#lmk what you thought!!!! :D
hunflowers · 4 years
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Lake George
A/N: This is a little extra for my fic Skating Lessons! And she’s part of @helladirections’s Summer Feeling Challenge! So, I’m doing the boat ride challenge and i’d say she’s hella cute :D enjoy! *nose boops*
Going on a vacation together is a big step in a relationship.
At least in Harry’s mind it is, considering this was going to be the first time Y/N was going to join him and Abby for the annual Lake George trip.
End of June, early July, Harry, Abby, Harry’s mum and sister, and a few of Harry’s friends go on a week long getaway to Lake George in upstate New York. Of course this year Y/N would be tagging along because she’s Harry’s girlfriend.
And Harry is fucking nervous.
Y/N hasn’t met any of his friends really and he’s worried how she’ll think of them. Because he knows his friends take a little getting used to, to actually enjoy their company. But, she was insistent — if he was okay with it — she join, so she can feel like less of an outsider in his life.
Plus, Abby really wanted her there. And once Abby wants something, it’s hard for Harry to say no. His daughter is just too adorable and too innocent to deny her anything. Which, can be bad, but he doesn’t really have to worry about Abby turning out spoiled or anything because even as a five year old, she’s pretty humble.
She was insistent, saying she wanted Y/N to join so there’s more girls, and so she could be around someone she actually enjoyed. Though Nana and Aunt Gemma were a close second.
Harry was quick to make Y/N feel not pressured to go no matter how much Abby begged, because he knew she wanted to take things at her own pace. Y/N didn’t meet his mum or sister until four months after they made it official and was quite intimidated about the idea of assimilating into his social life.
Y/N never liked to think of herself as a shy person, and she’s slowly -- ever since Harry has been in her life -- becoming more open to people instead of closing herself off like she used to. “Do y’think they’re gonna like me?” was her main concern the entire plane ride over to New York, and then in the train to the lake, and then when they checked into their hotel.
“Baby, ask me one more time and m’gonna throw you in that lake,” Harry jerked his head to the window that overlooked the vast lake, a warning tone with a hint of humor etched across his face.
Y/N rolled her eyes, smacking him in the shoulder, 1) because he knew her lack of swimming skills and 2) because he hasn’t really provided her with an answer to ease her social anxiety. “Jerk, I’m just nervous.” She looked to Abby in her arms, rocking the little girl a little as she snoozed on her shoulder.
Harry set down their bags on the floor by the bed, before walking over to the extra cot and opening it up for Abby to sleep on. When it was finally set up, Harry walked over to his lovely girls, taking his daughter from Y/N’s arms and gently laying her down on the makeshift bed. He kissed her forehead after tucking her in before walking back over to his girlfriend who opened her suitcase to pull out her own pajamas to sleep in.
By the time they got to the lake it was about ten o’clock, plus jetlag was seeping through their systems and they couldn’t wait to knock out before their busy week ahead of them. 
Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder as she stood upright against his chest, sighing into the feeling of him pressed against her, her eyes shutting slightly as the exhaustion took over her body.
Into her ear, he mumbles, “They’re gonna love you. I’m worried if y’g’na love ‘em.”
“If they make you happy, m’sure I will,” she hummed back, turning her head slightly so she could plant a soft kiss to his cheek. At the contact, Harry turned his head so they were face to face, just so he could secure a kiss on the lips.
“C’mon let’s get to bed,” he patted her bottom, leaving one last kiss to her shoulder.
❊ ❊
Y/N never should’ve agreed to coming.
Or, never should’ve agreed to getting on the boat for a little ‘fun.’
She was perfectly tanning on the little beach, reading a new book she brought with her until Harry and co. get back from their little adventure. It was going to be a perfect bonding time for her and Anne and Gemma, but no, nothing was ever that easy.
Abby and her sweet little face could convince the most stubborn of people to do anything, and that’s the only reason she agreed to leaving the safe space that is land. Did Harry in his tiny, white swim shorts have any influence? Hardly. Though, she found it difficult to look away from. Especially when they boarded the floating trap and he removed his t-shirt.
But, Y/N was so beyond nervous of falling overboard and drowning, even in the life jacket that Harry secured to her body. She hardly let her eyes wander out to the water surrounding them, getting nauseous at the sight of the vast lake and thought of all bad things that could happen.
She wasn’t even nervous about his friends anymore. They all get along pretty well, which is amazing. And that leaves more room for her to be anxious about the boat ride. 
Harry sat by her side the majority of the time, except for when it was his turn to take a ride out on the water for a little wake-boarding. Surprising to Y/N, he managed to stay balanced and pull off a few tricks here and there, except for when he completely wiped out by the end of his turn. Her initial instinct was to fear for his life when he dropped down in the water, a loud gasp escaping her throat as he sunk away from her line of vision. But, when his head popped back out of the blue and a smile was adorning his face, she felt just a little bit better.
When he came back onto the boat and sat back next to her, Y/N couldn’t help but pull him into her arms, and mutter “Had me worried for a second,” into his ear, causing him to squeeze her in return. Of course after ogling his wet skin and how tight his tiny, white shorts clung to his thighs. 
“Can’t get rid of me that easily, darling.” And then he smooshed her cheeks which puckered her lips, and kissed her briefly. “D’ya wanna go for a ride?”
Y/N let out a loud laugh at this, “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”
“How about tubing?” He pointed as one large raft was being set up now at the back of the boat. “All you gotta do is sit, and hope for the best.”
Y/N looked at him with a deadpan expression, blinking a couple of times. “You want to torture me don’t you?”
“Come on with me! If we wipe out, we do it as a team. Y’know, because we’re a team,” he smiled cheekily, batting his eyelashes the best he could at her. It isn’t hard to determine where Abby learned that from.
Everyone started to gang up on Y/N, telling her just how fun it’ll be, saying she’s wearing a life jacket and has no reason to fear. And Harry will always save her if anything goes wrong.
It’ll be fun, they said.
You won’t regret it, they said.
But, when her and Harry flipped over on a particularly rough turn, she did in fact, regret it. And it wasn’t fun.
She’ll admit that the moment her body collapsed onto the water, and her life vest kept her afloat, she wasn’t as terrified as she thought she’d be. That doesn’t make her any less right that she was perfectly fine with staying on the boat and watching everyone else enjoy the little adventure. 
When Harry popped back up out of the water, he was laughing his head off, pushing his floppy hair off of his forehead. Y/N splashed him, flipping him off as he continued laughing, waiting for the boat to come back around to pick them up. 
“See, y’survived, baby. Knew you would,” he grinned, earning another splash from her as he swam over to her. 
Abby was a giggling mess when she saw the state of Y/N and Harry, pointing her finger at the two of them as she recounted the events from her own perspective. There were a lot of hand gestures involved in between laughs, and in return, Harry jokingly picked up his daughter and held her over the water upside down.
This just made Abby squeal and laugh harder, no ounce of fear of being dropped anywhere in sight.
Y/N was envious, because Abby wasn’t even wearing a life jacket of her own and she seemed to be completely fine with dropping into the water -- not that Harry actually would.
After all of the more adventurous of the festivities, they all relaxed with the last couple of hours of rented boat time. And though Y/N shouldn’t exactly be drinking while out on the water, to submerge this underlying fear of hers, she needed to drink to forget about it. 
And, well, she did feel a little more relaxed after she got a bit of vodka in her system.
“So, Y/N, is H treatin’ ya well?” Niall, one of Harry’s friends asked, finishing off what seemed to be his third beer in an hour. It was impressive, and how he doesn’t even slightly fazed by the alcohol is even more impressive.
Taking a sip of her own drink, she nodded her head. “Very well. Nicest person I’ve ever met, honestly.”
“I know Abs is crazy ‘bout you. When Harry was first telling me about you, t’first thing he mentioned was how Abby was absolutely in awe of you. That’s the deal breaker for him, his daughter,” he gestured in the direction of where Harry and Abby had ventured off to.
They were both in the water, Abby on his back as he swam around. Harry sometimes ducked on the water, taking Abby with him, both of them popping back up and laughing as she tightened her hold on him. The sight of them two always warmed Y/N’s heart, and each time she saw their bond, it made her determined to stay in their lives for however long they’ll have her.
She loves watching them together and seeing how happy they are when they’re together. They’re best friends and Y/N can’t imagine either of them ruining the pure relationship they have together. And the love they radiate between each other is one that is unmatched, and Y/N wishes she loved someone like they loved each other.
Then it dawns on her.
“Niall, I think I’m in love with Harry.”
At the L-bomb, Niall couldn’t help but spit out the beer that was about to travel down his throat all over the deck of the boat, coating the area in front of him in the sticky substance. His eyes widened as his mouth dropped open into a wide smile, “Holy shit.”
❊ ❊
“Nana, you gotta come with us t’mo’row! It was so much fun!” Abby squealed as she was lifted off the ground, one hand in Anne’s and one in Harry’s as they swung her between the two of them.
Y/N trailed behind them, watching the three of them interact in a loving manner. Ever since her little epiphany from earlier, she hasn’t really spoken to Harry, and not in a bad way, but in a I don’t know how to cope with myself right now kind of silence. 
They’ve been together a total of eight months, and the L-word hadn’t ever really crossed over Y/N’s mind. She supposes it’s because she still has this underlying fear that he’ll up and leave her because he’s so far out of her league, but as days pass on and she gets to know this man more and more each day, she can’t imagine herself never wanting to be apart of his life anymore. 
Seeing him with Abby makes her yearn for a life like that with him, with kids of their own, married, bound to grow old together. And to get to that point, she has to admit to him and herself, that she really loves him.
Like, loves love him.
Harry noticed her silence about an hour ago after they docked the boat and went to dinner. He was confused as to why she had grown silent and he worried she was mad at him for pushing her to go tubing with him, but he also knows her well enough that, that isn’t something she could stay mad at. He also knows her well enough to know not to push her in a public setting, and that she’ll talk when she’s ready.
That’s why he suggests Abby stays with his mum and sister for the night so they could watch a movie or two together and catch up a bit since it’d been a little while since they spent a decent amount of time together. Though, Anne and Gemma knew he just wanted some alone time with Y/N because they also noticed her quiet attitude compared to the start of the day.
When they all departed, and Y/N and Harry headed to their room, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head -- his signature move to console her. “You okay?”
Y/N looked up to him, and nodded her head. “M’fine. Just had some things on my mind.”
“Like what?” He hummed, inserting the key to their room and waiting for the little green light on the handle before pushing open the door.
“Just... things,” she shrugged, mentally slapping herself in the face. She hated how nervous this newfound thought has made her, and she feels like she’s been thrown back to step one when it comes to being open around Harry.
He rose one eyebrow in response, “Uh, right. Do y’want to shower first?” He changed the subject, throwing his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the ensuite bathroom.
“No, no, you can go first,” she waved him off, kicking off her sandals and gathering her disgusting hair into a ponytail to get it out of her face.
Harry opened his mouth to say something else but he quickly shut it, deciding this was a conversation that needed to be had when he felt less sticky. Though, he zoomed as fast as he could in the shower because the anxious gut feeling over what’s wrong was eating him alive. 
When he came out of the bathroom in just his towel, he ruffled the ends of his hair quickly before pushing them up and out of his face. He was quick to notice Y/N was looking at her phone, a small smile complementing her face as she looked at whatever was on it. And his curiosity got the best of him as he wondered, “What’re you smiling at?”
Y/N looked up from her phone, the smile still nestled into her skin as she showed him the contents of her happiness. “I forgot I took these before.”
They were photos of him from the boat, a captain’s hat on his head that he had found in a little compartment under one of the benches. They were some of her newfound favorite photos of him.
Which only further solidified her love for this man.
That guy in the photos is her boyfriend, and the man she loves,
It’s crazy.
“Hey, I look pretty good,” he grins, flicking his nonexistent long hair over his shoulder.
Y/N hums back, bringing the phone back around to her eyesight, still staring at the photos she took. She also got a few of Abby that are absolutely precious. And all she wishes is that she gets to stay in this girls life for the rest of her life.
“Y/N,” Harry called, knocking her out of her lovestruck trance, making her snap her eyes to him as he sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her a little worrisome. “Are y’sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, H. Honest.”
He gave her a pointed look at that, basically saying c’mon I know you better than that. “Was it m’friends? I know they can be a little... much, tha’s what I’ve been trying to warn you about.”
“No! No, I loved them, they were really great,” she spoke quickly, getting up from the armchair she was on, and standing in front of him.
“Is it because I pushed you into going on the boat today?”
“I know I shouldn’t have, I’m really sorry--”
“Harry!” Y/N finally snapped, bringing her hands up to his cheeks and smooshing them together so he could stop talking for just one second.
“I’m in love with you.”
Silence loomed over them as Harry’s jaw fell slack and his eyebrows scrunched together. Y/N smiled down at him sheepishly, her hands moving down to his shoulders, tears swelling in her eyes as she really took in what she just said to him. She felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, her mind finally relaxing and taking its own deep breath as the truth was finally set free.
It felt like an eternity as they kept staring at one another, but Y/N didn’t mind. She could spend forever looking at him and never once would she get bored.
Her left hand came up to caress the underside of his jaw, her thumb grazing over the bit of stubble that sat on his face. To break the silence, she said it again, “I love you.”
“You love me?” He finally breathed, hands coming up to her hips and pulling her down to straddle his lap.
Y/N brought her arms up to wrap around his shoulders, a bigger smile than before worming its way up her face. “So much.”
“Holy shit,” and then he kissed her. He pulled her face quick against his, locking their lips in a passionate embrace fueled by love.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that,” he broke them apart, cupping her face in his hands as he kisses her cheeks, her nose, then her forehead.
“I fucking love you, Y/N.”
And then the tears swelled in her eyes again at his confession. She sat back just a little bit as her eyes bounced back and forth between his, now letting his truth dawn on her.
Before she could say anything else, he continued, “I’ve loved you for a while now. But, I wanted you to say it first. I knew if I did, you would’ve spiraled into a sea of darkness in that mind of yours. Needed you to say it first, needed you to do it without any pressure of saying it back.”
Fuck, she loves him so much.
And now the tears cascaded down her cheeks as she pulled him back to her in a heated kiss. They fell back against the mattress, Harry’s hands firm on her hips as they rocked back and forth with one another.
It was refreshing stepping into a new part of their relationship that has yet to be explored. It excited them both; To be able to love each other with no fears getting in the way. They were developing and evolving together and fuck, they love each other.
“I really wanna have sex,” Y/N muttered against his lips, pecking his soft lips once more. “But I really need to shower first.”
“V’got a solution,” he smiled, quickly sitting up and standing up with her legs wrapped around his hips. It was clear to say he was heading to the bathroom again, his intentions straightforward — and Y/N’s heart and lower region throbbed at the thought.
“M’gonna need another shower after we’re done anyway.”
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marcnutz · 3 years
Little Friend Part.2
Tags: Dream x Voodoo Dick (Its George's), 1.5k words, Dream solo, Masturbation, Dubcon (sorta, just to be safe)
Masterlist and Info (includes link to p.1)
Dream finds himself affected by a strange force in his ass.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the support for p.1 and on the rest of my fics! <3
"Oh come on!" Dream and Sapnap sat in their house, nachos on the table and the Gator's game on the tv. "Why's he flagging them? This is fucking ridiculous!"
"Haha, get fucked, looser," Sapnap replied, happy that Atlantic was doing well. Not that he liked them, he just wanted to win against Dream.
"Shut up. I'm getting more drinks, want anything?" Dream asked, Patches hopping off his lap and scurrying over to Sapnap as he stood up. Sapnap just shook his head as he nuzzled Patches.
Walking over to the fridge, Dream felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Oh, it's George.
George: Hey, did you send me this weird doll?
Doll? Dream doesn't know anything about a doll.
Dream: What doll?
George: The one that looks like your Minecraft character. It’s small and white and it moves.
"Dream! The game's back on!" Sapnap yelled from the living room.
"Coming!" Dream yelled back, shooting George one last text before stuffing his phone back in his pocket and hurrying back to the couch to see what the referees had to say.
Dream was content just sitting there, eating ships and soda and bantering with Sapnap every once in a while, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was forgetting about something.
George's text bothered him, he had only skimmed his last text, maybe he misread something.
He took his phone out again and re-read the last text George had sent him. It moves? Small... White...
That's when he felt it. A light touch on his asshole, when he put two and two together. He knew about the blob, the one he had. Whenever he put his dick in it he felt it inside, allowing him to literally fuck himself. But how did George get one? Did he know what it was doing to him?
Dream gasped when he felt something long and slender enter him, making his knees weak.
"You okay dude?" Sapnap asked.
"I-I have to go to the bathroom." Dream stood up and rushed to his room, locking the door behind him.
Dream: Wait send me a picture of the doll.
Luckily nothing was inside him anymore. Maybe George would just leave the blob alone if that's really what's going on. He sat on his bed, staring at his phone waiting for a read receipt to pop up.
Dream: George, send me a picture.
He had to keep his cool, what if George already knew what it was, and then he figured out the Dream knew what it was as well. How would he explain to his best friend that there are fleshlights that are somehow connected to his ass when he himself didn't understand it either.
Should he call? No. That would make him sound too concerned when he should be watching football with Sapnap.
But then something entered him again, and then another something. Were these George's fingers? Whatever was in him felt long and thin, just like what he'd seen of George's hand. Dream let out a pornographic moan as a third maybe-finger entered him.
He couldn't do this, he couldn't sit here and allow himself to be fingered by his best friend. Even if said friend was super hot, and he may or may not have a crush on him. It was wrong. But dear lord, the fingers were stretching him out so nicely.
No. Dream shook his head, picking up his phone and calling George. Dream was panting as he listened to his phone ring once, twice, three times, click, voice mail.
The fingers finally came out of Dream's ass, and he sighed. Good, George was gonna call him back and be too weirded out to continue fucking the blob. They would laugh and chalk it up to some weird fan or something and never speak of it again.
Another minute passed by, and there was no response and no fingers in his ass. His anxiety over knowing George most likely just fingered him, and the ache from his raging hardon between his legs made his head spin.
Dream tried once more to call George but was sent to voice mail once more.
That's not fingers.
Oh god, that is definitely not fingers. Something much thicker than the three fingers that were previously inside of him entered Dream's ass. It was very obviously just the tip, but it stretched him out so well.
Dream couldn't take this. It was wrong and he knew it, but his body's needs quickly overtook his mind. He kicked his pants and boxers off and rolled onto his stomach, ass in the air and face pressed against his pillow to muffle the inevitable noises he was going to let out. If he was going to be fucked by his best friend he might as well enjoy it.
The teasing continued for a few minutes, just the phantom head going in and out of Dream, making his whine and push his hips back, wanting it to go deeper. It didn't work, of course. He was completely at George's control, assuming it was George and not some weird coincidence with some random man putting his dick in his ass. It was nicer to think it was George, and it's not like he hadn't thought of it before.
Suddenly, the cock inside of him slammed deep inside, shock waves travelling up Dream's spine as it hit his prostate head-on. Dream let out more high-pitched whines as the dick pulled out ever so slightly before pushing back up against his prostate again and again.
And then it was gone. "Huh?" Dream let out, turning his head around to see nothing there, before letting out a loud yell when the cock was roughly shoved back inside of him.
The cock fucked into Dream at a brutal pace, every time it entered him it hit his prostate. Dream's own cock was leaking profusely, cum dripping down his thighs and onto his bed. His tip was bright red, begging to be touched.
Dream ran a hand down his chest and stopped when he neared his cock. Right above his pelvis, he could feel the dick inside of him forming a bulge in his stomach with every thrust. Dream left his hand there, feeling it press against his hand every time it hit his prostate.
Tears began to flow freely down Dream's cheeks as his first orgasm racked through his body. Cum painted his chest and bedsheets white. He felt himself tighten around the pseudo-cock inside of him, biting down on his pillows to stop himself from being too loud, almost yelling from the overstimulation.
It was so good and so wrong, cumming from his best friend's cock without him even knowing. But it's not like he could do anything about it. He did even have to touch his own cock to cum, so it's not like he could have avoided all of this.
The dick didn't stop pounding into him. Dream felt himself begin to harden once more as the slight pain from overstimulation turned back into blinding pleasure.
He couldn't help it anymore. Dream reached down and wrapped a hand around his aching cock, thrusting into his hand at the same pace the cock inside of him hit his prostate.
Dream was already so close again. There was no way Sapnap didn't hear him. He tried his best to muffle his sobs of pleasure into his pillow but he was still being loud. The cock inside of him started to lose its pace, it was close. Dream was too, and he wanted to cum at the same time as, to the best of his knowledge, George.
With one final thrust, he felt the cock spill into his guts, sending Dream over the edge as well, all the while the dick inside of him continued to fuck up into his prostate.
Dream felt almost pathetic, covered in his tears, sweat, and cum, but he was too fucked out to care. The dick paused inside of him, before slowly pulling out. Dream felt even more of its cum seep out of his ass and down his thighs into the puddle that was forming between his knees.
Dream did his best to roll over onto his back, chest heaving with overexertion. In the back of his mind, he felt ashamed for getting fucked by George, but he was too happy and tired to care.
He laid there for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow before his phone began to ring. It was George. He debated picking it up, before taking a few more deep breathes and pressing the green button.
"G-George?" Oh no, that was much too breathy and sounded too close to a moan. There was no way George didn't know what just happened.
"Dream? What happened?" Hmm, George seemed more concerned than anything. "What's wrong? It sounds like you just ran a marathon."
"I-" Dream had to stop himself from moaning at the sound of George's voice. "George. Did you say something about a doll?"
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
imagine robotus offering to find you a match like he helped reagan but you getting flustered and being like "ehh i already like someone" HOW WOULD HE REACT?? WOULD HE KNOW ITS HIM OR WOULD HE ASSUME ITS SOMEONE ELSE
The smartest creation alive? The first of his kind, practically a God among men? MISTER 'GALAXY BRAIN' HIMSELF??
it uhhhh doesn't even fucking register-
because,, he's a Homicidal AI Hellbent On Destroying Humanity, and as far as he's aware That Isn't Exactly What People Look For In A Partner. Why would smb want him?
'No one I know, surely?'
'Oh - actually, they uh... work at Cognito?'
'... I beg your pardon?'
SMNDS THAT'S THE SHIT THAT THROWS HIM FOR A LOOP BECAUSE,, he's Seen you interact with your coworkers and,, you've shown no interest in them???? As a being with Infinite Knowledge, Not Knowing Something Is The Most Frustrating Thing In The World. He’s absolutely gonna try and Grill you for into and get >:(( huffy when you won’t spill...
 He also has nothing better to do than try and figure it out so that’s gonna be an interesting time-
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ofgentleresolve-a · 2 years
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@jeoseungsaja sent in: "i think i might've broken something..." (here's dumb and injured Hyuk talking to Patrick, mY APOLOGIES IEWUDHWUDH) || what else is new ( ft. 400 random dialogue prompts meme )
"Let's not jump to conclusions." And yet it's said with an ashen face. Of course, Patrick knows his dear friend's job is fraught with danger. Injuries are inevitable as are wounds bad enough to make his friend bow over in pain. However, it's one thing for him to discover them via a blue screen as opposed to seeing them at their freshest. IN PERSON. Is this what happens to his dear friend every time he's on the job when Patrick's not here?
Most times when Patrick makes the flight over to Seoul, it's always planned. Hyuk always takes time off from work so Patrick ( and his daughter for that matter ) never actually see him working. This time, however, is different, with Patrick making an impromptu visit for work and Hyuk being in the middle of a big case. Taking time off isn't an option for either of them. It saddens Patrick.
But he'll take what he can get, these stolen moments in their tight schedules. Even if right now that involves Hyuk barely being able to stand on his own, thanks to what Patrick assumes to be an injury to his RIBS. He gets Hyuk to put his arm over Patrick's shoulders before gingerly leading him into his own apartment.
( How does his dear friend handle this usually, coming home injured to NO ONE? )
Sitting Hyuk in a chair, Patrick rummages through his cabinet, pulling out Hyuk's first aid kit ( a deluxe pack too- it's almost like Hyuk knew he'd need all of it sooner rather later... ) before wrapping an ice pack in a towel and then getting a bowl of warm water. He sets everything he thinks he might need on the table next to his dear friend.
Who, through gritted teeth, has managed to get his shirt off, revealing a nasty BRUISE on his side. It looks like it might bleed through too. There are other cuts and bruises to tend to as well. Patrick takes a sharp breath of air. Can he even treat this? Sure he's treated his children and even Hyuk over the years but it's never been this bad. Why didn't Hyuk go to a hospital instead? The thoughts mill around like a WHIRLWIND before he forces himself to breathe.
Panicking isn't going to fix things here.
He gets to work. A warm cloth wipes away the blood and dirt marks around the wounds. Alcohol wipes are also applied with sharp gasps of pain filling the spaces in between before Patrick can finally put the bandages on. The worst one, thankfully, looked a lot worse than it actually was, but he imagines it will still be tender for more than a few days. Hyuk might have some trouble walking around. It's not ideal, but...at the very least, nothing's BROKEN. Just bruised. Badly.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Patrick pulls a chair up in front of his dear friend. Hyuk, as usual in these circumstances, isn't looking him in the eye. He never does even when they're video chatting. Sighing, Patrick leans forward, alcohol wipe and bandages resting on his leg. Their knees brush against one another.
"Hyuk, look at me. Please?" With his fingertips, he coaxes his dear friend's chin up. The injuries on his face aren't nearly as bad as the one on his side, but they still do require medical attention. A hand cups Hyuk's cheek ( for balance purposes, of course ) as Patrick carefully wipes each wound with yet another alcohol wipe.
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"I assume the other person looks just as bad," He's frowning, but as usual, Patrick skips the SCOLDING. Scolding Hyuk doesn't do much, truly since he'll inevitably, after the wounds heal, get injured again on another case. It's an occupational hazard and it's about as predictable as Patrick concealing his true thoughts when first prodded upon.
Bandages next. Hyuk only needs two though, even if there's also a bruise on his lip. One for his cheek and the other for the top of his forehead, where Patrick recalls having to apply one there a few days ago when he visited his dear friend at the precinct with his White Day present. Patrick presses a new one there and then leans back.
"ALL DONE. You should get some rest now; I'll clean up later." He murmurs. His heart calm again, he notices his dear friend's forehead is still creased. Hyuk is looking away, guilty, ashamed, apologetic. He doesn't mean to get injured and worry Patrick.
Patrick knows this, better than anyone else. He rests a hand on Hyuk's shoulder.
"Let me make you tea. It should help you relax." And without thinking, Patrick KISSES his dear friend's forehead, before walking into the kitchen. A few minutes later, there's a boiling tea kettle on the stove.
Patrick covers his mouth. His cheeks are ablaze.
Oh god. His head spins. How is he going to get through the rest of this week?
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cheapthrillsbeca · 3 years
fic: she used to meet me on the east side (1/?)
pairing: bechloe rating: teen words: 3,200
After college, Beca and Chloe move into a railroad apartment in New York. Having to walk through Choe’s room to get to her own won’t be a problem for Beca, right? On an unrelated note, why are there butterflies in Beca’s stomach whenever Chloe is around?
a.k.a. the one where Beca keeps walking into Chloe’s room at the absolute worst times
Read on AO3!
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lowkeyorloki · 2 years
on the edge of my seat for tomorrow's asis update but random question: how did you come up with your fanfic author name?
YAYYYYY I'm so glad you're anticipating it hehe
I've actually only been lowkeyorloki for just over a year. When I made my tumblr blog almost five (!!!!!) years ago, I was thelokiimaginechronicles. The pseud I made for ao3 was lowkeyorloki, and then I ended up switching my tumblr url to match (I'm lucky I managed to nab it in both places).
For thelokiimaginechronicles, I came up with it because I could not think of anything else. All the good urls that sounded like Loki were taken. On top of that, I wanted something that communicated I was an x reader blog. So lil 17 year old me thought, "well, I write Loki imagines... I *chronicle* that" and my handle was born.
For lowkeyorloki, I wanted something shorter and I was in a rush to make a pseud on ao3 so I could start posting my fic She Shall Have (tumblr is NOT a good medium for multichapters). I was just wanting to get naming the pseud out of the way and asked myself what rhymes with Loki. The only word I could come up with was lowkey, and I was okay with that because of Low-Key Lyesmith from Neil Gaimon's BANGER of a novel American Gods. But I'm picky and I didn't want the url/pseud to be "lowkeyloki" because I think it looks ugly and also Loki is not low key. You can either be low key OR Loki but you cannot be both if you're staying true to his character. Anyway all those circumstances combined and lowkeyorloki is just an amalgamation of those events. I also (obviously) ended up changing my tumblr url to match so people could find me on both platforms (sadly I cannot do the same for tiktok or twitter :( )!
Are you looking to make a Loki-themed url? Try going for shades of colors. I have a star wars blog + pseud on ao3 called viridescent-din. Viridescent means becoming green, so it's a reference to the importance of baby Grogu in Din's life. I literally googled "fancy words for green." I did the same with gold for you, so here are some possible Loki urls:
halcyonloki OR halcyon-loki
auriferous-loki OR auriferousloki
lokis-gilt OR lokisgilt
aurous-loki OR aurousloki
foollokisgold OR fool-lokis-gold
I have no idea if these are taken or not though!
Coming up with an author name is hard, so if that's what you're doing, good luck! You just have to play around with concepts or loose connections. That, and you have to be lucky. If you find a name you like (or use one of these!!! omg i want to know), let me know so I can see it - and read your content!!!!
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utilitycaster · 3 years
I’m finally watching Artifexian’s map series and I hope I’ll like it but like...I think my bigger issues are 1. urban design, both in realistic location and layout, and 2. how to fucking draw. Sure, I want Matt Mercer to send me the planetary statistics of Exandria, but I am pretty okay as a home DM being like “my planet has earth-like temperatures, orbit, and seasons” so calculating fictional planetary albedo does not seem like a great use of my time and energy.
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beeutifulbuttercup · 5 years
A man holding a feather
When the air gets heavy
Scoop me up
from the bottom of the
bed sheets: hold me.
Ribs to ribs
My breath flutters
Fragile, shackled:
A man holding a feather
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jaeyunverse · 2 years
the roommate contract
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pairing: lee jeno x fem!reader
genres: fluff, crack, angst, suggestive, one-sided enemies to lovers, roommates au, brother’s best friend au, fake dating
wc: 11341
warnings: profanity, a very flirty jeno, jaemin and mc are siblings and she sorta badmouths him oops, lot of childish banter, jeno is older than the mc by two years, some angst at the end (lmk if i’ve missed anything!) 
summary: nothing could have been worse than getting kicked out of your house and having to move in with lee jeno—resident fuckboy, annoying asshole and your first heartbreak.
playlist: click here!
note: this was supposed to be slowburn but i kinda got impatient so i ditched that plan LMFAO this is a bit fast-paced imo but i hope you guys enjoy the fic! feedback is always appreciated :D
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That day, you made three mistakes. 
First: talking about your problems in public. Second: letting slip how desperate you were. Third (the gravest mistake): locking gazes with none other than Lee Jeno. 
He perked up when you yelled at Hwang Yeji, “I’ll have nowhere to go!” 
The moment the words were out, your wide eyes met his amused ones. Jeno quirked an eyebrow and smirked, walking over to the booth you and Yeji were seated at. 
“What’s this I hear about you needing a place to crash, Y/N?” he cooed, setting his cup of coffee on the table and sliding beside you. 
You glared at him, frowning when the bare skin of his arm brushed against yours. Shifting away, you snapped, “None of your damn business, Lee. Quit eavesdropping and get out of here.”  
Jeno’s smirk grew when he saw your discomfort. Throwing an arm around your shoulder, he pulled you against him. Your head smashed into his hard chest as he teased, “Now, now, is that how you treat your brother’s best friend?” 
You narrowed your eyes and craned your neck to look at him. “That’s how I treat an egotistical bastard who doesn’t know basic manners.” 
Jeno grinned at the insult, lightly bumping his forehead against yours. “You look so attractive right now.” 
Heat rose to your cheeks, and you shoved him away, cursing loudly. He laughed at your flustered state, his eyes turning into small crescent moons. 
This was Lee Jeno—a huge flirt who thought highly of himself due to the popularity he had gained as the star player of your university’s football team, and whose only personality trait was being ridiculously attractive. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled under your breath and averted your eyes. They landed on Yeji, who was sitting on the other side of the table. A knowing smile was playing on her lips and her hands were crossed over her chest. 
You groaned. 
“Finally remembered I was here, did you?” she asked, cocking her head to the side. 
“Yeji, you can’t be serious,” you pleaded, ignoring her teasing remark and returning to the topic at hand. Why she and your brother, Na Jaemin, liked to think of you and Jeno as a couple was beyond you. You radiated nothing but annoyance when the boy was around you. “You and Jaemin have only been dating for a few months. I don’t think it’s wise for you to move in together already.” 
Everything you had uttered was bullcrap. Though your current roommate and your brother had been dating for no more than six months, what they had was special. It was evident that they loved each other very much. In fact, deciding to stay together was probably a wise decision, but you didn’t want to lose Yeji. 
She was an amazing roommate and your closest friend. 
Besides, she was only giving you a week to move out of your shared apartment so Jaemin could move in. Apparently, your idiot brother was supposed to break the news to you over two weeks ago but had forgotten to do so. Now, Yeji was doing damage control. 
“The decision is made, Y/N,” she told you sternly. “I’m sorry Jaemin didn’t do his job. Hell, I’m sorry for going home and giving him the responsibility. But you must understand that we’re on a time restraint. I told you that you could stay with Jeno—”
“You told her what?” said boy interrupted her, leaning forward in his seat. 
“Yeji!” you yelled, cutting her off before she could suggest something stupid again. “I said no!”
Jeno turned to look at you, his lips set in a pout. “C’mon, Y/N. Why so stubborn? I love Yeji’s idea. We’d have such a good time being roomies and doing roomie things.”
The mischievous look in his eyes told you the exact kind of roomie things he had in mind. You rolled your eyes and ignored him, turning your attention to the girl opposite you again. “It doesn’t matter. Jaemin’s never going to let this asshole room with me.”
“Hey!” Jeno protested. 
You didn’t give a shit about Jaemin’s opinion. You didn’t need him to ‘let’ you do anything anyway. You were capable of making your own decisions, and at that moment, you decided to use your brother and put words in his mouth for your own interest. 
Yeji looked unimpressed. “Joke’s on you because it was his idea.”
The motherfucker. Fucking coward, that’s what Na Jaemin was. Not only was he hiding from you because of what he had failed to do but was also feeding irrational ideas into Yeji’s mind. 
“You should break up with him,” you told her nonchalantly. “His ideas are stupid and he’s going to ruin your life.” 
Rolling her eyes, Yeji got up from her seat and straightened her shirt. “I love you, Y/N, but I want you gone from the apartment by the end of the week. It’s not like I’m throwing you out on the streets; Jeno has agreed to let you crash at his place.”
“I don’t see the difference,” you deadpanned.
Yeji gave you a pointed look. “Goodbye, Y/N. I’ll see you after class tonight and we’ll talk about packing.” 
With that, she was gone, leaving a very pleased Jeno alone with you. You glanced at him to see him already staring at you with a grin on his face. 
“We’re going to have a lot of fun being roommates, you and I.” 
You wanted to die.
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“I am going to fucking kill you, Jaemin!” you screamed, tightening your grip around the lightsaber you had picked up from his room. 
Jaemin’s eyes widened, and he bolted out of his room and towards the living room. You let out a war cry and chased after him, lightsaber held above your head. 
“I’m sorry!” your brother shrieked and dived behind the couch. “I forgot!” 
“Oh, yeah?” you taunted, glaring daggers at his concealed figure. “You better forget about wanting to move in with Yeji too! I’m not moving out for your irresponsible ass!”
You prepared yourself to run towards the couch and jump off the edge to get to Jaemin. However, the moment you stepped on the plush cushion, an arm was around your waist, and you were suddenly in the air. 
“Easy, princess,” Jeno chuckled into your ear. “Wouldn’t want you to trip and hit your head, would we? You’re unhinged enough.”
“Let go of me, Lee!” you snapped, struggling in his hold. Jaemin peeked from behind the sofa, and upon seeing you trapped by Jeno, darted out of the house. 
“Thanks, bro. I owe you one.” He mock-saluted his best friend and closed the apartment door shut, leaving you and Jeno alone. 
You let out a groan of frustration and tried to get out of Jeno’s arms. “Let me go! I need to chase after him,” you yelled.
He tightened his grip around you, pulling you against his chest. “Not until you promise to ditch the lightsaber. Can’t have you running around the building with that in your hands. You’re going to be living with me soon and I’d rather not be referred to as the guy rooming with the crazy lightsaber girl.”
“I’m not going to live with you,” you scoffed. Letting go of the toy, you glanced up at him. “I dropped it; can you get your hands off me now?”
Jeno raised a sculpted eyebrow. “Really? Where exactly are you going to live then? You do realise you won’t find an apartment in four days, right?”
“I’m going to kill Jaemin,” you replied simply. “I won't need to find a new apartment if he’s out of the way.”
“Your love for your brother is so evident.”
“I know.” 
A beat of silence followed your dry answer, and that was when you noticed the proximity between you and Jeno. You were completely pressed up against him, his arms still holding you to him. You could feel his chiselled abdomen, and his face was so, so close. 
He was back hugging you. 
The moment the thought sunk in, you shoved him away and averted your gaze. Clearing your throat, you went down on your knees and picked up the lightsaber. “I don’t care about your reputation; I’m going to go beat up Jaemin with this stick and then go apartment hunting.”
“Nice. You’ve got your priorities set straight.” 
You tilted your neck to glower at Jeno. His hands were shoved inside his pant pockets, and he was smiling softly at you. You stuck your tongue at him and turned on your heels, marching out of the apartment to begin your search for Jaemin. 
You didn’t realise your heart had been beating rapidly inside your chest until it had slowed down.  
No, there was no way Jeno was having any effect on you. Not when you had spent years trying to build an immunity to his charm. Not when he wasn’t even trying to be charming back at his and Jaemin’s shared space. 
You chose to believe that the only reason your heart was racing was that you were angry at your brother. Because you were angry at Jeno for confining you in his embrace and not allowing you to run after him. Because you had to move out and sacrifice your comfort for your loved ones’ happiness. Because the news had been sprung on you without any warning, and it made you feel vulnerable. 
There was no way you were starting to feel anything but dislike for Jeno. 
No fucking way.
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“So,” Yeji popped. “Find a decent place yet?” 
You shot her a look as you shrugged off your coat and threw it on a chair. Kicking your shoes off too, you plopped down on the sofa beside her. “Not yet, but I will find one soon.”
Yeji rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the TV again. “When? You’re moving out tomorrow.”
“I'm moving out tomorrow afternoon,” you corrected her. “I’ll have a few hours to search for a new apartment.” 
She hummed absent-mindedly. “Sure.”
“Sure,” you mimicked under your breath and put your fingers inside the bowl in her hands. “The least you could do is help me find a new apartment,” you grumbled, your mouth full of potato chips. “I wouldn’t have to move out if it weren’t for you and Jaemin.”
You scowled at the mention of your brother. You’d found him cowering behind the building dumpsters earlier that day and had beat him up. 
He’d fought back and tried to land a few blows too, but he was no match for you. You hoped he was licking his wounds and vowing to himself that he would never make such a mistake again. 
“What the fuck are you on?” Yeji deadpanned, finally looking at you. “I literally packed all your shit for you because you refused to. And you already have an apartment, which means I practically did everything for you.”
“I’m not staying at Jeno’s!” you exclaimed. 
“Why?!” she cried. “What’s the big deal? You’ve known him since before you’ve known me. Sure, he flirts more than what’s considered normal, but he cares about you a lot and would never hurt you.”
You opened your mouth to protest but closed it when no words came out. You hated to admit it, but Yeji was right. For all his annoying antics, Jeno was not a bad guy. 
But she didn’t know what you did. Back when you were in middle school and Jeno was in high school, you had a huge crush on him. The kind that caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach at the mere sight of him. 
The kind that had you dreaming about going on cute dates with him. The kind that had you smiling and feeling giddy out of nowhere. 
It was an innocent crush harboured by your innocent and naive past self. 
Like most people, Jeno changed when he entered high school. Puberty hit him like a truck, and he was suddenly the hot topic at school. The undivided attention and God-like treatment he received got to his head. 
He grew cocky and arrogant. He began flirting with multiple people just because he could, and with his pretty privilege always at the ready in his arsenal, he was able to get away with hurting them each time. 
You were just another victim of Jeno’s charm. You didn’t know about his reputation because your grades didn’t share the same buildings, and Jaemin certainly hadn’t bothered to warn you when you began falling for him either.
You decided to confess, mistaking Jeno’s mindless flirting as him genuinely having feelings for you. With a box of chocolates in your hands and shy expression on your face, you gazed through your bedroom window with anticipation, waiting for him to come back from football practice. 
(His house was right next to yours; you’d been neighbours for over five years.)
When you finally saw him approaching your house, your eyes lit up and you got ready to run down the stairs. You wanted to catch him before he could go inside his home. 
But then you noticed someone else was with him, holding his hand and clinging onto his arm like their life depended on it. Upon closer inspection, you realised it was a girl. 
Jeno was with a girl.
They looked like they were having fun together. Jeno was smiling at her with that adorable smile of his—the same one that made you fall for him in the first place. The box of chocolates slipped from your hands and so did the smile on your face when he pressed a kiss to her cheek, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. 
Your heart was broken for the first time that day. It didn’t take a lot of time for you to figure everything out after witnessing the scene, and you’ve resented him ever since.  
You tried cutting Jeno off by distancing yourself, but it was impossible not to run into him when he was always hanging out at your place. 
So, you started giving him the cold shoulder. You snapped at him whenever he tried to talk to you. You insulted him every chance you got, not being able to keep your anger to yourself.
Jeno, to your surprise, asked you what was wrong. He asked you what had changed and what suddenly made you dislike him. He tried to make it up to you despite not knowing what he had done to piss you off in the first place. 
Your answer was giving him the silent treatment and blowing him off. You weren’t stupid—no way in hell were you going to tell him the real reason behind your actions. It would have only made you come off as a pathetic loser who couldn’t move on and held petty grudges. 
Eventually, he accepted defeat and stopped trying to get you to like him again. 
It wasn’t until nearly a year later that you realised why you’d been so affected by Jeno’s rejection-but-not-really-a-rejection.
You’d been in love with him. 
Lee Jeno had been your first love. 
And you hadn’t resented him for kissing the girl. No, you were angry at yourself for falling for someone like him and getting your heart broken in the process. You were just taking it all out on him because you didn’t know how else to deal with your feelings. 
You knew it wasn’t fair to Jeno, but it wasn’t like you could just make things go back to the way they were before. So, you kept up your charade until the line between pretence and reality began thinning and finally disappeared. 
Being rude and sarcastic to Lee Jeno was like breathing. It came to you naturally and occurred involuntarily. 
“Earth to Y/N.” Yeji snapped her fingers in front of your face, jolting you out of your reverie. 
You scrunched your nose when the salt from the chips flew into your eyes. Slapping her hand away, you asked, “What?” 
“I said we should sleep. It’s already past ten and we need to get up early tomorrow.” 
You nodded, getting up from the sofa. “You go ahead. There’s something I have to do first.”
Yeji looked at you quizzically but smiled softly and squeezed your shoulder when she realised what you meant. “Take all the time you need.”
Once she was gone, you took a deep breath and looked around your apartment. The living room was messy since both of you had been too busy to wind it up. Your coat had slipped from the chair and fallen to the floor. Yeji’s laptop was lying on the centre table along with a bunch of books that were haphazardly spread around it.
You averted your eyes to the kitchen. Plates were piling up in the sink and there were a lot of coffee cups lying around. The small dining table was crowded with packaged food and unwashed laundry, crumbs of food surrounding them. 
A small part of you was satisfied knowing you wouldn’t have to clean your disgusting apartment. 
Not yours, a voice in your head popped. Not anymore. 
You sighed, taking everything in for the last time. Yeji and Jaemin were moving on to better things. They were making decisions that were good for them and brought them happiness. You weren’t going to stand in the way of that. 
Maybe this change was good for you too. Maybe, just maybe, you were moving on to better things too. 
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Everything about the day sucked. 
You did not find an apartment, the movers were at your old one an hour early, Yeji called and screamed in your ear to inform you of the same, you scraped your knee while hurriedly making your way back to it to stop them from taking all your stuff to Jeno’s, and now, half an hour later, your room was set up and the bane of your existence was staring at you with a smirk on his face. 
“You lose,” he commented. “Time to be roomies.”
“I will fucking castrate you,” you snapped, still panting from all the running you had done after you missed your bus. “Who organised my room?”
“Yeji did. She left a paper on the study table that has instructions about where everything is.”
You raised an eyebrow, frowning appreciatively. You had to say, Yeji had done an excellent job at setting up your new room. The bed was pressed against the wall and your study table was placed in front of the window, just like you preferred. She had even taken the efforts to decorate the wall above your bed with fairy lights and polaroids of your friend group.  
You weren’t surprised at all; you expected nothing less from your interior design major friend. Plus, you were pretty sure she felt guilty for kicking you out and had gone out of her way to make your room look pretty as a way of saying sorry. 
Apology accepted, you thought to yourself, thoroughly impressed. 
“Where are Yeji and Jaemin?” you asked, turning to face Jeno. He was leaning against your doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. You promptly ignored the way his biceps bulged and strained against his shirt sleeves. 
Meeting your gaze, Jeno answered, “They went back to your old apartment to move Jaemin’s stuff. Yeji said we should come over to help as soon as—wait, is that blood staining your jeans?”
You scrunched your nose. “What?”
He dropped to the floor, reaching for your injury. “Did you hurt yourself?” 
Jumping back, you quickly responded, “It’s fine. It’s period blood.”
“Oozing from your knee?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and tilting his neck to look up at you. 
“Uh, huh.” 
“Y/N, stop being stupid.” 
You scoffed. “Are you saying that you, a male, know the female anatomy better than me, an actual female?”
Jeno rolled his eyes. “At this point, I think I do. I don’t understand what the big deal is; let me help you out.”
“I don’t want to owe you a favour,” you muttered under your breath. You knew you were being ridiculous, but you didn’t like to depend on people, least of all Lee Jeno. “And I said it’s fine.” 
“It’s not fine!” Jeno gaped. “We need to treat that wound or it’s going to get infected. Look, the impact tore the denim too.”
Indeed, your knee was partly exposed and some of the blood was already dried, making your pants stick to your skin. You cringed. 
“I’ll deal with it,” you reassured him. “You should go and help Jaemin.”
Rolling his eyes, Jeno got to his feet and slipped his hand into yours. Tugging you along with him, he said, “You’re an idiot to think I would even consider leaving you alone to treat yourself. And I promise I won’t make you do anything for me in return,” he added. “Unlike the healthcare in America, Dr. Jeno is at your service for free.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you as he made you sit on a chair by the dining table. “As much as I appreciate your lame attempt at cracking a joke to convince me, I’m not a child. It doesn’t even hurt.” 
“You’re not,” he agreed, shuffling through one of the kitchen cupboards and taking out a first aid box. “But no one should have to take care of themselves when they’re hurt. Everyone should have someone they can depend on.”
Your heart constricted. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you muttered, “I literally just said it doesn’t hurt, but yeah, whatever.
Jeno kneeled in front of you again, cutting your jeans up to your knee with a scissor. You winced when he tried to remove the cloth stuck to your skin. 
“Sorry,” he apologised, steadying your leg. “I’m going to dab alcohol on the wound now.”
You closed your eyes and braced yourself, holding your breath. 
“You can hold my hand if you want,” Jeno suggested. “I don’t mind.”
You snorted, opening a single lid. “Yeah, right. Your everyone should have someone bullcrap made sense but I’m not falling for—fuck!”
Your fingers wrapped around Jeno’s free wrist of their own accord, eyes clenching shut again as he pressed the cotton swab on your injury. “Asshole!” you screamed. “Couldn’t you warn me?!”
“I did,” he simply replied, putting his hand on your thigh to hold it down. “You need to stop shaking your leg, Y/N. It’s going to sting a lot more if you don’t; I barely brushed over the gash before.”
Cursing under your breath, you nodded. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as he continued his manoeuvres. You could tell he was trying to be careful, but it still hurt like a bitch. 
A few minutes later, Jeno popped, “Done.”
Sighing, you opened your eyes and wiped your tears with the palms of your hands. Your knee was neatly dressed, and the blood and grime were gone. You stood up and tried walking to check if the bandage was hindering your mobility. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled, meeting Jeno’s gaze. 
He grinned, ruffling your hair. “I told you we’d be great roommates.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to bite back a smile. “It’s too early to come to that conclusion, Lee. Everyone seems great at the start.”
“You can live in denial, or you can embrace facts.” He shrugged. “We’re extremely compatible.”
There it was again—the small pause your heart made before it started racing at the speed of light. Much to your displeasure, it seemed to do that action a lot these days around Jeno.  
“In your dreams, lover boy,” you snickered. 
“Oh, don’t you worry about that,” he drawled, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. “I can assure you that it does. A lot.”
Your cheeks flared. “Just—just wind up the fucking first aid kit so that we can leave.”
Jeno laughed as you turned on your heels and stormed back into your room, slamming the door shut behind you. You leaned against it, trying to calm yourself down. 
Spending time with Jeno always tested your control and pushed your limits. It always made you question your sanity. He was literally the most infuriating person you had ever had the misfortune of meeting. Living with him wasn’t going to be easy, you’d known. 
You just hadn’t realised it was going to be so hard. 
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Contrary to what you had thought nearly two weeks ago, living with Jeno was turning out to be rather fun. 
He’d kept his word—the two of you were having a great time together. Save for the constant flirting and childish bickering, Jeno was turning out to be the perfect roommate. 
Not only was he organised (something you hadn’t expected him to be) but was also a great cook and amazing at giving advice (not that you’d asked him to give it to you; he was just nosy). 
No wonder Jaemin had never complained about living with the boy. Jeno cooked five out of seven days, and on weekends, the two of you ordered takeout. 
You had offered to cook sometime during your second week of living with him, feeling guilty that he was doing all the work. 
Jeno had looked at you with disbelief, a whirring hand blender in one hand that was splattering cream on his face, and a bowl in the other. “Let you in my kitchen and touch my high-end equipment? Over my fucking dead body.”
Never in your life had you imagined you would get to witness Lee Jeno become possessive and lose his calm over a kitchen. And it wasn’t like you were a terrible chef! 
Jeno had promptly reminded you that you had baked an omelette when you were a teenager. 
You had taken the liberty of seeing yourself out after that. 
For some reason, Jeno insisted on going grocery shopping together. You told him it was a stupid idea—your schedules were different, and it would require a lot of planning to decide on a time when you were both free. 
“You don’t need to worry about that.” He waved you away. “I’ll make time. When are you free?”
Since both your classes for the day were over, the two of you were relaxing in the living room. 
“On Sunday? But I’d rather unwind than do chores on the one day I get off. I guess I’m free on—oh, come on! That’s not what I meant! Get your head out of the gutter and stop smirking!”
Jeno wiggled his eyebrows. “You don’t need to lie to me. I don’t judge; we all have our needs.”
You scrunched your nose in disgust. “You’re impossible. Go fuck yourself.”
“I thought that’s what you did—”
You didn’t even wait for him to finish the sentence. You just picked up a couch cushion and hurled it at his head with all your might. 
He dodged easily, laughing. 
Throwing a glare his way, you got up from your seat to go back to your bedroom. “What are you? A middle schooler stuck in a college student’s body?”
Jeno laughed again, wrapping his fingers around your wrist to stop you from leaving. “You’re too uptight, Y/N. This is why no one invites you to parties. You’re a huge party pooper.”
“You invite me to all of yours,” you retorted. 
“You’re my best friend’s sister. I have to.”
You didn’t know why, but hearing Jeno say that hurt. A lot more than you would have liked to admit. 
“Yeah, well, you don’t need to tolerate me just because I’m related to Jaemin,” you said bitterly. “You can always just leave me alone.”
“Hey.” Jeno’s grip tightened around your hand and his voice softened, all amusement gone from his face. “That’s not what I meant. I was just joking.”
You didn’t allow yourself to believe him. Looking away, you swallowed. “Right.”
“You think I would constantly bother you and seek you out if interacting with you was just an obligation?” he asked, eyes still on you. “You think I would let you move in with me if I didn’t like you?”
The doorbell rang, and you sent a silent thank you to the Gods for sparing you from coming up with an answer and letting your mind drift to places you had no interest in visiting.
Wrenching your hand out of Jeno’s, you walked to the door. Through the peephole, you could see a petite, middle-aged woman standing outside. 
The landlady. You had completely forgotten that she was going to drop by to meet you. 
You forced a grin on your face and unlocked the bolt. “Mrs. Kim! Come inside, please. I’m Y/N, the new tenant.”
She smiled at you warmly and acknowledged Jeno with a small nod. “You’re Jaemin’s sister?”
“I am,” you confirmed as Mrs. Kim took a seat on the couch. “We swapped apartments because he wanted to move in with his girlfriend. She was my roommate,” you added for clarity.
“Ah, yes, I was told. So, what’s the deal with you two?”
You blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“Are you and Jeno dating?”
Before you could answer, Jeno stepped beside you and intertwined your hands. “We are.”
Your neck snapped to the side, shock evident on your face. “What?!” 
“Three months,” he continued, completely ignoring you. “It’s getting pretty serious.”
You opened your mouth to deny his lies, but Jeno squeezed your hand in warning. You hissed in pain, glaring at him. 
Mrs. Kim beamed. “That’s a relief!” And then explained upon seeing your confusion, “Tenants of the opposite sex aren’t allowed to stay together unless they’re involved. There was an issue a few years back that forced the building committee to make the decision. It’s good to know I won’t have to terminate your contract. Jeno’s one of the best tenants I’ve had in the ten years that I’ve been renting out this apartment.”
“You’re too kind, Mrs. Kim,” said boy replied politely. You were too busy suffering from a heart attack to give a reaction. Everything was happening too fast for you to keep up. 
“I’ll take my leave then.” The landlady rose. “Rent is due on the tenth of every month. Have a nice stay,” she said, looking at you. 
You nodded numbly, knowing there was no way in hell you were going to have a nice stay after what had just been revealed. 
Once Mrs. Kim was out the door, you whirled around to face Jeno. He cringed and went into a defensive stance immediately. 
Grabbing the collar of his shirt, you tugged him downwards and shoved your face into his. “When were you going to tell me?”
“Um. Never...?”
“Lee Jeno!” 
“I’m sorry, okay? I know I should have told you before, but I didn’t know she was going to visit today! I would have informed you if you had told me!”
You narrowed your eyes, your voice going deathly soft as you said, “Are you saying this is my fault?”
“No!” Jeno replied quickly. “It’s just—” he sighed— “I’m sorry. Can we not make a big deal out of this?”
You shoved him away and laughed hysterically. “Not make a big deal? I was single and ready to mingle a minute ago, and now I’m dating you! Of course, I’m going to make a big deal!” 
“Come on, Y/N.” Jeno snorted. “We both know you aren’t a mingler. And women get on their knees to date me.” 
Your harsh glare had him recoiling. “This isn’t as bad as you’re making it out to be,” he tried again. “Mrs. Kim doesn’t even stay in the building! She only comes here on the tenth of every month to collect the rent because she prefers cash. We don’t need to pretend to be a couple or do any of the lovey-dovey stuff in front of her.”
You paused. Jeno was right; it didn’t sound that bad. You were just lying to your gullible landlady, not being forced to display physical intimacy with him to convince her. She had believed that the two of you were dating without a doubt. 
“If this comes back to bite us in the ass, I’m blaming you,” you warned him. Then added, “And I’m throwing you under the bus.”
Jeno released a sigh of relief and promised, “It won’t.”
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You decided you were never going to trust Lee Jeno again. 
“Psst,” you hissed and tugged on Jeno’s sleeve, eyes trained on the figure that was on the far end of the same aisle you were in. “Mrs. Kim is here.”
He removed his gaze from the grocery list in his hand and looked at you. “What?”
“She’s here!” you whisper-shouted and discreetly pointed at her. “Look.”
“Y/N!” Jeno exclaimed and wrapped his hand around your finger, shooting it down. “Stop pointing!”
You ignored him. “We need to leave.”
He rolled his eyes. “You need to stop overreacting. So what if she’s here? So what if she sees us? Couples go grocery shopping all the time.”
“I know they do, you stupid fuck,” you deadpanned. “That’s not the reason I’m worried. What if she makes us kiss or something?”
Jeno flicked your forehead and replied, “You are the stupid fuck. Do you really think she’s going to make us profess our love for each other in a random supermarket aisle?”
Okay, so maybe you were the stupid fuck. “Fine,” you finally said. 
“Ah! Jeno and Y/N. What a surprise!” a voice chirped. 
You turned around to see Mrs. Kim smiling at the two of you. “Hello,” you greeted and bowed. “Nice to see you.”
“You too. Well, I’ll be on my way now and leave you to it. I just wanted to stop by to say hello.”
You watched her wave you goodbye and walk away. “I think I was overreacting,” you mused. 
Jeno snorted. “No shit.”
You smacked his shoulder and grabbed the sleeve of his shirt again, your free hand pushing the shopping cart in front of you. “Shut up and let’s go. I need tampons.”
Quirking an eyebrow, Jeno asked, “Is it that time of the month? Is that why you were being so bitchy to me yesterday?”
You shot a glare his way. “Men need to stop asking women if they’re on their period just because they’re being emotional. The former is essentially invalidating the latter’s feelings by asking that question.”
“You started crying and told me to jump off the balcony because I ate your pastry,” Jeno said with a straight face. 
Your cheeks warmed. “You had no right to eat it since I was the one who bought it!” you exclaimed. “And I only cried because I hadn’t eaten in twelve hours and looking forward to eating the pastry was the only thing keeping me going.”
Jeno let slip an amused smile as the two of you finally reached the toiletries aisle and came to a stop. “Valid. But I did cook lasagne for you as an apology later on.”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes, surveying the shelves to find your preferred brand. 
Your heart had warmed at the sweet gesture Jeno had made the previous night. One would have uttered a half-assed sorry for having eaten their roommate’s food and moved on. 
But not Jeno. He had prepared a hot meal for you and had gone as far as sitting with you on the dining table in case you needed second servings, providing company, and telling you about how his day went. 
And it wasn’t just about yesterday. Jeno was the most caring and considerate person you had ever met. He always draped a blanket on top of you when you fell asleep on the couch. Not once did he refuse to let you sleep in the same bed as him when you were suffering from one of your nightmares. 
You got food poisoning about a month ago, and Jeno stayed up all night holding your hair back as you hurled the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl. He even gave you the homemade medicine his mother used to give him to reduce his stomach ache when he was a kid so you could sleep through the night. 
You were finding it harder and harder to keep disliking him, and you were too much of a coward to explore the possibility that maybe, just maybe, you had been wrong about him the entire time. 
“And I’m not on my period. I need to have extras because my menstrual cycle can get irregular sometimes,” you explained. “It’s not like I live with a girl anymore. I can’t just knock on my roommate’s door if I start bleeding in the middle of the night and ask for tampons because I’m out of stock.”
“I understand. It’s always wise to be prepared.” Jeno nodded, adding, “Though you can always knock on my door if you’re having a midnight crisis and need help.” 
You dropped the packet of tampons in your shopping cart and raised an eyebrow. “Be careful of what you promise, Lee. Craving ice cream at midnight and not having any in the fridge when I’m on my period also counts as a crisis.”
“Then I’ll get it for you,” he replied nonchalantly and shrugged. “I would do anything for you.” 
The way Jeno said it—without any hesitation and with full honesty—brought your heart to a standstill. There were no signs of his flirty demeanour, and you could tell he meant every word. 
You swallowed. “Thanks—”
Jeno swore, his eyes widening.
You frowned and followed his line of vision to see a pretty girl turning the corner to the toiletries aisle. She was still far away and hadn’t noticed you by the looks of it. “What?”
“One of my exes,” he hurriedly explained, gaze darting around in urgency. “I don’t want to run into her. We need to leave!”
“We’re in the middle of the aisle and she’s approaching us. She’s going to notice you,” you pointed out. 
“You think?!” Jeno hissed under his breath. He opened his mouth to say something more but paused when his eyes locked on something behind you. “Janitor’s closet,” he breathed. “Let’s go.”
Without waiting for a reply, he gripped your elbow and tugged you along with him. Throwing the door open to the cramped space, Jeno pushed you inside and pressed himself against you. The entrance closed shut and you were plunged into darkness. 
“Why did you take me along with you?” you demanded immediately, your body flush against his and face dangerously close to the crook of his neck.
Jeno was practically caging you with his figure, both his hands braced on the wall on either side of your head. Your own hands were on his chest, preventing him from putting all his weight on you. 
He shivered, and it dawned on you that your hot breath was probably fanning his neck. Embarrassed, you tried moving your face away. 
However, things were only made worse when your nose accidentally grazed his skin, causing goosebumps to erupt across it. 
You froze. 
“Stop moving,” Jeno ground out breathlessly. “Stop moving. Please.”
You gulped, doing as you were told. You didn’t dare breathe normally, inhaling minimal amounts of air and taking care to not exhale on Jeno’s skin again. 
“I dated her five months back,” he said after a moment. “I thought it would be nice to try to date someone and see what being in a relationship felt like after having had nothing but flings my entire life. We went out for a week till I couldn’t take it anymore. She had issues and got very possessive and insecure. She accused me of cheating on her with Yeji just because I greeted her with a friendly hug when we ran into her on the street.
“I told her there was nothing between us and that Yeji and Jaemin were dating, but she wasn’t ready to believe me. She kept insisting that there was something going on. I dumped her when she said I had no morals and that I would mess around with my best friend’s girlfriend just for kicks.”
You didn’t know what to say. Jeno had never talked to you about any of his lovers, and to now have him open up to you and tell you about his failed attempt at seeking a relationship… 
You simply replied, “Lee Jeno has bad taste in women. Who would’ve known?” 
A laugh rumbled out of him. “That’s not true. I flirt with you all the time, and I never flirt with women who aren’t my taste. That was just one bad call.”
You snorted, finally shifting and craning your neck to look up at him. “Let’s just settle on you having a bad taste in women except for me.”
Jeno grinned, resting his forehead against yours. “I like that.”
Time seemed to come to a stop as you looked into his eyes. You were suddenly made acutely aware of the proximity between the two of you. 
What surprised you was that you didn’t mind it. You didn’t mind being nose-to-nose with him and having your body pressed against his. You didn’t mind having him look at you like he wanted to kiss you. 
Jeno’s gaze moved from your eyes to your lips and then back up. You sucked in a breath and closed your eyes as he started closing the distance between your mouths. 
However, before anything could happen, the door to the janitor’s closet was wrenched open. 
“Customers are not allowed in the janitor’s closet,” a woman’s voice said. “Please come out.” 
Your eyes shot open, and you pushed Jeno out of the small room immediately. “We’re sorry,” you apologised and bowed. 
The woman waved you away. “It’s fine. I just needed a rag.” 
You discreetly glanced at Jeno as she shuffled through the closet. 
And found out he was already looking at you. 
You averted your eyes to the shopping cart immediately, warmth rising to your cheeks from the embarrassment of being caught. A moment later, you gasped. 
“Hey! Your ex stole my strawberry flavoured Oreos!” 
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Two weeks had passed since your and Jeno’s almost-kiss in the grocery store. 
Neither of you brought it up and went on with your lives. Even the car ride back home that day wasn’t awkward. Jeno had just conversed with you like he always did.
You were taken aback by his casual demeanour and easy return to normalcy but had brushed it away and played along. 
If he didn’t want to talk about the electricity between the two of you, fine. 
You were fine with pretending he was never going to kiss you. You were fine forgetting the fact that you would have kissed him back. You were fine going back to your usual dynamic.
You were fine ignoring the emotions stirring inside you. You were fine talking to him like you didn’t want to smash your lips against his every time they moved. 
You were fine. 
“Jeno,” you mumbled sleepily from where you were lounging on the couch. “I’m thirsty. Get me water.”
Said boy narrowed his eyes at you. “Get it yourself.” 
It being a Sunday, the two of you were having a Marvel movie marathon. It had become like some sort of roomie tradition in the two months you were living with him. You always spent Sundays together. 
He was sprawled on the other side of the couch, wearing grey sweats and a black hoodie. You were lying next to each other, your legs on one side of his head and his legs on one side of yours. 
“Oh, come on,” you groaned. “Why can’t you get it? I do things for you all the time.”
Raising an eyebrow, Jeno asked, “Oh, yeah? Like what.” 
“Um,” you began, “I washed the utensils last night.”
“You didn’t do that for me. You did that because the arrow on the chore chart landed on your name.” 
“I ordered the pizza some time back.”
“You didn’t do that for me either. You ordered it because you were hungry.”
You scowled. “Fine, I can’t think of anything right now. Just get me some goddamn water, please. It’s rude to refuse someone when they request water, you know.”
His face remained unimpressed, so you added, “I’ll do anything you want if you get me some.” 
A sly smirk took form on Jeno’s lips. “Anything? Wow, you must be feeling very lazy then.”
Rolling your eyes, you poked his shoulder with your foot. “Go.”
“No,” he retorted, lightly nudging your cheek with his own foot. 
“Hey!” you protested, pushing his leg away. “That’s disgusting!”
“You started it.”
“I jabbed your shoulder, not put my fucking foot in your stupid face!” 
“Okay,” he popped, bringing his foot near your face and hovering it above your nose. 
Annoyed, you wrapped your fingers around his ankle and shoved his leg away again. You didn’t give him the chance to annoy you with his foot again and instead pressed your own against his face, covering the entirety of his nose and forehead. 
“How does that feel?” you snickered.
Jeno slapped your leg away and glared daggers at you. You laughed. 
Suddenly, his lips morphed into a smirk, and before you could figure out what was happening, Jeno kicked you off the couch. 
He didn’t hit you hard enough to hurt—it was just a little push—but you had been completely unprepared. 
You toppled over the side and crashed to the floor, a groan leaving your mouth as pain shot up your body. 
Your temper flared when Jeno taunted, “How does that feel?”
“You motherfucker!” you growled, ignoring the dull throbbing in your abdomen and pushing yourself to your feet. “I’m going to fucking kill you!” 
His eyes widened, and he jumped off the couch at the exact moment you hurled yourself at him. Your face smashed against the cushions. 
Jeno let out a barely restrained wheeze at the sight—one that transformed into a yelp not even a moment later as you charged at him. 
Dodging you again, he made a beeline for the bedrooms. You ran after him, almost tripping on a bathmat that was placed outside the toilet. 
You wedged your knee between Jeno's room’s door and its frame right as he made to slam it shut. 
You pushed at it with all your might but were met with just as much force from the other side. 
“How are you as strong as me?!” Jeno exclaimed when the door began opening instead of closing. 
You clicked your tongue at his words. “As strong as you? I grew up with a brother, lover boy. I’m stronger.” 
You gave the door one last push, squeezing through when there was enough space for your body. 
Jeno jumped away, taking a step backward as you took one forward. Laughing nervously, he asked, “Irrelevant, but you sounded very sexy saying you were stronger than me.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Ah, yes, hearing the truth is rather sexy.”
The back of Jeno’s knees finally hit the edge of his bed and you smiled evilly. Cracking your knuckles, you said, “Nowhere to go.”
“Okay, I get that you’re trying to scare me, but all you’re doing is turning me on.”
You paused. “What? But Jaemin was always intimidated by this.”
Jeno snorted. “Well, he’s your brother so it can’t really affect him in the way it’s affecting me. It would be very, very disturbing if it did.” 
Your cheeks heated, and you squeaked, “Oh.” 
Chuckling, Jeno took a step towards you and tucked a stray strand of your messy hair behind your ear. “You’re cute.”
You looked into his eyes, taking in the way they twinkled with the remnants of his laughter. You found yourself drowning in them—found yourself wanting to drown in them.
With a jolt, you realised you never got over him. Jeno had been and still was your first love.  
Noting the change in your expression, the wide smile on his face transformed into something softer. The hand he had brought up to get your hair out of your face went to your cheek to cup it. 
Brushing his thumb against your cheekbone, Jeno started lowering his face to yours. But before his lips could meet yours, the shrill ring of the doorbell reverberated through the house. 
The pizza. 
Jeno halted and then began pulling away to go answer the door. You didn’t allow him to leave you though.
No, you were done waiting for him to kiss you only to be interrupted by people. 
You grabbed the collar of his hoodie and tugged him towards you, smashing your mouth against his without a moment’s hesitance. Jeno’s hands remained suspended in the air, his lips unmoving against yours. 
It didn’t take more than a second for him to get over the initial shock of your sudden bold move. 
Jeno’s hand cupped your cheek again, the other one going to the small of your back to press you closer against him. You threw your arms around his neck and pressed your mouth harder against his. 
A thousand emotions exploded inside you, the intensity of how much you had been craving him hitting you like a giant wave. 
Tilting his neck to the side, Jeno deepened the kiss. His tongue swiped over your lower lip in silent request. You obliged and opened your mouth for him, allowing him to take complete control. 
Jeno kissed you with the kind of passion and desperation you’d only read about in romance novels. The way he was holding you and the way his lips were moving with yours in perfect sync had you going weak in your knees. 
You stumbled back when Jeno’s kiss turned hungrier. Your back hit the wall at the same time the doorbell rang again. 
Both of you ignored it, but Jeno paused long enough to whisper into your mouth, “Jump.”
Your heart lurched out of your chest and a shiver ran down your spine at how deep and hoarse his voice had become. You did as you were told and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
Jeno placed his palms on the underside of your thighs and hoisted you upwards. You were towering over him now, which meant you could easily control the kiss if you wanted. 
And you did. 
You ran your hands through his hair and tugged at the silky strands, eliciting a groan from him. Not wasting any time, you took the opportunity to shove your tongue inside his mouth.  
It was time Lee Jeno knew you were a great kisser. 
However, before you could do anything and before things could escalate, a voice thundered, “I can hear the TV inside, so I know you’re home! Open this door right now or I will splatter the pizza on your goddamn threshold!” 
You winced and pulled away, glancing at the door. “I guess we should get that.”
A vein twitched in Jeno’s forehead at the interruption, but he sighed and put you down again. “This isn’t over.”
You shivered at his tone and wrapped your arms around yourself. As much as you didn’t want it to be over, there were things you and Jeno needed to discuss. 
History you needed to talk about, and misunderstandings you needed to clear. 
“I think—I think we need to talk. Before anything else happens,” you said quietly. 
Jeno’s gaze softened, the desire swirling in his orbs beginning to dissipate. “Yeah. We do—”
“Okay, that is it! I fucking quit this stupid ass job. I am so tired of people treating me like absolute shit. Fuck you!”
The sound of the door being kicked and something squishing followed the delivery boy’s outburst. 
You glanced at Jeno. “I don’t think he was bluffing about splattering our pizza.”
“No, he wasn’t,” he agreed. “I’m not cleaning that.”
“Hey! I let you kiss me!”
Jeno scoffed and raised an eyebrow in amusement. “You didn’t let me kiss you. You made me kiss you.”
You passed him a dirty look. “Like you didn’t kiss me back and enjoy it.”
Grinning, Jeno said, “That was the best fucking kiss I’ve ever had. You’ve truly outdone yourself, Y/N.” 
“You’ve always underestimated me, Lee. You should probably clean the mess outside our door as an apology.”
“How kind of you to allow me to make it up to you.” He rolled his eyes. 
You laughed and looped your arm through his. “Let’s go. I’ll help you out.”
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You weren’t big on talking about the past or your feelings.  
You didn’t like thinking about the former a lot. Yes, you were sort of petty and held grudges but that was different.
Whereas for the latter... you’d tried talking about them to your parents when you were in high school, but it had ended up in a huge argument instead of a healthy discussion. 
You were already an extremely reserved and closed-off person, and to have your feelings invalidated by the very people who gave birth to you had been like a dagger to your heart. You’d almost run away from home that night.
You never tried opening up to anyone again. Not to your brother and not even to Yeji. 
But somehow, Jeno had wormed his way into your heart in the matter of a few months. Somehow, he had broken past your barriers and changed your entire opinion of him.
“Why did you push me away?” 
Okay, so maybe telling Jeno you needed to talk was not a good idea. Something about finally confessing to him made you want to hide under your blanket. Perhaps you were embarrassed and slightly scared—how do you tell someone you’ve behaved with so rudely that you loved them?   
You laughed nervously. “How about I ask you stuff first? Ladies first, am I right?”
To be honest, you had nothing you wanted to ask him. All you wanted to do was give him the explanation he deserved but talking about the past was turning out to be harder than you thought. 
Jeno leaned back in his seat and crossed his hands over his chest. The two of you were back on the couch, done with cleaning the pizza spilled on your threshold. 
A blanket was draped over your lap and the TV was finally switched off. You’d never seen Jeno so serious, and while you weren’t intimidated, it felt weird not seeing a goofy smile on his face. 
“This is not going to work unless you’re willing to talk, Y/N,” he said. “You can ask your questions later. Answer mine first.”
You took a shuddering breath and nodded, tearing your gaze from him. You couldn’t confess when he was looking at you like that—like you and what you wanted to say were the only things that mattered.
“Uh,” you began, licking your lips. “I—I liked you.”
Not the truth, but not a lie either. Technically, you had liked him. Technically, you had pushed him away because he didn’t like you back. You’d only realised you loved him a year later. 
“Let me get this straight.” Jeno furrowed his eyebrows, leaning forward. “You pushed me away because you liked me?” 
You blushed. God, explaining this was so much more embarrassing than you had thought. 
“Back when I was in eighth grade, I really liked you. And I thought you liked me back. I was going to confess, but then I saw you flirting and laughing with this girl outside my house one day, and realised I was no different than her. I had fallen for your words just like she had. You had just been flirting with me as you had been with her. You didn’t actually have any feelings for me. The realisation sort of knocked me off my feet. I couldn’t believe I had been so naive. I couldn’t believe I was stupid enough to not be able to differentiate between flirting and modesty. I couldn’t believe I allowed myself to be vulnerable. I couldn’t believe I let myself think you felt something for me. 
“I wasn’t as angry at you as I was at myself. I just—I just took it all out on you. I realised a little too late that I was being unfair. That it wasn’t your fault you didn’t feel anything for me. We cannot control things like that; the heart wants what it wants.
“I didn’t particularly like pushing you away, but it was just easier to hate you than explain everything. I’m sorry.”
You couldn’t tell if Jeno was still breathing by the time you were done. There was a faraway look in his eyes, and he was clutching a pillow in his lap, his knuckles near white.  
“Say something,” you pleaded. The silence was deafening, and he wasn’t reacting. It was almost like Jeno’s entire body had turned to stone. 
He finally looked at you. “You liked me,” he whispered. “You liked me in eighth grade.”
He deserved the complete truth, you decided. It didn’t matter if you were scared or nervous. Lee Jeno deserved to know everything. This was going on for way too long and it was time everything was out in the open.
You bit your lip and nodded once. “And then a year later, I realised I had been in love with you.”
Jeno looked like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. “When did you get over me?” he asked with much difficulty, his voice hoarse. 
“I didn’t,” you said quietly. You didn’t have the courage to look for his reaction, so you stared at your lap instead. “I thought I did, but after rooming with you and getting to know you in a more personal way, I realised I didn’t.”
You finally looked at him. “I’m still in love with you, Lee Jeno.” 
Jeno’s hands were shaking, and his face had turned pale. “You’re in love with me.” 
“I am.”
He laughed in disbelief, running his hand through his hair. “I can’t believe this. You love me. You’ve been in love with me ever since I have been in love with you and—” 
“What?” you breathed, your heart stopping inside your chest. “What did you just say?” 
Jeno froze, as if he hadn’t really known what he was saying and had only realised what he had let slip when you interrupted him. 
He swallowed, clamping his hands together to stop them from shaking any further. “I’ve been in love with you since tenth grade.” 
“That’s not possible,” you said, shaking your head and getting up from your seat. You took a step away from him, needing more space. “That can’t be. You—you were flirting with that girl and—”
Jeno shook his head, standing up as well. “No, not then. After you began giving me the cold shoulder. After you started pushing me away and began acting like you despised my very existence. It killed me. It killed me to be hated by you. I didn’t know what I had done wrong. I lost sleep trying to figure out what had changed. No one had ever affected me so much. I thought—I thought it was because you were Jaemin’s sister. I thought it was because I didn’t want someone I had grown up with to hate me. But when you went to the school dance with that piece of shit boy from ninth grade… I knew. I knew I loved you. I didn’t know when and how those feelings had developed, but I knew I loved you and you didn’t love me back.”
There were tears forming in Jeno’s eyes and he was shaking all over. You didn’t think it was possible for him to break your heart again, but the sight of him being so vulnerable—it cleaved your heart in two.  
“I got so jealous that day because he was the one touching you and holding you and dancing with you, not me. And when he kissed some other girl behind the bleachers while you waited for him… I lost it. I dragged him to an empty classroom and beat the shit out of him for taking you for granted.” 
You were gaping. You had no idea about any of this. You remembered being stood up by the boy who took you to the dance. He had gone to get you soda but had never come back. Instead, Donghyuck, one of Jeno’s friends had come to inform you that he would be taking you back home. 
“And now that you’ve told me about—about everything, I realise I took you for granted too. I’m so, so sorry, Y/N.”
You didn’t know what to say. What to think.  
“But,” you said after a long while. “But you kept flirting with other women. Kept hooking up with them. If you loved me the entire time… why?”
Jeno laughed bitterly. “You hated me, Y/N. I had feelings for you, yes, but at the end of the day, none of them mattered. I thought things were never going to go back to the way they were before. All those women, those meaningless hook-ups—they were distractions. A way for me to get over you. But I never did. I couldn’t even stomach getting into a real relationship with someone else while I was still in love with you. Not only would that be unfair to them, but it would be to me too. I completely gave up trying to move on after my first and only failed relationship. Annoying you was the only way I could get you to talk to me. And I was content having that little bit of interaction. I couldn’t have survived the silent treatment again.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes. You had to hold onto the wall beside you to keep from sliding down to the ground. The weight of his revelations was crushing you. 
Lee Jeno had broken your heart once, but you had broken his over and over and over again. All because of a few misunderstandings and some miscommunication. 
“I—I don’t know what to say,” you whispered. “I had no idea.” 
“You don’t need to say anything,” he said softly, taking a step towards you. “We made mistakes, and I think we can learn from them. I think we can try to be better in the future. If there is one.” 
Even after everything that had come out in the open, even after everything you had confessed, there was uncertainty in Jeno’s eyes. 
As if he still didn’t believe you could be his. 
You crossed the distance between the two of you in two long steps and cupped his cheeks in both hands.
“There is,” you whispered and stood on your tiptoes, placing your lips on his.  
The action seemed to snap some kind of hold Jeno had on himself. A small whimper left his mouth, and he wrapped his hands around you, pulling you impossibly closer. 
You put an arm around Jeno’s neck and pressed your mouth harder against his. 
However, he detached your lips before things could go further and rested his forehead on yours. 
“I love you,” he whispered, eyes still closed. “So, so much.” 
You smiled, placing a soft butterfly kiss right under his eye. “I love you too.”
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“Let me get this straight,” Yeji gaped. “You and Jeno are dating?”
You rolled your eyes. “For the hundredth time, yes.” 
Your entire group was gathered in the cafe you usually hung out at. You and Jeno had decided to invite Yeji and Jaemin for brunch and break the news of your relationship to them. 
It had been a week since the two of you had confessed to each other. You’d spent the remainder of Sunday in each other’s arms and had slept in the same bed every night of the week. As if that much intimacy was not enough, you spent every free moment together. 
You realised you and Jeno had turned into those overly lovey-dovey couples who behaved like they couldn’t live without each other. You used to laugh at them, but now, you didn’t give a flying fuck about being categorised with them. 
You and Jeno had lost so much time already. 
Both of you had thought it would be wise to hold off telling Yeji and Jaemin about your relationship for some time. It was mostly because you didn’t want to tell them what had brought you together. That part of the story was only yours and Jeno’s to know. 
“I still don’t understand how,” Jaemin said. “I mean, yeah, Yeji and I used to tease you guys and say how good you would be together, but we never really thought you would actually start dating.” 
You grinned and looked at Jeno, slipping your hand into his under the table. “Neither did we.”
“Jaemin,” Yeji gasped. “Do you see that? She’s looking at him like she loves him!”
You inwardly cringed. 
“Yeah, uh,” Jeno sheepishly laughed. “She kind of does. And so do I. Love her, I mean. She loves me and I love her.” 
The cupcake Jaemin had picked up to eat slipped out of his hand and tumbled to the ground. “I’m sorry, what?!”
Yeji laughed nervously. “Hold the fuck up. I thought you guys got together so that you could get rid of all the sexual tension between you and because you found each other attractive.”
Before either of you could answer, Jaemin screeched, “Sexual tension?! What sexual tension? Lee Jeno, you better not have fucked my sister—”
“Jaemin!” you snapped, colour rising to your cheeks. “Shut up!”
Laughing, Jeno reassured his best friend, “I haven’t. And don’t worry; I’ll ask you before I make a move.”
You whipped your head to look at Jeno incredulously. “You don’t need to ask Jaemin anything! You want to fuck me, you ask no one but me.” 
Your boyfriend smirked at you, placing a soft kiss on your jaw. “Eager, are we?” 
“Don’t pull that shit in front of me, Jeno,” your brother warned. “Stop touching my sister.” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Wow.” Yeji sighed dreamily and clapped her hands together before you could snap at Jaemin. “I’m so glad my ship is finally sailing. I guess it was a good thing Y/N never found an apartment, after all.” 
“Yeah,” Jaemin agreed. “I don’t like the thought of Y/N dating and getting touchy with anyone, but the fact that it’s my best friend makes things easier.” 
“I’m not a kid, Jaemin,” you said exasperatedly. 
“Sure, you are,” he snorted. “You still haven’t had your first kiss.”
You gave your brother a pitiful look. “I hate to break it to you, but I had my first kiss at fourteen. And I’ve kissed a lot of people even after—”
“I can’t listen to this,” Jaemin announced and got up from his seat. “I will not listen to this. I will stay delusional and keep thinking of you as an eight-year-old who needs to be protected by her strong older brother.”
“I handed your ass to you three months back,” you pointed out. 
“I will stay delusional,” Jaemin repeated loudly. “Yeji, let’s go. Y/N is not as innocent as I thought she was. I can’t even look at her right now.” Then, he pointed at you, his eyes still on his own girlfriend. “I will see you again in three to four business days. I hope you think about what you’ve done.”
You rolled your eyes again. 
“And you.” Jaemin moved his finger to point at Jeno. “If you hurt my sister, I will hunt you down and kill you.”
Jeno pressed his lips together to stop them from tugging up in a smile. “Understood, sir.” 
And just like that, your brother marched out of the cafe. Yeji looked at you with an apologetic expression. 
“I can fix him.”
You and Jeno burst into laughter. 
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yrqrnc · 2 years
nct dream reaction . . . not saying i love you back !
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pairing: dreamies x gender neutral!reader
genre: fluff, crack (attempted humor). apologies, i’m not very funny 😥👎🏻
a/n: i don’t like this at all tbh but i wanted to try writing something other than headcanons so here we are. if you’d like to see a 127 or wayv version of this, please lmk !! i could try writing it for them too if anyone’s interested. but n e ways, happy reading ! pls reblog or comment if you enjoyed, it helps so much <33
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no bro he just goes 🧍🏻‍♂️
the air gets so awkward in the room when you don’t give him any response to his sweet ily
he just stands there, pupils shaking and shit as his head is all ???????
what did i do??? what happened???
and so he lets out a laugh so awkwardly and is like “i love you...?”
and you’re like yeah i know and he goes completely silent afterwards
he has no idea how to react and you end up cracking up at that and the plan goes 📉📉📉
he finally realises what just happened after a few moments and actually laughs along with you
“yoooo that was good, you got me with that one”
gets so (cutely) mad and sad HE IS SO 💔💔💔
ok ok ok so at first, he’s like hello i just said i love you 😀
and gets more and more sulky with each passing second
he gets fed up pretty quick and ignores you, only throwing side eyes at you every 2 minutes
he tries to keep it up but gets impatient and goes to whining about it to you
you finally tell him it’s a prank and that you were playing with him and he goes 😐
is d o n e with you, tired of the shit he has to deal with
will give you this 😒 look the whole day and will probably not say ily back when you say it to him the next time
he’s worried at first but soon understands what’s going on and laughs at you
not in a “lmao what an idiot” way, but in a “haha how adorable, i see they’re feeling playful today” way
he hesitates whether to let you be and go about his day or go along with it and ask you to say it back
and he chooses to do the latter; he clings onto you and sticks on your back whining about how mean you’re being
and that’s exactly the kind of reaction you were looking for when you thought of doing this so now you’re satisfied too
plus it doesn’t take you long to give in tbh
i mean how could it bro, he stares at you with THOSE eyes and an annoyingly cute pout on his lips
you’re DONE.
you don’t respond to him the first time? oh no worries, he’ll repeat it without any problems
you don’t respond the second time? no worries, again, he has no problem saying it once more, louder this time
you still don’t reply? he’s up against your ear and is whispering it again. all for you.
“i said i love you.”
still no? he’s this 🤏🏻 close to screaming it in your ears but holds back bcs he’s feeling generous today and doesn’t want his baby to lose their hearing
he will keep chanting it over and over again until you get tired eventually
bcs listen sis, he has no problem standing right there and staring at your face and repeating the words again and again until you say it back to him.
he follows you to every room you go to and stands or sits as close as humanly possible to you
and keeps whispering it to you creepily and will NOT stop
just give him what he wants or he will annoy the soul out of you till you break ha ha hope u enjoyed pranking him 😹👍🏻
please only pull this shit on him if you’re ready to have him staring you down like this 👁👁 the whole tim
“👁👁 hey. 👁👁 i love 👁👁 you.”
it’s when you ignore him further that he chooses to climb on you (literally) and throw you onto the nearest surface he can find
and then peppers you in kisses and/or tickles the life out of you
will not stop until you tell him what he wants to hear
honestly i think he’d get that you’re just playing with him so he plays along
by annoying you in a very affectionate way <3
and will get you to say it one way or another in the end idc he’s na jaemin and he is absofuckinglutely adorable
he gets SO petty
when you refuse to say it back to him even after he repeats it like 3 times,,, he straight up leaves
will ignore you the whole day, you start regretting doing the prank so quick 😭
when you apologize and try to pester him into cuddling with you he’s like “oh sorry i don’t cuddle with people i don’t know”
he’s not actually mad though lmao
he just likes seeing you frustrated and is just taking the chance to get you back by doing this
you even tell him you love him but only get a “i see.”
dw will break out of character pretty soon and start cackling at your reaction
calls you a baby, like, this 👶 baby not the 🥰 baby
so was this you pranking chenle? oh no, sweetie, this was chenle pranking you.
what did you think would happen
do not do this to him
gets so worried, he’s like are they mad at me???? but why?????
so he’s checking his phone and everything, scared he forgot an important day, like a date or an anniversary but when he finds nothing
he gets 1028393892839 times more confused 😭
then he chooses to give you some space for the day, thinking you’re just in a bad mood
and eventually you start feeling bad for pranking him and approach him like “hi how r u ily imy”
and he’s lowkey terrified bcs wtf how’d your mood change so fast
but chooses to brush it off and pulls you into a small hug
stays very cautious thoughakhdjsbj
he asks if you’re feeling fine, if you need anything, if it’s a special day today and all
all you gained from this was a traumatized deep inside jisung i’m disappointed in you y/n.
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© 2022 YRQRNC ─ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. [do not copy, repost or translate anywhere as your work.]
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kazuhasmaid · 2 years
Hello! May I ask for a scenario with the main tall men(Diluc, Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya, Thoma) + Albedo where the reader got isekai'd in Teyvat and they have an electronic device with them, if it's okay?
It goes like when they met the reader, they noticed that they have a phone/tablet/laptop with them and is curious of what the device is. :00
You don't have to do all of them! 3 characters are fine!
Have a great day! :D
how they would react to an isekai'd!reader with a device 📱
Diluc, Childe, Kaeya x isekai'd!reader
genre: fluff/crack
a/n: THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG, ITS TIME TO DO IT JUSTICE. 🤧 if you want a part 2, please lmk! :)
implied omniscient reader's viewpoint references: just the reader having their phone and having exclusive skills for being the reader who's stayed till the end.
no beta read we die like dragonli - lowercase intended.
favoritism™ shows.
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having your life taken away and suddenly waking up inside the game you treasured for so long, one might count itself as a blessing for having tevyat as the next worl you get to live in, that's until you find a shock to yourself that your device is with you? perhaps this was the way the archons in tevyat tend to you, to survive in this world, having records of events that are yet to take events in this magnificent, vast world you've yet to see- not with your screen any longer but with your very own eyes. wait. wait a minute? who's that-
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you wake up in a cedar wood oaked manor, and to your beliefs, in shock, may i add, this is the dawn winery that you've just woken up in.
where diluc ragvindr himself, the wine tycoon, the uncrowned king of mondstat takes himself home.
you shift over to see the windows, and the bright sunlight the day has to offer, your thoughts were intruded as a knock begins to fill up the room.
"come in,"
and to your surprise, the diluc ragvindr that many fawned on excused himself for interrupting your morning, archons he was way beautiful than you thought of him to be. he was breathtaking, more in the fact that concerned washed over his face when he noticed you were no longer moving,
right. right. diluc ragvindr. tevyat. no big deal. right right. might as well try to imprint a good impression on the ragvindr hm?
"apologies ma-"
..there were many cautions to be aware of, like number one, attempting to forget and reset your background knowledge of everyone in tevyat.
diluc tilted his head in curiosity,
"ehrm, my name is y/n and may i please ask who you are and how i wound up here?"
straight to the point, he thought.
"my name is diluc ragvindr, you're currently at the dawn winery manor, and how you wound up here.. is quite the story, i found you while i was out- being batman patrolling last night." he picked his words carefully,
to this, you nodded, still in confusion that you've wounded up in tevyat but still had the idea of being reincarnated into another world like the amountful isekai manwhas you've read. though the way you've died and left the world is still blurry in your mind, no matter how much you try to force yourself to think back to it.
"i see, well then, i apologize for the inconveniences i might've caused and I'll be on my way-"
diluc ragvindr held up a familiar device, that..
hey wait a minute.
that's your phone-
even the case and the model-
now you know damn well a phone cant be in tevyat when the technology isnt as advanced to having a phone,
"so what's this device i found with you?" he waved it around in his hands, carefully inspecting it.
hm, diluc wasn't one to be left behind in technology advances as he himself, invests in technology that may help his business grow,
now how in tevyat were you supposed to explain to a fictional character that the world you're now in is a videogame setting where it could be played from your device?
struggling to come up with an answer, you started speaking in hopes that it's enough for the red-headed man to believe you.
"mr. diluc ragvindr, i dont think you'd believe me even if i told you"
"oh? do pray tell."
"we all have our secrets and that happens to be mine. it'd be quite unfair to use it against me."
"apologies, im just making sure that this device is safe.."
"i understand, though, i really do need it back."
you see his frown enhancen, and to this you compromise,
"if.. i was to show you what it does, can i be on my way after this? no questions after."
diluc nodded almost instantly.
he handed you the phone and you started to turn it on,
the screen glowed at the wallpaper of a white screen, thank the archons that your wallpaper was resetted or it mightve arose suspicion if it was your diluc wallpaper now, wouldn't it?
you planned to tamper with the widget and app name of genshin impact so that no one gets a clue but it seems that its all encoded in diluc's eyes. that they do not know of the alphabet you use. this advancement was an advantage such as to that no one else would be able to operate it, but you.
you showed diluc the applications, the camera, the notes, recorder, music, settings, games and everything basic you could possibly introduce to someone who had never seen a phone.
diluc was impressed with the advancement of this technology, stunned that a mere stranger had such a magnificent device that did multiple task to aid a lot in terms of business.
he let you leave the manor safely and had offered you a place to stay, and to this- you couldn't exactly turn the offer down as safety and security of your vulnerable state was important.
the pyro visioned man had started to warm up to you as if you've lived in the manor for a longer while than what it seems to be,
there was a time he'd sit with you at the balcony as he sipped grape juice, looking over to you, tampering with your phone,
an idea came across your head,
"master diluc, how would you like to be entertained by my device?"
his curiosity peaked even more.
you had entertained him in such a way that one may think you're advertising the technology,
you had shown him the emailing system, though it was clear to you that your phone has been boundaries as the addresses that were saved were welkin systems where they had aided you a fk ton of mora, competing with the numbers of the wine tycoon itself, it drove you quite shocking once you've figured it out,
diluc was amazed at the fact that he could just send documents in a click away not taking anymore days to wait for a response as it took some time to deliver and write proposal, business partnerings, offers and such.
oh how he'd love to have such a more light work,
an application you next showed him was the chess game you've had, and as you already know, diluc is one to play chess, you've challenged him to a game of chess...
"hm? oh well then, I'll just take my set out- oh.. you mean?? you can.. simulate the game?... in.. your device? ... that's amazing."
the diluc ragvindr was too stunned to speak. (LMFAO)
you two started a match and to his surprise, you won the match- and in diluc's eyes, you were, one of the individuals that have managed to beat him in such a strategical game. not only has his eye caught your device but.. to you as well.
'just how more special could this person be?'
oh boy. now this is chaotic, how did you end up in the third round knockout with childe?
in all seriousness though, while he was on his way back from the northland bank, he stumbled upon you in a secluded alleyway, all alone in the dark, unconscious, it seems.
childe looked around for anyone who may be able to recognize this person as he himself, is not one to be closely familiar to the association of liyueans.
to his dismay, nobody was around, not when it was hours past midnight, he decided he'd be the one to help you then, well if you actually need it.
"hey.." he tapped your shoulder, once, twice and-
oh there we go.
"what..where... you."
"m-me?" the dumbstruck harbinger stuttered as the tone in your voice showed familiarity.
"oh.. right, nevermind." you got up and took yourself out of the alleyway and it was finally clear to you that you were in liyue. you had an idea of how it might've happened.
you walked away, leaving the harbinger himself as you started to walk through liyue, awe in your eyes as childe stared at you.
"hey wait!" the harbinger had caught up to you,
you didn't look forward to getting yourself involved with him, not when it's the first day in a new world.
no matter how much you've liked him.
ahem. he was a favorite to you.
"what is it?"
"you dropped this." he hands you your phone.
he watched your eyes widen in confusion, you snatch the phone away and quickly said your thank you,
"hey wait a minute,"
you turn to him.
"are.. are you not from here?" he asks.
"..well not from liyue really."
"figures. im childe by the way, i dont live here in liyue also, more of a business involved travelling job."
"ah i see.."
'well no kidding, don't you look to accomplish what the tsasritsa orders?' you thought.
hm. it really doesnt seem like he's out to get me. it doesn't hurt to make an acquaintance, as long as i don't get on his bad side right?
"my name is y/n, nice to meet you."
"well uhm.. i noticed you were passed out in the alleyway there and i notice that you're not really in clothing that's warm enough to go through the breeze that sets in liyue during its nights"
he was right, it really was cold and all you had were battered up clothing.
"right uh.. can i treat you tonight? what do you say to free food, and clothing and a new..friend, perhaps?"
you nod and smile slightly at his attempt.
you knew he was a bloodthirsty harbinger, but deep known you know that he's a good man and a good brother and son to his family who just happens to serve in the line of violence and loyalty to tsaritsa.
childe walked you to a clothing store in liyue that were willing to help you get new clothing-
the harbinger couldnt help but also gift you new accessories, a new satchel and a few of the jackets and tops you eyed earlier but dropped them, due to the price, it was already enough of what he gave to you.
"mr.childe...no. no. this is too much."
why was he offering a stranger this much help?
"...y/n, it's fine, ill have you know a secret, the price tag means nothing to me, if that's what you're worried about" he winks to you, a friendly smile painting his face anew.
"how do you suppose i repay you then, mr.childe?"
"please call me just childe and you dont need to repay me, im only doing what a decent person would do.. and ive got the mora to support my genuine intentions."
"thank you." you look down to the ground,tears welling up in your eyes, it overwhelmed you to wake up in such a new world but a kind soul like childe leading you to the vast world of tevyat and offering help to you- a stranger warmed up your heart.
you took a deep breath and offered a smile at him,
"thank you childe."
childe's eyes widened upon seeing a genuine smile from you, returning back the gesture as he says,
"you're always welcome, y/n. now should we head on to get some food? im starving.."
you and him shared talks, jokes and laughter, familiarizing himself to you and you to him, in.. a more personal level as you've really met him now with your own eyes.
you two ate a meal together, enough to fill both of you up, you suppose the both of you were growing more tired as his eyes were half-lidded, a yawn escaping his lips,
"hey by the way, what was that thing you dropped earlier?"
"oh this? ...just a device i suppose."
"ive never seen anything like it, and i, for one are actually quite updated about new technology, what does it do?"
"hmm.. uh.. well i dont know if i can tell you childe.. but let's just say its a device that can do multiple tasks?"
"like what?"
"writing down reminders for yourself, having a calendar, taking photographs away from a click."
you operated the phone and showed him the basics of what the phone could do,
"where'd you get it? i'd love to get my hands on one.."
you gulped.
'please- if this phone ends up with me getting murdered-'
"hey childe, remember when you asked me, 'are you not from here' well the answer i suppose, is yes.. quite literally. i come from a different world.."
his jaw drops to the information you've let him grasp.
"oh. i see. i suppose you're the second outlander ive met. i've met a traveller who came searching for their twin sibling.. they've made quite the reputation in all of tevyat too."
you were surprised that he hadn't threatened you yet or something along the lines.
now that you think of it, can't an outlander threaten the goals of the one you serve?
you shrug the thought off and kept conversing with childe as the night begins to age.
youve managed to show him a game from your phone,
"hey childe look at this."
you showed him a timed fishing game in which the player has to catch as much fish as they can in the given time as a challenge.
at the first game, he'd caught 5 fishes as you stood with 25 fishes, the gap of the score making him scoff,
he made his way next to you and asked for a rematch.
you suppose this was the only duel he'd ever ask you on. well hopefully.
you'd done 5 matches with you getting better at each game,
he'd slumped over and pouted "i literally fish back in my home country, this just disappoints me!"
he'd earned a laugh from you, a first he'd heard from you.
he stared at you as light pink blushed over his face, smiling at you,
'what a kind soul..' is all what he managed to think as you both gave each other comfort and warmth in the coldness that surrounded liyue during its midnights, sharing a quiet but a memorable night in the new world you've woken up to.
the cavalry captain had heard reports from one of the knights that someone was found in the woods, sleeping near the wolvendom area, which wasn't the ideal area to be around.
the captain had requested for the knights to look for this person, including himself, he'd been curious as to who this person may be, all what the knight said was that they flee after taking a sight of them.
maybe this person was a tourist? perhaps a lost one as well.
his thoughts had been interrupted when he hears the leaves from a tree make some noises.
then a rectangular object fell infront of him.
he stepped back and examined the object,
"hey if you're here, you better come get this object-
or not. I'll keep it confi-"
"NO!" a person leapt down from the tree and approached him, dressed messily, with a disheveled appearance.
your eyes widen at the sight of the cavalry captain who smirked at you, knowing his bait worked better than he thought he would've done.
"so, are you from around this region of mondstat?"
"well..? then you're from?"
"it's complicated."
just then, a knight came to tell him that jean is concerned on whether or not this person may threaten mondstat's safety, and to this he had to oblige to the grandmaster's request and had asked you to come with him inside the city gates for some interrogation,
"nothing too heavy." he says,
"as long as you're innocent of any ill intentions" he adds.
of course, as 'lazy' as others assume of him, he wants nothing but to protect his hometown.
as you get to the favonius headquarters, you were welcomed by the absence of the acting grandmaster as something had come up urgently in need of attention,
leaving matters in the best of kaeya's judgement, you two sat in his office as he questioned you about your whereabouts and what you've been doing lurking around the woods to arise suspicion.
"it's.. quite unbelievable really."
"please enlighten me" he offered a pleasant smile,
"...would it be believable if i was to say that this is not my world.?"
his eyes widen for a second, "... you're.. not from tevyat?"
you shook your head as his mouth agapes, laughter arising from him,
"another outlander??"
you sheepishly smiled at him, how were you to be composed when kaeya, all in his glory was infront of you, resting his chin on the palm of his right hand?
"i guess so.."
kaeya began to tell you about how they've managed to find another outlander like you outside of mondstat, of course you knew of this.
kaeya had used his judgement and for the time being you two were together it was safe enough for him to assume that you had no ill intentions. though all he waited for was the presence of the acting grandmaster.
jean gunnhildr hadn't returned at the night that you two waited for, kaeya resolved to letting you in to his own home as it would be too much of a bother to disturb others into taking in a stranger- an outlander even, he had promised himself to keep an eye close to you and provide you with shelter. he had noticed your appearance, and your stomach grumbling had made him order a small feast for you and him. he had wondered how long you've gone without any food.
you two had shared a meal, and to your surprise, the conversation that you had interacted were genuinely comforting, in the warmth of his home and an actual shelter to stay in for the time being.
as you got up to help him clean up your dishes, your phone had dropped from your pocket and onto the wooden floor.
it had been days since you found out that your phone had come along with you. information about tevyat and the lore behind into the archives were saved in a way that you had assumed that this was a way you'd look for, to survive and overcome challenges in the new world you now live in.
to this, kaeya had turned his attention to you, asking you what you had dropped.
you thought it was no harm to explain and show him what the device does,
"hm. its a device from my world, it's called a "phone"
he had squinted his eyes at the sight of your phone,
"whats the purpose of it? why is it so rectangular?"
to this, you had laughed at his questions, you didn't expect the cavalry captain to tilt his head and look at you in a way you had found adorable.
"well it does function in many categories, come look"
kaeya wiped his hands as he made his way next to you, watching you operate your phone as you begin to show him some examples of what a phone could do,
and to your expectation, you were right.
kaeya had completely become smitten with the camera feature in your phone where he had learned to take a selfie, of you and him in his kitchen.
he had asked if it was possible to print into a picture,
you had thought of ways to avoid breaking his heart that your phone may be too advanced for the technology available, unless he could request to commission it to an artist for a physical copy.
he has noted himself to get a kamera,
the next morning, jean had greeted you and questioned you, even welcoming you into mondstat, taking note that you had become familiar with the cavalry captain as he had no guard up when he was with you, completely out of any suspicion. ironically.
once jean had let you go, kaeya had offered to tour you around mondstat, the breeze settling in, with the morning sun gracing the sides of yours and his face.
he had definitely hoped to get more captures of you and him with your camera. he wished for the two of you to get along together and possibly become better acquaintances as the cavalry captain had been attracted to the energy you radiate around him. no words in khaenr'iahn and mondstatian could form words for the warmth he felt though it was as small as sharing a moment.
he went crazy after you showed him that phones could record videos too- someone help this man pls.
part 2
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©kazuhasmaid please do not copy, paste or repost. plagiarizing or republishing in a different language will not be tolerated.
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r4in-nsfw · 2 years
Not sure for the next one if i should do Sub!Karl or Dom!Karl so lmk
also as of tomorrow I will be taking a month break from tumblr for my mental health, but when i come back i'll be better than ever
Because he's such a rough person, the aftercare is so soft it gives you a toothache, he's grabbing you ice for the bruises he left, feeding you and giving you water, praising you for how well you did for him. 'did so fucking well love, so good for me' rubbing your sides and playing with your hair as you cuddle.
B-body part
Boobies, he loves big boobies. tit fucking them too, he loves just laying on them, he could suffocate if he really wanted too. loves when your wearing low cut shirts too, stares at them for hours
Literally loves breeding you, cumming inside you is number one but he'll also cum on your tits, painting them and seeing his marks on you. the thought could make him cum untouched.
D-dirty talk
My mans alwaysss dirty talking you, mumbling stuff to you to get you riled up. he loves seeing how weak it makes you. 'such a disgusting slut yeah? gonna fucking mark you up doll. make you all mine'
im gonna just say when he met u was the biggest manwhore ever, hooked up with everyone, so he has tons of experience. but as soon as you two became official he became so devoted to you it kinda worried you
F-favorite posistion
COWGIRL OML THAT MAN LOVES WHEN U RIDE HIM. Another one is doggy, grabbing your ass and leaving moon shaped marks on your hips when he grabs them <3
nah nah, he's not goofy, hes super serious, especially when he's super needy, just ripping your clothes off without a word. other times he'll crack a joke here and there. but yeah most times hes so focused he completely forgets about everything else
Um tbh i don't think he cares enough to shave alot, he trims sometimes. but he doesn't really care. occasionally he'll shave because i can get annoying sometimes
Yknow, sometimes he'll be super intimate, taking his time, whispering soft praising words but other times he's not so intimate. and literally just destroying you..
J-jerking off
I don't think he cares about how much he jerks off, but he does quite a bit, he also struggles a bit with porn which you try to help him with by sending him pics of you or when ur available jerking him off yourself.
Tbh, him being a Hard!dom in my opinion, i think hes really into temp play, Breeding, Public play, Orgasm Control/Denial, Pain play, and maybe even pet play if your down for that.
Mans will take you anywhere, but like anyone, he prefers the privacy of his or your bedrooms.
What really gets him going is when you kiss his neck, he loves the sloppy, half-hearted kisses you give him when your tired or in the mood, just drives him crazy.
Literally nothing, he's up for anything tbh, like he'll do pretty much whatever you wanna try.
actual prefers when he gives u head, literally gets so pussy drunk, eating you out for hours as you cum on his face over and over. also loves when u go down on him, when you look up at him with a innocent look in your eyes. ugh he could die from just that.
Fast, usually really fast and rough, taking you from behind he'd garb your wrist and pull them back for leverage to thrust faster. god he loves fucking you into the mattress so roughly. but some days you guys just need some soft sex. like everyone does.
Not to big a fan of them. but if he needs to he will. he'd much rather take his time and do all the things he wants to you.
When it comes to trying new things he's all for it. but sometimes if things don't go well he'll apologize profusely. making you giggle 'its not your fault baby'
mans has so much stamina its crazy, could go for round after round till you can't fucking speak.
he doesn't really use toys, but he has a few for you when you want them. he just doesn't see the point in them. like why would u get toys when u have him? thats his mindset.
oh my god he's always teasing you. running his hands up your bare skin, watching you squirm and plead for him. loves seeing what a mess his small touches do to you. literally drives him nuts.
Not really loud, he'll whisper vulgar things to you under his breath and occasional curses and groans will fall from him. 'god so dirty for me, you like the way i stretch you? huh?'
W-wild card
As already said he watches porn, and has totally paid for it before even though he tried to deny it.
X- Xray
he's uncircumcised, pretty average with a slight curve to his cock. not big but its there.
mans sex drive is so high, he could fuck you everyday if you let him, which most times you do, like said he could go for multiple rounds as well.
Z-zzz (how fast they fall asleep)
He stays up a lot actually, making sure your ok before taking care of himself. always wants to make sure your safe and comfortable first.
491 notes · View notes
stupid-hoe-shit · 2 years
birthday girl
sanji x zoro x fem! reader
- fandom -> one piece
- word count -> 5788
- tags -> vinsmoke sanji/reader, roronoa zoro/reader, roronoa zoro/vinsmoke sanji/reader, nico robin, monkey d. luffy, vinsmoke sanji, roronoa zoro, threesome - f/m/m, cunnilingus, doggy style, teasing, begging, praise kink, deepthroating, creampie, porn with plot, jealousy.
- ao3 link -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/36438658
-> holy shit. what. the. fuck. I LOVE U ALL SM. the amount of love i have gotten on my past 2 worked has been insane. I'm so happy u guys enjoy my writing because it's like my fav hobby and to be able to post it and have other people LIKE IT? i can't thank you all enough. here's another smut, but this time, it's a threesome ;). i didn't want to leave Sanji out of all of the fun. i hope you guys enjoy it!! i will be posting a request page soon because i want to venture out into different fandoms but i also want to please you guys so just lmk :))
Today's the day...
My birthday.
You never liked our birthday too much, always met with disappointment. Sure, you get the 'happy birthday!' and 'how old are you now?’. But as you got older, people seemed to care less and less. Every birthday felt bittersweet in a way. You try not to think about it too much.
The sun shines through the porthole of your room, creating a nice light. You hear the rest of your crew outside on the deck. Luffy's voice is loudest as you hear him say, "Sanji!! Where's breakfast!?!?"
You're used to his yells about food. I mean, you can't blame him. Sanji makes the best food. He always adds the right amount of seasoning to make anything he makes taste absolutely delicious. You suddenly hear the cook yell back, "Have patience, dammit!!" and you can't help but chuckle.
You finally get out of bed, ready to start the day. As you are getting dressed, you hear a knock at the door. As you open it, you see your dear friend, Robin, with a present in her hand.
"Happy birthday", she says with her calm voice. The small smile on her face makes you smile as well.
'Oh my god, Robin, you really didn't have to. I thought everyone would forget".
"How could I forget one of my friend's birthdays?" she says, smiling sincerely. You and robin have been close friends ever since you joined the crew, and you wouldn't change a thing.
You take the gift and unwrap it in front of her. As you’re unwrapping it, you slowly start to see the title of one of your favorite books that you borrow from her collection.
“Thank you so much, Robin!” you hug her, not expecting such a thoughtful gift. As you say your goodbyes, for now, you set it down on your dresser, excited to read it later. Once you finished getting ready, you walk out on the deck and head to the kitchen where everyone else is. As you open the door, you see everyone seated at the table. The first person who notices you is, of course, Nami.
“Omg! The birthday girl is here”, she says. She gets up out of her seat and hugs you as you chuckle.
“I can’t believe you remembered, Nami”.
“It’s your birthday?!?!” you hear Luffy from across the room. You expected him not to remember. I mean, he can barely remember what day it is.
“It sure is”, you respond with a smile.
“Happy birthday!!!” he yells, hurting your ears in the process.
“Ha, thank you, Luffy.” You laugh along with the rest of the crew. You didn’t think it would turn into this big thing. You thought no one would really care, to be honest.
You sit down in your chair as Sanji serves you breakfast first.
“Here you are, mademoiselle. Happy birthday” he says.
“Thank you so much, Sanj”, you say as he responds with ‘of course. You also noticed a blush on his cheeks. He gets flustered so easily.
You watch as Luffy inhales his food, being down milliseconds. The rest of the crew, however, takes their time. They each talk about what plans they have for today and how far away we are from the next island. The attention suddenly turns to you when Franky says, “Hey! How about we let the birthday girl decide what we do today?”
The rest nod as they all turn to you. You aren’t good when put on the spot so they watch as you avert your eyes elsewhere. “I- uh - I don’t know. Um…have fun?”
“Sounds good to me” you hear from beside you. You look to see Zoro, finishing up the rest of his food. The rest nod and continue their conversation.
As breakfast comes to an end, you watch as Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper all head out of the kitchen and onto the deck to play some sort of game. You played a game with them one time… and you never will again.
You watch as everyone leaves the kitchen except for you, Sanji, and Zoro. Zoro was always taught to clean his plate before leaving the kitchen. And that’s exactly what he does as Sanji collects the rest of the plates.
“Hey, Sanji, do you need help with the dishes?” you ask, feeling bad that he always has to clean up after us. Sanji looks at you with heart eyes and a wide smile.
“I’m okay, thank you though! Enjoy your birthday, darling!” He says. You shrug and leave the kitchen, leaving Sanji and Zoro left washing up.
“I know you like her”, the words cut through the air like scissors to paper. Sanji stops what he’s doing, clearly affected by what the swordsman said. Zoro continues, “You like her more than the other girls, at least.” He says, still washing his dish even though it’s already cleaned.
“And? What’s your point?” Sanji responds harshly. His warm demeanor quickly turned cold as soon as you left.
“Just saying,” he starts putting his dish on the drying rack and moves towards the door until he’s almost outside of the kitchen, “you might have some completion.” He leaves the kitchen, leaving Sanji in his own thoughts.
The moonlight shines through your window as you use it as lighting to read your new book. You have already this book so many times, but it just gets better every time you read it.
Today has been one of the best days of your life. You spent the entire time with your friends. There was no fighting, no other pirates, no injuries, just… your friends. And you couldn’t ask for a better present than that.
You assume the rest of the crew are asleep as you get up and go to the kitchen to get some water. However, what you don’t expect to see, is Zoro and Sanji, both pretty tipsy. As you walk in, their eyes land on you and your figure. All you are wearing is a tank top and some small shorts.
“Sorry, just came to get water”, you say as you make your way to the fridge.
“What are you doing up so late?” Zoro asks as he raises his eyebrow. His words are slurred by the alcohol in his body.
“I was just reading. Robin gave me a new book for my birthday.” He said happily while you pour yourself a glass of water. You continue, “The real question is, what are you two doing up so late?”
Zoro and Sanji turn to each other and scowl. They both take another sip of their drinks, Sanji’s face twisting as the taste of it.
“We’re just having a little competition”, Sanji says with a small blush on his face from the liquor.
“Competition? What, like, a drinking competition or something?”
“Exactly”, Zoro responds with a grin. They both take another swig of their drinks. This is so childish...you can't help but be a little intrigued though.
"...Mind if I join you guys?" You ask in a light-hearted tone. They both look at you, their eyes wide, not expecting you to ask. However, they definitely weren't opposed.
"Sure. If you can handle it, that is", Zoro challenges. He has always been one to one-up you, asking things like 'Is that really a good idea?' or 'are you sure you can do that?'. This would always set you off, and this time is no different.
"Please, Zoro. I'm probably a better drinker than you." You say with a grin. Your eyes are squinted at the man, like a silent message saying 'don't try me.'
"Big words for such a small brain," Zoro says with a small smile, winning the argument. You roll your eyes, not in the mood to combat another insult. Sanji, however, acts differently.
"Hey, Mosshead!," he stands up out of his seat, face right in front of Zoro, eyes wide and angry, "Don't say that about her! Did your stupidly small brain forget that it's her birthday?" He continues to yell at him vigorously. Zoro starts yelling back at him, of course, not having any restraint with his words.
It gets to the point where their foreheads are touching one another as they are glaring into each other's eyes. You have to split them apart, tearing away Sanji with his arm.
"Will you two cut it out! Do you want to wake up the whole crew?" you say in a hushed tone, remembering that it's the middle of the night yet these two are yelling over stupid shit again. They sit back in their corresponding seats as you grab a beer from the fridge and sit down with them. You sit at the end of the table, where Luffy usually sits, with Sanji on your right and Zoro on your left. You take a sip of your drink as Sanji breaks the silence.
"Did you enjoy your birthday, mademoiselle?" he asks you in his sweet tone. Your heart flutters at the way he's looking at you. His eyes are downcasted, lidded. His face wore a grin as well. You take longer to respond than usual.
"I-uh- yeah! It was great, actually. I didn't expect anyone to remember, to be honest." You chuckle, trying to break the silence after your confession.
Zoro looks at you, confused, as he takes another swig of his drink. "Well, why not?" he asks. You look away, avoiding both their gazes. You then look down and the swirling liquid in your glass.
"I, just," you was lost for words. You had so many things on your mind but you just couldn't put them into words. "I'm...not sure," you say, still avoiding their gazes.
"Never really liked your birthday, I'm guessing?" Sanji suddenly joins in, looking at you sympathetically. You look at him in shock, surprised he got what you were trying to say.
"Yeah. Exactly that" you say truthfully. You try to lighten up the conversation a little. "But this birthday was awesome. Spending it with you guys and the rest of the crew really is the best", you say happily, genuinely. You smile widely at them, happy to be here.
"I love it when you say things like that, darling!" Sanji yells with hearts in his eyes.
"Jeez, you make me want to drink more, Sanji" Zoro mutters. This makes you giggle as Sanji's forehead throbs in irritation. You all take another swig of your drinks. You wouldn't rather be anywhere else. ____________________________________
You have been drinking with them for about an hour now, feeling the alcohol swirl throughout your body. You each talk about your pastimes, favorite stories, etc. It was getting to know more about them. Both of them were so reserved, never sharing much about themselves. So, for you to be able to hear their past was a nice change of pace. You began talking about relationships of your pasts.
"Have you ever had, like, a boyfriend, or something?" Zoro asks with a playful smile on his face. Your face burns with embarrassment. He was pretty drunk, but not too far gone to not know what he's saying. Sanji, however, was a different story.
"Zoro! You can't ask her things like that!" Sanji says as he scowls at the man sitting across from him.
"What? It's just a question," They both turn to you silently, waiting for your answer. Zoro continues, "So? Ever had a boyfriend?"
You feel inclined to lie but after they just told you about their whole lives, it is only fair you do the same. "Uh, yeah. I- uh- I have." You awkwardly, looking away.
"Oh, look at you," Zoro says in a teasing tone, "Still together?" he questions.
You answer immediately. "No, not anymore," you say. You mutter a 'thank god' under your breath out of instinct. However, they both seem to have heard as they laugh at your words. You flush in embarrassment.
"Really, that bad?" Sanji asked. One of his curly eyebrows was raised. They look at expectantly.
"I mean, it wasn't unbearable. But it just wasn't good." You tried to avoid the inevitable question, 'why?' by answering vaguely. However, these two seemed to catch on pretty quickly.
"C'mon. Tell us why." Zoro demands.
Sanji continues, "You don't have to if you don't want to. We're just curious." He says sweetly.
Are they...interrogating me? And...are they... working together?!? You have never seen them work together like this, however, their eyes made you nervous. It felt like being under trance while being stared at by these two. You couldn't help but shiver. It's like Zoro was playing bad cop and Sanji was playing good cop. They were working as one, just to get some answers out of you. It made you nervous. Really nervous.
"I- uh- he just- um" you stutter incoherently, your words failing you. You take a deep breath, in and out. "He just... couldn't satisfy my needs."
There is a silence like no other. This makes you look down, your hands trembling as they both look at you. Zoro wears a smirk, knowing exactly what you are referring to. Sanji looks at you in confusion, not understanding what you mean.
"Could you explain what you mean?" Sanji inquires further, wanting answers. However, he is only met with Zoro's laughter.
"God, you really are a stupid cook," Zoro says, still laughing. You sit there in embarrassment like no other with your head down, staring into your lap. Sanji furrows his eyebrows at Zoro, still not understanding what's going on.
"Do I have to spell it out for you? He couldn't make her cum, dumbass." You continue to stare down at your lap, mortified, wanting to be anywhere else right now. As Sanji takes in what was just said to him, his face begins to become redder, hotter than before. He looked away from Zoro and back to you. You would've interjected if what he said wasn't true. But he couldn't believe a sweet girl like you has been doing naughty things like that. Zoro breaks the silence.
"Well? Give us details! What he'd do wrong?" Zoro asks with a smile, finding this all amusing as you sit there in your seat, about to disintegrate from embarrassment. You gasp, finally lifting your head up from your lap.
"Jesus Christ Zoro! I'm not answering anymore of your stupid ass questions!"
You look away with a pout, your eyebrows clenched together in frustration. Sanji, for the first time, breaks the silence.
“We’ll…I mean, have you ever…cum before?”
You never wanted to get up a leave a room more than you do right now. You look at Sanji. Then to Zoro. And then back at Sanji. You don’t answer, which is an answer in itself.
“Are you serious?” Zoro says, shocked. “I mean, not even by yourself?”
“What? I’m serious!” He looks at you with wide eyes. He’s confused. He needs to know more. You give in.
“N-no. No, I haven’t, okay?” You lean back in your chair, wanting to be done with this conversation already. Sanji and Zoro look at each other, then to you, then back at each other. What’s going on…?
Zoro makes the first move. He gets up and stands behind you. You don’t dare move a muscle. He leans down his mouth right beside your ear. You feel his hot breath on you as he breathes. He finally speaks.
“Do you want to cum?” He says with a grin as he sees the way you shiver at his words. You shakily nod your head. You feel your stomach running wild as your clit throbs.
Sanji gets up for his seat as well. He moves on the other side of Zoro, bending down copying Zoro's position right next to your ear. His mouth is right next to your ear, breath smelling of alcohol. This has to be the drinking right? This is insane!
“Just ask, sweetheart. We can make you cum. All you have to do is ask”, he says sweetly, almost innocently. Your heart is racing, beating so fast you think it’s loud enough for the men next to you to hear. You know what you want. They know what you want. But they’re gonna make you say it.
“I…um….”, you take a shaky, deep breath. Their mouths are still right down your ear, breathing down your neck. This is sending chills all over your body, goosebumps spreading all over your neck and shoulders. Hopefully, they don’t notice. However, they do, of course, as you hear Zoro chuckling.
You built up the courage to finally say what you want. “I…want you… to make me… cum”, you finally say. You take another breath as they grin.
“What’s the magic word?” Zoro says, sadistically. That bastard…
“…Please. Please…make me cum”.
“Good girl”, Sanji says. He kisses right behind your ear, making you shiver. He laughs at your reaction. “Sensitive, huh?”
Sanji’s face is red. Beat red. You feel his mouth traveling down from your ear to your neck in kisses. His open mouth kisses against your neck sends fire throughout your body. You shut your eyes, trying to stabilize yourself.
Zoro stands up completely and grabs your face lightly by your chin. You open your eyes and look up at him. Your eyes are filled with lust, want. He leans down, giving you a nice peck on your lips. He pulls back to see your face one more time. He just couldn’t get enough of it. He’s never seen you so…needy. So full of want. Your lips are turned down as he pulls away, unhappy. You wanted to kiss him for longer, wanting to feel his tongue on yours. He gives you what you want, kissing you sensually. He slips his tongue into your mouth, making you moan uncontrollably.
He pulls away again, grinning at the whine you release as he leaves your mouth. You almost forgot about Sanji as you’re so focused on Zoro. You feel him nip at your neck, sucking repeatedly at the spot. You whimper, but you quickly cover your mouth. Hoping they didn’t hear that noise.
“Getting excited, huh?” Zoro says right next to your ear. You feel his lips on your ear lobe, his breath is hot and full of lust.
Sanji moves off of your neck, grabbing your chin and moving it towards him. He kisses you passionately, slipping his tongue inside. He feels around inside your mouth, exploring. He finally pulls away, standing up completely. They are now both standing up, looking down on you. You look up at them, your gaze switching between the both of them.
“You look so pretty like this”, Sanji says while Zoro is running his hand through your hair. Sanji moves his hand, putting his thumb right in between your lips. He drags down your bottom lip, asking for permission. You take his thumb in-between your pretty lips. You suck, looking at him in his eyes. Your tongue rolls around the underside of his finger. They both watch you intently, taking his thumb in and out of your mouth.
He departs from your mouth with a string of saliva connecting the two of you. “Fuck, you’re perfect”, Zoro says breathlessly. They look down at you with the most intense gazes you’ve seen. It’s almost like they’re facing an enemy. However, they know they’re going to win.
You become brave. Well, not necessarily brave, but impatient, needy. You take off your shirt, leaving you in your black bra. You watch as both of their faces turn red. They just can’t stop staring. You grab your boobs and squish them together. You bite your lip, still looking up at them.
“Like what you see?”, you say. It’s the alcohol talking.
“So pretty…”, Sanji whispers. Zoro grabs on your breast, groping it. Your face turns hot at the way his hand is gripping you.
“Take it all off. Wanna seem them.” Zoro says, referring to your bra. You move your hands to your back and un-clip it, letting it slowly fall down your shoulders. Your nipples quickly turn hard at the newly exposed air. You try your best not to move and cover them up out of embarrassment. They stare at you like that awhile, watching your chest go up and down as you breathe. Sanji makes the first move by leaning down, his face right near one of your breasts. He lightly kisses your nipple. This makes you whine. His light kissing isn’t enough for you.
“More, please”, you ask. He smiles up at you, watching your face contort into pleasure as he sucks on your nipple, his tongue rolling around on the bud. You look up at Zoro, watching as he cups his clothed erection. He couldn’t help but relieve some friction. His cock twitched at the way you begged Sanji.
Zoro moves quickly; so quick you can barely even register the new mouth on your breast. They are both sucking and biting at the flesh. You feel tingles spread throughout your body and down to your core. You feel your pussy throb with need. Sanji takes his mouth off of you and kisses you.
The sensations are all too much for you to handle. Their mouths work in sync, almost like they're working together to please you.
As Sanji is kissing you, he moves to hands to your stomach, running his fingertips along your soft skin. You moan in his mouth at the feeling of the light touches he's providing. Zoro moves off your breasts and goes back to kissing your neck. His hand moves down your entire body, passing Sanji's hand, and cups your clothed mound. You suddenly gasp, disconnecting from Sanji. They both look into your eyes as Zoro circles his middle finger along your clothed clit. You rut into his hand shamelessly, clenching your eyes together trying to hold in your moans. You whimper as he goes faster. Both men groan at the way both of your hands reach up to grab your own breasts. He removes his hand, which makes you whine. Their grins are mean, sadistic.
"Hmm..." Zoro hums, "I knew underneath that sweet personality was something else. Just didn’t expect for you to be a needy little bitch."
You look at Sanji, hoping he would back you up, telling Zoro to stop. However, he does the exact opposite.
"For once, he's right. You act all sweet," He leans down, his face stopping right in front of yours. His gaze lingers on your lips. Eventually, look you right in the eyes.
"But in actuality, you're just a filthy whore."
You never expected Sanji to degrade you like this. However, you couldn't say you hated it. Actually, you loved it. Your thighs clenched together at both of their words. Zoro watches your thighs press together, looking for friction.
"Oh, she liked that one", he chuckles. Sanji looks down and watches as you press and wiggle your legs together shamelessly. He groans just at the sight.
They look back at each other, communicating silently. God, I hate when they do this...
Suddenly, Sanji picks you by the back of your legs and sets you down at the edge of the dining table, and quickly starts to remove your shorts. He stands in front of you. "Lay down for me, yeah?" you do as your told and lay down. You immediately realize you're almost on full display, wearing just your tiny little panties. You can't even imagine how soaked they are. Zoro speaks up.
"Open your legs". You reluctantly do so, looking away from them. You can feel their intense, wide eyes on your core. Sanji and Zoro look at the huge damp spot on your underwear, unable to tear their gaze away.
"Holy fuck", Sanji breathes heavily at the sight of you splayed out for him. "Oh my god, you're so wet," he says with a smile, "Let's take these off too, okay?" You finally open your eyes again to see him and Zoro still looking right at your core. It's like you aren't even in the room.
"O-okay", you say sheepishly. You remove your panties yourself. Once you finally take them off, you are about to throw them somewhere, however, Zoro has different plans.
"Give them to me", he says with a big blush on his face. You laugh and toss them to him as he puts them by his swords, a reminder to take them later.
"Pervert", you say.
"Don't call me the pervert when you're the one with your pussy on display." You had almost forgotten that you're fully naked now. Your pussy is glistening with your slick, practically shinning.
"You've got such a pretty pussy, you know that?" Sanji says as he looks right at your clenching hole, begging to be fucked. He runs finger in-between your pussy, collecting slick. He goes to show Zoro, separating his fingers so that a string of your slick connects them.
Sanji spreads your legs further, leaning down so that his face is right near your pretty cunt. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to taste your pussy”, he whispers right into your cunt.
“Please Sanji”, you beg.
“Happy birthday, baby,” he says with a small smile right before he dives into your cunt. You arch off of the table at the way he circles your clit with his tongue. He buries his face into your pussy, his nose touching your clit as his tongue teases your clenching hole. You throw your head back in pleasure.
“Oh my god, Sanji! Yes!”, you moan. Too wrapped up in your own pleasure you don’t notice Zoro moving. He’s suddenly right next to you. Moving your head back where it was so that you could see Sanji eating you out.
“Watch him”, he demands. Sanji is now tongue-fucking you. You helplessly rut into his tongue, lifting your hips off the table to get closer. You need more.
You grab his hair and pull him closer into your cunt. He moans in surprise at your sudden action. He’s thought about this for so long. Eating you out has been the only thing ever on his mind as of recent. He loves the way you taste, your smell, your moans, everything.
You feel it rising. You feel the knot becoming tighter and tighter in your stomach. The burning sensation inside of you is becoming too much.
“I- Sanji- gonna- cum”, you moan uncontrollably at the feel of his tongue inside, curling and exploring your insides.
“Already? You really are a whore”, Zoro whispers in your ear as he plays with one of your breasts, tugging at your nipple.
Your orgasm washes over you, letting out a silent moan as your back arches too far off of the table. Your hands are still purchased on Sanji’s hair as he rides you through your orgasm. The taste of you on his tongue is incredible. It's the best thing you have ever felt. It felt as if something was blooming inside of you, spreading throughout your entire body. You breathe heavily as you come back from your euphoric high.
You finally open your eyes and see Zoro looking over you with the most hungry gaze you have seen from him. You look down at Sanji and see him laying his head on your thigh, lost in trance. His face was even redder than before. His lips are puffy and abused. His face is covered in your cum.
Zoro makes the first move by going back next to Sanji. “Let me taste”, Zoro says. You think he’s gonna eat you out this time, but no, instead you see them both kissing. Zoro’s tongue slips in Sanji’s mouth, cleaning him of the taste. All you can do is sit there and watch. It makes you all hot and bothered again.
Sanji and Zoro pull apart, their eyes locked on each other. Zoro then turns back to you and sees your wide-eyed face. “You taste better than I imagined”, he says. You sit back up and pull Sanji into a passionate kiss.
“Thank you, Sanji,” you say as you separate. He lets out a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding. You somehow just notice you are the only one naked. They don't even have their shirts off yet.
As they both stand in front of you, you run each one of your hands down their chests. You make your way down, over their stomachs, stopping right by their groins. They are both panting at your touch. You finally move your hands down a palm both of their hard erections. They both groan in unison.
"This isn't fair. I'm the only naked", you say with a fake pout. Sanji looks at you with needy, like he is ready to beg. However, Zoro looks at you with an eyebrow raised and a smirk. He's impressed by your confidence all of the sudden.
Sanji begins unbuttoning his shirt as Zoro pulls his white tee off. They eventually both stand with their shirts off. You can't help but stare at their bodies. Zoro has more defined abs, as Sanji has more of the skinny-like figure, yet still has that six-pack. They smirk at where your eyes lay. You reach to touch Zoro's abs, your finger outlining his abs, tracing them, He shivers are the light touch. You do the same to Sanji, letting your finger run through the lines on his strong body. He lets out a small whine, looking at you with half-lidded eyes.
You get up and off of the table. Zoro and Sanji watch you as if you're the only thing keeping them stable. Their eyes never deter as you get on the floor, next to the table, and sit back on your heels. They make their way over to, standing in front of you, looking down at the way your doe eyes look up at them.
"You look so good on your knees," Zoro says, as he caresses your face. You lean into the touch, looking at them with a small smile.
"It's where she belongs," Sanji whispers. They tear their gazes away from you to look at each other, again. They look back at you with hungry eyes. Suddenly, you only see Sanji in front of you, as Zoro moves behind you.
"Get on all fours," Zoro demands. You do as he says with your palms on the ground and your ass sticking out. His hands find purchase on your hips as he rubs his clothed cock on your ass. Their action makes you whimper, still looking up at Sanji.
"You gonna be good for us?" Sanji asks. You respond with a small 'yes'. As soon as you do, you feel Zoro's hard cock against you. He rubs his tip up and down your folds, teasing you. You feel the heat radiate off of your body as you see Sanji get on his knees as well, his cock in front of your face. Zoro finally gives in and enters you. The stretch hurts at first, but as you wait a few seconds, you. can't help but ask for more.
"Y- you can go deeper, Zoro," you beg. He smirks and does as you ask, moving further into you. Soon enough he bottoms out, trying to resist. He wants to fuck you, wants to go far enough into your to reach your cervix. But no, not yet, at least.
Sanji gets his cock out quick, smearing his pre-cum on your lips. You take him in your mouth, looking up at him for approval. Zoro starts to rock in you, going in and out. You moan on Sanji's cock at the feeling of Zoro inside of you, You can't help but get wetter at the whole situation. You, sucking off Sanji, as Zoro fucks you from behind. You can't help but clench around Zoro. He hisses at the feeling, gripping your hips harder.
"God, you feel so good," Zoro says, sounding breathless. He continues to thrust into you. You rock back on his cock as you look at Sanji, his head thrown back in pleasure. You can't help but feel prideful at the way you have these two. The two strongest guys you know are panting at the way your mouth and pussy feel around you.
Sanji grabs your hair, pushing you further down on his cock. You gag at the feeling. "Sorry baby. Feels- too good," Sanji says, so far gone in his own pleasure. Zoro thrusts harder into you, hitting your g-spot. You cry out a moan on Sanji's cock, feeling so full of cock. A tear slips out of your eye at the sensations. You feel your stomach tightening at the way they both using you to get off. Zoro goes harder as Sanji goes deeper, their thrusts in sync.
Without warning, you cum all over Zoro's cock, clenching him so tight he can't help but moan. Sanji wipes your tears away with his thumb as he cums into your mouth and down your throat. He's hunched over in pleasure, moaning at the way your tongue is moving on the underside of his cock. Zoro pounds into you, chasing his orgasm as you Sanji try to catch your breath. Sanji's cock leaves your mouth as you continue to moan from Zoro's ministrations. His grip on your hips is tight, definitely leaving bruises.
"C-cum ins-ide," you choke out. That sends Zoro over the edge, cumming into you. You milk his cock for what it has, clenching at the feeling of his warm cum spilling inside of you. He takes his cock out of you, watching this cum fall from your pussy onto your thighs.
You pant, starting to feel extremely tired now. They watch as you lay down on the floor out of exhaustion. Even if you get up, you know you would get fall. Zoro probably broke your legs with how deep he was hitting inside of you. They move quick, both getting towels and cleaning you up, and helping you back into your clothes. You sit back in your chair, exhausted from today's activities. After they put their clothes back on they come to sit back in their seats.
Zoro looks at you with a smirk, happy that they have made you this tired. "Did you tire you out?" he asks.
"Yeah. You did," you respond. You support a small smile. You're tired but you couldn't be happier. You don't even notice them both getting up from their seats. They are suddenly both next to you, right by your ear.
"Happy birthday, baby," Sanji whispers. You flush at the name. Zoro does the same.
"Hope you liked your birthday present, birthday girl,"
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saturngoldenchild · 2 years
Astrology observations
Kind of?? Half of it is just me talking about placements I find attractive
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- Pluto/Scorpio in the tenth or first house tend to attract people who are really obsessive. I’m talking like stalker type shit.
- QUICK QUESTION :) to Venus in the 12th. Have y’all had people you haven’t talked to in a long time suddenly tell you they liked you time after??????? Shit is annoying
- Anyways… Cancer men you’re on a time out. They tend to sweet talk people until they get comfortable and start cussing people out for minor mistakes.
- Earth signs always find each other like what is it?? Do we only like each other?? I mean…..if any of you are looking for a Capricorn sun friend my house address is…..
- Venus in Aries… babe let’s have a talk😭 I love ur boldness with flirting I do BUT U DONT NEED TO FLIRT WITH ALL THAT BREATHS…just to loose interest 5 minutes too
- Prominent Virgo and Gemini placements…SO ABOUT MY HOUSE ADRESS
No but really y’all are so responsible and smart and capable but so fucking funny. it’s a perfect combination, I fear.
- Leo moons are the top tier Leo placement for me. Maybe cause my moon is at the 17th degree but shhh. You guys love like no other honestly, very attentive of those you love. Your personality is so charming like hhfrcbjgdddcvh.
- ANYWAYS… enough simping
- Virgo moon singers… their music makes your chest hurt. Let me give some examples…Fiona apple, Agust D, Lorde. See what I’m saying now??
- My undying love for Taurus moons…OKAY BACK TO SIMPING. Bro y’all truly have the purest hearts, I feel nothing y’all do comes from malicious intend. Although this is an earth moon out of all I think y’all manage ur emotions the best, make sure to not repress them even though that depends on the house it is in. Your honor, i fear Taurus placements are perfect. It’s just that possessive nature we gotta work on babe. They’re sweethearts but let them see their loved ones lovey dovey with other people ooooof. It’s not an issue for me 👀 I MEAN WHAT-
- On that note, Aries moons…. Now this is a placement I’m a maid for. Idk maybe it’s cause my moon is in the first house but omfg y’all are another type of fine. the moon influences how we look so much and you guys won. Ex. RIHANNA BRO, Kim Taehyung, Salma Hayek
- Every Virgo I have met paints. And they’re so good too, maybe I haven’t been paying attention but lmk. Either that or they just love art/collecting pieces.
- Lots of Aquarius suns tend to grow into their unique traits and interests. It is after all also ruled by Saturn so it could make sense. The older they get the less they judge others and in turn themselves.
- Libra men give me himbo energy. Same with Virgo men, but they can be so smart and thoughtful for some things cause yk big earth sign brain, but for others…it is painful to watch them figure out how to use a blender.
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natsfirecat · 2 years
Secret Love Revealed
summary: tony finds out about his daughter’s relationship with natasha
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem Stark!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: panic attack, lmk if i need to add any more!
A/N: so i wanted to kinda rewrite my first fic on here i ever wrote I Love Her, Dad and then add a greys anatomy reference lol i hope yall enjoy! :D
"She's opening her eyes," That was your father.
"The doctor said she would soon," Definitely Pepper.
"Thank god..." Natasha.
It took a few minutes, but you managed to blink your eyes open to see the people you loved hovering over you.
"What happened?" You mumbled.
When Natasha opened her mouth to speak, you noticed the tears glistening in her eyes. She reached her hand out to hold yours, running her thumb over the back of your palm.
"Detka..." she said softly, her gaze never leaving yours.
"Natasha I-" you were confused, to say the least. You had been with the redhead for almost a year, but you'd kept your relationship secret from your father the whole time.
Just then, he cleared his throat. Your heart dropped as you saw the way he was looking at Natasha.
"They know," your girlfriend muttered, keeping her hand on hers.
You weren't quite sure what to say. You looked between Natasha and Tony, feeling your heart beat faster.
You squeezed her hand, then took a deep breath in before swallowing.
"So... you guys know about us then?"
Just then, your father took a step forward as he glared at Natasha.
"So how long have you been taking advantage of my daughter behind my back?"
"Dad, I-" you started, but he cut you off.
"She's too young for you, Romanoff! I never thought you could go this low!" He said through gritted teeth.
Natasha wasn't sure what to do. On one hand, she absolutely did not want to tolerate Tony going off on her like this. But on the other hand, she didn't want to risk her relationship with you more than she already had.
When you got hurt on the mission, it was bad. Bad enough to where Natasha was unable to contain herself and her composure. She was panicking and sobbing as Clint tried his best to comfort her.
"I can't lose her, I can't lose her," she said between sobs. Her best friend pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She let out a few more tears, clinging onto him for dear life.
"I can't lose someone else I love. I can't. I can't lose her, Clint,"
He kept his arms around her as she started sobbing again.
"It's okay," he told her. "Y/N's strong. She'll make it through this,"
"I can't lose her,"
"You won't,"
In the midst of her breakdown, Natasha failed to realize that Tony was just a room over and could hear her sobs and everything she was saying.
That was the moment he realized her relationship with his daughter went far beyond a mentor-mentee friendship.
Now, he stood at the foot of your bed, shooting glares at the woman you loved.
"She's not taking advantage of me! It's not like that, Dad! I love her!"
"Y/N, you're barely old enough to know what love really is,"
You sat up straighter, looking him straight in the eye as you squeezed your girlfriend's hand again.
"You don't get to say that! She didn't take advantage of me! And so what if she's the one who teaches me how to fight? It's not like I'm a child; no one took advantage of anyone! It just happened, and I'm so glad it did because I love her!"
He opened his mouth to protest, but Pepper held her hand up to stop him. So you continued on.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been incredibly happy this past year. You know why? Nat. She makes me so happy, Dad. I don't know what I would do without her. I love her more than anything. It's clear you don't approve, but that's not gonna stop me. She's my everything. I love her, Dad,"
Before anyone else can say anything, you felt a pair of hands gently cup your face.
"God I love you," Natasha murmured softly.
You were about to reply before remembering Tony and Pepper. Despite your little speech, he was still glaring.
By now, your hands began sweating profusely as your heart pounded even faster. Your breathing quickened, prompting you to squeeze your girlfriend's hand even harder.
Your anxiety kept increasing with each passing second. Soon enough, tears came to your eyes as you looked at everyone in the room.
What if your father separated you from Natasha so you'd have to break up? What if she decided she wouldn't put up with his protectiveness and just break up with you? What if he'd forever be angry with you for lying to him for almost a year? What if your relationship dynamic would change for the worse now that he knew?
Before you knew it, you were completely hyperventilating in the hospital bed.
Both Tony and Natasha began looking at you with concern.
Even Pepper left the room to get a doctor. She could tell something wasn't right.
Your thoughts continued racing as you looked between them. Soon enough, it felt as if your heart was about ready to pound out of your chest.
You barely even noticed the door opening again, revealing Dr. Cho.
"Y/N, would you like some water?" She asked, wanting to get you to calm down before things escalated.
If anything, that just made you panic worse.
Natasha's hand finally left yours, and that was the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes once again.
When you finally woke up again, everyone was still in the room. You still didn't open your eyes, but you heard them talking.
"Our your daughter is happy, Tony. Natasha makes her happy. We should let them be."
Just then, you opened your eyes. Everyone seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief as they noticed you were awake.
Tony sighed before turning to you and Natasha.
"Fine," he blurted out. "If she makes you really happy, then I guess that means you have my...approval...to be together..."
You could hardly believe it. Your hand found Natasha's again, but you kept looking at your father.
"But," he said sharply, turning to her. "If you hurt her, I will make sure you never see the light of day again,"
"Wouldn't dream of it," she replied.
He looked between the two of you, then nodded. Before saying anything else, he got up and exited the room.
Then, Pepper made her way over to you and kissed your forehead.
"I want you to be happy, Y/N, and I can see that you clearly are happy together. A blind man could see the chemistry between you two. But what your father said still stands," she turned her gaze to Nat. "Be good to her,"
With that, she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving you and your girlfriend alone.
"That could've been worse," you said, chuckling as you leaned against her.
"I guess it went as well as it could have," she replied.
"Now that they're gone, I get to kiss you now,"
"Is that so?"
She smiled, then softly pressed her lips against yours. You reciprocated the kiss, wrapping your arms around her.
"Guess that's settled then," she said once you pulled apart.
"Guess so,"
"I love you, Natty,"
"I love you more, Y/N/N,"
"Nope," you said, pressing another kiss to her lips.
She smiled against you, hugging you even tighter.
Now that you two didn't have to worry about keeping your relationship secret anymore, you had all the time in the world to argue over who loved each other the most. All you needed to focus on was each other.
taglist: @lyak12 @thewidowsghost @murderisthesolution @zombies1ayea @plasticl0ve @romanoffscottage @atlas-nex @plasticnacho @ria900 @readings-stuff @nats-dreamland @chiyongberry @xxromanoffxx @milfloverslut @gimaximoff @adi06lena @sayah13
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jaeyunverse · 2 years
hide and seek
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pairing: na jaemin x fem!reader
genres: fluff, angst, mild crack, mutual pining, best friends to lovers
wc: 5525
warnings: profanity, mc is not very good at expressing her feelings (lmk if i’ve missed smth!)
summary: a game of hide and seek with your cousins forces you and jaemin to camp out in a cramped space together. they say close proximity and darkness make people do things they usually don’t, and you’re no exception to this fact. after all, you do confess to him. ​
note: hii welcome to another episode of me reposting my old works LMFAO i’ve hit a bit of a block and i wanted to see if editing any of my drafts got me back into the flow of writing! i hope you guys enjoy this fic :D feedback is always appreciated <3 
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You hated babysitting your three five-year-old cousins.
You loved them with all your heart, but they were too loud, too bubbly, too messy, too energetic, and just too much in general. Nothing kept them interested for more than ten minutes and for some reason, they loved to torture you.
The moment you’d sit down to relax, they’d run up to you and start whining. They’d poop when you were eating, spill their food while you were showering and wipe their snotty faces with your clothes despite having a handkerchief pinned to the front of their shirts.
And God, they asked so many questions.
Why aren’t there any more dinosaurs? Why can’t I stay up as late as you do? Why can’t Peppa Pig come to my birthday? Why do we hide our private parts from other people? Why does mommy wear a diaper?
You had long given up on quenching their curiosity. It wasn’t like it was your job to tell them how babies were made anyway.
You would have never babysat kids if it weren’t for your aunt, Hajoon. You admired her and looked up to her. She was a divorcee and had raised her set of triplets, Jeonghoon, Jihoon and Junghoon, all on her own while completing her Ph.D. simultaneously.
She now worked in a law firm and kicked ass every day. You’d have done anything for her. Plus, it didn’t hurt that she was paying you tons. Considering the fact that you only looked after the triplets for a couple of hours after school, you definitely did not deserve the bank you made. No way in hell were you going to be an ungrateful bitch and complain.
“Oh, come on,” Shin Ryujin, one of your best friends, complained from the other side of the phone. “I thought you didn’t babysit on weekends.”
“Yeah, I know,” you replied, sighing. The kids were watching a movie in the living room while you were in the kitchen, making extra popcorn for them. “Aunt Hajoon had to go to court today, so I volunteered. It’s an important case.”  
“Well, why can’t she just enrol them in a nursery? Why do you have to take care of them all the time?” Ryujin demanded. “I’m sure the staff in a daycare is far more qualified to look after them.”
“Ryujin,” you whined. “I told you she’s way too protective of them. She’s a single, working mother, for God’s sake!”
You sandwiched your phone between your shoulder and ear, picking up the three bowls of popcorn you had just made. As you walked towards the triplets and handed the bowls over to them, Ryujin spoke up once again.
“What about your mother? Can’t she look after the kids for an hour?”
“My parents work on Saturday, Ryujin. You know that.” From your peripheral, you saw the boys shooing you away. You winced and smiled at them apologetically, leaving so that they could watch their movie without any disturbances.
“Y/N!” she cried. “Our group’s been planning to go to the new cafe for so long! You can’t just back out of something we decided over two weeks ago!”
“I’m sorry!” you exclaimed, utterly exasperated. This entire conversation was going nowhere. You just wanted to relax in your room while the triplets watched the movie and stayed out of your hair. “You guys go ahead without me. I promise I won’t ditch next time.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t believe you,” she muttered angrily.
“Yeah, well, I don’t care,” you snapped and cut the call. Why couldn’t she understand you were busy? That you were helping out a relative in a time of need. Was it so wrong of you to put your family first?
Shaking your head, you trudged to your room upstairs and collapsed on your bed. You sighed heavily and closed your eyes. Just ten minutes of silence and peace—that was all you wanted.
As it turned out, the universe hated you.
You groaned.
The door to your bedroom was thrown open, and Junghoon, Jihoon and Jeonghoon jumped on top of you with what sounded like a war cry. You doubled over in pain and pushed them off you as gently as you could.
“The movie’s over, Y/N!” Junghoon chirped and violently shook your shoulders. “Play with us!”
“What? Already?” you asked, voice wobbling because of how hard you were being swayed. You didn’t even have the energy to remove the death grip he had on you.
“Yep!” Jihoon replied with a wide smile. Junghoon finally let go of you and joined his brothers. “We’re bored and we want to play Hide and Seek with you.”
“Well, what about your popcorn?” You pushed yourself up and sat cross-legged on your bed, the three of them sitting the same way in front of you. “Finish it and then we can play.” 
That would give you at least five more minutes to rest and prepare yourself for the game.
The triplets were really, really good at Hide and Seek and had their own set of rules. The first person to be caught was to be punished and somehow, you were always the loser. You suspected foul play but let them off the hook because they got pissy when things didn’t go their way.
And pissy children are absolute pains in the ass.
“We’re not hungry anymore.” Jeonghoon made a sour face. “Popcorn is only tasty while watching a movie, and by the time you made it, the credits started playing. You’re too slow, Y/N.”
“Hey!” you protested and threw a pillow at his face. Jeonghoon dodged it easily, giggling. “I made popcorn when you told me to make popcorn! It’s not my fault you asked me to make it at the end of the movie.”
He pouted. “Whatever. Just play with us!” 
Grabbing your hand, he got off the bed and began tugging you along. Jihoon grabbed your other hand and pulled you as well while Junghoon pushed you from the back. 
You sighed.
You were about to make up another excuse and shoo them away when the doorbell rang. The triplets perked up at the same time and ran out of your room, wanting to see if it was their mother who had come to pick them up. You frowned, getting off your bed. It was just four in the evening and Aunt Hajoon wasn’t supposed to come until after dinner.
As you walked out of your room and down the stairs, you yelled, “Don’t open the door, guys! Wait for—”
You stopped in your tracks and let out a small laugh when you saw who was standing on your porch. Ryujin stood with a box of pastries in her hand and a wide smile on her face. The rest of your friend group—consisting of Jeno, Mark, Renjun, Jaemin, Donghyuck, Chenle, Jisung and Yeji—looked up at you from behind her.
Jeno waved at you with a cocky smile. “You didn’t come with us, so we came to you.”
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“You guys missed me that much, huh?” you joked as you let them in your house, directing them towards the living room.
“I didn’t,” Jaemin replied nonchalantly. 
You rolled your eyes and said, “I wasn’t asking you.”
“Oh.” He raised an eyebrow and shoved both his hands into his denim pockets, staring down at you with mischievous eyes. “Maybe you should pick up a dictionary some time, Y/N. You see, the word ‘guys’ applies to the general public around you. And since I am the general public around you—”
“Yeah, I get it, Jaemin—” you waved him away— “You’re a smartass. Let’s move along.”
Said boy gave you a cheeky smile and plopped down on the couch, tugging your arm and making you sit next to him.  Mark took up the spot on your other side.
“Aw, man. The lovebirds are at it again,” Chenle groaned.
“We’re not lovebirds!” you exclaimed. At the same time Jaemin said, “And what about it?” 
You glared at him. He only shrugged, as if to say, What? I’m not lying.
You didn’t exactly not find Jaemin attractive, you just didn’t like admitting that you did. Plus, he was kind of annoying and commented on everything you did.
Like, a few days ago, the two of you had tagged along with Jeno and Yeji to an ice-cream parlour. The moment you had ordered a vanilla ice cream, Jaemin had remarked, “Oh, look at the coincidence. Your flavour’s the same as your personality—basic.”
You had smacked his shoulder and pinched his waist hard. He’d only grinned at you.
“Yeah,” Jisung snorted. “Keep telling that to yourself, Y/N.”
You were about to protest, but Junghoon cut you off from where he was seated. “Aren’t you going to introduce your group to us?”
Your eyes widened and you hastily said, “Right.” 
Pointing at each of your friends, you took their names. “Jeno, Yeji, Ryujin, Jisung, Chenle, Donghyuck, Mark, Renjun and Jaemin, meet my cousins—” you pointed at the boys— “Junghoon, Jihoon and Jeonghoon.”
“How do you have so many friends?” Jeonghoon asked you, visibly confused. “You don’t look like the type to have so many friends.”
You gasped and narrowed your eyes at him, completely offended. Renjun snorted and said to the triplets, “She isn’t. We took her in because we have a soft spot for loners.”  
“Shut up, Renjun,” you grumbled. “If anyone’s the loner over here, it’s you.”
“Says the girl who always skips our meets,” Yeji snickered. “You didn’t come to the movies last time because you claimed the season finale of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which, let me add, was available on OTT platforms to be viewed any time you wanted, was more important than us.”
“It was,” you deadpanned.
“Oh, I feel so loved and validated, Y/N.” Mark put a hand on his chest and looked at you with faux teary eyes. “Thank you for being there every time I needed you.”
You threw an arm around his neck and grinned. “You’re welcome.”
“So,” Jaemin interrupted loudly and brought his hands together. “Are we gonna eat those pastries or what?”
“But we wanted to play Hide and Seek,” Jihoon whined and stomped in place, crossing his hands over his chest. “I’m not hungry right now; I’m bored!”
“Yeah!” Junghoon and Jeonghoon seconded their brother at the same time. “We wanna play!”
You removed your hand from Mark’s shoulders and looked at your friends apologetically. “I’m so sorry, guys. I gotta play with them. You can carry on and eat at the cafe if you want. I heard the ambience is amazing.”
“We know, Y/N,” Donghyuck said, laughing. “We just came from there. We didn’t want to have another get together without you, so we got takeaway pastries for everyone in hopes of eating them here.” 
He got up, took a few steps towards where the triplets were sitting and dropped down on his knees. Smiling at them affectionately, he said, “There are pastries for you too. We can play before eating them if that’s what you want. Food is always tastier when you’re hungry.”
Your heart swelled, and your eyes suddenly welled up. How you’d lucked out and become friends with these amazing and considerate people, you had no idea. Subtly tipping your head backwards, you tried to push the tears back in.
“I guess I finally have a shot at winning the game, huh?”
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You didn’t consider yourself rich, but your family definitely had enough money to be considered above the middle class.  
Your home was two storeys big with a huge attic at the top and a scary basement at the bottom. It consisted of seven bedrooms, four bathrooms, a gigantic living room, a spacious kitchen and a dumbwaiter.
The fact that your house was a lot like the one from Home Alone was an extra perk.
“So, how do we wanna do this?” you asked your cousins. “I don’t think just one person should become the seeker now that we have thirteen people playing. It’ll be fun to have a few more people searching.”
“I’m thinking the kids could search for us,” Ryujin piped up. She’d let herself into the kitchen a while back and had placed the large pastry box in your fridge. “None of us know the layout of your house very well, and it’ll probably take ages for us to find out where everyone’s hiding.”
“Yeah,” Jaemin added. “It could be kids versus adults.”
“We’re seventeen,” you pointed out.
“You’re seventeen,” he replied, flicking your forehead. “I’m eighteen.”
“Shut up. My birthday’s only a few weeks away. And don’t act so high and mighty; you’re barely a few months older,” you grumbled and grabbed his hand, shooting it down. It landed in your lap and stayed there, partially intertwined with your own. It felt so natural to hold Jaemin’s hand and have his warmth envelope you.
“What do we get if we win?” Junghoon asked. “We’ll search the house for a half-hour, and if we’re not able to find all of you by then, we’ll do what you want.”
Jeno frowned. “We don’t want anything from you. We’re just here to have fun—”
“Shut up, Jeno,” you interrupted him. Clearing your throat, you said to the triplets, “I’m gonna need you guys to listen to what I say and do what I tell you to do without any questions whenever you come over for the next month. I don’t want you to whine and cry and fight amongst yourselves. I want you to be well-behaved children.”
The three of them glanced at each other, some silent communication taking place between them. Finally, Jihoon nodded. “Fine. But if we win, you do The Dance in front of your friends.”
Your cheeks warmed as everyone looked at you with amused expressions and raised eyebrows. “Y/N,” Jisung drawled. “What is The Dance?”
“Nothing,” you squeaked. “I’m not gonna do The Dance. Ask for something else.”
“We don’t want anything else,” Jeonghoon countered with a wicked grin. “We want you to do The Dance. If you refuse, we’ll make your life a living hell.”
You paled. Children were evil, you realised. They were evil and they were very good at putting up facades of innocence. You bit your lip in contemplation and after a moment, sighed in defeat. You had a lot to gain if you managed to stay hidden. “Fine.”
All of them cheered. Jaemin whispered in your ear, “God, they’re so cunning and manipulative. Would have never thought five-year-olds could have those qualities.” 
You grunted in agreement, eyes throwing daggers at the siblings. “Tell me about it.”
You ripped your gaze away from them to look at Jaemin. What you didn’t realise was that his own face was turned towards yours, causing your lips to brush against his. 
Heat rushed to your cheeks.
You whipped your head the other way and let your unbound hair fall over your embarrassed face. Jaemin cleared his throat and untangled his hand from yours.
Fuck. You hadn’t realised you were still holding it. You closed your eyes shut as a pained expression flashed across your face. Great fucking job—
“I was thinking we could increase the difficulty level a bit,” Chenle suggested. 
You swallowed your sigh of relief, mentally thanking him for giving you something else to listen to and focus on. 
“You guys know the house very well, and that already gives you an advantage over us,” he said to the boys. “You could find us within ten minutes, much less thirty. But what if you had something to protect while you busted us. Something you’d need to keep an eye on so that we couldn’t destroy it.”
“Are you suggesting a game of Kick the Can?” Mark asked flatly.
“Is that what it’s called?” Chenle frowned. 
“Yes, Chenle,” Ryujin said and rolled her eyes. “We know you didn’t have a very outdoorsy childhood, but come on, everyone knows that game."
The boy offered nothing more than a shrug.
“Kick the Can sounds good!” Jihoon exclaimed. “We haven’t played in so long.” The other two agreed, practically jumping up and down in their seats.
And so it was decided. The kids would count to a hundred in the backyard, and the rest of you would scatter and hide in the house. The triplets weren’t allowed to stand guard by the can for more than a minute so that the teenagers could have a shot at winning the game.
If all of you were caught within thirty minutes, you’d have to do The Dance. If at least one of you managed to kick the can or remain out of sight for half an hour, Junghoon, Jihoon and Jeonghoon would have to give in to your demands.
Oh, it was going to be a fun game.
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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fu—
This was terrible. This was so, so terrible. You took it all back. Your friends were fucking traitors, and you were going to throttle them to death the moment you got your hands on them.
Those bitches hadn’t even waited to betray you. Five minutes into the game and half of them were caught. From where you were crouched near the attic window, you could practically see Hyuck casually walk out of the house with his hands in his pockets.
The triplets grinned and announced, “Donghyuck is caught!”
Donghyuck even had the audacity to look bored as he mocked disappointment. “Oh, no!” he faked, his voice dull and muffled because of the distance. “I’m caught! You better stay hidden, Y/N. You don’t wanna lose to five-year-olds and perform your Dance."
You cursed under your breath and looked away from the backyard. Bringing your knees to your chest, you buried your head in your hands.
You didn’t want to perform The Dance. It was simply embarrassing. Your friends already teased you a lot and you didn’t want to give them any more blackmail material. Shit, you should’ve made a condition and said no recording of any sort.
While you were busy wallowing in hate and despair, you failed to notice that the conversation between your busted friends had died down. Your eyes widened a moment too late—right as the door to the attic was thrown open, and light footsteps shuffled towards you.
Breath hitching in your throat, you pulled your ass up and made a beeline towards the dumbwaiter. You couldn’t afford to let yourself get caught, especially not since you were probably the only person who could save yourself.  
Keeping an eye on your surroundings and straining your ears to figure out where exactly your cousin was, you repeatedly pushed the lift button. You cringed when the dumbwaiter began moving, the gears on the other side of the door shifting and creating noise as it was pulled up.
“Jisung’s caught!” Junghoon yelled from somewhere in the house, drowning the dull thrum of the dumbwaiter. The footsteps stopped—then increased their pace. As if the person were running.
“Coming!” Jihoon yelled, his voice indicating he was far enough to not be able to realise the dumbwaiter was in use. He was likely standing near the door. “I’ll search the attic first.”
The moment he finished the sentence, the lift came to a stop. You exhaled, heart thundering in your chest. With your hands, you pushed one half of the wooden door downwards and the other one upwards.
Your eyes widened when you saw the dumbwaiter wasn’t empty. Inside sat a cross-legged Jaemin, confusion and terror plastered all over his face.                    
“This thing moves?!”
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Your left hand was immediately on his mouth, the other one going behind his neck for support. You shot him a warning glance that told him to shut the fuck up.
“Jihoon is here,” you mouthed while he sat inside, almost paralyzed. Something shone in Jaemin’s eyes. Against your palm, you felt the corner of his lip tug upwards, and with a jolt, you realised what it was.
The motherfucker wanted to sell you out.
Pressing your hand harder against his mouth and leaning forward until your faces were but a few inches away, you gritted, “Don’t you fucking dare.”
Jaemin laughed under his breath, hot breath fanning your clammy palm. Maintaining eye contact with you and not looking away for even a second, he wrapped his fingers around your wrist. Dread settled in you.
He was strong. You were not. Despite your death grip, he’d be able to remove your hand from his lips in one swift movement.
No way were you going to lose your last shred of dignity in front of your friends, and no way were you going to be the laughing stock of the entire school when Chenle posted the video of you flapping your arms like a bird on YouTube.
You had to make a move. 
To hell with it, you thought to yourself and with all your might, pushed Jaemin further into the dumbwaiter. He let out a small sound of surprise (which was thankfully muffled because of your hand), clearly thrown off guard by your sudden strength.
You stepped in and flung one of your legs on the other side of Jaemin’s body. Hand still pressed against his mouth and your body straddling his, you pressed the basement button with your elbow. 
The dumbwaiter door closed shut.
“What are you doing?” he exclaimed once he got over the initial shock of having you sitting in his lap.
“What are you doing?” you snapped in an accusatory tone, finally removing your hand from his mouth. “You were about to give me away, and I didn’t have a choice! I couldn’t exactly kick you out of the dumbwaiter without making any noise and exposing myself, so doing this—” you gestured between the two of you— “was the next best thing!”
Despite the darkness, you saw Jaemin’s lips stretch in a lazy grin. “I can’t say I disagree. This is the best thing that’s happened to me this month.”
“It’s the third of April,” you pointed out.
“It’s exam season. It’s not going to get any better.”
You rolled your eyes. Jaemin frowned. “Why is this thing not moving back down? You pressed a button, right?”
“Yeah.” Your forehead creased in confusion. You glanced at the dimly lit red button. “I did. See?”
“Oh, God,” Jaemin groaned. “Don’t tell me we’re stuck in this wooden box. No offence to you, by the way,” he added. “Being stuck in here with you like this is a dream come true.”
You laughed and lightly punched his shoulder. “The lift is old so it stops working sometimes. No need to worry. Plus, you being stuck in here is beneficial to me. You won’t be able to escape and rat out my location to the kids anymore.”
“True,” Jaemin agreed, snorting.
Suddenly, you were aware of all your surroundings. The small box the two of you were crammed into, the darkness, the close proximity of your bodies and the silence that enveloped you.
Jaemin knew you liked him; that you were down bad for him the same way he was for you. Yet, he never asked you why you always rejected him. Why you never accompanied him for school dances and denied being attracted to him in front of everyone.
Jaemin gave you your space despite not knowing the reasons behind your actions. He played along when you pretended to be annoyed by him to hide your feelings. From whom, he didn’t know. Your entire friend group could tell you were attracted to each other.
You wished you could tell him that you were hiding your feelings from yourself. That you were scared of acknowledging the thing between the two of you. That confessing made people vulnerable and you didn’t want to be vulnerable.
You trusted Jaemin with your life, but it was the overall thought of laying yourself bare in front of someone that scared you. Being in a relationship makes people open to getting all kinds of hurt.
Maybe not wanting to take that risk made you a coward.
Growing up, you weren’t used to being told you were loved. Your parents were very reserved and didn’t express any emotions other than disappointment and anger. You had been raised in an atmosphere where talking about feelings was considered uncomfortable and unnecessary—a waste of time.
You didn’t know how to bring up certain topics, how to make sure people close to you knew how much they meant to you. How to tell people that you cared.
Jaemin didn’t mind being kept in the dark. He knew there was more to you than you let show, that there were some things that you couldn’t share with him. It hurt knowing you couldn’t tell him what was gnawing at you, but he was willing to wait for you. He was satisfied knowing the girl he had fallen for liked him back.
He knew that even though you didn’t verbalise your feelings, they existed.
Your daily bickering, the times you would lean into him without realising, the smile on your face when he would crack a joke and the playful roll of your eyes when he would exaggerate his feelings towards you—all of it was enough for Jaemin.
He knew you liked it when he teased you. That you didn’t mind when he expressed his feelings for you in front of everyone. That you actually found some sort of comfort when he did so.
Your relationship was weird and probably unhealthy. The lines in it were very blurred. You both may have been unhappy with it, but you had silently come to terms with it.
You were okay with it.
Until now.
As you sat in his lap in silence, both your hands on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around your waist to keep you in place, you realised you didn’t just want to be okay with your relationship.
You wanted to be happy. You wanted Jaemin to be happy. He deserved to be told he was loved and appreciated by you. He deserved to get back everything he gave you.
“Jaemin,” you quietly called. He hummed in response, waiting for you to continue. “Do you like me?”
It was a stupid, stupid question. But you wanted to be sure. You wanted to know one last time before you spoke your heart out.
He laughed. “Yeah, duh. Did you not hear me agreeing with Chenle when he called us lovebirds?”
When you didn’t reply, Jaemin’s amusement died. He cleared his throat and shifted under you, sitting up straighter. “Yeah, I like you, Y/N,” he repeated. His gut twisted with nervousness. He hoped the conversation was going where he thought it was going. “I like you very much.”
“I think—” you swallowed the lump in your throat, daring not to look at him. “I think I like you too.”
“Yeah?” he asked tentatively. “You like me too?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, toying with your fingers now. “Very much.”
Jaemin smiled his widest smile. He felt giddy inside. And happy. He felt so happy to have finally heard you say the words. “Would you look at that? Turns out not betraying the girl you like is a good thing.”
You laughed under your breath and leaned forward, resting your forehead on his shoulder. Jaemin wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer.
You were so glad he hadn’t made a big deal out of it. Your confession hadn’t been grand. Heck, it was probably very lame, but it had taken a great deal of effort on your part to finally get it done. It felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.
Balling your fists against his chest, you buried your nose in the crook of his neck and breathed him in. “I’m stealing your soap.”
“Oh, come on,” he whined, his deep voice rumbling in your ear. “Was stealing my heart not enough for you?”
You laughed again. “Shut up.”
“You know,” Jaemin began, “all your laughing is going to finish off our oxygen.”
You moved away and stared at him with raised eyebrows. “I know I almost failed science last semester, but it doesn’t take an A grade to know that you’re bullshitting.”
“Am not!” he protested. “Laughing allows stale air to escape your lungs, thus allowing more oxygen to enter them. You’re going to suck all the oxygen and kill us today. I guess it’s partially my fault too. I mean, I am very funny, and people often find it hard to—”
You rolled your eyes and leaned forward, putting your forehead against his. Jaemin stopped talking. 
“Then,” you drawled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Why don’t we stop breathing for some time to make the oxygen last longer? I hear kissing doesn’t allow people to breathe.”
“It actually does,” Jaemin remarked, clearly not picking up on the very obvious hint you had dropped. “If your noses are angled—”
“Shut up and kiss me, you stupid, fucking, utterly oblivious smartass.”
His lips were on yours immediately. With a jolt, you realised the fucker had been playing around with you. He wanted to hear the words from your lips, loud and clear. If it weren’t for the fact that he was an excellent kisser, you would’ve shoved him away and smacked him already.
Cupping your cheek with a hand, Jaemin deepened the kiss and pulled you closer by the waist. You raked your hands through his silky hair and opened your mouth to him. He shoved his tongue inside immediately, as if he was waiting for the moment you’d part your lips.
You’d never kissed anyone, so you could only sit on Jaemin’s lap and let him take complete control. His tongue explored every inch of your mouth, the hand he had around your waist trailing up and down your spine.
You shivered and hesitantly began to break the kiss. You needed more air. Jaemin nipped at your lower lip once before allowing you to move away.
“Tired already?” he chuckled. 
Panting, you shot him a look. “You have practice; I don’t.”
Jaemin looked mildly surprised for a moment. “What practice? You were my first kiss, Y/N.”
“You’re kidding,” you deadpanned. “That was too good to be a first kiss.”
Jaemin grinned at you smugly. “I guess I’m a natural then.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Right.”
A comfortable silence ensued after. You digested everything that had happened in the dumbwaiter. Where did your relationship with Jaemin stand now that you had finally confessed and kissed him? Was Jaemin your boyfriend now? Was this going too fast? Were you—
“Hey,” Jaemin called softly and touched your arm. You glanced up at him from under your lashes. “We don’t have to figure everything out right now. We can go slow, see where this newly acknowledged thing takes us. If that’s what you want,” he added.
You could have kissed him again for saying that. Instead, you settled for a grateful smile. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that very— HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GOD, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!”
Not being able to handle your and Jaemin’s weight for so long, the wooden floor of the dumbwaiter gave way beneath you. You began free-falling towards the ground along with him.
The fall ended not even a second after it began, the impact far lesser than you had imagined, even with Jaemin taking most of it. As you opened your eyes and glanced up at the shaft, you realised the dumbwaiter was not far from the ground at all.
Just a few feet at the most. You let out a sigh of relief. Jaemin groaned under you. “Ow, fuck. I can’t feel my goddamn legs. How long were you sitting on my lap,Y/N?”
You were about to reply when the shaft door opened beside you and Junghoon poked his head inside.
He grinned and yelled, “Jaemin and Y/N are caught! We win!”
Before you could stop him and call him out for cheating, he ran out of the basement, no doubt to inform his brothers about the good news. You heaved a sigh and collapsed on top of Jaemin again, resting your head on his chest.
“Aw,” he cooed and ruffled your hair. You grumbled and swatted his hand away. “Looks like you lost.”
“Nuh-uh.” You clicked your tongue and raised your head to look at him again. “I’m pretty sure I won. I confessed and kissed you today. God, I am on a roll!”
“Stop being so fucking adorable. I will fucking kiss you again and I will do it right here, in the dust, without giving a shit about hygiene.”
You shrugged. “I mean, who’s stopping you?”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Really? Is my excitement to kiss you disgusting?” 
Jaemin paused. “When you put it like that…” 
Grinning, you got off him and exited the dumbwaiter shaft. “Come on, lover boy. You don’t wanna miss The Dance, do you?”
He gave you a wicked smile and got up as well. Patting himself down to get rid of the dust sticking to his clothes, he nonchalantly said, “You’re going viral on TikTok today, Y/N.”
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