#love how i have to justify why i don’t think j can be a dark lord lmao
padfootastic · 2 years
I have read through your posts and I know you like the dark! Sirius Black trope, but what do you think about dark! James? Yesterday I was scrolling through tik tok and I found this snippet where sirius was killed and dark lord Potter was unleashed and unhinged. Do you think sunshine James could destroy everyone and everything if Sirius was killed?
hello, friend! my sincerest apologies for the delay but—i am here now and let’s tackle this.
so. dark!james. very, very fascinating idea because it’s just so…incongruous to what we usually see him as? like, at least in our circles, it’s accepted he can be a bully & can be insensitive but to be truly dark? capable of say, premeditated murder? well.
i personally cant imagine it very well, i’m not gonna lie. i think sirius is very much the ‘i’ll burn the world down for u’ part of their dynamic and james’ just has. too much of a rigid moral code to very cross that line ykno? that’s not really a bad thing, of course.
however, i do see him as the kind who would destroy a person say, politically or financially or socially. like, he has a lot of privilege, yeah? usually doesn’t do anything with it but if sirius is killed? he’ll do everything in his considerable power to ensure those responsible are suffering as much as possible. he’ll get their businesses blacklisted, their families ostracised, run a public smear campaign etc etc. he would be able to justify it to himself as ‘just revenge’ ykno?
and i’ve mentioned this before in that ask ab sirius dying on halloween instead of sirius but as equal as i believe j/s is, i do think they occupied different spaces in each other’s life. where sirius clung more desperately, more possessively to james; i think james was much more secure & grounded and wouldn’t be as…dependent? on sirius. so if the roles were reversed, i can see s going a bit unhinged (as he did) but not james, exactly.
i do think he’ll spend the rest of his life fighting for sirius’ memory to be alive & honoured tho. do the things s wanted but wasn’t able to. keep a lifelong vigil for him.
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eliza1911o1 · 2 years
Druckmann stating David is a dark version of Joel is a -10/10 take absolutely not okay because them being parallels implies they share many similarities… David acting as a reflection of Joel’s role (as many of the character’s we meet mirror Ellie+Joel’s position in the story), though, is a 11/10 choice. I believe the showed really emphasized this and yeah, I get it seems nit-picky, but it’s important to note how paralleling the two characters in such a way serves to explain how differently they approach the role of guardian and what could have been if Ellie had met someone else. Additionally, it’s leading us to the conclusion that even a a good person (read: parent) doesn’t always do everything right (*spoilers if you don’t know the game*)
Joel and David are both older male figures who appear to want to care for Ellie. They set these two up for compare and contrast through the role of a “father” figure (an older caring mentor who can be responsible for her). The word “father” is frequently used in ep 8 when addressing Joel as well as when David refers to himself, expressing how both of them are random men who found their way into Ellie’s lonely life. There is also a sense of obsession the two have towards Ellie and keeping her around that is followed be violence, which is utilized as an expression/form of love. Their motives and characters couldn’t be more fundamentally different.
Initially, Joel has no interest in helping Ellie and no expectation of trust. Joel’s conception of a father seems to be the universal expectation of providing, teaching, fundamentally caring for a child’s well-being. The only reason he begins to open up to Ellie is due to circumstance and the ghost of his daughter, who he feels he failed; the association comes with a deep personal trauma by unconditional love. Furthermore, this sense of care is entirely one of a parent, exhibiting care so great that his well-being and even the world doesn’t matter as long as she’s okay
In contrast, David is clearly beyond words off the rails messed up. He does appears to have little to no understandable morals, exhibiting little inhibition to resorting to cannibalism, physical intimidation, sexual violence, and pedophilia. What’s more, from what he insulates, this is not a result of the apocalypse, a breakdown of humanity — instead, this is a part of himself now freed. The apocalypse has not caused this collapse of morals, it has actually justified his propensity for the inhumane. David sees the violence in Ellie, but he’s partially confusing this inclination, which has been fostered by humanity’s collapse, extreme traumas, and general survival. Honestly, I’m not going to even try to understand his mind or why he would think it’s okay to kidnap and potentially try to make Ellie his partner — all that matters for this is how David sees this action as caring for her and views himself in a father role by doing such (he crazy so don’t even try to ask how he came to those conclusions)
On a related tangent (trust me here), ep 8 emphasizes religion quite a bit, most noticeably in the way the community is steeped in some form of Christianity and David is a preacher. Less clearly is this reduction of religion (or a faith in God) to faith in an individual. David, as we learn more about him, seems to have a God-complex, framing his himself as a savior and leader in his community; he utilizes religion to frame his actions as unquestionable. Furthermore, while the usage of “father” is frequent and in places implies reference to, it never directly mentions a relation to God. the opening verse that David reads (Revelation 21:3-4) is also supportive of this, as it states, “God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” Not only is David attributing himself to a God-like status, but also this position of a “father” as a leader of faith in correlation with Ellie.
We have seen the way Ellie mimics Joel, like in the beginning of ep 8 when she threatens David and James over the deer. She gladly follows his “teachings” and even seeks them, shown in the way she continuously begs Joel to tell her what to following his incapacitation. She’s also only kid and this has been the first time she’s ever been loved in this way, so there’s no reason for Ellie not to feel okay with relying on Joel with almost blind faith.
But Joel is not perfect and he is not prepared to teach a kid how to grow up in the apocalypse. While Joel and David provide similar offers (at least from their first impressions), Joel will never take advantage of Ellie in the cruel way David would have. It actually highlights Joel’s humanity, and so, even when he is torturing and killing men for information on her whereabouts, this feels justified since Joel is a good man and a good father. Joel may cross lines, but it is out of necessity OR maybe he just doesn’t cross too many/the wrong ones, so we’re still able to stand with him.
Nevertheless, this conflict of morals (being a good person in a world where, really, you die if you’re good) has an especially strong impact on Ellie, who is only 14. A major theme of the game and especially so for the show is the concept of violence and idea that, in Ellie’s world, violence has become a show of love. Mazin himself states how Ellie’s tendency for violence has been enhanced through Joel’s presentations of care being through acts of violence, tracing this back to Joel killing the guard in episode 2. David says this plainly to Ellie, how Joel kills a man not defending himself, but defending her. The lines that should not be crossed are blurred; in the apocalypse, do they exist at all?
David, disgustingly enough, leads us the answer: cordyceps love through violence, this is not how humans love. “People need a father” and Ellie is not beyond that. David accepts we’re all animals, but Joel continues to teach Ellie what it means to be more than that through the way he treats her equally, he worries for her, he kills only when necessary (iffy, but at least it’s not out of enjoyment), and simply cares. Ellie has warped violence as a form of love, however, this is not all she knows, which is what makes the end of TLOU pt. II all the more poignant. *SPOILER* albeit stuck in a cycle of violence, Ellie finally decides to end things with her choice not to kill Abby. Though I don’t particularly like pt. II and don’t know if it was perfect enough to justify killing off Joel, I can appreciate the ideas behind it and think the emphasis on forgiveness is a powerful statement
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Orange time :D Ranboo pov
Oh my goodness this bit
Sir you do not get to “Hey everybody” us after all of this
Garfield Kart????
Ran made it a whole 12 minutes without laughing at himself, I’m so proud of them
“I don’t know who you think you are, Philza- phil- philza? I don’t know who the hell you think you are but his favorite food is goddamn lasagna” garfieldfan2487 my beloved
“Stop making me think, get out of here you ganti” losing my absolute mind
The eye contact and “… you like Garfield?” killed me
GARFIELD KART IS REAL?!!?! I thought they were clowning
Leaving himself a message and creating lore for their MCC scuffed persona is so Ranboocore
Aimsey instantly becoming Garfieldfan2487’s best friend can be so personal
Ran and Callum’s interaction is everything
“Just like Garfield gets destroyed by Mondays, I am getting destroyed by the IRS”
Ran FINALLY breaking character, it’s been almost an hour my liege, cmon /lh
So I was under the impression Martyn was pg, guess not lol
All the skins 😭
The music just being a single kazoo note on repeat is so good
Bingo but fast!!! :D
MCC really said no to democracy and I respect that
Bingo but Fast
Are… they actually all going to be bingo? I don’t know if I want to believe that
Shoutout to Martyn for actually having played this game before
Why are there elytras???
They have to say bingo 😭
I feel like they’re killing it but they’re in fifth lol
Ewwww why is the savannah green?????
Battle Box
Excuse me why isn’t this game sillier?? /j
Thus Noxite and Ranboo’s rivalry begins
Sneeg mvp :))
Martyn mvp!!!!
Eat the carrots!!
“Fist up or die” so true Kara
Magic school bus conversation my beloved
Ran and Phil throwing their chickens at each other is so silly of them
Hole in the Wall
The hitw logo <333
Ran is so excited, I can stop smiling
Ranboo could I get you to consider: accents
This whole event is just going to be overstimulation central and I’m ready for it
Martyn’s “Nuh uh, if my parents couldn’t get me to eat me vegetables then you can’t either”
Sot music <333
Garf permission granted, still don’t know what that means tho
They’re so real about how ideal the stimulation of hitw with hunger is
Ranboo zooming in and making eye contact is so intimidating what
Survival Games
“I’m so garfed up right now” “damn dude” KARA
What does MCCAF stand for?
Everyone laughing at Martyn taking fall damage is so silly of them
The way the music cuts out just before they encounter their first other team is legit terrifying
“Is there a /top command?” 😭😭😭Ranboo my favorite Techno stannie
“You can now use /top” MCC MY BELOVED 😭😭😭
No clue how or when they got in first but I love that for them
Phil is merely playing Rocket Spleef, okay? Let the man enjoy himself /lh
The scoring is scuffed, don’t worry about it
High key thought my computer froze when Ranboo just walked up to Phil and stared into the camera
“I’m trying to maximize our garfage, okay?” “You can’t garf when you’re dead, Sneeg! There’s no garfing in hell!” […] “Of course you can, you’ve never been more surrounded by orange, that’s where we’re supposed to be” “I jump into the lava to be reunited”
I expected the dark to be darker ngl /lh
Now THIS is dark darkness
This is exactly the level of chaos I was craving
I was restraining myself from making a “gay on gay crime” joke when Ant justified punching Ran with “the chick-fil-a took over my keyboard, I’m sorry”
Slow falling into the void is so painful
“Who’s being a guy?” “Not me” RANBOO 💕💗💖💕💕💗💖 or should I say 💛🤍💜🖤
Kara asking if she can swear in game 5 is iconic, Sneeg is right there queen /gen
Kara going feral, as she deserves <333
Why is Martyn surprised? He was popping off
Martyn getting a screenshot of himself in the top ten “Sending that one to mum” I love him, okay??
“Dodgebolt with multishot” Sneeg is so real for that
Kara just had a kazoo on hand?? And perfect pitch??????
Sands of Time
Kara and Martyn having a whole “no you first” “no YOU first” over who gets to run is so!!!
Ranboo calling H a nerd, my streamers <333 (but seriously I don’t know if they’ve really interacted? Like they were both on dsmp but I can’t remember anytime they’ve actually spoken)
That sound effect is so cruel but if that’s the only thing scuffed about sands I’m happy
Omg what if all the vaults were down the same path
“Oh surely” “don’t call me Shirley”
Ranboo you idiot
You died in lava pal, the key is gone
They are merely gaming
That reaction was so delayed lol
Ran snickering at “under where?”
That was terrifying but so cool, it’s really lucky that they went in with like 30 seconds left
I really do want Ranboo to get third
Martyn being terrified of buildmartmanager!Grian is so real
Ranboo is so Techno-coded this MCC :((
Big Sales at Build Mart
Awww it’s the og map
The new game logos are everything, I would sell my soul for stickers of them
“Oreos!!” “No, that’s ore” “Oh” me too Kara, me too
Ran falling twice in a row and Sneeg just laughing at them
I’m actually down for the little nether run
Ran and Aimsey stopping mid game to wave at each other my beloved
Wow they are really bad at this /aff
This event is just a love letter to everyone who’s been here since the beginning and it makes my heart really happy
The way they made a scuffed logo for this game because it’s the only time it’s getting played does something to me
I’m so down for end crystals actually
Sneeg mvp!!!
“I think I’m the April fool” we been knew Ran
Martyn mvp
Oli my beloved
Yeah yeah, I may be a Ranboo fan first and foremost but I’m rooting for almost everyone but him, they deserve to maintain their status as career loser /aff
Ok I got spoiled (saw Skeppy won) but yellow and green!!! Aimsey and Oli!!! My bois!!!!
I think Oli wins no matter what, actually
PUNZ /pos
This is insane, I want a 1v8 here lmao
JOEL!!!! Blue was my pick going in so I’m happy no matter what lol
Revenge lol
“Babes I died” “It’s okay babes” GLOWDUO OWN MY ENTIRE SOUL
Punz and Krinios are IN SYNC
Martyn popped off <333
Chicken infection????
Martyn’s chicken noises are everything
Every MCC should end with zombie tag, actually
I love this team so much
Martyn just sounds like Elmo now 😂
“I’m working, honey. You gotta bawk to pay the bills” I’m dying
Can’t believe Noxite is vaccinated smh /j
I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it a million more: SCOTT SMAJOR NEVER MISSES!!! He always does a superb job of making teams and matching vibes and he absolutely deserves to be proud of that
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Vampire Atem/Yami Alphabet Headcanons
Found this list of vamp-themes headcanons by @an-annyeoing-writer and I knew I had to do them for our favorite king-turned-spirit!
For those of you who read my Spells of Defiance series, these headcanons can be taken as 100% canon to that AU <3
A - Accident - would they turn someone to save their life?
Oof, already starting with a hard one. So, Atem is one of those vampires who hates his existence, he believes it’s a curse. However, he does still love and care for people deeply, and he knows that for many, life is sacred even if it’s a cursed life. I think in a moment of weakness, especially in his earlier years as a vampire, he might turn someone just because he’s desperate not to lose them, only to regret his decision later, especially if that someone is like him and hates what they’ve become. We all make mistakes, right?
B - Bite - how do they bite? Sensually, aggressively? Do they make it hurt or try to be gentle?
Atem is extremely gentle when he feeds off of people, always careful not to bite too deep or tear the skin more than needed, he even holds you and tries to soothe you with gentle strokes of his hands. Now, whether he tries to make it “sensual” or at all sexual...that’s a complicated topic. While Atem is almost always disgusted with himself when/while he feeds, he does recognize that there is a level of intimacy and even romance that can be connected with drinking blood, so sometimes he can be persuaded to make it a more sensual thing if you’re his lover. 
C - Control - do they take advantage of their powers?
That depends on who’s in the equation. I can see Atem using his new powers in order to bring justice to those he sees as wrong doers (like his season 0/early manga-self) as a way to make his vampire abilities useful, so from that angle he would “take advantage” of his powers. He might even get some small gratification in using his strength and speed to hunt down evil people, them cowering in fear is retribution for their wrong-doings, but even that’s not too over the top. Other than that, no, he doesn’t really use his powers for advantages over others.
D - Dangerous - how scary they can get? How bad things can they do? What’s their ethics?
So, while Atem does have a very strong moral code, Atem also has a temper, and said temper might be harder to control when he’s a vampire. Even when he’s not growling in anger, he can have this cold glare that could make bikers squeamish. There are moments, especially when he was a younger vampire, where he loses his temper and can get pretty scary. If you’re his loved one don’t worry too much, he would never lose control enough to hurt you, even though his yelling (and maybe throwing a thing or two) is pretty scary on it’s own. If you’re someone he sees a vermin though watch out, when he gets scary you’re probably going to end up dead or wishing you were dead.
E - Exchange - do they opt for blood bags or animal blood, if possible?
He opts for animal blood as often as he can. Sometimes he’ll hunt said animals himself but even that is a little too violent for his liking (Atem is a softie okay?!) so if he can go to a local butcher and get animal blood from them he’ll do it that way. He’s not fond of blood bags because A) they’re harder to acquire and B) having human blood in a cold plastic bag just makes him long for warm human blood and skin under his teeth more. Sure animal blood isn’t as sustaining for him, but Atem spent decades (maybe even centuries) figuring out how much animal blood he needs to consume in order to keep his blood lust under control so he’ll choose that over harming an innocent human.
Also, side note, if you live with him I hope you don’t have a sensitive sense of smell, because he heats up the blood on the stove to make it taste better and it can make the house stinky lol
F - First bite - on what occasion would they bite you for the first time?
Oooh that’s a good one. Like I said Atem has a very complicated relationship with feeding from his loved ones, especially his s/o, and he’s never going to ask you for your blood. So I’d say that not only would you have to offer your blood to him, but he would have to be out of other feeding options at the time. He knows that once he reaches a certain point of hunger he loses control and might kill you in a hunger-induced blood rage, so if drinking from you now, before he gets to that point, prevents that danger, he’d be willing to. Like I said above, Atem would be very gentle with you on that occasion, holding you close and stroking the skin around the bite mark to soothe any pain, and when he’s done he’d kiss the wound and the sore skin around it as amends.
The only other “first bite” scenario I can think of is if you spend months convincing him that you don’t mind (or even like) the occasional bite and finally convince him to drink your blood during an intimate moment, and again he’s very gentle and mindful of not hurting you.
G - Growl - are they more on the “civilized” side or do they enjoy hunting their prey down?
A bit of both, I guess? Since he tries not to drink from humans he’s more civilized in that way, but like I said before he does “hunt” evil people like an avenging dark angel, which he may get some small form of enjoyment from, so... 
H - Hate - how do they feel about their kind? About themselves?
It’s honestly pretty depressing how much self-loathing Atem harbors. He genuinely thinks he’s an abomination. It doesn’t help that in all his centuries of living, he’s met very few vampires who’re “good” like him. He’s also someone who’s on a high horse and if he met a vamp who didn’t kill human’s but also wasn’t self loathing like him, he’d look down on said vampire. I’m warning you now if you fall in love with him, his self-hatred is very upsetting and can be hard to deal with.
I - Intimacy - how fast would they let you close to them? Would they want to share with you what they are?
Surprisingly, I say it’s not that hard. See, even though Atem thinks he’s a monster and tries his best to stay away from people, he also craves companionship and love. Sure, he’s spent several chunks of his immortal life isolating himself in remote woods and tall mountains for decades at a time, but he always returns to humanity at some point. So if you show that you want to be close to him he’ll try to warn you or even scare you away a bit, but it won’t take too long to let you in. And yes, he’d share what he is with you if you started to get close to him, not only as a means to scare you away “before he can hurt you” but also so you know what you’re getting into by being near him.
J - Joke - would they do pranks on other people with the use of their powers?
Sometimes, yes. If he’s close to you, he’ll start to get comfortable and like teasing you, so he’ll do minor things like sneak up behind you soundlessly and jump scare you, or zoom past you to get to something before you and play keep-away. Also, he doesn’t do this one intentionally, but sometimes he’ll be sitting in a dark room, and when you walk in you just suddenly hear this voice calling out to you in the darkness, scaring the crap outta you lol
K - Key - what’s the way of making them open up to you?
Honestly just...continue to shove your friendship in his face. Like I said under “intimacy” he still craves relationships and companionship despite how much he fears hurting people. He may try to push you away at first but if you just continue to hang around him he’ll eventually stop trying to scare you away and start opening up to you little by little.
L - Life - do they wish they were human?
Absolutely. I can see Atem, ever the fixer of problems, spending the first few hundred years searching for a cure for his “condition” not just for himself but for others who view vampires the same way. He often thinks about what his life would have been if he hadn’t been turned, and daydreams about the possibility of becoming human again. 
M - Murder - would they kill someone while feeding? Have they ever done so?
Atem has killed while feeding, yes, but not voluntarily. I’m going with the general lore that vampires, when starved too long, can't control their bloodlust and Atem has killed while in that state. When he wakes with a limp, lifeless body in his arms, he’s a devastated wreck. Hurting innocent people is literally his living nightmare and the idea that his bloodlust can turn him into an animal sickens him. He would spend decades learning how much blood he needs to consume and how often, in order to keep that bloodlust from taking control.
N - Nature - do they justify their doings? Do they consider them natural?
Atem, the self-loathing martyr of a fanged prince, considering his bloodlust natural? LMAOOOO No. No he doesn’t, nor does he ever justify his actions. In fact, he uses the terrible things he’s done to justify why he shouldn’t be loved or even alive.
O - Odd - do they have any specific hobbies or habits?
Our gentle dark prince still loves games and puzzles, I think he’d like modern brain teasers that keep his mind sharp and un-ironically loves the puzzle games printed on the back of sunday newspapers, even though they aren’t hard (for him anyway). If you got close to him and showed him games he never got to play bc they’re multiplayers he’d honestly love you. He’d win most of the time, let's be honest, especially things like Clue, but his expression is just so cute and excited when you play his favorites that you’d lose 1000 times over just to see it.
P - Pain - are they sadistic? Do they enjoy what they do?
Nope. I think you all have the idea by now but Atem is one of the most self-loathing and gentle vampires you’d meet....or at least he’s gentle with you. Other vampires who hurt people for fun? Okay, I can see him being ever so slightly sadistic when dealing with creatures like that, he has no mercy for vampires who’ve embraced their monstrous curse, best you run the other way when he punishes them, else you may actually get a little frightened of him...
R - Roles - do they enjoy pretending to be normal people? How do they feel about leaving their life behind to start a new one?
I wouldn’t say that Atem pretends to be normal, in fact, the only part of his vampirism that he embraces is being an “other”, or rather, the aesthetic of being odd, something that most humans feel uneasy when confronted with. He’d see this as a good tool to keep people he may hurt away from him. He’s no stranger to stalking graveyards/cemeteries, creeping in the shadows in a way that has others scurrying past if they happen to spot him, basically anything that makes him seem creepy and makes others keep their distance. Ultimately it hurts him since he’s unexplainably lonely, but it hurts more to know he may hurt the humans he comes across. On the same note, leaving behind one life for another to avoid suspicion is a double-edged sword for him, while it reminds him how terribly lonely existence is, it’s good to keep those who might’ve grown close to him safe.
S - Scars - do they leave marks or try to make the wounds small and invisible?
If Atem feeds from someone voluntarily (as in, not in an animalistic state), he’ll do everything he can to not leave lasting marks. Leaving marks means more pain and we all know how much he hates causing pain to others. 
T - Turned - how were they turned?
In my fic, Marik turned Atem as a form of revenge, but otherwise, I could honestly see Atem being turned by any YGO villain. I say villain because him being cursed with this life by a villain (like Bakura for example, or maybe another minion of Zorc) kind of goes along with the original story’s need to punish Atem and cast him into darkness for things that ultimately weren’t his fault.
U - Universe - what’s their biggest wish that they can’t achieve as immortals?
Mostly just...being close to people without constantly worrying that he’ll hurt or kill them. I can also see Atem yeaning for the simple pleasure of growing old and dying with one's family. If he fell in love he would crave the ability to just settle down and grow old together. Hell, he’s even one of those morbid romantics who thinks couples dying within days of each other is sweet and wishes he could do that when he loses his lover to old age.
V - Vampire - would they turn you?
Man again with the hard ones! Oof, okay, so...If you asked Atem to turn you, he’d say no, reciting his monologue about how vampires are cursed vermin who shouldn’t even exist, even if you retained your humanity after the turn, he knows the deep reaches of this curse and what it will make you do, and he hates the idea of you going through what he has.
...However, much like in the very first headcanon on this list...Atem makes mistakes and has his weak moments. If your life ended unexpectedly, of you were taken from him suddenly, like attacked or in some fatal accident, he may turn you in a moment of weakness; a desperate need to cling to you taking over his better judgment. He’d hate himself after and the only way he’d ever feel okay with it, is if time proved that you retained your humanity. He would teach you how to control your blood lust so you don’t have to go through half the things he has, and only then would he be okay with what he did to you in his moment of weakness.
W - War - would they engage in fighting their own kind for the humanity’s sake?
Yes! No one even has to ask him, Atem basically thinks the only good thing he can do with his powers is to rid the world of other vampires. He’s basically an avenging angel who’ll hunt down any vampire who threatens a human.
Y - Yandere - would they become dangerous to you (their lover)?
For the most part, I’d say no. Atem is self-aware and emotionally intelligent enough to tell if he ever starts crossing lines into “unhealthy” territory, and if that ever happened, he’d literally run away. He would leave you in order to protect you, no matter how much it hurt. There may be one (literally ONE) incident where he does something to you that crosses the line, but he’d be instantly horrified and remove himself from your life, moving to the other side of the world with no means to follow him, if it meant protecting you from himself. Now the chances of this happening in the first place? Hard to say. I really don’t think Atem is unhinged or even violent enough for it to be likely, but, an argument could be made that after everything he’s gone through, Atem may start seeing you and his love for you in an obsessives, unhealthy way. Again though, even if this did happen he would realize it and run away before it can go too far.
Z - Zombie - are they on their way to losing sanity?
I don’t think so. Atem is as strong (mentally/emotionally) as they come. Maybe eventually, after millennia and millennia of constantly losing loved ones and dealing the the monster he’s become he would start losing his sanity, but that would take a long, long time. 
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
hi! i love your stuff so very much!!
can i request the angst alphabet with zoro?
thank uuuuu ❤️
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Angst Alphabet - Roronoa Zoro
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a/n: hiya!!! thank y’all so much!!<3 hope you enjoy this 😌
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A-Accident (would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?)
He may not blame himself entirely if you were to die in an accident. But Zoro would think himself weak. How could he possibly become the words greatest swordsman if he can’t even protect his s/o.
B-Break up (How would they break up with you?)
Before breaking up with you Zoro would start to distance himself a little to try and make it easier on the both of you for when he does break up with you. Other than that, he is likely to just come right out and say exactly what he wants to say. He’s brutally honest and straightforward so he won’t try to sugar coat anything or beat around the bush.
C-Crying (how would they make you cry?)
Zoro does this horrible thing where he likes to overwork himself to the point of exhaustion. No matter how many times you tell him to stop and express your concerns for his health, he just doesn’t listen. It hurts seeing the man you love more than anything exhausting himself.
D-Death (how would they react to your death?)
Speaking of overworking, after your death he works himself harder than he ever has before. Day in, day out he’s training. He trains every possible minute to distract himself from your death and make himself stronger to ensure he never loses a loved one ever again.
E-Emotion (what is one emotion they would try to hide the most and how would they do it?)
Being openly vulnerable is something Zoro doesn’t like to do. He really only shows his vulnerable side with his s/o and even then, it took him a really long time to do it.
F-Fight (do you two ever fight? How big are the fights? What do you fight about? Etc.)
Very rarely do your fights get serious. Your fights are often just light-hearted teases and jokes towards one another. Where its always followed by laughter or eye rolls.
If your fight was to get serious, it would result in a lot of yelling at one another and with Zoros blunt personality, a lot of hurtful words (which he ALWAYS apologizes for in the end).
G-Guilt (what is the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
The events of Sabaody weigh heavily on Zoro’s mind. He was the first one to get sent away by Kuma, so feels as though he failed not only his captain, but the whole crew as well. He wasn’t there to protect them, to help them. Instead, he was a complete failure. And, because of his weakness his captain had to fight and suffer alone.
H-Heartbreak (what would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break-up?)
During a break-up Zoro does what he would in any other situation: workout. He keeps himself occupied by working out, and actually he drinks a little bit more than usual too. It could even get to the point where the rest of the crew feels as though they need to step in.
I-Injured (how would they react if you are badly injured?).
He turns dark. Basically, a demon in human form. Moves you from wherever you are so that you’re out of the way of more danger AND THEN HE TIES HIS BANDANA ROUND HIS HEAD BECAUSE THIS SHIT IS SERIOUS.
J-Jealousy (what do they do if they are jealous?)
Its ridiculously obvious when this swordsman is jealous. He gets super grumpy and tries to intimidate the other person. He’ll stand right behind you and honestly, that’s intimidating enough on its own. But, if the other person doesn’t get the hint he’ll place his hand, ever so casually, on his swords.
K-Kill (would they kill for revenge?)
Ever since joining the Straw Hats, Zoro doesn’t kill others (its not something Luffy wants his nakama to do, so Zoro doesn’t do it). However, that mindset goes straight out the window depending on who he’s taking revenge for (i.e if it’s for his s/o).
Most of the time Zoro just leaves them wishing they were dead. (this seems to be a common thing amongst One Piece characters).
L-Loss (what is their greatest loss?)
I would actually say losing some of his pride. Zoro is a poud man, who refuses to lower his head to anyone. However, after receiving the message from Luffy to train and meet up again in two years, Zoro knew he had to lower his and beg Mihawk for his guidance. It was definitely a hit on his pride, but, honestly… He doesn’t regret that one bit – anything for his captain.
M-Mistake (what is the worst mistake they ever made with you?).
During one of the few big fights you guys have had things got really heated and the fight ended up getting so off topic. Insults and mean words were being thrown out left and right. Zoro got so caught up in it all that he said something that targeted one of your deepest insecurities. He knew he had screwed up so badly when you walked away without even saying anything.
N-Nightmares (how often do they have them? What are they about? How do they deal with it?).
He doesn’t often get nightmares, but when he does they tend to be about Sabaody and when the crew got separated from one another (or really any other incident where he was unable to help properly). After he wakes up, he gets straight out of bed and starts working out – determined to make sure nothing like that ever happens again.
O-Outrage (how and why would they get mad at you?)
Zoro doesn’t get mad at you for much, mainly if you pay any attention to that shitty cook, like seriously, he doesn’t understand why you have to give Sanji any attention when Zoro is literally your boyfriend….
P-Past (what has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?)
Even though you never found out exactly what happened on Thriller Bark (its something Zoro refuses to tell even you), it made you realize that you need to step up and not rely on Zoro so much because although he may act like it, he’s not actually indestructible.
Q-Quality (what is their most dangerous/toxic quality?).
(SORRY I FEEL LIKE I’M BEING VERY REPETITIVE HERE AH BUT YEAH…) He never allows himself to heal from an injury properly. He always starts training immediately despite Chopper’s best attempts to stop him.
R-Rejection (how would they react to you rejecting their confession (or the other way around)).
If you were to reject his confession, he’d probably try to justify it to himself by saying “yeah actually it’s probably better this way. I don’t need anymore distractions in life.” But, he would definitely be a little down in the dumps about it. He made himself vulnerable for this and it didn’t work the way he wanted.
S-Scars (battle or self-inflicted)
Zoro has many scars. The scar over his left eye was a result of his two years of training with Mihawk, though no one knows the exact cause of it – only that it appeared during those two years. Zoro also has a scar on his chest from his very first encounter with Mihawk. He may also have scars on his ankles from the time he tried to chop of his own legs on Little Garden (I can’t recall if these are actually scars or if they healed completely).
T-Trust (have they ever broken your trust?).
This answer is short and sweet: No. Never. Not even in his wildest of dreams. Loyalty is basically Zoro’s entire character. He would never violate your trust. If he did… well Zoro, wouldn’t be Zoro anymore. (only thing he’s done that comes close is keep you from finding out what really happened to him on Thriller Bark).
U-Urge (how badly do they want to see you after you guys separated?)
Honestly, he is probably one of the few who are able to cope with missing you the longest. He still wants to see you of course – your presence is reassuring, so he definitely prefers when you are around – but he can handle not seeing you for a while by focusing on the task at hand and just remembering that this separation isn’t permanent.
V-Vicious (what do they do when they lash out on you?).
Similar to what I’ve said before, he says some really harsh things. He has always been blunt and straightforward, but when he’s lashing out at you he tends to make things a little more personal.
W-Weak (what makes them feel weak how do they try to avoid it?).
Zoro hates losing. Not because he’s competitive or anything but because losing makes him feel weak. Whenever he loses he feels so far away from his goal. To make up for this he works out. He trains and trains and trains until he can no longer move. He will keep going until he never loses another fight.
X-X-ray (what do they hate and show it most obviously?)
Obviously, he shows his hate of Sanji very frequently. The two pirates are constantly arguing and at one anothers throat.
But another thing he hates is people getting in the way of his dream. He agreed to join Luffy so long as he didn’t get in the way of his dream – and if luffy were to get in the way Zoro made him promise to commit seppuku (although whether or not I think Zoro would actually make him do that anymore is a different thing that I could go on about for a while so imma stop there…).
Y-Yearn (what is one thing that they want but can’t have?)
Zoro wants to be the world’s greatest/strongest swordsman. It’s not currently a title he can have, however, day-by-day he is getting just that much closer.
Z-Zero (what do they do/say in your dying moments?)
I don’t think a lot is said or done by Zoro in your final moments. He probably whispers a few thank you’s and I’m sorry’s. He won’t mourn properly until he’s completely alone.
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theevangelion · 3 years
Are you not ever concerned that someone would read one of your harder stories like Doctor Knows Best or the one where Lena is a Daxam slave or the stuff with explicit non con and then hurt someone as a result? Like it doesn’t quench their power fantasy so it becomes a gateway to the real thing?
Do you know who prompts me stuff like that? People who want to experience the submissive POV as a safe way to explore a dark fantasy.
Do I occasionally get people who want stuff from the dominant’s POV? Sure. These clients are usually piss kink folk for the most part, or people who want to have erotic material to fantasise about a willing submissive/slave/pet offering themselves up for harder forms of play or subjugation, because doing those things in real life with someone wouldn’t feel fun, and experiencing it through erotica is a safe way to get excited about the fantasy.
Do you know who prompts me non-consensual stories? Pretty much exclusively women and non-binary people who feel they are required to disclose to me that they’re rape survivors in order to not be shamed for having a private fantasy, or wanting to work through their trauma in the way their brain has decided is an accessible framework to process it.
“Subjects with histories of sexual abuse had more sexual fantasies than their nonabused peers in four of five categories. Finally, sexually abused women reported more fantasies of being sexually forced than did women without sexual abuse histories or men regardless of molestation history.” Sexual fantasies, gender, and molestation history — Briere, J. 1994.
I think of one person who commented on one of my harder stories a while ago despite the NUMEROUS trigger warnings, tags, etc. “This is disgusting and offensive to rape survivors! You should be ashamed of yourself!”
Hi, I’m a rape survivor.
The person who prompted it? Also a rape survivor.
And how SHAMEFUL that they were made to feel that they were obligated to declare that in order to access some fantasy erotica.
Lots of people are into werewolf fantasy erotica, it doesn’t mean they’re lurking around dog parks looking to get boned by an Alsatian.
Lots of people are into arranged marriage stories, it doesn’t mean they want to be married off to a stranger in order to unite two warring feudal kingdoms.
Fantasy erotica doesn’t make sex offenders, is what I’m trying to get at.
If you’re a sex offender, that’s on you and nobody else, you had the capacity and drive to hurt others long before kinky porn or non-con femslash came into the equation. The narrative that pornographic material causes men to suddenly go out and commit rape, sexual assault, and violent sexual offences is men finding excuses to justify why they’re not culpable for their actions.
All that kinky porn made me do it! Honestly, I was an innocent, Jesus loving Boy Scout before it lured me in!
TLDR: To answer your question—nope.
Now, if you want to play devil’s advocate, I do sometimes worry that young queer women without much sexual experience, who feel aligned to a submissive perview of sexuality, might find my dark fantasy material and assume that’s what is expected of them, or that they need to engage in riskier elements of BDSM with unqualified tops, or do things they might not feel ready to do.
That is why I try to be as open and communicative as possible on my blog around my ethics, good real life applications of kink safety, and very separatist around ideas of, “This is okay to enjoy as fantasy erotica, but we do not ever doing things without active consent and informed risk assessment! We only do things that feel good for our bodies with people who prioritise our wellbeing and want us to feel good too!”
I also don’t exclusively write hard stories, the hard stories account for maybe less than 5% of what I produce, so if you were to find one of my stories and consequently look through my other material—you’re not going to be bombarded with one specific kind of dark fantasy but also lots of things based in mutual pleasure, soft power play, trauma recovery, mutual discovery, respect of boundaries, etc.
Hope you can be open to what I’ve written above and perhaps engage me in thoughtful discourse via DM if you want to expand on this conversation. I don’t profess to be unproblematic, I profess to be someone who wants to provide people with sexual stimulation in a way that’s safe and without need for them to justify why they want to access it by disclosure of their personal trauma.
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Pt.2  to that one Maybank fic that I didn’t bother to title.
Part 1
The following days were normal, except you were lucky summer started and school wasn’t on your priority list anymore. You had asked your boss for more work hours but he already scheduled you for all the hours he could give you. Which meant either get a new hobby or hang out with your brothers friends.But, hanging out with the boys meant you had to hang with JJ, and after what you told him last, you didn’t think you could. Instead you tried to focus on the laundry at this very moment. One thing great to do during laundry was think, especially about the blond boy who had offered to be more than a one night stand with you and you said no, you stand by your decision. JJ was an irresponsible ass who just so happens to be the one guy that made your heart stop. You didn’t have time for this stupid boy drama. You saw the van from the guys drive up to the house, and the boys racing inside, like they just had an adrenaline rush. “What’s happened?” you ask as Kie was sharing around beers she had taken from the van. “You want one, Y/n?” She asked. You shake your head and hold up your glass of ice tea to show her. “Lamee.” Kie said, as she sat down on one of the chairs. JJ plopped down on the couch, knocking over the freshly folded clothes. “Dammit JJ!” you snapped. He gave you a smile, taking your glass and taking a sip from that. You glare at him. “What are you going to do about it, princess?” he said, putting down the glass. You playfully throw a towel at him. “Did you hear about the hurricane?” Pope asked you. You look up. “What?” you ask again. For someone who lived in a hurricane filled area, they scared the crap out of you. You look around the room at the others, John B already making comments about fishing tomorrow after the hurricane was over. You felt JJ put his hand on yours. “No worries, I’ll help lock the place up.” he said softly to be sure no one else heard. 
If we were all being honest you had to admit JJ was really trying to become less irresponsible, less dangerous to himself, and most importantly he tried to spend more time with you. Which you really liked. “Oh Fuck. My dad keeps calling me to get home.” Pope said, getting up from his seat, gulping down the last of his beer. He raced out of there. “Kie, are you staying for dinner?” You asked. John B set his beer down. “I have to help out my parents with storm prepping but the boys were going to come by for dinner.” She said, you nod. You adored Kie, she was the most beautiful girl in the cut. “Oh okay. Do you think there is going to be a lot of damage?” You ask them. “Don’t worry so much y/n” John B said, you just rolled your eyes at him as you were thinking how you really really wouldn’t mind JJ placing his hand on yours again. 
The boys had decided to gather in the chateau for the storm. God knows why their parents were okay with it but so be it. They were having beers in the living room when you walked in, after work. Clearly, it was a good time because there were already a dozen empty bottles on the table. You try to turn on the radio but the hurricane already disrupted the signal. “Guess you’ll have to sing for music.” Pope teased. You stick out your tongue at him. “Where’s JJ?” you ask. John B looked from Kie, back to you, and then looked back to Kie. “What?” you ask. They were hesitant. “JJ got called.” Kie said: “ by Sam.” We all knew what Sam meant, it wasn’t a specific girl, we just all got tired of remembering the girls JJ had been with. He would hook up with tourist girls, sometimes he’d just make out with them but mostly he had sex with them. Show them a good time on the outer banks. “Oh” you said, sitting down on the couch, taking Pope’s beer from the table, gulping it down. You thought back about that night, the night he said, he wanted something more with you and you told him no, then why were you so freaking heartbroken about this. ‘It’s my own fault. I told him off.” you sign. Kie put her hand on your shoulder. “What are you talking about?” she asked, you shake your head. “no no no. I want another beer.” You said, getting up and making your way to the fridge. John B followed you. “Are you okay, sis?” He asked. You were searching for the beer opener but John B took your beer from your hand and opened it with the edge of the table. Normally you would’ve scolded him for doing so but right now you could really use that beer. John B reached to you to hand it over. “I told him I thought he was irresponsible and stupid.” You tell your brother. John B raised his eyebrow. “He is irresponsible and stupid.” He was justifying. You roll your eyes at him. “ You are too good for him, Y/n.” He said: “I love JJ like he is my own brother but you're my little sister, and we both know the crap he does, how fucked up he is in the head.” he almost whispered that, not wanting Pope or Kie to overhear. You look at the ground, shaking your head. 
John B and Pope had left to surf in the storm, you thought they were being dumbasses, and Kie was smoking weed on the couch while watching a movie with you. It was already raining pretty hard, and wind was blowing through the trees. A figure opened the door, it was JJ he had been wearing a raincoat that he pulled over his head. “Hey dumbass. Can you roll me a couple?” Kie asked him. JJ ignored her and went straight to John B’s bedroom. You didn’t want to bother him, he must hate you right now… “What’s his problem?” Kie chuckled. I took it upon myself to roll Kie some joints, they weren’t as good as JJ’s but it would keep her occupied. You walked over to John B’s room and knocked on the door. “JJ? you want a blunt?” you ask him. There wasn’t a sound at first. But, then you heard him stumble to the door. “Yes.” he said, opening the door, and taking the joint from your hand, he went to the living room, taking your place next to Kie on the couch. “How’s my favorite girl?” JJ asked no one in particular. “Very well after Y/n rolled me some good ones.” Kie answered, after a long silence, deciding JJ meant her. He looked up at you, as you were leaning against the doorway with your arms crossed. “They are out surfing. Why didn’t you go with them?” you ask him. JJ chuckled. “ I don’t have a death wish.” he said, you raise an eyebrow at him. You didn’t want to go to bed when John B and Pope were still out in the storm, but you didn’t exactly jump at the chance to third wheel JJ and Kie. You still opted for a third option, a long warm shower. 
You were in bed, reading your book as the sounds of trash cans being knocked over, and the wind ravaging the yard gave you the creeps. The lights popped out, and you let out a groan. You stare at the ceiling, hoping the lights would magically turn back on. After a couple of minutes you decide to take out your emergency flashlight. You try to focus back on your book. A sudden crack of the window, and a huge branch on your cupboard that was below the window scared the crap out of you. In surprise you let out a loud scream. Someone quickly came to check on you, as you heard the loud footsteps in the hall. You get up from the bed to see what the damage was. When the door opened you pointed the flashlight towards the figure standing there, it was JJ. “Are you okay?” he asked. You nod, getting down on your knees, dropping the flashlight on the ground. “The wind just blew a branch into the room.”  You said, picking up glass shards. “Leave it before you get a cut.” he said, stepping close to you. “I should’ve nailed the window shut.” JJ blamed himself. There wasn’t a lot of money to storm prep so we just used scraps of wood to barricade the big windows, and we’d take a chance with the smaller ones. “Stop. It is just a window.” you tell him, touching his arm. JJ moves to the window, taking the branch and pushing it back out the window. You close up the curtain to avoid rain or too much window coming in. “You should sleep.” he told you. He was about to leave but you grabbed his arm. “Will you stay with me?” you ask him. You couldn’t tell the expression on his face, because it was dark and you didn’t want to shine the flashlight right into his face. “Uh yeah sure.” he said, he followed you to the bed. It was a tight space for the two of you but you’d done it before, cozying up to him in your twin bed was something you’d done for years. You weren’t comfortable so you tried to move your body closer to his, but you heard him hiss under his breath. “Oh my god, did I hurt you?” you said, turning the flashlight on to see what was happening. “It’s nothing,” he mumbled. You shine it to his ribcage, lifting his shirt before he could stop you. “JJ!” you let out a gasp as there was a nasty bruise from his left upper side to the lower side. “I thought you were seeing Sam.” you said, it almost sounded like an apology, an apology for the bad things you thought. “I was helping my dad storm prep.” he said, you get up from the bed, rummaging through your drawers. “Found it.” you said mostly to yourself, as you made your way back to bed. You told him to keep his shirt up as you put the flashlight on the pillow. You put some gel on your index and middle finger and carefully smear it on the bruise. “I’m sorry, princess.” he said, you look up to be met by his blue eyes. “I’m the one who is sorry J '' you said softly. He wanted to say something but you didn’t let him. “I didn’t mean what I sai-' You started but he interrupted you. “Yes you did! I am though.” he said, not looking you in the eye anymore. He lowered his shirt again. “It wasn’t fair. You have your reasons.” you tell him. He nods. “So do you. I understand that I am much to handle.” he chuckled. You reach for his cheek. “I was wrong because I thought you’d be another thing for me to take responsibility for. But, you are not. You make me feel like I don’t have a care in the world.” you tell him excitedly. “If I hadn't ruined what was between us. If I would’ve allowed myself to lov-” he cut you off with a kiss. It was slow at first, like he just wanted to shut you up, then he moved his tongue inside your mouth, teasingly playing with yours. He moved his hands to the back of your neck pulling you closer to him. You don’t remember how long it took for him to pull away. But, he did. He looked you in the eyes, and you thought he was going to tell you to leave or something but he didn’t. Instead, he started kissing you again.
You woke up the next morning, and JJ wasn’t there, the thought plagued you that it was all a dream. However, the hickeys covering your chest and collarbone begged something different. Quickly you jumped out of bed and went in search of some coffee in your kitchen. John B and JJ were already sitting in the kitchen eating eggs. You sit down next to JJ, across from John B, and Pope was sitting at the head of the table. Kie still knackered on the couch. Your brother pushes a clean plate to your side and you reach for the bread sack, assembling your breakfast. “JJ I am going to kill you.” John B says after he looked at you. JJ had the stupidest smirk on his face, and Pope’s eyes went wide. You completely forgot the top you were wearing concealed very little of the hickeys JJ had given you. “Gotta keep my princess happy.” He said, shrugging his shoulders, focusing on his breakfast. You smack him against his arm for his outrageous comment. You just knew this boiled your brother's blood, you look at Pope with a questioning look. He was just having a hard time not laughing. “JJ what the fuck.” you hiss at him. “Oh come on. You loved every minute of it.” he murmured, moving his hand to your thigh squeezing it. “You better move that hand, Maybank.” John B said with an angry stare.
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cianishere · 4 years
why richard robbins is a king among men, or an analysis of the maurice (1987) soundtrack
hello, i am gay, a former band kid, and a slut for classical music analysis…… so i’ve been wanting to do an in-depth analysis of Richard Robbins’ absolutely breathtaking soundtrack for Maurice (1987) for some time. it’s an incredibly emotionally moving work of art, but i also feel like there’s so much care and thought and soul put into the pieces of the soundtrack, and Robbins absolutely deserves all the credit in the world for writing the perfect accompaniment to the film. the songs have lives of their own, outside of the film, but they also breathe a certain life into the scenes when paired with the performances of the actors and the cinematography and camera work. the soundtrack means so much to me, so i wanted to take a moment (or a few thousand words or so) to expand on all of its intricacies. i’m not a professional musician or a music student, i’ve j been playing woodwinds for over a decade and can find my way around a guitar and piano, so these are my thoughts and interpretations as a musician. feel free to share yours! this was a bit of an undertaking, so i recommend reading while listening, and i hope u enjoy!
(the pieces are listed in order of their appearance in the film, not the album)
The opening piece is a very traditional overture, setting the mood for the film and foreshadowing the (musical) events to come. It begins with a mysterious, almost eerie sound with pizzicato in the low strings and high woodwind and harp lines before opening into the dominating melody in the high strings. Though the melody is grand and moving, it also has an air of hesitancy, almost melancholy, and in this moment, we’re introduced to Maurice’s musical signature, the clarinet (specifically, the low clarinet line). The low clarinet triplets and the sets of five recurring notes in the low flute and violin create a sense of impatience and forward motion, as we can sense young Maurice’s uncertainty in his conversation with his headmaster. This section transitions into a solo in the English horn, which Robbins uses to represent the idyllic, pastoral English countryside. Here, it seems to signal both the natural surroundings that the scene takes place in, as well as the pastoral beauty of childlike innocence. This solo honestly gets me EVERY TIME, it’s so gorgeous and the gradual layering of other instruments underneath is mesmerizing. The piece ends with shrieking upward woodwind scales, capturing the sense of impending fear that we can sense in young Maurice.
This piece is a bit strange to listen to outside of the film, as it plays in the scene as Clive and Maurice play Featherstonehaugh’s pianola in his Cambridge dorm room. The piece captures Clive and Maurice’s pianola playing, which echoes the thematic melody introduced in the opening composition, but the single piano line is quickly swept away by a traditional string orchestra before moving into a call-and-response between the high strings and high woodwinds. I always thought this piece was so beautiful in its development, growing from a simple piano melody into a fully orchestrated concerto. The melody, particularly in its piano form, always struck me as very French, reminiscent of the French Romantic pianists with some impressionist elements as well. The transition from piano melody into the full orchestra is welcome, but overwhelming—it evokes the excitement and intensity of falling in love, as the film reaches the precipice of Clive’s confession. The instrumentation is also fascinating here: as I mentioned previously, Maurice is musically represented by the clarinet and/or woodwind melodies, but Clive usually comes through as high strings. This piece is pushed forward by the strings, as the violin and viola take on the melody under the piano and are followed by the woodwinds. The woodwinds follow the strings in a call-and-response pattern, musically establishing Clive’s lead in their romance, with Maurice following along with his advances, especially at first.
UGH I have so much to say about this piece. I want to start with its origins, which is a setting of Psalm 51 to music, at first for the exclusive use in the Sistine Chapel during Holy Week (a nod to this scene taking place in the spring, around Easter). We all know this piece and the scene it accompanies, as those shots of Cambridge (and that wicker chair) are forever immortalized in my heart (<333) The lyrics are incredibly significant, as Psalm 51 is a confession of sin by David—specifically, of his feelings of lust for Bathsheba.
Have mercy upon me, O God: after Thy great goodness. According to the multitude of Thy mercies, do away mine offences. Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness: and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults: and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that Thou mightest be justified in Thy saying, and clear when Thou art judged.
David is asking for mercy for his act of sin, and to be “cleansed” from his lustful act by God.
Make me a clean heart, O God: and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence: and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. O give me the comfort of Thy help again: and stablish me with Thy free Spirit.
He prays for God to return to his life, and to give him salvation again.
I think this choice of psalm is SO fascinating, as it can take on two meanings. On one hand, it represents the feelings of guilt that both Maurice and Clive feel for their attraction to each other, knowing that their feelings are considered to be sinful in their (and the societal) understanding of Christianity. In a way, this piece can signify both Clive and Maurice asking for that salvation and asking to be saved from their desire. On the other hand, however, I think the choice to overlay this particular piece with Maurice and Clive’s first moment of physical intimacy is critical in interpreting its meaning. Rather than asking for salvation from God, the psalm’s lyrics could also represent Maurice and Clive asking for salvation from each other through their desire. There are a few points in the psalm that could be read in a rather different light in this context, particularly “Thou shalt open my lips, O Lord: and my mouth shall shew [show] Thy praise.” The “high spirit” that they are searching for, in this case, is not the forgiveness of sin by God, but rather the intimacy and physical affection of a lover. (As Forster points out in a later section of the book, one’s God and one’s lover can be equal “incentives to virtue.”) I feel like this psalm is being used in both ways: as a reminder of the internal and external pressure that Maurice and Clive face, but also to musically express the reciprocal desire they are seeking from each other as they begin to explore the physical side of their relationship. This piece is also just so damn beautiful, the high C just gets me every fucking time. The specific vocal arrangement—and the excerpt of that arrangement—that Robbins decided to use highlights a solo female soprano, sounding almost like a Greek siren. As her voice emerges from the varying vocal textures, there is a sense of seductiveness, but there is also a loneliness there, as she stands alone among the choir. The choice to center the soloist was a beautiful way to show the loneliness that Maurice and Clive feel as they both continue to hold that fear and hesitancy about their feelings and desire.
This piece plays during the infamous “to the ladies!” scene, during which the Halls and the Durhams are dining together, and Clive announces his decision to become a barrister and enter politics. This piece begins as a classic, grandiose waltz, representing the glamor and high society lifestyle that the two wealthy families live within. At the beginning especially, it seems almost overstated, hinting at the façade of British upper-class life that Maurice desperately despises. As the piece continues, a duet of low clarinet and oboe emerge with a woeful melody that is built upon on its repetition by a dark solo cello line. (I don’t play double reeds or cello but they’re two of my favorites, and all I can say is that Richard Robbins knew how to pick instruments that fuck, plain and simple.) The contrast in mood created between this grand waltz sound and the individual instruments emphasizes the trapped, isolated feeling that both Maurice and Clive feel as upper-class British men, expected to have careers, marry, and build families. Stuck in the middle of their constructed lives, Maurice and Clive are represented by the duet and solo lines, standing out among society and desperate for an escape.
This piece opens with a haunting melody that sounds almost like a chorus—I’m still not entirely sure what the instrumentation of this section is, but it sounds like high woodwinds and strings layered together and/or an echoey, chime-like percussion instrument. The lone melodic line overlaid with harp runs (again, Robbins said I will exclusively highlight instruments that fuck hard, and ignore everything else) in the beginning brings the same sort of haunting loneliness as in “Miserere,” evoking the duality of the Greek siren as well as the hymnal church choir. Gradually, the piece builds into a waltz through the development of a pizzicato bass line as well as running woodwind and string harmonic lines. I think the use of a waltz in this section of the piece is a symbol of the bitter end of Maurice and Clive’s relationship, as the minor key and legato melody in the high woodwinds gives the waltz a mournful quality.
The opening section of the piece is quickly interrupted by the abrupt and angry sound of an organ. Rather than romantic, this interlude is loud and overwhelming, representing Clive’s overzealous transition into heterosexual marriage and family life. The interlude then transitions into a beautiful but incredibly sad melody, reminiscent of the music that might accompany a funeral service. This short but emotive section is probably one of my favorites in the entire soundtrack—as it plays, we can see Maurice exiting the wedding chapel after Clive and Anne, and that hidden pain and fear and loneliness is brought to life by this melody.
Simultaneously romantic and melancholy, this short piano interlude demonstrates the inspiration that Robbins took from classical French pianists. This composition reminds me of a transition section within a Debussy piece as the uneven tempo and dynamics exude emotion, conflict, and hesitation. In this moment in the narrative, between Clive’s marriage and Maurice’s meeting of Alec, Maurice is in a state of contemplation and uncertainty, and Robbins has reflected that perfectly.
Though this piece is definitely not the most sonically appealing, I think it is the most texturally interesting on the soundtrack. The piano melody in “Miss Edna Mae’s Surprise” begins as a playful, jaunty, idyllic piece, but quickly builds drama and transitions into the surreal and eerie. The melody wavers between fun and nightmarish, never fully settling into one, but establishing tension through the contrast between the two. As the piece builds layers of woodwinds and strings, it continues this contrast between the expected, playful melody and something more sinister before suddenly merging into a screeching, forceful ending with high woodwinds and piano. Similar to “The Café Royal,” this piece represents the internal conflict that Maurice faces and his fear of settling down into the heterosexual family structure. While there is a sense of joy and happiness on the surface level, as Maurice acts the part to uphold societal norms, internally he is incredibly afraid of being trapped in a cycle of marriage and family that would be unfulfilling and dishonest to his selfhood.
The next section of this piece, “The Train,” is one of the most creative compositions I’ve heard in a long time, and I was honestly blown away when I listened to it closely (and LOUDLY). Rather than using train sound effects, Robbins uses the sounds of the orchestra to emulate the different sounds one might hear on a steam engine train. The rhythmic beat of the railway tracks underneath the train car are created by repetitive staccato notes in the strings and percussion. The airy, legato sound of the steam engine is actually created by single reed woodwind instruments played in a particular way. The woodwind players are blowing air into their instruments with a very loose embouchure, which is the muscle tension created by the lips around the mouthpiece that forces the wooden reed to vibrate and create sound. By loosening their embouchure, the players are blowing air into their instruments without the reed vibrating, resulting in a sound resembling air or stream escaping from engine pipes (can u tell im a clarinet player :-)). The melody of this piece emerges in the high woodwinds, including upper clarinets, flutes, and oboe. The melody line is eerie and tense, much like the mood of the train scene in the film, and the blended lines are erratic and dissonant. They seem to echo and fade in strange ways, mimicking the sound of an approaching or departing train whistle. Robbins is able to capture the sounds of a steam engine locomotive while also establishing the tension and conflict in Maurice’s character in this scene. As a woodwind player, I am in complete awe at Robbins’ creativity in building this composition, and I honestly think his ability to layer these sounds to create such a complex, textured sonic landscape is nothing short of genius.
THE MOONLIT NIGHT (a tiny bit nsfw, feel free to skip!)
Maurice’s nightmare of the “sinking ship” of heterosexuality is brought to life through an eerie, isolated English horn solo over tense string chords, eventually transitioning into a low clarinet melody, Maurice’s musical signature. Slowly, as Maurice’s nightmare fades away and he wakes up from his sleep, the low clarinet melody diminishes and is overtaken by low, warm chords in the lower woodwinds (bass clarinet, my beloved <3). These low sounds are interrupted by hesitant but curious flute runs, through which Robbins introduces Alec’s musical manifestation. The flute sounds grow faster in tempo and more intense in sound as Alec watches Maurice from outside his room but reduce to a single line of low strings, woodwinds, and percussion as he climbs through Maurice’s window. This ominous and minimal sound is gradually layered with sudden high strings, led by Maurice’s low clarinet, before fading away into near silence until the first touch suddenly takes the piece into swift motion. It develops into a beautiful and intricate waltz as Maurice and Alec embrace, representing their intimacy through the style of a partnered ballroom dance. The melody of the waltz, layered over staccato strings, is an ascending, fluttering scale that begins in the clarinet before finishing in the flute. Robbins’ choice to compose the melody as a shared scale between Maurice and Alec’s respective instrumental representation is a perfect way to express their first night together, and the airy, light, understated flute is a brilliant way to embody the spirit of Alec’s character. In the final section of the piece, as the melody grows irregular and begins to fade away, the ascending lines and rhythmic pizzicato strings begin to mirror the gasping breaths and soft moans of intimacy, constructing a gorgeously imaginative musical landscape for this critical scene.
This short but expressive piece captures Maurice’s transition from dejected acceptance of Alec’s departure to a tentative hope as he realizes that Alec has missed his boat to Buenos Aires. Plucked bass and a fragmentary string melody overlay a tense, oscillating clarinet line, representing Maurice’s internal anticipation as he anxiously fidgets in the taxi ride back to Pendersleigh. At this point, Maurice does not have confirmation that Alec has purposefully missed his boat to reunite with him, but the suspense created by Robbins’ minimalistic composition leaves room for such a possibility, without completely revealing its certainty.
This piece begins as Maurice makes his way towards the boathouse on the evening of Alec’s expected departure. He has just spoken to Clive, confessing his love for Alec, and now hopes to be reunited with his lover in the boathouse, the safe haven that Alec had promised Maurice after their first night together. Continuing where “Alec’s Farewell” left off with an oscillating clarinet line and minimal strings, the piece quickly erupts into motion as a solo clarinet begins a low triplet melody, accompanied by strings and a solo oboe harmony (the clarinet line is fucking FIRE and I would pay so much goddamn money for the sheet music). The clarinet solo moves swiftly, desperately, shifting between major and minor keys to represent Maurice’s restless search for Alec. As he enters the boathouse, the clarinet ascends a scale before lingering on a high A, as if he is calling for Alec. When the call is not answered, the clarinet line repeats, bringing Maurice’s anticipation to its height until he opens a second door and finds Alec resting within the room behind it. As the two meet and share a moment of reconciliation (“So, you got the wire, then?”), a lingering bass note (another one of Alec’s musical representations) swells into serene, legato woodwind chords that echo until their final kiss, and Alec’s “Now we shan’t ever be parted, and that’s finished.”
While listening to this song more closely, I was completely struck by its similarities to Leonard Bernstein’s “Somewhere” from the 1957 musical West Side Story. The final chords in “The Boathouse” are strikingly similar to the final high woodwind chords echoed by a low bass line in “Somewhere.” Bernstein also highlights clarinets throughout the musical, particularly to emphasize the vocals of the protagonist, Tony, while using flutes to underscore the voice of María, Tony’s love interest. Aside from the musical similarities, I think the thematic parallels between the story of Tony and María are worth mentioning as a source of musical inspiration for Robbins. A retelling of Romeo and Juliet set in 1950s New York, Bernstein’s West Side Story is a classic tragedy of an unconventional relationship that is unaccepted by society. Although not sharing in its tragic ending, Maurice definitely builds on the cultural trope of two star-crossed lovers desperate for an escape from a prejudiced society. Bernstein himself was gay, although he spent much of his career closeted, and West Side Story (particularly “Somewhere,” but also “One Hand, One Heart,” “Tonight,” and “Finale”) became emblematic of the struggles that gay couples face, especially with the popularity of musical theatre among American gay men. The lyrics (copied below, but I highly recommend finding the 1957 ballet version or the 1961 film version!) represent Maurice and Alec’s story beautifully, and the fact that Robbins was inspired by this piece of media that holds so much significance for queer people when composing the soundtrack for Maurice makes my gay little heart grow three sizes <3
There's a place for us, Somewhere a place for us. Peace and quiet and open air Wait for us, somewhere.
There's a time for us, Some day a time for us, Time together with time spare, Time to learn, time to care. Some day, Somewhere, We'll find a new way of living, We'll find a way of forgiving. Somewhere, Somewhere . . . There's a place for us, A time and place for us. Hold my hand and we're halfway there. Hold my hand and I'll take you there Somehow, Some day, Somewhere!
For Clive’s final scene, Robbins returns to piano and string instrumentation in the melody, representing a return to the traditional life that Clive now finds himself living with Anne. This variation on Clive’s signature melody, however, is significantly slowed down, almost to the tempo of a funeral march or dirge. As he shuts each of the windows, eventually stopping for a brief moment to reminisce on his time with Maurice, the melody grows increasingly loud and desperate as the high woodwinds are layered in. The sudden and dramatic development of this piece sound like a futile cry out for help, as Clive remains trapped in a prison of his own creation. The composition ends without a concluding chord, tense and unresolved. It’s fascinating to me that we can hear Robbins’ simultaneous resentment and pity for Clive—though the piece is deeply sorrowful, Robbins does not leave Clive with a satisfying ending, choosing to keep him suspended in the societal purgatory that he chose for himself. 
Are you crying yet? No? I don’t believe you. Robbins establishes the ending to the story by building the piece off of a gentle, pastoral variation of Maurice’s low clarinet melody. The legato chords and balance of high and low instrumentation recall Robbins’ musical sampling of “Somewhere” before the melody shifts into a call-and-answer duet between the clarinet (alongside an oboe) and flute. Much like the clarinet and flute duet in “The Moonlit Night,” the two lines blend together—but in this final composition, Robbins has written the two parts as complementary, yet distinctly different, rather than imitations of one another or two segments of a single line. The melody becomes a conversation between two harmonizing entities who are sharing in the creation of something wholly new. The duet tapers off into an English horn solo over a harp line, bringing back the idyllic English countryside that we first saw young Maurice exploring in “Prologue – The Lesson.” In this final piece, Robbins adds on to this solo with the clarinet and flute before the melody spreads throughout the full orchestra and builds to a grandiose and rousing finale. I think the English horn solo is the part that breaks me every time because of its introduction in the very beginning of the story— through this understated melody, Robbins is assuring us that Maurice did stay true to himself, and he did find his happiness, though it may not be what Ducie or anyone else wanted for him. Maurice and Alec in the clarinet and flute, alongside the English horn, managed to find harmony in each other and peace in a life built on a love they shared, and nothing more.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Srry but i noticed in one of ur dream posts u Referred to tommy's cat as hope. I must correct u, that cat was born pussbou and died pussboi. /lh Also tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile btw just wanna say Also for ur posts about dreams trauma or wilbur manipulating him can u provide links to vods or other proof? Srry if i seem rude i mean that in a "genuinely curious way"
Aaa sorry if my ask came off as rude im just genuinely curious :(((
hi! dw, you don't seem rude at all, and i'm extremely happy someone with a different perspective has found my blog! i really appreciate that sort of attitude and am happy to answer :]
/dsmp /rp
the cat was called pussboy by tommy, but dream only called it "the cat" and then said that "it was hope", which is why it sort of became a symbol (his hope is dead, basically) - that's why i kind of made its name capitalized, because it was more of a metaphor than anything.
most c!dream fans call the cat hope because it's just really nice and really symbolic, and also really sad when you think about it. that's why the name was used in the essay, just to clear up the confusion!
tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile
i don't really think so? mooshroom henry was entertainment more than anything, and even if it was bad, when watching the stream i don't remember seeing him mourn that much - on the other hand, dream was very quickly and very obviously attached to the cat, with it being his only companion in months of isolation, along with the hope that even when tommy left it would keep him company.
keep in mind c!dream has been deprived of stimuli and human contact for so long it's officially classified as psychological torture at that point.
i don't mean to compare trauma or even compare deaths - because honestly, what c!dream and c!tommy have gone through individually is incomparable and i think neither should be diminished in favor of the other since they're both terrible situations.
that's why i disagree that it "was nothing compared to" - it had an obvious effect on c!dream, and was still c!tommy killing an animal specifically to hurt him, no matter what reasons he had.
when i'm talking about effects people's actions have had on c!dream, i'm not talking about those people. i'm talking about him. :) /lh
as for the trauma, a lot of people agree that a lot of the things he says or does are trauma responses, and hence it's very possible that he's had trauma before he went into prison!
this includes being repeatedly called a tyrant via propaganda by about half of your friends who decided to betray you, trying to keep peace and being pushed deeper into villainy instead, repeatedly being put in between a rock and a hard place in order to make sure the people you care about don't start killing each other, then being betrayed by your closest friends after merely trying to keep peace (sapnap & george) and just in general having no control over your life or image and grasping at straws to gain it back.
i know a lot of people with trauma who heavily relate to certain trauma responses, which aren't always just shaky breaths and flashbacks, but trauma often also manifests itself in extremely ugly and destructive ways, both inwardly and outwardly.
trying to control the people around you is also very often a response to going through trauma, as well as emotional repression which is... rather evident on c!dream during season two. it only seems to get worse with repeated abandonment.
in the end, during the vault scene, the way he acts really just isn't at all the way a healthy person would act, and a lot of his really bad mindsets come from the way he was taught by the world around him.
the character is very reserved however, and since we don't have his pov we can't really say for certain - a lot of people claim it in good faith because they have a lot of evidence for it, and i think they're certainly valid in that.
that is just before the prison, however. from what happened during the prison arc? there is no denying he's traumatized at this point.
he's been emotionally and physically abused by c!sam since the very beginning of being imprisoned, and being in solitary confinement for over two weeks is generally considered psychological (and maybe also physical?) torture. that alone shows up in a lot of symptoms of his mental deterioration while in pandora's during people's visits, and quackity's "sessions" just absolutely drove the point home.
what he's gone through during this arc is absolutely incomparable to anything others charactes have faced before, and it's just plain suffering being endured by someone who is, despite everything, still a human being.
as for the wilbur manipulation thing!! it's talking about the whole vassal scene (though even beforehand a lot of their interactions are pretty iffy), and here's a post about that :]
I also have a small question about the analysis u last reblogged cus it says "why dream needed lmanburg gone rightfully" and like. The house analogy is poor because for one cus the land is infinite. And 2 cus punz's yard was literally larger then lmanburg. And also stuff about dream being a mediator? Can u provide examples?
i wouldn't say it was poor. dream's said a lot of times that he didn't care in the slightest about the land - a lot of his problems with l'manberg arose with the fact that wilbur basically built it on lies and tried to disallow half of the server to come there. c!dream was mad about the division and the fact that wilbur wanted "freedom" to have authority in his lands - over others, as can be seen in this post also.
the table analogy was fitting not because dream was some overlord, but because these were literally friends he invited to hang out and live in a place he wanted to call home. claiming a part of it for yourself and saying people of a certain nationality can't come in is directly opposing those goals.
in the early days of the smp, dream's always been a mediator between his friends - sapnap and george, who would often get into fights and go around killing each other! he would always do his best to stop the conflict, which continued after tommy joined when he took him to court and then later tried to mediate conflicts he was a part of, which resulted in tommy killing him unprovoked, stealing his gear, and starting the disc wars when dream was trying to get his stuff back. later, during pogtopia, he is also most concerned with peace over everything, and this seems to continue indefinitely after.
Today i was thinking about how messed up the final control room was. Like. Dream arranged the betrayal and punz and sapnap killed tommy and tubbo who like. Were literal children and their pals (because the author, wilbur soot, is dead/j but srsly if u take the streamers words tommy said he was 9 during the revolution sooo)
Sorry im gonna ramble about how dumb canon ages are for a second cus like. Streamers can say the characters are one way or another (wilbur saying he is mentally 30-something, etc.) But in the end the characters act like they(or at least their streaming personas) do.
i... honestly don't find it that bad? they were in a war, and the final control room was basically just supposed to end it quicker. the l'manbergians made it clear they were going to fight to the death, so they really left c!dream no other choice. and it's not like he didn't give them chances to give up.
also yeah the 9 year old thing was retconned, because in that case c!dream would've been 14 and i don't think that's true.
c!tommy and c!dream were both young and once again, in a war. the final control room was an attempt to assure victory, which both sides would've taken if possible, but only c!dream saw he had the option.
i do agree the whole child soldier thing was bad but... complain about that to c!wilbur, methinks. he talked naive kids into fighting for his personal power. however, the age argument isn't really valid either way. they had enough agency to sign up for it, and whether or not c!wilbur pushing the intense nationalism onto them had something to do with that is another debate entirely.
Bacl to final control room cus like??? Also fun fact punz took 2 of wilbur's canon lives. And like that probably is what started wilbur's paranoia which later lead to his spiral and i. Many thoughts full of lmanburg today.
i'm pretty sure cc!wilbur said what lead to c!wilbur's spiral was a "dark, twister view of possessions" and "disregard for his fellow citizen whom he claimed to love so much", but i really wouldn't say it was the control room; if anything the sudden loss of power after the elections seems to me like the trigger for his spiral.
I watched the exile arc live and. I feel dirty almost for feeling little to no sympathy for c!dream (srry ive been forgetting to add that aa) because of his actions toward c!tommy and like. The whole probation was so humiliating and unfair and c!dream was planning to frame him for the crimes he and puffy did under the the guise of "pranks" and c!quackity was planning to seize the vice president role.
i mean... to be fair, if you didn't watch the prison arc much yet or only watch tommy's perspective i understand not feeling that sympathetic - however, i encourage you to maybe watch a few prison visits, since they could help you see the whole picture better!
i also watched it live, and i also thought it was terrible, but i share very much the same sentiment for the prison arc because. absolutely no one should have to go through either of those things, you know?
i don't think probation was that humiliating? he was just. being asked to not start conflict with the other factions for two weeks. of course, what happened as a result is in no way justified, but i don't think probation itself would've been bad at all. either way yeah the framing and c!quackity's behaviour was. very yikes, i agree.
Also c!tommy antis are dumb because they say "he deserved exile angry emoji" i dont see u saying that about ranboo. Just say you hate cc!tommy and go. Also people say c!tommy was just as toxic to c!dream and i??? No. One is the victim and one is the abuser and like. :/// man. This part is rambly srry
i wouldn't say they hate cc!tommy? cc!tommy has a persona who people think is annoying at first ( but then they subscribe because he is super entertaining big man! ) but a lot of c!tommy's actions are straight up toxic to certain characters, such as c!funndy and c!jack. he has a very dismissive attitude towards others and their trauma and it does affect the people around them very negatively.
examples; his repeated bullying and behavior towards fundy:
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Fundy: “I’m wearing glasses…are you making fun of my eyesight?!”
Tommy: “Yes.”
Sapnap: “Your father would be very disappointed.”
Fundy: “Wh – disappointed for wearing glasses?!”
Tommy: “You got glasses, like what are you wearing…”
Fundy: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Sapnap, Sapnap, over here. Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, I’m really sorry to say this – I’m just here to publicly denounce you.”
Fundy: “…What?”
( credit for transcript: @/findingjoynweirdstuff )
he's also responsible for a big chunk of c!jack's trauma, both with actions and words, and that's why i think certain people might dislike the character, and i don't think that's wrong of them. anyone can dislike any character they want if they don't attack people for liking them, in my opinion.
also c!tommy was most definitely toxic against c!dream in the cell. it's of course understandable but that doesn't change the fact he was constantly hitting and insulting him (without dream doing anything back for a long while until he snapped) which is toxic behaviour.
i wouldn't say he was "just as" though, so i agree with you on that. they're different and they behave differently.
i made a dream blob keychain today. Is it possible to send images if u wanna see? Idk cus i havent used tumblr before. I think that's all for now. Thx for letting me talk :D peepoShy -curious anon (but fr a connoreatspants c!dream redemption arc would be cool)
yooo that's cool! i don't really,,, know if it's possible to send images? try it out and if it isn't i'll try find a way to turn it on.
also, no problem! just please remember this is a c!dream sympathetic blog, and me as well as my followers are uhh,, oftentimes emotionally attached / personally relate to the character, so if you could avoid sending hate on the character (not that you have or that i expect you to, just a friendly reminder) in the asks that would be great! we already see a lot of it unwillingly so, i'd rather not see more, but as long as the discussion is civil i'm absolutely ok with you asking more and with me answering more questions if you'd want to! :)
if anyone else would like to reblog this and add some things i might've missed with my answers, feel free to, just go easy on her (she uses she/her pronouns!) and keep it factual.
i hope u had a good or at least ok time at school today :D
thanks! i gtg now because exam tomorrow but i'm going to try write the redemption essay tomorrow as well because ohhh boy i have a lot of ideas about what all i could write around the concept.
also sorry this was long, i can't keep my tongue on the leash :[
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ladyhindsight · 3 years
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It’s been a while since I have been this disgusted and uncomfortable, and my morbid ass doesn’t get disgusted that easily. There is one specific part in this chapter where I had to take a moment away from the book and set it down for the sheer disbelief that a person actually wrote these words—words that now are immortalized on these pages for the end of time. 
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Simon is choking on smoke and I’m choking on these unnecessary stops in almost every sentence.
→ “Eventually he collapsed on the floor, gasping, and stared numbly at...”
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Are you trying to tell me, to convince me that Simon’s question was not unreasonable? Because I didn’t think so in the first place. I also love that even Simon recognizes Jace’s thin pianist’s fingers, because we haven’t been reminded of that in a long time.
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→ “Only swirling smoke came through the bars.” → “Only smoke swirled through the bars.”
Because why point out what Simon could or could not see when he immediately sees movement afterwards. Also, “something, something” is turning out to be a cheap and easy trick pretty quickly. And this isn’t the last time it is used.
→ “Something hunched and dark moves inside the smoke. Samuel’s voice, roughened by smoke...”
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Sort of evident from Jace just flopping down and going, but okay. 
There’s also enough of “, and” and “—and” used, so a good ol’ period would be nice every once in a while. Sometimes simpler and shorter sentences are good. Sometimes pauses are good, especially order to avoid monotony and lack of variation in sentence structures that, in this series, tend to get long. Shorter sentences also underline each action more individually instead of piling them up in order and creating a long, loose sentence.
→ ““Jace!” Clary yelped. She and Alec hurried over, but Jace was already through the window...”
Isn’t it the very basis of Jace’s character that no one can really make Jace do anything or tell him not to do something if he’s already made up his mind? How on earth is it on Simon to let Jace do anything? Always blaming other people for someone else’s actions.
If Alec’s words are truly unexpected, that this time he isn’t arguing for Jace’s safety, the unexpectedness is for the readers to see, not to be told. Otherwise you’ve failed your characterization if readers don’t regard this unexpected of Alec.
→ “Well, he couldn’t leave that guy down there to die,” Alec said, though he looked a little anxious himself.” 
That is all you need. That already shows that Alec isn’t totally against Jace doing Jace things but that he is not entirely comfortable with the idea either.
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I find no logic behind the use of em dashes in this writing. There is no punctuation before “who” when the clause is required to define something.
→ “He was looking at Jace who, turned pale, had already begun to rise to his feet.”
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I feel like sometimes the writing is trying to argue and make a case for itself when it really doesn’t need to. Like the writing need to acknowledge this so it can keep justifiably going on how Clary is always looking at Jace but without really changing a thing about it.
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Okay. We’ve arrived to the point where Samuel is revealed to be Hodge. Jace confronts Hodge about the secrets the latter has kept for Valentine and from Jace all Jace’s life. 
Jace still believes he has demon blood but doesn’t seem to think that, hey, would a demon even think about killing himself? Because why would Jace want to kill himself but to protect others from himself. Would demons really want to do that? Would Jace love Alec, Isabelle, and Max if he truly had demon blood? Like, Clary already pointed some of things out earlier at the Wayland Manor, but the narrative just left it at that, didn’t challenge it any further, and let Jace carry on with this stupidity.
The other point here is that Hodge didn’t know which boy he was raising. It is obvious from a later point and confirmed in the epilogue that he didn’t know until he saw Sebastian. Sure, but it’s incredibly unconvincing because of THE EYES. Jocelyn saw the darkness in Sebastian’s to moment she held her. Hodge sees Sebastian and recognizes him immediately. Yet others didn’t see Sebastian’s extremely close resemblance to Valentine until his hair was no longer black.
Also, Hodge knows one of the boys is Herondale?? He carved the baby out himself and saw it?? He knows what Celine and Stephen looked like??
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“Jace, we have to go,” he said to Hodge.
Clary’s “unwelcome” pity is a safeguard for Clary to appear sympathetic character, but not as though she’d otherwise feel sorry for Hodge if she had a choice. Authentically feeling sorry for Hodge apparently is too risky thing to write Clary doing. Excuses, excuses.
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Alec—my brother, my best friend, my parabatai, with whom I’ve shared almost half my life, with whom I’ve grown up with closer than anyone else—you have no fucking clue what I am like. For my angst and self-destruction trumps all, and only Clary, this girl I’ve known for a month, truly knows anything about me.
Also “his friend”? Not brother, not parabatai? What the hell.
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Clary, stop narrating.  ↓
“If Valentine found the Mirror, he would be—”
Alec cried out. Something bright and silver gleamed out in the moonlight, a nail head of light in the darkness. Hodge’s eyes flew wide as he staggered and clawed at his chest. The hilt of a long dagger protruded from his rib cage like the haft of an arrow bristling from its target.
Alec, leaping forward, caught his old tutor as he fell and lowered him gently to the ground. He looked up helplessly, his face spattered with Hodge’s blood. “Jace, why—”
“I didn’t—” Jace’s face was white, but he still held his knife tightly at his side.
Also is the last highlighted part supposed to be: “Simon spun around, and Clary turned with him and stared into the darkness.” Because now it’s a bit confusing.
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→ “...but it was black between the trees of the hillside. Then a shadowy figure with familiar dark, tumbled hair emerged from the blackness.”
Never forget that Sebastian’s eyes are dark. Not that you could, it’s told on every possible occasion.
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→ “The veins snaked under his skin like the growth of some delicate, branching coral.”
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So here Hodge just figures it all out. That took long. Not. Yet no one of our teen heroes is putting anything together. No points are being connected. Valentine’s narrative remains unquestioned. (Also no comma before “who”)
“What could’ve he meant by that? Not you,” Jace wondered but decided not to care about it because the story still needed him to believe in his demon blood, because otherwise his already flimsy reasons for anything he does would ruin equally flimsy basis for the rest of the plot.
That other sentence is just plain wacky.
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN, your sister? BAH! You just called Clary Jace’s sister!! And when Jace does the same, Sebastian immediately turns sarcastic like he himself didn’t do just exactly that.
Clary’s clarification is also useless because Sebastian never accused Clary of anything else than her wanting him. He says he kissed her, she wanted him. Clary only needs to deny one thing! It’s been days and I have found no sense in this dialogue.
And then, the source of my disgust. I have no words for how embarrassing, uncomfortable, and nauseating this is, so here’s a gif instead. 🤢
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Each time part of me shudders and dies when I read that sentence.
Isn’t is curious how it is only the bad guys that point out what people normally think about incest? Sebastian and Zara Dearborn are both characters that use the incest aspect as ammunition against Clary and Jace. But rather than their words representing what people most likely think in general (realistically) when it comes to such societal taboos they are only insults and the readers are supposed to defend Clary and Jace instead.
No other character comments on Sebastian’s words. They are completely ignored because Clary or Jace couldn’t possibly face any humiliation that would inevitably come from it if the subject was approached even a tad bit realistically. I once said that:
“Same goes with their relationship. I’ve said before that Clare’s writing is incredibly biased, whether she realises it or not. That bias exempts Jace, Clary, and sometimes Simon from being responsible or facing repercussions. It also colors the way she wants readers to perceive Jace and Clary’s “incestuous” relationship because nobody in the books really gives two shits about it. Nobody deems it morally wrong nor voices opinions. Clare doesn’t entertain those ideas because she most likely doesn’t want a conflict where Jace doesn’t get to be the number one.”
And it applies here.
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No commas. 
→ “He glanced down once at Simon and then raised his head and spat. The words he said after were in a language Clary didn’t recognize. Then he turned with the same terrifying swiftness...”
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Once again, The Unexpected Alec. Twice in the same chapter. What I said before goes here too.
Sebastian must have had some special training, because it still doesn’t occur to anyone that hey, something here is not right. Shit doesn’t add up. But let’s keep ignoring all of the tell-tale signs of Something Is Totally Off for the sake of the rest of the plot.
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Jace’s blood made Simon able to walk in the sun and was so delicious he couldn’t almost stop drinking it. Sebastian’s blood is fowl, like poison, and IT STILL DOESN’T OCCUR TO JACE OR CLARY THAT SOMETHING MIGHT NOT BE RIGHT ABOUT THIS.
Clary filters, something, something... 
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There they were, the Lightwoods: Maryse with her arms around Isabelle who was sobbing, and Robert Lightwood sitting on the ground and holding someone.
The first time Clary had seen Max, at the Institute, lying limp and asleep on the couch, his glasses knocked askew and his hand trailing along the floor. He can sleep anywhere, Jace has said, and Max almost looked as if he were sleeping now, in his father’s lap.
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Isabelle is sobbing and Jace is utterly lost. Alec, Robert, and Maryse on the other hand get to have oddly minimal description of their grief, meaning none at all. How about that.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
The Duke - Chapter 10
A.N: OK, let's go Thank you very much to the comments, really, I know it takes time, but I'm glad you're here always waiting for a new chapter for your understanding: everything in *ITALIC* is flashback, it's a chapter basically made up of that, it explains some things it was the chapter i waited the longest to arrive, i liked it in the end, i hope you did too <3 AO3 | FF.NET | SIYE
It was a cold night, it had rained that afternoon and the sky was cloudy, it looked like it would rain later in the morning, but Arabella was happy about that, as the damp, muggy weather made her sneeze every minute and her asthma was actually getting worse. She should visit a doctor soon. She continued to walk down the empty street, the hem of her dress was getting more and more muddy, no matter how much she pulled her skirt up a little, every time she stepped into a puddle the mud splashed and it was no use effort in trying to get that dress clean. She should have picked an older one to go out with, since she knew the streets would be dreadful after all that rain, not the brand new one she'd bought after working so hard. Was it just a piece of sewn fabric, why was it so expensive? There weren't even enough details or buttons to justify it. But if Isabel was telling the truth, the fabric had come from India, and that in itself had already increased the price twice as much, and Arabella knew that the woman would not lie to her… She hoped at least. As she walked the streets of Godric's Hollow, she thought about how another lonely night would be, and that maybe tomorrow she would send a letter to her great-aunt asking if she could stay a few days at her farm, just to have the company of other people besides the two her cats; Silk and Melindra. “Help!” The scream echoed behind her, and Arabella turned, startled, to see if anyone was hurt or what might have triggered that scream. It was a female scream, and it made her think that maybe a woman could be chased by some maniac, and even though she wasn't very strong, two women fought better than just one, so she ran towards the scream, not caring more about the mud splashing on her dress. Near Ms. Bright’s shop, there was a woman lying down and bleeding, her clothes torn and a baby in her lap. She looked scared, dumped near a ditch that had been made a few days ago to start building a fashion studio around the corner, the scant dress that still covered her was smeared with what looked like blood and mud, and Arabella thought she saw blood running down her legs. Whether it was an injury or something more disturbing, she couldn't tell. The woman held the baby tightly to her chest, wrapped in an old blanket as dirty as she was, and the poor child spared no effort in crying, looking more than scared. “I'm here, what happened?” Arabella ran to her, helping the poor girl to her seat, noticing that the poor baby was also smeared with blood, but she couldn't tell whose blood it was. ‘Come, come to my house, I can help you-’ "No," she cried, brown eyes startled and wide, as if they'd seen death a few feet away. “Someone is following me, I – I'm going to be killed, I know I will, my husband is after me and – you need to get the boy.” She lifted the baby towards Arabella. 'He's trying to kill us, he thinks the child isn't his, he thinks I cheated on him, and he's coming, I-' The woman stopped, as if she'd heard something, but then thunder made the Earth shudder. ‘Please save the boy, I beg you, he already tried to kill the boy but I was always on time, but now I feel like I won't be able to save him.’ “You must come with me.” Arabella pleaded once more, kneeling in front of the woman, trying to get her to rise. When she reached for her forearm, however, her hand was wet with blood, and the tear in the side of her dress let her see a hideous cut in her ribs, the blood running like water in a waterfall, dripping onto the floor and other parts of her dress. "I told you," she muttered, sobbing. 'I'm going to die, I'm not going to make it, I can't stand walking any longer, I managed to run away from him but I can't stand it much longer… Take the boy.' The woman lifted the boy again, who now seemed to cry even more, waking a few neighborhood dogs, as the sky glowed brighter, the earth trembling a few seconds later. "Take him away, don't let him die." 'How-how am I going to leave you here, I can't-' Another thunder shook the earth, and this time, the storm began to fall stronger
than the afternoon, the winds suddenly getting strong, which seemed to scare the boy even more. ‘He will get sick! Get him, take care of him!” As if on instinct, Arabella scooped him up in her arms, wrapping him in her scarf so he was a little warmer. Footsteps were heard nearby, and the woman seemed to despair even more. 'Go! Get Harry and go!’ “What's his name?” Arabella yelled over the noise of the rain, trying to understand what she had said. ‘Henry! His name is Henry!’ ---------------------- “Poor Duchess,” someone says, but all Arabella can see is the white flag atop the castle, an immense sadness shattering her chest into a million pieces. "Who could do something that horrible?" Another says, all paying attention to the newspaper that reports how Harry Potter, the Duke's eldest son, was found dead near a creek not far away. Probably killed by Death Eaters. “They're all nasty human beings!” A man said, looking horrified by the media descriptions, then looking up at the castle again. It's not that far away, it faces the mountains that end Godric's Hollow, separating them from another village, and it's positioned in a way that's seen from anywhere, no matter where you are, you'll see the castle and the huge towers, next to the flags that stand proudly on the masts. One with the English flag, the other with the Potter family crest. But today, both give way to white flags. The boy is dead. Arabella wipes the tears from her eyes and watches little Henry sleep in her arms, oblivious to the commotion. She sympathizes with the Duchess's pain as she looks at that little baby who nearly died along with her mother - Arabella knew that the woman's body was found lifeless the next morning - and remembers the time she too felt the pain of losing a child, of losing the one she loved most to Death Eaters. She kisses the boy's forehead, the pale scar of lightning makes him unique, and Arabella lets herself cry, thinking of the Duchess herself, and how they took away her right to fondle her own son. ---------------------- Arabella did not remember seeing the Duke in public since the incident two years ago. He smiles and nods, but she notices - because she's been there once too - that he's sick, that the gold-and-red scarf around his neck seems to have a lot of fabric left over, as well as his pants. She notices the dark circles under his eyes, and the sunken cheeks, but the man still smiles and waves at people. Henry was on her lap, yesterday he turned two, and Arabella doesn't know very well when he was born, but her neighbor, who is a doctor, said he wasn't much older than four or five months, so she decided that his birthday would be the day before they met, because she thought it was too tragic to celebrate the day she found him in his mother's lap half dead, but she didn't want to stray too far from the date. The Duke smiles and nods to a little girl on his father's shoulders, he is walking through the village as he usually does, something that brings him closer to the people who live there and keeps him in power. He's a good man, after his father, the best they've ever had for sure. He stops when he gets close to Arabella, and she smiles because she used to paint the portraits of the royal family until she had a problem with her fist and was forced to quit her profession, but the man never seems to forget the time she drew him on his 17th birthday. "I'm still waiting for you to draw me and my wife." He says, as he always has since she informed him that she had unfortunately been forced to stop. The man isn't charging her though, he smiles, and watches Henry in her lap, almost sleeping on her shoulder. “It's a beautiful boy.” She thought she saw a shadow in his eyes, but it was so fast she thought it was just her imagination. 'How old is he?' "Two years," she says, and now she's sure the man looks sick, because for a second he stops and stares at Henry, as if wondering what his two-year-old son would be like. Arabella knows because she used to do this. "My condolences, my Lord." "It's okay, I’m fine," the
man says, and he winks at Henry, who hides in his mother's neck, before going off to talk to another woman. ---------------------- “Why are we different?” Henry asks, sitting on the table as Arabella tends to his scraped knee. 'We don't have the same eye color, and my hair doesn't match yours.' She knows he doesn't mean to be mean, he's just a curious and very intelligent child, that he's noticed the dissimilarities between them. She smiles, applying ointment to the wound. ‘Because you are my son at heart, and children at heart are sometimes not like their mothers at heart.’ 'What is a child at heart?' He agrees to be picked up by her, and Arabella leads them into their small living room, sitting on the sofa with Henry on her lap, looking at her with big green eyes gleaming with curiosity, black strands falling over his eyelashes. She needs to cut his hair soon. “It means that you were born from another belly, not mine.” She places a hand over her stomach. “But that's just what separates us, because my love for you surpasses any barrier.” Arabella smiles, kissing his cheek, and Henry seems satisfied with the explanation. 'I love you so much too, this size here!' He opens his arms as much as he can, and the demonstration warms her heart as always, making her smile and hug her son as tightly as she assures him that she loves him even more. | J. P | James was concentrating on the duels when Remus arrived. He was marveling at how well Mr. Figg dueled, neither shivering nor losing time when Mr. Rosier hit back one of his spells, and the man didn't even look tired. He had always found dueling an incredibly boring and dull part of parties when he was younger, accompanied by his father and seeing the men fall in a few minutes, James preferred the parties and the after, when the house was silent and dark and he could go out to meet some woman. It was at one of these parties that he met Lily, during a nighttime getaway he saw her jumping out the window. First he followed her thinking that she was also going to meet someone, and James being a curious young man that he was, he wondered what kind of man that woman liked to sneak with. Maybe he had a chance. But later, when he saw her come out of the house and run towards the lake nearby, James didn't understand. She didn't like him following her, of course, it had been a dumb idea and nowadays he was ashamed of his younger self's actions, but that's what got them talking for the first time. She smiled in embarrassment as he praised her ability to climb a vine. "James!" Remus called after him, cheeks flushed and blue eyes pained toward him. The first thing that came to his mind was that Lily was hurt, and that made him lose all interest in watching the Duel and made him turn to his friend in alarm. “What happened?” He tried to be as discreet as possible, trying to keep other men from noticing his splurge. Sirius did a good job of distracting two young men. "Lily needs you…and she asked me to take Mr. Figg too." Remus muttered the last part, making James frown and look at the boy on his left, who had finally won the duel. Rosier looked tired. 'Is it urgent.' "Is she hurt?" It was a valid concern, James feared his wife would get sicker now that she was surrounded by people, and maybe someone had said something to her and Lily had one of her fits again. ‘And why does she want the boy? Should I tell Arthur? ‘No, don't say anything to anyone, just come… We're in the dungeons.’ ---------------------- Henry did not know how to control his magic, and that distressed Arabella. If he was a Muggle it would be so much easier, she knew that, because when Henry made that poor boy float, and then made a flower vase explode, she knew she would have to explain a lot to him: Why couldn't he go to a proper college and why she didn't do magic like he did. Arabella no longer felt ashamed of being a Squib, she had accepted the condition and lived normally, or at least as she managed to, avoiding whenever anyone asked about it just to avoid people's prejudice. Some thought she was a
Muggle who had married a wizard, and that's why she knew so much about it. Others thought that she just hadn't had a chance to go to school, and that's why she didn't know how to properly control magic. "They made fun of me!" Henry said, annoyed, his eyes red from crying. “They said things—horrible things to me!” He sobbed, which made Arabella even sadder and more worried. His green eyes glistened with tears, staring at her for answers. "They told me I-I'll never be good at-at anything." He sobbed louder and louder, the scraped knee now forgotten, as if the internal pain was much bigger. She was about to cry with him. “Henry, honey, listen to me.” She took a deep breath, thinking that conversation had come earlier than she'd planned. ‘What they said is a lie. They don't know how to control their magic either, they probably won't for a good few years, and you're already good at a lot of things, of course you are, Henry. You're much better at putting together puzzles, and you're much faster too, I mean, you always win at the races.' Arabella smiled sweetly, smoothing his messy hair, thinking how unfair it was that such a sweet little boy already got to know this side of life. She wished she could just show the good side of life, and leave the thorns and stones for when he understood things better. Arabella wondered how her mother managed to do this so masterfully, because right now, she wanted to be able to hex the parents of those boys and force them to teach their children more respect for others. She wished it had been her who had been pushed and thrown out of the game, not her child. Her heart broke even more, feeling helpless. ‘Don't listen to what they say, ok? You're amazing, a very smart kid, and your future will be bright.” She promised, because it was true. Arabella would do anything for her son. ---------------------- Henry ran as fast as he could, passing through the trees and not even bothering with the branches that scratched his skin, he just needed to get out of there. He knew he shouldn't have pissed off those boys, but they were scaring another younger boy, and just because they'd now gone to that stupid school of stupid people, they thought they were even better than the rest of the people there. Henry wished he could go to Hogwarts, but his mother had told him that you needed to receive a letter, and that they were only sent for a few families - maybe if you're lucky you get the letter, she said smiling, even though the smile didn't reach her eyes. Arabella had never said this, but Henry knew he would probably never get the letter; he wasn't rich and he didn't have a father, and for some reason, that seemed to be enough to keep him away from others. He ran even faster when he heard loud laughter, he wasn't afraid of those kids anymore, Henry had grown up while they were in school, more than they were, but they had one advantage: magic. Arabella couldn't buy a wand, so he didn't have one, and even if he did, he wouldn't know how to use it. “You're a wimpy coward if your only way to fight is with magic…don't you know how to punch?” Henry had said to Jilian, the biggest idiot of them all. Henry wasn't very good at punching, but he was very fast, while when Greg tried to cast a spell on him, he ran off into the forest, barely noticing when his own magic created a dome around him, preventing any spells from hitting him. . ---------------------- “Why are we so different?” Henry asked, taking a seat beside Arabella as she kneaded the bread on the table. She looked at him, noticing that the boy was all sweaty and looking a little smudged with dirt. “How many times have I told you not to go into the woods?” She returned her gaze to the dough, continuing to knead. "It's quieter there." He shrugged, pulling his sweaty hair off his forehead, letting his scar show for a few seconds before hiding it again. “And more dangerous too, and you know it.” Arabella raised her eyebrows, scolding him. She'd heard horrible stories of people meeting a werewolf deep in the woods, and as much as she didn't
know whether or not it was true, she didn't want Henry to take any chances like that. He was only 13 years old, he should have been playing with the other kids on the street and not running into the trees. "Okay, I won't do it anymore." He sighed, but she knew he would break that promise the next time he had the opportunity. ‘But then? Why aren't we alike?’ "Henry, because you were born from another belly. I already said that" She placed the buns in the oven, washing her hands afterwards and looking up at him with a gentle smile on her face. "I met you when you were very young, you know this story." "But why can I make things float and you can't?" His green eyes stared at her with an expression much harder and more serious than she was used to, as if he would know if she lied. ‘Because not all of us are born doing magic. Some of us are good at something other than magic… It's something you need to be born knowing how to do, you can't develop it, just improve it.” Arabella swallowed, trying not to show so much the scars that had left on her. People weren't kind when they found out you were a Squib. He was quiet for a few minutes, looking at his hands as if he wanted to find the right words. The sun streaming through the kitchen windows illuminated his black hair, a few strands reflecting an almost red copper color that Arabella thought was beautiful. 'Can you never do magic?' He looked at her, and all the worry she'd ever felt, scared that maybe Henry would feel sorry for her or ashamed of her, drained and slipped out as his green eyes stared at her, full of affection and sadness. Not the same sadness that always came with grief, but as if he felt bad that he did magic and she didn't, as if he understood now why some people offended her and treated her differently. "No." She gave a half smile. "But I'm not sad about it anymore, I like who I am." And it was true. Henry nodded, still being silent for a while, seeming to absorb the information, then he got up from the wooden bench, walking over to her and hugging her. He was no longer her little boy—as much as he always would be her baby—Henry now almost reached her chest, and it wouldn't be long before he was taller than her. She hugged him back, enjoying this show of affection, imagining that a few years from now he wouldn't like hugs so much. "I love you," he said. ‘I love you very much too. Forever and ever.” Arabella kissed the top of his head, tightening her hold even more, as if she was afraid someone would suddenly take him away from her. ---------------------- It had been a long time since James had been in the dungeons, he didn't like going there, it was cold, wet, lonely, and it made him think too much. It made him think his son's things were there, in boxes organized as if they were just another mess and not everything he and Lily had ever dreamed of. It made him think of the pain that resided in his chest, the emptiness that nothing in the world had ever been able to fill. James hated the dungeons. Lily, unlike him, loved being there, she said it was the best place for her to think, and the calmest of all - 'It's where I feel that no one will look at me with pity, where I can think of my son in peace, you know what I'm talking about," she said when James questioned her about the surroundings. He knew, he understood her, James had changed into Prongs many more times than necessary, he did it every time the pain got too much to take. He walked down the stairs, trying to ignore the shiver that ran down his spine, couldn't anyone make this place something less scary? After Remus left, James warned Sirius, who tried to pretend as best he could and further entertain the men who now looked curious to death, while he went to talk to Mr. Figg. "I need you to accompany me, but I need you to do this cautiously and discreetly," James asked, looking into those green eyes closely, trying to remember where he knew that expression. "I'll go ahead, meet me in five minutes at the entrance to the stone path, do you know where it is?" The man nodded, tucking
his wand into the waistband of his pants and straightening his robes. 'I'll let Arthur know I'll take you, just so he won't be worried, but I think you understand that you shouldn't say anything to anyone, right?' "Yes, my Lord." The man made a brief, discreet bow, and James grimaced, not understanding why that made him uncomfortable. Now James heard footsteps behind him as he walked through the dungeon, neither of them saying anything. Why had Lily asked Mr. Figg to come along? Had she found out something about the boy? Something bad? James glanced quickly over his shoulder, noticing that the man looked warmed too, his hands behind him and his back straight. Has something happened to Miss Weasley? Well, if so, Arthur would be called too, right? James broke off as soon as he reached the last room, the one he avoided the most, and the only one with lighted candles. The first thing he saw when he entered were the boxes, stacked against a wall, then he realized there were some of Harry's things on the floor, smeared with dirt and sticks, and James' heart missed a beat when he saw the Snitch Pajamas The gold one he'd bought when he found out Lily was pregnant was now all filthy and torn. Had they been attacked? Was that why Lily sent for him? Then he saw Remus, opening Lily's herb cabinet and looking for something inside, he looked worried. In the back, near the only window there, was Peter, all smeared with mud too, sitting on the floor with his hands behind his back, his red cheeks making him look like a child caught doing something wrong, and his rumpled clothes hinting that he had fought someone. Finally, sitting on the bench was Lily. Her dress was dirty too, but that wasn't what James first noticed, it was her red face, her pink cheeks like when she drank wine, her hands shaking as she poured something into the cauldron, looking more nervous than ever. "What's going on?" James glanced at the three of them, feeling even more anxious. "Lily, what the fuck is going on?" "Did you bring Henry?" James frowned at her calling the man by his first name, but nodded anyway, Peter sighed in the corner, looking almost terrified, not making eye contact with James for a moment. ‘Great, send him in.’ ---------------------- Henry knew he shouldn't be there, his mother had forbidden him, but he had nowhere else to go. Jilian had come back from his stupid school and he seemed more than happy to train some spells on Henry, and even though he had honed his punching technique, he couldn't compete with magic. So he ran into the forest. It was cold there, it had rained last night and the earth had turned to mud, and because of the tall trees the sun's rays didn't penetrate as much, and the whole environment ended up getting wetter than usual. Henry shivered as the wind made him wonder why he hadn't grabbed a jacket. He was sitting on the usual rock, it was close to the river that separated them from the Muggles, and it gave him a good view across the village. There were houses like the ones on this side, but they always looked a lot less colorful than the ones he was used to, and there weren't as many flowers and trees either, as if the Muggles were willing to clear every bit of land they found, leaving everything gray and monotonous. Henry had asked his mother if they could go to that side of the village, but Arabella had been stern to say he was forbidden to even think about going to the Muggles. He chuckled softly, thinking that if it hadn't been for the river that separated them, he probably would have managed to at least get there, curious as always. A noise startled him, making him jump and hide behind the rock, praying it wasn't one of Jilian's friends, as he would be at such a disadvantage. There wasn't much to run now, Henry had almost reached the end of the forest, and unless he took a chance and ran towards the darkest and scariest part, the other option was to jump into the river. And he wasn't doing any of those things. But when he didn't hear voices or anything to indicate they were people, he stood up,
watching a deer walking around, distracted by everything, as if nothing else mattered. Henry had never seen one this close, and he was a little fascinated by the animal, he understood why there are two deer on the Potter family crest. It really was a beautiful animal, and if he could choose, he would also want them emblazoned on his chest. Henry stepped out from behind the rock, careful not to startle the animal, trying to get as close as he could. “Hey,” he called, even though it didn't make much sense. The animal turned, eyes huge now in his direction. It had been a bad idea, he cursed himself mentally, imagining that that animal was too big and would probably kill him without a second thought… Did deer eat human flesh? Henry didn't know, but they probably hurt anyone who scared them and made them feel in danger. The animal approached, slowly, and each step made the boy's stomach turn and his heart race. Deer were fast, much faster than Henry was. He was dead. But when the animal's black eyes got much closer than Henry had ever thought he saw, the animal bowed, as if saying hello to him. Without thinking twice, he did the same, maintaining eye contact with the deer. Heavens, couldn't he be less weird? Bending over to deer, blowing things up without meaning to... Henry stood up after a while, being careful to do this as slowly as possible, still afraid the deer would decide to kill him then and there. But the animal seemed to have other plans, because he lay down in front of the boy, as if he were an adorable little dog. Henry sat beside him too, having no choice; he didn't have many friends, and he had nothing else to do, so why not? His ass got a little wet from the dirt, but nothing too uncomfortable. The deer shifted and brought its head closer to Henry's crossed leg, as if asking for affection, and the boy didn't wait for another move to do so, leaning his back against the stone and reaching out to stroke the slightly coarse fur of the animal For some strange reason, Henry felt comfortable doing it, as if he had done it before, it was something familiar that burned in his chest. But he didn't think about it much, just fell silent and watched the forest in front of him. ---------------------- "Lily, what's going on?" James asked, feeling uneasy as he watched the tension surround the room, Remus looked nervous and Peter avoided looking up, as if he was suddenly afraid to face one of them. Lily turned to James, her green eyes seemed to glow with hatred, her nostrils swollen, an expression he'd seen a few times over the years, but one that always scared him. "What... What happened?" Her shaky voice made him look at Remus again, the worry growing by the second. "Oh James." She shook her head, as if suddenly too much pain hit her, and he ran to her protection, opening his arms to hold her and protect her from anything that had happened while he was gone. "Guys, anyone…?" He glanced at his friends, but again, Peter didn't look at him. "Tell him, Peter!" Lily yelled, breaking out of James' embrace and turning to the man sitting on the floor, pointing her wand in his direction. ‘Lily, what the hell!?’ "No, James," She held up a hand, silencing him. "Tell Peter, tell him what you did to our son." His world stopped, his eyes threatening to pop out of their sockets as James stared at his friend, begging for all that was most sacred that he hadn't quite understood. Peter was his brother, his best friend, they met when they went to Hogwarts together, he was there when James needed it most, when they decided to become Animagus… Peter wouldn't do that, he couldn't! James doubted that one day the pain of losing a child would be replaced by another, that hellish emptiness that tore at him more and more inside, that made him not sleep well on rainy nights, that still made him walk into the boy's immaculate room and sit on the floor wondering what he should have done differently. He would do anything to get his son back, his boy. But the pain that hit him when Peter shook his head and lowered his head, making him
realize his hands were tied behind his body, came very close. His best friend… betrayed him? "Peter?" James pleaded, begged, for it to be a lie, for Lily to be mad. It was a lie! It had to be. "I had to, James... I... he made me." ---------------------- The weather was not so good, Peter realized when he Apparated, the sky was dark and windy like never before. He should have worn another cloak, this one was too thin and made him cold. And other gloves too, because now these were bloody and torn. Who knew a woman could be so strong? Peter dragged the woman's passed out body with him, feeling a little sickened by that when he realized her wound was getting worse with each passing minute, he needed to be quick. Leaving the body where no one could find it, he pulled a strand of her hair into the potion and then took it, the horrible taste of iron made him want to spit it out on the floor, but now there was no turning back, he would have to swallow and continue with the plan. Lord Voldemort had promised him a great reward in exchange for the boy's life, and for the first time in a long time, Peter felt important and wanted. It wasn't that Black boy who was chosen, or even Snape, no no, he was the one Voldemort thought capable of completing the mission, he thought he was strong enough. How long has it been since? He only stayed inside the Order because James kept him there, no one really wanted him there, not even Dumbledore, Peter didn't need him to say it to know, it was visible to everyone. For the old man, any other man could do the job better than he… Probably if Lily were there too, she would be chosen before Peter. Potter this, Black that, Peter was tired. Why didn't anyone realize he was also strong and smart? Well, now that was over, Voldemort had seen his potential and chosen him to do this mission, and Peter wasn't going to fail now. When he was fully transformed into that whore, he apparated into the castle, glad the potion didn't stop him from doing so. Stupid James should have put in better security than a simple spell. Peter had seen James that afternoon, he said that today was Harry's first night trying to sleep alone and that he and Lily were excited to see how he would react to the change, so the plan would be even easier to execute. As excited as Peter was at the idea of ​​being useful to someone, he knew he couldn't kill James, he had to really want to do it with all his heart. When he reached the boy's room, Peter looked around, noting the choice of bright, cheerful colors, the many teddy bears scattered around, the photos on the walls and in the frames above the dresser. Little Harry slept peacefully in his bed, wrapped in the pale blue blanket, looking peaceful, cuddled up with his deer teddy bear. He was a lot like James, Peter thought, watching the boy move his short legs like he was kicking something in the dream. He hadn't really thought about that part of the plan, he figured he'd have the guts to just take the boy and end his life right there, or in some alley farther along, but when Peter picked him up, being careful not to waking him up, that lavender scent invaded his nostrils and he watched the baby more closely. The boy looked helpless in his arms, like he wasn't even real, and if he wasn't watching the boy's belly rise and fall, Peter would think he was a doll. Voldemort would never know if he had killed the boy or not, and pausing to analyze the situation now, Peter also didn't know if he could kill the boy. He wanted to show that he was strong and useful, but a baby? Harry looked so…small. When he stirred, startling Peter, and seemed to be looking for something - maybe his mother's scent - he realized it was time to act, there was no turning back, it had to be now. And when lightning flashed in the sky, he cast a spell to prevent Harry from listening when he broke the glass to fake an escape, Peter waited for thunder to do so and then Apparated out of the castle, knowing that this was the best thing to do. There were two paths now, and he needed to think quickly
which was better, kill Harry and throw him in some hole, or give the boy to someone else. Of course he would risk this person recognizing the baby, but he would have to bet his luck on finding another baby like this for Lily and James to bury, or maybe even run to the Muggle village and find some woman there. It had to be fast, Harry would wake up any second and Peter didn't have much time after that. As soon as he spotted a woman a few blocks away and Harry opened his eyes in his arms, Peter acted without thinking, taking the knife from his pants pocket and opening a wound in his ribs, before starting to scream for help. ---------------------- James clapped his hand over his mouth, denying it over and over, not believing what he was hearing. No no no no. This had to be a lie, this had to be a lie. Peter would never do that, Peter was his brother, he would never… No, this could only be a joke. He could barely handle the pain right now, thinking he'd rather die than have to deal with it. It hurt so much that James thought he might start bleeding at any moment, his chest lacerated after hearing about it. He couldn't even feel angry. His boy, his little boy, whom he'd loved so much ever since Lily told him she was pregnant, that it made him want to scream from the top of the roof in so much joy… “I could kill you right now,” he said, after what seemed like an eternity, barely able to face the traitor. "But…" James shook his head, closing his eyes to try to make it hurt a little less, his father's voice resonating through his mind; "You must be careful with Peter," he said before he died. "Men like him are easily attracted to the side that shines the most." James had thought his father was delusional when he said that, thought it was the fever, but no, the bastard really was a weakling and a coward. Letting himself be attracted to those he once hated. If he really hated it. "I can't even look at you." James turned to Lily, who looked distraught to death at having to hear that story. He wanted to kill Peter even more for making her suffer like that. The traitor had been there the next day, helping with the searches, he had hugged Lily when she cried, told her everything would be fine. "James, give me your hand," asked Lily, her own trembling, reaching out towards him. 'Why?' "Lils…he could be lying—" She shook her head, telling Remus to shut up. "Give me your hand James." Now her voice was stronger, more determined, and her green eyes sparkled even more. He did so, letting her grab his palm and run the tip of the knife, causing the blood to drip and smear her workbench and floor, before finally dripping into the cauldron. “Lily, what are you doing?” But she didn't answer him, cutting her own palm and spilling her blood along with his, then looking over her husband's shoulder. She looked more nervous than ever, and her severed hand shook even more as she held it out to the man behind James. "Give me your hand, Henry." Her green eyes sparkled with tears, and James didn't know if the man did as she asked just because she was a Duchess, or because she was crying. "Yes, ma'am." He walked over and let her do the same thing with his palm, passing the tip of the knife and then letting the blood spill into the cauldron. The potion began to bubble fiercely, as did James' chest when he realized what Lily was up to. He had seen her make this potion a few times, and if his thinking was correct, then maybe he could vomit right there, his stomach churning and making him feel weak. James didn't want to get his hopes up, it only served to hurt when unrequited, but he was unable to hold back the urge and looked at the man behind him, and then at Peter, who now looked even more guilty, if that was possible. If this was another one of his jobs with Voldemort, James knew he would kill him right there, with his bare hands. Forget magic and wands, he would tear that mouse apart like a hungry lion. James turned to the cauldron again when Lily sobbed and he smelled the lavender scent all over the room, and the once gray
potion was now a pinkish hue, the three drops of blood seemed to dance in the middle of the liquid, before of finally meeting at the end, getting connected. "Harry." Lily turned to the man, but James remained frozen, watching the cauldron in front of him. They had never reached this result, usually the potion would explode or nothing happened, and the smell was never that sweet aroma that seemed to fill all the hollows in his chest, as if he suddenly felt no more pain. As he turned back, as Lily advanced towards the boy, James thought that maybe nothing would ever compare to this. "Harry," Lily repeated, but this time she touched him, and as if the boy felt it too, he lowered his green eyes to her. James remembered then where he knew that look… It was Lily's eyes. Her trembling hand went to his forehead, lifting the hair lying there, just to let them see the lightning scar marked into his skin. It was too much to handle, James didn't know how he was still standing, but suddenly he started to feel tears rolling down his cheeks and as if this was the last drop of water to overflow the bucket, he sobbed. He inched closer to Lily, wanting to take a closer look at his son, as if he was afraid this was a dream and soon he would no longer have the chance to memorize every detail of it. His boy… "You-" Harry trailed off, as if he was feeling like James and Lily, his chest filling up and all that emptiness seeming to finally heal. "My parents?" He looked at James, and it was as if time had never passed. He still had the same expression as that little baby James used to cuddle up to sleep on. "I knew I knew you from somewhere," James managed to say, his throat seeming to scratch with the effort it took. "I would never be able to forget…" He didn't mind the tears rolling down his face, but he tried to wipe the ones down Harry's face. "I would never be able to forget my son."
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forthisone · 3 years
Thoughts on Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 so far Spoilers up to S4E8, the episode I’ve just watched.
Fair warning: This kind of went from me trying to explain why the show feels wrong for me now in a measured way, to a full on rant wall of text. This is maybe something that should be a diary entry more than something that should exist publicly, but fuck it.
This is all just my opinion. I know some people have problems with S4 (like me) and some people are finding it an improvement on S3. Everyone finds their own things to connect with on this show, different people have different experiences--it’s a very hard-hitting show and it affects people in different ways--and my perception of the show will be different to others. I just wanted to get my thoughts down before I read too much other analysis of what other people think. This season I’ve felt myself in a cycle of feeling uncomfortable about most of the content, and then reading what other people think, feeling like I’m wrong to be feeling how I’m feeling, and somehow giving it all another chance, finding the caveats that allow me to keep watching. There’s like... one scene in twenty that I find satisfying, and the clown in me keeps watching. But I’m finding myself feeling more and more disconnected from this show that I used to love. Especially now that I’m heavily invested in another show that I actually find satisfying.
Trigger warnings for all the topics that come with watching this show, including sexual assault. Also lots of angry language from me!
When I watched Seasons 1 and 2, I really valued the show. It was painful to watch, of course. But I thought the story was important and there were elements of hope and love and goodness amongst the bad that were ‘worth’ the pain of watching it for me.
Now I just roll my eyes all. the. damn. time. All I can imagine when I watch is the writers wanking themselves off creating new situations of torture for the characters, turning these human characters into caricatures to play out their images. I don’t really feel like they actually care about the arcs anymore, they just want the same cycle on repeat. I don’t know what I expected for Janine but to see her back at Eye HQ, probably about to become a Handmaid again, and for the scene to somehow feel like it’s focusing on Lydia’s pain? Makes me feel sick.
Also seeing the Waterfords being applauded... making that the legacy of June’s testimony...ugh. I understand maybe why they did it, they’re shining a light on all the misguided right-wing bs that exists in society today. How there are people in the world who find ways and reasons to support these kinds of monsters. I just... it was such a climactic moment, right? For June to finally testify against Fred? For him to face his charges? And it ends up being a victorious moment for him and Serena? Fuuuuck that. I hope it’s temporary and karma comes around for them but I’m so almost done with this show that I don’t really care any more.
side rant: How fucking unrealistic was it that they even let Fred speak to June in the courtroom. And let him go on. Give me a fucking break. And also that they just let her walk away...?
I feel weird criticising anything June does because who am I to judge how she deals with pain for what she’s been through, right? But again I just feel like... it’s a fictional story. It should have a purpose, right? I don’t understand what the writer’s intentions are. Are we meant to be disturbed by her actions (with Emily? with Luke?) I think so? I don’t understand what the end goal is with how they are writing her? Am I just a perfectionist that wants happy endings for everyone and people to heal in unrealistic ways? Maybe. I didn’t expect it all to be plain sailing once she got to Canada... of course not, but I don’t like how she’s dictating how other people deal with their own trauma, like she’s some kind of therapist. I want people sitting in a room and crying and going through shit together and connecting. I don’t want endless shots of people staring into space and talking about ways they’d like to kill people. I totally get that they are all dealing with trauma, that they are not perfect people, but I just don’t like how they are painting what June does to be the right thing and not just the actions of someone who is hugely traumatised and needing help herself (and seemingly not receiving it currently)? Again, I repeat: it’s not what June is doing that I have an issue with, but the way it’s framed in the show as some kind of victory, or the “right thing”. I don’t get what they’re trying to do.
The fucking PINNACLE of this for me was the ending of S4E1 where they have June hand Mrs Keyes a murder weapon in front of her rapist and say “make me proud” and there’s never a question, there’s not even a NOTE, that maybe this isn’t how this situation should be dealt with. That maybe having a minor kill her rapist and then climb in to bed with June covered in his blood and tell her “I love you” (iirc) as the ending note of the episode isn’t healthy. This is the sick feeling that has been in my mouth since the beginning of S4 and I think it began with this scene.
Lydia. What the fuck even is Lydia’s storyline, beyond just wanting to keep Ann Dowd on our screens? She feels unworthy or like she has to prove herself or something. We get it. I don’t give a shit. She’s a monster who didn’t even have a backstory that made me understand on some level why she is the way she is. Why are we focusing on her pain over Janine? WHY.
Moira. To be honest Moira is the best thing about this show for me currently. She’s making me able to cope with it, because she keeps saying the things that I’m thinking in her scenes, and I’m so grateful for it, because it makes me feel like I’m not going crazy to be hating some of the things I’m seeing. Samira Wiley is a delight to have on the show.
Luke. I feel like... he’s a character that, in my opinion, they are getting right. His scenes don’t feel jarring to me (in terms of what the character is doing). That’s not to say that I don’t find some of his behaviour jarring, but I feel like... he’s not a caricature, he’s still a human character that has flaws and redeeming qualities. I think OT is playing the scenes really well. Of course it’s fucked up that he went to the trial without June’s permission. But I feel like Luke would do that. Especially when June isn’t talking to him about any of it, and he feels like he needs to understand it to make sense of the impact it’s having. Of course he’s ludicrous to suggest they can just “move on”. But he’s a human who desperately wants June back, the way he remembers her, the memory he’s been clinging on to her for 7? years and is in denial that that can’t be any more. I don’t have to think the character himself is perfect to still find the scenes interesting and content that I appreciate because it’s scenes that explore the complexities of human relationships. Societal expectations of husbands and wives. Exploring that. The pressure on women to feel like they have to produce children or they are a disappointment. Representation that you can be sexually assaulted by someone who is your girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband and not only by dangerous strangers in dark alleyways. That that could happen (to a man, too) and that they could choose to stay with her/him. That they couldn’t feel like they could talk about it (because who is there to talk about it with?)
Lawrence. Again it just feels like he’s on our screen for no purpose other than to include Bradley Whitford in the show. I don’t understand what his root motivation is, or what his goals are in what he is doing (does he want Gilead to continue? does he secretly want to bring it down? I’ve got no idea). I really have no interest in his character other than the fact that Bradley is a good actor and I think it’s interesting to watch him.
Rita. I’ve enjoyed her scenes too. I don’t really have much to say about them because I haven’t had a problem with them, only that I wish she was in it more, perhaps to bring out June’s human side a bit more. Their reunion in hug in the last episode was one of my favourite moments this season, because they can relate to each other on a level the others can’t. They lived in the same house.
Emily. Again, I feel the same way about her as I feel about Rita really. I feel like they just dip into her character on an occasional episode and go “tick. we’ve focused on Emily this episode. let’s move on.”
Nick. As you may or may not know reading this, my involvement in the THT fandom has largely been as a Nick/June shipper (you can go back in my nick x june tag to see this). When I talk about “elements of hope and love and goodness amongst the bad that were ‘worth’ the pain of watching it for me”, I’m really talking about N/J. So I have a lot of feelings about Nick. I could go on a whole rant here (narrator: she ended up going on a whole rant here) about how I wish Nick was acknowledged more, how I feel like his writing (when it actually exists) this season has been weird, how I feel like he’s no longer the character that I loved from Seasons 1 & 2. I think what it boils down to is, that they fucked Nick up for me (personally) when he went from “just a driver” to a Commander. I didn’t find it realistic and I don’t think it’s what they had planned for him, I think they’re just making it up from season to season and this is NEVER more apparent than with Nick. How he’s gone from washing Waterford’s car and an Eye for Pryce to apparently “leading the battle in Chicago”. And I’ve gone through weeks, months, years, of discussions with other Nick fans about this, some of whom feel the new backstory is still valid for him and makes sense, some who don’t. Some who can justify his scenes this season, others who find it jarring like me. Again, it’s a personal thing and I want so badly to love this character but honestly I feel like he’s either just neglected (most of the time) or he’s a character they just use to create storylines for other people with no real care or consistency for his own arc (edited to add: also I think they just use him to create this false sense of tension: “is he good??? is he bad???”, when anyone who paid even an iota of attention to him in the past knows he has THE SOFTEST HEART IN THE WORLD and would never betray June). He hasn’t even mentioned his daughter in two seasons (only in a discussion prompted by June in 3.06). THAT is not the Nick I know from Season 2 who cried as he held his daughter for the first and only time. I WANT THIS CHARACTER BACK. I don’t trust the writers with his story any more and it makes me sad and it makes me less invested. And I’ve felt like this since the beginning of Season 3. That’s not to say I’ve hated all his scenes but... there’s just not enough good content for me to still be invested at this point. Scenes like the bridge scene in Season 4... the display of emotion in that scene was clear but in the context of the rest of the show, I didn’t buy it. If you want me to believe that June still feels strongly enough about him that she’s going to run romantically across a bridge to him into his arms like a scene out of The Notebook or The Bodyguard, then maybe have her speak about him to ANY CHARACTER, or any voice over, once she gets to Canada (and I don’t really include the one line mentioning him to Nichole). Because otherwise, that bridge scene just feels like pandering to me, again it just feels like boxticking (”let’s keep the Nick/June fans happy”) and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’m still grieving for the Nick/June scenes from Seasons 1 and 2 that felt so much more authentic to me than the bridge kiss, because they had context and they weren’t a sidenote, because Nick actually appeared more than once every 3 episodes.
Am I done with my rant? I think I’m done with my rant.
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cto10121 · 3 years
Top R&J Adaptation Pet Peeves
Adaptation is hard. Really, really hard. Shakespeare especially knew it; he was one of the best adapters for theater ever, and he himself adapted R&J from Arthur Brooke’s Tragedie of Romeus and Juliet. Since then Shakespeare’s play itself has been given the adaptation treatment and hooo boy, are there doozies, misses, and fascinating failures. Most are published fanfic flops, like the ones I reviewed for my blog, but others tend to be more complicated than that. So without further ado, let’s dive into the Top Adaptation Pet Peeves I’ve personally encountered, or simply tropes and patterns I find annoying.
The two families/groups not being alike in dignity. Yes, I’m looking at all the productions and adaptations that decide to switch the whole rival houses dynamic for a race or class one. The ones who pit a marginalized group against another marginalized group, like Romiette and Julio (Black/Hispanic respectively) are fine-ish. West Side Story also does this, but unfortunately the whole “white ethnic” gang is no longer a thing now, as most non-WASP ethnic white groups are considered functionally white nowadays, so it does become a problem re: the Puerto Ricans being the underdogs to the white ethnics. Some have done a poor/rich, privileged/marginalized dynamic, but you just can’t do it with R&J; it breaks the equality of the pairing. By far the worst of these is the anime Romeo X Juliet, which had the evil Montagues be the corrupt ruling power who usurped the throne from the Capulets (????). Look, the whole point is that the two groups’ differences are superficial and stupid, and that they are more alike than different. This doesn’t work if one group is favored/discriminated against over another. It also leads to disturbing implications—namely, justifying a dangerous and destructive feud and intergroup violence and hatred in general. Another side effect is that it ruins the mutuality of the lovers by bringing in unequal power dynamics where it isn’t needed.
Juliet as a #girlboss/badass/“strong female protagonist”. Many adaptations do some measure of this by having Juliet resist even the first mention of Paris, talk back to her parents and the Nurse, and, for Gong’s These Violent Delights (Juliette Cai as the dagger-wielding daughter of a gang) and the anime Romeo X Juliet, (Juliet crossdressing as the vigilante the Red Whirlwind) actually kick ass and generally “strong female protagonist”-it up. I think this is largely a reaction to Juliet’s canonically marginalized position as a sheltered 16th century maid, mistaking the passivity and lack of agency of her status as a character trait. As a result, we get CrouchingTigerHiddenDragon!Juliet. Just no. The original Juliet, as everyone should know like their own name, was no shrinking violet, but neither was she a YA/anime shonen dominatrix either, and I feel she wouldn’t be even in an AU. Also, by this point it’s so cliché. Juliet is so well-written as she is; why stuff her into this Katniss Everdeen peg?
Juliet as an immature ~bby. Not so much adaptation!dumb, thank goodness, but I’ve seen this small trend in play productions that take the “Juliet-is-thirteen” thing waaaaaay too seriously and either have a tween-looking actress or make the actress play Juliet a facsimile of what a thirteen-year-old is supposed to be like. I especially will never forget the Orlando Bloom production that had poor Juliet deliver her “Gallop apace” on a swing. Awful.
Mercutio being turned into either 1) wacky, comic relief gay or 2) a mystical/sad tragic gay. Mercutio occasionally gets done dirty in either of those two ways and it’s sad. That French Canadian film Roméo et Juliette is by far the most damning offender of the latter take. I don’t like either trope, and I certainly don’t like it for Mercutio, for whom it doesn’t really fit. Also, I feel it’s important to note that as the Prince’s kinsman Mercutio is the most higher ranked and privileged of the three, his being forced into a “sad, tragic gay” mold feels ludicrous. Even his death comes about because he wanted to avenge Romeo’s honor (or, well, more like he really wanted a fight), not because he was Bury Your Gay’ed. Cocciante’s Giulietta e Romeo musical does something unique and has him as an omnipotent narrator, which works a little better than it should, but overall it’s also a miss. Mercutio is Romeo’s foil and a fun side character; outside of that, it’s hard to make him work without changing his character entirely.
Romeo being turned into 1) an immature woobie/“cinnamon roll,” 2) bumbling hero, 3) a himbo/idiot, or 4) evil (!!). My poor boi has been done the dirtiest in so many different ways, it’s hard to quantify or even name them. They range from flattening his character a little to “romantic idiot” to full-on Ron the Death Eater-ing him (yes, that’s a thing, twice!! See Juliet Immortal et al. Or rather not). The last two are mostly in the realms of salty fanfic, thankfully, but the himbo idiot and woobie still inform some actors’ performances. Needless to say, I hate all of this. Romeo is no idiot, himbo or not, and he is as mature as the rest of the youths (he is at least praised by Capulet as a “portly gentleman”). Canonically he is shown to best Mercutio in a game of wits and explicitly restrains himself from revealing himself at Juliet’s balcony. Act 5 shows him coldly but effectively convincing an apothecary in less than a dozen lines to break the law and sell him poison. I don’t exactly know from what stems this woobification of Romeo. Actually, no, I do. Romeo may be climb high orchard walls, playfully roast his friends, talk about how chastity vows are stupid and hope Juliet would cast off that pesky virginity of hers, and kill two characters all he likes, but as soon as he weeps immoderately over being banished/separated from Juliet and the possibility of her not loving him anymore, he renounces his Man(tm) card. Hello, gender roles-based sexism! God, I hate you so much. Please die.
“It’s a dark, ~crazy world!!! Verona is a violent, crass, tacky, dangerous hellhole!!!” Okay, so this is mostly shade thrown at Baz Lurhmann and the Hungarian version of Presgurvic’s RetJ, (the latter more fondly than the former) but it still disappoints me. The whole “fair Verona” thing aside, I think it’s clear that Shakespeare’s Verona is supposed to be a violent, steamy clusterfuck, but with the veneer of wealth and prosperity and genteel good taste that papers over the cracks. It’s the whole appearance vs. reality thing. I still think French RetJ does Verona best, and fortunately most productions and versions get it as a “quaint pretty small town is actually a hellhole” thing (hell, I think even that Gnomeo and Juliet movie made the suburban lawns nice). I just like the contrast, what can I say?
“Benvolio, Mercutio, Tybalt are more interesting than R&J, let’s make it all about them instead!!!1” This is the weirdest thing, but I think there were some web series (at least one, and no, not Jules and Monty) that literally did this, a weird modern Tycutio AU. But in general, adaptations that overdevelop the feud and the whole Benvolio-Mercutio-Tybalt thing at the expense of R&J are a no-go for me. I like the three and they all have their little crannies of character nuance, but they are less developed and the feud drama less interesting overall than R&J. I also don’t like the ships with any of the three, Bencutio and Tycutio being the most popular set-up. Canonically Mercutio and Benvolio spend most of their time either searching for Romeo or talking about him and how much he’s changed. As for Tycutio, Mercutio disdains Tybalt’s dueling skills and overall they don’t seem to know each other well personally. Both ships have no chemistry with each other and are firmly into fanon territory.
“R&J’s love was like a cinnamon roll, too good, too pure for this world…” Some adaptations, uncomfortable with some of the high-scale eroticism of the lovers, tend towards this. They’re teen sweethearts, high school, if you will, so let’s make them as cute and chaste and ~uwu as possible. Romeo X Juliet tends sickeningly towards this, but that just might be the demure Japanese culture informing the text. But I don’t know. R&J are not exactly horndogs, but they’re not dead either (horny bird metaphor, anyone? Also Juliet’s whole famous I-wanna-bang monologue). It’s secretly condescending too, in that it tries to put down and dismiss R&J as puppy love…puppy love that leads them to an uncompromising position and a double suicide, but okay. Sounds fake, but okay.
“R&J was just lust and it’s kinda their fault, actually—” Nothing will make me loathe your adaptation quicker than this. Fortunately most adaptations know enough not to go that far, but Baz Luhrmann’s version definitely has some of this vibe, along with some forced comedy. Kill it with fire.
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ghostmartyr · 3 years
Are you still watching RWBY? What did you think of Volume 8 overall
I enjoyed Volume 8, but I think it stumbles at the end enough to look back at its time management and feel not totally great about it.
Cinder’s development is solid. I’m still not very attached to her, but she has attained my interest at long last. Good for you, Cinder. Solve your emotional problems with murder. Kill Watts. Give Neo a reason to go back to trying to kill you. Make yet another mortal enemy. I support these actions.
Emerald’s flip means she won’t have sad eyes over all the atrocities she’s playing witness to while the timer goes down on her defection anymore, and that’s cool.
Ironwood’s everything is... well. Yeah. Great. Nothing like watch someone destroy themself. Oh, and everything else around them in the process. Once he got started, it was pretty clear where he was going, and that’s just sad. He goes from hugging Qrow and finding relief in his allies to shooting all of them. Shooting Jacques along the way does not even that out.
The Ace-Ops felt too cluttered for the final parts. They’re the cautionary tales, obviously, but I don’t think we get enough time detailing them for them to be on the same stage as Winter coming into her own and RWBY falling into oblivion. Qrow and Robyn get the slow burn and then the panicked call to immediate action, but for the Ace-Ops, Marrow and Harriet are the only ones who the narrative actively does something with. Marrow’s problems are obvious from the start, and Harriet’s emotional heat hints, and then reveals, a depth of trauma that this system has been crap at handling. But Vine and Elm, the critical pieces in talking her down, and centerpieces of keeping Mantle from blowing up, aren’t prominent enough in the narrative for their place in its resolution to feel quite earned. I think if we’d gotten an extra episode it would have worked a little better. As it was, I was left wanting more focus on the central cast.
Which is kind of why I’m so thrilled that RWBY+J are maybe stuck spending some quality time together. The macro plot matters, obviously, but they’ve been moving so fast. Atlas feels like a speedrun of a kingdom falling, and a little more interplay between my faves would be very welcome.
Then there’s the obvious.
Oh, Penny.
I can’t feel good about Penny’s handling in the end.
The Winter Maiden, as soon as we’re introduced, is waiting to die and offer her power to the next one in line. Winter was intended for that, but Penny interrupts.
Two days later, Winter has the power, and Penny’s dead.
This is necessary so that Winter has time to center what she actually believes before she’s upgraded to demigodhood. Winter as the Winter Maiden leading into Volume 8 would have kept her on Ironwood’s script. The disruption of expectations that leaves her vulnerable forces her to respond to what is going on, not what her side believes should be going on.
It makes sense to delay Winter’s ascension, because it gives Winter perspective that she can’t access as long as she’s in her chain of established command.
Making Penny’s value tie entirely back to supporting someone else’s story. She’s allowed to be a real girl, she’s allowed to fight for what she believes in, she’s allowed to have friends, but becoming the Winter Maiden serves Winter’s storyline more than it serves Penny’s.
Which isn’t to say they do nothing with her. Obviously, the virus making the vault look good creates a variety of opportunities. Sure, they could have filled in another domino without Penny specifically, but she’s an instrumental part of getting them inside that vault in how the story goes.
Creating a new body for her is a complicated thing. Penny’s a real girl no matter what her form is, but if you say that while cutting out the nuts and bolts -- it’s a little mixed. In the most benign way I can put my preferences, I like Penny being a robot. I’m thrilled she knows how warm a hug can feel (Pietro, patch notes, get on it), but...
Before Watts causes problems on purpose, Penny shows a little hesitance about not being your standard model of girl, but unless I’ve been worse about my watching comprehension than I thought, she doesn’t have any burning need for flesh. Changing her body is the best solution they can up with in response to her agency being violated.
It’s not my favorite thing in the world. I don’t think it’s entirely good faith to pin all of the possible unfortunate implications on it, but they exist, and they are there. And on the flip side, being granted a body that is created through nothing but who you are is a sentiment that I’m sure resonates with a lot of people. I think there’s a lot to observe in what Penny’s going through, and it’s worth discussion more than angry words.
Except before there’s a chance to collect opinion polls on that, we once again have her asking for death before she hurts her friends.
I believe there’s a post on LotR somewhere that explains why people are okay with it being a mood shift from The Hobbit. People aren’t huge fans of media they consume invalidating media they previously invested in.
Penny dies, then she comes back. Then she dies.
Penny interrupts the inevitability of Winter becoming the Winter Maiden. Then Winter becomes the Winter Maiden.
It feels like a zero sum game, but a zero sum game where our emotions were torqued around for the sake of it, and the object of said torquing is being utilized as a plot object prior to being a character.
Penny obviously has a lot of personality, and a lot of established emotional ties. She’s not just a lamp standing in a corner.
But to use the apt metaphor, you can see the strings. Penny’s trajectory seems to be moving under its own velocity -- but then that ending hits. Despite going through all of the steps to make sure that Penny doesn’t have to sacrifice herself to keep the people she loves safe, despite actually being really creative and clever about doing everything possible to keep her alive --
The plot demands her death.
It isn’t good enough to fix the pressing issue that made sacrifice look good. Sacrifice is still the ultimate answer.
Thematically, that doesn’t jive with the story we’ve been getting.
Emotionally, what the fuck, could we not.
(What’s better than the cute robot girl begging for death? Doing it twice!)
People who are in a more optimistic state about fiction at the moment have noted that Pinocchio does do a lot of dying, and I do like the read of Penny as Jiminy Cricket. Considering the full context of the world, there’s more to justify a return than a lot of characters get. It wouldn’t be the most shocking thing ever.
It’s still kind of fucked up. Penny doesn’t kill herself, but she asks others to kill her, and that’s her being a good girl.
The National Suicide Hotline gets its number placed in the summary of the episode.
Obviously there’s more to it than that, but the implications are there, and a very painful thorn when looking over the rest of her. Creating an environment where it makes sense for this character to kill themself, it’s noble, even --
I don’t think that’s a route of story that the available material handles gracefully.
It’s the “twice” that really hammers the point down into the coffin. It creates a pattern of behavior in Penny. Once, and okay. Heroic sacrifice plays are always a major source of drama, exemplifying how Good the person making the sacrifice is, and how Tragic it is that we’re losing such a good person, all because they have principles and just love these other people so much.
Only if you have a character asking someone to kill them twice in relatively quick succession, the callback isn’t to feats of heroics. It’s suicidal tendencies.
If you’re not prepared to deal with implications of that magnitude, you’ve got to make the link a lot less suggestive. Otherwise you’re telling a new story whether you like it or not, and it’s not one you’re ready for, drastically upping the odds that it’s not going to be the most polished thing ever.
What the issue becomes then, in my personal opinion, is pacing (’hey self why is the answer always pacing’ ‘because shut up’). Penny’s joy of life is a blip in between her asking for death. The heroic nature of her desire for death mixed with the awful despair of her actual death makes this endpoint of her story saturated with a darkness that sours the entire experience.
Complicating it further is the issue of trust.
The writers killed her and brought her back just to kill her again. If they do bring her back again, the faith is kind of broken. Once you show that you’re willing to move a character around like a piece on a chessboard, your audience isn’t going to trust the story enough to invest. They’re going to be looking for the strings. For a complicated special effect that takes a lot of strings, that’s a pain, because the agreement with stories is supposed to be that yes, there are strings, that’s our medium.
If you don’t trust the writers, you are not going to believe in the story.
For my personal taste, if the writers are doing something more with Penny, their presentation has made it difficult for me to see value in the journey, even if the destination happens to be something I ultimately approve of.
Anyway Robyn needs to officially adopt Qrow. He has been a bad guy bandit, now he can be a good guy bandit.
He can be the Happy Huntresses’ cute animal mascot.
That is all that matters.
That is my one, solitary thought on the entire volume.
Thanks for the ask!
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Heartbreak - Part 3
Prompt: Part 3 of “Heartbreak”... Pretty much just a confrontation from Mina and Bakugou after finding out that you’ve been dating Shinso. (Requested by @hains-j )
Rating: Fluff, Little Angst, and Scary Reader >:o
Word Count: 3,349
Of course, after his confession, you and Shinso began dating immediately. You were scared to tell too many people, and your new boyfriend didn’t mind keeping your relationship on the down-low; you confided in Midoriya and Ochaco, but that was all. And it was already normal for you to cling yourself to Shinso while walking through the school hallways, or hang out in each other’s rooms… Neither of you were obsessed with PDA, so that was easy to avoid as well. You were only able to stay hidden under the radar for a week, however; then, the news spread like wildfire.
The one who realized the two of you had started dating was Kaminari, who easily noticed how Shinso tensed up whenever the electric blonde shamelessly shot pickup lines in your direction, or how your eyes always drifted to Shinso’s lips whenever he spoke. That’s what he had told you, anyways, but you had the sneaking suspicion that Midoriya had accidentally let something slip; although he was a great friend, he was absolutely terrible with keeping secrets. Not that you were too angry… You knew the truth would come out sooner or later, but a part of you wanted Shinso all to yourself. Now you’d have to share him with your curious friends. Not to mention a certain hot-head would be finding out, and his reaction to the news would be unpredictable even to you.
Mina had been avoiding you like the plague ever since you’d broken up with Bakugou, shrinking away whenever you rose your voice and avoiding your eyes. She still clung to Bakugou, much to his annoyance, and their friend group still accepted her. You had asked them to. While you were pissed with her, that didn’t mean that everyone else had to hate her too. That wouldn’t be fair. And even then, it wasn’t like you and her were best friends to begin with; the only reason you had begun talking to her was because of Bakugou, but since that had ended, you had no good reason to keep contact with her. Especially after what she had done.
You walked into class the next day, Shinso already on his way to his own room as you slid into your desk, not noticing the pointed looks from the classmates that had already gathered there. Ochaco was the first to approach you, face pale. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry, I swear I didn’t tell anyone!” She murmured, and you knew what she was talking about before she could explain. You sighed, glancing over the others in the room, before turning back to her with a smile. “It’s fine. Kaminari found out, so he’s probably the one who blabbed.”
Tsuyu was close behind your friend, and she sat on top of the desk beside yours. “So when did you and Shinso start dating, ribbit?”
“So it’s true?”
“Woah, (Y/N) is dating Shinso?”
“That’s so cute!”
“When can we meet him? I wanna talk to your new lover!”
The questions and comments quickly flooded in, and soon you were surrounded. “Only a week ago, it’s true, and soon. I wanted to keep it quiet for a bit longer, but…” You shot a playful glare to Kaminari, who grinned in reply. Your phone dinged, and you glanced down to it, smiling when you see who’s sent it.
“Oooo, is that him?” Jirou teased, and you lightly shoved her shoulder away as she leaned towards your phone to get a closer look. Before you could reply, the door swung open with a thundering bang, and everyone’s attention moved from you to it. Bakugou looked more pissed than usual, but avoided eye contact as he stomped into the room, dropping into his seat and glaring at the whiteboard. Ochaco leaned closer to you. “Jeez, who rubbed him the wrong way this morning?” She whispered, and you cracked a small smile.
“Alright, alright. Everyone get into your seats.” Aizawa slinked into the room, his yellow sleeping bag already wrapped around his frame. “(Y/N), congrats on moving forward with your life, so forth and so forth. Everyone come up and grab a worksheet, make sure to turn it in by the end of class. And yes, you can work with others on this.” Momo’s hand dropped back to her side, and before she could formulate another question, the tired teacher had zipped up his bag and was fast asleep on the floor. Ochaco smiled, pumping a fist in the air. “Nice! Midoriya, can you grab us the sheets from the front?” She smiled sweetly at the stuttering boy, and he turned even more red when she thanked him with a brush of her hand against his. Man, he’s hopeless you thought to yourself, shaking your head with a grin as you started on the worksheet.
You worked contently for a few minutes with Midoriya, Ochaco, Tenya, and a few other friends before someone to your right pointedly cleared their throat. Reluctantly, you shifted your attention, frowning when you made eye contact with a familiar pink-skinned girl. She tried smiling at you, but it looked more like a grimace. “Hey, can we talk outside real quick?” She whispered. It had been the first time she had reached out to you, and while a part of you wanted to throat punch her, a small voice in your head urged you to hear her out. You bit your lip.
“Sure, let’s go.” Quietly, you stood from your seat and shot your friends a tired smile before following Mina out of the room. She led you around the corner of the hallway, far enough from reaching ears, before taking a deep breath. “So, uh… How have you been?” She sounded stiff and awkward. You snorted.
“That’s what you wanted to ask me? Spit it out so I can go back to class.” The harsh tone felt strange on your tongue, but you used it nonetheless as you glared at the girl in front of you. Her eyes scrunched up, and she innocently scuffled her shoe on the floor, despite you and her both knowing that she was anything but.
“I… I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
“A little late for an apology, don’t you think?”
You weren’t making this easy for her, and you knew it. You enjoyed it. She looked like she was on the verge of crying, which only made you angrier. How dare she try to reach out for forgiveness now? You were stronger than that, not as soft as Ochaco, who forgave the girl easily out of pity. “I’m sorry! I wasn’t sure what to say, how to-”
“-explain to me that you’re a homewrecker? Hmm, I wonder? Maybe you should’ve written me a note? I like notes, those are nice… Dear (Y/N), sorry for sucking off your boyfriend! See you in class! XOXO!” You toss your hands up, staring at Mina in mock surprise. “But waiting over a month for you to grow the balls? Man, that was sure a surprise! Yay me!”
Mina’s eyes finally narrowed at you, patience wearing thin. “What’s wrong with you? I’m trying to apologize, and you’re not being very nice about it.”
You scoffed. “I’m acting as I should in front of the girl who, may I repeat, came onto a guy who was already in a relationship. One that you knew about very clearly, might I add.”
“It’s not like he was stopping me!”
You paused at that; she was right, it wasn’t just her fault. But you held them both at the same level of guilt, and her trying to pin the majority of it on your ex only made your blood boil more. “I know that. I’m not telling you that I blame you more than him, but that doesn’t justify your actions. Stop trying to play innocent when you were acting like such a… a…” You couldn’t bring yourself to say the word, yet Mina seemed to understand it even unspoken as her hands balled into fists.
“I liked him long before you did!” Her voice was bitter, and her shoulders sagged slightly as the truth began to flow from her lips. “I liked him within the first week of school, before you were even here! But no.” Her eyes became slitted. “You transferred here while we were all happy, and you ruined everything. All of a sudden, it was all about you, the new girl who had caught the infamous Bakugou Katsuki’s eye. You came waltzing into our lives and took the one thing I wanted the most in my life, other than to be a hero; you stole the boy I loved.”
“... That’s the reason you did it? Are you kidding me?”
Now you were really pissed, to the point that your quirk had begun to manifest around your body; black inky tendrils appearing from behind your back like hellish wings, dark smoke drifting from them and gathering by your feet. Mina glanced at them for a moment, unaffected, before pursuing the topic further. “Pretty much, yeah! I wanted him, and I took him from you. It worked, didn’t it?”
“From what it looks like, he treats you like a slice of moldy bread.” The comparison would’ve made you laugh in another situation, but not in that one. But it had been true; Bakugou had been unnaturally rude to Mina lately, icing her out of conversations and ignoring her advances towards him. The worst of it had been during training when, unknown to him, All Might had paired the two together, and Mina had left on a stretcher with multiple broken bones and bruises. Their fight had lasted only a few minutes, and the only reason she hadn’t been in worse shape was because Kiri had pulled Bakugou away from plummeting her further into the dirt.
“But at least I tried! You didn’t fight for him after what I did. You let him go! You didn’t really love him like I do!” Her voice was getting shrill.
One tendril shot out to Mina, wrapping itself around her throat and shoving her against the brick wall. Two more followed in suit, puncturing themselves on either side of her head. Bits of concrete fell on her shoulders, but you doubted that she notices as she clawed at the tentacle around her neck, eyes wide. It wasn’t tight enough to cut off her airways; just tight enough to cause a little panic. To show her you weren’t to be messed with, and that you were tired of the conversation. You leaned closer to her, adding a little more pressure to her throat as you smiled with false kindness. “Never question my feelings ever again. I did love him. That’s why it hurt when he cheated, why it hurt so much to let him go. But once a cheater, always a cheater; and I’m not easily tricked twice.” She was gasping slightly now, but a large part of you didn’t care. Instead, you had begun to like hearing her struggle. The smile turned darker. You knew you should’ve stopped a long time ago, since your quirk wasn’t just what it looked like. If you kept going, you would’ve most likely turned more bloodthirsty, and the thought made you-
“That’s enough.” The tendrils disappeared into thin air, and as they did so Mina inhaled loudly. You glanced towards your voice, wincing slightly as you met the red-eyed gaze of your teacher as he stalked down the hallway, hair rising as he pursed his lips. When he noticed the threat had subsided, he returned to his bored expression, yet anger still lingered. “Mina. Back to class, now.” She didn’t question him, and immediately high-tailed it back to her desk. When she had disappeared behind the corner, Aizawa looked back to you. The anger had simmered, but now there was something more that made your stomach churn; disappointment.
The teacher sighed. “I’m not going to ask for details, and I doubt Mina will push for them. But you’re going to have to face punishment for using your quirk on school grounds without permission.” He paused, gauging your reaction, and glanced at the two punctures on the brick wall before continuing. “One week of detention, and you’ve got to handle all of the chores within the dorm during that time as well.” You made sure to keep your lips sealed, knowing he could’ve given you a much worse punishment, and nodded. “Good. Head back to the classroom. I’ll be there in a minute.”
As soon as you had returned to the room, Ochaco had pounced on you like a cat on a mouse. Guilt was clear on her face, and her eyes darted from Mina to you. “I’m sorry, are you okay? I was worried when you didn’t come back after a few minutes, and sort of sent Aizawa-Sensei to find you.” She puffed out her cheeks, and you laughed.
“It’s fine; I’ve got some detention, and I’ve gotta handle the dorm’s messes for a week. So I guess we’ll have to raincheck on hanging out at that new cafe, huh?”
“Don’t even worry about that! I’m just glad it wasn’t worse!”
You felt a burning gaze on the back of your neck, but chose to ignore it. Mina could go kiss your ass, for all you cared. “Me too. Could you help me with the worksheet? I need to play catch-up now…” You sighed dramatically, and your close friend giggled as she led you back to your desk.
What you didn’t know at the time, however, was that it wasn’t Mina glaring at you, but the blonde boy who had somehow stolen her heart and broken his own.
“Thank god it’s finally lunch! I’m starving!” You moaned, and Shinso smiled at your theatrics. After the incident with Mina that morning, you were happy to finally get the day over with. Or at least the school part of it. “What sounds good right now? Chicken katsu or pork ramen?”
“Considering you’ve had ramen twice already this week…”
You playfully glared at your boyfriend, but couldn’t keep the grin from sliding onto your lips. “Third time’s a charm, right?” You said, and the low chuckle he emitted made your chest warm. He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead; now that your relationship was out in the open, he had become more easy-going with touches and short pecks. “Grab us our usual seats, and I’ll bring food to you.” He said, and shoved you forward slightly to your friend’s table before heading to the growing lunch line.
You shook your head, your smile still framed on your lips as you sat beside Tsuyu at your usual table. Midoriya, Ochaco, and Tenya sat across from you, all of them bringing their own handmade bento boxes. You groaned. “Geez, your guys’ food makes me feel lazy for not making my own.” Tsuyu turned to you - she was munching on a yogurt - when her eyes skittered to something behind your head. You turned, and groaned again; but this time, it was in annoyance.
“Can we talk?” His voice was as gruff as usual, his hands tucked loosely in his pockets and a slouch tainting his frame. Bakugou’s attention drifted to your friends for a moment, before returning to you promptly.
“(Y/N)-” You raised a hand, stopping Tenya in his tracks before he could begin his monologue. “It’s fine, guys. I’ll be back in a quick minute, okay?” You stood up, mentally preparing yourself for the second unfortunate face-to-face talk you’d have that day, and took a deep breath. Both you and Bakugou stayed silent as you followed him from the cafeteria to outside. The sakura blossoms were just beginning to fully boom, some of them already drifting to the grass by the pull of the wind. The blonde halted his walking, staring at the trees for a moment before sliding his vermillion gaze to you. You hoped you wouldn’t need to use your quirk again. Two weeks of detention didn’t sound fun, and one week of chores was already enough for you to turn a new leaf to be a straight-A student. Your own teasing made the corner of your lip quirk up slightly.
“When did you start dating that purple-haired freak.” He muttered, hands still deep in his pockets. He was staring at you, unblinking, but his lips had drawn into a fine line and his brows were furrowed. You crossed your arms over your chest.
“His name is Shinsou.” You ignored his question and instead tilted your head. “What do you want, Bakugou? To try apologizing like Mina did? I wouldn’t bother.”
He growled. “Fuck no. I already tried that, and I know that shit doesn’t work with you.”
“... So then why am I out here?”
“I don’t…” He pushed a breath out from his nose, his face looking more frustrated. “I don’t like you with him.”
“Tough luck, buttercup.”
He glared at you, but smiled slightly. Not a smirk, but a rare smile. “I used to hate those stupid nicknames you made up.” He reminisced, glancing back to the blossoms. He bit his bottom lip, thinking, and turned back to you. “Are you always going to hate me?”
You tensed. You had expected some yelling or screaming, maybe him threatening to blow Shinsou up a few times, but you weren't prepared for vulnerable Bakugou. You let your shoulders relax slightly. “I don’t know. Probably not.” You mused, looking at the flowers as his head shot to you. You ignored his questioning gaze.
“Do I still have a chance, then?”
From the corner of your eye, you could see his shoulders deflate a bit at that. “I really am sorry.” He murmured, and out of all his past apologies, this one sounded genuine. You looked at him, his eyes staring at the ground and a crestfallen expression glued to his face. A part of you pitied him.
“I know. But I still can’t forgive you. Not yet, at least, and not completely.” You were surprised at how calm you were being; after ignoring him for weeks, you were talking to him as if he were familiar. Maybe not as familiar as he was, but definitely not like a stranger. Was this growth? Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to be nice.
“... If he ever hurts you, I’ll beat his ass into the ground, ya know.”
“I can do that myself if the time comes, thanks.”
He laughed, once, but it startled you. A sad smile was on his lips, and you realized you had never seen Bakugou so open before, dropping his tough-guy act entirely. Before he could open his mouth to speak, however, someone cleared their throat, and his expression went blank. For the second time that day you turned to the noise, but instead of seeing Aizawa, his student intern stood there. Shinso didn’t look upset, face devoid of any emotion as he raised one eyebrow in your direction. “Ready to eat? Food’s getting cold.”
You smiled warmly at him, stepping forward to entangle one of his hands in your own. He was tense, but at your touch he immediately relaxed. “Yup! Let’s go… I’ll see you later, Bakugou?” You left it up as a question, not wanting to push him as you extended an olive branch. Not forgiving, but learning to. The blonde nodded slowly, and you accepted the answer with a growing grin before pulling Shin back into the cafeteria building, leaving Bakugou alone to collect his thoughts.
“You okay?” Your boyfriend asked, squeezing you hand slightly to gain your attention. You slowed slightly, looking over at him, taking in all of his features carefully; from the wild mess of lavender hair, down to his eyes and to the small pout beginning to form on his lips. You stepped up onto your tip-toes, giving him a short but effective peck that melted away his pout almost immediately. “I’m okay. C’mon, I’m starving.”
And you were okay; you had a feeling that everything was going to start being better than okay.
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loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry X. Corto
A/N: This is just for those who care about The Golden Girls’ story too :) Thank you to everyone who reads and for the feedback. I really appreciate it! 
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J hangs the towel I let him on the line I set on my balcony. I set it myself because there’s something so comforting and relaxing for me about watching clothes hanging from the line. I think it reminds me of my Nana because she always seems to have something on the line. That’s crazy, really, because there was just my Nana and my Papa so it’s technically impossible that they had washing every day but that’s what I remember. It’s just costumbrist and I like it.
With his short blond hair still wet he takes a seat in front of Coco and me. He told us both the story between sobs and fits of crying on the way home. The bastard of David had dumped him forty minutes away by car from Grad because Jason told him he had gotten an acceptance letter from a hospital in New York. It’s for an internship in the summer, two months in New York learning Medicine. And the bastard, instead of being happy and proud, threw him out of the car. I’ve tried to keep it together and not tell him I’ve planned nine different ways of killing David and get away with it. He probably doesn’t need to hear that now. His green eyes are still bloodshot from all the crying but his breathing is back to normal. The warm shower did him good. He smiles when his eyes finally set on us.
“Thank you, guys, really. I don’t know what would have been of me without you girls.”
“Marie would have gone pick you up.” I tell him.
He smiles and nods but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes.
“How are you feeling?” Coco asks.
Jason gives her a look before he sighs and shrugs.
“Embarrassed.” He confesses. “And silly and humiliated.”
“What are you going to do now?”
“I’m going to break up with him, obviously.” He raises his eyebrows at my question. “I mean I’m not even sure we’re still together. I should have told him about the internship sooner.”
“What?” I can’t believe him. “That has nothing- absolutely nothing to do with what he did. What he did was wrong and he’s sick. I mean, even if you had told him something wrong, which you didn’t, but even if you had told him- I don’t know that you had cheated on him- it doesn’t justify that he fucking dumped you in the middle of the highway, J!”
“I know. I’m not saying that.”
“You’re justifying him! Again!”
“I’m not!” He yells.
I know Coco is uncomfortable by the way she’s sunk down on her chair but I don’t care. Jason needs to hear this.
“Yes, you are! You keep trying to turn him into this guy he’s not!”
“You don’t know him, Indie!”
“That’s right! He doesn’t let us! He keeps trying to take you away from us! I mean what kind of boyfriend doesn’t try to get involved into his partner’s life! He’s never even tried to talk to me.”
“Well he knows you have an opinion.”
“Of course I have an opinion! He’s a violent abuser!”
“He suffered a lot when he was a child! Do you know what it’s like to be abandoned by your dad? No, you don’t!” He cuts me off when I’m about to talk. “And he’s good, he just has a bad temper and anger issues but he’s trying to get better, okay?”
“Is he? Is he even going to therapy?”
“He doesn’t believe in therapy…”
I chuckle a mad laugh of crazy woman.
“That’s what they all say, J. Abusers justify their abuse with a dark past and they made you feel sorry for them so they can still hurt you over and over. He’s manipulating you, can’t you see it? You have to take that idea of your mind that you’re going to fix him because you won’t! He needs help, professional help, and you can’t give him that. I’ll tell you more, you’re perpetuating his toxic behaviour by allowing it.”
“That’s rich coming from you. You’re just projecting Javier on him, but David is not Javier, Indie.”
“Yes, he is! And I know because you’re doing all the things I used to do! Don’t you remember? You told me to break up with him a thousand times and I didn’t because I loved him and I also thought he was good deep down because he could be sweet too but that was only him being manipulative too… And I thought he would change for me too, that he loved me… But… It’s not your responsibility to try to help someone who keeps hurting you. Moreover, you can’t even do it. This is dangerous for you and for him.”
“Don’t even try to pretend like you care about him.”
“Of course I don’t. I care about you. And I’m not happy with what happened to you today, Jason” I start seeing him blurry until I can’t see him anymore and so I wipe my tears away with my hands. “But you need to break up with him, he’s no good for you or for anyone and he needs to get his shit together. What he did to you today was sick, J. You cannot forgive that.”
I feel his arms wrapping around me before I take my hands away from my eyes. And he rests his chin on top of my head like he had done so many times before. JJ’s always been there for me. He was there when Dylan died and he was there during his funeral and during all the months that follow that seemed to be my own slow, never-ending funeral; and then he was there for me every time Javier would do something twisted and when I left him too. I wrap my smaller arms around his broad back and rest my ear against where his heart is, feeling that old familiar heartbeat.
“I love you, Indie.”
“I love you too.”
Jason laughs and tilts his neck to see a teary Coco. My sister is so emotional all the time, just like my Mum. I feel his chest rumbling when he laughs.
“Get in here, Coconut.”
She smashes her face against mine and from the corner of my eye I can see her smiling with her eyes closed. She loves a hug, too.
We hear my Mum’s laughter before we hear our friends coming. She walked with them towards my wing.
“Baby, the girls are here.” She says on the door. “Coco and I are going out but order something for dinner for you guys.”
It’s not strange for me that my mum speaks English to me. Usually we speak Spanish but she always says she remembers how she felt when her English wasn’t that good and she would hear my dad’s family speak English and laugh but wouldn’t understand much. She says she doesn’t want our friends to feel like that. 
“What time is it?”
I haven’t checked my phone all day.
“It’s 4 pm, honey.” She smiles. “Are you high?”
I roll my eyes at her and she giggles. She knows I’m not. Coco kisses Jason’s cheek before she gives a quick hug to Ollie and Marie and follow my mum outside.
“Hasta luego, Blue.” 
“Bye, doofus.” My sister grins as she leaves.
Despite being twenty years old, sometimes she acts like she’s twelve.  Marie and Ollie fight like a married couple about who locked the door when they went out before Ollie deploys an army of candy and junk food on the table. Jason looks at them amused.
“We brought the break up kit.” Olivia smiles.
“Because we’re breaking up with David Dick, aren’t we?”
My eyes widen at Marie and Olivia kicks her feet “discreetly”. Marie’s lips part and her eyes widen in horror of her realization too.
“Is that how you guys call him?” Jason tries to keep a straight face but the three of us see his hidden smile.
“You did say he had a big dick.” Ollie shrugs.
“And he’s a dick.” Marie adds.
Jason finally bursts out laughing. And the three of us join him before Olivia motions for us to hug him and the three of us surround him like he was an oak tree and we were trying to get positive energy.
Then the four of us sit on the table and eat chocolates and lollies without even realizing Jason and I haven’t even had lunch. Jason tells Ollie and Marie the full story and the two of them tell him David’s such a jerk and that not him neither anyone deserves that kind of treatment.
“Anyway what happened last night with Mario?” Jason asks Ollie.
I tilt my neck slowly so I’m facing my friend and she avoids my eyes looking down at the liquorice she’s eating. The last time we talked Mario was Mario who? and had clumsy hands. I suck my lips inside my mouth trying to hide my smile.
“We didn’t have sex.” Ollie blushes.
“What?” The three of us ask in unison.
“It didn’t go well?” Jason asks.
“Wait, I need some context!”
“Right, you weren’t there.” Jason’s eyes widen.
“Mario came with Harry. Apparently they were together in O’Clock so when Harry said he was going Mario asked if he was going to see you and he said yes because apparently Harry’s got verbosity” Marie tells me and I chuckle. He really does sometimes. “And so he tagged alone in case you were with Ollie. Isn’t that romantic?” Marie looks at me like the heart eyed emoji and I smirk.
“But you were talking to that guy.” I interrupt.
“Well, we stopped talking.” She shrugs. “I don’t know what’s going on with your lips, Indie.” She points out all my hidden smiles. “But yeah then he came, we were drinking we danced, we kissed and I went home with him.”
Maybe he really does have clumsy hands and that’s why they didn’t have sex but then why is she leading him on?
“It didn’t go well after you left?”
“It was perfect.”
“It didn’t happen.” She shrugs.
There’s something going on with Mario for Ollie to act this way. I’ll ask Harry. Mario and Harry are friends and Harry’s nosy beyond believe. He’ll tell me.
“And you?” I ask Marie.
“What about me?”
“The redhead.” I smile.
“He burped.” She pouts as her eyebrows frown like Emile Clarke’s. 
We all burst into laughter but she keeps pouting despite her growing smile.
“And you can’t judge me because you dumped Álvaro for no reason and he was so cute.”
“And Spanish.” Olivia adds.
Jason celebrates Álvaro’s nationality too and I roll my eyes. I don’t care that he’s Spanish. I mean I like meeting Spanish people because they remind me of my mum’s heritage and I can speak Spanish to them but there’s nothing else you know about a person if you know they’re Spanish. I mean you know where they were born. That’s it. Then for what is worth, every person is their own person.
“But you left with Harry, didn’t you?” Olivia’s eyes widen.
“Wait were you with Harry when I called in the morning?”
I nod.
“Shit, dude, I’m sorry! I didn’t know. I thought you guys had cut things off.”
“Yes, but a leopard never changes its spots.” Olivia shrugs.
I roll my eyes. My eyes set on Marie and I can read her disapproving expression.
“He offered to drive to get you in the morning.” I defend him. “And he…” 
I was about to tell them about how he showered me with compliments but I decide that should stay between us. I don’t have to prove anything about him to Marie or to anyone else for that matter. 
“That was sweet of him.”
Thinking about Harry makes me think I haven’t checked my phone all day. Maybe I should call him? Let him know everything’s fine? But what am I thinking? That he’s going to be waiting for me to tell him about my adventures with The Golden Girls? I blush at the idea.
“You’re not falling for Harry, are you?”
“What?” I frown. “No! Of course not! He’s such an idiot!”
Because he is. Sometimes. When he guesses things about me assuming I’m a posh bitch or when he tells me I have many flaws or when he pulls away for no better reason after confusing me with affection. Plus, he’s said it himself; it’s just sex.
“If only you felt something for him…” Marie adds.
Her words shock me.
“Well if you were dating maybe the rest of doctors wouldn’t look down on you as bad as they will when they know about you two.”
“They won’t know.”
“They will too.”
“Does Harry burp, Indie?” Jason changes the topic, God bless him, and the three of us chuckle.
“Not in front of me, no.”
“But anyway I didn’t know about this redhead, Marie.” Jason wiggles his eyebrows but she just rolls her eyes.
“There’s nothing to know, Jason.” She sighs and rests her chin on her hand. “I need love, not burps.”
“You need to stop thinking your prince will arrive on a white horse and fuck some guy so you’ll forget about it.” Olivia tells her.
I laugh at her cheekiness.
“What Olivia’s trying to say” I correct “is that being single is also fun. You don’t need to have a boyfriend, Marie; but maybe your obsession with finding love is overshadowing it?”
Maria shakes her head.
“No, it’s not that. I know I don’t need a man but I just… I want to be in love, you know? And I want someone to love me. I’m tired of being alone…”
I give her a sympathetic smile.
“Don’t lose hope, Marie Anne” Olivia wraps an arm around her shoulders and rest her cheek on top of her head “it’ll come.”
She looks up at Olivia, confused that our less romantic friend says that. To be honest, I’m confused too.
“No, sillyhead, mind-blowing sex.” The three of us laugh. “Like the one Indie has with Harry.”
I chuckle and roll my eyes. She’s such an idiot. I don’t know why I’m laughing.
“Did you know he’s from Bellamond?” I tell them.
The three of them look at me with wide eyes and I tell them the little I know about him. Jason hands me my phone over.
“Talking about the devil…” He smirks.
I’ve never replied faster to a text. 
Harry: How’s your friend?
Indie: A lot better, thank you.
“Look at that smile!” Jason teases and I swat him away playfully.
Indie: Thanks for asking.
Harry: No problem 😊 And you? How are you?
Indie: I’m good thanks
Harry: My blunt Indie
Indie: I’m not yours.
Harry: haha you’re so curt is even funny
Indie: I’m sorry I didn’t text you back before. I’ve been with my friends all day.
Harry: No problem.
Harry: What are you doing now?
Indie: We’re just hanging at my house
Harry: Would you like to have a drink?
Indie: All of us?
Harry: I mean it’s you I want to see but they can come too
“Aw, he’s adorable!”
When I lift my head from my phone, I see my three friends are behind me reading my texts. I blush and bring my phone to my chest covering the screen.
“Guys, you’re the worst!”
Jason stands up and walks towards my room. He comes back with his shoes on his hands.
“Tell him we’re coming and ask him for the location.”
“Yay!” Marie throws her head back. “Indie, do you have lipstick?”
“But you bite your lips a lot and stain your teeth!” Olivia reminds her.
“But what if Harry has a cute friend? Or what if the waiter is cute?”
Jason rolls his eyes and Olivia and Marie disappear on my bathroom in the search for my lipsticks.
“Are you sure you want to go?” I ask him.
“Damn right.” Jason smiles. “It’d only do me good.” He shrugs. “Plus we can’t leave your man like that.”
“Harry’s not my man.”
“Whatever.” He chuckles.
Indie: Where are you?
Harry: Cahoot
The pub is dark like the ones Jason likes and there’s quite a lot of people inside but it’s not suffocating. I spot Harry straight away. He’s leaning his elbow on the bar and is talking to Mario who gives us his back. I look at Ollie and find her talking to Marie and doing a scan of the bar, surely looking for possible prince charming for the brunette.
I wonder how I’m going to greet Harry. Should I give him a hug? Or a kiss? Or shake hands? His grin widens when he sees me as I reach him in the bar.
“Hello, Indie.”
I smile back. Okay so no hug, no kiss, no handshake.
“Hi there, Indie!” Mario seems happier to see me than Harry himself.
“Hi, Mario. How are you?”
“I’m good, good.” He smiles. “How are you?”
“I’m good too. Are you guys alone?”
Jason greets them both and so do Marie and Ollie. I notice the way Mario’s hand rests on Ollie’s lower back as he presses a kiss on her cheek but my friend looks away.
“No.” Mario shakes his head. “We’re on that table there. There’s a bunch of people from the hospital. You might know some of them.”
My eyes widen as I look at Harry. He knows I don’t want people to know we’re sleeping together in Uni but he just shakes his head and frowns as if dismissing Mario’s words. The Golden Girls order our drinks before we join them on the booths they have taken on a corner of the pub.
Harry’s got an empty spot beside him and I wonder whether he did that on purpose or whether it just was there because after his greeting I doubt he even wants to sit down next to me. I also notice, even from afar, the beautiful blonde sitting next to him. She’s everything I’m not. She’s thin, like, extremely thin actually, and her skin is paler than mine. She’s blonde but her hairstyle reminds me of my own, she has long opened bangs that skim her cheekbones just like me and her face is just perfect. Yeah, that’s the way to describe her, perfect. Her lips are full and pink and her nose is small and delicate and her eyes are olive green.
Olivia motions to Marie for her to sit down next to Mario so she doesn’t have to but Marie refuses to and even though I don’t agree with whatever the hell it is she’s doing with him, I take that seat before they give a scene- and so I don’t have to sit down next to Harry too. I see him frown from the corner of my eye.
“Hello, I’m Rose.” She’s nice too.
“I’m Indie.” I tell her.
“Indie?” Her green eyes widen. “Where does it come from?”
“It’s… It’s a colour.” My face contorts in embarrassment. “My name’s Indigo Blue. And it’s my mum’s favourite colour. She’s a painter.”
“Wow!” Rose smiles. “That’s so cool.”
From the corner of my eye I see Harry smiling next to her. Olivia sat down next to Harry eventually but he isn’t paying any attention to her and he must be the first man to ever do that. Instead, his eyes are on me the entirety of the night.
We all talk about music and Mario seems interested in Extremoduro. I tell him about them and about my favourite Spanish artists and he asks me stuff and even gets his phone out to type down the songs I tell him. See? He’s such a nice guy. I widen my eyes at Olivia and point at him every time he says something cute but she just gives me warning looks and cuts the air in front of her throat threatening to kill me.
Marie wants to dance and she takes Ollie with her who’s dying to get out of the table anyway. Jason’s been chatting to another two guys about God knows what and Harry’s been mostly quiet even though as nosy as he is I suspect he’s been eavesdropping every conversation on the table. Rose’s chatted to him some too but she’s also been talking to another girl who’s sitting in front of me. I think her name is Cris.
My eyes meet Harry’s but I quickly look away and turn to Mario yet his brown eyes are set on Olivia as she dances. I look at my friends too before I give him a sympathetic smile.
“Olivia is…” I start.
“Incredible.” He cuts me off.
I smile. Yeah, that too. But I wasn’t going to say that.
“Where did you go when you guys had dinner?”
That seems like a good way to start coming around it. I normally wouldn’t be so meddling but alcohol removes my inhibitions like autumn takes the leaves of a tree. I rest my elbow on the table and then my cheek on my hand so I stop taking glances at Harry from the corner of my eye.
“We went to this Indian restaurant she suggested...” His brown eyes narrow as he thinks about the name. 
My blood freezes on my veins.
“The Siddharta?” I fear.
“Yeah!” He smiles. “That’s the one.”
“You know it too?” He chuckles. “She seems to go there so much even the waiter knew her.”
“Jack?” I can’t believe her.
“Yes.” He looks at me as if we were very strange people. “You guys love Indian food, don’t you?”
“Yes, we do.” I try to hide how angry I am. “I’m gonna order another drink, you want one?”
“I’m fine, thank you. Do you want me to go with you?”
Stop being such a good guy! Olivia’s gonna hear me.
“No, that’s fine. Thanks.” I give him a smile.
I need another drink. Especially because I need to calm down before I yell at Olivia. I don’t know why it bothers me so much that he’s using Mario like that. Well, yes I know; because that’s not what you do to people and I don’t want my friends to be terrible people. My frown feels heavy as I wait for my Bulldog gin and tonic.
“That was an interesting seat choice.”
Harry’s voice makes my belly flip. I swallow at his proximity.
“Your greeting choice was also interesting.”
I shut my eyes internally but on the outside I just look away from him. Why am I such a bigmouth when I drink? When I look back at him, he’s grinning. He presses his body against mine and corners me against the bar.
“Did my girl want a especial greeting?”
“I’m not your girl.” I frown.
“Then why do you want a special greeting?” He’s still grinning.
“Because… Well, because, you said you wanted to see me so…”
“So?” I want to slap that stupid grin out of his face.
“So I was expecting…” I bring my hand to my forehead but mostly to protect my face from his because I’m desperate to kiss him. “Actually, I don’t know what I was expecting.”
“Well” He tacks a strand of hair behind my ear “I, on the other hand, can tell you I was expecting you to sit next to me.”
“You seemed busy.” I look away again.
What am I doing? I can’t be jealous. Wait, am I jealous? What the hell am I doing? I need to get out of here.
“I gotta go.”
But his fingers lift my chin and his lips press against mine. I drink from his mouth contently and my breath catches on my throat when I feel his tongue parting my lips. His hands snake around my waist and he pulls my body to him as we kiss and my hands find the back of his neck.
“Hello, baby.” He smiles against my lips.
He’s intoxicating.
“You said you didn’t want people from the hospital to know.” He shrugs. “That’s why I didn’t kiss you.”
“No, yeah, you’re right. I am just drunk.”
I don’t know why I said that. I don’t mean that. I wanted that kiss and I would kiss him again, drunk or not. But I don’t want things between us to get… complicated.
“As lovely as usual.”
“I need to talk to Olivia.”
He moves aside so I can walk away from him and towards my friends, already angry and anxious. When I reach them, they’re both dancing to some lame background song and of course they’re the centre of attention of a group of guys.
“Olivia” I grab her elbow and push her even farther away from Harry’s friends “why did you go to The Siddharta with Mario?”
Her pink cheeks confirm my suspicion. From the corner of my eyes, I can see Marie’s lips parting as she stares at Olivia too. I let her talk even though I know the answer. 
“It’s a good restaurant.”
“You don’t like Indian food.”
“I thought he might like it..”
“You went there to get Jack jealous?” She swallows and looks away from me. “Olivia! It’s been a year!”
“I saw him the other night.” She explains. “I… He was with her and they went to my dad’s jeweller’s. He did that on purpose.”
“And you played his game?”
“What did you want me to do, Indie? I just wanted to get back to him! And I was going to go out with Mario anyway. The only thing that changed was the place.” She shrugs.
“Is that why you keep leading him on? You said he had clumsy hands and that you didn’t like him and you went home with him last night. Do you just want him there so you can get your ex jealous?”
“Indie, this is none of your business.” She looks away from me but her lips are set on a thin line.
“Well someone has to tell you you’re acting like a bitch.”
“What? I’ve had enough, Indigo. Go fuck yourself or better be the canned vagina you are these days.”
Her words freeze me to the spot and I feel a hurricane unleashing on my chest until it reaches my throat. I can’t believe she just said that. She’s been doing this fuck-and-leave thing for a year now and not even once I’ve judged her and now she throws this at my face? Is that what she really thinks of me? Is that what Harry thinks too? Is that even what I am?
I walk away before she sees me crying, I won’t give her the satisfaction and I don’t stop walking until I’ve turn the corner. I left my jacket inside and it’s rather cold now but I’ll text Marie to grab it for me. 
I’ve never been punched on the throat but I reckon this is how it must feel like. It’s hard to breathe and I feel betrayed, beaten and dirty. I walk home. My tears keep rolling freely down my cheeks while my mind goes into a frenzy. 
Jason’s words resound in my mind “you’re not falling for Harry, are you?” No, of course, I’m not. We have nothing in common, other than Medicine, but that’s in no way reason enough and he’s nothing like what I... I’m not looking for that. Now or ever. 
And then it hits me why it bothered me to see him with that Rose girl. It wasn’t jealousy, it was just the fact that I’m not ready to be a canned vagine. I mean I thought I didn’t care at all that he would be with other girls and I don’t think I do but for him to be with other women and for me to see that are two different things. The fact that he called me and told me to come over even if he didn’t event plan on kissing me, then why the hell did he call me if he was with other girl? 
The thought that he might have wanted a threesome with Rose and me flahes through my mind like a falling star. He’s clearly into sex in a way I might not be ready for. He probably has done it before too and maybe that’s what he wants from me now. 
My head aches too and I feel it dull and full and suddenly I feel so tired and cold and I just want to cover my head with my blanket and cry myself to sleep. 
That’s what I do.
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