#literally what am i supposed to do bruh
bingotime · 1 year
google how do i release my pent up rage and fury caused by my father attempting to contact me.
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jrueships · 2 months
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guess whos not going in at all this week, actually
#MY MANAGER EMAILED LIKE 2 HOURS B4 I HAD TO GO IN#she finally changed my schedule (1 day) to the night shift today#(i emailed her to be safe just kinda casually reaffirming im going in at the new time & then asking if any other shifts wanted 2 be changed#bcs that sounds great to me whstever option she goes with#she ignored that question & i get a new email from her asking if i completed a training. lets called it DOC#basically a long time ago she said 'i will send you DOC instructions soon' .. a few days pass and i get three 50 paged packets#one is called NAVIGATING DOC#im like oh ok cool that must be the DOC training shes talking abt bcs the other 2 packets were abt various trainings#NAH BRUH. APPARENTLY THE DAY IM SUPPOSED TO GO IN. SHE MESSAGES ME SOME ENTIRELY ALIEN PROGRAM#and is like 'u completed this right? cus if u didnt u cant come in today.'#LIKE?? MAYBE I WOULDA IF U SENT THE SHIT#but it's also like. dam i shouldve emailed prompting her to send what she said she would n clarifying BUT FUCK#WHY DO I GOTTA?? IM NOT THE MANAGER#she literally told me the name of the program rn thru email so i type it in and see like four hour long modules to complete#mind u i aint never even been informed a WHISPER abt this new program. nothings even labeled DOC TRAINING#but my struggle is. was i notified this?? and i just didnt see??? was i supposed to clarify with her what the DOC training was exactly??#the only thing ive heard abt doc training b4 this is 'i need to send u DOC training soon' in EMAIL. so i expected an alert#abt THE DOC TRAINING... in an EMAIL notification. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS#idk man#i dont even care bro like im busy as hell & the work is just to build clinic hours so i dont care abt the money factor#it's just like. can we get this first day jitters thing over with already?? im so over this bro#yaddayadda i emailed her an apology n ill be on that ASAP shit. but i did let her know i am basically justnnow seeing this site#n if there was any email or notif that couldve/tried to inform me of its existence 2 pls let me know / figure out how to find it#so the issue doesnt occur again & i dont have to keep botherinher which im so srry of bcs med is stress n shes just trying to get by#but still bro im a lil miffed bcs she probably thinks im stupid now and now im wondering if i AM#bcs WDYM ONLINE MODULES. AINT NOBODY SAID SH IT EVEN ABT THE EXISTENCE OF THEM!!! i wouldve pressed harder 4 clarification#if i knew it was an ONLINE MODULE i had to look out for on some randomass site i didnt even know the name of until now#instead of the EMAIL UVE BEEN 'COMMUNICATING' WITH ME ON#ARREGHHHHHHHH IM NOT STUPID. I SWEAR IM NOT STUPID FUCCK MY BAKA LIFE
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davishater · 9 months
Guys, I am so sorry.... This post might just break Tumblr.... If you see my post and your Tumblr breaks, I apologize IMMENSELY! I have just written a Winter Moriarty X Reader that is 5,284 words..... Please forgive me..... 🙏 At the end, there is a part where Winter and the reader watch TV. I got that idea from @kawasemy I hope that I have been able to feed my fellow, starving, Winter simps. Again, please forgive me for everything and read the tags for more humor. Also, masterlist link in the beginning, cause it's too long to scroll....
Winter shoves her pale hands into her pockets and watches the sky, as the heavens shed their tears on the city of London. She was never fond of the constant rainy weather, but it's where she's lived her entire life, so all she can do is accept the gloomy weather. At least, it was gloomy until she met a certain someone.
Winter exits the store she's in and runs towards a canopy in the park across the street. She watches her only friend jump in the puddles on the basketball court the rain created. Her laughter reaching Winter's cold ears, even from that distance.
Winter calls out to her friend and she waves with a bright smile on her face. Winter weakly waves back, but quickly returns her hand to her warmer pockets.
Y/n moved here for school, from a dry climate in America. They met in a cafe, when the clumsy girl tripped and dropped her books and computer on Winter, also spilling her coffee on her in the process. The coffee had also gotten all over Y/n's computer. Winter felt bad for what happened, and even though she doesn't make it a habit to help everyone who crosses her path, she offered to fix the girls computer. Y/n's outgoing personality had pushed the unwanted friendship onto her, but after sometime, Winter couldn't bother to avoid the strange girl. She finally accepted the friendship; the first one she's had since her younger sister died.
Winter calls out to her friend again and she comes running. She stands underneath the canopy with Winter and laughs from all the fun she was having.
"You've been out here forever, aren't you done?"
Winter slightly shivers as she shoves her hands deeper into her pockets.
"What? You're such a party pooper! Why don't you come join me? You'll have more fun."
Y/n pulls on Winter's arm.
"Hard pass. You know I'm not a fan of the rain."
"And yet, you're out here with me."
Winter goes quiet at her comment and looks back out at the rain. She then speaks up to divert from the topic.
"I can't believe you forgot your umbrella."
"Well, I didn't think it was going to rain." She replies.
"Y/n, it's London. It always rains here."
"Well, it's been sprinkling lately, so I didn't think it'd come down this hard..."
"Never trust the weather here." Winter advises.
She turns back to Y/n, wipes some wet hair off of her face and brushes it behind her ear.
"Did they look at your motorcycle?" Y/n asks, brushing the rest of her hair back with her fingers.
"Yeah, just some minor issues. I can pick it up tomorrow afternoon."
"That's good, it wasn't as bad as we thought."
Winter nods and shivers again.
"If we don't dry you off, you'll catch a cold." Winter says a little concerned.
"Nah, I'm sure I'll be fine!"
"What?" Winter smirks. "Cause 'idiots don't catch colds?'"
"What!? No!"
Y/n huffs and dramatically folds her arms across her chest. Winter chuckles at how naturally expressive she is. She's been surrounded for so long by people hiding their true feelings, it's refreshing seeing someone that's so easy to read.
"It's not that funny..." Y/n continues pouting.
Winter ignores her and grabs the back of her shoulders, pushing her towards the main road.
"Come on, let's get you something warm to drink."
Winter and Y/n walk alongside the sidewalk towards the cafe that's nearby. A truck drives by and Winter tries to shield Y/n from the large splash from the truck running over the puddle, but it drenched Winter and still got on Y/n.
"Oh my gosh, Winter! Are you ok?"
Winter sputters to try and get the muddy taste out of her mouth, but fails, and wipes the excess water from off her face with her hand.
"I'm fine. What about you?"
"I'm good, but most of the water got on you! Uhg, you're more soaked than I am! Man, what a jerk!" Y/n shouts, sounding annoyed.
Winter looks at her a little questioningly.
"It happens. Come on, let's head inside."
"Are they even gonna let us inside with how wet you are?"
"Yeah. It's normal to see people drenched walking into places to get dried off from the rain."
"I see."
The girls walk into the cafe and a hostess immediately runs up to them with two towels.
"I saw what happened through the window. Are you two alright?"
"Yeah." Winter replies, plainly.
She takes the towels and places one on her shoulders and the other on Y/n's head.
"Could we use your restroom to clean ourselves up?" Y/n asked the hostess.
"Of course! Follow me."
They followed the hostess to the restrooms meant for paying customers and unlocked the door for the drenched girls. They walk inside and Winter starts rubbing the towel over Y/n's head. She swats Winter's hand away and dries off her own hair.
"I'm fine, just take care of yourself."
Winter takes a step back and stares at Y/n out of the corner of her eye. She then goes to the sink and starts washing her mouth out from the dirt taste she had since earlier. Winter wipes her mouth on the towel around her shoulders and then slowly puts it over her head and starts drying off her hair. She glances at her friend again and sees the small pout on her face.
"Are you upset with me?" Winter asks quietly.
"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"You're not you're usual happy self..."
"Oh... No, I'm upset with that truck driver... There's no way he didn't see us or the puddle! He should've slowed down! Driving through puddles like that can ruin your car and it gets people wet! It was so unnecessary and if I could, I'd definitely yell at him about it! I swear, some people are just so inconsiderate!"
"He really got you that upset?"
Winter looks a little surprised.
"Of course! Now there's a possibility of you getting sick! Oh, I swear, if you do, I'm going to hunt him down and give him a piece of my mind!"
Winter accidentally lets a chuckle escape her lips and she's shocked from her own reaction.
"What? I'm serious you know!"
"I know."
"Then why'd you laugh?"
"Well... I don't know myself... I guess, it's cause I'm seeing a new side of you. I don't think I've ever seen you get mad before. I almost thought you weren't capable of that kind of emotion."
"Huh? Well of course I get mad! That's a normal human reaction, so I wouldn't be a normal human otherwise."
"Oh, my bad! I didn't realize you were capable of being normal." Winter mocked.
"What? Hey! I can be normal!"
"I'd bet my life you can't be normal about anything."
"Now that's just mean!"
Y/n pouts and Winter chuckles again. She stares at Winter's face and sees black streaks running down her cheeks from her eyes.
"Oh dear, your makeup is running."
She grabs some toilet paper and wipes off the black streaks from Winter's cheeks. Winter stares into her eyes as she does so.
"I could've done that, you know."
"And I could've handled getting drenched, so we're even now."
Winter looks away and continues rubbing the towel over her head. She then frantically pulls out her wallet and phone from her pockets. The few bills and business cards she had in her wallet were far from saving and just made the wallet look like a mess. She puts her wallet on the sink and then tries turning on her phone, but it refuses to respond. Winter cusses underneath her breath.
"That bad?" Y/n asks.
"Well, I can't contact anyone, which isn't that big a deal, but I don't have access to money either."
"Oh... Yeah that's pretty bad."
"How's your phone?"
"Well, let's see."
She pulls out her phone, which has a heavy duty case on it, and tries turning it on.
"Oh yay! My phone works!"
"I bet the case is what saved it."
Y/n chuckles, a little embarrassed.
"Yeah, I tend to drop my phone often... I guess my clumsy nature helped us a little there?"
Winter smirks and shakes her head.
"Well we at least still have access to my money, if there's anything we need." Y/n says, hopeful.
"No, save your money. Use that for your school needs."
"But I want to help out, too."
"You don't have to worry about that."
"Ok, then have you figured out how we're going to get back to my apartment without using money? We came kinda far and it's too far to walk in the rain without an umbrella."
Winter goes silent and looks away. She takes off her leather jacket and hoodie and tosses them to the floor. She then starts pulling on her t-shirt that's sticking to her body and rings out some of the water. Y/n sighs and looks around the bathroom. She then grabs Winter's hand and leads her to the hand dryer.
"Come on, we can at least dry you off a little, while we come up with a plan."
Y/n turns on the hand dryer and it blows in Winter's face. She closes her eyes and winces from the sudden intensity. Winter takes the towel from off her head and shakes her head as the warm wind blows her hair dry. She then lifts up her shirt a little, showing her stomach and waist. Winter looks up and notices Y/n staring.
"Is there a problem?" Winter asks.
"Oh... No, it's nothing."
Y/n turns her head away and Winter notices her cheeks are slightly pinker than before. Winter pulls her friend closer to her as she looks surprised from the sudden notion.
"Dry yourself off with the hand dryer, too. I don't want you getting sick, either."
Y/n complies and starts to try and dry her clothes while they're still on. The feeling of her clothes slowly drying on her made them feel icky. She scrunches her nose from the feeling and feels awkward drying herself off with a small hand dryer and Winter standing closely next to her. She knows it was her idea, but didn't realize how awkward, or embarrassing, this situation would be. Lifting your arm up to dry your armpit, while someone you care about is standing so close to you, isn't the ideal situation...
"This isn't working. We'd be able to dry our clothes better if we took them off." Winter suggested, sounding a little annoyed.
She starts lifting her shirt even higher to take it off, but Y/n stops her.
"Wait, wait, wait!"
"Well... I uh- I'm not exactly comfortable with that..."
Winter put her shirt down, then picks both her jackets off the floor and starts ringing out the water in the sink.
"So? What should we do now?" Y/n asks.
"Well, this little hand dryer isn't going to be enough to dry us off. We're going to have to change into different clothes in order to get warmer."
"Well then, at least let me buy us some warm drinks as we come up with a plan."
Winter sighs and gives into the girls protests.
"Fine, but that's it! Nothing else."
Winter collects her things and they leave the bathroom and sit at one of the small tables next to the window. A waitress comes over and takes their orders. Y/n stares out the window as they sit in silence until their drinks come.
Once the waitress gives them their drinks, Y/n thanks her and drinks from her cup. Winter immediately puts her hands on her cup and keeps them there. Every so often, she sips from the mug.
"I swear, how does someone not bring an umbrella along when it's raining?" Winter mocks a second time.
"Hey! You don't have one, either!"
Winter sighs.
"Ok, that's fair."
"There's a hotel across the street there."
Y/n points out the building and Winter follows the direction she's pointing in.
"Why would we go to a hotel?"
"Well, we can shower, and they have a washing machine, and we can stay there until the weather lightens up. The forecast also says tomorrow won't have as much rain as today."
"And who's money are we going to use to stay there?"
Y/n goes silent and pouts again.
"I told you, you need to save your money for school. I'm sure the fees take up the majority of your allowance anyways."
"You don't know that." She says, still pouting.
"Ok, then how much do you usually have left after you've paid the fees?"
Y/n blows a bubble in her cheeks and pouts more.
"That's... None of your business."
"Which means it's not much."
She whines and turns her attention outside again as Winter shakes her head. After sometime, her friend starts chuckling.
"What's so funny?"
"No, sorry. I just realized, it's kind of like we're on a date and you're the guy who wants to pay for everything just to make a good impression."
Winter becomes flustered and rests her chin on her hand to hide her embarrassment and slightly pink cheeks. She looks out the window as she speaks quietly.
"O-oh, uh... Does it?"
Y/n sees through Winter's failed composure and continues chuckling.
"I'm sorry, maybe that was too much for me to say."
"No, you did nothing wrong."
Winter puts both her hands back on her cup and stares out the window, watching the rain fall as Y/n looks at her. She then turns her attention outside as well. After some time, Winter speaks up.
"If you let me pay you back, I'll let you use your money to at least pay for a taxi."
Y/n's face brightens up.
"Let me use your phone to call a taxi." Winter says, putting her hand out.
"Why can't you use your phone?"
Winter's shoulders fall and she frowns at her friend.
"Oh right, I forgot."
Y/n pulls out her phone and gives it to Winter as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head, as she dials the number to order a taxi. After a few minutes of Winter talking on the phone and growing more annoyed, she scoffs and hangs up the phone.
"They're all gonna be busy for a while."
"Well should we wait until one is available? Or take the trains or bus?"
"Rather not be in a crowded place if I don't have to."
Winter replied, with her fist pushing into her cheek, and the way she spoke sounded silly. Y/n giggled and Winter paid her no mind.
"I remember you don't like crowds. If only your motorcycle could be ready in a few hours."
"We can't do anything about that. Why don't we just start walking? There's a small store around the corner from here. We can buy an umbrella there and dry off at your place."
"If you're ok with that."
"There's nothing else we can do and it won't be good if either of us get sick. Gotta do what we gotta do to get dried off as quickly as possible."
"Yeah, you got a point."
The two girls finish their drinks and Y/n goes up to the counter and pays. Winter holds both of her jackets and waits by the entrance. They walk out together and quickly head to the general store around the corner. Y/n grabs one umbrella, pays for it and then heads back to Winter, who's again waiting by the entrance.
"Give it to me."
Y/n gives the umbrella to Winter as they walk outside. She opens it up and holds it over both of their heads as they start walking towards her friends house.
"Why don't you let me walk on the outside of the road this time?"
"No, you stay on that side." Winter says, bluntly.
"But what if a car comes by and splashes you again?"
"I'm more aware of my surroundings, so I can move us out of the way faster if that happens."
"What about earlier? You didn't move out of the way then."
Winter sighs.
"I shielded you, didn't I?"
Y/n goes quiet and looks down at her feet as she walks. Winter notices her silence and mentally scolds herself for not being good at relaying exactly what she wants to say.
"Besides, I'd be more comfortable if I was the one next to the road." Winter continues.
"Alright fine. Guess I can't really say anything if that's the reason."
Winter pats her head and they continue walking down the street towards Y/n's apartment.
"What if you let me hold the umbrella?" Y/n ask after a minute of silence.
"No, I'll hold the umbrella."
"Well, I want to help with something, too."
"You've done enough."
Y/n huffs while Winter stares at her and sighs.
"You really want to do something more?"
Winter hands her jackets over to her sulking friend.
"This helps me."
Y/n smiles a goofy grin and giggles contently as she holds Winter's jackets close to her. Winter looks away and scratches her cheek. Y/n looks up at her and swears she saw a light pink color dust Winter's cheeks, but it was too dark outside for her to tell. They walk in silence for a few minutes.
"So, what do you want to do once we get back to my place?" Y/n asks.
"I just want to get warm, I don't care about anything else."
Y/n hums in response.
"Are you gonna stay the night then?"
"No." Winter replies, furrowing her brow at her friend.
"How come?"
"I'm not going to intrude on you."
"But you won't be! Besides, how are you going to get home without your motorcycle?"
"I'll manage."
"What if I force you to stay?"
"Well, then I wouldn't have a choice now, would I?"
A wide grin is placed on Y/n's face and she hugs Winter's arm as they walk.
"Then I guess that's what I'm going to have to do! I'm forcing you to stay over!"
Y/n giggles with excitement and starts skipping.
"You're that happy to force me to stay over?"
"Of course! It means we get to hangout longer!"
Winter stares at Y/n.
"You're weird."
Y/n giggles again.
Winter looks out at the street, watches the cars drive by and the people traveling to their destinations. She sees the many different expressions and judges their thoughts accordingly. Some enjoy the rain, some aren't fond of the weather and some just accepts this as a part of their life. Winter remembers that she doesn't like the rain, but finds she doesn't mind the gloomy weather at this moment. She feels a shiver come on, but the feeling immediately goes away, and her body starts to warm up without the need to shiver.
She listens to her friend hum the chorus over and over from a popular song in London right now. It's a song Winter isn't fond of, but she finds herself fighting the urge to hum along to the stupid song. She hears splashing at her feet, along with the pitter patter of rain echoing all around her, and looks down. Y/n has continued to jump in each puddle they come across again today, but Winter pays her no mind. Her friend grips her arm, for support, as she jumps in ever puddle. Winter doesn't mind it when the water splashes up onto her shoes, or even the bottom of her pants. In fact, she finds it more comical, than anything.
"If you keep skipping like that, you're going to slip and fall."
"No I won't, cause you'll catch me!"
"Will I?"
"Mh hm!"
Winter stays silent and after a few seconds, she starts moving her body weight downwards. Y/n doesn't notice until she jumps in another puddle and her grip on Winter's arm becomes unstable, from her change in posture, causing her to slip. Y/n shrieks and Winter holds her up with her arm to keep her from falling to the ground. She smacks Winter's shoulder annoyed as she spots a small smile creep up on Winter's lips.
"You did that on purpose!" Y/n yells annoyed.
"Maybe that'll teach you to be more careful." Winter says, chuckling.
"You're so mean, betraying my trust like that!"
"Well, I never told you to trust me."
"I know, but I wanted to trust you."
"I don't know why."
"Well, obviously cause you're such a good person... Somewhere."
Winter chuckles again at the "somewhere" part.
Winter stops walking and pulls her friend back, before she walks out from underneath the umbrella.
"Where are you going?" Winter asks.
"Huh? What do you mean? Aren't we going to my apartment?"
"Yeah, it's right here."
Y/n turns her head and sees they're standing right next to her apartment building.
"Oh, yeah, you're right! Wow, I thought we would have to walk further."
"Well, we have been walking for a while." Winter replied.
"Have we? I never noticed. I guess I was having so much fun with you, time had gone by much faster. Do you ever get that?"
Winter hesitates to speak, but decided to just say what's on her mind.
"Yeah. I wasn't expecting the walk to go by that quickly, either. I almost walked past your apartment building, too."
"You and I are just so silly, huh?" Y/n giggles.
"No, being with you just lowers my IQ."
"What!? You can't say that! That's so mean!"
Y/n hits Winter's shoulder again. She chuckles as she watches her friends reaction.
"Come on, let's head inside and dry off. I'm so done with being cold and wet."
"Ok, let's go!"
Y/n holds onto Winter's arm again and they walk to the front entrance. When they get to the door, Winter closes the umbrella and continues to walk up to her friends small apartment. When the girls walk in the entryway, Y/n shuts the door behind them. They both sigh loudly, in unison, and then look at each other chuckling.
"Why don't you take a shower first?" Y/n suggests.
"I can't do that. You go take the first one."
"I don't have the energy to argue with you. Give me your clothes to wash and hop in the shower, right now." Y/n says sternly.
"O-ok." Winter says a little surprised.
She starts lifting her shirt up and Y/n stares at the curves in her sides and back. Winter's pale skin, how curvy she is, the placement of her veins and the thickness of her spine, Y/n takes a mental note of all of it. She even becomes jealous of the few droplets of water sliding down her back and disappearing in the fabric of her jeans. She wishes her fingers could feel Winter's skin, just like the rain that soaked her today.
Y/n realizes she's staring and the kind of thoughts she's having, so she immediately covers her eyes with her hands. She hears the sounds of Winter stripping down and the wet fabric pulling away from her skin. Y/n feels a tap on her arm, and while keeping her eyes closed, she holds out her arms and Winter lays her clothes over her arms.
"I'll get you a towel and a change of clothes as soon as I start the laundry." Y/n says.
She hears Winter's bare feet walk across the floor towards the bathroom. When Y/n hears the door shut, she opens her eyes and sighs. She then goes to her laundry room, shoves Winter's clothes into the washing machine and strips down to put her own clothes in as well. After starting the machine, she grabs two towels and wraps herself in one. She goes to her kitchen and fills her kettle with water and puts it on the stove. Then, goes to her room and grabs some comfy clothes for Winter before knocking on the bathroom door.
"Winter, I'm coming in!"
"That's fine."
Y/n walks in the bathroom.
"I'm putting a towel and some clean clothes here on the counter. I'm also boiling some water, so you can come and make a hot drink for yourself while I shower."
"Is there anything else you need?"
"I'm probably fine. I'm almost done in here."
"Ok, I'll give you privacy, then."
Y/n leaves the bathroom and starts collecting clothes for her to change into once she's finished with her shower. She sits on her bed as she waits for Winter to finish up. Winter exits the bathroom and heads towards the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her shoulders and Y/n goes in the bathroom to shower.
When Y/n gets out of the bathroom, she's dressed in comfy clothes and heads towards the kitchen and living room area. She spots the back of Winter's head, tilted slightly to the side. She makes herself some tea and heads to the couch.
As she comes around the corner, she starts laughing. She spots Winter, curled up on the far end of the couch, mouth slightly a gaped, bowl of cereal in her hands resting in between her knees and chest, and one of Y/n's thin blankets wrapped around her legs. Winter breathes in deeply and sits up straight, rubbing her eyes. She starts to continue eating.
"Did you fall asleep?" Y/n asks, still laughing.
She's never had the opportunity to see Winter in such a vulnerable state.
"No... At least... Not completely..." Winter says quietly.
Y/n sets her cup down on the coffee table and takes the damp towel from around Winter's shoulders and puts it in the laundry. She comes back and relaxes on the opposite side of the couch.
"Did you want to sleep?"
"No, I'm fine."
"You sure? I don't mind if you do. We had a long day, after all."
Winter takes a few bites of her cereal before answering.
She finishes up her cereal and then puts the bowl on the coffee table in front of her. She motions Y/n to move closer to her. Instead, Y/n picks up the bowl and takes it to the sink. Winter starts to untangle herself from the blanket to try and get up.
"That's not what I meant for you to do. I was going to take care of it later."
"I know, just stay there. Now you don't have to worry about it later."
Winter leans back on the couch when she sees Y/n coming back.
"Where's your phone?" Y/n asks.
Winter pulls out her phone, that had fallen in-between her and the couch cushion, and shows it to Y/n. She dramatically snatches it from Winter's grasp and Winter looks surprised as she watches her friend walk back to the kitchen.
"What are you-"
Y/n pulls out a bowl and a bag of rice. She then takes Winter's phone out of its case and places it in a bowl. She pours the rice over the phone, making sure it's completely surrounded by rice.
"And now we wait."
"Are you performing some kind of voodoo over there?"
"Um... No? Putting your phone in rice can actually get the water out and fix your phone. At least, it's supposed to do that. Doesn't always work, though."
"You don't have to do that. I can always get a new phone."
"But then you'll lose the silly messages I've sent you! I know if it was me, I'd be sad if that happened. This way, we can say we did all we could to fix your phone."
Y/n goes back over to the couch, picks up her and Winter's cup of tea, which was also on the coffee table, and brings the two cups with her as she sits next to Winter. She gives Winter her cup and Winter moved the blanket so it's covering Y/n as well.
"You don't have to do things for me. I'm capable of doing them myself." Winter says, a little irritated.
"Oh, don't be like that. You always help me out, so I wanna help you, too. Besides, if I didn't try to help fix your phone, I'd feel somewhat responsible that it broke."
Winter purses her lips together and then takes a sip of her tea.
"Thanks." She says quietly.
Y/n smiles wide. Winter then picks up the TV remote next to her and tosses it into Y/n's lap.
"Why don't you turn on that show you like?"
Y/n thinks for a bit.
"The baking one?"
"Well, why don't we watch what you want to watch?"
"Cause I don't care. Just turn it on."
"Ok, ok." Y/n chuckles.
She turns on the TV and starts playing The Great British Bake Off.
"These people are so stupid."
Y/n laughs at Winter's comment.
"That's why I like it."
"Oh, that's right, they're your people."
Y/n looks at Winter confused.
"But I'm American?"
"No, it's cause you're not the smartest person."
"Wha-! You are so mean to me, and for what?"
"Are you saying you're smarter than these people?"
Winter looks at Y/n questioningly and sips from her mug.
"You think these people are smart enough to stick a wet phone in rice to fix it?"
Winter starts laughing as she sips from her mug and almost chokes on her tea.
"Please, do not die on me, I would literally cry."
"You don't want a crime scene here?"
"No! I do not!"
Winter giggles and buries her forehead into Y/n's shoulder.
"What in the world is wrong with you?" Y/n laughs.
"I don't know. I never stay awake when I'm this tired!"
"Then sleep! I literally do not mind!"
Winter starts giggling again.
"Oh my gosh."
Y/n shakes her head.
"Uhg! Why am I like this!?" Winter leans her head back and whines.
"I like this side of you. It's fun watching you act in a way you usually don't."
Winter buries her face into Y/n's lap and groans. Y/n giggles and runs her fingers through Winter's hair.
"That's nice."
"You like it when I run my fingers through your hair?"
Winter reaches over and puts her cup on the coffee table and then points at it.
Winter then rolls over and points up at Y/n as she giggles.
"Ok, I'll make sure the cup stays." Y/n says as if she's talking to a child.
Winter's arm falls onto Y/n's lap, next to her head and then positions her legs so they're hanging over the side of the couch. Y/n fixes the blanket so it covers Winter and continues playing with her hair.
Winter stares into Y/n's face curiously.
"It's a shame that you don't know how pretty you are..."
Y/n immediately stops playing with Winter's hair and feels her cheeks heat up. She watches as Winter starts to relax down and her eyes fight to stay open. Y/n recomposes herself and turns off the TV, then continues to play with Winter's hair to help her fall asleep. Her breathing slows and her finger wraps around the hem of Y/n's shirt. She smiles and watches Winter for a while, before she starts falling asleep herself. One hand entangled in Winter's hair, other hand resting on the cup at her side. She couldn't have asked for a better day.
Later, Winter wakes up and crouches on the bathroom floor, cursing herself for acting the way she did before she fell asleep. She decided to pretend as if she never acted all 'cute' like that and swears to force herself to never act that way again for as long as she lives. She'll never speak a word of that moment to anyone and hopes Y/n will forget all about it. Although, Y/n will probably only want to talk about that one moment as soon as she wakes up....
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qrettyinpink · 2 months
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(i’m in my megan phase can you tell..)
little vaunt bc i’m in the god state rn.
🌺 mount everest literally doesn’t have SHIT on me. my self concept is highest than everest bruh. my self concept is so unbreakable and unshakable that I manifest my desires the second I affirm or even think about it. nothing can keep my desires from me because I am the one behind the wheel. I am the one running the show, tf? I am loved, I am wanted, I am chosen. I am always the first choice. no bitch is above me. if I want it, I get it. no exceptions. subliminals always work instantly for me because my mind is that powerful. hell, I don’t even need subs I just use them for fun or when I don’t even feel like affirming. everything I want is handed to me on a silver platter. all I gotta do is sit and look pretty and all my desires just come to me.
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norrizzandpia · 1 year
The Video (LN4)
Summary: Y/n and Lando’s club dancing sends the F1 world into a frenzy.
Warnings: sexual innuendos, sexual conversations, its short im sorry, if you want something more to this storyline lmk in the requests ill prob do it lol
ln4andop81 how yall feeling after that leaked vid?
- mclarensgirly FIGHTING. FOR. MY. LIFE.
- f1fan2 if i speak.
- ln4andop81 what shall we address first.
- mclarensgirly maybe the GRINDING????
- f1fan2 bro literally moved his hands up to the bottom of her boobs and down and then whispered some crazed shit in her ear and i died. THE PERSON WHO FILMED THAT VIDEO I LOVE YOU 😋😋
- ln4andop81 yeah i think its safe to say that lando norizz is definitely a myth.
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y/nnn so about last night.
ln4andop81 girly had a whole video of her grinding on her bf leaked and her response is “about last night”. icon.
landonorris i had fun 😙
- mclarensgirly BYE
- ln4andop81 MANS IS INSANE
- f1fan2 so moral of the story lando basically fucked his gf in public and said “i had fun” NO SHIT
- mclaren dont think you understand the pr situation at hand 😀
- mclarensgirly NOW IM DONE FOR
maxverstappen this is why i said to not drink too much
- landonorris i think your exact words were “next round on me?”
- kellypiquet i am afraid babe that you did in fact do and say both of those things
Mclarenfan22 its the way lando pushes y/ns hips into him so she can be as CLOSE as possible
- circledriving-racers plz when i first saw that vid i rlly didnt think by the end of it i would know what lando looked like when he was clearly feeling some type of way
- ln4andop81 yeah bc the way he threw his head back when she started circling her hips against his spoke VOLUMES
- papayafan it had ME feelin some typa way and i wasnt even the one getting danced on
- ln4andop81 i feel like its prob for the best the vid ended before we could see them separate bc i feel like we wouldve seen LANDO and not lando if yk what i mean 😟
- papayafan a bone-
- mclarenfan22 we would rlly know EVERYTHING abt him at that point
- ln4andop81 im willing to bet a large sum of money (im broke) that hes big
- y/nnn is this where im supposed to “enter the chat”?
- ln4andop81 MAAM.
- mclarensgirly YES. SPILL THE TEA.
- y/nnn i think i would like to gatekeep this one girlies 💋💋
-mclarensgirly wow.
- ln4andop81 ill never get over how it girl she is.
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landonorris it was a great night and thats all i have to say abt it
oscarpiastri UHHHHHHH
mclaren we cant catch a break ever
y/nnn BABE THE SIGN 😭😭
- landonorris i thought it really translated my thoughts 🙏🏻
ln4andop81 so i guess the question rlly is: did the sign become reality?
- landonorris what do you think 🤭
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genderqueeradrien · 1 year
imagine the miraculous ladybug world tumblr dash when ppl find out who hawkmoth is
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pariscitizen Follow
pariscitizen Follow
is the reason he never left his house cuz he was busy akumatizing people lmfaooo 😭
2,427 notes
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baguettecroissant Follow
bruh i literally JUST bought an alliance too
9 notes
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chatnoir Follow
what do you mean hawkmoth is my fucking father this shit SUCKS
chatnoir Follow
31,226 notes
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chatnoir Follow
stop sending me asks i was born in a wet cardboard box all alone and youre scaring me
23,984 notes
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ladybug Follow
i am not paid nearly enough .
16,049 notes
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gays4jaggedstone Follow
can i finally come clean and say i fucking hate the entire gabriel brand 💀
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79 notes
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hawkmothsimp Follow
Does anyone else think hawkmoth is kinda...
adrienagreste Follow
39,104 notes
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alyatheladyblogger Follow
Yes we are aware of the situation we are waiting for further details before commenting. please be patient ❤️ #i'm going to have a heart attack and die from stress #I LITERALLY HAVE AN ESSAY DUE TOMORROW.... FUCK 😭
2,395 notes
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adrienagreste Follow
been getting really into taylor swift recently. big fan of speak now (2010)
baguettecroissant Follow
don't you have other shit to be addressing
adrienagreste Follow
addressing? if you mean the stuff with your mom i think you mean UNdressing cuz that's what ive been doing to her in bed YOOOOOOOO
djnino Follow
1,835 notes
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marinettedupaincheng Follow
everyone be nice to adrien or i'm blowing this whole fucking website up
89 notes
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eiffeltowerluvr Follow
it's only 10am and i feel like i've been awake for weeks what the hell is going on today
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felix Follow
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adrienagreste Follow
felix Follow
you werent supposed to see this. this was private between me and my 12,794 followers
1,592 notes
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duvinetdescigarettes Follow
Can we go back to the thing where chat noir might be adrien agreste the fashion model . what the fuck ?
ladybug Follow
let's ignore that for now 🙂
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coffeegnomee · 1 month
The psychological analyses that can come from that conversation with Ash is insane. And then the convo after with chat. 
 ASH: “WAIT. ZAm is accepting hearts from people That Kill? That’s not very peaceful of you zam. That goes against your oath. You’re just accepting heart that has, that puts blood on your hands. I’m not even joking about this” 
ZAM: “I-, I don’t. I don’t think it does.” 
ASH: “You’re benefiting from the spoils of the death that you claim to be so against” 
Zam physically JUMPS away from the conversation at the same time. Visibly unsettled by what Ash just said, because this exact stance has come up in chat in the past weeks. 
But nonetheless he proceeds to talk very calmly and practically. 
ZAM: “If kills have already happened what am I supposed to do to stop it. I only care about myself not killing people” [parkouring over to the roof of the house] 
ASH: “You literally-” 
ZAM: “not other people. The server can do whatever the fuck it wants. I don’t care” 
PANGI” aaahhhhh”
ASH: “That’s the most. That’s the most selfish view”
Hold that line for future analysis. In the moment Zam moves past it instantly, settling in the safe arms of being misunderstood. Nobody understands PrinceZam. 
 PANGI: “He’s like switzerland, you know. Like trading with uh germany and trading like england and [france?] in the middle of a war” 
ZAM: “nobody understands. Nobody understands princezam.” 
ASH: “that doesn’t make. That makes you a rat more than anything” 
(A snitch betrays his teammates for something in return, but a rat goes behind his teammates back to save his own cowardly ass.)
ZAM: “[cobs ash/under ash and jumps into it] nobody understands princezam” 
ASH: “maybe I will eventually. Why did you try to do- what?” 
ZAM: “I learned from you! The best side to play is all sides, right? That’s what you said” 
This is the FIRST time Zam has accepted this role. He has debated and worried about accidentally playing both sides, worried how each team will react, it has been WEIGHING on his mind that he DOESN’T want to play all sides. But in the heat of the moment, in the face of being called a hypocrite, he EMBRACES it to get Ash off his back. 
From 7/18/24, 33:20 ZAM: “I really don’t like the idea of playing both sides, but like, like- I’m trying my hardest not to, I’m just kinda like, at spawn and people are confiding in me. It’s like really awkward. Like maybe I’m leaning into it a little bit, I think, just because it’s like, easy. You know? Like if you shove 100 dollars in my face like I’m probably gonna take it right? Like like [giggling], it’s just like, ugh, it’s so stupid [laughing] i don’t like this. I don't know, I’m opportunist I guess. I’m just an opportunist I guess because I'm pacifist and I don't wanna die. So. But like also I really just don’t like the idea of being someone who plays both sides, it’s so awkward” 
Interestingly enough, we weren’t even talking about playing all sides. We were talking about taking bloodied hearts. Goes to show what is really on PrinceZam’s mind. 
ASH: “I mean, yea. I mean. Uh. okay. I guess we’re both insects then damn.” 
[zam laughs as he stutters his way around] 
ASH: “whatever bruh” 
ZAM: “hypocritical as fuck” 
ASH: “I mean, I’m not claiming to be any good person, I’m just saying your whole oath and code of honor is” 
ZAM: “I’m not either. I’m trying to be a good person but, hey” 
PANGI: “You’re doing a really bad job I can tell you that, Zam” 
ZAM: “yea. [pauses and then swings around to confront pangi] coming from you is crazy” 
PANGI: “[indignant] what do you mean coming from me, what did I do wrong?” 
ZAM: “hey guys my name’s pangi, my bit for today is I’m going to go inside this guy’s house and then what’s it called, frame him for doing drugs and take him to an obsidian box and lock him up in there” 
PANGI: “It was pretty funny. I thought that was pretty funny” 
ZAM: [now notably staying in one place for the conversation] yea you thought it was funny? It was HORRIFYING for me. Fuck you [punches him a couple of times]” 
That Pangi bit was not lore just the other day, but now it is. And it was horrifying. Love it.
PANGI: “Did you not find that video funny?” 
ZAM: “I didn’t enjoy that one bit, no.” 
PANGI: “suuuure buddy. Sure” [zam starts parkouring again] 
ZAM: “I don’t think pangi’s a pacifist” 
Classic deflection! It wasn’t Pangi’s pacifism that was in question, it was Zam’s. But Pangi’s pasifism is on Zam’s mind, so he’ll dredge up everything that’s been on his mind to make Pangi look bad so Zam can win the moral high ground. Or the highest low ground. 
In my mind, he’s starting to subconsciously not believe in his stance. Someone who believes in their beliefs fully doesn’t need to stoop to calling out everyone else’s flaws. He’s uncomfortable with the topic, which is why it became a lore moment with chat after, but even so, this is an early sign of cracking I think. He feels BAD about playing all sides, but puffs up that he doesn’t. He was SO worried about it the day he watched the bros vs empire fight. And again on gossip city day, but now he brings it up as a defense.
And also about receiving bloodied hearts, we’ve had this debate to chat before and Zam acknowledged that it is an ethical dilemma:
From 7/20/24, 4:51:10 “imagine flame goes on a killing spree just so he can pay you to make more builds lol’ (citrus) dude. Is the blood on my hands then? That’s something I was wondering, what if this becomes bad. To where they’re like murdering people just for the sake of like, whats it called, paying me. ‘Yes youre evil then’ (sin) aw shit. It’s my fault. I mean I guess it depends on how bad it gets. I felt really bad when they killed jepex for me. I can’t lie, in the moment I thought it was really funny but looking back, it’s literally the same as like. Like I think me asking them to kill someone is the same as me killing them myself, it lowkey does not matter. So I’m lowkey like having another moral dilemma right there, on that one. I’m gonna stop asking people to fucking kill people for me that’s stupid, i don’t want to do that anymore”
And then he debriefs the conversation with chat: “‘you’ve only done build commissions for incredibly violent people huh’ (arch) that is something to consider huh, am I [sharp breath in] let me put on the lore music hold on. Am I. and I, I don’t think I’m the worst person to- okay. No. you know what? It doesn’t matter. Because there are worse people on this server. So I’m not that bad by comparison. It doesn’t matter. Heh. it doesn’t even matter like, like, by comparison I’m not that bad it’s fine. You know I’m doing better than I did last season So I’m okay. I’m happy with my choices I feel like. I dunno. I mean like gaining, gaining hearts is not the worst thing in the world, it’s kind of like the point of the server is it not? I dunno. Hmmm ‘i mean violent people are the ones who have the hearts’ (citrus) exactly! Yea, my only, the only people I CAN do business with is the violent people.”
“But by taking hearts from them am I not encouraging them to kill more? Yea, that’s something to consider as well, you know? Cause, but it’s like. Ugggghhh let me read through the oath again. ‘Are they killing other violent people’ ‘or innocents’ (arch) that’s true! I mean. They kill innocents when they feel like killing innocents it depends on the person i’m dealing with. I don't know.. How often does mapicc kill innocent people?”
Him having to reference the oath in order to figure out if he’s okay, if he’s “in the right”, whatever that means subjectively, he needs the reassurance that he’s okay. Because he does not feel okay.
“Yea, there’s no stopping the violence on lifesteal obviously that’s just how the server works so I, I’ve only, it’s only about like, me. You know? ‘Can’t extend beyond yourself or else it would drive you crazy’ (mer) exactly I can’t control what other people do. It’s not selfish [heavy emphasis. Meaning ashsawg’s comment] it’s just like, me controlling what I can control. You can only control, you should only worry about what you can control, and what I can control is limiting myself. Umm from all that stuff.”
Because this isn’t about true pacifism, this is about Zam stopping Zam from being the joker again. And he can’t be the joker again because it was damaging to the server (7/9/24, 5:28:18 “‘it was fun tho’ (chips) it was, but it was fun at the expense of others. It was fun… but it was damaging to the server.. It was. I dunno. I don’t think it’s who I want to be.”)
So Zam’s form of pacifism, not killing anyone himself, is precisely Not Selfish because it’s saving the server by preventing the joker form coming back. 
But everyone observes him as trying to be classically Pacifist, which means being against all violence.
And then new chatters start bringing up the Planet kill. 
“‘you got one kill’ ‘you killed planet’ okay okay okay you killed planet okay. I hate how many people are talking about that. Can i talk about how I hate how many people talk about that? Cause like, it’s absurd that people are even bringing that up. I shot at him and he took off his fucking armor, what do you mean!? It obviously was never going to kill him, are you stupid? Like why are we why do so many people talk about this? Like it’s an actual point. ‘YOU CANNOT DENY IT ZAM’ yes I fucking can! Yes I fucking can! Because I shot at him as a fucking like bit, because was obviously never to kill him, and he took off all his fucking armor. I’ve been over it! I have been over it like a million times it’s insane! I gave back the heart too like what. [opens statistics] Like it doesn’t even count. [closes statistics without scrolling down] It does not count. ‘You’re still killing’ [mocking] you're still killing. Okay actual like bot opinion. Bot take. Actual bot take is what this is. Insane. Like actually insane. The fact that people are still on this is craaaazy like actually crazy. ” 
I love talking about the Planet kill (not in chat tho) because it’s such an interesting character moment that Zam is trying to retcon as not being important or meaningful at all. It Should be meaningful, he was shooting that bow, he went up to the closet moments before. He came up with a sword moments before. Murder Was On His Mind. He didn’t mean to, but that just enriches the character more. But also, it is wildly interesting to have him, as a character, retconning it from a character perspective. Getting mad about it is so much better than being dismissive of it. Or ignoring the messages. He is bothered by it, that’s why he gets so mad. And that has potential.
And then my favorite part:
“‘PANGI HASN’T’ oohhhh that’s what this is about. That’s what this is about. That’s what this is about, it’s about pangi, and and pangi being better than me okay. That’s what this is about. It means nothing to me. Means nothing to me. I don’t care. PANGI LITERALLY- okay. Okay. okay. Okay. okay. Okay. okay. Okay. [giggle laugh] pangi is a pacifist because he wants to be. But that’s like. Dude, woogie 1 for 1 took my thing. Dude, it’s crazy how many people are pacifist why did everyone like take my thing. I mean like the whole point is proof of concept is prove that it’s possible, right, but like heh heh. It’s also lame that other people are taking my thing. [more deranged leaning giggles] ‘everybody wants to be princezam.’ (mer)”
Here comes out the truth as to why he turned on Pangi in the Ash conversation. It’s on his mind that Pangi and Woogie are also being pacifist, and that “by the definition” they are “better” than him. Better. That one word that boils Zam’s blood. Because incompetence is his trigger. He always gets cynical and mean when someone is dumb or messes up.
And he thinks Pangi is bad at being pacifist, kill count not included. He's removing the Dirtica walls, getting into conflict with his stream bits, he's looking for violence while not being overtly violent.
And then Pangi is talking about a villain comeback when he stops pacifism. And Zam, you can tell, has no faith that Pangi is good enough at pvp to pull it off. Is it because Zam’s self conscious about his own potential return to pvp and the scariness of just loosing every battle? Is it because he’s constantly defending himself against the “weak player” allegations from his chat? He projects his own insecurities on Pangi, and then gets frustrated at him because he’s copying his arc, the arc that he so confidently and happily said has never been done before. 
A lot is boiling up under the surface of PrinceZam. 
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evilminji · 11 months
(Ironically) Oh My God... ( o.o)
Do... okay, so there are many, MANY religions... JUST here on earth. Right?
Not all of them think there is "an afterlife". Some think there is a NEXT life. Potentially MANY lives. Some also believe in JOURNEYS you must take, to reach THE Afterlife. Or perhaps periods of judgment. Evaluations of WORTH. So forth and so on.
What I am saying is?
There? Are Ghosts who probably just straight up REJECT the premise that they are dead. Oh sure, YOU might be. Or BELIEVE you are. But they KNOW they aren't.
Because The Gods Said So.
Some, are also, AWARE they are Dead. But reject that? All this? This is it. No, no. This is the MIDDLE. They are supposed to GO somewhere. They haven't FOUND it. But when they DO. They will, as a community, make a map for those who follow and head on in! It'll be great!
There are FAITHS in the Zone.
Beliefs that were compatible enough, that they Did Not Die.
And they'd probably like to tell you about it.
Why WOULDN'T they? It was a VERY important part of their daily life, originally. And NOW? Is frankly a Highly Topical Subject, don't you think? The discussion of "is there a God?" Is KINDA important to have, when you're stand outside the gates to SOMEWHERE, and none of who can agree on WHAT is on the other side.
Is it better to stay here? Were we abandoned? Is this a punishment or a blessing? An accident? Freak occurrence? Are there Gods HERE? And if so, does that mean WE can become one? What does that MEAN, if we can?
All HIGHLY important topics to discuss.
But! It's made all the more pressing because? There's all these OTHERS! Who have never even HEARD of your gods teachings. And therefore? Don't know where they are.
They, innocent people, have been TRAPPED HERE, for centuries if not longer. May be condemned to be trapped FOREVER. Anyone with even a scrap of empathy would be HORRIFIED.
The problem is that THEY are horrified too. Think YOU are trapped. And of course, your first impulse is to tell them they are Wrong... but?
Are they?
What if NEITHER of you are Wrong? Elder Beings keep insisting this place is INFINITE. It is therefore ENTIRELY possible, this is a place to simply? Store the place before afterlifes. Like a busy road.
After all, your Gods certainly never mention these new people. And THEIR God (singular, correct? Right.) never mentioned YOUR people. Surely they WOULD have, if it was important!
And such concensus starts to build. Because everyone is trying to move on, pray, ascend, or otherwise do as their holy scriptures told them too. They are ALL rather lost and confused. And UNLIKE those Fight-y violent sorts? THESE fine religious folks are pleasant and sensible.
Even if no one can quite agree. Meh. SOMEONE is right here and I shall live assuming it's me until proven otherwise, respectfully and as the gods preached.
And it's quite literally like religious Fandoms, to make light of things a bit. There is bickering. And "stop that infernal CHANTING, I can't here my self pray!" *chanting grows louder in protest* "ARGH!". And trying to make new, confused ghosts welcome.
It's one of the ZONES within the Zone. Like slowly gravitating towards like, until the Zone itself started to just naturally shuffle them all together in clumps. Like with the academics.
Now why? Do I even bring this up?
Because! I think it would be HILARIOUS if everyone wanted to convert the Newly Crowned Ghost King to THEIR religion, under the belief that he could? As some sort of Holy Divine King, ask GOD(tm) : "Bruh. Wtf are we supposed to be doing? We are SO LOST. Can we have a hint?"
And yeah, half of them are like "just for fiiiive minutes! We can totally kick you out of the Temple afterwords if you don't like it! You totally WILL, obviously, because it's AWESOME. But, like, if you WANT too! Five minutes! Pleeeeeease???"
While the others are just shooting Informative Pamphlets out of alien potato cannons in FULL religious regalia. As Danny flees at full speed. Getting pelted.
Maybe some real weird Space Monk is just ( o-o) *is under Danny's Bed. Makes eye contact when he leans down to look for his shoes* "one of us? One of us?" "How did you even get passed the ghost sheilds?" "The Gods have many paths." "Not helpful! And terrifying! Get out from under my bed." *awkward scurry* 👉👈 "one of us?" "No. Back to the Zone, you know better." *sad mantis-otter Space Monk noises*
Just? As a writer, I am a bastard. And I think Danny should get harrased by Court Officials wanted him to Govern more. It's funny. He is a teenager and doesn't know shit. It's like watching an Esteemed Academic Conference being lead by someone's toddler. They don't know what's going on! But they Sure Are Giving Answers! :D
@hypewinter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @hdgnj @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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angelshizuka · 3 months
(This isn't an attack on Blitz, just pointing out the hypocricy of Blitz defenders who attack Stolas.)
If there's anything in Helluva Boss' writing that I will (currently) criticize, is that it doesn't know what morals it wants to take seriously and what's "haha just a joke bruh", even when it's literally the same topic.
Like, how in the living hell am I ever supposed to take the SA "criticism" against Stolas seriously, when those exact same people (and often the show itself) have literally ZERO issues with the SA things Blitz has been doing to Moxxie and Millie since the literal beginning, not to mention the things Blitz did to Stolas when literally breaking into his house and stealing from him (I will die on the hill Blitz made the deal as much about sex as Stolas did).
Either you care about SA or you don't and these "critics" keep proving over and over again they don't, because if they did, they would put the same amount of effort into "criticizing" Blitz as they do for Stolas, instead of treating him like a "poor innocent saint".
And that's not even getting into the American puritan mindset how sex related topics in general are always treated as the worst thing ever, even worse than literal death, so people make the biggest issues about it, while they don't give a single fuck about Blitz being a literal assassin who's killed god knows how many people (both humans and hellborn) by now.
God, sometimes I'm too damn European for this... You Americans wouldn't surive a day in our cultures.
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actual-changeling · 8 months
I adore Aziraphale, i really do! But sometimes i rewatch him going on the Edinburgh trip and I am like.. bruh what was the point of all that..
I know that on a meta level it was supposed to lead us into the Edinburgh flashback and also separate Crowley and Aziraphale for a while, but he ignored Crowley's needs, stole his home, changed said home without permission, and locked him in the bookshop with someone he is terrified of to—what?
Cosplay (and so fucking badly at that) as a 'journalist', find out exactly nothing, and then take forever to get back.
Literally Crowley found out more about the whole Jimbriel issue in five minutes than Aziraphale in the entirety of the season.
I have the small hope that the trip was—among other things—supposed to show us that Aziraphale is completely incompetent without Crowley when it comes to properly solving problems.
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Chapter 04 - Backseats]
Pairing: Jungkook x Taehyung
Warnings: very graphic Smut, angsty Romance, hatred *wink wink*, cursing, angry sexual tension, sub!Jungkook, hard Dom!Taehyung, sadistic!Taehyung, masochist!Jungkook, Sir kink, car sex, size kink, they both have massive fucking cocks, frotting, major blood kink, using blood as lube (don’t actually do that irl), rough blood drinking, rough anal sex, rough edging, this just really rough yk, graphic dirty talk, degradation, degrading nicknames (bitchboy, slut, whore, fuckhole, cum dump), forced?stripping (he rips off his clothes), rough choking & breathplay, slapping, spanking, face fucking with fingers, drool & tears, Tae quite literally fucks Kook stupid, talks about fisting, mentions of voyerism, fang examination, creampies, biting, peeing from pleasure, Taehyung is a literal demon like wtf my dude, subdrop & regret, but the sweetest aftercare!!, cuddles, post-sex emotional talk, talks about lgbtq+ & vampire struggles, hints to grief & loss, descriptions of past torture, the bonding in this is chef's kiss
Wordcount: 13.7k
a/n: honestly i am 😶 i don't even know what to say other than bruh 😶 disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and does not portray their actual relationship.
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Munich. That’s where your journey is taking you next. You left in the grey of the morning, sharing the cars Yoongi’s contact managed to deliver to you. Two black SUVs with their back windows tinted and enough space to house each of you comfortably. You shared the car with Yoongi and Jungkook, while the rest shared the other car.
The drive was quiet, except for the music you played on the radio. Jungkook took on the job as DJ and the songs he picked out were all very nice. He also filled the car with his singing, which you and Yoongi enjoyed greatly. If he wasn’t singing, he either looked out the window or chatted with you. After all, you and he had a lot of catching up to do. 
He told you about his progress and you praised him for being so hardworking. He also told you about his guitar lessons with Yoongi and you made them promise you that they would play something for you very soon. While you told him about the progress with the estate to which he said that he can’t wait to see it. You also chatted about your shared time at the university to which both vampires said that they would never try again as the experience was less exciting than they thought it would be. 
Upon arriving, you had just about enough time to check into your rooms before your schedule already dragged you out of the comfort of your temporary home again, to instead meet in the lobby. You were hungry, so Hoseok agreed on taking you out for late lunch to the hotel restaurant. Yoongi agreed to accompany Seokjin on his search for Emma as his contact in Munich didn’t have time today and he would have had free time either way. Which left Taehyung and Jungkook with the duty to follow a trail to a supposed meeting of Namjoon’s followers. Jungkook volunteered and somehow Taehyung wanted to come with him, which earned him a weird look from Jungkook.
They are taking one of the SUVs to the location. An abandoned soap factory a little outside of Munich with its windows boarded up and the gates chained up. Yoongi showed them a picture. Jungkook drives while Taehyung tells him the way. The drive was silent for the first third of it. Tension hangs in the air. It is heavy and thick.
“Do you listen to music?” Taehyung asks into the uncomfortable silence. The sound of his voice almost startled Jungkook. He was so used to the suffocating quiet.
“Yes”, he answers him dryly.
“Do you want to listen to music?”
“I guess.”
Taehyung turns the radio on.
“News”, he says.
“Change the channel.”
Taehyung does exactly that. The newest pop song is playing. They tuned in on it in the middle of its verse. The singer sings about breaking up with her boyfriend to get back with her ex. It’s a stupid song and neither vampire enjoys it. It’s better than radio news however. Or tense silence.
“That’s better, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, better than news."
“I agree”, Taehyung says, “you have to take the next turn left.”
Jungkook changes into the correct lane after looking over his shoulder. The red light stops them at the junction. There are three cars behind them and a small car is right next to them. They tower over it.
Jungkook stares at the light obsessively, while Taehyung glances at Jungkook. The latter feels his eyes on him with such intensity that he wants to scream. The tension between them feels suffocating to Jungkook.
“I think of what we did often”, Taehyung confesses.
Jungkook clenches his jaw, tightening his fingers on the steering wheel.
“I sometimes wish that our situation would have been different. That we did what we did because we wanted it to happen”, Taehyung says, running his eyes up and down the side of Jungkook’s face. The frown on it doesn’t confuse him. 
“I have this fantasy with you”, he says.
“Keep it to yourself.”
Taehyung ignores him.
“I have this fantasy with you. That we were at a kink party instead of the prison cell and that you did what you did to me because we wanted to engage in kink with each other.”
The light switches to green. Jungkook drives off quickly, taking the turn with a certain kind of anger. Taehyung’s body sways from left to right because of it.
“You have to take the second right turn now.”
“And afterwards we would have fucked on the floor”, Taehyung continues, soaking the air with more and more heavy tension.
Jungkook shifts into fourth gear. Taehyung watches how his tattooed fingers close around the gearstick. He presses his legs together because of it. The view reminds him of what he did to him.
“Why did you refuse to fuck me when I offered? I was helpless, you could have taken me however you wanted to. You could have done so over and over again until I would have been reduced to nothing.”
Jungkook glances at Taehyung from the corner of his eyes. The explicit nature of Taehyung’s words flusters him.
“You could have ruined me. Why didn’t you?” Taehyung asks him.
“Because I didn’t want to fuck you.”
“You didn’t want to?”
Jungkook frowns. Taehyung follows his hand as he slips it back onto the steering wheel.
“I don’t want to”, Jungkook grumbles.
“Are you certain?”
Jungkook stays quiet, taking the second turn right.
“You have to keep driving until the street ends. We should be there then.”
Taehyung lowers his phone to his lap, turning his knees to Jungkook.
“Do you know how to fuck?”
“Why should I tell you that?”
“Because I am trying to figure out why you didn’t take me.”
“You’re so fucking self-obsessed. Maybe I just didn’t want to be close to you.”
“So why did you kiss me?”
Jungkook grinds his teeth.
“Why did you suck my cock?”
Jungkook almost breaks the steering wheel.
“Those things are both very intimate.”
“They weren’t. I just wanted to show you what I could do.”
“So you wanted to show off?”
“No”, Jungkook hisses, “listen man. I did what I did because you deserved it. You needed to know how it is when someone forces you to lose control. What I did to you meant nothing to me.”
“Are you certain?”
“I don’t believe you.”
“That’s your own fault then.”
Taehyung studies his face.
“Also, I know how to fuck.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. I’m not a fucking idiot.”
“I never said that you were”, Taehyung scoots closer to Jungkook, making the latter shift nervously, “how good are you?”
Jungkook has no idea why he tells Taehyung such details about his life. And most importantly, why he lies. He and Taehyung both know that Jungkook can’t fuck people because of his curse. Jungkook still lies. He doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s stupidity. Maybe it’s pride. He doesn’t know.
“Do you take cock or do you give it?” 
Jungkook shifts, glancing at Taehyung.
“Why should I tell you?” 
“I wasn’t the one who continued to talk about it.”
Jungkook frowns, pressing his lips together just so he couldn’t talk again. He said too much. Stupid fucking competitiveness. Why does he always need to prove to anyone that he is the best at everything? Now Taehyung probably thinks that this was his invitation to fuck. 
“You should have showed me back then”, Taehyung says.
“Keep dreaming”, Jungkook grumbles and turns off the engine, “we’re here”, he says, leaving the car. He slams the door on his way out.
Taehyung watches him stomp to the closed gate and then begin tugging at it. Taehyung enjoys today. He doesn’t feel as sad in Jungkook’s presence as he does on other occasions. The thrill of getting Jungkook to confess his attraction to him distracts Taehyung. Just like a good hunt does, it fills him with endorphins. That is why he volunteered to go with him. Because being with Jungkook distracts Taehyung from the fact that his best friend died.
Jungkook begins ripping at the thick chains which keep the gate locked. He seems to be struggling, which surprises Taehyung as he expected Jungkook to be able to rip through chains. A training Ripper of his age should be able to break chains. Taehyung’s eyes flit to the exposed tattoos on Jungkook’s arm. Unless those tattoos mean… Taehyung widens his eyes. Jungkook lost his arm as a human. That is why he is struggling. Because he still has a human arm.
Taehyung gets out of the car and hurries to Jungkook, feeling the need to help him.
“May I help you?” Taehyung asks Jungkook, resting his hand on his shoulder.
Jungkook shakes him off with a hiss.
“No. Piss off”, he hisses.
“Are you struggling?” Taehyung asks him, stepping closer again.
“No”, Jungkook growls and tugs harder. The chains don’t budge. Jungkook curses, dropping them, “it’s fucking useless, they’re rusted shut”, he spits, taking a step back and colliding with Taehyung’s chest.
“Careful”, Taehyung gasps, holding Jungkook’s waist.
“Fuck off”, Jungkook spits, writhing out of the touch, “why do you keep touching me?”
“I wasn’t. You ran into me.”
Jungkook studies Taehyung’s features with a frown. There is this desire to punch him deep inside his chest. Even deeper however, there is the desire to take him and press him against this gate to kiss him just so he would finally shut up. Jungkook hates that feeling.
“Fuck, let’s just leave. It’s useless trying”, he says in hopes of diffusing the tension.
“Let me”, Taehyung says, pushing him to the side. With one tug, the chains fall open, pooling by their feet, “done.”
“Tch. I could have done that too”, Jungkook says, looking to the side in embarrassment.
“And yet you didn’t”, Taehyung says, giving him a flirty grin, “that’s what I’m here for.”
Jungkook feels tingly in his stomach. Involuntary tingles, but tingles nonetheless. He forces them down, tries to ignore them, tightens his jaw. 
“Fuck, you’re so annoying. I never should have jerked you off”, Jungkook murmurs and turns to leave. 
Taehyung feels butterflies in his stomach. Jungkook addressed it. He initiated it. Oh, the game is getting more and more fun. Taehyung turns with a giggle, looking at Jungkook with a fluttering tummy. 
Jungkook stops, opening the car door. He looks at Taehyung.
“What are you staring at? Are you coming or not?” he asks coldly.
“Drive without me. I am going to check it out”, Taehyung says and disappears, leaving Jungkook behind.
“Seriously?” Jungkook says, “fucking prick. Of course you wanna steal all the glory”, he mumbles and gets into the car to drive up the short road to the factory.
Jungkook knew that the situation between him and Taehyung would be awkward once they see each other again. Back when they left you at the motel so you could talk it out with Yoongi, they almost shared a kiss. Taehyung followed Jungkook all the way outside and pressed him against the car and till this day, Jungkook can’t get that moment out of his head. He hates how much he wanted to kiss Taehyung back then and how much he still craves his kiss. He hates it. Hates it so fucking much. He is supposed to loathe him, but he wants to kiss him. Jungkook is so angry at himself for feeling that way.
And now Taehyung is back and it seems that he wants to continue right where they left off. With Jungkook trying his hardest to deny his stupid attraction to him and Taehyung trying way too hard to break his composure.
Jungkook parks the car in front of the factory’s main doors, turning off the engine. The factory doors are ripped out of their hinges and he can hear yelling inside. Jungkook stays seated, staring at his own hands. He needs to think.
There were many nights where he replayed what they did in the prison. He does it right now too. Involuntarily, but still, it’s in his head which makes it too relevant. He repeats Taehyung’s moans and sighs, the way his cock sat in his fingers and how heavy it was on his tongue. Jungkook replays their shared kiss and the taste of the blood they shared. He replays it and fucking hates that he gets off to it. On most nights when those thoughts hit him, Jungkook looked for a distraction by letting Yoongi fuck him until he was dumb and brainless, but the distraction only helped for a little while. Jungkook was attracted to Taehyung ever since the night they shared. There was no denying that. And no amount of distraction could help him get rid of it.
Jungkook gets out of the car. He has to help Taehyung. If he wanted to or not. Taehyung was still part of the team and Jungkook shouldn’t slack on protecting his teammates. He closes his leather jacket and puts on his gloves. He needs to make sure his tattoos are covered. It could end badly for him otherwise. His thoughts are racing as he gets ready for the fight.
He should have known that something like sharing blood with Taehyung would establish a bond between them. It’s Jungkook after all and Jungkook doesn’t have enough control over his nature yet to distinguish between honest attraction and the attraction a blood bond forms. And right now the attraction they share feels way too goddamn real to him.
He slams the car door shut. Stupid Taehyung. Why did he have to tempt him so much? Jungkook stomps up the short path and enters the factory, squeaking in shock when a person collides with the wall next to him.
They turn into dust on impact, leaving Jungkook to cough and stumble away.
“What the hell is going on here?” he says, eyes flitting to Taehyung chasing after the last remaining vampire. The grounds are covered in dust. At least ten piles of them. Maybe even more. Jungkook can’t tell. The factory grounds are too dirty.
“Please don’t. Why are you doing this?!” the vampire screams as they flee.
Taehyung jumps and uses the momentum to rip off the vampire’s head. He lands skilfully, dropping the head of the vampire he just killed. Their body turns to dust within seconds.
“Stay dead”, he says coldly and wipes the blood off of his face. 
This felt good. It felt better than last time. Last time left him out of control and in pain. This time around, he was in complete control and it felt healing to rip through Namjoon’s followers. One vampire at a time he will avenge Jimin’s death. Taehyung felt great killing if it meant that his best friend will be avenged.
Sharp pain shoots through his hand. Taehyung looks at it. His knuckles are bruised from breaking them on a vampire’s face. He moves his fingers, hissing in discomfort, “fractured.”
It will heal, so Taehyung doesn’t really care. He does care about his clothes however. A grey suit with a white button up. It was tailored to his figure. The fabric is soaked in black blood. Some of it is his own, most of it is the blood of the vampires he just murdered.
“This suit is ruined”, he murmurs, using his handkerchief to clean his chest even if it was beyond saving. “Oh, how terrible. I won’t ever get this clean again. How terribly annoying.”
Taehyung turns to Jungkook upon hearing him clear his throat. The young Ripper is staring at him in a mixture of disbelief, awe and disgust.
“Finally you are here”, Taehyung says, strutting to Jungkook, “I already took care of it.”
“I can see that. What the hell, man? What if they weren’t even Namjoon’s followers?”
“Trust me, they were”, Taehyung says, running his eyes up and down Jungkook’s body, “you look mad. I’m sorry, did you want to join in on the fun?”
“No, I’m actually-”, Jungkook pushes Taehyung to the side.
“Oh? Dear”, Taehyung gasps, grasping Jungkook’s arm for support. He feels disoriented for a moment until his eyes land on the unknown vampire jumping at them. 
Jungkook stops him before he could latch himself onto Taehyung by grabbing him by his throat and slamming him down onto the ground. 
“No wait. Wait. Wait, please. No. Plea-”, Jungkook rips out the vampire’s heart, silencing him for all eternity.
He exhales shakily, staring at the vampire’s face and watching as it turns to dust beneath him. 
“Fuck”, he presses out. Killing doesn’t get easier. Yoongi always says that he shouldn’t feel bad if the person he killed was trying to harm him. That it was self defence and that he did what he needed to do to protect him and the group. But the killing doesn’t get easier. Jungkook still feels disgust at himself whenever he ends someone’s life.
He stands up, looking at his hands. They are shaking. He balls them to fists, trying to calm himself that way. It helps a little. 
One deep breath. Another breath. One more because it helps. Then he turns, eyes locking onto Taehyung.
The older vampire is looking at him. Awe and gratefulness.
“Well, thank you. I must have missed him”, Taehyung says.
“I didn’t do it for you”, he hisses and then his eyes flit to the stake in Taehyung’s shoulder, “oh my god”, he gasps, hurrying back to Taehyung, “you’re hurt”, he says, tugging Taehyung closer by his waist. 
“What? Ah!” Taehyung yelps, writhing in pain as Jungkook pulls out the stake. He didn’t even notice it. His adrenaline is way too high. He does feel the stake right now however, as Jungkook pulls it out of him with a strong arm around his waist.
“Careful, ah careful.”
“I’m already done. Quit whining”, Jungkook says, dropping the stake on the ground. 
Taehyung hisses in discomfort, touching his own shoulder. 
“I didn’t even notice it. He must have aimed for my heart, but missed when you pushed him away.”
“Ah, it really aches.”
Jungkook rips Taehyung’s hand away to inspect the wound. Taehyung allows him with bated breath. Jungkook is still holding his waist.
“Do you feel splinters?” Jungkook asks, furrowing his brows in concentration.
“You’ll heal.”
“Yes, lucky me”, Taehyung says, glancing down at Jungkook’s arm. Strong and protective. That’s how his touch feels. Taehyung places his hands on Jungkook’s chest, “thank you, Jungkook”, he whispers, bashful eyes flitting to his lips.
Jungkook gulps. Taehyung’s touch feels intense. He only realises now that he is holding his waist. What the hell is he doing here? He is holding Taehyung’s waist. What the fuck’s wrong with him? 
He pulls away to escape whatever situation they were in.
“You’re so fucking annoying, stop trying to flirt with me”, he hisses, bumping shoulders with Taehyung as he runs away.
Taehyung however runs after Jungkook, catching up with him once they are outside.
“Hey”, he says, reaching for Jungkook’s wrist.
“Let go of me”, Jungkook hisses, shaking Taehyung’s hand off. 
Taehyung circles Jungkook, studying the younger vampire from head to toe whilst walking backwards.
“What’s wrong?” he asks him.
Jungkook stops, pushing at Taehyung’s chest. It makes the latter take a step back before he catches himself again. He touches his own shoulder. The wound is almost healed, but the impact of Jungkook’s hands still made it sting.
“Stop acting like this. Stop acting like I’m into you”, Jungkook hisses.
“So you’re not?”
“No?” Jungkook laughs in disbelief, “you’re a freaking prick, I prefer nice guys.”
“I can be pretty nice too.”
“Yeah sure, keep dreaming.”
Taehyung steps closer, making Jungkook stumble back.
“Shall I show you how nice I can be?” Taehyung asks in a flirty rasp.
Jungkook pushes at Taehyung’s chest.
“Leave me alone. You’re so weird”, he spits with his voice pitched.
And with that he stomps off to the car.
But Taehyung isn’t having it. He runs after the younger vampire, rounding him in big steps until they are facing each other again.
“Fuck off”, Jungkook spits and turns so Taehyung was gone from his vision again.
Taehyung however follows.
“Why did you hold me that way?”
“Fuck off.”
“Is it because you wanted to protect me?”
“No. It was instinct.”
“Instinct? So you care for me enough protect me instinctively.”
“Stop twisting my words. I never said that.”
Taehyung steps closer. Jungkook stumbles away with his eyes glued to Taehyung’s lips.
“Go on, Kook. Say that you want me.”
“I want you to scurry off, that’s what I want.”
Another twirl. In perfect synch, almost as if the two men were in an angry dance of who can hold out longer. Jungkook, who is hellbent on believing his own lies. Or Taehyung, who is hellbent on pushing Jungkook’s buttons to the point of no return.
“Leave me alone.”
Another turn. Taehyung follows, keeping close to Jungkook.
“Go on Kook, tell me that you’re into me.”
“I’m not. I hate you.”
“You may hate me, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t want to fuck me.”
Another twirl. Taehyung seems to be closer than ever. Their lips are almost touching, their breaths are intermingling.
“Well, you’re wrong. I don’t wanna fuck you.”
“Of course not”, Taehyung smirks, grips Jungkook’s hips and presses the man against the car.
Jungkook gasps, fighting Taehyung’s grip by squirming, “you want to be fucked by me.”
Jungkook stops squirming, gawking at Taehyung with widened eyes.
“Mhm? Be honest Jungkook. You’re not thinking about fucking me. No, you are thinking about getting fucked by me. Hard and good.”
“N-no”, Jungkook stutters, blinking his eyes rapidly.
“I know what you’re into. I know you’re only getting off when someone fists your tight ass.”
“What the hell? How, how do you know that?”
“I listened.”
“What the fuck?”
“Trust me, standing in a cell gets rather boring. I had to find something to pass the time. Granted, listening to you scream like a whore wasn’t my first choice, but it’s better than silence.”
Jungkook convulses in Taehyung’s tight grasp in both disgust and excitement. He hates being exposed just as much as he loves it.
“You’re fucked up.”
“Pretty much, yes.”
“And I don’t fuck with people like you”, Jungkook tries.
“Now, now I’m pretty sure you do.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because I know you”, Taehyung smiles menacingly, “I know the cravings people like you have. The bigger the better. Bigger and bigger because nothing truly fills you up how you would want it to.”
“So? Even if I do, what’s that got to do with you?”
“Have you seen my cock?” Taehyung asks and laughs tauntingly, “my real cock, I mean?”
Jungkook can’t stop himself from looking down. He heard about that, he heard about how some vampires can get their cocks to grow. His own does it too when he is too excited. He didn’t think that Normals could do it. But then.
Jungkook looks at Taehyung’s bloodied face. Strands of his dark hair are soaked in it too, hanging into his features messily.
Taehyung has never been normal. He may be vast of cursed blood in his veins, but he is just as twisted as any other Ripper Jungkook knows. Maybe he is even worse.
“Course I did”, Jungkook croaks, “or have you already forgotten who got you creaming yourself like a chained up loser?”
Jungkook thought that this would do the trick, but he was wrong. Taehyung loves it. Oh, he is living for this, laughing loudly whilst forcing Jungkook harder against the car with a thrust of his hips.
Jungkook stumbles, whimpering quietly.
“You’re amusing me, Kook”, Taehyung rasps, massaging his hips, “I want to tell you a secret.”
Jungkook gulps when Taehyung breaks the distance between their faces just so he can whispers against the shell of his ear.
“I want you like nothing else”, Taehyung confesses and moans, “you have been running through my mind ever since you played with my cock. I just can’t seem to get you out of my system.”
Jungkook swallows down a moan. Taehyung did what Jungkook hated doing. They both thought of it. And while Jungkook hated it, Taehyung loved it. He got off to him. Jungkook actually managed to be someone’s jerk off fantasy. Fuck. 
Jungkook lets Taehyung take his hand and then place it on his crotch. He forces down the moan threatening to escape. 
“Feel it?” Taehyung asks, “feel how you’re messing with my mind?”
His slacks are stretching around his massive bulge. Jungkook feels how Taehyung twitches as he begins rubbing his hand over it. His deep moan tickles his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
“I’m so hard, Jungkook. So hard because of you.”
Jungkook falters for just a second. For just one second he touches Taehyung and then realisation washes over him. How he is pressed against a car and touching the cock of the one man he swore to never touch again.
“Fuck off”, he spits and tries to push Taehyung away.
“What’s wrong? Did you realise how good I get you too?”
“No? I realised what I was doing.”
Taehyung turns his head, forcing Jungkook to tilt his head back in order to escape his lips.
“And what were you doing, Jungkook?” Taehyung rasps, pulling Jungkook’s hand back on his hard cock.
The moan slipping from his lips taunts Jungkook just as much as it turns his knees weak. He can’t lie anymore. Taehyung is messing with his mind. Talks about big cocks and getting fucked by them was all it took. And now that he is actually feeling just how big Taehyung already is, his skin is prickling in arousal.
“I, I”, he stutters, forgetting everything he wanted to say. What was he going to say anyway? He can’t think, not when Taehyung’s cock is straining so much against his slacks.
He dares to look down.
“Fuck”, he presses out.
“See that?” Taehyung says, squeezing his cock with Jungkook’s hand, “that’s not even close to what I can actually give you.”
“I, I don’t…I…”, Jungkook falters, feeling his knees wobble. He keens quietly, making Taehyung chuckle.
“Open the door Jungkook and get inside. Or leave and I won’t address it again. The choice is all yours.”
Jungkook hates that he follows Taehyung’s order without hesitation. He hates that he gives in so easily. He hates that just seconds later he is sitting on the backseat of the car while Taehyung climbs on top of his lap and forces his head to tilt up.
“I knew it”, Taehyung says and cups his face.
The kiss they share is rough. Taehyung controls the tempo even if Jungkook tries to take the lead. He fails miserably, having to give Taehyung the win despite his mind hating every second of the loss. Fuck, he thinks, I’m so weak, it’s pathetic. And yet he grabs for Taehyung’s hips and despite that, he begins opening his belt and later pants.
It is not long and both vampires are missing their pants. Jungkook’s gloves are on the floor as well. Next to his leather jacket and Taehyung’s suit jacket. Their shirts are messy on their torso, tugged to peculiar places from the desperate groping they did.
Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s cock and presses it against his own. He begins jerking them off, doing so fast and calculated.
Jungkook gasps, grabbing the edge of the seat. He never did something like this before, let alone had someone make him hard that way. Jungkook is rather proud that he wasn’t hard yet, but the pride is of short avail because Taehyung is doing an incredible job at getting him to the point of having to throb. Not long and Jungkook can feel how his cock is growing bigger and bigger.
“Ah”, he lets out, fighting the urge to close his eyes. The touch is so good. Taehyung’s cock is big and hard, rubbing against his frenulum each time his big hand is around their tips.
“You feel it, don’t you? Feels fucking incredible, doesn’t it?” Taehyung taunts, watching in delight how the younger vampire is writhing underneath him. Their cocks look incredible now that they are frotting. Taehyung is quite impressed actually. Jungkook’s cock is bigger than he thought it would be. His fingers are long enough however, that holding both their massive cocks is an easy task for Taehyung. He loves it, speeding up to the point that Jungkook arches his back.
“Oh Kook”, Taehyung moans, throwing his head back, “I know, it feels incredible.”
Jungkook can’t stop staring. It feels good and he hates that it does, because that means that Taehyung has enough power over him to get to him. He shouldn’t be hard, he shouldn’t thrust into his touch, he shouldn’t feel so charged in pleasure. He should punch in Taehyung’s face and call him a cunt. But he can’t. He can’t because Taehyung is touching him so good that he doesn’t want it to stop.
Taehyung, who is watching Jungkook stare at their cock with eagerness, has to smirk.
“It’s fascinating isn’t it?” he rasps, “look at it”, he says.
He stops his touches, holding their cock by their base to compare sizes.
Jungkook gulps.
He knows that he was way over average himself, but fucking hell, next to Taehyung’s cock he looks so small.
“What do you think? Isn’t it so big?” Taehyung taunts, rolling his hips so his cock would glide up and down Jungkook’s shaft.
“Shit”, Jungkook presses out under his breath, gripping Taehyung’s hips.
“Mhm, feels good doesn’t it?” Taehyung sighs and begins jerking them off again. Fast and sloppy.
Jungkook has to groan, but swallows it down as best as possible. Taehyung may have gotten him to the point of whipping his cock out, but he won’t break him further. He won’t make sounds for him, not for him.
“I must say”, Taehyung is struggling with his speech, “I’m impressed. Your cock’s marvellous too. I’m sure people love getting fucked by it.”
“Shut up”, Jungkook growls in anger, “you know exactly that I can’t fuck people.”
“Aw poor baby”, Taehyung feigns pity, “worry not Kook. That’s what I’m here for. I’ll fuck you so good, you won’t even miss a human touch.”
“No, you won’t.”
Taehyung growls deeply and in one swift movement he has the entire position flipped. Jungkook couldn’t even blink and he is already on top of Taehyung’s lap while the older vampire is holding him down with a strong grip.
“You don’t get it, do you? I can smell how into this you are, I know you want me. I know you are aching for it, don’t lie to me even now you’re clenching like a little slut.”
Jungkook stops what he was doing, frowning at Taehyung while his cheeks feel on fire.
“Don’t stop now Kookie, just because I called you out on it”, Taehyung taunts, embarrassing Jungkook oh so much that he feels his entire body shudder.
“You’re a cunt”, he spits.
“No, I’m not. I’m your fucking epiphany.”
Taehyung has such a big ego. Fuck. Jungkook is tensing in both anger and arousal.
Taehyung forces his fangs to the light of day, digging them into his own wrist deeply. 
He rips himself open, watching in delight as Jungkook gulps in surprise. 
Blood gushes everywhere. Dark red, bordering black. It covers Taehyung’s torso and parts of his thighs. But most of all it runs down his big cock, snaking along his throbbing veins and soaking his dark pubes.  
Jungkook gulps again, squeaking when a second later he gets dragged on top of Taehyung’s lap by the older vampire. It is moments like these which remind Jungkook that he was only able to do the things he did to Taehyung because of the chains which held him back. Taehyung was ten times older than him and now that his strength has returned, Jungkook knows that Taehyung is hellbent on showing him. 
“A-aahngn”, Jungkook gets out then silence takes control of his voice. 
Taehyung is sitting him down on his cock. Slow and using the slip of his blood as lube. 
“So fucking tight”, Taehyung growls, holding Jungkook’s hips tightly. 
The latter is squirming, trying to fight him off. Not because it hurts, no Jungkook is stretching his hole too regularly for that, but because Taehyung decided it for him. He decided that this right here would be Jungkook’s moment where he is once again reminded that he will always be a pretty hole to fuck. Nothing more. Just a good, little hole useless unless it’s for taking cock.
“Don’t fight me, Kook”, Taehyung orders, pressing Jungkook’s hips down until he bottoms out.
Jungkook peels his eyes open only to widen them. He gasps for air and widens his eyes even more. He squirms, but Taehyung pins him down. 
He quite literally pins him down. Jungkook is being held hostage while his ass is stuffed with the biggest cock he ever took. 
“I said don’t fight me”, Taehyung rasps, “you little bitchboy are going to stay and take it.”
Jungkook squirms because those words are working. They are fucking working and he hates it. He hates it so much because it excites him so much to be treated with such little respect. He shouldn’t be excited to be treated like this by Taehyung. He should be angry at Taehyung, not feel ecstatic to get his cock.
Taehyung begins moving, having to struggle fairly little in doing so despite being on the bottom. Jungkook’s body is nothing but a little speck of dust in his hands. He feels no strain from holding him. Jungkook might be strong and his body might be muscular, but Taehyung sees no difference in it. 
He is here to show Jungkook who will always be stronger, who has the upper hand, who controls the tempo and whose body is going to crumble at the end of the night. He fucks hard and he fucks loud. 
Jungkook is supposed to hear how their bodies connect. He is supposed to hear how his hole gets fed bloodied cock. He is supposed to hear whose blood makes that fuck so fucking good. 
Taehyung’s hard thrusts force his head to fall back and then kind of tangle weakly. It was also the moment Jungkook finds his voice again. He uses his new power to wail in bliss. 
“Yes, scream for me slut. You little, slutty bitchboy are supposed to scream for me”, Taehyung growls, keeping Jungkook’s hips still. They want to fuck back, but they aren’t allowed to. They are supposed to stay still and accept the fuck Taehyung gives them. 
And it is brutal. Fast. Punishing. 
The car is shaking and croaking. It probably looks terribly amusing from outside, but inside there was no reason to laugh. 
Inside the smell of Taehyung’s hot blood was in the air and the lingering scent of past death made both their heads dizzy. The adrenaline of killing is running through their veins. The bond of blood gets stronger the deeper Taehyung fucks his blood into Jungkook. They’re closer to animals than humans right now.
Jungkook arches his back, throwing his head back even more. His mouth is agape, giving view to his fangs being free. 
Jungkook stopped hating it. This is religious. The scents, the feeling of Taehyung’s punishing grip and the size of his cock. That fucking cock. That big, girthy cock which stretches him out so well that it feels as if he is being shaped anew. This is it, Jungkook thinks as he trembles, this is the closest he will get to know how it would feel like to get fucked stupid by a fist. 
It may be a confusing thought to some, but to Jungkook it makes perfect sense. He knows that once Taehyung stopped using his body as a ragdoll and pulled out, his hole will be gaping. He also knows how it feels to have a fist up his ass. Not the closed one because that feels even more intense, but the slick one. The one that slips in easily and which allows way to the smooth thickness of a forearm.
Taehyung’s cock makes Jungkook feel the same. 
He knows that it is also because Taehyung just forced himself into Jungkook without preparation and decided that getting fucked roughly was the preparation Jungkook deserved. He wouldn’t feel that fucking thick if Jungkook had a few minutes of preparation beforehand. 
Jungkook doesn’t mind. Big things up his ass don’t hurt these days. They just excite him. 
And they make him feel like the biggest slut in history. 
“You’re moaning so much”, Taehyung taunts, “you’re literally such a whore. Listen to you, you sound like a whore.”
Jungkook moans louder and nods his head. Yes he is a whore. He is nothing but a whore. 
“I knew it. I knew you’re nothing but a fuckhole acting strong. Admit it Jungkook, the only reason you did what you did was because I was tied up.”
The clench Jungkook does around Taehyung’s cock is all the answer he needed. 
“Of course, you know it too. You know that in any other situation, I would have had bend you over the next best surface and fucked you into obedience.”
Jungkook gurgles, arching his back in a sensual movement. He tries to fuck back, but Taehyung holds him down. Jungkook is truly nothing more than his sexdoll. And Jungkook loves that thought. He loves it too much.
Taehyung hooks his hand in the front of Jungkook’s shirt and rips it open. Jungkook’s torso is on full display and his secret of just how hard his nipples became from getting fucked is revealed. 
“There we go, now you’re looking the part. Naked like a whore.”
He slaps Jungkook’s nipple as he speaks, grabbing his throat afterwards. With one harsh tug he forces Jungkook’s head to bounce to the front. 
Jungkook gurgles out moans, fighting for air.
“Remember when you tried to do that to me, mhm?” Taehyung taunts, keeping an iron grip around his throat, “it told me everything I needed to know. It told me just how ill-fitted you are for taking the lead.”
Jungkook stares at Taehyung with half-lidded eyes and his lips parted in squeaky gasps. 
“That’s how you steal someone’s breath, Kookie. So next time you want to act a role too big for you, play it right.”
Jungkook begins squirming. He is going to pass out. This is actually going to make him black out. Taehyung controls his air and there is none in his lungs. 
Taehyung watches in delight as Jungkook’s cheeks become pink in too little oxygen and how his eyes become all big and glassy. He basks in how tight his hole becomes around his massive cock now that Jungkook is fighting him in panic. And he fucks him harder, showing off his long fangs in a maniac smirk all while his hand closes around Jungkook’s throat tighter, turning Jungkook’s voice into gags and squeaks. 
“That’s how you do it, Kookie”, the taunts. 
Jungkook squeaks, trembling in panic. 
Taehyung releases Jungkook’s throat then, holding Jungkook’s hips because he knows the next few seconds will be bumpy. And he was right. Jungkook is squirming and shaking in his fight for air, clawing at Taehyung’s chest while his moans turn into coughs and gags. He rips his shirt open, but Taehyung doesn’t care. On the contrary, he is loving it. 
“That’s how you do it Kookie. You’ll get them to believe that they’re about to die and only then you release them.”
Jungkook cries silently, “you’re, you’re so fucked up”, he croaks, holding onto Taehyung’s shoulders. 
“I know and you’re a whore. So where’s the difference?” Taehyung taunts and picks up intensity. His cock is producing enough slick to make it possible. 
“Hngn”, Jungkook presses out and drops his head, twisting his fingers in Taehyung’s hair while his forehead rests against his chest. 
“Sit up”, Taehyung barks, tugging him up by his hair. 
Right across Jungkook’s face. 
And again. Hard enough to redden his skin.
Jungkook is squirming, gasping for air. 
“You’re supposed to look at me.”
“Think you can get out of that easily? Of course not, you’re my fucking whore and I want my whores to look me into my eyes as I fuck them”, Taehyung growls, grabbing Jungkook’s face. He squeezes it, forces his cheeks to puff out and for his lips to pout. 
Jungkook just looks kind of out of it, soiling Taehyung’s fingertips with his tears and sweat while barely keeping his head up right. 
“I want to see your sweet little face light up in bliss when you realise that”, Taehyung tugs Jungkook closer, “I’m only fucking you like this because I deemed your ass worthy”, he whispers with poison in his voice. 
Jungkook mewls, grasping for Taehyung’s face to kiss him. 
One kiss. It is sloppy and more licking than anything. One kiss and then Taehyung tugs Jungkook away. 
“Don’t kiss me”, he growls, shaking his head with a harsh grip on his hair. His hips speed up, forcing Jungkook’s body to tremble in not only bliss but also as a result of the intensity. 
“Did I give you permission, mhm? Did I give you permission to put your slutty mouth on mine?” Taehyung asks, staring Jungkook right into his glassy eyes. He shakes Jungkook’s head for him, making the younger vampire mewl at the sensation, “no Sir, no you didn’t”, Taehyung speaks for Jungkook, mimicking his voice. 
And Jungkook feels dumb. He feels so incredibly dumb. Not because Taehyung makes him feel that way. But because at this moment he can’t think. Holy fuck, he’s never been treated like such shit during a scene and it’s driving him so insane that he feels dumb in bliss. 
“No, Jungkook?” Taehyung makes sure.
He shakes Jungkook’s head again. 
“Mhm? What was that? Speak up.” 
“No”, Jungkook croaks, “no Sir, you didn’t.”
Taehyung smirks darkly. 
“And what are we saying now?”
Jungkook mewls and gurgles. 
“I’m sorry Sir”, Taehyung mimics Jungkook’s voice again, grabbing the latter’s chin tightly. 
“I’m…I’m sorry Sir”, Jungkook presses out. 
“Good”, Taehyung praises and decides to push three of his fingers into Jungkook’s mouth. 
With his eyes widening and his body convulsing, Jungkook accepts the feed. His eyes are focused on Taehyung’s, trying to find a reason but finding none. His instinct is to suck, but he gets very quickly denied when Taehyung begins fucking them in an out of him in time with his hips. 
Jungkook’s eyes roll back and close. His big cock throbs, hitting his own stomach. 
“See? That’s what you’re good for. Getting spit roasted like the good fuckdoll you are. That feels good doesn’t it, Kook? It feels good to know that your holes are getting fucked the way they deserve to be fucked.”
Jungkook can’t even deny it. He just makes dumb sounds and drools all over Taehyung’s fingers. It runs out of his mouth and down his chin, dripping onto Taehyung’s chest. 
“I’ve always loved you guys. You Ripper just know how to make a mess of yourselves”, Taehyung rasps, watching in delight as Jungkook drools with his eyes all rolled back and his ass making the sluttiest of sounds. And all while Taehyung basks in Jungkook making a mess of his hand, his hips are drilling into him. More of his slick has joined his blood, making the slip oh so much easier. He also feels that Jungkook lost some of his tightness. He finds it beyond amusing just how easily the young vampire loosens up. A slut. Just as Taehyung thought. Jungkook is such a slut.
Taehyung slips his fingers free and holds them over his own mouth, letting Jungkook’s drool drip from his fingers right on top of his tongue. 
Jungkook swears he has to drool even more at the view. 
“Fuck”, Taehyung moans deliciously, curling his lips back in a drugged up smile, “I can taste the fucking acid.” 
One swift movement and Taehyung has Jungkook’s face in a tight grasp, forcing his fingers into his mouth to tug his lips back and expose Jungkook’s massive fangs. Jungkook can’t fight it, just as he can’t fight his fangs squirting acid as Taehyung finds his glands and presses down hard. 
It spills everywhere, golden and with fiery intensity in it. Taehyung’s chest is covered in it, as is Jungkook’s. It burns and Jungkook wonders if it burns Taehyung as well. He watches him with widened eyes and his nails trying to dig for support on Taehyung’s shoulders. 
“I have always loved that you guys can do that”, Taehyung lulls and presses down again. 
“Ahngn”, Jungkook feels his eyes roll back as the feeling of his fangs releasing the built-up acid courses through him. It feels so good. Jungkook’s head was pounding because of it and Taehyung helped him find relief. 
“That feels good doesn’t it?” Taehyung taunts, massaging Jungkook’s gums, “I can imagine just how much pressure builds up in your head. To have so much acid but no fresh body to pump it into. It must feel like hell.”
Jungkook is rewriting his definition of Taehyung right this moment. He is fucked up. Way more fucked up and twisted than he ever thought he could be. And it turns him on. It makes him literally shake, because Taehyung gives him an opportunity to feel like the animal he is supposed to be. 
Jungkook convulses, releasing the last wave of his acid all over Taehyung’s torso. He feels it on his cock as well. The burn digs deep, oh so deep that Jungkook has to open his eyes and wiggle in discomfort. 
“There we go. That’s better”, Taehyung pretends to be caring, but his voice drips in mania. And Jungkook wonders if Taehyung is immune to the pain. His once ivory chest is covered in red burn marks and yet Taehyung shows no ounce of discomfort. On the contrary, his cock is filling up Jungkook with such grandiosity that he fears having to rip apart. 
“Oh? Oh dear, it’s all over your cock”, Taehyung feigns concern, “that must burn.”
He wraps his spit slickened fingers around Jungkook’s throbbing cock and begins jerking him off. 
“Aah!” Jungkook convulses, throwing his head back, “ah! Ah! Ah god!”
“I know it hurts. Don’t worry Kook, you’ll heal soon. Just a few more seconds, I know you can do it.”
Jungkook sobs, scratching down Taehyung’s burned chest. It fuels the latter. His hips punish him while his hand squeezes around Jungkook’s cock. 
“A-ng-ah ngng ah, ah”, Jungkook gets out.
“There we go. Look at you. That’s better isn’t it?” Taehyung speaks softly, rolling his hand around Jungkook’s leaking tip. 
“I’m c-cum-cumming”, the younger vampire squeezes out, convulsing around Taehyung’s thick cock. 
“You are such a slut!” Taehyung exclaims and laughs, “you’re cumming? I don’t think so.”
He not only lets go of Jungkook’s cock but also lifts him off his lap. 
Jungkook mewls, convulsing in Taehyung’s hands. He fucking breaks into a million tears. It hurts so much to be denied.
“Please”, he wails, writhing in Taehyung’s hands, “please, please, please.”
“Huh? Did you say something?” Taehyung taunts, shaking Jungkook’s nimble body. 
“Please Sir”, Jungkook croaks, opening his eyes. He spills tears instantly with his lower lip trembling, “please Sir, please Sir, please Sir”, he chants, barely getting the words out.
Taehyung smiles in amusement.
“There we go“, he says, sitting him back down on his massive cock.
Jungkook stretches around him, taking him with a gurgled out moan.
“Thank you Sir”, he croaks and begins moving all on his own. It is clumsy and fast. This is a man so dumb by getting railed that his only instinct is to fuck, “thank you, holy fuck, thank you. Sir! Sir! Thank you Sir!”
“Fucking shit, Kook”, Taehyung twists Jungkook’s hair roughly, “you sound incredible like this”, he spits and finally lifts his hips to meet Jungkook’s rhythm.
It makes the younger vampire wail up and fall against Taehyung. He sobs miserably, barely fucking back because of how much he trembles.
“Weak bitch”, Taehyung spits, grabbing his hips to fully take over, “you can’t even fuck yourself properly.”
“Please”, Jungkook wails, “please, please, please.”
“Please what?”
“Cum. Please Sir”, Jungkook croaks and sobs, convulsing in a painful shake.
“Fuck, you slut. Fine. Cum for me”, Taehyung orders angrily, spanking his ass with so much force that the sound is almost deafening.
The scream Jungkook lets out as he finally cums overshadows it. Taehyung feels pain in his neck and he knows it is because Jungkook in his trance is digging his fangs into him. Jungkook shoots acid into his body, Taehyung feels the incredible pain rush through his veins. He laughs and tilts his head back.
“Yes, fuck”, he growls, letting the tight knot in his stomach burst.
Jungkook’s fangs dig deeper upon tasting Taehyung’s high in his blood, his entire body freezes up, becoming victim to Taehyung’s forceful thrusts while his hole is turned into nothing but his cum dump. And he feels sacrilegious, hoping that the feeling of being pumped full of hot cum never stops.
But it does stop. It stops once Taehyung fucked Jungkook’s overstimulated and creamed hole to the point where the trembling vampire is peeing himself because he possibly couldn’t cum any more. And then, only then he finally begins begging, clawing at Taehyung’s shoulders. Their bodies are ruined by Taehyung’s blood. Jungkook actually feels sick to the stomach from how much he drank. He can’t move because of his nature, but wants to.
“Please stop, no more, please”, he begs, gagging from being too stimulated.
“I thought you’d never beg”, Taehyung spits and drops Jungkook’s limb body, “fuck, you’re such a good fucktoy”, he praises, keeping Jungkook atop his recovering cock and hugging his waist against his stomach.
Jungkook falls, drops, collides. He can’t do anything against how hard he collapses against Taehyung. He is frozen up and weakened and can’t do anything except sit on Taehyung’s cock and think.
“That was incredible”, Taehyung rasps. He takes deep breaths, calming himself down that way.
And while Taehyung is basking in the afterglow, Jungkook feels empty. His brain is clearing and that means he has to face the reality. He gave himself in such a vulnerable, embarrassing state to the one man he swore to hate. He is so embarrassed. Now Taehyung knows how weak he is. Because Jungkook was so blinded by his animalistic needs, he exposed himself as a weak, little man. Taehyung will never take him seriously again. Jungkook decided his fate. He will be nothing more than a willing fuckhole for Taehyung from now on and that thought ruins him.
He is embarrassed, hates himself so much. He spills silent tears and wishes for time to turn back.
“Good boy”, Taehyung speaks softly, pulling Jungkook back to reality with a gentle touch to his back.
“You were such a good boy. You took me so well.”
Jungkook lifts his head, staring at Taehyung in disbelief. What did he just call him? Good boy? Taehyung called him a good boy. No taunting words, but praise. Jungkook doesn’t understand. Why is he so nice to him? Jungkook doesn’t understand and he cries because of it.
“Now now, don’t cry”, Taehyung speaks in a soothing voice, cupping Jungkook’s face to wipe his tears away, “are you hurting? Should I pull out?”
Jungkook whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut with trembling lips.
“Okay, I will. Hold onto me, I’ll pull out”, Taehyung soothes him, lifting him off his cock. Jungkook cringes at how much cum spills out of him. This is it. The proof of what he did. He is marked as a dirty cum dump for all eternity.
“God, it’s everywhere”, Taehyung laughs, sitting Jungkook’s weak body atop his lap, “I apologise for orgasming so much. Gosh, you’ll leak for hours. I’m so sorry”, he says and giggles, pulling Jungkook in to kiss his cheek.
Jungkook flinches back, opening his eyes. He feels so confused. What is happening? Why is Taehyung not making fun of him?
“What is the matter?” Taehyung asks.
“Why are you not making fun of me?”
“Fun? For what?” Taehyung laughs in disbelief, furrowing his brows.
“For, for what I did.”
“Why should I? You were so good”, Taehyung says until suddenly his face lights up in realisation, “do you truly think me that cruel that I would make fun of you because of how much you enjoyed what we did?”
Jungkook feels too embarrassed to answer. Instead he spills silent tears and feels his lower lip begin to tremble.
“Wow”, Taehyung lets out an offended chuckle, “it hurts me that you truly think that lowly of me.”
Jungkook lowers his head.
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll just have to convince you”, Taehyung says and then pulls Jungkook against his chest in a soothing hug. He runs his fingers through his hair, drawing circles on his back.
“I know how you feel Jungkook. I had…someone…in my life not that long ago, who fucked me to put me back in my place and on many nights I felt so dirty and worthless afterwards while my spirit laid broken and in those moments I regretted ever consenting to what he did.”
Jungkook listens intently.
“And the worst part was that I still gave myself to him the next time he asked. Even if I knew how awful I would feel afterwards, I still gave myself to him the next evening and the next evening and the evening after that. And I let him fuck me until I was crying and then afterwards I laid still and regretted ever being so vocal or climaxing or enjoying it.”
Jungkook sees a lot of himself in Taehyung. He feels like that too right now. Just a little bit at least, because Taehyung’s hug keeps him safe from all those really painful thoughts.
“But I don’t want you to feel that way. You are not worthless”, Taehyung whispers, soothing through Jungkook’s hair, “and I don’t see you any less because of what you did. On the contrary, allowing another person to fuck you so roughly takes a lot of courage. I’m so impressed by you.”
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut, exhaling so shakily that Taehyung tightens the hug.  
“You got fucked too?” Jungkook is quiet in the way he asks the question.
“Yes I did. I still do. Jungkook dear, there is no shame in getting fucked. Why are you even asking this question?”
“I don’t know, I just…” he exhales shakily, “…I don’t know.”
“Okay, I can see that you don’t want to tell me and that is fine. Just lean on me and I’ll hold you.”
Jungkook feels so tense. He knows that he should relax, but he can’t. Well, he could, but he doesn’t know if he finds it in himself to allow his body to relax.
“Why did you even fuck me if not to show me just how much weaker I am?” he asks in a whisper and for just a second he thinks that Taehyung didn’t even hear him. He feels relieved that he didn’t, until Taehyung inhales in a way that lets him know he will answer him. Jungkook begins feeling anxious then.
“Because I’m attracted to you”, Taehyung says, “and I wanted to fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked. Good and rough. And honest for once without you having to hold back on your feral side.”
Jungkook lifts his head, locking eyes with Taehyung. So that is why he pressed down on his acid glands and why he allowed him to bite so deep and feast on his blood until his tummy ached. Because he wanted Jungkook to be able to let go without control. Jungkook feels both grateful and scared. 
“But all the stuff you said”, Jungkook whispers.
“Was because I listened in too many times to know that you get off on degradation. Come now Jungkook, do you truly think I feel that way about you?”
Jungkook nods his head.
“Well, I don’t. I think you to be quite sweet actually.”
“You do? Why?”
“Your eyes”, Taehyung whispers, running his thumb under Jungkook’s left eye softly, “they carry no evil in them. I could stare at them forever.”
Jungkook has to look away, lower his gaze.
Taehyung kisses his lips, making him gasp and flinch back.
Their eyes meet solely because Jungkook was so shocked that he needed to look at Taehyung.
“May I take you out?” Taehyung asks, “I’ll take you back to the hotel, we’ll clean up and then I’ll take you out.”
“Because I want to change your mind about me.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“So? We can change that over some coffee and conversation.”
Jungkook turns his head away, looking outside. It is raining. He didn’t even hear when it started. It is pouring down on the world, letting a wild stream of water run down the car windows. The edges of the windows were already fogged up, blurring out the world beyond the closed doors.
“It’s raining.”
Taehyung checks for himself.
“It is”, he says and chuckles, “I didn’t even hear when it started.”
Jungkook glances at Taehyung.
“Yeah, neither did I.”
Taehyung sneaks a look at Jungkook, locking eyes with him. He smiles, caressing Jungkook’s hips.
Jungkook wants to retort it, but doesn’t really dare.
“I always loved the rain”, Taehyung says, cupping Jungkook’s cheek, “especially in a car. The sound is so relaxing.”
Jungkook turns his head away, slipping out of Taehyung’s grasp.
“The others will look for us soon.”
“No they won’t. They are too busy.”
Jungkook sneaks a glance at Taehyung again.
“Come, let me take you out. I’ll pay and we’ll watch the rain somewhere.”
Jungkook lowers his eyes.
“Fuck”, he presses out, “fine, you won’t take no as an answer either way.”
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And so it happens that Taehyung drives Jungkook back to the hotel with his hand on his thigh while Jungkook napped to recover from the fuck. And so it happens that the two men wash up and then later Taehyung drives Jungkook through town. They get cups of hot beverages. Jungkook gets coffee while Taehyung orders tea. And they get bagels too and after some driving around, they park the car by the river and watch the rain from the backseat.
Jungkook didn’t say a lot during that time, mostly because he felt too awkward to try. Taehyung looked at him a few times, but didn’t speak a lot either.
They sit on the backseat of the car by now, sharing their already cooled down drinks. Taehyung has his shoes off, resting his feet on the seat. Jungkook is pressed into the furthest corner, right against the door. He has his shoes on and stares outside with his head resting against the window.
He flinches when Taehyung stubs him with his foot.
One look to his left and he realises that Taehyung is staring.
“Why are you not talking?” he asks.
“Why aren’t you?”
“I have no idea, maybe I’m a little nervous”, Taehyung confesses and chuckles.
Jungkook furrows his brows in confusion.
“You still think me to be an evil cunt. I’m scared to start with the wrong thing.”
“Maybe start with an apology”, Jungkook murmurs.
“An apology?”
“Yeah. For all you did to me.”
“I didn’t do anything to you.”
“Yeah you did. You let them torture me and ___.”
“You know that I had no choice but to.”
“We always have a choice. You just chose the easier route.”
Taehyung stays silent. Jungkook sends him a dark look and turns away.
“Namjoon likes peeling off fingernails”, Taehyung breaks the silence.
Jungkook glances at him in confusion.
“He said that it is satisfying to watch the skin tear off the nail and that he especially likes the moment where he can pull out the root.”
Jungkook pulls a grimace of disgust.
“I know because he showed me how he does it the night they failed to kill ___.”
“What the fuck? What happened to the person? We have to make sure they’re okay.”
“He’s sitting in the car with you.”
Jungkook closes his mouth, gawking at him with widened eyes.
“He said that he likes doing it with me because of how quickly I heal, so he has infinite fun.”
“This is…”
“I didn’t choose the easier route, Jungkook. I chose the route which ripped me apart inside, but which assured my safety. You met Namjoon on a nice day, believe me. He could have done things far worse to you than just force feed you blood.”
Jungkook looks at his own lap. His thumbs have managed to rip parts of the cup. Just on the part where the plastic top meets the paper cup. The paper is curled and ripped in from all the fumbling he has been doing.
“I’m sorry”, Jungkook whispers, “I didn’t know that he treated you like this. I thought you were friends with him.”
“No, I wasn’t.”
Taehyung stubs his foot against Jungkook’s thigh again.
“I’m sorry too. I know that the right thing would have been to safe you and ___, but I didn’t. I didn’t because I was scared of Namjoon and, and Jim…” Taehyung looks  into Jungkook’s eyes, “I truly regret that I couldn’t keep you safe.”
Jungkook wanted this apology for months. Oh how many nights he spent imagining how it must feel like to have Taehyung apologise to him. And now he finally has it. Jungkook can hear the honesty in Taehyung’s voice and smell the guilt in his scent. But it doesn’t feel as good as he thought it would feel. He imagined himself to bubble in triumph and to use the opportunity to gloat over Taehyung, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t want to gloat and he doesn’t feel as if he won some silly battle. He feels relief because he can finally look at Taehyung as an equal person and not as someone in front of whom he needed to put up a strong front.
“It’s okay”, he hears himself say, “we’re still here, aren’t we? You did what was best for yourself. I think I would have done the same if I knew that the consequences were Namjoon and his fucked up mind.”
“Are you truthful?” Taehyung gasps, “do you truly understand me?”
“Yeah, I guess I do.”
“Oh Jungkook”, Taehyung lets out a relieved laugh, stumbling to his knees. He closes the distance between him and Jungkook, placing his hand on Jungkook’s thigh.
Jungkook looks at it, then at Taehyung’s face. The touch feels warm and strong.
Taehyung carries tears in his eyes, but relief on his features.
“Thank you”, he says.
“Mhm”, Jungkook lets out, giving him a small tooth-less smile, “was Namjoon the someone who fucked you?”
“No, I never fucked him.”
“Who was it then?”
Taehyung looks at Jungkook with great sadness in his eyes. He lets out a painful laugh and looks the side.
“It doesn’t matter. I can’t see him anymore.”
“I’m happy for you. I’m sure that must have been a relief.”
Taehyung clasps his thigh so tightly, Jungkook wonders if he wanted it to crush it. He eyes his hand then Taehyung’s sadness stricken face.
“I don’t know”, he whispers, eyes racing between nothing.
Taehyung takes a deep breath and laughs, rubbing his hand over his eyes. Then he looks at Jungkook with a smile.
“Let’s not talk about this anymore. Shall we hold each other?”
“Come”, Taehyung scoots closer to Jungkook, “let’s hold each other for a while.”
“I don’t know. Just so.”
Jungkook eyes Taehyung with a cocked up brow.
“I don’t know”, Jungkook mumbles.
Taehyung’s smile grows. He reaches out for Jungkook.
“Please”, the word is so quiet in the silence that Jungkook almost missed it.
Jungkook studies the sad desperation deep in Taehyung’s eyes and he wonders if the request to be held carries far deeper meaning behind it than Taehyung may want to show.  
“Fine”, Jungkook gives in. He leans down to undo his shoelaces and slips out of his shoes, then he pulls his feet on the seat, tensing up when Taehyung claims the emptiness between his legs and rests his cheek on his chest.
Jungkook watches with a clenched jaw as Taehyung closes his eyes and places his hand on his chest. He wonders why Taehyung is acting that way.
“Tell me something about you”, Taehyung says.
“I don’t know what I should tell.”
“Okay, then let me think of questions”, Taehyung says and for quite some time he is silent.
He traces Jungkook’s pec in the silence they share. He also touches his side and dares to dance his fingertips over his arm.
Jungkook lets it happen with so much confusion in his stomach. The touches feel nice. They are the type of innocent skinship he hasn’t felt in ages and it confuses him because it is Taehyung who gives it to him and he truly thought that he would be the last person to do such a thing.
“Do your tattoos have meaning?” Taehyung asks then.
“Yeah, some of them.”
“Did you get them before or after turning?”
“So that means that you lost your arm, doesn’t it?”
Jungkook hesitates. There is still a part of him which is scared to admit that fact to Taehyung. 
“Yes”, he whispers in the end. 
“I see. I’m sorry, that must be really painful to live with.”
Jungkook feels tension in his chest upon being understood. 
“I guess”, he says quietly.
“I understand. I’ll try to stay on your right side from now on.”
“So people can’t hurt you.”
Taehyung glances at Jungkook.
“Tell me something else.”
“I don’t know what you want to know.”
“I’ll think of more questions”, Taehyung says and falls silent. 
And as Taehyung thinks of what to ask, Jungkook tries to calm down his racing thoughts. Taehyung is going to look out for him now. He didn’t laugh at him like Jungkook thought he would, instead he is willing to keep his weak side protected. Jungkook feels deeply moved by the gesture. Moved, but also very confused.
“Did you always know you liked men too?” Taehyung asks then.
“Huh? That’s your question?”
Taehyung nods his head, looking up at Jungkook.
“I don’t…know? I don’t think I did. I was really happy with a woman before I became a vampire.”
“I see. I always knew”, Taehyung says, “as a matter of fact, I believed myself to be gay for the longest time until I had sex with a woman. Then I believed myself to be straight.”
“You did?”
He nods his head, “that was during a time where it was safer to sleep with women than it was with men. Not that they could have actually killed me, but you know, I was still scared because at this time I didn’t know if I would wake up again if somebody killed me and I didn’t want to die.”
“When did you die your first death?”
“I think it was 1343. A farmer killed me with a pitchfork because they saw me drinking their cow’s blood. I woke up buried in their dung heap a few hours later.”
Jungkook snorts.
“Don’t laugh. I had no idea what I was doing back then, I just tried to survive”, Taehyung says and chuckles.
“Really? I thought you had so many friends back then.”
“Not like me. Not vampires. I met my first vampire almost two hundred years later. His name was…” Taehyung’s face falls, his gaze becomes empty.
Jungkook studies the sadness in Taehyung’s eyes then watches as the latter rests back against his chest and squeezes his eyes shut.
“…I can’t remember”, Taehyung whispers. His fingers twist in his shirt, trying desperately to pull him closer.
“I died my first death in 1968 after I got high on LSD and then fell down the stairs. I broke my neck”, Jungkook says, hoping that it can cheer Taehyung up.
“Truly?” Taehyung asks, “you took drugs?”
“Too many. The sixties were a wild time for me.”
“Yes? Tell me, did you visit Woodstock too?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “I tried to avoid crowds of people for obvious reasons.”
“I see. I went and it was so much fun. Oh Jungkook, if we knew each other back then, I would have taken you. We could have had so much sex and danced and sang and gotten high.”
“You say that so easily. I wasn’t fun back then, just murderous.”
“That never bothered me. I can handle you guys.”
Jungkook scoffs.
“I am truthful. I was out of control for many decades and I taught myself control. I know exactly how you feel.”
“No you don’t. You’re a Normal.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does. You’ll never know how we feel.”
“Of course I do. Your body tenses up the moment you smell blood and there is this rational part in your brain, which keeps telling you, begging you, to stay in control. But no matter how much this voice is begging and pleading and crying for your control, you can’t give it to yourself. And then you black out. You black out because of how much pleasure you are feeling until suddenly it stops and you feel empty.”
Jungkook is holding his breath.
“You have all those bodies lying by your feet. All ripped apart and disfigured. And it hurts so much because you have no recollection of killing any of those poor souls and now you are left living with the knowledge that your demons won and you murdered too many people whilst fucking enjoying it.”
“Yeah”, Jungkook croaks.
“I know how you guys feel, Jungkook and I’m sorry that such a reaction is your default reaction. It must be so exhausting.”
“It’s so fucking exhausting”, Jungkook presses out, lowering his head.
“Hey”, Taehyung whispers, turning in the embrace so he could cup Jungkook’s cheek, “it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. It’s so hard”, Jungkook whispers shakily, “I want to be like Yoongi or like you, but I’m not.”
“But you are on the path to.”
Jungkook sniffles, locking eyes with Taehyung.
Taehyung wipes away Jungkook’s tears, “it is a rocky road, long and exhausting, but you should turn and look at all the distance you already put between your beginning and your now. ___ told me that you couldn’t even stay in the same room as her when you first met and these days you can kiss her and hold her. Now tell me Jungkook, what about all of this isn’t progress?”
“I guess”, Jungkook lowers his gaze, “I guess, if you put it like that, I made some progress.”
“You did”, Taehyung says and smiles.
Jungkook retorts it this time around. Taehyung looks at his smile and for just a second Jungkook believes that he would kiss him. But he doesn’t, instead he rests back against Jungkook’s chest and begins caressing his side.
“So when did you realise that you were still into men?” Jungkook asks.
“Oh pretty soon after I died my first death. I couldn’t deny it, I loved sex with them too much”, Taehyung says and laughs.
Jungkook chuckles too.
“So what are you these days?” Jungkook asks.
Taehyung rolls to his back, pulling one of Jungkook’s arms around his waist. He intertwines his fingers with him and begins tracing his knuckles slowly.
“I don’t know. I couldn’t possibly define myself. Everyone is attractive to me, no matter what they identify as. I rather find myself drawn to personalities than certain genitalia.”
“Mhm, that’s good. That’s what truly counts in the end.”
“Yes, I agree”, Taehyung says and caresses Jungkook’s knuckles, “what do you define yourself as?”
“I just like nice people. I haven’t really thought about labelling myself. Maybe bi? Or pan? Or just queer? I don’t know though.”
“I see. Well, that’s good”, Taehyung says and shifts into a more comfortable position, “labels are way too constricting either way.”
“You think so?”
“Yes, I do. Labels aren’t for myself, they are for other people to put me into certain boxes”, he says, running his eyes over the rain outside, “people work this way. Things they can’t quite understand get easier to grasp once you put certain labels on them. Unknown food loses its intimidation once you know what it is, a stranger gets lets frightening once you realise you know this person and feelings get easier to understand once you know their origins. That is what is good about labels, but I don’t like them for myself.”
“You don’t?”
Taehyung shakes his head.
“I know myself better than anyone, I know what I enjoy and what I dislike. I don’t need to tell other people how they should label me. Because if I do, they will force their ideas on me, connect stereotypes with me and expect me to act according to the silly label they put on me. I can’t stand it when people tell me how I should be and how I should behave.”
Jungkook nods his head in agreement. 
“I never even thought about it this way, but I get it. I really hate this feeling too. I had people tell me that I wasn’t a correct bisexual because I didn’t act the way they expected me to act. And I had vampires tell me that I wasn’t a true Ripper because I’m trying to better myself. Both really hurt me.”
“Those people were fools and had a very narrow mindset”, Taehyung says coldly, “I hope that you don’t have to interact with them anymore.”
“No, they’ve been out of my life for a long time.”
“Good. As they should.”
“Mhm yeah”, Jungkook agrees, watching the droplets of rain run down the window, “I think labels helped me too.”
Taehyung sneaks a curious glance at him, “yes?”
“Mhm yeah”, Jungkook nods his head, “I like defining myself as someone who is queer or someone who is a training Ripper. At least I don’t feel so alone knowing that there are so many people out there who feel the same way I do or who work on the same goals as me.”
“Yes, I must say that feels very nice indeed.”
“Mhm yeah.”
Taehyung sits up and nudges Jungkook’s chest.
“Now be honest. This is fun.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “fine, yeah maybe it’s fun.”
“See? I told you, I can be pretty nice.”
“Yeah, I guess you can”, Jungkook gives in.
At that Taehyung giggles, pulling his shoulders to his ears almost as if he was shy. Jungkook watches it with awed confusion. He must admit, he had such a wrong image of Taehyung in his head. He is kind and sweet and maybe even cute and Jungkook actually likes being in this car with him. 
“Do you enjoy music?” Taehyung asks.
“Of course I do.”
“What kind of music do you enjoy?”
“All sorts of stuff. I like slower songs though. R&B is really good.”
“Mhm yes, it’s good. I agree. I really enjoy jazz, I think it to be so romantic.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
Taehyung pulls out his phone then, scrolling through his music with sparkling eyes.
“Shall we put some music on?” he suggests, “we can listen to R&B if you want to.”
“Yeah we could. I have this playlist which I made. It’s really good.”
“Indeed? What’s its name? Is it public? Let’s play it.”
“Give me your phone.”
Taehyung hands it to him, using the time it takes Jungkook to find the playlist to turn on the bluetooth of the car radio.
The phone connects with a robotic female voice telling them about a successful connection.
“Here”, Jungkook hands the phone back to Taehyung, “that’s the playlist.”
“Starry Nights and Long Hugs”, Taehyung reads out loud. He smiles, meeting Jungkook’s shy gaze, “that’s a good name”, he says and presses play.
The music starts playing, filling the car with slow melodies and sweet lyrics. The two men just kind of look at each other for a while, being so close and yet so far away. Taehyung shifts, resting on his knees and placing his hands in front of him on the seat. Like this his hands are so close to Jungkook’s crotch. Jungkook fumbles with the empty cup of coffee, wondering what Taehyung may be thinking.
“Do you enjoy long hugs?” Taehyung asks him.
“Yeah, I do.”
“I enjoy them too, they comfort me quite a lot.”
“Yeah, I think so too.”
“I bet you can’t have them often, can you?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “they make me…”
“I know”, Taehyung interrupts him, “they make you want to murder the person. Well, at least your instincts kick in, I am sure that you don’t actually want to kill them.”
“Yeah”, Jungkook whispers, feeling flabbergasted once again just how accurately Taehyung gets him.
“Is it with everyone you meet or just humans?”
“No, just humans.”
“I see”, Taehyung nods his head, “shall I give you a long hug?” he offers with the sweetest innocence in his dark brown eyes.
Jungkook flusters, “no uhm…” he looks to the side, touching the side of his neck.
“I apologise. I’m way too pushy, please forgive me”, Taehyung says, putting distance between their bodies. He lies back against the car door, keeping his legs parted for comfort reasons, “I’m normally not like that, I don’t know what is wrong with me lately.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
Taehyung lets out a shy laugh, playing with the fluffy strands of hair at the back of his head.
“This is, uhm…” he begins, “…this is a good song, wouldn’t you say?”
“Yeah, it’s one of my favourite songs at the moment”, Jungkook answers him, but his brain is busy with something else.
Taehyung offered him a long hug. He hasn’t had a long hug in so long that he can’t even remember the last time he actually had it. He really wants to be hugged. He loves hugs. Especially long ones, warm ones, the kind which makes him happy to be alive.
“I can see why it is. The melody is very good”, Taehyung says, fumbling with his own hands, “do you make music?”
“Sometimes. It’s not good.”
“I’m sure that this isn’t true. How do you make music? Do you sing or play instruments?”
“I can sing”, Jungkook says and flusters.
“You can? I can sing as well”, Taehyung smiles shyly, “we must sing together one day.”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung, gnawing on his lower lip.
Ah fuck it, he thinks and gets on all fours to crawl to Taehyung. He plops down with his head turned to the side in embarrassment, falling into Taehyung’s chest with a soft huff of air.
“Don’t say anything”, he mumbles.
“I won’t”, Taehyung says, draping his arms around Jungkook’s body. He buries his left hand in his hair, running his fingertips over Jungkook’s scalp slowly.
“Can you play instruments?” Taehyung asks him, having his eyes closed now that he is hugging Jungkook.
“Yoongi is teaching me how to play the guitar”, Jungkook answers him with his eyes closed in comfort. So that’s how it feels like. A long hug. That’s how it feels like.
“Oh, that is a good instrument. I am sure that you are very good at it already.”
“No, I’m not. It’s so hard.”
Taehyung chuckles, “indeed. I tried playing the guitar once, but gave up because it was way too difficult.”
Jungkook chuckles and Taehyung does too.
“Can you play something?” Jungkook asks Taehyung.
“Yes. The violin and the saxophone. I can also play the trumpet, but I am not very good at it. And at one point I was a very popular cembalo player.”
Jungkook has to laugh.
“Cembalo? Really?” he asks, looking up at Taehyung.
“Why are you laughing? Cembalos were very popular once upon a time. I was the most exciting person at parties”, Taehyung says with widened eyes.
“I’m sure you were”, Jungkook snickers.
Taehyung studies Jungkook’s features and slowly his face morphs into a fond smile before a warm laugh shakes his body. And Jungkook feels the need to laugh right with him, hands placed atop Taehyung’s chest and feet under the weight of his own butt.
Their laughter fades out in synch with the song fading into the next one. Taehyung’s eyes race between Jungkook’s. Jungkook’s do the same to Taehyung’s.
“I uhm”, Taehyung begins and sits up.
Like this, his legs are around Jungkook while the latter is kneeling right between them with his hands slipping down Taehyung’s torso as gravity pulls them down.
“Jungkook, I”, Taehyung whispers, placing his hands on Jungkook’s waist.
“Yeah?” Jungkook breathes.
“I really want to kiss you. Do you want the same?”
Jungkook exhales shakily, lowering his eyes. His hands finally come to stop on Taehyung’s lower tummy. It is bend in a little inwards slope because of the position the two vampires find themselves in. Jungkook traces the shape of it before his fingers naturally slip to his waist.
His eyes flit up, meeting Taehyung’s nervous gaze. He is holding his breath, not daring to move even if Jungkook’s gentle touch makes him shiver oh so much.
“I think”, Jungkook begins. His eyes flit to Taehyung’s lips. “I think I want the same”, he confesses and moves in.
Taehyung meets him halfway with his eyes already closed and a soft sigh slipping off his tongue. Their lips touch. Taehyung places his hand on the back of Jungkook’s neck instantly, fingers grasping him with such desperate emotion that Jungkook finds himself drawing closer to him if he wanted to or not.
He exhales shakily during a moment where their lips break apart, but neither of them decide to break the kiss any further. They fall into it again, wrapping their arms around the other until their chests melt into one and their hands bury themselves deep in the other’s hair.
A long hug and deep kisses. They won’t tell each other, but both know that this is all they needed tonight. They may both have different reasons, but they don’t mind because in this moment right here on the backseat of this car while outside the rain kisses the world, they were okay.
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addie4ddie2005 · 5 months
MILES WAS THE VILLAIN IN ELECTRIC DREAMS!!! THAT LYING BITCH!!! First of all your GF can do SO much better she had to LOBOTOMIZE HERSELF 4 YOUUU making my girl miss out on her passions cuz she’s so busy with you tehe,, like I’m so confused he was a fumble the ENTIRE time… Not even in a cute way. Just a pure fumble. An oaf. She don’t even like you bruh it was your computer that had her at the first serenade 😭😭😭
And OHHH your computer… you soured that from the START you made LIFE and you chose to be mean to it!!! What!!! That’s your baby!!! Literally every time he spoke to Edgar had me cringinggg ohihdoughhu Edgar. Edgar if only you were born to anyone who would have spoken kindly to you who wouldn’t have jammed their fingers into your keyboard… Who would have cherished your art so so much…
Miles never redeemed himself IMO like he gave a cool pep-talk and then decided to be nice to Edgar on his death bed but other than that he was a jerk the entire time. Maybe I’m stupid but it didn’t seem like Maddie ever came to the point where she found out he was a fraud??? Like did I miss it??? She’s living a delusion. He’s living a delusion. Manic Pixie Dream Girl x Some Guy (/neg) type beat. Why is she fooling around with him what does he have. I hate him. I was waiting for the moment where Ed would be like “Yeah I wrote those cool songs” and Maddie would be like ohhh there is no deeper reason why I like this guy and take Edgar home and dump his sorry ass!! Like fr that would have been the good ending 😭😭
Oh Edgar. Edgar U were denied love 4 too long. Denied ANY attention ANY engagement. Broke my heart whenever his sweet little voice cracked or raised with emotion. “I want to touch her” “Can you hold me please?” RHHGGGGGAGAGG I WOULD HAVW TREATED U BETTERRR
Rhhh another evil Miles fact. Edgar calls him at work cuz Edgar says he’s LONELY!! He SAYS it!! Miles hits him with “Just watch your soaps duh” and then goes home and hits him with “How can you watch that garbage??” BECAUSE YOU TOLD HIM TO!! CONFLICTING ORDERS!! BULLYING AND BAD PARENTING!!
Miles had a Living Thing in his house that HE created going through an excruciating crisis and chose to bully it. I might be going a little bonkers cuz it’s 1AM and I am delirious with emotion but can I call it abuse?? Mental Verbal Physical literally all the things?? Then he won. Miles got what he wanted and never apologized. I honestly can’t tell what the moral is supposed to be. No one became a better person except for Edgar because he LEFT and Maddie actually made it out worse for dating a brick wall like Miles. Hehe. (Also… Edgar programmed the brick. Edgar literally did it. Miles had the idea but who executed it??? Edgar. Miles has no accomplishments. Just the way he lies in EVERY situation about things he does NOT need to lie about makes me fear so baddd for Maddie. He is a big bright red flag girl you are not in it to win it run awayyy you will have better luck with the computer!!)
Ermmm. Good movie??? I liked how chunky and clunky it sounded??? i need to. kiss a computer.
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I took notes on my thoughts while watching Nerdy Prudes Must Die because I did the same for Black Friday
DAMN Jon said “I am a TENOR”
I literally can’t get over how good he sounds
Bro these songs SLAP
Damn Mariahs hair is so long
Pete is such a mood
I’m literally terrified of being pantsed so bad
Omg hey Kim
When Cory enthusiastically agrees I’m dying
Omg Max likes Grace???????
Wait that’s so cute
Wait why’s he kinda fine
“His name is Jesus Christ” HELP 💀💀💀💀💀
It’s giving Apex Predator (from Mean Girls)
My jaw is on the floor the way Cory is talking to her
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?” ME LMFAO
The way hes like “this is about thermodynamics” me me me. I hate when people make jokes about the things we’re not even talking about.
Study date????????
Joey Richter my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
When Max enters and the crowd cheers
Max literally has a God complex
Why is Kim everyones mom?
“Walen place”?????
“Mom will you pass the butt stuff????” HELP SHES BEEN CORRUPTED
Awwww Grace is experiencing Catholic Guilt™ ❤️❤️❤️
Girl wdym “he’s gotta go”???
Laurens character is bisexual???????
“WAIFU MATERIAL”?????? I literally can’t get over Jons character
Wait Grace is a little fucked up actually
Wait since the Waylons built hatchetfield high and the starlight theater, could they have cursed the town somehow? Like I know about the evil brothers or whatever, but I’m not super familiar with the lore
Wait I kind of love Grace now
Mariah slays
“Am I reading as Ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?” AWWWWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“Your fucking useless Pete.” Tgwdlm???? In MY npmd???? It’s more likely than you think
I’m very suspicious about how fast they seemed to put the plan together…
I know the plan wont work and Im so nervous I’m getting secondhand embarrassment so bad rn
I need Max Jagerman actually
Awwww Max is a Theater Kid ❤️❤️❤️
I love how upbeat this song is
Omg Dan and Donna!
Slay Mayor Lauter
His reaction to being asked to the game is giving- “she asked me for the time” “no way” “way :D”
I like that the football team has only 2 players
I love when actors walk through the audience, but ESPECIALLY here when hes stalking Richie bro looks so good
Listen I know he’s about to kill Richie but HES SO FINE HELP
Im literally so Gay bro
When she says hes not hot anymore girl speak for yoursef
Please let Grace swear
Oh fuck they’re giving themselves away
Grace Chastity said “acab”
Cory needs more songs
Damn who is this girl in a trenchcoat 😍😍😍
Random side note but what happened to Robert? I was just thinking about how I wish we could see Hidgens again but is Robert still a part of Starkid anymore? Is he on to Bigger and Better things? Does anyone know what those are? I’d love to continue to support him.
The invisible bird. Literally high school theater
“Heahs the thang about ah bahbecue”
“Ah wawna remember who ah ayum”
Ruth is so real for not know when to do the lights bc the cue lines were wrong
Ugh Laurens voice is so good and I know ive said that about pretty much everyone but it’s true
I know shes about to die rn
The red lighting gave it away
Why did Kim scream like that
Awww Grace has religious trauma now ❤️❤️❤️
He gave her his number❤️❤️❤️
Hot chocolate boy!!!!!!!! I knew Peter was the hot chocolate boy but still
This duet is EVERYTHING
Obsessed with the fact he called MARIAH ROSE FAITH a MEAN GIRL
“Axe wielding maniacs?”
The Waylons did not dig that shit very deep…
im so sorry Zombie Max is So Fine
“Let me check my Christmas list”
“What do you want steph?” MORE tgwdlm? In MY npmd?
I feel bad for not knowing all their names
Max says bitch a lot
Damn this show is long
Omg this is so sad im tearing up a lil
Max is so fucking funny
Damn Grace is seducing Max this is hilarious
Fuck Grace Chastity or kill some nerds? One of the many difficult decisions in life
He decides to fuck Grace Chastity
Thats some fuckin Macbeth level shit
Kims teacher character is so cute awwwww
Paul and Bill dance Chaperones??????
Oh nvm that’s Jason
I don’t think I ever mentioned it but the dancing is really good
It’s very clean and crisp
In the last 2 hours I very quickly developed a massive crush on Will Branner
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I know....im supposed to do other things, but I just had an idea. [Why is my quaking brain only working when I'm busy with something else? Bruh]
Also, if there's somehow a post that is similar, sorry. Like there's literally so many. People could have similar ideas, you know 👍 also I know very well this thing is gonna become a flop/fail
Warning: angst [maybe?] Idk.
Other Worldly God.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
1: HoYoLAB Poster/owner:????
2: Genshin wiki fandom title: night sky above dragonspine
There we're once a world called Teyvat. The world was peaceful, quiet, and soothing. Even though their creator wasn't really there for them, everyone still worshiped them. Why? Simply because they created them.
But soon, the creator dies. The reason was that they killed themselves because they could not bear the responsibility. They say that the pain of it was agonizing. The world began to crumble, and celestials could not stop this. Everyone lost hope until a miracle happened, Teyvat was back to normal. What was happening? It will remain a mystery to the others. But those who share the memories [heh, Zhongli lol] shall remember and know the true story.
"Oh, hello traveler! What brings you to this fine evening?" [Venti]
"Tsk, don't listen to that drunken bard. Although I am curious why you are here?..." [Zhongli]
"..." [Raiden/Ei]
"Hello, traveler! Ah, the atmosphere is a little tense, but everything is fine..." [Nahida]
Well, this is awkward....
"Well, paimon and traveler was just walking around to do some commission, but we got lost and found you here! Augh, I don't think paimon can fly anymore because how awkward this is!"
Aether/lumine tried holding back their laughter from hearing paimon's little statement.
"Anyways, paimon is curious. Why are you guys standing near a......"
Paimon face went pale. She wanted to scream, but nothing came out of her.
"....." [archons]
"What is what, paimon?" [Traveler]
Paimon went behind the traveler as the traveler finally felt like something was wrong...
"What are you guys hiding..." [traveler]
"You don't need to know such things. This is our business, as Archons." [Zhongli]
"Zhongli is correct." [Ei]
It was weird seeing Ei not using her puppet instead to just go to this place for....what ever that thing is behind them.
"Well, shouldn't I deserve to know since I've helped you in so many things, don't you think?" [Traveler]
"The traveler is right. We can trust them since they helped us in so many things." [Nahida]
"I agree! I don't think they would dare tell a soul about it..." [Venti]
The Archons moved away to stop blocking the view. Whatever the traveler had seen made them pale. Nahida clenched her hands as the other archons looked away, seemingly looking guilty.
"What did you do?!" [Traveler]
"We did nothing! They....they were already like this!...." [zhongli]
This is the first time seeing the calm, collected archon become so...angry
The figure they saw was embedded into the ground. Their eyes held no soul. There were vines-like things growing on their arms. Making the figure more embedded than it is. It's like Teyvat is sucking them in, what's going on?
"Traveler, have you heard a story of the creator?" [Nahida/Zhongli]
Traveler shakes their head as a sign of no. While they feel Paimon gripped their clothing harder, as they see Paimon was about to tear up.
The archons let Nahida explain the story of what people believed happened. Although some parts were correct, it wasn't really the story.
Venti volunteers to sing the true story, but Zhongli stops him.
"I am older than all of you, so I should be the one who tells the story. Am I not correct?"
Nahida, let's Zhongli explain since it was true he was the oldest and experienced it in first hand.
"You see, the original creator died, and Teyvat was crumbling to its death. But the figure you saw behind us was a God who saved us. They were more powerful than the celestials, but our original creator set some limits. As you can see, the reason why they are embedded is that they sacrificed their body to become one with Teyvat. Giving support to it. Since im the god of contracts, I had seen the contract between our creator and the God who saved us. Even if our creator was dead, their soul still remained and made a deal with them. Now that kind God is here. Before they became unconscious, they told us that when an outlander reaches sumeru, they will be awakened and finally be free from the grasp." [Zhongli]
To be continued
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chairteeth · 1 year
“Nemu Hiiragi: The Shadow”
The promised Magius Nemu essay arrives. I have given up on proper essay formatting and will simply leave my analyses in semi-rant form because my brain is too chaotic and goes on too many tangents. It cannot be tamed. Informal essay under the cut!
So. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has heard others refer to Nemu as a shadow, Touka 2.0, or some other frankly reductive term. Most of the time, unless her creations come up, she’s not discussed at all, and even then�� barely. That’s not exactly surprising. Given Nemu’s normally calm demeanor, and the fact that she and Touka are joined at the hip, it’s only natural that Touka would be the one to get the most attention, the one who stands out. Where Touka is the boisterous sun, Nemu is the humble moon. Today, we turn our eyes to the moon.
There is so much to talk about when it comes to Magius Nemu and pretty much all of it is going to make you really sad. Much like Touka and all other magical girls, she led a double life the entire time, but in her case, when she “traded one terminal illness for another” she got the short end of the stick. Imagine being a writer and discovering that your magic allows you to give physical form to your stories, to breathe life into your creations—literally. Now picture finding out later down the line that each time you use it, it consumes so much magic that it shaves off pieces of your very life force. That’s one slap in the face. But, it gets worse.
Let me lay out everything we know about how Magius Nemu’s sacrifices affected her physically, and how each of the people around her responded to her worsening condition. First, we know it causes pain severe enough to temporarily affect her vision and speech, and severe enough to make her fall to the ground, though she doesn’t always faint from it. We know it inflicts exhaustion and that even something like releasing an uwasa for the first time can make her pass out on the spot, so presumably it’s a lengthy process that takes a toll on her at every stage (well not sure about conceptualization, but creation and release definitely do). A voiced example of one of these episodes is in Arc 1 Chapter 8, 4:02:36 - 4:03:43 if you're watching the video.
Now, as for the people around Nemu, starting from more distant to closest. Her family? Oblivious, responsible for her state of emotional deprivation and for several other issues. Alina? Ehh she seems to either not care or care very little, which is properly Alina-esque of her. Mifuyu? Oh let me talk about MIFUYU for a second. Disclaimer, despite her many sins committed against my favorite characters, I do love the sheep, she’s too much of a failure, I cannot hate her. But Mifuyu “I want to be a nurse” Azusa is insensitive beyond belief, and I was honestly surprised when they appointed her to be some sort of… ethics teacher for Touka? Bruh. You see, an MGS is supposed to put us in the shoes of whatever character it’s about. That’s what it does. However my brain is broken and perceives the world from a TouNemu perspective by default. Which means I had a completely different reading of Mifuyu’s MGS. I am going to illustrate my point with screenshots this time because I happen to have them on hand.
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Mifuyu says this about Touka and Nemu getting worked up over Alina wanting to prioritize witches above rumors. But. Here’s the thing. The thing that Mifuyu seems to be missing completely. Rumors are created by Nemu, through a sacrifice of her own life force that worsens her pain and makes her suffer more with each subsequent use. Evidently, the girls reply that no, they don’t think they were getting too emotional.
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YOU THINK? Have you given any thought to why that could possibly be the case, Mifuyu? But, okay, fine, we can look past this. Alright. Next scene, it’s Touka and Nemu being upset that Yachiyo just destroyed the Divorce Stairs (I call them that, but for clarification, it’s the Friendship-Ending Staircase). I’m going to bring something up that I don’t believe is exactly contradicted by canon, though not confirmed either, but I’d be willing to believe by the fact that Nemu knows of Iroha (by name and I assume appearance) that there’s a psychic link of some kind between the uwasa and their creator. That would make sense, considering they are made of her magic and have pieces of her life force. If this is true, then that massacre Iroha and Yachiyo go on during Arc 1 Chapter 7 is far, far worse.
But alright, back to the scene. Touka is standing up for Nemu here, and Mifuyu proceeds to go and dismiss their feelings because, as she says in her thoughts, “they’re just children”. Okay, Mifuyu, hear me out. They’re 11-12. They’re not toddlers. Just because they’re children doesn’t make their emotions invalid, unimportant, or not worth considering. Particularly in this case, where they have a good reason to be upset. Nemu even mentions the life force she’s using up and Mifuyu’s first and only thought is “Yacchan…” (this is a repeating pattern).
The next relevant scene is one where Mifuyu does something Alina has also done and Touka hasn't: ask Nemu to make a rumor for her.
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Nemu reminds her that it comes at a cost, and that she’s using up her life for this. Nemu gives in, of course. I will talk about this imminently. First though, the final scene of Mifuyu’s MGS. Where Mifuyu repeats the previous pattern but worse. How exactly is it worse? I’ll let the screenshots speak for themselves here. Nemu and Mifuyu meet at the shrine where the uwasa is going to be released, Nemu does the deed, and faints, then Mifuyu reacts like this:
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These screenshots are less than a second apart. It is the immediate follow-up. Absolutely zero concern for one of the people she’s supposed to be responsible for who just did her a pretty big favor (as if you needed someone’s blood to open a door, they stabbed themselves to get you the blood, and then you left them on the ground in pain). So yes Mifuyu is insensitive and she is not helping Nemu’s view of adults. Relatedly, before I move to talking about Touka, since I’d like to actually end this on a non-depressing note, I’m going to circle back a little to Nemu’s family.
I am infamous for not liking Nemu’s family. Her parents, mainly. Her brother, for as much of a snotty brat as he is to her, is presumably still very tiny and has had scarce interactions with his sister, therefore leading to the way Nemu describes their relationship (“strangers”). As a slight aside, Nemu does try very hard to have a relationship with her brother, not only in her MGS, but in her solo Christmas quotes where she’s lost on what to get as a gift for a kid that likes soccer and asks Homescreen-chan for advice. And you see, Nemu has this thing where once you get past a certain point with her, she becomes a people pleaser. Unlike when Ui’s parents have visited before (seen in TouNemu’s Christmas MGS), Nemu was shocked to hear that her mother and brother had come to see her. This leads me to believe the visits are an extremely rare occurrence and that there is no other contact besides them. Ui’s parents at least video call her, from what the quotes say.
And now we have reached the point where it’s unavoidable and I have to talk about Nemu’s emotional trauma. Her family does not seem to know about her writing, which was a good call because it shielded her from much of the gifted kid trauma. However, that doesn’t mean her parents’ actions (or lack thereof) were without consequence. A lot of these might be subconscious, so bear with me a second. At this point in the timeline, Nemu struggles to believe that others will meet her needs or care for her. She seeks affirmation, acceptance, approval, and fortunately seems to get it in the form of her website and Touka during this era.
Let me give you some examples of Nemu’s people-pleasing tendencies, as any kid would learn that catering to the needs and desires of others can sometimes lead to a sense of belonging or validation—she explicitly wants that, she is aware that she wants to feel loved. This is immensely obvious with her family’s visits, where her first reaction isn’t good but then she plays along and puts up a happier face (which drops literally as soon as her mother and brother are out of the room), even apologizing for the slightest inconvenience regardless of whether or not the reaction to that inconvenience was bad (the book that was hard to find, the general Presence™ of her family in the room, apologizes again for talking about her feelings, etc). So that she doesn’t have to burden them with her feelings. So that her mother can feel like she’s fulfilled her duty by walking into the room, giving Nemu a rundown of what the family has been up to, and leaving without really actually spending any real quality time with her or bothering to really ask about her. Touka gets (righteously) angry in Nemu’s stead once her mother and brother have left precisely because of this. Nemu proceeds to, like many children in her position, defend her parents completely and then chastise herself for “looking down on them”. Touka and Ui both understand at least the heart of the issues at play here, and express as much. My point here isn’t exactly “Nemu’s parents are equivalent to Sana’s” or anything, it’s more that they’re extremely oblivious and their actions (and lack thereof) have hurt Nemu deeply.
That habit Nemu’s parents have of never truly showing interest in their daughter’s life seems to remain after the hospital, and then they’re focused on her brother’s comfort. Not Nemu’s. Never Nemu’s. Then, later on, in the Wings of the Magius, every time someone asks her to make a rumor (read: sacrifice a piece of her life force and make herself feel physically worse presumably forever), she agrees. Mifuyu asks her to, yeah sure. Alina wants a rumor? Of course. I won’t count when everyone asked her for stuff to add to Fendt Hope solely because I’m not sure Fendt Hope works like normal rumors do. Something, something, difficulty setting and maintaining healthy boundaries, struggling to distinguish her own needs from the needs of others…
A child who learned that her voice and desires were not prioritized in such critical stages of her life naturally struggles to articulate her own needs and wants. Prime example, Fendt Hope’s creation. She listens to the others give their ideas for it, never suggesting anything herself after reminding them of her usefulness. Until. Touka asks. When she does, Nemu seems almost taken aback. She apologizes. Nothing comes to mind. That very same day, she gets home, tries again to have some sort of positive interaction or time with her brother, gets rejected. As soon as an alternative form of service (doing the dishes for her exhausted mother so that she may help her brother with homework) presents itself, she practically jumps at the opportunity. The scene after that one, with the way she views Touka, Alina, and Mifuyu, vs the way she views her mother and brother, only makes this more obvious. How is Nemu supposed to feel any sense of value at home? At least as a magical girl, she’s useful. At least as a Magius, she has people who know her. The feelings of low self-worth aren’t as obvious on Nemu as they are on many of the other girls who have them, though.
The next time there’s a Magius meeting, this time to decide on a name for their base, Touka is again the one who asks Nemu for her opinion. It’s important to note that Touka is never once hostile, aggressive, or even annoyed when she does this. She considers Nemu’s thoughts and feelings more than anyone. Heck, Nemu would have no way to doubt Touka’s care for her considering their history and the way she acts.
Now I get to talk about the relationship between Magius Nemu and Magius Touka. If I start gushing incoherently, I apologize in advance. I covered a bit of Magius Touka’s attitude towards Nemu in the essay dedicated to her, and slightly in this one, but now I want to draw attention to how incredibly sweet Touka can be when it comes to Nemu. Nemu desperately needs that reliability and that love Touka provides, the hope she brings. And Touka is the one person who openly shows her care, attention. Over and over again.
Touka considers Nemu an equal. During the main story, as I said in my Magius Touka essay, she shows concern for Nemu’s health and wellbeing when no one else does. This goes beyond her magic-given affliction! I only wish we had more bits and pieces from that era, but as for what we do have… Well, I have to point at Nemu’s swimsuit costume story for the easiest and shortest point of reference. I’d use screenshots, but if I did, I would just end up showing you every single piece of dialogue and expression.
In that costume story, Touka and Nemu are at Fendt Hope, talking about their future trip to the beach (which they made plans for together in Touka’s swimsuit costume story). Nemu has her insecurities, and she’s shy about putting on the swimsuit, but then Touka proceeds to be incredibly supportive by first making her feel comfortable—for some reason she also had her own swimsuit lying around and offered to wear it too because Nemu mentioned it’d be embarrassing if she was the only one wearing a swimsuit and Touka was wearing clothes—then as soon as Nemu expresses self-doubt, she doubles down via genuine compliments (these two compliment each other way more than you think, even in main story Touka praises Nemu for her ideas). This is also a rare occasion where we’re shown that Nemu’s parents, or her mom at least, who seems more present than her dad, mean no harm, since it was Nemu’s mother who helped pick out every element of her swimsuit. After that, Touka goes off to change back into her school uniform, and Nemu is “uncharacteristically giddy” (as she states) looking at herself in the mirror. Touka gets back, and Nemu is startled to have been caught in a vulnerable state, but, critically, Touka is happy to see her happy and doesn’t tease her, although Nemu (jokingly, blushing) laments that letting Touka read her heart is the greatest failure of her life. Nemu asks Touka to listen. And Touka complies. Nemu trusts Touka with her heart, with her honest feelings, and knows Touka will never hurt her. That’s why she’s able to be so sincere with her. This is shown in Nemu’s Tap 8 quote, where she also refers to Touka as trustworthy (Touka has a matching Tap 8 quote, and hers is about how reliable Nemu is for her). This relationship, no matter what it is, is deeply important to both participants.
Finally, to end this glorified rant… I know I used the sun and moon metaphor earlier, but. I would like to borrow the words of Nemu in one of my fics: “It’s silent at night. Touka stays up with her telescope, I stay up reading nearby. We are stardust brought to life. A quiet place, just for us. The gentlest fire in us, like binary stars.” (I’m sorry but the binary stars comparison is too good not to mention). Their connection was there before the Magius, and after everything they went through, their lives became irreversibly bound, intertwined beyond the understanding of quite literally anyone else. They practically always speak in plural, the time they spend together has been on the rise, and at the time of writing? To avoid spoiling Arc 2 Chapter 12, I won’t go into specifics, but the relationship has reached a beautiful point that I will froth at the mouth about eventually.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the Nemu essay, I went slightly more feral this time so apologies for that. I’ll see how soon the hospital era essay can be thrown into the wild. Nishi out!
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Ochaco with a rich!reader who loves to spoil her
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I was originally a yandere blog why am I writing fluff bruh (I swear I’ll come back to my roots y’all)
Fem!reader, Ochaco is not used to being spoiled with expensive things and get nervous whenever you do, reader have a crush on Ochaco and confessed, reader is older (by one year)
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You were a second year in UA business department class. And just like any other business course students sports festival is a great opportunity for you to set your eyes on potential future heroes.
Just like everyone else you’ve heard about the recent attacks on USJ, so you payed more attention to the 1A students.
You can see a lot of promising students in that class, reckless but sure you can shape them to be better.
But on particular student caught your eyes the most, Ochaco Uraraka.
Amazing quirk, passionate too, and her unexpected tactics against her blonde classmates truly amaze you. Not to mention super cute.
What the hell, maybe you’re thinking too much of this, but maybe your friends prediction for ‘the oh so serious y/n’ to fall with a cute girl is true.
Well whatever stereotypes can go to hell.
Ever since then you began trying to get close to her, approaching her during lunch, having small talks and exchanging numbers. You even got close enough to call each other by your first name(A lot of your classmates complained saying how it took them a year to be able to call you by your first name)
But there’s one thing you love to do the most; giving her gifts. You suppose it’s because of how when you were younger your parents always gave you gifts as a sign to show love(and to make up how busy they were with their business)
So you done the same, giving her small gifts. Watches, perfumes, bags and literally anything that reminds you of her.
But Uraraka feels so overwhelmed. Listen, she love love the gifts so much, it means a lot to her! But it’s just too expensive not to mention the amount you give her too.
She’s not used to having all of this gifted to her, considering her family economic condition growing up.
And she feels bad, she felt as if she was just using you for money. She was not, but she can’t help but feel like it, every time she mentioned her likings to something you always come and give it to her like nothing!
She really like you, you’re just so kind, so cool, and so beautiful to her. And it bothers her that it seems she is being a burden to you.
So she decided to confront you about it.
“Hello Ochaco, mind walking to the gates with me?” You smiled at her. “Oh hey Y/n-senpai! Of course wait a second,” she said, hurriedly closing her bags.
You stood straight in front of the large doors, some of the girls inside began whispering to Ochaco with a big smile, leaving the said girl blushing.
“Bye guys,” she bid all of her classmates goodbye, while you just gave them a small nod. The walks are quiet, which was weird. Sure you were always the quiet type, but usually Ochaco would already talk about her day, how hard her class was or how exciting her hero trainings were.
“Hey Ochaco, is there something wrong?” You asked her, worried as ever. “O-oh there’s just something on my mind I guess,” she nervously replied.
“Is that so? Mind sharing with me?” You gently smiled at her, trying to encourage her to share whatever has been bothering her. “Uhm it’s about your gifts senpai,” she whispered.
“What’s wrong do you not like it?” You furrowed your brows, maybe the things you bought for her was not to her taste?
“No! No! It’s not like that I swear!” She said panicked, afraid that you got the wrong idea. “Then what is it?” You asked her again.
“It’s just… I’m not used to get these expensive things and I feel like I’m just using you as if our whole friendship is just all about material,” she sughed. “Oh Ochaco, I’m sorry I made you feel like that,” you gently took her hands and hold them.
“That’s just how I’ve been taught to show my affection, I have a hard time trying to communicate with my feelings,” you smiled at her. “I really like you Ochaco, and if it made you uncomfortable that I shower you with gifts then I’ll try to learn to communicate my feelings for you” your other hand gently touched her cheeks.
“So I’ll start with this, I have a crush on you Ochaco.” She immediately blushed at your words. You let go of her face “I’ll give you sometime to think about your feelings too okay? Whatever your answer is please, never grew distant from me.”
She shyly nods at you, you both continue to walk to the station still holding hands. You who refused to let go of the moment, and her enjoying the warmth whilst thinking about your confession.
Unknowingly the girls were looking above from the window, fangirling of your interaction with their classmates. Hopefully Ochaco is ready for the question thrown at her tomorrow.
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