right where you wanted it.
He didn’t waste a single moment once you were comfortable. He pushed your knees up so your legs were bent and pushed at your thighs to give himself some space. His tongue pressed flash against you and you let out a whine at the sudden feeling. “Oh, fuck.” You said breathlessly and he chuckled against you, knowing he hadn’t even started.
You felt his tongue stiffen and lick a stripe up you, gathering what juices you had made on his mouth and letting a hum escape his lips. The vibration made you jitter and his grip on your thighs tightened. He began slow, licking and sucking gently. You grinded your hips into his face and he smiled into it. Anakin was quick to move himself so that he was laying down next to you. His hands reached over to pull you on top of him and he scooted you up so that you were sitting right on his face. His nose poked at your clit and your eyes rolled back. Your hands reached up to grab the wall behind his head as he sucked away, almost taking your soul with him. Every movement of his tongue made your hips buck around and it intensified the feelings when you’d brush up against his nose or hit your clit on his tongue.
Anakin stopped briefly and left his tongue out, unmoving. You whined, your hips began to sway back and fourth against him for some kind of friction. He smiled under you and you looked at him as you rode his tongue, feeling yourself begin to tighten at the stomach. A sly hand reached up as you grinded down on him and two soft fingers slid in. You gasped and your eyes squeezed shut as you felt him began to slide in and out of you with his long fingers. “Good girl.” He mumbled as your movements got faster. “Cum on my face, love.” That was the only thing you needed. The tight feeling in your stomach turned to heat and spread through your body as you felt yourself begin to unfold. Your back arched as you rode his face and his fingers curled in a way that made you want to scream, you bit down on your lip to stifle yourself and your legs began to shake. It wasn’t long before you were running away from his tongue, pulling your hips back as the feeling of him touching your sensitive clit was too much to handle and he chuckled.
“My turn.” He whispered before flipping the two of you over and pulling his own clothes off. The look of his muscles under his skin as he moved quickly to rid himself of the painful constraints around his hips made goosebumps erupt all over your body. His mouth connected with your collarbone and you moaned, he moved up slowly until his lips reached yours. He pressed his lips against yours and you tasted what you could only imagine to be your own cum on his lips. You whimpered into his mouth and sucked on his lower lip, causing his hips to buck toward you. “Fucks sake..” He moaned as he lined himself up with your perfectly eager hole. He slipped in with no issue and your hands gripped at his shoulders, a gasp left his mouth when he didn’t stop until he was completely inside of you. He stayed there a moment until you wiggled under him, desperate for him to move, even a little. A smirk pulled at his lips as he started to thrust into you far quicker than you’d have imagined. You pressed your mouth against his shoulder as his hip bones hit your body with every thrust. Your soft sounds were muffled by his skin and his gloved hand reached up to pull your head back. “I wanna hear you.” He groaned and you finally let the sounds out with no hesitation.
His movements made the bed creak and neither of you thought of the fact that somebody might hear you, nor did you care. Your hand raised up from his shoulder to grab the bed frame to keep it from moving too much but it didn’t work all that well. You felt him pushing up against your cervix and it hurt in a good way, causing you to yelp. “Too deep?” He whispered with a teasing smile on his face and you shook your head.
“Not deep enough..” You moaned and Anakin chuckled. He lifted your legs so that they were laying against his chest, parallel to his body and angled his hips so they would thrust up toward you. Your eyes rolled back as you felt a familiar feeling in your stomach. He held your hips to him with a firm grasp as he ravaged your cunt. Your eyes snapped open and you saw him, forehead shining with sweat, eyebrows furrowed. He looked focused and you felt it. You felt a pulsating feeling against your clit. His hands were holding your thighs so you knew exactly how he was doing it. Your jaw slacked in pleasure as the feeling and you threw your head against the pillow as he used the Force to pull another orgasm out of you. It didn’t take long, you started to clench around him as your body began to shake in his grip. You reached up behind you to grab the headboard again, this time to tether yourself. You began to see small dots in your vision as you got closer and closer. Your pussy clenching around him made him throb and you felt his movements get faster and faster before you both began to convulse with moans flying out of your mouths. You felt the Force vibrations end abruptly as you he thrusted into you slowly, as the orgasms lingered away from both of you. He let your legs drop on either side of you and he dropped his body onto yours. Your arms instantly wrapped around him and you both caught your breath for a moment.
“You had class ten minutes ago, you know?” He whispered against your skin and your eyes snapped open.
“Shit.” You said as you jumped out of his bed with urgency. “Why didn’t you say something before?!” You yelled as you pulled your clothes into your arms and ran to his bathroom.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Anakin raised an eyebrow as he watched you, a laugh escaped him as you scrambled around to look half decent. You scowled at him and he approached you after pulling his own pants on, you were looking in his mirror and tying your hair up into a pony tail. His lips pressed a small kiss to the back of your neck and you immediately calmed down. You turned to face him and he brushed a loose hair behind your ear.
“We’ll talk about this later.” You said and he smiled. He knew you’d say that. A kiss was placed on your head and he opened his door for you.
“I know.” He said curtly as you speed walked past him to run to the training areas. You were trying to think of a lie to tell your master but all you could think of was him so when you arrived, you didn’t even try to explain yourself. You simply got to work with your master. All you heard for the rest of the day was that you needed to correct your focus and you didn't say anything, you knew just who to blame for that.
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avatar-anna · 24 days
would you ever write about harry and y/n finding out that they’re pregnant again with charlie 🥺
(for context: in a recent oneshot in this universe, it is revealed that harry and reader have a seventh and final child when they're in their thirties)
It would definitely be that cliche of Y/n and Harry going to some red carpet event, and Harry sees Y/n all dressed up and is just like...
"Fuck, Mama, must be the luckiest man in the world."
Y/n blushed and looked down at the gown she and Harry Lambert picked out some time ago. Being a mother of six, she didn't dress up much, but when she did, she tended to go all out. Perhaps part of her wanted to relive all the proms, homecomings, and formals she never got to go to, but she appreciated the art in a beautiful garment too.
The one she wore now fit her like a glove, the lace, almost handkerchief-like bodice draping over her shoulders beautifully, and the rest of the black-as-night velvet hugging her hips perfectly.
Harry was never one to shy away from paying his wife compliments, but each time he did, she felt it right down to her core. Every sweep of his gaze over her body, every earnest word, every searing touch, it all lit her up from the inside out.
This time was no different, so when Harry tried to unzip Y/n from her dress, she didn't notice at first, too caught up in his touch. Once she did, she tried to make lame attempts to ward him off to at least claim that she tried later on.
It was safe to say they were on each other all night. Whenever he could, Harry pulled Y/n away, desperate to get his mouth on her. It was no easy feat with the considerable length of the dress, but he never seemed to care or mind. All night, they whispered back and forth to each other, toying with jacket lapels and bare arms.
"You need me again, Mama?"
"Where's the zipper on this thing?"
"Quickly, while no one's looking."
"Keep your hands away from my tits, H."
"Don't act like you don't love it."
All night they went back and forth. Teasing and giving into each other and sharing stolen kisses when the cameras weren't pointed in their direction—though the next morning they found out they weren't as discreet as they originally thought, with photos of them in the background kissing and Harry's hands all over Y/n cropping up online.
At some point during the night, a friend even asked where Harry and his wife kept disappearing to, another if that was a hickey on his neck, and both of them stumbled through a lie as they blushed furiously.
So it shouldn't have come as a surprise when Y/n's period was late, but it does. She thought she had put her pregnancy days behind her, so she went to the doctor thinking she had some kind of stomach bug, only to find out that she was pregnant. Y/n wasn't upset by the news, just caught off guard, though she couldn't help but daydream about having a little baby in the house again now that her other babies were growing up.
Harry found out on accident. Y/n missed a phone call from the doctor's office, and they called Harry's number, which was also listed in her information. Thinking someone got hurt, Harry picked up in a panic, only to hear, "Hi there, Mr. Styles! We're trying to get a hold of your wife to reschedule her ultrasound. Will the following week work?"
Harry answered in a daze, agreeing to an appointment time and date without really listening. Part of him knew he should be excited, but all he could think about was why Y/n hadn'told him yet.
"Anything you wanna tell me?" he asked later that night. They were both watching TV, a show they'd been watching every night before bed the last few weeks. He'd been itching to get Y/n alone all day so he could finally ask what the phone call, and after picking up and dropping off at friends' houses and volleyball practice and study groups and one big family dinner, now was finally his chance.
Y/n hadn't caught on yet, so she just shrugged. "Collette is convinced she's going to Paris Fashion Week by herself, and I don't have the heart to tell her she's not going without one of us."
This was news to Harry, but he tabled that conversation for later. "I got a call from the OBGYN's office. They asked to reschedule your ultrasound."
Harry could feel Y/n stiffen beneath him as she sighed deeply. Before she could say anything, though, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to," she promised, kissing away the furrow in her husband's brow. "I wanted to tell you and the kids at the same time. And you know how hard it is to wrangle everyone up. Maeve wasn't even at dinner tonight."
"Oh." Harry had spun a number of different answers Y/n might've come up with, but that hadn't been one of them. "Do you...want to keep it?"
Y/n could tell Harry was asking for her sake, not his. He'd been dying for another baby for years, slowly giving up hope every time she turned him down. Now that they faced the prospect of actually having another baby, though, he didn't want her to feel pressured. He never had, but he wanted to make extra sure.
"Honestly? Yeah, I do," Y/n said, resting her and Harry's hands over her belly. "I'm just...kind of shocked."
"Really?" Harry asked. Now that he'd had time to think about it, about which night in question could've been the one, he wasn't that surprised at all.
"Yeah, I—I guess I thought that part of my life was over. But... I'm glad it isn't. I'm excited about this."
"Me too."
Y/n gave him an amused look as if to say, you finally got your wish. But all she said was, "You just like that I get super horny when I'm pregnant."
Harry gasped dramatically, which made Y/n toss her head back and laugh. "That is not even remotely true. Maybe. Sort of. It's perhaps in the top ten things I'm excited for, but not the first."
"You're ridiculous," Y/n said, shaking her head at her husband. "And I love you."
"I love you too." Harry leaned in to kiss Y/n, the feel of his lips on hers more familiar than anything else in the world. He knew every part of her, every inch of her body and soul, and she knew his. It was comforting, it was home.
"Any chance those hormones have kicked in yet?" Harry murmured jokingly as he kissed her neck.
Y/n held her husband by the back of his hair so she could look him in the eye. "Absolutely not. I love you, and I love the twins, but we're not doing that again."
"What? Come on! We're way past that window," Harry reasoned. "And the doctor said it was rare."
"Yeah, so is getting pregnant at my age, but here we are."
"At your age?" Harry asked incredulously, looking down at Y/n through heavy lidded eyes. Her cheeks were flushed, but her eyes were lit as she watched him, the way they always were when they joked around. He was pretty sure no one amused her more than he did, and that was saying something considering the collective craziness their children engaged in regularly. "You're just winding me up, aren't you? You want me to remind you how young and fun we are."
"I don't know if that's—Harry!"
"Shh!" Harry said as a laugh bubbled out of Y/n as he yanked her down until she was lying flat on the bed, her arms pinned high above her. "Do you want them to hear you, Mama?"
That sobered her up a little, her laughter subsiding. Then, she smiled up at him, her hand reaching up to cup Harry's cheek. "We're having a baby."
Harry's grin was immediate, excitement filling his whole body from those four words alone. "We're having a baby."
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader Masterlist
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romanarose · 2 months
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Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024
Hello friends!
Let's try this again and I'll try to be more clear to not invoke discourse. That being said, it is *my* event and if you'd like to run one a certain way, go nuts. However, this is how I'm doing it.
I had a lot of fun doing Dead Dove December and the Triple Frontier Anniversary Event so I decided I wanted to do an event for pride this year! I know it seems far away right now, especially given how many of us in north America are still cold af, but I wanna give everyone time!
Each week of pride will have a theme to write or draw for (you don't have to do all of them! Think of it like kinktober.) at the end, I will put out a masterlist (or multiple depending how many)so we can all share each other's work.
Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal are both allies to LGBT people, Pedro having played multiple queer rolls and having likened his sexuality to that of Prince Oberyn. Despite none of the characters being canon queer, Triple Frontier specifically lends itself to queer stories. Recently, theres been a rise in stories of Oscar characters in relationships or Pedro characters in relationships which I love.
What I'd really like to do is encourage people to think past x fem!reader or canon presentation of characters. I want to encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual relationships, trans readers, trans interpretations of characters etc. More content guidelines will be in the what section.
Primarily tumblr.com, our very own shithole hellsight. However, especially given tumblr's censorship vs. twitter, I am encouraging posting on twitter or wherever you'd like. If you post something elsewhere, send me a link or send me a post you made about it on tumblr and I'll promote the link.
Additionally if you only write on ao3, I'd love for you to participate too! Once again, just send the link!
in order to do the week by week themes and hold all of June, there will be 6 weeks from May 26th-July 6th
Each week will have themes. I won't be policing the weeks and these so if you do the 1st week on july 3rd, that's fine. The themes are keeping in mind both artists and writers. I only got one artist for DDD, a great piece and I've love to see more! Ideas are just for spit balling, do your own take!
May 26th-June 1st: Coming out. Ideas: Coming out to family, lover, friend. Finding gender affirming clothes/hair, first pride
June 2nd-8th: Transitioning Ideas: Surgary, surgery scars, starting T or E, binding (safely!!!)
June 9th-15th: Sex/kissing First time together, first time with certain biology or the same sex, sweet kisses, smut showing scars,
June 16th-22nd: Food, fashion, fun
All things queer culture and culture of different religions, racial or country backgrounds, queer fashion, gender affirming clothes, Keshet (קשת), listening to Lady Gaga or Bruce Springsteen, watching a queer movie
June 23rd-29th: Struggles Rejection, reconciling faith and identity, missing family that rejected one, comfort, candlelight vigil, day of remembrance.
June 30th- July 6th:Strength Asserting ones or a partner/friend/family's pronouns, standing up against hate, being loudly and proudly yourself, pride events
Writers and artists in any form are welcome. I also want to encourage working with each other, writers and artists together!
For characters: Any Oscar Isaac or Pedro Pascal character has to at least be in the relationship. Other characters in universes can be done, such as FishBen.
Reader can be anyone, just properly tag! If you want to come out to Marc Spector as bisexual, do it!!! If you want Joel to take care of you after top surgery, do it!
However! Please do your research if writing or drawing an identity not yours. There are trans, nonbinary, gay, lebian etc bloggers all over tumblr who write about their experience, please divert to first person testimonies rather than assumptions.
A few rules
MUST contain more than male character x fem!reader. Male character x fem!reader x male character does not count unless the two male characters are romantically or sexually involved or one or the reader is trans. Any Q's, dm me!
This is not a dark event. I'm not going to be policing the content matter but I really want to primarily focus on the pride. However, as a bisexual, gender non-conforming person I know a lot of pain can still be involved. What we are not doing is suicide, death, self-harm, or non consensual activity. If you have questions or would like to make a case for something, just dm me!
This is not inherently NSFW, but there is absolutely NSFW allowed. Always tag everything properly.
The usual no's like bestiality, incest, underage nsfw etc
As far as minor characters, SFW MINOR CHARACTERS IS ALLOWED. You can write or draw lgbt themes because being LGBT is not inherently sexual. For example, teenage Santi coming out as trans to Frankie or your own version of Ellie and Joel's talk about Ellie and Dina kiss. That being said, I'd prefer to reserve this to teens. Again, any questions or ideas that don' quite fit into parameters, just ask!
As always, I am allowed to use my discretion. If I do not want to include something, I won't. However, I know that there are rifts in the fandom. I won't be excluding you out of personal bias. As long as I don't have you blocked and you haven't plagerized or done something really bad to people, you'll be included. I'm not letting petty beefs get in the way. Harmful actions will, however. I need to protect my peace and keep
NO REAL PERSON FANFICTION. Do not write about Oscar Isaac or Pedro pascal being gay or trans and do not make any assumptions about their sexuality or gender identity. Oscar is happily married to a woman and Pedro has expressed his sexuality is like that of Oberyn Martell but has not elaborated much further, nor should he have to. Just leave ‘em be. You can speculate elsewhere but that’s not what this event is for.
Simply tag me, @romanarose and use the #OscarPedroPrideEvent2024 please please please use BOTH so it's easier for me to find!!!
When the event is over, much like DDD I will compiled them into a masterlist and posted. This is a chance for every blog, big and small, to get a moment in the sun and to share each others works! Remember, reblogging, comments, and interacting is what makes this a community! I want to create an environment that is welcoming and we all help each other.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or clarification!
However, if you go issues with me writing men kissing, chracters being trans, queer readers etc, I'm not really open to debate.
~A nonbinary bisexual <3
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Things Change - Ch. 4
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Pregnant!reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.8 k
Tag List: @boomhauer @corrodedcorpses @wroteclassicaly @blackwidownat2814 @prestinalove
Eddie was growing frustrated. He had tried more than once now to talk to you. When back in school, he had tried to seek you out, but you always managed to slip him. The times he went to catch you at your locker, you had conveniently not been there. He tried to sneak into your gym class and he didn’t exactly want to make a scene, but it had been obvious you were trying to act like he wasn’t there. Even in the classes you had together, you showed up last to the class and bolted as soon as the bell rang. At this point, he was getting desperate and the way you avoided him made him no less suspicious that you were carrying his kid. Finally, Eddie walked away from his Hellfire table and dropped himself down onto the table where Robin and Nancy sat eating their lunch. Once again, without you there. 
“Where is she?” Eddie asked the girls.
Robin gave a panicked glance to Nancy, who crossed her arms and regarded Eddie casually. “Who?” Nancy asked him.
“Don’t bullshit me, Wheeler. Y/L/N. Where is she?” he asked again. 
“Not here.” she answered, “Don’t know when I might see her again.”
“You both are her best friends. I don’t believe that,” Eddie pointed out, glancing at Robin, who was practically sweating. Eddie leaned in towards them both. “Listen. I know that you know why I’m looking for them. I just wanna talk to them… please.” Eddie spoke softly, looking at both girls. 
Nancy watched Eddie before looking at Robin, giving the other female a little nod. “She doesn’t eat in here because…. Obvious reasons. But-” Robin started.
“We won’t tell you where she’s eating purely because she’s been struggling to keep food down and she needs to eat. We don’t need you making her nervous and unable to eat,” Nancy cut in.
“But she’ll be home tonight. She’s been sleeping over at our places recently, but she’s home tonight. To face her parents,” Robin supplemented. “They’ve been getting suspicious, and she figured now is better than never.” 
Eddie chewed on the inside of his cheek as he processed the information. Was she planning on telling her parents that he was the father and rope him into this? “Thanks. I appreciate it,” Eddie told them and moved to get up.
“Don’t hurt her.” Nancy stared at him. “I know you, for whatever reason, don’t like her… but don’t you dare hurt her. Or I swear-”
Eddie held his hands up. “I’ve seen you wield a gun, Wheeler. No need to threaten me.” he cracked a smile and stood up from the table. “Ladies,” he bowed and left their table, heading back to his own. 
It had been a long week, and you looked forward to a weekend without Eddie Munson. Well, without having to avoid him, at least. All your efforts at school had been dedicated to avoiding him. The paranoia grew in you that he knew. Why else was he trying so hard to see you? It was clear with how often he was turning up that he was trying to see you. Firstly, at your gym class, which is what really made you suspicious. From there, it made you avoid going to your locker too often. Your back and arms just had to suffer with carrying more than you usually would with you. Secondly, at lunch but you had just managed to slip away in the crowd of hungry and unruly teens to avoid him. So here you were. Carrying all your stuff, eating lunch in the library, showing up to class almost late, and then leaving right when the bell rang. It was the last class of the day. You were eager to go home and just rest. You sighed as you set down your pencil, feeling another wave of nausea hit you. Shockingly you had made it through most of the day without having to run off. You thought maybe you had gotten lucky. You raise your hand, sure that this might not be a false alarm, but you’ve learned quickly that it was better safe than sorry. There had been once or twice you had thought you were safe, but you weren’t and had to sneak off in the middle of the night to do a load of laundry.
You head out of the classroom and towards the closest bathroom. You look under each stall, checking that the coast was clear before heading into a stall. You sigh as you take some toilet paper, leaning against the cool metal of the stall as you wait. You close your eyes, taking a few deep breaths as you work through the nausea. The door to the bathroom opens, not that you find it odd since it was a public bathroom after all. A gasp ripped through you at the sudden opening of the stall door. Your head whips around, eyes wide as Eddie steps into the stall. He shuts the door behind him, locking it once again.
“Eddie!” you hiss at him. “What the fuck?!”
“Me? Me, what the fuck?!” he hisses back at you.
“What are you doing here?”
“Talking to you, obviously.”
“Why?” you grind out, inching away from him.
“I have to talk to you,” Eddie answers, “About a certain… something.” 
You freeze. You had hoped against all odds that he really just wanted to speak to you about something else. Not the secret you had hidden away. “Something?” you ask softly, deciding to play dumb for right now. 
“Yeah. I heard an interesting piece of information. Well, everyone has.” 
You swallow hard. “Yeah?”
You both sit and stare at one another. Eddie raises his brows as if to invite you to get it out in the open. When you stayed silent, he huffed in frustration. “Y/L/N, are you pregnant?”
Your eyes move everywhere but at Eddie. “Eddie, please…” you murmur.
“Yes! Okay, yes.” you answer, looking at him finally. 
The look on Eddie’s face is one you struggle to decipher. He looked shocked, worried, but also amazed. “Who’s the father?” Then your stomach dropped. You stared at Eddie like a fish out of water. “Y/L/N. Who is the father?” Eddie repeated himself more firmly this time.
It was just then that the bell rang. “You have seconds.” you replied.
“You have seconds before this bathroom is full of girls and I will leave you here,” you warn, reaching behind Eddie for the lock on the stall door.
“Y/L/N, I swear to god.”
“Decide before you have people talking about you hiding in the girls' bathroom.”
Eddie’s jaw clenched at your thin threat. He took a deep breath before pulling the stall door open, stalking out of the bathroom. It was then that you let out a shaky breath, shutting the door again and resting your forehead against the cool metal.
That had been too close. Far too close. You slid out of the bathroom after a few minutes, weaving between bodies of girls flooding the bathroom. You retrieve your things from your last class and quickly make your way out of the building to head home. Before dinner, you hopped into the shower to wash away the stress of the day. You scrubbed at your body, relaxing under the scalding water of the shower. When you got out, you made quick work to dry yourself, pulling on comfy clothes. Tonight was the night you had planned on telling your parents what was going on. They grew suspicious each day, and you knew you couldn’t hide forever. For a moment, you considered changing your mind, but you couldn’t do that. It was better to rip the bandaid off first. You sat on your bed before flopping back, taking in a deep breath and willing the tears to stop gathering on your lash line. You cried so easily nowadays it was exhausting. 
A gentle tapping stirred you from your moment. You turn your head, jumping seeing someone sitting at your window. You groan, seeing the familiar face staring back at you that you had only seen a few hours ago. Eddie gave you a look before motioning down to the lock on your window. You pout at him, crossing your arms. 
“Y/L/N, open the window.” his muffled voice sounds from the other side of the window. You flip him off. Eddie stares you down sternly. “Open it or I’m breaking in.”
You huff, going to the window and unlocking it before walking away. You hear the widow slide up and the gentle thudding as Eddie climbs into your bedroom before sliding the window shut once more. “Do I wanna know why you’re threatening to break into my house?” you ask, crossing your arms across your chest.
“You know why and you know it. You never answered my question in the bathroom,” Eddie points out, not moving away from the window. Like he might throw himself out of it if he needed to.
You take a shaky breath; the tears gathering once again at your lash line. Eddie looks at you, a hint of worry on his face. “Fine. If you’ll stop following me around, I’ll tell you.” you answer and furiously wipe at your cheeks when the tears finally escape. “It’s yours. Okay? I haven’t been with anyone else. Frankly, it’s a little insulting you think I was.”
“Well, you told me you were on the pill,” he accused. “Or was that a lie?”
“It wasn’t!” you hissed back at him, turning to your bedside table and pulling the drawer out roughly. You pull out your package of birth control and toss it at him. “For obvious reasons, I have stopped taking them,” you tell him as you watch him pick up the little package. “Fun fact: some medications can fuck with your birth control.” you pick up the bottle of migraine meds and shake it, the sound of the pills rattling around the only sound in the room. You set down the box and watch Eddie fiddle with the package of your now useless birth control. You sit down on your bed, pulling your pillow onto your lap and fiddling with the end of it. Eddie slowly moves closer, sitting down beside you on your bed and tossing the birth control behind him.
“What do we do?” he finally murmurs. “Isn’t there like… doctors who take care of this shit?”
You sigh. “I tried. I did… it was awful there, Munson. Trust me,” you admit, glancing at Eddie. His eyes were trained on the wall across from you both. You could see his chocolate orbs moving, taking in your bedroom.
“Wheeler said you were telling your parents tonight.”
“I am. My mom is suspicious. She’s been asking a lot of questions. I don’t think she knows, but she knows something is up.” 
“What’s the chance I’m gonna end up with a shotgun pointed at my chest?”
“None.” Eddie finally meets your eyes. “I was going to keep your name out of it. Unless you don’t want me to, but I kinda assumed you didn’t wanna be in on this.”
Eddie nods slowly. “I’d appreciate that. I don’t think…I don’t think I could do it. I can’t do it.”
You nod. “Then I won’t mention you. I promise. They might try to strong arm an answer out of me but you have my word. I won’t tell a soul.”
“No one else knows?”
“Well, no. Nancy does. She knows we… but we haven’t talked about it.”
“Got it.” Eddie murmurs, falling silent again. The two of you sit there in silence for a few minutes, both unsure what to do now. “I’m sorry,” Eddie suddenly spoke. “For… knocking you up. Ruining your life I guess.”
“It’s okay.” you shrug, “I… college will be there. And besides, I wanted to be a mom one day and if you remember, I tried to go, but I couldn’t do it. It reeked of alcohol, like it was too clean in there. And everything, literally everything, was pink and blue.”
Eddie’s nose scrunched. “As if you gotta be reminded why you’re there.”
“Exactly! It was awful. And ugly. The smell I can wave off cause I feel like a bloodhound right now. Not something they can help.”
You nod, staring at Eddie. “I can smell things that literally were hardly in the room. When my mom cooks, I have to hide up here.” you point to your door where you shoved a spare towel at the bottom of it with the intention of blocking out the smell. “I can smell the weed and cigarettes on you from when you were at the window.” you tell him.
“I haven’t smoked in hours.” Eddie replies and you nod, tapping your nose.
“Bloodhound. It’s insane. The smell is clinging to your clothes.”
“That’s… weird.”
“Munson, that’s not even the beginning of it.” you answer, “I checked out a bunch of pregnancy books. Shit is wild. And mildly terrifying and by mildly, I mean very.”
Eddie winces thinking about how it must be. He’s seen pregnant women before, of course. Their bellies swollen well past their feet. The thought passes through his head how he had now done this to you. What you were going to go through.
“You should go.” you murmur. Your mom would be calling you down for dinner soon and you rather Eddie be nowhere near your house when you did talk to them. “My mom will be calling me down any time now,” you explain.
Eddie nods and slides off of your bed. He stands there awkwardly for a moment, unsure how to say goodbye to you. “I’ll, uh, see you later,” he murmurs and moves over to your window. You slide off of your bed and follow him, watching him open up your window again and climb out. You slowly shut your window, locking it once again, and watch Eddie carefully scale back down the side of your house. You watch as he jogs off, presumably to his car, that he probably parked farther from your house to avoid suspicion. You step away from the window, determined not to sit and watch to see if he comes back. A small part of you wanted him to. You stood alone in your bedroom as you realized you would have to do this alone, too. You were going to do all of this alone. Your hand drifts to your stomach once again just as your mom calls your name up the stairs, adding that dinner is ready.
You sigh and move the towel from the door, heading down the stairs to the dining room. Your parents are sat at the table. Your father sat at the head of the table, cold beer cracked open to accompany his dinner. Your mom is fussing around, getting the last bits of dinner onto the table before sitting down to pour herself a glass of red wine.
“Oh, there you are, honey. I think I’ve got everything.” your mom smiles, motioning for you to sit.
You go over, sitting down in your usual spot. You start to fill your plate knowing you probably won’t eat most of what you pile on there. Your parents launch into a conversation about how their day went as you take bites of mashed potatoes. It was one of the few food items you could manage without feeling ill after.
Eddie pulls himself into his van and as he shuts the door, a pit sets in his stomach. It doesn’t feel right. None of it feels right. He feels like.. He isn’t sure. He turns the key in his ignition and his van roars to life. For once in his life, he turns his music down as the voice of Ozzy fills the space. Eddie leans back in his seat, glancing around the quiet neighborhood he doesn’t belong in. He rolls down his window, pulling his pack of Camels from his jacket pocket and quickly placing one between his lips. He lights it up and takes a long drag of some much needed nicotine. He feels it quell his nerves a bit, enough for him to think about going home. He pulls the cigarette from his lips, a plume of smoke billowing from his lips as he switches the gearshift to drive. He pulls away from his spot and heads back to the trailer park.
By the time he gets there, his cigarette is done, and he feels only a little better. He figures some food would do him some good. He jumps out of his van and heads inside. Uncle Wayne is at the stove, working on dinner for them both before his shift. The old man usually eats and jets off. “Hey, son.” Wayne calls. He piles a plate full of spaghetti with marinara and grabs a second one, bringing both to their small table.
“Hey, Uncle Wayne.” Eddie answers, barely managing not to wince at being called ‘son’. It didn’t bother him that Wayne was calling him that. It was the fact that his immediate thought was: would I have a son? Or a daughter?
Wayne sets the plates down and falls into his seat with a soft grunt. He starts to dig in, noticing Eddie still standing there. “Cat got your tongue, boy?” 
Eddie shakes his head as if to physically clear it from more thoughts of you. He pulls out his chair and slides his jacket off, draping it over the back of his chair before falling into his seat and starting to shovel spaghetti into his mouth. A part of him felt like vomiting. Not vomit, but words. He felt anxious. He wanted to tell Wayne. He wanted advice. What should he do? He thought he did the right thing… but did he?
“What’s bothering you?”
Eddie’s head snaps up, staring at his uncle. Wayne is watching him, silently twirling spaghetti around his fork as he regards his nephew. “W-What?” Eddie managed to spit out.
“You’ve been livin with me on and off for a few years now. Since you were a wee boy. Now steadily living with me for a few years now. I know when something is bothering you. Are you having nightmares about that place again? Should I call those doctors?”
“No! No, no nightmares again.” Eddie reassures his uncle. After everything had happened and Eddie was laid up in the hospital, it became impossible to keep the truth from him. The party, along with Chief Hopper and Ms. Byers, had filled his Uncle Wayne in on what had really happened. Wayne hovered a lot more after he had learned what happened. After a year had passed, he started to ease up.
“Then what’s bothering you so much? You look like you’re ready to start climbing the walls.”
“I got a girl pregnant!” Eddie yelled, voice cracking in the beginning, but he had said it. Loudly. 
Wayne sat there, mouth open as he stared at Eddie. Eddie gulped, ready for the talking to of his lifetime. Did he get yelled at when Wayne found out he sold weed? Yes. Did he get scolded for all the times he failed graduating high school? Yes. Did he get gently scolded for disappearing after what happened in their old trailer?... yes. But this? Eddie had no clue what would happen. Wayne dropped his fork, elbows on the table, as he laced his fingers together. He watched Eddie. Eddie hoped the ground would open up and swallow him whole. 
“And?” Wayne asks.
Eddie’s mouth opens and closes. And what? Eddie thought to himself. Wayne is still watching him. “And?” he repeated back to his uncle.
“And what are you going to do about it?” Wayne asks, “What has she said?”
Eddie gulps again. “She, uh, she is telling her parents. Tonight. Probably like right now.”
“So, why are you here?”
Eddie’s eyes finally move back down to his plate at Wayne’s question. “She, we, uh,”
“Look at me, son,” Wayne softly commands.
Eddie looks back up at his uncle. “I’m being left out of it. Her parents won’t know it’s me and I won’t be…”
“Around?” Wayne looked disappointed. “Who decided that?”
“She suggested it. And I agreed. I wanted it…”
“So you’re telling me that you got this girl pregnant and you just let out? Abandon her and your kid. Cause whether you like it or not, son, that baby is half yours. Half your genes. Half your responsibility. Hell, since you up and left her it should probably be more your responsibility than her’s. You’ve got the swimmers, after all.” 
“Wayne,” Eddie barely got the word out.
“I ain’t done.” Wayne warned him, giving him a look. “I thought I raised you better, Edward. I woulda thought…” Wayne heaves a heavy sigh. “I woulda thought after being around Al Munson that you’d do better than him.”
Eddie felt like ice was being pumped through his veins. He felt anger boil in his chest. He wasn’t his father. He was nothing like Al Munson, who disappeared on and off on Eddie since he was in the third grade. Who he hadn’t seen in years after the last time he tried to get him to help him with some scheme. But Eddie also felt guilt. He felt guilt in the pit of his stomach because Eddie had abandoned you. He left you there alone to face your parents alone. Like a coward. Like a coward, he ran again.
“I’m disappointed, son.”
“I don’t know what to do.” Eddie admitted quietly, “I don’t know how to be a dad. I’d probably suck at it.”
“You don’t know that. Hell, you think anyone has any idea how to be a parent? I sure as shit didn’t. But I learned. I learned how to take care of you right.” Wayne shrugs, “And I think I did a pretty good damn job, all things considered. Ya know, besides the other dimensions thing.”
“I’m scared, too.”
“And you think she isn’t?” Wayne chuckled, “Boy, you have no clue what she’s about to go through. But there’s still time for you to change your mind. Take responsibility. I’m not sayin you have to marry the girl. You don’t even have to be with her if that’s not what you want, but be there for that baby. They’re innocent in all this, you know.”
Eddie slumped in his seat. He knew his uncle was right. Of course, his uncle was right. Eddie glanced at the clock. He had to hope you hadn’t told your parents yet. If you had, hell, he might have time to jump in the middle of a screaming match. Eddie pushed away from the table, pulling his jacket off of his chair and slipping it on.
“Atta boy. I’ll put your food in the fridge.” Wayne told him, “Oh, and son?”
Eddie paused with his hand on the doorknob. “Yeah?”
“You better bring her by to meet your old man.”
Eddie gulped and nodded. “Yes, sir.” he saluted his uncle before flying out the door to his van.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Omg hey I woul like to request something ! Ken x Reader (male, if possible) where the reader teaches Ken about the real world and they're also very in love. Thank you very much !
When Ken returned to the Real World again, he had a vision similar to Barbie's--realizing his owner was nearby.
Instead of a child....it's you, an adult who (like Gloria) inadvertently projected your own insecurities onto him while looking at an unboxed Beach Ken doll in your attic.
When you were younger, you really wanted to play with it unlike other boys who had action figures and nerf guns...but you were sorta shamed into keeping it boxed, as your parents said it would be more "valuable" one day.
Similarly..Ken had been stuck in a box all his life, trapped in the role of Barbie's accessory until recently.
So there's an instant connection when you two meet.
To make a long story short, you're like "ohhh hey I guess I kinda fucked up your mental stability, bro...you wanna come over and we can talk about it, man-to-man?"
He was very eager to go with you and learn more about your world beyond all the patriarchy and toxic masculinity.
You tell him about using your "male privilege" for good, and one defining example was when a random woman taps him on the shoulder, looking terrified and almost in tears.
"H-Hi, um..this is gonna sound really awkward but can you two pretend to be my friends for a second? This guy has been following me-"
"Of course." You reassure her, before looking to the confused Ken and telling him to go along with it.
The creepy guy comes along and backs off when he sees you two standing there protecting this lady, and once he's gone, she thanks you with hugs before leaving.
"I think I did a good job." Ken turns to you for validation, eyes shimmering. "Was that good, [y/n]? I mean playing pretend is all I've ever done so-"
"Yep. You did great." You chuckle, patting his shoulder. "I'm glad she thought you were a safe person to approach."
He nods and is giddy the whole way back home, especially when you get into your car and show him the different mechanisms, with him clinging to every detail.
These life lessons you're teaching him, however, made him think back to the "Kendom"...and he admits to trying to reinvent patriarchy there and feels ashamed of how he treated the Barbies.
He didn't think he'd open up this quickly to you, considering he never had any "manly" talks with other Kens (besides beach-offs).
But besides you being his owner, there's something about you that just made him feel...secure enough to do so. Like he could tell you anything.
You listen and reassure him that acknowledging his mistakes was a great first step to unlearning those toxic mindsets.
With all of that finally hashed out, you decide to show him the simple pleasures of the real world. Like cooking, watching TV, playing video games, etc.
Just mundane things you regularly do, with Ken picking up on some of your habits/routines as well as having some independence of his own.
You two grow closer as a result over the next few weeks, and you began falling for him and his humor and his charming smiles-
Yeah, you're 100% smitten for this doll who crossed worlds to meet you.
But you're not sure if he felt (or even could feel) the same way, since he was made to love Barbie and was...clearly still getting over his "breakup" with her. So you left it be.
That changes when you show him some emotional movie where the lead male characters showed vulnerability (ie Good Will Hunting or Brokeback Mountain) and he unconsciously holds your hand as he stares at the screen, tears staining his cheeks.
While the credits roll, your heart melts as he looks at you with those pretty blue eyes, his watery smile persistent.
"Th-Thanks for showing me this, [y/n].."
"Of course, Ken. Now you know that us guys don't always have to pretend to be tough. We're allowed to have feelings." You rub your thumb across his knuckles, a sweet gesture which makes him blush.
On the subject of feelings, he realizes that the ones he has for you are...leaning more into romance than "bromance" (yeah you taught him that term and it's part of his vocabulary now).
He becomes uncharacteristically quiet when you ask him what's on his mind, before he leans in to kiss you on the cheek. Purely on impulse.
You're both flustered at what happened, yet he panics internally when you don't say anything, trying to get up to leave so you didn't see him cry over the stupid decision he made-
"Ken, it's okay." You take his hands, convincing him to sit back down. "I had no idea you swung that way, but I'm...actually glad."
"Glad? Y-You're not...mad or anything?" He sniffles.
"Of course not. I....was planning to come out of the closet sooner or later. I just didn't know when or how to bring it up, but....I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore, thank god."
"So...does this makes us boyfriend and g....boyfriend?"
"If you want it to be, sure. I wouldn't mind a handsome doll being the love of my life." You wink.
Ken mirrors your smile, relieved to know you reciprocated his feelings.
Then he gets stumped on something and his eyebrows furrow.
"Wait...what closet were you talking about?"
Oh boy.
You just chuckle and give him a kiss on the lips.
Falling in love with a Ken doll from Barbieland certainly wasn't on your bucket list....
But you're perfectly content with that.
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amomentsescape · 4 months
Hey, in a school play thats coming up in a few months and just got back from practice. Feeling super exhausted and under pressure cause I might have to miss a dress rehearsal for an important field trip and I dont want the teacher to be disappointed be like "oh my God that upping bitch ditched the 2nd dress rehearsal to go on some stupid field trip" (leaving this is an almost unreadable color so if it gets made I dont have to see that part and feel anxious again) so can I request slashers with a significant other in that situation and they support them all through it, the anxiety, lines, and coming home super exhausted and feeling discouraged all leading up to the play? Cause its still somthing they're determined and wanna do? Thanks in advance if you decide to write this then ill be rereading it till the play is over and maybe after it. Its probably dumb my feelings about it all seem stupid but I'm nerodivergent and things are just extra for me then most people.
Slashers with Overwhelmed! Reader That's in a School Play
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, Stu, Vincent, Bo, & Lester
A/N: Hey, your feelings are very much valid no matter the situation! Thank you for sending in your request, and I hope you find some rest soon <3
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Freddy Krueger
He's grown a bit concerned over the past couple of weeks
Seeing you show up in his world with that exhausted look on your face wasn't something he liked to see
Has listened to you rant about the situation while he just held you
But he's also been there to keep you going even when you thought about giving up
If you need help with lines and preparing, he's happy to be of assistance!
Can literally morph the world into a stage for you
Anything that makes you feel a little more at ease is worth it
And he'll happily keep you in his world for however long you desire
Something about being with him helps you get the rest you've so desperately needed recently
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Michael Myers
He honestly doesn't understand what the big deal is at first
You're stressed from the busy schedule? Then quit the play
But once you express how important it is to you and why you want to stick with it, he takes a little pity on you
Doesn't really help with lines or anything
But whenever you need some alone time, Michael is happy to oblige
If you need to rant, Michael is willing to lend an ear
It might not look like he's listening, but he is
He has offered to "get rid" of your problem a few times
Which you quickly said no to
Overall, he may not be the most supportive person to go to, but he does his best to be there for you in his own way
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Jason Voorhees
Jason has already gotten used to the routine now
In fact, whenever you come home, he already has a fluffy blanket laid out on the couch for you along with a warm beverage
Forces you to take at least 5 minutes to sit down and chill
Even if you protest, Jason refuses to let you jump straight into more work
If you're feeling particularly anxious, he's more than happy to hold you or just sit beside you and rub your back
He's happy to help you with anything you need too
He's not the best at giving lines since he's not much of a talker...
But he's very good at following along with your script and giving you a nod if you memorized something correctly
He cares a lot about your wellbeing, so whatever will help you out is what Jason wants to do
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Thomas Hewitt
He's also become a bit worried about you recently
He just hates seeing you look so worn out all of the time
Happily makes you dinner and snacks when you get home since he knows you appreciate not having to do it all yourself
He'll also run you a warm bath on evenings when you are particularly stressed out
He admires your dedication for sure, he just doesn't want you to burn out
Will not let you stay up late either
The moment it's bedtime, he makes you go to bed
It doesn't matter if you protest or not
He knows rest is important, and he'll happily lie right on top of you to make sure you don't get up from the mattress
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Bubba Sawyer
Every time you come home looking worried, Bubba is all over you
He's hugging you, holding your hand, and even following you around like a puppy the whole night
He hates seeing you as anything but happy
Will do crazy charades and dances to get you to smile
He's also been stalking up on a lot of your favorite snacks and candies so that you always have something for a little more energy
He also cares a lot about you getting enough rest too
If you ever try to pull an all-nighter or stay up late in order to practice your lines, Bubba is right there with you
And seeing him forcing himself to stay awake just ends up guilting you into finally going to bed
He may seem innocent, but Bubba knows how to persuade you when he deems necessary
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Brahms Heelshire
Brahms also recommends just quitting the play at first
It seems to be stressing you out too much, and he hates spending so much time away from you
But when you tell him that this is all important to you, he gives in
He'll (begrudgingly) go through lines with you and help you memorize them
Reassures you that everything will be fine and work out
Is happy to give you as many cuddles and kisses as you want in order to help you feel better
He still expects you to follow the rules list
But he's willing to be fairly lenient if you really need it
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Norman Bates
He's very sweet and understanding about the whole situation
Doesn't even question why you're still doing everything even with all the stress
Meets you at the door each night and grabs your things, putting them aside
Has dinner already prepared for you
And he's happy to help you with lines or anything else you need!
He's actually the one who offered
If he sees that you're feeling extra stressed, he urges you to tell him what you're thinking
He refuses to let you bottle up your worries
He always responds with reassurances or advice depending on what you want
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Billy Loomis
Believe it or not but Billy has had a little experience in theatre back in his day
He's a heartthrob; he always got cast in good roles
He's actually good at acting too and makes learning your lines feel a lot more legit
Even helps you with the delivery of the lines as well
He waits for you to come to him if you need anything
Advice, cuddles, questions, you name it
If you need it, just ask, and he'll be happy to supply
If anyone gives you a particularly hard time, Billy will go have a "talk" with them
Don't worry, he won't kill anyone
Well, unless you ask
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Stu Macher
Stu somehow always makes a stressful situation better
If you need help with lines, he'll go all out
Will throw on random clothes and grab just about anything to use as a prop
Delivers his lines with such charisma that you'd think he was Shakespeare
He pushes you to take frequent breaks when you can
A nice walk outside, a little TV sesh, or even going to get some ice cream real quick are all frequent suggestions made by Stu
He admires your passion for what you're doing, he just doesn't want you to push yourself too hard
Every night while in bed, he's there whispering reassurances to you and telling you how proud he is for what you're doing
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Vincent Sinclair
Vincent really wants to help, he just doesn't know how
But the moment you ask anything of him, he'll jump on it immediately
Brings you water and food frequently while you're busy
And on overwhelming days, he already has your bags and meals prepped for you so you can just head right out the door
Makes sure you're asleep every night before he'll even let himself rest
He also offers a lot of physical reassurance too if you need it
His hand on top of yours, gentle back rubs, and long hugs are all done if you initiate them
He really focuses on taking care of you and making sure you're not exhausting yourself too much
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Bo Sinclair
It honestly pisses him off
You coming home each night feeling anxious and looking so tired makes Bo angry at your school
Would really love to invite your teacher over to have a "talk" about everything
But he knows you'd never allow that
Will help you with lines if you insist
He's not very good at it, but the sentiment is there
His help is really focused on the practical
He makes sure you eat dinner, drink enough water, get enough sleep, etc.
He's not much of a cuddler, but that definitely changes when you're going through a tough time
He's very much looking forward to when the play is finally done
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Lester Sinclair
He always gives you lots of compliments
"You're such a hard-worker" "I know you're gonna do great" "It'll be all worth it"
Will give you a ride to wherever you need to go whenever you need to get there
Will spoil you quite a bit during this time too
Multiple bags of snacks, new comfy clothes, late night drives around the town, etc.
Whatever he can do to make you feel better, he wants to do it
He worries a lot about you though
So there will be a few times when you're the one needing to reassure him that you're alright
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moonroses-restuff · 6 months
Stay A Little Longer - Bi-Han x Reader
A/N- this was highly enspired by the recent new ep from the Apothecary Diaries. I hope you enjoy it.
Warning: sad Bi-Han, not proof read lol. Sfw
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You were on the roof, staring at moon light and stars, drinking some alcohol after such a stressful day. Your body was aching from all that unnecessary training with Bi-Han. You couldn’t help but wondered what was going on with him. He was much rougher than usual during training. Much angrier. Almost like he didn’t care if he hurt you.
It scared you. Luckily, Kuai Liang was there to stop his older brother to cause you any harm. You sighed as you drank up the last bit of the alcohol before you head back down and return to your room. You packed up your things and headed to the area where you climbed up.
Step by step, you carefully climbed down. Only until you were jumped by surprise from a sudden voice.
“What are you doing, Y/N?”
You gasped and lost your footing and fell down. You groaned in pain, “Damn, who was that? You startled me.”
“My bad.” You turned around to see who the hell scared you and made you lost your footing when you gasped to see Bi-Han.
“Bi-Han! Why are you here?” You asked.
“I should be the one asking you the same question.” He raised an eyebrow.
“I’m sorry. I’ll get up then.” You were ready to get up and get away from since he’s been in such a bad mood already since training that you didn’t want to cause anymore problems for you and for him. But suddenly, his big arms wrapped around you from behind, preventing you from leaving.
Your heart skipped a beat, “Could you let go of me?” You said, but he didn’t listen as he pulled you back down and sat you down.
“Don’t wanna. It’s too cold for you.” He mumbled, resting his forehead against your back.
You scoffed, “Ironic since you’re the one with ice powers.”
He groaned, “You’re the one without a jacket at this time of the night.”
You rolled your eyes. You didn’t know whether he was joking or not. But you didn’t want to further question him. But that’s when you nose caught this stretch form him.
Is he drunk?
“Are you drunk?” You asked, turning your head to face him. You took a good closer look and you can tell that his cheeks were pink and his eyes were red.
“Can’t help it since Kuai Liang and Tomas were there.” He sighed, burying his face more into your back.
“I see…”
“They both invited me for a drink. Once the booze were out, I filled myself with alcohol until I passed out. Once I’ve woken up, I endured a headache and wanted some fresh air until I saw you climbing down.” Bi-Han explained the details which surprised you. He wasn’t the type of person to be social with anyone. This was probably the longest conversation you ever had with him.
Come to think of it. You did notice how he gobbled alcohol for the past weeks now. You didn’t say anything since his outburst were out of control and didn’t want to bother him. Even, Kuai Liang and Tomas were distant threw out the days. You haven’t been here long enough to know what was really going on. Then again, you didn’t want to interfere with their buisness in the Lin Kuei.
But that doesn’t relate to this situation where you are trapped with his arms around you. You tried to break free from his grip but no matter what you do. He still wouldn’t budge. You didn’t want to be put up with a clingy drunk.
Then something hit you. You technically did fell on top of him, even though he was the one that startled you and he did catch you. It was probably rude of you to not even say thank you to him. Or else, he’ll have your head off by now.
It wouldn’t hurt to say thank you. You turned your head slightly about to say something when you felt something wet dropping on your bare neck. Your eyes widened and turned back to face him only to see tears dropping from his closed eyes. Your heart beats. Bi-Han pulled you closer as much as he can while you stayed quiet.
“Stay a little longer,” he whispered, “Just keep me warm. Just a little longer. Please.”
He pleaded. He sounded so vulnerable and you don’t know why. You took this opportunity to ask him a question.
“Bi-Han,” your soft voice got his attention, “What is wrong?”
He didn’t say a word and you understood. The two of you sat like this for hours. In silent. You can hear his breathing increased as you felt more tears falling. You never seen him like this. You didn’t know how to react or do for him. You breathed out from your nose and relaxed your body as you leaned back, holding his hand in comfort.
Bi-Han wanted to tell you his vulnerability. But he wasn’t ready to open up. No matter how much he wants to tell you about the pain he is facing. He couldn’t. But sitting here with you and having his arm around you was close on being comfortable. The warmth of your body made him ease up a bit. For that, he’ll thank you for this moment one day.
Perhaps one day, he’ll open up to you about his mother’s death anniversary that he drank himself up for the past weeks. But for now, he just wants to enjoy this night with you and not bother you with his issues.
A/n- need more vulnerable Bi-Han. This is my first time writing in a while. Ignores some Grammars lol
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poraphia · 9 months
First of all, I love your writing! Your style is amazing and your writing is the standard I aim for. Could you do a Wilbur x female reader where Wilbur and y/n are having a long distance relationship and y/n is having a very depressive, unhealthy episode so Wilbur decides to visit her while he’s on tour? You don’t have to do this if there are any problems with my request, thank you :)
"Don’t Tell My Boyfriend"
wilbur x depressed!reader 1355 words • 8.27.23 Decided to combine requests :) @ax-y10 requested something with the lyric "Don't tell my boyfriend, its not what he's made for" and then there's anon! Who was in fact super sweet I remember verbally aww'ing when I saw this in my inbox so thank you so much!! I hope you guys enjoy :) this is super unedited and I'm super sorry! Just trying to get back into writing again Wilbur soot masterlist here &lt;-
"Don't tell my boyfriend. It's not what he's made for. What was I made for?"
I love my boyfriend, I really do.
“(y/n), are you sure you don’t want to come to tomorrow night’s gig? We haven’t seen each other in so long, and I miss you so much..”
“I know, honey, it’s just I’m so caught up with work and I don’t know if I’ll have the energy to even come. I’m really sorry.”
But there are some lies here and there I have to slip out.
Wilbur sighed on the other side of the phone. I buried myself deeper into my pillow, hiding from the world with thick duvet covers.
“Okay, well… I’m getting off the plane right now. I guess I’ll call you tonight or something. I don’t know.” His words were laced with hurt and a sense of betrayal. I clenched my jaw to prevent the sobs aching in my throat.
“Y-Yeah, I’ll see you. I love you.” I mumbled.
“Love you too.” With that, he clicked off of the call. I dropped my phone onto the floor of my bedroom, sitting up to look around the mess of the room I’ve chosen to sulk in. It hasn’t been a good few days, or rather, weeks, recently. I lost my job, the appetite to even eat, to get up and go outside, hell, I don’t even remember the color of my carpet floor since it’s just a layer of clothes I’ve yet to wash.
Wilbur has been too busy on tour for us to regularly call and check in on each other, so it’s been better to keep quiet about what I’ve been going through. The last thing I wanted was for him to be all worried about me when he was supposed to be out there living his dreams as a famous musician playing for countries of many. Recently, he’s been touring in my country and he just landed near my hometown. For months we talked about seeing each other again, and how the distance has been treating us poorly. It ruined our sleep schedules sometimes, but it was all worth it just to spend a few hours together.
I clutched my pillows tightly, burying my face from the world around me. I disappointed Wilbur yet again. Just last month we were fantasizing about this moment.
“I wish I could spend a week in your hometown, love!” He sighed dreamily as he spun around his office chair. I giggled, working on an assignment while listening to the man rant.
“Oh, yeah? What’s so exciting about my hometown?” I asked. I glanced up to look at his webcam, as he stared with ecstatic eyes.
“Well, you, of course. But I wanna see where you grew up, the people, what kind of food you ate— The history! Oh my god, especially the history.” He exclaimed. I shook my head, amused by his antics.
“You’re adorable,” I mumbled.
“Hm?” He hummed, but it was obvious that he heard me with that slick smile.
“You know you are, you cheeky bitch.”
I squeezed my eyes shut as I let the tears stain my pillowcase, letting the sobs agonizingly echo throughout my apartment. I had no energy, not even to love and support my boyfriend. Nothing made me more than feel like the biggest disappointment in his life. Slowly, I drifted to sleep with only the thoughts of Wilbur me shunning me after this occupying my mind. How the next time we’ll see each others faces, he’ll only have his eyebrows knitted closely together while avoiding all eye contact, fidgeting with his hands as he talked.
I’ve ruined this relationship, and I’m scared that I may ruin him too.
I was woken up by the sound of my door creaking open. Immediately I jumped up, clutching my blankets tight to my chest. I backed up against my bed’s headboard as I tried to make out the tall figure standing at my doorway. As my vision started to refocus, I noticed the familiar pattern of curls on the top of the figure’s head.
“W-Wilbur?” I meekly croaked.
The figure stepped forward. I turned to the side to turn on my lamp, and once I turned back around I finally saw his face. His gorgeous, gorgeous face here in front of me. He wore a puffy sweater with a button up underneath. His hair was a mess, and since he’s been traveling for a while he had a slight stuble. But was most noticable was that face of concern. That face that screamed “Oh my god, are you okay?” That face that looked around my room, and most likely my apartment, to see just how much of a mess I truly was.
“(y/n), oh sweetheart, I’m sorry I scared you…” He said, speaking softly as he cupped my cheeks. I placed my hands over his, staring deep into those forest brown eyes.
“I-I…” I was speechless. “H-How did you get in..?” I asked, tilting my head a little. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as they darted across the room. My embarassing state was finally revealed in person, and I felt nothing but shame.
“Remember when we were in call one time and you told me about that spare key you kept in the plant in front of your door?” He explained. He quickly took a hand away from my face to show the key. “I remember…” He smiled.
Fuck, that smile.
That damn smile.
I threw my arms around his neck, holding him tightly as I sobbed into his neck. His hands found themselves around my waist, holding me as close as I can as I let out weeks worth of pain in his embrace.
“It’s okay, (y/n), I got you, I got you I promise…” He whispered softly in my ear,
“I’m sorry—” I choked out. “—I’m so fucking sorry…”
“Why are you sorry, darling?” Wilbur asked. “There’s no reason to be sorry, I promise, sweetheart.” His sweet words pulled on my heartstrings like a puppeteer.
“I-I kept secrets from you. I shouldn’t have, but I didn’t want you to worry. I didn’t know how you would take it…”
“My sweet girl..” He mumbled. He gently pulled himself off of me, examining my face such as my dark eyebags and chapped lips. “How about this, love. I get a warm bath started for you, and while you relax in the bath I’ll clean up your apartment then we can order food to eat together while watching your favorite show. How does that sound? Does that sound good?”
His features were soften and glowing under the warm light illuminating his face. I gave one more look around the room again. Dishes were scattered everywhere and pens and books were everywhere on my desk.
“You’re gonna clean my place..? That’ll take a while, and I don’t want you to be tired for your concert tomomrrow.” I worried. He shook his head.
“That’s not important to me. What’s more important is seeing you well taken care of. That’s what matters to me sweetheart. I could have a concert tonight and I would still drop it all for you.”
As if heaven sent me an angel, he gave me a smile almost as beautiful as Aphrodite’s as my heart ran marathons for the man before me. My hands that were behind his head twirled at his hair strands.
“Promise me, baby?” I asked gently.
“How about I show you instead?”
And with that, he picked me up bridal style, twirling me around before crashing his soft pink lips against mine. I hugged him as tight as my strength could muster, smiling into the kiss.
Despite some arguments in my brain, in the end I could really understand one thing about Wilbur.
This is what he was made for.
a / n ~ I’m really sorry I’ve been slacking lately. I’m in college now! In the meantime, I’m gonna close requests for now until I feel ready again. Thank you sm for the support!
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
🥶🤒 for Nat? Her suit not keeping her warm enough so she gets sick?
🌷🌷 tyyy!!
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 634
Warnings: fluff, sick!Nat, R taking care of Nat, comfort
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Babe, I told you I’m fine!” Nat whined, the end of her sentence being interrupted by a coughing fit. You gave her a look that made her shut up quickly and sit down on the bed as you instructed her to do. She had recently come back from a week-long mission. It wasn’t too dangerous, but it sure was cold. She hadn’t listened to you when you said to wear more layers and now she was paying the price.
“And I told you to lay down and get some rest, now go.” She rolled her eyes before grabbing the blanket and throwing it over her body. She acted as though she wasn’t cold, but you could see the way she shivered and goosebumps layered her skin.
“Good. I’m gonna go make some soup for you, do not get up, got that?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” She was on the brink of exhaustion, not even being able to gather the strength to take a shower or change, which you knew you’d have to do for her.
When you came back she was sprawled out on the bed, loud snores leaving her mouth that you couldn’t help but laugh at. You placed the soup, water, and medicine on the bedside table and headed to the bathroom to prepare a bath. You knew she wouldn’t have the power to do it on her own, so you’d have to sit behind her to help her.
“Nat? Nat, c’mon, we need to get you cleaned up and out of these wet clothes.” She groaned but eventually followed your lead. She was clingy when she was tired which you found adorable.
“I just wanna lay in bed with you, baby, can’t we just skip this for tonight?” You nearly debated it with yourself. Spending the night cuddling with her sounded amazing, but you knew she needed to be taken care of first.
“Nice try, but no. We’re getting you cleaned up and then we can cuddle, deal?”
“Fine.” She exaggerated a whine, trying her best to make you give in but you didn’t budge. You held her close for the entire time, washing off her body as she soon fell asleep on your shoulder due to the relaxing aroma you set. There were two candles on the side that filled the room with a smell of vanilla.
When your fingers were starting to prune you decided to get out of the bath, waking up Nat so you could stand up and help her out as well.
“I know, I know, but I need you to wake up to help me out for a minute. And then, you can go back to sleep in our comfy bed, my love.” You grabbed a sweater and pajama pants as she started to get dressed. She was near passing out on top of you again as you helped her dress herself. She felt like a toddler. She would never admit it, but she loved being taken care of by you. It made her feel loved, something she had never known before you came into her life.
You both laid in your shared bed, the two of you dressed in almost matching clothing. She had already taken her medincine which you forced her to do. It was disguisting, but you promised her some pancakes for breakfast if she took it, and she’d never let that offer go to waste.
“Mm, thank you for today, baby.” She mumbled, a small ‘I love you’ following suite. You smiled and kissed the top of her forehead as her eyes closed over, yours soon doing the same as you planned to awake to your girlfriend coughing and sneezing all over, her nose a red color and tissues decorating the bedside table. Even then, you wouldn’t change it for the world.
(Send in an emoji and I’ll write a Drabble for it)
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onceuponastory · 1 year
little favours - biker!bucky x reader
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Plot: Since Bucky saved her from her shitty boss, Y/N hasn’t seen him again. For a while, she gets closer and closer to giving up hope. Until he comes back. And this time, he’s asking for her help. Pairing: Biker!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of sick kids/kids in hospital in case that’s a trigger. Again, Biker!Bucky likes using doll as his pet name (yes, he’s a warning, hahaha). As always if I miss any triggers, let me know. Notes: This is part two to my first Biker!Bucky fic, Knights in Leather Jackets which you can read here if you haven’t already. I hope you like it. Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own.
Almost two weeks since she first met Bucky, Y/N is in the ice cream parlour again. Thankfully, it seems like her boss listened to Bucky’s warning, and he hasn’t bothered her since. So, ever since he left, Y/N has essentially been running the parlour herself. And for once, she’s started loving her job again. Shockingly, it turns out that not having her overbearing boss constantly breathing down her neck makes her happier and work better. As she cleans the counter, her eyes flicker to the note Bucky left her, his number still scrawled onto it. Despite how much happier she is now that her boss is gone, she is disappointed that she doesn’t have an excuse to call Bucky and have him down at the coffee shop at a moment’s notice.
“I could just call him, regardless of if I need help or not. I mean, he was obviously flirting.” The grin on Bucky’s face as he spoke to her replays in her mind once more, and already Y/N is grinning like a lovesick idiot.
Although, to be honest, that’s exactly what she is. Ever since he left her store, Bucky has constantly been in her mind. But somehow, even after everything they’ve been through, she just can’t bring herself to call him. Even though he saved her, she’s not sure where, if anywhere, that leaves them now. Of course, she’s under Bucky’s protection now, but whether it’s just his or his entire gang’s (if he has one, that is) is left to be seen. And besides, how long does it last? Is it lifelong or just until everything with her boss blows over? Or maybe her boss has tried to squeal, so Bucky and the others are lying low and not wanting to drag her into this.
“But I am a part of this.” Y/N glances back over at the note again. Bucky’s laughter fills her mind. “Fuck it.” Pulling out her phone, Y/N dials Bucky’s number.
The longer it goes without an answer, the more Y/N’s stomach twists and her heart sinks. And what little hope she has of seeing Bucky again slowly slips away.
When it hits voicemail, Y/N isn’t even surprised. Maybe she’s right. Maybe he doesn’t want to see her again. Or at least, not anytime soon. “Hey Bucky, it’s me, Y/N. Don’t worry, I’m okay. I was just wondering if I could see you again? …To thank you, I mean. Just come back to the shop. I’ll be here. Bye.” Sighing, she puts the phone down. Hopefully, she does see him again.
“Do you wanna get that, Buck?” Steve raises a brow, gesturing to Bucky’s ringing phone.
“No, I’ll get it later. It’s alright.” Yet, the phone keeps ringing. 
“Steve, just finish the meeting. I promise I’ll get it later.” Before Steve can say anything else, Bucky grabs his phone, switching it off and silencing the call. 
“Well, okay. As I was saying, the charity ride and fundraiser for the local hospital went really well, but I think there are still some things we can do.”
“What about a visit?” Sam pipes up. “We’ve done that a few times already, and the kids seem to love it.” Steve nods. Immediately, Y/N enters Bucky’s mind. Although he’s been thinking about her a lot recently. Actually, he’s been thinking about her since he left her. Her smile, her gorgeous face…god. He’d love to go back and see her again, but he’s been so busy recently that he hasn’t had the chance to. But now, he has the perfect excuse.
“Buck? You okay?” Steve frowns, curious about his friends’ silence.
“I have an idea.”
The next day, Y/N is back in the shop, sorting things through the back. Suddenly, the chimes above the door sound, signifying a customer. A familiar figure leans against the wall, sunglasses perched on his head. As soon as she sees him, she recognises him right away, and her heart begins to pound. “Bucky?”
“Hey doll.”
“You’re back.” Y/N breathes, still a little in shock. Like if someone pinched her, she’d wake up again. If this is a dream, she hopes nobody pinches her. “Do you...want some more raspberry ripple?” She asks, immediately regretting it. Yes, ask the hot biker about ice cream instead of on a date with you. Good idea.
“I’d love some, but not yet. Actually, I have a favour to ask you.” As she nods in agreement, Y/N can’t help but feel a little disappointed. Honestly, she thought Bucky was coming back just to see her, and maybe ask her out. But at least this still gives her a chance to see him, which is better than nothing. And he looks even better than she remembers. He’s sending her heart into a flutter all over again. 
“Sure, what’s up?”
“We’re doing some more fundraising for the kids’ hospital, and planning a visit too.” So the favour is for sick kids. Whilst she was more worried about her and Bucky’s relationship. Great. Now she feels like an asshole. “We were thinking of bringing them a treat, so I thought I’d call up the sweetest woman I know to see if she can lend a hand.” Y/N smiles, already feeling the heat rising in her cheeks. “So.” Bucky trails off. “Can you help?” 
Like she’d ever say no.
“Of course I will.”
“Thank you for the ice cream.” The young boy smiles up at her, and Y/N has to stop herself from crying. Although she’s enjoying spending this time with Bucky and his friends, it’s been amazing to see the kids and provide them with a little happiness during their hospital stay. Despite everything they’ve been through, both they and their families are all so kind and cheerful. Giving them some ice cream to help them feel better is the least she can do.
“Thanks for doing this, by the way. I was right. You really are an angel.” Bucky tells her as they head towards the next room. Smiling, Y/N shrugs.
“Of course I would. And besides, I’m the angel? This coming from the guy who beat up my asshole boss and is giving ice cream to sick kids. Sounds like you deserve that title more than I do.”
“I told you, doll. It’s what we do. And besides, I only came up with the idea, you’re the one giving it out.” 
“Acting like a regular Prince Charming is a daily occurrence for you? Sure.” Bucky blushes at her words, grinning like the same lovesick fool she knows she is around him.
“Bucky!” A little girl grins from her bed when they enter the next room, waving excitedly.
“Melody! Hey kiddo! Good to see you again.” He perches on the end of her bed, listening to her excited chatter about what she’s been doing since he last saw her. The sight makes Y/N’s heart swell. Despite how big and scary Bucky looks to other people, he’s so kind and loving to everyone. And Y/N’s hopelessly in love with him.
“He does this a lot, you know? They all do. Means the world to her.” Melody’s mother smiles, coming to stand by Y/N. “Melody adores him.” She’s not the only one.
“I have a surprise for you. I asked your mommy and your doctor, and they said you can have some ice cream. And it’s your favourite, strawberry.” Melody’s face lights up as Y/N passes over some for her. 
“Thanks Bucky!” Melody squeals, wrapping her tiny arms around him.
“Hey it’s not just me. My friend Miss Y/N is the one who brought you the ice cream.”
“Thank you, Miss Y/N!” She calls across the room. The sweetness and innocence in her voice makes Y/N smile.
“You’re very welcome Melody. But you can just call me Y/N, alright?”
“She’s pretty.” Melody whispers to Bucky, yet is still just loud enough for Y/N to hear. “She looks like a princess.”
“Yeah.” Bucky chuckles, gazing over at Y/N like she hung the moon. “I know.”
Later, after Y/N and Bucky have finished visiting the kids, he offers to take her home on his bike. Of course, Y/N accepted right away. “Remember your helmet. Couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.” Y/N puts it on, hoping she’s quick enough to mask how smitten with him she is. This man is going to be the death of her one day. “Hold on tight, okay?” Tentatively, Y/N reaches out, wrapping her arms around Bucky’s waist and scooting closer to him. The scent of patchouli oil, Bucky’s scent, fills her senses again, and she inhales deeply.
“How is it he already smells like home?”
As Bucky drives down the streets and roads of New York, Y/N leans back a little, enjoying the ride. This is what she used to dream about. Sitting on a bike and feeling free. If only she knew it’d come true. And that it’s even better than she dreamt. Although...that’s mainly because of Bucky.
But soon, Bucky pulls up outside her apartment, the ride and her dream over. “Thanks Bucky.”
“Not at all. Thank you for coming today.”
“I told you, I’m glad to help. I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Y/N, wait.” Bucky orders, stopping her. “Can I….” She raises a brow, waiting for his explanation. It’s strange, seeing the intimidating, yet flirty and confident Bucky, now a blushing mess around her. Although, it’s kind of endearing. “Can I take you out? On a date?”
“Yeah.” she gasps, already nodding with excitement. “Of course.” Bucky grins.
“How about I pick you up this Saturday, then? Say…about seven?”
“Okay. See you then.” Suddenly, Bucky leans in, pecking her on the cheek. His beard grazes her cheek, which tingles under its touch. 
“See you then, doll.”
Please follow @onceuponastory-library​ and turn notifications on to be notified when I next post!
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dapperhannah · 4 months
Feeling Human Again (part 1)
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Chan x Reader
Chan's been too invested in working on music that he's neglected almost everything. You are over waiting for him to finish and take matters into your own hands. Until he takes them into his.
content warning (this chapter but probably the next one): sex, oral, dirty talk, subxdom, please dont ever read this chan or i will jump into the moon
Somehow it had never gotten easier on Chan's studio days. He warned you off the bat that he was almost completely unreachable.
"I really focus on those days, babe. I need you to know it's kinda like I drop off the face of the earth for 12 hours."
"I'll be fine! I'll just text Felix to give me attention. He's pretty good at keeping me entertained with goofy videos or coming over to play games."
But when deadlines would get closer and closer, almost everyday was a studio day. A week would go by with the only messages you'd get from Chan were a good morning and good night both at the wee hours of the night. You knew it was taking a toll on him when you could see the dark circles under his eyes during the few moments you would get with him.
Today was going to be different. Chan's good morning text came around 6AM as usual, with the same kissy face emoji. Great, you think, He's in the studio. Mission is a go.
Sneaking into the studio wasn't very hard. Hyunjin, Felix, Minho, and Jeongin were all practicing in the dance hall. They didn't even question when you came through anymore. It was pretty normal just to come hang out while they rehearsed. They hollered for you to come hang out, but you waved them off.
Passing by the gym, you saw Changbin deeply focused on weight lifting while Jisung very leisurely walked on the treadmill, eyes closed and mumbling the song he was singing. It was always such a treat to see how each of the kids spent their freetime. The album was still a few weeks away, but their managers had them on a short break to catch up on just feeling human.
Chan's studio was right around the corner now. There was nothing in the way of you and distracting your man to feel that human way. But, of course, there was Seungmin.
It was no surprise to see him wandering the halls, but to bump right into him caused both of you to jump.
You comically clutched at your invisible pearls, Seungmin pretending to cover himself up as though you'd caught him in the shower, both laughing up a storm.
"What are you doing?" Seungmin asked, his little puppy head cocked to the side, "I'm just about to join the guys for dance practice if you wanna join!"
"Thank you, Minnie, but I've got... other plans." You eyed the door to the recording studio, the windows blacked out and the "DO NOT DISTURB" sign plastered on the outside.
Seungmin nodded knowingly.
"He's been in there so much recently. Even though we still see him every night at the dorm, it's like he's not even there. I miss him."
"Me too. I'm going to try and get him to come back to reality - even just for a bit."
The sweet puppy boy nodded again, a goofy grin spread across his face, before he ran off down the hall. It was both sweet as well as heartbreaking that the guys missed him. Whenever you'd text back and forth with Felix, it would eventually go from stupid memes to talking about Chan. You both really loved and admired him so it wasn't very hard to get to the topic.
Turning the door handle quietly, you slid into the dark room. The front room that was usually lit up and comfy was filled with shadows. A glow was emitting from the soundboard and you could see the shape of your favorite Aussie. His headphones were on so you knew he couldn't hear you, but it still felt necessary to tiptoe.
Chan's eyes were closed, lost in whatever music he was listening to. His outfit was lazy comprised of the same hoodie and sweatshirt you'd seen him wearing the last time you two had a whole day of rest together. It took everything in you not to pull open the door and jump on him.
But that wouldn't be necessary when Chan's eyes flashed open and glanced your way. You were in the dark, there's no way he could see you... right?
"You don't have to hide, I know when the door opens and closes."
You felt like a deer in headlights. You'd never bugged him during his producing session. It felt like a sacred time for Chan and who were you to intrude on that.
"Y/N, please. Just come here."
You sheepishly entered the soundboard room, head hung down, looking like a guilty puppy who just ripped up the couch.
"Babe, I just missed y-"
Before you could even finish, your sweet love wrapped you up in a tight embrace. It was warm, needy. The touch of someone who was so starved for any sort of affection.
"Miss you too. I'm sorry."
Pulling out of the hug, you can see the tears well up in Chan's eyes. You felt them in your own as well, overwhelmed by his and your own emotions.
"Baby, Chan, please. Do not be sorry. You've been busy."
"I know, but I've been neglecting everything. It's amazing I at least eat a little bit and shower."
You run your hands through his hair, absorbing the serotonin that just came from the fluff on his head.
"You need to take more breaks - and not just for me. The guys miss you too."
He hung his head down the same way you had before. You took his face in your hands, turning to face you directly.
"And don't give me that pouty face anymore please. I'm here now."
Wiping the wetness trapped in the corner of his eyes, Chan's demeanor changed. Something took over him in that moment that was so out of pocket.
"You are here, huh?" He whispered with a smirk. His arms wrapped around you, where they slowly melingered from your back to your waist to your butt.
"Yes... Chan, what's up? You know we're here. At your studio. With your management and other memebers literally down the hall."
The mischevious look on his face only intensified as you spoke.
"Well, this is a soundproof room. And the doors lock."
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elly99 · 1 year
Part 5 of 5. Check here for more details.
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Something was different about her recently. Yes, your best friend was now a superstar. Yes, you weren't able to hang out as often, especially with a new release coming soon. But that wasn't it. You felt there was something more. Maybe it was something different about you.
You found yourself missing her. A lot more than usual. There was a certain emptiness you felt when she wasn't around. It was subtle at first, but now, it was all you could think about. She was all you could think about.
You recall the last time you saw each other. It was a few weeks ago, when she stopped by your place to rest with you and talk about her upcoming song Ditto. She couldn't talk about the lyrics just yet, but she told you that something about the song resonated with her and that she was excited to share it with you. Before she left that night, you swear there was something different about the way she hugged you goodbye. Or maybe it was something different about you. You remember not wanting to let go.
A notification on your phone pulls you out of your thoughts. It was a message from Mingki 🐻.
"Can I come over for a while? Gonna be really busy this month so just wanna spend some time with you. I bought you coffee!"
Your heart started racing. And you were starting to understand why.
"Of course, Min! What time were you thinking?"
"I'll be at our rooftop spot in 10."
Your heart continued racing. And it wasn't just because you were now scrambling to find a proper outfit to wear.
Having settled for just a t-shirt and jeans underneath your padded jacket, you waited for her on your favorite bench. You had shared a lot of memories with her here. It was sitting on this bench that she first told you she was going to debut. It was sitting here amongst the trees that you told her you made it into university. It was sitting here under the stars that you promised to always look out for each other and to never keep secrets.
"Bro, stop shaking your leg. You look like you're having a nervous breakdown or something."
You turn around to see her grinning at you and handing you your cup of iced coffee. But taking it from her did not immediately occur to you, because you could only process one thing: she looked gorgeous.
"Yo, are you good? Did I get you the wrong drink? This is your favorite, though..."
"No, no, it's perfect! Thanks, Min."
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine! I just missed you. I'm happy to see you."
"Aww, I've missed you, too! That's why I'm here."
She sits beside you, leaning close for warmth. Your heart is still racing. And it wasn't just because of the caffeine.
"How have you been?"
"Mmm, busy. Very busy. And very tired," she sighs, then carefully leans her head on your shoulder. "I just wanna stay quiet for a while. Is that ok?"
"Of course," you reply, wondering if the drum inside your chest would be able to comply with her request.
Half an hour passes as you just silently enjoy each other's company. In that time you allow your thoughts to wander again. There was something different about her. Even in the winter air her presence had never felt warmer. In the golden light of the sunset she had never looked more beautiful. Sitting here with her now, closer than you'd ever been before, you felt it. You felt it in the now steady beating of your heart. Weeks of confusion culminating in this one moment of clarity. But you didn't know how to tell her.
So instead you ask, "Wanna listen to some music?"
Seeing her nod, you take out your phone and choose a song that would hopefully get your message across.
My mind is running circles, my heart's out in the rain I know that this is sudden, but Do you feel the same?
"I like this! Can you send me the link?"
"Yeah, of course."
When the song is over she checks her phone then turns to you.
"Hey, I'm sorry but I need to go."
You were suddenly gripped by fear. Did she understand what you were trying to say? Did you make her uncomfortable? Did she not feel the same? Seeing you frown at her sudden declaration, she immediately moves to hug you. The warmth of her embrace feels different. Hopeful. But maybe it was just you.
"I'm sorry! I know I didn't get to stay long. I just have a lot going on right now. I still appreciate you staying here with me, though. I really needed some peace and quiet... with you," she trails off.
"Yeah, it's no problem! I understand. I'm just going to miss you again," you chuckle, attempting to mask your disappointment.
"I'll miss you, too! But before I go I have something for you."
She reaches for a folded up piece of paper in her jacket pocket and places it in your hand. The unexpected contact gives you butterflies.
"It's about Ditto. We promised to not keep secrets, so here's everything I have about our new song. Keep it to yourself, of course! I'm trusting you. As always."
"You got nothing to worry about, Minji," you smile. "When will you be free again?"
"I don't know yet, but I'll come see you as soon as I can," she says reassuringly and hugs you again. "I promise."
As she gets up, the cold is suddenly overwhelming. You fight the urge to grab her hand and stop her from leaving.
"Read that carefully, ok? I would've talked about it now, but it was easier to express my thoughts in writing. Text me what you think."
"I'll read it before bed. Thanks, Min."
And as she walks away, you fight the urge to run after her and never let her go. To ask her how she felt. You just needed to know.
Maybe some other time.
You tell me that you're leaving, but I wish you would stay I think that this is worth it, but Do you feel the same?
Back all alone in your apartment later that night, you feel it again. The cold embrace of her absence and the uncomfortable company of your thoughts. Before you sleep you finally read the note, imagining the words in her voice, trying to feel her close again.
I don't really know where to begin. I'm not good at things like this. But our latest song has had me thinking a lot recently. About you, actually. It goes:
My feelings for you Like the memories we share Have grown so big Summer's gone and it's autumn Been waiting all this time
I got no time to lose I had a long day I miss you I got nothing to lose I like you
I don't want to Stay in the middle Like you a littlе Don't want no riddle Say it, say it back, oh, say it ditto Can't wait 'til the morning, so say it ditto
I want you so, want you, so say it ditto
I don't want to keep hiding anymore. I can't keep hiding. And we promised never to keep secrets, right? So here's me saying that I like you. I'm always happiest when I'm with you. I've had feelings for you for some time now, but I only let myself feel them completely after singing this song.
We've known each other for so long, but I still can't be sure if you'll like me back. And I was scared at first about messing up our friendship, because it's one of the most precious things to me. But Ditto made me realize what it's like to have nothing to lose. It made me realize that liking someone is a beautiful thing. So here's my heart. I like you. I want you.
I hope we can still be friends if you don't feel the same. But if you do, it's going to be hard. We'll have to keep us a secret. And we did promise never to keep secrets, but I think it would be worth breaking that promise just this once.
Sleep well tonight. I'm sending bear hugs! If you want.
Love, Your Minji
Screw sleep. Screw texting her back. You grabbed your phone and called her up.
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3lder1ch-l0verz · 1 month
Hi! Could I request a Steven (Steven Universe future) x reader, where he feels lonely and asks to come over to the reader’s place? Bonus points if they cuddle together and the reader comforts him 🥺
Of course honey! Thank you for the request, I love this prompt! I apologize if its late, work and school have been keeping me busy! Sorry if it's short!
A listening ear...
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It had been a long week for Steven. He had been dealing with all sorts of things. Bluebird trying to hurt his dad, his gem powers acting up, Connie rejecting his proposal. He felt on edge, and he needed company outside of the crystal gems.
Who better to go to than you? His best friend, and brother figure! He remembers the first time you two met! He was 12, and you were 16. He was walking on the beach when he saw you, a tall teenager dressed in a grunge style. You were new to town, almost everyone recognized you as the new kid.
Steven was lured in, he was really curious about you! Who knew that one simple introduction would've lead to years of friendship and bonding.
He remembers all the times you stood up for him, protected him from corrupted gems, cared for him when he was sick. Yeah, he had the crystal gems to do that too, but it was different with you, you were pretty much his brother!
In fact, your the one he felt like he could unload his problems with. He remembers the first time he was overwhelmed with the things in his life. You comforted and listened to him for as long as he needed.
Safe to say he trusts you, and needed you now.
With all the recent things in his life, he needed your comfort. So, with shaky hands, he called you, nervous about your response.
When you pick up the phone, he smiles, still feeling a bit nervous.
"Hey (Name)...uh...could I come over? I just...i really need to talk to someone right now..."
He hears your chuckle on the other side of the phone, and that seems to ease his nerves.
"Of course you can Steven! You don't have to ask, I'm always there for you when you need me bubs."
He sighs with relief and informs you he'd be over in a few minutes. True to his words, he arrived at your house in a few minutes. The stressed 16 year old quickly hugs you, needing the comforting warmth of your embrace.
"Hey bubs...tough week huh? Wanna talk about it?"
You rub his back, hugging the youngster back. He briefly nods, and lets you sit him down on the couch. He watches as you put a blanket on him, make him his favorite snack, and provide him his favorite drink.
"Alright then, let's talk. What's wrong Steven?"
He takes a sip of his drink and rests his head on your shoulder.
"... Everything. Everything is wrong. I feel so overwhelmed, it's like I'm a kid again. I don't know if something is wrong with me, or, or if I'm doing something wrong. It just feels like I can't talk to anyone. I'm so used to letting others talk to me about their problems, that I've forgotten how to talk to them about my own problems."
You nod and frown, not because of his words, but out of empathy and pity.
"Nothing is wrong with you Steven, you're still a kid, and you've been through so much. It's okay to feel how you feel, and I understand how it feels like everyone doesn't understand what you're going through. And in a way... you're right. You're the first being to do the things you do, be a mix of a gem and a human. You've experienced things you shouldn't have had to experience at that age, and for that I'm sorry. But, despite all of that, you'll always have people who care about you. People who'll listen. I may not understand what you've been through, what you're experiencing, but I will always listen and try to help out."
Steven goes quiet, and he smiles softly, feeling a bit better. For the next few hours, you listened to him talk about his problems. You listened intently, and occasionally gave suggestions to help with the problems. Eventually, he fell asleep on you, and for the first time in a few weeks, he slept without having a dream....
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artyandink · 5 days
Just a little thing from the entirety of my heart:
I have only started properly writing on just Tumblr since a few months ago (haven’t kept count really), but I started an account a few years ago. But in that time, I’ve managed to grow as a writer and a person, got a lot more feedback and followers and publicity (don’t know what to call it otherwise) and it’s absolutely amazing.
I’m not as technically skilled or organised as some of the other absolutely goddamn brilliant writers on here, but I can tell you that I’m so grateful for everything that y’all have done to build my little space here.
I’ve struggled a lot over the years, with depression, anxiety, some degree of Autism Spectrum Disorder and have had some great difficulty with socialising and keeping real friends, which is a bummer. But fanfiction, writing, original fiction- it’s all an out for me. To be someone who I’m not, to escape from everything in the outside world and have one more where people look at me and think ‘wow, she’s so cool’ and out there it’s ‘ew, she’s so socially awkward’ because my social battery doesn’t replenish very easily and I tend to expect the worst.
Now, I know you don’t want to listen to my rant about my hardships, so here’s a selection of people that I wanna thank for making me more confident and more skilled as a writer just in general, which I absolutely appreciate (even if you aren’t mentioned in this list, I absolutely love y’all who support me as a writer):
@zepskies - You’re such an amazing writer here, you deserve every bit of support and love that you get from your readers because you’re truly a natural writer and such an amazing person in general. I only improved after analysing your writing and putting it into practical use. Also, your writing’s like self-therapy for me. You should be really proud of yourself (and this goes for everyone). @k-slla - Same for you, Kerly! Another thing was that I saw you about on Tumblr, and we found each other but you helped bring me out of my shell and gave me the support that I needed, and I’m forever grateful for that. @waynes-multiverse - Wayne, you were one of the first writers to give me your feedback on my first proper, thought out series here on Tumblr and I’m so glad you did, cause I met an amazing person and got to see your brilliant work, again something that I took inspiration from. @jackles010378 - You, my friend, are such a good hype person! You also tagged me in the little ‘get to know you’ posts, and otherwise I’d be a socially awkward hermit, so I am indebted to you for it. Keep on doing what you’re doing and including me even if my social battery hasn’t charged. It’ll shoot up to 100% ;) @angelbabyyy99 - Thalia, I bow down to you and your ability to write CJ. And you’ve reviewed my latest fics and it hyped me up so much that after a section of writer’s block induced by being horribly ill, I’m banging out fics in a day or two that previously would take me weeks. So glad you found me, and I hope you stick around, lovely! @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior - You’re such a good writer, and I recently found out that you were/are/could be in the same boat I am, and I can’t tell you how much that meant to me. To know that this isn’t a battle I’m fighting alone meant everything and I can’t thank you enough for sharing your struggles with everyone.
That was pretty heartfelt, but I felt like I had to say it otherwise my heart would burst from being so goddamn happy that I found my community.
The SPN community is so goddamn nice?!?!
Love, Arty 💜
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