#lucas x charlie
ambitionsource · 2 years
it’s nice to have a friend · Playlist · 23 songs
Happy Holidays Natalia, @usersmidnights from your secret santa!
of course i needed to do something larlie for the queen of larlie herself, here’s a playlist of songs that remind me of them!
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asuperconfusedgirl · 5 months
how I read the most toe-curling, spine-shattering, nerve-wrecking, nastiest smut ever written in this god forsaken app
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thefvrious · 1 year
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@leschanceux said -> "Hold still..."
It's a terrifying jerk back to reality to know that the shit Charlie's involved with can blow back on him. He's sore, to say the least, and his bubble has been burst. He's looking at Charlie with a dicey expression, like he's two seconds from running again. "I'm holding as still as I can, Charles."
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frozenfrogz · 3 months
Some of my favorite ships atm for u all….
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queen-of-wisdom · 5 months
When the "I survived heinous trauma" character and the "And I didn't" character love each other
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foreverautumn89 · 1 month
Charlie up to his old tricks again
Charlie talking about Joe Keery [Steve]: ""And I knew that's when we were meant to be…
……………………………………………………………………………..good friends.
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omgcharlie91-blog · 6 months
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I love those thighs. I just wanna bury my head in them.
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justalexx-things · 9 months
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I can't breathe-
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silverflameataraxia · 6 months
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theclassymike · 7 months
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Lucas Till and Nick Robinson have joined the cast of the upcoming Netflix Series The Abandons!
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incorrectsprolden · 2 years
tori, after finding out lucas is behind Solitaire: i’m gonna make him pay for this
tori: i’m not strong, but i know a lot of ways to destroy men emotionally
michael: i can vouch for that
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welcome to finding charlie!
lowercase intended
when a girl from texas finds her self intertwined with the world of sticks and pucks.
if anyone has any questions regarding the actual ranching part shoot me a message and i'll give you an explanation!
the early dawn was shining on the body strewn across the sheets. the body peacefully sleeping was quietly awoken by the rays. 
her eyes slowly adjusting to the light 
“why must we wake up so early?” charlotte asked in the quiet of her room. she begins to make the trek across the floor to her now, slowly opening door,
“hey shug, just making sure you were up.” a soft-spoken elderly woman said to her. 
“yeah mawmaw, i’m awake, has pa made breakfast yet?” charlie responds. 
“no, your daddy did, he’s tacking the horses up with the hands.” dorothy responds
“are we sure that the food is edible?” charlie jokes
“you’re funny shug, i’m sure your daddy is perfectly capable of making the four of us breakfast” dottie laughs. the two women begin their journey down the stairs, 
“hey momma, hey babygirl. ready to get to work?” graham asks his daughter while flipping an egg. 
“not really but someone has to do it, we can’t let chloe and the rest of the hands do it alone.” she laughs as a weathered gentleman walks in from the daylight-ridden ground. 
“how is my favorite person this morning?” henry asks
“great dad, hows my favorite person?” graham responds causing the other people in the room to tumble over in laughter. 
“now baby you know that wasn’t meant for you.” his mother says with residual laughter coating her face. 
“haha of course i did momma, my babygirl has always been his favorite.” he says with a soft smile
“i don’t know about that now daddy, momma would’ve given that answer a run for its money,” charlie says with the same smile on her face,
“c’mon y’all, now lets not kick off our day with a grim start.” dorothy says before grabbing the cooler full of water and gatorade. 
“now shug go ahead and get on some work attire, you can’t ranch and ride in your pajamas.” her grandma said in a warm tone
“yes ma’am,” charlie says before walking up the same stairs she came down thirty minutes before.
the once calm sun, now beating down on the crowd of cows and people.
“you sure know how to pick ‘em mr.jamison,” chloe says wiping the beads of sweat from off her hat-line.  
“you sure do pa, it's hotter than hell out here” charlie adds on,
“yeah mr,jamie, why’d you choose the hottest day of the summer to do this?” anthony, a ranch hand says.
“oh y’all quit your complaining, let’s get this done before the real heat starts to hit you lot.” henry nags on their complaining.
“WOULD SOMEONE COVER THE FLANK FOR ME?” charlie yells as she sees a cow and calf begin to move out of the circle. she goes to grab her rope and begin to circle it in the air,
“i almost had ‘em” she mutters to herself as she drags her horse to get back into their position. she couldn’t help with the way she was feeling, although she knew that her anger was unnecessary, all her dad wanted was to keep her safe. especially after what her mom went through, and she never wanted her dad to go through that pain again.
the drive was long and tiring but that’s the price you have to pay when you’re generations deep into a cattle ranch. all charlotte wanted was a cold shower and to relax, but her day was far from over.
“hey shug, when you’re done untacking your horses wanna come start dinner with me?” dottie asked her granddaughter.
“of course i do, mawmaw! give be about thirty minutes to cool down stetson and i’ll be right in!” charlie said with a grin adorning her face
“actually i might need a quick shower before,” as she said that her face screwed up, “i smell pretty bad.”
“alright hopalong, see you when you don’t smell like you’ve been rolling in cow patties.” dottie says laughing as she walks back to the house.
while she and stetson were winding down from their eventful day, charlie couldn’t help but think about how much she wished her mom was there with her.
charlie had finally made her way downstairs after her much needed shower.
“it’s about time you got down here” henry said to her
“would you rather me sit here and make your food while i’m covered in dirt and sweat?” she asks with a smirk lacing her lips.
“no i guess not” he says with a small laugh. charlie walks into the kitchen, admiring her grandmother from afar.
“you know staring is rude shug?” dottie says whilst turning around.
“can’t a girl look at her grandma with admiration without being nagged?” she says with the same bright smile that once shined on a similar face.
“whatever, come help me make these biscuits before those men get restless.” dottie says before turning around so she can start the chicken.
“how was the wagon without me mawmaw?” charlie asks
“not near as exciting, no one drives that buggy like you do.” dorothy softly laughs, “how was being back with the team?”
“not as exciting as i remember, i’m not used to being so stagnant. you know?” charlie thought out loud, “is it bad to say i miss the thrill of being in the middle of the problem?”
“no, of course not shug. you’ve been doing this since you could ride by yourself. being on the back burner is hard when you’re used to bubbling over all the time.” dorothy tells her before ushering her out of the way of what she need. charlotte took that a sign to finish up with her biscuit making.
“alright, ive got this dough shaped it just needs some time in the oven” charlie says as she put the cast iron of biscuits in the oven. dorothy nodded her head as she breaded the final pieces of chicken to fry.
“alright shug, i can finish up from here. why don’t you go set the table and find out what those hooligans want to drink, hmm?” dottie asked
“yes ma’am.” charlie replied before disappearing into the dining room. she begun laying the plates down, 5 place settings, one for henry, one for dorothy, one for graham, one for her, and one for clara. even though charlotte’s mom had passed almost 6 months ago, no one had the strength to leave her seat empty.
dinner had commenced but not without some banter between the son and father. charlotte had taken it upon herself to clean up after everyone to catch some peace of mind before her day starts all over again.
charlie had made her way up the stairs for the final time today. although instead of turning into her room, she took the turn into the den. she thought some tv would do her a little good after the day she had.
she surfed channels for awhile before settling on some old western, when her grandpa walked in.
“hey pumpkin, watching el dorado are we?” henry asks before plopping down right next to his granddaughter. charlie nods while dropping her head on to his shoulder. he responded by wrapping his arm around hers in turn. charlie eventually fell asleep, and henry didn’t have the heart to move her, she looked so content just laying there.
charlie stayed asleep until a nightmare plagued her mind. she woke up with a shine on her forehead and decided she wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. she, once again, began to channel surf before seeing a familiar face. although she couldn’t quite place the young man, she knew him from somewhere. she paused before getting lost in the way the men slid across the ground, seemingly chasing nothing.
she didn’t know it then but that one interview would change her life, but would it be for the best?
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evita-shelby · 1 year
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My first Peaky Blinders fic, Between the Shadow and the Soul ,is officially 3 years old!!!
So to celebrate my 3 years in this fandom I am throwing a party.
Everyone is welcome to attend and encouraged to bring their OCs
(yes i am doing this again because yours truly somehow mistook 2020 and 2021)
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You can send a request (gifs, songs and pictures welcome) for a blurb/drabble or a moodboard with the only requirement for it to contain one or all of the following:
🕯- prompt or title summarized in 3 words
🕯- something dark and/or supernatural with a motif of 3
🕯- take any of my Peaky Blinders OCs (limit is 3) for spin
🕯- 3 pictures 1 word (where you either send me 3 pictures and i guess the word or i post 3 pictures, and you guess the word)
*add 🎯to make it a poll and see what wins*
🕯- lets play fuck, marry, kill (or alternatives to it)or two truths and a lie *add 🎯to make it a poll and see what wins
🕯- What Would Eva Do? WWED (Ask Eva a question)
🕯- Caption This!: where a pic or gif is sent and i caption it (can also be a caption sent in via ask and if three or more people decide to caption it we make it a poll and see which one wins)
Same rules apply for any gifts you guys wish to give for the occasion and for tagging purposes the tag is 3va's party and will not be peaky exclusive because Eva couldn't be limited to just one show and has her whole evacore universe
Diane's masterlist: dianecore
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Thank you for 3 years of fun and friendship y'all 🖤
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torinotspring · 2 months
Top 5 osemanverse characters
Michael Holden
Tori Spring
Lucas Ryan (pls don't hate I think he's cute okay)
Georgia Warr
Becky Allen
(defo not biased on Solitaire chat trust)
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envythemouse · 2 months
All-time Hannibal extended universe recs
Will/Nigel from Charlie Countryman
Heart of Spades by WaffleBunny13
Summary: Will pauses when he sees the face of the man in front of him then the cup of coffee slips from his hand.
Hannibal's neck nearly snaps to look at Will with a frown on his face then the doppelganger, Nigel, steps forward to Will with a smirk on his face and his hands casually resting in his pockets.
“Hello, gorgeous”
Envy’s notes: Nigel and Hannibal are not related. Nigel shows up at a crime scene. Everyone thinks he’s Hannibal. Then Will and Hannibal arrive, Hannibal finds out his look-alike is Will’s ex from the time he was on a scholarship in Romania.
Unconventional Therapy by DarkmoonSigel, sku7314977
Summary: Upon noticing that Will has been having some difficulty separating his mind from the monsters he’s made to chase, Hannibal makes a rather unexpected suggestion for some uncommon therapy to help the empath unwind.
Envy’s notes: Hannibal suggests sex as a form of therapy thinking he could finally get close to Will. Will instead goes out and stumbles upon Hannibal’s brother Nigel, they proceed to fuck in Hannibal’s house which makes for an awkward morning after.
Behave by sourweather
Summary: Nigel and Hannibal are sharing their Omega. Taking Turns, so to speak. Today, Nigel is to accompany Will to a crime scene. Will isn't looking forward to it. He loves Nigel, but he doesn't exactly play well with others.
He's proven right to worry when Nigel makes a less than perfect first impression on Jack Crawford.
Envy’s notes: Protective!Nigel. Nigel defends Will from Jack the way I always wished Hannibal would have done in canon.
"Two women are dead," Jack says, growl distorting his usual voice.
"And Will is alive!" Nigel snarls in response. "You'd think keeping him that way might be more important to you, but here you are running him into the fuckin' ground."
Will/Clifford from Death Stranding
The Beauty of the Rain by EarthsickWithoutYou
Summary: Part one of my Deathgram AU -- in which Hannibal discovers that Will has taken a lover who resembles him strikingly, an ex from his past in New Orleans. A man named Clifford Unger who bears the weight of the world on his shoulders, riddled with self-doubt, regret, trauma and grief. But he considers it his mission in life beyond all else to cherish and protect Will Graham, the light of his life, his redeeming soulmate.
Now that he has Will back in his arms, Cliff won't let anyone hurt his boy, even a clever, scheming, crazy-shocked-jealous therapist/cannibal who has been playing with fire and may now pay the price.
Envy’s notes: Hannibal comes over unannounced and discovers Will has Clifford as his lover. Clifford finds out about Will being sick lately so he takes him straight to the hospital and later gets revenge on Hannibal because there’s no way the former doctor didn’t know about Will’s sickness.
Will/Lucas from Jagten|The Hunt
Organ by CarnivalMirai
Summary: A week after the funeral, Lucas gets a parcel from one W. Graham. At first, he thinks it’s a wrong delivery. But the parcel is addressed directly to him. So curiously, he opens it.
Inside the box is another box. This time, in the shape of a small house or kennel— it’s a build-a-bear bear. He pulls the box out to see a card slipped in the box, again, addressed to Lucas. So he opens it.
Dear Lucas, I’m sorry for the loss of your son. He saved my life. I thought maybe you’d enjoy his heart beat. I hope you enjoy the bear. Kindly yours, Will Graham
Envy’s notes: Very interesting concept, imagine falling in love with a man who carries your son’s heart. No Hannigram, though Hannibal is one of Will’s doctors.
Sanctuary by Astromeda, tinypurpleghost
Summary: In the aftermath of a plunge that claimed one monster but spared another, Will Graham seeks refuge in a small Danish town. There, he meets Lucas, a kindergarten teacher with a heart of gold, and the spark between them is immediate and undeniable. When Lucas is falsely accused of a heinous crime, the monster inside Will yearns for blood. Even as Will tries to support Lucas in the way he needs, he realizes that he will stop at nothing to protect what’s his.
Envy’s notes: A post-fall fic where Hannibal dies and Will survives. He moves to Denmark and falls in love with Lucas pre-movie. Then canon happens except Will will do anything to protect the man he loves (and their dogs). Will is still in contact with Jack and there’s a man in town who knows of Will’s past. Lucas eventually finds out and accepts Will’s darker side.
Prince Charmont/One Eye (Ella Enchanted|Valhalla Rising)
Perfect Stranger by victorine
Summary: Char doesn't know Frank. Frank doesn't know Char. So how the hell did they wind up hugging in the middle of a park at midnight on Valentine's Day? And what will Char do when he realises it's not actually his best friend Ella rubbing soothing circles into his back?
Envy’s notes: Prince Charming is upset and a stranger (though he doesn’t know it’s a stranger) comforts him.  Oh and it’s Valentine’s day.
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Just look at his smile. ⬆ How can you not like that? Lucas is adorable. I only wish I could see the movie without having to pay extra for it, damn it Amazon.
Nigel makes smoking and cussing look attractive somehow.
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mercury-in-pisces · 1 month
i might say something stupid | challengers (2024)
wrote a little song fic from one of my asks and it has not been proofread or anything so my apologies if it is awful but a win is a win because i finally actually wrote something. it’s inspired by charli xcx’s song, ‘i might say something stupid’ ^_^ okay enjoy!!!!
fic below the cut !!
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January, 2007
Art Donaldson stares at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He pulls at the collar of his salmon-coloured shirt. Nothing feels right. He’s meant to be at a party, celebrating the latest win of his best friend’s girlfriend. Tashi typically isn’t one for parties, but with Patrick in town, she was somehow convinced. Art felt the bitter taste of jealousy on his tongue as he swallowed back any disdain. It should be him. He should be the one parading Tashi around, admiring her every move without having to be subtle. He wants to be happy for his friend, but he can’t help his heart from sinking every time he sees the two sharing a moment, one he will never be a part of. All he wants is Tashi, all to himself. At least that’s what he has convinced himself.
Art can tell that a line has began to form outside the bathroom, so he splashes some cold water onto his face, unlocks the door, and slips back out into the crowded room, the smell of smoke and sweet perfume dancing in the air. He grabs a drink, in the hopes that it’ll help him loosen up a bit, and leans back against a wall as his eyes begin scanning the crowd. He spots Tashi, as beautiful as ever, dancing among the bodies, her long brown hair gracefully flicking from side to side. Then, his attention is drawn to Patrick. His large, firm hands gripped Tashi by her waist, as he gently sways along beside her. Art bites his tongue so hard he swears he can taste blood. He’s happy for his friends, he truly is, but no amount of cheap wine could drown out the jealousy he feels.
His eyes trace invisible etchings in the air as his gaze firmly follows his best friend’s hands. He thinks of how often he used to feel them, grabbing and playfully punching at him. His mind is lead to the time he once felt them on his face, so tender and gentle, much like the lips that accompanied them. He shakes his head forcefully, as if to almost shake the thought away. He only thought about that because that was when they first met Tashi. He didn’t want Patrick like that. He couldn’t. His best friend who meant the world to him, even if he did want anything more, he couldn’t risk ruining a friendship like that. He feels a shiver run down his spine as he watches the two share a passionate kiss. He doesn’t know what to do, or why he was even invited to the party in the first place. No matter what, or who, he wants, he can’t have it.
August, 2019
“What were you for?”. The same four words repeatedly circle Patrick Zweig’s mind. He sits in the back of his Honda CRV, a location so fitting for the pathetic mess of a man he has become, trying to make some sense of what Art was saying to him. The man he once knew so well, whom he shared his youth with. The man who reached the top and seemed to have it all.
Patrick had gotten used to the life he made for himself. He knew who he was, and he was glad he didn’t have anyone to hold him back from that, but a part of him wishes things were different. He wishes he could worship someone like that. He wishes he knew what he was for. Long gone were the days he felt happy, before he faded into the background of others’ lives. He tells himself that it’s tennis he’s talking about. Like how tennis was what he spoke to Art about in the sauna. He often found it hard to distinguish between tennis and life, so he allowed them to obscure one another. That way, he could always just assume it was tennis.
Patrick felt a chill run through his body. He blamed it on the weather. He found his mind clouded with ‘what ifs’. What if he never invited Tashi to their hotel room that night. What if he never felt his lips interlock with those of his best friend. Maybe then he could have told him the truth. How he liked boys. With nothing to make it weird. What if he told him anyways, despite it all, and it was weird, but okay. What if he didn’t stay silent in the sauna earlier that day. What if he told the truth. How he knew exactly what he was for. Who he was for. Maybe if he spoke to Tashi. Maybe she would laugh in his face and tell him to get lost. Or maybe she would understand.
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