#long lifespan is....... very long lmao
apricote · 10 months
i have officially edited over a 1000 pictures for this legacy lmao ✌️
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imogenkol · 1 year
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🐺 The Thatcher Family - original work
[template by the lovely @unholymilf]
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 months
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here are some preliminary sketches I had done in my sketchbook for the peepaw chilchuck comic.
I wanted to follow it up with some worldbuilding thoughts I had while working on it, if that sort of thing is interesting to anyone:
- it’d take place 5ish years post-canon
- I changed almost everyone’s hair to show time had passed. Chilchuck and Kabru were the most drastic (I COULDNT STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT LONG HAIR KABRU THAT KUI DREW), Marcille grew out her bangs, Senshi’s beard is slightly shorter, and Izutsumi’s hair is mildly longer. Laios and Falin give me the impression that they’re the brand of neurodivergent that’d pick one haircut and stick to it for the rest of their lives. I almost gave Laios facial hair but idk he’s gotten over his daddy issue enough for that.
- Emertim Chils: I tried to follow both the half-foot and dwarven naming conventions for the baby, so Emer- comes from “emerald” (dwarven names are often gemstones or ore) and -tim because Chilchuck’s father’s first name was Tim :) Dwarves don’t have family names, so Emertim would take Chils, same as Flertom. Usually they’re named after their father but I didn’t wanna name a random dwarf man. thank you Chel for helping name him 🫶💕
- Initially the idea that Chilchuck would keep an entire grandchild a secret was just a joke, but it made sense when I thought about it. I wonder,, would dwarf/half-foot couples have trouble conceiving? Because if so, I’d imagine Flertom may have lost a couple pregnancies. Chilchuck is already such a private person, and I don’t think he’d feel comfortable airing his daughter’s grief like that. They wouldn’t wanna tell anyone until they were sure this baby was gonna make it.
- For the above reason, Chilchuck would absolutely spoil this kid. Not that he wouldn’t have spoiled his grandkids anyway, but I think after all that stress, he’d be extra extra doting. He’d be letting him do things he’d never DREAM of letting his own daughters do. Completely different parenting style.
- I think he’s still too prideful to take advantage of Laios being King (sidenote: is Laios even wealthy??? does a kingdom that sprung up from a previously-sunken continent even have money?? what the fuck is their economy), but like,,, if Laios offered any gifts he wouldn’t exactly say no.
- Izutsumi surprisingly really likes the baby :3 she’d like to take naps with him and he’d like her purrs and she’d have a lot of fun playing with him.
- SENSHI. meemaw mode. That kid would grow up not realizing Senshi isn’t technically one of his grandads. He is FEEEEEDING this kid.
- LAIOS DOES GET TO HOLD THE BABY!!!!!! just. eventually. They don’t actually expect a Tarrare situation LMAO they just wait until the kid is a little less fragile and a little more mobile. I think Laios would be really good with toddlers.
- Chilchuck is very thankful Emertim’s half-foot genes kick in sooner than later because he was getting too big for him to carry.
- Emertim would probably get the extended lifespan. He and Marcille would get to stay friends for a very very long time :’)
- my personal headcanon is that Chilchuck and his wife decide to split. He still loves her and it’s probably still a bit mutual, but after four years of almost no-contact, they decide their communication issues aren’t working well for their relationship. Plus, the Adventurer’s Bible says Chilchuck is renting their old house out to family, and he’d feel bad kicking them out so he and wife could move back in. They’d still be on good terms, and would be good at coordinating when to babysit.
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tofixtheshadows · 5 days
Hot take: Laios wouldn't actually mind an arranged marriage. Obviously "reluctant royal being pressured into marriage" is very fun for shipping purposes. But I have harlequin blood, so bear with me. Join me on this journey of character theorizing/shipping nonsense that makes it abundantly clear I have a Scrivener document I'm neglecting.
Laios was promised to someone from a young age. He and Falin both were; it's probably how their parents ended up together. They both broke it off by leaving their village, but it didn't seem to be a factor in Laios's own decision. And when Marcille, presumably, asks about his hypothetical love life (bicorn chapter), he not only brings it up readily, but actually seems kind of flattered? lmao
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I love when smug Laios comes out. Underrated factor of Laios's personality for me is how much he enjoys being seen as cool. I think you'd expect Laios to be embarrassed or uneasy over this line of questioning, and the fact that he isn't is fun to me.
So when Yaad and his other old advisors bring up his need for a wife, Laios is ready to go along with it. Not necessarily thrilled by the prospect, but he was raised to think of marriage as a business arrangement you do because it's beneficial for your household/bloodline (as was often the case historically). He's already made the big step to claim a throne, and the idea of becoming village chief after his father seemed to have been vaguely in the back of his head all his life. Besides, if he has to do it anyway, I think he'd take comfort that there was a formalized process for an otherwise socially messy undertaking.
This dovetails neatly with my personal headcanon that Laios is gay but unaware of it. He comes from kind of a repressed culture- or at least I can imagine he does based on context clues- and has spent most of his life being ostracized in one way or another, feeling like he's on the outside of humanity. So he doesn't realize that his lack of attraction to women is unusual- he assumes that nobody really enjoys romance that much. It's not like his own parents married for love. It's just something people play up for stories, right?
It's all tangled up with his fraught desire for human connection and platonic companionship anyway. Meanwhile he's blithely unaware that the things he says about Toshiro are not normal bro things. Oh you'd totally marry Toshiro, Laios? Tell me more.
I see this in Marcille too. Firstly due to her unstable development, which has only recently allowed her to reach maturity (I headcanon her as somewhere between 20-22) and secondly due to her being a half-elf (infertile+a too-long lifespan), I think she has the expectation that she's simply not destined for love. The half-elf character she relates to in her favorite books says as much. So she, too, confuses a genuine lack of heterosexual attraction with the belief that this is just because of her half-elf status distancing her from it. Plus, she spent over a decade as a student/researcher in a nice little sheltered academic bubble, at an all-girls academy populated by adolescents. She's the most sheltered of all the characters: she's only spent the past year in the "real world", and she still focuses all her romantic attention on living vicariously through her favorite characters or her friends (except for Falin, conveniently!).
And Marcille would absolutely want to live vicariously through Laios and his future wife. She would not want him to go through a dispassionate formalized process: she wants her bestie to have a fairytale romance! What is the point of being a heroic king in a mythic castle if you can't even get a love story for the ages out of it?
This would result in a lot of Laios meeting with eligible bachelorettes at Marcille's urging, looking to Kabru for help the entire time and being grilled by Marcille afterwards about what he liked best about each girl. "She had nice, um, teeth?" They're both so close to getting it.
Kabru, meanwhile, is agitating for Yaad and the other advisors not lock the country into a hereditary monarchy, they have the chance to do something radical here, to break away from the systems that the elves and dwarves uphold. At the very least, let Laios marry for love, or formally adopt an heir and name them his successor if he wants, he's already sacrificed enough for the sake of Melini. Don't make him jump through these circus hoops for the chance of some trade agreements, we can get those without a royal marriage. And even if Laios was willing to go along with it, he does look at Kabru like he's his hero for sticking up for him.
The vague unhappiness Kabru feels at the idea of Laios being married off is easy for him to ignore. Kabru didn't actually get better at honoring or even recognizing his own wants just because he's moved past the dungeon. And Laios hasn't gotten the hint about his crush on Toshiro and is still 50/50 on saying casually shocking things, so when he remarks that he doesn't need a wife anyway when he has Kabru, he has no idea why that gets him the looks it does. After all, where he's from, men marry women to run their households, but Laios has castle staff for that, and Kabru is handling the rest?
That comment alone ticks one month off their collective gay awakening countdown.
Anyway. How many repressed gays in their twenties does it take to run a country?
Answer: Yaad can tell you.
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tarot-archives · 1 month
Can I get a uhhhhhh laios with a guy/gn reader who has an equally autistic special interest in general biology and ecosystems that would 100% encompass monsters as well? Asking for a friend that just happens to be me (stg idk if I wanna smooch laios or be him tbh lmao)
an: though i haven’t written for an autistic yn, i’ll try to make it realistic. if i’d done something wrong, please tell me. i focused more on general dungeon ecology for y/n.
if marcille is studying about dungeon ecosystems while laios is more interested in monsters you would be the best of both worlds.
there’s just something thrilling about dungeon ecology, how it all interacts, every thing that fall under it and so on and so forth.
you’re a tall-man researcher, using every bit of your time to find out more about dungeons, and not just the ones in melini. it would have been good to join the magic academy, but since you don’t posses any talent for magic, you can’t enter.
it made you sad since they had a dungeon making class.
nevertheless, it won’t stomp your dreams of researching! you’ve read and copied countless of books you can get your hands on. eventually you settled in meleni where a newly discovered dungeon was found.
your room was filled with countless of journals, trinkets from dungeons and volumes of books you read many time before.
and on your first dungeon party, you were very ecstatic. too bad you had to leave because they’d only go to the easier upper floors. you wanted to head to the lowest level after all!
and that’s where you meet up with the touden party!
you will love marcille’s vast dungeon knowledge. she would love to teach you new things. much to chilchuck’s dismay, you have boosted her ego. endless praises for marcille and simply doting around her because she’s filled with knowledge.
“ah, long lifespans are so great. i’d spend all my life dedicating to dungeon ecology if i could” -y/n after every lecture apparently.
then monster facts with laios will be endless. he lent you his dungeon food guide and you surprisingly have a copy too! you took notes from the things he had written in the margin. much to chilchuck’s demise (again) both you and laios keep on talking and he can’t sleep :((
“eating monsters? can’t say i have thought about it, but do you ever think about their nutritional values? the high level of mana concentration must vary from non-dungeon born same species! This needed to be compared and studied!” -y/n when laios introduced his monster eating thoughts.
toshiro will have another person to ask about his life in the east. but he likes how you keep more time to yourself writing in the journals. he finds your drawing to be artistic. after seeing your difficulties with papers, toshiro will teach you about yotsume toji—a book binding process from his country. he’s happy to see you using it after he taught you.
though you won’t talk with namari much, you admire he strength as a dwarf. she keeps her past to herself, which you at least respect. but you’d talk about the different weapons used and other things she did as a blacksmith. her knowledge on materials is very handy. you write about the different dungeon materials on your journal along with the best weapons against monsters.
chilchuck, our lock expert, and the most unknown member of your party… you admire his knowledge on traps and have written about his experiences with various dungeon traps and ways of disarming them.
falin, she joins you as you ask questions to marcille or laios. she listens to you talk about your dungeon experiences and she tells you about her’s. you let her read the journals you made along the way.
On the day falin was eaten by the dragon, your journal wasn’t transported with you. So now, you join laios to rescue his sister and to save you journals!!
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Request? Open!
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grimmcheems · 4 months
What if Chichi died from the heart virus instead of Goku….
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So I made this AU a long time ago but haven’t drawn it till now. Have a short fic in the writing with this concept but who knows when I’ll finish it lmao. Other than that, I see saiyan lore potential that Vegeta will share with Bulma that sort of explains Goku’s need to distance himself from everyone after Chichi’s death.
Saiyans are a ‘mate’ race, and since they initially were conquering planets (pre-Frieza), they usually died alongside their mates. So this left little possibility of one dying off on another planet while leaving their spouse/mate behind. It’s unusual for saiyans to die before their other partner, they are a pair species so they usually share the same lifespans anyways. This leaves Goku devastated and instinctively in a depression, along with the exception that he also isn’t like other saiyans, the usual saiyan would t*ke their own l*fe but he is just trying to process the grief of losing her so suddenly. Vegeta has only seen this instance happen like twice when he was younger and with his father handling it and explaining to him the biology behind it.
As for Gohan, he is devastated and goes through denial for a solid month until Goku decides to leave him with Vegeta and Bulma. He has to deal with his grief in his own way and without the help of his father, which makes him resent him for a small time until he finally comes to terms with his mother’s death and tries to understand his father and what he might be going through. On the bright side he learns a lot from Vegeta while he stays with his family and grows up for a bit with Trunks. Trunks starts to view Gohan as an older brother during the time he’s with them and they remain close later on in the story.
Everyone else (all of Goku’s other friend’s) is surprised and shocked at the news and they each feel guilty for not attempting to connect with Chichi beyond surface level interactions but they soon appreciate the little moments she shared with them before her untimely death, leading them to believe and later on confirm that she knew she had the virus.
Goku takes years to try and improve himself and find ways to provide for and raise Gohan before he finally takes him out of Vegeta and Bulma’s hands. The two are awkward at first but they quickly comfort each other before they arrive back in their lonely home where they last shared a moment with her.
Overall very angst lmao. Also Goku and Gohan are wearing versions of Chichis outfits, Goku is wearing the light green version of the gown I have Chichi in a previous art I made, Gohan is in her signature purple outfit.
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baylardian-1 · 3 months
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ive been sitting on this concept for Lil Cheese for a few months now trying to chew out how i wanted to approach it; im really happy with how she turned out. :)
The idea being that back when Pinkie absorbed all of the chaos magic at the end of the series, it had some lingering effects despite her being drained of it. Also in the MLP game for Lil Cheese it says "this future filly will have inherited twice the chaotic party energy of any average pony" which like,,, YES Cheese and Pinkie lmao,,,, BUT WHAT IF...... 😳 went with the name Mascarpone Pie, she goes by Marcy for short. :^) COUGH Marcy Pie. I don't think she'd ever get a cutie mark, which they think is weird at first but it makes sense later when she kinda ages into a draconequus. she doesn't reach her full draconequus form until after adulthood, but as a kid she'd have these weird inexplicable bursts of chaos magic that for a while, ponies would assume was natural given the filly's parents. shed be an awkward lanky teen who starts growing horns, thats kinda when everyone's like oooooooh............. i think shed actually be a pretty goofy and happy kid but uh.... in tf fashion i wanted to draw expressions of distress at her gradually changing appearance. i dont think she'd be immortal either, but her lifespan is very long. eventually she'd figure out how to disguise herself as a normal-looking pony but by that point everyone's pretty aware and normal about how she looks. minor detail, but i bet she'd snort when she laughs lol.  if it matters her draconequus bits are: reindeer, rabbit, bee, giraffe, and dolphin.
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sol-lar-bink · 3 months
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Queen Veronica the Fifth (V)! The Late Queen of Venostar, and Toxecia's mother. Vivi for short because 'Veronica V'.
I've been meaning to put her ref together for a while. Have a bonus Riki Fuhrmann style of her too (: Plus child Toxecia.
vvv Some info under the cut! vvv
A rather strict Queen, but she cared for her people and her family, and was overall cherished in the kingdom. She's the Fifth Veronica in a massive family tree of royal spiders. She's a mix of bossy and nice, a caring person hidden behind a status to uphold. She has a rather deep, sultry voice.
She took her role very seriously as Queen, the result of generations of Queens passing their hopes and dreams onto their children. Why is that, you might ask? It's because their species have very short lifespans... barely able to live longer than 40 years. A bad gene or something, that kinda just... kills them after a certain amount of time. Venostar scientists have been studying how to rid this gene for almost 100 years to allow a Queen to live a fully prosperous life.
Her husband (To be named + designed) was the perfect balance she needed in her life. Fun, full of energy, silly and hopelessly romantic. He's basically like Asgore without the murdering kids part lmao. With him, Veronica almost seems like a different person.
Together they have Toxecia, their darling little daughter. Sadly Veronica and Tox don't get along very well for the majority of their life, and Tox finds more comfort with her father. He taught her how to use a sword during their time together.
As a child, Tox develops an over-productive poison gland. It first occurs during a speech Veronica is giving to the kingdom. That day would send the family into a depressive spiral.
Most of the kingdom views Toxecia as a freak, a cursed child. She can't leave the castle without leaving a trail of paralyzing poison around the town. Eventually Veronica prevents her from leaving the castle unattended. Tox would only go into town with her father from there on out... until the day that he passes away, when Tox was a young teen.
Veronica and Tox both suffer from this loss. Veronica missing that positive, lighthearted personality that helped her for so long, and Tox losing a lot of confidence. Tox inherits her dads Sword (The one Veronica is holding in the 2nd pic)
Veronica would try to find a new love, but struggled to do so. She became more flirty in this time, and also more depressed. She had gotten close to another female spider at least, but that was a secret kept to them alone 🤫
Sadly, as her time was coming, she prepared Toxecia to inherit the throne, and Veronica would pass away when Tox was barely 18.
She remains buried beside her husband. Tox visits their grave weekly, even if they didn't get along, she misses them both... the royal advisor takes her parents place now.
Alone and young, Toxecia goes on to rule a kingdom that rejects her.
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hxjikonn · 11 months
Hello again~! May i request Lilia and Malleus react with reader who tried to create an Ai resemble of themself cuz human life are too short and they don't want them to feel sad when they are gone.
Avid angst enjoyer here thanking you for this wonderfully hurtful idea, also I’m sorry this took so long lmao😭🫶🏻 hope you enjoy it!
‘Till forever falls apart
☆Staring☆: Malleus Draconia and Lilia Vanrouge x GN! Reader
Synopsis: How would they react finding out you’ve been working on creating an AI version of yourself so that they’ll have you with them even when you’re gone
Warnings: Mentions of Death, A lot of crying.
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Malleus Draconia
“Ah…” you gasped, waking up in a cold sweat, you didn’t have any nightmares however you knew what you were feeling was worse…fear…pure fear. You clutched on to your shirt, feeling your heart beat, hearing it thump in your ears. Grim woke up to the sound of your breathing “Hey…are you okay?” He sat up rubbing his eye with his paw, “I’m fine Grim…it’s just…it’s happening again…” you said patting his head.
The cat frowned upon your response, but you only returned his expression with a smile “Dont worry about me…you can go back to sleep, I’ll come back to bed in a second…” you scratched behind his ear attempting to woo him to sleep, “Where you going anyway?” He asked, already half asleep. “Just somewhere…don’t worry about it” you gave him more head pats until finally he fell back into a slumber.
As you leave the room, you headed to the lounge area, there you opened your laptop at started coding, a little skill you learned from Idia, you sighed and stopped typing for awhile. “Why am I doing this…” you asked yourself burrying yourself into your palms, tears start to well up in your eyes, the truth of it all was that the reason of your fear was simple. It was death.
And no not death itself, but what and who you’ll leave behind when you die. You’re afraid of leaving him. You knew that a lifespan of a fae such as Malleus lasted a lot longer than yours, and as much as you wanted to stay by his side forever, you couldn’t. So you had a talk with Idia a few weeks back about creating an AI version of yourself.
He was against it at first, but he knew what it felt like to lose someone, and he didn’t wish that upon anyone, so he taught you how…and here you are. You thought it’d be easy to do this, it’s just precaution you said, but ever since you started, you feared the day you’d disappear would be closer.
You hugged your knees and cried, you couldn’t anything other than that, it’s not like you had magic like the others, or half fae like sebek. There wasn’t any other way. “Why are you crying my love?” a soft whisper from behind you was heard, before you could even look back, he had picked you up and placed you on his lap, enveloping you in his warmth.
“Malleus?? What are you doing here?” You looked up at him, your cheeks still had tears running down them. “I felt that you were upset…so I came…” he said, “now it’s your turn to answer…” he adds. You looked back down onto your hands “I just watched a sad movie…” you lied. “It must’ve been a very sad movie considering you were shaking before I held you…” he didn’t buy your excuse.
You only nodded at his response, feeling him beside you only made the fear worse, your mind racing with thoughts like how you wont ever get to be held by him like this again once you die…you’ll never hear his voice…you wont be able to hug him again… suddenly your thoughts were interrupted with 3 words, 3 simple words that broke you. “I’m also afraid.” He said.
You couldn’t respond you didn’t know what to say so you let him continue as you hold yourself together. “Time is a very cruel creature. It yields no magic, it doesn’t even commit violence but it wipes away many many lives…” the tone of his voice had a slight shake in them. Desperately trying to not talk about this topic, you faked a yawn “Mal…I’m a bit tired…I think I’ll go rest” you said as you stood up, shutting your laptop and walking away.
You didn’t want to talk about this, this is what you’ve been keeping from him, you don’t want to hurt him, it’s the exact reason why you chose to create your AI version. “I’m afraid of losing you too…” he spoke. It was as if you were shattered, you heard the loud thumping of your heart in your ears again as well as the cold traces your tears leave on your cheeks.
“I’m scared…each passing day I think about the clock of your lifespan running out, it scares me. I don’t want to think about the day when you leave me…” he confessed, you didn’t even hear him walk towards you but you suddenly felt his arms on your waist. You felt his tears staining your shirt. It hurts. You trembled in his embrace, shaky breaths escape your lips.
“They deemed me one of the one of the 5 most powerful wizards in the world but even I’m scared of time taking you away…” He whispers weakly, “however I don’t want anyone other than you, not even a copy…” he adds, you turn to face him in shock. “How did you…” “I love you too much to not know what you’re thinking about my love” he interrupts. “I’m sorry…” you apologized, breaking into a fit of sobs.
He held you close also erupting into cries, “I don’t want to leave you…I don’t want you to feel alone again, I want you to see that I’m here even though I’m gone….” You explained hugging him. “But it’s not you…” he answered. “You can program it to be you as much as you want but I’d rather accept the fact that I’ve loved you until your last moments than to play pretend with a copy of what you used to be…” he finishes, kissing your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips.
“I love you…and even though I know it’ll come one day, I’ll spend every second loving you, caring for you, and being with you until then.” He held you as if you were porcelain, as if you could break at the slightest touch, as if you’d disappear if he lets you go. You hiccuped and sniffled holding on to him as well, you never wanted to let go.
Suddenly the fear that had been clouding your mind left. The storm had passed, everything felt okay again. You grew tired after a long while of tears and sorrow, Malleus took the initiative to take you to bed. But he didn’t return to diasomnia that night. He didn’t want to be far from you, not now, not ever.
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Lilia Vanrouge
You we’re excited to see him, your lover, you had a very special gift to show him today. You finally finished it, after long hours, nights, days, weeks, months of preparation it’s finally done. An innocent gift, you had no ill intentions in making this. All you wanted was to make him happy, even if you’re not there with him one day.
“Come on! Just a little bit further” you held on to his shoulders, pushing him towards the room as he was blindfolded “My dear you’ve been pushing me for the past 5 minutes now, when can I see your little surprise?” Lilia said, unknowing of what it is. You two finally reached the room where the “gift” was and you were do excited for him to see, though you had to admit it hurt nonetheless…you were doing this for him
“Okay…you can take your blindfold off now” you said as you stood infront of your lover, he reluctantly took his blindfold off and met eyes with you, “What? Is the surprise to be alone with you in a room? If it is I’m absolutely loving it” he said cupping your face lovingly. You laughed and took his hands off your face gently, “No…well I mean yes, but right now you’ll see two of me…” you said, hinting at what lays ahead
He gazes at you, both confusion and amusement lingers in his eyes, he crosses his arms smiling waiting for you to reveal whatever it is you had planned, the moment you did though…his smile died along with his amusement….he looks at it with nothing but bafflement and sadness “What is this?”were the only words that left him…
“It’s me!” You beamed at him showing him the holographic replica you made of yourself, “I made me, for you” you awkwardly stated, now saying it out loud it sounded bad, “B-but! I made it because-“ Lilia cuts you off before you could even redeem yourself
“No Y/n.” he says sternly. “Lilia I just-“ he cuts you off once again “No Y/n. Whatever this is…I don’t like it…I don’t appreciate it.” He says motioning to the holographic version of yourself, his expression pained, upset, confused and angry. “I’m not gonna be here forever Lilia…nor can I live as long as you” you defended yourself
“And you think this is gonna make me feel at ease?!Having a version of you, that I cant touch, that I can speak to but has computerized answers, some kind of moving picture that isn’t living…this thing is not you.” He snaps back angrily, he gazes at the hologram filled with spite. Making you tear up a bit, you had figured this would be one of the reactions you’d get, though you hadn’t prepared for it as much as you thought…
“I’m scared Lilia, I’m afraid of leaving…I don’t want you to feel like you’ve lost me one day when my human body gives up on me…I cant stay even though I want to so this the best I could do” you choked back tears…looking at the floor filled with hurt and fear, fear for the day that waits, the day that you pass away…leaving him forever.
You thought you finally made Lilia hate you, maybe it was for the best you thought, maybe it’s better he hates you than loves you, that way when you’re gone, it wont hurt him as much. You heard footsteps on the wooden floor, in your mind, you told yourself Lilia was leaving now…so you stayed put, shut eyes and head hanging low.
But unexpectedly, you felt a warm, loving, and strong embrace, it felt like the last push you needed to let out the tears you’ve been holding back, and you did. “I’d rather miss you everyday for as long as I live, than having to ease the pain of not having you with this contraption…” He says in a hushed tone while comfortingly rubbing your back
“I’d rather spend the rest of my days thinking about the memories we’ve made when you were here, than to make new fake memories with a hologram…” he adds, you continued to sob and hold him weakly, feeling as if every word he spoke was a dagger through your chest, but something you also needed to hear.
“I’ve been knew about this the moment I decided to love you, I knew you weren’t going to be with me forever, I knew you were going to leave first, but I wasn’t scared, because I promised myself I’d spend every waking day with you, making our time together memorable…so that when you leave I’d know…that I made you happy while you were here…and that you’ve spent your mortal years contently…” Lilia spoke, his voice quivering but also spoke to you with the gentlest tone.
He backs away slightly to give you a short but passionate kiss, then he pulls away putting his forehead on yours, tears both staining your cheeks as they trailed down from your eyes “I love you, only you, no one else, nothing else, just you. The Y/n I can hug, and kiss, and laugh with…you.” Lilia smiles sadly, wiping your cheek with her thumbs.
You nod, still feeling the tears continuously flowing, Your lover pulled you back into his tight but loving embrace, it felt safe…like all your worries being washed away, you knew now that everything was going to be okay, all you needed was him, as long as he was with you, nothing else mattered.
A/N: Heyyyy so here’s a little something that’s been on my drafts for the longest time now 😭🤚🏻 I’m a bit rusty as I haven’t wrote anything in a long time so this may come off as rushed or repetitive, But nonetheless hope you guys like it ♡♡♡ (also sorry for coming back with another angst post lolllll) love ya bye! 🫶🏻
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onenicebugperday · 5 months
No id needed for the second and third, although i am mildly curious about the first since it's a species i see around a lot (but it's not needed if you don't have the time or anything, dw bout it)
Found this slug and a horsehair worm (i think) chillin near a puddle outside, and the mantis is from a while ago, I'd brought it inside for a day because it was very cold and wet outside and it hadn't been doing well but was later released on a nicer day acting perfectly fine!
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for potential id reasons, location is in northern parts of texas! (not the panhandle tho)
I also saw a camel cricket a while back, but didn't take a picture because it was dark and my first concern was saving it from drowning in the waterbowl outside, after that by the time i came back with my phone it had fled lmao
I am imagining the camel cricket you rescued and it's very good. Also love these other dudes! Especially the horsehair worm since I don't get those submitted much.
Not positive on the slug but I'd lean towards a greenhouse slug, Milax gagates.
I'm glad the mantis was doing well once it was outside on a nicer day but I will say adult mantises don't live a particularly long time, and it may just have been slowing down as a natural result of the end of its lifespan and that's okay :)
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yandere-fics · 1 month
♡ Runa With An Idol Darling ♡
(5,048 words, this tops my record lmao.)
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Idols in the city usually had a very short lifespan to their fame. They'd spend a year or two training, and then have at most two years of actually performing before at their first major concert a supernatural in the crowd would lock eyes with them and realize they were their soulmate. Of course there were those that managed to make it past that point and would be afforded a much longer career before retiring from the spotlight as soon as they'd made a decent chunk of money, not wanting to tempt fate any further because every second in the spotlight was a second a supernatural could find them, their plans of retirement usually didn't help though as you often heard they were snatched merely a month later when they were just going to buy groceries.
You'd been an idol from the time you turned 18 to now when you were currently 37, almost 20 years in the business and you were determined to go down in history as an idol who was so well loved that even as they got old, their concerts still sold out. The key was audience interaction, as long as you stayed on top of what was happening in your fandom forums, you could never lose, those fools who retired just didn't understand how important fans were, you couldn't be an idol for even a year if the fans didn't like you and you honestly enjoyed the interactions with the fans. The ones who were the most active on the forums even knew your username, "PurpleButterfly", a bit generic but when you debuted your costume had a purple butterfly embroidered on it so it made sense.
Of course this meant some fans would make their username based around yours but none was more active than one in particular going by "XxPurpleButterfly'sRuruxX", she even visited all your livestreams, an elf which was somewhat uncommon in the city so it made her stick out more to you. She even attended all your livestreams and occasionally you'd seen a photo of her that she'd post asking you if you thought she was pretty enough to ever find her soulmate before quickly deleting the photo out of embarrassment when she realized you weren't the only one on the forum who could see. You were sure she was definitely your number one fan which is why it saddened you that she was never able to attend any of your concerts.
What occurred was really your own fault, she had said for years she was much too shy and socially anxious to ever come to a concert but you just couldn't help but want her there and so on a livestream you'd decided she would be the fan who would be gifted front row tickets and backstage access for free, you'd even promised you would give her free merch while she was there and an hour where she got to ask you questions, really anything for the fans, especially for one of your biggest fans. You really shouldn't have had such an anything for the fans attitude, even if it hadn't been this one day that was going to get you in a lot of danger.
It was only after the concert had ended that the problem came though, you'd gone back to your dressing room to change into something more comfortable to meet your biggest fan in, though something still cute when your manage rushed in, a grim face on. Not good news but you assumed it wouldn't have had anything to do with the girl, she had been so well behaved at the concert, looking up at you as if in a trance, not even able to do the fan chants because of how stunned she was, a girl like that wouldn't cause issues for you.
"Y/N, there's a problem." She ran a hand through her hair and leaned against the wall after making sure your dressing room was locked. You perked up and nodded for her to continue. "The girl you invited to the concert is claiming you're her soulmate. They're running the tests now just to confirm she isn't lying to capture her favorite idol."
Your eye twitched just a little bit, you'd done a kindness for this loner but she had turned around and tried to end your career? You'd let the forums know about how severely disappointed this incident had made you later, for now you needed to deal with the pest. You took a deep breath in and out, you couldn't get mean, sure this was upsetting but you weren't supposed to be angry at the fans, you were supposed to care for them, even the most misguided ones.
"Well the tests will show up negative, I'm sure of it, beyond that she's just an elf, elves aren't the most vicious when it comes to their mates, even if she is mine we'll sweep this incident under the rug and the show will go on." You wiped off your performance make up and got to work on a more natural look. Performance makeup was meant to be seen from the crowds meaning it looked tacky and gaudy if they saw you up close so since you would likely have to go out there, you needed a much lighter look.
"It's not that simple. Look the management company has decided they want this next album to be your last, you've had a good run, it'll be your twenty year anniversary album, it's time to make room for new-" You swiveled around in your chair glaring at her.
"How fucking dare you, if you won't represent me anymore, I'll find someone who WILL. I'm not old yet, I will not be pushed out. Now if you excuse me, I have to go deal with this, but we will discuss your insubordination once this is resolved." Great, you'd been mean and angry twice today and both times were caused by this elf. You were really starting to dislike her.
She was in the backstage area with two guards blocking her from approaching you while she glared at them, you'd thought she was just a shy little elf but now you could really she she was a two faced bitch trying to end your career while acting as a fan, it felt easier to be mean to her now that you finally knew she wasn't a fan at all.
"My love! You're finally here! They kept telling me I had to wait to see you but-" "Stop talking. Why are you doing this? Are you trying to kill my career?" She let out a whimper as the guards finally released their barricade. She thought about running into your arms but you can see she was on the verge of tears eyes darting rapidly for a way out of this, so she wouldn't have to see you glaring at her anymore.
"No- I w-wouldn't- I wouldn't d-do that to you, love! I wouldn't do it! I just wouldn't!" She screamed her hands on her ears and the guards quickly restrained her before she could start throwing things. If you didn't like her before you definitely didn't now, next time you wouldn't be so friendly to such a weird person, you wouldn't find their behavior cute.
"Escort her out of here, I don't want to have to see her again. I will contact you IF the test tells me you're telling the truth but I don't want to see you until then." You were honestly very lucky, most got taken same day by their mates but since you were such a prominent figure you were allowed a test since some might want to lie and just claim you as their mate despite you not actually being theirs. It was the only reason you weren't going off with that lunatic right now. The problem would be gone soon though, the test would come back saying that she was lying, your career would go on. Except that didn't happen.
The test came back the next morning, she was telling the truth. Your manager had been there first thing in the morning with a coffee and cake in their hands.
"Put that garbage away, I'm too disgusted to eat right now." You would also prefer your manager not being in your apartment right now but you really hadn't been getting what you wanted as of late. You had to assume she wasn't just here to gloat about how your career was probably finished with this news, but if she didn't get to the point soon you were going to scream.
"This isn't for you, Miss Y/N, this is for the elf girl." You shot her a dirty look, this really wasn't the time for jokes, at least you hoped that was a joke, a really bad joke, there was no way you could bring yourself to see that stupid fucking elf today. "Just picture it, the elf who likely had a rough night, having to sleep without her mate by her side, but in reality her mate had just been planning a day long date for them all along and they bring a cake to her door as an apology."
"Ha ha, very funny, now quitting joking, be serious, there's no way I'm fucking doing that." Your agent sighed and set the box down on the counter, taking a long sip of her coffee.
"I was trying to be light hearted, look you don't have a choice, the agency is only willing to give you one more album if you do this, it'll be your album dedicated to your soulmate, they want a huge spectacle showing how in love with your mate you are, you won't be doing a concert for this one either but it'll be a longer album. It'll sell like crazy. Or you can choose not to do this, likely be dragged to your mate anyways and not be allowed the final album. We already found her apartment, what's it going to be?"
"I'll get my coat." You were getting that album no matter what, you were sure after the fans heard it was your final they'd beg for more and the agency would have no chose but to extend your career, this elf was not going to be the end of you, you were determined to perform until you were on your fucking death bed.
"Good choice. Look she's a bit of a freak, all sorts of nasty rumors, some of her neighbors think she's a serial killer but you're her mate so she's not harmful to you, we wouldn't do this if we assumed she would harm you, too much." You pretend to ignore that last part she said. Great you were tied to a fucking serial killer who might hurt you and your management was making you go along with it. You should have picked a better agency.
Her apartment wasn't that bad if you were being honest, sure it wasn't in an area you went often but she could still afford a decent place, it was the inside of her apartment that was a mess however, you saw inside as soon as she opened the door, only for a brief second though as she immediately came outside and slammed the door shut not wanting you to see it. It was clear she had destroyed nearly everything in it though except for a shelf where all of her merch for you laid.
"M-my love? Y-you came for me! Oh you came for me!" She tossed herself into your arms and you bit back a scowl in front of the camera's. Your most dedicated fans would know that you clearly were uncomfortable and even someone who had only pretended to be your fan could see you were not happy to be here. "G-get those camera's out of h-her face, you're making her uncomfortable!"
You weren't sure how she came to that conclusion but it was still good to get the fucking camera crew out of here, at least then you wouldn't have to control your expressions so much, still you knew your manager still had a wire on recording all of the noise so you still had to watch your words.
"L-look, I made them go away, it's o-okay my love." She frowns though, wondering why you were here now and why'd you been so mean to her the night before, was it those people's fault, if that was the cause she'd kill every single person who was backstage last night. You really didn't like the look on her face but you just had to push past it and deal with today.
"I was busy all night preparing a date for us today. Would you like to go get ready for it?" She was a complete ugly mess, her hair was everywhere, you really hoped you wouldn't be forced to kiss her today for a picture, you made a note to scrub yourself and throw these clothes out late now that she had touched you. Hopefully while she was in there she'd change into something less... repulsive than her over worn shirt from your Magical Kitty album tour, it was one of your least favorite outfits you'd been forced to wear so of course it was the creeps favorite. Much to your horror though she just stayed put and made no move to change. Great you were going to have to walk around looking well dressed up meanwhile your forced date could being bother to try to look presentable.
"N-no I'd just like to e-enjoy our d-date as much as possible. D-does your manager h-have to be h-here?" No your manager didn't technically have to be here, you could have been the one fitted with the mic but you forced your manager to do it to ensure she wouldn't leave you all alone with this freak. So yes she did have to be here, it was for your own safety and so you didn't say something mean to this person who could potentially cause you harm.
"She helped me plan everything, she has our passes for everything, don't worry you won't even notice she's there. Also silly me, I just realized, I don't know your name!" You smiled at her and took her hand, you had to keep her calm on this date or everything might blow up in your face, you needed her so you could have your album, you were going to use her to keep your career strong and steady, who knows, maybe you could confide in one of your true fans about how she's hurting your career and then they could kill her for you. Morbid thought but she really had it coming for fucking things up, something about her made you mean, you didn't like thinking such cruel thoughts.
"O-oh m-my name is R-runa... t-that makes sense. W-well where to first?" You had to look away from her so she would see your scowl, god you hated how it felt to have this leech clinging to your arm. Composure, you must regain your composure. You couldn't be mean to her, she was dangerous.
"Well you've never been to any concerts apart from the one last night so our Y/N here thought it would be a fantastic idea to put on the costumes from those tours and sing a couple songs for you! She felt so bad you'd been excluded." You scowled when she said that, Runa was scowling for completely different reasons however, you could only assume she was offended you'd been called "our", guess elves did still have a possessive streak in them, you kind of liked her slightly more that way but you still couldn't stand her.
"R-really? T-thank you m-my love!" It was revolting to think about being back in those outfits, let alone in front of this freak. You remembered how tiny the outfits had been back in the day, it had been hard to feel comfortable prancing around on stage with your ass out back then knowing there might be creeps in your audience even if the majority were your adoring fans but it made you feel sick to think about how Runa was going to get to see the tiny skirts up close and she might even try to touch, absolutely nasty.
"Of course, I wish all my fans could see every concert, it's sad when they can't." You lumped her in with the others, you really just wanted to let her know this wasn't special, you often put on the often of whatever concert you'd done the most recently just so sick and elderly fans would get to see it, you just didn't usually but on the older ones, still she wasn't special in the slightest, she should not feel special just because of this. You tried not to grumble too much as your manager led you to a studio they had cleared out in the building next door filled with all the costumes you had worn, including the one that was clearly Runa's favorite because she almost jumped for joy when she saw the cat ears from your Magical Kitty tours nearly 15 years ago.
"Alright I'll go get dressed." Runa whined as you yanked your arm away from her and walked towards the dressing room. You just had to think of this as a magazine shoot with a gross photographer, that's all this was, you wouldn't have to deal with her very often, you'd only deal with her enough for that album and then everything would be all good. "Hand me the first outfit."
"Well, you're our guest of honor, which outfit would you like to pick first?" Your manager asked Runa and you let out a big sigh, it was clear what the freak was going to chose why did she even bother asking, it was literally the stupid ass t-shirt she was wearing, you weren't even sure where the freak had found that shirt in the first place, that tour was 15 years ago and you were sure Runa was younger than you, sure it took forest elves a long time to grow but city elves aged quicker which was part of why they looked sickly when forest elves looked beautiful because they'd had enough to grow. She must have been a fan from a very young age or had found it used, the little freak.
"M-magical Kitty!" She seemed excited though something in her tone told you she was a bit fed up with your manager. At least you had that in common, the hatred of your manager, you could bond over that if you weren't planning on ditching her or having her killed pretty sure after this.
"I don't want to wear that." "Y/N, we talked about this, put it on." "Runa will you please pick something else?" You heard her huff outside the dressing room and moments later say the outfit being passed over the stall again.
"I-it's always been my dream to s-see that outfit in p-person. W-would you wear it f-for me?" It looked like you weren't getting out of it so you let out a huff and just put it on, excluding the stupid fake eat headband, there was just no way you could put it on.
"Miss Y/N, you're forgetting something." As soon as you opened the dressing room door the manager snatched it from you and popped it on your head which got her a brief glare from both you and Runa before Runa turned her head towards you in delight.
"W-wow, c-can you say the catch phrase from that t-tour please?" You sighed and glared at your manager. It was all her fault that this was happening. You honestly should have made sure the original costume got burned to a fucking crisp, this was nasty.
"I'm your little kitten idol, nya." You couldn't even remember what you'd been thinking at the time when you seriously thought a phrase like that was a genius thing to say, you wanted to strangle your past self, it was her fault you were here doing this. Runa could sense you weren't pleased about this either though cause she started to frown.
"Now now, Y/N, don't be like that, say it with more enthusiasm for the girl." Your smug bastard manager probably thought she was going to make a crap load of money from this recording. You hated her, trying to push you out of the industry but since making bank off of being your manager, you'd fire her after this and sell the clips to the highest bidder just to spite her.
"D-don't fucking talk to my love. G-get out of here!" She pulled a knife out from her pants pocket, your manager immediately scrambling back and looking to you to mediate the situation. "Get out! D-don't look at her!!"
"Fucking shit." You sat down on the couch trying to take a breather and just think about what had just occurred, well now you didn't have to fire your manager and she wouldn't be able to market the tapes to anyone because even if the end was edited out the clips hadn't gotten enough to be marketable. Hopefully failing to do this would tank her career at the company too.
"S-she's gone now m-my love, you c-can say it-" "What the fuck are you talking about?" She was still holding that stupid knife for some reason but you were pretty sure she had no backbone for you now at this point since she'd only threatened the manager over your lack of enthusiasm, and even if she did stab you, you honestly wouldn't care at this point, your career was unsalvageable. They weren't going to give you more years.
"You can say the thing, I k-know you were u-uncomfortable to say it in front of h-her- w-why are you laughing?" You hadn't even realized you'd begun to laugh, her saying that was just the funniest thing you'd heard ever, she thought the manager was the problem? You couldn't help but cackle at that thought, she was so fucking unaware that she was the problem the entire time. It was just so incredible someone could be so fucking dense.
"You fucking idiot, do you think I like you or something?" She whined as you stood up and walked towards her, the knife falling out of her hands and you picked it up off the floor. So cute that she brought this, was the loser planning on using it on you later, that was really too bad cause you were going to use it to punish the little freak for ruining everything.
"We're m-mates so you m-must l-love m-me right?" You laughed again, bringing the knife up to her cheek and lightly pressing. She did bleed really pretty for such a fucking freak. Perhaps how much you hated her was starting to make you a bit of a sadist. You'd ignore that revelation for the time being, perhaps you could revisit that later with someone you actually liked.
"Love you? How could I when you've destroyed everything I've ever worked for?" She took another step backwards as you continued to approach, tears streaming down her face as she gave a sniffle every few seconds.
"I-I don't u-understand..." Her back hit the wall and the knife cut deeper into her cheek. Freak was still blushing though, you bet the freak was probably wet too. Disgusting. You didn't think it was possible to hate someone this much and yet be sexually attracted to them at the same time.
"I spent years of my life devoting everything I had to being an idol and then you show up one day and suddenly the company tells me I can't perform anymore, I only get one last album, you ruined my 20th anniversary of being an idol so of course I despise you, every single part of you revolts me. I just wanted to be able to keep singing and dancing, you ruined it."
"Y-you could still perform f-for me! I-I'd l-love to w-watch you perform every s-single day o-or night! I-I'll even get costumes if you w-want." You laughed as you suddenly got an idea, if the freak thought it was so easy to just perform then you'd make her do it.
"No, I'm done performing, now you're going to perform for me." You walked away from her, walking to the costume box and finding a pair of dog ears, collar, and a mini skirt in there, the dog ears and cute pink collar had been a forgotten idea for a costume and the mini skirt had been so short even you hadn't been willing to put it on even at the beginning of your career. "Put these on." You turned back to her as she whined and tried to wipe the blood off her face, the wound starting to scab a bit.
"W-what?" "Don't 'w-what' me, put these on now bitch. Only these." She blushed and walked to the dressing room before you stopped her. "No, put these on where I can fucking see. Bitches don't get privacy."
"Y-yes my love." God you were right, the freak was wet, you'd cut her cheek open and she was wet about it, you had humiliated her and she was turned on, she was so nasty, but maybe you were too cause seeing this made you happier, you'd been tense all day but now you were getting some revenge on her for coming through and wrecking everything in your life. And you had to admit she looked... cute almost in just the leather mini skirt, a dog collar and ears. She'd look cuter panting on all fours like a proper bitch though. Well you had the power here, you could just make her.
"Down on your knees, like a proper bitch. If you do a good job maybe you'll get to hear me say it later." You sat down on the couch, this had to be properly savored. It looked like it hurt her to get down like that, she was clearly just a bit fragile but she was doing her best. "Present for me, I want to see how wet the bitch is."
God she was so gross, she turned around to show you her soaked hole but that was when you heard it, she just... she just let out a fucking bark. The freak just fucking barked for you. Disgusting, you wanted to hear more. You wondered what other things you could say to get her to bark for you, but also you wanted to see her slobber on you like a fucking dog, you'd give her what she clearly wanted but she had to act like a dog to get it.
"Runa." She turned around instantly, her tongue sticking out as she tried to maintain the dog act as best she could. "Do you want me?"
"Y-yes my l-love more than anything-" "Bitches don't speak, they bark." You threw a nearby vase at her causing her to whimper and flinch. It was her own fault, stupid bitch should have listened to you. She nodded and started to bark loudly, slowly approaching you as you removed your underwear and lifted the skirt on your outfit as well.
"Go ahead, you stupid mutt, maybe if you make the kitty happy enough, she'll go nya for you just like you wanted." She pounced onto the couch immediately positioned herself so her thigh was rubbing against you while she was rubbing herself all over your leg. God this was so fucking gross, you loved it so much.
"I-I love you." She let out a moan as you bit down on her ear hard, you'd heard elf ears were sensitive and so if they got hurt then they'd only hurt more, you guess the freak turned out to be a masochist. You were going to enjoy hurting her so much. You needed this, if you hurt this stupid freak then you wouldn't even be sad about your career anymore, and luckily the stupid bitch didn't seem to mind it with her stupid ideas of you being in love.
"Bitches don't speak. If you need to make noise, bark, like the stupid mutt that you are." She whimpered, her grinding on your leg getting faster, she was obviously getting close and you just let it happen, it would give you another thing to punish her for. She let out a loud howl as she came all over your leg panting and licking your face.
"Stupid bitch, I didn't get to cum, you're so selfish. Lay down, I'm getting what I want." She whined as you repositioned yourself into the 69 position but instead of beginning to eat her out, you grabbed the knife from the side of the couch and started to slash her thighs and really any part of her you could reach as you forced her to eat you out. "Wow you're really bad at this. I might fall asleep."
She let out a soft cry trying to go faster with her tongue on your clit, you were lying, truthfully you'd never been hornier than you were now but she didn't need to know that and even if you did cum she wouldn't know because you could hold back any sounds, it paid in be well versed in acting and keeping a straight face at all times.
"I know, maybe if you bark then I might actually feel something." You were joking but you didn't expect to actually feel and hear her bark against your cunt. Fucking idiot thought you were serious. Wow maybe she really was a stupid mutt, you thought elves were supposed to be smart. You sat up a bit, no longer cutting her legs. You may as well throw the dumb dog a bone and let her know you'd actually cum instead of just hiding it from her and acting like she wasn't affecting you in the slightest. "You're such a stupid doggy nya~ I can't believe I'm cumming on such a stupid mutt's tongue."
You could afford to be nice to your fan for a second, anything for the fans after all, especially after you'd just marked this one as yours.
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apricote · 1 year
thinking about how normal lifespan would probably be a nightmare legacy for me
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sabertoothwalrus · 9 days
I'm going to think out loud about the dungeon meshi ages for a sec
I'm going to preface this by saying that this is based on my existing knowledge, and fact checking is difficult because there is A LOT of contentious research out there.
First of all, I think a lot of people come at this from a modern lens, forgetting the context that this is fantasy medieval era. this is fiction. on top of that, this is specifically Ryoko Kui's understanding of medieval era aging. plus fantasy. So before anyone comes at me with a bunch of 'ermmmm actualy's just consider that I don't really care and also it might not matter in this context lol
as far as the "age of maturity" assigned for each race, something I don't see many people talk about is that "teenagers" are a fairly recent concept. For a long time, you were either considered A Kid or Not A Kid. but this doesn't necessarily mean kids were more/less developed then, just our cultural expectations for certain age groups have changed.
Laios says the age of maturity for tallmen is 16. I don't think that means 16 year olds in the dungeon meshi universe are necessarily "more mature" than modern 16 year olds, but moreso that they have more responsibilities. However, things like medicine, smoking, drinking, sun exposure, physical activity, etc all affect age, so it's possible that developmentally they're closer to modern 18 year olds? Izutsumi is 17 (less than two weeks from turning 18, actually), and very much acts like a modern 17 year old.
The age of maturity for half-foots is 14. Chilchuck was 13 when he got married and had his first two children. Even though, at age 29, he's the equivalent of a modern 50 year old, I don't think he was That much more developed at 13 than a tallman. I think if half-foot 14 is equal to tallman 16, then Chilchuck was Pretty Damn Young for a parent LMAO. Even if you're generous and say tallman 16 is a modern 18, he still would've been younger than that.
The long-lived races are interesting. Marcille is obviously a unique case, and not a lot of this applies to her. We do know what Senshi was like as a minor (miner, lol), and he seemed like a modern 15ish, considering he was 36 and dwarf maturity is 40. I think it'd be really interesting to delve into how a culture functions with people being developmentally adolescent for soooooo long. Imagine middle school lasting 20 years. that would fucking suck. I suppose it makes sense why long-lived races are so patronizing.
Moving onto lifespans, I want to emphasize that they're average lifespans. Even in the manga, they say some half-foots live to 100, it's just rare. So it's less that a tallman 60 year old is "older" than a modern 60 year old, it's that it's easier to keep people alive for longer nowadays. Modern medicine is a BIG contributor. Dental health as well, considering how much your health is affected by your diet (and how much the action of chewing alone aids in digestion). Curious to know what the FUCK elven dentistry is like.
It also makes me wonder if half-foots would have a longer average lifespan if they weren't like, used for bait and treated so poorly, but half-foot 29 does seem to be middle-aged for half-foots. so who knows!
In that vein, I don't know if I can see Mithrun quite making it to 400 😬 like, his experience as a dungeon lord took a lot out of him quite literally, and he's doing exceptionally well despite it! I imagine he'd eventually start to develop a lot of heart problems if he doesn't have them already. Perhaps early-onset dementia. His memory seems still quite intact (he corrects Kabru on his story's accuracy) and he doesn't act like, lobotomized. He doesn't seem forgetful or confused, and he has a sense of humor/sarcasm still. It's mostly his task initiation that's been affected.
I almost want to say that mana affinity could affect long-lived races' lifespans, except dwarves have very poor tolerance for mana, so it's probably not that.
okay anyway I didn't really have a point to this post so I'm just gonna end my rambling here
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megamindsupremacy · 6 months
Heyyyy so about that pjo/batfam au.... I love it.
I wonder if any of the bat kids are legacies or half bloods? Like, they'd be ripe for urgent adoption and training, given the inherent risk of monsters! Not to mention the specially bred deep rooted battle/hero instincts. Would only some be half bloods? Any? How would that affect the dynamics, to have some (or just B) be aware of and able to interact with this whole secret world complete with monsters hidden in plain sight?? There's got to be tons of secret pjo resource stashes like different metals, foods, weapons, armour hidden everywhere hehe.
Ooh, would a bat kid ever have accidentally eaten ambrosia/nectar (or gotten close) without knowing what it is? Is Alfred a legacy?? A satyr?!! That'd be so so cool. (and it'd be an explanation for how long lived he is lmao)
If the batkids were all legacies/half bloods, who would be who? Would there be a mix of greek/roman? Is Bruce aware of the Egyptians or Norse lot?? I'm so curioussssss
ooo okay so the batkids! i explained it like... a year ago (jeez) in this post but here's the basic rundown:
Bruce: Athena (three parents, complicated situation)
Dick: Hermes (three parents, uncomplicated situation)
Babs: mortal, clearsighted, not The Oracle but calls herself Oracle
Jason: Nemesis (still working this one out)
Cass: Shiva/Nike, raised by David Cain
Tim: Bellona/Janet (who is a legacy of zeus)
Steph: Apollo
Damian: Legacy Athena/Hades
Duke: normal ("normal") meta but everyone up to and including Apollo thinks he's Apollo's kid
There are definitely stashes of demigod resources! most of the stock is in the Batcave, but they definitely have stashes in all the safehouses. They're basically like any other resource- medical supplies, celestial bronze dagger, batarangs, smoke pellets, ambrosia, etc. Considering that celestial bronze and nectar/ambrosia are pretty rare, i doubt they're using them daily, but everyone definitely has emergency demigod equipment on them. I'm also making Gotham a Land Beyond Gods, a la Alaska in SoN, so there's less of a monster problem than other cities. Gotham kinda like the trash dump of the demigod world- all the weird fucked up stuff ends up there for our intrepid heroes to get chased by.
Most of the Batkids are aware of who they are, eventually! Bruce, Cass, and Damian always know, Dick and Jason figure it out pretty quickly after living with Bruce, Tim figures it out himself before becoming Robin, and Steph only figures it out after she "dies" (poor guy). Bruce isn't very good with the Mist, and monsters aren't like, a huge problem in Gotham, so it's not really a big deal to them if they are/aren't demigods. Babs kept up just fine as a mortal, after all. Like i said earlier, ambrosia/nectar are in short supply in Gotham (bruce doesn't really have a consistent way of getting more besides through diana, who also doesnt really have a consistent way of getting more), so nobody's eating any by accident.
I have literally no idea what's going on with Alfred. I joked a while back that he's a minor god, which I'm not opposed to, I'd just have to work that one out a bit more. The satyr idea is fun and works really well, except imagining Alfred with goat legs and eating aluminum cans freaks me out and I don't know what to do about that. He could also just be a mortal blessed by [insert god here] to have a longer lifespan, or someone who made a deal with [insert god here] to be alive as long as Bruce/the Wayne family needs him. It'll be interesting to figure out, whenever I end up doing that!
Bruce and Co. are NOT aware of the other pantheons! As in, they are so unaware of the other pantheons that nobody can figure out who the fuck Tim's godly parent is. Bellona is on nobody's radar, everyone is split between Ares/Dionysus/Athena/????. They also haven't figured out he's a Zeus legacy, because his ancestor fled to Gotham during WW2 and then did their best to hide their heritage for their and their kids' safety. Poor guy doesn't know what the fuck is going on, basically. Bruce is actually pretty cut off from CHB, so he's not super up-to-date about the demigod world. He tends to focus more on the superhero side of things. His kids have varying levels of interest/affiliation with the demigods, but they're definitely not on the "first to know" end of news whenever things happen. It takes a hot minute for anyone to figure out the Romans exist, and considering that Percy and Annabeth try pretty hard to conceal the Egyptian and presumably Norse pantheons, we can assume the Batfam isn't aware of those guys for quite a bit after the Greeks learn about them.
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shkika · 1 year
All, any, and every drop of Pebbles & Suns content adds +5 years to my lifespan. Every word from you about them is double that. Thank you for your service
I'm really charmed you like my rambles though oh gosh. Let's try to do a small Suns and by extension Pebbles ramble.
A warning from me is that this will be a VERY headcanon-y, because we know so little about Suns. I'll still reference the game, but I will also fill any holes I see fitting.
Which means btw that this will be very LONG I am sorry hehe.
I'm gonna pick apart their natural conversation they have in the deep green pearl. I think it's unfair to craft an idea of how they interacted when Suns was worried about Pebbles literally dying WHILE killing his sister.
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WHICH HOLLY SUNS. I think they have ISSUES! Because god you are MEAN to someone who is being genuinely vulnerable to you. And sometimes that means you yourself are scared of being vulnerable.
Even after Pebbles tells them to ease down, because he's genuinely looking for advice, Suns doesn't miss out on implying he's stupid.
We also know Pebbles really looked up to Suns as well, with them acknowledging this in their conversation with NSH and with Pebbles himself referring to them as mentor-like.
In my interpretation of Suns' character, they were made by a very religious colony. As in they were kind cultish in their way of treating Suns. You've seen vague(?) hints on my blog pointing towards this with Moon saying they have political power over their own colony and with the entire deal of that one Sunstone comic I made (x). (and even here (x) "Blesseth be my name" as a little joke that people probably use their name to exclaim.
I don't think they ever wanted that attention or responsibility. I think things were messy and words were often put in their mouth by various houses. Pushed to make decisions they wouldn't have really made. Their fluffy over the top garments didn't really fit at first until they grew to play the god they were made to be. They played being an all knowing god and they hated it, but they grew into that persona until it became an undeniable part of their character.
They LOOK really put together. And they LOOK like they have a lot of power and are revered by the ancients with no drawbacks.
At least that's how it looked to Pebbles at first.
Not only was he referred to as an abomination from before being even built. With some ancients on Moon REFUSING TO MOVE on him, because they don't want him.
Now we have Suns who by all means is kind of the opposite in every way of the person who Pebbles is constantly compared to (Moon) and is STILL adored, even worshiped.
And you get the idea of how maybe they became someone who he really looked up to. And they had very similar interests too!
(Time for canon lmao)
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Moon about the music pearl (riv campaign) states that there were those that loved cultural archiving. Obviously Pebbles is one of those iterators and given he and SRS were close friends I don't doubt they enjoyed being art nerds together. <3
So they clicked. They were genuine friends, but there was some sort of dynamic there. Suns was probably kind of condescending all the time as we see in the conversation. They tried their best to be good influence, but I cannot tell you if they succeeded.. eeh
They also didn't spare him any harsh truths, despite of what Pebbles might need to actually hear. Which ironically I think perhaps made Pebbles feel more respected. Aside the fact they showed genuine interest in his research and theories and so on.
I also think Suns really enjoyed Pebbles' company, despite the fact I can't tell you how healthy it was for them to have yet another person look up to them so much.
In conclusion those two are a complicated mess to me I think!!!! They care and they left each other deeply hurt and it's sad they never got to reconcile.
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Ooh how about top 5 Emily moments for each PC (i.e. top moonshine moment, top fia moment, etc etc) because we know Emily is incredible and can do no wrong!
Real and true. I’ll do like 2 moments for each naddpod pc and then it’ll be like 10 moments lol. Full disclosure: this is long as hell.
“You can be quick with kindness, too” and then grabbing Bev and jumping off into the Astral Sea. That whole thing, where she was trying to understand Thiala despite knowing she likely couldn’t be reasoned with. An absolute peak of Moonshine. Holy shit.
Not to be the guy who brings up “how long do half elves live” at every opportunity. But it needs to be said. Because it’s also Moonshine grappling with how her lifespan is going to work. Emily was never going to take 18 levels in druid, she didn’t want timeless body for Moonshine. But she got it. And then there’s this poignant moment where she’s grappling with everything that will mean to the only other person she knows has or will experience it. Moonshine doesn’t fear death. But she doesn’t want to live in a world without her family and friends. And that’s why it matters. Plus the hardshine of it all.
Fuck it, third one. The conversation with Deadeye. She saves him. She’s the catalyst that stops him from continuing a spiral he’d been part of for possibly 100 years. And he stopped her from going down a similar path, which was Brennan’s plan when he made the character. The Cybin siblings are something that can be so personal.
“Maybe I don’t want to be her sister, okay!” Fia was closed off to the other third mates in a lot of ways. She was never hiding anything deliberately, she just kept a lot of feelings close to her chest. She hadn’t had friends in years. Blurting this out to Hank and Zirk was her last wall crumbling and a moment of true trust. Plus like the beauty of girlhood friends falling in love wlw wish fulfillment.
“You were my fucking dream for so fucking long. But these people are my reality. And it is by your actions that one of them has died, and you tried to kill more of them. And I will miss you so much. But I, I cannot support this. Mr. Henry. Kill Her.” Truly an Emily moment of all time. The beauty. The cold hearted commitment. The sobs from both her AND Caldwell.
Only gonna do one here because she’s in so few episodes. The atonement to help redeem Moxora at the end of Cerenysus. “She may have rotted but she’ll make good soil”. Devastating.
Also gonna do one here because of the shortness of her time. Her insane antics in the Grimdung/Beeto cave fight. Trying to convince Grimmy that she was worth more than his allegiance to the cause. Being completely wrong about his thought process. And the interactions with Hank and Zirk during that fight. Too fun.
Pretending to be Porker Harris for the entire Merry Metal Mayhem two shot. Insane choice. She was dressed as him dead I think actually. And tried to convince Sonic that she was him. The triplets are too good.
Befriending KT. Getting her plane seat upgraded while sitting in the bad seats. Asking for her opinion on everything. So dumb. So incredible.
Fucking. Crown of Dreams. Right at the end. She finally isn’t confused or a nannerfly. And she takes a turn to Lay on Hands Sol (who was 2 death save failures in the hole and it really felt like Caldwell’s skin of his teeth luck had finally run out) and then casts compelled duel on Ultrus to save Glen. Gets me every time. God what an episode.
Little strange, but when they’re fighting the Bronzebeards and that guy who was controlling people with the worms in the woods on the way to Irondeep. She like climbs up something, Fey Steps, attacks or casts a spell, then asks Hardwon to catch her. And Hardwon “nods like he’s seen this kind of bullshit before”. Just a very fun moment.
So sorry for going off like that. Hope people enjoy reading this insane list lmao
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