#little!penelope garcia
lilveeblog · 4 months
potions and fairies and mayhem
little jj and little penelope causing trouble at uncle rossi’s!!
all the cutest elements of my girls put together
1.6k words
tw: slight ed mention (jj)
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it was one of the rare weekends where the bau team members were all off work. but of course they were together, all at rossi’s enjoying a weekend just chilling together, loving their family dynamic, as family dynamic which contained two hyper regressed kiddos.
penelope and jj were playing in the garden. they’d roped derek and emily into their games of course. spencer sat on the deck, head in his book, rossi was whisking away in the kitchen and aaron watched on from the deck, making sure everything was in order.
“can we pay duck duck goose now penny?’ jj asked, looking up at her big sister with her puppy eyes.
“no we playin tag,” penelope replied, tagging her little sister. “you’re it.”
“no wan pay tag,” jj huffed suddenly, crossing her arms and stomping her foot.
“girls, why don’t we play a round or two of duck duck goose before it’s dinner time?” derek suggested and put his hands on jj’s shoulders to try and diffuse the situation.
“nooo. no wan play that!” penelope groaned, throwing her head back.
“dinner amici!!” rossi suddenly shouted from the decking. jj suddenly let out a cry, she didn’t want to eat. she wasn’t ready to eat, not mentally. why did no one warn her?
“dinner!!” penelope shouted, running into the house, derek followed and emily grabbed her girl.
“it’s okay, you’re okay.”
“no wan to.”
“i know sweetheart. i know,” emily sighed. jj’s eating disorder had been playing up so much it had been difficult to get any food down her recently, the whole team had struggled to help.
“come on little love,” emily whispered and pulled jj up into her arms to carry her inside.
“mama,” jj whimpered, hiding in her neck.
“uncle rossi made your favourite, hm,” emilt said.
“carbonara?” jj asked, sniffling.
“yes my love; carbonara for the princess. come sit,” rossi said and motioned for jj’s special chair. emily sat jj down.
“jj eat all up!” penelope cheered and kissed jj’s head as a sweet endearing act.
jj whimpered, not wanting to eat it all up at all.
“you don’t have to. just try some for me okay?” emily said, tucking some hair behind her ear. jj nodded and sighed softly. the rest of the team took their seats and began eating. jj picked up her bluey fork and began eating off her decorated plate. it was safe.
after dinner, the girls were both a lot chirper and no longer angry or upset with one another.
“uncle derek can you come pay wif us?” jj asked with her sweetest puppy eyes.
“pease dada!” penelope begged, her hands clasped together.
“not if we’re playing princesses.” derek said.
“of course it’s princesses. go on mr tough man,” emily teased.
“you have to come play too!” derek said, throwing up his hands.
“nope nope nope. jj knows after dinner is mama’s wine time. you’re playing now,” emily sniggered and waved the bottle of rossi’s most expensive in derek’s face. he sighed in defeat.
“yay!” the little ones cheered and they grabbed a hand each before dragging him up the stairs.
the adults were downstairs and the little ones were getting their derek all dressed up covered in makeup. he looked beautiful to them, obviously, as handsome as ever to everyone else.
“allllll done!” jj cheered and took a step back from her makeup canvas. whilst nj was in charge of the makeup, penelope was on hair.
“i nearly done too,” penelope said.
“then we gotta show him to eveone!” jj muttered and did a twirl in a dress.
“do we have to?”
“mhms,” penelope giggled. “or else all work for nothing.”
“yeah got show eveone uncle derek,” jj said, huffing and sitting on the floor. she was tired but didn’t want to admit it. with penelope’s adhd, she hardly ever slept whereas jj was always sleepy, she usually slept a full 12 hours and more if she could. with it nearing 8pm, she was ready for bed. but she loved playing with her big sister!
“okay doned!” penelope cheered and stood back from the magic creation of bows and clips in her dada’s hair.
“okay let go show!” jj said happily. she jumped up from the floor and headed downstairs, dragging derek too.
“wait jj!” penelope shouted.
“inside voices ladies,” derek reminded his little.
“sorry dada. jj he not wearing his tutu,” penny said, holding it up.
“darn it. do i have to?”
“yessss uncle derek!” jj said and hurriedly pushed him back into their play room.
“darn it.” he said again.
they paraded their derek down the stairs and the rest of the team laughed and cheered at the handy work of their little ones.
“what amazing work girls!” rossi congratulated. “take a bow!”
both girls stood proudly beside derek, who was not happy, and took the biggest, most proudest bows.
“right girls, bed time!” emily said once derek went to get changed.
“not mineee. ha ha jj got go bed!” penelope giggled and ran off. jj stood there, looking between her caregiver’s open arms and penelope who had ran off.
“come on baby i can see you’re sleepy.”
“nope. i not.” jj giggled and ran off after her sister. she didn’t want to miss out on playing, no matter how tired she was.
“jj!” emily called and sighed as she saw the flash of blonde disappear up the stairs.
“it’s a saturday, let her play a little longer.” hotch said, grabbing emily’s arm and pulling her back down.
“she needs rest or she’ll be grumpy and bratty.” emily groaned.
“she’ll be okay. we can just let her sleep in the morning.”
however, what the adults didn’t know is that the girls were up to no good. in the bathroom.
“so we just have to put this in here and this in here and it makes a potion.” penelope said as she mixed the fancy, expensive shampoo bottles into the toothbrush pot in the bathroom.
“okay but what if it no work,” jj said, leaning in close.
“it will. we will be eal fairies in no time jay.” penelope said and handed over the ‘potion’. “you drink first.”
“why me?”
“cus said so.”
“just cus you said so doesn’t mean i have listen.”
“you do. i boss.”
“you not.”
“i older than you. i boss.”
“i wan be boss.”
“you just a baby. drink it.” she pushed it into her chest, causing the foamy liquid to burst out and splash onto the younger girls t-shirt. she hated wet clothes.
“nooo,” she cried, desperately trying to get the wetness off her.
“i sorry jj!” penelope cried. jj lashed out the , throwing her hands at penelope, causing the cup to go flying across the bathroom and soak the floor. both girls gasped at the loud noise and looked as the soap and water leaked across the floor.
“uh oh.” penelope said.
“off!” jj cried, pulling at her still wet top and now wet socks. she sat down, to try and pull them off but cried out as the wetness soaked into her bum and clothes even more.
“mama!” she screamed as she felt herself get more and more overwhelmed.
“no jj. not mama. she tell us off.” penelope urged and kneeled down beside her friend.
“penny help you.” she said.
“no! not you!” jj cried and threw her hands at penelope, pushing her back. suddenly, emily and derek burst through the bathroom door, to see jj push penelope back.
“jennifer!” emily scolded but suddenly saw the distraught state of her girl.
“okay, okay,” she muttered, more to herself and entered the room.
“what were you two doing in here?” derek asked, looking at the state of rossi’s bathroom.
“jj’s idea dada!” penelope instantly blamed jj and jj cried out.
“it not!”
“let’s get you out of here, come on,” emily said and picked up jj. jj clung to her, fussy about her wet clothes still.
“want off.”
“penelope explain what happened in here,” derek said, firmly to his little.
“none of that whining baby cakes, i need to know.”
penelope began explaining then, how jj encouraged them to make a potion to become fairies and insisted that they use rossi’s most expensive shampoos to be the best fairies they could.
“did you drink it?”
“no jj nearly did but she pushed me dada and it spilled so she got angry and pushed again.”
derek sighed. “you’re telling me you had no involvement in this?”
“no dada. i tried stop her!”
“tell me the truth or it’s time out.”
“jj sweetheart calm down, they’re not on you anymore,” emily soothed her little as she fussed about the clinging wet clothes to her.
“mama they feel them.” she muttered, quickly becoming overtired and overwhelmed.
“do you want a shower?”
“not shower day!”
“baby,” emily sighed. she turned her little one around and pulled her into her lap, rocking her side to side. she began to sing softly, to help calm her down. the little one yawned but calmed down quickly.
“now, tell mama what on earth you were doing in the bathroom with rossi’s things and why i caught you pushing penelope.”
“penny made me.”
“she made you?”
“she said if we make potions and drink them we become fairies.”
“did you drink it?”
“nooo penny pilled it first.”
“how did she spill it?”
“i maybe push her mama but seee made me!”
“she made you push her?”
“is that how you both ended up on the floor? did she push you?”
“no i falled.”
“so why did you push her?”
“maaammmaaaaa,” jj whined loudly and threw her head back.
half an hour later and both littles were cleaned up into their pjs ready to settle down for bed. emily hoped she’d get her little one to sleep in no time with the constant yawns and rubbing of her eyes it was inevitable but derek had a bigger challenge on his hands as all penelope wanted to play was fairies.
“it bed time penny,” jj whispered, sniffling and snuggling into her sister whilst the caregivers spoke in the kitchen.
“no mine.”
“mhm, you dada say so.”
“nuh uh. just wo cus wo baby.” penelope whispered and wrapped and arm around her baby sister. she kissed her head lightly and emily brought in a bottle of milk for her girl.
“oh look at you two.” she said softly and took in the cute sight in front of her. “my girls.”
“mama,” jj whispered, despite the cuddle she was already getting and raised her arms to be held.
“come to mama.” emily said and lifted sleepy jj up. she sat her across her lap and began feeding her her nighttime bottle, one full of nutrients she needed to help her ED. it was an easy put down. penelope got back to her colouring fairies and derek stroked her hair as he set her warm milk in her sippy beside her.
“fanks dada.”
“you’re welcome baby girl.”
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Little Garcia!!! <3 — cos of the new season of criminal minds I decided to rewatch the whole thing but I been watching it with my mama!!! Is been a lot of fun so don't be surprise if posting a bit of criminal minds content at the moments!!! :p
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dinosplayground · 4 months
So I was chatting with @lilveeblog about their most recent fanfic ‘Monday Blues’ about how when Penelope goes to tell Emily something bad happened to JJ Emily asks if JJ had an accident. Well what if in Penelope’s regressed mind things got a bit confused and she thought Emily meant that accidents were bad.
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The team had just come back from a gruelling case keeping them away from home for the past week and the crime having an online aspect had Penelope seeing some of the worst of the action from behind her desk. She wanted nothing more to regress and had been between headspace’s all morning. She rubbed her eyes and shifted in her seat, writing reports was never fun, especially when you have to recount all of the horrors witnessed over the duration of the case.
She really needed to get this finished. As soon as she was done with these final searches she could wrap up for the day and regress fully knowing that it’s likely at least one other person would be finished too and could take care of her until it was time for everyone to leave. The team had the whole weekend off and they planned to spend some much needed family time at Uncle Rossi’s after the last couple of cases being particularly difficult.
Penelope wasn’t sure how much longer she spent typing away but finally she was done. She closed down her tabs and went to stand up when she realised she had a little problem. She was sat in a puddle and her skirt was clinging to her thighs uncomfortably.
Oh. Oh no. She hadn’t even realised she needed to go and she wasn’t even sure when it had happened but the cloying wetness had her slipping into her little headspace fast and she felt the tears begin to well into her eyes.
She was about to go ask for help cleaning up when she remembered JJ’s meltdown a couple of days prior. When she saw JJ was so upset she went to tell Aunty Emily something bad had happened and Emily had asked if JJ had had an accident. In the girls mind the fact that Emily thought JJ had had an accident after she said it was something bad, must have meant that she thought accidents were bad and she began to panic, tears now rolling down her face.
Penelope didn’t know what to do so she ran. She ran into the BAU bathroom and locked herself in a stall, curling up into one of the corners and letting the sobs she had been holding back free and clutching her knees to her chest desperately.
Back in the bullpen Tara had just finished up her report. She knew Penelope had been struggling between headspace’s whilst getting ready for work this morning, so she headed over to the girls office to see if she was almost ready to wrap up and play with some of the toys her and JJ kept in the office especially for times like these.
When she opened the blondes door however what she wasn’t expecting to find was an empty desk. Knowing Penelope was between headspace’s she knew the moment she left her desk she would struggle to not regress and the fact that there wasn’t a whirlwind of blonde hair whipping through the office ready to cause trouble was a little concerning, however she figured the younger girl had probably just popped to the bathroom and decided to wait for her just outside of her office.
After 5 minutes of waiting and still no sign of the rambunctious blonde Tara’s concern shifted into worry. Based on her initial assumption that Penelope had headed to the bathroom after finishing up her work she decided that would be the best place to start looking for the girl, knowing especially between headspace’s her motor skills were not always the best and she sometimes had difficulty with some of her more intricate clothing pieces.
Tara expected to walk into the bathroom to find a regressed Penelope struggling with her buttons or zipper, so hearing the gut wrenching sobs that sounded distinctly like the younger girl coming from behind one of the cubicle doors was a shock.
Penelope on hearing someone enter the bathroom began to sob harder. In her younger mindset what had likely only been 5 to 10 minutes in the corner in her uncomfortably damp clothes felt like hours. She wasn’t sure what to do, the clothes clinging to her body felt horrible and she wanted nothing more than to get changed but the fear of being punished for being ‘bad’ was still unbelievably overwhelming.
At the soft knocking on the door Penelope lifted her head, wiping her sleeve across her snotty tear stained face.
“Hey Penelope, is everything okay in there baby?” Tara asked softly.
Penelope sniffled. It wasn’t fair that she knew it was her right away. “go -way peas Tara,” she sniffled.
“Oh sweetie, I don’t want to leave you to cry on your own in there you sound awfully upset. Can you let me know what’s wrong so I can help?” Tara asked gently not wanting to upset the little further.
“Nuh uh. No wanna. Go -way peas.” Penelope cried again.
“I can’t leave you here all alone when you’re feeling small baby. Is there someone else you’d like me to get instead?” Tara question knowing that out of everyone on the team Penelope preferred comfort from Emily when things were really tough.
“No fanks. No grown ups peas. Wan- J,” she stated trying to sound firm with Tara even though the wet hiccups ended up making the request sound sad.
“Okay baby. Thank you for letting me know. JJ might have regressed already but I will do my best to see if she can come chat,” Tara replied.
Tara knew JJ had also had a tough time on the case and was looking forward to regressing this weekend just as much as Penelope. She was hoping however she was still in her adult headspace at least for long enough to find out what had Penelope hidden in a bathroom cubicle and sobbing so sadly.
When she left the bathroom however she saw Emily and a very clearly regressed JJ heading out of the brunettes office and into the bullpen, likely also in search of the stash of office toys.
Emily saw Tara exiting the bathroom and headed over to her with JJ to descend the stairs in the bullpen together.
When Tara didn’t begin to walk with them Emily spoke, “Hey Tara, is everything okay?” she asked.
“Penelope is locked in a bathroom stall sobbing, I don’t know why. She only wants JJ but it’s not fair to ask JJ to go help when she’s regressed,” Tara explained.
Emily had barely had a chance to process the information before JJ began speeding towards the bathroom.
“I help Penny,” the girl yelled pushing open the bathroom door.
Emily and Tara followed behind her, albeit at a much slower pace in case they needed to intervene.
JJ knocked on the stall door, “ PENNY!” she shouted, “is meeee, peas don- cry, i come in?” she continued carrying on knocking virtually the whole time.
Penelope still crying sighed in relief, she knew JJ wouldn’t think she was bad no matter what. Especially considering she was the younger of the pair and had accidents a lot more frequently than she did.
She slowly stood up cringing at the uncomfortable feeling on her skin before opening the door a crack and letting JJ slip into the stall with her.
Seeing her younger sister made Penelope’s tears pick back up again, the overwhelming emotions taking hold. She reached out for JJ hoping a cuddle would help her calm her emotions.
“Penny why cry?” JJ asked sweetly cuddling her sister back.
“Oh. Wet,” JJ stated as she took in Penelope’s appearance and the feeling of the girls wet dress against her, “it’s okay Penny peas don’t cry, mama help clean up!”
At that Tara slipped out of the bathroom going to see if anywhere in Penelope’s office needed to be cleaned and to grab the girls bag to get a spare change of clothes.
“Nuh uh. Emmy thinks accidents are bad. ‘Said so!other day,” Penelope hiccuped pulling away from JJ rubbing her sleeve against her snot stained teary face.
“No she never!” JJ stamped her foot, “my mama would never say accident bad. ‘Cause accident happens on accident not on purpose.”
Emily felt horrible. She remembered exactly when this had happened. The rambunctious blonde came rushing into her office to tell her something bad had happened with JJ. Knowing this likely meant the younger girl was upset she had asked Penelope if JJ had had an accident only in Penelope’s regressed mind the context must not have made sense.
Knocking on the bathroom door Emily braced herself for the look on Penelope’s face, trying to not show any hint of sadness about being the cause of the girls upset. She didn’t want Penelope to think she was in trouble, especially after how upset she was getting over the thought of doing something bad.
“Penelope, JJ, babies can I come in now please?” Emily asked.
JJ opened the door slowly and Penelope’s tears began to pick up again as she tried to push herself back into the corner.
“Oh Penelope sweetheart, it’s okay you’re not bad. I’m sorry I made you think so,” Emily said softly, taking JJ’s space in the stall as soon as the girl had walked out.
“JJ was exactly right kiddo, accidents are called accidents because you don’t have them on purpose, and if it’s not on purpose then it can’t be bad.” Emily said reaching her arms out for Penelope, knowing that as soon as she was upset all she craved was cuddles.
Penelope almost launched herself into the brunettes arms letting the sobs take over whilst Emily held her. Emily rubbed soothing circles on Penelope’s back and pressed small kisses to the top of her head whilst he cried waiting for her crying to slow and her breathing to even out.
During that time Tara had come back with Penelope’s bag and tried to get JJ to go with her to play and give her sister and Emily some privacy. JJ however no matter how young was ever the protector of her sister and refused to let Penelope out of her sight. When it became obvious the young girl couldn’t be swayed Tara had left to go and wait for the trio in the bullpen with the rest of the team.
“Right, let’s get you into some clean clothes,” Emily said once Penelope had settled enough.
Penelope nodded her head and smiled wetly, she really was glad Emily had given her a cuddle and now she was getting out of the uncomfortable clothing.
Emily grabbed a clean dress, some socks and a pull-up from the girls bag. At the sight of the pull-up Penelope whined. She wasn’t a baby.
“Come on Penny you know the rules, besides when we get to Uncle Rossi’s everyone is going to be getting into their pyjamas anyway,” Emily said lifting the hem of Penelope’s dress to pull it off and over her head.
At that Penelope relented and allowed Emily to get her changed, she even joined in with the silly clothes game JJ and Emily sometimes played.
Emily would put the clothes in all the wrong places until one of the girls got so flustered from all the giggling they grabbed the clothing showing Emily where it really went lest the brunette have them walking the streets with pants on their heads.
The silly game combined with the tickling spread intermittently throughout getting changed had Penelope laughing so hard by the time they were ready to leave the bathroom, it was almost as though all the upset had been forgotten. The rest of the team had also finished wrapping up their reports so it was time to head to Uncle Rossi’s for a relaxing weekend.
You can read Vee’s fic below:
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spencerreiddddd · 3 months
Cabin Trouble
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Content: slight angst, happy ending, cheating? Emotionally?
Gist: When the BAU team decides to plan a weekend trip you agree, until you realize everyone is taking their significant other. You on the other hand are the only single person on this trip, and in love with your best friend Spencer. What happens when Maeve attends and you have to pack away your feelings?
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You wanted to kill yourself, how did you even get into this situation in the first place?
The team had always talked about asking for a weekend off and having a vacation all together and now it had finally happened. However you now sat in the back seat of Spencer’s car as he drove and Maeve sat shotgun. How did you end up in this position?
Well Hotch ended up making this a team plus your family trip in order to bring Hailey which in turn Rossi brought Krystall, JJ brought Will, Morgan brought Savannah, Spencer brought Maeve, your beloved Penelope brought Kevin. However unfortunately for you the only other single person on your team which is Emily had to go to Paris for a family emergency.
Leaving you distastefully the only person without a partner, and sitting in Spencer’s car as y’all drove 6 hours to a cabin everyone had rented out to spend a weekend away from civilization.
“Did you get much sleep?” Spencer asked breaking you out of your thoughts. You head snapped up to see Spencer looking at you through the rear view mirror. “I didn’t sleep much since you told me you’d pick me up at 3am” you responded yawning a little.
Spencer chuckled at you as he turned his attention back to the road, causing you to smile then feel extremely guilty. You had known and been best friends with Spencer since everyone started at the BAU, you had been friends for so long you eventually grew to love him. However you were a coward and never did anything about your feelings always pushing them down and your excuse was always “not wanting to ruin a perfectly amazing friendship” however when Spencer started seeing Maeve you pushed your feelings down further. The realization the Spencer didn’t see you the same way was the push you needed to lock them away in a box and encourage Spencer to go after Maeve.
Once they got together you distanced yourself from him little by little to be respectful to Maeve and him. You hated the idea of being “the girl best friend” but most of all you didn’t want to hurt yourself further.
You were originally going to drive your car but Spencer had been noticing your distancing and was always looking for ways to have your attention and favor thats why he practically forced you to let him drive you to the cabin. Something Maeve clearly didn’t like, well she really didn’t like you in general.
“Spence I gotta use the bathroom, do you think we can stop at a gas station?” Maeve’s voice sounded out through the car as she placed her hand on Spencer’s shoulder.
“Yeah of course.” He said as he searched up the nearest gas station on google maps.
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When Spencer pulled into the gas station Maeve was the first one out as she practically ran to the bathroom, causing you to giggle and her cute run. You knew Maeve was pretty and you were happy Spencer found someone attractive to be with.
“She’s cute.” You said halfheartedly looking at Spencer as you stood outside with him as he pumped gas. He turned his attention toward Maeve’s running figure and back to you with a look in his eyes that you didn’t understand. “She is.” He said in a weird tone causing you to raise an eyebrow, but you stayed quiet.
You had been talking with Spencer as he had finished pumping gas and you realized how much you had missed talking to him like this 24/7 and listening to every thought that came into his head because he had no filter. So much so you didn’t realize Maeve came back and was holding a bag full of sweets. “I’m back and brought sweets.” She said linking her arms around Spencer’s and lifting the bag up in the air.
“Oh what did you get?” Spencer asked trying to look into the bag, you giggled remembering the sweet tooth Spencer had. “You shouldn’t have brought this much candy Mr. Hollywoods gonna have a sugar crash.” You said jokingly causing Spencer to laugh and try to defend his sweet addictions.
“Mr. Hollywood?” Was all Maeve said and she looked at you and Spencer confused.
“Oh it’s a nickname Y/N gave me after one of our beginning cases at the BAU, I had to protect this actor Lila, and it’s a long story.” Was all Spencer said as he opened the door for you to get in the car and then walked around to open Maeve’s so she could also get in.
“Oh okay.” Was all Maeve said as she opened the bag and handed you a Swedish fish candy bag. “I didn’t know what candy you liked so I got you this.” Maeve said flashing you a awkward smile. “Thank you so much.” You said feeling grateful she at least thought about you even when she didn’t need to bring you anything.
“Oh Y/N doesn’t like Swedish fish, she’ll throw up if she eats them.” Spencer said turning his body to take away the candy from you and in turn hand you his which was Sour patch kids…. Your favorite.
“Oh no Spence it’s alright, she didn’t know and I can eat them there’s no problem.” You hurriedly said feeling embarrassed for Maeve, as you tried to grab the candy back from him.
“It’s fine just have mine.” Spencer said gently pushing your hand back. You stayed quiet the air thickening in the car, but it seemed as if Spencer was the only one immune to it as he drove out the gas station as you had three hours left on the road.
It was 6am and the glare Maeve threw at you made you uncomfortable so you decided to sleep the remainder of the drive to avoid anymore awkward situations.
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And sleep you did, you were woken up by Morgan violently shaking you. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,Y/N.” He repeated like a toddler trying to wake their parents up in the morning. “Morgan I swear if you shake me one more time I’ll pour acid on your head and you’ll be bald forever.” You said snapping your head at him annoyed. “The princess has awoken.” Is all he said as he laughed at your threat, Savannah shoved him away and came up to you.
“Ignore this bald man he has no manners.” Savannah said as you unbuckled yourself and hopped out the car grabbing your luggage.
“I don’t know how you survive, I would be behind bars for his murder already.” You say smiling at Savannah and pulling her into a tight hug. “Trust me girl it’s hard.” She says as you both bring your luggage’s into the front of the two story cabin.
“You know I can hear you both bad mouthing me.” Was all Derek said as he placed his hands on his waist causing you and Sav to laugh.
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Hotch was the last to arrive and the one with the key, it was around 3pm and everyone was sitting on the cabin porch talking.
“Finally your here!” Penelope said as Hotch walked up the steps to the porch and carried his and Hailey’s luggage.
“I apologize we ended up having to bring Jack along because he didn’t want to stay at his aunts, I hope you guys don’t mind.” He said as jack approached with Hailey.
“Absolutely not!” You were the first to say as you got up and practically ran up to Jack and picked him up in your arms as he laughed. You had known jack since hailey was pregnant and you had babysat him more times than you could count when Hotch and Hailey wanted a night out or in…. If you know what I mean.
“Y/N I missed you!” Jack said hugging your neck.
“I missed you more buddy!” You said closing your eyes as you swayed him around missing the way Spencer’s eyes were on you the entire interaction with Jack and the way he smiled.
“You won’t be the only single one here now.” Hailey said coming up to you and giggling as she placed a kiss on your cheek. “Don’t remind me.” You groaned and walked into the house as Hotch unlocked the door.
“There was a miscommunication with the AirB&B person and instead of 6 rooms there’s 5.” Hotch said looking at you.
Everyone’s eyes looking at you too now. “How wonderful.” You said sarcastically placing Jack back down on the floor. “ I can take the couch, it’s fine.” You said turning your attention to the wooden couches with pillow tied cushions. Great you were gonna have back problems and sleepless nights this weekend.
“Actually, there’s a pullout couch in Spencer’s and Maeve’s room if you’d like to use that one.” Hotch added causing Maeve’s head to snap up to look at you a look of disgust and horror flashed across her face. You didn’t blame her, all of the sudden the couch seemed way more comfortable than before. But before you could deny the offer Spencer grabbed your luggage and headed upstairs “That’s perfect that way you won’t have to stay downstairs all by yourself and on that uncomfortable couch.” He said as he reached the top of the stairs, everyone nodded and began walking upstairs to their assigned rooms as well.
Meave flashed you a glare as she walked upstairs to find Spencer, making you cringe. You absolutely hated the idea of how these next three nights were going to go.
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So this was an idea that popped into my mind while I was day dreaming (as one does) but it turned into a longer story as I began writing. So I’m going to have to do a part two! Lemme know if y’all like it.😁
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weirdlybeans · 9 months
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Happy Holidays!
This is my gift for @roguefoxpaws for @cmgiftexchange. Hope you like it!
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jareaulover · 4 months
I love reid so much but if I hear another person say "I'm not watching Criminal Minds: Evolution because Reid isn't there" I'm going to throw something!
What about JJ! What about EMILY! What about PENELOPE! What about TARA!!! DAVE? LUKE?
DO THEY MEAN NOTHING TO YOU???!?!!!!!?!!!?!?@
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pretty-boy-baby-girl · 5 months
Garcia buys her and Reid matching/complimentary outfits. Reid finds it highly amusing.
Every now and then, he and Garcia will coordinate their fits and show up to the office in the same outfit at which point everyone busts up laughing. (Partly because it's always startling to see Reid in anything even half as outlandish as what Garcia usually wears, and partly because of Morgan's reactions every time.)
Garcia does a pretty good job of getting an even number of matching outfits for both her eccentric style and Reid's more neutral one.
And yes, this does mean that Reid sometimes wears dresses, skirts, and high heels.
The first time Garcia and Reid walked into the bullpen wearing matching checkerboard dresses with chess pieces patterned across them (I'm imagining they were custom made and are supposed to reflect a moment in an actual chess match of some sort which Reid was over the moon about bc hes a dork and Garcia knows it) and little black pumps (because Reid wasn't tall enough already) with both of their hair up in half pony tails and matching glasses, Morgan tripped over his own feet and almost ate it right there in the middle of the bullpen because holy shit his Baby Girl and his Pretty Boy are stunning and hold up he needs a minute.
Spencer, walking into the bullpen with Penelope: *info dumping about the chess match modeled on their dresses*
Morgan, getting coffee across the room: *chokes on his own spit and almost drops his mug because he's busy staring at Spence and Penny*
Prentiss, walking up beside him and slapping him on the back as he coughs: lmao real smooth, Derek. *sips at her own coffee*
JJ: *enters the bullpen in a pencil skirt and an off the shoulder blouse, her hair put up in a bun*
Prentiss: *chokes on her coffee, unable to tear her eyes away from JJ*
Derek: lmao real smooth, Emily. *walks away laughing*
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reidobsessed · 5 months
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isagrimorie · 1 month
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Criminal Minds Evolution 17x05 - Conspiracy vs Theory
People use covert/spy techniques and Emily Prentiss immediately notices. Parts 1, 2, 3 (Don't con a conman -- don't use covert tactics around a former spy)
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bigttsgoodheart · 4 months
my roman empire is when luke brought the girls coffee but he got it from penelope's favorite coffee truck. Alsooo when he babysat penelope's cat (and was willing to do it again) even though he's allergic to cats. As someone who's also allergic to cats, this is the highest honor one could ever give someone.
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lilveeblog · 4 months
sisters to the rescue
the group get a surprise visit from jj’s mum and it sends the poor girl into a crazy, scared headspace
but penelope can’t have that! read as she looks after her big sister in the best way.
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it had been a rough day. both girls started off quite small, jj smaller than penelope with her cute pull up on and nightshirt waddled into emily’s room this morning for nursing and cuddles and penelope trudged in with as many teddies as she could carry not long after. it was a slow morning for the girls, a nice one. they made pancakes, with their matching aprons from uncle rossi tied around their waists. then they went for a walk around the nearby lake which was needed to get their energy out and then it was nap time but they were all awoken by a rude intruder. jj’s mum.
the knock on the door was hard and sudden and woke up jj instantly. penelope stayed asleep. jj sat up and rubbed her eyes, she’d fallen asleep in emily’s bed but there was no emily, only her little sister and all her stuffies. she felt herself older but not by much. she stretched and slid out from under the covers before heading to the stairs to try get a sneak peak at who had knocked. she could hear her mama talking.
“you can’t be here right now,” emily said to the stranger at the door.
“she’s my daughter, i can’t pay her a visit?”
“not without permission. you know this sandy-“
sandy? it was jj’s mum. her throat went tight and she felt herself instantly going to that headspace she hated. she wanted to be sick. she needed to be sick. she hadn’t seen her mom in 3 years, ever since the restraining order had been put into place.
“sandy i can call the police.”
“oh please, just let me see my daughter.”
“no can do.”
“fine. i’ll go but i’ll be back.”
and that’s what terrified jj. is her mother knew their new address, her mother very much could come back at any point.
“jj, is that you?” emily asked when she made sure sandy had left the premises. she turned to the girl curled up at the top of the stairs, sobbing into her knees.
“she found me,” she cried out. penelope then came out of the bedroom, smaller than before. she was confused why her sister was crying, who had found her?
“jj she won’t come back. i’m going to call the police and get this figured out.”
“no she will come back. she’s going to come get me, take me away!” jj sobbed.
“no jay, that won’t happen.”
“emily it will!” jj cried out! she got up from the stairs and charged to her bedroom .
“jay,” emily called out, heading after as quick as she could but was met with a door slamming in her face.
“jj otay?” penelope asked sadly, pulling at her caregivers shirt.
“oh pen,” emily sighed and turned around. she took the girl into her arms and held her tight and penelope hid her head in her neck. she hated seeing her sister hurt. so hurt.
that was hours ago and jj hadn’t left her room since and it worried emily. she was notorious for a lot of bad things when in this headspace and although her room had been checked for drugs and alcohol they hadn’t done a sharp objects sweep in a while and emily couldnt get it out of her head. derek was on his way over to look after penelope but pen wouldn’t leave the house without knowing her sister was okay.
emily had made penelope a snack to keep her occupied and decided to bed upstairs.
that was how we got to the current predicament. emily knocked softly and opened the door. jj was lying on the bed with her headphones on, curled up against the wall, in her safest place. having a bed in the corner made everything safer.
“how you feeling kiddo?” emily asked and jj glared at her; she hated nicknames.
“jay,” emily sighed and jutted out her hip.
“don’t want to talk. leave me alone.”
“jj, i have to make sure you’re safe can you at least come downstairs?”
“jj, i can’t keep an eye on you up here.”
“you don’t need to, fuck off.”
at that, penelope appeared behind her caregiver and jj let out a mighty groan. penny whimpered and emily reached out to hold the younger girls hand.
“emily, just get out!! both of you! out!” jj screamed and threw the pillow at the door where her two bestest friends stood.
“jj, i know you’re upset but-“
“are your deaf? fuck off emily!” another pillow was thrown in emily’s direction. penelope whimpered from behind her caregiver.
“both of you,” jj added, more quieter and emily sighed. she turned around and put a hand on penelope’s shoulder.
“come on love, let’s give jj her space,” she said. penelope looked at emily, pleading her to stay and help her big sister who was so clearly in a lot of emotional pain but emily shook her head. jj was in no way able to communicate right now, not effectively at least. they had to give her space.
not an hour later, derek arrived but even two caregivers weren’t enough to keep an eye on the sneaky penelope. while derek went to the toilet and emily prepared dinner, pen gathered up as many stuffies as she could, two colouring books and her pencil case before scurrying up the stairs to her sisters room. she didn’t both knocking.
jj sat there with a scowl on her face as she took in the sight of penelope. pen shut the door with her foot and came further into the room. she dropped the things at the foot of the bed and jj moved her knees closer to her chest. she didn’t want to colour but she couldn’t turn down penelope.
“i came with some things to make you feel better,” penelope said in her sweet little voice.
“don’t want it,” jj grumbled and turned away.
“jj, no be grumpy,” penelope said and climbed onto the bed, she crawled beside her sister.
“leave me lone,” jj whispered and turned more toward the wall.
“no.” penelope said stubbornly. she crossed her arms and legs and faced jj. jj whimpered. “i not leaving.”
“why? i’m no good anyway.” jj sighed.
“cus you need a friend an i your best one,” penelope said. she reached over and grabbed jj’s favourite stuffie her teddy bear which looked just like your traditional teddy bear. it was jj’s favourite toy of all time.
“this you next best one,” penelope said and handed it over. jj whimpered.
“don’t want that pen.”
“take it, for cuddles.”
“don’t want to,” jj whimpered louder.
“it make you feel good.”
“no!” jj shouted suddenly. she desperately wanted to cuddle it but she felt so embarrassed in this headspace. she wanted to colour but she couldn’t. she wanted to cuddle with pen but couldn’t. she wanted to do it all and be nice to her little sister who was only trying to help but couldn’t. she felt useless and stupid. penelope sighed and crossed her arms on a huff and the door opened again. it was emily and derek.
“what’s going on here?” emily asked in her strong voice.
“nothing,” penelope said, glaring at jj.
“penelope, jj?” derek asked, looking between them.
“nothing, she said,” jj sassed. she climbed off the bed in a huff, knocking the colouring books and most of the stuffies off the bed in the process. she stormed to the bathroom but emily grabbed her wrist before she could.
“let go; need a wee.” jj whimpered and pulled at her arm.
“jj,” emily warned.
“just a wee for gods sake!” jj screamed and ripped her hand away, she went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her. emily sighed and turned to penelope.
“what did i tell you about giving her space young lady?”
“mama i jus wanted to see her. be there for her!” penelope replied.
“but i gave you specific instructions to leave her alone.”
“she need friends.”
“she needs alone time.”
“i don’t always need to be alone,” jj said from the bathroom door. she shook her hands dry and walked through the room.
“jj you told me to fuck off.”
“that was earlier. pen can stay. you and derek can leave,” jj explained. she got herself comfy on the bed again, hiding in the corner and emily looked at her sadly but didn’t argue.
“dinner will be ready in 20.”
the caregivers left and jj sighed. she watched as penelope piled her teddies back onto the bed.
“sorry,” jj muttered.
“no need be. they all fall all the time, they clumsy.”
jj couldn’t help but let out a crack of a smile.
“clumsy huh?”
“yeah they always fall off my bed too,” penelope explained. “it’s just cus they’re stuffed.”
“oh yeah; stuffing does that,” jj teased. penelope nodded and smiled and sat back in her spot.
“you wan cuddle?” penelope asked and opened her arms. she tapped her lap and jj sighed. she did want a cuddle, not a proper one though- that was embarrassing. instead, she laid her head down on penelope’s lap and let the younger girl run her fingers through her hair.
“i know your mum is scary,” penelope said, almost coming out of her headspace now.
“pen you- you don’t have to,” jj said, going to sit up but penelope held her down.
“i’m here for you.”
“you can do both.”
“i know and i am. i know your mum is scary but you don’t need to act so hostile towards us all okay?”
jj sighed, she hated how she treated everyone. “i know i just get so angry.”
“i know but mama always says to take deep breaths when we’re angry.”
jj whimpered. penelope was right. “i’m sorry i got so angry at you penny, you don’t deserve that.”
“it okay sis. i understand,” she whispered, slipping again now.
“i love you penny,” jj sighed. she never said things like that in her headspace and penelope knew that. she smiled wide.
“i love you.”
not long after, emily entered again.
“dinners ready downstairs, come on you two,” she said, smiling softly at the cuddles they were having, jj was half asleep on penelope’s knee. penelope slid out from under jj and headed off downstairs and emily waited patiently for jj to move. she did so, slowly. she rubbed her eyes and whimpered, looking up at her caregiver sadly.
“you okay?” emily asked, knowing her girl was in fact not okay. and at the question, a flood of tears came. emily sighed sadly and walked over to her little one and sat beside her, jj curled herself up and emily pulled her into her side. jj tried to fight but emily was having none of it, she held her little one with a closeness of love and promise.
“mama’s here,” emily whispered and pulled jj’s cross her lap. jj clung to her caregiver.
“mama’s right here, you’re so so safe.”
“jj bad.”
“jj isn’t bad baby,” emily sighed and rubbed her girls back. “she’s so good but just hurting and that’s okay. it’s okay to hurt, it’s okay to have big feelings.”
“was mean.”
“you was mean but i know you feel bad about it and i know you want to say sorry and i also know you’ve already said sorry to penelope. everything is going to be okay.”
“jj scared.”
“oh baby you don’t need to be scared. mama is going to keep you so so safe.”
“even from mum?”
“especially from her my little love. you’re safe with mama, okay?”
“otay,” jj whispered and cuddled into her caregivers neck, feeling smaller than she has all day.
“mamas got you,” emily whispered and held her girl tighter. “i’m right here.”
for the rest of the night, jj didn’t let go of her mama. wether it was holding her hand, being in her arms, sitting on her lap, it was all about being close to her mama. penelope was just the same. emily didn’t mind having two girls stuck to her hips, it just meant extra cuddles in bed that night. and that’s how they slept, all three of them cuddled under the millions of jj’s comfort blankets and hundreds of penelope’s teddy bears.
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Could you do another Garcia Moodboard? I loved the first one, anyways hope your having a great day!
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I absolutely love Garcia, instead of a caregiver Moodboard this time I decided on a regressor one! Hope this is okay <3
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lavenderspence · 3 months
I'm rewatching "proof" s7e2 and that end scene of the whole team at rossi's "mansion" 🥺
like hello, cuteness overload
Rossi's stern "don't interrupt"
Passing around the spaghetti and the way Emily bites into that single piece
Aaron's cute little comment about the onions
Rossi stopping JJ from drinking the wine, (the sound, the face, the finger pointing) and the way Penelope’s literally losing it
Doing it like a family speech 😭
I would have paid with my kidney to see an episode where they all just cook together and laugh and drink wine and the only victim at the end is Rossi's kitchen and patience 🥺🥺
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Penelope, Spencer, and Emily are all just orphans who were left on the steps of the BAU to be raised by Hotch and Rossi.
PENELOPE | Little Orphan Annie
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SPENCER | Oliver Twist
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EMILY | ‘Orphan’ Esther Coleman
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Case in point.
P.S. I cannot be the only one who can hear Reid saying, “Please, sir, can I have some more?” WAY too clearly…
Check out my Masterlist for more BAU scenarios
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lukreziaaa · 3 months
“You saved my life.”
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“That makes it better. Thank you for saying that.” “Thank you for doing it.”
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dcvidsrossi · 2 years
Emily: What am I most afraid of? Hmm, let's see...
Reid: Global warming. And getting a ‘B’.
Rossi: The phone ringing in the middle of the night.
Hotch: I'm too much of a perfectionist.
Rossi: Aaron, this isn't a job interview.
Hotch: Oh, man. Job interviews.
Morgan: Nothing.
Reid: Yeah, right. What about the pigeons?
Morgan: No, I don't like them. They're shifty.
Will: Losing JJ.
JJ: Aww. Hotel bedspreads.
Penelope: Never getting my driver's license. Or getting one but the picture sucks.
Emily: Dying alone.
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