#look what fb chat does
genericpuff · 5 months
This is kinda of random but why is Hecate short? I'm just curious because out of all the bad things in LO I liked how tall Hecate is and how she wore suits. ( she does look stunning in your version too )
I've found when it comes to character heights, it's really hard to discern what the actual intention was in their designs as Rachel's statements often contradict the actual appearance of the characters in the comic and how they compare to one another. For example, some people have stated Rachel revealed in her Patreon chit chat posts (or in FB groups, don't remember which) that Hades was unique for his height, being as tall as 10 feet, but as we see him in the comic, he's often closer to being 10 feet wide than 10 feet tall LOL (I don't think Rachel realized how big ten feet was when she said that tbh)
So in that regard, from a design POV it's hard to gauge if Hecate is actually that tall, or if she just appears tall because she's sometimes drawn at shoulder height with Hades (doesn't help that the character designs are always fluctuating), but also it's hard to say if one can be considered "tall" when standing next to Persephone who we know Rachel always draws disproportionately tiny compared to everyone else, to the point of outright infantilizing her.
TL ; DR: I had to pick a lane with the character designs and Hecate seemed more like she would realistically be closer to Persephone's height than to Hades (if Hades is someone who's supposed to be uniquely tall which I'm definitely trying to make him, he's meant to be a little over 6 feet tall in LR). And even Persephone's height is still around 5"5-5"7, so they're not even that "short", they just often appear shorter in relation to Hades. At least, that's the approach I'm going for lmaoo (my standard marker for it is that Persephone comes up to his chest / collarbone area).
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Plus - though this is just my personal opinion - it's also just nice to have more characters around Persephone's height, not only to showcase how much taller Hades is compared to most people around him, but also to make her a little less singled out in the height department, as LO often made her absurdly small to the point of infantilizing her (¬_¬;)
That said, Artemis is taller than Persephone coming in around 5"9, and Aphrodite is meant to be quite tall (p much the same height as Hades!) and we'll be seeing more of her later on in the story, so fear not, there are tall girls to be found :'3 <3
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pastafossa · 3 months
TW for those with religious trauma. A little long and just about something personal so putting it behind the cut, but basically:
I got to set a boundary and say No today, and that's huge.
I'm still mildly on FB to keep up with older friends and fam and events, and a few groups where I learn things generally from older folks (trust me, the old woodcarving guys aren't usually on tiktok). And let's just say I'm... very obviously not a Christian over there - not rude, not attacking, just happily on my own path. And there was this lady, who apparently had known me when I was 5 or so and had somehow stuck around. She had recently taken it upon herself to evangelize and 'bring me back' by repeatedly bringing up me loving Jesus at 5, and talking about God at me, and I am loved by him and etc etc don't you still talk to him, Pasta? Maybe that's why I remember you talking to him when you were little, so he can reach you through me, aren't you afraid Pasta that he's reaching for you and you'll miss it, etc etc.
Now I was raised strongly christian. The whole shebang. Christian elementary school, church every Sunday, youth groups on Wednesday, radio set to a christian station, etc. I'd heard these lines, believed those lines, said those lines for a long time. And even though my family was chill (one reason I wound up feeling supported enough to leave the church as an adult), I'm still unpacking a lot of that trauma. And one bit is my inability to set boundaries. Girls and women must always be polite, kind, and nice no matter what. Respect your elders when they speak. You are to be the sacred little vessel of the light and always be ready and willing to explain and advocate your beliefs even if someone's being mean, don't walk away. If someone asks you to help with something you don't want to do, you do it anyway, because your happiness and comfort doesn't matter, you are meant to serve.
I mentioned this while chatting with a group of friends the other night - I told them about this woman who'd been targeting me, and the bad memories it brought up and the ensuing anxiety attack when a bunch of things stacked a few weeks ago. And one of my friends turned and looked at me and gently said, 'why haven't you unfriended her?'
And I... paused at that. Why? Why hadn't I? Because this woman didn't 'intend' to be mean? Because I wanted to try to 'represent' something? Because I used to know her? Because I was afraid to be judged as rude? Because... my comfort and happiness didn't matter? Why on earth hadn't I?
Because... my comfort and happiness does matter. And I was being disrespected. It doesn't matter if I'm seen as rude. I'm allowed to say, 'no, you don't get to treat me like that.'
I... am allowed to cut someone off, even if they find that mean.
Even if they knew me when I was little.
Even if they have positive intent.
I don't have to give those people access to me if they're hurting me and trying to scare me.
And so I got home, and I rolled through that old list, and I culled it. Out went the people who I got a sick feeling thinking about. Out went the people who'd never really respected me. Out went the people who saw me as a trophy they could win by 'bringing me back'.
I said no to all of that.
I can say no.
And I know that seems small. But it feels like a giant leap for me.
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Am I (33, f) the asshole for bringing up a childhood story that made my cousin (36, f) uncomfortable in front of others?
Obviously based on the title alone, I'm an asshole, but I think I might be justified and would like a second opinion.... thanks!
So a little back story for context....I love my cousin. I truly do. We all grew up together so all of us are more like sisters than cousins. my cousin is beautiful, loud, and boisterous. She's loves to get attention and will try to get it anywhere she can. She posts on FB multiple times a day about her job, kids, or relationship. She's the golden child and she tries her hardest to live up to that reputation. She's the type of person who will get out of her car after a good song dancing and singing at the top of her lungs, especially if there are other people around to watch her, much to her kids dismay lol. She just knows how to have a good time and I honestly love that about her. I tend to be more reserved and relaxed, so I get a kick out of our differences.
But with that, she tends to be.... disingenuous... when someone steals the spot light from her, even when it's unintentional (which is the majority of the time, like they will just be sharing a story from work or something). She will act unbothered by it, but then her attitude will totally change. she will be fake nice and then bring up something that will make the person either embarrassed or want to retreat... then go right back to being content when the attention is back on her again. She does it so often, I kind of expect it to happen every time we hang out.
So here's the part where I may be the asshole... we're at a playzone for one of our other cousins kids' birthday and we're in a good handful sized group of adults chit chatting. A few people I've never met before but she knows them and we were all getting along just fine.
People tend to naturally be drawn to me because I try to be open and get along with most people, so I've been on the receiving end of my cousin's attitude a handful of times and this was one of those times lol. I'm typically not bothered by it because I'm a pretty confident person for the most part and I know my cousin well enough not to take it personally, but this time annoyed me because this is now the 5th time she's bringing this story up. It was like she didn't get the reaction out of me that she wanted the first 4 times, so now she really needed to land it this time. So I gave her a reaction....
A few minutes before I was sharing a story that the others were impressed by, I guess, but we moved on from it and I didn't think any more of it. Then while we were all talking, I believe I excused myself because I let out a small burp. So she goes, loudly so the group can hear, "do you remember when you were 6 and you were crying to your dad because your butt was itchy and you wanted him to scratch it? I don't know why, but your burp reminded me of that". So I'm like "ok? So?" Kids cry for stupid shit all the time and I was a stupid kid lmao. So I brushed it off but she decided to keep pushing it! And was like "yeah you were crying because you didn't want to scratch your ass and you sat there crying until it went away"
I was and still am unbothered by the story she brought up but I was more than a bit annoyed that she wouldnt let it go, so without much thinking I said "no I don't remember that as clearly as you do.... But I do remember my sister slapping the fuck out of you for saying something racist (we're half Asian) and out of pocket. Then you cried to your mama then she told your mom that you were lucky that all you got was a slap to the face... do you remember that?" She went ghost white, looked around the group and said "family is funny like that, huh?"
So am I the asshole for bringing up a story that made my cousin uncomfortable?
What are these acronyms?
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loveislandthegame · 9 months
my overall thoughts on season 7, writing edition: what in the world ? 😭 i cannot believe i thought this season was gonna be good. i’ll be joining rohan & S2 MC in the circus, since FB made me look like a damn clown. i don't even know where to begin
being a casa girl had so much potential, and it was something that a lot of players actually wanted, even before FB started doing these themed seasons. they really fumbled the bag here
i enjoyed casa amor. the guys were all unique, had their own dialogue, and it was cool to see their pre-established relationships (alex being the villa dad, bryson and rafa being partners in chaos, the beef between bryson & joyo) then we arrived in the villa, and it all went downhill from there:
everybody became an empty husk, so they could be forced into interchangeable roles: uma’s partner, bonnie’s partner, OG LI’s ex, loved up couple (summer/joyo or #rafne) to name a few. FB’s lazy asses ruined their own characters . why is alex, the supposed level-headed & mature one, being petty & childish af in my playthrough? 😭
MC literally had no thoughts, head empty. we barely participated in any of the challenges and games. it felt like we didn't do anything besides "get pulled for a chat" by your LI or the girls
the LI personality merge in this season was the worst it has ever been. all they do is agree with whatever you say, or tell you how great you are (gone are the days of LIs having their own interests, & getting extra dialogue because of that, like levi with artist MCs)
same problem as the most recent seasons, where MC doesn’t have friendships. she has a forced bestie, then potential LIs that sit around waiting for you to pick them, choose them, love them (they immediately disappear if you don’t pick them)
the plot made no sense at all. being a casa girl means we miss out on the first half of the season, but there were many different ways they could've shown what happened before we arrived (it couldve been something as simple as MC watching the show at home or during the jeep ride to the villa. lol) the timeline was inconsistent, so much important information was paywalled, and i’m pretty sure FB was just making shit up as they went along, since the drama with stephen and OG LI's ex genuinely came out of nowhere . he wasn’t previously mentioned in the beach hut, casa amor, nothing . his only purpose was to make the OG girl look bad.
speaking of the OG girls, what a disappointment . before we got to the villa, i honestly thought they were hinting at estelle and/or willow being LIs . even if they were forced to be our rival, they still could’ve had an interesting character arc . it would've been a lot more fun if she was like allegra, rather than OG LI's equivalent of suresh
i was gonna write, "why tf did she even make it to the finale?" but the answer is obvious : for the gem scenes. every damn volume, it's pay diamonds to upstage her, pay diamonds to clapback, pay diamonds so “your man” doesn't turn his head 🙄 it's already stupid enough, but it makes even less sense if you're not pursuing your OG LI
which leads me to the biggest problem of this season, the lack of branching. you're given the illusion of choice, everything leads to the same outcome . i didn't think it could get any worse, until i saw what happens when you choose the money . does your LI storm off? nope. they make you do the treasure hunt anyways...to win you back ??😭 MC should've called security on their ass
s7 had a promising start but ended up being a flop. it was better than s5, but that's really not saying much . i wish FB would just take their time—s1 and 2 had a whole year long gap between them. but it's clear that rushed seasons are gonna be the norm, season 8 is dropping in february . capitalism ruins everything luv x
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discluded · 1 year
Question the person that was driving MileApo after the event was done …..was it mile’s mom ? And if so… was Apo with them at dinner 🤔….bc ppl were saying they heard Apo laughing in the background of his moms ig post ………
It’s a question I wasn’t quite sure if I was following what the ppl were saying on TW 😅😅😅
me, staring at the ceiling muttering myself about how I'm going to do this. i am a clown and i am going to clown town in my clown car
OK so. Yesterday, Mile and Apo left the Srichand event together.
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Neither of them were driving and the driver of the video is unknown. But P'Gift and Mile's mom have very similar haircuts, and were speculating between P'Gift and Mama Nathanee.
Mile later went out to dinner with his family to celebrate his mother's birthday. I can only post one video per post, so I'll gif this one, but Mile posted an IG story of him feeding his mom a fry and there was no sound. The link has the full 13 second video posted by Bee.
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Today, Mama Romsaithong posted this video with audio to her TikTok. At around 10 seconds into the video, Mile makes a bad joke and then looks across the table and you can hear someone who laughs a lot like Apo's dolphin laugh
Here's the joke:
💚what are u eating krub? 🍒i'm eating cow's cheek 💚do u wanna eat Chuang's cheek? 🍒I don't eat Chuang's cheek because i like to eat firm cheek, don't like to eat saggy one (looks across the table and you can hear giggling) 💚you~let's see your cheek, come on~ let me see it 🍒i'm joking (2x) 💚 so bold of u~ 🍒today i'm eating Italian food 💚Italian food? 🍒that's right kub~ 💚then how does it taste like? 🍒it's delicious 💚delicious,, if it's delicious,,how do u do it? 🍒it's delicious *with a pose 💚okay~~
(translated by strawberry milk)
Mile's face... 🙃
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Then around 0:17, people (*ahem* NOT ME BECAUSE I AM NOT PUBLICLY CLAIMING ANYTHING) say they can hear Apo talking. It's his little ducky voice, around when the camera is zooming into the dish and it's under Mama Rom's voice.
A fan was also at the restaurant and managed this beautiful shot of the decor that ~happened~ 😗😗😗 to have Mile in it and Mile's guest discretely hidden behind the impressive lemon tree* (@moerusai mentioned those are too big to be lemons, they might be pomelos WHATEVER ARE WE REALLY GOING TO ARGUE ABOUT THIS)
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Which of course prompted The Jokes. You can see Papa Romsaithong to what would be Mama's left and either P'Man or some people say another cousin who also attended the Srichand event to support Mile.
Mile's dinner partner, sitting across from him in the white shirt, is hidden.
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I'm-- I'm just gonna say this: the Thai fans protect them, individually and together, a lot. Don't think they're stupid. Whoever took the photo intentionally positioned the camera so their guest was hidden.
I'm not implying anything, I'm just letting you know for a fact they know a lot more than they share with international fans who can be very cruel and drama-mongering for no reason, and talk in spaces international fans can't get to easily (their own closed FB groups, Line/chat groups, etc. etc.)
As always, just collecting what people are saying about the photos, videos, etc. Make your own judgment about these things.
thanks to @lorddio and @moerusai for helping me collect 🙃 evidence. If we're going to call it that.
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
i am hereby sending in a virgil van dijk request....
reader being a little brat: she insists on coming to fb practice with him which obviously takes hours and all she does is tease him from where she's sitting (on the bleachers of whatever idk). and obviously that shit kinda pisses him off ya know so when the two of them get home he like throws her over his shoulder (my man is hUGE OKAY and i live for a size kink hehe) and shows her her place 😫😫
feel like that's a very detailed request so sorry if it's too much. im sure whatever u write will be wonderful as always xoxo
- ney anon
I'm kissing you rn -- also even better if you're flirting (jokingly of course) with one of his teammates
"Oh come on," you grabbed your husband's hand, pulling his attention from his phone to you. "Let me come with you," you stood in front of him while he sat on the couch. "I promise I'll be good."
Virgil laughs, giving you a tug and pulling you closer to him. He lets go of your hand, his hand coming up to pinch your chin softly. "You've never good."
You fake a gasp, hand on your chest. "Soooo not true, your standards are just too high."
"Yeah okay," he smiles, "go on then, I'm leaving 10 and I'm not waiting."
You bite the inside of your cheek, knowing you've won for now. You give him a kiss on the cheek before heading to the bedroom to get dressed. Virgil had his work cut out for him; you never joined him unless you were up to something.
He shouts for you from the bottom of the staircase, telling you he was leaving and you come down a moment later, your little black leggings and his shirt hanging off your shoulders. The two head out for the day and the moment you arrive, you're welcomed by the guys and they all want to show you around because Virgil never brings you around unless they're having a home game.
Virgil, of course, lets you go off with whoever you pleased, telling you he'll see you during practice. You and Ox end up walking around for a bit, he made you laugh so hard your stomach was hurting.
Eventually, he had to join the guys for practice and you sat on the bleachers, watching as they ran through the first couple of drills. Virgil smiles at you when he sees you and you blow him a kiss.
You were there for a while, your attention on your phone before you feel someone nudge your knee. You look up and see Trent sitting in front of you, turned to face you.
"Hey," you smile. "Boring isn't it?" He asks and you shrug, "I don't mind it, you guys are good."
"Still boring," he says and makes you laugh. Your smile isn't something your husband missed. His eyes fixed on you and Trent, his teammate's hand touching your leg, friendly of course, you and Trent were nothing more than friends but Virgil didn't see it that way.
"Trent!" He shouts from the field, "we're practicing, not chatting. Sub in for me." He tells him, walking over to you two. Trent gives Virgil a look but gets up nonetheless, he says bye to you and walks off before Virgil gets over there.
Your husband grabs your hand, pulling you up and you follow him down to the tunnel. He picks you up, letting you hang over his shoulders and you were confused.
"Virg! Put me down!" You smack his back but he doesn't, instead he keeps walking until he gets to the locker room which was empty aside from the two of you.
Finally the man puts you down and you look at him. "What the hell was that?"
Virgil holds your jaw between his thumb and index finger, "you're mine."
It clicks why he's dragged you off, "oh." You giggled, "are you jealous?"
"Why would I be jealous?"
"Why would you drag me off?"
He rolls his eyes, pulling you against him. He leans down and kisses you, eventually the two of you shift around until he's sitting down and you're on his lap, straddling him.
"How much time do we have before practice is over?" You ask, kissing down his neck. Virgil pulls you back a bit, "we're not fucking in the locker room."
You roll your eyes, "you're so boring, maybe I'll ask Trent." You get off his lap and he grabs your hand and pulls you back, "hurry up then.
He's got you on his lap again, your leggings tossed on the floor, his shorts pulled down just enough and your hands on his shoulders, balancing yourself as you sink down onto him.
"God," you sigh, your forehead resting on his shoulder.
"Not exactly." He smiles, pulling you up for a kiss.
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queen-of-boops · 11 months
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Volume 6 Thoughts
Geri is about to catch some hands. Girl cannot take no for an answer and is beyond delusional when it comes to Joyo. Telling her off felt good.
Why does Joyo's little pouty face get me every time? It's so sad and cute at the same time.
No Travis, I don't want you, I don't know how many times I have to say it.
I'm sorry, but why do none of the couples change anymore? There was so much drama last week and still nothing changed.
The sleepwear options are cute, especially the teddy. My MC is fully embracing her Barbie era with all the pink outfits this season.
I've seen quite a few other people say it, but why the hell do we need to sneak out to the daybeds? I want Travis and Geri to know we don't want to sleep next to them.
Joyo mentioned in casa that he loves dirty talk and girls whispering in his ear. Idk if the other boys said that or not in this volume but it is a Joyo specific thing in my head now.
All the boys smell like cedarwood apparently and I reject it. Joyo's a scuba diver from a beach town for Christ's sake, he should smell like the sea and maybe something like bergamot. Not cedarwood (that should be Alex specific and I'll die on that hill).
Bits scene itself was short ànd kinda lackluster.... I don't have time to rewrite it, but it's tempting.
Okay, again, idk what the morning chat looks like for everyone but I was kicking my feet and squealing like a little girl. It was established in casa that Joyo hates camping and sleeping outside, but he goes on this little rant about how much he enjoyed sleeping under the stars with us and how we're the only person he'd do that for. Can you say swoon-worthy?
Okay, on a non Raf route, Daph is adorable. I love her and Raf together.
Movie night titles were way better this season. I particularly liked 'Jumping for Joyo', 'Geri Much In Love', and 'Daph-Need Your Love'.
But the movie night drama was not it. Wow, a bombshell came in and flirted with me, call the press! Thank God Evan said something. The rest of the clips felt contrived or like they were just there to make Geri look bad (can't Joyo just pick me cause he likes me more and not cause Geri's a hot mess hypocrite?)
Can we also just appreciate that when I say my head isn't turning, everyone knows it's still on Joyo. We've been asking for this since casa s2 and it's finally, consistently remembering who I said I want to be with no matter how many people are interested in me.
Date with Evan was fine. Love that he seems to respect the word no. His sprite is fine AF, but I really just want him to be my villa bestie.
Love how soft and melty Joyo is one on one now, it's precious.
I absolutely howled when Joyo came to pull me for a chat and talked right over Geri's protests. She was so shocked.
Yes, Joyo! Admit you're a jealous motherfucker and let's get back together already!
Travis. Get it through your head. I'm telling you I'm closed off with Joyo, that doesn't mean I want to keep getting to know you like that. I don't want you.
Flowers, really? Kinda hoping they actually aren't from Joyo (and think they might not be just so FB can have him be jealous and start more drama). It's a little weird honestly and an interesting choice for a cliffhanger.
Still really enjoying this season for all its faults honestly. Joyo has me in the palm of his hand and I'd happily go with him anywhere. Not totally sure I see the vision for where they're gonna take the rest of the season, but as long as I get to keep flirting with Joyo, I'm good.
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50-year-old-baby · 3 months
as a person with bpd i feel i'm at my best mentally and emotionally when i know i have bonds with other people. strong bonds/friendships seem to "reassure" me.
for me, what reassurance looks like is:
- knowing someone will be interested in participating in an activity with me if they have the time
- knowing someone will be interested in conversing at length with me if they have the time
i rarely ever needed reassurance in the form of someone being able to be physically right in front of me in person and explicitly telling me they enjoy spending time with me and that they like me as a person. that's obviously not realistic.
i used to do a lot better with my BPD when i had a large group of internet friends from being in an active fandom, but i haven't been active in a fandom in a long time.
i have one very close childhood friend who i still talk to, but i can't see him in person anymore and our communication has slowed down recently. but i still feel really happy and at ease when we chat on fb messenger, typing at 500 mph to talk to each other about weird shit. and even though we don't talk that often anymore, we'll often send each other random pictures we've taken without context as kind of a Lite Life Update.
i think what i want is an active friend group again...
it seems like since i moved, no one i've met here has any time to socialize even just through social media/messaging apps. if i don't see them physically in person, i don't interact with them at all. i've gone months not talking to anyone i've met here.
with this information in mind, here are some sincere questions/concerns:
- i don't understand how i'm supposed to feel close to people i rarely interact with. am i wrong for not feeling close to them?
- i don't actually know anyone i've met that well due to the lack of interaction, but i feel i'm *supposed* to feel like i have friends/community somehow. i know a lot of cool people who are mostly kind strangers to me. people i only see at house parties or random hangouts every now and then, not often enough to form any strong bond or to actually get to know anyone.
- whose interests overlap with mine? besides drawing, what hobbies and interests could we possibly share? due to lack of interaction, i honestly can not say.
- are we friends just because we met and are in proximity of each other every now and again? am i the one who's in the wrong because i need more than that to consider someone a friend?
- and finally, the worst fear-- does anyone actually *want* to know me better?
my BPD has definitely gotten worse over the years, i feel i can confidently say it's because my social life has gotten worse as well. i don't have the opportunity to connect with people as much and as often anymore.
i've been unemployed for over a year so i don't have money to go out with people, or to explore hobbies or start creative projects with/alongside other people.
social media is great for me when i'm actually using it to socialize with my friends, but i don't get to use it that way anymore. now, social media for me is just a personal diary that only makes me feel worse when i use it that way.
when it's on social media, it IS a cry for attention. it fills me with regret and makes me lose more respect for myself. and it doesn't actually help my social life get better, it only damages it more.
but i honestly, sincerely don't know what else to do to stop this pain.
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operationnope · 1 year
Hello! Ozzy Stan here, now prepare your clown makeup with me 🤡 because we're in for an emotional rollercoaster here whilst giving clown emoji vibes
Anyway, so obviously wtf was movie night AS A WHOLE I'm proud of fusebox for finally for once giving us chaos, drama etc we deserved it.
Anyway regarding the Ozzy situation, I don't get why everyone is so pressed over the 3 way kiss and skinny dipping scenario... I stayed loyal in my casa playthrough BUT I know from reading other posts that there was the option for us to skinny dip on the beach date, plus n2 to do bits with Andy or go all the way in the hideaway I'm sure, now if you weren't loyal and were a bit of a cheeky minx how can we all be mad at Oz?
Now we know Oz doesn't do meaningless relationships/connections if you're on an Ozzy route all the convos with islanders who've left etc will reiterate that actually Ozzy does have a lot of feelings for MC BUT now hear me out here, we never got told WHAT our postcard showed US doing, so if you were a devil 😉 in casa and got your groove on at all that could've been in the postcard and that may be why his head was a bit screwed for one of a better word?
I honestly can't gripe it tbh, he owned it, he didn't lie and told us what happened, now had he have lied I'd have been pretty pissed, but I genuinely have faith that Ozzy will be the most damn loyal person to mc when we eventually get to couple up he doesn't strike me as a man whore, he never tried it on with any bombshells at all, until casa and at that point they had no clue we were waiting on him
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Ok, now that I’ve put my clown mask on… 🤡
I’m right there with you. Honestly, it was a bit of a shock to hear about Ozzy’s shenanigans HOWEVER I’m not too pressed about it. We weren’t in a couple and MC had so many chances to be naughty in a Casa. I am curious if MC messed around more if they show that on Movie Night, cuz I can’t even remember my clip it was so boring 😪
I’m sure the postcard was made to look like the girls were having just as much fun as we were led to believe the boys were. And I think Grace and Ozzy needed some big dramatic moment to finally break up because fb has been dragging their “relationship” out for so long.
And I agree with you- when he and MC finally chat about the incident after needlessly talking to the other boys (I hate that they keep making us do that), Ozzy 💯 owns up to it. If we had found out about it on Movie Night I would have been pissed, but he confessed and apologized.
I still love him. We’re in this together 🤝🙌💗💗
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I know this has been discussed before, but it’s interesting enough to me to be worth repeating . . .
The recent photos of Jared and Gen posing with others at the stem cell treatment facility as well as the photo of Jared and Gen at the coffee house chatting with the two women, leads me to believe that 1) the Padaleckis are down-to-earth enough that they venture out-and-about into the masses to live their lives; 2) the Padaleckis are famous enough (at least in their hometown of Austin) that they are recognized by people that they don’t know personally; 3) the Padaleckis are welcoming enough in their demeanor that people feel comfortable approaching them; and 4) the Padaleckis are human enough that they will engage with the common folk and pose for photos. This tells me a lot about Jared and Gen and who they are as people.
I have watched SPN and been a non-participating (lurker) part of the fandom for years, including at SPN_Goss and Tumblr, so I have seen a lot. I am not on FB, Instagram or Twitter, and I don’t follow any of the cast. I only see what’s posted on fan sites on Tumblr (some of which are admittedly anti-Jensen), so someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think there are often similar sitings and interactions with the Ackles. This leads me to think that 1) the Ackles are not out-and-about as often; 2) the Ackles are not recognizable when/if they are out; 3) the Ackles are not as approachable if they are recognized; and 4) if the Ackles are approachable and engage, they may not consent to a photo or they may ask the person not to post the photo on social media. The only other reason I can come up with is that maybe people just don’t care, but I know that won’t go over well with the AAs.
This is just something that occurs to me every time I see a photo with Jared (and Gen) and a fan out in the wild. I love that he isn’t afraid to engage with people and I love that people always post about how kind and friendly he is. It does make me wonder about the comparisons between the two men though. Perhaps Jensen just isn’t as recognizable and famous as his super-fans think he is and perhaps Jared, with his more mainstream TV and film career, is.
I think there's a lot of truth in your observations. Thanks for sharing! To your question, I do follow some people who post Jensen and Jared fan interactions, and you're right that there are certainly more fan photos with Jared. Jensen content tends to come more from people he's worked with as opposed to fans out on the street.
There are definitely some interesting comparisons into how each couple handles recognition/fan interactions. Of course, I'm not going to say one way is better than the other as every celebrity should be allowed to interact within their comfort level. (And frankly, seeing how obsessed some of Jensen's fans are, I don't blame him for staying under the radar.) I do appreciate Jared and Gen's willingness to interact with fans and I hope someday I can meet them!
"Perhaps Jensen just isn’t as recognizable and famous as his super-fans think he is and perhaps Jared, with his more mainstream TV and film career, is."
It's unsurprising how many comments I saw on photos from Jared's USO tour that mentioned different shows Jared's been on, including Gilmore Girls, SPN, Walker, Friday the 13th and House of Wax. It helps that GG and SPN frequently make the weekly top 20 of streaming shows. Jared is very recognizable despite looking nothing like his teenage self from GG!
(Surprised no one mentioned New York Minute. LOL!)
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
Once again I almost ran over here after the very first scene💀💀💀 so let me get into it…
1. These episodes were not as strong or as long as the first 3 but these writers are funny as hell (not sure if it’s intentional or just actually bad writing but it’s enjoyable🤡)
2. I SCARED MY DAMN DOG LAUGHING SO HARD AT THE PUBLIC VOTE…. OF COURSE fusebox found the one way to get our partner stolen without it being our “twins fault”. I think Amelia redeemed herself for me afterwards when they had their cute twin moment though and I’m still picking all the nice options
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3. Of course Amelia’s bedtime outfit is hotter than our options🙄
4. Baby Lewie sleeping on the daybeds🥹🥹 what an angel. I just might have to take the soft route this season💀
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5. Bella is the real friend here, thank god FB has *hopefully* learned after the Dana BS that if we say we aren’t into girls we don’t want you to keep asking! No shade to those that want a female Li but I love that she pulled us for a friendly chat and i like her better than Grace
6. Portuguese Party Boy….. that line had me rolling. But he’s not it for me so I led him on but didn’t let him kiss me and told the islander’s he likes me better than I like him. Sorry Roberto looks like I’m staying loyal to Lew until Elliot/Hamish pull up
7. PLEASE TELL ME YOU PICKED THE DIAMOND SCENE TO HAVE HIM FEED YOU THE DESSERT IN FRONT OF LEW?!?! I couldn’t do that to Lew Lew since I’m not into Roberto but please give us a run down since you’re in your villain era😈
8. The jealousy scene between Lewie and Roberto was hands down the best part of this volume and I will die on that hill
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9. I can’t wait til Ivy gets absolutely shut down by Baby Lew next week. Ain’t no way he’s gonna kiss her after he just came to tell us she’s been all over him and he doesn’t like it. I can’t wait to see her fall off that high horse of hers and come running back to Ryan with her tail between her legs🥱
AHHH love your takes !!
did u do the Ozzy scene during truth or dare?! and the pool scene. fb couldve just given me that this week and I wouldve been ok.
2. this was SOOOOO UNSERIOUS why would they do this literally every single time. there are 14 volumes and like 87 hotties waiting to come in still. Why does fb keep pushing the agenda that I care THIS much about my first LI. Girly I dont! he's just my placeholder until I can fully unlock Ozzy
3. LMAO I dont even remember what it was but now im desperate to go back and look. I loved the pink lingerie with the robe. thats the one I chose
4. this was super cute 💖 even though im fully waiting for Ozzy im going to stay on Lewie's route until I get there.
5. I love Bella and I'm def going to need another bestie after I get with Ozzy. Grace is already starting to get so annoyed/mad at my MC bc shes clearly going for Ozzy 😬
6. I DIED at Portuguese Party Boy...they were trying to pull a Davide from last summers IRL LI UK. and I was def screaming at the reference
7. OK so I didn't bc I didnt want to do that to Lew!!! like flaunting Ozzy in front of him is one thing but willingly going for a boy I know I dont want...I couldnt do it!
8. STRONG AGREE!! I need more jealousy pls fb!! And not just from the girls!! For me I need Ozzy to get a little jelly too...I am paying for all those diamond scenes! It's what I deserve!
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pastafossa · 7 months
So I was ranting in two separate FB messenger chats about something. One of these groups has friends aware of my tumblr activities. The other, containing about 8 folks, does not.
This is important.
So in the middle of one of the rants, I said 'but DAMN, this bitch is just looking for a Pasta is Angry reaction from me and I hate it' and just continued onwards.
Me: what
Friend 1: why did you call yourself Pasta
Oh shit.
Me: autocorrect?
Friend 2: -Real Name- isn't anything like Pasta
Me: i need to feed the dog
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loveislandthegame · 3 months
thoughts on today's volume ! this was probably the glitchiest volume i've played by far, but at least i didn't get that False hideaway glitch. i assume it just affected players with MCs that are only into guys? it just shows that FB is not playtesting their shit, something that obvious & easily replicable should've been caught
next up, we got some new hairs 😭 i thought these were braids, then i realised they're supposed to be twists, then i saw the morphed together braid-twists ??? and her hairline has me in tears, it looks like they tried to do a a shape-up with a lawn mower
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moving on, what's stopping kelly from just choosing us? as in, the in-universe reason why, i know the actual reason is "FB is lazy and cuts corners at the expense of representation"
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then we have a compatibility challenge, i was patting myself on the back for getting everything right with lyle before i realized that you'll win regardless. but MC actually gets to be the MC for once and kat gets off the fucking screen so i'm not too mad about that
shawn is lovely & all but calling him a VIP is a bit of a stretch . when i think "famous chef" i think of jake 💔🥺 i liked that whole dinner thing though, it was actually really fun
is this a reference to The Bear ? 😭
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i chose to have the coffee date with natasha ❤️ i assume everyone does latte art because hell would freeze over before FB would ever do something unique for each LI, but this was so cute
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pretending to be shocked that the recoupling went exactly how i predicted. i was actually stumped, but i ended up picking chen...because i used a random number generator & got a 1 😭
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FB, you better be joking. i picked natasha here but i hope that didn't lock me out of kelly's route. i love them both ! it's not fair !
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i was internally screaming throughout that entire shower scene with finn, not just because i'm not romancing him, but also because i was fully expecting some forced drama where kat walks in on us and loses her shit. thankfully MC could just walk away without a problem. (it's sending me that they put more effort into his towel than 99% of this season's MC's outfits)
i wanted to spend more time with natasha but i ended up going to the hideaway with chen, because i just couldn't deal with the secondhand embarrassment. i may be a hater, but i'm also a softie that gets sad over hurting fictional characters' feelings . i dunno why FB can't wait until every LI is available before shoving us in the hideaway.
when i tell you i almost closed the app when this shit popped up on the screen. 😭 i picked sexy dice because it's new, but i wouldn't necessarily recommend that because it's boring as hell. personally i'm alright with that though, because i don't care about spicy scenes
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at the very end, we learn that one person is gonna be dumped in the next volume. i hope that it's between the guys you didn't choose in the recoupling, but that "who are you vibing with more?" chat with melissa has me worried it's gonna be between natasha or kelly 😭
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livingfictionsystem · 7 months
What We Would Have Had to Do to Fake Being a System
As far back as 2007, getting caught talking to and hanging out with people that did not exist. A group of friends told us we were crazy. We would have had to plan 13 years before ever admitting it online.
As far back as 2009, publish multiple posts and poems about feeling like we're not the only one in the body. Done before we knew what Dissociative Personality Disorder was. Multiple posts from that era reference a past alter called 'Star.'
As far back as 2012, change our entire personality, aesthetic, birthday, goals, likes and dislikes, name, sexuality, and gender. Claim that we're a 'walk-in soul' and post about not feeling as if we were not the first one. We start referring to our former self, Nebula, in third person. By this point, we had heard of D.I.D., looked into it, and dismissed it as an explanation.
In 2014, we first admitted to close friends to not being certain if most of our friends existed. Once again, harken to the feeling that we were not the first one in this body.
In 2015, posting about losing time---many chat logs reference not knowing what had happened for days at a time.
Forget who our abuser was and invite them back into our circle in 2016. We probably knew what D.I.D. was around this time, but did not think it applied to us. After all, how many psychologically-built entities would be corroborated by outside influences?
In 2018, moved across the country due to inworld influences. Nearly committed self-deletion in a "fugue state."
2019, start seeing a therapist for the instances of 'losing time.'
In 2020, rapid switch from a younger personality that burst into tears and a sarcastic, petty bastard.
In 2020, Someone Else suggested we have D.I.D. after we admitted the sordid history on FB live.
Since then:
We'd have to spend periods of time smoking cigarettes, then days of not consuming one based on which alters smoke. Same with alcohol. Can you imagine faking a nicotine addiction? Or faking the lack of one? How does one Fake an alcohol addiction?
Keep personalities, preferences, talents, knowledge, sexualities, genders, partners, love interests, etc. completely straight, even while drinking or first waking up around friends in the morning.
Somehow come out about D.I.D. for "attention", but losing a good chunk of Xanthe's FB clout.
Have some alters that have outside partners and some who do not. Have different dating preferences entirely for each.
Keep up the differences between Sparrow, Xanthe, and Rune completely consistent, even under professional scrutiny.
Conclusion: We are far too lazy for all of that, jesus christ.
-Xhaxhollari 🕊
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acourtofthought · 2 years
As a former Elriel, I can admit they are worried Az and Gwyn could be mates, they are not as ignorant as the rest of the fandom makes them out to be. But many will not publicly admit it, especially those with bigger accounts and follwers.
Its no secret after that bonus chapter a lot of Elain and Azriel fans saw the writing on the wall. The ones still holding out hope will not go down easy. They are convinced Sarah won't let them down or want to lose them as readers/fans. Who do you think floods her team with emails of threats. They think numbers=power and it's why they continue to bombard her posts and create multiple accounts to harrass. I'm 27, that behavior is childish and petty. It's a shame because there are many Elriels who are kind, genuine and don't partake in the bullying and toxicity - which does goes both ways, but it's made this fandom less enjoyable for all. At the end of the day these are just fictional characters made up by a woman who loves romance and story telling. There is no reason to create such animosity amongst ourselves.
I've enjoyed your posts, it has helped me see the posssibilty of Elain with Lucien. I decided to do a re-read not too long ago and saw things from a new perspective after reading your theories and things clicked. I don't know yet if Elain will help with the spring court and stay or end up in day but I'm excited to read her journey.
I love this message, thank you so much!
And I'm glad to chat with another E/riel turned (or at least open to the possibility of) Elucien.
And you're right, they wouldn't be getting this aggressive unless they weren't nervous. There's no denying that what SJM wrote in that Bonus Chapter creates major issues for E/riel. Ending his scene where the thought of one female's joy brings him happiness is kind of soul crushing when you're a fan of the other female.
I was the same before SF came out. I had only read the series one time and it's not that I was super invested in E/riel but I thought, "hmmm, they could be cute" because it seemed like SJM might be heading in that direction. I liked Lucien but I was really into Feysand at the time and wasn't as invested in what happened with the other characters. Elain and Lucien as Mates was cool but Elain with a sexy bat boy wasn't a bad deal either.
After the SF Bonus Chapter, I was frustrated because I started seeing the anti Elain arguments in the fandom (FB at that time) and why there was no way she was ending up with Az. I wanted to prove those arguments wrong so I started looking back over the series. That didn't work out like I thought it would because I started to understand why E/riel wasn't well matched and why SJM went the direction she did in the POV chapter. After breaking things down, it was almost funny how much I missed during my first read, how clever SJM was at making a compliment sandwich but in reverse (weird analogy but bear with me).
With the compliment sandwich, you compliment, give the bad news, then compliment again. But with SJMs writing, she sneaks something into the book that you don't think much of but is contradictory to the upcoming "compliment". Then a few sentences later, she mentions this thing that readers fixate on. Then a bit later in the book, she mentions something else that decreases the compliment.
For example, the sneaky "negative" is that Cassian first offers Elain a weapon and we don't really pay attention to that.
But then, we have the big line where Azriel hands Elain TT.
This is what E/riels fixate on because it's a "sweet" moment for them.
But then they ignore the fact that after that moment, Elain didn't want to take it but only did after Feyre assured her she wouldn't need it. Also, Feyre tells us Az is ONLY sitting out of the battle because Mor begged him too. Rhys originally told him to stay out of the fight which Azriel refused but after Mor spoke with him, he relented, because of not wanting to upset her. (so would Az have even given it to Elain if we were heading into battle?).
Then we have another BIG moment. Where Rhys tells Feyre Az has never let anyone touch that blade. So romantic, right?
But later, SJM makes sure to tell us that Elain took the blade, the thing Az has never let anyone use, and she gave it back to him. Pressed it into his hands and "walked away without looking back".
That is such an SJM style of writing. Readers get blinded by those flashy moments (I did too) so it's very easy to miss when she slips those other moments around it which tells us "I'm tricking you!! I'm letting you think that was a big deal but if you pay attention, you'll see why it's not!"
And like you said, I think after the Bonus Chapter, people were really able to view E/riel in a different light and see why they might never happen. Which honestly does feel painful if you were hoping for a couple to happen. I still feel sadness when I read about Chaol and Celeana's relationship deteriorating. These characters are definitely not real but it can still cause you to have a real reaction.
But.... (and as you said), it's a major issue when you can't stop yourself from actually threatening and bullying others over it. Especially when at this point we KNOW this is an author who switches up relationships. We can be hopeful that our ship is endgame but it's foolish to assume that SJM can't pull the rug out from under us based on every single other book she's ever written. 😂. I truly think she's going with Elucien but even I realize that she can work her magic and still write E/riel as endgame if that's the vision she had. Those aren't the clues I'm picking up on but I'm not inside her mind so she could still surprise me.
It is such a compliment that you were able to see the possibility of Elucien more clearly during your reread!! I will be so excited if their book comes out and I managed to get at least something correct! 😂
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queen-of-boops · 1 year
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Volume 3 Thoughts
Thank God Joyo wasn't pressed about the postcard, you can't have sex with me and then get upset about a lap dance
Okay, Joyo volunteering at a retirement home is so precious
A compatibility quiz in casa is a little strange (and what is it with FB and matching outfits?) but Joyo and I crushed it (duh)
Ew, Bryson coming to flirt with me? Get away, I don't want you anywhere near me. Seeing Joyo happy that I shut him down was the only good thing about it
Summer hun, Joyo doesn't want you, just let us live our lives
Brother-zoning Raf made my day
I know some people didn't love it, but I adore how Joyo says that he's more about fun and building a friendship at the start instead of rushing into serious stuff, it's in line with everything he's told us so far
It's not exactly dirty talk during his chat, more describing the first date he'd take us on back home, but why did it have me sweating like it was? Ugh, I'm down so bad for this man
Once again, Summer, honey, Joyo's avoiding you because he wants me
Joyo pulling Bonnie was a little cute, I'm assuming it's to get my bestie's opinion on if I really want him and will accept no other theories
Stick or twist: Alex twisted to Uma, Bryson to Bonnie, and Raf stayed loyal. Joyo's speech has me squealing like a little girl, especially since he dropped the mysterious stuff and flat out said he was crazy into me. Summer's little temper tantrum was hilarious too, poor Raf didn't know how to put his foot down
Idk about the other girls sprites, but Geri's is... interesting. Her head doesn't fit her body and her angry face makes her look like a tomato.
I dgaf what she has to say though, I found my man and he's staying by my side or I'm calling FB to complain
All in all, pretty solid volume. There were too many misused slang words again and I want to interact with Bryson as little as possible.
The hold Joyo has on me is unreal. He can do no wrong (or I can fix him when he does, thanks fanfic!). Can't wait for all the drama next week and to see who the girls brought back
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