#look as a queer disabled Jew who is also trans
hazel2468 · 6 months
Anyone who tries telling you that both parties are the same and there is no point in voting? Has a fucking agenda, and it's a nasty one.
Do the Dems disappoint me? Yes, constantly. Do I have gripes with Biden? 100%.
Do I also recognize that he has GOTTEN SHIT DONE and that those things are like. NOT talked about by people my age because it feels better to be angry and constantly demanding better while being unwilling to put up with Average Joe who is ACTUALLY doing things that progressives have been asking for for AGES (putting caps on medication prices, working to cancel student and medical debt, investing in infrastructure and going after inflation, started working on protecting reproductive rights after Trump put in place the shitty judges who wrecked Roe, is trying to go after how weed is scheduled and pardoned all federal offenses, et-fucking-cetera).
Not only do I actually LIKE some of the shit Biden is doing? If Trump gets back in office? People will die. He and his have been OPEN about the fact that they want to go (somehow) even MORE fascist.
Fucking vote. Anyone telling you not to has your worst interests at heart. Be as pissed off as you want, but fucking VOTE. Because we have a chance of continuing to push a president like Biden towards the change we want to see. We have ZERO chance of that with Trump, or someone like him.
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badolmen · 11 months
Wrote out a big long phone call rant to have with my mother later because as much as I hate it she is my closest irl spiritual confidant 👍 here’s hoping her response to ‘hey I’ve been spiritually depressed and disconnected for like 8 months and for some reason these last two weeks advocating for Palestine has me feeling alive and burning with divine passion and love in a way I’ve never felt before in my life’ isn’t like. ‘Talk to your psyche abt your meds hun’
#ra speaks#personal#religion#oh god these tags got out of hand. look away I’m rambly today.#outing myself as deeply spiritual and devout on main oops#‘aren’t you gay and trans and -‘ listen Israel the person received that name after literally wrestling with gd in the desert#I’m allowed to put my faith leaders in a spiritual headlock for past and present crimes while I live my joyful life#maybe a physical headlock too. I’m down to body slam some wueerphobic racist pos who claim to be faithful while never exercising such faith#also lmao of the idea of a queer leftist being deeply spiritual makes you uncomfortable…bro everything about me makes ppl uncomfortable#I’m bi gender I consider myself a trans gay man and a nonbinary dyke at the same time. I’m disabled and ugly and autistic. im not palatable#accept the inherent apparent contradictory nature of the varied human experience and move on.#sorry thought about that post complaining abt observant jews being excluded from the conversations about queer jews like#you don’t have to get it. you don’t have to think it’s real! but it’s real to me! it’s important to me!#so are you gonna be my transphobic uncle and call me sick and deluded the same way he talks about trans people?#or are you gonna keep your mouth shut accept that you don’t have to understand someone to respect them and move on with your life.#anyways uh. here’s hoping I don’t lose my voice or start crying like I did while typing the script up.#vocational woes
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crystalsandbubbletea · 4 months
To the Zionists
You go on and on about making a country for Jews, since they have claims to the land. Yet the Palestinians also have claims to the land. And let's not forget how you insult Jews who are anti-Zionist, you even go as far as being antisemitic to them.
And then there's all the Indigenous people in America, Canada, and Australia. You looked at the way the Colonizer governments treated us and decided to treat Palestinians the same way.
And then you claim that Jews were the only victims in the Holocaust. What about the disabled? What about the immigrants? What about the trans? What about the nonbinaries? What about the gays? What about the lesbians? What about the Poles?
You go on and on about how you aren't committing genocide, have you even looked at what's happening in Gaza and the West Bank? Even if you have, you still ignorantly state that what's happening isn't a genocide, but it is.
You go on and on about Hamas, but Hamas only exists because of your genocidal ideology.
When you see students, queers, anyone supporting Palestine, you wish violence upon us and also send us death threats.
And finally: Zionism is Antisemitism, it exists alongside antisemitism. You can't be a Zionist without being antisemitic.
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feeling-diskinserted · 4 months
crossposting what i wrote on fb here i guess idk who will see it or care in either/both places
I don't really use Facebook tumblr much anymore but Life Update! TL;DR, I am Jewish now.
This is something I've been personally working toward for a few years now, and it took a lot of learning, reading, community and temple activities, as well as introspection and emotional growth, to reach this point. In many ways, I feel as if I've really been Jewish for a while, and immersing in the mikvah was just a formality -- for instance, I have celebrated Passover with Josh's family for years, and have attended enough synagogue services to become familiar with several Hebrew blessings and other rituals -- but in some ways it is still new and overwhelming to call it part of my identity (and my intentions for life).
I converted through the Reform movement, and have found a lovely and progressive community here in Chicago that welcomes young, old, queer, trans, black, brown, disabled, neurodivergent, and all kinds of Jews. I am interested in a Judaism that emphasizes social justice and radical acceptance. A big part of what drew me to Judaism is its focus on lifelong learning, simultaneously intellectual and unpretentious, embracing constant questioning and wrestling with diverse perspectives. I am not particularly in favor of extreme rigidity or prescriptivism of tradition -- tradition is very often meaningful and special, and the beauty of ritual is another aspect that attracted me, but it all must be balanced with compassion and finding interpretations of those traditions that are productive and conscious. I am also, to put it lightly, certainly not a fan of the state of Israel's frankly despicable actions against the Palestinian people, who deserve a safe and peaceful homeland. Diasporic Judaism has thrived for a long time despite antisemitism, and while I don't feel particularly connected to Israel itself (and find much of Zionism's history actively distasteful and contradictory to my understanding of Jewish values), joining this people is both empowering and humbling. I look forward to continuing to be active in my local community and making meaningful connections through rituals, holidays, music, activism, and other shared but diverse experiences.
I've always had a very hard time opening up about personal things and putting feelings into words. But I have lots of thoughts about Judaism and why it's part of who I am, so feel free to challenge me with questions -- I've tried to keep this short but it just scratches the surface. I haven't even gotten into the question of what "God" means or what I believe on that front, but spoiler: there's no one single answer. One Jew, countless opinions, the rumor is true. That's what I like about it -- I don't have to settle on any one belief, I get to continue to debate and wrestle with nuance all I want! But now, sleep. Had kind of a big day.
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jellybeanium124 · 7 months
you see the problem is, is that everyone, absolutely everyone, is looking for a group/groups of people that they can demonize and not see the humanity in.
for people on the right, this is generally achieved through standard bigotry against minority groups: people of color, queer and trans people, disabled people, mentally ill people, women, etc. additionally they usually do this to poor people. oh, and the jews! can't forget the jews. people on the right love to dehumanize the jews.
the left does this to a variety of groups, starting with groups that most people have legitimate reasons to hate. pedophiles and fascists. pedophiles and fascists are horrible, but they are still human. this isn't a post about who is good and bad, it's a post about how every human is a human being and yet so many of us are still looking for ways to disqualify fellow humans from humanity. then there are the groups who aren't actually bad but the left still loves to dehumanize. addicts. sex workers. criminals of all stripes. minorities on the left will also often cannibalize and dehumanize each other. this specific group of trans people is bad and wrong or fakers. this specific group of queer people is bad and wrong or fakers. these poor people aren't trying hard enough to make money. these disabled and mentally ill people are being too annoying and too disabled, or they are fakers!! oh, and the jews! can't forget the jews. people on the left love to dehumanize the jews.
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As a POC, CSA survivor, and both trans & queer - Tom should've educated himself. He had no right to step his foot into racism that /he/ has not experienced. I've had a genuine brick thrown in my face because I spoke Spanish. /Because I spoke Spanish./
GaG is nothing /but/ hate, and it worries me that the "let's agree to disagree" mentality is being spread here. It's dangerous. It's scary to think you guys would still want to support a creator - who's fandom had poc and was mainly LGBT - who looked down upon us. It's common sense, that he did not have. I don't wish death threats upon anyone, and I am so terribly sorry he experienced that. But I am happy he is gone. Let him learn and actually research before he steps his foot into issues he does not belong in.
His fandom that he created felt betrayed, hurt, and as if we were used for money. I still do. I do not support him. The only support he deserves, is therapy and actual learning. Not babying and coddling. People need to realize that just because you have freedom to like something, doesn't free you of consequence and opinion. I hope he stays gone, in all respect. And I hope all of his supporters that "he did nothing wrong" also grow up and get help. Listen to POC, queer, jew, and disabled voices.
I am so so sorry you went through that. I won't pretend by saying I understand how you're feeling, but just know that I'm so sorry you went through/go through all of that. You are very strong, and I hope one day things do get better, not just for you but any and everyone who has gone through that.
As for the GaG agree to disagree subject. The agree to disagree thing was for the Tom situation in general, not only for the GaG. I have been talking about them because I'm trying to educate myself on who they are as people and only recently learned about their actions. I can't speak for all of us, but some of us are just here to discuss stuff. Not all of us are or will continue to support Tom. You have people who love lurking for love, still do but don't want to buy anything or continuing to follow Tom if he comes back. You have others who will. You have others who don't. We all understand that here, and we shouldn't be telling others what to do in their lives. We can disagree and move on, of course, but yelling and being rude only drives people away faster.
Why drive him away, though? I didn't even agree with everything he said, but why couldn't we have had a conversation with him about it instead of telling him what was wrong with what was said? People mess up all the time. It happens, and we shouldn't be screaming insults at someone who had his own opinions and side of the story. Both sides were handled poorly, and I still stand by that this should have been handled privately like adults.
I understand. A lot of people were hurt, and no one here is looking down on those who were hurt. This is meant to be a place where people can talk from both sides about what happened without getting insulted, It doesn't matter if I or anyone agrees or not. This is a safe place for those who don't know where to go when they can't feel welcomed or safe to say, even ONE opinion. You want to call it babying and coddling, then fine, No one is stopping you. But sometimes, all someone needs to understand is someone to just hold their hand and explain. Especially when Tom even asked for proof of the comic artist being a Nazi and only 1 person helped him. People sometimes just need help to understand or get the whole picture. My dad never understood being trans. He even said transphobic things to my face, but all It took was time and explaining, and now he defends anyone who is trans and even when I came out to him.
I can not add on the racism part because I have never experienced racism. I'm not going to even pretend I do because racism is an awful to see and I can't even imagine how it must feel to experience it first hand. I am so sorry that you have and I'm sorry to anyone who has as well.
With everything being said, I hope you have a wonderful day or night, anon, and please remember to hydrate as well, okay? ^^
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kosheraspirations · 1 year
I hope nothing in my ask sounded condescending or anything! (or implied you don't know what you're talking about or something, sorry I'm autistic and struggling a lot of with communication rn) But yeah it's definitely not normal for a rabbi to recommend not doing any learning yourself, ive talked to four rabbis about converting cause I was looking for one that would be best suited to me as a queer trans person in the rural south, and every one of them recommended studying independently and learning/immersing myself in the open aspects of Jewish culture to see if converting would make sense in my life and to go ahead and start the process and I did for basically the whole year I was waiting for the intro to judaism class, I was even attending synagogue for about 4-5 months before the class and most reform synagogues will let you start attending services if you want and are able to so that you can get involved with your local Jewish community and get a feel for the services, anyways I wanted to say sorry for giving a bunch of unsolicited advice I realized when you answered my ask that was more so a vent looking for people whove have similar experiences and not like, a call for advice, sorry for completely misunderstanding it! I just am very passionate about Judaism and my conversion process and love to talk to other people who are trying/thinking about converting and it tends to get a little rambly, the only other thing I really wanna say but you can definitely ignore if you don't feel like it would help is to not put all learning and everything aside completely, the conversion process as a whole is much easier if you go into it with a pretty good base knowledge and my Rabbi told me that it showed I was serious about wanting to convert and truly dedicating myself to a Jewish life even when other people aren't looking (and in my case more meaningful because me and my Rabbi have time to focus on more specific things like queer Jewish history, disabled Jewish history and other like more niche specific things)
also sorry this is really the last thing but I'm pretty sure I have a lot of the same feelings about choosing a Jewish life (correct me if I'm wrong), I felt personally like it was really heavily aimed at people converting just for marriage and kinda implied that most people wouldn't convert just for the love of it on their own which, kinda felt a little bad to me personally, and I really didn't like the assumption that everyone converting is already involved in the Jewish community in some way or connected to it through family or their partners family, it definitely presents some things in a way that I didn't enjoy reading very much, living a Jewish life by Anita Diamont is completely different in vibe and it's more about the customs, history, prayers, holidays, mitzvot, and minhag of the Jewish community and in my opinion it was much kinder and friendlier than choosing a Jewish life, it was basically all informative and not anecdotal
anyways sorry again! I hope nothing in this ask was rude/condescending either but if it was please feel free to correct me cause I certainly didn't mean for it to be I just really enjoy talking about these things and have a bad gauge of tone
hi!!! i'm sorry if i replied in a way that made it out to seem i thought your ask was unwelcome or condescending, it wasn't at all!! im also autistic so we're just 🤝 . i wasn't looking for advice but it's natural to want to offer it to other people and i'm not upset about it so it's totally fine
and yes i heavily agree about the book!! i've ended up skipping some chapters entirely since i'm not wanting to convert 1. for a fiancé, nor 2. as a christian or soon to be ex-christian. the entire segments about giving up christmas were so weird to me since she didn't clarify in the introduction that the book was primarily for christians, although i don't remember if she said anything about the book being for partners of jews. but i do like her writing style so maybe i'll have to check out her other book as well
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
(tw for antisemitism)
Hey, Sorry to bother, but i wanted to ask something: my dad said that currently the world Is dominated by a group of jewish families, and that one of them funded Hitler. I know this is antisemitism, but my paranoia needs further reassurements. Do you have any articles or sources that disprove my father's "thesis"? /nf
i’ve been thinking all day about how i want to answer this. i wasn’t sure i even wanted to answer it at all, but i think i need to make this both an educational moment and a boundary setting moment.
i’m going to assume that you’re asking these things in good faith, and i want you to know that my answer is also in good faith and not meant to be an attack but a learning opportunity.
i’m first going to get my own personal feelings out of the way, not because i need to vent but because you need to confront the fact i’m a real, living, breathing jewish person whom you just asked to prove that a genocide of millions of my people, which was painstakingly documented by the people who were committing the genocide, actually happened. this is part of deradicalization, acknowledging that we are human beings just like you. if someone killed your entire family then told you that you were the one who killed them, i assume you would be devastated. take that feeling and multiply it by 6 million. 
there is no one article that is going to prove to your white supremacist father (or to you) that jews did not fund our own genocide. there are several articles online that talk about how to deradicalize family members (i searched “how to deradicalize white supremacist family” and found several articles as well as at least two irl organizations that helps people deradicalize their family from the alt right) but when it comes to yourself, this is my suggestion:
get offline. i know it seems counterintuitive, but it is incredibly easy to fall down the alt right pipeline on just about any social media website or search engine. so i’m going to suggest you go to your local library and ask the librarian for some books about jewish history and judaism, particularly about the holocaust. books written by jews are preferable, such as night by eli wiesel which is a firsthand account. read as many jewish firsthand accounts of the holocaust as you can, look at the photos, if they have any relevant historical recordings watch those too. confront the horrors that happened to us. look at them. face them. read the names of the millions of jews, roma, disabled, and queer people who were murdered. read about their families, their children, their descendants. confront the numbers. 6 million. two out of every three jews who lived in europe. one third of the entire population of jews in the entire world. we still have not recovered our population from this genocide, and our community is still massively traumatized. do not just read one article and call it quits. put in the effort to take on this burden of knowledge and pain.
so now for the boundary setting time, which is for anyone reading this: do not ask me to deradicalize you. i am a disabled queer trans jew living in poverty. i am confronted with the realities of impending fascism every day and with every life decision i make. don’t talk to me. talk to people who look like you who are progressive and willing to help you deradicalize. because i do truly want you to succeed in escaping that pipeline, but i cannot take that burden on myself.
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To all afab American's,
I'm sorry.
I myself, cannot do anything but show my support for you all. I'm sorry that a country said to be one of freedom; a flag that many countries used to look at for a chance of freedom. I'm sorry that you are trapped in a society that not only goes against what it has promised so many young Americans, but against human rights.
Roe v Wade is important. Not only in a litteral sense but it stood as a symbol of unity with afab people about protecting them.
I'm sorry your society is returning to tyranny. To a controlling state authority.
I also extend this to the LGBTQ+ who have been impacted by laws made against their own existence.
Joe Biden addressed trans people in his political speech after winning the election. And yet this pride month, America is isolating their queer communities.
Thinking back to WW2, where america stood to protect those persecuted by the Nazi's. I do not wish to dismiss the mistreatment and genocide of the Jews, but the Nazi's didn't just mistreat Jews alone. The LGBTQ+ and disabled community, as well as many other minorities, were persecuted for their mere existence.
How can the land of the free exclude a person for existing?
I'm sorry America. I am across sea's. I have no position of power. I'm disheartened that I cannot help those whose rights are being taken away before my eyes. I watch the news in horror. I am not only sorry, I'm filled with rage at this obvious mistreatment.
I'm sorry.
As an afab agender person, I'm sorry. I stand with you. I hear you. And I will support your rights, fight for your rights, whether through my words or actions. I will not be idle.
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
What is the dirtbag left? People keep talking about it but I have no clue what it is
Oh this answer is gonna suck.  Good question as always though.  
Ok before we can get into the dirtbag left, I want to talk about the major factions of leftist in the United States, and I am discounting Moderates/Centrist/Blue Dog Democrat's, I am specifically focused on people who support actual left wing policies.  Roughly speaking they can be broken up into the following groups though each group is a lot more complicated than I am implying here
The first and most dynamic faction are the progressives, people who are focused on the rights of marginalized people.  Sometimes they are called “identity Politics”  They are further subdivided into a bunch of specific interest groups, but their main unifying argument is “society is specifically persecuting towards certain groups and we need to address that” 
Civil Rights, who focus on the rights of African Americans 
Feminists who focus on the rights of women
The Queer Community, who are focused on the rights of Gender and Sexual Minorities (Gay people, Trans people, Non Binary people, Bi people, intersex, asexual ect
This group is really divided within itself but lets not get sidetracked
Groups focusing on the rights of Latin Americans, both citizens and immigrants
Groups focusing on the rights of Muslims/Middle Easterners
Groups focusing on the rights of Jews/Combating antisemitism
Groups focusing on the rights of Asian Americans
And finally groups focusing on the rights of the disabled 
The next major group is the labor movement, who focus on the rights of workers, focusing on things like Unions, increasing the minimum wage, addressing the wealth gap and very New Deal FDR policies, and tend to be anticapitalistic or at least Social Democrat.   
Environmentalists, who want the world to not die
Anti War advocates
Pro Education/Pro Science anti Fundamentalists' people who just want good goverment.  
And some post modernists thrown in because why not?
The two main groups that make up the left are the first two, the issues of Identity Politics and Class, and there is a LONG history of these two groups having trouble le working together.  One of the major issue is that a lot of poor whites would happily welcome a lot of leftist social policies, but vote conservative if they believes those policies will help black people, even if it hurts their own best interest.  I mean take the New Deal, which was among the greatest economic period of US history and was popularly supported by most Americans.  However a lot of poor whites supported it because Latinos and Blacks were not allowed access to most of its benefits.  ANd once the Democratic Party started to pursue desegregation and women’s rights, these poor whites abandoned the party which gave them a future and voted for policies that hurt their own best interest because of their extreme bigotry.  Which is the most frustrating part of American History.   
And among a lot of Democrats (mostly centrist) there is this idea that the best way to win elections is to stab marginalized communities in the back in order to win Republican voters.  When Bill Clinton won in 1992, he did so in large part by abandoning a lot of leftist principles, he embraced Third Way style Liberalism and deregulation (which led to the 2008 crash thanks Clinton) but he also happily supported Right wing ideas about trying to keep crazy radicals minorities from advancing too far in politics.  Basically try to rebrand the Democrats as “we aren’t as crazy as the Republicans, but we ditched all of that lame uncool parts of politics that makes your family uncomfortable”.  
So the Dirtbag Left (there term not mine) was like “Hey could we do this...but for communism?”  And like most bad things, its origin is with Nazis.
The Dirtbag Leftist are Marxists who think the best way to win Trump voters over to the left is to combine Socialist style economic/welfare policies with conservative styles attacks on “Free Speech” and “Identity Politics.”  The “nicer” version of these guys basically say “ok we win them in with the economic policies and once we implement that, we can work on the other issues”.  The cruelr version of that basically want a socialist state...for white straight men and nobody else.  
This happened because some communists were looking at how the Alt-Right was radicalizing apolitical young men and were like “wait we can do that too”  
See if you have ever had the misfortune of being in Nazi/Red Pill/Gamergate style spaces you will notice that they actually share a lot of the left’s complains about the status que.  They dislike both parties, they don’t like capitalism, and they think our current consumerist way of life is souless drudgery.  So some communists were like “What if we found the exact same demographic as these guys but tried to turn them to communism instead of Fascism?”  Which sounds like a good idea but here is the problem
The type of people who become Nazis had to already be bigoted anti intellectuals in the first place.  All you have done is given some of them Marxist Rhetoric rather than Nazi Rhetoric, they are the exact same toxic people.  And in trying to cater to them, you have allowed them to infiltrate's your movement.  
The other quality of the Dirtbag Left is that they think that the Centrist Democrats (Clinton, Obama, Biden ect) are a greater threat than the conservatives, and that if the Far Right and the Far Left can team up to destroy the center, the radicals can work out their issues.  Which has never worked ever in human history but they keep trying.  
Initially the DIrtbag Left was basically vulgar leftists who wanted to down play the issues that trigger conservatives (Abortion, minority rights, feminism, being nice to people) in order to get them to support their social/economic policies, but it quickly became co-opted by the Alt Right themselves, and now they are basically just advocates of a Herrenvolk style social state.  Or really...they are what would happen if the Nazis actually tried to combine Nationalism with Socialism.  
And  while they aren’t a large group, like the Alt-Right they are really really prominent online and are constantly engaged in wide spread harassments campaigns that are basically find/replace Gamergate harassments campaigns.  They attached themselves pretty hard to Bernie's Sanders campaign and did a really good job in ruining his chances in both primaries, and then attached themselves to Tulsi Gabbard’s fucking toxic campaign after that.  At this point they are basically just Alt Rightists with a socialist brand reskin.   Sometimes called the Red Brown Alliance
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himbo-the-clown · 4 years
I know you didnt write the post and while I agree that Anne Frank shouldnt have been talked in the way she is now, how can saying “Gay people were just as much victims as Jews” be antisemitic? LGBT people were rounded up and placed in concentration camps as well. For example, look up the meaning for the pink triangle, it was reserved ranking for gay men in these camps. Even when gay/trans people were liberated, they were placed in jail soon after because it was illegal in those times.
I’m going to try so very very hard to come at this response in a calm way under the assumption that you are trying to learn and aren’t intentionally being rude. It’s a very touchy subject for me given how often Jewish experiences with oppression are erased, so I’m sorry if anything I say comes off as angry or rude. I’m mad at the culture that taught you this misinformation, not at you for asking about it.
I have a few basic points to respond to this with, but first I need you to know that the perspective I’m coming at this from is as a queer Jew with a degree in Gender and Sexuality Studies. I’m gay, I’m Jewish, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that goyische gay people are not allowed to claim the holocaust the way Jewish people are.
1. During the Holocaust
Queer people were killed in the holocaust. They were sent to camps. They were arrested. However... the scale of deaths is incomparable. Here are some of the rough numbers we have for victims of the holocaust:
5,000,000 - 6,000,000 Jews
130,000 - 500,000 Romani
270,000 disabled people
80,000 - 200,000 Freemasons
5,000 - 15,000 gay people
Do you know who the Freemasons are? They’re a fratenal organisation. They’re a fraternity. They were killed because the Nazis claimed they were part of “the Jewish Conspiracy”. Many more Freemasons were killed than gay people, so where’s all your hype for including Freemasons in holocaust history and letting Freemasons claim victimhood in the holocaust? Or, perhaps, do you understand that 15,000 is a very different number than 6,000,000 or 500,000?
2. Intergenerational Trauma
Intergenerational trauma was specifically coined in response to Jewish trauma after the holocaust. Goyische gay people just don’t have that trauma. I have nightmares about digging my own grave, being forced into gas chambers, hiding in attics. The holocaust traumatised me. It’s traumatised my family, my friends, my community. Goyische gay people just don’t fucking have that. If you want a fraction of a glimpse of what that trauma is like, I wrote a poem about it on my writing blog. The holocaust is deeply ingrained in us in a way it just isn’t for goyische gays.
Jews have family we know people personally who were affected by it. Whose grandparents were refugees, whose families died, who were torn apart by it. This is our family history. We are all, in some way or another, related to a survivor or a victim. This isn’t some hypothetical history, this follows us. It defines us.
3. The Present Effects
Here’s the thing that rubbed me the wrong way about your message. The assumption that I don’t know holocaust history. That I don’t know about the pink triangle or any other part of the holocaust. Because you’re coming from a point of immense privilege as a goy. Do you know how young I was when I started learning about the holocaust? So young I don’t even remember it. I’ve known about it for my whole memorable life. As a Jew I’ve had to learn about it inside out, because it’s an ingrained part of my culture and my people now, as sad as that is. We don’t have the privilege of not knowing about the holocaust, of not learning about every single detail of the horrors committed then. Antisemitism has been around for as long as Jews have and if we don’t learn about it all, we’re not safe from the next time goyim decide to try genociding us again. And they always try again.
While Christian kids are off learning about how Santa comes to bring presents to good little children, Jewish kids are taught about how grandma and grandpa had to leave all their things behind and run through the woods of Poland for weeks only to get caught by the Nazis and made to work. And how they were the lucky ones because they lived. We have to learn about Great Aunt Golda starving to death in Gross-Rosen, about Great Uncle Joseph’s body being burned in Bergen-Belsen. Long before most queer people even know what gay means, we’re learning about our families dying. Can you see how that’s different? Can you see how differently it affects us?
The first time I realised being Jewish wasn’t the norm was when a kid told me the holocaust was our punishment for killing Jesus. I was in kindergarten. My first experience of a goy was being told my family deserved to die in the holocaust. I’ve been called Anne Frank, I’ve had people joke about gassing me, I’ve had people try to carve swastikas into me with a knife. And all of that happened long before I even knew what a gay person was let alone that I am one. Jewish and goyische gay experiences of the holocaust are not the same, not even close.
So yes, a gay goy saying that gay people were just as much victims as my people were is antisemitic. Because it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the Jewish experience of the holocaust, an unwillingness to learn about Jewish oppression, and a complete and utter disregard for the Jewish people and our struggles. Because if you’d spent even a fraction of the time it took you to learn about gay oppression during the holocaust to look into Jewish oppression anywhere and at any time, you would already know that it’s not the same and you wouldn’t have had to put a Jewish person through the emotional labour of having to explain Jewish trauma to you.
Also, minimizing the harm to Jews and Romani people in the holocaust is explicitly an alt-right tactic that goes hand in hand with holocaust denial, so when you try to put us on par with people who were significantly less affected by it than we were, just know that those are the people you’re keeping company with. I don’t think that’s what you’re trying to do, but just be careful because that’s where this line of thinking heads.
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writingwithcolor · 7 years
Hey guys! First of all, I've found your blog super duper helpful in the past, so thanks! I have a quick question-in my story, all of my main characters (my protagonist, her friends, her family, the bully, etc) are Jewish, except for one MC who is Irish/Dutch. My question is, is this "diverse"? Or completely lacking in diversity? It's supposed to take place in a Jewish town, which is why they're all Jews. I was thinking bout making her BFF half Chinese half Jewish-would that help? xo
Help, everyone in my story is the same marginalized group and that’s not “diverse” – (Oh, but it is)
First of all, there’s nothing wrong with a story that’s completely dominated by members of one specific marginalized group. The goal, after all, is not chasing a meaningless “diversity” label, but uplifting marginalized groups. The diversity we’re aiming for is a diversity of stories. One story doesn’t have to be everything to all people as long as there are many stories together making up a library.
Second of all, in your Jewish community there will most likely be other forms of internal diversity. Depending on where this takes place, the ethnic makeup might be dominated by various sub-groups within Jewish ethnicity, like Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Bukharan (who are apparently hanging out in Forest Hills, NY), etc. There may also be Black Jews, Jewish Latinxs, Jewish East Asians, etc. depending on the general population in the region you chose.
Third of all, don’t forget that even in a community of mostly Ashkies or mostly Sephardim or whatever, it would be unrealistic for everyone to be cis/straight/allo, able-bodied, neurotypical, etc. To throw out some random numbers, on a given random Friday night at our tiny temple, there might be only thirty people there that night, but four of us are queer women, two of us have mobility disabilities including one person in a motorized wheelchair, and half of a dozen are neurodivergent.
Anyway, yeah, it’s okay to have a cast of mostly Jewish people (or mostly trans people, or mostly people with mobility issues, etc.) because in real life, it’s very realistic for marginalized people to cling together for community, fellowship, and protection. It doesn’t need “help.”
Also, a note on your BFF character: with that parentage, if she identifies as Jewish, she’s Jewish, not half Jewish. In fact, if her mom’s the Jewish one, even the strict traditionalists among us will agree with me. (Reform rules say that having either parent be Jewish is ok as long as you were raised in a practicing household, I think. Orthodox recognizes the maternal line.)
I mean one thing you could do is if there’s any reason for there to be gentile characters in the story at all, you could make sure they have a realistic amount of racial representation for your area of choice rather than making them all white. But yeah, Jews of Color exist (may want to do some Wikipedia research quickly to see which groups are realistic for your area - it may not be what you think. For example the last time I looked up where most of the Latinx Jews in South Florida were from it wasn’t Cuba, it was Venezuela.)
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your-dietician · 3 years
Is Germany nailing diverse and inclusive entertainment? | Film | DW
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/entertainment/is-germany-nailing-diverse-and-inclusive-entertainment-film-dw/
Is Germany nailing diverse and inclusive entertainment? | Film | DW
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“Why kiss a frog when you could kiss a princess,” goes the tagline for “Princess Charming,” the self-proclaimed first lesbian reality dating show in the world that is being aired on the German streaming platform TVNOW. Modeled after The Bachelor, the show has several lesbian women vying for the affections of one woman. And for gay men, there’s the show Take Me Out: Boys, Boys, Boys to the same effect.
And then we also have the Heidi Klum-produced-and-hosted show Germany’s Next Topmodel 2021, which features trans model Alex Mariah Peter as its latest winner and Druck, a YouTube series on teenagers in Berlin that aims to represent different ethnic groups in the German capital. It would appear that German TV reflects the kind of pluralism that the country is known for around the world.
Even in the less agile world of cinema, there’s been a steady trend toward greater representation: In recent years, films like Türkisch für Anfänger (2012) — which was spun off from a TV series — and Fack ju Göhte (2013) have also tried to reflect Germany’s changing social structures. But is all this enough?
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Transgender person wins ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’
The winner: Alex
Alex Mariah Peter from Cologne became the first transgender person in the history of the show to win the competition. “Being different is much more normal than we admit to ourselves,” said the 23-year-old, who barely broached the subject of inclusion throughout the season. Speaking about future plans following the victory, the winner said, “First of all, I’m going to get a schnitzel to eat.”
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Transgender person wins ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’
A gender-sensitive avatar
“Inclusion” is now a global catchphrase, and the show also brought it into focus by adding a ‘*’ to its logo — a symbol for diffuse gender roles. Women who were previously marginalized or left out because they were different could now present themselves on GNTM. Refugees, curvy women and transgenders — all got a chance under the spotlight.
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Transgender person wins ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’
Curvy is beautiful
Ukrainian-born Dascha has been living in Germany since she was five and says she was bullied for most of her life. That’s why she didn’t just want to win but also make an important statement: “I want to be an ideal and support people who are bullied.” The confident 21-year-old weighs 85 kilos (187 pounds).
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Transgender person wins ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’
Living the dream
In 2015, Soulin and her family fled Syria and arrived in Germany via Turkey. The 20-year-old was all teary-eyed while modeling for a jeans brand: “I am the girl who could not achieve her dreams. Now I’m here and living my dream.” Soulin is now a model and made it to third place on GNTM.
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Transgender person wins ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’
Small is beautiful
At 1.68 meters (5 ft. 6.1 inches), Romina is hardly someone you would call “short,” but aspirants for GNTM need to be at least 1.76 meters tall. Romina had a very natural look for the show but earlier, she copied stars like Kylie Jenner and even got botox injected into her lips. Now she wants to support young girls who blindly follow social media trends.
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Transgender person wins ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’
Beauty beyond skin color
Sara Nuru’s parents immigrated from Ethiopia, and she says she was the first Black baby to be born at a hospital in the town of Erding in Bavaria. She was also the first Black model to win GNTM in 2009. Nuru has gone places since then and is now involved with developmental projects in her parents’ home country.
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Transgender person wins ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’
Heidi Klum’s ‘circus for models?’
“Germany’s Next Top Model – by Heidi Klum” has been on air since 2006 with the supermodel as its host. For decades, its catwalks only displayed mostly white, slim and tall women with long legs. Transgenders, small-sized women or those with curves had no chance of walking on the ramp.
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Transgender person wins ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’
Physical beauty is skin-deep
Heidi Klum and GNTM boast loyal fans among many Germans, especially young girls, who idolize the show and its models. But critics say that teenage girls often copy anorexic models on GNTM, which sends out the message that beauty is more important than education. This year as well, feminists protested the sexualization of female bodies on the show.
Author: Suzanne Cords
German popular culture seems to be getting more inclusive, at least when it comes to acknowledging the presence and existence of LGBTQ individuals and of people from different ethnic backgrounds. But until now, television and entertainment in general have primarily stuck to stereotypes when portraying such minorities.
And there has been little public discussion on the various dimensions pertaining to diversity that issues like inclusion in society and — by consequence — the representation of minorities in television and entertainment generally should entail.
Too Turkish to be German?
“You can see that homosexuals, transsexuals and others are indeed represented in German television. Germany is much more liberal than other countries,” says actor Dean Baykan, who was born in Germany to Turkish parents. Compared to Germany, other European countries like Hungary, for example, have been very strict in their punitive attitude towards homosexuality, with a recently tabled law there practically outlawing the public representation of lifestyles that don’t fall in line with so-called traditional family values.
“But while Germany is open in some ways, in other ways it’s actually more conservative,” Baykan continues. “For example, foreigners or those with a foreign background are not taken seriously in feature films or in serious acting projects.”
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Actor Dean Baykan has missed out on many ‘meaty’ roles
Baykan himself explains how he once almost scored a major role in a popular crime series on a German TV channel — but only almost. “I made it to the final round,” he said, adding that he feels that his Turkish background may have been the reason for producers deciding against him — despite the fact that he has a western first name. Whether his ethnic background was a dealbreaker or not may never be known, but actors like Baykan feel that they are not being considered for certain roles not because of an apparent lack of  talent but rather because casting directors prefer when they are reduced to representing stereotypes.
‘Drug dealers, criminals and weaklings’
Filmmaker Deiu Hao Do agrees with that sort of assessment. The son of Chinese minority immigrants from Vietnam is part of the project Vielfalt im Film (diversity in film), and represents the Berlin Asian Film Network (BAFNET).
“You have Black people selling drugs, Muslims being cast as criminals, Asian women playing weak characters … But there is much more complexity to these ethnic groups, and these also need to be represented,” he told DW.
In a recent survey conducted by Vielfalt im Film, 5,500 participants said they found that such clichés were being perpetuated by the industry. Nearly 88% said that Arabs were usually represented in stereotypical ways on German television. The number was nearly 83% for Muslims in general, nearly 75% for Asians and 56% for Jews, as anti-Semitism is on the rise across many parts of Europe once more.
Born this way
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German-Nigerian actor Sheri Hagen
Furthermore, 13% said they had faced bias because of their body shape and weight, while 10% of the participants said they had experienced discrimination because of their sexual identity. The study also mentioned homosexual participants saying that they had tried to hide their sexual orientation in order to improve their chances of finding work or obtaining a certain role in a film or show.
Earlier this year, 185 actors in Germany publicly announced in a newspaper article that they identified as “different” and that it was time for them to publicly acknowledge that they were gay, bisexual, lesbian, queer, non-binary and transsexual. They all demanded more visibility and representation in the German entertainment industry, having been pushed into hiding, ignoring or glossing over their identities.
Indeed, broadcasters themselves have been rather reluctant about addressing their actors’ sexual identities directly, even reflecting a sense of denial in some instances. German actress Ulrike Folkerts, for example, is a lesbian in real life but plays a heterosexual police officer in the crime series Tatort.
In a recent interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung, she said that she had only recently been asked by the producers of the show — i.e. the regional public broadcaster SWR — to finally reveal her sexual orientation publicly. She refused, saying it was too late to do so.
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185 actors revealed their sexual identites in the Süddeutsche Zeitung
Diversity = complexity?
Actor Sheri Hagen says that the concept of diversity is not just limited to having LGBTQ stars and the token person with a non-German background being featured in a show. The Lagos-born actor moved to Germany in the early 1990s. She identifies as being a German with Nigerian roots.
Hagen has acted in films like the Oscar-winning Das Leben der Anderen or the previously mentioned television crime series Tatort, and often speaks about the importance of greater inclusion in the German entertainment industry.
“Diversity for me is not just about skin color or gender, which is what the dominant thinking in the German film industry, is” she says, adding that diversity also “includes disabilities, sexual identity, weight-based discrimination, east-west discrimination — especially here in Germany — class-based differences, ethnic differences, cultural differences, skin color and more.”
Filmmaker Deiu Hao Do agrees that in this context, it is important to understand how these various dimensions of diversity and the related aspects of potential discrimination interact with each other. Fighting this sort of exclusion is central to promoting the cause of diversity, he stressed.
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Deiu Hao Do: campaigning for inclusion
A sore lack of perspective
Streaming platforms have created alternative ways for filmmakers from around the world to showcase their work and reach new audiences. And while content from some parts of the world has certainly capitalized on this potential, these new opportunities haven’t translated into creating a greater amount of diverse streaming content coming from Germany.
Hagen says that Germany can learn a lot from best practices of inclusion currently employed  in the British film industry, where shows like Bridgerton and a recent limited series on the life of Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII, have used colorblind casting as a means to promote diversity even in period dramas.
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Contemporary African filmmakers: Names to remember
Tsitsi Dangarembga
Dangarembga is not only a filmmaker but also successfully writes novels and screenplays, including for the film 1993 “Neria” that went on to become the most-watched film in Zimbabwe. In 2020, Dangarembga was arrested in Harare at a protest against government corruption and still faces trial a year later.
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Contemporary African filmmakers: Names to remember
Wanuri Kahiu
Born in Nairobi in 1980, the director had a global cinema success with her 2018 film “Rafiki.” The first Kenyan film shown at the Cannes Film Festival, it portrays a love affair between two young Kenyan women and was banned in her home country. Kahui is now off to Hollywood, where she will direct “The Thing about Jellyfish,” based on the acclaimed novel by Ali Benjamin.
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Contemporary African filmmakers: Names to remember
Kemi Adetiba
The Nigerian filmmaker, who also makes television series and music videos, is a big name in Nollywood — which is what people call Nigerian cinema, the second most productive in the world after Indian film. Commercially, Adetiba’s feature films are hugely successful. She is producing her next film, a sequel to her blockbuster “King of Boys,” exclusively for Netflix.
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Contemporary African filmmakers: Names to remember
Kunle Afolayan
The Nigerian director is one of the most important representatives of the new Nigerian cinema (“New Nollywood”), which is characterized by narrative complexity, a new aesthetic — and a much bigger budget. Afolayan’s thriller “The Figurine — Araromire” (2009), one of Nigeria’s most commercially successful films, is considered to have launched the movement.
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Contemporary African filmmakers: Names to remember
Abderrahmane Sissako
Sissako’s films deal with topics including globalization, terrorism and exile. Born in Mauritania and raised in Mali, the film director and producer is considered one of the best-known filmmakers from sub-Saharan Africa. His 2014 film “Timbuktu” was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars and won several prizes at France’s Cesar Awards as well as at the Cannes Film Festival.
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Contemporary African filmmakers: Names to remember
Philippe Lacote
The film director from the Ivory Coast most recently premiered “La Nuit des Roies” (2020) at the Venice International Film Festival. The film, reminiscent of the stories from the “One Thousand and One Nights” Arabian folk takes, tells the story of convicted criminal named Zama who becomes a convincing storyteller in order to survive at La Maca prison in the Ivory Coast capital, Abidjan.
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Contemporary African filmmakers: Names to remember
Macherie Ekwa Bahango
Promising new talent: The 27-year-old director from the Democratic Republic of Congo saw her film “Maki’La” debut at the 2018 Berlin Film Festival. The young self-taught director spent three years working on her first feature film, which is the story of a group of street children in Kinshasa. The film won top prize at the Ecrans Noirs African film festival in Cameroon.
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Contemporary African filmmakers: Names to remember
Moussa Toure
Moussa Toure is a Senegalese film director, producer and screenwriter and has long been a major figure in African cinema. His feature films and documentaries are often political. Toure describes his 2012 film “La Pirogue,” which tells the story of refugees’ journey by boat from Africa to Europe, as a “slap in the face of the Senegalese government.”
Author: Maria John Sánchez
Sheri Hagen says that diversity is indeed not about the token actor of color in a television series but rather about a more holistic approach. The recently aired German TV-series Breaking Even, which stars Ugandan-German actor Lorna Ishema in the main role, is a case-in-point for her. Hagen says that diversity is also about who’s writing the story, how these stories are communicated and who executes these ideas on camera.
As of today, she adds, the boards of most German media broadcasters are still “male and white” — and her assessment is, de facto, not wrong. Dieu Hao Do agrees that in order “to acknowledge the multiple perspectives in storytelling,” the German television and film industry needs more diversity, “and this is something we don’t have at the moment.”
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03-13-20 (Friday)
I have just given up on trying to make sense of why weird shit always happens to me. I know it's partly because I don't back down when confronted about nonsense but like...
Why do all these fuckers come to me and start shit? Also dear god the amount of people who have been calling me random men's names thinking I'm someone they know lately has just been too much. I'm not a man and I'm so close to nosediving into feminine presentation.
Which is only partly due to that. The only thing that stops me is complete terror of that... In-between look. I know I can never pass fully as either binary gender for the rest of my life now that I'm off testosterone and have a beard. When I'm 40, my curves and fat distribution will be a dead giveaway and I'll just be the lady with the beard in dude clothes to everyone who sees me. No matter what my presentation, what people see will always be a fat woman with a beard. I'm... Never going to just... Be seen as who and what I am by people on the street. I'm going to always have some asshole trying to say something. I'm always going to have to deal with randos approaching me and becoming aggressive and calling me a faggot because they cannot figure out what my gender is. I threaten people's perceptions of reality simply by existing.
And all they can feel about that is anger. And it hurts. It hurts so bad. To just... To just know that a day will never come where I will be truly safe walking around outside. And that systemically I'm still just a stone's throw away from getting fucked over too. This isn't something I can just change. I just wanna go outside and not have to worry who's going to try and hurt me that day. I just want to leave my house and not have to worry if I'll get called a faggot. I just want to live my life in relative peace. This is generations deep for me. No matter what I do, I am hated. I am Jewish. At bare minimum, I'm going to be hated for that.
Even if the world suddenly becomes completely cool with trans and queer people, hatred of Jews is as old as time itself. We are just a people who want to live in peace. And that will never happen for us. For as long as we exist, we will be chased to the ends of the Earth.
And partly, that's why I don't want to have kids. What kind of fate am I damning them to? If I had kids, they'd be jews as well. And the world would instantly hate my children for existing. I know that's not my fault. And truly if I could change ot, I would. But as it stands, I can't and don't know if I could have children anyway. Or be able to deal with it if I could.
What do you say to a child who says "Mommy, why did x call me a kike today at school?" How do you control your own reaction to that while comforting and explaining things to that child? How do you look an innocent child in the eyes and tell them sometimes, people hate others for no reason other than they exist and that they're a member of a group of people well hated by society. My mom clearly fucked it up but how do you do this at all? How do you make a.child understand without royally fucking them up? You can't protect them. It's just not possible. How do you prepare them for being called horrible names and for people making jokes about our mass slaughter? How do you prepare them to be called ugly, greedy, morally corrupt, and an insect to be exterminated by much of society?
Even before any of that... How the fuck do I prepare ME? I developed a hard shell that I removed for therapy. And it won't go back on. This didn't used to feel like the world was ending every time. It was just another day. It used to be like seeing a fire hydrant. If you go outside, it's inevitable and uninteresting. But now it's like the world is falling apart around me and I have nowhere to go. I'm trapped on this island of anti-semitism, homophobia, transphobia, and general hatred for others. And I can't turn my feelings back off and I fucking need to. It hurts. And at this point, I just hate talking about it because it's the same shit as always. And there are so many people who just... They don't believe me. They assume because it happens so much that I'm lying and I can see it. But that hurts even more when they don't just outright say they don't believe me. I know this is monthly or more occurrence. I know that. But if I could make it stop, I'd do it. But in absolutely no way, shape or form am I willing to just run or show my pain to those people. I will stand my ground until the day I die. I do NOT GIVE fascists an inch. And I don't give bigots an inch either. And so many people want that from me. "Just ignore it." NO. That's what they want. They want to know they can get away with it. I just want to live. But if that involves being a coward, consider me dead. You give these people what they want and they do it more often. You don't back down and not only does that send a message that you don't tolerate it to them but to anyone else who may be watching. And the worst part os trying to talk about it because everyone acts so shocked and like It's my life. This is what this is like. This is being transgender, queer, disabled jew. This is the experience. And the only one who gets that is Jeff. Not the trans part but the rest of it. He just... He fuckin gets it. He doesn't deal with it in a super healthy way but he understands. He knows what I am going through. He gets it. But he's online like three times a month. And idk what to do anymore. Every moment is looking over my shoulder.Also the amount of cowardly ass men out there who try to bait you into hitting them first and get royally PISSED when you're like "If you wanna fight, you hit me. Go ahead. Do it, coward. I dare you." You can see the barely restrained rage in their eyes followed by resolve. Now they want to hurt you in a different way. Because they cannot just go up and punch you without legal action. And they start antagonizing you further. Trying to call you a coward. And you keep your calm and it just enrages them further. Until they give up or something happens to put an end to it. It's just trash. Sometimes I truly hate life. And as of the past six years, I have had moments where I genuinely loved life. Moments around Sara, Moments with Eren, or Grover, or Kirt. Moments home alone with Yoshi and the sun shining through the window. And sometimes even alone. But there's always that fear in the back of my mind. And it will always be there. It's something I will have to learn to deal with. And that fucking sucks but that's life.
And I'm really fucking sick of having to reupload this. Tumblr is being a bitch.
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jewishconvertthings · 7 years
I'm disabled, mentally ill, queer, and nonbinary. I've never committed to a religion because I've never found a god I felt could love me. The last time I attended a religious celebration, I was shunned for being 'god's mistake' because I'm disabled. I dunno. I just wonder if god is really as wrathful and judgmental as I've heard, or if they could love me the way I am. Any thoughts?
Hi anon,
I’m neurodivergent, mentally ill, queer, and non-binary! Although I wouldn’t consider myself physically disabled at this point, I did struggle with chronic pain for years not that long ago, so I can definitely empathize.
I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had bad experiences with religious communities in the past, but please let me assure you that you are not a mistake and that G-d loves you exactly as you are.
Jews believe that all people are b’tzelem elohim - that is, made in the image of G-d, and within the liberal branches of Judaism, queer and trans people are explicitly welcomed. People with disabilities and mental illness are (or at least are expected to be) treated with respect in all branches of Judaism. Even in the more traditional branches of Judaism, I know that queer and trans people are expected to be treated humanely, even though these identities are typically considered to be against religious law. Here’s a good breakdown by branch: http://www.momentmag.com/ask-rabbis-gender-identity/
It’s also worth noting that many individuals who personally affiliate with the more traditional branches of Judaism have no problem with queer and trans people. I’ve come across plenty of Orthodox Jews here on tumblr who are lovely people and have been nothing but supportive of me as a very openly queer and non-binary person. So while I think it would be difficult to formally convert through one of the more traditional branches, I also want to recognize the diversity of opinions within those branches as well.
Another important thing to know about Judaism is that people’s view of G-d varies dramatically, and there are numerous valid Jewish understandings of G-d. Finding God by Sonsino & Syme is a great book that explains pretty comprehensively and succinctly a number of different ways of viewing G-d. I bring this up because this ask assumes a more traditional understanding of what G-d even is, which many Jews actually differ from. (In fact, there are plenty of religiously involved atheist and agnostic Jews!)
But even for those of us who do take a more traditional view of G-d, viewing G-d a wrathful and judgmental is something I associate a lot more closely with Christians than with Jews. To me, G-d would not make us as we are if we were not intended to be this way - ergo, it does not make any sense to judge us against a standard of perfection, even when discussing actually harmful behavior. Every year during the days and weeks leading up to Yom Kippur, Jews do tshuvah, a process that involves recognizing, regretting, apologizing for, and to the extent possible, correcting personal mistakes. This process inherently assumes that G-d forgives our mistakes and chooses to prioritize mercy over judgment.
When it comes to diversity - look at the world around you. What do you see? Because I see a Creator that made billions upon billions of species, that created a vast universe, and who is personally infinite. Why would such a Creator limit human genders to two? Or proscribe healthy, loving relationships between people of the same or similar genders? Indeed, Jews as a whole do not believe that G-d is male or female - G-d is just G-d. If we are all made in G-d’s image, I think it makes perfect sense that some of us share that particular attribute as well.
Disability and mental illness can be challenging, but can also deepen our understanding of the world and give us a unique perspective. It is my view that, again, a Creator with enough vision to build this massive, vibrant world would of course create people with any number of different ways of understanding and navigating the world.
Again, I’m very sorry you’ve had these hurtful experiences before, but please know that you are loved by G-d exactly as you are. I don’t know if you’re considering conversion to Judaism or what your background is, but if you are considering converting, do know that there is absolutely a place for queer, trans/nb, disabled, and mentally ill folks within Judaism.
I’m happy to discuss this more with you in direct messages or non-anon asks if you’d like.
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nightcoremoon · 4 years
biden might not be any deviation in terms of treatment for black people in this country and if that were the only factor then yeah I wouldn't vote for him either. I get that logic.
but black people aren't the only demographic of people who are mistreated in america. they may be treated the worst out of every single conceivable demographic of people, but that doesn't negate the fact that there are nonblack jews/muslims, disabled/neurodivergent, queer, trans, homeless/impoverished, immigrants & indigenous ppl, women, etc, who go through hardships because of trump that might not happen under biden. I'm not gonna throw out the baby with the bathwater. it's not that I hate black people, it's that I also care about others.
there is roughly a 13% black population in the united states. that's high. real high. but out of the 87% left over, is it really feasible to say that less than 38% are negatively impacted by the woeful incompetence of the administration that caused all the fires, and covid, and raised the carbon emissions, & did countless irreparable damage to the population and environment?
yes it sucks for black people. but there's nothing that can be done for that when it comes to voting. it is no longer a factor that can be considered in a dual result system. alternative solutions have to be found to aid the plight of black people in america beyond just voting- actual radical action needs to be taken. you can't just fill in a dot at a polling booth and then dust off your hands and pat yourself on the back and give yourself a gold star before going home and watching rupaul and listening to jimi hendrix, congratulating yourself for a job well done and getting your non-racist points quota for the year. racism is deeper and more insidious than can be fixed with simple polls.
but for everything else, I feel like biden's leftist administration is the best chance that nonblack minorities have for potentially moving forward, and that's why I'm voting for him. even though I'm not a muslim and I can walk and I have a home, for example, I can look outside myself and what directly impacts only me and think about what's best for the overall population at large. there's a significant fraction of 87% of what's left that shouldn't be just left out in the cold because no benefit can be had by the other 13%. so even if biden may not help black people, that isn't the ONLY factor i consider. politics is more complicated than any 1 issue.
besides, the concentration camps are still a thing and that's the single most important thing to me right now. america cannot keep making internment camps for ethnic minorities and tearing families apart and selling brown babies on the black market and getting away with it with barely a slap on the wrist. I'm voting biden because his administration will replace all of the corruption and the morons and the bigots who have their thumbs in every pie right now. even if black peoples claim he won't help them, well, it's not like things can get any worse than the literal military shooting them like will 100% happen if trump secures another nomination.
if someone wants to blow up the white house and hold a coup and kill all the republicans and neoliberals and then usher in a new anarchist revolution though, I won't stop you. if you get results, I'll stand by you. but until that happens, and my choices remain biden or trump...
I vote biden.
this isn't an open invitation for a debate and I will not argue with people who get mad at me for politically disagreeing with them. all of your paragraph anons will be ignored and deleted, all of your paragraph reblogs and comments to this post will be ignored and blocked, and if you tell me to kill myself but forget to switch off anon to do so, well, you just dug your grave.
however if you wanna private message me and civilly discuss what points you might disagree with or what logical fallacies I may have, clearly you actually want to reach me, and I'll hear you out. just don't open with "listen fucker" or "die racist clown bitch" or "shut up f*ggot r*tard" or some variation because that's no different than a rude anon or some shitty passive aggressive comment on a side blog, you're just a dick even without the veil of anonymity on your side.
also can I point out how fucking stupid it is that I have to actually say these things instead of people just assuming them like rational people so that mental 12 year olds don't harass me? lol
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