#literally so addicting to make btw
fullbear · 11 months
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androcola · 6 months
i still remeber when someone vagued me on a monke.es confession account saying that i was romanticizing abuse(Several of my followers and moots then came out and were like That Simply Isnt True) and i think that really changed the way i talk about my headcanons
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morningmarionette · 5 months
i think someone should kill me. violently. make my body unidentifiable. dismember me. discard my limbs in different parts of town.
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titsthedamnseason · 1 year
LOOK AT U SUPPORTING CHEATERS GIRL 😭 That man wasn’t even there for the birth of his babies because he was out cheating
me? no…..
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xstarkillerx · 1 year
again, sorry for being so slow to get to asks, editing this film is making me genuinely want to die, things keep going wrong and I want it out of my site
#I got an extension because i got locked out of my editing room due to a faulty fucking lock#and all my stuff was inside so i had to stay on campus overnight with nothing but my phone and fucking toiletries bag#i was locked out from 10:30pm to 1:30pm the next day and i was still expected to edit#the audio i got was shit because the sound department art fucking hacks and didn't mount the mic#our director is a misogynistic idiot who didn't bother to record room tone#my fucking ex somehow got involved with the production so i have to edit around his shit acting#our cinematographer keeps hounding me to submit it#to a fucking film festival because she shot it relatively decently#BUT EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT IT IS TRASH why would you want to show that publically?#which btw our idiot director thinks we got personally invited to show our film at a screening... it was a general email sent to the whole#student body and i had to spend 5 minutes explaining that to him#men keep giving me 'advice' which is literally common knowledge like keep your levels between -21 and -6dB#which is wrong by the way#and all of this is happening a week after one of the worst shoots of my life that went so astronomically bad me and the other producers#are now doing damage control and setting up a meeting with the director to explain that you can't treat people like shit on set you're not#stanley fucking kubric autour theory is over and we want money out of his pocket for how we were treated#oh yeah and my fucking sex addiction is acting up which is making it really fucking hard to get shit done
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strider-odyssey · 1 year
Would anyone actually be interested in hearing my Homestuck character themed playlists? 🧐🧐🧐
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e-vultures · 7 months
I realize this is a pretty lukewarm take on the 'fuck modern tech' site but god I fucking hate two-factor authentication. ok cool so after I intentionally set up barriers for myself to stop being on my phone specifically when I'm trying to get work done in order to get said work done I have to go get my phone? and go into its little notifications? and inevitably spend an hour distracted because of The Way My Brain Works (and the way it has been fucking trained to work by those notifications)? when I tried to fucking get around this problem and work with the tendencies I know I have??? cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great!!!!!!!!!!
#technology#literally don't tell me shit about cybersecurity ok it is never to me going to be worth#*necessitating that I constantly have a smartphone on me all the time in order to exist in society*#like. jesus. I've been thinking for months about getting a fliphone when my phone breaks but now it's like ! what the fuck even am I gonna#do then?#in order to access my college's website. in order to log into gdrive. in order to log into HEALTH ACCOUNTS. I need a smartphone#thankfully this is not the case here but at a place I used to go to school you had to use your phone to *get into the fucking buildings*#like it's all very ''ooh people addicted to phones'' until you realize that it's so fucking inescapable!! trying to distance yourself from#your phone is something the entire heft of modern society makes FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE at every turn#just! fuck!!!!!!!#sorry I'm just really fucking . like. I'm peeved bc it's the middle of the night and I have an 8am and I haven't done my work. obvs#but I'm also peeved because it's like I think so much about how I wish I spent less time on my phone#and I have spent so much time/effort making it harder for me to be on my phone [see: not logging back into this website for 2 months lol]#like in some ways picked my line of work intentionally so that I would have something to fall back on that didn't involve tech as much!!#and fucking STILL! it's inescapable!#and btw this is not me like going around saying ''ooouh technology bad and people who use it evil'' this is me saying#for people who don't want that in their lives they don't fucking have that choice#ugh.#anyway. sorry. back to work I Guess#creaking#vent
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mechawolfie · 2 years
see theres a possibility ill be able to go on t sometime in the near future & im uhhhh kind of freaking out about it a bit. but only alittle
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 4 months
I really want the show to go into more detail about Husk's backstory as an overlord, partly because I feel like it's something the fandom is kinda glossing over and partly because it's lowkey one of the biggest obstacles that a Husk/Angel relationship would have into overcome.
'Loser Baby' emphasises the similarities between Angel and Husk's situations, but it also (probably deliberately, since Husk is the one leading it) brushes aside one of the most major differences between them.
Namely that when Husk tells Angel that he's not the only one who sold his soul, he's not just singing about himself.
Husk sold his soul to Alastor, yeah (or lost it at least, which amounts to the same thing), but he also traded in souls. He was that “psychopathic freak”, and was operating fro long enough to achieve Overlord status.
And, honestly? Having your soul owned by Husker back in the day probably sucked.
The one benefit of soul contracts for the person selling their soul is that they seem to get a fair amount of say in how the contract is written.
Angel's contract, for example, apparently has a clause stating that he's only under Valentino's jurisdiction when he's in the studio. (Which, btw, puts a whole other spin on why Val is so pissed when he moves out of studio accommodation and into the Hotel.) And Val is apparently bound to that. Even though he's pissed off and actively wants to put Angel in his place, he can't make any moves against him in the club.
Equally, since most overlords seem to be associated with a specific location/industry, you can generally choose who your working for and therefore roughly what kind of stuff you're gonna be doing.
In practice there seems to be a lot of manipulation and coercion going on on the part of the Overlords making these contracts— they're not fair by any means— but the sinners signing them are theoretically at least guaranteed the right to a (somewhat) informed choice and some control over the deals they make.
Having an Overlord who uses human souls to pay his gambling debts, however, completely undermines all that.
Imagine going into work for your job running the roulette games at the casino only to be told that the boss played a bad hand in a game with Valentino, and so you're a sex worker now.
Or being traded to someone who has you fighting turf wars for them, and realising that your contract doesn't have any clauses to protect your personal safety because you only signed up to be a bartender.
Or selling your soul for a job near your home and family so you can guarantee their protection, only to be traded to someone whose territory is on the other side of the pentagram.
Husk is a victim of his own addiction, yeah, which is one of the reasons why Angel relates to him. But his backstory implies that there must be a significant number of people out there who were also victims of Husk's addiction, and may not be as sympathetic. Dude basically owned other people as property (… we have a word for that) and then literally played games with their lives.
And like, I'm not saying he hasn't changed. He seems more empathetic on the show than his backstory would imply, and apart from anything else, he's had a pretty clear object lesson about what it's like to be on the receiving end of that sort of thing. (Ngl, I'm pretty sure one of the reasons Alastor keeps him around is because he's the type to find the irony amusing.)
But like, he's in this place where he can relate to Angel Dust's situation, while at the same time probably also being able to relate to Valentino and Alastor's perspectives (although I doubt he was quite as bad as Val to work for).
And I'm curious as to what would happen, later in the series, if the gang met someone who had sold their soul to Husk at one point. Someone who would also be able to relate to Angel's situation, but with Husk as their version of Valentino.
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captainfern · 1 year
I am actually addicted to your drabbles btw you’ve literally turned me into a captain price SLUT.
Anyways, imagine you get back to base from a solo mission and you’re complaining about how sore you are so price offers to give you a massage 😞😞😞 then he starts getting handsy and can’t stop massaging and groping readers boobs and ass and thighs 🥲🥲
Captain John Price x fem!reader
["Nevermind" Album by Nirvana]
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• summary - what the request says but price eats you out too lol. • rating - 18+ • wordcount - 1.4k • warnings - fem!reader, massaging but make it sensual, oral [f!receiving], price has a sir kink obvs, strong language
i used a gif from six just cause bear is fine asf and i literally want him so bad
and tysm anon i'm glad i'm converting people into price sluts it's such an achievement 🙏
"I am so fucking sore," you groaned, shuffling into Price's office. "I feel like I just got hit by a fucking train."
Price looks up at you from a stack of paperwork, cigar between his pointer and middle finger as he thumbed through the pages.
"Is that right?" He hummed.
"Yeah," you all but whimpered, rounding his desk until you were standing directly behind him. You draped your body over his, your front pressed to his back, your head resting against his shoulder. "M'sore, Price."
Price placed his cigar in his crystal ashtray and pat your head gently. "Was it a successful mission?"
"Of course it was," you groaned, running your hands down his chest, hugging him. "But I feel like you're dismissing the fact I'm in pain."
Price chuckled. "I'm not dismissing you, love."
"But I need your help." You whined, fingers moving back up to grope along the covered outline of his pecs.
"What do you need from me?" He asked.
"Your hands."
"That feel better, love?" Price asked.
You grumbled blissfully, face smushed into his bedsheets as he ran his large hands up and down your body, kneading the knots from beneath your skin. You groaned as he worked the stiffness from your shoulders, smoothing the tension from your back and tailbone.
"M'yeah." You mumbled, eyes closed, obsessed with the way Price ran his hands down your bare skin.
Rough and calloused from years in the military, yet his touch was soft. Still, he held a strength and firmness that made you resist the urge to moan as he massaged a particularly taut spot near the base of your spine.
He'd being doing this for just under ten minutes, and you were feeling better already. Body loosening, muscles relaxing. Even Price seemed to be enjoying it; humming contentedly to himself as he watched the way his hands manipulated parts of your body.
Also, the soft sounds you were making. So fucking good. The small whimpers and whines, the breathless mutters of his name, the slightly louder groans you released when he hit a particularly tense knot with his knuckle.
He was struggling to keep focus.
"Jus' need you lower, Price," you breathed, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder. "Please."
Price was hesitant. Did you mean your thighs or your c—?
"My arse is sore... and my legs, of course." You added the last bit with a chuckle, and Price couldn't help but smile.
He obliged, of course, and shifted his hands downwards. The glide of his hands on your body was aided by some kind of sweet-smelling oil you unearthed from the depths of your wardrobe. It smelt good, smelt like you, and let Price's hands move effortlessly along your smooth skin.
His hands found your arse, and his eyes flicked up immediately to gage your reaction. He massaged— no he didn't, who was he kidding? He groped— the plush flesh, much to his delight, and yours too apparently, as you let out a soft whine.
"Good?" Price asked, voice a deep grumble.
He worked the soft skin there for a while, eyes drawn to the way the fat moved beneath the push of his hands, and the sounds that dribbled from your pretty mouth. He was surprised that he didn't have a raging hard on by now.
"S'good, sir." You breathed.
Okay, never mind. He was hard as fuck now.
Sir. You little—
"Yeah? You feel good, love?" He breathed, dragging his hands over the curve of your arse and along your thighs.
He groped and kneaded the soft flesh, drawing as many sounds from you as he could. He pushed and pulled, working the knots from your muscles, making your skin shiny with the sweet-smelling oil. His eyes moved between your legs— pretty and bare, shiny and moving so freely beneath his strong grasp— and your face— pretty, blissed out, lips agape as you whined at him.
"You feel good, love?" Price echoed, working his fingers around the backs of your knees.
"Yeah—" You cut yourself off with a moan as Price pushed particular hard at the top of your thigh, just beneath the curve of your arse.
He smiled to himself. "Yeah?"
"Y-yeah, fucking hell."
"That's usually my line, love." He moved his hands back to your hips and helped you flip onto your back.
You called for him as his hands descended onto your shoulders, massaging your arms and the base of your neck.
"Lower." You muttered.
"Lower?" Price grinned. "How much lower—?"
You grumbled, a wave of arousal settling deep in your core. "My fucking tits, Price, just... Jesus."
His grin widened. "You sure? I don't—"
"Now is not the time to be a gentleman," you hissed, grabbing his wrists and placing his hands on your breasts. "Just... fuck, do what you were doing before."
"Okay, okay," Price mused. "So impatient."
You didn't reply, a whine caught in your throat as Price grabbed at your tits, massaging gently. His hands were warm and very much welcomed, and you couldn't stop yourself from arching slightly into his grasp. He hummed a laugh, tweaking your nipples, making you bite your lip.
"Sir, please—"
"Such a pretty girl," he mumbled, interrupting you. "So pretty. Beautiful, love. Absolutely stunning. Jus' look at you."
He continued to touch you, groping and massaging your tits and the soft skin around, including down the sides of your ribs and waist, making you squirm, ticklish.
After a good few minutes of his hands on you, you were going fucking feral.
"Need more." You said to him.
"More?" Price quirked a brow. "Tell me."
You just whined, and bucked your hips. He got the point. With a chuckle and a short shake of his head, he moved down his bed until he was kneeling between your spread thighs. He massaged your thighs, too, as he spread them further, eyes catching sight of your bare cunt, slick and drooling for him. For him.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath, which you didn't hear. Louder, he said, "Felt that good, my pretty girl?"
You nodded, embarrassment squeezing your gut. You cursed, hiding your face in your hands.
"Don't hide from me," Price said sternly, but his words were still soft. "S'all right. I'll take care of you. I'll take care of my pretty girl."
As you moved your hands away, he placed his mouth on your core. You moaned, loud, as his tongue moved in a swiping motion from your dripping hole to your clit. He laved over the sensitive bud, sucking it into his mouth as your thighs enclosed around his head.
"Oh my— fucking— Price—"
He hummed, the vibrations making you choke on a sob. His tongue was hot against you as he placed a few more licks to your clit, before dragging it down your slit, running between your folds before delving deep into your hole. You mewled as he filled you, warm and firm, sucking up your arousal with lewd sounds that made your ears ring. You reached down, fisting his hair, dragging his face closer to your cunt. His nose pressed to your swollen clit, and you keened, back arching off his bedsheets.
Your stomach pulsed, low and heavy with release, and it made your mouth drop open. He had barely had his tongue on you for thirty seconds, and you were already about to—
You were mortified. Price stuffed your sopping cunt with his tongue, mumbling something into you that had the vibrations coaxing your orgasm closer and closer until, with a final firm press of his nose to your clit, you came.
Was it way less than a minute? Quite fucking possibly.
You don't think you've cum that quickly in your life.
Your cunt spasmed and gushed around his tongue, and Price lapped it up happily as you moaned his name and sobbed "sir!" into the warm air of his bedroom. He groaned happily as your thighs tightened, clamping him closer to you. He closed his eyes, enjoying the way he was pushed further into your slick core.
Once your orgasm resided, ebbing like the waves on the shore, he pulled back, face wet.
You cracked your eyes open. He was back to groping your thighs, your arousal literally dripping in pearls down his chin. Your heart fluttered. He had a mischievous glint in his eye.
You groaned. "Don't—"
"That's gotta be some kinda record, eh, love?"
"Fucking hell, Price."
He placed a wet kiss to your inner thigh.
"You're welcome." He joked, a fucked out smile on his face.
not proof read cause i'm lazy x
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opennwindows · 8 months
If you can, could I request BEN Drowned fluff / smut headcanons like about himself, with his headcanon age, hobbies, facts, what he is into or would like & want in a relationship, and what he would be like with a gamer girlfriend/ s/o?
If ya taking requests rn still?✨😇😊💖
Ben Drowned general + NSFW hcs
A/N: yes!! absolutely. i love getting to talk about how the pastas do their pastaing in my mind. i have so many headcanons for everyone that im excited to share!! also sorry i forgot to include the gamer gf part but i don't think it would change a lot of what i wrote!!
btw sorry for fucking dying i have been busy 😭😭 but no one worry i will still continue to work on requests!! if anyone has any marble hornets stuff they wanna request i will zoom you to the front of the queue so fucking quick. anyways enough of me yapping.
cw: 18+ nsfw, toxic relationships, crying kink,
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ben is mentally and physically 22, but he can be quite emotionally immature at times. when he died he never stopped growing and maturing, his soul was just stuck in limbo. think like the worst waiting room ever.
he's surprisingly tall, standing at about 5'9. he's lanky but not bone thin. could easily get pretty far in a fight without his ghost powers.
the link costume only appears when he’s in his ghost form. so for example, when he’s messing with someone on their computer he’ll appear as the canon BEN we’re most familiar with. when he’s just chilling in his physical body, he mostly wears beat up hoodies and sweatpants.
contrary to popular belief, ben's not the hardcore gamer everyone thinks he is. sure, he'll play some overwatch or whatever when he's bored but he honestly just prefers to watch tv and browse the internet. understandably REFUSES to play any zelda games. if you were trapped in a video game for decades would you ever wanna touch it again? exactly.
ben loves to draw little comics and troll (see: horrifically traumatize) people online. god forbid you get into twitter beef with this man because he will crawl through your monitor at 3am and leave you with a crippling fear of technology. dude thinks it's absolutely hilarious. a true knee slapper.
lowkey has a sugar addiction. will slam down 4 cans of pepsi in one sitting. he's very lucky that he's basically a ghost because the kidney stones would be plentiful.
you know that guy with the blown out speakers in his car, lives off of energy drinks and burnt blue razz ice elfbars, swears aphex twin is the modern mozart and works on the grill at your local wendy’s? yeah thats ben. or at least would be him if he was still human.
“why would you need a chair, my lap is literally right here babe.”
would absolutely wear your skin if given the opportunity. not in a weird way. he’s just EXTREMELY touchy.
he needs someone who is significantly more organized and motivated than him. he can go almost a week without showering and it should honestly be considered biological warfare when he tries to smother you with affection during these episodes.
after awhile of you guys dating he LOVES the idea of y’all showering together. he has a fear of water and while showers aren’t too much of a trigger, your presence helps ease his anxiety.
favorite pet names: bro, dude, dawg, babe, bitch (non derogatory)
not really a romantic but he tries his best. a perfect date for him is just getting some takeout, watching youtube, talking about stupid shit and play fighting. if you want something more traditional or extravagant then he’ll oblige to make you happy but those types of dates make him feel quite suffocated and nervous. try to save those for special occasions.
now let’s talk about his problems because just like the other creeps he is ANGSTY.
he’s probably the most emotionally stable and healthiest of the group but he definitely still has his toxic traits, after all this man is a ghost that mentally tortures and kills his victims through manipulation.
ben would never ever get physical with his partner no matter how enraged he is but he absolutely is the type to do some mental damage when he gets carried away. ben drowned? more like ben gaslighted.
the type to say some shit that would keep you up for years and then kiss you the next morning like the argument never happened. he finds it easier to ignore problems than to actively talk and fix them. you’re gonna have to teach him some important communication skills or else you’ll grow to resent him after all the bottled up rage.
a bit too brutally honest and blunt for his own good so if you have thin skin the relationship would fall apart pretty quickly. he wants someone who can drag him twice as hard as he dragged you. bonus points if your insults are consistently funny as hell.
please watch anime with him and discuss it. he would propose on the spot, especially if you play with his hair.
pro player tip: if you want him to clean his disgusting room, help him and make it fun! he just needs a little push and motivation at times. and being around you makes him want to get his shit together.
big fan of late night make-out sessions. i’m talking like 45 minutes straight of just slobbering on each other’s faces with tongues down throats. if you don’t want his hands running over every inch of your body then you’ll probably have to chain him to the wall.
okay. so he’s a little inexperienced with his hands. he’s just a slow learner. be vocal with him about what you like!!
ben's about 7inches and slightly skinnier than average but he will have you seeing stars in record time. the dick game is no joke. he tends to go fast and deep most times.
i can see him being a switch in the idgaf-as-long-as-i’m-fucking way. dude will go with the flow and will try mostly anything.
definitely one of the least aggressive pastas during sex. he has sadistic tendencies but he’s more of a edge/overstimulate you until you cry versus a beat the shit out of you and rip hair out of your scalp type. he’s pretty vanilla given his occupation.
despite his love of roasting the fuck out of you on a daily basis, the only words that come out of this man’s mouth is heavenly praise. he looks at you like you’re the most gorgeous being on the planet and he’ll let you know it.
he loves to whisper praises into your ear while you ride him.
he's more of a receiver than a giver when it comes to oral. he'll absolutely spend hours between your legs if given the chance but nothing beats the sight of you on your knees and teary eyed with his length in your mouth.
he can be a bit of a head pusher but just let him face-fuck you every now and then, hearing his loud moans will be worth it.
did i mention how much of a crying kink this man has? you guys could be on round three and if he stares at your teary eyed fucked-out face for longer than 10 seconds he'll immediately get hard again. you'll have to beg him to give your poor body a break.
he's also into choking but only if he's the one doing it. if you try to restrict his breathing he'll panic and the mood would get ruined.
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whyse7vn · 3 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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BTW ☠️😂
8 participants - 8 online
hobi: thinking about when we all lived together and jimin would make jungkook tap dance for food
jk: good times :D
namjoon: but jungkook cant tap dance?
jimin: exactly
namjoon: so you starved jungkook?
jk: no i tapped??
jin: horribly
jk: :(
tae: i liked it
jk: honestly 🥺?
tae: honestly
jk: :D
hobi: why is joon acting like he wasn’t there to witness it???
namjoon: sorry
i just tend to block out the traumatic memories i have with you guys
which is most of them
jin: jungkook was the one dancing for food not you
namjoon: being a witness to that was traumatic
yoongi: it was funny
jk: thank u
yoongi: no
namjoon: moving on
y/n: remember when jungkook would like disappear for 4 hours everyday and come back to the dorms at like 5 am
hobi: OMG YES
jimin: the era where he hated us 😪
yoongi: bring it back
jk: i didn’t hate you guys ☹️
tae: he was just getting his dick wet don’t worry about it
namjoon: he was barley 16?
tae: pussy slayer since 05 😝
namjoon: 05??
yoongi: he was 7 in 05
jin: victim since 05
jimin: jin was like 27 in 05
jin: ??unprovoked
and not fucking true
jimin: as long as you’re alive i’m provoked
y/n: 27 in 05 is crazy
jimin: i’m saying like 😭
hurry up and die maybe?
hobi: bros 31 ☠️
namjoon: ok stop guys
jin: fucking hate all of you
jk: omg it’s raining outside i’m so sad :((
tae: my fault stepped outside and mother nature just couldn’t contain herself
she freaky like that
hobi: paying for ur assassination
jk: what does that even mean
tae: the sky squirting for me bro
jk: oh
that’s nice didn’t know that was possible !!
can you make her stop tho
tae: tell namjoon to step outside and she’ll stop
namjoon: ???
tae: it will be hot and dry as shit if joon steps out ong
jk: namjoon pls step outside
namjoon: kook you need to stop taking tae’s word for things
jk: what
i take no words
i have my own
namjoon: nvm
y/n: life would be so much fun if one of you was a crack addict
jin: ????
yoongi: freak
hobi: real
jimin: namjoon is right here like….
namjoon: leave me ALONE
jk: i’ll be a crack addict for you
tae: i’ll be a better addict
y/n: shut up
jk: sorry ☺️💕💖
tae: i could so break jungkook’s legs
jk: ☹️
how will i tap?
hobi: you don’t need to tap anymore kook
ur free from that life
y/n: tap by taeyong
jimin: he may be free from tapping in this life but is the tapping life free from him?
yoongi: what
jimin: mentally jungkook is still my little tapping slut
jk: aw man ://
namjoon: did you need to call him a slut??
can we just be nice
jimin: yes i needed to call him a slut
he’s a slut
tae: he was sixteen tapping for you
ur calling a sixteen year old a slut
guys i think jimin is really weird for that actually
jk: me 2
jimin: so?????
you literally said he was fucking at 16 you indirectly called him a slut too
jk: right !!!!
tae: UMM NO???
i called him a pussy slayer actually
and that could mean anything
jk: like what?
tae: shut up jungkook
jk: ok
i’m sorry
it’s still raining
i’m upset
jin: anyways i think yoongi could be nicer
yoongi: ?????
y/n: yoongi’s great
jin: TO YOU
yoongi is actually really really mean and we need to talk about it
jk: i also think yoongi’s great !!
when i was sad about getting old and sick he told me i probably won’t get cancer and most likely die from getting stabbed at 30 on the 12th of december 3pm
namjoon: oh
y/n: yoongi….
yoongi: no cancer !!
jk: NO CANCER ^0^ !!!!!!
tae: yoongi being cold and mysterious will only get you so far in life
jk: yoongi don’t be cold
y/n: jungkook ur so silly
where are you
i want to bite you
jk: 😳
jimin: take me back to the days where you had to buy bitches 46 plots of land and a horse to get pussy
i can’t do this being dumb ass hell shit
hobi: maybe ur just ugly idk??
jimin: ????
yo wtf
hobi: who said that not me whatttt?
jin: that’s why taemin has jimin blocked
yoongi: woah ok?
jimin: just saying
jin: ur ugly 😂
jk: beauty is subjective
yoongi: do you even know what that means?
jk: yes ofc ??
no 😔
tae: subjective sex
namjoon: stop
i class i would love to participate in
y/n: is this you telling us you don’t know how to have sex???
tae: NO
this is me telling you i love sex and partake in it often
hobi: stds
jk: i’m confused
why do you want to take a class on it then ???
y/n: right
you wanting to take a sex class implies you know little on the subject of sex actually
jimin: nothing about my beauty is subjective btw
it’s fact
jin: that ur ugly
yoongi: lol
jimin: namjoon tell them i’m not ugly
namjoon: guys he’s not ugly
jin: he’s really ugly
y/n: namjoon tell tae to stop shouting
namjoon: taehyung stop shouting
tae: NO
namjoon: kook y/n taehyung knows how to fuck
hobi: namjoon i wont lie to you but u lowkey a bitch
jin: right
namjoon: thank you for that hobi and jin i also love you very much
jk: ohmygod joon loosing his mind again
that is NOT what they said
joon come back to us
fight this namjoon fight it
hobi: fighting by bss
yoongi: who fighting?
jimin: joon and his crippling coke addiction
coke winning
namjoon: can we not
tae: i’ll laugh when you overdose
y/n: exo core
namjoon: i just helped you what is ur issue??
jin: do you notice how yoongi appeared again when the word fighting was said????
we NEED to have this man locked up i’m telling you
yoongi: i’ll have you sectioned
jin: WHAT THE FUCK?????
namjoon: yoongi take that back
yoongi: i take it back
jin: good
yoongi: not
jk: yikes jin he got you
yoongi ur really cool
yoongi: shut up
jk: sorry 😆
y/n: stop being mean
yoongi: cant help it :3
tae: who wants to see me split a watermelon with one hand
jk: ME ME
hobi: tae how is ur financial situation these days
tae: kill yourself
hobi: ok wtf???
i was just asking
tae: jungkook im sorry but no broken watermelon today blame hoseok
jk: hobi what the hell man i was really looking forward to the broken watermelon
y/n: i heard tae filed for bankruptcy
jimin: i heard he lives in a cardboard box
jk: tae omg……… 😧
is this true
jk: pls dont shout at me
i’m trying to remember if your house was a cardboard box or not
jimin: (it was)
namjoon: guys
jimin: ur no fun
y/n: sorry 😔
tae: yeah
you guys better be sorry
stupid idiots
jimin: shut up broke boy
namjoon: jimin please
jimin: whatEVER
tae: namjoon i don’t say this a lot because normally it wouldn’t be true but man i love you
guys i think me and namjoon were married in our past lives
cuz like were so in tune with each other
like he just gets me
i get him
i believe in every life we find each other
like we get married in every single life except this one
namjoon: no offence but in every life i would find you and divorce you if that were true
tae: oh
yoongi: lol
jimin: no i see it the crack addict and the broke bitch love story
tae: at least someone gets it
should of read the whole message first
u guys are just closed minded
im telling you me an namjoon are like super alike someone thought i was him yesterday and he was so real and right for that
jk: i thought you said that guy that called you rm in the park yesterday was a racist not real or right
tae: jungkook
jk: yeah ^0^
tae: stop talking rn
jk: okay😵
hobi: cocaine is like really expensive how would tae and joon work out
tae wont be able to help feed into joons addiction
y/n: why do you know that cocaine is expensive
hobi: i know a lot of things that just happenes to be one of them
jimin: if you think about it when have you ever seen a crackhead be like nah im not gonna have crack today
they make that shit happen no matter what
and i think thats what attracts tae and joon together
like joon will do anything and everything to get his fix and tae would do anything and everything to have a place to sleep so their hardworking nature is what leads them to love
jin: ok !!!!!!
jimin i think you need a hobby or something
that was…. a lot
yoongi: shut up
yoongi: i’ll punch you
jin: and i believe that!
shutting up #now
hobi: i wish i was mark lee rn
he probably doing something really canadian as we speak
jk: like what?
hobi: idk being nice
jimin: you called me ugly five minutes ago
you could never be mark lee
hobi: that literally wasn’t me i have no idea what ur talking about sorry i’m actually mark lee rn so i fr don’t know what ur talking about dude sorry dude i have to go on stage and dance with nct 127 now and then i have vocal practice with nct dream right after so i’m sorry dude i like have zero idea what ur talking about like actually like a sticker 2 baddies beatbox
me as mark lee and scene
jk: 10/10 really believable idk mark lee but i really though you were him for a second
y/n: great performance thought mark was here fr almost kissed you passionately on the mouth
yoongi: what
hobi: thank u thank u
you can still kiss me tho haha lol as mark or not idm
y/n: ok omg come here!!!
hobi: FR?????
y/n: no !!!!!!
but i did imagine us kissing like last week for like five seconds
hobi: yesssss 🙌 😝
a win is a win
yoongi: its not a win
she threw up at the thought
y/n: no i didn’t
yoongi: yes you did
you told me
y/n: i DID’NT
stop trying to gaslight me
it wont work
tae: have you imagined me naked
jimin: liked it better when you weren’t talking
tae: i liked it when YOU weren’t talking
jimin: shut the fuck up
jin: how about you both shut the fuck up
jimin: now why are YOU talking again
yoongi beat the shit out of him
yoongi: nah dont want to
the thought of his face isn’t pissing me off anymore
jin: thank you <3
yoongi: i could punch hoseok tho
hobi: no thank you ???
y/n: yoongi has a framed picture of all of us on his bedside table that he hides whenever you all come over in case you find it
he also has each one of our debut photocards in a small little binder in his studio in a little safe
yoongi: not true bye
yoongi left “BTW☠️😂”
y/n added yoongi to “BTW☠️😂”
y/n: very true very real seen them with my very two eyes
yoongi: you wear glasses
that you don’t actually wear
so who knows what u be seeing
that is NOT true
y/n: i wear glasses to READ and you know that
so shut up
guys yoongi would punch none of you because he loves you very much ok? 😍💖💯
tae: yoongi do you kiss our picture goodnight be honest
yoongi: fuck off actually
namjoon: thats very sweet yoongi
we love you too
jin: i DON’T
i fear my life when i’m around yoongi picture by his bed or not
i’m shaking in my boots i’m scared
yoongi: pussy
jin: i’m telling you ever since he broke that poor woozi guys nose i have not looked at him the same
y/n: ok but that was a mistake right yoongi
yoongi: ?
y/n: it was
and besides has yoongi broken your nose?
jin: no but it’s coming
i know it
yoongi: true
jk: i feel safe around yoongi
yoongi: you shouldn’t
jk: because he hasn’t broken my nose
but jimin did punch me once
jimin: dont bring up my past
hobi: if we think about it jimin should be locked up
jungkook you can press charges you know?
like we were talking about how yoongi actually love us
lets get back to that
yoongi: jimin should be put behind bars
jimin: yoongi loves us
yoongi: jimin is a bully
tae: i love you back yoongi
yoongi: kill yourself
jimin is a literal bully like actually
jimin: and ur a fake one cuz u love us
jk: jimin you are bully
yoongi: ur right jungkook
you are so right
jimin: jungkook yoongi loves you
that’s why he’s agreeing with you
jk: i love you too yoongi ^0^
yoongi: jungkook jimin is bullying you
has been since you were 16
jk: ohmygod……..
jimin: jungkook yoongi has a photocard of you that he’s probably decorated and everything just cuz he cares so deeply about you
jk: he does????????
namjoon: ok both of you stop
jimin you ARE a bully
and yoongi its ok that you actually like us you should stop pretending you don’t
jimin: I AM NO BULLY
yoongi: i like not one of u 😒
namjoon: yeah ok
tae left “BTW☠️😂”
think of this as a flash back/ forward idk of the good happy times ok? ok thank u >_<
sorry for the shit ending i just really like the first part and wanted to post
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
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convolutedblasphemy · 3 months
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I wasn't shitting you guys btw I actually made the one-sided radiostatic playlists
here is my lyrical masterpiece. both the vox version and the alastor one. done my best to make it as lyrically accurate as possible. @styrofauxm @onesidedradiostatic i hope you enjoy this (go check out the full lyrics for the songs on google if you can't listen to it but i recommend it because all of these are bangers) feat. my stupid commentary and vox's pathetic wet cat energy
Click to listen to the Vox one on YouTube
1. the hearse — matt maeson
thought this one fit so well lyrically. the "what was it like to feel in love" part i interpreted as vox asking himself that rather than alastor
❞ i am the man we both couldn't stand, i can't wash off the dirt from my hands, what was it like to feel in love? [...] i will never go backwards, i will never be free, i will never run faster; will you sink down to me? ❝
2. i'm just ken — ryan gosling
i'm not even adding lyrics to this one, everyone should have seen the barbie movie and this song at this point. this just HAD to be in there. can you feel the kenergy?
3. too many friends — placebo
less about alastor, more about vox's existential crisis
❞ my computer thinks I'm gay, i threw that piece of junk away on the champs-elysées as I was walking home. this is my last communique, down the superhighway. all that I have left to say in a single tome... ❝
4. creep — radiohead
i mean isn't this literally his theme song?
❞ when you were here before... couldn't look you in the eye. you're just like an angel. your skin makes me cry. you float like a feather in a beautiful world. i wish I was special. you're so fuckin' special. but I'm a creep, i'm a weirdo, what the hell am I doin' here? ❝
5. where evil grows — the poppy family
y'all seen the sonic movie? we need to see vox do that dance.
❞ i like the way you smile at me, i felt the heat that enveloped me and what i saw i liked to see. i never knew where evil grew. i should have steered away from you, my friend told me to keep clear of you but something drew me near to you ❝
6. one of us — ava max
i had to edit this one a bit in the video and cut out the part about the kissing because that for sure didn't happen
❞ one of us would die for love; one of us would give it up. one of us would risk it all; one of us won't even call. one of us could say goodbye, never even bat an eye... ❝
7. colorblind — amber riley
more pathetic wet cat energy brought to you by yours truly
❞ i don't think that i'll ever find that silver lining or reason to smile. you know i used to paint such vibrant dreams, now I'm colorblind, colorblind. when did my heart get so full of never mind, never mind? did you know that you stole the only thing I needed? ❝
8. arcade — duncan lawrence
more pathetic wet cat energy brought to you by yours truly
❞ a broken heart is all that's left. i'm still fixing all the cracks. lost a couple of pieces when i carried it, carried it, carried it home. i've spent all of the love I saved. we were always a losing game; small town boy in a big arcade, i got addicted to a losing game... all i know, all i know: loving you is a losing game. ❝
9. if i can't have you — skylar astin
i picked the version from zoey's extraordinary playlist on purpose because the context of this scene is that the dude who sings it hires a bunch of singers and dancers to confess in a public space as you, the viewer, sit there and cringe at him as he gets rejected. if that doesn't have vox energy, i don't know what does.
❞ i'm good at keepin' my distance (lie), i know that you're the feelin' I'm missing. you know that I hate to admit it but everything means nothin' if I can't have you. i can't write one song that's not about you, can't drink without thinkin' about you. is it too late to tell you that everything means nothing if I can't have you? ❝
10. do you want me (dead)? — all time low
when vox asks himself whether alastor wants him or wants him dead it's definitely the second option.
❞ i let it ride on a bet, i doubled down on a sinking ship; need a second to catch my breath: do you want me? or do you want me dead? oh, give it up for at least a second; i'm getting sick of your bullshit attitude and how you walk around like you shine brighter, it's killing me, so what do you say? do you want me? or do you want me dead? ❝
11. push — ryan gosling
i can't just put one musical number from the barbie movie in and not include the other one that fits equally as well.
❞ said, i don't know if I've ever been good enough. i'm a little bit rusty and I think my head is cavin' in. and I don't know if I've ever been really loved by a hand that's touched me, and I feel like something's got to give and I'm a little bit angry, well, this ain't over, no, not here, no; not while I still need you around. ❝
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Ice-cold rejection & vicious mockery: Alastor's version
the contrast of this is the best part.
Click here to listen to the Alastor one on YouTube
1. little big boy — madds buckley
he doesn't go easy on him. this is 0 compassion and 100% roast.
❞ brimstone fire and eyes aglow, little big boy's making the whole world know his name. raised on pillars and shining lights, breathing smoke for the right to keep his place. never satisfied 'till they all see how big this little boy can be. well the water's rising; tide's comin' in. does little big boy know how to swim in a pond filled with fish bigger than him? ❝
2. i help you hate me — sunrise avenue
he's so helpful fr but it's not working unfortunately
❞ i broke many hearts throughout my days. yours was the hardest one to face. though, I've never been a saint, i still love you every day, just not the lover kind of way. i know you wanna see me falling out, falling out the window. i know you wanna see me crashing down, crashing with my plane. baby, i'm way too young to die but I'll help you get over me. ❝
3. no surprise — daughtry
this is one of my favorite bands, i'm glad i got to include this.
❞ it came out like a river once i let it out when i thought that i wouldn't know how. held onto it forever just pushing it down, felt so good to let go of it now. not wrapping this in ribbons, shouldn't have to give a reason why: it's no surprise i won't be here tomorrow, i can't believe that I stayed 'til today. there's nothing here in this heart left to borrow. there's nothing here in this soul left to save. don't be surprised when we hate us tomorrow. ❝
4. go screw yourself — avery
i can picture him 1:1 delivering a swing version of this when vox confesses to him
❞ i know i've been holding it in, the way i feel about you. something i've been dying to say but I don't know how you'll take it; oh please don't go; you should know these three words i've been holding back; trying to fight, i'mma let 'em out... these three words, gotta let you know, here I go: go screw yourself. i've had enough, yeah, now we're done. ❝
5. the audacity — emelyn
this one's such a bop honestly. had to cut it in the video because i can't picture alastor realistically crying over anything vox-related.
❞ think your opinions should be broadcast... even though no one's subscribing, listening or liking but by all means, keep whining. must be tough if life's so rough. you should buy a mic, start a podcast, even though, wait, nobody asked. [...] where do all these men find the audacity? no actually, i'm stunned by your stupidity. ❝
6. friends — halocene
this one had to be on here.
❞ have you got no shame? you're looking insane turning up at my door. it's two in the morning, the rain is pouring, haven't we been here before? [...] so don't go look at me with that look in your eye, you really ain't going away without a fight. you can't be reasoned with, i'm done being polite. i've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times. haven't I made it obvious? haven't I made it clear? want me to spell it out for you? f-r-i-e-n-d-s ❝
7. can't catch me now — olivia rodrigo
he likes the attention def especially after his return
❞ bet you thought i'd never do it, thought it'd go over my head. i bet you figured i'd pass with the winter, be somethin' easy to forget. oh, you think i'm gone 'cause i left but i'm in the trees, i'm in the breeze, my footsteps on the ground. you'll see my face in every place but you can't catch me now. through wading grass, the months will pass, you'll feel it all around. i'm here, i'm there, i'm everywhere but you can't catch me now ❝
8. take a hint — victoria justice & elizabeth gillies
this is on every rejection playlist and it's gonna be on mine too. a bop even after all these years.
❞ ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spot. you think that we should hook up, but I think that we should not. you had me at "hello", then you opened up your mouth and that is when it started going south. [...] what about "no" don't you get? so go and tell your friends i'm not really interested. it's about time that you're leavin', i'm gonna count to three and open my eyes and you'll be gone ❝
9. no — madilyn bailey & megan nicole
more rejection for y'all. the world needs more mean aroaces and this playlist is my contribution.
❞ first you gonna say you ain't runnin' game, thinking i'm believing every word; call me beautiful, so original, telling me I'm not like other girls, i was in my zone before you came along, now i'm thinking maybe you should go ❝
10. oh no — marina and the diamonds
a classic.
❞ don′t do love, don't do friends; i′m only after success. don't need a relationship, i'll never soften my grip [...] i know exactly what i want and who i want to be. i know exactly why i walk and talk like a machine. i'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy. ❝
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aezuria · 2 months
okay okay but like could you do hcs about Jason grace x shy/cutesy fem!reader?? It would be so cute omgg everyone looks up to Jason as this intimidating badass leader but his gf is just the cutest, softest, most adorable lil thing ever??
*ੈ✎ he don't bite! (yes he do!)
content: jason grace x reader; hcs
warnings: none?? i made this more camp jupiter based tho sorry
note: THIS REQUEST WAS SOO CUTSEY OMGGG jason is a doberman bf fr
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so like yk how everyone in camp jupiter sees him as this super tough guy???
who wouldnt; he was the former praetor, son of jupiter himself, literally trained for war since he was a toddler
why is a guy like that walking around with YOU??
the most sweetest girl to ever grace the earth
how does that even happen?
jason is quite literally marching around with perfect posture, glaring at everyone (he's really just squinting cause he forgot his glasses... again)
and then he sees you!!
even with shit eyesight he knows the shape of you by heart
and his whole demeanor just?? softens? lights up? relaxes? all of the above
it was just such a rough day for him; he forgets everybody around him and just scoops you into his arms, burying his face into the crook of your neck
a bit of an awkward position with him having to bend down at a weird angle but he doesnt care!!
he just wants to hold you and have you hold him and cuddle :((
meanwhile everyones like WTF WHO ARE YOU AND IS THIS REALLY JASON
literally melts in your arms the second you hug him back
"you wanna go rest?" you whisper into the crook of his neck, to which he nodded against your shoulder. you laughed lightly and pulled away, or at least tried to. "let's go then."
he begrudgingly let you out of his arms, following behind you
everybody else is still reeling in shock btw
you guys were the TALK OF THE TOWN for WEEKS after
one of those things where youd never guess but when you know abt it, it just makes SO much sense
you guys are polar opposites in such a good way (to everybody else at least)
cuddling with you is his best relaxing thing to do
you literally had to get him a life cause the only things he knew to do were work and fight
bro has never had a day off like ever
once you two started dating, he was introduced to the most addicting drug: physical touch
he was probably really shy at first; really really likes it but feels like he doesnt deserve it cause all hes been treated with is harshness
and hes unused to being so gently handled
(someone give him a hug fr)
which is what YOU did!
now he love loves it, especially on days like these when everythings just too much and all he wants to do is unwind
runs to you like a puppy
LOVE LOVES being the little spoon even though hes shy abt it
he can do both but smth abt being held instead of doing the holding for once makes his heart heavy in a bittersweet way
would spend all day in your arms if he could just get out of his workaholic attitude (which is never, but hes doing better with you)
okay, we can all agree jason is scary when hes mad
which is USUALLY unlikely unless someone hurts his friends or smth like that
but sometimes he just looks mad and if you werent close to him, you wouldnt be able to tell the difference
but back to him being MAD mad
like, abt to beat the living (dead?) shit out of a monster mad because there is one RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU EW GET IT OFF
he just, did NOT NEED THAT TODAY HES TIRED AND SAD AND that was his breaking point
unleashes HELL on that poor monster, literally calls down a whole storm
the skies turn dark, clouds heavy with rain and the whole camp just looks up like ??? was this on the weather forecast
then it starts raining LIGHTNING and they all know who it is
and go inside and hide
was it a bit overdramatic? yes, but jason deserves to be dramatic sometimes
once he FINALLY finishes the job, he stomps back into the camp, terminus even taking note and doesnt say anything quippy
youd think he has the plague by the way people make room for him to walk
but then you poke through the crowd and spot him. "jason?"
hed know your voice anywhere, his head immediately turning to the direction he heard it
you were already right next to him, rubbing his arm and giving him your signature sweet smile
the stormy air around him seemed to part for you, like you were sun seeping through the cracks in the clouds
"y/n," he greeted you warmly, linking your arms together
what an odd sight the two of you made, but a cute one nonetheless!
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sinsofsummers · 1 year
Hey Girl,
I was wondering Dark! Joel x female reader where he fucks you while he's wearing his gas mask 𓆩♡𓆪 love your fics btw 𓆩♡𓆪
hiiii i'm hoping this little thing was kind of what you were looking for! i found this post that also gives an actual visual of game!joel with the mask on. i'm not sure if i'm great at writing dark!joel yet, but this was definitely good practice :) maybe i'll call this more...depraved!joel than entirely dark!joel for now .. ty for the request! he can do whatever he wants with me
1.1k | depraved!joel x f!reader
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summary: joel fucks you in his gas mask. warnings: literally all smut, 18+, mdni. depraved!joel, gas mask-wearing joel so like...mask kink, free-use vibes (ALL VERY CONSENSUAL), joel gets mean when he's annoyed, semi-public sex, rough p in v, orgasm denial for a moment, fingering, some degradation, hair-pulling, creampie, slight cumplay (i think that's all of them). note: okay this is so filthy. jesus. this is quite literally just porn. no plot. don't even look for one.
There's something so addicting about Joel when he's wearing his mask. Maybe you're sick and perverted for feeling your stomach flip and your thighs squeeze together at the sight of him like that, but you don't care. With his face hidden, you don't have to look at the haunted memories in his eyes when he fucks you. You can just enjoy the way his body fits over yours, taking everything from you and giving you everything he has in return.
You're not saying you have a mask kink or anything, but...Joel looks really good with that thing on.
Sometimes it's not even you that initiates things; on particularly long days, Joel will come back to you, too exhausted even to take the mask off and reveal his tired face to you. On those days, he'll come in with his fists clenched and his pants already tight against his growing bulge.
"Day can't get any fuckin' worse," he might say to no one in particular when he comes home, tossing his pack to the floor. You might be surprised to see him return, or you might have been expecting it, your gut clenching at the sound of his rough voice. "Get over here," he'll growl, and you'll know better than to disobey.
You'll get within a few feet of him and he'll grab your wrists, wrenching you close to him until you can feel your pelvis fit roughly against his hips, his hardening cock eliciting a moan from your lips. "Joel—"
His voice is muffled with the mask on, and you can hardly see the darkness in his eyes when he interrupts you. "No," he snaps, a hand snaking up your side to latch onto the spot between your neck and your shoulder. He squeezes, just hard enough for you to swallow the lump of desire that rises. "None of your dumb whinin'," he retorts. "Don't wanna hear your fuckin' cries. I know you're already desperate for this cock, babydoll."
The pet names he'll use give the impression that he'll be nice, that maybe he'll let you come over his fingers or while he's stuffing you to the brim, but you've known him long enough to know that this isn't the case. Joel gets annoyed on these long days, and when he's annoyed...he can get mean. So you'll let every ounce of resistance ooze from your bones and prepare for being everything he needs.
He'll lift your hands to his gas mask and make you cup it in your palms like you might cup his face, and—the first time he did this was when you realized that he likes this, too. He gets off on seeing you so wide-eyed and needy for him, even with his mask covering his familiar features. It's almost romantic when he makes you hold him like this, but then he'll move his hand to your neck properly and put enough pressure on the sides to pull a squeak from your lips.
He can be as mean as he wants, he can slip his cock into your entrance whether you're overwhelmed with need for him or just beginning to drip with want. Joel Miller's had plenty of bad days. It's about time he uses you to make it a good one.
With bruising hands and punishing thrusts, he'll fuck you against any surface he can find, but he loves taking you like this against the nearest wall, making you notch your ankles around his waist and lock the two of you together as he drags his cock torturously in and out of you.
You'll slip up sometimes, drop a few moments of, "Fuck—Joel, please," into his ear, and he'll stop moving, shove his fingers into your mouth until you shut up. Only when you're reduced to soft whimpering will he continue his movements. But he won't let you come, not until you've apologized—in the form of letting him spill inside you.
"Such a dumb little slut, huh?" he'll grunt as he pulls out of you, reaching down to catch his release as it leaks out of you. He'll roughly push it back inside you with two of his thick fingers and chuckle darkly as he watches your legs nearly give out with sensitivity. A harsh swipe across your puffy clit is the last thing he does before he's done with you.
And that's just on the days that he'll even speak to you.
Some days he'll come in, drop everything, forget his mask is still on, and find you wherever you might be, whether that's on your makeshift bed, or even in an alley where someone might see you. He'll walk up behind you, press his hips against your ass and grind into you before hooking his thumbs in your waistband and practically tearing your pants from your body.
You'll gasp and feel your core pulse with the way that he knows he can do this to you, he knows you'll always let him use you. You'll moan and reach behind you, pawing for his wrist, his thick forearm, something to hold onto when he takes his cock out and rubs it against your slick heat.
He'll swat your hand away and press his own against your spine, pushing you to bed at the waist and present your ass to him in all its glory. If he's feeling particularly gracious, he'll deliver a few smacks that can be mistaken as affectionate when he rubs the sting away.
If he's feeling vicious, he'll forego any type of warning before he's dragging his tip from clit to opening, groaning as he feels you pulse against him. And then he'll push inside you with a cruel thrust, burying himself to the hilt in one go. Broken moans will fall from your throat and he'll reach up with one of two things in mind:
To cover your mouth with his hand and silence your whimpers, or to trap a hand in your hair, wrapping it around his fist and tugging you back towards him, forcing your back to arch and causing his tip to hit that delicious sweet spot inside you.
With nothing but his sharp thrusts, growing harder and faster with every second, Joel makes you fall apart underneath him. Each stroke more punishing than the last, he'll remain silent but for the muffled grunts under the mask that alert you to his pleasure. He'll come inside you with no warning except for the way his hips stutter before he topples over the edge, swiftly reaching down to rub your clit and bring you to ecstasy with him.
"Good girl," he'll murmur quietly, and you'll shiver at the sound of his mask coming off, his chapped lips brushing your ear. "Always such a good girl."
tysm for reading, i love you all!! hope this surprise was fun tonight :)
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tkaulitzlvr · 9 months
2008 tom forcing reader to answer a call from her bf while they're secretly fucking, going faster and whispering dirty things in her ear as shes on call to tease her, making it harder for her to not to make any noise🤭🤭
btw I love ur writings sm, one of my fav writers fr😩
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synopsis: your boyfriend calls you at a pretty inconvenient time, but tom forces you to answer, and you have to disguise what is really happening, tom not making it easy for you.
content: smut
a/n: thank u so much anon! and oh my god this req is such a good idea, literally as soon as i saw it i knew it was gonna be the next one i write, and i had so much fun making this so thank u so much for requesting i hope u like it!!💞
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come over, no one else is home. 10:47pm
i stared at the text message as it came through, the words looking back at me, contemplating on whether i should give in or not. my mind, the more rational, morally correct side of me, tells me that i should say no, reminding me that i have a boyfriend, who would be home from his business trip in just a couple of hours. but, the fact that my heart should have belonged to someone else had never stopped me before. my heart was more reckless, making rash decisions that spoke only for my impulses, not the part of me that felt guilty for what i had been doing for the past few months, completely unbeknownst to my boyfriend.
it was never meant to turn out like this, no. what was firstly settled as a ‘drunk mistake’ that my boyfriend wouldn’t have to know about became a sober fuck, one that happens at least once a week. i am hooked, unable to stay away from tom despite the constant nagging that reminds me how much of an evil person i am. but my guilty conscience is not strong enough to win me over, so i keep going back, completely addicted to the way tom feels, my boyfriend unable to give me the same satisfaction.
he is kind, loyal, loving. i don’t deserve him, really. he would come home from work every evening, completely oblivious of the fact that another man had been inside of me just hours before, intimate with me in the bed that we would sleep in every night - he knows nothing about any of it.
and it is this that reminds me that i should decline tom’s offer, my eyes still blazing into the phone screen as the message stares at me. i have a boyfriend, this is wrong. the voice inside of my head says, chanting it over and over, convincing me to make the right decision for once, instead of acting purely on desire. he would be heartbroken if he ever found out, he doesn’t deserve this. my conscience continues, on the brink of winning me over, the shame of what i have become sinking into me, nothing about this entire thing justifiable on my part. i can put a stop to this, do the right thing, all i need to do is say the word.
k, i’ll be over soon. 10:51pm
i sigh, a little embarrassed at my lack of self-control, knowing that tom has me wrapped around his finger, unable to decline his invitation. the blood is on my hands, staining my innocence, and i am far too into this to ever go back to the way things once were. i jump out of bed, rushing over to the mirror and inspecting my appearance. my makeup is a little messed up, so i take time fixing it, making sure i look perfect for tom, adjusting my hair after, removing any knots in at as it falls to my shoulders. finally satisfied, i grab my keys, leaving the apartment and locking the door behind me, making my way to the parking lot.
i unlock my car, climbing in cautiously, checking that my boyfriend hadn’t unexpectedly arrived home early before turning off my location on my phone, getting used to doing these things to avoid getting caught as much as i could. the car engine starts with a low hum, radio quietly sounding out in the background as i drive to tom’s house, the guilt soon fading away as excitement buzzes around me.
the familiar house comes into view, but i park a little further down the street, not wanting to make it obvious that i was there in case my boyfriend did find out where i was. the street is dark as i climb out of my car, locking it before quickly walking towards his house, checking behind me and knocking on the door.
tom opens it within a few seconds, smirking whilst looking me up and down, moving to the side and giving me room to walk in. he shuts the door behind him, not wasting any time as he pushes me forcefully against the wall, attaching his lips to mine.
“missed you.” he mutters into the kiss as i whine a little in response, already too into it to give him a proper answer, but judging by the way his hands travel down my back, squeezing my ass firmly, it doesn’t seem like he wants to do much talking anyways.
but i didn’t mind, our hookups strictly sexual, no romance behind them. sure, he would whisper things into my ear in the heat of the moment, but i knew that it didn’t mean anything, and i didn’t want it to either. despite betraying my boyfriend in the most evil way possible, i didn’t want to end things with him, somehow still feeling something towards him though he could never pleasure me the way tom does.
without breaking the kiss, tom’s hands hook around my thighs, lifting me upwards as i instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, our lips moving against each other’s as he carries me to his bedroom, my hands locked around his neck, arms resting on his shoulders.
my back collides with the bed as he places me onto it, his hand flush against my back for support as he falls onto it with me, our lips never breaking, his body now on top of mine. he clearly doesn’t want to tease me, his hands finding the bottom of my hoodie, pulling it off and leaving it somewhere on his carpet, leaving me in only my shorts and small pink bra. he smirks at my lack of clothing, drinking it all in whilst his fingers play with the waistband of my shorts. he takes them off too, seeing that my panties match the bra, his tongue moving to the corner of his mouth.
“all this for me, hm?” he smirks, moving my thighs apart and leaning downwards, cupping my breasts in his hands, squeezing them slightly as i let out a small moan, blushing at his words and nodding my head. “i bet he doesn’t touch you like i do, get you to put in all this effort for him.”
tom continues to taunt me, the mention of my boyfriend causing my heart to wrench, guilt settling in my stomach as it is enough to remind me how much of a bad person i am. but, the second tom pulls his t-shirt off, revealing his toned frame, adorned with muscle in all the right places, his abs on full display, any thought of my boyfriend is long gone, my eyes and mind only focused on what is in front of me - the view admittedly far better than anything he could ever give.
tom reconnects our lips, his tongue entering my mouth, hips beginning to grind against mine at a torturously slow pace, hands moving to swiftly unclip my bra. i start to become impatient, fingers toying with the waistband of his jeans as i scramble for the button, undoing them as his zipper follows. he sees that i am struggling, tugging them down himself and letting his boxers come off with them.
he moves my panties to the side, not even bothering to pull them down, before sliding into me, a long moan escaping from my lips as i feel him stretch my walls, already feeling so full.
“so fucking tight, always so good.” he mutters, his forehead against mine, his breath tickling my nose as he speaks, a choked moan sounding from his lips as he is fully inside. he waits a second, studying my expression, gauging that i am okay as he almost pulls out fully, before slamming into me unexpectedly.
my breathing is heavy, body glistening with sweat as i hold onto him, my hands raking down his back as his pace speeds up, becoming more fast and relentless. i am so far gone, in too much pleasure to even process anything that is happening around me - including the sound of my phone beginning to ring.
tom, however, notices immediately, picking it up from the bedside table whilst still thrusting into me, my eyes following his movements as i am too lost in ecstasy to ask what he is doing. he turns the phone, showing me who is calling. my eyes widen as i shake my head, signalling for him to put it down, not wanting him to stop.
“answer it.” is all he says, passing the phone to me, one hand on my hips, helping him to move in and out of me easier, whilst the other holds the phone to my ear. he accepts the call, smirking as my boyfriend’s voice can faintly be heard.
“baby? hey, uh, i just got home from work. where are you?” he asks, tom nodding his head, gesturing for me to speak. a knowing smirk spreads across his face as he speeds up his thrusts, my teeth sinking into my lips to prevent a moan that is dangerously close to spilling from them.
“h-hey love.” i pant, trying to sound nonchalant, failing miserably as i feel tom hit my g-spot, a muffled whine sounding from the back of my throat.
“what are you doing? you okay?” my boyfriend asks, his tone laced with confusion.
“sorry uh- my back is sore, the usual.” i manage to get out, quickly closing my mouth as tom stares into my eyes, enjoying the way i struggle, showing no sympathy as he only drills into me faster. “i’m- i’m at my mom’s house.”
the excuse is terrible, tom furrowing his brows once i utter the words, making me realise how unbelievable it is. but, he finds my lack of thought amusing, smiling a little before resting his head in the crook of my neck, planting rough, open-mouthed kisses there. i sigh out in response, quickly covering my mouth as i mentally curse my self.
“your mom’s place? what are you doing there? it’s like nearly midnight.” my boyfriend responds, clearly hesitant to buy my excuse.
“yeah, family emergency. i-i’ll…be home in the morning-” i have to stop my speech, pursing my lips shut as a moan is dangerously close to sounding from them.
tom smirks against my neck, goosebumps forming on the skin whilst his lips curve into a slight smile.
“look at you. getting fucked whilst your boyfriend is on the phone.” tom mutters, his voice low as he makes sure that his words can’t be made out through the phone. “so wrong. but you love it, don’t you, hm? fucking slut.”
tom continues to taunt me, paying attention to the way i bite my lip, or place my tongue on the roof of my mouth, even squeeze his upper arms, anything to stop any noise from coming out of my mouth, desperate to stay undetected.
“what? is everything okay?” my boyfriend asks, showing concern as he tries to extend the situation, much to my annoyance, unable to keep this up for much longer, wanting nothing more than to cry out in pleasure. “should i come-”
“no!” i quickly say, a little harsher than i initially intended to, the utterance a mix of desperation and an attempt to hold back a moan, the combination coming out as an abrupt plea. “i mean- she, she’s just…a little overwhelmed.”
tom begins to kiss the skin below my ear, biting at it gently, knowing this spot drives me crazy, and once i shiver a little, he knows that he has me right where he wants me, changing his thrusts a little as the new angle causes a familiar knot to build in my stomach.
“could he make you feel like this, hm? only i can, right baby?” he whispers, knowing the effect that he has on me, no need for me to verbalise it, the way my eyes screw shut at his movements enough to confirm it. “so needy, letting me do this to you whilst he can hear. if only he knew…”
his words against my neck combined with the new angle makes the urge to moan almost unbearable as i bite down onto tom’s shoulder, a low grunt escaping his mouth at my unexpected action. yet it only fuels his stamina as he chuckles under his breath, enjoying the effect he has on me, the thrill of the entire situation turning him on even more.
“oh, just, let me know if you need anything okay? i love you.” my boyfriend says, finally wrapping up the conversation as i sigh in relief, feeling at ease as i have somehow managed to pull this off.
but tom clearly isn’t satisfied with how i have managed to stay quiet, desperate to get some sort of noise out of me, and, he knows exactly how to do that. one hand still holding the phone to my ear, he moves his other downwards, using it to rub circles on my clit whilst thrusting in and out of me. and that is all it takes for a restricted moan to leave my lips, unable to be mistaken for anything else. i know that i am in deep shit.
“what the fuck was that? what’s going on? are you fucking someone?” my boyfriend asks, his voice raising as he has finally picked up on what is going on.
“w-what? are you crazy? of course not!” i quickly say, panting through my words, no longer able to hide it, knowing that i am completely fucked.
“don’t fucking bullshit me! where the fuck are you? i can’t believe this, you’re fucking cheating on me? i swear to fucking god once i find-”
his furious rambling is cut off as tom ends the call, turning my phone off and throwing it somewhere on the bed, his hand now running up and down my waist.
“i did you a favour. he was fucking annoying anyways.” tom breathes out, a satisfied grin tugging on his lips, only faltering once he reconnects them with mine, the hurt of what had just happened never sinking in, tom’s movements more than enough to make me forget.
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