#little did he know i was lounging this morning but ok only for like half an hour. and i feel more rested than i have in days
munamania · 5 months
ok well im here NOW... and about to be the baddest bitch in tech to ever live
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enigma-im · 8 months
Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Alien x F!Human Warnings: alien sex, space force, weird alien sex, sex cocoon, zero gravity sex
Word Count: 5,599
Brother works at Space Force, so it's not uncommon for aliens to stop by. Though this one is a bit cute.
I can only stare at the tall dark figure hiding in my kitchen. It seems that's all the figure can do as well. Trapped in a standoff. My heart races a mile a minute, never expecting to have company so late at night. I slowly reach for the light switch, careful with any sudden movements. As the room becomes clear I finally see what's standing on the other side of the kitchen island.
"Oh," I gawk. Before me is an incredibly tall alien, equipped with long lanky limbs, odd head-shape, and spikes barely visible behind their back. An honest-to-God alien is standing in my kitchen. "I'll take it you are looking for my brother," I ask as I casually walk over to the fridge.
It's the alien's turn to gawk," Uh, yes. Is he here?"
I look through the fridge for the pitcher of sweet tea, spotting it on the top shelf. "No, he is on his way back from his friend's place though. Should be in within the hour if you wanted to wait around. Up to you."
I set the pitcher on the table and then reach for a cup on the hook. I look up to the alien as I pour, hinting at him to answer.
He stumbles," Right, if that's ok with you. I'd hate to impose."
I wave him off," No worries. It's part of the gig living here. You aren't the first or the last alien I'll see around here. Though you are here very late." I sip from my cup, lounging against the counter.
"So sorry, It was very important. Otherwise, I would have waited until morning. I know how long humans sleep but I believe I got the math a bit wrong. Do you always sleep at night or every other day," He rambles. I smile into my cup, he's cute.
"Every night, though it's a give and take on what time of the night," I shrug," ten at night is one of those give and take times. I was actually heading to bed now."
He startles at the answer," Oh then I am so sorry! Please, don't let me keep you. I know how important sleep is for your kind."
I snicker," Don't be sorry. You will never find me passing up an opportunity to speak with an alien while in my PJs." He leans over and looks me from head to toe, eyes wide and mouth parted. Am I being checked out right now? I poke a foot forward to show off my slippers.
"Well you look professional enough for me," He shrugs," you wouldn't mind keeping me company then?"
"It would truly be my pleasure," I hang at the end waiting for a name. He doesn't pick up on it. "I'm Liya, by the way," I prompt instead.
"Hello, Liya," he practically purrs," My name is Pavo L'tun'ku, 2nd in command of human relations aboard S.L. Quain."
"Oh, I didn't know we were doing all that," I half tease. I straight up, setting my cup down," I am Liya Woodard, in charge of the distribution of goods across the entirety of the USA." I relax and reach for my cup with a smirk," How was that?"
He leans onto his forearms," Little too formal but I appreciate the effort."
"Oh hush, I was just coping you," I joke back.
We get to chatting for a bit before my brother makes his way home. Pavo goes regal at his entrance, as does my brother. It's like watching someone talk to the president. I could almost see the red tape go up for appropriate interspecies conversation that aligns with government protocol.
"Woodard," Pavo greets," Excuse this interruption but your expertise is needed. There is an issue regarding a certain rebel group at one of our events."
"Very well," Thomas answers all professional, it almost makes me laugh, " give me just a moment to change and we will leave post haste."
Thomas scoots past and quickly bolts up the steps. I look over to Pavo who has relaxed a little.
"Excuse this interruption but your expertise is needed," I mock Pavo, even standing the way he did. He glares over at me half-heartedly.
"Shut up," He smiles. I laugh.
Thomas is quick, already downstairs before I can chat with Pavo a little more. To my dismay. Thomas grabs his keys from the hook and looks back at me.
"I'll be back tomorrow, Uh," He looks around," Be good?"
"Be good? You be good," I scoff. He rolls his eyes before heading for the door. Pavo looks around and then points at me.
"Be good," he mimics Thomas.
"See you around, Pavo," I tiredly wave. He gives me a big ole alien smile full of teeth before heading out. I smile to myself, feeling a little giddy. I head to bed, not before thinking back.
He really was cute.
It's a while before I hear anything of Pavo. It's surprising when I do hear about him through my brother. We are sitting in for dinner, which is rare, and we are discussing our day when he pauses and glares at me.
Pointing his fork at me he says," You ruined my professional relationship!"
I gawk, pointing at myself in question.
"Yes, you," he chuckles," Pavo won't shut up about you."
I jokingly twirl my hair as I lean forward on the table, "Do you, like, think that he, like, likes me?" I say in my best high schooler voice.
"ew,," he cringes, reaching over and stealing from my plate," For making me hear that."
"rude," I answer, missing stealing back my food by a hair," So what's up with Pavo, why is he bugging you?"
He sighs," It's every day. He thinks he is being casual about it but the man is super obvious. I don't know what voodoo you put on him but the guy is smitten. Before I tell him anything I wanted to make sure you are cool with meeting him again."
I snicker," is big brother setting me up on a date?"
He fake gags," Disgusting. Horrific, downright awful. Consider it this way, I'm trying to keep Pavo out of my office so I can work."
"and keep him in my pants, got it," I nod. He pretends to vomit, though it looks very convincing.
"Nope, conversation over," He stacks up his dishes and heads to the kitchen," This never happened!"
I bite back a laugh," I appreciate you butting into my love life but I'd appreciate if you didn't"
"Well keep your love life out of my office," He yells back. He comes back into the dining room, holding the doorframe. "He is coming over tomorrow for a meeting, and he may have some extra time because he is getting here an hour early because I may or may not have given him the wrong time. I'm not saying I did, but you do owe me two tickets for my movie date next week with Rebecca."
I sigh," Send me the info and I'll get it to you." I want to argue but the idea of seeing Pavo again is too grand.
"Nice, you have dishes right," He runs off before I can answer," Thank you!"
Such a putz, but I can't focus on that. It seems I have a mini-date tomorrow.
I dress midway between casual and date night. It was a very hard combo to pull off but I'm working with the 'hot but cool' angle. However, none of this could matter because he is an alien who hasn't a clue what is considered "trying to look cute" flirting is. Ugh, this is hard.
I wait in the living room, trying to seem as relaxed as possible. I even practice little greetings in my head like an idiot. Thomas comes down the stairs in his service uniform, looking proper. It is interesting to think this wild teenager could grow up to be this proper young man, helping lead the charge in cross-universe communication with alien life.
"Hey, dipshit, he will be over in 10, stop looking so tense," He leans over the back of the couch and boops my nose.
Well, almost a proper young man.
The doorbell rings shortly after, and Thomas answers. I can hear Pavo from the living room and I can't help but get all giddy. I scold myself for the reaction, I had one conversation with the guy! Relax!
As I hear their voices near I stand from the couch, regretting the choice immediately. Stand when guests are over? It's not even technically my guest, but I guess it's polite.
Pavo rounds the corner and is now in sight. In the daylight, I can tell his body isn't black but a very dark purple. He doesn't have skin but a carapace, a hard shell protecting his body. He is very bug-like though he lacks any pinchers or antennae. His face is human-ish, his eyes are large, and his wide mouth. Spikes go along the back of his body, coming from his head and back. They are short but some stretch out long enough to bend and crick in different ways. It's almost like branches.
When Pavo sees me he pauses, eyes wide and a smile up his cheeks. He looks me over and with a jolt his spikes elongate, nearly catching Thomas in the face.
"Whoa," Thomas yelps.
"Hello again, Liya," Pavo greets, ignoring Thomas.
"Hello Pavo," I answer back," Long time no see."
"Long time indeed, I see you have upgraded from professional sleepwear," He teases.
"This old thing," I shrug," I think my oversized t-shirt works a bit better but I was told I may be entertaining guests today."
"you wouldn't mean me, would you," He asks, leaning against the couch. Behind him, I can see my brother miming choking, then pretending to stab himself with a knife. The drama queen.
"I'm going to set up," Thomas interjects into our conversation," Feel free to anything you want in the kitchen, just ask my sister here."
Pavo straightens," Oh, yes, thank you."
Thomas leaves us to our own devices, it feels like our chaperone left. I look Pavo over, watching the sun gleam off his shell. His uniform is interesting, bright white.
"Would you care for a drink," I break the silence.
"Yes please," He steps closer. I lead the way into the kitchen.
"Anything you want? I really don't know what would be edible for you," I ask, cringing a bit at the delivery.
"I was incredibly curious about the drink you had the other night, it smelled sweet," He answers, pointing to the fridge.
"Sweet tea," I ask, though it's pointless. How would he know the answer? "Let me grab you a little sample. Though a fair warning, it's incredibly sweet. Practically icing."
"Oh, even better," he takes a seat at the island as I grab a drink," I've been lured in with your human sugar. It's been incredible. I had those, umm, what's the name? The small brown bars with a wafer inside."
"Kit-kat or Twix," I ask as I pour a small glass. ," I ask
He clicks deep in his throat," Yes, that's it! The Kit bar." He grabs the glass I push to him, taking a small gulp timidly. In a moment he shoots back the whole thing. Setting the glass down he closes his eyes and savors the sweet syrup.
"Like it," I ask.
"Love it," He grins. Slowly opening his eyes he nudges the glass forward, "More, please?"
We chat a little between cups of tea, him chugging the rest of my full pitcher. He tells me about his home that he hasn't seen in years. I tell him about my life at college before I got my job. It's pleasant. If I didn't know any better though, I'd say his spikes we growing. About an hour later they had grown a few inches, making him look large and intimidating. Like some sort of tree monster outside my childhood window. Though that one was just an old oak while this one is a charming alien.
Thomas steals him away, not before Pavo extends an invite to his ship sometime. Invited onto an alien's ship, that sounds like a great start to some interspecies relations.
Thomas had managed to set up communication between Pavo and me. We chat on some app Thomas downloaded onto my phone. It's wonky and not the best but what's a girl to do? Pavo and I flirt a bit, though it never goes any deeper. Despite my best attempts, he just doesn't get into anything more sexual. I could be pushing too hard or their species just doesn't work that way. Maybe he doesn't even have sex?
Today though is the day to finally get on his ship. All the approval has been submitted- thank you, Thomas- and we begin a tour of his home away from home.
We meet at the airlock between his ship and the Space Hub for Earth. I'm escorted by some officers and we all greet each other on the bridge. When I see Pavo we both light up. His back branches are stretched out, looking truly like a tree now. He jerks a little as his spikes snap outwards tearing some of his uniform in the process. The officer next to me winces at the crack sound that comes softly from him. Almost like the quiet sound of someone popping their fingers.
"Hello, Liya," Pavo greets, grabbing my hand and giving a firm shake," I believe this is correct."
I shake his hand back," Little formal for friends but it works for now."
"Friends," he asks," are we friends?"
"For the time being," I hint. He smiles before greeting the two flanking me.
With that out of the way, I'm free to venture into the unknown. I feel like a pioneer, one of the few to venture into an alien's ship. I'm sure sometime in the future there will be museums for this sort of thing. 'Explore space right from earth' sign over a decommissioned spaceship. I chuckle to myself.
Pavo eagerly shows me around, explaining how this was his own personal ship that only a few of the higher-ups get. It attaches comfortably to the main HQ but can detach for personal exploration, pretty much an RV for space. A really spacious RV.
He shows me the dining room, the living space, the exercise room, and we pass by his bedroom. We don't look in as it's casually mentioned.
As we walk down the halls I slow back to catch a look at his back, all the spikey branches protruding out. I feel tempted to reach out and touch but worry about being taboo.
"Hey," I say instead," what's with the spikes?"
He pauses, glancing over his shoulder at me and then at his branches," Oh theses? It's kind of hard to explain."
"They aren't like, some puberty thing, right," I tease.
"No, nothing like that. It's normal given the circumstances," He answers.
"Well puberty is completely normal," I joke. He shakes his head at me, beginning to walk again.
"Come, I want to show you something." I follow him down the winding halls to a room we haven't seen yet. He enters a command and the doors open. I walk inside, eager to explore this new space. Though I'm let down. I look this way and that, seeing nothing of interest. Really nothing of anything. It's just a large open room. There is a large window that stretches from the floor past the ceiling. It's gorgeous, being able to see Earth just coming into view.
"Oh wow," I whisper. I walk ahead, completely enamored with the view. The stars are so plentiful, Earth is so big. I can see the swirls of clouds over the continents, the white of the Arctic, the blue of the sea. It's all so humbling, I feel so small.
I hear some clicks behind me, and before I can investigate I feel my stomach drop. Weightlessness overtakes me, my feet slowly rising above the ground. I twist to look over at Pavo who is also floating.
"Zero gravity room, though the whole ship could be zero gravity. This room is made specifically for that," Pavo answers. He twists to push off the wall and launch towards me. I can't stop the giggle bubbling out of me as he gets closer. Before he can reach me I push up towards the ceiling. He thuds against the window, growling playfully.
"why does someone need a zero gravity room," I ask as we continue our game of chase. He jumps up to me and I quickly pick a direction and throw myself to it. I bang against the door oh so gracefully.
"It's for health and pleasure," He answers," we spend some time in water, our body is used to a certain level of weightlessness. Though space has way less gravity than water, it still feels similar. So in an easier way of explaining it, it feels like home."
Pavo scrambles to get to where I am, scratching against the wall to stop his momentum when I high-tail it in the other direction.
"Homesick room, how cute," I tease. I get trapped in the corner of the room, the only way out is up. As I spring upwards, Pavo catches me. I'm held tightly against his hard body, laughing with him as we float to the ceiling.
"Got you," He smiles triumphantly.
"that is true, but the real question is...what are you going to do with me," I flirt. He purrs at the insinuation, leaning down to brush his head against mine. I close my eyes and take a leap, kissing him ever so softly. He pauses, confused but excited. He makes his own attempt at a kiss, pressing his mouth to mine stiffly.
"Is that correct," He asks.
"relax a little," I advise. Wrapping my arms around his neck, nestling them around his branches, I kiss him like I mean it. He kisses less stiffly than before, though he can't help being so hard. His arms fall from my back to around the back of my thighs. He squeezes and massages my thick legs, pulling me closer.
"you're so soft," he groans into my mouth," so pliant."
"Don't make it sound so bad," I joke. His chest rumbles, his back spikes pop, a low clicking sound emits from his mouth. He reaches behind me and anchors us to the wall before he attacks my mouth again. I give him a little treat, sliding my tongue on to lick him. He stumbles a bit, recovering quickly to nearly choke me with his tongue. I have to lean back to catch my breath, though the thrumming in my body proves how much I enjoyed that.
No longer having access to the new toy called my mouth he begins attacking my neck. I can hardly keep my eyes open as I'm seduced by this big alien. I scratch at his back, gripping onto his branch. He responds by biting me, a little harder than needed. I grab the spike from his head to yank him back.
"Soft skin, remember," I scold. He looks drunk, his eyes lidded and mouth open. He looks me over, squeezing my legs again.
"By the heavens, I want to devour you," he whines. A zap goes down my spine in fear and pleasure.
"Not literally, right," I ask just in case. He doesn't answer, instead flopping his head down to bite up my neck. He sneaks a hand between us to stretch my shirt. I hear the thread snap as he stretches the collar over my shoulder. His entire mouth slobbers over me, sucking and licking every bit of skin. I glance behind him, seeing the branches have stretched out into the room. The few close to the wall have begun to take root, spreading out around the wall like vines.
Well, that's interesting.
Pavo bites a bit hard again to my dismay, I can feel a few of his teeth pierce my skin. With a yelp, I tear him back to properly scold him. He looks debauched, utterly drunk and horny.
"whoa," I gasp," you ok?"
His head tilts to the side in answer, "Get your clothes off."
I hesitate," But are you ok?"
He growls," I will be when you get your clothes off."
"Geez," I begin taking my shirt off," so pushy."
He scoffs," so slow." He begins to unbutton his clothes, finding it hard to do as his body is anchored to the wall. He yanks, detaching the vines from the metal. As he yanks his shirt, tearing it completely off his back, the branches begin reaching out to the wall again, gluing themselves once more.
I'm working my pants off when he grabs me, my jeans barely hanging onto one ankle. His torn shirt drifts upwards past us. I look down between us, his pants mostly torn. His cock surprises me, not prepared to see him in all his glory. Holding himself I can't help admire.
There is no way else to say it, his dick is a tentacle. It seems like a few spiraled around each other like yarn to present as one single mass. It's pink and purple, a kind of spray paint space vibe. He squeezes himself, fluid leaking from between each tentacle. It coats his hand, drops drifting off in the zero Gs.
"whoa," I whisper, reaching out to him. He proudly presents, his chest rumbling and mouth clicking. I gently graze my fingers over him, letting a few floating drops land on my outstretched hand. He jerks a little at the feather touch, grabbing my hand and forcing me to hold him. My stomach does flips, he is so soft and squishy. It's like touching a thick cord of fabric, soft but just firm enough to hold shape. I squeeze, wringing out more drops as I pull to the tip. He purrs, his back branches reaching out more and making his body jerk.
Too fascinated with him I don't even notice when he moves his hand into my underwear. His other hand fondling my breast, though they don't keep his attention much as the slickness below. He investigates, poking and prodding as I investigate him. Everything is so different for us both, it's all so tantalizing.
"you're so warm," he groans, reaching in to shove a finger inside. I shudder.
"you're so soft," I squeeze him, relishing in the sounds he makes. I can't help but reach for a kiss, just basking in all the sensations and sounds. His fingers squelch as he puts two into me.
"you're going to take me so well," he nearly whispers," I couldn't imagine someone more perfect."
I kiss him again," you flirt." I squeeze his cock. His fingers stretch and glide, making the coil in my belly tighten and twitch. If only he would touch me where I need him. I buck my hips into him, whimpering against his lips. I forget he isn't a human man, someone who could potentially get the hint. Instead, I reach down and grab his hand. He freezes. I slide his fingers out of me, another shudder going up my back, and guide one of his fingers up. He barely grazes me and it's like lightning.
"What's this," He asks, abandoning my mouth to look between us. I squeeze him in defiance, he grunts.
"Touch me there," I whimper," please."
He needs no more instructions, stroking me timidly before gaining confidence. He is a changed man now, watching me whine and moan as he gets me off. He is enraptured with me, watching and waiting. I can't focus as my inside feels like electricity, like sparks coming from his hand. More. More. More. I'm almost there. I hold onto him, using him as an anchor as he keeps playing me like a fiddle. My legs wrap around his, like snakes intertwined. Just a little more. His cold carapace against my feet, his rumbling purr and clicks, the way he just wants to make me cum. It's all so much.
"Pavo," I yelp," oh, fuck."
I'm gone. I fall into bliss, debauched as he was a moment ago. I scratch at his body, not worried about hurting him. I curl into him, reaching between us to stop his ministration as they become too much. I bang my head into his shoulder, holding him for dear life. He grabs my hair, pulling me back just to watch.
"Beautiful," He grins so wide. I give a half-hearted smile, still lost to the wind. I don't notice when he adjusts me to himself, but I definitely notice when he is poking at my entrance. I sober, looking down as his cock unfurrows. The little appendages search around, grabbing at my thighs and poking at my lips. I take a courageous breath, a little terrified of what's about to happen. He twists back into one, the ends still split to make their way into me.
I choke as he stuffs me, his cock twisting and curling, pulsing within me. I'm having sex with an alien, the thought hits me like a ton of bricks. I look from the display that has disappeared inside me to the creature I've decided to lay with. He looks so beautiful. He can't focus, his mouth opening and closing as the clicking sounds more like pops. He damn near gurgles as his eyes close. He snaps his hips, both of us stuttering on a breath. I twine my arms around him and he wastes no time pressing me close. He cradles the back of my head, his other arm securely around my lower back.
Without a starting pistol, he is off. Completely secure in place he pounds into me like a desperate man, angling my hips with his arm on my back. I can do nothing but hold on, groaning in his ear. I get to watch the branches on his back snap and jolt outwards. Every single one finds purchase on the walls. They take root, running up and around the walls until they meet each other, making a beautiful lattice on the walls.
"Wow," I gasp between moans. He answers with a pained grunt, burying his head into my neck. His mouth opens to attempt to bite but he thinks better of it, instead sucking on my neck. I appreciate the forethought. He whimpers and whines, every most the lost whore beside my ear. It's a pleasure in itself to have someone so lost in you, so pleasured by your body. I hold him tighter
"Agh," he gurgles. He begins to speak in tongues, the words ever lost to me but the meaning coming through. He is fucked, coming to his end, and only at the mercy of his whims now. Oh, I want him to cum, I wanna feel it.
I snuggle into the side of his neck, the plates shifting as he twists his head away. I find a soft area just below his jaw, right below his ear. I find purchase and bite as hard as I can. He screams, the branches on his back bucking as they dramatically grow. I worry I've hurt him, I was only returning the favor. I pull away, feeling sorry for myself. He growls in answer, punishing me with a hard slam onto his cock. He pushes me back to his neck.
"Harder," he growls through clenched teeth," make it hurt."
Oh my.
I cozy up to him again, finding the same teeth indent I left before, and chomp down. He shouts again, more words I can't interpret. I bite hard, I bite until I hear his plates crack and my teeth sink into the soft part of his skin. He shudders, curling around me and pumping into me in quick bursts.
"Yes," he says like a prayer. Before I know it I feel him shake and sputter, gurgling again as he snaps into me one more time. It's warm and plentiful, I'm sure it's a mess below. Zero gravity surely making it look like a spectacle. Pavo holds me so dear, so spent.
I slowly pry my teeth from his neck, spitting out a few little bits of carapace. Ew. I lean back to look into my new lover's eyes. He barely moves, looking like he passed out. I grab the short spikes on his head, lifting him to look at me.
"Pavo," I panic," is this normal? I haven't a single clue."
He answers with a gurgle. Not helpful. I try to wiggle away from him but I can't move. I look around and see we are cocooned in a growing ball of branches.
"What," I ask as I look around. I try to wiggle out of his arms but he holds on. Tight for someone who is basically asleep. I panic, fighting hard against his grip. Only succeeding in moving up him a few inches.
"Pavo," I snap," let me out."
He groans, happy to just float in this weird ball of his own making.
"Pavo," I shout. His face pinches.
"Hush," he finally speaks," be still."
"Be still? How do you expect me to do that right now? I'm covered in cum, and my sweat is bubbling off of me. I'd like to experience gravity again," I snap. He finally opens his eyes, glaring at me. I glare back. He relents, shifting his arms with great effort. I wiggle away from him, floating up. I navigate around his branches, finding my way to the door. I pause at the controls.
"Press the orange one," Pavo says helpfully. I press the orange button. I fall to my feet, my legs giving out. Then there is a loud sound of cracking like a tree falling. I look up to see Pavo falling from his fort. All the branches snap and break apart from the weight of themselves. He falls onto his back, the ball crashing around him though the fall isn't so loud. More like Styrofoam hitting the floor.
"Ow, "Pavo deadpans. I can't help but laugh. I get to my feet and walk over to him, picking up my pants along the way. Sliding them on I crouch beside him, picking up one of the branches. It's surprisingly light.
"What are these," I ask, turning it every which way. It's porous, with little holes that are barely noticeable.
"My anchors," he answers," it's a whole thing."
"Is it for what we just did," I ask. He shrugs.
" mostly. Though it's not exclusively. Just makes a lot of things easier in the water," he answers.
"Like sex?"
He grins to himself, "Yes, like sex."
I clear a space beside him, lying down to look at the portion of the window that covers the ceiling.
"I have some more questions," I say as I clasp my hands on my stomach. He lazily raises a hand and flourishes to make me continue. "Explain the branches, please."
He sighs," It's mostly a sex thing. When we first met I was immediately enamored. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Then I saw you and I couldn't stop myself. I wanted you. So my spikes got ready. My species loves the spikes, it's a whole fertility thing. I was showing them off, looking all big for you."
"You were flirting with the tree branches coming out your back," I joke.
"Sure," he laughs," I knew I had to have you. I never knew it would be like that! I made a nest for you and everything. I wish someone told me it would be so...everything"
"Talking like a virgin," I poke. He doesn't laugh. I look over and he is serious. I sit up," are- were you a virgin?"
He winces," define virgin."
I bolt up, standing and pacing the room. "Oh my god, I took your virginity! I took an ALIEN'S virginity?"
Pavo sits up, stopping me with a hand on my ankle. "Why are you so freaked out?"
"Freaked out? I'm just surprised and I totally did you dirty. If I knew it was your first time I would have made it more romantic. I mean who would guess you were a virgin," I drop my head in my hands, shaking from side to side.
"Well it's to be expected," he shrugs," we only have one person we do it with."
My heart stops, "what?"
"My kind mates for life, I mean most aliens do. It's a survival thing. Doesn't your kind," he asks.
"No," I basically screech, " we do not do that! If we did, definitely not after like 2 dates!"
He stumbles on his thoughts, his face pinching inquisitively.
"I could have sworn you guys mated for life," he collapses on his back," what would you like to do now?"
I ponder that for a moment. What is there to do? He just committed himself to me forever. I have the option to leave but that just screws him over. Also, I still like the idiot.
I groan, walking over and lying down beside him.
"You better pray this will just be a funny story we tell people when we get old," I grumble.
"Don't be so dramatic, everything will be fine," he tugs me closer.
"It better," I cozy into his side," all that's left is telling my brother."
Pavo barks a laugh," I can't imagine the paperwork he has for this!"
Hello! Hope you enjoyed the 2nd October story. After this month I will be on a hiatus once again.
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edward-evans-blog · 3 months
Edward Evans Blog [Entry #2]
“The Sculpture.. [Part 1/?]”
Hello Dear Readers.
I am shocked at the followers I’ve managed to gain in the first few days of my blog being up. I also wish to thank you all for the “reblogs” and likes.
Anyways, I know why your here so I’ll get on with it. This is the story of Percy and I’s first case… the case of ‘The Sculpture’.
The day started off as another, I woke up and did my daily routine of going for a run, taking a shower, eating my breakfast well I watched the birds and such.. then when I was getting ready for my morning lecture I noticed, Percy, looking madly through the papers.
Though that wasn’t too weird. He’d been doing that for days without even saying a word to me- which I didn’t mind Because he’s quite the weird fellow.. anytime I can get not to hear him ill take it. But of course It was very short lived, as Percy Jumped up on the Couch and cheered with delight. I asked what the matter was- well after I asked him to sit back down as I didn’t want him standing on my couch. Once he calmed down he told me that he found ‘a case’ whatever that means. Either way I congratulated him and left for my lecture.
A few Hours had passed after that and I made my way into the apartment I saw it. Percy on the floor in the middle of a whirlwind of papers. The apartment was in shambles.
“Shhh.. Im working Eddie.”
“Working??? On what!? This is a bloody mess and- oh- no no no! Why is there a knife in the wall, Percy!!!”
There was a knife holding a paper in the wall
“Hm? Oh that. Thats just some evidence for the case.”
“Yes. Remember the one I told you about this morning.”
Thats when I remembered the excitement in the morning… I hadn’t paid much attention to this so called ‘case’ he had told me about because I was more focused on getting him off the couch but I suppose it was something important.
“Percy… prey tell.. what do you mean by ‘case.’”
After that Percy had told me that apparently he wanted to become a Consulting Detective like his uncle Sherlock.. not because he wanted to.. because he was.. bored. And apparently he was sick of his uncle being the only one in the world. Though I could tell he was quite excited about this. But if im being honest I don’t quite care what the man does, as long as he pays his half of the rent and leaves me alone I really could care less, but the mess HAD to go.
“Ok.. Percy tell me.. whats with all those papers in my lounge room??”
“Oh yes- its all the information and possibly Intel I have on my case so far.”
“… and what do you have so far?”
“Not much… theres a killer and after he kills a victim he leaves a perfect Sculpture of them left behind. Later the body’s are found miles away from the sights the sculpture’s are found and-“
“-im sorry- the killer is making Sculptures of his victims???”
“Yes Eddie do try to keep up.”
“Its actually Edward-“
“-so thats all I have on the killer so far. Though I do think I know where he’s going to target next. Thats why we need to go to this place.”
Percy held out a pan-flip in front of my face. It was for one of the most fancy restaurants in the area.
“Percy.. we literally live in a one bedroom apartment what makes you think you can afford to go here.”
“My dads practically the British government. I can do as I please. Now get dressed. We’ve a Restaurant to go to.”
“Ok- wait me to???”
Percy Gave no further explanation. He also didn’t tell me why he needed me there, though I thought it was best not to question him.. if it means I get to eat at a fancy restaurant that is.
When we got there I ate and Percy kept a look out for the killer, But after an hour of nothing Percy started getting frustrated.
“Where. Is. He.”
“Look maybe he’s just running a little late… or..”
“Or you were wron-“
“Im never wrong.”
“…sure. Well Im going to the washroom. Have fun not being wrong.”
When I got to the restroom however I was met with a disturbing surprise that had me running back to our table. Where I as calmly as possible Told Percy to follow me..
After Percy saw it he smiled. Who on earth smiles at a crime scene??? Bloody Percy Holmes, that’s who.
Of course I suggested we call the cops but oh no no no, Percy had other plans. He took a sample of the clay sculpture and a few photos on my mobile while he started to- wait. My mobile?? How..
“Ah right I took your phone when you were eating.”
“So I could take a photo of the Sculpture when you found it without having to explain to someone why I have evidence on my phone.”
“Wait you knew I’d find the sculpture in here- …WAIT WHAT DO I DO IF I HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHY I HAVE EVIDENCE ON MY PHONE???”
Percy just shrugged back at me as he got up and started heading to the door.
“I already paid the bill and called the police. They should be here in about 2 minutes so I suggest if you don’t wish to have to explain the photos you get out of here with me.”
Percy may be weird but I know better then to ignore someone when im warned, so I followed close behind as the sound of police sirens began filled the air…
[Too be Continued]
Thank you for reading Part 1 of The sculpture!! Part 2 will be posted tomorrow so keep an eye out for it!!
-Edward Evans
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literally-inlove · 2 years
sooo, i saw in your what i write for list that you write for dr stone. can i get a hurt/comfort scenario where senku and (fem) reader are married in modern au, and he always ignores her and doesn't give her attention while she loves him from the bottom of her heart and she gets upset and tells him she wants a divorce, but he says no bcs and confesses his true feelings. if that was too detailed then its ok if u don't do it.
LET'S GO! DR STONE! Very little Dr Stone on Tumblr now. Making me sad. 😢
Also, sorry it took so long. I try to do headcanons first as in my opinion, they're a lot quicker and easier to do. ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑)
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I'm Worried is All
Senku Ishigami x Fem!Reader
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Genre: Comfort Angst
Summary: Senku has been going to work too often and it's making you worried. Is he cheating? Is he talking bad about you to his friends? Does he just not care about you anymore? Either way, you're sick of it...
Warning: Slight cussing
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Lately, Senku has been out of the house way too often for your liking. You would make dinner and pray they could talk about his day, only for him to come in to eat and collapse on the couch. So much for his constant scoldings about how napping on the lounge can cause back and neck pain.
The most he would do now is look your way at night. He leaves early in the morning at gets home late. What is more important than you? What was more important than your marriage?
You looked a photo of when you were in the most gorgeous white dress. The day of your wedding. You sighed before grabbing the frame of the small tabletop picture and lay it on its face. Your eyes glistened as tears threatened to fall from your face.
You had just woken up from your slumber to walk around the house. You saw the clock on the wall that said that it was six in the morning.
6am and he wasn't even home. "He never has time anymore..."
You began to do your daily life chores alone, as per usual. You washed the dishes, did a quick shop at the local market, had a bath, and finished the day with a call with your best friend.
"Listen. If he doesn't care about you, then you don't have to care about him." She groaned to you over the phone. She happened to be divorced with four kids so she has more pain you'll ever have.
You laughed. "I know that, but I still care about him. And deep down, I know he cares-" "He obviously doesn't if he's not talking to you!!"
You heard her start yelling at her two middle kids, telling them to shut up. That was until she sighed. "Listen. I have to go. But divorce is always an option."
"I'm not finished yet-" You hung up the phone and slammed it back down.
These past few weeks, your best friend has been trying to convince you to leave Senku. But you could never do that. The most you do to acknowledge each other is you cooking him dinner.
So for once, you'll cook for yourself and yourself only. You had finally taken the eggs off the pan and on to the plate. You couldn't think of much to have so you're having what would normally be a breakfast as a dinner.
You were half way through your meal, which isn't being very filling at this moment, when you heard the front door open.
Despite it being one of the first photos you see in your house when you walk in, he didn't even notice that your wedding photo wasn't there.
You heard Senku's back crack after he stretched and heard the soft thumping of his feet as he walked to the kitchen. You could tell he was looking around until he finally said something.
"Honey? Where's my portion?" That's it.
You clicked your tounge before placing your fork on the plate you had in front of you. "You haven't spoken to me in weeks, and that's the first thing you say to me?" The sound of metal clashing with glass echoed the room which was then followed with the sound of the chair being pushed out.
"You know what, Senku?" You looked at him with a stern look in your eyes. "I've had it with you. With-..." You motioned to the both of you. "-This."
You saw as he just stared at you with confusion. He shook his head before walking up to you slowly. "Look. Whatever it is, we can sort it out later-"
"And when is later?! Huh?!" You could see him swallow his saliva that was stuck at the back of his throat. "When will that be, Senku?!" His red eyes were easier to see with how wide he had them open. "When will later be if the last real conversation we had was weeks ago?!!"
He blinked in surprise before sighing. Senku opened his eyes to see yours tearing up. "(Y/n). Listen. We can work this out."
"Work what out? This mess of a relationship?!" "Okay. You can quiet down."
You threw your arms up and slammed them against your thighs. "Rich coming from someone who hasn't spoken to me in-" "-Weeks. I get it."
He sighed and pinched his nose bridge. You held back your tears before storming upstairs, forgetting about your plate. He saw this and chased after you. "(Y/n) where are you going?"
"I'm fucking done." Senku stopped after hearing your words. He managed to mutter out "what" as you spun on your heels. "I'm done with whatever you have going on here! I don't care who you're sleeping! I don't care what you say to your friends about me! I do not care anymore!!"
At this point, the water built up in front of your eyes were streaming down your face. You flinched at his touch due to sensitivity as he put his palms on his cheeks. "Okay. We'll sort this now." He pulled you into a tight hug, he head only just being above yours. "I'm not cheating on you. I'm not talking shit about you to any of my friends. And even if I was, Taiju and Kohaku would've told you. I love you so damn much that I can't imagine either of us being with anyone else."
You arms slowly lifted up so that you both were holding on to each other. Senku smiled as he spoke some more. "The truth is, I've been extremely busy with this latest project over in the labs these past two months. Lucky for us, it's almost finished." Holding on to your shoulder, he pulled away to look at you. He had a large smile on his face. Larger than what you've ever seen on him. "And I'm sure with all the pay I'll be given, we can go on a nice holiday. Just the two of us."
You felt him wipe your tears. "And me? Cheating? Honey that is simply i-" "-Illogical... I know..." You laughed softly.
Senku gave you a small pat on the head as he laughed with you. "Ever since we met in college, I doubt I would let you go. Based on my research, we were and still are a perfect match for each other." You smiled at him as he rested his forehead on yours.
He then pulled away and patted down his clothes. "Well. I'm hungry and you didn't make anything. I think your food is half cold and you looked as if you weren't enjoying it." "You saw?"
Senku looked at you and grabbed your hand. "Honey. I look at you almost every day. You just never notice." He tapped you on the nose before walking down the stairs. He halted his step and turned around slowly. "Looking at the time, there's not enough time to cook so.." He lifted his hand out. "Let's just go get take out."
All you could do was laugh as you took his hand. You both walked to the door as you put on shoes. "What happened to junk food being bad for you?" "Well, I'm hungry. You're hungry. Food is food at this moment."
You both closed the door, not knowing he lifted the frame back up on your way out. Based on his completely logical research, you were bound to have fights but were not bound to ever break up.
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And we are done. Sad but not too sad. Yayyyy.
Again. I am sorry this request took so long. But it is here now. I hope you liked it. I am not strong in the angst part of writing but yk.
Requests are open!!
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
This could be a request or not depending on how much time you have 😅 but for your information, yes, I am thinking Tom giving y/n hickies on her neck like the night before a bunch of interviews the next day and she's like, "Are you serious?" and he's like "I couldn't resist, I just love you so much!" and when y/n shows up the next day wearing a turtleneck after she told Zendaya that she would be wearing a dress Z immediately gets suspicious and figures it out bc I feel like she's like that 😅😂
Hehehe I haven’t written anything smutty lately and I miss it. So thank you for requesting this anon, much love to you🥰 Ugh, the thought of this gave me butterflies in my stomach😭 Happy reading!❤️
Also, little note for everyone who’s sending me requests! Yes, I see all of them! Part of the reason why I haven’t done some of them yet is because I have to think of concepts on how to execute them properly. So bear with me, love you all🥰
Love Bug
My soft boi🥺
Warnings: implied smut
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(Gif from Pinterest)
The AC in your bedroom was just not doing you justice. The Californian heat was at an all time high today and has transformed you home into an Easy Bake oven. Though you were probably exaggerating, your thin crewneck sweater still clung onto your skin, making you uncomfortable. Peeling the sweater off your body, you toss it into your laundry basket. You’re left in a tank top and some lounging shorts as you sprawl yourself out on your bed. The coolness of the comforter bringing your body some relief from the heat.
Sinking into the sheets, the hustle and bustle of the day finally hits you. You’ve had a long day of press with your cast mates, promoting the movie you were all in, Spider-Man: Far From Home. You loved your job, but the press tours could just be so tiring. You were forced to wake up early in the morning and sit in a room for how many hours of the day to only be asked the same questions (most of the time). Though press tours did have its pros, meeting fans around the world and traveling to new countries was something you always looked forward to.
Marvel being Marvel, they always had to make it big. For the last few weeks you have all been traveling around the world, tired but nonetheless having an amazing time. Thankfully, this was the last stop of the press tour, California. You were back in your own bed and your boyfriend was staying with you for the time being.
You were on your phone, going through Instagram and looking at various photos that were taken today during today’s press engagements. You’ve even made your own contribution and posted your own batch of selfies and funny videos.
The door to the connected bathroom in your room opens and reveals your boyfriend. Your eyes break their focus on your phone and shift to the man in front of you. You smile and turn your phone off giving him all your attention. A smile forms on his own lips as he crawls up the bed to join you.
“Missed you all day.” He whispers against your skin, placing his head on your chest. His arms are wrapped around your figure, one leg hooked over yours. You move the hood of his sweatshirt from over his head and began to run your hands through his hair.
“Mmm, I missed you too.” He cuddles closer to your chest, arms tightening around you. His eyes momentarily shut, basking in your soothing motions.
“How was your day with Jake?” You ask him. As much as Tom wanted to do press with you, he was stuck doing them with Jake, while you did your interviews with Z and Jacob. Tom enjoyed having his interviews with Jake, but he missed being near you, even if you were just a room away.
Tom shifts so his lips are near the skin of your exposed neck. He hums against you before his lips come into contact with the soft surface. He had been tempted to mark you up all day. You wore a beautiful spring dress with a low neckline that displayed the skin of your neck. All he wanted to do was scatter red and purple love bites all over you, letting the world know you were his.
You gasp as he nips on the space between your neck and shoulder. “Interviews were good, but I just couldn’t get you out my head.” He slots himself between your legs and presses you down into the mattress.
“Teasing me with the pretty little dress of yours. Just wanted to kiss you and mark you up.” He says huskily against your neck. His breath sent shivers down your spine as goosebumps formed on your skin. His mouth sucks harder on the spot, teeth nipping gently, while his tongue soothed the bruising spot. He moved up so one of his hands are holding him up beside your head while his other strokes your side.
“Baby, we have an early morning tomorrow.” You didn’t want him to stop, but it was currently 2am and you were both expected to be awake by 6am.
His lips have made their way to the other side of you neck, pressing light kisses that turned to open mouthed ones. You giggle gently pulling him away from your neck so you can look him in the eyes.
“Babyyy.” He whines trying to shove his head back into the spot. A pout is on his lips, which were now a darker shade of pink from how much he was sucking on your skin.
“Tom, we need to be up at six.” You reminded him. Tom leans closer a boyish grin now on his expression. You couldn’t help but kiss him back when his lips captured yours. You feel him smirk against you as he pulls away.
The hand on your side moves to cradle the side of your face, his thumb brushing against your bottom lip. “We’ll be quick, I just wanna feel you. Please?”
You stare at him for a moment as his hand drifts down your body and by your shorts. Excitement swirls in your belly as his fingers get closer to your growing heat. He kisses your cheek as his hand slips past the band of your shorts to cup your mound. The wetness brings a smirk to his face as his dark eyes gaze into yours.
“Baby, look how wet you are.” He praises you as he moves your panties aside and dips his fingers into your wetness. You sigh, eyes slightly rolling back as his fingers spread your wetness on your folds.
“Fine, but—“ You bring your finger to point again him, “No marks on my neck, I’m wearing a dress tomorrow with a low cut again.”
Tom nods connecting your lips again, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” He assures you before diving his head back into your neck.
~next morning~
You enter the bathroom, tying your hair up to keep it away from your face. You turn the shower on and wait for the water to warm up. While you wait you take a look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes widen when you get a glimpse of you neck. You gasp out loud as you see the sides of your neck with red bruises with hints of purple on them. You had them on both sides of your neck and a small one almost on the center of your throat.
“TOM!” You yell, your voice echoing in the bathroom. There was some rustling behind the door before it was yanked open. Tom entered in nothing but his boxers looking disheveled, hair pointing in all types of direction and his eyes barely open.
“What happened?” His voice was raspy, something that usually made you swoon but right now you couldn’t even focus on it.
You turn to him, aggressively pointing to your neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful!” You mock him, repeating what he said to you last night before he railed you into the mattress.
Tom’s eyes widen as well before he cringed. To be fair, you did warn him. He just didn’t know how to hold back when it came to you. He cautiously approaches you a sheepish grin on his face.
“I know it looks bad..” he begins. You shoot him a look, “Are you serious right now? Tom it looks like an octopus strangled me!”
Tom moves back to look at you, “Well you weren’t complaining last night.” You shoot him another look and he nods knowing you were annoyed with him at the moment. He stands behind you looking at the mirror you were both in front of. His arms wrap around your torso as he tries to soften you up.
“I’m sorry, I just love you so much and I couldn’t resist it. I love making love to you and I just get so lost in it and I know you warned me too, I’m sorry.” He apologizes hugging you from behind. You could tell he actually felt bad by the genuine look in his eyes. You sigh leaning back into him and resting your hands above his, interlocking your fingers.
“I forgive you, it happens.” You mumble, head trying to come up with ways to cover up your neck. “How do I even cover this up?”
Tom looks at your neck through the mirror, “Makeup will work right? Just put on some concealer or that color corrector thing you use.”
You nod at his suggestion. “That’ll work for a few hours, but makeup wears off. What if I accidentally wipe it off?”
Tom pursed his lips together in thought, “You could ask Laura to bring you something with a turtleneck.”
“It’ll barely move and your neck will be covered the entire time.” He suggests.
“Yeah, it’ll probably work. I just hope she hasn’t left yet, I should text her.” You move from Tom’s hold and turn the shower off. Before you leave the bathroom, Tom pulls you into a hug again. His face nuzzles against your hair, “I’m sorry, again.”
You smile and stroke his back, “I told you I forgive you, it’s ok love.” You pull away and peck his lips. Tom smiles and leans down to kiss your shoulder. Something he always did when you guys were having a moment. Instantly, you jump back and push him off, “Get your fucking lips away from my neck. I don’t need anymore hickies right now.”
Your stylist, Laura, ended up bringing you a stunning white dress that stopped above your knees. It was short sleeved, hugged your curves perfectly, and had a turtleneck that covered your neck. She gave you a pair of leather knee high boots which pulled the look together. Your hair was curled, pulled back into a half up and down style while short strands of hair framed your face. Compared to the panic you felt when your first saw the hickies, you were relieved when you saw yourself in the mirror again an hour later. You felt like a modern Go Go Girl as you admired your outfit.
You arrived at the hotel where all the interviews were being held. You make your rounds of greeting everyone, saving Z and Jacob last since you’ll be with them the whole day. You enter the room and see the two of them already sitting in front of the cameras. Jacob spots you first, “Aye! Good morning!”
You smile and walk up to them, giving them both hugs. When you pull away from Z she gives you a look. Her eyes scan you from head to toe, squinting at your dress.
“Weren’t you just complaining that yesterday was too hot? Why are you in a turtleneck?” She interrogates you. You smile nervously at her while you settle in the seat on the other side of Jacob.
“Um, you know, it’s a bit chilly today.” You lie. Jacob eyes you as well catching on Z’s point.
“(Y/n), it’s 95 degrees outside.” He tells you eyes panning around the room. Zendaya smirks leaning forward to get a better look at you, “I think someone was busy last night.”
“No, I wasn’t. I had a very nice sleep, thank you very much.” You sweetly smile at her crossing your arms.
Jacob snickers beside you, “I bet you did.”
“I guess Thomas couldn’t keep his hands off you last night.” She teased, exposing you.
“Or his mouth.” Jacob quickly adds smirking. Your cheeks get flustered squeezing your eyes shut. Jacob and Z burst out laughing at Jacob’s comment.
“I don’t even have a come back, blame Tom.” You throw your hands up in the air giving up. Z calms down and leans over Jacob to rest a hand on your knee.
“Hey, it’s ok, man. If I were Tom, I wouldn’t keep my hands off you either.” She tells you jokingly, helping you get over the embarrassment of wearing a turtleneck. You catch on and wink at her, “Aye, say less.” Your hand resting on top of hers.
Jacob puts his hands up looking shocked, “What did I just walk into? I—I gotta go.” He pretends to shove your hands away and gets up from his seat.
“I’m telling Tom about the sexual tension I felt in this room.” He yells over his shoulder as he walks out the room. You and Z look at each other amused, “Is he actually?”
Z shrugged, “Honestly, he’s probably getting some water. He was thirsty.”
The two of you catch up with each other. Talking about the press tour and what you were both planning on wearing for the premiere. You were in the middle of describing your dress when Tom bursts into the room with Jacob trailing behind him.
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theycallmebecca · 3 years
Hey Becca! 👋 Hope you keep staying cool and the heatwave breaks soon.
So how about Chris getting done filming and coming to your place since your watching dodger. You’ve rearranged furniture and didn’t tell him. You are woken up to a bunch a thuds and Chris cussing.
Thank you!
I'm trying to stay cool.. thankfully it's starting to cool off already, we're down to 104 from today's high of 115! I've got my AC on and drinking lots of water and various juices to keep myself properly hydrated.
And I love this prompt! Haha you know I like me some comedy with my romance!
I’m accepting prompts thru July 4, 2021 for drabbles and moodboards. More information in this post.
Title: Crash in the Night
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
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You didn't rearrange your furniture very often, but every now and then you got the urge to change things up. Most of the time, the changes stuck, but there were other times you questioned your own sanity for thinking the change was a good idea.
It had been three weeks since you had rearranged your living room and it was a change you liked. Your boyfriend's dog, Dodger, especially liked the having the lounge part of the sofa against the wall, so he could survey the room in between naps.
The only part of your rearranging that you weren't certain about was the narrow table behind the couch. You'd hoped it would help divide the living room from the entry way, but you weren't sure it worked. (Not to mention the number of times you'd stubbed your toes on it.)
Deciding to leave it for another few days, you and Dodger retired to the bedroom for the night.
With Chris out of the country for work, he'd left Dodger with you and the two of you had quickly formed a routine, which including starting your nightly routine with drawing an 'x' through the day's box on the calendar.
"Only five more days," you told Dodger as you put the lid on the pen. "And then we can show your daddy the changes!"
Dodger gave an excited bark and thumped his tail against the floor.
You scratched his head and then got ready for bed.
Knowing the two of you would miss him, Chris had brought you a pillow case to use while he was gone and had left an old shirt for Dodger to curl up with at night. While it wasn't the same as having him with you every night, it did make it easier to fall asleep.
It was sometime later when Dodger woke you with a loud bark. Startled and still half asleep, you sat up and glanced at the clock, noting that it was only two in the morning.
"Dodger, what -" you started, but stopped when he began to growl.
Then you heard a crash from downstairs that woke you up.
"Oh my god, oh my god," you panicked as you scrambled for your phone.
A shouted "FUCK!" echoed from downstairs and both you and Dodger froze.
Dodger was the first to respond, he let out a happy bark and ran to the door, pawing at it.
"I'm coming," you told him, forgetting about your phone as you got off the bed. You opened the door and followed Dodger down the stairs.
At the bottom, you flipped on the lights and found Dodger showering Chris in kisses.
"I'm ok, I'm ok," Chris said with a laugh from under the dog. "I missed you, too, buddy."
While they celebrated their reunion, you looked around the entry hall. Chris and his suitcases had clearly crashed into the table, which had only had a stack of books on it, thankfully.
Walking past the happy duo, you picked up the books and put them back on the table.
"New table?" Chris asked, having extricated himself from Dodger. The dog sat at his feet, leaning against his leg.
"Yes," you replied as you made your way to him. You used your hands to check his face for any damage, making him chuckle. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"I'm fine," he assured you. "Just a little disappointed that you haven't kissed me yet."
"I didn't think you'd even noticed my presence yet," you teased, dropping your hand to rub Dodger's head. "You were otherwise occupied."
Chris chuckled and placed his large hands on either side of your head before drawing you in for a kiss. It started slowly but your hands grabbed onto his shirt as it deepened.
You were left breathless when it ended, a moment later.
"We're moving that table in the morning," Chris informed you before he led you upstairs to your bedroom to further celebrate his homecoming.
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trueshellz · 3 years
Hello! Can I request Osamu and Kuroo finding out their S/O has trouble functioning recently. Like usually they're working a lot and being productive but now they're burnt out – no motivation, skipping meals, can't sleep, etc. If this is too much, please feel free to ignore! Thank you!
Thank you for the request! 💜
You had always been good at hiding your stress from your family and it was no different when you started dating. Work had been more stressful than usual, there had been lots of looming deadlines and the change in management meant that the new person was trying to leave their mark on the company. Being a perfectionist, you didn't want your work scrutinised and had taken to working long hours with little sleep.
Osamu was aware of this, knowing to keep his distance when you had lots to do. Not because he didn't like your job, but more so that you would get little done, instead playing games or making out. You had planned to see him properly but he would always pop in during the early evening to drop off some food for you.
What you hadn't shared with him was how stressed you had felt. Instead of eating, the food had been piling up untouched. You were up most of the night working on the changes coming through from the new manager and relied on coffee and caffeine pills to help. When going into work had become too stressful, you had taken some time off to recover and focus on yourself. But this had just made you fall into a dark hole. You spent all day in pyjamas, barely eating still and slept most of the day. You didn't know how to tell your hardworking boyfriend how you felt, especially since he was so busy with the shop. If he could manage a business you should be able to do your job right?
It was the second week of not seeing you daily, Osamu was starting to get worried. You had told him that you were staying with family for a bit as you had been stressed with work and didn't want to take time away from him setting his restaurant up. You still spoke everyday, less so on video or the phone but your text conversations went on for ages.
"Osamu! How are you?"
Glancing up, he saw your parents approaching the shop as he was putting up a notice board. They had known for a while that you had been dating, being supportive of you both and the relationship between you had been great.
"I'm ok. How are you both? How's my lovely girlfriend doing?"
The shock on their faces was almost palatable, they both looked at each other confused before turning back to him.
"We've not spoken to her for about 3 weeks. She said she was staying at her apartment as she had deadlines to meet and needed to focus. You know how her siblings are when she's home."
Osamu felt his heart stop as your parents told him what else you had said. The worst thoughts going through his mind as he listened half-heartedly to them. There was no reason to lie to him or your parents. He couldn't think of why you had spun this story to lie to everyone.
Waving farewell to your parents, his thoughts swirling around his head as he finished work and tidied up the shop. By the time he locked up, he was just angry at you. How dare you lie to him? You knew how much he valued truthfulness and honesty.
Storming to you apartment, he planned his conversation in his head. He was going to confront you about lying to your parents, lying to him and about not spending time with him. If you didn't want to date him, you should have just said. Knocking on your door, he waited for you to answer but there was nothing, the lights were off and he couldn't see inside. He didn't like using the spare key you gave him, not wanting to be that boyfriend who didn't trust their partner. But it seemed like he had no choice.
Unlocking your front door, he was shocked to see your post on the floor, more than would accumulate from a day or two. Walking through and calling our your name, he could see the apartment was messy too. The food he had been sending on the worktops, work papers all over the floor and your curtains were all closed too. He kept calling your name until he reached your room, hoping to hear you reply. Were you unwell? Why hadn't you told him? He would have helped you, looked after you.
You had been in bed all day, apart from a quick shower and eating a banana, the energy you usually had had completely depleted. Everything hurt. Arms. Legs. Head. Back. Your eyeballs hurt. How was that even possible? You thought you heard your name being called but figured it was just your mind playing tricks on you. It wasn't until your bedroom door opened and Osamu's face came into your peripheral vision did you really start to panic.
"'Samu... I... what?"
All thoughts of reprimanding you flew straight out the window when he saw you. Osamu actually felt his stomach drop. Your usually bright and cheerful face was dull, your eyes were sunken and you had bags under them, he was sure you'd lost weight and didn't even want to ask when you had last eaten.
That one word was enough to have you breaking down into tears, not pretty ones, loud and gut wrenching sobs as he rushed over and pulled you close. Yep, definitely lost weight. His chin resting on your head as he shushed you, arms wrapped around you tightly as he rubbed your back. Your tears soaking the front of his jacket, hand curled in his top as if he'd disappear. You hadn't realised how much you missed him until he appeared in front of you.
"Baby, why didn't ya tell me? I woulda come sooner."
You shook your head, unable to form words he he climbed into bed with you. Pulling you forward so you lay on him, his arms wrapped around you as you lay there. For a long time neither of you spoke, content to lay there while your breathing settled back down and eventually falling asleep again. As you did, he couldn't help but shed a few tears at the sight of seeing you so exhausted and broken, especially after he thought the worst, made him feel like shit. How could he have been so blind? He should have seen something was wrong?
"'Samu?" He felt you move and sit up, instead pushing your head back onto his chest, he cuddled you close and squeezed you lightly.
"I'm here, baby. Don't worry."
"'M sorry."
"For what?"
If he hadn't cried already, he was sure you were going to make him cry again. Closing his eyes against the tears, he propped you up so you could look down at him. Brushing the hair behind your ears, he thumbed your cheek lovingly before kissing you softly.
"I wish ya'd told me, baby. I woulda helped. I woulda checked on ya more and-"
"I didn't want to burden you. You've been busy with the shop and I just... didn't want to seem like I couldn't manage. And then it just got so much and I didn't know how to fix it."
Sitting up, Osamu pulled you into his lap so you were say sideways and rocked you gently as he spoke.
"Ya never have to be sorry for shit like this. If I'd known, I woulda come sooner. Baby, ya had me worried. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to ya. Listen to me, ya never gonna be alone ok? Let me help ya baby. Lemme take some of the burden ok?" When you shook your head, he smiled and continued. "I love ya baby. It's my job to help ya."
"Come stay with me for a bit? Even if ya never leave ya room or wanna stay in bed, ya won't be alone. I'll be there to help."
"I don't-"
"Please baby. If nothing else, I'll know that yer OK. That yer not alone and sad. All by yerself thinking that no one cares. Please?"
It was the autumn term and you were struggling. You weren’t sure what it was about this weather that just drained you of energy, the lack of light or the cold seeping into your bones. The idea of having dark mornings and dark evenings made your mood sour and no matter what you did, it wasn’t getting any better. You knew you had work that needed doing, your to do list steadily getting bigger and your will to donit getting smaller.
You had been off school for a week now, with Kuroo away at traing camp he was none the wiser. You were able to hide your troubles from him, he would call in the evening which would he the time you got home. He was always so cheerful, face lit up with his stories about his day and games. Often you would have his teammates crash the call and hear the mayhem as he tried to wrestle the phone away from them.
Last night, Lev had stolen the phone and started complaining about being picked on. As much as you loved your boyfriend, Lev was a sweetheart and you had a huge soft spot for him. Kuroo had wrestled the phone away from him and you watched the fight ensue in the background. With so much going on, it was easy to divert the attention away from yourself, load all the focus on his team and their game today.
Glancing at the clock, you knew the team would be on their way back by now. It was the afternoon and school was still in full force, the homework from last week still on your desk and your phone full of messages from friends asking where you were. Soon you heard Kuroo's special ringtone light up your phone. He would always message you after a match and meet with you, walking you home at the end of the day while filling you in about the camp. You would pick up snacks on the way and the lounge around on the sofa watching movies together. But today? You just couldn't do it.
Kuroo was confused and worried. Not only had you not answered your phone but you weren't in your class. Your friends hadn't heard from you in a while and that wasn't like you. Dialling your number again, he waved goodbye to his teammates before making his way to your house. He was almost there, turning back at the last minute to grab your favourite flowers and food from your local shop.
Arriving at your house, he could see that the lights were off but your car was parked outside. Calling you again, he could hear your phone ring from inside the house but you made no attempt to answer it. Banging on the door, he waited and waited. Tension growing by the minute when you didn't appear.
"Kitten! I can hear your phone ringing. Answer the door."
You knew you should answer it, you phone had rang about twelve times and you had about twenty messages as well as four voicemails. Dragging yourself out of bed, you went to your window and peered out, seeing his dark hair as he bent over his phone. The image tugged at your heart, you could see his brows furrowed as he bounced on his toes. A sure sign that he was anxious and worried.
"Kitten. Open the door. I can see your shadow in the window."
You tensed as he said that, begrudgingly walking to the door and bracing yourself against it. Tears forming in your eyes as you thought about how you worried everyone, how much of a letdown you were and how unreliable.
"Baby." His voice was softer now, closer too. "Open the door. I'm worried about you. Lemme at least see you ok? If you wanna be alone afterwards, I'll leave."
Cracking the door open a few centimetres, you peered through and saw Kuroo's face. It instantly softened, you felt your eyes fill with tears as he reached across and ran his thumb under your eyes, most probably seeing the dark circles you had. Letting him push the door open further, you let him pull you into a hug. His arms wrapping securely around your body as you fell into him, his voice a low shushing in your ear and it was then that you realised you were crying. Tears tracking down your face and soaking his jersey as you stood.
"Kitten, I gotcha. I'll always be here for you. Shhh. Don't cry baby. You're breaking my heart here. Let's get you inside yeah? I bought some food and we can lounge around like always." He pulled away and a look of panic crossed his face. "If that's what you want. If not, I'll go. I don't wanna intrude or-"
"No, Tetsu. I'd love to have you here... but, I'm not in a great place. I don't wanna-"
"Baby listen, my heart is wherever you are. If you're hurting, I'm hurting too. We'll get through this together ok? Let's stay in bed, watch some movies and eat our body weight in junk. If you're feeling up to it tomorrow, we'll organise things yeah? School work. Homework. Whatever. I'm back now, you don't have to do this alone."
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verse50 · 3 years
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It was the first weekend over 80F and we took full advantage of it on our six acres. Friday night we let the kids loose on the rock pile, loading up the trailer for the dump, then packed them off early Saturday for soccer camp. All morning he bush-hogged the treeline while I wrestled the sunken raised beds into shape. This house had been so neglected when we bought it two years ago. Finally we had the time and money to make it nice again.
I was pulling weeds when he tromped out in chaps and ear protection. Chainsaw hanging from his belt. That and the sweaty dirt on his face made me look a bit longer.
“I’m gonna saw up that alder and then get to the stairs,” he half shouted. Bush hogging will do that to you. He grinned and took out his ear plugs. “The beds are coming along, maybe-” I was on my knees and gazed up at him quizzically.
“You’re not wearing a bra,” he said, at the perfect angle to peer down my shirt.
“Nope!” I agreed, and swung myself back and forth. It looked and felt like two water balloons bumping in a pillowcase. Then stuck out my tongue.
His mouth set. “I gotta get the stairs done today.” Then he was gone into the brush, chainsaw revving. I bent down again to the weeds, trying to drown my frustration with deep breaths. 
He was so hard to read. I was a free spirit, a spitfire, and he was a calm, methodical engineer with a heart of gold. There was no better man on the planet, I was convinced, but gosh sex was tough with him! It took him so long to adjust to change. A toe ring. The tiniest gold nose ring. A tattoo on my ankle. Introducing him to my vibrator. I had to pace everything at six month intervals or it was too much.
 But once he got used to it...holy fucking shit. He basically dissected that vibrator and and studied the user manual. Found similar ones, tested them on me like I was a guinea pig. Even took me to a toy store in Dallas then fucked the daylights out of me until 3am. And then...it all petered out like a spent firework. I would try to keep the energy going, keep him interested, but I could never tell what worked. He was pretty shy about sex, almost embarrassed. He wasn’t comfortable with dirty talk. We couldn’t really sext because his job required cellphones be lockered except at lunch. We could go months on once a week then he would surprise me with a two day fuckfest, like a volcano erupting. I lived for those times but could never figure out how to make them happen more often. All it did was make me ramp up with excitement, feel more free, then try to cram myself in a box again. He was such a good man, though. I just needed to be more patient, less wild. I ripped up the weeds angrily.
The sun was high when he came in for lunch. I had sandwiches, chips, and his favorite tea ready. There was even more dirt on his face and I sat there awkwardly, trying to equate my silent chip-crunching husband with the dirty woodsman I wanted to pounce on.
“I think I’ll build out the landing a bit from the stairs, maybe put in a new handrail,” he said. I sipped my tea and nodded. “The driveway could use some gravel.”
“The trailer has all the rocks in it still,” I pointed out.
“Mmm. I’ll go to the dump first, then hit Home Depot and Brother’s Fieldstone.” He looked at me as if I had just appeared at the table. “You’re wearing a bra now.”
“Uh-huh.” I cut off a smart-ass retort and became very busy fishing pickles from their jar. “I’m gonna work on the petunia baskets.”
After the peck on my cheek he would be gone for at least two hours. I ripped off my bra, blasted Slayer on my bluetooth speaker, and delved into the hanging baskets. By the time I had repotted everything and cleaned up the cobwebby  lounge chairs I was a filthy mess. Shower time.
You couldn’t see our house from the road. I went out on the deck in just a towel, then threw it off and lay naked on a chair, basking like a lizard. Big fluffy clouds blocked the sun momentarily, then shooed away when I spread my legs wide. Everything needed to dry. My hair would need a serious flatiron session. Idly I thought of him coming out of the forest...rushing home...making a beeline for me...a naked woman tanning herself alone...so easy to take advantage...helpless...but there was a shotgun behind the door...
Damn it, I thought. Can’t even have a fantasy and it gets all practical. He’s wearing off on me. I looked at my phone. About 30 minutes of naked freedom left- I should water the baskets again. I picked up the hose and my phone rang.
“Hey baby,” I said, working up the cheerful wife tone. He really was wonderful. I just needed to...not need so much.
“Baby, guess how much the lumber cost for the deck, right now?”
I thought for a minute. It has been awhile since we did a major project. “Um, I think we did the brown house for under $600?”
“Yeah, well, I priced it all out. It’s gonna be over $2000! We can’t swing that now. It’s insane, the prices. Never seen anything like it. And Brother’s is out of pea gravel!” He was worked up. This man stuck to budgets religiously.
“O my God! No, you’re right. We can’t do that now. The deck will be fine for awhile, definitely. It’s sturdy at least.” The sun was so hot on my back. I stared at my shadow, waving the limp hose to and fro.
“So I emptied the trailer and uh, checked everything out. Since we can’t do anything more on that today I, um....” he coughed. I waited, cautiously easing on the water. “I went to that new little toy store in the strip mall.”
Water spurted out onto my shadow. “I see. What kind of toys?”
“The only kind!” His voice rose. The hose engorged and gurgled. “I found one like your pink one, you know that does the swirly thing, too? But this seems to be a softer material, a better grade of silicone, I think this company merged with a big distributor and, uh...”
My mouth twisted. It was just like him to get carried away on technical aspects. “That’s so sweet, baby. What are you wanting to do with that?”
“I want to use it on you.” He was almost whispering, as if there were seven other people in his F-250. “Like Dallas.” It was such a distant memory. I couldn’t work myself all up again, it was too exhausting. But he went to the store, my dear husband...he wants something.
“You can do whatever you want to me, baby,” I said sincerely. “Just come home and we can hang out the rest of the day.”
“I don’t want to hang out. I want- I want you to not wear a bra again. I don’t want you to feel, uh, like you have to put it back on? Around me?”
I aimed the water where my shadow’s pussy would be. Cool drops sprayed up onto my flushed skin.
“I’m not wearing a bra right now.”
“I’m naked out on the deck. Been tanning after I took a shower.”
Silence. He was gunning the truck, I could hear the roar.
“I hope you’re bringing some wood home for me.” VVVBBBBRBbbbbRRRRrr.
“Baby, if you can just let me plan stuff. It’s easier for me. I’m sorry I’m slow and I disappoint you. I wanted to tear your shirt off there but I’m just never sure...I don’t want to do anything you don’t like, I don’t want to hurt you- really- just let me plan sometimes and maybe try to go along? I promise I’ll do better, you are so sexy-” sfhkhfffffppp. His phone cut out. I stood there, dumb, watching the water drip my shadow off the edge of the deck. He had never talked to me so much at one time. “-if I can plan and know in advance that you like it we can do more, you drive me crazy you know that, right?”
I took a deep breath. My legs were shaking into the damp, hot wood. “How do you want me to be, when you get home?”
Pause. More gunning. “On the deck chair, doggy. Ass in the air. Wait- I need to shower first.”
“No, you don’t. You’re sexy with the dirt on you. I love it.”
“You do?”
“Yes, I love my sexy, dirty husband.”
“Ok.” He was firm. The blinker was on, he was at the intersection ten minutes away. “Ass up, doggy. Hands by your side. Face turned away from the stairs. I don’t want you to see me. I have-have- a special delivery.”
I turned off the water. The whole deck was soaked. Not one basket had gotten a drop. “Ass up ready to receive. I’ll be waiting for you, baby.” I was so excited my words came out slowly, bouncing through a lump in my throat. The sun was cold and hot at the same time.
“If you respond well there will be future appointments.” His voice was full of confidence before the phone shut off.
I almost tripped on my way over to the lounge chair. Fortunately my towel was there in case things got really wet.
Thank you to @daily-esprit-descalier for sharing the photo that inspired this story.
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beomglocks · 3 years
[4:45am] with beomgyu
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warnings & other : requested, fluff, playful bickering (?), beomgyu best boyfie, sleepy reader tingz, idrk, it is 4:45am, not rn, in the story, another day another clingy bf beomgyu imagine heyo
when you fall asleep, it usually takes you around 15 or so minutes to really fall asleep. counting sheep wasn't a thing you believed in but you sure did believe in your boyfriends' natural scent.
why did he always seem to smell like pinecones? why? was he really outside just throwing himself into piles of leaves like a kid. you wouldn't put it past him, it's something he actually would do.
the combined homey scent that lingered in the room mixed with the fact that the bed and pillow were comfortable as fuck had you out like a light. you didn't even hear the door unlock and harshly slam close soon afterwards, a soft "whoops" following. you stir a little bit but quickly go back into your previous sleeping position as if you hadn't been disturbed.
beomgyu has never been one to leave you in a peaceful state of mind for a long amount of time. while he may have been out of the house for a couple of hours at a time due to his schedule tightening up, he was somehow always around to bother you.
he throws his practice bag on the living room floor before silently strolling towards the bedroom. he stands at the door frame watching your chest slowly rise and fall. he smiles softly but doesn't hold onto the moment for very much longer. within seconds, he throws himself onto the bed with his head crashing onto your bare thighs.
you jolt awake at the sudden disruption, believing that someone had managed to break in and kidnap you. however, you look down to see beomgyu with his eyes closed, seemingly resting them for a bit after being exposed to the harsh bright lights of the practice room for hours.
"beomgyu what the fuck?" you say, your voice 100% laced with sleep. "why?" you groan.
he opens his eyes, smiling up at you. "i missed you," he says simply. you roll your eyes, settling back down into an upright position so that his head lays comfortably on your lap.
"go shower," you breathe out. you run your hands lazily through his hair in a way that relaxes him. he sighs in content, "now i don't want to."
"go, you stink and your forehead's all sweaty too," you say. he mumbles under his breath but doesn't move an inch. as a form of punishment for not listening to you, you remove your hands from his hair. "noooo," he whines.
he reaches up and yanks your hand back down onto his head with a playful frown. you laugh at his actions, not being able to keep up with your punishment. despite his damp forehead that he for some reason hadn't thought to wipe before arriving home, his hair is still fluffy. it's the only leading factor that keeps your hands tangled between the dark locks.
"how was practice," you decide to catch up with him. even though it's nearing dawn you both don't mind. you're much too interested in his day and he's much to enamored by you to not engage in the early morning pillowtalk.
"it was ok, same as always i guess," he answers. he goes on for a couple of minutes about the details of how the boys pretty much fucked around for half the time and how the dance was intense as always. he goes on about how he had mistakenly fell asleep in the artist lounge for hours before remembering that you were at home waiting for him. well that explains why he came home at the break of dawn.
you don't know when you'd dozed off but you did. the mashup of beomgyu's welcoming natural scent, his warm body layered on yours, his soft voice, and the bed feeling like a literal cloud had you drifting off back to your previous slumber.
"y/n are you listening?" beomgyu raises his voice, looking up at you. you nod but really you hadn't heard a word he said. he sucks his teeth with a soft smile. "fine...imma go shower then we can sleep together ok?"
you nod wordlessly, already not too sure if you'd be awake when he got back from his shower. it was damn near 5 o clock in the morning now, what did he expect.
unsurprisingly when he returned from the bathroom you were on your ninth cloud. he knew it from the way you were sprawled out on the bed that nothing would wake you up now.
he sighs, moving the cover over both your bodies and holding you close. you unintentionally inhale his fragrance, sending yourself deeper into your sleep.
the only downside was when beomgyu had to wake up early again for practice, you had a hard time waking him up and getting him to detach from you.
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jinx-jade · 3 years
Meeting the Titans... And getting a date?
“Not that I don’t enjoy hanging out with you Dames, but why, I can’t stress this enough. Why did you call us to the tower on a Sunday at nine in the morning!” Jon asks exasperatedly.
“Sorry Damian, but I have to side with sup’s here. It’s a weekend and way too early in the morning.” Wally claims through a yawn.
“Stop complaining. It’s not that early, we would have already been at school if it was a weekday.” Raven chastises beast boy and kid flash.
Robin just rolled his eyes at the people he reluctantly called friends.
They ended up starting an argument about whether it was too early in the morning or not, for a meeting that wasn’t about a mission, or an emergency. After about five or so minutes of chaos, the titans heard someone giggle. Their attention snapped towards Damian, or more specifically, the person behind him.
The person was using Robin like a shield to hide behind. She has blue eyes and hair so black it shined blue.
Damian’s annoyed look softened when he caught sight of her. He gestured for her to step forward, to which she complied after a few seconds of hesitation.
“Tch. The reason I called this meeting in the first place was to introduce you to our new member. Titans, this is Mockingbird. Mockingbird, these are my teammates, Raven, Kid Flash, Superboy, and Beast Boy.” Robin introduces everyone.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you all,” Mockingbird greets shyly.
“How come we were never told about getting a new teammate till now?” Raven questioned with her eyes narrowed in her boyfriend’s direction.
“Sorry, that would be my fault. I was having a game of tug-of-war with my nerves about joining or staying at home. Sorry, if I caused any trouble.” Mockingbird apologizes.
“Tch. what did we say about apologizing all the time,” Damian reminded her.
“Sorry. Ah no sorry, I meant… Ahh, I mean Ughhh….” Mockingbird shifted from her human form to her cat form, easily running and hiding under the lounge’s couch from embarrassment.
“What the heck… just… happened,” Jon asked, crouching down to look under the couch.
Sure enough, there was a small black and blue cat curled up as if she was trying to disappear.
“Mockingbird gets flustered easily, and when she’s flustered, her natural response is to hide in small places,” Robin informs them letting out a sigh.
“You seem to know a lot about Mockingbird,” Rachel claimed with a hint of jealousy in her voice.
“She’s my little sister. Why wouldn’t I know everything about her?” Damian questioned his girlfriend with a raised brow.
“Since when do you have a little sister?” Wally explained in question.
“Since she was born? Mockingbird is my only biological sibling, even if we’re only half-blood siblings.” Damian informs them.
“Ok, but like, when did your family find out about her?” Wally asked.
“Father has been aware of Mockingbird since she was born. However, Mockingbird’s mother had full custody over her till about seven months ago, when the mother and step-father were found to have been extremely negligent and emotionally abusive.” Damian states, clearly displeased with the topic.
Turning their attention back to Mockingbird, they all looked under the couch only to find a green cat laying next to her. They weren’t touching and there are about two or three inches between them, but the size difference was easily noticeable. 
The green one is bigger and seemed to be watching the black and blue one with curiosity. The black and blue cat was still curled up into a tiny ball and seemed to have been stressed but calming down. The green cat was letting out a low purring noise that seemed to be the source of what was calming the black and blue one.
“Mockingbird will most likely stay there till she’s completely calm.” Robin guesses, moving to take a seat on the couch. The other titans followed his lead.
“How about we watch a movie!” Superboy suggests. Receiving a cheer from Kid Flash, a shrug from Raven, and a groan from Damian.
About halfway through the movie, Beast boy took a seat on the couch in his human form. A sleeping Mockingbird was settled in his lap in cat form.
Damian glared at Garfield but did nothing to remove his sister from Beast boy’s lap, not wanting to accidentally wake her up.
After the movie, the group moved to the training room, Mockingbird turning back into a human.
“So, what kind of powers do you have?” Jon questioned excitedly.
“Oh. Uhm… I can shapeshift and create illusions.” Mockingbird answers, shifting her weight nervously between her feet.
“Cool! I’ve never met a shapeshifter that wasn't Beast boy! … Actually, I don’t think Beast boy has ever met another shifter either.” Jon states.
“Tch. That’s why father wanted Mockingbird to join the Teen Titans, to begin with.” Damian says while glaring at Garfield. “Mockingbird has never met a shifter and father believed it would be beneficial for her to be able to interact with someone of a similar skill set.”
“Makes sense,” Wally states with a shrug.
The teens started an everyone for themselves spar, only for Mockingbird to disappear into thin air with a giggle.
The giggle made the corner of Robin’s lip turn upwards the slightest bit, as he automatically dropped into a fighting stance. Since no one knew what to expect from Mockingbird, the titans followed Robin’s lead.
At the end of the spar, the only ones standing were Raven, Beast Boy, and Mockingbird. Despite Robin’s advantage with knowing Mockingbird’s fighting style, he was at a disadvantage due to his lack of abilities.
Kid flash was in a similar boat due to his only ability being the speed force and healing fast. His weakness was cold temperatures, so Mockingbird froze his feet in place with ice.
Superboy’s weakness is kryptonite and magic, so he ended up losing due to a magic-user attack him while also being attacked by someone he can’t see, even with his x-ray vision, Superboy couldn’t see Mockingbird, 
If the spar continued, it was clear that Mockingbird would have won.
“Uhm… Hey! How did you create the ice out of nowhere?” Garfield asked Mockingbird.
“Oh! I was using an ice dragon shift.” Mockingbird answered.
“You… used an ice dragon shift… and it can spit ice...” Garfield repeated what Mockingbird had said, impressed.
“Yup! Wait, is that not normal?” Mockingbird questioned.
“I’ve never been able to do it before. Maybe you can teach me sometime?” Garfield responded with a soft smile, full of curiosity, and nervousness in his tone.
“... Are… Are you asking me… on… on a date?” Mockingbird asked, dumbfounded and full of nerves.
“Yes? If you want to, that is. We can always actually work on shifting if you don’t want to…” Garfield was the one to seem nervous now.
“Sure! I’m pretty sure practicing shifting with you would be fun, and … maybe after we can get ice cream?” Mockingbird asked in a hopeful tone. “I’m Marinette, by the way, so you don’t have to call me by my code name all the time.
“Ya, that sounds great! I’m Garfield,” he says, smiling at her, ignoring the glare that was drilling a hole through the back of his head.
“Damian, let them be,” Rachel stated, leaning against him, Damian naturally wrapping his arms around her waist. “Besides, I’m pretty sure she can handle herself. Have a little faith.”
Damian let out a frustrated sigh. It always got him in trouble when he didn’t listen to his girlfriend, so he figured he would leave Garfield be.
For now.
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datleggy · 3 years
Totally random thought I had right as I am going to bed but ya know that show "I didn't know I was pregnant"? Buck would be on that show lol the boy is oblivious when it comes to his own body, so like I can perfectly picture him collapsing on the job one day wracked with pain, and then Hen is poking around his stomach where it hurts, her, Buck and Eddie packed into the back of the ambulance as Chim and Bobby drive to the hospital, and she gets out the stethoscope to try and listen for internal bleeding or anything but instead finds an infant heartrate and she's like "Buck, you're pregnant?" And he's like "uh, no? What the hell?" And then his water breaks and he tries to convince hen and Eddie that he had an accident bc even that would be a better alternative to suddenly figuring out he's about to have a baby???? What the fuck???? But Eddie holds his hand all the way through it and by the time they get to the hospital, Buck has a healthy newborn cradled against his chest, Eddie knelt beside him and alternating between kissing buck and the baby on the head, and observing the baby in disbelief. I can also picture Buck like, sobbing his sorry's to Eddie the entire time he's pushing, like "Eddie I swear I had no idea, if I had known, I would have told you!" And Eddie is just reassuring him the entire time like "don't worry about that now, Buck, just concentrate. No one is mad, okay? But you gotta focus on the- on the baby" and buck just sobs and nods and focuses on the delivery again. But for a good while Buck is in denial that any of this is happening and it takes a lot of convincing and encouragement from both hen and Eddie for him to start actively participating in his baby's birth. Anyways, random half asleep thought is finished sorry for the long ask hdshsjjsjdbsjsj
WELL SHIT ok so i actually love that show and i could see buck doing this lmao so i wrote a thing. also ignore all medical inaccuracies, this is my distraction from monday lmao let me have this wildly inept fic pls. 
also just in case, it’s pretty brief, i think, but TW for talk of weight and weight gain
It's nearing the end of their shift now and Buck can almost hear his feet howling at him in pain. Today hadn't even really been all that busy, he thinks, annoyed at his own body's betrayal. He's not even thirty yet, but in the last couple of months he's felt as though he's aged about ten years.
He's put on a few pounds, which isn't too uncommon, sometimes Buck goes through stretches of time where he eats more carbs than he needs and works out less than he'd like and so a little tummy fat is to be expected.
It normally doesn't bother him, except that in the last maybe three months he hasn't felt like exercising much outside of work but he's eaten nearly everything in sight every night. He's up about fifteen pounds, which he wouldn't have even noticed, seeing that he does fluctuate at times anywhere between five to eight pounds over or under what he usually weighs, if it hadn't been for Chimney teasing him about putting down his third Krispy Kreme donut of the day and picking up a barbell earlier this morning.
Chim and Buck poke fun at each other all the time--it's a staple in their friendship and brother ship, in fact--and Buck had flipped him the bird, nothing new there. What had been new was the fact that he'd excused himself to the bathroom right after that and locked himself in a stall and bawled his eyes out as quietly as humanly possible.
Buck grimaces, embarrassed still, by the outburst, even if no one had been there to witness it. He still has no idea what the hell that had been about this morning.
Eddie notices the sour mood and pulls him in close. "Hey, you ok?"
Buck nods. "Yeah, just tired. Ready to go home--shit." Buck feels a shooting pain so intense his knees buckle and Eddie has to hold him upright to keep him from hitting the floor. 
“Woah!” Eddie calls Bobby over, who’s closest, for help, “Buck? Buck, you with me? What’s wrong? What hurts?” 
Buck just shakes his head and grits his teeth, the pain so debilitating he can hardly breathe much less speak. 
The Captain is on his other side in an instant and together Eddie and Bobby help Buck towards the couch, where he collapses in a heap, throwing his head back and letting out an agonized whine. “What’s going on? Did he get hurt during one of the calls?” Bobby asks Eddie, frantic to help put a stop to this. 
Eddie’s helpless, “Bobby I don’t know, one second we were talking about going home and the next he practically fell to the floor in pain.” he turns to face his husband, “Baby, I’m here, look at me, what’s the matter? What hurts?” 
Buck’s face scrunches up and he finally exhales sharply, his grip on the couch cushions loosening, and he opens his eyes, wide like saucers, and says, “What the fuck was that?” 
At this point Hen and Chim, as well as half the crew, have gathered around and Hen is quick to put on her doctors hat and try to sus out the problem. She makes Bobby step aside and Chimney hands her a stethoscope. “Buck, is it your stomach?” she asks, noticing the stiff way he’s holding himself around his midriff. 
“I don’t--kinda? I don’t know. It was just like, this crazy wave of pain, almost like a cramp, but way worse.” he struggles to describe the feeling now that it’s more or less passed for the time being.  
Hen had seen Buck wince when he’d been in the harness on the last call of the day, but he hadn’t said anything and she hadn’t thought too much about it until now. “Did you hurt yourself in the harness earlier? Maybe pulled something when we reeled you back up?” she asks, palpitating his stomach with her fingers, watching him almost retract from her touch. 
“Maybe?” Buck shrugs uncomfortably, wincing when she hits a particularly sore spot. 
Something about this feels familiar and strangely obvious, but Hen doesn’t understand why until she puts her stethoscope up to his belly to check for lack of bowel sounds, indicating maybe some internal bleeding or sorts. 
Hen gasps out loud and sits up like she’s been smacked. 
Eddie frowns. “What? What’s wrong? Is he gonna be ok?” He almost wants to snatch the damn stethoscope out of her ears and check for himself, his eyes darting between Hen and Buck nervously. 
“Buck, you’re pregnant. And in labor, by the sounds of it.” Hen blurts out in disbelief. 
“What.” Buck blinks at her, waiting for the other shoe to drop. This has to be a joke. 
“I heard a heartbeat in there...” Hen informs them, still awed. “Buck, that was a contraction you just experienced.” 
Eddie gapes at Hen and then at Buck. “You’re pregnant?” 
Buck gapes right back at him. “No!” he denies, shaking his head incredulously. “That’s insane, I can’t be pregn--ah--” Buck leans forward in pain as another contraction begins. “Fuck.” 
“Jesus, yeah, no you’re definitely pregnant,” Chim announces, “Your water just broke all over my favorite couch, bud. I’m getting the ambulance ready asap.” he says, before running to do just that, head reeling. He thinks about Maddie and when she gave birth to their daughter and how scared out of his mind he’d been and he sympathizes for Buck and Eddie, who up until now apparently hadn’t even realizes they were expecting... 
Back at the lounge Buck continues to deny any of this is even happening. He whines into Eddie’s chest, “That’s pee, it has to be, because I’m not pregnant. There’s no way.” he lets out a pitiful whimper as another contraction begins and buries his face against his husband to hide the tears springing up in his eyes. 
“Buck, son, we gotta get you to a hospital right now.” Bobby tries, running a soothing hand over the top of his head. 
But Buck shakes his head no, shuddering out a sob. “M’not going.” 
Eddie, overwhelmed, looks to Hen and Bobby for help. 
“Buck, ambulance is ready to go, we need to move unless you wanna have this kid at the firehouse.” Hen grimaces. “I know you’re in pain and I know you’re confused and hurting, but we need to get you into that ambulance and now.” 
Buck cries out when another contraction hits him and Hen gulps. “Your contractions are getting way too close together, we need to move.” she nods at her Captain and Eddie to help get Buck up and together the three of them manage to get Buck onto a gurney and into the waiting ambulance.
Bobby rides up front with Chimney, leaving Hen and Eddie to work in the back with Buck. 
“Buck, you need to start getting ready to push, this baby’s coming.” Hen warns him, but Buck refuses. 
“I can’t.” he sobs. “I didn’t--” he throws his head back, the pain lighting his nerves on fire. “I swear Eddie, I didn’t know. You gotta believe me.”
Eddie takes Bucks hand into his and brings it up to his lips. “I know baby, I know, you don’t have to worry about that. I promise. Nobody is mad at you, ok? I’m not. But right now you need to focus on pushing, you need to listen to Hen, ok? We’re ok, and you’re gonna be ok, but I need you to push, baby. I love you so much, you know that, right?” 
Buck lets Eddie wipe away his tears, leans into the comforting touch, and nods shakily, exhaling. “O-ok, I’m--I’m ready.” 
The baby is so very tiny in Eddie’s arms. 
Olive Buckley-Diaz is born weighing exactly six pounds and two ounces. 
Christopher, who’s curled up against Bucks side on the hospital bed after a very exhausting day, looks up at his Buck, his little brow still knitted in confusion. “So she was a surprise baby? And that’s how come you guys didn’t tell me about her?” 
Buck tries not to laugh. “Yeah bud, it was a huge surprise to us, too.” 
Eddie nods along, smiling fondly down at the bundle he’s holding. Her blotchy red face is slack in sleep and there’s already tufts of brown hair sticking up funnily on her head under her hat. “I still can’t believe you only gained like fifteen pounds during the whole pregnancy.” Eddie chuckles, “Or that you worked through the nine months, God Buck, when I think of the stunts you pulled during calls in the last few months alone I’m--” he shudders. “Actually I’d rather not think about it.” he sighs, “I’m just happy you’re both healthy at the end of the day.” 
Really, it’s a miracle. The doctor had said as much after the delivery. 
“To be fair I never got any of the other symptoms,” Buck shrugs. “I wasn’t nauseous, my feet never swelled, I don’t remember any weird cravings? And you said it yourself, I didn’t really gain all that much weight.” 
Eddie leans down to kiss Buck’s forehead. “You should be on that show.” he grins. 
Buck tilts his head. 
“You know the one, the one Hen made us watch when work was slow that one time. ‘I didn’t know I was pregnant’.” he teases. 
Buck groans. “I regret all the jokes I made at the time. I totally get those people now. Pregnancy is weird.” 
Christopher rests his head more comfortably against Bucks chest and smiles softly. “Yeah, but now our family’s even bigger.” 
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imagintheworldaway · 3 years
Anonymous asked: Hello! Can you do a Harryxfem! Reader where people see how Harry looks at the reader (calorie challenge- rematch (time stamp 27:17)) and the reader is so oblivious to Harry’s feeling for her because he broke up with his long-term ex last fall and she doesn’t want to read deep into it and just keeps telling people that they’re just friends even though everyone can see past the bull crap and keeps shipping them because they’re very similar and meant to be and after months of Harry pinning after her he tries to move on and go on dates (which fails but she doesn’t know that it’s not working out for him ) so she starts seeing someone and magically somehow end up together and become the “it” couple because of how blunt and honest they are. Sorry that was long! Hope you can write it thanks!
A/N Good gosh this is a long one. I hope you enjoy! Requests are open 
Sitting on the sofa next to Cal, snuggled in a mountain of blankets in Harrys apartment whilst the boys filmed a video was always fun. They were filming the 100,000 calorie challenge and it was JJ, Vik , Cal and Harrys turn to be eating the calories. We were sat watching JJ as he revealed he had absolutely failed the challenge to everyones surprise. The boys all started to complain as I giggled at the failure which was JJ right now. I felt a slight nudge on my side and Cal not so discreetly nodding towards Harry, I looked over at him and smiled but he averted his gaze from me and buried his head into the massive bear still complaining at JJ as it was revealed he had messed up the challenge even more by starting before the official time. 
After JJ’s little mess up they decided to make the fried mars bars, and I feel as though even saying it is cause for disaster. The boys were all crowded around the counter, just making a mess really, not much surprise there. I was happy in my own little world scrolling through instagram with the boys chatter in the background when I started to smell something burning and a mass amount of smoke from the boys. “Oh my god you idiots” I said matter of factly before grabbing the pan and holding it out the window, not wanting the apartment to stink of burnt mars bars as the guys tried to switch off the fire alarm. 
Once everything had calmed down I started to clean up as the boys ate the left over chocolates. “ you don’t have to clean up Y/N” Harry said to me as he bought over a plate to the sink. “Its ok I don’t mind, something to do at least” I smiled up at him. “You sure? I feel bad” he said scratching his shoulder and giving me an awkward smile. “I’m sure, go enjoy your food” I giggled pushing the boy away from me slightly. I finished up the washing as the boys chatted over their takeaways trying to figure out how many calories they were up to. I popped the remaining dishes in the dish washer and popped it on for the boys. 
Once they had finished Cal and I bid the boys goodbye and hoped in an Uber, we lived in the same apartment complex so it made sense that we shared rides just about everywhere. “Soooo” cal started tapping his his legs to the beat of the song that the Uber driver had popped on for us. i gave him a questioning glance as I sent my text to Harry, informing him I had popped the dish washer on and for him not to forget about it. “When are you two finally going to get together” Cal said peering over my shoulder and trying to take a peek at my texts with Harry. I just scoffed switching off my phone and turning my head to look at Cal. “Look he got out of a long term relationship not even six months ago, he just needs a friend right now, and that’s all I am, a friend, plus even if he hadn’t just gotten out of a relationship, well I don’t think he’d be interested in me anyway, like I said I’m just a friend” I shrugged to Cal giving him a half smile trying to cover the sadness which was evident on my face. “I don’t know Y/N if you ask me, or well any of the lads he looks at you like your a gift here gracing us all with your presence. like your some type of angel, he likes you, he really does, he’s just scared to ruin what you have” Cal stated as we hoped out the uber and made our ways into the lift. “Well I don’t want to sound rude, but I didn’t ask Cal, I don’t need my hopes being brought up just for it all to be speculation.” I stated matter of factly. “This is me, I’ll see you later yh?” I questioned Cal who just pursed his lips and nodded to me giving a small see ya. 
I really wasn’t trying to be rude but I had had my heartbroken so many times, and I don’t want to start getting my hopes up about Harry if it is just all speculation and some sort of narrative the lads were making up for themselves. I slumped down on my bed and posted a selfie on instagram asking people what they want to know about me. I wasn’t a huge YouTuber but I did have a large instagram following meaning the questions flooded in within an instant. There was the usual that I answered such as my favourite colour, what am I having for dinner, best place I had ever visited and so on. After a few more generic questions someone asked what my favourite picture was. I scrolled through my camera roll and found one of Harry and I at winter wonderland. we were both wearing Santa hats and he was giving me a piggy bag as I held onto a large teddy he had won me moments before. I captioned it ‘Christmas with my Bestfriend, look at how goofy he looks @wroetoshaw’ I giggled as I posted the pic remembering that day. it was a rare day off for the both of us and with Harrys break up still fresh I decided we should go to Winter Wonderland and just have fun. Which we did, it was one of my most treasured memories with him. He had taken his breakup so hard that I felt it was important that he had a friend around who could take the crying and emotions, someone to just cuddle with and forget about the world. And over the past few months I realised that my feelings for Harry had grown, but he was still hurting and there was no way that I was being any boys re-bound. 
I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to blaring light through the blinds of my lounge. I groaned to myself before getting up and trudging to my bedroom to sort myself out. i looked at my phone and I had a few texts from Harry. I smiled as I read them. 
‘Thank you! Almost forgot, you are honestly the best Xx’
‘You alive???? Xx’
‘Good night Xx’
‘Like the insta pic’
I furrowed my eyebrows at the last text. It was sent only minutes after the goodnight text and it didn’t have any of the kisses we usually put on the end of our texts to each other. I also hadn’t got a good morning text from Harry, that was particularly strange because I have always gotten a Good morning and Good night text from him for the past few months with out fail. I just shrugged it off before replying, 
‘Haha no problem! I fell asleep as soon as I got home I’m sorry :( wanna meet up later? Xx’
I smiled at my reply before going to my bedroom and changing to look more presentable. I checked my phone and it was almost lunch meaning Cal was coming over to film a video with me. just as I re adjusted my hair for the a millionth time I heard a knock on the door signalling that cal was here. “Hello stranger” I smiled letting him into my apartment with the array of crisps and snacks he had in his arms. We were filming a British corner shop mukbang whilst answering twitter questions. As Cal settled himself in my studio I helped by opening the array of snacks and cans of drink that he had bought for us. “Hey really weird question but have you heard from Harry today?” I questioned trying not to sound so desperate as to the whereabouts of the boy. “Uh yh messaging me all morning, think he’s got something on tonight. He not told you?” Cal looked up from the array of junk raising his eyebrows at me as I just shook my head in disbelief that he was ignoring me. As we settled in our seats and I turned the camera on I sent Harry a quick text. 
‘Hey have I done something wrong?? :( Xx’ 
The video was going amazing. Cal and I just naturally bounced off of each other and the questions the fans were giving us were quite juicy. “Alright, alright, I’ve got one. Y/N has Harry asked you out yet or is he still being a melt? From @CalFreezy” I giggled at the question and raised my eyebrows at Cal. “These are meant to be from Fans” I retorted to Cal telling him off a little. “Yh Freezy is your biggest fan he’s always nattering on about you and talking about you moving in with them when Harry gets the guts” Cal defended himself causing me to burst out laughing. “Well we all know Harry and I are friends, I love him very much but that’s as deep as it goes” I replied to Cals previous question from Freezy, slight sadness barely evident in my voice. “Is that the only thing that goes deep” Cal stated before bursting out laughing at himself and falling back in his chair ultimately falling off of it causing me to laugh. “Well that’s it for today guys thank you for watching and thanks to this idiot for joining me” I smiled at the camera before shutting it off and helping Cal from the floor. 
“You really need to stop that you know? You can’t force anything to happen” I said matter of factly towards cal as he nibbled on some Pringles. “You see Y/N I’m actually Cal from the future and I’m just stating facts” he gave me a cheesy grin as I tutted at him and rolled my eyes. I was taken out of my trance by a text from my phone. “Alright ditch me for lover boy” Cal called after me. I opened my phone to see it was from Harry but it wasn’t what I was expecting. 
‘Hey Y/N, we shouldn’t hang out anymore it makes Belle uncomfortable.’ 
“Cal what the fuck is this” I shouted to my friend. I heard the thudding of his feet and turned around to show him the message I had just received. He furrowed his eyebrows. “Belle Belle Belle Oh Belle, her really?” Cal scrunched his nose up at me. “Ummm elaborate, who’s Belle?” I pressed for him to release more info to me. “Oh Harry went on a date with her like three weeks ago, looks like it worked out, well for them I guess” Cal shrugged piecing the different parts of the puzzle together for me. “Oh, wow, so he is just gonna drop me like that, like I’m, I’m nothing, like i wasn’t the one there for him when he was mourning over his last breakup. Well that’s a kick in the teeth” I said starting to sniffle, tears threatening to break their way out of my eyes and my mood instantly dropping to nothing. “Hey no don’t cry” Cal said engulfing me in a hug, which I gladly melted into. “If he couldn’t see what he had with you then that boy is more blind than we all thought.” Cal reassured me rubbing my back. “Plus your make up looks too nice to cry it off” Cal said catching a stray tear from my face and making me giggle a little. “Oh Cal why can’t we fall in love?” I questioned sniffing and straightening out my clothes. “Because that would be like fucking my sister and that’s weird” Cal stated making me giggle. 
I don’t think anyone could quite get their heads wrapped around the fact that Harry was with someone new, especially because that someone was not me. For the next month I got fans tweeting me asking if Harry and I had broken up or if he had gone crazy. I also got sorry looks from my friends. Always being placed in the furthest seat away from Harry, always given excuses as to why I couldn’t come to shoots. It sucked majorly. And the worst part about all of this is everyone felt like they had to tread on eggshells around me, as if I wasn’t a fully grown woman who could handle these situations. 
I knocked on Simons apartment door before he opened it replying to someone about something. “Oh Y/N you alright” he said quickly closing the door a little. “Yh Talia said I could pop round and grab my camera that she borrowed.” I said smiling at the lanky man. “Oh yh well um come in, just be careful yh” Simon nodded at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and just nodded at his comment following him through to the living room. And as soon as I saw the tall figure sat next to Harry with an unimpressed look on her face I realised why Simon gave me such a warning. “Heyyyy Y/N Is here” Ethan called standing up giving me a hug making me giggle a little. “Yh Talia knicked my camera again” I stated smiling at the girl who blushed a little realising she still hadn’t returned my device. “Oh so that’s Y/N” a snotty voice said causing everyone to quiet down and all eyes turning in her direction. “Yup, the one and only” I smiled back at her trying to be as nice as possible. “Belle right? Nice to meet you” I smiled back at her trying to make conversation in the silent room. I rocked back and forth on my heels for a while, Belle gave me a good look up and down, narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips as if wanting to comment something. Before she could I saw Harry whisper something to her and she scoffed. “If I have an opinion I’m going to say it. And I have many about her” Belle said loud enough for everyone to hear whilst pointing at me. “Here I found it” Talia smiled at me handing me my camera before noticing the mood of the room. 
“Ok well, I will be off then, lovely to see you all and to meet you Belle” I stated the last part through gritted teeth before spinning around and making my way to the door. “Even worse from the back” I heard Belle try and whisper to I presume Harry. I stopped in my tracks and raised my eyebrows. The audacity of this girl, how dare she disrespect me in front of all my friends. I turned around to meet her eyes with a sickeningly sweet smile on my face. Before I could say anything though Talia butted in. “You know what, you do not talk to my friend like that, I have barely known you a month and I am so sick of you already, please leave before I do or say something I regret” she smiled at Belle joining me by my side and linking arms with me. Belle just looked around at everyone, with everyone just averting their gaze and waiting for something big to happen. All she did was huff, grabbing Harrys hand and storming out of the apartment with him. 
“Jesus Y/N what did you do to make him choose her, she’s like an angry controlling goblin” Ethan huffed as soon as we all heard the door close. “Hey, I got cut off a long time ago, ask him not me” I giggled before thanking Talia and leaving the apartment to go home. 
I was lounging around my apartment, Ethans words spiralling around my head. I decided tonight was for me. I popped on my favourite movie and rummaged through my freezer finding some ben and Jerrys and starting to scoff down the tub. This sofa must be super man or something because I had soon fallen asleep, I was only awoken by loud continuous knocking at my door. I regained my focus and gaged my surrounding before wrapping a blanket around myself and making my way to the door. As soon as I opened it I was pulled into a bone crushing hug. “I’m so fucking sorry, its you its always been you, I don’t know what I was thinking, I just needed someone to fill the void and she was ok for a week but I need you. You are all I need, all I want, please forgive me I love you” as much as I just wanted to melt into his arms I pulled my self back so that we were an arm lengths apart. “You best come in” I sighed. I finished the teas and made my way over to Harry, passing him his favourite mug of mine. I crossed my legs as we sat at opposite ends of the sofa in silence. 
“What about Belle?” I broke the silence, harry whipped his head up to look at me. “Look I’m so sorry she was a mistake and I should never have even given her shot. She’s so nasty and I could never forgive myself. This past month without you has felt like my heart was ripped in two. I’ve been so miserable and then when I saw you today I felt like I had been given a new chance at life. I get it if you hate me but I need you so bad and I cant live without you.” Harry opened his heart to me for the second time that evening. “You’re such a dummy Harry” I said with a sigh placing my mug on the coffee table. Harry looked at me as if he was broken by the words I just said. I just shook my head at him before leaning over and planting a soft kiss on his lips. The moment seemed to last forever. It was like in the movies when time slowed down and fireworks erupted around the couple who after all their trials and tribulations finally found each other. “I can’t help but love you Harry” I whispered only inches from his face as I pulled back for air, a sly grin on my face. Harrys arms snaked around my wait brining me into him for another soft kiss. i leant my head on his chest listening to his heart, thumping like it was going to break out and slap me in the face. “So what now” harry mumbled into my hair. I leant up so my eyes met his. “Well you will ask me on a date to a nice restaurant where we end up getting a little too drunk. Then we walk along the Thames, watching people walk by when at the perfect moment when the city goes silent you ask me to be your girlfriend and then we come back here and spend the night together. But with a little more physical activity than were used to” I grinned at him causing him to chuckle. “So you forgive me?” He said looking at me with pleading eyes. “God yes I forgive you, I could never be mad at you” I smiled at him. How could I? I did truly love him and it was as simple as that. 
After a few months, and the date Harry had promised, we told our friends and announced to our followers that we had finally decided to get together. apparently it was quite obvious as the boys had started taking bets as to when we would tell them about our new relationship. The fans seemed to love it as well, always receiving amazing and supportive comments on all of our posts and videos that we did together. Although we were young I think people saw how care free and happy we made each other. Most importantly how much we loved each other.
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keelywolfe · 3 years
Stretch walking down stairs to find Red sitting on his lounge looking hung over but also stressed. Red can't remember what happened the night before all he knows is that Sans was acting normal even though it was obvious something wasn't normal then dipped to visit Papyrus.
I'm not sure if this is a request or a statement, but I can work with it. This veered off in a different direction than the ask, but eh, I think it's still pretty good.
Everything's A-OK
Edge was already gone to work by the time Stretch rolled out of bed and headed downstairs, following the siren call of coffee fumes. He still wasn’t quite awake even if his feet were moving and at first, he didn’t even register that the television was on. The boob tube blaring before he got up was not the normal state of being for his mornings.
Stretch stopped halfway down the stairs and stared. He gave his eye sockets a good, hard rub, in case he was hallucinating but when he opened them again, the scene hadn’t changed.
Red was sitting on the sofa, watching their television. He was dressed in his normal schlubbery, jacket, shorts, his sneakers propped up on the coffee table in a way that was guaranteed to give Edge a flaming conniption. Surrounding his shoes were an array of mostly empty containers that looked scrounged from their refrigerator, the handles of silverware sticking out from most of them.
The way he was slouched against the cushions told a story and so did the deep reddish circles under his eye sockets.
Red didn’t look up at him. There was a bowl of what looked like straight marinara sauce sitting on his chest that was surrounded by crumbs and stains, like the remains from a battlefield of formerly demolished food. As Stretch watched, he scooped out a spoonful and dumped it messily right into his enormous, sharp-toothed mouth. The effect was a little like watching a Saw movie.
Stretch finished his trek down the stairs and made his way to the kitchen. The coffee pot was still half-full, and he poured out two cups, doctoring his with cream and sugar. He dug through the fridge for the butter for the other cup, the real shit that Edge got from the farmer’s market. He plopped a healthy dollop into the mug, stirring it until it dwindled away, then carried both back out to the living room.
That scene was unchanged, except for a little more of the marinara sauce was missing. Stretch considered replacing it with the coffee, then decided he liked his fingers more than that and set the mug on the table with the clutter of empty cartons instead. He sat down next to Red, taking a gratified sip from his own mug before he looked at the television.
Sesame Street.
Stretch only shrugged mentally and settled in to watch. It was always so weird to see Oscar the Grouch as green, and to have Beatrice and Erna as guys? This universe could be really odd sometimes.
After a minute, Red leaned forward, tossing the empty marinara dish on the coffee table with enough force to send out a fine splatter of sauce on the tabletop. He picked up the coffee with a grunt that probably passed for thank you, slurping it down, and if he hesitated after the first taste, he drank it with slightly more reverence on the next sip.
This close, Stretch could smell the whiskey coming off of Red. They didn’t have pores, but he stank like he’d been marinating in a few gallons of Wild Turkey, finely aged in a rusty oil barrel. If he was still drunk, it was hard to tell. The only differences he’d ever noticed between drunk Red and sober was he wouldn’t drive drunk, and Stretch wasn’t about to ask if Red wanted to tool around the neighborhood on Edge’s motorcycle. He only kept drinking his coffee.
They sat together for a while before Stretch said, casually, “so.”
Red didn’t reply. He only sat watching Super Grover teaching monster school as if it was the most riveting piece of television created and he was already composing his letter of recommendation to the Golden Globes for their consideration, brought to them by the letter ‘M’. Come to think of it, it wasn’t a bad way to shore up the Human kids awareness of Monsters…anyway.
Red wasn’t looking or talking to him and that? That was fine. He got it. Stretch set his empty coffee cup on the table and picked up one of the cartons that still had a little leftover macaroni salad in it, scraping the last of it up with his newly claimed fork. It was room-temperature, and the texture was going mushy, but it was Edge’s cooking, so it still tasted good. Sometimes Stretch thought he’d found a way to infuse his recipes with the better part of his love, or at least it tasted that way to him. Maybe he wasn’t the only one.
He was starting to poke through the rest of the cartons for something on the sweeter side to his impromptu breakfast when his phone vibrated. A quick look told him the message was from Thing One, and Stretch gave Red a sideways glance, tipping his phone so the screen couldn’t be spied on before he opened it. For once, there were no jokes, no puns, no scatter of emoticons to see how many could fit in between words and still have the message readable. There was only one blunt sentence.
you can tell him he can come home now.
Wow, thanks, make him the bearer of bad news. He hoped Red was actually picking up some of Big Bird’s teachings, although he doubted ‘don’t kill the messenger’ was on the list for today.
He squirmed in his seat and began, hesitantly, “red—”
But Red was already climbing to his feet. A shower of crumbs fell to the floor and he dusted more off his shirt, scattering them across his shoes and the carpet. “yeah, i got it.”
He didn’t so much as glance at Stretch as he headed for the front door. But he hesitated right in front of it, his back to Stretch as he said, “tell my bro his tomato sauce still needs a shit-ton more garlic.”
“you tell him,” Stretch retorted. “i’m not risking my meal ticket.”
What wasn’t said hung heavy in the air around them, unspoken but not unheard. Gratitude came in many languages and Stretch knew plenty.
Red’s shoulders hunched a little and he let out a rusty little laugh, “heh. you ain’t as dumb as you look, honey bun.”
In another step he was gone, shortcutting out instead of walking through the door, leaving Stretch sitting alone.
He looked at the mess on the coffee table, the crusty dishes and spills and sneaker prints, and the crumbs on the carpet.
Then he snagged the half-full container of sticky rice and sprawled out on the sofa, scooping up a gloppy mouthful. The Count was about to get started on counting bats and he didn’t want to miss it.
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tlhrfanfic · 3 years
[Analogical ] Chemistry
Title: Chemistry Ship: Analogical Warnings:  Lots of cute and fluff. Words: 5,708 Request: So, this was the next request I chose: an analogical fic where Logan and Virgil are science partners would be vvv cute! if its ok! This was also sent in by an anon.
Summary: Logan is used to the routine of his typical life as a high school teen. When the new student becomes his brand new lab partner, however, changes seem to become the new norm. Logan, surprisingly, doesn't seem to mind.
Read on AO3
The day was like any other.
 … until it wasn’t. 
 Logan hadn’t changed anything. He had woken up and gotten ready at the same time; he’d taken a shower just like he always did. He had then had breakfast before grabbing his backpack and heading out the door. It was the same ten-minute walk to the high school he’d been attending for the last two years. 
 Same morning chat with his friends, same walk down the Science hallway, and same Chemistry lab.
 Logan settled into his seat before pulling his textbook, notebook, and a pencil out of his backpack.
 He looked up, interest in his eyes. It was, after all, common enough for his teachers to ask him for help with little things from time to time.
 The moment his gaze shifted to the unfamiliar teen standing near Mr. Sanders was the moment that everything changed.
A young teen Logan’s age stood with his hands in the pockets of his purple and black plaid hoodie. He had his hood off but it was evident by the way it was scrunched around the back of his neck that it would definitely be on at that very moment if it weren’t for the dress code.
 Logan brought his attention back to the teacher as he started to explain that this teen was a new student. Logan glanced at the teen from time to time as he learned that his name was Virgil and that he would be Logan’s new lab partner. Mr. Sanders then asked if he would mind showing Virgil around. 
 “I would be happy to assist Virgil in any way I am capable, sir.”
 Mr. Sanders beamed at him and left Virgil behind as he left for the teacher’s lounge. 
 “Welcome to the school, Virgil. Are you from out of state?”
 Virgil shook his head. “No… he said softly. Perhaps a little shyly. Logan assumed he wasn’t going to say more but a few moments later Virgil spoke up again. “I was homeschooled up until now…”
 He shrugged, his hands still in the pockets of his hoodie.
 Logan found himself staring at the new guy, wondering why he found him so enchanting. He’d had a handful of crushes in the past but not one of them was as lovely as this one.
 Logan blinked. He blushed a moment later, heat rising up the back of his neck, as he realized he had been staring at Virgil for a minute at the very least. 
 “I apologize. Now, as Mr. Sanders mentioned, my name is Logan. Logan Wright. We are going to be lab partners in this class, evidently.” A thought suddenly occurred to him. “Do you enjoy Chemistry?”
 Virgil shrugged. 
 “I’m not the best at science since my mom is the one who taught me but it’s got its cool factors, I guess.” He shifted a little nervously. 
 Logan smiled at him gently, nodding. 
 “That’s more than fine, Virgil. I am quite accomplished at Chemistry so we will not see you fail.”
 Virgil blinked before slowly smiling.
 “Well… thanks for that… I uh. I appreciate it.”
 Logan nodded. 
 “It’s my pleasure, Virgil. Feel free to take a seat.” He nodded at the empty stool at his lab table.
 Virgil hesitated before dropping his backpack onto the stool. He pulled out his Chemistry book, a notebook, and a pencil before setting his bag under the table and taking the seat.
 Logan, realizing how close Virgil was, cleared his throat nervously. 
 “After class, I’ll give you the tour. It’s a fairly big high school but you seem intelligent so I think you’ll learn your way around here in no time.”
 He glanced at Virgil who actually smiled. 
 It was small and Logan almost missed it but it had definitely been there. 
 “Thanks,” the emo teen said. 
 “As I said before, it’s my pleasure.”
 The smile grew just a few centimeters more and Logan knew that this specific crush would not go away any time soon. 
»»———— ♞ ————««
 Virgil walked into Chemistry class two days later and set one of two coffee cups in front of his lab partner. He grinned as the bespectacled teen looked first at the cup and then at Virgil, confusion evident on his face. 
 “Salutations, Virgil. What is this and what is it for?”
 “Mornin’ Logan. That is a caramel latte and it’s a thank you… for, you know, showing me around on Monday.”
 Logan smiled and nodded. 
 “As I said then, it was my absolute pleasure. Thank you for the coffee. Really very nice of you.”
 Virgil blushed, bringing a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. 
 “Don’t mention it,” he said, his voice a little quieter. He smiled softly once Logan looked away.
 Taking a seat, Virgil pulled out his things for the class. As he pulled his homework out of his notebook, the emo teen watched Logan from the corner of his eyes. He barely held back a sigh. 
 When his mom had told him that he would be going to public school, Virgil had had a lot of hangups. He had not expected crushing on the very first guy he met to be one of them.
 Then again, Logan wasn’t just some guy. Virgil had only known him for two full days but he already felt as if he knew him pretty well. He was different compared to most guys their age, just like Virgil. 
 “Did you have any trouble with the assignment last night?”
 Virgil jumped in his seat because suddenly Logan’s voice was that much closer. He glanced at the other teen, finding him leaning in some to get a look at Virgil’s assignment sheet. 
 “Oh… uh, yeah. A little but it wasn’t too horrible, I guess.”
 Logan nodded before pointing at one of Virgil’s answers.
 “Understandable why you got this but you forgot to consider the temperature of the heat source.”
 Virgil glanced at the problem and picked up his pencil, erasing before considering the answer once more, now equipped with Logan’s hint. When he had finished, he looked up at Logan with uncertainty.
 Logan’s proud smile at the now correct answer made having to redo the whole question completely worth it. He hesitated before pushing the paper toward his lab partner. 
 “Any others I need to rework?”
 By the time the bell rang, signaling the start of first period, Logan had helped him correct the remaining two problems with incorrect answers.
 “Virgil,” Logan said as Mr. Thomas started the class. Suddenly a cell phone that was definitely not his phone was being pushed into his hand. He didn’t need any explanation, however, because the phone—which he assumed was Logan’s—was open onto a new contact entry. 
 “I’ll text you so you have my number too. This way, should one of us require assistance we can help each other out.”
 Virgil nodded, not trusting himself to speak as he ignored the heat rushing up the back of his neck and into his cheeks. Instead, the emo teen entered his information, saved the contact, and passed the phone back to Logan. 
 True to his word, he texted Virgil, the emo teen’s phone vibrating in his back pocket. He would have saved Logan’s number at that moment but class had begun and the thought of sneaking it out had Virgil’s anxiety rising. 
 Turning to Logan, he mouthed a thank you before turning his attention back to the lesson. 
 »»———— ☠ ————««
 Logan had hoped but honestly, had not expected Virgil to actually utilize his phone number when he gave it to him. It was with delighted surprise that two nights later—coincidentally a Friday night—that Virgil texted him, asking him for help with the assignment from earlier that day. 
 Logan called promptly. Virgil picked up by the second ring and for some inexplicable reason, Logan smiled at that. 
 “Hey, Logan. Thanks for calling.”
 “It’s my pleasure.”
 Virgil chuckled and Logan got the image of Virgil sitting there in class, a little half smile on his face as he shook his head and laughed just like that. It wasn’t a mean laugh. Just amused. Almost… fond, even. 
 Logan blushed. 
 “So… how can I help?”
 Virgil proceeded to point out the problem he was having trouble with and Logan was able to figure out where he’d gone wrong. Unfortunately, it was far easier to explain Chemistry concepts in person. 
 Biting his lip, Logan glanced at his watch and considered the time. It was Friday night and was still fairly early. He and Logan could grab a table at the local cafe and work on the homework. Logan had, after all, promised to help him, and being in person would really make it easier on Virgil. 
 Not to mention, Logan really wanted to spend time with him. 
 “Would you want to meet up with me tonight?”
 Virgil made a noise that Logan surmised was some sort of sputter and hoped it was a sputter of surprise, rather than disgust. He quickly cleared his throat and pushed on.
 “I was just thinking we could grab dinner at the cafe in town and work on this. It really would be much easier to explain and assist you in person.”
 Virgil was silent for a moment. It was just long enough that the intelligent teen was worried Virgil had hung up. 
 “Uh… okay, yeah. Sure. Wanna meet over at mine and walk over?”
 “I don’t know where you live, Virgil…”
 “Oh, right! Well, I know the place you mean and it’s really close so I guess… I guess, I’ll see you there soon?”
 “Sounds good, Virgil. See you soon.”
 “See you soon, Lo.”
 Logan gave a start at that. No one had ever called him that before. If anyone else in his life had, he probably would have had some scathing words to throw their way. But for some reason… it just sounded so nice spoken by Virgil. 
 “Yeah,” he replied only to realize that Virgil had already hung up. Blushing, he grabbed his keys, pocketed them and his phone, and headed out the door.
 »»———— ♞ ————««
 Virgil chewed his lip as he waited. Glancing around at other people, recognizing a few from school as he buried deeper into his hoodie, Virgil wondered if this had really been a good idea. 
 Luckily, before his negative thoughts could even hope to rain on his Black Parade, Logan was suddenly standing before him. And like moths to a flame, his attention shifted to only him.
 “Hey,” he said, smiling a little shyly. He reached up to slide his hood back enough to see Logan fully and allow the other to see him a bit too. 
 “Hey,” Logan said, smiling back. The smile was soft. It did things to Virgil’s insides, but there were too many reasons why it was soft for Virgil to be able to bank on it being a specific one. If it was soft because Logan liked him and wanted to be with him, that would be very good. It could just as easily be Logan liking him as a really good friend or regarding him as family. 
 Since Virgil really, really, really liked Logan… those, while nice, would not be good. 
 They would not be good at all. 
 Silence settled over them. Virgil panicked, fearing that it felt a little awkward. However, he was suddenly unable to use his words because he had to go and think about his crush with said crush standing right there. So, the silence stretched, making him panic more.
 Luckily, Logan was pretty good at reading signs of a potential panic attack. 
 Suddenly, Virgil’s focus was on Logan. He was still feeling anxious but his focus had shifted enough. Logan was a little like an anchor in that way. 
 “What… uh, sorry.”
 “I was just thinking we should head in. Grab a table, get dinner ordered. We can work on some of the homework while we wait for our food.”
 Virgil beamed at Logan. 
 With such a plan in place, how could Virgil feel anxious? 
 Well, aside from the butterflies he constantly felt around Logan, but that was beside the point.
 “Yeah… that sounds like a plan.”
 Logan held the door open for him and Virgil, ignoring the heat rising up the back of his neck, headed inside.
 »»———— ☠ ————««
 Logan was beside himself getting to Chemistry class that next Monday. He knew he had no logical reason for feeling this way. Even the evidence of their rather enjoyable evening of dinner and homework on Friday, and the fact that they texted the entire weekend outside of school talk, was circumstantial at best. Yet, he still felt uncharacteristically giddy as he settled in his chair and got out his things. That done, his eyes panned to the door rather than to the clock, as they would have in the past. 
 The moment Virgil entered the classroom—exactly two minutes and forty-five seconds until the bell was due to ring—Logan’s heart beat rapidly against his chest.
 Whoever said falling in love was the best thing to ever happen to a person was sorely mistaken. This cannot be good for one’s health.
 Logan took a deep breath as Virgil made his way over, dropping his bag to the ground unceremoniously as he slumped into the chair. Logan took pity on his friend. 
 “I take it you couldn’t fall asleep after we said good night?”
 Virgil, who had his arms on the desk and face pressed into them, turned to look at his friend and shook his head with a frown. Logan resisted the sudden urge to pull the other into a warm embrace. Blushing at the thought, he looked away and flicked open his textbook to the lab they were meant to cover that day. He then got his homework out, watching from the corner of his eye as Virgil did the same. 
 “Sorry, Virge.” Logan resisted the urge to correct himself. Virgil had assured him it was fine if Logan wanted to call him Virgil still, but had been sure to advise Logan that his friends usually called him Virge if they didn’t want to use the whole thing. Logan wanted Virgil to be certain in their friendship and his desire to keep it.
 He also very much wanted Virgil to be certain that if he wanted more then Logan very much desired that as well…
... but how could he make Virgil certain of that without actually confessing his feelings?
 Pushing such thoughts and questions out of his mind, Logan returned to the conversation in time to catch Virgil saying “Insomnia is a bitch, dude.”
 Logan nodded. “Yes, it is a troublesome disorder indeed.” Logan glanced around before lowering his voice. “Medication not helping?”
 Virgil shrugged. “Kinda, I guess. But it doesn’t really help all the time. It’s inconsistent.”
 Logan frowned but nodded. He wished to say more, but it was at that moment Mr. Sanders came in to remind them they were doing a lab that day. 
 Thomas gave a brief demonstration of the lab and asked them to write down the exact measurements for it. Logan took his notes in his own efficient style, often finished before the others. Usually, he would just wait patiently for Mr. Sanders to carry on with the next part of the demonstration but now he found himself glancing at Virgil. 
 He watched, mesmerized, as Virgil made big bold circles around the measurements he’d jotted down. Where Logan’s were neat and tidy, Virgil’s were scattered all over the page but a quick look over told him it was still organized, in it’s own way.
 In a way he understands… fascinating.
 Mr. Sanders finished the demonstration, passed out all the necessary chemicals and safety gear for the lab. Under his supervision, the lab went underway. Virgil watched Logan as he worked for a good part of it. 
 Logan, so lost in his work, hadn’t noticed until Mr. Sanders came up to them. Leaning down, perhaps under the guise of answering a question, the Chemistry teacher lowered his voice.
 “Virgil… don’t you think it’s a little unfair to allow Logan to keep doing the lab himself? Yes, Logan, I am aware you enjoy it and don’t mind, but my point still remains. It’s also not fair to you, Virgil, as you aren’t taking part in the experience.”
 Virgil nodded, his face beet red. Logan frowned, resisting the urge to speak up and not quite sure how to feel about it. Mr. Sanders sighed and crouched down.
 “I apologize for embarrassing you. It wasn’t my intention.”
 “N-no. I know. I didn’t mean to make him do it all… I just kinda got…” He blushed again and looked away, mumbling something that neither Logan or Mr. Sanders could hear. Logan tried his best not to focus on Virgil but rather on Mr. Thomas. He felt a little bad finding blushy red to be quite a fetching color on Virgil, considering the circumstances.
 Thomas looked from Logan to Virgil and for a moment Logan was certain he saw a little smile slip onto his face but when he tried to look more closely, it was gone. Interesting.
 “Well, that’s fine, Virgil. I get it. You guys are talking and you didn’t notice how much he’d done. But now it’s your turn, okay?”
 Virgil nodded. He waited until Mr. Sanders had gone to help someone else before turning to Logan and mouthing ‘what do I do?’.
 Logan laughed to himself, knowing that laughing out loud with Virgil freaking out would not help matters, and reached out a hand to squeeze the other’s shoulder. 
 “It’s okay. You’ve got this. I won’t let you get it wrong,” Logan promised. Virgil smiled and blew his hair out of his eyes. Logan got lost in dark pools of near black for a few moments before his bangs settled once more. He could still see Virgil’s eyes but he suddenly longed to brush his hair back just to look into those eyes once more. 
 Virgil snorted. “My hero.”
 Logan laughed, but smiled. “If that is your wish.”
 Virgil laughed and shoved him playfully. He then took a deep breath and allowed Logan to walk him through the process. He was grabbing one of the chemicals that Logan was passing to him when their hands brushed. 
 It was definitely accidental but they both jumped. Logan laughed softly and Virgil laughed as well. The laughter was different than the normal one they shared, Logan noted. He leaned in a little and offered the chemical bottle once more.
 Virgil took it, their hands not brushing this time. Virgil was still not looking away. Logan would have felt a little insecure under his sharp gaze but he was already looking at Virgil for just as long. He swallowed, unsure of what to do or say.
 Logan knew something was definitely happening here, he just didn’t have a name or a verified set of instructions on how to handle it nor what to do next.
 Virgil leaned in a little closer, his gaze falling to what Logan could only assume was his mouth. Logan swallowed hard again and felt a slight moment of panic. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to kiss Virgil. 
 He wanted that very, very much. He just didn’t want it to be in the middle of Chemistry class surrounded by of a bunch of classmates and Mr. Sanders.
 It had to be his lucky day. 
 A sudden outcry broke whatever spell Virgil was under. He blinked rapidly and blushed completely before laying his arms on his desk and burying his face in his arms. Logan glanced over to see the reason for the commotion. 
 Remus Prince and Janus Noirblanc had, from their story, done everything right and still caused the chemicals to overflow. Mr. Sanders explained once more the importance of writing down the notes rather than doodling during note time, to which Remus and Janus laughed but nodded. 
 The class settled down once more. Logan quickly finished the lab for them, keeping an eye out for Mr. Sanders, before turning to Virgil. 
 “Hey,” he said, tentatively. “Is… is everything okay?”
 Virgil let out a laugh but it definitely didn’t sound happy.
 “I nearly made a fool of myself.”
 “Because kissing me would make a fool of you?”
 Virgil sighed.
 “Well, yeah. You’re just… you and so amazing and great and… ugh, do we have to do this here?”
 Logan glanced at the clock. He raised a brow at the other.
 “Are you going to run from me when the bell rings?” 
 Virgil clears his throat and looks away. “No…”
 “Fine… I won’t… run away…”
 Logan gave a nod of approval. 
 “Then, very well. It can wait.”
 Which made for a very awkward ten minutes but Logan supposed Virgil had a point. Confessing to Virgil in the middle of Chemistry class hadn’t exactly been his own plan either.
 »»———— ♞ ————««
 Virgil was always nervous but that was nothing like how he felt when he followed Logan out of class. He was quiet and making as little sound as possible, hoping Logan might forget he was supposed to be following somewhere. Still, as he had promised his friend, Virgil did not run.
 Logan led them to a little lounge area. Other people were around, unfortunately in a school as big as theirs it was inevitable, but no one was paying any attention to them.
 Virgil sighed as he took the chair next to the one Logan chose. He turned toward him but raised his hood out of habit. Logan looked at him and Virgil couldn’t resist the urge to look up at him. Their eyes met and Virgil blushed but found he could not look away. 
 “Hey,” Logan said softly, a warm sort of smile on his face. Virgil couldn’t help but smile back gently at such a display of beauty. 
 “Hey… so…”
 “It’s okay… take your time.”
 “Dude, it’s like five minutes between classes. We literally have no time.”
 Hands were suddenly offered to him and Virgil took them without thinking. Logan’s hands were slightly larger than his own and he blushed to see how well they held his. He sighed, shaking the nerves off as much as possible. 
 “We have time and I’ll talk to the Principal or whoever I have to if by some chance we are late.”
 “Yeah, okay… fine. So, yeah… I don’t know… back there, in that moment, I just really wanted to kiss you and…”
 “I wanted to kiss you too, Virgil… just not in the middle of Chemistry class…”
 “Heh, yeah.” Virgil blushed at the admission, feeling butterflies in the bottom of his belly. “It was excellent timing on Remus and Janus’s part.”
 “A little too excellent… but yes.”
 Logan and Virgil laughed, the tenseness from earlier slipping away. 
 “Look… you were correct… we are a little pressed for time…”
 Logan laughed and Virgil smiled, pleased with himself. 
 “Why don’t… why don’t we walk home together? I’ll walk you home.”
 “Logan… you live like two miles from me…”
 “Yeah. I’m aware.” 
 Virgil let out a whistle at that and sighed when the warning bell went off to advise students to start heading directly to their classes. 
 “Fine. You can walk me home.”
 “Wonderful.” Logan hesitated before leaning in to press a kiss to Virgil’s cheek. He blushed but smiled happily at Virgil, squeezing his hands. With that, he left Virgil in a bit of a daze. It wasn’t until some loud laughter broke through the fog that Virgil remembered he needed to get to class. 
 Taking off, Virgil smiled to himself. 
 »»———— ☠ ————««
 Logan had never looked forward to the end of a school day until that day. He wished all his classes would hurry up. He didn’t bother pacing out his work, instead getting the classwork done and waiting as patiently for possible for the class to end. 
 Lunch would have been a nice reprieve but due to being in a few Pre-Advanced Placement courses, the lunch he took was different from that of his friends and of Virgil. 
 He was grateful that his debate class took some of the edge off. He had been due to debate with Remy Lassus but, as Remy’s parents had called him out sick, Remy’s spot had been taken by none other than Janus. 
 The two weren’t exactly friends. Janus was dating Logan’s best friend Roman and they tolerated each other for the most part. In Debate class? Oh, that was another matter entirely. 
 Janus had been able to keep up with Logan for most of the class but Logan caught a weak point in his argument that unravelled the whole thing. In the end, they shook hands but both knew the rivalry was still going strong. 
 With Debate out of the way, Logan just had his teacher aide lesson and he was home free. 
 Free to see Virgil. 
 Free to kiss Virgil… 
 With such a happy thought in his mind, Logan took off for the last period of the day. 
 »»———— ♞ ————««
 Virgil couldn’t believe he was doing this. Just waiting out at the front of the school for his friend who he had almost kissed in Chemistry. If he were a smart man, he would have headed straight for home after school.
 Well, he’d never told anyone he was smart (but Logan seemed to think he was). For whatever reason, this seemed right, no matter how much his twisting insides seemed to tell him otherwise.
 Virgil’s whole body spun in the direction of Logan’s voice, a smile slipping onto his face as he found the other in the distance, rushing his way.
 “Hey, dork,” Virgil said but his words were soft. His voice was even softer. 
 “Hey, you,” Logan said, wincing at what he had just said. He shook his head as if that would cause his perceived faux pas to disappear. Virgil, however, had found it cute. 
 “So, uh… walking and talking?”
 Logan smiled and nodded. 
 “Thanks for waiting.”
 Virgil blushed. He’d honestly meant it. Well, as much as a 16 year old boy could mean such things, but the point was, it was true for him. He hadn’t meant to tell Logan as much. He was smiling, however, so maybe him knowing wasn’t such a bad thing after all. 
 “Shall we go?”
 Virgil could only nod as he smiled. They started heading in the direction of Virgil’s house when he suddenly wondered if Logan would want to come in. Then became a little worried that his room was messy. Still, his happiness at walking with Logan—being with Logan—outweighed all the worries in the world.
 “Hey, so… thanks. You know, for earlier… talking after…”
 “It was my pleasure,” Logan said, smiling earnestly down at him. Virgil was surprised, suddenly realizing how close in height they were. Yeah, Logan was taller than him but it wasn’t by as much as Virgil had always thought.
 Would make it easier to kiss him~
 Oh, shut up, you-me-argh, just shut up!
 “About that, and what had almost happened before… let me be completely honest with you when I say that had we actually kissed in Chemistry class, I would not have been upset. Far from it…”
 Virgil looked at Logan just as the other was glancing at him. 
 Logan nodded as they turned a corner into Virgil’s neighborhood.
 “Without question. I would have been bummed about the location and the lack of some level of privacy for such intimate displays, but I would have been very pleased with the kiss.”
 Virgil looked at Logan with wonder, his butterflies returning.
 “So… uh… you like me too then? I mean, you like me back…”
 Logan laughed at that but there was no malice, only fondness.
 “What is it you say… oh, right… duh,”
 Virgil blushed and shoved Logan playfully.
 “Shut up.”
 “You know… I didn’t say this earlier for obvious reasons but you look so cute when you blush.”
 Virgil’s face heated rapidly. “I do not!”
 “Oh, but you do.”
 “I suppose that is warranted, considering my flirtation through teasing.”
 Virgil just laughed at that, shoving his face into his hands for a moment. Logan reached out to guide Virgil to a stop with him. 
 “Virgil… are you okay?”
 Virgil nodded, face still in his hands.
 “Yeah, just… give me a minute.”
 Logan didn’t say anything and Virgil couldn’t see his expression. Instead, Virgil felt Logan's hand rubbing his shoulders as well as he could around the backpack strap. Gradually, Virgil turned toward him. The other seemed to understand because a moment later, Logan was wrapping his arms around him as much as their backpacks would allow.
 Virgil closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being pressed against the other. He already knew now that Logan liked him. The butterflies in his tummy now had nothing to do with that.
 Virgil really, really wanted to kiss him. 
 Thank God his house was not far from where they were. 
 Virgil pulled away from the other, though he hadn’t really wanted to ever leave his arms. He smiled at Logan and nodded.
 “I’m good now, thanks.”
 Logan nodded, hesitated, and looked forward in the direction they were headed. After a few moments of what Virgil assumed was deliberation, Logan looked at him with a little pink coloring his cheeks.
 “If you would permit me to, I would very much like to hold hands with you.”
 Virgil could see what Logan meant. He looked quite nice with pink cheeks as well. Of course, such a request got Virgil blushing more. Yet it was with no hesitation that he stuck out his hand closest to Logan for the other to take.
 Logan smiled and laced their fingers before they began walking once more. It was a silent agreement that any further talk could wait until they reached Virgil’s house.
 »»———— ☠ ————««
 Logan marveled at how wonderful it felt, walking with Virgil, the other teen’s hand in his own. Before Virgil, Logan had always wondered at how couples did such things. Now, after Virgil, he wanted all of those things. But with Virgil alone. 
 Virgil was leading them along the route he took home everyday. It was so interesting to experience, especially with the knowledge that Virgil liked him as he liked Virgil. 
 Logan squeezed the other’s hand only for Virgil to squeeze back, looking at him and smiling brightly. A little pink brushed his cheeks and covered the bridge of his nose. 
 How could one person be so mesmerizing?
 “We’re almost there,” Virgil announced. Logan swallowed hard. 
 Almost there. 
 Logan nodded and smiled. The smile felt a little forced, but Virgil smiled back. Logan tried to ignore the sudden nerves he felt and enjoy the walk. 
 Luckily, as soon as they turned the corner, Virgil was pointing out a house two buildings down on the side they were currently on. 
 “There’s my house,” he mumbled and Logan could just smile. 
 “Well, let’s go then.”
 Virgil led him to the house and inside. As soon as he opened the door, a short woman wearing a dress and apron came from what Logan assumed was the kitchen. 
 “My baby’s home!” She looked at Logan. He could see where Virgil got his sharp gaze. He smiled. “And he brought a friend…”
 Virgil cleared his throat.
 “This is Logan… I’ve uh… told you about him… he’s in my Chemistry class… we’re just gonna go up to my room for a bit before Logan goes home… kay now, bye Mom. Love you.”
 “Oh! This is Logan!” Virgil’s mom said, the words finally clicking, but Virgil had already dragged Logan down the hallway and into his room. 
 Closing the door behind him, Virgil sighed. Flicking on the light, he nodded at the bed.
 “Sorry, not a lot of options for seating,” he said with a soft laugh. Logan laughed as well and took the end furthest from the pillows. Virgil soon joined him. 
 “So…” Logan agreed with a little smile. He was silent for a moment more, teasing Virgil just a little, before he continued. “So… let’s go down the list, shall we?”
 Virgil snorted but nodded. Logan offered his hands which Virgil took immediately.
 Smiling, Logan began.
 “We both like each other…”
 “We both want to kiss each other?”
 Logan gave him a look and Virgil rolled his eyes, smiling. 
 “And am I correct in assuming that we both want… uh… something more? You know…”
 “Are you correct in assuming that we want to be boyfriends?”
 Logan nodded. “That’s better. Yes.”
 “Very check.”
 Logan grinned and Virgil grinned back. 
 Just like it had happened in Chemistry class, Virgil started to shift a little closer. Logan was more than happy to lean in as well. 
 This time, no chemicals overflowed and no one was around. This time, there was no almost.
 Virgil’s lips pressed against Logan’s first but he had definitely not been too far away. Logan hummed happily into the kiss, his eyes closed as he laced his fingers with Virgil’s.
 Logan felt such deep warmth like he had never felt before. He found himself immediately shifting closer to Virgil, as if he were his magnetic opposite. 
 Virgil chuckled into the kiss, soon having to break it. Logan looked at him with confusion and Virgil shook his head. 
 “What’s so funny?” Logan asked, tilting his head. 
 “Sorry, Logan… it’s just. I’m starting to think my mom sent me to public school just to make sure I found happiness… but I don’t really think she expected this. Maybe a favorite class. Maybe a best friend. I doubt a boyfriend was ever on her radar.”
 Logan laughed softly too. 
 “I think she will be happy with whatever happiness you find. And you’ll find many more happinesses… hopefully with me.”
 Virgil smiled. “Well, you haven’t actually asked me out yet.”
 Logan sighed. “Virgil Armitage, will you go out with me?” Though he had sighed, he was smiling by the time he finished.
 Virgil smirked. “Duh.”
 Logan would have groaned but Virgil was kissing him moments after and Logan really didn’t feel the need to stop him as he kissed back.
 A lot had changed in Logan’s life since Virgil entered into it but, as Logan had come to find, sometimes in life there were just some changes that were worth making.
»»———— ♞ ————««
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Thomas Sanders or Joan, nor the rest of their group. I do not own or make money off of these characters. I only own the story as it is written.
Super uber thanks to my beta reader for this fic @sunshineandteddybears​ and the two that preread my stuff to make sure its up to par: @romantichopelessly & @sunshineandteddybears.
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Buxom beauty
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Oneshot summary; You struggle, as an overweight and taller than average woman, to find the beauty in yourself. However, Loki there to make you understood just how worthy and magnificent you truly are.
Pairing: Loki x reader  
Rating: Mature
Word; 2.900
Warnings; will say triggering themes ( e.x serious self-doubt) even if it may not be the case, maybe som angst
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing
A/N: So a little mid-week surprise everyone! This fic is per request from a user on my AO3 account following their lines of: “Could you possibly do one where reader is tall for a woman but also overweight? She struggles with seeing herself as worthy or beautiful but Loki is tryna make her see herself the way he sees her in his own special way?? Please can you do this?” It started out as a drabble and an hour later it was all of a sudden a whole ass fic. Tbh I’m not even gonna apologise this time.
Your eyes were levelled with the upper edge of the mirror. Although you didn't concentrate on how the top of your head didn't really fit into the reflected image unless you took a few steps back. Instead, your eyes followed the soft curves running along the sharp edges of the mirror.
It was soft. No, you were soft in places which the majority of women perhaps not were. Rather than resemble the figure of the mirror before you, which was slim and narrow. Your body was an even curve all the way from your busts to thighs. Though depending on how you shifted your weight, it could also become uneven. Despite how it looked, some places were more generous than others in exceeding the public image of how you should look.
When you turned to the side, your head stayed twisted towards your figure. Your outline wasn't straight. Nor descending into a slender point of which your feet was the tip. It was like a wave, rising in places and lowering in others. And much like that movement of water, your body didn't have any sharp edges. It was simply soft and natural-looking.
You closed your eyes, turning back to fully face the mirror. However, as you started to walk backwards, you didn't re-open them. Purely because you didn't need to look to know there was no gap between your thighs. Neither how no trained illusion of abs existed as an outline under the shirt you wore. Nor how the fabric covering you followed the curve of your chest rather than fell in drapes.
Not until you had shuffled about a foot and a half backwards, enough so that you knew all of you fit in the length of the mirror, did you open your eyes.
You saw the tiredness in the eyes staring back at you. It was a tiredness of trying to make yourself look another way, tiredness to view yourself as enough. Only if you realised and found yourself in the fact that you wouldn't look any other way and that you didn't always need to be enough, maybe that exhaustion would disappear.
A sigh left you while you closed the dresser door to hide the cursed mirror. It was with the same force as you'd done earlier today when you had shut the locker door in the gym without even putting anything in there, choosing to just head back home instead.
You'd wanted to be there at first. But, discouraged by the little mirror in the changing room and the glances received from the already remarkably trained people working out, you suddenly didn't.
You still contemplated the choice. Because you shouldn't have chickened out so quickly. However, home meant that you only were aware of your own intrusive thought, rather than everyone else's judgement too.
Since this morning, your head had felt heavy with thoughts. Throughout the day, though, it had only gotten worse.
It felt like even though you rested, the little voice telling you you should do something was there. Yet, every time you did something, the other voice, the one telling you to stop trying, also whispered in your ear. This was a day you listened to the second, exemplified by your action of fleeing the gym.
So, ever since returning from the short trip outside, you hadn't done much more than lounge around in the apartment you shared with Loki.
The raven god was, for the moment, on yet another mission with the team. Though he'd told you that he wouldn't be gone for more than three days, you hadn't gotten to know much else of the mission. And despite you felt worried every now or then about the lack of information, it was fine. Because early on in your relationship, Loki said he never would hide anything from you if you asked, but he preferred to keep his work and private life as separate as possible.
You respected and understood that. So most times, you settled with the little pieces of information he willingly gave you. Primarily because you could sense his nerves anyway and know how serious the mission was from that. This time around, however, Loki hadn't been worried about the mission, so neither did you feel like you had a reason you should.
Although now, worried or not, you wished he wasn't away on a mission at all. Instead, at home with you.
You would've made the most out of the day, despite how you felt, if Loki was here. Maybe you would've watched some movies, gone out on a walk, or perhaps cook together. It was mundane activities but still things both of you enjoyed. Now though, the only representation of your mischievous partner was his shirt.
You'd nabbed it from Loki's side of the closet in an attempt to calm yourself down from the scent still lingering in the fabric. Only that it resulted in a critical try.
Because not only did it remind you too much of the warmth and presence of him, which made you miss him even more. It had also become the cause of you suddenly staring in the dresser mirror and becoming ever more conscious about yourself.
You hadn't only thought back on the day while standing there, but also the way his shirt fits you. It didn't hang down to your knees, not even the middle of your thighs. It ended halfway over your bottom, like your own shirt with an inch or two added. Thus, if you hadn't worn any tights, you would've walked around just as exposed as if you had worn one of your own shirts.
Even now, when heading from the living room to the kitchen, you looked down at where the shirt ended. The edge brushed along the very top of your thighs. You tried pulling it down a bit, but the fabric simply inched upwards again, making your brows furrow and lips purse.
That was until you heard something.
Your expression changed so that your eyebrows raised and eyes sought out the front-door from which the sound of a lock opening came from. You hadn't made plans with any friends today. Even if you had, they should've knocked, seeing how none of them had a key to your place.
The second you started to worry that it was a break-in, you saw a silhouette you recognised all too well. It was clad in green and gold. The raven hair that touched the tops of his shoulders, nearly blended in with the darker details of the clothing. You started to move before even registering anything more of Loki.
It was with mere moments to spare you noticed the emerald shimmer surround him and remove the armoured parts of his attire before you crashed into his chest.
A little ouf left the god, as he didn't expect the welcoming he got. But that didn't matter, as your arms encircled his neck instinctively. Unable to do anything else than simply stay put a few steps into the foyer, Loki encircled your waist with his arms, face boring into your neck as yours already had done in his.
"You said you wouldn't be home until tomorrow", you mumbled. Knowing he'd heard what you said from the little kiss he gave the side of your neck.
"Well, you know how my brother is, ever as impatient. Sometimes for the better and other times worse, thankfully this time was not the latter", Loki pulled his head out of the crook in your neck to look at you, consequently making you do the same. "Hopefully, you do not mind?"
"Definitely not", you thought you'd said it casually, but the way the raven-haired god tipped his head inclined you hadn't.
"Something wrong, darling?" You gave him a smile and shook your head as you said 'no' while stepping out of his arms. If you would've guessed, you supposed it was the way you retracted from Loki's touch that gave him more than a feeling that you'd lied.
"If there's something wrong, you can tell me", that he even said this made you understand he was aware that you weren't ok. Nevertheless, you saw the exhaustion in his eyes by being away on a mission with the team. He may have been recruited to the Avengers by his brother, rather unwillingly one may add, on the basis that the god of thunder could keep a watchful eye over his brother that way, though he by now had accepted the fact he wouldn't leave. 
Yet simply because of this, or that he was a god, didn't mean Loki didn't get tired from the countless missions he was assigned. And it was because of this, you didn't want to burden him with what had weighed you down this whole day.
"I know, Loki", you turned then, starting to head towards your shared bedroom and the bathroom that connected to it to run a bath. However, you weren't even able to suggest that before a hand shot out and wrapped itself around your wrist.
It was enough to make you glance over your shoulder with a raised brow, but not enough to hurt.
"I can see something isn't right and that you feel like you can't tell me", your lip caught between your teeth at the pleading way the raven-haired god looked at you. Still, you didn't say anything, now concerned he would find your worry silly. "Darling, please".
"I-I... why do you want to know? You must be exhausted, go take a shower, or I can tap up a bath for us", you tried smiling to convince him he should think about himself before considering you. Yet, it seemed Loki was as persistent as you at the moment.
"Not until you tell me what's on your mind", he took a step closer, now tugging lightly at where he held your arm so you would turn to him.
"It's n...".
"Do not tell me it is nothing. If not because I am the god of lies, then because I am your lover", he cut off the half-ass excuse you'd tried to use and continued to look at you with the intent of not letting you escape with anything but the truth said. Despite he didn't know you knew you wouldn't have tried anything again, the last part of his sentence striking a nerve that made you sigh.
"This day has just been bad", you finally said. "I-I... it feels like I just need a break from my thoughts. And I know you probably need one too, regarding how messy those missions can get", the god of mischief's lip tugged upwards slightly at this.
"You, my dear, are a break from everything that ever could weigh me down".
"How can I be that", you snapped, hand tearing away from Loki's grip. You didn't know why you reacted like that all of a sudden, probably because what he said rubbed so wrong against everything you thought about yourself today. But it got even worse when you saw the slightly shocked look painting Loki's features. "There's so many more that could fulfil that", you mumbled under your breath, feeling the burn of embarrassment in your chest as you turned to head down the hall and not face him after your little outburst.
Yet you were stopped, once again, by the god when he spun you around to face him. The previous shock had now turned into a furrow between his brows.
"But I do not want more, darling, I simply want you", on good days, you may have smiled and kissed him for those words. Now you just cringed at them while trying to escape the grasp he still had on your hips.
"How could you?" You finally said when realising he wouldn't let go of you, head falling forwards to look down on the floor. "Just...just look at me compared to every other woman you meet. What do I have that they don't?"
There was a silence then, one that made you shut your eyes. You prepared to feel Loki's hands leave you where they still rested on your body, hot and anchoring, though that was not what happened. He did move, but not to take his hands off of you, nor away from you. Instead, his finger hooked under your chin.
Even though you followed his gentle encouragement to tip your head upwards, you didn't open your eyes despite feeling his gaze on you.
"Please darling, open your eyes", he didn't need to coax you any further. "There those pretty gems are", you hadn't even opened them entirely before Loki said this, instantly making you smile. Nevertheless, as if your thoughts today really didn't want you to feel happy, worthy, of his love, the corners of your mouth tipped downwards when remembering he still hadn't answered your question.
As if sensing, if not plainly seeing, the change, Loki's brows furrowed. You tried holding his gaze but felt you were unable to do so, which in the end, made you avert your eyes.
What you couldn't know was that your display had made Loki realise something did really bother you today and that the topic of the conversation held moments earlier, maybe a reflection of that.
Suddenly you felt how the touch at your left hip disappeared, to be sensed once more when it rested against your cheek. You were unable not turn towards the god of mischief with wide eyes at his gesture. However, as you once more looked at him, you saw nothing of the playfulness that often accompanied him, just a seriousness as he looked at you.
"You asked what you have compared to what others don't", he began, thumb stroking the apple of your cheek. "You have the ability to calm me like no other. You have a beauty incomparable to anyone else. You have my hearth", you felt a flutter in your chest as Loki's hand trailed from your face down to your waist, only to there pull you close to him, simply waiting for your answer.
Yet, for the moment, you were at a loss of words. Not only by what the god of mischief said. But what you realised and was constantly reminded of when being pressed against him. You'd never needed to crane your neck, nor did Loki need to bend down for the matter, to look each other in the eye.
"B-but how can I have all that?" Your voice was small as the question nearly trembled from your lips.
"Midgard is so harsh and stale that it does not care about anything more than looks. One needs to find softness and in order to do that, one needs to look further than the surface. If people simply choose to do that, they would find so many more like you", the flutter travelled further and further from your chest. Slowly like molasses, the doubt dripped off of your bones for butterflies to instead settle on them. But the dark and sticky liquid stubbornly didn't want to withdraw completely.
"Earth may be like that, Loki, but you aren't from here", you began, fingers twitching against the Asgardian attire, his signum, that he still wore. "You've told me how beautiful the eternal world is, so I know your standard of beauty, like so many other things, are so much higher than mine and everyone else's".
"Asgard is filled with beauty", the raven-haired god nodded, a smirk tugging the side of his mouth. For some reason, it made those butterflies feel like they drowned in the molasses. Because what else than far greater memories than what he's created with you could accompany such a gesture? Apparently, something entirely else, you realised as he continued. "Yet you, my darling, wouldn't fit there because your beauty out-shines all of what already exists. And do you know why none can see this? Because no-one can watch the sun for too long before getting burned".
"But you still do you", you stated incredulously. Thus why, if using Loki's own words, would he do something that hurt him. However, being ever the observant person he was, he caught your doubt. Which made him shake his head and chuckle.
"You seem to forget I am a god, no mere human or simple Asgardian", directly after he stated thus, Loki did something that made you squeal, in both surprise and worry.
His arms tightened around your waist and lifted you, high enough your feet dangled off the floor and your face was a few inches above his. You almost panicked, imagining you were too heavy for him, but you didn't find anything that displayed such strain in his face. And then any caution disappeared as he twirled you around.
A giggle fell from your lips as you felt the air around you shift with Loki's action. You felt light when nearly all thoughts from earlier seemingly were flung out of your mind and even stayed away when he gently set you down again. His firm chest still pressed into your soft one.
"Just think about it, darling, you need a god to love you for someone to find your true beauty. Does not that show how worthy of love you are if no other person can stand beside you and call you theirs", your smile didn't die down this time as you gazed at him.
"I suppose I must agree with said god", you didn't get more time to witness his smirk turn into a smile before his head tilted forward and his forehead came to rest against yours.
"You never must, but oh how honoured I would be if you did".
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xavadak3davrax · 3 years
First Time I Saw You / Fred Weasley
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Pairing: Prince Fred Weasley x Fem Reader 
Warnings: None i think? But please let me know if it should have some, this is my first ever post on tumblr and so i’m new to this. This is not 18+, it’s just fluff, but if i ever write some more of  this it might. 
Summury: For anyone who’s lost this is gonna be Prince!Fred. I’ve had this idea laying around for a while and i started reading more of Fred and George last year and ever since i’m hooked. This is just really for fun and if no one sees this, oh well :) 
Taglist: @manuosorioh​ @itsbebeyyy
PART 2   PART 3.
When Fred was born everything was handed to him. Being born into royalty means being born into wealth and gold. His childhood was filled with the most amazing memories, someone could ever dream of.
When Fred was older his father started to plant ideas in his head of what he should become so he could be a good, considerate ruler. It wasn’t difficult Fred was made to rule. With his spiky red hair, tall figure and lanky body combined with a strong very dominant but also kind personality Fred was everything his subjects wished for in a king.
Unfortunately for him with the idea of soon becoming king came the responsibility of marriage. Finding someone fit who could rule beside him. His father had always taught him, from a very young age that a king without a queen was weak and no fit ruler. Fred’s mother was the most amazing person he ever met, she was the one who taught him to be kind and selfless. She was the one who showed him how to be closer to their subjects and listen to them.
But Fred found himself not wanting someone beside him. Fred was never one to follow the rules. So of course, he’s had his fare share of bed sharing. He was no stranger to sex, he loved the idea of no attachments, specially when you belonged to the royal family. That is why the idea of being attached to someone forever scared him the most. No less someone who would also be royalty.
The morning everything changed for him, the day was bright, the sun was high in the sky and there were no clouds on the horizon. It was a rare sight to see, that being everything was always cloudy and rainy. It was very rare they got any good days.
Like always he got up from his bed, naked and very sleepy he stared around for a few seconds trying to adjust to the brightness. Lazily he then moved throughout his chambers until he could find something that could cover his body. When he finally found his boxers and a white large buttoned-down shirt he finally moved to his private bathroom where he tried to make himself look half presentable. Today was an important day to him, he could go down to town and lounge and hang around for a bit since today was one of the only days this week where he didn’t have responsibilities as Prince Fred. Today he would just be Fred. Not born into royalty.
So, he got dressed, and decided to not stop by for breakfast with his family because his dad would most likely advise him not to go to town and would not allow him if he knew he would go by himself. So he sneak out of the castle through the passages he knew so well and made his away to the market in town where he would eat something.
This was something he did since he was very young so people there knew him for his genuine self, Fred, and Fred only. Not The Fred Weasley.
Humming to himself some song he had heard the night before at dinner he made his way through the market waving lazily ate everyone who cared to say something. If his father was there that probably wouldn’t be the casa and everyone would hurry to bow at his arrival, but Fred Weasley was different and had no intention of being made superior. He just wanted to be normal when he was there.
Starting to think of a million other stuff that clearly weren’t related to royalty he didn’t even notice where he was going until something hit against something soft and followed by a not so soft bang and a soft honeyed voice saying “ow”.
Fred immediately stopped in his tracks and his eye line followed the sound that he just heard. His eyes met a young girl, who’s dress was clearly very old and was probably a hand me down from someone in her family. Her hair was now a little messy from her hand rambling through it, probably in pain and she had her eyes slightly closed. “I am so very sorry miss.” Fred said almost quietly not wanting to attract any more attention to the situation happening around him.
“It’s ok, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Her voice came out in almost a whisper, Fred was sure he was the only one o listened to it. She finally opened her eyes a littler better and looked up to finally face the men who she had bumped to. If it weren’t for the little pain she had from hitting the ground she would be up and bowing in a second. After all the Prince himself was in front of her. “Your Highness… I-“ She stammered a little bit not being able to find the word. She breath in and then out trying to compose herself and finally gave herself a chance at trying to get up.
In a second Fred had his hands stretched out for her, and although it took her a few seconds to grab onto them she eventually did and was soon on her feet again.
“I’m really sorry for what just happened. I clearly didn’t’ see where I was going, I should’ve… but I had…” She stopped mid-sentence when she figured she was just rambling at this point.
“No apologies please, it was my fault I was lost in thought and should’ve paid attention to where I was going. I’m sorry miss…” He was looking straight into her eyes and she felt her knees buckle a little to the simple, but also not so simple fact that she was face to face with the Prince. Soon to be king but she didn’t want to give it much thought or she was sure she would end up on the ground again.
“y/n, your highness” She said in what she would expect not be a small voice. She wanted to keep her true self intact. A strong independent women who although had been born into poverty, was extremely hardworking and was proud of her family for always trying to do what was better. She had started working from a very young age and had accomplished so much (or had much had you could in her place).
“None sense y/n, no your highness. Fred will do just fine” He tried to give her a smile. Not that he didn’t want to, but he was also somehow scared of how to act. He never really found himself in a situation like this. He was always very outgoing and social so this was a first for him. “As an apology please let me help you” He further instructed, his eyes meting the basked that was now one ground, almost everything inside of it was now sprawled on the ground.
“I couldn’t let you. Thank you for the gesture but I should go on my way now” She said, even though the very much knew that she still had to pick everything from the ground. “Your highness should go on your way now, Your day is probably very busy” She tried once again, and as politely as she could, to dismiss him. She didn’t want to sound disrespectful, but he made her nervous. Not only from the fact that he was royalty but also because he was extremely attractive. Could she ever pretend that every girl of her age and not only that was clearly head over heals attracted to him? She was trying right now.
Before he even tried again, Fred was on his knees before her picking everything that had spilled from the basket “Was this for sale?” He asked while picking the objects up and looking for a moment when he saw her kneel beside him to pick up some of the items to.
“Yes. My parents are waiting for me to sell this items. Or well what we can get from the one who are not ruined.” She tried to laugh a little while one of the broken objects was in her hand.
“I will have every item replaced, broken or not. You will lead me to your parents stand where I will apologize personally for the damage I caused. And I promise that by tomorrow they will be replaced. “ Fred’s voice came out in a way where very rarely people heard. It was his command voice, usually only came out in the privacy of his bedroom, but she didn’t need to know that. He wanted to make sure he was clear and that she understood that she should not contradict him.
“That is very, very generous of you and I should not ask, or am I even deserving of such generosity your grace.” With every item finally in the basket she picked it up, also at the same time Fred picked it and she felt the very warm and soft skin of his hands touch hers. She could have sworn that a chill ran down her spine and had made her legs tremble. Imagine if she would’ve fallen again only because the Prince touched her, and he hadn’t done it on purpose.
“You are not asking, I am offering. Now please if you would lead the way.” He said, trying to sound normal but his own voice almost betrayed him, since it trembled a little, because he had also felt her soft touch. His hands left the bast and he stretched one of his arms to give her passage. She almost silently passed trough him and onto the direction she was making twenty minutes ago.
When she approached her parents stand she felt their eyes budge up and almost instantly where the bowing for him. She knew from there that her parents were to say yes to anything he offered. They loved the crown, never had they felt mistreated by it, and they always felt like they did the best they could to give the ones who had nothing a little more. Y/n knew better than that but she never contradicted her parents.
So Fred explained the best he could and trying not to make it tedious what he had done and why was he there to apologize in person. And when her parents went back to work, because customers where approaching they never pressed her to start working, since she was still being watched by the prince.
“Once again I’m really sorry about this.” Fred started but was, he would say rudely, interrupted by the big clock that was now announcing his return to the palace. “I have to go, but I will be back.” Why had he said that? He didn’t really know, but he knew he needed to say it. Somehow he needed her to know that that wouldn’t be the last she would hear of him.
So he left immediately after that and not even letting her respond. She was left there, perplexed, with the smell of Fred Weasley invading her nostrils, and her thoughts consumed by him, his face, his voice, his touch, his sympathy. Everything. She was left to something she never thought she would go through. Figuring out if the small crush the had on the prince wouldn’t be something more. Could it be? He was high up next to the gods, and she was not, nor did she ever thought she would be. She wanted to make her brain know that they would never stand a chance with the future king, but dreaming never hurt anybody right?
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