#literally logan anon
tokillamockingbird427 · 5 months
I have this headcanon that logan is vaugly co-dependent w any older man that crosses his path.
like I think his mother was the number one source of validation for him (I obv hc him as autistic) bcs elias just didn't really get it. so when she died he turned to elias but as much as I love him that man was ABSENT. so he turned to hesh but hes 2 years older and didn't really fill that need and so on and so forth. his life is just a long winding path of clinging to older people for validation his family was never really able to provide.
i love elias I think he's a fun guy who kisses one specific bald evil man but I definitely feel he'd be a very hypermasculine father in THAT sort of way. so logan def missed out on core love and affection when his mother passed. I think the walker household was more praise/respect/admiration based than love yk what I mean?
im not okay in the head what you're hearing is an unwell old man
this is pro logan age regressor propaganda btw
Can you say "Daddy issues" ????
I think in this scenario Hesh kinda partially fills the role hence Logan being so Little Duck with him but not totally so he still looks for parent figures in other people. Yk?
"he's a fun guy who kisses one specific bald evil man" I'm sorry that's literally such a fucking hilarious way to describe Elias I'm in fucking tears oml I love you for that plssssss helppppppp
I kinda do I think. Elias taking the "Treat them like you do Riley (A dog.)" thing too literally rather than... treating them like entire human people. Am I on or off the mark pal, I gotta know.
"im not okay in the head what you're hearing is an unwell old man" 🤝
Love propaganda. Go have fun. That's my motto!
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yellowwwcrayon · 1 month
Do you think Wade sorts the Logan variants he’s met by how fluffy their hair is
Anon, so sweet and wholesome. He'd probably sort them by how nice their boobs feel under his hands or something like the below.
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sceletaflores · 13 days
i’m so obsessed with crimson (not a cringe name at all!) and logan!!!
pls tell us more about crimson and her backstory! and her mutation! thanks baby!!!
wtf oh em gee anon ofc i’d love to chat about her!
for her mutation, she’s basically a blood bender, but with some extra stuff cause i thought just blood bending was a little boring lmao. i'm not the best at explaining things, so hopefully this isn’t all over the place.
in my head, she can manipulate blood that's both inside and outside of the body. she can sort of "possess" peoples bodies by either ingesting their blood or by blood-to-blood contact. if it has a blood stream, she can take it over. it’s not only limited to just the living either, corpses that still have blood in their bodies are easiest for her to manipulate.
she refrains from ever ingesting blood in fear of looking too scary, she only learned and honed the blood-to-blood contact method working with charles and hank. she can also use her own blood (other peoples as well but once again, she doesn't really want to come off as scary) as a weapon by manipulating it into sharp objects once it's spilled.
she hardly possesses living people because it takes a huge toll on her physically and it's still a little too hard for her to execute safely.
i even toyed with the idea of her being able to like...ingest a mutants ability. not forever, but if she takes enough blood from them she can retain a watered down, weaker version of whatever ability they may have for a short period of time, but i'm not so sure about making it 'canon' in my own little universe.
one cause it’s a super similar trait to rogue and two cause i obviously want her abilities to be interesting and powerful in a way, but i don't want to make her too op or a sort of mary sue type character. it's so icky reading ocs that are written to be the strongest mutant ever that body jean and magneto and everyone else under the sun. i don't ever want to give that vibe with this lol please let me know if i do don't spare my feelings like is this cool or is it too extra...
okay so what i have in my head in terms of a backstory is very chaotic and not really fully fledged in any way shape or form! the main idea i have for her is that, as a child, she was sold to a mutant testing lab by her abusive mother. her father left right after her abilities developed, refusing to raise a mutant daughter.
i know i very ominously mentioned the “scientists” and the “experiments” in afilav sort of in passing, but just know she was a mutant before she was tested on! the experiments only affected her mutation. that’s why she reacts more aggressively or viscerally to the sight and smell of blood. however, her enhanced strength and healing are a result of her time in the lab.
anyway long story short she finally broke out of the lab when she was older and started to “work” as like a free agent for a couple years.
killed whoever wherever for whoever for lots of money. she never stayed in one place long. she liked being off the grid, mostly drifting from state to state sleeping in shelters, on park benches, in abandoned cars, but only until she was found by charles xavier.
that's really it! i'm trying to think out some more aspects of her that are only half-baked ideas so i won't bother writing them down lol thanks for the question anon! i had so much fun actually sitting down and writing this.
fyi: i'll be tagging all my content about this au and character with the tags 'to the bone au' and 'file: crimson' from this point on :)
love you!
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Are we still sharing last name headcannons?
Here are mine + explanation:
- Patton Hart (because he's Thomas' heart (didn't think much abt this one))
- Logan Holmes/Crofter/Sanders (all relatively self-explanatory)
- Roman Prince/Thorne (Thorne because he reminds me of Thomas Thorne from BBC Ghosts)
- Virgil Raynes (storm cloud)
- Janus Serpent/Evergreen/IDK something French (Janus I always get stuck on lol)
- Remus Prince/Duke/Thorne (Because He's Roman's brother, there's literally no other reason)
- Remy Hypnos/Raynes/Picani (Hypnos is the god of sleep, Raynes because he's Virgil's brother in some AUs, Picani because Remile)
- Emile Picani
I don't see why not but OOOH!!! I like those!!! Also Vee's being Rayne is so cleverly underrated
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pheonix-inside · 3 months
As a person who doesn’t know about your superhero au I’d like to know a bit more about it :)
Hehehehehehe ok ok ok :)
So my working title for it, at the moment, is Roman Pryce: Teenage Superhero
So Roman is 16 years old, with the ability to conjure anything at will (inspired by Another Goddamn Hero Story on Ao3 go read it), and the insistence that his father was a superhero. Now the thing is that Roman's dad died when he was like 3, and he's since then been adopted by two wonderful women, Piper and Danielle (the two princesses from the second vine), but he has a few memories of the man, and he's in a hero suit and using his powers in most of them, so Roman has to continue the legacy, right? Plus, he just wants the glory (and the helping people) that comes with being a hero.
But the hero organization only accepts adults, and he is very much not one. So he does what any stupid, stubborn kid with powers does and decides to try to become a vigilante!
And immediately gets caught by his best friend, Logan, because he has the subtlety of a brick to the face. But Logan doesn't stop him, just insists on helping him and making sure he doesn't get killed, so he becomes Roman's sort of "man in the chair." Of course, only a few weeks (maybe a month, tops) after that, Patton, the third member of his and Logan's group and Roman's self proclaimed soulmate (not that anybody but Logan has ever heard him say it, and he never noticed how Logan grimaces when he does), notices that something's up.
And after that the game is up, he's immediately in on it, and he insists on being Roman's second man in the chair, despite not having any sort of knowledge necessary. But it's Patton, so of course they let him, because Logan can provide the tech knowledge and Patton can be the morale, and also he's from the richest family in the city and his parents don't check his receipts, so he can buy all the first aid they need.
And they kinda exist like that for a little while, until Roman has a run-in with a well-known vigilante, who goes by Gale, and of course immediately makes an enemy. Not necessarily a fist fighting, "I hate you so much" enemy, but certainly a rival. Never mind the fact that Gale is trying to help people just as much as Roman.
Over time the rivalry fades to something more playful, and they actually work together sometimes. After one such battle, however, Gale gets injured badly enough to go unconscious, and before Roman can even react he's got Patton in his earpiece telling him to bring him to their base ASAP so they can patch him up. Logan knows all of the technicalities of first aid, but Patton's really good at applying it, so Roman brings him.
And after that Gale is a friend of theirs. And after another heart to heart that I don't have a lot of the details of, he joins their team! And he even tells them his name - Virgil. Turns out, despite having been a vigilante for years now, he's the same age as the rest of them, and is an amazing teammate.
But uh. Things get a little more complicated when the group realizes that Virgil... basically lives at their base now. He never mentions school, or a family, or even a home, and gets kinda cagey whenever the group mentions anything.
And then one day, while on patrol, Roman and Virgil come across a new villain wreaking havoc. Only, oddly, this guy isn't wearing a mask.
More oddly, the guy looks just like Roman.
And oddest of all, he knows Virgil.
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mistressemmedi · 8 months
thoughts on james vowles?
He stays in his lane and supports his drivers. 10/10 for me
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lovelystarship · 2 months
wuaahehehehe [template here]
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sergeantpixie · 10 months
I would love to hear all the reasons you ship Rory/Logan and prefer them to Rory/Jess! Same, by the way :)
Hi anon! It's always fun to meet another Rogan shipper <3
Honestly I'm gonna stay away from comparing them because I am too old for ship wars. Also I actually do like Jess as a character a lot. I enjoy his friendship with Rory too, especially as they grow up. I think he becomes a better friend to her and I'm glad he showed up to knock some sense into her about Yale. I don't think anyone else would've gotten through to her in that moment. Logan quite literally couldn't because a) he hasn't known her for nearly as long so even if he understood that she was making the wrong choice - "you love school" is one of my favorite Logan lines, he takes her so seriously even when it's things he personally cares nothing about, like school - and b) Logan is used to doing what people want him to do. Rory playing the role of the DAR darling is the equivalent of him going on business trips out of state with his dad: what they were 'born' to do. But he doesn't really like it. We see how uncomfortable he is with it - he just doesn't know what to say. Jess knows Rory well enough to call her out on her shit when she really really needed it.
I liked Rory and Logan as a couple right away, I enjoy their chemistry and the fact that they have things in common and also different interests and personalities and upbringings. I like that Logan challenges Rory and that she surprises him. I like that he's willing to try new things with her and I like that he gets her to step outside of her comfort zone. Even when it goes badly, like their open relationship, it forces Rory to step up a bit. She's better at communicating with Logan than she has been in her relationships in the past because of it. I like that they're really, sincerely friends. They prank each other and he keeps up with her banter.
I also love the Rory is Luke and Logan is Lorelai comparison, it really rings true to me. Rory and Luke are the characters described as hermits and Logan and Lorelai have a lot in common, including things Lorelai criticizes Logan for. (After all, Lorelai gets the wedding planner fired in the same season that Logan gets the maid fired in.) I enjoy that dynamic of bright, cheerful characters and more shy, reserved characters together. Despite all of my quibbles with season 7, I do think they got it right that Lorelai is someone Logan would look up to and hope to emulate.
I'm gonna stop there, I really could go on for far too long. Thank you, anon! This was fun :)
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grandprix-ao3 · 1 year
same anon as before!! love the logan enthusiasm, u’re single-handedly making ME want to show him off to people around me
i’m so glad it’s contagious. thank god 😭😭 what else am i here for if not to infect random internet users w the logan disease… i mean look at him. it’s so over
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nico-the-overlord · 1 year
do you have any tss fic recommendations?
I could suggest some! Just keep in mind that I am still very new to reading fics in general (like I just started…6 or so months ago?) so there’s definitely a ton of good ones I haven’t been able to read yet. Also I’ve mainly only used AO3 for fic reading.
I do remember seeing a tip that said on AO3, you can sort fics by kudos, go to the 4th/5th page and you’ll find the best fics of your fandom there. Tried that once and I did see some interesting ones if you want to try that.
Anyways, the actual fics>
So There's These... People... by ConsultingCompanion94 is a take on “Nico meets the sides” idea, love it because it’s generally so sweet and wholesome. Probably my favorite tss fic so far tbh (even when it’s not done yet…as a lot are but still good yk)
I usually like reading silly more comedic stuff such as Arms by DoomedKelpie , Janus and Computers by DoomedKelpie , Danger Noodle by ScarletEyes
I don’t usually like reading angst/heavy stuff (because ouch, my feelings) but fics such as Shattered Glass in Flowerbeds by DoomedKelpie and A Subtle Touch of Misery by Otaku_in_Red keeps having me go back to them for writing/plot
Oh and They all felt it by mortal_infinity has been writing this huge story where the orange side has already been established as a side, writing up c!Thomas life after events
Sketchbook Sides by ToastWasBoiled isn’t really a fic, more just writing out ideas on AO3 but I still love it (you’ll see my comments on every other chapter here lol). This person has written actual tss poetry/fics though if you want to check them out
Hope I did this correctly/links work, if not lmk. I’ve never had someone ask me this before so-
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duckmine · 2 years
I am so glad you do not ship L0gan and Louise... ily.
oh, um, cool? yeah i guess louigan just never really struck with me. personally i don’t ship them just because logan is annoying to me but i don’t think anyone who ships them now ships them as their current age in the show, so far i only see them drawn together as full on adults 🤔 to that i don’t really have any qualms with but even then it’s still just not my cup of tea.
i think i know where your concern comes from, though. i’ve seen a lot of shady louigan fanwork that happens to sexualize louise while she’s still a minor, and that itself irks me as well. but i mean not all louigan shippers really have that exact mindset from what i’ve witnessed which is why i’m not that judgeful of the ship because it could have any sort of presentation.
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sceletaflores · 22 days
just letting you know that All’s Fair in Love and Viscera is the best and hottest thing i’ve ever read AAAAAAAHSHHSHSHAHDGHGHGH THE BLOOD?!?!?!?! IM LOVE YOU AGHGHAGSHG the connection they have through the need to feel eachother, like really FEEL the blood and flesh is incredible, Logan understanding and encouraging the readers hunger which she has been too afraid to use previously, the lack of fear he has of her, the lack of fear he has of breaking her….. i’m dead THANKYOU THANKYOU TUANK YIU TAJNKYOU
NO THANK YOUUU!!!!! this is literally so sweet i fell to my knees-
i'm so glad you liked it! i'm super duper proud of it and it's so great to see it get such a great reaction :))) i deffo wanna expand on logan and this yet-to-be-named-mutant!y/n more in the future lol i'm open to any ideas about them!
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Holy shoot I found a draft to a (somewhat abandoned but really it's more forgotten and left to collect dust as I put focus onto other projects) fic and it very casually has HEAVY Virgil x Remus shit in it. How could I have forgotten this fic was one of my babies. Maybe it's because their ship wasn't the main focus (but also it sort of was????)
It's a fic about Janus and Virgil being engaged in an arranged marriage that benefits both their kingdoms, but Janus has second thoughts about it and wants to back out but due to pressure he alone places on himself, he decides to go through with the engagement. Meanwhile his Lil bro Remus is A FREAK and madly in love with Virgil for their entire courtship. Virgil and Janus both know (Remus is being anything but subtle), and they think it's mildly endearing.
Eventually Janus calls off the wedding cuz he doesn't want to lie to Virgil, and Remus sweeps him off his feet and takes Janus's place, Rizzing up Virgil completely with his charms (who cares if other people find him gross and unnerving, Virgil found himself a freak who matches his energy)
Then there's two entire other side plots with Roman and Logan (Logan being Virgils younger brother and Roman being Remus's twin) having mad beef with each other but they accidentally-on-purpose make out, and Janus falls in love with a cursed boy who turns into a frog.
OOOOOH!!! That sounds S O fucking good!!! Brotherly Dukeceit is S O damn underrated but I'm cackling at the fact that Ree makes it so painfully obvious that he's into Vee and Jan's just like "T A K E H I M I want the Frog in glasses" XD (Also that's so R E A L Logince S H O U L D accidentally-on-purpose makeout as a treat /light hearted)
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parcai · 1 year
are you and milfhera really dating? I remember seeing she lies a lot, but I don't remember who said that and it was under a different name, so I am hoping you will tell the truth
let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body 4:25 🙏 (ik what part she is. 🤣😂🤣 @bunkernine)
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scoopsgf · 2 years
okay so ive been in the l*gan trenches to hear different sides of the discourse about whether or not he cheated on rory after their breakup in “let me hear your balalaikas ringing out.” the consensus i’m hearing is that l*gan didn’t cheat on rory but he did break her trust. im curious to hear from you what you think on the topic!
my take is pretty much that he cheated because rory considered it cheating and that’s absolutely all that matters.
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dcconfessions · 1 year
I wanna read different Titans stuff more because it's crucial reading for Donna, Kory, Vic and Raven but I find Dick, Gar and Wally so annoying and sadly they're one of the mains
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