#literally she saw him and immediately sent me a photo
nico-di-genova · 5 months
My friend just tried to buy a Max Verstappen cut out from Walmart for me by GRABBING the cut out and walking cardboard Max to the nearest employee. Like, max tucked under her arm, tote bag and ashwagandha in the other, AirPods in because she’s on the phone with me.
My friend: can I buy this for my friend? It’s almost their birthday and they’re a big fan.
Walmart employee:…um…(goes on radio to speak with manager) hey, can we get rid of Max?
Walmart employees on first name basis with Max Verstappen because the cardboard cut out version of him is haunting them.
“How long does he have to stand there?” They ask like he’s clocked in for his shift.
Anyway, they said no because legally he belongs to “someone else” (Red Bull merchandisers) but if Red Bull doesn’t take him back I’m free to claim him :).
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
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Sweet Confessions
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Description : After a night out with friends, Bakugou decides to tell you something while you two are eating sweet pastries.
Details : 1.8k words, friends to lovers, cussing, reader and bakugou are over 21! readers looks are not specified in any way, but she is a woman. small mention of alcohol.
this is my first fanfic ever, so please be kind! constructive criticism is welcome :)
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When Bakugou received a text message from Kirishima inviting him out to eat with the bunch of other idiots, he immediately declined. Though this was nothing new, and it was something his red-haired friend was already expecting. Which is why he had Mina execute plan b.
Raccoon Eyes
Yo Bakugou! Come out with us tonight. You're always locked away in your apartment. Let loose a little!
Bakugou glared at his phone and typed out a message.
Hell no.
UGH BAKUGOU!! You're literally no fun. I can't believe you'd miss out on the opportunity to see this cutie -.-
A few seconds later, a picture was sent. When Bakugou opened it, he saw that it was a picture of you. He brought his phone closer to his face and looked it over carefully. He noticed you were dressed for the occasion, like everyone else in the background, and you were smiling widely at the camera. Mina probably told you to pose.
He must've been looking at your photo for too long because another text from Mina came in.
You drooling or what lover boy? Hurry up and get here so you can make a move already. We all know you like her 🙄.
Bakugou felt his face flush. It was true, he did have a crush on you. And though he never verbally admitted it to anyone, they all saw right through him. Except you, of course.
He clicked his tongue and typed up a quick response before beginning to get ready.
Shut up. I'll be there in 30.
"Woo! We got him!" Mina cheered, leaning across the table to high-five Kirishima.
You looked between them suspiciously, "What are you guys plotting?"
The pink woman had the audacity to look nervous. "Nothing! Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, okay."
As Mina and Kirishima kept whispering to each other, you squirmed in your seat. You knew the other pro heroes at the table fairly well, but not enough to just strike up a conversation like you would with Mina.
"Hey pretty, what do you look so nervous for?"
You turned to the left and were faced with a yellow haired man.
"Oh, hi Kaminari. I'm not nervous, just hungry. They're taking a little long to bring out the food. Don't you think?" You lied.
Thankfully he was kind of an airhead. "Oh yeah I know right! I'm starving. I'm gonna go ask how much longer!" He said and got up out of his seat, leaving you alone again.
You sighed and took a sip of your drink. Since Mina and Kirishima were too busy talking to each other, and you didn't want to bother talking to anyone else you decided to scroll mindlessly on your phone.
Some time later, the empty seat next to you was pulled out and sat in by Bakugou himself.
Your ears got hot at the sight of him. It wasn't the first time you'd met him, you two were good friends after all. But you never got used to how handsome he was. It was like he got better looking everyday. You began to wonder what he looks like under that button up-
"Hey nightlight, what're you staring at huh?" He asked, snapping you out of your trance.
"Shut up! I told you to stop calling me that." You said with false annoyance.
"It ain't my fault your quirk makes you a nightlight." He smirked. You scrunched your nose to hide your laugh, but unknowingly failed since Bakugou still saw it.
His nickname for you was completely harmless, and came from your quirk which allowed you to produce light from your hands. It wasn't anything comparable to a pro hero's quirk, but it did have its uses.
"Kacchan you made it!" Midoriya exclaimed with his big smile.
Bakugou clicked his tongue, "Shut it nerd, or else I'll leave. Give me a menu, yeah?"
Midoriya laughed off his words and passed him a menu, used to his harsh way of speaking.
Dinner went on without any problems, and the food was delicious. Everyone around the table cracked jokes, brought up old memories, and some people had even began drinking alcohol, including you.
Your drink wasn't very strong, but the few you had was enough to have you a little tipsy. Thankfully, you took an uber to the restaurant, so you didn't have to worry about driving.
During dinner, you and Bakugou engaged in a conversation. Mostly about his hero work and the villains he had caught recently.
Once everyone finally finished their food and drinks, they had all begun to leave. Slowly leaving one by one, some in pairs as well.
While you grabbed your stuff, you got on your phone to call for an uber but got interrupted by Bakugou talking to you.
"How you gettin' home nightlight? You better not even think about driving after drinking." He warned.
You brushed him off, "I'm taking an uber, don't worry!"
He grunted in agreement and was silent for a moment before saying, "I'll give you a ride home. C'mon."
"No it's okay! I can just take the uber home. Besides, didn't you drink too?"
"Hell no I didn't. It's not my thing. Just hurry up and accept my offer alright? This is the only time I'll be this nice."
You smiled at his words, knowing he was lying when he said this was the only time he'd be nice.
"Alright then, let's go!"
He smirked and held out a hand for you to hold, which you did while he walked you to his car. He made sure you didn't fall on the way there, and even opened the door for you.
"Wow what a gentleman you are. Do you open doors for all the ladies?" You teased.
"Nah, so consider it special treatment for you Nightlight."
You smiled shyly and wiggled your feet a bit after he shut your door and got into his own seat.
The ride to your house was quiet, except for the occasional small talk. But it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was a comforting feeling for the both of you.
When he pulled up to your place, you turned to him to say goodbye, but instead you said "Um, do you wanna come inside with me? I have some pastries I made earlier..."
He laughed lightly at your words, "Sure, but be ready for me to critique the hell out of those pastries."
You led him inside where you both took off your shoes and coats. You ushered him to sit on the couch and relax while you went to go prepare some drinks and the pastries for the two of you.
While you were gone for a few minutes, Bakugou couldn't help but think about how he was actually inside your house. It wasn't the first time he'd been there, but it was the first time he'd been there alone. Just you and him.
In the midst of his thinking, he felt his phone buzz and he looked at it to see a message from Kirishima.
Shitty Hair
I see you left with your little nightlight ;) Better make a move while you have the chance!!
Bakugou huffed and sent a middle finger emoji, then silenced his phone. He didn't need any distractions.
Finally, you came from the kitchen with a tray in your hands and placed it on the coffee table.
"Here they are! My babies. I hope they're still good, considering they're not as fresh as they were this morning." You said nervously while sitting down next to him.
Bakugou hummed and grabbed a pastry, biting into it. You watched silently as he chewed and swallowed it, anticipating his reaction.
He bit it again, "S' good."
You smiled, "I'm glad you like it. That means a lot coming from you, Bakugou. Your cooking is so good!"
He turned away with a red face, "Of course it is. I'm the best at everything. And why don't you call me Katsuki? We've known each other for years now."
"Oh, I didn't realize you felt that way. Sorry Baku-erm, Katsuki. I just thought you didn't want anyone to call you that, especially since Kirishima doesn't even call you that..."
"Tsk, I feel a lot of ways. You just don't know about it."
Your interest peaked at his words. "Oh yeah? Then would you do the honors by telling me how you feel Katsuki?" You teased.
Bakugou felt himself hesitate before speaking, which is something he never did. Gosh, he couldn't believe this is how he was going to confess to you.
"I like you, idiot."
Your smile fell and your expression formed into one of pure confusion. "What?"
Damn. Maybe that wasn't the right move.
He began to panic and sat up quickly, "Ugh, nothing. Forget about it-"
"No! I'm not forgetting about that." You said while grabbing his hand, pulling him back down onto the couch.
As he sat down next to you in silence, you kept his hand in yours. "You like me Katsuki?"
He huffed and turned away. "So what if I do? It doesn't matter-"
You grew frustrated at his words. "Of course it matters! Stop acting like this is nothing. I need you to talk to me seriously, because I don't want to get my hopes up..."
He looked back at you, only to see your eyes watering. "Hey wait-don't cry. Shit. I'm real fuckin' bad at this, ain't I?"
You laughed and sniffled, "Yeah, a little."
He sighed and squeezed your hand that was holding his.
"I uh, I do really like you. I have for a while. I just didn't wanna fuck up what we already had-" He was cut off by you throwing your arms around his neck tightly.
"You big dummy. I can't believe you thought you'd mess things up."
His eyes widened in surprise, but he still wrapped his arms around your waist. He stayed quiet to listen to what you had to say.
"I actually like you too, y'know. I have for a while now."
He smirked and hugged you tighter. "Thank god. I was almost afraid you'd run out on me."
You snorted and pulled away slowly. "No way in hell would I do that. I just didn't know how to tell you..."
He threw an arm around you and said, "Well I'm glad ya did. 'Cause you're my girl now."
"Don't I get any say in this?" You asked jokingly.
"Nah, you agreed when you said you liked me back."
That night, Katsuki decided to sleepover at your place since you two had already made it official. You lent him some mens pajamas you had since you were sure they'd fit him, which he fussed about because he assumed they belonged to another man.
"No Katsuki, these are actually mine believe it or not."
"Tsk, good. If I ever find any other loser's shit in here I'll blow it up."
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sgiandubh · 1 month
Yes. Toddlers are 3 and below. However this doesn't mean Sam doesn't know her as a friend nor mean he hasn't met her son, as they are friends, not dating. We all know they had lunch as friends, he cheered her at event as friend. Photos and video prove this. The park story is a story, no photos, no proof of any of it being real. Before you go there, yes video he and Caitriona had some hug/peck at a concert, but still no proof of marriage, nor romantic anything or intoxication. Believe what you want, beliefs aren't truths.
Dear Beliefs Aren't Truths Anon,
Congratulations, you have won the Weekly Audio bingo, since I am now speaking with more ease:
Excuse me, but... you accuse me of lying?
With such desperate arguments?
A question in return for you, Anon: did you, by any chance, grow up with a single/divorced parent?
I did. And while I have discussed at great length Sarah H's irresponsible ways of exposing her underage son to Internet's predatory scrutiny (and potentially worse), I can assure you:
No single/divorced mother would bring along her son for Hogmanay at some vague, single, male friend's house.
No single/divorced mother would send her son for a walk in the park, on a Sunday early (and chilly) morning with that same vague, single, male friend of hers.
Unless they date. Which we both agree they weren't.
The above are simply not done. Not ever, not in any culture on Earth.
So, if they are friends (as you say), that means you guys spent literally months in a row in empty, mendacious speculation about Nothing At All, triggered by the fanfic written by a troll. I mean, just WOW, Anon. I have no words: mature women, who have a life, peeking into a stranger's whereabouts. I hope you are proud of yourself!
And doll - I happen to believe they were mutually beneficial acquaintances, for a very clear purpose (more followers for her and a naive diversion from his real life, aka the Elephant in the Room, for him). That is all. Things have noticeably chilled since she overexposed her son on the Web, yet she might make a cameo later on the timeline, if desperation requires it. Happened before, you see.
And yes, I will always go back 'there', Anon, simply because I know what I saw with my own eyes (and I am not the only one). Also, you seem to fail making the logical difference between being intoxicated with alcohol (one of your side's most pathetic, ludicrous 'arguments' ever ) and being infatuated with someone. That is how I know your English vocabulary is as poor as your logic or common sense, Anon. And I am sorry, so fucking sorry to bother you, buttercup, but that Taylor Swift kiss was caught on video alright.
Thank you for confirming toddlers are aged 3 and below, in the meanwhile. And thank you for confirming that basically three months after I finally published that Park Anon I was sent (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/751391542332325888/i-always-read-the-comments-on-sams-posts-because), you are still as unsettled by it as on Day 1.
Now you tell me what that means, in your book, Anon. Because in mine that surely smells of slow burning despair.
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[Later Edit, not on audio]: ah, yes, that friendly, ripe with innuendo London lunch. So long for that poor convenient imbecile, the Brazilian Journo, eh? She thought Sarah was his lover and here you are, Anon, bursting her post-teenage inacceptable bubble.
Wasn't she explaining with great impertinence that shippers were in need of immediate medical attention? I wonder what she would do if she'd meet me in an official capacity, really. Probably go hide and cry.
But this is great, Anon, I mean wow - you surely KNOW stuff, eh?
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lixzey · 9 months
The Unknown Number
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a/n: again guys, please ignore the time stamps!
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Your eyes widened as you saw photo. “What the fuck?”
Was it really him? Or was someone else catfishing you? If someone was in fact, catfishing you, they were doing a great job because the photo they had just sent was new. Timothée has never posted a photo like this before. Maybe, it was one of his staff? It had to be, because there was no way in hell that Timothée fucking Chalamet would reply to some random number.
Suddenly, a notification popped up on your phone from instagram.
tchalamet added a post!
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tchalamet SNL tonight RUN IT
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Oh fuck, it really was him.
You immediately dialled Hailey's number. You paced around the room as you waited for her answer.
Damn it, Hails, answer my fucking call.
“What's up, bitch?” Hailey's voice rang in your ears, finally picking up after minutes.
“Oh cazzo, Hailey, credo di star parlando con il vero Timothée Chamalet!”
“Wait, what!?” Hailey gasped. “Talk in english for god's sake! You get all squeaky when you get excited, you cunt,”
You rolled your eyes, laughing softly. “Okay, sorry, I got excited!”
“Get to the point, Y/n! Nana wants us to be ready in five minutes for dinner!”
“Okay so,” You giggled, still reeling from what just happened. “The number you sent? I think it's Timothée Chalamet!”
“I understood you the first time, you idiot,” Hailey said, you were sure she rolled her eyes. “What's your proof?” Hailey asked.
“The number I texted sent a photo, which coincidentally, two minutes later Timothée posted the same photo on his instagram account!” You squealed, kicking your feet up in the air.
“Jesus Christ! Send me a screenshot! Omg this is crazy!”
“Yeah, it is! I'll send you a screenshot in a few minutes, I'm gonna text this e number again. You know, to make sure.”
“You better, bitch,” Hailey laughed. “Okay, talk to you later!”
“Later, babes!” You said, before ending the call.
You opened up your iMessage app and started texting Timothée again.
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Here you were, stuck in a hotel room, and texting—bullying—Timothée Chalamet.
It was immature, but were literally texting the man you've been worshipping for years.
It was only harmless texting, right? What the hell could possibly go wrong?
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @tchalamss @ashlynnmalfoy @crazycat-ladys-blog @michakune @mxltifxnd0m @spencerr3idd @dangelnleif @sthkate @ferrjulie @imnotoverlyobsessive @mel-vaz @elsagreeer @lovely-maryj @meowmeowmau @bobthe-turmpetman29 @saintcosette @ashisabitgay @ladyladybuggg @nyrasunderwrld @remussbitch @jadahxx @starrystormwritings @ell0ra-br3kk3r @dreary-salem @drewsandsebastianswife @greenapplegrass @lilianelena39 @haybellewrites @cloudlst @si4a @ev3ningrain @ttulipwritezz @lilmaymayy @bullets-from-another-dimension @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @reg-arcturus-black @marina468 @3stelar @timhalamet @st4rf00k3r @idli-dosa @jimins15thhair @blacksgarden
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jeonscatalyst · 29 days
Why do people still deny that Tae went hand in hand with Jennie because he wanted it that way? The photographer you caught participated in a podcast recently, and they wanted to take down the page, like? The video is still clear and vivid in the paparazzi's feed, he was not prosecuted nor was he taken down, on the contrary, he said he was stopped by security and released because he was not considered a threat. They [Tae & J) didn't want to deny it, in fact she came on Instagram and posted photos from that day. No one is pouring hate on Tae for simply letting them talk about something he knew they would talk about and wanted to, oh my god [and I literally don't care about her and him, but I'm an adult and I try to deal with maturity around me]
Well anon Tae and Jennie were definitely walking hand in hand in Paris because they wanted to but I don’t know if their intention was to get “caught”. I did watch the podcast/ interview by the french paparazzi guy and from the way he explained things it is clear that there was no media play or any of that rubbish tkkrs are talking about.
He said that he was tipped off about Jennie and Tae being in Paris together by a friend of his who is into kpop and then he went and waited by a bus stop near Le Champs Elysees for over an hour and then immediately he spotted them coming out of a restaurant, holding hands, he took a photo and sent it to his friend who then said footage like that had never been released before so that was huge. He then proceeded fo follow them on a bike and kept discreetly taking photos and videos of them on his phone because he didn’t have his camera on his since he didn’t expect to see them at all but only went there after his friend tipped him off.
At some point Tae and Jennie probably figured out they were being filmed but probably couldn’t do anything about it or maybe they just didn’t care. But it is clear that the Paparazzi guy did not face any consequences, I mean why would he? He is a paparazzi and that’s what they do. He saw them on the streets and took videos of them, he didn’t break into their houses or anything. I had seen some taekookers claiming that he was probably sued because he deleted the highlight of taennie from his instagram but I doubt that was the case because he is still talking about it and the video itself is still on his page till this day.
I personally don’t think Tae and Jennie intentionally went out holding hands because they wanted to soft launch their relationship or because they wanted someone to take a video (I mean that could be the case but I don’t think so) They are idols and public figures but that doesn’t mean they don’t crave nomalcy too plus sometimes they too can be a little careless. Maybe they thought it was late and no one was going to recognize them that late at night. I mean look at how happy Jimin and Jungkook were when someone recognized them at walmart in NY. Sometimes these idols too probably think not everyone would recognize them cuz I bet they have been to so many places without people recognizing them. Maybe Tae and Jennie just wanted to have one of those days and then got “caught”. I think if it was intentional or if they wanted to soft launch their relationship then, they would have kept up with it after that, like being seen together in other places but I don’t think they were ready to openly date yet and that is probably why they continued the way they did. They didn’t deny it but also didn’t accept it. They knew some people knew and some people were still doubting and probably just decided to leave things as they were.
I don’t even understand why this whole taennie thing is still a topic for debate. Tae and Jennie were together and probably still are and anybody who continues to deny that is just plain stupid imo.
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writtenontheport · 1 year
Lockwood falling in love with the type three ghost of a girl.
That's it.
That's the ask.
The Haunted Boy and His Ghostly Girlfriend
(pt. 1) (pt. 2)
Anthony Lockwood x fem reader
Warnings/Tags: Reader is in this for like 2 paragraphs, Romcom 😭, Ik you gave me angst but everything I touch turns romcom I’m so sorry, George gets mad at Lockwood for a bit, Old people clients, mentions of death, Reader is literally a fucking ghost 😭, please tell me if there’s anything I forgot to tag
Notes: I absolutely adored this request omfg. When I saw it, I just KNEW I had to write it omg. This is— this needs to be multipart I’m so sorry. I can’t get it out of my head that he’ll have a little ghostly girlfriend PLEASE ITS SO CUTE IN MY HEAD. Also; very badly edited!! I was exhausted when I first posted this and am still currently combing through it for errors.
Summary: It starts, as all things do here: with a meetcute, the undead, and maybe a bit of tomfoolery. It goes, as it almost never does, with meeting the undead love of his life. What a big day for Anthony Lockwood.
Word Count: 1.5k+
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Lockwood is staring into the eyes of the most breathtaking girl he has ever seen, and she isn’t even alive anymore. The girl looks as she probably did when she was alive; a beautiful face with only the most kissable lips he has ever seen in his life, not that he ever could kiss her. He should be calling for Lucy and George— yelling for them to tell them he’s found their ghost, but instead…
“Hi,” He says, clearing his throat, “I’m Anthony. Anthony Lockwood of Lockwood and co. You’re a ghost.”
He winces when your frown deepens, and feels bad immediately for blurting that out. Before he can apologize, he sees you mouthing something and realizes quite late that he does in fact need Lucy and George here to be able to talk to you.
“I can’t really hear you, sorry. I have… my friend can though. Just a second—“
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Before we can go forward, we have to go back a little to just before this began. So let’s start with a fact: even with Skull being able to talk with Lucy, Lockwood still had his reservations on type threes. Type ones and type twos were the predictable result of certain situations— murders, death by illness, accidents, and all the “good” things that made the visitors more likely to visit. Type threes? It took the literal manifestation of the actual thing for him to even accept they existed. Suffice to say, Lockwood didn’t think he could ever fully warm up to the idea of a ghost he couldn’t understand.
Then one day, a case comes to him with a rather peculiar situation. The living don’t often find themselves attached to the undead, especially ones with no relation to them. The Thistlebrows prove to be an exception. The case? Their family ghost is lonely now that their granddaughter’s been sent away.
Lucy and George have stepped out for supplies when the old Thistlebrow couple stops by, so he takes them to the sitting room and prepares them tea. From the first word that comes out of them, Lockwood thinks he’s having some sort of hallucinogenic episode.
That’s more of an exaggeration actually as it seemed reasonably normal at first; strong presence, solid apparition visible enough that even in their old age they could see wisps of it lurking. Nothing more than a stubborn spectre, he was sure. Then—
“It’s an old house,” Mrs. Thistlebrow croons, sipping her cup of tea. “We’ve only lived in it for a few years, and we doubt we’ll be able to keep her company for much longer.”
“I’m sorry?” Lockwood asks, genuinely confused. He was sure he must have misheard them, before Mr. Thistlebrow spoke.
“We don’t know where she is, really, nor have we ever fully seen her… but our granddaughter is taken with her. We thought at first she just had an imaginary friend, but then…” He pulls out a polaroid.
There was nothing in the photo worth noting— a pair of shoes on the windowsill of an open window. The flash of the camera didn’t illuminate past the frame, but that was expected for a photo taken so late. He keeps a patient smile on his face, but he nods slowly with his brow furrowed in worry.
“The window was locked when we left the room. It’s too tall for our granddaughter to reach, and nothing was moved before or after this picture was taken— at least not by the living. Our granddaughter had asked her to open it to prove to us she was real, and the ghost left her shoes on the windowsill to hammer it in.” He leaves the photo in front of Lockwood, pulling back into the seat.
Lockwood’s brow scrunches in confusion as the gears turn in his head. Many type twos form apparitions, but poltergeists do not. Incidentally, only poltergeists can interact with heavy objects and the window certainly wouldn’t have been light. It looked to be a thick pane of glass with a metal on wood frame, pushed open farther than a stray breeze could push it.
“How old is your granddaughter?” He asks, his own voice distant to him. The photo makes something in him itch to solve the case.
“Just turned 7,” Mrs. Thistlebrow says with a click of her tongue, bringing a hand up to her wrinkly cheek. “Her parents sent off abroad when they realised she had Talent; didn’t want her having anything to do with the Problem. Heart broken, she was. The ghost was her first best friend.”
The Thistlebrows look genuinely devastated at that, and Lockwood bites back an incredulous frown. Oh the story he has for Lucy and George when they come back, absolutely mental it all is.
“We know this might be a lot to ask, but we’ll pay you as much as you need to keep the ghost company. Our granddaughter was so devastated knowing the poor girl would be lonely without her, and we certainly couldn’t talk to her no matter how much we tried.” Mr. Thistlebrow picks an envelope from his suit pocket, and slides it across the table to Lockwood. It’s a thick thing with obviously quite a bit of cash, and a cheque is peeking out from where the lip has opened.
Now, he could absolutely refuse the case. The agency was stable and the cases they have lined up were far less troublesome than finding and keeping another possible type-three ghost; George would even call him stupid for not refusing it right away, but…
“We’ll do it. You both have nothing to worry about,” He says instead, reassuring as he can be as he pulls on the lapels of his jacket. Mr. and Mrs. Thistlebrow’s faces split into smiles, and Lockwood can’t find it in him to regret his decision.
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“—And you took the case?” George says, all but yelling as he leans over the table to stare wide-eyed at Lockwood. Lucy’s frozen in her seat, her pen still on the thinking cloth.
“I authenticated the money, and they offered to meet us at the house as soon as we can if there were any more issues with compensation.” He takes a spoonful of supper, and hums in delight. “You’ve really outdone yourself today, George.”
“That’s not the problem, Lockwood,” George hisses, always so dour. He doesn’t settle down into his seat, even going so far as to cross his arms in disapproval. Still, he mumbles out a quiet ‘thank you’.
“Did they say anything else?” Lucy finally speaks up, her eyes still on the thinking cloth. It’s good she’s at least started doodling again, so Lockwood manages to look back up at both of them (which is very hard when George is glaring at him so severely).
“Their granddaughter’s name is Pepper, thought it might help us if we pretended to be her friends at least. It…” He pauses, tapping his spoon against his supper as he thinks of the right way to say it, “As far as they know, it isn’t aggressive and seems cooperative. They even— actually, wait.”
He pulls out the polaroid from his inner pocket, looking it over (even though he knows nothing would have changed) before sliding it to the center of the table. Lucy and George both lean in to have a look, coming back to stare at him in confusion.
“It was able to unlock and push the window open, then left the girl’s shoes on the windowsill to further prove it existed. Not only that, but both the Thistlebrows have said it is a rather heavy window too high up for their granddaughter to reach.” He takes another bite of his dinner, watching their expressions morph.
“But they said it had an apparition?” George asks first, seeming on the edge of worried and heavily intrigued. “Spectres can’t interact with heavy objects, but poltergeists can’t have apparitions. This ghost can’t exist unless it really was…”
Lucy is deep in deliberation as her eyes flit to somewhere out of the kitchen; the skull, Lockwood realizes quickly. “If this is a type three… and it was cooperative…”
A pregnant pause fills the room, only the ticking of a faraway clock echoing about the walls. George settles into his seat with a sigh, finally picking up his utensils. Lucy, rests her hands in her lap. They all look up and at each other, waiting for a beat, before falling into a quiet supper. They were definitely going to have to see this through now.
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So here Lockwood finds himself in front of the house that starts and ends it all; that houses what might just be the strangest thing to happen in his haunted life. He meets you in a flurry of strange things— through a polaroid of an open window, a ghost goose case, and then meeting the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen— before he finds himself asking:
“Would you like to come home with us?”
You nod quickly in surprise, your eyes shining in mirth and other-light. He doesn’t even need Lucy to translate that as anything but a firm ‘yes’.
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A/N: Everything I touch… turns to romcoms… I am like King Midas of romcoms PLEASE.
Also! Starting a silly taglist, just somehow reach out if you’d like to be added!!
Taglist 🏷️
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yourimagines · 8 months
Missing you
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: fluff
Nick pov
I was sitting alone in my hotel room in Las Vegas, looking at her profile picture. ‘Damn, I fucking miss her.’ I clicked on our conversation and smiled, looking at our last text messages. She had sent me a photo a hour ago, she was smiling at the camera, looking beautiful as always.
Me: fucking beautiful ❤️
I sighed and got up to get ready for some exploring and going out with a few friends of mine. I grabbed my wallet and my hotel keys and went to the lobby, waiting for the others to be ready.
“Nick, you sure?” Jose asked me as I sat down on one of the sofas. “Yeah I’m good.” I waved him off and grabbed my phone and saw she replied back to me.
Y/n❤️: thank you handsome 🥵
Me: no problem, how’s everything?
“Nick we ordered some shots.” A tray full with shots was placed on the table in front of me. “Sheesh, that’s…” they laughed and took one. “Come on Nick, don’t be a pussy.” I shook my head and took one as well. “See, this is life Nick, this is where you belong.” He pointed at everything around us, the alcohol, the women… “enjoy your night.” He patted on my shoulders and took an another one. Jose smiled at me, trying to keep the atmosphere good in here. “You okay?” Steve asks me as I sat further down in my seat. “Yeah, just uhh…thinking.” He nods and looks at the rest. “I don’t want to invade your privacy but maybe you should go home in the few couple of days…” I knew what he meant, I’m away for a few months while my girl is pregnant and is in Stockton, waiting for me. “Yeah..maybe.”
As the night goes by the loneliness caught me up. ‘ they are not even here for me…’ a new group of women past by and the guys started to hit in them, lurking them in by mentioning me. ‘Fake friends…except for Steve and Jose, they are good guys, the only ones who are not playing stupid games with them.’ “Nick, this is….” They were introducing me to a young looking woman, who was uncomfortable. “Hi.” She says with a small smile on her face. “Hey.” “Just sit down next to him, he doesn’t bite.” They literally made her sit down. ‘Oh fucking god, just leave me alone!’ “I’ll bring you a drink sugar.” He disappears and I turned myself to her. “Listen, just go if you want to go. I’m not interested in what they want.” She nods and smiles. “Thank you, you seem like a nice genuine guy Nick.” And with that she disappears into the crowd again. “Hey, why did she leave?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I was not her type.”
I was back at the hotel, laying in bed as I was reading her text messages.
Y/n❤️: I’m okay, I just miss you 🙈
Y/n❤️: but how’s everything going so far?
Me: I’m coming home tomorrow…
Me: I miss you too baby
I lay my phone down and looked up at the ceiling. ‘I need her more than I think I do.’ I turned around to my side and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep.
Y/n pov
I woke up and saw Nick texted me, he’s coming back home after 3 weeks. I smiled at our text messages. ‘He’s the best.’ I quickly send him a cute morning photo with my pregnant belly and got up to get a warm shower to relax. As I was showering I heard my phone going off, I carefully opened the glass door and grabbed my phone. *Nick❤️ is video calling* I smiled and accepted the call, he was sitting at the airport and immediately he smiles. “Hi Nicky.” I chirped as I only showed my face as tiny water droplets were rolling down my face. “Hey baby, how are you doing?” He was smiling like a little school boy in a candy store. “I’m okay, my feet are starting to hurt, they are swelling a bit.” “I’m coming home baby, I’m done here.” He went with his other hand through his hair, looking a bit upset. “I can’t wait to see you.” “Me too baby.” I giggled as he gave me a wink. “Your belly is growing fast now.” I nodded and rubbed my belly. “Yeah…can’t wait.” I gave him a shy smile and he nods. “Can’t wait either baby.” I saw him looking away. “Baby I have to go, I need to board my plane.” He got up and grabbed his bag. “Okay, be safe. I’ll see ya soon.” “I will, love ya.” “I love.” He hung up immediately. I placed my phone back and went back under the shower, smiling like an idiot.
Nick POV
I came home in the middle of the night. I silently walked upstairs with my bags in my hands. ‘She probably sleeping.’ I placed them in a corner in the hallway and slowly opens the bedroom door. She was sitting right up in bed, smiling as her nightlight was on. “Hi baby.” I softly said as I walked over to the bed, she was reaching her arms out to me. “Hi Nicky.” I thrown my clothes off and crawled in bed. “Come here.” She carefully moves over and lays her head against my shoulder. “I missed you.” I kissed her head and gently rubbed her belly. “I missed you too baby.” She placed a few kisses on my collarbone while tracing my chest. I was softly rubbing her belly as I felt the baby kick, a proud smile appeared on my face. “Baby…you felt that?” She nods and grabs my hand, placing it a bit lower. I felt a lot of movement. “He’s happy that you’re back.” “I’m happy to be back as well, little ninja is kicking some combos in there.” She giggles and softly squeezes my hand. “Don’t encourage him Nick, it hurt tho.” I looked at her as she looked a bit uneasy. I moved down to her belly, placing a few soft kissed on it, her hands went to my through my hair, softly massaging my head. “Listen here buddy, I need you to be nice to her. You need to wait a little bit longer to throw those combos my guy. Daddy will be there to make you a real ninja.” I heard her giggling and I looked up. “A ninja Nick, really?” I nodded and looked back and pressed a few kisses on the lower part of her belly. “I love you buddy.” I whispered against her skin as I felt happiness flowing through my chest. ‘I will always love my family even when I think I don’t need them….’
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invisibleraven · 11 months
Person A winning a costume contest with a costume that Person B handmade for them for literally anyone because it gave me FEELS.
Also for @jmrothwell who sent me the same prompt for Flynn/Anyone, because my first thought upon receiving this was immediately Flynn.
"You sure I look okay?" Julie asked, worrying her bottom lip.
"For the millionth time, yes," Flynn sighed, laying a gentle hand on her jaw. "Now stop stressing and let me finish your look."
"Thanks again for doing this for me," Julie said, "I know it's not exactly your scene."
"No," Flynn admitted. "But it's yours, and you're important to me, so this is important to me. Plus it gave me a chance to work with different materials."
Julie smiled and Flynn leaned in to give her a small kiss-enough to know she meant it, not enough to mar her lipstick. "For luck," Flynn whispered. "Now go kill that costume contest."
"I love you!" Julie called as she raced off towards the stage.
Flynn beamed, leaning back against a pillar. "I know babe." Even though Julie couldn't hear it, she knew her girlfriend felt it. She watched as the line of hopeful nerds went up to show off their outfits. Flynn barely recognized any of them, though she did clap for the well made cosplays and the few characters she knew.
Off to the side she saw the contest photographer take snaps of each entry, making sure to compliment them over little details, or just to make them smile. Flynn snickered as she noticed he was dressed in a Han Solo costume, a tiny stuffed Chewbacca doll peeking out of his bag, something he pulled out to make a small child in a very well made Leia costume.
It also didn't hurt that the guy was unfairly cute, his smile lighting up at every new photo he had to take. Flynn wondered if she could hit him up for a copy of Julie's outfit for her portfolio-and maybe a pic of the two of them. Because even if this wasn't Flynn's thing, she had gone all out on her own costume-the new live action Little Mermaid, turning the tail into a fashionable skirt.
Finally it was Julie's turn, and Flynn hooted as she came onto the stage in he Scarlet Scarab outfit, unfurling the wings and striking a pose as the crowd went crazy. Including the photographer who stared at Julie for a hot second, his jaw a little unhinged until finally he shook himself into attention, lifting his camera once more.
Julie rushed into Flynn's arms as she came off the stage, beaming. "Oh, did you hear the crowd? They loved it!"
"Told you not to stress," Flynn replied, resting their foreheads together. "You got first place in the bag."
"Excuse me?"
Both girls turned, seeing the photographer there, smiling shyly. "Hi, I just wanted to know if you wanted any of the pictures I got of you?" He then blushed an enticing pink colour as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I also got one of the two of you just now, it was such a lovely moment I had to capture it."
"I would love that," Julie replied.
"I was going to ask you to take a few of us anyways," Flynn added. "So this works out amazingly."
He handed over his card. "I'm Reggie, message me any time and I'll send over the photos, or arrange a photo shoot for you out of costume." He then stopped, paling, as if realizing what he had implied. "I don't mean like nudes or anything. Not that I judge you if you take those! I've done the odd boudoir shoot so I can't say anything!"
Julie giggled, then whispered to Flynn "He's adorable, even if he has a terrible case of foot in mouth disease."
"Luckily I like that in a guy," Flynn whispered back, then turned to Reggie. "We'll make sure to call you and we can figure out what kind of shot we want you to take then."
"O-okay," Reggie replied, blushing bright red again.
In the end, Julie was pretty hyped to have won the contest, and whooped at the gift card to her favourite restaurant that came with the cash prize. But she was more happy with the attention her costume got Flynn for future clients and the cute guy they were both intending on taking to that free dinner.
But next year? She was sure they would have to find a good group costume for the three of them.
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cravingbro · 1 year
Photo Strips
siblings oneshot au : 1,6k words — slice of life, love hate relationship, city walk, quality time, public argument, childish, lots of sarcasm.
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My brother was queuing for our chocolate ice cream at the cashier, while I stood in front of the glass facade, facing outside where I could see a photo booth across the street. Every time I looked at him, his eyes were always pinned onto his phone so I could not tell him how much I wanted to go to that photo booth. Even when I waved, he did not see me. Others did. And that sucks.
When we finally had our ice cream, I just went silence. I had no energy left to communicate nor to receive the possible never-ending roasting session from him if I stated my wish. So I just ate my ice cream without zero eye contact.
“You should’ve joined Mom. You might get a new dress or something,” he uttered, followed with an annoying pout. For sure I knew he was not welcoming me that day, so I replied, “The fuck you want me to do? I wanted to stay at home and mom dragged me out. Now she’s leaving me with you for a while, and it’s suddenly my fault?”
“I could’ve talk to my friends if you’re not clinging around me, demanding for chocolate ice cream, pulling me here and there, like gosh … give me a short break. You’re putting me … in awkward position,” he mumbled with such serious expression. He could have literally told me to stay away for a while if he really wanted to talk to his friend or his crush or whoever he saw, but he chose to fight me instead when all he did was not communicating his will at all.
“Go to talk to your friend then. I can handle myself alone,” I raised my voice as I tried to control my anger since we were in public place.
“If you’re gone, Mom’s gonna blame me, so … no,” he said while shaking his head gently. No sign of guilt drawn on his face and it so sickening to see him acting like a total jerk.
“You’re so annoying. You’re always annoying! Why are you my brother? I didn’t ask for any of this shit. Do you even want an ice cream? Ugh—“
“I bought these ice creams and finish it—“
“But it was my idea to buy chocolate ice cream,” I pointed at myself as my eyes opened wide. Meanwhile he sighed and replied, “Yeah … and I said cool. Although I never plan to eat ice cream today.”
“You hate me so much, don’t you? I hate you too!” I whispered as well as emphasizing the word hate. If he was not into my idea, how could he said yes yet still complained afterward? I was so mad that looking at his face for longer than a second might turned me into a Hulk. So later when I finished my ice cream, I immediately left the ice cream shop while he followed me right behind.
“Do you want something else?” he shouted and checked his phone at the same time. I, who was a few steps forward, looked over and raised a middle finger up, then shouted, “No!”
“I wanna go take photo— there … a photo booth across the street, you sure you won’t join?” His words made me stop walking, but I was already annoyed so I could not say yes right away. “You always collect strips from photo booth. Let’s go there!” he added as he came and grabbed my wrist.
“Why?” I asked. He just gave a confusing wide smile and wink which got me jokingly slapping his cheek right after. “Can you at least say sorry first?” I demanded.
“But I’m not sorry for what I said back then. Should I apologize just to make you feel better? How about me?” he rolled his eyes as he spoke.
“You’re so selfish,” I protested, followed with a deep sigh.
“You have no idea how selfless I have been all these years after you were born. Don’t say that,” he stated.
“What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow as we walked closer to the photo booth. “You could’ve say something like … I wanna greet my friend for a few minutes, can you wait here— or I don’t know, you tell me … instead of grumping like a boy—“
“You wouldn’t allow me—“
“Oh, come on! I’m not a kid anymore, Jung Jaehyun! I can give you few minutes if that’s what you need,” I raised my voice but then ended my sentence in whisper since people silently looked at us. Meanwhile he sharpened his eyes as a sign of doubt. Later he shook his head, disagreed with my statement to the core it seems.
“Where’s your friend now? Let’s greet them before we take photo, how about that?”
“But they’re on the other side of—“
“So what?! You wanna see them so much anyway, what’s wrong with walking back and forth? I’m fine with it. I had my ice cream at least,” I rambled while pushing him away from the photo booth which was steps away from us.
“No no no, photo first, friends later. It’s okay,” he took turn to push me towards the photo booth. I gave him a frown and judgmental side-eye, so he added, “Alright, I’m not mad at you anymore. We’re good now.”
He tried to pull me in to the photo booth after he paid for two strips, but then I pulled him out instead. He immediately shouted, “What?”
“Wait here. I don’t wanna take photos with you,” I whined as I stepped inside by myself. He rolled his eyes before he turned away and looked at our surrounding. “You bee—“
“Bitch? I’ll tell Mom that you called me bitch,” I cut him off right as I closed the curtain before he could respond. I heard him grunted while I took my own photos. To be honest, I felt at ease whenever I annoyed him. Maybe I do have revenge issue. Maybe it was just my toxic trait I developed by growing up as his sister, but it felt good. So I kept doing it.
“Can you pay for another strip? I wanna do a different template,” I asked with overly cute voice. He stood outside looking pissed off. His gaze were intense but he eventually handed me his phone.
“You’re not coming in?” I giggled. He rolled his eyes again then replied, “I’ll ruin the photo anyway.”
“What do you mean, Bro? You’re the Nation’s High School Crush of The Year—“
“Oh, fuck … not this bullshit again,” he yelled while I dragged him into the photo booth. Fortunately, he just obeyed me like he usually does. He even threw a big smile whenever the countdown started. Although the smile was gone split seconds after, replaced with sharp glares.
“See? We look good,” I complimented the strips as I stared at it. Later I gave him one of each strip I took and kept the other one in my wallet. It took quite a while before he kept his photo strips in his wallet.
“Let’s go see your friend. I hope they’re still around,” I said as I dragged him out of the photo booth. He yelled gibberish as we walked out, yet he did not try to stop me at all. He let me pull him by grabbing his index finger. I could saw his thin smile on the corner of his lips which I did not understand. Why would he keep yelling and annoying to me if he looks like he enjoy this?
“Explain that smile,” I demanded, pretending I was a master and my brother was a slave. My brother, however, just chuckled before he answered, “What to explain? That I look kinda satisfied after I’m madly mad at you?” I nodded and he bursted out laughing right away.
“You need a younger sis or bro to understand. I can’t explain—“
“Hey!” I screamed which got him covered my mouth right away.
“Stop it, hey! They’re gonna think you’re in danger,” he whispered as he embraced me out of nowhere. I supposed he needed to convince those eyes that were silently starring at us if we were actually not in dangerous situation.
“Oh My God, why is it so hard to be your brother?” he complained not so long after.
“I don’t understand— no, I never understand your doings, like … you’re just so weird. One second you hate me, the next second you care so much, later on you just pissing me off like I’m your personal entertainment,” I yelled while he gently stroked my hair and immediately replied, “You are. Yes. Exactly. You’re my personal entertainment. God damn it, you’re so right.”
“Hey, Jae,” a girl shouted from across the street. My brother froze immediately as he whispered, “Shit.”
“Going on a date with your girlfriend now? So cool,” the other stated as they all crossed the road.
“Ugh, well …,” my brother shrugged without trying to correct his friend’s statement. So I locked my eyes on him the whole time just to watch his micro expression while he was chit-chatting. At the same time, he tightened his grip over my wrist which he hid behind his back. I had no idea why he did that until one of his guy friend said, “Just in case you break up with Jaehyun, call me, okay? You look good.”
I did not respond except giving him a sharp glare until all of his friends were gone. My brother waved at them while he whispered, “Now you know why I don’t want you to meet my friends, right?”
“That’s your friend? They suck!” I protested and he nodded right away.
“I know, but look at the girls— that are always with them— I mean if I could date …,” he uttered but then stopped midway as he scratched his eyebrow and sighed.
“You’re so pathetic, Bro. You need therapy,” I stated as I patted his back then walked away.
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blackink-onpaper · 1 year
The Descend and the Resurface
Damian Hart (Beyblade) x OC
Summary: OC comes from a complex background, and in the midst of trying to save it all and help her family she enters a strange arrangement, which will change her life forever.
Masterlist 🖤
Tags: Beyblade, Beyblade Metal Masters, Ryuga, Jack, Damian, Zeo Abyss, OC, Gingka Hagane, team Starbreaker, team Gan Gan Galaxy, dr. Ziggurat, Hades Inc.
A/N: (ambience suggestion) this chapter and the next will go along with the canon storyline, for this chapter watch Beyblade Metal Masters episode 93 if you like, it’s available on youtube! Also, at one moment I mention Damian’s worried expression, which you can see on the last photo :) Enjoyy~
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Chapter 16
I tried getting backstage a few more times, but the crowd kept being too difficult to get past from. ‘Well, time to find something to do for half an hour’ I thought to myself, as I pulled out my phone for a scrolling session. I had social media, but really hated it ever since Julian and I had started dating because of all the nosy, toxic people trying to get into my life just because of him. If I was qualified to write a book about anything, it’s definitely on what it’s like being an “uninportant” girlfriend of an important man. And it seems I did it again, ironically, but at least no one knows for now. Checking if I had any messages, I saw an ad for a summer dress in the same blue colour as Damian’s hair, with white stripes on the hems, and I gasped in excitement. I immediately checked the availability and ordered the dress, so that I would have it for a celebration with Damian once all of this was over. Reflecting on my previous relationship again, I realised I did everything completely different this time around and how liberated I actually felt: to be able to say things I should’ve kept hidden, to have sex before having a date first because there is no one who would gossip and make a story out of it, and of course, my biggest cliché of all: to fall in love with a ‘bad boy’.
After ordering the dress, which would probably make Julian throw up if he ever saw it, I remembered I had some polaroid photos in my phone case I had completely forgotten about. My phone case opened with a loud crack sound, showing me a few memories from my past: there was a picture Sophie took of me when we were all invited to Julian’s summer house at lake Como, and one more from the same day of me and Julian together. Everyone told us we were an amazing couple, and I agree we certainly looked the part, but looking back on myself then I was feeling nowhere near complete. I wondered what people would think of Damian and I, would they love us as much as they did the Konzern-Casilarghi combination? The last picture was that of my garden, with my mom and I eating cherries in the sun; I took a picture of it and sent it to my mom with a text that I’m at the championship. She replied back almost immediately:
“My darling ❤️🍒 Enjoy the match, any luck with Julian?”
I was struck by a wave of mixed feelings; I felt as if I was lying to her by not telling her I completely let Julian go and had fallen for someone new, especially because I am not sure what they would think of Damian, and Damian of them. However, I’m sure my parents would easily get over any hard feelings if they considered Damian rich enough, which is comforting in it’s own way I guess.
The match began again. Just as the presenters announced the Gingka vs Jack battle, a literal meteor fell from the sky right into the stadium. For a brief moment I thought this was the end of the world, as the fire swept over everything, and loud thuds and cracks echoed from the walls carrying the whole construction. Opening my eyes, I saw most people had the same idea, because some even hid under the seats or shielded themselves with their bags, but we were all unharmed. However, there was a distinctively recognisable figure standing in the stadium.
The Japanese presenter stuttered: “It-it’s Ryuga, everyone!”
I’ve only ever heard of this guy, but he looked the same as in the pictures I had seen some time ago: platinum hair, tanned skin, angry eyes. But from what I’d heard, he is the strongest and most fearsome Blader out there. Seeing as he was standing on the side of Gan Gan Galaxy, it occurred to me that Gingka might have lied about not having a third member, but I then realised how bewildered the three members of the team looked and discarted the theory entirely. However, Ryuga’s choice of standing position might mean trouble for Jack.
“You do remember what you said to me, don’t you?” Ryuga asked Jack
“No, what?” Jack blurted out bluntly, without his usual pompousness
Apparently, Jack had told Ryuga at some earlier point that he would paint him a picture of Hades, and Ryuga came to collect his comission. But it seemed Ryuga also had an agenda against Ziggurat, as he looked up at him several times. I darted a look at Damian; while Jack accepted his challenge, seeming enviably and surprisingly confident, Damian seemed quite worried - I would dare say perhaps even scared as he stood a few steps behind Jack. But his facial expression was hard to read, so maybe he was just being more serious than I’m used to.
As the battle began, I had to admit I was also becoming worried both about the match and Jack’s wellbeing. I mean, Ryuga is really not the kind of guy one would like to mess with, especially because I know Damian would not break the tournament rules for Jack like Sophie and Wales did for Julian - and rightfully so, because if Jack loses Damian can still win the final battle, whereas for Excalibur the tournament had already been decided before the intervention.
The start of the battle must’ve been one of the most explosive ones I’d ever seen. No time was wasted by Jack and Befall, who just kept hitting Ryuga’s Bey without a break, and Jack was evidently enjoying himself. After a couple of more attacks, Jack slowly descended into an insane laughter:
“Sorry, Mr. Ryuga” he began, after he calmed down from that weird laughing spell: “Earlier I said I’d make this match into an amazing work of art, but allow me to correct myself. This will be my greatest masterpiece! Yes, and the completion of my work of art will mean your total and definite defeat!” Jack proclaimed loud and clear as his hair started to levitate, and a glow in different shades of gorgeous pink colours surrounded him like an aura. I mean, I have to be honest and say I was not nearly as confident about this as Jack, but I was absolutely blown away by his bravery. Many experienced Bladers would not even have half the personality Jack held up against Ryuga.
But I need to be equally honest that Ryuga’s demeanour was nothing short of imposing: Jack slashed him with his special move, appropriately called The Ripper, and he didn’t even bother to move. I darted a look at Damian, who had a curious look in his eyes and a small grin to support Jack’s attack. Curious with a reason, as Ryuga’s L-Drago was spinning as if nothing had happened:
“You really are stimulating the right side of my brain now! How stimulating is this!” Jack announced yet another special move - Slice and Dice - as Befall began to literally carve out the stadium to his will and whim. I pulled myself closer to see better, but ended up almost slipping of my seat because I hadn’t noticed how close I already was to it’s edge. After checking left and right if anyone had seen me, I continued watching to see what image Jack was aiming to create:
“One more stroke, and my greatest masterpiece will be complete!” Jack waved his finger around as L-Drago was being dragged around by a lethally slicing Befall: this was looking good for Starbreaker, but something just didn’t sit right with me about this. As the camera display on the televisions across the stadium panned out, an elegant body of a peacock emerged from the flat stone of the dome stadium.
“So Jack is drawing an image of his muse: Befall” I chuckled to myself, he was really something else entirely. Befall struck L-Drago right into the eye of the illustrated bird, and his spinning was slowing down almost to a stop:
“L-Drago is almost out of power now!” The presenters gripped the handrails of their positions, while Gan Gan Galaxy looked pale as three sheets of paper from the stress. At least this seems to be an imminent win for Starbreaker; I guess I was just overthinking Ryuga’s strength, his mysterious reputation probably playing up his fame.
But then he made me question both my vision and my sanity by increasing his rotation with simplicity and out of nowhere. Gasps arose from the audience around me:
“But how?” Jack blurted out, more confused than shocked or outraged, to which Ryuga measured up to with:
“You call this your greatest masterpiece, do you? Heh, are you sure you’re all done?”
“No way” Jack gasped in a half pleading tone: “Don’t tell me… Don’t tell me the entire battle up to now has just been to measure my power?!”
Then, Ryuga called his special move, the name of which I did not catch because of the gust of fire, heat and wind that swirled over the stadium in a burning red glow. Very reminiscent of Damian’s Hades Drive, but inexplicably multiplied. A long red dragon, stretching out at least two kilometres into the air appeared, and even though Jack put up one last brave stance against him by sending Befall into a defending flight, it was completely clear it’s an immediate defeat.
An explosion shook the entire stadium, making a crack in the floor from underneath my feet as people’s hats, pamphlets and random small items just flew away over their heads. Jack’s loud, piercing scream was the only thing I heard over the explosion itself. Befall was now the pink ruby centerpiece imbedded within the eye of the peacock that stood for a minute until the entire dome collapsed, the image now forever lost and forgotten. Jack whimpered about his work of art, hugging himself as if to calm himself down as he fell to his knees. Ryuga stared at Ziggurat’s room overlooking the stadium, and L-Drago launched into a flight, breaking his window.
“Woah…what the…” I uttered to myself, there was something seriously foul in the history between Ziggurat and Ryuga if he acted this way. As Ryuga was walking away, some paramedic that are unmistakeably from Hades Inc., given their dark grey lab coats, helped Jack up to his feet again and into the backstage, while Damian was nowhere in sight. I got up immediately, and grabbed my bag and water bottle to run to the backstage door, before noticing all of the water from my bottle had evapourated from L-Drago’s fire.
“Unbelievable…” I gasped before making my way past the security guards and into the Starbreaker wing.
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enter-the-phantom · 1 year
Enter Writes A Blog - Oct 4, 2023
In Which I Get A New Job (Sort Of) and Meet the Dance Commander; Nearly Die of Queer Joy
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A few life updates bc I’ve just been too tired to post regularly recently! Gonna start doing these since I’ve always admired people who keep little journals. Enjoy.
I got a new seasonal job a few weeks ago at a local theatre and costume shop, which sounds like it would be perfect for me but is…definitely not. The pay is abysmal, it’s $9 an hour with no benefits, and the job itself is so mind-numbingly monotonous that I’m actually depressed. There’s a lot going on and I don’t think I’m going to make it—I need a challenge and I can’t shut my brain off for eight hours a day with nothing to do. Not being able to think creatively and solve puzzles is really messing with my head. Plus the hours are really bad for me, getting up that early and getting home in the evening is really draining for someone with my circadian rhythm. It’s just not for me. As bad as I feel about it (bc I do like my coworkers!), I’m going to quit sometime in the coming weeks and focus on building up my Etsy and working on my art offerings. It won’t make money but it also won’t make me so depressed I can do nothing but sleep on my days off. I just can’t handle traditional work, it’s not good for my brain and my mental health and it’s affecting me physically too. I can’t risk another colitis scare and the stress just isn’t worth it.
On to better news that, if you know me, is gonna have you jumping for me bc everyone I’ve told is freaked.
If you know me you know by now that Electric Six is my soul band and means the world to me. You know what I’ve been through and how happy they make me. Finally got to see them in person on Friday night and it was a spiritual experience. I ended up not only against the stage, but the closest one to The Man himself. Nearly got hit with the mic stand boner multiple times. Eye contact happened. Moments happened. They were magical. He is magical. As I said to @mosshugs, there is truly nothing like the joy an aroace person feels for their squish. It’s the purest form of love there is and my god, do I love that man. Multiply it with the love a performer has for their muse and I’ve been emotional all week.
Every E6 experience I’ve ever had involved lovely strangers who became friends and this was no exception. We just all come together to watch a bunch of goofy guys play goofy songs and do goofy dances together. Met the most lovely family of Crazies with daughters me and my sister’s age, we hung out with them all night, kept an eye on each other and just in general had a great time making new friends! My new local friend is super sweet and we have a lot in common, so that’s really neat! Hoping to talk to her more if I don’t get super nervous about it bc she’s really cool. Also she was providing the strongest moral support when she saw just how close I was to Dick Valentine. Mad props for recognising I was having several moments. When he knelt down on that speaker and started rambling about Lyme Disease she had my back quite literally. Such a real one. Also sent me all her photos and vids bc I was too busy ascending to even remember my phone.
But my god, do I love the Crazies. Herb S Flavorings (who was a treat as always to watch) flicked us a pick, missed, it hit someone else and dropped to the floor. Everyone immediately stepped back and helped find it. Setlist got passed down to me by not one but two other people who saw just how much this concert meant to me and thought I should have it I guess? Also met up with some guys from the Facebook group as I was leaving who wanted to meet “the E6 artist” and demanded to know if I got the prints delivered—I love this dumb little fandom. Also The Flashy Jacket™ was a hit!
And of course the part ya’ll we’re waiting for—I got to meet my hero, Dick Valentine himself. Spotted him coming down from the green room to get his customary post-show amaretto sour and I asked if we could talk when he had a minute (mostly just wanted to deliver the art prints) and he was so immediately friendly and approachable. He had a few people coming up to say hi, and what really struck me was how careful he was to make sure I knew he hadn’t forgotten I wanted to talk to him. I’m sure he had no idea how much that truly meant to me—it’s such a little thing, just to have someone give you a reassuring look that you haven’t been forgotten or ignored and they’re going to make time—but for some people they never get that and it truly means the world. To get it from someone who does not know me, but who has gotten me through so much, was really incredible. I started tearing up and apologising for being emotional and he was so reassuring, reiterating that it had been a long night and it was okay to be emotional and he was glad he and his silly little band had done so much for me. Art was delivered, he loved it—and apparently John (and Da Ve??? I’m in on a secret I guess) are going to be back for the Detroit show or at least there, so he promised to deliver them then. My extra print of his was signed, and so was my setlist! Also I got a hug and some very cute photos. Just truly the sweetest, most down-to-earth gem of a man with the most shockingly calming presence. We all knew he was pretty special, all the guys are, but in person he’s really something else. Thank you again, Dick/Tyler (bc we love the persona but the man himself is just a good guy) and if you ever see this, I promise I’m not crazy and I’m not attempting to clone you in my basement—you just genuinely are my hero. Please don’t push yourself too hard on this tour; we all love you and want you to take care of yourself. ❤️
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Anyway. If you read the end of this welcome back to our regularly scheduled nonsense on this blog. I’ll be doing a lot of social media stuff once I quit my job so I can get serious about building up my platforms and working on art and design stuff, so stay on the lookout for that! LOTS of art coming soon. Selfship and fandom friends, I have some amazing new stuff coming out, including some cool commission options you’ve never seen before. Also going to attempt this TikTok thing I guess.
Glad to be back and I missed you all! I hope my mental health will be better once I can focus on working creatively, the way I need to. Love you all! ❤️
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ramshacklestar · 6 months
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@splitcards sent || " Awww, look at the little guys. " Cater gasps at the sight of hedgehogs warming up to Yuu and curl up on her hand, but trying to contain his glee to not spook them away. " This is, like, the peak 'cammable moment. "
After taking the necessary photo op for his next post, Cater relaxes and sits down next to her. " Wish everyday is this relaxing... don't you think so? "
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It was fascinating to Yuu, the way the flamingos and hedgehogs of Heartslabyul were so colorful, and that interest only seemed to grow when she realized what they were used for briefly becoming panicked at the notion of the dorm members potentially hurting the animals but quickly relaxed again when Riddle made it obvious the bird and hedgehogs actually enjoyed the game of croquet as much as the players. So it had served as quite the surprise when Yuu saw a few of the little hedgehogs seemingly warm up to her, especially in knowing they were typically shy little creatures from what Ace had mentioned, her hands coming out to it in a cupping position which one of the hedgehogs in question immediately took advantage of. If not for Grim and the state of Ramshackle, Yuu was fulling prepared in that moment to take the little creature to her temporary residence; the cuteness of them all leaving her internally squealing in delight so not to wake it from its seemingly comfortable slumber.
It's only by Cater’s voice that Yuu tears her gaze away from the hedgehog in time to see him holding his phone up to snap a picture of the scene; where normally she might’ve asked for a bit of a warning next time she hadn’t seemed to mind in that moment, all tension eased out of her. “I feel like anytime you find a camable moment with me in it I’m always making some kind of stupid face.” Not that it really mattered that much, most of the people that saw Cater’s posts were already members of the school and those outsiders who had seen it were likely to never meet her so it really wasn’t that big a deal. It also went without saying that based off the magicam account her and Grim had shared Yuu wasn’t a particularly photogenic person, their account compromising more of Grim in various positions of restfulness.
Even still she couldn’t help but to nod at Cater’s next words hands adjusting slightly under the hedgehog earning her a small squeak. “It’d be a nice change, between needing to chase Grim down to prevent him from getting both us in trouble to the..” She paused a moment. “..the blots, I can certainly say that my life here hasn’t ever been boring.” Boring was okay sometimes though, honestly she had hoped for a boring day for quite sometime now the prefect being pushed far beyond her limits within the first week of being an official student. “It is good to know that if I need to relax though this dorm exists, with all the queen’s rules and Riddle’s affinity for ensuring they’re all followed to the letter I can say Heartslabyul is actually the most relaxing of all the dorms I’ve visited. Granted I haven’t really been in Diasmonia, nearly as much as the others.” Diasmonia had a sort of dreary air to it though, at least from what she remembered but it was still slightly better than Ignihyde which made her feel like she was literally walking into the underworld.
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“It’s also good to know that I’ll always be welcomed here and that you and the others seem to like my presence too, really does make a person not want to leave. The weathers always pleasant, the critters here are crazy adorable, Trey’s baking is top tier and I’ve got so many friends I get to see.” She hadn’t ever really understood the concept of peace, but ever since the ordeal with Riddle she couldn’t help but agree about this being truly peaceful.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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Asian Doll Defends Megan Thee Stallion Amid Tory Lanez Trial [Photo]
December 15, 2022 10:41 AM PST
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During the first week of Tory Lanez’s trial, Asian Doll offered her thoughts on the case while also lending support to Megan Thee Stallion. 
via: AceShowbiz
Megan Thee Stallion finds support in Asian Doll (Asian Da Brat). The self-proclaimed Queen of Drill made use of her Twitter account to defend the “WAP” hitmaker after someone called the latter a liar amid Tory Lanez trial.
“Megan is an Aquarius that just sums up a lot of the things she’s done,” an individual tweeted on Wednesday, December 14. “& if you know anything about Aquarius they lie they A** OFF!”
Asian caught wind of the post and felt the need to defend the Houston raptress. “Friend…. Ion think zodiac signs got nun to do with a female literally being shot in her foot by a midget delete this,” she said, referring to Asian’s alleged shooter Tory.
The tweet arrived after the trial over the shooting incident involving Megan and Tory began on Monday, December 12. Tory, who is facing three felony counts, could face up to 23 years in prison if convicted.
Tory has denied that he was the one who pulled the trigger at the time. As for Megan, the “Savage” femcee testified in court that when she exited the venue of Kylie Jenner’s party, Meg heard Tory shout, “Dance b***h.” She also claimed she then saw him with the gun pointing at her before getting shot. She confessed she started to go into shock at that point.
After Tory shot her, Megan alleged that he told her, “Don’t say anything and I’ll give you a million dollars,” adding he was already on probation. As for why she lied to the police directly after the incident by telling them that she stepped on glass, Meg explained, “I’m in shock. I’m scared. I hear the gun going off, and I can’t believe he’s shooting at me,” she said.
“At the time, we are at the height of police brutality. I felt like if I said this man has just shot me, they might shoot first and ask questions later. I don’t feel safe with the police officers. In the black community, it’s not really acceptable to be cooperating with police officers,” she continued.
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thatonedovahkiin · 2 years
Oh boy long rant ahead
TW for mention of animal death & grieving initially. Nothing gruesome or super detailed, just a mention.
So, a couple of months ago, my sweet boy Tramp passed away.
If you've followed me since like at least 2013, you've definitely seen me post photos of my sweet wrinkly boy.
The grieving process has been very difficult, but I'm finally at the point where I'm okay enough to continue and I've even started therapy (which was a HUGE step for me). Now I feel like I'm ready to adopt a puppy and start anew.
The way I see it is that Tramp will send us a puppy when he feels like we're ready. I've been scrolling through animal rescues and local shelters to just..get a feel for what I can expect to see, and to really confirm with myself that I'm ready to see a new little face every day now.
I saw one puppy and I got really emotional the moment I saw him. He looked exactly like Tramp when he was a puppy and I just..lost it. He was born the day before my bubby passed, and was taken into the animal rescue the day that he passed. That date is already really hard, and I initially thought that his puppy was his way of being reincarnated essentially. Because he was literally born the day before Tramp crossed the rainbow bridge.
I admittedly got ahead of myself and immediately submitted an inquiry for the puppy after talking to Branden about it and he gave the green-light. A few days pass after I submit the inquiry and I get a call from the rescue, and they ask me some stuff about my application and about Tramp. They explained to me their adoption process and it's...pretty complicated and lengthy. First they have a foster-to-adopt process, meaning we keep the puppy for a week to see if they're a right fit, and if they are then we submit payment and confirm appointments (some have a HARD date that cannot be changed) and if we don't meet certain appointments or requirements, they can take the puppy back. And they kept asking about one treatment that I never gave to Tramp.
Growing up, Tramp had a really extensive medical history. I found out that he survived distemper/parvo when he was really young and is part of why his immune system was so delicate throughout his life. There were certain medications and treatments I skipped, but that was bc we couldn't afford everything and it would genuinely slip our minds. But I feel like the rescue wasn't too happy with my answers, and it's been about a week since the last call.
So since it's been a while, I also wanted to reevaluate my decision and look again. The day after I submitted that initial inquiry, one of my friends sent me a puppy that's available for adoption that's closer to me. She said that the puppy reminded her of Tramp. Which, appearance wise, I didn't really see. But looking at him again, I understood what she meant.
Recently I've gotten into witchcraft and have been doing it on and off since 2020, and it's really helped me out with a lot. I seriously picked it back up after the boy passed, and to help me cope and be at peace with the decisions we had to make for him, I turned to witchcraft and basically spirituality. One sign that pets send when they've crossed the bridge is that they can send fellow pets/animals our way to help us be happy. Another is if you're considering on adopting or even are just looking, if a friend/family member sends you an animal that reminds them of the pet that has passed, that's a sign from the spirit.
That being said, I looked at that puppy again that my friend sent and essentially got some confirmation about him, and we're going to go see him today. I'm excited and nervous!! But, if he's the one, then I'll know. If he's not, then it's okay and I will see it as a learning opportunity. Tramp knows when the time is right and who will be the right one.
BUT! This morning I got an email from the first rescue saying that they'll call me later tonight to continue with my application process. I'm going to see the other puppy today and we're not sure if we're going to adopt him. If we do, what do I tell the other shelter? And even if we don't, I'm not sure if I'd like to work with a shelter with such strict requirements. Don't get me wrong, I ABSOLUTELY understand why they have these requirements, and I don't disagree with them in any way. However, personally, I'm forgetful, clumsy, and sometimes we get in some financial binds that will cause me to skip some medicines or treatments. If I have people helicoptering over me about a puppy, that..doesn't make me feel safe or worthy of the pup. Again, I get it. But I myself can't handle it. And I'm not sure what to tell the shelter.
TL;DR: I'm at a point in my grieving process where I'm ready to adopt a new family member in my life. I saw one initially and jumped the gun, but stepped back and realized it may not be right. A friend sent me another pup that reminded her of my dog that recently passed, with the tools of witchcraft I basically learned and confirmed that this pup may be the one since it's a sign. I'm meeting that pup today, and the 1st rescue I talked to about the 1st pup JUST emailed me back and will finish my application w/ an interview, but I don't know if I even want to bc they seem very strict (understandably so).
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plengogus · 3 years
i am once again sleeping alone tonight
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
Ok, hear me out, for Bully! Osamu (post confession).
Suna airdropping Osamu women’s nudes. Osamu ignores the photos but forgets to delete them because he literally doesn’t care.
And reader accidentally finds out about the nudes and thinks Osamu might be cheating or thinks he’s been watching porn and she becomes super insecure about her own body (you know, because pornstars have ridiculously unreasonable beauty standards).
How do you think this would play out?
hi i got carried away and now this is 1k words LOL enjoy
i can’t really see post-love confession bully!osamu doing this unless it really was just a slip of his mind and also suna hadn’t found out yet that you two were dating. (cause suna rintaro is such a samu/yn supremacist lemme TELL you sksks)
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words: 1k cw: fem!reader, crybaby!reader, insecurity, sexting, infidelity mention (it doesn't happen don't worry), overthinking, no sex but minors still dni)
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sunarin would like to share a photo, read the notification on osamu’s screen. without thinking, he hits accept and goes back to cooking. osamu isn’t aware of the multiple photos downloaded into his photos app—he has no clue that suna has, yet again, sent him a bunch of nudes from his latest hookup.
osamu didn’t see the messages suna left where he described how “hot” she was and how she had the “perfect body”.
no, osamu had no idea. but you saw everything.
hours later, after you and osamu already had dinner, your boyfriend jumped into the shower while you were laying in bed. you reached for your phone to look something up but groaned upon realizing that it was dead. instead, you grabbed osamu’s, putting in his passcode with ease.
you only wanted to google something really quick before charging your phone. but the barrage of texts from suna pique your interests.
from: sunarin: bro look at what i sent when u get the chance 
from: sunarin: she’s got a friend too if ur interested 👀
those two messages alone cause a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach but as you keep going. all suna can talk about is how perfect this girl is and how her friend was “definitely” osamu’s type.
hesitantly, you look through osamu’s photos. maybe you’re overthinking and interpreted suna’s words incorrectly. but you can feel your chest tightening when you come across naked photos of a girl you don’t recognize. 
you thought the worst immediately, mind racing at the belief that osamu was cheating on you, but you snapped out of that quickly. osamu would never. then, you remember suna’s messages. is this the kind of girl osamu wants?
suna was right, her body was perfect—flat stomach, pouty lips, sharp jawline. she had pretty, perky breasts and she looked incredibly sexy in the lingerie she was wearing. she was nothing like you, a standard you couldn’t even dream of attaining. 
like clockwork, as the insecurity bubbles inside of you, nerves overwhelming every part of your being, the tears start flowing just like they always do. you’re crying so much, that you don’t notice a hand grab your shoulder.
“babe? baby, what happened? what’s wrong?” osamu asks, towel wrapped around his waist and hair still wet from the shower. you should probably be angry at him and push him away but you lean into his touch, unable to stop the sobs leaving your mouth.
you hold up his phone, the screen revealing all of the photos in his album and you’ve never seen osamu’s eyes widen that big before. “w-what is this?” 
the look on osamu’s face is an odd combination of horror and confusion, glancing over at the screen for a brief moment before turning his attention back to you. his rough thumbs wipe away the tears in his attempts to comfort you with kind words and soft coos. this is a far cry from the boy who used to find pleasure in being the reason behind your never-ending sobs.
osamu looks at you seriously, “baby, suna sent me those. i accepted the message without lookin’ at them, i promise. he’s always sendin’ shit like that and i delete them. there is nothin’ between me and that girl, i swear.”
of course, you believed him, even if he didn’t have the conviction in his voice. osamu would never betray your trust in such a way. but your anxiety festers in the back of your throat with your next question. “do you…want me to look like that?” you asked, fear pulsating throughout your body, scared of what his next words are going to be. did he settle for you? is he waiting for his “perfect type” to come along? you could never reach that goal, you can’t be what he wants.
again, osamu’s bewildered stare meets yours. “no, i just want you. the way ya are is perfect, it’s all i’ve ever wanted. you’re all i’ve ever wanted.” he stares into your eyes looking for some kind of response, your silence prompts him to continue.
“okay, yes. suna’s sent me that kind of stuff before we started datin’. it’s never meant anythin’, it was just stupid guy talk about the girls he was hookin’ up with. i don’t want a girl like that—i don’t want anyone if it’s not you…”
his words feel nice and in your head, you know them to be true. but it doesn’t sit right with you, still. knowing these girls have been on his phone. event the thought of them being there before you started dating makes you feel icky, as possessive and irrational as it sounds. you sniffle, bringing the phone down and wrapping your arms around osamu’s neck to pull him close.
“first, delete all of those photos,” you say, voice still weak from all of your blubbering but osamu takes you seriously, nodding at your demands. “And then I want you to tell suna that we’re together and he can’t send you stuff like anymore. no exceptions.”
“anythin’ ya want, baby, i promise.” he reaches over and immediately starts removing the pictures without a second thought. never sparing them a passing glance until they’re all gone. when he’s done, he chucks his phone away and cradles your face in his hands. “can i kiss ya, baby, please. i’m so sorry,” he breathes, forehead pressed to yours. “never want ya to feel like that…ever.”
you smile for the first time, his words overwhelming you in the best way. softly, you nod, and osamu attacks your face with kisses, an apology falling from his lips between each one. 
a few days later, suna approaches you to apologize for his messages. you can’t help but notice the fading bruise at the corner of his mouth.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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