#los santos cartel
inkybinkyboink · 2 years
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@salenrooz​ BET YO
im a SUCKER for scent headcanons i dont even care if its weird
jimmy/saul: k so separated the two for obvious reasons. saul absolutely smells like the worst male cologne in existence. like it’s so strong to the point where it just smells like chemicals. jimmy on the other hand? idk he looks like a clean linen bastard. like it would make sense if it was like the opposite right? like i feel like he doesnt smell like anything, like he smells like fresh laundry and the nail salon he has his office in yknow?
kim: ok ok ok so. kim grew up in what im assuming to be wasn’t the super cleanest house? like pet smells, cigarette smoke, dirty dishes and takeout boxes left on the counter. and i feel like when kim grew up she wanted to become her own person and that includes the way you smell. so i feel like she smells like rose petals, the muted smell of like,,an office filled with paperwork, you know what im talking about, please you have to, and cigarette smoke, because no matter how hard she tries, a part of her will always be stuck in the past.
mike: bruh ok uh like clean laundry, but more muted??? like an old man who lives alone, and he sits in his chair all day watching movies, but he also smells like motor oil and gunpowder and soil. kaylee always thinks it’s just because he goes on hunting trips, and no one ever thinks that it could possibly be because he’s out working for a drug kingpin every day.
howard: like lavender and burts bees hand salve. please i know thats weirdly specific but i dont know what else nails the whole “living natural” more than burts bees and lavender. also slightly like chlorine. though, near the end, maybe more like restless sleep, coffee, and salt.
gus: heres the thing. it depends. i think gus has become very very good at catering himself differently depending on who he’s around. so, if he’s just “gus the los pollos restaurant owner” probably just like old spice shampoo and deodorant. simple. humble. but if he’s “gustavo fring drug kingpin visiting madrigal hq/ cartel connections” then he’s probably wearing just the right amount of cologne, like bergamot or teakwood, something citrus-y.
nacho: like motor oil and leather from working in his dad’s shop, but i feel when he’s at home or if it’s like just him it’s a lot of floral scents, mostly from the girls, but also partly his own doing. not that he uses perfume necessarily, but he’ll light a candle to get the weed smell out of the air and it’s almost always some type of flower. usually rose, or gardenia or something not too overpowering, but still nice. mostly he just smells good, but like,,,not in a comforting way, in a hot way. yknow?
lalo: it’s been like. 2 months and im not over how this bitch would smell. ive said it once and ill say it again, i have and will never meet lalo salamanca because he isn’t real, but the way he smells gives me dysphoria bc you know it’s really good and vv masculine. his grandfather used to burn palo santo because he claimed it helped with headaches. lalo never saw any merit to the claim, but he liked the smell, so when his grandfather passed away he nicked the rest of the burning wood and now his own house just kind of constantly smells like palo santo. has a tendency to use really woodsy scents when it comes to like shampoo and stuff, and he usually smells like spices or cooking oil or something. good god i love him i wanna give him a hug.
chuck: i felt bad leaving him out. chuck smells like plastic and gasoline and like,,,a library in a really weird way. im not saying its good or bad, im just saying it is. kind of probably constantly smells like somethings burning but its not. its just the wires he recklessly tore out of the wall. 
skyler white: there needed to b more women in this post ok brba and bcs are really bad for the bechdel test and it makes me mad!!! anyways, i think skyler would smell good yo! like god dude idk like she smells comforting in the same sense that your mom was comforting as a kid, and she smelled like home yknow? 
lydia rodarte-quayle: the same paper scent kim has but stronger. also like herbal teas and cinnamon. and coffee. shes not one to like douse herself in perfume or whatever, but i dont think shes beyond indulging in an expensive fragrance yknow what i mean? lydia smells good but also you can tell she’s rich when she walks by you.
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nikodimopoulos · 4 months
changes; self para
featuring: yiannis & helen dimopoulos mentions: @heyymikki
Even after watching the leaked security footage over, and over again, Niko couldn't quite believe what it was he was witnessing -- and for a person who put a lot of stock in the phrase seeing is believing, that was unusual.
Either way, Alejandra was dead. That much was for sure.
Everything felt like it was on fire; members of the lower ranks were going off the grid, skipping town entirely for fear of being next in line, higher-level personnel were high tailing it to Vegas, choosing to skip town and out of what was now seen as completely uneven territory between the cartel and the competition that had taken Alejandra out. After all, what protection could they possibly have in Tonopah when not even their most protected sovereign was safe?
Worst of all -- it was all because of two men he'd once trusted. Perhaps even with his life.
Word had spread like wildfire, so it wasn't a surprise when his parents had summoned him to their home, even urging him to close the restaurant down early to do so -- yet instead of getting right to the point once he arrived, they dawdled, sitting him down at the table with a coffee and making small talk. It was unusual.
Finally, after half an hour of runaround, Niko asked in his native tongue, "Can we cut the shit?"
This prompted a stern look from Yiannis from across the table. "Remember who you're speaking to, Nikolaos." The older man warned, prompting a heavy sigh to fall from Helen's lips only moments later.
"Stop it, both of you." His mother sat, topping off her husband's mug before taking a seat beside him, the both of them facing their son. "Nikolaos,we have something important to discuss with you."
Yiannis interjected, "and you need to keep your emotions in check for what we have to say. Behave yourself."
Niko's knuckles practically turned white as he tightened his grip on his coffee mug. "What is it?" He pushed, choosing to ignore the slight. Obviously it must have been big, not only because the Tonopah chapter of LS was dismantling, but also because Yiannis seemed to be deflecting his own emotions onto his son. That was how these things typically went, anyways.
The two of them shared a knowing look, and Helen nodded at her husband to go on. "Los Santos is done here. Which means a couple of things," he began, keeping his son's steady gaze. "One; there's no more of the cartel's money flowing through the restaurant. None. Which mean's Dionysos will be operating at a distinctive loss in the coming weeks, going on indefinitely. Two; if we wanted to continue operating, our best bet would be to contact the Vegas chapter, meet with their leadership, set up a deal --"
Helen interrupted, "but it's not a given that they'll bring our business in." She shook her head. "Las Vegas is a big city. Why would they bet on a small, local family operation when they're in the casino's pockets? The theatres? It would be a losing game for them to bet on us."
A pause lingered between them, and Niko could feel his stomach starting to churn. "What are you trying to say?" he asked, jaw clenched so tightly it was making the vein in his forehead start to pop. It was a ridiculous question, really -- Niko knew exactly what they were going to say.
"My son," Yiannis leaned forward, a hand resting on Niko's shoulder, "we're returning home. To Patras." He shook his head, gaze softening slightly. "There's nothing for us here anymore. It's time to go."
Niko stayed stoic, unblinking as the metaphorical bomb was dropped on top of him. Any words of protest sat thick in his throat -- that's not true, we can figure it out, we can make it work -- and instead he offered a simple nod.
Yiannis gave a wide smile, glancing back at his wife with a hearty laugh before giving Niko's shoulder a squeeze. "That's my boy, we knew you'd be on board." The man bellowed, as usual taking his son's silence whichever way benefited him most. They both did, really -- that was why saying anything at all was, at times, worse than just keeping his mouth shut.
"We always talked about going back. We didn't know it'd be this soon, under these circumstances, but..." Helen trailed off, offering a dismissive wave of her hand, "it's better this way. We can retire early. And you, my love, can set up shop back in Patras, maybe invest in another opportunity. Whatever you want to do, you'll have our full support --"
Niko's brows narrowed, a hand raised, "Mom, I --" he scoffed incredulously, unable to help himself. "Why would I go back?"
Helen's expression deflated, mimicking her son's -- for a moment, it was easy to see the resemblance. "Why wouldn't you?" She asked.
"Because I've been here for thirty years," Niko shook his head. "I have a life here, I have --" Mikayla's face flashed quickly in his mind, the thought of leaving her behind after all the promises he had given her, the commitment he had made not sitting well with him. Of course, he wasn't ready to open that can of worms with his parents, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't at the forefront of his mind in that moment. "-- that's not possible for me right now."
A moment of silence passed between the three of them. "But Patras is your home, Nikolaos," remarked Yiannis. "You would abandon it?"
"I'm not abandoning it. Christ, baba, do you hear yourself?" Yiannis tensed, opening his mouth to say something else before Niko sighed, placing his hand back down on the table. "I'm sorry, I don't mean any disrespect but you're the ones who brought me here in the first place -- you even pushed me into becoming an American citizen."
The logic seemed to assuage Yiannis, thankfully, his expression softening. "So, what?" Helen spoke up next, her eyes becoming glassy with tears. "We're supposed to leave without our son?"
Immediately a sense of guilt washed over Niko, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. This wasn't what he wanted -- wasn't what any of them wanted -- but he truly didn't see another alternative. There were a lot of choices he'd relented to over the years, a lot he'd sacrificed to become a man -- his mental health, his agency, his morals -- but leave behind the last thirty years? That's not something he was willing to do anymore, not when he finally seemed to have a chance at happiness. At something.
Swallowing thickly, Niko forced himself to tear away his gaze from his parents, looking down at the cold, untouched coffee inside of the mug.
Everything was about to change.
"Yeah." Niko answered softly, sliding the mug further away. "Yeah, mom. I suppose you are."
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joseandrestabarnia · 20 days
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TÍTULO: La Virgen entronizada con el Niño, los Doctores de la Iglesia y la familia de Ludovico il Moro (“Pala Sforzesca”) AUTOR: Maestro del Retablo Sforza FECHA: 1494 - 1495 MATERIAL Y TÉCNICA: Óleo y temple sobre tabla DIMENSIONES: 230×165 cm INVENTARIO: 451 La obra representa a la familia de Ludovico el Moro arrodillada ante la Virgen y los santos Ambrosio, Gregorio Magno, Agustín y Jerónimo. Fue encargado para la iglesia milanesa de Sant'Ambrogio ad Nemus y, según documentos de archivo, se realizó durante 1494. La representación aquí escenificada combina la expresión de la devoción religiosa del cliente con la celebración del poder de este último, ya que alude a benevolencia divina hacia él y el futuro de su dinastía, garantizada por el nacimiento de un heredero. Cuando encargó el Retablo Sforza, Ludovico el Moro intentó obtener del emperador Maximiliano de Habsburgo la legalización de su señorío sobre Milán, derrocando al heredero legítimo Francesco Maria Sforza tras la muerte de Gian Galeazzo (1494). La obra fue concebida, por tanto, como un cartel de propaganda política, en el que Ludovico, se presentaba inmerso en la pompa de su rango, protegido por San Ambrosio -que le pone la mano en el hombro- y acompañado de su esposa Beatriz y de sus herederos, uno de los cuales, probablemente, se identificase con un niño nacido fuera del matrimonio. Para dar forma pictórica, a esta densa red de mensajes, Ludovico eligió a un artista ahora desconocido e identificado de diversas maneras con uno de los seguidores lombardos de Leonardo, que creó una especie de compendio de la cultura milanesa de la época, cronológicamente temprana pero estilísticamente no resuelta; a pesar de la brecha entre el resultado formal y el significado de la obra, fascina al espectador con el extraordinario impacto visual del oro, las perlas y las telas preciosas.
Información e imagen de la web de la Pinacoteca de Brera.
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zaenight · 2 months
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Silent promises ch 2
14 years later
Rosaleigh "Leora" morgan sat under the bridge, now twenty-five she had a soft smile on her face as the people that resided there chatted and played around with eachother, the looks on their faces happy and cheerful, not full of fear and sadness when they lost Bobby.
Rosaleigh looked over to the graveyard of the bridge people, to the people of santo padre, they were just bodies and people no one would miss, to Rosaleigh and the bridge people, they were family, elderly, young, teenagers, pets, the graveyard had many souls, no one questioned it.
One year after Bobby's death, Serenity found out after finally leaving prostitution and stripping behind, that she was pregnant, she didn't know if it was her pimp or a random john, but it didn't matter when Bobbi "Omari" Jones was born, he was now thirteen years old, he was cheerful and had his mother's attitude, the bakery was doing well, Rosaleigh stopped by every day.
Oh Rosaleigh, the number of times both Serenity and April had asked her to move in with them, however she refused because to her, beneath the bridge is where she belonged, speaking of April, even though Rosaleigh lived under the bridge if the weather was terrible, or if she was sick, she was practically forced to stay at one of the older women's homes, bathing and eating was never really a problem , either using April's shower or finding a stream near the bridge, food was constantly given to them by either Serenity or Big Benny, a local food vendor, She even had her own special corner in the library, and you would be amazed at all the small children willing to learn sign language.
But she still had problems with some people, being deaf was hard, being half black and half Mexican was another thing, few couldn't tell, but when they do notice it usually brings out the bland racism and snarky comments, even more so when they know she can't hear them.
Rosaleigh roamed the streets of santo padre, her little red riding hood book in hand, the cover and some pages were still stained with Bobo's blood, his life was taken when he tried to get her book back, and she would never let his sacrifice for something so pointless be in vain.
Infact on that night, when the then eleven-year-old Rosaleigh killed that redneck rumors had spread, his body was splayed out on the bench, his throat slit with a beer bottle, not that anyone knew, some thought a mugging gone wrong, others thought retaliation from either the Mayans or the Galindo cartel, and in recent years new players, mainly known at the border had been lurking, Los Olvidados, some thought that it was when they were first created, but no one truly knew anything.
However, some knew of the deaf woman under the bridge, it was a mere whisper, a myth, of one called Bloody rose, or Rosa sangrienta, a silent angel who delivers peace and justice, Bloody rose was mostly known only to the bridge people, Serenity, and April, until it spread into santo padre.
Santo Padre's charter was weary throughout the years, but never found any proof of Rosa sangrienta, the Galindo cartel, now run by Miguel Galindo after his father's death, didn't care for rumors, there was no activity from the so called silent angel.
As Rosaleigh walked the streets of Santo Padre, passing by the meat shop she once stole from, Carniceria Reyes, eight years ago there was a shooting, and the wife of the shops owner was dead, their son later went to prison for killing a cop, that's all that Rosaleigh knew from the whispers that came from people's mouth, her lip reading and the feelings of vibrations had improved over the years.
Rosaleigh had felt the vibrations of a bike- no a motorcycle come to a stop, but by the time she turned around the rider was already gone, possibly into the very meat shop.
Rosaleigh turned before sprinting to the bakery, Serenity had named it Cookie's sweet delights, it was the afternoon, so Omari was most likely home from school, the thirteen year old loved to create signs and pictures for the bakery, his talents were amazing for someone his age. 
"AND THEN HE WAS LIKE BAM AND THEN WACK." Bobbi "Omari" Jones exclaimed as he signed for Rosaleigh who let out a small chuckle like sound as the boy explained that a fight had happened at school, apparently two older boys had got into it over a girl, hence why one of them ended up being slammed into a wall and went home with minor bruises while the other went to the hospital with a broken arm and a black eye.
"And neither of them got the girl because she was already with someone else." Omari said quieting down as Serenity let out a laugh.
'Ouch both of them getting rejected after all that must've hurt worse than the injuries.' Rosaleigh signed as she helped clean up the table.
"Should've seen the looks on their face when she didn't even know who they were." Omari said with a smirk.
"Double ouch." Serenity said as Rosaleigh shook her head with a soft smile as the three continued their small get together.
After eating at Serenity's, Rosaleigh stared at the town from the bridge not realizing someone staring at her as she left to the library to help April with late night storytelling, The children always full of joy and cheer as some learn sign language, while others see the hand motions as a beautiful way to communicate.
Rosaleigh walked through the dark alleyway, feeling the soft vibrations of the cars and bikes that still drove through the night, books being carried in her arms, letting out a yawn the woman decided on taking a small nap behind the meat shop.
After speaking to Jiménez and his pops, Felipe asked if he could take out the trash before he went on another run, as Ez went to the back of the shop he heard soft snores, thinking it was an animal, he looked behind the dumpster to shoo it away, only to be shocked when he saw the woman, the same woman he had found himself  staring at hours earlier, Ez threw the trash in the dumpster, She was slightly shaking, Ez also noticed old scabs and bruises lingering her body, but nothing fresh as he picked her up and took her into the shop.
Felipe watched as Ez carried the familiar girl into his shop, laying her on the checkout counter.
"Te dije que sacaras la basurano traer de vuelta a una mujer." Said Felipe as Ez rolled his eyes with a small chuckle.
[I told you to take out the trash, not to bring back a woman]
Relájate, papá, la encontré durmiendo detrás del contenedor de basura.Que se suponía que debía hacer?,¿Dejarla ahí afuera para que se lastime o contraiga hipotermia?
[Relax pops I found her sleeping behind the dumpster, what was I supposed to do?,leave her out there to get hurt or catch hypothermia?]
Felipe shook his head telling Ez to call him if she woke up, which was exactly what happened a few seconds later.
"Hey hey, it's okay I won't hurt you." Ez said as the woman let out a loud gasp launching herself back, scared.
Rosaleigh awoke in a place that was unfamiliar yet strangely recognizable, as she emitted what she presumed to be a loud gasp as she saw a man around her age staring at her.
He was speaking, but she was too frightened to recognize the words coming out of his mouth as she read his lips.
And so, as he edged closer, he let out a pained groan just as she delivered a right hook to his cheek.
Felipe entered the room when he heard his son's groan, He then noticed the girl was awake, as she caught sight of him, she gestured for a pen.
As Felipe gave her a pen and a piece of paper she started writing in big bold letters.
Rosaleigh then showed the two what she had written, Ez who was holding his stinging cheek then nodded in realization, no wonder she freaked out.
Felipe then nodded his head at Ez who then stepped forward Rasing his hands in surrender.
He then pointed to the small notebook that Felipe had handed to her, as Rosaleigh nodded, he grabbed it and wrote something on one of the pages.
You know you pack a mean write hook.
Rosaleigh winced pointing at his cheek, before signing I'm sorry, Ez could tell exactly what she had signed by the look on her face.
"No need to be sorry." Ez said shaking his head with a chuckle.
Rosaleigh nodded, finally able to read his lips, which Ez took notice of, he also noticed her facial features, which suggested she was most likely biracial.
A few minutes had passed as Rosaleigh waited for Ez to finish his conversation with Felipe.
As Felipe closed up, she felt a hand on her shoulder, it was Ez, he gave her a piece of paper, a soft smile on his face as he rode off to wherever he was heading.
Waving bye to Felipe, who waved back, she headed back to the bridge, books in one arm, and the paper Ez had given her in hand.
As she reached her sleeping area, she laid down on the pile of blankets, placing down her books, she the opened the note.
Jaden Michael
Bobbi "Omari" Jones
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deliriously-drawing · 11 months
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Yes! You’re right on the money Anon! 2p Toonz was making reference to the fact that he knows that Vanoss isn’t 100% human (2p Vanoss himself makes reference to this as well scattered in comics) The thing with Toonz though is that he shows them that he knows their dirty secret (“experiment X7L”) that he should absolutely have no clue about it.
And that secret is realted to both their backgrounds since Moo and Vanoss are connected. But both their backstories is a whole other like 10+ page comic I have no time to create haha _(:3」∠)_
How does 2pCartoonz know this, well it’s all related to the fact that he’s a “Angel”. Just like how 1p Toonz is a “Demon”. Honestly what I mean by that needs a whole other post that dives into the complicity I have created in my brain on how they can work in the world of 1p and 2p through Syfy elements. (I can explain it if anyone interested)
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The Enterprise is basically like the blackmarket/ underground rulers of Los Santos, which can range from gang members, cartel, mafia, exotic/antique/art smugglers, to shady but official business.etc. 2p Moo is trying to build a team that can help either burn down, take over or control certain sections of the blackmarket of the Enterprise and eliminate a certain group related to his and Vanoss background.
Hence why he’s trying to convince Delirious to join since the ex gang member was starting to be known as an unparalleled strategist but also an un-killable emotionless machine who can and will eliminate those who cross him (on a smaller scale though that what 2p moo is aiming for)
Of course all boys do have morals, a bit of dark-gray levels but morals non the less. They’re not like evil, psychotic killers aiming for power just cause they want power.
As for the enterprise itself coming up in comic, it will be referenced but most likely won’t be drawn about; since I still want to introduce the pack dynamics and how the boys struggle to work together. So many edgy/clashing personalities and goals create issues lol.
sorry for the late reply Anon! Hopefully this answered your questions :D
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universesrpg · 4 months
La acusadora, me mando ayer un mp a ultima hora, antes de irme a dormir.
Reconoce que me tenia que haber mandado el mp primero antes de saltar. Tarde hermosa, tarde. Que había invertido el poco tiempo libre para crear la trama. Llevo un maldito año trabajando yo en la que publicitaba y en tres mas, tengo la app de Campfire llena de notas, además de audios en un grupo de WhatsApp en el que solo estoy yo. Tengo a mis compañeras de trabajo acojonadas y a los medicos del hospital expectantes por mis extrañas preguntas.
Luego llego a la parte de que podíamos hablar, no hermosa no, para poner cosas en la trama y que quiere que me una a su trama. Como comprenderéis con su actitud no me apetece nada jugar con ella.
Y vuelve otra vez al que ella esta invirtiendo tiempo en su trama, porque el resto no lo hacemos. Aporreamos el teclado y sale solo. Que deberíamos unir las tramas, mas tarde aun porque mi trama ya esta integrada en otro foro, donde el mismo staff ha aplaudido al leerla. Que lamenta que todo llegara a ese punto, pero el cartel de plagiadora me lo quedo yo y ella el de victima.
No queda ahí la cosa, hablamos por discord. Por que yo el MP no se lo he contestado y la he dicho lo mal que me sentía por su actitud, no me ha pedido perdón en ningún momento. Pero si que la administradora ha sido muy comprensiva, por lo que si quisieras volver a subir algo así o tal no pondrían pegas [palabras de ella copiadas tal cual]. Misma administradora que no entendía que no podía cambiar nada de mi descripción por que iba a mostrar de que iba. Además me reprocha por que tenia que haberla yo mandado un mp a ella, perdona yo te lo mande por la mañana junto al staff. Llegamos al colofón de la conversación, que si necesitaba ayuda para cambiar la búsqueda para publicarla [comprensión lectora 0, por que ya he dicho no puedo cambiar nada sin desvelar de que va]. La digo que no hace falta que ya tiene hogar y me dice con sus santos ovarios: si es tu decisión // la respeto //la posibilidad te la di, pero si la vas a desarrollar en otro sitio, espero que sea muy guay >>¿posibilidad? ¿me estas permitiendo volver a publicar mi búsqueda en toda su magnificencia? ¿Estamos bien de las cabezas? Yo, llevo mis ideas donde me da la maldita gana [iba a poner otra cosa, pero no quiero calentarme], principalmente donde respetan mi trabajo y no se dejan llevar por la histeria de alguien. Donde tienen comprensión lectora y vuelvo a repetir RESPETAN. Donde muy posiblemente te hubieran sancionado por la pataleta sin sentido. ¿Tengo mas ideas para jugar con mi personaje en ese foro? Si, pero no lo hare no sea que también tenga una que se parezca mucho o nada, pero ella crea que si.
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devilsgatewayhq · 2 months
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Name: Stefanos Dimopoulos Age: 39 Time living in Tonopah: 31 years Occupation: Owner of Drive-In Theatre & Chef at Dionysos Gang Affiliation: Formerly Los Santos Capo Neighborhood: Webster Village Face Claim: Theo James
Biography (TW: death):
Stefanos Dimopoulos was the second child born to loving parents on an idyllic Greek island, hot on the heels of his older brother. Mere minutes separated the twins and although Christos was the elder, they would grow to both each other's shadow. The first few months of his life were by all accounts perfect but loss would come for him before he was old enough to even understand what it meant. Left motherless before his first birthday, too young to truly appreciate the impact all Stefanos remembers is being surrounded by family.
His father found love again and the Dimopoulos twins soon gained a sister as well as a mother figure. Throughout it all the extended family remained close, it being little to no surprise when Georgios followed his brother to Tonopah, taking his family with him. At almost nine years old Stefanos had been settled in Greece, considering Patras a home that nowhere else could compete with. But it quickly became apparent that home was more the people he was with than where he was, adjusting to life in his new town with relative ease.
Balancing school with work at the family restaurant years passed in a familiar pattern until just before his sixteenth birthday where he, Christos and Nikolaos were all taken into their family's confidence and the Dimopoulos' ties to Los Santos were made clear. There was no doubt in either he nor his twin's mind that they would follow in the family footsteps of joining, both of them putting themselves forward for the cartel as soon as they turned eighteen. There was a certainty about his future, tied to Los Santos and Dionysos with his family by his side. But just a year later a drunk driver would cause an accident that would take his twin from him, leaving him without his other half.
Where the loss of his mother hadn't truly been felt until years later, a wound softened and soothed by his step-mother and sister's presence in his life, he felt the loss of his twin keenly. Intense grief brought with it a burning anger, leading to him lashing out at everyone and everything, only a select few spared from his wrath. His father was not one of them, one particular argument leading him to storm from their family home and use the little money he had to scrape together to buy a fixer upper in Webster Village.
In an effort to distract from his grief rather than deal with it, Stefanos picked up more shifts at Dionysos and volunteered for any task that Los Santos would throw at him. Feeling as though his anger was only causing more destruction around him, likely to burn everyone around him as well as himself, he instead chose numbness. Emotions were set aside in favour of feeling nothing at all, allowing him to be calculated and clinical in whatever he needed to turn his hand to.
This diligence and his seemingly level head over the years allowed him to rise through the Los Santos' ranks, eventually claiming the rank of Capo. Throughout the years Los Santos became almost his sole focus, the perfect distraction for whatever could have caused him grief or pain, and his devotion was eventually rewarded when he was given his own business to launder money through. The drive-in was low maintenance and well established, needing little to no interference from him expect an eye kept on it to make sure it continued to run as it should.
Having clung to Los Santos for so long it's unceremonious end in Tonopah as well as his family's return to Patras has left him feeling disillusioned and abandoned. His attention turn to the family that had stayed - his sister and cousin- vowing to support both of them wherever he can. But there's now doubt creeping into his once certain future and feelings he thought were long buried threaten to make their way to the surface once again.
He's been teetotal since Christos' death after finding out that it was a drunk driver who was responsible. For those close to him he'll always be a willing designated driver.
Perhaps rather fittingly given his birthday, Stefanos is quite the sci-fi fan, though it's not a fact that he shares too widely. It had been his brother who had gotten him into the genre after insisting that they watch Star Wars each birthday and so as a homage to him he has kept up the tradition.
With guilt still felt over his broken promise to Christos, having agreed to go with him on the journey that would prove fatal, Stefanos now considers his word his bond. Promises might be something he rarely gives but when he does they are always kept.
Though most of his time and attention is dedicated to his family and previously Los Santos, he's learnt to make some time for himself to do something he enjoys. Having found an old camera of his mother's he took up photography, preferring to shoot landscapes.
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colemonroe · 9 months
WHERE: A Los Santos warehouse just outside of Tonopah WITH: @camilowylders
They’d keep one another informed, per the terms they’d built the foundation of their ceasefire upon. They’d trade knowledge back and forth in hopes of shutting down whoever this third player was. And so, Cole knowing exactly what had happened to Dante Parker and why these secrets wouldn’t stop any time soon felt like something he needed to pass on– no, something he was obligated to share with Rio Romero and, by default, the whole of Los Santos. Admittedly, this knowledge sharing was an adjustment for him– it felt odd reaching out and sharing intel with an entity he’d been conditioned to view as an enemy for as long as he could remember. But, like Michael had taught him: the enemy of his enemy was ultimately his friend, and from where he stood, Los Santos was quite obviously the lesser of two evils.
It was the only reason why he idled his Harley to a stop outside of an ominous looking warehouse on the outskirts of Tonopah Valley– far away from anyone that could save him if this shit went sideways. Cutting the engine, he stationed his helmet on one of his mirrors and dismounted, blue eyes narrowed as he eyed the mouth of the warehouse. In his head, he could practically hear the other Sons scolding him for showing up to a meeting like this without any back-up beyond the prospect he’d told to wait outside, but Cole knew what he was doing. He was sending a message, in his own way– he didn’t necessarily trust Rio, but he respected him enough to put confidence in what the man told him. With Cole, someone’s word went a hell of a long way.  But as he stepped inside and everyone but Rio emerged from every nook and cranny of the warehouse, Cole couldn’t help the way his hackles raised and a snarl settled on his features in a warning. This wasn’t what he’d signed up for. Eyes settling on the cartel man who’d stepped closest to him, he lifted a brow, the weight of his Beretta in the small of his back even heavier than it usually was, “Thought I was meetin’ with Rio?”
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fante-di-denari · 1 year
La Ley y La Trampa Chapter I
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Warnings: violence canon, argentinian spanish. mexican spanish, curse words.
MiniTaglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221
COD Masterlist
Fanfic Masterlist
Spanish Version
“Soy lo que me enseñó mi padre El que no quiere a su patria, no quiere a su madre Soy América Latina Un pueblo sin piernas, pero que camina, ¡oye!” -Latinoamérica By Calle 13 ft. Totó la Momposina, Susana Baca, Rita María
–¿Cuánto piensan que tardaran estos ingleses? (Why are these English taking so long?)  Didn't they say that they would arrive before eight? –The woman's head was resting on her crossed arms on the window frame of the black truck, watching Alejandro's broad back.
–They will arrive at any moment, ten paciencia por un momento Belén. (Have patient for a moment Belén) – The colonel had his back turned and she was wearing a mask, but he knew well that she made a face at him before going back inside the truck and rolling up the glass.
–Boludo (Dumbass) –She cursed the man outside the truck before leaning forward, placing her hand, gloved and the knuckles and back rimmed with metal, on Parra's shoulder. –. Rudy, when we go for Hassan, don't try too hard, at the first inconvenience or shortness of breath, tell Vargas or me and we'll cover you ¿Si? – It was more of a request than an order.
–Copiado comandante. (Roger that Commander)
He nodded with a small smile, the woman settled into her seat better, taking off her helmet, putting it on her lap, letting her hair breathe a little while she began to talk about things with Rodolfo, what they were going to do when they got their vacation, their predictions for the World Cup, until the sound of a military plane landing interrupted them. Both Latinos looked towards where Alejandro was and looked at the newcomers for a bit. The woman settled to go to the back of the truck, she would be more comfortable there. At that moment the Mexican and the two new men got to the car, she saw them get in, she knew them from the photos that her brother showed her.
–My second in comand: Sargeant Mayor Rodolfo Parra and she is the Lieutenant Colonel of the Argentine army, people call her Sulpay, She and her team are with us on a drug cartel issue, but she said they were going to help with Hassan. –The woman moved so they could see her, and Soap had a good view of the Santos Vega special forces shield that was embroidered on the woman's left arm, they were the same forces as Pompero, he wondered if they knew each other.
–Le tengo miedo a los fantasmas. – Rodolfo spoke, in a scared tone, looking at the man next to him, he had said it jokingly, both commanders knew that, Alejandro smiled and turned around to look at Soap.
–You know Spanish?
–No. –Belén wanted to laugh for the way he said that, as if he was scared, but she didn’t make them have a bad impression of her, but Ghost already noted her reaction.
–You will.
Rodolfo started the truck's engine and started the trip, the Argentine wanted to turn on the radio, she had made a maneuver to get between them, one hand on the floor of the car and the other with a USB, Soap had been good at grabbing her, from the vest, so she wouldn't fall, but the Mexican stopped her by grabbing her hand, looked at him, trying to understand how he did it.
–Iba a poner tu canción favorita. (I was going to put your favorite song)
–Mentirosa, puedo ver en tu cara que ibas a poner La Mano de Dios1. (Liar, I can see in your face that you were going to put La Mano de Dios) – He turned in the seat, looking into her eyes starting a little staring match, until she released her hold and settled back, thanking the Scots for the help, kneeling while leaning against the rear seats, Alejandro was very stupid if he thought she was going to put La Mano de Dios, she was really going to put Lo Mejor del Amor2.
–Withe truck, four armed in the back. – MacTavish announced, reaching for his rifle, but was quickly stopped by the lieutenant colonel's hand on his shoulder.
–uesah, Calm. – calmed him down as he let go of his shoulder, Alejandro and Rodolfo were surprised that she was being genuinely good, not having good manners simply for being polite.
–Easy, That’s normal here – explains Alejandro, calming him down and turning his gaze to the front–. Guns in the streets is jurisdiction of the police.
–Where are the police? – asked the masked man, curious, he wanted to know more about the situation in Las Almas, to know what he was getting into, this wasn’t in the records
–Bought. – The Argentine answered seriously, one or two months was the time she was in this town, don't take her the wrong way, she appreciated the place, but she preferred to be in her own fields, with her people.
–Las Almas has a very serious problem – He began to explain what the woman said –. There are few here to uphold the law, and many of those who resist corruption.... desappear
–What about the military? – the Scot asked, looking at the colonel and the woman to his side, out of the corner of his eye.
–Well, because we are well trained, soldiers are recruited by the narcos, happens in Argentina and the rest of the continent too
–Why not you? –That question was addressed to the three Latinos, the older British man was curious to know about them, he had not been able to investigate them as much as he would have liked, especially because he didn’t have the presence of the Argentines.
–We grew up here –He and Rodolfo looked at each other for a second, and then they look at the streets again–. They call us “Los Vaqueros” ... Cowboys –He looked towards the sidewalk, they were passing by the church, in the back seats, the Argentine had to fight with all her might not to roll her eyes, she had never liked how Alejandro dragged things out –. We love this place. – He turned his body to look at the Europeans –.  And we will die fighting for it.
The Scot and the Brit looked at the woman between them, waiting for her answer.
–El que no quiere a su patria, no quiere a su madre (The one who does not love their homeland, does not love their mother)– The black-haired woman began to respond, sincere and quoting a part of a song from Calle 13, receiving the looks of both foreigners, Ghost noticed that under the Argentine flag was another, as far as he knew, that was the flag of a province of the country –. You can't ask someone who loves their country to betray it.
–Ye’re form Santos Vega? –se animó a hacer la pregunta que le estaba comiendo el cerebro, quería sacarse la duda, la mayor le miro.
–Sip, after the president and the general, I’m in charge. Why the question?
– Because we work with a commander form there, right Ghost? – The older of the two nodded, also listening to what the woman was saying. He knew a little Spanish, but he always got confused by all the dialects of the countries.
–Ah sí, that must be my little brother – She could no longer pretend that she didn't know them because her brother had told her a thousand and one stories about the 141, since before they were formed –. Pompero is my second in command, he and Price know each other since 2010, good guy, my kids, niece and nephew loves him. –Maybe all the explosions the Scotsman was in made him mishear, had she said children? If he was sincere he would never expect someone who hid their face like his lieutenant would have them, though that would be one reason why she does.
–¡Lo sé! I look súper young.
They couldn't tell it was true, they couldn't see her face, but they decided to believe her, Pompero didn't look his age, so if she was older than him, it must be true. Soon they passed a balloon stand, where there was a child with his mother and next to a young man with a weapon, the scot looked amused at the scene
– Kids, guns and balloons... that's a new one. – he turns to see his lieutenant, Riley wasn’t so shocked as MacTavish, but still, he had an odd feeling towards the situation, he never liked when children were involving in a dangerous situation.
– Narcos use generosity to win over people.
–Even the children?
–Especially the children… – At that moment they stopped in front of a cartel scene, Alejandro lowered the glass halfway and the Europeans looked there, the police tapes prevented passersby from stepping on something and compromising the evidence, not that they were worried, but it was protocol.
– What's on those sheets?
–Narco mantas. – replied the woman, looking side eyeing at the scene.
– Cartel cloths. – Rudy translated, looking at them from the rearview mirror, but without really looking at them, more than anything he was looking at Belén.
– Messages from El Sin Nombre. Warmins, making territory –He rolled up the window, signaling to his friend to keep driving –. Our streets are laced with death.
–Who's Sin Nombre?
– El Sin Nombre, The Nameless. The Leader of the Las Almas Cartel.
– Where can we find him?
– You can't. No one knows who he is –A small smile appeared on the covered face of the Argentine, she wanted to contradict the man and rename their bet they had since Sin Nombre had appeared in the scene but she didn't, they passed a mural dedicated to the cartel and El Sin Nombre, she was not surprised that civilians could be bought easily –. But he is everywhere, and this is a challenge –Se miraron por un segundo con Rodolfo y sonrieron –. But Los Vaqueros likes challenges –exclamó lo último con una sonrisa divertida.
– With your mask, you will fit in well here, Ghost. – The black-haired woman could feel how the Scot moved his hand over her neck, announcing that he shouldn't fuck with that and how the brit tensed at her side.
–Rudy, e’toy al lado del grandote, tené piedad de mi (Rudy, I'm next to the big guy, have mercy on me)
–Oye, calmala – He warned his best friend, looking at him, to look ahead, he threw his head back, annoyed, and the woman clicked her tongue –. Checkpoint, it's the army, turn right, we'll go around. – Rodolfo did as order, being followed by the two vehicles that were followed them, in these were some Vaqueros and some of the woman’s unit.
–Like we told you, some troops are under the command of Sin Nombre. – answered the woman, tucking her braid under the jacket and closing it, it would avoid an accident or a more broken crotch than she should break.
–Like I told you, he is everywhere – the Mexican ended, upset –. Cartel is hiding Hassan in the village across the river. Let's hope he's still there.
Part of the way that followed them was in silence, the woman felt that her right breast was vibrating, it was her phone, she had forgotten to leave it at the barracks, she was going to turn it off, but she just got a new message from the group she had with her five siblings, she opened it, finding that there were two photos sent by the youngest of them, in one she saw her twin and her older sister being chased by some chickens and in the other one was of her children and her nephew and niece being chased by a cow, his posture became relaxed by seeing it, knowing that they were safe was everything for her. Before turning off his cell phone, he showed the Scottish a photo of his two little angels, whenever he had the opportunity he showed his children, they were his greatest pride. With the Scot I also talk about her nephews, he also talks about his and Scotland, she turned off her cell phone, keeping it in her vest and continue talking with Soap, the both of them had a lot in common.
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1: La Mano de Dios is a cuarteto song that was writed by one of the gratest, El Potro Rodrigo, I found a translate version in youtube
2: Lo mejor del amor is also a cuarteto song, writed and singed also By El Potro Rodrigo, I didn't found a translate version in youtube
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hernando-valdez · 1 year
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“The world is almost peaceful when you stop trying to understand it.”― Elizabeth Acevedo
TW: mentions of drugs, death, blood, grief and violence
One of the earliest memories Hernando has is of his father hunched over the kitchen sink at 4 o’clock in the morning, washing blood off of his hands. It was the first time Hernando was clued into the world his father was involved in and it was the first time his father was honest with him instead of trying to hide it. What Nando didn’t know then was that it was the start of the rest of his life. A career he never really had a choice in. His father used to say it was destiny, their loyalty to the cartel. But Nando knows now it was just shit luck and poverty. There never really was another choice.
Born Hernando Benito Valdez, he grew up in the streets of East Harlem, New York. His father, a Tonopah Valley Native, had moved his family to New York in an effort to keep them safe from retaliation from any of his enemies. And the list of them was long. His father was a long-time Los Santos soldier. Becoming a member the moment he turned 18 but he had been dealing drugs for a little longer than that. He prided himself on being loyal, useful, always following orders, finding himself a family that he would remain a part of up until his death at the age of 62. A heart attack. But Hernando has convinced himself it was something else. 
The only son of Hector Valdez, there was no doubt that Hernando would follow in his footsteps. And Hector would not have it any other way. 
The only family the older man had known was the cartel and they looked out for Hector and his family like they were their own. His mother too is a Tonopah native and though she stood by Hector through it all and she took raising her family away from Tonopah as a serious task. Which was why his younger sister has nothing to do with the cartel. She didn’t even know of its actual existence until recently, the family doing well in convincing her that Hector was really “away on business” and that Hernando was doing the same.
Hernando was a relatively active kid. He was involved in all the school sports but was especially fond of basketball and baseball. He did alright in school and was always responsible for taking care of his sister and being where he was supposed to be. When his cousin Penelope moved to New York with her family, he was over the moon. Penny had always been his favorite cousin and she was the closest he came to having an older sister. When he thought he couldn’t love a person as much as he loved Penny, Mikayla was born. Early on, even though he was a teenager, he stepped in to help as much as he could, especially when Penelope separated herself from her parents. They never spoke it out loud but somewhere along the way, there was an unspoken rule that he would always be there. And it’s a promise he’s kept til this day. Despite being Penelope’s cousin and Mikki’s second cousin, he has very much positioned himself as an uncle to Mikki and a Brother to Penny. There are few things he’s proud of but being Tio Nando has always been his biggest pride.
Mainly because his life has never left him much else to be proud of. Hernando got involved in Santos work at an early age. At 12, his father took him on a trip back to Tonopah Valley and it was the first time he was truly shown all that his father was involved in. Showing that this would be his future. It’s where he met the LS members and came to learn that there were generations of people who would always be looking out for him and his family. These trips to Tonopah Valley became more routine throughout his adolescence and as soon as he graduated from high school, he flew to Nevada to officially begin his initiation into the cartel. And he was ready for it, born for it some would say. Never seeing another option, Hernando is known for his ruthlessness and relentless loyalty. He never questions, never complains, and never even winces when enacting some seriously violent acts. He doesn’t believe in unnecessary violence. You’ll rarely see him getting in a bar fight (unless he’s backing someone up) or raising his voice at someone undeserving. In fact on the outside, he comes off as a very sweet and thoughtful person. 
After his father’s death though, he’s been struggling a lot, spiraling into conspiracy theories about someone taking his father out, even if the autopsy proved otherwise. He’s been unable to face his grief or anger, conflicted with a world without his father telling him what to do. Now a Capo himself, he feels his father’s absence daily and for the first time in life has struggled to see his purpose in anything. But that’s something he keeps to himself. On the outside, Hernando is just your friendly neighborhood florist. First & Vine first belonged to an aunt of his. It was used as a front then for Los Santos and still is to this day under Nando’s ownership. Though he does love the flowers. A gardener himself, he enjoys the brief escape of helping someone pick an arrangement for any occasion. He tries to be pretty knowledgeable, which is evident from the amount of plant and flower related books that line his bookshelves. Still, his life is what it is and he’s come to accept that. 
He moved to Tonopah permanently two years ago but last month his mother had a bad fall so he had to spend time in New York taking care of her and ultimately deciding to move her back to Tonopah Valley to live with him so that he could take an eye on her. A month away from Tonopah has done him good, despite him still being as plugged into cartel work as he could possibly be. He’s struggling even more now with his mother’s health, though she seems to be in much better spirits now that she's back home. Hernando can only pray that it lasts. 
Live in his family’s home in Webster Village that has been passed through generations. Has been working on fixing it up and making it more modern. 
Big on fitness both physically and mentally. Or at least he tries, he’s been much better at the physical than mental lately. Loves to run in the mornings and hit the gym at night when he can. 
Loves to cook and prides himself on being able to host friends at his place. It’s definitely one of his love languages and another form of escape for him. 
Tries to be smart about his money. His father stressed how important it was for them to live in Webster Village and not live flashy lives. But Hernando can’t deny himself a good pair of sneakers. Imagine getting beat up by a guy wearing crips jordans? 
The dude is brutal. Can’t stress enough how much shit he had been doing for the cartel since he was 18. He is indoctrinated as much as anyone can be. No matter the hour, no matter where he is, if he gets a call, he will drop whatever he’s doing. He prides himself on being reliable and carrying on the Valdez name with honor.
Bisexual af. Probably has never had many successful relationships unless they’re involved with Los Santos and even then he probably has a hard time maintaining them. Loves a good hook up though. He has probably only been in 1-2 serious relationships but often wishes he had someone solid in how his mother was always for his dad. (though since his father’s death, he’s finding out a lot of shit about their relationship he wishes he never knew.)
Loves, loves, loves music. It’s probably his closest form of therapy. If he’s in his truck he’s blasting his music and if he’s home he’s blasting shit on the dozens of speakers he set up in his apartment.
Lowkey has a board he hides in his home office with conspiracies about his father’s death that he looks at every night. Men would literally rather have an evidence board than go to therapy. 
Definitely a big sports guy. Native New Yorker is a die-hard Knicks and Yankees fan, but he loves some Las Vegas Raiders.
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nadiazahedah · 1 year
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i felt it deep within me as lovers left me to b l e e d alone, something's missing in me
Nadia Zahedah // 36 (DOB: February 12th, 1987) // Special Victims Unit Detective with the TVPD
Dis my girl Nadia who is technically a Tonopah native
Oldest of five siblings (three younger sisters and one younger brother) born to a pair of Christian missionaries
Whenever the family wasn't abroad in the missions field, they'd be in Tonopah Valley, but they were constantly travelling so she never really had a definition of home until she was 16 when she basically begged her parents to let her go to a regular school so she could make friends her own age
She was v much into education and came across as a teacher's pet but she was just extremely excited to finally be somewhere for longer than a few months at a time.
She went to college and got a double major in education and English, returning to Tonopah after graduating to teach at Tonopah Hills High School. After a few years of teaching, though, "normal" started to get boring. Grass is always greener and all that.
While on a bachelorette trip to Vegas for her college friend, she met @antoniojimenez and the two got married while super schwasted. They decided rather than get divorced, they'd see where things went.
Things were fine at first, but she got pregnant a few months after they got married and that put some strain on their relationship, especially because Antonio was then deployed and wasn't there for the birth or the first year of their daughter's life. He was there for the birth of their second child, but his dedication was clearly more geared towards the military than his own family and that rubbed Nadia the wrong way.
PTSD and addiction tw: She had to change her career path to be able to afford to pay bills because teachers don't get paid well u feel and she had to pick up the slack since Antonio was dealing with PTSD and drug addiction following his discharge from the military. She joined the TVPD and started to work her way up, wanting to join the Special Victims Unit so she could still work with children and help them.
When things got to be too much to handle with Antonio and basically being a single parent anyway, she filed for divorce (about two years ago) and sole custody of their kids. She's pretty bitter about how all of that went down but is focused more on making sure the kids have a good life than anything. They're currently 7 and 5, respectively.
She's been an SVU detective for about a year now and while she has a very general knowledge of there being gang activity in the area, she's not aware of Antonio's connection to Los Santos or the cartel in general
Personality-wise, she's pretty worldly and loves to learn, so you can almost always find her turning mundane things into educational, interactive experiences for her kids. She's got a good heart, but she's definitely had it rough over the last eight or so years with her marriage. She's perceived and internalized Antonio's unwillingness to prioritize his family as some kind of statement of her worth, and though she's been working on her insecurities through therapy, it's ultimately made her somewhat guarded when it comes to letting people in too close. She's also seen some of the worst there is to see because of her work, so she's determined to try making the world a better place for the next generations. If she sees you being a dick to kids, she'll absolutely wreck your shit. She takes her work very seriously she's fine with being the bad guy if necessary, especially if it means making sure people get shit done.
All that said, pls love on her.
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Bad Bunny conquista el Festival de Coachella 2023 ante más de 120,000 personas: “Ahora todos quieren ser latinos”
Bad Bunny, que llegaba como cabeza de cartel al Festival de Coachella 2023, conquistó uno de los eventos musicales más importantes de Estados Unidos con un concierto de más de dos horas que puso a bailar a varias decenas de miles de seguidores en la ciudad desértica de Indio, en California.
“Estamos en el Festival de Coachella, un lugar de inspiración y donde se da respuesta a muchas preguntas. (...) Grandes artistas han pasado por aquí. (...) Espero que sea mi primera vez cerrando una jornada de este festival, pero no la última”, introdujo el puertorriqueño, consciente de la importancia de la cita este viernes.
El Empire Polo Club fue testigo del primer día de esta nueva edición a la que asistieron más de 120,000 personas -lleno absoluto- y en la que también actuaron artistas como Gorillaz, Blondie, The Chemical Brothers, Blink-182 o Becky G.
Sin embargo, el gran momento de la tarde-noche fue el show de “El Conejo Malo”, que se prodigó con toda una demostración de versatilidad en cuanto a su performance, con tiempo para grandes coreografías, juego de pantallas, uso de láseres, interacción con objetos reales como una moto de agua y hasta fuegos artificiales.
El creador de “Un verano sin ti” se mostró realmente enfocado en cumplir con las grandes expectativas depositadas en él y lograr otro hito en su carrera: encabezar el Festival de Coachella, en el que ya había participado en 2019.
“Ahora todos quieren ser latinos”, expresó en varias ocasiones a lo largo de un concierto en el que volvió a poner de manifiesto cómo su carrera ha contribuido a consagrar la música en español como una de las más escuchadas internacionalmente en la actualidad.
Durante su actuación, el puertorriqueño también honró a quienes abrieron las puertas de los ritmos caribeños en Estados Unidos con un homenaje a sus raíces en el que se mencionó a Héctor Lavoe, Tito Puente y Celia Cruz, así como a reguetoneros pioneros como Daddy Yankee y Tego Calderón, entre otros.
“Está siendo increíble, es una locura ver dónde ha llegado el reguetón”, dijo Santos, un joven californiano que asistió al festival, en declaraciones a EFE durante el concierto.
“El show está demostrando por qué tiene tanto éxito y mira qué colaboraciones trae”, añadió Sara, una neoyorquina desplazada hasta Indio este fin de semana, después de que cantantes como Ñengo Flow, Post Malone o Jhay Cortez subieran al escenario con Bad Bunny.
Blondie, Gorillaz y Blink-182, coprotagonistas en Coachella
Antes del concierto estelar del intérprete de “Ojitos lindos”, el rock de la banda estadounidense Blondie había puesto a saltar al público del Festival de Coachella con temas como “Hanging on the Telephone” o “Call Me”, bajo la batuta de la icónica Debbie Harry.
La agrupación alternativa Gorillaz fue otro de los principales nombres de la jornada, con una puesta en escena cargada de coloridos efectos visuales que hicieron enloquecer a sus seguidores en la parte final del espectáculo, cuando interpretaron éxitos como “Feel Good Inc.” o “Clint Eastwood”.
“Es la segunda vez que los veo, ha sido genial porque cantaron muchas canciones nuevas. Estuvo bellaco, aunque he de decir que estuvieron más tranquilos que en otras ocasiones”, bromeó el mexicano Alejandro, que viajó desde Ciudad Juárez (México) hasta Coachella.
Un protagonismo compartido con el pop punk de Blink-182, que regresaban juntos a los escenarios tras 9 años y decidieron abrir su show con “Family Reunion”, un tema estrenado con éxito en el año 2000 y que fue recibido con tanto entusiasmo este viernes como sus legendarias canciones “All the Small Things” y “I Miss You”.
Por otra parte, el rap de la Costa Este estadounidense hizo cabecear a los fans de corte más hip-hop gracias a las aclamadas actuaciones del neoyorquino Pusha-T y de la joven Doechii, natural de Florida, Estados Unidos; mientras que las melodías “afrobeat” ensalzaron al nigeriano Burna Boy y su tema “Last Last”.
La representación hispana, además de Bad Bunny, corrió a cargo de la californiana con raíces mexicanas Becky G que, tal como hiciera la colombiana Karol G con ella el año pasado, se presentó en solitario, pero invitó al show a otros cantantes latinos como la dominicana Natti Natasha o el mexicano Peso Pluma.
Coachella 2023, que repite distribución el fin de semana que viene, continúa este sábado con un cartel liderado por el grupo de k-pop Blackpink y por la española Rosalía, mientras que el domingo la jornada estará encabezada por el cantautor estadounidense Frank Ocean y la artista islandesa Björk.
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almomentoqueretaro · 1 year
Cartel Taurino de Feria San Juan del Río 2023
y 1 de julio, de manera respectiva, en la plaza de San Juan del Río, estado de Querétaro. Los carteles son los siguientes: Sábado 24 de junio. Toros de Espíritu Santo para el rejoneador Fauro Aloi, los Forcados Queretanos, Ernesto Javier “Calita” y Diego San Román. Sábado 1 de julio. Un toro de San Constantino para rejones, tres de La Venta de Romero y tres de Lebrija para José Funtanet, Uriel…
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Hey, I have a question regarding a specific part of your book, Chainless Slaves.
This is the quote:
„Omicron programming-relates to programming of subjects for the Combination (between Intelligence- the Mafia and Government.)“
I was wondering if you could maybe explain a little bit more about what exactly is meant with the Combination between Intellegence, the Mafia and Government. What is Omicron programming used for?
Omicron programming is used to program individuals for interactions between the CIA and Mafia/Cartel groups.
Here are some examples;
The CIA had contact with several known Mafia members, including Carlos Marcello, Sam Giancana, John Roselli, and Santo Trafficante, Jr. Numerous plots were discussed to assassinate Fidel Castro.
According to former reporter for the Houston Chronicle Pete Brewton, the CIA teamed up with the mafia under George Bush Senior's reign to steal billions of dollars in the savings and loan scandal of the 1980s that crippled America's economy.
The CIA has been accused of drug trafficking for years, from running drugs into the country to be placed in the hands of the mafia to opening the drug trade in Panama. While these rumours can't be proven, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that links the CIA to the introduction of crack cocaine into Black neighbourhoods in the 1980s, causing the 80's cocaine epidemic in America.
The CIA often supported drug cartels in Colombia, as they believed that they could bring stability in the Colombian jungles by turning peasants away from left-wing guerillas to drug production. As a result, they tolerated the Medellín cartel's narcoterrorism till it was discovered that Escobar had once worked with M-19, a left-wing guerilla movement and had close ties with the Sandinistas. The CIA then provided materiel support to the ACCU, and made them form the Los Pepes, a paramilitary group with the Cali cartel and Escobar's former associates, including Judy Moncada.
In Mexico, the CIA provided support to the Guadalajara cartel after the cartel promised to use their routes to transport weapons to Central America. With the help of cartel leader Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, the CIA had Matta arrested to save face during the Iran–Contra scandal. In exchange, CIA intervened in Rubén Zuno Arce's trial and made sure that Félix Gallardo's name never showed up anywhere. The CIA also forced the State Department to end the DEA's special operation targeting the Guadalajara cartel.
Whitey Bulger is a name to search also.
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José Mongrell Torrent 03/08/1870-05/11/1937 pintor costumbrista valenciano
(Valencia, 3 de agosto de 1870-Barcelona, 5 de noviembre de 1937) fue un pintor español.
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Estudió en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia, donde fue discípulo de Ignacio Pinazo y de Joaquín Sorolla. Su participación en diversos concursos y exposiciones en Madrid y Barcelona, le supuso cierto renombre entre los círculos artísticos. Hizo el cartel de toros para la Feria de San Jaime de Valencia el año 1897, con gran éxito.
Obtuvo una plaza de profesor para la Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Jorge de Barcelona, donde residió el resto de su vida. Al frontal del Salón de San Jorge del Palacio de la Generalidad de Cataluña realizó una obra de grandes dimensiones, por encargo del presidente de la Diputación de Barcelona, el conde del Montseny, representando la Virgen de Montserrat con santos y reyes rindiéndole culto.
Realizó una pintura de género, el retrato y los temas costumbristas de ambiente valenciano, muy en la línea de Sorolla, donde se perciben reminiscéncias del arte del siglo XIX y un cierto estatismo en las figuras. Hay obra suya en el Museo nacional de Cerámica y de las Artes Suntuarias "González Martí" y en el San Pio V, ambos en Valencia, y en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias.
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marmakar · 2 years
what’s your favorite radio station in grand theft auto?
I have a big list. I must say right away that radio in GTA is an art. Because the compositions are perfectly matched for each genre. It's talented. I didn't go through some GTAs, but I listened to all radio stations and I keep listening to it on the internet.
GTA 3: MSX FM, Rise FM, Flashback FM
GTA VC: Wildstyle Pirate Radio, Wave 103, Flash FM, Emotion 98.3
GTA SA: SF-UR, Radio Los Santos, Bounce FM, K-DST, CSR 103.4
GTA VCS: Fresh 105 FM, Wave 103, Flash FM, Paradise FM
GTA 4: Electro-Choc, Vladivostok FM
GTA 4 (EFLC): Vladivostok FM, Vice City FM, Electro-Choc
GTA CW: Prairie Cartel, DFA, DEADMAU5, Tortoise (I love post-punk/rock sm I just remember how I crying to "Charteroak Foundation" when I was in my first stage of depression in 2015-2017 aahagsgha)
GTA 5: Radio Mirror Park, Non-Stop-Pop FM, West Coast Classics, Space 103.2
I haven't listened to the radio stations from GTA Online yet, but I see some tracks there that I like.
See? I love electronic music ahhaah
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