#london hypnotist
londonhypnotist · 2 months
London Hypnotist
OFFICE 288 39 LUDGATE HILL, London, London, EC4M 7JN [email protected] https://www.londonhypnotist.co.uk/
LondonHypnotist is a renowned team of certified hypnotherapists offering effective hypnotherapy sessions tailored to individual needs. We prioritize understanding clients’ goals to provide personalized and impactful treatments.
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cityhypnosis · 11 months
How To Find The Right London Hypnotist ?
Finding the right hypnotist in a bustling city like London can be daunting. Whether you seek assistance for personal development, overcoming a phobia, or improving your mental well-being, choosing a skilled and trustworthy professional is crucial. In this blog post, we will guide you through finding the right london hypnotist for your specific needs.
Research and Evaluate Experience
To begin your search, conduct thorough research on london hypnotist. Look for professionals with extensive experience in the field and a strong reputation. Read online reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their effectiveness. Evaluate their areas of expertise, ensuring they align with your requirements.
Verify Qualifications and Credentials
When selecting a london hypnotist, verifying their qualifications and credentials is essential. Ensure that they have undergone proper training and certification from recognized institutions. Look for hypnotists who are registered with reputable professional organizations. These credentials indicate their commitment to ethical practices and continuous learning.
Seek Personal Recommendations and Consultations
To further narrow down your options, seek personal recommendations from trusted sources such as friends, family, or healthcare professionals. They may have firsthand experience or know someone who has benefited from hypnotherapy. Additionally, consider scheduling consultations with potential hypnotists. This will allow you to discuss your goals, ask questions, and assess their rapport and communication style. Keywords: London Hypnotist, recommendations, consultations.
Consider Approach and Compatibility
When selecting a London hypnotist, it's important to consider their approach and compatibility with your personality and beliefs. Different hypnotists may utilize various techniques and styles, so finding one whose methods resonate with you is crucial. Consider whether you prefer a more direct or indirect approach and their stance on issues such as spirituality or alternative therapies. Finding a hypnotist whose approach aligns with your preferences will enhance the effectiveness and comfort of your sessions. 
Choosing the right london hypnotist is a crucial step towards achieving your desired outcomes. You can make an informed decision by conducting thorough research, verifying qualifications, seeking recommendations, and attending consultations. Finding a hypnotist who resonates with you and makes you feel comfortable is key to a successful therapeutic journey. So take your time, trust your instincts, and embark on a transformative experience with the right London hypnotist. 
Remember, this process may take time, but finding a qualified professional who can guide you towards positive change and personal growth is worth the effort. Good luck with your search for the right London hypnotist!
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
The infamous lost film arrives on the podcast with September's bonus horror adjacent episode.
This month we watch a reconstruction of Tod Browning's LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT (1927) by producer Rick Schmidlin! The film stars Man of a Thousand Faces Lon Chaney in one of his most iconic disguises.
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psychdermdirect · 1 year
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Search our international directory to find holistic professionals who specialise in both dermatology and psychotherapy in person and online, as well as support groups:
Wiki: 'Psychodermatology is the treatment of skin disorders using psychological and psychiatric techniques by addressing the interaction between mind and skin'!
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antiradqueer · 6 months
Do you know why I’ve never really given attention to prats stealing my characters?
Because they’ll never be accepted by society.
They can take our characters and draw cartoons to “own the antis!!1!”
But they’ll never be accepted by society.
Oli London? Rachel Dolezal? Hypnotist Sappho?
They were all rightfully ridiculed and ostracized for their actions.
Next time a prat tries to bully you or argue with you or piss you off, just remember:
Prats will never be accepted by society.
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
What if Noah (who is afraid of hypnosis, but allowed Alejandro to hypnotize him for Owen's safety) tries to warn Owen about Alejandro, during the London Adventure? (The hypnosis won't allow him to tell the complete evil truth about Alejandro, but Noah finds a loophole by simply saying: "Owen, be careful... Alejandro is like Heather, but with social skills.") 🍥 How would Alejandro react to Noah finding a loophole to warn the others? Would the Hypnotist be impressed and amused? How terrified would Noah be when he learns that 'his Hypnotist' had heard him try to warn the others? 🍥 What if Alejandro threatens to COMMAND Noah to vote off Owen, if Noah ever tries to warn the others again?
Not trying to spoil anything here but you're mentioned something in this ask that's featured in the next chapter of 'snap, crackle and pop' and I'm not sure if that means I've foreshadowed it as well as I hoped I did, or if that means I'm taking the plot in a super predictable route.
First point: Alejandro's reaction
Should Noah manage to find a loophole in the hypnosis and try to warn Owen (and Tyler by association), I think Alejandro could react one of two potential ways.
The first being, he doesn't take it well at all.
In canon, just the comment that he's "slippery" and "like Heather with social skills" is enough to have him visibly upset with Noah, to the point he has him eliminated that same day. And later on in Drumheller we see that, when things don't go according to his plans (him losing the first challenge despite building an accurate dinosaur), he's quick to throw a tantrum anger. So having someone find a way to break the airtight control you have over them would be a pretty significant punch to the gut for Alejandro.
After all, if Noah could find that loophole, who's to say he wouldn't be able to find more? Alejandro's supposed to have the nerd under his thumb, but how assured is that control when Noah keeps devising ways to refute it?
He's going to have to employ more than just a hypnotic suggestion to keep Noah in line if he wants his plans to run smoothly without the interference of an unruly bookworm. So he'd resort to other means of keeping Noah docile; i.e. physical intimidation, blackmail, social isolation, ect. But I don't think he'd have Noah eliminated. He's spent far too much time and effort investing in having Noah as his pawn to just get rid of him at the first sign of rebellion. Instead, he'd have Owen or Tyler eliminated.
Since Owen is Noah's only real ally on the jet, getting rid of him would leave Noah himself alone and vulnerable- perfect for Alejandro to take advantage of to re-establish his control. However, Owen is also his bargaining chip over the cynic, the person inadvertently keeping Noah from lashing out against him (by means of blackmail), so Alejandro is torn between keeping him around as insurance of Noah's obedience or having him eliminated to further isolate Noah from the rest of the cast.
(And also, Noah's defiance is a challenge for Alejandro to overcome, which is exciting enough for him to keep Noah around for. After all, Alejandro is incredibly competitive- he loves a good challenge.)
On the other hand, I could also see Alejandro seeing it as a fun little quirk to crush out of Noah work on.
Because if the only way Noah could manage to communicate his thoughts was an indirect compliment ("like Heather but with social skills" could be interpreted as a compliment, since it's essentially calling him better than Heather- that, and Alejandro likes/tolerates Heather, so being compared to her shouldn't really bother him), it means his hypnotic order of "don't shit talk me, twink" has worked. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak, so the satisfaction of seeing his hypnosis working would outweigh any annoyance he has with Noah trying to circumvent it.
And, again, he'd see the circumvention itself as a fun little challenge. I've already spoken on that though.
So he'd regard Noah abusing loopholes in the same way a pet owner regards a misbehaving puppy; he'd think it's cute. He'd stop it as soon as possible, but he'd think Noah's futile struggle against him is endearing.
Alejandro in canon has this same mindset towards Heather in canon, at least until the late game when he starts seeing her as an equal. He's incredibly patronising, and even more so self-assured, meaning his ego's far too big for him to ever really consider Noah being able to outmanoeuvre him in his own game. (In short, he's too egotistical to see the threat of Noah's defiance for what is really is.)
Second point: Noah's reaction
This Noah, being genuinely phobic of hypnosis, would be hesitant to portray himself as anything but completely subservient to Alejandro, in fear of the other's potential retribution. (As opposed to regular rk!Noah, who's not afraid to be as much of a little bitch as possible regardless of the consequences. In fact, he goes out of his way to be as uncooperative as possible.)
Which is why, being caught trying to warn the others when he thought he was safe from Alejandro's constant observance immediately sends Noah into a full blown panic attack. He hides it well enough at the Ripper Reveal, but as soon as they stop filming Noah darts away to the nearest secluded area, making sure he's actually alone and unsupervised.
The contestants watching the Ripper challenge is going to have this Noah's paranoia skyrocketing even more than usual, because now Alejandro could be watching him at any given moment (he isn't, but Noah doesn't have the comfort of knowing that.)
His first thought, which is what sparks his hysteria, is concerned with how Alejandro is going to enact punishment for his misconduct. The things Alejandro could potentially do to him or make him do have Noah spiralling in the cargo hold/confessional/cockpit (somewhere private, but the cockpit could be a good option for some parental Chref if that's your cup of tea) until he comes to the conclusion that he needs to get himself eliminated ASAP.
Because if he's out of the competition, he's out of Alejandro's clutches- hypnotic triggers be damned, he just wants to get away from him.
So he tries to rally the vote against himself. By outright asking Tyler, Duncan and Owen to vote for him, because he doesn't have the time or the patience to scheme his way into being eliminated- he needs out now. Duncan is more than happy to oblige, as is Tyler (he's still salty about being left on the rack, which is entirely justified #JusticeForTyler) but Owen puts up a fuss about voting for his little buddy, so Noah then has to spend the rest of their time between the challenge and the elimination ceremony convincing Owen to vote for him.
(Meanwhile, Alejandro is convincing the rest of the team to not vote for Noah despite his wishes. And it works.)
When Owen/Tyler is eliminated instead of Noah, something inside of him shatters.
Before he can even start picking up the pieces of his frazzled mind, he catches sight of Alejandro in the corners of his eyes, smirking ferally towards the bookworm and looking so proud of himself for orchestrating Owen/Tyler's elimination.
(This scene is more impactful if Owen's the one to go, but I love Owen too much to want him eliminated so early even if it would make for some choice angst.)
Third point: My thoughts
I'd like to keep Owen around for Alejandro to use as blackmail over Noah, but by this point in the story Alejandro already has a pretty solid foundation of control over Noah even without the threat of Owen's safety, so having him eliminated in London would be the angstiest route to take the story- especially since Owen was the sole reason for Noah undergoing the hypnosis in the first place, so having him booted the very next challenge is just yet another kick in the teeth for Noah.
As much as I love the idea of Alejandro threatening to force Noah to vote out Owen, I don't think a Noah who's phobic of hypnosis would be coherent enough to process such a threat. The moment Alejandro brings up the threat of having Noah under a trance, Noah's in fight or flight mode- it doesn't matter what Alejandro's making him do at that point, just the fact that he'd hypnotised is enough to have him panicking (when he's coherent enough to do so).
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
Friends To Lovers + Smut/PWP Masterlist
7 Minutes In Heaven - interrupted-by-fireworks
Summary: Dan and Phil have to play 7 Minutes in Heaven at a party.
A Koi pond, love, sex, and all the crap that comes with it (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan can't sleep, but Phil can. Dan thinks too much. What happens after the tour?
A Sleepless Night With Dan (ao3) - cockwhoredan
Summary: Dan and Phil live together, and they’re just friends. One night Dan can’t sleep. Naturally, he decides to give Phil a blowjob.
Break Me Down (ao3) - gayestever
Summary: The tour bus breaks down and Dan and Phil struggle to find a hotel room- or at least one that has two beds.
Can't Help The Itch To Touch- To Kiss (ao3) - thescienceofphan
Summary: Phil is deaf and Dan is a manwhore. When people see them together, they worry about Phil’s emotional well being and shame on Dan for targeting a deaf boy, but it’s not like that. Not at all.
Craving Control (ao3) - starwatersong
Summary: Phil is intrigued by the hypnotist at the YouTuber Summit in 2016 and finds himself oddly fascinated by hypnotism. Is Dan helping him find one for a video for Phil’s benefit… or Dan’s? Some timeline mixing where Phil’s fortune telling video takes place in an earlier time. They’re living in London apartment #1 in this story.
drop your heart I'll save it for you (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Tenderness isn't part of the deal, nor are soft words, or feelings, or kisses that don't lead to fucking. It's not what Dan asked for, and it's certainly not why someone would choose to fuck their friend slash flatmate slash colleague who they absolutely don’t have any feelings for.
How do you Sleep? (When you Lie to Me.) (ao3) - CactiPhan
Summary: Dan is about to be married to his longtime boyfriend Henry, but plans change when he walks in on him cheating on Dan. The only person he can run back to is his best friend, who he was blind not to see was perfect for him.
If You Don't Love Me, Pretend (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: All his life, Dan has wanted to have the chance to be a parent someday. He would be the best parent that ever existed, he was sure of it. Fostering might not be the most traditional way on the road to parenting, but Dan's dead set on doing it anyway. But, well, it would be easier with a co-parent, right?
the bed-sharing, fake relationship, friends-to-lovers, parent fic i was desperate to read; when i shouted into the void and was met with silence, i decided i'd do it myself
No They're Not (ao3) - bandhoez9194
Summary: Against Phil's better judgement, Dan goes to a small house party with friends. He had been assured by both Dan and the party host that there would be no alcohol after all.
Unfortunately, someone else has a change of plans and gets Dan drunk anyway. Which makes him start talking about buttholes and storage places.
When Phil picks him up though, things get soft, steamy, and bendy, just like the spaghetti he left on the stove.
Very sexy, very smutty, very random, very cute. Also, drunk Dan so who doesn't like that?
Read It and Weep (ao3) - phansomedevil
Summary: Dan's feelings toward Phil are nothing but platonic, or so he thinks before stumbling upon some actually decent phanfiction and falling face-first into the abyss.
Something New (ao3) - benotafraidofwriting
Summary: Dan wants Phil's help when trying something new, but can Phil keep his feelings for his best friend at bay?
stuck on you (ao3) - watergator
Summary: dan finds himself in a rather awkward predicament and phil ends up having to helping him
The Parent Project (ao3) - ATEEZpresent (orphan_account)
Summary: Dan and Phil get paired to take care of a realistic baby doll for a few days. Feelings arise.
The Sun, The Snow, And Everything In Between - chocolatesaucelester
Summary: A lot can happen in the span of one year, or a cycle of four seasons, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes and 31,536,000 seconds. In that common amount of time Phil met Dan at bonfire night in the fall and over the course of a year, realizes he found a person he would’ve never guessed he’d found that night.
Two Man Team (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: This is the story of two struggling friends who after many trials and tribulations find their way back to each other and build the life they’ve always dreamed of.
Or how Phil changed his life by talking to random strangers on the internet.
Unspoken Rules (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: They have rules.
1. They don't kiss 2. They don't talk about it 3. They aren't exclusive 4. They don't get attached 5. It's over when the tour is
As long as they abide by the rules, no one gets hurt. Simple, right?
Want (ao3) - yoidnp
Summary: It was a rare night alone in a hotel room away from the confines of the tour bus. Dan and Phil discover a few things about each other.
Watching You, Watching Me (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan accidentally discovers his best friend and roommate pleasuring himself in the early hours of the morning and can't look away. In fact, he can't keep his hands off of himself. Phil is surprised by Dan's reaction, and two best friends make long-time confessions.
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mariana-oconnor · 6 months
The Illustrious Client pt 2
Last time we were dealing with a hypnotist, it seemed, who was doing everything short of tying women to railway tracks and twirling his moustaches to show Holmes how evil he is.
Honestly, it's probably a little surprising that it's taken this long for hypnotism to show up in these stories, as it seems right up ACD's alley
And we're about to meet an old friend of Holmes' who has simply never come up before.
...a huge, coarse, red-faced, scorbutic man, with a pair of vivid black eyes which were the only external sign of the very cunning mind within.
"Scorbutic" apparently means affected by scurvy, which I had never come across before. Does that mean his gums are bleeding? The NHS tells me it might also mean red or blue spots on the skin.
Mr Johnson, may I introduce you to the joys of... fruit and veg.
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Please stop your gums from bleeding. Please.
...a slim, flame-like young woman with a pale, intense face, youthful, and yet so worn with sin and sorrow that one read the terrible years which had left their leprous mark upon her.
From scurvy to leprosy, once again being particularly flattering in your descriptions, Watson. Though I do love the 'flame-like' here. That's very evocative.
“Hell, London, gets me every time. Same address for Porky Shinwell. We're old mates, Porky, you and I. But, by cripes! there is another who ought to be down in a lower hell than we if there was any justice in the world!"
I like Kitty. I hope she doesn't die. She feels like a parody of a Victorian cockney character. It's beautiful.
There was an intensity of hatred in her white, set face and her blazing eyes such as woman seldom and man never can attain.
I guess women are just better at hating things?
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Does it though? Idek, such a weird thing to divide by gender.
"He would speak of someone in his velvet way and then look at me with a steady eye and say: ‘He died within a month.’"
This guy really needs to stop telling people about the crimes he's committed. I get that you're an arrogant dickhead, but surely there must be some room for brains in your head beside all that hubris. Maybe think before you speak? And don't just think 'oh how awesome and evil I am tee hee hee'.
I'm sorry, I just get annoyed when I see bad guys making such obvious, preventable mistakes. At least be good at being evil, if you're going to do it. Do it properly.
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"It's a book he has—a brown leather book with a lock, and his arms in gold on the outside. I think he was a bit drunk that night, or he would not have shown it to me.”
Oh for- Do you write it all down? Tell me you don't have a very secret evil diary of all your very secret evil deeds. Please... Please don't be that guy.
I get that this is realistic, because serial killers and horrible people do take trophies. But still...
Also, Adelbert is a name I've heard of before but never actually seen used.
“No good,” said Shinwell Johnson with the decided voice of the expert. “No fence wants stuff of that sort that you can neither melt nor sell.”
Shinwell Johnson here reminding us not only that he exists and that he is a criminal, but also possibly the most competent criminal in this story. Good for him.
“I am not out for money. Let me see this man in the mud, and I've got all I've worked for—in the mud with my foot on his cursed face. That's my price."
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Yes. I like Kitty a lot.
"If your head is inclined to swell, my dear Watson, take a course of Miss Violet de Merville."
S-tier line. This is just perfection. I love it.
"I pictured to her the awful position of the woman who only wakes to a man's character after she is his wife—a woman who has to submit to be caressed by bloody hands and lecherous lips. I spared her nothing—the shame, the fear, the agony, the hopelessness of it all."
Holmes going hard. I feel disgusted and I'm just getting the description of the description. This story has a lot of excellent turns of phrase in it. This section is particularly repellent.
"'...you needn't look at me like that, my fine lady, for you may be lower than I am before you are through with it.’"
Kitty is the best and I want her to be in every story from now on. You tell her. Go for the throat. I know it's not going to work, but yes!
"And it did. Their blow fell—or his blow rather, for never could I believe that the lady was privy to it."
So women are capable of more hatred than men, but they aren't capable of things like this. You have a very confused and tangled view of gender, Watson. Who hurt you?
But they eloped, didn't they? But then she'd definitely be privy to that.
"There, black upon yellow, was the terrible news-sheet: Murderous Attack Upon Sherlock Holmes"
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Well, I suppose in a way that's better... because clearly he's not dead. And also that means that Holmes will have some sort of evidence against him.
Adelbert really needs to learn not to overplay his hand. If you're so sure that nothing can go wrong, just... wait it out. She'll marry you and everything will be fine. Patience.
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homomenhommes · 6 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … November 29
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1764 – Percy Jocelyn (d.1843) was Anglican Bishop of Clogher in the Church of Ireland from 1820 to 1822. He was forced from his position due to claims of homosexual practices.
In 1811, Bishop Percy's brother John Jocelyn's coachman, James Byrne, accused Percy of 'taking indecent familiarities' with him (possibly buggery) and of 'using indecent or obscene conversations with him'. The bishop survived this accusation, instead suing the coachman for libel. Byrne was convicted and was sentenced to two years in jail and also to public flogging. Recanting his allegations at the prompting of the bishop's agent, the floggings were stopped. A public subscription was raised in 1822 after Jocelyn's fall from grace to raise money for Byrne to try to make up for this miscarriage of justice.
On 19 July 1822, Percy Jocelyn was caught in a compromising position with a Grenadier Guardsman, John Moverley, in the back room of The White Lion public house, St Albans Place, off The Haymarket, Westminster. He and Moverley were released on bail, provided by the Earl of Roden and others. Jocelyn broke bail and moved to Scotland where he worked as a butler under an assumed name. He was declared deposed in his absence by the Metropolitan Court of Armagh in October 1822 for "the crimes of immorality, incontinence, Sodomitical practices, habits, and propensities, and neglect of his spiritual, judicial, and ministerial dutie."
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A political cartoon of the time
Jocelyn was the most senior British churchman to be involved in a public homosexual scandal in the 19th century. It became a subject of satire and popular ribaldry, resulting in more than a dozen illustrated satirical cartoons, pamphlets, and limericks, such as:
The Devil to prove the Church was a farce Went out to fish for a Bugger. He baited his hook with a Soldier's arse And pulled up the Bishop of Clogher.
The scandal was so great, that in the days following, "it was not safe for a bishop to show himself in the streets of London", according to Charles Manners-Sutton, Archbishop of Canterbury at the time. In August 1822, Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, who was both the Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons, had an audience with King George IV saying he was being blackmailed, and that "I am accused of the same crime as the Bishop of Clogher."
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1931 – Leo Martello (d.2000) was an American Wiccan priest, gay rights activist, and author. He was a founding member of the Strega Tradition, a form of the modern Pagan new religious movement of Wicca which drew upon his own Italian heritage. During his lifetime he published a number of books on such esoteric subjects as Wicca, astrology, and tarot reading.
Born to a working-class Italian American family in Dudley, Massachusetts, he was raised Roman Catholic although became interested in esotericism as a teenager. He later claimed that when he was 21, relatives initiated him into a tradition of witchcraft inherited from their Sicilian ancestors; this conflicts with other statements that he made, and there is no independent evidence to corroborate his claim.
During the 1950s, he was based in New York City, where he worked as a graphologist and hypnotist. After beginning to publish books on paranormal topics in the early 1960s, he publicly began identifying as Wiccan in 1969, and stated that he was involved in a New York coven.
After the Stonewall riots of 1969, Martello – himself a gay man – involved himself in gay rights activism, becoming a member of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). Leaving the GLF following an internal schism, he became a founding member of the Gay Activist Alliance (GAA) and authored a regular column, "The Gay Witch", for its newspaper.
In 1970 he founded the Witches International Craft Associates (WICA) as a networking organization for Wiccans, and under its auspices organized a "Witch In" that took place in Central Park at Halloween 1970, despite opposition from the New York City Parks Department. To campaign for the civil rights of Wiccans, he founded the Witches Anti-Defamation League, which was later renamed the Alternative Religions Education Network.
In 1973, he visited England, there being initiated into Gardnerian Wicca by the Gardnerian High Priestess Patricia Crowther. He continued practicing Wicca into the 1990s, when he retreated from public life, eventually succumbing to cancer in 2000.
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1968 – Jonathan Knight is an American singer. Knight is part of the boyband New Kids on the Block. The band also includes Donnie Wahlberg, Joey McIntyre, Danny Wood and Jonathan's younger brother Jordan. He is the oldest member of the group and was the first to leave the group in 1994 prior to their official disbanding. The band reunited briefly in 2008.
Jonathan Knight was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to Canadian parents. (His father, an Episcopal priest, is from Meaford, Ontario; his mother is from Dunnville, Ontario.) He is one of six children, including Allison, Sharon, David, Christopher and Jordan.
In the early 1990s, Knight was linked to teen pop singer Tiffany. Both denied dating at the time. In 2009, The National Enquirer published an article from a man claiming to be Knight's ex-boyfriend, and outing him as gay. In a January 2011 interview, singer Tiffany stated that Knight is gay, which Knight then confirmed, saying "I have lived my life very openly and have never hidden the fact that I am gay." n a statement on the NKOTB blog, he added "Apparently the prerequisite to being a gay public figure is to appear on the cover of a magazine with the caption 'I am gay'. I apologize for not doing so if this is what was expected!"
Since 2008, Knight has been in a relationship with Harley Rodriguez, best known for playing Manny Lopez in the Sweet Valley High television series. The two participated in the 26th season of the reality competition series The Amazing Race, which aired on CBS in early 2015, where they placed 9th. On November 15, 2016, while vacationing in Africa, the two became engaged when Knight proposed to Rodriguez. In March 2021, Knight began hosting the HGTV television show Farmhouse Fixer, in which he restores old New England farmhouses for clients.
On August 25, 2022, it was revealed that Knight and Rodriguez had married.
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1628 – John Felton, murderer of George Villiers (King James I's lover) was hanged. Villiers was the last in a succession of handsome young favorites on whom the king lavished affection and patronage, although the personal relationship between the two has been much debated. 
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1984 – Less than a month after being established as a city, West Hollywood approved a gay rights ordinance.
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1990 – US President George H.W. Bush signs an immigration bill ending the gay ban.
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
50 Days of HypnoFetish - Day 4: Verbal Filters
Alignment: Equally Top and Bottom.
Oh fractionated babble, my beloved.
It doesn't matter if I'm the one swaying drunkenly on a hypnotic high or smirking possessively and pulling the leash on my partner, drawing words unbidden from their lips until every single thought and feeling has spilled out without stopping by the conscious mind for any regard.
It requires a little bit of fine tuning to do this safely and if it happens wrong then there's some clean up that needs to happen.
But when it hits good? Oh how it feels good.
The one that I use most when I am in Top space is "praise me more", when I detect a partner being complimentary of me I add that in to draw the words from the soul and have them gush about me for a few extra moments. I adore watching the different ways it washes over someone. To one partner it is a swooning release of infatuation being released into the atmosphere, complete joy and affection getting to crystalize itself into words.
For another it's a firm blush as they can't stop themselves from saying the sappiest and most reverent things. Oh how I glisten in the delight of being praised in such a way.
Obviously I check in for comfort, because I think embarrassment is a lovely seasoning and "making someone blush really hard" could even get a day to itself (it likely won't), and most importantly I make sure that though "unfiltered" is part of the suggestion, there is a hypnotic filter that catches anything which would not be comfortable for you to reveal.
When I was young I used to take a bus through London to travel between my parent's flats. I used to stare out of the window and dream about things. In my early teens I remember thinking I wanted a hypnotist to ask me questions and get my honest reply. Without thought. Without processing. Just truth offered without filter.
So, true story time.
@soveryverytired and I had a painfully long courtship. We had a hypnotic entanglement that had open rapport. We had kissed a few times (the first of which was on the dance floor at a wedding) and had gotten to the point of sharing beds and making out while watching transgender media.
I have an open trigger (with safeties) that if I receive orange chocolate from a trusted source and eat it I will fall into trance.
Dolly handed me a Kit-Kat one day and I bit into it and did not realize the flavor until it hit me. I believe "...oh!" was the sound I made. She made me comfortable and asked me to tell her something I needed her to know, an Oikos staple.
"I'm in love with you." was my reply.
One of my earliest hypnotic fantasies came completely true. We began dating in earnest that month. I am so glad my deep self (another Oikos staple of a term, look for it in a Jukebox story sometime) decided to spill that little bit of truth out. My life is better for it.
What I like most about this is that it really gives the feeling of being possessed by the hypnosis. It's the kind of proof that you're actually in an altered state and not just following instructions with full awareness.
I ADORE being in altered states. I want to float on dreams and float on fantasies. Plus I experience denial on occasion and when filter is removed and I find myself obeying something to the point of which I cannot begin to claim it was pre-planned or consciously driven? I feel much more at home with what I do.
I'm sure Goddess or Daja can tell some tales about my fractionated babble. I've said some weird stuff in the past.
For my last trick today, I have asked Goddess to compel me to sit in front of a microphone and babble about a topic of her chosing. I wrote this before asking her. Below I will post the audio of what came of this request.
Day 3: Summoning
Day 5: Hair Play
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cityhypnosis · 11 months
How To Find The Best Hypnotherapist London?
In the bustling city of London, finding the right hypnotherapist to address your needs can be daunting. Whether you're seeking assistance with quitting smoking, overcoming anxiety, or improving self-confidence, choosing the best hypnotherapist london is crucial for achieving positive results. This blog aims to guide you through finding the ideal hypnotherapist in London, providing valuable insights.
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Identifying Experience and Credentials
To ensure you receive the best hypnotherapist london services, it's essential to consider the experience and credentials of potential hypnotherapists. Look for professionals who have undergone extensive training and hold relevant certifications. They should possess a proven track record of successfully assisting clients with similar issues. You can find individuals with specialized expertise in your specific area of concern.
Assessing Client Reviews and Testimonials
One effective way to gauge the effectiveness and professionalism of a hypnotherapist is by examining client reviews and testimonials. Visit reputable review platforms and search for feedback from previous clients. Pay attention to positive experiences that align with your needs. Genuine testimonials can provide valuable insights into the therapist's communication style, techniques, and overall effectiveness, helping you make an informed decision.
Finding the best hypnotherapist london requires careful consideration and research. Focusing on a hypnotherapist's experience and credentials ensures you're working with a qualified professional. Additionally, examining client reviews and testimonials helps you understand the therapist's success rate and ability to address specific issues effectively. Remember to be open-minded and trust your instincts when selecting a hypnotherapist. Lastly, many websites are valuable resources for finding a range of professional hypnotherapists in London.
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whatihavebeenreading · 3 months
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Book 15 this year, Dunkelsprung by Leonie Swann. One of my favourite books that I love rereading, and my favourite Leonie Swann book so far.
What it's about In present-day London, a flea circus director has his recently deceased flea artists brought back from the dead by mythical creature Elizabeth Thorn. In return, she asks him to help her free other mythical creatures from the clutches of the stage magician Fawkes. They are aided by private detective Frank Green who has freed himself from his past working for a gangster boss with the help of a for hypnotist, a lovely old lady with a feather that helps one through labyrinths, and a fluffy dragon.
What I like about it It's just so whimsical, everything is fantastic and magical. Maybe I'm just not one for extensive worldbuilding, but I like that barely anything is explained and it still all makes sense. The best is definitely the writing, Leonie Swann playing with words and making everything sound funnier and more interesting with her word choice alone.
What I don't like about it The ending is a bit abrupt for my taste. It's not bad as such. It ties up all the lose endings, I guess. But after all the detailed elaborations throughout the book, it lacks a little something extra.
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space-blue · 7 months
Trick or treat!
Poor anon... Let me beam you 90% of the first chapter of an original story I worked on years ago and never finished.
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Did you ever wonder if you could spend a day without drinking? Even if you were thirsty, to just stay locked in your room, and hope that "thirty days without food, three days without water" weren't an urban myth?
I have, of course, as a sort of intellectual exercise. Like wondering whether you'd rather die of thirst or hunger; such merry thoughts usually triggered by some piece of sensational news about people surviving against all odds, trapped under buildings, licking wet concrete for weeks.
Never had I considered it as seriously as that morning, sitting on the edge of my bed, head bobbing on the knees I'd gathered in my arms. My bare feet drummed a matching rhythm, following the erratic patterns of my anguished thoughts. I had already given up on the morning's plans of course. Why worry about jogging or work when I wasn't sure I'd get a glass to drink. Or a thing to eat. Or an access to the toilet, either.
I cursed myself for keeping my room so tidy. I rolled back across my bed, tumbling in my duvet like this was some slumber party. But there were no half eaten meals, no bags of chips or popcorn, no bottles or glasses laying around, half full or half empty. No one either, to hit me with a pillow—let alone open the door for me.
I sat back up, starring at this hideous obstacle in the wall, this repulsive thing I could barely stand to look at. The idea of touching it, opening it and being confronted with what may lay behind made my stomach lurch and my body break in a sweat.
A fucking door.
How did I not see it coming? The endless question. As if I could plan for everything. I reached for my phone, checking for messages. Answers to my desperate cries for help.
Nothing yet. I'm no sexy princess to be delivered out of my dungeon, for sure, but at least Virgil would help. He'd come for me—not on a white horse but in a white sedan. And if he found my desiccated corpse, I knew he'd get some epic line carved on my tombstone. Something witty like "Finally got a phobia of living".
I laughed at the ceiling and, for lack of a better thing to do, started reviewing the series of events that had led me here, trapped in my own bedroom by a paralysing fear of its door.
It all started two years ago. I'd scored a great job, working a management desk in a brand new animation studio based in London. I loved what we did there, but work was slowly turning into hell because of commute. I simply couldn't afford rent anywhere near my work—could barely afford to breathe and eat, actually; fuck London.
And you see, I had a crippling phobia of trains and cars... and buses, subways, trams—basically anything that had me inside a metal box travelling at great speeds. I insisted on riding my bicycle everywhere. You can imagine how things got, between the woeful weather, the waste of a time I didn't have, the lack of sleep snowballing into absences, sick days and increasingly sloppy work... Within a year it was a toss up as to what would get me first, between my boss waving a P45 or a car clipping my wheel.
I needed to act, and fast. That wrote off drawn out therapy, so I got an appointment with a hypnotist. I didn't really know what to expect. I'd heard about them from a concerned friend who'd seen some tv show about them. Third hand information at best, yet my GP confirmed hypnosis was an option and gave me a reference to a private hypnotherapist in Whitechapel who'd only set me back one third of my rent a pop.
I went in with low expectations and high hopes. I can't stress enough how pleased I was to walk out of that first session entirely cured. My fear, the entire gut reaction, the physical distress at the very idea of being trapped in a car, was gone. The poor hypnotherapist was so taken aback, she scheduled a second appointment later in the same week and asked me to try and sit in an unmoving car before then and report how that felt.
I went home in a taxi, crying my eyes out in happiness, thinking there would never be another session.
It lasted for a few days. Retrospectively, I think I just failed to find the proper triggers.
My first fright, I was getting to the subway entrance and froze. I found myself taken by nausea, feet glued to the steps. An all too familiar cocktail of feelings. I could not bring myself to go underground. It was like it would swallow me. Like it was a hole, not a tunnel. An anthill, swarming with sweaty hordes of people who didn't seem to notice how close the walls were, how dense the air... Everything screamed danger at me, every sense on high alert, except for my knees, ready to go to sleep.
Do you know someone who has a phobia of planes? People always talk those poor folk down.
"Hey, planes are safe!"
"One in a million chances!"
"It's more dangerous to take the bus across town, or to cross the street!"
Does it make a difference to them? Of course not. You can be perfectly reasonable about the object of your phobia. You can know for certain that it is safe, and yet remain utterly terrified of it. It's a gut feeling, a horror without sense or reason. Of course a frog can't eat you. Of course a house spider as large as a finger nail is more scared of you than you of her, and she couldn't even pierce your skin if she tried to bite you. As harmless as a mayfly, yet you climb up the curtains and wail.
It's really insulting, to have someone laugh at you as if your logic were what's at fault. It's not, it's some deep, poorly wired connection in your brain, wherever it breeds mortal fear.
And if people try to cure plane-phobia folks with hard Facts and Logic, just imagine how they react to a grown man shreaking in the supermarket aisle, suddenly discovering himself a phobia of tuna cans?
Yes, that happened too. The day after the underground fear. And yes, I knew that cans—of tuna or otherwise—wouldn't hurt me. But it was terrifying. I didn't see it coming, I had grabbed it while fumbling with my shopping list. When I saw it and the fear locked into place...
Yet the next day I could open my kitchen cupboard and grab any can I wanted.
The phobia, I slowly came to realise, was jumping to some new, unknown objects every day. It left me wondering where I'd be, next time something caught me off guard. I woke up stressed, tensed for the day ahead. I went to bed fighting sleep, my dreams often plagued by whatever thing or concept had scared me all day.
Fear and anguish and tuna cans.
Now featuring doorknobs as well.
The hypnotherapist had been eager to believe me. It was easier for her to accept something was wrong with my head than to believe she could cure me my phobia in a single session. Her recommendations sent me down a string of doctors, all more academic than the next. I quit my job when it became clear I couldn't hold it. My girlfriend left me the day after I woke up screaming at the sight of her in my bed and ran to lock myself in the bathroom.
Phobia of women is a thing. It's called gynophobia and it's stupid.
Eventually, I moved to Edinburgh, Scotland. I got a flat and a stipend for working with the University there. With Virgil and his team at the neuroscience department. Malcolm Evans became M. E. in all papers on my rather... unique condition.
The man whose deep sleep cycles resets his phobia! The man with gremlins for brains. That was me. That had become my life. To be prodded and tested and written about. Paraded at talks and flown about the world, put under and medicated and cat-scanned and ultra-sounded and punctured and dressed up in more electrodes wires than a Christmas tree with fairylights.
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abwwia · 1 year
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Lee Miller, Leonora Carrington, Ady Fidelin and Nusch Eluard.
(1937 - Lee Miller Archive)
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Lee Miller (2) Elizabeth "Lee" Miller, Lady Penrose (April 23, 1907 – July 21, 1977), was an American photographer and photojournalist. She was a fashion model in New York City in the 1920s before going to Paris, where she became a fashion and fine art photographer. During the Second World War, she was a war correspondent for Vogue, covering events such as the London Blitz, the liberation of Paris, and the concentration camps at Buchenwald and Dachau.
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Leonora Carrington (3)
Mary Leonora Carrington OBE (6 April 1917 – 25 May 2011) was a British-born Mexican artist, surrealist painter, and novelist. She lived most of her adult life in Mexico City and was one of the last surviving participants in the Surrealist movement of the 1930s. Carrington was also a founding member of the women's liberation movement in Mexico during the 1970s.
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Ady Fidelin (4)
Adrienne 'Ady' Fidelin was born and raised in Guadeloupe, but emigrated to France with her family in 1928 after a hurricane devastated the archipelago. In Paris, at the height of the jazz age, she became a dancer, frequenting nightclubs such as the Bal Blomet, and in 1935 met Man Ray. She’d go on to appear in more than 400 photographs, paintings, drawings and etchings. Man Ray, like Lee Miller, did a lot of fashion work at this time, with his photographs regularly appearing in Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.
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Nusch Eluard (5)
Nusch Éluard (born Maria Benz; 21 June 1906 – 28 November 1946) was a French performer, model and surrealist artist.
Born Maria Benz in Mulhouse (then part of the German Empire)
Nusch arrived in France as a stage performer, variously described as a small-time actress, a traveling acrobat, and a "hypnotist's stooge". Produced surrealist photomontage and other work, and is the subject of "Facile," a collection of Éluard's poetry published as a photogravure book, illustrated with Man Ray's nude photographs of her.
* apparently photo by Roland Penrose
#LeeMiller #LeonoraCarrington #AdyFidelin #NuschEluard #greatfemaleartists #greatfemaleartist #womensart #artbywomen #femaleartists #PalianShow #femaleartist
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sammorrigansb · 2 years
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London After Midnight (also marketed as The Hypnotist) is a lost 1927 American silent-era mystery-thriller pseudo-vampire film that collectors now consider the 'holy grail' of lost films—directed and co-produced by Tod Browning and starring Lon Chaney, with Marceline Day, Conrad Nagel, Henry B. Walthall and Polly Moran. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer distributed the film.
The last known copy was destroyed in the 1965 MGM vault fire, along with hundreds of other rare early films, making it for decades one of the most sought-after lost films of the silent era. In 2002, Turner Classic Movies aired a reconstructed version, produced by Rick Schmidlin, who used the original script and film stills to recreate the original plot.
In May 2022, there were attempts to find a copy of the film in Australia, which was at the end of the film distribution chain.
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