#lovesick in loch nora
rufusbear · 1 year
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Lovesick in Loch Nora Podfic read by @rufusbear (me!)
Fic written by @red-0ak-tree
pod is a WIP, done for @fandomtrumpshate for @sunlightsymphony
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myanonymousflower · 2 years
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Lovesick in Loch Nora by red0aktree
“Do you ever think it’s funny that, uh, a girl dies at your house and no one ever bats an eye but a girl dies at mine and I’m, uh, basically irredeemable for life?”
Steve wished Eddie hadn’t said it. He really, truly wished he’d never brought it up. That door was meant to stay closed. It wasn’t something they were ever supposed to acknowledge between the two of them.
Steve had thought the same thing before, of course. The dierence was, Steve could have done something to stop it, could have kept it in his pants long enough to get to know a new friends, or at very least invited Barb in and asked her to stay. He had a choice, and he chose wrong, and somehow the world forgave him for it.
Eddie didn’t have a choice. And now the rest of Hawkins had decided the rest of his life for him based on things they thought they understood.
“No,” Steve said honestly. “No, I don’t think it’s very funny at all.”
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inthedarknessofnight · 5 months
Y’all know what fucking time it is… in other news, I updated my e-reader this week and it deleted all the pages I had bookmarked/stuff I had highlighted 🥲 the horrors persist but so do I
1. Lovesick in Loch Nora by @red-0ak-tree
THIS is literally the scriptures, THIS is the ancient texts of Steddie, I’m not even kidding… if I’m trying to get someone into Steddie & reading fics, this is what I’m showing them… the Steddie dynamic is so beautiful and so palpable, and I don’t think I’ve every seen the characters sound SOOO much like themselves (ngl I have a theory this was written by one of the ST writers who wanted to make Steddie happen but the producers wouldn’t let them because COWARDS)… I finished this and immediately went to read it again, purely for the experience of it… most definitely in the top 3 fics I’ve ever read
2. the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by @greatunironic
let me just start out by saying how OBSESSED I am with the title, and then continue by telling y’all how much this fic DESTROYED me and put me back together at the same time?!?! there’s so much beauty and so much pain in this fic, it’s so emotional, vulnerable and authentic… I’d almost forgotten that feeling of when you hang onto an author’s EVERY WORD, but this fic reminded me of that feeling in every single way
3. stereoscope by @seraphhy
this fic is so beautiful in the most painful ways possible (don’t recommend reading while on period, speaking from personal experience 🥲)… if you’re looking for fluff, this is NOT the fic for you, but if you’re an emotional masochist like me, you literally HAVE TO read it, I don’t make the rules… god, there’s just something about Steve being broken and Eddie putting him back together over and over and over again, isn’t there? and don’t even get me started on the turn of phrase in this one… just magnificent
4. The Shire is NOT on Fire by kissesforcas (not sure if this author is on Tumblr)
this fic is like a warm hug, but if the warm hug had really good smut lmao… the premise of this is that Eddie & the kids drag Steve to a renaissance festival/LARP convention, and ofc stuff happens because Steve in fantasy costumes (I’ve never related to Eddie more phaha)… them flirting in this one had me giggling and kicking my feet like a schoolgirl, occasionally even in public but I really couldn’t help myself
to sum up, this might be my favourite week of Steddie fics ever ever ever, they’re all such classics and I’m so beyond grateful I got to read and experience them… I laughed, I screamed, I cried, I mourned, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat ♥️
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steddieunderdogfics · 6 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: MISSBERRYCAKE! They have six fics posted to AO3 in the Stranger Things fandom and five of them posted to the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by Missberrycake:
When the Sun is High (I'll Meet You in the Woods)
An Act of Grace
If I Loved You Less.
The Wonder
"I'm nominating missberrycake for a spotlight because I've loved a number of her works that I think have been underappreciated. Her pieces can be quite melancholy, but I think are really lovely and always leave me feeling content. She writes dialogue and characters in a very believable and layered way. I first came across her after her most popular fic, though I think she's done some fabulous ones since!" -- anonymous
Below the cut, Missberrycake answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Ooh, I have a long and storied past with shipping and, while I've been a Stranger Things fan since the start, I hadn't really picked up any shipping threads until S4. I think Steve and Eddie have a great mix of that jock and loser dynamic and enemies to lovers vibe that works really well - but also the ending to S4 was really ripe for some good angst storytelling. A little reminiscent of Stucky or Reddie.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Hm. I'm not sure. I am a sucker for time travel, but I don't think I've red too much of that. Probably slow-burn - I just love being frustrated!
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Well … according to my most used tags on Ao3, it's AUs and Time Travel, and Friends to Lovers shows up there as well, which all sound right. I know that I'm enjoying a book or show or whatever when I think, I need to write and AU of this!
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
Ahh! That's too hard - I have a lot of bookmarks for fics I love! It’ probably a battle between Lovesick in Loch Nora by red0aktree and standing up the dead by heartofwinterfell. The first is so gah, you know? So romcon. The latter, I love the concept. Even though it's Max-led, Eddie is fabulously done in that fic, for sure.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Not really - ideas tend to swoop in when I'm not actively thinking about it. I have had a niggling little thought about a folklore esque cryptic came back wrong story, something creepy, you know. But we'll see!
What is your writing process like?
Overly organised! I'm a planner, so I need to know what the ending is before I start - I will generally map out acts and scenes and character arcs before I write the first sentence, which I think helps me immensely so that I don't have to do so many edits later.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I'm sure I must do, but I don't know about them. I guess - I'll tend to write all my dialogue in a scene first as a but of a template and then fill in the gaps.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Oh, when I've finished for sure. The only time I've ever abandoned a fix was when I posted as I was going on a schedule and it really killed the enjoyment of it for me - too much pressure on timing and the lack if ability to go back and fiddle with things.
Which fic are you most proud of?
I'll stick to my Steddie fics, so it would have to be An Act of Grace, for the Bigbang. I adore that fic, honestly, and worked really hard on it. I think it came out almost exactly how I wanted it and I was so excited when posting finally arrived!
How did you get the idea for An Act of Grace?
It was two things, really - firstly I had watched ‘Howards End’ with Joseph Quinn in and fully needed to see Eddie in the similar time period, I could not get it out of my head - the idea of a servant Eddie and aristocratic Steve came to me pretty quickly after that and was too perfect. Also, though, I wanted to do something with a distinctly English vibe to it (I am English!) - I sometimes feel a bit at sea writing USAmerican characters and settings, so something more familiar I though might work better for me.
When writing When the Sun is High (I’ll Meet You In the Woods), what was something you didn’t expect?
For it to be so popular, actually! Particularly as it was being posted. It's my most popular Steddie fic by a country mile and I'm really fond of it - trying to get a version of Steve and Eddie who had a history to work with canon was a fun challenge.
What inspired If I Loved You Less?
Well, its an Emma AU, so Emma! I was watching the most recent film adaption and NEEDED to write it, but I also loved Clueless growing up, so putting a modern twist on it made the most sense to me. The placement of characters in that story was very fun!
What was your favorite part to write from Blackbird?
The tree decorating scene, for sure. I love that part of Christmas myself, so I had a great time adding in little bits and pieces from people I know and traditions they have.
How do/did you feel writing When the Sun is High (I’ll Meet You In the Woods)?
Gosh, it feels like it was so long ago! I was just excited to get something out into fandom, I think, and to become part of the community.
What was the most difficult part of writing The Wonder?
Ooh, probably knowing that it wasn't going to do very well? 😄 I completely love that little fic, so to kind of keep it contained to just Eddie and Wayne - even mostly Wayne - was tricky. Sometimes less is more!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Hm. In the epilogue of An Act of Grace, Claudia gives a little speech about Steddie. I think I like that a lot for the way it kind of sums everything up so nicely. A bit of a snapshot of them as characters.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Nope! I've taken a bit of a break from writing at the moment, buy I've been at it for 13 years, so I'm sure I'll be back at it in the future.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Just to say thank you to whoever submitted my name! It's made my month, probably!
Thank you to our author, Missberrycake, and our anonymous nominator! See more of Missberrycake's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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red-0ak-tree · 1 month
just want to pop in and say i've been rereading all my favorite steddie fics and yours are all at the top of the stack. lovesick in loch nora changed my brain chemistry permanently. <<3
Hi sorry I just saw this ask, I've been a ghost on this app....
Thank you sm for your kind words! I'm glad Lovesick is still making people happy.
On a slightly related note, I'm pretty sure I have a steddie fic i never finished publishing?? It was a camping fic. I think I have the final chapter of that written but unedited. Maybe it's about time I just dump that into AO3 even if it's shitty...
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sombersynth · 2 years
Red Eye by Alinafewwords, 65 k, teen “Can I get a hot, medium dirty chai?” “How dirty do you want it?” “Excuse me?” Steve Harrington is a struggling college student. Eddie Munson is a hot barista. Somehow things will work out.
Black Out Days (Fairground Nights) by OonionChiver, 139.1 k, explicit ‘I think,’ Steve says slowly, reaches for Eddie’s abandoned, untouched beers. ‘You don’t know me very well.’ ‘I don’t know you at all, man. I don’t really want to.’ Steve’s throat works. It’s subtle, but Eddie sees it. He hides it with a swig of beer, but when he sets it down, his smile isn’t quite so bright. Twice as sharp, though. ‘The self-centred asshole who can only be decent to a single human being, I get it. It works for you.’ Then he takes a thick, heavy breath. The alcohol is hitting him, Eddie can tell. ‘And I am being civil. I’m here, aren’t I? You have any idea how hard it is for me to be here?’ ‘In a bar?’ Steve doesn’t answer.
It’ll be Fine by Dusk Light (I’m Telling You, Baby) by Anonymous, 14k, teen The van is running, Steve realizes, and Eddie wouldn’t start it if he was just coming out to smoke. It sobers him up almost immediately. “You leaving?” Eddie gives him a smile, sad around the edges where it reaches his eyes, says, “Yeah,” and Steve knows he doesn’t just mean for tonight.
This is Your Home. These Are Your People. by Oaeas, 21.4 k, teen “Your heart’s racing,” Steve noted, quietly. Eddie laughed. It was more of a shaky exhale, lashes fluttering as he struggled to keep his composure. “Stevie,” he whispered, fingers cradling Steve’s side like he was precious. “Yeah, no fucking shit.”
Too Good to be True by Ayes, 45.3 k, explicit When Eddie sees Steve in a gay bar, he decides to seduce him and break his heart as revenge for what an asshole Steve was in high school. Steve, who was only at the bar to support Robin, is taken aback by the attention but finds himself under Eddie’s spell. And Eddie, to his growing unease, discovers that Steve Harrington is actually everything he’s ever wanted.
Sanctuary by SpicedSage, 47.5 k, explicit After Steve Harrington goes missing, Eddie Munson gets exposed to the secret dangers of Hawkins, Indiana in 1985 instead of 1986. Will a different first meeting lead to a change in his fate?
Dirtybadwronggood by 3MinsOver, 8.3k explicit Steve doesn't like Eddie Munson. He's a loud, obnoxious freak. But there's something about him he just can't shake. Maybe Eddie can fuck it out of him.
Everything is Doomed; Nothing Will be Spared by 4MinsOver, 10.3 k, explicit Post vecna-battle, eddie is surprised by a late-night visitor who's looking for comfort in all the wrong places.
Throw Me One by Adure, 41.9 k, explicit Steve and Eddie are friends with benefits with the important caveat - no kissing, ever, under any circumstances; modern AU
Every Ribbon That You Used to Tie Yourself to Me by Judasofsuburbia, 63.7 k, mature “You keep telling yourself that, Eds." “Eds?” “Cute, isn’t it?” Eddie’s breath stops and his chest tightens. He’s never had a friend give him a nickname before. It is cute, which is not cool to say, so of course, Eddie spits out, “No.” Steve smiles and leans forward right into Eddie’s ear. He whispers, “You’ll get used to it.” or: it's summer 1981 and wayne munson has sent a fourteen-year-old eddie to camp in hopes that he can exist like a regular kid for once. eddie meets steve harrington on the bus and the two start an unlikely friendship. hawkins high doesn't know how to deal with that. a supercut into eddie's high school years and how steve continues to orbit him whether he wants him to or not.
Lovesick in Loch Nora by Redoaktree, 62.6 k, mature Even though Eddie's name has been cleared legally, he's still very much on trial in the court of public opinion. Dealing drugs isn't a lucrative occupation anymore, and getting a legitimate job in a town who still considers him a killer isn't much of an option, either. Eddie is beginning to think skipping town and starting over somewhere no one knows his name is the only chance he has left. Steve has another idea. AKA: Steve gets Eddie a job as an anonymous columnist at a local newspaper.
STEVE'S FIRST BRUISE by Cairparavels, 47.2 k, not rated eddie’s new roommate sure does get into a lot of fights. a spider-man!steve story. or 6 bruises of steve’s + 1 of eddie’s.
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herecomesbrainrot · 5 months
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steddieficrecs · 2 years
Best of Steddie
previous / next
all i need from you (is all your love) by wearing_tearing
"So will you pretend to be my boyfriend for a while?" Steve rushes out to ask, words tumbling out of his mouth.
"Steve," Eddie says, "it would be an honor."
Fake Dating | Fluff
Lovesick in Loch Nora by red0aktree
Even though Eddie's name has been cleared legally, he's still very much on trial in the court of public opinion. Dealing drugs isn't a lucrative occupation anymore, and getting a legitimate job in a town who still considers him a killer isn't much of an option, either. Eddie is beginning to think skipping town and starting over somewhere no one knows his name is the only chance he has left. Steve has another idea.
AKA: Steve gets Eddie a job as an anonymous columnist at a local newspaper.
Slow Burn | Getting Together
Doing Nothing With You by red0aktree
Steve and Robin get a two bedroom in Hawkins. It's perfect, except for all the ways it isn't. Drafty windows, clogged drains, shitty landlord. But it's got a couch. A couch that's often occupied by Eddie Munson. Home isn't really the kind of thing Eddie has much of anymore, ever since his trailer became the primary source for all his nightmares. Luckily, he knows of a semi-comfortable couch where he's always welcome.
Despite all it's problem, the house has perks. Primarily, it's somewhere Steve can actually call home. Secondarily, it's somewhere he can share with the people he loves.
AKA: The fruity four live in a convoluted roommate situation, and romance happens along the way.
Domestic Fluff | Living Together
a map of everyone who loves you by phonemicengineer
Soul flowers aren’t a ticket to true love, he knows that well enough, but they do mean importance, significance, permanence. And so far no one has ever loved Steve significantly or permanently enough to leave some. Maybe that means he’s broken. Maybe that’s why he can’t leave any for her.
So Steve lets Jonathan take Nancy home that night, and tries not to feel too bitter about the matching bracelet of roses on Jonathan’s hand.
Soul Marks | One Shot
A quiet I keep on keeping by ethereal_queer
Robin Buckley is a lesbian.
And Eddie Munson is gay.
And they’re dating.
Well, at least to the outside world.
And to a very, (very) confused Steve.
“I told Steve Harrington you’re my boyfriend.” Through the receiver. Alien words through plastic. He wants to laugh, really he does, but all he can manage is a bit of stunned silence until
“Why the hell would you do that?” With no malice. Not even really a tone to his voice other than curiosity. He of all people shouldn’t really have to ask, because he already knew the answer. He was a liar too.
“I panicked” she says, a shuffling on the other end. “He was getting all… mushy, saying stuff about feelings..”
“For you?”
“I know, right, can you believe it?
“You don’t think you could have told him the truth?” He asks, and there’s silence beneath the static. “Seems like you two are real close.”
And she sighs, and she lets out a noise of frustration that Eddie knows all too well, when you want to tell someone something, need to, and you can’t. You just can’t.
Because it’s Hawkins Indiana and sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut just to stay safe.
Fake Dating | Getting Together
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stevestark · 4 months
5, 11, 27, and 42
5. Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
Okay so I definitely orphaned or deleted a lot of my old stuff years ago, but I've done Harry Potter, Glee, Teen Wolf, MCU, The Hobbit/LotR, Supernatural, The Hunger Games, Star Wars, Star Trek, Pacific Rim, IT, Stranger Things, Ted Lasso
11. Who is your current OTP?
Oh absolutely 100% Steddie.
27. What do you hate more: coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Writing summaries for sure. Titles actually usually come to me first and actually inspire whatever the plot is going to be. but trying to figure out how to sum it all up is always sooooo hard for me. You can tell when I'm really struggling because it'll just be a quote from the fic.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Ok first and foremost is @andillwriteyouatragedy aka ShowMeAHero on ao3. truly does not matter the fandom they're writing for, Mello is the absolute best at what they do!!!! (also they write and self-publish truly gorgeous original works!!!!!) Then I'm gonna go with @badpancakelol aka badpancake on ao3 who has written my all time absolute favorite steddie time-loop fix-it fic. I think about that shit daily. Next up is @red-0ak-tree, aka red0aktree on ao3, who also wrote another one of my all time absolute favorite steddie fics, Lovesick in Loch Nora. honestly one of my favorite characterizations of Eddie Munson ever. ao3 user kissesforcas is up next, with not one but two of my favorite steddie fics! The Shire is NOT on Fire is so much fucking fun and I truly think about it all the time. I've reread it like, six times. Lastly, I wanna shout-out @perlukafarinn, aka FagurFiskur on ao3, whose series kids in the dark is one of my favorite Stranger Things fic series in existence. while not the most lengthy, it is one of the most wholesome and fun ones out there, and that, to me, makes it one of the best.
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miserablekingsteve · 1 year
Miserablekings Steddie Fic Masterlist; Part one
Hi! I'm Sage and have been collecting fics since the bright early days of June 2022 and this is my masterlist! If you don't see one on here please send them my way!! But also, these don't include the oneshots or WIP's I am awaiting the ending of!
Without You I am the Last of Our Kind by Twiceasfar
Summary: Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson have been best friends since they were six years old. Over the years, they drift apart. This is the story of how they slowly find their way back to one another. Will they ever get it right? My Thoughts: This fic absolutely destroyed my heart and soul but I will forever recommend not only this author but this work specifically!! No one dies, it doesn't follow V2 canon but there are other ways you can cry and feel angst. And this was all of them.
Lovesick in Loch Nora by Redoaktree
Summary: Even though Eddie's name has been cleared legally, he's still very much on trial in the court of public opinion. Dealing drugs isn't a lucrative occupation anymore, and getting a legitimate job in a town who still considers him a killer isn't much of an option, either. Eddie is beginning to think skipping town and starting over somewhere no one knows his name is the only chance he has left. Steve has another idea. AKA: Steve gets Eddie a job as an anonymous columnist at a local newspaper. My Thoughts: I look back on this fic almost every day, it's just so...hopeful? in a way. Y'know what I mean? This one smells like the dew on fresh grass and feels like the first pull on a morning cigarette as the sunrise heaves over the treetops. I love this fic.
Give me a Reason to Believe by chubbypeachhh
Summary: It's 1996. The world has long been saved, and Dustin Henderson is getting married. When he asks Eddie's daughter to be the flower girl, it brings up one little issue. Steve Harrington has no idea Eddie's daughter exists. My Thoughts: This fic literally wrapped me in the warmest hug I've ever had the privilege to be apart of. It is the embodiment of 'What have i done to deserve this' by the pet shop boys but in the dance floors clearing and only your close friends are left there kinda way.
The one in which the time loop is fucking exhausting by badpancake
Summary: The one where Steve Harrington is stuck in a time loop, and Eddie Munson is really fucking hard to save, or: fuck Volume 2, these bitches are in love. My Thoughts: Do not touch me. My coworker and I opened one morning in July together and they started to describe a fic they started to read that I had to read and the moment they said one detail about this fic, I finished their sentence and stared with glassy eyes. We then proceeded to yell about it the whole time we opened our work and then they had to take a break from fanfiction after that.
Some Nice Young Satanist by theuniversesaidiloveyou
Summary: it's 1991, Robin and Steve have moved to the big city and have an annoying metalhead neighbour who may or may not be someone they haven't seen in about 5 years. My Thoughts: You haven't read this?! I am sorry who are you? This fic is where I hope to be living in the next few years, I think I based more of my personality on Eddie Munson from this fic for it to be okay.
The Kissing Thing by thistledome
Summary: Five times Steve drunkenly made out with a boy that wasn’t Eddie + one time he soberly made out with Eddie instead My Thoughts: This little number was tension as a piece of literature; I am in fact a lovely little whore for that though so I did indeed gobble this in a few hours. It is fantastically enough plot and enough camaraderie to be more than 1 chapter and by God am I glad that it is.
if i dont make it back from where ive gone (just know ive loved you all along) by theoddapocolypse
Summary: On his thirteenth birthday, Eddie Munson received his first kiss. Steve had snuck out from his home, just to bring Eddie a cupcake and the gift he’d made for him. A guitar pick with a hole drilled into the top so that Steve could make it into a necklace. Eddie had immediately put it on and had felt overwhelmed with how much he loved his best friend. My Thoughts: I have made some feral fluff noises and then I made whatever it was while reading this. I don't know how I didn't suffocate myself from screaming into my pillow.
Do you Mind? (Will You Mind?) by Greenofclubs
Summary: Look. It’s not Steve’s fault. It isn’t! It’s just that someone can only get hit on the head so many times before their brain starts cracking, and Eddie Munson is always thinking so GODDAMN LOUD. My Thoughts: Look... I am a sucker for this kind of shit. You put mind reading in front of me in any media? I will literally gobble back that like chocolate pudding.
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myanonymousflower · 2 years
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Lovesick in Loch Nora by red0aktree
Eddie sighed and sunk deeper into the couch, pushing his ankle harder against Steve’s hand, and Steve wondered if maybe there was another reason for it all. Maybe he was twisting his life around Eddie because it was easy, and because he enjoyed the time they spent together.
Steve’s life would have been a whole lot easier if he could share it with someone like Eddie, always, for a reason no more extravagant than because he wanted to.
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by rufusbear (clarkoholic)
[Podfic version] Even though Eddie's name has been cleared legally, he's still very much on trial in the court of public opinion. Dealing drugs isn't a lucrative occupation anymore, and getting a legitimate job in a town who still considers him a killer isn't much of an option, either. Eddie is beginning to think skipping town and starting over somewhere no one knows his name is the only chance he has left. Steve has another idea.
AKA: Steve gets Eddie a job as an anonymous columnist at a local newspaper.
Words: 41, Chapters: 1/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, The Party (Stranger Things), Steve Harrington's Parents
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Recreational Drug Use, Alcohol, References to Canon violence, Drug Dealing, Getting Together, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Literal Sleeping Together, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Requited Love, Podfic, Fandom Trumps Hate, Fandom Trumps Hate 2023
Read on Ao3
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wastelandbabyblue · 2 years
I'm here to remind you if you haven't read lovesick in loch nora YOU NEED TO OMG I'll be very honest I was holding back from reading that fic personally cause the synopsis didn't entice me enough but I finally gave in and read it and I kid you not I finished it in 3hrs and 48 mins, I know the exact time cause I checked my screen time lol ANYWAYS I HAD SO MANY FEELS ONG THROUGHOUT READING THAT FIC, THE BANTER, THE FLUFF, THE TEASING god it's PERFECT. and if you have read it then well you already know 😭
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it's one of my fav steddie fics
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red-0ak-tree · 2 years
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Lovesick in Loch Nora
Even though Eddie's name has been cleared legally, he's still very much on trial in the court of public opinion. Dealing drugs isn't a lucrative occupation anymore, and getting a legitimate job in a town who still considers him a killer isn't much of an option, either. Eddie is beginning to think skipping town and starting over somewhere no one knows his name is the only chance he has left. Steve has another idea.
AKA: Steve gets Eddie a job as an anonymous columnist at a local newspaper.
62k words | 11 chapters | No Archive Warnings Apply | Complete
{Read it on AO3} | {Playlist on Spotify}
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anaxibiaclark · 2 years
The downside to getting hooked on a fanfic. One forgets they need food in order to function as a human being.
I've been reading this one fic all day long because I want to know how it ends instead of letting it stretch out over a few days.
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random-ikea-drawer · 2 years
alr alr I have not seen this goddamn fic get the attention it deserves
Seriously I’m considering drawing fanart for this fic it’s so good and so sweet and
Y e a h :))))
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