#lumine x dottore
dazzylindsey · 9 months
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local-diavolo-anon · 1 year
This is for y'all genshin players
Mint and Caramel Mix
Lumine/Dottore, Rating Explicit, Omegaverse
It's pretty much just self indulgent Lumittore smut ngl but have it
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demonteabags · 1 year
For those interested in dottolumi / dottore x Lumine, i post on ao3!
A Miscalculation | Act 1
For the first time in a while, she had lost. Never had she thought she’d loose a fight, especially not to him. “A deal is a deal, Traveller.” The Doctor spoke, gazing down at her from where she sat on the floor with a smirk. “I know.” Lumine spoke, pulling herself from the floor. “Welcome to the Fatui, Lumine……”
You can find this work, here!
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saewokhrisz · 2 years
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heres last years redraws <3
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avocad1s · 1 year
Bring Back What Once Was Mine
Chapter Summary: You finally confront the False Creator
Characters Mentioned: Tsaritsa, Dottore, Lumine, The Imposter
Content Warning: Cult and Religious themes ahead! You've been warned.
Reader is the true creator of Teyvat. GN! Reader
Part Six Part Seven (You are here!) Part Eight
I had a bit of help on the beginning from someone who doesn’t even play Genshin 💀
Like always. This isn’t beta read 🗿 forgive me for any mistakes.
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The creation of Teyvat was something Celestia would never forget.
The world was vast, full of untold wonder and color. Celestia could not have imagined something so beautiful. Yet, it always so eerily quiet, astoundingly quiet. For a while, just the two of them was enough to sate the needs of the creator. Something was missing from this new creation, something was lacking and the creator felt unfulfilled for some time.
And then the Creators loneliness returned.
“What’s the point of having all this space without anyone to share it with?” Is what the Creator would say.
No matter what protests it had, Celestia wouldn’t dare go against the Creator. So they watched, watched as they created life to live on the world.
Evening fell on Teyvat, and The Creator had been gone since morning to oversee the change of seasons. Celestia had kept a watchful eye over the creator from above. They had grown weary from watching them growing ever closer to the Gods and mortals of this world.
A small child had gotten separated from their mortal familiars. For many hours they wandered in the treacherous forest. A strong river flowed near by, and the rivers end was slippery and steep. Thick mud and gravel lay at the river bed and it was beginning to rain, turning the once calm river into a torrent.
Closer and closer the child came to the river, through the wooden thicket collecting small cuts and scraps from the lower brush. For a child so young, the cold would take them if the river didn’t. It happens more often than not, a simple thing.
In the beginning, the creator would have turned a blind eye to the nature of the world. Yet, Celestia watched The Creator follow the small child into the thicket. The child wailed and cried, but they found no comfort in the dark. The river’s edge was so close now, they slipped on the wet grass.
Celestia waited for the splash, but none came. Looking down yet again, small tears edge the child’s face but they were drying from the heat they radiated from the Creators chest and arms. They had wrapped them in their cloak and were carrying them across.
Celestia felt a small vexation toward the child, and noticeably was counting the centimeters that separated the two of them, and finding the measurement inadequate.
Time was an irrelevant thing to Celestia, unlike the mortals on Teyvat, it had no fear of growing old and dying. It knew that one day, the Creator would return, Celestia just had to be patient.
Yet decades, no centuries pass and the Creator never returned, never reached out. They continued to interact, continued to love the life that resided on the planet.
It burned inside to know that the second creation received more attention. Oh how Celestia craved even a fraction of the attention Teyvat received.
And then among the chaotic emotions Celestia experienced, the Creator left. Celestia scanned every part of the world and found only traces of them. Mortals weeped due to their disappearance but Celestia had faith. It would finally bask in the grace of their Creator, maybe they weren’t forgotten, weren’t the second choice.
Celestia spiraled into despair after that. The hope it held on to that the Beloved Creator would return diminished. No matter where it looked, Celestia never found them.
Celestia had no regard for life on Teyvat, looking down on it only made Celestia remember that the last time the Creator was seen….. it was on this planet.
If it could, Celestia would desecrate every atom on this world until there was no evidence of its existence. Listening to the foul ramblings of the so-called Gods who witnessed the Creators greatness; and expressing how much they missed Their Grace was more than Celestia could bare.
No one could fathom the loss Celestia did.
Why couldn’t they reach out to them? Beg them to return?
Celestia would do anything to get Their Grace to return, consequences be damned.
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Sumeru City was finally in view.
With every step you take, you could feel an indescribable amount of dread being placed on your shoulders. Your mind was racing with endless possibilities of reality. What might happen once you were face-to-face with the imitator, and if it was Celestia, would they bend to your will?
“Your Grace…”
A voice breaks you from your thoughts, and you notice that the group has stopped. All of the them were looking intently at you.
“Are you alright?” Lumine asks softly, “you’ve been quiet.”
A soft sigh escapes your lips, “we need to find a way to discreetly enter the City. If we draw any attention we’ll lose our advantage.”
Dottore saunters over to you, “Your Grace,” he bows a bit, respect radiating from his figure. “I have a way for us to enter the City, if you’re up to it”
You look into his mask trying to sense his intent.
“Well? What is it?”
“A sound wave,” he explains, “it can put people to sleep, it doesn’t work on Gods.”
“Wait, Your Grace,” the Traveler approaches you standing on the opposite side of Dottore, “that doesn’t seem safe, are you sure you trust it.”
“You are really going to let your personal feelings get in the way of the plan?” the Tsaritsa says coldly crossing her arms.
“Well do you have a better idea?” You ask. Lumine closes her mouth with a downcast gaze.
You turn your gaze back to the doctor, “then we are going with your plan.”
You notice him smile underneath his mask, “of course Your Grace,”
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Something is…. off.
The Imposter could feel it deep in their bones. The grating voice of the thing that created them rang in their head on loop. No matter how hard the Imposter tried, they wouldn’t have a moment of peace.
However, what is peace when you are a poorly constructed imitation of something far greater?
Their only job was to get the true one to return, they were supposed to talk like them, act like them, be them, but they were a puppet. With no will of their own, all they had were the unbreakable strings that left them tethered to their creator.
‘Once they return, I will free you’ it said.
Is freedom what they wanted? When the real one returned, would they be granted that privilege?
For hundreds of years they pretended to be them, and they know for a fact that they had lost the purpose long ago. All they were was a tool their creator used to intact revenge on what it believed to be the reason the real one left.
The Imposter nails dig into the palms of their hands as they grit their teeth, how is it possible for someone as infamous as the Traveler to disappear without a trace?
Suddenly the doors are pushed open and a guard comes staggering in breathing heavily, “your Grace!” He shouts, “everyone has suddenly fallen asleep!”
The Imposter tilts their head raising a brow, “what? What do you mean everyone has fallen asleep.”
The guard hunches over holding his stomach as he tries to catch his breath, “I was doing my rounds when everyone near the entrance collapsed. I came here to tell you immediately.”
“And you decided to come here instead of checking the problem out yourself?”
The guard opens his mouth to speak but quickly shuts it when they lift their hand up. “If you want to be useful then go check it out, I have no need for cowards.”
The guard stands up straight nodding quickly before exiting the room.
The Impostor let’s out a long sigh, so the time has come.
Unexplained circumstances like this could only mean that the Creator was approaching. Even though the Imposter had no true connection to them, they knew the Creator was near since Celestia’s instructions repeated louder and louder in their head.
The Imposter already knew that once the Creator enter these door they would be put on the back burner. Celestia would use their connection to take over their body and talk to them itself.
Moments later the large double doors again and a beautiful woman with white hair enters gripping the arm of a blonde haired girl. They both stand in the middle of the room staring at her on the throne.
“Your Grace.” She says coldly staring at them. “It seems that your guards are not trained well enough to bring you what you ask.”
She pushes the blonde girl on the floor, presenting her as if she was a gift.
The Imposter stares quizzically at the two women, “Tsaritsa. After you had kicked me out of your nation and told me to never return, you now show your face.” They cross their legs a smirk on their lips, “and the famous Traveler, you lied. Right to my face! But now you are groveling at my feet.”
They let out an amused laugh, “did you finally realize the consequences of your actions?”
Lumine stays on the ground as the Tsaritsa casts her gaze down at the floor, trying to come off as apologetic as possible.
“I am here to apologize. It was blasphemous for me to forsake you the way I did.”
“That was decades ago,” the Imposter explicates, “why should I trust you now?”
“I’ve heard you were looking for the Traveler, so I brought her as a peace offering.”
The Imposter stands from the throne walking down the stairs, their steps echoing throughout the cold room. “And how is it that out of everyone, you managed to find her?”
Before the Archon could respond the Imposter speaks again, “I just find it very hard to believe that after all these years you finally decide to come and apologize.”
They stand from their throne walking slowly down the long staircase their footsteps echoing throughout the room. Once they stood in front of the two girls, a cold look replaces the facade that has been on their face for years.
“Prove it.”
The Tsaritsa’s eyebrows raise slightly, “Pardon?”
The Imposter crosses their arms, “prove your loyalty to me.”
Lumine looks up from her spot on the ground a concerned look on her face, what could they possibly mean?
“How should I prove it?”
They point down at the Traveler a blank look on their face, “kill Lumine.”
“Kill… Lumine?” The Tsaritsa repeats.
The Imposter nods, “I have no care for outlanders and she has committed the biggest act against me. If you want my trust, you’ll end her life.”
The room falls silent as it starts to grow incredibly cold, to Lumine, it was unclear if the chill in the air came from the Cryo Archon or if it was due to the Imposter’s shell finally cracking.
“Well,” they say, “what’s it gonna be?”
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Right Outside The Door
You had decided to send the Tsaritsa and Lumine into the room alone while you, Dottore, and Paimon stood right outside the door. You wanted to listen for a moment to know exactly how the Imposter acted to pick the best course of action.
And to see if you can feel any resemblance to Celestia before you were face to face.
“What are you gonna do?” A high pitched voice asks.
You notice Paimon floating near you a concerned look on her face. If she didn’t talk, you would’ve assumed she was anxious from being away from the Traveler but it seems her worry was all on you.
“If Celestia is at fault what will you do? Will you…” she trails off but you knew what she was going to say.
Getting rid of Celestia wouldn’t be an issue for you physically. As powerful as it was, Celestia could never overpower you no matter how hard it tried.
However the guilt you will feel if you get rid of it would be immeasurable, Celestia was your first creation and throwing it away as if it were trash would break you.
‘Why should I trust you now?’
You wince, maybe your plan of having the Tsaritsa apologize wasn’t as great as you thought it was. Even having the Traveler wasn’t enough to quell the worries of the Imposter.
You hear footsteps echo throughout the room, what could they be doing?
“I will do what is necessary…” You say truthfully to the fairy.
You push open the door slightly to sneak a peek of what was going on in the room. The Tsaritsa and the Impostor stood face to face while Lumine was on the floor.
‘Prove if to me’
‘How should I prove it?’
The next words made your blood run cold and you weren’t the only one. The color had drained from Paimon’s face as no other words were spoken in the room.
‘Well, what’s it gonna be?’
Your body moves on its own and you push open the door causing the trio to look at you. Lumine gives you a relieved glance while the Imposter’s eyes widen at your unexpected entrance.
Their cold look is replaced by something you couldn’t describe as they take a few steps back, “it’s you…”
You walk towards them slowly, “your reign over my creation is over.”
You payed no mind to nothing else in the room, everything was leading to this moment. Everyone who had helped you over these past few days had lead you right here.
The Imposters entire demeanor quickly changes, the look of surprise that was in their eyes replaced by a neutral smile as they stared quietly at you. You hadn’t even talked to them yet and they seemed completely different already.
“You have been on Teyvat for a while, but we now finally meet…”
You stare at their face blankly, not saying a word.
They took note of your silence and continue speaking, “I’ve waited a long time for you. Now that the time has come, I don’t know what to say.” They chuckle a bit.
You feel your heart sink as you close your eyes, “Celestia…” you whisper.
The Imposter’s posture fixes as a look of gratitude spreads on their face. “You’ve been gone for so long I didn’t think you’d recognize me anymore.”
“Even with this mask you wear, I will always recognize you.”
The Imposter, or rather Celestia takes a few steps closer to you, “I have missed you, my Creator.”
You take a step back, “You steal my face and caused pain to the life I created in this world, why? Why must you betray me like this?”
They stay silent for a moment as if they were choosing their next words carefully, “you left me…”
“I… left you?”
“it was supposed to be just us, then you had to go on and make this world then the life on this world.” The frown spitting the words out like venom. “You discarded me as you spent all your time here and then you just left!”
They snap their fingers to emphasize the meaning behind their words. “I was just a toy to you, and all I wanted was for you to come back.”
So this was its reasoning for everything it did, simply not giving Celestia attention made it act as if it were a child.
“You’re right, it was wrong of me to leave with saying nothing. Especially after not interacting with you for decades… but the doesn’t give you the right to mess with something that doesn’t belong to you.”
You bring your hand out gripping their chin forcing them to meet your gaze, “if you truly cared for me, you wouldn’t have done what you did. You are selfish.”
“I am so-“
“You’re not sorry,” you interrupt, “you’ve done this for decades, if you truly felt regret, you would’ve stopped long ago.”
You and Celestia stood right in front of each other as they look you right in your eyes, being reprimanded by you was their least favorite way of getting your attention.
“Giving you any rule over Teyvat is my biggest mistake.” You hiss, “I thought that after the Archon war that I could depend on you to keep life on Teyvat in order, but all you did was abuse your power.”
Their face falls a look of total devastation on it, “My Creator-“
“I don’t want to hear it!” You snap, “you’ve done enough damage.”
The room falls silent, no one behind you dared to speak up only watching the interaction between the two of you. Through the vessel, Celestia stares at you with trembling lips and watery eyes.
“You will return where you belong and never return to Teyvat again.” You demand.
“And what will you do?” Celestia stammers.
“I have to clean up your mess, you used my face and disgraced me on my own Creation. You’ve made people fear me and you say you did this all because you love me.”
They hang their head down in shame, “please forgive me, My Creator… disgracing you was never my intention I just…”
“You just what? Acted like a child to get me to return?”You let out a sigh, “don’t make this any harder than it already is. Just leave.”
The color from their face drains as their body goes limp in your arms as if it was a doll and if you weren’t talking to it just a moment ago, you would’ve believed that to be the case.
Footsteps from behind approach you slowly and you feel a warm hand in your shoulder, it was Lumine giving you a sad smile. “Are you alright Your Grace?”
You look down at the now empty vessel that was in your arms, “I should apologize. To all of you. You told me that it was Celestia this whole time and I didn’t want to believe it.”
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes but you quickly wipe them away.
“Now that the Imposter, erm- Celestia, is gone. What happens now?”
“Everyone else deserves to know the truth.” You mutter, “reversing all the damage Celestia has done is the most important thing right now.”
“Your Grace,” you hear the Tsaritsa call out as she approaches standing in the opposite side of the Traveler. “No one is going to blame you for this.”
“I blame me.” You look at the Cryo Archon. “I’ve should’ve been here.”
Despite the enormous amount of guilt you had for allowing everyone to suffer in the hands of Celestia for so long you knew you couldn’t dwell on it right now. Getting to every nation and telling the truth is more important and figuring out what to do with Celestia still sits in the back of your mind.
Even after all the terrible deeds it’s done you needed to have a proper conversation with it. It’s clear that the floating island still had lots of love for you but it was blinded by their jealousy. Was that enough to let them off the hook? If you decided to go off-world again would they just do the same thing?
You knew that you must sever the connection between Celestia and Teyvat, even if you do decide to forgive them, you couldn’t trust them with the well-being of this planet anymore.
You pick up the now lifeless doll draping it over your shoulder, “I am going to Celestia, it shouldn’t be gone online but once I return I will fix everything. I promise.”
Since you had no reason to his your identity anymore, you could use your powers. Not that there was any other way to get to Celestia without teleporting.
“I appreciate all of your help, and for telling me the truth. I won’t forget what you’ve done for me.” You express.
Lumine and Paimon smile at you, “you’re our friend, of course we’d help. While you’re away we will let everyone know the truth.”
“I will have my harbingers do the same,” the Tsaritsa says quietly to you.
You give them a small smile, “thank you. I will return soon.”
The group watches you leave without another word leaving them alone in the room where the False Crestor resided. The Cryo Archon turns her attention to Dottore, who had not said nothing during the entire encounter.
“Inform the other Harbingers of the situation.” She orders the coldness in her voice returning. He nods at her order not putting up a fight, leaving just as quickly as you did.
She turns her attention to Lumine, “I knew we’d meet eventually but I didn’t expect it to be like this.”
The outlander nods, “me either…”
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He was beyond frustrated.
He knew that when he met the Creator in that tent, he should’ve brought them with him. No one would be able to help them better than he could, but that stupid woman they were with had stopped him before he could even ask. Oh how he wished he would’ve gotten rid of that woman, but if he had hurt her, the Creator would’ve never heard him out and that’s the last thing he wanted.
He runs a hand through his hair letting out a annoyed sigh.
“Your Majesty,” an Abyss mage approaches from behind bowing.
“What!” The Prince snaps, he was not in the mood to deal with any failures right now.
The Mage shrinks back glancing up at him, “We have been following Their Grace without being detected as your ordered. They have defeated the False Creator.”
He feels a smile spread across his lips, “finally you have brought me good news.”
“But” the Abyss Mage continues, “there’s one other thing.”
“Hmm? What is it?”
“Your sister. It appears she was helping Their Grace the whole time…”
The Prince stands from his seat his braid blowing in the wind, Stormterrors lair never failed to be windy. “And is she aware of my… involvement?”
“Their Grace never mentioned you.” The Abyss Mage answers and the Prince nods.
“It seems that Lumine is finally becoming aware of the truth of this world.”
The Prince could feel the excitement bubbling in his chest, finally he could see you again without any interruptions, the Archons, the Adepti, and Celestia itself means nothing in your presence and he could not wait to bask in it once more.
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Note: The last chapter will be fairly long as it will deal with your travels to every nation(besides Fontaine and Natlan lmao) including Celestia and the Abyss. Lots of characters will appear so if there’s anyone you’d be interested in seeing let me know! 🙏 Sorry for the almost two week wait for this chapter but I kept rewriting it because I couldn’t figure out if I wanted Celestia to be evil or not 💀
Taglist: @esthelily @the-dumber-scaramouche @grimreapersscythe @seawater-aurelia-writing @probablynoposts @genshin-impacts-me @itsredactedlove @chidouna @thedevioussmirk @hoo-hoo @chaoticfivesworld @akemiixx01 @lunarapple @nowords-onlybreathing @fangirlinindia @veyu002 @blackcoffex @kaveh-is-pretty @ariasdream @averycuriousperson @bloopthebat @chuuya-brainrot @crazydreamcat @sparklyphantom @multistanbee @bluebelony @mokakoto @mega-trash-cringe CLOSED
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aniitaruiz · 1 year
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rueda de colores .w.
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scaradooche · 4 months
|Genshin Smau Childe x Fem reader|
SYNOPSIS: Tartaglia is a popular streamer with 4 million followers. On a very "unlucky" day for you he posted on his Instagram asking his followers to send him phone number to prank call on his next stream. Unfortunately for you your best friend Aether's little sister is obsessed with Tartaglia and she sent him your phone number to call on stream, and of course with your luck he picked your number to call.
Status: Started on 5/19/24 Ended on ?/?/??
Genere: Strangers to frenemies to friends to lovers, modern au, crack, angst, fake love, one sided love (?)
Warnings: Kys jokes, kms jokes, dark humor, a bunch of profanity, mentions of drugs and alcohol lmk if this needs anymore warnings
Taglist: Whoever wants to be added can ask me to be in it and will be added!! @wannabe-kazuha-main @sl-vega @kukikoooo @kyon-cherri
Tartaglia: Mentally drained sillies!!!
Y/n: exhausted and we can't pay our rent (except lumine) 🗣🔊‼️‼️
2. We did not ask for this lil bro!!!
3. Im just tryna do my job
4. Do I want to get used to get someone more views? Hmm, Sure why not!!!
5. Oh! That’s not..
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eyesforahead · 1 year
Previous post seemed to be liked so, I shall post another one!
This is not mine but from Pinterest.
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allykakamatsu · 10 months
Behold, the sliding scale of the people Scara’s potential love interests in this AU
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yovrakira · 1 year
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dazzylindsey · 25 days
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Pocky Game
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k, hear me out! You know how Dottore has (h̶a̶d̶) segments/clones of himself at various points in his life??
Let's say the reader is a segment of him when he was a kid.. and is used to spy on the traveler (though I guess the traveler doesn't know its a clone💀)
This was a tough one, I'm not gonna lie. I've redone it a couple of times, and I'm still not sure if I like it. But the idea is great, don't get me wrong. It was just hard to fit it in a relatively short format. Lumine is the traveler here, because flip-a-coin said so.
Genre: Angst/Whump
Characters: Lumine, Dottore
TW: Graphic descriptions of disease and body decay.
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You were born exactly fifteen years ago.
Well, born is the wrong term here. You were separated from Dottore's body, and contorted into an exact copy of him. You looked the same, talked the same, knew the same, walked the same.
Yet your mind was a separate one. Nobody knows if that was an oversight from the other you, or if it was intended. That meant you didn't share the same personality or values. Dottore, young as he was back then, wasn't the best person to argue with about worldview. A few careless words could mean being on the wrong side of the observation room.
So you swallowed all of your worries and pretended to be him. You worked together, but you got the short end of the stick most of the time. While Dottore would engage in actually interesting experiments and activities, you were his 'gofer'. The amount of trips to the kitchen, public institutions and libraries were far too many to count. It was a dull, but not a bad way to live.
Over the years, something became painfully obvious, though.
Dottore made a mistake. A grievous mistake. Not lethal for him, of course. But for you.
You aged. Faster than him, in fact. Something went wrong during the soul fragmentation process, which caused rapid growth of your body. When he became one of the Harbingers at a fairly young age, you were already taller than him. Your physical appearance didn't go along with the development, so despite measuring a whole two meters in height, you still had his teen features. That proved to be an interesting development in your other self's eyes. It meant that people couldn't recognize you as another version of him.
That opened a whole new world of possibilities, namely espionage. Suddenly, from carrying around books or coffee, you became a field agent for the Fatui. With Dottore's skills and a whole new identity, you could easily infiltrate any enemy organization and strike from behind. Luckily for you, Dottore's ego extended to his other versions, meaning that all of the dirty work was left up to the skirmishers to carry out.
Still, it was hard to live like this. Constantly gaining people's trust, meddling with their affairs and vanishing without a trace, only to do it again. You took many names and lived under many covers, never able to settle down and have some well-deserved rest. You were happy, however. Happy that Dottore had a use for you, that he saw value in your existence.
You were so stupid to think that would last.
When Dottore learned how to change the appearance of his other clones, your skills became... obsolete. What's more - you were now a threat. Unlike the other segments, you had a separate, free mind to you, and since you knew far too much about the Fatui's inner workings, you were dangerous.
Yet the other you felt a certain... nostalgia towards you. You were the first of his masterpieces, possibly the greatest of them all. So Dottore wanted to use you for all of your worth.
As soon as a certain short, blond haired girl and her flying companion made themselves known by foiling Childe's plan, it was obvious someone had to keep tabs on her all the time. Someone expandable, but loyal.
And so, you became her shadow.
You slowly learnt her routine, her connections, friends, beliefs and skills. Even though Lumine wasn't really aware of your existence, you knew more about her than even Paimon. Despite your hard attempts at remaining hidden, a slip up occurred some day, and you came face to face with her. Smooth talking and quick thinking were both in your job description, so you managed to save face. Lumine was still very young, and gullible enough to believe you were just passing by, despite having seen you around multiple times already. Seeing a prime opportunity in this new development, you asked her to join on her travels. And she agreed.
For some time, it felt like an entirely different world. A world without the need to torture, betray, steal and lie. You helped her with her issues, using your skill and knowledge to aid her quest of finding her brother. And you used it in the name of good. You two helped almost everyone you came across. Whether it was saving an abducted family member, recovering stolen goods or just helping someone prepare a gift, sweet Lumine never refused anyone, no matter how trivial or mundane the work was. As a derivative of a psychopath, you didn't get it at first, especially that you knew what she was capable of. Why in the world would she go around saving kittens or entertaining one of the Harbinger's siblings when she could overcome gods? But the answer made itself more and more clear with every smile you helped her put on someone's face.
She did it because... because it felt good.
It felt good to do good things.
Good to build, not destroy.
Your fondness for the traveler was getting more and more obvious with each report sent to your creator. When you stated in one of Lumine's wound descriptions that "luckily for us, she made a full recovery", it was clear that your loyalty was not as crystal clear as before. That angered Primo Dottore. How could he create something so traitorous?
When the order to cut her throat when she slept, you refused for the first time. So the next time you met eye to eye, The good Doctor presented you with a small syringe. He told you it was your usual anti-aging solution, and you took it without question, as always.
The effects of that substance he gave you weren't immediately obvious.
It started slow, with cracking skin, joint aches and stomach pains. Over time, you found more and more of your hair on your brush. A month passed, and you started coughing. The wounds, no matter how small or insignificant, didn't heal up properly anymore. Gradual muscular dystrophy lowered your combat abilities, forcing Lumine to protect you from danger. Fever kicked in as the many wounds became infected. Wiping puss from them soon became too bothersome, as it returned moments later, its supply seemingly endless. By the end of the second month, your skin was shriveled and pale.
Your cells started falling off along all of your tracts, leading to bloody secretions. Lumine, already disheartened by your state, was on the verge of tears when you stained the sink crimson for the first time. She seeked help from everyone she knew - Kokomi, Zhongli, Barbara, Ei, Miko, Baizhu... None of them could help keep her best friend from falling apart before her eyes. They could only provide temporary relief, drag out the inevitable.
Weeks passed, and you were reduced to a bandaged up, incomplete skeleton. Your left arm fell off when you hit it on the door, and your right knee collapsed, unable to hold you upright. Everything hurts. You couldn't drink, eat or sleep. Despite all of the abuse, your body refused to give up, refused to finally keel over and die. You still had something to do.
With the last ounces of your strength, you revealed Lumine the truth. The truth about your name, your origin, your work. You confessed to as many horrible deeds you committed as you could recall, hoping to drive her away. To make her despise you. To make her not care. Not cry every night.
She didn't leave your side until the end. Why? Because she knew you. You didn't want to murder, to lie, to rob and betray. You never asked for this life. It was forced upon you by a Harbinger with the  ambition to rule over life and death.
Lumine's mind was filled with fond memories of you. Your laughter still resonated in her mind, but she just couldn't get herself to recall your face. Because every time she thought of it, only the noseless, toothless and wide-eyed cadaver would greet her. She couldn't force the image of someone she cared for, liked, loved so much reduced to this.
She came to her senses only months after your funeral, and took up her quest again. This time, alone, and with a far different attitude.
She spared Childe. She spared Scaramouche.
But whoever faced her in Fontaine would not be so lucky.
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Thanks for reading!
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jinhua-shu · 1 year
Scaramouche/Wanderer x GN!Reader
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Scaramouche held out a long sigh as he plops himself back down on his bed. his phone was dead therefore he couldn’t reply to Y/N’s confession. he grumbled loudly as he frustratingly pulled on his hair in annoyance. that stupid charger he bought from Dori who egged him on to buy it because it’s very “Fast” charging. didn’t work. once again, he grabbed his pillow and screamed onto it.
Nahida sweat-drops as she passed by scara’s room hearing the loud grumbling and frustrated muffled screeches.
Dottore chuckles to himself as he sat on Childe’s office chair with a long smirk on his face.
‘My.. i should really stop.. screwing with him huh.’
He said as he placed down scaramouche’s phone that he had lost “accidentally” while he was at Physical Education class, 2 months ago.
Childe chuckles, ‘Well.. i think it would be best to just stop this thing.. before lumine finds out and beats me up.. haha—‘
Dottore choked back an amused snort. before standing up to open scara’s phone once more to delete the messages before you can read it.
Dottore’s heart leaped, as he reads the response from you. he sweated heavily before throwing the phone towards Childe.
‘seems like we’ve messed up.. better face lumine tomorrow then.’
Childe reads your response twice before wincing. ‘uh.. we’ve broken the chance of our dear comrade getting a significant other.. ‘ Childe awkwardly chuckles as he just chucked the phone inside dottore’s messenger bag.
Dottore heaved out a sigh as he sat back down. ‘well.. it’s his problem now—‘
Childe shook his head. in disappointment before chucking once more awkwardly.
‘ how do we tell him-?’ childe asks Dottore ‘…i don’t know.’ Dottore replied to childe.
Lumine sighs as she went back to your door with a heavy heart. she glanced down on the floor to see the bell still there. she cannot just leave you be.. because she had felt the same thing. she had experienced the same thing.
Lumine knocked before entering the room..
‘Hey.. what’s up?’ she asked as she laid down next to you.
‘well.. i got rejected..’ you said as you sniffed and smiled at lumine. ‘I’m.. happy.. at least the heavy weight in my heart has been lifted.. i don’t ha-have to worry..’ you told her before breaking down once more.
‘But.. i cannot help but cry.. he’s.. the only guy who’ve made me feel this way before..’ you sobbed as you hugged lumine, wetting her white hoodie with your tears while crying your hearts out.
‘Lulu.. i don’t know what to do.. i can’t just forget him and move on.. i love him so much..’
Lumine smiled bitterly. ‘sometimes you just gotta let go of the things you loved the most. sometimes you just gotta let the wave flow and let go of him..’
‘I know it would be very hard. but please rely on me while you’re in this state..’
Lumine finished off before going through her thoughts. (( I would treat you better than him. so please let me and open your eyes for me. ))
Lumine hugged you tightly as she ran her hand through your hair. humming a song that her brother used to hum.
Scaramouche wanders off towards his wardrobe to look for his wallet that he threw. still frustrated he needs to buy a new charger to finally reply to your confession and.. hopefully be with you.. and have you accept him for his flaws or imperfections.
grumpily grabbing his wallet that’s near his shoe rack, he took his jacket that’s nestling in his closet.
‘Nahida, i’m going out to buy some new charger. don’t wait for me for lunch since i’ll be dropping off at y/n’s.’
Scaramouche told nahida who was ordering food for lunch. as he walks towards the door, nahida went and stopped him for awhile.
‘I hope that.. you’ve sorted out your feelings for her.. because i’m very proud of you.’ nahida smiles as she hugged scaramouche before going off back to the kitchen.
scaramouche stood there stunned before shrugging off the warmth with determination.
‘Y/N.. please wait for me.. ‘
He mumbled to himself as he tied his shoes tightly before opening the door and rushing towards the Nearby 7/11 that’s just 4 minutes away from his house.
Grabbing a charger without looking at the price, he immediately went to the cashier to pay for it.
‘can i use your charging port?’ he huffed as he slammed the money on the counter, terrifying the cashier. the cashier nodded their head shakily before apologizing for looking at scara right at the eyes.
pathetic. scara thought as he calmly walked towards the charging station to plug in his phone. waiting impatiently scara grumbled before going off to an aisle to buy milk bread and some banana milk.
Childe was seen running down the streets with scara’s old phone in his hand, Huffing and wheezing loudly, he turned a corner to check if scara is still at 7/11, which he is. scara was seen paying for the bread and milk he got before heading off towards the charging station once again.
Child entered the CVS, with an awkward smile plastered on his face.
‘what’s up with you? idiot.’ Scaramouche egged on childe who approached him, while rummaging through his pockets to look for something. scaramouche’s eye brow went up as he was curious on whatever childe is going to do.
‘Here.. your phone.. i found it-?’ childe awkwardly chuckles before scratching the back of his head nervously.
scaramouche glared at the tall ginger seemingly knowing that he and dottore took it.
‘ “found” it? you must be shittin’ me. i knew it was with you and Zandick. that dickhead took it and wanted to put the blame on you, didn’t he? ‘
scaramouche snarls at the ginger man who was still nervously scratching the back of his head, before snatching the “Old phone” that he had “lost”.
Childe gulps his saliva in fear. before opening his mouth to say something.
‘Sca— comrade— we did something bad-‘
scara rolled his eyes as he snorts.
‘ Don’t you guys always do something “bad”? ‘
‘well— yeah— but you’re also apart of it, you know-‘
‘ You didn’t hear me say, “i am not apart of it” did you? ‘ scara groans as he kicked Childe’s shin hard.
Childe who’s now on the floor, gripping his shin groaning and moaning in pain. finally told scaramouche what they did.
‘ Scara.. you see— me and Dottore actually wanted to mess with you for awhile.. so we decided to answer the confession.. you got from Y/N.. and.. we’ve gone too far.. we were originally going to delete it fast but they read the message quite quickly! we thought they were asleep at the time.. ‘
scaramouche stopped on his tracks.. gripping his old phone tightly as the screen began to crack. viens prominent on his hand as he squeezed his old phone. Scara’s eyes darken as he felt his heart drop. they did what now? he thought as he grabbed Childe’s collar in frustration.
‘What? you thought that playing with someone’s feelings is funny? you piece of shit. no wonder lumine doesn’t fucking like you back. ‘
Scara heatedly said as his eyes becomes wider and bros furrowing deeper.
Childe gags as he taps on scara’s tight hand that’s holding the collar of his shirt.
‘ he-hey calm down—‘
scara’s smiled at Childe.
‘ Calm down? you made me feel like i want to kill you right here. you’ve hurt their feelings, by doing that little prank of yours. the “little” thing is the same size of your dick and brain. and it’s pathetic. ‘
Scaramouche snarl’s before letting Childe go.
‘i’m warning you. Tartaglia. if i see your face again. i’ll make sure to make your little high-school life hell. ‘
Scaramouche growls loudly as he glares down at Childe who’s wheezing for air. he spat at childe’s shoe before turning away to control his temper.
Scara looks towards the cashier, eyes empty and in void as he plugs out his charging phone to go on his way.
How do i..? fix this mess. those two idiots really went too far.
Oh.. Y/N.. will you still accept me right at your door.. if i show up?
— Last part will be out soon.
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hakases-bones · 10 months
omg dottore fic no way
Dont come after me for that last one please its just a rare-pair i know of
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mirdance · 2 years
Heroic Tales Sometimes Involve Orgies Part 1
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Lumine x Mob x Dottore
Kinktober: Hypnotism
NSFW: non-con, rape, dark themes, dissociation, gender themes, humiliation, oral sex, penetrative sex, double penetration, Dottore is yandere by nature, it's Dottore, that's it's own TW, lots of cursing
Sometimes she regretted growing her hair out like her brother. Especially when people tugged and caught on it. That morning as she had braided her hair, she could fondly remember the golden streaks of his hair that had lightened through many days camping outside together. She’d always preferred a more masculine appearance; it was just easier to take care of. Shorter hair was easier to keep out of her face. (Except for when it as that awkward length; it wouldn’t stop hindering her vision.)
As a nameless villager slid her undershorts off, she also regretted wearing an easily accessible outfit.
One could continue to regret their situation or analyze their situation to obtain the best outcome.
Lumine had sent Nahida away after witnessing the townspeople under the control of the second Fatui Harbinger. The hero of the world, Dottore had stated. The people held sheer adoration.  What could a bunch of happy people do to her? It was better to be the distraction while Nahida rescued the researcher and got the fuck away.
Well, there were things a bunch of extremely excited people could do to a hero. It had started with a lot of bowing and gripping her ankles. People acted like if they touched the edge of her cloak, they’d be cured or some shit. This continued until the ankle grabbing became thigh grabbing and shoulder grabbing and lifting and tumbling to the ground.
All the while Dottore stood with crossed arms against a nearby railing.
It was something out of a pornographic tabloid.
“I’ll make you feel real good.” Some dude with bangs spread her legs while a woman threw Lumine’s underwear into the crowd.
She liked that pair.
As the two fought over who would lick her cunt, she rolled her eyes and rested the back of her head against the outdoor floors of the Akademiya.  The stars rolled slowly above.  A rather beautiful night for a riot.  She went over the constellations in her head until a swinging cock ruined the imagery.
The man smacked the corner of her mouth with his cock.  A shit-eating grin accompanied the action. “Open up, pretty thing.  A hero’s duty is meant to serve, right?”
Ah.  Lumine supposed that, while the Akasha system was manipulated in order to make her the hero of the world, not every single person had the same idea of hero.  She reluctantly opened her mouth and allowed the man to plunge. 
Her throat closed as she sputtered.  She could bite his dick, sure, but it would be quicker to get it over with. Her body was strong; it’s not like she’d die from this amount of people. They were even preparing her; her cunt was already involuntarily moistening.  The woman had probably won out on the oral fight.
Balls slapped harshly against her face as she attempted to keep up with the cock that slammed into her esophagus.  Dottore could be seen through the assaulters, legs.  He stood unmoving; his gaze relentless on the scene before him.  His teeth were inhumanly white and pointed.  His suit was ironed perfectly and as stiff as his person. While the letters of Zandik’s beauty were proven accurate, they failed to depict the sheer amount of elemental residue that basked off him like invisible rays of moonlight.  As if spirits or nymphs caressed his every move.
 A cock prodded her empty hole. 
Her legs were held a part by other individuals.  More and more pants were dropping and zippers unzipping.  All she could see were testicles and Dottore’s unrelenting grin.  It would have been better to have a view of the hypnotized people than those mocking lips. 
She gasped full of cock as a different cock stretched her cunt with ease.  Between the earlier stimulation and the burning stretch, her heated abdomen tightened.  She sucked and slurped to gain ground.  The man above her sang curses until cum shot to the back of her throat.  He slumped over her and groaned.
“Yeah, you’re going to have to move.”
The man was shoved out of the way; cool air struck the trail of drool on Lumine’s mouth.  The new guy was blonde like her, maybe a Mondstadter by his accent. Maybe he’d seen her defeat Stormterror or tromping through Windrise. Nice thoughts to dwell upon as he filled her rancid cum filled mouth. Thankfully, he was smaller and gentler.  He teased her nipples between his fingers as more genitals rubbed all over her body.
Maybe an hour passed. 
Cum pooled over crusted cum that pulled at the hairs on her belly.  Her face itched madly, but her hands were occupied with wet flesh.  Dottore’s frame was hazy through her watered eyes.  At least she wouldn’t have to see that stupid smile accompanied by the very obvious empty erection at his waist.  Didn’t he see how hard she was working?  Wasn’t it fucking natural to be aroused?  Was he even human?
The joints in her fingers ached.
Every bone flared and popped as her legs were pressed against the ground behind her and her ass to the cool air.  Someone pressed fingers around her asshole.  Two discussed the mechanics of how they would double penetrate her.  Leave it to scholars to argue during a gangbang. 
Two slow claps.
“It seems my experiment has been a rousing success!” Dottore’s boots thudded against the ground, closer and closer, until she could reach the buckles if she were not occupied. “Or, as the comedians would say, an arousing success.”
He moved the man gyrating against her mouth and sat on his haunches, overly studying Lumine’s moist eyes and lips and hair.  Her chest heaved as she attempted to catch her breath and watch Dottore’s movements in turn. 
“The ferocity in your eyes brings me to my knees,” Dottore stated with his lips curling into a smirk.  “Now, let us find if we are able to make you orgasm a third time, shall we?”
His fingers ran through her hair; they were chill against her scalp, as chill as an iceberg beneath cold waters.  How had he known?  How?  She’d kept her composure, remained as uninterested as possible, even through the crashing highs that wracked her body.
“What in g—"
“Any true scholar understands small changes in the body,” he said as if reading her mind.  He pulled his gloves off, folded them, and gently placed them into his front pocket with the decorum of a priest.  “It seems you need some educating.”
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scaradooche · 3 months
5. Okay buddy!
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@wannabe-kazuha-main @sl-vega @kukikoooo
A/N: @wannabe-kazuha-main i saw that you changed your user to @just-a-hopeless-romantic lemme know if u still want to be tagged in this smau
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