#loki laufeyjarson x reader
smolvenger · 1 year
The King of Asgard (Loki x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Synopsis: As the wife of Prince Loki of Asgard, you suddenly discover that Odin and Thor are gone. You are made queen and your dear husband is king. But a king needs an heir...
Word Count: 5K
Warnings: SMUT Y'ALL!!! 18+ Breeding Kink and Vanilla P in V sex and dirty talk. Some angst in the beginning but lots of hurt/comfort regarding his discovery about being a Frost Giant. Some married fluff. I use the canon events in Thor 1 but stretch out the timeline because it's my fic and I can do what I want. References to fairy tales because I'm a slut for literary references.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
A/N: Since seeing Thor 1 in its completion this has been in my head. I don't usually write for the big man Loki himself too often- but it's a treat to do so! Maybe I will do more of this stuff if I get more ideas! REBLOGS, COMMENTS, DMS, AND ASKS ABOUT MY WORK ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED! Also, I don't know if Frigga is also Freya the goddess of love and sex in this universe when I wrote this but her character is clearly more FRIGGA than Freya...so yeah...mea culpa
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @infinitystoner @littlespaceyelf @superficialdomina (since all the way back you asked to be tagged! Ta da! Here it is!!)
You had many regrets in your life. But marrying Prince Loki was not one of them.  When he asked you, you threw your arms around him and kissed him repeating one word- “Yes!”
You never regretted the day you wore a jeweled veil and walked down that aisle. You never regretted vowing before all the gods that you were his and he was yours. You never regretted becoming Princess of Asgard. Not if it meant the love of your life could become your husband.
Some whispered that your choice was unusual. That it was the wrong prince. That you should have married Thor. After all, it seemed obvious he was going to be the heir. But things did not happen in your heart the way they did. Thor was jovial and friendly to you. But before your betrothal, he liked you as a sister. No more, no less. Even if Odin commanded it, Thor would object to the match. If Thor learned to reign in his arrogance someday, you thought, he would make a fine lover to some lucky person!
Other than being the most beautiful man you had ever beheld, Loki was intelligent. Full of elegance as well as guile. Well-read, polite, patient, and charming, but could hold his own in any battle. It seemed you were one of the few people who recognized that. That was one of many reasons why he loved you.
You both attended feasts side by side. He would flirt with you even though you were still about a year into marriage.
“Why, it is too bad that such loveliness is sitting by herself tonight! May I have the seat next to her?” Loki would croon as he sat in the chair next to you.
 You danced every dance together at balls. You especially loved spending free hours exploring the Asgardian library together. Reading works from all Nine Realms. Sometimes until you both fell asleep by the fireplace. Not to mention his finesse in the bedroom.
Loki confessed of his wedding day nerves to you in private. He feared…displeasing you on your wedding night. But your mutual passion and reverence for each other won over all else. Every time you coupled, you brought each other to Valhalla and back again. You learned about each other’s bodies like studying maps. Each minute of lovemaking was both exploration and worship of each other.
Lately, the two of you were careful. You had your own special tea to drink before or after it happened. At most, he would spill his seed somewhere that wasn’t between your legs. You knew so much was happening. Becoming a parent would put more stress on both of you. Especially considering Odin was about to name his heir.
 Though you both did hope someday to have a child. You knew Loki would be a wonderful father and you wanted to be a mother. You wanted a family. You wanted to have a sweet baby (or two) of your own to cuddle and kiss. To hear it laugh when you tickled it. To welcome their first steps with open arms. To watch it grow. To leave your own mark- a person who was both Loki and you.
Now wasn’t the right time, both of you knew it. When you would sigh about it, he would hug you.
“We will wait, my love…time is our friend…” he’d assure you.
 There were worse things in life. And you might as well enjoy what you had now before it was too late. You were lucky to have him. Many couples lived happy, long lives together without children. You were fortunate to have a man who you could confide anything to. And he in turn confided all his worries to you.
The ceremony arrived. And it was not Loki who was named heir as he hoped. It was Thor.
As you stood next to Loki, you felt him stiffen. Thor smiled and held up Mjonir as the kingdom cheered for him. Looking at your husband, you took his hand. You heard him take in a deep sigh through his nose.
“I know you wanted it…I’m so sorry…” you whispered to him, rubbing a thumb over his palm.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
 One evening when you walked about the garden. The sun was setting and while there was some light, you wanted to admire the roses Frigga grew. Dressed in your golden dress, you knelt to sniff a few red ones. Admiring her work and the peace of the place. You jumped when a guard ran over to you.
“The Prince Loki requests your presence immediately in the castle vaults,” he reported.
Picking up your skirts, you hurried there.
“Loki, where are you? Are you hurt?” you asked as you entered.
He was standing on the steps before the Tesseract’s section. He looked up at the sound of your voice. There were tears in his eyes.
“I…I just spoke with father…” he said.
“What did he say this time?” you asked.
He took a step towards you. More tears fell down his cheeks.
“Y/N…I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have married you, shouldn’t have made you my prisoner…” he said.
Pain curled up in your chest at the words. Their grip tightened your throat and your eyes watered as well as his.
“Prisoner!?! What are you talking about, Loki? You cannot believe every word Odin says! I will talk to him myself right away! How dare he say such cruel things to you! You do deserve me! You do!” you cried.
You reached over to grab his hands and he jerked them back.
“No Asgardian maiden deserves to be sold and made wife to a Frost Giant!” He blurted.
You paused.
“Frost Giant?” you repeated.
All your life you heard whispers of the land of the Frost Giants, or Jotenheim. And they were always violent tales of terror. The large, ice creatures were longtime enemies of your kingdom. It was typical for Thor to boast about how much he would slay if given the chance.
“Stay here…and watch…” Loki instructed.
He put his hand on the Tesseract. Upon contact, his skin turned blue and his eyes red. A frost giant if you ever saw one.
Your eyes widened and you gasped in response, a hand flew over your mouth. Shock made your body lock in place. But you did not turn your eyes from him.
“Oh, Loki!” you cried.
You did not flee. No, you would not. Instead, you ran up and embraced him. He felt cold to the touch. As his hands released the Tesseract you felt him warm up in your arms as his skin turned back to ivory. They curled around your back, and he buried himself in your touch. You felt him shaking. Despite your own surprise, you would not abandon him. Never.
“It’s alright…it’s alright, I’m right here…this is a lot, I know…” you consoled as he cried.
He explained to you that years ago, Odin found an abandoned Frost Giant baby in Jotenheim. He took in the infant to be raised as one of his own. But never telling that young prince the truth about his parentage. Not until an accidental discovery. In a recent battle a Frost Gant touched your husband’s arm, changing your prince’s skin to blue beneath his grip. And blue skin could not lie.
“Do you know what I am, Y/N? I am a monster! That’s who you are married to! A monster!” Loki mourned.
You glanced at the door, then back to him. An idea from a recent library read growing in your head.
“Are you familiar with Midgard Fairy Tales? The ones for children?” you asked.
“No,” he answered.
“You don’t?” you asked.
“Midgard never interested me before…”
Taking him by the hand, you led him back to the library. You found a collection of Midgard Fairy Tales left on your favorite chair. You brought it to him and opened it up, flipping the pages. You then pointed to one story. The first page was illustrated with a ship on the ocean, then a rose, and a grand castle.
“You should read this one right here. It was written years ago by a lady. It is a Midgard Fairy Story called La Belle et La Bete or Beauty and The Beast…” you explained.
Loki took the book. He then flipped the page to see a picture of the eponymous beast.
“I know enough of fairy tales. They’re all the same. There’s some giant or creature who’s always the villain. Kidnapping unwilling maidens and hoarding gold. That is until a prince skewers them. Then there’s great celebration over the killing,” he dismissed.
You placed a hand on the page before he could close it.
“You’re right about one thing. There is a beast in this one…” you continued.
“Oh, and he’s there to do those things so babes will grow up learning to hate me,” Loki complained.
“No! Not in this one he’s not!” you objected.
You turned the page. It showed the Beast smiling with a lady in a rose garden.
“Yes, he is a beast. But do you know what he also is? He is the prince in the story! He might look frightening to some, but beneath it, he is kind and generous! He falls in love and marries a woman who sees that in the end! She doesn’t focus on what makes him monstrous and different- she accepts who he is!”
You set the book down and cupped his face.
 “Because she loves him!”
His jaw dropped, speaking nothing. He leaned into your hand.
“A Frost Giant? Yes. I will learn to adjust to the blue skin…but you are my husband. I could not ask for a better one. And I love you. No matter what…” you said.
He embraced you again and you both cried. Tears of happiness and of sorrow. Blue skin or white. Yellow eyes or blue ones. He was Loki. He was your husband, and you would always stay with him. Besides, it’s what he would have done for you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you went to bed that night, you expected tomorrow to be a day like any other. But instead, you were shaken out of sleep.
“Loki, what is it? It’s too early…” you murmured, half-awake.
You felt your bedside but did not feel the lump of his body.
Wakefulness creeping on you, you saw the guards and a few servants in your bedchambers. You jumped to sit up. You held onto the blankets, your knuckles popping in your grip.
“Where is my husband? Is he alright? What’s going on?” you questioned.
Their eyes were all wide. One servant stepped forward and spoke with gravity.
“The prince Thor is banished. And Odin has fallen into his Odinsleep. Loki is now King of Asgard. And you are it’s Queen.”
It was only four sentences. But it felt like something from a dream. You jolted out of bed to stand. You barely opened your mouth to respond when the servant knelt before you. He took your hand and kissed it in reverence.
“Your highness! Queen of Asgard!” he announced.
All bowed before you in your room.
 You expected many things when you married the god of mischief. Just not this! It felt like one of those Midgard Fairytales happening to you.
When you dressed and hurried to your husband in the throne room. You forgot your new role and froze your steps. He sat on a throne, legs deliciously apart. He took up space now. The throne was entirely his and he was going to use every inch of it. He was decked in the robe of a ruler, not a prince destined to wait in the wings all his life. He had power in him, and you had to confess the aura of it was…. doing something for you. Your legs were buckling beneath your dress. There was that infamous, mischievous smile on him. It made you shiver. Already morning and desire swirled inside you. When his head turned to see you, he lit up. He got up from his throne and walked down. Per habit, you curtsied low. Then, placing a finger beneath your chin, he led you to standing. Your sex beneath your legs clenched at the gesture.
He then grabbed you and lifted you up in a hug where your feet didn’t touch the ground.
“Y/N…darling!” he greeted.
He put you down and placed a kiss on your lips.
“But…are you ready to rule? It won’t be easy…” you worried.
“It will not. But at last, think of everything I could do…lead armies…unite kingdoms…”
Even Jotenheim and Asgard if he decreed it so, you noted. You then smiled at him. He was glowing from pride and joy. He took your hand and kissed it.
“If we’re together through this…we can handle it…” he said.
They placed you to stand by his side on the throne.
 Frigga entered. She bowed to you. Your own knees bucked a little out of habit. Usually you were the one bowing to her! You walked down to her, taking her shoulders.
“Queen mother…I…I’m speechless! …I don’t know how I could ever be a queen as well as you!” you confessed to her.
She kissed your cheek and gave you a patient smile.
“Don’t worry, I will help you. Day by day, step by step, you will learn how.”
“Thank you…what do I do now?”
“You will be crowned this afternoon. The kingdom will be watching. Look at them, your people. And show them you care…” she advised.
The hour arrived for them all. Swarms of people broke in like a flood to the throne room. You felt every eye as a golden crown was placed on your head and as his familiar helmet was placed on Loki.
Remembering Frigga’s advice, you looked down on them. You allowed a smile to grow on you. You smiled as you heard your name being chanted along with your husband's name.
They cheered and bowed to you. Flags were waved and confetti fell like snow across the palace.  Loki got took your hand and lifted it up before them. They began to cry out.
“Hail the King Loki! Hail the Queen Y/N!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When the sun began to set, a familiar servant ran up to you.
“The King sends his regrets that duties require his immediate attention. He asked for the cooks to go ahead and serve you dinner in his absence,” she announced.
“Thank you,” you replied. An attempt at a regal tone of voice new to you.
The servant bowed and left. She didn’t do that as reverently when you were a mere princess. You ate your dinner alone and then took a rosewater bath right after. You noticed several stray petals floating around in the tub.
Once you finished, you returned to your chambers. It seemed they would stay the same for now. The King’s room was for the Odinsleep. Drying yourself you picked a nightgown. Tonight, it was a white one with a silvery tone to it. It had long sleeves that draped down and had beautiful beading around the bodice. The neckline dipped down to the clasp that secured it. Some might consider it immodest, but it was too beautiful for your resistance. It gave you some very sensual cleavage that you loved (and so would your husband). The skirt then dipped down to the floor, making it feel like a robe, but the material was not so thick that it felt too hot.
If you dressed more like a queen, even at night, you would feel more apt to the role.
What a day it had been. Part of your body ached after such excitement. You sat by your vanity on a cushion. Flowers (including the roses you liked) from the gardens in vases bedecked it. By the candlelight you checked your hair. Sighing in, you relaxed on the seat, admiring the glimpse of the kingdom at night from your curtains. Enjoying a moment of peace.
You then heard his voice outside the door.
“I am now going to bed. Do not disturb us unless there is an emergency,” Loki ordered the servants and guards. Already he was speaking more like a king.
The doors creaked as he opened it and walked inside. Though he was in his own green bedrobes, there was a bounce and urgency to his step. Then he approached you as you sat on the cushion before the vanity. Though his blue eyes did wander hungrily to your low neckline. They then returned up to your face in the mirror’s reflection.
“How is my pretty queen tonight?” he asked.
“I’m good…” you answered.
“Are you tired?” he asked with a tone of concern.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, fingers drumming in anticipation. Was there some old prank he was going to pull that he wanted you to see? What was he going to say?
“Only a little…I’m still taking it in…” you replied.
He embraced you from behind, nuzzling into your neck. You smiled at the contact of feeling his nose against your skin. He smiled as he looked at you in the mirror.
“You always were a queen to me, my dear….” He said.
He kissed your cheek and then lowered his lips to your neck. You smiled, enjoying the increasingly amorous gesture. You felt the tickle of his breath. His soft lips made another kiss in between your neck and clavicle. You melted into it.
“My, Freya has gotten someone enchanted…” you teased.
“It’s not Freya who enchants me…” he husked.
He then turned you around and led you to stand. And laid a desperate kiss on your lips. You wrapped your arms around him. He slid in his tongue. A hand of his crept to hold your back to him. You groaned into it. Already, arousal began its long, sinful climb with its wet signal between your legs. You released lips with a satisfying smack.
“If you continue this, I’ll ring for that tea…” you said.
“No…” he voiced.
He held your hands down.
“You won’t need that tea tonight. Or for a while…” he said.
You blinked.
“How come?”
He gave you a smile, looking in your eyes.
“I must tell you…the council has given me much advice. To secure myself as king, there are a few things I can do. Enact laws. Silence any rebellions or refusals. And, since I’m already married...”
He paused.
“Sire an heir.”
You felt your breath stop in your throat. Your eyes widened. His smile went down to a smirk. A glint in his eye as he went to you. His eyes roaming down your exposed chest. His hands wandered down, staring to hike a little of your skirt.
“So, you’re saying…” you stuttered.
“Y/N, I…I need you tonight…tonight…I’ll give you a child, an heir, someone to carry on my reign, and keep me as king…Would you like that?” he asked.
He leaned closer. Wanting to kiss you, then pausing. You could feel his breath just on your lips, making you dizzy. He placed his hips against yours. You felt a moan shudder out of you. Your answer was an easy one.
“Yes, yes I would.”
He swept you up in his arms, strong despite his lean frame.  Your heart raced so hard you felt it would burst out of you. He laid you on the bed then crawled over you. You felt yourself trembling like it was the first time. He cupped your cheek and leaned over to kiss you.
“My queen, my darling…”
You wrapped your arms around him.
“And my Prince made King,” you said back.
Intuitively, he ground his hips on yours. A small shudder went through you, coming out as a sigh. You reached a hand to run it through his hair as he kissed you again. Combing through those dark curls you loved so much. Because they were a part of him. His crown that never left him. You gave him another, harder kiss. He then looked down at your robe. He slid a hand over the beading, over your chest.
“A lady beautiful as you could doesn’t need such …embellishments…” he growled.
He removed his hand to lift it in the air. He flicked it and a green light began at the tips of your toes and then worked its way up your legs and through your body. Your evening robes for sleeping vanished and instead was your skin. He wetted his lips at the sight of your nakedness.
“I’ve longed to see this, to touch you for hours…”
He went up to your bare breasts. You gulped as he began to kiss it. Your back arched on impulse, tensing already. As he worked his way to the center, you felt yourself tensing already. Smiling at the pleasure as he used his tongue, swirling your nipple. Chills ran over you. He released his mouth to whisper.
“I’ve missed your breasts. The shape. The softness. Feeling you…”
He replaced it with his large hand. He gently squeezed and groped both around. You exhaled out another sound coming out of you. Not a polite one.
“Perfection-perfect for my hands. And perfect to nurse my heir…”
He then lowered himself down, kissing your stomach. Tracing your hips. He then kissed your bellybutton, dipping his tongue into the hole of it. Only a symbol of what was next. A delicious forewarning. Preparation. You grew wetter with the feeling of something soft and wet inside a hole of yours.
“Loki…Loki, my dear…husband…” you whimpered.
He held your hips down, tracing it and feeling them again. How they curved up to where they made your waist. His fingers sprawled possessively over your flesh. Then back down to your hips. Looking down, there was a bulge getting bigger against his green robe.
“And these…perfect. Perfect for what I put between them. For my mouth, my fingers, my cock, and my child…”
He pulled his head up, then you put your finger to his lips. Giggling lightly, as did he.
“You talk so much. But you’ve yet to bare yourself too, my love,” you teased.
With a cocky half-smile, all he did was tilt his head. The seidr ran down from the forehead to the toes, and the smooth robe was replaced with his warm skin. He was so beautiful. Every time he took off his clothes, it was everything in you not to stare. He had a broad, ivory chest so large and enveloping. It was like a blanket when you rested your head on them or when he thrust on top of you. You put a hand to explore the crevices, going through the patch of hairs on him. His muscular shoulders, perfect for digging your nails in. His abdominals-both soft and strong. For he was both at the center of his heart as well. Thighs made thick from running, jumping, and everything a warrior did.
He ground against you. His cock, already hard, teased your stomach. He leaned up to kiss your neck in its small soft spot. A hand returning to your breast.
“You will look wonderful engorged with a babe…a child…a part of you that will always be there, a trace of us together.”
“Loki…my dear husband…I love you…” you voiced.
He smiled, inching close.
“And I love you when you’re screaming beneath me…”
With one long, beautiful hand, he took the outside of your legs. He traced his fingers down from thigh to knee. Ghosting against the upper flesh of your skin. As tenderly as if you were the brightest, most precious jewel kept in his treasury. In seas of coins, rubies, and diamonds…it was you, you out of everything else, that mattered to him.
He took his large, beautiful hands and then moved them to the inside of your knees. You bit back a moan, leaning your head into the pillow as you felt it.
Using both his hands, he then spread you apart, wide open. He looked down at you and grinned. He had seen, felt, penetrated, and tasted your pussy like an addict. Always hungry for more. Even if you were poison, he would consider it the sweetest way to die. He placed himself back up. The tip just teasing your entrance. Every nerve inside you screamed. It brushed against you, never plunging in.
“You’re a banquet all for me, my dear…now…are you ready?” he whispered.
“Oh, please…. stop tormenting me… I want a child…and I want you…give me…give me one, Loki…” you begged.
“Let me…let me feel your sweet warmth and take your king’s shaft…” Loki husked.
He plunged into you slowly. Part of you panted through your nose. You felt him climb inside, inch by agonizing inch. This was a ceremony, sacred as any other rite in a royal bedroom. As if everything had to be right. Yet there was beauty-there was divinity. An ecstasy of reaching something otherworldly in between each other’s legs. You let out a loud gasp when he placed all of you inside him. You grabbed onto him.
He then retracted his hips, and he began to thrust into you. Grinding you right into the bed. Writhing as you accepted his largeness like it was new. Each gasp from his breath, each pant from each thrust. You could feel one muscular arm of your husbands touched the headboard, keeping him steady against you. You felt your back and ass slide against the silk sheets. He was slow, but eager.
“Yes…I promised you… when we married…I’d give you-nrgh-I’d give-give you everything-fuck-everything you’d ever want-gods…yes, gods, yes!” he whimpered as he thrusted.
You let out a moan with each thrust, your own breasts bouncing slowly with the movement. He looked down, releasing the hand on the headboard to slap them.
You let out a gasp- “L-Loki-you-you-you beast!”
“I thought you figured that out already, darling…” he whispered with a chuckle.
You felt his other hand wander to touch your back. You writhed under him.  He then slid his hand under his hips guide you up. His strength held you steady. He hit a different angle and you let out a cry-it was deeper, and his cock had found it’s way to your bud. Already sensitive and shaking.
“L-Loki! There! Please! There!”  you begged as he kept thrusting.
“As my queen commands…”
You saw the veins in his neck tightening as he kept on. His black curls messed around him- wild and free. A creature claiming his prize for the night. How beautiful he looked. You returned a hand back up and pulled him down. You kissed him with such fervor as he thrust that he stayed for only a second inside you, pausing, catching a breath. What breath there was, anyway.
Then he picked up the pace slightly. You were starting to see stars. That sweet angle where he got your clit. You felt pleasure rise  in you. Yes, it was arriving. You moved your hands down from his shoulders, down his triangular back. Once you found his soft, perfect ass you pushed him in again.
“Loki I’m…I’m…I’m close…oh norns- I’m…I’m going to cum!” you pleaded.
“So…am I-nrg-Call me king, call me king again and…and…I’ll-I’ll drive you there with me …”
He lowered his voice. Guttural and demanding.
“Call- me- your- king.”
He even got his free hand inside, speeding you up as he too sped up. You felt it-the breaking point.
“Yes-please-my- my king! My king!” you cried.
He let out a shout and you felt his hot seed spurt inside you. Your own climax then broke upon you. Thw words repeated out of you in a whisper.
“My king…my…my…”
It was the climax where it spun inside you. You felt your whole-body lock. Your quim felt as if it was spinning, sputtering with the pleasure. As well as his seed.  You groaned as it washed you down and you felt it. Your eyes teared up. His stayed inside, spurting like mad. Free and plentiful after starvation. A broken dam. He stayed inside. Not wasting one drip of him. You accepted it, every bit of it. Not one drop would go to waste. You felt your body buzz. Vibrating on the inside though you were still. Still except for your own breasts heaving with the breath you caught. You felt him catch his breath on top of you too.
He then cupped your cheek. His curls fell before his face. But his smile and blue eyes glowing from them.
“I couldn’t have asked for better. A better broodmare. A better wife. A better queen by my side…” he said.
Playfully, you went up and kissed the tip of his nose. He grinned at it and then embraced you. Arms flinging around each other. His own sweaty, earthy scent mixed with the rosewater bath you had earlier.
His cock still twitched inside you. Then you felt a final hot release of him and there was no more. He pulled out. Once it left you, you felt a cold space in your quim. Like it was an empty niche, something that needed filling. So much was he a part of you. You reached up your hand to brush his curls back. Seeing his face. Seeing him.
He then went down to your stomach, kissing it.
“I think if it’s a boy…we should call him Tuck…and if it’s a girl...Idona…” you then told him.
He rolled over to lay his head on the pillow. Then he turned over. You hummed at the sight of him- oh Hela, his beautiful profile was art itself!
“And what if we have twins?” he asked.
“I’ll figure it out, later!” you replied with a small laugh.
You placed your head on his chest and looked up and he down.
“I hope you’ve forgiven me for missing dinner…we’ll eat together tomorrow night; I’ll make it up to you…” he said.
“Of course, I forgive you. You had duties of your own…” you whispered.
He then gave a smile with the familiar, delicious darkness in his eyes.
“It might take more than once. We will try for an heir no matter how many times it takes. I’d like to have you on that very table like a meal of my own to devour. And I’ll have you on the library walls. On each rug. On each column. So, rest well…you have several duties of your own tomorrow.”
594 notes · View notes
shamrockqueen · 5 months
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Loki’s Masterlist
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Frost fairy : Fae King Loki x Ice Fairy reader
Fae King Loki : King Loki x captured human reader
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Chapter stories
31 notes · View notes
viviennes-tears · 2 months
Just be patient with me (Loki & Gender neutral X reader Drabble)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion.  ~
Summary: Following an argument with Loki you take a long car ride to an unfamiliar location. You should have asked where he was taking you, but you decided against it, not wanting to argue again. However in light of everything he brings you to a spot high up on a hill, a spot where you both gaze up at the stars, and in his own way he apologies to you about everything.
Warnings: None
You and Loki had an argument a few hours ago about where your relationship is going. Your plan about the conversation hadn’t gone as well as you’d hoped it would, especially since you’ve been together for several months now, so it only seemed logical to you to have the conversation. Of course he acted like many men typically do, being reserved from expressing his inner feelings, quick to defend his rights to keep things as they are, while seeing no need to change things as everything had been going well. Despite how visibly upset you’d gotten by what transpired with Loki being his usual stubborn and childish self, things ended in a tiff between the two of you.
This being said it made this current car ride intense and silent, besides the roaring of the engine, as well as the sound of small stones and pieces of gravel crunching beneath the tires, as Loki drove off the main road and down a dirt road instead. As it got darker Loki switched his headlights to full beam. You noticed the change in direction as it wasn’t to anywhere of familiarity, yet you didn’t question his whereabouts either, you should have but you didn’t want to end up in another argument while everything was still sour between you both. Decidedly you kept quiet, keeping your eyes on the dark silhouettes of the passing scenery, whilst enduring however long this would take.
After sometime Loki turned off the dirt road, parking the car quite literally in the middle of nowhere, before shutting off the engine and headlights simultaneously. The silence continued for a few more minutes as you remained parked, until he cleared his throat, before getting out of the car and coming around to your side. Just like always he opened the door for you and helped you out, in that respect things were the same, but the rest of the situation made you wish he would open up more. Only you know he has trouble with it and to fully be able to comprehend it you have to learn to be a little more patient with him.
“I want to show you something.” Those are his first words he’s spoken since leaving the comfort of your apartment you shared together. You are puzzled by his choice in words given there’s nothing that you can see out here and certainly not at night. Although you didn’t object when he took your hand in his, this small gesture showed a glimmer of hope for the pair of you yet.
A shimmer of green suddenly passed along his fingers on his free hand, creating a green sphere to appear before you, it then began to float ahead along a trail through some long grass. The green sphere being your guiding light as Loki began leading you away from the car. As it turned out the walk from the car was quite far, the silence had continued on between you again, although his grip on your hand was tight and protective the entire time. 
Eventually after a long walk and a climb up a huge hill the green sphere had stopped at the very top. Loki's hand slipped away from yours, as he used his magic to make a green checkered blanket to appear on the grass at your feet, and with another flick of his wrist the green sphere faded into nothingness. He proceeds to gesture for you to sit down first on the blanket, your curiosity certainly has piqued by this point, then you take a seat comfortably upon the blanket followed by Loki sitting behind you. His knees up high on either side of you, his feet planted on the blanket, while his chest pressed against your back and a protective arm wrapping around your waist. 
Loki sighs softly, his breath hitting against the back of your neck, and sending a noticeable shiver down your spine. Not that he mentions it. However as the two of you sit up on top of the hill you both look up at the night sky. Gazing at the beautiful and natural wonders of the world, seeing the changes of the colours between the blues, pinks and violets with an array of stars twinkling like little fireflies that are embedded in the sky. This. This right here is exactly what you realised he wanted to show you, a warm feeling soon began to fill your senses from the realisation too, after all it wasn't a sight you could clearly see from your apartment due to the illumination of the city lights.
"I am not very good with words...at least not the kind of words that come from the heart. The kind of words which matter most..one thing you should always rely on is my actions and my little tokens of affection. They are how I can communicate my feelings for you, my love. Although do not despair about being abandoned, as I never will, I'm not going anywhere. And over time in my own way I will show you my entire heart. Just be patient with me." His voice was loving in that moment, a hint of his vulnerability seeping out too. 
Despite him not exactly saying in words that he was sorry about the argument earlier, this turned out to be his way of apologising to you, wanting to show you what you truly mean to him. As you leaned back into his chest and a smile appearing on your lips was enough for him to know you'd forgiven him.
@jennyggggrrr @foxherder
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Loki Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears
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Loki ~ Expectations
1,300 Followers Challenge!
Round 2
Requested by @jaxtheninja
Words: 1,076
Warnings: Neutral Reader, Soulmate AU, hostage situation, magic wielding, mentions of violence, supportive Thor, mention of hospitals
This was not how you’d expected your day to go.
Even with all the reports of the Avengers now wide and well known, it never occurred to you that you would ever be in a situation that would require rescuing from.  You had a simple job, a simple life, and you figured you were always just going to be like everyone else.
Your current circumstances were proving otherwise.
Being held hostage was not part of your daily plans, and you were absolutely scared out of your wits. Hands bound, mouth gagged, you silently prayed that you and the rest of your team would pull out of this okay.
They had guns, they were pacing back and forth, and making demands over the phone, and all you could do was sit and wait.
The hairs rose on the back of your neck just before it happened, glass exploding everywhere, muffled screams coming from all of you as gun fire erupted around you.
A spark caught your eye and you stared as a dark haired man practically materialised out of thin air and, with a roll of his eyes, jumped straight into the fight, making each and every take down look practically flawless and easy.  If you weren’t mistaken, your eyes glued to him, he even looked rather bored.
There was another shimmer through the air and about six more of him appeared, distracting the remaining men, each eyeing the knives in his hands with a hint of terror.
A shield smashed into the room, as well as what you were sure was a hammer, gun fire sounding outside as well, but you only had eyes for the dark haired man, something drawing you to him.
The fight drew to a close and all your hands were unbound, your mouth freed of the horrible gag that had, up until this point, been keeping you silent.
Now that you were free though, you did what you did best, let your mouth talk before you thought about it.
“I don’t know what you just did but that was awesome.”
You saw the dark-haired man tense before looking at you slowly, a little cautiously, his gaze flickering to the others in the room to make sure that you hadn’t spoken to them, but your gaze remained locked onto him.
“It’s magic, if that’s of any importance to you,” He said, a hint of something in his voice.  “But thank you, I guess.”
Your arm began to burn and you suddenly knew exactly what was happening, what you’d already expected to be happening, a slow grin coming to you.  “I’m Y/N.”
Pink tinged his cheeks and he glanced to the others again, making sure he wasn’t being watched.  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Y/N.  I’m Loki.”
This was definitely not how you expected your day to go.
The name fit him and also slotted into your minimal knowledge of the Avengers, having not really paid attention to it much, thinking it would never affect you.  You knew enough to know that he’d once been an enemy, but things had changed, and somehow, it still all suited him perfectly.
The smile doesn’t leave you, what you’d been through almost completely forgotten.  “Your name suits you.”
The pink in his cheeks darkened.  “Ah, thank you?”  He suddenly frowns and shakes his head, taking a step closer.  “Are you alright?”
Aware that your colleagues were crying and weeping and thanking the other Avengers present behind you, you nod.  “Yep, couldn’t be better actually.  I think this may be the best day I’ve had in a long time.”
Loki gives a small laugh, his gaze flicking for a moment to your arm, but quickly returning to your smiling gaze.  “Does this happen to you often?”
“What?  The hostage situation or my arm burning the shit out of me?”  You asked lightly, earning a wider smile.  “No, I can’t say it does.  I suppose I should be in shock, but this is a much nicer feeling.”
He nods slowly.  “It is. I have to say, I’m rather glad I rescued you.”
“Me too.”  You beamed, unable to help it.  “Although, what we do from here, I unfortunately have to say I am rather clueless.”
Loki’s mouth opens to respond, but the two of you were interrupted by a large blonde haired man wearing a cape.  “Brother, all of the hostages must go to the waiting ambulances now.”
“Oh,” The disappointment was clear in his expression and the blonde one frowns at him.  “Well, would you mind if I escorted Y/N to the hospital myself then?”
The blonde one looks between the two of you for a long moment, before it finally seemed to click and he roared with laughter, clapping Loki hard on the back, making him stagger slightly.
“Of course!  Don’t worry, I’ll keep the others away from you.”
“Yes, thank you Thor,” Loki shoots him an annoyed look.  “If they don’t trust me by now there is something wrong.”
Thor shrugs, as if it was no big deal, but you don’t care about any of that.  Your entire focus was on Loki and his hand slipping easily into yours, starting to lead you away from the rather grisly sight that was in the room.
“You know,” He said a little thoughtfully as the two of you walked, Thor quickly stopping two of the other Avengers stepping in behind you. “I had always thought that I had my first words planned out so carefully, and yet, here you are, and I can’t help but feel like I sounded the idiot.”
You chuckled, unable to drop your smile, rolling up your sleeve a little, revealing the shimmering gold letters on your arm.  “If it’s any consolation, I feel like an idiot myself. It never occurred to me that with a line about magic, that I would find someone that was…extraordinary.”
Loki chuckled, his hand not leaving yours, even as he tugged his own sleeve a little, just enough to reveal his own gold lettering shimmering on his arm.  “I guess I too should’ve figured that it would be someone that was no familiar with the concept.”
“Can you teach me?”
He paused for a long moment at this, leading you away from the ambulances and news crews, not that you noticed, but then beamed brightly, his hand slipping from yours so he can tug you to his side.
“Y/N, my darling, it would be my pleasure.”
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dayanacvm · 3 years
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A general demand of living you don’t understand, Loki...
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
Can you please write some Loki smut that involves some aftercare? I love your writing (especially your aftercare!! 💕🥺) and I think Loki babying the reader would be cute ♡
Just a little short piece I wrote on my lunch break today because I loved this request!! I really enjoyed writing for Loki so I hope it’s okay! 💗 I don’t know how others in the community write Loki (because I don’t read any Loki fics) so let me know if there’s something you’d like me to do differently in future!!
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Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: A lil bit of smut with Loki and then some aftercare!
Warnings: Smut, vaginal fingering, pet names, husband! Loki, wife! reader, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, aftercare, kinda Dom! Loki?, fluff, tiny reference to mocking, watching yourselves in a mirror, unprotected sex
Minors, do not interact
“Oh pet, look at you. Look at your little body squirming. Do you see yourself my love?” You felt one huge hand land on your chin, cupping it tightly between long, slender fingers, turning your head to the right.
“Do you see you see yourself now my love? You see how pretty you look when you submit to me. Nothing so sweet in all the realms as my beautiful wife, taking everything I give her.” Loki’s voice was a hushed, seductive whisper, disturbed only by your own high whines and the wet sounds he drew from your body. The floor to ceiling mirror beside you reflected the sight your husband described.
Your pleasure addled brain could see everything. You could see your own back arching off the silky, luxurious sheets involuntarily. You could see Loki’s other hand, nestled between your thighs, dragging you dangerously close to yet another painfully intense high.
You saw in his reflection just how intent he was on worshipping your body. This wasn’t one of those nights where his rough, carnal need took over. No, this was a display of the far more delicate side of Loki’s love for you. He was so enthralled by you, this sweet, delicate being who knew all his flaws and loved him regardless, submitting yourself entirely to demonstrate your love and adoration of him.
“Look at how rung out you look, my pet. Humping my fingers. I can feel your little walls fluttering. You’re close again aren’t you? But you’re resisting. I can feel it. Why won’t you give in to the pleasure you so desperately craved earlier?” His silky voice washed over you, your eyes fixed on the sight of you both in the mirror. His lips were on your neck, his arm pressed between your bodies and his fingers… Oh his fingers were working magic, buried inside you, rubbing deliciously in the way that only he knew.
“Loki, oh, please it’s too much! I- I can’t-“ you began before his lips shushed you by landing on top of yours. Your little whimpers were silenced by the way his tongue invaded your mouth.
But his fingers only sped up, stroking your sweetest spots more intensely until you were arching higher off the bed. Your walls clamped down around him, his lips pulled into a tight smirk against your own as you finally gave in.
“Look at you, coming undone on your husband’s hand.” Loki beamed proudly, the slender fingers slipping from your sex and into his mouth, a groan escaping him, eyes fluttering shut at your subtle taste.
“Loki please. I need you.” You whimpered softly, pressing him down onto the bed and straddling him. His long, thick cock stood proud between your bodies and somewhere deep in the back of your brain registered that he had just let you take over.
“Oh my pet, you’ve just told me you couldn’t take any more of my fingers. What makes you think you can take this?” He proudly gripped the base of his throbbing member as he spoke, guiding it to your needy entrance.
You didn’t answer, choosing instead to sink down on him to the hilt, loving how his head hit the pillow. His bottom lip was drawn between his teeth, muffling his little sigh of pleasure and that’s when you realised how neglected his own needs had been this evening.
Now it was your turn to make it up to him.
Your little hands landed on his broad chest, anchoring yourself so you could bounce neatly on his cock, the drag of his bare shaft against your walls tearing both of you apart.
“How can you still need more from me? Haven’t I offered you enough?” Loki was practically mocking you, eyes twinkling with good humour, both hands gripping your hips to guide your movements.
“I’ll only be satisfied when I feel your seed dripping from me, my love. I want to be full. I want my body to be claimed by you from the inside.” You we’re so distracted, watching your own reflection in the mirror. Admittedly, you did look beautiful. You looked strong and proud, fucking yourself on your hubsand. You skin was practically glowing from so many orgasms and you were so distracted you didn’t notice the effect your words had on your lover.
You’d flicked a switch in him, whether you intended to or not. With a growl, he flipped you over so you were on your back once more. His cock didn’t slip from you through the transition so the second your back hit the bed, he was thrusting so hard and deep you swore you could see stars.
“You crave my seed that badly my love? You long for your husband to fill you? All the way in here?” His teeth were gritted, his cock nudging your cervix, dragging a sweet wail from your lips.
“Yes Loki there, oh please, yes, right there.” Your head had been thrown back in pleasure, your body threatening to drag you into into another blinding orgasm far too soon after the last. Loki could tell you wouldn’t last long.
“My cock drunk little dove can’t stop herself now. I love that about you, my sweet. One minute you’re whimpering and sensitive and the next you’re hurtling into ecstasy again. You have the filthiest mind, my darling. You beg your husband for the most depraved things and I love it. If it’s my seed you crave, you best believe I’m going to give it to you.” Loki couldn’t deny he was painfully close but so were you. His fingers slipped between your bodies, rubbing your throbbing bundle of nerves.
“I’m going to fill you.” He growled, low and seductive in your ear and that’s when you lost it. Your body tightened around him. Pleasure flooded all your senses, overwhelming you entirely. Your fingernails dug into your husband’s back, a groan ripped from his throat as he buried himself inside you, his release so intense it made his cock twitch violently. Hot spend coated your velvety walls, painting them with evidence of your union. Loki’s breath was hot on your neck, giving himself a second to recover before pulling out of you, flopping gently onto the bed.
You hardly even registered that he has got up until the bed dipped once more with his weight.
“Let me clean you, my love.” He whispered tenderly, eyes swimming with the kind of love and adoration most people could only ever dream of.
You were hesitant at first but his touch on your thighs soothed you.
“My love, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. I put the mess there after all.” His little warm chuckle could’ve had you melting so you gave in, spreading your legs to allow him to clean you up with a damp washcloth.
When he had finished, he reached for your comb on the nightstand, knowing you didn’t like to go to bed with tangled hair.
You thanked him softly, reaching for it to take the comb from his hands but he refused with a gentle smile and whisper of “No my love, let me.”
He sat behind you on the bed instead, his legs bracketing yours as he worked to smooth out your ends. Having your bodies pressed together was comfort enough but the way his hands worked through your hair, dividing it into sections before gently detangling with the comb was nothing short of heavenly. Loki was always so delicate in his aftercare, gentle kisses and soft words making up for how rough he had gotten towards the end.
“You’re exhausted my love.” Loki was so conscious that a session like that really took it out of you. You weren’t built like he was. You needed your rest and he was determined to let you have it.
“Stay with me, Loki.” Your whispered quietly, letting him tuck you under the covers. With a little smile, he climbed in beside you, wrapping two strong arms around you.
“You are the love of my life, do you know that?” You hadn’t really expected him to say that, his lips pressed to the crown of your head, letting you bury your face in his chest.
“I know Loki. And you are the love of mine.” You whispered back, breathing in the scent that was distinctly your husband’s.
“No my love. It’s more than that.” The weight of his affection weighed so heavily on his heart but he simply didn’t have the words. He would die for you. He would kill for you. He would give up everything he held most dear if it would mean your happiness. His sole purpose in life was to make you feel as beautiful and as important as you were in his eyes.
“I know Loki. I know.” And you truly did. You understood because you felt it too.
His gentle touches and tiny kisses had you falling asleep in no time, the soft pounding of his heart in his chest lulling you into the deepest sleep. You were safe in your husband’s strong arms and that’s all both of you cared about.
Just tagging @peyda because you requested Loki ages ago 🙈 and now @sebsbrokentoe bc I love your excitement about it 💗
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pottahishotasf · 2 years
── 𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 ──
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Loki Laufeyson x Reader Summary ▻ It's all right to cry. Warning(s) ▻ mentions of death, blood and crying. lemme just say - It's pure fucking angst. Word Count ▻ 700+
ɴᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ | ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ | ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ
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He wasn't the kind to show emotions.
He grimaced at the thought of vulnerability such as him crying or showing emotions except for anger - many, not only himself thinks only the weak cries.
In plain words he did not want to be known as someone “weak”.
But that changed the moment you entered his room and saw his vulnerable state.
Sitting at the corner, his head on his lap, his cries getting louder, apparent that he did not hear someone set foot in his chamber.
He sure was embarrassed - attempted to make you leave by shouting, but you stayed in your place - stood your ground, looking straight into his eyes - adamant to stay - not even flinching when he neared your form and shoot his hand up as a threat.
When he realized he cannot do anything to make you leave - he, at some point gave up.
You sat down beside him and he felt some kind of relief - comfort as he enjoyed your silly company not that he'd say it out loud.
Comfortable to the point where you - without warning - began rubbing his back as a simple reassurance that you're there and the next thing he remembered was him sobbing on your shoulder as you continued to caress his back.
Maybe that wasn't the first time you witness him cry.
One night, you saw him at the dimly lighted corridor of Valaskjalf - you were just suppose to take a quick stroll to tire yourself 'cause you couldn't drift back to sleep, but you saw his silhouette.
"We're you crying?" You questioned.
He did not know someone would be wandering around the Palace at twilight, he wiped the evidence on his face and make an effort to hide his sniff with a cough - fixed his appearence and avoid your curious gaze.
"I was not."
"Yes, you were." You insisted, sitting beside him.
"No I wasn't. Crying is only for the weak - the ones like your kind." He, once again denied your accusation, straightening his posture to finally glare at you.
"Hmm, you don't have to hide it - it's all right."
Whenever there's a single pessimistic thought that would pass his mind, your words would always ring in his head as a reminder of being comforted by someone.
It's all right, everyone cries at some point in their lives - I, too admit in doing such a thing.
It's all right.
It made him look forward at the end of the day to let it all out by bawling his eyes out in his lonesome chamber.
Sobbing it all out gave him a relief - relieved that some weights on his shoulder had disappeared - he noticed that sometimes he laughs while in that exact moment, his father's words ringing in his head: Men do not cry, it will make you look weaker than you already are.
Which he found astonishing, as he was - at this moment doing the thing that make him look "weak"
Frigga passed.
He ones remembers the time Frigga taking care of him as if he's her real son, she would talk to him with a mellifluous voice, it was so gentle that anyone could sleep at any given time.
He sobbed harder as he pictured in his head how Algrim, one of the dark elves made his Mother suffer.
But whenever he thinks about it hard enough, he blames himself for her death.
Now, he's once again sobbing on your shoulder, but you weren't the one comforting him - it's the other way around - he's the one comforting you.
Holding you in his arms, rocking back and forth, his cries for help echoing all throughout the Palace, but no one can hear as they were preoccupied with stopping the Dark Elves to pass through them and get to Jane as you bleed out with Malekith's blade, still intact inside you.
"Don't you dare close your eyes and leave me." He hissed, looking around searching for any help.
"Shh, it's fine - just leave me be and go help Thor and the others."
"No." Swiping his thumb on your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss - "This all my fault." He adds as an afterthought.
"it's not your fault." You grab him by his cheeks to pull him in and let his forehead rest against yours.
By now, his cheeks were stained with your own blood.
"Please don't leave me." He whined as you fluttered your eyes closed.
He now once again relived how Frigga died, but this time it was you and the event happened in front of him.
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A/n: this is a quick one because I was bored - I was in for some fucking angst and yeh... I want to make a part two - I don't really know at this point ;-;
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ʟɪᴋᴇꜱ, ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ, ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴇᴇᴅʙᴀᴄᴋꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ!!
@maelycious @slvtfor-gingerpubes @lilmissquackson @honeygarfield @raajali3
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wolfish-trickster · 2 years
Little snowflakes
Loki x reader
Word count: 1.7K
Summary: It's been snowing and you desperately want to have some fun outside
Warning: fluff, mention of adult fun time, jotun Loki (but not the What If one), typos
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @forevernthensome @kozkaboi @the-emo-asgardian @theaudacitytowrite
A/N: it has been snowing for hours and it would be a sin not to write about my favourite cold boy, enjoy <3
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Wood in your fireplace cracked as you turned another page of your book, meanings of words barely making it to your mind. Minutes were ticking by and Loki still wasn't home.
You looked outside the window and snuggled deeper into your thick blanket. It has been snowing for the past 4 hours, every tree outside was covered in a thick white blanket of their own. The little child inside you woke up and wanted to go outside and have fun. Build snow forts, snowmen, slide downhill, have a snowball fight. If only Loki came home already so you could have someone to have snowball fights with.
As you were putting your book away and opening your laptop to watch some cliché christmas romcoms you heard front door creaking open. You jumped from your loveseat by the fireplace and with a blanket waving behind you like a cape ran down the hall towards the main door. When Loki opened the door completelly you were already hugging him.
"You're finally here! I missed you," you mumbled into his neck and took note of his outfit. No scarf, no coat. Just one of his woolen asgardian shirts, a cloak and leather pants.
"I missed you too darling," he wrapped his arms around you and kicked the door shut to not let out any warmth.
When you pulled away his hands flew up to undo his cloak littered with snowflakes but you put your hands over his surprisingly warm ones. "Now that you're here can you go outside with me?" you pleaded.
Loki forrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Why? Do you know how cold it is for you out there?" he pointed with one of his hands connected with yours to the door.
"Yes, I do. But I as long as I dress warmly I'll be okay. Plus I thought we could get silly and have some fun."
Loki smirked and pulled you to him by your waist. "Well, I can think of a different kind of fun. One that doesn't involve warm clothes," he winked and let his hand travel up and down your spine.
Usually you would drop anything and everything, however this time it was different. This time you wanted to have childlish fun first, adult fun second.
"Well, that does sound nice, but," you wrapped your arms around his neck and stared deeply into his green eyes, "I just want to get silly today. Play like a stupid child that is seeing snow for the first time in their life. Please? Pretty please my pretty prince?" you pouted and turned on your puppy eyes.
Loki didn't look convinced. "And what do I get if I go outside and get soaked in melting snow? Again?" to make his point clear he pushed the wet cold corner of his cape to your cheek.
You shivered and slapped his hand away. "You can warm up after we come back. Besides I ususally forget about tge cold when I'm playing in the snow. Don't you?"
Loki looked sad for a second. "I don't know. I never played in the snow."
It wasn't that long ago when he told you about his heritage and how he's been trying to get used to it. Not for the sake of his biological father or the people of his planet. Loki was doing it for his own. With babysteps he slowly got used to seeing himself blue in the mirror. And now you realized you were practically forcing him to jump head on into snowy weather for the second time today. You felt horrible all of a sudden.
You cupped his cheeks and brushed your thumbs along his cheekbones. "Listen, if you don't feel like going outside it's okay. I'lljust quickly go out, build a little snowman and return back to you, okay? You don't have to go outside again."
Loki smiled and kissed the inside of your right cheek. "And miss out on creating happy memories with you? Not a chance darling," upon hearing his words ypu lit up like a christmas tree. "Now go get changed into something warmer," he softly patted your ass to which you stuck out your tongue at him and ran to your shared bedroom to change.
While you were gone Loki tapped on his cloak and made it dry. He didn't really want to go outside again. He still newds to work on his relationship with snow and ice. But he realized that by having fun in the snow with you might trick his mind into viewing the whole winter season and coldness a bit brighter.
You returned with a bright smile on your face and your favourite winter clothes on your body. "Okay, I'm done!" you grabbed him by his arm and lead him outside your little cottage. Loki bought it months ago just for you two to escape from everyday life for a few weeks. No internet, no tv, no stress about newest threats from universe. Just a secluded little cottage in the middle of nowhere with only the animals as your neighbours.
You walked him to your favourite place you found during spring. It was by a nearby hill. There was a little lake to which a small waterfall was falling. Now the lake and the waterfall were frozen and shined brightly on the winter sun. With the snow falling from the sky and nearby geeen pines the whole place looked like a painting on a christmas postcard.
"Look Loki, isn't it beautiful?"
Loki shrugged. "I suppose it is. Now what do you propose we do?"
You smiled and unhooked yourarms from around his. "Okay, first of all I'll teach you how to build a snowman. First you'll need these," you pulled out a pair of gloves from your pockets and handed them to him.
Both of you knew he doesn't need them but he pulled them on his hands anyways. "Alright, now what?"
"Now we will make a small ball and roll it around to make it bigger," you picked up a fistful of snow, formed it into a ball and with Loki's help roll it around the lake. You felt like a little child again when you were doing this in school with your classmates.
When the ball was big enough you stopped. "Okay, now these are his legs. We will do the same for the torso and the head, but the torso needs to be smaller than the legs and the headneeds to be smaller than the torso."
"Very well," said Loki and rolled up the sleeves on his cloak, "I shall make the torso, you take care of the head."
"Okay," you nodded and started to form a ball. When Loki turned his back to you you smiled mischieviously. Without a second of hesitation you threw the ball right at his head.
However without turning around he caught it before it could hit him. "How predict-" before he could finish your second ball hit his head.
You jumped up and down in joy and laughed. "I tricked the trickster! I tricked the-" you felt his massive snowball hit your chest, but not strong enough to hurt you. You saw a grin forming on his face. "Picking up a snowball fight with a frost giant, eh? Fine. Two can play this game," his fingertips turned blue and soon there was Jotun Loki standing in front of you in full blue glory.
You didn't have time to admire him since he started forming snowballs in his palms and throing them at you. Even tho you were 'in danger' you still laughed and took cover behind the nearest tree. "Hey, that's cheating!" you were forming one ball after another and throwing them at him, almost all of them missing him.
"Not cheating darling, just using all of my resources!" he was avoiding all of your attacks. At one point when it took you a second more to make another snowball he ran right towards your tree. You yelped and started running from him while you laughed.
You knew he could catch up with you easily, but he wanted you to have fun. What a precious man.
Snowman long forgotten the voth of you ran around and laughed, sometimes Loki even stood still so you could hit him and laugh in victory. This is why Loki wanted to go outside. To see you happy.
After few hours sun began to set. It was harder to see through the falling snowflakes and the dark. You sterted to feel a little tired too. Loki also craved warmth. "Come dalring, time for my type of fun," he lifted his arm for you to snuggle into his side. You hugged him and he walked you back to your cottage. "But we didn't finish the snowman," you yawned.
"It will be here tomorrow too," he rubbed yourback and opened the door.
Inside he used his magic to change both of you from your wet clothes to soft comfortable ones. "You really want the adult fun, don't you?" you chuckled at how impatient he was amd rubbed your eyes. Running around the whole time tieed you out more than you thought it would.
Loki noticed and picked you up bridal style. "No, I just want some quality warm time," he sat don on the love seat close to the wr fireplace and sat you across his lap. "There, now we can warm up together, nice and cozy."
"Yeah," you yawned and leaned your head on his chest, "nice and cozy."
Loki's calming heartbeat and the cracking wood in the fireplace was slowly lulling you to sleep. As you started dosing off you felt how Loki wrapped a blanket around both of you and snuggled you a little closer to him. You smiled and whispered a soft 'I love you'.
Loki kissed your forhead and the last thing you heard before you fell asleep was his velvet voice whispering those sweet words back to you.
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the-dead-skwad · 3 years
Say My Name X Loki X Reader
Just some smut to spice up your Sunday. Not properly proof read, just wanted to get something posted. Summary: Trying to gather the team for a late night Chinese was harder than you thought. Warnings: Smut!
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You sighed heavily, “This is ridiculous.” You said under your breath.
“What the hell is up with you?” Asked Sam that was sat next to you at the kitchen island.
“I know we said we would order take out and talk next mission all together, but I genuinely think I might pass out I’m that hungry.”
“I think you might be being a bit dramatic there.”
As if on que your stomach made the loudest grumble “Look if I don’t get food soon I’m gonna start setting people on fire.” You went to the draws and found a pen and pad.
“Wouldn’t be there first time.”
You pointed the pen at him “Look that was an accident, how many times I gotta say sorry?”
He rolled his eyes at you, “Just write your order down and go gather the rest, you hangry is really starting to piss me off.”
You flashed him a sarcastic smile while sliding the pen and paper over to him and heading out the room. The first door you came across was the training room, you opened it slightly and you could hear Nat and Steve. “Yo!” You screamed through the open door. “Chinese!” You heard them laugh as the door closed.
Every door you knocked, shouted and got some sort of response from everyone. The last door you had to try was Loki, you had knocked before, but it was the only door that didn’t answer.
“Oi! Loki!” You knocked again, still nothing. Pulling on the handle it wasn’t locked. “Hey you in- Oh fuck.” Stood in the door to the on-suite was a very wet, very naked Loki. You smiled unsure how to react, “I’m sorry I just …”
“Have I made you flustered darling?” You weren’t even looking at him, but you knew the exact smirk that was plastered across his face.
You peeled your eyes away from the ceiling back to him, “Christ Loki!” Rather than covering himself he was just passing the towel through his long locks. “You could at least cover yourself up. And why are you using a towel anyway? I know you can dry yourself.”
“And miss seeing you like this? Drooling all over me.” He voice was so smooth, you hadn’t even noticed you had unconsciously closed the door behind you. It was like you wanted to be there.
Before you could force more words out Loki was stood in front of you, his wet naked body inches from yours, you almost wished you weren’t wearing your clothes. As he leaned in you could feel the cold radiating off him. A shakey breath left your body as you placed a hand on his bare chest. You looked up into his eyes, “So cold.”
He smiled down at you “Maybe its time I found a fire witch to warm my cold heart.”
“I can sure try.” You made the ends of your fingers heat up as you ran your hand down his torso. He took a deep breath as he felt your hot skin against his.
He moved his head down to be inches from your lips, almost making you beg for his touch. His hand found your hand that wasn’t on his chest, he entwined his fingers with yours. All of a sudden he pushed your hand up and over your head slamming you into the door behind you. You gasped on impact, your stomach flipping over, your heart in your throat.
His lips just mere milometers away from yours as he whispered, “You have no idea how long I have wanted you.”
“Oh yeah?” You brushed your lips on his “Well why don’t you show me then?”
On that he slammed his lips against yours, it felt needy and desperate. You would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t thought about him, alone at night.
He reached round and lifted you up so you could wrap your legs around him, his lips never leaving yours. Turning with you still wrapped around him he walked you over to the bed. He dropped you onto the soft silk sheets, bouncing as you hit them. He stood looking down at you, his large member the only thing you could focus on.
“Take your clothes off.” There was something darker in his voice that made you even more wet.
You pulled your top over your head and threw it across the room. You shimmied out of your shorts and unclasped your bra throwing them in a similar direction.
You reached for your under-wear, but he stopped you. “That’s my job.”
You smiled as your put a bear foot against his torso. “Yes sir.”
He grunted in appreciation as he took your leg in his hand. Kneeling on the floor he started to make kissed down the inside of you leg, as he reached your thigh he slowed down. The pace he went was almost painful, you ached for his touch. His hands snaked around the top of your panties, he pulled them down your legs leaving kisses on the inside of either thigh.
“Oh my god.” You breathed out.
“Yes princess?” He asked even though he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Please.” You whimpered. “I need you.”
“As you wish.” He reached round under your ass and pulled you hard to the edge of the bed, his lips connecting with your dripping pussy. You were so desperate for his touch the contact made you moan, loud.
He dipped two digits into you without warning making you moan again. The way his tongue and fingers worked together was ungodly. You weren’t sure if it was the added coldness of him, but you were seeing stars already.
“Fuck Loki.” You moaned his name loudly clenching around his fingers.
He moved away from you making you whine due to lack of contact. You moved up the bed as he crawled up you body. You sat up so you could reach his lips. The kiss was fast and full of passion, how you hadn’t done this before you had no idea. You stomach turned over and over, you could feel the desire radiating off him. His hands roamed your body, exploring every inch. He kissed, nipped, sucked everywhere, leaving marks here and there. Marking you as his own.
He grinded his hips making his member rub against your clit. You rolled your hips to match his rhythm. You needed him, every part of your being calling out for his touch. You had matched each other rubbing your aching parts needing each other more than you thought was possible. The room filled with the sound of you both panting and moaning.
“Loki..” You cried “Please..”
“Please what.” His cold breath sent shivers down your body.
“Please my king…. Please fuck me.” You couldn’t take it any longer.
His right hand held you up by the bottom of your back as he used his other hand to guide his throbbing cock. He lined it up perfectly, just as you arched your back he pushed into you. A small squeal left your lips.
He started off slow to get used to each other. Grabbing your leg he hooked his arm it and started to move faster and harder, sliding in and out of you with ease. “Fuck princess.” His other hand pressed down in your stomach.
You head was pushed back into the pillows, nails digging into his thighs, shouting every curse word in the book. He dropped your leg grabbed your hands and forced them over your head, still pumping in and out of you at an insane speed and power. Words were starting to blur as your head filled with stars. He held your hands with his left, where his right hand rubbed your clit slowly for a moment almost tipping you over the edge.
He stopped and pulled out making your eyes shoot open. “Turn over.” He growled.
Didn’t have to tell you twice. You flipped over, arms went under the pillow, hands grabbed the underside of the headboard, face buried deep into the pillow, back arched so your ass was as high as it could be.
“Oh baby.” He said admiring you in front of him. A cold hand connecting with your ass made you gasp. He rubbed the sore patch as he lined himself up again.
Pushing into you without warning you shouted into the pillow, the pleasure was just overwhelming. Grabbing hold of your hips he steadied himself. Didn’t mess around with easing you into it. He pounded in and out of you, the devilish noises leaving his lips could have sent you over the edge.
Just as you started to feel the knot in your stomach come undone he slid his hand down your body and round your neck. He pulled you flush against him, still pounding in and out of you. The grip on your throat sent a feeling through your entire body.
“Loki…” You moaned.
“That’s it baby..” He breathed on your neck. “Say my name.”
“Loki.. I’m cumming.” Fireworks exploded in your stomach as your entire body shook against his, screaming his name.
As you clenched around him he grabbed a hold of your hair and yanked you back. “Baby… that’s… oh shit.” He spilled into you holding onto your body.
As you both finished you both fell onto the bed. Facing each other he moved the hair out of your face. You just looked at each other for a minute with smiles plastered across both your faces. For the first time ever you saw something different in is eyes.
“So darling, what did you actually come here for because I’m sure that wasn’t it.” He chuckled.
“Oh god.” You laughed “Everyone was ordering Chinese.”
“Well I think we might have missed that.” He fingers traced around the tattoo on your hip.
You would have happily gone again but you were starving. “I actually wrote my order down, you can share mine.”
“Sounds good to me, nothing like working up your appetite.”
You rolled over the bed and stood, walking to gather your clothes your legs shook.
“You ok there bambi?”
“Not funny.” You laughed as you got dressed.
He got his clothes on and looked you up and down. “So….”
“So?” You walked up to him.
“Was that just that then or…”
You smiled “If you think I’m going to have sex that good just once you can think again.”
“Good.” He grabbed hold of you and swung you over his shoulder. “It’s going to take you forever to get to the kitchen with those legs.”
The door swung open and he marched down the hall way to the kitchen with you over his shoulder. Part of you didn’t want to face everyone because there was no way the whole compound didn’t just hear you.
Pushing the door open with his hip you both hoped the room was empty. But you weren’t so lucky. He put you down but kept an arm around you to steady you.
Nat was staring at you with her eyebrows raised.
“Fire and Ice… Who would have thought it.” Sam chortled.
“I did!” Scott cheered “Tony you owe me 20!”
The whole team swapped money between each other. “Cheers guys.” You shook your head.
“Come on princess. Your foods in the microwave. I bet your starving.” Nat laughed.
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marveicinematics · 3 years
kaleidoscope (loki x reader, smut)
Summary : Loki has got the whole night ready : the hotel suite, the rope and the perfect lover. 
Pairing : Loki Laufeyson x female reader.
Words : 1,504
TW : Smut. Oral sex (female receiving, male only mentioned), fingering, unprotected sex, bondage, dom/sub kink, safe word use, masturbation (only mentioned).
Note : Based on readers’ requests. A lot of you wanted Loki in this sort of plot, so I really hope you enjoy it.
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"What is this place?“
Your eyes widened as you entered the hotel room. Room — that’s what he called it, but you had never seen an hotel room this big, before tonight. It looked like the most luxurious New-York apparement you had ever set a foot in.
“Our room, for the next..—“ He checked his phone, before turning it off and setting it down the table. “Exactly eight hours and forty-two minutes.“
A laughter escaped your lips. Loki surely knew how to make this romantic, but not by counting every minutes.
“Then we better get started, big boy.“
It all started two weeks ago, after you spent the night at the Avengers headquarters. Loki’s room was on the same floor as Black Widow’s and Captain America’s. After what had been a wild night for both you and Loki, your first time having sex with the god you had been dating for two months, Natasha couldn’t help but to tease you during the entire breakfast. It was only by how blushed Steve’s cheeks went when Natasha mentioned how Loki seemed to have lost his voice overnight, that you realized they both knew. Soon enough, Loki decided both of you deserved a night of wildness without dealing with the Avenger’s sarcastic comments.
When he mentioned an hotel room, you had imagined a gloomy motel room. But there you were, inside what seemed to be a palace room coming from a Disney’s animation film. It didn’t stop you from kissing your man with all the passion and desire you had been saving for this moment. Loki had been so busy with the Avengers that you barely saw him all week long. Sure, you took care of yourself, thinking about how good this night was going to be. But you wanted to save some of this frustration for tonight. A spark of desire rushed in Loki’s eyes as he kissed you back, pushing you down on the bed.
“You’re going to need a safe word, love.“
“A— what?“
He smiled at what you believed was stupidity, but was really just innocence. As always, Loki explained everything he wanted you to know on how and why you should use this word, before reaching an agreement with the word "kaleidoscope“. It was only after both of you repeated it a couple of time to make sure you both knew the meaning behind it that he kissed you again. Deeply, fiercely. With just a kiss, you knew how much he had been wanting you — all of you. Quickly, you managed to undress the brown-haired god, throwing his clothes all over the hotel room floor. Loki seemed to enjoy it, because he followed your idea, taking care of your dress and underwear, leaving both of you fully naked on the queen-size bed.
“Are you ready?“ Asked Loki, and with a large grin across your face, you nodded.
He leaned towards the bedside table, catching the rope he had bought just for you. He even sent you a whole text about it, and how it wasn’t going to hurt you, or as least it would only be a pleasurable pain, from the type of rope he bought. Before his explanations, you really believed a rope was just a rope, but he managed to change your opinion on this subject. While Loki was tying up your wrists on the headboard, you looked at his naked body, your eyes worshiping everything he was. But soon enough, the man was done, and slide between your legs.
"Now, you will obey my commands. Do only as I say, or you will be punished."
His voice was deeper, filled with lust, which only turned your on even more. You could feel yourself getting wetter just by listening to his voice. You nodded again, and despite the fact that he was trying to stay as serious as he could be, you saw a soft grin on his face — he was, oh, so in love with you. But before you had time to say anything, Loki’s face was between your legs, and his expert tongue was all over your pussy, hitting the right spots, sucking the right parts and making you moan with pleasure. For once, you were free to be loud. You wouldn’t hold back. His strong hands made sure your knees stayed wide opened, as he kept licking you the way you liked it the most. How was it that he already knew all your soft spots, all the things that were driving you crazy? Eyes rolling back, body arching against him, you pulled the rope to free your hands, but it wouldn’t let go. He must have learned exactly how to tie you up — how fucking arousing. And while you tried to think of a way to touch his body, his tongue was still working magic between your legs. It didn’t take you long before your whole body was shaking against the bed, your first orgasm making you scream your lover’s name. But it didn’t stop the god of mischief, who kept pleasuring you, as one of his finger entered you.
“Fuck, Loki. I’m so— Fuck, so sensitive.“ You muttered, only causing his smile to widen while he was sucking on your clit.
Expert fingers going in and out of you while his face was still between your legs, you could feel your inside clench and your legs shake again, even before you reached your second orgasm against his fingers.
“Faster. Yes! Keep going. I’m going to—“
You tried to warn him, but his strong digits kept hitting the right spot inside of you, and you came again, hard. Third orgasm, and it was loud enough that the people in the room next door knocked on the wall.
“We’re busy.“ Loki replied, shaking his head.
You could see in his eyes that he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, even if he already made you reach orgasm three times. One thing you realized about Loki was how he enjoyed seeing you lose your mind, while you were so sore ans sensitive. You only had a minute to calm down, before he entered you without warning.
“Fuck, Loki.“
“Do you feel how hard hearing you scream my name made me, baby?“
You nodded again, and he started bucking his hips. The expression of pure bliss on his face aroused you even more, making you arch against him as he was going deeper. You liked it when he got rough because of how he needed you, how he wanted you so badly.
“I’m not sure you can make me come again.“ You said softly, innocent eyes staring at him.
Was it a defiance? Yes. Did you entend it to be? Absolutely. His eyes darkened and he gripped your face.
“You will come again against my cock, or you will be punished. Understood?“
You nodded. Loki went deeper and harder, making sure you would actually reach another orgasm with him. And as you started to feel closer, you heard Loki’s moans becoming louder as he was approaching his peak. “Come, love. Together.“
He thrusted deeper inside you, emptying himself in a groan you were positive the neighbor must have heard. To make sure you were following his orgasm, he reached down between your legs, circling your clit with his fingers. “I said cum for me.“
And you did, again. Body shaking, you closed your eyes so tight while you were screaming your pleasure that when they opened again, everything around you was blurry. Fourth orgasm, you felt like your head was spinning. But it didn’t seem to stop your man, who started to give a few hard thrusts inside you. “Fuck, stop. Loki.“ You moaned again, your body still shaking from the previous orgasm.
But he kept going, his fingers taking care of you at the same time again. And you felt another rush of pleasure brushing through your whole body, but you weren’t quite sure if you were about to cum again or to pass out.
“Ah! F—Fuck, ka— kale—.“
Moans after moans, it took you a few seconds to actually say the word.
“Shit, Loki. Kaleidoscope!“
He stopped as soon as he heard. Quickly, he untied your arms, laying down against you. One of his arm wrapped around your naked and sweating body, he whispered.
“I’m so sorry, love. Did I hurt you? I thought you were enjoying it.“
“I was. It was so fucking good, Loki.“
Doubtful, he frowned, his eyes staring at your tired face while he was trying to understand.
“Never a man fucked me so good, okay? It just started to be a lot of pleasure. Do you know how many times I came?“
As he shook his head, you let out a soft chuckle. Your hand found his long black hair, that you started caressing tenderly.
“Something between four and five times. I’m not sure.“
“So, you owe me a lot of orgasms, right?“
You laughed again at his observation, looking at his beautiful face.
“Let me get some rest, and my mouth will take care of this matter.“
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smolvenger · 6 months
I have a big request!!!!!!!!
It's just that y/n lost her parents at an early age and lives with her uncle, Tony Stark. She is like him smart and sarcastic. When, Loki came to stay at the Stark Tower as an Avenger both of them starting off the wrong foot. Slowly, they became friends and had feelings for eachother which they didn't confessed. Peter being the bff of y/n sets both of them up with a lil bit of smut at end??
P.S: In my thoughts, y/n and Peter are of same age, both are 21. Also, I am very sorry for a lengthy ask.
Seven PM Sharp (Loki x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: A sudden dinner "for the Avengers" changes everything about the relationship between you and a certain mischievous god...
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: SMUT AT THE END! (public sex, restraints, spanking, possessiveness kink, bit of dom! Loki, doggy style, on the rougher end), loss of parents (YN is adopted by Tony) and Loki accidentally being a jerk and being a jealous whore too. Grammar and spelling mistakes.
Dick-tionary (thanks @muddyorbsblr for the term): Smut starts at "At once you got on his lap, straddling him." and ends at "His magic got rid of the embarrassing mess.."
A/N:Hello there nonny! Sorry this took such a while! My life went wild and my monkey brain got distracted by other projects. But here it is! I really wanted to get this done for you. Went overboard with the smut, but blame my Demon Thirsty Whore Brain with the images of Behind the Scenes of Loki that popped out. Oops. I hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @infinitystoner @littlespaceyelf @superficialdomina @muddyorbsblr
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
“Your uncle is a useless fool,” Loki snarled at you as he walked around. 
What. The. Actual. Fuck you thought. You had never met this guy before- you met gods. Like Thor- sweetheart he was. This, his brother… was a different case. You knew your uncle was an Avenger- and you’d be circled about them but this…this took the cake.
You gasped, folding your arms. No- Loki was under watch since causing trouble possessed by the mind stone. He wasn’t going to…use his powers to turn you into a pile of dust or whatever. And you were not going to have Uncle Tony’s name slandered, not when he loved you, took care of you, and did so much for you.
“That’s the first thing you’re ever going to say to me? You don’t even know my name!” you huffed back. You tried to square him up though he was tall and broad.
“I do not bother with names of mere mortals. Midgardians are the least interesting to me,” he said.
“Whatever. Just stay away from me- and don’t shit talk my uncle or his inventions.”
“I will speak how I wish.”
“Listen - I know you don’t give a shit but my name is YN Stark. I’m not some nameless figure you can push around. I wasn’t always a Stark- -why? Why?!”
You got up to his face, his eyes still unperturbed. 
“I had nothing! I came from nothing at all! My family fucking died! Everyone runs back to their family every Christmas and Birthday and holiday- but me? None! I had to be alone, scraping for myself! No one around me-no one to keep me safe! No one to even love me! I had nothing until Uncle Tony came in…” there were tears in your eyes.
You took a breath and continued, Loki’s face was frozen, but he still listened. 
“I don’t give a shit if he was the CEO of Stark Enterprises or the janitor- he welcomed me to his home. He’s like a dad to me- the only one I got left. So you can keep talking your shit- just not to me!” you cried.
You hurried out before he could make a reply.
You couldn’t help but hold onto your grudge. Every time he appeared, you turned away. Ignoring him. Giving him the cold shoulder. Ignoring him in the rudest, snobbiest way. He deserved it. No wonder if his baritone voice you could never stop listening to. Your ears perking over whenever he spoke like a cat. But your eyes forward.
There were a few times he would lock eyes with you. And then he would smirk. You would huff and turn right away.
“Ugh…asshole,” you muttered. Stupid, beautiful asshole with a great ass.
It continued perhaps for a couple of weeks. Then…one day he caught you alone. You tried to, wanted to, everything urged in you to back off…but your feet stayed put.
“Hello there I…I have…thought about what you said and…”
“And what? Plan to throw my uncle off a building? Again?” you asked.
“No I…I’m sorry. For what I said,” he replied.
You paused. Looking at him.
“Oh…okay…what made you change your mind?” you asked. You folded your arms. 
“You see- I am adopted too.”
“What do you mean?” you asked.
With a slight whiff of magic, briefly, his appearance changed. His skin was blue and his eyes red. You dropped your jaw.
“Turns out, I’m a Frost Giant. Or…part Frost Giant at least. I was just a baby- found abandoned in the snow. Then adopted and brought to Asgard to be raised under the name of Odinson and not Laufeyson. 
“Why…what?! Oh…oh god, when did you find out?”
“The hard way.”
“That…that does sound miserable…I’m sorry for being harsh.”
“Don’t be.”
You began to talk more. About the birth family you lost forever, wondered about. Each time it happened, you learned more about each other. He learned some about Tony and you- like what flavor of cake your uncle would try to make on your birthday. He would tell you about turning into a snake as a child to trick Thor.
Uncle Tony would keep a careful eye on him. He gave you a few warnings, and you promised him to tread with caution.
So you trod with caution for months. Then a year.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
“My brother is dangerous and impulsive- he endangered his kingdom. Why would you even agree to go with him on a date?” Loki cried.
You just got back to the compound. He looked down at your clothes- causal plaid and jeans. Probably not first-date wear. The place wasn’t a fancy restaurant- just a bar and grill.
“It wasn’t a date! We were hanging out!  It was just out to a restaurant to enjoy happy hour and eat mozzarella sticks! He needed his own tray of them as he was wolfing them down like candy!” you explained.
“He will try and charm you! But you know his type and what they do! That’s what he is- he gets everything he wants on a silver platter. And when you tell him no, he’ll…he’ll…”
“What Silvertongue? What will he do?” you asked.
Loki huffed, then began to pace away.
“Nothing happened. He just wanted company. A friend. Thor keeps talking about how much he misses this woman named Jane. He’s too madly in love with her. You can practically see the heart eyes on him every time she’s brought up!”
Loki paused. How beautiful he looked. The shine of the moon radiates from the window. Making his ivory skin have a silver glow. His eyes soft. He took a large but graceful hand and ruffled it through his own curls. 
“I’m. Not. Dating him. And how could I take Jane’s man away from her? It’s like when me and Peter go see movies- or when you or I go see movies! It’s fine!”
“Alright. I was just…just worried, was all. I wanted you safe.”
“You thought I would be unsafe with Thor? Thor’s just a big teddy bear!”
“When you date I just…I just want you protected…” he said.
“You know…thank you. It is scary to be on a date. Things have happened. To women on dates. But…I’m an adult. You can worry about me some. But I can take care of myself too,” you replied.
“Yes…yes you can,” Loki agreed.
With that, he vanished away in a sliver of magic.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
“Absolutely not” was your response.
“Come on, YN! It will be fun!” Peter replied, nudging close to you. He sat next to you on the couch. The TV show you were both watching droned on. 
“Fun?!? Fun!?! What about going to a fancy dinner with the Avengers sounds fun! Besides- what if I use the wrong fork or knock something over? I know these events, but this…this is something else,” you replied.
“Please, YN! You are invited too!” Peter insisted.
“Well…I may have to go shopping for the right dress,” you sighed. Peter grinned at you.
“Don’t worry- all the men will be in suits. And your Uncles paying for everything.”
“He always paid everything for me,” you replied. “Okay, you know….fine, I’ll go.”
“Awesome!” Peter cried, high-fiving you.
You watched a few more minutes and then Peter excused himself to go to the bathroom.
Little did you know, that Thor knocked on the door to Loki’s room several floors down in the compound. The god of mischief opened and cocked a dark eyebrow.
“Brother! There is going to be a dinner and you must come! It shall be at a tavern- but it is like a palace! Very exquisite! You must come!” he invited, waving a hand. 
Loki smirked, folding his arms
“Finally! For all the world saving none of the Avengers truly know the finer things in life. I would like to eat something that isn’t frozen and from a bag. ” he replied.
Thor folded his hands.
“I knew you would like it! And everyone is dressing up! We all know your style!”
“These so-called sweatpants they all wear all the time become old and reek of their personal smells. Do they even know of any basics of dressing? Fine then- reserve me a spot. You know I have plenty to wear. No one will dare call me the sloppy one of us both,” he continued. 
Thor nodded his head. His lips smiling but tight. Then Loki used his magic to close the door and he returned to reading his book.
As Thor and Peter passed in the halls, they exchanged nods and high-fives.
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You arrived in a dress- it had a slight dip to it but had a flowy skirt that went to your knees and a heart-shaped neckline with a pearl necklace. You had them take your coats and go to the table. 
It was odd- you didn’t see anyone here. Not Wanda. Steve. Nat. Uncle Tony. Thor. Peter. Clint. Not even Bruce discussing something science-y with whoever sat next to him.
You approached the hostess.
“Hello- I am here for the table marked for The Avengers,” you said.
She nodded and led you to a table. It was notably small. Only three other chairs.
Perhaps it was a more intimate event. Just you and Peter and Uncle Tony and maybe someone else- maybe Thor. 
 No one was there. You sat there alone, placing the cloth napkin on your lap. Fidgeting nervously and staring at where everyone sat. Not one recognizable face among the soft chatter and sound of wines being poured.
Loki arrived wearing one of his nicer suits and a long coat. His hair was washed today (his brother talked him into it). He looked at the restaurant. He was correct- It was the Le Sait. The street was the correct one. Walking with a swagger, he went up the steps inside the restaurant with its bright yellow glow inside. 
“Hello there my dear- the table for the Avengers, please,” he crooned out.
The hostess led him over to the table…
The person who showed up was Loki. 
It struck you. You were in nice clothes. In a nice restaurant. Alone was Loki. 
You both stood up. You felt so hot you could have burned or melted your own self into a puddle. Loki’s eyes went down to your neckline and then politely back up. 
“You!” you gasped out.
“You!” he repeated with a slight jump.
Then you both relaxed and burst into laughter.
“Why Loki! It’s you!”
“Yes, it is! Well…”
“Come on…sit down…let’s just eat some dinner, I’m starved….”
“Yes, I agree…”
It then hit you-no one else showed up.
“Where is everyone?”
“I’m not sure but…let’s just…just enjoy it. Enjoy the place and being together.”
You both laughed and talked so much you didn’t realize it was nearly empty. Only you guys here. Recalling every memory you had. First happy ones, the ones that could make one laugh so hard your stomach hurt. Then…about the day you met. 
“I said those offensive things back then. Because the truth was I was the fool…do you forgive me?”
“I already have.”
“I need to know every day. It always is my greatest shame. What keeps me awake at night. I said those things back then because I didn’t know you. In a way, I wanted to prove myself. Make myself big, strong-I kept getting into those habits. Tried to scoff at Stark to feel better about myself…But then you spoke. You challenged me. I never heard of him doing that- of taking you in. And it wasn’t to tear me down or to make me less. But to challenge me to be better, do better. And the way you fought back instead of lying there…it impressed me.”
It was quiet now, still. People had left. It seemed not even the waiters were around. But you didn’t mind. 
“With you, I feel less alone. I feel seen. I’m not perfect. It’s odd for a god, but I have…I have so many faults. Yet you see me and choose me anyway. And with you…I want to try to improve those faults,” Loki replied.
Your eyes brimmed with tears.
“I love you too. It’s so weird- you can’t leave my mind. I miss you. I want you. I want to be with you, I want to choose to love you…”
“My dear, we can be better. Grow to do better..together.”
“Oh, fuck it!” you cried.
You grabbed and kissed him. You could feel it already- his mere touch driving you crazy. You wanted nothing more than him on you, in you.
“Oh, I can tell, my dear…” he smirked, his voice half a laugh.
His hand lifted up. Green magic sparked from his hand and then went around you. A clear shield.
“No one will see us, hear us. We are silent and invisible, my pet.”
At once you got on his lap, straddling him. Just piling on the kisses, his scent- him. Your lips crashed onto his. A hand reached up, and raked through his curls. He washed them today- and how beautiful, how soft they felt to you. Well…there was one thing you felt that was definitely not soft. And you felt it already poking at you, right at the lace underwear you wore for tonight.
“Oh…oh gods….” You moaned. The shudder escaping you. He carefully moved his hips closer.
He held you tight. Already your hips lining, an electricity shooting through you both. You let out another whimper.
“Ah, if that is the effect a mere brush of my clothes has on you…then you must be ready when my bare flesh touches yours,” he whispered.
He then sucked onto a part of your neck and you sighed into it. Loving it-loving him. You reached up. 
Your fingers were too greedy, you went to his tie. You gently undid it. Then it was just an impractical thing dangling from his neck like a scarf with his undone shirt.
“Holy shit, that’s hot,” you confessed. You moved in another sloppy kiss.
“I see…my little dove is eager, greedy…and who am I to keep her waiting too much…” he replied.
He held onto you. Then at once, used his magic to make the plates and food and glasses vanish. He shoved you onto the table. You began to kiss on him. Holding onto him tight, and grinding as you did.
“Please…I need you…”
“Oh…still more…then…then beg…” he asked. “You will have to want my touch rather than placing your pretty hands all over me.”
With a bit more magic, his undone tie was over your wrists. 
“Yes…yes please…Loki…I need you…I need you inside me…here, now- fast. Rough.”
“Hmm, what was that last bit?” he asked quietly.
“I just want you to take me- take me in the filthiest way possible on this table, here.” 
He chuckled. Then easily flipped you over onto your stomach. He lifted your skirt. You heard him tsk at the sight of your lace underwear on display. Already dripping wet from the inside, but flattering your ass.
“First…you must learn a lesson…you scared me quite a bit there, going with that fool of a brother I have…but now you are mine…but you will learn a lesson.”
He undid your underwear and let it fall. Then he reached for a hand and spanked it. You let out a yelp.
“Tell me I’m yours with every spank. Then thank me.”
“I’m yours. Thank you.”
He spanked you again, and he let out a cry. The momentum makes you move.
“Hmmm…what was that?” he asked.
“I’m yours! Thank you!”
He spanked you a third time, you let out another sound- then it melted to your voice.
“I’m yours, thank you.”
Then a fourth time. You could already feel the impact, the sting on your flesh. How since his hands were so large, it could cover so much of your ass.
“I’m yours-thank you!”
“One more time- I didn’t quite hear that.”
He spanked another time and you cried out.
“I’m yours! Thank you!”
You still felt your necklace almost to your mouth. Your arms were a little tight from being held together. But gods, this was the hottest thing you had ever experienced.
“Yes…are you ready, my little mortal. Can you handle all of a god?”
“Yes…yes please-please…”
His hands wandered to your legs, his breath catching. Letting you spread wide. Finally, you felt him inside you, getting inside with each inch.
“Oh- oh-oh!” you were crying.
“You will be a good girl, and take all of it. You wanted a god, and now you have him,” he demanded. 
He let out a slow thrust.
“Yes! Yes, I can!”
“And you will keep saying thank you.”
He thrust again. Grunting with each one. The table shaking. The pure lewdness of it all overwhelms you. 
“Yes-Yes-Yes, oh gods- thank you- thank you so much!”
You could feel how he reached over the skirt. His own sounds. The little noises he was making, his breath right over the back of your neck. His breathy repetitions of your name. Then you felt the bonds disappear- he pulled you up to him.
“Hold onto the table, dove. It’s going to be rougher-”
You grabbed onto it for dear life. Then let out a cry as he got into you. He pounded into you with such a dury the wood shook, you gripped on. IT was so painful, so pleasurable. 
“Oh- oh my god- yes-yes-please-oh-thank you, yes thank you- thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-”
“My-my dear I- gods, the sight of you- nrgh-bent over for me- such-such loyalty-to-to-to your god and-fuck-I’ll be-be loyal back-”
He reached a hand in as he pounded and found your clit.
“Now darling- yes-yes cum-that’s your reward-norns-norns I’m close-come on-just cum, over it all-scream so loud-test the shield-yes-come one-hel, I’ can’t I’m about to-I’m about-”
You came with a cry, it broke on you so intensely. The release you couldn’t fight anymore. It spun up and out, and then the relaxation of its flight washed down your system.
Then it became all smaller, quieter cries.  “Ah..ah…ah…”  you were whimpering with what voice you had after that.  You were panting as was he. 
His magic got rid of the embarrassing mess that some poor employee of the restaurant would have to clean up. It smelled and felt normal. No one would suspect a thing… except for how you both held hands leaving the place. A blush on Loki’s cheeks as his tie was still left undone for you.
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moodnoodle · 3 years
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Lil loki for y’all :)) there is a speed draw up on my insta (with the same name lol)
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Loki ~ Curiosity
1,300 Followers Challenge!
Round 2
Requested by @0chemicalwaste0
Words: 1,095
Warnings: Neutral reader, minor talks of injury
The shout in the hall instantly drew your attention, making you stop at the top of the stairs, looking up from your book.
“I’ve been falling for thirty minutes!”
You blinked at the two men below, having sensed that something was off, but you had more than enough confidence in Stephen to handle it.  He wasn’t the Sorcerer Supreme for nothing.
It was only now that, as you looked at them, you realised that these two weren’t from Earth, in fact, if you weren’t mistaken, they were the Asgardian princes that had caused quite the stir a couple of years ago.
“Are you alright Stephen?” You asked, a little loudly, as the one that had fallen to the floor scrambled to his feet, two knives in his hands. “Did you need a hand?”
“They aren’t here to fight Y/N,” Stephen said, his gaze not leaving the two princes.  “And in fact they were just leaving.”
“Oh, you think your sorcery is amusing?”  Loki spat. “I will show you true sorcery you-”
“Nope, goodbye.” Stephen waved his hand and sent the two of them quickly through a portal, the air almost instantly clearing.
“Huh,” You said, looking at him over the top of your glasses.  “I don’t think he liked you very much.  Do you really think it’s a good idea to have that impression on people all the time?  Especially when they are classified as gods?”
Stephen looked at you, a little annoyed.  “Considering what we have dealt with Y/N, they are of little concern.  Thor is also on our side, Loki, on the other hand, is much more concerning.  I’d advise keeping your distance.”
You raised an eyebrow. “And what would make me do anything but?”
“Please, I have trained you long enough to know what you are like.”
In that, Stephen wasn’t wrong, you had an innate curiosity about these things, but you lasted a lot longer than he thought you would before you looked further into it.
As it was, it turned out to be a good thing.
Originally, you were only going to observe, and while you had watched them both to begin with, Loki was certainly the one that drew your attention more, and it was because of this that you saw him quickly come up with a plan against Thanos.
One you knew that wouldn’t work.
Stephen could lecture you later about getting involved.
You built up enough energy to get yourself in and everyone out quickly, knowing that Thanos would react easily to whatever was thrown at him.  Bright, white light filled the space, and with a crackle of magic cutting sharply through the air, temporarily freezing anyone close by, you brought Loki and Thor back.
Both looked more than a little worse off, faces pale and confused as they blinked in the light of the temple.  You snapped your fingers, the bindings falling free from Thor, and watched them both carefully as they got to their feet.
“I’m not even going to ask the obvious question here,” You said lightly, earning their gazes.  “As I can see you are not.  It certainly wasn’t what I was expecting when I checked in with you today.”
Thor blinked at you. “You…you’ve been keeping an eye on us?”
“Such is my job,” You said. “And no, not because Stephen asked me too, or Doctor Strange as you probably know him.  It is simply part of being a sorcerer and my promise to this world and reality.”
Loki was clearly fighting his emotions.  “We did not need your help.”
You raised an eyebrow at him.  “Really? Because it looked like you were getting your arse handed to you by Thanos.  You might be good at getting out of situations Loki, but I promise you that Thanos had your number.”
Pink tinged his cheeks. “I had it in hand.”
“No, you would’ve been in his,” You said.  “He had every intention of killing you and Thor, and what you had planned, would’ve simply made it easier for him.”
Thor interrupted Loki’s next comment.  “So you know what Thanos’ plan is?”
“I wouldn’t have a clue. I’ve been watching the two of you, remember?”
Loki scowls.  “Are you really telling me that you mortals don’t even know who this madman is?”
You raised an eyebrow. “I said I don’t, but that doesn’t mean Stephen won’t.  You are welcome to go and ask him.”
“Well then, take us to him.”
It was an order, a demand, and even Stephen knew you didn’t like to be ordered.
You stared at Loki, both amused and annoyed.  “I saved your life, that it is more than enough for me today.  I’m not going to do anything.  Fuck you.”
Loki and Thor stared after you as you started to walk away.
“Wait,” Thor said, quickly cutting off Loki, who looked more than a little furious.  “Please.  Thank you for getting us out of there, but we do still need your help.”
You looked back over your shoulder at them, looking from Thor to Loki.  “I like him, he’s at least polite.  Come on, I’m actually surprised Stephen hasn’t come to investigate what I’ve done.”
Loki huffed and rolled his eyes.
“I might have glasses Loki,” You said, continuing on as they followed after you.  “But that does not make me blind.  If you want me to treat you nicely, then you shall do the same to me.”
“If you had any inclination about what I’d been through-”
You stopped, allowing them almost to run straight into you, and in that moment Loki held your gaze.
You knew.
Whatever magic you had, whatever abilities were at your disposal, you knew.
Thor rests a hand on his shoulder, as if to hold Loki back.  “It’s been…a lot.  He doesn’t mean anything by it.  Please, I fear we do not have a lot of time.”
Oh, you knew that, you knew more than you would ever let on, but you had wanted Loki to see that you knew, and the curiosity now in his gaze was evidence enough for you to know it worked.
“Come on then,” You said, quickly hurrying through the halls.  “I believe we have much to plan, and I wouldn’t worry too much, us sorcerer’s have much on our side, we simply do the small things to amuse ourselves.”
Loki’s gaze bore into your back, and it took him a moment, but he smirked after you, hiding it from Thor, and despite the pain he was currently in, he knew that this was going to be interesting.
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dayanacvm · 3 years
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I’m ready for the madness!!!
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queenjosielaufeyson · 2 years
Blog Recs
Wanna read some amazing fics and see several photos of Tom Hiddleston then here are five blogs you should follow (I'm gonna do this weekly)
@theaudacitytowrite writes amazing angst and fluff and really captures the soft side of loki so well
@lucywrites02 Omg to say I love their writing is an understatement they are so talented and you really gotta read their work
@the-emo-asgardian Such a talented storyteller! Really you gotta binge her masterlist I have like ten times now
@gaitwae Yet another fantastic story teller! She is absolutly amazing and I can not recommend her fics enough
@lokisprettygirl If you haven't stared reading their series you are seriously missing out. The way they write soft loki just ahhh *chefs kiss*
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h0ly-fire · 3 years
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Yes, I have risen and will be posting memes again for the two loves of my life .You’re all welcome .
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