#loves the fucking sun and summer
nicollekidman · 20 days
buffy knows spike loves her during season five. buffy knows spike loves her when she comes back and seeks comfort/silence in his presence. and as she comes back to herself and tries to make peace with the fact that she’s Here Again, she still knows he loves her. and i think part of the Big Bad Grabbing The Slayer For The Darkness routine they both cling to is that it allows them to pretend this huge thing isn’t between them so they can get what they both want (someone to stay).
and like obviously buffy cannot allow herself to believe that he loves her for many reasons, but she DOES believe it, she can’t make herself unknow it even though she tries so hard. which is partially where the breakdown with tara in 6.13 comes from because the cognitive dissonance of soulless spike loving her as if he has a soul while she is so lost within herself that the only way she can reach for him is to use him (which would be fine if he was the big bad grabbing the slayer for the darkness) which is hurting him! unfathomably! but he’s supposed to be the corruption! how can he??? any of it???
meanwhile spike has watched the woman he loves be brought back as a shell and he wants to see the light in her eyes and he can touch her now and sometimes that’s enough to make her laugh but he can’t linger in those moments or she’ll go away again! so he can play the role he needs to play so she’ll stay, as if he could keep her anywhere she didn’t want to be. as if he wants her to be in the dark instead of bringing him into the light. but how could he ask for anything more when he already got her back and he didn’t even need to kill her afterwards.
and so they hurt each other and he forgets himself and asks her if she even likes him and it’s too honest and he’s asking too much (he asks for nothing) so before she can throw her life away like it’s nothing, he puts the game face on, makes himself a target, and swallows it all. and she can’t unknow. and it would all be fine except he’s a vampire and she’s the slayer and how can he just say it like it’s nothing when she needs to beat his face in just to keep from screaming.
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Alive Hale Family!AU
STILES: "Do you know how to use Pinterest?"
DEREK: "Uh... I guess?"
STILES: "Great, I want a summer wedding."
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sunnydalebimbo · 6 months
I have terrible motivation, but once while I was in a super goofy mood I started writing a fic where the Mayor, upon noticing that Faith and Buffy clearly have romantic feelings for one another, realizes that the best way to get both slayers on his side is to convince Buffy to date Faith. What I’m trying to get at is, The Mayor plays matchmaker for Faith and Buffy as part of his evil Ascension plan and not at all because he loves Faith and wants her to be happy. There was also a subplot were the Mayor kept “gently” encouraging the people of Sunnydale to wildly flirt with Angel as a plot to break up him and Buffy, but Angel was just... so not understanding that he’s being hit on. And another subplot was the Scoobies all basically going “what do you mean it’s not heterosexual to be attracted to people of the same gender??”
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chvoswxtch · 2 months
in case you needed good news today halloween is 101 days away
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everypanelofizuku · 11 days
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Chapter 106 - Class 1-A
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badolmen · 3 months
So many people on that poll voting ‘the sun doesn’t love us’ like you fool. She kisses you every morning and reach out to caress you every evening. She grows the food you eat. She shines so brightly she is burning with love for her beloved earth.
‘But she burned me!’ Does a lover never bite the lip of their companion a little too hard sometimes? You can choose to put on sunscreen. She can’t choose to extinguish her heart.
The sun loves us. Maybe a bit too much. But it’s love all the same.
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bigmammallama5 · 1 year
i need it to be cooler outside so i can be cozy mentally and physically to work on my stardew valley au is that too much to ask
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mag200 · 3 months
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5eraphim · 3 months
Who’s the lumberjack guy in your profile picture?
that's my boy slim shady put some respect on his name!!!
it's from this music video ⬇️
(yeah it's the part before he fucks sarah palin. )
we've been playin eminem a lot over the sonos speaker at work and idk, i''ve been kinda unironically really into eminem lately. i was really into him junior year of high school, but fallin back in w/ him heavy this past month.
i also have been playing every time i publish a request as an audio victory dance, and when im getting ready for work in the morning. (i have no idea why but it just feels satisfying for some reason)
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l0ganberry · 8 months
I just remembered I drew this 2 years ago.......
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 months
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THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGING THESE TWO AND WHAT LIMBO DID TO THEM, and yeah fair enough reason for not inviting them, they absolutely would try and kill him and with good reason. I was kinda annoyed we had two summers with them not appearing at all, or even being mentioned, even though we’re facing off against Douman, and Danzou is the one person he’s directly hurt more than anyone else, so why is she continuously ignored?
Like I wasn’t expecting too much after she was largely ignored in the main chapter that should have been focused on her with it being the conclusion to her intertwined arc with Limbo but still, never forget he fucked with her mind, put the curse of annihilation in her, forced her body against her will to attempt to kill her new companions including her son (all while mocking her) blew her up (killing her and taking out Musashi’s eye) before going after her servant self, implanting a virus to restore part of her memory for the express purpose of learning what she cherishes most and letting her be more human so she can truly suffer when he crushes her son to a bloody pulp in front of her (and he outright tells her all this!), and seems to be following through on that in Heian-kyo, as Sion detects they’re the only two Servants being invited in! (Too bad that Heian-kyo half assed her story though, idk just cause she’s unpopular or what but still.)
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hypermascbishounen · 3 months
it's the summer solstice which means every single person in the northern hemisphere is miserable except for me 😎☀️
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defiant-firefly · 1 year
Guys. I got. Star shaped glasses in the post today cause I want more silly fun things to wear for shits and giggles and I love them so much but you know what I've just noticed that's making me laugh??
I got ones that are like a red to yellow kind of gradient, kind of like a sunset look to em, right? Nice. Fun. Pretty colours.
I look outside with them on and suddenly I'm in one of those Hollywood films in Mexico or wherever with that stupid yellow/orange filter all over it. Not even joking I now have the American film version of Mexico in my back garden this is so fucking funny to me
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oaxleaf · 4 months
my favourite new hobby is checking the weather. i do it five times a day. i check the weather and look at that gorgeous row of prognosises of sunny 20-25 degree weather for the next week and a half and it makes the world feel fucking great. and if the weather sucks i look at the sunrise and sunset times and it makes me feel fucking great. 10/10 hobby
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fausthetics · 2 years
to fall in love with the Sun in the mist of fall
fall is the season of gloomy skies and the beautiful, non-stop rains, the days that are getting colder and darker in each 24 hour set, the mist and the thick layers of fog. the crunches of the fallen leaves that reminds you of a slow death, but also the unexpected sunny and warm days. you don't usually realize the beauty and importance of the Sun during summer or spring since it is pretty common in those seasons, however you do realize how much you miss the Sun after one sudden sight of a sunny day during continuous days of gloom and darkness in autumn. you fall in love with the Sun and it comes around quite unexpectedly and when it does it gives you all of its warmth and love, but then again goes into hiding. The longing for the Sun during autumn is pretty harsh since the time you can see it again properly is only spring and summer. Just like how you slowly fall in love with someone on their unexpected and inconsistent highs that leaves you longing for more, but you can't have time since the timing's wrong, no matter how right the person is.
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sea-critter · 2 months
happy august, i love this month, it’s so hot and angry and soft and beautiful and sad and slow and i don’t anticipate her being gentle but i do anticipate her illuminating warmth to lead us onwards.
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