#lol bye [exits through floor]
comicsiswild · 1 year
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JSA (1999) #5
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p4rallel-universe · 1 year
i just finished reading "brokeback" and i'm so in love, is it okay if i request a part 3 maybe where ian finds out about they're relationship? i feel like he would be so weirded out at first bc he didn't expect it from lip to be with a man, but when he sees how good they are to eachother he would be somewhat proud lol (you can modify the idea as well) or lip talking to ian like "thank you a lot for the very invasive talk and un-noticed advice"
bye byee <3
brokeback (pt. 3)
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something doesn't feel right to Ian.
a month has passed since you started staying in the Gallagher house, and it's basically your home now. you hang with Ian and make sure he's taking care of himself. you look after Liam. you talk to Debbie and help her out with her teenage girl problems to the best of your adult man capabilities. you try and keep carl from being arrested as much as possible. and as long as you're helping out, Fiona is a fan of yours.
so, all is well. except, Ian can't quite place what's going on with Lip. he's both acting distant and happier than Ian's seen him in months. to make things stranger, the apparent negative tension between you two has resolved, but he still hasn't caught you exchanging more than 2 words to eachother a day.
a couple nights the previous week, Ian awoke in the middle of the night and looked over to find your makeshift bed empty. which wouldn't be a big deal, if it hadn't happened several times, and if you hadn't not returned until Ian woke up the next morning. still, he doesn't read too deeply into it. maybe you fell asleep downstairs or decided to start going on midnight runs. he didn't know and was too tired to care, frankly. besides, you had always returned by the time he'd woken up
until, one morning he wakes up and you aren't there, and by the looks of it haven't been all night.
confused and dazed with tiredness, Ian stumbles out into the hall in search of the bathroom, when he sees you exiting the spare room in a way that would be subtle if he hadn't been staring right at you. he shoots you a confused look, as if to ask, "what were you doing in there?" and you just nod to him, patting his shoulder as you walk past into your shared room. "weird." he mumbles before turning into the bathroom.
the idea of your best friend screwing your older brother is a disturbing one. so, despite his concerns, Ian tried his best to stear clear of that frame of thought. which was going pretty well for him, until he entered the spare room, planning to look for a coat he was sure he'd left in there, and sees the floor littered with your clothes, as well as his brothers. he audibly groans at the uncomfortable realisation he's just been forced to have.
"fuck. my gay best friend is screwing my straight brother- my not straight brother? my...gay brother?", a hundred thoughts rush through his head at once. "i need to talk to Lip.", is the final one.
that night, Lip is outside on the back porch smoking a cig and brooding. Ian tries to bite back a rather large wave of disgust, shock and strange...curiosity? before joining him out there.
"hey." he says from behind him, trying not to fidget. it isn't that he doesn't want Lip to be gay. or bi. or whatever. i mean, gayness isn't an awkward thing to Ian. like, at all. so why is it suddenly such a touchy subject?
"yo," Lip nods and offers the cig offer to Ian, who declines it. Lip furrows his brow and turns away, chuckling, "what, you too good to smoke now?" he jokes and Ian tries to laugh along,
"ah no, eh i was uh- hoping to talk to you.", Ian stammers, Lip shoots him a weird look,
"you can talk." Lip answers, shaking his head and taking another puff,
"look, Lip, you're my brother and...and i love you. you know i'd never uh, judge you for who or what you choose to be and i uh-" Ian is trying to be supportive, but he guesses it isn't working,
"what the fuck are you talking about Ian?" Lip is pretty sure he knows what's coming anyway. it isn't like you tried to hide it. he wonders if he wanted to hide it. maybe you should've hid it,
"i know there's something going on between you and Y/N. and i dunno if you're like, dating, or just fucking or...i mean, do you love him?"
and there it is. it's out. Lip's secret that wasn't a secret that shouldn't have been his in the first place. despite expecting this very thing, he still pauses, his jaw hardening. he flicks the cig away. there's silence between them.
"the fuck you mean, 'do i love him'? does it matter?", he snaps, then pauses, "i uh, i took your advice. well, what you said about Mickey. the stuff about the hair and the eyes. i dunno. i guess i just don't know if i love him. we uh, we hang out i guess." Lip chuckles as he mimics his brother's statement from all those weeks ago. his chuckle fades into a solemn smile and Ian takes a step closer,
"look, man, you don't need to know anything. you wanna be with him, that's great. that's cool. fucking weird. but cool." Ian pats Lip on the shoulder and Lip shoots him a smile. the silence resumes.
"so...how the hell did that happen?" Ian breaks the silence and they both chuckle in bewilderment,
"don't ask me, man. fuck, i dunno, pheromones? the fuck should i know..." Lip grins to himself, remembering how it all played out between you, "whatever the fuck it is, he's got me. like he's under my skin or, like, in the fucking air around me. some pretentious shit like that." Lip scoffs at himself, but he means it. Ian can tell he means it, and pulls him in for a hug.
Lip holds on for a couple minutes before pulling back. he shoves Ian by the shoulder,
"get the fuck out of here." he chuckles and Ian gives him a look. a look that kinda says, you're welcome for the advice. a look that kinda says, this is insane and unexpected but it's okay.
and Lip really feels okay. he smiles to himself, alone on the porch. when he hears the door shut and your voice from inside the house, he runs in, beaming.
and you feel okay together.
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sparklingyandere · 2 years
Oh god, yae, lmaoo she is mad! I'm so grateful! Thank you! I hope that you don't see me as a stalker lol. Um... If i can, can i get yandere scaramouche again, but this time~ male reader manage to escape and run into traveler.
Now scaramouche want to kill traveler but he just can't, he try from day to weeks and then go into month. Now what if he just walk in a random place and saw reader is having a smut time with aether he can hear them see them but he can't attack them cuz ya know? Plot lol. I just want to see a lil scara getting jealous and angry. (Probably cuz he saw reader as a sl-)
title: adulterer. 
summary: yandere scaramouche/male reader/aether
word count: 2.9k
warnings: yandere, cheating, jealousy, unhealthy relationships, implied nsft, weird pacing
a/n: i strayed from the prompt a little to make this work sfw, i hope thats ok <3
“Remember,” Kunikuzushi says, lifting his overcoat off the rack, “Two days. Don’t act a fool while I'm gone.” 
You nod curtly, standing with your hands folded politely in front of you, waiting for him to leave. The fatui agent standing next to him watches you, peeking over suitcase stacked on suitcase in his arms, almost too much to balance. It seemed like too much luggage for a two day trip, but Kunikuzushi was nothing if not luxurious. 
You wonder, briefly, why the agent is staring at you so intensely, before you notice that Kunikuzushi is also glaring holes into you.
Ah, right. He's still holding the coat. 
You take it from his hand and he extends an arm out to you, allowing you to slide the coat sleeve over his smooth skin. He sighs contentedly, and you repeat the process along his other arm, adjusting the shoulders of the coat neatly, all while he keeps his eyes trained on your face. You stand in front of him, meeting his stiff gaze, his deep indigo eyes betraying no warmth. 
You turn your eyes downwards to the buttons of the coat, one by one, fixing them to each other. He has two perfectly good hands, you think, seeing as he can’t be bothered to carry his own belongings. But no, you must button his coat for him. Sometimes you felt more like another servant than a husband. 
…Most times. 
You wonder if he gets off on watching you do this, some kind of ridiculous power play, or if he truly believes he deserves to have his coat buttons done for him. Maybe both. 
You return to his gaze as you finish. "Safe travels, my Lord," you say, attempting your most convincing 'i'll-miss-you' smile. 
He looks satisfied enough, though he doesn't return your smile. He turns to leave, exiting through the door, his bodyguard-slash-bellboy following in tow. No wave or good-bye. 
The click of the door sliding into its threshold resounds through the otherwise silent entrance hall, instantly, your shoulders slack and you sigh heavily. Finally, he was gone. 
You scurry to your room to gather the materials for your plan. It would take you at least the rest of the night to get ready, and you only had two days, you couldn’t waste time. 
The guard posted at your bedroom door shifts on his feet anxiously. If Kunikuzushi came home and found out you were gone, he would be punished whether he helped you or not. Lucky for you, he was just as sick of Kunikuzushi as you were, and with a little convincing, he agreed to help you get out of your personal hell. 
Just a little more time and you’d both be running for the hills. You smile at him as you pass through your door, he looks away. 
The door clicks shut behind you and you kneel beside your wardrobe, sticking your arm underneath the tiny gap between the dresser and the floor. You feel around…. And your hand touches cold plastic. You pull it out, trembling with excitement. 
The bag contains some hastily sewn-together plain black clothes, a few hundred mora you’d stolen piece by piece over time, and a crude hand-drawn map. Not the most creative escape care package ever, but under Kunikuzushi’s watchful eye, it was hard to throw together even this much. 
You shuffle into the clothes. The seams are uncomfortably thick from your hack job attempt at tailoring, and in some parts they feel like they’re about to burst. Well, they only needed to last tonight. 
You study your map, tirelessly, until you can see it clearly with your eyes closed. The first place he’d expect you to go is the city, so you’ll go to the mountain. It’s big, with lots of little hiding places. After the storm is over, you’ll look for civilization- you aren’t native to Narukami Island, but you hear the mountain is home to a shrine. They’d have to help you. 
The guards would probably realize you disappeared sometime early tomorrow, if not earlier. Which meant Kunikuzushi could be on your tail in under 24 hours, so you scribble a note on the nightstand to hopefully throw him off. 
‘I’m sorry. I’m going home.’ 
There. Simple, and not too obvious, so he wouldn’t know it was a lie. Should be perfect. 
With everything in place, you look out the window. Dim moonlight just barely shines through, and you know it’s time. 
You slip the guard half of your measly savings. Was it a bribe for helping you, or was his salary so pathetic that he needed it as much as you did? You didn’t know, but it helped you feel a little less guilty for dragging him into your mess. Maybe he was some local hero in his hometown, and you were giving him a death sentence by invoking The Balladeer’s rage. 
Or maybe he deserved it. Maybe all fatui are the same, and he was some war criminal, and when Kunikuzushi hunted him down for aiding you, he’d just be getting what was coming to him. It didn’t matter, because he distracted the front door guards just long enough for you to slip away into the dark, and you’d never see him again. 
The moon sits high in the sky, casting faint shadows under your feet. The foot of the mountain is surrounded by a thick, lush forest. The forest itself almost gave off an unwelcoming aura, and the idea of going in made you nervous… but you were out of options, so you made your way into the dense woods, one step at a time. 
The woods are much darker than the plains, the thick crown of the trees acting like an umbrella, blocking out the light of the moon. It's almost hard to see where you’re going. But it’s well hidden and quiet, so at least you can slow down a little. 
It’s much past your bedtime, you think. That, and your lungs ache from running. The wet dirt squelches under your bare feet, and you tiredly wonder when you’ll find a safe place to rest. If you could just find somewhere dry… 
Your eyelids droop slowly and you sigh heavily. Your feet come in contact with a soft patch of grass, and you aren’t picky enough to stop yourself from laying down. The search party wouldn't set out until dawn. You can be up before then. You close your eyes, just for a few hours…
“Helloo~~? Earth to Tree-hugger?"
You're abruptly shaken from your sleep by a squeaky voice, sitting up quickly and searching for the source. 
Beams of sunlight stream through the trees around you, dawn has long passed. You overslept. 
The voice that woke you came from a little floating imp-thing, who was waving her short arms in front of your face. Behind her stood a young man in dark clothes, sporting a long blond braid. 
Well… They certainly didn't look like fatui scouts. But you still had to be cautious.
"What? Tree-hugger?" you ask, standing up. The little one looks about to reply, but you remember your circumstances before she can form the words. "Actually, nevermind. I need to get the hell out of here." 
The man speaks next, "Wait. What are you doing sleeping on the grass outside?" 
"Yeah! Most people at least pitch a tent first. Do you like the ground that much?" says the pixie. 
It seemed like they didn't know who you were, but it could be a trap. Testing the waters, you answer: "I feel asleep while… avoiding someone. Trying to get to Narukami Shrine." You look around at the forest surrounding you… All the trees look the same. "Can you point me the way?" 
The stranger smiles sympathetically, "If you're avoiding someone, do you want an escort? We're headed that way ourselves." 
"Follow a stranger to a place I've never been? How do I know this isn't a trick?" you ask. The two glance at each other before the small one speaks. 
"Haven't you heard of the Mighty Traveller? Tamer of dragons and slayer of gods?" she gloats, pointing to her companion. 
You stare in confusion. "Who?" 
"I'm Aether, this is Paimon," the blond, Aether, explains, "We thought everyone had heard of us by now." You can practically see the gears turn in his head while he tries to rationalize not being recognized. "You said you were running from someone. What happened?" 
The duo convince you to travel with them as you explain your situation to them, deciding that if anyone could help you, it was these two oddballs. 
Though it takes you a few minutes to well up the courage to be truthful, you manage to admit who exactly you're running from. Aether silently gives a shocked expression, while Paimon reacts very strongly, shouting a slew of insults about your husband that you couldn't help but agree with. 
About halfway up the mountain, Aether tells you the shrine probably wouldn't be the safest place to hide from a Harbinger, as it wasn't exactly a private location. He talks about a safe house in Inazuma city, belonging to some of his associates. He tells you he could get you a private room, and you'd be safer there. 
"The city is the first place he'll look," you argue.
"Maybe so, but the shrine is the second place." Aether sighs before continuing, "At least consider it. I'll keep an eye out on the city, and after it's clear of people searching for you, I'll escort you to the teahouse myself. Okay?" 
Hesitantly, you agree. 
The Guuji of the shrine, lady Yae, takes kindly to Aether's presence, promising to help you out on his behalf.
Aether explains the nature of your visit, and at the mention of Scaramouche's name, she frowns.
So far, everyone you've met has had a personal dislike for your husband. Maybe that was why he never let you socialize. 
Aether puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Will you be okay?" he asks. You nod, he gives you a comforting squeeze. "I'll be back." 
He and Paimon leave the shrine.
Lady Yae gives you new, clean clothes, since you no longer had use for your 'escape' outfit. 
Since you can't pass as a shrine maiden, you have to stay inside the shrine until Aether comes back. Fine by you, you really need to be alone with your thoughts anyways. 
The past 24 hours have been a blur. You ran away from the only home you've known in years successfully, slept in the woods, met an apparently famous adventurer, found out your husband was a war criminal (though you already had your suspicions about that one), and were now hiding out in a shrine. All in barely two days. 
These experiences were so new to you. Of course, you had a life before Kunikuzushi picked you up, but it wasn't nearly as adventurous as this. You'd barely left Inazuma City before Kunikuzushi came along and wooed you with his gold and silks and bad boy mystique. 
Not to mention, you'd been his sheltered househusband for so long, you sort of… forgot. How it felt to be free.
Though, you weren't quite free yet, your prison had just temporarily changed shape while you waited out Kunikuzushi's thunderstorm. Soon, though, you could go wherever…
No, even with the traveler's help, you'd be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life… if Kunikuzushi ever found you, he'd take you right back home. 
Aether was so kind to try and shield you from him. 
The rest of the day passes slowly, a shrine maiden bringing you modest meals every few hours, hearing no news from Lady Yae or Aether. Eventually, you curl up and fall sleep on the futon. 
The next morning is equally uneventful. A few young maidens sit in the room with you and teach you to play a card game, though you aren't very good. 
One shrine maiden even brings you a fortune slip.
Well, it's just a silly slip.
Aether shows up in the evening.
The Balladeer has sent out 'undercover' agents all over Inazuma City, many of which have been chased out by guards. Small, scattered search parties have also been deployed across all of Narukami island. The agents are, apparently, under strict orders to not say what (or who) they are looking for. 
"It's probably time to move you to the city. The search party could be here any time," Aether says. You're hesitant to accept.
Paimon's chipper voice tunes in, "Yae will just turn them away of course, but won't that just make the Balladeer more suspicious?" She makes a good point…
Aether looks into your unsure eyes, "I'll get you there safely. I promise, no one will get you." 
The feeling of his steady hands on your shoulders comforts you. His hands are calloused and strong, like the hands of a hard worker, who has had to earn his livelihood. They are opposite to Kunikuzushi's smooth, dainty hands, like that of a doll. The hands of someone who has never had to lift a finger to get where he is. It's so strange how such soft hands were capable of causing so much harm…
You don't even notice you've spaced out until you hear Aether call your name. 
"Are you okay?" he asks. 
You snap out of your daze and reply, "Yeah. Okay, we can go." 
Aether smiles. It's a warm smile that fills you with comfort, a a welcome contradiction to the cruel smile you'd grown so used to.
Inazuma city had changed much since you'd last seen it, though you'd barely gotten to see much at all as Aether quickly guided you through alleyways and discreet paths to keep you as far from prying eyes as possible.
The teahouse looked very quaint, so much so, you question the validity of Aether's promise of safety. He assures you, gently, that he and his friends will stop at nothing to keep Scaramouche and his goons out. 
The room designated to you is comfortable, much more so than that of the shrine. You're grateful to be able to take respite in such a nice place, though you wonder how long this kindness will be extended to you. Aether wasn't your friend, you were just another stranger he was helping. He wouldn't protect you forever- something more important would come up eventually. Or maybe he'd get tired of it. 
Despite this, Aether spent the majority of the day in your room with you, just sitting and talking- wasn't he supposed to be liberating the country or something?
You ask why you were worth all this trouble.
"Well, you really need it. Where would you be right now if I hadn't helped you?" he asks, rather smugly. 
It was a good question though. You'd probably either be hiding in some dark crevice, or… 
"Fair enough," you reply. 
You, Aether, and Paimon enjoy each other's company for a while longer, until you feel compelled to go to the lobby to use the restroom. 
Why a place like this would have one bathroom in the lobby instead of personal ones was a bit beyond you, but it's not like you could design a building any better. 
It seemed the other guests had mostly left or gone to sleep, and the dog from the front desk was also absent. It was kind of… eerie. This place had been bustling with activity when you arrived. Seeing it so empty was sort of unnatural.
The hallway ends with you rounding the corner into the main room and coming face to face with two dark eyes you’d almost forgotten. Almost. 
In an instant, Kunikuzushi grabs your arm in a vice grip, so tight you can feel the scratch of his blunt nails through the fabric of your sleeve. Words catch in your throat, but you can still feel the temptation to apologize and beg for forgiveness. You resist the urge. 
“You think you can hide from me?” he spits, “I gave you more luxuries than your little brain could comprehend. And you thank me by running off with the outlander?” His eyebrows are cinched tightly in a fury you’ve never seen from him before. He was angrier than you think he’s ever been in his life- to be expected, you guess. 
You’re unable to find the strength to talk back, just staring in abject horror. Upon seeing your hesitance to argue, he starts to pull you towards him. “We’re leaving,” he says. You keep your feet steady on the ground. 
“Aether!” you scream, tugging your arm away from him, his grip loosening just enough for you to escape. A shuffling sound is heard at the end of the hallway. 
You see a brief flash of what looks like worry in his eyes, but it quickly dissolves into the rage you knew too well. “This isn’t over,” he says, backing away, “You’re MY husband. Enjoy playing house with the street rat.” 
He’s gone out the door just as Aether runs around the corner, putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“What happened?” he asks. His voice is soothing, even though he probably doesn’t even intend it, and you relax under his touch. Paimon floats curiously beside him, and you turn to bury your head in Aether’s shoulder. Hesitantly, he puts his arms around you. 
You would tell Aether what happened soon. He needed to know, of course, but right now you just needed this silence. Even Paimon was quiet. 
You inhale a shaky breath. He would be back.
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cherrb333 · 5 months
Renai's backstory
Ok, here we go, you can skip this section if you dont want to read it lol. Anyways, here it is, my first story that im posting here! Let me know if you would like to see more, im actually really proud with how to turned out, and i hope youll like it as much as i liked writing it:)
Fluff, angst, and a little bit of manipulation on big mama’s part. This is the story of Renai, who is the missing little sister of the turtles. They were separated when she was just a baby. Also ill repost an image of her to show you more info on her! Thanks for reading and bye bye~
ps. its also on ao3 if you wanna read it there:D
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Explosions rippled through the building as sparks flew, one minute she was in the arms of a rat-looking guy, and the next she went flying into a sewer drain, crashing into a cold substance. She swam up, peeping desperately as she tried to keep her tiny head above water. As if god had heard her, a piece of wood floated over to her and she gripped it with her tiny little three-fingered hands. The water was strong, almost pulling the poor little turtle down into the deep depths of the water below, but she clung to it hard, desperate to stay above water as the waves smacked her back and forth, it didn't stop until a few hours later, she ended up crashing against a wall. She peeped louder and louder, desperate to be noticed by anyone! Soon, her peeps were answered. A high-pitched accented voice sounded from a few inches above her, completely silencing her peeping.
“My, my, what have we here? A little turtley-poo?” as soon as she was thrown into the water, the quicker she was pulled out of it, she blinked tears out of her little eyes, sniffling as she looked up at her saviour, making grabby hands as she continued to chirp and peep at the spider. The spider lady placed the little turtle on her back, beginning to walk away from the river curtly. “Ah yes, you will do well once you’ve grown, my little pet.” she ran her thumb over the little turtle's head softly, petting her head.
The sound of her alarm caused her to crash off the bed with a yelp, scaring the poor cat lying on her legs half to death. The cat meowed with a little questioning lilt in his tone, the striped turtle groaned as she sat up, rubbing her head, and she felt a bump forming where she had hit it. She sighed as she stumbled out of the blanket, almost tripping as she got caught up in the fabric. She pushed the blanket down, placing it back on the bed neatly as she petted her cat.
“Sorry, solstice, didn't mean to scare ya!” she giggled as the cat purred, already forgetting what she had done. She scrambled to grab her belt and mask, tying them on before running out to the hallway and down the stairs. “Good morning stan!” she called to the bellhop as she ran into the elevator with a pep in her step. The owl yokai grunted as he looked at her with a curt nod. He was always so quiet, so Renai didn’t comment on it. She bounced on her heels, tapping her fingers on her side nervously. “Sooooo, today’s my big day! Mama’s letting me join the battle nexus!” she spoke up, attempting once again to start a conversation, only to come up dry as the owl simply grunted in return. Her face fell into a scowl. “Not much for conversation as usual are we, Stanford?” she joked, getting a roll of his eyes in response. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tapped her foot on the floor of the elevator. She was always super hyper, so it was no surprise to see she couldn't stay still, even for a second. “Come on~ not even a hello? A si?? Come onnnnn, for your favorite turtle? Pleaseeeeee~” she batted her eyes, using her puppy dog eyes. She only got a huff in response, making her sulk as the owl turned away from her, opening the door to the elevator. 
“Here’s your stop miss…” he gruffly spoke, gesturing for her to leave, she sulked the entire time she exited the elevator.
“Fine~ but I will get a smile out of you soon! I promise!” she exclaimed as she bolted down the hall to her mother’s office, bursting through the doors with a sparkle in her eyes.
“G’ morning Mother!” she exclaimed as she came sliding through the door, almost crashing into a wall had she not been grabbed by Gus, who had been standing by the door when she came running in. She hugged the dog Yokai before jumping down, patting his head as she turned to her mother, who held a hand over her mouth as she snickered into her hand at her daughters' antiques.
“Ah! What scrumbulent timing, my pet!” she wicks her finger, beckoning the young turtle to come forth. “I have a special task for you my deary-doo!” she exclaimed, tapping her thumbs together as she swivelled around to look out the giant window that overlooked the outside world. Renai hummed, confused.
“With you joining the battle nexus soon, I must know you are up for the challenge pet,” she turned around giving her daughter a small smile. “I need you to fetch something for me…or really, someone” she explained vaguely, causing Renai’s confusion to be replaced by even more confusion and slight frustration. 
“Wh- b-but mom! You said-” She was interrupted by her mother’s tutting as she felt the slender fingers place over her mouth to quiet her.
“I know what I said, pet,” she exclaimed, pulling her fingers away from her daughter's mouth she stood from her seat. “But this mission is more important than your debut,” Renai felt as if her head was pounding. This was all so confusing, her mother never put anything above her precious battle nexus. This must be really really important. That’s two really’s. She huffed, bowing her head as she fell onto one knee in respect for her mother.
“Ok mother,” she sulked, almost tearing up as she felt a great sadness at not being able to prove to her mom that she was ready. “What is my mission.” Big Mama hummed, patting the girl's head, and running her fingers down to her striped cheek. 
“Well, little turtley-poo, you see, I have run into quite the oody-woozle. There has been a rise in mutants, and those pesky turtles keep getting in the way of my splendiferous plans!” she sulked, wiping a fake tear away from her eye. “So, I want you to watch them. Become friends with them.” she fell back into her chair, pushing a gem into her daughters hand. “And report back to me with any information you would find would benefit me- i mean us! If i find out what the turtley-poos are up to, i can finally take them down! And~ if you succeed, i will let you fight, in the battle nexus, no complaints. But, pet, if you fail…well lets hope you wont, because i promsie you, big mama will lock you up forever, never to interact, talk, nor fight. Ever. again.” she threatened, causing renai’s eyes to widen, fear swirling in the golden irises along with anxiety and sadness.
“Yes, mother, i promise you…i wont fail.” she bowed her head, clenching her fist against her knee as she swiftly stood up, receiving another pat on the head.
“Alright, good luck, my pet” she pulled her hand away, serious face quickly replaced by a fake smile. “Now, go pack. I have it arranged for you to stay in the city amongst the humans. You will be given a human disguise to blend in, and you will watch the turtles from afar. I love you, deary-doo!” big mama curled her fingers together on her desk, placing her head on her hands as she nodded at gus to escort renai out. 
“Love you too, Mom” she whispered, scuffling out the door where she was handed a suitcase full of her belongings. She quickly walked back to her room, where she grabbed Solstice, placed him in a cat carrier, and rushed out the door. Her feet fell on the carpeted floor rushing over to the elevator, where the familiar face of the owl bellhop stood with a scowl on his face. This was it. Her first time outside. She hoped it went well, she would hate to disappoint her mother
part 1/?
part 1 | part 2 | master post
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bratkook · 4 years
quiet, baby. (m) jjk
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pairing. jungkook x reader genre. smut, pwp warnings. exhibitionism, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, slightly teasing/mean kook turns into whiny kook at the end lol word count. 3.2k note. today on jlin spews together a smutty drabble while ignoring her other wips just bc that one specific photo of jungkook is eating away at her brain, i give you this, it’s not edited, idk if i hate it or not and i wrote it all on tumblr mobile so..yeah🤩
leave feedback/reblog/send an ask okie bye❣️
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“That’s it, slow and steady baby.” Jungkook’s voice comes from behind you, husky and teasing, edges of his lips ghosting around your ear as he sighs when you do exactly as he asks. 
Your head falls forward with a choked groan as his hand slips under your skirt, fingers finding their desired target as he begins to circle your clit, your skin feeling hot from his sinful hands. Everything feels stuffy now, the sweat accumulating behind your neck, your face burning in embarrassment at you actually doing this, the thrill of where you were making another gush of arousal escape you. 
When you had jokingly teased your boyfriend during dinner, your hand lightly ghosting over his cock through the thick denim he wore, you were lying if you said you didn’t think it would lead to anything besides seeing him flustered as he asked for the check. Jungkook always had something up his sleeve whenever you decided to be bold and you knew your actions would be well worth it.
Apparently you were right, your boyfriend did in fact have plans, the gears turning in his mind as you walked hand in hand down the streets, his half hard cock pressing against his jeans so prominently it was a blessing he wore long enough layers to cover it up. Jungkook wasn’t a sucker, if you thought you could tease him and act coy without getting similar treatment in return you had another thing coming. 
As he stepped onto the subway and glanced around he smiled when he took note of one other person occupying the car, tucked away in a far corner with their eyes shut and earbuds blasting who knows what. It was perfect, you were completely unaware of the filthy plan he had as he guided you to the very back, but as soon as the subway started moving so did his hands. 
Slowly at first, trailing along the exposed skin of your thighs, playing with the hem of your pleated skirt in a way so innocent you allowed yourself to get comfortable in your seat. Then came the teasing words, knowing just what your fantasies were and using them to his advantage, wrapped neatly with a ribbon on top, beautifully disguised to make you think it was in your favor. 
You in fact were a sucker, which is exactly how you found yourself perched on top of Jungkook with your skirt bunched up, thighs held apart and hooked over his knees as you creamed his cock, taking him completely without a care in the world. Each roll of your sensitive clit makes you shudder above him, needing to shut your eyes to stop the possibility of making eye contact with the only other person here, if you couldn’t see them, they couldn’t see you. That’s the mentality that kept you going. 
Jungkook simply chuckles when you rest your forehead against the seat in front of you, enjoying the way your body trembles with pleasure, your own hands tightly clutching onto the arm circling around your waist as you do your best to keep your moans in. The pleasure was slowly bubbling inside of you, the roll of his fingers lulling you further under the haze of it all and thats when he speaks.
“Let’s play a game hm?” he whispers, voice sounding steady and unaffected, only making you feel like more of a mess at how you were behaving. 
“A game?” Your voice is soft, slurred at the ends as it spills out of your mouth, curling over your tongue as you struggle to speak. Jungkook knows he has you now, your competitive streak mixed with the lust clouding your brain made for the perfect scenario for Jungkook’s plan, there was no way you would say no. 
“Yeah,” he sighs, pressing a soft kiss against your cheek, rutting his hips up into you and smirking when you whimper in response from his cock rubbing against your g-spot. “If you can be a good girl and make me cum before our stop, I won’t punish you for your little stunt during dinner.”
“I didn’t–“ you start, the lie catching in your throat before it can even fully form, your nails digging into the leather of his jacket when he spreads your thighs further apart and delivers a swift smack against your aching clit, laughing meanly when your body twitches at the sensation. 
“You did.” Jungkook continues to mouth along your skin, kissing down your jaw and onto your neck. When the automated voice fills the car and alerts you of the coming exit you feel the way he smiles against your skin, a small hum reaching your ears at the thought of you running out of time. The shadow of his bucket hat not allowing you to see his eyes when you turn back to look at him in curiosity, but you don’t need to see them to know the evil glint he’s sporting. “Better hurry up baby, we’re a few stops away.”
“Jungkook,” you whine, the first fully audible response from you so far. Could you make him cum in that amount of time? Possibly, but when Jungkook was determined to tease you he could hold off his own orgasm without a hitch, you on the other hand couldn’t and you knew if you came before him whatever punishment he had planned would only stretch out, it could go in your favor but you were too needy to test it out. 
“C’mon, this is what you wanted isn’t it?” His hands roam up until he’s gripping your hips, fingers digging into your skin and beginning to guide you to grind on top of him, the torturous glide of his cock rubbing all the right spots inside of you making you gasp. 
“No,” you whimper, but the way your hips start to move once more show otherwise, a steady roll of your hips continuing and Jungkook doesn’t need to see the mess you’re making to know just how turned on you are by this. The base of his cock had a pool of your arousal around it, sticky and shiny each time you slid off before rolling back, no doubt ruining his underwear pushed a few inches down but that didn’t matter when you felt this good around him. 
The disinterested sigh he lets out only makes you speed up, the loosening grip on your hips as he leans back into his seat has you desperate to keep his attention on you, show him how good you could be for him. With newfound determination your hands move to grip onto the back of the seat a few inches in front of you, holding yourself steady as you begin to bounce on top of him, hoping your actions are discreet enough to conceal what you were doing from wandering eyes. 
Jungkook smirks when he feels your velvety walls tighten with each raise of your hips, lifting up until the head of his cock was the only thing nuzzled within you before your warmth took him in once more as you sank back down with a light thump. The rumbling of the subway wheels conceal the noise enough but he isn’t even sure he would care if anyone bares witness to this, seeing you lose yourself on top of him, desperate to make him cum despite being in public. 
This had been a fantasy for both of you for so long and as the subway approaches the following stop you feel the tiny sense of panic begin to set in, the bright lights of the station grabbing your attention as you spot a handful of people lingering by the tracks. You still your hips as you wait, hoping none of them would step foot onto the car you were in, not entirely sure if you’d be able to pass off riding your boyfriend as innocently sitting on his lap. 
“Is my baby shy now?” His words snap you back, a tilt of his head finally allowing you to see his eyes as he stares at you, a genuine look of understanding being passed between you, knowing if you had become too uncomfortable to continue he’d stop with no questions asked. 
Your eyes move to stare out of the window once more, sighing in relief when the passengers board the car in front of you instead and the train resumes moving. “Just don’t want anyone to see.” 
Jungkook laughs lightly at your words, sitting straighter as he circles his arms around your waist again, holding you still on top of him with his cock buried deep within you as his right hand creeps under your skirt once more. “Don’t want anyone to see what a needy slut you are?”
His words have the desired effect on you, whimpering and dropping your head back as his deft fingers find your clit like second nature, rubbing tight circles around your hardened nub as you tightened around his length. 
“No,” you gasp, “only w-want you to see that.” The desperation laced in your voice makes it hard to recognize yourself but he revels in it, let’s himself soak in your words, the small tingles of pleasure spreading throughout his body before he’s planting his feet firmly onto the floor and thrusting up into you. A squeal of surprise fills the space, piercing through the silence it's a shock the single passenger was still sound asleep with his earbuds popped in. 
“Quiet, baby.” he mocks with a teasing tilt to his voice, continuing to rut up into you, loving every moan that slips out of your plush lips, swollen from the way you bit down on them. Jungkook knew neither of you were being discreet now, with the way your body jostled each time he thrust up, your face twisted up in pleasure, illuminated by the bright lights, if anyone glanced in your direction it would be clear as day.
You didn’t care anymore, too lost in the feeling of his thick cock filling you up, the sensation of the denim rubbing along the back of your thighs with each roll of his hips, the familiar scent of your boyfriend's cologne wrapping around you as he held you close. Paired with the way his fingers continued to flick against your clit, it was too much, already feeling your climax approaching. 
Jungkook knows, can feel the way your walls get tighter, the tremble in your body as it starts to take over you, the breathy whines of his name as it gets closer. The need to cum has you quickening up your hips, meeting his thrusts in tandem, the two of you so lost in your pleasure you don’t notice the approaching stop. The automated voice doesn’t register in your head, your ears full of the rhythmic thumping of your heart, eyes once again shut and the prettiest pout on your lips that Jungkook could faintly see in the reflection of the window. 
“Fuck, so pretty,” he groans, eyes locked onto your reflection, seeing your brows furrow together as your mouth drops open in a silent moan. Just as your orgasm is about to wash over you he pulls his hand away from your clit and stills your hips entirely with an iron grip, with all the stimulation gone your orgasm is ripped away from you, a whiny plea making Jungkook chuckle. 
“No, no Jungkook please.” Your hips fight against his grip, desperately searching for any friction to relieve the ache of your ruined orgasm, rutting against him with a frown, head dropping forward as you stare down. With shaky hands you lift up your skirt and sigh when you see the way his fingers are covered in your slick, inches from your throbbing clit, choosing to deny you your pleasure like the teasing asshole he was. 
“Did you forget already?” he asks, bringing a hand up to gently rub along your cheek as you whimper, leaning into his touch. When the doors close and the subway takes off again he chuckles, knowing your time was running out, already planning all the ways he would tease you the minute you got home. “One more stop baby.”
Taking a deep breath you try to ignore the flutters in your stomach, knowing exactly what you had to do to make Jungkook fall apart underneath you. When his hand loosens up on your hip you begin moving again, not holding back the moans that spill from your mouth anymore, making a show of grabbing his hands and trailing them up your thighs and under your shirt, knowing just how much he loved your tits. 
He grunts against your shoulder in appreciation when his large palm grabs a handful of your boobs over the flimsy bralette you’re wearing, giving them a rough squeeze as you mewl above him.  “Fuck, Jungkook,” you sigh dreamily, humming when the tip of his cock nudges along your g-spot. “You always make me so messy.”
Jungkook groans now, your words and the soft wet smacks of your messy pussy sinking onto his cock affecting him, making his head swim with desire as you whine when he pulls at your hardened nipple. “Shit, you feel so warm.” He’s speaking softly, almost like his thoughts are spilling out without warning, always losing himself whenever you become vocal, needing to hear just how good he made you feel to allow himself to bask in it. 
His eyes flutter shut, enjoying the drag of your walls on his cock with each roll of your hips, your chest heaving as you panted, his hand still cupping your breast, teasingly tugging and twisting at the pebbled bud, wanting nothing more than to lick and suck his way around your chest but this would have to do. 
“Kookie,” you breathe, “wanna feel you, please.” Your earlier orgasm starts to rise once more, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to hold it back before him and with the stop approaching soon he had to cum now to save you from whatever torture he had planned. 
“Yeah?” He huffs out a moan, whiny and needy, a complete contrast to the unaffected demeanor he had earlier. Jungkook couldn’t play calm and collected anymore, already diving head first into this, too far gone to be able to pull back now. 
“I’m gonna make you even messier for me, s-show you–“ he’s cut off with a gasp when you start to pulse your walls around him, head falling back as a deep groan escapes him, his own orgasm crawling up his spine. “Fuck, show you how good girls get rewarded.”
“Please, I’ve been good, just wanna make you cum.” An unrestrained moan fills the air as he starts to thrust up into you in desperation, the only thought in his mind being filling you up full of his cum, wanting to see it dripping around your ruined underwear, slicked along your inner thighs and concealed by that tiny skirt you wore. You were always so hell bent on teasing him, knowing just how much he loved to ruin you afterwards, turning you into a delirious mess all because of his cock. He loves it. 
“Don’t worry baby,” he grunts, the added layers he wore only making it stuffier for him as he begins to sweat, clinging to his body as he pants behind you. “Gonna fill you up.”
Trailing your own hand down your torso your fingers meet your throbbing clit, shuddering on top of him as you start to rub against it, jolts of pleasure coursing through you as your climax inches closer. Jungkook isn’t far off, the coil inside of him tightening as you whimper each time his cock hits the back of your cervix, his brain heady with lust, not being able to hold back the increased volume of his moans. 
“Fuck, almost there.” You hum in confirmation, nodding along as your body heats up, muscles beginning to tense, mind starting to float with each flick of your wrist. 
“Show me I’m a good girl Kook,” you whine out so beautifully, so needy and desperate for him, and he loses it, rutting into you sloppily until he’s cumming, ribbons of white stuffing you full and warming you up as he fuck you. The feeling of his cum inside you sends you over the edge as well, your thighs giving out on you as you fully plop on top of him, your fingers continuing to rub along your sensitive clit as you shudder and twitch above him. 
“Fuck,” he sighs out, panting by your ear and mixing in with the small ringing you hear from the strength of your orgasm. Slowly, his hand slips out from underneath your shirt, rubbing along the skin of your hips to help calm you down as your body trembles. With a small groan you pull yourself off of his softening cock, readjusting your messy underwear before scooting back onto the seat beside him. 
Jungkook watches as your eyes widen at the sight of his cock, shiny with your arousal, coated in globs of his cum, looking just as inviting as always. He chokes on a moan when you instantly bend forward and slip it into your mouth, the sensitivity making him whine as you lick his cock clean, pulling off with a pop and a smirk. “Was I good?”
He narrows his eyes at your teasing tone, the devious look on your face showing him that you weren’t done yet. Jungkook thought he had one upped you, caught you by surprise after you teased him and took you on a run for your money by doing this, but you looked completely satisfied with yourself as he slid his cock back into his underwear and pulled his jeans back up. 
“You’re evil.”
Jungkook smiles when you laugh, both of you pausing when the automated voice alerts you of your stop approaching in a few seconds. As the two of you stand up from the seats your eyes roam the car once more, a gasp escaping when you realize the only other person here has stepped off. 
“Oh my god, when did they leave?”
“Last stop, don’t worry they left before it got good.” He clutches your hands when you go to swat at him, laughing heartily as you approach the car doors. “They totally knew too.”
Jungkook had seen the moment they left, earbuds still pushed in, but the way they had glanced in their direction shaking their head with a smile let him know that he was completely aware of the filthy things you two were doing. 
“Jungkook!” you whine, stepping off the subway and onto the platform, grimacing when you feel the way your sticky underwear rubs against you. 
“What? This was all part of your scheme you little devil, at least we didn’t have a massive audience.”
Well he had a point, it could’ve been worse, at least this way you were able to tick off the box beside this fantasy. “We’re never doing this again, I don’t care how hot it was.”
Your boyfriend just smiles, intertwining your hands together as you exit the station. He knew you better than anyone so he knew you were absolutely doing this again.
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atsuwiee · 3 years
accidentally confessing to your bestfriend! enhypen.
because, this actually happened to me irl- they ended up liking me back as well so this scenario (?) is purely based on what happened to me lmaoo
warnings: i think i put in some swear words- and slight angst on jay's part lol
also this is kinda long so be rEadY ?? anyways enjoy wie woo
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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it was a normal weekend hangout at your place with heeseung, though he had noticed you were acting a bit strange when he arrived. both of you were at your room and your eyes were glued to your phone, thumbs moving at a fast pace, while heeseung was on the floor playing a video game alone. for the longest time you've had a crush on heeseung and you had planned on telling him countless of times but you didn't know when to- while texting your other friends about him and them persuading you to go on and tell him now- you feel your phone get grabbed out of your hands. "hey give me that!" you say as you reached for your phone only to be pushed back into the bed (playfully) by heeseung. "you're texting your crush, aren't you?" he said playfully as he kept your phone out of reach. "shut up and give it back, lee heeseung!" heeseung didn't listen to you at all instead he got on top of and started to tickle your sides. "tell me who! and i'll stop" he said as he got closer to your face, slowly the redness of your cheeks become evident. "as if!" you scoff as he continued to tickle you. "gosh, okay, okay! heeseung it's you!" you say in between laughter only for this to stop when you realized what you had just said. "i- okay i didn't mean that-" you say as you cover your mouth. "you like me?" "yeah dumbass-" you were cut off by his lips that pressed onto your cheek. "i like you too, cutie"
playing the famous game never have i ever with jay at a literal ungodly hour, out of boredom, you both had been going back and forth at each other for any potential blackmail material you (both) could use. jay paused for a little longer than usual, trying to formulate his question. "aw, did you run out of questions?" you teased him. "no- oh i got one!" he says excitedly. "this is going to be such a cliché question but, never have i ever fallen in love with my bestfriend" jay said with a cheeky smile. "i want to hear your answer first" you say, trying to hide whatever you might spill out of your mouth. "never" he said, this only made your heart ache knowing he doesn't even like you back. "uh-" you paused for a bit making jay raise a brow "what? cat got your tongue?" he said in a playful tone. "well, i have... never..." you say while avoiding eye contact. "are you lying?" he asked as he got closer to your face. "me? lying? why would i be lying about having a crush on..." "crush on?" he asked, prodding into your attempted lie. "you" you say out loud. "you have a crush on me?" jay asked he distanced himself a bit from you. "yeah jongseong, so what? you don't even like me back" you say as you stood up. "i wasn't supposed to tell you until i was ready" you say. "i'm sorry" jay apologized. when you had left, jay wanted to tell you that he really liked you back- but how could he? he said "never" when he actually had a crush on his bestfriend.
jake continued on and on, discussing about the topics you were struggling in physics. you had called him over to tutor you, but when he came to your aid, it appears you had gotten more distracted and jake noticed this as he saw you writing on your journal instead of taking a look at your notes and your textbook. "hey, y/n, are you even listening?" jake said while he snapped his fingers in front of you. "yeah, i am-" you said and quickly looked up from your journal. jake nodded and continued but once he did, your head was in your journal again- eyes glued to whatever you were writing. "okay, clearly you aren't listening, give me that-" he said as he grabbed your journal out of your hands. "i am listening!" you protest, jake was curious on what you were writing so he took a look. "i think i can't focus because of him... why am i even in love with him? wait- you're in love with me?" he asked as he pointed to himself. "stop reading that!" you say as you grabbed your journal out of his hands. your cheeks grew red, and you were quick to grab your textbook to cover your flustered face. you could hear jake giggle and moved the textbook from your face, he kisses your forehead softly and smiles. "well now we got that clarified- shall we continue, y/n?"
"are you free today?" sunghoon asked. "well, i'm not doing anything at the moment so, i guess i'm free today- also are you alright? you sound sad" you say hinting out the tone of his voice. "i just feel tired..." he says. "so uh- do you want to go to the amusement park with me?" he asks. "didn't you say you were tired? you need rest" "please? i just want to unwind with you for a bit" you then said yes later on to his offer. "okay meet you there in twenty minutes" you said as you hung up on the phone so you could get ready. both of you were having fun on the rides and games- not until he pointed to the rollercoaster and practically begged you to go on it. "i-" "pleasee, i'll hold your hand if you're scared" he said with a smile, you couldn't resist this man so both of you went on it. sunghoon knows nothing about your fear of heights so when the ride was about to drop from it's peak you held his hand tightly shouting "i fucking hate rollercoasters- i also wanted you to know i love you a lot, hoon, like a lot lot-!" sunghoon had heard everything and held tight onto your hand. after the ride you both had sat down on a bench. "did you mean what you said?" he asked then faced you, your face growing pinkish. "ah so you heard it... yeah i meant everythi-" you were cut off by his soft lips pressed on yours. "i just wanted you to know i love you too, like a lot, y/n"
it was a normal afternoon for you both, sunoo was seated on the couch while you lay down placing your head on his lap, he played with your hair while you played a game on your phone. sunoo brushing your hair with his fingers and at times he'd braid some strands of it too. you were starting to get bored from your game and decided to exit the app to go onto your social media, but sunoo was watching and something on your screen caught his eye. "is that me on your homescreen?" he asked and you were quick to put your phone against your chest. "uh, what?" you asked trying to act clueless. "you used my picture as your wallpaper, you adore that much, don't you?" he said playfully. "ew, who says i have you as my wallpaper?" you asked back while he just scoffed. "i saw it y/n, don't lie~" sunoo said and you sat up from laying down on his lap. "fine" you mumbled out your answer. "do you have a crush on me~?" he asked, more onto the teasing side but you had accidentally spilled your actual answer to him. "haha you bet!" you say with awkward finger guns. "i- uh, need to use the bathroom, be right back!" you say as you quickly headed to the bathroom. sunoo knew what your answer meant, so now he's left there- smiling and giggling on how his best friend likes him back.
you had been planning on telling jungwon about how you left through a letter and planned on telling later on the walk back home from school. "y/n" your classmate called before you exited the classroom. "you're a friend of yang jungwon, right?" she asked and you nodded. "could you please give this letter to him? it's regarding the quiz bee thing, i'm one of his teammates" she said as she handed you the folded paper, similar to the love letter (for jungwon) you were holding. "oh okay, i'll give it to him!" you say as you got the letter. "oh thanks, y/n" she said and bid her goodbyes as she left. as you walked beside jungwon back home you remembered the letter from your classmate. "oh jungwon, my classmate said i should give you this letter- its about the quiz bee thing" you said as you stopped walking and looked for it inside your bag. "ugh it's probably another reminder to review" he said as he opened the letter, but then you can see confusion evident in his face. "uh-you give me butterflies every time i see you... uh i don't think this is about the quiz bee-" "what do you mean, let me see?" you say as he shows you the letter. "i- oh my god! i didn't mean to give you that!" you say as you look into your bag again and give the other letter. "here-" "i'll read it when i get home, let me read yours first" he said with a soft smile and intertwined his hands into yours.
"i leave for a minute to use the bathroom and now my phone is missing- riki where the hell did you hide it?" you say, literally flipping all the pillows in your room. "ugh even one of my earbud is missing" you say. "why are you looking at me like that?" riki asks, trying to act clueless. "why are you always hiding my stuff? this isn't even your house!" you say as you walk around your room trying to look for your phone and one of the missing earbud. "please tell me where you hid it" you say as he just laughed and laid down on your bed. "what do i get in return?" he asks playfully. "i'll buy you some bungeoppang" you say, hoping he'll give back what he hid from you. "sounds good! here's your phone now" he says taking it out from under his shirt. "uh, my earbud though?" you say as put your hand out, signaling he give it now. "ah- that's for another deal" he says. "riki just what the fu-" "is jay hyung your boyfriend?" he asked. "no he isn't, where did you get that from?" you asked back. "people were talking about it at school- and i was really offended that you didn't tell your own bff" riki said with (yet again) a playful tone and with a pout. "i don't know why they would say that- because the only guy i'm in love with is you" you impulsively. "you what?" he asked. "i what?" you asked back. "you're in love.... with me?!" riki asks pointing at himself. "you know what- give me back my earbud when i get back, i'll go buy your bungeoppang now- bye!" you ran out the door leaving riki who's a flustered mess now. he then punches the air and you could hear his screams of victory "woo! y/n likes me!" you can hear which makes you more flustered as well.
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olizsansenpai · 2 years
Hi Hi! Accepting requests for characters from any FNAF x reader lol. Currently stuck on security breach though, and moon/sundrop have my heart 💞
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Sun/Moondrop x reader.
Being one of the daycare workers was, to say the least, horrific.
Every where you looked was a child, and every where you looked was trouble. Why are you climbing on the net? Put that chair down! Don't punch others! Where did you put the phone?
But, since they installed the new daycare animatronic, Sundrop, you've never really had a problem ever again. You've personally never talked or interacted with him unlike your coworkers, but they and the kids seemed to LOVE HIM.
He'd throw them into the ball pit (which was a favorite among them) draw with them, sing & dance with them, play hide&seek. They loved him.
Your coworkers thought he was funny and rather charming for a robot, always being flirty and bashing their eyelashes at him, which the sun was oblivious to. Ya know, cause hes a robot.
To say the least, you thought he was creepy albeit helpful.
"Y/N, you should really come meet Sundrop. It's been 3 days! Even the parents of the regulars love him!" Riley, one of the girls who always tried to charm him, tried persuading you once again. His laughing and 'Come on come on, clean up clean up!' Echoing through the daycare while the kids doodled and drew.
"Love is a strong word, Riley," you awkwardly scratch your head as you took a glance at him, "as long as he helps with the kids, from a distance, I'll be alright."
"Yeah, Riley, stop pushing 'em." Vanessa comes up behind you, sassily putting her hand on her hip with a smirk.
"Oh, hey Vanessa. Starting your patrol?" You softly wave from your seat, bottle feeding one of the few baby babies you guys get every now and then.
"Yep, ready to get these kids out.of.here. I don't know how you guys deal with them, i hate kids." She shakes her head as she eyes the sun animatronic wearily, cleaning up some toys from the floor while the rest of the kids doodle at a near by table, waiting for the late parents to arrive.
"They can be a hassle i suppose, but they really are sweet when they get used to you. But they don't really pay attention to me now because of him..." You laugh gently, awkwardly, as most of the parents file in to grab their kids.
You and Riley come to greet them and sign the kids out, Sundrop waving bye to the kids when they turned to look at him with stars in their eyes and waving.
"Bye bye! See you next time! Let's play lots and lots, yeah?!" He laughed giddily, waving back.
You went back to the counter, filling in some stuff to ensure that all the workers in the day care were there today.
Vanessa had already left, assuming you would leave shortly after. Little did she know...
Riley popped out from a side exit (where you typically come and leave from) swinging her keys around her pointer finger.
"Heyyyy, can you close up today? Thank you, byeeee!" The jingle of her keys swinging notified you that she was gone, not wanting to close up since you would have to do extra work.
You sigh, pushing yourself away from the computer and rolling back while spinning in the roller chair.
"BTW, they said their testing the lighting today, so be sure to be out by 12:00!" She quickly peaks back in, and then quickly running away.
You almost fell out if the chair when she spoke, scareing you half to death.
"That girl!" You grit your teeth, gently scooting back up to the computer, only to be met with a suns face in your own.
"Jesus christ!" You jump up and back into the roller chair, knocking it over with a bit of force.
"A light check? What's that supposed to be? Why didn't i know? Will they do that in here? Your not supposed to turn the lights off in here!" He rushed out, hopping over the computer and grabbing your shoulders.
"C-calm down! Let go of me first..!" The fear crawled into your chest, why did he seem so frantic? You we're close to crying before he let you go, backing up into the counter.
"Ah, I'm sorry, i apologize, i just don't want the lights off in here. They aren't supposed to be off!" He clapped soflty, trying to lighten the mood from your panicked state.
You regain your breathe after several attempts, looking back up at the paranoid robot with sympathy.
"I didn't know either until Riley said it, but theres nothing i can do about it, it happenes every couple months..." Your voice stutters out as a voice in the intercom comes in states that the light check is about to begin.
"Oh no! Oh no!" The sun seemed to be horrified, the lights turning off as it finished the sentence.
It hopped onto the counter, seemingly against it's will and grabbed it's head while yelling-...
and fell.
You backed up into the counter, not being able to see, freightend of the robots antics and how it reacted to just the lights being off.
And then the red eyes glared at you from the darkness.
"You, oh you, naughty naughty." It's gravelly voice went striaght to your and, and most embarrassingly to your core.
"Staying past 12:00 is bad behavior, you should be punished." The lights flicked on for less then 5 seconds, enough to analyze eachother and you were only met with terror as it's red eyes kept glaring at you, with maliciousness, as well as something else.
The lights turned off once more, to which you only had a few seconds to see the flashlight by your hand, quickly turning around to grab it, but you we're to late.
The moon jumped over the table and grabbed you by the throat and the hip, pushing you into the counter. You let out a hurt breath, the air being knocked out of you when you hit the counter.
"Now, what punishment do you get? Hmm?"
It spoke into your ear, a shiver coursing up your spine like a snake on grass, causing you to whine out in horror.
You tried to push him off of you, but he held like a uranium wall. You started tearing up, a few tears slipping down your cheeks and over your lips.
It only laughed at you, saying nothing as it only held you down by the back of your throat now. Not like you could reach him from your position anyways.
"Why don't we play a game of hide and seek, hm?" It practically purred into your head, swiping a few tears from your face with the back of its fingers as it whirled you around, holding you by the throat again.
"You win, i let you go. I win..." It laughed at the end of it's proposal, it's face getting closer to your own.
It squeezed your neck slightly harder, putting it's teeth against your mouth and muttering just under it's breath, "and if i win, i keep you."
It suddenly pushed you to the side with force, and you fell to the ground, skinning your knee in the process.
You cried out, holding your knee in a craddle.
"Better hide while you can! You only have 30 seconds!" It practically yelled, laughing hysterically as it did so.
You, of course, got up and gripped your flashlight harder, turning it on and starting to run. As soon as you got passed the ball pit, it started counting.
You glanced back only for a second, horror stretching across your face, more fear gripping your heart, and you ran faster searching for a hiding spot.
It seemed to be floating, watching you with it menacing glee, red eyes seemingly watching your very soul.
And the game was on.
Sorry if this is shitty- i was debating making it nsfw but ultimately deicded no lol
Thanks for reading :)))
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mari-rosa-skiess · 3 years
omg i love your writing sm😳❤️ I JUST REALIZED THAT IM THE SAME AGE IF YURIO AGH ITS A GREAT DAY TO BE 15😩👌 also, may i request yurio who meets the reader in japan (like he met her maybe after viktor chooses his program) and she's a skateboarder so like she accidentally skates into him! i feel like it'd be really innteresting to see an ice skater and a skater together as a couple haha (bonus if she's won national skateboarding competitions😎) have a great day and remember to stay hydrated!❤️
yes !!! i love this idea !! i went on a hiatus again, so sorry it’s VERY late, i hope it’s worth it though LOL
i’m personally not a skater, so i’m sorry if this isn’t accurate to how people skate :(
Warnings: None I believe, just some swearing!
Pronouns: she/her
Words: 1.5k
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You always enjoyed skateboarding. It was your favorite activity since you’ve been younger. It was kind of the way you were able to let stress go and have fun, especially since you are in your mid-teens. Things get rough at age 15, but there’s always skating there to help you.
You were skating down the streets one day in Japan, your (h/c) hair was flowing in the strong breeze since it was a significantly colder day, it was winter after all. There was snow on the ground, but only on the side of the roads and sidewalks, but it was all pretty melted.
You closed your eyes for a second because it felt like the wind was making your eyes shrivel up, but a few seconds later, you fell to the ground with a small ‘hmph’ leaving your lips.
You opened your eyes to see a shortish boy standing up, he looked pissed to say the very least.
“WHY WEREN’T YOU WATCHING WHERE YOU WERE GOING?!” the blond feminine boy screamed.
You stood up and dusted off your clothes, for some small pebbles and dirt got on you when you fell.
“I could say that same about you,” you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? YOU’RE THE ONE WHO RAN STRAIGHT INTO ME!” He screamed, although it was kind of difficult to understand him because of his thick Russian accent, especially because he was screaming.
“Well, you could’ve simply stepped out of the way when you saw me skating towards you, you could’ve simply stepped aside when I was like four yards away,” You pointed out.
“It seems you also were not paying attention to your surroundings,” you spoke in a snarky tone, smirking.
He went to say something else to defend himself, but he was dumbfounded, not to mention exhausted from the strenuous training from figure skating.
“You’re lucky I’m not in the mood to argue today,” he sighed, picking up his bag he had dropped.
“Yeah, whatever you say,” you replied, dropping down your skateboard.
After you got a closer look at his face, you realized he seemed familiar. You’ve seen him somewhere, but you’re not sure where. Maybe in a store? No, that couldn’t be it.
“Where are you going?” you asked him, slowly skating by him while he walked.
“Figure skating practice, Viktor doesn’t like it when I’m late,” he softly said.
“What’s it to you?” he added, slightly raising his voice.
“I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere,” you stared at him blankly, but still paying enough attention to the control you have on your skateboard so you don’t lose balance and topple over.
“You’ve probably seen me on TV, I won Grand Prix gold,” he stated.
“Oh, Yuri Plisetsky, that’s where I’ve heard of you,”
Yuri blushed at how you said his name, it sounded so beautiful the way you said it, almost as beautiful as he found the rest of you. It didn’t take him long to notice your features after he cooled down from his baby tantrum.
He just looked away and went quiet, not saying anything else. After a few minutes, you guys arrived at the rink. Viktor was waiting by the door.
You picked up your skateboard and just held it since there was no reason for you to just stand by it.
“Yurio, you know how I feel about you being late,” the tall man with silver hair stated in a slightly annoyed tone.
“Yeah, whatever,” he mumbled under his breath.
Viktor’s eyes flickered to you and a grin appeared on his face.
“Oh, I see, you were out with your girlfriend! Why didn’t you tell me you have a girlfriend?” Viktor excitedly exclaimed.
Yuri’s face turned red, so did yours.
“No, we just met a few minutes ago,” you shook your head.
“Yeah, this bitch carelessly bumped into me and knocked me over,” Yuri crossed his arms.
“Bitch?!” you asked.
“Okay! I see I was wrong,” Viktor nervously chuckled.
“Why don’t you guys say bye to each other then you can meet me inside, Yurio?” Viktor suggested.
“Okay, fine,”
Viktor said goodbye to you before walking back in the rink, going to get his skates on before Yuri walked in.
“Well, hopefully we don’t cross paths again,” you said irritated, dropping your skateboard back down.
Yuri let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
Yuri was surprised by himself. He never apologizes for anything, it’s just part of his personality to be a dick, but here he is, apologizing!
“What was that?” you asked, turning your head.
“I’m sorry,” he spoke up.
“I didn’t mean it, I’m just a dickhead, you’re not a bitch,” Yuri looked down, blushing.
“Alright, I forgive you...I think,” you said, questioning your own words.
“I’ll see you around,” you spoke.
“Wait, what’s your name?” Yuri asked you.
“Oh, right, it’s (Y/N),” you smiled.
He was shocked that you even had a beautiful name.
“Okay, see you later,” he flashed a small smile before walking into the skating rink.
You skated off, actually feeling good about having a new friend. You did find him cute though, and you were sure he’s sweet when he’s not mad. You kind of mentally beat up yourself for not getting his number, but hopefully, there will be other opportunities.
It’s been a few days since you bumped into Yuri, and you still thought about him occasionally, as did he. You decided to skate by the rink to see if he was there. Since he couldn’t drive, there was no way to really know if he was there unless you looked in.
The place was rented out, so if it was closed, the doors would probably be locked.
You picked up your skateboard and walked over to the door and pulled on the handle. A small smile appeared on your face when it opened. You walked inside and heard music playing.
You didn’t want anyone to see you because you didn’t want anyone to think you were creepy, so you kneeled down by the part of the skating rink wall that didn’t have a window and watched through the window part.
Yuri was elegantly skating around the rink, his routine already seemed flawless - to you at least - you weren’t used to seeing many people figure skate. He actually didn’t look annoyed for once, but he did look sweaty.
Very sweaty.
You looked down and noticed your skateboard started rolling away from you. You silently cursed under your breath before trying to grab it without making any noise. You ended up grabbing it, but you accidentally launched it because you lost grip of it while you were trying to set it up against the wall.
It made a loud clattering noise before rolling and hitting the wall. Since the room was so big, it echoed and caused Yuri to mess up his routine.
Viktor facepalmed and turned off the music.
“It was great until that noise distracted you...what even was that?” Viktor asked, looking around.
Viktor and Yuri both skated over to the exit of the rink and stepped out, looking around the lobby. You were hoping they wouldn’t see you despite you being literally four feet away from them. 
Viktor saw you and you flashed a nervous smile before standing up.
“Yurio, you got a visitor,” Viktor spoke before walking back onto the rink.
Yuri looked over at you and he surprisingly wasn’t mad.
“Sorry for messing up your routine,” you apologized, looking really nervous.
“Oh... it’s just slightly annoying, I can always redo it,” he blushed.
“It was really good before I distracted you though,” you smiled.
“Oh, thanks,” his face reddened.
A few seconds of silence passed before Viktor walked back off the rink.
“Yurio, take a short break,” he said.
Yuri nodded before taking off his skates while still standing.
“Do you know where your board went?” he asked.
You looked around on the floor before spotting it, you walked over and picked it up.
“Why do you skate so much?” Yuri asked.
“I- Uh- It’s a hobby, and I’m also a competitive skater...with skateboarding, obviously,” you nervously said.
“That actually sounds interesting,” Yuri spoke.
“That’s surprising coming from you,” you smiled.
“What do you mean?” he asked confused.
“I mean, you are a dick,” you smirked and crossed your arms.
He rolled his eyes with a small frown.
“Joking!” you exclaimed, giggling.
“Anyway, we should hang out sometime if you’re up to you,” you smiled at the blond.
His face went back to the red shade it was previously at.
“A-Alright,” he stammered.
You pulled a small slip of paper out of your pocket that you wrote your number down on pre-hand in case you ran into him.
“Here’s my number, I’m free most of the time, just text me,” you smiled at him.
He took the slip of paper from your hand and put it into his pocket.
“Alright,” he smiled.
“I’ll let you get back to what you were doing, see you around!” you exclaimed with a smile while waving as you walked out.
“Bye!” he shouted.
Let’s just say, he did text you a lot when he got home.
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer I
Part 01: Pick Me Up, No Headlights
series masterlist | next part
summary: It’s your first summer in the Outer Banks.
a/n: I'm so so so excited to introduce my new obx series! This whole thing is based off the song Style by Taylor Swift (which I'm sure you've picked up on lol!) This series is going to be about Rafe during HS so Summer I = the summer before 9th grade and so on and so forth. Enjoy!!
word count: 2k
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The Outer Banks was a little bit like a fantasy. The way your mom talked about growing up under the North Carolina heat with her fearless twin brother, Austin, the decades-long feud between the Kooks and the Pogues, the endless summers, it all felt like a movie. There was a specific smile that snuck onto her face when she talked about the place. Their parents had moved away from OBX to the mountains while she was still in college and she’d never been back. Last September, her father's health had taken a turn for the worse and he passed away rather unexpectedly. Your uncle had suggested to your grandmother that she should move back to the Outer Banks since she was also so happy there. To the shock of everyone and your Nonna bought a house on Figure Eight, just a street over from the home your mother been raised in, and moved back to NC.
You’d flown into the tiny Outer Banks airport two days after the Fourth of July and, so far the sky had stayed crystal blue the entire week you’ve been there. It had been great to have some time with your grandmother all to yourself. The house on Figure Eight was huge; you definitely understood why she’d asked your mother if she would spare one of her three daughters to keep her company for the summer. Having the echoing house all to herself sounded glum. Your older sister was spending the summer in Italy for a college-writing program and since you know how to weaponize your middle child charm, you talked your mom into sending you to OBX rather easily.  
“Nonna,” you called down, leaning over the balcony at the top of the stairs. “I can’t find my sandals and I don’t have any other shoes to wear to the Club for lunch.” 
Your grandmother walked into the foyer and looked up at you. “y/n you know I can’t understand you when you yell from upstairs.” She turned around and walked back into the kitchen. You sighed under your breath careful that she didn’t hear you since you’d gotten in trouble for doing that yesterday. 
Your mother use to complain about the way that her mom always felt the need to act - and have her children act - so posh during her childhood but those stories seemed so strange to you. Like a Nonna from a past life, not the one you knew. However, it seemed the Outer Banks had reignited her need to act sophisticated all the time. 
You double-check your appearance in the mirror and then resigned to searching the downstairs of the house for your shoes. 
Nonna was busy making small talk with some of the other ladies at the Club after lunch but you were antsy to get back to the beach while the sun was still at its peak. You had had all the polite smiling and nodding you could take in an afternoon. 
“I’m gonna- ” you pointed in the direction of the Club bathrooms and your Nonna waved her hand dismissively. You turned on your heel and headed away from her and the others. 
You pushed open the door and was surprised at the quietness. You double-checked under all the stalls to make sure no one else was in there before sitting on the counter and resting the back of your head against the mirror. You knew you were probably smudging the glass but you needed a minute from all it. 
It wasn’t that you weren’t totally in love with the Outer Banks. It was just that your mom seemed to leave out the strenuously boring parts of her childhood - the small talk, the lunches, the emphasis on class. Plus, on top of that, it seems your grandfather’s death has rattled your Nonna deeper than she cared to admit and she’d become overly cautious about everything. She was keeping a much tighter leash on you than was really needed, or so you thought. 
The door swung open and you jumped off the counter hoping whoever had just entered didn’t see you sitting atop it. The young girl stopped rummaging in her cross-body bag and glanced look to meet your gaze. She had on a green and white polka-doted dress and her dirty blonde hair spilled over her shoulders. She looked young, maybe 13 or 14 you guessed. 
“Oh. Hi!” She said. 
“Hi,” you responded. She walked over to stand next to you facing the mirror. She pulled a pink lipgloss out of her purse and ran it over her top and bottom lips before recapping it. 
“Hiding out in here?” She asked. She took your moment of hesitation as an answer. “Yeah, me too. It’s by far the best hiding place. Plus my dad can’t come into the ladies' restroom so it buys me a little time.” She laughed, seemingly at the thought of her dad barging into a women’s bathroom. She looked over at you. “Not to pry but I don’t think I’ve seen at the Club before. Just visiting?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m staying with my Nonna, my grandma, for the summer. I got in last week.” 
The girl smiled big. “The Outer Banks is ah-mazing. Sarah Cameron, by the way.” 
Her genuineness brought a smile to your own face. “I’m so happy to meet you, Sarah. I’m y/n. I haven’t gotten to meet a lot of other kids yet.” 
“I’m not really supposed to know this but my brother talks obnoxiously loud on the phone so it’s really not my fault for eavesdropping, but there’s a beach bonfire tonight down at the cove...it’s a Kook party spot.” She clarified after seeing the confusion on my face. “I’m sure he’d be cool with you tagging along.” Sarah reached into her bag and held out her phone. “Put your number in. I’ll pass it along to him.” 
“Thank you so much,” you said, your heart feeling warmed by this girl's kindness. 
“Yeah, of course,” she stepped forward and wrapped you in an unexpected hug before she exited, leaving the door swinging in her wake. 
Your phone rang with an unknown number that afternoon around five, just after you’d gotten back from the beach. You answered the call and tucked the phone between your ear and shoulder as you finished rinsing off your sandy feet. 
Sarah’s voice filled the speaker. “Hey y/n, so I told Rafe about you and asked about the party. He said he’ll pick you at 10. Okay? Text me your address so I can give it to him.”
“Yeah, yeah. Okay! Umm...one question Sarah. What do I wear to this bonfire?” You asked. 
A friendly laughed echoed through the phone. “Put your bikini under a sweatshirt and some short. You’ll be fine.” 
“Um also one more thing,” You said. 
“Sure!” Sarah replied.
“I think don’t think my Nonna would be too thrilled about me going to this party so could you ask Rafe to turn off the headlights when he get’s here. She sleeps on the first floor and I’m trying not to get caught sneaking out.” 
“Trust me, I know.” You wondered how much 13-year old could possibly know about sneaking out but Sarah was becoming your one friend on the island so you just went with it. 
“Thank you Sarah. I owe you.” 
“I think you’re gonna get along with Rafe great. Okay, talk to you later. Bye y/n!” The phone beeped as Sarah ended the call. You slipped it back into your beach bag and grabbed your towel off the ground, feeling grateful for your new friend. 
Rafe had shown up at 10:03, a text from another unknown number appeared on your phone announcing his arrival. You'd climbed out of your second-story window and down the attached porch with a surprising amount of ease, only slipping once.
You'd opened the door to the black car and slipped into Rafe’s passenger seat, slight of breath.
Rafe chuckled light. "Hi," he said.
You glanced over, your eyes locking with yours and words escaped you. So Sarah has forgotten to mention her brother was hot. Like the kind of hot girls always giggled about when they passed him in the school hallway. The kind of hot he could probably get away with murder if he just flashed the cops a smile.
That same deadly smile was spreading across his face now. His tongue darted out of his mouth wetting his bottom lip.
"Hi," you squeaked out.
Rafe shifted the car into drive, still refusing to break the eye contact first.
"Should we go?" You asked, your nerves no less unsettled.
Rafe raised his eyebrow conspicuously before turning his head back to focus on the road.
The tension was already killing you and you'd spent less than five minutes together. That was the first moment you realized what Rafe was going to do to your life.
Your phone pinged as you say around the little bone fire listening to the others talking about the Fourth. You were slowly starting to piece together the names and faces of the other Kooks Rafe had introduced you to.
There was Cole, Milo and Sawyer, who seemed to be Rafe's best friends. Cleo and Riley who welcomed you rather warmly. And Phoebe who had kept her eyes on you all-night in a threatening way that you had tried your best to brush off.
You pulled your phone out of your shorts pocket to see a text from Rafe on the screen.
'Wanna head out?'
You glanced at Rafe to find his eyes already trained at you. You read his text again before nodding your head yes at him.
You turned to Cleo sitting next to you. "It was nice to meet you. I think Rafe and I are gonna go."
"Oh, yeah okay!" She replied. "Wait," she pulled her own phone out of her pocket. "Put your number in. I'll add you to all our group chats. Rafe made it seem like you're gonna be around this summer so you're welcome to hang with us anytime!"
"Yeah, I'm here through August!" You said, smiling at Cleo's offer, taking the phone from her hand.
While you were typing your number into Cleo's phone, Rafe had materialized behind you.
"Thank you so much," you said handing Cleo back her phone.
"Of course!" Cleo replied, her eyes shifting away from your face to look up at Rafe. "Bye Rafe."
"See you later Cleo," he said. "Ready?" He asked looking down at you.
"Hmmhmm," you said before standing up, waving bye to the rest of the group and following Rafe back to his parked car.
"I didn't have anything to drink tonight," Rafe said as you settled into the passenger seat next to him.
"Okay," you replied, thinking back on the night but not remembering Rafe with a solo cup in his hand ever.
"Okay," he repeated back. "I just want to make sure you knew. I wouldn't ever do something that could hurt you."
"Okay," you said again, trying not to read to deep into his comment.
"What you'd think of everyone?" He asked.
"They're nice," you offered. "Different from friends back home."
"Oh, well I hope you'd keep hanging out with me...with us" he paused, quickly correcting himself.
You glanced at Rafe out of the corner of your eye, "Yeah, okay. That sounds good."
"Cool." Rafe said.
His hand on the gear shift twitched, moving the slightest inch closer toward you. You swore you could feel him wanting to grab your hand, to interlaced his fingers with yours but he didn't. His hand stayed in place, his eyes on the road watching as the headlights of the car on the opposite side of the two- lane road grew closer and closer.
Your eyes grew suddenly big with panic and Rafe looked at you with fear written all over his face as you both realized the car was plowing down the wrong side of the street. It was on your side of the road and it was going to hit you.
Rafe frantically spun the wheel trying to avoid the oncoming car but there wasn't enough time.
Your body flew forward on impact before the resistance of the seatbelt caused you to snap back. You felt Rafe’s hand hold onto yours as your eyelids closed and the world faded to black.
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luxekook · 4 years
the golden boy | jjk
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» pairing: phys. ed. teacher!jk x biology teacher!reader » genre: enemies to lovers, smut » summary: the new physical education teacher insulted you the moment you met him, and you’ve given him hell ever since. if only you didn’t think that he was the most beautiful boy you’d ever seen and that he was so much fun to play with. » word count: 2.5k » warnings: 18+, cursing, switch!jk, dom!reader, jk says something dumb, sexism, reader is a bad bish, jungkook is whipped, declarations of ownership from kook lol, smut (slight noona kink, oral (f receiving), biting, hair pulling)
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» request: @jeonstime​ said: JUNGKOOK + COCKTAIL PLZ
as part of the bangtanhq drinks and drabbles challenge
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“And this is Dr. (Y/l/n), the head of our science department and biology teacher. You’ll be working closely with her to create the Sexual Education curriculum,” Principal Kim introduces you to the newly hired P.E. teacher. “(Y/n), this is Jeon Jungkook.”
You nod at this new arrival, extending your palm towards him. Jungkook is attractive as hell, if you’re being honest with yourself. Your eyes flick over the lean muscle of his body and the wide-eyed beauty of his face. It’s too bad you are swearing off men for the time being after a particularly bad first date last week.
“I thought you would be a dude,” He mumbles after a long pause, looking you over in confusion. Your nostrils flare as you rescind your hand before Jungkook can even move to shake it.
“And why is that?” You fold your arms in front of your chest. You have faced incredulity before from a plethora of men - and women - about your chosen career path. Most women and minority groups in STEM fields have. It is part of the reason why you have forgone the route of lab work like a number of your fellow doctoral graduates in favor of high school education. You want your young students to feel empowered to become epidemiologists and astronauts and brain surgeons no matter their gender, their race, their sexual orientation. 
And you want to eradicate the exact kind of reaction that Jungkook is giving you. Your glare is ice cold and absolute as you pin it on him. Kim Namjoon, your principal, is facepalming from beside this new boy and is looking at you with pleading eyes to diffuse the situation. But, fuck that noise.
“I-I don’t know?” Jungkook finally blurts out, running a strong hand through his mess of chocolate brown hair, “I’m sorry, (Y/n).” His cheeks are flushed prettily, and you almost cave. You almost assure this Jungkook that his remark is nothing new. You almost begin to picture tugging him into the hidden closet on the third floor and— You cut off that train of thought. 
“That’s Dr. (Y/l/n) to you, Mr. Jeon,” You turn to leave, pausing briefly to look at the duo of men over your shoulder, “Welcome to Bangtan High School.” With that, you stalk down the corridor. Your heels clicking emphatically as you leave the infuriatingly handsome and ignorant new hire in your dust.
You miss the longing sigh and the heart eyes that Jungkook sends after you. You miss Namjoon placing a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder and saying, “You royally fucked up, kid.” And you miss the way Jungkook scrunches his nose and pouts forlornly, “I know…”
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The beginning of the school year arrives the following week. On the first day, you make sure to pick an impeccable first day outfit that screams ‘I’m a fucking badass bitch, and I will end sexism as we know it’. Of course, it’s an impossible task for any outfit to achieve, but your knee length black dress and black Louboutin heels come pretty damn close.
When you enter the doors of the high school at 6:30am, you look ready to kill. And when you lay eyes on Jeon Jungkook exiting the teacher’s lounge with a steaming hot mug of coffee looking like a snack, you think you just might. As soon as you start down the hallway towards him, Jungkook looks up at you and subsequently chokes.
You smirk, maybe you wouldn't have to get your hands dirty after all. “Morning, Jeon,” You sashay past him to enter the lounge he just exited. Unfortunately, he follows.
“G-good morning, Dr. (Y/l/n),” Jungkook says softly from your side as you prepare your own cup of caffeinated bliss, “I wanted to apologize for last week.” 
You face him, eyebrows raised as you wait for him to continue. He blushes under your undivided attention and mumbles, “I’m really sorry. I realize that I sounded like a complete sexist asshole, and that isn’t me. I hope we can start over?”
God, he’s giving you the most adorable puppy-dog eyes you’ve ever seen. His curls are in complete disarray once again with one falling just so perfectly over his forehead. It’s honestly unfair that he looks this good at this infernal hour. Just for that alone, you let him sweat for a few more minutes as you turn back to finish making your coffee.
Finally, you address him, “Apology accepted.” He smiles widely, his eyes gleaming, and he opens his mouth to say something. You can’t have that. You place a finger over his plush lips and move closer to him, “But let me just say this. If you ever, ever say something like that in front of my kids, I will end you.” You grin wickedly up at him as you try to ignore just how good his lips feel under your finger and how much better they would feel on your—
“Good morning, Jungkook! Good morning, (Y/n)!” Vice Principal Kim Seokjin scurries into the teacher’s lounge somehow looking like he just woke up and stepped off the runway at New York Fashion Week simultaneously. “Happy first day of school!”
You pull your hand away from Jungkook’s mouth, grab your coffee, and head towards the door. “Back at you, Jin. Bye, Jeon,” You kick open the door with your heel and shoot them a small smile on your way out.
You miss the way that Jungkook adjusts himself in his low slung track pants. You miss the way Jin shakes his head amusedly after your departure and tells Jungkook, “That one’s a hurricane wrapped in a deceivingly cute package.” And you miss the way Jungkook nods absentmindedly as he licks his lips, ideas forming in his head…
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The first weeks of school always fly by for you with new faces to learn, new courses to prepare, new material to deliver. You love every minute that you spent with your students. 
But, you hate every last second that you spend hearing about the amazing new P.E. teacher and how handsome and sweet he is. It seems that everyone, aside from you, is completely whipped for Jungkook. Even your own students bring him up in your classroom, telling you about the new physical fitness regimen he has them on and raving about how cute he is. 
Don’t even get you started on how much you despise seeing Jungkook in the hallways, in the teacher’s lounge, in the cafeteria. He seems to be everywhere you go, almost as if he tracks your location. He even pops his head into your classroom during your free period to say a shy, soft ‘hello, Dr. (Y/l/n)’ that sends you into a feral state each time.
Fuck, what is it about him that makes you go insane? One day last week you had even walked past the gym and had stopped dead in your tracks at the sight of a sweaty Jungkook wiping his face with the hem of his t-shirt. It had been a whole lot of abs and a whole lot more fuel for your fantasies. 
It absolutely doesn’t help that you constantly catch him staring at you - your body, your legs, your mouth. You had even overheard him ranting to the media teacher Kim Taehyung about how sexy you are when you ignore him, how he wants you to like him, how he longs to please you.
You are at the absolute end of your tether - especially because you and Jungkook are supposed to begin constructing the Sex Ed. curriculum together soon. Just the thought of discussing anything sexual with the boy gives you way too many dirty ideas. You decide that you might as well just rip the bandaid off so to speak, and so the next time you spot that curly head of his wandering past your classroom after school, you gesture for him to come in with your pointer finger.
Jungkook’s eyes widen as he stumbles into your classroom. “Shut the door, please,” You say, getting up from your desk chair. 
“Am I in trouble?” He jokes as he follows your orders. You glare at the tempting expanse of his back, his tapered waist, his tight ass.
And so you cannot resist teasing him. “Hm, do you want to be in trouble with me, Jeon?” You smirk at him as he faces you once again, his throat bobbing as he swallows.
“Maybe,” Jungkook mumbles. He fiddles with one of the rings on his fingers, a nervous habit no doubt. 
You slowly walk towards him, your hips swaying. Stopping inches away from him, you grab his hand to stop his movements, “You’re a restless little boy, aren’t you?” You flip his palm over and place your hand in his, reveling in the size difference. 
“W-what are you doing, Dr. (Y/l/n)?” Jungkook looks at you like he isn’t sure if he should run or kneel at your feet. You hope you can convince him to choose the latter.
You shift closer to him still and bring your mouth to his ear, “I’m playing with you, Jungkook.” 
A whine bubbles up from his throat, “Say my name again. Please. I’ll do anything.”
You drop his hand and step away from him. Moving back to your desk, you prop yourself up on it and cross your legs. Your pencil skirt rides up just enough to show the garters of your tights. Jungkook chokes. You grin.
“I know you will, Jeon,” You continue to smile as he scowls at the use of his last name, “I heard what you said to Tae. You want to please me?”
Rather than be embarrassed like you thought, Jungkook swiftly approaches you and sinks to your feet. How divine. He gazes up at you with a mix of lust and hope, “Yes, more than anything, Dr. (Y/l/n).”
You slowly uncross your legs, giving him a glimpse of the lace that lies underneath your skirt. “Call me (y/n).”
His eyes widen further than you thought possible as he nibbles on his lip, “O-okay, (y/n).”
“Good boy,” You purr, reaching out to run your fingers through his hair. Jungkook leans into your touch, sighing.
Hesitantly, he looks up at you, his pupils blown out, “Can I touch you, (y/n)?”
“I suppose,” The words barely pass your lips before his hands are on you. His touch is tentative at first, running his hands slowly up your calves. He surprises you by placing a soft kiss to the inside of your knee, and for once you’re mad at yourself for wearing your favorite garter set. 
His touch becomes more assured as he moves higher, his fingers digging into your thighs, his mouth placing hot kisses higher and higher. And before he can move his fingers over your panties, you tug his head back with your hand tangled in his hair.
“I don’t think I gave you permission to touch me there, Jungkook,” You frown, feigning disappointment.
His pout is fierce in response, “But, (y/n), you’re so wet. You smell so good. Please let me taste you. Let me make you come. I’ll make you feel good, I promise. Please.” 
“Oh, I don’t know,” You sigh, “I can just call someone else who I already know will make me come hard.”
Jungkook bites your inner thigh, and you moan before you can stop yourself.
“You’re mine,” He glares up at you, “You’re my scary smart noona. Your orgasms belong to me.”
You push him backwards by placing the sole of your heel on his forehead, “And when was this decided? And why was I not consulted?”
“It was decided as soon as you looked at me,” Jungkook says like that should have been common knowledge, “And I didn’t tell you because I thought you would reject me.”
“And you don’t think I’ll still reject you?” You arch an eyebrow.
“No,” Jungkook grins, his hand coming up to grab your ankle, “I think you like me.” He tugs your leg over his shoulder, bringing you closer to him. His gaze flicks between your pussy and your eyes.
You roll your eyes at him, “You’re so infuriating. I can’t understand why I like you, but I do. Despite your terrible first impression, your annoyingly cute ass has gotten my attention.”
Jungkook’s grin is blinding, “So you do like me!”
“Against my better judgement,” You sigh, your lips twitching as you can’t help but stare fondly down at the smiling boy between your legs. “Now, are you going to please me, baby? Or just stare?”
Jungkook lunges forward, hitching your thigh further over his shoulder and pushing your underwear to the side. Barely pausing to breathe, his hot mouth is on you, closing over your clit without warning. You hum in pleasure, and Jungkook pauses to grin up at you. 
“So responsive, noona,” The honorific rolling off his tongue, “And you taste so delicious. You’re so wet for me—”
You groan, “Jungkook, for the love of god, shut up and make me come.”
Jungkook sends you one last shit-eating grin before his tongue returns to lick at your pussy, up and down. His mouth finally returns to your clit, sucking it between his lips and swirling his tongue around it. 
Your hand once again winds its way into his curls, pushing him harder against you. He moans into your pussy.
The sight of the boy you’ve lusted after and slightly hated for so long being tongue deep in your pussy practically pushes you over the edge already. God, why hadn’t you done this sooner? You think to yourself as Jungkook brings his fingers up to your folds and parts them.
His tongue sinks into you, your hips buck slightly against his face. His other hand comes around to steady you - and to grab your ass. Jungkook’s tongue flicks in and out of you, and you feel the heat building up. 
“Jungkook,” You moan, hand tugging at his hair, “Harder, baby.”
Your words have their desired effect as he replaces his tongue with two of his fingers and places his mouth back on your clit. You moan as his fingers curl inside you, the rings cool to the touch as they brush your walls. You come with a gasp. Jungkook continues to fuck you with his fingers and his mouth, carrying you through your orgasm.
He licks up everything you give him, and when you gently push him off you, he licks his fingers clean. “Well?” Jungkook leans back on his heels, “Are you going to need to call anyone else after I made you come like that?”
“That depends,” You laugh, “Are you going to keep making me come like that?”
Jungkook nods, his gaze dead serious as he says, “(Y/n), noona, you’re never getting rid of me after that.”
“Oh my,” You tease, “Whatever did I get myself into?”
And his answering smile is breathtaking.
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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marvxlousqueen · 4 years
So Fucking Sore- Bucky x Loki x Reader
i have returned from the dead to deliver this smut for my friend’s birthday LMAOO anyways for this let’s just pretend tony killed thanos in endgame and brought back nat and gamora and nobody died haha yes anyways bucky is a simp in this tbh (and i’ve never written for loki so forgive me if it’s bad LMAOO)
anyways happy bday bestie (don’t wanna expose ur name on here lol) love u <3
word count: 3.5k
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The Avengers compound was more full than it had ever been. Finally, every floor was filled, every guest room taken, some sleeping bags even rolled onto the floor. Tony hadn’t planned to host the entirety of the avengers force, some odd one thousand people. After defeating Thanos and fixing the time lines, Tony felt as though they deserved a break and a celebration. Although most people were still recovering and wouldn’t stay for long at the party, he figured laughter is the best medicine- that, and he always loved an occasion to show off his hosting skills. 
Tony’s invitation even extended to the staff at the compound, which is how (Y/n) found herself holding a rsvp letter, trying to decide which box to check off. 
“Yes [   ]  (+1)   No [    ]”
She fumbled with the letter, pen getting heavy in her hand. She was seated in her office, taking her lunch break in between helping some of the injured Wakandan soldiers. Being an on-site nurse, of course she had had encounters with the team, but nothing like this party would be. 
Would it be embarrassing if I didn’t have a plus one, she thought
She was interrupted by a knock at her door. “Come in,” she said without looking up. 
The door slowly opened and Bucky entered, small smile on his face. 
“Hey.. just figured I’d bring you some snacks. Figure you must be real busy in the infirmary.”
He set a plate of strawberries on the table with a bottle of water, metal arm extending towards her. (Y/n) could briefly see her reflection in the shine of the vibranium. She lost herself for a moment, examining his arm.
“What- oh yeah! Super busy. Thanks, Buck,” she gave him a smile, cheeks burning.
They had always had some sort of chemistry, but she just couldn’t quite get a read on it enough to make a move. Ever since reconnecting with Steve, Bucky had gotten back into his old ways. Still a giant flirt, just maybe a little more shy than in the 40s. He loved to toss some pick up lines around whenever he wound up in the infirmary (which was a little too often), so (Y/n) couldn’t figure out if he really liked her or was flirty with everyone. 
“What’s that you got there?” He motioned to the rsvp letter on her desk, still unanswered.
“Oh, invitation to Tony’s party thing this weekend. Think he’s trying to get a head count for seats and food. Don’t think I’m going to go, though.”
Bucky pulled up a chair to her desk, “Why wouldn’t you go? You should be celebrating too, I mean- half of us wouldn’t be in this good of a condition without your healing hands.”
His lips pulled into a smirk as he saw her smile shyly. He loved how we could always make her melt at the slightest compliement.
“I think it might be a little embarrassing to show up without a plus one.. I don’t know, it’s probably stupid, but it seems like everyone has someone, you know?”
(Y/n) shrugged, not sure how else to explain her thoughts.
Bucky nodded, running a hand through his hair, “So- what, you’re waiting for someone to ask you?” 
“I- No, but it would be nice, I guess.”
Bucky felt his face heat up. Here’s my chance, he thought. A chance to get some real action because I’ve been out of it for too fucking long. 
(Y/n) looked up at him, waiting for a response. When nothing came, she pushed through her nerves. “You don’t have a date, do you?”
His eyes snapped up to hers, wide with worry. “I-uh-no. D-don’t need one. Just a party, you know? Kinda stupid to get a date for a party like this.”
“Oh- yeah, totally,” (Y/n) stumbled over her words, facing burning with embarrassment. Did he call me stupid? Well, I guess that answers my questions- he is definitely NOT into me. 
 Bucky almost slapped himself after seeing the way (Y/n)’s face dropped. THAT CAME OUT WRONG THAT CAME OUT WRONG THAT CAME OUT WRONG!! He meant to come off as relaxed and nonchalant like he used to be, but instead he sounded like a dick. 
Before he could get an apology out, another knock was heard from her office door. “C-come in!”
Steve opened the door, “Hey- oh hey buck,” Bucky awkwardly waved at him, still busy screaming at himself, “anyways, (Y/n)- Thor’s got friends on the way and apparently they got a little scuffed up on the way from Norway, so you think you can head in and check on em?” 
“Yes! Totally! Uh- bye Bucky, I-I’ll see you.” She jumped out of her seat and rushed off down the hall, happy to get away from this tension with Bucky.
Steve watched her speed off down the hall before turning back to his old friend. “So.. how’s that going?”
Bucky sighed, “It’s not going at all. I think I accidently called her dumb? I don’t know- I kinda blacked out for a minute there.”
Steve patted him on the shoulder, “You’ll be fine. You got plenty of time to fix anything and make your move when you’re ready, all right?”
He understood how his friend was having some difficulties. While he was far more stable then he used to be, Bucky still had his moments and was working through them. Steve couldn’t be prouder. 
“I guess you’re right. As long as no other guy tries to scoop her up.”
(Y/n) entered the infirmary, breathing hard from the speed walk she took to escape that awkwardness. Laying on two of the beds was a tall man with long black hair and some sort of creature with knives attached to it’s hands. 
“(Y/n)! My friends require your services!” Thor shouts, embracing her in a hug.
She laughs as he squeezes her tightly, “Of course! Now let me go so I can help-”
The man who was reclining on the first bed sat up, eyebrows raised. “You’re a healer?”
She looked towards him, noting his accent was similar to Thor’s, “Well- no. Not a healer, just a nurse, but I’ll do my best. With all this new tech it’ll be real easy to batch you up. What happened?”
Thor spoke up, “My dear friend here,” he motioned toward the creature with the blades for hands, “Miek- got into a argument with my dear brother and knives were thrown. Just minor stab wounds of course, but it would be nice for them to be healed before Stark’s feast.”
“Your brother?” She looked towards the man with black hair, who offered a smile. “You’re Loki?” 
“The trickster god indeed.”
Her face heated up, partially in fear and partially in awe. Before her was the man who constantly tried to rule Earth. “Are you-,” she turned to Thor, “is he allowed to be here?”
“Of course! He aided me in our fight against Thanos. He stands as an avenger now.” 
Loki rolled his eyes and began to spin a small knife he pulled from his boot.  (Y/n) nodded, still registering everything, “Well, uh , okay then. Where’s the stab wound?” 
Loki moved to lift his shirt. On his left side was a gash still dripping blood. (Y/n) took a deep breathe, forcing herself to focus on his wound and not the outline of his abs and the way sweat was dripping down.
“Oh- jesus christ, okay. Let me get some stuff.”
The creature on the other bed made a noise and (Y/n) realized he was injured too, a small blade sticking out of his leg. 
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” She ran to the other side to grab materials and begin patching them up. The process went like a blur. All she could feel was the way Loki’s body felt warm against hers, not like the cold she was expecting from his being a dark elf. His hand brushed against hers as he admired her handy work, eyes moving from her face to her form. Finally she was done and seated back in her office, yelling at herself for being so horny today for no goddamn reason. 
As she took a seat once again, she noticed the still blank rsvp card.
God-fucking-damn it
She still had a decision to make. As she went to check the “No [   ]” box, her door opened. Loki walked in and quickly made himself comfortable, sitting across from her. 
“I wish to thank you for the help.”
(Y/n) nodded, eyes wide, “Of course, yeah, anyth-”
“I also wish to invite you to Stark’s feast.”
She froze, mouth slightly open. I don’t even know this dude! And he’s killed a shit ton of people..
“Uh, well,” oh fuck it, “I would love that. Thanks.”
He smiled, “I’ll see you then, (Y/n).”
He left and closed the door behind him. She rushed to fill out the card and went to find Tony. Knowing him, he’d probably be down in his lab playing robots with Morgan. (Y/n) hopped in the elevator and headed towards the basement above the parking garage. It stopped around 3 floors down and the sign flashed “gym.” The doors opened and Bucky entered, sweaty from trying to workout and get rid of all these new feelings he’s having. He didn’t look up from his phone until the doors closed behind him. 
His eyes landed on hers, “O-oh hey! Hi.”
(Y/n) gave him a wave and looked down at her letter, rolling it up in her hands.
“You going to the party?”
“That’s good! Really good! Because you really don’t need a date for stuff like this, we’re all friends, right?” Bucky was desperately trying to make up for what he had said earlier. 
“I have a date actually.”
His eyes widened, “What? Who?”
She turned and shrugged, “Just some guy I met, don’t think you would know him.”
A light went off in his head- she’s trying to make me jealous, isn’t she! She doesn’t have a date! She just wants me to make my move!
Bucky laughed and gave her a smirk, “You don’t have to lie to impress me, doll.”
She whipped around, “Excuse me? You don’t think I can get a date?”
His cheeks turned bright red, “W-what? No, you’re just trying to make me jealous.. right?”
Her jaw dropped, “You are so full of it.” 
The elevator dinged and (Y/n) exited into the basement, leaving Bucky’s head full of questions.
Did I just fuck up again, he thought. 
The next few days past fairly quickly. (Y/n) spent her time in the medical bay once again, dealing with minor injuries and organizing the first aid kits. The few highlights she did have was a quick lunch with Loki, which seemed very abnormal for him. He showed up in her office with, as he called it, “Midgardian Trash,” which was just a plate of different snack foods that Clint had recommended. They ate in a comfortable silence, sharing a few thoughts here and there, until he took his que to leave. (Y/n) walked him to the door and was surprised when he pressed a kiss to her cheek, making her face heat up.
“See you tomorrow, dear (Y/n).”
She stumbled out a response, making him laugh at her speechlessness. After work she rushed to prepare herself for Saturday night.
It was probably the biggest party upstate New York had ever seen. Completely catered, a professional band, everyone dressed up in their finest clothing. (Y/n) would’ve felt completely out of place if it wasn’t for Loki’s arm wrapped around her waist as they entered. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark green tie, constantly repping his main color. Time flew as they spun on the dance floor and drank a little too much, although alcohol didn’t seem to have much effect on him. Loki excused himself to the restroom as (Y/n) downed a glass of water to sober up. She felt someone sit next to her at the bar.
“Look, I’m not interested-”
“Are you crazy? Like- do you genuinely have a death wish?”
She looked beside her and was face to face with Bucky. It felt weird to see him so dressed up. She was used to the sweats and t-shirts, but she had to admit that he cleaned up nice. 
“What are you talking about?”
He glared at her, “Loki? Your date is LOKI. Steve filled me in, I know everything. He’s killed people, (Y/n)! A lot of them!”
“So have you.”
“I-” His voice faltered. “That’s different, you know it is. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
“Well don’t be. He’s actually a pretty good guy. And here he comes now.”
Loki appeared, tapping Bucky on the shoulder, “can I help you?”
“We were just talking.”
He laughed, “seems you would rather do much more than that.”
(Y/n)’s brows furrowed, ‘What does that mean?”
Bucky’s face turned red, “nothing! I guess I’ll leave you two alone now.” 
“Nonsense,” Loki pushed him back into the chair. “Tell the woman what you think of her. Perhaps it could work out for you, or for us both.”
(Y/n) was confused again, “What the fuck are you guys talking about?”
Loki looked her up and down, “don’t be a fool. He fancies you, as do I. I propose an agreement-”
“wait what,” she looked at Bucky, “you like me? Like- more than a friend?”
He looked down at the table, confused and frustrated about his feelings and about how this alien douchebag was making fun of him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke up.
“Listen asshole-”
Loki rolled his eyes, “do you wish to mount the lady or no?”
(Y/n) choked on her water, “what the fuck-”
Bucky’s eyes felt like they would fall out of his head, but he responded instinctively, “yes, god yes.”
Butterflies went off in (Y/n)’s stomach, eyes locked onto Bucky’s face.
“Great. So do I. So we shall share her then? Tonight? What do you think?” 
Loki turned to (Y/n), who was in shock.
“Tonight, the two of us, yes? In your chambers, perhaps.”
“I-uh, okay.”
Bucky licked his lips, “Okay?”
“Yes, I mean-fuck, why not. You are both.. wow.”
Loki laughed, “Great, but truly shocking how blind you mortals are to each other.” 
The three of them sat in a weird tension at the bar while waiting for Tony to give his toast. After about 10 minutes of emotional rambling, Tony finally raised his glass to the Avengers. (Y/n) downed her drink and looked to the two men sitting beside her. Locking eyes, they shared a common thought and all excused themselves one by one. They found their way into (Y/n)’s bedroom, where she made herself at home by throwing off the heels she had been wearing all night. 
Bucky cut off her rambling with a hot, open mouthed kiss pressed to her lips. His hands trailed down her sides and grabbed her ass. He pulled away, breathing hard. “You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted to do that.” 
He suddenly felt far more confident and began to strip off his suit, starting with the tie that had been choking him all night. Loki threw off his coat and pushed (Y/n) onto her bed. 
“I want you to kneel.” 
She stood up on her knees, face flushed, waiting for his next move. He slowly undid his pants and pulled out his cock. 
Well, yeah, he’s definitely packing
(Y/n) pressed a kiss to the tip before licking her way from the bottom back to the top. She took a deep breath and took him in her mouth as far as she could. Loki began to thrust, gripping her hair and pushing her forward, using her mouth as a fucktoy. (Y/n) opened her eyes to look up at him and noticed Bucky on the side, hand in his pants, eyes zeroed in on her mouth. She motioned for Bucky to strip, making him drop his pants and boxers, leaving him now completely exposed. His hand continued to pump his length, whimpers leaving his mouth. Loki noticed (Y/n)’s eye’s on Bucky and pulled away from her, leaving spit and precum dripping down her mouth.
“Take her.”
Bucky’s face flushed, embarrassed to be doing exactly what some other dude told him to. He walked towards the bed, cock standing proudly. 
“Is this okay?”
(Y/n) nodded yes, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him onto the bed with her. With Bucky underneath her, she lined up with his dick and sunk down onto it.
“Fuck! Jesus-fuck-”
(Y/n) couldn’t think for a moment, too distracted by how much he was stretching her. Bucky’s head was thrown up and his grip on her thighs tightened. He lifted his tips and bucked into her, making her gasp again.
Regaining her composure, (Y/n) began to roll her hips. As she rode him, Bucky sat up and his lips found their way to her neck, leaving marks up and down it. From the side of the bed, she could see Loki completely exposed now, hand running up and down his length as he watched them. He smirked as he caught her eye, making it more of a show. 
His hand moved faster before focusing on his tip. (Y/n)’s thoughts were broken from him as Bucky began to paw at her clit, rubbing it just the right way. Her hands went to his hair, pulling him close.
“God, so fucking-shit-so tight-”
Bucky’s voiced was strained, trying not to finish before her, but (Y/n) was making it difficult with how tight she was clamped around him. 
“Fuck-i’m so close, please!”
Bucky started thrusting up into her, “say my name-fuck”
“Bucky! Please!”
He rammed into her with a quick pace, hands groping her ass. (Y/n) a warmth growing in her, squeezing his dick even more. Finally, she reached her peak and exploded around him, dripping her juices down his dick. Bucky quickly flipped them over, putting one of her legs over his shoulder and started to pound into her. (Y/n) choked on her breath, completely overwhelmed from the overstimulation. Bucky’s thrusts began to stutter until he bucked one last time, going deep into her and exploding. He filled her up and slowly pulled out, seeing his cum dripping out of her.
“Holy shit.”
(Y/n) laughed, trying to catch her breath, “thanks, you too.”
“Quite the show, indeed.”
(Y/n) had almost forgot there was a whole other dude waiting to fuck her. Looking over, Loki’s cock was still standing tall, the tip burning red. 
He stood up and made his way to the bed, “On your hands and knees.”
His command made butterflies form in her stomach. (Y/n) turned over and got on her hands and knees. Loki entered her without warning, making her scream out in surprise. His hand came to her head, pushing her into the mattress. His pace picked up as he slammed into her.
Loki laughed through his heavy breathing, literally fucking her into the mattress.
“Let’s get something in that mouth, yes? Barnes-”
Bucky’s eyes moved from watching where Loki was connecting with (Y/n) to her mouth. “Sure-yeah, fuck yes.”
Bucky was thankful for his super soldier qualities because he was already up for round two. He got on the bed, dick facing (Y/n)’s mouth. She got back on her hands and kissed his tip before he pushed in. Bucky let (Y/n) control the pace although most times she was pushed on his dick by Loki’s hard thrusts. (Y/n) lost track of time as she getting literally fucking railed. Loki’s thrusts began to speed up and sweat was dripping down his godly body. 
(Y/n) felt the coil in her stomach tighten again, warmth spreading through out her, she was close, moaning around Bucky’s length. He pulled out of her mouth and began to jerk off, enjoying the show Loki and her were putting on. 
(Y/n) screamed as she reached her climax for the second time that night, eyes rolling to the back of her head, but Loki didn’t slow. He continued until one finally thrust, he pulled out and spilled onto her back, throwing his head back.
The noises (Y/n) was making made Bucky cum into his own hand before collapsing on the bed. 
(Y/n) dropped onto the bed, legs shaking. “Jesus- fuck.”
Bucky put a hand to her cheek, “you okay? We didn’t hurt you, did we?”
She shook her head, “No, just-fuck- I’m gonna be so fucking sore.”
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
A Bloody Relationship (3): Stressed.
A/N: I should be doing like... 10 tasks that are due by tuesday. Instead, I'm adding onto my stress and anxiety attack by writing this. Wee. Lookit me projecting stress onto Diana. Wee. .... *sighs* I like writing soft romance. Lemme have my own soft romance too pls. Fudge.
~Shintori Khazumi
A silent yet familiar click from the hallway caught Akko's attention. Her hypersensitive ears tuned in on the succeeding sounds of the door swinging open, and banging shut. The footsteps she was used to hearing were a little heavier than they'd usually be, the floorboards creaking from the pressure.
Akko assumed the dull thud she just heard was Diana dropping her bookbag on the floor, that is, until she heard the tiny "ow" followed by whispered curses and a few groans.
Shutting the book she had picked up from one of Diana's many shelves, she exited the bedroom to find her lover in an odd position on the floor, almost as if she were doing a 'dogeza', only that the top of her head was pressed to the floor, her nose pointing towards her legs.
Akko stared for a moment, unsure of what to make of this display. A few blinks passed, and she heard a sighed whimper that was enough to launch her protective senses into overdrive as she quickly slid next to Diana, sitting on the floor and transferring the poor girl's head onto her lap.
Immediately, Diana turned to face her, shaky arms wrapped themselves around Akko's thin waist, hugging tight as Diana pressed her face into Akko's stomach. The latter could feel gentle kisses being placed through the fabric of her shirt, and her hands found their way into fluffy strands of messy hair.
Her fingers worked a gentle massage onto Diana's scalp while Akko hummed a tune in hopes of getting her to calm down some more. "I love you." She whispered in addition, hoping her feelings could help in any way.
Somehow, it seemed to have the opposite effect as Diana started to convulse, hiccups coming from her frame as Akko soon felt a warm wetness on her abdomen, followed by the tightening of her shirt as Diana crumpled it up in her fists.
"I'm so... stressed."
Akko felt her throat constrict, wanting to cry as well. But no, she had to stay calm. For Diana's sake. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to her head, rubbing her palm gently down Diana's side and back, allowing her to cry it all out.
However, her crying only seemed to make Diana more and more tense by the minute, and Akko was beginning to get worried. She didn't want to panic, but she had no idea what to do either. She couldn't hope to get up and leave to retrieve something like water or any other soothing warm drink. She had already done all the other things she'd usually do for Diana when she was in distress. She was running out of options.
Suddenly, it clicked.
Diana yelped as she was carefully, but swiftly pushed onto the floor, Akko pinning her hands down as she leaned into the crook of Diana's neck. "It'll be quick, love."
A small squeak escaped Diana as Akko's fangs punctured the soft, pale skin, lips covering the area as she sucked out fresh blood bit by bit, controlling her thirst to take more than was necessary in that moment.
Diana's frustrated huffs soon turned into soft sighs as her tears ceased, the last few rolling down her cheeks and onto the wooden floor. Her hands that had been gripping Akko's shirt tight were now gently resting on her back as she pulled the shorter girl closer.
Akko delivered one final lick to the area she had bitten, placing a kiss for good measure as she rested her weight atop Diana.
"Better?" She asked quietly.
Diana nodded, hugging even tighter.
"Wanna talk about it?"
Akko felt Diana shake her head no, pressing a kiss to Akko's temple instead in a silent 'thank you'.
They stayed that way for a moment longer until the sun disappeared into the evening sky, and the only lights in the living room was from the open window facing the rest of the city.
Akko almost thought Diana had fallen asleep from how peaceful she was at the moment, however that was disproved as Diana asked her a question out of the blue.
"Why did you do that?" She questioned, referring to Akko's earlier actions of taking her blood without much warning.
"Ah..." Akko thought of what to say, peppering kisses along Diana's collarbone as she pondered. "I saw it in one of your fancy books. 'Bloodletting', was it? To like... help with high blood pressure or something."
Diana blinked.
"What?" She pushed Akko up slightly to give her an incredulous look. "Are you for real?"
Akko simply shrugged.
"I can't believe you!" Diana chuckled, still unable to wrap her head around that fairly logical approach of Akko's. "And how could you even say I was experiencing hypertension?"
"...Magic Vampire senses?" Akko tried. Diana looked at her amused. "Hey, I dunno! I just... I just know, okay? It's a feeling!"
"Yes, yes." Diana laughed, waving her girlfriend off, leaning up to place a chaste peck on her lips.
Akko grumbled through a blush as she knew there was no winning against Diana.
"Thank you." She murmured.
"I love you." Akko replied, getting a pinch on the nose, and another laughing kiss on the lips.
"I love you more."
A/N: Lemme tell you, I did very minimal research on if this is still applicable in this day and age. I think bloodletting/phlebotomy to relieve hypertension is making a comeback? Idk haha. I just remembered one of my lessons in phleb, Lol. Don't mind me. Anyway. Bye.
~Shintori Khazumi
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erischaos · 3 years
nobody. pt 1
summary: you just broke up with Johnny, and he seems to be everywhere.
words: less than 900
inspired by “nobody” by mitsky, but not that much.
tags: pure angst to be honest. i’m sorry
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Your alarm went off at the usual time, very early in the morning. You found yourself hugging your pillow and feeling cold, sighing out loud you got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom, not without first grabbing your toothbrush so you could get some extra minutes brushing your teeth in the shower. When you opened your drawer to grab it, his toothbrush was still there. Of course you forgot to dump it but whatever, closing it with more force than need it you started to shower. His shampoo was there too, so you turned around, trying to ignore the pain in your chest.
Once you were woke enough you decided it was time to get out the shower and start getting ready to go to work. You had an outfit in mind for today, mostly black, so you started to go through your clothes hanger by hanger. How many of his shirts you had? As soon you arrive home you were going to throw everything but now you were in a hurry, and while doing your make up you looked yourself in the eyes. They were red, and you had some serious eye bags. The break up was very recent, but there was nothing to do about it, time and work were too harsh on your love, and fighting for it didn't seem worth it at that time, neither it does now but it made you think. Would you ever be loved again? With all your flaws? He never seemed to mind any of it, in fact he always told you he loved you with all your flaws because they made you real, and you were his, and there wasn't anything more perfect than you. You will never find another Johnny and you had to live with it. Maybe in another time, another life, who knows how destiny works.
When you finished you rushed to the kitchen to have breakfast but the time was against you, so you decided to have breakfast in the way, maybe buy a coffee and something sweet. Mindlessly grabbing your keys you noticed they were a little heavier so you looked at them, of course, you grabbed his, when he left he left everything and of course he wasn't going to keep the extra keys you gave him in case of an emergency, or a surprise party or whatever. The reason of why they weighted so much was the key chain, a little heart locket with a picture of you two, that you had too, but it was in the first drawer you found after one of your mental breakdowns, when you decided you never wanted to see a picture of you two together again.
Grabbing your actual keys you left, on the way out you came across the newlyweds from the first floor, you said good morning and rushed down the stairs even faster and almost ran outside. It was like life was joking with you today. Everyday you brushed your teeth and his toothbrush wasn't that obvious, everyday you opened your closet and never noticed his shirts until today, everyday for almost a month you tried to avoid his existence but today, today he was in your house more than ever.
When you arrived at the cafeteria it was collapsed, and looking at the clock you blurted, more loud than what you intended "fuck me", making a mother with her child turn their heads looking at you disgusted. Saying sorry and pulling out google maps to see where the closest cafeteria was you found one two blocks away and started to speed walk. You had less than thirty minutes if you wanted to be on time. The cafeteria was mostly empty and it was huge, it had two doors, one in the main street, and the other one in the less traveled street that you were walking on, and also two counters, one in each side. You went straight to the closest counter and asked for your usual take out breakfast , but when you were about to paid you dropped your wallet, you were so nervous that your hands were mild shaking, besides the empty stomach.
In less than two minutes you got your coffee and your cinnamon roll, and you decided that it was more convenient for you to take the main street. After saying bye and thanks to the employee you headed to the second door, and then you saw him.
Almost in front of you was Johnny, almost as disheveled as you, and when you made eye contact all the memories you were repressing started to come back. The kisses, the laughs, the sex, the movie nights, the long and warm hugs after a long day, waking up next to him, the infinite love confessions, but also the fights, you both ignoring each other, the bickering all the time for dumb shit, the tears, the pain, the loneliness and the cold you both felt within each other over the last few months. But you both made your choice, and you both exited through different doors, accidentally brushing each other shoulders.
Once outside, just before crossing the street, holding the tears you turned around, and saw him walk away, he didn't looked back at you, and you watched him leave for the last time.
“I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from slim to zero, and until your face is fogged by distant memory, and your memory faced by distant fog, and your fog memorized by a distant face, and your distance distanced by the memorized memory of a foggy fog.” -Lemony Snicket.
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hey heyyyy!! im back. i got inspired while listening to mitsky and i decided to write this at like 5am so please forgive me for any mistakes. you know that part of the song when the second chorus hits?? well, in my head, thats the moment when they make eye contact lol, well anyways thank you for reading me, stay healthy, byebye<3
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leossmoonn · 3 years
chemistry part four
part three | part five | masterlist
zuko x fem!reader
avatar: the last airbender
includes - you, zuko, suki, katara, toph, sokka, and aang
special appearances by - iroh and azula
warnings - language
note - this is a long one sorry not sorry lol
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your apartment door opened, revealing all your friends with food and masks on.
“hey!” katara smiled at you from under mask.
you shifted under the millions of blankets you had on you. “hi, guys.” your voice was sore and horase, you swallowed hard after you talked.
“oh, poor baby y/n,” suki cooed. she came over to you with a big bowl of soup.
“hey, y/n! how’re you feeling?” sokka asked, walking in with suki.
“how do you think?” you frowned at him.
“ah, right. well, we are here to make you feel better!”
you smiled softly, “thanks.”
you looked over everyone and saw zuko, who was hiding behind everyone. you couldn’t help the big smile that was forming on your face.
“hi, y/n. sorry that your sick,” zuko said.
“it’s alright,” you shrugged.
“my uncle made you some free jasmine tea,” he said, moving close to you.
“thank you, that’s so nice of him,” you smiled.
“yeah,” zuko smiled at you from under his mask. he was thankful he had to wear a mask, otherwise you would’ve seen how beet red his face was.
“you can set it over here,” you pointed to the coffee table that was in front of your couch.
“so, do you want to watch any movies? or sleep?” suki asked.
“um, we can watch a movie. It is december, so we can watch some christmas stuff,” you sniffed. you grabbed a napkin and sneezed in it, coughing a little
“wow, are you, like, dying?” toph asked.
“i hope not,” you chuckled. you slumped into the couch, curling up in the blankets.
you realized that your pile of blankets were all messed up and half on the floor. you grumbled and sat up, trying to lay them all back on you.
“here, let me help,” zuko said.
you stopped and looked up at him, watching him layer the blankets on you. his ember eyes never left yours.
you snuggled back into the couch when he was done, laying your head against the pillow.
“thanks,” you gave him a smile.
“you’re welcome,” he said.
you two were so focused on each other, you didn’t notice sokka staring at you two with wide eyes, jumping around and pointing at you two in excitment. katara and suki stopped him, sitting him down on the loveseat.
zuko coughed awkwardly, averting his eyes when he realized he had been staring at you for too long. you tore your eyes off him, too, looking at your other friends.
“wanna watch frozen?” you asked.
“frozen isn’t a christmas movie,” aang said.
you rolled your eyes. “it has snow in it. close enough.”
zuko chuckled at your response, which made you smile a little.
“hey, sokka, since you’re always mean to me, can you feed me soup?” you joked.
sokka glared at you, “you’re funny.”
“i know. can someone hand me the soup though, and turn on the tv? make yourself comfortable, guys,” you said to zuko and aang.
aang and katara sat on the chair by the couch, katara sitting on top of aang’s lap. suki sat next to sokka on the little loveseat you had. toph sat on a beanbag you guys had bought when the girls and you moved here. zuko looked around, not finding anywhere to sit.
you sat up, moving your legs so zuko had room.
“here you go,” you smiled up at him.
zuko looked at the empty spot, feeling bad you had to move. he sat down, though, leaning back on the comfy pillows.
“okay, ready?” suki asked.
you all nodded and she started the movie. you ate the soup that aang had handed you and drank the tea that was right next to you. you all watched the movie comfortably.
throughout the movie, you had finished your food, settling back into your seat crease. you never realized it, because you forgot zuko was there, but you had put a little less than half of your body on zuko’s lap.
zuko tensed under you, feeling your thighs on his. he relaxed once he shifted a little and set one of his hands on your knee, which you didn’t seem to notice.
you did notice, though. even through the blankets. you didn’t do anything about it, though. you liked the feeling. it felt good, right. also extremely comfortable. you just pulled the blankets up to your face to hide the blush that kept getting worse and worse.
at the end of the movie, you, sokka, katara, and zuko had fallen asleep. sokka fell asleep on suki’s lap, enjoying the feeling of suki running her fingers throigh his hair. katara fell asleep on aang, her masked-face buried into his neck. zuko had fallen asleep with his head back on the couch ledge, his hand still on your knee. and you had fallen asleep tired and comforted by zuko’s hand on your knee.
“big babies,” toph snickered, hearing sokka and katara snore.
“yeah, they’re our’s though,” aang smirked, running his hand through katara’s hair.
“toph, can they sleep here tonight?” suki whispered.
toph shrugged, “sure. if i hear anything through the night, though, i will murder each and every one of you. you all know i can do it, too.”
suki chuckled, “alright. thanks.”
“mhm. i’m going to bed. nice movie night, guys. see you in the morning. goodnight,” toph said, yawning, walking across the hall to her room.
“what are we gonna do about y/n and zuko?” aang asked suki.
suki pursed her lips. “i mean, they look comfortable. why wake them?”
“yeah, true. would they be mad if we left them here?” aang asked.
“no,” suki shook her head.
“alright. well, katara’s bedroom is on the right, right?” aang asked, scooping his girlfriend up on his arms.
“yep. goodnight, aang,” suki smiled.
“goodnight, suki. thanks for letting us stay over,” aang.
“no problem,” suki said.
aang carried katara down the hall, shutting the door behind him.
suki looked at her sleeping boyfriend. “okay, c’mon big baby,” she said. sokka stirred in his sleep as she lifted them both up.
“wha?” sokka asked. “we’re going to bed, babe,” suki said.
sokka noddd, opening his eyes. he looked around and saw you and zuko. he immediately became awake, pulling away from suki’s grasp.
“OMG, OMG!” sokka whisper-shouted.
suki rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help but smile at the two of you.
“c’mon, sokka, they’re sleeping.”
“can i take a picture of them, please? i can use this as blackmail, or give it to them whenever they date!”
suki sighed, “sure. make it quick. i’m tired.”
sokka nodded and snapped a quick picture of you two with his phone. he giggled, turning to suki.
“this is awesome!”
suki smiled and held sokka’s hand, looking back at you.
“yeah, it is.”
you woke up to birds chirping and sunlight coming down right on your face. you sat up, groaning at how you had a crook in your neck from sleeping on the couch.
wait. i’m on the couch?
is zuko-?
you looked next to you, gasping loudly. unfortunately, your gasp woke zuko up.
zuko groaned. he opened his eyes, stretching and looking around. his eyes found yours. his eyes widened and he scrambled to get up.
your legs slipped off of his, having all the blankets that were on you fall. zuko hurried to get his shoes and coat on.
“um, hey,” you said awkwardly.
zuko stopped his action and looked at you. “uh, hi.”
“sorry i like, slept on you,” you laughed awkwardly, getting up and stretching.
zuko looked at you as you stretched, your sweater coming up a little to show your skin. zuko’s cheeks reddened and he coughed awkwardly.
“it’s alright. i was comfortable.”
you relaxed your shoulders, walking up to him.
“i hope you had fun last night,” you said.
zuko took off his mask so you could see his smile.
“yeah, i did.”
you smiled back. “do you want breakfast? i’m feeling a lot better, thanks to your uncle’s tea.”
“oh, i’m glad. and um, no i’m good. my uncle is probably wondering where i am. i’ll see you next week for tutoring?” zuko asked.
“yeah,” you smiled softly.
zuko couldn’t help but stare at you. you were so beautiful.
“bye,” he smiled and waved.
“bye,” you waved back.
zuko exited your apartment, leaving you blushing.
note - hope you guys read and enjoy this as new parts are added! this used to be called ‘slow burn’ but i changed the title soo dw its still the same story and whatnot :) if you wanna be on the taglist, message me and/or reply to this post :))
taglist - @sorrythatspussynal @theblueslytherin
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ethereal-bang · 4 years
Stormy Night
Authors Note: Hey guys!! It’s finally here, my first fic to post! AANNND ITS SEUNGMIN SMUT YOU’RE WELCOME this probably seems very rough and rushed and I’m sorry lol it’s my first time writing smut and my first time in a few years writing a fic, but I’m really happy with it!
Characters: Seungmin x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.3k (oops lol) 
Type: Friends to Lovers, An equal amount of fluff as there is smut “There’s enough room on the bed for both of us”, somewhat of a buildup
This piece of fiction is intended for adult audiences, 18+ ONLY 
Watching the rain as it hits the windshield, a mild feeling of panic starts to wash over you. The storm was getting bad, and it would be getting dark pretty soon. Looking back on it, maybe taking the 18 hour road trip home with Seungmin wasn’t the smartest idea you’d had. You were nearly half way there, so close but so far to your hometown, where you insisted--no, begged for Seungmin to come with you due to a family wedding that you wanted no part in, but were obligated to be at. Not to mention, your cousins had been pestering you about when you were finally going to bring a plus one to such important family gatherings.
“So Y/N,” your cousin started, and you immediately feel a little panic set in, knowing where this was going. “Is your boyfriend coming with you to Jennie’s wedding? I mean..you do have a boyfriend, right?” You can hear the smirk in her voice over the phone, asking about the wedding that you would be attending this weekend. Every time one of these events take place, she’s always there to make fun of your relationship-- or lack thereof. Searching around the room as you try to think of an excuse, your eyes land on your best friend, Seungmin, who is sitting on the couch watching some drama he had turned on when your cousin called. An idea forming, you slowly smile. “Actually..yes. I am bringing my boyfriend with me.” At your words, Seungmin’s ears perk up and he turns to look at you. Eyes going wide, he immediately catches onto your plan, mouthing words of protest at you as you try to wave him off. “Yes. We will make sure to be there by noon. Okay, I’ve gotta go, I’ll talk to you later bye!” You tell your cousin, quickly getting her off the phone as Seungmin has now stood up and was making his way towards you. 
Hanging up the phone, Seungmin looks at you like you're crazy. “No.” He says quickly, not letting you get a word in edgewise. “No. I am NOT going to play boyfriend at this wedding. Please don’t make me do it,” he pleads, eyes going wide. “Seungmiiiinnnn,” you whine, “it’ll only be for a weekend, please just hear me out!” you beg. He shakes his head in resistance and you groan, throwing yourself onto the couch. “Pleeease. I’ll do anything!” At this, he stops. “Anything?” You nod at him, looking hopeful. “Do my biology homework for a week and you’ve got yourself a deal.” You smile at him, surprise taking over your features. “Done.” you beam, and he groans, not thinking you would actually agree. 
And that was how you got here, Seungmin volunteering to drive the first half of the way. However, you weren’t expecting the rain to hit as hard as it was. Sensing you were a tad bit anxious at the growing storm, Seungmin takes a hand off the steering wheel and places it on your thigh. You really wish he wouldn’t do that.
It’s no secret that your best friend is attractive. Seungmin is a traditionally handsome kinda guy-- brown, soft hair, big chocolate eyes that scrunch at the corners when he smiles and a laugh that can brighten anyone’s day. You take a second to appreciate said features, hoping that he wouldn’t notice the blush making its way to your cheeks and focusing on the road instead.
Yeah...so maybe you have a thing for your best friend. No big deal.
A loud crack of thunder pulls you out of your trance, and it starts to rain even harder, if that was even possible. “Seungmin..” you start, voice small, “maybe we should stop somewhere, just until the rain calms down a little.” Your eyes are drawn to a road marker: “LODGING: EXIT 15 (1.5 miles)” Pointing it out to Seungmin, he nods and keeps an eye out for the next exit, which should be quickly approaching. “You’re right, man who would’ve thought it would rain this bad..” he says, trying to keep the car on the road despite the rain making it hard to see.
Soon enough, you see the neon lights of a hotel come into view. Seungmin, sighing with relief now that he won’t be driving in the dangerous weather, pulls into the parking lot. “You stay here, I’ll head inside and get us a room,” He says, undoing his seatbelt and pulling the hood on his jacket tight. You nod in response, watching him jog through the parking lot and into the lobby. You focus on the sounds of the rain, now oddly calming as you know you’re not going to be in it. Really, you were just worried about this wedding, wanting it to go well and hope that no one will see through the little act you’re about to put on with your best friend. 
A few minutes later, Seungmin runs back out to the car. Brandishing a key on a little feather chain, he smiles at you. “Got the room, let’s go on up.” You grab your backpacks that were sitting in the back seat, and follow Seungmin to the room. Upon opening the door, you take a look around at the place you’ll call home for the night. A patterned rug, wall lights soft but warm which make the room feel oddly cozy, and dark red curtains make you laugh, feeling comfort in the very stereotypical decor. That is, until your eyes fall on the bed.
That’s right, the bed. One bed. For the two of you.
Now, you’ve had sleepovers with Seungmin plenty of times, memories of all nighters before finals and drunken celebrations crossing your mind. However, when he stayed over you almost always ended up falling asleep on the couch; TV playing a movie that eventually neither of you could keep your minds focused on, too occupied with the idea of sweet sweet sleep. Your back might have hated you for not sleeping in your own bed, but waking up on the couch with Seungmin’s head resting atop yours was something you’ll always find comfort in; his hair tickling your forehead as you take in your surroundings. 
“Only one bed?” You ask him, feeling a little nervous. “Yeah, it was all they had left..I can sleep on the floor if you want me to, it’s no big deal.” He shrugs as he sets his bag down on the table near the front door. The idea of him sleeping on a hotel carpet does not sit well with you, thinking of how many people have been through this room and questioning just what has went down here. “No no it’s okay. I don’t want you sleeping on the floor. There’s enough room on the bed for the both of us “ You say, trying to hide the nervous tint in your voice. “Are you sure?” He asks and you nod your head, not wanting your voice to betray you. Shrugging his shoulders, Seungmin announces that he’s going to take a shower, feeling gross after being in the car since the early hours of the morning and being caught in the rain. 
You get comfortable in the hotel room, setting your things down and getting ready to let sleep take you over. While laying in the bed, as close to one side as you possibly can, you scroll through your social media as Seungmin finally makes his way out of the bathroom. Glancing up  at him from your screen, you hold back a gasp as you take in the way he looks: Hair still a little wet, a fresh tshirt that fits his arms just right and his grey sweatpants sitting a little low on his hips making you want to lift his shirt and kiss the exposed skin. Your mind goes absolutely insane as you try to push the thoughts away, wanting to get some sleep. 
Picking up the covers, Seungmin slides in next to you and chuckles about how apprehensive you seem. “You know, Y/N, you’re almost falling off the bed. You don’t have to be so far away.” he says, getting under the covers and making himself comfy. “No, really, I’m alright,” you lie to him, wanting to maintain your distance otherwise your sanity will slowly chip away. Even with the small distance in between you, you can smell the cinnamon of his body wash, one that you’ve definitely used on the occasional chance that you’ve stayed at his apartment. The scent is almost intoxicating, because it’s just purely..Seungmin. “Okay, suit yourself. Try and get some sleep, I set an alarm for the morning so we’ll be fine,” he says, punctuating his sentence with a yawn. You set your phone down on the side table and turn off the lamp, closing your eyes and trying to fall asleep, willing away dreams of the boy who is snoring peacefully next to you. (Seriously? How did he fall asleep so fast?)
You almost had a peaceful sleep. Almost.
You’re unsure how much time has passed, but your slumber was rudely interrupted by a very bright strike of lightning, loud thunder following not too close behind. The sound made you wake in a panic, heart racing and sitting straight up in bed. Once you realized what was happening you lay back down, trying to relax yourself back to sleep.
It wasn’t working. The lightning and thunder continued, and for some reason you just cannot bring your brain to calm down enough. Tossing and turning, you’re thankful that the darkness can hide the blush on your cheeks as you take in Seungmin’s sleeping form. His mouth is partially open, soft snores emitting from it and making you smile. His hair has dried, fluffy and falling into his eyes where his lashes cast a delicate shadow onto his cheeks. 
Another crack of thunder makes you jump, and this time it was loud enough to make Seungmin stir too. Afraid he would wake up and catch you staring at him, you quickly shut your eyes, pretending to be asleep and praying that your best friend wouldn’t be able to hear your heart pounding in your chest. 
You hear Seungmin take in a deep breath, and he scoots a little closer to you. “I know you’re awake,” you hear him say, and the gentle yet sleepy tone makes you open your eyes, even though you were desperately trying to get yourself to fall asleep. Taking a look at him, you try to hide the fact that you’re a little flustered, but that isn’t easy as Seungmin reaches across the space in between you and pulls you into his chest. If he couldn’t hear your heart beating before, he should be able to feel it by now, but sure enough you relaxed in his hold, as if you were made for his arms to be wrapped around you. Seungmin runs his fingers through your hair in a slightly comforting gesture. “Thunderstorm keeping you up?” He asks quietly, and you nod your head. “It’s gotten worse. I hope it lets up before we have to leave…” you trail off, and Seungmin just shushes you, the patterns he’s drawing on his scalp slowing to a stop as he holds you.
Taking a chance, you look up at your best friend, nose touching his chin as he lays there with his eyes closed. Sensing your stare, he pulls away a little and looks at you, and that’s when you see it. Something is there, but you’re not quite able to make it out.
That is, until suddenly Seungmin is leaning down towards you, face coming closer slowly as if to gauge your reaction. Taking the plunge, you meet him halfway in a searing kiss, one that you did not expect to come from him right now, or ever.
You were always positive that your feelings for Seungmin were unrequited, looking for signs that he may have even the littlest bit of feelings for you over the years. Maybe you’re just oblivious, but all of those thoughts fly out the window at the feeling of his lips on yours, the hand that was once on your waist now on your cheek, his other hand still in your hair.
You stay like that for a few minutes, just kissing, enjoying the fact that you’re both finally getting what you wanted. You’re the first one to pull away, out of breath and absolutely smitten.
“You,” Seungmin starts, a shy smile on his lips as he looks at your pink cheeks, “have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for,” he confesses, and it makes you smile. “Well, why’d you stop?” you tease and pull him back down for another kiss.
The first kiss was gentle, loving, sweet. Everything you ever expected of Kim Seungmin. The second kiss, however, turned into something deeper, more sensual and passionate as you swiped your tongue along his bottom lip, him granting you access but immediately fighting you for dominance. You let him win, giving into the feelings that were slowly forming in the pit of your stomach. His hold on you tightens, and he pushes you into the mattress, hovering over you while still driving you absolutely insane. His hands move under your shirt, the brunette tracing circles on your hip bones that automatically start a fire inside of you. His kisses move down to your neck, biting on a spot between your neck and your collarbone which elicits a small groan of his name from your mouth.
“Fuck,” he says under his breath, the noise you made clearly affecting him. He pushes his hands farther up your shirt and looks at you for permission. “Can I?” he asks, and you simply nod your head, raising your arms to help him get you out of your shirt. 
Being in front of Seungmin in this way was totally new-- the most he’s ever seen of you is in a bikini, and even then you wore a tshirt over it more often than not. You go to cover yourself but Seungmin moves your arms away and his lips immediately attach to your chest, making eye contact with you as his tongue runs across your nipple. Seungmin seems to be spurred on by the noises you’re making, running his hands up and down your sides, going lower each time but refusing to put his hands where you really want them. He pulls away for a quick moment, and you whine at the loss of contact. Seungmin sits up, a chuckle falling from his lips as he takes off his own tshirt, and you can’t help but stare at the lithe body that’s presented before you. You’ve always known he was in shape, but watching his muscles flex with each movement he makes suddenly makes you very impatient. 
Suddenly he’s back on you, lips traveling farther down to your core and the knot in your stomach tightens a little bit more with each kiss he leaves on your body. “You,” he begins, “are the most. Beautiful. Woman. I. have. Ever. seen.” he accentuates each word with a kiss, starting at your ribcage and ending on your inner thighs. His lips are ghosting your core, opting to continue the sweet kisses on your inner thighs. “Seungmin..please,” you whine out, a hand moving down to grip his hair. “What do you want, baby? I need you to use your words,” he says with a smirk on his face. 
“Seungmin please. I need your tongue, your fingers, fuck anything just...touch me. Please,” you beg him. Happy to hear your breathy moans, he finally slips off your sleep shorts and your underwear at once, running a finger through your folds. “So, so pretty,” he says in amazement, reveling in the fact that you’re soaked, and it’s all for him. 
Seungmin begins placing soft kitten licks to your clit, the feeling making you want to roll your eyes into the back of your head. Instead you opt to watch him, his eyes completely blown with lust as he adds a finger to the mix. Looking up at you to gauge your reaction, Seungmin is more than happy with what he sees. Your eyes have gone dark, trying not to throw your head back in pleasure because you want to watch as he slowly has you falling apart around him. 
The feeling of his finger inside you makes you whimper. It’s nice, but it’s nowhere near enough. “Seungmin..please stop teasing,” you beg him. He looks up at you questioningly. “Nu uh baby, I have to get you ready for me,” “I am ready for you, Seungmin, God please-- just fuck me,”
Hearing the absolute desperation in your voice, he decides to grant you mercy, removing his fingers and pulling your legs up a little higher. “You sure?” he asks once more, looking for your consent before you cross a boundary that the two of you will never be able to come back from. You pull him down to you for a kiss, hoping that he can feel all of the emotions you’re pouring into it. “Seungmin, I want you. In every sense of the word. I have never been so sure about something,” you say. With a gentle smile on his lips, he leans back to pull down his sweatpants, cock springing up against his stomach. You feel your heart begin to beat even faster-- as if that was possible-- knowing what was coming.
Seungmin runs the head of his cock in between your folds, something that has you keening with pleasure and excitement. Leaning close to you, he takes your hand in his, and uses his free hand to guide his cock into your entrance. Seungmin lets out a deep groan that mirrors your own, getting lost in the feeling of how tight you feel around him. The stretch stings for just a moment, but is soon replaced with a feeling of absolute euphoria. It’s like Seungmin was made for you; feeling absolutely full once he bottoms out. He stays like that for a moment or two, letting you get adjusted to the feeling as he peppers kisses on your neck, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You wiggle your hips just a bit, and Seungmin gets the hint. Slowly pulling out, you moan at the feeling of him inside you. He picks up a steady pace, not too fast but not agonizingly slow. 
The only sounds that can be heard in the room are skin slapping, and your moans mixed with Seungmin’s quieter noises as well. “F-fuck,” he stutters, hips starting to move faster, hitting you harder and looking for your gspot. “S-seungmin dont..d-dont stop,” you say, the knot in your stomach turning white hot as he continued.
Seungmin leans in closer to you, your legs pushed up against your chest and the position has you seeing stars. Feeling your wall clench around him, one of Seungmin’s hands travels down to your clit, rubbing fast circles. His high was approaching too, but he wanted to make sure that you came before he did. “Oh my god,” you breathe out as the knot in your stomach finally snaps, vision going white and the only thing coming from your mouth is Seungmin’s name, repeated like a mantra that you would live by your entire life. Not even seconds later Seungmin’s orgasm comes, triggered by your wall tightening around him. You feel him fill you completely, a soft moan let out as you both finally come down from your highs.
Pulling out and laying back down beside you, Seungmin pulls you close to him once again. “I meant what I said, you know. About wanting you. I do. All of the time,” you quietly say, still a little out of breath and your cheeks flushing pink. Throwing his arm over your waist, he presses a kiss to your cheek. “I know. I want you too, always. Y/N, would you do me the honors and be my actual girlfriend?” He asks, looking you in the eyes. You smile softly, leaning into kiss him once more.
“Absolutely,” you say, right before sleep takes you, the thunderstorm completely forgotten.
A/N: Hey! If you’ve made it this far, make sure you like/reblog/give me any kind of feedback! I really hope you guys like it!!
Also my requests ARE OPEN so if you have anything you wanna send in, feel free to do so!!!
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taelme · 4 years
request:  - anon: Could you maybe write an enemies to lovers like the Chan one but with jisung?? It was so good 😔😔😭🥺💞💞💖💘💘💞💗💞💗💕💞 can it be fluffy and Angsty hehe 😖 maybe where they're both college students -  anon: Can you do a Enemies to Lovers AU with chan!!! Where they're going to college and their families happen to be friends so they get an apartment together to save money, but the first time they meet it doesn't go well. Then yk, slowly w time they fall in love ahhaha... I love your writings btw!! 💓💞💓💝💓💞💓💝 (I recently sent the ask about the enemies to lovers au w chan that involved going to college.. since you literally just wrote an enemies to lovers au for chan if you want you can do my request (if u do it ahahha) with jisung!!)  - anon: I really love how you write au’s/fanfictions. I just want to know if u can write something about han jisung?? maybe a cafe love story or another tattoo artist just like chan? or maybe a studio date night?
genre: enemies-to-lovers!au, college!au, roommate!au, tattoo apprentice!jisung lol (fluff, a bit of angst) 
pairing/s: Han Jisung / Reader ( ft skz Bang Chan and nct/wayv/superm (lmao)  Lucas )
word count: 18k 
tw: I talk about like kind of sad stuff when jisung has like an artist’s block in this I guess 
a/n: thank u anons for being so patient with this request!! I rly hope that I managed to do it well and that you guys are satisfied with the outcome n have fun reading it hehe, it was kind of inspired by the song sunshine!! by stray kids so I hope that it gives u the same good vibes I got from the song while writing this :( ok bye 
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If it were any other person standing in front of you, maybe you wouldn’t have regretted having an outburst in the café for the morning crowd to see.
The fight, or outburst (if you wanted to relieve him of any role in the exchange), had started rather simply. You were just having one of those days where it was raining outside, you were awake even before roosters were (in your opinion) and you had wanted nothing more than to just curl up in bed and sleep into the evening.
You had gone to grab your morning coffee, combating against the rain with your multi-coloured umbrella, as one does. Shoving the doors of the café open, you were met with shouts of names and storms of people squeezing to collect their orders. The whole ordeal would’ve made you pretty at ease if it weren’t for the coldness of your feet and the way your umbrella would cause someone to slip soon if you didn’t move.
Your shoes squelched against the shiny wood floors of the café, each step making you cringe as you waited anxiously to reach the front of the line, desperate to put an end to this experience. Thankfully enough, your order was pretty straightforward, so you’d collected it quickly, the small smiley face drawn on the cup by the staff serving to put you in a slightly less dreadful mood.
Stationing yourself at one of the empty tables you’d spotted by the exit, you set your still-dripping umbrella on the floor before you tried to get your tissues out to salvage whatever you could of your shoes. Shrugging off your coat, you’d draped it over the back of the seat.
Glancing at the time on your phone before you shoved your notes aside within your bag, you’d pushed your arm forward and opened your bag harshly, taking your box file out of your bag, almost nicking yourself against the broken corner of the file in your rush.
The next sequence of events happened quickly, and too ‘all-at-once’ for you to process. Upon taking out your box file, you’d heard a yelp behind you, followed by harsh footsteps and the splash of coffee on your box file.
Letting out a loud yelp of surprise as the person in question had stopped their fall with a loud thud of their hands against the pillar in front of you, they’d turned to you with wide-eyes, their eyebrows quickly furrowing into an expression that looked utterly ticked-off, their mouth already opening to speak.
You’d seemed to beat them to it, hurriedly grabbing your tissues to wipe down your file, checking for any brown-stains on your precious papers.
“What the hell,” you scoffed, casting a glance up at the boy. He had stood slightly taller than you, with rounded eyes and a defined nose, his lips pressed into a firm line.
He looked fairly young, from the way he dressed in brand-name basics to the way he was practically decked out in accessories. Call you biased, but if this was a senior or a child, you’d probably have let them off with it. But the way he was looking at you now was somehow successfully unnerving you, and you supposed admiring his annoyed features was about the last thing you should be doing at the moment.
“‘What the hell’?” He echoed your words, “who’s the one that chose to stand in the middle of nowhere to go through their damned bag?”
Your eyebrows raised in offence, your annoyance from before making itself known as you frowned, your grip on your bag tightening, “oh, and it’s my fault you have poor coordination?”
The boy had narrowed his eyes, mirroring your expression, his bracelets shifting on his wrist as he gestured at your umbrella on the floor.
“Your stupid umbrella was the reason I tripped in the first place,” he told you pointedly, strangely making you even more annoyed that he chose to attack not only you but your innocent umbrella too.
Your volume raised involuntarily with your frustration, “it’s so bright! It was basically screaming at you that it was there,” you defended, attracting a few customers attention with your outburst. You didn’t understand why you had to go through this so early in the morning when you were already irritable beyond belief.  
The boy seemed to have noticed this as well, discomfort washing over him at the feeling of the crowd’s stares. Ultimately deciding he would rather give up the fight with the crazy stranger from the café and leave before he was late for his job at the tattoo studio.
“Whatever,” he huffed, leaving the café, the bells at the doors jingling loudly as it swung back.
Something about the apology just wasn’t enough for you, (maybe you just expected more because he irked you) but you were already late enough for class. Rolling your eyes, you’d slung your bag around your shoulder with a thump, gripping your cup in your hands tightly and picking your umbrella (that now had an evident crease in one of its panels) up before running to class.
Your mom had called you halfway through the day while you were on your way to classes, the gesture enough to make you huff good-naturedly at her insistence.
“Hey, honey, is this a good time?” her tone was practically dripping with motherly concern, making you let out a breathy laugh, nodding even though she couldn’t see you.
“Yeah, It’s fine,” you told her, “but anyway, I think my umbrella’s broken. Some idiot at the café this morning practically destroyed it with their stupid combat boots.”
Your mom didn’t seem to pay much attention to your rant, cutting straight to the point that she’d called you for.
“Have you met Jisung yet?”
You sighed as you entered the auditorium for your next lecture, lowering your head slightly as you found a seat around the middle of the hall.
“No, not yet. I’m only going over to the house after my classes end, remember? But I heard my stuff already got moved there,” you explained to her, holding your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you took your laptop from your bag, setting it on the table gently.
“Oh, do you want his phone number? To make things easier for the both of you,” she offered, earning a disinterested hum from you.

Your mom was more than excited about the fact that you would be 1. Not living in a residence within the school and 2. Living with the son of one of her friends from college. You figured your duty as her child now would be to appease her and at least try to live out her desires for you. Which in this case was sharing an apartment alone with some boy you didn’t even know. Maybe your mom was just a little more trusting than most.
You shrugged, “yeah, sure, just send it to me.”
Your mom let out a squeal, “I’m so excited for you to meet him, honey, he’s such a nice boy. You two are sure to get along. I’m so happy you agreed to this.”
Letting out a small sigh, you leant back in your seat as you held your phone with one hand, your other hand going to unlock your computer.
“I still feel like I’m imposing on them,” you hummed.
“Honey, it’s fine, Jisung’s parents insisted that you didn’t have to pay any rent.”
You hummed patronisingly, it wasn’t as if it was the first time she was telling you this, “yeah, uh-huh,” your attention was momentarily diverted by the tall boy that was standing next to you, gesturing to the empty seat with raised eyebrows.
“Sorry, is there anyone sitting here?”
Your lips parted, “okay, mom I gotta go I’ll call you once I’ve settled into the apartment.”
You did a once-over of the boy, who shook his head to get his bangs away from his eyes, giving you a wide smile. Gesturing for him to go ahead and sit down, he’d flopped down onto the seat with a sigh.
Letting go of his bag strap as he turned around, he gave you an appreciative nod as he opened his bag, pulling out a notebook and pen.
“First day, huh,” his voice was deeper than you’d remembered it to be from just seconds ago, his hand coming up to cover his growing smile as a little giggle escaped him, “I’m Lucas.”
“How’d you know?” You hummed, “and my name’s Y/N.” You swore you’d never seen a boy with such sparkly eyes before in your life.
Lucas shrugged, leaning his folded arms on the desk and turning his head slightly to observe you in your confusion, one hand shifting to play with his earring, “haven’t seen you around before.”
“You talk like you know everyone in the school,” you scoffed.  
Lucas didn’t seem to sense your sarcasm, simply giving you a shrug, “possibly. And also because it’s my second time taking this stupid class so I should know an unfamiliar face when I see one,” he told you, a hint of bitterness in his tone.
Your eyebrows raised, hearing the doors at the bottom of the auditorium open, a short stocky man walking through and making his way to the speaker’s desk.
“Second time? Why?” You hummed, keeping your gaze on the man in anticipation for what he was about to say.
Lucas cast a glare towards the professor, “I thought he was boring so I didn’t really go much for his lectures the last time, you know, because I thought they weren’t graded. But he decided to include them as passing criteria way too late.”
Lucas pointed at the professor, his sleeve riding up slightly to expose a tattoo at his wrist. You were starting to wonder if everyone at this place had tattoos, the sight seeming fairly common from just your few hours in the school.
You winced, nodding, already getting the sensing that this man was someone you needed to be on good terms with.
“Alright, class, enough talking. From now on, I’m the only one that should be talking so I expect nothing but your full attention from here onwards.”
This was going to be a long lecture.
Your mom had texted you the Jisung kid’s number, and you’d dropped him a text saying you were on your way to the apartment, getting a reply from him that he was on his way there as well. You figured he seemed pretty polite, from the way he texted you, so you guessed that helped in making you dread the whole arrangement less.
When you’d reached, you’d ended up at an apartment building that looked fairly plain, walking in to the lobby and scanning the sparsely decorated notice board for residents, the last thing put up being a picnic for families that was 3 months ago.
Stepping into the lift, you’d noticed that though it was relatively well-maintained, it seemed rather dull, from the prison-grey lights to how the mirrors were covered for maintenance. Thankfully, your apartment itself was relatively well-maintained (you remembered your mom telling you the apartment was previously being rented out by Jisung’s parents), aside from the space being a little not-so conducive. But well, they were letting you live here for free, so you couldn’t complain.
Setting your things down onto the sofa in the living room, you moved to examine the respective rooms, frowning when you realised that whoever Jisung was, he’d taken the room with the bigger bed, his clothes either already hung up on the clothing rack or stacked up on his bed.
Walking into what you assumed was your room now, you tried to envision how you could make this space more conducive. From moving the bed aside to switching the desk out to the living room for more light, you tried out different permutations in your head, your time as an amateur interior designer cut short when you heard the rustling of keys at the front door.
Smoothing your hair down to make sure it was neat, you’d dodged the boxes of stuff as you leant over the sofa, curious to see what this Jisung kid would look like.
Jisung had done the same outside the door, making sure his hair and clothes were somewhat presentable before pushing the door open. And immediately wanting to close it back.
“You’re Jisung?”
“You’re Y/N?”
The two of you spoke simultaneously, disbelief and shock written over your features as you pointed an accusatory finger at him.
Like you mentioned before, maybe if the boy at the café this morning wasn’t Jisung, you would’ve regretted your actions a lot less.
Jisung gave you a look of disbelief, stepping into the apartment and folding his arms across his chest, his bag still hanging from his shoulder. He couldn’t wrap his head around how unlucky he must have been to have had such a bad encounter with someone he was about to spend probably his entire college life living with.
He sighed deeply, “now I don’t feel like paying the rent on your behalf anymore.”
You rolled your eyes, “your parents are paying the rent, not you. You have no say in it.”
Jisung made a sound of protest, shaking his head vigorously, his eyes widening in his aggravation.
“No, they aren’t. I told them to let me take care of it because I felt bad for them. But I don’t feel bad for you, so you’re gonna have to split the rent with me.”
Your lips parted, fumbling for a response.
Jisung’s expression was expectant, provoking you almost, “what? Would you rather get an apartment on your own? ‘Cause I’d be more than happy to let my parents know.”
You wanted to cry. It was already the start of the school term so staying in the dorms was out of the question for you already, the deadline having closed long ago. And you knew that finding another apartment in the school district that was within your budget was going to be a pain in the ass. So as much as you hated to admit it, splitting the rent with Jisung was your best option. You needed to get a job asap.
You rolled your eyes, “well…well then why do you get the bigger room?” You huffed, mirroring his stance as you folded your arms across your chest.
Jisung gave you a mocking pout, “simple, ‘cause I got here first,” he brought his hand up, inspecting his nails.
“You should be glad I’m not charging you extra for inconveniencing me,” he added.
Not being able to help but let a small gasp leave you, you were quick to respond, “inconveniencing you? You were the one that got coffee all over my file.”
Jisung shrugged, “potato, potato. Doesn’t change the fact that you made me late for work.”
You clenched your jaw, watching with a glare as he strolled past you, gesturing to the space in the living room which you’d been planning on using as a work area, “I have dibs on this space.”
You frowned, mumbling, “I wanted to shift the desk in my room out here, though.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. Wanna consider moving out now?”
You inhaled deeply, brushing past him to grab your luggage that contained your clothes.
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” you huffed in annoyance as you walked into your room, his laughter echoing behind you.
“How can you say that? Jisung is a very nice boy,” your mother cried, making you roll your eyes, glaring at your phone from where you were hanging your clothes up.
“He’s the idiot that I fought with at the café, it’s not like I’m saying this without reason.”
You heard your mom sigh deeply, conversing with your dad about something in the background, “try to put your attitude aside for once, please, I’m begging you.”
You groaned, kicking your luggage aside before you made your way over to your bed, flopping down next to your phone with a loud sigh, wincing at the feeling of the springs in your mattress. You were so sure Jisung’s bed was more comfortable.
“It’s not me that has the attitude, it’s him,” you mumbled, sulkiness evident in your tone.
“Enough, Y/N," she said sternly, "If I hear anymore complaints you’re really gonna be in for it.”
You kicked at your blanket, “fine, goodnight. Love you.”
You hung up, staring at your desk as you contemplated on whether to move it into the living room now or tomorrow, distracted from your thoughts when you could hear the water running, not to mention the awfully loud sound of Jisung singing in the shower.
How thin were the walls? Your glare had shifted to your door now.
“Can you keep it down?” You shouted, hearing a silence on his end momentarily. Heaving a sigh of relief, you turned around in your bed only to hear him resume his singing, except this time, you swore it got louder.
Burying your head under your pillow, you kicked at your blanket, hoping this was the worst it could get. It wasn’t that bad, right? You could deal with simple shower concerts. Maybe living with him wasn’t going to be as hard as you thought.
Safely to say, you should’ve thought otherwise.  
The very first time you realised you'd underestimated Han Jisung, was when you'd gone to the fridge to fix yourself something for dinner, only to find post-its on every single one of the items that read : 'property of han jisung! not for y/n'
You'd moved to look for something else to eat that was unlabelled, only realising then that he'd even gone to the (very petty) extent of labelling the snacks in the cupboard.  
Huffing, you'd shrugged your coat on, grabbed your wallet and made a trip to the grocery store.
Cursing him in your head as you shoved your items into your basket, earning yourself looks of scandal from the elders who were for whatever reason still in the grocery store, though you couldn’t be bothered to look more amiable. You’d wanted nothing more than to throw out Jisung’s groceries, but of course, you were a nice person, so you wouldn’t do that. It seemed like you just couldn't get a break when your phone had begun to buzz in your pocket.
"Hey, mom," you hummed, trying not to sound too tired lest she started to drill you about resting. You brought your groceries over to the self-checkout aisle, heaving them onto the small platform with a grunt.
"Have you eaten dinner?"
You huffed, "we didn't have enough food, so I went to buy some groceries." Biting back your tongue, you rolled your eyes, scanning your items and bagging them angrily.
"How's finding a job been?"
You shrugged, Lucas had told you about various job openings nearby your house, (surprising you with how much he knew about the area) one of them you were looking into was a simple job at a café near your apartment. Thankfully, not the one that you'd had your little ‘encounter’ with Jisung at.
"Pretty alright, nothing too difficult,” you hummed, fumbling to pull out your card so you could make your payment, ignoring the stares you were getting from the people queueing up behind you.
"Alright, that's good to hear."
"Everything alright with you and dad at home?" you asked, shoving your card back into your wallet before slinging the bags onto your forearms, beginning to walk out of the supermarket.
"Yes, of course. Don't worry about us, we just miss you."
You sighed, something about the night air putting you in a drowsy mood, "me too. I never realised how much I liked living with you guys till now..."
"Don't tell me you're still having a hard time with Jisung," you heard her tone, your knew that this was her way of implying she didn't want to hear anything other than that you and Jisung's housemate experience was just peachy.
"Don't worry, mom, everything's... fine."
You'd tugged your coat closer to yourself, giving her whatever updates you figured she'd want to know before hanging up, enjoying the peaceful walk before you reached your apartment, figuring this was as much peace you were going to get before you returned to the apartment to be met with his stupid antics again.
And surely enough, the evening breeze accompanied with the sounds of faint conversation from the restaurants nearby had started to put you in a rather drowsy mood, making you start to contemplate if you were even still hungry, the lure of sleep starting to seem more tempting.
Reaching your apartment building, the lift lobby illuminated by a harshly bright lightbulb, you’d bumped into one of the ladies living on the same floor as you exited the lift on your floor, watching as her eyes widened in surprise, giving you a small smile as she enquired.
“Oh, are you the resident from apartment 19B?" you nodded.
If you were drowsy before, you sure weren't drowsy anymore.
You flinched slightly when her expression had changed in an instant, her once amiable expression now replaced with an annoyed glare.
"Can you please refrain from singing so loudly in the middle of the night? Some of us are trying to sleep."
Your eyebrows raised, shaking your head as you slot your keys into the keyhole, opening the door just a crack, "oh, sorry, that's not me that's my housemate—”
The middle-aged lady had narrowed her eyes at you, "you know, It's not ethical for someone as young as you to be living with a man when you're so young—”
"Okay, sorry, won't happen again!" you told her quickly in your attempt to appease her, shoving the door open and slamming it behind you, turning around only to see Jisung standing in the living room, dressed in loungewear with black gloves on his hands as he pointed at you in amusement, his shoulders shaking as he laughed.
"Aw, I'm not the only one that thinks it's not ethical for you to live here," he pouted.
You rolled your eyes, "I can't believe she thought I was the one singing," you huffed, going over to the kitchen to see yet more dishes in the sink.
Pointing at them with a look of disbelief on your face, "are you not gonna clean these either?"
Jisung turned around, looking at the sink with evident contempt, shrugging. He held his hands up to you, showing you that they were currently gloved.
"I'm a little busy, why don't you do me a favour this once? Consider it compensation," he grinned, making his way back to....your room?
"What are you doing in my room?" you asked, shoving the last of your groceries haphazardly into the fridge before you'd followed him into your room, shutting your mouth quickly when you saw that he’d practically set up a work station next to your desk, looking closer to find that he was using what looked like tattoo equipment.
“Practicing,” he shrugged.
You didn’t bother asking what his business using tattoo equipment was, simply huffing in exasperation, “and you had to do it in my room, of all places?”
Jisung nodded, pushing one of his sleeves up on his shoulder, revealing a rather big tattoo on his arm that was partially hidden by his sleeve.
“This is the only room with an accessible plug and a good enough space to work in.”
“Then why didn’t you just take this room as your bedroom?” You were dumbfounded at the way he was so nonchalant about his actions, the buzzing of the tattoo needle resuming as he practised on fake skin.
“I like to sleep in a comfortable bed,” he shrugged, leaning back to look at his tattoo.
“And you think I don’t?” You shot back, your hands going to your hips, his reply coming just as quick.
“Well, for $300 bucks above the rent maybe you can,” he smirked, using a tissue to rub at the fake skin, looking at you as he poked his tongue in his cheek, quirking his eyebrows before turning back to continue tattooing.
That night, you remembered asking Lucas if he knew who Jisung was, since he’d mentioned how he was pretty into tattoos, having a few of his own, his reply only making you wonder if the world was just small or you were just unlucky.
lucas wong
8:53pm - oh yeah I know him! he’s apprentice-ing at the tattoo shop I usually go to, he’s pretty good-
8:53pm - why? do u like him? I cld put in a good word for u-
You sighed deeply
8:53pm - no thanks im good-
Little did you know, the next time Lucas had visited the the tattoo studio, he’d spotted Jisung working on his designs at one corner of the room, going against your request and disturbing Jisung even despite how he looked like that was the last thing he wanted, too focused on the shadings of his chrysanthemum flower sketch on his tablet to have paid attention to Lucas' entrance.
“Hey, do you know anyone named Y/N?”
Jisung’s face scrunched up in distaste, looking up at Lucas and hoping desperately that he was joking, “don’t tell me… freshman Y/N?”
Lucas nodded, his eyes lighting up in excitement, “yeah! So you guys do know each other.”
Jisung made an uncertain sound, “I wouldn’t call it much of a relationship. Y/N’s my housemate.”
Jisung’s words had sparked a realisation in Lucas, the latter only piecing together your disdain towards Jisung with your stories about your ‘asshole housemate’
Lucas’ silence had caught Jisung off guard, making Jisung look up at Lucas expectantly, “sorry, you wanted to go get something to eat, right?”
Lucas nodded, masking his shock with a smile, recovering quickly.
“Wait, lemme go call Chan,” Jisung murmured, beckoning the boy who was currently snacking at the reception area.
“Where do you guys wanna go?” Lucas asked, earning a hum from Chan.
“I kinda wanted to get a smoothie,” Chan admitted sheepishly, though thankfully, Jisung and Lucas didn’t seem to have a problem with that.

“Why didn’t you wanna go to the other café? They’ve got better smoothies,” Lucas wondered out loud, making Jisung snort.
“We’re only going there because Chan has a fat crush on one of the baristas.” 

Which was what ended them up at the café you worked at.
The moment they had entered, you noticed your colleague tense beside you, bending down to pretend to take something from below the counter. 

“Shit, they’re here. Oh my god, help,”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “who?”
“That cute tattoo artist guy I was telling you about!” She whispered harshly, standing up and greeting the boys with a smile, her heart eyes directed particularly at one of them with curly hair.
Only then did you realise Lucas and Jisung were there, receiving an overwhelming feeling of wanting to bang your head into the cash register. You already saw him enough at home, and now you had to see him at work too?
“Hi, how may I help you?” You smiled at the curly haired boy, casting a glare in Jisung’s direction, the boy looking equally as dismayed to see you here.
“Hello, can I get the berry smoothie?” He asked, and you stepped aside, letting your colleague ring up his order while you prepared his drink, giving it to your colleague to serve since she’d spent so long talking to him.
Lucas had mouthed a ‘sorry’ to you when he’d gone to sit at one of the tables with Chan, Jisung lingering at the cashier as your colleague went to the backroom to squeal.
“What do you want?” you wore a bored expression.
Jisung looked almost too focused, his eyes glaring at the laminated menu between the both of you.
“I changed my mind, I want a drink too.”
You suppressed your urge to roll your eyes, your finger scratching at the corner of the cash register, “you couldn’t have ordered it like five seconds ago?”
Jisung shot you a look, “yeah, well I didn’t want it five seconds ago.”
Inhaling deeply, you’d gestured to the menu, and now not only was your expression bored-to-death, but your tone was too, "what do you want?”
“I want an iced americano,” he told you, pausing before he added, “and ask your friend to make it. I don’t trust you not to spit in my drink.”
You gave him a sarcastic smile, “good call.”
Ringing up his order, you’d called your friend, dismissing any thought of ever having a normal encounter with Jisung.
Upon returning to his table, Chan had given him a look, "Lucas told me you know the cashier."
"Not the one you think is cute, don't worry,” Jisung sighed, glancing in his drink just for good measure.  
Chan's eyebrows lifted in amusement, "so the one you think is cute?"
Almost instinctually, Jisung replied, "yeah," paying more attention to his drink than his words. Looking up when he heard Chan and Lucas struggle to stifle their giggles.
Lucas clapped his hands together, his smile wide, "you just said Y/N was cute."
"No, I didn't, you did." Jisung shot back quickly. It was obvious that retaliation didn't always have to make sense for him.
Chan had a curious glint in his eyes now, the corner of his lips quirking up into a smirk, "I mean, you guys do live together right, and you've really never thought anything about her?"
“I did, I thought her nagging was annoying as hell,” Jisung shrugged.

Chan narrowed his eyes at Jisung, an amused smirk on his face, “you know that’s not what I meant.”
Jisung gave Chan a pointed look, "I'd appreciate if you wouldn't stir shit, especially not in front of him." Jisung pointed at Lucas.
"You didn't answer the question," Lucas sing-songed.
Jisung scoffed, casting a furtive glance towards your direction where you were smiling as your colleague showed you something on their phone.
Jisung shrugged, it wasn’t as if you looked bad or anything, with his pride, he’d probably have told Chan that you were pretty if he squinted.
“Guess if they smiled more they'd be...decent."

Lucas raised his eyebrows, enjoying the scene playing out in front of him very much, “decent, huh.”
Chan leant back in his seat, shaking his head at Jisung, "now I feel like I have to make you my apprentice for relationships too."
Jisung scoffed, regaining his usual confidence.
"If by that you mean you want me to stand at the counter giggling my ass off like how you did with that cashier then no thanks, I'm good on my own."
You'd tried your best to tolerate Jisung, especially after Lucas fed you some story about how he takes a while to warm up to people (which you totally bought).
This tolerance came in the form of things like waking up earlier to use the bathroom so the both of you wouldn't have to fight in the morning, or giving him reminders to do the laundry or clean the dishes but only doing them after he forgot the third reminder.
Jisung usually forgot to turn off the lights whenever he went to sleep (though sometimes he did it on purpose, not liking the eerie darkness of the house when the lights were off), so you would always end up waking from the glare of the lights that seeped into your room, stepping over the mess of clothes or socks (sometimes even shoes) in the walkways and turning them off for him instead of nagging him about the lights. See? Tolerance.
Call you a pushover or whatever, but you kind of prided yourself on how your well of patience seemed to run deep. Very deep. Deeper than the average human, you supposed, even.
However, days like the ones you were having now, just didn't seem to let you draw from that well of patience.
You'd started off your shitty morning when you'd slept through your alarm, needing your usual work clothes but realising that Jisung hadn't done the laundry, leaving you with no choice but to grab the nearest hoodie you could find on your bedroom floor and sprint to work.
If that wasn't enough, you'd landed cashier duty as punishment for being late, your social battery starting to empty not even halfway through the day. Your 'hi, how may I help you's slowly turning to 'what would you like's to eventually 'hi's and ending up with a small smile and gesture towards the menu.
It didn't help that Chan, the tattoo artist your colleague had an obvious thing for, had shown up halfway to try and strike a conversation with you about Jisung, much to no avail.
“Aren’t you wondering why Jisung isn’t here?” You remembered him asking, to which you’d shook your head.
“Not really,” you shrugged, earning a thoughtful hum from Chan.
“Really? You’re not even the slightest bit curious?”
You had shook your head at him then, remembering the way he looked so shocked to have made you even more curious about why he was asking you this in the first place.  
By the time you were done with your work, you'd wanted nothing more than to just go home, take the longest shower of your life and curl up in your horribly uncomfortable bed. Except you couldn't even do that, because you had unfinished readings for your class the next day.
You figured if you sat yourself at your desk with no distractions you could be done sooner and go to sleep sooner, but your one distraction had just come home from the tattoo studio and was somehow getting on your nerves even more today.
Not only had he been acting as if he was the opera community's 'next big thing', he'd proceeded to seat himself on the sofa behind you, watching whatever show he was into loudly, seeming to find whatever the protagonist was saying to be too hilarious to just enjoy the show silently.
You figured you could handle that much, you know, having to live up to your preachings on tolerance, deciding to breathe deeply and suppress your urge to tell him to shut up, and soon enough, he'd disappeared.
But your joy was short lived, once again, when Jisung came back out, singing as he made a snack for himself and proceeded to eat it right in front of you, the smell growing more and more distracting.
Now, he was now lounging on the sofa in the living room, headphones on and connected to his laptop that rest on his stomach, but still typing away with his phone not on silent, the keyboard sounds distracting you from your reading. You figured, maybe your well of patience was just closed today.
“Hey,” you called. No response. If anything, the silence of the apartment had made his typing sounds even louder.
“Hey, oh my god, can you like put your phone on silent or something?" You tried again. Still no response, now, he was humming in between his pauses before he would type another burst of words on his phone.
Deciding you had to take matters into your own hands, you stormed over to where he was, your book still in your hands as you stood in front of him, making him turn to you with wide-eyes.
Pulling his headphones off of his head, he frowned, "what?"
“This,” you gestured pointedly towards his phone, “put your phone on silent, it's distracting me."
Jisung would've complied, though a part of him couldn't help but be annoyed by your nagging, his instinct prompting him to act defensively, “why don’t you just listen to some music or something? Then my typing sounds wouldn’t be a problem,” he told you dismissively, making you groan in frustration.
“I can’t study with music, it’s already hard enough for me to focus as it is.”
Jisung was annoyed, “It’s just a typing sound, what are you getting so worked up for? You’re always getting on my back about everything when I’m just minding my own business."
You let out a groan, "look, it's been more than a month, and i'm up to here with your shit," you held a hand way above your head for emphasis, any of your tolerance long gone out of the window (which he had also left open, making the apartment chilly and noisy).
Jisung's eyebrows knit in a frown, your outburst coming as a shock to him, "fine, whatever. I'll put my phone on silent, chill."
You shook your head, your gaze firm and unwavering, "no, I wanna make rules."
Rules? Jisung wanted to scoff. What was this, a second-grade classroom?
Jisung stared at you in shock, nodding dumbly. "Rules....oka-alright, yeah. Let's make rules."
You nodded firmly, "first of all, if you're gonna make food at ungodly hours in the morning, eat it in your own room."
"And the dishes, clean up after yourself," you added, gripping your book tightly in your hand.
“Stop leaving your shit in the corridors,” you continued, “and pack up your shoes it’s such a mess at the door way I can barely walk into the house,” you huffed, feeling as though with every rule you made you were finally letting your feelings be heard.
Jisung wracked his brains for a rule of his own, finding ways to regain control over the situation, "well, I have a rule too! You gotta stop nagging me to do shit," he sat up, setting his headphones on the sofa cushion.
You let out a tiny gasp, "excuse me? I only ask you to ‘do shit’ that you should be doing."
Before you could get carried away, you continued, "and as for the laundry—”
Jisung perked up, “okay, how about this. I do the dishes and you do the laundry," he suggested with a forced smile, bringing a hand up to run it through his hair, which fell back against his forehead gently.
"You know for a fact that that’s not the same, so we'll switch," you told him, "you do laundry on one week when I do the dishes, and the next week i'll do the laundry and you do the dishes. Fair, right?"
Jisung huffed, rolling his eyes, "whatever."
At the mention of laundry, Jisung glanced over at what you were wearing, frowning at the familiarity of his hoodie.
"Good, now that we have an agree—”
"That's mine," he pointed at your stomach, making you look at him in disbelief.
"Huh?" Your stomach? Your hands found their way to cover your stomach.
"The hoodie. It's mine."
You looked down at the hoodie you were wearing, a frown evident on your face. You didn't know what he was talking about, you had this hoodie since you were in high-school, it couldn't be his.
"No, it's mine. I had this since I was in high-school," you frowned, unsure if this was some sort of joke he was trying to play.
Jisung couldn't hide his amusement, letting a laugh slip from his lips, "yeah, so did I... which is why I know that that's mine."
You scoffed, "it was on my bedroom floor," you mumbled, seeing him nod patronisingly.
"Because I left it there," he told you, enunciating his words slower, shocking you when he'd reached over and grabbed you by the sleeve, raising your hand up for you to see.
"Look, this stain. It's tattoo ink. I would know because you're wearing the wrong hoodie. New rule, don’t wear my clothes.”
You stood silent, huffing as you removed the hoodie, leaving you in your shirt and sweats, tossing the hoodie at him in annoyance, the smirk on his face making you even more annoyed.
"Fine, take your stupid hoodie, I don’t wanna wear your stupid clothes anyway,” you huffed, “and you’re on laundry duty this week."
You didn't finish your readings that night.
You would like to think your rule system was working pretty well, seeing as you didn't find yourself butting heads with Jisung as often as before.
Halfway into the semester, you had grown busier with your assignments, which had managed to take your attention away from Jisung.
Though you were certainly more tired than usual, from attending birthday parties of friends to working, to rushing your readings during any free time you got (not to mention squeezing in any bit of sleep whenever you could), to rushing through your assignments just to meet the packed deadlines. But you couldn’t complain, this was typical for any college student you knew.
But of course, that didn’t mean you weren’t itching for a break, eyeing the semester break on your calendar that was fast approaching, letting yourself get carried away during classes with Lucas as you both planned on your pieces of scrap paper all the things you’d wanted to do during the break.
Similarly, Jisung had grown busier at the tattoo studio, and Chan had recommended him to a music producer that was interested in hearing Jisung's compositions.
Jisung was more than thankful that Chan had given him that opportunity, of course, but what was bothering him was the pain-in-the-ass creative block he was beginning to struggle with.
Not only was he struggling to find inspiration for a song he'd wanted to make, but the process seemed almost painfully slow, with how he'd fumble around with ideas that he would start on but eventually scrap, deciding that he 'wasn't feeling it'.
He'd started receiving commissions for tattoo designs, and you'd noticed he wasn't at home as often as he was before because he'd made it a point to coop himself up in the studio to try to churn out these design requests.
Fortunately, his customers were always satisfied (and he thought that was great, you know, with all the good words from Chan he was getting), but he wasn't.
Chan had seemed to sense this too, making sure to check in on Jisung more than usual during this period.
"Hey, I'm heading home a little earlier today, you'll be fine alone?"
Jisung's head lifted when he heard Chan's voice, pulling one of his earbuds from his ear as he nodded.
Chan glanced at Jisung's papers scattered around him, of half-done or halfway-abandoned sketches, giving him a look of sympathy, "don't work too hard, alright?" he huffed, glancing out of the window.
"I heard it might rain tonight, so make sure you get home before the rain hits, alright?"
Jisung waved Chan off, not paying any care to the impending rain as he bid Chan goodbye, continuing to tap his pencil on the table in his search for good ideas.
Maybe he needed to consult a lifeline.
"Hello, Lucas?"
The said lifeline was more than happy to hear Jisung's voice, having heard from you that he wasn't home as much recently, a part of him concerned as well.
"Hey, man, what's up?"
Jisung hummed, "wanted to ask if you had any ideas on what tattoos you think would be cool."
Lucas snorted, "you're asking me? You could draw a turd and i'd want to get it tattooed. Dude, you're too good, just go with your gut."
Jisung let out a whine, "my gut's not being very useful right now."
Lucas hummed, letting out an urgent grunt of surprise, "I know! Why don't you take a look at your older designs, maybe they'd give you some vibes or something."
Jisung shrugged, figuring this was probably the best advice he was gonna get, thanking Lucas before hanging up.
Picking up his tablet, Jisung had scrolled through his various sketches until he'd reached the very first few designs, sighing at the sight of the sketches, looking at his first sketch of a peony flower, with leaves dangling along the stem wedged between the budding flowers.
Jisung figured he wouldn't let his dissatisfaction subside until he tried doing a better rendition of the sketch, to refine the shading or the flow of the shape from what he'd learnt from Chan overtime.
Putting back his earbuds in, he turned his music up, beginning to work on the sketch, riding on the motivation he was afraid would disappear at any given moment.
Jisung was surprised at how fast he was done, ( only to look at the clock and realise he wasn't that fast and that it was already a little past midnight ). Removing his earbuds and going back to the sound of the whirring air conditioner and the loud sound of rain thumping against the gravel outside, Jisung knew he was done for.
He hadn't brought an umbrella with him, and the rain frankly didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon, Jisung contemplated his very limited options.
Was a binder enough to shield him from the rain? Probably not. But was it better than putting down his pride to text you to come and pick him up? He thought the binder was better, honestly.
Deciding to try his luck anyway, he'd sent you a text.
Little did Jisung know, you'd dozed off on your bed while reading, the vibration of your phone next to your face having woken you from your nap, the sound of the rain outside harshly thumping against the window.
han jisung 12:37am -hello, housemate. it is your housemate, han jisung. its raining rly badly. wld u be so kind as to come to the tattoo studio with an umbrella for me pls :D-
You frowned in annoyance, your eyes barely open as you replied him. There was no way you were going to send yourself out in the thunderstorm like that.
12:37am - no. just wait until it stops raining-
Thinking that had settled your worries, you'd shoved your phone underneath your pillow, deciding you'd let yourself sleep in since tomorrow was a Saturday after all.
You should've known better, that this was Jisung, the 'i'm tougher than a little bit of rain' Jisung, so you should've seen it coming when you'd woken up to the sound of his incessantly ringing phone.
Rolling out of your bed with a grunt, you'd pushed yourself off of the bed, ready to confront Jisung about not answering his phone.
Walking across the corridor and pushing his bedroom door open, you'd been met with an empty room, frowning as you walked over to the bed, picking the phone up and stopping the alarm.
You noticed that he'd received a few texts from Chan, not being able to help yourself from reading them.
chan 1:20am - dude! why didnt u just wait for the rain to stop?- 1:22am -  ure gna fall sick…-
Frowning, you made your way into the living room, spotting Jisung curled up on the sofa with his blanket at his feet, an instant feeling in your gut that something was wrong.
“Jisung?” You called, seeing his eyebrows furrow slightly.
In spite of yourself, you’d walked over to where he lay, your hand coming out to nudge at his shoulder with his phone.
“Hey, are you…alright?” You watched and waited as he opened his eyes slowly, blinking at you in a daze. There was perspiration beading at his temples despite the coolness of the apartment, giving you more reason to feel like there was something wrong.
As much as you didn’t like him, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were responsible for him, and it was kind of your fault that he’d walked back in the rain. You glanced at your brightly-coloured umbrella leaning against the wall, figuring there was something about this umbrella that always got you into trouble with Jisung.
You suppressed your hesitation, bringing a hand up to his forehead, Jisung not even daring to budge even an inch as you pushed his bangs back. The back of your hand pressing against his forehead gently, your breath hitching at the sheer heat of his body.
This was probably the most contact you’d ever had with him in your months of living together, and Jisung knew this too, not knowing how to feel about the concern you were showing him, feeling as though it was some kind of ridiculous fever dream.
“You walked home in the rain didn’t you?” You murmured, your feeling of guilt growing as you saw him nod at you.
You cursed inwardly, “do you have a thermometer?” 

Jisung shook his head, attempting to get up, “it’s fine, I can take care of myself, just give me my phone.”
You handed him his phone, ignoring his previous statement as you went into the kitchen in your search for any kind of medicine you could give him, cursing once again when you realised there was none. Trust the both of you to only care to buy groceries.
“We don’t have jack shit in this house,” you groaned, walking over to the bathroom, finding a cloth and a small pail to fill with cold water, bringing it over to the coffee table and setting it down next to the sofa.
“I’ve gotta go to work,” Jisung sighed, though he made no move to get up, a part of him just waiting for you to refute him so he could use you as an excuse to get off work.
You shot him a look, “no, you don’t. Shut up and lie down, I’ll go and buy your stupid medicine. If I come back and you’re not here I’ll kill you,” you warned, missing the way Jisung had complied happily, lying back down with his head on one of the sofa cushions.
Squeezing the water from the cloth, you may have slapped it a little harshly on his forehead, earning an annoyed glare from him.
Walking to grab your wallet, you cast one last look at his bored face, seeing him rush to close his eyes when he saw you glaring.
“I mean it, you better stay here.”
Jisung nodded, waving you off.
On your way to the pharmacy, you couldn’t help but wonder if it was a good thing that Jisung was sick.
In terms of your pros, if he was sick, he wouldn’t be able to annoy you, right? And him being sick meant that you’d basically had your desk and your bedroom to yourself, with him unable to practice tattooing in your room and use your desk as his sketching station.
In terms of your cons… well, you were planning on getting some rest today, and having to watch Jisung meant you would technically have to be near him, wouldn’t you? You were starting to wonder if that was even a con that he was basically giving you an excuse to laze around and watch tv.
“Hi, how may I help you?” The pharmacist asked.
You hummed, “uh…do you have those over-the-counter medicine and stuff for like someone with fever?”
The pharmacist nodded, pulling out the various boxes and pointing at each one, confusing you with the sheer amount of names she was listing, resulting in you just choosing the one you recognised your parents telling you to take whenever you were sick.
Making your payment, you swallowed whatever pride you had that was making you hesitate. You figured Jisung falling sick was karma for that text you sent him the night before, so you decided that you were going to see him recover for yourself.
Upon returning to the house, you’d shrugged your jacket off, making your way over to where he was, sitting on your heels next to where he was so you could gently peel the cloth from his head, replacing it with one that was soaked in colder water.
You’d drawn back slightly when you felt Jisung flinch as you laid the towel on his forehead, opening one eye to look at you, “that was fast.”
You rolled your eyes, shushing him as you took the medicine out, along with a glass of water you’d gotten from the kitchen, bringing it over to him with an expectant look.
Jisung took them from you wordlessly, swallowing them down as he averted his gaze from you, unsure why you were looking at him like some kicked puppy.
“I’m sorry,” you murmured, reaching over to grab the television remote in an attempt to calm your nerves, “this is kind of my fault. Since I didn’t go over to the tattoo studio yesterday.”
Jisung took a moment to process what you said, wincing as he let out a (fake) cough, only serving to make you feel even more guilty than you already were.
“Are you actually…apologising to me?” Jisung’s smile was poorly hidden behind his hand, making you roll your eyes, your guilt ever-present when you looked at him.
Jisung sighed, deciding to let you off this once, “seriously, it’s no big deal. I didn’t expect you to come, anyway. I was just trying my luck,” he told you, making you frown, your mouth forming a slight pout.
“I was just being petty, I’m…” you trailed off, shaking your head, “yeah, whatever, I’m just really sorry.”
Jisung looked at you with a hint of a smile on his face, taking his lower lip between his teeth as he nodded. He wasn’t sure if it was his fever, or the way your gestures were exuding warmth, but Jisung swore just for a moment. A second, almost, he kind of thought you looked cute.
Jisung nodded, “I’ll let you know by the end of the day.”
You frowned, turning away from the television to face him, your back resting on the sofa slightly, “let me know about what?”
Jisung kept his gaze fixed on the television, bringing his hand up to scratch at his collarbone, hints of his tattoos peeking out from his neckline.

Shrugging, Jisung’s gaze shifted to meet yours, “if your apology is accepted.”
You were sure that your mom would’ve just laughed in your face if you told her about your experience today, as you began to realise just how much you didn’t hate Jisung’s company when the both of you weren’t trying to fight each other.
In the few hours that had passed alone, you’d learnt much more about him than you had bothered to in your months living with him. You’d learnt that he was a music major, that wanted to pursue a career in music production, and that he’d gotten interested in tattoos when he’d met this kid named Changbin in his class, who introduced him to Chan for an apprenticeship.
As for Jisung? He was just learning that you weren’t as intolerable as he thought you were.
You’d ordered food for the both of you, Jisung having refused to eat porridge, and you were currently having an actual, comfortable conversation with him, the hallmark movie playing on the television long forgotten.
Jisung’s phone had started to ring, interrupting him mid-sentence as he told you about how the tattoo studio works, making you lean over to check who it was.
“It’s Chan.”
Jisung grimaced, “speak of the devil,” he scoffed. Shaking his head vigorously as you made to grab his phone, Jisung set his chopsticks down hurriedly to reach for his phone, only to grab air when you’d answered the call.
“Hello?” You heard Chan speak, an urgency to his tone.
“Hey, this is Y/N. Jisung is…not feeling so well right now.”
Jisung shot you a look, bringing his hands around his throat with his chopsticks held between his fingers, acting as if he was so sick he was about to pass out, making loud coughing noises in the background.
You couldn’t help but smile, scrunching your nose and waving him off in your attempt to get him to stop before he choked on his food.
Chan sighed, “Is he, now? Tell him I’m shifting today’s appointment to next Wednesday. Anyway, thanks, Y/N, bye,” he hung up promptly after.
You gave Jisung a grim look, setting the phone down slowly onto the coffee table, “Chan said he’s shifting your appointment to Wednesday.”
Jisung’s lips parted, almost forgetting his cheeks were full of food, tilting his head back to groan.
“Chan’s gonna kill me.”
Jisung shoved more food into his mouth, chewing slowly, “I totally forgot, I was supposed to do this girl’s tattoo today, but cause I’m, you know, sick,” he gave you a pointed look, “I can’t do it.”
“You do tattoos already? I thought you were still just…”
Jisung rolled his eyes, “what? Still just tattooing on fake skin?”
You nodded sheepishly, earning a sigh from him, though you didn’t miss the small smile on his face.
“I’ll have you know, I can tattoo people now. You know Lucas’ tattoo of the angel looking mermaid hybrid type thing?”
You hummed in thought, his description oddly specific yet successfully helping you visualise the tattoo, gesturing to your forearm, “the one he got here?”
Jisung nodded, “I did that for him.”
Your eyes widened, impressed at the scale of Jisung’s detail in his design, remembering how enamoured you were with it when Lucas had first showed it to you.
“Lucas’ been asking me to get a tattoo with him once the break starts,” you mentioned casually, earning a surprised hum from Jisung.
“Oh,” his eyes widened, as if he was still trying to process what you said, “really?”
You nodded, “still thinking about it, though. Haven’t really decided on what I wanted.”
Jisung scooped the last of his food into his mouth, giving you as nonchalant a shrug as he could muster.
“Well, uh, you know, if you want or something you could come one of the days during the break, I could show you some stuff I think you’d like.”
You nodded, the simple suggestion somehow exciting you.
That night, you’d gotten ready for bed, having made sure Jisung ate his medicine before he went to sleep.
Before you could move to switch the lights off, he’d stopped you/
“Wait, like…can you um… leave the lamp on?” You raised an eyebrow at him, but complied nonetheless, figuring this was your chance to repent while he was sick.
“Goodnight,” you murmured, stretching your arms above your head with a yawn.
“Yeah, night…” he murmured, inhaling deeply, “oh, and Y/N?”
You frowned, “uh-huh?” Looking at him expectantly, your breath hitched at the sight of the small smile that made its way on his face, the moonlight casting a calm glow in the room that mirrored his expression.
“Apology accepted.”
You smiled, nodding before you left. Hopefully this meant things were looking up for your relationship.
After that day, it was as if something in your dynamic had shifted, you found that Jisung was giving you lesser and lesser reasons to be annoyed at him.
Lucas had gotten a kick out of it when you’d told him about it.
“You guys finally realised it wouldn’t kill you to be nice to each other?” You remembered him telling you.
You would beg to differ, though, because with this shift in dynamic came a whole lot of awkwardness, especially when one of you had done something mildly nice for the other person.
Take this instance, for example.
You’d been sitting at your desk, trying to finish up on your essay that was due that week, not wanting to let your motivation subside without making full use of it (also because you knew if you didn’t do it now, you’d procrastinate and stress out when you realised you were behind time).
You’d been able to faintly smell Jisung’s noodles that he was cooking in the kitchen, making you sigh. You didn’t like eating things after you had your dinner, but you couldn’t lie and say that they didn’t smell great.
Expecting to hear his bedroom door shut and feel the smell of the noodles get fainter, he’d surprised you when he made his way over to you, setting a mug containing a hot drink on your desk.
Turning to him abruptly, he’d flinched back, looking at you with wide eyes as his hands flew up over his chest, making you laugh.
“I’m not gonna hit you, calm down.”
Jisung relaxed (albeit hesitantly), one of his hands coming up to grip the back of his neck, gesturing towards the mug with his other hand.
“Go ahead, I uh…didn’t poison it or anything,” a huff of awkward laughter left him.
You glanced from the mug to him, nodding slowly, “thanks.”
“Don’t, you know…sleep too late, and stuff,” he told you, earning a nod from you.
He nodded back at you, giving you a close-lipped smile before practically jogging back to his room, the door shutting a little louder than usual, a yelp of apology echoing after.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t try to to be nice to him either, but frankly, he wasn’t giving you many opportunities to do so.

Jisung was still keeping his worries to himself, with his creative block seeming to have spiralled him into heavy feelings of anxiousness and a lack of confidence in his abilities.
You figured that things had been weighing heavy on his mind when you realised he’d been intentionally keeping the light on more often when he slept, or how the typing sounds of his keyboard would get more frequent as it got later into the night.
You’d even had Chan pleading for you to check up on Jisung every now and then once you noticed that he’d been sleeping a lot more and eating at irregular intervals. Listening out for his humming every now and then, you noticed the melodies seemed to have taken a more slow-paced, almost melancholic turn.
One night, you’d decided that if Jisung wasn’t going to give you opportunities to be nice to him, you would just create them for yourself. Making a determined trip to the kitchen, you’d boiled his favourite type of instant ramen, having seen how he made it so many times you knew just what to add in.
Padding over to his room, you’d knocked on the door before pushing it open slightly, watching him straighten up where he sat on his bed, setting his iPad down beside him, his thigh blocking it from your view.
“Hey, I uh…here,” you cut to the chase, Jisung was quick to find something to put under the pot on his bed, opening it and looking at you wordlessly.
“Figured the both of us could use a break,” you shrugged, oblivious to the way your words had stirred something within Jisung.
“What were you working on?” You asked, scooping some noodles into a bowl for Jisung and handing it to him.
He’d taken the bowl from you absently, his eyes widening at the mention of the sketch, unconsciously pushing it further behind him.
“Nothing, I was just doodling.”
Jisung had no idea how to explain that he had been trying to design something for you, something that reminded him of you. Because frankly, that was the only thing that seemed to be pushing his creative block aside at the moment.
“Can I see?”
Usually, Jisung would’ve fought you ( to the death ) before he’d let you see his unfinished designs, but there was something about your demeanour that made him feel like it was okay to show you. That it was okay to tell you that it wasn’t perfect because something inside of him just told him that you would understand.
In spite of any rational fibre in his being, he’d picked up the tablet, giving it to you as he continued to eat the ramen, his gaze never leaving your expression, oblivious to your scrolling as he was too busy gauging your reaction.
“These are all really pretty,” you told him, scrolling until you’d reached the bottom, clicking on one of the drawings and flipping the screen around to show Jisung.
“I love this,” you told him, earning a surprised hum from him.
He saw that you’d clicked on the sketch of the peony that he’d tried to refine that day he got rained on, wondering what made you choose that out of all his designs, since he was probably the least satisfied with that one.
“Are you sure? What about this one?” He took the tablet from you, scrolling back to the design he was working on, making you hum thoughtfully, eventually shaking your head no.
“I like the other one better,” you told him, earning a confused hum from him.
You scoffed, frowning at him, “why are you so against it? You’re the one that drew it,” you took the tablet back from him, holding it against your shoulder before shaking your head, setting it back down onto your lap.
“Besides,” you murmured, zooming in to admire the shading on the flower, “I think it’s beautiful.”
Jisung’s expression was unreadable, unsure how you had such strong appreciation for something he thought was his worst work, something about the way you praised it making a strange feeling that he couldn’t place build within his chest.
It was like before, the feeling of comfort, that he didn’t have to worry about any kind of creative block that could be thrown his way because you gave him a different perspective on his abilities.
You know, the cliché, hard-hitting feeling that ‘everything is gonna be okay’.
“Do you have anything happening during the break?” You asked, earning a shrug from him.
“I’ve gotta submit my song to Chan’s music producer friend.”
You perked up at the mention of Jisung’s song, “have you thought of what you wanted to do for it yet?”
Jisung shook his head, letting out a deep sigh, “it’s been kind of stressing me out, to be honest,” he admitted.
“I like…I don’t wanna give him something that doesn’t show what I’m capable of, you know?”
You nodded, “I understand…I wish I could help you but I don’t really, you know, know how,” you fidgeted with your fingers, hearing him grunt in dismissal.
“It’s fine,” he mustered a confident smile, “nothing I can’t handle.”
And for a moment, you really would’ve believed that he’d gotten it handled. Leaving him to continue with his work as you got ready for bed.
You had almost anticipated to hear typing sounds as you did every night these days. But unlike the other nights, Jisung didn’t very well feel like being alone with his thoughts that night, not even wanting to type them down. He craved the feeling of being okay, of feeling like he still had time and didn’t have to be anxious or feel shitty about his mediocre work.
So it had come as a surprise to you when you’d heard the gentle knock at your door that night just as you were about to drift into a half-asleep state, hearing the door open and watching as Jisung made his way hesitantly over to where you were.
“Can I sleep here tonight?” You heard him let out a shaky breath, and you didn’t need to ask him further, giving him a small hum of approval as he’d pulled the small heated mat from under your bed and made himself comfortable next to your bed.
Jisung let his head hit the ground gently, a deep sigh leaving him as he closed his eyes.
“Do you want me to leave the lamp on?” You mumbled, hearing him hum.
“No, it’s fine,” he told you, strangely not feeling much of a need for it now that he had you near him.
The both of you knew better than to speak more, the silence seeming to have made you understand how he was feeling. And as he lay there, with your presence in the room, Jisung felt alright, and so did you.
That night, there were no typing sounds.  
Contrary to yesterday, you'd started today on a good note. Having bumped into Jisung the next morning after he'd gotten ready, meeting in the hallway when you were still dressed in your sleepwear, you couldn't help but smile.
"Morning," he murmured, a small smile on his face as he gave you a little wave, leaving promptly to meet Chan at the tattoo studio.
You didn't have work today, and you'd arranged a meeting with Lucas to hang out, the boy not seeming to want to waste anymore time when he'd finally arrived at the mall, practically bounding over to where you were waiting at the fountain in the atrium.
"So, have you thought about it yet?" he asked you, extending a hand to help you up.
Frowning, your lips parted in confusion, "thought about what?"
Lucas gave you an unamused look, as if you should've known what he was talking about. Pushing his sleeves up to his elbows, he'd raised his hands as he gestured, "you know, about what tattoo you wanted to get."
You made your way to a bubble tea outlet that Lucas wanted to check out, pestering you to go with him as part of the things he’d wanted to do during the semester break.
You couldn't help but laugh at the realisation, feeling awfully giddy at the thought of yesterday.
It was just a simple interaction, yeah, whatever, but no one said there were rules on what could make your heart flutter and what couldn't. All you knew was that whatever happened yesterday, did.
"Yeah, I did," you confessed, huffing with a smile on your face.
Lucas didn't know whether to feel afraid or happy that you were so quick to decide this time, looking at you in concern, "okay...so, what did you decide on?"
You pursed your lips, your smile disappearing, "I don't have a picture with me, it's on Jisung's ipad. But it's really pretty, it's like this drawing of a flower," you explained.
Lucas' eyes widened, his hand coming up to cover his mouth in a poor attempt to conceal his growing excitement.
"Oh, it's one of Jisung's stuff?"
You nodded, not seeming to understand why he was so happy about that, "what?"
"Nothing," he shrugged, "you and Jisung seem to be on pretty good terms recently, huh.”
You scoffed, shrugging because it wasn't as if what he said was a lie.
Lucas leaned closer to you, "have you been smiling at him more these days?"
You frowned at his question, shrugging at him nonetheless, turning your attention back to the menu board, "yeah, I guess."
Lucas' giggles escaped him like bubbles, nodding at you knowingly, “perfect. You should definitely keep doing that.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “questionable advice, but I’ll take it. Anyway, when are you planning on getting it done?"
Lucas straightened up, lifting his phone slightly to check the date.
"I made an appointment for Chan to do mine next Tuesday," he told you, “have you asked your parents yet?”
You nodded, “they weren’t as supportive until they found out Jisung designed it, they just told me not to get anything I’ll regret.”
Lucas couldn’t miss his opportunity to tease you, “well, I’m sure if Jisung’s doing it, the last thing you’d do is regret it.”
Shoving him aside and ignoring the way he’d burst into a fit of giggles, you ordered your drink, and Lucas’ as well once he calmed down enough to point at what he wanted on the menu.
“Maybe you should text him and ask about when you can book him?” Lucas gestured to you with his drink, his leg bouncing absently as he looked around the small outlet, the group of high-school girls in their uniforms sitting next to your table giggling as he’d skimmed over their table.
“Do you think that’d be too much? Should I just ask Chan instead?” You glanced at him for a sign of approval, “but then if I ask Chan would it make Jisung think I don’t want him to do my tattoo?” You wondered out loud, your stream of thought proving to be fairly amusing to Lucas.
“Just text him, it’s not that deep,” Lucas sipped on his drink.
“Nah, you know what? I should just ask him later at home, I shouldn’t bother him when he’s at work,” you shrugged, earning a sound of dismissal from him.
“Texting him would be a lot faster, you know.”
You shot him a look, “why are you so insistent on me texting him?”
Lucas scoffed, “why are you so against it?” He shot back.
Giving him a look of feigned annoyance, you’d set your phone down onto the table, staring blankly as Lucas had turned it to face him, unlocking your phone and going to Jisung’s chat.
“How should I start? ‘hey baby’—”
Your eyes widened, about to snatch the phone back from him when he’d pulled it towards himself in time, shooting you a look of feigned confusion.
“What? Too mild?” He laughed.
Sighing as he calmed down from his laughter, he shook his head slowly as he typed out a message, “man, you’re so bad at this,” he murmured.
“What makes you say that?”
Lucas pressed something on your phone with finality, scrolling up as he showed you your previous texts with Jisung. Texts like:
1:09pm - dont eat my chips get ur own - or texts like

10:11pm - keep it down! Im trying to study -
Jisung 10:11pm -well so am I!-
“All you guys ever text each other for is to ask each other to do things, how can you expect him to like you if you’re always telling him to separate his lights and darks?”
You took the phone back from Lucas with a huff, “leave me alone. And who said anything about wanting him to like me?”
Lucas looked as though you’d just asked him an obvious question, looking almost scandalised at your denial, “really? You went from ‘oh, I don’t wanna bother Jisung at work’ and ‘oh, heehee me and Jisung ate ramen together yesterday night’ to ‘who said anything about my big fat crush on Jisung’?”
You huffed, “that’s inaccurate.”
Lucas chewed on his tapioca pearls harshly, making sure you heard the smacking sounds of his chewing to unnerve you, shaking his head at you matter-of-factly, “it’s pretty much-what’s the word, ah! Verbatim. That.”

You rolled your eyes at him, wondering how the high-school girls sitting next to you still managed to find Lucas an absolute dreamboat despite how intentionally ridiculously he was behaving.
The truth is, Jisung wouldn’t have cared if you’d ‘bothered him during work or not’. He probably would’ve jumped at the notification of your text.
After the night before, Jisung couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of comfort that flooded him at the thought of you. Finally getting enough inspiration to work on his song when he’d gotten home, even despite the pounding in his head and the sheer fatigue from the day that had passed.
Call him whatever you wanted, but Jisung couldn’t shake the feeling of reassurance he got with you, and it was a feeling he never thought he’d be experiencing as deeply as he did now.
From how familiar it was to hear your voice (even if it was asking him to fold the laundry), to how the smell of your perfume would awaken him on certain days, just in time for him to start his routine for the day. In small things, like how whenever he was looking for a break from work, somehow he’d find it with you.
He’d been working on his song for hours now, though he’d kept letting his gaze wander to the door in anticipation, wondering what was taking you so long to get home. He couldn’t help but wonder if you were still with Lucas, his imagination running wild with all sorts of scenarios that could have taken place to warrant you coming home so late.
Jisung brushed the thought away quickly after he found himself going to your contact on his phone, setting it down quickly as if it burned him. It was fine, you were an adult (he figured), you didn’t need him to hound you about a curfew.
Deciding to work on his lyrics for the song, he’d typed away on his laptop his ideas, his mind seeming to always gravitate to thinking of you as he read what he’d typed down.
Satisfied with the amount of work he’d gotten done for that day, Jisung had let his head lean back against the armrest of the sofa, his legs bent as he lay on his side, letting his eyes rest from all that staring at his glaringly bright computer screen.
You’d gone for a late-night movie with Lucas to end off your day, having gone home later than usual, though you didn’t mind. It wasn’t as if you had a curfew anymore.
You managed to reach your apartment as stealthily as you could, since the walls were really that thin and you didn’t want the old lady from next door to get on your back for being noisy when she was trying to sleep or whatever again.
Shoving your keys into the keyhole, you frowned when you saw that the lights in the living room were still switched on, spotting Jisung lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, his head lolling to the side as he dozed off.
Going into your room (in stealth mode, again), you’d set your things down quietly, deciding to take a shower and get ready for bed before anything else. Suddenly everything seemed to be a thousand times louder than you were used to. You were sure Jisung hadn’t been getting much quality sleep recently, so seeing him dozing off on the sofa had only made you want to ensure that his sleep continued uninterrupted.
Once you were changed into your sleepwear, you’d gone into Jisung’s room, taking a soft blanket from his cupboard and bringing it over to where he was, draping it over him till it reached his shoulders. You couldn’t help but find how peaceful he looked to be rather endearing, wishing you could do more but knowing there wasn’t much else you could do.
Jisung considered himself a good actor, because on the inside he was far from peaceful. He’d awoken at the feeling of being covered by the blanket, the back of your fingers grazing against his arm slightly.
His heart had fluttered, extremely, at the gesture, though something in him was yelling at him not to open his eyes, wanting to savour the moment for himself. It felt warm, a comfortable kind of warmth, the kind you would want to bask in for hours after being in the cold for so long. Something like a ray of sunshine.
Jisung was convinced he was going mad.
Switching on the lamp at your desk so that the living room wouldn’t be in complete darkness, you’d switched off the lights in the living room, bidding a silent goodnight to Jisung in your head before you’d gone back to your room, leaving Jisung dumbfounded.
“What did you say the song was called, again?” Chan had asked Jisung on Tuesday morning, looking at him with an endeared smile.
Jisung felt shy for some reason, pressing his lips together firmly as he averted his gaze from Chan, preparing his equipment as he waited for you and Lucas to arrive.
“Sunshine,” Jisung told him.
Chan huffed, his smile growing bigger, “I like that,” he hummed.
“What’s it about?” Chan asked, pulling his phone out to check for a text, “also, Lucas says they’re nearby.”
Jisung shrugged, “what’s it about?” He echoed Chan’s question, as if not knowing for himself either, something about him seeming fairly preoccupied, “it’s kind of hard to explain.”
Chan nodded in understanding, glancing at the way Jisung fiddled with the practice sketch he’d done of Y/N’s tattoo, twirling it around in his hands and anxiously glancing towards the door.
Jisung’s head shot up to look at Chan with wide eyes, “huh?…” he nodded slowly, “yeah, kind of.”
A small smile played at Chan’s lips as the boy had finished up the stencil for Lucas’ tattoo. “Is it because it’s Y/N?”
Jisung let out a nervous laugh, “yeah, duh,” he mumbled, “I mean, yeah, I’m nervous because she’s the one getting the tattoo but more like…”
Jisung shrugged, “I still don’t understand why she chose this out of all the designs I had.”
Chan raised an eyebrow, the jingling of the bells at the door followed by a loud guffaw of laughter signalling to him that the both of you had arrived.
“You should take more pride in your work,” Chan pat Jisung on the back, almost sending the boy stumbling with the sheer force behind the hit. Though Jisung couldn’t very well pay attention to the pain in his shoulder once he saw you with Lucas.
Lucas was quick to shove you towards Jisung, going over to one of the beds with Chan as they discussed the placement of the tattoo.
Jisung was almost uncharacteristically tense, leading you over to the station across from Lucas and Chan, holding the stencil up for you to see, “you’re absolutely sure you want this?”
You rolled your eyes, nodding, “yes, I’m sure.”
Jisung nodded slowly, albeit hesitantly, at you, “have you figured out where you want it?”
Lucas had perked up at that, butting into the conversation despite being across the room, “we were thinking between two places.”
Jisung hummed as he’d gone over to take the tablet containing a form for you to fill out before he got started.
You shushed Lucas quickly, accepting the tablet from Jisung with a nod of thanks, “yeah, I was thinking between here,” you gestured under your collarbone, “or here,” you gestured to your shoulder, just above your shoulder-blade.
Jisung nodded, “which do you feel more comfortable with? I think both are alright.”
“I was thinking maybe here?” You held a hand over the space under your collarbone, earning a nod from him.
“Alright,” he murmured, taking the tablet from you once you were done and quietly gesturing for you to lie down.
In your haste to get it over with, you’d almost completely forgotten about the placement of your tattoo, Jisung quirking an eyebrow at you and letting a huff of nervousness escape him.
“Sorry uh, I hope you don’t mind,” he murmured, pulling the collar of your shirt down to expose the area you’d wanted tattooed, making Lucas (who was watching intently) snicker from where he sat.
You’d felt heat creeping up to your neck, making you stretch your neck to look elsewhere, deciding to focus on the black pipes lining the ceiling, your shyness reducing your voice to a mere mumble, “yeah, sorry.”
Your nerves had built up even more with how tense Jisung was, even as he had disinfected the area and transferred what looked like a blue-ish outline of his sketch to your skin, making you almost want to writhe in your place with how nervous you were growing.
However, once you’d heard the buzzing of the tattoo gun, it was as if you were transported into your room, the familiarity of the sound making you less nervous, simply anticipating the pain that you’d associated with the tattoo to occur.
It was a wonder you hadn’t even been able to think much about the pain of the tattoo, though, because you were too busy trying to ignore Jisung’s proximity to you.
He was a stark contrast from Chan, who was making conversation with Lucas throughout the process, whereas Jisung had simply loomed over you, a tense knit to his brow and his lips pressed tightly together. Just by your expressions alone, people would have thought he was the one getting the tattoo.
This was only so because Jisung was struggling, with the smell of your perfume making him feel more awake than ever, and not to mention the pressure to make sure the tattoo turned out well that weighed heavy on him. Everything about you was so familiar, yet everything about the experience was not, and it was driving Jisung crazy with the amount of tension it was making him feel.
“Are you okay?” He asked, gauging your face for any sign that you were in too much pain.
You wanted to laugh, “This is like the fifth time you’re asking me that,” you told him.
“Can’t help it,” he told you, and you swore you saw his cheeks start to tint pink, “just wanted to make sure you were okay, you know…since it’s your first tattoo, and all.”
You nodded reassuringly, “it’s fine, just keep going.”
Jisung nodded, “I’ll be done quicker than you know it, I swear.”
You continued to distract yourself with the sight of Lucas across the room, Chan having to bring the needle back whenever Lucas couldn’t hold back his laughter.
“I’m sorry, It tickles,” you heard him tell Chan, making you have to stifle your laughter.
“Can I ask you something?” You decided that maybe talking to Jisung would help time pass faster (and less awkwardly).
“Uh-huh,” he hummed, shifting his chair slightly to get into a more comfortable position.
“How many tattoos do you have?” You asked, earning a long, reflective hum from him.
“I got a few in the time after college started, I would say about 5 or 6 now?” He shrugged, “and if you’re gonna ask me what’s their meanings…I don’t really know how to explain it, I just like the feeling they give me when I look at them.”
“I get it, it’s expression after all.”
Jisung nodded, his focus returning and making him let the conversation still. You didn’t like that, the feeling of awkwardness that returned with his silence, making you wrack your brains to find any sort of other conversation topic you could think of.
“Are you seeing anyone?” You wanted to instantly hide your face once you heard the words leave your mouth, Lucas turning to you with a wide-eyed expression.
Jisung sputtered, pulling the tattoo gun away from your skin, shaking his head at you.
“Uh, no, I’m not.” He narrowed his eyes at you, trying to regain his confidence in the situation, “why’d you wanna know?”
Now it was your turn to flush, averting your gaze, “oh, you know, just…curious, is all.”
Jisung smirked, “well, don’t go getting any ideas. I already like someone,” he told you, feeling as though he was dangling a carrot right in front of you.
Your eyebrows lifted in surprise, “really? Who?”
Jisung shrugged, “it’s a secret.”
You frowned, wanting to get back at him but not quite knowing how, deciding to go with the first thing you could think of, “well, I like someone too, you’re not special.”
Jisung hadn’t expected you to retort with that, narrowing his eyes at you, “wait, really? Is it Lucas?”
“Oh my god, no way, never.”
“Then who is it?” He met your gaze, making you stick your tongue out at him, mustering your best impersonation of him.
“It’s a secret.”
You had almost thought you were imagining things, but you noticed Jisung’s mood take a turn from there, seeming awfully pensive as he did the rest of your tattoo, the both of you having maintained a silence after your failed attempt at a proper conversation with him. He’d already begun to do the shading for your tattoo, so you figured he was really going to be done quicker than you thought.
You tried to distract yourself by glancing towards Lucas and Chan’s direction. Jisung could see you staring in their direction from the corner of his eye, wondering why your gaze kept travelling there when he was right in front of you.
“Is it Chan?” He blurted out, making your eyes go wide in shock.
Your smile grew, shaking your head, “no, definitely not.”
Jisung frowned, “who could it even be, you don’t even know that many people,” he huffed.
You sighed, trust you to fall for someone as oblivious as him.
“Do you want a clue?” You asked, earning a grunt from him.
“They’re very oblivious.”
Jisung frowned, looking as though he were contemplating, his tissue going over your tattoo slower as he thought. His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape in realisation, a gasp leaving him.
“No way, it’s not that Felix kid from your department, is it?” He looked as though he was hoping you would say no.
You fought to suppress the urge to roll your eyes, yet not realising you were smiling at him, “no, it’s not him.”
Jisung sighed, “oh, good. I know I always say I’m the best looking but he’s a lot better looking than I am, don’t tell him I said that.”
“Good?” You questioned, wondering why he seemed so relieved that all his options had turned out to be false. Jisung had realised he may have made things a little too obvious, shaking his head vigorously.
“Nothing, you’re all done, forget I said anything.”
He pushed himself away from you, his chair swivelling far back as he tried to calm the racing of his heart as you sat up and stretched, your body tired from being in the same position for so long.
“What time is it?” You asked, earning a grunt from Jisung, not knowing either.
Chan had chimed in from the other side, having been done with Lucas’ tattoo way before yours.
“It’s 4:24,” he told you. Jisung had been busy putting an adhesive bandage over your tattoo to pay attention to your reaction.
You spent 4 hours lying there and you only got like what, two conversations with Jisung? This was a new low, even for you.

You were snapped out of your disappointment when Jisung had spoken.
“Uh… yeah keep this on for like three to four days?” He gestured to the bandage, your breath hitching as he hiked the collar of your shirt up so it wasn’t still dropping off your shoulder.
“You can still shower and everything so yeah…” he told you, reciting from memory after having been told this a thousand times by Chan.
You tried your best to pay attention, though you knew you’d probably forget by the time you were home, making him stand up mid-speech and walk over to the counter, pulling out a little brochure to hand you.
“Honestly, just read this, it has everything you need to know inside,” he told you, walking away briskly to compose himself at his station.
You’d made your payment to Chan at the counter, Jisung having pretended to be busy with cleaning up, making Chan flash you an amused smile.
He shook his head, dimples appearing as he gave you your receipt, “You two are just too cute,” he huffed, earning a loud hum of approval from Lucas.
“Aren’t they?” The tall boy chimed in, making you scoff.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, bye,” you waved, seeing Jisung turn around to give you a wide smile before turning back around, practically collapsing onto the bed once you and Lucas were gone.
“Those were the most excruciating 4 hours of my life.”
Chan’s laughter could be heard as he made his way over to Jisung, giving him a pat on the back, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad, was it?”
Jisung let out a loud groan, “we were like this close!” Jisung brought his hand in front of his face for emphasis as he whined to Chan, “and I couldn’t focus at all I was so scared I was gonna screw up her tattoo because I kept zoning out,” he rambled, feeling as though his knees were about to buckle.
Chan shook his head with a feigned look of sympathy, looking at Jisung as though Jisung were his son, “I’m glad you’re feeling stressed.”
Jisung scoffed, shrugging Chan’s hand off of his shoulder and  glaring at his mentor with a look of disbelief, “you’re glad? Aren’t you supposed to be feeling some sympathy for me? That’s sick, I can’t believe you.”
Chan wasn’t surprised at Jisung’s dramatic reaction, simply laughing as he shrugged.
“I’m glad because if you’re stressed, you’re gonna be pushed to do something about it soon. And then I can stop hearing you stress about it and just see the both of you together, instead.”
Jisung shot Chan a dirty look, “you’re mean, old man.”
Chan scoffed, “at least I’m not stupid in love.”
Jisung had been keeping himself fairly busy since then, the both of you having been busy with your own plans since the semester break had started. However, the both of you had somehow managed to enjoy suppers together, bonding over a (rather unhealthy) meal of snacks or instant food whenever it was late in the night and the both of you didn’t want to go to sleep just yet.
And speaking of sleep, you’d also noticed how Jisung had started to look brighter these days, seeming to have been overcoming that period of lethargy he was previously in.
Now, the brightness was heard in the songs he hummed, in how he smiled and laughed more whenever you were together. Even in how he'd started growing more comfortable with sleeping in the dark. You weren’t sure what exactly sparked this change in him, but whatever it was, you were glad it happened, yourself seeming to be all the more enamoured with this version of Jisung that had grown on you.
You’d planned with Jisung to have a day of celebration (or a pity party) once he’d submitted his song to Chan’s music producer friend.
Since you had work that day, you’d wanted to get up early to prepare breakfast for him, but you didn’t realise how late you were until you woke up and found that he had already left.
Making your way over to the kitchen to find some food for yourself after you’d gotten ready for work, you yanked open the door for the fridge, expecting to be met with all of Jisung’s snacks and cans of drinks that still had their post-its on them.
However, as you were scanning the fridge to see if you had anything you could eat, you spotted a different coloured post-it on a bundle of juice packets, peeling the post-it off of the packaging to inspect it.
‘y/n, I heard these are great to start the morning with, try them for me?’
You couldn’t help but smile, a hand coming up to your face to attempt to slap away the heat you felt in your cheeks, pulling out a packet of juice anyway.
You were starting to think the juice did have some sort of magical properties in them, because when you got to work, you’d been on drink duty, which was your favourite to do. Well, technically, anything other than cashier duty was your favourite but who’s keeping track here?
You knew Jisung's meeting with the producer was around the afternoon, so when Chan had shown up at the café alone, you didn't question it.
Now you were really glad you weren't on cashier duty today, giving your colleague more time to talk to Chan while he ordered.
"One strawberry smoothie for Chan?" you called to get his attention, seeing him stroll over to the pick-up point with a smile on his face.
"Sorry, Jisung's not here," he teased, sighing wistfully.
You scoffed, "yeah, yeah. I know where he is.”
“How’s the tattoo healing?” He asked, making your hand go up to your shoulder unconsciously, “It’s alright, looks really pretty now that it’s all healed.”
Chan gave you a thumbs up, opening the lid of his drink as he took a sip, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“Is he meeting your friend now?"
Chan’s eyebrows raised in confusion, “who?..oh,” he nodded in realisation, “yeah, just went to meet him. Honestly, if you asked me, he didn’t seem as excited about the meeting as he was to meet you for dinner.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “don’t put ideas into my head, old man.”
Chan simply gave you a shrug, “I’m not that old, you know,” he brought his drink up to his lips to take a sip, “and they’re only ideas if you’re in denial.”
You groaned, “go, begone, leave me alone.”
Chan giggled, nodding as his hand went up in surrender, “fine, I’m going. Have a good dinner later, Y/N,” he sing-songed.
Curse Chan for putting the thought into your head, now you couldn’t stop thinking about dinner.
Your shift only ended at 5:30, so that gave you just about enough time to go get groceries while Jisung prepared the things for your hotpot at home.
Deciding you would do what you were called to do, which in this case, meant to send Jisung a text wishing him the best of luck, you did as such.
2:31pm - hey, all the best for your meeting with the producer man!!-
Jisung’s reply had come quickly,
han jisung 2:32pm - thanks :( im waiting to see him now, I didn’t know there was gonna be a whole queue -
Setting your phone aside, you’d tried not to let yourself get too anxious while you waited for him to update you, busying yourself with washing dishes and even serving tables out of your sheer boredom due to the crowd starting to disperse at this time.
You waited, and you waited, you waited until the word ‘waiting’ itself felt weird to say in your head. You should’ve known better to have expected Jisung to update you over text, only receiving a text in the evening that read
han jisung 5:23pm - hey…i just finished meeting him…see u at the apartment?-
You’d texted him back, not knowing what to make of his text.
5:23pm - is that a good hey or a bad hey? -
Jisung hadn’t answered your question, his next text coming as more of a source of confusion for you.
han jisung 5:24pm - ill tell u in person -
“What happened? Is it Jisung?” Your colleague seemed to have sensed your inner turmoil, looking at you with concern etched in her features.
“Yeah, he told me he was done meeting the producer person…but he didn’t wanna tell me how it went,” you frowned, seeing your colleague hum in confusion.
“D’you think it didn’t go well?” She asked, mirroring your expression of uncertainty.
You typed out your reply to Jisung as you shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m hoping he’s just messing with me.”
5:26pm - my shift ends in like 4 minutes… I’ll go and get the groceries before I get back -
han jisung 5:26pm - okay, ill be waiting -
“All the best, then?” Your co-worker offered, giving you a look of sympathy.
“You too, enjoy the rest of your shift,” you returned her expression, sighing as you removed your apron, grabbing your bag from the back room before you left.
You’d tried your best to be quick in getting your groceries, making sure you’d gotten everything Jisung had told you to, your footsteps quick as you briskly walked to your apartment building.
Not knowing if it was because you hadn’t eaten in hours or if it was because you were just excited, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement in you, not so much because you were excited to hear how Jisung’s meeting went but more of because you were excited that you were going to see Jisung soon.
Finally reaching your apartment, you’d pushed the door open to spot Jisung coming out from his room, a towel on his head as he rubbed at his freshly-washed hair.
“Hey,” you breathed, a hint of a smile on your face, scanning his face for an expression as he glanced at you, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose cutely.
Jisung had a whole plan for how he was going to surprise you with the news, he wanted to wait until the food was ready and when the both of you were seated across each other in the living room, wait for you to ask him about how the meeting went so that he could pretend to be upset about it.
And just like he’d seen in the romantic movie Chan was playing in the studio the other day, he would wait till you showed concern to give you a smile and tell you the good news, already being able to imagine the smile you would give him in celebration.
But seeing how you looked, a little bit breathless from rushing, carrying groceries in your hands as you looked at him with a smile that spelled nothing but relief, Jisung couldn’t help himself.
“He offered me a job,” Jisung confessed, his grip tight on his towel as he let his hand fall limp to his side, any perfect, fool-proof plan of copying the romance movie now long gone.
Your eyes widened, setting the groceries on the counter as you cheered, “oh my god, that’s great! I’m really happy for you!” You cheered, practically running towards him before stopping yourself halfway, realising you were almost about to hug him.
Jisung noticed you stop too, tilting his head at you as his hands had already begun to raise to welcome you into a hug, hesitating once he’d seen you stop.
“Sorry,” you huffed, shoving your hands into your pockets, taking a step back to create some distance between the both of you.
Jisung smiled, shaking his head, “don’t be.” Shocking you with his confidence, he’d taken a step closer to you, his arms going around your shoulders as he pulled you towards him, his head leaning against yours gently as one of his hands went up to pet your head gently.
“You really helped me through it, believe it or not.”
Your eyes widened, trying not to get too carried away with the way his hold felt too comforting for you to pull away, thankful that he’d let go first, his hands coming up to grasp your shoulders.
“You hungry? The soup’s almost done.”
You nodded, “can I uh…take a shower first? I’ll be quick I promise.”
You didn’t wait for him to reply before you’d escaped to the bathroom, too focused on showering quickly that you’d almost forgotten about the hug. Keyword, almost.
Once you’d changed into a comfortable shirt and shorts, you’d practically jogged over to the kitchen, seeing that Jisung had already taken out the ingredients to thaw the meat and prepare the veggies.
“Wow, who are you and what have you done with Jisung?”
Jisung turned around at your voice, rolling his eyes at your statement, flicking the water from the veggies at you as you dodged, “figured I’d do something while waiting, you know, make myself useful.”
You huffed, a smile on your face as you gestured for him to continue, “well, don’t let me stop you.”
“So how did the interview go?” You asked, watching intently as he brought the platefuls of ingredients to the coffee table, stopping you when you’d moved to help him get the pot of soup.
“It’s okay, you go sit down, I’ll do it.”
You couldn’t help the impressed pout from your lips, not wanting to let on that the gesture had made your heart flutter.
Once all the food was on the table, Jisung had taken a seat next to you, the both of you starting to throw your ingredients into the soup, Jisung turning to you looking as though he’d wanted to say something.
“What was I saying before? Oh, right,” he nodded, “I didn’t expect him to be so intimidating, I nearly pissed myself when I walked into the room.”
You’d burst into laughter, Jisung laughing along with you, “I’m not even joking. Chan gave me a completely different description of what he would be like.”
You’d tried your best to calm down from your laughter quickly, seeing him take a piece of food from the pot and place it into your bowl wordlessly, choosing to ignore the gesture for the sake of your heart.
“But I’m assuming he’s not that bad? Since he offered you the job?”
Jisung let out a sigh, “yeah, thank god he did, I was a stuttering mess. Even Iwouldn’t have hired myself.”
You let out a chuckle, “you’re lucky he judged you based on the song, then,” you teased, earning a harmless glare from him.
You’d scooped some food into your mouth, looking up at him to see that he’d already had his cheeks full of food, nodding at you expectantly.
“So does this mean you’re gonna work on that producer guy’s team?” You asked, earning a nod from him as he swallowed his mouthful of food with a wince.
“Yeah, he said I could intern at his company in the holidays and if everything goes well he’ll give me a contract once I graduate.”
You let out a low whistle, “wow, imagine all the exposure you’d get there…all the different types of genres and artists you’d be exposed to,” you marvelled, Jisung finding it amusing how you seemed more excited about it than he was.
You perked up in realisation, “speaking of which…I realised you’d never let me listen to the song yet.”
Jisung flushed, shaking his head, “did I? I swear I did,” he lied, making you shove him, a smile showing on his face as you did, nodding in surrender as he grabbed his phone from the coffee table.
“What’s it called?” You asked, seeing him nudge his glasses up with his knuckle, shaking his head to flick his hair from his eyes.
“Sunshine,” he told you quickly, not wasting anymore time and playing the song.
As he started to play the song, you were surprised at the light sounding melody the song had started with, the sounds of the city that he’d put inside, the feeling that you were…at home?
“Don’t look at me when you’re listening to it, I’m shy,” he brought a hand up to cover your face, making you yelp, your hands coming up to grab his wrist, pulling it away slowly as you grew more focused on the song, recognising his voice as he sang.
It wasn’t a love song, thankfully, you realised. You realised that the song revolved around a certain feeling of calm, with themes of getting away from the busy nature of your life and taking time for yourself, something you realised you and him both kind of needed.
You listened until the song had ended, looking at him with a big smile on your face, a smile that made Jisung want to cover your face in fear that it would make his heart burst with how giddy he felt.
“I love this,” you told him, “can you send it to me?”
Jisung scoffed, “no way, how do I know you’re not gonna sell it before I can get it copyrighted?” he huffed, leaning forward and resting his elbow on the table to support his head on his palm.
“I’m really impressed, how’d you get the inspiration to do this?”
Jisung shrugged, “my own life I guess, and the people that helped me get through that weird period of creative block that I was in,” he murmured.
You nodded, “well, whoever they are, you should thank them for me.”
Jisung nodded, facing the television as he contemplated in his heart whether to do what he wanted to do, turning to you with a small smile on his face, he nodded slowly.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
Your eyes widened, not knowing what to make of his words. The song had started to repeat.
Jisung had shook his head, “I’m not just saying this because I like you or whatever—” he stopped himself with a small curse, “shit, that was not how I planned on telling you. Whatever, as I was saying…” he trailed off, his gaze landing on your tattoo, the neck of your shirt having started to slip off your shoulder slightly.
“Honestly, I really hated that drawing,” he told you, your gaze following his to look at your tattoo, looking back at him with raised eyebrows.
“This? Why? But it’s so pretty,” you insisted.
Jisung shook his head.
“It was my first design, and I wasn’t…you know, I just didn’t think it was that impressive, and all. Chan had told me to keep it in my portfolio but I was really close to just removing it.”
His gaze shifted to anywhere except your face, distracting himself by looking at the various things in the house, his gaze landing on the rainbow-coloured umbrella at the door.
Jisung sighed, shifting in his seat so he was leaning against the sofa now, his body angled towards you, making you unconsciously shift your body to face him as well, your breath hitching in anticipation for what he was about to say next.
“But then, you said you wanted it tattooed, and I honestly didn’t want you to get it but I had no choice, you know, blah blah customer’s preference first and all that bullshit,” he waved his hand for emphasis, “but then after I saw you with the tattoo more, I guess my perspective started to change? I mean, like, you kept insisting that it was so beautiful and all that..you know, seeing you with it kind of started to grow on me.”
Jisung paused, his gaze on a corner of the coffee table as he tried to find the right words to express how he was feeling, shrugging at you and just deciding to say whatever was at the top of his head and work from there.
“I guess it kind of made me love my work more, and like, trust myself, you know… because I realised how beautiful it could be.”
You looked at him wordlessly, your heart picking up speed at the tension in the room, something in you urging you to stand up, making you get up on your feet with no aim in mind.
So as not to look like a complete fool, your hands flew up to hug your arms, “oh, it’s a little um, chilly. Be right back,” you sprinted to your room, reaching in your cupboard for your hoodie and putting it on without a second thought, too preoccupied to notice how it stopped at your thighs and how the sleeves bunched up more.
Returning to the coffee table, you’d almost regretted your decision to put on the hoodie, feeling utterly warm from how flustered you were, especially with the way Jisung was looking at you with a hint of a smirk playing at his lips.
“Sorry,” you murmured, averting your gaze as you tilted your head down, not expecting Jisung to tilt his head down as well so he could search for your gaze, making you scrunch your eyes shut, wrinkling your nose as you let out a huff of laughter.
“You can reject me, you know. I remember you said you already liked someone,” he told you, and Jisung meant it, not wanting anything but to make sure you were okay, and happy.
You shook your head, “I don’t want to,” you murmured, finally daring yourself to meet his gaze, your heart skipping a beat when you saw the way Jisung had smiled.
“I can’t say I’m not happy to hear that,” he told you.
Jisung had brought his hand up, lazily removing his glasses and looking at you finally, since now the other things in the house weren’t as clear in his vision, all that was important being that you were right in front of him, and he could see you clearer than anything.
“Why’d you take your glasses off?” You murmured, seeing him shrug, giving you a lazy smile.
“What? You scared I didn’t wanna see your face?” He teased, the flush on your cheeks making him give in almost immediately, “I’m kidding. I just didn’t feel like being distracted anymore.”
Maybe it was the atmosphere of the living room, or the lingering feelings the song had left in you, maybe it was even the way you felt like you were finally getting what you were waiting for.
Whatever it was, there was an overwhelming feeling of giddiness in you, especially with the way Jisung’s gaze had flickered between your lips and your gaze, and yet he’d made no move to lean closer to you, as if he was expecting you to move first.
Leaning closer, you’d let yourself glance down, getting distracted by the stain of black ink on the sleeve of your hoodie, only realising then that it wasn’t your hoodie.
“Shit, sorry I’m wearing yours by mistake again, it must’ve gotten mixed up,” you murmured, knowing it wasn’t your week to do laundry duty.
Jisung stopped you before you could stand up, pulling your hand forward so the only thing stopping you from losing your balance was his grip on your arm.
“I never thought I’d be saying this but, you can wear it.”
You’d sworn if your heart were any weaker, you wouldn’t have been able to last this long, Jisung seeming almost teasing with the way he’d inched closer at a painfully slow pace, so his lips were barely touching yours.
Just before he could pull back, you’d groaned in frustration, bringing your free hand up to cup the side of his jaw, meeting your lips with his.
And there it was again, the feeling of relief that washed over, knowing that this was very much happening, and that you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Jisung pulled away first, his pupils blown and his eyes giving away his surprise, huffing at you and folding his arms, increasing the distance between you.
“I’m only realising this now, what do you mean I’m oblivious?”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll explain it again later, I swear.”
Jisung huffed, more dramatic this time, making sure you sensed his sulkiness (as feigned as it was), looking at you with a pout on his lips, “give me a kiss and I’ll forgive you.”
He puckered his lips, making you roll your eyes, though you didn’t hesitate to cup his face again, pressing your lips against his as your thumb brushed over his cheek gently, pulling away before he would’ve wanted. You couldn’t help yourself from laughing at the way he’d leaned forward, chasing your lips, frowning at you with a soft sigh when you’d straightened up.
“Can we eat now? The meat’s getting overcooked.”
lucas 11:30pm - dude I told u it would work if you smiled at him more cant believe u didnt believe me smh -
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