#loki character study
What Now Loki: Speculation For What Comes Next
Spoilers for Loki season 2.
I'm queuing this for later in the week, but I'm writing right after the finale, so I might think of some other things to add in another post later.
Also, I'm not surprised but I am very disappointed there won't be another season.
Firstly, Loki will never just be one thing. He's said so himself in the comics, many times.
So, he'll watch the timelines for a bit, perhaps provide routine maintenance here and there as needed, but he isn't He Who Remains. He can't be. He has people he loves, who love him. He did this for them. And I think part of what he learns this season is that he doesn't have to do it all on his own, he doesn't need to be by himself, he doesn't deserve to be alone, as Sif informs him in the time prison in Season 1, nor does he want to be.
He'll find a balance, between his "purpose" and his own personhood, his needs and wants, his desire for companionship and sense of belonging.
He'll find his way back to Thor at some point, but not permanently. He isn't just who he is to Thor, brother, foe, fair-weather friend, sometime ally. He has an identity outside of him now. He has friends outside of his brother, friends who value him not for his relations or his titles but himself. He's sacrificed so much for those people, worked so hard to save those people and to make sure they stayed safe. I don't think he can just let them all go for good.
Once he feels like he can leave the timelines for a spell and they won't impode, he'll go back to his friends.
I don't think we've seen the last of him simply because he's transitioned to essentially becoming a Timekeeper.
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bebx · 2 years
There’s a lot about the Loki show I didn’t like but I didn’t see Loki as being out of character. It seemed pretty in character from what we’ve seen of him: Really mischievous, Short tempered, avoids difficult emotions or moments with comedy, Smart but doesn’t always think ahead (Yeah great planner but dude’s plans always end up failing cause he missed a detail), etc. only real difference I got from the two Lokis is that TVA Loki is forced to be humbled and constantly stressed. I don’t really get the complaints on that matter.
I see where you’re coming from and honestly a part of me agrees with you, though there’s also another part of me that still thinks “nahh he wouldn’t say this” while watching some of the scenes from the show. I think the main reason why some people, myself included, think he’s kind of ‘out of character’ is because this isn’t the Ragnarok Loki who’s grown and earned his character development but pretty much literally Avengers Loki who was supposed to still be mentally fvcked and just overall very messed up. I would’ve understood if it were Ragnarok or Infinity War Loki, since those versions of Loki would’ve let his guard down, and it would’ve been in character for him to be funny, mischievous, etc. Avengers Loki — aka the version of Loki TVA Loki is supposed to be — is still very much wounded, physically and mentally. So, in my opinion, some of his actions in the series can be seen as a little bit ‘off’ — especially when we saw how hostile The Dark World Loki acted towards Thor and his own family, and TDW Loki is kind of the same version of Loki as Avengers Loki in terms of ‘How He’s Likely to Behave After What He’s Recently Been Through’. So Avengers Loki, TDW Loki and TVA Loki, in my personal opinion, should’ve been very much similar to one another. Except TVA Loki is the odd one out. In other words; for TVA Loki to just ‘be his funny, mischievous self’ when he was pretty much kidnapped and was around total strangers, after he was held hostage and tortured by Thanos, can be… weird? I mean sure I’ll admit there’re scenes from the series that I adore and think are wholesome; how he genuinely trusts Mobius and how he’s able to care about him, for instance. Or even how he cares about Sylvie. But I also personally believe those scenes would’ve been more meaningful if they were scarce; to show that this Loki is still very wounded and guarded, but he’s still able to care for someone else. To have him act like a lovesick child 80% out of his screen time, when this is supposed to be Avengers/TDW Loki, is not very in character for him. That’s just my opinion.
P.s. would love to assure everybody again that, while I have my personal favorite, I do love every version of Loki, be it TDW, Ragnarok, TVA or any version/era of Loki. What I’m saying here is that I don’t think TVA Loki would say some of the things he said, or do some of the things he did, in the series when he was supposed to be wounded and mentally guarded, followed by what happened in Avengers, since TVA Loki is supposed to have the same personality as Avengers Loki; basically he’s supposed to be the same version of TDW Loki, only that TDW didn’t happen in this timeline in which the events in the show took place.
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hjmla · 6 months
More Loki art 🔪🐍
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art-ro-vert · 10 months
Was thinking about how Mobius does not know that Loki defended him in front of Sylvie, and in his eyes: they argued, Loki took Sylvie’s side and then left for good.
So head canon, that Mobius is sure that all of this was for Sylvie. That Loki wanted to give her a chance and a life she wanted, and that he cared only for her. That all Mobius was for Loki is a useful acquaintance in the TVA, not even a real friend.
And so he makes it his purpose to make sure that Sylvie is happy and fine, because that is what Loki wanted. And he neglects his own well-being fully, because surely it is not of importance anymore.
And he talks to Loki often hoping he could hear, but he only tells about Sylvie. Reassuring that she is happy and well and trying to explain all the little details about her life, so Loki would feel closer to her. And sometime he talks about b-15 and OB and Cassy. But never about himself…Because surely Loki does not care and even if he did, there is nothing to tell…
And then one day they fight agains Timely’s varient and he aims at Sylvie with a weird gun, and Mobius just jumps in front of her and takes a shot to his chest, because he cannot risk it. If Sylvie dies than Loki’s sacrifice would hold no meaning anymore.
They take Mobius to TVA med bay. He is hurt badly, holding on the verge but still alive.
And then the next day after the incident with Mobius still out, they see something weird happening to the timelines.
The one where they fought seems to be getting enormous amount of energy practically glowing with it, while a few others die.
And for the next week more branches die and all the construction seems to be trembling and falling little by little. And then it occurred to them that Loki does not know that Mobius is alive, because they took him out of Loki’s sight to TVA.
So Sylvie goes on the timeline and talks to Loki
“I am sorry we did not tell you earlier, but you should know that he is alive. Still out and we are not sure how much it will take for him to heal, but he should be okay. I know you got scared but you need to get a hold of it, the branches are dying.
He will be okay, I promise. I will put him on timeline for you to see once he is healed enough. Just please hold on, Loki…”
And then when Mobius finally wakes up, still weak and totally surprised that he is alive, Sylvie gives him a talk.
“Why would you do something so stupid! I am God, Mobius, I would have dodged it. Or even if I did not, I would heal in no time!”
“I did not want to take that chance. We did not know what kind of weapon that was”
“So you thought it’s okay to try that out on yourself? When you are just human?”
“My life is expendable… yours is of value”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Loki left because he loved you and wanted for you to live, his sacrifice should have a meaning. And I am ready protect this meaning with my life”
“And do you think he would not care if you are gone?”
“Why would he care? I did my part as a TVA agent for him, what else can my existence possible bring?”
“That does not matter Mobius! He does care, you dumb man! He almost killed the branches trying to heal you with his magic!”
“He did what…?”
“He tried to power the timeline where you got shot with the magic, a few others died in the process. It was all unstable for a week like he was loosing control, before I went on the timeline to let him know you are alive…
Mobius, he does it for you! He is out there holding the multiverse, so you could live as long as you are given, and you dare to say your life is expendable?
“He did it for you Sylvie… He loves you…”
“Yes, he did, and he did it for all of us in a sense. And he loves all of us of course, me included but like a friend and a part of himself. While he loves you so much more than that!
He told me... When we argued and he went after me. He told me you changed him like Jane changed Thor. You gave him hope, Mobius, you gave him acceptance and your kindness. You made him who he is and he loves you so much. And he really wants you to be happy and have a choice!
I thought you knew…”
And at that Mobius is crying, because that is all he ever wanted to be enough for Loki.
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seiya-starsniper · 11 months
Time after time
As the God of Stories and Keeper of Time, there are many who would seek Loki's counsel. Some find the answers they are looking for, others do not.
Or, five people who go to Loki seeking answers for themselves, and one person who seeks an answer for Loki himself.
Rating: General | Words: 1.3K
Read below the cut, [click here for AO3]
The first one to locate him at the end of space and time, of course, is O.B.
Loki smiles as his old friend appears at the bottom of the stairs to the Tree of Time, huffs when the man nearly falls on his ass as he takes in the sight of the billions of branches that Loki guards by his will and power alone.
“Ouroboros,” Loki greets, as O.B. reaches the summit and they are face to face. “Welcome.”
“Loki,” O.B. breathes, both awed and horrified at once. He doesn’t fully grasp the meaning of Loki’s duty, but as always, seems determined to make sense of it.
“Is this really—how is it—are you okay?” O.B. finally asks, settling on asking after his well being over any questions about how all of this works. Loki feels warmth bloom in his chest at the question, and nods. 
“I am,” he answers truthfully. He is more than okay. He is alive in a way he did not know was possible, he is everywhere and nowhere at once, he is lonely and yet never alone. 
“Does it hurt?” O.B. asks. “How many branches are you holding?!” he adds, trying once more in vain to count the branches of time by sight alone. 
Loki pauses and places. He gives O.B. a number that makes the man’s eyes go wide as dinner plates as he tries to comprehend the true meaning of infinity. 
“Can I see you again?” O.B. asks later, when his time is up and his special Tempad screams at him to leave. He still has so many questions, but not enough time to ask and answer them all. It’s okay. Loki has all the time to spare.
“You are welcome anytime, old friend. Give the TVA my regards.”
His second visitor is Stephen Strange. There is an active threat to his universe, and his quest for answers has brought him to Loki.
“You are not as I remember you,” Strange tells him once Loki has provided the wisdom that the man sought. “The Loki I knew would never have been able to bear this.”
Loki simply shakes his head. 
“I am not the Loki you knew,” Loki says simply. “That Loki perished in the war with Thanos, and my path diverged from his long before that. ”
“A Variant then?” Strange asks. “How—”
“Your time grows short, Stephen Strange,” Loki interrupts him, sensing the fraying occurring in the man’s universe. “Go. The answers you seek shall guide you.”
Strange’s eyes widen, but he nods, and soon he is gone.
His third visitor is another Loki.
“How can this possibly be our glorious purpose?!” his variant screams at him. “How could you let us be forgotten like this? What good is a throne with no subjects to love you?”
Loki shakes his head and sighs. This Loki is shortsighted and does not yet understand the weight of his responsibility. He will soon learn, one way or another.
“You never wanted the throne,” Loki tells his other self. “You will not find the answers you are looking for here.”
It isn’t long before Kang the Conqueror arrives. He has come for Loki’s title, his throne, a claim that his position is his birthright, and that Loki had unfairly stolen it from him. Loki laughs. This Kang is nothing compared to the Kang he once knew. The arrogance is the same, but there is not nearly enough power to back his claims, even with the power it took to even locate Loki in the first place. He growls in frustration when he is blown back to the bottom of the stairs with barely a flick of Loki’s fingers. 
“I have overcome you and your variants before, and I will again,” Loki tells Kang. “You will not find victory here today, or tomorrow…or ever, really”
“We’ll see about that,” Kang spits angrily before he stomps away, unable to do much else. From over his shoulder, Miss Minutes appears and sticks her tongue out at him.
Loki knows this is not the last he has seen of this Kang, or any Kang. They will all come for him, for the branches that make up the multiverse. They will try to do what the Kang who ruled the Sacred Timeline has done, and Loki will always be there to stop them.
Though he knows he is coming, Loki is still not fully prepared when Thor appears before him. Loki knows this is not quite his Thor, his Thor still lives blissfully unaware of the multiverse, and Loki was taken from his altered timeline long before the story could play out. But this Thor is still his, in a way, and Loki feels his heart lurch and ache all the same.
Thor falls to his knees when he reaches the summit and lays on Loki for the first time. 
“In the name of Odin,” Thor whispers, tears falling freely from his face. “So the wizard was right.” 
“Hello brother,” Loki says, unable to keep his own tears from forming. His hands shake and the branches quiver as they parse his frayed emotions. “Although, I am not quite your brother, as you know.”
Thor shakes his head. 
“In any universe, across all timelines, you are always my brother, no matter what,” Thor tells him. “And I am proud to call you so, in any universe, in any time, now and forever. I could not imagine another more worthy than you to be the guardian of time, no longer the God of Mischief, but the God of Stories. Of all stories.”
Though Loki has heard this name many times in many universes, and even from many Thors, to hear it from this Thor, his Thor, at this exact moment at the end of time, affects Loki in a way he cannot describe.
Thor presses their foreheads together and sings him a lullaby their mother often sang to them as children. When he is done, they are both a mess, and Loki is loathe to bid his brother goodbye, even knowing he cannot stay.
Parting was always such sweet sorrow. 
Loki smiles when his star-crossed lover appears to him. 
“So this is where you’ve been hiding,” they say, looking around and taking in the branches of the Tree of Time. Their gaze is appreciative, wondrous even, at all that Loki has done. At all that he continues to do.
“Here I am,” Loki replies, unable to keep the smile off his face. It is good to see them once more. “You certainly took your time coming here.”
“Hey, it wasn't easy!” they shoot back, affronted. 
Loki shrugs. “O.B. figured it out fairly quickly,” he says.
“Of course he did,” they grumble. “And then he didn’t bother to tell me how.”
Loki shakes his head. “Each traveler must find their own way here without aid,” he explains. “It is a personal journey to seek the truth at the End of Time.”
His lover-not-quite-lover hums thoughtfully. They fall to silence for a while, but it isn’t awkward. Silence between them has never been awkward.
“Are you happy, Loki?” they finally ask. 
Loki considers this for a moment before he answers. 
“I am content,” he finally says. “My purpose is not easy, nor is it the life I would have imagined for myself, but I would make the same choice again and again.”
His not-lover nods, seeming to finally find the answer they have been seeking. Which means it is now their time to leave. It is bittersweet.
“I would have loved you,” they confess, meeting his eyes directly. “If things were different. In another timeline, another universe, perhaps.” 
Loki thinks of all the universes where that scenario is a reality and smiles.
“You already do.”
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ladyvialana · 10 months
Title: I Come With Knives
Song: I Come With Knives
Artist: IAMX
Length: 4:16
Brother. Son. Warrior. Trickster. Villain.
"You can be whoever - whatever - you want to be. Even someone good."
Hero. God. Friend.
Pairings: Gen with hints of Loki/Mobius
Footage used from Thor 1, 2 & 3, Avengers 1 &3, and seasons 1-2 of Loki. Spoilers for all of season 2.
Physical Warnings: quick cuts creating a strobe-like effect
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sylvies-kablooie · 10 months
not to be a hater but i did just finish watching the assembled episode of loki and all of my anger over s2 came back intensely ggggrrrGrrgrgrggGRRRRRRRR *bites ur ankles like a shih tzu*
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benevolentgodloki · 1 year
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#  OF  SPOKEN  LANGUAGES    :   I'd say around 10, some of which aren't from Earth. The All-Speak allows him to communicate in any language so it's not necessary for him to learn them but in the interest of knowledge he has learned a few over the years.
TONE  OF  VOICE    :  Silken, commanding, often confident, sometimes with a soft growl, other times light.
DEMEANOUR   :    Sly, tricksy, deceptive, cheeky, narcissistic
POSTURE    :   Noble, elegant, strutting
HABITS   :   Tossing his hair, clasping hands, emoting with his eyes, crying
VOCABULARY    :      ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼     
EMOTION    :     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼   
SENTENCE  STRUCTURE    :     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ 
FREQUENCY    :     ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻ ◻    
CREATIVITY    :      ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ 
BOLD  ALL  THAT  APPLY    :    arse.    ass.    asshole.    bastard.  bitch. bloody.    bugger.    bollocks.    chicken  shit.   crap.    cunt.    dick    dickhead.    frick. fuck.  horseshit.    motherfucker.    piss.    prick.    screw.    shit.    shitass.    son  of  a  bitch.   twat.    wanker.    pussy.    dipshit.
GIVEN  PROPER  RELIGIOUS  CONTEXT   :christ. christ  on  a  bike.   christ  on  a  cracker.  christ on a crutch.  damn.    goddamn.    godsdamn.   hell.    holy  shit.    jesus.   jesus  christ.    jesus  h  christ.    jesus  h.    roosevelt  christ.    lord  sithis  have  mercy.    jesus,  mary  and  joseph.    sweet  jesus.    seven  hells.
THIS  OR  THAT    :    contractions  or  enunciation   ?    straightforward or  cryptic    ?    jargon  or  toned    ?    complexity  or simplicity    ?    finding  the  right  word  or using  the  first  word  that  comes  to  mind    ?    masculinity,  neutrality,  or  femininity    ?    formalities  or  abrasiveness   ?    praise  or equivocation    ?    frankness  or lies   ?    excessive  or  minimal  hand  gestures    ?    name - calling  or  magnanimity    ?    friendly or  blunt  nicknames    ? 
DO  PEOPLE  HAVE  A  HARD  TIME  UNDERSTANDING  OR  HEARING  YOUR  CHARACTER    ?     almost  always.    frequently.   rarely.   never.
DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER’S  POINT  COME  ACROSS  EASILY  WHEN  THEY  SPEAK    ? almost  always. frequently.    sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  INITIATE  CONVERSATIONS    ?     almost  always.   frequently. sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  BE  THE  ONE  TO  END  CONVERSATIONS    ?     almost  always.  frequently.   sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  USE    ‘  WHOM  ’    IN  A  SENTENCE    ?   yes.    no.    only  ironically.
YOUR  CHARACTER  WANTS  TO  MAKE  A  COUNTERPOINT,    WHAT  WORD  DO  THEY  USE    ?     but.    though.  although.  however.    perhaps.    mayhaps.
HOW  DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER  END  CONVERSATIONS    ?   walk  away.    ask  if  that’s  everything.    say  that  that’s  everything.    give  a  proper  goodbye.   tell  their  company  they’re  done  here.    remain  quiet.    they  don’t. 
HOW  DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER  ADDRESS  OTHERS    ?     titles.   first  names. surnames.    full  names.   nicknames.
IN  WHAT  WAYS  DOES  THE  WAY  YOUR  CHARACTER  SPEAK  STAND  OUT  TO  OTHERS    ?    accent.   vocabulary.    tone.    level.    politeness.    brusqueness.    it  doesn’t.
TAGGED BY: @paragonrising (thanks :D)
TAGGING: @araedi @arroganceandfear @stxrksarc @kissedbymischief and anyone else who'd like to do it!
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lamiaviridis · 9 months
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Amora really loves to play with Loki's hair. She knows how they are with illusions, so she brushes her hands through their hair to make sure they're real and not just casting an illusion to try and ease her loneliness. It's also due to the fact that she needs to assure herself that this is real, that Loki's love is real, that them wanting her this close is real, that this closeness is real and that it's okay for her to feel safe in the moment. Plus she just really likes cuddling Loki when they're completely alone.
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I Don't Want to Be Alone: A Poem
Fuck, y'all, I did it again. A poem inspired by 2x05, with some allusions to my foolish denial of some of that episode. Obviously spoilers for Loki both seasons. Am I going to accidentally make NaNoWriMo word count for the second month in a row (this time actually during NaNo)? Possibly.
I Don't Want to Be Alone
I told her I wanted to save the TVA,
Save everything,
And she saw right through me.
I want that, I do, I did not lie to you,
In the past or the future or whenever that was.
But it isn’t true, not really.
I have been alone for so long:
Under the Mad Titan’s thumb, and in the bowels
Of his ship on a torturing rack;
Adrift in the cosmos, and an outcast in my own home.
And then you changed that, all of you.
B-15 plucked me off Midgard and brought me in.
You, Mobius, rescued me from pruning.
Sylvie showed me we are stronger than we know,
Casey and OB, offering solutions and guidance for every problem. 
I brought you all together in the past, or in fantasy,
I scarcely know the difference, now,
Because I wanted you back,
Because I have found a belonging with you,
I have found companionship with you. 
I am selfish, and wanting, 
And at the heart of me, at my core,
I didn’t really want to save the world,
I didn’t really want to bring the TVA back,
I just wanted to stop feeling so lonely, again.
And I’m sorry, but Mobius, once
You asked me, in another Time Loop,
If I thought I deserved to be alone.
I told you I did not know, but now I know
I don’t want to be alone. I’m adrift without you.
I said I wanted my friends back, and that
Was true, but that was not all I want. 
I do not know how long I’ve wanted, only
That I do. And now I know what I’m up against, 
But Mobius, I still want you to choose me.
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moinsbienquekaworu · 6 months
Hateful: multiple times in the past few months I've read fanfic about two separate characters whom I found endearing and thought "Oh my god Hux was the blueprint"
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sortarapunzel · 11 months
just sliding in here to say that i really loved reading your tags on my loki post!! i agree that it’s not really a choice between the two, but it’s about loki learning and growing from both sylvie and mobius (and the two of them learning and growing as well) but the whole point being that sylvie and mobius both represent important parts of loki’s character and he’s learning to hold both of those sides of himself at the same time.
anyways thanks for the thoughts!!! i enjoyed them!!!
!!!!!💛!💛💛!!!!! yeah it is absolutely fascinating how they both represent elements of loki past and present, and I loved how you phrased it with loki struggling to grow without giving up his core identity!!! he's torn between these two people, who both stand for and fight for specific things-- and yeah, it's not a choice! And even if it were, Loki is desperately fighting against making it :P
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quillheel · 11 months
// remind me to write some metas abt Loki tomorrow but in the meantime, i rewatched Thor. the most meta-y bits from me liveblogging it
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lelliefant · 2 years
How to Capture a Space Viking
(Or, what might have happened after the Stuttgart battle in Avengers Assemble.)*
Loki kept his hands slightly raised and held himself very still to reassure the mortals of his surrender. He knew if he made any sudden moves they would attack, and he didn’t want to have to kill them; he needed them alive. He cultivated a docile expression, not saying a word.
Tony lifted his visor, giving Loki a shrewd look. “I suppose there’s no point in cuffing him if he’s one of those super-strong space vikings Coulson wouldn’t shut up about.” He gave Cap a side-eyed look. “Do you even carry handcuffs, Mr. America?”
Cap resisted the urge to roll his eyes and didn’t look away from the enemy for a second. “It’s Captain America. And why would I? I’m a soldier, not a cop.” In his peripheral view, he caught Tony Stark’s shrug, a gesture emphasized by the weighty but stunningly flexible, cherry-red suit of armor encasing him.
Tony smirked, “Well, you never know. It’s always the goody-goody types who secretly keep a pair in the bedside drawer.” He lifted an eyebrow at Loki to see if he could get a rise out of him. Nothing. He couldn’t get a read on this stone-faced alien yet.
Tony cast a quick glance around them. Most of the crowd Loki had terrorized in the Stuttgart city square was dispersing, but the stupidest of the herd had actually begun to converge in an uneven circle around the scene, staring at all three of the combatants.
“Yeah,” he stated, “we gotta get Stonehenge here outta this place before some krautenheimmer tries to take a potshot at him. Natasha, hon, are you listening?”
“I don’t take orders from you, Stark.” Black Widow’s voice rang over the speakers of the quinjet, still hovering high above. “Orders, Cap?”
Steve barely blinked, eyes glued warily on Loki as he replied through his comm. “Can you land safely anywhere near here, Miss?” His mind was racing through the options. He had studied the map of the area on the flight over; of course there was no landing strip in the middle of the city. But wasn’t there a playing field in the vicinity? Would the pilot have enough space to land there?
It would be a tough march though—even if the SHIELD agent could find a landing space within half a click, Steve would have to find some way to contain the threat throughout the journey. He daren’t underestimate this alarmingly strong criminal in this foreign city full of vulnerable citizens. He calculated that Iron Man’s blasters would have killed a normal man. So what would it take to kill Loki?
Well, if the fellow was even hurt, he was doing a good job of hiding it. The black-haired villain wasn’t even breathing hard after their combat, while Cap himself was aching everywhere. Despite his own superpowers, Loki had thrown him around like a ragdoll.
Steve hadn’t been outmatched in a fight since—well, 1943. It made him feel like a scrawny kid again, and that was a feeling he dreaded. Steve forced down those feelings, staring his enemy right in the eyes. This opponent might be stronger than even him, but that had never stopped Cap from fighting the good fight.
The local polizei would be showing up en-masse any second now, interfering in dangerous matters they couldn’t understand and wouldn’t believe. Cap barely believed any of this himself, despite what he’d seen. Fury had insisted this intruder was an alien—the kind from another planet, but he didn’t look like a character in any Saturday matinee serial Steve had seen in the old days. Cap couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that aliens actually existed—but it didn’t matter. Loki had said he was there to conquer the human race, and he actually might have the means to do it. That was all Cap needed to know.
In the time it took Cap to sort through these thoughts, Natasha had initiated a landing sequence right in the middle of the square. When he realized what the red-headed agent was doing, Steve bit back the impulse to warn her off. He’d only just met the Black Widow, but of one thing about her was absolutely certain: she was capable.
Steve grit his teeth and held his tongue while Natasha vertically landed the futuristic craft only a few yards from where they stood, as smoothly as if she were parking a car.
Steve couldn’t help admiring the maneuver. In 1945 (only days ago to him), he could never have guessed this kind of technology was possible, even having witnessed firsthand cutting-edge science in Dr. Erskine and Red Skull’s labs. Steve was adapting quickly to this new age, but there was a first for everything.
Beside him, Loki politely cleared his throat. Steve’s eyes darted to the dubious prisoner. He then realized he’d looked away, at the quinjet, despite his determination to not let down his guard. He raised his shield tighter to his chest, eyeballing the troublemaker.
Had Loki cleared his throat deliberately to call Cap’s attention back to himself? Loki was still standing in the same position, now innocently looking around. Was there a trace of a smirk in his eyes? Steve clenched his razor-sharp jaw. Even if he hadn’t read the file on Loki, he could testify that there was nothing innocent about this character.
A noise from the gathering crowd alerted him to another risk.
“Stark, grab that spear before someone picks it up.” He pointed to Loki’s scepter, discarded on the bricks nearby.
“I don’t take orders from you, Captain Kid.” Tony snarked, but he trotted over to retrieve the thing quickly, hiding his nerves behind a litany of complaints under his breath. He wasn’t thrilled to be working with this anachronism personified, but the captain was right. A scared crowd could turn on a dime into an angry mob. They needed to leave.
“Nothing to see here!” He waved vaguely in the direction of the onlookers. “Go on back to your hausfraus and schnitzel or whatever!”
He gave the scepter a solid look, closing his visor. “Okay Jarvis, what’ve we got.”
The cool British voice of Iron Man’s AI in his earphones was usually calming, even in the midst of a firefight—but then Tony was more comfortable in a firefight than at the center of an angry mob, with an unknown quantity like Loki to contain, and only a relic like Grandpa Spangles for backup.
“It’s an unknown metal, sir, or shall I say, metals.” Jarvis intoned. “The central blade is precisely twenty-six point three centimeters in length, formed in a sickle shape reminiscent of the Soviet symbol or the curved blade of an Ancient Egyptian khopesh, though I cannot speculate as to whether any symbolism is intended, given that the entire construction is of extraterrestrial origin.” Supporting statistics rolled before Tony’s eyes on the display under his visor.
“That’s nice, Jarvis, but right now all I need to know is if it will kill me to touch it.” Tony glanced at a small glowing dot in the upper left of his display and the interactive tech correspondingly enlarged the dot into a rearview image captured by a tiny camera at the back of his suit.
Behind him, the Walking Flag and the Space Goth were staring at each other, both still standing alert, balanced on the balls of their feet. Not even the quinjet’s cargo door, opening nearby, attracted their attention.
“I’m unable to determine that, sir.”
Tony gave the disembodied AI a skeptical look. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He demanded.
“The object at the center of the blade array contains an unknown energy signature.” Jarvis calmly responded. “I have never seen data remotely like this. I’m unable to discern what this object is, much less anticipate what it may be capable of.”
Tony felt a cold bead of sweat trickle down his spine.
“Please be careful with that.” Loki piped up behind him, speaking for the first time in Tony’s presence. “It’s quite sharp.”
Tony turned and gave Loki a hard look, as if the alien could see his face.
Loki smiled cooly back at the expressionless metal mask, a thousand years of practiced diplomacy having taught him how to calm agitated primitives like these.
Tony was finding this spaceman more antagonizing every minute. First, he seemed awfully composed for someone who’d been hit with the full power of Iron Man’s blasters just moments ago; second, the dude had just unexpectedly surrendered, without a word; third, he’s dressed like Irish Dracula; and fourth, his voice is way too smooth, soothing, and deep. Based on the guy’s witchy looks, Tony might have expected shrill-voiced threats or evil cackling. Instead, this dude sounded like a therapist asking “how does that make you feel?” It was unnerving.
“What are you guys doing? Come on!” Natasha stood just outside the cargo bay of the quinjet, waving them over. She pointed out the spinning lights of polizei vehicles approaching from three of the streets that opened onto the public square.
Loki leaned back on his heels, hands still up, waiting. He masked a glance at the local law enforcement now arriving on the scene. He didn’t want them. His plan required the Iron Man and Captain America to take him into their custody. If the Man of Iron didn’t make a move soon, Loki would regrettably be forced to commit more violent actions.
Cap was conflicted. Despite his super hearing, he could barely hear anything said over the quinjet’s roaring engine and the police sirens. He was battered and exhausted, but the job wasn’t done. He belatedly realized he’d sent Stark to get the spear without considering whether the alien object might have the same type of power as the Tesseract, which had disintegrated Red Skull on contact.
Cap wouldn’t send his worst soldier out to do something he himself wasn’t willing to do. But Loki still seemed to be the more dangerous of the two threats, despite his polite equanimity. And Stark had about 100 pounds of metal between him and the strange weapon, so what was his problem?
“Pick it up, let’s go, Stark!” He grated, daring to reach out for Loki’s arm, half expecting the dark figure to make a false move.
Loki looked down at Cap’s hand on his arm and said nothing, though his eyes flashed with disdain. Cap shoved down an uncomfortable twinge of alarm.
“Screw it.” Tony muttered. Fortune favors the bold. He grabbed the stick of doom in a firm grip an turned to head for the quinjet. If he felt a strange surge of power roll up his arm and through his body, he ignored it. There would be time to analyze this detail later.
Rushing back to Cap and Loki, Tony jerked his head toward the quinjet. “Hey soldier boy, you and Edward Scissorhands can make goo-goo eyes at each other later. We gotta split.”
Steve was unimpressed with Stark’s cavalier attitude. He gave Loki’s arm a tug, nonetheless. “Let’s go, mister.” Under his palm, Loki’s arm was not exceptionally thick, but it was hard as steel.
Loki paused just for a millisecond; just long enough to demonstrate that Cap’s tug wasn’t enough to move him in the slightest, but that he was cooperating.
Cap got the message, loud and clear. He kept his expression neutral, keeping his grip on Loki’s arm as they approached the quinjet.
Black Widow watched Iron Man and Captain America approach and enter the quinjet, betraying nothing in her expression. She focused on the Asgardian without looking directly at him.
To be honest, this wasn’t her first encounter with an alien. She was a SHIELD agent. She knew of several extraterrestrial species, based on secret encounters she would never speak of outside the chain of command.
This one was different. This one was the kind she had prepared for from her first day with the agency. He didn’t come in peace. He was powerful in ways no one but Coulson had seen before. This one was an alpha-level threat, and she was compelled to seek out his weakness. Everyone had a weakness.
Natasha could tell a lot about a person from their appearance; the way they held themselves, their gait, even their micro-expressions. The impression she got of Loki, Prince of Asgard, was discomfiting—even before he glanced at her and gave her a knowing wink.
Clint’s face flashed before Natasha’s eyes. A sick feeling overtook her.
The Widow turned swiftly on her heel to return to the cockpit, never meeting Loki’s impertinent gaze. So, he’d detected her watching him, despite her subtle trick. She needn’t acknowledge his perception. Tony and the captain seemed to have him well enough in hand for the moment, and, if not, she knew better than to think she could take Loki on herself.
What she could do was get this craft off the ground and 10,000 feet in the air; maybe at that altitude the alien aggressor would think twice before attempting a surprise attack. With a swift gesture, she punched the control to close the cargo door and gracefully slipped into the pilot’s seat, forcing herself not to worry about Hawkeye. Now that they had Loki as their prisoner, she’d find out where to find Clint—one way or another.
Steve pulled (or, rather, led) Loki to a seat in the side of the quinjet, and Loki obediently sat. Wordlessly, Steve began strapping the prisoner in for the flight, his motions more forceful than was necessary, as Loki gave no resistance.
Cap realized the restraints wouldn’t hold the Asgardian, should he choose to attack, but untangling himself would surely slow Loki down, at least long enough to give them warning. Hopefully, between Stark and himself, and with Loki without his weapon, that would be enough to contain him. Cap allowed himself to feel a tiny thread of relief as he pulled the last strap tight.
Loki couldn’t resist showing the slightest curl of his lip as the mortal handled him roughly. The intensity in the captain’s expression, the sharply clenched jaw, and the hint of satisfaction in his cerulean eyes as he pulled the last restraint unnecessarily tight piqued Loki’s interest. Perhaps there was more to this Captain America than the straight-arrow soldier he’d been told to expect. Perhaps the Man of Iron’s teasing comment about restraints earlier was more puissant than he’d realized. Loki held back a laugh, schooling his expression to resigned complacency.
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The Man of Iron sauntered past the captain, still holding Loki’s scepter, perfectly balanced in his heavy suit, despite the motion of the now swiftly rising quinjet. He’d lifted his visor, showing his face again, and Loki felt, rather than saw, the scepter’s disruptive influence seeping into the mortal. Loki felt a corresponding ache to hold the scepter again, himself. He contained it.
The captain stepped back from Loki and nearly crashed into Tony.
“Stark, stow that thing somewhere before someone gets poked in the eye.”
Tony was chewing gum now, a sugary banana-strawberry flavored chunk he’d pulled from some imperceptible recess in his suit.
“Are you hard of hearing, old man?” Stark squawked. “I don’t take orders from defrosted science experiments.” His tone was unnecessarily provocative. Cap felt an instantaneous urge to clock the irreverent strongman. He stared Tony down, a biting remark on the tip of his tongue. Tony stared back at him, clearly amused.
“Belay that testosterone, gentlemen.” Natasha sharply called out over the roar of the quinjet engine from the cockpit area. “Tony, there’s a cabinet behind my seat that should fit.”
Tony chewed a few bites of his gum before responding, then seemed almost to wake from a daydream. “Yeah, sure. Not a problem, Nat.” He finally intoned, shuffling over to the metal lockbox. If he felt reluctant to put down the spear it was only because the weapon would certainly be the most effective option if Nosferatu over there got any ideas.
Loki took note of Tony Stark’s hesitation and knew full well from whence it arose. So—despite his hardened exterior, Stark was easily susceptible to the power of the scepter. His vulnerability to weapon’s influence was not surprising; Loki had anticipated this much, knowing how weak these mortals were.
What interested Loki about Stark’s reaction was the contained hostility toward his compatriot that the scepter had revealed. A palpable, deeply rooted resentment had gleamed in Stark’s eyes for that moment, something that went deeper than personal dislike. Loki wondered what that might be about.
Between the Black Widow’s attempts to shadow her heart, the captain’s unexpected inner turmoil, and the Iron Man’s molten interior, Loki was pleased to find these mortal heroes worthy of his interest. Perhaps later, assuming they survived, there would be time to explore all that lay hidden in the minds and hearts of these defenders of Midgard.
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*Yeah, I originally posted this story with a different title a couple of days ago and it got no love. C’mon, my 896 followers/mutuals and Loki’s Army, show me a story doesn’t need to have smut to get your attention!
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vhgr · 1 year
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alicent hightower & control.
i think alicent is fascinated by it. we have to understand that alicent is not the kind of person to burst at any given chance. no, those fits only happen at specific times. they happen when she has no more room left to occupy. alicent doesn't grasp for control because she's losing her stance, she does it because it feels good. this comes in little doses, at first. until the eventful appearance of the green dress. then, alicent fully steps up as the queen. she steps up as someone who wants to count, who no longer wishes to blend in the background. but control is much more than just entertaining your authority on others just because you can. control can be present in the little things. alicent grasps for control, because it's a comfort. alicent likes to step her foot down; but that always comes with testing her limits. and depending on the situation, she likes the thrill of that. albeit, in truth, what would be ideal, is balance; and i mean on a personal level. either with someone with whom alicent doesn't have to be authoritative with, or someone who can challenge her reins, without compromising her.
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How I Study Stories- Pt 1: Characters
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to show you all how I study characters from various forms of media (books, television, movies, etc).
If you haven't, I would recommend reading K. M Weiland's: Creating Character Arcs: The Masterful Author's Guide to Uniting Story Structure, Plot, and Character Development.
Below is how I study various characters.
I have a Scrivener project called "Characters". Most of the characters in this project are characters I enjoy. Other times, the characters play an integral part of another's character's story, so I add them-which has sometimes given me an appreciation for other characters.
This is the template I use for all of the characters I study. I should note these are characters that play a major part in a story, so at the moment, I don't have anything for the minor side characters.
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So we have the name of the character. The book/TV/Movie/Show (stage shows) they are from. If you are using characters from a movie or TV show, I would recommend splitting the character out by actor (I mean, we have 3 live action Spider-Man (okay technically 5 if we take the Japanese 80's Tohoku Spider-Man and the 70s (?) American live action television show) though they have similar back stories with Uncle Ben and Aunt May, they all have their own twist on the origin story and the story afterwards). We then have the role that the character plays in the story (Antagonist, Protagonist, love interest, anti-hero, etc). You can tell a lot about a character by their relationship with other characters (do they get along with everyone they meet, are they shy, are they dismissive of people who they would normally be friends with, etc). Then this is the part I really enjoy is writing the background and the story of the character. This is where you can explore anything that happens externally and internally to the character, but also any background information (such as the character is a really good fighter, it's because they were part of an elite group [Think MI-6, Navy SEALS, or CIA]).
Next, I also enjoy picking out the character's brain and figuring out what makes them tick. What internally is causing them to be the way they are? Most craft books will say this is the fear the character has and I agree to a point. But you can see because they believe something or feel a certain way, they react in kind.
Then finally we can look at the external conflict, so what on the outside is making them react. Is it a threat of a tsunami or some other natural disaster? We can see how the external world shapes the character as well.
There you have it. I have an example of my absolute favorite character of all time: Loki Laufeyson/Odinson played by the marvelous Tom Hiddleston. I will admit, Loki's information is not complete yet, but I am working on it. :) In the relations with other characters, if I have started working on another character, I will link that scrivening to the one with Loki (like Thor) and then link Loki to the other character's scrivening.
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Now we have the background/story which I will not post on here... but I did divide it between the "Main" Loki that we've known from Thor 1 through Infinity War (The sun will shine on the brothers again). The Loki from the Loki series (which is very good, considering they had to stop production and change course because of the pandemic). Then the What-if variation of Loki as well.
Then I go through the internal and external conflict of Loki (such as he wants his father's approval, he wants his family's love, he wants to be king, he wants to be a worthy son, he feels eclipsed and betrayed by Thor, etc.
If anyone wants, I would be more than happy to send you an unedited version of this document so you can add whatever characters you want. Just DM me on here or hmu on Insta or Twitter. :)
I know this was brief, but I hope it helps!
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