#logyn child
sigyn-foxyposts · 9 months
"Smile brother!"
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I thought the twins needed some more attention!
So here the sillies are, don't let their cute faces and innocent behavior trick you~
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lokiinmediasideblog · 9 months
Book Review: "Black Wolf: The Binding of Loki" by Una Verdandi
I liked a lot of things about this book (4/5). I think it's a worthwhile read despite me disliking some decisions and aspects. I would only avoid if some of the topics are triggering or if some of the things I mention in the "Cons" list are deal-breakers for you. My main complaint is how LONG this book is. 900+ pages! I would not recommend to people who prefer softer depictions of Loki. He spirals into something akin to the Joker in this one, still a very compelling depiction regardless and I enjoyed it (I do like the Joker as a character).
Loki is not soft or silly in this book. He terrifies pretty much everyone (to the point where they don't taunt him much despite them disapproving of his lifestyle and choices, and I'd argue Thor gets taunted more over being unmanly over his beard being burnt off by Loki). What softness he had gets lost in the end. And he is impossible to humiliate because he just doesn't give a fuck about anything or how he's perceived. With the exception of Sleipnir ( it wasn't rape in this book, he spends a lot of time as an animal and wanted a child), the myths that made Loki seem like a silly fuck-up (such as the goat CBT) were omitted. He's an unnerving and unpredictable force in this re-telling.
Warnings: There's physical abuse, period-typical queerphobia, referenced miscarriages, child abuse, rape, domestic violence, lots of murder, referenced genocide, and questionable use of binding oaths. There's referenced/implied underage sexual activity, implied CSA. The morality is rather "period-typical."
It has probably the best Sigyn characterization I've ever encountered in a book. She feels realistic and complicated. She's pragmatic and very strong and independent, and also has a history of being an abuse victim, and she takes no shit. This is coming from the blog that constantly trashes a lot of her characterizations.
I also liked Sif's characterization, and the way her relationship with Loki is interpreted here is very interesting and ends up driving a lot of the plot. Frigg's characterization is also compelling. She did everything to prevent the death of her son. This book wrote women rather well and that's very unusual.
I liked how Loki's shapeshifter powers work here. He basically has to make himself again back from scratch (he can heal himself in that way), and this book also plays with body horror (looking at his transformations is very disturbing and it's painful for him). Loki is shown to have a very high pain tolerance for this reason.
I think this book's messy dynamics and portrayals are compelling and interesting. Odin manipulates his sons and destroys their relationships in doing so while trying to avoid the Prophecy of Ragnarok.
Loki was not boring. He's compelling despite being VERY awful. The Aesir killed off his people ( a clan of Jotnar that are referred to as "Nomads") and "adopted" him, thinking they would avoid the Prophecy of Ragnarok in doing so. He's very much aware of his history and rightfully resents the Aesir for it. He spends a lot of time in animal form, and this is something Jotnar are known to do and how most of his children came to be. Loki reads like a domesticated force of nature more than anything.
I liked the Cain and Abel dynamic established between Balder and Loki. And Balder being a dumb-ass indestructible child taunting Thor into hitting him by telling him that Loki was right about Thor "having fat tits" was hilarious and got me to read the damn long-ass book.
I liked the idea of the Gods navigating modern day post-apocalyptic Midgard trying to catch Loki, and criticizing the lack of housing casually (because Rules of Hospitality).
The Jotnar are portrayed in a sympathetic light rather than evil monsters that must be vanquished.
I liked the Logyn in this book a lot and was disappointed to see Loki evolve into a VERY abusive asshole to his wife and children. The one time I thought it plausible and found Logyn compelling this happened! Basically, Loki's marriage to Sigyn was arranged by Odin to avoid intrafamilial conflict. Sigyn gained Loki's respect with her wit and pragmatism. Loki gained Sigyn's with his parental love towards Sleipnir. They bonded over Sleipnir, and I thought that was beautiful. But in the end, it went to shit...
I know this will turn a lot of people away from this book, which is why I mention it here. I admit I would not mind as much it if I wasn't annoyed by the overall Jokerification of Loki commonly seen in media depictions. I was expecting Loki to be a very shitty husband like Thor was depicted here, but not to the extent of marital rape and physically abusive to Sigyn, Vali, and Narfi. After his downfall being caused by the loss of some of his children and establishing Loki as very parental and protective of his children earlier in the narrative, the way he treated his less unusual children due to a "spiral into madness" makes for a loss of payoff. And the one thing that really annoyed me is that they implied he raped underage Roskva because "he went mad". This is not in the myths. And IDK, the Jokerification thing bugs me. The Roskva thing felt like it was just for shock value rather than to establish more plot points (which is why I am a bit more forgiving of the "Loki is an abusive husband/father" thing in here since it has relevance to Vali's characterization).
Keep in mind the book is mostly from the POV of characters on the Aesir's side. They do reference Odin's myth-accurate rape of Rindr, but it's focused less than with Loki's retelling-only ones. There's not as much focus on the Aesir's actions of similar weight to Loki's cruel misdeeds. It's just mentioned Thor kills Jotnar women very casually, and a Jotnar in cahoots with Loki refers to putting an end to the constant "raping of Jotnar women" by the Aesir.
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
Love and Thunder - Chapter 4 Preview
TW: Child endangerment, child abuse
When the God Butcher forces Nari to use his magic against his will, the Bifrost does its best to comfort the young prince. Nari, reaching out into the Bifrost for the first time, taps into the all-knowing power it gives, and calls for help from someone unexpected.
New chapter up 3/22
Nari cried as the God Butcher pulled him towards a pedestal in front of a large pair of doors, sealed with the symbol of the Bifrost. He tried to walk the opposite way, tried to pull his wrist from the God Butcher’s hand, even tried lying down on the ground to get him to stop, but he was dragged along anyways.
Hofund had been placed in the pedestal and the God Butcher forced Nari’s hands onto the hilt. Nari didn’t want to hold on, but thorny vines sprung up around the sword and bound his hands to it. The thorns dug into his skin and drops of Jotun blood rolled down his arms.
“Let him go!” Axl yelled from the cage. He beat against the bars. “Let him go!”
“Don’t listen to him,” the God Butcher said quietly. “You can do this. It’s in your heart. It’s in your blood.”
Nari shook his head, tears running down his face.
“I can’t,” he said. “I can’t, I don’t wanna, I can’t, I…”
“You can,” the God Butcher said. “It’s inside of you, you just have to reach for it.”
Nari sniffed. The warm thing inside of his chest grew, surrounding him like one of his mother’s warmest, most comforting hugs. He felt power, too, deep and terrible, though he did not have the words to describe it as such. It coursed through his arms and into the sword. The iridescent light of the Bifrost shot out and hit the symbol on the door.
Nari felt something in his chest sink— this was wrong, his magic shouldn’t be used like this, not for what this man wanted him to do. He tried to let go, tried to stop it, but the vines only bound him more tightly. The light swirled around him, and he could hear the voices of the people who loved him, reaching out for him.
“We’re coming for you, Nari…”
“Hold on, little cousin, just a moment longer…”
“I should have protected you better, Nari, I’m so sorry…”
“Your mother is the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met, and she and your father love you so much…”
“Not much longer, highness…”
“I love you, Nari, please know that I love you…”
“I’ll be there soon, little one, just wait for me, I’m coming…”
“Where are you? I can’t find you.”
He didn’t recognize that last voice. It was definitely a woman, though, and she sounded so much like his mother. He did his best to focus in on that voice.
“Nari, is that you?”
“Help me!”
He didn’t even realize he could reach back until he was doing it.
“You’re not my Nari,” she said. “I don’t even know what universe you’re in.”
“It hurts,” he told her. “It’s dark. I want Mama!”
“I believe you,” the voice said. “Where are you? I can’t see you.”
“I don’t know,” he told her.
“I need you to describe it for me,” the voice said. “As best as you can. Can you tell me where you are?”
“It’s… big?” he told her. “And made of rock. There are these big doors, with the Bifrost drawing. I think he’s making me open them.”
She didn’t respond immediately, but he could feel that she didn’t like what he had told her.
“Please, help…” he said. “I want Mama.”
“I know,” she said. “I think I can let her know where you are. I need you to be brave, just a little longer. I love you so much, Nari. I miss you so much. Mother will come. She always does.”
The connection was gone, and Nari felt that he wasn’t crying as hard. That warm hug grew a little stronger.
He steadied himself as best he could, his little lungs breathing deeply. He reminded himself that he was Crown Prince of Asgard, he was a Lokisson, a Sigynsson.
He could be brave.
Mother was coming.
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Loki and Sigyn Headcanons/Notes Masterlist
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Logyn Fluff Headcanons
Sleeping Headcanons
Family and Affection Headcanons
How They Deal with Being Sick
Wedding Day
After Wedding Feast
Courtship Highlights
When They Realize They're in Love
If Tony Hit On Sigyn
NSFW Headcanons (18+)
Honeymoon Phase//Honeymoon Cont.
When They're Drunk
When They're Both Drunk
Loki and Sigyn's Second Wedding//Part 2
Why Loki Fell in Love With Sigyn
Why Sigy Fell in Love With Loki
Loki and Sigyn as Roommates
When Sigyn Falls Asleep on Loki's Shoulder
How They Comfort Each Other
Playing Uno
Logyn Angst Headcanons
Disagreement Headcanons
The Silent Treatment
Sigyn's Nightmare//Loki's Reaction
First Argument
Sigyn's Reaction to Loki's "Deaths"
Sigyn's Reaction to Seeing Loki's Jotun Form
When Loki Wakes from a Nightmare and Sigyn is Asleep
Sigyn's First Nights Alone Post Thor
Loki Fam Headcanons
Uncle Thor
Thor's Reaction to Finding Out He's an Uncle
What Loki and Sigyn are Like with Thor's Kids
Loki's Reaction to Becoming a Father//Post Endgame Reaction
Sigyn's Reaction to Being Pregnant
The Avengers as Babysitters
Narfi and Vali Headcanons
What Sigyn and Loki Like about Being Parents
How Loki Gets Along with His Kids
Loki and Sigyn Having a Baby Pre-Endgame vs. Post Endgame
What If Loki and Sigyn Had Vali and Narfi Before the Events of Thor
Do you think knowing that he is a Frost Giant would change Loki’s attitude to having kids?
Which Parent Do Vali and Narfi Take After
What Vali and Narfi Love About Their Parents
When Vali and Narfi Are Sick
Vali and Narfi's Reaction to Hearing About Their Parent's Courtship
How Do the Avengers React to Sigyn
Thor's Relationship with Sigyn
Sigyn's Thoughts on Jane
Sif and the Warrior's 3 Relationship with Sigyn
Bruce Banner and Sigyn's Friendship
Wong and Sigyn's Friendship
Sylvie and Sigyn's Relationship
Natasha and Sigyn's Relationship
Sigyn's Thoughts on Odin
Frigga and Sigyn's Relationship
Hela and Sigyn's Relationship
AUs/What Ifs...
Historical + Hospital AU
Pregnancy AU
A Random Collections of AUs
Pirates AU
What If...Sigyn Died Instead of Frigga
A What If...? Plot Bunny
What If...Thor Was an Only Child? Sigyn Cut
What If...Sigyn and Loki Ran Off Together Post Dark World
Bootlegger Loki
What If...Sigyn Joined the Avengers
Loki Show Notes
How I Would Incorporate Sigyn into the Loki Series: Episode One
Episode 2
Episode 3//Additional Notes
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Sigyn's TVA Trial
TVA's Thoughts on Sigyn
Classic!Sigyn Headcanons
Gender flipped Sigyn and Sylvie
President Loki and Conqueror Sigyn Headcanons
Movie Notes
Thor Notes
Thor: The Dark World - Sigyn Comforts Loki
Rough Thor: Ragnarok Notes//Sigyn Saying Goodbye
Avengers: Infinity War - Outline
Loki's Reaction to Sigyn Disappearing During the Snap
Loki Post Snap
Loki's Lowest Point
Loki on the Time Heist
Avengers: Endgame - Loki's Introduction
How Loki Would Deal with The Snap if He was a Father
Random Notes
Loose Notes on Sigyn
Logyn Dialogue Dump
Logyn WandaVision
Theoric Faceclaim
Loki Series Playlist
Loki Fam Tag
Incorrect Logyn Quotes Tag
Fic Masterlist
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fidelitygoddess · 11 months
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This is a list of interactions/dynamics my muses are looking for. I am NOT ship focused. I prefer to write for CHEMISTRY, but there are SOME SHIPS I do like and will, usually, consistently say YES to writing. Open to any and all ships as long as chemistry is there. If you’re interested in exploring one in particular, please let me know. Otherwise it will be platonic.
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Logyn (Sigyn & Loki -- obviously, it's the main OTP here)
Sigyn with any OC (as long as it is discussed and there is chemistry)
Sigyn with any Norse Myth character (as long as it is discussed and there is chemistry)
Sigyn with any Marvel character (as long as it is discussed and there is chemistry)
Logyn (Sigyn & Loki) -- Norse Myth and Marvel
Sigyn & Stephen Strange -- Marvel
Sigyn & Angrboda -- Norse Myth/and Marvel
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Loki (Norse Myth, Marvel, etc.)
Thor (Norse Myth, Marvel, etc.)
Odin (Norse Myth, Marvel, etc.)
Frigga (Norse Myth, Marvel, etc.)
Lady Sif (Norse Myth, Marvel, etc.)
Warrior's Three (Marvel)
Jane Foster (Marvel)
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Mobius M. Mobius (Marvel)
Any Avengers or other Marvel Characters
Angrboda (Norse Myth, Marvel, etc.)
Fenrir, Jormungandr, Hel & Sleipnir (Norse Myth, Marvel, etc.)
Vali & Narfi
Any other Norse Mythology characters
Any OCs, especially if they are Sigyn (or Loki's) child
Any other Sigyn variants
Any other Loki variants
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dailylogyn · 2 years
I'd love to see a Logyn edit with a Zawe Ashton Sigyn. How cute would it be for Loki's wife to be played but his actual wife?
Your request has been granted!
I think I have a prediction of what Season 2 of Loki could hold...if only the writers were willing to do it:
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But honestly, I had no idea Tom was engaged! WAHHH, I’m so happy for them. I’m happy they are happy. And they are even expecting a child together. <3 So cute!
Cheers to the happy couple!
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sigynoffidelity · 3 years
Idea from a
@nanigram(look at her art!)
Thought I write the idea for those who don't know her incredible logyn stuff
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In this AU, Sigyn is the king of Vanaheim(yes they give the one who rules the title king) and she just conquered her title so Asgard searches for an alliance with her kingdom, since she also is a very good ruler and Odin asks her for her price for thiy alliance and Sigyn names Loki, who's just came back from his fell from the bifrost and is chained down and deemed to live his life in prison, but she wants him as his consort.
Since he have no other choice, he follows her but feels also like a prisoner in vanaheim, since a male consort isn't a common thing and he feels just like an object again, but he isn't aware that Sigyn is in love with him since she saw him as a child and tries to help him heal from his wounds from Thanos.
Shoot me a message if you're up to, I'm really interested of trying this idea.
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Among Us part 2
Circus Baby/Liz: You cannot affect the game to make yourself an imposter, Jesse
Withered Freddy/Jesse: I'm trying to prove a point... If this works I will be the smartest guy in gaming
Toy Freddy/Teddy: Who's watching Game Theory?
Will: Can I go back to torture?
Golden Freddy/Cassidy: Shut the fuck up, dumb whore
Withered Golden Freddy/Michael: That's not very nice
CC: I don't want to exist.
Withered Golden Freddy/Michael: We have a new player. His name is Lally.
CC: Hi, Lally.
Cassidy: Hello Lally.
Lally: Hello!
Circus Baby/Liz: Aww, he sounds so cute!! I love him!!
RXQ/August: Can we start the game?
Shadow Freddy/Joel:...... Liz is in charge of the game.
CC: Mike isn't back in yet. He had to change his username.
Will: Lovely. When Michael is back in, are we starting, or do I have time to use the loo?
Cassidy: What did he just ask?
Circus Baby/Liz: Go use the loo, Daddy. I have to wait for color changes anyway.
Lally: How does this game work?
Withered Golden Freddy/Michael: It's like Clue, but we have to complete randomized tasks as well.
Lally:..... That sounds fun... I prefer hide and seek.
Puppet/Charlie: I'm just spectating from Cassidy's screen.
Helpy/Sammy: I want pink, pls
Circus Baby/Liz: You don't have to type it in the game's chat. We use discord so we can hear each other.
Lefty/Lex: Why can't I have red? It's my favorite.
CC: That's reserved for Mike...
Lefty/Lex: He can have gray
CC: You can have grey
Golden Freddy/Cassidy: If you use purple, you a moron
Will:... We both use purple. Joel Rodriguez uses purple. His twin uses purple. Elizabeth has used purple.
Golden Freddy/Cassidy: I said what I said.
Bonnie/Jeremy: Fritz says he has bad luck and will get imposter again.
Chica/Susie: Fritz is just being a baby
Freddy/Gabriel: Can you guys be quieter on the headphones?
Foxy/Fritz: Yeah, sure, hang on.... AAAAAAH!!
Lefty/Lex: If you do that again, I will kill you in your sleep.
Yenndo/Malachi: Sorry, I'm late.
Lolbit/Logyn:.... He sounds like Corpse Husband.
Lefty/Lex: Very relaxing, you should sing
Bonnie/Jeremy: Or read bedtime stories
Spring Bonnie/Haru: Or narrate pornos
Puppet/Charlie: There are children here!
Golden Freddy/Cassidy: What's a...
Freddy/Gabriel: You don't wanna know.
Circus Baby/Liz: Mike, how long does it take?
Circus Baby/Liz: Mike, your sound isn't coming through.
Puppet/Charlie: I'll go check.
Freddy/Gabriel: Malachi, please indulge them in at least one of the suggested things.
Yenndo/Malachi: K... ~You made a mistake~
Circus Baby/Liz: Is he on yet?
Puppet/Charlie: No... Sound's not working
Yenndo/Malachi: ~On the day that you met me and lost your way~
Will: I'm unfortunately back. What's happening?
Yenndo/Malachi: ~You saw all the signs~
Lolbit/Logyn: His voice...
Bonnie/Jeremy: So relaxing
Spring Bonnie/Haru: I get you're keeping it PG for the children but you can admit his voice is sexy
Yenndo/Malachi:... But you let it go, you closed your eyes
Bonnie/Jeremy: I don't... Uhm... It's not..... Uuuuh
Foxy/Fritz: His voice isn't sexy! He sounds sleepy and done with our shit!
Spring Bonnie/Haru: You are a child. You don't know what sexy means.
Lolbit/Logyn: I will not admit to any sort of attraction to anyone here
Yenndo/Malachi: *sighs* ~I should've told you to leave~
Mike: Is my Mic working now?
Circus Baby/Liz: Yep! Thanks Charlie!
Puppet/Charlie: I like the singing.
Mike: What singing?
Yenndo/Malachi: ~Cause I knew all the time you couldn't handle me~
Freddy/Gabriel: Are we starting?
Toy Freddy/Teddy: I just finished an entire round of GTFO, why did it take so long?
Mike: My microphone wouldn't work and I could barely hear you guys
Yenndo/Malachi: ~But you're hard to resist~
Will: May Mr. Voznesensky have the red skin? He's annoyed that you have dibs on it, Michael
Mike: Huh? Oh, you can have red. I don't mind.
Yenndo/Malachi: ~When you're on your knees, begging me~
Lefty/Lex: Yes! I am now blood personified!
Chica/Susie: I thought you said you weren't a person?
Lefty/Lex: My character is a person.
Yenndo/Malachi: ~I'll tear you down, I'll make you bleed, internally~
Chica/Susie: Doesn't make sense but okay
Bonnie/Jeremy: Liz, did you mean to click start?
Circus Baby/Liz: Yep! There are supposed to be only 3 impostors, okay? Do not give it away. We won't find out who the impostors are until the end of the game.
Yenndo/Malachi: ~Can't help myself, from hurting you when it's hurting me~
Freddy/Gabriel: Jesse will likely take a screenshot if he ends up as the imposter and send it to me after the game
Withered Freddy/Jesse: I am trying to prove a point. I set it up perfectly and everything
Golden Freddy/Cassidy: Aww... I wanted to be imposter.
Foxy/Fritz: I thought we weren't supposed to give it away?
Will: It could be a diversion tactic
Circus Baby/Liz: Word of the day! Diversion
Mike: It's like leading someone away from the truth by sharing info that seems accurate but is the opposite of the truth
Golden Freddy/Cassidy: Cool
Yenndo/Malachi: ~I don't have wings, so flying with me won't be easy!~
Foxy/Fritz: What the fuck is he singing?
Lolbit/Logyn: Shh, it sounds nice
Malachi: 🎶Cause I'm not an angel, I'm not an angel!🎶
Mike: That was awesome... I am in awe
Circus Baby/Liz: Y'all are so silly. Aw sh-ooooot. Shoot. The lights are out.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 5 months
"🍂GullFal, the horse child of Loki & Sigyn🍁"
I'll never get enough of adding in more children into Loki's family huh? XD
So the story behind this child is that I remembered this funny comic I saw of ✨them ✨and it results in what I'm PRETTY SURE- Is another horse baby!!
So I decided to humanize whatever this creature was for fun, I don't know what to do with her as I purely made her for the fun of it!! :3
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Original comic! Credits to the artist!
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worstloki · 4 years
OKAY BUT LISTEN TO ME I HAVE THE BEST FANFIC IDEA EVER: Pre-Thor 1 Fantasy college AU where Loki attends the biggest/best university in Vanaheim/Alfheim to double major in spatial/dimensional manipulation (world-walking stuff) and cosmology plus minor in theatrics and Sigyn is a healing and dragon-zoology double major. Slow-burn Logyn + as many dragons as possible
“I am Loki, Thespian Supreme, Chronic Abuser of the Student Council Disciplinary Code, Sonnet-reciter, Saga-quoting nerd, the rightful DM of the D&D club and professional eyelinerist, mother of dragons, specifically of those four over there that i’ve adopted, and I insincerely pledge to you, the local master of healing and child day-care, my undying fidelity, if you would please take care of my precious dragon children”
“Loki you should’ve majored in drama instead of spatial manipulation you useless drama queen” 
“aww what’s that sigyn? you’re jealous of my minor in drama? have fun watching my fire-breathing menaces while i go off and recite Shakespeare!!”
“we’ll see how you recite shakespeare when the zoology student ‘accidentally’ trains the dragon cast to attack the lead character instead of whatever else they’re meant to do”
“I fear asking what they would do if they were meant to attack me in the fantasy hamlet production...”
“Lets just say you’re going to be spending a lot more time visiting my healing classes because you won’t be able to say no without a swarm of reptiles unleashing their inner fire on you”
“I already pop into your healing lessons because the only inner flame that burns me is my love for you, master Sigyn”
“flattery will do you plenty of good and you will not like where it takes you when the destination ends up being a rogue dragon den.”
“you’re right I would hate to get my costume singed”
“aren’t you getting late for class?”
“I would get this costume which took me hours to make singed for you and only slightly hate it, and you think i wouldnt be late to class for a conversation with my beloved? you wound me, truly,”
“drama queen”
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
Your Logyn WandaVision AU is so good! We need more! <3
Sure, if you'd like! Here's what happens immediately after Loki reveals himself as the God of Evil.
Thank you for the ask!
“Loki, you’re not evil,” Sigyn said.
Evil Loki grinned.
“Oh, you have no idea who I am, do you?” he asked, approaching her.
She backed up against the barrier, Loki’s screams in the distance. Evil Loki gently caressed her cheek.
“You look exactly the same as the day we married,” he said.
“And how long ago was that for you?” she asked.
“Many, many years,” he said.
He adjusted the fanned helm and gently kissed her forehead.
“You are the only thing in the Nine Realms that I truly love,” he whispered. “And I can’t tell you how it feels to have you back in my arms.”
“I’m not…” She shook her head. “I’m not her.”
What little light that was in his face faded.
“No,” he said. “But I can fix that.”
He stepped back and his hands glowed green. Magic poured over him and he was young again.
“I did everything I could to make you my wife, and you still turned me away,” he said. “So I did the only thing I could— I changed. I solved the Theoric problem, I can replace another Loki far easier.”
“Theoric?” she said.
“No, no, Theoric and I parted amicably,” Sigyn said. “I… wait…”
Loki shook his head. “He’s an idiot.”
“That seems to be Father’s assessment of the situation,” Sigyn said. “I haven’t stopped loving him yet. It’s too soon.”
“I can’t see how anyone could do it,” Loki said. “If I wanted to marry you, I doubt even the Norns themselves could stop me.”
“I almost… twice…” Sigyn said. “No, that never happened, that never…”
“Please,” Loki said. “Don’t do this.”
She shook her head, walking away.
“Do not marry that man,” Loki continued. “I don’t care what he says, he does not love you. He cannot love you.”
“This isn’t about love,” Sigyn said. “That’s what I said.”
“Everything all right, my love?” Evil Loki asked.
“What’s happening to me?” Sigyn asked. “I don’t remember… how did we get here? Who did this to us?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Evil Loki asked. “We did.”
Evil Loki’s magic burst out and Sigyn was knocked over by the blast. The barrier was pushed further, and Sigyn got to her knees, looking up at Evil Loki. Her clothes, which had looked plastic and mostly fake turned into real gold and silk. His magic poured back into the town, and she gasped as she saw Asgard reformed in front of her eyes. Evil Loki’s glamor shuddered and snapped away, leaving the old man as he rebuilt the home they had both lost. A final push of magic and the golden towers rose before them. Sigyn rose to her feet, backing away. Evil Loki turned towards her.
“Come, my love,” he said. “Our kingdom awaits.”
She shook her head.
“No,” she said. “No, this isn’t right. This isn’t real.”
His gaze turned cold. He snapped. A chain bound his wrist to hers and he used it to pull her towards him. She stumbled and he caught her.
“Odin used this once as a punishment for my… misdeeds,” he said. “I thought it torture, being chained to the woman that everyone saw as this paragon of virtue. I was unable to make my plans with every moment being watched by you. But now… now I think it fitting for you to watch as I take what is rightfully mine.”
“Loki, please,” she said. “You don’t have to do this.”
“You asked for this,” he said. “You asked me to come back. I returned. You asked for a home. I have raised you one. You asked for a child. I gave you two.”
“Six,” she muttered. “Where are the other four? What happened to your children, Loki? What happened to your brother?”
Evil Loki blinked.
“Wie?” he breathed. “Welchen Handel hätt' ich geschlossen? Wohl was mit den Riesen dort im Rahte du dang'st? In Tiefen und Höhen treibt mich mein Hang; Haus und Herd behagt mir nicht.”
“This is more than just us,” she said. “Something happened to you, Loki. Why else would you be here? Why else would you be like this?”
Evil Loki sneered and shoved her away.
“Silence, woman,” he said. “You will not deny me my victory.”
He walked towards the newly made palace, dragging her along by the chain as she struggled to break free.
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I was thinking about this earlier today and wanted to share it. In the magnus chase books even though rick goes with portraying Loki as a sociopath and Sigyn as the abused but still defiant wife, we do get something of a proxy logyn relationship through Magnus and Alex. One is the playful ever changing person who refuses to compromise who they are for anyone. And the other is a super salty sunshine child who holds off ragnarok through love, loyalty, and consistency.
Couldn’t have said this better myself! You know, when it’s put out like this, I sort of understand why Rick did that with Sigyn and Loki. That contrast was necessary for the narrative he was trying to build, with Loki as a villain and Alex representing what he could’ve been had he gone down a better road, and Fierrochase representing the “good version” of the relationship between him and Sigyn. Although, I still think that Sigyn, specifically, could have been portrayed much differently and this same narrative could have still worked. She could have been more similar to Loki, there could’ve been two morally grey villains who actually show feelings for each other instead of one completely corrupt villain and his innocent, martyred wife who he berates and ignores.
That “parallel” with Magnus is also kinda one of the things that contribute to my vision of Sigyn as a Vanir/Daughter of Freyja tbh. 
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time keeps passing by (and i hold you close to me)
Happy holidays @confusedhost ! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy it Logyn!
Pairings: Romantic Loceit
Word count: 4075
Warnings: Self-worth issues
beta-read by the amazing @thetomorrowshow , thanks mas!
Logic sighed, looking up from a piece of Thomas's homework to see nine-year-old Anxiety running into the room. He carefully set the paper down and turned so he could make eye contact with the other boy.
“What's wrong?” he asked calmly. Anxiety frowned at him, but he did answer (in a rather round-about way and at a breakneck pace, yes, but he did answer).
“Deceit was arguing with Morality because Thomas said he'd done his homework but, you know, he didn't, because you're doing it, and I said that Morality was right, 'cause he was– ” Anxiety paused for a breath– “But Deceit didn't think so and he said that it was his job and I said 'Well it's a stupid job' and now Morality doesn't know who's right even though I am and Deceit's upset.” Anxiety took another deep breath, and Logic waited a moment to make sure he was finished.
“Okay, I will deal with it,” Logic said evenly as he stood up. He was one of the oldest sides at 13, with Morality being just a little younger than him (Deceit, the one in question, was 11), so he was often the designated peace-keeper. Anxiety looked sullen and a little worried, but he nodded and watched Logan as he walked away.
After succeeding in getting Morality to leave the room, though the other side also looked worried – honestly, more distraught than worried –, Logic carefully made his way over to Deceit, who was curled up on the floor, rocking slightly.
“Deceit?” Logic asked tentatively. Deceit said something muffled, his arms folded across his knees in front of his face, but Logic took it as a sign that he could continue. He crouched down, studying the younger side for a few moments.
“What happened?” he asked softly. Of course, Anxiety had told him what happened, but he wanted to hear Deceit's side of the story- taking from one source of information was no way to make a proper conclusion. Deceit took a shuddering breath, and when he looked up at Logic his eyes were brimming with tears. Logic's heart would've broken at the sight if he had one (which he didn't – that was clearly Morality's job).
“Deceit?” Logic nudged. The boy across from him flinched at the name. Logic hesitated for a moment.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly. “You seem– ”
Before he could finish his sentence, the younger boy launched himself at Logic, wrapping his arms around the older Side's waist. Caught off guard, Logic froze. What was he supposed to do? Comfort. That's what Morality always did.
Slowly, Logic wrapped his arms around Deceit, who relaxed a little and shoved his head further into Logic's chest. They sat there for a few minutes before Logic followed his lead and began to relax, but once he did, it was rather nice. Morality thought it was adorable (which it wasn't, might Logic add) when he found them curled up together, asleep, a few hours later, but Anxiety and the both Creativity's gave them weird looks. Then again, since when did he care what the others thought?
Thomas had been asked out on a date. By a girl. And he said yes. To a girl.
All the Sides were doing something in response to this. Morality felt bad about faking interest in said girl, Anxiety was generally being anxious, and the Creativity's were frantically trying to figure out a way to escape the date with a shred of dignity left.
Logic and Deceit were commiserating on the couch, Deceit because it was an awful lie (and because they were all gay), Logic because it was an awful decision altogether (and because, as previously stated, they were all gay).
“He could have said he had to study for his SAT!” Deceit was saying. “But no, he haaaaaad to pretend he was into her.” Logic hid a smile as Deceit crossed his arms, looking like an irate child.
“While there is usually a better option than lying, in this situation a good lie would have benefited us,” he agreed. Then he added, “Additionally, Thomas really does need to study for the SAT.” Deceit laughed at that, and Logic had to hide another smile. It was surprising how easily he and Deceit could spend time in each other's company. And, evidence by the fact that he rarely smiled so much in the company of the other Sides, enjoy that time together. Well, Logic hoped that Deceit felt the same, anyway. Because here they were, talking and smiling in a small bubble of peace while everyone panicked around them. The world could be on fire, and Logic couldn't care less; as long as he was still sitting here, smiling and talking, with Deceit.
Lojandro had a problem.
(No, that wasn't right. Was that even a name?)
Every Side was trying to figure out what their name was. Logic was sure his was something with an L, but being unable to discover his name wasn't the issue. It was the fact that his best friend, D, didn't want a name. It was worrying, how much D seemed to detest himself. Lane (no) tried to convince him otherwise, but feelings were not his forte. Every time the other Sides were dismissive (the were rarely outright rude) of D, he did try to defend his friend, but that was all he knew how to do.
To add to his troubles, Logic had realized he had a crush on his best friend.
(Laken? Probably not)
But the worst thing about it is that after a short time of surprise, it wasn't all that surprising. He had been friends with D since he was 13, perhaps even younger- for 7 years now. And he hadn't even noticed. Everything made so much more sense with this in mind. But now, he had absolutely no idea if D liked him back. He was inclined to answer negatively, but he knew that sensibly there was a 50/50 chance. The best option would be to simply ask the other man. However, given the way D was feeling currently, that was a horrible idea, possibly the worst Lund (not a name again, is it?) had ever come up with.
His thoughts were interrupted as D entered the room. Flopping down on the logical Side's bed, D let out a melodramatic sigh. He almost sounded like Crea- Roman, and Logan snorted quietly at the thought. D, acting like Roman. There was no way he could've escaped laughing. D lifted his head to look at the older man, who was sitting at his desk.
“What?” he asked, a hint of a smile in his voice. Link (no, that wasn't it either) smiled to himself, but it was certainly not a thought that should be 'outside his head', as Morality put it.
“It's nothing.”
Turning to look at the Side currently appropriating his blankets, Logic saw a face of disbelief and rolled his eyes.
“Truly. It's not important, D.”
D smiled a little at the nickname. He had told Logic a few weeks ago that he disliked being called by his function, and, horrified that he had been making him uncomfortable (though he had only an inkling as to why), Lindsay Lohan (why? No) had immediately agreed to call him D. It was just a bonus that it made the younger Side smile. After a few moments, Logic realized that D was giving him a quizzical look.
“What?” he asked, not the least bit anxious. Obviously. That clearly was Anxiety's job. It was even in his name. D laughed.
“You were staring, that's all,” D answered. “Were you zoning out?” Logic frowned. He had been staring? That wasn't good.
“Ah- yes. Simply trying to think through a problem” Technically true.
Deceit humphed.
“Do it later. I'm tired and cold, come give me your warmth.”
Logic rolled his eyes again, saying something along the lines of “I'm not that warm”, but he didn't truly mind. He could forget about his troubles for a little while. When he stood up D slow-clapped.
“Impressive. I've never seen someone get up so willingly,” the other Side drawled. Resisting the urge to once again roll his eyes, Logic shoved D over with one hand while he pulled off his shoes with the other. D squawked.
“Hush, move over farther.”
Grumbling a little, but clearly trying not to smile, D shuffled over a little farther, immediately wrapping his arms around Logic as soon as the older Side climbed onto the bed. Logic pulled up one of the now-rumpled blankets to cover them both, and once they were settled, D lay his head on Logic's chest.
After a few hours of occasional talking and cuddling, D was asleep, head still resting on Logic's chest. But- Well, Logic had seen D quite irritable, upset, and sluggish recently. His being happy, and getting some clearly much-needed sleep, was something he could forsake a little work for. It was a basic calculation.
And after all, he was Logic.
(Lapdog? Well, in a way, but that still wasn't a name.)
“D,” Logan said quietly. The man half asleep next to him grumbled. “D,” Logan said again, a little louder. D sighed a little and mumbled something. Logan smiled softly, then it grew a little as he remembered his name. It took him a few months, but he'd found it. He knew D had as well, but he wouldn't tell him what it was the first few times, so Logan stopped asking. But there was one more thing that he couldn't put off asking anymore.
“Are you listening to me?” he asked. D rolled over to face him as his eyes also rolled.
“No, obviously not,” the other side said dryly. Logan smiled again, but it quickly fell. D's eyebrows pinched together slightly, but he didn't comment on it. His gaze did flick to Logan's hands, however, and it was obvious that he saw the quickly aborted fiddling. Before his best friend (ha) could catalog his body language anymore, Logan took a deep breath and began.
“I don't quite know how to say this, but I no longer want to keep it a secret. It is fine if–” you're only prolonging the inevitable. Just move on to the main paragraph. Logan finished his sentence in a rush. “If you're uncomfortable, please just tell me. Now. . . I will simply come out and say it. I realized some time ago that I had romantic feelings for you.” Logan sped up slightly when he saw D tense, and couldn't seem to keep a steady space, getting faster and faster throughout.
“But we've been friends for nine years, so I didn't feel as if it were something I should mention to you, in case you didn't feel the same way and it ruined our friendship–” why aren't you following the script– “And it took an exceedingly long while to figure out in the first place, so I continued to hold out hope it was untrue, but here we are, so,” Logan took another deep breath and threw the already in shreds script out the metaphorical window.
“I see you smile, and I feel as if I will burst. I hear you laugh, and it lights up the room, but no one else seems to see it. And you come in and throw yourself onto my bed, but I can't find it in me to be angry at you, because you're D, you're my best friend, you're more than that to me, and I've kept it to myself for so long I didn't think I could survive any longer. Which is absurd, but–”
He was cut off when D lurched forward a little, surprising him, but not near as surprising as when he stared directly into Logan's eyes. As if he were asking something. The logical Side stared at him for a moment before it dawned on him.
No, that couldn't be possible. Besides, he had no idea if D was truly asking him for permission to- well, to kiss him. But somehow, he found himself nodding, and D closed the rest of the distance between them.
It was a short kiss, but it tingled on Logan's lips a little. He just lay there, stunned. And, as apparently his entire body was out of control today, he spoke.
“I love you,” Logan said.
D stared at him for a moment, his mouth open. He opened and closed it a few times, as if he were trying to say something. Logan panicked. Just a little.
“I didn't mean– Well, I very much did, but that's besides the point, it was an accident–”
“I love you too,” D said, voice slightly raspy, but at least he'd finally said something. Wait. He had said it back to him.
“Oh,” Logan said lamely.
D flopped back onto his back, then almost immediately, as if he had changed his mind, flipped onto his stomach and pressed his face into a pillow. He said something quietly, which Logan didn't understand, and, still quiet and a mix of numbness and bliss, asked him to repeat.
“You're a dork.”
Logan could hear D's slightly hysterical laugh at that, but his – boyfriend? What were they now? – D's body did relax a little, so at least his joke helped.
Logan laughed in reply and hesitantly pressed closer to D, who lifted one of his arms and put it around the older Side. Gradually, they both began to relax.
They were definitely going to have to talk about this.
“Roman, please-”
“I can fight my own battles, Logan, but please, keep talking!”
“See? A villain!”
“D is not–”
“Yeah, he sort of is.”
“As if you're any better!”
“Guys, please–”
Logan groaned as the arguing got louder and louder. They had simply been trying to help Thomas decide if he should go to see several rather unpleasant members of extended family. But when D had suggested lying to avoid having to go, Roman had broken. It seemed he had been stewing for quite some time, since D convinced Thomas to stay home from an audition because of how over-worked he was. And here Logan was, 27 years old, trying to deescalate the argument just like when they were children.
Logan looked to his side to appeal to D since Roman clearly wasn't backing down, but D was no longer there. He stared at the spot where his boyfriend had been mere moments ago. How had no one else noticed that one of the main subjects of the argument had left? Quickly, Logan looked around. Luckily, no one else had sunken out, or was in the process of sinking out; Patton was still looking distressed and trying to talk Roman down by the blinds, Roman was now yelling at Anxiety from his place in front of the television, and Anxiety was gesturing to Logan himself. Remus had not shown his face yet.
“- and Logan!” Anxiety finished triumphantly. Logan had no idea what he had been saying, but he nodded vaguely as Roman gasped – he didn't like it when one of the “Dark Sides” used their names. Thinking about it, it was a surprise he hadn't reacted much when D had called Logan by his name a minute ago, but he must not have noticed. Shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts, Logan mumbled some generic excuse that he probably wouldn't even remember later and sunk out.
When he rose up in D's room, at first he didn't see anything. But after searching the room for a few moments with his eyes, they landed on D, curled up in the corner with his back to Logan.
“D?” Logan asked hesitantly. There was a flash in his mind – ah, a near-forgotten memory. It was of D, curled up on the floor in a similar manner as to what he was doing now. He looked about 10 years old, so that must have been when they first started to become friends. Perhaps it is a comfort position, Logan mused as he walked over to his boyfriend.
As soon as he sat down next to D, the other man wrapped his arms around Logan. Almost immediately, Logan embraced him in return. They sat there for a few minutes, silent, until Logan felt the tiniest hitch of D's shoulders.
Instantly, he let go and pushed D gently back until he could make eye contact with him. It was clear D was trying to contain the tears leaking out of his eyes, but it seemed he couldn't quite manage it. D tried to subtly wipe a few tears away, but it was useless, seeing as Logan already knew they were there. Logan didn't know what to do. There was no convincing the other Sides of D's importance – he had been trying for years. But he couldn't stand seeing his boyfriend like this, not again.
“D, ignore them,” Logan said quietly, but firmly. “They do not at all understand your worth.”
“No, D,” Logan said. He grabbed D's hands, trying to make him see how important this was, but not startle him.
“You are amazing, not to mention necessary. And besides that, you are my entire world. If the others cannot respect even that, then we do not need them.”
D stared at him for a moment, and Logan realized what he'd just said. He flushed slightly, but didn't say anything else. It was silent for a few moments, before D spoke.
“My name is Janus.”
It seemed Logan was simply running slow today, because it once again took him a moment to comprehend what the other Side had said. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to find his voice.
“You. . . D–” he hurriedly corrected himself. “Janus, why? You never said anything, I thought you must have been uncomfortable, or. . . .”
Janus smiled wanly.
“Or never found it?”
Logan nodded hesitantly. It was reasonable to assume. After all, as often as they could, he and Janus told each other everything. But now it seemed almost cruel to have even thought so. Janus's smile remained in place, but it was slowly getting less wan.
“Of course I found it. I just. . . didn't want to say anything. To be judged. And to hold one last secret,” he added with a little laugh. Logan squeezed his hands slightly.
“I said you are my entire world, Janus,” Logan stated. “That includes all of you.”
Janus's face crumpled, and Logan nearly had a heart attack, but Janus was still smiling – sort of.
“Great, thanks for setting off the tears again,” laughed Janus. Well, laugh-cried. Logan gave a little laugh as well.
“You are welcome,” he said. “But I have no sympathy. And I would not appreciate any tears on me.” Janus began to laugh even harder at that. But jokes aside, nothing could bother Logan right now. Not even the salt he could taste from Janus's tears when Logan leaned in to kiss him.
Logan looked at Janus, who was standing beside him looking nervous, and squeezed his hand. Janus squeezed back, smiling nervously at him. They only had a few more seconds to wait, as the other Sides were about to arrive.
Almost as if the thought had called them, Roman and Anxiety- Virgil, now, rose up and took seats at the table. Before they could even glare at each other, Patton rose in between them, smiling at everyone before taking his own seat. After a few moments, Remus rose up and pulled himself onto the counter. Logan stared hard at him, but Remus just grinned at him, so he let it go.
Janus looked at him, and he gave him a barely perceptible nod. You have this, dear. And with a deep breath, Janus followed the plan, which was to get this over as quickly as possible.
“My name is Janus.”
Everyone startled, and it looked like Roman was barely containing a laugh. Logan was too busy trying to communicate with his boyfriend through his eyes, even though Janus wasn't looking at him, to glare at the creative Side, but he did take a mental note of it. Patton was still smiling, if a little confused-looking, Anxiety looked sullen (then again, he always did, and he didn't care for Janus). For once, Remus's smile seemed genuine – that was good. After all, he was the closest to Janus, after Logan. Janus barely seemed to be registering their reactions, though, and he plowed on.
“I am aware that you all don't trust me very much. And, I can't blame you for that.” Logan turned his head sharply to look at Janus, who cringed slightly as if he knew Logan didn't approve of the self-deprecation.
“But I am going to assert my worth. If this is enough to trust me even slightly, then it's worth it.  However, Thomas needs me, and therefore, you need me.” Janus took another breath. “But Logan and I do not need to put up with any negativity from you. So this is your chance.”
All the occupants in the room continued staring at Janus in silence for a moment, before Virgil shrieked at Remus's sudden launch off of the counter-top and at Janus. Janus stumbled before falling onto the ground under Remus, who hugged him. Janus seemed surprised, but Logan was busy mentally clearing and grievance notes he had under Remus's name.
After a few more moments, Patton stood up and went to join them on the floor. Logan immediately dropped as well, and Patton started laughing as they shifted awkwardly to fit everyone in. At some point, though Logan didn't know when, Virgil and Roman had joined them. And for what seemed like hours, they merely lay there, in new-found peace and companionship.
To be honest, this was much better than either Logan or Janus had imagined this going.
“You know,” Janus said conversationally. “Today is our 10th anniversary.”
Logan looked from his book to the man snuggled up to his side.
“And our 1st for being married,” his husband continued. Glancing at the calendar on the wall, Logan saw he was right.
“How did I miss that?” he mumbled, to which Janus hummed, but was obviously trying not to laugh. He had been waiting years to remember something Logan couldn't. And when he finally did, it was possible the most important thing Logan could have forgotten.
“I'm sorry, dear. Forgive me?” Logan asked. Janus rolled his eyes.
“I don't truly care,” the other Side said dryly. “But I accept your apology, and you are forgiven.” Sighing contentedly, he shifted closer to Logan, who automatically wrapped his arms around him, lost in thought.
Half an hour or so later, and they were still in the same position, but Logan was drawn out of his thoughts by the tug of a summons in the back of his mind. Standing up with a small groan, he sunk out, quickly followed by Janus, and they appeared a few seconds later in Thomas's living room right next to each other.
Thomas took a moment to welcome them, then continued with whatever crisis he was having. Logan was only half-listening, still thinking.
He had been friends with Janus for nearly 20 years, in a romantic relationship with him for 10 years, and married to him for 1. The time had flown by, but here he was. He never thought he would even be true friends with the other Sides, let alone get them to accept Janus, but here they were, solving Thomas's problems right along with the others. Patton by the blinds, Remus and Roman by the television, Virgil lounging on the stairs, and Logan and Janus standing by those same stairs. Any major problems they had with each other in the past were past. For now, all was at peace.
Logan turned at the exact same moment as Janus, and they smiled at each other. Without breaking eye contact, they intertwined their hands, and then turned back to the discussion, still smiling. The others shot them strange looks or confused smiles, before glancing away and continuing to talk. Logan supposed it was slightly odd just to stand there with their hands clasped.
Then again, since when did they care what the others thought?
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What If...Thor Was An Only Child?: Sigyn Cut
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Consider this a re-evaluation of this post because I have been thinking about this What If...? for several days now.
First things first, Sigyn is 100% single at the start of the episode
She was engaged to Theoric back in the day, which is what got her introduced to the Asgardian court
She made a great first impression of Frigga, prompting Frigga to help get out of her engagement since she knew Theoric wasn't the man to make her happy in the long run
Frigga is able to smooth things over between their families allowing Theoric and Sigyn to part ways as friends
Sigyn stays in the court and Frigga takes her own as an apprentice, educating her in magic and over all treating her like the daughter she never had
Thor immediately accepts this new addition to the family and proudly declares her his sister form another mister
It's through Thor that Sigyn eventually meets Loki, Prince of Jotunheim
Sigyn's first impression is that he's a complete idiot, but he is hot and Thor seems to like him so he can't be all bad
Loki thinks she's one of the most beautiful creatures he's ever come across, and immediately starts flirting with her
Sigyn takes it in stride, not really thinking anything of it, until one of Thor's parties
Somehow or another, she ends up sleeping with Loki
The next morning she immediately tells Loki that this cannot happen again and Loki is just like, "sure, absolutely", but then the next time they're at a party together, it happens again...and again...and again
They go on like this for at least a century, not really putting a label of what's happening or even really calling it a relationship
Things change, however, when for the first time in a while Loki ends up sleeping with somebody else who isn't Sigyn
He wakes up the next morning and just feels...really bad about it
His instinct is then to talk to Sigyn about it and he asks her if him sleeping with somebody else bothers her
Sigyn replies that it's none of her business and he can sleep with whoever he wants
Rather than her response relieve him of the guilt he was feeling, he just feels worse
He then goes to Thor and is like, “I slept with someone who wasn’t Sigyn and I feel really, really bad, but she doesn’t care and that’s making it worse, what is happening to me???” And Thor is just like “…dude”.
Meanwhile Sigyn keeps telling herself that it's fine and she really doesn't care what Loki does, it's not like she hasn't slept with other people since they've met; but, then she does the math and realizes she really hasn't
Her next instinct is to go out and sleep with someone else who isn't Loki; she does and it does nothing, even making her feel worse
This sends her in a spiral because there is no way she can possibly have feelings for Loki of all people. He's an idiot and arrogant and self centered. Sure, he's a good lay, but it's not like he's fun to be around or she gets excited when she knows she's going to see him or he makes her laugh or...shit
She then comes up with a plan; she'll just hang out with him more. Her thought process being, once she gets to know what he's like when they're both sober, she's lose the rose tinted glasses and realize it would never work out between them.
However, this plan back fires as Sigyn realizes they actually have a lot in common and Loki is actually a fun person to be around regardless of alcohol
The hitch then becomes that Loki takes Sigyn wanting to hang out sober as meaning that she's not really into him anymore and just wants to be friends. He then decides to abstain from having sex with Sigyn because he actually really likes the friendship they're forming and doesn't want to make it weird.
Sigyn then is mildly offended that he doesn't seem to want to sleep with her any more, but then decides to let go honoring what she thinks are his wishes and keeping their friendship platonic
They continue on this like for at least four more centuries and it is slowly driving Thor twelve kinds of insane because he knows for a fact they're crazy about each other
Thor is coming to the point of telling Loki straight out, "if you don't seal the deal with Sigyn, I'm going to set her up with Theoric and there is nothing you can do about it".
And that is where they are at the start of the episode
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sigynthevictorious · 3 years
😏 - Is your character having a dirty thought right now?
🎶 - What would your character say about your personal taste in music?
(For both Sigyn and the boys)
Get to know my character through an ask!
😏 - Is your character having a dirty thought right now?
Right now she’s being a sulky little madam so isn’t in the mood, but after a cuddle she might change her mind 😂 She doesn’t often have ‘dirty thoughts’ she usually just acts on impulse though. My little nympho 
He is one horny mf today, he has ass and titties on his mind. So yes, predominantly imagining some pretty girl riding him and treating him like the little bitch he knows he is 
Surprisingly not, usually he only has dirty thoughts but he’s being his little trickster self today. Feeling more child Vali today, he just wants to run around and cause trouble 
🎶 - What would your character say about your personal taste in music?
I don’t think she’d appreciate it all but wouldn’t say anything bad, just sit there and let me enjoy it. Some of it she’d like, the more melodic and slow temp songs she’d enjoy though 
bonus Logyn playlist
I have quite a lot of rock music and predominantly listen to that genre and his muse tends to perk up with it so I think he’d approve. Until the musicals come along then he’d lose all interest 
bonus Narfi insp. playlist
The more upbeat songs he loves, not one for mellow or slow songs. As long as he can dance along to it he loves it. 
bonus Vali insp. playlist
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dailylogyn · 3 years
Logyn Meta: Loki & Sigyn’s Family in Myth and Marvel (Comparison)
Photo Source: https://www.deviantart.com/youkai-no-shimo/art/Colouring-LOKI-s-FAMILY-260392721
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The family that is ready to begin Ragnarok in order to defend your honor. It’s a tragic tale, but family is something worth fighting for!
Follow me as we explore this crazy, wonderful family that is probably the most famous of the Myth’s. 
We may not know much about Sigyn’s side, but Loki’s side is one that legends are made of. 
From the Norse Myths, to Marvel Comics and the MCU, we will see the similarities and differences for each member in the different universes as well as learn facts about each one and why they are important. 
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Laufey (or Nál) - Loki’s Mother 
She is Loki’s Mother in Mythology.
Mostly mentioned by the matronymic, “Loki Laufeyjarson” meaning: Loki Laufey’s Son.
Her name (Laufey) is typically thought to mean leaves/foilage. Nal means Needle. 
Not much is known about her. We don’t even know if she was a Goddess, human or giant so it is assumed Loki gets his godhood from her. 
In the poem Sörla þáttr, Nál and Laufey are portrayed as the same person: "She was both slender and weak, and for that reason she was called Nál [Needle]." 
Laufey is listed among Ásynjar (goddesses) in one of the þulur, an ancestry that perhaps led her son Loki to be "enumerated among the Æsir", as Snorri Sturluson puts it in Gylfaginning.
Related to nature like forests and leaves.
Laufey is Loki’s Father in this universe. 
As Loki was born small, a motive of embarrassment for his parents, his existence was kept a secret.
A younger Loki sends Laufey into a fateful battle between Odin, leading the All-Father to claim Loki as a son. Laufey was left for dead, wounded, but alive, leaving a future Loki to kill him. 
A group of Frost Giants try to revive Laufey by retrieving his skull. It ends with Malekith performing a spell to resurrect King Laufey. 
Laufey hates Loki and thinks of him as a disgrace
It ends with Loki killing his father again after he tries to steal the Casket of Winters and kill Frigga. 
Same as Marvel Comics Counterpart. Appears in the first Thor movie. 
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Fárbauti - Loki’s Father
He is Loki’s Father in Mythology. 
Attested in the Prose Edda and in Kennings of Viking Age Skalds.
A Jotunn
The Old Norse name Fárbauti has been translated as 'dangerous striker','anger striker',or 'sudden-striker'.
Related to lightning
Mother of Loki in this universe.
Gave birth to an unusually small child to the annoyance of her husband.
It is said the night Loki was born that she stabbed her own heart with an ice dagger, but Loki suspects Laufey is the one who killed her. 
Appears as a figment taken on by a parasite. She’s mostly deceased in the comics. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Loki Laufeyjarson - Son of Laufey & Farbauti. Lover of Sigyn & Angrboda (and many others honestly)
Everyone already knows the tales about Loki, so I won’t repeat it all again. It’s pretty lengthy. I’ll just point down the basics for him with it. 
He’s famous for causing trouble among the gods as the Trickster and God of Mischief. Not a bad guy, but misinterpreted that way, although he can be a dick too. Despite how much he causes trouble for them, he also helps them out of situations too. He just wants to have fun, even if he takes it overboard at times.
Some sources put as Jotun and some say he is Half-Jotun, Half-Aesir (on his mother’s side.) 
A well-known Shapeshifter who can be anything: Salmon, Male, Female, Horse. The list just goes on. 
A really handsome being who loved to get it on. *finger guns*
Blood Brother’s with Odin. How? We don’t know. It’s interpreted as a friendship or foster-brothers. It’s unclear really.
Gonna start Ragnarok for valid reasons honestly after having his entire family taken away from him or killed by the Gods. #TeamLoki
Far too many appearances to document here from 1942 to present. There has been some retcons as well with the fact the current Loki has been reborn in a new incarnation also known as Ikol.
In the comics Loki is the adopted son of Odin and Frigga and Adoptive brother to Thor & Balder. 
He’s depicted as being the God of Evil in the classic comics serval times. In fact, it’s one of his titles. 
Depending on the writer for the classic comics, Loki can have moments of humanity, but all around he causes trouble.
Just wants to rule Asgard and get rid of Thor who is his enemy. 
He’s honestly a bad guy most of the time in the classic comics #VillianTrope
I personally have yet to read any current comics of Loki that aren’t the classics so this is where my knowledge and research stops. 
First off, Tom Hiddleston as Loki is just *chefs kiss* perfection. 
Pretty much the same as comics except for the fact he isn’t really a villain. He plays tricks on people for fun and laughs and truly cares about his family. 
However, things change when he discovers the truth that he is a Jotun and has been lied to about it his whole life despite being told countless stories of how Jotun’s are monsters to be slain (You fucked up a perfectly good kid, Odin. Look, he has anxiety and trauma.) 
He develops major identity problems on top of others things, but despite it, Loki tries to still do best by his family as he wants to belong. Yes, he becomes a villain in The Avengers movie, but not for the hell of it. #Thanos
Honestly, he just deserves better. That’s where this leads. Thank you.
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Angrboda - Loki’s Consort/Lover (Fenrir, Jormungandr & Hel’s Mother)
She is only mentioned once in the Poetic Edda as the mother of Fenrir by Loki. The Prose Edda describes her as "a giantess in Jotunheim" and as the mother of three monsters: the wolf Fenrir, the Midgard serpent Jörmungand, and the ruler of the dead Hel.
A Jotun known as Mother of Monsters and Giantess of Ironwood. 
In Old Norse, Angrboda means: 'the one who brings grief', 'she-who-offers-sorrow', or 'harm-bidder'.
According to scholars, the name Angrboða is probably a late invention dating from no earlier than the 12th century, although the tradition of the three monsters born of Loki and a jötunn may be of a higher age.
Some scholars say she was a very powerful witch and that she had the ability to see into the future. She was confined to Hel and would not be released from the realm of the dead until Loki was unbound.
In some versions of the Myth’s she knows her children will bring about the end of the world (Ragnarok) as well as being a witch set on fire three times before Loki eats her heart. 
A giantess of Jotunheim and a Witch.
Born to Elderspawn Vârcolac and Echidna.
She mated with Loki and gave birth to Fenrir and Jormungadr. Legends say she also gave birth to Hela, but it seems to be nothing more but legends. 
Angrboda died of unknown causes and was sent to the Underworld of Hel. 
When Thor needed to know how to get to Hela's realm because she had been taking mortals to Niffleheim, he went to the Hlidskjalf and summoned Angerboda from the underworld, forcing her to tell him how to get there. Once she revealed to Thor the path he had to follow, she tried to take him with her to the underworld.
Only has one appearance in the comics -- Thor #360 (1985)
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Sleipnir - Loki’s Son
Attested in the Poetic and Prose Edda. In both Sleipnir is Odin's eight-legged steed and child of Loki by Svaðilfari. He is described as the best of all horses.
The Prose Edda contains extra information saying he is grey. 
Old Norse meaning: Slippy or the Slipper. 
Sleipnir is also mentioned in a riddle found in the 13th century legendary saga Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks, in the 13th-century legendary saga Völsunga saga as the ancestor of the horse Grani, and book I of Gesta Danorum, written in the 12th century by Saxo Grammaticus, contains an episode considered by many scholars to involve Sleipnir. Sleipnir is generally accepted as depicted on two 8th century Gotlandic image stones: the Tjängvide image stone and the Ardre VIII image stone.
Scholarly theories have been proposed regarding Sleipnir's potential connection to shamanic practices among the Norse pagans.
Sleipnir was born when Loki shape-shifted into a mare and became pregnant by the stallion of a giant, as is recounted in the tale of The Fortification of Asgard.
There are two different origins for Sleipnir in the comics: 1. Thor fighting off an army of the undead on Midgard. He promised to help as long as his horses weren’t eaten, however, Thor was betrayed and took his horses remains back to Asgard, coupling it with Asgardian Magic to create Sleipneir. 2. Loki had hastily agreed to let a Frost Giant re-build the wall around Asgard, in exchange for the Moon, the Sun, and Freya, only he had to do it in six months. The Frost Giant had only asked to use his grey stallion, Svadilfari. Right as the last brick was about to be placed, Loki transformed into a beautiful white mare, and lured Svadilfari off. Loki later gave birth to Sleipnir. (Just like in the Myths.) 
Odin’s eight-legged steed. 
Sleipnir’s origins are unknown. He appears in the first Thor Movie. 
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Fenrir Wolf - Loki & Angrboda’s Son
Attested in the Prose and Poetic Edda as the first son of the Jotun couple. He is a wolf destined to kill Odin. So, they bind and seal him when he's still young, with Tyr losing his arm in the process. When Ragnarok comes, he indeed kills Odin, but is killed by Odin's son Vidar in return.
Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson. 
In the Prose Edda, additional information is given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Týr.
No chain can hold him, except for Gleipnir, a rope made by Dwarves containing the roots of a mountain, the breath of a fish, the sound of a cat's footfall, the sinews of a bear, the beard of a woman and the spittle of a bird, all of which were impossible items to obtain.
Pretty much the same as his Mythos with some additional storylines. 
When Raganrok happened, Fenrir was reborn with the other gods on the New Asgard universe on Midgard. No details of his fate on Earth have been revealed.
Fenrir helped the mutant Wolfsbane as she was carrying the child of one of his descendants. 
It is one of the few individuals believed to be more powerful, or equally as powerful, as Dormammu; the others being galactic entities like The Beyonder.
Fenrir is Genderfluid in the comics. 
Fenris is a giant Asgardian Wolf who serves under Hela and is portrayed as Female. She resurrects her as they take over Asgard. 
Instead of being her brother, Fenris is her loyal companion and mount. 
Fenris ends up getting into a fight against Hulk as he pushes her off, sending her falling into the void below to her supposed death. 
Appears in Thor: Ragnarok. 
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Hel - Loki & Angrboda’s Daughter
Attested in the Prose and Poetic Edda. She is a giantess/goddess who resides over the Underworld that is also called Hel, a place where many of the dead reside. She is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, sister to Fenrir and Jormungandr and usually depicted as the youngest of the three.
Goddess of Death and Graves and ruler of Hel who welcomes the souls of those who died of old age, disease or by accident.
Hel is described as having been appointed by the god Odin as ruler of a realm of the same name, located in Niflheim.
The Prose Edda details that Hel rules over vast mansions with many servants in her underworld realm and plays a key role in the attempted resurrection of the god Baldr.
Old Norse Name Meaning: Hidden
She’s mostly mentioned only in passing. Snorri describes her appearance as being half-black, half-white, and with a perpetually grim and fierce expression on her face.
Renamed Hela in the comics.
Allegedly the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, but it’s never made clear or stated. Hela's genealogy is the subject of controversies and retellings. 
Her path pretty much follows her Mythos where she is destined to do terrible things and Odin makes her the ruler over the dead in the realms of Hel and Niflheim until maturity. 
At some point, she was considered the daughter of Odin and of a long-lost goddess.
Honestly, she usually tries to expand her powers, wanting to rule over Vahalla and obtain Asgardian souls. 
Appears in Thor: Ragnarok as Odin’s firstborn and only daughter. Sister to Thor and Loki.
Kinda pissed her dad locked her away and wants to rule Asgard and take revenge.
The cause of Ragnarok and supposedly dies on Asgard after everything is said in done in the movie.
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Jormungandr - Loki & Angrboda’s Son
Usually depicted as the middle child of Loki and Angrboda, he is known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent who is a giant snake. When Odin takes Loki’s kids away from him, he tosses Jormungadr into the ocean that encircles Midgard. The serpent grew so large that is was able to surround the Earth and grasp it’s own tail. When it releases it’s tail, Ragnarok will begin and he will fight his arch-enemy, Thor. 
The major sources for myths about Jörmungandr are the Prose Edda, the skaldic poem Húsdrápa, and the Eddic poems Hymiskviða and Völuspá. Other sources include the early skaldic poem Ragnarsdrápa and kennings in other skaldic poems; for example, in Þórsdrápa, faðir lögseims, "father of the sea-thread", is used as a kenning for Loki. There are also several image stones depicting the story of Thor fishing for Jörmungandr.
Both Loki and Angerboda were descended from the Frost Giants of Jotunheim and were of humanoid appearance; however, the sons Angerboda bore Loki, Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf, did not. It has been suggested that Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf were born as sentient animals because their parents each had the magical ability to change his or her own shape. Hence, Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf each bear the form of the animal that their parents had assumed at the moment they were conceived.
Jormungandr follows the same as his Mythos to a certain degree with his fate to fight Thor during Ragnarok as the God of Thunder would die from his venom. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Sigyn - Loki’s Wife
Sadly, not many stories that have Sigyn in them have survived to this day. She is only attested in the followings works: Poetic Edda & Prose Edda. 
The most famous of her story tells of how Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son, Nari, and how his son, Vari, has been turned into a wolf. The Goddess Skadi fastens a venomous snake over Loki’s face, from which venom drips. Sigyn, stated as Loki’s wife, stays by his side and holds a basin under and catches the venom so it won’t drip onto her husband, but when the basin grows full, she pulls it away to empty it, during which time venom drops onto Loki, causing him to wither so violently that earthquakes occur that shake the entire earth.
In the poem, Gylfaginning, Sigyn is introduced in Chapter 31 as being married to Loki and that they have a son by the name of “Narfi or Nari”. She is then mentioned again in Chapter 50 where events are described differently than in Lokasenna; Vali, described as a son of Loki only, is changed into a wolf by the gods and rips apart his brother, “Narfi or Nari.” The guts of Nari are then used to tie Loki to three stones, after which the guts turn to iron, and Skadi places a snake above Loki. Sigyn of course catches the venom in a bowl. This process is repeated until he breaks free, setting Ragnarok into motion.
In the poem, Skáldskaparmál, Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an Æsir, where the gods are holding a feast for their visitors and in kennings for Loki: “husband of Sigyn” and “cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms.”
Old Norse Name meaning: Victory Girlfriend. 
Lonely and looking for female companionship, Loki ends up coming across Sigyn and plans to make her his. However, she is already engaged to a warrior of Odin’s Crimson Hawks -- Theoric. Hence, Loki sets up a trap to have Theoric killed during a mission so Loki can disguise himself as Theoric. Once they are wed, Loki reveals himself and despite Odin attempting to annul the marriage (which goes against Asgardian Law)), Sigyn tells the Allfather that she will follow the duties of a loyal wife since she is Loki’s now. 
This is when Odin proclaims her to be the Goddess of Fidelity. This was a thing first started by the Marvel Comics.
Sigyn doesn’t have much of an agency in the comics except being a loyal wife to Loki, sometimes going along with his plans or getting on him for it. 
I personally haven’t been able to find any evidence of Sigyn’s parents being Iwaldi and Freya in the comics, so I’m not sure if this fact is Fanon or not. 
Sigyn has suddenly seemed to vanish from the comics with her last official appearance being in 1996. It has been allueded at that she died or was killed during Ragnarok. 
Her relationship with Loki in the comics is...complicated and changes a lot depending on the writer. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Narvi/Narfi & Vali - Loki & Sigyn’s Sons
Not much is known about Narfi and Vali except for being Loki & Sigyn’s sons with Vali being transformed into a wolf by the gods and killing his brother whose inners are used as a chain to bind Loki in the cave. 
Narfi and Vali are referred to in a number of sources. According to the Gylfaginning section of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, he was also called Nari and was killed by his brother Váli, who was transformed into a wolf; in a prose passage at the end of the Eddic poem "Lokasenna", Váli became a wolf and his brother Nari was killed.
Snorri also names "Nari or Narfi" as the son of Loki and his wife Sigyn earlier in Gylfaginning, and lists "father of Nari" as a heiti for Loki in the Skáldskaparmál section of his work.
Narfi’s name could mean “Corpse” in Old Norse, relating to how he was killed by his brother. 
There's no mention of what became of Vali after he became a wolf.
Narvi never makes an appearance in the comics and is only mentioned in: Free Comics Book Day Vol 2018 Avengers. 
There is a Vali in the comics called Vali Halfling. He is the son of loki and a unnamed mortal woman. So, I don’t consider this to be the same Vali that is the son of Loki and Sigyn. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
Thanks for reading everyone. This required a bunch of research, but I hope this helps and has been educational. We only have what we can work with considering the surviving myths, but there is so many stories out there that we don’t know of that aren’t clear because of it. 
I tried my best to cover everything I knew about them in Marvel too, but sometimes so many retcons is too much to keep up with. I know there may be some errors in places, but it’s the best I could get this with what we have to work with.
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