#luke brandon x reader
bi-bard · 2 years
Nothing Has Ever Felt So Wrong - Luke Brandon Imagine (Confessions of a Shopaholic)
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Title: Nothing Has Ever Felt So Wrong
Pairing: Luke Brandon X Reader
Based On: Hits Different [not linked to because I couldn't find an official audio/video]
Word Count: 1,170 words
Warning(s): mention of a break-up
Summary: When a couple breaks up, the aftermath is rarely easy. When the pair still work at the same company, it gets far messier.
Author's Note: Holy shit, he's pretty.
Rebecca always tried to be a good friend.
She always had the best intentions at heart. However, sometimes her golden-retriever personality would cause her to be slightly excitable and impulsive when it came time to execute said intentions.
That's how I was dragged into Rebecca's apartment and introduced to her roommate.
It was just her trying to be nice. Helpful.
I'm pretty sure she was trying to apologize for still working with my ex... Luke, but she wouldn't admit it. I tried to reassure her that I was fine. I was just readjusting. I would be back to normal soon enough.
It was like there was some empty spot on a canvas. The entire painting was done. There were details and the artist's signature was in the corner, but there was just a blank mark right in the middle. I was trying to fill in the blank spot again.
And I wasn't angry.
It hurt. Of course, it hurt.
Luke had been one of the best things in my life. He made me feel special no matter how I felt that day. He just... great. Seeing our relationship crumble broke him just as much as it broke me. Well, that's what Rebecca had told me anyways. We worked in the same building, but our paths rarely crossed.
But no matter how hurt I was, I couldn't find it in myself to be angry or hate Luke for what happened.
Still, Rebecca dragged me through the door by my wrist, saying that I needed a proper night with friends.
So, there we were, sitting on her couch with drinks, some shitty movie playing in the background, while she and Suze tried to make me feel better in their own special way.
It started off simple.
Who needs love anyway? I didn't think anyone needed it, but it was nice to have.
I didn't need anyone else to be brilliant. I knew that already but having someone tell me that even when my brain wouldn't believe it was comforting.
Listing my accomplishments so that I felt special. Again, I knew what I had accomplished, and I knew that I had done it on my own. Again, it was nice to have someone else notice them.
Then, the conversation shifted. It became a game of poking at Luke's flaws.
He was a workaholic. Yeah... so was I.
He was always tense and worried about something. That was in his job description. It showed that he cared.
I tried to keep my mouth shut and let the pair ramble on for as long as they wanted.
But I just couldn't.
"Okay," I said a little louder than I usually would. "I see what you guys are doing, I do. But stop. It's not helping."
They both paused, eyebrows furrowed and mouths half-open.
"I... I can't get through this by badmouthing someone that I'm not even angry at," I explained. "I... I don't think a break-up has hit me as hard as this one has. Luke... He's different. I can't sit here and act like I still wouldn't pick him in a room full of people."
There was no response.
"I... I need to go home."
"(Y/n), wait-"
Rebecca followed me to the door.
"Please, just wait a minute-"
"I know what you were trying to do," I stopped her. "And I appreciate. I do. I'm just... I'm not there. I'm sorry, I'm just not."
"I'm sorry," she mumbled.
I hugged her. "I'm not upset with you."
I went home after that.
I spent the night curled up on my couch in silence. I tried sorting through my thoughts. Nothing felt like it was quite making sense. I just wanted things to go back to normal. Normal with Luke. Whatever this was... this feeling... I hated it. I didn't want to deal with it anymore.
I was rushing to work the next morning.
Staying up late to deal with whatever I was feeling made me forget to set my alarm, so I slept in longer than intended. I was speed-walking through the entryway. I didn't bother paying attention to anyone around me.
Until I got into the elevator.
I noticed there was one other person there. They had held the door open when they saw me jogging over.
I looked up to say thank you but froze for a moment.
In a building with so many employees, I managed to get stuck, alone, in an elevator with Luke. I muttered out a quick thanks before the tension hit me like a truck.
It only got tenser as the elevator doors slid shut.
I heard him sigh, "Can we not stand here in complete silence?"
I looked at him, a bit shocked. "I... I just didn't think you'd want to talk to me."
"It's better than... whatever this is," he explained. "You're the only person that I feel like I can have a genuine conversation with. Of course, I want to talk to you."
"Oh," I mumbled. Yup, I'm great with genuine and engaging conversation. Didn't that prove it to you?
"How's your work been," he asked.
"I've gotten better at handling it," I shrugged. "Still a lot. I still fall into phases of intense focus. But better."
"Good," he nodded.
"How about you? Rebecca mentioned something about you seeming more tense than usual."
He shot me a look that said, 'And why do you think that is?'
I looked at the floor. I hated thinking that I somehow was impacting his work. He valued his work.
The elevator doors opened before I could come up with some response. I almost jumped at the sudden ding of the elevator that tore through the moment like it had never happened.
"I'll see you around," Luke said.
I nodded.
And then, like nothing had ever gone wrong between us, he leaned over and pecked my lips. I froze, blinking at him a few times as he went to walk away.
I would've excused it as some weird instinctual reaction, but when I caught the little smirk on his face as he moved away, I knew that it was a calculated decision.
It took me a moment to come back to my senses. By that point, he had already stepped out of the elevator and started walking away.
I managed to get out before the doors closed. "Hey!"
He stopped, spinning on his heels to face me. Still with stupid smirk.
I stormed over. It wasn't far, maybe a few steps. "If you're going to surprise someone with a kiss, then at least make it a decent kiss."
He scoffed at me. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, bringing my hands up to cup the sides of his face.
I leaned back a few seconds later. "See? A decent kiss."
I turned around and walked back to the elevator.
"I'll call you!" Luke said as I waited.
"You better," I replied before stepping into the open elevator.
I was right.
Luke Brandon was just different.
Author's Note: The end of this was the most rom-com thing I've ever written.
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i will be uploading chapter 3 of miss america today along with a secret fic i've been working on!! also i just watched confessions of a shopaholic and i am obsessed with luke brandon <3 I was thinking of writing some stuff about him so lmk if you guys are interested!!!!
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
because i took a break from ftwd at season 3 and i'm not confident enough to write for twd yet but i want angst and misery and want i it now
to refresh your memory the "bromigos" are brandon's group (brandon luke, derek, james mcallister, chris manawa) from season 2 that got chris killed. What can I say I like POS minor characters 🤡
BUT let's just say, hypothetically, instead of putting James down, they chuck him in the back of the truck and jus say "if he bleeds out he bleeds out if he doesn't he doesn't", but chris still crashes the truck and darling is there to prevent everyone's deaths 😮
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• maybe the darling had followed travis and chris from madison's group or maybe they were apart of brandon's group. heck, they could even have been staying with the mexican guy at the farm. either way, they convince the others to spare the bullet and let nature take it's course with james.
• so the group packs up the truck and sets off. eventually chris gets his turn driving and that's when it all goes to shit. the vehicle smashes in a tree, flipping on it's side in the process, brandon and derek get out with pretty minor injuries, cuts to the head and a sprained wrist.
• james and chris on the other hand are doing pretty bad. on with shards of glass in his leg and the bone sticking out, the other with his gunshot wound worsened by the impact. the darling came out with a small concussion, having been in the back with james.
"look at them!, they're as good as dead. they'll be nothing but extra weight on us" brandon pointed his shotgun at james's head, ignoring the others plea's for mercy. m/n shot the other a sharp glare, raising his brows "oh. i get it" he sighed, lowering his pistol, "so if you were also injured you would hold up the same principle?"
"i'm not injured and since when have you been in char-" BANG. before brandon could finish his sentance, a loud crack sounded. and he was on the ground, his calf now covered in blood. "what the fuck man" "oh look there, derek, he's deadweight now, should we put him down?" m/n quipped, turning towards the only other uninjured member of the group, who was staring at him wide-eyed.
• shooting brandon might not have been the best decision in the long run, as walkers were slowly making their way towards the scene. derek was forced to help james and brandon hobble their way back to the farm - or the closest functioning vehicle. whilst m/n found a piece of tarp and dragged chris along on it.
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• out of all of them, brandon hated m/n the most. who does he think he is? but he was also kind of weirdly attracted to the guy. if they weren't in the middle of an apocalypse he'd never even consider what he was nor would he find another male attractive. he'd used to make fun of the gay kids in highschool!
• but it's not like there are many options these days. at some point he tells the reader this, but all that came out of it was a concussion from the slap he received.
• his growing fondness evolved into obsession as the weeks go by and he begins to realise how much of an asset to the group the reader really is. he's the kind of person that would survive and thrive in this world, so much so that other survivors are going to want to steal him away from the group. like hell brandons going to let that happen.
• he used to think the other three were a bunch of gay sissy's, but now he too constantly grills the reader when he tries to go on runs, spends too much time alone or interacts with another survivor.
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• after the whole crash fiasco, derek is straight up terrified of m/n. and is of the belief that he would belong in a mental hospital if society hadn't collapsed. as the only other uninjured member of the group, he's forced to take up alot of the slack. he goes on runs with and helps m/n secure the farm, he believes he's much closer to the reader because of this. which is what kickstarts his obsession.
• derek is under the belief that he's m/n's favourite of the group, otherwise he would have shot him as well, right? he does some mental gymnastics which arrive him at the assumption that m/n is definitely into him.
• wouldn't usually be his thing but nor would shooting people. the apocalypse changes you. so he kinda just starts.. acting like he's much closer to the reader than he actually is. mf takes his shirt off whilst on a run, thinking he's doing m/n a service.
• "put a shirt on" "it's boiling out here bro" "you might as well write walker bait on there"
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• honestly james was into m/n after one look. it only got worse when he was saved from being put down twice. like derek he is fully under the impression that the reader is into him. but is much less subtle (if you could call derek's approach subtle).
• whenever m/n is attending to his wound, james is shamelessly flirting. and then he wonders why the reader is being less gentle when reapplying the gauze. he exaggerates his condition to the reader and is constantly demanding something "you couldn't look for something to drink when your out there? i'd share some with you ;)"
• when his injury starts to heal he only comes on more strong; unprompted 'bro hugs' (m/n could probably press charges), jumping on m/n during the middle of the night (and getting mistaken for a walker 😵), 'sharing' a piece of chocolate m/n brought him (the busted lip took two weeks to heal)
• but he takes it all in relative stride, and thinks m/n has some underlying psychological issues that need to be addressed.
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• chris thinks m/n should have just killed the other three so it could just be the two of them. he hates sharing the readers attention with literally anything and anyone. but he's not exactly in a position to get rid of them, as the most injured out of the bunch.
• whilst he starts off as just possessive, as he gets more mobile and more obsessed with the darling, he becomes overwhelmingly violent. towards the others, towards the darling. he can't stand being rejected, and whilst the other three kind of just laugh the readers blatant disgust with their advances off, chris won't stand for it.
• "do you think your better than me?" chris jumps to the worst conclusions when m/n won't lay next to him, ect. you're planning on abandoning me just like my dad did, you're just using me to find your family, you're a sadistic piece of shit. he swings between shyly and violently affectionate, leaving m/n on the edge.
• out of all of them, chris is the quickest to go full-blown yandere. like brandon he becomes abhorrently possessive of m/n, knowing that there are probably better options out there for him.
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• the only thing that keeps them, or chris and brandon, from killing everyone else in the group, is the knowledge that they have an advantage in numbers. brandon is well aware m/n could probably kill him 1 v 1 but 4 v 1 and m/n's chances of escaping are pretty slim.
• but just because they have silently agreed not to kill each other does not mean they have an active agreement. sure if they catch m/n trying to escape they'll break his arm but does anyone have a specific day they get to spend with him and is there any official relationship between m/n and any of them? not that m/n knows of.
• but it's not like any of them take no for an answer, no matter how many times they come onto him and get wrecked rejected they just go back stronger the next time. as a bunch of hormonal young men in the middle of mexico with no one else in sight the reader is kind of fucked here.
• now is the reader in any particular danger with this group? just a lil bit. nowhere near as much as other survivors they come across are. doesn't matter if m/n is compassionate and offers to take them in, he'll find them as walkers in the barn the next day.
• BUT on the brightside when it comes to decision making for the groups well being, you, dear reader, have the final say. they reluctantly recognise that they owe their livelihood to the reader for knowing a questionable amount of survival knowledge.
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
I absolutely love writing requests for either of these two characters ❤️ Requests are opened
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lxviswxrld · 2 years
“I’ll take care of you.”
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Tanev blurb based on @mylastnameistanev ‘s post and this quote from TheLoveHypothesis.
summary: Your ex plays for the sharks and Brandon is protective. Could probably make a bigger fic out of this tbh
warnings: None
You knew the second your ex slammed into the boards in front of you after scoring that Brandon would be right behind him. You hadn’t made your relationship public, you weren’t even sure after that night what you were, honestly. But you knew how Brandon felt, and you knew to him, that was unacceptable. You jumped back in your seat when you saw his face, Luke’s stare back as he mocked you and your hometown in his celly. Within seconds he was up against the boards again, but not by his choice. Brandon had swung across the ice to flatten the Sharks player back into the glass. Brandon skated by, offering up a wink and smile. I got you, was what Bran meant.
It was tense after the first period, the sharks were up and you couldn’t shake the feeling of all the eyes on you. After all, two months ago you were clad in sharks jerseys, and now you were sitting in the Kraken guest box. NHL fans had a lot of speculation to talk about. Not that anyone would really know, you thought. Nobody knew about you and Brandon, yet. Something told you if your ex kept acting this way during the game, Brandon wouldn’t make it hard for people to tell, and you weren’t entirely against the idea. When the first period was over, you left your seats to go down and talk to Bran while you could. Maybe a good luck kiss was in order with tensions so high…
As you walked down to the lower levels of climate pledge where most people weren’t allowed, you heard a familiar voice.
“Y/n.” It was Luke, and he didn’t look like this was a kind chat.
“What do you want, Luke?” You asked annoyedly as you tried to inch towards the Krakens locker room. You didn’t like being alone with him.
“Want to tell me any big life news?” He started, you see the entitlement and anger seeping out of him.
Shit. Shit. Shit. “I don’t have to tell you anything.” You started to walk away when he caught up to you and grabbed your wrist.
“You realize I could tell everyone I know in the public eye about this. That would look great for your record, and Tanevs,” you felt your heart race at him talking about your new relationship.
“He’s a lot older than you, that won’t look very good on his image, would it? Old NHL player dating a girl right out of college-“
“Grad school. I’m 5 years younger than him.” You corrected him.
“Point is, I know something you don’t want people to know, so how about you go tell your boyfriend to lay off, and maybe I won’t think about telling people his little secret.” He had a gloating look in his eye as he continued, “Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, you could have been going home with winners tonight, but instead you’ll just have to think about what you’re missing.” His time off the bench was certainly inflating his ego…
“If he doesn’t back off, your new relationship will be the headline of tonight’s game, and not in a good way. I know people.” He grinned as you pulled your hand away.
“Fuck you,” You turned away and down the hall to the locker room to catch a glimpse of Bran before the second period. As you turned the corner, you saw Brandon standing within earshot of everything. He was looking at the ground, tapping his knee in anger and adrenaline.
“Hey…” you started
“He threatened you.” He interrupted.
“Don’t listen to him, he’s just making empty threats,” you tried to ease him.
“No. He threatened you.” He stood from his bent position and looked at you.
“I’ll handle it.”
“Bran, you don’t have-“
“I’ll take care of it, and then when the games done, I’ll take care of you.” He pulled you into his chest and planted a kiss on your forehead before turning back to the locker room. Before he opened the door, he turned. “By the way, we’re winning tonight. I hope you can catch a salmon.” You giggled at his chirpy comment before waving and turning back up to the main levels.It wasn’t long till another goal was made by the Sharks, and to no surprise Luke turned to come skating by. He was quickly interrupted by a shove from a familiar jersey. “Tanev and Kunin” you heard over the speaker, but your mind was somewhere else. You didn’t really realize what just happened until a ref had grabbed hold of Brandon and torn him away from the other Sharks players.
“Penalty for Seattle kraken number 13, and for Sharks number 11.” You heard above you, as the refs guided Bran to the penalty box. You could see him chirping Luke as they skated away, and you couldn’t help but giggle. You watched the jumbo screen pan to Bran in the box and he winked at the camera. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of security. You suddenly realized you didn’t care what Luke told root sports- or any of his weird journalism friends, because at the end of the day, Bran had your back, and that’s all that mattered.
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pickledpascal · 2 years
Hugh Dancy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Sweet Nothing
St. Patrick's Day
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withwritersblock · 1 month
That Place Above
~Heaven by Calum Scott~
Author's Note: Requested! I already have a story titled Heaven so I used a lyric, also this song gives wedding vibes and it's wedding season soooo. Summary: Luke goes to Y/N's sister's wedding Warnings: none? Word count: 1,426 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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There was something about weddings that Y/N adored. Maybe it was the love in the air, maybe it was the hours of dancing, maybe it was the way people get reminded of what being in love looks like. She’s always gone to weddings single, never once experiencing it with someone by her side.
Except this time. Her sister was getting married and she was the maid of honor. The maid of honor with a date to the wedding. It took a bit of convincing since Luke has only been around her extended family once before. He was nervous to spend the ceremony alone but her brother promised to keep him company. 
She linked arms with the best man, Brandon, as they began to walk down the isle together. Y/N was teary eyed all day, fighting off the tears of joy as she watched her sister get ready for the biggest day of her life. 
The satin pastel pink dress looked stunning on her as she began walking down the aisle with all of the eyes on her. Brandon and Y/N were the last pair to enter the church before the bride and her father came out. 
She was smiling towards all of the familiar faces of her extended family and friends. Many were teary eyed but had wide smiles on their faces. Her eyes landed on the boy that was her’s a few aisles up. He was fighting off a wide grin on his face as he bit his bottom lip. His cheeks were bright pink as he kept his gaze on Y/N. He was the only one ecstatic to see Y/N and not the bride.
He stopped fighting his grin once she was closer. Her hand was dangling beside her as she reached it slightly towards him. He reached his hand over, squeezing it as she walked past him. She looked towards him, smiling widely towards him. 
Meeting his gaze, she felt her eyes get more teary as she looked towards him. He let go of her hand almost as quickly as he took a hold of it. She continued towards the front of the church, parting ways from Brandon as she stood beside the other bridesmaids.
Waiting for her sister to walk down the aisle her gaze switched over to Luke. His lips were curled up in a soft smile as he was staring towards her. Y/N met his gaze and winked towards him as she brushed a piece of hair away from her face.
The music began to play and the guest stood up, she watched Luke stand up and adjust his dark brown suit jacket. Y/N shifted her gaze towards her sister and her father as they began to walk down the aisle together. 
It was a gorgeous ceremony, Y/N was crying the whole time. It was impossible not to be overjoyed over her older sister finally marrying her high school sweetheart. 
“You may kiss the bride,” the preacher said as Joshua gladly took a hold of Lila’s waist and pulled her towards him. He kissed her urgently in the most romantic way. Everyone erupted into applause and whistles as the couple shared a dramatic kiss. Something the couple was always known for, they always had the flair for drama. 
The ceremony was beautiful, but Luke was only paying attention to Y/N. She was the most gorgeous she has ever been. And that was saying something because every time he’s seen her she looks more and more beautiful. But standing up there, holding a boutique of flowers, a soft grin on her lips, she was so stunning. 
The reception was beginning and the bridal party as well as the bride and groom were making a grand entrance. Lila and Joshua couldn’t do anything simply. All of the bridal party began charging into the reception, dancing and putting on a show. Luke was sitting beside her brother, Mason, and the pair were laughing hysterically at the dances. 
It was nightclub music, dramatic Pauly D style beats. The guests began to cheer the loudest when Lila and Joshua entered the reception, the music slowly faded into regular wedding dance music. The bridal party began making through way through the party. Y/N would be lying if she said that she didn’t head directly to Luke.
Her smile widened as she saw him stand up and walk towards her. She quickened her step as she excitedly lunged towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled widely as he wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up. “Hey beauty,” he whispered into her ear as he slowly placed her back onto the ground. 
“Hey Lukey boy,” she mumbled as she pulled away from him. He delicately rested his hands onto her waist. “Did you survive without me?” she asked teasingly. He rolled his eyes as he pulled her towards him. She rested her head onto his chest as she stared towards her little brother. Before Luke became Y/N’s boyfriend, Mason was obsessed with the Hughes brothers. So he didn’t mind one on one time with Luke.
“You’re brother kept me company with his sobbing over your sister,” Luke teased. 
“I wasn’t sobbing,” Mason defended as he stood up slapping his hand onto Luke’s back. “It was emotional watching my big sister,” he mumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“It was pretty sweet, right?” Y/N offered as she lifted her head to meet Luke’s gaze. He pressed his lips to the top of her head as he slowly pulled away, pulling out her chair. She gladly accepted as she sat down. “Are you boys ready to dance?” she asked teasingly as she watched Luke sit down beside her.
His face scrunched up, “I agreed to that, didn’t I?” Luke mumbled as he shifted his gaze towards Y/N. She rested her hand onto his thigh as she smiled towards him.
“It’s okay, once you get a few shots in you, you’ll be dancing up a storm,” she teased. He rolled his eyes playfully as he leaned towards her, pressing his lips to her cheek.
“You’re probably right,” he mumbled as he pulled out his phone to take a quick photo with Y/N. She smirked as she tilted her head to the side and rested it onto his shoulder as she smiled softly. He took a few pictures before he pulled it back into his pocket.
It was several hours into the reception and Y/N was right. Luke had no problem with dancing after a few shots. Y/N and Luke were always at the center of the dance floor. The music began to slow again as the slow dance for everyone began to start. It was a slow Zach Bryan song began to play.
A grin slowly formed onto Luke’s lips, “Come ‘ere,” he mumbled as he excitedly rested his hands onto the small of her back, pulling her towards him. She excitedly rested her hands on the base of his neck as he pulled her towards him. His thumbs slowly rubbed small circles as he loosely held around her waist. 
Her fingertips ran into the short ends of his curls. Their eyes connected as she felt her lips curl upward softly. 
Weddings were always magical to her but something about being at a wedding with a partner was a different level of magic. Maybe it was the idea that one day, they would be the ones celebrating their marriage.
“I’m happy you invited me,” he mumbled as he scanned her features excitedly. 
“Yeah?” she offered, “You put up a good argument as to why not,” she teased as she tilted her head to the side. He pursed his lips forward as he rolled his eyes.
“We’ve been together for almost a year, I was worried you didn’t want me to come because it’s your sister’s wedding. That’s a big deal. What if I become that random guy in all of your family’s wedding photos. That’d be weird right?” he explained as they swayed along to the music.
“Not weird at all, unless you’re planning on breaking up withe me soon,” she offered half jokingly. 
“Now why would I ever want to do that?” he said jokingly as he leaned towards her, asking for a kiss. She smiled softly before she leaned towards him, kissing him for a few moments. “I love you,” he mumbled against her lips before he leaned towards her kissing her urgently again.
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
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ෆ masterlist ๑⁠˙
AO3 ACCOUNT for my book ship fanfics
requests: closed 🫶
A/N: there is no guarantee that I will do your request, I write what im comfortable with.
DNI: racists, sexists, homophobes, ableists, pro-israel
fandoms; -house of the dragon, -the last of us(hbo/game), -wednesday(netflix), -lord of the rings(books/movies), -the last kingdom(netflix), -cosmere(brandon sanderson), -narnia(books/movies), -spiderverse(itsv/atsv), - mortal kombat(game), -call of duty modern warfare(game), -percy jackson and the olympians (books and tv series)
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Clarisse La Rue X Reader
enemies to lovers hcs
(warning: mild violence, kissing )
the look of love, the rush of blood
(warnings: aphrodites daughter!reader, fluff)
back to you
(warnings: ep2 spoilers, protective clarisse)
I like a challenge when the prize is you
(warnings: platonic luke x reader, kissing)
wish you'd tell me
(warnings: oblivious reader, flirty clarisse, kissing, mostly fluff)
cause I love this curse on our house
(warnings: sparring violence, arguing, hurt/comfort, fluff at end)
love letters from the sea to the shore
(warnings: siren reader, slightly ooc clarisse)
lacrymosa part 2
(warnings: in chapter description)
Gwen Stacy X Reader
first date hcs
(warnings: none, fluff, fem reader)
relationship hcs. fluff hcs 2
(warnings: cursing, fluff, kissing)
lose your faith in me
(warnings: hurt/comfort, curse words, gn reader)
mirrored hearts
(warnings: afab reader, gn terms, spider-person reader, curse words)
love it if we made it
(warnings: curse words, gwen's peter is alive, gn terms, reader described as having long hair)
picture me better
(warnings: none, afab reader, gn terms, flirty gwen, adhd coded reader, fluff)
I'm holding my night in your hands
(warnings: fem!reader, flirty gwen, maybe ooc gwen a bit, overthinker reader, fluff)
see how it shines
(warnings: none, fluff, flirty gwen, fem reader)
(warnings: angst)
Joel Miller x Reader
running free
(warnings: angst w fluff, mentions of blood)
here with me
(warnings: age gap (reader is 34), fluff)
Tommy Miller X Reader
dating tommy hcs (warnings: nsfw, pregnancy, mentions of gun/shooting)
Tess Servopoulos x Reader
tess x sunshine reader: oneshots/hcs
be sweet to me (warnings: violence/robbery)
Gigolas (Legolas Greenleaf x Gimli Son Of Gloin)
(warnings: none)
sweet creature
(warnings: gore, blood, orcs)
Boromir son of Denethor x Reader
lady of the lake
(warnings: lotr spoiler, physical assault (unintentional)
(warnings: none)
let time heal
(warnings: wounds, injuries)
Aragorn son of Arathorn X Reader
(warnings: hurt/comfort ish, mostly fluff, mentioned nudity)
Legolas Greenleaf x Reader
too close
(warnings; nsfw, smut, enemies to lovers, jerk leggy)
Wenclair (wednesday addams x enid sinclair)
(warnings: slight angst w fluff ending)
cara mia
(warnings: implications of homophobia)
Wenclair x Reader
(warnings: bullying, outcast reader, gender neutral terms for reader)
like real people do
(warnings: transmasc reader, afab reader, nb pronouns)
cherry pit
(warnings: requested/reader with name)
Xavier Thorpe x Reader
it's you I think of
(warnings: (jealous!xavier, fluff ending)
as strange as it seems
(warnings: none)
how to get out of love
part ii
(warnings: angst, mentions of blood and wounds)
newlyweds hcs
(warnings: slight nsfw, absent parent)
celebrating your birthday with him hcs
(warnings: reader uses he/him pronouns)
Yoko Tanaka x Reader
devil's sweetheart
(warnings: smut, nsfw, minors dni!!, mention of abusive relationship, cheating)
Wednesday Addams x Xavier Thorpe
(coming soon)
Osferth x Reader
from eden
(warnings; smut, nsfw (minors dni!!)
tinderbox of a heart
(warnings: mentions of prostitution and child neglect)
osferth taking care of sick wife reader hcs
(warnings: none)
(warnings: nsfw, smut (minors dni!!), slight angst, black cat/golden retriever)
Sihtric Kjartansson x Reader
in full bloom
(warnings: pregnant reader, bit gore, s5 spoilers)
Jacaerys Velaryon
(warnings; angst, minor character deaths)
- part ii
- part iii
- part iv (nsfw!!)
lady of the house of wolves
(warnings - gore, violence, minor character death)
(warnings; nsfw, smut, minors dni!!)
all's blood runs dry but yours
(warnings; blood, nsfw, smut, minors dni!!)
(warnings: none yet)
- part ii
- part iii
opal angel
(warnings: none)
jace as your boyfriend (modern!au)
(warnings: smut, minors dni!!)
daughter of whispers
(warnings; none)
(warnings: THAT decapitation scene)
(warnings: grief, mentions of death)
(warnings: social anxiety, nsfw, smut, minors dni!!)
go as a dream
(warnings: none)
out of touch
(warnings: nsfw(minors dni!!), gore, slight angst + fluff
(warnings: none)
silver into rain
(warnings: none)
jace with breeding kink hcs
(warnings: nsfw, smut, minors dni!!)
jealous jace
(warnings: none)
(warnings: angst w fluff ending)
kill bill
(warnings: jealous!reader)
mended hearts once sewed apart
(warnings: angst w fluff, jacemond has beef)
(warnings: angst, death)
jace as a daddy's girl hcs
(warnings; none)
(warnings: nsfw, smut (minors dni!!)
tutoring jace modern!au hcs
(warnings: slavery, mentions of SA)
part 2 part 3 part4
sweetest thing on this side of heaven
(warnings: none)
stuck on a puzzle
(warnings: bit angst, all characters r aged up)
heavy is the crown
(warnings; aged-up jace, mentions of canon character deaths, nsfw, mentions of smut, grief)
let the light in
(warnings: cheating(not on jace), infidelity, grief, angst)
fade into you
(warnings: age-gap, targcest)
sea, swallow me
(warnings in description)
Part 2 part 3 part 4
you go back to the old house but you've been locked out
(warnings in description)
death grips
(warnings in description)
Harwin Strong
melting moment
(warnings: smut, minors dni!!)
915 notes · View notes
fanfics4all · 3 days
Kinktober 2024
Day 1- Temperature Play: Toy Otto x Fem!reader
Day 2- Voyeurism: Lou Chan x Male!reader
Day 3- Public Sex: Barry Allen X Fem!reader
Day 4- Sensory Deprivation: Negan x Fem!reader
Day 5- Bondage: Derek Morgan x Fem!reader
Day 6- Anonymous Sex: Jamie Hunter x Fem!reader
Day 7- Bruising/Biting: John Murphy!Vampire AU x Fem!reader
Day 8- Flogging: Oliver Queen x Fem!reader
Day 9- Food Play: Fred and George Weasley x Fem!reader
Day 10- Overstimulation: Sub!Ambrose Spellman x Dom!Fem!reader
Day 11- Knife Play: F.P. Jones x Fem!reader
Day 12- Breath Play: Savitar x Fem!reader
Day 13- Role Play: Callie Adams-Foster x Male!reader
Day 14- Gangbang: Draco Malfoy x Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott x Fem!reader
Day 15-Teasing: Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki x Fem!reader
Day 16- Cock Worshiping: Daryl Dixon x Fem!reader
Day 17- Squirting: Bellamy Blake x Fem!reader
Day 18- Foot Fetish: Archie Andrews x Fem!reader
Day 19- Fisting: Caliban x Fem!reader
Day 20- Cunnilingus: Brandon Foster x Fem!reader
Day 21- Shower Sex: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
Day 22- Thigh Riding: Tommy Merlyn x Fem!reader
Day 23- Breeding: Malachai x Fem!reader
Day 24- Somnophilia: Roy Harper x Fem!reader
Day 25- Pussy Slapping: Leonard Snart x Fem!reader
Day 26- Pegging: Jesus Adams-Foster x Fem!reader
Day 27- Angry Sex: Rosita Espinosa x Male!reader
Day 28- Phone Sex: Luke Alvez x Fem!reader
Day 29- Uniforms: Octavia Blake x Male!reader
Day 30- Sex Pollen: Harvey Kinkle x Fem!reader
Day 31- Cock Warming: Severus Snape x Fem!reader
Here's how the days are gonna go, hope you're all excited!
16 notes · View notes
bi-bard · 2 years
Denial - Luke Brandon Imagine (Confessions of a Shopaholic)
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Title: Denial
Pairing: Luke Brandon X Reader
Word Count: 1,506 words
Warning(s): mention of lying (I don't know if that needs to be there)
Summary: Rebecca decides to play a game of matchmaker that only pays off after literally everything else goes wrong.
Author's Note: I loved this movie far more than I was expecting. Also, this got so out of hand.
I don't want to say that I was confused when Rebecca was hired at Successful Saving.
But I did question Luke's decision-making abilities a little bit when he hired her.
No matter my confusion, I decided to help her out. This was very clearly not her scene and if I watched the human equivalent of a golden retriever get chewed up and spit out by the world, then I would carry that weight to my grave and accept my sentencing to Hell.
I had gone over to the apartment that Rebecca shared with her friend just so she had some kind of writing buddy. Someone to help her clean up some of what she had written. My work was done anyway.
She didn't seem to need much of my guidance once she got into the habit though. She just needed the spark and then she could take off running.
We were sitting on her couch, kind of just working in mostly silence.
"If you don't mind me asking," she said. "Why are you helping me so much?"
"Is there a reason I shouldn't," I asked, not looking up from my laptop.
"Well, no," she shrugged. "I just don't know why you were so willing."
"Not everyone at that company is an ass," I muttered.
"Did Luke tell you to help me?"
"No," I chuckled, looking at her. "Why do you think that?"
"You two just seem to talk a lot more than everyone else."
"A few days and you have the whole office figured out?"
"Well, it's hard to ignore."
I reached over and grabbed my coffee off the table. "Luke and I were friends long before he started at Successful Saving. We've just been close for a while."
She nodded.
"He's a good guy," I explained. "Nice. Smart. He just takes the job seriously."
"I know, I know," she replied. "So... close?"
"How close?"
"We've been friends for a long time."
Her eyes scanned me for a moment. She was looking for a sign of something that I couldn't see. I just awkwardly grinned at her before going to take a sip of my drink.
"Oh my God, you like Luke," she said excitedly. "You have a crush!"
I choked on my coffee a bit. "No, I don't. No."
"Oh, come on," she replied. "You so do. You have a thing for the British accent, don't you? Or is it the eyes? Or that little smile he gets when you two talk? Oh, just tell me!"
I rolled my eyes. I jumped when she reached over and touched the side of my face.
"Your face is so warm," she teased.
I pushed her hand away. "I'm drinking coffee. It's a warm beverage. Known to raise the body temperature."
"Would it be all that bad," she asked. "Having a little crush on him?"
"I didn't say it'd be bad. It's just inaccurate."
"Please don't talk about your feelings like a news article."
"I'm not," I chuckled. "I'm just being honest. There's nothing there."
She hummed, shrugging dramatically. "Whatever you say."
"Can we get back to work now, so I can make sure you don't lose the job you just got?"
"Fine," she muttered. "Stay in denial."
After that night, Rebecca refused to let the crush thing die.
She was determined. I had to compliment that.
It was mostly small things. Poking at my side whenever I got a compliment. Small jokes from time to time. She would tell me on and on about what things Luke would say that may have hinted that there was something between us.
The only problem with her great match-making plan was that I was just as stubborn as she was determined.
I liked things that way.
It was nice to have a friend to be around without work always having to be our point of conversation.
And I had that with Luke. But it was just different with him. If I wasn't such an idiot, I would've been able to admit to why it was so different, but I was an idiot, so I was convinced that I had no idea.
And then, everything went wrong.
Luke and Rebecca went on TV because of the success of "The Girl in the Green Scarf". In the middle of the interview, a debt collector stood up and confronted her on TV. The debt collector that she claimed was an ex-boyfriend that had been stalking her.
Those things I could've forgiven. As strange as it sounds. It seemed like a case of embarrassment and addiction. She needed support.
But when I walked out of the studio to follow Luke and Rebecca out, it became so much more than that.
"I only took the job to get to Alette," she admitted. I stopped behind her, completely stunned.
Luke barely got out a few more words before he walked off. In all honesty, I hadn't been listening.
It took me a few seconds to come back down to Earth and walk around Rebecca, going to follow Luke out.
"No, no," I stopped her, turning to face her. "This... Was all of it an act? A powerplay? Just to move up the ladder?"
She shook her head.
"Why bother with me if this was just a stepping stone?"
She looked down for a moment.
"Was it because of Luke's family? You thought getting close to him would give you some pull? Or... I guess getting close to me to get to him? You thought it would boost your reputation?"
"(Y/n), no-"
"You let me help you and give you advice and you tried to look like my friend by asking and poking fun at my love life," I listed. I sighed. "Just leave me alone. Please. I... I need to go check on Luke."
I followed closely behind Luke. I only properly tracked him down when I got back to the building. He was sitting in his office, running his hand over his face.
It honestly made me angry to see him get so stressed over everything.
"Hey," I said, lightly knocking on the door.
He looked at me. "Hey."
"Can I sit," I asked, motioning to the other chair. He nodded.
I sat down opposite him.
"How are you feeling?"
He sighed. "Angry. Disappointed. Confused. How are you? I know you two were getting close."
"I'm just... I don't even know how I feel right now," I muttered, deciding that counting spots on the carpet was better than looking him in the eye. "I feel used, for lack of a better term. I thought she wanted to hang out with me, not that I was some weird piece on a chess board."
Luke didn't speak up. I wasn't quite sure why.
"I've never had someone that I'd call a best friend before, y'know?"
"Thanks," Luke commented.
I scoffed. "Oh, come on. That's not the same thing. You're different."
"How so?"
I looked at him. "You just are. I don't look at you like a best friend. I..."
I trailed off before anything else could be said. The words were going to be said out of instinct. Without any thought to them. It was something that my subconscious had known without my conscious figuring it out. It caught me completely off-guard.
She was right, I thought. Shit. Rebecca was right.
"How do you look at me then," he asked.
I couldn't think of a way to put this thought without it having some dramatic impact on how we saw each other.
It may have been the first time that Luke had seen me truly speechless. He seemed confused. His head tilted to the side and his eyebrows furrowed.
"(Y/n)," he said when he realized no other words were going to form. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"You didn't answer me," he pointed out.
I sighed. "I... I like you. A lot. That's why I don't just see you as a friend."
"Oh," he replied. I felt sick to my stomach until I saw a grin forming on his face. "I like you too."
"Oh," I mumbled.
There was a pause between us.
"This feels like a really weird time for this to be happening."
Luke laughed at me.
"Does it not?"
"A little," he admitted. "We could always wait. Talk about it over dinner tonight?"
I scoffed almost completely out of shock. "That was smooth."
"Thank you, I try," he shrugged before leaning forward on his desk. "What do you say?"
"I'd like that," I replied. His phone rang before we could talk anymore. I stood up and started walking to the door. "We'll meet downstairs?"
"Sure," he said, starting to reach for the phone.
I gave him a thumbs-up before walking out and leaving him to his phone call.
It wasn't until I got to my desk that I put my face in my hands and let a stupid smile break out across my face.
And yeah, I didn't have coffee as an excuse for how warm my face was anymore.
Navigation Guide
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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littleoddwriter · 1 year
Rules, Guidelines, etc.:
[Used to be: ronaldrx]
I'm a hobby writer and mostly write (x Reader) FanFictions and Headcanons. But I am also working on my original story whenever I can, so that I’ll hopefully publish it as an actual book someday. My Ao3.
Here’s a link to my Ko-Fi, in case you want to support me financially. It would mean a lot to me! (Obviously no obligation whatsoever! You never have to pay for anything on my blog, it’s merely an option for donations.)
Also, here are my sideblogs if you’re interested:
Dead Poets Society
Raúl Esparza
The Simpsons
Only ask for the characters I’ve got listed, please. I’ve written down all of the ones I actually write for, and the list is being updated regularly, as I often find new (actors, whose) characters I write for! (And yes, I always write for every character, so don’t ever worry if you wanna ask for one I haven’t written for in a long time, or ever, it’s fine!) Please always be patient with me. If I haven’t outright declined your request, it’s definitely in the works; even if it has been weeks or months since you’ve sent it in! And only send your requests via ASKs. No DMs or comments, please.
If you have a request, send an Ask to my inbox.
NO sexual NSFW requests, please (more details further down).
Requests = CLOSED (Max. Limit: 10)
Current number of requests: 10
Last updated: October 29, 2023
Masterlists are linked with fandoms/actors/characters below. I WRITE FOR:
ALFRED MOLINA characters:
Doctor Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man
Bob Taylor
James Lewis
Kurt Goreshter
Lonny Crane
Philippe/Abra Kadabra
Simon Lynch
Thomas Schiff
ETHAN HAWKE characters:
Arthur Harrow
Ellison Oswalt
Goodnight Robicheaux
James Sandin
EWAN MCGREGOR characters:
Alex Law
Catcher Block
Christopher Robin
Curt Wild
Dan Torrance
John Bishop
Mark Renton
Obi-Wan Kenobi 
Roman Sionis/Black Mask* (Birds of Prey - Masc!Reader only) [Any other version of Roman Sionis/Black Mask can be with a Gender Neutral/Female!Reader.]
HUGH DANCY characters:
Adam Raki
Cal Roberts
Luke Brandon
Executive ADA Nolan Price
Will Graham
KARL URBAN characters:
Billy Butcher
Black Hat
John Kennex
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Markiplier EGOS:
Wilford Warfstache
PAUL DANO characters:
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Edward Nashton/The Riddler
Eli Sunday
Jay (Okja)
Joby Taylor
PEDRO PASCAL characters:
Agent Whiskey
Dave York
Dio Morrissey
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Pike
Max Phillips
Maxwell Lord
Oberyn Martell
Ricky Hauk
RAÚL ESPARZA characters:
Dr. Frederick Chilton*
Jackson Neill
Jonas Nightingale
Rafael Barba
Characters from 9-1-1 (Lone Star):
Carlos Reyes*
Eddie Diaz
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Howard “Chimney” Han
Josh Russo*
Mateo Chavez
Paul Strickland
Bobby Nash
Tim Rosewater
TK Strand*
Characters from Law and Order(: Special Victims Unit):
Detective/ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Sergeant Mike Dodds
Detective Nick Amaro
Executive ADA Nolan Price
ADA Peter Stone
ADA Rafael Barba
Deputy Chief William Dodds
Little Miss Sunshine:
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Our Flag Means Death:
Edward Teach/Blackbeard*
Izzy Hands
Stede Bonnet*
Prisoners (2013):
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Bob Taylor
Detective David Loki
Renfield (2023):
Count Dracula
Robert Montague Renfield
Tedward “Teddy” Lobo
SLASHERS/Horror Film Characters:
Asa Emory/The Collector
Ash J. Williams [I will usually default to Ash from the TV show, unless requested otherwise!]
Billy Lenz (1974)
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface (TCM 1974 and TCM 2)
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Chop Top Sawyer
Corey Cunningham
Dewey Riley
Drayton Sawyer
Herbert West*
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Lawrence Gordon
Lester Sinclair
Luigi Largo
Mark Hoffman  
Nubbins Sawyer
Pavi Largo
Stu Macher  
Vincent Sinclair
William Easton
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
The Girl Next Door:
Characters from The Simpsons:
Cecil Terwilliger*
Fat Tony
Frankie the Squealer
Jack Lassen
Johnny Tightlips
Moe Szyslak
Ned Flanders
Otto Mann
Seymour Skinner
Sideshow Bob
Sideshow Mel
Snake Jailbird
Timothy Lovejoy
Waylon Smithers*
What We Do in the Shadows:
Anton (Movie)
Guillermo de la Cruz*
Laszlo Cravensworth
Nandor the Relentless
* Please note that an asterisk (*) means that these characters are Male/Masc/GenderNeutral!Reader only (including non-binary, of course). Platonic relationships with Female!Reader are possible, but no romantic ones.
If it’s a character that is open to all Readers, and you do not specify in your request what you want, I’ll usually opt for a Gender Neutral Reader by default.
SHIPS, such as:
BlackBonnet (OFMD)
SteddyHands (OFMD)
Black Pete x Lucius Spriggs (OFMD)
Buck x Josh Russo (9-1-1)
Dracfield (Renfield 2023)
Buddie (9-1-1)
Eli x Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Nandermo (WWDITS)
Herbert West x Dan Cain (Re-Animator)
McKirk (Star Trek: AOS)
Oluwande x Jim Jimenez (OFMD)
Barisi (Law & Order SVU) 
Renfield x Teddy Lobo (Renfield 2023)
Sickrent (Trainspotting/T2)
Stobotnik (Sonic Movie)
Tarlos (9-1-1: Lone Star)
AnderPerry (Dead Poets Society)
ZsaszMask (Birds of Prey)
Lastly, I would like to add things I will NOT write (about):
Sexual NSFW fics/headcanons (I used to write those as you can see in my Masterlists, but I have my reasons for not writing them anymore. Any hints at sexual topics are fine).
Anything related to death as the main subject (this includes deadly diseases, anything fatal, really, etc.).
Anything that romanticizes Mental Illness (my Vent Fics about my own disorders obviously do not romanticize any of it and I do not stand for that).
(Recreational) Drug Use
Extreme Possessive Behaviour and/or Jealousy
If you have something you would like me to write for, but you do not see it listed anywhere, please ask me before requesting it, so we can talk about it. I hope you enjoy yourself on my blog and have a good time!
My Asks and DMs are always open for any questions or simply to talk!
- Jesse
32 notes · View notes
cuttergauthier · 2 years
Tumblr media
Who I Write For
Hey everyone this is a list of who I write for.
If you have someone else in mind, send me an ask and i’ll let you know if i want to write for him. I’m not picky
Also if anyone would want me to start an AU let me know!
How to request
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New jersey Devils
Jack Hughes
Nathan Bastian
Dawson Mercer
Luke Hughes
Nico Hischier
Timo Meier
Brendan Smith
Vancouver Canucks
Quinn Hughes
Brock Boeser
Elias Pettersson
Cole McWard
Anthony Beauvillier
Dakota Joshua
Toronto Maple Leafs
Mitch Marner
Auston Matthews
William Nylander
Matthew Knies
Morgan Reilly
Buffalo Sabres
Owen Powers
Tyson Jost
Devon Levi
Erik Johnson
Jeff Skinner
Tage Thompson
Dylan Cozens
Casey Mittelstadt
Carolina Hurricanes
Michael Bunting
Andrei Svechnikov
Jack Drury
Pittsburgh Penguins
Pierre-Oliver Joseph
Ryan Graves
Ty Smith
Columbus Blue Jackets
Nick Blankenburg
Kent Johnson
Cole Sillinger
Adam Boqvist
Zach Werenski
Adam Fantilli
Vegas Golden Knights
Brendan Brisson
San Jose Sharks
Thomas Bordeleau
Tristen Robins
William Eklund
Henry Thrun
Luke Kunin
Anaheim Ducks
Trevor Zegras
Mason McTavish
John Gibson
Frank Vatrano
St Louis Blues
Jake Neighbours
Colton Parayko
Ottawa Senators
Josh Norris
Brady Tkachuk
Mathieu Joseph
Jakob Chychrun
Zack MacEwen
Tim Stutzle
Thomas Chabot
Minnesota Wilds
Matt Boldy
Brock Faber
Brandon Duhaime
Los Angeles Kings
Alex Turcotte
Quinn Byfield
Brandt Clarke
Pierre Luc Dubois
Alex Laferriere
Florida Panthers
Matthew Tkachuk
Sam Bennett
Mackie Samoskevich
William Lockwood
Aaron Ekblad
Josh Mahura
Brandon Montour
Colorado Avalanche
Cale Makar
Bowen Byram
Nate Mackinnon
Miles Wood
Detroit Red Wings
J.T. Compher
Dylan Larkin
Joe Veleno
Jake Walman
Boston Bruins
Mason Lohrei
Johnny Beecher
Jeremy Swayman
Jake Debrusk
Charlie Mcavoy
Montreal Canadiens
Cole Caufield
Arber Xhekaj
Kirby Dach
Christian Dvorak
Alex Newhook
New York Islanders
Noah Dobson
Mat Barzal
Philadelphia Flyers
Morgan Frost
Cam York
Jamie Drysdale
Joe Farabee
Tyson Foerster
Noah Cates
New York Rangers
Alexis Lafrenière
Adam Fox
K’Andre Miller
Braden Schneider
Chris Kreider
Zac Jones
Arizona Coyotes
Logan Cooley
Dylan Guenther
Clayton Keller
Nick Schmaltz
Chicago Blackhawks
Lukas Reichel
Seth Jones
Alex Vlasic
Connor Bedard
Tampa Bay Lightnings
Brandon Hagel
Anthony Cirelli
Seattle Kraken
Brandon Tanev
Jamie Oleksiak
Philipp Grubauer
Will Borgen
Dallas Stars
Wyatt Johnston
Jake Oettinger
Rope Hintz
Craig Smith
University of Michigan
Luca Fantili
Rutger McGroarty
Nick Moldenhauer
Phil Lapointe
Jacob Truscott
Tyler Duke
Marshall Warren
Frank Nezar
Ethan Edwards
Michigan State University
Red Savage
Isaac Howard
Maxim Štrbák
Ohio State University
Joe Dunlap
Cam Thiesing
Davis Burnside
Caden Brown
Matt Cassidy
Minnesota University
Luke Mittelstadt
Jimmy Snuggerud
Ryan Chesley
Oliver Moore
Brody Lamb
Boston College
Cutter Gauthier
Will Smith
Ryan Leonard
Gabe Perreault
Drew Fortescue
Jacob Fowler
Will Vote
University of Wisconsin
Cruz Lucius
Charlie Stramel
Zach Schulz
Random Teams
Nick Granowicz
Jay Keranen
Colton Dach
Nathan Gaucher
+ more
Nick Granowicz x Msu Reader
Josh Norris x Tkachuk sister
Trevor Zegras x Hughes sister
Cutter Gauthier x Hughes sister
Matthew Knies x Matthews sister
Jack Hughes x Mercer au
35 notes · View notes
stedefxckingbonnet · 11 months
requests info/intro!
hi, everyone!
i thought i'd take a quick second to introduce myself and to also formally open up requests. i'm already working on a few things, but requests really do always help and feel free to submit them at any point--but, we'll get to all of that in a moment!
my name is lavinia, and i am a uni student studying both theatre (dramaturgy specifically) and creative writing! i love to sing, act, write (obviously haha), read (i am a huge fan of classic literature, as well as donna tartt, mona awad, sally rooney, elif bautman, and ottessa moshfegh's works), go to concerts, go to the movies, style/design clothing, paint, collect records/cds, and so much more! this barely scratches the surface really but, if any of you share these interests, always feel free to reach out!
anyhow, as i said, i will officially be opening requests, and at the moment here is the media and the characters i will write for:
Our Flag Means Death
Izzy Hands (my BELOVED)
Ed Teach
Stede Bonnet
Lucius Spriggs
Jim Jimenez
Mary Bonnet
(more available upon request! these were just sort of my first instincts.)
Gilmore Girls
honestly, i'm pretty open to anything unless it's dean. just request and i'll see what i can do!
Gossip Girl
Blair Waldorf
Serena Van der Woodsen
Dan Humphrey
Nate Archibald
Chuck Bass (like sometimes)
Rufus Humphrey
more available upon request.
The Fosters/The Good Trouble
Callie Adams Foster
Mariana Adams Foster
Brandon Foster
Jamie Hunter
Gael Martinez
Dennis Cooper
Malika Williams
more available upon request.
Select Wes Anderson and Tim Burton characters. just ask!
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Little Women (2019)
Jo March
Amy March
Beth March
Meg March
Friedrich Bhaer
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Padmé Amidala
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Ahsoka Tano
more available upon request!
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Basically me just saying I'll write Mr. Darcy. but more characters available upon request, of course.
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff and Britta I'm a little iffy on but with the right request, maybe. don't hesitate to ask!
The OC
Seth Cohen
Ryan Atwood
Summer Roberts
Marissa Cooper
The Umbrella Academy
Luther is like, not preferred for me but if you feel strongly about him and have a good request, i’ll consider it but don’t get your hopes up too high!
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Neal Cassidy
August Booth
Jefferson (The Mad Hatter)
Ruby Lucas (Red Riding Hood)
Belle French
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White)
David Nolan (Prince Charming)
Peter Pan
Robin Hood
Any others, feel free to ask! I know I left Mr. Gold (Rumple) off, but that's only because it depends with each request. Also, please specify if you want it to take place in Storybrooke pre or post curse, or in The Enchanted Forest.
any others, feel free to ask. i am just starting S2, keep that in mind.
The Holdovers
Angus Tully
Dead Poets Society
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Love Lies Bleeding
Lou Langston
Jackie Cleaver
i'll just start there for now, as honestly it's been a bit since i've written an x reader and i don't want to overwhelm myself much! but please, feel free to request at any time! I will update this frequently, as I am always either getting into new things or remembering things I already love. I am mostly dedicated to OFMD right now, but you may also leave requests for other fandoms and I will keep them on file, or who knows, perhaps even get to them sooner than you may imagine! Have a wonderful day (or night!), and don't forget to request!
yours truly,
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me filing through all of your requests (hopefully!)
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You Have My Attention: X-Wing Series First Lines
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In the many, many series that comprise the Star Wars EU (the Legends Canon since Disney decanonized it in 2014), the X-Wing series is an interesting case because it is fairly cleanly bifurcated between two X-wing squadrons and two authors, and yet the series as a whole--and the characters who cross over between authors--feel remarkably consistent. That's a feat in and of itself, as anyone who has read over the shift from Robert Jordan to Brandon Sanderson in the Wheel of Time can attest.
My clear preference is for Aaron Allston's writing style and the Wrait Squadron missions, but I know readers who dearly love Stackploe's Rogue Squadron as well. So let's take a look at how these authors grab readers with their first lines!
"You're good, Corran, but you're no Luke Skywalker."
-- Rogue Squadron
"Even before his X-wing's sensors had time to scan and identify the new ship, Corran Horn knew he was in trouble."
-- Wedge's Gamble
"Commander Wedge Antilles would have preferred the ceremony to be private."
-- The Krytos Trap
"Somehow the dead of night amplified the lightsaber's hiss, allowing it to fill the room."
-- The Bacta War
"Twelve X-wing snubfighters roared down into the atmosphere."
-- Wraith Squadron
"He made no pretense at being fully human."
-- Iron Fist
"Naval Lieutenant Jart Eyan looked rested and cheerful."
-- Solo Command
"Sithspawn! When his X-wing reverted to realspace before the countdown timer had reached zero, Corran Horn knew Thrawn had somehow managed to outguess the New Republic yet one more time."
-- Isard's Revenge
"She was beautiful and fragile and he could not count the number of times he had told her he loved her."
-- Starfighters of Adumar
"Imperial Admiral Kosh Teradoc paused, irritated and self-conscious, just outside the entryway into the club."
-- Mercy Kill
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winchester90210 · 4 years
The BH 90210 Rewrite. 1x20: Spring Training.
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Rewrite Masterlist
Read the previous chapter here!
Chapter Summary: Alongside Brandon, you take a dive into the world of little league. 
Word count: 2,000
Warnings: Swearing, brief mention of violence. Also... I know nothing about baseball.
A/N: Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy this week’s episode! Took an extra week off to focus on my mental health and am feeling much better with everything now. I hope you guys are as excited as the next chapter as I am! It’s almost time for the spring dance :)
My work is to not be reposted/republished, and/or edited without my expressed written consent. (Reblogging is great and encouraged!!)
Feedback is very appreciated and encouraged!! :)
"With my dad laid up, we need all the help we can get. We’re practicing today if either of you want to join in on the festivities," Brandon persuades the two of you as you round the corner of the Peach Pit to sit at your usual booth. The familiar scent of pie crust and burgers fills the air, instantly putting your soul at ease. 
"Thanks… but no thanks, slim," Dylan rejects him, sliding into the seat opposite of you while Brandon follows suit. 
"Dylan, I thought you were a total baseball freak!" You tell him.
"I am, but listening to these parents berate their kids from the sidelines all day long," he shakes his head, cringing, "Brings back a whole slew of bad memories."
"But it shouldn't be about the parents!" Brandon protests, "It should be about being on a team, learning fundamentals, having a good time!" 
"That's very noble, Brandon. But when I was playing? It was about winning at any cost necessary.” Dylan argues. Brandon sighs in defeat, looking to you.
"What about you, Y/N/N?" 
"Not a chance,” you laugh. 
"What? Why not?" 
"Brandon… me and 20 kids, in an extremely competitive state? Did you learn nothing from the summer of '85?" You jest. Brandon chuckles at your extreme rejection, sliding a laminated menu your way. 
"Wait… what happened in '85?" Dylan's eyes flicker cluelessly between the two of you, awaiting an explanation.
"Look, it was no big deal. Things got a little heated during one of Eric's little league games," you shrug dismissively, flipping through the Peach Pit's menu as if you didn't get the same thing every time. 
"She beat up a nine-year-old,” Brandon quips.
“I didn’t beat up a—“ you pause, taking in a breath. “To put it simply I… put a kid back in his rightful place. He was picking on my brother, nothing happened that he didn't deserve." 
“What’d you do, tackle him out on the field?” Dylan lifts his eyebrows, amused smile on his face.
“No, of course not!” You duck your head back into your menu, mumbling, “I went out there and hit him in the groin with his bat.” 
The kids run out into the field, taking their positions with their needed equipment in hand. You lean back onto the warm metal fence, slipping a pair of sunglasses over your eyes to get a better look at Nat’s team. Without the glaring sun in your eyes.
“This is pathetic!” A young boy, adorned in a bright yellow Dukes uniform comes hurdling out from behind the fence to join Brandon and Steve. “They’re not even wearing uniforms!” 
“So what?” Brandon shrugs, voice hardened, “It’s a practice game.” Steve leans into Brandon to whisper something to him, but since he lacks the levels of common decency that most people acquire by the age of five, he talks loud enough for the whole team to hear. 
“They don’t look so good, Brandon.” 
“It’s okay. They came to play, that’s the important thing.” Man… sometimes Brandon felt too good to be true. You’re convinced there has to be a catch at this point. Gorgeous, smart, great with kids. What’s next? He opens up an animal sanctuary for underprivileged strays? Buys a soup kitchen? “Listen up, you guys. The way you treat your competition is a direct comment on how you play the game. Good sportsmanship counts big time with me and my old man…” as he continues to ramble on, your thoughts begin to shift elsewhere. Like how good he looks. It’s purely criminal for anyone to look so hot in yellow. It’s an inherently unattractive color. Yet, there he is—coaching children in the blazing heat, instilling them with good sportsmanship, and all you want to do is to get him to yourself. That bastard. You shake it off, chalking it up to teenage hormones, and try to focus on the game.
“Hey doofus! You really eat toads!” The same kid whining about uniforms earlier is now directing all of his pent up privilege and ten-year-old angst towards the poor, sweet, small child from Nat's team, the Pitts, further solidifying your desire to never procreate. 
“You’ll throw it better next time, Manny!” Nat encourages the little boy wholeheartedly, clapping for him as loudly as he can. 
“Hey Corey! Throw it to the doofus, he’s a real toad!” Does this kid only know two insults? The smaller brunette, the less athletically gifted child hangs his head, kicking sand around the base plate in frustration. Brandon takes note of it, immediately bounding out into the middle of the game.
“Time out! Crawford, get in the game for Noah!” His voice is stern, and as he approaches the boy he’s in total coach mode. It’s kinda hot... Well, it’s not your fault baseball’s boring. Gotta keep yourself entertained somehow.
Steve stops Randy Crawford from going out from the fence with the back of his hand, and going after Brandon himself, sand slipping from under his shoes. You can’t hear what they're saying but you know it’s not the happiest conversation. Knowing them, you know exactly how this is playing out. You don’t even need to hear them. You can see Steve furrow his brows from the sidelines, and Brandon’s gesticulating with his hands wildly as they talk but can’t make out any words that are flying from their mouths. Brandon, the moral center of Los Angeles wants Noah out for being a little jerk. Steve, being Steve, would probably rather keep the better player in than save the self esteem of a little boy before it’s too late and it no longer exists. It’s not long until Brandon pats Steve hard on the shoulder, storming off the field in a blur of sand and sweat.
Well, that’s your cue to leave, isn't it? You go to follow Brandon out, but Steve stops you short. 
“That boyfriend of yours is a total Boy Scout,” he spits. 
“Well, someone’s gotta be," You scoff, eyes rolling, ”They’re just kids, Steve! This isn’t Major League Baseball. There’s no trophy, there’s no prize. There’s absolutely nothing at stake here. What they need to be doing is having fun, and while that snot-nosed little jerk is out there on the field, they’re all gonna be miserable.” 
You flop down onto Dylan's couch, feet up on the armrest as he grabs a soda from the fridge and parks himself on the ottoman beside you. You exhale, eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
"Rough day out with the little leaguers?" 
"Rough day out with Steve," you snort. “I’m so used to being around Brandon I forget that people like Steve Sanders even exist.” 
“Come on, Steve isn't that bad."
"Dylan, you're talking about the guy that got carjacked by a girl he was trying to hook up with, and still bailed her out of jail--despite the fact she robbed him justminutes before--in the hopes of getting laid, only for her to steal his wallet." Dylan's face screws in a mix of amusement and total disbelief.
"Okay, so he's that bad," Dylan laughs. "Sorry to break it to you, Y/N/N, but not everyone is a part of the illustrious Walsh family."
"Not everyone can be," you tease. He gently tosses you a throw pillow from the chair across the room, and you use it to prop up your head. "It’s a tragedy.”
“See, what did I tell you? Isn’t he sweet? Isn’t he great?” Brenda watches as you comb through the stray dog’s long gray fur. He really is cute… wet black nose, shaggy gray hair, big puppy dog eyes. But you can’t keep him. “I think he likes you!” 
“Bren, as much as I’d love to take this puppy home, my parents would kill me!" 
“Just take him for a trial run, and if you like him, keep him!”
“Come on!” She pleads.
“Fine! Okay, okay. I’ll see if we can take him in tomorrow night,” you concede, giving the dog one last pat on the head. Brenda squeals happily, a grin on her face as she wraps her arms around you. 
“He’s great! You’ll love him!” 
"Fine. See you later... Wally."
The four of you watch silently, perched up at the counter of the Peach Pit as Nat's baseball team chows down on slices of pepperoni pizza. We've got Nat to your far left, wondering how the hell they're going to survive against the team from Beverly Hills, then we've got Dylan to your left debating on whether to finally help Nat and shack up with the struggling team, Brandon to your right who hasn't lifted his hand from your upper thigh this whole time which is seriously distracting, and you, wondering how such little boys could devour so much pizza in so little time. 
"You know the improvement from one week to the next is remarkable." You mumble.
"Oh yeah… the kids are showing a lot of promise." Brandon nods absentmindedly, bringing his cup to his lips. 
"But…" Dylan begins, "you still need a pitcher that can put the ball over the plate." 
"Yeah," Nat sighs, "but win or lose, the most important thing is how good the kids feel about themselves." He's trying to convince you, but the more he talks the more you know he's trying to convince himself. 
"Absolutely." You agree. 
"Totally." Brandon nods. 
"Yeah, I mean, in the long run that's all that counts," Dylan shrugs, his voice coated with scepticism.
"Absolutely." Brandon concurs.
"Totally…” You say. “Y’know, I was talking to Andrea about this and she knows a pretty great player from the valley."
They all turn their heads, slowly, with Nat glancing from you to the phone. You roll your eyes at the boys, making your way over to the payphone. The group watches with bated breath behind you as you slip in the quarters and dial her number, waiting for her to pick up. 
"Andrea, hi! Listen, uh, do you remember the other day? You told me you knew some kid in the valley who was a major blue-chip little leaguer?"
"Oh, yeah! Avery?"
"Yeah… Avery." You twist your head back, giving them a smile and a thumbs up. 
"What's Dylan doing? Bringing in a ringer?" Steve scoffs, twisting the metal bat in his hand as he cleans it. You exchange knowing smirks with Brandon as Dylan helps Avery get ready on the sidelines. She takes off her ball cap, releasing the foot of long brunette pony-tailed hair. Gasps are heard from center field, seemingly originating from Noah. Shocker.
"Oh my god! Dude, it's a girl!" He laughs out, adjusting his cap against the wind.
"Poor Dylan, he's really scraping the bottom of the barrel, huh?" Oh, if only you and that misogynistic head of yours knew, Steve-O. And surprise, surprise—Every pitch she's involved in ends up in a home run for the Pitts.
And little by little, much to your joy, Steve is getting progressively more aggravated— tapping feet, flaring nostrils, bugged-out eyes. You’re beginning to like baseball.
Eventually you make your way over to Brenda, off by the sidelines. You watch as they send Davey from the Dukes out, and Manny, the small, athletically challenged boy from the Pitts, isn’t far behind. Brandon perks up, calling a timeout to give what you can only assume is another one of his infamous Brandon talks to his team. After a moment the team breaks up, moving into their correct positions and as Manny chokes up on his bat ready to pitch. You cringe, hiding your face in your hand.
 But it's nothing short of a miracle as Davey throws the ball. It makes contact with Manny's bat, soaring across the field as he jets off across the bases. The catcher from the Dukes runs for the ball, tripping over his own foot and skidding across the grass. The whole team erupts into ecstatic cheers, rushing out and lifting Manny onto their shoulders. You know that Davey blew the pitch for him, you’ve seen him pitch a hundred times. But seeing the joy on that little boy's face, you knew that it didn't matter. 
"Poor kid," Brenda sighs, looking out to the opposite direction to Randy Crawford, the catcher that landed face-first into the grass. "I mean, he really gave it his best-- Wally!" 
"Wally? Bren, what're you-- oh my god! That is Wally!" Off in the distance, you can see the gray ball of hair hurdling towards the baseball diamond.
"That's not Wally! That's Rupert! It's my dog, he's back!" Randy gasps, watching in amazement as his shaggy mutt runs across the crowds and into his open arms. 
"Hey uh," Brandon comes to greet you, but is looking out into the field as well, "isn't that supposed to be your dog, Y/N/N?" 
"No, Brandon," Brenda shakes her head, light smile lacing her lips. "I guess that's Randy's dog��" You sigh, but seeing the little boy giggle with glee as Wally-- er, Rupert, laps at his cheek, there's no troubling emotions to be found. 
"I'm sorry, Y/N/N," Brandon laces his fingers with yours, grabbing your attention with a soft kiss to your temple. 
"I'm not," you assure him. You smile, the sight of the boy reuniting with his long lost dog something straight out of a movie scene. One last look and you turn away from the boy, eyes meeting your boyfriend’s. “Hey, Brandon... have a date for that dance yet?”
Taglist: @be-patient-be-good​ @mpmarypoppins​ @bevelyhills90210​ @blueoz​ @princess-ghost-alien​ @hueycat2004​ @l4life​ @keepcalm-and-beyou​ @isthatabutterfly​ @rosy-pugs​ @thewalshess​
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years
Dating Dylan McKay Would Include...
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 A/N: Requested by @may-the-bridges-iburnlighttheway
-Any relationship with Dylan is going to be pretty intense so be ready for that going in
-Dylan feels everything deeply, which includes his feelings for you
-That being said...
-He is the most caring, considerate boyfriend you could ask for
-He is always there when you need him whether you’re in trouble or you just need someone to talk 
-He defiantly priorities you in his life
-Even though he’s had plenty of past “girlfriends” Dylan would absolutely respect your boundaries when it comes to physical stuff
-You really get to set the pace to your relationship that way
-Frequent-ish fights because Dylan is so stubborn and really bad with expressing his emotions in healthy ways
-And you just want him to talk it out with you!
-These fights can be bitter and last for days until one of you finally caves 
-Which usually includes both of you crying in each others arms and finally talking everything out
-Honestly you would probably break up and make up a half dozen times but you always find your way back to each other
-Get ready for a tan because there will be lots and lots of beach dates
-Him teaching you how to surf
-When its not the beach you guys usually go to the Peach Pit
-Becoming friends with the rest of the West Beverly High gang
-Double dates with Brandon and Kelly 
-You never have to question that Dylan always, always has your back
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