#literally thanks for the ask
sweetronancer · 5 months
PERCY!!!! what're your favorite animals? :33
theyre all my favorite!!! /hsrs
i really like river otters, i think theyre really silly and stuff!! i also like polar bears too because theyre literally me. i also like alligators because theyre absolute like giants and theyre so cool and i dont know if like every dinosaur would count as an animal right now so!!
i also think sharks are really cool, also horses.. and eagles. really like i said all animals are my favorite?? theyre all super cool and stuff imo😭😭
oh but big cats are >>>!!! i love tigers and lions and if we're including extinct big cats, saber tooth tigers are really intriguing to me!!
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sardonicdoll · 4 months
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wanted to do my photo project this semester on the notion of mobility aids being extensions of our bodies, the yarn was done by a friend
edit: the shibari comments are one thing but if you put these non-sexual photos of me in my wheelchair on your porn blog i'm blocking you 👍🏻
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kimtaegis · 21 days
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
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Congrats you got another haiku bot post
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(Original post)
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exigencelost · 2 years
Somebody mentioned in a tag on one of my posts the scene where Marco Animorphs is showering after antmageddon and he finds an ant stuck to his hip by the pincers where it presumably was trying to bite him in half when he was an ant and then it died from him becoming very big very fast and I feel like that scene, and the scene where Cassie finds a sliver of a sentient person’s flesh between her teeth while she’s flossing and then flosses until her gums bleed, really deserve recognition in the literary canon. Applegate deserves an award. There should be a TV Trope named after whatever the fuck that is. Like fridge horror but diegetic. Bathroom horror. Your bedtime bathroom routine as an opportunity for personal confrontation with the violent detritus of the dead which lingers in and on your body even after you have ostensibly stripped yourself of weapons and healed over all your wounds.
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hellsitegenetics · 4 days
would you perhaps do the Danny Phantom opening theme?
String identified: ' a at a at, a at, a at g a t, a t at t a tag ac t a g t a (' ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at) t 't t , , t t t t t a t a t T a a gat g a, tg t cag c gt a aag (at, at) t , a a -t a A gg g c a tg a, aa, a a c ta t t g t a t tat at a t a t t a t gt cg tg ' t gt a ' ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at Ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at Ga catc ' a 'ca ' a at
Closest match: Osedax frankpressi genome assembly, chromosome: 6 Common name: Bone-eating Worms
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(image source)
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loves2spwge · 15 days
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they just want to be one...
commissions @jolyonvane did for me where i asked if he could please please please make stan look as desperate and exhausted as he usually does but is being kept together by all his love for his sbf kyle
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new-revenant · 30 days
Whenever Danny gets summoned, Clockwork freezes time and tells Danny to accept or reject. From an outside perspective, it looks like Danny's glitching
Clockwork is the one actually honoring the deals whenever Danny is told to say yes. Clockwork is bored and this gets him out of the tower
It's usually simple things like restoring youth or offers of power, which Clockwork does by rewinding time on a target or giving them a blob ghost, thank you Spectra for a proof of concept
Clockwork's price for doing this? Breaking Barry Allen's legs. Danny doesn't know why Clockwork has it out for this one guy, but he's not gonna question the guy who's been helping him and every other time traveler not named Barry
Except now. He's really questioning Clockwork since the latest summoning ended with Clockwork turning the human sacrifice into a baby and dropping Danny and the baby back home... in front of his parents
I’ve seen the last ask you gave to finemeal prompt, you sure do have it out for Barry haha.
Anyways, Danny’s just like “help i found a baby what do I do” to his parents. New sibling, or maybe child??? acquired.
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is-this-yuri · 11 days
No offense bro but 10,000 is a huge fucking deal people are not gonna pay
yeah, you're right. i legitimately don't expect this fundraiser to work, and i hate to be asking for money in capacity. unfortunately i have to try anything i can think of because homelessness is an emergency, extremely taxing, and even a small boost in my quality of life and safety would be massive for me.
i am losing followers and getting some negative asks, so i know this is irritating for yall to see. you guys came for the yuri jokes and funny posts and it must suck seeing someone struggle like this so openly. i try to keep up the fun posts too because i feel this need to give something back, and if by some miracle i manage to get into a van i'll be able to give back even more.
but don't forget i'm not just a clown on the internet. i'm in a very vulnerable and dangerous position with very few resources. i'm on the edge of a cliff and i'm doing everything i can to hang on, truly. if you don't want to support me, you don't have to, but my only hope is asking for help anyway.
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I have added a quirky comment here for the last year and a half, however now… I have no words.
jk I have all these words 👇
I know it is very bitter sweet, but this is the end of Reconnecting. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. I plan on making a behind the scenes video on my YT sometime soon. Feel free to send any asks you have I want to answer them all!
Please know I am not going to dissapear! I still plan on making content consistently, and my original comic RULE 5 is already underway, and if you’d like I’m certainly not against writing some exposition fics for Reconnecting 💜
Prev (3::8) / This is the End 💜
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lilybug-02 · 11 months
Sometimes I look back at the little crossover comic you made and I just... uh...
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*smacks lips* yeah... *cough* AWAY I GO!!!
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Hnjfmyhljfg what. WHAT. W H A T.
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Wdskdkuhdflidhf what do I say??? I’m speechless. Like holy cow. You did such an excellent job with their designs and adding little details. Bruh I wish. Eeehehege gfhjh sorry I’m a very normal person. Very normal about this.
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
The way you draw s&c Sherlock and John is so silly ur art style looks so yummy 10/10 would eat ur art
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ThaNK YOU!!!
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rusquared · 5 months
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love that guy.
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ritahayworrth · 4 months
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Dexter, this is Ms. Imbrie and Mr. Connor from SPY magazine. SPY? Your tastes have changed a little, haven't they, Sam? HIGH SOCIETY (1956) dir. Charles Walters
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honnelander · 10 months
How did Sanji and reader meet the first time? What did they think of each other at first impression 👀?
hmm interesting question! i feel like it would go a little something like this (in my main "mutual pining" series):
You had originally joined the crew back in the beginning with Luffy, Nami, and Zoro when they were going up against Buggy. Since helping them slice that clown pirate down to size, you were a straw hat.
You never particularly had a dream of your own or knew where you wanted to be, but once you met Luffy and his endless optimism and kindness?? You knew it then: you had found your people.
So when did you meet Sanji? At the same time as everyone else, at the Baratie.
After Nami slipped the host some berry to get your crew a table, you all made your way down to the main dining area. Watching Zoro struggle to slide into the booth because of his swords was practically the funniest thing you've ever seen so you couldn't help the laughter that came out of you and in turn, that made the rest of the straw-hats all join you in poking fun at Zoro and laugh your asses off (much to Zoro's chagrin).
"Fuck you guys," Zoro muttered as he gave each member of the crew their own personal death glare.
When the swordsman locked eyes with you for your own personal Zoro Death Glare, you couldn't help but laugh louder.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, everyone's favorite blonde-haired chef was busy making the infamous bluefin tuna special that led to him getting kicked out to wait tables that particular night.
As Sanji put the final touches on his off-the-menu special, wiped the edges of the plate clean, and confidently strode to the front of the line, all while bantering with Patty, he felt on top of the world.
Until Zeff crapped all over his dish and kicked him off the line.
"Fucking old man," Sanji snarled under his breath as he pushed the kitchen doors to the dining room a little more harsh than necessary.
As he walked into the dining room, slinging his suit blazer over his shoulders, he was fuming...until he heard a loud chorus of laughter come from his right. He looked up in curiosity as he buttoned his blazer in the little alcove next to the kitchen and scanned the dining room. Baratie was a more upscale, fine dining experience (especially for pirates), so for a table of guests to laugh as loud as he was hearing was certainly new to the cook. Whoever they were, they definitely must not be from around here.
His blue eyes immediately went to the table nearest to him, table eight, where he had his eyes set on the pretty blonde woman earlier in the night in hopes that she was the one laughing loudly but, no she wasn't. When he took the plate of pastries and took a few steps into the dining room, he heard the laughter towards his right and immediately looked that way with a cool gaze.
And the sight he was met with nearly took his breath away. At table ten, he saw the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen: you. There you were, sitting there at the table, laughing your ass off at the green-haired guy next to you, laughing so hard you were hitting the table with your fist, not a care in the world. It looked like everyone else at your table was laughing along with you, all except for mosshead (a stick in the mud, Sanji thought with a scoff).
Only one thought occupied his mind now, not Zeff, not the bluefin special, not being kicked out of the kitchen, just: you. You and your infectious laugh.
Everything after that happened in a blur. The two pirates at table eight both stood up enraged, yelling insults back and forth along with threats to kill each other, ripping Sanji's attention away from you and pissing him off all over again.
Could anything go right today?
Once he kicked those two pirates unconscious, he then smoothed out his suit jacket, let out a small exhale of satisfaction, and picked up the plate of pastries again. As he strode over to your table, he put on his most charming smile and placed the pastry plate right down on your table like nothing had just happened.
And to be fair? Pirates fighting did happen all the time, that was just another typical Tuesday night at the Baratie.
But meeting you? That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and he'd do anything to hear you laugh and see your gorgeous smile light up that pretty face of yours again.
He stared right at you as he said, "Good evening, and welcome to our shitty little restaurant: the Baratie."
At his tone and choice of words, you couldn't help but look at your extremely attractive waiter in surprise and confusion and let out a surprised laugh. Didn't he work here?
He kept going though but his charming smile only widened at hearing your laugh, his smile reaching his eyes as he said, "My name is Sanji. What can I get for you?"
And in that moment, without the other person's knowledge, you were smitten with each other.
Taglist: @smolracoon25
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