lycheeleeches · 6 months
I was going down memory lane and the urge to draw these freaks again, came. Not fully satisfied with how they look but I personally think it’s a massive improvement from how I used to draw them
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It’s nice to see how much I’ve improved :D
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lilislegacy · 6 months
honestly the sneakiest and most impressive thing percy’s ever done is convince an entire fandom that he’s dumb
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philosophybits · 2 months
The habit of logical thinking kills imagination.
Lev Shestov, All Things Are Possible
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st7arlight · 5 months
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all together this time :D
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loganslowdown4 · 3 months
Theory: If Logan wants to make a POINT, his only dramatic reference is Roman, and so he copies what Roman does to make his case. For instance, this! exit! No one was listening to him! So he left in the most dramatic way possible! 😂
Also ‘I’m Audi 5000’ was slang in the 90s (I think) to say you’re making a fast exit because apparently the gas and the brake in that car were so close together that you could accidentally hit the gas if you were going to brake and speed up like a mf lmao
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if this isn't logince in a nutshell, i don't know what is.
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chameleon66 · 22 days
Deceit: “Im... grounded?”
Logan: *crosses arms* “Yes, you're grounded!”
Patton: “You disobeyed an order.”
Virgil: *holds up a shovel* “And now we're gonna bury you until you've learned your lesson!”
Roman: “Virgil, that's not how grounding works.”
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 3 months
Divergent vs. Convergent Thinking
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Future ADHD
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you see the reason intrulogical works so well is because logic is the only side that could possibly handle intrusive thoughts when they're bleeding into your creativity, activating your anxiaty, and messing with your morality. applying logic lets you place yourself outside of the thoughts and see that they don't actually say anything about you.
and also because the on-screen dynamic is fucking glorious everytime
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Text: When we make friendly contact, we’re hopeful they might help us. Then, we learn these being bleed fresh water, which earth has not had much of in so many long years.
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lycheeleeches · 5 months
*knocks down your door* i've come to request a dish of some good old logince
Hope this a good enough dish of logince with a side dish of “realizing new feelings”
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I currently have a backlog of asks so sorry for the wait
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Logical Fallacies
A logical fallacy occurs when an argument is not adequately supported.
This can be the result of errors in reasoning, a lack of evidence, the author’s use of irrelevant points, or other reasoning moves that do not logically support the argument.
Advertisers, salespeople, politicians, and others might use logical fallacies to manipulate you.
Argument to the People (Appealing to Stirring Symbols)
Involves using a visual symbol (the American flag, pictures of babies, “Support the Troops” bumper sticker, etc.) of something that much of the public finds hard to reject but that has little relevance to the argument.
Example: Political candidates often use the American flag and other patriotic symbols in TV ads to appeal to and persuade citizens to vote for them.
Appeal to Pity (Ad misericordiam)
A verbal version of Argument to the People.
Example: A political candidate may tell stories about their life that are not connected to their platforms.
Like Arguments to the People, Appeals to Pity are fallacious if they are irrelevant to the argument in question; pity for the candidate should not be a reason why citizens vote for them.
In some cases—for example, when soliciting money for people whose incomes are below the federal poverty threshold or for the Humane Society—appeals to pity may be legitimately used.
Erroneous Appeal to Authority
Example: Years ago, a commercial for Bufferin Aspirin used Erroneous Appeal to Authority by featuring people on the street lining up to ask Angela Lansbury, a popular actress at the time with no medical authority whatsoever, questions about the pain reliever.
Ad Hominem (“to the person”)
Involves a personal attack on the character of the opponent rather than on the argument itself.
Example: Criticizing a restaurant because the chef is “too skinny,” rather than focusing on the merits of the restaurant’s food, service, atmosphere, or other relevant aspect is an ad hominem attack.
However, an ad hominem argument that is relevant to the issue (“Rinalda Gooch will not make a good President because she faints every time she tries to make a speech”) is not a logical fallacy.
Shifting the Issue (Red Herring)
Refers to the arguer’s changing the subject to avoid dealing with an unpleasant aspect of the argument.
Example: When a reporter questioned candidate Stone about her past marijuana use, she responded, “Why haven’t you asked my opponent about his drinking?”
Hasty Generalization
Means to argue on the assumption that an entire group shares the same traits as one or two examples of that group.
Example: “Women should not be considered for high political office because they’re too emotional to make thoughtful decisions.”
Appeal to Popularity (Bandwagon)
An argument based on the premise that an idea or product has merit just because it is popular.
Example: “All the cool kids are wearing Stinko sneakers this season,” the saleswoman told the boy. “You don’t want to be left out, do you?”
Begging the Question
Involves “supporting” an argument by stating the argument in different words.
Example: “We need to bomb evildoers because they are guilty of horrendous acts,” basically restates the claim (evildoers are people who do evil) instead of stating a reason why bombing the “evildoers” is a good thing to do.
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
An argument that uses Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc (“after this, therefore because of this”) illogically suggests that because one event followed another, the first event caused the second to occur.
Example: “The fact that students cut their hair over the weekend and their test scores were higher on Monday shows that shorter hair leads to good grades.”
False Dilemma or Dichotomy (Either/Or)
This argument attempts to sway opinion by making it seem as if the only alternative to a proposed argument is one that is obviously unacceptable.
Example: “We must fight the enemy in their land so they don’t follow us to ours” suggests -- but does not attempt to show -- that one country’s aggression is the only way to decrease another country’s aggression.
The Slippery Slope
This argument attempts to dissuade people from taking or allowing a specific action because it might cause a particular condition to spiral out of control – no matter how far-fetched.
Example: “Legalizing same-sex marriage could lead to legalizing marriage between people and their pets!”
If these notes are helpful in your writing, do tag me, or send me a link to your work. I would love to read it!
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enby-trash-rat · 5 months
Remus: I'd kill for you.
Logan: Remus, dear, you do that regularly
Remus: I'd run in front of a moving car for you.
Logan: Remus, you'd run in front of a moving car for fun.
Remus: -sighs, taking a deep breath-
Remus: I'd stop eating deodorant for you.
Logan: Aww, Remus..
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fandoms4life · 1 month
How the sides store their braincells:
Roman: in the fridge next to his pasta art
Virgil: in dark corner filled with dust
Logan: neatly stored on a shelf in display cases
Patton: in a big group hug in a get along t-shirt
Remus: on the side walk outside, in the sun, where they rot and fester
Janus: in a vault behind a painting that remus stole for him (it has a permanentmarker moustache)
Thomas: what braincells? The sides have them all
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higgsbison · 2 years
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not to backseat game a god, but if *I* was the Daedric prince of Order cursed by my kin to live as the Daedric prince of Madness I would simply fuse to become a new, much cooler Daedric prince of Balance
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