#literally only explanation I can think of for that
moonlightdancer26 · 3 days
I'd love to hear your thoughts about Percy! What is your opinion on him in general? Do you like how his character arc was handled by JKR? What are your thoughts on popular fandom takes about Percy (him being a terrible disgrace to the Weasley family for siding with the Ministry/Voldemort; him being a secret hero of the rebellion who deserved better; etc)? And your thoughts on Percy ships? Who, if anyone, do you ship him with?
I think he’s wicked awesome and way too hated, I will genuinely defend him with my life. If my family treated me that badly I’d tell them to fuck off too, he was literally so excluded from his family because he wasn’t some Quidditch-loving jock and actually preferred to study and stay indoors. And he got mocked consistently just because he wanted a bright future. Sure he may appear a bit stuck-up to those who don’t know him well, but his family?? Plus after he legitimately got the job of his dreams, his father’s immediate reaction was to tell him he didn’t actually earn it and that it was all just a ploy. I would actually be so hurt. Like sure Arthur did end up being right, BUT YOU COULD’VE SAID IT A BIT DIFFERENTLY?? A simple “you earned it anyway, son” or “I’m proud of you” would’ve sufficed, alongside an explanation of why Percy MIGHT have gotten the job. He went about it way too harshly, if I got shut down like that after getting the job I’ve been working for my whole life, I’d have done a lot worse.
And I totally get Percy’s resentment, he felt as though his father wasn’t reaching his full potential due to his proud showcase of Muggle-fangirling. And since he (Arthur) was basically the sole provider in a large family that lived in poverty, I can see why Percy would feel frustration towards his father. Plus why do people act as if Percy was always “so horrible” even before he “abandoned” his family? He literally went RUSHING to Ronald when he got out of the lake in GoF and refused to let go of him, and he loved Ginny to death. He was protective of his younger siblings and was pretty funny imo, it’s hard not to sympathise with him when he has siblings like Fred and George.
He genuinely deserved so much better, he was constantly shut down for his accomplishments and cared so much for his siblings despite their mocking, plus he still came back to apologise to them and then proceeded to see his baby brother die in front of him????? How could you hate him after DH?? I don’t think he’s a disgrace to his family at all, sure he was shitty to Molly but, with what he must’ve been going through at the time, I get it. And any resentment he felt towards his family was completely and utterly justified. Plus he literally apologised, so even if you disagree with what I’m saying and think he’s scum or whatever, he legit still apologised to them? He still redeemed himself? Whatever he’s supposedly done that you hate him for, he redeemed himself for it. And I feel like people forget how young Percy was when all this happened? He’s only like 4 years older than Harry and was still 18/19 when all the family drama occurred, and he held a huge responsibility in the ministry. And having grown up as the lone middle child with the burden of knowing his family isn’t respected much must’ve had a tremendous influence on someone as ambitious as Perce. People should really see things from his perspective sometimes. Imo the only genuinely shitty things he’s done is 1. his treatment of Molly 2. his letter to Ron about Harry (but even then, I completely understand why Percy said what he said), anything other than that is usually just exaggerated by his haters.
One character he’s always reminded me of is Alex Dunphy from Modern Family (*tries to summon Modern Family fans*), she was also the odd one out in her family because she was super studious and introverted. And she had a desperate need to prove herself and was very ambitious, much like Perce. Her meltdowns and extreme studying was treated as a joke to the viewers and her sister Haley constantly made fun of her for it. She reminds me a lot of him tbh, which is why I love both characters so much.
lol this was supposed to be a quick short ask explaining why I love him and who I ship him with, and it resulted in a whole rant 😭 that’s usually how I get whenever his name gets brought up. Also Nonnie, I ship Percy with Oliver :D and I think he and Penelope Clearwater really deserved more screentime, they were such a delightful couple imo.
And thanks for the ask btw, I missed talking about him!!
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the-kg-theorist · 2 days
Theory: Jerome has ADHD?
Yay, first theory on this blog!
Before I start this theory, I'll just warn you, I'm clearly not a qualified professional to diagnose, this is just a theory and I'm also making this theory because this is on my head for a long time. Before we really start, I'll give a more precise explanation about ADHD, Well, people generally think that there is only mild, medium and severe ADHD, but, it's more deeper than that, there are three types of ADHD
• ADHD with predominance of inattention
• ADHD with predominance of hyperactivity/impulsivity
• Combined ADHD (With symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity)
Basically, in addition to the "severity level", there is also this more precise classification. For us to know if ADHD really exists, there are some criteria, such as:
• Significant Clinical Impairment.
• Onset of symptoms before age 12.
• Persistent Pattern of Inattention and/or Hyperactivity-Impulsivity.
I really don't know how the "level" of ADHD can be measured (I warned you that I'm not a professional), but, the severity/frequency of symptoms is generally one of measures used to determine the "level of severity".
Anyway, now, let's look at the symptoms of ADHD: Restlessness, excessive talking, fidgeting, problems focusing, hyperactivity, impatience, impulsiveness, easily distracted, forgetfulness, trouble following directions, trouble organizing chores, and frequent loss of important itens. avoiding activities that call for prolonged mental strain. frequent changes in focus between tasks. And one that may also be important to talk about is the great sense of justice.
Out of 15 symptoms, Jerome has 12. Let's talk one by one:
• Restlessness: I don't think Jerome is restless physically, but mentally, he does riddles to distract himself, he usually likes toys that are very distracting (Yo-yo, laser pointer), and when he's not with the things that make him distracted, he just can't be quiet. When the janitor took his laser pointer, he desperately wanted it back, regardless of the consequences. But why am I saying that he likes toys that distract him? 'Cause his mind probably isn't peaceful, Generally, those who have ADHD or anxiety have problems sleeping or focusing generally due to the fact that the mind is very restless/hyperactive.
• Excessive talking: This isn't very obvious, since Jerome only talks to you if you have a yo-yo, and in the second game he only talks to you if you give him a tissue. Anyway, Have you noticed that Jerome really talks a lot in missions? But I'm focusing on this point, because even Nugget, who isn't even friends with Jerome, mentions that Jerome is very talkative/talks too much.
• Problems focusing: In the mission "Things that go boom", Jerome was so focused on confronting Lily, that not only did he not want to hear what she was trying to say, but after hearing the truth, he literally just left the device there, because he was so focused on Lily and processing what happened, that he literally didn't focus on one of the most important things. In his mission in the first game, he also focused so much on the fact that he was without his laser pointer that he didn't focus on the fact that the janitor was dangerous and the fact that he could die.
• Impatience: We return to Lily's focus, When he saw Lily, the first thing he did was completely lose his temper because he remembered his father's death, that he just screamed at her and almost killed her with the device. And he also loses patience with you in the first game, if you stay in the classroom and don't go look for his laser pointer.
• Impulsiveness: Well, come on, impulsively "insult" Ms. Applegate after Carla lied that it was Jerome who threw the ball, although it was a lie, impulsively placing the device near Lily and almost explode her, impulsively telling the protagonist to chase his laser pointer and impulsively stealing his father's hall passes.
• Easily distracted: Easily distracted to the point that he simply dissociates of all subjects, for example, in show and tell, if you show the yo-yo, Jerome will change the whole subject to how he loves yo-yos and that if the protagonist gives him one, the protagonist will be a cool guy. In the break, instead of him, idk, doing whatever the other kids are doing, he's just making up a riddle and telling anyone who comes near.
• Problems following instructions/directions: Jerome stole a hall pass from his father, even though he knew/was told that if he stole it he would be in trouble, literally doing nothing in Ms. Applegate's class in the first game (but no one was doing anything either), disrespecting Ms. Applegate at the gym, even though he knows he can't do it and bringing a literal explosive to school.
• Problems organizing chores: Jerome acts purely out of emotion or impulsiveness, he didn't plan any plan for the protagonist when he asked the protagonist to go after the laser pointer, and Jerome didn't even plan a escape route when he disrespected Ms. Applegate.
• Frequent loss of important items: Losing his laser pointer and losing the device, even though they are both very important to him.
• Avoiding activities that call for prolonged mental strain: It's not one of my strongest points, however, Jerome does absolutely nothing unless HE deems it necessary, Go after the laser pointer, he just did it because he really likes the laser pointer, and in science class, he only did the assignment because Dr. Danner demands it.
• Frequent changes in focus between tasks: In the first game, Jerome changes focus quickly, especially on his mission, which changes focus from recovering the laser pointer to literally killing the janitor, and in the second game, he changes the entire focus from simply going after Lily to killing her mercilessly. It's not my strongest point either.
• Great sense of justice: Trying to kill Lily because he thought it was fair, because in his point of view, Lily killed his father, being angry when he saw that the prizes for doing the assignment in science class were bad prizes and desperately trying to prove to Ms. Applegate that Carla was lying.
Evaluating all the symptoms he has, and the intensity, I would say that Jerome has ADHD, yes, but he has ADHD with a predominance of Impulsivity/Hyperactivity, and I don't really know the degree, but it affects him quite a lot and intensely, so I think it's pretty severe ADHD. That's the end of the theory, and I'm sorry if I said anything wrong and feel free to correct me or add anything.
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outer-edges · 10 months
#LOOK#i can explain#i went insane#i read all of the twilight books in four days#look i was actually very tasteful about it#it’s not ship fic#my oc gets in a spiderwoman career ending accident and moves to forks where her aunt lives bc she wants to escape the city#and there she is going out of her mind batshit crazy because it’s the middle of nowhere#and she’s dealing with the trauma of losing a large chunk of her mobility + not being spiderwoman anymore#so she terrorizes the cullens for sport#and then it explicably turns into young justice crossover fic with no warning#i think i must’ve rewatched yj at the time?#and decided to integrate it into this alternate timeline as opposed to main canon?#bc main canon had too many marvel elements?#literally only explanation I can think of for that#as cringe as these fics are on some level I do genuinely stand by them#i had a fantastic time writing them#and esp when i was having a rough go at it i could always use the struggles of my oc to kind of work through that#express my emotions + remind myself it will get better#and it’s delusional as fuck but like crafting little fictional found families made me feel supported on some level#and also hopeful that one day i actually will find my people and not be so terribly alone#it’s almost like a form of journaling?#i realize how concerning this all sounds but it’s not as bad as it sounds#I also stopped doing it a while back#mostly because i was on steadier ground and didn’t feel the need to#also the writing itself was pretty fire in some portions#imo#but who knows I’m in an echochamber of me myself and I#mattie talks fic
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tiredcowboyy · 9 days
I can only conclude that the reason arthur was so blind to merlins magic was because he couldnt actually have a coherent thought around him because he was so besotted and distracted by him
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designernishiki · 11 months
it’s kinda funny to me how that dumb scene in kiwami 1 of majima getting shot and left for dead in the harbor was basically just added as a half-assed way to explain majima not being around for a bit of the plot, but they accidentally(?) just made it seem like start of a chain reaction where majima ended up feeling slighted and heartbroken after being abandoned like that and then lashed out about it via smashing a big truck into the building kiryu was in. and yeah that isn’t inherently a romantic thing as-is but then they go and add the part where majima grabs a hostess and performatively hits on her as in-kiryu’s-face as possible, she says she’s already in love with someone, and majima lets her go immediately, no questions asked, making a big fucking point of it just to say see THAT kiryu? I appreciate when people are HONEST about their FEELINGS. people who won’t just BACKSTAB someone who CARES about them to save themselves. is that so crazy kiryu?? huh??? anyway make it up to me get down here and fight me right fucking now
#I think on another level he was sorta saying like ‘hey kiryu. you’re making it extremely clear that you don’t trust me and my intentions#and I’ve been trying to show you- over and over again- that I’d do just about anything for you and your safety#but I can’t just let my mask fall off in front of everyone- I need to keep up the unpredictable morally grey wildcard act for both my sake#AND yours. because disguising my helping you as crazy random violent outbursts and weird stalker behavior#is the only way I CAN help you. do you think it would go over well with shimano or literally anyone else if I was outright helping you out#of the kindness of my heart and fondness for you? stop being so fucking dense and look past the crazy wacky nonsense for a second and#maybe you’ll realize that all I do at the end of the day- really- is help you and put my own life and reputation on the line for you.#I am an honest guy when it comes to my real values and when I told you I wouldn’t let anyone kill you unelss it was myself- I meant it.#I’ve taken a knife and a bullet for you now. can you REALLY not see through the act yet? am I REALLY that unpredictable when you think about#it?’#that was a longer explanation than i intended but. it was difficult to put into words#I basically feel like it could be read as him implying kiryu shouldn’t backstab the people who put themselves on the line to help him#and/or pointing out that he’s never actually done kiryu dirty and has stuck to his word protecting him in the ways he can#trying to say yeah all this is a crazy act and all but when it comes down to it you Can trust me#it really makes sense when you think about it that he’d have to help kiryu/show affection towards kiryu in unpredictable convoluted ways#at that point in time because. I mean. there’s a reason he was the only person who showed up to welcome kiryu when he got out of prison#and that’s because A) he sticks to his word and his loyalty to people he cares about and B) no one else had the balls or the batshit insane#mask to wear to ward off anyone asking real questions like majima did. because ANYONE associating themselves with the supposed#patriarch-killer was a HUGE NO-NO at the time. someone important showing up for kiryu and welcoming him back outright could’ve caused#all-out warfare probably. except majima. because majima was dedicated and smart enough to use his widely-feared wildcard persona#(that everyone tended to view as incapable of having any Real agenda to worry about) to his And kiryu’s advantage#does that make sense??? I feel like it makes a lot of sense if you get it to click in your head#kazumaji#majima#kiryu#yakuza#kiwami 1#yk1#rambling
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cryptiduni · 11 months
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“white mourning.”
#‘‘A white mourning. A modern death. Divorce or something similar. All you can do is put more distance between you & him. make him smaller.’’#jean is a very easy character to hate if you know nothing about him. & you know what they say. easy target doesn’t make for a good practice#judit literally compares harry to intellectually disabled man yet you don’t see ppl hating her because she is outwardly nice.#she’s polite yes but she doesn’t care as much as jean cares for harry#he is not perfect. he is mean. but loyal. if he truly didn't care he wouldn't hab come back to martinaise & coulda just reported harry’s as#he put up with du bois’ bullshit for years and built a toxic (totally straight) relationship with him yet always comes back.#he says he will leave you in the village to die but please understand harry isn't exactly a great person. especially pre-bender hdb.#planned a make up joke & put on a wig for hdb even tho he wasn’t the who started the whole fiasco#you can hate him all you want for leaving harry before & during tribunal but how could he have foreseen all this bullshit would have happen#his second leaving is kinda bullshit writing but#jv is dealing with his own demons too. clinical depression. partner almost died. job is shit. case spiraling out control#i do not blame the DE staff either. sometimes shit just happens. not everything needs a grand explanation.#but it definitely coulda been handled better. but i understand. resources were sparse.#i relate to ​jv. as someone with temper issues & attention problems i have to remove myself from the scene or i'll say shit i'd regret late#my man is having the worst week of his life. leave him alone.#kim is great but have u heard of a man who thinks he's old when he is only 30 & luvs horses & his commie boyfriend that he's divorcin' soon#disco elysium#de fanart#jean vicquemare#disco elysium fanart#jean heron vicquemare#jean posting#illustration#de#artists on tumblr#my art#I WANTED TO DRAW THIS FOR MONTHSSS YOU COULDN'T IMAGINE. HE LITERALLY HAUNTED ME IN MY SLEEP!!!#i love him normal amount. very healthy. much feelings#my little maiu maiu
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tubbytarchia · 27 days
Points at my pinned message. There's a message there in bold. I'm sorry I don't clarify that I'm talking about CHARACTERS ONLY in posts that I don't maintag. I presume if you're on my blog to see these posts at all, you would already know as much. CHARACTERS please... just characters.... I've acknowledged that CC Jimmy is not bothered by the bullying many times. I'm very aware... I'm talking about characters......................
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swiftfootedachilles · 1 month
trevor saying "this is about you loving all the attention" ........uh. well yeah obviously...... did you miss the part where ian was abused and neglected growing up? do you expect him to hate the attention he got? i need you to be so fr trevor
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idsb · 3 months
side note, I genuinely do not comprehend how Olivia tickets are going for $300 for restricted view at Madison Square Garden when she’s doing 5 nights there. Resales were less than that for the Sour tour and she was playing to, like, less than 1/4 the amount of people + she has objectively not risen in popularity since then (and I also haven’t seen aggressive promo for it either, so it’s not that it’s better promoted). Like it’s just not computing
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The more I see people trying to argue that the Zonai are actually the original founders of Hyrule, the more I wish TOTK never existed. Or the "oh the other games (especially OOT) are just false retellings of the "original history" which was Zonai." I genuinely can't imagine being so damn invested in the underdeveloped goat people you would rather retroactively turn your other game experiences into lies.
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asktotallyhuman · 7 months
What does Boomer eat? Do Creepers need a hyper specific diet?
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"All I have to do is bring him on my rounds with me, and he should be fine."
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zukkaoru · 11 months
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[ID: three panels from the Bungou Stray Dogs manga. the first shows Dazai, smiling as he says, "You'll save him [Atsushi]. the second shows Akutagawa, a conflicted expression on his face. the third panel, below the first two, shows Dazai smiling again as he tells Akutagawa, "You know the reason yourself, don't you?" /end ID.]
UM HELLO?????????????????
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galacticlamps · 1 month
actually ascension needs its own post since that's the one with the most details to speculate over and im starved for soho talk so i will talk to myself if need be
First the cover again, because I kinda can't get over it:
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my only thing is that I had been hoping we might get Lizbeth on a cover again since she's never been on one of the boxsets before, despite being the 2nd person credited on all 4 of them (even if that's just alphabetical, still, she's the only one of the four main characters who never makes the cover)
But letting that go...
I know we already kinda knew the brief for this one but damn I didn't expect it to go quite this hard. Maybe that's just because the Parasite & Ashenden covers were (comparatively) similarish to each other and I was so pleased with Unbegotten's, and then got so used to it as the placeholder for Ascension while they kept postponing it, I wasn't expecting anything this colorful or detailed or with what I can't help but register as Fun New Outfits even though these are still like, pretty damn basic as far as costumes go. Still, it's a different vibe from everyone in suits and trenchcoats on every cover, technically. (Oh the woes of being an audio fan such that two characters owning sweaters actually does qualify as new information)
On top of just being visually delightful though, I know we knew religion was gonna be a fairly big part of this one, but I didn't actually expect to get quite this much of it - though I'm glad of it for a number of reasons. The BF twitter already made the ineffable joke so I don't have to, but also yeah I did very much spend all of season 2 episode 4 of good omens half convinced Samuel Barnett & Dervla Kirwan were about to pop up around any given corner (if you will go around being gay supernatural and horrible at your messy bureaucratic jobs in midcentury soho then I'm sorry, this is where my brain's gonna go) - so, fuel to that fire. But in terms of actual important things, at least one of my Soho wishes looks to be being granted because we have a Rev Edward Folgate on the cast list, which must mean we're finally meeting Norton's father, even if his mother & brother don't appear (which they could, technically, I've definitely seen BF not list all the doublings on their cast tabs before). Religion, domesticity, and the nuclear family are all things that absolutely fascinate me when it comes to Norton's character, so getting any amount of story involving his father & his church is something I've been actively hoping for for a long time now.
(I will say I'm a tiny bit bummed Saffron Coomber isn't on the cast list to play Mia again, but I kinda figured she wasn't going to be since Greg Austin's Armitage, who's making his first recurring appearance after originating in Unbegotten, was listed ever since the boxset was announced - presumably if she was also returning, that would've been handled in the same way. But since Unbegotten ended with Lizbeth and Mia going on a date, I still held out hope. Who knows though, maybe things did go well for them and Lizbeth just has a better work/life balance than Norton so she can date someone without them getting dragged into every scifi plot. I know that's not a very common accomplishment for any Torchwood agent, but a gal can hope)
At this point I know I'm completely in the realm of speculation & even wishful thinking, but I'm really really hoping we get some more clues as to Norton's overall timeline in this one, and I have a feeling that even if there's nothing as direct as dates given, the events of a plot like this one are going to heavily influence my personal interpretation of it.
To say that life & death are major themes for the soho crew feels wildly reductive, but even by Torchwood's standards and taking into account its origins as a piece of media with Jack Harkness & his newfound immortality at the heart of it, the living/dead status of this bunch has always been fantastically up in the air to me. Obviously Ghost Mission introduced Norton as kind of a ghost before revealing more obvious ghostly characters later on to which the title might have been referring, but his being from the past did beg the question of his survival into Torchwood's present era all the same, which Outbreak later alludes to much more directly, and his habit of showing up via hologram in multiple stories only further obfuscates any certainty we might have about where & when he definitely can be said to be alive and well. Then you've got Lizbeth and Gideon both being effectively 'brought back to life' via paradoxes that prevented them ever having died in the first place. Again, they are very very far from being the only Torcwhood characters this happens to (for a sprawling EU, it's really rather impressive how often & in how many different ways Torchwood as a whole manages to circle back to being about like. chaotic undead queers at the end of every day. though I suppose that consistency is part of why I keep falling in love with its different iterations again and again). That's without even getting into the question of Norton's dubious fate in God Among Us - and I say dubious because I know some people take that to be his ultimate death, but I personally think that reading something as vague as that as having any kind of finality rather goes against the spirit of this whole world/series, not just because I want him to live. (There are obviously other ways to make him survive/reappear, but I don't see this as a River Song scenario where we can safely assume one of his earlier-released adventures had to happen at the end of his personal timeline). But wherever God Among Us falls for him, he does very much meet God in it - or at least, a god, since the sentinel in Unbegotten is also described as a god of sorts, and even if he doesn't ultimately have the status of the god Jacqueline King is playing there, Unbegotten is still full to bursting with ghosts/undead/came back wrong/echo characters to continue underscoring that life/afterlife theme.
So all things considered, even allowing for the fact that we know Norton's twin hobbies are lying about himself and abusing time travel to suit his own ends/ever-shifting alliances, I find it difficult to believe we could get through a whole 6-part boxset about religion & death without something providing some kind of compelling evidence about where this adventure fits in among his other run-ins with apocalypses and gods and ghosts and dead-but-still-here characters/creatures, so I'm very much looking forward to any further exploration on that front.
And lastly, and least intellectually, I really want to know what the hell 20th-century Torchwood's obsession with Reginalds is. Reading through the cast list, I had to do two separate doubletakes over the character 'Sir Reginald Peebles' - firstly, because I had Reginald Rigsby on the brain, this being Soho (and the other Troughton brother being so active on BF's releases for this same month) - and secondly, because reading this in conjunction with the announcement for the July monthly adventure in which the new main Torchwood guy of the 20s is apparently called Sir Reginald Dellafield, there was a brief moment where I took that monthly release to be a tie-in with Ascension. I don't expect it to be, but damn. was it really so popular a name?
anyways, catch me thinking about those stained glass windows for the next couple months I guess (and knowing Torchwood Soho, for a long long time after it comes out as well lol)
#torchwood soho: ascension#let's start with the most obvious shall we? behind norton - hellfire or divine radiance? whadda we think?#i know one's much more likely for him but also consider: he's been a fairly good boy by norton standards anyway lately#well i say 'lately' like i know when this takes place#idk why but i kinda feel like this starts very soon after unbegotten#comedy is probably why honestly. since that ends with them being like hey! something went right!#i think ever since i first heard that i was like ok cool so the next installment's gonna be something earth shatteringly bad#& it's gonna kick off dramatically literally one second after this scene ends right?#not that it wouldnt be nice to have some (clearly-defined) timeskip there#tbh i feel like that's the one thing that's missing with soho sometimes - those little medium-sized gaps in continuity#where either speculation or even a missing scenes style fic would go#between parasite & ashenden lizbeth was dead and andy wasnt in the right era for soho shenanigans#and norton and gideon went through SO much offscreen (offmic?)#rebuilding torchwood and starting a relationship and breaking up and getting possessed by space eels and destroying torchwood again#that's like... Too Much to analyze/meaningfully discuss without a few more details from canon#and between Ashenden & Unbegotten it's very unclear how much time has passed#norton certainly seems affected when he sees gideon again for the first time but we also know he went there for him so how long was it?#that and we have literally zero explanation for what andy's doing in the 50s in that one to begin with. has he been there continuously?#or did he leave and come back? if so did norton even have to try justifying it to him?#or does andy just accept at this point that he'll be summoned for anything norton feels is noteworthy? honestly either's plausible w him#but also we have so little confirmed about what torchwood looks like at this point in time!#maybe andy gets summoned for all missions bc he norton and lizbeth are virtually the only agents left after gideon quits#there's just a few too many things unexplained/alluded to for me to go total total fandom mode on this#speculating & theorizing about everything that happens off-audio#doubtless this is mainly bc of norton's general untrustworthiness#like im sure a different main character would've left the audience with fewer uncertainties after this many hours of storytelling#but with soho im still left needing just a tiiiiiny bit more before i feel im knowledgeable enough about the situation to expand upon it#in the traditional fandomy 'transformative' way#right now most of my fanning over it is just speculation about what precisely we can be confident in from the dialogue we do have#but i'd like to go further than that truly. these characters captivate me. obviously.
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keepinventory · 1 year
continually so baffled by the flock of people that just started shipping izutsumi with marcille like immediately. i didnt know anything about dungeon meshi at the time but now i Do and now looking back its like. ? Why. Are you for serious forgetting the bath scene with farlin. Why are you so quick to abandon her. Is it because she's a monster. Are you fucking mad at her. We're doing all this shit for her and you're just gonna drop her like that? Because she doesn't appear as consistently as the catgirl? That's all it takes? Fuck you. Fuck you
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tariah23 · 3 months
They’re calling my baby Gojo, Joseph Joestar now
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#rambling#the diff is that Gojo did apologize after being called out and face to face with his racism whilst Joseph literally befriended nazi’s 😵‍💫#and there was never any explanation from araki as to why he’d even wrote German soldiers in the shit in the first place like that was#absolutely jarring as hell to read for the very first time back when I’d gotten into jjba#well I watched it first but you know#like Joseph really thought fondly of Stroheim as this stand up guy even though he’s first of all#a Nazi#and second#the first scene that we were introduced to was of him sexually harassing a Woman#it’s……. 🗿#still to this day I wonder if araki had ever addressed this because lord#Joseph was just happy to get the help I guess but that felt so ooc for him from what he’d seen 🗣️#happily receiving the help of a Nazi and calling them a nice guy ahhh Joseph-#Gojo would never sjjsaj#my boo boo is a little prejudice but he’s working on it 🗣️#I still think that gege was trying to have a ‘racism is bad’ moment but again#the execution was pretty awkward and it felt out of place considering what had been currently going down in the manga#like the Racism was pretty random but it was swiftly put to a stop which I can appreciate even if it shouldn’t have been a point of#conversation to begin with since why couldn’t Miguel just exist as a character instead of him being the now token negro#who everyone sees as instantly more frighteningly powerful than everyone else like this didn’t even need to be brought up wllssldk#idk gege was trying to be ‘woke’ 😭. sorry nbs and wp ruined the term for me but like basically lol#gojo’s pretty intelligent and extremely gifted but he’s never been perfect lol#it’s just that idk why gege chose to talk about antiblackness in Japan out of nowhere about the only black character on screen hehhhhhh#like gege tried but lmfao#this is so funny to me#at least it didn’t drag on putting Miguel in an even more awkward situation than he already was and it was nipped in the bud quickly#Gojo isn’t one to dwell on things but when he’s face with new information and is taught something he does try to reflect and do better and#I’m sure he probably started to become even more aware of what he’s saying especially when talking to Miguel in an honest way since that’s#always been the kind of character who he was despite the horrors#the only ppl who’ve been kinda annoying about this are nbs and white people as always 🗿
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wildwormies · 2 years
Journey to the Subnivean Zone Snips
Hey besties it’s time to crawl through the earth’s cold coochie
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1) The bros should never have access to a rocket regardless of size. 2) They most definitely shouldn’t have access to drive one
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Girlfriends (Koki you ok bestie you look a little desaturated)
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“You killed Freezy!” Honestly mood (The fact Chris apologized agshgs)
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She’s so pretty🥺
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Please dont make the vore joke part of the episode’s plot I hate when shows do this
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Animal frens block (aka the meadow vole being my favorite animal in the show)
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Part of me finds it funny the majority of the crew isn’t worried about the bros but the other wants to cook up some angst of them thinking they’re fine when they desperately need help
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Maybe weirdly specific but mmmmmm blue and green in a snowy color palette my beloved
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🥺🥺🥺 (aka the bros being cute block)
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“Aw the babies are so cute! Except that one,” Martin leave your brother alone
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I like Aviva’s little sharktooth necklace btw (hc that she got it from Martin :3)
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White pretty patty (Also Martin’s very crafty and I badly want an episode where he uses his artistic talents for an adventure)
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No comment I just thought it was a genuinely good gag (conveyed poorly through my snips asghsghd)
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Damn girls doing global warming’s work for it
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Nm fixed it
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My weekly self-indulgent Caviva snip
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Girlfriends (again)
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