#looks at her making a post about her 'adoptive mother' dying. and looks at my grandmother commenting on the post.
dykethang · 2 months
seriously and genuinely incapable of understanding what the hell my mother is on about anymore these days. like for Reals.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Could you please pleasepleaseplease p l e a s e continue the halfa cass post? I'm dying for some more of it, it's SO GOOD
The first thing Cass notices about the Fentons is how utterly silly they are. She had been expecting a group of far more regal people, especially with the castle they lived in and being protected by Phantom.
She still doesn't really understand what's going on, but she can piece together that Phantom is in charge. The people who had stopped to stare at her all whispered about the King, and she could tell that a few of them gained helpless hope by the mere sight of her.
If they were truly trapped here, then her appearance meant there was a chance of escaping.
But were they trapped because of Phantom? Dan mentioned the Fae's costumes of tricking humans into signing slavery contracts with a feast. Had Phantom done the same?
"Maddie!" Dan yells at the top of his lungs, floating towards the draw bridge. "Maddie, I think you want to look at this!"
"What is it, sweetie?" A woman calls back, quickly followed by an explosion in the left tower. Cass stiffens as the window of the tower is flung open, and a woman in an overalls sticks out her head. Behind her, black smoke rises. "I was just making headway in the latest Fenton Escaper!"
"Really? How's that going?"
"It exploded! There is nothing left!" She beams, pulling her oversized goggles off her head. They leave a black outline around her eyes. .
Dan's body language doesn't show his surprise at her failure. In fact he seems oddly amused. It must be a common thing."I supposed that's good?"
"Oh, it's wonderful! Jake is going to be so happy that it reacted quickly to the new element!" The woman chirps. "He's out with Danny, gathering some more supplies for our people."
"They went hunting without me?"
"You know you're grounded, young man."
Wait, was this woman Dan's mother? Could the dead have parents? Or was it more of an adoption relationship?
"Yeah, Yeah, I know. Anyway, Maddie, I wanted to introduce you to the new arrival-"
"You brought a girl home!" Maddie cuts him off, flinging herself out the window. Cass would have rushed to her aid were it not for her apparent control as she spun into a landing. "Hello there! I'm Maddie Fenton! Dan's mother from another timeline, welcome to the family!"
Cass could tell she was going for a hug before the hug arrived, but she was still somewhat surprised by how forward Maddie was. Oddly friendly in a way no one in Gotham dared to be. Unless they were crazy like Harely. She can only blink as the woman wraps her up in an embrace, her muscles belying her small frame.
A fighter. A rather skilled one at that.
"I was so worried Dan would never find a partner!"
"Maddie! She's not my girlfriend!" Dan hisses, "She's a kid!"
"I'm twenty-one" Cass corrects
"A baby," Dan insists.
"Oh, that's a shame. She's gorgeous- from what I can see with the mask. The grandchildren would have been beautiful." Maddie sighs, letting her go. Then, it seems the woman noticed her features for the first time because she looked startled. "Are you a living human?"
"Worst. She's a halfa," Dan responds. Maddie's upper body goes rigid, and Cass can see thousands of emotions go through her—shock, denial, awe, wonder, glee, despair—to name a few—before she settles on one.
"Jazz! Dani! Come here!" She screams, and Cass only has a few seconds to step away from Maddie's sudden craze before another glowing blur speeds towards them.
It's a younger version of Dan but female. She stops just short of ramming into Dan with a giggle. "Made you flinch!"
"You did not."
"Did, too." The girl, nineteen maybe, insists but twists to Maddie while speaking. It doesn't seem like she thinks about whether she is correct. Cass wondered if she should say that Dan really did not flinch. Besides his hair swaying slightly by the gust of wind she created, he hadn't moved from his crossed-arm position. "Who's this?"
"A new Halfa!" Maddie cheers.
The girl's friendly demeanor crumbles into horror. "What?"
"I know- isn't this exciting?"
"No, Mom, it means she died." Yet another voice sighs. "What did we say about our science?"
"Not to let it overpower my morals and to be tactful of other feelings." Maddie quotes with an eye roll, though Cass can tell she's not bothered by the reminder. Strutting from the castle draw bridge, the only one that uses it is a beautiful woman clad in a purple sleeveless dress.
She moves with the confidence and elegance Cass had expected of a Queen. It's when she stands next to Maddie that it becomes clear they are mother and daughter- almost all her features are a copy of Maddie. "Hello there. I'm Jazz Fenton. I heard you've been through a horrible ordeal. I'm very sorry for your loss of life."
Cass blinks at her, then shrugs. She isn't sure if she is grateful that Damian's ninja mask is still across her face, keeping her amusement hidden.
Jazz smiles even wider. "Welcome to Phantom's Keep. We welcome you inside."
Hmmm, well, no, Cass did not like how she said that. Sounded a little too Fae-like for her taste.
Jazz isn't aware of her unease as she gestures to the castle. "We have some questions on how you arrived. See, Dan and I thought you had died and placed you in the sector for new ghosts. Dan was supposed to greet you and get you settled. But your new status changes everything."
Was Jazz....Phantom?
If so, Cass needed to be careful how she continued interacting with the woman. She didn't want to get stuck here for seven years, either. She had a family she was going to get back to.
"Where is Cass? She hasn't checked in for days," Bruce asks his children, looking over everyone's logs. Her last entry was twenty-four days ago, a short "Investigating Amity Park—pending field report" blinking on his screen.
"I'll ask Raven." Damian volunteered. "She should be able to give more insight into Cass' mission."
"Thank you, son."
Bruce hoped the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach was just untreated paranoia like his children liked to claim and not that something had happened to his daughter. He never liked it when his gut feelings were right.
They were never a good reason.
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bengiyo · 23 days
I’ve just finished my rewatch of Go Ahead, a cdrama you will probably never watch because it’s het and mostly about family trauma. But it’s one of my all time favs and one of the best things about it is the strong found family theme—it’s essentially about three broken families and how they join together as one to support each other. It got me thinking about my fav found family narratives, and especially those that are explicitly queer, because there’s often added life or death stakes in those stories. What are your favorite found family stories in queer media?
This is an interesting question, and I think you qualified appropriately right away by bringing up the life or death stakes of this kind of narrative. I think I want to make a distinction between "finding your people" and "found family" because I think these things often get blurred in romance stories.
Favorite Queer Found Family Stories
For me, a good found family story has to be about the found family component of it. Romance can be a significant portion of the story, but the primary driving relationships need to be about the queers being each other's primary network. I think estrangement from your bio family is a critical component, because knowing you are all each other has is a big part of it.
POSE (2018-2021)
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It's really impossible to establish what found family looks like without referring to a show about ballroom culture in NYC in the 90s. We were dying. We were being abandoned. The houses gave people a place to be and a sense of purpose. These kids called their leaders Mother for a reason. Every single queer character in this show was saved by another character in this show before going onto save another character in this show. No show has ever done it like POSE.
Despite their fighting and bickering, Elektra saved Blanca. Blanca would go on to form her own house and provide shelter and support for multiple kids. There is a desperation to queer found family for me that makes it so important. Pray Tell's final choices still resonate with me to this day.
Queer as Folk (2000-2005)
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We remember all of the fucking in this show, but this is another show where the queers are their primary support network. Their families aren't really there for them. Justin is kicked out of the house and lives with Debbie for a while, and is nursed by his community after being bashed. Michael and Ben adopt Hunter. Brian donates for Lindsey and Melanie. Debbie housed Brian in the past. Emmett's family disowned him, so his friends are all he's got. The community rallies constantly to protect each other.
Part of what makes this show so special as found family, like with POSE, is how often these folks piss each other off and get into huge fights. They fall out repeatedly in this show over fundamental disagreements that are not easily solved. Some of those fights are ugly in a way only people who know you best can hurt you.
The Fosters (2013-2018)
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There's no way I'm not including my favorite TV lesbians of all time raising all them kids on this post. These two public servants found each other, made the difficult choices to be together, and keep expanding their family with more fosters and adoptees over time because there's always more love to go around. This show tackled how important it is to be able to call people family, and what it means for that to be a choice over an obligation. These two always found a way to make it work for their complex family and gave a budding queer the space to grow and be a brat of a teenager after saving him from having the shit beaten out of him for wearing a dress.
Sense8 (2015-2018)
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From the directors of The Matrix (1999) and the creator of Babylon 5 (1993-1998), few shows are as queer as Sense8. Eight strangers suddenly become connected to each other and cannot turn it off. Half of them are queer in some way, and it's about their adaptation to each other and looking out for each other as they're literally being hunted. This is one of my favorite sci-fi concepts of all time, and I love the way their relationships outside of their cluster play into their dynamics.
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat (2022- )
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This is a recent favorite for this, particularly because of Season 2. In Season 1, we know that Nomoto puts a distance between herself and her family because of the pressure to become a wife. In season 2, we learn that Kasuga has severed ties with her family because of the expectation that she surrender her own life to take care of her family. When she tells Nomoto this, Nomoto gets angry on Kasuga's behalf and they decide to commit to living together. They are also building their community around them, and I better see everyone in their new apartment in season 3.
Gameboys 2 (2022)
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So much of what's going wrong for Gav in this season is that he doesn't feel connected to the rest of his bio family after his grandmother passed, and he's desperately holding onto all of the friendships he has because he's so lonely. It's why he's still close with both of his exes (Pearl and Terrence), and why he won't let them go. Also, he's falling apart and Pearl is the one making sure his bills get paid on time.
The Shape of Water (2017)
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Shout out to my man Doug Jones for always playing creatures that everyone is attracted to. The way this movie is so much about undesirables choosing to love each other and saving each other. Go watch it if you haven't. This film is not about a sexual awakening. It's about loving inside of a white capitalist structure.
Not Queer But Good
Shout outs for my faves. Some have queer characters in them, but aren't inherently or explicitly queer.
The Golden Girls (1985-1992)
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No one did it like them. A bunch of aging women living together and making the most of their lives still resonates almost 40 years later.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008)
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All of these kids are estranged from their families, and are building out something that works over the course of the show.
The Good Place (2016-2020)
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I really love that this is a show about people who didn't get it together in life getting it together in the afterlife because they decided to work together, and then to care about each other. When you're literally being tortured by devils, you're all you've got.
What Doesn't Fit?
This is where things can get a little bit wiggly, but why I want to draw a line on this. I think that shows about queer friendship are important, but I also think that there's a difference between "we are all we've got" and "these people are the most important to me." So we end up with shows like the following.
Noah's Arc (2005-2006)
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I often call this the Black answer to Queer as Folk, but I don't think it had time to fully-develop the found family themes in a way that QaF did with its much-longer runtime. Noah and his friends are super codependent and absolutely there for each other, but I don't think the absence of their families is explicitly attributed to their queerness but rather a byproduct of the focus on their gay life dynamics in LA. I love this show dearly, but there isn't a desperation to this that belies the family angst necessary for found family.
For The Boys (2021)
In many ways a spiritual successor to Noah's Arc, this show falls into the same place. The friend trio at the core of this is the most important relationship in their lives, but this show doesn't have the necessary found family angst.
What about QL?
For me, the biggest problem with doing found family in QL is that the primary genre is romance. These shows prioritize the way these relationships will turn romantic in a way that detracts from the found family component even when it's present. Also, because QL focuses so hard on coming of age plotlines, there's an element more of "finding your people" that supercedes any found family dynamics.
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I Promised You the Moon (2021) is a good example of this. The primary drama of this show is about the romance between Teh and Oh-aew and the complications they face once they leave Phuket. Oh finds his people there and blossoms from it, but this is a story about how he and Teh can't get over each other.
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As much as I love What Did You Eat Yesterday? (2019- ), the only real component of that is in Wataru's character. Kenji gets along with his mom and sisters, and Shiro is working on repairing the relationship with his family the entire time.
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With Thai BL especially, I feel like they're big on friend groups, but not as big on found family. New Siwaj loves big friend groups that love each other, evinced by Love Sick (2014-2015), Make It Right (2016-2017), Until We Meet Again (2019), EN of Love (202), My Only 12% (2022), etc. He's done some great work in the space with queer friends, but not really queer found family.
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Cheewin, a former collaborator of New's, also loves friend groups that have each other's backs. Probably his best example of that is Secret Crush On You (2022) with that friend quartet. The closest I think he came to found family was Uea in Bed Friend.
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Another example that comes close is the unit that forms on their road trip in The End of the World With You (2023). I often think about this group of queers and the kid they adopted screaming to the heavens that they want to live.
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Something I love, but which doesn't count for me is Our Dining Table (2023). There are powerful family dynamics here, but like in WDYEY they're adding Yutaka to their family and Yutaka reconciles with his adoptive family. I don't generally think that adding a romantic partner to your family counts as found family. Besides, Yutaka has a stable job and housing.
Final Thoughts
For me, the stakes are pretty high with queer found family, and it really needs to have a queer basis for me to feel strongly about it. Going back to their bio family is not an option, and often times the terms we use for traditional relationships don't always fit properly (yet another reason why Unknown got so much right). I don't think it's queer found family when they're students in college whose families just aren't around because they're paying for their kids to go to school. Finding your queer community as an adult is a huge part of growing up, but a queer found family is there for the really ugly and desperate parts of existence that your friends might not see.
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wyrmswears · 2 months
I know the au ain’t about Jay, but does he have an animal form? How did Edd & Eddna found him or he does not exist?
I do apologize for the amount of questions not being libber related😞
Pd. I also love wolf children i imagine Libby just recreating the feral Yuki scene right?
Hellooooo!! Had to think about this for a bit; I really didn't give Jay too much mind when making this AU lol. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed getting to flesh out this AU further using your questions so thank you so much for asking! :D I made the AU for Libber and Ice but it's always fun to expand on other characters and how the changes the AU makes affects them.
This post turned out longer than I expected (oops. I love infodumping about my AUs, sorry lol) so the answers in their entirety are under the cut! Spoilers for Prime Empire and Dragons Rising (though nothing particularly about s2) are mentioned though.
The short answers are: Jay is still adopted, Libber left him at the Walkers' doorstep before dying. And yes, Jay has a wolf form like Libber does, but he can't access it until after the Merge.
The long answers:
The second question is easy - the comic on my other post initially had a third page that would've answered this but I found it difficult to get to flow well so I scrapped it. When the Walkers arrive home after coming across Libber, they find Jay on their doorstep. The idea is that she had left him at a safe place as a final act before succumbing to whatever killed her. (Much like in Wolf Children, I don't have a particular cause of death thought out.) Ed and Edna don't make the connection between the child on their doorstep and the wolf on the highway of course, because why would they?
As for whether Jay has an animal form... On one hand I find it very amusing when characters of non-human heritage turn out to be just normal humans, and Cliff Gordon is still completely human in this AU, but I also think it'd be boring to ignore his heritage completely for the sake of the bit. After mulling it over I've come up with this:
Jay grows up showing quirks that align with him being half raijū, but nothing that can't be explained by him being the elemental master of lightning or just a peculiar (and probably neurodivergent) child; these are things like a fascination of thunderstorms, abnormal resistance towards electrical shocks, hyperactivity, a tendency to chew on things...
He has no idea that his biological mother wasn't human until after the events of Prime Empire when Wu, now aware that Jay knows he's adopted as he used it to reason with Unagami, requests to speak to Jay privately. He explains that, if Jay has an animal form then he shouldn't feel like he has to hide it from the team as he is sure that they'd accept him, much like Libber's teammates accepted her. This is sweet and all, but Jay is very confused what he means about having an animal form. And thus begins the explanation of who or what exactly Libber was.
After learning that he isn't completely human, Jay isn't really upset - hell, Zane and Lloyd have both dealt with the same thing and it turned out fine - but he only talks about it with Nya. This is part of my general characterisation of Jay where I feel like he doesn't keep too many deliberate secrets, but does only mention certain things about himself on a need-to-know basis meaning that, while he doesn't care if the team knows he's adopted, only Nya, Zane, and Pixal know that he is (Zane and Pixal for being present at the end of Prime Empire). Nya 'needs to know' because she is his yang thank you very much. Nya helps him to research about raijū and they find out that they can come in a variety of forms. Jay thinks he'd look like a noble and mighty creature, maybe a lion or an eagle. Nya thinks he'd be a chihuahua.
Nonetheless, that seems to be the extent of it; Jay doesn't figure out if he has an animal form or how to use it, and all that's changed is that Nya has become a lot more aware of her yin's oddities. That is, until Dragons Rising.
I think after the Merge, Jay has no issues with accessing his animal form: much like his mother, he's a wolf-like canid. If you told him, he'd probably never believe that he had spent the first 20-or-so years of his life with no clue to his heritage and no abilities related to it when his natural state of self after getting amnesia is to flux between forms. Maybe it developed as one of the strange effects of the Merge, or maybe its a new ability as a result of his environment, much akin to Cole's rock golem. Nonetheless, it serves as a message to Nya that this isn't the same Jay she knew before the Merge. He flaunts his heritage to the team that he never told and has changed, both physically and as a person, without her there to see.
As for the P.S, I'm not entirely sure what scene you are talking about - there's quite a few where I imagine Yuki could be described as feral lol - but Libber is overall quite alike to Yuki in my mind, particularly when she is younger and less concerned with hiding her wolf side.
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cloakedsparrow · 18 days
When did Jason & Damian Meet?
More random DC thoughts while tending to my goats:
Jason died shortly before his sixteenth birthday and Tim arrived a few months later, aged thirteen. Rounding Jason up a month or so for convenience, this makes a three year age difference.
Batman Annual 25 states that Jason was dead for six months “until time decided to set things right” (because he wasn’t supposed to die but Superboy Prime fucked up the timeline similar to Flash in Flashpoint). Then he spent a year in the hospital/on the streets before Talia takes him in. Then, he spends a year with her before she drops him in the Lazarus Pit and immediately gets him away from Ra’s. After that, he goes through a series of teachers before returning to Gotham for the events of Hush and Under the Red Hood. This had to have taken around a year at least.
Tim is fifteen during the attack in Titan’s Tower, which takes place during the events of Under the Red Hood (sometime between Jason revealing himself to Bruce and taking a Batarang to the neck). If we go by the timeline shown in the Annual, Jason should be nineteen, which would be a four year age difference. Which means either one of those ‘one year later’s is wrong or Dick was right when he guessed Tim was twelve in A Lonely Place of Dying and Tim lied about being thirteen.
So we’re looking at an age difference of either three years or four years between Jason and Tim. This is the important point.
Damian turns thirteen shortly after Tim died (and was immediately resurrected by Dr Manhattan but the family didn’t know that and it doesn’t really matter here anyway). DC really made sure no age was stated ever during the A Lonely Place of Living storyline, even with Zor-El asking after why Tim had to step in and save Batman as a child. However, after Tim returns, Bruce barges into the hospital room and identifies himself (among other things) as “the boy’s legal guardian”. Which would mean Tim isn’t emancipated like he was in New Earth and, most importantly for this train of thought, is still a minor. So he’s most likely sixteen (as he was in New52) or seventeen (as he was when New Earth ended). It would make no sense for DC to have gone younger.
That makes a three or four year age difference between Tim and Damian as well.
Which makes a six-to-eight year age difference between Jason and Damian.
So if we say Jason was seventeen when Talia took him in, then Damian would have been anywhere from nine to eleven. Certainly old enough to notice his mother stressing out (over Jason) and possibly ask questions. Jason wasn’t cognizant the whole time he was with the League and Talia appears to have kept him pretty secured as well. At the time, Damian had been canonically adopted out (he was retconned back into Talia’s custody later), so he’s never mentioned, but it’s during Jason’s post-Lazarus training period that Talia leaves her father (and works for Lex Corps), and near the end of Red Hood: The Lost Days, is tortured by her sister in Death in the Maidens before rejoining the League. There’s no way she left Damian behind for all that, so she either has him with her or has left him in the care of someone she trusts while she sets up their new life (before it gets derailed by her sister).
All this means it’s very unlikely that Jason ever met or even knew about Damian. It’s possible Damian saw, or at least knew about, Jason, but it’s also possible that he never did.
Since Damian didn't exist as a character during the time DC was bringing Jason back and establishing his post-death character, it’s probably more convenient for them to go with neither of them knowing about the other.
Personally, since DC set Damian up as unbelievably spoiled at his introduction and proceeded to show him being very nosy and lacking boundaries with those of interest to him or that he cares about (spying on Tim, spying on Bruce, disguising himself as Jon’s school bus driver, etc), I think it would have been easier for Talia to tell him about Jason (probably leaving out the Bruce connection just in case) but refuse to let him see Jason than try to keep the whole thing from him. So I headcanon that Damian knew of Jason. He was always curious about him because of the way his mother spoke of the older boy: with love, pride, and concern. However, he didn’t get to meet him until after he was living with his father and Jason starting coming around.
Jason had no clue Talia and Bruce had a child that she’d been taking care of the whole time.
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cairavende · 6 months
Worm Arc 15 interludes thoughts
Carol interlude:
Holy shit you really were just a fucking TERRIBLE mother!
Like I get it, you had lots of horrible childhood trauma. And you didn't want to adopt Amy and let yourself get bullied into it by your sister. But that doesn't give you an excuse for how you treated both your kids.
Got to see another trigger event!! Fuck yes. Give me more. I want to see more details on those higher dimensional beings.
Fucking hell seeing Marquis's powers in play is pretty crazy. Dangerous boy.
Carol was just going to full blown stab right through that closet door without even looking inside! She almost killed a child! God damn.
“No.  He’s just my daddy.  Reads me bedtime stories, makes me dinner, and tells me jokes.  I love him more than anything else in the world.  You can’t take him away from me.  You can’t!” Fucking ooof that's a line.
No seriously though this can't be the first time there has been a young child of a cape that needed to be adopted because their parent was arrested or killed. Is there really no system in place for this? Cause Amy should not be going with Carol.
Just the way through most of the present sections of the interlude that Carol thinks about her daughter and Amy. Not her daughters. And this was before she knew anything about what Amy had done. Terrible mother.
HOLY SHIT AMY OH MY GOD YOU MADE IT EVEN WORSE! And I thought flesh coffin Victoria was bad! FUCK!
Vic is going to need lots of therapy.
Fucking Carol basically deciding Amy is her daughter now only because she doesn't want to think about Victoria being her daughter. Damn. Bad mother.
And Amy is in the birdcage (Hellfire playing in my head the entire damn time I'm reading this part). I'd be rather terrified to see what she becomes except no one ever gets out of the birdcage so obviously there is no worries. She is never going to be an issues. (I shouldn't need the /s but just to be safe.)
Brian interlude:
Not much to say here, most of my thoughts on this relationship was said in my last post.
I do always love seeing Taylor from the PoV of someone else. Just shows how fucking badass she is. And kinda terrifying.
"She conveyed an eerie kind of confidence that he knew she didn’t have at her core." This is just incorrect bud. When she isn't thinking about how she is portraying herself she conveys the confidence she does have at her core. The stuff she hides from herself.
Alexandria interlude:
Date of first Endbringer attack!!!!! Strong estimation of the number of capes in August 1986! Knowledge that Cauldron was working in 1986! Their "success" rate at the time that I can compare to now! (Success in quotes cause I don't personally think tentacles is a failure. I want to meet tentacle lady.)
Obviously I'm not a big fan of any of the Cauldron people on the surface. But I think I like Contessa within those boundaries. I technically have no idea what she can do but I'm almost positive she is some type of precog. And I kind of ship her and Alexandria.
Behemoth is fucking scary. Just light people on fire from the inside, shoot lightning. Full energy manipulation. Damn.
Alexandria is the head of the PRT! Damn! (I assume at least.)
I want to know more about the Terminus project!
And Coil is a product of Cauldron! But he doesn't know it (supposedly). Damn. They list him as an alternate to the Protectorate which is very interesting. I'm super curious what Cauldron's goal with the Protectorate was and how Coil can do the same.
Fucking Alexandria just going and grabbing people to be experimented on and it's "ok" cause they were dying. Holy shit! She even manages to make the comparison to her chemo treatment and still does it! Fuck lady. You can justify anything.
Triumph interlude:
See? Triumph is fine! So Skitter didn't do anything wrong.
Triumph is Cauldron created too. Cause he was only good enough at baseball for the minor league but not the majors. God damn fucking privileged ass rich white boy. And he describes it as a traumatic thing! God. At least later he does kinda call out that he got stuff from having a rich dad with connections.
Assault seems to be doing great! Sure was a good idea to let him join the Protectorate just cause he wanted to be a creep to this one girl. Turns out when that girl is gone he doesn't have any motivations to be a "good guy". Great decision Legend.
Robot daughter! Good to see you again! And you built yourself a bio body! Or a head at least. Still, fun!
Definitely isn't Polearm McGee! Nope! Absolutely a different person. That also likes really long pointy sticks.
I am glad Frank Miller's Armsmaster was able to remove the restrictions on robot daughters code. She deserves freedom. Pretty much served his purpose now and she basically just keeps him around to humor him. "Oh yes I need Defiant to help me, even though I built his suit and could just control it directly myself."
Seven Dragon suits in Brockton Bay huh? I'm sure that won't result in anything next arc. What with Dragon specifically on the lookout for Taylor and Taylor planning on going with her dad to the town hall on the election.
Triumph gives in to the weight of not speaking up about Defiant being Armsmaster but then he gets mad at Prism for not speaking up! My dude! You didn't speak up, you can't be mad at her for the same thing!
Fucking LOVED the ending of this interlude, and thus this arc, though. Absolutely perfect. Just with the inherent comparison of Defiant to Mannequin, especially considering Colin called Mannequin a "monster" in his interlude and said "I'm nothing like you!" And then Triumph thinking how he could see the reason for every step Colin made and could see himself justifying each one. And the previous chapter had Taylor dealing with how far she had let herself go. All that and then ending this chapter with Triumph staring at the bodies of Crawler and Mannequin (finally confirmed dead) and the line "Maybe it was to find some clue, some sign he could watch out for, that would let him identify the monsters from the men."
Just fucking. So good. I think it's my favorite quotable arc ending so far. I might like Arc 11's ending more (it's close) but not in quotable way. "All lies" at the end of Arc 14 is a close second, but I like this one more.
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emocl0wnpp · 28 days
Because i'm in a fankid frenzy again,time to properly introduce my babies!!(part1)
(Also in the current canon they're all adults-)
Also they're all in the same friendgroup-
So first we have Claws' and Jack's kids,Liam and Lau
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A little about them
He was adopted when he was 7(he died as a human and due to a mistake,ended up in hell where Claws found him as a little ghostie creature-)
The doll he "uses as his body" was made to look like Jack(duh) because he looked up to his father as a child
Though as he grew older he looked up to Claws more and more
The doll is made out of porcelain btw-
He knows how to play the piano :D
He was in his school's sport team(main reason why he's buff as hell)
He's very much..expressionless,and has trouble expressing his emotions in general
He's kind of like a mime
But he's a very sweet guy tho!
He's gay..very gay #manlover
He owns a casino in the underworld and is kind of a maffia leader,but still works under Zalgo
Lost some of his colors :((
Mama's boy(the good kind-)
His best friends are Floss,Jay,Corn,Berry and Alan(they'll be mentioned later)
Absolutely spoils Alan(his bf) even if he can't show affection/love properly
Knows his way around guns
If you need a gun he knows where to get them(from him)
Very much overprotective of Lau
Jill's favourite (and only) nephew
Now Lau!
Same story as Liam,except she was adopted when she was 6(Liam was 12 by that time)
The pretty pink princess of her family
Very much a daddy's girl
Jack spoiled her rotten when she was a kid
But thankfully Claws didn't let her to become a spoiled brat
...she's still a brat though,but a likeable one
She was the pretty cheer captain of her school :D
And she was in the theatre club too
Pretty much a Draculaura, Regina George, and Heather C. kind of gal
She works as a model in the underworld (she rich rich)
Loves having girl's only days with Claws(we love a wholesome mother-daughter duo)
Her besties are Cheryl,Jenna and Floss(will be mentioned later)
Makes Jack carry her stuff when she goes shopping
Actually she makes Jay(her husband),Liam AND Jack carry her shit-
Biggest girl's girl out there.
HUGE Millionares and Britney Spears fan
Despite her "bimbo" persona,she's hella smart
Jill's favourite (and only) niece
Next up are the trouble trio..Vicky and Candy's sons Candy Floss(just Floss or Flossy), Candy Corn(or just Corn) and Jay(the pics are in this order)
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First, Floss:
The oldest twin
Takes a lot of pride in being the oldest twin
He's a loveable jerk
Trans guy!! (Still dresses kind of feminine to break stereotypes)
Has a deep ass voice
His hair is dyed. Non if it was his real hair color(his og hair is the same color as Jay's)
He takes after his dad Candy a lot..like a LOT
But he's a momma's boy like Liam-
He had to do cheerleading instead of being in the sports team bc his coach was an asshole,but during his senior year he was allowed to play in the team :D
Bullies his brothers as a form of love
Ngl he's kind of a jerk to everyone but it's his love language
Pretty boy™️
Does modelling with Lau :D
His best friends are Liam,Alan,Jenna,Cheryl and ofc,his brothers
Has a ferret named Noodles
Despite his jerk personality,he's an absolute loverboy when it comes to his lovely wife Jenna
Next up,Corn!
The middle son of the 3
Pretty much the quiet artsy kid
Who knows how to make bombs
Half of his face is burned,but he covers with it makeup
He has a strange shape-shifting ability that makes his colors change according to the seasons(will post it either here or in a p2 post)
He's probably the closest to Candy from his brothers
But he learned witchcraft from Vicky and very much enjoys it
He has a prostetic leg because of an accident(same as his burn marks)
He usually wears funky clothes
His wife is named Halloween :D (she's not my oc but one of my bff's,and idk if he has tumblr or no so i can't show her-)
Even tho he's quiet,when he snaps it's over. He can be a big bitch let's just say that-
But i swear he's a cool guy
His best friends are his brothers,Berry and Liam
He was also in the sports team alongside Liam
He stores stuff in is hair (his hair genuinely works as a portal-)
And last but not least, Jay and his assistant Opal the snake!
The youngest of the twins
And probably the oddball-
The sweetest guy alive
Literally THE husband material
But his heart already belongs to Lau :3
Matching west and bowtie with Liam!!
The patches on his shirt represent his brothers and friends
He owns many snakes,but Opal is his baby
Again,best husband out there,also spoiled Lau rotten
Got bullied by his brothers but loves them regardless
He's has a dad bod!
He has a little portal in his hat
He got Vicky's thick german accent-
Unlike his brothers,he learned a lot from Jason actually
His best friends are his brothers,Liam,Berry and Alan
Lau made him dye a pink strand in his hair-
His dream is to make his own circus and he works HARD to achive that
He's very The Greatest Showman coded
He'd probably love that movie too
Next iiiiis Jenna! The daughter of Jason the toymaker and Jade(i STILL didn't make a post of her-)
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Prettiest doll out there!!
Looks a lot like her mom :3
Her eyes are made from glass
The sweetest girl out there
Daddy's girl,learned a LOT from Jason
Literally just a ray of sunshine
The kindest killer out there if there's a thing like that-
Besties with Lau and Cheryl <33
She did cheerleading too
But she loves all of her friends equally
Also an art kid like Corn-
Even though she's a sweet and well mannered girl,she got her anger from her dad-
She has a slight french accent because of her mom
Her parents did not approve of her relationship with Floss but she didn't care
She's pretty rebellious ngl
But other than that she's just a bundle of joy
Despite all these sweet things i listed for her she's lowkey like Jecka from Class of 09-
Also she's very much a Heather M. and Gretchen girl
Next up,Cheryl and Alan :D
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First Cheryl:
Alan's twin :3(the older half)
She's mute and uses her mask to talk
Modded her mask to sound like Hatsune Miku once
Both of her arms and legs are prostetics(lost them in a fire related accident,along with her voice)
She's a proxy for Slendy
She usually hangs around Clockwork and Kate the Chaser when she's with the other proxies
But her besties are Lau and Jenna of course<33
But she's also friends with BEN and Toby
Both her and Alan are raised by their older sister Natasha
Lesbian women kisser woman lover♡♡♡
Heather D. and Karen kind of gal(she ain't dumb she just loves Karen with all her heart)
Girl failure but it's okay I love her
Did cheerleading with Lau and Jenna as well
Very good around tech and hacking
Her and BEN make a great duo when comes to tech
She learned sign language just to cuss people out
Now Alan:
Cheryl's twin(the younger half)
He gets bullied by Cheryl for being 0.1 second younger
He loves her with every fiber of his body tho
He's dyslexic
He's also a proxy for Slendy
He usually hangs around Masky Hoodie and Toby,they're like the brothers he never had
He looks up to Masky a LOT
But his best friends are Liam,Cheryl,the trouble trio and Berry
And Liam's biggest fan(we love a supporting boyfriend)
He used to be scared of Liam's family,especially Lau since they are in the same friendgroup
He got his burn mark in the same accident as Cheryl
Ngl he's kind of a jock himbo
Unless Liam is around then he's just a simp
Borrowed Hoodie's old,well,hoodie-
Helps Cheryl with tech stuff
Now time for the oddball of the group,Berry
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Zalgo's son
No his full name isn't Berry i just forgot his actual name
Berry is just his nickname
Yes Zalgo got himself a son
Though Berry ain't nothing like him
He's canonically autistic btw and his special interest is humans+human biology!!
Let's not count how many humans Zalgo got killed for Berry
He surprisingly gets along with Lazari
Claws had to babysit him when he was little
Till this day he calls her mom by accident
His bestfriends are everyone in his friendgroup but he's the closest to Liam and Lau
He can be hella scary ngl
When he's mad or just really overwhelmed all hell is unleashed
He's over 5 meters/16 feet tall damn
He's fluffy unlike Zalgo
He made a lot of comments about his dad being all bones AND being bald
Zalgo babies him to death and he hates it a lot
He loves his dad tho
The person in the back holding him is his wife Y(who also belongs to the same friend as Halloween does)
He's a pretty sweet guy who can and will do wrong,but usually he's very friendly to those who are friendly to him
Corn's different season looks along with some other kiddos will be included in another post bc i can't add more pics</3
Hope you enjoyed this tho!!
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fyeah-anya-corazon · 3 months
Getting tangled in a web. A Madame Web, you could say - An Anya Corazón centric Madame Web review (SPOILERS AHEAD)
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So, I originally did not planned to pay to watch MW (I did considered watching it later on for free if just to do a funny review), but my best friend wanted to watch it to roast it, so as meanwhile it was her I was like "I'm in".
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(Completely unrelated, but adding to the MW watching experience, the top of the projection was off-screen as you can see, and it was like that for 20 minutes, so that was a great sign)
This is going to be focused entirely on Anya, so to give some quick thoughts about the movie itself that you've probably heard from other reviews: yeah, it's bad. We were making fun of it at the beginning but by the last hour we were bored and wanted it to end. The damn stolen taxi got laughs from us, so there's that.
Now, Anya.
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Isabela Merced does a fine job with the material she's given. To the credit of the movie, she and Julia are the most likeable of the main protagonists, with Anya being the most sympathetic of the bunch. In what was the cringest secene in the film, were the girls dance to Toxic by Britney Spears on a restaurant's table (my friend was dying, since we're filmmaking students and she was lamenting that this was directed by a woman and she just keep saying that absolutely no girl would act like that and do that) she at least was the only who resisted the most from joining.
This version, as you could guess by her costume, is mostly based on the Marvel's Spider-Man 2017™ cartoon Anya.
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She's an academic genius who spits out sciency words and sentences. Even her bolas here seem to have some tech-integrated in them, makingh them more like drones than her traditional ones, at least that's what they look like for like the three seconds they appear on-screen. They still failed to give her a pony tail.
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Our first look of her is alongside the other Spider-Women in a future vision were they violently attack and murder in cold blood Ezekiel. They attack him at his apartment and throw him out of the building as they stare at him as he falls.
This is in contrast to her general depiction of her being in a constant struggle to give up to her vengeful tendencies.
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TO THE FILM'S CREDIT, it also heavily implies that they were never going to kill him, but that "vision" represented how the Spider-Women trio would lead to his downfall. So if he never chased them he would still be alive in the future.
Now, among other changes...
In a previous post, I reacted strongly about the movie changing her nationality to Peruvian. I got responses saying that the reviewer was wrong and she wasn't peruvian in the film. Having seen the film, yes, i can confirm that she's not peruvian.... they still changed her nationality, though.
In the comics Anya is mexican from her mother's side and puertorrican from her father's. In the movie it's stated that her mom died when she was a child, while his dad was deported. This means that they did changed her nationality, since puertorricans are considered US citizens and therefore can't be deported. It's never stated where exactly she comes from. she's just generic latina.
Althought a illegal immigrant approach could potentially work, the movie does nothing with that beyond having it being a excuse for Anya to be adopted by Cassandra by the end of the movie. Let alone, the fact that the story of the latina character being an ilegal immigrant feels cliche by this point. Even more egregious, to contrast with the comic, her dad is a puertorrican highly respected reporter who was even hired by the Fantastic Four, turning him into a illegal immigrant pretty much added nothing to the story beyond having a orphan Anya.
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Overall, in their attempt to make their own version of Anya, as well as shoehorn her into a movie that was not about her, we ended up losing one the most interesting and charming characters and origin stories that can hold a movie by her own.
At the end of it, this movie didn't improve Anya's perception to the general public, but it didn't hurt it either.
It tells you a lot that her cameo in Across the Spider-Verse got more people talking about her than this movie did.
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r0semirages · 1 year
So. I made an RTC swap au!!
It started just with an idea of John Doe!Ricky that I had for a pretty long time, but recently I decided to turn it into something cooler, so I made this whole thing. Maybe I'll sketch their designs later (or at least make picrews of them), but idk how much time it will take. I haven't change some things, like the relationships between some characters, because I thought it wouldn't work very well. But, this isn't fully finished yet, so there's some moments that may be changed in the future.
I imagine this AU more like a play, than a musical and honestly I really don't think that it'll become something serious, cause I'm not that good at writing and creating full stories, so, at least at the moment, it's just for fun. Also, the designs are based on the 2016 cast, but feel free to make your own interpretations with your favorite cast. And maybe someday I'll make them too, we'll see. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy it!! (Pls excuse me if there are any mistakes, english isn't my first language, blah blah blah. Also there are a lot of spoilers for rtc, so if you plan to watch it — don't read further!)
So, first is Penny — the most imaginative girl in town. She's super silly, sometimes awkward and doesn't really have any friends because most people think she's weird. Penny often gets left out or bullied, and she uses escapism to cope with this + all the stuff with her parents, who she didn't get enough love from. Her fantasies is a bit different from the original Ricky's: they don't have a lore, she just makes up random stories to escape from reality and writes them out sometimes. She *definetely* writes fanfiction and probably posts it online. For some reason people find it cool, but no one in the choir knows about it. She's still a Seven-Up fan and she plays the ukulele (that will be used in the new birthday song for Ricky)
I changed her design just a bit, now she wears a lot of accessories, mostly pins (bc I headcanon the og Ricky having them) and it's mostly based on Emily Rohm's Penny, while her personality is more like legoland Penny's.
The next is Ocean — the angriest girl in town. Like the og Mischa, she hates her parents (but in this case they aren't adoptive) and their lifestyle, but instead of becoming the most succesful to prove that she's different from them, this Ocean just becomes a total mess and starts hating everyone. Idk if I will make her like shitty rap about money in autotune, but she definetely has a history of stealing stuff from stores, lol.
Design changes: messy hair; she doesn't have a headband and a tie, her shirt isn't fully buttoned up. She wears a sweater vest over it with a short skirt (a dress, actually).
Then we have Constance — the most succesful girl in town. She's a big nerd and spends a lot of her time studying because she wants to be the best. In general she behaves just like original Ocean and treats Noel like Ocean would treat her in the og musical (they're besties, but not really). She's pretty mean and very ambitious. This Constance doesn't have as much love for her town as the og one and she plans to move out (and become a premier minister of Canada, maybe :p) She's the one to make the final vote in this AU and of course she will choose John Doe/Ricky.
I haven't change a lot of things in the design, but her hair isn't dyed anymore, buns are down, she has a tie and maybe some hairpins. In general she looks a bit more tidy
Next one: Noel — the nicest boy in town. A complete opposite to the og Noel, he doesn't want to change anything in his life and enjoys living in Uranium. He's still super homosexual and has a big crush on Mischa, and, as I've said before he's "best friends" with Constance who treats him like shit and makes jokes about how he's never gonna breed👍🏻 /ref
He's really insecure about himself, but very friendly with everyone else (especially Mischa). He still enjoys all the french stuff, but you know, in a less... horny... way. And his mother is a baker and Noel often helps her in their cafe
He now has a short-sleeved shirt, round glasses and half of his hair is purple (it's also a bit more messy). In general I didn't change a lot in his design, but I made him such an UwU softie boy /j
Then, Mischa — the most romantic boy in town (ah yes, this one is for you, Mischa simps). He's still in love with Talia and his backstory is the same, but instead of becoming an angry rapper, he became a sad romantic guy, who dreams about moving to Ukraine with his (probably non-existing) internet fiancé. He just wants to be happy :(
Design changes: his clothes and hair aren't that messy anymore and he has a black jacket (like the one chance theatre Noel had). Also his nails are usually black or any other dark shade!!
And! Finally! My best creation yet — John Doe!Ricky. Perhaps, the rest of the choir doesn't remember him (well, in fact they do remember him, but it's a different theory and I don't want to bring it here) because he couldn't talk and no one really noticed him. The only person he was pretty close with was Penny, but still, they weren't even friends, they just standed close to each other while the choir was performing and both sat in the back of a rollercoaster when the accident happened. There will be a role-swapped version of the Savannah scene, but I don't know what name should I use instead of Savannah yet (if you have any ideas, please drop them in the comments!! I'll be very grateful)
When he gets choosen by Constance he'll came back to life as Ricky and yes, he WILL remain disabled because I'm a very big Ricky fan + a very big ableism hater, don't expect that shit from me👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Also he will still have 14 cats because. Why not. I love cats.
The only thing that will change is the fact that he's a little happier now?? People around him treat him better and he doesn't have to fantasize about fucking cat-people from Zolar to be happy lol. Oh man I'm writing a bit too much about him sorry I just love this guy a lot. Bless his little heart
Finally, about his design: honestly he's just a yassified version of this picture /hj
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Okay, so he has a head stolen from some super swag dressed in a Bowie-like style doll that for some reason was in the warehouse. He has a big purple star around one of his eyes and some parts of his hair are also colorful (purple/blue/pink). His clothes isn't very different, but maybe I'll add some more accesories
Well, that's all atm. I will try my best to make some content for this and keep developing this idea and I really really hope you will like it!
Reblogs/comments/likes are VERY appreciated and again, if you have any recommendations for improving this au I'll be really glad to hear them or just any of your thoughts!!!
Ty for reading (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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loudwolftraveler · 1 year
In another life. & History repeats itself.. 
(Merge post + The explanation)
A/N: Beware of Cursing and might also be Grammatical errors, and Yandere behavior, Inspiration of manhwas ahead.
Everyone this is the fully post of two separate posts, I add a explanation so it will help you understand the story better bc it doesn't really make sense, also i may or may not be posting anymore, after all i just posted those two as a entertainment but never thought would go viral but thanks to you all but sadly i will not post anything bc i will have my focus on the novel books i published there on wattpad and sooner have my original book too, that's all i have to say once again and thank you for understanding.
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In another life.
Imagine your reincarnated husband! 
Your reincarnated husband! Once died protecting you and the empire of sudden attacks was announced on your marriage day. 
Your reincarnated husband! Died in your hands, blood is everywhere, especially around you. In devastated you kill yourself by slicing your neck, as you can't live without the person who loved you the most...
Silence filled the room, and then the next was nothing... Nothing but the silence of your sudden death with your only person you cherish the most. Two of you lay in the ground, pools of blood are everywhere around you two. A tragic life of both two lovely people who found themselves by fate itself. 
The new emperor and empress had sudden news of dying because of a sudden attack that had happened.
That was the tale of your childhood. The story tale you held dearly in your heart when you were a little child. 
It was a pity, that the tale kinda reminds you of the empress who was once a duchess. 
It was about a story between a duchess and a crown prince. 
It was said that the duchess was mistreated as an outcast and a replacement real daughter of Duke, a 'lady duchess' as what people called the daughter of the Duke. The whole family neglected the duchess because she was just nothing but a replacement of the lady duchess who once went missing and never came back. The Duke tried to find his daughter, the one he cherished before she was gone. But suddenly stumble across the girl who look-alike her daughter, but the girl has dark red hair, her daughter has red hair and almost like peach-pink hair. The girl almost looked like the lady duchess herself, except for the hair color and the eyes. In exchanging words towards her, he adopted her not only for her to feel loved but for the replacement of his once cherished lovely daughter. 
The brothers of the lovely lady duchess, were frustrated with the news of the fake lady duchess who was their "new sister". 
Both of the father and her "brothers" never cared for her, never did, even if she acted a brat or spoiled one. They never once showed affection or worried towards her as they neglect her once she's in their presence. 
The servants don't really care about her either. They make her starve, left out, and never serves her like a right duchess. 
That was until she sneaked out of the duke household and somehow met her destiny.. 
The crown prince of the empire. 
Some people just describe what the crown prince is, some will say, he isn't the favorite one as the people, especially noble ones, saw that the prince was also an outcast, but people assumed that the Emperor loved his half-sister and didn't have any time for the crown prince. 
The crown prince's half-sister or his step-sister, the one destined to die at age 18 was once the Emperor's plan but it seems it backfired when he saw what she really is, just like her mother, his once a lover. The Emperor's true lover (the Emperor is too dumb and blind as fuck that he didn't even know that his lover who is concubine, just used him for the power and frame.). 
The one that the emperor loved so much that he kept the kid around, pretty much of the dissatisfied and disagreement of the crown prince's statement. 
The Emperor was known to be a cold and tyrant ruler. 
A brutal one when it comes to his enemies. 
'The crown prince is nothing but the heir of the throne', the Emperor said to his personal knight. 
'Nothing but an heir' is what the crown prince thought. He knows, he knows yet can't accept it. He can't win his father's love and affection when it comes to his half-sister. So he stayed quiet and waited for the time to strike down and kill its enemy. 
The Emperor loved the half-sister, but when it comes to him, HIS supposed to be a biological child. 
The Emperor chose to neglect him and didn't really care about him after the assassination happened that resulted in the Emperor neglecting him. For all the Emperor's care, the heir can die, and the Emperor wouldn't help him or care for him. 
After all, there's still one child to own the throne after all. 
The crown prince is tired. 
Tired of all of this. 
If he can just confess everything to him then it would not be this mess.. 
Especially what happened in the past. 
If the Emperor is not that stupid to fall in love with a plastic face of a lotus bitch then this should not be happening at all. 
As the crown prince stands at the balcony, staring at the sky, moonlight shines brightly across his face. As he collected his memories then, he jumped off the balcony from the Palace he currently stayed with about 3 floors, he thankfully landed safely on the plant bushes. 
The crown prince ran away, ended up lost somewhere, then he sat on the ground and silent crying filled the place as he felt worthless all of the time. But then he heard the noises towards him and when he looked up, he met the "fake duchess" which people talked about. 
The fake lady looked at the child (the crown prince is older than the fake duchess btw) and asked. "Um.. Are you okay, why are you crying?" 
Then the crown prince quickly wiped his tears and answered, "Y-yeah.. I'm okay..." and then, "by the chance, are you perhaps the new daughter of the duke?" the crown prince asked, the duchess froze in place and then answered in a low voice, "I.. I wouldn't call myself like that..." the duchess said. 
The crown prince quickly understood and questioned a different one, like why are you here, and are you somehow lost too? And a bunch of talks right here and then. They started to get comfortable with each other and learn things from each other too, if they have enough time to meet each other that is. They would go to the same place where they first met. 
But of course, we can't hide things so easily right? 
When the crown prince reached the age of 18, his half-sister 14, there was an accident. Well the crown prince wouldn't call it a "accident".
Day by day the crown prince filled with envy and jealousy and frustration with his half-sister's actions and his father's words. That's when his sister hits her first celebration, the day where people will know about her and might be the day he will be replaced. So he instead had a plan to end his so-called family and end his suffering. 
For many years of being miserable and being a mistake and just being neglected by your only biological parent who just chose some insect that isn't even fully blood related. 
He chose to kill his father, his half-sister and everyone who served his father and sister. 
Even for all the servants who choose to work here, it will be their last day. 
They will be killed by his hands and his only hands. 
Their end will be in his hands. And no one else. 
When the news came of the Emperor's and the second Princess deaths and a massacre happened in the Palace! 
The only survivor was the heir of the throne! 
He explained in pain and traumatic expression as he tried to explain to the people of the empire that there were some bunch of the people who happened to be assassins and tried to assassinate his family, himself and the people who worked there, and not leave any witnesses.
In desperation, people believe his innocent act. 
How funny.. 
Really people are easy to be fooled with. When the people of the empire believed his words, he smirked a little, happy about what had happened. 
This is only the beginning of the terror of the people of the so-called empire.
Especially for the people who hurt his darling duchess.. 
History repeats itself.. 
Pt. 2 of In another life + Your reincarnated husband! Headcanon (at the start)
That was the story from your childhood, you remembered the name... 
It was "The fake duchess met the crown prince!" 
At first, you thought back then it was a story but it wasn't, the story was called a "novel" you just found out back then, not too long ago. 
It was published as a novel book that people read either on the Internet if they don't have the money to buy or the novel book itself.
You once thought that the duchess's past was like you, mistreated by others and neglected by your parents. 
But that's okay, since you are already out of that hell hole anyway. That's what it matters.. 
Anyways, back to the topic, author. 
Actually the one you talked about was, about the past only, so it means there are still events that are present in time when the duchess and crown prince were teenagers. 
Most of the novel was about the duchess' view and then meeting the crown prince and then the next one, will be on the crown prince view. Mostly their childhood memories are shown there, through teenagers and adults where they become official rulers. 
(not long enough because the sudden attacks strike in the empire, and it brings tragedy on the day where they're official news of being new rulers.)
The ending of the novel is mostly the end of the fate of two people. 
The duchess and the crown prince.
But why does it feel like deja vu? 
Like when the fake lady duchess met the crown prince was like... 
It felt like you're the one who feels the feelings of the duchess... 
But that doesn't matter anymore, probably another feeling of being single or you just felt nostalgic right now. 
'Feels like a past life feeling?' 
But, that matter should be dealt with later on. 
Now, where were you?
Oh right, you just finished the work, great job!
Although it's a waste of time to do all these things..
You, as a reader, lived in an apartment. 
You have to move out because your parents said 'you know it's time to move out? You have to learn to be independent, we can't always take care of someone like you.' they said. 
Then you take that in your hands, by being an employee, to support your well-being and bills of the apartment you stayed with. 
"*Sigh* it's late at night.. I think I have to do this tomorrow morning..." you sighed, feeling tired of the work you have done.
You clean up your table and then, when outside the company you worked with.
When you were walking through the crowded street, blending yourself in there, you suddenly thought of the sequel that the same novel author wrote of "The fake duchess met the crown prince." the sequel called, "We meet by the fate itself once again" where both of the duchess and the crown prince meet, but in the modern world though it's only a short sequel continues the novel story of "The fake duchess met the crown prince".
Where of course both of them knew each other's identity as the duchess and crown prince in their past life.
Because of a simple memory that brought them together once again, but this time is surely a happy ending.
When you were walking down the street, you suddenly bump into someone. 
"Ack—!" you hissed at the pain of being bumped into someone, but little did you know, you were about to fall but someone suddenly caught you by holding your waist to support you so that you don't fall down to the ground. 
When you open your eyes, your eyes straight look at the person who bumped you and saved you at the same time. 
When you look at the person, he looks at you too. But sudden electricity rings from both of your minds. 
Then you realize you're still being held. 
You blush from the embarrassment and stupidity of not realizing it soon enough. 
"Uh.. I'm sorry..." You said, taking small steps and making a space between you two. You look at the guy, the guy looks.. Puzzled? It felt like his thinking before he suddenly realized what's going on. 
"Oh.. No, no, it's fine, after all it's probably an accident" he said, giving you an assured smile, you look and then look away because of embarrassment and feeling of awkwardness between you two. 
And then he said this,
"If you don't mind me asking.. Have we met before? You looked so familiar yet so unfamiliar..."
You heard him, but then your mind suddenly brings the Flashback when you two felt an electricity together when you and him looked into each other's eyes. 
The Flashback was nothing but a glimpse of a man holding a woman in his arms.. 
The appearance of the man was similar to the guy you accidentally met by bumping. 
Even the smile is the same! 
Because the man in the Flashback has the same smile!
You didn't reply, the guy looked worried but didn't say anything, he was about to go but you held his arm preventing him from going. 
"I do have a memory of a man that looks like you, well glimpse of it.." you said, his wide eyes stare at you. 
"You are... No, It can't be... There's no way.." the guy mumbled, the feeling is so familiar to him, it feels like the girl he met was the woman in his dreams and might as well include nightmares. 
You don't even process the words you say, it's just like you were being controlled to say that. 
"But I am not sure if we have met before." you said after, the guy calmed down, he looked at you, "It's fine, you don't have to... I'm sure in the near future or maybe now, you will be able to regain the memories like i did years ago.." he said to you, smiling gently, holding your hand, it's as if he knew you.. 
But you are sure that he knows about you. 
Well your 'old' you of course, it's funny to know that you were reincarnated after your sudden death. 
Without knowing he is also here.. 
And without knowing you are also a character that doesn't even exist. 
Well, apparently he is also the same thing as you.
You smile as if all the memories that are from your old life are regained within you, you smile at him knowing that you two will be at peace now. 
"Where the hell have you been in the past years..?" you asked, hugging him, your once-a-husband that died in your arms, came back alive this time. 
"haha, I'm sorry if I'm late, my darling wife.." he said accepting your hugs, he knows your suffering, after all you two seek comfort together. 
"Humph whatever, what's the matter is that you're here once again"
"I'm also happy for you to remember me and our past life though you regained it faster than me.." He pouted looking at you. "But, I'm sure you, no—we will have happiness this time." 
He said as he looked at you with a long-lost same loving eyes again, you smile,
"Yes, we will."
Now, the two lovers at last can rest assured. 
After all, fate is the one who brought the two destined lovers. 
The old true lovers who died because of its tragedy are now living their best lives in the world. 
But, history may repeat itself once again. 
(Pt.1) In another life & History repeats itself, explanation about the past and how the story goes through.
The main male Protagonists : The HUSBAND
*The heir & the crown prince.
*Inheriting the throne after he was massacred and lying to the public saying, 'there's a assassination happening inside the Palace'.
*Born with royal blood and is a biological child and has a step-sister.
*The Emperor, his father, has a one-sided love for his mother, the previous Empress; she died while protecting him, their son from the assassination. And then the Emperor falls in love with the viscountess lady  from the viscount family (before the assassination). So the viscountess lady becomes a concubine and soon enough has a child, who is his step-sister. The viscountess desperately wants a child so she could be the empress (bc she also wants to take down the previous Empress, who is still alive at that time. By making the Emperor divorce the Empress and her being the new empress. But that didn't work at all, as the biological child heard her plans and poisoned her after her pregnancy happened, and after the assassination.)
*The assassination happened when the viscountess lady can't take her anger off and send someone (plus the back ups cuz the Empress is not someone to underestimate with, as what people thought of her).
*And then, the sudden suicide death of the concubine which is the viscountess lady, was reached to the public, was killed by the poison after the assassination and the pregnancy happened. (it wasn't a suicide death) 
(so what happened was:
-> The Emperor's one-sided love towards the Empress and falling in love with the viscountess lady. 
-> The viscountess lady becomes the concubine and she clearly does not want that position but alas, it's the first step of her wanting to be an empress. 
-> Has the time being passed by, the viscountess lady seduces the Emperor into making out and making him favor her more than his actual wife. 
->The Empress was left out to take care of the child along with her loyal servants and soon, the first child born with royal blood was born at the age of five. 
-> And then the assassination happens, as u can see above, the viscountess lady has enough and finally sends some assassins to kill her but she saw, through her living in the Palace, it wasn't easy to kill the Empress. 
-> Few months after the assassination was ended and also the Empress's death. The biological child was seen walking through the hall, about to go to the room where the emperor stayed. He suddenly heard the viscountess lady, the Emperor's concubine, saying about the incident happened few months ago, and said it was her plan to become the Emperor's new wife and empress; her saying that her child should be the crown princess not him, as his looks reminded her of his mother. The viscountess lady was currently pregnant at that time, so he waited for the child to be born and after the pregnancy, a few weeks passed by, the death of the viscountess lady was spread around the empire. 
-> Few days before the viscountess lady will give birth to the half-blood royal child which is his step-sister. The child of the Emperor and the pervious Empress plans to poison the viscountess lady's drinks and foods; order the servants to put poison on each foods or drinks she will get her hands on after she will gave birth to a so-called royal child and threatening them that if they told the viscountess lady or the Emperor that it was him who did it, not only he will fired them but also kill them along with their families, he isn't a heir or a Crown Prince for nothing. (this is the one of reason why people called him a brutal and cruel Prince for not being a favored one, they say, (ง'̀-'́)ง) 
-> The servants of the pervious Empress couldn't do anything but to go along with the plan of the crown prince, 9 months had been passed after pregnancy happened, and this was the time where the Prince made his move, that is by ordering the servants to put a poison on everything that will slowly kill the concubine.
(who actually should become a empress the day after the Empress died but the Emperor was upset by what happen so the plan of the concubine was on hold; the time where the neglected and got blamed is also happened, in short the Emperor's hatred towards his own son and blamed & neglecting to his own son started at this time also I feel like this bitch is regret something..ಠ_ಠ)
-> And another death happened, words was spreading around the empire, some people said, the concubine dies because of someone poisoning her but no body was suspected at that time, then some of them said she dies giving birth, even tho she already done with the pregnancy but the Emperor didn't reveal it as much as the concubine disliked and denied the idea. 
-> Though nobody knows who's real or not. The Emperor doesn't suspect any other than the poison. Though he doesn't know who really did it.. 
-> Now, the present is slowly approaching, the royal half-blood child who's related to the Emperor and his biological child, was now at age of 6 and is lost somewhere near the Emperor's palace and she wasn't aware of it, she was just looking around, trying to go back to the Palace where her mother once lived and died. 
And the rest is history itself, (jk) the rest of it is shown in the novel itself. The thing is that in the novel, they only mentioned the mothers of the two siblings and mostly the one who cares abt them is the Emperor, (but since he's a bastard one, a blind fucking stupid, delusional one) he isn't really a good father. 
And it isn't really explained, it's complicated like the writer here for example. This shit work draft should be, at least be done if they're just a motivated person but guess what? In real life stuff has been a shitty work only wasted time for them. 
(literally here just want this to be done honestly (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ))  
Also the side note/additional information: The Emperor & the Empress only has a political marriage, they aren't really loved each other since the empress is only used to pregnant a heir 
(in short, the Emperor forced his way to the Empress without her consent). 
And her family was a kingdom, 'was' the family of her, send her to the empire cuz in her kingdom, if a woman, a female child who got birth in a kingdom-bloodline is considered bad luck to the kingdom. So men there are considered as someone who will bring the kingdom a better one, in other words, they're considered as a superior especially if they have a family, a man, the father should be the one to follow and obey. While the female ones are y'know being treated as a slave or someone who is used to impregnate a male child, not female.
So her family sends her to the empire and marry the current emperor, which is the Emperor (honestly it's the bastard  for me). The Emperor on the other hand is a handsome but bastard shit (but no one knows, bc he's a two face one, and the heir got his two-face phase shit. TAT..). 
He isn't really in love with the Empress, but fell hard on the fucking lotus bitch (╬≖_≖) and yeah, i hope you knew how the story goes now cuz really this is the only thing this writer can give you. 
Manhwa inspiration: 
 Who made me a princess
And a little inspired by 'The remarried empress'? 
(really it's just that the viscountess lady has the same personality as rashta so not sure yet. Let's just say, its the personality not the social life bc the viscountess lady is from countess family so please don't attack me---) 
Author's notes: Parentheses are the writer's way of communicating in a safe way, i think?
viscountess lady = The concubine 
Empress = The once a princess 
Emperor = The cruel & tyrant ruler with the attitude of an asshole. 
Biological child = The crown prince & The heir of the throne 
Step-sister of the biological child = second in line of the throne, and the viscountess lady's child (& the Emperor)
(Pt. 2) In another life & History repeat itself, explanation about the past and how the story goes through.
The Female Protagonist: The WIFE
*Known as the 'fake duchess' or 'fake lady duchess'
*Got adopted by the Duke to replace his once a lovely daughter.
*Ever since child, her mother died when giving birth to her. Leaving her with herself to take care of.
*Once she got adopted by the duke, she thought she would have a feeling of being loved. But that hope was crushed when she knew that she can't replace their heart that is full of void, losing their beloved real daughter. Because she's just an 'illegitimate child'. And a replacement of the position of a once 'Duchess'
*She first got hatred by her brothers, and her 'father' neglected her, won't even glance at her and help her when she's in desperate danger of society.
*Because of her 'brat-acts' or in other words, spoiled brat-acts, her reputation was ruined. Just because she spilled tea and hit a teen noble lady in a tea party and since then her reputation kept ruined by the time wherever she went, people kept looking at her disgust and hatred looks and always spreading a fake rumor of her.
*She used to admire her step-brothers.. But now she hates them. She hated them because when she needed them, they didn't help her. Instead they both glared at her in a cold way.
*Hell, even the servants there. Even if they know they shouldn't disrespect the one they served but yet they go against it.. She hated it.. She hates it, the fact that she has the power yet she doesn't have the authority to at least be herself. She wanted to shout out, but she knew nobody would hear her shouts. 
*Days, weeks, and months went by.. Her realization came to her, she now realizes that nobody really is willing to give her the love that she once wished to have.
*By then, she knew she was nothing but a fool to everyone's view..  
*Until she met the crown prince. The situation when she met the crown prince was okay, but not really what she expected, guess the rumors about him were wrong. She and the crown prince always hang out at the same place they first met, and would also talk through writing letters. 
*Soon enough of time, the duchess grows with determination, clearing and gaining her reputation again, the problems that involve her, and she, working properly like a duchess she is. Through her hard work, it paid off, having trusted workers, along with a good reputation that speaks nothing but the truth.
(I truly don't want to detail everything but let's say, your family felt the guilt since the wife isn't what she was before especially (her) father of the Duke. Her and her step-brothers somehow get along but in reality, she was just faking the -'get along'- since she needs the support through her family members first. The Duke's family never know that their daughter or sister has already met the crown prince and even build a strong relationship (its friendship, everyone TAT) but the first brother is suspicious towards it but denies the feeling. AND after the massacre that happened in the Palace, did the wife know? Well... Of course she knows, as I said in Pt. 2 the two of them seek comfort and information from each other. BUT she didn't knew about killing spare that the crown prince made (which is killing everyone who despite and loves the duchess))
Duke = The Head of the household 
The Two step-brothers = One is the Heir and one is a General Captain.
The Fake lady duchess = A Once empress, ruler and the Fake duchess, illegitimate child.
The lovely daughter of the Duke = The child of the Duke who went missing for no reason.
A/N: Everyone! As i told you before this is a merged post as i promised. And bc of my decision visit my wattpad pf bc i would not be active here anymore, but i still be having it in my phone but if my phone can't handle anymore then i be removing it, thank you and here it is:
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nicascurls · 1 year
Final Family - Alice lives Au because I'm scared of what Don has done in season 3
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Usual key changes for my AUs apply: Nica still has her limbs (fuck you Don), Season 1 took place 2 weeks after Cult like it was supposed to meaning Season 2 was 2018 and this then goes on to be just before Season 3 (around fall of 2019). True to the Final Family AU started by @streets-in-paradise and @losersclubisms Andy has adopted all the younger Chucky survivors and Nica still hunts Tiffany when possible but lives with them the rest of the time after rescuing Caroline.
So basically, Alice's 'death' happened not long after Chucky successfully possessed her, making her about 8 years old at the time. (I believe Curse was supposed to take place around January of 2013, I'm happy to make a post explaining why I think that if people are interested) Since we don't know Alice's birthday I'm just gonna make it the same as Summer's, so late May.
What ended up happening was as Chucky in Alice's body tried to stab the victim, they ended up being able to grab the knife and fight back, stabbing Alice in the abdomen before fleeing the scene. Chucky, afraid of dying since he didn't have his army of dolls yet, quickly made his way back to where he had been staying and transferred his soul back into a Good Guy before leaving Alice to bleed out. Alice however, managed to get up and at least out of where Chucky was staying before collapsing and someone finding her and taking her to hospital.
Long story short, Alice survives the attack and after being discharged from the hospital, is put back in foster care but she gave a different name after waking up out of fear of Chucky finding her again.
Over the next 5-6 years, Alice is sent to multiple different foster homes and during her free time secretly tries to find a way to visit Nica until the news comes out when she is 12 that Nica escaped and is assumed to be behind the murders that took place at Harrogate before her escape.
This is when Alice starts to form a reputation of 'trying to run away' from her foster homes whenever she gets an idea of where Nica and as she has worked out, Chucky and Tiffany would probably be.
Eventually, Alice settles down in a foster home since she realises that with Chucky and Tiffany being involved again, she needs a better constructed plan, and she gets along well with her current foster mother.
This takes us to fall of 2019, obviously the Final Family are all together, but Nica still believes Alice is dead. (When Chucky was possessing her he could essentially look into her memories and vice versa, and Chucky ended up showing Nica Alice's 'death' at one point during the year she was imprisoned). Chucky and Tiffany are working together again since they realise the danger they are in with the survivors together and at some point, Chucky finds out that Alice survived and they both go after her.
Now 14 year old Alice wakes up to a noise one night and creeps downstairs to find her foster mother dead and quickly flees the house, grabbing the bag she had packed for emergencies. From the research she had done over the years, she found out what had happened to Sarah back in the 80s and that Mike Norris was the one who first killed Charles Lee Ray. With that in mind she heads towards Chicago, hoping that someone in the police department may have worked with Mike and know where she could find him now.
This leads to Mike getting a call one evening from one of his old work friends, claiming that a girl has turned up asking if they knew where he was and that he saved her grandmother in the 80s but she won't tell them her name.
Mike and Karen both know the story about Alice from Nica and Andy, so quickly make their way to the station where they recognise Alice from the photo Nica has. They end up sharing their stories and tell Alice that they know where Nica is and that she is safe. Since it's late that night, Alice ends up staying with Mike and Karen for the night as they leave a message for Nica telling her they need to meet as soon as possible.
The next day, Nica gets back to them and they bring Alice over to the cabin, needless to say, it's a tearful reunion for both Alice and Nica. Andy and the kids obviously agree to Alice staying with them instantly and she ends up living at the cabin too and attends the same school as the other teens once again using her real name.
It turns out all the other kids get along great with Alice (especially Lexy since they bond over having shitty mothers and Devon through thier love of reasearch and the general fact that Devon is the most chilled of the kids) and Alice loves having so many people around since she had always wanted cousins or siblings. The twins also adore her and are very protective of her, calling her their little sister. Basically, Alice fits into the family instantly and Nica is overjoyed to have her niece back and to know she's safe.
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Bracket D Round 1
Poll 3
Luther Arian Knox (@octoshott) vs. Xenia "Bonecrusher" (@mossboss030)
197. Luther Arian Knox (@octoshott)
Luther is... my little guy. He is so polite and formal unless he's comfortable around you. He will fish with his bare hands. Black has to be included in his outfit or he'll die. He was locked down in a dormroom for ancient society and used as a battery for like. weeks.
He loves cooking and being chased like a prey animal.sheds scales from his back and gives them to his friends as gifts and is just my little idiot sorcerer. I think he deserves this.
A middleaged man with silver hair, a black sunhat and scales that line his shoulders and back.
198. Xenia "Bonecrusher" (@mossboss030)
She's my D&D character, the first one to reach level 20. She had amnesia when I created her and worked in a fighting pit because she was very big and strong. She killed her boss when he made a pass at her and then began her life as a mercenary when she had to leave town. Over the course of the campaign she found out that she was half troll, that her father (the troll) was killed by an adventurer, that her mother had traded her to a devil for a new kid that was fully human, that she was turned into a demon that killed a lot of people (including her mother and replacement). She took that all in stride I think, killing several dragons, dying once and coming back as a demon again that the party had to fight, looking like her actual half-troll self when she came back and meeting the two loves of her life. She later became a full devil after befriending a devil in the campaign and plans on usurping Asmodeus  as King of the Hells one day but for right now is enjoying retirement with her two wives. She fought with a big maul and was a multi-class of barbarian and fighter and she was the second smartest person in the party behind the wizard and the ranger's animal companion (a ferret). She adopted (bought) two babies in the city of brass because she felt bad that they'd been abandoned but realized she didn't know anything about raising kids so one of them (a goblin) became an assassin who wants her dead. She's doing better with the other one now. She also briefly dated two minor villains in the campaign and tried to date another one but it didn't work out. In conclusion, she's a trans butch lesbian, vote for her!
6'9", beefy, short brown hair that's now been shaved on one side and a tattoo on her head where the hair used to be, fightin' clothes, big staff/maul, green skin, tusks, big ol' horns
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Chapter 4: First Set
A/N: Welcome to the fourth chapter of Top Gun: Baby, a love story following Bradley Bradshaw and Allie Campbell. This story is sequential, so if you have not already read the first few chapters, please go back and do so! All links to chapters and their mood boards can be found on my masterlist. This is by far one of my favorite chapters that is narrated by Bradley. This is quite a long one, so buckle up! I mention this in my notes for every chapter, but just in case you missed it– I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted without credibility. If you do want to post this story to your page, please be sure that you tag my account or at least mention its original source in your post. Again, thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: Intense swearing (This is a story set in the Navy after all), brief mentions of sex (nothing explicit)
Chapter Four: First Set
“GET UP! UP! UP, UP, UP!” Emmett and I shot up from our bunks, the sound of people screaming in the hallway and our lights flashing caused our hearts to nearly burst from our chest as we were shot awake from our slumber.
Once I was able to comprehend that we were being awoken by our detailers, my heart rate began to settle. With the diminishing panic came the annoyance. I was in such a deep sleep, which is a treat for me. When I am in it deep, I don’t dream. There’s nothing for my imagination to focus on other than the black screen that plays in my mind for hours. It’s rare, and only on days where I’m exhausted that I get the pleasure of not being transported to my nightmares.
When I’m not in this deep state, I find myself dreaming one of three dreams. The first, and most common, was replaying the death of my mother. Except, it’s not how she died. It is more of a combination of how both of my parents died. I am the pilot of an F-14 when my mother ejects, willingly, from the jet. I watch helplessly as she plummets to the ground, begging me to save her. While it seems morbid that she chooses to eject from the plane, it makes sense. She elected to enter hospice care when the doctors told her that her cancer was entering Stage IV, knowing that even the best treatment wouldn’t eradicate the disease. She wanted to be in control of every decision she could make, until it was too late. To this day, I believe that she ejected herself from this world by dying when she did, the way she did. She refused to die in the middle of the night when I wasn’t there, and held on until my hand was wrapped tightly around hers. And my dad, well, we all know how that happened. I have no memories of it, and my mother never spoke about it. He could never find the right words to describe the accident, so I had to resort to asking Hollywood about it when I was in middle school.
“He was flying with your dad at Top Gun,” Hollywood explained to the young Bradley, who was sitting on the carpet next to him. Hollywood put down his beer, knowing that this was going to be a long and serious conversation with The Kid.
“Did he burn?” Bradley asked innocently, thinking that the only flight accidents that happened were ones when they crashed and burned, or ones where a fire started inside the cockpit.
“No,” Hollywood said, holding back a chuckle at the innocence of young Bradley. “He was trying to get out. He was trying to save Maverick.” Bradley looked over at his adopted father figure, who was talking with other members of his Top Gun class, not knowing what the two were talking about.
Bradley felt a smidge of jealousy at the fact that Maverick was able to get out of the plane, and his dad was not. Yet, at the same time Bradley was proud of his dad. He put someone else’s life above his own and was able to save him. He was a hero.
“Then he crashed?” Bradley asked, more curious now than ever about learning more.
“He got out,” Hollywood said, with a touch of sadness in his voice, “but then his head hit the top of the airplane. Even though he was wearing his helmet, he still got hurt pretty bad.”
“Then he died?”
“No, little man. Not right away,” Hollywood looked over at Maverick, sharing a glance together. The sadness and recollection stretched across Hollywood’s face gave everything away to Maverick. Pete looked over at Bradley and then back at Rick, nodding his head in approval. It was time he knew. “He was unconscious, but was alive for a few more hours. You and your mom made it to his room right when he let go. It was like he waited for you or something. You and Carole were with him. Your mom was at his side and you were snuggled up on his chest.”
Bradley sniffled as he held back tears, not wanting to hear anymore.
It wasn’t until he was in high school when his mom sat him down and told him the FULL story. The parts where Maverick lost control of the plane after Iceman flew by them recklessly.
Bradley wanted to be mad, but couldn’t. For years, he was under the impression that his father saved his second father. His best friend. Someone he told everything to. And Iceman was the only one he knew on the team that encouraged him to pursue flying if he wanted, and promised he would let him one day when he was older. No, he couldn’t be mad. But his impression of it all did change.
The second dream I have is a replay of the conversation that he had with me right before my graduation. This dream was less frequent, but always managed to make an appearance at least twice a week.
My third, and the least frequent, was the last day I spent with Danielle.
“Please,” she muttered to Bradley, tears falling down her face as she sat next to him on the couch, their bodies facing each other.
“Shhh,” He comforted her, cupping his face with her hand and running his thumb up and down her cheek. “You know we can't.” he whispered.
Danielle burst into tears as he pulled her into his chest, snaking his hand through her brown hair as he supported the back of her head. His other hand supported the small of her back, holding back the tears that were threatening to escape his own eyes.
He loved her, and in turn, he had to let her go. He pulled her away and looked into her deep brown eyes, his glazed with the salt water that was moments away from falling, but he held back. He held back for her. He was determined to be strong. He wanted to show her how much he loved her. He wanted to give her something to hold onto when she found out he died in battle from the local newspaper. So, he pulled her in close and covered her lips with his, letting their love blossom one more time before it dried out and fell to the hard ground.
I didn’t mind having this dream, especially when it got to the final parts. I can still feel every kiss, every thrust, every touch. It was like my own personal consequence to a choice that I sometimes wish I didn’t make.
But when I was in a deep sleep, everything went peacefully blank. Whatever dream that was currently playing was interrupted, or never occurred in the first place. This was exactly how my first night at the Academy was like. Everything was black from the minute I closed my eyes. It maybe only took 5 minutes to fall asleep, and before I knew it, it was morning.
The sun hadn’t come up yet when the pounding in the hallway began. Our breathing was so heavy we could hear each other from across the room, both of us slightly relaxing as we began to comprehend what was going on. It was time for drills, something that is expected to happen every morning during our first summer.
Within seconds, Denzel was throwing the door open to our unit, yelling at us to get up, get changed, and get in the hallway in 60 seconds.
Emmett and I bolted out of our beds, leaving our covers laid out on the floor as we quickly ripped off the clothes we slept in and changed into our Physical Education uniforms, which were a set of navy gym shorts and a navy ringed tee. I didn’t even notice that I had yet to change my boxers until it was too late… Fuck it, I’ll itch!
We were in the middle of tugging our white crew-length socks on when Denzel started to count down from ten. All of a sudden, my mind went blank as I shoved my toes into the sneakers, feeling a sharp pinch on my big right toe as my foot flew into the shoe. The immediate cold sensation let me know that I was bleeding, but I could still stand on it with only slight discomfort.
Denzel was in the middle of saying the number “One” during his countdown when Emmett and I stood at attention in the hallway, joining all of the other midshipmen who were sporting the same uniform. I could see my fellow classmates panting through my peripheral, everyone's chests heaving as the sleep drained from our eyes.
Three Officers walked down the hallway, examining our stance and writing things that they noticed down on a clipboard. One of the officers, assumably in his 40’s, with a full head of thick brown hair, nodded over at the group of 5 detailers that were standing at the end of the hall. They yelled at us to start running and to make our way over to the track.
I followed the group as we ran out of the building and outside. The cool air hit us with a slight discomfort. Summers on the coast were not too bad, since there were large bodies of water surrounding us, but with that came a little bit of a nippier air when the sun was down.
Emmett and I were in the middle of the whole group of runners, both of us looking around at the other men and women who were equally as shook as us. I knew this was coming, but the wakeup call itself was more intense than I had imagined. My ears were still ringing from the yells that escaped the detailer’s mouths and my eyes weren’t yet adjusted to the bright LED lights that were lit up as we got changed.
As we made our way over to the track, I glanced up at the cemented clock tower, whose hands were light by off-white lights, 5:33. Only four minutes ago, I was in the deep sleep that I so desperately crave every time I close my eyes. Four minutes seemed like ages ago.
Now I was here, running up the hill as the ones in front pooled their way into the track, taking the liberty of starting our run. We ran for 8 laps around the track, equivalent to two miles, before we were stopped by the detailers. 
They split us up into our ICAO companies to perform our initial strength test. All of us Novembers went over to the far east side of the field that was in the middle of the track, Denzel joining us. It was then that I realized he was the detailer for all ten of us. I looked over at all the other guys, Emmett was resting his hands on his hips again, chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. There were two guys that did not seem phased by our run, not even breathing hard as Denzel looked over his clipboard. Then there were all of us in the middle, who had broken out into a light sweat and occasionally spit into the ground as we recentered ourselves.
I hated how much I sweat. It was yet another trait that I inherited from my dad. Performing the simplest task would cause my skin to become moist under my hairline. Within seconds of any routine, I could feel the warm liquid pool down my body in droplets. My mom bought deodorant in bulk when I was in middle school and I went through one bottle of cologne every 3 months until I was 16.
I let out a spit when Denzel explained the contents of the initial strengths test. It would be used to determine which PEP group we would be in from tomorrow forward. He told us that we would perform every task as long as we could, until we physically could not go anymore.
It was a long morning, but it showed me exactly how much strength I had in me, equalizing me in the presence of young, fresh, 18 and 19 year olds. That’s all I truly crave, to be just like one of them. Once we were done, and my clothes soiled, I looked over at the paper Denzel used to record my data:
Push Ups: 82
Pull Ups: 51
Chin Ups: 45
Plank: 5m 45s
Squats: 76
Wall Sit: 3m 18s
Sit Ups: 114
Emmett brought his paper over to me and we compared scores. I outnumbered him heavily in push ups and sit ups, and he led in chin ups and the time for the wall sit. Everything else was pretty much the same, with a 1-5 difference.
He slapped my shoulder as he made his way to the locker room. We were instructed to shower and change into our Type III working uniforms, the common camo-esk styled ones, before breakfast. We had to report to the Bancroft Hall by 8:00am, otherwise you could forget about breakfast, which the Academy referred to as “morning chow”.
When I made my way into the locker room, I noticed there was a pack of cotton briefs sitting on every shelf of the lockers. Thank God!
After I was showered and changed into my uniform, I joined my classmates who were standing around Bancroft Hall. There were a few civilian tourists watching as we were inspected by the detailers and officers. They took our attendance right at 8:00am, locking the doors of the Hall for anyone that was late. Luckily, Emmett had made it, and I saw Natasha a few rows in front of me. 
Every morning we were to be inspected by our superiors. As long as you kept your shit together, like keeping your hair short and tight, and wore your uniform correctly, then you were good. If not, you would have your ass handed to you for days until you did enough tasks to prove that you were worth a shit and would be let off the hook.
Within minutes, we were released and taken into the cafeteria. I salivated at the smell that came from the large brown and tan colored room. This was the biggest meal that the Academy served during the summers. Your choices were endless and the threat of running out of food never crossed anyones mind.
There was a wide range of fruits, cereals, meats, and pastries lined up across King Hall, the official name of the cafeteria on base. I had never felt more hungry in my life, my stomach screaming at me as I grabbed a tray when I made it to the front of the line, grabbing a whole bowl of fruit, oatmeal, and a serving of biscuits and gravy. Orange juice and coffee were placed at the center of every elongated table, which looked just like the brown tables you see in high school, with the same blue plastic pull out chairs.
“Yo, Bradster!” I heard someone yell, watching as a cinnamon roll came flying at me so as to grab my attention if I didn’t hear. Luckily, it landed on my tray, steering completely clear of the dirty floor below.
I looked over at the direction of the voice and saw Emmett, who was sitting with a group of guys, waving me over.
I quickly joined them and grabbed an open spot between two other guys, who introduced themselves as Tate and Oliver, engaging in brief conversation as I began to shove food down my throat. Before long, Oliver had ditched us to go sit with the girls from the Alpha Company. Great, he was one of those guys.
As he was walking away, Emmett, who was stuffing his face with meat and pastries, gave him a wolf whistle. Everyone watched as he slyly made his way over, taking the last seat at the table full of women.
Emmett laughed and looked back at his tray before an all too familiar female voice rang out; “May I”?
I looked up at Natasha, who was standing in front of Oliver’s abandoned chair.
I gave her a slight smirk while Emmett replied; “Yeah sorry toots. It’s men only.”
“Great,” Natasha shot back, taking a seat in the chair and adjusting herself as she said; “I was hoping you would leave anyways”.
She shot him an intense poker face as he froze in shock, not expecting that comment, which caused some of the other men at the table to laugh.
The laughter died down and a slight awkwardness was building up at the table, which I decided to rescue her from; “Natasha, this is my roommate, Emmett Frasier. Emmett, this is Natasha Trace”.
“Pleasure.” she said sarcastically, as she held her poker face on Emmett.
“At least it is for one of us.” Emmett said as he took a long drink of orange juice from his tall glass cup.
“Whatever,” she said to him slyly, breaking her gaze from his face and looking down at her tray. “How did you do at PEP?” she asked, looking over at me to confirm that I was the one the question was directed at. I gave her my paper and she glanced over at it, looking impressed at some of the facts that were on it. “Not bad,” she complimented. Well, complimented as best as she could. She was a hard ass, and I was totally here for it!
“We won’t be in the same group though.” She stated, with a hint of an upset tone in her voice.
“How do you know?” I asked her, curious at her statement.
“I nearly doubled you in everything. They’ll put me with others that scored close to me”.
“Bullshit!” Emmett rang out, not believing a word she said.
She quickly pulled her paper out of her right chest pocket before throwing it in his face, which caused him to clasp his eyes shut as the paper quickly made its way over to him. Within seconds, he had his eyes glued to her sheet, his expression dropping to a small scent of embarrassment as he realized she was telling the truth.
“I assume, yours wasn’t as good.” she stated to him, raising an eyebrow at him as well as giving him the all too familiar poker face that has dominated the conversation.
He didn’t say anything as he looked away, placing the paper back on her tray. She folded it back up and put it in her pocket, proud of her domination over him, which I’m sure he was not expecting.
The rest of the morning conversation revolved around discussing our summer classes: The first part of Naval Leadership class, Honor, Naval Warfare and Tactics, Rank Structure and the Unified Chain of Command. Basically, all of these courses were designed to humble us and solidify the hard passion that we have, or will have, for the Navy. Leadership was the longest, which was going to consist of a whole semester once courses started during the school year. Honor was the class that was designed to humble you, introducing you to the histories and reasons for “why we are the way we are” within the Navy. Warfare and Tactics, my favorite course, was pretty self explanatory. In late June we would get into the basics of aviation tactics, which I was most excited for! Rank Structure and the Unified Chain of Command was pretty much a study hall. Professors expected us to have the structure and chain memorized by the end of the summer, with us being able to not only list everything in the correct order, but also be able to explain why the structure existed. We also had to memorize notable men and women that are currently serving or have served in the Navy. Iceman was on the list, only inches away from becoming admiral of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Honestly, these courses would completely outrank all of the other courses I took at UVA, creating a challenge and a willingness to study that I have so desperately craved for.
The first set of classes, Naval Leadership and Honor, passed by quickly, and before I knew it, I was in King Hall again, noting the absence of the buffet styled breakfast that we had this morning.
Lunch was served in a family-style set up, every table having an assortment of sandwiches covered in plastic wrap. There was enough for every person at the table to have two. Our table was almost filled when I got there, with only tuna and veggie sandwiches remaining. I made a mental note to get there faster tomorrow as I grabbed one of each of the sandwiches and put them on my tray. I was in the middle of pouring the water into my glass when Natasha came over and assumed her same seat next to me.
“Jesus,” Emmett muttered under his breath as she sat down.
“I’m sorry?!” She snapped, looking up at him, making it clear that she heard him.
“Listen,” He began, “I think we got off on the wrong foot-”
“Oh, you don’t say!” she commented sarcastically.
“Would you shut up and listen to me!” Emmett snapped, clearing his throat and giving a look of regret at the words coming out of his mouth. “Sorry,” he apologized sincerely, “Force of habit, I’m sorry.” He swallowed hard, turning a little red. I would not be surprised if they slept together before the end of the summer. “I just wanted to introduce myself to you properly, I’m Emmett Fraiser.” He held his hand out for her to shake and she looked down at his, reluctant at first, but eventually giving in and shaking his. “Great!” He said in an excited tone, “Now we’re friends!”
“No we’re not.” Natasha muttered out in a sly tone, making sure to annunciate her entire sentence clearly so we could hear every syllable.
Emmett looked down, embarrassed by her recent comment and went back to his stale sandwich, eventually going into the conversation that Oliver was having with another guy that sat next to them. “You’re gonna have sex with him,” I stated quietly over my shoulder to Natasha as I took a huge gulp of my water.
“Not the parts I’m looking for, Bradshaw.” I spit my water back into my cup as I comprehended what she said. She looked at me, with a pain in her eyes as she saw my reaction.
I couldn’t help but cough as the water cleared from my lungs, my face turning red as I held up my pointer finger at her, signaling her to “wait a minute” as I regained my composure.
She still had a hurt look painted on her face until I was able to defend my reaction; “I’m sorry…” cough, “I don’t mean it like that…” cough, “Like it’s cool and you’re still great…” cough, “I support you…” I took a heavy breath, my body catching up with the oxygen that I had been missing the last few seconds, “I just wasn’t expecting that” I said as I swallowed, nearly recovered from my fit.
She smirked at me, her face now turning to a happy one as she developed a twinkle in her eye. “Well,” she said, “I’m into both I guess. But recently it’s been more women. I just don’t think your attraction needs to revolve around one specific gender”.
“Valid.” I said to her as I returned to my meal. My tone was clear enough to communicate to her that I understood what she was arguing, but also making it clear that I personally was only attracted to one gender.
“Natasha!” I heard someone say loudly behind us. I looked up and noticed a man, with a crew cut hairstyle and a deep skin tone, smiling down at her. He looked surprised to see her there, obviously not knowing she was around until now.
“If it isn’t Javy fucking Machado,” she said, impressed to see him sporting the same camo-like uniform as us. “How the hell are you!”
“Living the dream honey!” He exclaimed to her.
Everyone around the table looked at her in confusion and patience, waiting for her to introduce this Javy fucking Machado guy to us.
“Oh shit!” she said, looking over at us and noticing our expressions. “Guys, this is Javy. Him and I met at Summer Seminar last year. He’s a hot case.” She explained, being able to note his cockiness and charm in two simple words.
“And she’s just hot.” He said to all of us, making her blush and she looked down at her tray. There was obviously something there.
“Here sit down,” she said, pulling out the chair that was empty next to her.
“Oh, thanks” he muttered, as he modestly took a seat.
Natasha introduced him to the rest of the guys at the table, remembering all their names, ending with my roommate, “And that ass clown is Emmett Fraiser”.
Emmett gave a pleasing look at Natasha’s remarks, which he interpreted as a compliment. I’m sure it was, but with Natasha, you could never know.
“Nice to meet you” He said to all of them.
“So you met at Summer Seminar?” Emmett asked, not seeming to know what that was.
“Yeah,” Javy started, “It’s a summer camp that the Academy hosts for incoming high school seniors that are interested in the academy. It’s just like this, only a week long, and way more PEP than classes”. Well, that explains Natasha’s fucking phenominal performance this morning!
They exchanged answers for how they did in the morning, both nearly matching each other. It became clear to us that this Summer Seminar was designed to put them at the head of the pack if they came to Plebe Summer the year after. Great, yet another thing that I’m behind in!
I went back to studying my Reef Points book as their conversation continued on the subject of the seminar. It wasn’t until the discussion changed to how we ended up here when I rejoined the group. Javy went first, explaining that he applied against his mothers wishes, who is very apprehensive about the military. I also found out that he wanted to go into naval aviation, which meant that we would be seeing a lot more of each other as the years go on.
“So, I guess we’re meant to be huh?” Javy said over to Natasha, who shrugged him off and looked away.
“Only if you give me a wicked call sign.” She said, expressing her desire to have something unique assigned to her when we got to that point, in like five fucking years!
“Wait, what?” I asked her, not expecting her to know so much about naval aviation, and realizing that’s what she aspired to do.
“I’m majoring in Aerospace Engineering with Javy. We want to be fighter pilots one day.”
“Yeah me too!” I exclaimed to her.
“About majoring in engineering or being a fighter pilot?” She asked me, still comprehending that we had a lot more in common than I thought.
“Both!” I said excitedly, knowing that I was developing a friendship I would come to appreciate in the upcoming months when we start working with aircrafts.
“Get out!” She said, equally as excited at this fact. “Anyone else naval aviators?” She looked around anxiously, but everyone shook their heads.
“Submarine Officer” Emmett answered.
“Fits.” was all Natasha had to say. Not necessarily in a mean tone, but one that made it clear that the career goal matched the personality. It truly did though!
“What about you? What’s your story?” A guy asked, looking over at Natasha. She looked down, slightly upset with being asked, keeping her composure as she looked for the right words.
I knew enough to know that it wasn’t a pretty story. All I knew was she didn’t have a family, and a part of me was hoping she was an orphan too. It would be nice to know just one person who shared the same pain as me. “My father abandoned me and my mom when I was a baby,” Natasha started, everyone froze their expressions, not expecting her to be so forward. “And my mom dealt with the pain by drinking and shooting up. She’s somehow managed to stay alive, but doesn’t really care that I’m there. I applied to get away.”
Everyone was taken aback, not knowing how to proceed. The same guy looked over at me, slowly and awkwardly changing the attention as he asked me: “Okay, what about you”?
Now I was stuck. My story wasn’t any happier than hers, and I was still determined to get through my whole career without any of my fellow naval men and women, sorry Natasha, knowing about the past. I took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to segway out of this, before sitting up tall and adjusting in my seat.
Everyone had their eyes on me. Fuck! I knew I couldn’t get out of this. I opened my mouth, ready to talk, just to bullshit and see what came out, when I was interrupted by Denzel yelling in my face.
I didn’t notice it until now, but detailers were yelling in a lot of people’s faces right now, with the cadet standing at attention and yelling back answers to their prompts.
I quickly stood up at attention, peering forward as my eyes stood sharp ahead of me, my ears focused on his words.
“Recite the ICAO!” He screamed at me.
What the fuck? Before I knew it, the words of the alphabet were coming out of my mouth, starting with alpha and ending with Zulu. I saw Denzel’s eyes change in my periphery, looking slightly impressed with my answer.
He turned his back to the other detailers, which is when I took the opportunity to glance over at Natasha, who looked at me impressed, her lips pursed and her eyebrow raised as she took in my performance.
It was then that I realized what my trainer was doing. During meal times, midshipmen were going to be tested with recollection regarding facts of the Navy, so as to prepare us to become laser focused in stressful and unexpected situations.
“The commanding order in the Second Fleet!” He yelled, a little less loud this time, but still intense enough.
I read off every rank, starting with ensign and ending with admiral, giving at least 1 example of a man or woman who currently holds each rank.
I saw Denzel take a step back, beyond impressed. I mentally thanked Hollywood for giving me that book earlier. 
“When was the Naval Academy established?” Denzel spoke at a tone matching that of a normal conversation, but close to my ear.
I felt his breath hit me as I stared forward answering his question quickly making sure to keep my loud tone while at attention; “October 10th, 1845, Sir!”
“Established by?” Denzel asked in a creepy tone, getting way too close to my ear, snaking his head as he walked across my body, wanting me to break.
“George Bancroft and James Knox Polk, Sir!”
“First professors?” He asked, now in my face. I felt my eyes twitch, wanting to meet his, fighting every nerve in my being to keep my gaze forward. Yeah, this training is going to be intense, and will push every limit I have!
I was less confident with this one, answering a little quieter, “William Chauvenet, Arsene Girault, and Navy Chaplain George Jones SIR!” I didn't realize how quiet I was until the end of my answer, when Denzel took a step back.
“And Henry Lockwood,” He responded quietly. Fuck. I forgot one. 
I closed my eyes and let out a huff through my throat. I was almost perfect. Almost there. And I made one fucking mistake.
I stood at attention as Denzel walked to my right side, watching my every move, waiting for me to crack. I was turning red, and mentally beating myself up, but refused to let it get to me. “Report to the track for 50 push ups after dinner. Right at sunset.”
“Yes sir!” I yelled, regaining my composure, but still lacking all confidence I have ever known.
“At ease” he said to me as he turned and left.
I let my head down, trying to wipe away the embarrassment. When I turned to my friends, they were all frozen, their mouths hanging open and their facial expressions in a daze.
“What the shit was that!?” Emmett asked, impressed.
I kept my gaze down and went back to my tray, not talking or looking at anyone for the rest of the day, shutting myself off. Something I’m good at.
I was quiet for the rest of the day, keeping my eyes glued in my books. Natasha sat next to me in afternoon classes, always shooting me a concerned gaze. During the last class, she rested her hand on top of mine, curious about my sudden lack of socialism.
I looked over at her and shook my head before pulling away and walking to the cafeteria, where I sat alone at the edge of the last table in the corner. I know it sounds dumb to be beating yourself up over something so stupid, but I had a lot to prove. I know there’s going to be a big target on my back, being at the age I am and coming from the family I have…Had… I knew Denzel knew, and I knew the Officers at base knew. You could tell by the way they looked at me when taking attendance or hearing my last name said by one of my friends.
They all kept quiet though, trying to hide their initial expression. Luckily, no one had noticed yet. I’m sure everyone was on their own toes, attempting to calm their nerves from their first day as well.
Natasha, Javy, and Emmett came over to me, holding onto their trays that were filled with meats and carbs. Steak, grilled veggies, and mashed potatoes were on the menu today. They didn’t sit down, just stood there and looked at me with curious expressions, filled with a little bit of pity. 
“You okay?” Natasha asked.
“Yeah.” I lied through my teeth. She nodded her head, with an expression on her face that let her know that she could see right through me.
“Okay. Well, we’re here for you.” She encouraged me.
“Thanks.” I said, keeping my eyes down.
They stood there for a second, before walking away. I played with the food on my tray, not in the mood to eat a thing, despite the fact that my stomach was running on empty.
I reported to the track right before sunset, noting that I was the only one there. Great! Everyone else got their questions right.
Denzel’s back was to me, watching the sunset with his bare eyes, squinting up at the sky as I bent down, getting in perfect formation, and started going down, counting in my head.
Fifteen, I thought as I made my way up, Denzel finally breaking the silence; “You’re an impression”. He said as I went down again, sixteen, not saying anything.
“I mean it.” He said again, looking down at me as I stared at his shadow which was hovering above me. “No one I have ever quizzed has gotten those questions right on the first day.”
“Keep it up,” He encouraged, “I’ve got my eye on you”.
He turned back and walked away, meaning I could be done. But I had to finish. This was my set. This was my punishment, and I had to do it. I had to finish. I had to prove that I was good at something. I had a lot to prove.
I finished my set and then sat down on the damp ground, pulling my legs up and resting my elbows on my knee caps, focusing on my breathing that was slightly shallow. I wouldn’t be sweating so much if I wasn’t in my working uniform, but damn that bitch gets hot quickly!
I looked up and stared at the campus in the near distance, seeing Natasha, Javy, and Emmett watching me from the sidewalk of King Hall. Once they saw that I was looking at them, Natasha nudged them, and they walked away, making their way to the commons, right in front of the Naval Chapel.
I stayed sitting, thinking about how tough this is going to be. How I’m going to have more nights like this, sitting in the field, doing push-ups, proving my worth.
I looked up in direction of the chapel as I heard my classmates begin to sing “Blue And Gold”
Now colleges from sea to sea
May sing of colors true,
But who has better right than we
To hoist a symbol hue:
I immediately started thinking about my dad. How my dad ran on this very track, sang that very song, had the same summer as me, only four years younger than I am now. He was here. He looked at the same buildings. He did the same agility tests. He had the same intense quizzes during meal times. He made mistakes… He made mistakes… He did this too.
For sailors brave in battle fair
Since fighting days of old,
Have proved the sailors right to wear
The Navy Blue and Gold
He wore the same uniforms. He would sweat the same heavy amount of sweat. He missed questions. He failed things… He made mistakes too…
Thinking about my dad brought me peace, and relief from the fire that I had earlier in the day. If he could do it, and come out of everything a graduate all the same, then I can too. 
I looked up at the clouds that were blowing through the deep sunset kissed sky, night time only minutes away. 
“Help me through this dad”. I whispered up at the sky, knowing at that moment that I would be okay. I would make another mistake. I wouldn’t be perfect. And when I crashed and burned, he would be there. He was always there.
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gayjameswilson · 2 years
unpopular opinions on the characters. go
Ooo okay. Here we go.
The Chase/Adams ship is terrible. They had absolutely no chemistry, plus I feel like people ship them all because they’re both conventionally attractive white people. Also, Adams is a really boring character and supplied very little to the show as a whole.
Stacy doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets. Her going behind House’s back like that and making the decision he didn’t want was very shitty, and House has the right to be angry at her over that and hold resentment, but she was also placed in a very terrible situation, and just wanted to save House’s life. She’s only human.
Huddy is hot garbage. I love House, and I love Cuddy, but those two were never going to work together, and it showed — House crashed his car into her entire dining room, after all.
I’m not sure if this is unpopular or not, but I enjoyed the tritter arc and it gave us some excellent hilson plots — Wilson lying to Tritter to protect House, “maybe I don’t want to push this thing until it breaks”, House apologizing to Wilson for once when it’s all over, etc.
Not sure if this is unpopular or not either, but I loved the ending. Of course I don’t want Wilson to have cancer, and I totally sobbed my eyes out throughout the whole cancer arc, but the ending gave us what is, essentially, hilson endgame. The entire c word with House caring for Wilson, “I need you to tell me that you love me”, House sacrificing his entire life and career to spend Wilson’s final five months together. Hilson is canon and I genuinely believe that. Those two were in love. (Hugh Laurie and rsl agree, god love em)
I wish people would look more into Chase’s character than just “pretty Aussie guy”. He’s not a child, and he has an excellent character arc. He goes from being a suck-up to House to learning to make his own choices, like killing debala, standing up to and punching House, etc. Chase toughened up and made himself something successful.
I enjoy Cameron’s character. She supplied the morality to the team, but then as we see more of her, we see that she’s as morally fucked up as the rest of them and makes her own mistakes. The hameron arc is so terrible though and I hate how Cameron acted throughout it all. I’ve already made plenty of posts about how the hameron arc sucks. House never even loved her, and they never would have worked together. But she has her good moments, and I sympathize with her. She’s a delight to watch.
Foreman needs more love. He’s just so human, and behind his stern exterior, he cares so so much. Like in the episode Histories he stayed with the homeless patient, and when she was dying, he told her that he was her dead husband and that he forgave her. During Euphoria, Foreman prayed with the man dying beside him when the man asked.
Taub also needs more love! He’s such a good character and I love him dearly. He was a perfect addition to the team after the others left. Plus he’s hilarious. Goofy man.
Wilson is gay. Like, this exceeds headcanon. Wilson is a queer-coded character (So is House.) The show gave us plenty of reasons to believe Wilson is gay and his marriages were fake because he was just overcompensating for being in love with House. Plus, the down low episode? That entire episode is one big sign that says “Wilson is gay”
House and Dominika were better as friends, and if they had been in a relationship, that never would have worked.
Cuddy deserved better plot lines. I loooove her adopting Rachel and being a mother. But that’s like… her only plot besides the huddy arc, and the huddy arc was, once again, terrible horrible no good very bad. Cuddy deserves so much better.
Wilson is the only person who would work well in a relationship with House, and vise versa. Those two understand each other better than anyone else, and are so codependent it’s crazy.
I probably have more, but I can’t think of them right now. So do with these what you will lol. Thanks for the ask! This was fun!
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judyneuf · 7 months
Cult of Passione AU
Back in May 2023, I made this AU for Mermay that mix Mermaids and Greek Mythology and based it solely on the Golden Wind Cast It's also a ''Everybody Lives, Everybody Stays'' AU, due to no one dying and leaving in this AU, even though the events stays mostly the same. There are no stands in this AU, but there are some references to certain stands. I originally started this whole AU with my Part 5 ocs, but they don't influence the main story, I'll make their own post for them Lore under the cut
Long long ago, there were entities that were responsible for creating the world as we know it. They created its sky, land, and sea; they created day and night; and they created creatures to populate the Earth. These creatures looked up at the sky, seeing all the stars that were up there, twinkling and sparkling, and thought that it was because those entities were looking down at them. The astral beings came to be referred to as the Eyes of Heaven.
However, some people wanted to be just as great as the Eyes of Heaven. They created artifacts out of stone that could turn anyone who wore it into gods. Said creators came to be known as the Pillar Men and their artifacts were scattered across the globe for anyone to find.
One day, a man named William Zeppeli found one of these artifacts, a stone mask, with his assistants: Jonathan, a man blessed with the mark of the Eyes of Heaven —a star shaped birthmark— and his wife Erina; their friend Speedwagon; and Jonathan’s adopted brother Dio. Their goal was to find the most artifacts to destroy them, as they believed humans should not try to play god, as it would lead to dire consequences.
One night, Dio betrayed the gang by donning the mask and killing William as his first steps to becoming a God. Jonathan did everything he could to stop him. In the end, with the blessing of the Eyes of Heaven, he managed to decapitate Dio and destroy his body. However, a simple decapitation didn’t end the reign of terror Dio had started, for he decided that Jonathan’s body would be a perfect fit for him. After a long fight, Jonathan died, leaving Dio to take over his body.
Years later, we hear the news about a young boy called Giorno, who is born to a human mother who survived an encounter with the god named DIO. His hair is as gold as wheat and his eyes, green as emeralds. With the Eyes of Heaven giving him their blessing, he is set to become a Star by taking over a cult called the Cult of Passione. 
The cult of Passione is a cult that is well known, and yet no one dares to talk about it. The members worship a god whose name would guarantee you a one-way ticket to the afterlife. He used to be referred to as the ‘’King in Crimson’’ due to his bloodthirsty nature. Over time, it has been shortened to ‘’King Crimson’’.
With the help of a fisherman called Bruno, Giorno works with his team of mythological creatures in order to take down the cult from the inside.
Abbacchio and Bruno
Abbacchio is a squid that has been mistreated by sea creatures and humans alike, leaving him to become very aggressive and territorial. Bruno was the first creature to ever show him kindness. Bruno has since become his light, his reason to open himself up to others.
Bruno’s father was a fisherman and his mother’s origins are unknown to him. She left them when Bruno was a child and he has never seen her again. Despite this, he feels like the ocean is calling him, beckoning him to explore it. Even though he calls himself a fisherman, he never actually hunts for merfolks, unlike the other fishermen; it is just an excuse for him to explore the ocean and meet sea creatures like Abbacchio and Fugo.
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Fugo and Narancia
Not a lot is known about Fugo’s past, but one thing is for sure, people don't like his venomous nature. The only person who has seen past that is Bruno, who Fugo has come to appreciate more than anything the world could offer him.
Not long after Abbacchio has joined them, Fugo has found a harpy with half of its feathers plucked out. In a panic, he has brought the bird to Bruno, begging him to help heal the bird.
Even though Bruno isn’t that familiar with birds, he has helped the poor bird whose name is Narancia. Now, it is rare to see these two separated; they are metaphorically joined at the hips, even though their personalities clash at times.
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Mista and Giorno
Life is nice for Mista. As a satyr, he is very much connected with nature and his surroundings. He is sometimes seen at night surrounded with very affectionate fireflies.
Giorno is unaware of his demigod status; however, he has the power to create life, such as plants and trees, which made Mista and —mostly— his firefly friends befriend him immediately.
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Trish and King Crimson
To the surprise of everyone in the cult, a rumor spreads that King Crimson has come to the mortal realm years ago and has had a child with a mortal woman. The child is named Trish and has been given to the care of Bruno’s team in order to reunite her with her father.
Unfortunately for her, King Crimson has other plans for his daughter…
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Fugo and Giorno
Meeting Bruno's team was the first time Giorno ever encountered mythical creatures and Fugo caught his interest first.
Fugo had a rough time getting along with the new kid, but less so than Abbacchio, but Giorno used his demi-god powers to be immune to Fugo's venom, allowing him to be the first person to be able to touch him.
Fugo felt something deep within them that they had never felt before meeting Bruno, and those feelings grew from trust to something more.
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Bruno’s Rebirth
Bruno didn't know much about his mother, aside from the fact that she left him and his dad when he was younger, and that he never saw her again.
After an accident at the temple of the King Crimson which left him mortally wounded, Giorno tried to use his demi-god powers to revive Bruno. It worked, but also unknowingly unlocked his true nature.
Throughout the rest of their journey, Bruno's body slowly metamorphosed into that of a mermaid, due to his mother's true origins.
As a mermaid, there was nothing holding him back from accepting a previous love declaration that Abbacchio gave him on their journey, as they couldn't pursue it before, as they were a mermaid and a fisherman
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Trish and Mista
After Trish was given to the care of Bruno’s team, she had a hard time settling in with the rest, as she wasn’t aware of her demi-goddess status. She had a harder time befriending Mista, as she saw satyrs as dirty smelly woodland creatures.
Let’s just say that they are friends now, after everything that went down with the two of them.
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Additional information about this AU
Here's what everyone else is in this AU
Giorno: Demi-god Bruno: Human/Oarfish Abbacchio: Squid Fugo: Blue ring octopus Narancia: Harpy Mista: Satyr Trish: Demi-god
Polpo: Sphinx
Zucchero: Human Sale: Human Luca: Human
Sheila E: Fury Cannolo: Demi-god
The Narcotics Teams: Lotus Eaters
Risotto: Mimic Octopus Formaggio: Hermit crab Illuso: Gorgon Prosciutto: Circe Pesci: Tree nymph Melone: ??? Ghiaccio: ???
Squalo: Great White Shark Tizzano: Starfish Carne: Hydra Cioccolata: Scylla Secco: Charybdis
Sex Pistols: Fireflies Black Sabbath: Guardian of the Arrow Silver Chariot Requiem: Guardian of the Arrow
Doppio: Human form of Diavolo King Crimson/The Boss/Diavolo: God
As for how I translated Gold Exprerience, Spice Girl and All Along the Watchtower as Demi-god powers, Giorno can create plants and unlock people's true nature, Trish can melt things with her singing voice and Cannolo is hyper aware of everything that is going on around him, but doesn't let people know he can do that
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lesbocs · 1 year
MARIYAM BASKERVILLE (she/they) (@upvote)
"hiii!!! this is a character from a horror rpg maker game series that perhaps one day i will make.
mary is a poor pathetic meow meow final girl who has doomed the narrative itself. she has the ability to see anomalies (ghosts, demons, spirits, etc-- basically anything supernatural) but nobody believes her. she's a student at an all girl's catholic school in rural ohio in a vaguely post-apocalyptic timeline who is relentlessly bullied by her peers for being weird and neurodivergent and she has a sucky home life so all around she's having a terrible time. she's kind of eccentric and super into the occult, which in the good catholic town of woolwick is not accepted at all. her only ally is her older brother, callum, who she is very dependent upon but he apparently runs away from home shortly after a fight between the two of them. (it's a misunderstanding, he has his own demon stuff going on) and she's left in her senior year of high school feeling like shit.
so yeah life hates her and she hates life back. but !!! her solution to her very vitriolic misanthropy and unhappy circumstances is to open a portal to hell and allow her fucked up town to be consumed by it. on devil's night (the night before halloween, where kids play pranks and throw toilet paper at houses and etc) she sets her plan into motion and manages to find her way into getting roped up in the hijinks of a group of misfits (all students her age at the catholic girls school and all wlw and most of them are pretty nice actually) and horror game shit ensues with her getting involved in too because she's just a strange beast motivated by years and years of resentment and didn't really plan shit out… but she survives in the true end yay ^__^ sort of. schrodinger's cat girl.
she plays a vaguely overarching antagonistic role in the series over all but her intentions slowly become more benign as the story progresses… also she develops weird homoerotic enemies to allies to friends to STABS YOU IN THE BACK relationships with two of the other girls in the cast. idk mary is just a silly quirky trans autistic lesbian and yes she wants to destroy the whole world in her grief for her brother and the life she never had but she looked cute doing it!!!"
you can learn more about them here! (art for mariyam by pommeplisa on twitter)
XENIA (she/her) (@mossboss030)
"She's my D&D character, the first one to reach level 20. She had amnesia when I created her and worked in a fighting pit because she was very big and strong. She killed her boss when he made a pass at her and then began her life as a mercenary when she had to leave town. Over the course of the campaign she found out that she was half troll, that her father (the troll) was killed by an adventurer, that her mother had traded her to a devil for a new kid that was fully human, that she was turned into a demon that killed a lot of people (including her mother and replacement). She took that all in stride I think, killing several dragons, dying once and coming back as a demon again that the party had to fight, looking like her actual half-troll self when she came back and meeting the two loves of her life. She later became a full devil after befriending a devil in the campaign and plans on usurping Asmodeus as King of the Hells one day but for right now is enjoying retirement with her two wives. She fought with a big maul and was a multi-class of barbarian and fighter and she was the second smartest person in the party behind the wizard and the ranger's animal companion (a ferret). She adopted (bought) two babies in the city of brass because she felt bad that they'd been abandoned. She also briefly dated two villains in the campaign and tried to date another one but it didn't work out. In conclusion, she's a 6'9" trans butch lesbian, vote for her!"
you can learn more about her here!
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