#loki falling into the bifrost is what leads him to the chitauri which is what kickstarted the avengers
one of the things that really bothers me about modern franchises, and in particular over the last 5 years or so, is their refusal to commit. what i mean here when i say this is that it's not uncommon for a major franchise to make a decision, whether about the plot or the characters, that should have had huge, world-changing consequences... and then just never address that again or worse, immediately go back and undo it. and i'm gonna pick on star wars and the mcu here because those are the two big franchises i'm into at the moment (and i think they're kind of the worst at this), but i don't want you to walk away from this thinking that this is solely a disney thing. i've seen this happen with game of thrones and supernatural and plenty of other non-disney franchises. spoilers ahead, you've been warned:
in ant-man & the wasp quantumania, scott and hope make the life-altering decision to stay behind in the quantum realm and defeat kang instead of going through the portal to return to their world. this should have been a huge meta decision for the mcu, and when i first saw it in theaters, my immediate thought was wow, what is this going to mean for the mcu going forward? are we going to get a movie/miniseries about scott and hope helping to rebuild the quantum realm? how are cassie, janet, and hank going to react to the losses of their loved ones (in some cases, for the second time)? is cassie going to become the "first" young avenger because she has to take her father's place among the team lineup (and i only say first because as of this moment, none of the other young avengers introduced to the franchise are official avengers yet)? except nope, because less than 2 minutes later, cassie had fixed the portal that had broken way back at the beginning of the movie and brought scott and hope back.
and it felt like such a cheat. i was so disappointed in that theater, not as someone who was invested in these characters on a personal level (because yay, cassie gets her dad back!), but as someone who has spent years investing themselves in the story of the mcu. what was the point of wasting screentime on scott and hope accepting their new lives in the quantum realm if it was just going to immediately be undone? the entire scene could have been cut to scott and hope making it back bare seconds before the portal closed and it would have had the same emotional impact. there was nothing added by making scott and hope (and us) think that there was no way back only to rip the rug out from under us and go "gotcha! you really thought we were gonna give this movie a sad ending? haha! you're so dumb!"
and this isn't the first time the mcu has done this. one of the biggest complaints about endgame was the decision to set it five years in the future with no consideration for how that would actually change the setting of the mcu. characters were brought back to the exact place they disappeared from with no consideration for how things might have changed in the interim five years (like planes that weren't in the air anymore, buildings no longer standing, even just something as simple as a chair being unoccupied). and then the mcu didn't even really have the courage to address how this would have shaped the world other than a few jokes and making the bad guys in the falcon and the winter soldier people who cared about how the world had screwed them over during the blip.
and things like this happen over and over and over again. the accords are put into place in civil war, but by the time we get to she-hulk, they're gone with no explanation because, as best as i can tell, the writers didn't want to have to deal with the worldbuilding that went into the accords. gamora is killed in infinity war, but heaven forbid quill not have an emotional investment in a film he appears for maybe 10 minutes in so now she's back in endgame. steve got to go live in the past with his ex-girlfriend (which is in itself a refusal to commit after the mcu both gave her a different husband and had the woman herself tell him to move on) but we need to establish that messing with timelines is bad because that's what the entire next phase hinges on so actually his ending was predestined and it's only everyone else who can't change time. whoever took this entire town and also wanda hostage and forced them to live out a sitcom fantasy is bad and needs to be stopped but wait, it's actually wanda and she can't be the bad guy yet, we need her for doctor strange 2, so actually everyone's going to defend her now and say that no one else could ever possibly understand her grief. thor has decided to accept responsibility as king of asgard, but we can't use him for any more movies if he's stuck in asgard, so actually he's decided to pass it on to someone whose entire leadership capability is developed offscreen. i could list more examples but this is making me angry, so let's move on to star wars instead.
with star wars, i look at first the oft-quoted meme, "somehow palpatine has returned." yeah, i shouldn't really need to go into detail on how that counts as a refusal to commit but. the last jedi was a study in how johnson refused to commit to anything that abrams had laid down in the force awakens, but rise of skywalker was almost like abrams had looked at the franchise and said "screw you for taking it away from me, i'm going to come up with the most bullshit stuff just to spite you for doing that in the first place. and i'm going to start by undoing the most important plot point of the first trilogy: the emperor dies." and yeah, disney's kind of tried to salvage this by dropping hints into the bad batch and the mandalorian about cloning, but that only really works if you're watching the franchise chronologically and not considering that both of those series came out after rise of skywalker.
and then there's the mandalorian, my sweet summer child, who is, in my opinion, the worst at backtracking their plot points. i'm not entirely convinced that any of the higher ups for this show really knew what they were doing when they started working on it and i'm not convinced that they know what they're doing now. yeah, there's the tie-in to the last season of clone wars, but the mandalorian has managed to walk back pretty much every single major plot point it's had. din is this legendary warrior who can't be beat, but no one will watch this show if he defeats everyone too early, so he's constantly getting beat up (tbf, sometimes some of the fights he loses makes sense like the krayt dragon and the mudhorn, but a lot of them don't. at all). moff gideon is dead, no wait no he's not, now he's imprisoned, no wait no he's not, now he's definitely dead, you can totally believe us this time guys. grogu can use the force and must be placed with the jedi, but wait, the only person still actively teaching the way of the jedi is luke and all of his students will be brutally murdered ten years from now, and we can't have that, everyone will be mad at us for killing off such a cute character and no one will buy baby yoda dolls (and also we have to set up luke's character degradation from hopeful, believes-in-love cinnamon roll to "i'm going to kill my nephew") so in between seasons let's have grogu decide to go back to din (and don't even get me started on how frustrating it is that a casual mandalorian watcher also had to watch book of boba fett to understand why grogu is back). din has the darksaber now which makes him king of mandalore, that's totally going to be important and what the entire series has been building up to, right? wrong! he might have spent the first two seasons making connections, learning about the world outside his sheltered upbringing, and demonstrating the various qualities that would make for a good leader, but the entire third season will be about din realizing that actually he's super unworthy and the darksaber should actually go to someone who... saw an animal in the water.
and it's really, really frustrating as a viewer! because how am i supposed to get invested in any of these plot decisions when they almost always get reversed? why should i care that mj and ned have forgotten peter when ant-man 3 has shown me that they'll remember him the next time they're all on screen together? why should i care that tech is dead when half of the last season of clone wars was about how echo was actually alive? if none of these decisions have any permanence, then where are the emotional stakes? why should i watch your movie if all you're going to tell me is that nothing matters?
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ofstarsandfireflies · 3 years
Today marks the first week of our Movie Nights! And to celebrate, this one is a request by the lovely @mystical-magician ! Thank you so much!
Let’s get into it!
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A girl, after wishing her baby brother away, must brave the Goblin King’s labyrinth in order to get him back.
Stephen was sick of Tony.
He hated him in that moment and wasn’t thinking.
He said things he didn’t mean and opened the portal underneath him before closing it again without a thought, needing some peace from their upteenth fight that week.
It was a cruel joke to play, one he knew his old boyfriend, Loki, would approve of.
So when it becomes too quiet and the guilt starts to creep in because it was too cruel to leave Tony stranded somewhere and Stephen was better than that, he tries to bring Tony back.
But it doesn’t work.
He tries again.
And that when someone else’s portal opens, and when he stumbles through it into Asgard, his heart sinks.
Tony is here.
Loki is here.
And Stephen wants to be anywhere but here.
But this was his mistake, one he’ll beg for forgiveness later once Tony is safe and sound, but first he has to find him.
And that is when he is found by Loki, now King and Ruler of Asgard having sent his brother on some life threatening mission or ten to keep him preoccupied.
He likes the gift Stephen sent to him and he won’t give him up.
Loki wants to keep Tony here with him to rule by his side.
Stephen is immediately hostile and is about to do something, anything, but Loki quickly stops him.
Of course Stephen would want something in return.
So he offers him unlimited power, to make him the most feared and formidable Sorcerer in all the dimensions to ever exist.
All he has to do is walk back through the portal behind him and let Tony stay.
But Stephen refuses.
He doesn’t want power.
He wants Tony back.
And all Loki can do is laugh.
Stephen may be a Sorcerer, but he is no match for the powers of a God.
And certainly no match for his maze-like labyrinth surrounding Asgard’s castle where Tony is being held.
But Stephen still refuses to turn back.
So a smirking Loki tells him that if he can get through his labyrinth without the use of the magic he so desperately relies on, and make it to Tony before he agrees to be his bride in 13 hours when the wedding will be held, then he will allow Tony to leave with him.
If not, if Stephen breaks any of these rules or cheats in any way, he will be returning home alone.
Stephen, of course, agrees.
He waits until Loki leaves and quickly tells the cloak to find Tony.
He watches it fly away towards the castle and sets out on foot.
Tony wakes up in a lavish room, with Loki watching him sleep like some sort of creeping vampire on those romance novels he may or may not read.
Loki is charming, sincere, and even though he’s not as power hungry as he was when Tony first fought him, Tony still doesn’t trust him.
And when Loki asks him to marry him, Tony’s brain takes a few seconds to process this out of the blue question.
When he can get his mind and mouth to work as one again, he refuses.
Loki tells him they will be married whether Tony likes it or not, and locks him in the room.
He’s rather liking this game.
And getting back at Stephen Strange for leaving him.
As Stephen is progressing into the labyrinth, he meets Skurge.
Skurge, under Loki’s orders, deceives Stephen into making him take a wrong turn, causing Stephen to become lost even more than he already is and fall down into an oubliette under the labyrinth, where there are countless portals that can drop you somewhere you might not want to go.
Feeling guilty about this, Skurge goes after him and agrees to help Stephen on his way to the castle.
And as soon as they’re out, Loki is there, angry with Skurge and telling him he “had one job!” and suspicious that Skurge is trying to betray him.
After Skurge is rendered silent from the threat of being executed, Loki immediately closes in on Stephen, wanting to know if he’s enjoying the labyrinth.
And Stephen takes a moment to answer.
It’s been a while since he and Loki were this close.
So he tells him it’s a piece of cake.
Loki has always liked Stephen’s dry humour.
He even tells him so before he summons a Leviathan to up the stakes, seeming how Stephen’s finding it too easy.
Running for their lives, they manage to get out before they’re eaten, Stephen fuming that he’s useless without his magic.
Skurge leads him to a garden part of the labyrinth, surprised they’d made it out alive, and even more that Stephen helped him after he betrayed him.
Skurge hasn’t had a friend before, and is thinking that maybe he and Stephen could be friends when they hear a loud roar that frightens him to the point of abandoning Stephen to fend for himself.
Skurge only looks out for one person and that person is Skurge.
But once again, as he’s making his way out of this maze, that guilt comes back.
He can’t just leave Stephen to be killed here.
He’s Skurge’s friend.
He turns to go after him and sees Loki standing behind him.
Watching, smiling, knowing his intentions.
He has something for Skurge to give to Stephen.
It’s a Golden Apple.
However, this one has a little touch of Loki’s magic underneath it’s peel.
Once Skurge gives it to Stephen, and he WILL give it to Stephen, then the Sorcerer will forget all about Tony.
He’ll forget everything about everything and wander the labyrinth forever.
Skurge, reluctantly, agrees.
Stephen finally finds the owner of all the roaring he’s been hearing, rounding a corner to see Hulk, who has been captured.
He is hanging upside down and is being tormented by some of Loki’s more cruel guards.
Stephen, trying to think of a way to help him without his magic, finds a large stone and throws it at a ceramic pot, breaking it and startling the guards into finding who could be around, making them leave Hulk alone.
Hulk thinks Stephen is there to torment him more, but fortunately for him, Stephen is there to free him.
Unfortunately though, Hulk doesn’t know the way to the castle.
Tony is being kept in his room, the draws pulled out and all the gifts Loki has tried using to get to his heart strewn all over the place, everything turned upside down as he’s searched and searched for something he can use, anything he might be able to build, to get out of here.
He’s thought about making a rope ladder with every piece of cloth he can find but the only window is too small for him to climb through.
There is nothing in this room that could produce a large enough blast to make it bigger either, and he’s starting to think that maybe the only way out is to accept Loki’s proposal and then make a run for it somehow.
And then he gets a visitor.
It’s Stephen’s cloak, hovering outside his window.
He lets it in and it encases him in a hug.
He holds the collar to his nose, breathing in Stephen’s scent.
Stephen is here and he’s coming for him.
Tony just needs a little patience and wait for him.
But he doesn’t know how much longer that will be.
And he doesn’t know what will happen to him when that time is up.
Stephen and Hulk are wandering through a dense forest that is somehow part of this labyrinth when everything suddenly goes quiet.
They both look around, staying silent, waiting for whatever is watching them to show itself.
And it does.
But it’s not just one it.
It’s an entire Chitauri army.
Hulk runs into battle to protect Stephen, who runs in the opposite direction.
But his running leads him to a dead end and some of the Chitauri have followed him.
Luckily, Skurge drops him a rope and Hulk leaps up to meet them, causing the ground beneath them to open up. But instead of dropping them into another oubliette, they instead fall into a hidden portal, which takes them to the bifrost, and to where Heimdall awaits them.
Past Heimdall is the rainbow bridge. And beyond the bridge are the gates to the castle.
Heimdall wants to help them and lets them pass, deciding to join them for the last leg of their journey.
Loki is rather surprised with how far they have gotten, and who they now have leading them to the castle.
But he knows Skurge won’t fail him.
That he’ll do as he says.
He has no backbone to do anything else.
And so, half way across the bridge as Hulk and Heimdall carry on ahead without them incase anyone decides to attack, Skurge gives Stephen the Golden Apple.
Grateful for something to eat after 12 hours without food and all he’s been through, Stephen takes a bite.
It tastes...weird.
Skurge backs away from him, apologising over and over as Stephen tries to ask him what he’s done and why he’s done it, trying to focus as his friend runs back to the bifrost and a new figure walks toward him.
It’s Loki.
Loki was...
No, is his boyfriend, his lover.
No one else could ever compare.
Loki reaches for him and Stephen doesn’t pull away, the cloak of levitation appearing in his hands as he returns it around Stephen’s shoulders.
But once he has, Loki doesn’t move.
And neither does Stephen.
He’s always liked being held by Lony... Loki.
He’d been searching for something, something he’d lost, and now he’s found it.
It was Loki he was searching for...right? That sounds right but he can’t quite remember.
Loki’s blue vibrant eyes suddenly become a deep brown.
Stephen blinks, and they’re back to normal.
Loki leans in to kiss him and there’s the scrape of facial hair against his skin that has him pulling away before their lips meet.
But when he looks at him, it’s gone.
Something is wrong.
Loki wasn’t who he was searching for.
It was...it was...
Stephen stares at Loki as his entire form shifts into a beautiful man with short brown hair and brown eyes with a body built for sin, and Stephen reaches for this man.
This is who he was searching for.
The man holds him, but he knows it isn’t the real him. That the touch still belongs to Loki.
Tony is far more softer in his touches than Loki ever was.
Stephen pushes him away, Loki bursting out laughing as he returns to his own form, mocking Stephen at how he was almost deceived.
And how Stephen has lost.
Stephen could only pull out of that powerful magic if he used magic of his own.
Now he will return to his world and Tony will stay here.
But Stephen just smiles as Hulk and Heimdall stand beside him.
He got through the labyrinth without the use of magic, which is what Loki had stated.
Besides, Loki’s magic must be pretty weak if love can break through it.
Loki vanishes with a sneer, leaving them to deal with the Destroyer, who could very well keep to his name sake and destroy the rainbow bridge they’re all standing on.
Stephen could fly himself to the castle with the cloak, but Hulk and Heimdall will be left behind.
The castle doors open and an army of undead warriors march out to stand behind the Destroyer.
Stephen sees the look on his friends’ faces, knows they’re more than prepared to go down fighting to help him.
And that is when Skurge arrives just in time with a friend.
Thor is there to help them.
They all stand on the bridge as the Destroyer and the Draugr block their way to the castle.
Thor is looking forward to this fight, and for the one that is sure to follow after with his brother.
As his friends run into battle, the cloak picks Stephen up and flies him over the battle, an arrow ripping the cloak off his shoulders just as he reaches the castle doors.
He has barely half an hour left to get to Tony.
But the inside of the castle is just as much a labyrinth as the outside of it was; never-ending staircases leading to dead ends as he and Tony both try to get to one another, Loki playing games with the two of them until Stephen has had enough and corners the God of mischief.
And Loki finally reveals that he did all of this for Stephen.
So they could be together again.
That everything he has put Stephen through, every horrible word and life threatening situation, was his way of showing him he wanted him back.
And Stephen is not buying it.
He’s moved on.
Loki will never mean as much to him as Tony does.
Thor, Hulk, Skurge and Heimdall stand behind him having fought their way through to him and the cloak rests on Stephen’s shoulders and blows out behind him intimidatingly, and Loki finally realises he has been defeated.
Stephen and Tony are reunited and while Tony is definitely going to start a fight with him when they get home, he decides to put it off for now.
Holding him is much more important.
Quotes -
“It doesn’t look that far.”
“It’s further than you think. Time is short.”
Stephen trying to act strong in front of his ex.
“No, I’m doing okay.”
“Of course you are. But it gets a lot worse from here on in.”
“Why are you so concerned about me?”
“Well, I am, that’s all. Nice, young girl. Terrible, black oubliette.”
Stephen and Skurge when he’s trying to be nice.
“Well, if it isn’t you. And uh, where are you going?”
“Uh, uh. Well, the little lady gave me the slip but I hears her now. So I was just about to lead her back to the beginning like you told me.”
“I see. For one moment I thought you were running to help her. But no, not after my warnings that would be stupid.”
“Oh, you bet it would! Me? Help her after your warnings?”
Loki knows how to intimidate Skurge into doing what he wants.
“Sarah, beware. I have been generous up until now, and I can be cruel.”
“Generous? What have you done that’s generous?”
“Everything! Everything that you wanted, I have done. You asked for the child to be taken. I took him. You cowered before me. I was frightening. I have reordered time, I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me. Isn’t that generous?”
Loki’s warped thinking of how to impress Stephen leaves much to be desired.
Winner takes it all
Stephen has made a mistake, one that has put both him and Tony at the mercy of the God of mischief.
Missed a Day? Catch up here!
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
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blackypanther9 · 3 years
Part 9 - Secrets to keep...
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No one’s POV....
After 10 more minutes you both ended at the doors of the throne room. Loki opened the door and held it open for you, you stepped inside the room and you both went deeper inside. As you saw Odin, you bowed.
"King Odin..."
Loki bowed also.
"Stand up, both.", Odin commanded you.
You did as you got told. You hated to jump for someone again, who even banished you for nothing ! Loki felt your rage building up, against Odin. He put a hand on your shoulder, you stared at Loki. You snapped out of your building rage and calmed down.
"About what do you wish to speak with me ?"
"A lot."
'Wow. What an answer, freak...'
"Luciella...", Heimdall and Loki warned you.
"What ? I didn't say or do anything now, did I ?", you asked them.
They shook their heads.
"Ask away, King Odin."
"Where have you been all these years ?"
"First on the planet you threw me at, then someone found me and picked me up to a space ship and after that I lived in Jotunheim."
"Who was that someone ?"
"I...I can't tell. It was an alien male. More I can't say."
"Can't or don't want to ?"
"Why ?"
'Cause he is watching me, idiot !'
"Luciella !", Loki and Heimdall said again.
"What ?! I can think still !", you shouted at them angry.
"Father...if you allow me, I make Luciella talk. Now."
"Do it please."
"Try me Loki. It won't work. I tried so many times myself. You will fail, just like me."
Loki put his hands on your head and you saw the person who's watching you, suddenly disappearing. You gasped.
"How did you do it ?", you asked.
"I blocked the unknown force, then sent, whoever this was, a message to never mess with you ever again and threw the person out of your mind.", Loki answered.
"Thanks, I guess..."
"Your welcome."
Odin spoke again.
"What is the name of this person ? Answer me."
"None of your business.", you said.
"Why ?", Odin and Loki asked again.
You sighed.
" 'Cuz I said so."
"Who is he ? What kind of species ?", Heimdall asked.
"I can't tell."
"Why ?"
"If I tell you...We won't have much time anymore. All I can say is that he is after someone from here."
"After who ?", Odin and Heimdall asked.
You rolled your eyes. Loki was silent.
"Can't tell.", you said.
"All I can say is this : The person needs to be easy to control. He needs to lead an army. And he needs to be clever."
"Which army ?", Odin asked.
"The Chitauri. A bunch of brainless idiots."
You turned to Loki around and looked him serious in the eyes.
"No matter, what you may think right now, don't you fucking dare to work with them ! I know it's insane ! You think you have control, but in reality they have control, even over you ! They would make you do, terrible things and kill everything ! That is nothing if you wanna match that with fighting against Thor ! This is serious and insane ! They wouldn't even keep his promise ! Nobody would trust you anymore, you would be locked away until your final breath ! Don't make deals with them, understood Loki ?!"
He just stared and didn't do anything else.
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(Like that, he did stare. Completely in his own world. 🤣)
He still looked down, better stared.
"Believe me. I heard you. I just don't understand, why you think so little of me and think I would go to them. And more importantly...from where do you know all that ? If they are brainless idiots, they wouldn't have told you.", he looked now at you with his eyes staring into yours.
You froze up.
"Well, Luciella ? I wish for an answer.", Loki said, being impatient.
You hung your head.
"You would hate me, I can't tell."
"If you tell me now the truth, I promise that nobody will hate you.", Loki assured you.
You sighed.
"Come here and look me deeply in the eyes, Loki."
He came closer and stared you into your eyes, you cleared your throat. Loki didn't break the eye contact. What he didn't know was, that he never could see lies, even if you lied to him, he never read them.
"I can't tell you much. All I can say is that the leader is an asshole and crazy."
Loki didn't look away, just like you. They listened to you still.
Your POV....
I went inside the room he was always sitting and commanding in. As I entered he smiled at me.
"Ah. There you are my child. Come here and sit down on my lap."
I did as I got told.
"You wanted to talk to me, Sir ?"
"Yes, my Daughter. I have your first mission for you."
'Finally, I can go.'
"What is it ?"
I acted like I was excited, but actually I just wanted to escape. He smiled at me.
"I need a person. Someone to control easily, to break his spirit fast, who can command and lead an army, who can steal and kill good. Who is very good and strong in a fight. I want you to kidnap someone from Asgard."
I panicked. I never told him anything about Asgard.
"Oh Daughter. I can read your mind a little, you always think about the place, I think we should pay them a visit. Tomorrow you will go, kidnap the person I want, cause chaos and take a few people with you there. Kill the Guards and the King and Queen, if you have to. Mostly for your revenge."
I panicked, I didn't want to do it and kidnap someone from Asgard. Of course I missed the place back then, but chaos ? This wasn't an option. You were still a child, he wanted me to kill your family as you and Thor still were little kids, he had and still has no mercy to anyone. He was insane and he still is !
"Oh and...if you fail me, Luciella, I need to punish you or even kill you."
I nodded and went into my room, but not to go sleep or something. I packed my stuff I needed and ran to one of the saving capsules. I stole one and saw Jotunheim under us. I got inside, started the capsule to fall, and landed on Jotunheim.
End of Flashback....
No one’s POV....
"Since then I didn't saw them anymore again and stayed in Jotunheim. I hoped that someone of Asgard would come there and save me, but nobody came, as I turned 20 years old I stopped hoping and accepted that I will rot there to death."
Loki still stared into your eyes. He didn't see any lies.  As you nodded he stepped back.
"She isn't lying. It is the truth.", Loki stated.
Odin nodded and looked at Heimdall, he nodded.
"Why can't I see them, if they exist ?", Heimdall asks you.
"I don't know. Maybe they are hiding too good or they have some kind of power, force, magic, whatever, to make you blind."
"What's their plan or his ?", Odin asked.
"He needs to collect some stones...6 to be exactly."
"What kind of stones ?", the three of them asked you.
"I am not telling."
Odin froze, while Loki looked at you lightly confused.
"You still work for him.", Odin then said.
"Sadly, you are wrong Odin. I just won't talk to you about it."
"Excuse me, but why ?", Loki asked, still lightly confused.
"Because I can do what I want, Loki.", you explained to Loki.
"We need to talk later. Alone.", Loki said a little angry.
"You can actually go now. I don't have any other questions, just one and that's not counting to this topic now. Luciella, I ask you, do you make Loki and Lady Sif the honor to join their team and replace Thor with that ?"
You stared at Loki surprised, he at you as well.
"If it's okay for Loki, I will.", you answered.
Loki nodded and hugged you.
"Of course, I would love it, if you join us.", he said.
"Then you may go and talk. Heimdall you can go back to watch the gate of the Bifrost. And I will wait here and I will be ready to talk and listen to you, Luciella. If you change your mind."
You all nodded, bowed and walked away, out of the throne room. Heimdall stopped you.
"Listen, Luciella, I am sorry. I know now like 325 years that the person who attacked me, wasn't you. And the killing, because after you got banished, it didn't stop. Odin wanted you back, but you weren't on the planet anymore and so he searched for you, but gave up after 30 years. I am sorry, that we didn't look in Jotunheim for you."
"It's okay, Heimdall. We will talk about that later. Okay ?"
He nodded and you and Loki made your way to the library.
Part 10
Masterlist with all Chapters of this Story click here !  
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lokiofassgards · 4 years
Beyla (Loki) 10
As Loki traveled through the wormhole, he arrived in a part of the universe called Sanctuary and met the Mad Titan Thanos and The Other, the former who offered a pact that would allow him to become ruler of the Earth while he would take the Tesseract which was being studied by S.H.I.E.L.D. Thanos provided Loki with a Scepter with a blue gem which acted as a powerful weapon, and also as a mind-control device.
Loki would do this. He is the rightful king. You are his queen. Nothing would stop him from sitting with you on a throne over subjects.
A soft echo erupts throughout my dazed and sleep locked brain. I turn softly in the sheets of my bed pushing the disturbance away.
"Please, Beyla."
I open my eyes and see the only thing in my room is me. I step onto the cold wood of the floor padding my way towards the hall. I venture to the kitchen, fetching myself some water.
"I think you need to move some of these guys into the sun." I quickly turn to face the dark. I wrap the limbs of the plants around the mystery individual and summon my bees to point large stinging knives at the intruder.
I turn on the light to see Iron Man wrapped up in vines and leaves. He looks down nodding at his current situation. "I see. It's the security system. Very natural. Environmental friendly."
I huff releasing him from his binds. "Tony, what the hell? It's 4:19 in the morning!" He takes off the faceplate. "This would've worked out but you ruined it. Come on. I'll show you." I follow him outside of the small house I was provided with and to the back.
"Figured you could store some of the plants and stuff in here. It's also a place where you can work on growing those... glowing things. Fury said he wanted to look at them soon." "They're called vitality buds." "Yeah okay. Just make sure to grow me some of the good stuff. Anyway! Here is your new office, Beyla."
Tony flips on a switch in a gaping doorway. The beams light up and shine through the beautiful glass casing. Two floors of plants and more than enough room to produce whatever we needed.
I squeal walking forward on the tile. "This is amazing!" I laugh spinning around in the greenery. Tony nods in appreciation at his work. He hands me a remote control showing me the many features of the greenhouse. "This is where your work begins."
As the months grow from Loki's passing, the nightly whispers grow as well. The faint call of his silver lie. I stay awake for hours trying to decipher his calls. The more I sleep the more his haunts my heart causing me to question if I had a chance to change it all. Did I ever hold that power to convince him to run off to earth with me long ago? We could've avoided everything in the end.
I sit up in the sheets and reach for my nightstand. I open the drawer and retrieve my large journal from Asgard. I flip page by page seeing how every moment affected who I am today. I giggle laughing at the passages of young Loki and I. Mer teenagers and running among the gardens in hiding places only we knew of.
Loki picks a flower, bowing, and gives it to me. "My love." I look around for security before taking it and meeting his lips.
"Beyla. My girl, it is time for your lessons!" I pull back smirking and drag Loki through the large bushes to the middle of the gardens where it is less tended to.
I press my hand on Loki's mouth as he looks down at me shocked. He laughs as my mother calls for me once more.
Frigga's voice rings out in amusement. "Funny to notice my youngest's absence." The smile on her lips was thick with knowing.
"That girl." My mother sighs running along with her Queen. Loki looks at me smiling. "I have to say I might be rubbing off on you, love. Very sneaky." I peck his cheek. "I had a good teacher."
Had I been blind to our childhood? The signs of the jealousy of Thor. I was too naive to think all he wanted was me. He craved the throne as well. Maybe even more so than love. I trace over the glittering words of my past. My wedding ring still prompts on my finger.
I drop the seeds in the soil covering them up and setting all the watering features on for the time. "I see you're enjoying yourself." I turn to see none other than Nick Fury standing in the bright doorway. I nod grasping the box of his materials. I push them on the table and open the lid revealing the quarter-sized buds glowing with pale orange. I close the lid and slide it to him.
"You aren't very talkative today, Ms. Beyla. Not resting well?" I grin slightly. I rest on the small chair next to the stairs. "Did the dark circles under my eyes give you a clue?" He nods picking up his case. "We will be in touch." I shake my leg with questions running through my mind.
"What do you need those buds for? I told you how dangerous they can be. That's a lot of energy and if used any other way then a simple medicine it will-" "Possibly cause death. Yes, Ms. Beyla we understand. Let us do the work here. We're the good guys." He strolls away with my plants leaving me in suspicion.
"Not long now, love."
"We shall rule once more."
The whispers caused me to shred the sheets once more in frustration. "Shut up!" I groan rolling over. I stand on the floor in madness. "I hear you! Come on out!" I run through the house yelling at the unseen force.
I wander into the bathroom staring at myself in the dark. "You've completely lost it. Look at you. You're a goddess who gardens for the government you don't serve." I shake my head opening the medication cabinet and grasping one of my calming beads. I place them back and close the cabinet and when I do I'm met with eyes thought to be dead. He stares at me with grace and love. "You're also my Queen." I back away in shock hitting my head on the rack behind me. I fall to the ground finally going into a deep dark sleep.
Sat upon the rock, I reach out to her again as she rests. The only time where the link is weak between our two realms. "Beyla." She tosses her body in discomfort. I can only hope she is being kept satisfied in Asgard.
The Other walks upon me, staring at me under its hood. I am handed the Chitauri scepter, a long golden handle, fitted with a blue gem encircled with silver blades. "Our ally knows its workings as they never will. He is ready to lead. And our force, our Chitauri, will follow. The world will be his. The universe yours. And the humans, what can they do but burn?"
"How bad is it?" "That's the problem, sir. We don't know." Agent Coulson leads Hill and Fury through the radiation section of the facility. "Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago."
"NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test phase."
"He wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement."
Hill narrows her eyes in confusion. "It just turned itself on?"
"What are the energy levels now?" "Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac."
"How long to get everyone out?"
"Campus should be clear in the next half hour."
"Do better." Fury says as he continues to go down to the radiation floor. Fury enters the lab facility where the Tesseract is being held.
"Talk to me, doctor."
Dr. Erik Selvig emerges from behind the CMS machine, concerned. The Tesseract is glowing unusually brighter and flare rings shoot out at random.
"Is there anything we know for certain?"
"Tesseract is misbehaving."
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's...misbehaving." The Dr looks onward at the cube.
"How soon until you pull the plug?"
"She's an energy source. If we turn off
the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..." he draws off indicating the worst.
"Where's Barton?"
"The Hawk? Up in his nest, as usual."
Clint Barton is up on the railings watching them below, Fury calls Barton on his earpiece demanding his presence.
"I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things."
"Well, I see better from a distance."
"Are you seeing anything that might set this thing off?"
"No one's come or gone. It's oven is clean. No contacts, no I.M.'s. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."
Nick Fury asks, "At this end?" "Doors open from both sides."
Suddenly the Tesseract shakes the entire facility. The flaring rings and glow of the cube spout out brighter and louder, like a boiling pot of water. The Tesseract's energy builds up into a beam much like the Bifrost Bridge, which strikes at the end of a platform. A Vortex forms, opening a portal.
The swirling winds of the black hole opening from space gust a blue energy cloud. It fills the room, blinding everyone.
As their eyes clear they see a man perched upon the opposite side of the platform. Guards slowly approach him, weapons in hands.
Loki kneels, smiling in his mischievous manner, he raises his head. He looks deep into the eyes of Fury, Barton and Selvig. He stands up, holding the scepter.
Nick stands at attention. "Sir, please put down the spear!" Loki looks at his spear then suddenly points it at where Fury and Barton are standing and shoots a blue exploding light towards the agents.
Machine gun fire is shot at Loki, but the bullets bounce off him like a boss. Loki jumps high from the platform and attacks those firing at him. In the blink of an eye, Loki takes down several guards with his knives and scepter blast. Barton tries to stand up. Loki quickly walks towards him causing Barton to raise his gun, but Loki grabs his hand.
"You have heart." Loki points the head of his spear at Barton's head. Barton's eyes suddenly glow black. The ability to control Barton's mind now in Loki's hand. Barton puts his piece away and stands straight.
As Loki is busy using his abilities to control the minds of several S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel, Fury takes the Tesseract, placing it back into its case and tries to leave the lab.
Loki turns to Fury as he tries to slip away. "Please don't. I still need that." "This doesn't have to get any messier."
Loki scoffs, "Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else. I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose." Selvig pipes up in knowing. "Loki? Brother of Thor?" Loki looks over to the human with a glare. The mention of his brother burning in his cold blood.
"We have no quarrel with your people."
"An ant has no quarrel with a boot."
Fury tilts his head. "Are you planning to step on us?"
"I come with glad tidings, of a world made free." "Free from what?" "Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart..."
In a swift motion, Loki turns to face Selvig and places his spear against his heart. Selvig's eyes glow black as his mind is taken over. "You will know peace."
"Yeah, you say peace, I kind of think you mean the other thing." From the vacuum chamber ceiling, Tesseract's energy cloud rapidly builds into what may be a death wish.
"Sir, Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow. Drop a hundred feet of rock on us. He means to bury us."
Nick smirks, "Like The Pharaohs of Odin."
"He's right. The portal is collapsing in on itself. You got maybe two minutes before this goes critical." Loki hums noting the danger. "Well then." Instantly Barton, who doesn't even hesitate, shoots Fury who falls to the ground. Loki, Barton, Selvig, and the other S.H.I.E.L.D personnel are in the parking lot of the facility Agent Hill watches in confusion at Loki.
Clint strolls over calmly. "Need these vehicles." "Who's that?" Hill addresses God.
"He didn't tell me."
As she walks away Nick cries out into the com. "Hill, do you copy?!" Loki and Barton sharply look at Agent Hill. "Barton has turned..." The radio cuts out. Suddenly, Hill turns to shoot but Barton is already aimed and shoots at her. He moves the driver's seat of the truck and speeds off.
Several SHIELD trucks pull up to them. A drive-by shooting ensues. Loki, who stands on top of the bed of the truck, uses his scepter and emits energy blasts, flipping over SHIELD trucks. They get in, the cars roar out after them.
Fury races out of the hallway, avoiding falling pipes. The entire facility is now in a full earthquake. He bolts out of the facility and jumps into a helicopter. The surface of the pad gives way, plunging the helicopter through the surface. But Fury's chopper barely makes it out.
The blastwave of the Tesseract causes the tunnel to cave in. Fury's helicopter roars over Barton's truck. Loki looks up. From the chopper's door, it slides open and Fury stands there, holding a gun, shooting at them. Loki looks at Fury and in a fit of rage, points his scepter, and shoots out a blue blast.
The chopper catches fire, going down in a fiery ball. Fury jumps out and touches down onto the desert floor. The chopper barrels along the ground. Agent Coulson pipes through the com, "Director? Director Fury, do you copy?"
"The Tesseract is with the hostile force. I have men down. Hill?"
"A lot of men are still under, don't know how many survivors."
"Sound the general call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for that briefcase. Coulson, get back to base. This is a LEVEL SEVEN. As of right now, we are at war.
"What do we do?"
Fury stands there. Thinking. He looks up. On his face lives a sign of hope.
I sit on the white iron chair sipping tea and reading a book. As I turn the page Tony strolls in. "How are my buds doing?" He baby talks to his growing mary jane causing me to roll my eyes. He moves to sit across from me and smiles. I put my book down and cross my arms. Tony's eyes avert to my ring finger and lay at the emerald stone. He meets my eyes again and leans back. "You never talk about him." I look at my finger in sorrow. "No need to. He's gone." Tony's eyes narrow in confusion. "Is he?" I nod looking over the fingers of my dress. "Uh, yeah, there was an accident. He... fell." I see the entire thing over again. His eyes looked so dead as he fell into emptiness. Tony sighs, bringing me out of my thoughts. I wipe my eyes shaking my head. "Is there a reason you came to visit? Not that I don't enjoy it." Tony shakes his head then standing up. "We've got a mission. How soon can you suit up?"
I stand taking my bracelet off, tossing it into the air, forming it to the staff. I then bring my hand across both shoulders and straight down causing my Asgardian wear to appear on my body. Tony watches in amazement. "Quick change. Noted. Let's go then."
I follow behind him as we exit the doors. "Where to?"
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: The Avengers
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We're Covering The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
And I'm Very Excited For Today's Show As Today We're Talking About The Avengers!
This Film Is The Event All These Films Have Been Working Up To, The Film Sees Nick Fury Recruiting Iron Man, Captain America, Thor And The Hulk To Stop Thor's Brother Loki From Taking Over The World
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Will The Avengers Stop Loki Before He Brings His Army To Conquer New York?
Let's Find Out As We Watch The Avengers...
The Movie Starts When A Voice From A Being Known As The Other, Talks About The Tesseract Awakening And How An Ally Of His Along With An Army Of Their Chitauri Is Headed For Earth To Get It As The Humans Don't Know How To Control It's True Power Like The Way The Other's Mysterious Boss Or His Ally Does...
Cutting To A S.H.I.E.L.D. Base In The Middle Of Nowhere That's Been Given An Evacuation Order, Nick Fury And His Second In Command, Maria Hill (Played By Robin From How I Met Your Mother) Arrive By Helicopter To Find Out What Is Going On From Agent Phil Coulson And Dr. Erik Selvig Who Say That The Tesseract Is Misbehaving And Energy Levels Are Climbing...
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Talking With Clint Barton (Who's Been Keeping An Eye On Selvig) He Tells Fury That There's Been No Tampering On This End But Remembering That The Tesseract Is A Doorway To The Other End Of Space, Barton Tells Fury That Doors Open From Both Sides...
After That The Tesseract Creates A Portal Into Space Which Brings Loki To Earth...
Firing Blasts At People And Attacking Guards, Loki Takes Control Of Barton Before Talking With Fury Who Is Trying To Take The Tesseract. Telling Fury That He Needs The Tesseract, Fury Stalls Loki As Loki Tells Fury Who He Is And That He Intends To Take Over The World As He Places Selvig Under His Control...
With Barton Explaining Fury's Methods To Loki, Loki Has Hawkeye Shoot Fury So He Can Take The Tesseract. Still Alive After Being Shot, Fury Contacts Maria Hill To Tell Her That Barton Has Been Compromised...
(Start At 0:19, End At 3:30)
A Few Days Later In Russia, We Catch Up With Natasha Romanoff Who Has Been Captured By Russian Mobsters When She's Contacted By Coulson Who Tells Her That They Need Her...
(Start At 2:04)
Meanwhile In India, A Little Girl Asks For Bruce Banner (Played Now By Mark Ruffalo) To Help Her Sick Father. Taking Bruce To Him, He Ends Up Being Ditched By By The Kid So Banner Can Talk To Natasha Who Says That S.H.I.E.L.D. Needs Him To Come In To Help Them Trace The Tesseract As It Emits A Low Radiation Gamma Signature, And There's No One Who Knows Gamma Radiation More Than Him...
As Banner Agrees To Come In, Fury Has A Meeting With The World Security Council (Which Features Powers Boothe (Who Would Later Play A Role On Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. And Voiced Gorilla Grodd On The Justice League Animated Series) And Jenny Agutter (Who Is Known For Her Role In An American Werewolf In London But Is More Known For Her Role In Logan's Run) ) Who Tell Fury To Get Phase 2 Ready As It Was Made For This Reason...
But Fury Believes That Response Team Would Work Better As Phase 2 Isn't Ready Yet But Reminding Fury That The Avengers Initiative Was Shut Down Because (As The Snooty Morons Put It) "They Don't Want To Leave The Fate Of The Human Race To A Handful Of Freaks!" And That "War Isn't Won By Sentiment"
Well, Then How Did Captain America Beat Hydra, You Asshole!
And Speaking Of Cap, That's Who Fury Goes To See After The Meeting. Giving Cap A File On The Tesseract, Fury Tells Cap About Loki Saying That If He's In There'll Be A Lot That They Have To Bring Him Up To Speed On...
Later That Night, We Catch Up With Iron Man As He Connects A Device To The New York Power Grid That Will Power The New Stark Tower. Coming Into The Tower After Doing That, Tony Spends Time With Pepper Only To Interrupted By Phil Coulson Who Asks Him To Come In Because It's Not About Personality Profiles Anymore And With Both Tony And Pepper Eventually Realizing That Phil Is Serious, Tony Decides To Come In, While Coulson Drops Off Pepper At LaGuardia...
The Next Day, Cap Arrives With Coulson On Board A Quinjet Which Lands On What Looks To Be A Navy Vessel. Once On-Board, Cap Meets Bruce Banner And Natasha Romanoff, Who Tells Cap And Banner That They May Want To Step Inside As It's Gonna Get A Little Hard To Breathe...
With Alarms Going Off We Soon See That It's No Navy Vessel But The Motherfreaking Helicarrier, Baby!...
Once Inside The Main Control Room, Fury Activates The Ship's Stealth Mode, Fury Talks With Banner, Who Tells S.H.I.E.L.D. To Have Their Spectrometers Searching For Gamma Rays While He Goes With Romanoff To S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Lab To Work On A Tracking Algorithm For The Tesseract...
However, While Banner's Doing That, S.H.I.E.L.D. Gets A Lock On Loki Who Is In Stuttgart, Germany Causing Trouble At Some Museum Gala While Barton Steals Some Iridium From Their Storage Rooms For Selvig But As Loki Adresses The People, Telling Them To Kneel Before Him (Which Kind Of Sounds Like Something Another Supervillain Would Say)...
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An Old Man Stands Up To Loki...
(Start At 1:44, End At 3:23)
With Loki On Board The Quinjet, Tony And Steve Talk For A Few Second Before We Hear A Sound Of Thunder...
Which Leads To Thor Bursting In And Taking Loki From The Quinjet With Both Tony And Steve Following Him...
Discovering That Thor Got Here Not By The Bifrost By Odin's Magic, We Get A Tender Moment Between Thor And Loki Where He Tells Him That They Thought He Was Dead And That Despite Loki's True Parentage They're Still Brothers But Loki's Like "Screw You, Bro I'm Tired Of Living In Your Shadow, I'm Gonna Be King Whether It's On Asgard Or Here And I Got Friends Who'll Back Me Up If You Try To Take Me On"...
(Start At 0:06)
With Loki Locked In A Cell Made For The Hulk Inside Of The Helicarrier, Fury Talks With Loki With Thor, Cap Natasha And Banner Hearing Everything But Not Really Finding Out Anything About Loki's Plan But Yet Somehow Thor Knows It...
Telling Cap, Natasha And Banner That Loki Is Leading An Army Of Chitauri Which Loki Will Use To Conquer Earth In Return For The Tesseract, Knowing That Loki Is Using Selvig To Build A Portal To Their Realm, But Wondering What Loki Needed Iridium For, Stark Bursts In To Tell Them That Loki Needs It For A Stabilizing Agent To Keep The Portal Open...
And With The Rest Of The Materials Coming From Barton, The Only Thing They'll Need Is A Power Source Of High Energy Density To Kickstart The Tesseract
Asking Tony To Help Him In The Lab, Tony And Banner Analyze Loki's Staff But When Tony Zaps Banner With A Small Electric Stick, Steve Enters To Tell Tony To Not Do That In Fear Of Banner Becoming The Hulk...
Telling Tony To Focus On The Problem At Hand, However, Both Tony And Banner Believe That Fury Is Hiding Something Despite Steve Just Seeing This As Loki Winding Them Up And That If They Don't Stay Focused He'll Succeed...
But Thinking That Stark And Banner May Be Right, Steve Goes Off To Investigate...
Back In The Lab, The Science Bros. (As The Fanbase Calls Bruce And Tony) Get To Know Each Other A Little Better. While We Discover Where Natalie Portman Is During This Movie And Romanoff Has A Word With Loki That Leads To Exposition About Her Relationship With Barton And Leads To Her Discovering Loki's Plan To Use The Hulk As A Distraction While He Escapes...
Talking With Banner And Tony About Why They Haven't Found The Tesseract Yet, But With The Signuture Sweeping Now, It's Just Going To Take Time...
After Having Jarvis Scan S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Computers, Tony Asks Fury What Phase 2 Is, Which Leads To Cap Telling Them That Phase 2 Is S.H.I.E.L.D. Using The Tesseract To Make Weapons Like Hydra Did (Which Cap Discovered In A Box That Was In The Underbelly Of The Helicarrier)...
With Banner Wondering Why As Thor And Natasha Enter The Room..
And Because It's Mark Ruffalo And He Just Had To Throw In A Little Bit Of His Activisim Into Bruce Banner By Talking About Weapons Of Mass Destruction...
Fury Explains That It's Because Of The Destroyer Attack In New Mexico As It Showed Not Only That They Are Not Alone In This Universe But Also That They Are Hopelessly Outgunned, And Despite Thor's People Not Being A Threat, The World's Filling Up With People Who Can't Be Matched Or Controlled...
And From There It's Argument To Argument Mainly From Steve And Tony Which Isn't What I Wanted To See From Them In This Movie...
Of All The People Who Should Be Happy To See Steve, I Expected It To Be Tony As After Learning Alot About His Father In The Last Iron Man Movie He Most Likely Would Have A Lot Of Questions About Him To Ask Steve, Like What Was My Father Like Back Then? Was He More Like Me Than I Believed He Was? And As We Saw In One Scene In First Avenger Him And Tony Were Definitely Alike In A Similar Fashion And It Pissed Me Off That We Never Got That But A Fight Over Who's Ego Is Bigger? Tony Or Steve? Instead Which I Would Have Prefered To See In A Sequel Rather Than This...
Eventually, Barton And A Bunch Of Brainwashed S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents On Board A Quinjet Prepare To Land On The Helicarrier But Before They Do, Barton Takes Out A Helicarrier Engine With An Explosive Arrow Which Tells Both Tony And Steve To Shut Up And Suit Up...
After Suiting Up, Tony And Steve Fix The Damage To The Engines While On A Lower Floor, Banner Is Transforming Into The Hulk Despite Natasha Trying To Calm Him Down, And From There It Quickly Becomes A Game Of Temple Run Until Thor Shows Up...
(Start At 0:45)
Managing To Escape His Rapidly Falling Cell, Thor Crashes On The Ground While Coulson Says "Screw You For Killing Me, Loki" By Firing The Destroyer Gun At Him...
Meanwhile, Steve Flips The Switch That Fixes The Engines So Tony Can Finish Off What's Left Of Loki's Brainwashed S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents As Loki Gets Away..
Arriving To Get Coulson, Fury Stays With His Friend Until He Dies. Sending Coulson's Body To A Magical Place Called T.A.H.I.T.I., Fury Reunites With Steve And Tony On The Bridge Where He Tells Them That They Were Going To Make An Arsenal With The Tesseract Before About What The Avenger Initiative Was And How Much Coulson Believed In It...
Meanwhile, Thor Goes To Get His Hammer While The Hulk Transforms Back Into Banner (Who Is Completely Naked) Only To Be Confronted By A Janitor (Played By Harry Dean Stanton)..
Back On The Helicarrier, Natasha Manages To Snap Barton Out Of Loki's Control So He Can Tell Nat That Loki Is Making His Move Today While On The Lower Level, Where Loki Was Jailed, Steve And Tony Talk Only For Tony To Realize Where Loki Will Be...
Telling Barton And Romanoff To Suit Up, It Leads To A Montage Of Stark Buffing The Damage Out Of His Suit So He Can Wear It, Thor Grabbing Mijonir So He Can Suit Up And Cap, Hawkeye And Black Widow Going To Steal A Quinjet So They All Can Go Fight Loki...
Heading To Stark Tower, Tony Fires Back At Selvig's Machine Only For The Machine To Fire Back So, Deciding To Take Route 2, Tony Decides To Distract Loki Until His Friends Get Here...
But Tired Of Tony's Talk, Loki Throws Him Out Of A Window Only For The New Mark 7 Suit To Launch, But While Firing A Blast At Loki, A Portal In The Sky Starts To Form...
To Which The Cliche Haters Can Kiss My Ass On!
And Chitauri Start Coming Through To Attack Earth...
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Iron Man Deals With Some Of The Chitauri Coming Through The Portal While Thor Fights Loki At Stark Tower And Quinjet With Steve, Natasha And Barton Deal With More Of The Arriving Chitauri Until They're Shot Down Where Cap's Team Is Forced To Fight Them On The Ground With Thor (After Loki Escapes On One Of The Chitauri Ships)...
(Start At 0:24)
Overriding Fury's Orders, The Council Of Morons (As I'm Calling Them) Send Out A Jet With A Nuke To Blow Up All Of New York, Fury Attempts To Stop The Jet With An RPG But They Just Send Another One....
Contacting Tony, He Manages To Grab The Nuke So He Can Send It Through The Wormhole To Not Only Destroy The Chitauri Control Ship But Also Shuts Down Tony's Arc Reactor...
With Natasha Closing The Portal, Tony Manages To Fall Through Just As It Closes Only To Be Caught By The Hulk Who Saves His Life On Both Occasions, I Guess? And They Go Up To What Remains Of Stark Tower To Arrest Loki...
In The Aftermath Of The Fight With The Chitauri We See News Reports From All Over The World Including One With Stan Lee...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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And Chrissy Seaver From Growing Pains, Who's Obviously A Waitress Now As The Council Of Near Murderers Asks Where The Avengers Are But With Fury Not Telling As We See Them All Go Their Separate Ways With Thor Returning To Asgard With Loki And The Tesseract, Iron Man Taking Hulk Into His Next Movie With Him, Steve Riding Off To See How Much The World Has Changed And Natasha And Barton Going Onto Their Next Mission....
Believing That Fury Has No Clue What He's Unleashed Onto The World With The Council Believing That The Avengers Are Dangerous But Fury Assures The Council That Not Only Does He Know But Every World Knows What He's Unleashed. Wondering If All Of This Was Just To Make A Damn Statement, Fury Just Says That It Wasn't To Make A Statement But A Promise...
With Hill Wondering How It'll Work Now As The Avengers Have Gone Their Separate Ways And If They Fall Into A Situation Like This Again What'll Happen? However Fury Just Tells Hill That They'll Come Back Because They'll Need Them To...
Cutting Back To Stark Tower With Tony And Pepper As They Decide To Remodel It Into A New Headquarters For The Avengers...
As The Credits Roll, We Get A Mid Credits Scene With The Other Telling His Master That He Cannot Attempt To Rule The Humans And To Attack Them Will Just Lead To His Demise And Then We See The Other's Boss Stand As We See That It's Thanos Who Is Like, Bitch, Please!
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We Also Get An End Credits Scene With The Avengers Just Getting Schwarma...
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Oh, I Mean...
And That's The Avengers And It's A Great Movie!
The Story Is Great, The Characters Are Great, Loki's A Fantastic Villain, I Love Captain America's Costume As It Actually Looks Like The Captain America Costume From The Comics. The Fight Scenes Are Great, The Directing By Joss Whedon Is Fantastic And I Can't Say This Enough See It!
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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tarithenurse · 6 years
I see you - Ch. 4
Ch. 4 – Ramble On
Word count: 1437 Warnings: angst, tiny bit of fighting, more angst? A/N: I’m having a hard time getting to write atm due to assignments at internship and something called real life (family, birthdays, etc.). I hope it won’t be as long before the next chapter, but honestly I cannot promise anything.
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The benefit of seeing across time and space is that the viewer can see what is happening without any delay whatsoever. He or she can, if truly powerful and the Old Gods are willing, even slow down the passing of time. This is not to say that they can stop it or that they can continuously tamper with the flow – a river can only be held back for a short while until the leaking dam gives way under the pressure of the restrained water. In this aspect, time works similar. Scientists of the young world known as Midgard do not know this yet. They cannot with their lack of knowledge and simple technology. Asgardians, however, have millennia of wisdom and scientific prowess to fuel their understanding of the multiverses.
As Heimdal sees the green colossus collide with the Chitauri Leviathan, he knows it will crush anything in it’s fall. Furthermore, he knows he has no choice but to break the vow he has sworn to the All-Father. The monster has already reached a vertical position when the Keeper of Bifrost springs into action, scanning the pavement for any sign of the woman.
He sees her too late, the shadow of the beast stretching far beyond where she stands, the figure frail and tiny in comparison as tons of dead alien bears down on her. She’s not running away, but rather further under it.
“All-Fathers,” the words gush from him as he reaches for the sword, “grant me the time to save a life of one who’s worthy.”
Slowing to a steady dripple, like honey from a spoon, time seems to disengage its grip on Heimdal. Slotting the two-hander into Bifrost’s mechanism, he feels the humming from the engines powering up until he releases the bridge to surge towards the destination. The bright, fragmented lights hurtle across the vast distance between the two realms. Too slow, too late. Already the dam is breaking from the pressure of the restrained time. Sweat is forming in his palms, making the hands slip slightly despite the iron-grip on the cross guard. A desert has been run through his throat, removing any moisture there used to be. Faster, he spurs Bifrost on as the woman’s body disappears from view. The man she was near tumbles free of the Chitauri creature. She pushed him. The tail of the Leviathan creates an oddly soft sound on impact with her, but it’s drowned for most in the howling of the winds that carry the bridge. Bright light bathes where she stood less than a second ago, and Heimdal has to use all of his skill to bend the light, forcing it to reach her where she lies beneath the monster before reversing the direction of the passage from Asgard.
It takes much too long before the passengers arrive in the observatory and he can shut off the connection. What can be seen at first is only the tip of the tail belonging to the beast, and Heimdal has to push and heave to lift it free from the broken body beneath. Shoving it unceremoniously over the edge and into the abyss, he fears which state the human is in when he turns. Creating a link to lady Frigga, Heimdal shares his observations, begging for the healers’ assistance to save her. Still alive. Barely, though. Her breathing is rapid and shallow, blood trickles from mouth and nose with each rattling gasp for air, and already a pallor is setting in with an accent of yellow.
“Hold on, observer.” It’s nothing more than a whisper in her ear. “I will not let you pass without seeing the wonders of the multiverses.”
Heimdal had had to stay behind in the observatory, keeping his post as the Guard of Asgard and Keeper of the Bifrost, and to witness the events that unfolded in the Midgardian city where his former prince sought to kill and conquer. And although the tales would be many and grand, depicting the heroism of Thor and the Midgardian heroes…the distant watcher found it challenging to focus mentally on the events in the distant realm. His mind was on the foreign woman fighting for her life even under the care of the best healers and Frigga herself. As soon as he could, Heimdal promised himself, he would find someone to take his place in the observatory for the rest of the day.
The darkness comes and goes, but each time it lifts to reveal a fuzzy world it also brings pain with it, making you cry and even whimper or groan silently even though it takes your breath away.
Voices talk gibberish around you, until as soft hand strokes tears away from your cheeks. “Don’t be afraid, dear,” the owner (a woman) says, “we’re here to help you.”
Then a warm wave of numbness washes over you, making your eyelids too heavy. The painkiller together with the gentle woman calms you, chases the rumble of a panic away, allowing the few thoughts you can identify to fool you that you’ll be okay. Someone’s taking care of things. No one seems to be fighting. Everything’s alright. You welcome the sleep without any questions.
At some point, you’re vaguely aware of being moved, but the drowsiness alienates your mind from what’s happening, and you drift back into a dreamless sleep.
It’s a rare sight to see Heimdal running along Bifrost and through the capital of Asgard. Because of his magic, he has no need to hurry because any important message is passed to him from great distances or he can relay any news he has by sharing his senses with the intended recipient. As a result, physical exertion is only needed for training or combat. Yet there he is, feet pounding on the stone slaps with the golden mortar in between, causing those he rush by to stop and stare after him.
“Has something happened to prince Thor?”
“What could cause Heimdal to look that worried?”
“Is there trouble at the palace?”
The whispered comments don’t go unnoticed by the running Bridge-Keeper, however he neither has the time to explain nor the interest in people knowing of the situation. Getting to the Midgardian’s side is first priority, still the woman’s presence will not be condoned by the king and Heimdal knows she will be cast out without delay if Odin finds out by accident. The news must come from Heimdal himself or lady Frigga.
Ignoring the guards at the gates, the amber-eyed god barges through, his steps slowed to a brisk pace but his heartrate still as rapid as before. Keen ears work hard to pick up any chatter about the outlander as he climbs stairs and hurries through long halls and bringing him to more stairs. Nothing. Since moving her from the healing beds, there’s been very little talk about her which of course can be explained by the strict order Frigga has given the healers and anyone else involved…but Heimdal fears the worst even as he comes to a skidding halt by the door leading to the chamber. Two hearts beating. The handmaiden positioned outside looks disapprovingly at him, but lets him in.
The man barely acknowledges the queen even as she stands from the chair by the bed. The only thing he has eyes for is the frail and greyed figure in the bed. Even as she lies peacefully, he can see the many bandages and the discoloration of her skin and there’s hardly any movement when she breathes with a wheezing sound that makes the small hairs on his body stand on end.
“We have done what we can, Heimdal,” Frigga’s gentleness brings him out of the stupor, “she’s strong, your Midgardian.”
Swallowing hard, the Bridge-Keeper attempts to bring his own voice under control. “She’s not mine.”
The sly smile that Loki had adopted at a young age plays on the queen’s lips. She’s wise, often capable of understanding the people much better than her husband, although she would never presume to claim this herself. Counselling and diplomacy are among her talents, and she uses them in subtle manners, often leaving the counterpart with the impression that they themselves came with the suggestion or realization.
“I will do my best to keep her presence secret and, if the news should spread, to convince the All-Father to wait with sending her away until she has recovered.”
“Will she…?” The fear that the foreign woman might not survive is prominent.
A soft hand pats him gently on the lower arm. “Only time will tell. The healers have done all they can for now.”
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aliciarosefantasy · 6 years
Thor & Loki + Loki Redemption + Avenger Loki
Fic Recs
I’m Here by PoorYorick
Words: 965  @langernameohnebedeutung
Summary: They say hugging is a good way to hide your face. - For the final scene of the movie.
Un/Hurt also by PoorYorick
Words: 11,464
Summary: 5+1 - In which Loki got injured in the battle against Hela and tries to hide his moment of weakness from different people for different reasons. And the one person he tells the truth. (Also let me pretend Sif was there...because where the hell was Sif?)
Til the Casket Drops by KaoticLoki
Words: 5,935
Summary: Loki, in punishment by Odin, is left stranded without seidr on Earth. He’s convinced no one will aid the defeated would-be conqueror. Beaten and sickly, he still manages to draw attention when he saves the life of a child.
Break by kneelinganon (the_netherlady)
Words: 19,023
Summary: (Why didn't you let me go?)  "Let me help you, brother." (Not your brother. Never your brother.) "All things can be mended."
(You are a fool.)
The Breaking Light by Lise
Words: 2,900  @veliseraptor
Summary: Odin has been trying to avoid the Loki problem: safely shut away in isolation. That situation won't hold, though, when something goes wrong in Asgard's dungeons.
Afraid of a Little Thunder? I’m not overly fond of what follows by Souless_Robot
Words: 27,467
Summary: The Avengers really weren’t sure what Thor had been up to since the fight with Ultron. But they certainly weren’t expecting Loki to pop up on Earth with a bunch of refugee Asgardians, the Hulk, and a Valkyrie. The kicker, Thor was nowhere to be found.
Or the Post Thor Ragnarok fic that we all needed about Thor returning to earth.
Unmasked by Jocelyn 
Words: 38,794  @3fluffies
Summary: AU. During that first pivotal fight in Jotunheim, Loki is hit with a poisoned dart. He collapses in the Observatory as Thor is banished, leaving Asgard without any heir and teetering on the brink of war. Now Frigga and Odin face the consequences of their deception, and still-mortal Thor is running out of time to save his brother's life.
Life in Reverse also by Lise
Words: 228,217
Summary: Home is where you make it. Or, the AU where Loki falls to Earth after Thor, wanders around trying to work out what to do with himself, and somehow ends up working for SHIELD. (Mostly because supervillains are so plebian.)
Family Ties by skiesovergideon
Words: 84,560  @skiesovergideon
Summary: After his fall from the Bifrost, Loki finds himself taken in by a suburban family and lacking most of his magic. He resolves to escape them as soon as possible. This does not go the way he planned.
Darkness, Flooded in Light by galaxysoup
Words: 42,329
Summary: “When much is taken, something is returned.” - Terry Pratchett, Nation
Loki falls. Injured and unable to access his magic, he must struggle to restore himself physically and mentally before the Bifrost is repaired and Asgard comes to find him. That would be difficult enough, but one of Asgard’s deepest secrets has followed him...
Friends call me Snow Miser by Reindeerlady
Words: 15,914    
Summary: Loki is sent to live with the Avengers under the careful watch of Thor, only a few weeks after the New York attack. They dread it at first, but come to realize that Loki is not as he seems. They uncover centuries of trauma and dead family, on top of that identity issues with reindeer games. Get ready to cry.
Understanding the Storm by Lizardbeth  -- WIP
Words: 230,202  @lizardbeths
Summary: Loki returns to Asgard after Avengers. His family, especially his mother Frigga, searches for answers and hope. But on the other side of the universe, a dark storm rises.
Monstrous Purpose by Duce_Gemini  -- WIP
Words: 78,100  
Summary: "What a prison I will make of you." Caught in the machinations of a powerful being that is entirely too interested in his "destiny", Loki is cast to Earth and stripped of his power, his magic, and even his voice. Adopted by one of the pitiful ants, a street child named Book, Loki struggles to adjust to his new "prison" while trying to uncover exactly who this power is that has banished him and why it is so interested in the fate he glimpsed while falling in the void between worlds. And without his powers, it is only a matter of time before either his not-brother and his self-righteous friends discover him....or the Chitauri do. (Post Avengers/ Pre-TDW)
Sanctuary by charlottelennox -- WIP  
Words: 100,432  @iamanartichoke
Summary:  He could tolerate the physical pain; if it had just been that, perhaps he would have fared better. But the mental torture broke him. Illusions, deceits, his own free will turned against him. His deepest fears became realities; his darkest secrets taunted him. By the end, Loki barely knew the difference between what was real and what was imagined, which thoughts were his own and which were placed there for him.  
Perhaps, he never would. There was a restless anxiety entombed into his bones now and it never ceased. His mind and his body had been taken from him; the prince who’d fallen from the bridge died an inglorious death.
It left for many restless nights.
WIP. Post-Ragnarok, the Asgardian refugees have to decide what to do next. Their ultimate destination is Earth, but along the way, their need for fuel and supplies diverts leads them to a furlough on a new planet, and they must face the challenges therein. 100% Loki's POV.
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navins-trashcan · 6 years
Hey!!! Oh my gosh i just saw your recent art with Hero!Loki and Villain!Thor and im absolutely in love with it!! The detail and effects is just stunning, how'd you come up with the concept? And whats the story behind the au if you dont mind? :0
Okay Ahh!!! Where to start…FIRST OF ALL, Thank you so much??? OMG I had so much fun drawing those but they took soooo long!!! Mostly Loki’s clothes and Thor’s big arms XD
On the Au, it mostly came to me and I discussed and Roleplayed it witha facebook friend whom i adore!
It is based on the Axis inversion but well… I wanted hero Loki in the MCU so well… here we go with the concept:
After the events of the coronation, Loki regrets what he has donne; (helping the frost giants to get in the castle, tricking Thor to go to Jotunheim which leads to him being sent to midgard). With Frigga’s help, he gets to come to terms with his Jotun identity,(there is so much more listening and trying to soothe him from her part in this AU) and eventually his mind is more clear. After that, Loki goes to Midgard and instead of telling Thor that their dad is dead he tells him what he did, what he is and apologizes for getting him in trouble and ruining his coronation. Thor who still hasn’t changed much (he didn’t get to go through the destroyer. He is moestly pissed and frustrated) gets so mad. Loki allows him back into Asgard out of pure guilt but Thor is still unworthy, they start fighting on the bifrost and it is a mess, he is full of resentment agains Loki and his tricks and Odin whom threw him to earth unfairly. So it is HIM who points the bifrost at Jotunheim, as a backlash to Loki’s heritage. Eventually Thor is the one to fall, he doesn’t let go, he falls as Loki dodges one of his attacks. He tries to save him but it is imposible.
In the void Thor is found by Thanos who after some gentle “persuation” ( AKA fullblown toture) gets Thor to be able to use the power of lightening on his own and makes him his ally. Loki has to go to Midgard to stop him from bringing more chaos and death and get back the Tesseract, there he becomes an avenger and must save the world from his newly villanous brother and his chitauri Army.
*breathes in* that’s it. That’s most of the plot! Hope you like it! *^*
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Hey there ! Hope you're good and having a nice day
Here is the Top!Tony rec list, which does have some Dom!Tony on it, and then the Alpha!Tony rec list
Pining Loki (Sorry-not-sorry in advance that there are,, a lot of STARSdidathing works on this list alkdf):
Let’s Be Alone Together- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsA friendship that can stand the test of time and a man who adores him for who he is; this is the most valuable thing that Loki possesses and he will not risk it for the world. Or, more accurately, he will not take a risk of his heart. Because love is only useful if the person loves you back, and Loki isn’t about to take chances where Anthony is concerned.This is one of the sweetest fucking things ever, damn, I love STARS, just, it’s just the right amount of angst, and just the right amount of pining and aaa
The Astronomy of Manmade Stars- babyblueglasses, T, No WarningsLoki has turned the life of a recluse into an art, right down to the technologically obsolete candles and stolen magical tomes. Yet when an armored man stumbles in past his forbidden window, Loki finds himself obsessed with unraveling the mystery man’s secrets. Firstly, his name.Buddy, this was fucking cute, he’s a lovelorn teenager with a happy ending, how could I not love this fic?
Not Your Choice- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsIt’s all fun and games until someone falls in love.Hoo Boy, this one has a major Tissue Warning, like dude, aaaaaaa
Longing- Scotch, E, Chose No WarningsAs Loki serves his sentence in Asgard, he thinks back on where he went wrong. He wonders if a certain mortal could have seen the good in him, and it’s the only thought that keeps him sane in his solitude.Aksjhjf to put it crudely, Loki jerks off, accidentally sends these fantasies to Tony through dreams, and then Tony (my wonderful amazing boy) comes and rescues Loki from prison. This fic,, is,,, it’s a ride asdjfjk
Doing the Right Thing- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsAnthony finds something he was never meant to see and it forces him to make a decision. But is it better to wreck his relationship with Loki… or to wreck his Prince’s future?Tony is a nosey motherfucker, and snoops, and then doesn’t regret his mistake at all, bc they’re in looooooove. (And while it is slightly openended and slightly depressing, I refuse to believe that these two idiots would ever break up)
I Know I’ve Made Mistakes (I’ve always been afraid)- dls, T, No WarningsLoki and Tony had been together since the Trickster cleared his name of the Chitauri invasion and the Avengers defeated Thanos. They pledged their lives to each other, except a lifetime didn’t quite mean the same for a god as it did for a mortal. Loki set out to correct that, but with a few detours first.Parallel universes and pining Loki galore.
Quiet Comforts- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki knows what it’s like to fall. He knows what it’s like to rage and be misunderstood. He knows a lot of the problems that can plague a man like Tony Stark, and in turn, Loki knows the ways that he can sooth him.This is open ended and angsty please don’t murder me, IT’S REALLY GOOD GUYS (and also I may or may not be planning on making a slight fix-it fic for this, but you didn’t hear it from this blog, no siree)
Tony Stark’s Secret Diary- Sparcina, E, No WarningsLoki has never meant to fall for a mortal. He doesn’t do love; he doesn’t do loss. When Tony starts avoiding him, Loki discovers something in the mortal’s room that could change everything.Now it’s Loki’s turn to be a nosey motherfucker! With a decidedly… happier outcome, one could say akjsdhf
Criminals & Forensics (series)- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsCriminal mastermind Loki Laufeyson is enamored with forensic scientist Tony Stark to an extreme. A courtship of a sorts follows their meeting.Lots of feels, lots of pining (on both sides at the end of part 1), so much happens here, and it’s done so well just!! Aaa!!!!
It Isn’t Always Easy- Schadenfreudessa, E, No WarningsLoki’s fallen from grace, fallen from power, and fallen from the Bifrost. Now, he’s falling again, but this time it’s for one of the very team that beat him. Somehow, Tony Stark has become the focus of Loki’s sexual fantasies, and he won’t quit until he makes them happen.Coming from the amazing author Schadenfreudessa, writer of the hit series Of Monsters and Men (another series which features some serious Loki-and-Tony pining, go read it), comes another amazing fic that I could not put down once I opened the tab. Does get a bit squicky for me at one point (non-con kissing, but nothing more really), but overall, pretty good nonetheless.
I Could Look After You- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsWhen Anthony is injured in battle, all Loki wants to do is help. But he’s barely accepted as a member of the team when he’s useful, let alone the rest of the time. Anthony might treat him differently than the others, but Loki has no reason to think he’d want a former enemy around when he’s vulnerable and wounded.What may seem like some major angst and rejection turns out happy and amazing.
My Little Iron Man- STARSdidathing, T, No warningsThings aren’t always what they seem, but Loki does not trust anything that comes from the Avengers. Especially not something so innocent and… childish.(Another fic inspired by more amazing artwork by NovaRain, and here it is!!)You know that feeling when you read something absolutely adoraable, and you can’t help but let this horribly goofy, big, cheesy grin creep across your face? That’s what this fic is in written form, I’m not kidding, it’s amazing, and it’s cuteness concentrated.
Lay With Me, Stay With Me- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki is avoiding Anthony. The Prince said something Anthony can’t get out of his head, and the distraction causes him to lose focus when he shouldn’t have. The near death steels Anthony’s resolve to find out just how truthful Loki was being when he asked Anthony for something they both knew better than to speak about.AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA this is pretty much the opposite of Doing The Right Thing (Loki being pessimistic and Tony being hopeful here, vs DTRT with Loki being hopeful and Tony being pessimistic) and it kills meeeeee (except there is still a semi happy ending that could definitely lead to more, and that is horribly exciting, isn’t it? It is, it really is.)
Concerns of the Heart- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsSomething is bothering Loki. It’s painfully obvious to those who know him, and it’s making him retreat from others. Only, unlike in the past when he would come to Anthony for help or distraction, this time he is avoiding the weaponsmith, too. Anthony is more worried than he’d care to admit, and he’s determined to do something about it - to show Loki that, whatever it is, he doesn’t need to weather it alone.(Inspired by this artwork by NovaRain and guys, it’s amazing)I am absolutely not planning on also continuing this, nope, not at all, I’m totally not imaging all the amazing and sweet directions that could arise out of these two courting each other, of course not. I’m also totally not writing the outline in my head as I type this out. (STARS and Nova, if you two are reading this, I love you both aaaa)
Some Secrets Were Meant To Be Told- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki had been the most annoying, insulting member of the Avengers since he first joined what felt like centuries ago - or he would have been, if he wasn’t perfectly nice to everyone else except for Tony. He frustrated and sniped at the Engineer at every available opportunity. Tony had no idea what the Mage’s problem was - but apparently, Thor did.Loki being a little shit is my jam, guys, like, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read alksjdhf
And then a Dom!Tony fic that’s not on the Top!Tony rec list:
Breaking the News- i_am_a_mole_and_i_live_in_a_hole, E, No WarningsThe Avengers aren’t officially aware of Loki and Tony’s… arrangement. That changes when Loki kisses Tony in the middle of a restaurant, and Tony fucks Loki on a rooftop in Manhattan. Honestly, I laughed quite a bit at the end, bc Tony was so aghast at what had happened after everything. A pretty good fic, all in all
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Loki-tormenting anon again. The irony here is, Loki wouldn't deserve such fate in the least. It would seem that he's forever destined to get the short end of the stick, no matter what choice he makes, and what's his motivation. He'd also have far too much time to ponder over this, suspended in void, not quite alive, yet still not dead. Would this turn him bitter again, or would he cling to the hope of getting rescued? Or maybe, not rescued at all - but found, by the one who seeks the Tesseract?
DAYMN anon, back at it again with them FEELS //
(link to the previous post here, if anyone is curious)
Why? Why do you do this to me??Okay, but it’s true!!
(placing this under the cut because… i rant a lot about my smol, misunderstood son)
Boiling down to the core of everything; yes Loki has done some morally and ethically questionable things, but all he wants/wanted to be was Thor’s equal in both the Allfather’s eyes and the rest of Asgard’s eyes. And he thought that the way to do that was to be a strong King. Both Thor and Loki have always been competing against each other for Odin’s affection and approval, you could see that from the small snippet we have of them as kids in the first Thor. 
In the first Thor, his sole motivation for doing everything that he did was to prove to Odin that he was just as worthy of being King as Thor. He could see that Thor wasn’t ready to be King before Odin did, and he knew the coronation was a mistake. He had meant no true ill-will.However, when everything transpired and Thor was banished he thought that this was the perfect time to prove to his father that he was just as worthy as his brother. The fact that he had figured out his true heritage was just the icing on the cake. It just made him more eager, made him need that recognition. Think about it, he killed his own blood-father, he essentially denounced any ties with Jotunheim to prove to Odin that he was entirely dedicated to Asgard, to the people, something that a King has to be. He had grown up with tails of the war(s) between the Jotuns and the Aesirs, and how the Jotuns still remained a threat. And, how do you prove yourself? What does a King have to do? Illuminate threats and keep the peace.Bare in mind that Loki is still quite young here (both Loki and Thor seem to be like… late teens/early adults? In the first film? Like, their mindset is very much… “I know everything” when they really know nothing. Which is atypical of people this age). So, in his mind, he was doing the right thing, and he had expected Odin to be proud of him. And what did he get? The complete opposite. A pained and disappointed look/tone/whatever. Have you ever had your parents sound or look at you like that? It’s fucking horrible.That just made him give up. You could see it in his eyes as he let go and fell from the Bifrost. 
(I hc that he regretted it the moment he let go, but that’s a story for another time)
In terms of Avengers. You could see there, that this was not the same Loki. Not only did he physically look awful, but he seemed far more violent and intent on destruction, more wild. His invasion seemed rushed, and you could tell that he didn’t plan it. The Chitauri probably used all manner of torture on Loki to get him to comply with what they wanted. He probably went along with it because it was that or death. He had the mind stone in his sceptre, right, so that definitely had some play in everything. I have this theory that, although he wasn’t under full Chitauri control, the mind gem in the sceptre still manipulated his thoughts and emotions. I said that he was more ‘wild’, and that was probably an effect that the gem had, pulling his more negative and aggressive emotions forward. 
So, lets backtrack slightly. This little trickster has grown up feeling like he has to constantly battle for his father’s affections, he’s tried to prove that he was just as worthy as his older brother and he’s been shot down without being told why what he did was wrong. (the whole… trying to destroy Jotunheim thing). And on top of that, he’s been tortured by the Chitauri and had his mind fucked with by the infinity stone. Okay, yes, some may argue that he deserved some sort of punishment for what he did to Jotunheim. But torture? No one deserves that. 
And moving on! Thor 2. Here’s an example of Odin’s A+ parenting. He has a ‘problem child’ (Loki), and what does he do? HE DECIDES TO FUCKING LOCK HIM AWAY IN WHAT IS, ESSENTIALLY, GLORIFIED SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE! Does that sound like something familiar? (*cough* Hela! *cough* - again that’s a story for another time). But, seriously! Yes, okay, he has fancy furniture and book to read, but he’s still trapped in a box with no social interaction. That freaking does shit to you.Like, how desperate did he have to be to make up an illusion of his mother just so that he had someone to talk to! Like, seriously, the only time we see him interacting with legit beings when in the cell is when he’s informed of Frigga’s death and when Thor comes to talk to him.Again, I believe that he should have had some sort of punishment for what he did in Thor 1 (Avengers I’m iffy about since he wasn’t technically in his own mind there), but nothing like this. 
Point is - looking at things from Loki’s POV, he does always seem to get the bad shit. It’s like a combination of people misunderstanding his situation, bad luck or just bad timing. It’s no wonder this guy is so messed up. His punishments never seem to fit his crimes. 
And to think, after going through all that, having things FINALLY starting to turn around for him in Thor 3, and just as he has hope that maybe things aren’t all lost and MAYBE he’ll be able to redeem himself as a worthy Prince of Asgard, and he’s gotten over all the shit he’s been through. Then THIS HAPPENS! AND HE’S RIGHT BACK AT THE FUCKING START AGAIN! Of fucking course it would turn him bitter!
First of all, falling through the void again, he’d be terrified! He’d be replaying the first time it happened, and meeting the Chitauri and going through all that. He’d be having like… a fucking meltdown thinking that he’d have to go through something like that again. The feelings of isolation and being alone would come surging back, he’d lose all hope of being able to get his life back on track cause it would be like… “everytime I do something with good intentions, bad shit happens so whats the FUCKING POINT”He’d curse himself for taking it, for being greedy and snatching the Tesseract instead of escaping with the rest of the Asgardian’s. That would probably start a whole new wave of negative, self-hating thoughts.
And, okay, we know who’s seeking the Infinity Stones? Thanos. Who was in control of the Chitauri? THANOS!If Loki is found by the person seeking the Tesseract, which would be Thanos, this big purple fucking grape man is gonna flip his SHIT! Cause Loki was the one who lead the invasion on Earth, so in his mind it would be Loki’s fault that it failed. And Loki’s fault that he lost the Mind Stone and the Tesseract. 
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all-sortsa-stuff · 7 years
This life, part 2
Tumblr media
(This beautiful image does not belong to me!)
Pairing: Reader x Eventually Loki
Word Count: 2362
Warnings: None
Part 1
The stars looked down upon you as night drew further along.  You had returned to that field as you had many times in your life.  It was the place you had trained, as a child, with Loki and Thor to fight.  The large tree had been your refuge when your father had told you; his daughter would never battle alongside his Defenders.  That you would be queen, to rule and bring forth the next heir of Asgard, as of you were nothing more than the vessel to bear a child.  It was Loki who comforted you when your cried, believing that your father thought you weak.  He had promised he would train beside you, so that one day you would show your father how strong you truly were.  All the memories long forgotten were slowly returning to torment you once more.  Since the time Loki disappeared and thought dead, everything in your life had changed. Some of it for the better and some for the very worst.  All of those troubles and discord had lead you to the place in life you now were.
Your skills as a fighter were so much more than they ever had been.  Utilizing dual swords with a confident style few had ever seen.  Those skills were not the only thing that had developed in the past years.  You also had other abilities that had manifested in a violent display, which if Frigga had not aided you in gaining control, would undoubtedly have killed yourself and those around you.  All of these thoughts were haunting you now as the days had come and gone, without the return of Thor.  Tomorrow would make the seventh day.  Seven days he had sent not a word as to whether he had succeeded or if Loki had made good upon his plans.  Today had been a day of preparation.  Your armor was ready as were your weapons, laid out waiting for your departure.  
It should not feel any different from the journeys you had since joining with Thor, Sif, and the Warriors in the protection of Asgard.  Nevertheless, something felt off.  A feeling that something was going to bring about change to your world, whether you were ready for it or not.  With a long released breath, you stood from the grass walking back to your grazing horse. He butted you with his nose, resting his head on your shoulder.  You smiled leaning your head against his neck, petting him gently.  “I know my friend.  Something is coming.  I know you feel it as I do.  We better prepare.”
Lifting yourself onto the saddle, you encouraged him forward towards the palace.  The King and Queen requested you leave from the palace in the morn, so that they may see you off and bless your journey.  Though you believed, it was more the Queen who made the request. Odin had spoken few words to you since your last meeting.  However, he allowed you to share chambers with Sif so you would be well rested before parting.  Sif was sharpening her sword when you entered late that night.  She looked troubled as you pulled off your boots setting them with the rest of your gear.  “What is it, dearest Sif?”
It took a moment for her to answer.  Setting the sword and stone beside her on the bed, she walked towards you.  “You may not return from Midgard.  I know you are strong and fearless.  But tell me you will come home.”  Her words sounded like those you had said to Thor the week prior. Sif’s concern made you smile.  You moved across the room embracing her.
“I will return as will Thor. I refuse anything less.”  There was so much more she wanted to say, you could see it in her eyes, but Sif nodded quickly, turning back to her bed. No more words were said between you before laying down to rest.  You stared at the ceiling for hours before sleep finally took hold.  Even then, you were still up before the dawn.  Watching the sunrise over the city, felt as though the Gods were infusing you with their strength.  The golden light touching and blessing ever point on the horizon before waking for the day.  Your eyes closed, as the light finally reached the window where you stood, warming your face.  It was time.
Sif woke as you were pulling your hair back.  Half up off your face, tied into a waterfall down your back.  She watched you silently from the edge of her bed as you prepared. Darkening around your eyes and blood red color applied to your lips.  Your leather coverings slipped on first followed by the metal armor, which left your right shoulder and armor bare.  The last piece was your helm.  It fit around your face and looked similar to those the Valkyries wore as they brought warriors to Valhalla.  Their wings on either side to protect you.  Once in battle you would slip the faceplate into place leaving only your eyes visible.
Your friend did not follow you to the Bifrost, but you were met by the King and Queen.  Odin watched you closely as the Queen held you tight. “Bring them both home, my dear.  I need all of you safe.  Remember what you were taught and you will prevail.”  
“Yes, my Queen.  My Lord.”  Bowing towards the King before you stepped towards Heimdall.
“Lady [Y/N], you look as though you are prepared to conquer all the realms.”  Heimdall smiled from behind his golden helm.
“Good.  I may need to do just that.  Send me to the Prince, Heimdall.  Seems I need to save his ass once more.”  You could hear a laugh from the Queen behind you.
“Of course, my Lady.” As you stepped into position, you slipped the faceplate on.  Your heart, felt like it would be pulled from your chest as you were sent towards Midgard. The colors and light were almost blinding, but before there was the moment to get used to the travel, you had already landed.  The city before you was in panic.  Screams and sirens heard from every direction.  Buildings were badly damaged, there were large vehicles traveling through the crowded streets extinguishing fires.  Chitauri vehicles were flying through the sky terrorizing where they could.
You found yourself on the top of a building looking over much of the fighting and destruction, not far from a device that opened the portal allowing more Chitauri to enter the realm.  You could see someone, a woman close to the device.  If she was aiding Loki then she had to be stopped.  One of the Chitauri vehicles was flying close to the roof where you stood.  Vaulting yourself over the edge pulling one of your swords free, you landed behind the being with your sword slicing through his body.  Kicking him off, you sped over towards the device and the woman. The vehicle crashed close to your targeted area as you jumped out of the way.  The red hair woman stood there with Loki’s scepter pointed towards the device.
“Don’t even try it.  I am destroying this thing.  You and the rest of Loki’s army aren’t stopping me. Come on Stark.”  The woman edged closer to the device though seemed hesitant to cause it damage, looking up to the sky.
“I am not part of Loki’s army.  I am here to assist Thor in stopping this madness.  Destroy this machine.  Stop the Chitauri from invading the realm further.”  Stepping closer to the woman, you sheathed your sword. It was then the Chitauri started falling from the skies. You heard a voice come from the piece in the woman’s ear.  Close it.  She pushed the staff through the field surrounding the device, destroying the beam that opened the portal.  Just before it closed completely a body passed through, falling at an incredible speed. The woman smiled beside you, looking relieved to see it.  “It is far better that you have closed the portal but we must get Loki.  Where is he?”  The woman held a finger up to you as she pressed the piece in her ear.
“Hey Cap, seems we have a new friend here.  Says she knows Thor.”  There was a moments delay before an answer was heard.
He knows who it is.  Both of you meet us in the tower.  We have to get Loki.
“Will do.  Follow me; it’s time to get the bad guy.  I’m Natasha.”  She rested Loki’s scepter on her shoulder extending a hand out to you.  Looking at her hand a moment you offered yours in return, shaking firmly.
“[Y/N] of Asgard.  By ‘bad guy’ you mean Loki?”  Your words muffled by the faceplate.  She nodded as she walked towards the interior of the tower.
“Yeah he is definitely the ‘bad guy’.”  
The pair of you met up with the rest of the group minutes later.  Thor grinned seeing you with Natasha.  “It is good to see you my friend.  You missed the battle.”  He rested his hands on your shoulders.
“The battle perhaps, but Loki is still not caught.”  The others in the group watched the exchange.  A man looked to be made partially of metal took a step towards you.
“We have him; Big Green here left him broken upstairs.”  
“Lead us, then Metal Man.” Upstairs you found Loki trying to crawl away, obviously in pain from whatever the large green being had done to him. You stayed towards the back of the group not wanting him to see you right away.  Though he would probably only recognize you as Asgardian since you still wore the helm and face plate.  Never would he think you would be here to return him home.  He had a look of defeat on his face and spoke little as the group escorted him to a cell at the compound of the group Thor called S.H.I.E.L.D.  Since he considered everyone below his station, Loki paid little heed to the extra person who joined along with the group.  At least until he saw you speaking with his brother.  He was locked in one of the clear cells with her arms still bound in front of him.  The exchange between you and Thor had him curious.
“Tell me brother; is this your new pet?  Does she follow behind, pining for you as you are oblivious to her wants?”  Thor stepped forward with a growl, but you placed a hand on his chest stopping him.  Shaking your head, you looked up to him whispering.
“No, he wants to antagonize you further.  As he always has.”  You turned back to face Loki narrowing your eyes.  The others in the room quieting as you took a slow step towards the cell.  In one swift motion, you pulled off your helm and mask, staring into Loki’s eyes.  Your chin raised in defiance, as you had his father.  “You know nothing of my wants, Loki.”  
His face paled and his mouth hung open. “[Y/N]…”
The Man of Iron stepped forward laughing.  “Oh look Reindeer Games is speechless.  We need to keep her around.”  The insult brought Loki back to reality.  The former sour look appearing as he recovered.
“So brother, you brought your wife.  Is she here to ensure you take no other to your bed?  We would not want any heirs to Asgard diluted with Midgardian blood.” Loki sneered knowing he would hit a chord with the both of you.  You could feel the anger rolling off Thor behind you as you clenched your fists.  Those gathered around stared wide-eyed at Thor.  He had never told them of a wife.  The energy gathered inside your chest spreading throughout your body until it glowed over your skin. Your boots echoed over the grating of the floor as you stomped towards the enclosure.  Loki’s eyes wide as your glowing form moved towards him.  With the exception of Thor, who knew you best, everyone thought you would stop at the clear wall of the cell.  However, you simply walked through it, melting it completely around your form as you stalked up to him.  Sending as much energy as you could through your hand you punched Loki in the face as hard as you could.  He flew back against the wall causing quite the dent, and then crumbled to the floor.
“You know nothing of which you speak.  I would caution you against speaking again.  For I would enjoy doing that once more.”  Turning without another word you left the enclosure and the room, releasing the pulsing energy from within you.  
“If she isn’t your wife, Thor, does that mean she is single?”  Clint asked from the back of the group, receiving an elbow to the gut from Natasha.
 It was another day before the Tesseract was contained safely in a casing, ready for the return to Asgard.  During that time, you had gotten to know some of Thor’s Midgardian friends and found that you enjoyed their company immensely.  Captain Rogers, was very handsome and found yourself talking to him often.  It was endearing that he blushed frequently when you spoke. Loki had been muzzled earlier in the day, though it was more for his protection than anything else. While Thor enjoyed watching you send Loki across the room, he thought it best not to test your patience further.  The group of Avengers gathered once last time in the center of the city to say goodbye. You had promised Captain Rogers you would return sometime in the future with Thor to visit.
While Loki could not speak, he watched you intently whenever you were near.  You could feel it even when you were not looking.  When you would turn to look at him, you would not back down.  Staring at him until he finally turned away.  Never would you let him make you feel less again.  You were no longer the same girl he turned away from all those years ago.  Thor and Loki grabbed either side of the Tesseract and you laid a hand on the casing itself.  With a nod in parting to all gathered, the three of you were transported back to Asgard.
Part 3
@feelmyroarrrr  @bolontiku  @aquabrie   @malindacath  @mysteriouslyme81 @independentgirl  @frenchfrostpudding  @lokislonelylady
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imagine-loki · 7 years
Met With A Zap, Chapter 17
TITLE: Met With A Zap CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 17 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Darcy and Loki meeting for the first time. They instantly dislike each other and are constantly at one another’s throats in arguments. Darcy even ends up using her taser on him at one point. Others around them get fed up of being stuck in the middle of their pranks and arguments. But eventually, Loki finds himself falling for her sassy mouth. RATING: M 
‘You’re not making any sense, Loki. It wasn’t you, that was those aliens and Thamar, or whatever his name is.’ I said.
‘Thanos.’ Loki corrected.
‘It was him indeed. However, when I fell into the abyss. I blacked out, or so I thought. The first thing I remember was waking up when Thor and the Avengers found me. Injured and weak… I saw everything when I looked into that Chitauri’s mind. Thanos found me when I first fell. He beat me and drained me of all my power, brainwashed me… I was then sent here, to Midgard, to lead the Chitauri to destroy New York. I was given the tesseract and with it, a great deal of power. Once everything was in place and I had brainwashed others to do some work for me, I opened the portal to let them beasts into New York.’
I was sat next to Loki in complete shock. My mouth was wide open and I had no idea what to say.
‘But… But there was no sign of you. Nobody saw you or knows.’ I started to say.
‘I kept hidden. I think Thanos put a spell over me to keep me concealed. However when the Avengers managed to stop the invasion, I was pulled back through the dimensions, back to Thanos. I do not remember anything else and could not see anything else in the Chitauri’s mind.’
I could see that Loki was completely torn up about the whole thing. I could understand why. Part of me felt like fleeing. I was sat on the same bed as a god that had nearly destroyed New York and tried to take over the world. Yet as I looked at him, all I could see was how lost and scared he was. I loved Loki and trusted him, completely. Even with his wrong doings in the past. I knew he wasn’t in control of his mind when he led the Chitauri against earth. He had been badly hurt and tortured by this Thanos guy. My heart completely broke for him.
Loki looked startled when I placed my hand on top of his.
‘Darcy? You are not afraid of me or disappointed?’ He asked, his voice sounded so broken and scared. This was not the Loki I knew at all.
But he only ever seemed to show me this side of him, no one else. Something that I knew was an honour to have. Knowing he trusted me so much.
‘No, I’m not. Because that wasn’t you. I love you, Loki. Nothing will ever change that.’ I said softly to him.
‘And I love you, Darcy. I do not know what I would do without you.’ He said as he cupped my cheeks in his hands.
‘Do you think that Thanos is after you again?’ I asked after he had kissed me.
‘I do not know… Perhaps. I just wish my memory would come back to me, there might be something important that I know. Maybe that’s why he’s after me, if I know something I shouldn’t.’
‘Give it time. Time is a great healer. You’ve already remembered so much.’ I smiled at him.
‘I suppose.’ He sighed. ‘I best tell the others and Fury about… Well, me.’
‘Why?’ I asked.
‘It will help them to know why we are being attacked. I also do not want to lie to them. If I am to stay in their good books.’
‘I guess so.’ I said quietly.
Though I couldn’t deny that I was worried. I wasn’t sure how they would take to knowing that Loki was the one behind the attack on New York. The one that very nearly killed Stark. Even though it wasn’t really Loki’s fault, I wasn’t sure if they would see it that way as well or not.
Loki told Thor first in private. Luckily he was completely understanding and didn’t judge his brother. I even got to witness them both share a brotherly hug, which melted my heart. Loki had told me what had happened between them both. So it was nice to see that Loki still had some feelings for Thor.
Thor had agreed to tell the rest of The Avengers, while Loki went to see Fury to tell him about it all.
We both knew that he would be the most difficult to persuade. However, to my surprise, we were suddenly invaded by four Asgardian guards. Thor had to keep everyone calm as he knew they were no threat to us or Midgard.
But it was when they barged into Fury’s office that had me worried… They were after Loki.
‘Thor, why are they here? What’s going on?’ I asked him
‘I am sorry, Darcy. It seems that Heimdall saw and heard Loki telling me the truth. He told my father, the All father. And he has sent these guards to come and collect him. To take him back to Asgard.’
I felt my heart shatter at his words. Loki was being taken away from me. What made it worse was when the guards marched him out of Fury’s office in chains and shackles. Like a dangerous prisoner.
‘NO! You can’t do this.’ I cried out and rushed towards them, but the one leading pointed his spear at me in warning. Causing Loki to roar out and try to get near me, to protect me, but Thor grabbed me in time and diffused the situation quickly.
Thor held me back as Loki was marched out of the HQ and over to the Bifrost site. Tears fell from my eyes as I watched the rainbow portal suck them up, taking my Loki with them back to Asgard.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Marvel’s Loki TV Series and MCU Timeline Explained
This article contains Marvel Cinematic Universe spoilers.
It’s been well over two years since the events of Avengers: Endgame, and you’d be forgiven for forgetting exactly what went down during the climax of the Infinity Saga and some of the entries that led to it. There were plenty of Easter eggs and nods to other parts of the MCU in both Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame – some of them edging on “blink and you’ll miss it” territory as Marvel Studios sought to wrap up a decade and change of storytelling.
Ahead of Loki’s release on Disney+ we’ve been revisiting the God of Mischief’s journey to the small screen and pondering all the reasons that this new TV version of Loki will be different to the one we now know and love, despite our better judgement.
In many ways this is a tale of two Lokis: the one we’ve already seen evolve – albeit gradually – throughout the Thor trilogy and the Avengers films, and the one we’re about to see reckon with a new fate in Loki thanks to an accidental temporal intervention.
First, let’s take stock of all the ways both of these Lokis are the same.
Prime Loki
When we first met Loki (the excessively charismatic Tom Hiddleston) in Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 franchise-starter Thor, he was a sly and manipulative prince but still loyal to the realm of Asgard. As he prepared to witness his brother Thor (Chris Hemsworth) become king and take over from their father Odin (Anthony Hopkins), Loki decided to throw a spanner in the works by arranging a visit from the Frost Giants – a race beaten by Odin and left in ruins in the realm of Jotunheim long ago – in the middle of Thor’s coronation.
Though Loki initially sabotaged Thor’s big day as a lark, he unwittingly started a chain of events that would lead to a devastating personal discovery: that he himself was a Frost Giant, rescued as a baby from the Jotunheim battlefield by Odin in the hope that he would forge peace between the two realms one day.
Loki, who always felt like Odin’s least favored son, was overwhelmed by the trauma of what he retrospectively viewed as a life filled with lies and betrayal, so when Thor was banished to Earth for kickstarting yet another battle with the Frost Giants Loki saw an opportunity to take the throne of Asgard as Odin fell into a deep sleep.
It didn’t go as well as he hoped. For a while he was able to rule Asgard, but when the Warriors Three and Sif travelled to Earth against Loki’s wishes to retrieve Thor, things fell apart. Loki intervened and attacked Thor and the gang to prevent them from destabilizing his newfound power, but Thor stopped him and returned to Asgard. The two brothers fought and Odin woke from his slumber.
Odin’s obvious dismay at his son’s actions left Loki bereft. He let himself fall from the broken Bifrost Bridge into a wormhole in space rather than make amends for what he’d done or accept any punishment that might be forthcoming.
Thor assumed Loki died that day, but Loki was very much alive. On the other side of that wormhole was Sanctuary, an asteroid field inhabited by a violent race called the Chitauri. Also installed on Sanctuary was The Other, Thanos’ personal servant, who gave Loki both a powerful Scepter that contained the Mind Stone and command over the Chitauri army to invade Earth. In exchange, Loki was to snatch the Tesseract – a cosmic cube housing the Space Stone – and bring it back to Thanos.
Fearing Thanos’ retribution and feeling he had no choice but to comply, Loki travelled to Earth in 2012’s The Avengers via the wormhole-opening Tesseract and took the cube from SHIELD, eventually opening a larger wormhole over New York and beginning the Chitauri invasion.
Ultimately beaten by the Avengers in the Battle of New York, Loki was set to be brought back to Asgard as a prisoner along with the Tesseract and condemned to a cell in the dungeons.
This brings us to a fork in Loki’s road and the MCU timeline itself.
Dead Loki: Infinity War Timeline
Post Avengers, Loki languished in the Asgardian Dungeons until his mother Frigga (Rene Russo) was killed by the Dark Elves in Thor: The Dark World. Released by Thor, the duo attempted to defeat the Dark Elves’ leader. Naturally, Loki faked his own death during the fight, hopped back to Asgard, and ousted Odin. He then ruled over Asgard for years in Odin’s guise.
Thor eventually discovered Loki’s deception upon his return to Asgard following the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron. The two embarked on a journey to Earth to find the real Odin, who revealed they had an older sister called Hela (Cate Blanchett) who would try to lead Asgard into war against the Nine Realms. Odin suddenly popped his clogs, leaving a confused Thor and Loki to face Hela.
They were no match for her, and both ended up stranded on the artificial trash planet Sakaar in Thor: Ragnarok until Loki reluctantly joined forces with Thor, Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), and Hulk/Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) to try and take Hela out of the equation. They were able to do this by summoning the fire demon Surtur, beginning the all-cleansing process of Ragnarök. This course of action came at a terrible price: the complete destruction of Asgard, during which Loki once again stole the Tesseract while no one was looking.
As promised in The Avengers, Thanos came looking for the Tesseract during Infinity War after Loki failed to deliver it to him. The surviving Asgardians were attacked by Thanos aboard their escape ship the Statesman and half of them were killed. A showdown with Thanos left Hulk unconscious and Thor trapped by the Black Order. In a moment of unexpected redemption Loki tried to deceive Thanos by offering up the Tesseract, and made a failed attempt on the Mad Titan’s life. Thanos killed Loki for his insolence by snapping his neck.
Variant Loki: TV Series Timeline
With Loki dead, half the universe snapped out of existence, and Asgard reduced to a tiny population on Earth, Thor fell into a deep depression during Avengers: Endgame. But there was a glimmer of hope on the horizon when the team put together a plan to go back in time and retrieve the Infinity Stones, reversing Thanos’ snap.
This “time heist” placed Tony Stark, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Bruce Banner, and Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) back at The Avengers’ Battle of New York in 2012, and their plan to grab the stones went smoothly at first. Steve acquired the Mind Stone in the form of Loki’s Scepter and Bruce convinced The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) to hand over the Time Stone, while Tony and Scott hit Stark Tower to lift the Tesseract.
Unfortunately, Tony forgot that he made the Hulk take the stairs instead of the elevator when the Avengers originally accompanied an imprisoned Loki down to the lobby. As Hulk smashed through the lobby door he sent Tony and the Tesseract flying. Loki saw an opportunity and didn’t hesitate: he picked up the Tesseract and jumped through a wormhole.
This is the version of Loki we join as the character’s Marvel spinoff series gets underway. Not the Loki who saw the fall of Asgard and perhaps got to make amends for some of his previous crimes by supporting Thor in the aftermath, but the Loki who just led a deadly invasion of Earth.
“With Loki taking the Tesseract, fans will see exactly what that action means and what a bigger ripple he’s made in time doing that,” Loki director Kate Herron explained. “It causes him to be more reflective about his actions and why he’s done what he’s done.”
Responsible for many human deaths – including Agent Phil Coulson on a SHIELD helicarrier before the Battle of New York had even begun – this Loki is still full of rage following the exposure of Odin’s lies about his origin.
He is, by all accounts, a total butthole.
Thanks to marketing materials for the upcoming series we already know that following his Battle of New York escape Loki will be apprehended by the Time Variance Authority – a bureaucratic organization which monitors the state of the MCU’s timeline. It’s unclear if the show will fully redeem the God of Mischief from a post-Battle of New York state of trauma and vindictiveness, but the show has apparently found a different way to do so than we’ve already witnessed, which is a good thing – as charming as Tom Hiddleston absolutely is, we need to see Loki nudged further away from 2012-era villain territory for all this to work long term.
Loki writer Michael Waldron has described the show as a “struggle with identity, who you are” and “who you want to be” so it’s definitely a possibility that Loki will become a better version of himself than we’ve ever seen before.
“Loki is a character that’s always reckoning with his own identity, and the TVA, by virtue of what they do, is uniquely suited to hold up a mirror to Loki and make him really confront who he is and who he was supposed to be,” Waldron explained.
The TVA will recruit the God of Mischief to help clean up the temporal mess he made when he grabbed the Tesseract and skedaddled – it seems The Ancient One was quite right when she said that any major disruption to the flow of time would create branch timelines where things have gone badly wrong. Could Loki really become a valued TVA asset, righting wrongs and setting things straight? Maybe, but as we know, Loki is gonna Loki, and he probably won’t enjoy being told what to do by anyone.
“I love this idea [of] Loki’s chaotic energy somehow being something we need,” Hiddleston told EW. “Even though, for all sorts of reasons, you don’t know whether you can trust him. You don’t know whether he’s going to betray you. You don’t why he’s doing what he’s doing. If he’s shapeshifting so often, does he even know who he is? And is he even interested in understanding who he is? Underneath all those masks, underneath the charm and the wit, which is kind of a defense anyway, does Loki have an authentic self? Is he introspective enough or brave enough to find out? I think all of those ideas are all in the series — ideas about identity, ideas about self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and the difficulty of it.”
Hiddleston added “[That] was very exciting because in the other films, there was always something about Loki that was very controlled. He seemed to know exactly what the cards in his hand were and how he was going to play them. And Loki versus the TVA is Loki out of control immediately, and in an environment in which he’s completely behind the pace, out of his comfort zone, destabilized, and acting out.”
Perhaps if Loki actually met Loki he’d have a fresh perspective on whether anger and spite are worth clinging on to?
Lokis All the Way Down
Even as the show intends to explore Loki’s struggle with his own identity, it seems set to introduce other Lokis from different timelines and realities, which leaves the storytelling door very much open. Not just in terms of new angles on previous MCU tales and major cameos, but to inspiration from the pages of Marvel Comics as well.
“Part of the fun of the multiverse and playing with time is seeing other versions of characters, and other versions of the titular character in particular,” confirmed Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige.
The comics are certainly ripe with possibilities. There’s Kid Loki – a vessel for the trickster reborn after he manipulated Hela into taking his name out of the Book of Hel. Then there’s Old Loki – a real bastard who makes the current Loki seem like a Care Bear in comparison. Loki even found himself inside a body intended for Lady Sif at one stage, becoming Lady Loki (later incorporated into Loki’s fairly casual gender fluidity).
Loki: Agent of Asgard
Interestingly, Waldron has also said that the show will explore whether Loki could ever make a friend, which is the focus of Al Ewing’s 2014 Agent of Asgard run. In these comics, Loki meets a woman called Verity Willis who can see through any lie, making her the perfect person for Loki to have an open and honest friendship with.
It was around this time that the Loki of Marvel Comics also had an epiphany: that a lie is just a story and a story can be rewritten. This allowed him to turn over a new leaf, redefining his character from the God of Lies to the God of Stories. Thinking back to Hiddleston’s first official comment when Loki was announced, this could be just one way that Marvel has approached further seasons of the show and Loki’s continuing journey through time and space.
“Loki,” Hiddleston wrote. “More stories to tell. More mischief to make. More to come.”
Marvel’s Loki will be streaming on Disney+ from June 9.
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