#lizard eheh
lemonhemlock · 2 years
Thank you for the answer.
Ik there is a lot of tension between Alicent-antis and Alicent-fans but that's truly not where I'm coming from. My bit on Aemond/Alicent wasn't meant as a slight against Alicent or her motherly capabilities. I have little interest in looking for Alicent to prove herself in any particular capacity as a mother in these scenarios and GOTCHA! her nor her fans. That just seems unnecessarily mean and boring besides.
"this isn't about not loving or supporting her son." Yes! I meant to explore Aemond's feelings/POV. on the situation with his mother rather than Alicent feelings. Aemond's feelings on whether he feels loved or not don't reflect Alicent's true feelings regarding her son which as u pointed out are deep care, protectiveness and goodwill.
I'm already 100% convinced Alicent and Aemond love each other deeply, yet much of Aemond's personality is centred around this idea of having to behave a certain way approved by society (or at least his mother), though he has a rebellious streak - blood of the dragon or w/e. He has duties and much of his struggle and arc appears to be about him oscillating between Duty and Desire. I don't fully buy into the whole bit w/ "love is the death of duty etc" since such a dualistic approach is far too simplistic. I believe Aemond loves his mother (same how Alicent loves her children) but he is also duty-bound to do right by her and the family (same how she is duty-bound to love those children which she had as a teen with dubious to non-consent on her part).
I dont believe Helaena and Aemond have a bad relationship but I don't believe them to be as tight as I've seen Helaemond shippers paint. Aemond is courteous and protective over her but I don't instantly read that as implying a particularly good relationship.
Thank you for being so amiable, I really do appreciate it! I wish more fans would be as measured & considerate in their approach!
I understand now what you mean about analysing Aemond's POV and, similarly to you, I have always read him as teetering on the edge between conformity/duty & rebelling/desire. He has been a rule-follower all his life and has little "reward" to show for it. He's been ostracized, maimed, disabled & soon feels that he will be set aside and/or killed once Rhaenyra ascends to the throne. The one time he lets go and pursues his own desire, i.e. vengeance via Luke's eye, he loses control of the situation so badly that it fundamentally changes the course of his life. I'd be feeling some kind of existential despair at this, too.
There are a lot of interesting dynamics at play here - therapists would have a field day with this family. Imagine all the scientific articles they could write about them. On one hand, Aemond looks down on Aegon for not honouring his station, but, on the other, he craves the freedom Aegon allows himself. He feels duty-bound towards his family, but also loves how unencumbered he can be with Vhagar. I agree that duty & love are not mutually-exclusive.
As for helaemond, I've have a few posts about it in my tag where I explained my interpretation of their interactions. It's something I find interesting narratively/thematically, but not the be all, end all of things. I understand why some fans don't buy into it. But we're here to have a grand old time! :)
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thelilfae · 4 months
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helping a big ol lizard guy with his wounds~ 🩹
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this is ambrose!! still writing him but hes a woodland hunter-scout type character- very soft & attentive <3 he thinks daisy is very cute also which is why he's embarrassed ehehe >:3c
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sinusoidaldysfunction · 4 months
I'm like 75% certain I had the original 'red/maroon Battlewinner with a frozen throat' design but I'm kicking myself bc I deleted the og blog (frigid-lizards) I posted it on.
Anyways I love to see it, just a little "ehehe I did that" moment
Here's a screen shot of the corrupted file for shits and giggles
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ozzyeelz · 1 year
For your shapeshifter class!!!!! When he transforms, does he fully turn into the animal, or do just parts of him change? Would we get to see a giant lizard just skittering around 2fort? Is there a shark flopping in the dirt at dustbowl?
(I am utterly obsessed with him!! What a guy!!!!!)
WAA THANK U I LOVE HIM- he’s such a little guy to me
Well, “in game” Shifter would probably only transform halfway between human and full animal, though I feel like if he were present in the comics/promotional videos he would be seen turning into full animals!! Though it would be hilarious to have a giant shark wriggling in the desert sand, it wouldn’t really work “game mechanics” wise😭
Hes also able to turn select parts of his body animalistic (like just an arm, or only his legs), and ‘in the comics’ he would be able to turn into any combination of creatures, as well as almost any animal he’s seen!!
Idk I have many theories and thoughts about these guys, and I’m sorry if my rambling doesn’t make much sense, but I’m always open for questions about them ehehe!!
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m-pennanti · 1 year
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ArtFight attack!!!!! I genuinely had so much fun with this one :D 11/10 will definitely do again next year! Ended up being 1.6k points ehehe
[Text for ppl who can’t read due to compression below]
C: It is DONE!
C: My finest, most intense, heart-racing, dream-making, most complete and complex game yet!
C: SLUG-FLIP!!! The ultimate 2D Metroidvania Platformer!
C: Now… who to give the first copy to?
C: Wawa…
C: <incoherent extensive list of directions>, now GO!
…”You have died. Press + to restart…”
…”A few cycles later…”
S: ME??? Creativity gave ME the first copy??? Of all Iterators???
S: This is going to be the greatest gaming experience ever! I’ve been waiting for this to come out since Lizard Simulator!
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amenemisa · 10 months
Ok well, i know quality is just a mess :') i still am too busy but again i started to think about them more than anything... And i have a notebook that 19 years old like me. AND IT RUNS PHOTOSHOP CS4!! So i decided to draw my fukumoris there but i need to handle that quality eheh...
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So so so i had a long long story for this drawing but i won't come here now cause this is an event that coming true long time later. I want to make a different thing. Hm... Though i drew few sketches, i will put them here then write the story here~
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"The day came, Fukuchi has died. Yokohama was recovering it's wounds, everything came to normal except one thing: Agency had to tranfer a member to the mafia... The sun was shining, children were enjoying the goodness of weather. This day, agency's president and mafia's boss arranged a meeting at a park. Fukuzawa brought Kunikida, Dazai, Yosano and Tanizaki with him. On the other side, Mori brought Kouyou and Black Lizard Team with him. They met at the center of the park. They we're staring each other with sharp gazes. Fukuzawa didn't want to give any member of agency to mafia. But in the end they were here and Mori was smiling mischievously. 'So Fukuzawa Dono, everything came back to the normal, right?' Fukuzawa's eyes were closed, tried to ignore him. But he noticed that Mori's voice was not calm like he always had. That made him to open his eyes and look at him. Mori was smiling but this smile had nothing in it like old times. Actually Fukuzawa could say that Mori was stressed out and not trying to hide it.
When Mori noticed that Fukuzawa was aware of his situation he started to talk again. 'You see, we had an arrangement.' His eyes locked into Fukuzawa's after he looked every member of the agency. Fukuzawa tried to make his voice got out stable, not full of anger. 'I won't give you any of my members of agency." Actually he managed to keep his voice calm but Mori could see the sharpness of his eyes. 'Yes well, i helped you because of this arrangement. And now you're turning me back. I wasn't expected something like this could come from you.' Mori's voice was joyful but still cold. 'I said do not choose Yosano Sensei.' Yosano suddenly turned her gazes to Fukuzawa. She... Mori said her that Fukuzawa was ready to give her to mafia. 'I won't choose her.'
Mori's voice tone suddenly changed to an another coldness level. His eyes never left Fukuzawa's eyes. 'And i won't leave you any opportunity to take my-' Mori interupted him. 'My apologizes Fukuzawa Dono but if i had an arrangement with someone or an organization i always gain what i want. You promised me, i promised you. I did what i said to you, protected the agency. It's your turn now.' Fukuzawa closed his eyes with an anger, he knew he couldn't win this game. Dazai, other hand, wanted to talk but he knew he couldn't win against to Mori either. Mori like he noticed Dazai's annoyance talked. 'I don't want Dazai Kun either.' His tone didn't change. These words and Mori's behaviour were making Fukuzawa curious more. He couldn't resist to ask.
'Then who do you want?' Mori smiled him, his eyes were on him but Mori was in an another time. He was not there, nearly a minute went. Mori suddenly smiled gently which was real. Fukuzawa didn't like this. 'You won't like my answer.' Fukuzawa didn't like this either. He quietly sighed, and waited for the answer. 'I want you to join mafia Fukuzawa Dono.' Mori said all in one breath. And managed to pick everyones eyes up on him. Some of them made loud rejections or surprised voices. He was still with his mask, the barriers were around him but Fukuzawa could see the fear or mostly annoyance. 'What are you talking about?' Mori locked his eyes to him. 'I mean what i meant. I need your company, actually Yokohama needs...' he sighed with an out of annoyance. He waited a moment,then talked.'Yokohama need us.' Fukuzawa kept his gazes on him nearly a minute. Tried to understand what Mori was saying to him. He then opened his mouth but Mori was faster than him. 'Katori Saito, do you remember?' Fukuzawa's eyes sharpened. He was talking about a dead man, he nodded. 'So i am honored to announce to you that he is alive.' His smile was never irritating like this before. Because of that man they had hard times years ago. And Fukuzawa's himself killed him. That's because his eyes were widened. 'Excuse me-?' Fukuzawa still didn't get it. Or got it but couldn't process it.
Mori left a rough laugh to an empty space. 'I was waiting for this face.' Fukuzawa cleared his throat before he talk. 'And how do you know he's alive. I was- i killed him. With my own hands, you were there.' Mori's eyes slipped away to Yosano from him. When she heard the kill word from Fukuzawa she just couldn't help herself. She knew that Fukuzawa was an assassin before but she hear anything from Fukuzawa about this subjet before. Then Mori looked Fukuzawa again. 'Yeah, I was there too. But Natsume Sensei says the opposite. And as you can see if we won't make a proper plan or can't sync with each other Yokohama will see the worst days of its. And i can't do this without your company.' Mori waited for few seconds Fukuzawa to process what he's offering for.
Then Mori sharpened his eyes and locked them to him. 'I don't want Fukuzawa Yukichi with me. I need Silver Wolf, the bodyguard of that clinic doctor. Today's Fukuzawa Yukichi is softer than anything. Those children made you soft, right?' His cold tone was going colder at the end of the sentence. 'The Government's Assassin  Fukuzawa Yukichi, i need his company. So this is the arrangement: I take you.' His authorized voice didn't make anything easier. Fukuzawa took a deep breathe, closed his eyes, thought all about it. If that man was alive this would turn their lifes into a nightmare. Fukuzawa then opened his eyes, he felt everyones eyes on him. He bet those mafia members didn't know a thing about him that much, nor the agency... He took few steps, held out his left hand for Mori to take. Mori stared at that hand, Fukuzawa always used his right hand. Ah damn... With hesitation Mori took his hand, Fukuzawa espicially was checking something. Something that he was hiding always under his gloves. Mori closed his eyes with an annoyance. When Fukuzawa found what he wanted he made a nostalgic face while staring the space. 'Deal then?' Agency's eyes were widened. Was Fukuzawa really thinking about joining the mafia-? That couldn't be possible. But now they were shaking hands. Fukuzawa made a promise. And there was an enemy waiting for to be defeated. Fukuzawa closed his eyes. 'Deal.' "
Yeah! This is what i am thinking about! So yeah i was thinking about taking a little help from you. Who should be that man who came alive. We need to find a name -i don't like creating oc's and btw we won't talk about this man, i don't like oc's either :') but i've needed this to make their Way hehe-
And if you want to continue this, you can add an oc, i don't care. Just you should find a new name, an ability and a past for this man eheh ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ
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angellurgy2 · 2 months
I'm really embarrassed about being this affected by someone's appearance hence the anon but I just need to tell you how in love with your boobs I am. You look so cute in that video you posted, and it felt so good seeing another fat girl showing off like that. I really hope you have an incredible day and that you get to pet a lot of lizards. ❤
!!!!! ohmy gosh this is so so so sweet thank u sm! ehehe hdjcnc squeak 💕💕💕 i hope u have a great day too nonie ily
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rockintapper · 1 year
draw the guiro lizards
draw them in any way you want!! :D
the gwagwas
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and trans guiro lizards becuas ehehe
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sir-fluffbutts · 2 years
Hia, so uh...eheh I'm not exactly new to your channel and stuff, but uh, what's the lore and relationship between adorable lizard doctor boi and catfish.
YA!!!! me going ham with relationship questions 🕺🕺
i can't exactly tell the lore for story reasons but they have....a complicated relationship-
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to FB, peril (snake/the doctor boi) is the first person who he had "human interaction" after he got out of the ocean.
he's more then a doctor or a friend to him, but definatly not in a romentic way....more of a mentor? a grownup figure? "somebody he can depend on" kind of a person.
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for peril, FB is just a another friendly patient to him. but as a doctor, he is willing to protect him at all costs and help him get well asap
but that didn't really went well as we all can see 🥴
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shalpilot · 3 months
AU RA WOL SUPREMACY!! /hj your character is SO CUTE OH MY GOOOOD
EHEHE THANK YOU!!! lizards 4ever…. lizards numero uno ‼️‼️‼️
​I saw someone say the appeal of male au ra to them was the gap moeness of it all… big strong guy who’s really just very dorky… I agree 100% they’re so cute and I’ve done my darndest to make kiril even cuter >:)
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oddogoblino · 9 months
I find it funny how with sonic ships like Epsilver, at first I was all like "ah idk if I should reblog it, it's not really a ship I'm into or know about." -> "wow this art is so pretty and the people I follow reblog/draw it so often, it'd be a shame not to show how pretty this is!" -> "Ehehe Silver when heem lizard boyfrien needs to be extra bundled up and needs to be cuddled for warmth bc its snowing winter and they drink hot cocoa" in my own head
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bluu3berry · 3 months
name: majuro calder
Age: 16-19?
Gender: amab - Demi boy
Pronouns: he/they
Height: 5’6
Sexuality: demi-romantic and gay
Partner: tbd
Best friend: Macaria (Soriel fan kid)
Favourite food: brownies
Least favourite food: celery (he thinks it tastes like soap)
Species: shark thing??? Idk lizard shark?
Hobbies: cross dressing, swimming, sleeping, reading and painting
Job: treasure hunter :3
How does like,, how does you pronounce that name?? I'm a little confused on that part OmO
TEEN!! eheh I love seeing teens IDKW but my favortiee age group in OCS, or old men
What's an AMAB?? idk what a demiboy is since I used to identify as one!!
yoo I'm also demiromantic!!!,, not gay tho ik pan!! EHEHE
What does... tbd?? Mean
what type of brownies ..
lizard shark... LIMZARD SHADK EHEHE
AWWW Id love to see them in like a dress or something,, are they a good painter?!
Sorry for late reply i forgot!!
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floweringpestilence · 6 months
ehehe lizards
Some doodles and sketches of a couple Argonian OCs! Wound-Licker (he/him) is a deep sea Argonian, so he has some extra aquatic bits on him. Trailing-Roots (they/it) is a special fella based on a headcanon I have that some Argonians are born Hist-like, with a strange tree-like appearance, due to the specie as a whole being made by the Hist! And lastly Follows-Stars-Path (she/her), a lovely lass that aims to chart all the stars in the sky, and gather as much folklore about said stars as she can!
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irradiatedsnakes · 9 months
hey i just wanted to drop a note to say that i adore your art so much. your style is so round and cosy and your designs are so expressive, and your poses have such a wonderful “weight” to them if that makes sense? just really nicely grounded, not floaty, like i can almost feel the actual real weightiness to the droop of penny’s tentacles in karlach’s hands, or the force behind a very snuggly hug. that’s the best i can explain it lol but yeah it’s just really nice to look at!
also i love that you had your tav unabashedly become a mind flayer, which i don’t think nearly enough people commit to in the player base, and i love that shes still with karlach anyway, it’s so sweet and very refreshing. (oh and i LOVE that your durge is a kobold omg, that is just so delightful and honestly inspired and must have been such a fun playthrough)
anyway yeah i just really enjoy your art and your unique ideas in general and i wanted to thank you for sharing both!
SOBBING!!! this is such a wonderful sweet comment, thank you so much!! that sort of organic, weighty quality is something i really enjoy in art and that i have a lot of fun playing with myself, so i'm very glad to hear it's coming across well to you! especially since you're singling out poses where multiple characters are interacting- that's always something i've had difficulty with, so it's very nice to hear that :]
yesss, penny eventually becoming a mind flayer is something i was set on before i even knew for sure that it was an option- let it never be said that i'm not a sucker for people becoming monsters. and i agree, i would love to see more illithid!tav stuff around- there's so much neat area there to explore! i'm also allllways a sucker for "a kind/good-aligned character becomes a monster and must learn to deal with their monstrous urges/nature while trying to stay true to themself but still in a very real sense becoming someone/thing different". always
i really enjoy the fic "thy people shall be my people" by leomona on ao3 about this- it's post-canon, a mind flayer tav and astarion navigating the whole Seven Thousand Vampire Spawn In The Underdark situation. its from tavs perspective, and does the perspective of a mind flayer in a super interesting and fun way.
no shade to the people who love the emperor (i love it too! fantastic character makes me want to gnaw my arm off) but i do wish more people played around with illithid!tav outside of the context of emp/tav.. like idk i find the concept of a tav that freed orpheus and became an illithid to wield the netherstones really really interesting and graauaag!!h. i have plenty of thoughts on penny's story, her relationship with the emperor leading up to the climax of the story, and her post-ceremorphosis but writing is shrimply not my forte. we'll see if i end up doing more stuff with that
(& EHEHE i love oth. he's just a little guy they're just a little birthday boyyyy. i haven't finished his playthrough yet- still on the latter half of act 3 (and a little burnt out on act 3 rn since i just finished up pennybun's second playthrough. we'll finish oth at some point, though, i still have a final romance scene to get to with wyll.). i'm so glad for the fantastical multiverse mod making playing as a kobold possible- i'm a furry so any more options for animalistic-looking species is a win for me. and i love the idea of bhaal's chosen being a 3-foot tall lyre-playing lizard. they're also just very fun to watch in cutscenes and stuff when the cutscenes aren't breaking. also when they are breaking)
but yes thank you so much this message really made me smile :]
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cyborb · 2 years
I love the contrast between Archie's smooth lines and maxie's more jagged and ridged ones. I just like fish monster Archie in general. I love his weird anchor too. Dragging it around. Is there a super cool backstory to this ghost too? Maybe a fallen member of Aqua who died when kyorge awoke?
ehehe glad you like him! in my head i think of my archie as a bit more of a "whale monster" than a "fish monster" even though he has gills (think orca kyogre). and maxie gets to be one of those spiky desert lizards
on the topic of archie's dhelmise: it's not a pokemon he had originally before awakening kyogre. he tries not to think about its origin too much, because this dhelmise was once the anchor on the now-sunken aqua submarine...
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cardnompfs · 1 year
Although not sure what exactly you asking eheh, Do you wanna hear what i think of them or to do something with them?
So while I wait for your response I'll just let this green lizard here company them..! I'm sure it'll be fine-
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