#looking back I just love how unbothered that kid was he didn’t even turn around or pause the game or anything
I’m not really a video game person but sometimes I think about this one time I got a migraine at my friend’s bday party in fifth grade and threw up in the living room while one of the other kids played portal on the tv, so I was just lying on the couch waiting for my mom to pick me up going in and out of a migraine haze while glados got her shit rocked in the background for 20 minutes. That was a formative experience
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01zfan · 6 months
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pray/want | j. sc
bad boy!sungchan x church girl!reader | 9.5k words
back at it again with another installment of my sacrilegious series! hope you guys enjoy heh. loosely based off of it will come back by hozier.
contains: drug mention, hand stuff (f. and m. receiving), biblical references and allusions to mary magdalene
sacrilegious masterlist | kofi
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you were too forgiving. too merciful. you were raised to think it was a strength. giving extra grace to people who don’t deserve it. forgiving those who took advantage of you. 
it was a problem you had since you were a child. you always considered yourself to be empathetic towards others before you even knew what the word meant. if they were mean to you, they must have been having a bad day. if someone took your toys on the playground, they must have wanted it more. if you were pushed, they must be in a hurry. everyone in your life told you this was a strength to have. they presented your patience as if it was a holy virtue, and it was your duty to give it to everyone. your private christian school only further instilled this mindset. meeting everyone where they were often came at your expense, but you didn’t mind. school was an echo chamber of positivity and life was a bubble inside the padded walls of the church.
sungchan was your first introduction to the world outside. he was a new face at mass, round and young just like yours. you remember being confused at the way they scowled at him, how the elders pinched his sides and told him to pay attention to the preacher. he remained unbothered, always picking at the chipping paint on the pews or messing with the flimsy hand fans. you watched as they called sungchan a problem kid and a troublemaker. you think that the words they whispered about sungchan was the first time you were exposed to the harsh reality of people. you watched those words mold sungchan into the very thing they called him. whispers from the elders told you that he was out doing drugs, having sex with women, and hanging out with the wrong crowd. you remember your parents pulling you aside and telling you to not get involved with him, that he would only drag you down. 
your empathetic heart couldn’t stop you from extending an olive branch to sungchan. you didn’t see him as the terrible person they claimed him to be. you saw him as a troubled boy with no guidance. he was still so young, the same age as you with baby fat present on his cheeks. 
sungchan taught you that your forgiving heart was a character flaw. it was a problem you were developing, not being able to leave him alone. you were like his silent apostle, set on the mission of fixing his tumultuous relationship with the church. you would sit next to him during youth group and answer for him, singing extra loud during hymns incase he didn’t know the words. your voice had gone raw from talking to him constantly. you would talk to him for ages to only get a simple shrug or a one worded reply. it didn’t stop you, only further encouraged you to try and break down his walls. 
you came to him in between mass and individual prayer when you saw him sneak out through a door in the kitchen. you found him outside leaning against the church, smoking right below the kitchen window. all someone had to do was look outside and they could see him.
“you know you’re smoking right in front of the window?” you ask him. 
sungchan didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. your polite and slightly nagging voice seemed to follow him everywhere. but sungchan found himself looking to you often, loving the shocked look on your face when he’d shrug his shoulders and blow smoke clouds into the air.
“i don’t care.” sungchan says. 
his tone had become flatter over the years, losing that playful lift he had when you first met him. his sentences had become deadpanned words and eyes became stone. it didn’t drive you away, it only did the opposite.
you come down the stairs, lifting your sunday dress as you did so. the flowy fabric grazed your ankles, and revealed your cute frilly socks. sungchan watched you let the dress come back down your legs, using the same hand to motion at his cigarette. 
“can i try?” you ask.
sungchan has amusement on his lips as he raises his eyebrows at your question. he takes in another drag, turning his head away so he doesn’t blow smoke in your face.
“you smoke?” sungchan asks.
you shrug your shoulders, trying to copy the way sungchan did it. it feels awkward pretending not to care about anything and you’re sure sungchan can tell that your shoulders stayed up for just a moment too long.
“yeah. sometimes.” you lie. 
you don’t know why you are lying to sungchan, or why the lie fell so easily from your lips. you were never the type to ever lie, telling the truth no matter what consequence fell upon you. sungchan looks towards the door to the kitchen. someone could come out at any moment and catch you.
sungchan was intrigued by you. he let his eyebrows fall back down his face and looked away from you to knock the ash from the end of his cigarette. he was intrigued how you continue to stay there while all of his attention went to the ash falling from his cigarette, something that came like second nature to him. sungchan let his eyes go to your clear jelly shoes, something he had only seen children wear. he couldn’t stop himself from letting out a little laugh seeing you nervously rock back on your heels while he basically ignored you. 
once the ash had fallen to the ground sungchan walked over to you. he looked down with a smirk as he moved it to your lips. when you tried to grab it with your own hand sungchan raised it just out of your lips reach. you looked at him and he lightly shook his head. 
“the smell will get on you, let me hold it.”  sungchan said.
he watched you as you took your first drag from the cigarette. you almost went crosseyed to focus on the butt of the cigarette lighting up. it was fine only for a moment, before your lungs that were only used to pulling in air filled up with smog. your lungs started screaming at you and you could feel your throat burn, but sungchan looking at you expectantly egged you on.
“attagirl.” he said once he decided you were done. 
he pulled the cigarette away from you and watched you intently.
you could only hold in the smoke for a second before you started coughing profusely. sungchan gently clapped his hand over your back, your face started to burn along with your throat and lungs, embarrassed at how you couldn’t stop coughing. the heat only intensified when you looked up at sungchan. being so close to sungchan made you realize how angelic he looked. he was like a cherub, with his soft cheeks and unblemished skin. you were wondering how anyone in the church could call someone so pretty such awful. he had a smile on his face while looking at you, biting his lip to not laugh in your face. he distracted you almost to the point your body forgot it had to cough, having to turn away from his face to cough into your fist. right before you could cough, you heard the screen door of the kitchen open.
“what are you two doing?” a woman said. 
you recognized the woman from the congregation. she had a hand on her hip and the other clutching a purse just a little too big for her close to her chest. her dresses always matched her purse, and you always found your eyes ruefully drifting to the fraying garment of her apparel.
sungchan looked at you, like he was expecting you to lie to the woman. your heaves had turns into slightly labored breathing, clearing your throat to keep yourself from coughing. he saw your expression and decided to take matters into his own hands. he leaned against the wall of the church to hide his hand. he dropped his cigarette to the ground behind him, putting out the end with his heel. he cleared his throat and you cleared yours again. when sungchan straightened his back you did too.
“praying.” sungchan said sarcastically.
the lady rolled her eyes. you saw her sneak a pack of cigarettes back into her purse and she flicked her head towards the door.
“go back inside. they need help setting the table.” she said.
sungchan puts his hands in his pockets and starts heading towards the door. he is unfazed by the light scolding, something he has gotten used to over the years. you, however felt your heart drop at the thought of disappointing someone older than you. the shame is doubled when the older lady stops you before you go inside.
“you’re a good girl. you shouldn’t be hanging out with him. he’s a bad influence.” she said quietly. 
you know sungchan could hear it, because his steps falter for a moment before he continues walking out of sight. you nod in haste, wanting the interaction to be over. the lady closes the door and you watch sungchan go past the kitchen. he continues to walk down the hallway of the church, far away from everyone else.
the lady’s warning set the dynamic for your relationship with sungchan. it didn’t stop you from seeing him, it could be argued it made you want to hang out with him more. you had become his goody-two-shoes sidekick, tagging along to his adventures and indulging yourself in his lifestyle. 
you had your first drink with sungchan. you remember taking the shot, the clear liquid stinging the back of your throat and making your stomach warm. it had become more enticing to you than the blood of christ that touched your lips during communion. the cheers of your name from the unfamiliar faces around you tempted you to take another.
when your hand reached for the bottom sungchan places his hand over yours. you looked up to sungchan and found the same look on his face of when you took your first drag of the cigarette. you didn’t know a look could be so powerful, giving you the courage to do things you would’ve never done in a thousand years. 
you watched sungchan’s friend get a tattoo the same day you got your first piercing in the bathroom. sungchan leaned over the sink to inspect your ear, marking the perfect place. you could feel his hot breath fan your neck as he prepped your ear for the puncture.
“you’re parents might be upset.” sungchan said.
he pulled away from your ear to look at you. he was giving you the chance to back out, to refuse the piercing. but it was that look he gave you that had you shrugging your shoulders—it was starting to come to you naturally.
“i don’t care.” you said. 
the truth was you did care, but you cared more about the man dangerously close to you. your parents were the furthest thing from your mind as sungchan went back to looking at your ear, sticking a needle through your lobe. the sound you made caught both you and sungchan by surprise. you bit your lip when he did the other ear, not trying to make that sound in front of him again. your teeth nearly drew blood from your lip when sungchan moved backwards to inspect you, making sure the punctures were even.
when sungchan turned you around in the mirror he stood behind you as you checked out the new jewelry. you turned your head, trying to take it all in. you looked to your ears then sungchan, standing behind you with his hand on your shoulders.
“it’s pretty.” you said.
sungchan looked into the mirror to look into your eyes.
“yes. very pretty.” sungchan said.
just when you thought you had sungchan, he disappeared. it was like he was a ghost or a figment of your imagination. one day he was sitting next to you in the pews and the next day he wasn’t. he stopped coming to church, his parents stopped coming too. rumors spread that he had runaway after a particularly bad argument with his parents. the fact that his parents were too ashamed to come back made you assume they did something awful the church didn’t want to admit.
sungchan was even harder to get in contact with. each time you had hung out with him he came and found you. when you wanted to reach him, you realized you had no way to do so. 
not being able to see him led to your imagination running wild. everyday you would go outside to the kitchen window where he would smoke, looking out into the forest that surrounded your church. your mind had helplessly come up with a scenario each time you’d walk down the steps. your mind conjured up the image of sungchan hiding in the trees, scared to be seen by anyone else but you. after seeing sungchan you’d stop in your tracks, so surprised to see him standing there. you had practiced your facial expressions, letting your eyebrows raise and your eyes get large. you saw yourself mindlessly walking over to him when he’d beckon to you. you imagined that he would bring you in for a kiss, a type of kiss that would make up for the months of all the yearning and pining. 
then afterwards you imagined that sungchan would tell you how much he missed you, not being able to find god at the parties of the bottom of shot glasses. you’d then walk him back to the church and have the congregation apologize for pushing his soul to stray even further away from the path of god. you wondered about a christian wedding, going full traditional. having kids that were baptized for everyone to see. everything about you two would be by the holy book, except for sex. you don’t think you could wait that long.
your manifestation of sungchan coming to you didn’t come to fruition. you didn’t see sungchan until months later as you were leaving choir practice. the expression you had practiced didn’t pan out the way you wanted to. your binder fell from your hands, sheet music falling onto the rocky parking lot.
sungchan came over to help you quickly, catching papers before they could run away in the wind. you had bent down to take the music from him, but you were frozen, stuck in place looking at sungchan. he didn’t say a word to you until your papers were safely tucked away again in your binder, closing it and putting it back in your hands. he looked to you and you couldn’t believe your eyes. your feet were stuck to the ground keeping you both in the squat position.
“hi.” sungchan said quietly.
you nodded you head and cleared your throat. you hung onto your binder, the only thing keeping you present.
“where have you been?” your voice is barely above a whisper.
you had a white knuckle grip on your flimsy plastic binder. you don’t know why you were so nervous to ask sungchan a question. in his absence he had become someone you didn’t want to doubt, scared that he would leave you again. 
sungchan’s face flashes for a moment before he stands up. he dusts himself off, metaphorically wiping your question off of him. he holds out his hand for you and you grab it, surprised at how clammy his hand is on yours.
once you’re up you still stare at him like he’s a ghost.
“can i take you somewhere?” sungchan asks.
it was dangerous to have sungchan in your life. you found yourself nodding quickly to every question he had, you think you would leave the church the same way he did if he held your hand while you walked out. seeing sungchan smile outside of the church made you wonder what life was like outside of it. maybe it was nice and you would be happier than you were here. so you nodded as he led you to the motorcycle that looked similar to his fathers.
he helped you to the back and took a helmet out of the side compartment. he coaxed your musical binder from your hands to put it in there, tightening the leather strap to keep it safe. you were nearly shaking with anxiety as sungchan put on his helmet too, throwing his leg over to straddle the seat.
the engine revved underneath you, and your hands that were previously gripping your binder were now clenched at your sides. you waited for sungchan to reach behind him and guide your hands to clasp around his waist.
“hold on tight.” sungchan said as he pushed away the kickstand.
your words were drowned out by the sound of the motorcycle leaving the parking lot. you held onto him, letting your head rest against his back as he hit the throttle. you thought that the road sungchan was taking you down at an unbelievable speed could be comparable to your life. the fear that came with your future turned to excitement when sungchan turned around and looked at you, asking if you were having fun. everything that was scary seemed fun when you had your arms around sungchan’s waist, even the idea of getting into an accident on the motorcycle turned into a thrill for you. it was the same thrill that sungchan always seemed to give you. it was one that only subsided when you used the same hand that signed the cross on yourself underneath the sheets. you pressed your hands flat against his stomach, feeling how solid he was through his shirt. sungchan’s back vibrated against your head from laughing.
sungchan didn’t move your hands until the motorcycle was parked. your eyes didn’t open until the engine stopped roaring and sungchan gently touched you to let you know you had both arrived. you don’t know how long your eyes were squeezed shut to get here. you opened your eyes to  sungchan standing in front of you, helping you out of your helmet. this was somehow more intimate than having your arms wrapped around his waist as you two plummeted down the highway. you had to look away for your own good, focusing on the concert venue that had a steady stream of people going in. you saw people dressed like sungchan going in, various crowds of people were around the concert hall smoking while others tipped their heads back and wiped their noses.
“have you ever listened to music that wasn’t religious?” sungchan said.
he had leaned against his motorcycle as you took in the view around you. it felt like you were dropped in a different dimension or alternate reality from your own. you had no idea that people like this existed so close to your modest township. it was all so foreign to you that you couldn’t even find the words to describe the aesthetic. the words came and went, trying to define ripped skinny jeans and people cursing freely. what this had to do with music was beyond you, but before you could answer sungchan’s question you saw him turn his head towards someone in the moving mass of people.
“sungchan! you’re fucking late!”
you followed the voice until it landed on someone dressed similarly to sungchan. black leather jacket and ripped skinny jeans, with hair that was so black it shined underneath the street lamps. he looked younger than you and sungchan, he had an innocent look about him that betrayed the clothes he was sporting. the only thing you had in common with the person in front of you was the same beat up shoes you both everyday. you felt nervous and out of place, like you didn’t belong here.
“who is this?” the boy said.
he seemed to know you didn’t belong here either, his voice significantly lower than when he called to his friend. the boys gaze went back to sungchan after giving you a once over. you did the same, looking to sungchan like you didn’t know who you were.
“this is,” sungchan looked like he was contemplating for a moment. a hand that was supporting his body against his motorcycle pointed towards you. “my friend from church.” sungchan said.
anton’s eyes got big for a moment, head slightly tilting in confusion. it was almost like a lightbulb went off anton’s his head a second later. anton turned to you, his face suddenly neutral.
“oh. nice to meet you. i’m anton.”
he didn’t offer his hand out to you, they stayed stuffed in the pockets of his jacket. he nodded his head and you did your best to copy him. it felt just like when you started shrugging your shoulders to copy sungchan. anton took his phone from his back pocket and showed the time to sungchan. it was about to be your curfew.
“wonbin is about to be on soon.” anton said.
“let’s go then.” sungchan said.
sungchan pushed himself off his bike and started following the crowd heading towards the building. you followed behind the two men, not really having anywhere else to go. you couldn’t help but stare at every face you passed by, wondering where all these kids your age had come from.
the only indication that showed you were in your town still was that the building had the same look as everything else in your town. there was a certain archaic and abandoned look to the building on the exterior. the brick had cracks the painting was chipped, and vegetation grew along the edges. the closer you, sungchan, and anton got to the building you could make out the faded sign of what the building once was. it was a factory who knows how long ago, and judging by the size business was booming at one point. now it was honing beacon for all the rebels in your town, young adults that were the same age as you but looked wiser and seemed significantly more mature. you had always been proud of your innocence when it came to life, but your lack of experience weighed down on you heavy as you looked past the large doors into the unknown. 
you saw two burly men guarding the entrance dressed in all black with shades on even though it was nighttime. both of their eyes immediately went to you, and you felt even more out of place than before. sungchan followed their eyes to see what they were looking at. he grabbed your hand and you grabbed it back, trying to seem as casual as possible. sungchan visibly straightened his shoulders a little more, his hand settling on something in his back pocket. you saw anton show his ID to the other bouncer while sungchan’s hand led you to the other one. the bouncer held out his hand but before he could ask for your ID, sungchan smiled big at him.
“she’s with me.” sungchan said cheerfully.
“still need to see ID.” he said.
you see sungchan pull whatever it was from his back pocket and hand it to the bouncer. it’s something small, but sungchan’s body blocks your line of sight to see exactly what it is. the bouncer gives you one last look and you can’t stop yourself from looking down at your feet. you’re sure it is painfully obvious you shouldn’t be here. the bouncer takes mercy on you for some reason and nods his head. sungchan pulls you by your hand to drag you inside. the bouncer only continues to look at you for a second before tending to the next person in line.
the inside of the venue was completely opposite of the outside. if the outside was worn down the interior looked like it was recently experienced a complete rebirth. the ground you thought would be cracked concrete was reworked hardwood. the mass of people coming in walked towards a medium sized stage, where a curtain was drawn hiding who was behind it. this was what you imagined to be a concert venue now, equipped with stands on both sides for extra people. you didn’t know something like this existed in your town. you stopped for a moment and anton looked back at you smiling.
“first time?” anton asked.
sungchan looked between you and anton with an apprehensive look. you almost felt like you shouldn’t talk to him before you nodded your head yes.
“this is like sunday mass but for a different type of congregation.” anton said.
you don’t know anton said it to poke fun at you, the smile on his lips fading when he looked at sungchan. but it made complete sense. everyone looked the same, dressed in attire for the occasion the same way you dressed every sunday morning. anton and sungchan bobbed and weaved through the crowd, sungchan leading you through the mass of people until you ended up on the side. anton said something to the security guard, leaning in close before turning around and pointing at you and sungchan. the security guard faltered for a moment before stepping back and pulling open the safety gate. the three of you walked through and made it on the other side of the curtain to a smaller room.
immediately when you walk in the something musty and pungent fills your nose. it’s strong and almost skunky. you look to anton and sungchan—they are unfazed. you don’t comment on the overwhelming smell, or the smoke that filled the small room. 
you only remember being in the room for ten minutes before your perception of time changed. one moment you just suddenly felt yourself looking to the clock every ten minutes to see that only two had passed. you sat on the couch while sungchan navigated the whole room. they listened to every word and the way they followed him around made you think of disciples. it made you giggle, you smiling into your hand when sungchan came to you on the couch.
“what’s so funny?” sungchan asked.
he had a smile of his own now, and his eyes were low and bleary. when you forgot the answer you just kept smiling. sungchan smiled back at you. you were giggling while sungchan when sungchan told his friend to break a leg, and you were giggling when sungchan grabbed you hand and took you to the bathrooms. you laughed at how piss covered the floors and how there was no toilet paper or soap in the dispensers. you were nearly in tears when sungchan started stuffing pieces of toilet paper into your ears as makeshift ear plugs. he was laughing too, quelling your worries that the toilet paper would get stuck in your ears. 
whatever you felt had died down by the time the show started, the loud music pulling you from your trance. the music thumped in your chest, you had to hold a hand to your heart to make sure it was still beating. sungchan seemed unbothered by being so close to the speakers though. he was cheering and singing along with his friend on stage. sungchan smiled more than you had ever seen him do so in church, and he knew all the words unlike the latin hymns he mouthed unsuccessfully during service.
everyone sang along to the lyrics except for you, bodies bumped into yours and everyone was pushing. if it wasn’t for sungchan behind you, you were sure you would’ve been swallowed up into the crowd. the music was nothing like what you were used to, but you tried to enjoy it anyway. it was different to see what rebels your age were doing while you were busy knowing nothing about life beyond your oratory.
the music blared from the stage, the bass made the floor underneath your feet shake. it went right through the soles of your shoes and travelled up from the balls of your feet. the bass went all the way to your head, shaking the individual hairs and rattling your skull. it was like all your senses were being taken away from you and replaced solely with the music that played onstage.
you could barely make out anything from the strobing lights, as fast as you were granted vision it was ripped away. the flashing lights contributed to the energy of the people surrounded you, like a ticking time bomb as gasoline filled all the way to the ceiling. everyone’s restless bodies started colliding when the music intensified. you don’t know if people started forgetting there were bodies around them as the music got louder and louder. it was the same way it was at sunday service. you saw people be overcome with emotion as they pushed to the music. they were swayed by the band on stage the same way your congregation was swayed by the priest. but just like there and just like now, the only thing that swayed you was sungchan. the only difference was that in church you could only dream about how close he was to you now. his hands rested on your hips as he guarded your body from the people moving around you. you felt his wet lips place a kiss to your neck, so soft and gentle unlike the harsh music that played onstage and the hectic crowd of people that surrounded you. 
sungchan’s wet lips pressed to your skin. you could feel the heat coming off his body in waves, and you were sweating on your own. the air seemed to vibrate as sungchan worked his way up to your ear before kissing the shell and leaning further in. you could feel his chest come close to your back as he whispered in your ear.
“i missed you.” sungchan said against your neck.
you weren’t sure if you were supposed to hear what sungchan said to you. his voice had intent, but it was supposed to be drowned out by the riffing guitar onstage and the bass that vibrated the speakers next to you. but when sungchan spoke to you, it cut through all the noise. it made the pulsing bodies surrounding you disappear. suddenly it was just you and sungchan in the venue--maybe in the whole world. 
you knew that whatever you said would be lost over the sound of the music. you just tilted your head until it rested on sungchan’s and nodded, to make sure he knew you felt the same way. 
you knew sungchan understood when his hands on your hip dug into the your church dress. the fabric stood no chance against his grip, it was almost like there wwas nothing there at all as sungchan held you tight.
“i want you.” he said into your ear.
you smiled as you looked ahead to the stage. want was so juvenile to you. you learned about want and have felt want for so long that it came to you like breathing. the want you were taught about in church was subject to god’s will. what you felt for sungchan couldn’t be contingent on anyone, not even if they were all knowing. 
what you needed couldn’t be defined as something so simple as want. it was defined as a burning desire and something you pretended wasn’t a necessity until now. the same way you taught sungchan about the bible you planned to teach him about something else. so while you were shoulder to shoulder with sweaty pushing strangers you turned around to face him. sungchan was still leaned over to kiss your neck when you put both hands to his face to pull him in. he kissed you with want but you kissed him back with necessity. it was carnal the way you took his bottom lip into your mouth and the way the bass in your moan rang in both of your mouths. you only took a hand away from sungchan’s face to push his hands lower on your body. he gripped your ass as you deepened the kiss. you kissed sungchan so eagerly that his face was being pushed back as he tried to reciprocate. 
when the song ended you pulled away first. sungchan was in the same place you left him, with his eyes closed and head tilted. his lips were red and swollen. want couldn’t compare to what you felt. you could fill this warehouse to the ceiling with want. what you felt for the man before you was something that could only be expressed underneath the sanctified sheets of your bed.
“my parents are asleep around this time. they don’t get up till afternoon service.” you said.
you said it at normal volume, still thinking it was just you and sungchan. the lights around you barely illuminated your face as your faced sungchan. your voice was lost in the screaming crowd, and sungchan could hardly make out the words your lips mouthed. so he looked into your eyes, he let them guide his next actions as he nodded his head. sungchan looked down to see your hand and your gaze fix on the exit. 
the show was over when sungchan grabbed your hand and led you to the exit. it was sungchan who was pushing concertgoers now, bumping into people without care if they were in the way. you trailed behind him, bumping into people as a result of it. you apologized to who you could, but someone giving you a hard look was the least of your worries. you would repent for being impatient later.
you and sungchan beat the crowd leaving the venue. he didn’t bother to look for his friend or to say goodbye. sungchan was only focused on making sure his spare motorcycle helmet was secure on your head before kicking his bike off the ground.
you held onto sungchan’s waist as you sped down the highway towards your home. you took the risk to let go of him when he hit the highway. he slowed down on the empty road to let you spread your arms out. you felt the wind around you, and you hoped it would carry away the smell of cigarettes and skunk that stuck to your clothes. sungchan still knew the way, and he knew to park his motorcycle on the side of the road instead of pulling up to the driveway. 
you looked to sungchan one last time before opening the door to your home. he was on his own path that deviated from the church a long time ago. you weren’t sure what he was doing besides enjoying music and doing drugs, but it didn’t matter. him being outside of the church as you were leaving had to be something like divine intervention. 
it was that intervention that led sungchan down your creaky hallway, sneaking past your parents that were sleeping on the couch. with a finger to your lips sungchan found himself following someone else’s orders for the first time in awhile, taking the same steps as you to be as quiet as possible.
sungchan walked down your hallway that was adorned with crosses and decorations of angels. he was sure he saw the statue of jesus on the top of a table, and a painting of his birth was stuck to the wall. sungchan let you pass by him so you could slowly open the door of your bedroom. he looked down the hallway to see the glow from the television casted on the wall. he heard the low sound of a late night televangelist before hearing your voice.
you called to him gently from the depth of your room. he couldn’t see from his spot in the shadow of your hallway, so his feet carried him until he was beside your doorframe. 
sungchan saw you sitting on the center of your bed. you were still in your dress, but sungchan felt like you were laying yourself bare before him. he was frozen in place underneath the rosary that draped your doorframe. he was compelled to do the sign of the cross over his body, but nothing could make him move. it wasn’t until you beckoned to him that sungchan took a deep breath before taking a step into your room. 
sungchan said nothing about the religious paraphernalia in your room. suddenly the crosses you had collected over the course of your life was humiliating as sungchan looked at every single one of them. you motioned for him to turn off the lights as he closed the door behind him, but the miniature figure of christ you had on your desk could still be seen in the dead of night. sungchan almost felt like something terrible would happen to him if he mentioned it, like getting struck by lightning or your parents suddenly coming into your room. 
the only thing that kept sungchan calm was looking at you. you felt unrest seeing sungchan stand still in your doorway. he must’ve still feared something judging him by the way he looked at you. you patted the space on the bed beside you, adjusting yourself on your knees to seem as welcoming as possible. 
sungchan sat on the bed next to you, his legs leaning over the side of the bed. he was ready to get up and leave at any moment. you’re body head to toe is tingling with excitement, and you want to remind sungchan about the want he told you about earlier. you turn your back to him and reveal the zipper down the back of your dress.
“can you help me?” you ask.
sungchan says nothing, but you can feel the pads of his fingers hold the fabric surrounding your zipper in place while he brings the other hand to the zipper itself. you can feel the pads of his fingers on the bare skin of your neck that the dress doesn’t cover. you shake as your hear the metal teeth open down your back, and the cold skin of your room touches your skin.
when the zipper is all the way down, sungchan brings his hand to your two shoulders. he slowly helps your arms out of the sleeves, and you let it fall off your body. you can hear him exhale and feel his breath fan the skin of your back. sungchan brings hesitant fingers to the clasp of your bra. you can hear him behind you shuffle to move his body further on the bed.
“can i?” sungchan whispers.
you swallow and nod your head.
“yes.” you say quietly.
sungchan misses the clasp on the first try, and it catches you off guard when your chest suddenly feels free after his second attempt. he helps you out of the bra the same way he did with your dress. you let it fall off your body, falling on top of the pile your dress made.
you stretch the curve or your back. sungchan only looks at your shoulder blades, too nervous to move any further. you lift the top of your dress from the bed and press it to your bare chest. you look behind your shoulder to look at sungchan. his eyes break from your shoulders to your eyes, and then to your lips. sungchan watches you as you move backwards onto the bed, giving him space to move in front of you.
the two of you sit in the silence of your room, looking to eachother. you can hear the sound of the wind blowing outside, and the sound of a loud commercial break on the television in the living room. you move underneath the loose fabric of your dress and bring your legs closer to your body. sungchan shifts too, and you can see his hand reach out before he brings it back to his body. he lets his finger press into the duvet on your bed as you clear your throat.
“do you still want me?” you ask.
sungchan nods his head and moves forward towards you. he still hesitates, not letting his hand that’s on your calf go up any higher. 
“i want you so bad. you don’t understand.” sungchan said.
you hated that you understood what sungchan meant all too well. you could sit here and debate the logistics with him, how you could teach him what it feels like to truly yearn something like the way you yearned for him. you wanted to show sungchan about passion that went beyond want, and you longed to drive him so crazy that he would feel the same burning desire you felt when you didn’t see him for all that time. so you grab sungchan’s hand and guide it to the dress you had let go of. it rested on your body like covers, ready to be taken off if sungchan was willing. he looked to you and you nodded your head as he held your dress. 
sungchan pulled the dress away from you slowly, revealing more and more of you to him. you gasped as you felt his eyes on you. by the time sungchan takes your dress fully off, you are only left in your cross pendant and underwear. sungchan is entranced, eyes dragging down your whole body. he lifts your legs to help pull the dress off all the way. sungchan gently drops your clothes over the edge of your bed. you point at sungchan’s shirt, and he takes off his shirt and pants too. 
you are both left in your underwear underneath the plethora of crosses on your wall. the bible is next to your bed on the table with a rosary piled neatly on top. it’s ignored when you sit on your bed and spread your bent legs slightly. sungchans hand starts from your feet, tracing up your leg slowly until he reaches your knee. his fingers come down your leg as he slots his body in between them. 
his fingers don’t stop until he thumbs the cross pendant on your necklace.
“sign of the cross.” sungchan says quietly.
you settle further into your bed, and spread your legs further.
“do you remember how to do it?” you ask
sungchan nods before bringing three fingers from his right hand to your bare body. he touched your forehead, then dragged his fingers down the valley of your chest to your solar plexus. sungchan touched both of your shoulders, using your collarbone as a guide. you let out a breath sigh of amen, but sungchan didn’t do the same. he brought his hand back to your stomach, going lower and lower on your body. he looked at you for permission, and you nodded and spread your legs further. 
you felt the carnal desire that evolved from want fill your room to the brim as sungchan let his fingers go underneath the waistband of your panties. he teased you only for a second, the pads of his fingers bumping your clit before his fingers went further down your folds. you gasped when sungchan finally put his fingers inside of you. he kept his fingers still for a moment inside of you, waiting for you to adjust and move first. you wasted no time pulling your hips back to bring them forward again as you used sungchan’s fingers to pleasure yourself.
he brought his other hand to your lower stomach, feeling the supple skin of your stomach.
“i’m so bad for you, you know.” sungchan said.
his actions differed from his words. the way he had his fingers on you made you feel so good, and the high you felt from the drugs in your system and the rush from the night made you want to continue chasing that feeling. so you ignore sungchan’s indirect warnings and continued to push your hips to meet his fingers.
“i can save you.” you whimper quietly. 
sungchan looked from your hips to your eyes. he looked deep into you but you didn’t shy away. you continued to push your hips to feel his fingers go inside of you deeper. you didn’t break eye contact until sungchan bent his fingers and hit a spot you didn’t know existed. you bit your lip and tilted your head back. your whole body leaned, forcing you to prop yourself up on your outstretched hands behind you. 
sungchan moved from his spot on the bed to get closer you. he hovered over your body, his hand on top of yours as his other hand continued to pump in and out of your body. you looked up at sungchan, spreading your legs further as sungchan took over. he let you rest as he started doing all the work. he wanted it to be fast, seeing your chest jump as his finger started pistoning into you. you brought your hand that was free to hold sungchan’s bicep. he still held your gaze, nodding as you let quiet moans fall from your lips. your eyes closed in bliss—you couldn’t stop the words from falling out of your mouth.
“oh my god.” you sighed.
“i know.” sungchan whispered back.
sungchan kept going, even through the pain of you digging your nails into his skin. he kept going even when you fell to your back and closed your thighs around his hand. sungchan didn’t stop until you cried out his name from your pillow and slick want came from you. you clamped around his fingers and sungchan scissored them inside of you, trying to give you all you could take. he didn’t stop until your legs slid down your bed and you used a weak hand to pull his fingers out of you.
sungchan watched you bring your hand to your chest as you stared at the ceiling. sungchan laid on the bed next to you and placed a hand next to yours. he could feel your heart pounding in its cage. he brought a hand to his heart and he could feel it beat with the same urgency.
you let yourself relax next to sungchan. you let your hand go down his body. you do the same thing sungchan did to your body, your three fingers grazing across his body before going underneath the waistband of his boxers. you look up and kiss sungchan’s forehead as you wrap your hand around his length. it’s heavy and twitches in your hand as you slowly stroke him. 
his usual demeanor crumbles almost instantly, he is the vulnerable one underneath your touch. he pushes his body further up until he is resting against the headboard of your bed and you follow him. you face sungchan as you continue pumping his length, and his hands dig into your sheets. you come closer to his lips to kiss him again, trying to swallow the tiny sighs he lets out. sungchan gives you the reins and you let desire take control of your actions. desire makes you pull down sungchan’s waistband and it makes you put your tongue into his mouth. sungchan pulls his underwear off the rest of the way and you take a peak at his length. in the darkness of your room the moonlight comes in perfectly, giving you just enough sight. you can see your hand glisten in the light as it goes up and down sungchan’s dick. it’s a soft wet sound, only magnified by the quiet of the night. 
sungchan grips your hand and tightens it around his length. he starts lifting his hips to fuck himself up into your hand and you watch his body work to bring himself pleasure. you can see the sweat form on his taut skin, and his hair starts to stick to his forehead from the exertion. sungchan can barely bring himself to look at you as he chases his own pleasure. you force him to make eye contact when you move his bangs from his face and lift his gaze with fingers underneath his chin. the pace he set with his thrusts falter for a second when he looks into your eyes. you help him by bringing your hand down faster and tighten the grip of your hand. you can feel sungchan’s hand clasp around yours further, and how his thighs start to shake from the work of thrusting. 
that’s what separates you and sungchan. his want drives him to hastily fuck your hand, trying to reach a high that only came to him hours ago. what you needed has had time to ferment. it started as want—you wanted sungchan to come to church. you wanted him to find his path. you wanted him to kiss you. but it had time to brew in your stomach over the time time you didn’t see him and when your mind was forced to fill in the gaps. it was like a wound, festering on your skin and reopened anytime sungchan came into your orbit. he knew nothing about yearning or craving something the way you did. but you kept pumping your hand for him, because you wanted to keep him coming back for more. you wanted to become a wound on his skin and burn the fleeting touches into his brain. you were going to become something sungchan longed for, and maybe over that time your own craving would subside. sungchan would need you and you would be able to use a word as weak as want to describe how you feel about him. 
when sungchan’s hand go back into your panties, your hand faltered. you looked to sungchan bewildered, but he only looked back at you with blown out eyes. his eyes consumed you while his bitten lips drew you in again. maybe sungchan already felt the same as you, he was just better at hiding it. maybe the plan you had for sungchan would end up destroying the both of you. you didn’t care as you helplessly rutted into his fingers. if desire killed you before it subsided to want you would be okay with it. if you were to die at the hands of something that felt so good, you would welcome it with open arms. 
you brought your mouth away from sungchan’s to go to his neck. you suck and bit at his skin, and he brought a hand to your back to bring you closer. you were kneeling beside his body, praying into the skin of sungchan’s neck as he whimpered next to you. in the comfort of your bed kneeling wasn’t painful. you wondered why you spent so much of your life kneeling for forgiveness on the rough ground of the outside world or the padded walls of your church. you wasted your time kneeling to anything but pleasure. 
your revelation hits you the same time it hits sungchan. he thrusts into your hand once more before staying there. he whined quietly as his hand presses deeper into your back and inside of you. you can feel his dick twitch and warmth covers his hand and yours in spurts. you continue to pump his dick as he becomes a mess underneath you and you grind your hips on his hand so you can feel your own revelation again. your body turns to jello for the second time of the night as you lean your entire body weight against sungchan’s chest. you can’t stop letting your sounds increase in volume as you lean further into sungchan’s chest. you let your sounds out into his clammy skin as he continues to finger you. you have to take your hand from his dick and pull his hand out so you can calm down.
“i’m sorry.” sungchan says.
he wraps both arms around you and brings you weak body in for a hug. you only shake your head, trying to form a coherent thought.
”it’s okay.” you whine.
after you come back from heaven, you realize exhaustion is starting to weigh down on your body. you’ve had a busy day, the adrenaline high crashes down on you fast. you end up drifting to sleep still leaned against sungchan’s body, but he is left wide awake. he only says your name once, slightly shaking your body to see if you will come to. you don’t wake up, and sungchan uses what’s left of his energy to slide down from the headboard so you’re both laying on the bed. sungchan feels the mess he made over his hands and stomach. he believes that he doesn’t have a home here, or the right to lay in your bed. so he gently moves your sleeping body, pulling your hand wrapped around his waist and turning you so you lay on the pillow. your body instantly adapts, pulling in a blanket to hold it the same way you were holding him. 
sungchan gets up from your bed and starts putting his clothes back on. it’s slow and hesitant—he does everything in his power to keep you asleep. sungchan starts walking towards your door with his jacket and belt in hand when he hears shuffling on your bed.
“do you need a place to sleep tonight?” you whisper sleepily.
sungchan froze before he could turn the handle. he looked back at you, seeing your state and he nodded solemnly. you thought even in the dark of night you could see his crestfallen face, or maybe it was waves that radiated off of him in droves. you thought for the night he wouldn’t be alone as you lifted up the corner of your sheets, showing an empty spot just for him. sungchan came from your doorway to your bed, setting his jacket on the back of your chair and taking off his jeans. in just his boxers and shirt he crawled underneath the covers. he held open his arms, showing he had a spot for you too. you nestled into him without hesitation, tucking your head underneath his chin.
“i would give you anything you need.” you whispered into sungchan’s chest.
his arms around your body wrapped around you more, pulling you closer. you had almost wished he had drifted off to sleep. you wanted to whisper into his chest that he could come to you like a stray cat, wounded and hungry and you’d take him in each time. you wanted to tell him that you didn’t care if you were too forgiving or too naive. you wanted to be there for him like a saint if it meant you could continue to receive his offerings. if you enabled him until there was nothing left you would savor each moment you had with him. if you ended up saving sungchan you would make a future with him.
sungchan knew that he wouldn’t be able to rid himself of you even if he tried. something about you entranced him and had him wanting to come back. maybe it was the way you prayed with the same hands you used to undress yourself backstage. he imagined nights in the near future of him sitting on the edge of your bed while you gave him a show. maybe it was a trauma response. sungchan knew that the life he was living would drain him emotionally and physically. if he were to appear on your doorstep in the dead of the night after a show or a bender he knew your forgiving heart would let him in. he knew you couldn’t bare to see someone else in pain, especially if it was him.
you both knew the dynamic you two were actively changing all night was going to become volatile later down the line. you would end up taking mercy on sungchan’s self-destructive lifestyle in exchange for the freedom he brought you, while sungchan would use you to recuperate before going out and destroying himself some more. you would try to change him under the guise of showing him “the light” and he would corrupt you under the guise of showing you life outside the church. who needed who more would only become blurred and several lines would be crossed. you both knew you were trapping yourselves in a vicious cycle, one that you would probably go through on your own to keep it a secret from the church and your family. 
it didn’t matter when sungchan sighed contently and kissed your forehead. his lips were soft against your skin, it brought you the same comfort the church used to bring you. so you sighed from the comfort and settled further in your tomb, underneath the six layers of your clothes and blankets. your body was still cold, the only thing that brought warmth was sungchan’s body. it made you feel like you were alive, like you would be reborn when you emerged from the covers in the morning.
“you know i’ll be back.” sungchan said clearly.
when you woke up the next morning, sungchan had dug himself out from under the blankets. he had risen revived from your forgiveness while you were left alone in the grave.
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corroded-hellfire · 8 months
Finally His Year - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish Story
Collab with my soulmate @munson-blurbs 🩵
Summary: It’s Eddie’s birthday and what he really wants is you.
Note: In honor of JQ’s 30th birthday woohoo 🎉
Words: 4.1k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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The Munson house is buzzing when you arrive. There are three unfamiliar cars parked in front of it, probably from the other people celebrating Eddie’s birthday with him. You have his gift tucked under your arm and a Tupperware of raspberry and white chocolate chip cookies in that same hand, using the free one to ring the doorbell. 
You barely have time to pull your forefinger back before the door swings open. Luke peeks his head around, grinning when he sees you standing there. 
“Good evening, madam-a-zell,” he says in a vague concoction of European accents—none of them even resembling French. “May I take your—ooh, cookies!”
Laughing, you reach over and ruffle his mop of curls. “These are for Daddy, Luke-miere.” When his face falls, you quickly add, “but maybe he’ll share.”
This placates him, and he skips off to announce your arrival. As soon as he says your name, you hear the sound of Eddie’s feet shuffling towards the entryway. 
“You made it!” He says with a huge smile. In your dreams, he pulls you in for a hug and kisses you tenderly. But this is real life, so he just stands with his hands in his pockets. 
“I made it,” you agree awkwardly. It takes a moment for you to remember everything you’re holding. “Oh, these are all for you.” You maneuver it all, handing him the cylindrical tube and then the plastic container. Luke loudly clears his throat, and you grin. “Unless you feel like sharing the cookies.”
Eddie takes the presents, shaking his head at his younger son’s interruption. “I’ll consider it. Thank you, Sweetheart.”
That stupid nickname. You love and hate it; as much as he calls you that, you know you’re not his sweetheart. Because he’s married. 
His wife—God, you hated that she held that title—was sipping a full glass of wine. Though she’s standing next to Nancy, the two aren’t exchanging any words. 
You should go over there. Brittany is technically one of your employers, so it’s best not to rock the boat. Unless, of course, you could ensure she’d fall overboard. 
Plastering a feigned smile on your face, you walk over to her. Before you can even get out a hello, she points towards Ryan and Luke. 
“They have to go to bed at nine o’clock, so just have them in their pajamas with their teeth brushed by then.”
Embarrassment crawls under your skin. “Oh, I, um, I’m actually here for the party. Not to babysit.”
Brittany doesn’t seem thrown off at all; she just rolls her eyes and turns to Nancy. “Didn’t realize people still needed parties after they turned thirty,” she quips. 
To her credit, Nancy just shrugs and walks to you, ignoring the snark hurled your way. She guides you over to where the rest of the group is chatting. 
“Can you say, ‘Uncle Dusty’?” Dustin asks little Tiffany Mayfield-Sinclair, gently bouncing her in his arms. “C’mon…Un-kul Duh-stee!”
“Elmo!” Tiffany claps her chubby hands together gleefully, unbothered by Dustin’s frustration. 
“I think your kid’s broken,” he grumbles, handing the little girl back to Lucas. 
“She was fine until you held her,” Lucas quips as he holds his daughter against his chest.
“Or maybe she just thinks you look like Elmo,” Steve offers with a shrug. 
“What is this, high school?” Dustin asks, looking between his friends. “Ganging up on me?”
Eddie shakes his head and gives a loud tsk. 
“It’s because you’re not part of the club, Henderson.”
“Oh, because I’m not a dad?” Dustin asks, gesturing with a motion that looks very similar to jazz hands. “That’s fine. Because I’m the coolest uncle these kids have. Someone has to be that figure in their lives.”
“Are they always like this?” you ask Nancy with an amused chuckle.
“Since high school,” Nancy confirms with a sigh. “The sad thing is, I can see how they’ve matured since then.”
You giggle at her response before there’s a weighted thunk against the front of your legs. Ryan’s chocolate eyes peer up at you, a huge grin on his round face. 
“Well hello, you,” you greet him, reaching down to ruffle his honey colored hair. 
“I’m so happy you’re here!” Ryan cheers. Warmth spreads in your chest at his words. You’re touched until he opens his mouth again to ask, “Luke said you brought cookies?”
“I did,” you tell him, tugging on a lock of hair that’s fallen into his eyes. “But they’re for your dad. It’s up to him if he wants to share with you guys.” Of course he will, you think to yourself. Eddie loves these boys more than Luke loves his Hot Wheels collection; and as you’re reminded by the five-year-old almost every day you babysit, that’s a lot. 
“Maybe after he opens his presents,” Ryan muses, more to himself than you. “Or after we have the cake Aunt Nancy made.
A little girl’s call echoes around the room. The older Munson boy gives you a quick smile before running towards the kitchen where Natalie Harrington is drawing a picture. 
Something Ryan said sticks in your brain though. You turn towards Nancy, brow pinching slightly.
“You made Eddie’s cake?” you ask. 
The deep breath Nancy takes lets you know there’s more to the story than she’s probably going to tell you. After all, she hardly knows you. The two of you had only met a handful of times since you started watching the boys last year and none of the visits were particularly long. It's an annoyed sigh that Nancy heaves out, her petite shoulders falling with the release. She’s not annoyed at you, if her kindness and body language towards you are anything to go on. So, what’s got her so tense?
“I did,” Nancy affirms. She’s quiet for a moment and at first you think that’s all she’s going to say. But the way her head bobbles slightly from side to side and her jaw muscles tighten and release, you can tell she’s picking her words carefully before she speaks. To her, you’re her friend’s employee so how much should she reveal? “Steve, um, called Eddie yesterday morning to confirm the time for the party today. Eddie was headed out the door just as Steve called. He said he was going to the grocery store. To buy his own birthday cake.”
“His own? Why couldn’t his wife get it? Or better yet, why didn’t she make one for him with the boys?” Your mind floats back to when you and the boys made a cake for Ryan’s birthday over the summer. It was messy and overly sweet, but the love and care put into it are what made it special. 
“That’s what I said,” Nancy grits out through a clenched jaw. After a few moments, you see Nancy’s body deflate. The tension rolls off her like a wave returning to the sea. “So, I made him one. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.”
“Carrot cake?” you ask, wrinkling up your nose. It’s not that you disliked the dessert, it just wasn’t what you would’ve pegged Eddie for on his birthday. 
“I know,” Nancy says with a small chuckle. She shakes her head in amusement, wavy locks of hair swaying at the movement. “He can’t be typical, right? Not chocolate or vanilla—or even strawberry, but carrot cake. That’s Eddie for ya.”
The party continues with casual conversations: milestones Tiffany is meeting, work updates for the “kids” (who were now full-fledged adults, but would always be freshmen to Eddie), and a tentatively scheduled reunion for their high school Dungeons & Dragons club. It only came to a stop when there was a crash in the kitchen. 
Everyone’s heads whipped around at the sound, worried that one of the Munson or Harrington children was causing chaos, but the reason for the clamor was none other than Brittany. She’d dropped the cheese and cracker board on the ground and was laughing like she’d just heard the funniest joke. 
“Oopsie daisy!” She cackles, nearly falling over with the force of her laugh. While the rest of you had been casually sipping wine or beer, she had been drinking like she was at a frat party. 
“Jesus,” Nancy mutters under her breath. 
Eddie glances at Steve, who nods at Lucas, and the two of them step in towards Brittany. 
“C’mon, time for bed, Britt,” Steve says as patiently as he can manage. He hooks an arm around her, and Lucas does the same on the other side. It’s obvious that this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. A well-oiled machine, ensuring that the kids are none the wiser.
Small miracles, you suppose. 
“We can do presents when they get back,” Max jumps in, trying to keep the attention away from the drunk woman stumbling away. 
Eddie nods in agreement, collecting the various gifts from the kitchen table and placing them next to his spot on the sofa. When he sits, he spreads his legs enough that you can imagine yourself between them, pressing kisses up his thighs to his—
No. Stop it. 
When Steve and Lucas return, Eddie reaches for the first package. Though the room is filled with excited murmurs and crinkling wrapping paper, you can still make out the quiet conversation between Nancy and her husband. 
“Did you hold a pillow over her head?”
“No, Nance.”
“Damn it.”
You tuck your lips into your mouth to stifle a smile. 
Eddie pulls out a pair of sneakers from the box: white with a black check mark on the side. He immediately slides them on his feet, wiggling his toes around to ensure enough room. “These are perfect! My old ones were falling apart.”
“We know,” Nancy says wryly as Steve proudly announces, “You said you liked mine, so I got you the same ones.”
“Aww!” Dustin coos, pursing his lips exaggeratedly. “You guys are twins!
Eddie discreetly flips him off before continuing through his stash. Theo and Natalie Harrington made him woven friendship bracelets, which he immediately slid onto his left wrist. When he opens Dustin’s gift, a mug printed with the words “rock ‘n roll” underneath a cartoon rock and dinner roll, Wayne proclaims that it’s even cornier than the ones in the trailer. 
Eddie’s face lights up at the present from Max and Lucas—a new Walkman and some heavy metal cassettes. 
A pit forms in your stomach: is your gift going to be enough? Will he even like it? Was this whole thing a bad—
“Holy shit.”
You look up to see Eddie staring awestruck at the now-unwrapped present; specifically, the present you got for him. It’s an autographed Metallica poster that you’d spotted at the mall months ago, before his birthday was even a consideration. You’d bought it and kept it safely in your room, waiting for the perfect time to give it to him. 
“Sweetheart, this is…” He just shakes his head, blinking misty eyes. “Wow. I, um…thank you,” he finally manages. 
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie had seen that same poster just last week. He had Brittany’s shopping bags clutched in his hands when he walked towards the record store. 
Kirk Hammett’s signature called to him like a siren. 
Eddie was just about ready to pay for it when Brittany marched over, plucking it from his grip and mumbling something about not having room for any more of his stupid music shit. 
That had been the end of that. 
“You’re welcome,” you say with a small shrug, as if it was nothing at all. “I saw it and immediately thought of you.” That wasn’t too much to say, right? It’s normal to think of someone when you see something you know they’d love, right? Even if that person is your boss?
Once Luke stops scavenging through his father’s presents like one might be hidden there for him, he looks up at his dad with wide, pleading eyes that he most definitely inherited from the man. 
“Time for caaaake?”
Eddie snorts and playfully rolls his eyes. A ringed hand comes down to ruffle the little boy’s curls.
“I guess we could have cake now.”
The Munson boys and the Harrington sibling duo cheer in excitement and beat everyone else into the kitchen. All you can hear as the kids disappear into the next room is an I’m okay! from Luke.
Steve taps you on the shoulder as you step over the threshold into the kitchen.
“Hey, could you give me a hand with the cake?” he asks. 
“Sure.” You follow Steve over to the refrigerator, silently wondering how many women had actually denied the handsome man anything when he asked in such a smooth voice. 
The cake looks delicious as Steve pulls it out of the fridge. Nancy definitely put in some work to make sure it turned out this lovely. The cream cheese frosting is smooth on all sides with delicate piping lining the edge of the rectangular sheet cake. In a beautiful scrawl that is far nicer than your own handwriting, she had written “Happy Birthday Eddie!” in black gel icing. 
Steve sets the cake down on the gray granite counter and reaches for a drugstore bag that has a pack of candles and a lighter in it. The two of you work as a team to plug the cake with the multicolored striped sticks and take turns lighting different sides of the cake. 
“You got it?” Steve asks as he steps over towards the light switches on the wall.
“Yep,” you assure him as you carefully lift the flaming desert off the counter. Turning around to face the table proves the most difficult part as you slowly spin your body while keeping the cake steady. 
Eddie is seated at the table, kids surrounding him on all sides as they clamor about what’s taking so long with the cake. Taking so long? You thought you and Steve worked pretty efficiently together. 
“Watch out rugrats,” Dustin says, clapping a hand on Luke’s shoulder and pulling him out of your way. 
You give the curly haired man a grateful smile before you slide the cake onto the table right in front of Eddie. As you go to pull your arms away, pale, calloused fingers reach up and rest against your skin for a moment.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Eddie says. 
All you did was carry a cake over but you’re more than glad to receive praise from your boss any time that you can. 
Steve flips the kitchen lights off and everyone breaks into a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday. Ryan stands right in front of you as you sing, and you rest your hands on his small shoulders. 
“Make a wish!” Luke calls from Dustin’s side once the singing ended. He watches as his dad purses his lips, thinking of a wish. The dim lighting in the room may be playing tricks on you, but you could’ve sworn Eddie’s eyes flickered over to you before he took a deep breath and blew out all thirty-something of the candles on the first try. 
“Yay!” Luke cheers while everyone else claps. “Whatcha wish for?”
Ryan scoffs and rolls his eyes at his little brother. “He can’t tell you or it won’t come true.”
“For my last birthday I wished for a pet,” Luke says. 
“Is that why you dug up the worm in the backyard?” Eddie asks.
“Yep,” Luke announces, a proud smile on his face. 
“Wormy Munson is missed,” Ryan says, patting his little brother’s shoulder. 
The attention quickly turns from squiggly little pets when Nancy asks the room, “Who wants a piece?”
“Me!” Four children’s hands shoot up at the same time, but Nancy just shakes her head at them.
“Birthday boy gets first crack at it,” she says as she slices a piece and transfers it to a Darth Vader paper plate. Nancy delivers that and a plastic fork to Eddie before returning to the counter to cut slices for the rest of the guests. 
When you get your piece of cake, you slip into a seat next to Eddie’s at the table. 
“So, carrot cake, huh?” you ask him with a playful smirk on your face. 
“Hey, gotta get vegetables into these kids somehow,” Eddie says, reaching behind him to tickle Ryan’s belly. The older boy laughs and moves out of his dad’s reach. 
“Broccoli brownies next?” you ask, a shit eating grin on your face before you pop a chunk of cake into your mouth.
“Such a smart ass,” Eddie teases, scooping some of his icing onto his pinky and wiping it off on the tip of your nose. Both boys giggle as you try to reach it with your tongue, trying to stretch it out as far as possible to lick it off. Though the boys found it funny, Eddie had an entirely different feeling wash over him as he watched your tongue snake out to try and lick the white substance off your face. His pants tighten and Eddie shifts in his seat, trying to hide his crotch further beneath the table. 
Guests drift in and out of the kitchen with their plates of cake, mingling with one another out in the living room. You offer to collect the paper plates up for the garbage once everyone is done. You’re carrying the stack back towards the kitchen when you hear Steve and Eddie having a conversation in there. It’s pretty clear this is just meant to be between them, but when you hear Steve’s question to his best friend, your feet become glued to the floor. 
“Think you’ll finally get lucky tonight since it’s your birthday?” 
Eddie snorts. “It doesn’t seem like it.” You can practically picture him nodding his head in the direction of his bedroom where Brittany is probably snoring her ass off as she sleeps off her alcohol. You really hope she has a hangover tomorrow. 
“Not what I meant, dude,” Steve replies.
This catches you off guard. Who could Steve possibly be talking about if not Brittany? Does… A sickening thought winds its way through your brain, claws taking hold in those places that are already prone to insecurities. Does Eddie have a girlfriend? It’s not like you would judge him for it after Brittany’s whoring around is common knowledge. But it drives an ice pick through your heart just picturing Eddie with his own awful, evil wife. Knowing he might be with someone who could be kind and caring should comfort you—but it doesn’t. It makes you want to tear your skin off to think of Eddie with anyone else but you. Because if he wasn’t going to be with Brittany, you wanted him to be with you. And if you didn’t even get a chance to show him what the two of you could be together? The idea threatened to destroy you. 
“Watch it Harrington,” Eddie answers Steve, his voice low. It’s the closest thing to a warning you’ve ever heard from him. 
A familiar toddler’s cry abruptly ends their conversation and your now-agonizing eavesdropping. Eddie shakes his head, giving Steve one last glare as he walks out of the kitchen, and looks over at a wailing Tiffany Mayfield-Sinclair. 
Ryan scrunches his face. “Daddy, play her the song!”
“Yeah, play it!” Luke echoes, hands pressed to his ears. 
Now you’re intrigued. “What song?”
Eddie sighs. “Boys, I don’t think anyone wants to hear me play—”
“Au contraire,” Dustin butts in with a smirk. He hands Eddie his acoustic guitar, propped up in the corner. “I think we’d all love a little concert.”
Eddie gives you a look that pleads help me out here, but you’re already invested. 
“Concert! Concert!” You chant, laughing when the others join in. 
He doesn’t say anything, just slips the strap over his shoulder and quickly tunes the guitar. 
“If…you’re…happy and you know it, clap your hands!”
Everyone in the room claps twice. Everyone except Tiffany, who is still wailing. 
“If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!”
Same result. 
“All right, all right. Let’s skip to a different verse.” Eddie takes in the baby’s squealing form. 
“If…you’re…angry and you know it, do a growl.” He lets out the most ridiculous roar you’ve ever heard, and you can’t help but laugh. 
From her mother’s arms, Tiffany lets out a roar of her own. Your giggle catches her attention, and she reaches out for you to hold her. 
For a moment, Eddie believes his heart is going to implode from the sweet scene in front of him. He wills himself to concentrate on playing, but the sight of you holding a baby girl weakens his resolve. How many times has he daydreamed about you holding his baby girl that he shares with you? Probably too many times on the job for someone who deals with heavy machinery. In his mind she has your hair and his eyes—though he knows she’d probably gets his curls since both boys have them to a degree.
Tiffany bounces in your arms, enraptured in the music. If Eddie plays Old MacDonald, she’ll be mind-blown. 
The soft timbre of Eddie’s voice, enthusiastic enough to capture Tiffany’s attention without riling her up, has your heart beating double time. Though you’ve known from the beginning that Eddie plays guitar, this is the first time you actually get to witness it. It’s as sexy as you’ve always imagined—even if he’s only playing nursery rhymes.
“There we go,” Eddie murmurs as whatever had been bothering the little girl seemingly dissipates. He grins at Max and Lucas. “That should buy you about five minutes before the next meltdown.”
Sure enough, the crying starts up again, signaling the party’s end. Hugs are exchanged as everyone clears out; final “happy birthday’s” sent Eddie’s way.
There’s a small tug on your arm just as you’re about to grab your purse. “Can you tuck us into bed?” Ryan asks, eyes wide. Luke’s at his side, nodding in agreement. 
“Of course.” Always the babysitter, you think, but you truly enjoy being a part of their lives. The fact that they also enjoy it makes it even better.
The youngest Munson beams at you. “Maybe you can sleep over!”
“Uh, not this time. Sorry, kiddo.”
After teeth have been brushed and bedtime stories have been read, you retreat back to the kitchen. Eddie is clipping open bags of potato chips, and you start to gather any used paper platesto toss in the trash. 
“You don’t have to,” Eddie says, gesturing towards the stack of disposable cups in your hand. 
You cock your brow and smirk. “Do you really wanna clean all of this by yourself?”
“Fuck no.”
“That’s what I thought.”
He smiles back at you, shaking his head when he notices icing smeared on the back of a kitchen chair. “Should’ve put the boys on clean-up duty” he grunts.
“Then everything would just get shoved under the couch and they’d call it a day,” you point out, and he readily agrees.
Once the floor has been swept and the leftover food has been placed in the refrigerator, you have no valid excuse to stay any longer.
“I should get going,” you say, plucking your keys from your bag and twirling the chain around your forefinger. “I hope you had a good birthday.”
Eddie nods as he walks with you to the front door. He holds it open for you, then follows you out to your car. “Yeah, it was great. Especially your gift. It, um, meant a lot.” A slight rosiness tinges his cheeks, and he pulls you in for a hug.
You return it easily, your arms wrapping around his torso. Both of you hold on a beat longer than necessary, but you can’t seem to pull away.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, breath tickling your ear. He leans in; for a moment, it seems like he’s going to kiss the top of your head, but he takes a step back. Eddie’s done it so many times in his mind before that he almost forgot he doesn’t get to do it in real life. “Get home safe, yeah?”
“I will.” You duck into your car, giving him a small wave before you pull out of the driveway. As you drive, you watch Eddie trudge back into the house from your rearview mirror.
Once he’s inside, he closes the door and breathes out a sigh. He adjusts himself over his pants, painfully aware that he’s half-hard from a simple hug. Looking towards the bedroom he shares with Brittany, he pivots away and beelines towards the Tupperware of cookies you’d made.
Taking a big bite, he chews thoughtfully, delaying the inevitable. If only he could curl up next to you instead of her. He chuckles at the insanity of the idea and takes another bite of cookie.
“Happy fuckin’ birthday to me.”
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Baki Series Finale:
Twilight Torture 
Yandere Harem x Fem Reader
TW: horror, yandere behavior, stalking, kidnapping, dark themes, etc.
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(Your name) began to recieve numerous gifts after the first bouquet. Roses, jewelry, extravagant dresses, if it cost more than her paycheck, it was gifted to her. And she just couldn’t figure out who brought her those gifts and left them in her home. There was never a sign of break in either… had someone swiped the key?
Turned out they had. Some stranger had her spare key on their clutches and she had been none the wiser for weeks… maybe months. Was that why (your name)’s lips were so swollen in the morning and her hair a tangled mess? Oh god, she didn’t want to think about it… and she didn’t want to believe the midnight man was Hanayama. (Your name) was almost 100% positive he had better things to do than stalk her.
The young woman quickly changed the locks to her home… yet that did little to stop her midnight man.
(Your name) was riddled with paranoia. She now spent the night with Katsumi more often… yet she’d come home to find her sheets in disarray and her door handle changed to a new one. Someone had been angered by her absence… and they changed her locks and left a new key on her counter for her. (Your name) was eager for escape and she always went to Katsumi for that… yet he was off too. He was no longer her sweet first love, but an obsessive beast.
Although she found some solace with Katsumi, he had started to become strange. His grip on her would tighten whenever other men would walk past them. A brief look of possessiveness would flash in his eyes before he was back to normal. His arms no longer felt like home, but like a noose that tightened around her neck. And it terrified her…
Katsumi often tried to push her boundaries to not only be intimate, but to have unprotected intimacy… (your name) had an irrational fear of childbirth and he constantly glossed over her fear for his fantasy of the ultimate claim… a baby.
“We’ve known each other for so many years… we can get married and have kids! I don’t mind if the kids came first, then everyone would know you’re mine!” (Your name) began to spend less time with Katsumi after he told her that… yet that only made the situation worse.
Jack often lingered around (your name)’s home like a shadow, the blonde always gave her a pointed look.
“If you need me to help you, just say the word. I told you that everyone is weird… my address is xxx.” It seemed Jack knew what was going on… an acquaintance knew more about the strange happenings around her than she did. It made (your name) feel even more helpless.
It was the night (your name) broke it off with Katsumi. After she had enough of Katsumi’s attempts to start a family, that she came face to face with her midnight man.
(Your name) was fresh from the bathroom, a thin nightgown her only cover from Hanayama’s starved eyes. The yakuza sat in the chair in the corner of her room, completely unbothered by her pure terror.
“I’ve come to collect you.” Hanayama told her matter of family, the yakuza adjusted his glasses. “Since you’re done playing house with the Orochi boy, you can be my wife.”
There was only a few times she ever interacted with Hanayama and that was whenever he’d be horrifically injured in some outlandish fight he’d land himself in. The man was always taciturn despite her attempts at small talk while she gave him was basic care… what had she done to deserve his twisted affection?
“Hanayama, I-“ (your name) gasped when Hanayama closed the distanced, his large hands pulled her into his even larger body.
“You don’t have to say anything. I know how you feel.” Hanayama bent down and pressed a shaky kiss to the top of her head. “You want me…”
(Your name) threw herself away from him as if she’d been burned. The young woman quickly scrambled out of her home, which left yakuza in shock for a few moments before he gave chase.
(Your name) ran into the night with no destination in mind, a few tears fell down her face. She felt like a rabbit pursued by a wolf. She knew she didn’t stand a chance, but she had to try…
“Did you finally come to your senses?” (Your name) nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Jack. When had she arrived in his neighborhood? Was this some sort of instinct? “You must have been in a rush since you’re dressed so… improperly.”
Jack threw his jacket over (your name), the scent of pine and musk swallowed her in a tiny bit of comfort.
“I can hear your heart beat from here… you’re terrified.” (Your name) was shocked when Jack scooped her up into his arms. “I’ll take you somewhere safer.”
(Your name) tucked herself into Jack as her body shook like a leaf. She felt a few sobs rack through her, but Jack’s jacket shielded her face from being seen. Who knew this giant could be so kind?
If she would have taken the jacket off her head, she would have seen the subtle, lovesick smile on Jack’s face.
(Your name) was exactly where she belonged… with him. And Jack would protect her with his life.
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fangirl-dot-com · 9 months
Chapter 14 - Speed, I am Speed
When I started this fanfic, I never would have thought that people would be interested in it enough for it to get past the first few chapters. But everyone has proved me wrong! Here's to a great fictional season!
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! Much love <3
Screams echoed through the paddock as whispers of your arrival seeped through the cracks of the buildings. The drivers watched with smiles as crowds of girls, boys, and adults alike flooded the entrance area to maybe catch of glimpse of you. Only a select few would be lucky enough to get a signature or for you to even take what they offered. But that didn’t damped the electric atmosphere that was quickly building. 
The moment you scanned your card and stepped through the turn-style, all hell broke loose.
Max stood next to Christian in the garage that was placed in the middle. The Ferrari garage was to the right, and McLaren sat to the left. 
“Quite popular. Isn’t she?” a stray mechanic commented as he worked on one of the RB20s. 
Christian only smirked. “She’s great for the media that’s for sure.” 
Max stepped through the entrance to wait for you. He was already in his Red Bull kit with a signature can in his grasp. He watched as you quickly signed multiple things and stopped to take few pictures. He noticed that you really only stood still for the squirming kids who really looked nervous to be next to you. 
You were hastily ushered farther into the paddock as you were a tad bit late. The outfit you had on was similar to Max. Jeans adorned your legs while a Red Bull polo was hidden behind your famous blue bomber jacket. Dark red sneakers completed the look. A winter flavored red bull sat comfortably in your hand. You had talked to Max about how the flavor was far superior than his preferred original. He would only eyeroll and then sip his own can. 
A bright smile shone on your face as the cameras clicked around you. Video cameras followed your every move. 
Lando and Charles had joined Max. They too were in their respective Ferrari and McLaren kits. The bright orange clashed with the bright red, while Max was the neutral navy between. Some cameras were pointed their way hoping to get a few shots of a not so common friendship and a decade old rivalry turned friendship. Yet, the trio’s attention was all on you. 
You had finally gotten to the garage. However, you completely missed the three and walked right in, excited to greet your mechanics, Christian, pit crew, and Mitch. The one thing the crew all liked about you was that you made sure to try to say hello and check in with how they were doing. 
You had surprised everyone with coffees or other drinks for preseason testing as a way to share your appreciation. 
As you went around the garage, you gave a quick side hug to Christian and then walked over to Mitch. Your eyes lit up at the sight of another familiar figure next to your strategist. You stood and talked to the two. 
While you stood there, completely oblivious to the three men standing outside, they of course didn’t miss anything.  
Lando stood there with open eyes. “Did she just walk right past us?” 
Max just continued to be unbothered and sipped his drink. 
Charles had a familiar knowing look in his eyes. “Who is she talking to mate?” 
The British driver scoffed and waved his hand. “Her strategist.” 
The Dutchman sighed before maneuvering the papaya man to a better angle. 
“Can you see now?” The driver in red questioned as he smirked at the now visible scene. 
The three stared as you talked to your best friend, who was now clad in a Sky Sports polo and khaki pants. You threw your head back as you laughed at something the younger Monegasque had said. Mitch also chuckled where she stood. 
Finally, your head turned and eyes made contact with steel blue ones. Your smile somehow got even bigger at the sight of the Dutchman and you other friends. You said something short to the two around you. Arthur gave you a side hug before he ducked out the side entrance, probably going to get ready for the driver’s parade. You’d hope that he was the one to interview you. 
You were now making your way to the other three drivers. Your maroon Red Bull was still in your hands. 
“Top of the afternoon to you gentlemen,” you spoke in a posh accent. Lando rolled his eyes. “Oh shut up that was a good impression. You’re just a hater.” 
“As if. You live there now, you could at least learn how to properly speak.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You barely live there anyway now. You should be talking like Charles if you expect me to be able to finesse a British accent.” 
“Oh so now I have to speak in some hoity toity French accent?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You’re excused Charles.” 
“Stay out of this Max.” 
“Ladies, ladies, you’re all pretty, but let’s save the fighting for the track,” a new voice that was attached to one Oscar Piastri sounded as he walked up to the four of you. 
“What’s up pastry?” you asked him. “And where is your better half?” Your eyes ran wild around the paddock. 
“Uh who?” 
“You know? The smell of gunpowder and the cry of eagles follow him where ever he walks?” 
Oscar sent you a deadpan look and sighed like a middle-aged dad. He turned just a bit to show the bright blue suit that belonged to the American Williams driver. He was looking at an iPad before he suddenly sensed five pairs of eyes on him. He looked up, grinned stupidly, and waved. You were glad to wave back, while the four men waved small ones. 
“He’s such an iPad kid.” 
“So are you,” Max finally. You squawked like a bird as you stared at him.
“If I’m one, so is Lando. Mr. I play Fortnite all the time.” 
Charles was done with your bickering. “Oscar did you need something?” 
The Aussie looked so done with everything, but perked up at the question. “Yes. Zach sent me to fetch Lando. We need to get ready for the parade.” 
A look of enlightenment crossed over both Lando and Charles’s faces as they said quick goodbyes before turning to go back to their own garages. That left you and Max to stand out in the open. He closed the gap between you and wrapped an arm around you. At that motion, multiple cameras clicked but the two of you didn’t care. 
“Are you ready for today?” he asked as the two of you walked into the garage where you’d be escorted to the parade. 
“Yep! I mean, you’re starting pole and I’m starting P6, so we’ll see what happens.” Your shoulders raised in a shrug.
“Kid that’s good for your first race.” 
“I know. I think I thought that I’d be higher up.” 
Max squeezed you a little tighter. “You just have to worry about overtaking George, Lewis, and Lando. Once you get them, you could be forecast for a podium.” 
You rolled your eyes. “I’d be happy with just staying in the points.” 
Christian clapped the your backs as you passed him to line up in the back for the parade. You found a small corner of the room to just sit in. Your headphones had been given to you in your garage, and classical piano music filled the speakers. You knew you probably looked so anti-social right now, but you didn’t care. You needed to find your calm before the storm hit. 
Many drivers didn’t even send you a second glance, yet one found himself on the floor next to you. The Monegasque’s cologne filled your nostrils as you put your head on his shoulder. You flashed him a thankful grin as you showed your phone screen. 
MON23 was the song that was currently flooding your headphones. Charles rolled his eyes, but the smile stayed on his face. Max was the one to come get the two of you once the signal was given that the parade was about to start. You and Max walked out together, and there was Arthur, ready with his microphone. 
He turned to the camera that was in front of you. “I am joined by Max Verstappen and Y/n L/n. Thank you for joining me, even if you didn’t have a choice.” 
Max and you let out a laugh at the comment. 
He continued. “So we saw some domination from the RB20 in the free practices with you Max snatching P1, P2, and then P3 respectively and then taking Pole Position for the first race of 2024. How is the car handling this year and do you expect the same amount of untouchable-ness as last year?” 
The Dutchman leaned into the microphone, while you stood next to him waving at the spectators. 
“Yeah, well we saw that the Ferraris and McLarens were going to be close after the preseason testing. I was glad that I was able to take pole. I know this one,” he pointed at you which made your attention shift to the conversation, “was wanting a higher position. But the car is fantastic, yet I think that it’ll be a closer year.” 
Arthur looked happy with the question as he turned to you. 
“So Y/n, we know you’re starting P6. What are you plans for that?” 
You huffed as you now talked into the microphone. “Well I plan to just fight as hard as I can. I know that Max and I have very different strategies today. But, overall we just want to bring as many points to get a jump start on the Constructors.” 
You were given a nod from some personelle signaling that it was time to wrap thing up. 
Arthur turned back to the camera. “Well thank you both for your time and best of luck!” 
The two of you were led to a car with an open top. Thankfully for this time, you and Max would be together. Funny enough, they told you to drive. Your eyes widened so much when they handed the keys to you. 
You kept turning around asking if this information was correct. Max was just sitting in the car laughing. You climbed in and turned the car on. Once the parade started, you pushed the gas pedal and the car started to move. 
The lap around the track was a nice one. Max and you made small talk while waving to the crowds who seemed to yell louder when your attention was turned to them. 
It wasn’t long before you found yourself in your race suit and helmet in your hand, going over your race strategy one more time with Mitch. 
She explained it once more. “So by turn one, you need to be up at least two places. You need to get the jump on George, Lando, and Lewis. They tend to go inside, so going wide will be your best friend even if it seems tricky. You're faster than they are. Try to get up to Max who can give you a tow if needed. And kid?” 
“Just have fun. Points are points. You don’t need a podium to show your worth.” 
You nodded at her revelation and put your balaclava on. Arthur had somehow snuck in to do your handshake beforehand. He knew that it would calm you down just a bit. You slipped your helmet on and connected the different wires. With one foot over the car and the other following suit, you quickly adjusted your race suit before slipping down into the car. One of the mechanics put the screen on the nose for you to go over data and tyre degradation one more time. Your eyes flickered across the screen before it was taken away and your car was pushed out. 
At that time, you put your visor down. Your fingers touched where your lips would have been without your helmet and rose to the air. A second ritual you would call it – a special motion for your godfather. 
Starting Grid:
Max Verstappen 
Charles Leclerc
Lewis Hamilton 
Lando Norris 
George Russel 
Y/n L/n 
Oscar Piastri
Fernando Alonso
Carlos Sainz 
Alex Albon 
Lance Stroll 
Logan Sargeant 
 Pierre Gasly 
Yuki Tsonda 
Daniel Ricciardo 
Esteban Ocon 
Zhou Guanyu 
Kevin Magnussen
Valtteri Bottas  
Nico Hulkenberg 
They put your car on the P6 grid mark and stayed near with the tyre covers. The five guys smiled as you began to move about, nerves making it hard to stay still. Your eyes closed and a smile made its way to your lips. 
“Speed. I am speed. One winner, nineteen losers. I eat losers for breakfast.” 
“Kid, you know the radio is on right?” 
Your eyes shot open at the sound of Mitch’s voice. 
“Uh now I do.” 
Her chuckle came through the speakers in your headphones that where under all the face layers.
“At least we know the radio is working.” 
One of the men must have gotten the signal because the tire covers came off and everyone who wasn’t a driver fled the scene. Up ahead, you noticed Max start to drive off. After him was Charles, then Lewis, then Lando, then George. And now it was your turn. Using the pedals, you gently eased your car into movement. You were starting on softs. The team had let you know that you were going for a three stop strategy. Softs, hards, then finish the race on softs. Max was going for the soft, soft, and then hards. 
The team were hoping that by putting you on the softs, you’d be able to help Max with the last stint of the race. Softs were your specialty, especially used softs. So the last bit of the race should be your fastest.
Your formation lap consisted of weaving back and forth, warming the tyres up and getting them ready to grip the track. Once you were back in your spot, you were careful not to go over the line and stay in the half box. Your eyes shifted up to watch the lights. 
Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. 
Inhale. Exhale. 
Your feet hit the pedals before your mind even comprehended. Your head swerved back and forth to look at your mirrors. Behind you, there was the dark green Aston Martin of Fernando Alonso and the other papaya colored McLaren of Oscar. However, the beginning of this track was a giant straight. 
With tyres still warm, you quickly got into George’s slip stream and made your move. 
For the viewers everywhere, Croft’s voice rang out. 
“And it’s lights out and away we go! 
"Max Verstappen gets the upper hand on Charles Leclerc on that initial jump but Leclerc is not giving up just yet. 
"There goes the Mercedes of Lewis Hamilton right behind Charles Leclerc as they go into the first corner of this race. Seems like Leclerc was able to keep his position.  
"Oh! And around the outside is Y/n L/n getting the jump on both George Russell and Lando Norris! An overtake on the outside is really tricky but she has made it work for her favor.  This rookie is making moves right out the bat. 
"I see we have some congestion in the back. Looks like the Haas of Kevin Magnussen has found the side of Alfa Romeo of Valtteri Bottas. 
"Let’s have a replay of that beginning shall we? We’ll start onboard with our rookie.”
The camera is on your car as the viewers can see the lights go out and your car lurches forward at the start. Your head swivels as it seems like you’re making sure not to hit the Aston or McLaren that were behind you.
But once you found George Russell’s slip stream, your head stayed straight as you exited to the left of George to go around the outside of both the Mercedes and Lando’s McLaren. As your RB20 continued forward George and Lando quickly left your camera’s view as you now had seven time world champion Lewis Hamilton in your sights. 
“And what a great overtake that was on L/n’s part. Let’s head back to see that little kiss between the Alfa and Haas.” 
You had now found yourself right behind the Mercedes. Yes, they possibly had the faster car, but you had the pace. 
And you were gaining. 
You pressed the radio button. “Gap to Hamilton?” 
Mitch was quick to respond. “Two point three-seven behind. But you’re gaining two tenths a lap. Keep it up.” 
“Thank you.” 
In the next nine laps, you were right behind him. 
“What is the gap to Leclerc after I get around Hamilton? 
“Five seconds. But we will pit before you get there. You have about five laps left before tyre degradation gets too terrible. Use three to get around him and two to widen the gap.” 
Yet, in about two laps you were right on his tail. Using DRS, you were able to get him on turns 14 and 15 as the DRS was coming to an end. 
“And it looks like Y/n L/n is about to make her move on Lewis Hamilton! She goes wide once more on turn 14 and cuts him off by going deep into turn 15, does she have it? 
"She does! What a move!” 
You fly down the straight with Lewis trying to get back ahead of you. Yet, you were quick with the defensive moves. 
“Hamilton is not giving up that spot. Will he be able to take it back at the corner of turn one? He does not gain the position back and has to be fine with fourth for now.” 
“Good job. Keep it up.” 
“I’m trying,” your voice rattled. In three laps you were called into the pits. 
“Looks like Red Bull is calling L/n into the pits for her first stop. Now drivers are losing about 15 seconds so this will put her down back to P8 right after the Ferrari of Carlos Sainz who has gained to positions since the start 14 laps ago. 
"And that is a 2.0 second pit stop. Phenomenal for Red Bull whose pit crew seemed to be bored this winter break.” 
“Good stop. Can you let the boys know?” 
“On it kid.” 
“Looks like L/n wants a message relayed to the crew. What a sweetheart she is.” 
You apparently were the first one to start the pit stop train, because either one, two, or three laps later the pits were full with cars coming in and out. Like strategy, you were now on hards. Yes, they weren’t your preference but, you needed to change the tyre type at least once during the race: it was mandatory.
You somehow were leading the Bahrain Grand Prix. For about the second half. 
Surprisingly, Max had gotten overtaken by Charles right out of the pit exit. You knew you needed to extend the gap between you and the Monegasque Driver, so that you and Max could pit at the same time. 
By the 37 lap, you were calling in your radio. 
“I need to box. Left tyre is almost dead.” 
“Got it. Max is in a good position as well so you will come in and Max will follow. Stay focused.” 
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Looks like the Red Bulls are coming in to box. And who is that as well? Charles Leclerc follows Max Verstappen inside. But there is a significant gap as L/n is already leaving the Bull area with new tyres and Verstappen is getting fixed as well. Leclerc will have to have a perfect pit stop to at least catch up to the two. 
"And that is a rather slow stop for Ferrari with a 3.2 second stop. Will this be the mistake that leads to yet another Red Bull 1-2?” 
You and Max bolted out of the pit exit once it was safe to do so and you were over the line. You were told to keep giving him the tow for a couple of laps since you were now on the softs while Max was on the hards. 
However, after a couple of laps, something seemed off. 
You pressed you radio. “It feels like the tyres are wearing down a lot more. Do we have something for that? I could make it to the end, but I might get overtaken.” 
“We’re checking. Just keep being nice on the corners. Max has been given the go ahead to overtake you. GP will tell him about your tyres and he should help you keep going.” 
“Is this the moment that the Bulls will switch? We know that they’d like to keep their champion at the front as soon as possible. Ah, there it is. Nice pass on the straight going into the fourth corner.” 
GP came on over Max’s radio. 
“Max, Y/n’s tyres are degrading faster than expected. I’ll keep you updated but she will fall out of DRS or any tow help in about five laps.” 
“Are we sure there isn’t anything else to do?” 
“Positive. You just keep going. She said that she’s going to try to fend off Leclerc who is gaining 2 tenths per lap but is 3 seconds behind Y/n with 10 more laps to go.” 
Max watched you fall out of help-range in the predicted 5 laps. He could catch glimpses of you when he slowed down on the corners but that was about it. All he focused on now was being the first one across the checkered flag. 
You were coping brilliantly. By going slower around the corners you were slowing down the tyre deg but also slowing down Charles.
“Gap to Charles and then Max please?” 
“Gap to Max is about nine seconds now. And Charles is still gaining and is now in DRS so watch out on the corners.” 
“Got it. My tyres are done for and I have no grip. Might be safer to let him pass. I don’t want to pull a George Russell 2023 Singapore.” 
Well, you didn’t thundercunt yourself into a wall, but on the first corner of the last lap, you had a lock up.
“That is a bad lockup for the Red Bull rookie and there goes Leclerc, taking advantage of the small mistake. Props to Y/n though for handling the car well and getting it back on track.”  
“Oh shit!” you exclaimed as your car went wide allowing Charles to slip by. “Sorry for the language.” 
You turned your radio off, a bit embarrassed and annoyed at yourself, not wanting to hear Mitch’s reply. 
You tried desperately to catch back up but it was no use. Your tyres were done as you crossed the finish line in third place. You quickly turned your radio back on. 
“And good job Kid with points, third place, and a podium on your first race. Congrats.” 
“Aaahhhhh thank you team! This was an experience for sure and I can’t wait for the next one! Sorry for that lock up, we’ll get them next time.” Your hand stuck out the top to wave as you drove significantly slower.  
“Wasn’t your fault kid. We’ll go over in debrief. Enjoy the celebration, you earned it.” 
Max had already parked in the first place spot as he got out of the RB20. He turned and expected to see you in the second place spot, but was a bit disappointed when he saw his childhood rival. His heart sank for a bit as he thought you might have been overtaken more than once. But his spirits rose when he saw your RB20 pull into the third place. 
He watched as you stood on the nose and lifted your arms up in celebration, put one down, and keep the other raised with a fist clenched as you brought it down sharply. He knew the cameras were eating it up. 
If his history knowledge was correct, and it usually was, you were the first woman since Lella Lombardi to score points, but were the first one to get on the podium.
You were making history.
And the people were eating it up. Your name was heard above everyone’s. He would meet you in the cool down room. 
He was escorted over to the weighing station where he stood for a few moments before going over to the cool down room. He was soon joined by Charles. The two stood like middle-aged dads who were watching their neighbors mow their lawn and silently judging them as they watched the recaps. The main one was your first overtake around the outside. 
“Dang she’s quick in that car.” 
Max nodded. “Her simulator times were a bit faster than me during testing.” 
“I don’t know how then I got around her. Seemed like she was just falling behind the last five laps.” 
“My tyres were degrading too quickly and were basically done by the time I crossed the finish line.” You walked into the room, sweat glistening on your forehead where your hair also stuck. Although you hadn’t gotten your second place, third place was still impressive. A smile was probably permanently stuck on your face now. 
Max held his arms open for a hug and you dove right in. His hands rubbed up and down your back. Your gaze was now turned to the TV where you watched Lando and Lewis dance for multiple turns before Lewis finally took P4 on the second to last lap. 
Charles brought you into a quick hug and kissed your forehead. You wanted to talk some more, but you had been queued to go up to the podiums. You went out first, Charles followed, and then Max. You stood still as the Dutch anthem rung, followed by the Austrian. 
And now it was your favorite part. Your grabbed your bottle and shook it, before hauling it up on your shoulder like you always did. 
The "champagne cannon" as people liked to call it. You showered the older drivers with the sticky liquid, but was quickly turned against and sprayed as well. You then walked over to the banister and sprayed the team below. 
When your bottle was finished you picked up your trophy and made your way down to celebrate with Red Bull. 
You quickly found Mitch and gave her a giant hug like you had done once you got out of your car earlier. Christian also gave you a big hug and told you how proud he was of you. 
The night for you didn’t last much longer as the adults had said that they were going out to a club to celebrate. You were a bit saddened to hear that you couldn’t come with, being on the podium and all. But, your time would come. 
And instead of celebrating, you changed out of your suit and fire proofs and got into comfier clothing. However, you couldn’t stop yawning. 
Thinking that Mitch, Christian, or Max would come get you to leave, you lied down on your small bed in your drivers room. An alarm was not set. 
Your eyes closed and you fell asleep soon after. Dreams of first place danced behind your eyelids. 
You’d get there if it was the last thing you’d do. 
skysportsf1 has posted
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skysportsf1 we are excited to introduce our main interviewer line up for the 2024 season. David Croft will still lead our main commentary, but we welcome Nico Rosberg, new-comer Arthur Leclerc, and Jensen Button to our team!
liked by formula1_fan, y/n.89, charles_leclerc, y/nxarthur, and 22,830 others
formula1_fan YEESSS so happy to see this trio! maybe we'll actually have good interviews now
y/nxarthur this is just fueling the delulu
leclercbros4life so happy to see Arthur still involved in Formula 1
change_ur_f-car I know right! I would have thought he'd given up charles-marry_ME now he can be near Charles and Y/n all the time y/n-is_my-romanempire I mean, I would have liked it to be Arthur Leclerc "Y/n L/n's Partner" but we'll get there
landonorris I think you missed an exclamation mark maxverstappen1 I thought I was your best friend arthur_leclerc sorry mate, but I was here first oscarpiatri he would like to be more tho *this comment was deleted* y/n.nation UH HELLO????
arthur_leclerc thank you for this amazing opportunity!
arthur-4lifers baby boy is BACK
sebastianvettel good to see you here kid! can't wait for the future
f1_fanatic this seems suspicious
RedBullRacing has posted
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redbullracing a phenomenal start to the 2024 season with an RB 1-3! See you all in Jeddah!
liked by y/n-on-top, lestappenlove, logansargeant, and 93,822 others
box_box_offical I totally see her breaking Hamilton's rookie year in points - place your bets here ladies and gents
charles_leclerc glad to share a podium with Max and Y/n, but tell them to watch out next race
y/n.89 yeah, we'll be watching you...in our mirrors as you eat our dust maxverstappen1 what she said
emotional_support_rivals loved the lestappen moment, y/n is their kid at this point
y/n.89 whose last name would I take? maxverstappen1 mine charles_leclerc mine y/n.89 you're both wrong, I'm taking Geri's :) arthur_leclerc hyphenate?
maxiel-lover that start, middle, and finish were just the best
y/n's_version I will have a new Roman Empire every weekend at this point
y/n.89 has posted
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y/n.89 race one of freshman year in the books! first woman since lella to gain some points and first woman to stand on any step on the podium. next stop - the number one spot
liked by martagarcialopez19, liakblock, kellypiquet, and 73,209 others
martagarcialopez19 my hero and role model everyone!
liakblock mine too! y/n.89 gonna cry :(
iamred_iamyellow literally number 1 driver, max get out of the way
redbullracing ROOKIE! ROOKIE! ROOKIE!
arthur_leclerc favorite girl *liked by y/n.89*
landonorris I'll get you next time
y/n.89 surreeee
hE_tUrned_inTo_mE this was one of the best opening races ever, that double overtake around the outside was amazing
y/n_updates this race is going in the history books
Race Stats:
Max Verstappen 
Charles Leclerc  +3.583
Y/n L/n  +1.264
Lewis Hamilton  +2.840
Lando Norris + fastest lap +1.264  
Carlos Sainz +1.830
George Russell +2.375
Oscar Piastri +4.284
Alex Albon +3.001
Fernando Alonso +2.904
Logan Sargeant +1.992
Lance Stroll +5.932
Pierre Gasly +6.200
Daniel Ricciardo +1.209
Yuki Tsunoda +2.092
Esteban Ocon +3.871
Zhou Guanyu +6.997
Nico Hulkenberg +8.287
Valtteri Bottas – DNF 
Kevin Magnussen – DNF 
Driver's Championship Standings:
Max Verstappen – 25 points
Charles Leclerc – 18 points 
Y/n L/n – 15 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 12 points 
Lando Norris – 11 points 
Carlos Sainz – 8 points 
George Russell – 6 points 
Oscar Piastri – 4 points 
Alex Albon – 2 points 
Fernando Alonso – 1 point 
Logan Sargeant – 0 points 
Lance Stroll – 0 points  
Pierre Gasly – 0 points   
Daniel Ricciardo – 0 points   
Yuki Tsunoda – 0 points  
Esteban Ocon – 0 points   
Zhou Guanyu – 0 points   
Nico Hulkenberg – 0 points   
Valtteri Bottas – 0 points   
Kevin Magnussen – 0 points  
Constructor’s Championship Standings 
Red Bull – 40 points 
Ferrari – 26 points 
Mercedes – 18 points 
McLaren – 16 points 
Williams – 2 points 
Aston Martin – 1 point 
Racing Bulls – 0 points 
Alpha Romeo – 0 points 
Haas – 0 points 
Alpine – 0 points  
If you want a continuation, read this chapter of Besties for the Resties!
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @aeh2 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @cassie0sstuff @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @mellowarcadefun
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d0youc0py · 1 year
Could you do any 141 member (I don’t really care I love them all) comforting civilian!reader while she’s on her period? Like the cramps, nausea, mood swings?
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He winced as another pained groan left your lips.
“Pain killers didn’t help?” He frowned. He laid down behind you tucking you against him. He pressed a kiss to the back of your head, his hands pressing down on the heating pad against your stomach. The pressure made you feel better and you softly grabbed his hand and put it under the heating pad, silently asking him to massage your stomach. “I got you.” He pressed another kiss to your shoulder.
“Are you done with your paperwork yet?” You whined.
“Ya, Sweetheart.” He lied. The thought of leaving you alone to suffer on the couch made his stomach turn. “You rest up, now and I’ll fix us some dinner later, yeah?”
“Don’t leave till I fall asleep please.” You requested, scooting closer to him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He’s literally the dream partner when it comes to this stuff
He has always been a very nurturing person
He has your special week marked on his calendar so he’s never caught off guard if you snip at him or you wake up and need to change the sheets
When he can’t be with you he always ships a care package to your house with all the things you could possibly need (snacks, pads/tampons, medicine, a card saying how much he loves you)
He’s the best honestly
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“Kid, open the door!” The door handle jiggled. You splashed cold water over your face trying to calm down, but no matter how hard you tried sobs wracked your body. You blamed the hormones. You and Simon were new in your relationship, about five months in, and you had just recently started spending the night at his place. You always had a plan for what to do if you got your period during the night but you didn’t plan for it to come almost a week early. You woke up feeling a familiar wetness and practically ripped yourself out of Simon’s arms. To make matters worse he had his thigh resting between your legs, meaning- you didn’t even want to say it. You shook the thoughts out of your head.
“Sweetheart, c’mon.” Simon sighed from the other side of the door. “You know what I do for a living, yeah? You think a little blood is gonna scare me off? I find that a bit offensive if I’m being honest.”
“It’s disgusting and embarrassing!” You shouted through your sobs.
“It’s not disgusting.” He shot back. “Whoever made you feel that way is a cunt. And it might seem embarrassing now, but I promise you in a week it’ll make you laugh. Out you come.” He shook the door handle again. He did make you feel better. “There she is.” He whispered. You looked him over, happy he had changed his sleep shorts. A clunky thumb wiped away a few remaining tears.
The man is completely unbothered
You can throw a whole hissy fit and he’ll just ask if you’ve eaten anything today
Bodily fluids don’t faze him at all- you could bleed, vomit and cry all over him and he’d just pat you on the back
He’s still doesn’t always understand how to take care of other people, so if you want/need him to do something all you have to do is ask
He never ever makes you feel bad/embarrassed about anything
“Si, you aren’t going to believe the blood clot that just came out of me.” “I’m proud of you Sweetheart.”
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“I just can’t believe he did that to her!” You sobbed, wiping your eyes on your husbands shirt.
“What a bastard.” He growled, wiping a tear from his own eye. He wrapped an arm tighter around you, throwing a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth.
“Get off the screen!” You shouted, throwing a few pieces of popcorn at the TV.
“Ya, fuck off!” Johnny yelled after you tossing a few pieces as well. You both looked at each other before bursting into a giggle fit.
Every time you on your period it seems like Johnny also goes on his
You would think both of you being so emotional would cause problems, but it really makes you feel less alone
He definitely steals higher grade pain meds from the base to help you (Price caught him and started doing it for his own partner)
Absolutely loves to take warm showers with you
This man is also unfazed by bodily fluids ;)
Whenever you feel sick he is on the other side of the door cheering you on
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You hated when you got your period and he wasn’t here. It always reminded you of how sucky life was before him and how much spoiled you are now. You pressed yourself deeper into his pillow, inhaling his scent. Your muscles relaxed slightly- but it was nothing compared to the real thing. The pain killers had yet to kick in and your body felt so hot and uncomfortable. Your ears piqued up when you heard the door open.
“Ky!” You screeched. The ache in your stomach couldn’t stop you from running through the flat to greet him. “What are you doing here? Your not suppose to be home for another two weeks?” You questioned between both of you pressing kisses against each other.
“I can just stay for two days.” He sighed, scooping you up. “I told Cap you weren’t feeling well- and let’s just say being the favorite has its perks.”
If you thought Price was good wait till you meet Kyle He definitely learned it from Price
Total Princess treatment to the max
“Ky, I can tie my shoes.” “Don’t worry bout it love.”
He shows love through acts of service so this is his time to shine ✨
Has a stash of all your favorite snacks/drinks for when the time comes
He usually puts you between his legs and the two of you play video games for the next eight hours- distraction helps take you mind off of the pain
2K notes · View notes
buckyalpine · 2 years
Heeey sweetie ! I hope you’re well !! I always look forward to your posts and check your page daily for updates ! Your writing is incredible and always leaves me with butterflies in my stomach !! I wanted to leave a request if that’s okay ! I was thinking about mob Bucky with grumpy-sunshine trope !? Bucky being the grumpiest little shit ! He’s arrogant and stares too much . But then he meets this ray of sunshine and she’s the only one to get him soft ! She’s the only one that can coax a smile out of him ! Gives her the gentlest touches and sweetest kisses ! He’s proud to have her next to him and loves how much smaller she looks compared to his massive size . Even tho he’s dominant in bed , he’s still careful and considerate with her ! Fluffy fluff with a big intimidating man
YESS Omg i love this so much its adorable. (18+, cause there’s fluffy fluff but also smutty smut) 
Disclaimer: I love fics where Bucky loves his much smaller reader compared to his larger size but I do my best to not describe the readers size too much because I want anyone to be able to imagine themselves in my fics. When I write, Bucky is obsessed over how he can just easily scoop you up into his arms and toss you over his shoulder effortlessly. 
First time meeting you I just imagine you both meet in the most wholesome way as well. He's truly the grumpiest shit anyone's ever met. Arrogant and cocky but he’s earned his reputation so no one dares question it. That being said, he has some principals, one of them being that family always comes first. He takes that very seriously. That's why he's out and about, looking for a present for Sam’s daughter’s birthday, hand picked himself (and by present, we’re talking presents plural, he already bought her a custom gold engraved locket and an Hermes baby blanket, no godchild of his would get any less).
Still, he wanted to give her more, wandering into a little book shop at the corner of the street that appeared to be empty. His men stood outside the door while he scanned the shelfs, huffing in frustration because there were so many choices and it would have been easier to just buy the all the books. He picked up a book and set it down, the store probably wouldn’t cost too much- 
"Can I help you?"
A sweet voice called him from behind and Bucky was ready to give the person hell, he hated sales people. Most people. Honestly all people. Except Steve. He'd maybe pee on Sam if he was on fire but that was as far as his love for him went. (its all a front, he loves Sam).
He turned around, about to tell whoever it was, to fuck off, blinking instead when he came face to face with you. You smiled up at him, eyes twinkling, setting down the pile of books you had in your arms to look at the shelf he was browsing. 
“What age group are you looking for?” 
Bucky hardly registered your words, staring at what looked like the human form of a cute little garden fairy straight out of a fairytale. You were in a blush pink sundress, covered in tiny flowers, standing on your tippy toes trying to reach the books higher on the shelf. Garden fairy, what the fuck was wrong with him, he shook his head trying to regain his train of thought. 
“Uh- a baby?” Bucky didn’t know what to do with himself, most people took his  staring as a sign to go away but you seemed unbothered. 
"Oh! Come with me, there’s a great section at the back, I’ll show you!” You happily led the 6′4 mob boss to the kids corner at the back of the store, colorful drawings, plush rugs and little bean bags covered the area. 
“Any of these would be great for a little one” You pointed to the shelves that were low to the ground, pulling out a few and handing them to him “let me know if you see anything you like” with that, you went back to putting books away. You returned a few minutes later, biting back a smile, looking at the tall man covered head to toe in dark ink, diligently reading through one of the books you handed to him. 
"You look so cute" You giggled, looking at Bucky sitting on one of the tiny chairs, his long legs sprawled out in front of him. 
"Cute?" Bucky had never been more insulted in his life, of all things to describe him, how dare you tell him he looked cute. 
“Of course” You grinned as you walked over and sat down beside him. The gentle sweet scent of your perfume evaded his senses, his heart jumped when he felt your warm hand brush against his. Bucky didn’t know why his heart was racing, he didn’t like it. His brows furrowed, trying to stop the blush that spread across his face when he saw your smile. 
“Do you like that one?” Bucky nodded, looking at the cover of the book; two bears sitting together looking at the moon. “I love you to the moon and back, its such a sweet book, I would have picked this one too” 
Bucky nodded again, not trusting himself to speak around you. You took the book to the front to check him out. After he paid, you placed a little brown bear that matched the ones on the book cover in the bag as well. Bucky cocked his head confusedly, reaching for his wallet again. 
“How much?”
“Just take it as part of the gift” You smiled, tying a ribbon around the handles of the bag. “I’m sure they’ll love it. Have a good day!” You gave him a little wave as he walked out, turning back to your books, while Bucky felt his insides melt. 
The pretty girl at the book store thinks I’m cute.
Bucky slid into his SUV, the corner of his lips twitching, his cheeks dusted pink. You thought he was cute. Cute. He continued to bite his bottom lip, fighting with his face muscles to keep from smiling, failing miserably instead. 
“Is he having a stroke”
Sam whispered, staring at Bucky through the rearview mirror while he sat at the front with Steve. Bucky’s face continued to twitch, trying to keep his classic scowl on his lips. 
“I think he’s smiling” snorted, cocking an eyebrow watching Bucky carefully inspect the little brown bear you put in the bag. 
“He knows how to smile?”
“You good punk?” Steve called out, smirking when Bucky stuffed the bear back in the bag, pretending he wasn’t giving it heart eyes while thinking about you. “You looked real cozy talking to the girl at that the bookstore” 
“Shut up” He ignored his two friends snickering, throwing them a growl before thinking about you again. 
She thinks I’m cute. 
After that meeting, imagine Bucky finds himself going back for more and more books; he doesn’t even have time to read but he can’t help it. Every time he steps into your bookstore, its like sliding into a comfy blanket. He’s addicted to your sweet smile; your always there with a new book for him to read. He can’t help but smile every time he sees you flit around the shelves, he felt like he was living in his own fairytale. 
The first kiss
Bucky watched you huff in frustration, trying to put a book back on the shelf but it was too high for you to reach. 
“Um-could-would you please help me put this back?” You asked shyly, while Bucky smiled, nodding and coming up behind you, his hand gently holding your waist, placing the book on top with ease. His tall form towered over you, his chest brushing against your as you turned and looked up at him. 
“Th-thank you” you whispered, your eyes flicking from his blue eyes to his pink lips. His lips were curved in a soft smile that gave you butterflies; it wasn’t often that you saw him smile but it seemed he did it whenever he was close to you. 
“You look handsome when you smile” You squeaked, slapping your hand over your mouth as soon as the words slipped through. Bucky bit his lip, while you looked away embarrassed you had said that out loud. “Sorry I didn’t mean-” 
You gasped, feeling him pull you closer, his hand gently tilting your chin up to look at him. His head dipped down slightly and you felt your body moving on its own, standing on your tippy toes to be closer to him. 
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered, his nose nudging against yours. You nod, letting out a shuddered breath as his hand cupped your cheek, pressing his lips sweetly to yours. You hesitantly moved your arms to wrap around his shoulders, melting into his touch. 
You didn’t know how much time had passed, staying tucked in his arms, having waited ages for him to finally make a move. When he finally has to leave, he comes running back in mere seconds later. 
“Did you forget something?” 
Bucky nodded, his hands wrapping around you waist, pulling you close to him again, his lips kissing you softly as ever. 
“I wanted another kiss” 
That kiss turned into lots of kisses. Lingering hugs. When he finally brings you to his home, he keeps you his little secret for a while so he can enjoy your company. You bring out a softness in him he didn’t know was possible; soft fluffy dates with him cooking for you, or going on evening strolls. You’re his everything, he loves seeing his little garden fairy comfy in his home. You made everything warmer; the soft scent of candles always traveled down the halls; sweet baked goodies were always ready in the kitchen. Sam and Steve were definitely not complaining, pretending they didn’t notice Bucky’s classic grumpy face now also came with a cute little blush on his cheeks. 
The first time they meet you 
Imagine Bucky’s team finally find the mole they’d been hunting for months. They’re all riled up, throwing him into the van, threatening him within an inch of his life. They know Bucky likes to take care of business himself but it doesn’t stop them from warning him about the pure wrath he’s going to face. 
“You’re fucked”
“You thought we were bad? You’re gonna wish your mom swallowed you”
They drag him up the steps, bursting into his office, expecting Bucky to be waiting there with his knife twirling between his fingers. 
Bucky’s men all stared at each other before looking at the sweet thing that was sitting in their bosses lap, feeding him pastries. Bucky grinned like a love struck puppy, cradling you to his chest while he sat on his office chair, moaning at the sweet caramel melting on his tongue. The last thing they expected to see was a delicate thing like you cuddled up with who they thought was a blood thirsty gang leader. 
Sam snorted, shaking his head, watching Bucky ignore the rest of them, his eyes still trained on you, peppering kisses onto your cheek. 
“Motherfucker, are you eating butter tarts right now?” 
“They taste good” Bucky shrugged, giving you one final sweet kiss to your lips before looking up at his team. 
“Why don’t you wait for me in my room, I’ll be there soon” Bucky pressed a soft kiss onto your temple, helping you off his lap. You smiled, brushing some of his hair back, kissing his forehead.
“Come soon bubba” Your bare feet padded through his office, giving the towering men a quick wave as you passed them “Hi Sam, Hi Steve!” 
Sam blinked, before grinning and giving you a friendly wave back. 
“She is adorable, fucks she doing with you” 
“Shut the fuck up bird brain” Bucky panned, a growl emitting from his chest, as he rounded the table, his previous soft demeanor dropping as soon as his eyes landed on the mole. “Have Steve keep him quiet, my angel doesn’t have to hear this shit” 
After Bucky’s men saw how soft he was for you, you become their secret weapon. You’re always there to soften the blow they’d face, making him smile even when delivering the worst news. 
“Boss, the deliveries were seized” Peter trembles at the door, while Bucky’s nostrils flare, he’s about to tell everyone off, but his anger dissipates as soon as your head pops into the room. 
“Bucky, come cuddle?” You push past the men, your hands draping around his shoulders. 
“They put you up to this, didn’t they?” Bucky snorted, rubbing his temples, melting as soon as you crawled into his lap. You giggled innocently, kissing his scruffy cheek while he lifted you into his arms, carrying you over to his room. 
“Hmm, they’re lucky you’re so sweet babygirl” 
The first time 
For months, Bucky didn’t do anything more than give you soft kisses, hugs and cuddles. He wanted you, he needed you in a way he never thought was possible, but he didn’t want to rush anything. You were special and if he was going to be intimate with you, it’d be whenever you were ready. 
He never wanted to pressure you into anything, but you reassured him you wanted this. Bucky swallowed thickly, looking at your smaller form curled up against his bed waiting for him. You looked so sweet and delicate, wearing just one of his shirts, nervously fidgeting with your hands while he crawled up the bed to you. 
“Are you sure about this prinţesă?” He kissed your knee, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb; you felt your face heat up and the name he had for you, nodding without meeting his eyes. “Look at me baby” He tilted your chin to meet his gaze, “I won’t be upset if you want to wait” 
You knew he meant it. Not once had he ever made you feel like doing something you didn’t want. His sweetness only made you want him more. 
“I want this, I-I want you” you whispered, moaning softly when his lips pressed against yours. He kissed you softly, his hand moving to your waist to lay you down against the pillows. He was on top of you, nipping your jaw, peppering kisses down your neck, his hand caressing the side of your thigh. 
Being with you was different. 
He natural instinct had always been rough and fast; clothes torn, no build up. 
He didn’t want that with his pretty doll. Yet. 
He slowly undressed you, pulling your shirt over your head, leaving you bare underneath him. He continued to kiss you while still being fully dressed, chuckling when he felt you squirm under him. 
“What is it baby?”  He cocked his head, picking up on what you wanted when you fiddled with the buttons on his shirt but he didn’t want to give in, enjoying your flustered state.
“I-um” You fisted his shirt, burning under his gaze, “Take it off” 
“Take what off?” He cocked his eyebrow, a smirk dancing on his pretty lips. 
“Ugh, I want to see you naked Bucky” You pouted, burying your face into his neck while he grinned, bringing your hands to unbutton his shirt. 
“Whatever my babydoll wants, go ahead prinţesă, m’all yours” You squeaked when he pulled you and rolled over so you were straddled on top of him, his hands stroking your bare waist and thighs. 
“Want you to take it off babygirl” He couldn't take his eyes off you as you shakily undid his tie, moving to his buttons next. As soon as his shirt was off, you managed to unbuckle his belt and tug off his pants. You blinked at his thick cock straining against his briefs. 
Bucky brought his fingers to rub though your soaked folds, groaning at the slick that easily coated his fingers. 
“Will you let me taste you?” 
“I-no one’s ever-
“I’ll be gentle baby, promise it’ll feel good” Bucky laid you on your back as he worshipped your body, trailing kisses down your skin, while you hesitantly parted your legs, his thick, wide shoulders forcing them apart further. 
“So pretty baby” Bucky groaned, kissing your clit, his lips sealing around your clit, sucking softly, careful not to apply too much pressure. “You have the sweetest clit doll”
He could feel his cock throb against the mattress at the way your face contorted, soft whine slipping past your lips as you tried to keep your moans down. He pushed a finger in, gently stretching you out, while you started to grow needy, your hips shifting under him. He pulled away, his beard glistening with your arousal, eyes heavy with lust. 
“Want to be inside you prinţesă” 
You nodded,  while he threw his briefs off, his cock standing tall and proud as he hovered above you.
“Bucky, it-it won’t fit” You whispered, watching his thick cock bob between his legs, grazing on your clit. 
“We’ll make it fit baby” His hand gently cupped your face, while your legs moved up to hug his waist. “Tell me if its too much and I’ll stop” He moved his cock through your folds, groaning at how you felt on the tip of his cock. 
“Ready?” You nodded, gasping feeling his thick blunt tip prod against your soaked entrance.
“Jaames...” You whimpered feeling him stretch you while he kissed your forehead, stopping his movements with just the tip inside you.
“Shhh angel, it’s just me sweet girl” Your body trembled under his, biting down onto his shoulder as he pushed himself further while holding your body close to his. You were still getting used to the burn and stretch of him as he buried himself to the hilt, clinging onto him while he stayed still. 
“I know baby” Bucky stroked your forehead, brushing your hair away from your face, kissing your cheeks. He felt a new type of feral, his sweet girl under him, whining and whimpering over his cock, your pussy dripping around him.  
“S’too big Bucky” You bit your lip, your pretty doe eyes locked with his. 
“My cocks too big for you baby?” Bucky cooed, while you nodded, throbbing at your nails digging into his skin “Your pussy’s too tight, huh angel, you need me to go slow?”
There was something addicting over how hard Bucky was trying to hold back, his brows furrowed, cock already leaking into you. He started off slow, gentle thrusts, letting you adjust, telling you how perfect you were, his hands laced with yours, pinned against the bed.
“Taking my cock like such a good girl baby”
“You know how pretty you look right now doll?”
You felt the burn start to melt, your moans growing louder while he pushed his entire length in and out of you, his bally smacking against your ass. 
“M-more Bucky, please?” 
Bucky’s breaths grew heavy, feeling his spine tingle already, you had a different affect on him, his cock already throbbing. 
“You’re beautiful prinţesă”
“Could make love to you like this for hours my baby” 
“Taking me so well babydoll, making my cock throb, you’re so tight” 
He craved so much more of your warmth, his pace speeding up, moaning and grunting each time you cried out. He gripped onto the head board as he started to pound you, the sounds of skin slapping carrying through the room. 
“F-uck baby, you feel so good” He moaned into your neck, the muscles on his back tensed as he fucked you harder. “Am-am I too rough sweet girl”
“F-feels g-good James” You cried out from under him, your walls starting to flutter as he hit your g-spot. Bucky moaned, his forehead coming down to rest on yours, lips parted and brushing against each other. “Bucky, harder, please”
The sound your moaning his name made him almost cum on the spot. 
“Oh fuck don’t stop, tell me it feels good baby, tell me how bad you want it, keep saying my name” 
“JAMESS” The headboard practically slammed against the wall as he abandoned all softness, the both of you feral over each other, chasing your highs. 
“Tell me how good my cock makes you feel baby” His hand snaked between your bodies, rubbing and teasing your clit, making you nearly sob. 
“S’good Bucky, stretching me, I- fuck m’gonna cum!” 
“Cum my gorgeous girl, CUM”  “JAMES-I-F-FUCK” You clenched around his cock, cumming and squirting around him while he roared, his pace stuttering as he spilled ropes of cum into you. You both held onto each other, moaning and panting as you came down from your orgasm, your body still convulsing feeling his cum drip out of you. 
“Fuck I love you” He panted against your skin, pressing sloppy kisses all over your face. He had a goofy grin, sweeping you into his arms to run you a hot bath. 
(Which was a waste of time, considering he spent the rest of the night with you,  making an utter sticky mess in his bed)
Bonus: The first tattoo (dedicated to you)
Most of Bucky’s body is covered in dark ink, but none of his pieces were done impulsively. Each piece had a meaning behind it, and his latest one was his favorite. 
“Close your eyes baby” He picked you up and placed you on his desk, unbuttoning his shirt while you impatiently waited for him to tell you, you could look. “Alright, open” 
“A fairy?” You gasped, looking at his newest piece, your fingers gently tracing over his chest. Above his heart, was his latest piece, a little fairy reading a book while sitting on the moon. 
“From when I first met you. I thought you were like a little garden fairy” Bucky blushed, kissing your nose. “Could never get enough of you, the only little fairy to think I’m cute” 
Tears stung your eyes, sniffling while he wrapped his arms around you. You smiled against his skin, kissing his chest. 
“You like it baby?” His thumbs swiped across your cheeks, stroking your hair while you nodded, struggling to formulate words. 
“I-I love y-ou” You choked out, hugging him tighter
“I adore you sweet girl, love you to the moon and back”
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garoujo · 2 years
what do u think sei would do if hr made u cry in an argument??
warnings: minor angst -> fluff, arguments, i couldn’t form an answer i just had to like dump out the scene that was in my head after reading this but idk if i like this :< sob!
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nagi could be mean. he didn’t mean to be, he thought any sort of confrontation was a pain but he’s had a particularly long day and he can faintly hear the way you’ve been talking—nagging at him since he got home about how you need help.
don’t get him wrong, he hears what you’re saying and he wants nothing more than to help you — he knows he’s been lazy, letting you clean up after him like he’s some overgrown kid, you deserve more than that. but tonight, his long limbs feel heavier than usual and the mocking little game over screen on the same fucking level he’s been playing all day is on a loop on his phone.
why couldn’t we just cuddle nagi thinks before he sighs and rests his head back against the couch, it’s cold and unbothered and he can see the way it makes your body stiffen when his next irritated eye movement brings his gaze to you.
“i’m bored of this conversation, ‘ts such a pain. i wanna sleep.” that’s not what he wanted to say, he knows that but shit— he’s fucking exhausted and all he wants to do is wrap himself in you. but now you’re giving him a look from where you’re stood across from him and he feels something burn in his throat when he watches your first tear of the night streak down your cheeks.
“nagi, what the fuck is wrong with you?” you spit and nagi’s never moved with such an urgency than he does when he watches you turn on your heels. it’s quick, like an instinct of sorts when he pushes himself forward on the couch, gentle hands wrapping around your wrist to stop you from leaving as he mutters out a quiet little “don’t go.” easing you back until you’re letting yourself fall onto the seat next to him.
“you’re such a dick.” you mutter through swollen lips, sniffling with your sentence as he inches himself closer. but you still let push your hands from your face, the oversized sleeves of his sweater pulled over his hands as he dabs clumsily at your cheeks.
“even when you’re crying you’re still my pretty thing.” nagi drawls under his breath and fuck— it’s so true, mumbling out little apologies as his hands chase the tears that trail down your features. he really is a dick.
“‘m sorry, didn’t mean it. cmeer.” but you still let him move you so easily when he pulls you into his lap, arms wrapping tight around your waist as he lets you rest your face in the crook of his neck — smearing your tears along his skin before he’s turning his head to meet you.
“you wanna talk, angel? ‘m listening, ‘ts not a pain. promise.” it’s smooth, soft the tone his voice takes before he’s kissing you once on the temple as an i’m sorry, arms squeezing around your figure before one of his hands trace along the length of your spine. then he presses you closer before he’s kissing you again, twice as an i love you.
“or we can jus’ cuddle. you comfy?”
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© 2023 GAROUJO. do not copy any of my layouts / writing + translate / repost onto any other sites.
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
I almost thought the Celestalchaos bot was platonical I'm so sorry I just got curious how that family would be with the user/reader 😅
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(I actually made a Celestialchaos Dads bot!!)
Surrogate Son
“It’s good to have you here with me,” Xiangliu starts, tracing a scaled hand slowly down your cheek before withdrawing it. He rolls over to face Sun Wukong, then cups his face as your had been. Xiangliu’s snakes gently nuzzle your face in turn, their forked tongues licking at your skin. “And you,” the Nine-Headed Demon shakily breathes, his hands moving to roam up and down Wukong’s abdomen, only to be caught by the ginger simian when they drift too low. “My Saint of Chaos,” Xiangliu adulates, kissing at Wukong’s cheeks.
“Love you too, babe,” the Great Sage returns, stretching out slowly. The two spend a moment just gazing back and forth, a locked gaze of gold and orange.
As they spend that precious moment in adoration, you check your phone to see if there’s any new texts… and you find one, from MK.
“Is that- is that the kid?” Wukong asks, rolling over Xiangliu to flip beside you- for his part, the snake demon is unbothered by the sudden squashing, and only leans in to listen close. “Does he need something?”
Lifting the phone again, you read the text-
’Can I come over for my break?? Pigsy says I’m too tired to do any more deliveries today.’
“Looks like the kid wants permission to come over… but I’m guessing he’s already on his way, honestly.”
The boy could be impulsive to a fault, as you had learned well from your first interaction with him- still, he had become a very dear part of your life.
“That sounds like the boy,” Xiangliu agrees, giving a soft smile. He looks over at the simian, who simply groans in response, sitting up slowly.
“Should’ve told me he was coming over,” the Great Sage huffs, moving to swing his legs off the bed. “I’d have ordered us all something,” he starts, shifting nearly off the mattress- only to be immediately pulled back down by Xiangliu wrapping his arms around the ginger monkey’s hips and holding him close.
Ignoring the serpentine demon’s clinginess, you ask: “Oh? But I thought you didn’t like cooked food, hun- wouldn’t you rather forage?”
“I don’t like most cooked foods,” Wukong corrects, with Xiangliu nodding in agreement. The nine-headed demon moves a hand to run through the Great Sage’s messy ginger hair, still holding his waist with the other-
“Except for noodles,” the snake demon interjects, pressing his forehead into Wukong’s shoulder and nuzzling against the bare skin.
“Oh, that’s right! You order them from MK’s boss, right? Jajangmyeon, with extra pork and no zucchini?”
“Just the way I like ‘em,” Wukong grins, tilting his head up into Xiangliu’s motions. The snake demon begins to press small kisses into the monkey’s exposed neck as well, gently drawing along the sensitive skin with his fangs- but the Great Sage doesn’t seem much bothered by the biting, or if he is, he’s good at concealing it.
“Hate to be a joykill, boys… but you’ll have to knock it off when the kiddo gets here.”
Xiangliu gives a quiet grumble at your statement- he knew you had a point, but he didn’t want to fully quit. His forked tongue gives one last long lick up Wukong’s neck before withdrawing back into his mouth.
“Yeah, you’re right,” the ginger simian agrees, tilting his head back onto Xiangliu’s shoulder.“Can’t be snogging when my bud is here.”
My. You don’t exactly miss the use of that word- and really, you haven’t missed the impact that MK has had on the wilder of your lovers- how Wukong has grown; healed, in leaps and bounds thanks to his…
Student. Nephew. Son. Little brother.
So, so many roles.
MK fills them all admirably.
Even though you know the kid is only a few minutes away by now, you send back to him:
‘You’re always welcome here, kiddo.’
After everything he’s done for your partner, you find it hard to argue that he shouldn’t have a place here in this cozy little cabin, on the lavish peaks of Flower Fruit Mountain.
He’s your kid too, after all. As much as he is Pigsy’s, or Tang’s, or Wukong’s…
He’s your kiddo, too.
There’s a beat of silence- and then the tell-tale sound of footsteps approaching the door. Even with the knowledge that MK was on his way up, the sound still makes Wukong jump a bit- he and Xiangliu both share a look, like two kids who were just caught in the middle of doing something they weren’t supposed to.
And then, the boy lets himself in- and practically collapses onto the floor, utterly exhausted and panting for breath. His hair and clothes are messy and disheveled, with the his usual upbeat mood entirely missing.
“You two get dressed,” you sigh, standing up from the bed and throwing the sheets over their half-dressed forms. “I’ll take care of our kid.”
“Our,” Xiangliu whispers, all eighteen of his leering yellow eyes glittering at the thought. “Our child.”
“Not all ours, Nine. We’ve got like… three other dads to compete with.”
"I'd say we’re his favorites," Xiangliu tries to counter, a sly grin creeping upon his serpentine features. Wukong gives a scoff at that, scoffing at that notion in time with you.
“No, it’s Pigsy,” you both say.
Xiangliu has no further argument, and instead whips out an elegant robe of green and orange.
As they dress, you kneel to the exhausted hero, offering him a warm smile. With gentle scooping motion, you lead MK to his feet, biting back a gag at the overwhelming smell of sweat.
“Oh, sweetie. Who were you fighting this time?”
MK shakes his head, suddenly moving to latch onto your waist with a hiccup. There’s a shuddering tremble that races from his chest to feet, making the hero look almost like a child ready to bawl in fear.
Nightmares, again. He’s been having them for a while.
Ever since the Lady Bone Demon, in fact.
“Oh, no, baby… don’t cry, it’s okay…”
As you begin to rub his back with a soft coo, your newly-dressed partners look at you with both admiration and love, tempted to join in the doting… but they kept their distance, instead.
“I’ll go start him a shower,” Wukong whispers, heading to the bathroom, but not before Xiangliu presses a long series of slow kisses to his cheeks.
“I’ll go see what we have in the kitchen, then… and maybe find him a change of clothes.”
With once last glance to your doting form, both depart to focus on their own tasks, giving you a perfect moment to forget the rest of the world and simply comfort your child.
“Nothing is gonna hurt you,” is your promise to him.
You don’t intend to break it.
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ronwestbreeze · 2 years
Hi! I noticed you’re request are now open. I was wondering if you can write more for shallow waters? Maybe how things have been since tua has been born? If not I’d totally understand! And if so thank you in advance! :)
family of thieves
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pairing: jake sully x fem!na'vi!reader
warnings: family stuff! cuteness hehe
summary: in which the older sully kids like stealing tua from right under your nose
word count: 1.4k
author's note: this is a short and sweet little one shot and yes it is set in the shallow universe lol. i just thought i'd give y'all something sweet after that last one hehe...takes place after shallow waters
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Okay, you will admit it. You made a pretty adorable baby. The cutest little thing in the world and you loved her with all of your heart.
And so did the rest of the Sullys.
The first few months Tua was always at your side or with Jake. Oftentimes you felt Jake was always hogging the girl but he teased you and said he was just her favorite. He was totally wrong but that was beside the point.
Once Tua became a toddler, that’s when a lot of odd occurrences began to happen.
The first time it happened you were in absolute panic. You had come back to the family tent to find it empty. You guessed that everyone was out in the waters as usual. But it wasn’t supposed to be empty.
“Tua?” You called, heart dropping in your chest when you saw that the toddler you had left for only a few seconds wasn’t there anymore. “Tua!”
Dropping everything, you rushed around the village, heart practically ready to tear itself out of your chest. When you got to the beach, you spotted Jake and Neytiri riding on his ilu further out in the waters.
“Jake! Neytiri!” You called from the beach, eyes still searching your surroundings in a panic. The two hadn’t heard you, irritatingly you shouted louder, this time in Na’vi. “AAAH! I AM CALLING TO YOU, JAKE AND NEYTIRI!”
Neytiri turned her head first, brows furrowing together when she saw your anxious state, “Y/N? What is wrong?” She called back. That was when Jake looked over as well, frowning when he saw your worried face.
“Do you know where Tua is?” You called.
Before either of them could reply, Tsireya, who had been floating in the water nearby, suddenly perked up, “Oh! I just saw Neteyam with her! They should be that way.”
You gave her a quick thanks before rushing off in that direction with Jake and Neytiri still calling after you.
Further down the beach and near a bunch of rocks, you spotted Neteyam first. He was sitting on one of the taller rocks, talking to himself it seemed and pointing out toward the ocean. But when you got closer, Tua, your unbothered daughter, was sitting between his legs and giggling as if she were having the time of her life.
Neteyam spotted you as you got closer, He grinned and waved, “Sa’nok! I was just showing Tua the little fishies! Plus, I think she really wants to meet a Tulkun now after I told her a mighty stories about them.”
You placed your hand on your heart, feeling uttered relief and slight exasperation. “Neteyam, boy, you almost gave me—what is it your father says?—a heart attack! I thought I lost Tua!”
The boy looked confused for a few seconds before he realized what you had meant and started grinning sheepishly, “Oh right, sorry.  It was Tua’s fault anyway! She was looking at me with those big eyes! I couldn’t say no to that!”
Despite your previous freak out, you couldn’t find yourself staying mad at Neteyam. After all, he was practically your first baby too, even though you didn’t give birth to him yourself. Plus, Tua looked to be having a grand time with her older brother. The sight itself calms you down and allows you to smile gently.
Carefully you climbed up onto the rock with them. Tua reached for you and you took her in your arms, “Next time tell me you’re taking her for the day.” You poked his head, “I might as well have raged throughout the village to find her.”
Neteyam chuckled sheepishly, “Sorry, Sa’nok. I won’t scare you like that again. Promise.”
You smiled as Tua tugged gently at your hair before giving him a quick kiss on his forehead. Just as you slid off the rock, both Jake and Neytiri arrived on the ilu, both looking confused and worried.
“What happened? Why were you freaking out?” Jake was the first to ask, his eyes scanning you and Tua for any harm.
“Your son stole Tua while I wasn’t looking.” You sighed. “All is fine, crisis averted.”
Jake visibly calmed down while Neytiri tsked at her son, “Neteyam.”
“Sorry, mother.” The boy raised his hands.
You thought that that would be the one and only time that would happen. But for some odd reason, it kept happening.
The second time, you had turned away for a few seconds to fix her food. Before then she had been sitting and playing with her tail. But when you turned back to feed her, she was gone. This time you didn’t freak out, you were just confused. She had been right there, how could she have crawled away that fast?
Neytiri was in the tent with you, cooking some of the fish they got for their meal for the night.
“Where’s Tua?”
Neytiri looked up from what she was doing, looking around as well. “Was she not just here?”
“Yes, she was!” You got up and left the tent, Neytiri not too far behind you. “Tua! Tua!” You tried not to be too loud as the night was settling in and you knew most of the villagers were going to bed soon. “Tua! Tua! Tua—Kiri?”
You had stumbled upon the teenage girl, not too far away from your tent, to find her in the water, holding Tua with her, surrounded by glowing fish.
Tua’s big eyes were fixated on the fishes as she tried reaching for them in Kiri’s grasp. Your shoulders sagged and relief flooded your chest.
Kiri looked up and smiled, “Hi, Y/N!”
Neytiri appeared next to you and chuckled when she saw Tua, “Kiri, dinner is almost ready. It’s time to get out of the water.”
“Aw, Mom, we were just about to have a little fun.” The girl grinned.
“Yes, and Tua was about to eat her own dinner just now.” You pointed out before grabbing Tua from Kiri as the latter hoisted herself out of the water. “I swear you children just want me to have a heart attack.”
“I was going to bring her back.” Kiri pouted as they began walking back to their shared tent. “But she really liked the fish.”
Tua giggled when Neytiri tickled her cheek. You smile gently at Kiri, “I understand you want to spend time with your new sister, but at least let her fill up her stomach first before you go taking her on your little adventures, please.”
Kiri nodded, resting her head on your shoulder, “Yes, Mom, I will. Promise.”
Apparently, you had to tell all of the children this.
It happened again a few days later. This time you had tried to put Tua down for a nap. Only as soon as you took your eyes off of her—really you should’ve learned by this point—Tua was gone.
You didn’t freak out this time, you only sighed. Jake entered and saw your face. He placed down his equipment and cupped your face to give you a kiss.
“What’s wrong, princess?”
“One of our kids took Tua again.”
The amusement was not missed on his face as he gave you another kiss, “Well, I did just see her with Lo’ak and Tsireya. Might wanna start there.”
You hug him close, burying your face into his neck. “Why do they keep doing this?”
Jake chuckled, gently squeezing the back of your neck, “You made her too adorable, baby. She takes after you.”
Just as you were about to pull away from the comfort of your husband’s arms, Lo’ak came into the tent with Tua sitting on his shoulders.
“She wanted you so I brought her back.” Lo’ak said, taking her off his shoulders.
“Where did you take her?” You asked when Tua reached for you.
Lo’ak glanced toward Jake and shrugged, “We were with Payakan—but we were careful, I promise!”
Jake sighed and you chuckled, “Don’t worry, I believe you. Just tell me before…” At this point, was it even worth telling him to remind you? Really, none of the children were doing any harm. Just spending time with their newest sister, which was really sweet when you got over the initial panic.
You pulled him into your side, “Just be sure not to take her with you on any of your shenanigans, like you do with Tuk.”
“As long as she doesn’t try to tattle on me.” Lo’ak muttered. Jake gave him a look.
“Penis face!”
The three of you froze and all turned to look at Tua in your arms. At first you thought you were hearing things, perhaps you had gone insane in the current heat. Perhaps you imagined the whole thing—
“Penis face!!” Tua giggled, clapping her hands together.
Your eyes widened as you stared at your daughter. There was a snort from your son.
You glared at your husband, “Jake!”
“What—Dad literally said it earlier!”
“Out! Both of you!”
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stephsageek · 3 days
A preview of the Five x Lila one-shot I'm working on:
“Seriously?” she demanded.
“’Seriously’ what?” he deadpanned.
“Well, it’s Friday-bloody-night!”
“Oi! What do you mean ‘and?’ You know damn well, I only get one night a month! One night where I make up an excuse to hang out, get out of the house, and let down my hair! And here you are, washing bloody dishes! Is that honestly all we’re going to be doing tonight?! I might as well be sitting in front of the telly watching the last of Diego’s brain cells die off while he watches Naked and Afraid!”
“What? You got a hot date with somebody else?” he quipped, tossing the towel he’d been using over his shoulder and opening a cabinet to his right. “Believe it or not, Lila, but I am not here on this planet to entertain you. You're the one who invites herself over just as an excuse to get out of the house--that has nothing to do with how I plan on spending my evening. A night of actual drinking and reading is plenty for me. I’m not the one living in a ‘domestic hellscape.’”
“Why do you have to be such an old man all the time?!” she whined.
“Maybe because I am an old man, crazy lady,” he replied, sounding unbothered, as he began to put dishes back into cabinets. Even with his back turned, Lila could hear the smile in his words. He thought this was funny!
“Believe me, I am more than aware,” she huffed.
“Don’t like it, toots, go darken somebody else’s doorstep for ‘book club,’ or whatever the hell other B.S. you feed that half-wit brother of mine,” Five snarked as he finished his chore.
He finally turned to face her, resting one hip against the counter. Lila noted he must have had a long day that day judging by the stubble along his jaw. And yet, despite his protests to the contrary, he didn't kick her out. If he didn't want her around bothering him, why give her his spare key? She watched him smile, his eyes crinkling ever so slightly in amusement. It was still strange seeing the signs of his advancing age. She’d gotten so used to him being so young that Lila found herself disconcerted to realize he was nearing physically twenty years old soon.
“C’mon, old man! Give a girl a break! I’m trapped in a bad episode of The Brady Brunch and Mr. Brady is a whiney sod!”
Five didn’t react other than to chuckle. He casually went over to another cabinet and retrieved a bottle of wine. He turned back to Lila and tipped the bottle, silently offering. She jutted her lip stubbornly. His smile widened. He turned back, returning with a bottle of scotch. He lifted his eyebrows invitingly.
Lila grinned and nodded.
Five nodded back, retrieved a pair of glasses, and went to get ice from the fridge while Lila continued with her diatribe. “I am trapped in a loveless marriage; I’m surrounded by needy people day in and day out! It’s nothing but an endless stream of carting around children, appeasing grumpy forgetful old people—no offense—”
“—None taken—”
“—trying to tune out gossipy aunties, and stroking an inept man-child’s ego! Five, I want to do something fun for a change! Something exciting! And my best and frankly only mate is a boring ass sexagenarian! Do you have any idea how sad that is?! That you of all people are the only one I look forward to seeing anymore! I love my kids and folks, sure; but it's not the same! You seriously don't have anything planned?”
Five shrugged looking non-plussed. Lila shook her head, dismayed.
“You’d think working as a time-traveling assassin and then as a government agent, you’d have developed a personality besides being annoying and uptight!”
Lila threw herself onto the table, her arms outstretched and her forehead landing on the hard surface with a knock.
She heard Five sit down across from her, patiently waiting. He sat her drink within her reach.
“Alright. I’ll bite; what did you have in mind?”
Lila turned her head slightly, peeking an eye out from between the heavy fringe of her bangs. “You’ll let me pick?”
Five sighed but smiled indulgently. “I suppose if I’m your only friend, than that means you’re my only friend too; I suppose I can be generous to somebody so pathetic as to call me of all people their friend.”
Lila sat up so quickly that Five flinched, drawing back ever so slightly in surprise.
She reached into her pocket and slapped a deck of cards on the table between them.
Five lifted an amused eyebrow. “Cards? And you call me old—”
“Not just cards, my dear man—poker!”
“Poker’s hardly what I’d call—”
“Oh! But I didn’t finish!” Lila wagged her finger, opening the cards and spreading them out on the table.
Five glanced down and reached across the space to pick out one of the jokers Lila had been searching for, removing it from the others and setting it aside.
“Oh? What’ll it be? Five-card draw?” He grinned ironically as Lila swatted at his fingers so she could dig out the other joker and set aside the ‘rules’ card. He continued. “Texas hold ‘em? Omaha?” Five took a long draw of his drink.
“Strip poker!”
Five expelled his drink, coughing into his fist after.
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imthefemalemonster · 2 years
Can u Yandere!Daemon Targaryen x reader
He kind of force her to marry him after he arrive in pentos (he didn’t marry leana) time pass and she just love him and they have lots os kids. They go to leana funeral but daemon don’t left her side, when people tried to talk to him alone he says that his wife stays. The one second that she left his side to attend one of their kids Rhaenyra came to his side and asks if he love reader and he barely look at her before saying that she’s his moon end stars (Khal Drogo vibes) ❤️❤️❤️
Hello beautiful! Of course I can, I loved the ideas and I tried to develop a bit more the start of the relationship, I hope you like it. ♡
⸻We'll Meet Again
Daemon Targaryen x Female!Reader (Fluff/Mature themes)
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⸻ Summary: Love grows mysterious way; you soon find out when Prince Daemon Targaryen seeks your hand and even the Gods themselves wouldn't dare refuse him.
Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Canon Divergence, Dubcon, (at the beginning), Obsessed/Overprotective Daemon, Forced Marriage, Innocence Kink, Age Difference, (age not specified but reader is ~20), Fluff, Kisses, Hugs, Mention of Sex, No Use of Y/N, No beta feminism left my body when I wrote this
⸻Read on Ao3
Notes: Requested by anon, I hope you like it. ♡
There’s mention of some sex/virginity loss/first time but nothing too bad, not really smutty more fluffly with Daemon being obsessed ((manipulative)) and overprotective with you. ~
Warning for dubcon at the beginning.
Tumblr for ideas/requests: @imthefemalemonster
Smut & fluff prompts: here & here
⸻ Words: 4934
The afternoon sun hit your skin as you walked down the streets. Busy and noisy, you wandered with ease in the crowd, in the city you knew all too well. You had to meet friends at the port, the one Pentos was most known for. You had proposed to meet in the beautiful gardens close to your home, but the air of the sea suited your friends more. As you arrived near, you looked around, only finding goods, people and boats. The familiarity of the place reassured you, the smell of the water like a mother’s embrace. But as you walked down the gardens, into the city and to the port, for some time now, you had felt eyes on you, two orbits you saw too much to be a mere coincidence.
Daughter of a public figure of the city, your father made rich from the trades of spice, you were accustomed to interested men gravitating around you. But youthful as you were, or rather innocent and unbothered. You had never really thought about the next big steps in your life, you preferred living in the instant. What pleased you were long walks, books that told a hundred stories, and the little voices in the walls who recounted the tales of love and betrayal of the people of the city, of the lands, and past the sea. You listened with much care, learning about the things you would maybe never see. Seated next to your friends facing the sea, you heard songs and stories, your noses in books as you all laughed and speculated on how the other people outside the city must live. You had a few friends over there, girls you met times ago, their letters would crack under your curious fingers, drowning into the words of another world. As you listened to the story of your friend and flying lizards, which you longed to see one day, you noticed the presence back not far away from you. You couldn’t quite catch the sight for long, everytime your eyes met, the figure would disappear soon after. You had never paid much attention to it, you were used to being looked at. But something deep inside you knew that this was different. Turning your head back to your friends, you soon forgot the blonde locks and lilac stare, until the next time you meet.
It happened in the garden the second time you really paid attention to it, you won a tender smile. The third time a voice, a low, deep one who sounded both like a threat and honey, like a blade would tenderly brush your skin, each second menacing to pierce your body and see the blood flow out of it. The fourth time, you couldn’t remember, was it at the port again? Near your home? As the day passed, it felt like everyday. Everyday a shadow behind you, eyes on your figure. Hands that grazed your back, fingers brushing your neck, smiles exchanged. Curiosity got the better of you when you approached, naive as you were. The gardens were full of people, talking, laughing. Digits touched slightly as the words flowed in your ears, lips sweet against your skin. He had a name and a title you would not forget. Once again the orbs left you alone, your hands gripping the silk of your dress, lips parted as you wanted to call him back. Prince Daemon Targaryen.
Daemon had rarely held this much restraint. What he desired, he always got, whatever it cost. So when it came to you, he observed, he stalked, he learnt. You were much younger, walking around the city with an innocence to match his insolence. Your laugh was honey to his ears, your face as enchanting as the sun, your voice a bliss he could beg to hear singing, as you did once in your home’s garden as he was resting near. The first time he noticed you, you never left his mind. It was similar to poison, but one he would drink day after days after day even if it consummated him to the bones. Without your knowledge, he followed you in the city, he watched your fingers turn the pages of a book, the details of your joints engraved in his mind as they moved gracefully. He observed your lips moving as you talked, laughed, called to your friends or spoke words he drowned into. Daemon desired you all over his body, and desired him all over yours. At first it was soft, discreet caresses. When he got tired of just following you around, he craved to touch. He lost his hands behind your exposed back, digits tracing your spine. He observed you shiver at the touch, trying to meet the eyes of the culprit of these unwanted caresses. Daemon would smile at your visible distress mixed with curiosity, his arousal growing stronger with each touch. He grazed your neck, arms, hands. He wanted to possess you whole.
When he noticed people, especially men talking to you, he would fixate on them until they couldn’t hold his lilac stare anymore and they would leave. Rejoicing in the newfound power he had, as much as his reputation gave him, he observed you walking alone, shadowing you like he was your dark reflection caused by the sun. After you really interacted for the first time, to his delight, exchanging names and smiles, he was even more present at your sides. He never thought you really appreciated it, he never cared, in time you would, he would make you love it. So you walked together, talked all afternoons long, spend evenings together. He would randomly show up at your door, surprised but touched by the attention, you obliged him. When he walked all the way to you, he would grab your wrists, his figure broad and impressive, you felt small, a kitten held in gigantic arms. You couldn’t quite tell if you appreciated it, all the attention, all the time, but your life had become his. Everytime he met you eyes, Daemon used all his strength, everything he didn’t know the Gods could give him not to press you onto him and devour you whole like he dreamed for weeks now.
That night, Daemon had invited you to a sort of feast organized nearby. You weren’t sure what was celebrated, but you accepted as you loved to hang out. Maybe you could find your friends there, some you hadn’t seen for some time now since you spent most of your time with Daemon now. You felt some relief at the idea, the city was noisy with music and voices, busy with lights and fire at every corner, you rejoiced at the atmosphere. When you stepped out of your house, he was already here. The Rogue Prince, standing fiercely, eyes stripping you from your thin dress as he looked at you from toes to head.
“You smell really nice.”, he whispered as he stalked toward you, hands resting on your waist as his head leaned into your neck.
The contacts had become so much more intimate the past few days. You only thought it was gentle and attentionate. Sometimes you couldn’t quite decipher the smirk on his lips as he looked at you. To you it was kindness, to him it was hunger. He reached for your hands, thumbs caressing the skin, his digits trapping your own as he guided you toward the exit, down the streets, into a grand and beautiful house decorated with magnificent mosaics. There he placed his arm around your waist, locking you against him. Inside, you walked like a couple you were not, to you, not to him.
Daemon had hoped you would stick with him, now that you had learned the lesson. Maybe he had not worked hard enough, or maybe you were really this naive. When you immediately left his arms, the heat of your body leaving with you, he groaned in discontentment. Stalking behind you as you wandered and talked to people you knew, he observed each of the faces, each he would remember so they never talked to you again. His digits found your neck, your arms, your back, but everytime you escaped his control. You went around laughing, sometimes turning back to smile at him and invite him near. He drowned in these moments you would look at him, and him only. That all of you were focused on him. He could grab you, lift you above the crowd and claim you as his. After hours of talking and laughing, music buzzing in your ears, your feet and body were exhausted. You were still in the middle of everyone, you sighed ready to leave as you felt a harsh grip on your waist. You recognized the touch immediately, Daemon’s chest pressing in your back, his lips brushing the overheated skin of your neck.
“Give me your attention.”
The words left his mouth so fast, cold as ice, it felt more like an order than an invitation.
“I’m sorry?”, you mumbled, eyes filled with confusion.
“I haven’t received any.”
You choked on the words. His voice wasn’t low and soft like it used to. It was guttural and scary, like it was coming from a part deep inside him you never wanted to meet with. You heard the stories, you would rather not finish impaled on a sword or fed to a dragon.
“All night.”, he continued, spinning you around with no care for your tired body, his eyes staring into yours, intimidating.
“All-”, you paused, uncertain of his intentions, “I’ve been with you all night.”
He scoffed at the words, a hand on your neck, squeezing it slightly. Smirk on his lips, more vile than kind. He pressed his broad body onto yours, you felt crushed, by him, and by all the people around you.
“You have not paid attention to me all night”, he repeated, the sentence like a blade ripping your throat open, “Apart from glancing at me and laughing with other… men.”
The last word was accentuated like an insult. You swallowed, his thumb pressing on your neck as he felt it. You felt both angry and sorry. Maybe you could indulge in more time with him, but you already did everyday. You sighed. One last time then.
“I’m sorry.”
His eyes sparkled at the words, lips moving into a soft smile. You had found the right words, you thought. He nodded, a hand cupping your cheek. A gentle and reassuring move, to you. To him, he could mold you to every of his desires because you were so easy to frighten.
“It’s all fine.”
You smiled as he lowered his hand to your wrist, brushing it gently, digits closing around it as his body started to move back, taking you with him
“You can give me this attention now, I promise to use it well”, he murmured against your face, flushed at the hot air hitting your skin. “How about we finish the night elsewhere?”
Unsure what the words meant, you simply nodded, letting him guide you outside. You walked past people and houses, down the street to the port, where you loved to rest during the day. It was dark, deep in the night as you sat facing the sea. You felt reassured, it was just another gentle evening at his side, maybe he had gotten overwhelmed by the people, and you wanted to reassure him that your friendship was still intact. Legs slightly brushing one another, he fixed at you. His face had changed, you couldn’t quite decipher it. He was smiling, but it didn’t feel gentle. You wanted to ask a thousand questions.
Daemon was lost in his thoughts. He was so close to both his goal and climax. Your naive, flushed face turned toward him, he could have lost it in seconds. He dreamed of your scent and naked body, to have you scream his name on the very floor. But he doubted you had the same idea in mind even if he wished you did. Forcing the act was considered but he didn’t go with it, he would rather avoid a diplomatic incident. He was surprised by his own restraint. He would win this war with words and touches, like he did for weeks now. You would yield.
“I’ve never felt stronger than when you’re with me.”
Your eyes widened at the words, knowing him, it meant much. Blushing you lowered your head to your hands, shyly intertwining your fingers as they danced on your dress.
“How strong?”, you laughed. He focused on your hands, his eyes lost on the motions as he dreamed of having them all over his scared body.
“Give me your hand and I’ll show you.”
You obeyed, raising a hand toward him, unsure what he would do with it. He softly grabbed it with his own, he paused for a second, observing every detail on your beautiful skin, before softly kissing the top of it. You shivered at the touch, cheeks red and eyes escaping the intimate sight.
“Daemon-”, you chuckled. You had heard and read a thousand love stories. This is how they started and you smiled at the nice intention. You tried to withdraw your hand, ready to ask him to take you home, your tired body starting to hurt. But when you moved your arm, he only squeezed your hand harder, pulling it to him. You frowned your eyebrows, raising your head to look at him, confused. Everything sane had left him, his eyes were as dark as the night and as savage as the sea.
“You are my love.”
Waves crashed near you. You wished they would have swallowed you whole with the words just spoken. You had understood Daemon’s intentions a while ago, you weren't a stranger to the flattering of men. But you had never shown interest back, you thought. And if you ever did, you wished for it to take the time it needed, the one you needed. Maybe love wasn’t the word yet, you had sincere feelings for the man, gratitude to his kindness and attention.
“I don’t-”
You couldn’t speak. What could be said?
“You don’t love me?”
Eyes closed, your hand still trapped in his, you felt it tense, squeezing your harder. It felt like a warning, not like concern.
“I-”, you searched for the right words again, “That’s not what I mean no. I truly appreciate you…”
“Then what?”, his eyes pierced right through your heart, it bled like rain falling from the saddened skies.
“I’m not- I’m not ready Daemon”, you spoke, voice trembling.
“You don’t need to be”, he rasped, “You never truly are.”
You shook your head at the words, it didn’t make sense.
“I don’t want it.”
His digits dug in your palm, his breaths heavy. You wondered if it was going to be the sword or the dragon that would end you.
“You don’t”, he whispered, he had not moved a bit, like he was turned into a statue, his face similar to stone, “Then what of the touches? The smiles? The laughs? The time spent together?”
“Simple kindness!”. You let go of the words, wondering if you would regret them, “You were nice, and I appreciated it, so I was nice too. That’s it.”
“But that’s not love to you?”, he scoffed, “Oh you truly are that innocent.”
“I never said it wasn’t, I only said I didn’t know yet.”, you whined, “Maybe with more time.”
“I don’t want more time.”, Daemon grumbled, “I know what I want.”
You raised your eyes to meet his stare, as time had passed, you had both moved closer, you got lost in his eyes and him in yours.
"I want you.”
Your heart stopped beating, it felt like void, no noise was to be heard but the whispers of the sea. May she deliver you. Silence loomed for minutes.
“B-but my family”, it was merely an excuse, you didn’t really care. You only wanted to get out of here, out of his manipulative grasp.
“They didn’t deserve you.” His thumb brushed your hand softly, he almost had you. “I’ll treat you well. I’ll love you. I already do.”
Eyes tearing up you closed your eyes, focusing on your heart racing again. Your digits intertwined like real lovers.
“Love…”, he whispered. The words had you tensing. It felt good, yet menacing. Did you even have a choice? Accept and it was done, but refuse? It would probably be worse. You heard the stories, you knew the stories. You felt his presence lean closer to you, his nose brushing yours.
“F-fine.” You gave up. Maybe you only needed time. He drank your words like the best wine, his smile malicious, victorious.
Thoughts and prayers were taken away from you like air in your lungs when his hand grabbed the back of your neck, pushing your lips to his. The distance was closed in a wet contact, much more gentle and loving than you imagined. And to the first kiss followed the first night.
Your father was quick to accept. You never really thought about his opinion on it, but considering his status there was nothing more he could wish than having you bed a Prince. You felt a sort of abandon when they agreed so fast. To be tossed around wasn’t your greatest joy. You still had to process the last night and the gravity of Daemon words. Your father wasn’t necessarily overjoyed, everything was business to him. If the business was good, then he rolled with it. Within the day it was done. Now Daemon didn’t have any sort of restraint concerning you anymore. He stayed at your house and came when he wanted. At first it was a grand annoyance to you, you felt like liberties had been taken away. But as the days passed, the word ‘husband’ slinging on your tongue started to please you, as you were met with ‘wife’, even if you preferred ‘my love’. You couldn’t quite explain it, something felt right.
You sensed something different in Daemon, like his chains had been taken off. He was still terribly overprotective, especially after claiming before all as his wife and to his words, ‘his greatest love’. You experienced everything of a wife, and more to the fact that you were the Rogue Prince’s. Now Daemon was not shy to threaten anyone who would look down on you or wouldn’t treat you well enough to his taste. The men walked toward you eyes on the floor, the women envied you as you told the thousand kind attentions Daemon had toward you everyday. He wanted you both to experience everything of love and more.
The first time was… strange. You remember his own excitement and your confusion. You had… read things. But you still rested there on the bed, inexperienced and exposed to his expert hands. Freezing and tense, your heart beat to a never ending race. When he crawled above you, you braced yourself for the pain you have been told about. But to your great surprise, you were drowned in praises and kisses, exchanging smiles and laughs. You remember the feeling, it was painful, but it was accompanied by your loving husband's willing hands and mouth. For the few seconds of pain you had, he granted you hours of pleasure. And it never ended, each night back at it. You kissed and kissed, whispering words, your bodies enlaced, full of him as he melted into your tender embrace, worshiping your body like the Gods.
The first kick happened at night. You couldn’t sleep well as the month went by and your belly grew larger. When you felt it move your eyes widened. It didn’t hurt, it just felt weird to feel the little babe growing inside you manifesting itself. Smiling, you brushed your skin hoping it felt it too. You leaned closer to Daemon, fingers tapping his chest. Sleeping was much easier for him as he was glued to your body, legs intertwined, arm under your head and breath heavy against your sensitive skin. He emerged when you kept pinching his cheek, trying to get his attention. He turned to you, face half awake, worry in his eyes. Since the start of your pregnancy he had been more than overprotective. You struggled to thought it was possible. But he followed you everywhere, never leaving you alone. He ensured you always had maidens around in case anything happened. You took naps together, bathed together. He spend hours head resting next to your growing belly, peppering kisses all over it. He whispered soft and loving words to the babe. You watched him, brushing his hair while he felt asleep on your chest.
“What’s wrong? Are you ok?”, he spoke, sitting up, his hand brushing your shoulders, thumb circling the skin in a reassuring manner.
You smiled at him, gently guiding his hand toward your baby bump.
“It keeps moving”, you mumbled, falsely vexed as you closed your eyes to melt into his touch. His digits grazing the skin, slowly tracing your rounded belly. He laid back on the bed, face next to yours as you exchanged loving kisses, the baby’s kicks reminding you of its presence. “They are going to love you.”
“I want many of them.”, you smiled against his lips. He laughed into your mouth as he planted kisses on it.
Entering into labor was probably the scariest thing that happened to you. You had heard much about giving birth, but all the words Daemon would whisper in your ears couldn’t calm you down when the first contractions happened. It felt like tearing your body apart. You groaned and used words nobody thought could come out of your mouth. You ripped the fabric open in your hand, cried to whoever would hear you. As always, Daemon was at your side. You screamed and begged him to never leave you. He promised it and he never left you. The only time you allowed him to was when he stood up fiercely, your son in his arms as he cradled it, walking back to you. Dropping the little whining babe in your arms, he sat next to you, brushing the sweat off your face. He laid next to you, arms over your body and the little one. I love you. The sun set and the moon rose, the years passed and he was here for your second son, and still here for your little girl.
“I’m not leaving your side.”
Daemon looked after your two little boys like the most precious things he had. They looked very much like him. Fearless, brave, insolent. They ran around the house, escaping your sermons when Daemon laughed them off. They looked up to him with such admiration, he walked them to the port, trained them with the sword, and rode Caraxes with them. He had all eyes on your two little Princes. He praised them, kissed them, hugged them, loved them more than you could ever hope. You watched them grow in his arms. After their birth, waiting for your third child who happened to be a girl you wondered if he would treat her any different. Worries bubbled in your belly as she grew. She was very much like him too, which Daemon adored. He cherished her with everything he had, he taught your boys to love her as much. Barely walking, held between her older brothers, she walked with them to the port, into the gardens, her eyes sparkling like her father, fire into her veins. The girl was very talkative, even if her babbling didn’t make sense to others, Daemon listened to it for hours as she sat on the bed with her small hand moving in the air. He was so attentive, so focused, he answered back and their connection grew stronger each day.
“You were right here all along.”, you whispered.
Daemon raised an eyebrow at the words, unsure of what they meant. You were both laying in the grass, the afternoon sun cradling you both as your children were running around amongst the flowers in the garden. You heard their little yells and laughs as they were chasing butterflies under Daemon’s attentive gaze.
“You do love me.”
“You thought I lied?”, he murmured. There was no anger in his voice, but you could decipher a hint of sadness.
“No”, you reassured, cupping his cheek gently as you smiled at him, “But I like that it showed through the years.”, you paused, “By other means than grabbing my hand and kissing it.”
A shy laugh left him as he kissed your temple. You felt a small presence at your side as you turned, meeting with your lovely daughter, still struggling to hold onto her feet.
“Love you”, she babbled, resting her chin on your shoulders. You pinched her round cheeks and she laughed, head wiggling to escape your teasing touches.
“And me?”, pouted Daemon, falsely looking annoyed. The little girl raised her eyes to meet his, their lilac orbits clashing. There was as much insolence in her as there was in him, he loved and encouraged it each day.
“Love you too.”, she finally spoke, tongue escaping her tiny lips in defiance. A smile tore through Daemon’s face as he scoffed, twiddling the mess of her hair.
Leaving Pentos for the first time in your life was a huge step forward for you, you only wished it wasn’t because a close friend passed away. For years you exchanged letters with Laena, she was sweet and caring, strong and loved. Daemon was obviously saddened at the news, he apprehended going back there with you and the children. Having you around all the people, some he hated, made him only grow more annoyed and anxious as you embarked for the Driftmark. He hid it but after years together you knew how to interpret each of his moods.
“Never, ever, leave my side”, he ordered before you arrived.
“Didn’t we promise that to each other?”
He smirked at your answer, you had learnt your lesson well years ago. None of you was leaving each other's sides. Never.
As you met with more and more people, family and distant friends, you were asked everywhere. Faces unknown to you, gripping at your children as you held them onto you. You smiled and pretended, but Daemon wasn’t. Apart from his close family, which were his brother, sister and niece, and a few selected friends, he was cold to everyone else, especially those who looked down upon you. You were a woman of a distant land, some treated you like an exotic good to be handled and looked at. You greeted people with politeness, speaking a few words of your land. You felt your husband's grip tighten around your waist. Digits intertwined with his, you tried to reassure him, soft smile on your lips.
During the day, Daemon was asked more than once. Everytime the men looked at you with nonchalance as you accompanied him. He walked fiercely at your side, holding you like his most loved and precious prize. But you were much more to him than that. Anyone who dared to ask you to leave you meet with the famous Dark Sister, and probably regret it.
“She stays with me.”, he husked everytime the men wanted you to leave him. Nobody dared to contest the Rogue Prince’s decision.
Gentle smile on your face, you would rather avoid a slaughter. Each time Daemon started to threaten the people that treated you too badly to his taste, you would brush his face, his shoulders, desperately trying to soothe him before he lost it. Still you were reassured he never wanted you to leave his side, this new land was making you so anxious, looking after your kids as they ran away with others, scared to lose everything you had built for years.
Later that day, your little girl couldn’t stop pulling on your dress, whining that she wanted to go and see the pets, as she called the dragons. You had seen them too, beautiful, impressive, you wanted to take her closer to them, but Daemon was lost in an important conversation. Softly you whispered to him, his eyes traveled to you and his daughter as you pointed to them. For a second he hesitated, squeezing your hand harder, but he couldn’t refuse anything his children asked. He nodded, worry in his eyes as he watched you both walk away from him, already missing your presence. His eyes never left you, smirk on his lips as his boys jumped, hands in the air to get the wyrms’ attention. He heard their laughs and yells when the impressive dragons moved around, observing your figure, bent over to hold your little girl.
“They are beautiful, Uncle.”
Daemon recognized the voice, nodding at the words. Rhaenyra moved to his side, her magnificent eyes staring in your direction.
“They are”, he murmured, eyes still fixated on you and your children, a hand on the hilt of his blade, the other empty, missing your loving warmth.
“You love her do you?”, she questioned, asking like she knew the answer.
“I love them”, Daemon corrected, smirking, “Our relationship is the most important thing in my life.”
He paused for a second, eyes closed. He hoped the wind could carry his words across the lands and seas.
“I am but a starless sky without her. Empty. Lost. Each time they shine it reminds me of her laugh, her smile, her warmth. She'll always be the spark to my void.”
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lesbianoms · 8 months
The witch lived a fifteen minute walk outside of town.  You’d always had a bit of a crush on her, ever since you were 12 and she was 17.  She’d never even glanced your way.
Her eyes were always on the various preds when she wandered into town, her eyes warry and ready for a fight.  It was odd for a prey to not want to be eaten, even stranger to manage it for so long, but you guessed being a witch and having magic helped with that.
Besides, no pred in town bothered trying to eat her anymore after the first dozen or so disappeared.
But obviously she was a prey, she was small and skinny, she couldn’t keep any meat on her bones no matter how much she tried.  You’d heard her complain about it before, in the market asking stall owners how much they had in stock of various foods.  She ate like a predator, but everyone knew she was prey.
You wished she wasn’t, because you knew you’d never be happy in a relationship with another prey, oh sure you’d love them to pieces!  But that urge to be swallowed whole by someone you loved would never leave you…  So dating a prey who didn’t want to be eaten?  Wouldn’t be very fun for you.
The witch was 5 foot 3 inches, within the normal range of height for women, even if she seemed bitter about it sometimes, as it was on the lower end.  The witch was skinny, but not like a twig, more lithe like a swimmer, she had bright eyes and a hesitant smile.
She liked talking to kids who hadn’t become predator or prey yet, she’d show them magic and play games with them when other adults refused to take them seriously.
This did not help your crush on her.
And then one day you decided to talk to her, maybe you could handle your crush by becoming friends with her?
You offered to help her carry her groceries back to her cottage, and the witch had accepted with a smile and a blush.
Maybe your crush wasn’t hopeless— NO!  You WEREN’T going to date another prey, you’d tried before!
And then the pred appeared from down the path, he was tall, almost 6ft, and his eyes locked onto you and the witch.
The witch seemed unbothered even as the pred started gloating about how he’d just stumbled across dinner.  He was clearly from out of town.
And then the witch punched him, he doubled over in surprise, that was all she needed before she opened her mouth and stuffed him in.  You watched the witch swallow quickly, she clearly wanted to savor the moment but was doing it fast so that he didn’t have a chance to escape and eat you.
When the witch was done her belly was so incredibly swollen that her balance was off, she swayed from side to side before she got used to it.
“I know everyone thinks I’m a prey because I’m short and I can’t keep any weight on me,” the witch mumbled, sounding embarrassed, “And I know you only wanted to hang out with me because you thought I was safe…  But I’m a pred.”
You look at the witch, she’s so embarrassed, and she seems… sad.
“You can leave if you want.” the witch offered quietly.
Silently you pick up the groceries and keep walking towards your witch’s home.
Her eyes go wide and she stumbles after you.
Your witch.  Huh.
Over the next few weeks your crush on your witch grows until you can’t honestly call it a crush anymore, your witch gives you gifts and smiles at you and eats any pred that tries to stuff you away.
Eventually you stay the night at her place, you wake up in the morning to find your witch staring at herself in a mirror, frowning.
“I’m too skinny,” she says bitterly, “My metabolism is so fast that all of my food goes into keeping my muscles and none of it goes into much needed insulation!”
“It’s because you don’t eat any actual preys,” you comment idly, “Preds process really fast, preys stick around.”
Your witch freezes, turning to look at you.
“Oh.” she says softly, looking at you with wide adoring eyes, “I’ve never eaten a prey before…”
You think for a moment, has the time finally come?  Should you bring it up?  You decide to heck with it, it’s now or never.
“I’m a prey.” you point out, your witch nods, blushing nervously.
“Are you saying—?”
You spin your witch around to face you, wrapping your arms around her and staring into her eyes, “I think I’d be a lovely addition to your figure.”
You lift one of your hands and press it against your witch’s flat empty stomach, so empty, you are filled with a burning desire to fix that.
“If you’re sure.” your witch says firmly.
You smile, always so caring, and nod.
She opens her mouth and pushes you inside, swallowing you quickly, like she’s starving, maybe she is, starving for you.
She packs you away into her stomach, desperate for you to fill her belly, not even bothering to savor your taste.  She whines as the last of you slips down her throat.
You curl up in her belly, soft and warm.
She kneads at her swollen middle.
“I know a reformation spell,” she gasps as she feels your body inside of hers, “I’ll keep you inside me for… a month?  Maybe two?  And then I’ll bring you back so I can eat you again.”
You’re certain she’s blushing at her own words, but you like the sound of that, being eaten again, not that you aren’t fine with becoming fat on her body forever.
Your witch sighs, “You’re too still.  Squirm.”
You easily comply, you like this controlling side of your witch.
Your witch lays down on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, her hands kneading at her belly as you squirm inside.  She smiles faintly.  Soon you’ll be nothing but fat, but until then you fill her belly marvelously in a way no one ever has before.  Eventually you don’t have enough energy to keep squirming, it makes your witch giggle as she massages her softening belly.
Being inside your witch is a bit like magic.
Your witch lets out a cute little hiccuping burp, trying to cover it up as she blushes, she sighs, she still has things to do today.
But, she supposes, having you along for the ride can only make them more pleasant.
Ohh I love this scenario. There’s just something about kind witch preds in vore, since I don’t see them a lot. This checks ALL the boxes!! And neat little lore thing on other preds not adding any fat, that was cool to read!!
Uugh I love that balance of caring, shy, and yet domineering preds. “Magic” is also just the word I’d use to describe being digested in a pretty lady’s tummy ☺️
I love the progression of this storyline… also as an added epilogue, I enjoy imagining her trying unsuccessfully to hide me underneath her cloak as she runs her errands… eventually just owning her role as a pred and flaunting me to the rest of the world…
This is amazing!
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wario-speedwagon · 9 months
Dave and Old Sport Adopt a Kid: Chapter 10
Happy post-holidays, everyone! Here's another chapter of these two gays and their daughter to celebrate the new year! Full chapter under the cut as always :)
Chapter 1 Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Jack had finished placing the last dirty dish in the sink for dealing with later.
“We should probably head out soon,” he declared to the drawing aubergines at the cleared table.
“Ugh, fine,” Dave sighed, putting his pencil down in dismay. Pruny didn’t take the hint as she continued doodling unbothered.
“So, what’s our grand plan for today, then?”
“Huh? I dunno, show up?”
“I meant your ‘Aubergine’s handy dandy three-step plan’ or whatever you called it?”
“Oh that!” he finally recalled. “...Yeah I don’t remember.”
“What do you mean you ‘don’t remember’?”
“I dunno, with Pruny showin’ up and all, things kinda got sidetracked. We can probably save the plan for next time, eh?”
“What, so we just show up and… do our job then?”
“...I guess?”
“Well that’s unexpectedly anticlimactic…” Jack quietly admitted to himself. Though he couldn’t decide if he was relieved or disappointed. Honestly, it was probably both. Still, this was quite out of character for the Dave he’d come to know up to this point.
“C’mon, Prune, time to go.” Dave lightly nudged her arm, finally getting her attention as she quickly gathered that the time for drawing was sadly over.
The colorful cast exited the car, stepping foot onto the Fazbender’s parking lot as they headed for another accursed day shift at Freddy’s.
“Well hey! Look Pruny!” Dave exclaimed, suddenly kneeling down to her level and pointing.
“There’s the dumpster where we first met! Now ain’t that just nostalgic! …Gosh, it feels like so long ago with how much’s happened, but it hasn’t even been a whole day yet!”
Pruny didn’t quite read much of what Dave had rambled about, so she hoped they weren’t expecting any sort of special reaction about the dumpster Dave had just pointed to for… some reason? Jack seemed to ignore the matter altogether, so it was probably not important.
Weird as this Fazbender's place was, though, she was content to be back. She often hung around this building but never had the nerve to actually go inside and see it for herself until they’d (forcefully) taken her in. It didn’t live up to her every dream, but it was still exciting to her nonetheless. She’d never really been inside any fun place for kids like most kids had been, so it was nice to finally have her turn.
Jack and Dave pushed open the heavy doors into the pocket dimension of hell at which they worked. To where its phone-headed arbiter “happened” to be waiting for them.
“Yo, Scott. How’s ev—”
“I may just be stressed to the point of paranoia,” Scott harshly interrupted, “but I really don’t find it a good sign that you’re arriving with Dave now considering his… reputation.”
“Love ya too, Phoney—”
“—Yeah, well, that’s only because someone left his kid behind with me—”
“And you brought her BACK here!? Why would you do that!?”
“It’s… bring-your-child-to-work day again…?” Dave weakly attempted.
“Yeah no, uhm… there’s a whole… situation.” Jack resisted the urge to rub his temples while recalling all of last night’s and this morning’s headaches.
“C’mon, Phoney, just admit it! This place is a glorified daycare and you know it!”
“—Okay, whatever! I don’t care!” he finally snapped out of sheer resigned stress. “I have much more concerning problems than your ‘parenting style’ to worry about right now! If you don’t somehow already know, four children have gone missing yesterday, and so far things are looking to shape up into yet another Freddy’s threatening scandal that I have to deal with!”
“Oh, well, that’s not so bad! It coulda been five kiddins!”
“No, no, it’s very bad actually! And if I don’t… no no, I’m not gonna think about that right now…”
Scott wandered away, hands practically attached to where his temples would be.
...but then heel-turned back around to add:
“Now go make yourselves useful for once, before I make this your problem too! Go on, get! Saferoom! Now! And don’t you even dare mention a word of this to anyone!”
He then promptly marched off toward a group of children who were all encouraging each other to climb on top of the animatronics on stage.
“Sheesh Louise, he sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“No kidding. I suppose that’s what happens to a guy who has to single-handedly save a sinking ship from a child murder scandal. Must suck to be him right now,” Jack shallowly sympathized as if they didn’t have a direct hand in Phoney’s current situation.
“Alright kid, you’re free to do whatever the hell you want while— …Prune?”
But she was already long gone from sight.
“Oh. Well, she really takes after me, huh?” said Dave rather proudly.
The three men had been talking for a while with no sign of wrapping up anytime soon, so Pruny took it upon herself to wander around like kids are supposed to do here… right? Those guys worked here, so they’d be too busy to watch her all day anyway.
As she continued wading through the large, crowded dining space to the other side, she recalled that there was that gigantic present box next to the Prize Corner that had her curious from yesterday. Of course, that creepy guy was still there smiling blankly behind the counter, but she figured that she could easily sneak from the other side without him noticing pretty easily for closer inspection.
Approaching the box, Pruny hugged up against it to get a sense for how big it truly was. And in doing so, she felt some sort of plucking vibrations reverberating through it, kinda similar to clock ticking, but definitely different; this thing apparently seems to play some sort of music or sound, she gathered. That only piqued her curiosity even further.
So she naturally opened up its giant lid.
And then it slowly, grandly emerged from the box, rising to its feet as it began to tower over her.
And it then looked down at her with its rather haunting clownish mask face.
She naturally stepped back, partially out of natural fear but also to behold it better at a distance, but her fascinated stare at it remained unbroken.
The puppet’s head tilted.
And then the question crossed her mind, whether this thing also had a robotic voice or not, because to her frustration, it seemed like all the robots here had some sort of voice, even the strange Phone Guy, but obviously no moving lips to read. Although, she could sometimes detect the faintest sound of muffled voices from them, yet she heard nothing of the sort from this ominous… thing.
She didn’t know if she preferred its eerie silence or not.
And then it stepped out of the box. And then it extended a creepy hand out to her.
She carefully considered her options. Was this safe? What did it want with her?
She decided to take its hand.
(Chapter 11)->
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
A List of Gill's Favorite Sibling Moments Between Hotch and RR (Part 1)
For those of you who love the dynamic between Hotch and Rossi-Reid as much as I do, here are sections that are my personal favorites of their sibling-like relationship. Some of them aren't even interactions, just very sibling things they do!
It's Proposals, Dads, and Halloween, Rossi-Reid!
Hotch telling Spencer not to tell RR that her dad is coming back to work:
Morgan responded, but you tuned out their banter, opening a file and getting to work. You’d only gotten through reading the first few sentences when Spencer said your name. “(Y/N), he’s here.”
“Who-” you looked up from your file just in time to see your dad walk through the bullpen behind Section Chief Strauss. He dropped a wink in your direction, but you were too stunned to reply. “Why is my dad here?” You looked around at your colleagues, your glance finally landing on your husband.
“He’s coming out of retirement,” he said, sitting down unbothered.
You snorted. “Spence, stop trying to scare me.”
“Rossi.” Morgan sat up in his chair. “It’s not a prank. Hotch sent us all a text last night.”
You turned to Emily with a questioning look. “Did you know?”
“I think the real question should be how did you not know?” Emily said.
You looked at your phone, seeing if you had missed the message, but nothing had been sent in the first place.
“Spence, did you get a message?” You turned to your husband.
“I-I did,” Spencer said. You could see the concern in his face.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Hotch told me not to.”
“I’m your wife! You’re supposed to tell me anyway!” You weren’t angry as much as you were annoyed.
Figuring Out The Family Buisness
Hotch not pairing RR and Rossi up in the field until he HAS to:
You’d known Hotch long enough to know that he was putting off pairing you with your dad- then again anyone who had heard the story about the Rossi family laser tag game would be. He saw the little ways your dad still treated you like a kid, and he probably always would. You were his daughter. So Hotch put it off until he had no choice.
Actually he put it off until Morgan pretty much forced him to.
And him reminding Rossi where RR got her attitude from:
Hotch walked up beside Rossi. “She gets it from you, you know.”
Rossi sighed. “Don’t remind me.”
Hotch and RR bringing up the office party of 1995:
“Aaron,” Rossi’s tone became exaggerated. “It’s a bar. They could get carried away.”
“What?” Hotch smirked. “Like you did that one time at the office party in 1995-”
“Oh-kay,” Rossi cut him off. “Let’s not talk about this anymore.”
You gave him a questioning look. “You know, I remember back in 1995 after an office party when you-”
Rossi held up his hand to stop you. “Let’s not bring that up.”
Then Spencer thinking they might have made it up as a joke:
“So,” he whispered. “The office party of 1995 is a true story? I thought you and Hotch were just making that up.”
You smiled sleepily. “Nope,” you whispered back. “No way we could make that up.”
RR sending a risky text to Haley before the divorce:
You picked up your phone and scrolled through your contacts, looking for Haley’s number. You weren’t sure what you were going to do. You weren’t going to call her- she never picked up anymore. Every text you’d sent had gotten no reply. There wasn’t anyone there to tell you what to do… except for you.
Your dad would have scolded you for being too involved, Spencer would have just taken your phone and held it above his head so you couldn’t reach, and Hotch… Well, for the first time in a long time you didn’t know what Hotch would do. So you typed the message out and pressed send before putting your phone in your pocket and pushing the thought to the back of your mind.
And RR knowing Hotch well enough to tell he was signing the papers:
You looked up too- seeing that Hotch was in his office. Normally you would have gone to say hello and maybe tease him about having missed all the fun, but even from where you sat you could tell that he was far more distressed than normal. The papers he was holding weren’t just from a case. They were personal.
The First Week
Hotch and RR on her first day as an Agent at the BAU:
There, waiting for you by the glass doors, was a face that you’d been missing for a long time- one that had driven you to school, and cheered at your championship soccer game; one that picked you up from a party the first time you got wasted and had no one else to call. One that reminded you that the old Italian saying il sangue non e acqua simply wasn't true.
“(Y/N),” Aaron smiled at you, his arms open for a hug. You couldn’t help yourself- you threw yourself into his embrace, squeezing your arms around his shoulders. He hugged you back just as tight, if not tighter. “Or should I say Agent Rossi.”
“Gross,” you replied and pulled away, allowing yourself a few seconds to be the BAU’s resident teenage pest again. “Seriously, just call me (Y/N). But…” you smiled ominously. “I did hear you can’t be annoyed at me anymore for calling you Hotch anymore. Sounds like you’re actually rather fond of your nickname now.”
He chuckled and you knew that the both of you were remembering the first time you had shortened his last name, his insistence that you didn’t call him that and your determination to annoy him by continuously ignoring his request. “It’s more convenient,” he admitted. “Anyway, let me give you the tour.”
Where Did The Time Go?
RR, Hotch, and a rather inappropriate inside joke:
“Well,” Hotch said, walking into the room and tossing a file down onto the table. “We finally got the M.E. report.”
You abandoned Reid and his maps in favor of going over to the table to look at the new information. You had to wedge yourself around Morgan to get a look, but as soon as you saw it, you knew.
You didn’t even think twice about your words. “He’s got limp dick syndrome.”
Hotch choked on his coffee and began to snicker. You could see how hard it was for him to hold in his laughter as he brought a fist to his mouth in an effort to cover his smile. It was nice to see his serious demeanor crack. Even after all these years, you were still Rossi’s daughter who got distracted from her homework while watching (and pestering) young Special Agent Hotchner as he tried to piece together a profile.
“You-” he cut himself off and pressed his lips together before taking a deep breath to compose himself. Still, he couldn’t hide the smirk on his face. “Don’t say that in front of the local officers.”
“Okay, well then you can go tell Gideon.” You smirked as well. As he left the room to find the senior agent, Hotch still struggled to get his serious face back.
Hotch knowing he'd be tasked with waking up RR if he stayed on the jet:
“Someone get (Y/N) up,” Hotch said before exiting the jet. He knew full well that if he didn’t make a beeline down the stairs, he’d have to be the one to do it.
(Part 2)
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jowrites · 4 months
When the Dahlia sings Her Song - 3. Do you believe in magic?
TW: Mentions of death, physical abuse, mental illness, depression, anxiety, parental death, verbal abuse, mute disorder, mentions of sex, some smut(in future), cursing
Strangers to Lovers. Lee Heeseung x F!OC(I like giving names).
Masterlist Here. Prev. Next. Jo's Masterlist Here.
taglist: @enhabooks
“Beomgyu! I’m going to kill you!”
Heeseung barged into his brother’s room in the apartment they shared with Jay. Beomgyu quickly ran and held out his arms in front in panic, confused and startled as Heeseung came charging at him in a quick motion.
“Why? Why? What did I do this time?” Beomgyu asked just as Heeseung gripped him by the collar of his shirt, throwing him over to the floor.
A very unbothered Jay strolled in then and leaned up against the door, he had a half eaten banana in his hand and began to finish eating it.
“You’re finally home?” Jay asked. “Where’d you go?”
“My point exactly! WHY? Why did YOU send me there when she already broke up with you!?” Heeseung tossed his brother around the room.
“Oh, he’s mad-mad. I’m staying out of this one,” Jay shrugged and exited the room going off to mind his business.
“Wait, you actually went?” Beomgyu asked, releasing himself from his brother's grip. “Well, thanks I guess.”
“Thanks? Oh, you fucker!” Heeseung charged again, landing a punch in Beomgyu’s jaw.
“OW! You’re fucking kidding me!” Beomgyu held his face, just as Heeseung started calming down.
“Okay, okay,” Heeseung said. “I feel better now.”
“You actually saw Gyuri? How was she?” Beomgyu asked. “Is she okay?”
“She seems totally fine that she broke it off with you, which would have been nice to know before I got stuck there for a whole ass hour!” Heeseung yelled.
“I thought she was joking,” Beomgyu said.
“Why would anyone joke about breaking up with you? Ugh! You’re a whole ass mess. You better get your life squared up, Beomgyu. I’m done cleaning up for you! Grow the fuck up!” Heeseung yelled, then turned around and stormed off down the hall to his room.
“You know, he’s right. You need to grow up and stop shielding yourself behind him. You’re taking advantage of him and you need to knock it off,” Jay said to Beomgyu, who was still holding his jaw.
“You don’t think I know that? I get it told every single fucking day, thanks!” Beomgyu screamed.
“Then fucking do something about it instead of acting up! Maybe your father will respect you then!” Jay yelled and marched away.
Beomgyu threw a shoe just as Jay closed the door, out of frustration with the situation but mostly with himself. Jay proceeded to walk down the hall to his best friend’s room, knocking before entering. Heeseung was in the middle of his bed, his jacket and shirt long gone and he sat twisting a piece of paper in his hands.
“Hey, are you okay?” Jay asked, closing the door behind him.
Heeseung scoffs, staring down.
“You know what angers me the most about this? I actually had a great time,” Heeseung admitted. 
“What do you mean?” Jay sat beside him, frowning and wondering just where his best friend had been all evening.
“I was in the most beautiful shop with the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on, eating the most delicious cinnamon rolls,” Heeseung scoffed. “I’ll probably never feel that at peace ever again.”
“Gyuri is the most beautiful girl you’ve ever laid eyes on?” Jay asked.
“No, no…the girl behind the counter, her name was Kai. She was very odd, mute. She wrote down everything on a pad but understood me so I couldn’t tell if she just couldn’t talk or if she was deaf. I didn’t ask and it’s not like it matters but…she was so nice, so…quiet,” Heeseung said.
“Are you trying to tell me you fell in love at first sight?” Jay raised an eyebrow and Heeseung laughed and looked back at his friend.
“That’s what it felt like but I think she’s taken. This guy came in and he kissed her on the cheek and she was smiling so wide with him. Ugh! Just thinking about it,” Heeseung clenched his jaw, looking ahead.
“Steal her.”
Heeseung snapped out of his zone and looked back at Jay, frowning at the absurd word. Steal her? Take her from him?
“You want me to be a homewrecker?” Heeseung asked.
“If you think she’s the one, then why not. I’d really like to see you not die alone,” Jay patted his friend's shoulder. “You’re super rich, any girl would come running to you.”
“She looked really happy,” Heeseung said.
“Hey, if you think you can make her really happy too then I say go for it, but that’s just me,” Jay put his hands up in defense. “If you really fell in love at first sight, I mean.”
“You and Beomgyu make me sick!” Heeseung sarcastically said.
“And right now you need a shower because you smell like roses and wet dog,” Jay pretended to gag and Heeseung pushed him off his bed.
“Yeah, yeah. Get out of here!” Heeseung stood up, tossing the paper on his desk and going to his bathroom. Jay laughed and waved him off, leaving Heeseung alone in his thoughts. Steal her? He couldn’t do that to someone. One thing he hated was homewreckers and he refused to become one. He needed to take a hot shower and get the day washed off his body and mind. He thought it would be easy, but as he stood under the hot water his mind was running back to her. The girl who didn’t speak.
The next day, Heeseung found himself in the very spot he tried to avoid. Right in front of the shop again, right at 7 PM. He didn’t know why he came back or what he even planned to do, but every single thing just bothered him. He sat in his car just looking into the shop, watched as the lights were on and the open sign turned on. He noticed now the name was “Hotel Juliet,” which he found odd given it was a florist shop. Just how many businesses did reside in this one building area. 
Just then he saw her emerge in the windows. He watched a few people walk in and they greeted her, her smile so wide and friendly. She embraced everyone she encountered and Heeseung felt angry at that. How could she be so kind and open when there are tons of people in the world who don’t deserve it? He knew he didn’t deserve it, yet here he was. He just wanted to be close to this place. To her.
Soon, just as the last person exited the shop, he got out of his car and with a confident stride he walked into the shop. Kai was turned around in front of him, and as he stood there just staring at her, everything around him seemed to fade. 
“Oh! It’s you! The dude from yesterday!” And just like that, he heard the most annoying familiar voice he was dreading to hear. “What can we do for you?”
Heeseung panicked, he looked over at the guy, Jake, and then back at Kai who turned around now and waved, her smile so beautiful and wide.
“Uhm,” Heeseung’s palms began to sweat and he quickly looked around and his eyes landed on some black Dahlia's, the same ones he was looking at just the other day. “I came to buy some flowers.”
“Oh, not my specialty. My sister here will take care of you, but be careful, don’t ask about those ones over there or she won’t stop telling you about them,” Jake leaned in and whispered, pointing to a bunch of Sunflowers near the counter.
“Sister?” Heeseung finally registered and looked at the man and he nodded and walked off as Kai walked over.
Glad you’re back. What type of flowers did you want?
Technically they are all mine, a little more specific please
“I mean, those! The black Dahlia’s, I saw them yesterday.”
Kai got excited and walked over to the flowers and began to gather some. Heeseung felt like the biggest idiot on this planet. He shook his head, a sigh of relief and quickly mentally slapped himself.
“Dude, you’re kind of a loser,” He jumped, startled, and looked over at none other than Gyuri, who was shaking her head at him. “You cannot make it any more obvious.”
Gyuir walked off, scoffing and going in the back where Jake was. Kai came back then, taking his hand and dragging him over, writing on her pad.
How many did you want?
“I’ll take them all. As many as you have.”
Are you sure?
“I’m positive.”
She smiled and began to gather them up. She motioned for him to wait as she began to arrange them in a pretty way. He just sat on a bench, watching her work. She was so into it, it’s as if the flowers themselves were speaking to her and telling her exactly how they needed to be arranged. Which flowers go next to certain ones, which ones are paired perfectly. 
“Kai, beat up Jake for me please, he ate my last eggroll!” Another man, unfamiliar, came marching from the back and over to Kai, grabbing onto her and trying to drag her away. She stopped him and shook her head, pointing over to Heeseung and the man straightened up.
“You guys were gatekeeping a customer from me? Now, I’m severely offended!” The man said. “Can I offer you some painting classes?”
“Painting classes?” Heeseung asked.
“Well, not really classes, but it’s a sip and sit. We offer 2 types here at Hotel Juliet, wine and then stronger wine,” The man walked over, handing Heeseung a card. His name was Sunghoon and he held sip and sit painting events. 
“I’m very busy, I really don’t think I can make one,” Heeseung tried to decline and he watched Kai look off. She signed something to Sunghoon and he nodded. 
“She would like it if you came to one,” He said, and she marched over and hit his arm. “OW! Why are you hitting me?”
She rolled her eyes and wrote on her pad.
I told him to leave you alone, you run a company.
“Just, how many businesses are under this hotel?” Heeseung asked. He felt like the services in this place were endless, but it looked like just an abandoned community.
“We offer pretty much everything, we even have something special out back,” Sunghoon smirked. “But those are only for club members.”
Don’t mind him, he’s lonely
“And you’re mean!” Sunghoon explained, she stuck out her tongue at him and he did the same.
“Hoon, leave her alone, get back to work,” Jake came back and Sunghoon rolled his eyes before walking off.
Sip and sit are actually fun, I hope you think about it. Your flowers will be $50
“Wait, only $50? You’re kidding? I should be paying close to $500,” Heeseung explained and she shook her head.
Nope. $50
“I really think you guys are selling yourself short here, how do you keep your business afloat?” Heeseung asked.
“Come on, magic? Again with the magic thing?”
All you have to do is believe.
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