#long fin bat fish
unluckywisher · 29 days
The LADS Lads™ if they suddenly turned into animals:
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Zayne turns into a tuxedo cat while he's typing away at his computer. He notices because suddenly he's sitting at his desk and pawing at the keyboard.
He goes "Mrawh!?" and tries to call you to come help, but he can't unlock his phone without his fingerprint. Luckily, you had an appointment a bit later in the day, so when you arrive, he starts bapping his Identification Card and meowing at you.
At first you don't know what's going on, obviously, why there's a cat in Zayne's office and not him, but you move closer and pick it up in your arms, and you recognize his eye color.
"Zayne?" You ask. He meows in response. He seems comfy in your arms though, purring away. You take him home for the day and make excuses to his coworkers.
He cozies up to you on the couch, loafing on your lap and closing his eyes in relaxation. Maybe he should turn into a cat more often, he thinks.
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Rafayel turns into a mermaid betta while he's on a videocall with you. Just- Poof, fish. He flops out of view and into the cup of water he had near him.
You rush to his house, and in the time you take to arrive, he blows a few bubbles and shakes his fins, clearly upset by this whole situation. He attempts to jump over to Reddie's tank, but he ends up on the floor.
Thankfully you arrive just then, and toss him into the tank with a relieved sigh. He bumps against the glass as if saying "What took you so long?" and turns his back on you. You reach into the tank and caress his tail, "I came as fast as I could, I swear!".
Eventually he warms up to your touch and swims between your fingers, in acceptance of your words. Still, you better get ready to spend the rest of the day with him since he "might get turned into a fish again, and you wouldn't want to leave me by myself, riiight?"
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Xavier turns into a mini lop rabbit in the middle of a mission. He's forced to flee combat, hopping away to the location your mission takes place in.
By the time he arrives, he might have taken a little nap under a bush since the run was so exhausting, but that's irrelevant, he has to find a way to let you know he's him.
You crouch to pet the cute bunny but stop short of it when he jumps to hit your Hunter’s Watch, somehow knowing how to call Xavier. The call doesn't go through, and the rabbit thumps the ground, then cleans his face. As strange as it seems, the situation dawns upon you.
He stands on his hind legs, waiting for you to pick him up. You do. On the way back home, he falls asleep again on your arms, ears tucked in. Why weren't you both born rabbits, he wonders.
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Sylus turns into a vampire bat while showing off his 'singing skills' to Luke and Kieran. "Wait, boss, you sound better now." They say before they realize what has happened.
He flaps his wings in annoyance and perches himself next to Mephisto, who is very confused and keeps tilting his head to study the new flying friend.
The twins, slightly panicked, call you and tell you to come over. Obviously you don't know how to fix it, but it's a funny situation and you weren't going to miss it.
When you arrive, the bat flies over to you and starts making chittering sounds. It seems like Sylus isn't going to miss this opportunity to show you his singing skills too now that he supposedly sounds ‘even better’.
He doesn't usually act this cute, so you shut up and happily pet his fuzzy head. Good luck when he turns back.
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Caleb turns into a bernese mountain dog as he’s cooking dinner. You're waiting in the living room, scrolling through Tumblr, when there's a crash at the kitchen.
He greets you with a joyful bark, wagging his tail at maximum speed. It seems like he was carrying the sauce from one place to another, and he got turned in the middle of the action, covering him in sauce. He starts licking himself but you stop him.
“Let's give you a bath.” You laugh, cleaning the floor. He doesn't seem to mind, he’s just happy to be there with you. You pet a clean part of his fur and he gives you what looks like a smile.
After the bath he shakes himself dry, splashing water all over you. He barks as if laughing. You consider feeding him actual dog food when he turns back in retaliation.
A/N: You might ask yourself, Irene, why did you transform Sylus into a bat instead of a crow? Well, I felt like it was too easy and too repetitive since Mephi is already a crow, and I feel like a bat represents him well too! Also, I really said “immersion” with that ‘scrolling through Tumblr’ bit, huh. LMAO. Why do I love changing LaDS characters into different versions of themselves is something that no one knows. Btw that Xavier part was completely inspired by Roxie (unbeknownst to her) so you can thank her.
- dividers by @/jiyascepter , @/kaitsawamura , @/saradika , @/drifting-moon , and last one made by me <3
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bogleech · 1 year
maybe you're wondering my most tenned favorite dinosauruses??? The science study of dinasacacers is called "dinosaurusology" by leading experts like myself, and it is constantly changing as we make new uncoveries almost every tuesday when we find new bones in my cousin rob's garage (he hasn't thrown anything out since the 90's!) As such bear in mind that up to two facts I am about to share could become dated over the course of the next century, however as both the king and queen of science this will only be true if I'm still available to approve the new facts. If I'm dead or kind of tired then nobody will ever know what's true anymore so you should be nice to me. #10: OVIRAPTOR
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OVIRAPTOR was a good model for what all dinosacans were like: it was a wrinkly lizard that slithered in filthy dirt and had difficulty standing upright because its bones were made of rocks. This is why we have the term "the stone age," so be grateful you're living in "the bone age!" Oviraptor's name means "eggs velociraptor" because it was a kind of velociraptor that stole eggs. It didn't know what to do with them because nobody invented cooking yet and raw dinosaur eggs were disgusting, so every oviraptor starved to death.
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This was the last known photograph of IGUANA DON (not to be confused with his cousin iguana dan) when george washington invented photographs 2 million years ago. Don was an ugly disgusting hilarious lizard monster with one horn on its nose and he died because he evolved a dining room in his torso exactly the right size for 21 cavemen to walk in and eat his kidneys. This was not helped by don's instinct to sleep on a big porch under a chandelier.
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DIMETRODON was the most common dinosaur of jurassic, which was the fifth and final era of dinosaurs after the ice age but before the ediacaran. In fact dimetrodon was the very last dinosaur to ever exist on earth before they were all eaten to death by the ediacaran's dominant predator: a species of swirly looking weird rock. Nobody knows why these swirly looking weird rocks died out, but it's most likely because dimetrodon was so poisonous from its diet of entirely pufferfish. You can tell it was a sea dinosaur because of its fish fin! #8: PTERADACTYL
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PTERODACTYL was a regular dinosaur until it got married to a species of bat and its bat wife laid a bunch of pterodactyl eggs! This woodcut is however inaccurate: flying would not be invented until president obama discovered the first airplane in 1998, so pterodactyl couldn't possibly have stayed in the air and just immediately fell. The long 900 million year reign of the pterodactyl abruptly ended when the last one finally hit the ground (it took longer in those days because the oxygen disaster made so much more air) #7 SNORKASAURUS
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SNORKASAURUS was completely unique among all dinocaurs by having a really long neck. It was one of the largest creatures to ever roam the earth at over 7 feet tall, or exactly 12 meters to those of you living in Liberia or Myanmar! This is the last known photograph of snorkasaurus, giving birth to the first cavemen. Snorkasaurus went extinct because all of them did this instead of making baby snorkasauruses. This is because like all dinosaurii they had only a tiny peanut for a brain, and nobody was around to give them 'the talk' because that wasn't invented yet.
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SMILODON was a very special dinosaurn because it was the first one to stand up on its hind legs after years of rigorous exercise and weight training. By inventing this new way of walking, Smilodon made it possible for the first monkeys to evolve! This is called "convergent" evolution.
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BULBASAUR was a majestic and beautiful species of neopet unfortunately disliked by the scientific community because it is the reason there are no flying dinosuars. Bulbasaur was the first ever flying dyanasar ever invented, 19 billion years ago on September 10, 2001, but the project was discontinued when its first test flight ended in a tragic accident. That's right: on September 11, 2001, Bulbasaur crashed into the stock market, causing the great depression that lead to the civil war :'( now to this very day, flying dinosarers are against the law.
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YOSHI is a type of dinersaulophus called a "bird," which was actually the second attempt by early neanderthal alchemists to manufacture a street legal flying dinnersauran, but the New Zealand government realized if dinophlofbuses can fly, then bats would no longer be special, and since bats are New Zealand's only major export it would have been an economic disaster. The queen of Australia (New Zealand's largest city) ordered the CIA to sand all of the wings off of these early prototype birds. Every bird tragically went extinct when it looked down, noticed how high up it was and remembered it could not fly, activating the effects of Earth's gravitational field.
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ANOMALOCARIS was the dinosorcerous that discovered the first primitive cave painting of a modern day crab and invented carcinisation. All the other dinanders laughed at Anomalocaris for wanting to turn into a crab, but guess what??? Every single kind of dinosaur is dead but there's a crab still alive at 29, making it the oldest person in the world. Who's FUCKING laughing now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is the last known photograph of Earl Sinclair, seen here as an uncredited extra in "Avatar 3: Lost in New York." Earl Sinclair was a sindonaur species that could disguise itself as a human by putting on sunglasses, a necessary adaptation in order to hide from the largest predator dancasore to ever live: Mellisuga helenae. However, near the end of the coal age, M. Helenae finally remembered that sunglasses hadn't even been invented yet. Look carefully, and you'll notice nobody is wearing sunglasses at all in this scene, making Earl Sinclair stick out like a sore thumb! If you're still having difficulty, here's a zoomed in image of this majestic thunder lizard:
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Unfortunately......this wardrobe malfunction made Mr. Sinclair just as obvious to his ancient enemy, and the last Earl Sinclair's brains were sucked out on September 11, 2001, the darkest day in British history because he was the only one who knew the recipe to chicken mcnuggets (the only british food.) To this day all british people are extinct but you can still see their fossilized skeletons waiting in line at the department of motor vehicles.
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Concavenator was an Early Cretaceous carcharodontosaurid up to six meters in length with an unusual pointed crest on its back.
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bethanythebogwitch · 4 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: cave fish
Prepare for a deep dive today. Not because I'm going to be more in-depth than usual, but because we're talking about caves. Which are deep. In the ground.... Yeah, you get it. Today is going to be a bit different from my normal WBW posts. Instead of going in depth on a particular species or group of related species I'm going to discuss common adaptations fish evolve to live permanently in caves and then go over a few species I find interesting. Let's get spelunking.
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(Image: Typhleotris madagascariensis, a typical cave fish. It is a small fish with an entirely white body and smooth skin where the eyes would be on a normal fish. It is resting on rocky sediment. End ID)
Caves are not an easy place to live. There's no light, limited food, often low oxygen levels, and the threat of collapse or rockfall. Cave-swelling animals (collectively called troglofauna) need a number of special adaptations to survive and there is little room for error. Troglofauna that are strictly aquatic are called stygofauna. Troglofauna and stygofauna can be divided into three groups based on their life history. Troglophiles and stygophiles complete part of their life cycle in caves and part outside of them. A classic example of this is the many species of bat who seasonally inhabit caves to give birth and mate. Trogloxenes and stygoxenes are animals who will visit caves, but do not require time in caves to complete their life cycle. An example trogloxene would be a bear who takes shelter in a cave during winter. Finally, troglobites and stygobites live their entire lives in caves and never leave. The fish I discuss today are stygobites. Because troglobites and stygobites generally will die outside of their caves, they have very little opportunity to disperse. As such, many cave fish species are found only in a single cave or cave system and are entirely dependent on the health of their homes to survive.
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(Image: two cave catfish sitting next to each other on a rock. They are white with elongated anal and rear dorsal fins, and no eyes. End ID)
Many cave-dwelling animals develop a set of common adaptations called troglomorphism. Cave water is often high in minerals but low in oxygen and food content. To survive, the fauna develop very slow metabolisms, allowing them to last a long time on limited resources while slowing down movement and other active systems and increasing age. These species are also typically smaller than their epigean (above-ground) relatives, further reducing their energy requirements. Slowed metabolism results in comparatively slow development. Cave species take much longer to mature and reproduce then related epigean species. Many species further decrease their energy consumption by moving as little as possible. Many species of cave fish are able to last long periods of time between meals without negative impacts to their health. They will binge eat whatever they can find and then subsist on fat stores while food is scarce. One test in captivity showed that a Phreatobius cisternarum (cave catfish) could go a while year between meals and stay healthy. Cave species are usually opportunistic generalists as they can't afford to pass up resources. Much of their food will originate outside of the cave, either directly or indirectly. Water flow into caves brings in algae, bacteria, plankton, and other food sources. Other more indirect methods of introducing include bat feces. While the fish may not eat the feces directly, other species may do so and potentially become prey to the cave fish. The feces also introduces nutrients from outside the cave that encourages the growth of other food sources like bacteria, fungi, and planktonic animals.
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(Image: Amblyopsis hoosieri, the hoosier cave fish. It is a very simplistic fish with no eyes or scales. End ID)
Life in a cave comes with a different sensory requirement. The complete lack of light makes vision useless. You don't know dark until you've seen cave dark. Fun fact: caves are so dark that sighted people can start hallucinating in them because our brains aren't evolved to handle zero visual stimulus and will start making stuff up to fill that gap. As a result of the utter darkness, many species of cave fish are blind. They either evolve to completely lose their eyes or have the eyes considerably reduced in size and function. Eyes take up a lot of energy to maintain and in caves, there is a lot of selective pressure to get rid of organs that aren't useful there. Despite the blindness, many species retain some form of photosensitivity and will flee from light. Cave species also often lack skin pigmentation. Skin pigment has two primary uses. It protects the skin from ultraviolet light in sunlight, and provides skin coloration that can be used for camouflage, displays, warnings, and so on. In an environment where there is no ultraviolet light and everyone is blind, skin pigment serves no real purpose and is lost. As a result, most cave species are white or translucent. The lack of pigment may be a reason so many species remain photosensitive. Without pigment, they would be highly susceptible to sunburn or skin cancer from ultraviolet light. Caves also have a sound dampening effect that makes hearing less valuable. Reduced eyes and pigmentation is also seen in deep sea fish that live too deep for light to reach. Even those species still use visual curs more than cave fish due to the abundance of bioluminescence in the deep ocean.
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(Image: Sinocyclocheilus longicornus, a recently discovered species. It is a fish with translucent skin, revealing the skeleton. It has a long shout with two pairs of barbels. Emerging from the upper back is a horn-like protrusion. End ID)
With vision off the table, cave fish rely on other senses. chemoreception through taste and smell are strongly selected for as traits that can direct cave animals toward food or away from threats. Another sensory system fish have is the lateral line. The Lateral line is an organ system found on each side of a fish where modified skin cells called hair cells detect motion in the water. The lateral line allows fish to sense movement in the water around them, informing them of water flow and the movement of food and threats. Cave fish typically have a well-developed lateral line system that compensates for the lack of vision. Many fish perform displays for various reasons, such as attracting mates. These displays are typically visual, but in cave fish, that isn't an option. Instead, their displays are more focused on moving the water in ways that can be detected by lateral lines. Some species of cave fish maintain additional sensory abilities from their epigean ancestors. An example of this are cave catfish, who retain the barbels and electroreception common to their kind.
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(Image: six Phreatichthys andruzzii. They are long, eyeless, white fish. The blood-filled gills are visible through its translucent skin, seen as a large red patch on the head. End ID)
Before moving on to specific species, it should be noted that cave fish is not a taxonomic category. Cave fish come from many different lines of descent and independently evolved similar adaptations to cave conditions. These similar adaptations are seen in most cave fauna, not just fish, and are collectively called troglomorphism. There are about 300 species of cavefish known to science.
Ophisternon candidum, or the blind cave eel, lives in north Australian caves that are connected to the ocean. Because these caves intake salt water, the pools and streams within them can become very salty, resulting in the eels developing a tolerance to a high range of salinity. They are rare, having been spotted under 40 times since 1959, and thus little is known of their lifestyle. We do know they burrow into sediment and secrete mucus to keep those burrows stable. Males seem to build burrows to woo females. They have been bred in captivity for use un laboratories. At up to 40 cm long, they are huge for cave fish and used to hold the record for the largest species known until another species was found that's even bigger.
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(Image: an eel with translucent, pink skin, no eyes, and ribs visible through the skin. It looks somewhat like an earthworm. End ID)
The actual largest known cave fish is Neolissochilus pnar, which gets up to 40 cm while being more massive than the eel. They are found in a single cave system 100 meters underground in India. The primary food source in the cave appears to be debris from the nearby forest that is washed into the cave during seasonal flooding. The fish may have been known to locals well before it was scientifically described, as there are stories of white cave fish going back over a century in the region.
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(Image: a small fish with no eyes, white skin, and a long snout with barbels on it)
The Alabama cave fish (Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni) may be the rarest species of freshwater fish in the world. They live exclusively in key cave, Alabama, USA and no more than 10 have ever been seen at a time. The population is estimated to be under 100, below the generally accepted minimum viable population for a species of 200. Fittingly enough, this means a species only found in Alabama may be severely inbred. They are believed to be triggered to mate by seasonal flooding and may be mouth brooders. Climate change-caused changes to flooding and toxins leaking into the groundwater from sewers are currently threatening them with extinction.
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(Image: a long, white, eyeless fish with an elongated snout. Its skeleton is visible through its skin. End ID)
Typhliasina pearsei, the Mexican blind brotula or dama blanca ciega (blind white lady), lives in the cenotes of the Yucatán peninsula. Cenotes are sinkholes filled with groundwater and the ones in the Yucatán are often connected by underground caves, rivers, and aquifers. The fish are apex predators who eat shrimp and mysids and are known to coexist with other cave fish in part of their range. As with other brotulas, they are a rare example of a bony fish that gives live birth. Because of how interconnected and numerous the cenotes are, this species has one of the largest distributions of all cave fish.
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(Image: an eyeless white fish with a long tail and elongated rear dorsal and anal fins. It is next to an orange rock. End ID)
Cryptotora thamicola, the cave angel fish or waterfall climbing cave fish, is the adrenaline junkie of the cave fish world. Most cave fish live in slow-moving or still water, but this daredevil lives in rapids. But just living in rapids isn't extreme enough, these guys climb waterfalls. Their large fins with hooked fin rays let them cling onto the rocks while facing into the current. They then allow food to flow right into their mouths. Unlike other walking fish, the waterfall climbers have a well-developed pelvic girdle and walk in a style very similar to tetrapods, with front and back fins alternating strides. This has made them very interesting to evolutionary biologists studying the transition from fish to tetrapods.
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(Image: a typical cave fish with very large pectoral and pelvic fins. End ID)
The Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus) is an example of a handful of fish species that have a cave form and a non-cave form. Most Mexican tetras are perfectly ordinary tetras, but one population has adapted to cave living and has developed trogomorphic traits. The cave from lack pigment, has tastebuds on its head, lacks eyes, and can store more body fat. While you would expect such radical physiological differences to mean the two populations are different species, they aren't. The two populations are fully capable of producing fertile offspring and do so in the wild. If you've ever seen a cave fish in person, there's a good chance it was one of these as the cave form has entered the pet trade and they do very well in captivity, making them the most studied cave fish.
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(Image: the non-cave and cave forms of the Mexican tetra seen next to each other for comparison. The non-cave form is a fairly typical silvery-green fish. The cave form is slightly more robust, white, and eyeless. End ID)
Because most cave fish are found only in a singe cave or cave system, they are fully dependent on the health of that cave. Caves tend to be very stable environments, which results in the inhabitants being pretty bad at adapting to change. Changes in water flow, introduction of new species, and pollutants can seriously harm or wipe out whole species. Many species of cave fish are rated as endangered or critically endangered based on their low populations and vulnerability to change.
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dead-end-draws · 7 months
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WOF tribe wingspan concepts:
Read below cut for close-ups of the individual wings + the thought process / headcannons behind the design choices: 👇
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Skywing: Huge wingspan to body ratio, meant for catching air current with ease, and soaring great distances, even days on end without rest. It can also assist in billowing fire, mainly from the sheer power & air that flapping their wings can generate. Inspired by seabirds such as gulls & albatrosses, all equipped for traveling overseas.
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Mudwing: Rounded wings to assist in parachuting and carrying more wind under a Mudwing’s muscled & bulky form. Striped patterns underneath wingspan resemble swamp reeds and algae when hunting. Given Mudwings are ambush predators, their wings are inspired by birds such as owls, which despite tending to be larger birds of prey, are very silent predators.
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Sandwings: Coiled wingtips which mimic their barbed tails in flight. They have wavy line like patterns underneath, meant to resemble shifting dunelines or freckled sand spots. Sandwings have the largest wingspan next to Skywings, due to their requirement of flying long distances across the desert. Primarily inspired by vultures, and carrion birds meant to soar & circle.
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Seawings: Fin-like Wings better equipped for swimming than flying. These wingspans are Manta Ray inspired, with dolphin-like tail ends connecting all the way to the wing tips. Depending on genetics, some seawings are born with more shark-like tail ends.
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Nightwing: Sleek & recognizable wing shape, commonly associated with all dragon imagery. Their wingspan is inspired by bats, making them equipped for gripping craggy rock ledges, and blending into the night, since they can easily furl around their body.
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Rainwing: Decorative and frilled wings. Inspired by Macaw/frilled lizards. Their wings mimic the same frills on their necks & tailbase, and can come in a variety of colors & patterns underneath. Stripes, spots, & swirls are all common sights. These wings are meant more for gliding, but also serve simultaneously as threat and courtship displays with the right whorls of color.
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Icewings: Icewings have ridged wings which mimic icicles and shattered glaciers. Their wings feature sharp, narwhal-like spines at the tips. Similar to their serrated claws, they are perfect for stabbing into ice for balance, or spearing seals & fish. They can also hold dragon/prey firmly in place, and easily scewer an opponent in flight if needed.
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lauralot89 · 1 year
You know what it's time for?
(IDs are in the image descriptions)
Pocket Shark
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Pocket sharks are named for two small pocket glands appearing behind their pectoral fins. These glands are theorized to be luminous. Pocket sharks look like tiny, tiny sperm whales.
Angular Roughshark
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Also called the pig-faced shark or the pig fish, angular roughsharks grow to be about 3 feet 4 in long on average. I personally think they're more bat-faced.
Goblin Shark
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Found in the deep sea, goblin sharks are known for being able to extend their jaws like a grabber tool made of teeth. Wikipedia says that these sharks' "flabby bodies" suggest that they are sluggish in nature.
Cookiecutter Shark
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The cookiecutter shark only grows to about 20 inches in length, but that doesn't stop it from biting into orcas, great whites, or humans. It suctions onto its meal with its lips and then goes to town. It removes perfect circles of flesh, hence its name.
Wobeggong Shark
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Wobeggong refers to twelve species of carpet shark, so-named for their resemblance to a shag rug. They dwell on the bottom of the sea floor and wait for smaller fish to swim nearby.
Swell Shark
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Swell sharks like to hide in crevices of algae-covered rocks, waiting for prey to swim by. They are so named not because they're really swell (though they are) but because as a defense mechanism, they can swell up to double their size by swallowing sea water.
Greenland Shark
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The Greenland shark has high concentrations of urea in its body. It is theorized to have a lifespan of 250 to 500 years, and it can grow up to 23 feet long. Greenland sharks have been found with moose and reindeer in their stomachs. Because of the shark's toxic levels of urea, its flesh must be fermented or otherwise treated before consumption.
Viper Dogfish
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Like the goblin shark, the viper dogfish's jaws can protude from the rest of its head, though its coloring means the viper dogfish looks significantly more Xenomorphish when doing so. This small shark is a member of the lanternshark family, and its underside glows.
Pointy-Nosed Blue Chimaera
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Also know as the abyssal ghostshark, this deep sea shark has a venomous spine on its dorsal fin used for defense.
Genie's Dogfish Shark
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Genie's dogfish shark is a small species found in the gulf of Mexico and the west Atlantic Ocean. It has real life anime eyes.
Ninja Lanternshark
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The ninja lanternshark is a small bioluminescent shark. It is all black except for white markings around its eyes and mouth. It reaches about a foot and a half in length.
Frilled Shark
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The frilled shark is sometimes called a living fossil, as it is basically unchanged in the past 80 million years. They are named for their teeth, which each have three points.
Epaulette Shark
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Epaulette sharks are named for the large spots behind their pectoral fins. These sharks frequently visit tidal pools and have adapted to long periods of oxygen deprivation by shutting down non-essential neural functions. Epaulette sharks often "walk" with their fins on the sea floor rather than swim.
Horn Shark
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Similar to the epaulette sharks, horn sharks like to walk on the sea floor with their fins. However, these sharks have sharp spines to deter predators.
This Ridiculousness
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A prehistoric shark, helicoprion lived 20 million years ago and was apparently part buzzsaw. A fossil unearthed in Idaho in 2014 showed that these sharks had no teeth in their upper jaw, and a whorl of teeth in their lower jaw. It's a shame Junji Ito wasn't introduced to this shark during the writing of Uzumaki.
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thatdraggo · 21 days
Hello Everyone in the Objectified/COTH fandom! I’m creating my own comic about multiple razor packs being at war. It would also be about religious beliefs, homes, and how different packs live. Not all of them can live in forests.
This would give more depth to the forest dwellers we know and love.
So, I’m asking you all to send in your own Razor ocs to be put in the comic! Since I’m not too creative. I need rulers for each pack (4), (4) Stone guardians, civilians for each pack (so about 10) and (2) other main characters!
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If you want your oc to be added, please provide a short description of characteristics, the pack wanted to be in, and a reference sheet in a reblog, and not through a message! Thank you!
Here is the pack list and description
Pack Safety: Safety guard hoods and masks that come from a slit on their heads. Most mysterious and deadly pack. They will kill with no hesitation anyone that differs from the “standard archetype” of Pack Safety. A usual defect dealt with is their hoods either not completely covering the face and or not being able to slide on and off. Usually developed by kits “too loved” or too hated, due the hood coming automatically on when under stress. This “disability” is sometimes developed by war veterans too, meaning they have to be executed. Long razor heads with not very much variation in color. Usual beastial type is coyote beastial, if not a coyote beastial, immediately assumed to be a hybrid and is quickly killed with the snap of a neck + the mother’s as well. Live in common pine forest.
Pack Seaside: An aquatic pack that lives on riverbeds and under streams. Have beautiful voices like sirens and fins / gills all around them. Small webs in between talons / fingers. Usually tropical fish and seahorse built tails / fins with alligator limbs other than tail. If furry, usually have Beaver beastial roots
Pack Echo: Usually have draping wings connected to their arms like wyverns, large ears, and night vision. Usually the only razor pack with ears and long tails. They kill or leave kits to die with damaged ears or other injuries, due to the inability to survive in such conditions in the mines and caves they live in. Usually have dragon / bat beastial roots.
Pack Guard: The most loose in control pack, usually with hybrids from other pack types. Thick rubbery glands around face, and usually have magical powers related to thunder (electric razors) only razor type to be able to purr, a signal only used by their pack. Have glowing glands that light up in dark caves/ at night. By far the most artsy and creative pack. Least fearsome pack, though have the most physical strength by far. No definitive beastial type, but bear beastial ancestors were painted on their trees and canvases. Live in common pine forests
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glass-noodle · 1 year
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lab merman AU part 8! 💚💙
Word gets around. Tina and Gavin won't leave Hank alone. Connor follows Hank everywhere — almost like a partner — flashing him a goofy, toothy little grin whenever Hank catches his eye. Sometimes it seems like he's moving extra slowly and sinuously through the water, letting the light catch his scales and ripple off his fins as he twists and weaves gracefully. If Hank didn't know any better, he'd say the kid was showing off.
On their breaks, Connor barely seems interested in the fish that Hank brings anymore, preferring to haul himself onto the deck and bat those huge doe eyes at Hank until he starts talking to Connor, or plays a game of coin toss with him, or shows him more pictures of Sumo. Hank knows the situation's still not ideal — Connor's still trapped in a fucking tank, after all — but he can't help but feel better than he has in a long time. Connor makes him feel better.
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sea-salted-wolverine · 4 months
I'm violently obsessed with the salmon plushie, is there absolutely any way we could get even a very rough pattern? Like rough ideas of shapes/sizes/placements? It wouldn't have to be super detailed, or even complete, I'm mostly interested in how you did the head/jaw and fins. I would be willing to pay you for it. You are the BEST auntie ever!!!! 🐟💗
@benevolentbirdgal you asked something similar i just haven't got around to answering
I have had people in real life ask for a pattern of how I did this and unfortunately I don't even know how to read/follow a pattern much less write/arrange/format one. If you scroll back through my blog a bit you can find all the progress pictures, they should all be tagged with both #plushie and #neice creature.
I suppose if you wanted a write up of the process it would go something like this.
Step one, become intimately acquainted with fish. Be born in a place where a large chunk of the state charter is about fishing rights. Go to kindergarten in a place where they not only teach kids about every phase of the life cycle but also raise salmon fry in classroom aquariums. Catch and clean alot of fish, like alot, like get up into the thousands. Become so quick and efficient at cleaning fish that tourists stop to watch you and people ask for lessons and knife sharpening.
Step two, now that you have the anatomy of a salmon ingrained into the fibers of your soul, just, draw one in its entirety on the inside of a pair of jeans that never fit. Make it half size, for baby hands, about the size of a trout. I literally never put a ruler anywhere near this thing, but like, 12-14 inches tip to tail.
Step three, make the pectoral, pelvic, anal, and dorsal fins as well as the caudal fin(tail). Make vague plans about the adipose fin and then give up and ignore it because no one cares about the adipose fin, including the fish themselves. Turn all the fins right-side out and stitch their rays on, giving them a little bit of structure and shape. Get to the tail fin and realize you are not stitching 20 fin rays on there and find a happy medium between accuracy and ease.
Step four. Fuck. Fish are hollow. The whole point of cleaning a fish is to cut it into lots of little pieces, some of which you eat and some of which you discard, which is not something you want of a child's toy. You could. But you don't want whoever is cleaning up after this toddler to run around picking up lil fishy organs. Rethink the way you filet a fish. Cringe at the thought that the most efficient way to make this plush is the least efficient way to filet a fish.
The filets themselves are easy, or at least, they're easy if you've done step one. It's an oblong shape with the belly color stitched directly to the denim, about the width of a hand. The meat is a safety orange tee-shirt that is now a crop top (insert long rant about the correct color of sockeye salmon meat here. It should not be fucking pink. Do not let anyone tell you it should be pink.) Stitch everything inside out and turn the seams in, then stuff them with shredded tee-shirt scraps because batting and stuffing is for people who can plan projects before they do them.
Step five, carcass. The dorsal fin gets seamed between a pair of denim strips to make the back. The adipose fin is a useful reference point for the locations of everything else but I couldn't figure out how to get the seams to work the way I wanted them so I ignored the adipose fin. Rip. The meat color gets seamed to the back and then the belly color to make a funky looking tube shape with fins sticking out. There was some finagling to make the fins sit in the places I wanted them to but everything sits in a seam except the anal fin which was easy enough to shove in a dart.
Step six, fishheads. Uhh, okay, there's how I did it and then there's how I would do it again. What I did was make a head out of a single piece of denim with some darts to make it the shape I wanted. Then I made the gills a sort of half moon shaped pocket with a redish pink color and seamed the pectoral fins in where the red met the orange. The jaw was a stuffed tongue of material attached to the belly and inside of the mouth, which is when realized I forgot to stuff the body. I do like how I stuffed the body because I took 6 layers of tee-shirt material tacked together in the vague shape of a fish and crammed it inside so it laid flat. It held more structural shape without being rigid or puffy. If I could have remembered to do that before I stitched everything close it would have been ideal.
If I was gonna do it over I would have made the head hollow and lined it with the red gill color and made the jaw a continuation of the belly so there would be an opening all the way through. I would also add some gill frills and fill them with rigid plastic to maintain the structure. I would also rearrange the pectoral fins to seam them in right behind the gills rather than below them.
Eyeballs this time around were buttons and finding sew on eyeballs is harder than I thought it would be but thats the obvious upgrade.
Guts were just a simple blob hand-sewn on, but with a bit more planning, I could actually do a digestive tract gas bladder, liver and roe sac. If I was gonna get that in depth I would rearrange the piecing order to have correctly fileted belly, so it would better explain how to harvest roe and belly meat. Plus as long as I was planning things rather than just slapping things together I would do some quick machine embroidery for muscle separations and a midline on the scales, mostly to make it pretty but also as a reference and indication of musculature.
Oh. Step six, the damn Velcro. Every craft store in Alaska is out of Velcro at the moment. Okay, maybe not every single one but all of them in between Fairbanks and Anchorage. And Home Depot. I found the stuff to stick on walls at Lowes which did not work nearly as well as I hoped it would. I had to force the needle through by bracing it against the floor and forcing the plush down on top of it. Forget a thimble, I was considering pliers. I was rushing (and also finishing it at my moms house) by the time I got to this part but I would get more creative and cut it into a shape more reminiscent of a spine next time.
I was gonna vacuum pack it before I wrapped it as a present because it would have been hilarious but I was slapping wrapping paper on while getting squawked at about being late, so we can all mourn the joke that never got the chance to land.
In conclusion, winging it gets you some crazy places and wild results but there are trade offs to careening speed, mostly in missed opportunities. But if you have a lot of pre-existing knowledge like general understanding of how seams work and also how fish work, you can pad out a lot of the inevitable fuck ups. If you are just jumping into raw dog a plushy pattern, I recommend starting out with something you are innately familiar with, rather than something that strikes you as cool.
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Daily fish fact #553
Chinese high-fin banded shark!
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Can also be called bat loach, Chinese sailfin sucker or just Chinese sucker. They're occasionally kept in aquariums, but as they grow to be over half a meter long, they aren't fit for just about any aquarium. It's the only sucker species found in China!
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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The tiger shark is a species of ground shark, and the only extant member of the genus Galeocerdo and family Galeocerdonidae. It is a highly nomadic species which inhabits tropical and subtropical waters world wide up to 3,000ft (900m) in depth, and is often found in coastal waters with particular abundance in the gulf of mexico, Caribbean sea, Indian ocean, and western pacific. Tiger sharks are often call the garbage cans of the sea and have reputation for eating almost anything. As such there diet is wide and heavily varied an is known to regularly include: small fish, jellyfish, crustaceans, cephalopods and other mollusks, rays, skates, sawfish, sea birds, sea snakes, sea turtles, other sharks, dolphins, seals, sea lions, dugongs, manatees, crocodilians, porpoises, and sick or injured whales. When near islands or coastlines they have been known to eat sheep, goats, dogs, pigs, rats, horses, deer, cattle, cats, camels, monkeys, inland birds, bats, lizards and  inedible objects, such as license plates, cans, tires, books, boat oars, soccerballs and baseball bats. Tiger sharks are themselves occasionally preyed upon by orcas, great whites, and saltwater crocodiles. The tiger shark commonly reaches 10.5-14ft (3.2 -4.26m) in length and 385- 1400lbs (175 – 635kg) in weight, with the largest recorded reaching 18ft (5.5m) long and 3360lbs (1525kg). This ranks the tiger shark amongst the largest extant sharks on earth only being surpassed by the whale, basking, great white, pacific sleeper, Greenland, and blunt nosed sixgill sharks. They have a broad snout and stocky body with proportionally large fins and a long upper tail. Tiger shark teeth are unique with very sharp, pronounced serrations and an unmistakable sideways-pointing tip. Such dentition has developed to slice through flesh, bone, and other tough substances such as turtle shells. In the northern hemisphere the mating season takes place from march to may and the southern hemisphere from November to January, with males breeding every year while females breed once every 3 years. After a year long pregnancy mother tiger sharks give birth to 10 to 80 pups. Under ideal conditions a tiger shark may live upwards of 12 years.
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kit-williams · 4 months
The Equinox Song
Mer Anrir time! Yes I am going to milk this song again
Anrir's Fish vibe: angler fish
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
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You could finally afford to go to a Night Lord Equinox song! Only happens twice a year and everything in the local area got expensive or overbooked to come and see them sing. You've wanted to do this for years as listening to the recordings online only could do so much to quell the craving you had to hear them sing live. You were bouncing with excited energy as your best friend had come with you finally having enough of your wanting to see them. Fences had been set up around the dock, the beach closed off for a good mile, and no boats to disturb them as Night Lords were notoriously Territorial and known to kill with little provocation... you could tell as a few of the early arrivers were wearing masks made of bone. You looked over the pamphlet as like with most mer-songs someone went missing at every event... you look over the warnings: stop listening if you feel compelled to get in the water, avoid prolonged eye contact with a mer, mer's while aquatic can 'sprint' in short distances so if you think you're far enough you probably aren't... and other warnings.
You were especially excited to hear, what was assumed to be the head of the shoal, the angler sing. Where you sat you could see the large rock that most of them would sit on... the smaller smoother rock for the singer, and other various less desirable spots. Younger Night Lords would swim right up to under your feet and sing as they spin in the water some with glowing red eyes just looking up with sharp toothed grins. But you watched as more and more Night Lords were appearing and hissing, barking, shoulder bumping, and other displays as you watched one smaller Night Lord get thrown from a spot on the rock. There was singing during all of this but it wasn't the main song... it wasn't their song. You had gotten so caught up in the antics that you jumped slightly as your friend touched your shoulder. "Look." She whispers.
You softly gasp as you can see on his rock you could see him pulling himself out of the water. The moon was bright enough that you could make out some details. Long black hair that covered his eyes but not his nose and mouth ended at his waist... both front and back, his torso pale and covered in scars, twisting patches of midnight blue scales covered his chest and arms, the tips of his long fingers were black and his hands webbed, like all night lords poking out of his hair were long red ear fins that reminded you of bat wings, and your eyes landed on why he was called the angler as there was a lure that let out a pulse of bioluminescent light... his face lit up for a moment and you swore he was grinning at you.
The shoal got into place, the wind was blowing but otherwise everything else was quiet. His voice was soft... it was like a lullaby... but was it powerful as it caried on the wind in such a way that recordings failed to do it justice. You couldn't help but hold your breath as his voice croons supernaturally as you could feel it in your bones as this was why people were scared to hear them sing. He sings and as he goes on he sounds louder... stronger... almost as if he is singing directly to you. How his whole body sways and his arms held out as he sings... its as if you're watching something tribal... something sacred and intimate... you shiver as it feels like you are there alone... the water doesn't look so cold.
You swallow as the rest of the shoal bursts out singing, their voices filling the moonlit night air. Those on the rock were flashing white bioluminescent streaks down their tails akin to bolts of lightning spidering over their tails. Just like the storms they were fond of singing during. Right below the viewing area, churning the water were others as they churned it with their dancing, spinning and bobbing in the water as they sing up to all the humans just out of reach. Unnatural eyes glittered and glowed in the moonlight as the water rushed down their pale skin and dark scales. However, their antics couldn't pull your eyes away from him... you were hyper focused on him and at this point there was no denying it when the lure lit up his face... he was looking right at you.
It was magical... so otherworldly... so... get in the water... something told you deep in your gut that if you let him finish the whole song to you that you weren't going home tonight! You were shaking as you got up and ran covering your ears. The song was almost over and you were certain that when you stopped it would have been over. Your hands are shaking and you're on the verge of hyperventilating as you want to throw up even. Your chest was pounding from how hard your heart is racing and you wiped the sweat off of your face as you notice the lonely drink machine. Coins are fed into the vending machine and your trembling hands struggle with opening up the can. You put your head between your knees to come down from the adrenaline high as you were now safe. The waves were loud but no longer calling you to get in.
You exhale in relief as you continue to stop feeling like trash. Something scrapes against the concrete next to you... but you didn't hear footsteps. You open your eyes and see there is a lot of water wetting the concrete turning it dark as it soaks up the liquid. Your throat tightens and you start to shake... your hair is blocking what is to your side and you start to turn your head. You nearly scream as a webbed hand grabs your chin and guides you up gently. Your grab his arm that holds your chin as tears gather in your eyes as the large merman looms over you as he cups your face like a lover would. His lure lights up and you see thin spines on his face near his eyes raise and push the hair over his eyes away.
You realize you're looking right into his eyes as you watch large bioluminescent patches under his black eyes glow. He leans in cooing to you... знішчыць... he croons to you... the last... знішчыць... verses... of his... song... знішчыць.... He leans in and you just melt into his kiss as your body goes limp... you don't hear people scream for you... his mouth on yours feels so good... your name being shrieked by your friend... you pull back to breathe... strong arms wrap around you as you are pulled into the water... it doesn't feel so cold as he sings to you. знішчыць... pulling you down... знішчыць... and down... знішчыць... and down... знішчыць... into the dark... знішчыць....
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britany1997 · 1 year
Oh I definitely had to send in a request when I saw they were open. Can I please get a Subby!Paul/Daddy!Dwayne fic. Something where blondie gets some extra tlc after a rough punishment? Thank you, bestie 💜
Bad Boy
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Bestie I love when you request from me because you always think of the most delicious prompts, yes ofc I can write this for you! Hope you love it;) there’s a fun little character cameo in this too:)
Reblog to support my work:) comment to let me know if you wanna be added to my main Taglist
Warnings PLEASE READ: SMUT minors DNI, BDSM dynamics (which means safeword included as well), sub/dom dynamics, daddy kink (Dwayne is daddy always), bondage, blow job, hand jobs, face sitting (kind of), orgasm denial, hair pulling, aftercare of course,
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Paul fucked up.
He'd done a lot of stupid things, sure. He'd welded training wheels to Dwayne's bike, he'd released all of Marko's pigeons (and he'd been forced to track him all down), he'd even taken David's wheelchair for a spin and broken one of the wheels.
But all that was nothing compared to what he'd done this time.
Paul had vamped out on the boardwalk to impress a girl.
While the boys didn’t have many rules between them (that would ruin the whole, rugged vampire, anti establishment thing they had going), under no circumstances were any of them, even David, allowed to reveal their true nature to humans.
Not even for a quickie behind the Ferris wheel.
Which is why Paul found himself hiding under his bed where Dwayne would never find him, Fishy’s bowl wrapped tightly in his arms.
However, his hiding spot may not have been as secretive as he thought. Paul’s heart threatened to beat right out of its cage as he heard the thud of Dwayne’s boots from under his bed. Paul held his breath, for fear even the slightest sound would give him away.
Fishy wiggled his fin, prompting Paul to bring a finger to his lips to shush the confused goldfish.
The blond vampire flinched every time Dwayne’s boots swept a little too close for comfort, but as the boots began to walk away, Paul knew he was in the clear.
That is, until he felt himself being dragged from under the bed by a firm hand wrapped around his leg.
Paul laid flabbergasted as he looked up into the eyes of a pissed off brunette vampire, his arms crossed over his bare chest and his eyebrow raised.
Paul shot him his signature smile, something that would have made Dwayne melt under normal circumstances, but the imposing vamp obviously had a mission.
He plucked the fish bowl from Paul’s arms before placing it on the bed side table gently. “Paul won’t be home tonight Fishy,” Dwayne informed the goldfish, “you understand.”
He grabbed Paul by the waist and threw him over his shoulder before saluting Fishy and leaving Paul’s room.
“I said i was sorry,” Paul whined.
“Mhmm,” Dwayne hummed, “but we have to learn that our actions have consequences.”
“Not a child.”
“Then why do you keep acting like one?”
This was going no where. Paul sighed dramatically. At least he could enjoy the view of Dwayne’s ass from this angle. He smiled to himself.
Dwayne threw Paul down onto his bed and leaned over him, caging him in with his arms. Dwayne cocked an eyebrow, “the boys want me to teach you a lesson.”
Paul gulped.
Dwayne’s face softened, “Paulie what do you say when you need to stop?”
“Bats,” Paul told him confidently, before pulling Dwayne in for a kiss.
As the blond vampires tongue slid into his mouth, Dwayne felt his resolve corroding. Paul made it exceptionally difficult to stay mad at him.
But before Paul could hypnotize him with kisses, Dwayne snapped to his senses. He couldn’t let Paul get away with whatever he wanted, he’d never learn! Paul had been too wild for too long.
Dwayne pulled away, “what’s my name Paulie?”
Paul bit his lip, half in nervousness and half in excitement for what was to come. “Daddy,” he practically purred.
Dwayne scoffed, “only a good boy in the bedroom Paulie?”
Paul smirked, “don’t know whatcha mean daddy, I’m always good,” he lied.
“Mhmm,” Dwayne grunted in disbelief, “then you’ll take your punishment like a good boy right?”
Paul smiled sheepishly, “uh, yeah.”
“Good.” Dwayne smirked as he began to rummage through his bed side table before pulling out a pair of pink fur handcuffs.
“Those new?” Paul asked as he shed his jacket and top.
“Got em just for you,” Dwayne replied as he moved over Paul to secure his wrists to the bed frame, “now stop doing things without permission. I’ll be taking your clothes off.”
The blond vampire fought the smile creeping onto his face, “yes daddy.”
As Dwayne moved to unbuckle Paul’s jeans, he was met with a prominent bulge in the white fabric. He shot Paul a look, his eyebrows raised.
“What do ya want me to say man,” Paul shrugged.
Dwayne’s eyes rolled back into his head as he quickly unbuttoned Paul’s pants and rolled them off, along with his boxers.
The imposing brunette spit into his hand before wrapping it around the base of Paul’s cock, his thumb swirling around the tip as Dwayne held him.
Paul sucked in a breath at the sudden contact, his hands fought to free themselves so they could run through Dwayne’s hair, or caress his face. But it was no use as the cuffs kept Paul firmly against the bed frame. He was Dwayne’s to use.
Dwayne stroked Paul slowly, his firm grip squeezed the blond rocker in all the right ways.
It didn’t take long for paul to be a panting, moaning mess. As he felt himself approaching his peak, he stomach muscles tightened and his eyes fluttered closed as he prepared to paint Dwayne’s hand.
Just as he felt himself about to fall over the edge, Dwayne stopped. He pulled his hand away and wiped it on his pants casually.
Paul whimpered, “w-why…?”
“You know why,” Dwayne shrugged, “you thought this was gonna be all about pleasure for you? You’re being punished.”
Tears pricked at the corners of Paul’s eyes. He loved cumming, more than most things, more than most people. This was cruel and unusual punishment.
“Thought you were gonna be good Paul,” Dwayne scolded, as Paul’s angry thoughts flashed through the brunette vampire’s mind.
Paul sniffled, if this was how he could prove himself again, he’d do it. Dwayne couldn’t torture him for long right? Right???
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be good daddy,” Paul said sincerely, his lips forming into a pout.
“Good,” Dwayne replied as he took Paul in his hand once again.
As Dwayne ran his hands over the ridge of Paul’s head, pulling slightly, Paul found himself simultaneously in heaven and hell.
Years and years together had made the boys experts on each other bodies, they knew what they liked, they knew what they didn’t like, and unfortunately for Paul, they knew what they loved.
It was torture getting exactly what he wanted and knowing it would end all to soon.
Sure enough, Paul choked on tears as Dwayne pulled back once more. Paul thought maybe he’d make it over the edge before Dwayne could realize, but the dominant vampire was too smart for that.
“Please,” Paul whispered, “please daddy, anything but this.”
Dwayne sighed, taking a little pity on Paul. “Not sure you’ll like this any better.”
Dwayne rolled down his pants and boxers, shedding his jacket as well before he stood in front of Paul.
Paul’s cock, which had softened, hardened once again at the sight of a nude Dwayne.
Dwayne sighed before wrapping his hand around his own length and pulling softly.
Fuck. This was worse.
Paul wrestled against his restraints, desperate to get his hands on Dwayne.
The brunette vampire was the most… well endowed of all the boys and both Paul and Dwayne knew it.
Paul whimpered and whined as he watched Dwayne pleasure himself, unable to do anything but look in frustration, prevented from even touching himself.
A moan fell from Dwayne’s full lips as he finished on Paul’s stomach, causing Paul to fight so hard against his cuffs he almost succeeded in releasing himself.
But before he could shatter the handcuffs, he composed himself.
He was a good boy.
Rather then free himself, Paul’s lip jutted out and his eyes brimmed with tears in an utterly pitiful pout. He silently begged Dwayne to have mercy on him, just once.
Dwayne’s heart softened, he had been somewhat cruel so that Paul’s lesson would stick, but maybe he could give him a little something.
“Stay still ok?” Dwayne ordered.
“Yes daddy,” Paul replied, holding back a smile.
Dwayne climbed onto the bed and kneeled over Paul’s chest so that his legs were on either side of Paul’s head, and his cock was against the blond vampire’s pretty lips.
Paul’s tears of frustration turned to tears of joy as the tip of Dwayne’s cock slid into Paul’s mouth and his hand snaked into Paul’s wavy blond locks.
Paul’s tongue flicked the Dwayne’s tip enthusiastically, grateful to be doing anything. He moaned around Dwayne as he swirled around the tip, tracing patterns with his skilled tongue.
Dwayne’s fist balled in Paul’s hair as he gripped him and brought him closer, shoving more of his cock into the eager blond’s hungry mouth.
Paul hollowed out his cheeks as he sucked, running his tongue up and down the vein on the underside of Dwayne’s dick.
Dwayne pulled Paul’s head roughly until his nose was buried in Dwayne’s happy trial. The brunette vampire began to pump his cock back and forth, fucking Paul’s face roughly.
As Dwayne felt himself about to pour down Paul’s throat, he heard a soft whimper. When he looked down he was met with Paul’s best puppy dog eyes, begging and pleading with the man above him.
Dwayne sighed, Paul had learned his lesson.
Still buried in Paul’s mouth, he unhooked the cuffs and freed the blond vampire’s hands.
Paul moaned a thank you as one hand fell to Dwayne’s hip and the other wrapped around his own cock, stroking furiously.
Both men cried out in pleasure as they came together, Dwayne down Paul’s throat and Paul across his thigh.
“Thank you daddy,” Paul smiled blissfully.
“You’re welcome Paulie,” Dwayne smiled back as he leaned down to press a kiss to Paul’s forehead.
Dwayne slid off the bed to grab a washcloth. He ran it under warm water before return to a blissed out Paul laying back on the bed, a dopey smile painted across his face.
Dwayne chuckled to himself as he gently cleaned Paul’s stomach and thighs. When he was done, he crawled into bed with Paul, spooning him against his chest and pressing soft kisses to the skin of his neck.
“I love you so much Paulie,” Dwayne promised him, “even when you make mistakes, I’ll always love you.”
Paul turned in Dwayne arms until the two men were nose to nose.
“I know,” Paul assured him, “and I love you too, even when your rough with me,” he tucked a piece of Dwayne’s hair behind his ear, “I know you want the best for me.”
Dwayne sighed, his brow furrowing, “you know why we have that rule right?”
Paul nodded, “I know.” I just…” he let out a quiet sigh, “I wanted her to like me. I…I thought she’d be impressed.”
Dwayne’s heart clenched at Paul’s admission, “you don’t need the teeth to be liked,” he kissed Paul’s nose, “you’re enough on your own.”
A pink tinge washed across Paul’s cheeks, “yeah?”
Dwayne smiled, running his arms up and down Paul’s back and bringing him close to his chest, “yeah baby.”
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@arianamhm @beoneofus @6lostgirl6 @pixielostboy @misslavenderlady @consuming-karma @kurt-nightcrawler @lostboys1987girl @flower-crowned-lady @solobagginses @anna1306 @bitchyexpertprincess @arenpath @mickkmaiden333 @ria-coolgirl @memphiscity69 @dwaynesluscioushair @dwaynedelight @vampirefilmlover @bloodywickedvamp @its-freaking-bats @arbesa-mind @peachpixiesstuff @warrior-616 @rynsfandomsfun @aspenreaper @chiefdirector @charlizekkelly
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starwrighter · 6 months
What do the Batfam look like in your "Not a baby (yes you are)" fix?
Like specific descriptions & stuff?
I REALLY want to make fanart, but be accurate to your fic & your idea!
Maybe also a small description for Danny & some changes he might go through so I can also draw him?
I look forward to any response!
(I'll give you what leviathan appearances that're set in stone since Babs, Steph, and Cass still need a bit more thought.)
Bruce's species is closely related to the gargantuan leviathan meaning he's pretty big like so big he shouldn't be living in the crater. He mostly lives in the larger more open areas but really he should be living in the void. He's more long than wide like a snake with thick pitch black scales covering him like armor. He's one of the few leviathans with "hands" four clawed fingers on each of them. He keeps the head shape of the gargantuan leviathan's with six glowing white eyes. basically a huge freaking underwater snake with a mouth of razor sharp teeth.
Damian's a hybrid between Bruce and Talia (A ghost Leviathan) he's just big enough to wrap himself around Danny's base once but he's not done growing yet. Like Bruce he's long and snakelike but he lacks the visual scale armor all over his body. Only his forehead, chest and arms have the pitch black scales. His fingers are clawed extremely sharp but he's only got four on each hand. the rest of his body is semi transparent and pale like the ghost Leviathans. He's got what looks like blue, yellow and green stripes on him but those are really just organs and blood vessels you can vaguely see through his skin. He's got some short tattered fins that run along his the sides of his body which are dotted by a line of bioluminescent spots. His arms are kind of lanky like a cat that's not quite fully grown. He's got a similar head shape to Bruce but his jaw is slimmer, his teeth more crammed together as is a (inefficient) filter feeder.
Tim looks similar to a squid shark. He's one of the smallest of the batfam. He doesn't have any arms just two large dorsal fins on each side of his body and two long, thin electric blue tendrils below them that can clumsily grab things though he shocks everything he grabs. He lives in the deeper areas of the blood kelp forest so the top side of his body often has blood oil clinging to him to blend in. Like the squid shark he's got that freaky jaw and jets to propel him through the water.
Duke is based of the hover fish in color scheme his yellow body is covered in spots some of which are shaped like bats including a white spot on his main chest. He's got two blanket like fins at the sides of his body and his gills give off a metallic shine to attract prey. The chapter where we get a glimpse of Duke Danny describes him as snake-like but really he's thicker and more like a betafish in shape.
Dick shows some resemblance to an amp eel with his exoskeleton being like armor plating and his whole electric but that's where most of the similarities end. He's got javelin like fins and spindly arms that he uses for climbing they're can become electrified when he's stressed like the rest of his body. He's built to be extremely quick with a wide range of maneuverability but he's still too big for the shallows. He keeps his Nightwing color scheme of black and blue although the colors are more muted.
Jason obviously resembles the Reaper leviathan. He's got burn scars across his body and one of his fins has been torn in half. His head shape is almost indistinguishable from a regular reaper although he's got a few extra eyes two of which are dulled stained slightly green (dormant Kharaa) he's got a horn at the top of his head he uses to launch things at top speed (fish version of gun) He's bigger than any of the reapers and a deeper red in color it's only if you look at him long enough that you can realize his patterns are different.
As for Danny he's a little kid looking to be around the age of two or three. He's got fangs that inhibit his speech a bit giving him a bit of a lisp. His eyes are still blue but if he's in a darker area they glow a bioluminescent green along. His hair has patches of white and his ears are pointed.
(For now, only Tim has his humanoid form designed but I'll reblog when that changes)
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little-frog-writes · 3 months
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Prologue part two:
Siffrin swam with all his might toward the floating structure. Stars sparkles in his eyes while he thought of all the cool trinkets he might find. Perhaps he’d find some shines of the best quality! Maybe a curved shiny or a soft shiny or even a shiny he has never seen before, the possibilities were endless.
The smile that spread across his face widen at the thought. Their fangs pointed slightly outside their mouth as they swam faster and faster, picking up speed as they neared the surface.
Up and up and up until Siffrin could practically feel the sun’s rays on their scales. It felt nice being this close to the surface and Siffrin preened at the warm. He closed his eyes taking in the temperature change. They slowed their approach slightly with a happy wiggle and-
Ow, what the stars?! A piece of the floating not-boat hit him in the head! He bit his lip while rubbing the bump forming on his temple. Stupid not-bat attacking him. He should bite back! Show dominance and take no prisoners, that’s what Loop says!
He floated back in the water, putting space unbeaten the two, and narrowed his eyes. Siffrin bobbed his head left to right. He circled around his attacker, letting out a warning hiss. When the not-boat didn’t back down, Siffrin took it as his chance to strike!
Bearing his fangs, Siffrin bit the piece of not-boat floating in the water. The piece splintered and broke off in his mouth. Siffrin immediately spit out the material ‘cause gross that tasted bad. He brushed his tongue getting the horrible taste off. Not to self: don’t munch on random things.
At least the not-boat knew not to mess with Siffrin anymore. There was a big bite mark taken out of the separate piece from the main structure. It was nasty looking and showed that Siffrin would fight back if the not-boat tried to attack him again!
Luckily, it seemed his intimidation tactics worked as the not-boat floated away from him. Ha! Take that! It’s retreating and Siffrin won! Hehe, Loop would be so proud if he was here.
Oh, wait! Siffrin wanted to check out the not-boat for trinkets and it was getting away! Stop swimming not-boat! Siffrin didn’t mean it… well mostly.
Quickly following after the runaway, Siffrin chased after the structure. He dived and weaved through the jagged tops of the reef below until he finally caught up with the not-boat. This time however, Siffrin breached the water’s surface and grabbed onto the edge of the not-boat to make sure it didn’t try to run again. No shines would leave under his watch!
It was harder to avoid the swaying piece Siffrin attacked this close to the main structure. He was still mad that the stupid not-boat attacked him. Siffrin pulled himself up using the side of the not-boat and pushed the sticking out piece away. It moved easily enough, satisfying a part of Siffrin.
He smiled at the sight and wiggled happily. Now back to the important business of shines!
Except, Siffrin couldn’t see any shines at first glance. He was honestly disappointed and could feel his fins lower with his mood, but then his eyes caught something glistening in the light.
Pulling himself up further onto the not-boat, Siffrin unsteadily looked closer under the not-boat’s seats and saw-
Oh my stars is that a guppy?!
I’m gonna make another part cause this took too long to type out, lol. Siffrin was fighting with an oar at the start of this section by the way. The not-boat is a fishing boat so it has oars. I’m pretty sure everyone knows who the kid is, but I’m putting a cliffhanger anyway.
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mousetoe-wc · 1 year
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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blinddreams24 · 4 months
A Mermay Prompt
Prev / Next
“What?!” Dream was by your side in an instant, sensing your distress. “What is it? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
You turned to show him the problem. “I can’t reach it and it won’t come off!” You gestured at the suckerfish that had planted itself just behind your fins and out of reach. It had a smug little look on its face. Stupid fish.
Dream laughed.
“It’s not funny!” You shoved the leviathan. “It won’t let go!”
“Yeah, he’s a suckerfish!” Dream laughed, batting away your attempts to hit him. “They do that. He’s just catching a ride so he can eat. It wouldn’t kill you to let him be for a few hours.”
“I don’t want him on me for hours! It itches!” You stretched and strained to reach the offender of your comfort, twisting and spinning, while Dream continued to laugh.
This chaos went on for several more minutes until Dream had stopped chuckling at you. “It would be better if you ignored him for now. We still have to find Blue and Error if you want to help Nightmare. I’m glad I got to see your first suckerfish though.” He teased playfully.
You grumbled and stopped spinning in your attempts to reach the parasite. “You’re no help at all.”
He just laughed again.
The rest of the trip was you grumbling and scraping your tail against random rocks to try to dislodge your passenger while Dream kept laughing and stopping you from hurting yourself or the fish. You were pretty certain he didn’t care how you felt about the whole situation. His expression didn’t change in humor when he announced that he found Blue either.
“Blue?” Dream called through the water.
You fidgeted next to Dream, suddenly realizing just how far you were from home. This Blue person could be an elaborate trap for all you knew.
“Dream?” Called a friendly voice. You turned to see a dolphin siren crest a coral ridden boulder. A bright blue handkerchief was tied around his neck like a bandit. “What Are You Doing Here? I Thought You And Ink Were Taking A Break.” He smiled wide and offered Dream a hug.
Dream accepted the hug and squeaked as he was crushed slightly. “We did take a break. I just met someone and then there was Killer and a lot happened actually.” He pat Blue’s back. “It’s nice to see you.”
“Of Course! It’s Wonderful To See You Too, Dream! Oh! Who’s This?” Blue eyelights spotted you and you sweat in your awkwardness.
“Oh! This is a friend. They’re the entire reason I’m here actually. Blue,” Dream set his hand on Blue’s shoulder and grew serious. “We need a favor.”
“Mweheheh! I’d Love To Help! What Do You Need?” Blue struck a heroic pose, his bandanna fluttering in the current that wasn’t flowing.
Dream smiled yet hesitated. “Blue… We need Error.”
“Oh, Mweh. That’s A Big Favor, Dream.” Blue looked sad for a moment. “Error’s… Well, Error. I Don’t Know…”
You decided to speak up. “It’s for Nightmare. Killer was hit with a few harpoons-“ Dream backed up with a nervous smile. “-and was so hyped up on positivity that Nightmare had to drain it. He’s been tired and quiet. I… I don’t want him to be hurt.” You stuttered to a stop as Blue continued to stare at you.
Blue blinked and looked between you and Dream, as if waiting for someone to correct what he just heard. “Dream… You’re Helping Nightmare?”
Oh. Oh, shit. Blue was on Dream and Ink’s side. Of course he wouldn’t want to help Nightmare. He’s been fighting Nightmare ever since they first met.
Dream rubbed the back of his neck. “…Yeah.”
Blue burst forward and hugged Dream with a squeal. “I Knew It! I Knew You Could Do It! Dream, This Is Amazing!” He spun the seahorse siren in circles.
He- You- What??
You stared in shock as what you thought was an enemy was happy at the idea of helping Nightmare. He was happy to help. You thought he’d react like Dream or Ink since they seemed to be a group. But here he was, proving you wrong.
Cross was right. You did like him.
Dream grinned. “I know. You’ve been after this for a long time. I’m sorry it took me so long to listen to you. I should have tried long before you and I met.”
“I Am So Proud Of You, Dream!” Blue held Dream by the shoulders as stars twinkled in his eyes. Like, starfish shaped stars. Not little dots like Killer’s eyes. “You’re Taking Initiative! Unlike My Lazy Brother STRETCH!” He yelled back where he’d come from and was rewarded with a tired; “Mmh.”
That itch was still there, ruining the moment. You tried to ignore the pest on your side but it was becoming unbearable. Your tail twitched in discomfort, unable to do anything about the annoying suckerfish.
The second you twitched, Blue turned to look at you, searched your tail with his eyes, and noticed the fish. His face winced and he came forward and gently plucked the fish off your side by the head. His hand rubbed the sore spot underneath as he threw the fish to the side and it swam away.
“I Am So Sorry About Leaving You Like That, Friend!” Blue apologized. “Those Suckers Sure Can Hurt. Dream! Why Didn’t You Fix This? Or Tell Me?” He turned his gaze back to the seahorse.
Dream shrugged. “It was their first suckerfish. And we weren’t going far.”
Blue’s expression changed to a stern glare. “I Do Not Care If It Was Their First Suckerfish. That Tradition Is Old And Cruel. I Am Ashamed That You Think This Pain Is Funny.” He turned back to you with an understanding smile. “Try To Keep It Out Of Sunlight For A Day Or So. If You Don’t It Will Hurt More.”
You nodded. “Thank you. I couldn’t reach it.”
“I Know. I’m Blue, By The Way! The Magnificent Blue!” He clarified, puffing his chest up and offering a hand to shake.
“Oh, I’m y/n.” You spoke the hand and smiled back. “I’ve heard a lot about you. It seems that everyone likes you.”
“Mweh!” He waved off the statement. “I’m Sure I Haven’t Met Everyone. But Thank You, Y/n! Now! How Does Error Help Nightmare? And What Do I Need To Do?” He clapped his hands together.
Dream raised a brow. “Didn’t you just say you didn’t think you could help?”
“Well, Yes!” Blue posed dramatically again, his eyes closed and his kerchief blowing in the breeze that, again, wasn’t there. “But I Want To See This Happen! I Have Been Waiting A Long Time For This Day And I Won’t Turn My Back On My First Chance To Help! So What Do You Need, Y/n?” He beamed at you.
You smiled back. “Thank you. I want to get Error as close to Nightmare as possible. Preferably without hurting anyone. I just need as much negativity as I can get.” Blue nodded.
Dream nodded as well. “I will stay back then. While I’m sure I’ll stir up plenty of negativity by being present, I’d rather not be weakened and in a hostile situation until I have made my intentions clear. Would you mind, y/n, delivering a message for me?”
“Of course.” You grinned. “You helped me. I’d like to return the favor.”
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