#lot. not much at all' that she was going to fall for this stupid alien
pinkiemachine · 2 days
Superman: Origin Story! 🎉
Part one involving what became of Krypton and the rest of the El family will be linked below.
Lara and Cal crash landed together on Earth (specifically, outside of Smallville Kansas) in the summer of 1977 with their escape pod badly damaged, and Lara bleeding out. As luck would have it, a young couple was driving through that part of the country and saw what they thought was a plane of some sort crash land. John Kent jumped out of the car and went to check to see if there were survivors and found a Kryptonian escape pod, steaming and smoking, with a woman and baby inside. Lara could tell that she didn’t have much time. Attempting to speak to John (though, he didn’t understand her language) she asked that he would take care of her son and bring help. Along with Cal, she also gave John a small, hand-held device that he couldn’t figure out the purpose of. Then… she died.
John was left standing there, not knowing what to do for a few seconds. Ultimately, he figured he ought to bury the body out of respect, so he ran back to his wife to give her the baby. By that point, though, there were already dark shapes on the horizon. Martha spotted them. Black helicopters. The Kents got in their car and sped away as quickly as they could, not wanting to get tangled up in whatever conspiracy this was. John didn’t take them back to house that night. Instead, they kept driving until they reached his sister Emma’s house where they would lay low for a while.
Martha was still holding baby Cal and she couldn’t bear to let him go. She had suffered a miscarriage just a week before and immediately fell in love with the boy. There would be no getting rid of him now. They decided to name him Clark, after a word John thought that the woman in the pod had tried to say to him.
After the black helicopters had gone, and after the crashed pod had mysteriously disappeared, John and Martha went back home and continued on with life. Naturally, they had a million questions, but answers would be very tricky to supply unless they wanted to poke their noses into uncertain places. So they kept to themselves. Clark, meanwhile, was growing up fast and strong. Literally. By the time he was two, he was lifting things he really shouldn’t be able to, running faster than they could keep up with, and falling out trees on purpose (not sustaining any injuries) because it was fun. This was their first inkling that Clark might not be human. (After all, Kryptonians do look a lot like humans.)
I would also like to mention that in this version, Clark has siblings. Yes, a few years after saving Clark, Martha gave birth to another son, Micheal. Then came Sean, then Rueben, and finally Suzie. They all worked together on their father’s farm, though it was kind of an open secret who did most of the work. Clark would out-perform his brothers constantly, and it had become quite the sore spot in the family. But, when the tractor breaks down, who’re you gonna call to get it back to the barn? Probably the superhuman son who can lift it with one hand and fly. They did have a lot of good times as well. They got up to so much stupid stuff…heheh… story for another time.
Clark was told from a young age that he was allowed to use his powers on the farm, but nowhere else. Especially not in town. John and Martha were worried the black helicopters might come back. So Clark did his best, but rumours still abounded. Some of the other kids in his class at school even called him an “alien” because of how weird he acted sometimes. Naturally, he had been told his origins by this point. When he was six, his parents sat him down and explained about the pod and his mother and John gave him the small device that Lara had given him. The moment Clark touched it, it activated. It was a holo-photo projector, and it displayed a portrait of the El family, baby Clark included. This was proof that Clark was from the stars, and from that moment onward, he became obsessed with outer space. By the time he was in middle school, he had star maps and rocket posters pinned up in his room, he tracked down every scrap of alien news and conspiracy theories that he could find, and tried to send out radio signals into deep space with his own dinky, homemade system in the family tree house. He loved his adoptive family, he did, but he also wanted to know what had happened to the rest of his birth family. Were they out there? Did they know where he was? That he was alive? He had so many questions!
Alas, time flew by, and no answers appeared. He had a falling out with one of his brothers (involving Clark losing control and accidentally hurting one of the family dogs with his laser vision) and after high school he left to get a degree in investigative journalism, later taking a job at the Daily Planet in Metropolis. He still talked to his brothers and sister and Ma and Pa, but he felt alienated. He didn’t really belong anywhere. That’s why this job was so important. He would scour the ends of the Earth to find answers.
Little did he know, though, that the escape pod and Lara’s body had been taken by the government and were being experimented on. Head of the classified project currently: Amanda Waller. Most invested investor: Lex Luthor.
Part one here 👇
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freckleslikestars · 1 year
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You and your timing.
FARSCAPE | 4.22 Bad Timing
#farscape#farscape gifs#johnaeryn#john x aeryn#claudia black#ben browder#john crichton#aeryn sun#my gifs#bad timing#theyre so in love#thinking about that post i reblogged earlier about the best ship dynamic being 'i love you so much it's terrifying - a love so profound so#quickly that you need to run immediately before you hurt yourself and your love' and how that's literally Aeryn's MO from the beginning#and then you have this line 'I always could [see how this would end]' and it kills me because she knew. She knew the moment John said 'not#lot. not much at all' that she was going to fall for this stupid alien#because he intrigues her - she's spent her whole life following orders. knowing that curiosity was something to be quashed. and then she#meets this idiot who's got no idea about anything and he stands on a planet marveling like he's never stepped outside his own home#and she's curious. She thinks hes a useless waste of space and resources. but she's curious. Because he stands up for her. he intuits that#she's going to be executed and so he defends her. he doesn't know her but he does that for her. And that - that is a kindness she's unfamil#ar with.#and then he goes and tell her she can be more. more than her upbringing. more than her training. and she knows that she's ruined. she can't#go back to the PKs either way and in that moment she's not sure she wants to#and you can see her resist so many times. it's like she can see their fate and resists. she makes purposeful turns to leave and every time#she's dragged back to him. time and time again. and every time it's like she knows its going to happen#but this love she sees. this future. it's different and its terrifying and so she leaves him. And then she falls back to Moya and for a#couple of episodes she thinks it might be okay to let their love play out. but then someone else dies or is put in danger and its too big a#scary for her so she hides it away. knowing full well that their love is inevitable. She wouldn't leave her nice known life for just anyone#claudia black gifs
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emeraldspiral · 9 months
I feel like we don't talk enough about how Gaz is also a victim of Membrane's neglect and how that affects her sibling rivalry with Dib.
Like, I think because Dib is the deuteragonist of the show and Gaz is a supporting character it's easier to focus on analyzing him and everything going on in his life that influences his maladjusted behavior. But not a lot of people talk as much about why Gaz is the way she is. Why are her main emotions apathy and anger? Why is she the only other kid at skool besides Dib and Zim with no friends to hang out with at lunch or recess? Why are her revenges against Dib over things like cereal and pizza so over-the-top? Why does she purposefully try to destroy all human life and then get mad when it doesn't work?
Some of Gaz's behaviors have a pretty clear-cut cause and effect. She and Dib don't get to spend much time with their dad, so she gets upset when Dib's actions threaten their time together. Dib is also selfish and inconsiderate of Gaz, frequently stealing her food or talking her ear off about stuff she doesn't care about and expecting her to take an interest while never asking about her hobbies.
But I think some of her hostility toward Dib and general sour attitude can also be explained by Membrane's unequal treatment.
I've seen elsewhere that some people think Membrane favors Gaz because she's his "normal" child. He actually respects her gaming hobby and doesn't treat it like a phase she needs to grow out of. He doesn't talk down to her or try to push her into giving up something she loves in order to win his approval. Where Dib is constantly arguing with his dad about the legitimacy of his version of science, he and Gaz seem to have an easy rapport free of that kind of tension.
But is Membrane's behavior toward Gaz really a sign of favoritism, or just a different form of neglect?
The main conflict between Dib and Membrane stems from Membrane wanting Dib to be his successor. In Chickenfoot he specifically calls Dib "the future of the Membrane Empire", against Dib's wishes. In Mopiness of Doom, he and Dib finally bond when Dib decides to temporarily give up paranormal science and assist him with "real science". And supposedly, part of Eric Trueheart's clone Dib concept was that Membrane engineered Dib specifically to carry on his legacy.
But all of this begs the question, where does Gaz fit into Membrane's grand designs? Is she just the spare? She's just as smart, if not smarter than Dib, but we never see any indication that Membrane's trying to push her toward a career in science the way he is with Dib. It's one thing for him to not be bothered about her gaming hobby because it's not "disreputable", but there's no indication that Gaz has anymore interest in becoming a "real" scientist than Dib. So does Membrane just assume that since she's never shown any other ambitions she'll just fall straight down the path that's already been laid out for her, or does he just not care what she does with her life because he's only focused on living vicariously through Dib?
We don't know exactly how Membrane views his kids, but it's easy to see how a little girl might come to some pretty negative conclusions about what her status is in her father's eyes. Even if it's not true, Gaz might very well believe that he favors Dib. That despite Dib rejecting the legacy she was never considered for, despite him constantly getting into trouble and being weird and annoying and embarrassing, and putting his stupid hobbies ahead of their family, their dad doesn't give up on him as a lost cause. Even when he has another perfectly good child who mostly behaves herself and stays out of trouble, would never try to upstage him or ruin an important moment for him, who appreciates what little time they have together and would never jeopardize it by running off to play with some stupid alien, and who's just as smart and capable and not a weirdo paranormal-obsessed freak, Membrane still wants Dib to be his successor and not her.
Not only does this add more layers to her contempt for Dib, it could also explain her apathy and misanthropy. If her dad doesn't care about her, why should she care about anything? If he isn't concerned with her future, why should she concern herself with anything other than the immediate gratification of video games and pizza? Her dad and her brother both think their work is so much more important than spending quality time with her or talking about anything other than their "important work" whenever they're together. They both think they're saving the world, but they're either too blindly optimistic or too egotistical to realize that the slack-jawed idiots populating the planet are beyond salvation. But maybe if there was no humanity left for them to save, no heroic ambitions to fulfill, they'd finally treat her like someone worth paying attention too.
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strongheartneteyam · 8 months
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[ credits of the Neteyam pic go to @cinetrix ]
Champagne Problems
Part 5
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader
CW: reader sees neteyam with another girl and gets jealous, a lot of angst, a flashback that tells u more about reader's past and why she acts in such a distrustful way, reader tries to deny to herself that she has feelings for neteyam but she realizes she does like him, heartbroken reader, tense encounter between neteyam and reader, TRIGGER WARNING for family issues, parental verbal abuse, mentions of death of a family member, mourning, studying too much as a coping mechanism, allusions of possible alcoholism, low self steem, isolating as a coping mechanism. Tell me if I'm missing anything!
Hi, loves! I don't have time to fully proofread this chapter rn so I hope things are alright lol In this chapter you guys will hopefully understand why reader is so fucked up in the head and follows her trust issues like they are the voice of truth 🥲 Have patience with my poor girl, I promise she's a bit insane but she's good. Anyways, hope y'all like this chapter! I love all of you and as always, I'll say THANK U SO MUCH for all the love and support I receive from you guys everyday. Means the world to me and makes me feel loved 🥺🤌🏻🥲💕 Comments will be incredibly appreciated by me so feel free to leave me some feedback down below!! <3
Slightly proofread.
Part 4 : Now she got your heart so I feel stupid, foolish, afraid
Hit me like a shot in the heart
Never shoulda played you so hard
Guess I played myself, that's my fault
I don't even know how to think
'Cause now she got your heart so I feel stupid, foolish, afraid
I'm losing everything I thought I couldn't
My whole world is falling apart
You had just gotten back from a long talk and an awesome breakfast with Adeline and Kate - no Pandoran food this time, you guys had already eaten way too much alien food the night before at the Metkayina beach party, and now, all you guys wanted to help with the hangover was burgers and coke and that's what the three of you ate. Some good human food was always great to remind a scientist living on an alien Planet of their humanity. 
You were hanging out in Tsireya's and Lo'ak's marui. It was getting near noon and you had been talking to Tsireya for a good amount of time, while Lo'ak was out fishing with Rotxo and Ao'nung. You wondered if they were gonna pick up a stupid fight with each other over something small and stupid, like who got a fish first. Lo'ak and Ao'nung had become friends with time but they would always be a little bit of frenemies too. You thought that was incredibly idiotic but still funny as hell.
You said goodbye to Tsireya and thanked her for the yellow flower she had adorned your hair with. She was a sweetheart, so kind, always doing things for other people. You really liked that alien girl's company. You could connect to each other really well even if the both of you were from completely different species. She was one of your good friends and one of the few people in the world you trusted because you were always one to read people well and you could see Tsireya's smiles and good deeds were not just a facade to seem like a perfect girl and make people love and admire her. Even though she seemed too perfect, too good, she was truly what she seemed to be. Not perfect, because nobody is, but truly a good girl. She was full of kindness and a need to help others had been planted deep inside her right before she was born (by Eywa, if you were to talk like Kiri did) and she would always follow that call. Tsireya was an open book and you liked that. Those kinds of people are easy to trust.
You stepped out of the door, hungry, feeling your stomach hurt. Starving would be a better way to describe it.
The wind was gentle and it had a higher temperature to it than it had early in the morning, back when Neteyam held you in his arms. That thought sent a shiver down your spine and made your heart start to beat faster and hurt, simultaneously, but you did your best to send that thought the farther it could go. 
The sun was shining really bright in the Pandoran sky, not many clouds around to make the temperature a little less hot. You felt a little stream of sweat dripping down your forehead and used the back of your hand to quickly dry it.
You were heading over to the marui that you, Adeline and Kate were sharing. You wondered if they knew what you guys were gonna eat for lunch. You needed food more than you needed air at that moment. You all worked as scientists and were the humans that were called "loyal to the na'vi". The three of you were in Awa'atlu because of the party - the Metkayina were famous among the na'vi and the humans for throwing unforgettable beach parties - and would stay for a little more time because traveling that far just to go back the next day made no sense at all. You and the girls would soon be heading back to Hell's Gate.
You walked through the Metkayina beach with your head down, looking at your feet getting covered by the tiny grains of sand. Once you looked up, you saw Neteyam talking to Munì. She was joyfully laughing at something he was saying but you couldn't hear what it was, since you were a good amount of meters away from them. You felt a stabbing feeling creeping up on you. Jealousy.
Damn. It could not be real. You could not be feeling jealous of Neteyam. That feeling was bad news. You could not be that attached. Fuck, no!! You were the one who dumped him, dammit. He was now moving on. Great for him. Why the hell did you even care? "I gotta stop being stupid" you thought to yourself. But your heart just would not stop hurting.
Munì was gorgeous and she treated Neteyam so nicely. The girl seemed to be head over heels for him. But again, it was not hard to see a girl acting like that when around Neteyam. One time you had heard Lo'ak saying that he was like a flame and the girls - na'vi or human - were like a Pandoran winged insect that loved light, be it coming from bioluminescent plants or from fire. Those extraterrestrial insects behaved in a similar way to how an insect called moth that used to live on Earth but was, unfortunately, extinct behaved.
Munì truly seemed to be a nice girl. She was na'vi, too. Of course she would be better for Neteyam than you could ever try to be. Neteyam was right to finally give her his attention. You would never be good enough for him and you knew it. If you had accepted being his mate, soon enough he would see how broken and messed up you truly were and he would fall out of love.
As you looked away as fast as you could, pretending you saw nothing, and kept walking towards the place where your girlfriends would be waiting for you, you had one of those weird moments where you seemed to be taken back to the past. It was so insanely uncomfortable but you never seemed to be able to control your own brain and keep yourself safe and sound at the present. You would always go down that same bitter path of painful memories. 
After your little sister died in a car accident, everything changed. You saw no reason to stay on Earth anymore. The only family you had that you felt actually cared for you and you could connect with was gone. The pain felt unbearable, like it tore your chest apart everytime you remembered you would never be able to hug Tracy again. That's when you made up your mind for real: your major would be Exoscience.
"Why would you go to that Planet?! It's dangerous, (y/n)!"
"Oh really, father? And staying here on Earth is really safe, right? A dying Planet! I am a scientist, I've been studying for it for years and I told you and mother I was gonna go to Pandora one day to study the Planet and help the na'vi. Did you think I was just kidding?!"
"So you're just gonna abandon your family to go help some stupid aliens and never come back? Is that it?"
"Yes, father. That's exactly it! There's nothing for me here. You and mother have abandoned me a long time ago. Just because you're still around it doesn't mean you're actually there for me. You're blind if you can't see it."
"You fucking ungrateful girl!" Your father screamed at you, which made you flinch "Just go then. Let's see how long you're gonna survive there, all alone. Just wait until those aliens decide to turn against you. You can't trust them. You're never gonna be an equal in their eyes. You're always gonna be human, an enemy. You'll never be safe in Pandora as you're safe here on Earth. But it's your choice. You're a grown up as you always say, right?!" He smirked "Go follow your dreams, daughter. But don't try and ask us for help when you see that those dreams turned into nightmares."
"I'm not gonna be alone there. Adeline and Kate are going too." You said confidently 
"Friends are not family." Your father harshly stated as he looked at you in disappointment seasoned with a little bit of disdain
Everytime you remembered how your parents would treat you back on Earth you would feel like someone was squeezing your heart hard, trying mercilessly to make it explode inside their hands.
Their cruel words taught you that you had to learn how to face the world completely on your own, you couldn't count on anyone and you certainly should not trust anyone easily. You trusted your parents when you were a kid and they told you they loved you and that they would always be there for you but as soon as you dared to make a decision on your own, going against the plan they had for your life, which was to stay on Earth and go to medical school, they abandoned you. Though you never wanted that for you, it seemed like your parents didn't love you for who you were, they only loved the version of you they created in their minds, the good daughter who would always obey her parents, even after she was an adult, the good girl who would always behave like everybody wanted her to, who would never even dare to dress in a "weird way" that would bring too much attention to herself because "what about what people will comment?" like your mother used to say.
You got so fed up with all of it that you just decided to study as hard as you could so you could get away from that Planet and be a great scientist. You had always felt drawn to the stars and the moon, ever since you were a child. Maybe that was the way the Universe found of letting you know that there was much more to see and experience than what's on the planet you had been born in. You decided you shall go nearer the stars you could watch from Earth, like the ones in the constellation known as The Archer.
You studied your ass off, didn't have much time for friendships, parties or leisure but you got what you wanted. Not without the help of half a bottle of wine everyday at 4 am, though. When you finally finished studying everything you needed to retain information about and would finally, that late in the am, try to relax and be able to fall asleep, the alcohol truly helped. It seemed to soothe you from the inside. It was calming and familiar.
You did regret pushing people away because all you focused on was your studies, though. You realized too late that the people you love - and love you back in a healthy way, not a toxic one - should come before your career. But crying over the milk that was spilled wouldn't fix anything. You can't go back in time but you can try and do better in the present and that's what you made a big effort to do nowadays. Now, you and your small group of close friends were inseparable and you were always there for your girls, like Adeline, for example. She earned your trust. She was your childhood friend and contrary to what your own family did, she never abandoned you.
Chosen family… you wholeheartedly believed in that concept.
Later, when it was afternoon and you were hanging out with your na'vi friends - Tsireya, Rotxo, Ao'nung and Kiri - you realized Neteyam was walking towards the rocks you all were sitting at. He was talking to Lo'ak, the two brothers laughing about something. Neteyam seemed too distracted to notice you but when he realized you were there and everybody saw the way both of you tensed up at the sight of each other, the atmosphere around the friend group got filled with a bad energy. Nobody knew how to act.
Yeah, it wasn't just a saying. News truly travel at the speed of light in Pandora.
How the hell did they find out about the fact that you and Neteyam had hooked up? Did anyone see the both of you together and spread the word around?
You wondered if you would lose your friends because of what you did to Neteyam. You already felt like shit and couldn't stop thinking about how stupid you had been… you did not want to lose your friends too. You knew you had lost the chance to have a great guy be your partner.
At least you would still have your human girl friends. But you would miss your Metkayina friends, of course…
God, getting attached always got you in trouble! But you couldn't help it when it came to the na'vi. They were much more loyal than the humans, so, you trusted them easier. It was easier to make friends with an alien race than with your own race. What a joke that seemed to be.
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
A lot of things start to make sense since Eddie Munson enters his life.
It goes from the simple things: Eddie patiently explaining the mechanics of D&D so that Dustin would stop using the references against him; Eddie teaching him a few music facts and history, “did you know that Tony Iommi once blew up Richard Branson’s prize carp? Fucking Metal if you ask me”; Eddie helping him fix the drain in his new apartment “with all of your hair you never had to unclog it? You’re such a princess”.
But it’s more than that. Eddie also helps him figure out things about himself.
Like, he can be friends with someone without having that much in common, he’s that type of person who would drop everything he’s doing if someone he cared about would ask it, and also that, apparently, he has a type.
«You clearly have a thing for nerds,» Eddie tells him one day, teasingly.
«What? I definitely don’t!» Steve is outraged that he would even suggest that «I tolerate nerds because for some reason I’m surrounded by them.»
«Oh please! You just told me about your embarrassing crush on Robin, a huge nerd, smart, was in band, and knows like- ten languages. Then there’s Wheeler, also smart, also one of the biggest nerds that Hawkins has ever seen. Don’t let me even touch on the fact that you’re surrounded by baby nerds all the time» Eddie blinds him with a victorious grin «this is why all your other dates go to shit, Harrington. Trust me, date a nerd for a change.»
Steve wants to bite back and prove him wrong but, after Eddie says it, he can’t help think back to his dating history and everything makes sense.
Once again, Eddie helps him figure things out about himself.
But the biggest revelation Eddie helps him out with, comes only after.
Steve finds himself thinking more about this “nerd thing”, and his mind can’t help but go to Eddie himself. He’s a huge nerd, and he has become a big part of his life.
He finds himself noticing small things about him, like what rings he wears on which finger, how he styles his hair depending on his mood, how he smiles when the kids are close to figuring out the plot twists of his campaign, and especially how he always manages to have some sort of physical contact with him, whether by putting an arm on his shoulder, leaning closer to listen to what he’s talking about or grabbing his wrist to get his attention.
He has never been more aware of Eddie’s presence than now, it makes him jumpy but also, he notices, he waits for it, he wants any type of physical contact with him, and even a quick brush on his arm is enough to make his stomach flutter.
And Steve is not stupid. He might be a little oblivious, he might’ve been taught the wrong things -how queer people are the menace of society and how there’s nothing worse than being called “fag” for a man- but he’s been Robin’s best friend for so long that he knows better now.
And he also knows how he feels when he has a crush on someone.
The only option for him is to talk to Robin about it, both of them are surprised at how well Steve is taking it.
Well, he does cry a little bit, he tells Robin that he’s scared, he even tells her that he doesn’t want it, this new part of him that people would not accept him for. She understands, and she’s there every step of Steve’s sexual crisis until he just accepts it.
As if going through a bisexual crisis wasn’t enough, Steve finds himself going through another rite of passage for queer people: falling for a straight person.
Steve and Robin are working their shift at Family Video when a very excited Eddie Munson comes in «Harrington, give me your best romantic crap movie!»
«Eddie Munson, renting a romantic movie? Did aliens abduct you and brainwash you this morning?»
«Ah-ha, very funny! But I can’t do Star Wars on a first date, doesn’t set the right mood. You should know that better than me, lover boy.»
Steve wishes he had prepared himself more for the time Eddie would’ve talked about dating, but he didn’t and now he’s standing there at the counter, completely frozen, doing his best to not let his face fall right in front of his first boy crush. At least, the first one he’s aware of.
«Woah, really? I’m sorry for whoever the unlucky date is» Robin intercepts, and Steve could really kiss her for always knowing how to help him.
Steve can only estrange himself from the conversation, as Eddie is describing this “super hot girl” who is “way out of my league”. Robin ends up being the one helping him with the movie and Steve pretends to be busy with inventory in the back.
Robin comes to find him once Eddie is gone «I gave him the worst romantic movie I could think of.»
Steve chuckles and hugs her tight «thank you.»
Out of all the things Eddie has helped him out with, Steve wishes he would also teach him how to fall out of love with him.
[TBD: I'm fixing it I promise!! Sorry for the straight Eddie content guys lmao]
Part 2 | Part 3
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frost-queen · 9 months
What we choose (Reader x Spencer Reid)
Requested by: @alanalanalanalanalanna Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia,  @elllie-does-the-posts, @alex--awesome--22, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @imagines-by-her, @vviolynn, @melsunshine,  @evilcr0ne,
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Laying in his arms, everything was just right. Everything just like you always wanted. Nothing more, nothing less. Blessed with a smile, you turned round feeling his arm lift gently to give you more space. Now facing him, you pushed your arms around him. – “Comfortable?” – Spencer mumbled with his eyes still closed. – “Yes.” – you said softly as he inhaled deep through his nose.
His arms tightening around your body, pressed against his bare chest. Not a half an hour ago he had proofed to you just how much he loved you. Loved every bit of your body like a holy grail. The smell of sweat still in the air from how your bodies had worked together. His leg brushed against yours underneath the sheets whilst he hummed pleasantly. You kissed his chin, laying your head back down.  Everything was just right you thought before falling asleep.
It was by accident that you found it. Perhaps lucky you found out at this stage or else it would’ve been a hell lot bloodier. It was a standard medical examine at work that every employee had to do every two years. You sat patiently waiting on a chair in the hallway. The call note in your hand. Your posture shot up when the door opened. A lady walking out with a smile on her face. You gave her a sympathetic smile back before you got called in.
Getting up, you collected all your things heading inside. The examine room wasn’t that big. Just a simple desk and some equipment. You gave the doctor your note as she accepted it. She started typing a bit on the computer, probably pulling up your medical history. She started her standard questions which you answered honestly. Followed by some custom procedures. The bomb came afterwards in a letter.
The results of your medical examination. You were healthy enough to continue your work yet something else was spoken off to. A sweet congratulations that you were with child. To many this would be indeed good news. News to cry your eyes out over and scream delightful. Yet to you it wasn’t great news. It wasn’t anything positive. Reading the words made you instantly sick. Rushing to the bathroom to throw up. Throw up with disgust at what was growing inside of you.
After the sickening feeling came the tears. Not tears of joy, no. Tears of anger, disgust, and stupidity. Stupidity of how you could’ve let it come to this. A child! There was a small person growing inside of you and it felt alien-like. Reaching for your stomach you gave your skin a good squeeze. – “I don’t want you.” – you told it with loud sniffling. It might seem cruel or rude to many others, but this was just how you thought about it. You couldn’t help it.
Ever since you were young, you proclaimed to never want children of your own. You remembered clear how your mother used to laugh it away, telling you, you’ll grow out of this idle idea. But you never did. You never outgrew it. It increased by the years. Children just weren’t for you. It never was. You didn’t feel love towards them, you couldn’t help it. Sitting down on the bath’s edge you exhaled deep.
“You are ruining everything do you know that. I was happy. I am happy and you! you ruin it with your presence.” – you said out loud. Letting the letter drop to the floor, you stared out in the distance. Mind spinning with what now. There was no way you were going to keep it. It felt unfair to the child to welcome it in the world when you felt indifferent for it. You were empathic enough to not wish that upon the child.
The door had opened as a voice echoed through the house. – “Y/n babe are you home?” – Spencer called out setting his bag down. – “Sorry I’m a bit later, it was crazy at the BAU.” – he continued while moving around the house in search for you. He frowned noticing the door to the bathroom was slightly open, light coming from inside the room. With a creaking noise pushed he the door open. – “Y/n what are you doing in here?” – he asked stepping inside.
The first thing he noticed was the letter on the floor. He immediately bend down to pick it up. His eyes darted rapidly over the words, processing the words. – “What?” – he called out stunned. – “You… you are pregnant?” – he blurted out with a smile. – “Y/n this… this is…” – he lowered the letter ready to express cheerfulness upon you, yet then he saw your face and remembered how you stood against children.
“This… is unexpected but we can see together what will happen now.” – he said. You finally moved lifting your head up to him. – “What will happen is that I will get it removed.” – you said bluntly. Plain with any emotion. – “What? Get rid of it?” – Spencer called out baffled. – “But… Y/n this… this is our child… just give us a moment to think about it.” – Spencer continued as you got up.
“Each moment I waste thinking about it, it grows larger!” – you answered loudly. – “I don’t want this! I don’t want a child and you know that!” – you accused with wild gestures. Spencer grabbed you by the shoulders. – “I know, I know but let me just think.” – he begged for a pause to let him process this properly and think clearly. – “What is there to think I want it gone!” – you shouted swaying your arm up so his grip was off you. – “What if I don’t!” – Spencer shouted back swept up in your anger and commotion.
His reaction made you stare with anger and disgust at him. – “It’s… it’s our child Y/n!” – Spencer called out trying to reason with you. – “I don’t want it!” – you repeated wanting to get it in his head. – “I do!” – he yelled out squeezing your arms tight. Tears swelled up in your eyes as they rolled down your cheek. – “I don’t want this, and you know that!” – you screamed out trying to get him to listen to reason.
“I know, but I think you are thinking irrational. Just… just give us a few moments to discuss it.” – he said gentler soothing your arms. – “What is there to discuss, I don’t want this!” – you cried out, getting frustrated that he wasn’t listening. – “I never wanted a child and you agreed with your type of work it would endanger it anyways, we were on terms with this.”
Spencer sighed deep knowing he did agreed to it. Yet to him it felt as if things might have changed with this sudden news. A chance for him to get something more in life. Something he was perhaps willing to try even if it meant failing numerous times to get it right. Sobbing loud you ran your hands through your hair. – “I’m getting it removed whether you like it or not.” – you told him. Spencer puffed brief. – “So no matter what I say, I won’t get a say in it.” – he replied as you shook your head. – “So this is it then. You are going to end the life of our child.” – you weren’t sure if he was trying to gaslight you or guilt trip, but it sure left a dirty taste in your mouth.
“If you are so eager to have a child, perhaps you should find it elsewhere!” – you called out against your better judgement. A slip of the tongue manifesting from your anger. Spencer’s eyes widened. – “Perhaps I should!” – he shouted back, taking a turn and shut the door behind you. The slam of the door startled you. Giving you that nudge to surrender completely to your tears. Sobbing loud you crashed down. In just a few hours your world had come crashing down.
Why was no one considerate towards you? It felt as if your feelings were shoved aside or labeled as unwanted or irrational. You were very much sane to know what you were speaking off. Not everyone was meant to have children and that should be alright too. It is not easy being a mom, that is a fact. So if you do not feel like having them, it shouldn’t be a crime. It was rather human to make this decision.
As the tears rolled down your cheek, you left the bathroom to make an online appointment with the abortion center. For the following days you hadn’t been seeing Spencer much. It was as if he was avoiding you. He wouldn’t be already looking for another girlfriend would he now? The waiting for the appointment was already stressful enough. You still loved Spencer very much despite the argument you had with him. You dearly wished him to be present when you would undergo it.
To have him of some comfort that you weren’t utterly alone in this world. You left a voicemail to Spencer’s phone letting him know you were going in today and that you hoped to see him there for support. The ride to the abortion center seemed dreadfully long. As if meeting the grim reaper and volunteering to give him your life like you had given up on earth. Wanting to be somewhere else where there was no pain. The moment you entered it felt heavy on your chest.
A woman announced for you to sit and wait till the doctor came. In the meantime she gave you a form to fill. Your hand trembled, knees shook at the scary thought of going through such a procedure. You knew this wasn’t the 40’s anymore where risks like this were high upon the mother. Yet you couldn’t deny the fear. Checking your phone you hoped to have heard of Spencer. There was none. Minutes ticked by as you felt yourself go numb.
You practically jumped up when it was your turn. Looking saddened back to see no sign of Spencer. How much you had hoped he would be there. To show you he still loved you and wanted to go forwards with you. His absence spoke loudly. You sat down with the doctor as she explained what would happen. She pressed on if you were certain of your choice. You were. You kind of felt sad there wasn’t any guilt inside of you towards letting it die. You couldn’t muster up the feeling. The moment you were prepared your heart started to beat faster.
Sweat forming on your forehead. Fear of what it might feel like. – “Are you certain?” – the doctor asked one last time. You nodded sternly. – “I am.” – you responded. Feeling the doctor come near, you turned to look up to the ceiling. Trying to set your mind apart from what was going to happen. If only Spencer was here. You needed him here for support. You didn’t want to do this alone. Suddenly you started to cry, sniffle loud because of Spencer’s absence. Perhaps his love for you wasn’t as deep as you imagined.
The doctor stopped and looked at you. – “I can still stop if you want. There is no shame in changing your mind.” – she said soothingly. Shaking your head you disagreed. It was then that she understood. – “You are going to be alright. I wish I could offer you my hand, but I’ll need it.” – she said with comfort. – “Do you want to hold my hand?” – she asked. You nodded with teary eyes, lip trembling.
She held her hand out to you. You grabbed it, giving it a big squeeze. – “All will be well. You are not going through this alone. I am right here with you.” – she said with a smile. The door busted open as a nurse stumbled inside after a panting Spencer. – “Y/n!” – Spencer breathed out. You instantly started to cry more opening your arms as he fell down in your embrace. The doctor nodded to the nurse that it was alright. – “I’m so sorry for being so late.” – he said to you. The doctor smiled. – “I believe she might need a hand.” – she added. Spencer nodded taking your hand in his.
“I shall begin then.” – the doctor spoke as you nodded. Spencer shushed you, stroking your hair with comfort. – “It is you and me darling. Nothing in this world can make me separate from you.” – he said as you squeezed his hand so tight you thought it would break. Spencer’s presence made the procedure less frightening. You were brought to a recovery room to come at ease.
Spencer sat down beside you, holding your hand tight. – “I didn’t think you’d come. I didn’t think you wanted me anymore.” – you told him. Spencer smiled softly. – “For a moment I didn’t think I would. Then something overcame me as I couldn’t let you go through this alone. We made a choice Y/n. A long time ago and I have been foolish for going against it. Never in a million years do I want to part from you. I will have you, all of you. Nothing in between.”
Spencer bend down to kiss you. You got up letting yourself fall against his chest. His arms wrapping tightly around you. Exhaling deep he embraced you with every emotion inside of him. – “I love you Y/n.” – he whispered making you hold on tighter to him.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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ogsherlockholmes · 1 year
Since all the Sherlock Holmes stories are in the public domain, here is a list of things, both from the canon and not, that I believe should be included in the adaptations which I’ve invented in my head and should be real. 
(To preface: I know there are adaptations which include some of these, but I’m still limited so I haven’t seen many which do. Also, these aren’t just my own ideas, a lot of people have said them too.)
-Sherlock respecting women (obvious)
-Sherlock respecting most people in general apart from the rich antagonists or police.
-Watson actually being smart (he’s a doctor, yes in the Victorian era, but they did have some medical knowledge)
-Irene Adler being... Irene Adler. Not sexy dominatrix no-purpose-other-than-to-flirt-with-Sherlock.
-Not straight Sherlock.
-Not straight Watson.
-I would say Johnlock but I know some people see Sherlock as more aroace so I want it to be more inclusive. But. Maybe one Johnlock adaptation. As long as he’s not flirting with Irene Adler I’m happy. 
-Actually exploring the drug addiction as more than a quirk or a joke. Like, at the end of The Sign of Four, it was so depressing how Sherlock spoke about it.
-More detectives other than Lestrade. I have nothing against Lestrade personally, but there are so many other detectives. May I suggest my guy Stanley Hopkins?
-Sherlock being Sherlock. Like, doing stuff like lying on the floor to investigate footprints or laughing when the clients are stupid or humming to music. Instead of being... like everyone else (*restraining from pointing at Henry Cavill’s Holmes).
-Autistic Sherlock. Not just implied (*glares at BBCSherlock*) but actually confirmed. (Yes, this is difficult since I don’t think autism was diagnosed in the Victorian times, but if Sherlock can survive the Reichenbach fall, he can be autistic.)
-ADHD as well.
-Sherlock and Watson going to concerts (that’s literally so cute, it should be obligatory that every adaptation includes it). 
-An adaptation of The Blue Carbuncle. It’s just a Christmas goose chase really but I love it.
-Mary Morstan not being Watson’s wife. She’s so much better without him, I’m sorry. 
-Female characters that win, or ones that are not there to be flirted with (*squints at every Adler adaptation*). I’m not just talking about her though, I mean other women, like the one who killed Charles Augustus Milverton (she’s iconic).
-Garridebs x2
-The thing about Sherlock reading horror stories and knowing every detail.
-Trans Sherlock. Again, difficult with the Victorian thing, but we can move past that.
-A female Sherlock. 
-A female Watson.
-Actually make them all women just to enrage every misogynistic Holmes fan.
-Exploring Watson’s PTSD. I mean, he was a soldier. Alone in London. Having no purpose in life. Injured from the war. That can’t be ignored. 
-Sherlock meeting an alien. I have no idea why I thought of that, but I think I saw that there was a story (obviously not by ACD) about that. I don’t know, I think it would be funny. (”Good God, Holmes, what on Earth is that?” “I don’t know, my dear Watson, but it seems to be breathing fire on Mrs Hudson’s plants.”)
-Housekeeper Sherlock. According to Sherlock, his housekeeping skills are underappreciated. 
-Sherlock retiring to the countryside to be a beekeeper. Please, he’s getting old and he’s been running around London for over a century.
Please add more, we have an opportunity to be creative here. It’s like fanfiction but to the extreme.
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electronickingdomfox · 6 months
"Vulcan!" review
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A novel by Kathleen Sky, from 1978. This one was bad, bad, BAD. I'd say it's the worst I've read so far, and I really hope it doesn't get any worse than this. The characters, in particular Spock and McCoy, are sometimes unrecognizable, the barebones plot barely makes any sense, and the (self-insert?) character is really unlikable. At least it's short, so through sheer masochism willpower, I got to read it in record time, to forget it as soon as possible.
Spoilers under the cut:
The Romulan border is shifting, since the magnetic fields that determine the Neutral Zone are being affected by ion storms. Soon, the system of the planet Arachnae will fall under Romulan territory. I mean, it will be rightfully Romulan, simply because of the shifting nature of borders as they're defined. Is Starfleet going to accept this, just as the Romulans would have to accept a natural expansion of the Federation, if it came to happen? Nah! Prime Directive be damned! They send the Enterprise to investigate if there's intelligent life in Arachnae that may be worth to keep in the Federation. (And if there is, then what? Do they start a war? On what basis? Whatever.)
In order to determine if the Arachnae inhabitants (some sort of giant ants) are intelligent or not, they need the help of Dr. Mary Sue Katalya Tremain. A biologist who is so, so brilliant, that Starfleet invented new medals just for her, and whose intelligence surpasses even Spock's. As soon as they learn she's coming aboard, Spock and McCoy start competing for her affection (yes, Spock too) by filling her cabin with gifts and flowers and whatnot. But when she beams aboard, it turns out that Dr. Tremain is actually an insufferable bigot who hates Vulcans, and can't even work with them. She's also a major crybaby that resorts to faking hysteria whenever she can't get her way. One has to wonder why Starfleet even allows such a person to be part of its ranks (well, maybe the fact that she's sleeping with a Commodore explains why). We don't see much of her legendary brilliance either, but we learn that she has big boobs. And yes, this book was written by a woman. Obnoxious as she is, she's still a Mary Sue. So everyone has to turn a blind eye to behaviors that would be otherwise unacceptable, and make sure the little princess is comfortable. After all, there must be some good reason for this woman's bigotry (there isn't, but whatever), since she's too wonderful to simply being an asshole. McCoy gets into full "I'm a lover, not a doctor" mode right after seeing her. And five minutes later, he's hitting hard on her, though he seems more of a lecherous creep, rather than a charming, southern gentleman. Ah, yes, he helps her unpack her things, which gives him a chance to paw the sexy lingerie inside the luggage (didn't you know? sexy lingerie is fundamental when going to explore a giant ant planet).
The first half of the book is just a really boring Freudian psychoanalysis of Tremain, only to determine again that, yes, she hates Vulcans, for some undisclosed reason. Meanwhile, McCoy can't decide whether he wants to be professional or horny. He switches back and forth more times than I cared to count. Two days later, he's fallen completely in love with this horrible person who mistreats one of his best friends. Anyway, Tremain friend-zones him soon, so he gets nothing but a little kiss on the forehead. Not that I felt bad about him; McCoy is an asshole in this book.
The second half of the novel gets a bit better, as Spock and Tremain beam down to the planet to meet the Arachneans. McCoy misses the beam down because he was busy chasing after some alien cat in the veterinary section. Yes, the horniness made him stupid or something. So when the giant ants attack the landing party, a lot of people die, and they don't even have a doctor. Kirk can't beam them up because Romulans have appeared to claim the planet, and he can't lower the shields. And that's what Kirk does for the rest of the novel: absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, Tremain and Spock have to work together in order to survive, so she's marginally more professional now. It's Spock's turn to be stupid, though, as he starts to make lewd comments about her, and spying her while she undresses. The reason being!? I don't know, something about proving she hates Vulcans (yeah, I knew that already).
In the end, Spock is attacked by the poisonous ants. And he mind-melds with one, to discover they're not, in fact, intelligent, so it's okay to leave the planet to the Romulans. The mind-meld, however, leaves him insane, and believing he's one of the ants. To restore his sanity, Tremain has to mind-meld with Spock, which is probably the best scene in the book. Then, while exploring her subconscious, it's finally revealed why she hates Vulcans so much. The reason is... she felt an unrequited love for her former Vulcan captain (gasp! I wasn't expecting something like that, no, not at all). Kirk finally decides to do something, and lowers the shields to beam them up, before Spock dies of poisoning, Romulans or not withstanding. He could have done so hours ago, though, before so many people died. Sigh...
Spirk Meter: 2/10*. Kirk stands firmly on Spock's side against Tremain's bigotry, and he's the only one who doesn't tolerate any of her bullshit, just like Chapel (you know, the two persons who love Spock the most). There's also a line about McCoy liking Spock, but not in the same way that Kirk likes him. Though, on the other hand, Kirk's very stubborn about following Starfleet's orders, even if it costs Spock his life, so I don't know... Characterization is hardly coherent.
There may be some Spones too. Tremain says that she can't really love McCoy, because she doesn't feel for him all the things that McCoy feels for Spock, which in her opinion, is love (she's quick to clarify it's not the same kind of love, but still...). McCoy also becomes quite hysterical when Spock's dying on the planet, while Kirk keeps calm. Apart from this, Tremain (who hates Vulcans because of an unrequited crush on one) functions as some sort of placeholder for McCoy himself. It's insisted upon how alike they are, and how they share the same hobbies. Spock calls her "Doctor" all the time, and his banter with her reminds a lot to that with McCoy. In fact, when Spock is being a perv towards Tremain to anger her, he compares his enjoyment of it to the one he gets from riling McCoy. It's rather telling how the author is taking everything from Spock and McCoy's dynamic, while using a woman substitute as a no-homo screen.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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sunflowernyx · 1 month
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Chapter 1 I New Chapter
“I don’t know what’s crazier…”
Mulder leans in, chest to steering wheel, and squints through the window. There’s a crossing somewhere around here, he knows, but—
Lights appear out of the heavy fog and he slams the breaks hard enough both he and Scully bounce in their seats.
Stupid heatwave.
“Driving in this damn fog,” Scully continues, gasping and grabbing at her seatbelt. “Or going on a wild quest to really prove aliens exist. Mulder, that was a green light!”
She turns in her seat, her hair flying out wildly. She is furious.
“Says the woman with the telepathic child,” he counters cheekily to direct from his mishap.
“We are not talking about psychic abilities here,” she snaps. “Why are you stopping?”
All around them the world is draped in white. The snow hasn’t entirely evaporated from lawns and side-walks yet, but it’s a close thing. All the vapor hangs in the suddenly much warmer air, the contrast brought on by what he can only assume is an unnatural heatwave. Climate change.
Winters never used to be dangerous like this.
“You know, the interesting thing about you, Scully?” He asks, misdirecting from his colour-blindness once more as he starts up the motor again. “When you have definitive proof of something you no longer treat it as extraordinary or fantastical.”
She turns her face away and he wishes it was safe enough to follow the motion.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she huffs. “I’d still like to catalogue it. But I’m not going to put her through an MRI at her age. And that still doesn’t prove the rest of your, frankly, outrageous claims.”
“Which is why,” he says, safely sliding into a parking lot two blocks from their actual destination and singing, “we’re here.”
He waves Scully around to the back of the car, and they each done one of two backpacks he intends to fill with evidence and paperwork.
The lid of the trunk falls, the lock clicks, and Mulder pats his pocket one last time to check that the stiletto is safely within his reach before waving her along across to the building on the other side of the street.
The fog weaves between trees and buildings, covering cars and eating at the edges of the world, leaving the sensation that no one else exists, that all that is left in the world is ghosts.
Mulder hates it.
He prefers the howling winds and confrontational frost of New England. Here the cold creeps in slowly, through cracks and openings, and the heat seeps out — like water he cannot hold in his hands.
It causes an oppressive silence that is difficult, if not impossible to break, so that even Scully remains a silent shadow amongst the clouds.
It’s the gunmen that saves him.
A screech like a broken fax runs through his ear, and Mulder almost jumps out of his skin.
“— you there, Mulder?”
“Jesus!” He exclaims, tugging the ear-piece momentarily away from himself.
Scully jumps and Mulder waves the tech at her.
“Are you trying to make me deaf, guys?” He demands, stuffing it back into his ear.
“It’s this fog, Mulder,” Byers explains. “It’s weakening the connection.”
“So much for modern technology,” Mulder mutters darkly.
Beside him, Scully smiles.
“Or,” Frohike jumps in. “Next time pick a better day to impress your chickadee.”
“Shut up, Frohike!”
“Ouch. She that pretty?”
“No—“ he stops himself, glances at Scully and amends. “Yes, but that’s not the point. I didn’t predict the fog and the blockers are already up. Do you want them to be found?”
“Of course not,” comes Langley’s drawl. “So get to it, Casanova.”
Mulder shakes his head and is glad for his own inability to remember two headsets so Scully can only hear his side of the conversation - and she doesn’t seem that interested.
She’s lifting her head to take in the fertility clinic once more as it comes into view across the parking lot.
Out front where it faces the rest of Germantown, Zeus Genetics is a shining golden block of concrete, lit up like a beacon of hope for the future. But at the back it is a hulking shadow that breaks apart the white mist and draws grey lines into the world. A pair of cars remain parked outside, but otherwise there is no sign of life.
“That’s the plan,” he sighs.
In his right ear Byers lists the cameras they have to be aware of to the background rhythm of Langley’s typing, breaking apart the buildings security from the inside.
“Looks like this mist is both a blessing and a curse.”
“Come on, guys,” Mulder says, while Scully taps her foot impatiently at the door.
The light by the key turns green.
“And voila,” Frohike crows.
Mulder’s hand finds her back and the door closes behind them.
Continue reading here
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201 Dialogue Prompts (almost)
Hello beautiful people! So, over the years, I've been collection writing prompts (mainly dialogue) and I wanted to put them all in one place. So here are 201 writing prompts! Feel free to reblog/use them yourself.
Unfortunately these are not really sorted into categories, so reading through these might be a bit messy. Hope you still enjoy them tho!!
Some of these are pretty old, so I tried to rewrite them to include 3 pronouns, but if I missed any pls dm me and I'll fix it! 🤍
My requests are not currently open, but my asks are. Meaning I won't do requests, but if you sent me something and my brain goes "oooh yes!" there....there's a good chance I'll do it 😅
"You have alienated everyone you loved. And now? Now you're all alone."
"In my defense, I was left unsupervised."
"I trusted you!" "Now, now. Don't blame me for your poor life choices."
"I said to make a SMALL fire! This is NOT a SMALL fire!". "You know, size is really just relative. You can hardly blame me."
"So, what's your plan?" "My plan!? My plan was to follow your plan!"
"That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly stupid idea. Let's do it and see what happenes."
"I lied because I didn't want you to know how much it hurt me."
"Do you trust me?" "No." "Smart kid."
"How do we keep on getting ourselves in these kind of situations?" "[A number] years of friendship and I still don't know."
"I hate you." "Why? I'm lovely."
"I don't know if I should kiss you or shove you of a bridge." "Can I pick?"
"By the gods. You love her, don't you?"
"I didn't have these kind of problems when I was dead."
"Never trust a survivor until you find out what they did to stay alive."
"B-but.." "You made your choice and I made mine. Just because you can't live without me doesn't mean I can't live without you."
"If you were logical, you would have killed me already."
"Where did you learn how to do that?"
"I'm only telling the truth when I say that you have not behaved completely as a gentleman in this matter."
"What? I meant it as a compliment."
"You found it on the beach? You know, when most people take a walk on the beach, they pick up seashells."
“Look at me. I love you.”
“I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but I'm afraid we can't allow ourselves to do that."
“Don’t hesitate, just kiss me.”
“People like me aren’t supposed to have someone like you, I think fate was being harsh on you.” "Well, then it's good that I don't believe in fate."
“You don’t know half of the things you do to me.”
"So you're not going to say anything?" "No." "I think you should. You'll regret it if you don't."
"Wait, don't pull away... Not yet." "Forgive me if I'm misreading this, but do you want to make out?"
"Can you quit being sarcastic, it's the lowest form of wit"
"I don't believe in never," he/she/they said. "I don't believe in always," he/she/they countered. "Well, opposites attract." "Never," he/she/they raised an eyebrow. "Always," he/she/they finished, smirking.
"One day, you will underestimate me again. And you will regret it."
"I'm right here, completely at your mercy. Why don't you just kill me?" "While it would make my life a lot easier, it would also make it a lot more boring. I prefer the world with you in it... for now, anyways."
"Love is scary. This feeling of falling terrifies me. The only way it ends is with hitting the ground." "Not if I catch you." "You can't catch me if you're falling with me." "Darling, I started falling long before you did."
"What one soul conciders evil, another might consider righteous. But black and white can become gray so easily. "
He/She/Theyfound the note he/she/they left him/her/them, his/her/their name written finely in pitch black ink. He/She/They read it once. Then twice. Then eight more times. After folding it neatly, he/she/they took one last look, set it alight, and walked away.
"You think your better than me." "I don't 'think'. I know."
"Can I kiss you?"
"I thought you didn't want me."
"But the way I feel when I'm with you... it's... indescribable."
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
"I simply can't stay away from you."
"I promised, didn't I?"
"I love you a lot more than you believe."
"What you're doing is wrong."
"You almost got killed! And for what? An artifact that shouldn't even belong to you."
"You seem a bit tense."
"Your hands are cold."
"You have something in your hair."
"You can't just leave me behind like everyone else you used to love! Not this time!"
"I don't know how I lived without you for so long."
"You deserve so much better than me."
"You know what? You're right. I do. But I don't want better than you, I want you!"
"Well, I might hate you more but I'll never love you less."
"Loving you was never easy," he/she/they acknowledged. "But it was fun, right?" He/She/They asked, raising his/her/their eyebrows. He/She/They looked at his/her/their feet, trying to hide his/her/their small smile. "Fun... That's one way to describe it." "How else would you?" "Chaotic and dangerous and peculiar?" "Sounds like fun to me."
"How can you call it love when it hurts you so badly?" "It was love because it was worth it."
"You are not a person one simply settles for. I would consider myself lucky, if I ever had a chance with a person like you."
"Oh man, I've had the worst day ever."
"Apologize. Right now."
"No, it's really not that complicated. He's a bad person."
"I haven't tried this on a human yet, but it should be very similar."
"Humility is not one of my many virtues."
"The next time you shoot a guy, maybe don't do it on national television."
"Grief is the prize you pay for love."
"Let me drive for awhile.”
“It reminded me of you.”
“No, no, it’s my treat.”
“Come here. Let me fix it.”
“I’ll walk you home.”
“Have a good day at work.”
“I dreamt about you last night.”
“Take my seat.”
“I saved a piece for you.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“You can have half."
“Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
“Sorry I’m late.”
“Can I have this dance?”
“I made your favourite.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Watch your step.”
“Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“You can borrow mine.”
“You might like this.”
“It’s not heavy. I’m stronger than I look.”
“I’ll wait.”
“Just because.”
“Look both ways.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“Try some.”
“Drive safely.”
“Well, what do you want to do?”
“One more chapter.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“It looks good on you.”
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“That’s okay, I bought two.”
“After you.”
“We’ll figure it out.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I like your laugh.”
“Don’t cry."
“I made this for you.”
“Go back to sleep.”
“Is this okay?”
“I picked these for you.”
“I’ll drive you to the hospital.”
“What do you want to watch?"
“You can go first.”
“Did you get my letter?”
“I’ll do it for you.”
“Call me when you get home.”
“I think you’re beautiful.”
“Are you sure?”
“Have fun.”
“Sit down, I’ll get it.”
“I made reservations.”
“I don’t mind.”
“It brings out your eyes.”
“There is enough room for both of us.”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
“Happy birthday.”
“I’ll pick it up after work.”
“It can wait until tomorrow.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“It’s two sugars, right?”
“I’ll help you study.”
“Stay over."
“I did the dishes.”
“You didn’t have to ask.”
“I bought you a ticket.”
“You’re warm.”
“No reason.”
“I’ll meet you halfway.”
“Take mine.”
“We can share.”
“I was just thinking about you.”
“I want you to have this.”
“Call me if you need anything.”
“Do you want to come too?”
“I’ll still be here when you’re ready.”
“Is your seatbelt on?”
“Sweet dreams.”
“I was in the neighbourhood.”
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
“The key is under the mat.”
“It doesn’t bother me.”
“You’re important too.”
“I saved you a seat.”
“I’ll see you later.”
“I noticed.”
“You can tell me anything.”
“I hope you like it.”
“I want you to be happy.”
“I believe in you.”
“You can do it.”
“Good luck.”
“I brought you an umbrella.”
“I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
“Take a deep breath."
“Be careful.”
“I love you.”
“Come over here and make me.”
“Have you lost your damn mind!?”
“Please, don’t leave.”
“Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Teach me how to play?”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
“I think we need to talk.”
“Kiss me.”
"Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.”
“No one needs to know.”
“Well this is awkward…”
"What's your issue?" "WHAT'S YOUR ISSUE?!"
“You say you love me. So what? You wouldn’t be the first and you certainly won’t be the last.”
“I don’t need you. I don’t need any of you.”
“Despite what many think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself.”
"Take one more step in that direction and I will kill you.”
“How funny. You thought I cared.”
“This is what I was trying to avoid! All of this!”
“I am not a prize to be won.”
“Nothing matters anymore."
“Tell me what happened. Tell me why everything changed.”
“You can’t keep hurting me and then demand I apologize instead!
“Jesus, you’re acting like you don’t even want to touch me!”
“All the money in the world can’t make you happy. How am I supposed to?”
“You’re so determined to protect yourself and your feelings, but what about me?”
“You betrayed me!”
“I’m trying, can’t you see? Isn’t that enough for you?”
“You’ll die and I can’t watch the person I love die.”
“I don’t love you. I never have.”
“Do not try and spin this to be my fault instead of yours.”
“For once, stop pretending you’re okay! Just talk to me!”
"Are you sober?" "I'm moderately functional." "I'll take that as a no."
"This is going to sound controversial, but I think that went pretty well."
"I'm fine." "You don't look fine." "Then stop looking at me."
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kit-williams · 5 months
It's a wonderful life
So this was inspired by the movie it's a wonderful life of course. I nearly lost my husband to pancreatitis and during that time in the hospital to cope besides watching my at the time 4 month old I really got into the COD fandom. The premise for the character of Goblin is that she got iskaied and is now stuck in the COD universe while at the same time she's able to look at her phone and realizes that there's a copy of her back home. This is me expressing the fact that (Goblin) is the lingering feelings the fear I have while I've outwardly have had to move on.
Why it's a wonderful life is mainly due to the way he wished that he never existed, the alien feeling of seeing everything around you be normal except it's not. Plus for the Comfort at the end of the movie too.
tw: Suicidal thoughts, Hurt-Comfort
Simon didn't bother to close the door to his truck, or wait for the elevator, all he could think about was the last message Goblin had sent him. Do you think this is some horrible wish like in It's a wonderful life? Do you think if I jump off that bridge I'll just wake up.
He knew the pain of what was Christmas but she had been spiraling that drain he wasn't going to let her fall into it. He jammed the spare key he had into the lock and looked around the dark apartment. "Goblin." He said looking around with panic itching at the back of his throat as he went through her apartment. He was still in the window of helping her out if she decided to do something stupid.
He found her laying in the dark just looking at her phone. He could see the glow of the screen lighting up her tear stained face. "It will be his first Christmas tomorrow." Goblin just croaks out as she sits up and looks at him.
Simon just stands there silently as he can hear people and the loud laughter of a baby coming from her phone as she just gives a pained smile. Goblin had become more and more withdrawn which was expected from his perspective but he could tell she wasn't expecting it to hurt. His heavy footsteps guided him over to her bed and he sits down looking down at her. He takes a sniff of the air, "Have you been drinking?"
He looked at the can on the floor, "If I remember... you made the funniest face when we had you try it."
"Still tastes like piss." She chimes in.
"Come on sweetheart lets get some food in you." Simon says finally turning on the lights. Though he quickly goes to properly park his truck... he's not terribly surprised to find out she hasn't moved. Simon pulled on her arm watching her sit up as he helped her wobble to the kitchen. She hid her face on the counter sitting at a stool as her apartment still looked barely lived in... far more of a bachalor pad than anything really. But she was still hoping that she would go home.
He placed the plate of beef stirfry in front of her as she looked at it sadly. "I normally love Christmas... I love December... " She starts off softly, "It's when my family throws all of their parties." She smiled softly, "We back load a lot of it. We have two parties... an adult only party early December and then my Aunt's big Christmas Eve party. And I'm missing them..."
Simon leaned against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. He wasn't wearing his signature baklava, his rusty brown hair was visible as well as his warm brown eyes with his mouth covered by a black mask. "I know your background... but to go from a family that had probably 100 people related to each other to suddenly being by yourself..." Goblin said just picking at her food.
"What happened to me is something for me to deal with."
"But it's why I hate to complain around you. You've been through so much...."
"What has two legs and bleeds?" Simon asks seeing Goblin just start to smile, "Half a dog." He hears her tell tale snort. "There's the Goblin noise."
"Oh shut up Simon."
"Nah don't think you'd like that much." He watched her eat before he sighed softly, "Goblin." He watched her look over at him, "Maybe next year we can... decorate or do something. If I'm still here that is."
"Simon... you're still around in 2023... but if... if I'm still here by the time next Christmas rolls around... I'd like that." Simon could hear the pain in her voice at the thought of being here still but he couldn't stop the way his feet moved over to her as he pulled the smaller woman into a hug.
"Even if you don't I won't leave you behind...now finish up you're food." She looked at him curiously, "We're gonna drive around and look at Christmas lights."
And that got a smile on her face.
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aquaburst3 · 6 months
By popular request...or an anon commenting me last night about enjoying me creating posts about the flaws in TWST and wanting me to talk about the worldbuilding aspect specifically along with me having some free time between jobs, here it is!
Disclaimer: Keep in mind this is all personal opinion. If you enjoy the worldbuilding in the game and find zero problems with it, great! I don't care. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.
Where do I even begin? The shorter question would be, "What isn't wrong with it?" xD But seriously, oh, boy—there's a lot. Hell, this is pretty much my go-to example how NOT to write an urban fantasy world.
The closest thing I can compare the world of TWST to is the movie Bright—and that's NOT a good thing. For those of you who never had the misfortune of watching that late 2010s trainwreck, it's about a cop played by Will Smith teaming up with an orc to retrieve a magic wand. Sounds cool, right? However, like with TWST, the worldbuilding is something to be desired. It's an alternate universe where two thousand years ago there was a big war between The Nine Races where the orcs supported the Dark Lord, but an orc defected and lead an army that defeated him. Despite everything, it's pretty much exactly like real life with a few added fantasy elements. It even brings up real world pop culture references, containing such cringey and problematic lines like, "Fairy lives don't matter" after the Will Smith cop squishes a pixie that's on par with a raccoon in that world.
The worldbuilding in TWST feels like that. It's exactly like real life but with a few Disney and fantasy elements slapped on top, like magnets on a fridge. There is hardly any deviation from real life. Things like planes, cell phones, methods of measuring, days of the week, etc all exist just as they do irl. When you stop and think about it, half of these things shouldn't exist and the other should be a little different.
Yana also never thinks of the implications all of this alternate history. Magic always existing and the Greek gods being real should have a huge ripple effect, creating a completely different history compared to real life, but yet it doesn't. Hell, the whole idea of knowing that the Greek gods are real alone would massively change world history, since they would be a proven concept, snuffing out every other religion in existence! The world should be more massively different than ours with Disney sprinkled on top. There's no imagination about how a world like this would work. To quote Lindsey Ellis, "You cannot import elements from our real world without including all of the history that comes with them. You can, but it's lazy, and it sucks." xD Sure, you can write a fantasy world with cars and stuff, but the histories and the ways those exist in those worlds cannot be the exact same. There must be some divergence for it to make sense.
None of the new worldbuilding elements sense or feels woven in. It feels like Yana tossing out whatever idea she comes up up with at the wall and seeing what sticks. A lot of it starts to fall a part or even contradicts itself.
Take the whole Stitch or Tsums events. The existence both of these imply that aliens exist. That brings up a lot of questions like...
What is this world's policy for alien life?
Are aliens well known entities for this world?
What are other's reaction to this?
How did his story play out in this world if that's the case?
Everyone in this world has a Disney counterpart, right? If that's the case, wouldn't that mean there's some TWST version of Stitch running around Night Raven?
Is any of this ever addressed? Nope. That's stupid. World shattering shit like that should be addressed. While I know these are probably more than likely corporate mandates, especially since Tmus are a Japanese Disney product while Stitch is super popular in Japan, she could've added a disclaimer saying that it's a crack au that has nothing to do with the canon. The fact that these are both canon is mind boggling.
Plus, both of these events create a giant plot hole. If aliens are known to exist in this world, then why the fuck can't Yuu go home? If aliens exist, wouldn't there be portals and other ways for them to go home? It just makes Yuu and the rest of the cast look like total dumbasses for never thinking of this!
It goes beyond stupid events, but happens in general. The game routinely brings up similar elements without thinking of their implications on the game as a whole. Take the whole existence of STYKs. It was never once brought up or foreshadowed in the game, but brings about a lot of questions that are hardly explored. Like if this has existed for hundreds of years, how the fuck hasn't anyone heard of it? If STYKS is attached has a branch which is like our world's, someone should've blew the whistle eons ago. Surely, someone as smart as Idia or another mage should've been able to hack them and expose that to the public. Right? Wouldn't there be more of a public outcry for stealing people away, including royalty? Wouldn't there be government oversight about this? None of these questions are never addressed. Yet that element is slapped in without a second thought. Same also goes for all of the new lore in regards to Lilia's past, those pointless prophet dreams or how Playful Land works.
The magic system and how overblot works also fall apart the more you think about it. According to the light novel, only one out of ten humans is a mage. The percentage goes up in other races, but it remains about the same. But that makes no sense. TWST isn't like the HP universe where mages are isolated from the outside world, they are a part of society. Wouldn't it be the DOMINANT gene after over centuries of mages fucking mortals? I think it being more like the ATLA or BNHA universe where mages are the majority would make a lot more sense. That's what I did in my fic. Hell, it would make the world more unique, because usually fantasy stories have it where mages are a minority.
How overblotting works is never fully explained. All that we know, despite being on the seventh fucking story arc, is that whenever a mage uses Okay, sure. But there are times where that isn't the case. Characters who hard use up any magic like Leona and Vil overblot. Even if you argue that they were emotional during those bits or something, wouldn't the other part play a bigger role, since they used up so little magic in those cases? How in the fuck is that unknown concept to the general public? Wouldn't that be common knowledge? Diseases like Alzheimer's aren't something that everyone experiences, but this existence of those things are still common knowledge. Hell, why is it extremely rare in the first place? Wouldn't it be more commonplace? I feel like having it be a biological consequence of a mage using up too much magic and it being a well known down side to the world like how it is in my writing makes a lot more sense and is much simpler.
The lore around the fae also make zero sense. Common elements in fae lore like never thanking them or accepting gifts from them for you owe them a favour to cream and honey making them drunk are never brought up or mentioned. These are not random tropes brought up in shit like Baldur's Gate 3, but ingrained shit to the fantasy genre. You can't strip them out, because it is what makes the fae, fae. Hardly any types of fae from folklore are ever brought up outside of dragons and Tinkerbell style pixies. Characters like Vil who act very fae like are completely human. To be honest, I genuinely get the sense that Yana has done no research into this topic at all, because that's how out of touch they seem compared to how they are in folklore and other fantasy series. But if that is actually the case, then she should've looked into it more or consulted another writer who knows a lot about it.
Plus, the whole idea behind Briar Valley also makes no sense. They are completely isolated from the rest of the world...because…well, nothing, besides possibly vague hatred of tech. That's dumb. Countries don’t isolate themselves for no reason. There is always some sort of explanation for them to do that, whether it's manufactured for political gain like Panem or out of protection like Wakanda. Seriously, am I the only one that thinks that Brier Valley is just the fantasy Amish? As for the Spinning Wheel Wars, that will be explored in more depth as the fics go on.
If you want to see a world similar to TWST done right, watch The Owl House. That series, too, has a modern fantasy world. Unlike TWST, it seems like a fantasy world with modern elements instead of the other way around. Despite having phone-like devices and manga, it feels like stepping into another world.
Either way, if you wondered why I came up with completely different worldbuilding for my fics—this is exactly why. The worldbuilding in this game is pure dogshit. I wanted to create something leaps and bounds better than the bullshit we got. The fact that me, an amuetur writer, gets complimented and praised for the worldbuilding in my fics and it being better then the game is truly sad. Yana is a seasoned professional with a published manga with dozens of volumes under her belt, she should be better at this than me, not the other way around! Same goes for @stormkitty97, because she helps me brainstorm ideas for my shit and uses it in her writing, too.
The biggest sin of all is that there are some genuinely really cool ideas in TWST. The idea of turning into a monster whenever you use up too much magic is terrifying. The story could've done so much more with that if it made more sense!
As much as I might get hate for saying this, Yana reminds me a lot of Stephanie Meyers in the sense that she can come up with cool concepts and ideas, but has no idea how to execute them properly. I would love to see a better professional writer tackle a concept similar to overblot, because it would be cool and scary in the right hands.
I think one big lesson that amuetur writers like myself can learn from the worldbuilding in TWST is that if you are a "Pantser", aka someone who writes on the fly, like Yana, great, all the more power to you. Hell, I confess that I'm more like Brandon Sanderson in the sense that I'm a mixture of both a "Pantser" and an "Architect" Writer, and I came up with some elements of my worldbuilding on my TWST fics as I was writing like the characters being able to teleport. But for fuck's sake, have a solid plan for your worldbuilding and stick with it. Because constantly throwing ideas at the wall beyond the outlining stage will eventually make these contradictions arise and make your world fall apart. Also, if you are building a modern fantasy world like TWST, always think through the implications each element bring. Adding in elements from our real world will always drag along all of the history tied with it. Having your modern fantasy world seem like TWST or Bright is the last thing you want.
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Eobard Thawne - Extra (Flash)
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“You’d look a lot cuter if you smiled.”
Eobard thought being trapped at Star Labs and inability to take out his arch nemesis was the worst thing that could happen to him, but he was terribly wrong. Because the woman who was attached at his hip was much more irritating than any master plan he’d been scheming all his life.
You always wore a smile. Insistent on getting him to become good.
How laughable.
The only reason he hadn’t taken down the entire building is his lack of speed. That and the little trinket Cisco created to monitor him. It tracked everything. He almost thought it could be his bad intentions, because he definitely felt a jolt when he was glaring at Barry a few days ago.
“I can’t believe you all are stupid enough to believe this woman is a cupid.” Eobard grumbled.
“We’ve literally seen talking gorillas, sharks and freaking aliens. Cupids seem pretty believable."
Cisco continued to lick at the popsicle as he swirled in the chair. Harry was not too far away, tinkering with some items. Discreetly stealing glances. Just to be safe.
When Barry not so casually walked in and whispered something in your ear, Eobard didn’t like the way your eyes lit up. The both of you left, and he could feel his mind reel at the possibilities of torture he was in for. Cisco snickered from his spot.
“Something funny.” Eobard pressed.
“Oh, you’ll see.”
He didn’t like the sound of that.
“So how do I win his heart?”
Barry was the last person to help with that question. So he’d just handed you a book.
“These are some ideas I got from a reliable source.”
Source meaning lots of google searches. You took it happily, diving into the contents. Barry was impressed at the way your eyes whipped over each page. In a matter of seconds you were done with the forty page journal he’d put together.
“Got it! Thanks Barry.” You threw the book and Barry caught it clumsily. When you entered the room, you were almost glowing. You marched straight over to Eobard who narrowed his eyes.
“Would you like to have a seat?” You pulled out a chair, but he merely folded his arms.
“I’m fine.”
“A massage?”
“I’m allergic.”
“Took one thirty minutes ago.”
You were running out of ideas, and Eobard was sure with each word you would snap at him, but you were still wearing an almost contagious smile.
“Thank you, I think now I’ve learned more about you than when I started. “ It took him a few seconds to realize what had just happened. His hands unfolded slowly.
“You played me..”
Was this what it felt like when someone used a reverse uno card on you?
Before he could apprehend you, you were skipping off. Cisco was just sitting there confused.
“What did she just do?” He waved around his partially melted popsicle. Barry decided to explain.
“I gave her a book on studying human behavior. It was centered around romantic encounters. Some of that stuff is actually accurate when it comes to reading body language. She knows you're combative.”
Cisco’s mouth formed an ‘o’ shape.
“Damn, she played you like a fiddle.”
With one look, Cisco was silent for the remainder of the day.
It was clear that the journey to change Eobard would be a tough one. While they were willing to try. There were still points that were a lot harder than most.
“Not that I don’t trust him, but it’s been a few weeks and I’m still afraid to fall asleep in the lab. We could keep him locked up in the pipeline, but (Y/N) might have a breakdown if we did that again.” Cisco was right.
“I can take him!”
The poof of your appearance startled both Barry and Cisco.
“Don’t do that!!”
You giggle bashfully.
“Sorry, I keep forgetting humans don’t teleport. I’ll do better.” When Cisco got his heart rate under control.
“You’re going to take him to your place. I just realized we’ve never asked where you’re poofing too all the time!”
“I have a place here. Cupid’s are very resourceful. This isn’t my first time in this city. I’ve been here many times, I’ve just never stopped long enough to do much. But now that I have my soul mate we can live together and cuddle all day long.” After that statement it appears you were off in your own world. So Cisco took that time to negotiate.
“It's not a bad plan. She’s the only one who’s not scared shitless of him. Plus she’s like all powerful. He’d be screwed if he tried anything. “
It was very appealing. Barry turns back to you.
“Are you sure you can handle him?”
“Yes!! Please, please, please!” Your eyes did that thing again and Cisco agreed.
“Alright fine you can have him just stop it with the cute freaking eyes!!”
Your grin was wide, and you gave Cisco a hug. He stumbled slightly at the whiff of pink.
“Thank you!” You were gone again, and Barry groaned.
“Barry, I love you bro.” Cisco was wearing a silly smile as he patted Barry on the shoulder.
“I know.” They supposed they would have to get used to this.
“Here’s a blanket, and your bed is right here.” Eobard stared down at the king sized bed.
“Where is yours?”
“We can share.”
“Absolutely not. “
“Why not?”
Eobard assumed you were joking, but he should have known that at this point, he should take everything you say as it was. Because you were as naive as you were powerful. He’d put up with your constant flirting, inserting, pestering. But it was never ending. The worst part wasn’t your infatuation, but your view that if you invested enough, then you’d magically wake up one day and he’d be some good guy. He wasn’t as oblivious as Team Flash gave him credit for. It’s clear that was the only reason he wasn’t rotting in Argus right now.
It was aggravating.
“I’ll never change.”
There was a bit of contempt in those words, and all you offer is a smile.
“I don’t remember saying I was going to change you.”
Eobard squinted.
“It’s naive to expect you to become a hero overnight. Of course I’d prefer it if you didn’t go around impaling people. But I don’t want you to change everything about yourself. There are certain traits you have that are a part of you. You’re stubborn, combative, brutally honest. Even under normal circumstances, these are regular characteristics that make up a person. To ask you to change that would be wrong. That’s not love. Love is making a person better inside and out because you care. Not changing them because people expect it of you. “
Eobard didn’t have words to retaliate against that.
Deep down he knew that you were right in some aspects. Had he never met Barry Allen, his life would have been much different. He could have been a professor somewhere and maybe..
His eyes drifted in your direction, this time, he found himself enamored by the soft inviting smile you wore. He held your gaze for a few moments before turning away.
“I’ll take the couch.” With a laugh, you stack the colorful sheets.
“Have a good night.”
You murmur comfortingly.
For once, he felt like he actually might.
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gerogerigaogaigar · 9 months
This is it! My last batch of reviews. This time my boyfriend supplied six albums. He is more of a singles and eps kinda guy so the album choices are kinda...
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The Front Bottoms - Going Grey
The Front Bottoms have existed in my periphery for a little while now. I'll hear a song now and then but I've never sat down and listened to an album. Going Grey exists somewhere in between 10s indie folk and 00s pop punk/emo. The lyrics are solidly unsophisticated without being stupid. A love letter to immaturity. It is clearly the work of someone looking back on their younger self and fondly roasting them. The music really supports this by primarily utilizing the tendencies of immature 00s pop punk and pretentious 10s indie folk. The contrast makes the tongue in cheek nature of the music clear without ever having to signal too overtly to the listener.
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Blink-182 - California
So I actually kinda like Blink-182. I think their music from the 90s is a pure and raw expression of suburban alienation. Plus Travis Barker is an unbelievably good drummer. Unfortunately this album is from 2016. Ok it's not all bad actually. Tom DeLonge has been replaced by Alkaline Trio frontman Matt Skiba and he lends a bit of that emo sound to the album which isn't really much of a jump. Barker is still capable of breakneck drum fills. And a lot of the songs have the energy of their 90s output. There is a lingering feeling though that these men are in their 40s and still singing about being teenagers. Please stop. But between big misses like Kings Of The Weekend and Teenage Satellites are songs that remind me why I liked this band in the first place. The Only Thing That Matters is a major standout track for having the rawness and speed that made me love them back in their Dude Ranch Days. California is a mixed bag, but it's honestly a lot better than you'd expect out of a 2016 Blink-182 album.
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Fall Out Boy - Mania
What the fuck happened to this band? From Under The Cork Tree is one of the best albums of the 00s full of witty lyricism and catchy music. Mania is an Imagine Dragons album. Fall Out Boy have become soulless trend chasers who don't even really care about the music they make. It's generically "epic" with vapid lyrics that don't communicate anything. Someone needs to euthanize these idiots before they go making more music.
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Rezz - A Certain Kind Of Magic
Rezz is a lesser known DJ and electronic music producer that more people need to listen to. She has an incredibly chaotic style that mixes dubstep, brostep, electro house, and hip hop. And if that sounds a lot like Skrillex to you don't worry. While Rezz has a lot in common with her obnoxious brostep predecessor she is also capable of composing music that isn't just nonstop sensory overload. The peaks and valleys are what make her music so engaging, a very energetic segment can easily turn right into a lower bass driven dubstep sequence. The bass is crunchy with smoother mids and high ends and there are a good number of samples. A Certain Kind Of Magic also inexplicably ends on basically an emo song which catches me off guard every time, but goes to show how a wide range of influences makes for interesting music.
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Rainbow Kitten Surprise - RKS
I don't hate this. I'll admit that the whole indie white boy blues aesthetic never clicked with me, and I can point to a number of bands doing this sort of thing that I like better, but I can point to innumerable bands that I like much, much less. RKS is deeply inoffensive music that isn't gonna hold my attention too hard, but it does have a few moments that are truly enjoyable. Particularly when they let down that bombastic sound and let those bubbly clean guitar lines shine.
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Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway
I've been given special instructions for this one. I have to sit in the back of a car on my way home from my friend's house while it's raining and then I have to listen to this album and feel bad. I don't have any way to do that.
What is Kelly Clarkson? Being the first American Idol winner puts her in a position where she's primed to be a golden goose for a bunch of executives. As such her options for artistic integrity are severely limited to the commercially profitable. On Breakaway Clarkson split from the Idol management to craft an album that dated to explore outside the mainstream pop landscape. The results are embarrassing.
Obviously she was never going to make good music. I would be an idiot to try and give an American Idol contestant the benefit of the doubt in regards to their artistic sincerity. Her voice is a hollow void of emotion. The lyrics are paint by number. The music shows the outline of an emotion. Kelly Clarkson is the shadow on the wall of Plato's cave. Her fans incapable of comprehending that this is just a pale imitation of real music.
So I ask again. What is Kelly Clarkson? The answer seems obvious now. Kelly Clarkson is a name that once belonged to a human being and now is the property of record companies. The name is attached to records and the records are expected to sell based on the name. The human being that once shared the name Kelly Clarkson is a shadow. Kelly Clarkson is a music career. Kelly Clarkson is the avatar of the American Idol social experiment. Kelly Clarkson is a cipher. There is no such thing as Kelly Clarkson, there is only the music. But the music is also a shadow. There is nothing here. A shadow cast by a shadow. You cannot find the artistic merit in this music any more than you can get blood from a stone.
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dorypaxx · 2 years
[Optimus Prime x Reader] Love you to the Cybertron and back
Warning: Prohibited substances, addictive substances, readers are old enough to be aware of their behavior
Hi, this is my second time writing fanfic about Optimus. Big daddy makes me feel like there are never enough stories about him. Hope you enjoy this story
What is defiance?
In my opinion, that's when you know both of you can't be together but still want to try to get to the other person. Whether it's a 0.000001% chance, or when you know for sure that your future will be nothing but pain and separation, but you still run towards that person like a cow, just to have can see their smiles.
It is often said that one-sided love is the feeling of pissing yourself in the foot. Outsiders see you as stupid, but you feel so warm. And I must have been a real idiot when I fell into an unrequited love affair with a giant alien robot.
But I mean who can NOT love that perfect bot ? Look into those blue eyes that sparkle more than any gem in the world, as deep as the ocean and brighter than the sky on a sunny day; listen to the quiet but serious sound, sometimes too gentle when interested in you; and his thoughtful look when thinking and worrying about everyone. God, it's HARD not to fall in love with such a perfect Optimus Prime !
I secretly thought so while doing my homework on my laptop. The words in the content of the exercise gradually deviate to "I love Optimus so much, why are you so handsome when you walk or sleep or sit, oh my lord, a gift from the Creator, perfect gentleman, destroyer of women hearts...". Suddenly Miko appeared behind me, the mischievous little girl curiously looked at her laptop and asked:
- Hey, what are you doing ?
Startled, I quickly folded the machine in but it was too late. Miko gave me a sly smile that made my face heat up, it felt like I was just caught watching gay porn tagged a man with a pink nipple in a public place, no more human rights. She nudged me on the shoulder with a know-it-all smile and then ran off to tell Bulkhead and Wheeljack..
Now the whole base, even Agent Fowler, knows I have a crush on Optimus. Fowler's eyes were looking at me like he saw me dressed up as a bush, holding an AK and saying "I'm going to fuck your mother"...
But the gods had mercy on me, so the only person who didn't know I had a crush on Optimus was that lovely Prime.
My guardian is Optimus.
The reason? Ratchet is too busy with data, supercomputers or whatever and always says "I needed that!", Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead all already have someone else. I'm twenty years old, older than all of them, and don't go to the same school as the kids. Although Optimus is too busy to be a nanny, he still tries to make time to pick me up every day. He even thoughtfully cares for me when I'm in a bad mood by rubbing my head with his giant fingers - something no one has ever done to me. Normally, people around me tend to ignore my negative emotions but He is different, He is willing to listen to me when I am sad, praise me when I achieve something and obviously I it was not wrong to fall in love with him at first sight.
I won't confess that I struggled by rolling around on the ground just to have Optimus as my personal guardian instead of any other bot. Surprisingly, instead of trampling me, he actually agreed.
Excellent !!
Gradually, we shared a lot of things with each other. I am an extrovert, active and creative, and always have no shortage of stories to share. Optimus Prime, Autobot leader, part time introvert, loves to listen to my story and then, can talk to me about Cybertron's history, its golden age and I'll share it with him about my home country, which suffered from invasion and division by hostile forces but united to fight for independence, freedom and happiness for our people despite suffering many losses and pain. At those times, Optimus often listens with a contemplative face, and he praises people of my country, at that time I saw a little sadness in his eyes, mixed with longing. Perhaps, He also longs for peace will return to the land of Cybertron.
I know that Optimus is responsible for the fate of his entire planet, so I don't want him to be bothered by my little love. Just being with him, I'm satisfied, I don't want to ask for anything more and always tell my heart to remember that. I just need to see Optimus every day, hear him speak, touch him, be cared for by him and I will be happy and happy. But sometimes, I will also be selfish and greedy. I could pretend to be weak and stupid just to be with him a little longer, to feel the soft, cold touches of metal as he pats my head, inhaling his scent. If the sun, the sky and the stars smelled, it would be Optimus
Our lives are not always peaceful. Decepticons, MECH, battles that almost took my love away from myself so many times. Remembering that time when I saw the blue color in His eyes gradually fade away, I felt like I had died according to that light.
My heart constricted violently, I felt suffocated, my eyes blurred, engulfed in an endless despair. If my human heart could be used to save Him, I would pull it out myself just to see that clear blue light one more time. I realized that I loved Optimus so much that I didn't even know it, and I prayed to the gods to take me away in His stead, if He could rise again, I wouldn't hesitate to show my love off. Show my love to Him regardless of the outcome.
Maybe it was luck, maybe it was because the gods heard my prayer, the team found a way to revive Optimus. The moment I saw His Spark light up, I burst with happiness. It was only when Optimus raised his giant arm to lightly touch my face that I realized it was already wet with tears. Tears of uncontrollable happiness rolled down her cheeks, falling one after another. I hugged those giant fingers tightly, laughing in a choked sob :
- Welcome back, Optimus.
He replied to me with a warm smile:
- I'm back.
No need for fancy or fancy words. I love Him through such simple words.
After Optimus returned from the dead, he seemed… more strange? I'm not sure if my hunch is correct as he and I have been glaring at each other for more than thirty minutes. Strangely speaking, because normally only I look at Optimus, slim waist, long legs, big butt, handsome, who doesn't like it? But it's very strange for Optimus to look back at me, it's like being reciprocated by a crush, most of which is due to high drugs that give rise to hallucinations.
While I was wondering if the 8 funky balls that I had hidden from Optimus to use on New Year's Eve had any effect on my nerves, he approached me. The speaker, while I pricked my ears to hear what else these 8 funkey balls could make me hallucinate.
- The moon is beautiful today, isn't it?
If it's so illusory, it's definitely a drug...
As a natural reaction, everyone raised their heads to look. Oh, it's the base roof of metal bars and rocks. Then everyone turned their gazes to me. I gulped, chuckling.
- Yes, it's beautiful.
Ratchet looks at me like crazy while Jack and Miko come over and touch my forehead. Jack frowned :
- Strange, no fever at all.
Miko continued:
- Tell me the truth, who sold you drugs?
My forehead had blue veins, picked up these two demons' ears, and whispered in a loud enough volume for them to hear:
-If you two are still babbling, I'll tell Arcee and Bulkhead about how you two tried to buy marijuana and use it. And believe me, Ratchet will let you both listen to lectures 24/7.
Miko pursed her lips, while Jack nodded vigorously. The secret we secretly played with banned substances was something that we swore to live with, carry with us when we died, even if Megatron put a gun to the head, we couldn't tell it out. Suddenly, Miko seemed to think of something, she leaned into my ear and said :
- What Optimus said seems to be quite common in my country. It is a kind of confession where one person says "The moon is beautiful tonight", then if the other responds "The wind is also very gentle", it means yes.
-So Optimus is secretly confessing to her?
- Exactly, Jackie!
The two of them didn't make an appointment, but they both smiled at me. I blushed, my mind still echoing Miko's words. But what if this is just a coincidence? Or just a fleeting illusion of a hopeless unrequited love?
A voice in my head : What if it is true ? What if Optimus loves you the same way you love Him? You deserve this hope of love. Go ahead girl, conquer that perfect bot !
Sink Or Swim . It's not the first time I've been rejected anyway...
- Optimus !! - I shouted - The wind is very gentle today too!!
Fuckfuckfuck I'm going to die !!!!!
Now it's not just Ratchet, but Arcee, Bumblebee, Raf and Bulkhead all looking at me like I'm crazy. Miko and Jack covered their mouths with laughter. I was like a balloon that had been deflated, and my whole body was limp. Embarrassment, shyness, ... mixed emotions in me, but my eyes were still fixed on that red and blue bot.
And He smiled
Striking giant strides toward me, Optimus knelt down, holding out his hand. I jumped up, clinging to His big fingers while Optimus led us both out of the center of the base, to a deserted place just the two of us. Whisperer:
- Can you say it again?
- Say what again? - I laughed and asked in return - Saying the wind is also very gentle, or do I also love you very much?
For a moment, I heard the rumble of an engine. Optimus's metallic skin, which was once cold, was now unusually hot. I looked him straight in the eye, and my heart fluttered with strange joys  :
- I've loved you since we first met and always will. So, venerable Optimus, can you assume that you feel the same way about me ? Do you feel like me?
- I have always loved you, but I am afraid, afraid that my enemies will try to harm you when they know this. But after coming back from the dead, seeing you cry, I understand that I can't lie to myself anymore. I swear on the honor of Primus and my Spark, I love you.
I tiptoed slightly, placing a kiss on Optimus' lips. Needless to say, I'm already satisfied. I know that our love will have to go through many obstacles, but what do we do when we have already fallen in love with each other...
Let's put the worries away for now, and enjoy this sweet moment a little more...
Love you to the Cybertron and back
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missbunmuffin · 4 months
Glass Joe and Eleanor stuff
I gave you pretty basic information about my stupid little punch out oc time to share about her relationship with Joe.
* Lots of cuddling. Getting into bed is one of their favorite parts of the day.
* Lots of stuffed animals on the bed because of Eleanor. Joes had to explain on multiple occasions they really aren’t his. He doesn’t mind as long as she’s happy.
* They would show pda more but they really don’t due to how socially anxious Eleanor is. Most they do is hold hands and sometimes kiss
* Lots of kisses at home though. Cheek kisses, nose kisses, forehead kisses, etc.
* They are the parents of Joes cat BonBon who is a white doll faced Persian cat(I think those are safe Persians but if not she’s a ragdoll. Shes not real ik but I don’t want to promote breeding cats just because they are cute) she loves her mommy and daddy so much and she can be a little gremlin. I could go on but this post isn’t about her
* They both try to comfort each other about the other’s insecurities like Eleanor’s small breasts, and Joes big nose.
* They don’t plan to have children mainly because Eleanor doesn’t want them and Joe doesn’t care as long as she’s happy.
* They both support each other in whatever even if they don’t understand it. Like Eleanor getting Joes sim pregnant in the sims 2 and them being parents to some alien child. Yeah Eleanor wants to be a parent but only to a cat and video game children.
* Also Eleanor’s into video games. Shes into harvest moon and she goes for whatever bachelor reminds the most of Joe because she kind of feels bad about dating a fictional but Joe doesn’t give a shit. Joe will join her in games if it’s a two player one sometimes
* They’re both clumsy dumbasses. I imagine them going ice skating or something and one of them falls and the other also falls when trying to get the other one up.
* I imagine Joe having two nieces because he has a sister who has kids and they often have to watch them because their mother just drops them off at the house with no warning. They both find it annoying especially since Eleanor is not really that good with children despite her having to help with her siblings as young as 10. Let alone children who are inappropriate and cuss.
* Eleanor is always feeding Joe pastries he probably shouldn’t be eating. He can’t really get himself to deny her offers because he can’t help himself to not eat them.
* Joes very protective of Eleanor because of how sensitive she is. I think if you’re not nice he’s probably not gonna be nice but if you’re mean to her he’s definitely not going to be nice. He ended up in the hospital one time because of this.
* Eleanor is also protective of Joe in her own way. She can get really defensive if someone says something about her man. Negative comments towards Joe can hurt her more than it hurts him.
* They have spa days all the time. Whether it be at home or they go to an actual spa it’s a good bonding time for them.
* They both love playing with each other’s hair.
* Sometimes they’ll both draw together. Idk it just seems cute.
That’s all I have for now ;-;
Have a cookie 🍪
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