#lots of little doodle posting this month hopefully lol
littlenimart · 1 year
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Goromi doodle from June I unearthed sorting my procreate gallery P^] my beloved party girl
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sysig · 8 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Sona reacts to holidays
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Original - Old Adopts
2:30 PM: Undertale - Papyrus
2:30 PM: Original - Old OCs
2:30 PM: Original - Nequam (ft. Papyrus)
2:30 PM: Handplates (ft. Baby Todd AU)
2:30 PM: Sona reacts to happies!
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Happy Friday!!
I have so many projects going on man I'm going crazy lol. I think some of the projects need put on hold until I save up for a decent sewing machine though.
But I've got my garden going again, and my coworkers gave me a deadline to write a childrens book based on doodles, and Im working on my zine that for some reason I can only open in chrome(???), and I wanna do a little research with my punk 101 posts, and also I need to do research that Im not really in the mood for so I can make that music map.
Oh and also I'm going to see Radium Girls (a play) tomorrow with a friend, and I'm debating if I'm going back to my college sunday for my friends graduation, but I dont really want to cause its gonna be raining. And also also, Some (different) co-workers wanna play dnd with me, but I dont think I'd like playing with them just from knowing them for a few months but I dont know how to be like 'no', but also Im on a HUGE dnd kick (I got new converse I need to show off btw) but have no one to play with and that makes me sad, but I dont want to play with people who will make it not fun for me :(
But how are you? How was your week? Any fun plans??? (side note: do you like dnd, just out of curiousity?)
I ain’t making people scroll though this
My week has been… better. Better than last week. Monday I took a day trip to Virginia Beach by myself to kind of clear my head and my soul, purge some of that pain and negative energy. Last night when you sent this though it kind of just… came back… which is why I didn’t answer this then.
Tomorrow I’m going out with my family to some botanical garden that only opens like 4 times a year or something to the public. We’re bringing lunch with us so I guess we’ll be eating together somewhere, maybe at the gardens.
I’m counting down the days until I fly back to CT to go see Electric Callboy with my friends, and then hopefully go to the aquarium with my gf + friends. Other than that I don’t have any plans for that trip. I still have to tell my brother + my other friend when I’ll be up, I just feel like any spare moment I have I use to recover some psychological HP.
I’m going from working 30+ hours a week to only 3 days a week soon because we’re getting self checkout on Monday. Hopefully I can use that time to work on some things for @prideful-things-shop, mainly the snowglobe tumblers (don’t worry, you’re getting one of the Eeveelution ones).
I’m still waiting to hear back if we can go to that concert and trying to book my tattoo appointment for that Friday.
I LOVE Radium Girls, I read the book, it’s one of my favorite books. I know they turned it into a play and a movie, but I haven’t seen either of them. I actually grew up near one of the locations in the book. They put a mall right next to it, so that’s where I used to go to the mall. I’ve never been to the clock factory, but it’s a museum now. Maybe I can add that to the list of things to do when I go back home. It’s also right across the highway from one of those defunct Jesus theme parks. I’ve wanted to visit that too.
I’ve never played DnD, but my friends made a game that’s similar and I was part of the pilot test group for that, and apparently they’re still playing all these years later. It’s been almost a decade.
My mom wants to make raised beds but we haven’t gotten that far yet. She wants a saw, just hasn’t been able to spare the money for it yet. I’ve offered to get it for her but she declined. We were looking at them while I was looking for the drill I bought for the tumblers. She has a lot of potted plants though lining the porch, including some herbs, and I think she’s planning on some carrots and cherry tomatoes.
I’ve been studying the sub-genres of metal music for a while, basically so that I can ID a song/band by it’s genre and guide people towards recommendations based on what they already listen to (country, pop, rap, etc.). The idea of making a music map sounds really exciting, I would love to do some research for something like that (like I said, I’m already using spare time to do that on my own anyway).
I’m really hoping once I have more free time I can also go back to working on my patch pants. My grandma bought us a sewing machine from the thrift store she works at, and she taught my mom how to use it, and my mom has used it to make pillow cases for outside pillows, but she didn’t buy outdoor fabric and they faded quickly. This year I paid for some outdoor fabric we picked out together along with some more fabric for my patches, so I’m turning our front porch into a fruit-themed area, which my mom isn’t really thrilled about but I’m the one paying for everything, so…
The other day there was a big snake on the front porch and my mom had to kill it. It was a pretty rough experience for both of us. We have a cat that lives on our front porch which is who found it, and then our neighbor has a cat who lives on her front porch, and we’ve had snakes get in the house before, and now we have indoor cats, so it’s just a risk we can’t take. It made me reflect a lot about city vs country life and a lot of things tied to that (poverty, race, queerness, etc.).
Here’s to hoping we can both have a relaxing but productive summer, and I’ll see you soon xoxo
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dennydraws · 2 years
No Buy 2023 - Art Supplies
Hello, hello and Good Morning! It's not quite January anymore to make new year resolutions but about a month ago I decided I need to do something about my art supply hoarding tendencies :D;;; Even if I'm not even close to what I see on art videos, it doesn't quite sit well with me when I have more than I use and clutter is something I don't like around me.
So! This year, let's tackle some art supplies with reckless abandon!!
Step 1 - Catalog all your supplies I want to say this was a tough one but it was actually fairly easy for me. I could mostly name everything from the top of my head xD:; And to be expected the most glaring issue with me was all the unfinished sketchbooks that I keep piling. I listed, ahem...about fourteen sketchbooks... 2 of which are pass half point to finish, 8 of which are started and for one reason or another abandoned and rest are not even opened.
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Whenever I get the urge to buy new sketchbooks I will remind myself of the list I made. I'm fairly sure I got some more hiding in random corners too.
Anyway! Target list:
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Step 2 - Discard what is no longer usable Ok testing everything did take time but it did also cut some chunk of art supplies. It also made me realize I had some markers I barely used and they had dried out exactly cause I had barely used them... a lesson to learn. Again. About a year ago I noticed some of my fave colors have dried cause I was savoring them maybe a bit too much lol. Once more the copics are holding up like absolute troopers. Sad to say the spectrum noir markers just dry really fast, especially if you aren't using them as soon as you open them. They are still wonderful markers mind you!
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Well, I don't plan to use my copics with reckless abandon but I do plan to use all the watercolors I have for I have quite a lot xD;; including tubes, another set and gouache set that I have stashed away;;;
Step 3 - Pair the materials! I usually tend to make a test ground page at the start of every sketchbook but if I'm to test everything ... I may burn out so, I'll just stick to quick tests and if something doesn't work out, turn a page and carry on.
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Step 4 - Write down the progress! If you're like me, you exist with little lists and check box and see everything as little exp bar that you feel and celebrate when you complete it :D;; And this challenge is no different for me. Every month I will be writing down what I've used, did I actually used all of it, did I learn or enjoy this medium etc...
But yes, this will be my process for the year! Maybe by end of December I will have a long post of what I finished, what I didn't etc :D;; hopefully more finished than unfinished! At the end art is personal and it should be done in a way that sparks joy for you. For me, I need order in my compulsive doodling tendencies. Unfinished things stress me and I hope I get to close the last pages of some sketchbooks and throw away some empty art supplies now that they served their purpose - maybe even discover that I really enjoy some mediums I barely had used before \o/
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Thank you for stopping by, dear reader! I hope you have a wonderful week full of inspiration and ideas! Maybe this little read inspired you to catalog your own art supplies and do some spring cleaning!
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falloutboywife · 3 years
ok another life update
firstly i was doodling redacted at the back of class today because i was asked to draw some last time i opened up requests but i’m gonna be honest, i was at a loss for the pose and angle i wanted to do for them, especially since i was trying to combine two different redacted prompts in one piece
i did some preliminary draft sketches because of how much of a mental block i’m in rn so i think. i have an idea that i’ll get started on tonight, hopefully it won’t take very long though now that i have an idea of what i’m doing lmao
i have been going through a Fair Share of nonsense (what’s new) which is also why i haven’t been responding to a lot of messages on here (vcard anon you’re fine i just haven’t had the time lately lol). like on top of some certifiable bullshit happening to my job (of which i will NOT discuss on trunglr dot com), i’m currently in the process of finding somewhere new for me and my family to move into and talking my dad into it is an ordeal all on its own but now that i know how much we can easily afford in monthly loan payments i’m going to be looking at houses this week which. again. will be eating up a lot of my time and mental energy but at the very least i’m feeling good about moving things forward and no longer feeling like i’m just a helpless bystander in my own life
i have a fic i need to finish for the peterick writers halloween event next month and i also have another fic i started a little bit ago that i’ve been showing to a few friends, i’ve also very recently discovered the joys of painting pottery so after i get my fired pieces back this upcoming weekend you guys are gonna see how good and awesome i am at this very artistic skill, i promise it’s gonna be good. like on top of the redacted drawings that are coming up as well as some more beloved fat wife. creating art helps distract me from the darkness growing within me due to the world i’m forced to be apart of but sometimes that darkness is too great and all i wanna do is get high and play video games all day and pretend it doesn’t make me a burnout
in spite of all this going on though i’m doing my best to remain optimistic and telling myself that it only really sucks right now because i have a LOT happening very suddenly (like. two major life changes happening literally in the same week kind of thing) and i just haven’t had time to adjust to it. right now aside from painting plates and vases my coping strategy has been to read really stupid zelda theories or comments online and complain about how they contradict the established canon in the series, but in a way that’s only especially obvious to me because i’m insane. also i love the sonic the hedgehog subreddit it is so fascinatingly bizarre, everyone posts the exact same jokes multiple times a week and they all wanna fuck tails but they’ve mastered the art of straddling the line between blatantly erotic and innocently wholesome but you can TELL when someone on there wants to fuck miles “tails” perhour
anyway how are you baby gamers doing
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merlinfic · 4 years
group ask for lost fics #26
Hi y’all! Below are a few lost fics that us mods just can’t seem to find. That being said, we’re hoping that you lovely followers are able to help! If anyone knows any of the fics below please reply or send in an ask with which anon/user and group ask that the fic corresponds with!
Note: previous group asks and all lost fics!
Anon 1 asked:
Hello, thank you for all your work for this fandom!! I was wondering if you could find a fic I read a while back and lost -- Merlin is saving Arthur and gets injured, and he hides it well enough that Arthur just gets annoyed with him for being dramatic? And eventually there's a magic reveal, as well as merthur endgame. It was on ao3, if that helps! If not no worries <3
Anon 2 asked:
Okay, i always lose this fic and i'm never able to find it again even though i know it's somewhere on this blog... It's the one where merlin falls off a cliff and then arthur kisses him when he gets to merlin and merlin thinks it was just adrenaline? Thank you in advance, I'll make sure to bookmark this time lol
Thanks to @thatsniceiguess for sending in take my hand (there's a world I need to know) by ariadne_odair (need ao3 account)!
Anon 3 asked:
Hello, I would like if you could help me find a fanfiction that I read a few months ago. I can't remember the name but I remember that in the story Arthur took a gap year and he met Merlin on a train to Paris, I think, after they spent that year together, Arthur leaves and he goes 5 years without seeing Merlin. It's more or less that, I also remember that Morgana marries Gwen. I would be very happy if you can help me, I love your incredible work💖
Anon 4 asked:
I recently (as in like this week) read a fic where Gwen walks in on Merlin and Morgana are practicing magic. She runs out but Arthur goes and grabs her and explains that he knows. No matter what I search I can't find it!
Thanks to an anon, that could be Flank to Flank and Facing Forward by ohHeyThereBigBadWolf
@yankee-doodle-danger asked:
Hi! First of all I adore all the work you’re doing! I was looking for this very specific fic. Merlin and Arthur were both vampires who were going on a hunt. Percival and Gwaine were hunters, and at one point Merlin gets buried in a coffin with a stake in his heart while Arthur searches for him. This fic is driving me crazy so if anyone knows what it’s called it would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you so much!!
@ntjnke asked:
Hi there! I'm forwarding this ask from @FyMerlinxArthur. It sounds amazing, but I can't find it with my pretty simple searching skills. I was wndering if your mods would be more successful. The ask might take 2 boxes, bc I don't want it cut off, since all there are are content clues: "Hi ! I’m hoping if you can help me? I’m looking for a fic that I read a year or two ago where Arthur has a son who has magic. Merlin and Arthur are together raising the child, but Merlin is still a manservant. They are hiding their son’s power from Uther. In one part the son runs off to find his mother and it was revealed that Merlin is actually the other parent. Somehow he and a fairy had switched bodies and Merlin nor Arthur were aware and Arthur slept with the fairy (it was during one of their off periods and Merlin was traveling). The son was dropped off as a baby anonymously but no one could deny that it was Arthur’s. It was about eight chapters long when I read it on ao3. I’m not sure if it was posted on any other website. Thank you so much !!
Anon 5 asked:
Hi! I've been trying to find this story and I've searched every tag I can think of on AO3 but it's a Merthur story where Arthur has a habit of sleeping with servants and Merlin walks in on him a few times. And I think Arthur ends up with a servant that looks like Merlin. I'm also wondering if there are stories similar to this one? Thank you so much for all you do!
@oceancliffs asked:
hey, i’ve trawled through all the possible tags i can think of and cannot for the life of me find this fic. basically arthur is super in love with merlin but won’t act upon it because of the power imbalance and is convinced that merlin would go along with it if he ever made a move simply bc he’s the prince/king. it isn’t “for merlin’s honour” though!!
Glad you found it! For those interested it’s Knowing and Nobility by srin!
@fall0utmind asked:
LOST FIC--- It's short and on AO3. It is about Arthur realising he likes Merlin but also Merlin's previous loves, esp Gwaine and Lance. At one point Arthur finds out about this (Merlin accidently says) and is like you slept with not one but two of my knights?! He's like shocked and jealous. Hopefully that's somewhat useful! Thank you
Anon 6 asked:
Hi again! You've helped me before so I'm hoping you can help me now. I've been looking for a fic I read a while back where Arthur returns and tires to rekindle his relationship with Merlin but Merlin refuses. I remember Arthur saying, "Is it because you're old now? I don't care about that." They start living together and there's a guy from the grocery store who likes Merlin and Arthur sets them up on a date. Thank you so much!!!
@entertainmeh asked:
Hi I cannot express my gratitude enough hbxsjnszjn, the nights I spent reading amazing fics thanks to you!!but anyway I've come to ask about a fic I read a good while ago.. Arthur decided to teach Merlin how to fight with swords, but Merlin fell of a Cliff or sth and Arthur thought he died but turns out not and he had to drag him back to Camelot were he eventually died and then arthur bargained for Merlin's life with the triple goddess. There was magic reveal too. Do you know it?? Take care <333
Thanks anon for sending in The Best and Worst of Times by theimportanceofcurves!
Anon 7 asked:
i have lost a fic 😢 in it, it was expected for merlin to be arthur's bedwarmer, and basically uther forced them together, but arthur was a sweetie and even went to a brothel to learn how to not hurt merlin and stuff. I think they got magically married at some point. it had many chapter, and it was unfinished the last time I read it and... now I can't find it anymore 😢😢😢 help
Thanks to @thinkingabouttyrus for sending in Manservant by MerthurDestinies (WIP)!
Anon 8 asked:
Hi, I lost a fic and your recent posts about uni/college made me remember it existed in the first place lol so I'm seeking your help. I only remember little so it's fine if you can't find it. It was set in uni, and at first Merlin and Arthur didn't like each other. I remember them being very different since Merlin was poor, and that (at the end?) there was a touching rooftop scene (which I think ended with some heavy petting). Sorry if it's too little :(
Thanks to @hernativelanguagewasthought for suggesting a whole lot of history (you and me) by ladililn!
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luminecho · 4 years
Show Me What You’re Proud Of
RULES: It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought  into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want  (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to  awesome works.
@sister-dear did this and tagged all their mutuals who create things! Took me a moment before the realization hit me that, oh shit, I’m a mutual who creates things. Sooo here we go! Super nervous for some reason jdkjkqwdm.
I haven’t posted a lot of stuff publicly, let alone actually made things in general, and as far as writing goes I don’t have anything finished yet, but I used this opportunity to create a new art & writing blog (@echoing-creations) so I can hopefully start posting some WIPs and short snippets of stuff there from now on! ^^ Otherwise, I’m just gonna try my best to show what I have.
Again, I don’t really have anything posted or even finished yet (at least that I’m proud of). But I’ll share two WIPs/sneak peeks of the LU longfic that I’ve been working on these past couple of months. Because I’m pretty proud of some of the scenes that I have written so far! Unfortunately I’m limited in my choice of what I can include, because spoilers, but here’s what I’ve got. (They’re still very subject to change.)
- “Everything Goes Away” - Prologue
He was in control now. Not some selfish deity or petty goddess. For once, his destiny didn’t have to be set in stone. He could rewrite his story, re-weave the strings of fate. And it all started with a single thread.
Forgive me.
- EGA - Chapter 3
A cacophony of sound broke out around them as the other heroes’ reactions grew muddled together and incoherent. All the while, Legend and Warriors didn’t move, didn’t blink. The world was a swirling vortex of noise around them, a raging whirlwind of confusion and betrayal, and the two heroes stood in the center of it all, the eye of a hurricane, frozen in time. Frantic colors and voices spun around them like a cyclone in motion, tasting of forgotten courage and broken promises.
But all storms came to an end. As the tempest of sound and color died down into a suffocating silence and the world stopped spinning and lulled to a halt, a single whisper rang out louder than a gunshot, piercing the air and finally forcing Legend to break eye contact with Warriors.
- BotW Link - Wow, the only thing on this list that I actually have a link for! This post never kicked off, which kinda sucks, because I can’t even begin to describe how ridiculously proud of it I was (and still am). It took me ages and I put in so much more effort than I thought I would going into it. But I don’t really mind that nobody saw it, because I love it and that’s all that matters! It was all a big experiment (particularly with drawing humans) but I’m very happy with the outcome :)
Ummm I’m not really that proud of anything else I’ve posted, and there’s a lot of stuff I’ve drawn that I’m not ready to share with people yet cause I’m kinda self conscious, BUT I do have a couple of drawings that I still really like!
- First one is a ref for a Warrior Cats OC that I’ve had for... ah, almost as long as I’ve been drawing, actually. She’s a favorite between my and my irl friend, and she’s gone through so many redesigns I can’t even keep track, lol. This is definitely my favorite design of her by far, though, and is probably gonna stick for quite a while.
- Second one is just a random doodle of my catsona. Honestly not much to say about it. It was done for my part of an animation meme collab for a friend’s birthday a while back, and I kept the drawing because I really liked how it turned out. I honestly kind of want to redraw it soon with an updated version of my sona’s design and use it as my tumblr icon? Maybe? 👀 I’ve been wanting draw my own banner for a while now, so maybe this can be part of my blog makeover, lol.
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And that’s that! Not much, I know. I spent all evening trying to pull together scraps of stuff I could maybe share, but chickened out of showing most of it in the end. I’m kind of shocked at how little I actually created this year. I feel like my art has been at an all time low recently. I just haven’t really been drawing as much. Hopefully giving myself time and distance from it will help me to gather the motivation to pick it up again soon and be able to look at it without judging myself too harshly. As for my writing... I’ve definitely written more frequently this year than I have for a long time, even if I have nothing to show for it. I’ve been finding myself using my writing as an outlet a lot more recently than I did in the past, and I’ve been getting better at writing things down rather than just daydreaming them and letting the scenes float away into the void of my mind, lol.
Tagging all of my own mutuals (and followers!) who are creators!! Share what you’re proud of, even if it’s small <3
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that-house · 4 years
Hey so I hit 100 followers today!
Buckle up, this is gonna be a LOOOONG post.
I quite honestly expected it (while my ego is a little smaller than my jokes make it out to be it is definitely present), I didn’t expect it to happen so fast.
It’s not an insane milestone, plenty of people have 100 followers. A hefty portion of my followers are bigger than me. But it’s still important to me. Knowing that there’s 100 people out there who enjoy my shit makes me happy.
First and foremost the credit quite honestly has to go to ahegao George Washington. No, I’m not joking. Until I posted on r/tumblr about my desire to draw that, I had 0 followers. I jumped to like 10 overnight, which was awesome. And then those new followers helped me spread my posts and get more attention.
Secondly I’d like to shoutout @imaverysadgirl and @themeaninglessjumble. You two were my first real tumblr frens. You were the first of my followers to really interact with me. Ember, I’m super happy you’re alive to see me hit 100 followers. Jumble (I don’t know your name unless I forgot it), your art and creations are great and you deserve way more attention.
To all the rest of you, you guys are great, too. Every new follower makes me happy. I’d say I don’t deserve you all, but my colossal ego says I do. Regardless, being nemesi and getting called out for being horny on main and sending and receiving asks has made this last month or so great.
Finally, for all the shit it gets, and for all the shit it pulls, [tumblr] really is pretty dope. I got to meet you all, and it’s actively making me a better person by exposing me to groups of people I’d rarely interact with in real life.
Why does it feel like I’m saying goodbye? I’m not, don’t worry. I plan to stay, and neither death nor pain shall drive me from this hellsite. I’m just saying thanks.
Now with the thanks out of the way, I want to talk about myself a little. Just the stuff that I’ve always wanted to say and never quite gathered my thoughts and found the time to talk about.
You’re gonna get to know me so well! This is like a mini autobiography!
First off, my mental health. This is something I don’t talk about much on this blog, mostly because it doesn’t need much talking about. I’m doing pretty well, to be honest. I have a smattering of anxiety and I’m maybe a little too introverted for my own good, but I’m not suffering from depression and the only time I ever even remotely considered suicide was when I just really really didn’t want to go to French class. COVID has been great for me, since I don’t have to see people. I suppose I’m not a great person to talk to if you’re struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, seeing as I can’t personally relate, but I’m still always here for you guys if you need me. Just because I haven’t lived through your experiences doesn’t mean I can’t try to help.
Next up I want to talk about my sexuality. This one’s a bit of a mystery. For the past 16 years of my life I’ve considered myself 100% straight. But lately (let’s be honest, following the release of Spirit Blossom Thresh) I’ve been wondering if I might be bi. How many times can I joke about wanting to smash sexy boys before it’s not really a joke anymore? And if I am, a lot of things would suddenly make a lot of sense. But every time I think I have it figured out it suddenly feels like I have no clue what’s going on. Regardless, my sexuality has honestly never been a massive part of my identity (though I’m definitely not asexual, my friends can attest I’m far too horny for that). I have no clue if I’m bi and for now it’s kind of a fun little adventure!
I guess I’ll talk about school and stuff now. Believe it or not, I’m kinda smart. I’m taking a shitton of AP courses this year. But I simultaneously feel like it’s too much and not enough. I’m smart, but I’m not a great student. Compared to my dad, who graduated college with a 3.98 GPA (and his only B being in History of Canada as an American) and now has a super well-paying government STEM job that he loves, I feel like even if I work my ass off I’ll never quite measure up. And my parents have had super high expectations of me, and it’s only recently that they’ve started to accept that I might get some B’s here and there. I’m worried about all the homework this year. I’m a year ahead in Math but I don’t feel good enough at math to be taking AP calculus junior year. I’m worried I’m going to get like a C. But for the most part school is alright, too. That’s sort of the trend in my life. Everything’s alright.
Time to talk about my love life! I have no love life! I’ve been single for 17 years and probably stand no chance of changing that until at least college! Haha I’m so alone! But I can live with it. Growing up an only child with a few friends means that I’m pretty good at functioning without a ton of social interaction, and, while I’d like a partner someday, I’m not desperate. I can wait until I find someone. Pretty much my goal is not to die alone.
Onto sports maybe? I played soccer for most of my life, and was always the worst player on the select team. I was too good for the normal team and not good enough for the select team (kinda like math). Soccer was really toxic, especially when you’re the worst player on a team of high school jock drug addict boys. So I quit, and started playing frisbee! It’s a lot better. The people are nicer! But my first season never happened because of COVID and now I’m in my Junior year and haven’t played much frisbee! So I kinda suck! But I’m physically fit and that’s good enough for me! On my own time I bike and run to stay in shape.
Are you still with me? Now I’m gonna talk about my hobbies and things!
I’ve been playing video games for a long time. I kinda suck at them to be totally honest. I probably have below-average reaction time, and my parents only let me play 15 minutes a day for most of my childhood, so I have a lot less practice than most of my friends. I’m pretty slick with Swain in LoL tho.
This next part is borderline shameless self-promotion, but since the Kickstarter isn’t live yet I guess it doesn’t count. I’m making a tabletop role playing game! I’ve been working on it for the past few years. My goal is to launch the Kickstarter prior to my college applications, because that’ll look sexy as fuck to potential colleges. It’s a post-apocalyptic sci-fi game where you play as supersoldiers trying to reconquer the wastelands of Earth for humanity. I’ll do a big post on it when I launch the Kickstarter, and I guess that’ll also be a full name reveal (kinda spooky since my full name is ENTIRELY unique and one-of-a-kind. More ego boost lmao).
And finally I want to talk about my art and writing. I’ll start with my drawing, and finish off with my writing, since that’s what I’d most like to be known for on here (but that’ll never happen because my caveman brain shitposts are too funny).
So I’ve been doodling for a long time. I briefly got formal art training but sacrificing my Saturday mornings to draw what someone else wanted me to make so that I could make better stuff in the future didn’t appeal to my 8-year-old brain. I draw in the margins of worksheets. I draw on random sheets of paper. Recently my parents bought me a drawing tablet, and I’ve been trying to improve at digital art. I’d say I’m getting better, but I don’t practice nearly enough. All in all my art serves its purpose. It makes people laugh and can sometimes creep people out. It’ll never go in a museum, and I’ll never make money off of it but whatever.
And finally, my writing.
How can I talk about writing without talking about reading? I’ve likely read more books than both my parents combined, and if not, it’s close (and my mom is a prolific reader too). I have three bookshelves in my room and books on every surface. You can’t follow me for long without seeing a post ranting about my latest read. I love to read and I read incredibly fast. Reading spurred my love of English class, which in turn helped me write.
And finally, we get to writing in and of itself. I’ve been writing stories since I was a little kid. I’d like to think I’ve improved a fair bit. I’m still no novelist, but I consider myself a fairly adept short story writer.
But I suppose where my writing really stems from is my bed. Every night while I’m lying in bed, I tell myself stories until I fall asleep. I work on a story until it’s done or until I get bored of it. Along the way, in the shower, on my bike, I build the world of the story, crafting the plot. Sometimes the stories are elaborate fanfictions of my latest reads. That’s probably how they started. Often, they’re unique worlds all of their own. My current writing posts are about the City of Mammon, but my current story in my head is about some vampires who hunt other vampires in Victorian England.
And now we get into the process of writing. It’s fun! I sit myself down with an idea in my head, and use all the fancy words I picked up from my books to convey the vibes I want. I honestly wouldn’t be a great writing teacher. It’s just a skill that comes naturally to me as a result of what I’ve been doing with my free time my whole life. And it’s beautiful. And every time someone compliments my writing or reblogs it, I love writing just a little bit more.
Well I guess this is it. The 100 follower special. I wonder how many of you guys will take the time out of your day to read this. Hopefully a lot!
James (or That House) signing off for the night!
<3 thanks guys
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euphoriacrossing · 5 years
So, uh finally got my journal stuff.
I put it together yesterday, I am SO excited about it, it's better than I thought, BUT I have eight dividers (and can actually have more sections than that if needed because I have more dividers, plastic folders I can use to separate, and extra tabs I can use to label) and I don't know what sections I want to put so I can write it on the tabs.
I was thinking things like a tab for character profiles for the villagers, a tab for friend profiles, a tab for collecting and crafting, a tab for decorating, a tab for bells and budgets, things like that. I don't even know if I can come up with eight solid good sections, I might need to take some dividers out but we'll see.
I also have seen some pretty cool layouts. Like a play tracker someone made, I actually had a sheet come with my journal that had the months and days all listed in a chart so i am using that. But if you have any cool journaling layouts so far i would love to see them.
I am gonna try to print out my dodo airlines ticket and avatar from piccrew to paste in my journal since I can't draw. I have TONS of stickers and glitter glue and craft stuff so I might decorate my dividers with non-AC related decorations just so they are cute but I don't waste too many of my AC stickers though I guess I can always order more from etsy (lol, not really because I have already spent too much money and it's just the first of the money... but I mean, if it becomes an "emergency" I can and I can always purchase them at later days), and I actually still have some coming from etsy.
I ordered some gold letter stickers to spell out "New Horizons" on the front of my journal. I decided I just wanted to put that instead of my island name which I'll put inside on a "title page" of sorts. That way if I change my name for my island before the release I can just rip that page out and do a new one.
Oh I have both a clear pouch where I can put stencils and I have some stickers stored, and a fabric pouch where I have a pen, a stylus, and my amiibo cards. The fabric pouch I have clipped into the discs, but on the front so it doesn't hold the cover open. I know they have those pouches you can slip onto the planner with an elastic, but I like this little clip on one better. It's really small and only fits like one pen along with the other things which is usually less than I would carry BUT I guess this is already a bulky enough planner, I'm already unsure if it will fit in the AC sling bag with my switch, so best not make it any bulkier. Though my journal/planner did come with a canvas case, and it's not too much bulkier but it is a good place to store stickers and pens as long as I don't bulk it up too much, and that should help protect it if I shove it in a bag.
I guess most AC journaling will be done at home, but sometimes I go to my grandmother's or the hospital and I might want it with me to use depending on what info I end up writing down in there and how useful it becomes to me, I am not sure. I mean, I definitely have bags it will fit in along with my switch, but I ordered the AC sling bag because it was cute and I wanted to carry it, so if it doesn't fit I will possibly not be carrying it as much.
Oh also my journal stuff came with these nifty clip in to-do lists which I have a feeling i will be using to better make use of my AC time. I got some weekly planner sheets as well. I also have the monthly ones which were unnumbered so I went ahead and numbered those. =/ Tedious work. But now the monthly ones I will use to write down events, holidays, and birthdays, and I will leave those in there. The weekly planner sheets I just put in six weeks worth, and I will probably just do six weeks at a time and tear them out and throw them away when I'm done. That way I am not taking up too much room on my discs, but I can write more detailed plans and things I need to get done on those, but after I DO those things, I won't need the weekly pages at least I hope I can part with them. I am trying very hard not to make this a AC /diary/. I want it to be more like a reference book for my Island. The difference being one is nostalgic for me and the other one is actually useful to me OR anyone who might play on my island. Like if it's a proper reference someone else could pick up my switch and play and have access to say my Islanders birthdays, or the native fruit, or how much I was intending to spend on this, that, or the other. I don't know how many people intend their journals to be more like a diary, but I don't want to waste time writing things down that will only be nostalgic to me, instead I want the GAME to play as my sort of diary, for the memories I make to be playing, not writing. I want to write down things I need to remember and not just things I want to remember, I'd rather those just happen as in game moments. And if I want it to be a diary in the future, since it is discbound I can do that. But to start off that is not what I am going for. So that being said, hopefully I can part with the weekly pages and just throw those away since they won't really likely contain and pertinent info I will need in the long run. And any that do contain like birthdays or events, those will be added to the larger calendar so I won't need the weekly pages to remember when those things are.
Anyway, I am overall pretty excited about my journal being here and being able to work on it. I actually listened to some music yesterday while working on the calendar and it was kind of fun. Now I can just test different layouts, and things like that. My stencils come tomorrow I think. I ordered two sets actually so I could have more little doodles. And I can test what pens work the best and all that. It gives me something New Horizons related to do, which considering that's all my brain really wants anything to do with right now, it makes a huge difference for me.
If you have any ideas to help me with my journal, feel free to share them either in a reblog, or reply, or tag me in a post on here, whatever. I'd love to see your layouts and hear your ideas for different sections and stuff. Oh! And if you can think of anything else cool to print out for my journal, let me know! I know a lot of people are doing the dodo airline's tickets and I am gonna do that plus the piccrew avatar, but is there anything else cool I should print out? Like any reference guides or information that might be helpful when playing?
I know some people are already writing down friend codes and what not. But I am going to wait until I actually add people which will be closer to when we can actually play together.
But other than that, PLEASE share your ideas with me. =)
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maedaeme · 5 years
aaaye i’m gonna be going thru a lot of life changes over the next month. this is just a quick overview of where i am/will be at, so if you’d like to know, hi, it’s gonna be some stuff. if not, tl; dr--i’m gonna be all over the place for a bit, so stay classy, stay hydrated, eat your vegetables
most of y’all know two of my younger siblings live with me. one of them is moving out of state (that’s a whole other thing) and rent here is way too high without the 3rd person, so i’m in the middle of packing to move so I will be out in time for my lease to be up next week.
the next big thing is that my parents bought a new house, and i’m going to be living with them for a year or two to save up for (hopefully) a house down payment, because rent in this terrible state is like $1000-$1400 for a one bedroom and it is sucking the life out of me.
long time mutuals probably know that i’m not... looking forward to this lol. being home was not really Good for my mental health. i mean, i’ve been moved out for like... 5? 6 years? so maybe it will be totally fine? but a huge part of why i’ve been able to rebuild any sort of relationship with my mother is because i’ve been able to leave when she starts doing Her Thing. 
i’ve been on edge for days stressing about this. it’s a bummer.
basically: i’m gonna be all over the place. i might have days where i am around and doing things and doing great, but i’m probably going to be scattered and a bit disorganized for a while. i am very tired. but ily and i really appreciate the folks that have taken time to send little bits of support every time i faceplant on the giant earthen ground that is the internet/my blog. u are real mvps and i owe you boatloads of affection.
anyway, that’s me right now!! may post some doodles when i get downtime because, like i always do when i move, i got into my old sketchbooks again. nothing like old sketchbooks to make me want to redraw those terrible ideas i had when i was 15. it’s the little things.
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toast-connoisseur · 5 years
End Of The Year asks but make it sexy
Not really sure how to make these “sexy” ? Lol
End of the year Asks
* Song of the year? -Juice by Lizzo
* Album of the year? -Cheap Queen by King Princess
* Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? -They’re not new but my friends got me into liking Brockhampton and I also have a new liking for Enter Shikari even though they’ve not new either lol
* Movie of the year? -Booksmart and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
* TV show of the year? -The L Word: Generation Q
* Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? -Every episode of Queer Eye tbh
* Favorite actor of the year? -Zendaya always does good but she outdid herself this year
* Game of the year? -Wizards Unite was about all I had time to play lol
* Best month for you this year? -May was the best and worst month
* Something that made you cry this year? -The loss of someone special
* Something you want to do again next year? -More getaways with my friends! Even if it’s only a day or two, we make the best of them!
* Talk about a new friend you made this year -Not so much a new friend, more like a friend I lost touch with for years and then reconnected with? I’ve made a few friends here and there but she and I went back to our old dynamic easily.
* How was your birthday this year? -It was wonderful! Minus a few drunk mishaps, I truly felt the love from my friends and family.
* Favorite book you read this year? -I didn’t get much time to read this year (other than schoolbooks) but Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (2003) was interesting
* What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? -I don’t think I picked one up? Hopefully didn’t...
* Post a picture from the beginning of the year-I’ll post that below!
* Post a picture from the end of the year -Same as above!
* A memorable meal this year? -All the tacos i consumed while intoxicated!
* What’re you excited about for next year? -Growth! Spiritual, mental, emotional... I want all of it!
* What’s something you learned this year? -There is a time to be patient and then there’s crunch time. Regardless, I need to listen to my body and not overwork myself.
* What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? -I was freshly moved in at the beginning of the year so it feels a little more like home now.
* Favorite place you visited this year? -The Airbnb my friends and I rented in Palm Springs has wonderful memories for us all!
* If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? -Chin up, keep hustling, stay away from sick coworkers.
* Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? -No. I think there are too many accomplishments to be made to just worry about one.
* Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one -Lots of doodles! I made stick figures of all my friends mostly...
Beginning of the year: (January)
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End of the year: (November)
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neorukixart · 6 years
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I know I said I was gonna be active more often, but life keeps happening OTL but wow tumblr, what the f* c k happened here? everything is so bright and hurts my eyes! Are people still using this website?
So, here I’m back (hopefully?) to report my status, enjoy the drama (?) and this little doodle of my daughter Hagumi I managed to do, I feel so rusty XD.
I kinda hurt my right wrist back in december, it wasn’t broken nor a major problem so I was gonna be fine by february aka this month haha but still, I was forbidden from drawing and using any devices in my left hand, I’m pretty much ambidextrous but for writing was the problem and I had to learn to play bandori one handed instead of my thumbs lol.
Aside my lesion, had to keep working in my job, my thesis and uni stuff, I’m pretty much done with investigation and sources, now I just have to put all the information together, this is the main reason I kept myself away from social media, because I distract myself easily so this was the best decision I made and I’m proud of how much I progressed in my thesis! Lucky I’m taking a few weeks of rest from uni but not from work so still a bit busy but I’ll find time to doodle stuff because I miss so much drawing for fun and I owe a few doodles to my twitter friends.
Sorry if I made yall worry, I swear it wasn’t my intention, in fact I thought I made the announcement of me being away since...ummm... August/September??? back then I had problems with my internet and energy company so those were awful months for research. I explained that in my other post when tumblr was dying (?).
Thanks guys for your patience and for worrying about me, and thanks if you miss my content! It means a lot that there are people out there who actually looks forward for my doodles *sniff*.
I also missed the internet drama~~ so expect me in twitter! I almost forgot, still can’t access to my main discord account that was neorukix#8280 so add me at my provisional one that is Sakata Producer#4918, if I can’t get back my account, guess the provisional will become the main.
Maybe I should also catch up with Instagram... since I deleted the app from my phone months ago so I could install Bandori, haven’t bothered with it, promise someday I’ll do.
If you read all of this, you are a blessing and I’m grateful for your attention~ see you guys around! (I hope...) 
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yukipri · 7 years
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Future!Verse ABO AU - Arisa + Saya Doodle
I’VE BEEN REALLY NEGLECTING THE KIDS so here’s a quick doodle I did for Patreon last month featuring Arisa and Saya <3
Arisa's probably like, 13ish? And Saya maybe 4ish? or a bit older idk LOOOOL
Some rambly headcanons beneath cut!
IF YOU ARE NEW TO THIS AU: It’s a Yuri!!! on Ice AU, Yuuri-centric with end-game polyamory in an ABO setting, Yuuri gets married to six mates (Victor, Yurio, Phichit, Minami, Chris, Otabek) and they have OC kids.
BASICS and timeline of this AU
OTHER POSTS (comics + illustrations) in the Future!Verse ABO section of my YOI Masterpost.
Please keep ship bashing out of the comments/tags. Don’t like, just skip <3 Thank you.
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! More detailed rules available on my Rules & FAQ Post.
Arisa's very much into her rebellious tweens/even more rebellious teens at this point and is always trying to pull ridiculous stunts on the ice and doing other shit like hacking people's wifi and all over wreaking a lot of havoc. The other parents are relatively calm (well, Yuuri frets but tries to act calm), because she's smart and usually knows her own limits, plus she reminds them of a certain Russian punk when he was her age....But Yurio, wHOOO BOY Yurio is ALWAYS freaking out and saying don't pull this shit don't do that, DID YOU JUST LAND A QUAD, WTF I TOLD YOU NOT TO TRY THAT SHIT YET, what are you gonna do if your younger siblings imitate you, DON'T GIVE ME THAT EYE ROLL YA LIL BRAT!
She's recently adopted what will eventually grow to be her Signature Look TM: a red leather jacket. At first it was just a thing she had her dads buy for her bc it looked cool, but it grew on her and as she becomes more public-conscious and aware of the importance of creating an image and persona to present (eyyy Phichit's social mastery coming thru HAHA), she's like HEY this could work! and starts accumulating a collection. You'll see her in biking jackets, cropped jackets, trenchcoats...all in bright red AHAHAHA
And Saya, she loves all her brothers to bits honestly, from Noé who's mostly glued to her side, to Trying Way Too To Be Cool twins, to of course over eager Yuuji, but she's SO got such a sisterly crush on Arisa who she thinks is the COOLEST PERSON EVER. Which, of course, leads to Arisa trying to show off more, and then Yurio yelling more, and then Beka sighing and telling Yurio to just Chill a bit while dragging him away, all while Yuuri rubs his temples and groans. And Saya just watches with sparkly eyed admiration from her spot on mom's lap because Arisa is so cool and the twins sulk and are jealous that their attempt at an equally stupid but slightly less effective stunt went ignored (but Minami and Victor caught them and are NOT amused...).
(and in case you were wondering, in this scenario Chris is missing because he's busy desperately crawling about the house looking for Yuuji, who stole an entire box of pizza and is currently no doubt hiding in some corner trying to stuff as much into his face as he can before he's caught. Phichit's cuddling with Noé while giving Chris vague directions to the right area from the comfort of his office; he already knows where Yuuji is, they have body heat detectors in every room, but he also knows Yuuji's having a blast playing high stakes hide and seek (nothing is more high stakes than food LOL) and will indulge his son just a little bit)
Also note, as I hopefully start posting more drawings with Saya, you should hopefully be able to tell her approximate age by how Goth her clothing choices are AHAHAHAHA She starts out wearing the cutest pastel colors, all sorts of colors until she starts expressing a preference, and she likes girly and feminine things and likes Arisa's outfits so then her parents start getting her more pink (close to Arisa's red but more girly?), but once she's of an age where she can pick her own clothes she unintentionally chooses more monochrome, then just black, and black, and black by the time she's a teen...Currently pink but the gray starting to creep in AHAHAHHAH
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It’s Already May Tag Game
I was tagged by the lovely @letsby. Thank you, love! <3
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What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
Oh lord, this changes depending on the day/week/month. Lately I’ve had “The Middle” by Zedd and “Never Be The Same” by Camilla Cabello stuck in my head a lot. 
What’s your favourite flower/tree/plant?
White roses 
Favourite colours? Purple, silver, and green
What do you always doodle? I never really doodle because I’m super self-conscious about my lack of drawing abilities, even when no one can see it but me. If I “doodle” it’s me just underlining words I wrote on a post-it or drawing boxes or squiggle lines around words/notes.
How do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee - Iced coffee ALWAYS regardless of the season, and with cream or double milk in it, and then I put one packet of sugar in on my own (2 packets if it’s a large)
Tea - Ha, also always iced. I can’t get into hot tea. I like lemon-flavored iced tea but only certain brands. My favorite is Gallikers lemon tea, which of course I can never find in Philly. Actually, one of my friends just told me she brought a gallon back from West Virginia for me this weekend, and I need to get that from her lol. 
Special - Around Christmas time when Dunkin has their Snickerdoodle hot lattes...omg soooo good. Also, there’s a little Mexican cafe in South Philly that makes chocolate coffee and it has cinnamon and some other magical ingredients and it is literally the best coffee I’ve ever had in my life. 
Favourite candle scent?
Anything pumpkin-related. I only really light candles when fall hits and I’m in that seasonal mode. 
What’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone?
Hahaha...oh god...I’m not a dancer. Idk what “move” it even is, but it’s mostly me rolling my hips or rolling my waist back and forth like a deranged belly dancer. 
Favourite quote? So I never really had *a* favorite quote, but at my first internship, my very first client asked me for my favorite quote when my internship was coming to an end. I picked this one because I thought it was inspirational, not knowing that she’d show up the next week with a little wooden plague on which she had painted the quote with a little personal message to me wishing me luck in life and thanking me for being her therapist. Needless to say, I still have the plague, and that quote is now officially my favorite because of her kind gesture. The quote is:
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” ~Marilyn Monroe
Favourite self-care routine(s)? On work days, after I get home and go through the kitty cuddle greetings and feed said kitties, I always HAVE to immediately get a hot shower. That’s my self-care. It’s my way of literally and metaphorically washing away “work Ashton” and putting on “home Ashton”. I then hopefully have something delicious to make/heat up/order for dinner. 
Fuzzy socks or house slippers? Fuzzy socks
What colour are your eyes? Blue
What’s your favourite eye colour on others? I honestly am not one to overly notice eye color. Even with my ex-boyfriends, I would date them for months and then think, “Huh...what color eyes do they even have?” It’s not a feature I notice unless it really stands out. Like guys with super dark hair and then light blue or green eyes (like Ian Somerhalder), now THOSE I notice. That combo is probably my fave. Otherwise, I’m more focused on other facial features such as mouth and nose. 
Favourite season? Why? Autumn/Fall - It’s the only season of the year where I actually enjoy being outside. The whole atmosphere of it is just so magical to me. The changing leaves, the cool air flowing in the open windows, pulling your sweaters and boots out of the closet for the first time...ALL THE PUMPKIN THINGS! I proudly wear the title of “basic bitch” when it comes to fall, with zero shame. 
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses? Neck bites, not kisses *coughs*
What does your happy place look like? My apartment
Favourite breed of dog? Shiba Inu
Do you ever want to be married? If so, what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
Eh, I’m pretty neutral about it, and honestly have a lot of conflicting feels about weddings, especially since I personally despise attending them, and avoid attending them at all costs. If the right person came along and getting married seemed to be a good step for our relationship, then sure. And even then, I’m not sure if I’d really have a wedding or not...I honestly have never sat and thought about a wedding dress or wedding theme or really fantasized about that at all. The only thing I have thought about with them was, if I did have one, that I would take out a lot of the “traditional” patriarchal bullshit that goes into them, like I wouldn’t change my last name, would either have both or neither parents walk me down the aisle rather than just my father, etc. If anything, I’d rather skip the official wedding and just spend money on a nice honeymoon. 
Cursive or print?
Print. Besides grandmothers, do many people really use cursive anymore? I swear we were all lied to in grade school, and told how we’d have to use cursive once we hit high school, and it was so false. 
Favourite weather? A cool, breezy fall day in the 50s or 60s with clouds and no direct sunlight lol. 
I tag: @hannibalssweaters @bamby0304 @prettyepiic @217fanfic @jeffreydeanneganstrash @kellyn1604 @purplemuse @risingphoenix761 @sirlsplayland @yippeekiyayyeahfavabeans @jobean12-blog
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Exams are over!!!
I’m still waiting for the results of the Biochem exam, funny how the all scantron test that I took first is taking the longest to grade but whatever. That exam was a goddamn nightmare it was the ACS and let me tell you the way our professor taught the course could not have been less conducive to that standardized test if she tried. She didn’t even give us a study guide! Just a list of topics! All the other classes got study guides and I’m just lucky a friend managed to get me one since it was one to one what was on the test. But I had focused on the book problems and that couldn’t have been less helpful blah! Everyone I talked to said the same so I’m just praying we don’t have a curve wrecker in the class.
As for everything else, hard but manageable. The class I was least concerned with came out of left field with a stupidly difficult exam. But whatever it’s finished.
My family came down today and helped me move out of my dorm. They surprised the heck out of me cause my sister and baby niece came along too when it was supposed to just be my mom and aunt flying together and my dad and his wife flying in. I’m so glad to see my niece I can’t even explain.
The graduation ceremony is this Sunday and my dad and I will be driving back to the Midwest the day after. A few more days and I’ll have a bachelors in preprofessional biology :)
So as for the blog, I’ll be filling the queue back up and upping the rate back to 4 a day fairly soon, hopefully tomorrow. I’ve got something very big planned for next week (hopefully fortunately a consecutive two day drive home is pretty ample working time), more on that later.
In the meantime, as a thank you for everyone being so kind and supportive, I’ll be posting all of the tamb doodles I’ve made over the past few months. It’s nothing special since a lot of them are old or unfinished or not that good (I’m a science major not art lol) but I wanted to do something a little different :)
TLDR: Finals are finished and the blog will be more active with a few new projects in the works.
And again I can’t thank all of you enough. The TAMB fandom has been unbelievably supportive and welcoming and I’m so grateful to be a part of it!
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sufferthesea · 6 years
Transitional Period
Okay so I feel really lame writing this but I think it's also important. I keep apologizing for not being super active on this blog anymore, and there's a number of reasons I haven't. Most of it has been health related but anyway. I started this blog because I hated my other blog and wanted to do something new with a fandom I'd been in for a long time (10+ years), so after talking with Katie ( @shiranuigenma ), I decided to create this Naruto blog. But it wasn't intended to be just a Naruto blog, but that's how it kind of ended up since that's what I was into when I made it.
The fact that I've kept this a 98% Naruto blog is awesome because my attention span and energy allotted for a fandom is around 3-4 months. After that I usually get bored or burnt out and have to find something else. Making friends and participating in things like Kakashi Week, and just doing art and writing fanfics, has helped me to maintain interest in this blog for a lot longer than I thought I would. So thank you!! You guys are awesome!!!
(Okay real quick I'm not quitting lol. I know it sounds like it. But I'm not.) Basically, I was getting so burnt out on Naruto that I was dreading getting on this blog and I didn't want to watch it anymore. That's why I've been MIA. I literally only follow Naruto blogs at the moment. I don't want this to become a trash blog like my last one that I abandoned, so I'm still going to be kind of selective with what I reblog. Anyway. To combat the staleness and burnt out feeling I had, I got into a few other shows with my friends and that's really all I've been watching (RWBY, RvB, and YouTube if you're curious). It sounds dumb but it's really helped me a lot because I'm not so exhausted and wearing myself out trying to be ~the cool singular fandom blog~ that I'm really not meant to be. (Yo, major kudos to those who can do that.)
So anyway, 2018 has been not super unkind, but very tough for me. You grow from challenges, right? But it's also important to not be challenging yourself 24/7 for 6 months straight with little sleep and locking yourself away in your bedroom. I am not Maito Gai. I cannot do that. So here's a few things about my blog that'll carry us into summer 2018 and hopefully allow me to be more active and not so stressed and sad!!!! Esp since I still don't have a job even tho I'm looking!! And I'm getting tired of ppl telling me “Well just get a job??? Just go get hired???” like !!! what do you think I am doing???
Requests are now closed indefinitely. I'm going to finish up the few I have, but after that I'm closing them. They were super fun but I have so many things backlogged that it hasn't been as fun anymore. I send love and thanks to all those who sent in requests while they were open! It was a fun experiment and I got to really test myself by writing for characters I don't normally write for!
Writing commissions are closed indefinitely.  I’ll complete the one I have, but then that’ll be it for now. These too were also fun and challenged me more than anything else I've done. I got to write some very unique and difficult topics and I'm so thankful for those who trusted me enough with their stories to do this. However, the amount of time and mental energy it took was too much and severely underselling myself made it difficult to justify the time I was spending. (I've read writers should charge around 1 – 3 cents a word. I was charging $0.001 cents a word lmao. Whoops. I actually don't mind but it is hard to make a living like that.)
Art commissions are still OPEN! And btw, I do have a ko-fi. I'm thinking about doing something like, one coffee = one bust of your character of choosing? (which is same price as commissions whoops lol.) Idk yet. I won't be doing any writing for ko-fi, though.
I was going to create a side blog for the other fandoms I'm in but side blogs are tedious and annoying to manage so I'm probably just going to start posting stuff here. If you don't want to see it, you can start blacklisting tags now. I'll be tagging things as #rwby, #rvb, #not naruto (that's my catch-all tag for anything, uhh, not Naruto). Expect a lot of Ozpin, Qrow, Church, and Washington because even tho I was inactive here, it does not mean I stopped hoeing around in other fandoms. Oh, also expect an occasional #game grumps because #dan avidan is way cute.
I'm also going to be posting fanart for other fandoms here too. It's been nice to draw stuff other than Nardo. I'll still be doing Naruto stuff (I have a ton of Naruto projects I'm working on) but silly little doodles will probably be from RWBY.
I'm also in this weird kinda scary period in my life with school and career options. I have a degree in English and it's always been assumed I'd be a teacher but I don't want to be?? I realized recently that I love to draw and I'm getting quite good at it (with the help of my sister who is my own real-life youtube tutorial for SAI), so both my sister and I are going back to college for a Studio Art degree. I'm thinking about getting into animation and I'm scared because it's not a secure or “traditional” job??? I'm scared because I'm not settling on a job I don't want or a field I just assumed I'd go into. I'm not good with big changes or going into things when it's uncertain, so I'm like ….. /anxiety increases/ But I'm hoping it'll be good.
Just as an extra bullet point and a reminder, I still really love Kakashi, Iruka and Obito, and all my other guys!! Don't think I forgot about them!!
Sorry this is 10 million years long but it was important to me to write all that. I'm sorry I haven't been able to reblog your art or fics and comment on them. I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you guys and responded to messages. I'm sorry I'm not as active. I've just been figuring stuff out and hanging out with friends, and watching other things so I don't grow to despise Naruto lol. So. That's about it. I probably forgot something.
Oh, I have 21 plants growing in my windowsill. 2 are decorative and the other 19 are going to go in my garden in the backyard bc they’re herbs and vegetables. And I'm going to cosplay for the first time next month and I might meet the voice actor for kid Obito. So. There's that.
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