#long to figure that out and now im just a failure through and through
banj0possum · 1 year
Please more poly vampires please😭🙏! I can hardly ever find x male/masc reader stuff especially about monsters😭. What happens when they take us back to their home. What's gonna happen to us? What will the townsfolk react?
Poly!Vampires x Reader Pt. 2
CW: kidnapping, silas is a freak for a brief moment
waaaaa !! so sorry this took so long !! thank you all for being so patient with me ! >w< <3
update: i mixed up garrick and silas' names im sorry im sorry its fixed now guys im so-
🌙 Its been a week since the townspeople found your house empty, your bedroom looking like something out of a mystery novel.
🌙 The bed was stained with blood and claw marks were dug deep into your bedframe with the moonlight illuminating your room through your broken window.
🌙 It looked as if you've been taken by a creature of the night, but weirdly enough, your luggage was nowhere to be found. Your closet and drawers had clothes missing and the painting you had just finished was gone.
🌙 Who could have done this?
🌙 "Garrick, it's your turn to drive!"
🌙 "Already?! Just one more minute Viktor~?"
🌙 You're being held hostage, no, hostage wasn't the right word..kidnapped? Enslaved maybe? who knows..All you know was that these..creatures..will never let you out of their sight.
🌙 You remember that night when you bore witness to their inhuman ways, they were at the foot of your bed when you took out the crucifix under your pillow and held it to Viktor, his eyes turning all red and he hissed at the holy figure.
🌙 "Ohoho! Our little mortal's smart!" Garrick grins, showing off his sharp fangs.
🌙 Silas tries to grab you but you dodge, but his long claws managed to cut your cheek, you couldn't say the same for your bedframe..
🌙 Viktor gets a hold of you and chuckles darkly at your cut, the red liquid bleeding out of it made his mouth water.
🌙 "My my~ What a fierce little minx you are my darling~" he coos with a raspy cold breath as he licks your wound. The feeling made your stomach churn and your spine shiver.
🌙 Garrick was busy making a mess of your room and stuffing your clothes in bags. Also stuffing a pair of your underwear in his shirt for himself.. "Come on you idiots! It's almost dawn!" He whisper-yells as he fiddles with the window's lock.
🌙 Silas rolls his eyes and kicks the window, breaking it and jumping through, with Garrick holding his hand.
🌙 You were confused beyond compare. Were they really gonna kidnap you?! What's gonna happen to you?! Should you scream for help?!
🌙 "I'm sorry for this Darling.." Viktor says softly before knocking you out.
🌙 Now back to the present, the 3 rode around in a caravan, a charming little wagon that doubled as a moving home of sorts. One went in front and drove while the other two looked after you or did other things.
🌙 Every escape attempt you had would end up in failure, their superhuman senses were no match for you.
🌙 "Garrick you said that 10 minutes ago!" Viktor growls at the younger vampire.
🌙 Garrick groans "Fiiiiiine!" He says before giving you one last hug and kiss and going out with a coat to shield him from the sun.
🌙 You had about 10 seconds to yourself before Viktor sits down next to you and pulls you onto his lap.
🌙 "Oh how I missed your warmth little mortal~" He purrs, kissing your neck which made you tense up in fear of his fangs. He feels your heart beat faster and smirks. "Am I making you nervous~?" He teases.
🌙 Silas comes over and smacks the dark-haired man on the head "Enough Viktor! Don't you think our precious little darling is frightened already?" he scolds before smiling down at you warmly. Viktor just rolls his eyes and buries his face into your neck.
🌙 He hands you a cup of tea and sits down across from you and Viktor "Drink up dear, mortals like you need to stay warm in the winter~"
🌙 Silas was the most respectful one out of the 3, he was always taking care of you and making sure the others didn't make you feel uncomfortable, but of course he was just as obsessive of you as they were.
🌙 Viktor is such a cuddle bug, always hugging you close every chance he gets. He'd even have the luxury to sleep with you, an activity he hasn't done in a while. He might not need to sleep, but just lying in bed with your adorable sleeping form was like being in heaven for him.
🌙 Garrick love love loves chatting with you. Rambling to you about people he's killed or jewelry he's looted off of his food weren't the best topics to talk about, but he's got no one else to talk to! And you are his darling after all!
🌙 And you could do nothing about any of it. You were treated like a glorified pet and there was no way to leave or escape of have any time for yourself..
🌙 It continued on like this until the caravan came to a stop by a small town. The weather was much colder now than it was in your hometown with rain softly pouring down from the sky.
🌙 Your heart drops, knowing what they're going to do here.
🌙 They all come off the caravan, Silas going to give the horses some food. You refused to leave the caravan in your anxiety-stricken state.
🌙 Garrick notices your nervousness and smiles, sitting next to you and putting his forehead to yours "Darling, you miss home don't you~?" he coos softly.
🌙 You nod slightly as you refuse to look at him or even move.
🌙 The vampire sighs and rests his head on your shoulder and holds your hand. "I know honey...but we won't hurt you! And besides, you don't know these people anyway! You scared we'll kill them and stuff? It's fine! We do it all the time!" He laughs. He wasn't making anything better..
🌙 "You're shit at comforting people Silas." Viktor looks at the red head with a deadpanned expression. "Oh up yours Vik!" Garrick rolls his eyes at him.
🌙 At least that made you lighten up a bit..
🌙 Garrick pulls you up from your seat and you get out of the caravan, rain hitting your face before the vampire opens up an umbrella and holds you close to him so you don't get wet.
🌙 "Its fine dear, this is the last stop before we head back to our new home~" Silas walks over and places a kiss on your cheek.
🌙 Wait..home?..
🌙 "Now gentleman! Who's hungry~?"
sorry this is a bit short ! but feel free to request or ask anything about these blorbos! i love em a lot !
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sketchalicious · 1 year
doomed au timeline thing? idrk
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uhh okay so . i saw that the doomed au kinda popped off n i figured i'd go into a bit more depth for fun so i doodled out this crappy comic thing. i think i saw a homestuck comic do something similar LOL.
im gonna give like. aftermath of the ninja's deaths and such for the sake of clarity , since i know this is just an angsty clusterbump.
Kai: The real ignition for Lloyd's downfall. The staff was destroyed moments before the transformation ritual by the green ninja himself. In Lloyd's mind, his friend would return to normal. But he was met with something else as Kai desperately took the shards and ran away instead, too far gone into his ego and insanity. Returning home they remain the same in quantity, with Lloyd and Nya heartbroken, and Zane blaming himself.
Cole: He acted as the stable rock of the group. He brought the ninja back to their high spirits again, acting as a replacement flame for Kai to reunite his team. He even began the trend of looking for the missing ninja, with hope they were still out there. Yet despite being the very reason they stabilized, no one seemed to realize he disappeared. Instead they suddenly felt lost, like they were missing something. The grief returned, and the dots never connected.
Zane: His disappearance set the team on course for failure. With him, Asphera never explained where she had banished him, and the others were left to believe he was really, truly gone this time. He acted as the caretaker for the group, tying them together once more as he tried to bring back the joy they lost through menial tasks and the small details of the world. Even back to when Kai disappeared, Lloyd could be a leader with his help. With the last light in the tunnel gone, no one had any more confidence to step up.
Nya: Jay and Lloyd's breaking point. Without her, they lost their drive to keep searching. Her disappearance plays the same as canon, becoming one with the sea. Though she was less hesitant now, understanding that this was just fate, that the team wasn't meant to survive. If that was the case, she'll go out with a bang, knowing that with her gone they would understand too. At least she knew they would be safe for now.
Lloyd: His disappearance happened long after he recognized his Oni form. After having to fight the overlord alone, he went on a downwards spiral. Jay couldn't be there, and frankly, Wu couldn't get through to him like Garmadon did. Lloyd hated the idea of fate. He felt too, like Nya, that the team wasn't meant to last. As such, in his last effort to feel control, he caved into what came easy.
Pixal: Like Zane did in canon after Nya, she turned off her emotion meter. She knew some of the ninja could be saved, and she knew she had to stop grieving in order to even try. In a frustrated effort, she attempted to bring the ninja to her level, only to blame herself for Lloyd's snap. After realizing she couldn't do much for a grieving Jay, she leaves to find the others.
Jay: Who knows where he is. Wu entered his quarters to find only a pair of nunchaku, and his gi laying on his pillow. Maybe he joined Pixal, maybe he existed as a criminal like Lloyd now. All Wu knew is he lost his last student and the last defender of Ninjago. It's likely Jay quit, afraid of becoming next in fate's cruel hand. He'd only learn after the merge.
okay thats it lmao. i might add more ideas in the future but im not creative enough to plot it out properly gO NUTS
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Thinking how there are two particular segments that affect the most with Fragile! Reader waking up from their coma. Of course all of them are affected by it, especially Prime, the one that had been going through all of that, but prime has the ability to move on(??) Yet the segment?? Their time is suspended at that period of time whichever era of life Prime created them, after all different ages, different eras, different wisdom. So there's two particular segments that got hit the hardest with Fragile!reader waking up.
1. The Akademiya segment: the one that sees how strong reader are, the one that is stronger than he is. The one that sometimes has to carry him out of any fight that he got himself into. The one that is doing the heavy lifting between them. The one that carried him like a sack of potato while running at full speed because they accidentally triggered many ruin machines. That person reduces to this sickly person that on their worst day, can't even carry a pen.
2. The one that tastes the failure segment: this is the Dottore that tastes his failure, failure to figure out what's wrong, failure to cure Reader before their illness spiralling and becomes worse. The taste of failure from reading negative and failed results of his research about reader illness. The failure of coming with an empty hand searching what is the cause and cure of reader's illness. And the first one that had to endure that cold and quiet loneliness. The one that had to endure no one replied or got into his personal space, the one that used to be greeted by the silence. Finally got the reply that he long for. Imagine this dottore develops a habit of talking his thoughts out loud to fill in the silence. And one day he is just wondering out loud about some Fatui's work while taking care of reader, and reader thought he is talking to them so they reply and the speed of his head snapping to face reader is worrying
It just them 🥲🥺, i think after reader warm up to the segments, and the segments are sure their presence doesn't make reader nervous anymore, i think this two is the most clingy.
(im so sorry this is very long 😔😔 but them... Hmmmrghh)
OMG IM CHEWING ON THIS LOVINGLY... AHHH YOU'RE SO RIGHT!! Having such vivid memories of the old you is both a blessing and a curse for the Akademiya segment. Because he can clearly remember how beautiful you were, how you shined so brightly without a care. Your exceeding strength as you nearly put people in a hospital for making fun of him (numerous times). Him making you carry a bunch of equipment and books for the expeditions. You perfectly fighting off enemies for him every time while he looked on. You carrying him out of there when things got too serious despite his protests to investigate more. (You picking him up bridal style and him fighting and flailing in your arms as he fought you.) You being so lively and happy, pulling and dragging him along wherever.
But those days were a mere memory now, a reminder of the past that will never happen again. As you were now just a shadow of your former self. Never to be seen again, no, not with how weak you were now. Although you seem to have accepted your fate, even though it hurts you greatly. But this segment can't do that. He can't help but think of the old you. The way you gently tug on his hand now, compared to how you used to yank on it nearly making him trip back then. He will never forget.
AND OMGOMGG hold on... you've actually given me a ton of brain rot with that segment. I never thought about it before, there being a whole period in Dottore's life where he truly feels like he's failed, that nothing's working, that you'll be sleeping and ill for the rest of eternity. Perhaps because he exudes such confidence all the time, but maybe there was a time he cursed himself greatly for failing you. This segment's memories are full of failed experiments and torn notes decorating the floor. Your sleeping face burned permanently into his mind. The silence is all he can hear, but your voice rings in his head, although he knows it's not real. Your cold hand is the only texture he remembers. This segment especially doesn't like to be around people. Among the agents, he's known as the strangest, as he never acknowledges them, not once. Not having the time or energy to care about anyone else besides you. Despite the segments not needing sleep, he always seems tired and gloomy, probably because that was what Dottore was like at that stage. When you finally woke up, he had a hard time believing it was real, because of how long he waited. Despite his longing for you, he has a hard time showing it, unlike the very grabby and touchy tendencies of the other segments. Tends to stare at you and watch for long periods of time rather than do anything about it.
You certainly don't mind their clinginess. It's rather cute. But, you can't help but feel a bit bad for causing them such pain. You give them lots of kisses to hopefully remedy that.
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isaaaxqii · 1 year
don’t touch her ༊*·˚ - nanami
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summary : after getting hurt in mission to exorcise a special grade curse, nanami hurriedly comes to check on you.
** : sfw, fluff
note : hi yall 🤍 im starting to find writing fun after writing my first LOL but anyw hope y’all like this one 💗💗
< 3.25pm >
u muttered, hand holding your left hip after the special grade curse hurt you. you were too careless, only wanting to finish the mission as fast as you could. but, by having that mindset comes with consequences.
“see you next time, failure !” the special grade curse mocked you, escaping when it realised the curtain was lifting. you tried to chase it, but to no avail.
ijichi drove you back to jujutsu high, having shoko on call in the car to tell her about your wound while you fill her in with information about the curse.
when you reached jujutsu high, shoko was immediately at your assistance. she gently wrapped your wounds, making sure not to hurt you in the process.
“the curse escaped after they found out the curtain was about to be lifted. this was my mistake..”
“it’s okay, y/n. you’re hurt, and we have to treat you now. that’s all that matters.” shoke reassured you.
“also…” u muttered softly.
“don’t tell kento abo-“
u saw a worried nanami come in the room, rushing to your side. shoko figured what you were about to say, and could only let out a small giggle.
“my bad.” she said under her breath, but loud enough for you to hear. you could only let out a sigh.
“y/n are you okay? i came here as fast as i could..” nanami said worriedly, holding your hand as he rubbed soft circles on it.
“i’m okay, kento. just a small wound. i’ll be fine soon.”
after shoko ensured you were well enough to go home, nanami helped you pack up your belongings and guided you home. he held your hand tightly, as if you were going to slip away if he didn’t. he felt bad that he couldn’t protect you from that curse, although he knew it was your mission. still, he vowed to protect you as long as he’s alive, and your wound showed him his flaws.
for the rest of the day, nanami stayed close to you. he provided all his attention to you, from feeding you to comforting you with hugs and back rubs. you couldn’t ask for more from him. at night, he cuddled close to you, giving you forehead kisses every once in awhile. he was your safe haven, and you never wanted to leave it.
-next morning-
nanami sees you sleeping soundly on the bed. he smiled at the sight of you, combing through your hair and pressing a few kisses on your forehead. he got up from your grasp, careful not to wake you. he wrote a small note and placed it at the bedside table.
“y/n, by the time you wake up, i’ll be out of the house. i prepared a small breakfast for you, please eat before you fulfill your duties today. i’m going to help you complete the mission you left undone yesterday. don’t worry, i’ll be safe. i’ll teach that curse a lesson for messing with my girlfriend.”
you read the note with sleepy eyes, but still able to understand what the note read. you smiled to yourself, anticipating your boyfriend’s victory.
as you expected, he came back safe and sound, with that special grade exorcised in a matter of a few minutes.
done with this writing!! hope you guys liked it, because who doesn’t like nanami 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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vinelark · 1 year
please share some outtakes im on my knees
oh man most of my outtakes are like, slight paragraphs/scene rewrites, but here are some bbts lines/alternate dialogue options that didn't make the cut!
chapter 1:
But it’s not like Tim could’ve told the kidnappers to call Bruce right away, not until today’s little attempt, which was another check in the failure column. No one else knows Tim has been practically living at Wayne Manor, and if they did it might raise too many questions. Tim can’t create an unnecessary trail of connections between Bruce Wayne and a random kid, especially a random kid in a situation where superheroes and vigilantes might then show up. He knows too well how quickly those connections can snowball if someone puts together one right conclusion, like hold on, Robin just did a quadruple flip—
sb aww are you jealous robin excuse me sb that no one’s made @robinsass yet robin absolutely not kon i said i’m not KON. sb http://twitter.com/robinsass i got u robin i’m calling oracle sb no worries i have five backup urls robin joke’s on you anyway unlike nightwing there are no hq photos of me. also i wear a cape. why do you think i wear a cape kon sb to cover the fact that you have no ass : (
chapter 2:
“Oh, no,” Tim wheezes when he’s done hacking up half the marina. He twists to sit heavily on the wet concrete and starts scrabbling at his shoelaces. “My shoes.”
Kon rolls his eyes. That’s it. No more saving rich kids; Kon is putting a wealth cap on all future damsels in distress. “I’m sure they’ll dry.” Or he can buy a new pair—Kon had looked Tim up after the whole kidnapping thing, just to make sure he healed up okay and everything. Kid’s parents are definitely loaded.
“Hey—Superboy, hey, are you good at beer pong?”
“Uh,” Kon says. “For PR reasons I don’t think I should answer that.” The answer is that he has no clue, having never played, but if he said that then half the media would have a field day with how his lack of cliché teenage rebellion secretly indicated he wasn’t so human after all. If he lied and said yes, somehow that same half of the media would clutch their pearls over him being a Bad Influence.
“Oh,” Tim says. “Well. Well, I am very good at it.”
“Um. Okay.”
Tim’s face falls. Kon has no idea why he suddenly feels guilty about this.
"But for the record, I’m not scared of you,” Red Hood says. “All I have to do is press a button and have Batman run you out of town if you get too annoying.”
“Batman is off-world,” Kon says, a little smugly.
Hood glares through his mask in a way that tells Kon he knows that, and is annoyed that Kon does too. Good. “Then I guess that leaves me in charge.”
chapter 3:
“What are you going to get Superboy?” Steph says. “Maybe a nice cheese plate?”
“I am going to frame Dick for tax fraud,” Tim mutters. He’s taken to hiding the charcuterie board Kon made in one of his city caches now, because Dick kept sneaking it onto the dinner table every time he visited the manor.
“What the—” Muffled talking on the other end. “He says he’s not sure,” the girl says to someone else. “Tim, explain this to me in small words.”
“Um.” Tim rubs his temple. “I’m with Superboy. He—found me. And took me somewhere, somewhere safe, so I’m okay for now.”
It does not escape Kon’s notice that Tim doesn’t mention the part where he apparently gave his gas mask to a kid and got a full dose of fear toxin. He raises an eyebrow, but Tim is doing a great job of avoiding eye contact.
There’s a long beat. “Oh my god,” the girl says.
“Oh my god. You are so lucky I don’t have time for follow-up questions. Call me as soon as you’re home.”
(bonus chapter 4:
Kon spares a moment to be impressed that Tim has already figured out where they are, and says, “Because any good date starts with a good snack.”
Tim’s hand spasms where he’s rolling back the jacket cuffs. “A good date, huh?”)
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alyimoss · 2 months
I don’t actually know anything about your underswap I’d love to hear about it!
explodes ok so.
this ended up being the length of the average one-shot so it has to go under the cut
tbf my underverse is not super developed. i mostly just have. sans, papyrus, alphys, and undyne figured out (though not fully) and the rest im still thinking through. but nevertheless i love my swaps and would die for them.
between those four, the swaps are pretty standard (so sans and papyrus swap, and so do alphys and undyne), but they generally have a bit more like?? backstory as to why they are the way that they are?? my underswap is like. base ut but something went sideways and now shit's weird. so these characters, for the most part, started out like their classic counterparts, and this is why my swaps have more of their base ut traits than some other swaps.
like- for example, my swap papyrus started out more or less like classic papyrus. he's energetic and ambitious and he puts his all into the things that he does and he believes in everyone!! but he lets his reality wear him down more than classic: where classic keeps up his "fake it til you make it" kind of attitude towards his own popularity and just keeps trying even if he fails, my swap pap realizes that no matter what he does, he's not the person he wants to be. he wants to be the cool popular guy that everyone wants to be friends with, but… through years of rejection and failure, he eventually resigns himself to just being some fucking guy. not important. forgettable.
so he stops trying. he stops trying to make friends, trying to put himself out there, etc. the thought of joining the royal guard doesnt even cross his mind because he'd preemptively decided that its pointless — he wont get in and hell just make a fool of himself trying. why bother? the funny thing, though, is that, as a papyrus, i guess he can never truly stop trying, because he kind of does a 180 here. instead of being some cool extrovert popular guy, he assumes the persona of just the average guy. he masks his effort levels, trying to make it seem like he's someone who really doesnt try that hard (because he doesnt want to look like a tryhard), so like for example, where classic papyrus speaks in all caps to show his effort (and classic sans, conversely, speaks in all lowercase to show the exact opposite thing), my swap papyrus speaks with proper capitalizations because thats what normal, average people do!! and hes just a perfectly normal, average guy… just your average, completely forgettable rando…
i guess at his core, hes someone influenced wildly by shame and a fear of being his true self, because he doesnt see that self as being worthy enough because it doesnt fit his specific criteria (this is smthn that also applies to classic papyrus, at least to a certain extent, but thats not what im here to yap abt)
and then his spiral into depression is what pushes my swap sans into becoming a proper swap. he, like classic, knows about the timeline and resets and whatnot, and has, too, given up. why bother? nothing matters. except then he looks around and he sees the townspeople notice. his friends at the bar ask if hes okay, and when he blatantly lies to them, he can feel their hopes dwindle. he feels the whole town almost become darker, heavier. he cant fathom himself having this kind of impact on others, but he feels it and even if its not his fault, if its just a byproduct of them all being stuck underground for so damn long, he feels like hes doing something wrong. he feels guilty. and then he sees papyrus. his brother, who had always shined like the brightest star in the sky, giving up and losing hope and hiding away from the world. and sans feels responsible.
so he does the only thing he can think of — he decides to try. of course, that doesnt mean that he actually feels any better. he doesnt think this will do anything in the larger scheme of things. but he cant stand seeing his brother like that. he cant stand the guilt. and so he becomes more like classic papyrus — he enrolls in the guard, he makes rounds around snowdin, he cooks and cleans and drags his brother out of the house with him. and even if he has no energy and he feels like hes drowning but the waves are still crashing on top of him one after the other, he keeps going because anything is better than the feeling of failure.
this is where id go in on his backstory and why he feels this way about failure, but. i kind of. dont have anything. and anyway i keep these two's backstories brief in most aus bc canonically we do not know what the fuck is up w them and i dont know if we ever will. and really im fine with that, the mystery makes them. but yeah anyway, due to circumstances, my swap sans is riddler with guilt and the fear of failure, and he will do anything to prove he is not a failure, that he can at least do something right.
oh and also speaking of guilt, papyrus notices this change in his brother. and he recognizes that he has a part in it. and as grateful as he is for his brother's attempts to cheer him up, he also feels immensely guilty because he can see better than anyone else in the whole underground just how much his brother's self-imposed duty weighs on him. he blames himself for letting himself get so bad that now his brother is suffering from it as well, but he also cant get any better. cue the self-loathing cycle. anyway, as a result, he ends up sharing less with sans. its a means of lessening his burden — if he doesnt know the things going wrong in papyrus's life, he wont have to waste time and energy on him and wont have to have more on his already overloaded plate!! its the perfect plan except they drift apart and now their closeness feels so surface-level and papyrus feels guilty about lying and he knows his brother is still worried, perhaps moreso now that he knows less and he's so scared theyll drift further apart but he's committed fully to this so he just keeps digging the hole and he doesnt know how to stop. (theyre still close, but less so than the classic bros, id say)
ok enough abt those two alphyne time.
these two are actually. less developed. and theres one specific part ill talk abt a bit later that im rlly not sure what to do with. but anyway. they, too, had their original roles at first. undyne, the rambunctious, hotheaded kid who kept getting into fights and couldnt sit still long enough to read one paragraph, and alphys, the nerdy kid who practically lived at the dump, collecting comics and anime… and yeah they somehow ended up the royal scientist and head of the royal guard, respectively.
i havent fully thought through why undyne would end up the scientist, but itd probably have something to do with injury. she keeps her eye injury in my swap. but as evidenced by base ut, a simple missing eye cant stop undyne! so she probably had a more. extensive injury, likely coupled with other factors. im not fully sure what happens, but what i am sure of is i want her to have a similar focus on robotics as alphys. she decides that if she cant fulfill the hopes and dreams of monsterkind on the frontlines, she'll become a different kind of hero. i think she mostly makes prosthetics, likely coupling them with weaponry bc thats just cool. she finds the best ways to combine mobility and magic efficiency and is widely respected by monsters for what she does (also, if youre wondering why monsters would need prosthetics when they have op healing and are made of magic, it comes from my personal theory that the longer a wound is left unhealed, the harder it is to heal it perfectly. so like, for example, it's possible to use magic healing to do things like reattach limbs. it will work as long as the recipient of the healing isnt dead. however, this reattachment needs to happen quick. depending on how long you wait, you could lose significant mobility in the limb, or just not be able to attach it at all. also, theres monsters like monster kid who dont have certain limbs. so i guess where some monsters get prosthetics to replace lost body parts, others get them to have entirely new body parts. anyway.)
meanwhile, alphys becomes a guard through a series of events. i think she signs up to be a sentry in hotland or something at first, because positions were open and they didnt exactly have many requirements, and she needed money. she ended up being like- exceptional. she's detail oriented and driven and is good at problem-solving, and her reviews were always stellar, so at some point i think she was approached about a promotion. which i think she took because, again, money. i think the guard has good benefits and pay.
to explain how she becomes the head of the guard, i want to take a moment to talk abt the guard in my swap. because toriel is the queen and is not thrilled at the prospect of killing humans, i think the guard isnt a thing at all until a couple humans in. i think several were less than friendly, killing several monsters. at first, when people brought this up, i think toriel would defend the humans by saying that they were just scared or acting in self-defense etc. but 1) i doubt monsters particularly liked their ruler defending people who killed their loved ones and 2) the human that got the guard established was. probably pretty bad. dont ask me which soul this was, i wont tell you bc i dont know. but they killed a sizeable number of monsters, to the point where not even toriel could defend them. they were probably the only human she killed (ill get to that later). after their death, the guard was established. still not really to kill humans as much as to ensure they got to the queen quickly and safely, as well as to protect monsters in case a particularly violent human fell down.
anyway yeah with this context, alphys was more fitting to be the head of the royal guard than undyne, id say. she's less violent and more mindful than undyne. i think toriel herself talked to her about becoming head of the guard. she said no at first, i think. she still had her ambitions of being a scientist, she was just doing this whole guard thing for the money. i think what pushed her to accepting was undyne getting the position of royal scientist.
this is another part im. not fully sure of. theres something that gets toriel's attention in regard to undyne, but i really dont know what. maybe just her reputation as someone who's making monster lives better day by day. toriel wants to give someone like that more resources and more voice as hope dwindles in the underground (i think its a bot of a more bleak situation in underswap like theyre just. sad. for reason and not. because where in base ut the underground is full of hope because they only need one human soul before theyre freed, interspersed with quiet dread because they dont know when they'll get that final soul, i think its more of the latter in my swap. theres more reason to this but ill touch on that in a bit).
anyway yeah undyne becomes the royal scientist and alphys is like welp. and accepts the position of head of the royal guard on the condition that she is trained to fight (as a member of the guard already, she had some training, but being the head is like. a whole other ballpark, yknow?) and yeah she as a character is. still pretty unsure of herself. she's a bit more confident than classic alphys because of her position and her training, but she's still got a lotta self-loathing and self-esteem issues. she still has her stutter, but she's managed to work through it enough to give speeches and shit without stuttering. catch her off-guard tho and she'll stutter and generally be kinda awkward (her stutter is like one of my fav things abt her as someone who also has a stutter i will never get rid of it ever).
she's very unsure of herself as a leader and constantly wonders if shes worthy of this position. she thinks she got it by pure luck when someone better suited couldve gotten it instead. i think she felt very resentful at the beginning, too. abt someone else getting the job of royal scientist before her. and its interspersed with the self loathing like "of course someone else got it before you, what did you ever do to work towards it? god, why did you accept this job? you shouldve just done fast food or something. or just stuck to science as best you couldve. god, no wonder someone got it before you. youre not worthy of it." i think she held a sort of resentment toward undyne too at first, but after they met and she realized that undynes. kinda chill, actually, she felt incredibly guilty about it. its not like she did this on purpose, she doesnt deserve this hatred…
anyway yeah shes head of the royal guard and she hires sans and trains him and their training is half actual training and half just fucking around and watching anime/movies and whatever. and her training/fighting i think are more. formulaic than classic undyne's. she's more about plan and strategy than raw power. also her section would still be in hotland. mostly because i didnt want to put undyne in hotland bc she hates it. lmao.
anyway undyne!! i think she has some regrets about not being able to become the hero she'd dreamed of being, but she also has come to accept her new role. she's more or less satisfied being who she is. she's one of the few characters who doesnt really feel that pressure of "was i supposed to be something else?" in this au. because at the end of the day, her goal stays the same: help monsterkind and crush humanity!! and she can do that as a nerd, too. i think toriel isnt too thrilled abt her attitude toward humans, but theres not much she can do abt it. i think the underswap underground is generally like. slightly less hostile to humans than undertale? (because the queen doesnt want humans dead, but monsters remember the hurt theyve suffered at the hands of humans) but undyne grew up on stories of the war from gerson and stuff like that, so she feels pretty strongly abt who's right and who's wrong and what should be done about that. i do also think she knows asgore, but this is a part im not fully sure of because i dont fucking know what to do with asgore.
also alphyne are still canon of course they are. this isnt glitchtale. they probably also meet at the dump, as alphys is contemplating things and undyne is searching around for junk to work on. and they talk and share their theories about where that creepy void leads. and they start hanging out and alphys shows undyne anime (and inspires her to go crazier with her prosthetics and other robotics works) and they work on battle strategies as a way of flirting /hj. and theres one problem that they kinda share bc i dont know what to do with it. that being the amalgamates.
so its unclear if the amalgamates would even exist in this au actually, but if they do i have two routes i can go with them i think: 1) undyne is the one responsible for them, but she doesnt lie and hide about it (not that i think she could do that much bc toriel would be expecting reports and stuff). she tells everyone whats going on, letting them see their families and whatnot, but still working on them and trying to figure out how to. fix them. and as a result theres just. amalgamates shambling around the underground sometimes. and the last human runs into them sometimes and gets freaked out and it serves as this foreshadowing moment to who undyne is as a character and serves to paint her as someone absolutely terrifying (which isnt necessarily true but also not necessarily untrue). or 2) alphys is the one responsible.
deciding to do one final science thing because fuck it, shes got nothing to lose (she has everything to lose), she decides to try to make a monster's soul last after death. how would she do this in a position where she cant easily get access to the things she'd need? god fucking knows. the main thing about this route is that it adds even more guilt to alphys's plate, which is pretty fitting for her as a character. and also guilt hi hello another guilt mention. this seemed more thought out in my head moving on.
some minor details abt this swap also are that mtt and mew mew are swapped, and mew mew is a popular streamer (and livestreams herself kicking your ass); bp and catty and bratty are swapped just bc i think its funny; grillby and muffet are in a weird territory of swap. i think theyre swapped but still in the same places as base game (bc grillby likes the cold and muffet will literally die dont do this to her), and maybe grillby gets the miniboss instead of muffet (she just forces you to give her money lolol).
and now the final thing: the dreemurrs. listen. i do not know what the fuck to do with these guys. they kinda fuck with the whole story if swapped in ways that are. not good at all. im including chara and frisk in "the dreemurrs" btw for reasons.
because like- we know what toriel would do if she was queen. she tells us. she would get one soul, cross the barrier, get six more, and then free the underground. and if she did that, there would be no story to tell. so. and asgore couldnt just lock himself in the ruins or smthn like toriel does in base ut, because toriel would break that fucking door down trying to get to him because she knows the humans come from the ruins, and she does not trust asgore in the slightest. and i dont even want to touch on the implications of asriel being alive in underswap. so i do not know what to do with him period. chara and frisk seem like a simple swap, but. theyre still distinct characters, whose personalities and actions do have an effect on the plot of undertale. and swapping them has repercussions. mostly in shit like philosophy which im notoriously bad at. so for now im just not thinking abt them.
ok back to toriel and asgore. i have like. an inkling of an idea as to what to do with them. that idea being that asgore, angry after the deaths of his children, wants to wage war, but toriel gets wind of the idea before he's able to make an official declaration, and grows absolutely disgusted with him. she banishes him and assumes the position of single ruler of the underground. i honestly dont know what to do with asgore past this point, but i do know that at least in the beginning, he is under strict supervision (likely by gerson bc gerson).
so what does toriel do as queen? she waits for a human to fall. she welcomes them as she did the first one. she does not take their soul. she cares for them and gives them the best life she can. as they grow older, she talks to them about using their soul to cross the barrier after they die. and they agree. the first (second) human dies of old age after a good, peaceful life in the underground. toriel absorbs their soul, crosses the barrier… and is nearly killed by the humans, still fearful and angry because it hasn't been that long since the last time they saw a monster. she goes back, deciding to instead wait a little longer. in that time, another human falls, then another… but after the first soul, i think most dont die of old age. several die by accident, several are killed in self defense. as mentioned above, at some point the guard is established due to the violence of one of the humans. toriel doesnt absorb these souls, instead keeping them safe in containment.
we know that when a human's soul is absorbed, they still persist (as evidenced by 1) asriel telling us that chara told him to do things and had control over their body when he absorbed their soul and 2) the photoshop flowey fight), i think toriel kind of feared losing herself and/or hurting the humans somehow by absorbing their souls. and with some of the more violent humans, i think the fears of losing herself grew stronger. so yeah she chooses to wait until the humans no longer fear/want to kill monsters or whatever.
and this has influence on the underground of course because imagine your ruler acquires the necessary means to cross the seal trapping you underground and you think that finally, finally youre free!! and then she comes right back like "yeah uh actually they still want us dead so lets wait a bit longer…"
how crushing is that? knowing that not only was your freedom a lie, you now know for sure that the humans outside want you dead? that chances are that even if you do manage to leave the underground, youll either be killed or forced right back under? this i think is a major reason the underswap underground is lacking in hope compared to the undertale underground. but yeah i. dont know if ill end up going with this, actually. because, again, i do not know what the fuck to do with the dreemurrs and i hate it.
another thing im not sure of is the whole "sans's promise to toriel" thing?? bc i kinda still wanna have that in some form, yknow? and i think it works if he's a guard and shes the queen. he visits her at some point to do a report or smthn (maybe bc alphys is busy who knows) and he notices shes looking kinda gloomy. so he gives her his best knock knock joke and she absolutely loves it. so he keeps going and then she gives him a couple of her own and yeah you get it. i just like sans and toriel they are the besties ever.
anyway yeah i think?? thats it?? for now, anyway. i probably forgot to mention smthn but who cares this is like. wayyyy too fucking long already anyways. thank you for letting me yap, i will continue to do so… forever.
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selmasemlan · 1 year
Why didn't he tell me?
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Why didn't he tell me?
Author note: Hiiii!, Im back with another fic, from another fandom. Please do not judge me and my multi-fandomness. I love this man, just want to hug him and not let go.
Warning: None, just a lot of freaking fluff and soft sweets
Word count: 1422
Song Inspiration: none this time, shocker!!
Imagine this......
"Babe, I´m home!"
It had been a long day of training and Isaac was looking forward to just resting in his bed with his beautiful girl.
Because of the relentless training and preparations for the ongoing season, he didn't get as much time with you as he wanted. The relationship wasn't new, having been together for a few years. Isaac was counting the day till he could propose to you. But with both your jobs, him a footballer and you (your/choice/of/work) it was hard to get time together.
It was frustrating and it didn't help with him being captain of the team. The stress was endless. Him not having his girl there to comfort him and give him good advice brought even more anger to his body.
But today was different. There was a different type of anger running through his body. His best friend, Colin had kept a secret from him and he felt like a failure. A failure as a friend. He couldn't understand why his best friend didn't tell him that he was gay. They were, are great friends and always have each other's backs. They are ride or dies.
Maybe he isn't seeing the whole picture. Maybe he couldn't understand it because he is just him, Isaac McAdoo, straight him. And maybe it was because ever since he found out about Colin, he had ignored him and refused to talk to him. Childish of him to do, yes. But he was hurt.
Nevertheless, now he only wanted his girl and his girl alone. She knew how to help him, make him forget how idiotically stupid he acted during the match today. He can't understand how he blew up in a fan's face, yet he understands. Even though he and Colin were not fine right now, he was still his brother, his best friend.
Normally when he gets home you would greet him at the door, but tonight the house was quiet and still. He leaves his bags at the door and walks to the living room. He sees light, the tv on a channel running a story about the match today. And right there on the sofa, is a smaller figure covered in a light blanket.
His girl.
She must have fallen asleep while waiting for him. His perfect girl. His considerable sweet girl. He walks up to her form and brushes off some hair on her face. He can feel how his body slowly stops shaking and his heart calms. The effect this girl has on him is extraordinary. If only he could have her with him everywhere. Maybe today's incident wouldn't have happened. He could have avoided it all.
He shakes her softly.
"Babe, you got to wake up. Can't sleep on the sofa, sweets. Youll break your neck"
She mumbles something he can't comprehend and turns her face into his hand. Noticing the warmth of his hand, she turns to look at him with one of her adorable smiles that hits him in the heart. Every time, he has to take a moment for himself to collect his mind. Stop himself from just squealing like a little girl getting a new doll.
"Hi babe", he says softly, as if he was afraid to scare off a little lamb.
"You're back darling!", she says happy, but with some sleep still in her voice.
He just chuckles and nods
"Yeah, I'm home"
She stretches for a moment and he just watches her. His gorgeous girl. Gosh, why hasn't he proposed yet to her? He wants to spend the rest of his days just breathing the same air as her. If the boys could see him now, the teasing would never stop. The teasing would continue to the day he dies and he would not mind at all. He wants the world to know how down he is for his girl. He wants the entire population of the planet to know how he would give them all up for his girl. Call him crazy, but if he had to choose to save the world or her, he would choose his girl. He didn't care if the world died, the only thing he needed in his life was his girl.
His beautiful girl.
"You wanna talk about what happened today?", she says yawning
He shakes his head and says, "It can wait sweets. You look tired"
She looks at him as if to check if he was being truthful. She knew him better than anyone else and could see that it was bothering him. That it had bothered him for a while.
She shakes hear and says, "Nope, not going back to sleep until you talk about it"
He was no longer looking at her but at the wall behind her. How can he explain to her that he was being immature about something and now he didn't know what to do about it? He felt ashamed. He knew what he had to do. Just looking at her he could see it. Why was he being a baby about this?
"What's going on Isaac?"
Not the first name. She never calls him by his first name. It's always babe or darling. She was being serious. Dame her and her beautiful eyes that could see his soul.
"Colin is gay"
She looks at him confused, one of her eyebrows lifted. It didn't look like the information was being processed and before he can repeat himself, she says, "Yeah, so what?"
He's the one now looking confused.
"What you mean 'so what'? You speaking as if you already knew"
Everything is still for a moment and the movement he gets from her is a short "eeeeeh".
"You knew!", he almost shouts in disbelief.
"I thought everyone knew, it´s obvious. For me at least", she says sheepishly
"For you?"
He is still in complete disbelief. You guys hang out together all 3 all the time, but Isaac has known Colin much longer than her.
"Yeah, us girls are pretty good at spotting that, you know we have a gaydar, kind of", she tries explaining to her boyfriend who seems lost in body and mind.
"I can't believe this", is the only thing coming from him.
She watches him in confusion.
"Why are you really mad, Isaac", she asks softly
Isaac pauses. Here it was. The truth was going to come out. He had been too obvious with how he felt about this and her knowing him so well, knew that it definitely had nothing to do about Colin being gay. It was about something else completely different.
Isaac takes a breath. Maybe this breath, the oxygen would make him braver. He had nothing to hide from her, especially from her. She´s the smart one, the mature one. She probably will get him. She will get him.
So he tells her. How he feels like a disappointment. That he didn't understand how Colin could keep this a secret from him.
"I mean, do I seem like a homophobe? Does something about me say I'm not open-minded?", he asks looking like a child who cant find their favorite toy.
She giggles while throwing her arms around his neck.
"Babe, nothing about you screams any of that. Do you look big and intimidating? Yes!"
She turns his face to her and gives him an eskimo kiss.
"Do you look like you could play Killmonger? Yes!"
They laugh lightly and Isaac grabs her by the waist. Lifting her a bit to set her down on his lap. Her arms return to their place around his neck and shoulder. They stay like that for a moment, wishing to freeze it forever. Isaac puts his forehead against hers and stares into her eyes. The eyes that see the truth of his soul.
"What should I do?", he whispers.
And she smiles. One of those smiles that makes him weak. That wants to make his heart stop and at the same time explode.
"You should put your big boy pants on and talk to your best friend", she answers in a whisper.
He nods, agreeing with her. That was the answer all along and he knew it. He just needed his girl, his best girl to tell him the truth straight to his face. Sometimes when his courage was hiding in the deepest parts of his mind, he needed her to bring it out for him.
"I love you", he whispers as if it was a secret and not the obvious truth.
"I love you too"
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sco07ut · 5 months
what just happened!!!!!!!! s19 rambles (negative) ↓
going to be messy cos im just planning on writing whatever outrageous moments stand out as i go along
first of all????? DOC FUCKING DIED?????????? i literally had to rewatch a few times to realise that’s what they were saying 😟 when the fuck did he die bc doc eas Inside the staff of charon and wash was fuckijg idk?? on the surface of chorus right?? how did doc die saving him what (genuinely someone smarter than me if you’ve figured it out please tell me) bc like the point of the charon fight is that they were stuck in the mementos room right? idk
anyway he was done so dirty i literally do not think there was a reason to reveal doc was dead in the last five minutes
on that note, where was donut?? did he die too ? how long after chorus is s19 set like was that undisclosed location iris or what. did he do his whole ‘tour of the universe’ thing early? like i would’ve been fine with even just a passing comment but they were so vague with it
WHY DID SARGE DIE AND THEN PROMPTLY BECOME IRRELEVANT????? aside from simmons grif & caboose not a Soul mentioned the fact that a whole man was dead. i was so convinced that there would be some big funeral with everyone attending at the end
i did sort of like the plot though, simmons getting a leadership role was kinda fun
tbh i did like simmons this season it was so great seeing him finally get recognition but good grief i cannot talk about simmons without bringing up the ending/lack of grimmons
it makes sense that they wouldn’t get together if grif went home and simmons stayed in the army BUT WHY DID SIMMONS STAY IN THE ARMY?? RICHARD YOU DO NOT HAVE A FUCKING TEAM ANYMORE (on that note. where did lopez go. i’m only just realising that he literally vanished) i’m so insane why did they do that. they could’ve gone home together. and kissed about it idk
i mean i didn’t actually expect grimmons to happen but i thought they’d stay together?? it’s always been them. like that’s the whole point of their characters. every other person who’s been on their team before has died and left them (grif sleeping through being glassed, hammer dying during basic, the red team at rat’s nest and now sarge and donut i guess?????) why did they not stay together
also on the grif family note, the kai cameo was nice (though i will say i do Not understand the point of the whole retro con thing, i feel like it went on for ages, did nothing to set up the plot. the meta could’ve been introduced some other way surely)
also while i’m thinking about it, why did it take tucker/the meta months to get from chorus to a point where he was actively searching for epsilon ?
anyway sorry kai cameo fun but she should’ve had a bigger role idc
it kind of feels like they suddenly realised almost all their female characters were overlooked and they tried to shove them in to be like ‘ohhh look we care about our female characters’ and then screwed them over by making them either insignificant or nothing more than a cameo
with the exception of tex maybe. i fully did not expect her to come back prior to watching but when caboose was like oh help me remember i started to get a feeling it wouldn’t be church. i’m also so glad they addressed the whole ‘created from failure/destined to fail’ thing, tex fuckijg deserved that win. sad that she died though (i wasn’t expecting that either and was like fully geared up to start making post restoration fanart of carolina and tex hanging out and learning how to be friends/family again)
idk i just feel like we missed out on so much stuff due to time constraints, there were so many scenes that should’ve been put in imo like carolina and tex having some sort of moment together, grif and kai having a moment, carolina & wash seeing 479er again
ok wait different chain of thought. everyone was like really eager to kill tucker. there was no moral dilemma of everyone being like ohh beneath the meta hes our friend we can’t hurt him but we still need to take him down what’re we gonna doo. although on second thought it was red team so . yeah the mindless attacking does make sense a bit
new thought again overall it just felt weird like everyone had their assigned pairings and couldn’t acknowledge anyone outside of them?? like during the fights there wasn’t much of a reunion when tex/carolina joined and then wash (and apparently not fucking doc) like idk. i was under the assumption thatvthere would be a sweet little scene where they got the gang back together
whatever man that’s everything off the top of my head. i had no expectations going in and still somehow left disappointed. i Will be making an au version that fits all the things i wanted to see
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Chapter 4 - The Meeting And The Black Rose Bride
MK ran through the market, using the walkway as a shortcut to work. Huffing, puffing, he needed to get there fast.
That's when... CRASH.
MK fell to the ground, still breathless. Strong, gloved hands helped him to his feet.
"Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry!"
MK looked up, to meet the eyes of the armored man in front of him.
"Are you alright?"
MK chuckled. "I'm fine! I'm okay! It was my bad,"
"Oh, cool armor! Are you a knight?"
"Oh- I am. My name is Clay Moorington, Nexo Knight of the realm." Clay paused. "Realms," He corrected.
"Cool, I'm MK!" MK reached his hand out for a high-five, though Clay took the hand in a handshake.
Marrying a king. Not something they really considered.
They regained their memories a year ago.
But they've resigned themself to their fate.
After all, people respect them now.
And, while they were concerned with how they'd look in their dress, they grew to like it.
Originally, they were just supposed to wear a dress for the ceremony- which had been postponed for a long time now- but by now, they had discovered that they had loved themself far more than they ever had as a man.
Someone was looking for them. But they didn't really wanna be found. They were happy, and this king who had mistaken them for his future queen was actually so kind to them to have not laughed so harshly at any of their failures, and so kind to not call them as a person a failure.
They were a bit confused at the moment, with their new life. But they were happy.
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[Please let me know if the way im writing a trans character is poor. Im personally still figuring out my gender (im afab so ig you can call me she but i dont mind other things) and i wanted to have a character on their own journey with that.]
[Also, yes, they're a preexisting character. I dont normally hc that character as transfem but i can see it for their character. Ill reveal it later but :3]
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thisdreamplace · 1 year
Hey dream! just a heads up, this is gonna be a pretty long ask i hope you don’t mind 😭 but i sent you an ask earlier this year and your response helped but i still find myself struggling with quite a few things when it comes to the law 💀 i’ve been contemplating on sending another ask for some time now because honestly, i didn’t want to go asking people for advice because i felt like i had to figure this stuff out all by myself. but, i’ve finally decided that it’s okay to have some guidance and i think you’re the right person to come to for that 💃🏽 lately i’ve been feeling kind of lost? like i feel stuck. i started consistently listening to edward art’s videos on youtube and i feel like they helped a bit, then i got back on tumblr after a long time and i started reading your posts along with heavenlythea’s and some others. and i think my views on the law are starting to change?? like i’ve been reading posts about letting go and indifference, non duality and i’m like oh! okay that makes sense but then i’ve been so used to things not happening for me and “failing”, sometimes i still wonder “is any of this even real? am i really the I AM?” and i really don’t know how to get myself out of that. like i’m waking up everyday trying to figure this out and i’m still having the same old, boring ass experiences 💀💀 i feel like every time i think i’m close to figuring it all out i get stuck and then i’m like 🧍🏽‍♀️🤔 okay now what? but then…i’m not sure i actually know what i want fr lolll. so yea, i hope that wasn’t confusing 😭 but some advice would be very much appreciated 🤍 also, could i be 🤸🏽‍♀️ anon?
hiii 🤸🏽‍♀️ anon :3
yeah, there's totally no harm in coming back to someone/something time to time that helps guide you forward !! we don't have to constantly be alone and figure everything out for ourselves, this world is totally a guide.
hmm you wonder how to get yourself out of the questioning but don't. i think that... it's pretty normal to stay there, even for a long time. i think online you see a lot of people who are like, "it all clicked over night <3" which is great but i think for many of us it actually turns out to be a .... journey. and thats what i try to highlight and normalize a lot through what i share.
when you say how youre always trying to figure this out and youre waking up always having the same old experiences... it's because you continue to be the same old you. how could you expect anything different ? bc you understand the concepts on a thinking level ? that doesn't do much for us. the true change comes in changing in ourselves, in actually practicing what it is we read about. we put so much pressure on the ego to make sense of something it's not meant to make sense of. the god within already knows, so stop taking that on as your daily task. your daily task is actually surrender, acceptance, trust. to enjoy and experience these things you read about. not just think about it and try to understand it.
you mention how youre so used to "failure" and i get it, because i was too for so, so long. and tbh the way i got myself out of that was simple. i decided to dare to think for once i can experience smth new, for once i can experience a new outcome. and that's all i did. i didnt miraculously heal my anxiety or suddenly realize how im god and none of this is real. i just let myself be, and opened myself up to the possibility of something different than what i'm used to. and that was literally enough. it's not that hard, we just tend to be scared of letting it be simple.
i hope this makes sense, and i'm excited to hear about how you advance in your journey xo
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reddrakebird · 4 months
Fill in this form to let your RP partners know your preferences in terms of writing. Knowing your partners better makes figuring out the kind of interaction you can have with each other easier! Repost, don't reblog.
name: Sev
preference of communication: tumblr ims, inbox, I am selective on who gets my discord. 
name of muse(s): Timothy Drake
best experience: Getting asked and venturing into trying a new muse was an honor. I had seen Tim being played by a few others and admired him from afar, but I have always been more drawn to darker muses, so this was a bit of a challenge for me since I did not know a lot about him when I started out. Everyone was patient. @prettysuper has been there to support me when I felt I was not grasping him well, and we ended up creating a pretty amazing story of our own that I just adore and am always excited to explore <3. The community is pretty awesome and I am so grateful for them accepting a newb like me to tumblr play! Dash games when everyone gets into it is the best thing I have ever seen here.
rp pet peeves/deal breakers: Ignoring my character unless it was talked about as part of the dynamic. If my character took the time to address yours so they could invest in the conversation and there is no response back, it irks me as a writer who also took the time to think about that post and how to insert them into the scene. I do not have many deal breakers, but I am not a fan of someone assuming that my character is a sure way purely by Comics. I get it, this is a character that is not an original and was established, but the point of us being here is to write our own versions where DC has numerously fucked up stories for their own cowardness. Ask, I love answering. Or simply interact and learn! 
fluff, angst, or smut: All, fucking BONUS if you can mingle all three into a scene -sips tea- I am a heavy investor in realism when it comes to playing, and shit gets messy in real life; it should in rp too. Fluff should have some interruptions, angst should have a teary smile or ignorance, smut should have failure to actually have sex after trying or a good time turning sad because of a trigger or insecurity. Real people go through this, so should characters. It really adds layers to them that start to make a uniqueness. 
plots or memes: memes. I love plots, but sometimes I am a bit burned out. Memes are something I always enjoy and throw around on Dash!
long or short replies: Long are favored. I enjoy having a lot to work with and do not mind the rambling of another writer so long as it is viable things and not bullshit for the sake of length. Short are great for days when our brains go ‘wut’ but we want interaction or a distraction. It was really hard to come to Tumblr from an RPG form where people wrote seven paragraphs to see people doing one-liners here. I am used to it now, even do it myself but it was def an adjustment!
best time to write: Any. Seriously, I am always around. Now my favorite time to write is at 2am when everyone in the house is quiet, I can put my headphones on and turn the music up loud as hell to just vanish into the scene. 
are you like your muse: HAHAHA no. Absolutely not. Well, we share Autism aspects, but this version ended up sensitive and sad in a way due to putting the background of therapy heavily on him. My characters have a funny way of taking the wheel and developing themselves after I give them snippets of myself to have a connection so I can move them around. Tim is nothing like me. HOWEVER, his boyfriend, Kon, is a good deal like me. Shameless, loud, no fucks to give, protective. So it is hella wild to try and play a character who dates someone with a lot of similar traits like myself. (I am so sorry to all my exs but you all knew what you were getting into)
Tagged:  @1mpulsee
Tagging: any!!
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the-faramir · 5 months
Niji-iro Midori: The Reluctant Ringmaster
Chapter 6: The Circus of Wayward Wonders
On reaching the Circus of Wayward Wonders, the Celestial Menagerie refugees reunited with their long-lost comrades and met all of the new additions to the circus who had come from other places. The performers met with the ringmaster, Myron “Thunder” Stendhal, to figure out how to integrate their acts with the new schedule, while the support workers found their new assignments. As the circus performances had not yet started, they also reached out to the town of Abberton to take odd jobs to bring in a little income for food and supplies.
Myron and his circus co-founder, Professor Zarlian Kyosophus, warned the Celestial Menagerie refugees not to go around town stealing. “You don’t want to sully the Circus’ reputation. And we refuse to run this show like Dusklight ran hers!”
During downtime, Brondin Stonehammer and some of the existing security guards teamed up to provide basic weapons training to the crew, ensuring that they would be able to hold their own in an actual fight. Bufurug also taught some basics of first aid and healing wounds. Even the Professor took time to educate the group on circus history.
Myron gave Midori the responsibility of advertising the circus in the town, selling tickets, providing information in general, and welcoming audience members to the nightly performances. They even worked out a way for Midori to show off her singing voice, following Myron’s performance introduction with customized songs to introduce the acts.
After a few days, Midori noticed that Bufurug was making no effort to settle in and join the cooking crew. One afternoon, she saw him and some of the others packing up and preparing to go on a journey.
“Apologies, Midori, but I cannot stay. Too much has been happening around the island, and I feel that it is my responsibility to help restore the environment to its former lush glory. I shall be making the pilgrimage to the Hermitage of Blessed Lightning. Harlock Hamdeel is the leader there, and I hope to spend some time with him learning everything that he knows about the aeon orbs’ failure.”
Midori leaned down to give her old friend a hug. “I’ll miss ya. Won’t be the same without ya. An’,” her eyes opened widely, starting to mist over with tears, “well, I’ll also miss your cookin’.”
Bufurug chuckled. “I did hand off some recipe cards to Larry. He will take care of you all, food-wise.”
Midori looked over to Brondin, who was securing his backpack. “Brondin, too? Who will keep trainin’ us?”
Brondin replies, “The security team can help in my absence. I need to make sure this lot makes it through the wilderness without trouble. They’re pretty green.”
Midori turned to Itty-Bitty. “You’re goin’ with ‘em, too?”
Itty-Bitty "I weren't much help back there in the forest with that spinesnapper guy." She rubbed her still-healing shoulder in apology. “I need t’ get better at fightin'. Brondin said 'e'd teach me. So I'm goin' with 'im and Boof. It ain't far, but I gotta lay off performin' while I learn. We'll keep in touch!”
Itty-Bitty picked Midori up off of the ground in a huge bear hug. “See ya, Squirt. Whoo! Yer smellin' a bit ripe. Maybe take a bath or somethin'?”
“Ha ha, what? I just took a bath. Remember? Last week at The Miners’ Den. With a whole bottle o' shampoo and everything!” Itty-Bitty returned Midori to her feet.
Hearing the exchange, Myron came over to Midori. “A moment, please?” He leaned down to her and started whispering in her ear.
Midori nodded and responded as Myron whispered. “Uh-huh.... Yeah.... 'Polite society,' sure.... 'High Gene?' Who is this 'Gene' fella? .... Oh. I see.” Midori’s eyes shifted back and forth from right to left. “Well, see ya 'round, Big Sis. I'll miss ya. Well, now I, uh, have a thing to do.” She turned and sprinted toward the washrooms.
Satisfied with the conversation, Myron straightened up and shook hands with the departing group.
The next month gave the circus much time for practicing and performing for the locals. However, bad news began to filter in. Many of the local crops had begun to die off and fail. The meager harvests were even more meager than the preceding years. Morale around the town was beginning to falter. The townsfolk were certainly in need of some quality entertainment!
At last, the time had come: opening night. The Circus of Wayward Wonders stood ready to start off their first performance! Audience members began to file in through the entrance, filling the big top to capacity, unaware of what was about to unfold….
Chapter 1: We Are On a Diplomatic Mission to Absalom
Chapter 2: The Circus Arrives Without Warning
Chapter 3: Hi-Diddle-De-Dee, a Carny's Life for Me
Chapter 4: Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
Chapter 5: One Does Not Simply Walk Into Abberton
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tanushakyrano · 2 years
febuwhump day 16: semi-conscious
YES ITS NOT THE 16TH IM SO AWARE OF THIS..... writing the second half of this really sucked for some reason. words were not computing. but i got it done!
characters: Kayo, Alan
additional warnings: hypoxia (low oxygen)
Alan was getting worried. 
It had been at least five minutes since he’d heard anything from Kayo. It wasn’t exactly unusual; the amount of times that she’d experienced ‘technical difficulties’ and gone dark on rescues was frankly ridiculous. Nine times out of ten, she was completely fine. 
It was the tenth time that worried him.
They’d split up to search for survivors. The space station they were on was large and sprawling, and the internal communication system was down which meant that figuring out where everyone was was just that much more difficult. Most of the crew had already been located, but there were a few names unaccounted for on the crew manifest. They’d agreed to split up to cover more ground quicker. Alan was beginning to think that that had been a mistake.
He turned a corner and suddenly his feet weren’t on the ground any more. It took him a minute to realise what the hell was going on. The station had been experiencing system-wide failures for a while now; lights were only on in about half of the areas he'd explored, and life support systems had given up the ghost a long time ago. Clearly the artificial gravity in some areas was failing entirely. He reached out for the wall, using the handrails to give him momentum as he pushed onwards.
A light flashed red over one of the doors as he passed. Alan glanced into the room that lay beyond, shrouded in darkness, then caught sight of the flashing message just above the locking mechanism: WARNING - HULL BREACH. Sure enough, he could just about make out the gash in the floor, the metal plating warped and jagged. He pushed himself onwards. The ball of anxiety that was pretty much a permanent resident in his chest tightened.
Every room Alan glanced into was completely empty even of other missing members of the crew. The silence - other than the occasional crackle of burnt-out circuits - was starting to unsettle him. He was intensely aware of the fact that the station was slowly tearing itself apart around him. They were on borrowed time.
A flash of teal behind one of the doors caught his eye. Alan made a beeline for it, slamming his hand into the locking mechanism until with a groan, the door slid partway open. It was difficult to get purchase in zero-gee, but he managed it, shouldering it open until the gap was large enough for him to squeeze through.
Oh. The gravity was back.
Alan was a little embarrassed to admit that it took him by surprise. As soon as enough of him was through the door, gravity tugged him determinedly downwards, and he fell unceremoniously to the ground. He banged his shin on the way down and cursed.
He quickly scrambled up, assessing the situation. Kayo was slumped in one corner, head resting against the wall, knees pulled halfway to her chest. She barely stirred at his entrance.
"Kayo? You okay?" He was at her side in an instant, noting her blue-tinged lips with alarm.
Slowly, her eyes opened.
"Hey. Hi." Alan tried to smile reassuringly. "Kayo, do you know what happened to you?"
"Circuit…blew." Her brow furrowed with concentration as she attempted to from a sentence. "Oxygen tank. Damaged."
A quick scan of her suit's system confirmed it. Oxygen levels were low and getting lower, thanks to microfractures along one side of her helmet. Alan took a deep breath and tried very hard not to freak out. His hand found hers and held it tightly. Whether it was to reassure Kayo or himself, he didn't know.
"Look, this station could blow any minute," he said, keeping the wobble out of his voice. "We gotta go. You're gonna have to help me out here, I can't carry you all the way. My noodle arms aren't built for this."
It was barely a joke, but Kayo still smiled weakly at it, struggling to push herself upright as Alan slung her arm over his neck and helped her to stand up. He was suddenly very grateful that the gravity had malfunctioned in the corridors outside; even though Kayo was trying her best to help, Alan was single-handedly supporting most of her body weight, and he wasn't sure he could make it back in time if he had to carry her the entire way back.
"M'sorry," Kayo murmured, head dropping against his shoulder. Her voice was so quiet, so…small, that Alan's throat constricted. It was so unlike her that it scared him.
"Hey, no, don't apologise. We're gonna be okay."
She didn't reply.
They headed towards the half-open door, one shuffling step at a time. Kayo could barely keep her eyes open. Alan made a mental note listen to Virgil next time when he stressed the importance of weightlifting in training. Already his shoulders were aching viciously.
The gap was too small to fit through. Alan glared at it as if it had caused him personal offence, slamming his fist into the button several times - as if that would somehow magically open all the way.
Surprisingly, it did.
Alan blinked. Maybe the infamous Tracy luck had decided to go on vacation for the day.
The switch from gravity to lack thereof was much less jarring when he was prepared for it. It also meant that they moved much more quickly, no longer weighed down by artificial forces. Before long, they were nearly back at Thunderbird Three, thudding to the ground again, Alan barely keeping his balance under the renewed burden of Kayo's weight.
"Can I get some help here?" he yelled out, hoping that one of the crew was in earshot. Sure enough, Clove - the one who'd helped them upon their arrival - came hurrying out, ducking under Kayo's other arm and lifting some of the weight off Alan's shoulders - literally.
"The last of the crew made it back while you were away," she informed him. That was good. It meant he could close the airlock for good once they were safely back in Three, make a breathable atmosphere for Kayo.
Three was in arm's reach now.
As soon as their feet crossed the threshold, he slammed the airlock shut, listening intently for the hiss of air that confirmed the establishment of the breathable atmosphere. Carefully, he reached for the clasps on either side of Kayo's helmet, easing it off her head. Clove hovered worriedly next to him.
It was a sign that he was stressed as hell when the sound of Kayo's shuddering inhale was enough to make him flinch violently. Her hand grasped his arm instinctively as her body tried to get much-needed oxygen back into her system.
"You're okay," he breathed, grasping her forearm back. "Thank fuck, you're okay."
"Yeah." Kayo tipped her head back, chest rising and falling steadily. She gave him a weak thumbs up. "Good…job, kid."
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richardsphere · 7 months
Leverage Log: The Long Goodbye
So here we are, at the end of the line. Lets see how this story's original run ended. --- Oh we're stealing a cure for Sam's disease. And a picture of a Sam-aged child as well, give Nate the chance to fix his greatest failure. And just in case the audience didnt figure it out yet, Sophie spells it out to Hardison. --- Ok so the problem isnt the company, its the building they store stuff in being shared with FBI CIA and Interpol servers and everything is classified to high heaven. Also coms are being blocked.
Oh its the return of SuperAI, one of only 3 things they never defeated (alongside Sterling and the Supermarket chain as a whole). Sophie is going to book the theatre next door for her Macbeth play. Parker knows something is wrong when Nate doesnt go on a self-destructive rampage for this one.
Nate and Sophie kiss --- Back to the interrogation, we get a fake-out line (Nate is trying to convince his interrogater the con went South. or at least further South then it actually did)
Everything about this scene screams fake. And i mean both Nate and the Interrogator are lying. I've seen Nate fake enough hospitalbeds and interrogationrooms to know when one is being faked. ---
Nate reasuring Sophie that the play is part of the Con cause he knows its the secret to unlocking her powers.
They beat the steranko with the power of social engineering. --- Call back to the elevator clothing change in episode 1.
Hardison falls down the elevator. (remember, this is not what actually happened, this is the lie Nate is spinning to his interogator. Who disapointingly, isnt Sterling. Feels like he should be in the season finale) Cop carries a back-up around their knee and shoots Elliot (might have really shot him, but no way that standard cops carry shoeguns)
We're at the bridge and Parker Hardison and Elliot are dead in Flashback!Nate's memories.
Nate and sophie pull a Thelma and Louise and try the bridge-jump, car stalls on the bridge. --- Interrogation, Nate slams the table with his fists. Interrogator claims the identity of Hardison Parker and Elliot have been confirmed from the bodybags. (not like we havent faked a corpse ID before).
She leaves him, she goes to verify Elliot definitly got shot but no way a tiny shoegun is gonna beat kevlar.
She thinks they entered through the elevator shaft (my guess: they didnt, elevator is their exit. The CCTV footage of elliot getting shot is a fake) and feigned a roof access with the balloon.
Their real goal is the data on the server as well, or at least its a side-goal. (not saying nate gave up on the cure, but the cloud itself?) Interrogator admits its not a hospital room, asks what told Nate. He goes full Sherlock.
Flashback shows Parker hacking into servers (cause of course). Turns out apparently she did break in through the elevatortunnel (i still say thats a getaway, must've been a third entrance im not thinking of.) Did i just notice a shot from within a vent during Sterlings entrance? Parker is watching. --- Wait is Nate stealing the 2008 financial crisis? Thats what they're stealing. The ultimate "and the adventure continues"storyhook.
"Justice or Order, and one day you're going to have to make that choice". 9/10, guess that Interogator isnt Nate's mark Jim is, he's priming him to betray Interpol.
Turns out this is the real reason they moved to Portland. Nate had Hardison track down the weakest link in the cloud so they could steal the cloud. They're stealing THE CLOUD, and making it look credible.
The lock is biometric. But its also a STERANKO, Parker and Hardison couldnt crack it, so they're tricking Jim into opening it to get to Parker who isnt in there. The rest of the team is alive and pretending to be Interpol. Jim just opened their doors. If the file only entered the server now that means they're stealing it now otherwise they'd have mistimed the entire heist (and they're too good at that) --- Thats a convincing fake Hardison... but Jim sees through it instantly.
Sophie didnt go on stage (of course she didnt), which means she was the one performing when Investigator went to the theatre. Nate was Shooty GunGuy. Parker entered as a detective (the ballon was real) I maintain the elevator is their exit.
Anyone reached by phone was Sophie, (im stupid for not realising that sooner) I was right (they faked a failed heist to get Jim to open the servers). I was also right about the tunnels being the exit not the entry. Interrogator thinks our heroes will escape in the audience, they're actually actors.
Jim isnt stupid, "now we're even, tell Sophie to drive carefully"
"actually, Justice is always easy". Simple line, 8.75/10 --- Nate is gonna propose.
"you have always had my back... Now, be on my side" great line. 10/10.
"Did you steal it?" "No... but I'll steal the first aniversary ring" Nate knows he's fucked up, (seriously Nate, you're better then this.)
And we get an answer to the "Sophie's real name" mystery. (Laura, except it isnt) --- And we're back to the Original Leverage Speech, given by Parker (affirming my suspicion that she was Nate's successor.)
--- Good season finale. Nate is alive, Leverage International is a thing? (i dont actually know what it means, but i think i'll see when we get to the reboot series) and the adventure continues.
Gonna get myself a little break for now. But will definitely go for the sequel series at some point in the (probably very near) future.
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growling · 8 months
Your au reminds me of a pair of ocs I have. They're gonna teach Yomi how to properly arrest then eat people without getting caught/suspected of anything
Step number 1: fridge
sdfwadsfdjhfg Yomi's just gonna be forever clowned on for the carcass packed mancave incident isn't he… no one's never gonna let him live it down huh. "GUYS I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE IF I WAS BY ANY POINT NOTICED CARRYING SUSPICIOUSLY HUMAN-SHAPED BODY BAGS TO MY HOUSE AND A TEENAGER RECORDED IT AND UPLOADED IT TO TICTAC AND IT WENT VIRAL IT'D BE IN TROUBLE. NO I COULDN'T GET A PORTABLE FRIDGE TO THE DEN BECAUSE UH. THE SOCKET GOT BLOCKED BY SETH MEMORABILIA. SHUT UP!!! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH DON'T TELL ME YOU CAN DO BETTER" he scream cries, but there is nothing he can do anymore to salvage his reputation. He will be forever known as the Dumbass That Single Handedly Managed To Give All The Other Homunculi A Bad Name (via slaying so many connected people & sticking to a single location, literally dooming himself to get caught within a month, he also significantly sped up the process of the general public finding out homunculi are a thing. while this would be inevitable anyway no matter how yomi went about his meal prep it's very easy and fun to just blame that one guy you didn't like anyway for the Horrors that are about to befall your collective species or whatever.)
But yeah. Yomi sure does happen in the unnamed growling brand au. Also, concerning how both the homunculi and their human originals are in many cases both somewhat important (sometimes equally so, like in the case of Yakou Times 2), I've been thinking of alt names/nicknames/aliases/you name it for the homunculi. To. Differentiate somehow. Since Yakou & Yakou are for a large chunk of the story doing their epic switcheroos and engaging in acts of trickery Yakou doesn't yet need a diff name to tell him apart from Yakou, so in my mind it's just Yakou Furio & Yakou Tworio. Hmc Martina 100% needs one, and I mean I could just go the easy way and slap her back with the good old Suwaro/Swallow, but I also hc that to be her deadname which uhh sjdfdgufh we'll figure it out guys. Aide/Fake Zilch doesn't even have an actual name anyway and his human og gets fucking digested within the first week, so is Seth, so I might not even bother.......... now Yomi, or, "Yomi" is an important character here so he needs it. While human Yomi is dead from the very very early on, he is also referenced, spoken and thought about a very significant amount through a very long period, like, clone Yomi is fucking OBSESSED with his original, and not in a sexy way. Sooooooo,
(this will probably not be worded as well as I originally hoped because I'm still not all there for the past couple of days jsut bear with me)
Hmc Yomi is actually the only character so far that I'm like, actually somewhat sure on an alias, but he didn't pick it out himself, and moreso was thrust upon him by the media/Amaterasu mostly also around when the killings were still ongoing and the culprit was completely unknown (but it was pretty much agreed on that it was almost certainly a member of the company) but after it was made clear by the WDO it was most likely an escaped homunculus. Like, you get how those serial killers get these way too cool nicknames on the newspaper? Practically what happened to him, except his is slightly less dignified or straightforward it's just There
Still a subject to change but I've been thinking of making him (un)officially dubbed as Heartworm (a dangerous parasite species primarily affecting canids and other carnivores, residing in their lungs or, well, heart, causing serious damage to the tissues, arteries, potentially heart failure, and whatever the hell else.) for a long while. I.e. the public & Amaterasu essentially calling him a deadly parasite lodged in the corporation's heart that needs to be dealt with as fast as possible before he destroys it from the inside out. He fucking hates it ksdjfhgdsiwesdf but doesn't say anything for obvious reasons just stares motherfuckerly at everyone at the peacekeeper meeting when they're discussing this. Also getting nicknamed after a literal animal is fitting for him because all the homunculi are getting dehumanized to hell and back anyway he's not special in that regard you cannot pay an Amaterasu researcher enough to cease the it/its
I was initially hesistant on settling for this one though because heartworms notably aren't really as much of a concern for humans as they are for their natural hosts, that is dogs (and also cats, bears, ferrets, sea lions but more commonly dogs and other canids you know like they're the main host you get me). But then it came to me that the overwhelming majority of "Yomi's" victims were fellow peacekeepers, and it just so happens that in my language we derogatorily call cops "dogs" and... yeah so it just wrote itself lol lmao even woof woof bark bark. hmc Yomi voice I HATE humans they make me use a fridge and shout go Heartworm go
was tyat anything . also WALL OF TEXT BLAST HE LOREDUMPED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
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mumbledramblings · 1 year
hi I’m mid I made this blog because I was thinking about a trigun reader au and I needed a place to yell about it
The Summer Prince and the Winter King
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So in this AU there’s two gods of the seasons, the Summer Lord and the Winter King, gods of summer and winter, respectively.
The Summer Lord was killed when Humanity stole his power for themselves (but its ok he was kinda a dick) which made the Winter King to just sorta,,, up and leave, taking the body of the Summer Lord, and the season of Winter with them. Since Spring and Autumn are sort of transitional seasons that herald the beginning and end of the other two, the spirits that represent them also left the world of humans (No Man’s Land??? Earth?? I haven’t figured that out yet). This left the world in a state of Eternal Summer, controlled by humans through the usage of Plants; a sort of artificially-made Summer spirit.
Now, Plants are widely considered the height of human ingenuity, harnessing the power of a Literal God. Unfortunately, they are also very inefficient. Despite being able to bring down the Summer Lord, their understanding of the Power of Seasons and the spirits that rule them is Sorely Lacking. The Plants themselves are little more than mindless organic machines awaiting human input, and often require multiple Plants to perform any action of significance. Even then, a vast majority of the Power of Summer remains beyond the capabilities of humans.
Naturally, some humans looked at the limitations of Plants and felt that humanity was meant for greater things. So they began research on making their own Summer god (always a good and sane thing to do). However, with the body of the Summer Lord taken by the Winter King, and the absence of any other spirit of the Seasons, god or otherwise, development of their new god was, troubled, to say the least.
In the end, they developed a being somewhere between Plants and humans--a fusion, of sorts. But of the many Plant-Human subjects they developed, only three remained viable past infancy (Tesla, Vash and Nai), and even they were no where near god-like in their capabilities.
Eventually-- after an accident involving the eldest of the subjects-- people began to think that they were Playing God a little Too Much, and the project was deemed a failure and shut down. All research and documents were made Classified, all assets were seized, and the remaining subjects (Vash and Nai) were sent off to live normal human lives.
phew, there’s the basic setting down. i didnt want this post to get too long, so im leaving the details about the individual characters for other posts. i figure this is a good introduction to the au???
i dont expect this to get any traction at all since this is extremely self-indulgent, but thats ok because i just wanted to get this out of my head before i popped. if you do make it this far, let me know what you thought about it!
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