#loosely inspired ik
I Would Give You the Sky
Inspired by this post by @legobenkenobi
Read below or read on Ao3
Part 2 now available!
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His Name (Part 1/3)
Commander Cody was a man of discipline and diligence and Obi-Wan had yet to see him relax his militant persona.
Obi-Wan kept thinking he would loosen up, still maintaining a spark of hope in his heart that Cody would go even a single step further than that easy smile, that he would laugh at his trooper’s antics or at Obi-Wan’s dry quips. That gentle curve of his closed lips was as far as he ever got. He rarely joined his men for drinks after their missions; he sequestered himself in the bunks or the offices, buried in plans and tactics that he had looked over a dozen times before. One life lost was a failure in Cody’s eyes.
He understood the likelihood of losing his men, the need for sacrifice. It didn’t change his desire for perfection. Cody was thorough and, as dearly as Obi-Wan appreciated him and his efficiency, he couldn’t help but consider his commander may benefit from some leisure.
The perfect opportunity came after a mission with no mortal casualties, one that Obi-Wan assumed Cody would not dwell on for too long, and their ship was scheduled to fly through a shower of crystallised meteors. A nearby carbon star was going into supernova and flinging its debris through space; they would bounce harmlessly off the shields of the ship. It was a spectacle Obi-Wan had seen once before, but before the war. His men had never laid eyes on such a sight, and the ship was abuzz with excitement. The men were finding spots to watch, abandoning their posts inside in favour of finding a window from which they could view this natural wonder.
Obi-Wan said nothing as he walked past them, smiling softly when they went quiet at his approach, hearing them whispering and giggling like children when he passed without a word. They deserved some time away from those responsibilities. There was someone Obi-Wan did not see among them, as he had suspected, and he approached the door of the commander’s office, rapping his knuckles to the metal before tapping the panel to slid the door open.
“Cody?” he asked, entering to see his commander at the desk, examining the battle over a series of holographic screens. “Commander, if I may make a suggestion?”
Cody hummed, looked to him. “Of course, sir.”
It earned an amused huff from his commander. “I’m fine, sir.”
Obi-Wan shifted his jaw, coming to lean a hand against the desk, pushing the holograms down. “Are you aware of what’s happening in fifteen minutes?”
“The supernova?”
“Yes,” said Obi-Wan, tilting his head. “You don’t want to see it?”
“I’m not scheduled for a break, sir.”
A soft hum pressed Obi-Wan’s lips. “And what if I asked that you take a break?”
Cody lifted his head to meet his gaze, unfaltering. He had never been subdued around Obi-Wan; other men had avoided his gaze before, timid in the presence of a Jedi. Cody was not such a man. It was an aspect of his character that heavily contributed to his rank.
“Is that an order, sir?”
“A request.”
Cody leaned back in his chair, tilted his head. There was that look in his eyes again, that measuring stare he got when he was trying to ascertain someone’s meaning, trying to find some hidden message beneath. Obi-Wan held his gaze, hoping his sincerity came through in his eyes. His commander was an intelligent man. He might be the most intelligent man Obi-Wan knew.
“This is important to you, isn’t it?”
Obi-Wan considered him a moment. “It’s important to me that you don’t miss out on experiences because you’re too buried in work. The battle went well, commander. You don’t have to review it in such depth.”
“It’s important to me to get the most out of every mission.”
“I know that,” Obi-Wan assured, “and I am grateful for that, truly, but it doesn’t mean you can’t take twenty minutes to come and see a sight that you may never get the chance to witness again. There’s not a man on this ship who is missing this.”
Cody frowned. “There are men stationed in the interior—”
“And they rightly abandoned their posts,” said Obi-Wan. “I didn’t say a word, and you won’t either.”
A twitch touched his commander’s lips, the beginnings of a smile. “Very well.”
He rose from his chair, swiping the holograms away, and standing there, expectantly. Obi-Wan blinked a moment in surprise. It was not often that Cody so easily gave into his attempts to drag him away from battle analysis, and this was no emergency situation. Cody did not deem leisure an important part of life, so Obi-Wan remained curious—as he led the way out of the office and down the hallways—as to his commander’s motives.
It would be a simple thing to look into his mind, but Obi-Wan considered it a violation. If Cody wished to tell him something, the man would say it himself. Anything further was not Obi-Wan’s right to know.
The men stiffened when they saw the pair, fell into utter silence, but Obi-Wan led Cody past and—as ordered—Cody gave no comment on the men’s position. A wave of relief appeared to sigh from them when their actions were not challenged. Obi-Wan cast a knowing look to his commander, gratitude and perhaps a whisper of teasing too. He knew how the man valued procedure. A response came in a soft smile; that quiet smile that left so much to be desired, but that Obi-Wan deeply cherished all the same.
There was a place above the bridge where Obi-Wan liked to meditate. It was where he took them now.
The great darkness of space stretched out through the transparent dome above them as the pair climbed up into the room. Obi-Wan closed the hatch behind them. He did not wish to be disturbed by young troopers searching for their own place to witness the shower; he locked it for good measure. There was a quietness here unlike anywhere else on the cruiser and he wished to maintain that.
“An interesting choice of viewing area, sir,” said Cody, tilted his head when Obi-Wan frowned at him. “Your meditation space felt sacred until now.”
Obi-Wan hummed, approached the edge of the domed space to stare out at the pulsing star, on the edge of annihilation. “What drains it of its purity now? You’ve been here before.”
“Not like this.”
Cody didn’t elaborate, but he didn’t have to. In his time entering this room before, he came only to rouse Obi-Wan from his meditative state. He did not linger.
“I happen to enjoy your company,” said Obi-Wan, keeping his voice down for the sake of preserving the quiet.
A beat of silence met his words. Footsteps broke it, soft but certain, and Cody came to his side without a word, looking out at that star. He was a comforting presence, a strong, constant presence, and Obi-Wan had come to depend greatly on his intelligence and his courage through every battle, every mission of this difficult war. However dark the circumstances, Cody was a glint of light in the force that never dimmed.
There was a thoughtfulness to him now, a distractedness that Obi-Wan could sense without trying, and he looked to his commander, seeking out some indication of emotion on that familiar face.
“Are you still thinking about the battle?”
Cody drew himself up taller, exhaled, as if Obi-Wan’s voice had brought him from some deep thought. “No,” he said, an honest answer, his gaze never once leaving that star. “I just look at that and wonder about myself, about my men. The supernova, it has to happen, destruction is the way of things. Everything ends… I just wonder how it will end for us.”
Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes, unsure whether to be amused or concerned. “You see death there?”
“I see death most places, sir.”
The Jedi considered that a moment, considered this man and his talent for overthinking, his wonderful, terrible mind, and found himself ever drawn to such a presence. “I am sorry you feel that way,” he said, thinking on his next words with great care. “There are constants in life. Death is one of them. You understand this as well as any Jedi and I am sorry that you do. It is a difficult truth to accept for many. Those of us who know it… we didn’t learn it easily.”
Cody looked to him then. “I’m sorry,” he said, and had this way of speaking with such earnest, a way that Obi-Wan was coming to find a great comfort in.
Obi-Wan met his gaze, overcome with a sudden desperation to know him. “Are you afraid? Of the end?”
“Not my own,” said Cody. “Just my men… I fear the aftermath of war more than war itself. I fear what will be done with us when the republic has no further use for soldiers.”
It was a sharp blow to Obi-Wan’s chest to hear such a thing from his commander, as if the words had physically struck him. “Cody…”
The man’s expression changed at that, a realisation entering his eyes, a darkness almost. “I’ve said too much, sir.”
“No,” said Obi-Wan with a shake of his head, moving to intercept his commander when Cody turned for the exit.
His hand clutched Cody’s arm to force him back.
“Stop, please.”
They stood for a moment in silence, neither knowing what to say. There was a restlessness to his commander that Obi-Wan had not sensed before, an uncertainty in his aura that was simply wrong. A man so sure of his abilities should not feel so out of sorts. Obi-Wan held his arm, struggling to make sense of his commander’s sudden change, just needing him to stay, refusing to let him find validation in this need to isolate himself and his truth.
“You are allowed to be afraid,” said Obi-Wan finally. “Only a fool fears nothing at all… All the same, I would like to assure you that, when this war is over, I will ensure you and your brothers are taken care of.”
“You shouldn’t say that, sir.”
Obi-Wan shook his head. “Why?”
“You can’t control everything.” Cody shifted his jaw, seeming hesitant almost to continue. “We… We aren’t yours to care for, sir. We’re Kaminoan property. They will decide what happens to us in the end.”
It was practically a reflex action that brought Obi-Wan’s other hand up, holding Cody by both arms now, needing to be certain he could get his point across. “Cody,” he said, very clear, “I will not let anything happen to you. Your men will be safe, and I can assure you of that. I will fight for you if I have to.”
Cody stared at him and, for perhaps the first time since they had met, he appeared stunned. Wide eyes searched Obi-Wan’s face, absent lips parting, faltering, the words unplanned.
A flare of light to the side drew their attention, and Cody straightened up in shock. Obi-Wan let him go. His fingers trailed against his commander’s armour, watching Cody approach the window as the debris of the exploded star rained down over the cruiser. Shards of diamond hit the shields, shattering on impact. The fire of the supernova refracted through larger chunks, sending scattered beams of light sweeping over the ship.
A soft sound left his commander, a gasp of sorts, unlike anything Obi-Wan had ever heard from him. Cody had gasped before, but only ever in pain, some physical agony or deep grief tearing his breath from him in a terrible display of anguish. This was so different.
When Obi-Wan came up beside him, he watched the reflection of the phenomenon in Cody’s wide eyes, saw light dance across his irises, and his own breath caught in a moment of weakness.
Cody spared him a glance, doubling back when Obi-Wan failed to tear his gaze away. “General?”
The address brought a lump to Obi-Wan’s throat, and he swallowed it back. “I wish you wouldn’t call me that,” he admitted, finally admitted. “There’s no need… in situations such as this.”
Cody blinked, brow pinching. “What situations, sir?”
“’Sir’ is just as bad,” said Obi-Wan, though he shook his head, forced himself to pull back his vulnerability, build his walls up again, turning to watch the crystalised debris of the planet rain down. “It’s nothing. Just… you needn’t be so formal when we are alone.”
Silence fell across them. Obi-Wan was aware, in his peripheral, that Cody was no longer watching the supernova. Guilt gnawed at his gut that his commander should miss such a thing on his account.
“Alright,” Cody murmured unexpectedly, and Obi-Wan blinked hard, looking to him just as he turned back to stare into space, “Obi-Wan.”
It warmed his heart more than the Jedi would ever admit to another soul. To hear Cody’s voice—not the voice of Jango Fett or the voice of a clone, but Cody’s—speaking his name without hesitation or uncertainty, it felt like his heart was going into supernova.
As he stood beside his commander, both watching the beautiful, terrible event unfold before them, Obi-Wan felt something shift, felt a weight lifted from his heart to be in the presence of this man who had called him by his name.
139 notes · View notes
ellemisc · 10 months
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space prince and his other half but make it 19th century au
1K notes · View notes
starspilli · 4 months
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some colour studies from life drawing .. click 4 better quality
218 notes · View notes
cowardlybean · 2 years
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Erm,, meowww?
42 notes · View notes
I am once again struggling, just a little, as a fantasy reader who's also a polytheist.
0 notes
zeltqz · 6 months
selfish | haitani ran
synopsis. haitani ran wants you, but can't have you because it would be considered selfish. content. 12k words (listen ik its long just hear me out..), fem!reader, friends to enemies to lovers, mild fwb situation gone wrong, ran's mother is in prison and gives shitty advice, implied sexual harassment (some creepy junkie, nothing happens though), mildly toxic ran, possessiveness, alcohol mentions, ran says hurtful things when he's drunk. NSFW content. authors note. this was inspired by an ask that i changed up a little because i LUV drama, so anon if you see this and recongise the plot creds to uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for the idea!!!!
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You were jolted awake by the violent buzz of your phone, muffled by your pillow. You groggily sat up, wiping your eyes and slapped around under your pillow for your phone. Carefully, you rolled to the far edge of your bed and answered. 
“Come down. I’m outside.”
“Ran it’s…2 in the morning.”
“Just come. I want to talk to you.”
You slipped from your bed, yawning and grabbing your house keys on the way out. Once you were outside, the instant regret of not bringing a jacket hit you as you shivered from the cold. You were about to run back inside, but decided against it when you saw Ran’s car parked at the end of the road, the lights on and the windshield wipers actively wiping away the snow. 
You resisted the urge to dramatically slam the door shut when you got in the car. “There better be a zombie apocalypse happening right now if you think waking me up at 2 am was a good idea.”
“So I can only contact you when the world is ending?”
“At 2am, yes.” You leaned your head back against his car seat, mindlessly closing your eyes to savour onto the lingering signs of sleep. “Why’re you even here? I thought you were out of town.”
“I had plans.” He drummed his fingers along the steering wheel. 
“Like plans or ‘plans’?” His smile turned into a smirk and you grimaced. “Ew don’t touch me.”  He laughed playfully and gestured at your seatbelt. You put it on as he started the car, pulling out onto the main road. 
“So where are you taking me anyway?” you asked, plucking at a loose thread on your pyjama bottoms. 
“Nowhere in particular. Just driving around.”
“Cool. So why am I here then?”
“Wanted company. Is that so wrong?” 
You looked his way, wondering if he was being serious right now. “Why didn’t you call your brother then? Or literally anybody else.”
“Because I wanted to see you.” He glanced in your direction, seeing the stunned expression on your face that you quickly fixed when you realised he was staring. 
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah sure. Whatever.” You yawned and turned to the side to lean against the window. 
“If you’re tired you can sleep.”
“I don’t wanna fall asleep on you. That’s rude.” Another yawn. “I’ll manage it.”
“You hungry?” he asked, pulling up towards a late night fast food drive-thru across the street. 
“Kinda. Now that I think about it, I barely ate all day.”
“Don’t know how you do it honestly.” He was plucking at his baby hairs as he slowed the car to a stop. “Alright whaddya want.” 
You peeked past his body to look at the menu on the wall, the bright lights straining your tired eyes. “Literally anything. I don’t care.” He clicked his tongue and stared at you. You sighed. “I don’t want you to waste money on me.”
“Don’t stress,” he said, waving off your concern with a wave of his hand. You settled in your seat as he rolled down the window. You were distractedly scrolling on your phone to pass time as he spent the next five minutes ordering. 
Looking up, you saw he already had the bag of food on his lap, but instead of handing it to you, his arm is leaning against the window, smirking as he talks to the cashier working the drive-thru. She has her finger twirling her hair, leaning so far from the narrow window you’re surprised she hasn’t fallen out yet. 
“Hello?? Can we go?!” you snapped. 
“Oh, sorry.” The girl leered in your direction, taking you back momentarily before she fixed her features in time when she looked back at Ran. “It was nice meeting you,” she said softly, her voice lacking the same venomous tone she gave you earlier.
“Pleasure meeting you too. See you around beautiful.” You don’t know if he winked or did his signature smirk at her, but it was something of that nature because she had to fan herself to calm the redness on her face as his car began driving off.
You took the bag of food from his lap and ripped it open. “Do you really have to flirt with every girl you meet?”
“Someone sounds jealous.” You weren’t even looking in his direction but you could envision the shit eating grin of his face when he said that.
“I’m not jealous. I just know how to keep it in my pants and not go around flirting with every guy I meet.” You bit the packaging of the straw and poked it in your drink more aggressively than you intended.
“Have you maybe thought that’s because you just suck at flirting?” 
You almost choked on your drink with how quick you moved your head to face him. “I don’t suck at flirting!”
He snorted, taking one hand off the wheel to support his head as he leaned against the door. “Sureeeeeeeee.”
“Don't say sure like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because you don’t believe me!”
He shrugged. “I don’t.” He stopped the car at a red light. “Show me how you flirt then.”
You stared down at the food in your hands, contemplating if you should. When you looked up, you saw him already staring at you, waiting. “Fine.” You wiped your hands and set your food back down, putting it back in the takeout bag before shifting to face him on your seat. 
You cleared your throat, readying yourself to speak. The second you opened your mouth, it was like your mind blanked and you instantly closed it again. “This is too embarrassing. I can’t.”
“It’s only embarrassing if you make it embarrassing,” he responded back, shifting his attention back on the road when the light changed to green.
“No. I just know you’re going to laugh at me if I do it.”
“No I won’t.” He put a hand over his heart. “Scouts honour”
“You’re so ridiculous,” you grumbled but laughed nonetheless. “Okay, I’ll do it once we get home. I need time to prepare.”
Ran seemed to agree with that and in the fifteen minutes it took you to get home, you finished your food. He was parked outside your house across the street and you were idly sipping at your drink.
“Alright, ready?” He turned the engine off, leaving the radio still on.
“Wait this is my favourite song.” You inched forward to turn the volume up only to recoil when he slapped your hand away. “What the hell?!”
“Stop stalling.” He ignored the frustrated look on your face. “Show me already. I didn’t drive you here for nothing.”
“You shouldn’t have driven here at 3 in the morning anyway!”
“So ungrateful.” He pinched your nose with two fingers, laughing when you swatted him away. “Show meeee.”
“Okay fine! Fine!” You set your drink in the cupholder and turned to look at him. “I actually don’t know how to flirt.”
“Had a feeling.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Want me to teach you,” he asked gently, looking directly into your eyes. You found it hard to look away in that moment, like so much was riding on your answer. 
You nodded slowly. “Yeah… okay…”
“Alright. Guys love it when you’re confident and can hold eye contact. So hold eye contact as much as you can, but don’t stare like a creep. That shit’s weird. Show ‘em you’re engaged in the conversation when they’re talking about themselves and just stare into their eyes. Shit, that even gets me all fuzzy when a girl knows how to hold it. Had me stutterin’ and shit once.”
You blinked and envisioned a stuttering, flustered Ran in your mind. “Really? Eye contact? That’s all?” He shrugged and nodded. “That sounds really hard to believe honestly.”
“Really?” You nodded. “Reaaaally?” he repeated, extra slow, giving you enough time to back out when you have the chance.
“Yes. Reaaaaally Ran.”
“Tell me what you did today.”
You crossed your arms and looked up at the ceiling. “Well…I woke up this morning…I went to work, had lunch, worked until 4, then came home and studied.”
“In detail.”
“Is that really necessary?” you complained, but the look on his face was completely serious. Sighing, you settled back into your seat. “Okay so I went to bed late as fuck last night and I woke up at like 12 which was so bad because my shift started in fifteen minutes. So I wondered whether or not I should go and—”
“Look at me when you talk.”
You were about to slap him. You sighed and turned to look at him. 
“I went to back late last night and woke up at like…” Your mind blanked, and you struggled to find your words or remember what the hell you did hours ago with him looking so intently at you. “...11 ish? Which was—”
“You said it was 12, no?” he tilted his head, his stare unwavering.
You gulped. “Yes. Sorry. I woke up at 12 and my shift started at 12:15.” Your face burned. Just what the hell was wrong with you. In that moment, you felt like you were out of your own body, spirit you watching as you did nothing but blink uselessly at Ran. You fought the urge to slap yourself and ignore his slutty mind tricks. 
You looked down at your lap only to have him lift your face back to him with a single finger. “You’re not done with your story yet.”
“...right…right.” You cleared your throat again. He leaned forward, forearms resting on the steering wheel, locking his gaze on you. Was Ran always this hot? Surely you’ve noticed it before but not like this, where your mind is focusing only on him, and pushing all other stray thoughts out of the way 
You inhaled deeply and regained composure. “And I briefly considered whether or not I should go in late…but my boss has been kinda mean to me lately and…”
He raised an eyebrow, nodding as he studied your face, and urged you to continue when you stopped talking.
“...so I went in and finished my shift. My boss wasn’t too mad at me which was good I guess.”
“Then what?” His voice was purposefully different than usual, it was lower in that moment, throwing you off balance completely.
Your throat suddenly felt dry. “One second.” You grabbed your drink from before and began taking long sips from it, still feeling the intensity of his stare against the side of your face. Once you gulped half the drink down, you forcefully swallowed your burp, not wanting to ruin the weird, but heated atmosphere in the car with your natural bodily functions. 
“Then I went home to study for my exam on Thursday and fell asleep. Then your annoying ass woke me up and here I am.”
He laughed lightly, pulling back to return back to his seat. “How hard was that? Be honest.” His head rested back against the headrest, smirking at you. “Don’t lie now.”
You looked down at your lap, averting your eyes from his and refusing to make eye contact. You hated that you had to admit that it actually worked, his intense eye contact had actually effected you. He kept urging you until you persisted and you groaned inwardly. “Fine. It worked.”
“Seeeeee?” He jostled you playfully, and you smiled weakly. “I told ya. Anyway, want more advice?”
“There’s more?” Was the eye contact not enough? You didn’t even want to think how much power this man has. 
“Yeah. Say his name a lot. Drives me crazy when I hear a girl say my name.”
You snorted. “Sounds oddly narcissistic of you,” you retorted before you could catch yourself. “Sorry.”
“(Y/N),” he called your name in a deep, rumbling tone that had you internally shut down and log off. 
Once you came back, you grinned, impressed. “Wow…you’re good,” you admitted, subtly rubbing your hand along your arm to rid it of the goosebumps that seemed to sprout up whenever he spoke to you in that tone. “You’re actually a danger to society.”
“It’s fun making girls all flustered.” His hand rose to rest on your thigh. When you didn’t shrug it off or tell him to stop, his fingers began to caress softly against your skin. His touch felt electrifying, zapping through the fabric of your pyjama bottoms as he continued his actions.
“Something wrong?” he asked teasingly when he saw you struggle to control yourself, clenching your thighs together.
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“You’re not gonna tell me to stop?”
“I see.” His thumb continued to stroke your inner thigh.
You don’t know what possessed you at that moment, but you grabbed his hand and placed it between your legs. He looked at you, confused and surprised at your sudden boldness. 
You pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, and whispered into his ear, “I can be seductive too, you know?”
Something in your words ignited a flame inside him, something primal and raw when your lips softly grazed down his ear. He turned his head to meet yours. 
“I’m sure you can be,”  he said softly, leaning in to kiss you gently. The kiss was only a soft press of his lips against yours, and your desire to want him to kiss you for real grew stronger by the second.
His hand moved down your body, helping you pass the console to straddle him. One hand slid down the back of his neck as you kissed each other hungrily, your tongue sliding out to meet his. He bit your bottom lip, gently sucking it while running his tongue along the inside of your mouth, slowly parting your lips with his. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out, pulling away to look down at him, resting your forehead against his. You went back in, and the kiss quickly turned heated, hungry and wild. “This doesn’t mean anything, right?” you asked, panting slightly.
He broke the eye contact to look down at his hands on your waist, sliding down to your hips and held you firmly in place, leaving no space between you. “Nah. Let’s just have fun.”
He cupped the back of your neck to bring you in for another kiss, your insides melting as your body temperature rose at the feeling of his rough hands working you over. He fumbled with the drawstrings of your pj bottoms until they loosened, slipping his hands inside, desperate to touch bare skin.
“No panties,” he grinned against your lips, giving you a peck when you flushed. 
“They’re uncomfortable at night…gotta let it breathe, you know?” you mumbled, looking down at his lap. 
He nudged your head up using his own and reattached his lips to yours. His hands continued to explore your body, roaming up and down your back, clutching at your waist. He placed his hand firmly on the back of your head, gilding your head movements into the kiss.
His thumb traced circles on the soft flesh on your hip as your mouth left his to plant open, wet kisses along his neck, teeth nipping and skimming when the radio thought it’ll be a wonderfully convenient idea to switch from the soft music it was playing earlier, to sudden heavy death metal, loud instruments and screaming booming through the car. 
You both jumped apart, your head smacked against the roof of the car, wailing as you winced when Ran started laughing. “It’s not funny!”
He doesn’t stop laughing because why would he, but he at least reached forward, your body on his lap following his movements as he turned the volume down.
“Why do you even have that on your playlist?!” 
“Rindou had a…phase. I hate it too, don’t worry.” 
You continued to rub the sore spot and pouted when you felt a headache blooming, already kissing goodbye to your good night’s sleep tonight. 
“Come here.” He smoothed a hand over the sore spot. “Better?”
“Kinda.” Your sour mood lessens and you start laughing, hiding your face in his shoulder. Your shoulders shook as you struggled to control your laughter. He laughed alongside you, his arms tightening around your body as he pulled you back against him. 
“That scared the living shit out of me,” you panted, finally catching your breath, kissing down the side of his neck. 
He turned his face to properly meet yours. You kissed him deeply, slowly rocking your hips with his as his strong hands squeezed tightly against your ass. After a while, you broke the kiss, your body now craving more than just kissing.
“Stop teasing me,” you complained, pushing him lightly on the chest.
“‘S fun seeing you so worked up,” he said with a shitty smirk, pressing a kiss to your neck. Your head lolled back as he steadily worked his way down the column of your throat, then down your chest.
His fingers bunched around the hem of your shirt, about to tug it off when you looked outside. The sun was still dark, but the promise of sunrise just around the corner as it rounded near 4 am. Obviously people wouldn’t be up and walking around this late, but the thought still made you stiffen.
“What’s wrong?” Ran asked, pausing with your shirt half way up your stomach.
“Can we go inside?” you asked, dragging the tips of your nails along the flat plane of his stomach. Despite having spent the last ten minutes making out with this man, the question implied more and your face burned when his eyes widened a bit. 
You looked down at your hands moving under his shirt, tracing patterns across his skin and bit down a giggle when he squirmed as you hit a particularly ticklish spot, poking his belly button. You took a mental note of that for later…
“You sure you wanna?” he asked carefully. You nodded. “Alright. Let’s go.” 
You quietly stumbled out of the car, holding his hand as you crossed the street to your house. You were fumbling with your keys, hard to find the keyhole in the darkness. It wasn’t helping your focus and accuracy with Ran behind you, fingers caressing your hips and waist, nipping at your neck. You let out a soft moan, giving up with your keys to lean your head back against his shoulder to give him more access before you quickly came to your senses.
“I need to open the door, go away,” you said with a huff, ignoring his laughter as you pushed him away. 
The door slammed shut and you locked it before pouncing on Ran, letting him press you up hard against the door as he hungrily devoured your mouth. His lips branded the soft skin of your neck as he dipped lower, carrying you to your bedroom. You were dropped mindlessly on your bed, bouncing from the impact as he hovered over you, your mind pleasantly blank as you focused solely on how badly you needed him right now.
His fingers slipped down your underwear and you saw stars.
As you were walking through the aisles of the grocery store, your music was interrupted by your phone ringing. You jerked your phone out from your jeans pocket to stare at the caller ID. Just a long string of numbers. 
“Who is this?” you asked suspiciously, racking your brain for a time you handed your number out to anyone you hadn’t saved.
“It’s Ran. What, forgot about me already?” 
Your mood immediately dampened and you clutched your phone tighter in your hand. “Why’re you calling me?”
“Easy with the hostility, man. I just wanted to talk to you.”
“And you couldn’t have done this, I dunno, in the two months you spent ghosting me? And don’t tell me “easy with the hostility”, I have a right to be fucking mad after you just hit and dipped like that.”
“Hit and dipped?”
“You ghosted me dumbass.”
You heard a loud exhale. “Right… yeah about that.”
“What do you want Ran?”
“I miss you.”
You almost forgot how to breathe. “Areyoufuckingkiddingmerightnow?”
“You heard me. I said I missed you.”
“Let me guess, there’s no other girls available right now, right? That’s why you’re bugging me?” It would be a wild accusation if not for the fact after that night you spent together, his phone buzzed incessantly, the constant vibrations waking you up and you saw notifications of girls in his inbox, sending him the usual “are you up?” text messages, followed up with images of themselves half naked.
He hummed. “Why would there be other girls? I’m talking to you right now.”
“Because you’re you.”
“Ok, but I’m serious though. I miss you a lot.” You found it so hard to give this man any sympathy.
“Well who’s fault is that? Nobody asked you to stop speaking to me after that night.”
“I know I know. I messed up. I just didn’t know how to approach you after that.” He sounded seriously stressed over this, and your face softened for a fraction of a moment before memories of you constantly checking your phone to see if he bothered to open your message yet reappear in your mind; just like that, your scowl is back, sympathy long gone.
“Right. Because THE Haitani Ran gets nervous after sex. Wow, shocker.”
“I mean, you were the best lay I ever had.”
Your traitorous heart stuttered without your permission, making your lips quirk up into a smile. “Really?” You cursed yourself for even entertaining his bullshit, and cursed your body even more for reacting in such a manner.
“Yeah, course you were.”
“Then why’d you ghost me? It’s like you want me to hate you. I swear to god for the life of me I’ll never under male logic.”
“It’s not male logic. ‘S just me, being a dumbass.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“This was different though because we were friends before we fucked, and I didn’t wanna make things weird. I had no clue how to text you after that.” You guessed that made sense, having felt the same awkwardness the morning after waking up sore with him beside you. 
“Oh. Well, it’s only weird if you make it weird.”
“Right. So…can I make it up to you?”
“Let’s hang out.”
“Like hang out or ‘hang out’?” Part of you wanted it to be the first one, not wanting to ruin anymore awkwardness in your friendship by sleeping with each other again. But the other part of your body already was hellbent on it being the second, already addicted to the way he makes you feel in bed. 
“The former. But,” his voice dropped lower, “it can also be the latter, if you’re down.”
“I’m down,” you said a bit too quickly for someone trying to seem indifferent.
“Cool. See you tonight then.” 
Before you could say goodbye, he was already saying hi to someone else, and then hung up. Any negative emotions you felt for him was tempered by the excitement buzzing through your limbs as you continued shopping for groceries with a dopey smile on your face, happy you were able to patch things up.
Time passes since you both agreed to this weird friends with benefits arrangement. All awkwardness is stomped on and thrown out the window, now more open to the matter. Months go by of you losing yourself in his sheets, of him mapping out your body with his tongue, latching his mouth onto your skin and marking you all over. Months go by of you craving his touch whenever you’re alone, picturing his voice in your ear, his presence caging you from above when you’re with other men. Months go by of you both making plans, with you, more than him, staring at your phone the entire day, starting the mental countdown to when you’re next able to see him. 
Life is good for Ran, until the day he dreaded the most every year rolls around. The day he has to visit his mother in prison along with Rindou. Their meet-ups are nothing more than an annual thing, visiting her on her birthday every year. 
“So what have you been up to this year?” she asked disinterestedly. 
Ran could see right through her, can see she’s started using again if the bloodshot eyes and the not so subtle way she rubs her nose were any clue. 
“Good ma,” Rindou responded. “I’ve took up DJ’ing in a few of Dad’s clubs in my free time.”
At the mention of her ex-husband, she sneered. Rindou rolled his eyes. “Are you gonna do that every time I mention him ma?”
“I’ll react however the fuck I want when you bring up that passed around, dried up whore of a man,” she snapped. Rindou doesn’t react, already used to her mood swings and aggressive comments about his father. She jerked her head over to her weirdly quiet son. “And you? What’s your deal?”
“My deal?” Ran asked, matching her levels of indifference. 
“What have you been up to,” she repeated slower, like he was dumb. 
“What? Your life is that shit you haven’t done anything for the past year? Nothing at all?” She stared at Ran who responded with silence and a blank stare. “Even I’ve done shit and I’m stuck in this hell hole.”
“Well whose fault is that?” Ran snapped back. Rindou slapped his forehead.
“Listen here you—”
“Ran’s been seeing a girl ma,” Rindou said quickly, hoping that small drop of information about his brother’s life was enough to diffuse a bad situation. 
“A girl?? Who?”
“Just some girl. You don’t know her and never will,” Ran grumbled.
“Is she…?” she gestured at him, at herself. He didn’t respond and she changed the wording of her question. “How did you meet?”
“She’s not involved in what we do ma. If that’s what you’re wondering.”
“Good.” She let out an exhale in relief. “And you make sure to leave her out of it.”
She pointed her finger at him. “Don’t pursue this girl because you’re selfish and want to bring her in potential danger. Keep her around, fuck her or whatever it is you do in your spare time that you wanna keep a secret from me, but if you pursue her romantically then you’re a selfish piece of shit.”
Ran stiffened, his glare hardening in her direction. “Keep out of my goddamn business.”
“You know I’m right, Ran. That’s why you’re mad. Isn’t that right, Rindou?” She looked at her youngest son who looked tentatively between them both, staying stubbornly silent. She clicked her tongue and turned back to Ran. “You’d rather put this girl in danger because you can’t stand being alone by yourself. You’ve got issues, Ran. That’s why you haven’t had a relationship longer than 3 months. Correct?”
Ran stared down at the table, silent. 
“Do you care about her?” she asked and Rindou had no idea if he pictured it or not but it looked like she softened for a moment.
Ran didn’t respond, but nodded in slight movements. 
“If you truly care about this girl, you’ll leave her alone. It’s for her own good. Bringing her into your lifestyle is just selfish.”
“Times up,” The officer from the back of the room said, walking towards the table with handcuffs. 
She stood up and placed her hands behind her back. “Do the right thing, Ran.”
“How do you know that’s true though?” he asked.
“Speaking from experience. Look at me, suffering from the actions of your father. He brought me into this lifestyle, and I wasn’t prepared for it. So now I’m facing the consequences. You’re just like your father, Ran. An emotionally distant, sadistic, messed up man. Embrace it or don’t. Try to change or don’t. Either way I don’t care. Just don’t ruin others because of that nature.”
The officer tightened her handcuffs and locked them. “Let’s go,” he said, before escorting her out of the room.
Rindou looked at his brother with sympathy. “You okay?” His hand rose to rest of his shoulder but Ran stood up before he could make contact.
He shoved his hands into his pockets and turned around. “Let’s go.”
You weren’t sure what was going on with Ran but he seemed emotionally distant. He was no longer affectionate towards you when you both hung out, his response time was a lot slower than it used to be. When you had sex, he was totally fine though, which weirded you out because he would randomly do a complete 180 out of nowhere with the affection. 
“That was amazing,” you said panting as you collapsed back on the bed. Ran hummed in agreement, gathering you in his chest as you cuddled. You buried your face in his neck, the scent of his cologne heavy in your nose.
“I know,” he sighed, looking down and kissing your forehead. You smiled harder, fighting back the urge to giggle and use his warm body as a blanket.
You were playing with the tip of his braid, occasionally twirling it around the tip of your index finger when you decided now was the time to approach the topic that’d been brewing inside you the last few months.
“So…” you traced your fingernail across the spiral tattoo on his chest.
He looked down at you, a lazy smirk on his face. “So?” He kissed your forehead again.
You bit down on your lip and forced yourself to look into Ran’s eyes. “This might sound cliche, or cheesy or whatever but…”
“Doubt it,” he snorted, taking your hand off his chest and linking his fingers with yours, clutching your hand tightly. When you looked stumped for words, he nudged his shoulder, softly jostling you in the process. “What’s up?”
“Well…” God, this was harder than you thought it would be. 
You chewed the skin of your lips as you tried to calm your nerves before you exploded with anxiety. You nearly froze when he placed his thumb against your lip, tugging it free from its brawl with your teeth. 
Fuck it. “I just wanted to know…what are we…?”
It didn’t help your already racing nerves when he froze beneath you, and you swore you could feel the blood in his body stop flowing at that moment. 
He sat up abruptly, sending you sliding off his chest. You blinked uselessly at the muscled plane of his back, grabbing the sheets and clutching it towards your chest, your body deprived of the warmth his body provided earlier now making your limbs go cold.
He scratched his hair and sighed exhaustedly. “I gotta be honest with you.”
You barely found your voice as you softly said, “Go on.”
“I don’t want a relationship right now.”
“Oh.” You quietly cleared your throat, sitting upright and shifting backwards on your mattress until your back hit the headboard. “With me…or?”
“So…what was the point of this then?”
“I dunno? I mean I just thought you liked…” he gestured at the both of you, hoping you’d see where he was coming from. When you didn’t and just stared at him confused, he got more frustrated. “You know, this? What were we doing? I didn’t know you—” He sighed again and groaned. 
You felt like your throat was stuffed with cotton with how hard it was to breathe. “But I thought you liked me?”
“I do like you.”
“So then what’s the hold up?”
“Just because I like you doesn’t mean I have to be with you, okay? I’m busy all the fucking time and you’ll just be getting in the way of that,” he said curtly, not bothering to hide the clear frustration in his voice.
Hurt prickled across your skin, your ears felt full as you toned out everything he was saying. He turned to face you, those eyes of his that normally made you flush from head to toe now felt so cold and distant, like you didn’t know who the man in front of you was. 
“Just get out, Ran.” You choked back tears as they threatened to fall from your eyes, but you quickly looked away before they could. He’d seen you vulnerable beneath him many times, but this time was different. You couldn’t—no, you won’t allow him the satisfaction of seeing he made you this upset.
“No wait.” He reached out for you, his heart shattering when you pushed him away, sulking. 
He had a weird feeling in his chest, one that he wasn’t used to feeling, and instead of combating his emotions like a regular person, he discarded them  to the side, pretending they didn’t exist. He sighed exasperatedly and slid off your bed.
You moved to lay down, covering your entire body with your bedsheets as you heard him pack up his things. He silently changed and gently closed the door when he left. Once you heard your front door close, you sat up and wiped your tears, grabbing your phone from your dresser. 
The next few hours were spent watching youtube videos, laughing softly at the comments people left. It made you feel less useless about yourself and tried to desperately take your mind off what just happened prior. Honestly, you blame yourself for even bringing it up. It wasn’t worth ruining a two year friendship over.
Sure, it’s normal to catch feelings for a guy that treats you nice, isn’t selfish in bed and actually takes his time to account for your needs. That doesn’t mean you’re romantically interested in him though, right? Guaranteed it could’ve been any other of your friends, like Sanzu or even Mikey and you would’ve developed those same feelings, right? 
Before you had any time to digest that topic deeper, a text message notification popped up on your screen.
Ran: ok so that was awkward before. Can we talk this over properly?? I dont want to ruin what we had honestly. It…was a mistake to start sleeping together i know. We both had different intentions and i apologise if I sent you mixed feelings. Your friendship is something I value a lot and I don’t wanna lose that. So can we start over??? Just be friends this time? 
You: sure i guess. Sorry if i made things uncomfortable earlier.
Ran: ur good. Ill see you later then?
You: yeah okay
You and Ran had fought many times over the course of your friendship, and each time you both were able to move on like nothing happened. But this time, it just felt different. You felt it.
“You know it’s 3 in the morning right?” Sanzu rubbed his eyes, yawning obnoxiously. “I mentally check out from 2-10am.” 
“Shut up.” You dig around in his pocket and pull out a box of cigarettes. “Give me a lighter.”
“Since when do you smoke?” he asked, then tacked on, “Oh and I don’t have one.”
“Then why do you have a box of cigarettes then?!” 
Sanzu blinked at your sudden outburst. “Okay first. Calm down. Inside voices, we’re outside right now.” You fought the urge to point out how contradictory it was to use your inside voice outside but let it slide. “Secondly, why are you acting so…”
“So what?” 
“You know…” he looked carefully at you, trying to gauge your reaction if he were to say the words he truly wanted to say.
“If you’re about to say bitchy save it.”
“I wasn’t!”
“Then what were you going to say?” you raised your brow, waiting. He slowly closed his mouth and looked down at the floor in defeat. “Exactly,” you said triumphantly, then exhaled softly and looked around the street for any convenience stores that sell lighters.
“So can I ask why you suddenly want to smoke?”
“I’m stressed out okay?” You began walking towards the 24 hour convenience store across the street, Sanzu following behind you. “I sort of, maybe not, confessed to Ran earlier and he wanted to stay friends. So now I don’t think I can handle being in the same room as him without wanting to die.”
Sanzu yawned again, scratching his eye. “That sucks. I dunno what that has to do with me though.”
“I need company! I feel like I’m going to explode if I’m alone with myself tonight.”
 The bell chimed when you both entered the store, instantly heading over to the counter to buy the lighter. The cashier went to the back to grab the lighter.
“All I’m hearing is that you missed me,” Sanzu teased, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He was expecting you to push him off like you normally do. He definitely was not expecting you to chuckle, hug him back and mildly not in agreement. 
He backed away dramatically, narrowly avoiding stumbling into a display shelf and tapped your shoulder to get your attention. When you turned around, he kept staring gingerly at your face, causing you to raise your eyebrow.
“Who are you and what did you do to my friend?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, pushing him away from you. The cashier handed you the lighter and you paid him, leaving the store with Sanzu behind you. Grabbing the box of cigarettes, you lit one up and exhaled for the nth time tonight.
“Do you think it’s normal for a guy to just be friends with a girl they used to have a thing with? Or if it’s normal for them to be friends with girls they know like them?”
Sanzu shrugged. “Are you asking the opinion of all men or just Ran? Because nobody knows what that guy is thinking when it comes to women. He’s way too comfortable around girls so probably? I mean, it’ll be in the back of his mind, sure, but as long as you’re not awkward around him it’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Guess we’ll have to see.” He pulled the cigarette from your mouth and dropped it on the floor, stubbing it out with his foot. At your shocked face, he held his hand out. “I don’t want you taking on bad habits because you’re having an emotional meltdown.”
You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m not having an emotional meltdown.”
“Sure…” He yawned for the fifth time tonight. “If I stay out any longer I’m going to pass out on the street. I’ll see you later, okay?” He pat you on the head, deliberately ignoring your complaint of “don’t fuck up my hair” and made his way home.
In the time you spent avoiding anything Ran related, that also meant avoiding people and situations that he was guaranteed to be there. It meant you stop hanging out with your mutual friends in groups, stopped going to parties you knew he was hosting. Was it bad your other friendships had to be jeprodized because you were too scared to confront your newfound, fresh start with Ran? Yeah, it wasn’t your proudest moment either. But it also meant you were spending a lot more time with Sanzu and Mikey. Out of everyone in his gang, they were the least close, only talking to each other with work related issues. Sanzu and Ran had this unspoken hatred with each other, that made the two of them avoid each other at all costs, not wanting to start another argument or fight.
That was great news for you because it would mean no impromptu visits, like the incident at Hanma’s house, or no unexpected calls from Ran like when you were hanging out with Kakucho, or no fear that Ran would be upstairs in his room when you were hanging out with Rindou. 
Hanging out with Sanzu more often also meant getting closer with Senju. She’s two years younger than you and you treated her like a little sister. It was her birthday next weekend and Takeomi was in charge of the planning the surprise birthday party, which meant nobody had a single clue who was coming.
If that were the case, you wouldn’t have shown up that day. 
“Ran. Are you going to Senju’s party?” Takeomi asked, exhaling cigarette smoke over the phone.
“Do I have to? I don’t know that girl.”
“I don’t care what you do. Just tell me so I can start planning her shit.”
“Depends honestly. Who’s going?”
Takeomi started listing off the names which included some of Senju’s college friends that Ran didn’t care about, some of their mutual friends like Sanzu (duh), Mikey, Kakucho, you, Rindou—wait, hold up.
“Wait, (y/n)’s going?” Ran cut Takeomi off mid sentence.
Takeomi grunted. “Yes.”
“Fine. I’ll go.” He hung up before Takeomi could say anything. Honestly Ran couldn’t care less about Senju, his only motivation was the thought of seeing you.
The fact he sent you that message, hoping it’ll mend whatever dent was placed in your friendship, only to get slapped in the face when you spent the last four months avoiding him pissed him off to no extent. He wasn’t blocked, he knew you wouldn’t do that to him, but he didn’t have the courage to check either. Maybe this party would be the perfect time to talk to you, to catch up and mend until he could selfishly hold you in his arms again. 
He didn’t spend the whole four months pining over you, the group of girls in his bed would confirm that, but there was an unknown feeling in his chest, something always wriggling at the back of his mind that he knew distantly was caused by you. It was getting annoying, having his shitty mother’s words ringing in the back of his mind every time he thought about making up with you. It took him about three months to realise that he actually loved you, whether that was a fact he wanted to accept or not. That feeling he was deliberately avoiding, was his conscious telling him to stop self sabotaging himself and just tell you how he feels.
He can’t wait to see you next Saturday.
When Ran says he knew nothing about your life in the last four months it wasn't an exaggeration. He genuinely had no idea who you were with, what you were doing, where and when. So you could only imagine his shock when he sees you’ve somehow become best buddies with Manjiro and fucking Sanzu, the idiot currently sitting between your legs on the floor as you braided his hair. 
You looked so pretty tonight, dressed up semi formal. Your hair and makeup was done in a way that Ran had never seen you in before. Senju sat beside you, talking loudly and making you laugh. Sanzu scrolled on his phone, waiting for you to finish his hair. Mikey sat next to you, his head resting on your shoulder as he looked like he was on the verge of sleep.
If you noticed him come in tonight, you sure hid it well, not even bothering to acknowledge his existence. He was planning on talking to you after Senju blew out her candles, that was until he saw what he did. 
After a load of drinks, everybody was pretty tipsy, including you and Manjiro as you both made out in the patio, his hands caressing your thighs as you sat sideways on his lap. The patio was filled with Senju’s friends in the pool, the smell of barbecue (requested by Senju) filling the air as people hovered around the grill, desperate for some savoury meat. It was hard to see you and Manjiro at first, but he did, as if his eyes were automatically drawn to you no matter where in the room.
Granted he had no right to feel the way he did, he knows that, and his words from that night constantly play on loop in his mind. He told you he wanted to be just friends and you agreed to that, and friends don’t get mad at friends for having relationships. But his boss of all fucking people? He wouldn’t give this much of a fuck if it was Shion or something.
“Drink up bitch!” Sanzu shoved a cup into Ran’s hand, resting his arm on the taller boy’s shoulder as he watched Ran grimace at the beverage.
“The fuck is this supposed to be?” 
“Dunno honestly. Just mixed a bunch of shit together.” Sanzu clinked his cup with his. “You’ll probably wake up tomorrow with memory loss and severe liver damage, but bon appetit.”
“I’m not drinking your mystery drink.”
“Boo. No fun.” Sanzu pouted, taking a big gulp of his drink.
“Why are you even talking to me?”
“Because you look like you’re about to kill somebody and as much as I relate to that feeling, I don’t want any drama on Senju’s birthday. She’ll never shut the fuck up about it. So drink up and enjoy the party dude.” He lifted the cup to Ran’s lips which stayed stubbornly closed until he gave in, making a face as it burned down his throat.
“See! It’s not so bad!” Sanzu slapped his back before walking away, ready to hand out samples of his new drink to random people. 
Fifteen minutes later and whatever Sanzu poured in that drink did wonders, Ran couldn’t help but admit. He got over his sour funk sooner than he’d thought. The liquor running through his veins made him socialise a hundred times better and managed to snag five pretty girls’ numbers tonight. He was currently leaning against the wall, hovering beside this girl he couldn’t remember the name of for the life of him (it wasn’t his fault, he blames it on Sanzu), as she tilted up to whisper provocative things in his ear. She looked like she’d be good in bed, and that was all Ran was thinking about when he saw your hair bounce past him.
Ran looked just in time to see you disappear through a doorway, and he abruptly pulled himself away from the girl before him. “I’ll be back in a sec. Just…do whatever,” he said, not even looking at her as he walked away. 
When he rounded the corner, his stomach did backflips as he saw you yell something to some people inside a room down the hallway before turning around. You almost recoiled when you saw Ran and mentally cursed the fact there was no objects, or people you could hide behind.
You pressed your lips into a wry smile and tried to walk past him before he grabbed your arm, stopping you. “What, so you’re not talking to me at all now?”
“Okay, calm down. It’s been like four months.”
“Which is a long time?” His phone lit up in his hand, a text message of a girl asking where he is with a string of sad faces emojis, and to add fuel to the fire, a tongue and water splash emoji. Ran clicked his tongue and made a mental note to block her when he’s done with this. 
You scoffed. “Sorry I hadn’t been able to entertain you these last four months, Ran. I just assumed girls 1 though 56 had it handled for me.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean,” he said curtly, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
You looked up at him, mouth in a thin line as you hissed, “Exactly how it sounds. Now I have somewhere to be.” You tried to skirt past him but he blocked your way out. He suddenly felt too big, too close, and your simmering temper was beginning to surface. “Ran seriously move.” You tried pushing his chest, but it didn’t work.
“Why? So you can go back to sucking face with Mikey?” Shut up…please, just shut up, sober Ran was yelling inside his head, but the words just came out before he could stop them. Note to self, never drink anything from Sanzu ever again. 
“Sucking face? Why are you…why do you even care?! You’re the one that said “I don’t want a relationship right now” so you don’t get a right to act all possessive over me and shit. Just because you’re too emotionally stunted to maintain a goddamn relationship, doesn’t mean everybody else is like that.” Your chest burnt with anger at his fucking audacity. Seriously, who does he think he is?
“What, so you want a relationship with Mikey, that it? Someone’s who is even more emotionally stunted than everybody in this fucking party combined?”
“And if I do? Is that your business? Whatever my decision is, it’s not up to you. Now get out of my way.” You leaned in close to his face as you glared up at him. His anger gave way into something more heated that made him lick his lips, wondering how you’d react if he were to kiss you right now.  You were about to attempt to walk away when Kakucho stumbled out of one of the rooms in the hallway, slightly tipsy.
“What’s going on? Why are you yelling?”
“Kakucho. Get your boy and tell him to leave me the fuck alone.” You pointed at Ran who snapped out of his stupor.
“Ran, let her leave.”
“Not till I get my answers.”
You pinched your temples, not even bothering to lower your voice as you yelled in sheer frustration, “What answers Ran?! I don’t owe you shit!”
“What’s going on?” Mikey stumbled out of the room you were exiting earlier and his arm instantly found itself on your waist. You were still seething, your heavy breathing only calming down once Mikey’s hand curled a little more around you, pulling you flush against his side.
“Nothing. Let’s go,” you said softly to Mikey, letting him lead you back to the room.
Ran’s anger returned tenfold upon seeing your hand hold Mikey back. “Since when are you two such good friends?”
“That’s none of your damn business,” you yelled back from the end of the hallway, your grip around Mikey tightening significantly.
“Don’t tell me you’re fucking him now? What is he your new boy toy? You’re that desperate?” 
Kakucho slapped a hand on his forehead, regretting not pulling Ran away before he had the chance.
You froze at the door, turning to look at him. In the years of your friendship with Ran, he’d seen you get angry many times, yelling at characters in movies when they do something stupid, yelling at him over the mic when you were playing video games. And in every one of those instances, he was never on the receiving end of your anger. The look you gave him, if it could, would’ve turned him to stone with how irate you looked right now. Dimly, he knew what he was doing was wrong, and if he was sober enough he would've definitely stopped himself from saying those things, but he was hurt, and angry, and those two combinations had him feeling like he had a right to make you feel the same way.
“I’m sorry, what?” You stepped out of Mikey’s grip. “Oh this is fucking rich. The irony right now, holy shit!” You began laughing. “If what I’m doing is considered “desperate” to you, then what does that make you? Pathetic? Huh? Needing fifty girls attention on you every second of every fucking day doesn’t seem desperate to you?”
Your loud laughter began to draw people in the party towards the hallway, interested in the loud argument going on. Kakucho grabbed Ran’s arm, shaking his head as if he could read his thoughts. “Don’t respond. Let’s just go.”
Ran shoved his hand off him, sending Kakucho back against the wall. “Nah I’m gonna respond.” He turned back to you, uncaring of all the eyes watching the scene take place. “You stay bringing up these girls in every single conversation I have with you and shame them like you weren’t proud to be one of them months ago.”
Your eyebrows rose in surprise. “So that’s all I was? A number to you? Enlighten me Ran, what number was I? 34? 52?”
“What fucking difference does it make if you know.”
“It makes no difference. I just want to hear you say it.” You closed the distance between you both and poked a finger into his chest. “I wanna hear you say that you enjoy ruining girls lives by making them fall for you with your shitty words and affection, then running away the second things get serious because you’re a coward afraid of stability.”
He pretended your words didn’t cut as deep as they did, pretended your words didn’t take him back to his mother’s birthday all those months ago, sitting at that table and listening to her spew hot garbage in his face about his personality and issues that he refused to acknowledge.
“That wasn’t the case with you. I didn’t tell you to fall for me.”
“That wasn’t the case? So I’m somehow different? How so?”
“Because—” Even in his drunken mind, he knew telling you he loved you now would only pull you further away than you already were. He pressed his lips in a thin line, and looked away from your oppressive stare. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Because your reasoning doesn’t exist, Ran. Stop searching for nothing. You’re a shitty person and you need to acknowledge that.” You pulled your finger away from his chest and turned around, lowering your voice to almost a whisper. “Now just stay out of my life.” 
He didn’t say anything and only watched you approach Mikey again, the man not even bothering to look at Ran the entire time as he took you inside the room, closing it shut. Ran’s ears were burning and his chest clenched as he realised the gravity of what he’d just done. So much for making amends. 
You went home and instantly blocked his number and cried yourself to sleep that night, regretting even messing with him to begin with.
“Are you sure this is safe?” you asked, looking around the strange alleyway surrounding you. 
“Don’t be a fucking wuss! Besides, I can fight remember? Nobody’s touching me tonight.”
“Yeah but…underground clubs are scary.”
“I know but that’s what makes this so exciting! Come on, let’s go!” She held your hand firm and tightly in her hand, giving you a reassurance squeeze that did nothing to help calm your raging nerves. 
“Imagine your brother finds you here tonight,” you laughed.
“Oh fuck. Takeomi would probably lock me in a house with no contact to the outside world for years,” Senju responded, shivering at the thought. She led you down the stairs and opened the janky door, leading you inside the club.
The rest of the night proceeded as follows, Senju getting drunk out of her mind; she nearly passed out on the floor from dancing too much, and you guarded the drinks, making sure nobody gets roofied tonight. This club was known for being shady, with drug transactions being held in the bathrooms of this place, and not just regular drugs, hardcore drugs. You had to use the bathroom and decided holding your pee in was much better than relieving yourself in a bathroom that had a woman passed out on the floor after taking too much drugs.
It was scary, and you had your guard up every second, and only felt relieved when you were carrying Senju outside, back through the alleyway to call for a taxi home. “It was soooooo much fun today. I loved it,” she slurred as you picked her up, struggling to hold her upright. 
“Yeah yeah I know. You told me this fifty times already,” you laughed lightly. “Come on, help me a little bit. I can’t carry you all the way, you’re too heavy!”
“I can’t feel my legs~”
“Oh for fucks sake.” You set her agaisnt the wall and caught your breath. You pulled out your phone and decided you had no other choice. You were calling her brother. 
“Who are you calling?” she asked after hearing the phone ring.
“Your brother.”
All traces of alcohol left her body as she practically screamed, “YOU’RE CALLING MY BROTHER?!”
“Relax! It’s Sanzu, not Takeomi. I considered Sanzu would be more understanding about this. It’s not like he and Omi are on speaking terms anymore.”
“Yeah but…”
“It’ll be okay, I promise,” you reassured her, patting her head.
“Hullloooo?” Sanzu’s voice rang through the speakers and you instantly perked up. 
“Sanzu! Hey! We kinda need your help right now.”
“‘M sorta busy right now. Is it urgent?”
“Senju’s kind of passed out right now and I need help taking her home. I can’t do it myself.”
“Senju’s WHAT?!” Takeomi’s voice boomed through the phone; Senju shivered in fear. 
“Sanzu! Why’d you put me on speaker phone you idiot!”
“So I can hear you better! Nothing’s wrong with that!”
You groaned and slapped a hand over your face, whispering sorry to Senju who looked like she was already planning her funeral. 
“Where are you guys right now?” Takeomi asked, sounding positively furious.
You gulped, Senju rapidly shaking her head no no no no. “We’re at this club…” you admitted, giving him the address.
“Wait, that club?” Sanzu perked up. “That place is like known for hardcore ass shit bro. Don’t tell me Senju took anything from there?”
“...she did.”
“Ah shit. Yeah, okay. Coming. It’s really close from here Takeomi. Don’t worry, lets’ go.” He turned his attention back to his phone. “You two. Stay right there—”
“You girls look pretty lonely by yourself.” The three of you froze as a deep voice spoke from behind you. You felt time pass in slow motion as you turned around to look at a guy waiting by the club’s backdoor. 
“We’re not lonely,” you said slowly. “Thanks for your concern though.”
Senju stood up on shaky legs and clutched onto your arms when she felt his stare on her body. “Yeah, we’re fine.”
“Who is that?” Sanzu asked from the phone.
“I don’t know,” you whispered back, clutching the phone tightly.
“Seriously don’t move. We’re heading out right now. All of us, okay?”
“Okay okay.” You had no clue who “all of us” meant, but you didn’t care, not when the guy slowly stepped away from the wall and began walking towards you both. You missed Sanzu calling for Ran to come in the car with them, your attention solely focused on this strange man in front of you.
“How old are you girls?” he asked, not even bothering to hide the shameless way he was gazing you both up and down.
“It’s none of your business,” Senju spat, slowly stepping back when he began walking forward. 
“It’s rude to not answer a question.”
“It’s even ruder to ask personal questions to strangers!”
“Senju, stop. You’re provoking him.” You squeezed her arm roughly, digging your nails into her arm.
“I don’t care! I hate men like him that think they’re entitled to us!”
“Men like me, huh? Go on, babe. Enlighten me on men like me.” 
“Senju just ignore him,” you whispered, panic filling you when you looked down at  your phone to see Sanzu had already hung up. “Sorry but we really have to get going,” you said to the man, bowing slightly before grabbing Senju’s hand and beginning to walk away from him.
You could hear his footsteps behind you and began walking faster until the point where you were running away towards the end of the alley. The end of the alley seemed so far away with how small your vision was as you panicked hearing him begin to run after you. Senju was a faster runner than you and grabbed your hand tightly, leading the way as you both bolted as fast as you could. 
“Stop running girls! I just wanna touch you!” he screamed out, laughing obnoxiously. He was clearly high on something.
Senju bumped into the chest of Takeomi at the end of the alley, and the man came to stop upon seeing Sanzu exit the car, a manic smile on his face.
“You wanna touch my sister huh?” Takeomi gritted out.
“Wow, uh I didn’t mean for—I didn’t know she was—” 
Sanzu walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I think we should have a little chat, huh? Come with me.” He had this strangely friendly smile on his face that sent shivers down your spine. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you barely heard Takeomi telling you both to get in the car. He and Sanzu stayed behind and taught the man a lesson, and Senju slipped in the back, taking up all three seat as she laid down, exhausted.
You had no choice to sit in the front seat. The windows were tinted so you didn’t see Ran until you opened the door. You blinked uselessly at him, fingers tightening against the handle. “What are you doing here?”
“Saving your stupid ass, that’s what. Now get in.”
You swallowed whatever retort you had because he wasn’t lying, and as much as you shouldn’t a part of you felt relieved to see a familiar face after that incident. You slipped in the front seat and slammed the door behind you, putting your seatbelt on and looking straight ahead.
Ran got the order from Takeomi to take Senju home first and so he began driving towards the Akashi household. Senju was dead to the world in the backseat, drooling partially on the seat as the fatigue from running finally hit.The two of you sat in silence the entire ride, and Ran exited the car to put Senju inside once they arrived. He locked the door behind him and re-entered the car to see you facing the opposite way, staring out the window.
No other words were said as he dropped you back at your house, and you were surprised you both said nothing to each other the entire time. After sitting in silence outside your house for a while, Ran finally broke the silence.
“Are you fucking stupid?” Ran scolded. “What made you think coming to an underground club was a good fucking idea?”
“Oh sorry, I was just playing the role of the dumb desperate slut that can’t keep her legs closed. Sorry if I gave you a fright.”
“Listen to me,” he said sharply, making you snap your mouth shut. “You could’ve died tonight if we weren’t here tonight you know that? That place you went to, that’s not for girls like you. Not for girls like Senju either. I don’t know what fucking possessed you to be acting this fucking recklessly, but I just hope you know what you experienced tonight was a wake up call. You aren’t built for this goddamn lifestyle, so stop trying to act like you are.”
“...you’re right. I’m sorry, Ran.” You looked down at your lap when the tears started to drop from your eyes. “Tonight was so scary, I genuinely don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.”
Ran sighed and you kept sniffling as you heard his door open before slamming shut. You watched him round the car and open it on your end. “W-what are you—”
He carried you out of the car, your legs wrapping around his waist as he kicked the door closed behind him, walking up to your front door. He set you down on the ground and held his hand out. “Keys.”
You swallowed and reached inside your purse, pulling them out and into his hand. He unlocked your front door and once again carried you inside, locking the door behind you. He led you upstairs to your bedroom and set you down on your bed. 
You watched in confusion as he walked over to your chest of drawers and began searching for your pyjamas. Once in hand, he tossed them next to you on the bed, and then walked into your ensuite bathroom. You heard him turn the shower on.
“Get changed and come in here,” he said from the bathroom.
You stripped out from your dress and entered the bathroom, not even bothering to cover yourself in his presence, nothing he hasn’t seen before anyway. He was in the midst of taking his shirt off when you stepped into the shower, the warm water running down your body as you waited for him to join you.
You stared at your feet when he grabbed your soap, placing some on his hand before lavashing your body with soap, rubbing them along your arms and sides. 
“What are you doing Ran?” you finally asked as he bent down to wash your legs.
“What I should’ve done months ago.” His tone left no space for a remark from you, so you stayed silent and let him do what he had to you. Once you were washed clean, he turned the shower off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapped it around your body. “Go and get changed.”
“You need a towel too. I’ll go get one.” You quickly towelled yourself dry before stepping out, returning with an unused towel from your storage. “Here.”
You entered your bedroom and got changed into the clothes he picked out for you, then handed him some clothes of his you kept when he used to sleep over all those months ago. You sat on the bed and listened to him change. 
“Are you going to sleep over?” you asked, looking up at him.
“You want me to?”
You nodded slowly, getting into bed. He followed you, giving you some space as he laid down beside you. He had his back facing you, turned away from you and you frowned at the lack of attention.
“...Ran?” you tested, seeing if he was asleep or not.
“Why don’t you want me?” you whispered, remembering the last time you were in your bed together. 
“Because I don’t deserve you,” he responded, voice flat and devoid of any emotion.
“Huh?” you asked, confused.
He turned around and looked at you, your eyes glossy with fresh tears. “I uh. I spoke to my mom a few months ago.” Your eyes widened, knowing the estranged relationship he has with her. Why didn’t he tell you this?
“I spoke to her and she uh, gave me a fucking reality check.”
“What did she say?” You shifted closer, close enough that you could see and finally notice the eyebags under his eyes, like he hasn’t had a good night sleep in time, which was strange for Ran as he savours sleep more than anything else in the world.
“A lot,” he sighed exhaustedly, rubbing a hand over his forehead. “Said I was a lot like my old man. That was I was emotionally stunted, sadistic, and a downright shitty person.” His chuckle was so emotionless, you almost reached out and hugged him, but stayed still as he wasn’t finished talking. “Worst thing was she’s right. I can’t savour relationships for my fucking life and when I actually felt something for the first damn time, I fucked things up and ruined it. Nobody else did that. I did. I’m responsible for that shit. I don’t wanna bring you down and you deserve better than me, whether you wanna admit that shit or not.”
He took a moment and you were unsure if you should respond or not. When you were about to, he continued. 
“She told me I’d ruin your life if I pursed you. Told me I was being fucking selfish. Can you believe that shit? And you know what, I fucking believed her. I thought I would do that, that’s why I pushed you away. I wanted you all to myself which is why I continued sleeping with you, which was wrong of me I know, but you seemed happy which is why I didn’t think much of it. Then you had to go fuck with my goddamn head and tell me you wanted me too.”
“...sorry,” you whispered, feeling the breath sweep out from your lungs.
“It’s not your fault, dummy. It’s mine. I—In that moment I should’ve been selfish. I know I should’ve, and every fucking day I regret not doing that shit. But as usual I fucked things up again, then you were gone. I thought we could still be friends so I could at least see you again, but nope. You distanced yourself from me.”
Another tear fell from your eyes, wetting your pillow the longer you heard him talk. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologising. You did the right thing. Keeping you as a friend would’ve been selfish of me. You clearly distanced yourself because you wanted to get over me, but I wanted you all for myself and wanted you in my life at all times, even if that wasn’t what you wanted. Once again, proving my ma right. I’m fucking selfish. Then that stupid party happened and just seeing you with Manjiro made me want to lose my shit. The fact that I wasn’t able to have you because as a guy living this type of lifestyle, it would be considered selfish. But yet Mikey was? How come he was allowed to be selfish and I wasn’t?”
“It’s not selfish Ran,” you finally got a word in. “I didn’t even like Mikey like that. We were just drunk and horny. I never dated him. In fact, I hadn’t dated anyone since I was with you. Nobody else made me feel the way you made me feel and it was selfish of me to want you when you didn’t want me back at that time. We’re allowed to be selfish Ran. Don’t let that stop you from getting what you want.”
Ran’s eyes were wide as he listened to you talk. When you finished, he shook his head. “My level of selfish and yours aren’t the same. In my world, if you’re vulnerable it can get you killed, or put in a bad situation where you have to take a live, or have yours taken. You don’t need to be involved in that. That’s why I can’t be selfish.”
“No. Buts. Go find a nice accountant to date or whatever. You don’t need me tying your life down.”
You frowned. “I don’t want an accountant though.”
“Why not? You always said you wanted to marry rich.”
You shifted closer, flush against his. “I never said it had to be good money though.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek.
He looked down at you. “You’re fucking crazy,” he said with a light laugh, and you were happy you were able to break the ice.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulder, pulling him closer till your noses touched. “You love it though.” 
“Damn right I do.”
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calypsocolada · 3 months
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VIGILANTE | denji <3
synopsis: you're just the vigilante denji has been searching for... request: "yo! was watching birds of prey and got a thought. sfw, preferably, harley quinn! fem! reader x denji. like denji's out on patrol or something idrk and she's out there causing trouble and fighting and basically like the scene where harley was getting chased by the cop and then throws garbage and a truck driver gets shot and she jumps onto a ladder and stuff. lol ik that's a lot sorry. i dont rlly know where to continue on what else sorry 😭😭" authors note: HI! thanks for the request... this may not be exactly what you requested but I still was inspired by your request to write this. this one goes out to you!! <3 i might write a part two, this one was fun :) cw: nsfw but no smut, potential assault/drink spiking, slightly unhinged reader, blood, gore, severing of body parts, characters aged up to 20's, angst, fluff, touch starved denji, lonely denji, not proofread, (let me know if I missed any!) wc: 4.6k
You’d been looking to cause trouble. A lot of things led you to this very moment and to say you were ashamed was just plain wrong. You liked the trouble. You liked making people nervous, you liked that power you could hold over someone's head. After going so long without any power of your own it was nice to finally make someone else feel weak once in a while. No it wasn’t healthy and no you didn’t care. Because it felt good. It felt good to terrorize people. To hear their pleads of mercy. 
You never went after actually innocent people. You hunted devils. And you killed a lot of devils that disguised themselves as humans. The news called you the Night killer, they called you a serial murderer. It wasn’t fair… they didn’t know the true personality of the people you ended. Night was the easiest for you to move around in without being detected. You had things to do in the daylight, boring day to day things. But when the night set it was time to let loose a bit.
You had to be a bit more careful recently though. Some celebrity hero had been patrolling the streets recently. Doing good and all. You knew he was looking for you. And you weren’t sure how well you’d fare against chainsaws. 
It was your birthday weekend so your friends decided to take you out. It was some popular club downtown that you all ended up at after dinner. Sweaty bodies and strobing lights you knew only terrible things could come out of unattended drinks and loud music so you kept an eye on all your friends. That’s when you saw him, some guy with a predatory look in his eyes as he stared down your friend. You could tell his intentions right away. You had a knack for it. You could also tell he’d been just the one you were hunting for. The devil that had killed a woman just last week. You’d watch him for a bit and sure enough, after touching and getting slapped away by multiple women, he walked and chatted up your friend for a bit before slipping away to buy her a drink. You watched him non stealthily slip something into it, a grin spreading across his lips, an even bigger one spreading across yours. He really thought he could get away from destiny? You didn’t think this night could get any better but here was a perfect excuse to spill blood on your birthday. You downed your drink and slinked your way through the crowd and when he turned to make his way back to your friend you purposefully bumped into him, spilling the drink all over the front of his tacky white and gold shirt. 
“Oh… shit, I’m so sorry!” You faked an apologetic look and scrambled for some napkins and pressed it to his wet chest.
“Come on-- watch where you're-” The moment he saw you it was like lights filled his eyes. His eyes widened as he looked from your eyes to your cleavage than back up. “No… excuse me, pretty lady.” You giggled, biting your lip as you looked up at him.
“Can I buy you another drink?” You asked innocently, keeping your hands against his chest.
“Don’t you worry about that, dear.” He crooned and it took everything in you not to cringe. Instead you pushed closer to him, talking into his ear so he could hear you over the loud music. “You sure, baby?” You ask, a rasp sliding into your voice. The man nodded his head, his hand sliding against your waist. 
“Wanna dance?” He asks, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. You shiver in disgust but he doesn’t see it that way. 
“Lead the way.” You say and he sure does, his hand sliding just above your ass as he pulls you on the dance floor, turning you around so he can press himself against your behind. The dance was fueling the fire. You couldn’t wait to lure him outside. You wondered how many girls he’d drugged, wondered how many girls he’d touched without permission. The way he touched you now was telling you everything you needed to know, this man took what he wanted. 
And so would you.
After all you could handle of this man, you pushed him back a bit. 
“Wanna get some air?” You asked and he agreed almost instantly. He slid his arms around your waist and hips as you led the way out of the club. There were a few people loitering outside so you led him to the side alleyway. The moment you two were alone he grabbed you rather forcefully and pushed you against the wall, he leaned in to kiss you but your hand shot up and you grabbed him tightly by the chin. He froze, a look forming in his eyes. He was enjoying this.
“Eager one, aren’t you?” You rasped, he nodded his head, trying to lean forwards but unable to, his eyes growing slightly wide.
“You’re strong for a woman.” He says and a devilish smirk grows on your pink lips as you slowly nod your head. You slowly tighten your hold on his chin and watch as his lips part in surprise. “I want to fuck you so bad.” He whispers, obviously liking your rough treatment.
“How would you do that?’ You asked, your free hand sliding to the knife concealed on your thigh. A trusty weapon you acquired after some idiot tried to mug you on your way home from work. It was a trophy you liked to use on your victims.
“I’d yank that little skirt up, rip those tights open and take you right here.” He growled, disgusted chills ran down your spine but your face was as cool as ever. It wasn’t the worst thing you’d ever heard but it was up there.
“Mhm…” You hummed. “Let me see what you’d take me with.” You whispered and the excitement that man felt was on full display as his hands flew to unzip his pants. You waited patiently and the moment you spotted it the smile that fitted to your lips was downright evil. “Small.” You remarked seconds before that trophy knife of yours sliced his member clean off. There was a split second where it didn’t register with him. He inhaled and then his eyes went wide as pain finally made its way to his brain. When he opened his mouth to scream you clamped over his lips hard with your hand and spun him to press him forcefully against the wall. You wiped the blood from your knife on his shirt and pressed it against his neck.
“Mhm wha tha fu,” He grumbled beneath your fingers. 
“What? It’s okay for you to take what you want? To spike women's drinks and touch them without consent? To kill them? I thought you’d probably like being treated the way you treat others.” You growl. He tried to squirm away from you but you were too strong. You held him against that wall like he weighed nothing and the fear that formed in his eyes at the revelation was delicious. 
“Plea-- please.” He pleaded and the sound was like music to your ears. 
“No sense in pleading.” You growled.
“That’s enough.” The voice to your right halted your thoughts. You turned just slightly to see the celebrity himself. Chainsaw Man. 
“Let ‘em go.” He directed. Your mouth dried, your knife sweaty in your hands. But you didn’t move back.
“You caught me.” You rasped, it was dark so you knew, unless Chainsaw Man had night vision, that he couldn’t see you very well. He paused at the sound of your voice, slightly tilting his head to try and get a good look at you but they didn’t call you Night Killer for no reason, the night was being very friendly to you right now. 
“You sound… hot.” Chainsaw Man said. Everything halted for a moment. You stared at him quizzically. He’d caught you off guard with that. Even the scumbag beneath your blade seemed surprised before he started squirming again and you had to press your blade harder. “I’ve been tailing your kills for months now… Are you-- blonde? It’s hard to tell.”
“You’ll be tailing another kill if you don’t keep it in your pants,” You growled. “Aren’t you supposed to be a hero?”
“I am a hero. But I’m also a man who has great taste. Now let that man go and step into the light.” Chainsaw Man directed. Something about him made you laugh. This terrifying looking devil had layers. Chainsaw Man cocked his head at your laughter. 
“And what would you do if I slit this piece of shit devil's throat?” You ask and the man you pinned squirmed and whimpered pathetically. Chainsaw Man stepped closer, trying hard to get a look at you. One track mind it seemed. 
“What’d he do?” He asks. It gives you pause.
“You care?”
“Did he try to hurt you? I’ve noticed most of your victims all had charges placed against them for hurting women. Is he just like the others?” Chainsaw Man asked. You wondered if he actually cared or if he was biding time for the police. 
“Uh huh.” You answered, trailing your attention back to the dirt bag. You trailed your knife up his neck to the side of his face. “He touches who he wants and slips things into drinks. Naughty…” You tease, the anger inside you coming out as though it meant nothing. You heard Chainsaw Man walk closer and you shot him a warning look. “Any closer and I’ll spill his blood.”
“Do it.” You hear the hero say. “Kill him. He deserves it.” You stare at him, lips parted. He’d surprised you.
“What?” You asked before you were able to mask that surprise.
“Kill him.” Chainsaw Man shrugs. “I could do it if you want.”
“What kind of hero are you?”
“A hero to those who deserve saving. If this man did as you say then I’ll look the other way.” Chainsaw Man says. You were so shocked that your grip on the man loosened. The dirt bag, sensing your attention elsewhere, shoved hard against you. The hard shove sends your hand with the knife back towards you. He gives another shove and the blade plunged into you just above your chest below your shoulder blade. You land hard, dazed a bit. The dirt bag dives towards the knife, straddling you on the ground.
“You dumb slut!” He growls. “I’m gonna kill-” You heard the revving of chainsaws before you felt the warm splash of blood against your face. You watched in object horror as the man’s head slowly fell off his shoulders and tumbled to the pavement. The body above you slackened and fell to the side in a bloody heap. You wiped at the blood, trying to push away from the body but your shoulder screamed in pain. You’d forgotten the damn knife that had lodged itself in you. You hissed in pain as the Chainsaw’s slowly came to a stop and silence was restored. The commotion had gained the attention of bystanders outside the club as people started poking their heads at the other end of the alleyway.
“Can you walk?” Chainsaw Man asked but when you looked up you saw a regular man, blood on his white button up shirt. When you both saw each other in the dim light of the alleyway you both blushed. You furrowed your brow, momentarily forgetting the throbbing pain in your shoulder. 
“Chainsaw Man?” You said, stunned. The man before you nodded his head, glancing down the alley towards the people. “Come on, we need to get you somewhere safe before they get a good look at us.” You let him wrap his arms around you and pull you to your feet, you’d hurt your leg when you fell so you relied on him heavily to take you somewhere safe.
“Is this okay?” He asked and for the first time in years you didn’t feel disgusted by a man’s touch. It was strange. You nodded your head.
“This way,” You directed once you go to a street you recognized. You led Chainsaw Man towards your house, his hand gently holding you against him. Once there you handed him your keys and he unlocked the door and helped you inside. You grunted in pain as he got you to a chair by the kitchen table. “There’s uh-- supplies in the top drawer… grab everything. And grab the jack from the fridge.” You direct. Chainsaw Man works quickly as you lean your head back, cursing yourself for letting your attention wander. You’d never gotten hurt this bad, just some scrapes and bruises. He was back rather quickly, falling to his knees beside you. 
“How can I help?” He asks as you tilt up, reaching for the jack. You take a big swig of it taking a deep breath. 
“Fuck me.” You sighed at the impending pain. You watched his face go through five different emotions before his cheeks blushed.
“What? Now?” He asks as you furrow your brow before realizing he thought you were giving him an order with those two little words you sighed. You laughed surprisingly, shaking your head.
“No, not what I meant.” 
“Oh… yeah of course.” He blushes, turning away slightly.
“What’s your name?” You ask. He turns back to you, looking up at you from his knees.
“Denji,” You say and watch his cheeks go even redder. “I need you to pull this knife out of my shoulder.” You say. His lips part in surprise as he blinks. 
“No medicine to dull the pain?”
“I drank jack, no come on before I chicken out.” You say and Denji nods his head. You both lean towards each other and he reaches for the handle. Pain jolts through you at just a small bit of contact. Luckily for you it wasn’t super deep but it would still hurt like a bitch to remove. Denji looks up in your eyes.
“You sure?” He asks as you nod your head, taking another swig. He nods his head and a second later the blade is yanked from your shoulder. You cry out in pain as the blad clangs against the tilt flooring. Denji reaches for your shoulder, pressing his hand against the blood to stop it as he grabs a towel with his other. “It’s okay,” He says soothingly. “It’s out.” He presses the towel against the wound as you catch your breath. 
“Thank you,” You breathe out, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You share a moment before you know that the wound needs to be stitched. You walk Denji through the steps and he listens well and takes gentle care of stitching you up and wrapping the wound. Once it’s nice and secure you feel your breath slowly coming back to you. You offer Denji a drink as he’s washing his hands. He grabs two cups and sits beside you at the table. You pour two drinks and slide one over to him. 
“I’ve been hunting you for a few months,” He starts, taking a sip before making a face as though he didn’t like it but then takes another sip. “You put yourself in danger a lot.” 
“Someone has to.” You say, leaning back in your chair. 
“You’re skilled, killing those devils can’t have been easy.” He says as you shrug. 
“They don’t put up much of a fight if you trick them early on.” You say. Denji looks at you over his cup. 
“What’s your name? I think you're a little too pretty for Night Killer.” You can’t help but smile at that.
“Am I now?” You ask, cocking your head slightly as Denji nods his head.
“You’re probably one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen.” He says truthfully. You find yourself blushing at his honesty. 
“It’s Y/n.” 
“Y/n…” He echoes, looking at you dreamily. “That’s better, a pretty name for a pretty girl.”
“Alright, Chainsaw Man, relax.” You jest, taking a sip of your drink. Denji grins at that.
“Can I take you out? Maybe after you’re feeling better?”
“What? Don’t like girls with scars?” You tease as Denji immediately shakes his head.
“I love scars. If you have any more I’d like to see them.” He implored, gaining another laugh from you. 
“Such a flirt.” You wave off.
“I don’t want you to overexert yourself, that’s all.” He says as you nod your head.
“Why? Do you have something really physical planned?” You tease and watch his cheeks and ears go red. 
“What? N-no!”
“I’m teasing you, Chainsaw Man.” You say.
“Denji,” He says.
“I-- I’d like it better if you called me Denji.” He says, barely able to look you in the eye. You’d never seen a man blush this much in your presence. It was adorable.
“Denji…” You say, leaning on your hand. His eyes widen just slightly and you can tell he really likes hearing his name from your lips. 
“So… Can I take you out?”
“Why? You just met me?” You ask amused.
“So? I’d be a fool not to ask a pretty girl like you out.” He says and you laugh.
“I might be pretty but I kill devils for fun, aren’t you part devil?” You ask teasingly.
“I am… but I’m not like the ones you kill.”
“You’re not?”
“No. Those scumbags deserved what you gave them.”
“So why were you tracking me down?” You ask curiously.
“Well… If I’m being honest I… saw you on CCTV. Saw how you protected those women a few months ago. I also saw you were finding bigger devils and got worried that you might get hurt.”
“You were worried for me and you didn’t even know me?” 
“I lost sleep. I was lucky to find you tonight.”
“You’re the reason I got stabbed, you know. That devil was weak.” You say, leaning back as Denji’s eyes widen.
“What? I-- I’m sorry, Y/n.” He implores as you laugh, shaking your head.
“It’s fine, Denji, I’m partly kidding.” 
“But it was my fault… I distracted you.”
“It’s fine.” You smile warmly. He sees that smile and the drink in his hand slips from his grasp, spilling all over the table. He jumps up. 
“Shit! Shit… sorry.” He runs to grab a rag and wipe it up. You watch him curiously. He’s nothing like what you expected Chainsaw Man to be like. He was sort of uncool but… not in a bad way. He was like a dork. It was endearing. It had you smiling in a way you forgot how to do. There was a reason you killed dirty devils for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. There was a time where you weren’t strong enough to defend yourself. That was the same day you had forgotten what it was like to let someone in. Yet here was Denji, who you’d met mere hours ago, worming his way into your iron shackled heart. Each lock he seemingly had the key too. It was slightly alarming but for some reason it wasn’t scaring you away. 
“I’ll go out with you.” You say when Denji had just finished cleaning up only for the shock of your statement causing him to knock over the rest of his drink. You dissolve in a fit of giggles as Denji profusely apologizes, cleaning it all back up.
“You’re serious? You’ll go out with me?” 
“Are you gonna spill anything if I say yes?” You tease as Denji sits the things in his hands down. You smile. “Then yes. I’d like to go out with you.” He can’t fight the smile that graces his lips. It’s like looking at the sun. “Come here,” You say. Denji is quick to be at your side as you grab a pen, clicking it. You gently grab his arm and write your number on his palm. “My number, I should be healed up within a few weeks.” 
“Can I call you before… just to talk?” He asks and you blush at his innocence. He didn’t seem to want just the one thing most guys wanted.
“I’m a late sleeper and I get off work around five, you can call anytime after that.” You say and watch Denji’s face light up. 
“Can you… promise me something?” Denji asked after a moment. You look up at him.
“Please let yourself heal. Don’t go devil hunting alone… in fact if you ever find someone you want to hurt please call me and I’ll be there.”
“You want to be my accomplice?” You joke but Denji’s face is dead serious. How could someone care this much in such little time? It almost seems too good to be true.
“I’ll kill for you. Anyone you want dead.” The absolute honesty and pure sincereness made your heart race. This man wore his heart on his sleeve.
“You mean it?”
“I am deadly serious.” He affirms. For a moment you just look at him, your eyes drinking in his soft features. He was quite handsome, a sort of boyish roundness of the face with mature eyes and lips you could tell might not have smiled a lot. But something about him was sad, like the profound loneliness in you had found that same loneliness in him. Like a reflection on yourself. You reached for him but your hand paused before you could touch him.
“Can I touch you?” You asked.
“Please.” He whispered almost inaudibly. You gently ran your fingers across his cheek, settling just below his jaw. His eyes drifted closed at your touch as he moved into your touch like he was starved of it and wanted as much as you’d give him. “Please,” he pleaded again, slowly falling to his knees in front of you.
“Please what?” You whispered, blushing from his reaction to your touch. 
“Will you kiss me? Just once?” He whimpered softly. You swallowed, biting your lip to keep it from trembling. You’d do just that. Honestly if he asked you anything on his knees you might just give it to him. You slide your other hand against his cheek and gently tilt his face up by his chin. His eyes opened into yours and the intensity building between you two was thick in the air. You answered his question with the gentle press of your lips against his. He must’ve been extremely touch starved because the noises he made from just a simple kiss were downright filthy. He surged up slightly, wanting to be as close as possible. “May I-- touch you?” He whimpered against your lips. 
“Yes.” You answered as his hands flew up to either side of your face, one hand slotting just below your jaw and the other sliding into your hair. The tension builds, the nervous excitement and eager kisses. The slow rise of heat within yours and his body. The quick, shallow breaths Denji was making. The way your and his hearts beat even faster now. Finally, the hesitation is gone, the urge to go through with it so great that it seems like a natural force acting upon Denji’s body itself. HIs hand slides around your hip as he pulls you off the chair and sits back, placing you on his lap like you weighed nothing. Your chests meeting, heartbeats sounding in unison. Your mouths finding each other, and lips coming together in a long, fulfilling kiss. The shyness is all completely and utterly gone. The heat within their bodies rises even further, breaths becoming more erratic. Lips separating for just a moment, just long enough to take a breath. Then they come back together, meeting just as passionately and lovingly. You’d never been kissed like this, never felt the weight of lips against yours that made your heart flutter like this. You felt like a teenager all over again. You couldn’t recall the last time you’d felt this way. It was dangerous and so so alluring. You’d forgotten about your stab wound up until you raised your other arm to tangle your hand in his hair and the pain was strong enough to pull you back to your senses. You inhaled sharply, a gasp of pain that had Denji pulling back, eyes full of concern.
“Y/n?” He mumbled as a question, lips kissed pink. “Are you okay?”
“My arm,” You said through searing pain. That seemed to bring him back to the present.
“Fuck, sorry!” He mumbled, hand flying up to check the bandage and make sure you hadn’t torn your stitches. 
“It’s fine.” You breathe out. Denji reaches to tuck your hair away from your face.
“We should call it a night,” He says but you can tell it’s something he doesn’t really want but wants for you to heal. “I’ll call you tomorrow?” He asks. You’re still sitting in his lap, still wanting much more that he could give you but your arm was aching. You silently cursed that devil for stabbing you and sighed, nodding your head. Denji stands, taking you with him gently. You two are still so close and you almost just want to grab him and ask him not to go. You felt cold when you thought of Denji leaving but you knew you two would need space otherwise your arm would never heal. 
“I’ll be waiting.” You smile up at him and he returns that smile.
“I-- I almost don’t want to leave.”
“I almost want you to stay.” You return. The gaping loneliness seemed to be reaching out between you both. But you had to be smart, you had to think rationally. You’d just met him hours ago… you barely knew him. In fact you didn’t know him at all. But… that really didn’t seem to matter because your hands had barely gripped Denji’s shirt, your body making a conscious decision before your mind could think better of it. “What if you stayed the night? Would that be so crazy?” You’d had one night stands before… it wasn’t crazy…
“I’ll stay with you.” He says. You don’t let your mind talk you out of it, you just gently pull him towards your bedroom. You have no thoughts of furthering your prior make out sesh… you’d rather just sleep with him beside you. You gave Denji some clothes to change into and he helped you change into something comfortable. Once you got into bed, Denji following you inched close to him under the covers. Craving the warmth he provided. You’d never known how cold you were until this very moment. Denji turned to face you and in the dark you saw him flush red. “Can I hold you?” He asked and you didn’t even bother speaking because you were moving closer the moment he ended his sentence as his arms slotted around your hips, your face pressing against his chest. In his arms you felt more safe and secure than you’d ever felt. You closed your eyes against the thoughts that swam around in your mind. You were thinking too heavily. You just needed to shut it off. Denji’s steady heartbeat gave you something to focus on, that and his soft snoring that sounded moments later. Sleep hadn’t evaded you tonight where it had so many other nights. Denji’s arms gently tensed around you as he drew you slightly closer in his sleep. After a few moments your mind had shut off and you were slowly and finally lulled to a peaceful sleep. One of many with Denji in the years to come.                               
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
14:43 HRS | p — CHOI BEOMGYU × FEM!READER | g — crack, atsv!au, spiderman!gyu, spiderman!reader | w — minor character death (?), mention of drugs
🌐 https://www.urmom.com. . . . . ⁰🕸️ミ :::🤍)!!!
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“hey, kid, loving the cosplay— but can you get out?”
you shot your wrist at the ceiling and pulled yourself upside down to dangle, so you lay hanging like some spider. you eyed someone— a kid, probably about your age and dressed in the masculine version of your (custom made!!!) suit, holding their hands up and facing the slimey monster you were fighting. “damn,” you chuckled, pulling your back up to crawl on the ceiling, “i didn't know you could summon my lookalikes, villain I wish I knew the name of.”
“me neither,” your arch nemesis of the week responded, a tang of confusion in their own slime muffled voice, “i just thought you cloned yourself.”
“do I look like— nevermind.”
you had crawled up close enough to sling yourself in between your clone and mr. worship-my-calamity-causing-asshole, placing your hands on your hips, “dude, does it look like this town is big enough for the both of us?”
the spiderman you were frowning behind your mask at just tilted their head and shrugged. “i don't think it speaks,” the monster chimed in, before you shot a web at its mouth without glancing at it. ripples of slimey goo echoed in the room, causing a shudder to pass through your spine. “yeah, looks like it.”
then, it scoffed. “you're on my earth, girl.”
“your earth?” you laughed, “dude. are you high? take the kiddy costume off and go home.”
“if this was your earth,” the spiderman just sighed, throwing a beeping device at the monster, “you'd know that the slime cannot be shut up with your webs.”
you scoffed, turning around to face mr slimey, who had your web mouth muffler sliding down it's chin. “dude, he's perfectly silent—” before he blew up in your face. you blinked, turning around to the spiderman with twitching eyes.
“did you just kill him?”
“yeah, not your earth.”
“what the hell, dude!”
the spiderman pulled off his mask to wipe the slime that was covering the eyes, and you thought to yourself, “what the fuck?”
the dude was a god.
you blinked, eyeing him up and down, tingles in your head as he bent below to pick something up, his loose, overgrown hair falling before his eyes. and you shuddered, making him look up towards you. “like I said,” he cracked his fingers, a scowl on his features.
“I'm beomgyu, this earth's one and only spiderman.”
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txt — masterlist
A/N — sorry ik this sucks and its very radnom.... but spiderman!gyu 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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This is just me being unhinged in all aspects sooooooo
Call me Lennox or Nox
I'm a fucking minor so don't be weird
I'm pansexual and a genderfaer demigirl
I use any/all pronouns(including neos)
my boyfriend <33 @justaboymadeofhoneyandglass
(so if you're homophobic, transphobic, or any shit along those lines dni)
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I like many things:
Twilight (ik it's bad but still)
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
And more but I don't remember
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I have adhd and autism (I'm self diagnosed)
★ Matching w: @sleepinginmygrave ★
★Tis I a barty and James kin★
I am not sane or funny by any sense of the word/hj sooooo anything i say is just out into the world, and if u don't like it?
Guess what
so simple ik
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MARAUDERS wlw ship names polls:
Dorlene— here
PandaLily— not started
LilyLene- not started yet
MaryLily- not started yet
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MY FICS(all on ao3):
Bellatrix Black x Rita Skeeter (Quillkiller) — Love confessions, fluff, oneshot
James Potter x Regulus Black(Starchaser)— Ballet au, love confessions, completed
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase(Percabeth)— Major character death(but not really), canon divergence, Dark Percy, incomplete with 2 chapters(very very bad at updating this one)
Jason Grace x Leo Valdez (ValGrace)— major character death, angst, unrequited requited love, loosely based off of the battle with Gaia, unhappy ending, oneshot
Narcissa Black x Lily Evans(NightFlower)— arranged marriage, Forbidden love, denial, angst, bittersweet ending, inspired by Good Luck Babe! By Chappell Roan, oneshot
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(the dividers are by @cyberangel-graphics )
So basically that's it
I'll add to this later
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21 notes · View notes
your-ne1ghbor · 2 months
My problems with Magnifico and Amaya and how I would rewrite them (TKoRaT AU)
Ahem..sorry..what was I gonna say?
Oh yea! Feeling like a long rant again, so prepare your eyes!!!💀
Sooo, I kinda have been off putting stuff again since I had school work and a bunch of ideas like this one, so I decided to just share it so I don't loose the idea (ik I can write it down but idk I felt like sharing it). Plus the fact that I've been more chatty lately lol.
Idk how to transition to my problems with Amaya and Magnifico so here.
Magnifico and Amaya's Character in Wish 2023
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Magnifico in the film is...well is a pretty stand up guy! Sure, he is paranoid most of the time and is pretty stubborn, but he is very selfless and a really generous person!
You can say he is more in line with the kings of original films that deeply care for their children, such as King Sefan from Sleeping Beauty, or King Frederic from Tangled.
In this case, he deeply cares for the people of Rosas. I mean yeah, it is weird that you forget what your goal is in life, but if I had nowhere to go and no roof over my head, of course I would go to Rosas to live there safely. Heck, in perspective, you have a chance of your wish getting granted, and don't have to pay rent to live there. It is a pretty fair deal, especially for families who want their kids to grow up out of harms way. Sure, he can't grant all of the wishes, but his reasoning is pretty valid. The only line I could get from the film that would support this would be when he commented on Asha's Grandfather's Wish (which is to inspire the next generation):
"To create what? A rebellious mob perhaps? Inspire them to...to do what? Uh, destroy Rosas, maybe?"
And a lot of people can argue that Saba's wish is very simple or isn't dangerous, but here is the thing. Simple things can have dangerous concequences no matter how small or big they are. Sure, you can start out small, like inspiring people, but it will cause a domino effect that can lead to something greater. Either for the better or worse. And example would actually be Walt Disney himself! He started out small, but without him, animation would not have gotten to where it is today. With his love and passion to art and story telling and taking risks, we WOULD NOT have gotten Puss in Boots, SpiderVerse, OR EVEN ANYTHING ANIMATION WISE. Walt Disney really pioneered animation and without those baby steps, there would not be an Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, ect. It would just be...well...live action I guess. Hate the Disney company or not, Walt helped get animation to where it is today, and it sucks that his company, even after death, wont try anymore to push the limits of animation except for companies that isn't Disney.
Plus, I don't even blame Magnifico for thinking this way! Although it is sort of annoying that his backstory was told instead of shown (not that there is nothing wrong with telling, but showing for me is a more effective way of story telling for me. You can take the little mermaid for example), I personally understood where he was coming from. In his backstory, his home was destroyed from thieves and barbarians, with his family and possibly everyone he knew being dead. Its honestly tragic, so him making a kingdom for people to not suffer that pain again is very selfless of him and just...feels good in a good way you know?
But as everything in this movie is, it takes the good things and beats it over with a 30 foot pole and leaves it to rot.
He is turned into the villain. And no, it isn't because of Asha not getting what she wanted, and no, it isn't because Amaya, his wife died (she never did btw)! OH NO IT IS MUCH WORSE.
He opens up a mAgIc bOoK oF dArK mAgIc and becomes the bad guy...
...What the fuck. Actually no, applauds to you Disney! This is such a effective way of telling a story. 10/10 forever and ever. Great job! :D
(I am being sarcastic, this is legit the worst way for a good guy becoming the villain, its so fucking stupid-)
He is just simply stripped of his good qualities and only lets his bad qualities shine through. It kind of feels like he was being held at gun point here.
Seriously, there was no other way of making him the bad guy? Like legit? Simply remove his backstory and make him evil at the begining. I guess it would be weird if he took the wishes without reasoning, but even then, why give him good qualities when he is supposed to be the bad guy? He became more of a tragic hero than a tragic "bad guy".
I will go more into my problems with him after I talk about Amaya for a bit since talking about her character is more shorter than Magnificos.
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The best I can say for her character is that she is like Jimmy Cricket but fell in love with Pinnocio (I know that sounds weird pls spare me).
She is like the voice of reason for Magnifico, and it is best shown when Magnifico FIRST concidered on using the book for "his evil deeds". This scene specifically:
Other than that, she wasn't really a character in the film AT ALL. It sort of sucks concidering what the original concept was (WE WILL GET TO THAT) and instead degraded her character to...well...nothing.
I can't really say anything about her since she just was "I am loyal to my husband" to "actually fuck you I will believe a 17 year old instead of the man I trusted for the amount of years it took to get the kingdom to it's feet." I want to, but I can't. SHE HAS NOTHING.
I wish I can say more about her character, but it would just be me ranting about how trash her is character and was handled. Speaking of that, lets get into why I dislike how they were handled.
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Why does their character bother me so much?
Well it is sort of hard to explain, but I'll do my best.
Magnifico was supposed to be the return of the classic villains. You know, on the levels of Jafar, Ursala, Evil Queen, Malificant, ECT, he just...wasn't. Although he had a bunch of Evil Queen inspirations thrown into his character, it felt like more of refrences to a better film than being apart of his character. Plus, I feel like I sympathized with him way to much. I personally felt more emotion when he was on screen instead of the main character because I understood where he was coming from. Its honestly baffaling to me, since if he didn't have his backstory told to us, I still would not rooted against him. Even without his backstory, it just sounds like he was doing this at the bottom of his heart and empathizing with people who are doing far worse than what he is going through. Its honestly heartwarming seeing a person trying to do good in the world and provide a safe place for everyone to be free from the burden of this world. And want to know something? None of the classic villains had tragic backstories. They are evil for the sake of being evil. There probably was some with sympathetic traits, but from what I recall, there is none. So going with the sympathetic rout is not on par with classic villains.
However, there is nothing wrong with giving your villains sympathetic traits. It makes them feel more rounded as a person/character, and you can get a lot of emotion from that alone. I just think that Magnifico being the villain doesn't make sense since as I said, they made him so generous and kind in the begnining and only destroyed it since "oh wait, we need a villain, so why not make the good guy the villain" and threw in the dark magic book and called it a day. Not even that, but he is not threatening in any way. What I mean by that, is that his powers don't really get an upgrade at all. His magic just sort of turns green and thats it! I even bet that he can crush wishes even without the powers of the magic book.
Going off topic, but making plushie..COUGH... star...(plusie = wish 2023 star) less "stronger" to make the female lead stronger just makes Magnifico's reason for going after plushie's powers even more useless. Even with plushie's powers, HE IS JUST THE SAME. I guess he can now create vines? BUT IT JUST DOESNT WORK. It makes more sense for Magnifico going after plushie when it is powerful because he could see that power as a THREAT to his own powers and his kingdom.
Now for Amaya, her turning against Magnifico is just stupid. Haven't you went through a lot with him? Why the hell did you give up after "oh he can't be saved"? I feel like she could have done a "true loves kiss" sennario which breaks the spell it has on him. Not only that, she barely contributes to the plot at all. The only thing she contributes to the plot is just "getting the teens into the castle so they can free the wishes" then disappears, then reappears at the finally when Magnifico got a little too silly with his drugs-I MEAN wishes haha... Then she becomes the ruler of Rosas. It feels weird and out of place, especially concidering her character MOST LIKELY went through so much with Magnifico only to turn on him when he gets a little mad. It is so stupid. Also, if you just remove her, nothing would really change except the first scene where Magnifico has the book, only this time, no one is there to stop him. And as I said, HER CHARACTER IS NOTHING. But here is the thing...
When concidering the concept version of Amaya, she would have been the villain along side Magnifico. Not as a selfish love relationship or they are together at ones expense (gaining something from one another for only themselves) no, THEY WERE MADLY IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. Something to note here is that there is barely ANY villain couple or ANY VILLAINS who are like this, let alone love each other for the sake of it instead of a "selfish love relationship and then one gets redeemed " situation (im looking at the mayor of paris from miraculous ladybug). So that, THAT RIGHT THERE, would have been a brilliant idea and brings something new and fresh to the table. Not only that, it is so brilliant that it would have respected all of the male/female antagonists we had for the past 100 years with the company. It is also A RISK. Walt was all about taking risks, even when his company would have floundered at the expense of making art. Snow White for example had a lot of money put into it that if it failed, well Disney would not exist in this timeline so to speak. So taking that risk is also RESPECTING Walt's legacy in a really good way.
I personally just see this as a fun way to explore their characters, especially when you can reflect their characters off of our main characters, Asha and Star (boy), if you want to of course. I can imagine Magnifico kinda be like Gaston from beauty and the beast with some Frollo flare to it (not the lust thing tho but yk what I'm getting at) and Amaya can be like Ursala or Gothal. Plus, it works as a power balance. In the original concept, Amaya was the potion maker while Magnifico does all of the magic. Its honestly a fun way to play with power set ups. Magnifico can just be for show and Amaya can just be a drug dealer (or basically Ursala).
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Here is the thing: I can get over Star Boy not being in the film, like I get it. We gotta have that girl power in Disney movies now, and they have to be emotionless people. But a Disney power couple? WHAT THE HELL??? LEGIT THE BEST IDEA YOU HAVE EVER HAD IN 100 YEARS. AND YOU GOT RID OF IT BECAUSE WE CAN'T TAKE RISKS ANYMORE??? BUT WALT WOULD HAVE TAKEN IT. YOU WANT TO RESPECT HIS LEGACY? THEN TAKE THE RISK TO DO SO YOU SELFISH, INSUFFERABLE, PIECES OF SHI-
(This section was removed because I went a little crazy there. Sorry about that. I'm not sure how I can transition into the rewrite section, again, soooooo here:)
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How I would rewrite the characters
There is no wrong or right way of rewriting a character, especially when a lot of people interpret them in different ways, and that is completely fine!
This will also fall into somewhat Asha's character and she will be mentioned to fit what I am going for with the characters. I will also leave out what they both do to the wishes since I am making a whole reimagined scene and it is going to include what they do to the wishes there. It will leave out some stuff I had with it here, but I will do my best interpritation of the characters the best I can, even when I can't really say much about it :)
🌟 For starters, right off the bat, he does not have any of that sort of backstory they gave him for the original. For what I am going for, his backstory will not fit his reasonings for what I am going for, especially for his character.
🌟 He is more on par with the original personality from the original storyboard, specifically this one:
(This also goes for Amaya too personality wise)
🌟 Something that is very different from a lot of villains is that he has sympathetic traits. Although he has more negative traits than positive, he has more of a caring side. Mainly to Amaya, but Asha as well. When Amaya found Asha at their door steps (they aren't holding me hostage as I write out this specific part guys, I swear) at first he saw her as an opportunity to boost his and his wife's popularity that would have other people come more to their kingdom (its more of like they are seeing their "generosity" side and dismiss the problems the kingdom has). But as she continued to live with her adoptive parents, Magnifico became pretty close to Asha. Its mainly because of her passion to what she strives to be, to be like him. Probably feeding into his ego, but you know, nice to know he cares.
🌟 Just because he treats Amaya and Asha well, doesn't mean that the kingdom gets that same treatment. He doesn't care about the people at all. He actually has enjoyment when he hurts or breaks people's dreams. He gets all excited about it and you guys can ask him why he finds enjoyment out of it cause idk it would be more fun that way and gives you guys the chance to interact with him :D
🌟 The wishes boost his powers temporarily. It fades away after either a few days or hours. When his powers are boosted, he has more control over the people. And, to who he consumes the wishes of, can see through their perspective for a little while. It also makes civilians more compliment with him and not question his authority. This does not work with people who have not given up their wishes though. Only to people who have already given up their wishes. He can also make people forget certain memories (that might be Amaya's thing though but I'm not too sure) and can put on much more longer "light shows" (think on the level of: Playing with the Big Boys, but more flashy and crazier). He can also manipulate his surroundings with images, but not at a physical level. (Like hallucinations so to speak)
🌟 His powers without the wishes are more of what he uses to do simple things or put on small light shows. Not as flashy than ones when he has his powers boosted, but he puts on the smaller ones to "gain more people to comply when they have to give up their wishes", one might say, inspire them to do so. He also uses it to help Asha practice with magic (She can't even do magic STFU I KNOW.) It also can be used to take desires that you have deep in your heart.
🌟 If hair jell were to exist in his time period, he would eat it with no regrets (Amaya would make it so he can eat it without getting hurt)🔥
🌟 When he consumes a stars powers, he legit goes insane and can shape shift like one, but more corrupt with no consistancy to what he turns into since he legit gone insane. With a star, a star can shapeshift to whatever it wants or to express it's emotions. With him, it is all over the place. He can't control it.
🌟 Like Frollo, he tortures anyone who is against him, and will not hesitate to take it to the extreme if needed too (or that he wants to, to please himself).
🌟 What his wife says or does, he will willingly go through with it. After all, he loves her with all his heart.
🌟 He can't let Asha out of the castle often to make sure that the people will not take advantage of her generosity (thats what he thinks though, in reality everyone is just scared of the royals.. most of them at least) or learn-
Magnifico then breaks the forth dimention and destroys my house.
🌟 He is such a silly goober!!1!11!1!11!1 o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
(He told me to write that or else he will kill my dog and cat. HELP ME PLEASE-)
🌟 For starters, she is much more involved in the story than she is in the original. She doesn't have a backstory like what Magnifico had in the original, nor does she need too. Not sure how they would meet at the moment, but I'd like to think that they met and then were like: love at first sight and became more silly as time went on...including their insanity <3
🌟 As I said for Magnifico, she is more on par with the concept version personality wise. But she is more of an Ursala and likes to put herself as the victim to get more people to feel bad for her (MANIPULATION AT ITS FINEST 😜)
🌟 Just like Magnifico, she has sympathetic traits. And she only has it, because of our main character Asha! She just found her one day at the castle doors. She didn't understand why, but like Magnifico, only let her stay for as long as she did to post her popularity with the commoners, and grew closer to her as she became more of a mother figure to Asha. (Ruh Ro, anyone sensing Mother Gothal vibes?) Unlike Magnifico though, she uses her sympathetic traits to get people to comply with their ways better. Her main trait she is good at looking at the person's situation and understand it well, or aka being empathetic. She uses that to her advantage when manipulating them to do whatever she pleases.
🌟 She is more of a witch than anything. I imagine her somewhat like Ursala (yes a heavy load of Ursala), Evil Queen, and Yzma (Emperor's New Groove) when in terms to what they make. She does make a lot of poisons to use if anyone is getting a little too close to the close and they gotta...TAKE THEM OUT without anyone knowing. She can also use it for like a form of medicine too.
🌟 Some potions, like turning people into animals or certain poisons, requires people's desire. More so with turning people into animals as a form of punishment. She can also use her craft at potion making to have her wield magic for a certain amount of time WHEN NEEDED. (Gee I wonder what she will use that for). It can also be used like a drug, or to get someone to comply with what they want a little better than Magnifico. She can put on pretty shows too, but more smoke themed and is better at manipulating her surroundings.
🌟 Although Amaya would teach Asha how to make potions, she worries that the people of Rosas would take advantage of her kindness and use the skills that she would teach Asha to their advantage and form a revolt to take them down. (Which really, with them ruling, who can blame them?)
🌟 I would say she is more of a planner than Magnifico. She plans ahead and makes sure everything is in line with what they want and makes plan Bs or Cs even Ds in case anything would go wrong. Asha actually gained that trait from her believe it or not!
🌟 Magnifico is more reckless than his wife. Amaya is more so less confronting and tries to keep up their image. She actually have certain gestures that Magnifico would take notice too. And since he trusts her a lot, he complies and lets Amaya take lead in certain situations.
🌟 Yes...she also finds enjoyment of seeing people getting tortured. They actually made up a game on how they would torture a certain civilian 💀
🌟 When it comes to how she treats the people of Rosas, she is as I said, less confronting and puts on more of a fake smile and gaslights everyone that their kingdom is fine or whatever (It is not gaslighting when it is telling the truth. I feel so offended right know! DUDE LADY CHILL I AM CREATING YOU RN AND YOU ARE ALREADY TRYING TO GASLIGHT ME WTF😭)
🌟 When she has a star's powers, I feel like it would let her create whatever the fuck she wants at an insanity level. Wishing stars create items that would help users on their journey, so with her, she can use it to her advantage. Also she becomes just as insane as her husband. It also gives a difference in terms to what they would do when they have a star's powers. Magnifico would be able to shapeshift at a corrupt level, and Amaya can manipulate her surroundings that would become reality so to speak at an insane level. I chose this one since it fits her not being more confrontant while Magnifico is more so on that. She be lurking in the shadows like a cat :3
🌟 How she knows so much about the people, is by her cat! I think the cat would be called Custos. Idk the name yet, might go with the concept version of the name.
🌟 I learn more about my prey before I strike at their weakest point. (Nah that's very catnap of you. Unless you want to fall asleep for 100 years, I suggest you choose your words carefully. Bruh alright lady💀) And yes she wrote that in...
🌟 She is such a silly lil guy...AMAYA STOP LET ME BE SILLY U SON OF A BI-😡
Erm anyways...(she tried to eat my dog and steal my cat. GRRRR)
I feel like it would be fun if it is just expanding their empire for their main goal or taking over the world. Kind of like this song as their modivation:
I want this to be their goal since it kind of feels like some of the old Disney Villains, for me at least :3 (And I am having WAYYYY to much fun with their characters already hehe)
Final Thoughts
On a final note, I will mention that there is a possibility that all of this wont make it into the final version. And in all honesty, I'm actually shocked I was able to compose all of this together without mentioning what they do with the wishes, like what- 😭
I also am still debating if Amaya and Magnifico made the kingdom or it was passed down through generations. Don't know yet tbh :^
Also, Amaya was sort of difficult for me to jot down since I didn't know how to get her into the story, and I think I am slowly, but surely getting there :D
I also really tried to make it different and fresh from the other versions and I am very excited to show that "I DECIDE WHAT EVERYONE DESERVES" when it is done (it is now We decide what everyone Deserves).
You can also ask both Amaya and Magnifico questions regarding the info you know about them now and about how they feel with the other versions of them if you want to of course (and I can show off their designs HEHHEH)
And yes...I had too much fun with writing out how they would interact with the post. DW, they wont interact here in the Final Thoughts section hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I might also do a post on Asha since I have been pretty quiet on her character design/rewrite and another post about Star Boy since I wanna get more in depth with the ideas of Wishing Stars in my AU.
Speaking of Au...
what to call this AU of mine hmmmmm
I'll go with The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns, or TKoRaT. Feels fitting to me, at least for what I am going for story wise and character wise. Might change it since I can't stick with one thing, but rn it rolls off the tongue nicely.
Until then, I hope you have a great day and I hope Magnifico and Amaya don't steal your dreams 💀
@oh-shtars @annymation @chillwildwave @signed-sapphire
(They are thinking of working with your versions of Magnifico and Amaya oh boy not good 💀)
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tuituipupu · 9 months
loveboat? nevermonth? song theory based on nothing but jumping to conclusions and guesstimates 🤸🏻‍♀️
TLDR: I think it will be about a love/hate relationship with fame
the song will be about buckling in for a crazy ride, maybe being hypnotised and drawn in by the flashing lights and shiny appeal of an amusement park that when you’re given so much fun and seemingly ‘freedom’ all at once it becomes too intense and overwhelming - overstimulating (like fame)
he’s now strapped into this ride. much like titanic, a place on the ship was coveted and was a once in a lifetime experience (like fame)
but promises were broken and the unsinkable sank. (dreams —> nightmares)
or maybe there will be a loose matrix theme (outfit inspired idea) he took one choice/one pill 💊 (the leap to fame) and now we watch this drug trip of a descent into madness (ik this isn’t the real matrix plot i said loosely)
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dolores-madrigal · 6 months
hi friends!!! i just wanted to do a little thing where i thank my friends for being my friends and helping make my year brighter!! this is loosely inspired by @mirxzii!
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Firstly, thanks soo much to all my mutuals and followers and everyone else I've had positive interactions with this year on here :)
I'd also like to take a moment and thank all my friends who made my year:
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☆ OLIVE | @jewishruthfleming
↳ hiii ilysmmm you've been such a great friend to me and i'm soo grateful you're my friend. thanks for putting up with me and my hyperfixations which are completely different from yours, thanks for listening to my rambles abt alex wilder. you have literally been one of the best parts of my year, and i wanted to make sure you knew that so
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☆ NOOR | @kohinoors
↳ noor omg first off hi. i hope this is year is soo good to you. you are one of the coolest people i've ever met. even though neither of us like the same things anymore, i still love you soo much, and im so glad you think i'm cool enough to be your friend 🥺 you're like my cool big cousin, ilysmm
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☆ LUNA | @mexicancokewannabe
↳ LUNA BBG HII, literally ilsym. ty for always being there for me and always cheering me up when i'm sad and making me laugh, and making sure ik to sleep. you're such a sweet, fun person and my life is better bc of you 🦐🦐
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☆ MARTY | @vidnasty
↳ marty, i hope you know i think you're like the coolest person ever. even though we don't talk much anymore, i still love you so much, tysm for making me laugh and smile and cry (with your angst posts and fic ideas)! i hope you have a wonderful 2024!!!
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☆ ROXIE | @mirxzii
↳ roxiee i love you just as much now as i did during our encanto phases, even though we don't talk much or have the same interests, i still enjoy seeing your posts on my dash, and i hope you have a lovely year, hon ^_^
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☆ IZZY | @luckynature
↳ izzy!! ilysmmm you are so sweet and cool, and i'm so happy seeing you get the love you deserve this year, (and hitting almost? 1k followers), like congrats babes, you deserve it!!! your ideas and concepts for characters whether oc or existing are always so amazing, like you literally are soo creative omg. you're like the mirabel to my isabela, ilysm have a great year!!
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☆ JUNO | @madwickedawesome
↳ juno u r literally so poggers. omg ilyy ur soo cool and have such great taste. and THANK you for introducing me to lacrimosa. life changing frr alshskk anyway ily!!!
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☆ JAS | @isitovrnow
↳ jas, you're such an angel, thank you sooo much for being my friend!!! you're such a kind, beautiful soul omg, i hope this year is kinder to you, ily
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☆ VARI | @mapsareforbraindeads
↳ niaaa ilysm you are such an amazing writer, and you're so cool. like omg, ilysm i hope you have a great year and i hope life is kinder to you
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☆ ASH | @the-wank-shank
↳ you are like omg. you are so cool, you are also like a big cousin to me!!! your humour is so funny, and your art is so poggers. ily hug!!
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☆ AERON | @lanawinterscigarettes
↳ MY big bro!!! i love seeing you spam my notifs, its like my little way of knowing your online lol, your such a bright person you always make me smile whenever we talk ilysmmm
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☆ AMI | @foxboy-light-yagami
↳ ami you are so funny, your vibes are immaculate, and i love being correct abt light yagami with you. you are literally such a joy and ilysm
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☆ IZZIE | @hateful1979
↳ izzie!!! you are such a lovely person, and have such banger taste omggg i love you so much you're such a delight
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☆ ACHILLES | @nibblelinephym
↳ achilles you are so poggers!!! ilysmm ty for being my friend! you're so nice and always brighten the dash
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☆ CLOUD | @sillysnack
↳ CLOUDDD!!!! YOU ARE ONE OF my favourite ppl omg, you're such a lovely, sweet person ^_^ we've been friends since jan 2022 with our encanto phases (2 YEARS!!) AND i can't wait for another 2 years and beyond omg ilysm i can't put in words hi
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☆ SOPHIE | @larsgoingtomars
↳ sophie, you're amazing and i love you so much!! your such a lovely person and i love talking to you, you're such a great friend ilysm
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And a special mention to all my friends and mutuals who've deactivated- Asha, Envy, Oli, El, Deus, and everyone else, I still love you so much and I hope that you're okay <3
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awkwardpasta004 · 2 months
I wanna talk about this somewhere but I’m so into working on my book series again. Months of meltdowns and depression ending with me loosing a job has just sparked the need to work on it again. I’m so determined to get the pre writing shit done so I can start writing.
I’m currently trying to compile all the world building info into one page per country instead of the massive folders I have rn so I can better see what I’m missing. At this point, one country has been thought out a good bit but the other 3 need the same treatment.
Also I’ve already drawn one of the MC and the secondary characters from the one country, let’s call this country T even though I have posted this stuff online so it won’t be hard to find. Man I’m bad at keeping things secret but I want people to know my countries and characters! Anyway, I still need to draw the others.
Oh oh! So before I was trying too hard to be the YA version of Game of Thrones even though I haven’t even read it and only know a general gust of the story. I’m also only taking 1 minor inspiration from that but I was so against having mythical races and magic in my world when that’s what I love about fantasy. It’s there now! The magic is back and it makes the story so much more interesting and brings more challenges and ahhhhhh so excited!
Reading The Hobbit helped and I’ve started Fellowship. I’m in between 3-4 books. Goodness I need to chill. But now my story has gone from Harry Potter inspired (that’s from so so soooo long ago) to inspired by Avater the Last Air Bender, Tolkien, a tiny pinch of Game of Thrones, and dnd.
For those who don’t know, I’ve been working on a YA fantasy series on and off since 2017. I’ve been stuck on the overall plot and world building for a while. Ik the plot but it’s kinda blurry and I’ve been trying to clear the fog. And the world building….I just really like world building but! I swear it’s important! The cultures and history of the countries are important to the story and are a big part of the characters since all of them (the main cast) are each from a different country. And now I’ve made up new races which yes I do plan on creating them into homebrews.
Speaking of how cool would it be that after I (hopefully) get my series published that I make an rpg guide for my world?!
Ok that’s all. I’ve always wanted to blog about my writing but Ive always tended to take such long breaks but I’m hoping that won’t happen this time now that monsters and magic is back in my world *knocks on wood*
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shlubbyart · 4 months
This is probably a weird question, but your recent drawing of Crash in Frye's outfit got me thinking. Is Crash supposed to be Indian, a different ethnicity, or just a general POC with no specific racial/ethnic identity attached?
I'm not trying to be weird about this, and I apologize if I worded this poorly or otherwise stumbled, ik this is very sensitive territory for a lot of people. I'm just curious because I love Suit-Nami and was wondering if Crash has any sort of non-Inkadian/Japanese heritage.
This is a great question! I've actually had this discussion with some friends before so I'll just relay what I've told them.
Obviously race/ethnicity works a bit differently in Splatoon (most characters are defined by their species rather than race) but I'll explain Crash's identity as if he's human rather than Inkling:
Crash is a mixed POC. Initially he was half Japanese, half African-American, but overtime I've been including more SE Asian inspiration into his design. The outfit I made for him yesterday is loosely based on formal menswear from Thailand.
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The shirt is a cropped phraratchathan with Frye's shawl being repurposed as a sash. (In hindsight his pants are too long, I'll fix that if I come back to this outfit.)
Lore-wise, both of Crash's parents are half-Japanese with the other half being part African-American and part Thai respectively. This would make Crash half-Japanese and a quarter American/Thai.
(Side note, but I know that ethnicities and nationalities don't realistically work in fractions like this. This is just the simpliest way I can explain Crash's heritage.)
In short: Crash's nationality is Japanese, his ethnicity is Black/Asian, his physical appearance is mostly Black, and his cultural heritage is predominantly Japanese with elements of Thai/SE Asian.
In even shorter: Crash is blasian.
By the way I know this question isn't about Tide, but for those that are curious: his nationality is also Japanese, but because he is an undocumented orphan he has no clear racial or ethnic background. You can probably infer that he is Asian based on his appearance and where Splatoon takes place, but otherwise he is meant to be ethnically ambigious.
Thank you for your question!
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qwesty-030 · 10 months
hello ASP fandom
I’ve been lingering on the ASP tag for a while bc I wanted to find ppl that like the book as much as i do. I’ve seen all the beautiful fanart and whatnot. and I wanna thank yall bc I’ve been inspired to make my own post ✨! I too shall contribute to the ASP fandom too bc tumblr is the only place i can find an active asp fandom🧍
thank you and have a nice day
so uhm these are my designs for Finny and Gene. I drew these back when I started reading A Separate Peace in my high-school sophomore year. They’re pretty old drawings. At the time, I only drew these just to have some faces to put a name on (to help me visualize easier idk)
Well fast forward, my class finished reading ASP and I have been an ASP addict ever since.
okay im going to word vomit now
okay erm thought process of these designs:
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i tried to make him as book accurate at possible but ngl i actually i thought he was a red head before i looked up what he actually looked like. I genuinely wouldve believed he was a red head if i didnt looked it up (yes im referring to the ppl propagating redhead finny)
i gave him very sharp features and a somewhat messy hairstyle to symbolize his wild nature but also neat enough to get him by in school.
His shirt usually untucked or hastily put on. Most times he has his coat off or unbuttoned
he has some freckles and moles too YAY
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made him the most basic looking guy with the most basic features: black hair and brown eyes (okay ik his hair looks blue and u can barely see his brown eyed but i was limiting myself on colors GSSSYSHDHHSHA )
ofc i HAD to make him the complete opposite of Finny. His features are more squarish and rounder. because he always does random 90° angles out of nowhere
his hair is more neat and put together compared to Finny’s. It’s very structured to be square shaped. i like to think he uses a little bit of gel but it’s not a tight slickback. he lets his hair go loose bc he wants to follow Finny’s footsteps and be wild and free too 🤩🤩 yet he can’t help but follow the standard of having a neat slick hair and ofc follow school dresscode 🤷‍♀️
his fit is also more put together. he always makes sure his tie is neat and his coat is buttoned up most times
i gave him a mole :)
this was a fun one to make cuz he literally never describes himself in the book💀💀 i find that really interesting tho. perhaps it was on purpose so readers can relate to Gene more by emotion and not feel distanced by physical features
(yea i obviously put in a lot more thought into Gene’s design than Finny’s)
(i still love them both tho)
honestly thought Finny was a latino and/or hispanic cuz of his tan skin. (im well aware white ppl can look tan and not be a hispanic but also hispanics and latinx could also look pale white i was lowkey a little ignorant back then 💀.) idk maybe he could have some hispanic blood 🤷‍♀️
do not mind the messiness and low quality, i did this in the dead of night on a note-taking app called Notability
that last note may sound absolutely unrelated BUT WAIT! I actually have a whole stock of ASP Notability doodles! More to come!! maybe…
if i feel like it…….
we’ll see
their hairstyles and clothing are based on actual 1940s styles :D it’s my favorite thing about their design especially their hair. it was fun researching and incorporating historical trends
the chair Gene is sitting on is supposed to be the Early American chair from Finny’s house! I did not put any effort into the chair whatsoever 😀
although i gave Finny short hair, I’ve come to see how good long hair Finny is
Yup that’s all for now. Thank you all who stopped by. It’s so nice meeting u guys!!
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laytonlover3 · 8 months
Happy Halloween, all! I bring some exciting news for my fellow League of Legends fandomers:
As of today, the ezko ship (Ezreal x Ekko) has over 100 fanfics posted on AO3!
Ik this is a silly thing to get excited over, but I couldn’t be happier about the attention that my favorite ship is getting. I thought I’d take this chance to shoutout/recommend some of my favorite fics (I tried to pick just one favorite, but was tied between these 5):
First Fic I Ever Read with Ezko in It: The Years Nearly Forgotten by albawrites (Rated M for violence, but imo this one fic - not the rest of its series - could safely be rated T.)
This fic is part of a longer series called On the Way to Piltover which is a canon-compliant Twisted Fate x Graves story with a friends(?)-with-benefits to lovers arc. Ezko makes a notable, if short appearance, but their dynamic is adorable - this fic, accompanied by Michael Yichao’s “Out of Time” (the Riot-sponsored Pulsefire ezko short story) was what first got me interested in what has since become my OTP.
First Ezko-Centric Fic I Really Loved: Paradox Rebound: First Paradox by ArinieKat (rated M for sexual content)
If you read any ezko fanfic, you’re definitely familiar with ArinieKat because they’ve single-handedly written like 10% of all the ezko content on the site. This fic of theirs really stood out to me because of its beautiful angst - it follows Pulsefire Ezreal as he ends up in a timeline where he married Ekko, then died, leaving Pulsefire Ekko widowed until he shows up. A few months ago I outlined a Pulsefire ezko angst fic idea that I had on here, and a lot of the inspiration for it came from this particular fic. It’s funny, it’s emotional, and while Years Nearly Forgotten and Out of Time made me think “huh, that ship’s kinda cute”, it was reading this fic that truly got me hooked on ezko.
Favorite AU Ezko Fic/Favorite Fic with Artwork: Underneath Your Silver Screen by VeryNoodleMan aka @satans--waifu (rated E)
1960’s Hollywood AU Ezko? Let’s just say I’m obsessed. Not to mention the absolutely gorgeous movie-poster-style artwork on the author’s tumblr. Even though this fic is on indefinite hiatus, it’s definitely worth checking out the first few chapters: the research and worldbuilding that went into them is really impressive. Being able to read your favorite ship in an entirely new context is like rediscovering and falling in love with their dynamic all over again <3
Current Most-Kudosed Ezko Fic: Blondie and the Beat by Mechanical_Hanz (rated T)
As someone who typically filters by kudos, I’ve grown used to seeing this fic at the top, and with good reason: for a highschool AU where Ezreal, Ekko, Lux and Jinx struggle to pursue queer relationships in a homophobic society, this fic is surprisingly funny and upbeat. While updates have not been super consistent, it has been a cute fic to follow over the past year or so, and it���s done a great job of balancing ezko with lightcannon without shoving either ship into the background for too long (a complaint I have with lots of other fics tagged with both lc and ezko).
Favorite Ezko One-Shot: (Loosely) Holding You by Mechanical_Hanz (rated T)
If I’m ever looking to reread something short and sweet for ezko, this is my go-to fic. It’s set in the Arcane universe, where Ezreal and Ekko are… acquaintances? Friends? Until one day Ezreal ends up spending the night with Ekko (not sexually) and the two end up together. The banter is really on-point, and Ekko’s followers from LoR make cameos, so needless to say I’m a big fan.
So those are my recs! I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has made or supported ezko content over the past few years, and here’s to having 100 more fics written soon (maybe if Ezreal gets added to Arcane, lol)!
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