#loving the username btw
easyaesthetics · 16 days
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Long time, no Akeshu memes
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Lords in black Yeah’s for the Twitter users. Go wild with them.
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visit-ba-sing-se · 1 month
Hi, I am planning on going on a trip around the Earth Kingdom and I was wondering what the current travel advice is for Ba Sing Se? Thanks!
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linkvcr · 4 months
ouughgh can u draw,, minish cap,,p ls,,,
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can't believe he's 3 pixels tall...
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Offer you the bones from all the small animals my cats have killed and left as presents at my front door.
DC x DP prompt thing (little bit of BrainDead but can be platonic)
Tim Drake and Danny have been online friends since before Danny's accident bc both of their parents don't pay attention to what they are doing.
Let's put this starting at when they are around 11 to 12-ish so right before Tim becomes Robin but knows that Batman is Bruce.
They end up getting really close without telling anyone, besides a name drop here or there. So when Danny becomes Phantom he tells Tim, bc that's one of his best friends (and maybe crush) your honor! It might take a bit but Tim finds out everything and in return so does Danny.
This all comes to ahead when they are like 17-ish, when a reveal goes wrong with Danny's parents which leads to a little dissection and a fast escape to Tim's apartment in Gotham.
No one knows about Danny until one of the Batkids breaks into his apartment for help on a case during a movie night.
Ok. I love this. There is so sosososo much potential in this prompt that i dont want to add to it and accidentally influence peoples view of this. This is a truly magnificent idea homie I love it sm
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end0r4 · 2 months
The best witch out there
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lieutenant-columbro · 10 months
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made-nondescript · 2 months
Hey just wanted to let you know the YouTube shorts found you. Yeah you're in one of those Minecraft parkour vids now.
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oh my god they turned me into a minecraft parkour youtube short. they fucking censored my swearing and confined me to a short!!!!!!!!!
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molochka-koshka · 2 months
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Very very much belated giveaway prize for @generalstephkenobi !! We have a sunbathing Astarion, my absolute fave 😌✨ It was so nice getting to draw him, and I'm so happy with how this turned out~
Do not repost, reblogs are okay tho!
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kisakis-boyfriend · 4 months
for the winter thingy!
can i something with chifuyu? i was thinking after the christmas shebang with taiju and him all bloodied and beaten, mikey called us (m! reader who is baji’s brother) to pick him up. (yk same apartment block and all)
basically we take care of him and baby him a bunch, then the next day he wakes up to nobody in bed…
he walks into the living room, and sees m!reader cheer “merry christmas!” with the entire apartment decorated with a bunch of gifts for him, and they spend the day cuddling and just being cute overall?
(i finished the manga for the first time like a week ago and it’s absolutely killed me please repair my heart)
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Pairings: Chifuyu x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, mentions of blood and violence, patching up Chifuyu, hurt/comfort
Genre/Format: Fluff; Oneshot
Author's Note: This turned out waaayy angstier than I intended in the beginning. I hope the fluffy ending makes up for that. 😅
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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“Don't be too hard on him tonight. It's been kinda rough lately.” Manjiro's words repeated in your head the entire drive to and back from your destination. On the phone you gave a half-hearted, “Yeah I'll try.” and as your mind raced at the same speed of your motorcycle you recalled all of the recent events, deciding that Mikey makes a good point.
First Halloween, now Christmas, how many more holidays will become tainted with the blood from their gang activities? That's something you've never been able to quite understand, even with a brother in said gangs. How many times did he come back home dripping in blood, both his own and someone else's, only to be chewed out by you while you shakily bandage his wounds?
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You pull up to the church Mikey told you about. He's just sitting on the steps, most likely waiting for you after Mikey let him know that he had a ride coming.
At first, the words wouldn't come out. Neither snarky remark nor greeting made its way out of your mouth. You simply looked at him, bloodied and bruised. Just like Baji always was when he came home…
“You come here to stare at me or what?” Chifuyu's voice cut through the cold air, breath visible amongst the falling snow.
A deep sigh escaped before your reply, “Actually I'm your chauffeur. I'm afraid we're all out of limos tonight though, I hope this will suffice?” You joked, glancing down towards your bike. Chifuyu just rolled his eyes playfully at this. “Get on. Before you get frostbite.”
“You don't have to, you know. It's really late and you probably have work tomo-”
“I want to.” You cut him off, stopping what you were doing for a second. “I want to. What kind of shitty friend leaves you alone in that state anyways.” You didn't think he noticed, but you were wrong. He could read you very well sometimes, and he most certainly noticed the strain in your voice as you tried not to cry.
Chifuyu took a seat in the chair you pulled out for him, watching your body rush from his bathroom to his closet while you rounded up the necessary supplies. His first aid kit, some extra washcloths, a bowl of warm water, and a blanket. Placing everything on the dining table while you have him remove his shirt, large, visible bruises already blooming on his chest from whatever blows connected during the fight.
Gently touching the afflicted areas, you asked your friend with each touch, “How badly does this hurt?” Each answer being something along the lines of, “Ouch! A lot!”
“Do you feel like anything is broken?” At this Chifuyu shook his head and mumbled a 'no'. So you continued, soaking a washcloth in the water and wringing it out until it's only damp, dabbing at the biggest cuts on his torso first. Each time the warm fabric made contact with the open wounds, Chifuyu winced. You glanced up at him and whispered “sorry…” while trying to be even more gentle. It was obvious that something was on your mind, judging by the way you weren't practically bullying him for getting hurt so much. A part of him knew why though. He couldn't argue that he was thinking something similar to you tonight.
“Surprised you haven't scolded me for getting hurt.” Chifuyu prompted. Watching you with one eye closed in pain while you wrap some bandages around his chest.
“I'm doing it in my head.” At that, he scoffed. At least you still had some sass in you.
Next, you moved on to cleaning up his face. Chifuyu's cheeks were already a bit swollen from earlier, bloody and bruised just like his torso had been. Before this you carefully wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, telling him that he needed to keep warm after being out in the snow for a while. Once again, Chifuyu noted how gentle you were tonight. Even more so than usual as your hands lingered on his arms for a minute, a bit of your body heat seeping through the fabric while they did.
“Hmph. All this and you still managed to win, huh?” You lightly teased. Chifuyu winced again when you cupped his cheeks.
“Of course we did. Even though we were at a disadvantage from the start.”
While administering your first aid, you prompted your friend to continue, “Oh yeah? How so?”
Chifuyu became more animated while complaining, “Well for starters that dick Hanma beat me up and then tied me up before the real fight even began!” he exclaimed. “Kisaki planned on betraying us all along. Which we probably should have seen coming from a mile away... but Takemitchy thought teaming up with him was our best option, so I agreed to co-operate...”
As he went through the whole story, giving Kisaki, Hanma, and Taiju Shiba increasingly meaner nicknames, Chifuyu gradually blew off the steam left over from the night's conflict. By this point it was well past 2 a.m and you were both exhausted. He offered to let you sleep over and you accepted.
The two of you had spent the night at each other's places many times before, along with Baji and some of their other friends from Toman. So sleeping in the same bed didn't bother either one of you. Especially at such a late hour and after the stressful events of the night. You really just wanted to sleep it off.
Falling asleep came easily, even with Chifuyu's light snoring (which you are totally going to tease him about in the morning). Waking up came easily too. Too easily, in fact... You woke up only 3 hours later unable to fall back asleep. After letting your mind race for a couple minutes, and lots of fidgeting later, you decided to just get up and do something. Literally anything is better than laying in bed all antsy.
Looking around Chifuyu's apartment brought to your attention how unfestive it was. He did at least put the Christmas tree up, but it was barely decorated and the rest of the place looked so... Grinch-like. You recall the festivities that you and your brother got up to in years past, almost always spent with friends after some time with the family. The laughter mixed with 'Christmas dares' that people like Chifuyu, Draken, and you would always end up flustered from.
Since you had some time you figured “What's the harm in livening up the place?” Surely his Christmas decorations weren't buried too deep in the closet?
It's cold. Yeah it is the end of December but, it's like, really cold this morning... Chifuyu thought to himself upon rousing awake. The pain in his limbs and his chest reminded him of last night's happenings. He recalled the fight, the punches he took, celebrating Toman's victory over Black Dragon, and lastly... Chifuyu remembered you. Remembered how distracted you were while taking care of him. Something was off. You never once yelled at him to 'be careful, idiot' or any of the things you usually yelled. Your touch was somehow even more gentle than before too. It was... strange, though not unwelcome.
Chifuyu's hand reached over to shake you awake only to find an empty space. The space where you were last night. Oh.
“Tch. Couldn't wait to ditch me, huh? You're always moving too fast, y/n.” He muttered to himself, running a bandaged hand through his hair before slipping out of bed and trudging to the living room.
His feet carried him across the floor until...
Until a very loud voice jolted him fully awake. Clutching a hand over his chest, Chifuyu shouted in retaliation, “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! What the hell?!?!”
To which you only laughed, “Yes! That's my job and you know it!” Chifuyu couldn't decide whether he was happy that you were back to your usual, sarcastic self or not... Regardless, he did say thanks.
“I made breakfast by the way. I wasn't sure what you'd feel like so I just cooked something simple... and my special french toast.” You added. A statement that caused your friend's eyes to sparkle at the mere mention of. After fixing up a plate for each of you, you sat down by the properly decorated tree. Chatting about how you pulled off decorating his entire living room without waking him up, reminiscing about Christmases past, and your plans for the rest of the day. All before casually sliding a gift box towards him.
“What's this?”
“Open it, silly.”
Carefully removing the blue ribbon and the lid of the box revealed a picture frame with a photo of Chifuyu, Baji, and yourself from a summer trip last year.
“Y/n...” Chifuyu whispered, staring at the photo in his hands. His eyes scanned over it again and again, taking in all of the details fondly.
“I thought it would be nice to have. Knowing my brother I'm sure he wouldn't want us sulking over his death. He'd want us to remember the happy times, and to move forward and make more good memories.” While you already felt the tears coating your own eyes, it was Chifuyu who cried first. Though he swears it's just some dust, definitely not tears!
“Yeah, uh-huh, sure. Whatever, there's more under the tree. I just wanted to give you that one first.”
You watched as your friend laid the picture frame down so that he could tackle-hug you to the ground, hurting both of your ribcages at once. “Oof– Alright, alright! You're welcome! Don't hurt yourself, you're still injured!” you chastised.
And he laughed that precious laugh of his that always brought a smile to your face. “Sorry, Doc. Got a little too excited there! But seriously, thank you, y/n. That was a thoughtful gift.”
“You're welcome. Now c'mon, open the rest!” Chifuyu nodded, smiling as he felt you pull him into your lap while he opened another gift.
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luminlunii · 7 months
I keep seeing your art on insta when I found out how MUCH lackadaisy you posted omg I think I’m in love with you
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I never imagined someone would find me both on insta and tumblr
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pigdemonart · 6 months
Sorry to send two asks in as many days but I’m beginning to wonder if the reason Isadore is so cranky around Ingo and Emmet is because he has a big fat crush on one or both of them
OH i dont mind, send as many as you want! I can only promise to do my best to answer when I can
Honestly, thats a funny hc. very classic for the angry guy to be secretly harboring feelings, like a tsundere type. And yes admittedly its very gay to obsessively plot the downfall of your enemies, i aint against the interpretation
The way I see it, Isadore is the kind of guy that thinks he’s smarter than everyone and he only disdainfully respects the twins because they are his superior. In every other aspect, he looks down on them LOL
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pup-pee · 4 months
happy l8 valentines day ((if u saw me post this NO U DIDNT))((srry))
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im feeling sick i dk krhgkiblhlb y am i thping thsi again
the og thingigiiii
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asleepyy · 8 months
god i love your au so much it hurts me. especially with aziraphale trying to convince himself that the falling Had to happen or else he wouldnt be able to handle it. fucks me up SEVERELY. okay question time. are you going in chrono order? if so, are u adding season 2 into the mix? just wondering :)
man. i just love this comic and au so much i just waanna JSNSAHHHJHH
THANK YOU very much!! I am doing chronological order, and I will be adding season 2 into the mix! Howeverrrrr, some things I may have to simplify, skip, or come back to later on because they're a bit more complicated, or are quiet long. FOR EXAMPLE, the Job story.
I originally had planned to do it, but it would take me quite some time to make it, so i plan on either making it a flashback, or if people are interested, creating a fanfic for it instead. (or, if any fic writers are interested, perhaps a collab? I'll draw some pictures and u can help write the story!)
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Bobby Dancing!!
Congrats on 100 follows!! I love ur art ♡
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thank you!! felt like this is the most im character for bobby
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Booster Gold must have messed up time in some fashion coming to the past to get famous, right? So consider: Amity Park and Phantom were supposed to be discovered when the league first started expanding out from the original 6 and Danny was supposed to be one of the first members recruited into the expanded league, but Booster Gold got in the way. If Clockwork had his way and had actually gotten the best timeline he wanted, Danny would have had other heroes as support from the moment he defeated Pariah Dark and never would have had to face Dan the way he did because he would have had resources to help him learn how to balance his double life and wouldn't be desperate enough that he's willing to cheat on the CAT.
As a perfect wrench in Clockwork's machinations, Booster Gold delays whichever league member was supposed to accidentally get stuck in Amity Park just as Pariah Dark dragged it to the ghost zone and meet Danny. They pass Amity Park while it is in another dimension and don't even notice there is supposed to be a town there. After that, Clockwork had to improvise, which lead to Danny's much more stressful rise to heroics.
Jump to much later, and there's something wrong and Booster Gold is just "Why don't you ask Phantom?" When he only gets confused looks and he starts trying to explain like "You know? The eternal youth? Prince of the restless dead? The young ghost king? Danny Phantom? Come on! He was practically the first guy to join up when the League expanded beyond the original 6!" Only for his robot buddy to inform him about the new history inconsistencies.
Obviously, they need to go get their missing recruit so they go to Amity Park to meet Phantom and find out about things like the anti-ecto acts along the way. Batman takes one look at the exhausted, traumatized, and very much done with everything teen hero and is just "We'll find a different solution to [problem that had them seeking him out]. First, how do we help?"
Danny, upon learning why he didn't get help from the league at the point where he most desperately needed adult support, might try to strangle Booster Gold.
Booster accidentally horribly fucking up the timeline is just his style. Get ready to have a very pissed off ghost on your hands bud.
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