#loving these two queer icons❤️
milesworld96 · 10 months
Happy 9 months and 1 week early pride month❤️🏳️‍🌈
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❤️🤍💙 #RWRB #RWRBMovie #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue
Casey being iconic-i just love Them so much!!
. https://twitter.com/ThisIsGSage23/status/1791335511728013403?s=19 .
"I just really wanted to explore both of those characters and I wanted to do it in a way that I hadn't really seen before, and also just like as a queer person I want to make queer art and that's what I'm drawn and that's what I'm interested in. So I kind of had these two different ideas, it was like one idea was that I would write a book about this rebellious first kid who's like figuring out that they're queer and what does that mean for their like political aspirations; and the other was about you know sort of a member of the royal family under all of this pressure to carry on this legacy and like what does that mean if they're gay. Um-And I'm just like kind of weighing these two different stories and deciding where I wanted to go and then I just kind of had this moment of like What If I didn't have to choose and it was the same story because they fall in love with each other? And-Um-You know in a classic bisexual fashion I was like I'm gonna have both, so I did!"
"It was really important to me that Alex was explicitly bisexual because like, you know, I really wanted the representation of like this bisexual character and then it was important to me that he was also Mexican like he is in the book and that he was played by a Mexican actor. (..) It was really important to me that, um, I didn't want any, I didn't want Alex or Henry, no matter how their stories were translated to the screen, I didn't want either of them to have any type of, um, like shame or resentment towards themselves for being queer, it was really important to me that the stakes of their lives and their like inner conflict was much more based on like the circumstances that they're in. It's like they don't hate themselves for being gay-or for being bi-they just wish that it was easier to be who they were in the world that they live in."
"..Taylor embodies that so beautifully. (..) I think he's just killer in that role. And Nick, I mean, if you like turned me upside down and shook me like he would fall out my brain as Henry (..) doesn't have blue eyes but they sure are sad eyes and that is exactly what they need to be."
"I see myself in Alex, tremendously, I'm very much in Alex, I relate to him so much, uh, truly, I think he's the most like me of all my characters."
"I very much would love screenwriting to become part of what I do, I'll say it that way."
BTW for everyone interested: Red, White & Royal Blue: Collector's Edition Henry PoV bonus chapter by Casey Mcquiston : https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/752528941905018880?source=share
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 19 days
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 To celebrate here is a romantic relationship reading for yall! Be aware that these are read with queer people in mind. ALSO THIS IS AN 18+ READING. If you are younger than 18 please do not interact. THANK YOU. Love is love baby and I will not tolerate hatred here. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind, my friends. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🤍🩵🩷
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Crystal: Green Aventurine
Astrology: Cancer, Leo, Capricorn
Character: Keroppi
Song: Red Wine Supernova by Chappel Roan/ SUNRISE by MICHELLE
Vibes: 💚❤️🍷🧝👒🪖🍒🐸🥀🍄🍏🍉🍑🐛🪲🐢🐍🍎🦖🦎🪴🥊🚗🌴🎍🍀🍃🎋🪷🍓🌶️🍝🥒🥑🥬🫑🥦🫛🌹🥗🧃
Ribbit! Hiiiii pile one <3 I see you really think this person is cool. You have so much fun with them. The most fun you have had with someone in a while. The seggs is absolutely amazing with them. They can go hard and long just like you like it. They like to try new stuff with you too. New toys and new positions are brought up everytime you guys get together. I also see they are excellent dirty-talker. You are starstruck by him. This connection is awesome but I think it might be a shorter connection than you like. They want intimacy with you and they want to be your friend. From your perspective you think they want more than that. Make sure you are on the same page with this person on what they want and make sure that what you want matches with them. When I say that I mean really honestly on the same page. You can’t change yourself for them. Don’t ignore your feelings just to make them happy. You might need more romance than they can offer. If they can’t provide the romance or reliability you need then the connection you have with him doesn’t have to be severed but it does need reevaluation. Just understand it won’t go any farther than friends with benefits. Don’t ask him to change either. Both of you deserve love in the ways you need it. He needs less romance than you do but that doesn’t make your needs less important. You can always stay friends or keep a friends-with-benefits thing going until you find a partner that can give you the romantic energy you need. I do see them being weirdly jealous sometimes though. That is not them telling you they have feelings for you. They're just territorial about who they fuck with. They have very animalistic energy. Which is why I implore you to have conversations about how you both feel regularly just to make sure yall stay on the same page. I wish you luck on your sexellent sexapades, my friend. 💙🩵🤍💚💙
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Crystal: Carnelian
Astrology: Sagittarius, Pisces
Character: Hello Kitty
Song: I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) by Disney / Rocket Ship by Nep
Vibes: 🦑🦞🦊🐞🍁🔥☄️🍑🍊🍅🥕🥧🌭🍕🏀🏈⛹🏽‍♀️🥉🚀⛺️🏺🧱🧡💛💥🥻🧑‍🦰🎃🥵🤯📳📙💊🏮🌇⛱️⛵️
Hello, kitty! Welcome to your reading pile two. You are waiting on this person. They are getting their head figured out. I see they are in therapy. They do have feelings for you right now buuut they just don’t realize it yet. Once they realize it though. Oh. My. Goodness. It will be MAGICAL. Ya just gotta be patient with them okay? I see you are extremely practical so you probably aren’t the type to sleep around or keep things casual. You want a future with this person. I see some of ya’ll reading have been in a relationship with this person for a while but they haven’t really been taking it seriously. Some of you have just been texting with this person and are unofficial. Don’t worry. Let them take the time they need to figure out their feelings. I see you both have a lot of feminine energy and remember feminine energy is still, so it might take your future spouse some time to figure out how much you make them happy. They don’t seem very intune with their feelings lmao. Once you are official? You will be ICONIC. People might be jealous of what you will have with them so it is so worth the wait, my friend. You’ll have matching everything by the way. You might already do that by accident with them. Matching clothes, matching shoes, matching tattoos, matching bags, matching water bottles like it is going to be pinterest worthy relationship goals. You might also say a lot of stuff at the same time by accident too. Wow. Yall are so cool I can’t stand it. I hope they figure out their feelings for you soon so you can get to slaying. ❤️🧡🤍💗🩷
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Crystal: Angelite
Astrology: Aquarius, Scorpio
Character: Cinnamoroll
Song: Poison by Sam Haft
Vibes: 🩵🥺🩷😇💛🖤🎀✏️💎🚬😭🧠⛓️🧞‍♀️💑🧳✈️🥃🍯🛼🧊😱❄️🕳️💣⛈️🪷🦩🦋🪱🤡🐝🩱👻⚔️👑👛👚😰🔭🪬🧿
Bark Bark!! Hello, pile threee! Gonna be for real for a sec. You are kind of a mess and this reading is pretty hard to hear. I see you are stuck in a relationship with someone. Luckily this reading isn’t about that partner. They can go suck eggs for all I care. They turned you into this mess. You apologize to them when they hurt YOUR feelings. That’s ick. Why do they gotta make you do that, huh? They make you pretend to be someone you arent! Anywho you should leave them. Like seriously leave them. I know it’s scary! I PROMISE DUDE. I know from personal experience. Leave. As soon as you leave. This new person will come in after a couple months. You might thiiink the person you’re with right now is your twin flame. That is not true dude. There is this term called a false twin flame. I had to go through that whole process too. It is not fun. The reason you are going through this is because you canNOT stick around this ASSHOLE just because you are afraid of being alone! Cutting off the dead rose will allow another rose to bloom. You have tried to fix the mess of a partner you are with. It hasn’t worked. You can’t make someone better who doesn’t want to be better. Yeah I said it! They don’t want to get better! That's why they refuse to do therapy. That's why they won’t change for you. I learned this a while ago. Some people just like to hurt. They like to be the victim. However, there is good news. You can leave. Take your power back and you will be rewarded with the rainbow after the storm. You are an angel and you deserve another angel. You will get one, sweetpea. The nicest angel they have. When you meet them you will know it is them because they will be wearing SO much BLUE. They're a hopeless romantic just like you, hun. They’ll worship you and the ground you walk on. So much you won’t know what to do. You might cry when you realize they aren’t gonna hurt you the way you are currently being hurt. Baby, I’m really begging you to trust the universe will send you the best reward for doing right by you. I know you can do it. You are so much more than how your current person makes you feel. 🩷💛🩵/🖤💛🤍💜
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Crystal: Iolite
Astrology: Aries, Taurus, Libra
Character: Kuromi
Song: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl by Chappel Roan/ Short Skirt-Long Jacket by Jet
Vibes: 💜🖤☕️💛🔮🧬🎆🎼🎹♟️📒🏵️🔌🥇🍆💻🍇🍙🐈‍⬛🦮🕷️🕶️👽👾😈🔪🦹💅🏽👯🗝️✒️💣
>:3 HI, PILE FOUR! I have the best news my friend! THIS READING IS SO INTERSTELLAR! The emperor and the empress ruling together! The emperor in this reading is a lil scared though. Understandable to be honest. He has been burned real bad in the past. He doesn’t have to worry anymore. All the painful relationships are behind him. He can relax into this connection. The empress is this reading is loyal, fair and very protective. When I say fair I do mean both definitions. She is Just and also drop dead gorgeous. She might be kind of scary at times but she loves the emperor and would beat up anyone who messed with him. She wears a lot of alternative fashion. She seems goth to me but it could also be punk rock or emo. She likes to garden and she has a cat. I imagine the cat's name is “shadow” or something? I see the emperor wearing alternative fashion as well but softer styles like cottagecore or clowncore. He is also quite stubborn. He is so headstrong about stuff because he had been a pushover for a long time and now he refuses to be pushed around. I dunno if they're both trans but since it's pride month I’m gonna say they're both transgender. 🏳️‍⚧️ I see you meeting the other in a park or bumping into each other at pride. There is nothing to fear with this connection. It is balanced, loving and you motivate each other deeply to go after what you both desire most. OH ALSO your seggs life will be AMAAAAAZING cus you are both switches. You also both listen to each other's needs when in the bedroom. I am so happy for the both of you. You deserve each other. 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
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Crystal: Citrine
Astrology: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
Character: My Melody
Song: Too Sweet by Hozier
Vibes: 💝😜🙀👄💑👙⚜️🔐👛👑🐱🐙🌷🌸🔔🌼💐☀️🍌🍉🎟️🥎🩰💰⚱️🔑🎊🎀🛍️📣🐌
:3c Hi pile 5! Welcome to this reading! When I was pulling cards for today's reading I very much decided to do a fifth pile last minute. Which leads me to believe you don't see the love interest as a possibility right now. You think they are out of your league and you are trying soooo hard not to pine over them. I'm going to try to give you a clue of who this is because I see it being kind of hard for you to accept it when you figure it out. I hear you saying “Noooooo it couldn’t be them!” and yet they still linger on your mind. You think about them a lot. They are quite stoic and don’t really wear their emotions on their sleeves. This is the opposite of you. You refer to them as your Moon to your Sun. They could be any water sign (cancer, pisces, scorpio). They like to wear patterned clothes with really small patterns. You can't quite tell what they are until you get up close. This might be on purpose cus they like it when you are close to them hehe. From your perspective they seem really responsible and well off. Sometimes you compare yourself to them and it makes you feel like you aren’t doing stuff right. I promise you are doing things right by the way. You just have more on your plate than your future partner does. I see you have a lot of trauma you have been working through on top of the regular everyday stuff. When you are with them you feel complete and whole. They fill in the spaces that you struggle keeping balanced on your own. I see you playing video games or board games together. So cute ^w^! However I see they probably are in a situationship right now. Someone is leading them on and they have been for a while. Someone kind of corvid like keeps them occupied and it’s been harder and harder to see them as often as you used to. That situationship won’t last. If you want to intervene on it, I see that is a possibility that might help you get closer with them. Ask them about their love life and be curious. Just remember to play the long game when approaching them about this corvid-like person. The corvid is playing the short game. Slow and steady wins the race. 🩷💜💙
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tipsyscone · 21 days
for the dbd ask game: 2, 14, 21 ♡
2 - fave episode
Oh boy, probably episode 7! It has so many interesting character beats to me, and I get too distracted watching it when I have Dead Boys going in the background. To start with, I love Crystal's storyline starting with her being so adamant to also go to hell to save Edwin. We all know that their relationship has gotten off to a rocky start and I feel this really solidifies her care for Edwin and shows they have their own friendship outside of Charles. She is so worried about not knowing who she is that I feel she has failed to noticed she has already made her own found family.
The scenes with Niko and the Night Nurse really showcases Niko missing her dad and is another of great addition to the episode. For me it's the only explanation of why the group didn't wonder why Niko wasnt a ghost- she obviously passed on to be with her father, right? (Truly heartbreaking to me that they don't even know to look for her at this point.)
George Rexstrew's performance this whole episode is superb imo. The scene with Simon is so heartbreaking (shout out to Gabriel Drake!) and really hit me in the queer feels. I feel like many queer people have had that feeling when we are younger of being wrong, and to have these two boys help each other to move on healed something in me. Follow this up with THE STAIRCASE- the way Edwin's breath catches as he confesses and the fragile look on his face; the collar bone touch from Charles gets me every time. And I'm so thankful for Charles response. Payneland until I die, but it is perhaps the only pair I ship that if it stayed a QPR I would still be okay with it.
14 - plotline you would put into S2/any future season
I really want to see more Edwin and Crystal friendship and for them to pair up on a case together next season! I think it was an unappreciated duo and I would love to get to see them be mean girls together. I think they would be iconic verbally ripping apart a rude client.
I also need Monty to return asap. That poor little crow boy deserves another chance and I'm heartbroken that they just left him in that house. I hope he somehow becomes besties with Jenny- a crow and a goth together at last. I would also love if somehow Monty and the Cat King both came to London as a duo if we are to get cameos. It could work so well for them to have bonded in the absence of the other characters and now they need the dbda to take a case for them.
It would make my little heart so happy for Monty to get any happy ending but I hope he gets a boyfriend please and thank you.
21 - something in the show that made you happy
I really appreciate that the show made women fully fleshed out characters. It would have been easy for them to have Niko be the positive attitude character, but I think we can all relate to her a lot more knowing she struggles with fitting in and is dealing with the loss of a loved one. Jenny could have been all about the pithy oneliners, but instead we found out about her having to learn a business that was left to her by her father and her struggles to find people to connect to. Even the Night Nurse goes on a journey to learn empathy for humans. Truly a shout out to all the woman writers, actors and crew on this show for having such nuanced characters when other supernatural shows in the past haven't bothered.
Also I really love Kingham and Litty and I hope they stick around for awhile next season so I can enjoy more of their savagery. And maybe they can learn to not be dicks ❤️
Thanks for thinking of me @plutosheaven! I'm usually just the one screaming in the reblogs of everyone else's posts, but I want all of the artist and writers in the fandom to know I appreciate you and you're amazing!
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lostmykiliel · 2 months
Hi Marie :) forgive me if you’ve already made a post about this at some point but I’m fairly new here. Due to recent events (aka insta posts and comments) I’m wondering do you know and can perhaps explain to me what the significance of all the sunset/sun/moon/sky pictures is? If there is one at all? Whenever I see them doing this I’m kind of like *cardi b voice* „That’s suspicious. That’s weird.“
Hi nonnie.
First of all welcome! 🫶
And I'll try my best to answer this, but a little disclaimer I am no lore expert so I may not know/forgot something.
That being said, let's start with some background info:
Mile and Apo chose and performed two very interesting songs on stage as Kinn and Porsche for the Kinnporsche World Tour 2022/2023.
First: 'Fly me to the moon'
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Second: 'The moon represents my heart'
Both iconic queer songs about the moon.
And additionally in some Asian countries the phrase "Isn't the moon beautiful?" is another way to say I love you.
Ok back to Mile & Apo themselves:
There is reason to believe the sky/moon has a special meaning to them personally as well.
The most famous story: When both of them were in different parts of Thailand in December 2022, Apo even wrote poetry about it:
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However it wasn't the first time, while Mile was in Kalasin in April 2022 Apo posted this:
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Other times when they were separated (and this are just the most recent ones):
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Though Apo (and Mile) like sky pictures in general, we see those sunset/night sky/moon pictures mostly when they are in different parts of the country/world.
If I remember correctly those were posted on the same day in October 2023 and it's from the same building (where their vocal coach lives):
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On that day they were attacked by haters once again and people thought that was why they were in this mood.
And one time were both of them were in BKK and nothing extraordinary happened*:
[*At least as far as we know.]
Last but not least many fans compare Mile & Apo to the moon & sun, because of their different personalities that are very harmonious. They themselves compared each other to Yin and Yang many times already.
I guess you asked because of the one sky picture Apo posted yesterday on IG:
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Hope this helps!
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maddgical-boy · 1 month
remakin my pinned post bc i love spending hours on fun formats. anyways
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⸝⸝⊂➜﹒it's me! ⊃⸝⸝
mark/vinny ☆ he/him ☆ minor (strictly 18+ only blogs block me)
hello all! here i post about all things daydreaming-related, as well as some self insert stuff since there is big overlap there for me.
i have mainly fictparacosms (paracosms of existing fictional media). i'm kinda shy about them so i don't discuss them as much but please be respectful when i do. they do not always line up with canon and i just want to be happy and have a fun time since my life is sad. :)
❤️ this blog is a safe space for all madders/iders and whatever you daydream about. even if it's considered really dark nasty shit, and even if it's willingly! fiction is fiction my friends. ❤️
feel free to send asks about my paracosms or about yours! tumblr is buggy and i am chronically ill so i may not get to it right away, but rest easy knowing each ask is treasured in my heart <3 i'm shy but i want to interact with you all
if you want to see more of my silly self talking about other random things, my main is @thecrimeofmans-laughter!
below are paracosms & tags!
paracosms ☁︎‎‎‧₊˚*𖦹
these fluctuate in and out of how relevant they are to me, especially because god cursed my interests to wholly take over my life and then suddenly evaporate like sweat. this is also why i have random mini paracosms that only come out of hibernation if my hyperfixation does too! lmao
■ queerer things still — five teens learn of the magical secret realms on earth and travel through them to uncover the main para (enya liao)'s mysterious past. all of them have magical powers and all of them have emotional baggage that they are eventually forced to deal with by fighting monsters that target their greatest weaknesses. everything is weird and also everything is queer (hence the name).
■ arrows of shield — big crossover between marvel's agents of shield and the cw's arrowverse. at the center of it all is me, because i am awesome. (and because i need to cope with life.) the only other teenagers (and original paras) are cicero (an entity meant to deal with all emotional and physical pains) and jessop jiang (a boy from the typical 60s american suburb who accidentally killed his mother).
■ the super happy life of akemi ōtani — a blanket paracosm for all daydreams involving any of koei's musou warriors games (that i have played, which is dw8, sw2, 4, 4ii, and 5, and wo4). the name is from one of my two samurai warriors ocs, as she has a very normal, happy life with her dad and sister that is absolutely not besieged by period-typical war. (also my icon on this blog is of nō, who is a character from sw5! she's in her dlc outfit. i love her)
■ yttd paracosm 2 — i don't have a name for this one yet shhh. anyway have you ever theorized that shunsuke hayasaka is sue miley's mysterious fiancé and then made a yttd sona that has become separate from you and is also their adopted child and is also dating ranmaru kageyama and then spent way too much time rewriting the lore of the game to fit this change? that's what this is. (my first yttd paracosm is asunaroland which isn't as major anymore but yeah. i have 2 of these fuckers)
tags i'll use ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
i love using tags i love organizing i love formatting i love archiving \(^▽^@)ノ ☆ヾ(*´▽`)ノ ~(≧◇≦)/゙゙゙
my original posts -> #mark stops daydreaming for a sec.txt
answering asks -> #mark answers asks, #ask game answers | feel free to send in something from my ask game!
vents about madd -> #madd vent, #intrusive daydreaming | all of these are ok to rb
positivity about daydreaming -> #positivity <3
my art -> #martk | other art is on my toyhouse and instagram AND CARA!! | want me to draw your paras? commission me!
useful madd-related things -> #useful
anything not daydreaming-related, for whatever reason -> #not madd
...and probably other tags i'm forgetting! yayyy!!
all paracosms and paras are tagged #like this* to avoid anything (like fictpara stuff) showing up in big public tags because i am Scared
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dividers: animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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Anders approval drama never dies, does it? It's a big button pushed whenever Anders is being enjoyed too peacefully and someone wants to resurrect the Abhorrent Anders vs. Flawless Fenris agenda. (Look, Fenris is flawless but it's not a zero sum game).
Here's the thing, though, in over 10 years the desire to discredit Anders has only ever gone hand in hand with trivializing what he represents within the larger themes of the narrative and that's the main reason for the pushback and frustration. It's unsurprising Anders and Fenris are both loved and prioritised, they're two sides of the same dented and downtrodden coin— a mirror of each other (not a trigger for each other)— people are right to relate to their struggles and flaws, and desire the best for them.
However, Anders (as with most DA2 characters) is also a rushed series of sociopolitical metaphors stuffed into a passionate and traumatized activist whose mental health is deteriorating on screen in a game that doesn't know how to say anything salient without also giving fascism a soap box. He's inconsistently written because DA2 is careless with its allegories and metaphors. (That's not even getting into how Anders/Justice is based on a irl person with bipolar, particularly dark considering you can choose to mercy kill him).
Anders is mage rights in a game about mage rights. His deterioration parallels the deterioration of the 'relationship' between the mages and templars in Kirkwall. His whole character arc asks the question of where the line is between Justice and Vengeance. He blew up a symbol of his oppression. All this makes him a iconic and memorable character. Yet he's also serving as allegory for historically marginalized identities imprisoned by authoritarian governments. His innate magic, its treatment, and his ostracism serves generally as metaphors for queerness. This is to say that a formally enslaved character shouldn't have been the biggest mouthpiece for being pro mage internment and abuse, and neither Fenris' or Anders' trauma should have been used to two-sides an argument that is very clearly one-sided.
Whether Anders approval is in character is besides the point because it shouldn't have been an option in the first place. It was a trivialization of Fenris' enslavement (thus of slavery overall), their relationship (they don't hate each other that much, God), and Anders' cause (making him a monstrous hypocrite is justification for killing him and dismissing the mage cause). What's more, their rivalry itself— without development, resolution, or catharsis— leaves less thoughtful players feeling vindicated in hating, abusing, or discarding both of them in ways that mirror how they are treated textually. It was irresponsible Dragon Age storytelling and DA2 shouldn't get a pass for its careless aspects because of a neverending compulsion to throw Anders under the bus.
Well, my piece is said and now I'll keep loving both Fenris and Anders in peace 😅❤️.
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jarjarblinks · 12 days
It’s so weird having my toes in two places spiritually. I’ve found Lutheranism to be the most compelling theology, but Eastern Orthodoxy to have the best prayer practices.
I don’t think it’s idolatry to use an image when praying and am so excited to get my first icon and clay lamp in the mail. I already use a prayer rope. It is so, so fulfilling.
But I also know EOdoxy is socially conservative and rife with queerphobia that I absolutely do not subscribe to and goes against who I am (bi intersex demigirl lol). So for now I’m doing my thing, in my own lil prayer corner. I know it’s enough.
Wishing all Christian queers a happy Pride, especially those surviving conservative spaces. Love yous. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️✝️☦️
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lassusog · 1 year
Tag game: Eight shows to get to know me!
I was tagged by the lovely @smoothshine, thank you friend ❤️
1. The adventures of Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie)
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This is my favourite show of all time. I don’t even know how many times I’ve watched every episode and this is thirteen seasons long. Agatha Christie is a literary giant and this is arguably one of the best page-to-screen adaptations of all time, for good reason. David Suchet portrays Poirot brilliantly, his friend group is to die for and one episode is enough to scratch that i want a cozy murder mystery where everything works out in the end itch. 
2. Sherlock BBC
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This show is part of my personality, really, and what originally got me into fandom. Apart from being an incredibly well crafted adaptation, this was also the first time I actually saw a queer couple live together. And no, I don’t take criticism on the fact of their being a queer couple. When I was a baby lesbian Sherlock and Irene Adler where my icons and it was so nice logging on tumblr and seeing people showing love to something gay. Up till then I didn’t think it was possible
3. She-Ra
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This show altered my brain chemistry. An actual lesbian couple being the core of an amazing tv series? My heart was blown to bits and reconstructed. I watched this, again, as a baby gay, and it was very affirming and gentle to my heart
4. The end of the f***ing world 
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I cannot stress how much I love this show. Season 2 especially is such a respectful and kind approach on how traumatic experiences shape our perception of the the world and how much we need people who love and understand us as we learn to navigate it again.
5. Merlin
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The first few seasons of this live in my heart rent free, I adore Merlin so much. I want to hug every character. And officiate Merlin and Arthur’s wedding.
6. Feel Good
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I can’t say how many times I’ve watched this show but it certainly isn’t a healthy amount. It’s funny, it’s tender and it’s a story about two young queer people learning to accept themselves and love each other. What’s not to love?
7. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 
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I’m sorry, I know this show has a brilliant story about two brothers in it but Roy and Riza are the protagonists for me, I just *screams* 
8. Criminal: UK 
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This show is what opened my eyes to what an amazing craft directing is.  Everything happens in an interrogation booth but the acting and directing is so good you don’t get bored for a single minute and the cases are excellent as well. 
This was very difficult, actually! And I have so many more shows I love that I could place here. I tag: @scienceoftheidiot @qs63, @dairogo @jedidragonwarriorqueen and @chryseis​. Have fun!
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shelivesinhermind · 7 months
10 Characters// 10 Fandoms// 10 Tags
pick 10 characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people. Thank you for the tag @ladyyennefer and @therealvikingstrash !!
Guy of Gisbon (BBC Robin Hood) Currently doing a rewatch of this show and forgot how he was a favorite. Clearly dark, hot-headed, men with a soft spot are just as much a thing from my past as it is true for me today :)
Emma of Normandy (Vikings: Valhalla) She's an icon. A badass in her own way. And marries a dark, hot-headed Viking man. How can I not be obsessed with her?
Daniel Arlington aka Darlington (Ninth House) I also have a love for demon fighting, hell exploring, men with a dark past and cynicism. His girlfriend is also a badass fellow demon fighter, so double the trouble ;)
The Fool (The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb) I love this queer, silly, loyal, outsider. That's all. He is everything. And I need to pick this series back up.
Gabriel De Leon (Empire of the Vampire) Again, dark, hot headed, complicated past, soft spot, the pattern is clear. This man is the only vampire I have considered my favortie, and this book is an all time favorite. I can't wait for book two!
Morgana Pendragon (BBC Merlin) My original queen with a dark heart. She will always be a favorite and always included on any list.
Calian (Walker: Independence) It is so hard to pick a favorite from this short lived western, but I also so happen to love a long-haired, heart of gold, humble man (ode to my Prince Caspian days). Calian was the best ❤️
Donna Noble (Doctor Who) You know, Donna was never an all time favorite companion of mine, but I am loving her in the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary. And plus my favorite Doctor is back! I think this special is gonna make me supper emotional when it is over.
Rissa (Plated Prisoner Series) As for a lot of fantasy romance that I read, secondary characters tend to become my favorite. This is true for my little spit fire, Rissa. She has crawled her way out of the pits, and I just want her to be happy. Particularly with a grumpy, hairy, obsessed with her soldier named Osrik. Gold can't come soon enough! ✨️
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) Watching the new Star Wars series -- Asoka and the Obi Wan-Kenobi tv series -- has reminded me of my early kid days and watching Hayden Christian as Anakin. The Original dark, complicated past, misunderstood character. The nostalgia was real.
I don't believe I have 10 people who I can tag, but I will do my best. @lafiametta @naps4bats @phoenixwrites @guinevereslancelot
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heartsopenminds · 2 years
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I posted 2,448 times in 2022
51 posts created (2%)
2,397 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 279 of my posts in 2022
#dnp - 43 posts
#ofmd - 36 posts
#heartstopper - 30 posts
#daniel howell - 15 posts
#phanfic - 15 posts
#heartstopper spoilers - 14 posts
#fic rec - 11 posts
#phanart - 6 posts
#phil lester - 4 posts
#gorgeous! - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#misread the artist name as penny lancaster and was like supporting artists is great but i dont think rod stewarts wife waa short of cash
My Top Posts in 2022:
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youtube recommending ninety minutes of dan telling us about how shitty youtube can be, we love to see it
66 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
words don’t come so easily
pairing: Dan Howell/Phil Lester
rating: general
tags: alternate universe, first meeting, artist phil lester
word count: 8019
summary:  When Dan agrees to be a celebrity guest on a reality show for artists, his only aim is to raise his profile a little and appease his agent.
That is, until he meets the artists who'll be painting his portrait, and one in particular catches his eye...
for @hiwatari​, sorry it’s been so delayed ❤️
thanks so much to @sainthelmine for this gorgeous art of dan viewing phil’s self portrait, it’s exactly what I’d imagined!
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71 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
So we've had OFMD, Heartstopper and now Dan's back....2022 is officially the year of the queer, baby
160 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
preshow hangout q+a! london 28 sept
I was at the show again tonight (I got to go on friday too!) and it was sooo good! I also got to go to the pre show hangout, so here’s some highlights from the q+a - putting under the cut as it’s v long and maybe a little spoilerish so....
- dan had lots of people he knows coming to the show tonight and was trying not to think about how how much ‘adult content’ there is and how they might react
- he had to remove some grandma jokes from the cardiff show because of the queen's funeral
- what disney prince would he bang? Immediate answer was the beast, then he clarified he meant in human form, then switched to aladdin
- people have mocked him for the fact that all he has in his rider is red bull, water and a banana (he reassured us this was not for sexual purposes)
- his feet smell like soap, but apparently americans have told him that's weird because everyone uses shower gel these days and soap is for medievel peasants
- he used to know how to do the dance to lucifer by shinee, and they're his number one all time group
- he thanked the person who wrote 'piss' on their piece of paper for bringing that over from instagram q+a’s
- the box where people post questions which is labelled ‘dan’s hole’ is now being referred to as ‘dan's slit’ because it’s a slot not a round hole
- the crew named the box dan's hole without consulting him and he's worried about getting it through customs to america
- the vip bags are meant to be an end of the world survival kit and you can use the bracelet as a weapon to fire at people's eyes and blind them
- there's lots of journalists coming to review the show tonight and Dan is worried they are all going to be bald white old heterosexual men and will think he’s just a woke child, but apparently if he wears nail varnish they'll suddenly realise he's gay and then whatever he says will be fine
- he said several times that we all have to make sure we cheer and look like we're enjoying the show so that the journalists will give him a good review
- his least favourite one direction solo music is liam payne’s
- the same person who asked that also asked for 'thoughts on’ daddy marx aka karl' and dan’s response was icon, legend, slay
- if phil were turned into a houseplant, dan wouldn't water him as he wouldn't deserve it because of how many plants he's killed
- dan thinks phil will live in filth for two months while he tours america and then do a panic clean 2 days before he gets back
- the person who asked them for a threesome was.....your mum
- corgi might win over shibe in the 'get a dog' discussion because shibes are apparently not very emotionally available
- someone said get one of each and Dan said he doesn't want to come home from tour and find two dog skeletons, so maybe that's a 2023 thing (!!)
- he emotionally vibes with the idea of becoming a cottagecore cat lady with 9 black cats
- his dream place to do a show would be in his house so he doesn't have to get dressed, so probably a livestream of him sleeping
- if he had to be a biscuit he'd be a hobnob - messy, large, circular and full of too much sugar
- fuck marry kill with mariokart characters - he'd marry then fuck then kill luigi
- he’s clueless about wine and never knows what to say when people ask him what his favourite red wine is
- phil only likes alcohol that tastes like ribena, and likes a nice gay rosé
- fave alcoholic drink - he said he's a gin girl because gin makes you cry and he's crying all the time on the inside so he's drawn to it on an emotional level
- someone asked how it felt to have turned an entire generation queer, and he laughed and apologised
- 'would you rather turn into sonic, godzilla or megamind every time you’re aroused?' dan’s response was sonic because whatever you're going to do, you can do it fast ‘time is money - spin on that, bitch!’
See the full post
216 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
so dan's spent two years writing his own non-youtuber au fic and trying to get youtube to help him make it
338 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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reyescarlos · 2 years
Heyyyyy Kim— my love…what a lovely new blog title you’ve got there…👀👀☀️☀️☂️☂️☀️☀️. Also, great minds lol.👯‍♀️
Wasn’t the Outfest panel amazing?! Loved the answers shared, Brian and Rafa especially spoke to my soul. “WHERE THE GAYS AT?!” “WE OUT HERE!” Iconic Kings 👑. I would listen to those two engaging in thoughtful discourse for hours. ❤️
I LOVE THIS FOR US! But honestly, the second those words flew out of his mouth, I really felt the wind get knocked out of me because it's just a perfect analogy. I know I say this all the time, but my god. I could listen to Rafa forever and it still wouldn't be enough. His replies are always so insightful and genuine. I'm just endlessly fascinated by the way he thinks so deeply and how he expresses it. That quote is going to stay with me for a very long time. It's an excellent mantra and the kind of outlook I hope more people will adapt.
It was! I want them to do panels more often and together at that! Yes! Exactly, there's just something about seeing two queer men of color sharing that space and having open conversation. Learning more Brian and the impact of simply having one tangible person that he could see himself in and how it helped him on his path was so beautiful. And him being able to extend that hand and then play that role for others must be live changing in a different way too. I love that ability to leave the door open. I like the idea of creating space for the person behind you to be able to stand on solid ground as well. That's how you build community. Idek, my head is all over the place. Maybe I'm just rambling. But I'm looking forward to rewatching their responses on particular questions where they got to dig deeper. Obviously intersectionality is MAJOR for us, so being able to get their perspective always feels like such a treat. I just love being able to see other queer people of color out front like this. It just does my heart so much good and I really hope they keep getting invited back/requested for panels like this. Having all these identities within one body can be a lot to contend with sometimes, but it's reassuring and truly powerful to see it in the mainstream! It makes me emotional but in the best way. I'm so proud of them!
WHERE THE GAYS AT?! /WE OUT HERE. Fucking iconic and a valid points in any scenario, especially rep for all backgrounds! Such a terrific panel. Those two in particular really resonated with me 🥺😭
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godzilla-reads · 2 years
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📖 Heartstopper Vol. 3 by @chronicintrovert (Alice Oseman)
This series just got all sorts of better! I usually wait until I’m done with a series to rate the whole thing, but these books have so much going on that it’s hard not to write about what’s going on in my brain.
First off, I love how in this volume we get to see some of the worries/anxieties that plague both Charlie and Nick, while also struggling to support each other. I thought it was very realistic and I enjoy the level of communication they have in their relationship. Iconic, cutest couple ❤️
Secondly, we get to see the interactions of several characters in this book. We learn more about Darcy and Tara. A relationship blooms with Tao and Elle. Also, I want to touch on how wonderful the teacher interactions are. How we have two teachers who are both queer but they’ve had different life experiences. Where one found discovery as a teen and the other found it in his twenties and how that’s affected their experiences.
Thirdly, some tough topics are touched on in this volume. Trigger warnings for mentions of self-harm, eating disorders, and bullying. These are very serious topics that influence lots of people. And Alice Oseman writes it in a good way. She brings them in and treats them respectfully and with care. She even has a few resources in the back of the book in case you recognize that you are also struggling with one of the mentioned things.
I have a great amount of respect for Oseman and how she writes for a teen/young adult audience. She doesn’t make things explicit but she doesn’t sugar coat it either. She’s respectful.
I can’t wait to read Vol. 4 when I can get my hands on it.
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