#luna's rambles
asklunakittywolf · 8 months
Me: I dunno man I just feel like my ability to care for and about other people is just so much less than it used to be, does that make me a bad person?
The inner, wiser me that only appears at 2:45 AM PST: When you were younger, things were simpler for you. The most complex issues you had to deal with were making stuffed animal soap operas and making sure you got up on time to watch Pokemon on Saturdays. You had all the time and energy in the world to care about other people because all of your basic needs were being met by your parents and your stress was easily managed.
You can't care for people in the same way now not because you have become a worse person or because you are lesser in some way, but because the world demands more of you. You are now solely responsible for meeting your own needs and managing more difficult, complex issues and stressors that come with growing up and making yourself into a functional independent adult. You are capable of handling these things but it gives you less time and energy that you can contribute to aiding others and that's okay.
That doesn't make you a bad person.
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lunarreaper-ut · 2 years
When Artfight is over, do you guys think you’d be interested in a little event I had planned? There’d be priizzesss~!
I’d need at least three people to be interested in it though... and it wouldn’t be a raffle, sorry TwT
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i-like-vocaloid · 2 years
oh my god some actual gay rep at my school * gasps loudly * I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT!!
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prezaki · 10 months
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Thinking about this sprite... It's striking to me because it looks like one of those 'end of case relieved smile' sprites that reward the player, but it's actually used pretty commonly in relation to Trucy.
I don't think Phoenix in the original trilogy does a lot of laughing? He's involved in jokes and happy moments, but actual straight-up laughing is not something he's really associated with.
So to see even this Phoenix, who's so cagey and withdrawn, laugh from the bottom of his heart, and to do it often, because of his daughter.... it makes me teary-eyed!!!
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She's the best thing that ever happened to him!! That's his kid!!!
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chronicowboy · 2 years
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thatoneluckybee · 1 month
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mearchy · 3 months
I love Cassian Andor so so so much as a character he’s just so well written and well acted. He’s so compelling. The way he really would prefer not to be a hero but not in a performative “I just suck so bad I could never be a hero” way in a very ordinary “keep me out of this because it’s not my problem” way. He’s eternally a background character getting put in key positions of main character plots. When I see him break out in that charming beseeching smile, trying to convince who he’s talking to to just give him one more chance, like to the judge when he’s convicted or to his debtors on Ferrix. When I see his face twist and turn grim and intent when he pulls out the gun and shoots a man begging for his life. When he’s in the Narkina 5 prison and he’s just staring emptily ahead and you can SEE him reliving his time in prison as a 13 year old. The anxiousness hidden by sharp aggression when he gets touched unexpectedly while training for the heist. It’s all so good!!!!! He never feels like the bad guy, every decision he makes is so human and you can see the same deeply feeling person behind all of it and I love him so much.
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redcallisto · 11 months
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styx-the-stick · 5 months
the bears in trees fandom is going insane and I bet the band is cackling over their work
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asklunakittywolf · 7 months
Coping with Big Feelings at 2am is never fun
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lunarreaper-ut · 2 years
Aww, sorry to hear you might be sick, here's some soup.
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(Take care of yourself, and have soup, rest, maybe some medicine if you feel you need it, and also tea. That helps me get better. Virtual hugs for you!)
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Thankieee.... Am drinkin some chai tea to soothe the sore throat, and I took medicines... Wuv you fren!
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zutaranation · 2 months
I think I need to sink back more into tumblr and less Twitter. I love Zutara and ATLA so much, but people are being such bummers on there and even some fellow ZKs are bumming me out.
I feel like tumblr is so much more of a positive space nowadays for the Zutara fandom and ATLA fandom as a whole, which is ironic considering its past. (I've been on atla tumblr like 10 years lmao.)
But yeah… might start rambling here more and hanging out here.
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18catsreading · 6 months
Myrtle: what's your awareness level inside all of us? Like, do you only know what we know?
Stimey: ohh, well, I think I know a fair amount. It's interesting I'm still me in all of your bodies, but also because I'm experiencing different things in each when I project my consciousness into different bodies I begin to feel different. Almost as though I'm becoming different people. Sometimes I wonder if I could become something vast and terrible. Maybe I could. But we'll never know, I suppose. What can I help you with?
Myrtle: I was just wondering if you could pass a message to Cheese? And tell him to give us a signal when to catch up with the group.
Stimey: [in Cheese's head] I hope I'm not interrupting you at a bad time Master Cheese, but --
Cheese: Aaah!! What?!
Stimey: Myrtle and Captain Jack were both wondering if there was a time for them to move in or somehow for them to join with the rest of you.
Cheese: yeah, I mean, I'll keep you up to date. I'll send you some messages when I know a little bit more. Thank you for checking in. Uh, don't use my eyes next time. Just use like, your voice. Not inside my eyes. Thank you.
Stimey: not inside your eyes? I can grab whichever of your senses that you like. I could make you taste a message or a feeling on your skin.
Cheese: oh, Stimey, you're so creepy, man.
Stimey: why? Oh, I didn't mean to be, what have I done wrong? Remember, I'm only from one room and I have no idea about society and the world.
Cheese: oh man, and boundary issues too. Okay, thanks Buddy. Just tuck yourself down deep inside me, I guess. Uh, ugh.
Stimey: I already have my friend, I already have.
Cheese: oof.
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toddler luna who calls james “uncle jam” because she doesn’t know how to say james so his name as far as luna is concerned will always be uncle jam even when she’s old enough to say james.
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idk if it's funny, but going to make it a running gag that Nille is the ONLY one to refer to Siffrin's cloak as a poncho. She's like, that's a crabbing poncho not a cloak.
Siffrin calls it a cloak because it's cooler sounding than poncho. The others follow suit. Mirabelle and Bonnie bc they don't know any better. Mirabelle also in general would find the term cloak much more fitting than poncho anyway for Siffrin's mystique~. Odile bc tbh, she thinks Siffrin forgot the word for poncho and cloak is close enough that she will not correct them. Isabeau doesn't want to reveal that he knows the difference, and Siffrin is correct, a "cloak" is cooler sounding, so he lets it go.
Nille has none of these reasons, and thus will continually call it a poncho. Siffrin doesn't really mind, per say, but it becomes the center of a hot "debate" between the two of them. Or Siffrin messing with Nille and Nille messing with them right back.
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