#local himbo cat man!!!
evilminji · 4 months
You knooooowwww... >.>
The only difference, technically, between a school in the Zone? And on Earth? Is the American government won't recognize your Zone diploma...
Not accredited. But like..... I'm JUST SAYING? If you didn't try to pass your school off as some Big Ivy League type? Pulled the "oh yeah, you'd never have heard of it, it's local." And the COMPUTERS say it's legit?
How many people will dig deeper?
If you legitimately have the knowledge, you legitimately have the knowledge. Not YOUR fault you left out the whole "extra-dimensional" part. It makes folk nervous! And nervous folks get stabby.
So like? If you were ALREADY planning to "Move" as you euphemistically put it? Talked it over with your VERY concerned folks and friends? Who do NOT like the look of the steady but concerning rise of Anti-Ghost Powers That Be? Who finally put their foot down and reminded you that you are a TEENAGER and it's NOT your responsibility to fix the world?
Fuck those guys, I guess. You'll miss the old house, but Team "Taking our ball and going literally anywhere else" makes some good points. Why ARE you putting up with this?
And honestly, you've never SEEN your dad have so much fun. Him and the Reality Realtor just sorta... Vibe. Himbo to Himbo communications. Smatters of advanced physics. Fudge. It's great.
They move the portal. Collapse the old one in a way that makes it impossible to recover or recreate. You... kinda don't want to ask. They had that "mad scientist glint" in their eyes.
And while everyone's checking out brochures to different realities? You? Head off to the nearest College. It's the Zone, so technically you could go to any of endless billions. But you'd like your education some time this century.
Cue! Danny Fenton! Entering?
Academia's wet dream. A sprawling CITY of a college. Where the classes are on EVERYTHING and the price is FREE. People have Obsessions okay?? They NEED to teach. Debate and discuss! Study! Right papers and read them! It's been going on a while! And what happens when you find a subject that's NOT covered?
It's like if New York was a College. Good fucking luck find the dorms. Sleep on the floor like the rest of us, you casual.
Danny was Not Prepared ™.
He loves it though.
Classes on aeronautics next making the perfect sandwich, shoved next to historical basketry, stacked above alien slam poetry. But only on Tuesdays! Ever shifting. Breaking his Fenton Born Adhd in to a fine PASTE to be smeared upon bread. Happy mental stimulation chemicals go Brrrrrrrr
If it wasn't wildly inappropriate, he would LICK IT to claim it as his then wrap around it and gaurd like a territorial cat. He thought he HATED school! Turns out he just hated high-school. College though? College, or at least ZONE College, is fuckin AWESOME.
He's sit in SO MANY random classes just cause.
Picked up and dropped them at a whim. When they no longer sparked joy. He's been a flighty bitch and for once? No one CARES. No one says "you HAVE to commit and stick with this FOREVER once you choose this" and? It just? It's so FREEING! He's learned so MUCH!
He's probably gonna come back!
Which? Is how a deeply, DEEPLY weird aerospace engineer from supposedly bumfuck NOWHERE, end up working at Wayne Industries. He's.... a lil crazy behind the eyes. Ha ha... CONCERNING ™!
Dude sleeps on the lab floor. Has weirdly spotty knowledge. Can be an unprecedented genius one second and not know who the current president is the next. Doesn't know what DAY it is. Forgets to eat. Tried to make a fusion reactor out of the break room toaster before Sandra from accounting distracted him with pictures of her cat.
It's like he wanders through life blissfully unaware that he is both terrifying and about three seconds from killing them all. Then FUCKING TRIPS because he forgot to tie his shoelaces again.
Who hired this man?
I mean, we KNOW why. Probably to put him on a watch list. But? He's like a terrifying murder puppy! Built like a tank! That's stoned out of its mind half the time. And have you HEARD his college stories? That CAN'T be legal. Was this guy raised in a cult!? Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!????
@hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @babbling-babull @dcxdpdabbles @hypewinter
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 month
There is a pillow in Chick's office sat perfectly in the floor where the sunlight hits the longest during the day. The pillow is stuffed with old uniform pieces because Chick will NOT stuff it with goose feathers. It has a blanket with it.
Every day as the sun starts to hit that spot on the floor, DB walks in, curls up on the pillow, and naps for several hours.
It is the only true peace any of the pilots get during the day.
If it's a cold day, DB will forego the pillow and climb into Chick's lap. The first time another Colonel witnessed this, he lost his train of thought for a full minute because Chick did not offer ANY explanation (Chick didn't like that guy).
The first time it happened with a British colonel in the room, the man immediately quipped, "Tell me, please, does your country cat bite as nastily as our city ones?" And Chick had grinned and decided he'd liked the guy.
Other DB facts:
When he wants scritches, he nibbles people's trouser legs. If he does not get scritches, he YANKS. Several replacements have ended up face down in the road for not knowing to pet the goose.
DB is friendly with the local barn cats. No one knows how this happened, and no one wants to investigate.
While a never-ending bite-mongering fuckboy, DB does not bite any of the usual kids who come to the airfield. Any child who tries to approach who is not on the approved list gets chased if not escorted.
DB and Meatball are buddies. Total case of a fucking mad man and his giant himbo bestie.
DB tends to sleep with the ground crew during the night, but he has also been known to wander to a random barracks and knocked to be let in. It's considered bad luck not to let him do a lap and then let him out again.
He actually knows how to work the doorknobs and will occasionally sneak into a barracks and just be sitting in the shadows in the middle of the night. This is considered unlucky but only to the replacements who scream when they see him and then hope he's nice enough not to scream back (it depends).
While he will chase/honk/snap on command, he's actually an okay guy. When not being chased, the fellas like him fine.
Someone in Clubmobile (no one will take credit) knits him a tiny service vest. He actually wears it. It becomes mandatory for him to be in it if there's visiting brass or reporters.
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pollenallergie · 1 year
older!Tom Grant is a lonely, lonely man.
… or at least he was…
before he adopted Haz (short for Harold) the one-year-old English Bulldog from the local animal shelter and Jago the former stray cat (definitely one of those stereotypical orange himbo cats) who just sort of walked into Tom’s place one day and stayed there. together, the three of them are “The Lads.” if you ever hear Tom mention that he’s with “The Lads,” he’s likely talking about his non-human roommates, not his actual mates.
granted, he’s a social guy, so he definitely spends plenty of time with his mates.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
i& was just thinking this &. ngl the corsicans have the potential to be the funniest fucking family. like in terms of memes. we got uranos corsica aka mr sandy claws the guy that nobody fucking likes & needs to go to bed. we got bernardo who's the resident rich boy twink thot w/ shades on. we got svetlana resident military bad bitch w/ afro indigenous magic ( ik her personally ). we got victor who literally looks like everyone's math teacher except he's russian & is 10000% done w/ everyone's shit. we got georgiana the mom friend who is Also 10000% done w/ everyone's shit & gets her kids out of trouble. we got worick the local himbo manwhore king aka the ken of the corsicas who's also the double agent & is out here pissing everybody off. we got the destroyers - striker aka the baddest dude in the family who's also like obsessed & unhinged & has BPD but everybody loves anyway except for worick bc everytime they see each other It's On Sight TM, beretta aka the baddest bitch in ergastulum & local resident NPD bisexual witchy goth sex worker mom, sig aka The HPD Party Girl TM who likes to do all the most unspeakable acts known to man, & colt aka the Local Autistic ASPD Goth Eboy TM who's just. literally vibing this entire time & just wants to pet cats in peace gdi. we got ( in an au ) minimi & maverick aka Local Vincian Gay Arsonist Dude Who Likes Money & Naps & Also Lighting Shit On Fire TM & maverick who's the Local Cryptid Beauty Queen Traumatized Schizophrenic Indigenous Lesbian Who Has A Sword & Endless Female Rage TM. we got ivan, erica & mikhail, aka another guy that nobody fucking likes, the Sad Unhinged Girl TM & the Horror Child TM. we got sidney & evelyn the local baddies & the other bad bitches. like. this is literally steaming w/ meme material. they're kinda iconic ngl.
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lucius-the-sinful · 9 months
Tell me about... (Gale)
original post [ty for tagging me! @omgkalyppso ]
1- your oc's strongest platonic bond?
Gale's best friend, (and my best friend, Devi's oc!), Gavin. In our current D&D campaign, Gavin is a warlock to Gale's demon father. They really hated each other at first. Gavin thought Gale was a spoiled brat and overbearing, whereas Gale kinda feared Gavin? But they have gotten to know each other in recent sessions and are now best friends for life. (Devi and I also have this running roommates AU with Gale and Gavin where they moved in with each other and it has been a great source of joy for both of us, because Gale is a complete mess whereas Gavin is very neat and organized)
3- your oc's romantic interests?
There is Mitch, a tiefling himbo mechanic/racer:
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And Sylvanna, vampire dark elf goth dancer:
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(her father is the owner of a magical repository, and turned Galethor)
4- your oc's siblings/found family.
Gale has one younger half brother, an elf named Nenn. He is 10 (i think) and Gale very much teaches this child how to be very annoying. Nenn is also a wannabe detective, funny considering their father is in the illegal trade business. As far as found family, there is his drag mom, a dragonborn named Ophos (drag name, Ruth Lezz). He helped Gale realize his talent as a model and drag queen, and Gale always goes to Ophos for advice.
5- two different nightmares your oc's could have had or two different fears they could have fostered?
Gale's fears are a little specific to in-campaign events, but if I had to put broader ideas to them: he fears complete loss of the little autonomy he has, and dying. These two do kind of tie together, he fears dying because his father may force a contract for his soul, and if he loses his soul he feels he would have lost everything to that vile man.
6- two different dreams your oc's could have had or two different hopes they could have held?
Gale wants to be free, mainly in the sense to live his life as he chooses and not how his father has determined, and he wants a bit of power.
7- your oc's first pet?
Gale has never really had a pet in the traditional sense, but he managed to befriend a crow when he was 16. This one crow turned into a whole murder that would follow Gale around and swarm at his apartment complex, to the point where Gale decided to lead them to a druid's grove in the Undercity. This druid looked after and awakened them. Sometimes Gale will visit the grove just to hang out with his crow friends (where they give him "treasures" and sing him poorly composed songs). Not his pet, but Sylvanna has a familiar that is a wild cat named Sir Cheddar III, who ignores Gale until he gives it a treat. Then they are inseparable.
8- how your oc comes into possession of most of their clothing?
Theft. He is stealing the MCR shirts from Hot Topic. He is banned from half the department stores in the city.
9- how your oc comes into possession of most of their meals?
Before he was a vampire, Gale was pretty accommodated for. He'd have a pretty strict diet delivered to him everyday (the actual inside of his fridge is a different story entirely, like only way i can think of describing it is a boy fridge. there's something wicked in there). After becoming a vampire he almost forgets real food exists, and Sylvanna will provide him with blood bags.
10- how your oc learned to write or gets around writing?
Okay so this is where his intelligence score says he knows like five or six languages but he only has an eighth grade education and I think its hilarious. I like to think after learning the two he grew up around (common and abyssal), and was pulled out of school, he started just learning shit for the fun of it in his own time? Like he'd head down to the local library, check out a book on infernal, and learn it within weeks.
11- what physical affection means or looks like for your oc?
After all the physical and sexual trauma he has been through, he doesn't like to be touched almost at all. He does, however, love a good hug from the people he's close to. He is also the little spoon, even to Sylvanna who is 4'10" and he is 6'5". Gale loves physical affection from animals though, which is why he tried to make friends with Syl's familiar so fast.
12- your oc being responsible for a child / toddler / baby for 6 hours.
Disaster. Last time he took his little brother out for lunch, he decided it would be a good idea to have an open beer in the cupholder. Nenn is a bit of a narc so he called the cops on Gale, resulting in Gale receiving a DUI and DWI charge, plus he got fined for having expired registration on his truck. So no I don't think Gale should ever be responsible for anything. He'd kill a succulent.
13- your oc being asked by a stranger to watch their bag for 10 minutes.
That person is going to be bagless.
14- your oc being asked to try a new flavour of something they are fond of.
He's actually a pretty big fan of BBQ and likes different types of sauces. He likes to see how much spice he can handle, so I imagine he'd get into those hot wing contests at a bar not just for the potential prize but also because he just likes trying new sauces.
15- how your oc would handle tipping a waitress / waiter.
I don't think he would think too much about it. He'd likely do whatever is socially acceptable, but no more.
16- your oc. Anything you like or dislike about them and their journey.
I know I refrain from sharing his story too much, and that is because a lot of it is very dark and I'm not exactly comfortable sharing too much of that. I've spoke on his backstory containing a lot of child and sexual abuse, and I just want to put it out there that sometimes writing these very dark stories can come from a need to heal. He has been a very cathartic character to me, he is a representation of how messy and messed up people can be. Galethor is almost more than just a guy I made up, but maybe a larger part of me than I'd like to admit.
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v-confused-212 · 1 year
So I’ve decided to “live”blog Nimona because Yes
Man they really did give Ballister wet cat eyes
GoldenHeart (that’s the ship name right?) is so adorable aaaaaa
Nimona is so Weird Little Girl it’s amazing
I wants her earrings
Oh this motherf*cker I’ve heard so much about you I’m gonna bite you bite you bite you
Great soundtrack!
Every single knight is a himbo <3
Breaking news: Local Guy Has The Strangest Week(?) Of His Life
“Then let’s go kill get! him”
Yo that’s pretty gay of you Amber
Hehe pizza rat
Assigned dad at kidnapping :3
Ooh it’s so cool how this movie does lighting and stuff oooh
Ooooooh I remember that
Ohh yes the wall the wall
Oh nice :D
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jxyridin-g · 4 years
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@irxnworks he closed his eyes while in cc but just know that they’re Green
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Art of my boy. My son. Toddy. And @sbubbyart’s spicy cat Kai
Made w/ Autodesk Sketchbook
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nitw · 2 years
the zero escape protags make no fucking sense
junpei may be #silly but hes still extremely intelligent, witty and cunning. and yet he doesnt know about like bluetooth computers (in 2027) and just because he cant recite 50 wikipedia articles on the whim like his friends hes portrayed as ““the dumb one”“. even as an old and fragile nuclear apocalypse survivor he doesnt take shit from anyone, and is still like the second or third most deductive puzzle solver of the ambidex group. hes a fucking nerd and he OWNS it but other characters just keep doubting him for some reason
then we got local jock himbo sigma who makes cat puns and loses his mind over a swimsuit pinup. why is He the guy everyone gravitates towards when they need to make a serious decision under time pressure. why is He the most powerful esper between junpei and clover. this man is gonna grow up to become a mad scientist with the fate of humanity on his shoulders. why. how
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johannestevans · 2 years
trans male characters part 4
feel free to use as a prompt or to give recommendations or to add your own
elderly Bigfoot enthusiast who paints increasingly erotic oil paintings of his quarry and has no idea what a huge cryptid erotica following he has on the twitter his grandson runs for him
eboy who streams games while wearing lingerie and pink lip gloss whose twitch banner is a cap of that tumblr post that's like "you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid"
artisanal assassin who makes custom poisons for his victims and also brews his own craft beer
a hobbit
fantasy map cartographer who makes his continent and island shapes by letting his cat walk through ink and onto his map paper
middle-aged tavern owner who is tired of everyone's bullshit and keeps a variety of weapons under the bar for anyone who decides to Cause Trouble
2 brothers, one ethereally beautiful and soft-spoken, the other broad, handsome and chatty, who run the kissing booth at the carnival
vampire sex worker whose bite gives his clients an unbeatable high
nature photographer who has a Complicated Relationship with the local magpies
craftsman who lives alone at the edge of the village, and has long conversations with his dead husband, who comes to the boundary at the foot of his yard. every night every night's end, his husband asks him to break the boundary. every night, the widower sadly shakes his head no
beautiful himbo who is so bad with computers that if he so much as walks into a room nearby hard drives will crash
ghost hunter who refuses to believe in ghosts. YES, his best friend is dead and TECHNICALLY a ghost, but she's a special exception
charming, dashing young man who keeps getting chased out of town when multiple husbands find out he has been seducing their wives
real estate agent who deals exclusively in haunted properties, and dresses (and acts) like a cousin of the Addamses
man who does security enchantments and warding for a living, and is devastatingly and overwhelmingly in love with his boss' personal secretary and is too scared to make a move
artist who designs magical greetings cards that do various tricks, shout slogans, or do small tasks
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@elizabethemerald Sure thing! :D
This is copy-pasted from the infodump I wrote up earlier lol. This idea is currently called Jessica and the Sky-Lights, though that is subject to change. 
So I passed a road today called with “Lighthouse” in the name and I thought it was funny because I was on a small mountain. So then, my immediate thought was “hey what if there were lighthouses in the sky on mountains?” so now I have a whole new original world. 
So the basic premise of this world is that there’s a layer of “thick air” called the cloud cover that surrounds the entire world that humans have figured out how to navigate via airships, which look like steampunk sailing ships. This has taken over as the primary mode of shipping, trading, and military/official transportation of how quick it is. Water-based shipping still exists, but on a more local scale. The lighthouses come into play here because mountains have become something like islands, and thus, there is a need for lights to show where the mountains are so there aren’t crashes. 
There are also lots of avian predators, as birds evolved differently due to the cloud cover. Think of the diversity of sea life, then apply that to birds. Some of the worst are colliqually known as rip-and-tears, and they’re essentially Really Big hawks that hunt in flocks and can cause massive damage to airships and human mountain settlements. And also humans. Thus, lighthouses also serve to protect the towns that have sprouted up on the mountain tops as the rip-and-tears are nocturnal. 
As to settlements, the size of the mountain determines how big a settlement is. Due to the prevalence of air-based trade, the biggest cities have sprouted up on and around the biggest moutains, instead of rivers. The world is also divided along social lines for people who are “mountaineers” (who live above the cloud cover) and “grounders” (who live on the ground). There’s also a bit of a physical barrier, because it’s very, very dangerous to go in the cloud cover without some sort of breathing apparatus. To go above and below the cloud cover safely, there have are tunnels that have been built on the mountains that humans can use to safely go above and below. The tunnels are ventilated so that breathable air is available. Most airships, as well, are not built to go in the cloud cover, so they need to be landed on mountain tops and rolled through specialized tunnels to get to the ground. 
As for ships, the main type is the cloud-floater, or floater, which floats on the cloud cover with specialized buoy things. There are also sub-atmospheric ships, or subs, that are able to fly through the cloud cover due to being both reinforced and covered, like a submarine. The other type of airship is the above-clouder, or clouder, that is able to fly above the cloud cover. These are typically smaller, and mostly used by pirates. 
And this actually gets me to my story and characters- the main character is Jessica Wisp, a 16-year-old lighthouse keeper from a small mountain. She’s an orphan, and has been tending the light on her own since she was 11. She was basically raised by the little mountain village that’s been built around the lighthouse. She also has a tabby cat named Tommy. You know how everyone says orange tabbies are himbos? That’s Tommy. She’s mostly content with her life, but she would like to travel, at some point. She doesn’t have the means to. She’s also called Jessica of the Eastern Minor Light, due to that being the name of the lighthouse she keeps.
The story begins when this grizzled man docks at her village in a beat-up equivalent of a row boat. His name is Bernard Hulstaff, and he's the captain of a ship that was hijacked by pirates looking for the information he carries. The country next to the one Jessica lives in is planning an invasion, and they’ve figured out how to make airships that can fly on, above, and through the cloud cover, and this is a Big Problem. Spies were able to get the information on how these are made to Bernard, whose ship was then attacked by pirates hired to get it back or kill Bernard. Either/or. He’s able to get away with the information, and end up at the Eastern Minor Light, and Jessica, who is willing to escort him down the mountain to the nearest transport, who will get him to the capital with the information. However, the pirates find them again as they’re crossing through the rickety old tunnel Jessica’s mountain has, and because she is seen with Bernard, she needs to come with him lest she be killed. 
…Yeah, it’s the “grumpy older person adopts an optimistic teenager” trope. It’s a good trope and I love it aldkfjslafljk
Jessica also has a talent with mechanics, being a lighthouse keeper, and later meets another mechanic her age, Denise Charlotte, whom she falls for, because I love me some queer romance lol
Actually, if anyone has any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. I’d love to flesh this world out a bit more haha
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
for the small overlap of my followers in the centre of the batman/check please venn diagram: take a trip with me to batfam x omgcp hell lol
some prior notes before i get into this:
for my own safety and sanity, i primarily won’t be focusing on the grimdark, death-filled origin stories of the batfamily
i will be fucking around with ages, characterizations, and relationship dynamics from both omgcp and dc bc this is my au and i do what i want lol
there’s gonna be a fuckton more under the cut bc this is all stream of consciousness and i needed to get it down or else my brain wouldn’t shut up about it /);w;(\
jack zimmermann is The BatMan
broody, black-haired, blue-eyed, soft-spoken giant of a man who can terrify others with a glare
not quite a playboy in his civilian identity as jack zimmermann, but defo a himbo who trips over his own words and generally has no idea what he’s doing if it isn’t about his family or his family’s giant corporation
also pressure to live up to parents’ legacy as positive figures who constantly made changes to the city they loved? trying to follow in his father’s footsteps as an amazing philanthropist and business man?
*chef’s kiss*
he’s awkward and perhaps robotic about it sometimes but he loves his family (old and new) with all his heart and will fight the world to protect them
eric bittle is catwoman the night cat
flirty chatty, sneaky cat burglar who steals to fund his own interests
(it’s baking we all know it’s baking lol. he has a dream to start a career in the food industry but he can’t afford it yet so........ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
bitty’s got soft hands and quick technique—there’s nothing he can’t break into or break out of so long as he’s got the right tools
first meeting with jack zimmermann as the batman was unfavourable for everyone involved. eric was a criminal trying to steal a vintage dining set from the local museum and jack was......very jack about it
their relationship softens as they cross paths more often and they learn about each other’s identities
bitty left home at a young age and never looked back—he may miss his family dearly but it was for the best
besides, if he went back home then how could i run into you, mr. tall, dark, and handsome?
jack is very flustered by him and rightfully so lol
once he’s more integrated into the batfamily, bitty loves everyone just as fiercely as jack does
hops or bully as robin i/nightwing
i can’t decide between the two yet for who i’d prefer for the first robin and eventually nightwing
i love hops for the teasing, pain-in-the-ass robin and eventual titans’ leader, nightwing
but i also love the idea of (canonically second best dancer of smh) bully being an expert gymnast who came from a family of travelling performers, whose acts are tied deeply to their cultural identities
this is up in the air for the meantime, but either of em would be excellent nightwings
whoever’s not robin + louis would also be in this iteration of the titans
dex as robin ii/red hood
now i gotta be honest, i almost didn’t want to have red hood be part of this bc pain but!! i think dex would be an excellent red hood
picked up by billionaire jack zimmermann, dex is a kid from the streets who tragically dies in undisclosed circumstances
his homelife before jack came into it was taking care of his mother and protecting them from an abusive brother
he takes the mantle as robin with some trepidation at first but comes to love it with all his heart
after his death and eventual resurrection, he becomes the red hood: an anti-hero who cares for the underdogs, for the forgotten people of the city, fighting crime in his own way in the alleys where he came from
he goes on his own adventures with his own group of outlaws—nursey, a clever archer with as much dorkiness as he does archery skill, and chowder, a naive but kind and loving alien with godly powers
(no, neither nursey nor chowder were ever part of robin i’s titans bc i have Opinions™ about this and i want them to be their own ragtag group of heroes gdi)
(yes, i am just furthering my polyfrogs agenda. also you can’t tell me polyfrogs as joyfire wouldn’t be the best thing ever 😁😁😁)
ransom as robin iii/red robin
a tired ball of chaos, ransom would be such a good tim drake i can feel it
a bright young man who forces his way into batman’s life after robin ii’s passing and after looking up to both generations of robin growing up
he deduced jack and co’s identities on his own and then studies up like hella to become the next robin
he’s slightly terrified to present his findings to The Jack Zimmermann aka The Batman, but his bravery and thoroughness at the very least intrigues jack enough to take him under his wing (pun intended)
ransy’s parents are not pleased when he announces everything to them
they have expectations of the world from him but at the end of the day they love their son and they love that their son is doing good in the world
he’s a disaster bi btw
one of his bffs is holster aka superboy i, who is his righthand man in their team of heroes (young justice titans)
his other bff is march aka spoiler and basically his first love who is his partner in all things batfamily
ransom has the dick grayson problem of going back and forth between the same two redheads blondes for several years bc he loves them both very dearly
whiskey as robin iv
jack’s son who barrels into his life after years of secrecy
idk who i want to be his ~mother yet
initial instinct says camilla, jack’s ex, a skilled assassin-slash-mercenary with her own moral code
her relationship with jack would mirror that of roy and jade’s and whiskey would be lian.............except instead of lian it’d be damian LOL
camilla kept whiskey as a secret bc she knew who Jack The Batman and Jack The Billionaire was, but she’s forced to give him up when her life comes under threat and she decides he’d be safer with jack
jack and camilla do not have an antagonistic relationship before nor after whiskey comes into jack’s life, but just from the way whiskey grew up he’s got Some Issues to deal with
jack allows him to express/release his emotions with combat and detective training, and eventually he becomes the next robin
whiskey is a clone resulting from the success of experimentation combining jack and kent parson’s dna (think conner kent being the result of clark kent and lex luthor)
kent is jack’s old flame and partner
they grew up together and were inseparable for most of their youth until a brutal falling out where jack eventually started his path to become the batman, and kent turned to crime and world domination
whiskey, again, was the result of an experiment studying human genetics that successfully created a clone of billionaire and masked vigilante, jack zimmermann + the head of the biggest crime league in the world, kent parson
whiskey comes into jack’s life after discovering his conception and wanted to learn more about his other father
he also left the league bc i imagine grooming a child to be a murderer in a villain’s syndicate takes its toll and whiskey saw this as his perfect out
cue the same journey to him becoming robin iv
other notes
shitty is alfred pennyworth but not an old butler. he is instead jack’s righthand man and best friend. if it wasn’t kent with jack growing up, it was shitty, and shitty stuck by jack’s side after kent left. they know each other as well as they know themselves, and jack would trust his life and family with shits. shitty’s basically his live-in manager and PA, but he loves what he does and he, too, protects the batcave with a shotgun (as well as a foul mouth lol)
lardo is lucius fox and heads all of zimmermann enterprise’s innovations. she got into a relationship with shitty after years of the two of them dealing with jack’s bs and eventually they two fell in love. she’s a genius and unafraid to put any of the batfamily in their place, especially since shitty won’t. yeeeeeears down the line, once jack puts up the cowl once and for all and she and shitty have their own family, their son picks up the mantle to become the next batman a la jace fox
tater is the superman to jack’s batman. a loud and kind humanoid alien who was adopted by russian immigrants after crashlanding to earth as a baby and grew up to eventually become superman
tango is superboy ii and whiskey’s best friend. idk if i want him to be tater’s son, but i do want super sons, and whiskey needs a sunshine alien just like damian lol
george is wonder woman. i am not taking any questions about this.
also april is wonder girl in young justice a la cassie sandsmark. i will not be taking questions about this either.
if she isn’t whiskey’s mom then camilla is batwoman. no questions here as well.
idk yet who i want as cass and babs but i know want them here somehow. i just dunno yet. maybe farmer as oracle?? ford as orphan?? vice versa??? use jenny and mandy instead???? maybe i should rearrange the whole damn family????? idk yet but don’t worry i haven’t forgotten them~!
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gambitandrogues · 3 years
ya know what, I'm bored, so we're doing this
dni if you think stuffed animals are for kids only, think neon green is valid, ship drarry (or "separate the art from the artist" with j*r), are in your hamilton phase, don't like dogs or cats, keep an updated bullet journal, hate hot cocoa, get disappointed when ya books aren't spicy, dislike thunderstorms, have a duolingo streak longer than 20 days, have led lights, have never been to your local library (if there's one near you), have a key west stick on your car, want a house with entirely white appliances, say you were "born in the wrong time", think encanto needed queer characters, are a disney adult(tm), consider your birthday your favorite holiday, consider the catcher in the rye one of the best classics, don't like succulents, simp for any man written by sarah j. maas, don't have seasonal allergies, dislike himbos, can play more than three instruments, have multiple beach vacations planned for the summer, don't have a favorite historical period, have ever treated a person in customer service like shit, know what I'm talking about if I say "you're my sister, my blood, my family," have never created an oc or dislike romcoms
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iowriteswords · 3 years
The Shoemaker Prince Contents Summaries
Tumblr media
“The Girl With No Heart in Her Body”: Princess loses heart, gains dragon bff
“The Ogre Bride”: Ogre juggles hero’s journey and infant care
“The Shoemaker Prince”: Amnesiac cobbler gets lost in the woods
“The Man Who Forgot How to Love”: Man falls out of love, falls back in
“Windows”: Teen befriends boy with elephant trunk, anxiety issues
“The Princess Who Refused to Marry a Merman”: Damsel in distress turned sea merchant searches for enchanted bird, fights a mermaid
“The Frog Who Married a Prince”: Local himbo loves frog wife
“The Foolish Princess and the Wise Prince”: Ugly man, stupid woman meet, fall in love
“The Man With the Silver Nose”: “I waited fifteen years for a wedding and all I got was a closet full of corpses.”
“The Kiss and the Frog”: “I ain’t getting in bed with a damn bullfrog.”
“The Tailor and the Queen”: After tricking an emperor into going out naked, a tailor befriends a queen
“The Marquis of Carabas”: Local girl willing to put up with boyfriend’s pathological lies because he has a cute cat
“Violet and Zorzal”: An unhappy couple go on a road trip and learn about home improvement
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dopesotherstuff · 3 years
My VTM/VTMB OCs and Canons
Cut because this got long. Notes on other characters and rp stuff at bottom.
Dr. Ariadne Ross, weirdly humane, neurodivergent, relatively well-adjusted, anarch-leaning LA-based Tremere technomage, formerly a sociologist focused on the Internet and its subcultures. She was saved from terminal cancer by her sire, who was executed for it, and is hyperfocused on being the perfect Tremere apprentice--but her reaction to LaCroix’s rule has left her skeptical of the Camarilla and sympathetic to local Anarchs.
Claudia Aziz, Ventrue entrepreneur/bespoke armorer/vigilante. Middling Humanity, Camarilla-aligned, serious and somewhat bloodthirsty hero complex. Very charismatic, courageous, has a lot of leadership skills but is content to stay in her corner if someone else is leading well. Bad leaders set her fangs on edge. She is surprisingly down to earth for a Ventrue, seeking to embody the clan’s crown virtues while being too aware of its classism and other flaws.
Ulf, cheerful, charismatic, hunky, socially oblivious Gangrel tank. Middling Humanity, total Himbo, tough as hell, probably an Elder, total animal lover, Independent, owns a ranch in the LA hills that trains and contracts out animal actors. Loves being a wolf, and is kind of fuzzy and pointy-teethed from age. A great guy to party with or have at your back, he has a soft spot for young Kindred. Gigantic man who is weak to cute things.
Selena, charismatic and calculating Tzimisce head of a transhumanist cult. Independent. Kind of a benevolent-tyrant type, emphasis on tyrant. A seductive psychopath who makes herself, and her subjects, into spectacles of eerie beauty. She seeks Metamorphosis in a very unorthodox way that sometimes leaves other Tzimisce wondering if she is on the Path at all.
Josie, clever, mischievous Anarch Gangrel, formerly a City Gangrel (shh!), now a cat burglar and general covert pain in the ass to rich people. Middle humanity. Has no wolf form, instead being only able to turn into a rumpled raven and an absolute unit of a black cat. Fights like a Brujah with claws. Hates being called “cute” but has a good sense of humor otherwise.
Jason Chen, a seductive, soulful, high-Humanity, Camarilla-aligned Toreador piano virtuoso who became the toy of a particularly cruel Tzimisce for a few terrible years, leaving him very beautiful but with useless, gemlike eyes he has to hide behind sunglasses. Determined to return to his art, he taught himself to play by touch and memory, and learned to navigate using various applications of Auspex and the aid of two overprotective ghoul dogs. He’s also figured out how to defend himself very well, but he keeps that quiet, as he hates violence and prefers to end it quickly through the element of surprise.
Oliver Roswell, the most luckless Toreador of all, as he is a master chocolatier who can never again sample his own work. His ability to create has not been hampered by becoming Kindred, but he must now deal with endless temptation from the amazing smells and textures of his work, taste buds that turn everything he eats into the flavor equivalent of a lump of coal, and a stomach that will barf up even a single chocolate chip. His ghouls, however, are fat and happy. He currently runs roughly 20% of the global chocolate market, and aims to control the whole thing and force it to become completely fair trade. High Humanity, not very manipulative at all, makes vitae-filled cordials for his ghouls that get traded around LA a lot.
James Willoughby, an ex-Hunter who betrayed Bach and rescued Ash Rivers from captivity, only to be accidentally Embraced by a Ventrue Antitribu in a bloody fight to protect Hollywood a few nights later. He is a rare Ventrue Anarch and has been taken under wing by Baron Isaac Abrams in return for his continuing to help Ash protect himself and recover from his crippling depression. He is starting to make a name for himself as a Sabbat hunter, relying on a combination of technology, his Disciplines and roughly twenty-five years of combat experience to defend his newfound friends. He is an incredibly honorable and courageous man who takes quiet pride in his commitment to both, and though more unassuming than many Ventrue, he can trace his family back to thirteenth-century England. He is plagued by his past--both his time in the Society of Leopold, and the series of traumas that left him vulnerable to their recruitment and indoctrination in the first place.
Canon VTMB Characters
Postgame Mercurio: If this was a want ad it would say: “Well-connected, hyper-competent veteran ghoul fixer available. Comes complete with forty years’ service to the Camarilla and an embarrassing streak of shitty luck. Currently seeking new employment or sire after the still-kinda-tragic loss of the biggest asshole boss in the history of asshole bosses.” He can get you anything you want, at any time,  he’s a goddamn professional and he’s never screwed over a buyer or a seller. Kind of an old-fashioned guy, with old-fashioned wiseguy honor and a deep sense of chivalry. Kind of hoped to be Embraced Ventrue, but that’s all screwed up now. Surprisingly friendly and well connected with the local Anarchs. Perpetually pining for New York City. Currently working as a mercenary ghoul and fixer in Santa Monica.
Postgame Southland Slasher, aka “Sam”: Gruff, rough-edged, recovering trauma “survivor” of the horrific auto theft gone wrong that killed his family. Fed blood at the murder site by a sympathetic Gangrel and brought back from the dead to avenge them, he had to figure out what he was and what he could do all on his own. He went on a rampage of revenge, tracking down and ambushing every single scumbag responsible for his family’s death, with no care of whether he survived afterward. In doing so he ended up degenerating badly and endangering the Masquerade more than once. His encounter with an even younger Kindred opened his eyes to the problems he was causing and led him to Nines Rodriguez, whose cause he joined. Known now as “Sam” just so everyone else has something to call him, he has been working to regain his Humanity and learn how to cope with his unlife. His berserk buttons still exist, however, and include anyone who victimizes women and children. He never talks about his past prior to the death of his family, and has no idea who his sire was. However, he must have been very powerful, as Sam mastered multiple high level Disciplines on his own in the span of two years.
I also have developing Muses for other VTMB characters, and have written for a few, including Andrei, Strauss and Barabus.
I normally play on Discord or from my journal here, but I can also create sideblogs for some of these characters if there’s interest. Please let me know.
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scrawnytreedemon · 4 years
going off that last ask: loz/yazoo character opinion? i wanna read your thoughts!
Ohooooo, I was waiting for something like this!!! Thank you, Vee :) I’ll do my best to explain <333
Starting off with Yazoo:
First impression: Calm, level-headed, perhaps a bit shy. What surprised me the first time watching was how deep his voice was. He’s got this grace about him that leaves you simply... staring. I interpreted the introductory scene where Loz nearly cries and Yaz tells him not to as comforting-- Which I think is what a good chunk of Rem fans see it as? Overall, pretty, but not much else.
Impression now: I think he’s fucking ruthless under that dainty face, if you ask me. Honestly, it’d be right in line with Sephiroth. I think out of the both of his brothers, he gets along better with Kadaj, but if he wasn’t around, I doubt Yazoo would have nearly enough investment in their quest. He comes across as apathetic and uncompassionate, perhaps even a little haughty. I feel like his relationship with Loz is tolerable at best, and downright acidic at worst. With Loz being the way he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if Yazoo and Kadaj had to keep an eye on him at all times, just in case. I feel, though, at the end of the day Yazoo does care about his brothers, and would risk his life for them. It’s in his bones, and he can’t help it, whether he likes it or not. Still very pretty though, lmao.
Favourite moment: Been forever sinced I watched Advent Children, and, unfortunately, Yazoo my beloved doesn’t get many scenes. I’ll have to go with the introductory scene, as it gives us an idea of who they are and what their dynamic is like right off the bat.
Idea for a story: I feel like any story with Yazoo inevitably ends up involving Loz, so I’ll make a joint bullet-point for them at the end of the post <3
Unpopular opinion: Mmm, probably the more apathetic, if not downright spiteful characterisation. If my friend @vesaniens​’s experience is to be believed, then at least Back In Her Day it was far more common for Yazoo and Loz to be buddy-buddy while Kadaj goes off and does his own thing. I can see the appeal in that dynamic, and understand where it comes from. There’s alot of ways you can interpret ‘don’t cry, Loz,‘ and as it is the introductory scene, however you do sets down the foundation for all that follows.
Favourite relationship: The Remnants aren’t characters I can find preferable ships for in-canon, so romantic is off the table here. I will say, though, a dynamic where Genesis and Yazoo are mentor and mentee would be downright tooth-rotting. Genesis preening him, taking him out to nice places, showing him fine literature-- I love it! I don’t see much talk about how the Remnants would relate to Gen and Geal, and I think that’s a damn shame. Plus, Yazoo can then quietly rub it in either of his brothers’ faces whenever he gets annoyed with them. To pick another, though, definitely him and Loz-- Especially if it is strained. It’s very clear they’re meant to contrast each other. Yazoo is lithe, subtle and venemous; Loz is big, loud and sensitive. I personally have a huge soft spot for fics where they recouncile their differences and learn to truly love each other.
Favourite headcanon: Honestly, I feel like I need to make a general headcanon post for the Rems as a whole. They’re all inherently tied, so a change to one of them usually affects the other two. To touch up on one from a theory I read about a year ago now(God, has it been that long?), I like the idea that the Remnants got a little bit of Genesis and Angeal mixed in. They’re like 90% Seph, give or take, but the other 10%~? Now that’s where the fun begins baby!!! In this case, the donor would be Genesis, and Yazoo would’ve gotten the more passive-aggressive, snarky, preening aspects of his character. The resentment and feelings of  inferiority towards Sephiroth end up getting mixed into Kadaj, however I don’t want to elaborate on this too long lest I go off-topic. On a more crack-heavy note, I feel like if you waved a laser-pointer in front of him, he’d be transfixed. He’s too dignified to actually leap at it... But he likes watching :)
Now, as for Loz:
First impression: Big phuckign himbo, idiotte of a man. Probably can’t even buckle his own boots. Playtime??? Bitch NO, it’s not playtime! WHY ARE YOU CRYING??? But yeah, my initial view fell alot more in line with what I think is the most common interpretation of him. His excecution leans heavily to Big Dumb Idiot Man Who Cries When He Sees A Duckling.
Impression now: Baby. Poor fucking baby. Honestly, that could be said for all the Remnants, but I don’t think Loz’s struggle is discussed nearly enough. I’ve talked about this before, but, for me, it’s painfully clear that Loz is essentially a child in a grown man’s body. Writer Kazushige Nojima has Loz’s lines about playing during his fight with Tifa were based off his own son, and has described him as “missing a little something upstairs” --And looking at him through that lens, things become alot more disturbing. He’s Sephiroth’s love for Jenova; a doting, yearning, infantilising love. There’s an innocence to Loz, something sweet, something light and airy-- And to have him fight, have him torture, have him kill... just, man. This jarring dichotomy between such hulking, brutal strength, this bringer of destruction, and this kid who wants his mother. Is he aware? Does he truly understand the weight of his actions? Can he? Most of this, admittedly, is a bit of a stretch, but I love this doof alot jhdhjfdjhs can you blame me?
Favourite moment: Oh, definitely the crying scene-- You must be real tired of hearing that again. Though, in Loz’s case, it sets up his sensitivity, and his dynamic with his brothers-- Yazoo in particular.
Idea for a story: Same answer as Yaz.
Unpopular opinion: I think my more infantile view of Loz as a whole is semi-unpopular? Fandom seems pretty split on whether he’s just a himbo or actual babyman. Again, hard to tell, what with most Rem content and discussion being several years old and tricky to find. I’d be curious to have a discussion on this! But yeah, if we’re talking about the wider fanbase, I think my intense appreciation of him is definitely unusual. Alot of OG fans see the Rems as tropey villains, and while I will argue that it makes sense considering they’re fragments of a bigger, badder, more complex villain, I don’t think Loz is nearly as shallow as most would have you believe.
Favourite relationship: As discussed with Yazoo, there aren’t any canon characters I consistently ship the Remnants with -- Especially not for Loz, in particular when viewing him through that youthful lens -- Though as with everything, I am flexible :) On the platonic side... Honestly, I think Loz would just be a big softie who hangs around everyone. If Angeal was baking, Loz would definitely chip in to help, though he might cause more trouble than if he stayed aside. I think he’d try and reach out to Sephiroth, only for his affections to be rejected because the latter is Bad With Emotions and is torn between on whether the Remnants are a nuisance he hands off to his old friends or his children who he wants to scoop up and carry off into the vast cosmos.
Favourite headcanon: Loz eats alot of shit he isn’t meant to. Like, shit that would kill twenty grown men. At least once he has mistaken stinging nettle for mint, and spent the next two or three days scraping his tongue constantly. Would chase a ball if thrown, no questions asked; try playing frisbee with this dude, and you’ll end up on the other side of town by the end of it. If you try and pick him up, he just slumps, like a big, brawny ragdoll cat-- Probably purrs like one, too. Definitely appreciates a good scratch behind the ear :)
There’s like... probably mountains more, but this is what I’ve been able to coax out after a day of writing this on and off. Again, thank you so much for asking!! I’ve been meaning to ramble about the Remnants for ages now, but didn’t know how to go about it.
Aight, as promised:
Story idea: This is one I’ve had on my mind for years now. I haven’t gotten around to it, as it’d require greater familiarity with FFVII’s world as a whole, but the premise is that Yazoo and Loz escape far out into the countryside, and end up in a village. Yazoo soon falls ill, and Loz has to provide a living working for a local farmer. Their dynamic is initially strained, and without Kadaj to hold them together, they nearly end up splitting before arrival. As time passes, and as they grow closer to the community, Yazoo’s grumbles fade into concerned murmers. Slowly, he begins to trust Loz more, and Loz learns to take more responsibility. But as their friendship blossoms, Yazoo’s body withers. Bedbound, he wonders how Loz would fare without him, if he could make it. I imagine this ends up leading to Loz deliberately blowing their cover to get needed medical help from WRO, turning themselves in during the process.
Again, there’s probably more to it, but to be honest even I don’t know. That’s the great thing about creativity :) You never know where you end up!
Thank you for asking, and feel free to ask more if you’re curious! This goes for elaboration on characters already asked, certain headcanons, and even pairings! Also, feel free to add on with your own thoughts! Whether they be additions, refutations, or so on. Fandom discussion(provided it’s civil qwq) can be so much fun!
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