#lmao wtf were you thinking rick
scribe-of-monsters · 11 months
Im rereading Magnus chase and. Loki mind controlling his kids ??? What the fuck is that. Absolute nonsense. Why can he do this. The explanation for it is literally just 'he can lol.' How, Rick?? How and why
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
This T pose cult needs to grow more, so we need to add Ace, Idia and Vil 🐈
Yo, what's with everyone liking to T-pose NRC? Lmao- Decided to add in Jamil cuz y e s
So let's get started with the headcanon! ^^
TWST S/o T-pose in front of them (5)
(oh my shit-)
Idia Shroud
You wanted to see his reaction.
Maybe he heard of this meme before??
You don't know-
And you were going to find out-
*que the Rick Roll music*
*You twirling to his room in T-pose*
*bust through the door*
"OH MY- S/o??? W-what are you doing??"
"Idia, I am T-posing to assert my dominance. And as the dominant one in this relationship, I demand cuddles. Now."
Blink once,
boom, Idia is now redder than Riddle's hair-
he's so embarrassed-
and super flustered-
Honestly speaking, you were the dominant one in the beginning-
"I- well- um- I-"
And now he's more flustered than ever.
So cute <3
Ace Trappola
Little shit-
He usually like to think he's the dominant one-
and he's not wrong sometimes-
But he's also a s w i t c h
The T
"Wtf, s/o? W-what are you doing?!"
He's flushed to one corner,
blushing a little cuz he still never got used to being near him-
this adorable idiot-
"Ace, I'm am T-posing to assert my dominance. And as the dominant one in this relationship, I demand cuddles. "No" is not an option."
He stared at you,
now more flustered than ever.
"I- you!-"
"I-I'm suppose to be!-"
It ended with him covering half his red face with one hand,
before he shyly whispered,
Vil Schoenheit
He was doing his beauty routine-
And you got bored-
just lying around on his bed doing nothing.
When is he gonna finished??
Where's my korean face mask???
then the most brilliant idea came to mind.
You smirked.
Walking up to Vil,
he turned around.
"What are you doing?"
"Vil, I am T-posing to assert my dominance. And as the dominant one in this relationship, I demand you stop your make up, just put on a face mask with me, and just hug. I will not take 'no'."
Vil just looked quite dumfounded,
and blinked once.
He sighed softly,
before he smiled,
patting your head, going to get the face masks.
"Well, you're lucky I was trying to find the lipstick and foundation. Alright, just wait. I'll get them."
S U C C E S S!
W H O O-
Jamil Viper
Like every Vice dorm leader,
Being vice dorm leader is tough
Especially when he's babysitting Kalim-
And now his work has increased tenfold-
dear sevens-
he's not paid enough-
-more like he's not even paid-
to do this shit-
And he's just so tired
really tired-
but he wouldn't admit it to you, no matter how obvious it is.
He doesn't want to burden you.
You will not tolerate this b u l l s h i t-
you took matters into your own hands.
You cornered him one day.
"S/o? What are you doing?"
"Jamil, I am T-posing to assert my dominance. And as the dominant one in this relationship, I demand you stop working and rest. I've already told Kalim, and he agrees, so no excuses. Rest. Now. I will not take 'no'."
Jamil.exe has stopped working.
He looked like he was processing what you were trying to say,
his face dusting a little pink over seeing how adorable you looked while doing a t-pose, though you were absolutely serious.
He was a little speechless, scratching the back of his neck, before he sighed.
UwU so cute-
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shimmershae · 3 years
So.  Thanks to my new anonymous friend, this is going to become a thing.
Shae’s thinky thoughts about the latest episode--Acheron:  Part 2--beneath a cut. 
Because spoilers, however vague they might be.  
Let’s be real here.  This is more a stream of consciousness than anything else so if that’s not your thing, you are most welcome to nope right on out of this post.  Trust me.  I’ll completely understand, lol.  Sometimes?  I wish I could nope right on out of my own brain and the way it operates.  
That said?  Without further ado--
Episode 2′s opening, though.  Maggie trapped with hungry Walkers converging?  It totally gives me Glenn under the dumpster vibes.  I don’t know if that was intentional or just happy coincidence but way to link Maggie to her dearly departed better half, show.  
Is it just me or has Father G had more OOMPH to him these last few seasons?  Again, I have to ask--Rosita’s influence or no?  Regardless, I bet Seth Gilliam is loving the job these days.  
Side note:  am I gonna have to go to bed early every Saturday night from now until the end just so I that I might be able to SEE?  Something?  Anything?  My curtains are flimsy-ass.  I admit it.  But this is more frustrating than TXF.  Angela, WTF?  
No, seriously.  It’s like complete guess work who’s in these subway scenes.  Some of that has to do with them being overly populated by redshirts and the rest of it has to do with me having to squint and turn sideways to make out their facial features. 
Look at Daryl busting through concrete walls!  Should I call him the Kool-Aid Man considering NR has once again allowed himself to be led right into a biased, shipper trap?  Hmm.  I might.  
Imagine seeking refuge in those dark, filthy subways.  Any second now I expect to hear the skittering of rats.  Will Dog lose his effing mind a la Divergence?  He’s been shown to go off half-cocked that way, lol.  Oh well.  Guess it’ll be in character if he does.  
Impressive graffiti storyboards.  Does it mean something that it immediately cuts to the Commonwealth storm troopers afterward?  Maybe.  Who really knows at this point?  They been trying to gaslight us forever.  
LOL at Princess yet again.  Yumiko is just like da fuq is this person?  
No, really.  LMAO.  “That was her.  From last night.  Did you see how she was looking at us?”  
Then you have Eugene, hahaha.  “Oh God.  Why did he tell off the big guy?”  Like the man is totally me in this type of situation.  Not even gonna lie.  
“That’s right.  We want to talk to the manager.”  
I literally cannot wait ‘til Carol and Daryl meet Princess.  Can.  Not.  Wait.  
How sad is that note on that $100 bill?  Small moment but it totally gives me Season 4 vibes when they were on their way to Terminus seeking sanctuary.  
Hmm.  Remember how that place wasn’t what they thought it was?  I’m sure neither is the Commonwealth.  But I feel like what’s left of Team Family is totally going to do Rick proud, lol, and prove they’re messing with the wrong people if they try something.  
Daryl, Man.  You gonna have to get a better handle on your headstrong Fur Son.  I wonder if Dog would listen better to his mama?  Things to ponder.  
Sounds like Miko has this group’s number.  Or does she?  
Princess and Eugene totally look like they’re waiting their turn for the Principal’s office, LOL.  
“Stop moving!  You’re taking my nerves over the edge to a proverbial 11 on a scale of 10.”  I feel you, Eugene.  I do.  Also you, Princess.  Two of the most relatable TWD characters right there, I’m telling you.  
Princess is me when I really, really, really have to pee.  TMI?  Sorry, lovelies.  LOL.  I just...she’s so relatable.  
LMAO.  “If that fine ass dude in the orange suit...”  Princess and Mercer incoming in 3-2-----
Princess’s excitement over the toilet paper=PRICELESS.  
Eugene, Man.  You desperately need to develop a poker face.  
There’s Daryl getting another cool camera shot.  Angela?  You playing favorites again?  
Carol’s claustrophobia could have never.  I bet that’s in the back of Pookie’s mind.  You can’t tell me it’s not because Carol lives in there rent-free.  
Ohhh.  Back to the subway car.  Looks like we got the Maggie redshirts leading the way.  First sacrificial “lambs”?  
Maggie pistol-whipping Negan was kinda deserved, but he wasn’t all wrong so.  
Damn.  I’m no Gage fan.  He can fuck all the way off for what he did to my baby Lydia.  But Maggie over there with ice in her veins.  
Yep.  I think the dude just got one of the most gruesome deaths in a while.  Yuck.  
I think Alden’s faith in Maggie definitely took several hits.  I feel like he kind of had her on some sort of pedestal dating back to Hilltop times.  Father G, though?  The man is continuing to show himself a SAVAGE MFer.  
Josh gives Eugene such believable tics and mannerisms.  He IS Eugene.  
Thank you, Maggie, for lighting that flare.  I could not see a damn thing.  
What are these bad memories Negan alludes to?  Hmm?  Him being a shit husband to Lucille back when he was still taking her for granted?  
Father G on Gage’s Walker--”All that is, is a shell of a man, who died a coward.”  Kind of ironic considering Father G’s own origins, huh?  Has he any warmth in there for anybody but Rosita and Coco?  Does he equate it with weakness?  
“There are worse ways.”  And Maggie proceeds to paint us a horror story with mere words.  
Dark Maggie really surpasses anything certain fans have ever accused Carol of being.  Is she too far gone?  Who the hell knows?  I think it’s clear that she and Carol are both on a sliding scale of sorts when it comes to being able to compartmentalize shit to survive.  Personally?  I feel like Maggie might have leap-frogged Carol in this episode but it matters none because of the double standards so deeply entrenched in this fandom.  Both women have endured and had to do some horrific things.  It’s not a contest.  But it’s probably going to be turned into a season-long one.  
It’s almost like Kang was like, “Ya’ll bitches think Carol’s dark?  I’ll show you DARK.  Check and mate.”  
Whatever the reasoning, Maggie just got exponentially more interesting to me if not likable.  And before anybody out there comes at me, it’s entirely possible to be on a character’s side in some things and not be all up their ass in love with them, lol.  Like I’m attached to her because she’s family and Glenn loved her.  There’s a loyalty there and she absolutely is justified in her hatred of Negan.  But I’m not going to pretend her shit don’t stink like everybody else’s.  
Speaking of my baby Glenn.  What would he think of this version of Maggie?  I think he would be gutted and heart stricken that events led to her being like this but he’d understand because he’s pure like that.  Don’t mean he’d be A-OK with it all.  
Dog must be protected at all costs.  
Confession.  I know not the fuck who Pony Boy is, but I know him because all my fandom friends have pointed him out to me, lol.  RIP, Man.  I think you’re number’s up or close to it.  
Okay, though.  I admit it.  I am kinda LOVING Badass Father G.  
That scene in the subway car with all of them working to take all the Walkers out was already badass.  Then Daryl arrived and made it, in @freefromthecocoon’s words, HAWT.  LOL.  
Eugene staring at that little black book like it contains torture tools, hehehe.  
“Processed?  As in administratively?  Processed as in bologna or other meat stuffs?  This inquiring (enquiring?) mind needs to know.”  OMG, Eugene.  I admit it.  Even if it makes me look like a lunatic, LOL.  I straight up LMAO at that one.  I mean, ten years later and Terminus still fresh on the man’s mind.  
“You like feeling nervous?”  Well, no.  None of us that do, Mercer?  Do.  
Then he proceeds to make me howl with his “You can’t lie for shit” to Eugene.  
Josh McDermitt?  I love you, Man.  40 year old virgin, LOL.  
All this talk over the seasons of Daryl’s virginity and we have Eugene, hahaha.  But was he telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?  
Finally.  Some daylight.  Where I can see.  
Eugene’s relief at seeing his friends safe and sound was such a beautiful thing to see.  I loved those hugs.  
Mercer’s face when he snarled “beat cop” in disdain to Ezekiel.  I think I’m gonna love this dude.  
“I went to West Point.  Asshole.”  Yeah.  I am.  
I know they probably catfishing Eugene right here because spoilers tell us that ain’t Stephanie.  But my heart still did a little d’aww.  Angela.  Don’t play with his poor heart like that.  
What’s got Daryl so pensive, huh?  Is it that the note reminds him of kids being lost or taken from their family? Or separated from their family?  Is he thinking of those Grimes babies and wondering if Michonne will ever make it back and why and how she was able to leave them behind?  Tell me it ain’t that Find Me nonsense.  
“This place sure has gone to shit since the last time I was here.”  LMAO, JDM.  I mean Negan.  Sorry.  Sorry.  I still hate Negan, but JDM has me entertained at least since they gave the asshole some shades of gray.  And speaking of shades of gray.  I’m loving the gray beard.  JDM’s looking GOOD (hear that NR?  Embrace the gray).  Negan can still kick rocks, lol.  
Anyway.  That scene was CREEPY AF.  Not even gonna lie.  
The Reapers strutting right on up to our group like it’s The Purge:  ZA.  
My bad, Pony Boy. Now RIP.  
Dark, dark episode with loads of tension broken up by some welcome humor by Princess.  The girl is fast becoming a fave of mine.  
My baby’s back next week!!!
I’m just going to plug my ears and pretend they’re trying to capture/recapture the horses because they’re pets.  Not because they’re starving so bad they feel the need to eat them.  La la la la la.  I can’t hear you.  
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sarohara · 3 years
You both like friends.
You: heyo
Stranger: hey
You: wanna hear a really cool song?
Stranger: sure
You: hold up
You: name or link?
Stranger: name
You: okay
You: young the giant mind over matter
Stranger: okay hold up
You: take your time
Stranger: Damm he is getting into it
You: Yea right? ahah
Stranger: Yeah lmao
Stranger: lmk im prolly gonna regret this but let me use my best pick up line on you😂
Stranger: lmao
You: Go ahead 😂
Stranger: nah nvm I'm bouta say some dumb shit
You: I don't mind 😂
Stranger: wtf nah that shit is cheesy asf
Stranger: like cheesy cheesy
You: Cmon
You: I mean, it's up to u
Stranger: fuck im really gonna regret this alot
Stranger: okay okay game face on
You: 😂
You: you don't even know me, why would u regret it? ahahah
Stranger: Damm you remind me of the 20 letters of the alphabet
Stranger: bc it me I regret alot of things and now I'm regretting this shit rn
Stranger: fuck why do I gotta be so dumb
You: 20 letters of the alphabet? why?😂
Stranger: oh shit I'm dumb there's 26 letters how can I forget about u,r,a,q,t
Stranger: See that shit is cheesy
You: I was gonna ask "what about the other 6?"
Stranger: Lmao found the other 6
Stranger: wait there is 27 u can get the d later😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Stranger: okay imma prolly go kill myself now
You: that's it? 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: I'm so so sorry u have to hear my dumbass
You: You're freaking hilarious
Stranger: I hate my self now
Stranger: I'm so cheesy wtf
You: Stooop
Stranger: I'm never listening to tik tok ever again😂😭
You: I'm dying
Stranger: Okay no what I'm boerd and that app is okay
Stranger: and no o don't post i just scroll through
Stranger: i
You: Yea dw, I do the same😂
Stranger: Lmao im still so sorry u had to hear that
Stranger: Yo boi is running on like 2 brain cells rn
You: hey, shut up, it was cool 😂 I mean, you're funny
You: ahahahahahhaha
Stranger: funny who tf is funny everyone keeps on talking about funny but I still don't know who that mf is
Stranger: I wanna meet that dude he is obviously famous
Stranger: or her I don't really know yet
You: Who's obviously famous?
Stranger: that guy named funny
You: and well, it's funny just because it's not funny
Stranger: yk its funny bc im dumb
Stranger: told you those 2 brain cells are kicking in
You: well, at least that made me laugh so..
Stranger: Fuck yeahhhhhhh
Stranger: look mom i did something finally
Stranger: oh wait she is gone
You: Would she be proud?
You: ooooh
Stranger: She went to the grocery store 2 hours ago
Stranger: so we will find out when she gets back
Stranger: she will prolly still hate me but yk what thays cool
Stranger: thats
You: what mother doesn't hate her kid, right?
You: you're not alone trust me ahahaha
Stranger: Haha facts tho
You: what's ur name btw? lmao
Stranger: yk she told me that I was a mistake and yk what I'm not I won that race me I won
Stranger: all those other kids aren't here are they they are the mistakes
You: Wait, seriously?
You: I was kidding but maybe i was a mistake as well
Stranger: yes I won something and ik thats hard to belive but I did I did not get a trophy when I should have
You: ahahahhahahahahahah You won that race, you did it!
Stranger: wait they did give me trophy
You: I don't think so
Stranger: ur my trophy so I can finally show my trophy off okay that was bad I promise that was the last one
Stranger: Omg I'm going to hell
Stranger: why do I think of this shit
You: I wasn't expecting but 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: that sounded so much better in my head then I typed it out I was like wtf are you doing like are you fr fr bouta send that
You: You're fine 😂😂
Stranger: Okay I give you promise to shoot me if you would like
Stranger: I get i totally get it
Stranger: promision holly fuck my phone won't let me type
Stranger: Your like wtf he is dumb he obviously did not pass the second grade
Stranger: well jokes on you I am in the second grade
You: I'm dying actually, you're stupidly funny😂😂😂😂
You: Are u always like that?
Stranger: sadly yes do I want to be no
Stranger: God was like lets make this kid dumb asf and say cheesy things to ppl
Stranger: and I'm good at it
You: at least you're good at something, isn't awesome?😂😂😂
Stranger: obviously did you not read my pickup line like bro master piece
You: you know, you seem like that kinda person who gets embarrassed easily 😂
Stranger: Like God told me to use that pickup line on everyone so i did the only person that did not seem to care or even talk to me was the light poll outside my house
Stranger: Idk imma get it to talk to me one day
You: the light poll outside your house 😂
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: I've been trying for years can't seem to crack it yet
Stranger: I'm telling u one day its going to talk to me
You: I don't think u should do this but if u need me i'm down😂
Stranger: for what
Stranger: I should not do what
Stranger: oh shit
You: hey hey hey liste
You: listen*
Stranger: Okay im listening
Stranger: all I hear is music omg are u connect to my speaker
Stranger: Connected
You: ok so my family's calling me to lunch...i really gotta go, but can u keep in touch?
Stranger: yes
You: yes?
Stranger: yes
You: yes!
You: what do u have?
You: idk even ur name
You: i'm sarah by the way
Stranger: Um Noah and snapchat insta Facebook venmo
Stranger: PayPal
Stranger: uber eats
Stranger: Yeah
You: ahahahhahaahahah
Stranger: I can text you on any of those
You: oh uber eats? really? i didn't now that
Stranger: yeah im ceo so I get all the secret stuff
You: ooooh you're ceo damn
You: anyway 😂
You: I do have insta & snap so..
Stranger: yeah did you know u can order food on there
Stranger: Lets do snapchat
You: yeah ofc i know that
You: ahahahhahaha
Stranger: oh you did
You: okay so it's scarval
You: ooops
You: scarvalhando
You: ***
Stranger: Boom added off uber eats
You: can we order food someday?
You: it would be awesome
Stranger: yes
You: okay noah
You: what's ur insta btw? i could follow u there as well
Stranger: I forgot I told u my name i was like omg I told a hacker my cheesy pick up line
Stranger: I'm fucked
You: 😂😂😂😂😂
You: Yeah omg i'm a hacker
You: I wish i were tho
Stranger: Oh shit please don't go through my history unless u want to see alot of cars like alot alot of cars
Stranger: And when u scroll down far enough you will see how to talk to a light poll
You: obsession with cars?😂😂
You: ooooh yeah okay
You: it seems nice, i mean, talking to a light poll, isn't?
Stranger: um a little😅
Stranger: idk it has not talked back yet
Stranger: I think its shy
You: oof that hurts 😂
You: okay okay okay
Stranger: I don't know find out on next weeks episode of dose it talk
You: 😂😂😂😂😂
Stranger: featuring little turtule and big fish rick
You: I'm gonna watch this
You: 😂
You: see ya on snap then?
Stranger: its gonna be lit and okay
You: i gotta gotta gotta gotta go
Stranger: by Sarah thank you for letting me use my cheesy pick up line on you
Stranger: bye
You: Anytime!!! 😂
Stranger: and u will hear more from my dumbass
Stranger: oh and ill lyk what my mom thinks
You: I hope 😂
You: okay i'll be waiting
You: Cya
Stranger: Okay byeeee
You: byeee
You: skip
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
How do you feel about full length beards? I’m not into a lot of facial hair. I like some scruff, but that’s it. Have you ever been to a circus? Yeah, once. I was naive and didn’t know about the abuse that went on at the time. Do you know anyone who’s gone to a Fat Camp? No. Do you use Facebook IM everyday? No. I don’t even remember the last time I used it. How many surveys have you done already today? This is my first.
What’s the WORST show on Adult Swim? I don’t care for the Adult Swim shows. Family Guy and American Dad is okay, but after that it gets too stupid and weird for me. Sorry. Like once I saw this show, Mr. Pickles, and uh... wtf. The episode I saw was very disturbing. I don’t get the appeal of Rick and Morty at all. And why the hell is Mike Tyson Mysteries a thing? That’s just to name a few. I see previews of other shows and I just... wow. Do you have any relatives that have shunned you, or vice versa? No. Has anyone ever posted a HORRIBLE picture of you for everyone to see? Not maliciously or because they thought it was horrible and wanted to embarrass me, but yeah. My mom has posted photos where she didn’t see anything wrong and she thinks I looked fine, but I was like EW NO take that down it’s hideous. I reallyyyy don’t like photos of me taken by someone else. I have to take my own photos if I’m going to take one at all because I know the angles and lighting and can add a filter. Plus, I can take a ton before finally settling on one. If someone else takes the photo and they want to post it, I have to approve. Which grade in school was the most fun for you? I enjoyed elementary and middle school. High school had its ups and downs, but there were parts I liked. I liked the last 2 years the best. Which would you rather have, a new puppy or kitten? I wouldn’t want another pet right now to be honest. We have our doggo and one suits our family best right now. Does drama seem to follow you everywhere you go? No, thankfully. I have other issues I struggle with, but not drama. Do you ever just want to go away to a new place where no one knows you? I don’t live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I was never Miss Popularity, so apart from family and a few other people, not a lot of people know me. However, I do want move away to a new place. My family and I have wanted to for a long time, we just haven’t been able to. A change of environment and scenery would be really nice. You’re ordering a pizza, you can have any kind of toppings, what are they? I’m a simple gal, I just like white sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, garlic, spinach, and crumbled meatballs with pesto drizzled on top. Do you hit ‘quiet’ or ‘ignore’ on your cell? Which one usually? Nah. If my phone rings and I don’t want to answer it, I just let it ring. Do you ever regret giving your number to people? I have before with some people. Have you ever been told that you’re afraid of your own shadow? Haha yeah. Have you ever tried Gouda cheese? Nope. Does/did your high school have pop machines? No. They decided to remove them the year I entered high school, which I was mad about. Do you use a public computer, or do you have your own? I have my own laptop. Do you ever find it odd how you type LOL when you’re not really laughing? >> No, because I understand that its function has moved far beyond representing actual laughing-out-loud. <<< Yeah. I remember discussing that in a class once. Have you ever gambled? A couple times. Not my thing. Although, what really made my experience unenjoyable wasn’t so much the gambling, it was that the casinos I’ve been to allow smoking and I don’t do well with cigarette smoke. At all. It gives me a killer headache, makes my heart rate go up, and makes me feel dizzy and sick. It’s awful. The smell in the casinos was too overbearing for me, so I spent very little time inside. Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? No. If you could work at any retail store, which one would it be? I really don’t want to work retail. And that’s not shade toward retail workers AT ALL. I salute you, honestly. You deal with a lot of shit. What’s the shortest you would ever cut your hair? I had a “bob” for a few years. Do you listen to any deathcore? No. Do you subscribe to any teen magazines? Which ones? No. I’m also 30 years old. Do you know someone who never smiles? Never? No. Has anyone ever made you feel uncomfortable at work? I’ve never had a job. Do you still watch South Park? I never did. I mean, I’ve seen bits here and there before because my brother used to watch it, but I was never into it myself. Tell me one movie you’ve seen recently that sucked: My mom, brother, and I recently watched this movie on Netflix called, The Platform. It had potential and was interesting at first, but the ending was just... no. It seemed abrupt and I was just really confused. Have you ever carved something into a dinner booth somewhere? No. When’s the last time you were carded at a bar? When I last went to the bar, which was almost 10 years ago. Do you smoke little cigars? Have you ever tried them? Nooo. You’re babysitting, what do you expect per hour for pay? Pfft, no I’m not babysitting. What’s the last thing you returned at a store? I very rarely return things so I have no idea. It’s been a long time. What’s the name of the last cat you pet? I don’t even recall the last time I petted a cat. Do you still look at clouds and make shapes of them? I haven’t in a long time. If you had to dye your hair for one year, what color would you pick? I already do, I dye it red. Who’s got your heart? Me. What’s your television addiction? I have several shows that I’m into. Have you ever stringed green beans before? No. What do you do to make yourself more relaxed when you’re nervous? It’s hard to calm myself when I’m anxious, but I try to distract by talking to someone, listening to ASMR, watching TV or something on YouTube, or reading.  Do you cook? If so, what’s the last thing you made? The only thing I cook is ramen. Oh wait actually I made a grilled cheese sandwich the other day. ha.  Have you ever had any painful dental work done? If so, what? Yeah, a few things. How do you usually spend your Saturdays? I spend all my days and nights the same, really. Do you make your own jewelry or clothing? Last year I briefly got into making beaded bracelets. I made a few. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re bored? I do the same things everyday whether I’m bored or not: spend time on my social medias, watch YouTube, read, watch TV, scroll through Tumblr, do surveys, just lie there.... ha. Somedays just feel like they’re dragging and going by extra slow and the things I listed above that I like doing just don’t cut it so I just lie there mindlessly watching TV or go to sleep. Do you use drawing to describe what you’re feeling? No. Do you like the smell of new school supplies? As a kid I did. Like getting a new box of crayons. Do you give everything you do 100%? No. I certainly haven’t with life... Do you shop at any independent music stores? No. I don’t shop at any music stores. How do you feel about mainstream music? I like a lot of it.
What song lyrics describe your mood at the moment? *shrug* Do you have healthy eating habits? No. My eating habits are messed up. I have issues with appetite and other issues.
If you could transform into any kind of animal, what animal would you be? A dog. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about? I do the knock on wood thing, but it’s just out of habit, really. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? There’s so many places I’d like to visit. What food disgusts you the most? I don’t do seafood at all. What is your favorite thing to cook? Ramen. One place you would never want to get lost in in the dark? I wouldn’t want to get lost anywhere in the dark. :O Are you claustrophobic? Yes. What is your worst flaw? Oh where to start. One thing that always creeps you out? ALL bugs. What is your biggest fear? Losing loved ones, death, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life and just wasting away... If you could be reincarnated, would you come back as another human or an animal? If an animal, what kind? I don’t believe in reincarnation. Ideal way you’d like to die? Obviously painlessly, but jeez. If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick? I like living with my family. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? Uh, a lot of things. Your favorite kind of dog? I love doggos, but I definitely have a special thing for Labs and German Shepherds. Do you have any scars? If so, how many? I have a lot of scars. I’m not going to count them. What is your favorite scary movie to watch in the dark? I don’t watch them in the dark. Unless I’m at the theater, obviously. I love scary movies, though. Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die? Cremated. What is your favorite thing to drink? Alcoholic and non alcoholic? Coffee and Starbucks Doubleshot energy drinks. That’s also coffee, but you know what I mean. I don’t have a favorite alcoholic drink, I don’t drink. What is your favorite food around the holidays? I love either ham or turkey depending on the holiday and mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, and rolls. Easiest way to scare you? I’m such a jumpy, easily scarable (it’s a word, shh) person so you could really just say hi and I’ll jump. haha. Like my back faces my bedroom door and if I don’t hear anyone coming in or they just poke their head in to say something I’ll jump. lmao. Tell me one of your biggest secrets? Nah. What was your last nightmare about? It’s been awhile since I’ve had one, thankfully.
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calm-me-down-oh · 4 years
How about all the questions ;)
skdsjf ofc u would get me back for that, under a readmore bc theres a lot!
When was the last time you masturbated? Yesterday! Had a.. very hot convo w my gf
Do you enjoy being fingered/fingering? Uhh the only time Ive had it done to me the person had to stop bc they got uncomfy with it and it was overall just a bit odd,, wait it happened a second time and their nails were too sharp also sdkfhsdh I feel like I could get to like it though? If its like, actually properly done rather than my current experiences sdhfk
How do you feel about food during sex? nno thanks mostly? I guess it can kinda depend on the food though idk, like if my gf suggested somethin I might not mind trying it out depending on what it was yknow
What do you do directly after sex? um.. well afaik just kinda lay/sit in a daze for a moment, mayb have some water, get real clingy, kind of have to be nudged into doing stuff bc i guess my brain just stops working skjdfkj
Cuddle with the tip in? Hell yeah. cuddle with it all in. sounds good.
What’s the nastiest sexual thing you’ve done? I don’t think I’ve really done anything nasty sdjkfsj all the sex ive had has been quite brief and vanilla idk
Name a follower you would fuck. @you-better-make-me!
Name a follower you have fucked. None..
What’s the sexiest part of your body? Idk man I guess my thighs are ok people seem to like them anyway
FuckMarryKill: DJ Khalid, Rick Ross, Fat Joe Am i supposed to know who these people are
Would you ever be with a trans person? i think the real question is would i ever be with a cis person (yes i would be with a trans person i am with 2 trans people and i am trans and i havent dated anyone cis since i was like 15)
Riding dick or doggy style? yes
Ever fucked in a school? Nope
Most random place you’ve had sex? havent really had sex in a random place lmao just beds
Would you ever be part of the mile high club? maybe..? thats having sex on a plane right. idk. maybe
Name three of your spots. what does this mean fkjd
Fuck on the first date? Depends
Do you suck dick? I’m sure gonna try!
Do you eat ass? Idk maybe not skdfjhsjk
Do you eat pussy? Haven’t yet, nearly did, got too nervous sdkjfh
Do you like kissing? So much!!
Is farting during sex sexy? I.. I mean its not sexy but like im also not gonna have a negative reaction. unless its me. that is something im admittedly very nervous about fkjd
Ever fucked in the shower? Nope
How old were you when you lost your virginity? Uh............ good question. 19 or 20 i forget if it was before my birthday but within the last year. unless you only count penetrative sex, then I haven’t yet
Do you prefer sex in the morning, afternoon, or night? Y..yes? I suppose afternoon/night is usually a better time, morning is jsut sleepy and trying to remember how to exist hours
Do you like drunk sex? Haven’t had it but I do get horny when I drink, wouldn’t be against trying it with someone I trust
Do you like high sex?  Again never had it! And I haven’t really been high either so Idk
FuckMarryKill: Nicki Minaj; Cardi B; Kash Doll N..none for any
When was your first kiss? I was like 13 I think
How did you meet the person you lost your virginity to? College
Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope. Wait maybe. Kind of. Idk when I was younger I was with this guy who would try get me to touch myself n I hadn’t figured out how to make it feel good so I’d just lie and say I was when i wasnt bc i didnt wanna do it so maybe at some point i said i came when i hadnt sdfhks
Ever painted/been painted on? Yeah but not in like a horny way, my ex would paint on my hand as kinda their way of flirting with me
You like sex toys? Sure
What’s your favorite sex position? Personally think missionary is underrated bc that closeness and being able to cling just sounds v good but also getting fucked from behind face down ass up also sounds,, v good lately
Sex on a bed, couch, or floor? beddd, maybe couch, floor just seems uncomfortable
Do you like car sex? Never had it, just seems a bit awkward but I guess I’d be open to trying it
You get instantly horny; what happened? My neck got bit!
FuckMarryKill: Trey Songz, Chris Brown, August Alsina. Kill chris brown. idk who the others are
Describe your crush. Don’t have one!
Woukd you ever be with someone with an incurable STD? Uh... Idk? I mean, theres preventative measures for basically all std’s right? So as long as those are taken so i dont also get it I guess it’d be ok
Rate your head game. No clue dkfhdsj
Rate your sex. Awkward!
Would you fuck someone outside of your race? ?? yes. what kind of question is this
Describe the type of freak you are. idk what this means but what first came to mind was ‘pet’ so take that as u will
Ever tasted your own nut/cum? Sure
Into golden showers? Nope
Body count: Under or Over 25? Wayyy under
How do you feel about nipple play? Uh depends! Not into being harsh like clamps etc just seems like itd hurt n not in a good way, but playing w/ them w ur hands and sucking on them. very good
Where do you like to be nutted on? chest/stomach seems good
Which are you better at: topping or bottoming? bottoming
What do you consider “too small?” Idk man dick is dick idc
Is play fighting foreplay? It sure can be!
Do you like angry sex? In concept maybe, in reality itd just kinda scare me
How long should a quickie be? Idk.. quick
How long is “too long” to have sex? Idk sex ends whenever one of u wants to stop, don’t think u can go too long if ur both comfortable with it
How long is “too long” to go without sex? Listen i.. am not the person to be asking this I’ve had sex maybe 3 times spread out over almost a year. i have never regularly had sex
Is “no” relevant in a relationship? Incredibly relevant!! Always!! Unless you’ve discussed beforehand that its ok to ignore it and have a safeword in place instead!! and then that safeword is not to be ignored!!
Do you believe in no-strings-attached sex? Sure but idk if i could do it
Would you have sex in a public bathroom? mmmaybe....
Would you have sex in a changing room? mmmmmmmmaybe
Who was the last person you had sex with? My ex
Describe your type. Idk I have the weirdest type i think they have like nothing in common then theyll all turn around and be into the same stuff or something its v strange
Name 3 turn-ons. Biting, just making out sometimes tbh, skin contact in places usually covered by clothes or under clothes..
Name 3 turn-offs. Umm. i definitely have turn offs but whenever im asked my mind goes blank. I guess being overly rough, hair pulling im undecided on tbh, and oh i usually dont like having my ass smacked but idk if itd change if it were like.. in the middle of sex
Name something that would make you stop in the middle of sex. Bad pain or panicking or it seems like the other person is uncomfortable. or someones knocking on the door for some reason sdkfjs
Would you answer a phone call during sex? no omg
Would you ever pay for sex? Nah.
Would you accept money for sex? Uh. Maybe? Wouldnt ask for it tho
How do you typically feel after sex? Mostly affectionate and good, but w the last person i was with sometimes it seemed like they just wanted it over and done with so i would get kinda nervous and guilty over that,, idk
Do you like your body? Nah
Ever sent nudes? Yep
Have you ever cheated on someone? Yeah he was abusive
Have you ever been cheated on? Idk, maybe, wait i think the guy i cheated on tried saying he cheated on me too but idk if he was just trying to get back at me so
Would you have a threesome? If I trust the people sure
Would you have a foursome? Same as above
Would you take part in an orgy? Uhh idk maybe, same as above applies tho
Would you let’s train be ran on you? Again if I trust the people yeah sure
How often do you masturbate? Idk it really depends sometimes im really horny and its like daily maybe more than once a day and then sometimes i just dont for like. a while
Sex with the lights on or off? on.. how are u meant to see what ur doing otherwise sdjkhfs
Sex with music or tv in the background? Sure, idc really. Though i have a thing if its like.. kids stuff.........dont do that..........
Do you have a cousin you’d fuck if you weren’t related? wtf no
In your last relationships, rate the sex? Uhh... good? I mean, good at the time, though like i said sometimes felt a bit rushed, and that now makes sense and i have very mixed feelings on it but mostly guilt bc the person i was with has since said they werent really into it. so.
Do you sleep naked? Nah I at least have underwear on
How often do you go commando? Never
Are your nipples pierced? If not, would you get them pierced? Nope
Do you dive right into sex, or converse first? Uh, depends? Talking about it beforehand or even during can be good though. But i guess it doesnt have to be Right before it, it can be a bit in advance
After taking your clothes off, what’s the first move? Kiss.. touch,, etc,,
Do you make the first move? Um. w my ex i kinda had to bc as i said, i later found out they werent really into it. other than that i generally dont tho bc im very nervous abt all that, kinda especially after that discovery hdfbghf
Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a day? Nope
Do you like dryhumping ? Sure
Can you twerk or do a split on a dick? Probably not
Have you ever been recorded during sex? No but I’ve had a dream abt being recorded sucking someones dick it was weird
Do you watch porn during sex? W. who does that. how can u focus on that. why would u watch sex when ur having sex skdjfhsjdk
After fucking, do you try becoming friends with a one night stand? Never had a one night stand
What’s your kink? Praise! Marking! Collars!
Would you hook up with the same hook-up again? I don’t think i could have a hook up tbh so no
Ever made a relationship from a one night stand? nope
How romantic are you during sex? uh.. idk havent rly had chance to try being romantic during sex but soft sex sounds v good imo
Describe your sex in 5 words or less. in my experience so far? nervous and kinda awkward
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thebatbaes · 6 years
... I’m just gonna say this.
Don’t fall for DC’s drama-baiting strategy.
Don’t panic when they say they’re going to do stupid shit because their cheap controversies have proven waaay too many times to be the comic world’s equivalent of a bad youtuber’s clickbait.
Batcat wedding?
Rhato #25 and that shitty Batman... ?
...2 issues later: haha jk they’re good *bad MTV music playing in the background: *
Tumblr media
This “strategy” of theirs isn’t new either. How many times have they done stupid shit only to fix it a couple of issues later? and I get it, they need to sell, but they’ve done this so often in their Rebirth titles that I honestly can’t bring myself to care anymore. Good plots don’t need cheap controversies with quick fixes imo, and that’s why I think Rebirth sucks.
Something bad happened? Stay calm, give it some time, go back and read your favourite stories and titles... it'll probably be okay
Please don’t feel the need to spend money and time in something that you think isn’t worth it. (And remember: you can always be like me and just laugh at their poor decision making, make memes out of it and hope that one day you’ll be able to re-read these bad stories while cringing because whaT WERE YOU THINKING DC, WTF, WHY. *hugs mulletwing*)
P.S: Rick Grayson my ass
P.S 2: Yes I’m still a DC stan but I can recognize their many flaws. And I’d still fight anyone who tries to come for DC’s characters sjhbbfsdkjhb
P.S 3: villianizing Damian got old a long time ago DC. Pls sTOP.
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macdentrash · 6 years
what do you think will happen with macdennis this season?👀
WARNING: I went off on this I’m sorry, I’m just a passionate macdennis stan trying to make a living in this cold cold world
I honestly don’t know and it’s got me all stressed lmao but I can give u my absolute best hot take👀*warning I’m about to go off* so let’s start at the beginning of s13 to look at the dynamic™… so we’ve obviously got Mac sad with Dennis gone, Dennis left a number for a mental health clinic and Mac’s gotten as he says “super ripped” which probably has something to do with his body issues (esp in relation to Dennis and his masculinity). Anyways we obviously have MAC getting a fucking sex doll of Dennis and when Dee asks him if it’s Dennis he’s just like “Yeah? Of course” like who else would it be? But even MORE interesting is the fact that Cindy tells Mac she wanted him to start dating to fill the void losing Dennis left in his life… like at this point it’s just obvious that Mac is DEEPLY in love with Dennis and that just keeps us wondering if Dennis reciprocates. In the strip club scene during ep 1, Mac just seems mad at Dennis (”Dennis is a bastard man!”) and encourages the gang to try to move on (this is important to my theory so hold onto that my dudes) which means that Mac has the potential to get over Dennis eventually if he gets to that point of frustration... but either way when Dennis comes back Mac is still all like :’) all smiley and happy, and Dennis is looking at Mac like That™ and immediately makes a comment on Mac’s appearance. So after the first episode it’s still like... what’s the fuckin VIBE RCG hmm? Because I didn’t know what was gonna happen after that first episode but hopeful because even those few seconds they were interacting were so...gay... like wtf and then they come for MY SCALP in MY HOUSE by BLASTING the BOYS ARE  BACK IN TOWN? 
Lmao...anyways after the fucking chaotic nut bust that was s13 ep1 I was really keeping an eye on episode 2 for the Macdennis vibe of the season because ya girl did NOT know what to expect. And what do they do? HMM? They let Megan Ganz clear my skin and feed my crops by giving us the fuckin Sherlock based Macdennis au we never really asked for but desperately needed (mostly because of the fuckin pipes they have later cuz that shit is so funny to me)... anyways episode two was gay, we know this. Like? They kept looking at each other like That, the fuckin HEART LOCK (there was absolutely no reason that it needed to be heart shaped, RCG explain), fuckin “let’s keep this between us”, “the game is afoot”. Woo hoo anyways, they were just acting like they used to and it was nice okay? Also the Denny’s t-shirt and Dennis looking at Mac all love sick at the end when they go see Dee... 
So after episode 2 I’m like okay GAY, it’s gay folks! That’s the vibe! And I was so ready for Time’s Up because at that point all we’d really seen was Dennis with the UGLY up on the projector and them sitting next to each other like That. So originally I thot that it was just gonna be like a low-key Macdennis ep and I so ready for that and just seeing the gang all together... and then Megan Ganz came for us all and TIMES UPPED the gang and we were all so shook. Megan Ganz giveth and Megan Ganz taketh away as they say. I know this episode is NOT about shipping but this post is and so I’m gonna analyze, don’t come for me. So Dennis obviously told Mac to “stop kissing him” (which is different from saying “stop TRYING to kiss me” but anyway) and that it “was never gonna happen”. Mac looked hurt but seemed to be ok, he still called Dennis out on that fucking picture (”what year was that taken?!”) and was still joking around at the end. So i was obviously fuckin SHOOK by this whole thing and was really excited to see what happened in New Wheels because I felt like their dynamic could go in any direction @ that point.
Wow this is long but I’m already this far so :) let’s keep it rollin (get it? like WHEELS? I’m here all week folks). So at the beginning of New Wheels Dennis is obviously trying to get the gang to talk to him about going to ND and nobody really seems interested. What I thought was interesting was the camera angle, for the majority of the time Dennis is talking the camera only shows Mac and Dennis in the frame, it almost looks like they could be alone? Which is not a mistake, there has to be some reason they edited it that way. But more importantly Dennis is saying like “I appreciate you respecting my privacy by dancing around the subject” etc and he keeps looking at Mac. Also when Dennis says “you guys want to ask about my family” Mac’s just like “I don’t” which is what Dennis deserves tbh. Anyways Mac kind of seems to be keeping his distance from Dennis in this episode which is interesting after the events of Times Up, maybe Mac’s just listening to what Dennis wants, he’s backing off maybe? I don’t know but when they’re in the car dealership Mac and Charlie leave in the middle of a conversation with Dennis to go look for bikes and Dennis looks a little confused (again it’s what he deserves). Later, when Charlie asks Mac why he doesn’t do better, as in find someone to date, Mac just says “it’s hard out there”. I want to focus on this because um? Mac’s fuckin built and looks like a fuckin walking ray of sunshine so I don’t think it’d be that difficult for him to find someone, just saying. Is it hard out there for him because he’s in love with Dennis? Yeah, probably. Mmmm moving on, Mac and Dennis aren’t together again until the end of the episode and Dennis is all happy and singing Rick Astley, he still gave make a Look through the mirror and all seemed to end well.
WOW so based on all this evidence I’ve brought to you in this Paddy’s Pub tonight, this folks is my theory:
Mac and Dennis will be ok and probably acting like good friends™ in The Gang solves the bathroom problem. Probably no major developments but most likely some pure macdennis content. I think things will get more intense in the Superbowl episode. And I know what you’re going to say: “But Kaitlin... it’s a flash back episode so Dennis probably won’t be in it” and to that I reply that with Charlie gone they will be down to 3 members of the gang so I feel like Dennis is going to pop up at some point. He probably won’t be there in the beginning but maybe half way through? Idk. I love the idea that Mac and Dennis get caught on the kiss cam and they just do it cuz fuck it but Dennis is way too into it for it to just be like a “haha i kissed my gay friend on tv lol” kind of moment so he freaks out (which could go back to Times up and Dennis saying “stop kissing me” etc). 
Now! For Mac Finds His Pride I have some BIG IDEAS folks. So Frank is going to try to get Mac a man and Mac might be hesitant at first but warm up to the idea. How I picture it going down in my mind’s eye (yes, my 3rd eye is open) is: Mac is at the bar flirting with a good looking guy and they’re talking/laughing, standing really close and leaning in to each other (sound familiar?). Dennis is having fun at the party they’re having in the bar for pride (boys are out tonight huh?) until he turns around and freezes when he sees Mac and this dude. His face just goes stone cold and he is the embodiment of a jealous gay (think of the gang misses the boat and all of his mascara Dennis glory). The guy leans closer in to Mac and looks like he might kiss him, now Dennis can’t let that happen can he? So he goes over to the bar and just goes “hey Mac!”, Mac spins around and Dennis does some gay shit right then and there either kissing him (I think I would have a heart attack if that actually happened though) or giving him some “I HAVE BIG FEELINGS” type speech. Either way BOOM Macdennis is canon. This is how they leave it for the season and we’re all forever shook to the core.
Now, I know that it becoming canon wouldn’t fix their toxicity and problems but that’s for season 14 me to analyze (we’ll hope anyways!).
*DISCLAIMER: if you got this far, I love you and we can all get through this trying time together*
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shaolinbynature · 6 years
i think it's really sad how you guys can't let a ship prosper without tearing it down the moment it begins. we have to fight for representation all the time and when we finally get healthy black love on tv, people want to tear the black girl down in favor of a white girl. you guys do this in every fandom where a black woman begins developing a love interest and it's really transparent. just say you want black women to be alone and go
Lmao I hope you don’t think I’m a Caucasian™ because I can assure you, love, my brown skin says that I am not. But let me tell you one thing, you are preaching to one of your own because I have been in those exact fandoms you’re most likely implying. I know how the game is. From cancelled shows like Sleepy Hollow to thriving shows like The Walking Dead, I know all about how fans will willfully ignore the connection between a black female character and their love interest (who usually is white) just because it doesn’t fit their “ideal pairing”. Especially being in the Richonne fandom, I’ve thrown haymakers at those who try to say Michonne isn’t fit for Rick, they should only be platonic, it’s forced and so on. But there is a huge difference between a pairing like Michonne one like J*ggie. And I’m gonna split this nice and quick so neither of our time is wasted.
Note: I am putting an asterisk in J*ggie’s name not to be disrespectful but so this won’t show up in the J*ggie tag and make shippers upset.
Point one: Chemistry
In Sleepy Hollow, Abbie and Ichabod had wild chemistry together. In TWD, Richonne have unreal chemistry together, to the point their movements are literally in-sync with one another. Because of this, fans naturally gravitate to their pairing and want their relationship to be explored. Maggie has been on the show since season 10 which means her and Jackson heave been in the same hospital for almost five years. And in those five years, J*ggie have barely spoke to each other. But now, all of a sudden, they can’t stop thinking about each other. People say Richonne being canon came out of “left field” but J*ggie REALLY came out of left field. Jackson and Maggie have very little chemistry and can barely captivate a scene together. That’s why fans say they don’t like the ship. Not because they don’t want a black woman like Maggie to find love.
Point two: Fan Reception
Despite people in Sleepy Hollow acting as if Katrina has more chemistry with Ichabod than Abbie and Jessie having more chemistry with Rick than Michonne, two white women in favor over the black women, there were more people for Ichabbie and Michonne than the former. People could scream how the couples don’t fit but there was an even larger fanbase that says this pairing is perfect! Abbie and Ichabod make sense! Rick and Michonne make sense! Unfortunately, a very little percent say Jackson and Maggie make sense. If it were just Japril stans saying this, you can make the argument that they’re being bitter. But when you have the entire fanbase saying this pairing doesn’t work, then it might be a deeper issue. I mean, whether you like them or not, Japril’s pairing caused just one of their scenes to have 33 MILLION views on Youtube. Most music videos from your favs don’t even have that many views. That’s what positive reception looks like. J*ggie’s reception is often met with WTFs. That’s why fans say they don’t like the ship. Not because they don’t want a black woman like Maggie to find love
Point three: Actor’s Support
Using them again, Richonne’s actors, Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira were Richonne’s biggest supporters before they went canon. Andrew often pushed for their pairing even when the writers weren’t promoting the idea. Even his mother is a huge stan of the ship. Whether or not the show was going to do it, they constantly dropped how much they would like to see it happen. With J*ggie’s actors, Jessie and Kelly, there isn’t that same kind of excitement. Especially when you compare how dedicated Jessie was promoting Japril. Even with J*ggie becoming canon, he still likes tweets and takes pictures of fans wanting Japril instead. If that’s not the biggest reason things aren’t working, idk what its! That’s why fans say they don’t like the ship. Not because they don’t want a black woman like Maggie to find love.
I did not expect to write this much I felt it was necessary to elaborate why your theory isn’t plausible in this particular situation. So, in closing, if you want to root for J*ggie’s #BlackLove just because they are two black characters getting together, sis, that’s more than fine. But! You cannot get mad and throw the race card when people are not on the same team as you because they see it as a complete travesty of a pairing.
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 8--For Blood
As always, placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
Sadly, I don’t think this is anticipation I feel.  I’m pretty sure it’s dread but okay.  Here we go.  
This episode has to go up from the rock bottom boredom of last week, right?  
Let me preface what I’m about to say with the truth that I in no way hate Maggie.  She’s been with us since Season 2 and I have an emotional attachment to her, mostly due to my love of Glenn and the way he loved her.  She’s not my favorite by any means, but the fact of the matter is, I do like and appreciate her and don’t mind that she is back because it’s nice to have old familiar faces with us to take us into the final season.  That said?  Forcing Maggie front and center after her long absence ultimately, IMHO, has not worked in these first 8 episodes.  I can’t help but feel if ASZ had been the A story with Maggie/Negan and Daryl/Leah/the Reapers the B1 and B2 story?  These episodes would have been better received overall and not feel so much like they’re trying so hard.  Maybe lead me toward the water instead of shoving my head in it next time, Angela?  Hmm?  
Oh goodie.  They’re opening at Meridian.  Should I get my bathroom break out of the way now or give myself an out for later?  Call it Shae’s choice, lol.  
That flicker of a smirk Leah gave to Carver after their mini walk down memory lane had more spark to it than the entirety of her and Daryl’s toxic relationship.  In the future, maybe Angela will lean all in on them instead of Leah and Daryl.  Something tells me Leah knows this “brother” biblically.  
Daryl recognizes Whisperer moves when he sees ‘em.  Somehow, he realizes Maggie and Negan have banded together however reluctantly.  
Pope doing it “Dixon’s” way but not allowing Dixon to do the actual thing shows the level of distrust and paranoia the man still haves for outsiders. 
Look at Daryl chewing his lips with worry for his people.  If he and Leah know each other even a little bit, she has to recognize that as one of his tells.  
Ooohhhh.  Who took the first stab at Wells?  Maggie?  Negan?  Father G?  I swear.  I took my eyes off the “ball” one second and the whole damn play is halfway down the field.  Sorry.  If you cannot tell, I watched football with the fam yesterday, lol.  
The Walking Dead logo didn’t crumble this time.  Interesting.  Parts of it looked like it had been rebuilt.  With brick.  Wood.  Other parts of it looked reclaimed by nature.  Call me crazy, but that almost looks like an eye/part of a face on the first D.  
Okay then.  Babbling nonsense about the logo over, lol.  Tell me.  Please.  Anybody.  How do the events at ASZ line up with the events at Meridian?  Because it’s night and full-blown storming in ASZ and still daylight at Meridian.  But hey.  Thank fuck we’re in ASZ.  
All the babies huddled together giving me feels.  Sorry.  I know some feel they have no place on the show, but I personally enjoy their inclusion from time to time.  It usually plucks hard at my heartstrings.  
Connie tenderly comforting an injured Virgil is sweet, not gonna lie.  
Aww.  Is that Hershel petting a scared RJ’s hair?  Unless it’s a case of me not being able to pick out and place all the little hands, which it most certainly could be, I’m thinking Judith’s got her hand on her knee and that’s Hershel’s hand in RJ’s hair.  Regardless of whose hand is where, it was a sweet little scene.  What can I say?  I’m easy because Baby Glenn and Baby Rick, ya’ll.  
Oh snap.  The windmill’s on fire and pieces of the wall are blowing down main street ASZ like steel tumbleweeds, lol.  
Anybody else having flashbacks to the barn from Season 5?  Good times.  We still had most of Team Family with us then.  They were in a bad place, hurting and lost and just trying to survive--when are they not just trying to survive?--but they were together.  I miss them.  
Carol and Lydia holding each other.  These two, lovelies, have my whole heart.  
Wells is Walker Jerky, Shaw.  Stop wasting your breath.  
“She did.  My enemy.”  I mean, are we supposed to get the impression Maggie’s been a formidable adversary to Pope?  Because she feels more like a roach that simply knows the best rocks to hide under.  Granted, roaches are hard to kill but still.  I’m gonna need them to give us something better than Maggie being Pope’s enemy simply because she didn’t want to give up her home without a fight because this is frankly unbelievable and bordering on stupid.  
Alright.  So they’ve obviously been sowing the seeds of distrust and defiance between Leah and Pope because she doesn’t like losing family but Daryl?  Man?  You and Leah have differing opinions about how family operates.  Trust me on this.  
So.  Three teams, huh?  Aaron fighting the windmill fire, Carol repairing the breach in the wall, Rosita protecting the babies that represent their future.  Choose your fighters, lol.  Seriously, though.  Why do I have the sinking feeling only one group is going to be shown actually doing their thing?  
Listen.  Am I pissed we haven’t gotten the scene we deserve yet between Carol and Connie after all that’s happened and we’re getting crumbs mainly because Angela wrongly feels the Reapers/Maggie & Negan/Daryl & Leah need more focus?  Absolutely.  You bet your sweet asses.  But Melissa fucking McBride just took the crumbs allotted her and made a magnificent, work of art cake out of it trying all on her lonesome to feed us starving Carol fans.  
Bless Connie wanting wanting to go with Carol.  What a show of trust and sister-like solidarity that must have some hate-rotted guts about to turn themselves out.  
I love Kelly and Connie’s sister bond.  No ill will intended, but It takes the good parts of Maggie and Beth and elevates it beyond anything those two ever showed us.  I really feel like that’s a testament to Angel and Lauren’s real life ease with each other.  
Magna choosing to go with Aaron makes me wonder if it’s possible she feels some kind of residual guilt over Connie.  Not guilt for anything she’s actually done, but simply guilt over making it out.  
Virgil volunteering to help.  Okay.  Damn.  I’m honestly starting to like the guy.  
Judith offering to go with her aunt Carol had me all up in my feels.  I mean, granted.  It was a blink and you miss it scene.  We really deserved a longer heart to heart between that little girl and the woman that’s sacrificed so much to keep her safe and loved her for so long, but you know I’ll gobble any and all Judith/Aunt Carol content up.  Seems to me, Little Ass Kicker is just as afraid of letting Aunt Carol out of her sight as Uncle Daryl.  My heart.  
Gracie and Aaron are sweet.  And honestly?  I find them more realistic and true to what normal parents and children would be like in a ZA than Judith and Michonne no matter how much I love that bond.  I mean no disrespect, but I really do.  
“Why am I keeping you around?”  Pope asking the question we’re all wondering.  
Not Apocalypse Popeye comparing Daryl to a stray dog.  Joe from the Claimers already declared Daryl an outside cat that thought he was an indoor cat.  I did have to internally cheer when Daryl was like “I’m ain’t gonna lick it” talking about the helping hand Pope had extended him.  
“Somehow she has turned the dead against the living.  Oh, that’s impressive.”  The thing about Pope respecting Maggie so much as an enemy is I just find it hard to buy, lol.  Like if this had been Carol, yeah.  But Maggie?  Nope.  They’ve mostly shown her (with Gage being the bewildering exception) to be all bark and no bite.  
Has the house in ASZ really become that dilapidated that they can see through its walls?  Because its original owners dodged a bullet if so.  
Look at Grace hero-worshipping Judith.  It’s sweet.  
Virgil telling Judith Michonne would be proud of her is nice but doesn’t feel as earned as if someone like Daryl or Carol that actually knew Michonne well said it.  But maybe that’s the whole point--Judith needs to hear it from someone she knows isn’t going to just say what she wants to hear.  
Call me jaded, it was a touching scene, but also?  It felt designed to allow Judith to move beyond her very normal and realistic feelings of being abandoned by Michonne, even though she gave her the “okay” herself.  Like she’s still a kid.  Wants don’t always line up with feelings.  Anyway.  Cailey continues to be a bright, shining little star and I love how she’s managed to make Judith a true amalgamation of all the people she’s loved who have loved her in return.  Not just Michonne.  I know people like to overlook and cheapen the fact, but it’s taken a village and entire family to raise her from infancy.  
Gracie really should have known better than play in front of the windows during a storm period, but oh well.  Plot point, lol.  
Seriously, though.  I feel like they’ve teased poor Gracie’s demise in a multitude of ways since the beginning of the season.  I hope nothing ultimately comes of it but I fear it will.  All I can say if the worst comes to happen is poor Aaron.  
Where are Negan and Elijah though?  Ouch.  There they are, taking on shrapnel for the cause.  
Ready the what now?  
There’s ASZ’s Baby Sitter Extraordinaire!  Barbara, is it?  That lady’s been putting in the work since Season 5 at least.  
I’ve honestly grown to love Rosita.  More of her and less of Maggie, please and thank you.  
“Let’s stay away from the windows.”  I’m sorry but I had to LMAO at that.  Still a badass moment though.  
Gabe hobbling toward his assigned sentinel.  At least they haven’t forgotten he’s injured like they seemed to forget Daryl was near death last season before the attack on Hilltop, lol.  
“It’s hard to watch something you care about change.”  Listen, Leah.  Chick.  You and Daryl obviously never really knew each other.  It’s always been obvious but I have a feeling “DIxon” is finally going to show you, spoilers or no spoilers.  
WTF are they calling that thing?  Sorry.  I have just as hard a time understanding Pope’s accent as I do Maggie’s sometimes.  
That’s not love that has Daryl telling Leah she can come with him.  That’s care for somebody he used to know.  There is a distinct difference that’s obviously lost on so many.  How can you really and truly love someone you cannot trust?  Especially in Daryl Dixon’s case?
Why does Angela hate us so much?  Giving us all these Reaper scenes and leaving us to simply imagine Carol and Connie and Kelly working side by side to save the wall?  
I think I honestly could have enjoyed this whole Reaper storyline more, at least a little bit anyway, had they not retrofitted a half-assed romance between Daryl and the story’s weakest link and if only they’d made it the B storyline and given earned deference to the goings-on in ASZ instead.  
I wonder if Glenn taught Maggie how to hot write a car?  I miss my baby Glenn.
Apocalypse Popeye is several fries short of a Happy Meal.  What else is new on this show, lol?  
I care for Maggie.  Mostly for nostalgia’s sake and Glenn and Baby Hershel but damn, man.  She’s not actually proven herself got be worth killing your entire “family” for.  But are too far gone, so.  We’ll make allowances.  
I will say at least this episode is not as abysmally biring as last week’s episode.  
Leah finally giving Pope the throat punch he’s been asking for but I’m not fooled she’s on Daryl’s side here.  She’s always been on her own side.  
Look at Father G returning the favor for Maggie saving him in the tower.  Taking Deaver down!  Poor Deaver barely saw the light of day.  
Here comes that woman scorned part.  I can feel it.  
“Pope is dead.  Dixon murdered him.  He’s with the enemy.”  
Please, Angela.  I’m begging you.  Bring Carol into this story and ramp it the fuck up.  You been idling too damn long and the car is fast running outta gas.  
Bitch really has to die to framing Carol’s Pookie.  
Rosita and Lydia and Carol and Connie and Kelly and Magna have literally been holding up this damn show while Angela farts around with the Reapers bullshit.  Honorable mention goes to Aaron but these lovely, badass ladies been putting in the real work and not getting any of the glory.  You just know they’re tired AF.  
Not my babies Lydia and Judith being the cliffhanger!  Oh and Gracie.  Angela?!  A word.  
Listen.  Carol’s already done that fireworks trick.  That Reaper dude owes her royalties.  Granted, it was on a smaller scale but much more impressive for it because she was left to be the sharpshooter.  
Angela has a point.  It is kind of cool how Team Family have learned from their enemies and assimilated their useful points into their own cache of knowledge.  
I truly feel like the Leah/Reaper storyline would have benefitted from a much stronger actress.  Just saying.  
I know Judith annoys some with her precociousness but Cailey just keeps teeing off on what they give her and personally?  I feel she’s so very talented and light years beyond her little acting counterparts so it still works.  
“They’re never gonna choose each other over the people that they’ve loved and fought for because they simply cannot really trust each other.  There’s sort of, like a toxicity at the base of that relationship.”  Straight from Angela’s mouth.  
“At the end of the day, Daryl chose his family.”  Yeah, he did.  That “I belong with you” shit only happened when he felt they were all gone, including the one he loved above all others--Carol.  Fight me.  
Overall impression of the episode?  
On its own, disregarding how much I can’t help resenting how much time I feel has been “wasted” setting this story up, it was much more entertaining than Episode 7 which was only epic in that it was an epic bore.  There was still too much focus on the Reapers when I just just kept wanting to see what was happening at ASZ.  I mean, they cheated us out of Carol and Connie and Kelly working together. Of Aaron and Magna.  Call it personal preference coloring my opinions if you want, but the characters I care about feel like they’ve been shown the backseat for this self-indulgent exploration of Angela’s OC and her version of self-insert FF with Daryl Dixon.  If we can return to Team Family?  The whole Team Family and not just Maggie and Co. against the world?  You’ve got me.  If not?  Well.  You’ll keep losing me by degrees and you don’t want to do that on the final season.  
Anyway.  The ASZ parts were my favorites per usual.  The episode could have used a lot more of those.  
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Formation of Dandy Pt. III
a theory written by R!chonnelandfill
Testing The Waters
Start of season 8 filming (May/June 2017) Andy definitely was spending some extra time in Atlanta. He spent off days on set meanwhile I believe Danai was grounded mostly in ATL filming scenes for Avengers: Infinity War. I have an inkling that whatever vibes Andy was throwing out during his March madness worked because Danai was acting like Stella Got Her Groove Back during SDCC ‘17 weekend. She seemed to be returning the favor in giving Andy several compliments. She was very protective of him. She had her suitcase packed full of low-cut halters and what not. Danai was showing out. I’ll never forget that instagram vid of the cast walking through a throng of fans from Hall H and security all around them. Andy kept getting two steps behind Danai and was awkwardly shuffling to get back behind her lol. You can tell they were attached at the hip because on the panel line up they were five people apart so one of them purposely went over to talk to the other before the panel let out. I personally think this is around the time Danai and Andy started to work through their attraction for one another, possibly going on dates here and there. (I know someone is going to jump in my inbox like “but Andy went to Costa Rica with Gael right afterwards, that clearly didn’t mean a damn thing).
A Little More Intimate
The Smithsonian trip in early October was very eye-opening. Melissa McBride was supposed to join Scott Gimple, Norman Reedus, Lennie James, and Danai Gurira to the event but couldn’t make it last minute. Therefore and coincidentally Mr. Lincoln stepped in. In the audience Danai and Andrew sat with Norman between them, which I believe was strategic on Danai’s part. But then they were called to the stage and Andy was acting like a protective boyfriend. They were mainly focused on each other which is rare when Norman is around, Norman usually commands attention from the both of them. Andy put his hand on her lower back several times. He was very much in Danai’s personal space. And Danai honey, she was giving him the most flirtatious looks. I promise you at some point Andy tries to grab for her hand and Danai curves her hand out the way like ‘wtf are you doing!?!’ And then Andy hops off the stage calling Danai’s name so he can get a picture. Umm excuse me Andrew Lincoln!? You need a pic of Danai in your phone for what? It was clear to me that they had taken a step further than friendship. I think Andy and Danai were already dating (maybe for some weeks) but this was our first time witnessing it. 
King & Queen of the Dead
TWD 100 premiere felt very much like date night to me. Danai was dolled up, Andrew got spiffed up. I noticed that a lot of cast members were walking around with TWD coffee mugs (I think to keep them from pulling out flasks like Cudlitz did the year prior lmao). I think a lot of people were lit or well on their way, Andrew being one of them lmao.  I honestly love that Andy and Danai were a apart of the bunch called out last. It was like ‘Here ye’, here ye’, mom and dad of the apocalypse have arrived. Andy kept his body turned in to her the whole time, his hand was placed on the chair behind them which was very possessive. He was also sweaty and fidgeting with his socks and ring lol Idk what that was about. Apparently during commercial break Danai walked over to Norman to talk and before the commercial was over Andy came and walked her back to her seat. POSSESSIVE. The after party was even more interesting. You can see Andy nearby Danai in all her pics from that night. And then that glorious pic of her and Andy together. They both looked like smitten kittens.
Rick & Michonne v. Andrew & Danai
Okay did y’all know that Danai originally was only supposed to be at WSC ATL one day? Well something changed her mind and she was scheduled to do both Saturday and Sunday as well as duo ops with Andy and a panel. Allegedly Danai didn’t know about the panel until the day before . . . I wonder who set that up lol. Their panel was early in the morning and Andy was on time . . . Danai, well that’s another story. You could tell Andy was getting antsy waiting for her to show up and once she did he had the biggest smile on his face. There were a lot of great moments and quotes from the two of them. I loved the part when someone in the audience said that people don’t know how to discern Rick and Michonne from the actors and Andy goes, “You are what you pretend to be?” People talk about the fandom but I think Andy has a slight problem splitting himself between Andrew and Rick. Since 6x10 he’s worn jean shirts at least 20 times lol. Either way I feel like WSC ATL ‘17 was kind of an open love letter to Danai. He expresses why he loves acting with her as well as random things about her that he loves: Her ‘bringing the serious’, her black girls rock bag, her talkative nature between scenes. Meanwhile he’s rubbing on her back. To me Andy seemed unafraid to express his adoration of her. Danai definitely seemed coy and I think mainly because she is a private person and Andy was as open as a book.
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caffeinosis · 4 years
TWD 9x08-9x14
All these people have spent more time apart than together. I hate this. :(
I kind of want fic of everything that went down during the time skip.
I can’t believe Negan is growing on me. I’m never letting go off Glenn though. Never, ever ever. Anyway, I enjoyed his little adventure even thought it was predictable that he would return. Not to mention that it was kind of satisfying to see him realize that he doesn’t have what it takes it to make it out there on his own without people handing things to him on a silver platter. Enjoy your tiny window, bitch.
Can't believe they set up an interesting conflict about Jesus struggling to step up and take responsibility as a leader only to kill him in the same episode.
I feel like 2 days in a cell for getting drunk is a bit much?
It’s weird to think that these kids have grown up in relative safety well into the ZA and are acting like regular teenagers. Can’t imagine Carl acting like this.
Daryl l doesn’t even look remotely surprised to see Henry in a jail cell, lmfao. Not doing such a great job at babysitting, though.
"Jesus is dead" they just wanted an excuse to write that line didn't they?
This episode broke my heart, thanks. Daryl recognizing his own abuse in Lydia, Henry seeing right through him. :(
Sneaky Daryl weaponizing teenage stupidity.
There were probably ways to get Lydia talking without triggering her like that :/
I love the symbolism behind Carol’s long hair but that wig. The shoulder-length hair from the flashback looked somewhat better
Mission Mix, omg.
First episode this season that Carol/ZK haven't bored me this season. They had more chemistry before getting together! O_o maybe I’m biased though
You know I totally get what they’re doing with the cinema projector even if it’s so reckless, life must be so damn boring without movies and arts in general.
The fair is obviously going to be a huge disaster, though.
...I knew Alpha was going to slap Lydia then and there. I just knew it.
“Can’t live with it” :’)
...Is anyone supposed to care about the Gabriel/Rosita/Siddiq/Eugene thing? I'm getting Lost flashbacks.
That awkward moment when even your dog disagrees with you.
Daryl, you are convincing exactly no one that you want to ditch Lydia, just stop trying.
I just don't get why Daryl didn't just shoot Beta with the crossbow from that balcony???? Just shoot the huge hulking guy who doesn't even bother pretending he's a walker?
Maybe he just felt like getting his butt kicked that day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Even Lydia herself thinks that Henry is nuts for wanting to run away with her after knowing her for 2 days
Tara Thornton?!
Uncle Daryl and Little Asskicker <3 <3 <3 Too cute for words
But seriously, Judith shouldn't really remember any of these people if she hasn't seen them at all for 6 years.
Really though? His “plan” is I’m going to run away indefinitely with 2 teenagers, a deaf girl and a dog in tow? and he wants to explain that to carol?
The Children of the Corn wtf
Wait how did they escape? Something got cut there
Michonne straight up Anakined those kids
daryl was conveniently nowhere to be seen while michonne was fighting the demon kids, thanks bro
“You are my mom, you chose to be” Just fucking stab me.
I’m definitely more fond of Judith than early seasons Carl.
I loved all the michonne & daryl scenes. I’d love to know how much Michonne knows about the role daryl played in rick's disappearance though
I love what they've done with the cars, lmao
0 notes
chiveburger · 7 years
Cosmos, earth
cosmos: what's one thing you wish you could say to someone you are no longer friends with?
honestly........wtf? you’re still a hot topic amongst our friends because we always talk about how you abandoned us after you switched universities lol. I’m glad that you’re living your life n on the occasion you like my instagram photos but I hope its mutually known that we really aren’t friends anymore. I’ve shared a lot of hopes n dreams with you thinking that distance really wouldn’t matter n that we’d remain good friends even if we didn’t go to the same university but truth is we couldn’t handle it. I guess proximity really was one of the things keeping our friendship stable n I wish I knew that before I tried so hard to keep up a one sided relationship I thought could eventually turn out for the better. It’s funny, you once said that even though we don’t see each other when we do its like nothing has changed but man......... if that only were true. we didn’t end on bad terms we just....ended, n I’m not going to forget the memories we shared while claiming to be each other’s best friends but I could only handle so much neglect before realizing that you didn’t care. the way I’m phrasing it sounds like we were a lovers or something lmao, but I’d like to think that we really were close friends during high school n it broke my heart that you cut off communication with me. you were a really special and important person in my life but too much time has passed for really any rekindling to happen. I hope you’re happy n know that I was the one that was actively trying to save our dying friendship.
earth: where do you feel most at home?
In my bed looooooool....... especially when I have morning classes n I finish @ like noon n I come home, have lunch n then go to take a nap. It feels really nice, n when I stream rick n morty on my laptop n fall asleep to that man thats sexy
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handgunz · 7 years
this really long questions meme thing that you can read if you want to get to know me but if not you can continue to go watch rick & morty or whatever shit you’re consuming this fine wednesday night
so many ppl tagged me for this like @shimmy-sham-with-the-fam​ and @www98vikitoo​ off the top of my head but i legit cant remember the rest and i dont wanna change tabs
for any questions i dont wanna answer ill just put “AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES” bc thats the answer to the “last song you listened to/what are you listening to rn” lmfaooo and yall should listen to that creepy ass RWBY soundtrack bc i listened to it to the point where it stopped being really disturbing and actually kinda catchy
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: @proofofhumanity​ it was probably yesterday or today, i dont really remember bc we call like almost every single day. aka im usually the only one talking while she types stuff in response. 
3. Text: it was @ DC like 2 seconds ago
4. Song you listened to: AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES (this is actually the song tho)
5. Time you cried: i dont remember, probably a long time ago
6. Dated someone twice: lmfao worst relationship of my life
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: not really actually
8. Been cheated on: yep
9. Lost someone special: lmfao
10. Been depressed: im too cool for that
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: not that stupid
12-14: silver, black, red
15. Made new friends: i make new friends like every week lmao
16. Fallen out of love: yea
17. Laughed until you cried: wyd??? i do this literally every day. i laugh so fucking much every single hour at the dumbest shit, probably 30% of my life is spent laughing at someone or something. 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: uwu ya
19. Met somebody who changed you: im the only person who can change myself gtfo 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES
23. Do you have any pets: yea, 2 doggies
24. Do you want to change your name: sorta??
25: What did you do for your last birthday: whatever my mom wanted to do for the occasion, i dont really remember bc i didnt care
26. What time did you wake up: 6am every day
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching rwby chibi, talking to abby, lost, and lotti on discord, was rlly warm under some blankets
28. Name something you cant wait for: im rlly excited about mercury being in volume 5!! i cant wait til he comes on because he’s one of my fave characters ever <33333333333
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 2-3 hours ago?
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: n/a
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i doubt it?
33. Some thing that is getting on your nerves: nothing that i can think of at the top of my mind
34: Most visited website: tumblr or discord
35. mole/s: wtf
36: mark/s: i have a birthmark that kinda looks like a heart on my hand
37: Childhood dream: n/a
38: Hair color: dark brown
39: long or short hair: it’s long ig, it goes down to a little bit above the halfway point in my back
40: Do u have a crush on anyone: i dont have time for that kind of thing
41: What do you like about yourself?: everything lmao i dont have low self esteem, at least i dont think so
42. Piercings: my ears are pierced but i dont wear earrings 
43. Blood type: A+ or A-, i dont really remember
45. Relationship status: single and not available for flirting 
46. Zodiac: aries sun, scorpio moon, aries rising (yeah im the devil)
47. Pronouns: he/him or she/her 
48: Favorite tv shows: rwby, hxh, and nge
50. Right or left hand: both
51. Surgery: no thanks
52. Hair dyed in a different color: i dont do that lmao
53: Sport: too busy with grades for that
55. Vacation: las vegas is my favorite city so i would really like to go there again. french buffets are cool.
56: Pair of trainers: wyd??
57. Eating: popcorn
58. Drinking: citrus tea
59. I’m about to: sleep hopefully
61: Waiting for: rwby vol 5 ep 5 comin out this weekend 
62: Want: to write better and better til im the best. i dont really know what this question is asking. but that’s one of my various goals. 
63. Get married: i believe in prenuptial agreements but if that’s out of the way then sure
64. Career: gonna be a nurse or a physician’s assistant (while writing as a hobby)
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs definitely 
66. Lips or eyes: literally do not remember the last time i cared about lips, so probably eyes
67. Shorter or taller: doooon’t really care
68. Older or younger: preferably the same age honestly ?
70. nice arms or nice stomach: whoooo caaaaaaaares
71: sensitive or loud: anyways i want to die
72. Hook up or relationship: meeeeeeercuryyyyyyyyy blaaaack
73. troublemaker or hesitant: lusus naturae, bitch
74: Kissed a stranger: ugh
75. Lost glasses / contact lens: nope
76. Turned someone down: yea
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Had your heart broken: yea
80. Broken someone’s heart: yeaaaaaaaaa
81. Been arrested: why are you interrogating me
84. yourself: more than anything else in the world. i’d rather believe in myself than anyone i’ve ever met in my entire life. 
85. Miracles: nope
86. Love at first sight: noooope
90. current best friend name: lost
91. Eye color: brown because im a bitch of color
92. favorite movie: aaaaaaaaaa maybe kill bill? heathers? mean girls? no idea
this took like ten thousand years so maybe @driftingglass​ @decembercamiecherries​ @proofofhumanity​ @smooth-and-skeletal​ @abnirests​ @inspookswetrust​ whoever tf else wants to do this who’s actually read this far just idk say i tagged you or something
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maeriusjp · 7 years
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end tag 25 people! tagged by @savionbino wuss poppin boo THE LAST: 1. drink: arizona sparkling cherry lime  2. phone call: my friend chelsea calling me this morning telling me to wake the fuck up lmao 3. text message: “i get done at three. what time is her grad thing” 4. song you listened to: LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME BY ABBA  5. time you cried: last week i think
HAVE YOU EVER: 6. dated someone twice: never 7. been cheated on: :\ 8. kissed someone and regretted it: L M A O hells yeah 9. lost someone special: yeah 10. been depressed: l m a o 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: im not tht cool
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: yellow black grey
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yeah!! 16. fallen out of love: yeah 17. laughed until you cried: i laugh at everything wtf u mean 18. found out someone was talking about you: erry day 19. met someone who changed you: i mean kinda 20. found out who your real friends are: HELLS YEAH!!! 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: y e s  GENERAL: 22. how many of your fb friends do you know in real life: like 98% 23. do you have any pets: 2 1/2 cats and a dog 24. do you want to change your name: B O I. IM SICK OF THE LAST NAME SMITH. MAERIUS JEAN PORTER!!!!!!!! THATS MY NAME!!!!! 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i went to the set of a movie and i played as an extra. then i blew out a tire going to musical rehearsal and ate hot rubarb pie on the highway  26. what time did you wake up: 11ish am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: talking to a cute girl on sc  28. name something you cannot wait for: MY LONGBOARD WITH THE TITS ON IT!!!! 29. when was the last time you saw your mother: earlier this week 30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: better living situation tbh......  31. what are you listening to right now: your my favorite waste of time by haley blais 32.have you ever talking to a person called Tom: HELLS FUCKIN YEAH DUDE!!! 33. something that’s getting on your nerves: hets and republicans 34. most visited website: iwakuroleplay/tumblr 35. Elementary: marshall public 36. high school: marshall public 37. college/university: DMACC / SMSU / CCMS 38. hair colour: Dark brown 39. long or short hair: long! 40. do you have a crush on someone: yeeeeeaaaaahhhh 41. what do you like about yourself: im cute and thicc and good at writing 42. piercings: lips, ears, and hopefully soon boobies  43. blood type: A+ 44. nickname: maery, or just mary.... or dippy lmao 45. relationship: single rn 46. zodiac sign: cancer 47. pronouns: she/he/them 48. favourite tv show: invader zim, MST3K!, bojack horseman, animaniacs, and fuckin uuuuuhhhhhhh the office and rick and morty 49. tattoos: none yet  50. right or left hand: right FIRST: 51. surgery: none 52. piercing: ears 53. the missing question. 54: sport: none???? 55. Vacation: CAMPING!!! 56. also missing lol 57. eating: no 58. drinking: nothing rn 59. i’m about to: WRITE 60. listening to: the fan lasting in the other rom 61. waiting for: the bus in the rain in the rain 62. want: to pee 63. get married:eh 64. career: funeral director or a creative writer WHICH IS BETTER: 65. hugs or kisses: kisses 66. lips or eyes: lips 67. shorter or taller: taller!!! 68. older or younger: younger 70. nice arms or nice stomach: cice stomach pls 71. sensitive or loud: LOUD  72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant:both tbh HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nope 75. drank hard liquor: yeah 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: I LOST THEM RIGHT NOW.  77. turned someone down:yeah 78. sex on first date:heh 79. broken someone’s heart: l m a o  80. had your heart broken: l  m  a  o   81. been arrested: nope 82. cried when someone died: ???? wut????? 83. fallen for a friend: lmao yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! 85. miracles: YEAH!!!! 86. love at first sight: KINDA!!!! 87. santa claus: YEAH 88. kiss on the first date: i mean if its all cool YEAH!!! 89. angels: yeah! OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: CHELSEA AND JUAN AND AUSTIN 91. eye colour: hazel 92. favourite movie: blue velvet
idk anyone can do this @lolly-gag @genttlee @guidedreveries @bands-are-just-super-rad @a-syd-ic
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misseffie · 7 years
today has been a really rough day so i was thinking about nice things and one of those nice things was bethyl. so here’s some reasons why i love this pairing
so! unexpected! they literally share maybe 1/2 conversations before being thrust together on their own. somehow that “lack of history” could be off-putting but it’s not? the complete unexpected element of the pairing is so appealing because you can look back at season 2 or 3 and be like o wow u two don’t even know. you have no fucking idea u fools. hell, you can look back and think about your first reaction of “what?... daryl and beth?...” and how bizarre it seemed at first until it clicked and suddenly it made all the sense in the world. i don’t think that they would’ve grown that close unless they were forced to share each other’s company like that (and that’s ok!) - and that’s actually pretty interesting because it goes to show that people we didn’t even acknowledge or considered (because of different personalities/age groups/relations they keep/social class/etc) could happen to be extremely similar to ourselves and yes, I think that the way Beth and Daryl perceive the world and approach everything is very similar. so despite the striking differences that keeps their characters slightly wary of each other they find out that wow, this person actually sees the world in a way that is very beautiful and very much like me and i didn’t know this about this person and it’s like i’ve never seen you before even though we’ve been part of this same group for some years and isn’t that astonishing? isn’t it astonishing that i can be this surprised by someone that was right here this entire time. and isn’t it beautiful that i can be surprised like this in a world that is so ugly?
ALSO. the way daryl now reaches out to people and embraces affection from others? wow. beth’s death destroyed him. but even that couldn’t get rid off the things he’d learnt from being with her just for a while. it’s like he learned that being tactile with people can be a nice! thing! and wow it’s actually so nice to be comforted like this and every little step he takes in Alone he’s testing his limits on how tactile he’s allowed to be with her. and even after she’s gone he still reaches out to people he cares about like that because he learnt that not everyone is gonna push him away and making yourself vulnerable doesn’t always result in others hurting you. ALSO!!!! How ballsy did Beth have to be to even hug Daryl that first time in the prison? She must’ve noticed that no one ever approached Daryl like that - not even his bestie Carol so wtf Beth? -  and even if it could’ve been intimidating she went ahead and did it because what the hell, she’s Beth, that’s what she does and she’s not ashamed of being affectionate or caring or vulnerable. if he didn’t like it he could push her away but that wouldn’t stop Beth from putting herself on the line like that for others. my girl :’)
this point is kind of bittersweet... but in-laws Glenn and Maggie supporting Daryl after Grady; and Daryl supporting Maggie in return. and then again Maggie and Daryl after Glenn died. Just that entire Beth/Glenn/Maggie/Daryl dynamic that we got almost nothing of but it’s still beautiful and i would give my left arm to’ve seen it with all members of that foursome still alive. but whatevs. no big deal. i guess i’ll just..... stand here........ crying
another bittersweet point but: how no one in team family questioned it. they might not have understood it completely but they understood that Daryl is a good man and they know what Beth meant for him and shit, I know no one would’ve had a problem with them together (certainly not rick, nor maggie, nor carol). so eat shit haters lmao.
just... makes no sense at first. they are such an awkward pairing at first, almost inappropriate, almost rubbing you off the wrong way (factor of age standing out the most) and you look at them and it’s visually jarring how different they are and then all of that melts away and suddenly it makes sense and it’s almost like a religious experience lmao
outside of the show: how much emily and norman support it. emily writing a frigging song about beth and daryl. norman always mentioning Still as his fav episode and how Beth’s death was the most difficult thing for him to do + all the other shit they’ve said/done referring to it as romantic. lauren cohan supports the shit out of it. scott wilson (hershel) saying he’d be a proud grandpa if they had kids and that daryl should take a bath before dating his daughter as the only fault he’d find in that pairing. just the lovely feeling of acknowledgement from everyone (minus Kirkman Troll lmao) that it was a thing. k thanks.
i had more points probably... but i’m tired so
good day, good evening, and goodnight
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