halfshellman · 1 month
yes I will get out of art block via reigniting my frankenstein hyperfixation
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lunasilvis · 1 year
Woke up with a sudden burst of energy and a head that feels more cleared today. Finished doing my taxes yesterday and college is going well. I’ve almost gotten out of my state of emotion regarding my old love, but hell, I miss you most on mornings and when I go to sleep. ((ok not diving in too much again, I am healing and not sabotaging myself again :-) )) Trailblazin’ through my internship document, hopefully hand it in before Monday, and then start writing my thesis AKA the end of my 4-year study in Amsterdam !!!
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velourpublishing · 2 years
Rack Me
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tobiasdrake · 22 days
I really do love how much you can tell about Doomguy just from looking around his room.
Like. Yeah, all the stuff you expect to see is there.
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He's got his big ol' gun rack.
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What appears to be a rock he uses as a punching bag.
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Whetstone for sharpening his knives. All the Real Manly Violence Man stuff you'd think would be there.
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But also a pair of nunchaku. Doomguy has never used nunchaku in any of his games. Those are just there because apparently he's the kind of dork who likes to play around with nunchaku and pretend he's doing kung fu.
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Also a jump rope. Gotta keep his cardio up for all that running and jumping he has to do.
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He reads Guns & Bullets magazine, but he also reads Science Monthly. Which makes sense that he'd be a bit of a techie since....
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...he seems to have made his new Praetor Suit by disassembling the old one and rebuilding it to be higher-quality. You can see from the guts of the suit that it's powered armor, and he just... knows how to work that.
He's mad. Not stupid.
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He also reads cooking magazines, of course. His only friend is Doom J.A.R.V.I.S.; He's gotta be self-sufficient. Though how he got those pizzas delivered is certainly beyond me.
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And, of course, he has a collection of regular books that he likes to read as well. Though his taste in literature reveals a certain trend.
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Also, he reads comics.
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So many comics.
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So, so many comics that he's left discarded comics lying around on his munitions cases. This man is a nerd.
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And if you doubt his nerd cred, remember that he even keeps collectible toy displays. Doomguy is explicitly the kind of person who will go out of his way in a firefight with the forces of Hell itself to go snatch up a new toy for his collection.
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He even has collectible toy figures hanging out on his computer desk. He put a little hard hat on one of them.
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On the other side of his desk, he's got some leftover pizza from the inexplicable delivery service, plus takoyaki flavor chips and some candy. It seems Doomguy is a fruity candy kind of guy, not a chocolate guy. Man after my own heart.
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Oh, you know he has shredded every single surface of the Fortress of Doom at some point. How do you think he learned to react so quickly in combat?
That is, of course....
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When he's not ROCKING OUT with one of his three separate guitars. I bet the middle one's his favorite. It has a place of honor under the giant demon skull.
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Some people might say that a record player and casette tapes are old-fashioned but cut him some slack; He's a Gen X-er.
Of course, there's one thing that any walk through Doomguy's room reveals more than anything else. The one thing that matters more than the world to him. The thing that drives him in his every waking moment.
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He loved his bunny rabbit. My favorite thing about the portrait - Well, my favorite thing about it is that it's a piece of fanart that got officially canonized, but aside from that - is that he's wearing his Praetor Suit in it.
That's not something he brought from home. He commissioned an artist to paint that after becoming a Night Sentinel. He still loves his poor, late bunny rabbit.
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And he keeps her close to him when he's home.
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Okay, let me tell you a story:
Once upon a time, there was a prose translation of the Pearl Poet’s Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. It was wonderfully charming and lyrical and perfect for use in a high school, and so a clever English teacher (as one did in the 70s) made a scan of the book for her students, saved it as a pdf, and printed copies off for her students every year. In true teacher tradition, she shared the file with her colleagues, and so for many years the students of the high school all studied Sir Gawain and the Green Knight from the same (very badly scanned) version of this wonderful prose translation.
In time, a new teacher became head of the English Department, and while he agreed that the prose translation was very wonderful he felt that the quality of the scan was much less so. Also in true teacher tradition, he then spent hours typing up the scan into a word processor, with a few typos here and there and a few places where he was genuinely just guessing wildly at what the scan actually said. This completed word document was much cleaner and easier for the students to read, and so of course he shared it with his colleagues, including his very new wide-eyed faculty member who was teaching British Literature for the first time (this was me).
As teachers sometimes do, he moved on for greener (ie, better paying) pastures, leaving behind the word document, but not the original pdf scan. This of course meant that as I was attempting to verify whether a weird word was a typo or a genuine artifact of the original translation, I had no other version to compare it to. Being a good card-holding gen zillenial I of course turned to google, making good use of the super secret plagiarism-checking teacher technique “Quotation Marks”, with an astonishing result:
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By which I mean literally one result.
For my purposes, this was precisely what I needed: a very clean and crisp scan that allowed me to make corrections to my typed edition: a happily ever after, amen.
But beware, for deep within my soul a terrible Monster was stirring. Bane of procrastinators everywhere, my Curiosity had found a likely looking rabbit hole. See, this wonderfully clear and crisp scan was lacking in two rather important pieces of identifying information: the title of the book from which the scan was taken, and the name of the translator. The only identifying features were the section title “Precursors” (and no, that is not the title of the book, believe me I looked) and this little leaf-like motif by the page numbers:
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(Remember the leaf. This will be important later.)
We shall not dwell at length on the hours of internet research that ensued—how the sun slowly dipped behind the horizon, grading abandoned in shadows half-lit by the the blue glow of the computer screen—how google search after search racked up, until an email warning of “unusual activity on your account” flashed into momentary existence before being consigned immediately and with some prejudice to the digital void—how one third of the way through a “comprehensive but not exhaustive” list of Sir Gawain translators despair crept in until I was left in utter darkness, screen black and eyes staring dully at the wall.
Above all, let us not admit to the fact that such an afternoon occurred not once, not twice, but three times.
Suffice to say, many hours had been spent in fruitless pursuit before a new thought crept in: if this book was so mysterious, so obscure as to defeat the modern search engine, perhaps the answer lay not in the technologies of today, but the wisdom of the past. Fingers trembling, I pulled up the last blast email that had been sent to current and former faculty and staff, and began to compose an email to the timeless and indomitable woman who had taught English to me when I was a student, and who had, after nearly fifty years, retired from teaching just before I returned to my alma mater.
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After staring at the email for approximately five or so minutes, I winced, pressed send, and let my plea sail out into the void. I cannot adequately describe for you the instinctive reverence I possess towards this teacher; suffice to say that Ms English was and is a woman of remarkable character, as much a legend as an institution as a woman of flesh and blood whose enduring influence inspired countless students. There is not a student taught by Ms. English who does not have a story to tell about her, and her decline in her last years of teaching and eventual retirement in the face of COVID was the end of an era. She still remembers me, and every couple months one of her contemporaries and dear friends who still works as a guidance counsellor stops me in the hall to tell me that Ms. English says hello and that she is thrilled that I am teaching here—thrilled that I am teaching honors students—thrilled that I am now teaching the AP students. “Tell her I said hello back,” I always say, and smile.
Ms. English is a legend, and one does not expect legends to respond to you immediately. Who knows when a woman of her generation would next think to check her email? Who knows if she would remember?
The day after I sent the email I got this response:
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My friends, I was shaken. I was stunned. Imagine asking God a question and he turns to you and says, “Hold on one moment, let me check with my predecessor.”
The idea that even Ms. English had inherited this mysterious translation had never even occurred to me as a possibility, not when Ms. English had been a faculty member since the early days of the school. How wonderful, I thought to myself. What a great thing, that this translation is so obscure and mysterious that it defeats even Ms. English.
A few days later, Ms. English emailed me again:
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(I had, in fact searched through both the English office and the Annex—a dark, weirdly shaped concrete storage area containing a great deal of dust and many aging copies of various books—a few days prior. I had no luck, sadly.)
At last, though, I had a title and a description! I returned to my internet search, only to find to my dismay that there was no book that exactly matched the title. I found THE BRITISH TRADITION: POETRY, PROSE, AND DRAMA (which was not black and the table of contents I found did not include Sir Gawain) and THE ENGLISH TRADITION, a super early edition of the Prentice Hall textbooks we use today, which did have a black cover but there were absolutely zero images I could find of the table of contents or the interior and so I had no way of determining if it was the correct book short of laying out an unfortunate amount of cold hard cash for a potential dead end.
So I sighed, and relinquished my dreams of solving the mystery. Perhaps someday 30 years from now, I thought, I’ll be wandering through one of those mysterious bookshops filled with out of print books and I’ll pick up a book and there will be the translation, found out last!
So I sighed, and told the whole story to my colleagues for a laugh. I sent screenshots of Ms. English’s emails to my siblings who were also taught by her. I told the story to my Dad over dinner as my Great Adventure of the Week.
…my friends. I come by my rabbit-hole curiosity honestly, but my Dad is of a different generation of computer literacy and knows a few Deep Secrets that I have never learned. He asked me the title that Ms. English gave me, pulled up some mysterious catalogue site, and within ten minutes found a title card. There are apparently two copies available in libraries worldwide, one in Philadelphia and the other in British Columbia. I said, “sure, Dad,” and went upstairs. He texted me a link. Rolling my eyes, I opened it and looked at the description.
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Huh, I thought. Four volumes, just like Ms. English said. I wonder…
Armed with a slightly different title and a publisher, I looked up “The English Tradition: Fiction macmillan” and the first entry is an eBay sale that had picture of the interior and LO AND BEHOLD:
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My dad found it! He found the book!!
Except for one teensy tiny problem which is that the cover of the book is uh a very bright green and not at all black like Ms. English said. Alas, it was a case of mistaken identity, because The English Tradition: Poetry does have a black cover, although it is the fiction volume which contains Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
And so having found the book at last, I have decided to purchase it for the sum of $8, that ever after the origins of this translation may once more be known.
In this year of 2022 this adventure took place, as this post bears witness, the end, amen.
(Edit: See here for part 2!)
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
There was something ‘bout you
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summary: bradley bradshaw didn’t fall in love, especially not with uptight girls in his english lit class and especially not the ones being forced into tutoring him. college au
pairing: fratboy!bradley x tutor!reader
word count: 9.2k
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, mentions of blood, teeny amount of violence, smut (oral and pinv), bradley sucks so bad but he’s cute!! MDNI 18+
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Bradley knew girls liked him, loved him even.
He once had a girl leave him a love letter after a night together. It was a sweet touch, the pink paper and the gel pen she’d written it in, he slept with her once more after that but had to cut her off once he caught her snipping a little bit of his hair off in the middle of the night.
Anyways, what Bradley had concluded is that he was an attractive guy. Not too classically like his roommate and best friend Jake with his blonde locks and ken doll looks. But in a boyish charming way with his “big brown puppy dog eyes” or whatever that girl had written in the letter.
So when his Eng Lit professor had told him he was going to be tutored by a girl in his class he was pretty excited to say the least. Truth be told, the only reason he had picked this Eng Lit class was because he knew there would be an abundance of girls in there, sure they were probably a little more intellectually advanced than the girls he would usually go for but maybe that was what he needed. Some girl obsessed with like gothic literature, Jake had assured him they were the freaks he needed to bag.
He’s already started tuning out Professor Clarke’s spiel on getting his grade up and started imagining all the hot girls in his class who could possibly be tutoring him. There was Clara, she was the kind of gothy Jake was on about, he could definitely be into that. Or even Natalie, she was who Bradley usually went for, pretty brunette and what Jake would call in his omniscience; a colossal rack.
“Bradley, are you listening to me?”
Bradley pulled his mind from the depths of analysis of the girls in his class and hummed,
“Yes, Professor.”
“So you know who I’m assigning to tutor you?”
Bradley winces apologetically and watches as Professor Clarke runs a hand down his face.
“Please, Bradley. I’m just asking you to try and put some effort in, she’s only gonna be able to do so much to help you, you need to help yourself.”
Bradley sighs, “who is it?”
When Professor Clarke gives Bradley your name and tells him that you’ll meet him after class tomorrow his first thought is “who the fuck is that?” and his second one is in mourning of being in forced proximity of a hot goth chick or one of the girls who he’s already slept with.
Bradley walks back to his house slightly dejected, if he couldn’t even recognise you from your name there was probably not a huge chance you were going to be the ‘bad boy gets taught in a different way by his tutor’ wet dream he was hoping for. When he finally gets back he finds Jake lounging on the couch with another one of his frat brothers Reuben.
Jake looks up from where him and Reuben are watching this weeks football highlights on the TV to meet Bradley’s moping gaze.
“You good bro?”
Bradley replies with a whine, “Professor Clarke is making some girl tutor me.”
Reuben snorts and shovels another handful of chips into his mouth, “hot.”
Bradley rolls his eyes and flops onto the couch in between his two friends. He says your name to the two boys and begins, “do you know her?”
Jake’s eyebrows furrow in thought for a moment before he smacks Reuben on the back of the head,
“Bro?” He whines.
“It’s the library chick!” Jake exclaims.
Reuben looks confused for a moment before he realises, “oh shit yeah!”
Jake and Reuben looks happy for themselves for a few moments before Bradley interrupts again, “When the fuck have you ever been to the library?”
Jake frowns, “I’ll have you know that I read, the classics are my favourite!”
“What classics?” Reuben scoffs.
Jake smiles, “You know, the classic ones?”
“Where’s Waldo isn’t a classic J,” Bradley smirks.
“Shut the fuck up, okay I was trying to impress this girl in my econ class.” Jake admits, “she’s very well read.”
Bradley mutters something about Jake being pussywhipped before deciding he needed to get back to the problem at hand. You.
“Okay, so library chick. Do I know her?”
Jake racks his mind for a minute, scowling at Reuben’s loud chewing sounds.
“Fuck, yeah okay, do you remember last year? She dropped that massive encyclopaedia on your hand after you whistled when she was bent over sorting out books.”
Bradley cringes in recollection. In his defence he did think he was complimenting you… albeit with not much class or subtlety. You were cute. Maybe a bit nerdy, but you clearly had guts which he appreciated.
“Shit.. yeah.”
Bradley hoped you weren’t one for grudges.
You weren’t for the most part, and when Professor Clarke had told you who you would be tutoring you had decided last years incident could be water under the bridge. You figured he didn’t even remember you, he hadn’t acknowledged your presence in the one class you shared either way.
However, when he came sauntering down from his seat right at the back of the lecture hall and paused in front of you by Professor Clarke’s desk you were already becoming mildly irritated.
Bradley could tell, and he also knew that he was goading it on by making eye contact with your tits before your eyes and then saying,
“Hey, beautiful.”
He watches as you scoff and mutter something that sounds similar to “fucking prick.” It makes him smile.
Professor Clarke sighs loudly and speaks directed towards you, “I trust you’ll be able to help Bradley, Lord knows he needs it.”
Bradley’s smile drops, “Hey! I literally submitted my last assignment in on time!”
Your face drops in shock, is that seriously what he considers a win?
Professor Clarke looks at Bradley and sighs once again, “you sent me a gif of a rat dancing and made the subject of the email “The Great Ratsby”.”
Bradley sputters slightly but clears his throat feeling the weighted stare of Professor Clarke still on him. The older man smiles thinly as you thank him for his time and move towards the door. Bradley is hot on your tail, and he rounds on you once the reach the corridor.
“So…. how are we doing this angel?”
Bradley can’t control how his lips quirk upwards at you apparent distaste for the pet name. He can’t help but wonder what you’d appreciate more; maybe sweetheart or baby or something cute like bunny. He’s snapped out of his thought process by you waving your hand in front of his face.
“Earth to Bradley?” You quip.
He shakes his head a smiles, “Sorry what was that sweetheart?”
He notices how your brows furrowed once again before you start up, “I could book a study room in the library? Wednesday at 6?”
Bradley nods, “Sure, can I get your number?”
You’re taken aback slightly before Bradley clarifies, “So we can text about when to meet?”
“Oh. Right, yeah of course.”
Bradley reaches for his phone in his hoodie pocket and hands it to you, opening it up to his contacts. Before you can type in your number you can’t help but notice the sheer amount of girls in his contacts. All with specific names.
cass (toothy ❌)
natalie (.)(.)
samantha (screamer ✅)
It makes you’re stomach churn in mild horror, which your push down in favour of finally typing in your number. You hand his phone back to him and watch as he chuckles whilst writing your contact name. He doesn’t let you see it before shooting you off a short “hi” text to send his number to your phone.
Bradley stares at you for a moment before whistling, “right… so I’ll see you Wednesday?”
You smile awkwardly back at him, “yeah.”
He readjusts his cap and nods in a goodbye before turning to leave the building. You try to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach as you walk out the exit opposite.
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It’s 6:45 on Wednesday when Bradley finally shows up. He’s wearing black joggers and a top that you presume is a few sizes too small with a cap placed backwards on his head.
He felt kind of shitty about being late, he was leaving to get to the library at 10 to 6 when Jake and his other frat brother Mickey called him over whilst they were playing COD, he thought he could squeeze in a game and not be too late. Evidently, he was wrong.
You’re reading a book which he doesn’t recognise when he finds you in the study room and begins to apologise.
“I’m sorry for being late sweetheart-”
“Yeah. Whatever Bradley, let’s just start.” You breathe out, not having the energy to listen to his excuses.
Bradley’s pissed at that. He came in here willing to apologise and you think you can make him feel bad? Not likely.
“There’s no need to get bitchy? I literally said I’m sorry.” Bradley snorts, pulling a chair out opposite you with a loud scrape.
You scoff, “seriously? I’ve been waiting for you for almost an hour!”
“Yeah and I said sorry!”
“That’s not the point-”
You catch yourself before you carry on, he wasn’t worth the waste of breath.
“Look it’s fine. Let’s just get started.”
Bradley pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek and leans back.
The session is as productive as you can make it with your significantly shorter period of time. You find out that Bradley knows little to nothing about any of the texts that you’re studying and enjoys annoying you deeply. You’re not sure whether he hates silence or just loves the sound of his own voice. You figure it’s the latter.
“You’re glasses don’t fit you properly.” He points out after you push them up your nose for the third time in the past minute.
They’re slipping down your nose as you look down to read over some notes Bradley had made.
“Sure they do.”
Bradley shrugs and leans back again. You can feel his heavy gaze on you as you push your glasses back up again. He doesn’t say anything. Just smiles.
You’re cute, for sure. He kind of digs your chunky cardigan library assistant vibe. Maybe if you loosened up a little he’d like you even more. Bradley starts to wonder what you’d be like at one of his frat parties. He doesn’t think he’s seen you anywhere outside of class or the library. Maybe you’d go absolutely buck wild after a few of Reuben’s infamously too strong drinks. He figures you’re probably his friend Bob’s type, you’re both sort of nerdy and cute in a mousy way.
Bradley doesn’t realise he’s been zoned out looking at your face for the past two minutes until he sees a book being dropped down on the desk in front of him. It gives him slight PTSD from the encyclopaedia incident. He picks up the book and looks at you, confused.
“What’s this?”
You laugh with an almost unbelieving look on your face.
“Shakespeare? Romeo and Juliet? We’ve just started going over it in class?”
Bradley picks up the book of various Shakespeare plays and skims through it until he reaches Romeo and Juliet.
“Yeah, my bad, I think I recognise this.”
You cringe inwardly at the amount of work you’re probably going to have to put in to stop Bradley from failing.
Bradley smiles at what he thinks is praise from you and goes back to reading the first scene of the play. You’re blessed with a blissful silence for a moment whilst Bradley reads and you send off a few texts to you roommate Maya about how the tutoring session is going.
maya 😘😘
how is it???????
he’s an idiot
i’m pretty sure i saw him read dickens on the reading list and snort and then mumble “dick” under his breath
maya 😘😘
the cute ones are never smart
maya 😘😘
shut up you’d hit
i find that offensive
Before you can send off another annoyed text to your friend, Bradley speaks up again.
“Do you like, read and shit?”
You stifle a giggle, “what?”
“Like books?”
“Are you seriously asking the girl who works at the library-”
Bradley chuckles, “Okay! I see my mistake, what’s you’re favourite book then?”
You hum whilst staring at him, it was an oddly thoughtful question.
“Probably Wuthering Heights. It’s by Emily Brontë.”
You’re not quite sure why you told him the last part. There was no doubt in your mind that Bradley Bradshaw did not know who the Brontë sisters were.
He cocks his head to the side, “what’s it about?”
You’re not sure whether Bradley genuinely wants to know about you and your interests or if he just doesn’t want to actually study, Bradley is equally confused because he’s asking his question in earnest.
“It’s about this guy called Heathcliff who gets adopted into this family and falls in love with his sister Catherine, he grows up to find out that she’s a married another man and basically becomes obsessed with avenging what could have been his.” You try to explain as simply as possible.
“HIS SISTER?” Bradley exclaims with a laugh.
“It’s not like that-”
“Babe, I didn’t realise you were into that freak shit.”
You can’t control your laugh at the absurdity of his words. Bradley really likes that sound, and the way that your eyes crinkle. It’s weird, he suddenly feels like he wants to be the only person to make you do that.
Once you’ve calmed down you look back up to see Bradley staring at you once again. You quirk an eyebrow up questioningly before looking at the clock behind him.
“Shit, we need to go. I only booked this place till 8.”
“What! I swear I only just got here!”
You snort, “Yeah well if you’d been on time…”
Bradley pouts at you, “Baby, please. I’m sorry.”
It’s half mocking, but the way he’s staring up at you with wide eyes makes your stomach flutter slightly. You shake your head as if to banish the thoughts and begin picking up your books.
“Just be on time next week, please.”
Bradley stands, moving round the table and pats you on the head.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
The gesture makes your frown slightly, but it served as a reminder for how you suppose Bradley truly feels about you. You’re not friends, and he doesn’t like you in any romantic capacity. You’re just the girl forced into tutoring him.
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The next few tutoring sessions go somewhat the same. Bradley has a short attention span but tries his best, he’s nice enough to you that you can sometimes forget he’s slept with half the girls in your class.
You’re sat next to him in the study room doing some quick flash card recap questions. He’s fiddling with a thread at the end of your long sleeve shirt, it feels kind of intimate but you don’t want to look into it too hard. It’s been like this over the past few weeks, touches that last too long and his incessant usage of pet names. But, every time you begin to let yourself feel special you’ll catch a glimpse of a girls name flash across his phone screen and your predicament hits you right across the face with a loud crack; shattering the hope you’ve been building.
Bradley moves from playing with the thread on your top sleeve to your fingers, mumbling a correct answer to one of your questions. He keeps finding the need to be close to you, and not even always in a sexual way which shocks him the most. Don’t get him wrong, he’s definitely thought about it a few times in the shower, or in his bed or even when he was fucking Natalie last week and he suddenly thought about how cute you’d look with your glasses sliding down your nose whilst you’re sat on top of him. He had to look away from Natalie for the rest of the time she was there, he felt too guilty.
The morning after when Natalie had left surprisingly early, Jake (who had been noticing the lack of girls flowing in and out of his shared room on Bradley’s part) had an inkling as to why.
“You like her.” Jake declares as he plops himself down in the gaming chair in his room, spinning to face where Bradley is lying on his bed.
“The library chick. The one who’s been tutoring you.” Jake expands.
“What do you mean?”
“You like her!”
Bradley huffs, annoyed at Jake’s insistence, “yeah, she’s cool.”
Jake rolls his eyes, “no, you like like her.”
“You’re 12, and no I don’t!” Bradley removes his hands from behind his head and moves to sit up straighter against his headboard.
Jake clicks his tongue, “okay so you wouldn’t mind if I fucked her?”
Bradley cocks his head to the side but doesn’t say anything.
“I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, she’s kind of hot.”
Jake watched as a muscle in Bradley’s jaw ticks. He knows he’s struck gold.
“Maybe we’ll do some roleplay, she can be my sexy teacher and I’ll bend her over the desk.” Jake wraps his knuckles against the desk behind him and chuckles, “sturdy.”
Jake knows he’s almost got Bradley as he watches him clench and unclench his fist.
“I mean that ass, it’s insane really I’ll tell you how it feels afterwards if you-”
“Shut the fuck up! Fuck! Fine okay I fucking like her, what do you want me to say?!”
Bradley’s outburst doesn’t surprise Jake in the slightest. In fact, it puts a smile on his face.
“Nothing. I just wanted to know.”
Bradley rubs a hand down his face, he’s pretty sure he’s never felt like this before. It kind of scares him to be honest.
“You should invite her here on Friday.”
Friday. For the party. Bradley thinks about it for a second, “Bro, not if you’re going to try and fuck her.”
Jake chuckles, “she’s all yours, her roommate is the girl from my econ class so if anything this is selfish of me.”
Bradley smiles, “alright.”
After Bradley answers another question correct you smile at him brightly.
“Looks like somebody’s been hitting the books!” You poke, setting your flash cards down on the table.
Bradley warms at the praise and looks at you for a moment.
“Will you come to my party on Friday?”
You study his face for a moment, he looks almost nervous.
“I don’t know Brad, it’s not really my scene and I wouldn’t really know anyone,” you smile apologetically at him.
“You know me!” Bradley reasons, pulling your hand into his.
“And you’re gonna spend the whole night sitting with me? You’re funny.”
Bradley thinks about how he’d definitely do that if you asked him to.
“Bring your roommate! Maya is it? I’m pretty sure Jake is in love with her.”
Bradley’s words make you giggle and you consider for a moment, when you look back to Bradley he’s got an adorable pout on his lips,
“Please don’t make me beg, angel.”
Although the idea of Bradley on his knees begging is tempting, you’re not that cruel. You pretend to think for a moment more before answering.
“Fine. But only in the name of Jake and Maya.”
Bradley is pleased with your answer, “Thanks, angel.”
You smile, “whatever.”
You check your phone and find that you’ve spent the last 10 minutes of the session just chatting with Bradley.
“We need to go,” You remind him.
Bradley looks a little crestfallen but stands anyway. He helps you gather your books and puts them into your tote bag for you.
“Thanks.” You mumble as he hands the bag to you.
He scratches the back of his head for a moment before speaking, “Can I, like, walk you back?”
His gesture makes you smile, as well as his sort of nervous demeanour, “Little old me? Bradley Bradshaw wants to walk little old me home?” you tease.
The familiar smirk makes its way back onto Bradley’s face at your prodding. “Shut up, I’m being a gentleman or whatever.”
“Well then, who am I to decline?” You smile at him.
“Dork.” Bradley mutters under his breath as he opens the door for you.
Bradley takes your bag off of your shoulder and places it on his own, once he feels the weight settles down he looks at you shocked,
“You carry this shit around everywhere?”
The confused look in his eye makes you laugh, “yes?”
“This is so heavy? What are you even carrying?”
“Books? My laptop?”
Bradley laughs, “Shit, maybe I need to start coming to these sessions more prepared.”
Bradley pushes open the main door to the library and the cold night air hits you unexpectedly, making you shiver in your long sleeve tee. He looks down at your attire and rolls his eyes.
“Hold this for a sec.” Bradley drops your bag back into your hands and begins to pull his hoodie up over his head.
You go to protest but your mouth falls open awkwardly at the way his t-shirt rides up, exposing his toned lower abdomen and the sprinkling of hair that leads all the way down-
“Yes! Sorry, what?” You stutter out with a chuckle.
Bradley gestures for you to hand him back the bag and hands out the hoodie with his other hand. You take it and pull it over your head, revelling in the smell of it. It’s partly his cologne and the rest something uniquely him.
“Ready to go?” Bradley asks, looking down at you.
“Sure,” You smile up at him.
Bradley feels his stomach flip, looking down at your frame drowned in his hoodie. Before he can even process what he’s doing Bradley has slipped his hand into yours. You don’t say anything in fear of him retracting it but the smile that sits on your face is blinding.
You walk in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, Bradley squeezing your hand every now and then in reassurance. You turn a corner and watch as you apartment complex comes into view. Squeezing his hand you look up at him and speak,
“This is me.”
Bradley pouts a little, “You don’t want me to walk you all the way in?”
You giggle and shake your head, “No don’t worry.”
You reach for the hem of the hoodie and begin to pull it up when Bradley stops you.
“Keep it. Please. It looks better on you.” He almost whispers.
You flush at his words and look at him with furrowed brows, trying to study his expression. Whether he’s being truthful or not. He hands your bag back over to you and nods.
“If you’re sure.” You smile, “I’ll see you Friday?”
Bradley winks, “You better.”
“Night Bradley.”
“Goodnight, angel.” Bradley hums.
He watches your retreating frame until you’re inside of your building before spinning on his heel to walk in the opposite direction back to his house.
Bradley pulls his phone out of his pocket, checking through his messages as he walks. He finds himself deleting almost all of the irrelevant numbers from girls that had been littering his contacts without much thought. Once he’s done he goes to pocket his phone again before it vibrates in his hand.
angel ❤️‍🩹
thank u <3
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Maya has been ready to go for the past half an hour as she sits on your bed and watches as you pick up various dresses and items of clothing before discarding them on the floor.
You’ll admit you probably look ridiculous stood in your underwear with a full face of makeup on and your hair pulled up into a styled ponytail but it was not your priority at this second.
“I have nothing to wear! I’m not going Maya, just go without me!”
Maya sighs and walks towards you’re closet, rifling through the particularly skimpy dresses you had purposely avoided. She pulls out a short blue halter neck dress and shoves it into your hands.
“Go put this on.”
You roll your eyes at her tone, “okay, mom.”
“And don’t ruin the makeup I did!”
You wander into the little bathroom and begin to pull the dress over your head when Maya opens the door with a tiny scrap of fabric in her hands.
“You are not wearing those granny panties,” She looks pointedly down at the cotton panties with flowers that you have on.
You pout, “They’re comfy.”
Maya struts over and places the lacy garment in your hand, “Bradley can thank me later.”
“Shut up!” You exclaim, trying to hide your smile.
“I’ll be in here if you need me,” She giggles,
“Wait! Maya you didn’t give me a bra!” You whine.
She rolls her eyes, “I know.” Before closing the door behind her.
You strip out of your comfy underwear and look down at the baby blue lace and sigh, at least you’d shaved. Pulling the dress over your head whilst trying to maintain Maya’s artistry was hard but not impossible you found, and when you pulled the dress the rest of the way down you realised you didn’t need a bra anyway. You spin a little, looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked good.
There’s a new found confidence in your walk as you make your way back to your bedroom where Maya is sat fiddling with the buckle on a pair of wedges in her lap. When she looks up she hollers at you,
“Damnn! Twirl for me gorgeous!”
You laugh at her antics but indulge her anyway gasping in faux shock when she slaps your butt playfully. She hands over the wedges and your eyes widen slightly at the height.
Maya laughs at your expression, “baby don’t worry I’m sure they’ll be in the air more than they’ll be on the ground anyway.”
“You’re relentless!” You swat at her before bending down to do up the shoes.
You gather your phone and some lipgloss before linking your arms in Maya’s.
“Let’s go?”
“Let’s go.” She confirms.
You check your phone once your a block away from Bradley’s frat house. There’s a few messages from him that you’ve yet to respond to.
brad 🙃
when are u getting here??
i miss u angel
almost there :)
You snort at how needy Bradley sounded, there was probably enough girls there to keep him entertained.
It’s not hard to miss Bradley’s house, there are people littered around the front yard drinking and the music could be heard from at least a block away. As you walk up the steps on the front porch you wobble slightly on your wedges and Maya steadies you, she sees the anxious look in your eyes and smiles,
“You look so hot right now babe,”
You roll your eyes but let the nerves sink down as she grips onto your hand tighter.
The house is pretty packed with girls in tiny outfits and an unnerving amount of shirtless dudes. Maya leads you through the crowds to where there’s a group of dudes playing beer pong. As you get closer you recognise Jake and Bradley and a few other guys from their frat.
Jake spots you both first, nudging Bradley. You’re not sure why you’re so nervous when Bradley makes eye contact with you and starts making his way over, much to the disappointment of the frat bro he was playing with. You look to your side to find that Maya has already made her way over to Jake and when you look back Bradley is right in front of you.
He’s still tall enough that you have to look up to make eye contact with him, and his cologne clouds your thoughts. He takes your hand and drags you over to a quieter corner of the room. Bradley’s eyes rake over your form hungrily, you drop your hands in front of your stomach almost on autopilot.
“You look incredible, angel.” Bradley speaks earnestly.
He takes both your hands in his and holds them up so he can stare at you again.
You can feel the heat emanating from your cheeks as you look up at him, “You think?” You ask somewhat coyly.
Bradley nods, tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration, making you giggle. He takes one of your hands and spins you around just slightly and whistles lowly,
“Can I take a picture?”
You roll your eyes and spin back around to face him, pushing lightly at his chest, “Shut up.”
He raises both hands in mock defence and shrugs, “worth a shot.”
You move to stand to the side of him, back against the wall and take a moment to look at him. He looks handsome, as always, but you can tell he’s put extra effort in. He’s wearing a thin shirt with two of the middle buttons done up and dark jeans. You’re sure he could have forgone the shirt with how much of his skin is exposed but you can’t complain seeing how tightly it fits around his biceps. His hair is tousled but in a way that looks purposeful and he smells incredible.
Without realising, you’ve inched closer to Bradley and his cologne hits your nose in a pleasant surprise. When you meet his eyes you find that he’s already looking at you.
“You smell good,” you murmur.
Bradley leans down so that you can hear him clearly, “thank you, angel.”
His lips brush against the shell of your ear so delicately that you could almost pretend that you imagined it, but the way a shiver runs down your spine tells you otherwise. Before you get a chance to compose yourself Bradley is imposing on your personal space again and speaking into you ear,
“Do you want me to get you a drink?” He nods towards the kitchen on the far side of the house.
You consider for a moment, then nod.
Maybe it would help calm your nerves.
“I’ll be back in a sec.”
Bradley departs from his space next to you with a wink, his lack of presence already making you frown. Instead of moping, you survey the surrounding area for Maya, hoping to check in with her.
You finally catch sight of her when her hot pink dress catches your eye as she ascends the main staircase with a tall blonde who you can only recognise as Jake. You giggle, swiping open your phone to send her a text.
use protection 😘
You can only hope she reads your message.
After a few more moments of scrolling through your phone you look up to realise Bradley still hasn’t made his way back to you. First you consider the fact that this is a party that he is hosting, he could have been sidetracked by any one of his numerous frat brothers or friends.
So, you decide to make your way to the kitchen, just so you could retrieve your drink of course.
What you’re not prepared to see is short brunette girl kissing Bradley, because of course that’s what held him up from getting your drink. It serves as a reminder of the fact that he is not your boyfriend and had no intention of being so, you figure he probably got tired of waiting for you to put out so he moved onto the next girl. You see that someone had lined up a few tequila shots on the counter nearest to you and knock back the few closest, wincing as the liquid warms the back of your throat all the way down to your stomach.
You close your eyes and breathe out, stomach churning from the shots and sight you’ve just seen, you spin on your heel to walk away from the counter but stumble whilst turning around too quickly. You probably would have hit the floor if it wasn’t for a strong grasp, steadying you by the waist.
“Shit, you okay darlin’?” The person who saved you from near embarrassment drawls out.
You steady yourself with hands on his surprisingly hard chest and look up into his blue eyes. He’s handsome, even with his wired frame glasses slipping down his sloped nose. He’s not less attractive than Bradley, just in a more refined way.
“God, I’m sorry, I’m not used to wearing shoes this high yet.” You mumble sheepishly, frustrated that you’ve managed to embarrass yourself in front of another freakishly attractive man.
“I’m Robert or Bob or whatever you want to call me,” Robert smiles down at you, speaking somewhat loudly to combat the thumping bass of whatever song was currently playing.
You give him your name and he smiles brighter if possible, almost as if he’s shocked you’re still talking to him.
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He charms, watching you giggle.
His words almost make you forget what you had seen in the kitchen, the memory making you frown ever so slightly. Robert mistakes this for annoyance at his words and quickly adds on,
“Sorry, that was stupid and-”
You’re quick to silence his anxieties, “No, I liked it.” You speak in earnest, propelled by liquid courage.
Robert scratches the back of his neck and cocks his head to the side, “Do you want to dance?”
His question makes you smile, because yeah you do want to dance and fuck Bradley Bradshaw.
“Totally.” You beam up at him.
Robert pulls you toward the living room where people are crammed together dancing, sweaty bodies moving on top of each other in some cases almost obscenely.
The music seems to be vibrating off of the walls and the familiar voices of Rihanna and Bryson Tiller fill your ears. Robert seems somewhat apprehensive but the tequila buzzing through you makes you confident as you turn you back to him, grinding your ass back subtly as to test the waters. Robert’s hands move to grip at your waist, aiding you in grinding back onto him. You move one of your arms to rest around his neck and you giggle as you hear him groan quietly into your hair.
Bradley returns to where he’d left you flustered and annoyed carrying two red cups. Natalie had cornered him in the kitchen and tried to kiss him. He was furious, he’d sent her a text a few days ago apologising and letting her know he wasn’t interested in seeing her again. Clearly, that didn’t matter to her. After she had forced herself on him, he shoved her off somewhat awkwardly and told her firmly that he wasn’t interested. Bradley realised she was clearly already plastered and retrieved one of her friends from nearby to look after her.
He felt bad for leaving you on your own for so long but he hoped that if he could explain you wouldn’t be too annoyed.
However, when he gets back he finds that you’re not there. Initially, he worries that you’d left to go home. But after scanning the large living room packed with people, he spots you, grinding back onto his friend Bob.
Bradley’s stomach drops watching how you giggle at something Bob has whispered into your ear, how his hands and wrapped around your waist and how your ass is grinding back onto his crotch.
Without realising, Bradley has began to storm through the clumps of intoxicated people, dropping the drinks on a side table nearby. Fuelled by anger and jealously he pulls at one of Bob’s arms wrapped around your waist.
Bob stumbles back and turns with brows furrowed,
“Bradley? Are you okay-”
Before he can finish his question, Bradley’s fist hits the side of Bob’s nose with a sickening crunch, pushing him to the ground before raising his fist to hit him again.
The people who were previously dancing have made a circle around the commotion, drawing the attention of Bradley’s frat brothers Reuben and Mickey who push to the middle of the circle and grab Bradley before he can cause anymore damage.
“What the fuck man!” Reuben scolds in his ear, pulling him from his anger induced trance.
Bradley stops struggling against Reuben and Mickey’s grip, and instead looks down to see you tearfully wiping at the blood spilling from Bob’s nose in copious amounts.
Your watery eyes are looking up at him with so much anger that he feels bile rising in his throat. He runs a bruised hand through his sweaty hair and sighs. He can hear Mickey trying to get everyone to disperse, clearly not wanting his friend’s dirty laundry being aired out in front of everyone they know. Bradley can’t focus on any of the words being spoken to him, just the utter look of disappointment on your face.
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A few hours later almost everyone has left the house. You’re sat on a bench in the backyard knees tucked under you and wedges removed and on the floor. Maya and Jake are sat next to you, they had returned to find an almost empty house save for you and Jake’s frat brothers.
Bradley had stormed out following Reuben and Mickey’s intervention, he couldn’t handle looking at your sad face and being the one who caused it.
“I just don’t know what the fuck he wants from me!” You exclaim to Maya.
Her and Jake had been filled in by you and Jake had the decency to look sheepish. It was his idea to invite you tonight, he knew how Bradley felt about you but it wasn’t necessarily his place to say.
You didn’t know how to feel, you were still upset from seeing him kiss that girl, confused as to why he punched Robert if he clearly wasn’t interested in you. Maybe it was some strange frat bro mentality, he didn’t want you but he also didn’t want anyone else to have you? It was all too confusing for 2am.
Maya’s hand is comforting on your back, rubbing circles and trying to alleviate the stress radiating off of you. Guilt is eating at Jake’s stomach and he’s about to spill everything he knows when he hears the glass patio doors opening from behind him.
He turns back and makes eye contact with Bradley, trying to non verbally say “not the time.” But you’ve noticed his presence before Jake can save him.
“Fuck off, Bradley.”
Bradley winces, he deserves your anger.
“Angel, please. Hear me out?” Bradley pleads.
He looks awkward, scratching at the back of his neck, nervous for your answer.
You look to Maya and she shrugs. She thinks you should hear him out, of course she does.
You sigh, “Fine.”
Jake and Maya exchange words silently and move to leave. Jake pats Bradley on the shoulder, he knows how shitty Bradley feels about how tonight went down and he also knows that he’s just been at Bob’s apartment apologising profusely.
Bradley sits down on the bench next to you, he wants nothing more than to pull you into his lap and tuck his chin on top of your head, but he knows that probably wouldn’t go down too well right now.
“I’m so fucking sorry angel.” Bradley breathes out.
You raise your eyebrows, “I don’t get you Bradley!” you huff out, “You walk me home and call me ‘angel’ and you have no concept of personal space but then I see you kissing some girl in the kitchen whilst you’re supposedly getting me a drink and then as soon as I-”
“I wasn’t kissing anyone!” Bradley cuts in, confused.
“Bradley there was only one person in that house wearing a floral button up and he was kissing a girl in the kitchen when I went to check on you.”
Bradley racks his brain for a moment before he realises what you’re talking about.
“Oh shit. Natalie.” Bradley concludes, mostly to himself.
You roll your eyes, “Great to know you caught her name before you let her shove her tongue down your throat.”
Now you knew her name you recognised her, she was in your Eng Lit class. Natalie was gorgeous to make you feel even worse.
“Angel, I didn’t want to kiss her.” Bradley sighs, “she was wasted and pushed herself on me.”
You look at him sadly, wanting so badly to believe him, “really?”
Bradley shuffles closer towards you, placing his hand over yours resting on the faded wood of the bench.
“I wouldn’t lie, angel.” Bradley promises, squeezing your hand.
“Still doesn’t excuse you acting like a fucking neanderthal and punching Robert, he didn’t deserve that. He’s sweet.” You’re not willing to fully forgive him yet.
Bradley feels anxiety pool in his stomach, at the thought of what he’s going to have to say to you.
“I know and I told him how sorry I was. I just, you make me crazy you know?” Bradley laughs out, “the first time I met you, you dropped an encyclopaedia on my hand. Do you remember that?”
You giggle slightly at the memory, “You deserved it.”
“Yeah well the thing is sweetheart, I deserve a lot of shit. I know I kind of fucking suck, but one thing I really don’t deserve is you.” Bradley smiles nervously.
“You’re so smart, and I’m such an idiot because I thought I could try and pretend that I’m not in love with you.”
Your eyes widen at Bradley’s confession. He looks pale with anxiety, he doesn’t think he can remember a time where he’d ever been nervous when talking to a girl. But this was so much different. Because it’s you.
Bradley can’t help the word vomit that seems to be pouring out of his lips, “You’re so beautiful, but that’s not the reason I love you. I love how smart you are and how you’re funnier than me and all my friends combined. I love the way you make me feel when I’m with you. I know I’ve probably completely fucked this up tonight but I just wanted you to know how I feel.”
The vulnerability in Bradley’s words makes your heart clench, the way his eyes are staring at you so deeply, shining in the moonlight like he’d do anything for you. You can feel the tears pooling in your lash line.
“Oh Bradley.” You give him a watery smile, reaching your free hand up to cup at his jawline.
“I love you too, you dick.”
Bradley laughs, loud. Relief is sweet but not as sweet as how you look, staring at him with wide eyes and pouted lips.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers.
You nod and surge forward, hands coming to rest around his neck. Bradley pulls you into his lap and connects your lips. He thinks about the cherry chapstick you always carry in your bag and how he can taste it on you now, how soft your lips feel against his. His tongue pushes against your lips tentatively, you grant him access and sigh contentedly at the feeling of him.
One of Bradley’s hands is soft at the back of your head, guiding you against him gently whilst the other is tracing circles against your hips rhythmically. You trace your nails in patterns against the short hair and the back of his head and smile into the kiss as he moans at the feeling.
Bradley goes to deepen the kiss once again but is stopped abruptly by a noise coming from behind him.
“We should check on them, oh-”
You pull back from Bradley sheepishly with a wet saliva caused noise and make eye contact with Maya. Then Jake.
Jake is the first to laugh, “I told you they’d be fine.”
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You wake up before Bradley at noon the next day. You’re lying in his bed draped in a large t-shirt of his.
The sun is streaming through his thin curtains and you’ve been swapping your gaze between a shirtless Bradley and something that caught your eye on his bedside table.
Bradley begins to stir with an aggressive yawn and stretch that almost wipes you out. You whack his arm out of your face and lean down kiss his forehead.
“Morning, sleeping beauty.” You giggle.
Bradley groans and smushes his face into your boobs,
“I’m tired.” he mumbles, muffled.
You thread a hand through his curls and speak tentatively,
“I have a question.”
Bradley sits up at that, moving so he can look at you properly.
“When did you get this?” You reach for the book on his bedside table, it’s a copy of Wuthering Heights with an old receipt sticking out at around the half way mark being used in place of a proper bookmark.
Bradley’s cheeks flush slightly, “Like, I don’t know. Maybe a few days after that first session in the library.”
Your cheeks hurt from trying to suppress your smile. You reach forward and kiss him sweetly, handing resting on his toned chest.
When you pull back he chuckles, “I wanted to impress you.”
“That is the sexiest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Bradley cackles at your emission until he realises how deadly serious you’re being.
“Angel.. we need to change that.” He smiles, lifting at the hem of his shirt on your frame.
You hum and connect your lips again, slipping your tongue into his mouth as he begins to pull at the t-shirt.
You separate for a moment to let him pull it off you fully. On reaction your hands reach up to cover yourself but Bradley catches them before you get the chance. He manoeuvres you so that he’s now the one on top and stares down at you hungrily.
“Jesus christ, angel.”
His hands reach for you breasts, squeezing them appreciatively. His thumbs flick over your pebbled nipples, smirking upon seeing how you preen into his touch, back arching up off of the bed.
Bradley moves to kiss down from your lips to you collarbones, paying specific attention to your pulse point, tongue lathing at where he sucked a mark too harshly. He can feel the blood rushing to his cock, straining against his boxers, at the sounds of your little whimpers and moans.
Bradley attaches his lips to one of your nipples, swirling his tongue in circles, revelling at how your breath hitches.
“Fuck, please Brad,” you whimper from underneath him.
He unlatches his lips and rests his head on your stomach.
“What do you need angel? Anything.” He promises.
Your teeth bite into your bottom lip as you consider, “your mouth?”
Bradley smiles at your request and shucks the covers off from his back, he moves down the bed slightly and sits back on his knees. His hands reach forward to grasp at your panties, pulling them down your legs. You lift your hips to aid him and giggle at how he holds them appreciatively once they’re off.
“These are cute.” He admits.
“Thanks, babe.” You giggle, make a mental note to tell Maya.
“But this. This is fucking incredible.”
Bradley lifts your legs over his shoulders, head dipping down to look at your pussy. He blows a cool breath onto your glistening folds and smirks at how your squirm at the feeling.
“Does me reading seriously make you this soaked?” Bradley chuckles.
You buck your hips up and whine, “yes! It’s cute you wanted to impress me.”
Bradley laughs and decides to put and end to your waiting, licking a stripe up your folds. The sound you make is music to his ears. He swirls his tongue around your clit, arms holding your thighs from closing around his head.
He licks at you languidly and moans against your pussy, “you taste amazing.”
Bradley’s words make you whimper, a shiver of arousal running down your spine.
“Keep going, baby please.”
Bradley’s tongue dips into your hole, fucking into you for a moment before coming back up to swirl at your clit. He’s moaning almost as much as you, the vibrations making your hips jerk up against his hold. You reach a hand down to grab at his hair making Bradley whimper. The noise shocks you slightly and makes you gush, pleasing Bradley to no end.
He sucks at your clit, spurred on by your hand grasping at his curls.
“Fuck, I’m close Brad please.” You whimper out.
Bradley flicks at your clit once more then pulls away, tongue poking out to lick at your juices that have accumulated around his chin.
You whine at the loss of contact and the pout on your lips almost makes Bradley cave, before he speaks up again.
“I want to feel you around me angel.”
You shiver at his words and nod, pulling him up by his chin to kiss him. You can taste yourself on his tongue and you can tell he knows it too by the way he smiles against your lips.
He pulls back only to reach for a condom from a drawer in his bedside table. He hands it to you to open whilst he pulls off his boxers. Although, you’re sort of hypnotised by how handsome he looks in the sunlight peaking in through his cheap curtains. His skin is tan and he has a few moles dotted around his chest, but most importantly there’s a sprinkling of dark hair that spans from between his pecs all the way down into his happy trail. When you catch sight of his cock your mouth waters slightly and Bradley laughs.
“It’s rude to stare, angel.”
“It’s rude that half the girls on this campus have seen the snake between your legs, Bradley.”
He snorts at you short streak of jealousy and moves to cup your cheeks with his hands.
“You’re the only one for me, angel.”
He sighs against your lips as he feels your small hands wrap around his dick. He looks down and groans loudly at the sight of you slowly stroking him before ripping open the condom he had given to you.
You let go of him so that he can roll the condom down his length, shuffling down so you can lie with your head resting against the pillows. Bradley sits on his knees between your thighs, staring down at you intensely.
“You’re so beautiful, angel.”
He leans down to connect your lips quickly and pulls back only slightly so he can watch your features as he guides his cock towards your entrance, dripping in arousal.
He pushes in slowly, smirking as you whimper quietly. You roll your eyes at his expression and whisper into his ear,
“Fuck me like you mean it, Bradshaw.”
Bradley laughs and hikes your legs up higher around his waist. He plunges into you without warning, revelling in how you squeak in surprise. His thrusts are deep and calculated, hitting at the right spot almost every time.
You moan out gutturally, “shit, right there Brad.”
The way his name rolls off your lips make Bradley grunt in pleasure, speeding up his thrusts if even possible. You feel incredible around him, squeezing at him just right. Bradley continues his ministrations but reaches a hand down to toy at your clit, smirking at how your moans increase in pitch. He makes circles around the bundle of nerves and feels his eyes rolling to the back of his head at the way your walls are pulsing against him.
You reach a hand down over Bradley’s to swirl at your clit, he groans loudly at the sight, head dropping down to stare at where he’s fucking in and out of you. He moans a little pathetically but can’t feel it within himself to be embarrassed when you tighten so deliciously around him.
“I’m really close, angel.” He groans, leaning down to breathe into your neck.
“Me too, baby.” You whine, kissing the top of his head, “please cum for me, Bradley.”
Your words were all Bradley needed to reach his peak. His hips stutter against yours as he spurts into the condom and the feeling combined with your fast swirls against your clit shoots white hot pleasure through you, pushing you over the precipice as well.
Bradley is a panting mess above you, his skin sticking to yours with sweat. He pulls out of you slowly and ties off the condom. When he flops down next to you, you kiss all over his face, squealing when he grabs your face and smushes your lips together. He pulls away from you and stares at you in your sweaty post sex glow and smiles.
You catch his eyes and hum, “you’re so pretty, Bradley.”
His lips quirk as he reaches to stroke his thumb over you cheek.
“I’ve not heard that one before.”
Bradley eventually ventures downstairs to retrieve you a glass of water and makes eye contact with Reuben as he goes to ascend the stairs again.
Reuben flips him the bird without looking, “you’re fucking loud bro.”
Bradley can’t find it in himself to care.
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No one is more surprised on Monday morning than Professor Clarke when he sees you walk into his lecture hall with Bradley Bradshaw wrapped around your waist, your usual large tote bag now slung over his shoulder.
He watches in amusement for the hour as you note diligently and raise you hand as usual, however there was now the addition of Bradley. Pointing at your notes when he wanted something explaining or whispering something in your ear after you made a good point that makes you smile.
Professor Clarke finds it sweet, albeit slightly confusing considering the tension that surrounded the two of you when you’d been introduced.
Once your class has finished Bradley helps you pack your things up before putting your bag over his shoulder once again,
“You know I can carry my own bag?” You tease, poking at his bicep.
“Then how will everyone know you have a super strong and handsome boyfriend?” Bradley rolls his eyes playfully.
As you’re descending the stairs you spot someone walking towards you and Bradley from the corner of your eye.
“Natalie, hi.” Bradley speaks awkwardly, placing a comforting hand on your waist.
“Hi Bradley… I just wanted to apologise, I was fucking wasted on Friday and I didn’t realise you have a girlfriend and I should have read your texts properly and I’m really embarrassed to be honest,” she chuckles out awkwardly.
You smile at the girl, sensing her guiltiness. You look to Bradley who has a small smile on his face as well.
“It’s cool,” Bradley speaks truthfully.
She nods and sends you another apologetic smile before making her own exit from the classroom.
Once she’s out of earshot you turn to Bradley,“That was nice of her,”
Bradley nods and threads his hand in yours, leading you down the rest of the stairs. As you walk past Professor Clarke’s desk he calls out your name. He gestures down to where you’re holding hands with Bradley and jests,
“I’ll admit this was the last outcome I was expecting when I asked you to tutor Bradley here.”
You can feel Bradley’s smirk from next to you and roll your eyes, “He’s not so bad.”
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a/n: HERE SHE IS LADIES AND GENTS!!!!! fratboy!brad and his angel 😭😭😭
my apologies for how sucky he gets BUT HE MAKES UP FOR IT PROMISE
also apologies for making him deck bob LMFAO
as always i love to hear feedback so pls comment, reblog or send me an ask and tell me what you think!
thank u for reading!!!
- honey <333
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suashii · 2 months
— 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝓌𝑜 𝑜𝒻 𝓊𝓈 ౨ৎ
suna rintaro x reader. 0.6k wc. ノ sfw ノ fluff ノ college au ノ miya twins appearance :3 ノ repost!
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“i totally flunked that exam.” atsumu groans as the four of you—the twins, suna, and yourself—exit the literature building. his theatrics draw the unwanted attention of several other students who are on their way in or lounging on nearby benches. you shake your head in embarrassment and can practically feel suna cringing from beside you.
“i’m sure the professor will be happy to see you again next semester. you’re just a wonder to have in class,” osamu quips. he doesn’t even try to hide his growing smile at the thought of his brother having to retake the course.
“don’t act like you didn’t fail, too.” atsumu shoots back.
“oh, i did terrible,” osamu easily admits, “but i didn’t skip half the assignments needed to boost my final grade.”
atsumu scoffs at the call out. sensing that the boy’s comment would snowball into a full-blown argument, you finally speak up.
“what are you guys going to do to take your minds off our impending doom?”
“this new frozen yogurt shop just opened so i was gonna go check it out,” suna announces. he turns to face you. “you should come along.”
“can’t, i’ve got practice.”
confused, suna blinks.
“yeah, my next class starts soon.”
then frowns.
failing to take notice of suna’s boring gaze, you pout at the twins’ answers. despite their constant bickering, having them around is always a fun time. knowing that they aren’t able to make it to the outing has you racking your brain for solutions.
“why don’t we wait until we can all go, then?” you propose. “is everyone free tomorrow?”
“i work out in the morning, but other than that i’m free.”
annoyed, suna rolls his eyes.
“i’m not doing anything.”
then sighs.
“great!” you clap your hands together with a smile. “tomorrow it is.”
you settle on an exact time with the twins before they part their separate ways, leaving you with only suna’s company. you turn to him, but his default look of indifference is traded in for one of despondency.
“seriously?” he stares down at you.
“‘why don’t we wait until we can all go?’” he repeats your words from earlier. he doesn’t mean to sound bitter, but it’s frustrating that you hadn’t caught on to his intentions. “i wanted to go with you.”
“you are, i’ll be there.”
“alone. just the two of us,” he emphasizes. “like a date.”
your mouth forms an “o” at his confession. the twins were so quick to answer that you had no idea his invitation was meant for you exclusively—and in a romantic way, no less.
“ah, i’m sorry!” you press your hands to your warming cheeks. it’s embarrassing that he had to spell it out for you—certainly not one of your finest moments.
“it’s fine. see you tomorrow, i guess.” his voice is laced with defeat as he raises his hand in a weak wave. you bite your lip, watching him turn on his heel to take his leave.
“no, wait.” you spring forward, clutching onto his arm. he stops, looking at you with wide eyes full of surprise. “let’s go!”
“now?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.
“yeah.” you excitedly nod. “i feel bad for accidentally sabotaging your date idea.”
“what about the twins?” suna really didn’t want to ask, but it was obvious you wanted to include them.
“they don’t have to know—we’ll just go again tomorrow.” you wave him off. there’s a sparkle of mischief in your eyes as you smile at him. “it can be our little secret.”
suna huffs out a laugh. “sounds good to me.”
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thanks for reading! if u enjoyed, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated :3
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totheblood · 2 years
true blue. (one)
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: ellie has a new philosophy: don't fall in love and you won't get your heart broken. ellie also has a really cute new friend. ellie admires some birds in this chapter idk if thats significant
warnings: 18+ (as a general rule for this series and my blog as a whole) suggestive themes, eventual smut, drug/alcohol usage, cursing, descriptions of abusive behavior (neither ellie or reader engages in these behaviors)
a/n: i am hoping to make this a series if enough people like it and want me too... i really appreciate support and feedback through asks and replies/reblogs, it all means so much to me. also i have this whole thing planned out and i plan for it to be very messy hehe... i love drama idk
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This year was going to be different.
At least that’s what Ellie told herself as she gripped the straps of her worn out backpack. All of the classes her and Cat had planned to take together this semester she had quickly transferred out of by the end of the summer, causing her to rack up an impressive list of classes on her schedule nobody wanted to take. 
“Fuck,” Ellie cursed under her breath as she rushed towards the building her literature seminar was in. “I’m going to be so late.” She was practically cursing herself for waking up so late that morning, her bed seeming much more welcoming than the professor who had 1 star on ‘rate my professors.’ She knew she had fucked up, but at this moment she didn’t really care.
As she made her way down the chestnut lined hallway, she frantically checked the door numbers on each door, cursing each time the door number didn’t align with the one she was supposed to be in. When she did find her classroom at the end of the hallway, she had to steady herself with a few deep breaths before entering. Throughout all of this, however, one thought rang clear through her mind: Fuck Cat.
Ellie never really liked to refer to herself as heartbroken, but that was the nicest way she could put the state that Cat had left her in. Ellie always knew she liked girls and while she had many crushes, and a few kisses, Cat was her first real girlfriend. She was the first person to hold Ellie’s hand in public, post lame birthday posts on Instagram, and the first person to give her an orgasm. But if she was being really honest with herself, her first orgasm belonged to her own hand.
Cat had served as a turning point in Ellie’s life and up until this point she was almost certain  that she had been in love with her. Almost. There was always this sinking feeling that whatever feelings she had for the girl was most likely orchestrated by pure hormones. She couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was that made her feel that way, but there always seemed to be something missing from their relationship. 
Little to Ellie’s knowledge, however, was that was just who Cat was. She made you feel like you were on top of the world, the only person in the universe who could cure her ills, and the only person who got her. She made you feel special, and at the time, that was exactly what Ellie was craving. She needed a person who looked at her like she aligned the stars, and that person was Cat.
Until it wasn’t. Quickly towards the end of the summer Cat got bored and all of the love notes Ellie had written her were quickly discarded within an hour of reading them. She continued to pull away until there was no trace of her left in Ellie’s life. To make matters worse, she broke up with Ellie over text, leaving her dazed and confused. There was nothing left for her to do except to run to Dina’s house and cry in her lap. She hated how pathetic she looked as Dina stroked her hair and shooed Jeese off with the flick of her hand. It was safe to say Ellie was completely over relationships.
Fuck Cat, she thought again, but decided that it being a thought wasn’t enough.
E: Fuck Cat.
D: yea fuck that bitch
Deciding that the text had done enough to calm her nerves, she pushed through the threshold into the classroom. She must’ve not realized how intimate of a class this was when she signed up for it because as she entered all ten of the people in the room now locked eyes with her, and the old man sitting at the front of the table threw her a disappointed look.
“Ellie Williams, I presume?” he questioned, looking at his roster in front of him.
“You do presume.” She awkwardly answered, only receiving a chuckle from a girl sitting at the far end of the table. Ellie looked up to see who it was that laughed at her poorly timed joke but just saw you trying to hide the smile on your face by pretending to write notes.
“You can sit at any open seat, I was just discussing the syllabus.” He told her, his tone sharp. 
“Okay, thanks.” Ellie mumbled under her breath, moving to sit at the open seat next to you considering you seemed like you might be the friendliest person in this room. She quickly moved to get her notebook out but internally cursed herself out for the fifth time that day because she completely forgot her pencil case in her dorm. She decided to save herself the embarrassment of asking if anyone had a pen, so she just continued to ruffle through her bag even though she knew it wasn’t there.
“You looking for something?” you leaned over to whisper to her, still causing her to jump back slightly.
“Yea, a pen?” She whispered back, laughing under her breath to pretend like she wasn’t completely embarrassed right now.
“Here.” A black pen balanced in between your fingers as you offered it to her. She sheepishly thanked you before taking it, making sure your fingers didn’t touch. 
“There will be one main assignment in this class as you can see on the syllabus.” Ellie, obviously not in her element, looked around at all the packets each person was holding. As if you could sense the nerves on her, you shoved your packet in between the both of you, pointing to the assignment the professor was discussing. 
“It is a partner based project and since there are only ten of you I hope this won’t be an issue.” He continued on. “And as you can see it is worth 60% of your grade.” Fuck this, Ellie thought to herself yet again, and fuck Cat too, she added for good measure.
The rest of the 90 minute class went as well as you could imagine, Ellie only having to stop herself from falling asleep three times. When the class was over and she began to collect her things Ellie looked over to where you were stuffing your laptop into your backpack. 
“Hey,” she managed to get out, her fingers fidgeting with her rings. “Would you want to be partners for the project?” 
You let out a breath of relief smiling both to her and yourself. “I would love that actually.” 
“Ok, good.” Ellie chuckled to herself about how nervous she was over something so small “I thought you might’ve thought I was like super unprepared or something since I was late and the pen.” Her eyes widened the pen. “Oh shit, your pen.” Ellie moved to take her backpack off and give back your pen but you abruptly stopped her by placing your hand on her forearm. Your hand right over the very spot Cat had tattooed. 
“Keep it,” you offered her a genuine smile before handing your phone over to her “and put your number in here.” 
Ellie may not have noticed it but she blushed. A part of her knew you were just being kind and you needed her number to work on the project but if this was any other setting this would be considered flirting. Ellie nervously took your phone in her hand and inserted her number and name with a little planet emoji next to it. When she handed the phone back to you she scanned your face for a reaction, smiling to herself when she saw your very own smile. 
“Ellie,” you looked back up at her “nice name.” All Ellie could do was let the tips of her ears turn red as she thanked you. When you offered her your own name and she repeated it back to you, she liked the way it felt on her tongue. She wondered what you wou- No, she wasn’t doing this again.
“I’ll text you tonight about getting started.” You informed her, now slinging your own bag over your shoulder.
“Looking forward to it.” She stated simply, her own feet planted to the floor.
“I presume you are.” You replied with a giggle before turning around and leaving Ellie feeling fuzzy.
The rest of Ellie’s day was uneventful to say the least. She saw a few birds eating a sandwich and thought it was cute, but besides that (and you), her day was boring. She was hoping that this year would be different, that she would be miles ahead of where she was when she met Cat, but she knew she was just worse. She wanted anything, a rebound, a distraction to pull her mind off Cat but all she could do was stare at her ceiling and try not to cry. Or that’s what she was doing until her phone buzzed from it’s place on her stomach.
Y: hey, it’s me
E: Who's me?
Y: pen dealer, duh
E: I thought dealers were supposed to be more discreet.
Y: you know a lot about dealers?
E: I’ve seen a few movies.
Y: nothing is like the movies, be fr
Y: anyways, do you want to meet up to discuss the project tomorrow? we could meet at beans?
E: Yeah, sure. 10?
Y: sounds good, bring cash
E: For? I use apple pay.
Y: for the pens… it was a joke nvm
E: Dumb joke.
The next morning Ellie had to drag herself out of bed so she wouldn’t be late to meet you. She groaned as she watched her roommate sleeping peacefully in her bed while she so desperately wished it could be her. For some reason that she couldn’t place, Ellie found herself smoothing down her hair and checking her teeth in the mirror. She even sprayed some perfume before she left, coughing as she accidentally inhaled some of the liquid. Why was she doing this again?
She saw you through the window of the coffee shop, leaned over your computer screen lost in thought. You tucked your pen between your lips and Ellie couldn’t help but feel like a freak staring at you from the other side. You looked so at peace with your hair tied up and your eyes carefully scanning the screen. Ellie wondered what it would feel like to not have a million things going through your mind at once. 
When she approached you she made a mental note of how your eyes lit up when you saw her. You had known her for a second and you had already looked at her with more adoration that Cat did towards the end of their relationship. 
“Hey, customer.” You joked, as you watched Ellie sit down across from you. 
“You don’t know how to let a joke die, do you?” She questioned jokingly, a warm feeling in both her face and her chest.
“I do not.” You said matter of factly.
The two of you discussed the project, throwing in occasional conversation and jokes when the material got too daunting. After about an hour had passed and the two of you were already feeling burnt out, Ellie suggested you take a walk around campus to “get some fresh air” and “clear your heads.” In reality, she was already growing tired of this project and just wanted to hear your voice ramble on about something other than American Literature.
It was a cool day, and the slight breeze caused both you and Ellie to squint the entire time. There was something so calm about the energy between the two of you. It wasn’t passionate or overwhelming like it was with Cat, but comforting. It was lulling Ellie into a sense of security, but she knew it couldn’t last long. 
“Where are you from?” Ellie spoke up. “Did you grow up around here?”
“Close-ish, I guess.” You answered. “I’m from a town north called Star Valley.” 
“Oh shit, you’re right by Jackson.” Ellie exclaimed. 
“Yea, you’re from Jackson?” The idea that you too lived this close and this was your first time meeting almost seemed criminal to Ellie.
“Yeah, me and my friends grew up there. I’m originally from Boston, though, I moved there with my..” You gave her time to speak, it being painfully obvious she was going to have trouble explaining the situation. “Like my dad? He’s not really my dad, he’s just Joel.” She decided to dumb down her complicated relationship with him for the sake of time. You, however, did not try to get any information out of her, or immediately try to get her to be vulnerable with her like Cat did at the beginning of the relationship. You just smiled at her and continued on with the conversation. 
Ellie liked this. She liked being able to have a conversation with a pretty girl that didn’t make her feel like she was tearing herself open just to bond with you. You two were just bonding in the simplest way people could. The sick and sinister part of her, however, was telling her to leave immediately. To avoid the trouble that another heartbreak would bring her. 
That part of her was starting to win over slowly as she remembered the promise she made to herself. She quickly excused herself and told you she would text you about meeting up again to work on the project. Her brain was telling her run, run, run, but she could tell you were still standing there staring as she walked away towards the direction of her building. 
Later that night, after a cool shower and a few hits of her pen, Ellie found herself ranting to Dina over text again.
E: I’m so fucked.
D: what???
E: I’m working with this really hot girl on a project for one of my classes and today we were walking together and it all seemed normal, like toooo normal, so I left. Like I no joke was like “Bye” mid conversation and LEFT HER THERE. What is wrong with me?
D: what happened to ‘i’m never talking to another girl again’?
E: I’m not.
D: …
D: true
E: ?????
D: idk why you would do that so i’m not going to lie to you
D: i would think you are a freak
E: Ok, fuck you.
D: what does she look like?
E: Hot. 
D: oh yes thank you for painting such a vivid picture
E: You are so mean to me.
Ellie felt the need for validation so she did what any normal person would in that situation: she went to instagram and typed in your full name. To her surprise, there you were, smiling as bright as the sun in your profile picture. Ellie suddenly felt like a kid again scanning through your photos, blushing and smiling to herself as she looked at you, losing focus of her original motive. She didn’t realize how far she had scrolled down until she was stopped by the sight of a familiar face. In a post dated over a year ago it was you kissing another girl. 
And that girl was Cat.
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allthornsnopetals · 4 months
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Prologue: Stain the Parchment E. Bridgerton
Description: Flora Deluca -Lady da silva- is the pen pow and beloved author of Eloise Bridgerton. With her travels around the world, Flora finally travels to Mayfair London, in the hopes to inquire inspiration for yet another successful story, one in London, away from France and Italy with the aid of her pen pow. Unknowingly enbarking her romance mini-series.
:Master list:
"Miss Flora, you have received a few more letters from your readers, a lot more." Said Claudia, lowering a stack of folded and sealed papers, all written from the same sender.
Eloise Bridgerton: A new and quite fond reader of Miss Flora Deluca's novels, poems and volumes. She always wrote but Flora only ever read her letters, too busy to answer all her fan mail, especially Miss Eloise, who writes so often, she simply could not read them all.
But tonight is different, it's stale, cold and without excitement. Once left in peace, she began to sift through each written text, enjoying the character of the writer. She found amusement in every letter, all with a different perspective on love, marriage and romance. To simply put it, Miss Eloise is anti-love, which is ironic given, the reminder that Flora's genre is predominantly romantic.
But Eloise doesn't seem to mind, enjoying star-cross lovers, unrequited love, right person wrong time and general adventure. Adventures throughout France and Italy, Flora's mother lands. The more she read the more interested she became, intrigued in the young lady, who seems to have a gift for literature. Ideas racked her mind, ones of adventure, travels and new stories.
Without a second thought, Flora began to write to Miss Eloise of London.
Dear Miss Eloise Bridgerton,
I find your mind fascinating, intriguing and fresh. I like your take on the topic of romance and the rights for women. I do hope you put it to good use, for a woman like yourself has skill and potential. I am to travel to Mayfair London in four months, before the debutante season of marriage, for my father is to inherit his family estate there, and I am to start a new life in the Ton. By your letters, you seem to be a local, someone to show me around and help me to settle in.
I do hope to see you, perhaps get some ideas for a new story.
Yours truly,
Lady da Silva
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
"Eloise, you have a letter from... Italy?" Violet turns the letter in her hand, holding it out to her daughter with great confusion.
Eloise cracks her gaze from her book, eyeing the parchment, snatching and ripping it open. "From Italy? From whom?" Hyacinth inquires, trying to see the letter.
Eloise scowls. "From no one, mind your own. It is not your business." Said Eloise, shooing her little sister away with Benedict slumping himself beside her, also very excited.
"Is it from Lady da Silva?" He questions in a hushed voice, wetting his lips.
The two share a love for the author and artist, who illustrates her own books and covers. Both, sending letters frequently, but only one receiving a reply.
With a gasp, Eloise clarifies their suspicions, her grin far too wide for a typical letter. "She likes my mind, she thinks it's rather fascinating," She gloats with a smirk. "And she's moving to London!" She screams, jumping for joy with Benedict, like fools, sharing an embrace.
"I am to write to her right away!" She runs up the main stairway, leaving her family in silent confusion.
Dear Lady da Silva,
I am greatly honored to receive word from you and to be given the opportunity to aid you in your next book. I have plenty of ideas, adventures, character personality and genres. How about a heroine? A woman hero, who embarks on a quest, an adventure.
I cannot wait to finally meet you, to brainstorm with you, to work with you! Your novels are legendary here, in the Ton, enjoyed by all— yes, even by men. Genevieve Delacroix, the modiste introduced me to your books— surprisingly we mingle a lot, discussing your books over tea and fittings. She too, is quite the literature, she adores your poems, always quoting those of affection, frequently, must I add.
She would love to meet you. Oh, and my brother, Benedict, who found himself looped into our little book club— if you can call it that— and writes to you as well, but it seems you have only replied to my letters, which I thank you greatly, truly. You bruised his heart for only replying to me, forcing him to quote your latest publish: Irony is of the Heart. Your best work, if it means, he too, is quoting your work.
I can't wait to see you,
Eloise Bridgerton
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Time flew by rather quickly, sending letters, the two made a connection, forging a friendship by letter, staining their parchments, their minds occupied with the other. The two became pen pows, rather quickly, their letters becoming more intimate and personal, Flora was beginning to think she were already with her.
Sooner than she thought, she were in Mayfair London, unpacking her chambers, decorating and finding new furniture for her study. Once sat for the night, she wrote to Eloise, informing her of her arrival and her need for new garments. Marking a time to meet and unknowingly a new beginning.
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vxnuslogy · 5 months
— 7:51 p.m. ft. alhaitham
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— warnings: none
— author's note: an alhaitham word vomit and this may or may not be related to something i'll be doing in the future hehe.
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“excuse me, is this seat taken?” you ask with a nervous smile gracing your lips as alhaitham’s mind swam with different ways of saying yes – when in fact it wasn’t – to try and avoid having to share a table with some stranger. but in the end, when his eyes fell on the book you’re holding, the tight grip on your bag straps, and that desperate glaze your eyes held he ended up relenting. “it’s yours.” he says plainly as you scuffle to sit down. it wasn’t long before another laptop was set on his table, just across from his own.
you were undeniably flustered; your eyes not so discreetly peeking at him, how your pen nearly kept falling from your grasp, not to mention how you kept your lips in a firm line. it wasn’t that hard to come to the conclusion that you may have something for alhaitham, but he made no comment; if he did, it would be akin to opening a pandora’s box. you were quite a chatterbox after all. 
surprisingly though, you had not uttered another word to him after you sat down and let a soft thank you stumble past your lips. after a few glimpses at alhaitham – all of which he caught on to leaving you to hide behind your laptop screen – he himself would take note of the items you had laid on his table. your laptop had multiple stickers of different characters from different franchises; a big coherent mess, he concludes. the notebook that laid on the table held haphazardly written notes, messy scribbles of black and green ink – the same black pen was in your hand being spun around like a rollercoaster – painted the inside of each page, sometimes there were little doodles in the corner. eventually you had taken out a black case with your glasses in them; he had noticed you getting too close to your laptop screen so his assumption of your poor eyesight was correct. but what caught alhaitham’s eyes the most was the annotated book by franz kafka that you had been flipping through all this time.
“letters to milena.” he softly muttered. alhaitham was sure you wouldn’t catch it, but in the blink of an eye, you were staring at him with widened eyes. the moment your eyes met, you ducked your head back behind your laptop screen with a nod. your fingers nimbly flipping to another page that was annotated with a burgundy book tab. “literature assignment. our professor requires us to write an essay about a book of our choosing each semester.” alhaitham hummed in acknowledgement and with that, the conversation ended. 
the two of you stayed in the comforts of the library for another twenty or so minutes before you started to pack up. alhaitham’s eyes followed your movement as you put away your laptop first, then your notebook, and finally your book tucked neatly on your arms as you flashed him a small smile. “i’ll see you around!” you whisper-yell at him with a wave of your hand. alhaitham simply nodded, not even bothering to wave back, but his eyes did follow your figure as you made your way out of the library when you turned your back on him. letting out another sigh, he pocketed the glasses case you had left on the table as he started packing up.
“how troublesome.” he said gruffly. putting on his headphones – putting the music at max volume – and slinging his bag over his shoulder he left the library.
“how do you lose a pair of glasses in the span of less than twenty-four hours?” you turn to glare at your friend who was making sure you didn’t trip and fall face-first on the ground. “i swear i’m not this forgetful, okay?!” he just snickered while you groaned, a hand dragged itself down your face as he led you to the art room.  you let out a slight scream when you nearly tripped over your own feet as you tried to rack your brain to try and find where you last put your glasses. letting out another frustrated groan while your friend laughed, you sulked your way to the art room.
“there you are!” kaveh, the art club president, exclaimed with what you presumed was a wave. “good morning senior.” your friend greeted the blonde man. to your and his surprise, kaveh had suddenly handed you a black case that looked oddly like the one you were looking for. when you had taken it from his grasp, you let out a small gasp of surprise as you saw your glasses.
“where’d you find them?!” you ask while putting them on, letting out a breath of relief as everything finally started to clear up. “a friend of mine found it in the library.” your brows furrowed in thought. you do remember wearing them in the library yesterday when you were writing your essay. so that means–
both men looked at you in confusion as you started slightly jumping around the room with giggles bubbling from your throat and bursting into tiny little laughters. plopping yourself on the ground, hiding behind the case, you then lay on the cold floor – much to kaveh’s dismay. both of them urged you to not lay on the floor, but you just kicked your feet and giggled, opening the case again and holding it close to your chest.
kaveh just sighed as he urged your friend to start working on a project. “we’ll be back later. try not to go crazy now.” the blonde man said, amusement lacing his voice as he closed the door on you.
a little voice in your head said that it was a logical reason to giggle over.
‘don’t leave your things behind.
– A.’
seems like you’ll be writing another love letter to this particular senior that has won over your heart.
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© vxnuslogy 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works.
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k0yaz · 2 months
Bro the first time I played ddlc (w no prior knowledge) I was so confused about why I couldn’t romance monika 😭
I literally repeated the first chapter so many times just because I was confused on why I couldn’t spend time w her compared to the others.
Pls drop either hc’s or a one shot abt this happening and Monika’s reaction.
Preferably w an afab reader but GN/amab is also cool
agony of her solitude.
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Pairings: monika x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, spoilers for ddlc obviously, short baby fic, horror themes, monika being scary bc she’s awesome like that, mostly written from monika’s possible perspective so it’s not how I feel about the characters it’s how she saw them mid game I think, possessive themes, a little unhealthy but this is monika in the original ddlc not ddlc plus so she only cares about the person behind the screen, pre act 3 monika, not proofread.
A/N: HOLYSHITHOLYSHITHOLYSHIT I ACTUALLY GOT A DDLC REQUEST I HAVE BEEN WAITING A WHOLE YEAR FOR THIS IM GONNA EAT MY PILLOW RAHHAHHSDBDB also why would I write amab reader no offense to the guys reading my thing but I’m so fucking fruity for the whole literature club idfk under what conditions I’d write amab reader anyway THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING DDLC 🕯️
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Various tabs of the console filled Monika’s vision, a perplexed look crossing her face as she stared at the files counting your replays. Her chin rested between her thumb and forefinger, pondering why you had looped the first chapter over and over, confusion racking her mind as she continued to search for a possibility. Perhaps your game glitched? Or the code wasn’t working properly?
“Why does she keep repeating the first act..? There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with the script..” she muttered under her breath, clicking her tongue in mild frustration. Reaching up, her fingers gently swiped along the console, trying to view all the recorded replays of the first act in a desperate attempt to seek the root cause of your game loops.
Monika intently traced the the contents of the digital code, reflections of the binary patterns and script mirroring into her emerald green eyes with each tap into a different file. Each movement of your mouse seemed…off. Your clicker would often stray off to the side, deviating from the displayed choices of Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri, while tracing it up and down as if you longed to find an alternate option.
She merely squinted her eyes at the replay of your mistakenly mindless gameplay, tilting her head in confusion as this pattern was repeated and prevalent across all your replays of the first chapter. That was until she stumbled across a particular point into your gameplay, her own body growing somewhat tensed as the repeated choice reflected across every replay of Act 1. Every single time. Monika paused for a brief moment, unsure on whether to feel elated, or confused in that moment as her hand rested onto her chest and clutched the fabric code of her blazer.
She wasn’t just getting her hopes up..right?
The choices presented themselves before you on the screen once more, depicting all four of the literature club members’ names in seperate pink boxes. Even after returning to this moment constantly, you remained utterly confused, eyes fixated on your screen with your pupils drilling into the pixels like a deer in headlights.
You felt fairly disoriented from the little chime noise emitting from the game every time your mouse hovered over one of the boxes, inching your face closer to the screen illuminating your face and splaying streams of light all across your desk. Your expression contorted to one of mild annoyance, brows furrowing and wrinkling your face up as you could only feel your shaky palm gripped atop the mouse. Why couldn’t you choose Monika? Why on earth were you restricted to the three girls you didn’t show any interest in?
Clicking on her name once more, you were met with the same dialogue spewing out of the line of text in game. That it wasn’t necessary to help her prepare for the festival. It was completely incomprehensible as to why this game wasn’t allowing to choose the route of the character you had your eyes on, making you scoff as a wave of irritation continued to bite at you.
Monika’s eyes widened upon seeing each brisk movement of your mouse, carefully examining how it clicked on her name each and every time it popped onto the screen as an available option. The script of the game barred her from having a route path, on top of that bestowing a near god like power within this digital world she was coded into. It was torture. The flashing colored lights burned her skull, the endless piercing screeches shattering through her ears as she was discarded into the void. Only knowing that she was trapped in a fictional world, believing she was the only one who was real.
A near unnerving smile stretched her lips, pursing them shut to mask her boiling excitement. You had been her only escape. Every time you opened up the game, she was freed from the agony of her solitude. Monika’s hands rested along the edges of the console, breathing out a content sigh. Her eyes flickered to your mouse jittering in possible frustration from the lack of response to choosing her once more, warmth seeping into her heart as she longed to snatch you to herself right then and there.
Ah. She had someone who actually desired her presence. Someone who wanted to spend time with her. No worries, (Name). You’ll be hers before long. Just be patient.
She snapped back to the game, her face seemingly more lit up, yet her sprite kept it as still as a rock as she stared straight into the screen. Her sprite was there while she tweaked the console and spoke to herself, but maybe she could finally rest for once. She could rest easy and let you play knowing you’re only set on her. Monika smiled to herself, hands grasping her elbows as she glanced over her statue of a sprite standing in for her there.
Her gaze over the protagonist made her nearly scoff from annoyance. His sprite repulsed her. Everyone else could have that piece of trash separating you from her. Monika only wondered to herself how gorgeous your complexion could be once she gets the chance to lay eyes upon you in person. If only she could crawl through the screen and wrap her arms around your neck in an embrace to feel your warmth.
It was only a matter of time. She just had to wait for you to reach the third act, and you were all hers.
“Don’t worry, (Name). Just wait a little longer and play through the game. You’ll be with me soon enough.”
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anyway this was fun to write :)
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windslar · 4 months
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Selma wasn't just a friend. She was a kindred spirit. Conversations flowed effortlessly, fueled by shared interests in literature, music, and art. They'd spend hours talking about their latest read, analyzing every detail of their favorite characters, and exchanging recommendations. Laughter echoed as they pulled out the same items from a clothing rack, their styles matching up perfectly. Like puzzle pieces clicking into place, they just fit.
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rqbossman · 4 months
It's A-level exam time!
Do you have any advice for those of us suffering? Or were you one of those students who didn't leave their revision until 2 weeks before the exam?
Let's just say that my particular cocktail of neurospice left me racked with anxiety and grossly OVER prepared and neurotic.
I would also say that whilst they help your start they aren't the final destination.
For instance I did maths, physics, biology and English Literature and now I work in queer horror podcasting. Anything is possible :)
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coyoteprince · 4 months
Managed to score a huge spinning literature rack that evidently belonged to a church, still with pamphlets, for almost nothing. Promptly turning it into storage for transgender nudie fairies. What a beautiful day to be gay
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mari-writes · 10 days
“Hey’ kaashi, do you think we would’ve met no matter what?”
Akaashi blinks, glancing at his boyfriend behind him. They’re sitting chest to back on Bokuto’s bed, absently watching some dumb video on his phone. “Huh?”
“Do you think us meeting was inevitable?” Bokuto hums. “Wait… did I use that word right?”
“You did.” Akaashi nods. “But what do you mean?”
“Like, if you hadn’t come to Fukurodani. If you’d never seen me that day, or even if you did, you were convinced by your family to go somewhere else. Would we have…?”
Oh. Akaashi swallows, unsure of what to say. It isn’t uncommon for Bokuto to start up random conversations like this. But usually, they’re about inconsequential things, such as if jellyfish had feelings or something inane like that.
More serious, even philosophical questions like this were rare (though not unheard of).
Akaashi hums. “That’s an interesting query to ponder, Bokuto-san.”
Bokuto raises one eyebrow. He silently mouths “query,” trying out the word, but allows Akaashi to continue.
“But I can’t deny, I’ve wondered that too.”
“Oh!” Bokuto nods rapidly. “Yeah, it seems so weird to imagine! You and me, never being classmates at Fukurodani? Never playing volleyball together? Where else could it have happened?”
He seems almost distraught. And Akaashi can’t blame him—it’s nerve-racking, imagining what might’ve been, if something had prevented them from meeting.
Akaashi sometimes have to pinch himself to believe that the life he has now is real. Here is is, studying literature at his first choice of university, starting setter for his volleyball team (again), plus dating THE Bokuto Koutarou??
It’s insane, really. Fifteen year old Keiji would never believe it.
“I don’t know,” he admits finally. He feels Bokuto’s body sag at the words. The man huffs, burrowing his nose into the side of Akaashi’s neck.
“Oh. Yeah, me neither…” Bokuto’s voice is almost a whine, but there’s a sad quality to it that pierces through Akaashi’s heart. Bokuto might not let his emotions control him so much anymore, but he still feels so openly, so intensely.
Akaashi sighs and shifts in place, turning to throw his long legs over Bokuto’s lap. He snuggles into the other’s warm, solid embrace. “Bokuto-san.”
“Mhm?” The man’s arms tighten around him.
“It… doesn’t matter.” His hands, a bit shaky, reach to cup to his boyfriend’s jaw delicately. “We don’t need to look back. We’re here now. Together.”
They’re both silent for a moment. The video on Bokuto’s phone has ended, and only the sound of a distant passing train and a few voices on the streets below can be heard. Akaashi feels a bit squirmy under his boyfriend’s fierce gaze, but he holds it, determined to soothe his worries.
Eventually, Bokuto lets out a long, contended sigh. His eyes soften and his lips quirk into a lopsided grin. “Yeah,” he breathes,  “We are.”
I had A LOT more planned for this, but it’s been a crazy week. I now have two jobs, plus all this continuing family/financial drama… it’s been a lot. I still wanted to share it with you guys! I hope you liked it. Please comment and share if you did. 
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destroymeinherz · 1 year
The Party
A little while back someone posted about a fantasy of being passed around a stethoscope party, with different people listening to their heart. I don’t remember who did so if it was you, I hope you like this. It sparked creativity,
I could continue if anyone wants another part. But I wanted to do the basic idea.
The Party
I’d just signed with a modeling agency. It wasn’t the most exclusive, sometimes the jobs weren’t exactly what I hoped but college was expensive, so I took what I could. How bad could it be? It’s not like I planned to run for office or something.
My agent called me after classes one afternoon asking if I’d be interested in a gig that was more unconventional. After a few basic questions for my safety, nothing seemed too offensive even if it was secretive, and a rep from the agency would be there in case of trouble, I decided to take it.
Friday night I arrived at a big mansion just outside the city. From the looks of it this was old money, probably descendants of oil barons and railway tycoons. Which meant the paycheck would be huge. They’d promised a large payout for anyone who stayed til midnight.
I was let into a large foyer and usher back to a small hallway to a butlers parlor. A woman checked my ID, checked my name off a list and then looked me over.
“You will be required to wear one of two outfits tonight,” She instructed, pulling two hangers off a rack of clothes. “Black is standard, you are willing to do anything that would be clothes on. Call it PG-13.”
She held up a black Herve Luger bandage dress for emphasis. Then in her other hand, she held up a red one nearly identical to the former.
“Red,” She continued. “You are open to sexual behavior, and by wearing red you are giving consent to sexual advance,”
Well, I was single and I was never a prude, so I took the red. Might as well have a bit of fun. Once I accepted my color choice, she handed me an iPad with a waiver basically stating that I would take proper precautions, assert myself and under no circumstances attempt to contact anyone I met here after the event. I would ask for aid if I felt unsafe and leave without a scene. If I did not make it to midnight, I’d be compensated $200 per hour worked.
I shrugged and signed. She then held back a curtain for me to change in a small closet. I slipped inside, squeezed into the dress and as I was ushered to a door she fit me with a bracelet.
“If you need out, press the red button. Security will extract you.” She informed. “Are you ready?”
I blinked. Extracted? My heart started to pound, suddenly feeling crushed by the tight dress. What did I get myself into. But… the money was clouding my judgement. So I nodded, and the door opened. Once I cleared the threshold, it closed behind me.
Just walk around. Be eye candy. That was my only instruction. So that is what I did.
The room was a parlor, antique and dimly lit. It was full of golds and deep rich red textiles, dark wood and gold finishes. Old leather bound editions of classic literature adorned the bookshelves. I felt like I’d gone back in time. Or I was in a vampire’s house. My heart thudded at the thought.
The room was also full of people, in fine clothes, expensive tuxes and dresses. All of them wore masks like a masquerade. As I started to work through the crowd they watched me, with hungry eyes. Maybe I was in a vampire’s den. I was about to be dinner. There were a few other girls dressed in the red or black, varying heights and hair colors and skin tones.
I swallowed and tried to will my poor heart to stop trying to escape my chest. Until finally, a man approached me.
“Well, aren’t you lovely,” He said, holding out his hand.
I took his hand, and he brought it to his lips. He then moved his fingers down my wrist, stopping to feel my pulse. He offered him a soft smile. Then, he nodded before he motioned a waiter over.
The waiter came with a silver cloche, removing the dome top and extending the tray to the man. But there wasn’t food. It was a line of various stethoscopes. His fingers danced along them as he made his selection, a red tube that matched my dress.
He waved the man off, then examined it before placing the buds in his ears.
“Now, deep breath for me. Like a doctor’s office.” He said as he placed the diaphragm on my chest,
I was surprised, but I did as he asked, breathing in deeply and feeling my heart kick in my chest. Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump.
He must have enjoyed the sound of my heart because he moved the diaphragm around my chest, smiling to himself and eventually he stopped. He listened for a long time, and even behind a mask I could see his eyes were closed.
I blushed. Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump
Finally, he opened his eyes and moved the diaphragm away. He took the ear pieces out and looked around. Then he must have seen who he needed, because he waved to someone.
“You have a perfect heart, my dear.” He said.
“Uh, thanks…” I replied.
Another man approached, he also had a stethoscope. He looked to the first man oblivious to me and waited for why he’d been called over.
“I think she’s the one. Take a listen.”
The new man finally looked at me. I smiled at him but he simply leaned in with his own stethoscope and listened to my heart. I took a deep breath like I had before.
Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump
“I think you’re right,” He replied. “Take her in, I’ll grab the others.”
The others? I blinked in surprise. Is this all it was? A bunch of cosplayers listening to my heart for a few hours? That didn’t seem so bad. Even if they wanted to listen to it during sex or something. That was actually, kinda hot.
“Come with me,” The first man said.
I nodded as he took my hand again. This time he lead me down another hallway to a different room. He opened the door and brought me in, then closed it behind me. It was more of a sitting room with a beautiful chaise in the center, raised up on a platform.
I recognized some medical equipment from various movies or doctors visits. Nothing seemed too concerning.
“Now, lay down on the chaise,” He instructed. “You may stay clothed for now. But do remove your shoes as to not damage the upholstery.”
I did as he asked. Once I was settled, he returned to my side. He brought the steth out again and gently placed it on my chest. He let out a content sigh as he listened to my heart pound.
As he listened, others started to fill the room. They lined up behind him. I had never expected anything like this. Just lay here and let them hear my heart beat.
“Before we continue, could I get you anything? Water, soda, wine?”
I smiled. “What would you like me to have?”
“Oh you are cheeky.” He grinned. “Perhaps a little caffeine, to stimulate you. What does everyone think?”
There was a nod of agreement from the group and some muttering of approval. The first man smiled and had one of the caterers being me a soda can on a platter with a straw beside it.
“Go ahead and open it, then use the straw to limit your movement to drink.” He instructed.
I did as he asked. Once the can was open and the straw was in, in leaned over to the table where it sat and drank a few gulps. As I did, the man placed the diaphragm on my chest again.
He closed his eyes, listening and seemingly very content with the sound. Finally he opened them, took my hand and kissed the back of it. He stepped aside and the next person in line stepped up.
There was no clock in the room but it felt like time slowed in this room. Each person took their turn stepping up to my seat and just listening to my heartbeat. Some had me drink the soda, some had me lay down, some had me sit and stand quickly. I’d stand there and pant through running in place and jumping jacks in a too tight dress, as they listened to my heart’s reaction and then recovery.
Ba-dumpba-dumpba-dumpba-dump ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump
I had to admit, this was fun.
The last person was a woman, she couldn’t have been much older than me. She seemed more keen then the men had. Her eyes were bright behind her mask. She took a deep breath as her gold and white stethoscope settled on my chest.
“My… your heart… it’s by far one of the loveliest I’ve heard.” She said to me, her voice was lustful. “May I rest my head on your chest? Hear it directly with my ear?”
“Sure. I don’t see why not.” I replied.
“Would you like to hear your heart while I do?” She removed the stethoscope and offered it.
The people in the room all watched, eager to see how I would respond. Well, why not? If it made them happy it was my job tonight. I don’t think I’d ever heard my heartbeat before, not like this anyway.
“Okay. Sure” I replied with a smile.
That was the right answer as she grinned with excitement and placed the ear pieces in my ears. Then she placed the diaphragm down on my skin and rested her ear next to it.
I inhaled as I had before and my head filled with the rhythmic thumping they’d all been indulging in for the last few hours.
Ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump
I closed my own eyes and lost myself in the sound. Maybe I should come to these parties more often. Hearing the steady beat, knowing it was mine… that was intoxicating.
“Do you like it?” She asked.
“Yeah. I think I get the vibe.” I responded.
“Are you ready to try something a little more interesting?” The first man asked, approaching me slowly. “You can refuse any of the requests, we won’t take offense or change your compensation. These would be granting special requests.”
The stethoscope was removed from my ears and I almost whined about it. I liked hearing my heart, understanding what they were hearing. What they enjoyed that brought me here.
“Sure,” I said. “What do you have in mind?”
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