#lula may x reader
hermionegalathynius · 9 months
Found Family (4/?)
So I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of positive reactions this story is getting. I just want to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to like or reblog or comment my work because it means the world to me.
Fandom: Now You See Me
Pairing: Danny Atlas x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing — read at your own discretion.
Part 3
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  “Hello New York!” Danny exclaimed, stepping forward and greeting the crowd. They screamed. 
  “Thank you so much! Hey, it’s great to be back! And have you met our newest Horsemen, the May sisters! Y/n and Lula!”
  The audience cheered louder and you and Lula waved, bright smiles on both your faces. Danny grinned back at you with a wink. 
  “Feels good right?”
  You nodded, “Yep.”
  “Pretty good,” Lula said, walking across the stage, “Pretty good.”
  Danny turned back to the audience and started to calm them, “Thank you, thank you.”
  The cheering quietened.
  “Um, okay. We want to talk to you about your privacy. What does your privacy mean to you?”
  “Because apparently to Owen Case, it means absolutely nothing,” Merritt continued.
  The audience looked around nervously. Your smile widened as you moved to stand next to Danny.
  “No actually, Merritt, it means less than absolutely nothing,” you said before addressing the audience, “You see, Owen’s mocked your privacy. He’s scorned it.”
  Danny nodded, running a discreet hand down your back and loosening the tension in your shoulders. You tried not to blush in front of an audience of people. 
  “Right,” he continued, “and we’re not just talking about the things that you already agreed to when you signed probably without reading the terms and conditions of Octas 1 through 7.”
  “So,” Lula began, “Before we start the show, we had Owen agree to a few terms of our own.”
  You grinned at her, proud of her for reaching this dream. She looked so comfortable up there, talking to the audience. You were glad to be able to do it with her, too.
  “So everything that he had once considered private…” Lula trailed off.
  Your heart dropped to your stomach as her mic cut out. One glance at Danny told you he understood and he quickly walked over to Lula.
  “Yeah, everything that he once considered private is now…” his mic cut off too.
  “Shit,” you whispered, not bothering to mind your language as you assumed yours had cut off too. 
  The screen behind you flashed and white noise filled the theatre. People screamed. 
  “Oh my,” a computer-generated voice echoed through the room, “As the Horsemen like to say, magic is about controlling perception.”
  You gazed up at the shifting face that appeared on the screen. Someone grabbed your arm gently and you turned to see Danny. 
 “Y/n!” He exclaimed, “Are you alright?”
  You swallowed, fear piercing through you, “I… yeah. Yeah I’m okay. What’s going on, Danny?”
  He shook his head, “I don’t know.”
  “You see them as the champions of the truth,” the voice continued, “but are they? Or is that just another one of their illusions?”
  “Shit shit shit,” Merritt was saying as he and Lula joined you and Danny in the middle of the stage, “Where’s Dylan?”
  “And Jack?” Lula added. 
  “So since they clearly love secrets, let’s reveal some of theirs.”
  “Danny, everyone, get off the stage,” Dylan’s voice crackled through the coms, “Jack, go with them. I’ll see you at the meet up point.”
  Danny’s hand moved down your arm and gripped yours. You squeezed his fingers in response.
  “Let’s go,” he said, pulling you off the stage behind him. 
  The four of you began running, the voice echoing behind you clear as day. 
  “Do you recall the death of Jack Wilder? What if I told you he’s not just alive, but he’s actually right here.”
  Jack’s alarmed face under his security cap was displayed on a screen you passed as you ran out of the backstage area.
  “Dammit,” you heard Danny mutter. His hand was still firmly clasped around yours. Normally you would be bothered by the tightness, but adrenalin was coursing through your veins and you were just that desperate not to lose track of him in this chaos. 
  “And do you know who else is here? The FBI. Let’s let them in, shall we? And now for the big reveal…”
  “Where’s the door to the roof?” Danny called to Jack as the younger man joined the group running to the meeting point. 
  “Take the next left then up the stairs,” Jack said. 
  “There’s a fifth Horseman, and he’s the biggest criminal of them all. FBI agent Dylan Rhodes.”
  The five of you punched through the door to the roof. 
  “How the hell could this happen? I thought Dylan had everything under control!” Merritt yelled.
  “Yeah. Apparently he didn’t,” Danny said, quietly frustrated in the way you knew he could get.
  Merritt whirled on the illusionist, and something in his expression told you Danny wouldn’t like what he was about to say. 
  “Maybe you’re the leak, Dan. Where’ve you been sneaking off to?” Merritt demanded. 
  Danny let go of your hand and advanced on the mentalist, “Don’t you dare for a second insinuate that I had anything to do with this!”
  “I’m not insinuating, that’s your-“ Merritt began to retort, but Jack cut in. 
  “Let’s get to the truck, come on!”
  You all ran to the black tube. Danny nudged you in front of him, and you jumped in. 
  Gritting your teeth against the roller-coster sensation in your gut, you crossed your arms over your chest and noted with some curiosity the pulsing sound coming from the gaps in the tube. 
  You could also hear Jack sliding ahead of you and Danny behind you. After a moment you also heard Merritt screaming further back. 
  Then, with a thud you tumbled into a laundry basket. 
  “Wha…” you breathed, getting a split second to gaze around at your surroundings before Danny slammed into you. 
  “Oof,” he said, “Sorry. You okay?”
  You winced, “Yeah. A little bruised, but I’ve had worse. You?”
  He nodded as Lula and Merritt tumbled into the basket next to you, “Yeah. What the hell is going on?”
  “Wasn’t there supposed to be a truck?” Merritt asked, clambering out of the basket. The rest of you followed his lead. Asian people in white aprons started yelling at you, shoving you through a crowded, steamy kitchen.
  “Wait,” Danny said in between being shoved by Chinese chefs, “did you mis-run the tube?”
  “No, I put it in the truck, I know I did!” Jack exclaimed, bumping into you while trying to dodge an oncoming tray. 
  “We’re really not in the truck right now,” you said, stumbling into Danny who reached back and grabbed your hand, the sensation becoming familiar to you.
  “Somebody must have moved the tube,” Merritt said, as you all moved through a set of doors into what looked like a restaurant, “Were we above a Chinese restaurant?”
  “I’m moving, relax!” Lula yelled at the man who was shoving her out of the kitchen. 
  “Okay, why are we here?” you demanded.
  “Why am I frickin’ starving?” Lula asked, staring at the Chinese food everywhere.
  “Yeah, I’m weirdly starving too,” Jack mused.
  At their words your own stomach growled, responding to the smell of noodles and stir fry surrounding you.
  Merritt moved towards the door, popping his head outside. 
  “Something’s very wrong,” you told Danny softly.
  He nodded, brows furrowed, “Yeah, I agree.”
  “At least,” Lula began as Merritt returned, “And I know this isn’t much consolation, but apparently we’re now surrounded by Chinese food. Right?”
  “Guys…” Merritt said and you all turned to look at him, “I think where we are right now, they don’t refer to it as ‘Chinese food’. It’s just called… food.”
  “Shit,” you muttered.
  “Wait, what are you saying?” Danny asked, “How is this possible?”
  A high pitched giggle directed all of your attention to the man with a perm sitting at the table nearest you, facing away with a menu held up in front of his face. 
  “I believe in your particular parlance, the word is ‘magic’.”
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Now You See Me 2
MIDNIGHT ON THE THAMES: Dylan Rhodes/Shrike x fem!reader
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Summary: The reveal happens at the stroke of midnight, in the middle of the Thames, on New Year's Eve - and she couldn't be happier. Or maybe she could, because Lula and Jack won't be the only ones kissing that night.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
This man is so underrated, it's a crime. He deserves some love - please love him.
Warnings: a bit of swearing, but nothing more
No matter how many successful reveals they pull off, she still feels the same amount of excitement, happiness and slight nervousness at the end of every trick and show.
Yet, the strongest feeling out of all of them was the happiness. The happiness because everything turned out just fine in the end, because this tiring performance is close to being over and mostly because her friends are also smiling with honest, wide grins and letting out excited chuckles.
This one though, this one wasn't easy to pull off. It was possibly the hardest show they had to put together with the trouble and issues they had to overcome. It was tiring, stressful, but also kind of fun and thrilling.
After this they'll sleep through a day if not two, she smiled at the thought as she let go of Lula, who was the last to end the group hug.
As Walter, Tressler and Chase slowly, reluctantly left the plane, stepping into the light, not understanding what is happening around them; the last act was about to start -- and this, this will be her favourite.
Those three absolutely ruined her whole week, made her almost choke on tears and worry and made her hate their whole existence and the fact that if they wanted to fool them, they had to let them believe they won was hard to swallow. Now they will get those smirks off of their faces and make them realize how easy it was to fool them. They were greedy and arogant and now they are losers -- nothing more.
God, how much they had to go through to reveal their real faces to the world.
"No, no, you should feel pretty good about yourself man. You predicted it correctly." Atlas started to tease the three of them for her pleasure, as they looked around with nothing but pure shock on their faces. "The Thames, stroke of midnight. New Year's Eve. Happy New Year!"
The people, the hundreds of curious fans who decided to come and see the final act shouted in happiness and excitement. Before these people tonight, there'll be nothing they'll be able to hide. That thought alone made her smile wider.
"We would like to acknowledge not just our old friend, Arthur Tressler, but his young and brilliant son, Walter Mabry!" Daniel continued. "Who has performed one of the greatest feats of illusion even we have ever seen. He has, amazingly, brought himself back from the death!"
The audience roared again, but this time the happy laughter wasn't the thing what made her heartbeat unevenly fast. It was the presence of the person who could both calm her down and make her uneasy with butterflies. Dylan's hand landed on her arm, squeezing it gently, lovingly, making her mind into a mush and her tounge forgot how to function to speak - and it's soon her turn to say something. She didn't know what that meant, but it was a sign of something - something soft like a silent 'thank you' or 'congratulations'. Even if it was slightly confusing, it felt nice. Too nice.
"But before he did that, he revealed someone. And we think it only right to give him a proper introduction. He is our friend and he is our leader, Dylan Shrike!"
His hand slowly left her as he turned towards their audience and began to speak.
"So normally only the magician, his assistant, and a few trusted stage hands know the secret of a trick..."
His voice faded away as she looked at him, quietly admiring him from afar, letting him enjoy his place in the spotlight. Her mind was full of memories. Memories of him, memories of today. The day she thought she'll actually choke on stress and worry.
God, how thankful she is that he's okay. That he's alive and up here with them, not down there in the water.
They were close, so close she felt comfortable in his presence. He was a person she could trust with anything, a person who didn't tease her like Merritt or Danny did sometimes. They were play fights, she knew that, but still there was something special between her and Dylan, a different kind of honesty.
And knowing that he could die from the digusting 'magic trick' those three tried to pull off with him made her cry. Like actually cry, many tears with a dry and quiet voice.
After he climbed out of that damned safe, she followed him around like puppy, sitting next to him on the stairs as they discussed what to do next. She sat next to him, not daring to hug him, but craving it -- yet instead she just let their knees touch slightly. It was enough to give her some energy and acknowledge that now they are going to war.
A slight nudge made her let go of those memories, getting back to reality, to a moment she should enjoy. Jack was the one talking now, explaining the secret behind 'Find the Lady' and this time Merritt was the one standing next to her.
"Don't daydream yet, lover girl. We still got a show to run." he patted her back and then walked away with a knowing a smirk.
Damn mentalist, she thought just as Lula began to explain the secret behind the airplane. He knows everything he can use to tease people with.
"Basically, we showed them everything." she finally spoke up herself, still laughing a little as she watched how Merritt teased his brother, finally getting the upper hand. "The switch, the plane, the manipulation... Yet they were still too blind to see." she turned towards Walter, a smirk forming on her face. "And you kidnapped us to steal the very thing that is in your pocket."
Walter was about to reach into his coat's pocket, to see if their homemade special card is really there; but Atlas was quicker.
"Whoops!" he said as the card appeared in his hand, seemingly out of nowhere. "You know, this thing here, which you said you could use to adjust markets, manipulate goverments, and spy on whomever you choose."
"Also, you could, as you said, control the public from outside the grid." she continued as the public groaned in frustration, realizing what their words really meant.
That reaction filled her heart up with pride.
"These men destroy people's lives. Spying on the world, robbing you of your right to privacy." It was weird, how well she recognized Dylan's voice and how well her heart did as well - as it was beating faster. Their eyes met and even if he was speaking the harsh truth, his gaze was still soft. It was always soft with her. "And they do that by hiding in the dark. So in true Horsemen tradition, we are here to expose them."
"Tonight, they, like all of us, are finally stepping into the light." she was grinning as the people reacted, shouting, screaming happily, because the truth was finally out. "Thank you everybody!"
"We are the Horsemen and we will be back very soon!"
And the moment came - when the show ends, the tiredness appears. Her chest was heavy with pride and happiness, justice found those three men who ruined their lives for days without stopping. Now they got what they deserve.
And then the coundown began. The audience shouted, like if the wait until New Year was part of the show... They shouted as the sirens were turned on, meaning the FBI was on its way. It was time to leave -- and then finally rest.
And then she felt it, the push - the literal, physical push she knew she needed, which got her closer to Dylan, almost bumping into him. She didn't know who it was, although she could bet her right arm on one of her friends -- but it didn't really matter. Thoughts didn't really matter. She was there, close to him, their eyes met.
It was their moment.
"So fun's over, huh?" she tried to joke, but her throat was dry and she could feel that her cheeks were pink for sure.
And then it happened - the need in her was satisfied, they touched the other. That kind of closeness was new and intoxicating, but not at all uncomfortable. It was something what both of them longed for since forever - and now here they were.
Their lips touched. It was a quick and short kiss, but it was a very meaningful one. She felt it. She felt it in how warm his lips were, how he touched her cheeks and how he was slightly shaking just like her, because what they wanted finally happened. It was soft, but it was full of passion. All the unsaid feelings were pushed into that one, simple kiss.
"I love you." his words were simple, they were nothing special, but they still made her insides warm.
"Hey, we are on the clock here!"
Damn the clock!
They had to run, sure. But even that couldn't wash the lovesick smile off her face. It couldn't, because Dylan Shrike loved her. He said it himself and she knew it was true.
Dylan grabbed her arm, he held onto her firmly as they started to run - just in time, because the boats arrived and agents started to get out of them, running towards them.
"I love you too." she said as they hurried away. "I think I've loved you since you interrogated me."
"Ever since then, huh?" he chuckled.
"What can I say? I think it was the suit. You look really good in suits."
They both laughed even if they were a little bit out of breath.
Dylan suddenly stopped and so did she. She took a deep breath as she looked at the water of the Thames, which was only a few meters away. People shouted behind them, possibly the agents who were sent here, only to fail their mission once again. They never really learn.
He turned towards her and touched her cheeks once again, his thumbs drawing shapes gently into her skin.
"I need you to go, okay? I'll be right behind you, but there's one more thing I have to do."
"I promise."
She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek and then she looked up at him with a shy smile.
"I'll see you soon."
And just like that she was gone. Gone, disappeared into the night like the magician she is, making a fool out of the FBI once again.
Dylan stayed there, waiting for an agent to turn up so he can finish what he started and give them the proof they need against Tressler and his son. He stayed there as the shouts came closer. He stayed there and looked after his lover, knowing that he'll adore the moments he'll spend with her once they finally get to a safe place where they can finally rest.
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arcsimper5 · 6 months
Aloha 🌺
I’ve recently discovered your blog and I looooveee your fics 😭.
I saw that your requests are open but I didn’t see any rules so excuse me if I did something wrong.
May I request a sweet (possessive) Hunter x F!Reader fic? I loved how you touched on Hunters doubts in Flutter but I’d love to know how you’d think he reacts when there is an idiots in love trope going on.
Spice/smut is always welcome but I don’t want to restrict your creativity.
Thank you 🙏🏻🌺
Hellooooooo lovely anon!
I'm so sorry this took so long, I've been flitting from project to project and not had time to really sit down and think about anything!
So, I wrote what turned into basically a prequel for Flutter, as within that there's a mention of how reader and Hunter got together.
This is a spicy little ficlet, so I hope it's what you wanted and what you were looking for!
Pairing: Hunter x Reader Explicit content within! Warnings: Angst, pining, idiots in love, guilt, swearing, mentions of bad past.
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Hunter could practically feel the anger radiating from you as you tucked Omega into the spare bunk, making sure Lula was carefully snuggled under her arm before you leant in, whispering goodnight.
Your soft smile, reserved for the young girl, was quickly replaced with a glare as you tugged the curtain across and turned to him, a fire unlike anything he’d ever seen in your eyes.
“My room. Now,” you instructed, heading for the makeshift quarters you had in what had formerly been the storage room. It was by no means large, barely fitting you slightly larger than regulation bed and a small storage chest side by side, but it gave you privacy at least.
If Wrecker, Tech or Echo noticed your anger, they didn’t say anything, all merely shrugging or shaking their heads when Hunter sent them a desperate look, one that screamed ‘help me’.
But he was on his own, letting out a deep sigh as he trudged after you, his head hanging a little.
You stepped to the side, allowing him into the room with you before you closed the door behind you, crossing your arms across your chest.
Hunter took another deep breath as he turned, bracing himself for your telling off.
“How could you?” 
The simple question was laced with venom, anger pouring off of you in waves as you hissed it, leaning forward a little.
“Who the kriff do you think you are that you can just decide that Omega is going to live with a bunch of strangers she just met, and not even talk to us about it?”
“They’re not strangers,” Hunter protested, “they…”
“They are to her!”
Your heart was hammering in your chest, eyes stinging as you stared at Hunter, trying to keep your composure.
“I know what it’s like, to be cast off because no-one wants you, Hunter. You can’t just… do that!”
“I… I wasn’t trying to abandon her,” Hunter murmured, shame flooding his system. Any anger he’d felt at your earlier comments began to melt away as you continued, the salty scent of your tears hitting him like a speeder.
“But that’s what she’ll think,” you choked, breath catching in your throat, “that kid has never been allowed to make a decision in her whole damn life, and the first one she’s made, you try and take away from her!”
“Because I was doing what I thought was best!” Hunter protested, folding his arms to mirror yours, his defences going up once more.
“For who? For her? Or for you?”
“That’s not fair,” Hunter snarled, his eyes narrowing, “Cut and Suu are good people. She’d be with kids her own age…”
“I don’t care if they’re the Force incarnate!” you shouted back, immediately closing your eyes and taking a steadying breath, trying to claw back a sense of calm. “You can’t just decide she’s going to live somewhere else without talking to her, or to us!”
“We don’t know the first thing about kids!” the sergeant barked back, taking a step towards you. “How are we supposed to look after her?”
“Trying would be a good start,” you snapped back sharply, “not shouting at her for making a simple mistake, not trying to dump her on other people. Omega saved your life on Kamino and Force knows she saved all of our shebs back there. Cut, Suu and the kids wouldn’t even have been on that shuttle if it wasn’t for her!”
That silenced Hunter for a moment, your words swarming over him.
“She’s just a kid,” he protested weakly, shaking his head. “I… I’m sorry. I panicked. I… I thought she’d be better off with them. Safer, with them. Being here, on this ship… it’s no life for a kid. It’s barely a life for us… for you.”
His gaze softened as he looked back up at you, the sincerity in them disarming you abruptly.
“Hunter,” you croaked, your tears finally spilling over, “she… She wants to be here. With you. Her family.”
“But she deserves…”
Cocking an eyebrow at the derisive snort you let out, Hunter’s eyes narrowed once more, less anger and more confusion driving the action this time.
“Didn’t we have this exact conversation just after Onderon? Before everything went to shit?” you murmured, dropping your arms to your sides. “You trying to get me to leave with the refugees because it would be ‘safer’? Because I ‘deserved better’?”
Hunter shuffled uncomfortably, drawing in a deep breath as he too let his arms drop, his eyes closing against your reasoning.
“I’ll tell you now what I told you then; I’ve made my choice. I would rather spend my days locked in an Imperial prison than apart from you, from my squad. Omega made the same choice. You seem to have that effect on people.”
The joke caught Hunter by surprise, a short peal of laughter escaping his lips before he shook his head, his expression softening once again.
“For our sins,” he huffed dramatically, your lips turning up into a soft, fond smile for the first time since you’d left Salucemi.
“Hunter,” you called, the exhaustion in your voice suddenly clear. Looking you over cautiously, Hunter stepped forward, coming to meet you as you raised your hands. His met yours without hesitation, lacing your fingers together as your foreheads came to rest against one anothers, both closing your eyes and enjoying the moment. 
“It won’t happen again,” he promised lowly, his guilt obvious, “and… I’m sorry.”
“I know,” you sighed, squeezing his hands softly, offering silent comfort. “Look… if things get too bad, I… I’ll take Omega. I’ll take her and find somewhere, and we can…”
The word was huffed so softly, you weren’t sure Hunter had spoken at all until you opened your eyes, shocked at what you found.
Hunter’s gorgeous, chestnut grey eyes were reddened, a single tear rolling down his tattooed cheek, your breath stolen by the way he looked at you.
“I… I need you,” he admitted gently, “I… Maker, cyare, I…”
Your stomach fluttered even as your confusion grew.
The relationship you shared with Hunter had always been… different.
While you could joke with Wrecker, chat for hours with Tech and reminisce with Echo, Hunter had always been more… intense. 
The first time you’d found him having a panic attack, you hadn’t hesitated to pull him into your room, laying him down and stroking soothing hands through his hair until the panic subsided.
By the time he woke up some four hours later, he’d been shocked to find himself in a comfortable bed, surrounded by plush pillows with an eye mask on and soothing ocean sounds playing from a small device on your trunk.
Since that day, you’d confided in each other, become closer in a way you had never thought possible. And selfishly, it had left you wanting more.
More of Hunter. More of his attention, his affection, his body and mind… But you would never ask. It was against regulations, and it was a distraction. Until the war ended.
‘He doesn’t mean it like that,’ you chastised yourself inwardly, ‘he doesn’t. He can’t.’
“Hunter?” you managed, the question breathed into the space between you, your eyes still locked with his, “What… What do…”
“On Onderon… I… I didn’t want you to go. I was so glad you chose me, chose us. And then, seeing you cuffed in the cells… I thought I’d made a bad call. I thought I might lose you. I should have… I should have said something then, but…”
“About what?” you prompted into the void left by his cut off sentence, his eyes closing once again as he sucked in a deep breath, trying to steady himself.
You couldn’t suppress the gasp that left you as Hunter pulled you against him suddenly, pressing you back against the wall of your room. With once swift motion, Hunter’s hands, still laced with yours, lifted your arms and pinned them over your head.
He withdrew from the keldabe, shifting just enough to lean down, pressing his lips to yours in a searing kiss.
For a moment, your brain simply went dark. It stuttered, trying to process the feel of Hunter’s lips on yours, the weight of his body pressing against you, all taut muscle and strong grip, the swipe of his tongue against your mouth…
Letting out a soft moan into the kiss, you opened up to him, Hunter taking full advantage. As your tongues touched, you both let out a whine, your entire body shuddering under his touch.
The reaction seemed to break whatever spell had drawn you together, the sergeant almost leaping back, letting your hands go and holding his own up as if to not appear threatening.
“I… I’m sorry,” he gasped as you leant against the wall, panting for breath, “I shouldn’t have… I should…”
You cut him off with a kiss of your own, practically throwing yourself against him, pinning him against the wall this time. As your hands moved up his chest and to his neck, threading into his thick curls and tugging gently, his wound around your back, clutching at you desperately.
The next few moments were a blur, hands roaming over each other's bodies, pulling at clothing, teeth and lips and tongues clashing in a passionate dance.
By the time your naked back made contact with your bedsheets, you were a babbling mess, barely coherent as Hunter’s mouth moved over your breasts, flicking over one nipple while clever fingers toyed with the other.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you,” he murmured into your soft flesh, “no karking idea.”
“Is, is this really happening?” you gasped as your back arched, drawn into Hunter’s teasing touches.
“I karking hope so,” he purred against your stomach as he made his way lower and lower, kissing every inch he could reach, “because if it’s not, and I wake up alone in my bunk with a hard-on, I’m coming to find you, and making it real.”
You could only shudder and cry out in response as his tongue finally found your centre, licking stripe over your clit, to your dripping entrance.
“Now lay back, mesh’la, and let me take care of you.”
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zahmaddog · 2 months
Part 2: The Warning
Read Part 1: Making Friends in Pabu Warnings: Fluffy AF, Alcohol, Flirting, Slowest Burn of Burns, Death, Blaster Fire, Explosions, Light Romance (SFW), Comfort.
Crosshair x fem!reader | Word Count: 3704
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I decided to keep writing for fun. This one is a bit spicier than the first part as the relationship deepens between the reader and Crosshair. In good Star Wars fashion, I'm hoping this hooks you all in with some twists and action. The reader is a badass woman and I really wanted to fuel the character further with talents and quips. I hope she's a cool character to escape into. Enjoy!
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“Come find me tomorrow?” You called to Crosshair as he exited your ship. He turned and waved a little to acknowledge the comment, but didn’t respond with anything endearing. You sighed as your company walked alone under the stars, leaving you feeling a little empty. You bit your lip and closed the door to your ship. You looked at the table where you and Crosshair had enjoyed the evening together and questioned if you should leave the small mess to wake up to; as a reminder that you weren’t completely alone that night. —--
“Did you get any intel on her?” Hunter sat on the steps of the Bad Batch’s well-decorated porch. “You’re still awake?” Crosshair’s words slithered out of his still buzzed mouth. “Are you drunk?” Hunter tried not to laugh. Crosshair ungracefully sat next to his brother and pointed a finger at the sky. “Was drunk.” Crosshair grinned a little. Then he put his head into his hands as his emotions swung back and forth. “Are you okay?” Hunter reached out and touched Crosshair’s shoulder. Crosshair stayed silent for a minute, then shifted to regain some composure. “We can trust her,” he began, “Or, I trust her. She’s no clone, but has also escaped a life of conditioning.”
Hunter let go of Crosshair and folded his arms as he leaned back into the staircase. “So, she’s not going to bring any trouble?” Hunter questioned Crosshair. “I can’t say for sure. I meant to talk about details of what I read in her file, but I didn’t get around to it.” Crosshair looked down at his feet.
“You spent hours over there and you didn’t even ask? What could you possibly have talked about?” Hunter said slowly, but with a hint of frustration.
Crosshair opened and closed his mouth a few times in an attempt to begin an answer. Hunter’s look of concern returned as he knew while Crosshair was a man of few words, he was always one to have words. 
“I tried to play her guitar. She plays beautifully,” Crosshair said to the stars. He looked at Hunter, “I think I may have made a friend.”
“Huh,” Hunter smiled. “Well, if you trust her, I’ll trust her.” He stood up and shook his pants from the sand and dirt on the steps. “But, we’ll need to watch out for her too then.” 
Crosshair nodded in agreement. 
Hunter was careful with his words, but he still felt something wasn’t right. He couldn’t tell if it was his previous run-ins with bounty hunters after Omega clouding his senses, or if there was something new to be concerned about. Hunter sighed and watched his loneliest brother stargaze.
I won’t ruin this for him. Hunter thought to himself. Shaking off the feeling of worry and dread for a moment, Hunter stepped inside, and turned to see Crosshair still sitting on the steps. “Are you coming inside?” Hunter yawned while he held the door open. “In a while, maybe.” Crosshair said unbothered. —-
Crosshair woke late that morning on the porch surrounded by Wrecker’s plush toy Lula, pillows, and a draping sheet to create a tent. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, causing the tent to collapse around him. He heard the front door open. “Oh, sorry, Crosshair!” Omega exclaimed. She set a plate of fresh pancakes in Crosshair’s lap and removed the sheet from his head. “I was hoping we could have breakfast together in a pillowfort?” Omega smiled. “Of course.” Crosshair said while pulling the sheet overhead to fix Omega’s pillowfort. —-
It had been a few weeks since getting to know the family that called themselves “the Bad Batch.” You had been to their home for meals a few times and Crosshair spent nearly every evening with you. In the mornings, you’d see Wrecker, Crosshair, and Omega out fishing, with Hunter in tow sometimes. On occasion, Crosshair would jump to your boat to spend the day with you.
Omega waved as their ship skipped over the choppy water to your vessel. Wrecker cut the engine and as the ships drifted closer, Crosshair jumped into the water and swam towards your boat. You reached down into the water and pulled him aboard. 
He grinned, “Hi, beautiful.”
You smiled and threw him a towel. “We could have waited until we were closer for you to jump on.”
“I decided I couldn’t wait any longer,” Crosshair said through the towel as he dried his face. 
From the ship, Omega, Wrecker, and Hunter waved. 
“Don’t keep him out too late!” Omega yelled as their ship took off towards the island, leaving you and Crosshair alone. He turned to you and sighed a breath of relief. 
“I have a surprise for you today,” you smiled as you held up a box of clay birds. 
“Target practice?” Crosshair raised an eyebrow. “How touching. You do care about me, don’t you?” 
“I could get used to caring, yes,” you replied as you tossed the box at him. 
“I didn’t bring my rifle,” Crosshair ran his fingers over the box and opened it to reveal clay birds ready for tossing and shooting.
“No worries, I have a few things stashed,” you vocalized while digging into a storage space beneath the deck. You pulled out a few blasters from below deck, a pistol, and two rifles. 
“They’re not much,” you grinned, “But it’s hard to get anything with the Empire running things these days. Will you keep my secret?”
Crosshair picked up one of the rifles and looked down the barrel and shot a look of approval in your direction, “Oh, I’ll keep your secret.”
You put a pair of binoculars to your eyes and scanned the horizon, then asked Crosshair, “Do you think we’re far enough out that nobody will notice?” 
“I’m sure you could blame this one on me and nobody will bat an eye,�� he chuckled.
“Okay then, you’re up, Mister Sniper,” you laughed as you wound up your arm with a birdie ready to toss.
“No, no.” Crosshair motioned you to come closer to him, “We’re going to judge your marksmanship skills first.” 
You took the rifle from Crosshair with a bit of a confused look written across your face. You didn’t argue with him and you lined the rifle up with your shoulder. 
“Ready?” Crosshair looked at you and you nodded back. He threw the birdie high into the sky. Pulling the trigger the second it aligned in your sights, you blasted it to pieces. 
“Deadeye.” Crosshair looked at you impressed. 
“Okay, now it’s your turn.” You tossed the rifle towards Crosshair. He lined the rifle up to his shoulder as a serious expression washed over his face.
“Remember how I said I was a sniper?” He spoke softly as he looked down through the sites. “That’s a big emphasis on was. Throw it.” He instructed.
You tossed the bird into the sky, he followed it with the barrel, pulled the trigger, and blasted the bird to pieces.
“Seems to me like there’s still a sniper in there somewhere,” you said in admiration as the pieces fell into the ocean. 
“Hmm.” Crosshair replied with a grunt. He looked at his mechanical hand and placed it back on the trigger. “Again,” he prodded. 
You tossed the second bird into the sky, Crosshair followed it, pulled the trigger, and again blasted the bird to pieces. He looked up from his sights with a soft gaze and watched the pieces fall into the water. 
“I’m surprised I can hit anything at all anymore,” he snickered to himself while studying his mechanical hand once again. You watched his eyes glaze over, as if he was watching a movie scene play out in his head. 
“You okay? We, we don’t have to do this,” you implored. 
“No, it’s okay. Throw a few into the air at once, if you could,” Crosshair coaxed. 
“Is it cool if I shoot some with you? Want to see who’s faster?” you challenged.
Crosshair looked down the barrel, “You’re on.” 
You tossed several birds out at once with precision. None of them floated for long as you and Crosshair blew them to smithereens within seconds. About ten minutes after repeating this routine, you were out of clay birds to throw. 
“I don’t think we missed a single bird,” you bantered, throwing the empty box onto the deck.
“I guess you could say we make a good team,” Crosshair blushed and stepped closer to hand the rifle back to you. You let your hand slide down the barrel as you took a step closer to him, gazing up into his eyes for a few seconds too long.
“What is it?” Crosshair swooned a little. 
“I don’t mind these little moments with you,” you professed. “You’re different.”
Crosshair responded with a soft smile and small laugh, “I’m defective.”
Completely missing the joke, you respond “You shoot perfectly, even with a mechanical hand. I wouldn’t call that ‘defective.’” 
“No, like I’m defective by nature?” His eyes narrowed as he tried to explain, “My family, we’re all defective clones.”
“Oh.” It finally dawned on you why they all looked very alike, “Like defective clone troopers,” you muttered.
“You didn’t see that immediately?” Crosshair was a little stunned.
“No, I just thought you were… Well, take no offense to this, but regular people,” you admitted.
“You thought we were regular?” Crosshair laughed. “And Tech was always the one that said none of us would pass a psychological examination.”
You sat down on the deck, pulling on Crosshair’s hand to join you.
“Who’s Tech?” you asked.
Crosshair sat down on the deck next to you and put the blaster to his side. He pulled his legs close to his chest and crossed his arms in front of them. He was afraid to open up to you and to let you in. He took a deep breath in and exhaled, just as Omega had taught him in meditation, and just as he breathed behind the sniper scope for so many years.
“Tech was my brother.” Crosshair spoke more to the ocean than to you. “We all knew the risks to living a life as a soldier. Tech died protecting Omega and my brothers.” He paused for a moment, then resumed with hesitation, “He died trying to save me. We’re a family, but in a lot of ways, we’ll never be the same without Tech.” 
The boat rocked back and forth on the water as the ocean breeze responded to Crosshair’s words. You sat in silence next to him watching the birds fly just above the water. You reached out your arm across his back and leaned your head against his shoulder. It felt forced, this one-sided embrace, but you held him for a moment to share your condolences without breaking the silence. 
Surprised by your grasp, Crosshair breaks his tucked position and pulls you in, looping one leg around you and pulling you against his chest. His embrace tightened as his face fell to the nape of your neck. He exhaled slowly into your skin. You too relaxed into his grip.
Your comm rang, ruining the moment. You slid the small circular device out of your pocket and watched it ring.
“Are you going to answer that?” Crosshair inquired. His embrace broke slightly as you sat up a bit higher. The ghostly look on your face as you studied the device answered some of Crosshair’s question. “You’re afraid to answer it.” He muttered, releasing his embrace entirely. 
“What are you hiding?” He questioned.
“We’ll answer it together,” you answered the call.
A blue hologram figure appeared, floating above the small device. The figure was wearing a helmet to mask his face. He was unfamiliar to you, so you asked, “Who are you?”
“You don’t remember? Always so impersonal.” The voice was deep in response. “I have a warning for you. Vinn Carvel knows it was you that took the artifact from the compound upon your exit. Turns out, you were doing him a favor.”
“A favor?” You blustered in bewilderment. You felt Crosshair’s eyes shift from the hologram to you. Your heart sank.
“That artifact had an Inquisitor at our door this morning. Looks like you took something— priceless.” The hologramed voice continued, “If you’re on the run, I’d keep running. That’s the last you’ll hear from us.” The hologram switched off.
“What’s he talking about?” Crosshair sounded concerned. You met his gaze with a dissociated look.
“I might be dangerous after all,” you attested. 
You and Crosshair fled back to the island. The ship chopped roughly along the water as you held the throttle to the max. Crosshair rode on the opposite side of the ship in silence. The water around you began to darken, as if something was blocking out the sun. You look up, only to find your deepest anxieties ignite in the shadow of an Imperial shuttle.
The Imperial ship followed you to the island, appearing larger and larger as its altitude dropped. Crosshair picked up one of your rifles and held it close. You knew there was nowhere to run, but you needed to get Crosshair back to his family before conversing with the Empire.
You docked the boat and yelled to Crosshair, “Run!” He jumped from the boat to the dock and sprinted up the mountain out of sight.
Knowing what the Empire was after, you grabbed the backpack that rarely left your sight and jumped to the dock. You spied the shuttle landing at the spaceport, so you started running towards the Imperial shuttle.
Just throw them the bag and get out of there. You told yourself, but there was an unsettling feeling that it wasn’t going to be as easy as you’d hoped. 
Just as you got into the spaceport, you were met by two Imperial officers.
“Get on the ground with your hands up,” they barked. You followed their orders and immediately knelt with your hands up. 
From the main entrance of the shuttle, a hooded figure appeared and walked down the ramp. The inquisitor’s lightsaber ignited and they dragged the red blade alongside the ground as they walked towards you.
“Funny how you’re on this side of things now, Tarkin,” the Inquisitor snarled. “Your uncle was most displeased when he learned of your… desertion.” 
“Imperial royalty wasn’t my idea of a good life,” you hissed back. 
“Where’s the holocron?” The Inquisitor wasted no time.
“Just take the backpack,” you insisted.
The imperial guard behind you unzipped your bag and ruffled through it. He paused for a moment and pulled out a glowing pyramid. 
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” The Inquisitor smiled and accepted the holocron from the guard. “Lord Vader will be most pleased.” 
“Lord–who?” You quipped back.
“Guards, take her into custody and back with us to Mustafar,” the Inquisitor bellowed.
It was seconds after the guards forcefully applied the cuffs to your wrists and yanked you to stand that you heard blaster fire. Both guards fell to your side and the Inquisitor spun their lightsaber blade inches from your throat. You froze.
“I see you’ve made friends,” the Inquisitor deadpanned.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Crosshair slide down the lookout tower's side and walk closer to the Inquisitor. 
“You dare challenge me?” The Inquisitor called out.
Crosshair squeezed the trigger, causing the Inquisitor to block the blaster fire. You fell to the ground and shuffled away from the blade’s reach. Crosshair continued the onslaught of blaster fire, until one shot landed. Then another. The Inquisitor’s blade retreated and they fell to their knees staring up at Crosshair. 
“You can’t kill a force wielder,” they managed to utter in a weakened voice.
“Unfortunately for you, I was designed to.” Crosshair said as he pulled the trigger once more, causing the Inquisitor to fall lifeless at his feet.
Crosshair studied his kill, but directed his voice towards you, “Are you okay?”
You nodded in disbelief and responded in a near whisper, “You came back for me?”
He stepped over his kill towards you and ordered, “Turn around.”
You turned and gave him your hands. He took his knife and cut through the restraints and turned you to face him, his hands not leaving your sides. His eyes, broken with mistrust, looked longingly into yours.
“I have to go now,” you rasped. “I have to get this thing off the planet and away… from you. I’m so sorry.”
Crosshair, at a loss for words, moved his hand from your waist to your cheek. 
“Go.” He shuddered. You fell into his embrace and pulled away after a few second’s time. Crosshair planted a soft kiss on your lips and let go of you; you broke him. 
Detaching yourself from the screaming emotion of unspoken affections, you turned your attention to the mess you and Crosshair had made. 
“Help me get these bodies onto this ship,” You began. “I’ll follow their previous flight path, mess with the computer, and make it look like they never got to the planet. I doubt they’re tracking their Inquisitors closely.”
Crosshair nodded and helped you lug the bodies into the shuttle. 
“You’re not going to destroy the shuttle with yourself in it, right?” He prodded. 
“Unfortunately for you, no,” you gawked. 
“How can you joke at a time like this?” Crosshair fretted while heaving the last body into the shuttle. 
“I’ll remotely control my ship to come get me. Don’t worry. I’m going to be fine. This plan is our best shot to protect Pabu, then I’ll get rid of this artifact before anyone else comes looking for it,” you explained as you walked up the ramp of the shuttle.
“And who is looking for it?” Crosshair called to you. 
“I have more secrets to whisper to you later,” you sighed as you closed the shuttle entrance. 
Racing to the pilot seat, you dispatched the landing gear and steered the shuttle to the sky, leaving Crosshair alone on the spaceport’s platform. Retracing the flight path with the computer, you found a nearby star system along the way to ditch the shuttle. 
Programming in the path to light speed, you pulled your tablet computer system from your bag and remotely controlled your private ship. Sending the flight coordinates, you programmed the ship to pick you up hours after ditching the shuttle. 
Now into space, you prepared the ship for lightspeed and punched it. It would only be a short journey, so you had to act fast if you were to erase the coordinate history of the ship and have enough time to clear your head. You worked your way into the computer, realizing it had been sending transponding coordinates of its position back to the Empire.
 The only way the plan would work is if nobody cross-referenced the computer’s data with the coordinates it sent the Empire. If anything, this maneuver would only buy you some time. You reprogrammed the ship’s harddrive, dropped out of hyperspace, ripped the motherboard containing the coordinate harddrive from the ship, and awaited your own ship’s arrival. It was a complex mission, but you were always quick enough on your feet to stay at least one step ahead of your enemy.
The hours moved slowly. You sat in the pilot's seat, feeling your thoughts catch up to your racing anxieties. The Empire found you. You thought to yourself. Crosshair will never trust you again. You sank into the chair. Crosshair. You owed him. He had saved you from Imperial capture; that of which you’d then be tried for treason and likely killed. It didn’t matter that you were a Tarkin or not, once a deserter, you were always an enemy to the Empire and your family. 
Your ship exited hyperspace on-schedule. You sigh in relief, then make your way to the escape pod. Launching yourself into space, you pilot the escape pod to your ship and dock it. You seal the cabins together and open your ship remotely. You drop inside your ship and double-check your bag for the artifact and motherboard. You close the seal and release the escape pod back into space.
“What’s the plan from here?” You hear Crosshair call from the cockpit. You had jumped a little as his presence startled you.
You walk up to the front of the ship and take the seat next to Crosshair. You reach out and touch his arm, as if to see if he was real or an apparition of your mind. Realizing your gaze was lost in the disbelief of his arrival, you turn your attention again to the shuttle that floated in space before you.
“Blow it up,” you commanded.
“Roger that,” Crosshair responded as he fired the ship’s cannons on the shuttle. 
“Get that escape pod too,” you pointed across the valley of space.
“Is that it?” Crosshair questioned.
“Not quite. One more thing,” you informed as you pulled the motherboard from your backpack. “Think you can do some sniping work from a ship’s cannon?”
Crosshair looked intrigued and raised a single eyebrow looking for further instruction. 
“It’s a dumb idea, but I’ll release this into space. If you can graze it with cannon fire, it’ll look like it went down in the blast. I reprogrammed it to look like it never made it to Pabu. I know they’ll likely cross-reference it with the shuttle's transponding coordinates, but this will buy me– or, us, some time. If we’re lucky, they’ll never cross-reference it because the motherboard will still be functional.”
“They’re going to be on us soon. This is a terrible idea.” Crosshair replied worriedly.
“Well, it gets worse.” You stood up from your seat and made your way to the back of the ship. “I sent out a distress call before exiting that ship. They’ll be here sooner than I’d like.”
“You are reckless.” Crosshair mouthed off.
“You’re the one that decided to read my file and thought it was a good idea to follow me out here.” 
Throwing the motherboard into the trash chute, you emptied the trash into space. Crosshair aimed next to the motherboard and burned it with cannon fire. Jogging back up to the cockpit, you slid into your seat, and punched the ship back into hyperspace. 
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nahoney22 · 2 years
Hey!! I really love your writing and I hope you're taking care of yourself! 💕
I'm kinda in the mood for some angsty fluff, how about some headcanons for when the reader and their batcher get into a fight in front of the others. Maybe Omega gets upset because she thinks they're going to breakup? I totally understand if you don't want to write this, though, so no pressure! 💕
Arguments and Reconciliation
All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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After Omega hears you and her brother arguing, she worries that this could be the end for you both. You’re both there to reassure her that in relationships, conflict occurs but to reconcile is a process that can be hard.
warnings: angsty as you and the Batcher are having a small argument, upset Omega, talks of fights and forgiveness. Comfort at the end.
Authors note: thank you for the care and support. Sorry for the wait ❤️
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“He’s right you know, we should be doing more Hunter.”
Tensions had been rising a lot between you and Hunter unfortunately and a lot of it was just what to do next. More missions that seem to lead nowhere? Make a move on the Empire for once and for all? It was a lot for you both to handle and unfortunately, a little someone had been overhearing these arguments.
There was a lot of to and fro, some words heated than others but when the pair of you heard sniffling from the door way, panic strikes your faces to see Omega standing there with Lula hugged to her chest. “Why do you both keep arguing?”
You fall silent, head looking down in somewhat shame as Hunter tries to take through his mind for something to say. “You shouldn’t be awake.” He finally says, making you roll your eyes and push past him gently to crouch in front of Omega.
“How much have you heard?”
She finds it hard to look either of you in the eye and instead focuses on the floor. “A lot.”
As more tears stream down her cheeks, obvious worry that the two of you were going to go your separate ways, you look back on Hunter and beckon him over. To which, he places a hand to her shoulder and gives her a comforting smile - even after she asked if you two were going to break up.
“Omega, every relationship has arguments. Just because we have done quite a bit recently does not mean we’re going to split.” Hunter tells her. He looks at you, smiling a little. “I still love them.”
You chime in, wrapping your arms around her before saying, “Hunter’s right. It’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that it's okay to apologise and forgive each other.” Her sniffles subsides, a little more relaxed. She wipes away her tears, grateful for both of your reassurance.
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When the others hear you both arguing, they tend to stay out of the way but for Omega, she couldn’t even comprehend what it was the two of you were arguing about. But as she moves towards the cockpit, he sees him bandaging up your leg and tutting relentlessly at you.
“What’s going on?”
The two of you looked to the doorway, eyes wide.
“You goin’ to tell her or am I?” Echo mumbles, sitting back from finishing up his work on your leg. You merely roll your eyes at him which does not go unnoticed by Omega, her anxiety rising with every passing second.
“Echo is telling me off because I got injured in our last mission and I didn’t tell him.” You tell the young girl who looks more panic stricken, bounding over to assess your leg.
“Did you get shot?”
“No.” You shake your head. “Just a bit of a graze and Grumps over here is overreacting.”
Echo snaps to look at you, already seeing you give him a pointed look and he feels a bit bad that okay, yeah, he may have overreacted.
“Are you two going to break up?” Omega asks softly, confusing growing on both of your faces.
“Omega,” You shake your head at her with a soft laugh, “why would you think we’d break up?”
“Doesn’t arguing often leave to break ups and whatnot.” She mutters, looking up at the both of you as you stand in front of her.
“Not always, no.” Echo concludes, wrapping his arm protectively around your waist. “I just worry about them.”
Again, you roll your eyes but this time playfully as you plant a kiss to his cheek. “Too much.”
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Arguments with Wrecker were incredibly rare which is probably why Omega sat up, chewing her nails when she heard the hushed argument between the two of you.
The others had been informed briefly about why the two of you had been more tense lately than not and even with their given support, they know it’s nothing they can help with. As for Omega, she wasn’t sure what it was. But it was enough to strike panic in her at the thought of you two breaking up. So, she gets up and rushes to the source of the commotion.
When she gets there, Wrecker has his head in his hands meanwhile you sit on the floor in front of him, soft signs of comfort being shown.
“W-what’s going on?” The two of you look up when Omega speaks, both of you beginning to wipe tears away.
“Nothing kid,” Wrecker sniffs, putting on a smile for his sister, “what’re you doing up?”
“I heard you both arguing.” She mutters causing you to both look at another, your hand coming up to rest over his cheek.
“Not arguing Omega,” you begin with a seemingly sad smile, “just having a small discussion.”
Omega blinks, tilting her head. “What about?”
You sigh softly. “It’s personal, Omega.”
You didn’t want to go into great detail as to what you and Wrecker were talking about, one of you getting a little bit more emotional than the other but it certainly wasn’t what Omega was thinking.
“Are you guys breaking up?”
“No.” He says almost immediately, standing up and bringing you close to his chest. “We’re just havin’ a rough patch, nothing to worry about. I love Cyare too much.”
You nod in agreement, resting your head agaisnt his chest. The two of you were going to be okay and Omega was glad to hear.
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“I do not understand why it is her that is upset when this discussion was mutually about us.”
The pair of you just watched Omega run off crying after being sat in the cockpit and listening to you two bicker about pretty much nothing - both just nitpicking at each other.
You huff, arms folding over your chest as you watch her run to the gunners seat. “She doesn’t like us arguing, that’s why.”
“I do not count this as arguing - merely a disagreement.” Sighing, you had to agree with him on that but still, it didn’t sit right with you.
“She doesn’t see it that way, Tech.”
He looks over at you, seeing you hang your head with conflicted features. For a second his heart races and he’s panicking internally. “Do you count this as an argument?”
“A little. I’m going to see if she’s alright.” You mumble, standing up to walk off but Tech was quick to catch you by the arm. You turn to face him.
“I’m sorry if I have in-fact upset you, it was never my intention.” You hear the guilt in his tone and you feel equally guilty for getting worked up over what you were both arguing about.
“It’s fine my love,” you sigh, leaning forward and resting your head against his, “these things happen. I’m sorry too.”
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When you and Crosshair argued, everyone knew. Often the others would give Crosshair the dirty look as he seemed to be the main cause nowadays after returning from the Empire but that doesn’t stop Omega from getting upset.
He had brushed past her, storming off into the distance when she turns to you with a look of defeat. “It’s okay, Omega, it’s best to let him cool off.” You whisper, placing a hand to her shoulder before the first tear fell.
“Why are you two arguing? Are you going to break up?”
You laugh softly and shake your head. “No, and it’s because things are still tough with him and his brothers still and of course then that leans on my shoulders. It’s just a spiral of complications. He just needs time.”
“Do you have time?”
You blink at her words, watching Crosshair lean against a tree and aggressive gnaw on a toothpick - still within hearing distance.
“I’ve got all the time for him.” You say softly, not knowing that your words did manage a small smile on his face. “Relationships are foundations you build upon, and sometimes, arguments are one of the bases. But as long as you reconcile and adore each other, those foundations become a home.”
Crosshair looks over his shoulder, catching your eye as he gives you a small nod of understanding. Love is hard, but it’s worthwhile if it’s with the right person.
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Prompt List 3000 Follower Celebration- available only to the 10th of February
Tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova a @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @tinyreadersmur @agenteliix @myinnerwonderlandmind @rintheemolion @kaminocasey @hotpinkplastoid @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp @crystal076 @the-good-shittt @s1st3r @taskfork-archive @by-the-primes
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello 😇 i have never made a request before and i don't know if you take them currently but if you do, could you make a one shot, headcanons - whatever you feel like fits more! of gender neutral reader sewing Wrecker's Lula after it got ripped? There's so few cool Wrecker fics/hcs 😢 but anyways hope you have a great day!
Ah, yes, I think I have an idea for this scenario 😊
Wrecker x GN Reader One-Shot - Tough Love
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Crosshair is minding his own business, as usual, rather quiet and withdrawn, and as almost always, Wrecker tries to draw him out. Pushing Lula in his face over and over again, Wrecker says, "Come on, Cross, can you stop cleaning that rifle for a minute?!"
"Get that thing out of my face!" snarls the Sniper, trying to dodge.
Wrecker doesn't back down, though, and continues to shove Lula in his face over and over again. You look up from your reading material, and see it coming before it happens. Crosshair grabs Lula at the same moment Wrecker pulls her back. With a ripping sound, Lula's arm almost completely detaches from the doll's body and the white filling spills out.
Both men are startled and more or less surprised at first. But when Wrecker looks from the battered Lula to Crosshair's face, the sniper has already put on his grumpy expression again.
He growls, "I told you not to do that! This is what you get!"
Wrecker looks so crestfallen that your heart grows heavy at the sight.
"Not cool", Wrecker grumbles meekly and retreats to his bunk with the destroyed Lula.
Crosshair sighs and says, "I warned you."
Wrecker curls up in his bunk, not responding to anyone who speaks to him, the broken Lula in his arms.
Later that night, when everyone is asleep, you sneak up on Wrecker, you are about to gently pull Lula out of his arms when you feel the barrel of a blaster at your temple.
You glance out of the corner of your eye at Crosshair, who is holding the gun to your head.
Your heart is pounding, but you say quietly so as not to wake the others, "Crosshair, I know we haven't known each other too long, but is that really how you think of me? That I would sneak up on you and your brothers at night to harm you in some way?"
The sniper hesitates. Finally, with a sigh, he slowly puts the blaster away and watches you carefully take Lula. He watches you with his brows drawn together critically and follows you to your bunk.
You whisper to him, "For often being so mean to your brothers, you're pretty protective over them."
Crosshair rolls his eyes and says just as quietly, "One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other."
You shrug your shoulders and say, "I was just making an observation."
You dig out your sewing kit, pick out a matching needle and thread, and get to work fixing Lula. Crosshair's brows move up in surprise, his expression softening. He watches you fix Lula. When you're done, she's as good as new. You hold the doll up with a smile, and you could swear you see a small smirk on his thin lips.
"That's very decent of you," he says softly.
You nod slowly and press it into his hand.
"Here's your chance to apologize to your brother".
Crosshair sighs, rolls his eyes, takes the doll and instead, carefully, stealthily places it back into Wrecker's arms. You shake your head, more or less amused, the Sniper may not apologize, but he very carefully covers his brother after putting Lula back in her place.
The next morning, as you open your eyes, you almost let out a startled scream. Wrecker's face hovers directly over you, something you didn't expect. He grins at you.
"Thank you," he says, touched, and holds up Lula.
Smiling, you ask, "How would you know it was me?"
Wrecker laughs softly and says, "I've seen you sew things before. Besides, neither of us can sew that well, not even Tech. The stitching is way too perfect."
You smirk, "Okay, you got me".
"Thank you" he says again, "That means a lot to me. Lula is not just a toy. She is a reminder that even we were children once, though not for long. No matter what happens on the battlefield, she always reminds me that there is still a human being in each of us, maybe even some innocence left."
Surprised, you look at the giant. The words surprise you, but they make a surprising amount of sense.
"I think I understand," you say softly.
Wrecker gently presses a kiss to the top of your head and says, "I won't forget this."
As he is about to leave, you say, "Wrecker, wait."
He turns and looks at you questioningly.
You say softly, "Crosshair loves you, he was annoyed, but he didn't hurt you on purpose by damaging Lula."
Wrecker smirks, "I know. Crosshair is difficult, but he is my brother. His love is tough sometimes, but it is love nonetheless"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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Love Power ( Omega x Mom!reader)
A/N: Hello, I apologize that I do not post as much as other fan blogs especially when it comes to my original work. I tend to have long and inconsistent work hours and different things going on with my mental health. I appreciate all of you who are patient and still decide to follow me. Thank you all. For a little note about the fic I got this idea a LONG time ago when I first heard the song “ Love Power” from “ Disenchanted”. I heard it and immediately thought about a parental figure teaching this lesson to Omega. So please enjoy this short fic.
Warnings: Fluff, comfor, mentions of self doubt.
Summary: On your way to Serenno something seems off when a member of your team isn’t acting quite like herself.
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You were soon to arrive on Serenno as the others started to get themselves ready you went to go check on Omega. She hadn’t left her room since take off, which was really weird considering the young girl always wanted to look out the windows at all the planets you traveled to. “ Omega, we’re almost there are you ready?” No answer. “ Omega?” Her voice was quiet “ Just a second.” Another thing that seemed out of place, none of her usual excitement and optimism was in her words. “Omega may I come up?” After you had asked the curtains opened a little as a que to come in. You climbed into the makeshift room and sat across from her. She sat there curled up her cheeks red and her eyes pink, she had been crying. “ What’s wrong kiddo?”
“ Do you guys ever regret coming back for me?” “ Never once.” You responded as soon as she asked. It was true, but you had a suspicion why she asked this question. “ Why?”you asked placing a hand on hers. She shrugged and avoided your gaze. You sighed trying to give her a moment before asking again. She tried to sink more into her curled up knees and Lula. Tears brimming her eyes when you repeated “ Omega, what’s wrong?” Omega took a deep breath before attempting to explain. “ I…I heard Hunter and Echo talking and…” you placed a hand over hers to let her know you were listening.
She looked into your eyes as you gave her a kind and understanding smile. “ You guys don’t have a normal life because of me.” She cried. You adjusted yourself so that you could lean her against you. You let her get her emotions out and held her close to your chest. Quietly rocking her back and forth you started to speak as she calmed down. “ Omega, we may not have a normal life but we wouldn’t trade it or you for the galaxy alright? What you over heard was-“ you sighed as you tried to word this next part right. “People, sometimes say things that they don’t mean when they are frustrated. They don’t always know what to say or how to say what they mean and sometimes that causes them to hurt people they love. It’s not intentional, but we love you okay? We love you so much, you know that right? “
She nodded, with a sigh she leaned more into you. There was a moment of silence before she added “ I just, I still feel bad.” Lightly stroking her arm you explained “ I know, and I know that no matter what we say you might feel like this for a while. Trust me I’m speaking from experience here.” Too many times you felt like her or at least something similar. Having the knowledge that people love you isn’t always comforting, sometimes it makes you feel worse and sometimes your brain will still convince you of the worse.
“ There is one thing that you can do for me, to prove that we were right in choosing you, which we are. You can take all the love and happiness that we have shared with you and share it with others throughout your life.” The girl gave you a slightly puzzled look. “ Use your memories of times you’ve felt love. Even the smallest ones, the ones that don’t seem memorable in the moment, to spread love. All the love you’ve given and the love you have received have this power that’s, well the most powerful thing in the world. Even more powerful than the Empire. We love you so much Omega, always remember that. Just remember the memories that show you the power of love, and use that as reassurance.” The young girl launched herself into a hug which you gladly reciprocated.
After holding her for a few minutes you lightly tapped her shoulder blade and said “ Alright, are you ready for the mission and to see how beautiful Serenno is?” She smiled that smile you loved so much. The child-like one that made her seem normal, that caused her nose to scrunch a little and had this undeniable brightness to it. “ Yes!” She exclaimed and jumped down the ladder. Omega stood with her back to you for a second as you climbed down, much slower than her jump. You were then almost knocked over by the sheer force of her giving you another quick hug as she muttered a thank you. As she ran to the cockpit all you saw was the girl that was a sister and a daughter to you and the men you traveled with. The one you all knew and loved, and the one you knew would give love to those around her. Now all you had to do was have a serious talk with certain members of your team about where and when to have serious discussions.
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the-marshals-wife · 2 years
Hey i was wondering if you could please write a fluff Wrecker x reader where he is being a big baby as Tech is trying to patch up one of his wounds and reader is trying everything to keep him calm and not freaked out
Good Medicine (Wrecker x Reader)
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A/N: Absolutely. I'll never be mad about getting to write this precious man child. Wrecker is dangerously close to becoming my second favorite Bad Batcher, after Tech of course. (Sorry for the insane delay responding to this. There were many physical and mental health challenges for me in 2022.)
Description: Wrecker x Fem!Reader (also Tech is present as comic relief lol)
Rating: General audiences, hurt+comfort fluff
Warnings: A Star Wars swear, mentions of blood and stiches
Setting: Up to you (literally, because I only wrote three characters, you decide were the rest of the babes are)
Word count: 1,024
Gif credit: user kamino-coruscant
Even from across the ship, you can see the anger on Hunter's face as he leans against the wall, gritting his teeth. If Wrecker screamed one more time, you worried that the sergeant was going make good on his jokes about the airlock and put his languishing brother out of his misery.
Tech continues his beleaguered attempts at bargaining for stitches, gauze and bacta in hand, "If you do not stop moving about, I will never get this wound dressed."
"It hurts!" Wrecker wails, pulling away further.
"Considering the size of the shrapnel I removed and the damage you sustained, I would be concerned if it didn't," Tech scoffs.
"It hurt less before you took it out," Wrecker argues, temper flaring, "I don't want stitches. I'll be fine!"
You bounce your leg, watching the chaos escalate from the co-pilots seat. Moments before, you'd helped remove Wrecker's gnarled leg armor, and the sight of blood soaking through his blacks was still fresh in your thoughts. You weren't sure why it was bothering you. Wrecker had experienced his fair share of battle damage. One look at him and anyone would know he was not an average man, let alone a typical clone. You were pretty sure he even enjoyed receiving some his scars if for no other reason than to be able to brag about surviving something others couldn't. However, this wasn't just a cauterized burn from a stray blaster bolt. This was a bloody, messy injury to someone you'd truly come to care for. That made it different.
You push the awful image from your mind as Hunter approaches.
"Y/N, maybe you could talk to him. He's calmer when you're around," he sighs, slumping into the seat beside you, "Quieter, anyway."
"Are you sure? I don't want to get in Tech's way," you start to object.
Tech wastes no time in interjecting, "I assure you, Y/N, any assistance you can provide will not hinder in my work whatsoever."
"Please," Hunter agrees, pinching the bridge of his nose, "He shrieks like a kriffin' gundark."
"I heard that!" Wrecker calls out before turning his attention back to Tech, "Don't you come anywhere near me with a needle. I don't like needles!"
Tech mutters something about preventing infection as Wrecker leans as far away as his injured leg will allow. You can't help but smile a little over the fuss he was making. It may be giving your squadmates a headache, but in a strange way, it was comforting for you to hear Wrecker carry on. It meant he was going to be alright. And with that relief came an idea.
You sprint back to Wrecker's bunk, and return seconds later with your arms behind your back.
"Oh Wrecker, I've got something for you," you say, very obviously hiding something.
His focus is on you instantly, "What? What have you got?"
"Something to make you feel better," you chuckle at his excitement. You stretch your arms out and reveal the tooka doll.
"My Lula!" he exclaims as you place the beloved plush in his hands, "She does make me feel better!"
Tech gives you a subtle nod. Your distraction is working.
You kneel next to Wrecker's seat, trying not to look at the saturated crimson bandages in the tray beside you. "You know Tech has to stitch your leg up now, right?"
"Yeah, I know," Wrecker groaned, accepting his fate, "I just hate stitches."
"Yeah, I do too. If it will help, you can hold my hand until it's over," you offer, smiling.
He looks up with wide eyes, "Really?"
"Do you wish you have your hand broken?" Tech questions, pushing up his goggles.
You give a him an unamused glance, then turn back to Wrecker, "Of course you can."
He grins as you place your hand into his much larger open palm.
"Alright, 'Doc'," he says with a renewed confidence, "Do your worst."
As Tech begins the procedure, your gaze drifts towards the patient. It occurs to you that you've never been this close to Wrecker before. You also realize have taken his size and strength for granted as you see that his massive fingers envelop your entire hand. Yet despite his great size and power, he is incredibly gentle. He flinches and tenses up as part of his leg is quite literally pulled back together, but he doesn't squeeze your hand or cause you pain. The man you'd seen rip apart droids with his bare hands was now cradling yours. In fact, the shouting had stopped altogether. Hunter was right: Wrecker was calm around you. Lula in his lap couldn't have hurt, either.
"Finished," Tech announces.
"That's it?" Wrecker asks, genuinely surprised. "Huh. Thought it'd hurt more than that."
"See? You did great! I knew you would," you applaud.
Tech rolls his eyes, gathering up the refuse and closing the med kit. "Next time, we shall begin with hand clasping."
The fatigued clone goes to join Hunter in the cockpit, leaving you and Wrecker alone for a moment.
He hasn't let go of your hand yet, and your heart skips as he meets your gaze. "Thanks for being here with me, Y/N. It means a lot, you know?"
"You're welcome, Wrecker. I'm just glad you're alright," you reply, worry slipping through in your voice, "I hate that you're hurting."
"Aw, it'll take a lot more than a little piece of metal to keep me down," he assures, his tone softer than ever, "Besides, I can't feel a thing now."
He gives your hand a small squeeze. You feel heat rushing in your face as you desperately hold back a grin.
"Well, just in case," you begin, getting back on your feet. You lean over and kiss his cheek, "To keep the pain away."
Mouth agape, his face turns red. You stifle a giggle, and his shock quickly turns to triumph as he gives you smirk.
"Now that you mention it, I think the bacta might be wearing off..." he teases.
You chuckle and lightly punch his shoulder. "Rest up, solider."
He laughs, leaning back in his seat with his arms behind his head. "Yes, ma'am."
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jedipoodoo · 1 year
Secret Kingdoms Part Six (Sergeant Hunter x Reader Fantasy AU)
Now THIS is the chapter you've been waiting for 👀👀👀👀
Notes: No warnings, just enjoy the fic. The next chapter will be the last part of this fic, but I am hoping to bring Omega into this AU soon and I have separate ideas for Echo and Crosshair in this AU, so look out for those ones!
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The sunny day only served to sour the already miserable feelings stirring in your soul. You had always refused to shirk your duty when Padme and her family had been so generous and kind to you, but how could you face Padme after what had happened during the council? Her stubborn optimism would only remind you how hopeless your situation was. She was a princess, and you were a maid. There would always be that vast chasm between the two of you, and there would always be some things that she would get that you simply could not have. 
You pulled up your hood to ward off the icy chill that had left frost on all the plants the night before. The kitchen maids were busy drying vegetables and fruits to preserve them for the colder months, and the seamstresses were working day and night to finish sewing all the winter clothes for the knights. 
Speaking of the knights, you had somehow wound up at the training grounds again. You stood on the corner of the parapets, a short distance from the simpering noblewomen who were watching as usual. 
There were trails in the frost where the men and their squires had walked. Only a few men were actually sparring, but the rest had congregated around Anakin and the other heroes of the war to offer their congratulations. Wrecker was blushing under all the praise, but he was kind enough to shield Crosshair from the majority of the accolades they were being lavished with. Anakin had his arms slung around Tech and Echo, describing in detail their infiltration of Dooku's fortress and their liberation of the great Red Dragon. 
Hunter was nowhere to be seen, but that was for the best, supposedly. You turned to leave, still unable to get out of your own head and self pity, and smacked into a chest bearing the Naboo Crest. 
"Milady!" Oh no. 
Hunter gently pushed your hood back to see your face, giving you a joyful smile that made your heart melt and you couldn't help but smile back at him. How were you supposed to keep yourself from being in love with him when he was so happy to just see you? 
"I'm so glad you're here, I've been meaning to talk with you." 
You froze. Had the Duchess already proposed her idea to him? 
Hunter didn't notice your reaction, glancing down at the training grounds and shaking his head, "They should be praising you too, you know." 
"Me? Why?" you asked. 
Hunter slipped your hand into the crook of his elbow, escorting you away from the grounds as he talked. "We wouldn't have won without you. You sacrificed yourself to save the princess, you discovered that Lula was trapped in the dungeons of Dooku's castle, and you're the one who befriended the Serrenians. My brothers and I may be Knights, but we would have been useless without your help."
You stared at your feet, letting yourself be led out of the castle to the meadows. 
"Is everything alright, Milady?" he asked. 
"Fine," You shook your head, "It's been a rough few weeks, you know?" 
He chuckled softly, “You could say that. If anyone deserves a break, it’s you.”
You nodded, keeping silent as you reached the copse of trees where you’d had so many rendezvous together, whether to pass messages from the Princess to her knight, or to meet each other. Despite the forbidden nature of your excursions, it had filled you with a giddy joy to be with Hunter. Knowing that you wanted to be with him and he wanted to be with you, but the carefree nature of your intrigue had consumed you and almost erased any idea of your affair ever ending.
And it was all about to come to a head.
“Milady?” Hunter pushed your hood back to cradle your cheek, “Are you certain you’re alright? You look ashen. Do you need a snack from the kitchens or-”
“No,” You said, surprised at your own sharpness, “It’s not that, it’s just-”
To your horror, a sob tore its way out of your throat, and Hunter’s eyes went wide with alarm.
“What’s wrong?” He pressed, “Whatever it is, we can fix it.” He pulled you into his arms, caressing your hair and shielding you from the biting wind that cut across the field. All you wanted was to stay in his arms, shielded and protected from everything and anything that could ever hurt you, but you had to resist. Letting it go on much longer would only make this more painful for the both of you.
“Duchess Kryze is going to offer her sister’s hand in marriage to you.”
Hunter’s arms froze around you. You had found him out.
“They- they discussed it at the council meeting this morning. They’re going to split Serenno between you and your brothers, and then when you marry Lady Kryze, you’ll receive her lands too.”
Hunter took you by the shoulders and stepped back to look you in the eyes. You had never seen him look so confused before.
“Don’t wor-worry,” You tried to put on a brave face for him, “this will be good for you, and your brothers. You and Lady Kryze are both splendid warriors, you’ll be powerful allies for the King, and you’ll be able to help your brothers-”
“Who told you this?” 
Hunter’s eyes narrowed, not looking at you, but at the castle just over your shoulder. You looked, but you couldn’t see what he was glaring at.
“The…the council?” you stammered out, “They discussed it all this morning.”
“No, who said I wanted to marry Lady Kryze?” Hunter threw his arms up in the air and spun about, pinching the bridge of his nose with a hand on his hip.
You felt very small and confused. So he hadn’t brought you here to let you down easily? He didn’t even know? 
Your heart beat faster. If Hunter wasn’t going to marry Lady Kryze, there was only one other option before you.
You couldn’t let him do it, not with the fate of the kingdom hanging so precariously in the balance.
“Hunter, you’re a Duke now, you’ll have the responsibilities of a nobleman, you need someone who can help you with that.” You wrung your hands, “Someone who isn’t a chambermaid.”
Hunter’s eyes flashed to yours, but instead of anger, there was shock. His mouth dropped open and you could almost see the heartbreak etch itself across his face.
If you looked at him for too long, you were going to lose all the nerve you’d built up for yourself, so you looked down at the ground and turned to leave. 
“Goodbye Hunter,” You whispered.
Before you could get too far, Hunter grabbed your arm, yanking you back towards him and crowding you up against the trunk of the ancient tree.
"I'm not marrying Lady Kryze, so get that idea out of your head. Whether or not I'm a Duke, there's only one person in the world I'm marrying and that's you."
Even the birds went silent as Hunter's confession rang out across the meadow. You took deep, heavy breaths as he kept his eyes locked on yours, intensely ablaze like a fire, waiting for your reply.
In the silence, Hunter seemed to rethink what he had said.
"That is... If you'll have me," He whispered. His hands slipped from your shoulders, catching your hands and holding them tightly as he dropped to one knee at your feet.
"But the title-"
"Means nothing unless you're at my side," He implored, "We saved this entire kingdom, King Ruwee can throw a fit all he wants, but I want you. If, and only if, you want me too."
The tears burned their tracks into your cheeks, and you slipped one of your hands from his grasp to cover your mouth, as if that would mask the ugly sobs echoing behind it.
Hunter pushed himself to his feet, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
"I need an answer, my lady," He whispered around the lump in his throat, pulling you closer and tucking your head beneath his chin as you grasped at his tunic, "As much as I love you I cannot read your mind and I have to know-"
"Yes!" You gasped at last, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes."
Hunter covered the top of your head with kisses. He took your face in his hands, wiping tears away with his thumbs. "You're certain?"
"Yes," unladylike as it was, you wiped the tears away with the sleeve of your blouse, "They are happy tears."
He snorted with you, and pulled you in for a sweet kiss. It was short, you were having trouble breathing as is, but Hunter gathered you into his arms again and you both sat on the roots to save your strength.
"I would have asked you the moment the battle with Serenno was over, I just-" Hunter's fingers flexed as if they threatened to close into a fist, "You'd just been kidnapped and almost forced into a marriage, you'd dealt enough with that already, and I didn't want to upset you."
You looked up at him, tracing your finger along his tattooed jaw, "Marrying you is an entirely different matter from marrying Dooku."
"Glad to hear it," Hunter chuckled, and kissed you again.
You took a moment to just breathe in each other's arms, both of you processing the conversation that had just occurred.
"So now what do we do?" You asked.
Hunter nodded, "I have to tell King Ruwee of our... engagement. And you might have to help the princess find a new maid."
"Do you think the king will be mad?" You squeaked.
Hunter kissed your forehead again, "I doubt it. If he does, at his age, it could very well kill him and we won't have to deal with it anyway."
"Hunter!" You scolded him and went in to slap his shoulder, but Hunter caught your hand. He splayed your fingers against his palm, studying them closely.
"What kind of ring would you like?" he asked.
"Ring?" you blinked at him.
"We're engaged now. Isn't it tradition for the man to present his bride to be with a ring that symbolizes their future union?"
"Ah, yes?" You shook your head, "I've never thought of it." you never imagined you'd be in such a situation, where any proposals of marriage were made to you, where someone actually noticed you in comparison to the princess that you served.
"Any ring will do, really."
Hunter kissed your temple, "I have something that may work," he murmured to you.
"I found this,” He pressed something into the palm of your hand, and you gasped to realize it was the pendant he made you.
“It fell in the river when the princess escaped,” Hunter rested his head against yours. "When I was first making this, I thought... Perhaps it could be a wedding present. Like a ring. But then..."
You knew what had happened. You found him carving it and just had to see what he was carving. Then war had broken out and you had been captured.
“Milady I was so worried when the princess told us you’d been taken too. I don’t know what I would have done, if…”
Instead of finishing his sentence, Hunter wrapped his arms around you, cradling your head to his shoulder.
But there was no "if". Dooku was foiled and killed, and you were safe. Hunter had rescued you. It was just like the stories of old, where the Prince always rescued the Princess.
What an odd princess you were, then.
You held the necklace to your chest, resting against Hunter's shoulder, not worried in the slightest who could see you. The breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of drying lavender and the sound of the laundry workers singing as they went about their chores
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You stood arm in arm with Hunter in the center of the throne room. Hunter held your hand to keep it tucked in his elbow. If he wasn't holding your hand, you were certain that you would have fallen. Your legs were trembling, and your breath was caught in your throat. Everyone was staring at you and whispering. You had no idea how Padme did this every day.
Padme was seated in her throne, beaming at you as she fidgeted in excitement. Duke Anakin stood just behind her, leaning against the throne as he sent you and Hunter a wink. Queen Jobal sat in her throne, regal and composed as ever, King Ruwee paced the dias, studying you and Hunter with a passive expression. 
“This is…an unprecedented request,” King Ruwee said at last.
Hunter squared his shoulders, “Perhaps so, your majesty. But it is hardly a troublesome thing to ask.”
Several of the nobles began to shout in protest, insisting on “order” and “propriety” and “society as we know it collapsing.” Padme hand to hold Anakin back, though she looked livid at everyone’s reactions as well. If it weren’t for Hunter holding you so tightly, you would be running from the throne room. A thousand dragons were preferable to facing the entire court of Naboo.
You told yourself not to look at any of your spectators, as it would only serve to make you more upset, but Duke Kenobi caught your eye. 
He had been the start of all this, a dance with him at a Royal ball that brought you to everyone’s attention, but especially Hunter’s. He had seen you as a lady then, mistaken you for a highborn noble, and treated you as such, but from the way he looked at you now, he might still be thinking of you as such. He and his wife were seated calmly, watching the display of the rest of nobility with something akin to disgust. Even though her plans were being ruined, Duchess Satine didn’t seem the least bit perturbed. Duke Kenobi smiled at you, offering his support, and it made you stand a little bit taller.
If Duke Kenobi could see you as a lady, if Hunter saw you as the most noble of women, then you would have to make everyone else see it too.
“If I may, your majesty,” Your voice carried through the throne room, and King Ruwee held up his hands for silence. He was dealing with this a lot better than you thought he would. 
You took a few steps forward, letting your hand slip from Hunter’s as you fell into an easy curtsy. 
“All my life, I have tried to serve the crown of Naboo. Since I was a child you have given me every opportunity to improve my life, and I am most grateful for it.”
Your eyes fell to Padme, rather than her father.
“When Princess Padme was kidnapped, it was I who helped her to escape so that she could be rescued by Lord Skywalker. I infiltrated the kingdom of Serenno, uncovered Dooku’s plot to destroy Naboo and the Nine Kingdoms, and helped destroy his army of golems.”
The nobles remained silent, and some of them were even going pale. It was obvious they had not heard of your involvement in the war effort before.
“It would be foolish of me to ask for anything in return after all the kingdom of Naboo has done for me, but I love…” The words caught in your throat, and you had to look back at him. If none of this worked out, you needed him to know. 
“I love you, Hunter.”
His eyes were filled with warmth and adoration, and if he didn’t know how embarrassed you would be to be swept off your feet and kissed in front of the entire court he would have done so immediately.
You took a deep breath and returned your focus to King Ruwee, “I love Sir Hunter, your majesty. And if you will permit us, we will be loyal to you and to the Kingdom of Naboo for the rest of our days.”
It was silent in the Throne Room for a few moments as King Ruwee contemplated your plea. Your legs were shaking, and you felt Hunter come up beside you to wrap his arm around your shoulder. You always felt stronger when he was by your side.
King Ruwee turned to his daughter, Who sat with her own knight in shining armor at her side.
“My dear princess, what would you decide? Are you willing to let your beloved friend go?”
Your heart soared. You knew what Padme would say.
Padme nodded without hesitation, “Yes, father. If anyone deserves such happiness, it’s her.”
King Ruwee simply nodded. 
“Kneel before me,” King Ruwee beckoned you and Hunter forward. Your heart raced as you glanced at Hunter, and he squeezed your hand tightly.
“As King of Naboo, I hereby announce you both as the Duke and Duchess of Serenno.”
A duchess. The King had just made you a duchess. A common-born maid had just become a duchess. Applause rippled through the room, even from those who had opposed. Your marriage was sealed by the King himself, no one could oppose you now.
“Thank you, your majesty,” Hunter held your hand as you both bowed to the king. Your legs were about to give way, but Hunter kept his arm around you, gently easing you through the crowd of congratulations.
 The Throne Room was in an uproar, some in protest, some in celebration, and some noblewomen mourning the loss of such a catch as your betrothed would be.
Duke Kenobi was the first to approach and congratulate you. Anakin jogged down from the dias with Padme not too far behind and threw his arms around Hunter. Hunter's brothers surrounded you, clapping Hunter on the back and welcoming you to their family. 
Padme hugged you tightly, “I told you it would all go well!” She boasted.
It felt like hours had gone by before the crowd thinned out, and Duke Kenobi offered you his seat.
“That doesn’t mean you’re married, right? You’ve gotta have a wedding!” Wrecker insisted.
“It was merely a betrothal,” Tech explained, “King Ruwee also had to elevate her status as proper.”
“I’m only mad I didn’t get to do it myself,” Padme took your hands and squeezed them.
“Congratulations, Your Grace,” Duchess Kryze said softly. She placed a hand on your shoulder, and you flushed in embarrassment. You had thrown a bowl of punch on her and nearly dropped another pitcher of wine on her lap just that morning. Yet here she was offering you her congratulations.
“Thank you,” You said quietly. 
“If there is anything my husband and I can do to help you, please let me know. There is a certain tutor that taught myself and my sister as we were growing up, perhaps you would like an introduction?”
You felt slightly abashed at the idea, but if you were to be a duchess after a life living as a commoner, you were going to need someone to teach you how life as a Duchess worked.
“I would appreciate that, thank you.”
Finally, you and Hunter were left alone in the hall. Your friends stood a few paces off, discussing your upcoming wedding, since in technicality you weren’t supposed to be left alone without a chaperone.
(not that that had stopped you before…)
Hunter sat beside you on the bench and took your hand.
“How does it feel to be a duchess, milady?”
“You’re going to have to stop calling me that,” You rolled your eyes.
“A duchess is still called a lady, even if she has a few other names under her belt,” Hunter said.
“Perhaps,” You agreed, “But I was wondering how it would feel to be called your wife.”
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Lady Luck (Prequel)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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nerfpuncher · 2 years
Made With love.
Reader X Wrecker fic.
I have no idea if i am doing this right. I wrote the first half of this almost 6 months ago then found it this evening and decided ya know? Why not? So I finished it, proof read it lightly and here we are. 
its fluff people. Pure and simple. Cause i love that big goof so much and he deserves all the happiness in the world. 
You are a large animal vet that has befriended the Batch. You may not be trained on people, but it beats helping a Nexu birth a litter. 
Female Reader goes by the nickname Patches. 
I hope i am doing this right. 
Looking back, you would have never expected one small tooka to be the cause of your entire lifestyle being tuned upside down. Two months ago, you had been two glasses of wine deep when someone pounded on your front door with enough force to knock the calendar off the wall and spook you to the floor a few feet from your couch. Knowing what you know now, they could have easily just ripped the door off the hinges. Thankfully they hadn’t. You were greeted by a sight you had half thought a hallucination; a small blonde girl, sobbing her eyes out holding a small yearling tooka, surrounded by black armored clone troopers. The girl, thorough her sobs, had said “I was moving crates off our ship and didn’t see her, the crate fell and hit her and she cried and Cid said you might be able to help her”
 The rest had been history.
 However, you now found yourself in a similar situation with the youngest member of the Bad Batch.
 “He is gunna*hick* be so mad *sniff* at me!” Omega cried as she buried her face into your shoulder, her cries muffled by your coat as she you held her tightly, walking carefully through the side streets of Ord Mantell back towards the Marauder’s hangar. “He trusted me with her and I messed up!”
 “Omega honey, Wrecker is gunna know it was an accident. I don’t think any of us could have expected that pup to give us that much trouble.” You cooed softly, absent mindedly running your fingers through her hair. The afternoon had started off so simple, head down to the livestock pens and preg check a few Banthas for some side cash. In and out done in a few hours. That was until one of the stock yard’s massif pups decided that Lula would be the ideal play toy. Omega had been sitting on the fence panels, Lula in her lap when the pup reached up and snatched the doll away by a foot. After an hour of both of you chasing, a few stock hands, and a well aimed loop; you had managed to get the stuffie back.
 But the damage had been done.
 Lula now rested wrapped in a small towel in your backpack, well what remains of her. Both ears were gone, along with a leg and an arm. Most of her stuffing was gone and a lot of the fabric was shredded. Simply put, the wrangle had been body recovery. You had not been expecting this kind of aftermath, however. It was only as Omega clutched the dolls remains to her that you found out the doll had originally been Wreckers. Now the poor kid was more distraught over her brother’s potential reaction, no matter how you tried to sooth and calm her while making the hour-long trek back home.
 At times it was strange to think of the Marauder as home, seeing as you regularly passed your old house to get to it. After the tooka incident, that turned out only be a sprained paw and a quick recovery, The Batch had taken notice in your medical training. Even when you explained to them all that your training was on livestock and other animals, not sentient beings of any form. In the two weeks following, they showed up at least five more times on your doorstep. Turns out helping patch the guys up was a lot easier than helping a Nexu birth a littler. Not by much though. So when Hunter approached you and offered a bunk rent free, you took it.
 “I promise, if he gets upset, I’ll deal with him okay? I doubt it will come to that” Omega was now just down to sniffles as you set her down on the path leading into the Marauder’s hangar. Carefully rolling your pack from your shoulders you dig though to pull out the wounded doll and hand to her. She took the buddle, hugging it to her chest with a sigh before turning to lead the way towards the ship. Your heart hurt for her, seeing as she didn’t have much for kids toys and Lula had been by far her favorite. However, you doubted that Wrecker would be even close to angry with her. You had yet to see the big guy as anything other that cheerful. Well, there was that one time in the market when someone asked how much for Echo, resulting in Wrecker launching them across four vendor stalls, but he had not exactly seemed mad about doing it.
 As you rounded the corner to the hangar, you could see Echo and Tech contently fiddling with the ship, their bickering gaining volume as you neared. Meaning Hunter and Wrecker must have been inside. Omega had almost made it to the ramp when the tell tale sound of Wrecker’s boots coming down it filled the surrounding area. “Hey kiddo how was your trip?”  his excitable tone booming around them as he came to a stop at Omega, who was standing with her head down clutching Lula’s remains to her chest.
 You stopped just behind her, watching as Wrecker’s cheerful expression changed in an instant. “Omega are you okay?” Even his volume lowered, something that you had come to understand was very uncommon. He knelt down, big hands holding to the girl’s shoulders as he tried to figure out what had happened. Eyes flashing towards you once before he was about to speak, only to be cut off by Omega.
 “Im so sorry Wrecker, I wasn’t paying attention I was sitting with Lula on the fence, then suddenly she was gone-“ The last bit of her story came out as a sob, that quickly had the attention of the rest of the Batch. Echo and Tech poked their heads up from around the ramp, when as Hunter began to make his way down towards you. Omega tearfully looked at her brother, before opening the towel as carefully as she could to reveal what remained of Lula. “He just wouldn’t give her back.” She sniffed, presenting the demolished doll to her brother.
 You grimaced as Echo and Tech’s eyes alike widened at the sight of the obliterated stuffie. Hunter’s eye brows had shot into his bandana, before he looked straight at you. All you could do was shrug, “Massif pup at the yards got a hold of her, took us a bit to get her back; why we are as late as we are.” You explained gently, trying to be somewhat sensitive to the situation. Before you, Wrecker had simply stared at Lula for a moment, before taking her into his hands with a gentleness you didn’t realize he was capable of.
 He held Lula carefully as he could, but even them a small glob of stuffing fell onto the floor. His eyes locked on the now green stained face of the doll, you could have sworn you could see his good eye get teary. However, he recovered quickly when he looked up at the sniffling Omega. Grabbing her and pulling her into his embrace. “Its okay kid, accidents happen and that Massif just thought she was so great he had to play with her too.” It was a great recovery, causing Echo and Tech to visibly sigh in relief. “At least you two managed to get her back! Patches can fix her up for us!”
 Oh now this might be a problem.
 Before you can even begin to rebuttal that comment; Hunter finally speaks: “ Well, the rescue mission was a success it looks like to me. However you are an hour over due and it’s time for bed” Omega looks up at him from were Wrecker is still hugging her, nodding her head silently before breaking away to follow the Sargent up the ramp and into the ship. *thank Maker he knows how to deal with this better than me*
 But you were not off the hook yet. As Echo and Tech both climbed up onto the ramp and into the ship, Wrecker stayed still. Omega now gone you could see that the dolls loss was a bit more of a big deal to him than you would have realized. He still held tightly to the fabric, standing about as still as you had ever seen him on the end of the ramp. *this is why you chose animals* you though to yourself, as you approached the large clone with the same caution you would have used on a mother Nurf.
 Before you could even begin to apologize. Wrecker’s gaze shifted from Lula to you. Never in your life had one look broke your heart the way his did. There were unshed tears in his eyes, his shoulders slouched. You understood his reputation. The muscle of the group; however much like the large pulling bred equus, Wrecker was one of the sweetest and most emotional of the batch. Very much making up for the distance his brothers often maintained. “You can fix her, right Patches?”
 He had been the one to start with your nickname, after watching you spend nearly three hours carefully stitching Hunter back together after he lost a fight with some kind of barbed plant. He looked down at you, as hopeful as he could possibly be given the circumstance. How could you even say no to him? How the hell could anyone say no to him for anything when he could ask in a way that almost didn’t even sound like it had come from him? You swallowed “of course big guy, I’ll get her fixed up for ya.”
 You didn’t get a chance to step onto the ramp, Wrecker had taken a hold of you the same way he had Omega. Arms wrapped around you as he crushed you to his chest, lifting your feet off the ground as he began to walk you both into the ship. He was smiling again, ear to ear as you allowed the massive clone to carry you back into the ship.  *you dumbass, you have never made a stuffed animal in your life and now you volunteer?* you scolded yourself. But when he offered you that smile and that softness, causing your stomach to flip and heart to sputter, there was no way you could tell him no.
 It had been a week and a half since Lula the first (as you had come to call her) had met her untimely fate. You had carefully stowed her remains away in one of your supply trunks, hoping to calm your stress over her with the “out of sight out of mind” approach. It had failed miserably. Mainly because in the short time since you promised to fix her, you had learned how truly important the doll was not just to Omega, but Wrecker as well. While Omega was sad, she was more upset having hurt her brother. She still had her trooper doll, when as he had nothing. Even though the doll had been passed down, it was still his in her eyes.
 You had also managed to get more information on the doll and all its importance from Tech. He had been stuck doing dishes with you, and with some very innocent questions you had found out new details that made things click into place. “Wrecker has never been a sound sleeper. I am surprised that you have survived bunking with him.” Tech had explained. “He was hardly a toddler when 99 had given her to him as a gift, seeing as he slept so badly alone. It had the desired affects, though he out grew her somewhat, she is still very special to him, seeing as she is the only gift he has ever been given.”
 You had agreed to sharing a bunk room with Wrecker, seeing as the rest of the batch could not stand his snoring. Having grown up on a livestock transport, you had adapted to sleeping like the dead though most normal background noises. Yet once Tech had said something about his brother’s sleeping habits, you couldn’t stop noticing. In the past week alone you had woke up to his bunk empty below yours, only to realize he had wandered away and climbed in with one of his brothers. Finding him securely wrapped around a half-asleep Echo had been a sight. You had even been staying up to try and spy on the big guy, watching him toss and turn in his sleep while trying to hug his much too small pillow against his chest.
 It broke your heart to bits, but lit a fire under your ass to fix it.
 You had spent every spare second you had researching, watching videos, and reading about how to even begin to make the stuffed doll. While you had been taught at a young age how to fix clothing and stitch animals, this was a ways out of your comfort zone. Then of course there was finding the needed fabric, stuffing, and other hardware necessary for the dolls creation. You had already concluded that as it stands, Lula The First was not salvageable. Many attempts had been made to wash the stains and grime out, but it only made her deteriorate. Just your luck, this would have to be an entirely new doll, not just patching up the original.
 The hyper fixation had managed to kick in when you needed it most, as you devoured as much information as you could; even Hunter had asked if everything was fine. It was, you assured him, you just had shit to get done and not much time to do it. Hell, you didn’t even have a machine to work with, Lula was going to be done by hand, and that was a challenge you were stubbornly going to conquer.
 So after a long night of reading about different plushie fillings and their purpose; you had to hide your excitement when Rex parked his small ship the next hangar over, asking for a favor. You had not quite been up for a lot of the more dangerous stuff the batch did. While you could handle a blaster, you simply were not good under that kind of pressure. But this time was different, as you watched the boys and Omega all cram themselves into the Captain’s ship. The Marauder was too big for the needed mission, much to Tech’s dismay. Not that you would complain, it meant you got to stay behind and enjoy the peace and quiet.
 Wrecker had lagged behind, bucket propped up on his head he cast you a grin “See you when we get back Patches!”
 Maker why did his smile have to be so damn beautiful.
 Three and a half days later you stood in the cockpit of the Marauder. Your hands folded up and held to your mouth as you took a long and exaggerated breath. Before you on the dash of the Marauder sat two stuffed tooka dolls. In your self-induced hyper fixation, you had decided that you did in fact need to make two new tooka dolls. Wrecker needed his Lula there was no doubt there, but Omega did two. She had lost one of the few toys she had, she sure as hell was going to get another. Did it double the stress? Certainly. Did you care? Not entirely.
 You had also been given a shocking reminder of how bad you really are at math. You thought a little bigger wouldn’t hurt, just a little more to snuggle with. Nope, you should have known better the instant the math started to have dots in the numbers. Instead of two tooka dolls that were maybe an inch around larger than Lula The First, you had two dolls that were close to double the size of their ancestor. Maker the doll was almost Omega sized.
 However, you were too excited with the general end product to get to worked up over size. The stitching had come together better than expected, the colors were a bit off, but they were close enough. The stuffing had been high quality, you had wanted to make these things perfect snuggle buddies. The finishing touch had been sticking the cleanest pieces of Lula The First into the main body of each new one. They would both get to still have a piece of the original.
 You knew they were due back any minute. Half a day late but alive and unscathed according to the comm you had received. Yet somehow even with all the past weeks of panicked learning, few days of needle pricked fingers and fleeting sanity the last ten minutes had your entire mind running in an anxious circle. You just had to give it to them, how hard could it be? Omega you didn’t worry much on. The girl loved anything and everything that could be given to her.
 Wrecker though.
 Overhead the familiar hum of idling engines began to fill the ship. You picked up both dolls, darting back to your bunk, shoving both dolls under your blanket before scurrying back to the ramp of the ship just in time to watch as the batch along with Rex tumble back out of the small ship. Their voices filled the hanger, the evening sun having just started to hang across it.
 “Patches!!” A familiar small voice called across the hanger. Omega came sprinting out ahead of all of them, she nearly skidded to a halt next to you looking up with wide eyes, her clothes absolutely soaked with water “Wrecker blew up a huge dam! There was so much water it made everything almost look like Kamino!”
 You chuckled “Oh did he now?” *This man I swear* Omega simply giggled shaking her head to send droplets of water flying before looking back up to see the group had split. Everyone but Wrecker was heading out of the hanger, calling out something about being at Cids. “You and the big guy going to get your mix then?”
 Omega shook her head with a small frown. “No, they already closed for the night, so we will have to in the morning.” The disappointment was evident, hell if they had commed you twenty minutes sooner you would have picked it up for them.
 “That’s okay though! Just means we get the fresh stuff tomorrow!” Wrecker had come to a stop beside you now, looking down with grin. However, this time you took notice of how tied he looked. His volume was low and his eyes were droopy.
 “Good idea!” The girl laughed, “Now I have to go shower, Tech says I smell like a swamp!” She practically skipped up the ramp ahead of you. Only then did the smell of rotten wood and stagnant water fill your nose.
 “Maker, she does!” You chuckled, shaking your head as you took a step up the Marauder. You half glanced back at Wrecker, who had finished pulling his bucket off to set on a bench. “So she claims you blew up a dam? Care to elaborate?”
 The smile that plastered his face was nothing short of magical. “Yeah I did! Took out soo many battle droids! Some thug had managed to reprogram them and was using them to terrorize a village! Not any more!” You listened intently, leaning up against the wall as he began to unceremoniously discard his armor bit by bit.
 “I was able to get Omega safe before the blast but I got hit with some water. Had to swim for a bit but nothing I couldn’t handle.”
 He made it sound so mundane. Like it was just another afternoon jaunt. Part of you was thankful for that, it helped settle that always nerved side of you that knew what they did was dangerous. That the man before you could very well not return with the others. It made something hurt thinking about it
 You swallowed hard and prayed he didn’t notice. When had those feelings started? You shoved it aside, smiling as you walked over to Wrecker who was stripped down to just his leg armor and blacks. “Well, you better hope that Omega leaves the hero of this mission some hot water.”
 “Nah its okay. She deserves all of it more than me.”
 Maker this man was going to be the death of you.
 The half hour delay of waiting for both Omega and Wrecker to finish cleaning off had done nothing to help the growing anxiety you had over how the big guy would react. What if he didn’t want a new one? What if it was too soon to replace her? Maker you had not been this unsure of something in a long time. It was time to rip off the band aid. You were better than this. You carefully picked up both of the dolls before calling out. “Hey I have a surprise for both of you!”
 The playful commotion from outside in the common area went dead quiet. What had once been the sound of Wrecker attempting to herd Omega to bed was replaced with the not so quiet sound of them rushing to the bunk room door. They both looked on with equal amounts of child like curiosity.
 “Whattcha got?” Wrecker asked, attempting to peek around and see whatever it was that you were hiding behind your back.
It was now or never.
 Carefully with one in each hand, you held out the tooka dolls. Both Omega and Wrecker’s eyes going wide in unison. “While I am sad to say, I couldn’t save Lula. I know these won’t replace her, she was special to both of you. But I did put the fabric I could salvage from her and put in in these new ones.” You presented them each with their respective doll. “I hope you like them”
 Omega was first to react, snatching the doll out of your hand with lightning speed. The ship was instantly filled with her excited laughter “Patches I love it!!! Its even bigger than Lula was!!” as you had delightfully predicted, the doll was nearly perfect hugging size for the girl. “Thank you Thank you Thank you!!”
She nearly took you out with a hug, her arms desperately trying to hug both you and the doll at the same time. Your heart melted; this sweet kid had the incurable disease of enthusiasm. Maker you prayed nothing ever took it from her. She grinned up at you, big eyes full of unbridled joy. “I’m glad you like her!”
 However, your attention was brought back to Wrecker, who was holding the other doll between his hands staring at it. This doll looked more his size. Lula the first had been so small in his hands, but this new one could actually be held between two hands. He finally looked up at you and Maker you could have melted in a puddle then and there had Omega not been hugging you.
 You had seen him interact with Omega with a gentleness that was impressive, but he looked so soft, so unbelievably thankful that it was almost too much. However, he closed the gap between you both, pulling you into a rather gentle hug. Leaning down to bury his face in your neck, he had never done that before.
 “Thank you so much Patches.” It was hardly a whisper.
 “she is the only gift he has ever been given”
 Your heart ached. He deserved so much more than the life that he had been forced into. The urge to harm anyone that had hurt him in the past danced in your mind. He had seen so much, gone though so much yet he was one of the most compassionate people you had ever met. His heart was the one thing they could never train out of him.
 In a moment of clarity, you reached one hand up and cupped his face. Holding him steady so you could press your cheek to his. “Anytime sweetheart.” It slipped out, you couldn’t help it. His warm embrace had melted any resistance you had to accepting you had fallen head over heels for the brawler. All you could do was bask in the warm fuzzy feeling of surrendering to it.
 The tension melted away from his fame, before he pulled away. This time his gaze was different. You couldn’t place it. But you liked it. You both simply stared at each other. “Wrecker what are you going to name yours? Still Lula? I gotta think of names come on!”
 You had nearly forgotten Omega was there. Wrecker snapped his arms back from around you, recovering quicker than you had he beamed down at Omega “I’m not sure yet! But I agree we can’t reuse Lula’s name! Maybe we can figure that out later.”
 She darted away from the bunkroom just as the voices of their returning brothers began to fill the hanger. She stumbled to a stop, before spinning and sprinting down the ramp. “HUNTER LOOK WHAT PATCHES MADE ME!”
 You couldn’t help the laughter that spilled from your chest, her enthusiasm was infectious You finally glanced back up to Wrecker, who looked at you with such adoration that it made your heart sing.
  It was long after the ship had grown quiet that you finally made it to your bunk. The weeks of painstaking preparation had come to a close and now the relief had turned into a crash. You scrambled up into the bunk you called yours, stacked just above Wreckers. He had turned in early, not that you blamed him. He needed sleep. You could hardly make him out in the dark room, all that was visible was a dark pile of blankets and a pair of stuffed tooka ears.
 You couldn’t help but grin. Settling in you laid out on your stomach, one arm hanging over the side as you carefully peered down at the pile of blankets below you. He had been so restless for weeks, but now he seemed unusually still.
 “Hey Patches?” His voice broke the silence. You thought he had been asleep. The blankets below shifted around, then the soft pressure of his hand taking yours shocked you. The hold was tender, ever so gentle as he ran his thumb over your knuckles. “Thank you again. For everything”
 There was something about the way he said everything. It was more than just the doll he was talking about. It was things you didn’t quite know how to talk to him about. *Maker he just short circuits me*
 “Any time Wrecker. I’m always here.” You squeezed his hand slightly, hoping to convey everything that you wanted to say to him but couldn’t find the words for.
 There was a low rumble from the bunk below you, as he returned the hand squeeze delicately. You could only describe the sound as a content purr. A soft giggle escaped you.
 Maker you loved his man.
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hermionegalathynius · 5 months
Found Family (5/?)
I cannot tell you all how much your support of my writing means to me. I’m so sorry this took so long. If I’m being honest, the next part might take even longer (just because I’m busy with college exams and uni applications… the stress levels are REAL high right now) but I want you to know I love reading your comments and I smile every time someone reacts to my posts. Anyway, here we go!
Fandom: Now You See Me
Pairing: Daniel Atlas x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, read at your own discretion.
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  “Can’t we all — just once — stay in the same place for more than a few weeks at a time?” you sighed, climbing in the back of the car with Merritt and Danny. 
  “I agree that that would be nice, but currently we have no control over where we go and when. Literally, considering we entered the tube in New York and were spat out in Macau,” Danny said, letting you rest your head on his shoulder tiredly. 
  “It’s all about blind spots,” Merritt’s brother said once the car began moving through the streets of Macau, “When you’re staring straight at something and not see it. Why? Blind spots! We learnt that together, didn’t we, bro?”
  Merritt grunted, staring blankly at the floor. You nudged his foot with yours gently, trying to comfort him. He flashed a small, grateful smile. 
  “Did he tell you that we were partners, once?” Chase continued, “No? I didn’t think so. The ‘Mini-McKinneys’.”
  “Cool,” Lula said flatly.
  “And then one day, we were 12, and Virginia von Welsheim had a very nice party down the street. I had a little tum-tum, couldn’t go. Mer-Bear did it on his own and got a taste of the solo thing, and uh… and kicked me to the curb.”
  “Oh god,” Danny muttered. You nudged him in the side for insensitivity. 
  Merritt sighed, “Chase, you win! I concede. Just tell me how you did it.”
  Chase grinned, “Delivery came to your door about a month ago… a little za?”
  “Za?” Danny asked.
  “Pizza,” Merritt told him, then addressing his brother, “Huh?”
  “Yeah, so what he did, my little womb-mate, is he downloaded all of your private information and my employer had all he needed.”
  You could feel Danny glaring at Merritt for accusing him of being the leak. You rolled your eyes at his ability to hold a grudge. 
  “Thanks,” Danny said to Merritt sarcastically, then turning to Chase, “How did you know how to find him?”
  “That’s a very good question, Atlas,” Chase said, miming locking his mouth closed and throwing away the key. 
  “Okay,” Danny said, frustration bleeding from his tone. 
  “Danny, I swear to god, don’t make Merritt feel worse about this than he already does,” you whispered so only he could hear. 
  “He’s a hypocrite, Y/n,” Danny hissed.
  You just took your head off his shoulder and shifted away from him, too angry to care about how tired you were in that moment. Why couldn’t he just let it go? 
  The car pulled in to what looked like a casino and stopped at the front door. The Horsemen got out, flanked by more armed guards. 
  “Just follow the guards, they’ll take you to my boss,” Chase said with a grin, “Been fun playing this cat-and-mouse with you, broski. Meow.”
  Merritt rubbed his eyes with his middle fingers. You found a grim sort of satisfaction in that. 
  “Have fun at the Sands,” Chase called as the car pulled away again and you were escorted into the casino. 
  “I am so, so, so sorry,” Merritt said to Danny. You watched wearily from behind them, hoping Danny swallowed his pride for once. 
  “Yeah, you should be.” Of course not. “Don’t ever accuse me of betraying us again, okay?”
  You scoffed, quickening your steps to walk past him and get him out of your eyesight. Unfortunately, the guards led you to an elevator where you were forced to stand in the back and watch as Danny walked in and caught your eye, cocking his head at your glare, and resting his hand against the wall. Your heart thumped loudly at the sight, adding to your frustration. God dammit, he was not allowed to look that good��when you were angry with him!
  “Do you guys ever think that the Eye is watching this?” Lula asked next to you, breaking the sullen silence, “You know, that maybe this is even what they want? And at the exact right moment they’re going to swoop in, and we’ll be like, ‘Yes! Thank God you’re here! Thank God! Just in the nick of time, Eye!’ And then we’ll just celebrate, and it was all worth it in the end?”
  Silence. You swallowed, still gazing at Danny. 
  “I don’t even really think that either, so… It’s cool.”
  The elevator door pinged, and opened up behind you. Some sort of rock music blared as the five of you turned around. A man stood in front of huge, floor-length windows looking out on Macau. His leg jerked in time with the music as he flicked a playing card back and forth between his hands. 
  You were shoved out of the elevator by the guards as the man turned around and exclaimed, “Ah! Ta-da! So happy to be working with you! Please, come in, come in!”
  The guards shoved you further, and you winced as one of them elbowed you in the ribs, a soft huff leaving your mouth. 
  “Hey! Hands off her, buddy,” Danny said, stepping between you and the guard. You swallowed down the warmth blooming in your chest at his words, desperately trying to cling to the anger you had held for him just moments earlier. It was a pointless exercise, but damn you if you didn’t try. 
  “Wait, sorry, how are you working with us?” he asked, still standing in front of you which forced you to peer at the stranger over his shoulder. 
  “Oh, well, as much as a magician who pulls a rabbit from a hat is working with that rabbit,” the man explained, pulling on a pair of very expensive looking slippers and walking over his koi-pond floor, “We'll be working together. Yes. Allow me to introduce myself.”
  “Yeah, you’re Walter Mabry,” you stated, stepping out from behind Danny. 
  “You died a year ago,” Jack clarified. 
  “Yes!” Mabry exclaimed, “An idea I got from you, Mr Wilder! Fake your death and the world puts its guard down.”
  You glanced at Lula who stood to your left — she seemed just as overwhelmed as you felt. 
  “I’m able to control quite a few companies, including my old partner Owen’s, as a consortium of so-called anonymous shareholders,” Mabry continued. 
  “And that violates how many SEC laws?” Lula asked. 
  “I believe it breaks all of them,” Mabry answered casually. 
  “All of them,” Lula repeated dryly.
  How could everything have gone so wrong, you thought, dread curling in your gut. This man was obviously unstable, and had no qualms with breaking laws and risking going to jail. Who knew what he was really capable of when pushed?
  “You see, you all want an audience. Need one, desperately. It’s quite sad really,” he directed this at Danny who’s jaw twitched in irritation. You gripped his wrist gently, silently begging him to keep his cool, “I, on the other hand, want the opposite of that. I just want to be, and I am, one hundred percent off the grid. You know why?”
  “Yeah, because the grid is for actual human beings,” Danny quipped, making you grip his wrist tighter. He sent an apologetic glance your way, twisting his hand to grab yours. 
  Mabry was infuriated for a total of zero point five seconds before giving Danny a chillingly calm smile, “No, because in a world of total surveillance, the only true freedom lies in not being seen. You can’t control the grid from within the grid. Follow me.”
  He began walking off. When you didn’t follow him he repeated, “Follow me!”
  “Okay, alright.”
  The guards pushed you forward and the five of you followed Mabry as he spoke. 
  “You pulled a hat out of a rabbit,” he said, turning to Lula, “That was very colourful.”
  She sighed, “Almost eight and a half years ago, so, no need to bring that up.”
  You yourself winced at the memory. Mabry was wrong, there had been an abundance of one colour in particular — red. 
  Mabry grinned and instead turned to Danny, “We can’t all be held accountable for our adolescent personas, can we, Magicolio?”
  Your eyes widened and you whirled on Danny who’s jaw ticked in irritation, “Magicolio… that was fifteen years ago.”
  Oh, you were definitely going to use this. It was gold. 
  “Don’t get me wrong,” Mabry continued, very obviously enjoying his main character moment, “Like you, and many others I suppose, who were not getting any sex in high school, I dabbled with it.” Merritt pointed at Danny who shook his head. “But, uh, unlike you, I was able to transition upward towards actual magic.”
  He gestured to the side where there stood what looked like a giant, shiny server, “Science, you may have heard it called. So would you like to know, my friends, just how I got you here?”
  “We know how you did it,” you stated, having figured that out on the ride here. 
  “No you don’t,” Mabry said sharply. 
  “Yeah, you stole our files from the show,” Merritt drawled, “then obviously hypnotised us.”
  “No, seriously, stop.”
  “The strobe was a combo of binaural beats, as well as…”
  “I said stop!” Mabry yelled, grabbing the sides of Merritt’s neck. The mentalist looked down at the shorter man, a little disturbed. Danny gripped your hand tighter, “You might not be having fun, but I am.”
  “You have an unusual way of showing it,” Merritt mused.
  Mabry ignored his comment and stepped back, clapping his hands together and grinning excitedly,” So... How did I do it? Easy. You see, magicians like to control other people's perceptions. In your heightened state of agitation, you saw the simplest cues — Black tube, roof — and your minds filled in the rest.”
  “Shit,” you muttered, mentally kicking yourself for not keeping your head during the chaos.
  “But the tube you meant to go down was 20 feet to your right,” Mabry finished smugly, “Go on, sit down. There's no one
standing in your way.”
  “Don’t mind if I do,” Merritt quipped, settling onto the couch. 
  With slight caution, you followed his lead, Danny plopping down next to you. To your dismay, Mabry squeezed in between you and Lula.
  “Anyway, once in the tube, yes you’re right. Blah blah blah, the strobe contained UV letters pulsing the word ‘sleep’, and this combined with the sound put you into an instant alpha pattern.”
  The image of the flashing lights in the tube resurfaced in your mind’s eye and you tried not to wince at the reality of it. You had been tricked. All of you. Dylan too, probably. Not to mention you were now at the mercy of this clearly unhinged not-dead billionaire with a god complex. 
  “And from then on,” Mabry continued, “it really was just fun, and I can assure you, you don’t know what happened.”
  With that he clicked the remote and a power point was displayed on the screen in front of you. The opening slide was black with the words ‘Our trip to Macau’ in white typing. The next slide cleared everything up. 
  “That’s really creepy,” You stated, cautiously eyeing the photograph of your unconscious self lying with your head in Danny’s lap as he leaned on Mabry who was giving the camera the finger. 
  “Really, really creepy,” Lula agreed.
  “That’s not cool,” you said, shaking your head. 
  “Yep, easy stuff, magic, if you put your mind to it,” Mabry said cheerfully. You wanted to claw his eyes out. This urge was heightened when the next photo showed draped over Mabry’s lap, your head resting on his shoulder. 
  Danny tensed next to you.
  “Alright, that’s enough,” he interjected, “So why are we here then? You know, besides you getting to show off how adorably clever you are?” 
  “Well to start with, the man you stole from last year. Turns out I had invested a lot of money in some of his companies so a lot of what you stole, was in fact mine.” Mabry said, his cheerful tone completely at odds with the accusation.
  “It’s a small world,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. It figured this lunatic was after money. Or revenge. Either was enough to satisfy people like him.
  “Good news is, it’s very easy for you to pay me back! I just need your… skills.”
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Hehe the menace has arrived. CONGRATS ON THE BIG 400!!! Im here with a hope that some Grunter may help warm your soul during these times. I’m thinking Typho/Hunter + “how can one man need so many bandanas?” It can be fluffy/angsty/saucy, whatever your brain vibes with 😎
Pairing: Gregar Typho x Hunter (I know, it's crack, but I HAVE MY REASONS) - this pairing was originally introduced in my fic "Guarded" if you want to know the background
Rating: M (implied sexual content)
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“Where the kriff is it?” 
Gregar Typho dodged a flying Lula that had been precariously tossed around as he stepped onboard the Havoc Marauder. Peering into the aft end, he found Hunter on his hands and knees, rummaging around under the bunks. 
“I know I saw it around here this morning,” the sergeant muttered under his breath as he pushed Wrecker’s clutter around.
Typho leaned a shoulder against the interior of the ship’s hull. “Lose something?” he asked. 
Hunter had apparently been so absorbed in his search that he hadn’t noticed the captain’s appearance, and at the sound of his voice, he jumped, slamming his skull against the underside of the bunk. He swore loudly, rolling out from under it and sitting with his legs outstretched, rubbing at the back of his head. Typho chuckled, pushing off the wall and coming to squat in front of Hunter, tipping his head forward to inspect the back of it. He always loved running his fingers through Hunter’s curls and was more than happy to have a justified reason to do so. 
“Not even a bump,” he teased, and Hunter huffed in reply. 
“Have you seen my bandana?” 
“Which one?” It was a running joke between the two of them, one that Hunter currently did not have the patience for. 
“You know I only have the one.”
“The second one is a scarf. There’s a difference.”
Typho sighed dramatically. “How can one man need so many bandanas?”
Hunter rolled his eyes. “We’ve got to head out soon, and I really need to find it.” 
“Why don’t you find another piece of something to tie your hair back with?” Typho offered. “It’s not like there’s any shortage of fabric scraps around the base.”
Hunter scrubbed his hands over his face. “I know that, but that… that one’s lucky.” 
Typho paused, searching Hunter’s eyes. “What makes it lucky?” 
Hunter scooted towards the opposite side of the ship, starting to dig around through some of the storage crates pushed against the wall as he tossed his answer over his shoulder. “Crosshair gave it to me right after we completed our training together. Made some snarky comment about making sure I could see things clearly.” He paused, glancing back at Typho, who was listening intently. “I-I know it’s silly, but I’ve always felt I make my best decisions with that thing. That I do see clearly.” He rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. “I know superstitions aren’t real and that they don’t actually make a difference, but it feels like that bandana keeps me and my team safe. So that’s why I’m so stubborn about finding it.” 
Typho watched him for another moment before coming to sit next to him. Heaving a deep sigh, he reached into his back pocket, pulling out the familiar piece of folded red fabric and handing it to Hunter. Hunter raised an eyebrow at him. 
“You took it?”
The former Naboo captain shrugged. “I was hoping to keep something that smelled like you while you were away. Something to hold at night. Since you hardly wash that thing, I figured you wouldn’t miss it, but if that bandana gives you a better chance of returning to me safely, then it’s not worth the risk.” He smiled as Hunter took it, running the fabric through his fingers before he leaned over, cradling Typho’s jaw and kissing him gently. 
“I’ll always return to you, Gregar.” 
Typho leaned into his touch, placing his hands over the back of Hunter’s. “You had better.” 
Hunter pressed his forehead to Typho’s. “I’m sorry I don’t have another shirt or scarf to give you, but I just did laundry. This shirt is the only one that I’ve worn recently.” 
A wicked grin tugged at the corner of Typho’s lips. “Well, we could always dirty it up before you leave.” 
“But then I’d have to take it off and find another.” 
Typho pushed him to the ground, straddling his hips as he kissed along Hunter’s jaw, chuckling against his skin. “I think that’s a good compromise.”
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jb3islife · 3 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter II
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“Sutton? Sutton?”
Sutton heard the voices, as fuzzy as they sounded. Her vision was still spinning. She felt herself moving, standing on her feet. Her legs lifted with a weight she never felt before.
“Sutton, honey! Please!” Henley’s voice choked out. 
“No.” Sutton felt the words leave her throat, not sure if they actually made it past her lips.
Sutton felt the cool sensation of the doorknob in her hand. She felt her wrist bones crunch as she turned it, every involuntary movement suddenly aware to her. She heard the crash of a door behind her, her body turning to lock the door. Her body slid into a sitting position on the floor, the soft feeling of the mattress hit her back. Arms wrapping around her legs, she felt her body suddenly fall to the side.
“Maybe it will all go away,” Sutton whispered to herself, her eyes closing, “and Henley won’t leave me.”
“I can’t leave her alone,” Jack stated, getting up to follow Sutton after the door crashed shut.
“No, Jack,” Henley told him. “Let her sleep through this.”
“Excuse me?” Danny yelled, annoyance and anger laced in his voice. “You’re going to leave without actually speaking to Sutton? Your cousin? The one person in this room who loves all of us unconditionally?”
Henley huffed, wiping at her tears. “Maybe it’s for the best, Danny.” She stood, moving toward the door. 
“Like hell it is!” Merritt exclaimed, standing in her path. “I told you I respected your decision, Henley, on one condition- give Sutton the closure she deserves. If you walk out this door without doing that, I promise you, that girl is never going to speak to you again.”
Henley turned around, tears in her eyes once more. She looked at Danny, his hands in a ball in front of him, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Despite her better judgement, Henley sat beside him. 
“I’m sorry,” she told Danny, her voice small. When Danny didn’t look at her, Henley placed her hands on his. “Danny, I have my reasons. I’m not doing this to hurt Sutton.”
Danny swallowed, shaking his head. “What reason could be great enough that you would leave Sutton, Henley?”
Henley glanced at Merritt and Jack. They nodded, signaling her to tell Danny the truth. Henley huffed. “I want more, Danny. There is more to life than magic and secret societies. I want to find someone who loves me the way that you love Sutton.”
Danny looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I-I’m not even sure what that is supposed to mean.”
Henley chuckled lightly, smiling to herself, amused by Danny’s inability to see how great his affection for Sutton is. “Danny, how can I find someone who loves me if I’m in hiding? You and Sutton have known each other from the start of this crazy journey. What am I supposed to do? Tell the guy, “Oh, by the way, I robbed a bank,” on the first date?”
“You know,” Merritt interjected, “that’s really like a fifth date thing. Even better, I already know your history!” He opened his arms for a hug. Jack laughed.
“Anyway,” Henley said, rolling her eyes, “it’s just not possible. After watching you and Sutton these past two years, I have really fallen in love with the idea of having someone to love me, maybe even a family.”
“But, we are a family,” Danny stated, not even registering what he was saying
Henley put her hand on her heart, tears threatening to fall once more. “You will always be my family.” She looked at Jack, Merritt, and Dylan. “You’re all my crazy, messed up, criminal family.” They all chuckled. “And maybe,” she looked back at Danny, placing her hands around his once more, “maybe someday, we will be a family in that official-type of way.”
Danny looked over at her, a smirk crawling across his lips. “Yeah, maybe someday.”
“Sutton? Sutton?” 
Sutton threw her hands over her ears. She was hearing the voices again. A hand touched her shoulder, forcing Sutton’s eyes open.
“Hey, beautiful,” Danny smiled down at her. “How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting down on the floor beside her.
Sutton rubbed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “It wasn’t a dream, was it?” she asked, sitting up beside Danny. 
“No, baby,” Danny stated, moving the hair out of Sutton’s face. He kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry.” Danny took Sutton’s hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. “You need to hear Henley out.”
Sutton lifted her eyes to Danny’s. “Did she tell you?”
Danny nodded. “She has her reasons, Sut. Just listen.”
Sutton sighed, leaning her head into the crook of Danny’s neck. “But are they good reasons?”
Danny gave a slight chuckle, running a hand up and down Sutton’s spine. “Better than I would have thought.”
Sutton leaned back, studying Dann’s expression. Deciding he was being sincere, she pecked his lips. Danny helped Sutton up off the closet floor, wrapping her tightly in a hug.
“Whatever it is,” Sutton spoke, “it won’t change us. Right?”
Danny was caught off guard by her question. Sucking in a breath, he said, “Never.”
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writercels · 2 years
Now, I'm fairly certain I promised you all ahem Crosshair smut?
Say what you will, I may be slow, but I will deliver.
Feast your eyes, my pretties. Behold smut.
Here it is on AO3, and it's also hiding under the break 😉
A Welcome Intruder
Crosshair x fem!reader
NSFW Minors DNI, you are hereby BANISHED to fluff world
(Take Lula and go, go on now, shoo!)
Unprotected sex (wrap it irl lads, this is fictional happy world)
P in V
Light degradation
Consensual Non Consent (not really but just to be safe I'm mentioning it)
Oral sex (fem!receiving)
Fingering (fem!receiving)
Zeltron Reader
The rest of the Batchers were on planet, having decided to go, at Wrecker's behest, to a cantina there that he had made it a tradition to always visit.
Of course, everyone on ship had been invited to go, but Crosshair declined with his usual grace, content to stay on board, cleaning his rifle, away from the "racket" that was everyone else's merrymaking.
The only other Batcher who was even slightly reluctant to go was Tech, but upon remembering which planet this was, he thought it would be best for everyone if he went as well. 
The planet was Zeltros, and Tech didn't want anything… happening to the rest of the Batch. He and Hunter had silently agreed to keep watch over everyone when they were here, and everyone but Crosshair had gone out to have a good, but careful, time.
Every small creak and sway echoed through the Marauder's emptiness, and Crosshair was comfortably sitting in the gunner's chair, feet up, cleaning the scope of his rifle.
All was still, and you thought it the perfect time to strike.
Here was the ship of a group of off-worlders, and what looked to be her entire crew had just left.
You had told yourself there was no real harm to what you were doing, but you had seen this same ship dock here before, and ever since you first laid eyes on it, you wanted to take a look around.
So desperately, in fact, that you wouldn't throw away this second chance. You got lucky, and you weren't going to try to push that luck and hope for a third chance.
In and out: simple. I'll take a look around and it'll all be fine. They won't know I was even there.
You comforted yourself with these thoughts as you made your way over across the landing bay towards that monstrosity that— somewhere under its many glaring modifications— was once an omicron class ship.
Yet, when you finally reached the door you hesitated.
The landing bay was clear of personnel; the security wasn't exactly tight on Zeltros, and it didn't need to be.
The very air of this world was heady like wine that washed away all thoughts except those of making merry— which is all anyone ever did on your planet— no matter what was their personal fix, they'd find it here.
But this, this had been your obsession for far too long. Weeks had gone by since you had last seen this ship, and in that time the air had tasted less sweet, your usual diversions proved terribly un-diverting. 
You had pined for the ship, this ship. This ship that you now had in front of you, just waiting, calling you to it, beckoning you inside.
Any doubts you had, any hesitations, you let them go, and you called down the ramp, opening the door to the ship.
The air was stale, as though the very ship was holding its breath, and it was just then that you realised you were holding yours.
Sighing softly, you looked around the ship, in awe of the strangeness of it. You had been aboard starships before— though, you’d never been in space— but this was unlike anything you had ever seen.
It was a bit of a mess, granted, but it was more than anything you could have dreamt of or hoped for.
As you made your way to the pilot's seat, looking over the controls, trying your best to memorise every detail, you heard the door to the ship close and lock.
Ah, kriff, didn't mean to do that.
Sighing, you went back to the door to try to get it open again, but you had this strange feeling it wasn't you who closed it. In fact, as you made your way out of the piloting area, you realised it couldn't have been, and you froze.
Everyone was off the ship, right?
You stayed there in the doorway, not even daring to breathe, hoping against hope that it was just a malfunction, possibly a modification that closed the ship after a certain amount of time had passed since its opening.
Your hopes were dashed, and your fears were realised, when a harsh voice came from… somewhere, saying "Coming onto someone else's ship unannounced? How impolite…"
Something about that voice made all of your hair stand on end. 
"What," the menacing voice hissed again, "too scared to answer?" 
Everything in your body screamed danger, danger, get out of here now.
But another part of you wanted to bite back, and you scanned the room with your eyes, trying to pinpoint where the voice was coming from.
Licking your lips, you took a breath and answered the voice. "Maybe I just prefer to not talk to the wall."
That's when you saw him. The outline of a man, sitting on the floor of the gunner's area. He had one leg up, where he rested an elbow on his knee, while the other leg dangled leisurely from his perch.
You saw him put something into his mouth, though you couldn't quite make out what it was in the half-light.
"Then don't," he said, his voice harsh and dripping with… annoyance? 
You rolled your eyes. "You don't give me much choice, now do you? Why don't you get down from your nest and we can have an actual conversation." 
"Why do that when I already have you in my sights…?" His voice wasn't much more than a whisper now, and that's when a red light flashed in your eyes. You raised your hand to your face to protect yourself from the blinding brightness.
Then, as suddenly as it came, it was gone.
And so was the man.
You looked hard at the gunner's chair and around it, but you still didn't dare move.
And though your heart had begun to beat out of your chest, though that little voice in your head returned, begging you to run while you still can, you ignored it and stilled yourself.
"Now that's just rude," you said, crossing your arms and pouting. 
Silence followed. An oppressive silence that crushed you and just when you thought you couldn't bear it anymore, something happened.
A hand on your shoulder nearly made you jump out of your skin and you just barely were able to catch your scream and change it into a sharp gasp.
Spinning, you turned to see who it was, to properly put a face to the voice that had been tormenting you, and Maker, was it not what you expected.
A scowling Clone not quite two metres tall, towered above you with a stare that could freeze Tatooine's suns in an instant. 
He had grey hair, close cropped to his head, and a strange tattoo over his right eye in the shape of a crosshair. 
And his eyes. They were grey-brown and hard as ice as he stared at you, unblinkingly.
You were stunned into silence for a moment, from panic and from shock. And, just to complicate matters further, he was gorgeous.
He lifted a hand up to his mouth where he removed the toothpick he had been chewing on and he tossed it to the floor.
Letting go of your shoulder, he leaned against the wall, never taking his eyes off of you.
"Get off."
Finding that impish spirit of yours again, you retorted, "At least buy me a drink first, Maker, that's no way to talk to a girl you just met."
He appeared to be entirely unfazed by your words, but you felt better for the mere utterance of them and found yourself grinning.
He, however, was not, and he straightened up and stepped towards you.
Your smile faltered in his shadow and he took another step towards you, causing you to step back, before he finally spoke again.
"Why are you on my ship?" 
"Oh, nothing, just looking for y-" you said, a little too nonchalantly, and the man took another step, backing you into a wall and causing the rest of your sentence to die in your throat.
You swallowed hard. 
"Looking for me, eh? How touching." His voice was venomous; a stark contrast to the gentleness with which he moved a section of your hair out of your face, and it made you warm all over.
You looked up at him and you found your eyes inevitably drawn to his lips as he absently tongued the place where he'd had the toothpick moments ago, as if he still expected it to be there; the entire movement itself seemed habitual, like he was doing the entire thing unwittingly.
He clearly noticed your staring, because he grinned a small, devious grin. 
Maker, what have I gotten myself into.
You bit your lip and resolved to try to duck out of this pinned position but the man was too quick for you, and before you could get even a metre away, he had you. Caught, your wrists inextricably held in his iron grip, he held you against the wall and as you looked up into his steely eyes, you saw a fire and recognised it. 
How many times had you seen that same flame burning in the eyes of those who visited your world? How many times had you felt that fire burning in yourself, threatening to turn you into an inferno, to consume you until you were nothing but a single thought:
He wanted you.
And the ache in your belly, that gnawing hunger for another's flesh, for their body on yours, told you all you needed to know in return.
You wanted— no, you needed him— and bad.
But you weren't about to let him know that, especially since you knew the feeling was mutual.
"What was that I was saying about buying me a drink first?" you managed to say, more breathless than you had intended, which earned you a smirk from the man whose name you still didn't know.
"Don't your people have a saying about drinking with people you don't know?" 
His warm breath on your skin was enough to make you shiver again.
"See? That wasn't so hard," you said, somehow finding your attitude, though you felt a weakness in your knees.
"Ah, ah, ah," Crosshair tsk'ed at you, a surprisingly menacing sound, "I don't think we know each other yet, mesh'la." 
You were now so close to each other that your noses nearly touched, and he looked you in the eyes, never darting them away: a challenge to the weakness you had already portrayed by staring at his lips moments ago.
Your mind was racing with what to do next, what to say, what to expect, but the last thing you expected was exactly what he did next.
With the passion of a snake and the fervour of a parched man on Tatooine, he moved faster than you could process, and before you could even utter another word, his lips were on yours, tongue searching your mouth as he pressed himself to you with a fury that caught you so off guard, you couldn’t even manage to respond in kind.
"Cross," you breathed, not even managing to finish his name, but his only reaction was that same damned smirk overtaking his mouth as he ran his hands down to your waist, pausing there before tearing your shirt off completely.
You gasped at the sudden movement, and your sudden exposure, but Crosshair had leaned down, half kneeling, hands firmly on your hips as he looked up at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes that sent warmth flooding to your core. 
“Now, be a good girl and hold still.”
You opened your mouth to reply, some new witty bit of snark coming out to pester him once more, but you found, once again, your words dying in your throat, and all you managed was a “hey!” as he tore your trousers away.
“How do you expect me to leave your ship now?” You crossed your arms, but Crosshair still held you fast, his grip on your hips immovable.
“And why would I want you to leave when we were just getting to know each other?”
Any thoughts of leaving you had were washed out of your mind when the Clone moved his face closer to your pubis. His breath on your bare flesh tantalised you, but he just looked up at you with that devilish glint in his eyes and your heart started racing.
You licked your lips. You wouldn’t give him the pleasure of begging, of asking him to touch you. You didn’t have to, it turns out, and it was so much worse.
He began to lick, nibble, and kiss you in all of the right ways, his tongue sliding achingly slowly over your clit, causing you to whimper.
He moved away and looked up at you. “That was quick.”
You rolled your eyes, but your knees nearly buckled. Crosshair certainly seemed to notice and he gripped your hips tighter. 
"Oh, come off it," you snarled, but in your heart you pleaded. More.
As if reading your mind— and ignoring it completely— Crosshair stood back up and kissed you hard. 
You melted and moaned into the kiss, tasting yourself on his surprisingly soft lips.
"You like tasting yourself on me, don't you?"
A whimper sounded through your throat, though you desperately tried to stifle it. 
"How naughty."
With that, he slipped two fingers inside you and bit at your neck.
The stretch of his digits pumping in and out of you, the sensation of his teeth against your sensitive flesh, the feeling of his hand roving over your body until it found its way to your neck where he cupped the crook of your jaw, it was too much, and you felt your orgasm building.
Crosshair must have heard your breath hitch, felt your walls contracting around his fingers, or any other tell you were so terrible at hiding, because he slipped his fingers out of you— his thumb no longer circling your clit with that delicious deftness— and you whined.
“Needy, aren’t you?”
"Kriff off, you damn tease."
“Now that’s not polite at all, is it? Where are your manners, don’t you want this?”
Crosshair resumed his teasing, fingertips running along your folds, and you were sure his hand must be dripping with your excitement by now.
Biting your lip and inhaling sharply through your nose to stop your pitiful moans from starting up again, you muttered, “You’re a quick one aren’t you?
He leaned in close to your ear and said with a soft, dangerous voice:
“I can be a lot quicker.”
He began right where he left off, resurrecting your building orgasm, and it threatened, like a wave about to hit its crescendo, but he was gone again, his fingers moving so fast it’s like he knew just the moment to stop to bring you just shy of your peak.
“But why should I be, when you’re so very rude…”
You didn’t want to, you tried not to, but his teasing never ended— and when he ran his other hand up your waist, ending with him pinching your nipple between his fingers, paired with his breath on your neck— you knew you couldn’t stop yourself. 
“Please,” you whimpered, and the sound you made was just as pitiful as you knew it would be. Your voice cracked and your breath was coming quickly. You couldn’t hide it, no matter how much you tried, you couldn’t escape your need.
Crosshair stopped your mouth with a fervent, biting kiss, and he gave you what you needed; he massaged your aching clit, he curled his fingers inside you, probing for that one spot.
And he found it. 
You melted and mewled into his touch, his touch that set you on fire as he somehow managed to touch you everywhere perfectly. 
“You’ve been such a good girl,” Crosshair whispered in your ear, “Now just do one thing for me now, hmm?”
You could hardly manage a small nod as you moaned with his movements. This man was an expert, and he was making sure you knew that.
“Cum for me, mesh’la, I want to hear the pretty sounds you make."
What was that language he was speaking, those words that burned with his passion, that he used to set you on fire? 
You couldn't exactly bring yourself to think on it when he had fallen into the perfect rhythm, his fingers exploring you, sending you ever higher until—
You keened. You whined. Your mind went blank as you threw your head back and you felt your legs give out as your walls contracted around Crosshair's probing fingers, covering him in your arousal. 
Crosshair, of course— because he seemed to know everything before it happened— had already positioned his other arm to where he could support you if you were to fall.
"That wasn't so hard now, was it?" 
Your ears were ringing and your breath was coming fast, all of your composure thrown out the airlock.
Crosshair smirked and, lifting his slick-covered fingers, he looked at you and put them in your mouth.
You melted as you obediently sucked on his fingers, earning yourself a scoff from the man as he moved to nibble on your neck.
"You're quite the slut. Liking your own slick from the hand of a near-stranger, and liking it?"
Maker, this man would be your undoing.
Crosshair took your torn shirt and used it to tie your hands together, putting them above your head and fastening you to the ship.
You pouted but he simply scraped his teeth across your neck and muttered:
“If you taste this good, I bet you feel even better.”
You bit your lip in a feeble attempt to silence the moan that was making its way up your throat as Crosshair stepped just a little bit away from you, giving you another chance to drink in his form.
He was thinner than the other Clones you had seen, though taller as well, like he had been stretched upwards. His muscles still showed beneath his blacks as he took off any remnants of armour he was wearing; he clearly wasn’t expecting an intruder, and had only managed to quickly put on his bracers before accosting you. 
But now he stood before you, freed from his armour entirely, and he set upon you like a man starved, and he hungered for you. His kisses were biting, his hands rough but intentional in their every movement as they explored your body. You could see him straining against his blacks and the outline of his arousal made your mouth water. 
He clearly must have seen your staring because he nibbled at the shell of your ear and moved one hand down to free himself from his restraints. 
“Oh, wow.”
Your face flushed when you realised what you had just said and Crosshair breathed a small chuckle against your skin. 
“Just wait until you see what it feels like.”
And suddenly your impish spirit returned, and you bit back, “Bit cocky, aren’t you?” 
“You’ve no idea.”
That was the only response you got from him, as he had been running his hand over the length of his cock, combining your slick and his precum while you exchanged remarks. He was fully lubricated now and he ran his tip through your folds, soaking it completely before he lined himself up with your entrance.
Then, pausing there for one precious moment, you thought you could feel the Force flowing through you as you steadied into Crosshair’s breathing, his chest rising and falling as yours did the same. You looked at him with pleading eyes and an unspoken prayer on your lips, begging him, letting him know you wanted him just as much as he did you. 
“Please,” you breathed, and with that Crosshair groaned and sheathed himself in you in one fluid motion, and you let out a whimper which the Clone responded to by running his hands all over you, feeling you clench around him, and that deep ache within you only intensifying with every movement of his hands over your body.
You wiggled your hips, trying to get him to move, to do anything, but he gripped one hand on your throat and the other he held onto your hip with such force that you were sure he would leave bruises. You pouted at being held still and you felt your orgasm rising within you again, but he wouldn’t move.
“Fuck, do something you infernal tease.”
“With a mouth on you like that, you’re lucky I don’t find some way to fill it.”
“You’re the one with the oral fixation,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Oral fixation, eh?”
His tone of voice made your heart skip a beat, that venom he had earlier returned with full force as he moved his face to your neck.
“How perceptive.” 
With that, he licked a stripe on your neck and bit down, eliciting a hiss from you as he sucked that spot and you knew what he was doing.
You couldn’t say anything about it, though, your quip about him marking you dying unspoken when he finally started moving. He began by pulling himself almost entirely out of you before sliding home again, sheathing himself to the hilt inside you.
“Fuck, you feel so delicious, and it’s all for me.” 
It wasn’t a question, and that sent another flood of warmth to your core as you felt your walls contracting around his girth as he stretched your pussy, taking his pleasure from your body.
He picked up his pace, his hips snapping as he filled you up, getting more forceful with each thrust and somewhere in that haze of your mind you vaguely wondered how long you’d be able to keep up this pace with him before you came again.
“Crosshair, please,” you managed to say between your sinful moans, “Please, I need you-”
“See? You have manners after all.” Crosshair moved his hand that wasn’t on your hip and started rubbing little circles on your clit with his thumb.
He lifted your legs and pushed you against the control desk, getting as much leverage as possible as he drilled into you with such fervour you would have wondered when he last had a date, but your thoughts never got that far because Crosshair had other plans.
You heard his ragged breaths and you knew he was almost as close as you were as he held your hips and kept driving into you, hitting places you didn’t even know existed and needed attention.
“Pathetic,” he crooned in your ear, and it sent electricity up your spine. “Already you’re about to cum again.”
“I can feel you around me, mesh’la.” He ran one hand up your torso and ended with rolling your nipple between his fingertips and you ached with his every movement. 
“You want to cum again, don’t you?” He had fallen slightly out of his rhythm, and you had begun to see stars. You were both on the very cusp of your pleasure, your waves’ about to crest.
“Please, please, I need it, Cross, please— I’m so close—” Your words were exactly how Crosshair had described you moments ago: pathetic. But you didn’t care, you felt your walls flutter and contract around his cock and he continued his rhythm, your combined breathing getting faster and faster, his thumb teasing your clit, it all became too much, and that’s when Crosshair whispered in your ear:
“So cock-dumb you can barely speak. How pitiful.”
“Fucking— cum in me already— please.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes and his hips saying, “If you insist.”
Everything leading up to this moment, all the teasing, the touching, the aching, exploded within you. You thought you could feel the heat of all the stars in the galaxy and you howled as your orgasm wracked your body. At the same time you felt Crosshair press into you and mutter more things in that language you couldn’t make out and his own orgasm followed soon after.
You don’t know how long you both stayed there, panting, his hold on your body being the only thing keeping you from collapsing to the floor of the ship as you were still perched precariously on the control panel where Crosshair had put you, your hands still tied above your head, but you were the most comfortable you’d ever been.
Crosshair rested his head in the crook of your neck and held himself to you, and you knew he was relishing in the feeling of his seed dripping out of you as much as you were.
“I should break into strangers’ ships more often,” you said, your voice breathless as your heart threatened to beat out of your chest.
Crosshair laughed and it made your skin tingle. You were so very vulnerable beneath him, and here was a man whose every sound spelled danger.
"Oh, but we're not strangers anymore, now are we, mesh'la?"
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darthzero22 · 3 years
Wrecker x F!Reader 
In one mission you were shot in the arm, and although it was nothing serious, they had to cure you, and that involved an injection. Wrecker may be afraid of that. 
Added to the Masterlist
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The impact of the shot hurt you, a droid managed to shoot you in the arm, and you never remembered seeing Wrecker destroy a droid so badly. It was nothing serious, at least to the naked eye, but you couldn't stay with a wound in your arm for so long because it could get worse. You were in your room at the Marauder sitting on the edge of your bed, and as Wrecker paced back and forth nervously. Tech was finishing bandaging your arm, that was what made Wrecker nervous.  
The one who should have been nervous was you, but the reality is that Wrecker was the nervous one. He was afraid that your wound would get worse.
“Come on, Tech! How much longer are you going to take with that?” Wrecker asked. 
“If you would stop walking, and if you would stop asking questions every minute, I would concentrate much better, Wrecker” Tech said. 
“Take it easy, Wrecker. I'm fine" you smile to him.
Wrecker grunts and folds his arms. He wasn't calm, and he wasn't going to be until Tech finished putting that bandage on your arm. Your eyes and your smile may have been the only thing that reassured him a little. You with your free hand reach for Lula who was on your bed, for obvious reasons, and give it to Wrecker. You knew it would help him calm down better. 
You were right, Lula did keep Wrecker calm, at least for a few minutes.
“Well, that should be enough, at least for a few hours" Tech said, walking away to go to the table where he put everything he needed to heal a wound.
“Yeah! Finally!” Wrecker was more relieved than you. 
“Wrecker" you smiled.
“Oh, right!” he clears his throat when he realizes he was shouting. “Sorry” 
Wrecker rests one knee on the floor to be in front of you, because he being very tall wanted to be at your height. You, having him in front of you, bring your hand to caress his cheek, and he smiled. 
“Wasn't the wound that bad?” you asked to Tech. 
“It could have been worse, but luckily the shot grazed your arm” Tech said.
“Ha! No droid can beat you, precious!" Wrecker rests his hand on your shoulder to give you a gentle caress. “You are amazing”
“Thanks, big boy” you smiled. 
“Even if it was not a serious injury, it is important to prevent any problems" again Tech said, turning around.
“What do you mean?” yo asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Tech teaches an injection, most likely to prevent the pain in you from appearing, and while you opened your eyes in surprise, Wrecker was terrified, even he shouts for a moment.   
“Oh, no! No, no. You're not going to put that on her!”
“Wrecker, the injection is for her, not for you” Tech said in the middle of a sigh.
“I don't care! That thing hurts and she has suffered enough!” 
You didn't expect Wrecker to embrace you and lift you into his arms as he stands up, somehow preventing Tech from approaching you. 
Then he sits on the edge of the bed to pull you onto his lap sideways, still hugging you with his strong arms. You wanted to say something, but the truth is that you were curious as to how this situation was going to continue, plus you found it very adorable that Wrecker was "protecting" you. 
“Wrecker, I need to give this injection to Y/N. The pain from her wound may appear at any time and this is the only thing that will make it go away"
“I know you, Tech, and you are not careful when you give injections!” Wrecker kept hugging you, always being careful with your arm. “You're going to hurt her. She's not your experiment!”
“You need to get over your fear of injections for once, Wrecker"
“It's not fear!” he had his chin on top of your head.
“Yes, it is. I can make a list of everything you're afraid of, and it's a pretty long list"
“Are you calling me a coward? I dare you!”
You roll your eyes because that discussion the two of them used to have more than once a day.
“Big boy, I trust Tech. I need that injection for my wound to heal completely” you pat Wrecker on the chest. “Relax. Everything is going to be fine" 
Wrecker could be a stubborn with his brothers, but not with you. He wasn't convinced to let Tech give you that injection anyway, but since he really wanted your wound to heal completely, he just grunts and lets your arm free, but he still hugged you.  
“You'd better be careful, Tech”
“I am aware of what will happen if I am not” 
Tech approaches you and carefully places the injection in your arm. Even though he was careful, it hurt, so you shut your eyes tightly for a moment and hiss. 
Wrecker was clearly angry with Tech. 
“Hey! You said you were going to be careful!”
“And I did. 
The pain only lasted a few moments, so to let Wrecker know, you put your hand on the muscle of one of his strong arms.
“Relax, Wrecker, I'm fine. And thanks, Tech"
“Sure. I advise you not to touch your arm”
Before Wrecker could say anything else to him, Tech leaves the room, and then he looks at you with worried eyes. You look at him and smile, letting him know that the worst was over. Before he could say anything, you start caressing his cheek with one hand, and he leans into your hand to feel that caress much better.
“I really hate injections” he grunts. 
“I know, love. But don't talk to Tech like that”
“Ha! He knows I'm not serious... not always"
Despite the brief argument Wrecker and Tech had, you found it adorable that Wrecker was always hugging you. You had a smile on your face, then you bring your mouth close to his and give him a small, but beautiful kiss. Wrecker wanted more than that, so he brings his hand behind your head to make the kiss last much longer.
“You are seriously adorable" you said after the kiss, very close to his lips. 
“And you are so beautiful" he lowers his head.
“Wrecker?” you bring your hand to his cheek again.
“When you were shot I... I was scared" 
“I know... I'm sorry, love, I was careless"
Wrecker looks at you and starts stroking your cheek too, very carefully.
“No, no. Of course not! I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you" 
“You always protect me, just like a few minutes ago. You are the best man that can exist in this galaxy" 
Wrecker's cheeks flush considerably, and he chuckles a little as he scratches the back of his neck with one hand.
“Aw, you've already made me blush, precious"
“Good” you smiled. “You are so handsome. And next time I will protect you from an injection”
“Ha! That's my girl” he smiled. 
You give him a kiss on the corner of his lips, and he hugs you a little tighter, always being careful with your injured arm.
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nahoney22 · 2 years
Is it possible to request a tall s/o scenario with the bad batch, like 6”8 tall s/o. I’d love to imagine them calling Crosshair their ‘short king’ 🤭
Tall Significant Other
All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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How the Batchers react about you, their s/o, being taller than them.
Warnings: none, mainly fluff. Slight mention of insecurity about height but mainly fluff. Gender neutral reader.
Authors note: sorry the wait anon 💜
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Echo doesn’t really mind that you are quite a fair bit taller than him. He isn’t dating you because of your height, he is dating you because he adores you as a whole.
He is so lucky to have someone as kind as you and is impressed that you are not afraid to throw a punch if need be, either. His brothers teased him a little at first for being the shorter out of the two of you but still, he doesn’t care.
Cuddling on the Marauder is a little tricky, the pair of you not being able to snuggle as much as you would like but once you get a chance to rent out a room with an actual bed? It’s wonderful.
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Okay, this guy is a little more complicated. The thought of himself dating someone taller than him made him just a little bit touchy.
If you just so happen to be six foot and eight inches in comparison to his height of around six foot four, that slight difference may bother him.
But still, the two of you flirted nonetheless. He liked your fight, attitude and was attracted to you. Though, you would get the habit of calling him your ‘short king’ that sent steam out of his ears. At the end of the day however, he would chuckle. Eventually the two of you will go out but he has to not overthink the fact his significant other was taller than he was.
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He notices the heigh difference, of course, but does he care? Maybe a little.
His brothers teased him sometimes for being ‘short’ anyway in comparison to them so he was a little hesitant at the thought of dating someone taller. But was he hesitant at the thought of loving you? No.
He found your height quite useful if he were to put a military spin on the advantage of dating someone taller. But, his favourite moments were quiet times with you where he may find himself cosying himself up in your arms, glad to be enveloped in such love.
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Wrecker doesn’t mind the height difference and infact quite revels in it. You don’t have his strength but you have a personality that he wanted in a partner.
He would sometimes come up to and asks if he can lift you, mainly due to the fact he wanted to impress you. Which was silly since you have seen him lift a whole ship.
Cuddles with him are heavenly too, both so entwined in each others arms with Lula tucked away between you both.
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This man doesn’t really blink an eyelid at the height difference but it doesn’t go unnoticed by all means.
Dating wasn’t his forte to begin with but he did admittedly develop a soft spot for you and would ask for your assistance to grab things that are just out of his reach a little too often (you had caught him throwing some wires in the vents and minutes asked you to retrieve them). But when you called him out on it, he shyly admits that it was only logical way he could get to talk to you.
However this blossomed into something more and as more conversations went on the attraction grew stronger. He asked you on a date and never really discussed your height at any point. Well, aside asking for your measurements to create platforms to make bunks a little longer for you both to sleep on together.
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Tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease e @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @tinyreadersmur @agenteliix @myinnerwonderlandmind @rintheemolion @kaminocasey @hotpinkplastoid @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp @crystal076 @the-good-shittt @photogirl894 @s1st3r @taskfork-archive @by-the-primes
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