#little bitty guy in this HUGE THING for NO REASON
derpycatsu · 1 year
i bought a couple more figures recently girl what the hell am i gonna do with all the big ass boxes the top shelf in my closet only has so much room
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frudoo · 2 months
Just an itty bitty teeny tiny thought about biker 141 finding themselves the sweetest little pretty thing.... Most people are terrified of them for good reason, Price as the club president, Ghost as his VP, Gaz and Soap are two of their top guys. It's a sight to see them on or off their motorcycles but then there's you. The sweet little thing who runs across the boys somehow and instead of showing an ounce of fear, you give them a brilliant smile and talk sweetly to them. The boys decide then that you'll be their shared old lady.
Idk something about Biker!141 traveling through the states and meeting a pretty lil southern waitress with a heart of gold <3
Warnings: Reader's coworkers + most townfolk are prejudiced assholes. Mentions of food, and getting way too friendly with strangers (this is fiction, stay safe irl please)
The diner falls silent the second everyone hears the roar of the motorcycles’ engines coming to a halt in the front parking lot. The cooks start cussing, the parents start pulling their children closer, the busboys go to hide in the back. But you, a sweet, naive waitress on your first week, are completely unbothered. You greet the four huge, rugged men clad in leather jackets and dirt-covered jeans as they walk through the door, telling them to sit wherever they’d like.
     Your boss, wide-eyed and baffled, grabs the back of your apron and drags you into the kitchen. You brush her off with an exasperated huff, eyebrows furrowed at the middle-aged woman.
     “Steer clear of those men. I’m gonna tell ‘em to beat it,” she tells you matter-of-factly, wrinkled arms crossed over her chest.
     “Don’t be ridiculous,” you roll your eyes, retying your apron and shoving past her, out of the kitchen.
     You’re surprised to see that most of the patrons have left the diner, wads of cash left on their half-empty tables to cover their bills. All of this just because of some men that look a little different than them? It doesn’t sit right with you. You pull out your little notepad as you approach the table they chose, putting on your kindest smile. They all smile back—even the one with the weird mask has crinkles around his eyes, giving him away.
     “I’m so sorry about that wait. What can I start y’all off with to drink?” 
     “Waters all around, sweetheart,” the one with the mutton chops hums, closing his menu. 
     “Alright… and have y'all decided on food?” You begin scribbling on your little tablet of paper, nodding between each of their orders.
     The meatloaf special for mutton chops, extra potatoes, no green beans. A cheeseburger for the one with the mohawk, onion rings instead of fries. Fried catfish for the last two, with fries (because they have taste, according to the pretty one with the scar on his cheek).
     “I’ll have that right out for y’all,” you smile, giving them all a little wink before returning to the kitchen and putting their ticket on the line. 
     The cooks all give you glares, and your boss even gives you the cold shoulder, but you pay it no mind as you fill up four glasses with water and arrange them on a tray. As you balance the platter on your fingertips and make your way back to your table, one of the busboys sticks his foot out and trips you, sending both you and the waters sliding across the floor. You’re absolutely humiliated, pushing yourself up on your sore knees and dusting off your uniform as tears stream down your face.
     The one with the mask hurries over, offering his hand to help you back onto your feet. Your bottom lip trembles as you look up at him, a pitiful little whimper escaping your throat.
     “I-I’m so sorry about that, I’ll go get you new ones right now,” you sniffle, expecting him to chew you out.
     Instead, he cups your round cheeks in his gloved palms and thumbs away your tears, shushing you softly. Despite not even knowing him, you allow yourself to melt into his touch.
     “No apologizin’, lovie,” he grunts, “No’ your fault. Tha’ fucker always givin’ you trouble?” 
     “Hm? Oh, n-no, not usually,” you explain, carefully pulling away to clean up the mess on the floor. “Thank you- um…”
     “Simon,” he introduces himself, giving you a nod before going to sit back down with his mates.
     You mutter his name under your breath to remember it as you drop the broken glass in the garbage, drying off the tray and placing four new fresh glasses of water onto it. This time, the journey to the table is successful, and you hand each man their drink with a polite smile, still slightly embarrassed. They all make it a point to thank you with more enthusiasm than is needed, and the ones you don’t know introduce themselves as John, Kyle, and Johnny. 
     When the bell dings, signaling that their food is ready, you suck in a deep breath and place their dishes onto your tray, praying that this one won’t get dropped. Thankfully, you make it back with fully-intact plates, thanking the heavens that the cooks had sense enough not to burn the guys’ meals. You’re about to turn and allow them to enjoy their food, but John spreads his legs and taps one wide thigh, signaling for you to take a seat. You’re not entirely sure why you do it, but you comply, and he wraps an arm around your waist as he eats and converses with the group. 
     They’re all good company, constantly telling jokes that get you giggling, or pushing flirty little remarks your way. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the attention, but eventually your boss comes over to snatch you off of John’s lap. You can practically see the steam coming out of her ears as she drags you into the kitchen once again, face red and eyes wild with rage.
     “You’re fired,” she grits her teeth, forcefully undoing your apron and pulling it off of your body.
     “Go to hell,” you retort. "You'll fit right in."
     You don’t let her see, but your eyes are blurry with tears as you grab your purse from your locker and shove your way out the front door. You’d forgotten how chilly it was outside and now you’re shivering as you pull out your phone to order an Uber. When you hear the little bell on the door jingle, you flinch, half-expecting it to be your old boss coming out to hit you with a broom. Instead, a warm leather jacket is placed over your shoulders and a strong arm pulls you against a firm body.
     “Jus’ me, dove,” Kyle grins, rubbing your arm with his hand in an attempt to warm you up quicker. “The lads’re takin’ care o’the bill. Be out any second.”
     You nod and rest your head on his shoulder, protesting only half-heartedly when he takes your phone from your hands and cancels your Uber. 
     After a few moments, the other three men pile out of the diner, adjusting their gloves and wiping sweat off their brow. John sniffs and smiles at you warmly, pointing towards where their bikes are parked. Kyle helps you put his jacket on properly as he walks you over, and all four of them line up next to their respective rides. You shyly sway in place as they look at you expectantly.
     “Well, hen? Take yer pick.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Hey There Jealousy.
You're part of Hellfire with a big crush on Eddie, he doesn't feel the same and you deal with unrequited feelings until a date with someone else triggers unexpected reactions. ✨
Warnings; Angst, jealousy, fighting, fluffy goodness. Not S4 compliant.
Please like or reblog, etc if you enjoyed this ❤️🌸
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
You had been in Hellfire for the last two years, it was your senior year and things were going pretty great.
When you first joined the group you didn't know what to expect, Gareth was the one who had found out that you were a huge dnd fan and always played with the kids you were babysitting at the time.
One of them happened to be his younger cousin Dave who raved about you to Gareth, it was then decided you would tag along to Hellfire.
None of your friends could understand why you wanted to join but you ignored their doom-filled predictions of it being a cult or whatever bullshit they heard from Jason.
Eddie was hesitant at first until you played your first campaign and knocked everyone's expectations out of the water.
Now you were one of Eddie's valued teammates and the tiny itty bitty crush you had on Eddie when you first met? Now it was full-blown feelings and you were screwed.
Because he didn't think of you like that, he had crushes on Chrissy Cunningham, other cheerleaders, hookups with girls in bands and at The Hideout where he would play with his band Corroded Coffin.
It hurt, seeing him with those girls hurt, it was expected though. You were just his friend, he was older and in a cool band and despite what Jason and his Neanderthal friends thought and called him- "the freak" garnered a lot of intrigue.
He was also gorgeous, with beautiful brown doe eyes, shaggy brown hair, tattoos and dimples. Eddie was fucking hot.
So yeah, you were screwed.
Dustin never thought he would be speaking one and one with Chrissy Cunningham. He knew you were friends with her and Eddie a little bit too but it still felt surreal.
You and Eddie. That was the reason the two of them were conspiring together in the first place.
"Look, I like Eddie, he's a sweet guy but the fact that he doesn't notice how gone my girl is for him is frustrating" Dustin nods.
"What do you want to do about it? If he's not interested then you can't force him to be Chrissy" she nods.
"I know. Eddie Munson despite what yn seems to think isn't the only guy in the whole universe, others have noticed how cute she is"
This intrigues Dustin. Was it Steve? He knew Steve thought you were hot.
"You know Matt? He's on the basketball team? One of Jason's friends. He's one of them" Dustins eyes widen.
"So what do you suggest we do?" Chrissy smiles.
"We don't have to do anything. Matt is going to ask her out. Either Eddie feels something or he doesn't, either way..."
Either way, you would either get your dream guy or a chance to move on for good. Dustin liked you a lot and wanted you to find happiness, whether it was with Eddie, Matt or whoever you wanted to be with.
He was nervous but ready to see what happened.
"Hey" You're shocked into silence as Matt comes over, he's like one of the most popular guys in school besides Jason and yeah you're meant to be tutoring him tonight but you didn't expect him to want to hang out beyond that.
Did he want to hang out with Hellfire? Immediately you notice Eddie tense, defences up and you don't blame him, the basketball team has a few jerks in it.
Besides Lucas of course. You adored Lucas as well as Mike and Dustin.
Matt has never been hostile though so you smile encouragingly while Eddie glares at the newcomer.
"Hey, I know we were meant to be studying tonight but I saw on your bag that you like horror movies, there's a showing of some classic horror movies tonight. You wanna go?"
Okay, this you weren't expecting. He rests his hand on your arm and his thumb strokes over your shoulder, it tingles and you feel flustered and also acutely aware of Eddie's raised eyebrow as he watches you both.
Chrissy is watching too giving you a thumbs-up gesture and you make a decision.
"I'd love to" you find yourself saying and Matt grins.
"Cool, I'll see you after class" You watch him go feeling like you're in some strange dream.
"Did that really just happen?" you ask the others who look between you and then Eddie.
"You've been swayed to the dark side. Yeah, it did" Eddie huffs and you roll your eyes.
"I have not. He is cute though" You sigh dreamily, it's nice having someone notice you.
"He was all over you in Ms O'Donnell's class. Someone's got a crush" Jeff teases and the others join in on the light hearted teasing.
Except for Eddie, who's quiet and munching on a bag of pretzels while he glares in the direction of the Jock table.
"We were just talking, he was asking me for help studying. I help Eddie so why not?" Gareth grins.
"Mmm and now you're off to the movies, a horror movie. That you'll not be watching because of all the... He makes a kissy face and you giggle.
"Dingus" would that happen though? Your belly flutters.
"Shut up! " Eddie snaps and the others quieten and your heart rate spikes because he looks so annoyed and you wonder if it's about you and Matt.
"We were discussing the campaign" he points out and your heart sinks, right Hellfire. It was silly of you to think he might be jealous. Why would he be?
After school, you meet up with Matt to head to the cinema.
Maybe this will be a good thing and you will be able to finally move on from Eddie?
Eddie was invited to tag along with Robin and Steve to see The Blob.
How was he supposed to know that you would be at this movie with Matt? He felt like an idiot for staying and semi-spying on your date.
He tried to leave but the harsh twist of his heart when you laughed at Matt's jokes kept him rooted to the spot as well as Steve and Robin who wanted to see the movie.
Eddie didn't know why the sight of you and Matt together made his stomach bottom out but he was beginning to get a good idea.
He couldn't concentrate on the movie. It felt like that time that you were crushing on Steve for weeks and that kick started Eddie's dislike of the dude.
Until he got to know him and realized he was a pretty cool guy, Dustin's hero-worshipping of Steve too had stuck in his brain.
"Dude you didn't tell me that yn was looking to date someone. Could have asked her myself" Steve nudges him and nods to you and Matt.
Wait so Steve liked you as well? The urge to dislike Steve comes racing back. He kinda wants to hit something.
"You like her?" he asks Steve who shrugs.
"Dude, she's hot. You've never noticed?" he thinks about this and he's always known that you're beautiful, he's never liked anyone noticing you but assumed it was just him being protective.
Eddie doesn't think the pain in his chest could get any worse until Matt kisses you and he finally understands what it feels like to get his heart ripped out.
Stumbling out of the cinema he's joined by Robin and Steve, he feels like he can't breathe and the image of Matt kissing you won't go away.
"What's wrong with him?" Robin panics and Steve pats his back.
"Think he just realised he's in love Robin"
Love? he was in love with you? At first, he's like when the fuck did that happen.
Then be thought about it and maybe it was every time you smiled or you laughed or when you would fall asleep on his bed after helping him study and look so beautiful he was mesmerized.
Maybe it was your kindness, the way you played a kickass game of Hellfire or the way you looked at him on nights when it was just the two of you in his bedroom while he strummed on the guitar and taught you how to play.
Jesus Christ, he was an idiot.
Eddie had been weird for the whole week and that was all you could think about tonight.
Your date with Matt had turned into a second and now this third date.
It was nice you kept telling yourself along with the fact that Matt was a lovely guy.
That's why you were at this party instead of at Hellfire, though you'd rather be with the boys and Erica in the middle of a campaign.
Despite Chrissy being here which made you feel more relaxed you knew this wasn't your thing at all.
It didn't help that after half an hour Matt was already drunk and he kept trying to feel you up even you told him no.
Your good opinion of him was rapidly fading with him acting more and more like a douche bag.
You had said no three times now and you were pissed.
"Come on babe" you shake your head and when he almost knocks you over and you hit your side on the table creating a rip in your dress you decide you've had enough of the party.
And of Matt.
"I said no! God, we are so done" You snap and tug out of his arms, you ignore him and stalk away, you're so upset that you don't realise how far you've walked into the woods until you can't hear anything from the party.
You hadn't shown up for Hellfire and that was Eddie's first distraction of the night, many more were to come but this was the first and all he could think about was you with Matt.
Jealousy coils around his gut and once again he curses his stupidity for not realizing his feelings sooner. It made him pissed off, it was hard to concentrate and he wasn't happy.
Eddie startles out of his DM mode as Lucas comes running into the drama room, he's just about to unload on him for missing half an hour of Hellfire but the look on his face stops him.
"Sinclair what's wrong?'' that's when Lucas tells him you were at a party with Matt, he's drunk and you're missing.
Then Chrissy comes in and rushes over to Dustin, it's like he's in some episode of the Twilight Zone.
"Dustin! Big mistake with Matt, he's an asshole he kept trying to grope yn at the party and she left and I can't find her" Chrissy was panicking and Dustin looks to Eddie freaked out.
Trying to tamper down the thoughts of beating the shit out of Matt he assures Chrissy, Dustin and Lucas that he will find you.
"Jordan said that she ran into the woods, Eddie" Lucas tells him and Eddie high-tails it to his van.
He had to find you. It was starting to rain and you could get sick or anything. What if you got lost? What if you tripped and injured yourself or you... He freezes.
What if the monster that stalked Hawkins Woods got to you? Normally he would have said that it was a load of rumours and shit but everyone knew Hawkins was one strange little town.
All the deaths. He couldn't risk you being hurt and he drove even faster. Desperate to get to you.
You're shivering and chilled to the bone but you manage to find a clearing in the woods that leads back to the party.
It feels like you've been lost for hours but it probably hasn't been that long and you're relieved when you see a bunch of parties goers
That's when you also see Eddie, flashlight in hand and he shouts your name in relief.
He runs to you and you stumble into his arms sobbing in relief. The feeling of familiarity of Eddie's arms around you immediately makes you feel safe.
"It's okay princess. I've got you, you're safe" he checks you over and you assure him you're fine.
"You're soaked and look at all the rips on your clothes," he says worriedly and shrugs off his jacket placing it around you. The rain is fiercer now, a storm is brewing and you look anxiously at him.
He will catch a cold just standing in his Hellfire shirt and jeans, you try to tell him that but he stubbornely refuses to take his jacket back.
"Chrissy and Lucas explained everything. If I see that douchebag Matt he better run the other way" Eddie seethes, you've never seen him this angry before. It's not like him.
Well, that's a lie you tell yourself as you know how protective he is of you. How many scrapes he's gotten himself in for you, even if he had no chance in winning, he would defend you.
Even when he knew you could take care of yourself he still protected you.
At that point, possibly in the worst timing ever Matt stumbles over to you.
Eddie stiffens and Matt glares at you.
"You finally decided to have a go after all huh? Instead of acting like a frigid bit... He didn't get a chance to finish that sentence as Eddie socked him in the mouth.
He wines flexing his hand which is now bruised and sore.
"Fucking worth it" he announces, puts his arm around you and leads you to the van.
You had never been so glad to see Eddie's Uncle Wayne in your life. He takes in the rips on your outfit and the bruise on your arm and scowls.
"What boy is my nephew beating up this time honey?" you would smile if you weren't so cold.
Eddie comes in and you immediately take his hands in yours and inspect his bruised knuckles.
"Are you okay?" you ask him and he nods still looking pissed off. He softens as you clean and bandage up the knuckles.
"Never mind me, sweetheart. Are you okay?" he asks you and you nod still a bit shivery. Uncle Wayne gets you a blanket and you cuddle into it.
"I'm better now. Should have never gone to that party. The whole time I was there I just wanted to be at Hellfire but I thought Matt was a nice guy and wanted to stick around for a bit, then he got drunk and acted like a dick"
Tears fall down your cheeks, frustration and just total exhaustion from the night's events.
Eddie deftly leads you to his room and shuts the door. Once you are inside he holds you close to him.
"I thought I had found a great guy and that he liked me when all he wanted to do was get in my pants. He didn't want to get to know me, not really" Eddie rubs your arm soothingly
"Maybe the next guy will be better huh?" you say hopefully and Eddie goes still which confused you.
"Eddie?" he swallows as he stares at you and you clasp his hand in yours.
"I don't want there to be another guy sweetheart. I want there to be just one guy. I want to be that guy"
What? He continues speaking and you can't believe what's happening.
"I know it took forever for me to realise and I've been so fucking jealous all week of Matt because he doesn't get how special and kind and beautiful you are and how lucky he was to be with you and the dude messed it up? What a douchebag"
"Eddie," you say again and he looks at you with those pretty brown eyes all wide and nervous.
"You don't feel the same right? Shit, forget I said anything and.." you call his name again and this time he quietens.
"Kiss me" He doesn't need to be told twice his lips are on yours and he grins as you kiss him back, he pulls away briefly.
"I'm sorry I didn't realise sooner princess" You rest your head on his chest as he pulls you into a hug, arms wrapped tightly around you as you sit on his knee.
"Hey less apologizing and more kisses" He laughs and kisses you again, his thumb stroking your cheek as he presses tender kisses to your lips.
"I'm an idiot. Should have been kissing you like this for weeks, feels so good sweetheart, it's never felt like this, just so right"
You smile on cloud nine knowing what he means, kissing Matt while nice and all never felt like this. However all thoughts are wiped from your mind when you straddle Eddie and his breathy moans cause the ache in your core to deepen.
"I love you and I'm gonna be kissing you forever sweetheart, hope you know that," he tells you and the thought of forever with the man you love sounds heavenly.
"I love you Eds, and that sounds perfect to me"
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brandwhorestarscream · 4 months
Hey! I'm from KOBDSS' ask
It was "KOBDSS, but breakdown is the carrier of jettwins and wildbreak"
Ok I've been sitting on this for awhile and ngl kinda struggling, cuz. I'm not too great at puzzling out three way relationships 😅 but I think I'm finally getting there
First and foremost! Unlike previous iterations, I think the three of them will be triplets here. They come as a huge shock to everyone, and Knockout is the first to know whilst diagnosing his mate's sudden restlessness and inability to keep fuel down. Knockout is stunned to see a grand total of 5 infant sparks orbiting around Breakdown's. Seekers are always born in threes, but one of them split in two so there were 4. Add Wildbreak for a clean 5
They know the chances of Starscream being the sire of at least one is inarguable. They have... a weird relationship with their commander. Knockout and Breakdown have been conjunxed since long before the war, back when Veloctiron was still online and still the hottest, fastest place in the universe. They've always known of Starscream, he's infamous among the decepticons. But they'd never actually met the guy or been under his jurisdiction until earth, snd though their relationship is certainly a bit looser and involved now, there's still... a sort of wall there. Starscream is a massively distrustful and paranoid individual, and it took months of coaxing and careful flirtation to get him to even consider their propositions. Even when their sexual rendezvous' became semi-regular, and friendly(ish) visits even moreso, it's clear he doesn't trust them and is guarding his spark closely. He doesn't love them, doesn't think they love him, and has been beaten down and torn apart too many times to even entertain the idea. KOBD are fully content and emotionally fulfilled between each other, and while they do care for Starscream to a degree, it's more friendly than the deep and romantic love they hold for each other.
Which... somehow, makes it more awkward. If they were all a big happy united threeway sparkbond, it would be easy to tell him. They'd better be able to gage how he might react. But with him holding them at arms length and vice versa, and the seeker being so volatile, they can't even begin to guess what he'll do. What he'll think.
Knockout knows they ought to disclose it as soon as possible. After all, it's an important medical condition. But... he's worried. They both are. Breakdown has made it clear, right from the moment he found out about them, he can't stand the idea of a termination. He knows they should. They both do. An active battlefield is no place for a bitty let alone several, and they're not in a position to guarantee their safety and shelter from the war's ever evolving fallout. But the idea of snuffing them is too cruel, even for the two of them. But if they tell the wrong person or things escalate negatively, there's the risk Lord Megatron or Starscream might order their termination anyway. And while the two of them have already resolved to fight for their litter if they have to... they both know it's a fight they'll lose.
Soundwave is the next one privy to their situation. He's the calmest and most reasonable commanding force on the ship, and realistically, if anyone could get them greenlit for parenthood while also not being ejected from the warship, it's probably Soundwave. They're hoping he'll smooth things over with their big boss, because everyone knows Soundwave can do no wrong in Megatron's eyes. Of the news comes from him it'll seem less bad, right?
...except Soundwave does little more than acknowledge their situation and quietly file it away into the logs. Informs them to act at their discretion: if they want maternity leave or to be excused from battle, that is Lord Megatron's will alone.
These two idiots take the "act at your discretion" and run with it. They're just....... waiting for the right time to tell Starscream. Maybe once hes recovered from his last beatdown from Megatron a bit, or comes to loitering around the medbay when he's in a particular good mood and looking to gossip. Yeah, they'll spring it on him then, and gently ease it in with a cup of some hot energon and some embarrassing story plucked from one of the hapless vehicons. They're bracing for impact and trying to dodge the inevitable. The idiots
Their stupidity unfortunately does eventually lend itself to tragedy. Thankfully they've avoided any altercations with the autobots recently, and Breakdown has been listening to Knockout about not exerting himself. The carrying cycle is progressing nicely and Soundwave has been approving thejr extra energon intake without question. Everything is great.
And then everything goes to shit because of MECH
Everything plays out just as it does in canon. A clash with Bulkhead, taking hits and plunging it head first like he really shouldn't, dragged away by the humans and put under the knife. Having his optic ripped out of his head, having pieces of him removed and cut away. It's a traumatic, horrifying experience, and by the time Bulkhead arrives to free him he's bleeding from a very inconvenient place. Breakdown doesn't know if his greatest rival truly didn't notice or if he was refusing to acknowledge it, but he's glad for it either way. Starscream shows up to get him back, and Breakdown manages to hold himself together until he gets to the medbay
Knockout is waiting for him, and already knows the grim reality: Breakdown had never experienced such a spark-deep, lacerating pain than when one of their sparklings reabsorbed into him, premature bond shattering and leaving him a howling, roaring mess strapped to that concrete slab. Even now it persist, as his internals constrict and twist trying purge what would have been one of their bodies.
He looks like a mess stumbling into Knockout's arms, face still torn open, a gaping hole of wires and energon where his eye once was, chassis soaked in blood from their experiments and thighs just as wet, leaking a trail of blood behind him. The second the door whooshes shut behind them Breakdown collapses, crumbling to his knees and starting to scream even as his bondmate rushes throw his arms around him. It's so much, it's too much, everything is visceral pain, everywhere, from the farest reaches of his limbs to the cold void growing in his spark. It's agony, pure agony, as he desperately clings onto Knockout hard enough to dent and scratch and scrape, bawling and screaming in ire so loudly it surely echoes out into the halls. It's all just too much.
And then, to make matters worse, Starscream arrives. Bulkhead may not have noticed but he did. He can think of several reasons a mech might be voiding internal energon from his interface array, and none of them are positive. One look at the two of them immediately confirms his suspicions, and the only thing he can ask is, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Why, indeed. Breakdown immediately starts hysterically rambling, that he's sorry he knows they should've said something sooner but he's sorry this is all his fault and he's so sorry-
Explanations can wait, evidently. They need to get him taken care of, first.
Thankfully, a quick look with the mirror and a medical scan reveal that three of them are still there. Obviously stressed, vibrating at a higher rhan usual frequency, but still anchored safely to him. Not immediately in danger of reabsorption, and it's a huge, bittersweet relief. Three of them survived, might still survive all the way to emergence. The happiness is of course overshadowed by the loss, but this discovery feels like a glimmer of hope nonetheless. Knockout gets to work patching him up as seamlessly as he can, precise, loving hands eradicating wound by microscopic wound. Breakdown gets a tiny but of carrier-safe sedative, to relax his body enough to safely operate while keeping him semi-coherent. They talk the whole time, all three of them. About... what to do next, about what the future may look like with three sparklings soon to be born. Starscream agrees that, if any of them have wings, he'll willingly care for them and be their parent. If they're all grounders, then... he'll of course be civil and be more forgiving about time off for the two of them, but he won't be involved. It's a fair arrangement they can all agree on.
Of course, that all goes out the window when the three of them are born. Starscream himself didn't even realize how excited he was for their birth until Knockout announces the first one is a grounder, and his spark leaps because he doesn't care. He doesn't care if they're a grounder or a flyer, his spark lurches in a joyful way it hasn't done since before Vos fell, and all at once he realizes that he wants to be involved in these bitties' lives whether they're actually his or not. They'll need all the help, all the love they can get, and he wants to be there with them regardless of what frame they are.
Then the next two come out as jets and he's somehow even happier, because this means he'll have someone to teach about the sky and all it's wonders, and it's somehow an even greater happiness. The three of them are beautiful sparklings, each somehow with Knockout's unnaturally pretty, elegant face. The little grounder looks just like his carrier as far as his colors go, mimicking him near perfectly, but his alt mode is achingly different but so familiar. "He's just like Wildrider..." Breakdown murmurs, optics faraway as he remembers his family from so long ago. They name the eldest Wildbreak, at Knockout's insisting that Breakdown being included too. The split spark twins inherit names from the sky, from long dead relatives they'll never meet: Jetfire and Jetstorm. Neither Knockout nor Breakdown has any complaints, so their names are settled on swiftly. With that out of the way their exhausted parents can all settle in on and around the bed, bonding with their newborns and whispering back and forth to each other about just how wonderful their precious sparklings are 💖
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niqosblog · 7 months
Why Do People Distrust Reboots of Cartoons?
An Analysis
Root of The Trust Issues
I feel like ever since Teen Titans Go, people have lost faith in reboots of classic shows. Especially since their only basis is "this is a show for little kids", and they expect it to be immature and plotless.
You can't just announce that you're making a TV show reboot of a classic with a more simplistic art style without expecting backlash.
Just saying "I like the [insert media] reboot!" Everyone is gonna be on your back and say that it's a bad lifeless reboot. But I believe that some are actually good. They have kept up similar themes and still progress with the modern world.
The Exception
If we're really getting into this topic, may I say that Voltron: Legendary Defender is a reboot that people loved to pieces. Even with its awful ending, people still loved it. Yet no one asked for it.
No one looked at the old Voltron and said "I wish there was a reboot".
Was the show good? YES!
It performed amazing during its run. It had a strong fan following to it as well.
Was it bar for bar, character for character accurate? NO!
Keith was supposed to end up with Allura, going so far as to marry her. Pidge was actually a clumsy dwarf boy that had a crush on Allura. Hunk was some buff white guy rather than a chubby Samoan dude.
Yet, did people complain? ALSO NO. And the only reason why, was the art style.
Simplistic Art Style
Then we get to things like the My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake Reboot. These are objectively good reboots as a stand alone, without a nostalgia bias.
They have representation, life lessons, friendship themes, basically everything that the original was. But the fact it's a 'reboot' is what throws people into hysteria.
Strawberry Shortcake was always a spunky girl who would always problem solve in a kind and caring way. Always true to her friends, loved making friends.
She is such a stereotypical good girl that the show even pokes fun at it. Making jokes that she's too trustworthy and friendly. And they keep this trend in the reboot. Yet people didn't watch it.
And you want to know why?
"it looks lifeless" "it lost its spark" "the designs are ugly"
Why This Argument Sucks
This isn't a real argument. Exhibit A would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT).
We can agree that TMNT has kept a consistent art style. Mostly consisting of the big eyes, similar body shapes, wide mouths... The only two thing differentiating them being the eye covers and weapons.
Now in the reboot, there are several differences.
Raphael - Stocky, beefy, wider, taller, snaggle tooth
Leonardo - skinner waist, broad shoulders, long head, slightly muscular arms, eye markings
Donatello - basically the same as Leo but he has skinner arms, and goggles
Michaelangelo - rounder, shorter, bigger eyes, more colors
Unlike the other adaptations, where they look like the same copy and paste character with a slight hue shift, they actually look different. But before it came out, there was a lot of backlash of the characters looking ugly.
That soon changed when clips started circling around that people gave it a shot. And guess what. They liked it! They called the characters charming and unique, and even got a huge fandom from shares on Tiktok and advertisements from the program airing the show.
Sure, people did complain about the simplicity. But they eventually came to enjoy it. So why can't people keep the same energy for other reboots?
The biggest factor of all is nostalgia. I loved Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Bitty Adventures. And I dabbled in watching the 2003 version because I loved it when I was a kid. Yet, I still love the reboot.
Berry in the Big City isn't a bad reboot, people just don't want to give it a chance because of the nostalgia factor. They grew up with the 2003-2009 version and expect no changes, and when things did change they threw a fit.
I don't know how to tell you this, but this show was made for KIDS. Not teenagers looking for a fun watch, not adults looking for a taste of classic TV, but children.
Sure, there are some teens and adults who love this show because they might be a babysitter or an older sibling. Or maybe just someone who heard it was good and wanted to give it a watch.
But if your only reason for disliking a show is that "it's not my [insert character]" is showing that you're just scared of change. If I'm really being honest, BITBC shows more personality in their characters.
Back in Berry Bitty Adventures, they all felt like the same girl just with a different goal. Here, Strawberry is more hyperactive and passionate, Blueberry is going with the flow and airhead-ish, Orange is a competitive athlete, Lemon is an emotionally closed off inventor, Lime is a nerdy fashionista.
And they all look different.
I have confused Raspberry Torte and Strawberry in 2009 more times than I can count. Even characters like Cherry Jam and Blueberry who have a different color scheme, look similar when desaturated.
And if you feel hurt by the fact that I'm saying cons about a series you loved as a kid, then you're part of the problem.
I don't expect you to say that "oh, yeah, I can see that." but instead, admit that not everything you grew up with was perfect.
And if Strawberry Shortcake isn't enough proof that people glorify the original too much, may I remind you people continuously hate the Monster High reboot.
The original had racial stereotypes, outdated jokes, sexist characters, toxic relationships (that for some reason stayed together), misrepresentation of disorders, and way more.
The reboot actually tries to be sensitive to who might be watching their show. They made Asian coded characters not yellow, they properly represent disabilities, they don't make Abbey's foreign accent a joke, they have body diversity. And g1 is apparently still superior.
Another reminder is that when g1 tried to make progress with their first gay character, they back tracked it and made it subtext. There will always be a problem with g1 Monster High, the only people who ignore it are people who are scared of change.
Are you supposed to watch all reboots from now and forever into eternity. No. This is just a thing I noticed when goons glaze on a cartoon that they (probably) didn't even watch getting a reboot.
There are bad reboots out there, (I'm looking at you Velma..), but I feel like if you just watched a couple episodes you'd find them more enjoyable. The original doesn't disappear when you watch a reboot. In fact, most of the examples I've mentioned are free on YouTube.
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buwheal · 9 months
what are personally your favorite spamton headcanons?
OOooooh this was the wrong thing to ask me if you hate lots of letters on your screen. Get ready!!!!!! Here's my list :-) Its not organized by least to most btw im just typing everything i like lol :
puppetification theory.. AAUUUGHHH!!!!! this one is so much fun for so many reasons.
he's got a BJD (ball jointed doll) body
He's kinda an asshole
While a good chunk of his glitching is from puppetification, way more of it is from malware he's collected over like 20 years on the streets of cyber city
He absolutely feels and is aware of his glitches but he's so used to them it doesnt really bother him anymore. scratch that, it 100% does bother him that his body is actively defying him. but what can you do? :shrug:
he's like 5'1. I HATE HATE HATE seeing him the size of a toddler both because you can literally see his world sprite is the same height as kris, which is a teenager (His proportions just are unbelievably fucked up because of puppetification) and because thats just kinda weird. Something about making him so so small feels weird to me but im not sure, really. take it with a grain of salt.
He was an Email Addison. You see it everywhere. He was like a mailman or something.
He wasnt like four foot or something throuhghout his whole life, but i do imagine he was only slightly smaller than an Addison, which doesnt sound that bad except when you realize everyone else is normal height except him. Maybe it was a manufacutring bug, or maybe it was intentional for his job.
Addisons are like weird organic robots kinda. Cause everything in cyber city is made of code i imagine they are like basically sentient AI.
They (addisons) physically do not age unless their code is damaged. (Guess who's code is fucked up) They were "born" physically and half-mentally adults, and count their age based on their manufacturing date. I say mentally half because it quickly develops soon after while they do things like advertise. Their personality develops a time after.
HE IS OLD!!!!!!! HE'S AN OLD GUY!! HES GOT LITTLE WRINKLES N SHIT!!! HES GOT A GREY STRIPE!!!!!! Not really because of physical aging but its more of like a glitch tbh lol. Like a chunk glitch in minecraft. Whatever happened as his code got progressively more beat up caused a patch of his hair to register incorrectly and show up slightly wrong.
His hair is natrually white. He dyed it in his big shot era ofc, but it faded out. He keeps it colored currently with car oil and shit. Whatever he can find that will color it. It will and does wash out partially when he's drenched in the rain.
He completely refuses to acknowledge his physical changes. Glimpses he sees he ignores or passes it off as he's seeing things.
He prayed to the Neo robot because he saw the beginning of puppetification. He was praying for forgiveness or another chance. He believed it was a divine punishment because he had no other explination. He doesnt believe he changed much more than the very very early stages, and he thinks he's forgiven in his delusion. Which is why he wants the robot so bad.
When he gets mad he turns kinda red and steam comes out the side of his head in short bursts, train whistle sound effects and all. looney tunes type junk.
He has lips... but they're stretched so far because of his huge fucking brick ass teeth that it doesnt really matter at that point.
He's got a scraggly ass mullet.
he has little bitty dot eyes. Every other addison does too but they keep them closed for visual appeal. Theyre robots and shit they dont really need them to get around, even though they help a lot.
Thats about all i can think of rn!!!! ^_^ hope you enjoy that brick of text lol.
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iambittythings · 1 year
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Today's best is a Pallas's Cat. This guy was fun to do, but a bit of a challenge too, he's super round and thick, not my usual creature silhouette. I liked displaying him and the Serval side by side for the same reason, opposite cats! One tall, one short, one fluffy, one sleek, small rounded ears vs huge satellites. It's amazing how much environment impacts the shape of an animal from the same family.
If you'd like this little cat, or any of my work, please check out Bittythings and Beasts.
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penumbralwoods · 4 months
Also for the Reverse Unpopular Opinion Meme: Warrior Cats (as someone who never read the books, I'm curious to see what drew people into them)
oddly this is the most difficult one! uhhhhmmm okay we're gonna talk about the darkest hour because there are a ton of genwunner-equivalent WC fans and they're all correct. so the main antagonist of the first WC arc is tigerstar, who without getting all into it is incredibly cat xenophobic and murderous (he orders the death of two children because they have parents from different clans and kills a child himself on several occasions.) the darkest hour is this huge setup of a final battle between him and the protag (firestar)'s clans, and when it finally happens this itty bitty little black cat with a tooth-spiky collar shows up. his name is scourge and he leads a group of alley cats in the city next to the cat territories. he's allied with tigerstar because he promised to give scourge's group firestar's territory once he's dead. tigerstar orders scourge's group to attack and none of them listen because he's not their leader. he gets pissed and attacks scourge, who promptly Slices Him Open From, And I Quote, Tail To Throat. did i mention scourge has acrylic nails that are dog teeth? scourge has acrylic nails that are dog teeth. so tigerstar dies immediately, obviously. but the thing about leaders in WC is that they get nine lives from their dead ancestors. but he just. comes back to life and dies again. nine times. because, and again i quote, "not even starclan could heal that wound." the subversion is fucking immaculate and the horrific descriptions do NOT hold back. this guy has been built up for 6 books, and he just got OHKO'd by an undersized orphan. it's the subject of thousands of MAP parts and AMVs for extremely good reason. for all of WC's faults, when it goes hard, it GOES HARD.
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iamjucie · 5 months
A History in Lessons
Chapter 6: "Your Most Prized Spawn" pt. 4
“My my, isn’t this a lively conversation you two are having. Look at you.” he gestures widely to you and your counterpart. “Making yourselves at home, finding comfort in a seat not meant for you.” his smile disappears and he glances at the setting card at the peak of the formal spread on the table. He looks back at Fuchsia with raised eyebrows with his hand remaining firmly on your shoulder.
You continue to tell the story of Astarion's ascension before you are interrupted by a familiar, handsome, gentle, kind party guest.
AO3 Link Word count: 1.5k CW: Extremely dubious consent, Mind Control, Mind Manipulation
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“Perfect.” You lean closer into her, preparing for the dramatic retelling of you and your lover’s origin. “Well, it started on a mindflayer ship.” Fuchsia raises her eyebrows curiously.
“Astarion and I were both kidnapped by this HUGE flying ship. When they captured us, they put these little tadpoles in our eyes and put us in these pods where we were meant to eventually turn into mind flayers.” Her face scrunches in confusion and her head tilts inquisitively in response. 
“You know what a mind flayer is, right? Those purple tentacle faced aliens that eat brains?”
Recollection sparks in her eyes. “Oh yes, I do remember reading about them.” she leans back into her seat, resuming her listening position. “Go on then.”
You lean forward with your elbows resting on your knees. Legs spread apart, ignoring any sort of etiquette you should be following whilst wearing a ball gown of such caliber. “So these dragons started whacking into the ship and knocked me out of my pod. Eventually I took control of the ship and crashed it into the wilderness.”
“Oh my…” She is listening intently. Appearing to have a genuine fascination with your story, despite it having seemingly nothing to do with her initial question.
“For some reason, I didn't die. So I started walking around the beach I crashed at and I found this Shar worshiper lady who had this floating artifact thing that I found out later was the reason we didn’t turn into mind flayers.” You pause for a moment, eyes down and eyebrows furrowed in recollection. “Actually, there was a mind flayer living INSIDE the artifact preventing us from becoming mind flayers.” you look up at her to explain. “Well, he wasn’t inside the box. Like he wasn’t an itty bitty tiny alien. The box ended up being a portal to the astral realm where the mind flayer lived with the prince.” you say matter of factly. 
“Hold on.” She closes her eyes and puts up her hand politely. “The prince?” 
You look up into the air, pondering the direction of your story. “Actually, don’t worry about the prince thing. Just-” you wave your hands around and shake your head, regaining control of the words coming from your mouth for a brief moment. “Sorry, I’m having trouble articulating my thoughts. That wine is so… strong. What kind of wine is tha-”
She cuts you off. “Oh it is perfectly fine, you are a fantastic storyteller. You were saying something about a girl? With an artifact?” 
You put your hand on your chin. Right, you were telling the story of how Astarion performed the ritual. Where were you? Oh- that’s right.
“So, the girl had this box that stopped us from turning into mind flayers from the worm they put in our heads. I start walking around when suddenly I find this guy who says he needs my help but ends up attacking me with a dagger! It was Astarion. Apparently he saw me on the ship and thought I was the one who kidnapped him.” 
You notice that the spawn’s gaze has shifted from maintaining eye contact with you to looking over your shoulder. Her eyes follow something- or, someone approaching you. You feel a large, cold hand slowly being placed on your shoulder. You turn and look up to see a vampire lord glancing down at you with his crimson eyes, smiling a toothy grin. It’s the same man that had been eyeing you when you had entered the ballroom with Astarion earlier.
“My my, isn’t this a lively conversation you two are having. Look at you.” he gestures widely to you and your counterpart. “Making yourselves at home, finding comfort in a seat not meant for you.” his smile disappears and he glances at the setting card at the peak of the formal spread on the table. He looks back at Fuchsia with raised eyebrows with his hand remaining firmly on your shoulder.
“My Lord, we are so sorry.” Your new friend scrambles out of the seat, straightening the place setting and pushing in the chair making it seem like she was never there. She is tense, shoulders raised close to her ears.
“Darling, it was only a jest.” he laughs heartily from his core. Fuschia’s scared appearance isn’t changed by the lighthearted response from him.  “You can sit there, I won’t tell.” he winks.
Her shoulders relax slightly as she cautiously begins to sit back in the seat. Maintaining eye contact with the man as if to wait for the punchline of the joke he is playing on her.
You have remained seated through the entire ordeal, his hand pressed on you signaling you to do so. He kneels down so that he is at eye level with you. “You, however. Will need to leave this place setting.” He wears a look of facetious pity, lips pursed and head slightly askew.
“Wh-what? Um, why?” you stammer nervously. He leans into your ear so close to you that if he were breathing, you would feel his breath on your skin.
“Because you are coming on the dance floor with me, of course.” he purrs. You look at him, his eyes glow slightly. “You do want to dance with me, do you not?” he pouts.
A feeling of giddiness rises from nowhere at the idea of it. Of course you want to dance with him. It would be such an honor. And he’s so, so terribly handsome. You really want to dance with him. So much so, you would surely cry or maybe even drop dead if you don’t.
You glance over to Fuschia. She has a concerned look on her face, her eyes seeming to plead with you to decline. You’re not sure why, though. Why wouldn’t you dance with this beautiful man? Maybe she’s jealous that he chose you to dance with instead of her. Yes… that must be it. You’re so lucky to have such an opportunity. 
He puts his hand out and you place your hand in it, standing up from your seat. You hold his hand as he guides you to the dance floor where others are spinning and dancing with flawless grace. You begin to get nervous realizing you don’t exactly remember how to dance properly. You learned so long ago, you fear you might embarrass yourself. 
As if your dance partner were inside your head, he turns to you and says “There’s no need to be nervous, love. Just relax and it will come back to you.” 
His words wash over your mind, soothing any anxiety you felt. He is so kind and handsome. An image of Astarion flits into your mind for a moment, imagining he was the one dancing with you. Holding your hand, being gentle and kind. 
Why couldn’t he be the one holding you with such a delicate touch? Wait… who is this man? Why are you going with him? You don’t know him, this could be dangerous. You better-
Suddenly your mind is blank. You were thinking of something… what was it? You look up at your dance partner. He is smiling at you. He is so gentle and kind. That’s right! You were thinking about how gentle and kind he is to you. 
He places one hand on the small of your back and the other in your hand holding it up, in position to begin dancing. You stutter in your movements for a moment. Where is your hand meant to go again?
Suddenly without your input, your unoccupied hand moves to his adjacent shoulder. He was right, it did come back to you.
You’re standing still in position before he gives you a knowing glance. Suddenly you are dancing away, like you have been ballroom dancing every night for the past ten years. Your feet are delicately moving across the dance floor, twirling and spinning without a thought behind it- as if your feet are moving on their own. Who knew you were such a good dancer? 
You dance to the lively music for several minutes, and you feel so happy. Whenever the vampire lord looks at you, you’re filled with the giddiness of a school girl with a crush. His gaze sends butterflies to your stomach and a giggle to your mouth. After a little while more of dancing he leans into your ear.
“Let’s get out of here and find somewhere we can be alone.”
Warmness shoots from your ear to your core. Yes- you need this. You need him. Suddenly you have an appearingly insatiable desire for him. To be with him- no, to be his. All you can manage is a faint nod, words don’t seem to be able to form in your mouth no matter how hard you try. You must be so flustered that you’re speechless.
Next part
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fjtrickster-blog · 1 year
i totally get where you're coming from w the big mama speech observation. the rich person and their chihuahua has got me dead yes!!!
,wizzy-webs" ,,thuggy-doodles" ,,greenieboos" ,,woozy-faddled" ,,skanktonious" ,,biddy-wids" ,,scramulent" ,,limbity limb" ,,meddledoos" ,,huggypoo" ,,stubborn bugglies" ,,hollydoos" ,,giggly-bee" ,,fantumptuous" ,,post-hissy haste" ,,oozy-squitoes" ,,crackadoo"
one of big mama's character inspirations is mary poppins. w her name straight up being ,,big mama" (real or otherwise), her cutesy speech does evoke an adult addressing tykes. have you seen the tik tok vid going around recently that says ,,i think i'm going to start talking to men the way i talk to my preschool students" THE STITCHES TO THAT VID ARE HOW BIG AMMA TALKS TO OTHERS !!
she even has - or at least allows - her workers to call her ,,mum" in many unhappy returns. her personality is overly familiar and chummy and i think her vocab is an extension of that like calling draxum ,,draxy" and ghostbear ,,fluffypoo". it doesn't matter if big mama loathes who she's talking to or if they're strangers, she still speaks to them like they're bffs.
also it totally could be a product of her looking down on others and beliveing they don't deserve the same respect she demands or maybe even viewing others as little pets. her true size would probably contribute to that. she's huge, way bigger than raph, draxum, her giant owl bellhop. most people to her are itty bitty guys. she likely does it to confuse others by speaking to them a sweet tone like a doting, silly mother while she screws them over and puts them in bad circumstances so her malice is bit muddled like when people go ,,I just think all people who drink grape juice are ugly losers who should die 🫶🥰💗". i bet it's a similar thing
i interpreted it as the crew good-naturedly poking fun at british english n slang w the way big mama talks.
I avoid tik tok but that sounds about right. I hadn't considered the size thing that would be another reason. I'm glad someone else agrees.
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hopeaterart · 2 years
So…if Splinter didn’t adopt the turtles, then…how did his brother come across them?
Oh, that's a long story.
Be Lou Jitsu, né Hamato Yoshi
You haven't talked to your family since you moved to America. Your mom because last time the two of you talked, you nearly killed each other. Your brother because last time you saw him, he had run off to experience life.
Successful acting career, but everyone waters you down to a stereotype and you don't like it.
You have a long term girlfriend you tell everything to, and one night you confess to her how unhappy you are with your life.
She proposes the two of you elope, you accept because your gf is the only thing going right in your life.
She takes you to a sewer, opens a magic door in a wall, and reveals herself to be some kind of spider monster.
(Sidenote: think abt why your gf is objectively hotter as a spider centaur than as a human and what that means about you later)
You're introduced to the Hidden City and Battle Nexus. Your wife is the iwner and announcer of the Battle Nexus, and you decide to become a fighter in it in order to make some money and restart your life here.
Everyone loves you and you don't have to hide any part of yourself.
Few months later, you're at a gala with your wife. Hot giant purple goat guy who rules the city is here.
Turns out the guy is a huge fan and asks you if you'd be willing to be part of an experiment he's working.
You accept, make sure your wife is okay with it since you're like 69% sure it might be a sex thing. Normally you're not one to use the 'open' in your open marriage, but Hot Goat Guy is hot.
She's okay with it, you're brought to the guy's palace. The room is nice, but there's a rat in it for some reason??? Oh well, you've always liked animals, even if this one's a bit bitty.
Five minutes later your brother- which you haven't seen in years- is climbing in through your window, wearing the symbols of the Foot Clan, aka the enemy of the Hamato Clan, aka doomsday cult your mom spent your entire life warning you about.
You ask him what happened, yells at you his outfit isn't the problem here and he's here to help you???
Hot goat guy comes in, your brother hides, you're taken to another room
Turns out, hot goat guy's experiments are actual experiments and not a sex thing
Wants to mutate four turtles into the Ultimate Warriors using your DNA
Four baby turtles
Oh Hell No
Hot Goat Guy isn't having it and ties you down to get your DNA, puts it in a big fuckoff vat of mutagen and start mutating the little tots
Brother flies in and kicks hot goat guy in the head, freeing you
You save the turtles and hand them to your brother, telling him to run at that you'll catch up with him
Face off Hot Giat Guy, Big Battle ensues
During the battle, the vat of mutagen falls on top of you, pass out.
Wake up. You're now rat, you don't know where your brother and the baby turtles are, and you're in no shape to fight.
(At least hot goat guy is admitting to being in the wrong)
And that, anon, is how Splinter's brother came across the turtles.
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reikeip · 2 years
Crossroad ♱ Curse 5
Location: Outside the Hasumi Temple
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Keito: ♪~♪~♪
Koga: (...!? Woah, what the hell’s this?)
(Comin’ from that little bitty Shamisen is this huge force!)
(If the roar of my guitar was an explosive… I’d call it a bomb, and that right there’s a machine gun! It’s like I’m being shredded by his sound…?!)
(This guy ain’t all talk! He’s top-notch!)
(As expected of Sakuma-senpai, who’s famous for hangin’ out with no one. He’s workin’ with this guy at every given opportunity, and it ain’t for no reason!)
(This guy… He really is Sakuma-san’s partner, or is it more like his right-hand man?)
(His docile looks tricked me, he’s a rock n’ roller too~!)
(I’m surprised, he’s actually pretty cool…☆)
Keito: …What is it, Oogami? Your hands have come to a stop. Perhaps you’ve become charmed listening to me?
Koga: Wh!? No, no, you just startled me ‘cause you started playing outta nowhere!
Oh, yeah, is that all ya got, senpai?! You just caught me off guard with a sneak attack!
Keito: Of course not, I’ve yet to warm up. I haven’t touched the Shamisen in quite some time, so I must re-introduce myself to it.
… I’ll only be raising the tempo from here on out. Try to keep up with me, if you can.
Koga: B-bring it! We’ll use that shamisen and my guitar to make a blend of Japanese and Western styled music!
I’m gettin’ revved up just thinking about what kinda never before seen tunes will be born! Kyahahaha ☆
Keito: ♪~♪~♪
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Rei: Ahaha. Things got pretty exciting ‘round here, even while the starrin’ actor was skippin’ out, eh~? Mind if I join in on this session?
Adonis-kun, there should be a Japanese flute ‘round here somewhere, so why don’t ya nab that. Let’s play wind instruments~ and if ya aren’t confident playin’ that, your ocarina should be fine too.
But since ya came all this way to Japan, don’t ya think it’d be nice to get your hands on a local instrument and give it a spin?
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Adonis: ……
Koga: …? Woah, Sakuma-senpai… and? Eh, who’s that guy!?
Keito: Oogami, don’t let that stop your hands from moving. Stay focused, please. Your musical performance is all over the place, you novice.
Koga: I’ve been scolded!? Yeah yeah yeah, I’ll play until there’s a good place to stop for the time being
Aah damn it, I wanna give Sakuma-senpai a proper greeting!
Rei: Nah, ain’t no need to greet me. Let’s skip out on the formalities~♪
Adonis: ♪~♪~♪
Rei: Haha. With the ocarina mixin’ in there, it’s starting to sound like somethin’ where I got no clue what direction it’s tryna take.
But it ain’t too shabby, y’know. No matter what country ya were born in, we’re all just fellow dudes livin’ on the same planet.
Hmmm~ If I was in charge of playin’ this flute, the performance would lean too much towards the Japanese style and become unbalanced. So I’ll take a risk an’ sing a Swedish song to further the exotic atmosphere we’re workin’ with.
Everything arises from chaos. Let’s weave a melody of our very own, before some boorish god tries to stop us!
Location: Hasumi Temple, Main Hall
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Rei: Whew, Japanese tea is delicious ☆ Did it always taste this good?
I sure do forget easily. Well, my memory resettin’ itself makes things feel all fresh and new, so I think it’s fine! Ahaha ♪
Here, drink Adnois-kun, drink. A parishioner of this temple has gotta great tea field, ya see~ I think the tea from there’s the best in all of Japan.
Adonis: Thank you for this tea.
Keito: Hey. Sakuma-san… I don’t mind if you kick back and make yourself at home here, but the least you could do is explain yourself.
For starters, who is this boy I don’t recognize, and where’d you pick him up from?
Rei: Hmm~ somewhere ‘round Arabia. I got an old teach of mine who lived there, so I stopped by on my way to some work overseas, an’ he was left in my care.
So get this. His country’s always got some sorta quarrel goin’ on, so apparently Adonis-kun goes back and’ forth between Japan and his homeland every time there is a political upheaval or somethin’.
So as far as it goes, he’s a student of Yumenosaki.
Ain't that right, Adonis-kun?
Adonis: Yes… I, too, am a Yumenosaki Academy student. However, I haven’t been able to attend class that much.
Even in the case that I must return to my home country I take classes, they’re given to me as a form of distance learning… I am a special case, so my attendance is counted for like that.
Keito: Hm. I’ve heard of something like that. I see, you’re Otogari…uh, Adonis, I presume? Is that the right name?
Adonis: Yes. I am Otogari Adonis, that is correct.
My Japanese, can it be understood?
Keito: Yes, your pronunciation is clear and easy to comprehend. I take it that you’ve studied Japanese quite a bit.
Adonis: Well… It’s more that I naturally picked it up, since I had to travel between here and my home country from a young age. Though, it seems I speak rather awkwardly.
Being more, informal? Is what Sakuma-senpai taught me is the more desired form of speech.
So, that is what I am practicing. Because I, want to get along with everyone.
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montrealmadison · 3 years
find our way back home
for @omgcpanniversaryweek day 4: free day
(here’s my first ever check please fic! because we all need a little more jack & shitty friendship in our lives. takes place the morning after the cup final.)
Late morning sunlight is slanting across the floor of the kitchen when Bitty gently nudges Jack away from the counter. “Honey,” he says, wearing that soft expression that Jack knows to mean let me take care of you, “why don’t you go lie down for a minute? I can finish up in here.”
Jack’s been up to his elbows in soapy water for the last twenty minutes. Doing the dishes is meditative, a task almost mind-numbing in its simplicity, and he’s been enjoying the chance to just shut off his brain after the presser. He can still feel residual exhaustion tugging at his limbs, though, and a nap does sound like an excellent idea.
“I’m not being rude by going to sleep, am I?”
“Shoot, no,” Bitty says. “Have you seen the state of the living room? Most folks’re passed out in there. Hell, Tater and Chowder were cuddling last I checked.”
“Ha, okay, then I’ll go,” says Jack. “Can you get a picture of Tater and Chowder for posterity, though?”
Bitty holds up his phone with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Already did.”
Jack laughs and leans down for a kiss, reveling in the sweet sound of surprise Bitty makes in the back of his throat. Then, smiling, Jack heads down the hall to their bedroom—only to find that he’s not alone.
Shitty’s sprawled in the big chair in the corner, the one that’s usually covered in laundry that Jack hasn’t gotten around to putting away. Thankfully he’s at least partially clothed (even if it’s just a pair of maple leaf-patterned boxers and one blue and gold Falcs sock on his left foot) and scrolling idly through his phone.
He starts when Jack walks in, pushes himself halfway to his feet. “Sorry to invade, Jacko. I was just checking my email, I can—”
“Shits.” Jack feels himself starting to smile. “Since when have you cared about invading my space, dude? Does constantly naked on my bed ring a bell for you?”
Shitty’s expression relaxes, and he blows out a long breath. “I don’t know, man. It’s different.”
“Different how?”
“Dunno. Just feels kinda weird to be all up in your space now that you’re a ‘real adult’.” He uses gratuitous air quotes, and he smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
Something about Shitty’s tone rubs Jack the wrong way. He knows how important Shitty’s friendships with the Samwell guys are to him, how hard it’s been for him in law school without them around all the time. He hides it well, but Jack knows a thing or two about what it feels like to hide when what you really need is to be seen. He doesn’t want Shitty to have to do that.
He resolves to invite himself up to Boston more often, just to check in. It’s what Shitty would do for him.
“Hope you know you’re always welcome,” Jack says. “In fact, I’m gonna crash for a bit, and just ‘cause I’m a ‘real adult’ doesn’t mean I don’t snuggle anymore. Wanna stay?”
This time Shitty smiles for real. “Thought you’d never ask.”
Jack curls back up in the spot he left just a few hours ago, flipping the opposite corner of the comforter down for Shitty. His friend dives under the covers and wastes no time in making himself at home, slinging an arm over Jack’s stomach and reeling him in.
They lie there in comfortable silence for a minute. For a moment it almost feels like they’re back in the Haus: the sleepy sounds of the team coming slowly to life all around them, the smell of Bitty’s cooking wafting in from the kitchen, the easy presence of Shitty at his back. It’s nice, Jack decides.
Finally Shitty breaks the silence to ask, “So, how do you feel?”
Jack considers the question. He feels… complicated, at the moment. He’s trying to cement the lingering scenes from last night into his memory forever: cameras flashing, champagne running down his face and soaking into his jersey, his friends’ bodies crushed against his. He feels the heavy weight of the Cup in his hands, the dream of twenty-six long years finally realized.
He’s been thinking a lot about the eighteen-year-old kid with wide blue eyes and curling hair who woke up restrained to a hospital bed and thought his life was over. Last night Jack pressed the Cup to his lips and shed tears of joy and wished, fervently, that there was some way to send this feeling back through the years. We did it, Jack. We deserve this. Keep fighting.
“I feel good, Shits,” he says at last, softly and kind of awed. “I still can’t believe it’s real.”
“Believe it, dude.” Shitty’s tone is bright, but his expression turns serious, earnest. “Listen, I’m so fuckin’ proud of you. You know that, right?”
Jack huffs out a long breath. How can he tell Shitty how much his pride means? How can he tell him he’s glad for Shitty’s stubborn willingness to stick around, for the way he latched onto Jack at their first practice when everyone else was too intimidated by his name and his legacy and his sordid past to say two words to him? How can he tell him how grateful he is for every Annie’s trip, every late night in the library, every friendly bump of their shoulders in the locker room?
How can he tell Shitty that his enthusiasm, his unwavering friendship, and his fierce faith in Jack are a huge part of the reason the Cup is sitting in Jack’s living room right now?
He can’t begin to hope to put it into words. But he thinks Shitty gets it all the same.
“I love you, Shits,” he says in the end, and it feels like enough. Shitty squeezes him once, gently, butts his head into Jack’s shoulder. His breath is soft on the back of Jack’s neck, and his presence is a warm, familiar comfort.
At last, Jack feels himself relax into sleep.
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tttinytrash · 3 years
Shelter from a Storm
So I’m stealing shit from @shamedump yet again. They were talking over on their blog about a version of Pokemon Snap with our favorite skeleboys in their various au and species presentations instead of the Pokemon, dubbed Skeleton Snap. So instead of standard pokemon, we get everything from bitties to giants, with an assortment of mers, nagas, and other such versions roaming an island with a lone human camped out taking pictures for science. In particular, an exchange about the skeles being helpful during a storm (found here) struck a cord with me. Using this and the surrounding asks about the situation, I got this!
You always have such a sense of satisfaction watching the loading bar steadily fill as your lovely photos upload to the shared drive with HQ. A tech on the mainland is on the line with you for confirmation of a successful upload, though your interaction is limited to lines of text on the screen.
The computer chimes, signaling completion and you await the tech’s confirmation. 
<<Data is uploaded, but some of your shots may be corrupted.>> They send.
<<Which shots? Are they all bad?>> You type, feeling a sinking in your chest.
<<No, most are fine. But the ones dated during the storm you reported have a blue filter. Oddly, the landscape looks fine.>>
You breath a sigh of relief and laugh, trying to figure out how to explain. You think back to the day in question.
A storm was brewing, the thick grey clouds and temperature shift loomed as a warning. You scrambled to bring your equipment into the tent at basecamp or stash everything in their waterproof containers. You knew you weren’t going to get much research done today, so you set the tent up as comfortably as the plethora of boxed equipment allowed and prepared to hunker down instead. You went to seal the entrance to your tent, only to find a few bitties huddled at the “door.”
“Oh, hey little guys.” You greet.
They can’t speak, but one bitty with a bright blue bandana and starry blue eyelights looked up at you beseechingly, doing a spot on impression of puppydog eyes. He glanced into the tent briefly before fixing his hopeful, wide eyed gaze on you again.
“Oh, did you wanna stay in here? Come on in guys, I’m sure there’s room.”
The small gaggle of bitties rushed in, and found various places to hide amongst the boxes and mostly disappeared from sight. That was fine, these were far from the first skeletons to end up in your tent. Unlike his companions, the little blue bitty who’d acted as spokesperson seemed to not feel the need to hide away. He went straight to your sleeping area and found Chippy, a bitty companion of yours with a cracked skull, already hidden in your sleeping bag and cuddled up to him. Looks like you had two cuddle partners now.
You slipped into the bag with them, and the two ended up snuggling in on either side of your neck, likely seeking warmth. The blue bitty felt cold to the touch, but was quickly warming up, making you glad you’d let the gaggle inside. Light snoring from multiple places about the tent signaled most of your small friends had fallen asleep.
Now all there was to do was wait and try and get some sleep yourself.
You jolted awake then water hit your face. 
The storm had rolled in full force by now, and the flaps sealing your tent from the gale outside had snapped open. You got out of your sleeping bag as quickly as you could without hurting either bitty that had been snoozing on you and rushed to the entrance. The wind was blowing the rain inside, and you struggled against it to get the door to close. You stepped outside to get a better angle even though you were being soaked. Ugh, the zipper had snagged, and the wildly moving fabric wasn’t helping! 
A few of the bitties saw your struggle and ran from inside, catching the flapping bottom of the tent entrance and using their combined weight to pull the fabric down enough for you to be able to zip past the snagged point. They ducked back inside and you were about to do the same when movement caught your eye.
One of the giants in the area was ambling by, shirtless for some reason. He stopped in the clearing nearby and stood, face up towards the falling rain and eyes closed in obvious contentment.
Oh, you had to get a photo of this.
You ducked back inside, threw your rain gear on over your warm PJs, and grabbed your favored waterproof camera. “I’ll be back, but I have to take pictures of this!” you called to those who were in the tent.
You were able to close the tent behind you, and scrambled a bit away from your tent onto an outlook that would allow for your candid shots. The flurry of clicks as you took shot after shot of the giant enjoying the rain was a familiar sound, and you knew you could sort through your photos later. 
You were mildly surprised when the giant opened his eyes and looked towards you, catching you in the act. You weren’t afraid of this giant by now, his territory was the closest by far to your camp and you’d seen plenty of each other. He’d even helped you after your pod crashed before. He was clearly amused by you watching and waved. You smiled and waved back. 
The interaction was cut short when you nearly toppled off your outlook when a strong gust of wind hit your from behind. 
You squawked as your loss of balance left you flailing and you went tumbling to the uneven ground. The first thing you checked was your camera, which you’d managed to shield from the fall. Thank goodness. Your skinned palms were less lucky, and you hissed a breath while assessing the damage. You felt the ground shake and knew the giant’s huge strides were making short work of the moderate distance between you two. By the time you’d looked up he was hovering over you in concern, on one knee to be more on your level.
“Hey big guy, I’m ok.” You assured, wiping your muddy hands off on your raincoat and revealing bloodied skin. 
He warbled in concern.
“I’ve got a first aid kit, it’s fine.”
A higher pitched warble from the tent caught both of your attention. The blue bitty had slipped under the entrance and was running up to you. Chippy hung back by the tent, but watched. He clambered over and joined in on inspecting your hands, making a concerned noise.
“Hey little guy. I’m ok, really, you guys worry way too much.”
The big one garbled something, which the little one seemed to understand, and with a nod to the he patted your leg before he ran back to the tent, getting Chippy to follow him inside.
The giant meanwhile, laid his open palm by you and gestured for you to clamber aboard. You trusted him to keep you safe and wanted to know where this was going, so you took up the offer and gingerly sat in his bony palm.
“Did you tell little blue there you were gonna help?” You asked as he gingerly raised you up to his face as he stood.
He nodded, relaxed smile back in place at your understanding. Once he wasn’t hunched over anymore, he gently used his free hand to gently brush a finger over the back of your hands, which had been laid on your thigh.
“What? You want my hands?”
He nodded, so you brought them forward, palms up. In response, he brought you closer to his face and lapped at your outstretched appendages with feather light pressure. The act was so gentle and foreign that you couldn’t help but giggle. You felt his magic knit your damaged skin together, remembering similar treatment after your crash. Apparently direct contact with their magic had healing capabilities, and you thanked the giant for his aid once again. This earned you a happy sounding hum of acknowledgement.
You had to quickly use your freshly healed hands to cling for balance when another gust whipped past, clutching his thumb desperately. Well, in all honesty you doubt you would have fallen, as the giant had cupped his other hand around you and brought you up to his chest in a protective manner.
The wind also left you rather chilled, so you weren’t sad about the proximity to his surprisingly warm ribcage. A light scent of chalk hit you along with the ambient petrichor with your newfound proximity. 
He seemed to take notice of your appreciation towards body heat and made a questioning noise above you. You gave him your attention.
He slowly moved his hand away from himself, so you could see his face. He proceeded to open his mouth (a rare sight for half the population on the island) and pointed inside, then patted the blue barrier between his ribs and pelvis. 
That was absolutely not ASL, but you understood his meaning.
You hesitated, but eventually said “Uh... yeah. That sounds good to me. Thank you.” You’d done this once before, also at the crash, so you knew this was safe. A cold, wet tent wasn’t very appealing anyway.
He brought you back to his face, so close you could have laid a hand on his nasal bone, and opened his mouth again. A dim blue glow came from the tongue laid across the bottom of the cavern before you and from the depths at the back. 
Then he waited, allowing you to enter on your own. You had to steel yourself a moment before you could will yourself onward, but ended up army crawling your way in. Instead of fear when he closed his teeth behind you, you found yourself relieved to be out of the rain. Honestly, it hadn’t occurred to you how pervasive the constant sound of watery impacts on your hood were until they were delightfully silenced. You tossed your hood down onto your back and took in your surroundings while laying belly down on his tongue. 
Your observation was brief, as once you were in, he didn’t leave you waiting long. The room tilted until you began to slide backwards, and you and gathered up your camera to shield it, knowing what was coming next. You heard and felt the strong gulp once you hit the gullet at the back. 
The pressure around you was steady, but the pliable material kept it from being uncomfortable. In a moment, you slid into a more open space noting he’d leaned his body to prevent you from dropping into the pit of his stomach. Your camera greatly appreciated the lack of impact.
You readjusted after he had sat down against a cliffside, hopefully as comfortable as you were. If the happy sigh from above and around you was anything to go by, he was pleased by the whole situation. 
The tissue around you was warm, soft, and translucent. This meant you could see the outside world, and excitedly took the opportunity to snap a few more photos of the landscape. After a few more minutes, you shut your camera off and settled comfortably. 
You looked up, seeing the shadows of his ribs moving in and out with his breathing. Taking a photo of that view, tempting as it was, felt like an invasion of privacy somehow. You settled for taking a mental photograph instead. 
The noise in the background was a softened version of rain hitting a roof like back at home, but there were soft burbles added to the mix that reminded you of where you were. The combination was surprisingly pleasant. 
You sat, listening to the quiet ambient sounds and watching rivulets of rainwater cascade over the blue tinted bubble around you. Honestly, you didn’t even remember falling asleep, just a warm feeling of safety.
You were brought out of your reminiscing by the tech pinging you again asking if you were still there.
<<Yes, still here. The blue tint is just from an improvised rain protector.>> you assured, deciding this was adequate explanation.
<<Understood. Keep up the good work out there!>>
<<You bet!>>
You signed off with a smile. Gosh, you loved this job.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Summary: Tim learns that drinking wine leads to revealing secrets about you. 
Warning: Fluff, little-bitty angst, underage drinking 
A/N: I’d love to know what you guys think! I’ve written a few large fics before but never imagines and I wanna know if I’m actually decent at them lol
GIF is not mine
Word count: 3k
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You knew that Tim loved you.
You knew that no matter how many times he forgot about your plans or didn't do the things you asked of him that he still loved you. No, he didn't forget, Tim had an excellent memory which had often times come in handy for yourself. It was the fact that his second life sometimes over took his life with you.
So, as much as you knew that Tim loved you, you also knew that he loved his job as Robin just a little bit more.
And you couldn't blame him. The moment that Tim found out that Bruce Wayne was Batman and wiggled his way into the life of a vigilante, you were right by his side. If Bruce wanted to adopt Tim, then he was going to have to take you in as well (though not legally). He seemed to enjoy your corny jokes and childish laugh.
You had become friends with Tim from an early age and hadn't left his side since. You were with him through the death of his mother and he was with you through the hardships of your own. Tim was never surprised to see you with a frown on your face after a fight with you parents. He knew that you had never gotten along with them and that they had the tendency to make your life miserable. So when he moved into the Wayne Manor, it was your little saving grace too.
Whenever nights were hard at home, you would show up to the manor, often times drenched in rain and tears streaming down your face. It was always Alfred that would answer the door and while you showered, he would ensure that the guest room you claimed as your own was ready for your night's sleep.
Tim would be waiting for you on your bed and the moment you laid eyes on him you would collapse into his always open arms. He had always been there for you and you appreciated him for that. Not to mention that you also realized that your feelings for him were more than just friendly.
It had been on and off for a little while. You and Tim were trying to decide if a relationship was right for the both of you or if you should just stick to friendship. After months of going back and forth, you finally had enough of the games and decided that you loved him, you needed him, and most importantly, you had him.
Dating Tim was the best thing that had happened to you. It gave you even more time away from your home and parents, and brought you closer to the Wayne family. The moment you started dating Tim, you would no longer sleep in the guest room, but rather his bed. Bruce and Alfred were both aware of this little switch even though you tried to keep it under wraps.
It started as only once or twice a week, and then the whole weekend, and the next thing you knew you had practically moved in with them. You were so close to being an adult and the lack of attention that your parents gave you meant that it was easy to spend your time there. Bruce didn't mind - but he did have a very serious, very awkward chat with the both of you.
The thing that Tim loved most about sharing a bed with you, was that every night that he went out as Robin, he knew that he had something to look forward to for coming home. He knew that he had someone worth fighting for to get home. You were the reason that no matter what trouble he got himself into, he would always find a way out of it.
However, some days, you felt as if Tim cared more about his vigilante status than your relationship status. You knew that this was important to him, you knew that saving people in Gotham was the greatest accomplishment of his, and you supported him through every step of the way.
It was why when you missed him, you would two mugs of whatever hot beverage you were feeling that night down to him in the cave and spend time with him while he worked. Sometimes, you would break into the wine cellar to pour the two of you a couple glasses of wine. Bruce said that you were too young to drink but Alfred always helped pick out a bottle so you kept doing it.
That night, it had been a long day for you and you could only assume Tim felt the same, so you had decided on wine rather than coffee. Tim was down in the cave and Bruce was working late at Wayne Enterprises. But, while you poured the two glasses, you were surprised to see Jason walk in.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, setting the bottle down. You didn't know Jason very well, but knew his story almost too well. Tim tried his best not to remind you of his brutal death and that could just as easily happen to him. You tried not to think about it, but knowing that Tim might not make it back home to you terrified you more than anything.
After Jason came back to life and settled in with Roy and Kori, he made very few appearances at the Manor. To be honest, you couldn't blame him. Being there had to have reminded him of what his life used to be like. He was a different person than he used to be, at least that was what Bruce would tell you and Tim.
"I need to talk to Bruce," Jason looked equally confused that you were drinking. As far as he was aware, you were underage, not that age ever stopped him when he was young. Jason glanced around, though the manor was huge, it didn't sound like anyone else was home. "Are you drinking? On a Thursday?"
"Yes," You answered simply, taking a sip of the gorgeous red alcohol. You slid the second glass over the counter to him, which he accepted. He wasn't much a wine drinker but he couldn't let someone younger than him drink without him. "Bruce isn't here, he's at the tower. Not that this is my home, but you're welcome to stay. I haven't seen you for a while, Jason."
Jason only nodded. When he first met you, he just assumed that you were some girl that was dragging on Tim's arm because of the money. He was wrong, very wrong. After learning that you had a similar childhood to his, he quickly realized that you were a fighter. Though he never took the time to talk to you, he assumed you couldn't be that bad.
After thinking for a moment, Jason sat on the stool across from you. You didn't think that he would stay, he was never one to waste time with conversations that he didn't deem necessary. But, you enjoyed his company. As much as Bruce detested how Jason handled situations, you didn’t find him too bad.
You asked him about his time with the Outlaws, to which he told you these grand stories of things he had gone through. You never agreed with his methods, but you understood why he felt the need to do them. Gotham was the kind of city that would break you in half if you didn't fight back.
He asked you how Tim was doing. You dived maybe a little too deep into your relationship with him and details that Jason didn't need to know about - and didn't ask for. But, he didn't seem to be bothered by it. As much as he wished that Tim wasn't Robin after what had happened to him, he was glad that you were there for him. Dick had Barbra, and Jason, well, he had no one to comfort him after hard nights out.
Nearly two bottles later, you were a little tipsy and had learned more about Jason than you had your entire life. He decided that it was time to get going and that talking to Bruce would have to be done another night. "If you ever need anything, don't be shy to call," Jason told you. Even though you were quite a few years younger than him, he found it easy to relate.
"You too, Jay," You told him. "Maybe stop by more often, I think Tim would like to see you more too." Jason made no promises and headed towards the door. He paused for a moment and looked back at you. 
“Tim’s lucky to have you. Keep him safe, yeah?” 
“Of course.” 
The moment you stood up from you chair, you felt a little bit dizzy and didn't realize you had drank so much. You shook the feeling off and carried the two glasses to the batcave.
Just as expected, Tim was still there, slaving over the computers. He heard you come in but didn't turn around from the screen. You set the two glasses down and wrapped your arms around him from behind. In the reflection of the screen, you could see the smile on his face. You pecked his cheek and then handed him the glass.
Tim still didn't turn away from the screen. He was far too engrossed into his research to give you the attention you so desired. So, you had taken the matter into your own hands. You set your own glass beside his and snaked under his arms so that you could completely wrap yourself around him while he sat in the chair.
You sat in his lap facing him with your legs dangling from the sides and your arms tightly snug around his waist. Without missing a beat, Tim straightened up so that you could snuggle into the crook of his neck. It wasn't the first time that you two sat like this and it surely wasn't going to be the last.
It was nearly twenty minutes that you stayed like that. Even in that cold cave, he always seemed to radiate heat and you were always there to soak it up. Tim loved when you were like this, just craving his touch and the utter need to be close to him even without talking to him.
When you looked up at him, the first thing he noticed were your flushed cheeks and glazy eyes. You had been drinking, not a lot, but enough that it made your face tinge pink. Tim didn't say anything but took a sip of his glass.
"Long night?" You asked.
"Better now that you're here," Tim admitted. He never said it, but he loved when you visited him while he worked. It made the time go by faster, even if most of the time you both worked in silence. "How many glasses have you had?"
"Jason stopped by," You answered. That in itself should have been sufficient enough for Tim to realize. Not to mention that Jason held his liquor way better than you, so while you were pretty tipsy he probably felt sober still. "I think he got me wine drunk so that he could talk about his feelings and assume I wouldn't blab to Bruce."
"What'd you guys talk about?" Tim asked.
"You," he raised an eyebrow. "About how much I love you, and the good things you do in this world and that no matter what I'm always going to be there for you even if sometimes I feel that you care about being Robin more than you care about me."
You didn't mean to say that. You kept your feelings hidden about him being Robin because you didn't want him to feel guilty for something that he was great at. You knew the moment the words left your mouth that it had taken him by surprise.
"(Y/N), you know that's not true," Tim set his glass down so that he could cup your face with both hands. You refused to meet his eye, worried about what he was going to say. "I'm Robin because I want to make this city a better place, I want to make if safe. Safe enough that one day we could have a family and not be worried about getting hurt."
You finally looked up into his eyes. They were filled with concern for you. "I love you, (Y/N). I have for a long time now and being Robin is never going to change that," Tim promised. He kissed your forehead, your nose, and finally your lips. "Why didn't you say this to me before?"
"Because I know you love this job, and I never wanted you to think that you had to choose it or me because that's not the case. I love that you're Robin and that you're brave enough to go fight that evil that lurks the streets. I just wonder sometimes that if I didn't practically live here if I would see you that often."
"I would make all the time in the world for you if that was what you wanted," Tim told you.
"You know that's not what I want," You answered him truthfully. You didn't want to take away this part of his life, never. "Just one normal night a week, even every two weeks is fine. Movies, pizza, wine, or whatever we're feeling for the night. I don't want to take away Robin from you, even if I could."
"That sounds perfect to me, my love," Tim kissed you once more. You guys had tried to maintain that once before but it didn't take long for the tradition to break and once a week turned into once a month, which gradually turned into a surprise maybe twice a year. This time was going to be different.
"Good, now come on," You dragged yourself away from him and instantly missed the warmth. "I'm already a bottle of wine in which means you need to catch up," you stuck your hand out for him to grab. He looked between you and the screen and nodded. Tim typed for a few seconds before grabbing your hand.
"You know Bruce doesn't like us drinking his wine," Tim reminded you as you walked hand in hand to the exit of the cave.
"It's not like he can't afford to replace them."
To no surprise, you woke up with a pounding headache. Once Tim agreed to leave the batcave, the two of you had drank for a long time after that. Besides the two bottle that you and Jason had gone through, you must have had another three, at least. Tim caught up and the two of you kept the liquor coming.
Tim was passed out beside you, he was stripped down to his boxers and splayed out with no blankets covering him. You on the other hand, only had his shirt to cover your body and all the blankets on the bed wrapped around you. He wasn't awake yet but you were sure that he was going to be in the same pain you were.
The small amount of light that shone through the blinds made you squint and if you could get up to close them the rest of the way, you would. Instead, you slowly tucked back away into the pillow and closed your eyes, hoping that the pain in your head would go away. It didn't.
You must have laid there for nearly and hour before you heard Tim groan. You rolled over to face him but he didn't say anything. You were right, the two of you had been the most hungover that you had been in your life. A wine hangover at that.  
It was rare, very rare, that either of you ever had more than just one or two drinks, never more than one or two whole bottles. So, this feeling that resided in your head, your stomach, you weren't used to and you sure as hell didn't like it either. Tim had to have been feeling the same way.
Neither of you were making it to school that day and you couldn't believe that you were willing to drink that much on a weekday. It wasn't like either of you to miss class - then again, one day of not going wasn't going to hurt.
"Tim?" you whined. He was awake, but didn't dare open his eyes. Tim let out a noise that you assumed meant that he was listening to you. "Let's not do that again." Once again, he only grunted to agree. Tim rolled towards you and you couldn't tell if it was to avoid the light or because he wanted to cuddle.
Either way, you didn't mind.
Your little amount of peace didn't last long when Bruce came knocking on your door. He saw all the empty bottle in the kitchen and had known that it must have been you too. Nearly six bottle between the two of you? There was no way that you drank all that much - which you hadn't. Jason helped too.
The two of you groaned at the noise and tried to block the sound out. Thankfully, Bruce left and didn't try again. Tim buried his head into your neck, leaving light kisses. If you weren't so hungover you would have enjoyed where that was going.
Not even ten minutes after Bruce left, he returned. This time he had barged right into the room - to which you weren't that shocked about. He did it quite often and you learned to never, ever, sleep without close on after the first mishap. Tim pulled the covers over top of both of your heads.
Bruce, on the other hand, was sitting on the desk chair, with none other than a glass of wine in his hand.
The moment that the pungent grape smell hit your nose, you knew that it was over. Your stomach started to turn and you swear that you nearly through up on the spot. Bruce knew exactly what he was doing and you knew that too. Without being able to control yourself, you leaned into the garbage can by Tim's bed and threw up.
"I told you not to drink my wine."
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the-lincyclopedia · 4 years
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* adapted from @librajiminn on twitter
A fun game to celebrate 2020 ending! The rules are simple: recommend your favorite OMGCP fics so everyone can enjoy them, while trying to fill in enough slots to get a bingo!
This is going to get long, so I’ll put it under a cut. Also, I’m too orderly to try to shoehorn my favorite fics into these particular prompts, so I’m just going to go right to left, top to bottom, taking the prompts literally, until it’s bedtime. 
1. first fic you bookmarked: “Here Comes the Sun” by @doggernaut, 19k, G, no warnings, Zimbits
For the past month, the man with the baby and the sad blue eyes has been stopping in for a cup of coffee an hour before closing. He always sits in an overstuffed chair in the corner and drinks his coffee while his baby sleeps next to him in the stroller. Sometimes he pulls a book out from the diaper bag he carries with him; other times he just stares straight ahead as if in a daze. He never asks for a refill, always respectfully gathers his things and leaves ten minutes before the shop officially closes. Eric desperately wants to ask him what his story is. 
My notes: I read Check Please over the course of two days in June of 2019. On the second day, right after catching up, I looked at @peppermintfeminist‘s AO3 bookmarks and found a fic by @doggernaut. Then I read just about everything @doggernaut had ever posted. It was glorious. This fic in particular is so cute. 
2. most recent fic you bookmarked: “Flight Check” by @edgarallanrose, 15k, E, no warnings (though there is a creepy/handsy guy at a club to watch out for), primarily Zimbits with most of the other popular pairings in the background
Flight attendant Eric “Bitty” Bittle has been working his way up at Samwell Airlines for the past four years, and his new promotion has provided him the opportunity to work with a brand-new crew. Unfortunately for Bitty, that crew includes an incredibly handsome but equally grumpy pilot, Captain Jack Zimmermann, who seems to want nothing to do with Bitty. Even worse, Jack refuses to eat any of Bitty's baked goods. Will Bitty be able to win the captain over? Or is there another reason Jack has been avoiding Bitty?
My notes: There are a lot of great things about this fic--Jack’s character arc, Lardo’s dialogue, that scene in Seattle--but the reason I bookmarked it is the scene where Bitty’s basically slut-shaming himself and Jack gently but firmly tells Bitty not to do that and that it was the creep’s fault. 
3. a fic that made you cry actual tears: “a little bit more” by @ivecarvedawoodenheart, 14k, T, no warnings, Holsom
“I just wanted,” he says, “a perfect day. With you. Because it’s our last day together and our last day being here as undergrads and we’re kissing the ice tonight, and the weather’s supposed to be beautiful, and you’re moving tomorrow and Holtzy I just — I don’t want to be missing you already.” Holster wipes his eyes before he even realizes he’s crying. Behind him, Ransom sighs. “One more day where everything’s the same,” he says, feeling around blindly for Rans’ fingers. He feels Rans nod as he laces their fingers together. “Yeah. Yeah, Rans. I’d like that a lot.” __________________________
Holsom after graduation and throughout the subsequent six months after Holster signs to an expansion team in Oregon, and realizes his feelings for Ransom too late. Holster's POV :) kinda angsty, but there's a happy ending :)
Inspired by shitty-check-please-aus: "Holster moves to Oregon while Ransom stays on the east coast. The time difference makes it difficult to talk and one day they wake up and realize they aren’t best bros anymore."
My notes: I almost never cry at fics. I searched “tears” in my fandom email account and only a handful of my fic comments came up, but Syd is a literal master of Holsom angst, always. 
4. longest fic you’ve read: “Like Real People Do” by @xiaq, 153k, M, No Warnings, Kent Parson x OC
Parson gestures with his spoon toward Hawke. “So am I allowed to ask about the service dog or is that not PC?”
“My medical history is more of a 3rd date conversation," Eli says.
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Because. No one sticks around afterward and I like to live in glorious denial for a short period beforehand.”
It comes out more self-deprecating than he intended.
Parson looks…thoughtful. “Well, does this count as one or two?
“This. Ice cream. I mean, technically it’s a second location, but still the same night. So is this one date or two?”
“One,” Eli says firmly. “If it’s happening within the same three-hour period.”
“You’re the expert,” Parson says, which, he’s really, really, not, but ok.
“So still two dates to go then?” Parson continues.
“We’ve got a roadie coming up but then we’re home for almost two weeks. When does your semester start?”
“You want to do this again?” Eli asks.
Parson stops idly twirling his spoon.
“You don’t?”
He does, Eli realizes. He really does. Because apparently he actually likes Kent fucking Parson.
My notes: Okay, this fic has my whole entire heart. I’ve read it multiple times in its entirety, and it’s almost twice as long as the full-length novel I’m querying. Eli is one of my favorite OCs I’ve ever seen in a fic (probably tied with Damian Navarro and Ari Paxton, both brainchildren of @fozmeadows). Anyway, this is probably going to be the next thing @themeaningoflifeischeese and I read out loud to each other. 
5. a fic you almost didn’t read: “when all else fails (i’ll still be right here)” by @whoacanada, 6k, T, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (and I don’t remember if I think there’s stuff to warn for, sorry), Zimbits
The National Hockey League is resurrecting the Quebec City Nordiques, and the expansion draft hits the Falconers much harder than expected.
My notes: Given that this was for @omgcpheartbreakfest, I was worried this would be all angst--all hurt and no comfort. Which made me sad, because I love @whoacanada‘s writing but I wasn’t up for reading unresolved angst. But @doggernaut reblogged the fic, so I asked if the ending was sad, and it’s NOT! There is quite a bit of angst but the ending isn’t sad. 
6. a fic that convinced you on a ship you didn’t ship before: “it drops with the gravity of rain” by @geniusorinsanity, 16k, T, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (attempted sexual assault by an OC), Nurseydex
It happens like this:
“I don’t--this is a bad idea,” Dex says, his lips still tingling, his hands shaking on Nursey’s hips where he’s shoved him away. “This is a really bad idea, Nurse. I can’t--We can’t do this.”
And there’s hurt in Nursey’s eyes and his bottom lip is swollen from Dex’s teeth, but he says, “Okay.” And then, “It’s chill, Dex. Just friends, then.”
It happens like this:
“Actually,” Nursey says, talking more to his granola than to them, “I kind of have a date.”
It happens like this:
When Nursey calls, Dex almost doesn’t pick up the phone.
My notes: So I was really confused and a little disturbed when I first found out people shipped Nursey and Dex. Like, Dex just wasn’t someone I trusted. But then I was moving out of the house I’d been living in, and I needed stuff to listen to as I packed and cleaned, and @khashanakalashtar‘s podfics came in clutch. I gave this one a try even though I didn’t like Dex, and @geniusorinsanity blew. My. Mind.
7. a fic from an unusual POV: “Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy” by @porcupine-girl, 8k, G, no warnings, Zimbits
Jesse Snowden knows all the best restaurants and gourmet food shops in Providence, so when Jack Zimmermann starts bringing in incredible baked goods, he's eager to find out where the new bakery is. When he meets the man behind the pies, he decides that there's no way Jack could really appreciate this guy's talent the way he does, even if they are friends. He starts hiring Jack's chef on the side, in the hopes that maybe once Bitty's done with college he'll come work for Jesse.
Good thing there is absolutely no way whatsoever that Jesse could possibly be misinterpreting this situation.
My notes: Oh my gosh this is so funny. The secondhand embarrassment factor is huge, but like, the hilarity. 
8. a comfort fic: “Don’t Need to Compromise” by @khashanakalashtar, 11k, E, no warnings, PB&J
“Hey,” said Kent, unknowingly setting off a chain of events that would change his entire life, “you said that like you know from experience. Have you done this before?”
Jack and Bitty have not done polyamory before, but they do know Ransom and Holster’s polycule, which contains March.
And March?
March is trans.
My notes: I’m in love with @khashanakalashtar‘s entire Directionverse series (and honestly a lot of their other writing), but “Don’t Need to Compromise,” which is the second fic in the series, just makes my heart swell especially much. The gender feels are so good, and all the characters are so good to each other, and when I listen to this on walks I have to actively try not to arm-flap. 
9. a fic you wish could be a movie: “Ice Crew Please!” by @petals42, 61k, T, no warnings, Zimbits
Jack Zimmermann was drafted first by the Providence Falconers when he was eighteen years old. He is good at hockey. Very good. His team won the Cup his second year and now, in his third year, they are looking good. Jack should be on top of the world. And some days, he manages to convince himself he is.
He’s not, of course.
Enter the Ice Crew.
AKA: The Ice Crew AU
My notes: This fic has its tender moments, but what I love most about it is the sheer goofiness. Ransom and Holster and Shitty are HILARIOUS in this one. I’d love to see their shenanigans in movie form. 
10. a WIP you read as it was updated: “Something Borrowed” by @fozmeadows, 48k, M, no warnings, Kent x OC
All things considered, Ari did his best to prepare himself for the advent of Kent Parson, Potentially Difficult Housemate and New Star Liney. The problem was that his best was an idiot.
My notes: So technically I didn’t start reading this until the first 19 chapters were posted. But there was still plenty of anticipation for the final few chapters. And like, @fozmeadows (as mentioned above) makes EXCELLENT OCs. And I love how their fics consistently convey that having bad things happen to you does not mark the end of your story. 
Okay, it’s bedtime, so have 10 excellent fics. I got bingo twice, because I went straight across on the top two rows.
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