#local music library on shuffle
allatariel · 1 year
Music tag! Thanks for the tag, @divine-feminine-etc! Sorry it took me so long to get to this!
Put all of your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that pop up. Tag however many people you want, to keep it going, if you want to, of course!
"They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo)" by Sting from Nothing Like the Sun
"Hyperventilate" by Frost* from Milliontown
"Prime Mover" by Rush from Hold Your Fire
"The Mayor of Simpleton" by XTC from Oranges & Lemons
"Outta Me, Onto You" by Ani DiFranco from Dilate
"Endless Sea (Storm Version)" by The Gentle Storm from The Diary
"Bliss" by Paul Gilbert from Burning Organ
"Hope Leaves" by Opeth from Damnation
"Icicle" by Tori Amos from Under The Pink
"(Thinking and Wondering) What I'm gonna Do" by King's X from Ear Candy
Tagging: @ladytharen, @weshallflyaway, @littlelindentree, @wanderleave, @frontier001, @shadowsong26x, @magalis, @curioussubjects, @spacepandar and anyone else who's interested—no pressure!
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netherworldpost · 10 months
A dusty creak, an unsettling shuffle, but it was not a dangerous sound.
The witch understood, as she pressed her hand to the door’s battered wood.
This house, long haunted, long longing, long forgotten, had in its hallowed timbers and ghoulish heart a hearth that needed a fire, a friend.
The witch smiled and drew the tips of her fingers across the doorway, into the dust along the floorway. Her steps into the house lead her straight to that hearth. Her breath lead her straight into a spell.
The fire would build a warmth. In them both. The winter was beginning early, outside, and would be a fierce one, maybe the fiercest in local memory.
The house settled.
A tempest on the mountain, now calm, at last, a house with a witch, at last, a ghost imbued within the walls, with someone who could become a friend, at long blissful last.
The witch would read long into the night, the wraith within the walls beside her, by the fire, exchanging felt but unseen glances, leaving notes for the other on a small table, in the foyer.
Requests for information about foraged herbs and berries.
Thoughts on spellcraft improvements.
Small doodles of local animals being silly. And otter gossip, from the stones themselves, caves and streams.
Requests for the night’s music. Notes on how to find it in the library, or to which necromancer ought be consulted, many of the bards having themselves long passed.
News from the village down the path.
Letters to friends in said village. Replies, brimming with happiness of a connection rekindled after so many years.
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sixeyescurseuser · 9 months
Modern AU where Yuji has to work after school in order to help pay for his grandfather’s medical bills.
He finally gets hired as a cashier/helper at the ancient local library.
It’s ginormous. There are walls of bookshelves, entirely filled with books of all sizes - hardcovers, soft covers, manuals - and different colors.
Understandably, Yuji goes through lots of training: learning how the ship is organized, how to help customers at the register, and how to keep the place clean.
Once, when Yuji is snacking on a few candies he got from the school vending machines, his manager warns him not to leave his food out, especially sweets.
“It attracts nasty, unwanted critters,” she states.
Yuji easily agreed and stuffs the rest of his candies in his hoodie pocket. They’re just about to close, so he gets to sweeping the floors of the bookstore. 
About one month in, Yuji has everything down. He’s a quick and eager learner, and actually had a very sharp memory. This serves him well as the manager who showed him all the ropes suddenly calls it quits.
Something about going insane in the bookshop, seeing things that don’t exist…
A haunted bookstore? Yuji questions himself. Seems likely. 
He’s never actually met the owner in person. And he barely catches sight of the other person who works the early afternoon shift.
For a bookstore so vast and abundant, there weren’t a ton of customers filtering in and out all the time.
One day, Yuji’s friends surprise him with a whole box full of donuts for his birthday. 
Yuji shares the donuts, but alas, there are still two left. He decides to bring the leftover two to work, intent on offering them to any lucky customer that might come in hungry.
Only two customers come in over the next few hours: an older woman who returns a couple books and borrows two more, and a father with a young boy who is looking for a “children’s horror book” about a boy being pulled into the ocean and dragged to hell. 
The boy takes one donut. 
One donut remains.
Really, Yuji is unsure of how the owner is keeping this business running. But at least he’s being paid a decent wage. And it’s simple enough work too.
It’s quiet for the next hour. 
Already done with most of his housekeeping tasks, Yuji ventures to the sci-fi section, which is near the front of the store where he can still see the entryway, in case anyone comes in. This means he can also see the register counter, where the donut box lays, lid open.
Pop music softly plays from the store speakers. Yuji hums to the vaguely familiar tune, sifting through the shelves. 
But the music is not loud enough to mask the shuffle of the donut box on the counter.
Yuji pauses his search, scanning the doorway to make sure no one has entered the store. Not hearing any other pair of footsteps, Yuji turns back to the books.
A long moment passes before an unmistakable noise of laughter rings out.
Yuji whirls around because he did NOT imagine that!
He rushes to the counter, right in time to see the donut escaping the box. Or rather, upon closer inspection, a tiny person not even the height of a birthday candle, carrying said donut and bounding away.
Yuji, unable to process anything besides the fact that the tiny person is taking his last donut, chases after them.
“Hey! That’s mine!”
Yuji easily catches up to the tiny-person-donut-blob, cupping them between his palms right when the tiny person makes a leap for a bookshelf.
“Gotcha-!“ Yuji shouts in triumph. He squeezes tight enough to trap, then takes a closer look.
This tiny person is dressed in just as tiny clothes. Human-shaped enough, with white hair and black blindfold over their eyes. 
Before Yuji can ask “What ARE you?” The tiny person finishes chewing what Yuji assumes was a piece of donut, and opens their mouth to yell out:
“Formation B!”
Before Yuji can blink, two other small people fly from opposite bookshelves.
One lands on his right wrist and thumps it with a tiny hammer; this causes Yuji to let go of the white-haired-tiny-person and donut in tow. 
The other smacks right onto his nose, making Yuji go cross-eyed. This tiny human has black spiky hair and dark eyes. His expression offers nothing more than stone-cold as he throws a glittery powder into Yuji’s face- 
Yuji promptly blacks out.
The powder was supposed to make Yuji forget about the little people sighting, but it doesn’t work on him.
Now that he’s aware of their existence, he starts seeing the little people everywhere now: hopping from shelf to shelf, meddling in customer’s bags or purses, changing the music from Yuji’s classical playlist to a TWICE song.
(“It’s like TT~~like TT” in the background.
Yuji, in his head: “so that explains the random song changes” 🧐
It was all Gojo. 
Gojo also played pranks on the manager and made her quit lol. )
Au-wise, the major issue is that a real estate company is looking to buy out the building, wanting to create a more high-end shopping strip. The local bookstore is at risk of being closed down, which has been the home of little people for years. 
Many traveling little people even use the bookstore as a place to rest and find community. Yuji finds that there's a whole other tiny world within the bookshelves thanks to Gojo and his little family.
So Yuji has to help figure out a way to generate more business for the bookstore without risking the livelihoods of the little people, or help scout out a new location for the little people in case that doesn't work.
Geto had always been curious about other little people's locations. A few months ago, he set out on his journey to explore outside the bookstore. 
("I'm going on a little adventure! I'll make sure to bring souvenirs for you all!" Geto pats his special bag that has an infinite amount of space before heading off into the big wide world.)
But he never returned, and has been missing ever since. Gojo is :(((. 
(Yuji: “I mean, I go outside all the time. If you tell me what kind of places he’d go, I can help search for him?”
Gojo: “I knew I liked you for a reason!”)
In hindsight, Geto’s first mistake was getting kidnapped by a hawk, which clearly thought he was food. Cue the hawk soaring through the sky and Geto's tiny screaming.
He ended up in a nest with baby hawks. 
See, living with Gojo and the kids back in the bookstore, Geto ran a lot in his life. But he swears, he's never ran so fast until then, away from the birds trying to gobble him up.
Geto simply yanked a tree leaf off the branch and sailed down to the ground. Geto ended up at a cafe a few blocks down. He's been trying to find his way back ever since. 🥹
It comes down to when Gojo tags along with Yuji during their weekly searches and Gojo’s gets enamored by the smell coming from the cafe.
Imagine Geto’s surprise when he’s hiding within the shelves behind the counter and sees a tuft of white hair peeking from this large human’s collar.
And it’s as if he can sense Geto anywhere because Gojo locks eyes with Geto right away.
Gojo jumps down from his perch - he’s gone rogue!
Yuji, internally: “NOOO”
Luckily, most people in the cafe are engrossed in conversation or their work. The only person Yuji makes a fool out of himself for covering the clearly tiny person making a dash for the back shelves is the barista.
Geto hops down the shelves and meets Gojo in the middle of the coffee machine, wrapping him in a tight embrace.
Yuji, stalling his order so the barista doesn’t notice the tiny Satosugu reunion on the mf coffee machine: “Uh, so what do you recommend?”
Geto quickly sweeps Gojo up in his arms and heads towards Yuji. The barista is still talking through their recommendations. 
Yuji: “Oh, um, I’ll actually have one hot chocolate, please. Also, how much is that pastry?”  
Yuji points to the display so the barista doesn’t see him scooping up tiny Satosugu into his hoodie - who whisper loudly among themselves. 😭
(Gojo: “Suguru, your hair got so long!”
Geto: “It did, I didn’t really have anything to cut it. You like?” 😉
Gojo: “Oh I much more than like it~”
Luckily, Geto puts his palm over Gojo’s mouth before he can continue.)
Once they’re back on the street, Yuji feels a tap on his neck.
“Hello, I’m Geto Suguru. What’s your name?”
“Itadori Yuji. Bookstore cashier, shelver, and tiny person transporter,” Yuji introduces himself. “It’s nice to meet you, Geto-sama.”
Geto laughs loudly. 
“Nice to meet you too, Yuji-kun.”
A moment passes, before he adds: 
“Thank you for helping Satoru find me.”
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sugarcoated-lame · 1 month
music shuffle poll 🎶
shuffle your music library and create a poll for the first five songs!
thank you for the tag, lovely @joelslegalwhre 🥰🧡
no pressure tags: @sebsxphia @hangmanssunnies @joelsgreys @joelsdagger @rhettabbotts @desert-fern @blue-aconite @mrsmando @guiltyasdave @itsokbbygrl @honeyedmiller @just-in-case-iloveyou @fairyheart @ryebecca @floydsglasses @floydsmuse @freelancearsonist @attaboylew @catb-fics @emeraldmoth @cruelmissdior @undrthelights @joelshoney @joelsgreenflannel @joelsversion @your-local-pyro-les @i-wanna-be-your-muse @mae-murdock @aemondvelaryon @startrekfangirl2233 @vvatermelanie @vvampirraa @becks-things @javierpenaispunk @topherwrites @punk-in-docs and i’m leaving the tags open for anyone else who’d like to play 🧡
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anarchywoofwoof · 9 months
switching back to pirating music has been a whiplash for my listening habits.
with spotify, i tend to curate specific playlists surrounding genres. so it’s somewhat unlikely to have much genre variety on individual listening sessions.
however, now that i’m back to local files, i’m just shuffling my whole library and, while i forgot how fun it is to have a library full of your own curated music, i have very eclectic and varied tastes. so every once in a while i get a run like
Led Zeppelin -> Juvenile -> Nina Simone -> Black Flag -> 100 gecs -> Conway Twitty -> Brand New -> Lady Gaga
and by the end, i’m coughing up blood
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
"Kids Today, Huh?"
(Fictober, Day 12)
Thanks to @stephy-gold and @wexleresque for their prompts! ("Die first by nessa barrett/Is an MSR song/they will die without the other" and "Stopping to look up at the night sky", respectively.) 
Mulder had been quiet since this morning. 
They’d both made plans to stay in; and, while she was shuffled to the bedroom for regular clothes and he shuffled around Spotify for a "dish duty" song, Scully wondered curiously-- well, half curiously-- what he’d choose. Mulder’s taste in music was usually dictated by whatever current rash the local radios or various social media apps instigated, Elvis excepted. (He'd explained once that Presley fit his stringent criteria because "the King" was always topical; and Scully had conceded the point, if begrudgingly.)  
By the time her shower was done, the house was permeated with silence. Upon reentry, Scully noticed Mulder’s shoulders were tense, his hands tightly clenching the counter; and both his ears had little Bluetooth buds-- hers, sinking into the bottomless pit of his ear canal-- blasting muffled noises straight into his ear drums. He spent the rest of the day pretending to be normal while absently squeezing or strangling anything nonperishable she handed him.
Scully tried to invent distractions for him, which Mulder meekly-- no, not meekly: without comment-- completed. When that didn't work, she then tried to engage him in a conversation that required responses other than “yes”, “no”, or “sure”. Noticing that his arm muscles would twitch through every attempt-- practically itching to turn up the volume-- she gave that up, too. Finally, she let him soak in his Byronic mood, and spent the rest of the afternoon riveted by a surprisingly good library book.  
She was halfway through her light read when Mulder’s shadow forebodingly covered the next paragraph. “Scully, I have it on good authority that there’s something happening in that big ol’ sky of ours tonight.” Their own peculiar way of wanting to communicate without communicating.
“Mmm.” She waited a beat, watched his shadow and feet shift in sync. “Let’s check it out.” 
Scully’s earbuds were back in her possession, but only to warble depressing lyrics, stanza after stanza, into her ear. “Mulder, you listened to this all day?” 
He only nodded, eyes fixed dully on the horizon. Well, no wonder: he probably saw the name Nessa Barrett, connected it to the soft spot he held for all Nessie lore, and was siren called to a day of misery and self-recrimination. 
“Yeah.” His cheek bubbled out, tongue habitually searching for a sunflower seed that wasn’t there. “It’s not that crazy, Scully. You had an epiphany of your own while ruminating on the essence of Moby.” 
“That was self-discovery not self-flagellation, Mulder.” 
“But it made you realize things about yourself you hadn't. Put them into perspective. Made you question your choices and the… sacrifices you had to make along the way.” 
Scully stared at him, wondering how best to delicately attack this sudden infection. Mulder gazed unflinchingly at the stars, likely searching for the same solace he’d given her years before-- a keychain and teamwork and hope to ease an ascension and Duane Barry and consequences. She wondered if they were failing him tonight; but chased the thought away. As long as he believed Samantha’s soul was stardust, there was hope. 
It dawned on her. There was hope. 
“Mulder, you told me once that--” she left out you believed for another time, “--that our souls were bound together through time, always finding each other.” Scully also left out Melissa Ephesian (an unnecessary complication.) “And it brought you great comfort then because it meant that the suffering we had and did endure was an opportunity for us to get it right.” 
He was riveted on her face. Thirty years of knowing him told her that. “It’s a nice thought, Mulder. That we were created-- or,” she added for his sake, “came about organically with a destiny that ties us forever to each other. But I couldn’t… I can’t believe it.” He chuffed; and she didn’t need thirty years to know he had a crack comment ready to go. “It would seem too….” 
“Too what?” 
Scully smiled ruefully. “Flippant.” 
“Flippant?” His voice was halfway between aghast and amused. 
“Like I was taking what we have for granted. When I walked into your office that first day--” 
“Our office, Scully.”
“I claimed it as my own during the Tooms case, Mulder-- although it took a bit longer than that to sort your piles into habitable places. The point is, we didn’t have that soul connection then: we had intrigue and respect. It was later that you gave me something I'd never dared to dream of, something I'd unconsciously been searching for."
“Teamwork?” he teased, parroting words from a former conversation beneath the stars.
Who’s flippant now? But flippant was good-- flippant was part of the stages of recovery for Mulder. She needed to take him a little further than that, help him fortify his walls against future “I hope I die first” dark romanticism. 
Scully turned, showing Mulder the starlight reflected in her eyes. “You gave me wonder." Watched his own twinkle slowly return.
“That word has a couple different uses, Scully," he said with a smile, with a little forward tilt. He was almost okay. 
“Well, I wondered at you at first.” Mulder nodded, taking the ribbing on the chin with a wry smile. “But I wondered with you not long after.” She let him bask in the soft glow of reassurance before claiming her victory. “And that proves me right. If it had just been fate, or destiny--”
“--It would be the other way round.” Smart man, her Mulder.
Leaning in theatrically, Scully deftly put everything else behind them. “Mulder, I was promised a good time. So, are you gonna point out some mystery of the universe to me or are we going to stand here fretting over the past?”  
He grinned, himself again; and wound her in and spun her theories while pointing at the stars.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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got tagged by @cannedmonster (ty!) to do this thing where i put my music library on shuffle, put the first five songs that come up in a poll and let peeps vote for their fave, which sounds fun & cool so here we goo:
tags for @muskmelon-enjoyer-199x @king-in-yellow @massivelimestonecube @dreadhalla to do this with your music library too 🫵or ignore at your leisure its all chill ok byeee x
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khlowewei · 4 months
Asleep - khloelei on ao3
April 19, 2013
Tadashi Yamaguchi
12:22 a.m.
The eerie ringtone replaces my usual 1D music, which chills my spine. I’m too scared to pick up the phone. Too scared to hear what will come from the other end of the line. I let it go to voicemail, but it rings again a few seconds after. The ringtone continues until I finally pick up my phone, taking a glance at the time, 12:22 a.m.
“Hello, I’m calling from Death-Cast, I’m Ami. Is this Tadashi Yamaguchi?” She says my name as if the syllables had spikes and poked the tip of her tongue. The mention of my name obliterates my ongoing bucket list, which only had 3 items.
“Yes, this is Tadashi Yamaguchi.” My voice is raspy because I just woke up, my tiredness was apparently evident because she says, “Sorry, I know, it’s early. Well, Yamaguchi, I regret to inform you that sometime in the next twenty-four hours you’ll be meeting an untimely death.” She continues on, mentioning my name as if we’re close friends, even saying my first name a few times.
She began listing some events happening nearby, and some activities I could do today. It makes me a bit irritated how she could be so sure I would want to attend these events or participate in the activities, but it then hits me that she’s reading from a script. She has said this line to many people before me. All of which are dying or already dead.
“Crocheting events at all of your local libraries at 12:30pm, and a poetry contest in Nishikicho Park. These are all of the events and activities that are being held today. Of course, there are discounts at stores and restaurants for deckers, there are signs outside of the participating restaurants.”
I know that she’s no longer reading directly from the script the way she does because she doesn’t mention the participating restaurants and stores, but instead the signs. The heralds normally list the stores and restaurants, they did that for my mother.
“Oh–Uh– What are the participating restaurants?”
I could hear an audible sigh from the other line and shuffling before she read the participating locations from a piece of paper.
The words go into my ear and out the other as I stand up from my bed, no longer feeling like sleeping. For all I know, I could end up dying in my sleep, and I’m not risking that. I still have the whole (or to be realistic, a portion of the) day ahead of me.
“And Tadashi, on behalf of everyone here at Death-Cast, we are sorry to lose you. Live this day to the fullest.” Her voice grows low as she ends the sentence and a click comes from the other side of the line before the call ends.
My phone’s screen glows bright in the darkness and I squint as I open my notes.
READ ON AO3 TO SEE THE WHOLE FANFIC: Asleep (12421 words) by khloelei Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi Characters: Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Hinata Shouyou Additional Tags: Inspired by They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera, Alternate Universe - They Both Die at the End Fusion, Fluff, eventual angst, Tsukishima Kei is Bad at Feelings, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Sad Yamaguchi Tadashi, POV Alternating, wrote this on a google doc at school, Cliffhangers, Haikyuu Timeskip, hq!! Summary: INSPIRED BY “THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END” BY ADAM SILVERA In a universe where people are notified of their last day, live Tadashi Yamaguchi and Kei Tsukishima. They meet on their last day on Earth and decide to spend their time together.
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goatsandgangsters · 4 months
🦗 and 🎵 for the emoji ask meme!
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
I used to be Very Strict about only writing in order, but I started letting myself jump around ~two years ago and WHAT A GAME CHANGER, IT HAS SAVED MY WRITING LIFE!!!!!
I get so much more written by jumping around, because when inspiration hits for a scene I can actually take advantage. it makes my writing so much better when I have not just an outline for What's To Come but specific scenes written that I can write towards and mirror very intentionally with word choice, lines of dialogue etc. jumping around when writing multichap fic has made my vision for the whole thing clearer, my choices more deliberate, and—most importantly—it's made it more fun. because I actually get to write the fun parts that inspire me!! instead of torturing myself by dangling the good bits as a carrot of something I might theoretically one day get to write!
(general you, the writer reading this, try it. give yourself permission. if it's not for you, you've still learned something about your process. but if you've never tried and think "oh I could never write that way," I would have said that once too. but tbh if I'd let myself do this earlier, it would have made everything SO much better and I would have gotten so much more done. just experiment so you Know if it's really for you or not)
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
yes but they're waaaaay less Curated than if I were making a fanmix. my writing playlists are not "here's a highly selective 12-song playlist with lyrics and music that fit and that come together to tell a story musically" as with fanxmies. they are "I need a 13-hour playlist that's Vibes Only that I can put on shuffle and have the right ambiance for whatever I'm working on."
I've got specific ones for all my different Boardwalk AUs, then one for generic grishaverse writing purposes, and I think "sexy" speaks for itself
Tumblr media
50s au: honestly not that long, I don't have that much 50s music
Focus au: ~7 hours. the great gatsby (2013) soundtrack is actually perfect vibes. plus a lotta amy winehouse, lana, etc. anything that feels humid and sultry
Grishaverse: ~24 hours. not fic-specific but works for anything in that fandom. I've got the shadow and bone soundtrack, the lotr soundtrack, a lot of florence, anything that has light/darkness imagery, anything that feels Bigger in a high-fantasy, fate-of-the-world way
High School au: ~24 hours. basically all pop music circa like 2008–2012 and some pop punk. whatever makes me feel Teenagery again. also functions as a fun nostalgia playlist
Hunger Games au: ~9 hours. as many soundtracks from the movies as I could get from my local library, plus anything folk-y and sad (the civil wars, etc)
Sexy: ~2 hours, not necessarily songs about sex, just songs that Are Sensual musically or kinda kinky bc let's be real about what I'm writing
also it's not a saved playlist, but I've been writing a lot of Edwardian-set stuff lately, so for that I'll go on spotify and put on early 20th-century English composers like Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughn Williams and let the algo take it from there
fanfic writer emoji ask meme
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bml1997 · 2 months
Music Poll
Tagged by: @slenders1ckn3ss & @insert-meaningful-username
Game Rules: Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! Then, tag tumblr friends to keep the game going!
Put my "Liked" Spotify list on shuffle.
Tagging: Anyone who would like to give this a try, consider yourself tagged!
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townofadaliah · 3 months
(Testing) Hello, hello… Are you listening?
(Professional) Hello! I'm William Evans, reference number ‘3329598’. I'm here with Malik
Hi, I’m Malik, William's research assistant.
Welcome to my podcast, ‘The Town of Adaliah’, where I will be discussing the town's mysterious history. This podcast is intended for my professor and the board, but it's always nice to have any other listeners along. Maybe it'll will convince them to give me better funding!
During my years as a researcher, I’ve made it my business to uncover pieces of history that many others overlook. Today, we're diving into the town that officially doesn't exist—Adaliah. A place wiped from maps and memories, (overdone spooky) but whose story refuses to stay buried.
My search started in the dusty corner of my university library. I found an old diary, faded and fragile, belonging to a man named Jonathan Moore. He wrote about founding a town called Adaliah in the early 1800s. But here's the kicker: Adaliah doesn't appear on any maps. Almost no records mention it.
We’ve been piecing together clues from various documents.
To understand Adaliah, we need context. In the early 1800s, America was expanding. Jonathan Moore, the man behind Adaliah, wanted to create a utopia far from the growing cities. He gathered a group of followers and headed into the wilderness.
Here’s an excerpt from Jonathan’s diary, dated March 12, 1802.
(Dramatic reading) “We have chosen a path less traveled, seeking solace in the heart of the wilderness. Here, away from the prying eyes and the relentless march of progress, we shall build our Eden.”
(Overly dramatic) An Eden... but what they found was anything but paradise.
(Aside, to Malik) That one was pretty good, yeah?
(Normal, professional) The journey to Adaliah was long and tough. Harsh weather, rough terrain, and the constant threat of the unknown. But Jonathan’s vision kept them moving.
Mary Collins, one of the settlers, wrote letters during the journey. Here's one of them.
(Dramatic reading) “April 7, 1802. The road is long and fraught with challenges, but each day brings us closer to our new home. Jonathan’s words are a constant source of strength for us all."
After weeks of travel, they arrived at a secluded valley. They named it Adaliah.
We found an old map drawn by one of the settlers. It shows their initial plans for the town.
(Overly dramatic again) But dreams can turn to nightmares. Soon after they started building, strange things began to happen.
(Briefly) Jonathan’s diary entries reflect a growing unease.
(Dramatic reading) "June 10, 180–”
Oh, please, can I do it this time?!
(Sighing) Alright, go ahead.
“June 10, 1802. There is something in these woods, something ancient and restless. I feel its presence more each day."
Intrigued by these accounts, Malik and I decided to dig deeper. We’ve tracked down descendants of the settlers, searched local archives, and moved out to a cabin on the outskirts of where Adaliah is, or was, where we plan to stay for a month.
The stories we’ve uncovered are both fascinating and terrifying. And we’re just getting started.
Join us next time as we delve into the early years of Adaliah and the mysterious events that plagued its settlers. What began as a dream quickly turned into a nightmare.
Thanks for listening! If you have any information or theories about Adaliah, reach out on our Twitter, or X, I suppose, at townofadaliah no spaces, or email us at [email protected].
Is that i– Oh, wait, shoutouts! All the love to my university for funding this, do loosen up on the snack budget though! And my university's library staff for being so horribly disorganized that I found the diary in the first place! Yeah, that's it. Until next time, stay curious and stay cautious.
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jadegr8 · 4 months
my most toxic trait is that i don't do character playlists, i have a local music library and change a song's thumbnail based on who/what i associate it with and then let that play on shuffle ... saying that out loud made me realize it's probably the reason for many of the things that are wrong with me...
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Musical Tag
I was tagged by @macaqueyfreedom  to put my music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs. Favourite lyrics where applicable cos some of these are a little light on words. 
Fairly Local - twenty one pilots
you, bulletproof and black like a funeral/ the world around us is burning but we’re so cold
X&Y - Coldplay
I know something is broken/ and I’m trying to fix it/ trying to repair it/ any way I can
Phoenix - The Jane Austen Argument
the whole song  But I will unfurl the pretty flames that have my legs/ and waltz away my flesh and feathers/ and I will cry tears of glee/ and I will beg you to save me/ but I’ll be flying, flying, flying
February 13, 2019: Opportunity - Mission Accomplished - Sleeping At Last
Hurt Me - The Jezabels
I remember/ was praying at the dinner table/ for you to come around/ maybe pat me on the back when you’re able
Apocalypse Please - Muse
pull us through/ yeah pull us through/ and this is the end, this is the end/ of the world
Taste in Men - Placebo
I’m killing time on Valentines/ waiting for the day to end
Black Dove (January) - Tori Amos
Black dove, black dove/ You don’t need a spaceship/ they don’t know you’ve already lived/ on the other side of the galaxy
Attention All Pickpockets - The Mountain Goats
And the coronet blows/ where the oleander grows/ and us two/ not the same people that our old friends knew
Wild at Heart - Birds of Tokyo
I fought with many and I won for some
I tag @amusedmuralist
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mars-colony · 1 year
Tagged by @godforbidding to shuffle my music library and share the first ten songs, thank you for the tag Atlas 💕
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Certainly a mix
Tagging @kaeyaphile @lyriumrain @rockthecasbahagain @mutantenfisch @un-local @pchberrytea if you’d like ✨
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@void-and-virtue you have subjected me to the tag game so now you have to deal with my shit
currently reading: Black Heart, aka the third book of Holly Black’s Curse Workers trilogy. It’s a reread because virtual book club (aka making a friend read it for the first time so they can yell at me). Also about to start Laboratories Against Democracy by Jacob Grumbach for thesis research. Should have started it at least two weeks ago.
favorite color: pink. hot pink and light pink. reminds me, I need to dye my hair again soon (hot pink).
last song: Sedated by Hozier. I’m one of those weirdos that puts my entire music library on shuffle and lets a vibe be forced upon me. (unfortunately the last song I listened to outside of my own music is taylor swift all too well ten minute version. I carpool with my mom and she’s a swiftie. she knows all the words.)
last show: physical show? a production of Carmen set in the 1920s by my friend’s ballet company. tv show? uhhhh food network summer baking championship. also shadow and bone and the good place my beloveds.
currently watching: see aforementioned food network comment. also am working my way through batman movies.
last movie: …..pitch perfect. my sister got to pick at the last family movie night.
sweet/spicy/savory: savory all the way, also big yes to sweet
currently working on: getting an instagram page up and running for my workplace. research on gender disparities in local government for a prof. choreographing a 1920s themed jazz dance for my school dance company. also am learning to crochet by making tiny whales :)
current obsession: my sisters have forced me to become an observer of the taylor swift drama. point and laugh. mentally i am those old gay muppets.
mutuals: @i-think-i-lost-my-phone bullying u <3 anyone else feel free too ig
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Spotify Shuffle Game
Tagged by @therealnightcity, thank you kindly! <3
Rules: Shuffle music library, list 10 songs & tag people :)
You Don't Get Me Twice - Sleigh Bells
Hard Habit to Break - The Kills
Bad Girls - M.I.A.
The Golden Age - The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
Dark Days - Local Natives
Bandit - Sub Urban
Stick Up - Heart Attack Man
Siberian Nights - The Kills
Nightmare Daydream - The Velveteers
Phenomena - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Tagging with no pressure: @vox-monstera @wanderingaldecaldo @quaddmgd
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