#lux league of legends x reader
saey707 · 2 years
Aw man, no Kindred or Lillia? I am the sad.
But, if you don't mind, could you write Lux with a knight SO?
✿ Prompt: Headcanons of your relationship with Lux ✿
♡ champion focus: lux ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Hi anon! Sorry it took so long to get around to this one. I have a lot of rewrites to go through haha. Hope you like it! PS, after I read Lillia’s lore, I’ll consider adding her to my champions list just for you lol ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
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Out of everyone in the noble hierarchy, and outside of her own family, Lux only ever entrusted you with her secrets. You were skeptical to accept that such a beautiful light like Lux was a mage, but it didn't stop you from loving her and accepting who she was all the same.
Forbidden sorcery was bound to her fingertips, and every time you had the opportunity to see her shine her brilliant light, it only made you love her more. She was a conduit for radiance, and you were drawn to her light, her bioluminescence.
While you were committed to your duties to Demacia, that didn't stop you from taking the time to see your beloved girlfriend. Abandoning your post became ever more frequent, your colleagues often having to find ways to cover up for you. While it can be quite annoying, this is the first time in a long time they have seen you so happy. Lux made you happy.
When you are completely off the clock, that's when you'll dedicate your time to her and only her. And when you play delicate kisses on her delicate temple, her hands will glow and tangle through your hair. Only you have the ability to make the lady of luminosity this nervous.
Sometimes, Lux will even sneak you out to the outskirts of Demacia on her horse Starfire so the two of you can enjoy your time together alone, without the worry of anyone seeing her use her magic.
The day Lux was intended to marry Jarvan IV Lightshield was the day you feared you would lose the light of your life. Still, you maintained a steady and secret relationship, until Lux finally had the courage to tell her brother she was already seeing someone else; Sure, you were in the lower ranks of the noble hierarchy, but she adored you and wanted to be with you.
Garen is beyond protective of Lux, and you were not immune to his brotherly love and wrath.
So long as you promise to continue showing Lux your skills and art with a sword, Lux will continue to show you her magic. It's the perfect trade-off, considering Lux struggles to utilize weapons.
Gift-giving is common for Lux, and it's rather uncommon for you to deny anything she gives you. In return, you continue to live up to your chivalry and treat her like the strong, independent woman you know she is.
The days you are away from home too long are the days you are happy to be home... And the days you realize your plants that are cornered in the back shelves are dead. But fear not! Lux is more than happy to provide them the light they need to survive!
If there's one thing you need to be prepared for in your relationship with Luxanna, it's that she is very upfront with how she shows affection. She doesn't shy away from showing the entire world how much she loves you. And you shouldn't either!
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j-art-2d2 · 2 years
Chapter 3/?
Arcane University AU
jinx x caitlyn story (bits of caitvi and jinxlux)
Jinx’s POV
Blue braids twirl in the wind following behind Jinx’s fast-moving figure. Vi had already left by the time Jinx awoke so she knew that she was going to be late for her first class but she didn’t think she’d be this late. An anxiety-inducing type of late. Already she regrets forgetting her board. With plans on stealing his, she texts Ekko asking for a picture of his schedule. Her thoughts of “Vi left me” suddenly stop plaguing her mind when something catches her attention. Movement. She sees the figure of an obnoxiously tall blue-haired woman running steadily across campus right along with her. Jinx’s eyes widen when she processes exactly who she’s ogling. Jinx knows almost anything and everything gun related so, of course, she’d know Caitlyn Fucking Kiraman. Apparently the best shot in Piltover. To Jinx, however, she’s a stuck-up Piltie who has every award, every medal, and every trophy handed to her. Despite her distaste for Caitlyn, she can’t deny the woman looks better in real life than she ever has in any published photo.
Fire fills her gaze and Jinx knows she should keep moving but she can’t tear her eyes away from the woman in front of her. She intensely examines whatever details she’s able to see from where she’s standing. The first thing Jinx notices is how clean Caitlyn looks. Like nothing has ever touched her and left a mark. Typical. Jinx’s chest begins to boom as the breeze lightly blows the girl’s skirt up with every lengthy step she takes. The revealed skin made Jinx’s skin flush warmer than it already had been. When Caitlyn starts to bend over to tug at her socks, Jinx forces her legs to move. The pounding in her ears is louder than ever but she tells herself it’s just the nerves.
Jinx tries her hardest to focus as she walks through the Harrington building. Her schedule reads Room 207A: Environmental Biology. Knowing she has the right room, Jinx turns the handle and boisterously shoulders the door open. Immediately the eyes of her peers are fixed on her while her eyes are drawn to the middle of the room where a blonde tall woman sits. The blonde woman’s height causes Jinx to think back to Caitlyn but she quickly pushes back the thought as she steadily makes her way over to the blonde-haired woman, curiosity now flowing through her. This girl seems to be the only person not interested in Jinx’s arrival. She plops down in her chair as she drops her bag on the table and holds her hand out. “Hi I'm Jinx!”, she exclaims. Startled the blonde-haired woman looks up, her strong gaze softening once blue eyes connect with blue eyes. She tentatively grabs Jinx’s hand and softly introduces herself. Electricity shoots through their hands and smiles contently as if she’d just managed to seal a deal. “Luxanna but please call me Lux. Nice to meet you.” “Right back at ya!”, Jinx beams.
Jinx and Lux spend the rest of the class period giggling. They got a few dirty looks but Jinx couldn’t have cared less. The smile on Lux’s face lights up the dull classroom. Jinx plans on seeing it more often. They compare schedules and Lux lets her lips downturn as she notices she and Jinx won’t be seeing each other in class very often. “What’s wrong flashlight”, Jinx remarks while poking the blonde-haired girl's cheek, “Gonna miss meee?” Jinx swears a blush can be seen on Lux’s face, but it’s gone just as quickly as it had come. When the professor informs them that class is almost over, Lux takes it upon herself to instigate the next step in their newfound friendship. “Would you like to get lunch with me tomorrow, Jinx?” Immediately the blue-haired girl is shaking her head yes, grinning. Jinx loves to be bold but always initiating things is tiresome to her. She appreciates Lux putting in the extra effort. When class ends officially, Jinx holds her phone out to Lux. Confused, Lux furrows her brow. Tapping her phone Jinx impatiently explains, “Well aren’t you the brightest bulb in the pack?” Lux is already defensive. “H-hey! That’s ru-“ “Your number pleasseeee, flashlight.” Lux lets out a laugh and grabs the phone, typing in her digits. Jinx decides to save her contact as “Sunshine” before giving Lux a quick side hug and running off into the hallway. Ekko had finally texted her back and she knows exactly where to catch him off guard.
Focused on her new task at hand, Jinx doesn’t pay attention to the tall figure abruptly turning the corner, effectively knocking into her. She feels the person grab onto her shoulders steadying her and she looks up glaring. Her veins run cold when she sees who’s holding onto her. The height difference between her and Caitlyn annoying obviously as she blankly looks down at Jinx. “What the fuck is your problem?”, Jinx scoffs. Something about the way Caitlyn is looking at her, more like through her, makes her thoughts swarm. She glances around Caitlyn’s shoulder and spots a tall, strong, dark-haired man. His eyes are wide, looking at Jinx as if she’s the problem. She definitely knows this dude. Might’ve beaten him at a science fair or two or five. Irritated even more, she looks back at Caitlyn. “Stop staring at me and let me go!” Nothing. Completely over it, Jinx sucks her teeth and lifts her arm to push Caitlyn’s body back and to the side. “Well, excuse the fuck out of me!”. Now, flustered and pissed, Jinx continues across campus in search of Ekko while her internal dialogue goes haywire.
What the fuck even was that? Caitlyn was practically glued on to her. The feeling of her hands elicited too many emotions from Jinx and now her focus has deteriorated. Seeing Ekko, she recalls the intense slightly darker blue of Caitlyn's eyes when she spots his cyan wheels on the board. Without thinking Jinx runs up and tries to grab the board straight from his hands. Upon failing Ekko turns to see who just tried to rob him. Processing who it is, Ekko just lets out a bellowing laugh followed by, “You tried it!”, and hooks his arm across Jinx’s shoulders. His presence already makes Jinx feel more like herself.
The pair was not being cautious of their volume as they excitedly bantered back and forth on the way into their next class. “Well, if you wanted to borrow my skateboard, you could’ve just asked! I don’t know why you decided to track me down on the other side of campus, just to fail at snatching it from my hands as you run by!”, Ekko joked loudly while passing Jinx his board. His goofy smile egged Jinx on even more. “It would’ve worked out if I hadn’t bumped into a stupid Piltie on the way here. She threw me off my game!”, she defends as she elbows the dark-skinned boy with raised eyebrows and says in a sing-song voice, “Nice rack, though..” This cracks both of them up. Wiping a tear from his eye, Ekko continues, “Yeah.. yeah..anyway, where do you wanna sit?” Scanning the rows, Jinx locks eyes with Caitlyn who is seated next to Science Fair Loser #1. What the fuck.. is she following me now…? Jinx scoffs in annoyance and doesn’t hesitate to grumble to Ekko, “Anywhere but there..” It’s just her luck that she was immediately drowned out by a voice booming across the room. “Ekko!! My man!! You already know where to sit!” Suddenly, Ekko is dragging Jinx towards the back of the room with him. Both she and Caitlyn audibly groan at the same time.
Due to a lack of seats, Jinx was forced to be sat right next to Caitlyn. She could barely hear the professor over the blood rushing through her ears. Of course, I’d be in this situation. I can't fucking escape her. Right when Jinx was thinking of maybe leaving the class altogether to avoid the confusion burrowing its way through her chest, Caitlyn turns to introduce herself. A mistake for the most part. Jinx doesn’t do well with new feelings, especially not new strange conflicting feelings. Caitlyn holds her hand out to Jinx with a warm smile. “Hi I’m C-” “Caitlyn. I know.”, Jinx cuts her off while forcing herself to keep her attention on her pencil. She’s not sure of what she'd say or do if this conversation went any further while also making eye contact. “Okay.”, Jinx hears and calms down a bit, assuming there was nothing else to say. She’s mistaken when then Caitlyn raises her palm and motions towards her while asking,“And who are you?” Jinx is shocked and confused and almost certain that her face shows it. I don't exactly have the best reputation, but I have one nonetheless.“You really don’t know who I am?”, she questions with a chuckle. A rhetorical question really, but now Jinx is having fun. Caitlyn just shakes her head no. Buzzing with excitement Jinx leans back in her chair, swinging her arm trying to catch Ekko’s attention, before exclaiming, “Hey, Ekko!! Piltie has no idea who I am!!”. Laughter is evident in her voice. Ekko chuckles and throws an eraser in Jinx’s general direction, while jokingly reprimanding her, “Jinx, play nice. Nobody likes a bully.”
Turning back in her seat, Jinx takes a glance at Caitlyn. She looks lost in thought and Jinx begins to wonder about all the things she could be thinking. Maybe her defense mechanism has caught up to her, and her mean antics have actually made the girl upset. But then suddenly, Caitlyn turns towards Jinx and holds eye contact with her. “Well Jinx..”, she pauses. Well, what?! “I hope that we can become fri-” Jinx cuts her off again. Absolutely not. She doesn’t know if she’s angry or panicked but it doesn’t matter. It’s all the same to Jinx and warrants the same response. “Have you ever been told to shut the fuck up?”, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “..N-no?”, Caitlyn stutters, now cautious. Jinx just nods, head resting in her hand to ease the thumping, and lets out a hum. “Hmm… yeah.. I can tell.” Caitlyn doesn’t talk to her for the rest of the period. She doesn’t even look her way again. Jinx overhears Jayce invite Ekko to lunch and starts thinking of her future plans with Lux as a distraction from whatever it was that she’s going through. The professor dismisses the class and Caitlyn shoots up from her chair and hurriedly grabs her things from the desk before Jayce can even open his mouth to invite her as well. Jinx lets out a relieved breath. She wouldn't be able to stomach food with Caitlyn around making her mind spin. Jinx watches intently while Caitlyn quickly tells Jayce to put his number in her phone. While typing in the digits, Jayce looks up at her concerned. “Wait..so you’re not getting food..?” “Nope!”, Caitlyn says, emphasizing the p, “I’m gonna go find the library. Not hungry anyways..”, she shrugs while shifting from one foot to the other. A sign of nervousness. Jinx quickly averts her eyes when Caitlyn turns to spin on her heels and exit the room. Her eyes widen, however, when she hears Ekko start talking. “You know… Jinx actually always goes to the Library during lunch.” Jinx has never hated him more. He’s acting like he can’t see her very obvious internal battle with Caitlyn. “Maybe she can walk you. Big campus, twists, and turns, travel buddies are essential.” he jokes. Neither Jinx nor Caitlyn finds him funny. Sadly for him, Jinx expected this and has already thought of a lie. “I was actually going to get lunch today. Didn’t have breakfast. Maybe next time..”, Jinx trails off. Caitlyn makes a face but without a word, she turns and leaves the class.
Honestly, the rest of Jinx’s day goes pretty well if you exclude the way Caitlyn looks at her when they pass by each other or are in the same class. It makes Jinx feel like an inconvenience to her, but admittedly Jinx didn’t even see making a good impression as an option. Fight or flight and she’s all fight. As soon as her last class is dismissed, she makes her way to the field. Vi’s been mentioning football tryouts all week and Jinx needed a ride, already over the day. She’s stopped dead in her tracks when she sees Caitlyn on the bleachers basically drooling over somebody. Jinx doesn’t even have to guess that she’s looking at Vi. She knows it. A newfound hate blooms in Jinx’s chest. She can’t decipher who she’s even mad at when she silently makes her way to sit further up on the bleachers, behind Caitlyn. She grumbles to herself, as she watches Vi zero in on Caitlyn. Of course… bigger better sis always gets the girl. Jinx was holding her tongue during the beginning of their interaction, but seeing how Caitlyn fumbles over her words for Vi, she had to say something, anything, to stop the inevitable. “Hi! I’m C-” Jinx cuts Caitlyn off with the first thing that comes to mind. “Piltie. Her name is Piltie.” Jinx is hyperaware of her body as Caitlyn watches her sluggishly make her way down the bleachers. It makes her feel very much on display and she immediately wants to leave. “Can we go now, sis.. you obviously made the team.” She internally curses her sister when she takes Caitlyn’s hand and shakes it firmly with a smile. “Well, Piltie..” she jokes, “I’m Violet. I’m sure you know my baby sister Jinx.” Caitlyn rolls her eyes and huffs. Am I really that bad ? “Yeah.. everyone knows her apparently.” Violet laughs, clearly missing the tension around her. “Haha, yeah that's so true. But anyway, I’d love to stay and chat but Jinx gets a little cranky when she’s out of the house for too long. How about you give me your number and you can tell me more about how you managed to pass by..” Air quotes. “.. for twenty minutes?” Violet holds out her phone and Jinx groans, already knowing where this was going. She couldn’t stop the inevitable and she definitely is not going to stand by and watch it happen. She reaches into Violet's duffel bag, pulls out a pair of keys, and walks off. “Car! Waiting! Hurry your gay ass up!”, she shouts, trying to cover up her jealously with annoyance.
When Jinx gets in the car, she lies down flat in the backseat. Every moment she shared with Caitlyn, was on a loop in her mind. She wished she could've said or done anything else. Been anyone else. Vi slamming her driver’s side door closed brings Jinx out of her thoughts. She watches as her sister gives her an empathetic look in the rearview mirror. “…You okay Pow? How was school and-“ she vaguely gestures to her head before putting the key in the ignition,”-stuff?” Jinx ignores her question and counteracts it with a question of her own. “She hates me doesn’t she?” Vi backs out of the lot with a confused expression, “Wha- Who Cupcake?” Jinx grunts as a response, covering her face. Hearing the nickname was weighing her down even more. “Well, I don’t know.. doubt it though.” Vi continues, “Why? Do you hate her?” Jinx considers the thought.
She goes against every bone in her body when she mutters a yes and puts her headphones on, ending the conversation with the thump of her music.
a/n : hey bestiesss! <3 i haven’t rlly been getting notes for the first two chapters for this fanfic. ive been updating it on archiveofourown but let me know if u guys like it or not so i can know whether or not to keep updating it on here as well!
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hi there! You can call me Star or Starlight 👋✨ I'm 27 and I love writing all things sapphic, from one shots, to headcanons to longer fics 💖
men, minors, blogs with no age displayed, terfs, racists, and haters dni
I welcome any requests, thoughts and opinions, or just talking about any and all things sapphic - my inbox is always open! See below for a list of what I write :)
I write for:
She Ra: Princesses of Power
Adora/She-Ra x Catra
Adora/She-Ra x Glimmer
Glimmer x Catra
Perfuma x Scorpia
Catra x Scorpia x Entrapta
Entrapta x Scorpia
Mara x Hope
Arcane/League of Legends
Caitlyn x Vi
Caitlyn x Vi x Reader
Sevika x Reader
Grayson x Reader
Cassandra Kiramman x Reader
Jinx x Lux
Jinx x Reader
Vi x Reader
Caitlyn x Reader
Ambessa Medarda x Reader
Blake x Yang
Ruby x Weiss
Blake x Yang x Weiss
Yang x Weiss
Ruby x Penny
The Last of Us
Ellie x Reader
Ellie x Dina
Abby x Reader
Ellie x Abby
Allie x Abby x Reader
Clarke x Lexa (The 100)
Maggie x Alex (Supergirl)
Sara x Ava (Legends of Tomorrow)
I won't write: underage, non-con, explicit gore, incest, taboo/illegal.
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Submission list
organised by @kindalikerackham (THANK YOU)
This is a list of all of the submissions. It will be updated continuously. Italics are still being decided in the polls, crossed out have been decided on “no”, bold have been decided on “yes”
By character name (or ship name if given)
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi from Persona 5 Royal
Alix from Miraculous Ladybug
Allison and Patti from Kevin Can F**k himself
Anna and Marnie from When Marnie was There
baron draxum and master splinter   rise of the tmnt 2018
Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe from Batman Telltale
Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect
Beca from Pitch Perfect
Betty and Veronica from Riverdale
Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby from RWBY
Blitzen and Hearthstone from Magnus Chase
Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1
Chad/Ryan from High School Musical
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Cory and Naveed from Ackley Bridge
Dani Ramos and Grace from Terminator Dark Fate
Darling Charming and Apple White from Ever After High
Dean Winchester
Drs House & Wilson from House MD
emma woods/emily dyer from identity v
Faberry from glee!(Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Fuffy, faith and buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finn and Poe from Star Wars
Firestar and Greystripe from Warriors
foot clan lieutenant and brute  rise of the tmnt 2018 
Ginji Amano & Ban Midou from GetBackers
goro majima and kazuma kiryu -  Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku
Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue
Hannibal and will from Hannibal tv show
H.G. Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek Beyond
hypnopotamus and warren stone  rise of the tmnt 2018  
Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
Jade and Bella from Rainbow High
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from Rizzoli&Isles TV series
Janis from Mean Girls
Jeremy and Michael from Be More Chill
Jess/Jules from Bend It Like Beckham
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (Netflix)
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (1897)
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug
Julian Bashir and Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Jun and Tatsuya from Persona 2
Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi from Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
kanji/naoto from persona 4
keith and lance from voltron
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
klavier and apollo from ace attorney
L and Light from Death Note
legolas and gimli from lotr
Legoshi and Louis from Beastars
leo and adam from tatort saarbrücken
lightcannon, Jinx and Lux from league of legends
Loki from The Loki show
Luca & Alberto from Luca
Luigi and Bowser from the Mario movie
marc and nathaniel from miraculous
Masumi Itachi from blue flag
Matsuoka rin and haru from Free!
Max from Miraculous Ladybug
Mel and Naomi from Vermonia
merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Milo and Bisco from Sabikui Bisco
Mobius and Loki from the Loki show
nana komatsu/nana osaki from nana
narumitsu - Ace Attorney
Naruto and Sasuke
Newt and Hermann from Pacific Rim
Nina and Lily from the movie Black Swan
Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli from Agent Carter
Quentin and Eliot - The Magicians
Ravenpaw and Barely from warrior cats
Raya & Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon
rei and nagisa   from Free!
Sam and Max
Sam and Bucky from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sherlock and John Watson from BBC Sherlock
Sherlock and Moriarty from BBC Sherlock
Shiro and Adam from voltron
shiro and keith from voltron
sophie and agatha from The School of Good and Evil
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  The Original Series
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  the reboot movies
Sterek  (Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf)
Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams from Hawaii 5-0 (the 2010 version)
stiles stilinski from teen wolf
Supercorp! Lena and Kara from Supergirl!
Superman and Batman from the DCEU
SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time)
Sylvie from Loki
Thiel and Boerne from Tatort Münster
Thomas & Newt from the maze runner
troy barnes and abed nadir from community
wednesday and enid from wednesday
Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss) from Attack on Titan
yu/yosuke from persona 4
Zari and Charlie from Legends of Tomorrow
Zoro and sanji - one piece
By Property:
9-1-1 - Buck and Eddie
ace attorney - klavier and apollo
Ace Attorney - narumitsu
Ackley Bridge - Cory and Naveed  
Agent Carter - Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli
Attack on Titan - Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss)  
Batman Telltale - Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe
Beastars - Legoshi and Louis
Be More Chill - Jeremy and Michael
Bend It Like Beckham - Jess/Jules
Black Swan - Nina and Lily
blue flag - Masumi Itachi
Brooklyn 99 - Jake Peralta
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Fuffy (faith and buffy)
Captain America - Steve and Bucky
community - troy barnes and abed nadir
DCEU - Superman and Batman
Dracula (1897) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Dracula (Netflix) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Ever After High - Darling Charming and Apple White  
Free! - Matsuoka rin and haru
Free!-  rei and nagisa 
GetBackers - Ginji Amano & Ban Midou
Glee - Faberry (Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Good Omens - Ineffable Husbands
Hannibal (tv) - Hannibal and will
Hawaii 5-0 (2010) - Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams
High School Musical - Chad/Ryan 
House MD - Drs House & Wilson
identity v - emma woods/emily dyer
Kevin Can F**k himself - Allison and Patti
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon) - Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi
league of legends - Jinx and Lux
Legends of Tomorrow - Zari and Charlie
Loki show - Mobius and Loki
Loki show - Loki
Loki show - Sylvie
lotr - legolas and gimli
Luca - Luca & Alberto
Magnus Chase  - Blitzen and Hearthstone
Mario Movie - Luigi and Bowser
Mean Girls  - Janis
Merlin (BBC) - merthur (merlin and Arthur)
Miraculous Ladybug - Alix
Miraculous Ladybug - Juleka and Rose
Miraculous ladybug - marc and nathaniel
Miraculous ladybug - Max
nana - nana komatsu/nana osaki from
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint - Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk
Once Upon a Time - SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan )
one piece - Zoro and sanji
Pacific Rim - Newt and Hermann
Persona 2 - Jun and Tatsuya
persona 4 - yu/yosuke
persona 4 - kanji/naoto
Persona 5 Royal - Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi
Pitch Perfect - Beca
Pitch Perfect - Beca and Chloe
Quentin and Eliot - the Magicians
Rainbow High - Jade and Bella
Raya and the Last Dragon - Raya & Namaari
Red vs Blue - Grif and Simmons
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - baron draxum and master splinter
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - foot clan lieutenant and brute
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - hypnopotamus and warren stone
Riverdale - Betty and Veronica
Rizzoli&Isles TV series - Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles
RWBY - Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby
Sabikui Bisco - Milo and Bisco
Sam and Max - Sam and Max
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and John Watson
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and Moriarty
Star Trek AOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Trek Beyond - Hikaru Sulu
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Julian Bashir and Elim Garak
Star Trek TOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Wars - Finn and Poe
Supergirl - Supercorp! Lena and Kara
Supernatural - Dean Winchester
Supernatural - Destiel
Tatort Münster - Thiel and Boerne
tatort saarbrücken - leo and adam
Teen Wolf - Sterek  (Stiles and Derek)
teen wolf - stiles stilinski
Terminator Dark Fate - Dani Ramos and Grace
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Sam and Bucky
The Magicians -  Quentin and Eliot
the maze runner - Thomas & Newt
The School of Good and Evil -  sophie and agatha
Vermonia - Mel and Naomi
Victorious - Jade and Tori
Voltron - keith and lance
Voltron - Shiro and Adam
Voltron - shiro and keith
Warehouse 13 - H.G. Wells and Myka Bering
warrior cats -  Ravenpaw and Barely
Warriors - Firestar and Greystripe
wednesday - wednesday and enid
When Marnie Was There - Anna and Marnie
X-Men (any) - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto)
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku - goro majima and kazuma kiryu
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popawritter12 · 11 months
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Y͒a͒n͒d͒e͒r͒e͒! Sett x Neutral reader
Yandere character: Sett
Anime/manga/video game: League of Legends
Part: 1 of 2
Finished?: Yes
Clarification: Au of academy
With each step I took, my grip on my books increased due to the fear of seeing it again. Every time the people around me looked at me with fear and pity, I knew something was wrong.
Everyone knew it, from the beginning they knew it. That boy, that person who was known for his use of violence and insults to him, someone who was the kind of people you detested from the bottom of your heart was… interested in someone.
When I saw him, I could feel the pride and hate he could emit just by looking at anyone, and whenever I talked to my best friend about it, we both came to the same conclusion; it wasn't good to run into him.
And now, God knows if it was on purpose or by accident, but the whole school found out that Sett, one of the most feared vastaya in the Academy, was madly in love ---Obsessed--- with me, more than once I found him following me and Talon around the Academy, which was so damn awkward for both of us that we decided to stop being apart of the group and go to social circles just so we wouldn't feel persecuted by that idiot.
---Did you forget your math work again? ---Talon asked me, as we both walked through the halls.
---No, I didn't sleep at all last night, so I decided to catch up on homework ---I answered, running one of my hands over my right eye.
He was silent for a few seconds, before we heard someone behind us let out a soft, discreet laugh.
---Apparently Sett has you bad ---Ezreal teased, patting my shoulder.
---Shut up, moron ---I answered jokingly, looking at the blonde.
---I'm sorry, I'm sorry (Name), but you know that normally everyone in this school knows how Sett is with you ---Ezreal continued joking, before giving you your personal space.
--- Aha, as if he doesn't want to hit me every time he sees me --- he teased softly.
It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to know that Ionians hate Noxians, or basically most of the world hates Noxus in general, and the fact that Sett lives on insulting his Noxian father just further reinforces the idea that this whole facade that he's in love with me falls apart.
Both Ezreal and other close friends helped me a lot to adapt to this place, I was surprised at the ease with which both Talon and I became close to him, but I wouldn't question the idea of why someone as social as him would talk to us either. .
But hey, I guess I'm just rambling…
--- And then Garen threatened to cut me in half if he did something bad to Lux, although I don't understand why he tells me that… --- Ezreal explained, before hearing how the doorbell sounds.
The noise marked the start of the first hour of school, in this case Ezreal would go to his Chemistry class and Talon and I to our philosophy class.
The blonde said goodbye to us, going straight to God knows where. While my best friend and I were leaving for class.
---I like to think that all this is a very bad joke, and you? ---I admitted, letting out a heavy sigh.
Talon hummed a "hm", not further speaking.
As talkative as a North Korean soldier.
---But well, I'd like to know why… ---That's when I found myself having to cut my sentence in half because Talon started talking.
---Don't trust Sett too much.
I looked at him confused, before letting out a soft laugh, as a joke.
---Don't tell me, Tal ---I joke, getting closer to him ---The man who has been following and harassing us for 1 month is someone to be wary of, who would have thought!
After joking, I could see Talon stop walking abruptly; apparently, we were already in front of our living room.
He grabbed my shoulder roughly, forcing me to look him in the eye.
--- The next time you find him alone, run --- He advises me, or maybe he orders me --- There's something about that guy that I don't fucking like.
I look at him, this time changing my tone to a serious one.
---Yes, I'll be careful, Talon ---Kindly accept ---Although I don't know, I don't think it's that bad…
Talon lets go of me, before cupping her face in one of his hands, letting out a heavy sigh, as if he's frustrated or disappointed.
--- I know Sett has something weird behind his whole façade… try to keep yourself safe, okay? --- He advises me again, and this time I do believe that he cared about me.
I smile at him, before gently taking his shoulder.
---I promise, Tal ---I told him, smiling ---This time I will keep my word.
He smiles slightly at me, so I guess he's calmer now.
--- Good thing you said "this time yes" --- he mentions as a mockery, before going to the living room.
I went after him, laughing and saying whatever, obviously before get scolded for being late to class.
Extra (If this first part was not short)
A young man with reddish hair was walking calmly through the school, he himself was accompanied by a pale-skinned boy, who was confused about why Sett had summoned him to talk alone.
The young Lunari looked at Sett, intrigued as to why someone lively and outgoing like him was so quiet now, almost angry at that moment.
The moment Sett stops his walk, without moving, he presses his fingers on the palm of his hand, to the point that it was seen that he was tempted to break the bricks of the wall.
Without the young Lunari expecting it, Sett barely turns around to see him out of the corner of his eye.
---Hey ---Sett calls him, with a hoarse voice and with a certain tone of anger in his intonation.
Before Aphelios can answer or say anything, Sett frowns, showing anger at the idea of asking someone like him for help.
---Do you know where I can meet Talon?
The opposite of him remains silent, surprised by the vastaya's request. Anyone who knows a little about Sett knows that if he wants to meet anyone as he gives rise to, or even worse, a Noxian, it doesn't mean anything good.
---Or with Ezreal? You get together a lot with the two of them, don't you?
Aphelios steps back, even more scared.
—Or both, I'm not interested separately or together, I need to know what time and place I can meet either of them.
The young Lunari, out of nervousness begins to speak in sign language.
---Why are you supposed to want to know? ---When he finished speaking, Aphelios remembered something important: Sett didn't know sign language.
---That shit is none of your business, kid, now tell me.
Aphelios opens his eyelids to the fullest part of him, since when did Sett know something like..?
The vastaya approaches him, taking him by the neck.
—I want you to have one thing clear, Aphelios; From now on, both you and those two idiots are going to be away from ME (Name), are you clear?
Aphelios has no choice but to nod, not because of the fear of what could happen to him now, but because of how Sett would be if he confronted or tried to fight.
Perhaps in another context, he would have challenged him, but now he didn't have much of a chance of winning, he had no weapons, and no one to see them in one of the hallways that almost no one knows about the school, and Sett seemed quite ready to kill them. the first thing on your way.
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tragedybunny · 5 months
꧁༺League of Legends Fanfiction Masterlist ༻꧂
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༺ The Blade's Edge - League of Legends Long fic - Swain x Katarina - NSFW ༻
Blade of Noxus - Prequel to The Blade's Edge
A failed assassination attempt, a proposition she couldn't refuse, a temptation he couldn't resist. How Katarina came to be employed by the Grand General of Noxus.
༺ The Blade's Edge ༻
They had a simple arrangement. She was the weapon to be used on his enemies. Things get more complicated when emotions bleed into what should simple. Now the two of them find themselves on the precipice of something that was entirely unexpected.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
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༺ Swain x Katarina - NSFW ༻
Touch of the Demon - Katarina wants to see exactly what the demon can do and Swain obliges.
The Bargain - An AU - ish fic where Katarina initiates a scheme to get away from her family just before the invasion of Ionia.
A Soldier's Discipline - Katarina has failed the Grand General and she must be punished
A Soldiers Discipline II - Katarina finds herself once again in need of absolution
༺ Swain x Katarina - SFW ༻
Moments - A fluffy little drabble of a soft Swain/Kat interaction
Loneliness - Swain missing his wife
Puppy! - Just a little crack fic featuring a puppy
Naming Day - Swain wants to do something special for his wife Katarina, but finds out it is easier thought than done.
Have You Ever Wanted Something, So Badly You Cannot Breathe? - Based on the final issue of the Katarina comic on Webtoon. written from Swain's point of view.
Swain comes to Kataria's aide as Marcus attempts to destroy his vision for Noxus. But the Empire isn't the only thing Swain is worried about, and he finds himself at a loss on how to manage the sudden longing he feels for another.
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༺ League of Legends NSFW ༻
What She Needs - Ahri and Vlad are both Seniors at the Academy. Vlad has something she needs, Ahri has something he wants.
༺ League of Legends SFW ༻
Home - Katarina x Lux - They discover something more in each other than t hey ever thought possible.
Inner Demons - A Swain - Sylas Lore Fusion. Prompt from Curious Cat.
Darkin Reunion - Aatrox and Varus and reunited as they both have a homecoming.
Storm - A Katarina x OC Drabble I wrote for the 150 follower giveaway.
You've Always Felt Like Home to Me - Swain x Marcus Du Couteau - Swain has a lot of feelings about his oldest friend Marcus Du Couteau that he’s not really sure how to sort out. But tonight it looks like he’ll have to figure them out at last.
Her Light - Katarina x Lux - A poem about a very happy ending for Lux and Katarina
Performance - Jhin x GN! Reader - A reader with a crush gets to experience one of Jhin’s special performances. 
After the Mist - Katarina x Samira - Samira and Katarina are reunited after the black mist appears in Noxus. Set after the Ruination trailer.
Sacrificial - Aatrox x F!Reader - Reader is left in Aatrox’s path. The result will surprise them both.
It Can't Be Without You - Darius x Swain - Darius has a bittersweet musing on his feelings for Jericho at a dark moment.
It Won't Be Without You - Darius x Swain - A sequel to “It Can’t be Without You”. Darius recovers from a battle wound with Swain at his side
Alliance - Swain X Vladimir - Swain and Vlad have a tense conversation
No Turning Back - Draven X Riven - They are reunited after so long apart
Checkmate - LeBlanc x Swain - LeBlanc Has Won Their Grand Game
The Festival - Crystal Rose Swain x GN!Reader - A short little fluff piece.
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luckiestnat · 1 year
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hello I'm Nat! other aliases include unluckynat or pambo very small blogger. nothing major going on right now, I'm not sure how to get followers. i don't upload too much but i usually just use tumblr as a resource gatherer for décor and what not. ! I play league of legends I main: Zoe Lux Kindred Lillia as you can tell by my mains I'm very 🌈. if you don't vibe with that the block button is there! also I block readers x y/a etc. I find those extremely cringe especially to that fandom.
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edgyspooks · 3 years
Can request A from the SFW request list with Sett, Lux and Xayah/Rakan? Thanks!!
SFW Alphabet: Affection (Sett, Lux, Xayah/Rakan)
Sett Sett would hug you to death if he could. He’s very doting and protective of his partner, and loves to show you off to everyone. He will always hold you close, his arm around you, and he will always want you by his side. If you know about his work, he will take you there with him whenever you’re available, but if you don’t, or aren’t available, he will run straight home from work to be with you as soon as possible. You know how dogs always make a huge deal whenever their owner comes back, even if they were absent for 5 minutes? Sett is exactly like that with you.
On top of that, if anyone dares to say anything bad about you, or even throw you a mean look he will fight them to death. He won’t let anyone lay a finger on his precious partner. That’s his way of showing affection too - he will protect you from any harm or harshness with his life.
Lux She’s initially very careful when it comes to showing affection. Not because she’s cold, but because she’s afraid that if she let herself show you the entirety of her love, she might accidentally unleash some magic as well, and expose herself as a mage, losing you forever. When you inevitably learn her secret (and she WILL tell you if you two get serious) things will get easier, and suddenly she will turn into a happy, touchy-feely bubble of joy whenever she sees you. She loves gentle touches, such as holding your face or caressing your hand as she holds it. She will give you random pecks on your cheeks when you don’t expect them, and she will always support you, no matter what.
Xayah/Rakan (I wrote it as a couple towards each other, but if you meant poly with them please let me know, I’ll write that too!) Xayah won’t show affection towards Rakan in public. In fact, even in private, she’s withdrawn when it comes to showing affection. Of course, she loves Rakan, but the two have made this a sort of a game, where Rakan constantly makes advances on Xayah, and she dismisses them, until, eventually, she gives in. Those advances consist of many things, Rakan may bring her gifts or flowers, dance for her, show off his feathers, or even give her surprise hugs and kisses when she doesn’t expect it. When she does eventually give in, the two will cuddle and hold each other for a long time, enjoying each other’s love and presence. Those are one of the most quiet moments in their rebel lives, so they treasure them very much.
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pollo1203 · 3 years
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Iniciei minha lojinha para você conseguir comprar skins de graça! Venha descobrir como fazer isso!
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[Dark] Cosmic Lux x Reader x Dark Cosmic Jhin [Soulmate AU] - PART II
This is a direct continuation to the series of headcanons that I started for this AU.
P.S: Friendly reminder that I take requests.
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"I don't want you to leave." Your trembling lips parted in troubled pain - but you didn't dare say anything. You couldn't comfort your little cousin.
Not if it meant lying to her.
The pale tips of your fingers brushed away the tears on her face. Your only wish was that she would leave a happy and long life here. With a family of her own. She deserved it so much more than you did, after losing her own parents.
Not... out there. In the cold unknown.
"It will be alright. They won't hurt me, sweetie." It was partly the truth. You did not know what hurt meant to cosmic beings. As long as you were alive, why would they care?
"And you'll have my mommy and daddy all for yourself. It's... how things should be. Maybe I'll be able to come visit you." Maybe they would be kind enough. If not that dark star wrecked being, at least...
Such a familiar yet strange name.
As you sent your slightly comforted little cousin to search for your parents, you sat back on your bed with a despaired whimper.
Your wrists were burning.
A chase - who would find you first? Sometimes, they only ached. Sometimes, it was only a slight burn. But then...
These days it felt like livid fire running through your veins.
You would wake up to bloodied pillows, marks burning bright in the dim light of the moon. Light and Darkness. Constellations on your right wrist. Destruction on your left.
A pain so strong yet so... yearning.
As much as you hated yourself for it, you couldn't deny the yearning in your body and soul. At first, it was easy to ignore it. You would go about your day, denying the grim reality of the situation. After all, things were still uncertain.
But they were getting closer and closer to you. With every passing week, the sweet pain in your marks would get stronger before diminishing - a short, well earned breath of relief. A moment of respite. Even so, the marks were... evolving.
It was beautiful. Watching the light of stars, both light and dark, dance on your pale and fragile skin. Watching them go deeper in, leaving subtle starlight dust behind.
You were aware of the changes that happened to you. And while you wouldn't lose your humanity... it would leave its mark on you, nonetheless.
It meant only one thing: they were searching for you. Desperately.
Such a strange... feeling. To be so desired by these beings your people saw as their divinity. To be wanted by them.
To have them fight over you.
And the dreams...
The dreams plagued you. Their source was the darker cosmic being, Jhin. You were absolutely sure of it. Such darkness, such temptation.
Such hunger.
He did such unspeakable things to you in those dreams, things you dared not think about in the light of the day. And he always left you wanting for more, no matter how much it would doom you.
Almost weeping with hopeless desire, heart and body aching with need and frustration, you would cast a glance into the darkness of the night - wishing for the cool touch of the morning air.
Could you love someone only through the dreams they offered you?
You shook your head with a sense of heightened determination.
He would be your kidnapper. He was the darkness itself. He wished to destroy the whole universe - how could you love such a cruel and heatless being? It didn't matter if he was influenced or not by the dark star. All it mattered is that he wished to destroy everything you held dear.
Your body fell on the mattress with a soft thud. While your cautious fingers rubbed your bandaged wrists, you listened to your parents with an aching heart. They were.... yes, they were getting your cousin to bed.
Yes, it was getting quite late. It frightened you, the way you started to lose the notion of time. Little by little, your body was accommodating the hardships awaiting you.
Between the hurricane of feelings, emotions and physical confusion, you were left exhausted, barely able to pay any attention to the exterior world.
But you kept fighting it, quite unwilling to give up on your old life.
Your old self.
You were...
But you had to get up. You had to get ready for the night.
And after your bath, you found yourself staring into the mirror. You studied the wet strands of hair hanging off your shoulders, almost glimmering in the golden light of the bathroom. It almost looked like glitter - but you didn't wish to admit it. You felt like you would fully break if you accepted the full changes taking place in your body, even if you could see them in your parents' eyes every morning and night.
Awe and fear. Did they wonder? Did they ask themselves what were you turning into?
You hoped not.
You hoped that your absence wouldn't affect them to the point of despair. Now... now they had your cousin. Things should get better.
Your glance moved to your rosy face. Did you consider yourself pretty?
Not quite.
Not with the pores, the fading acne scars - the small imperfections that used to destroy your self-confidence. You weren't the prettiest girl.
But you were yourself.
And you knew your soulmates would accept your true being, no matter how flawed or full of imperfections.
Such grand beings didn't mind the little flaws of humanity the way other humans did.
With an annoyed sigh, you rushed to change and slip into the comfort of your bed. Why were you still thinking about them? Why were they so special?
You should avoid the thought of them at all costs, after all. They would ruin your happiness. They would destroy every chance you had at a normal life.
Yet... it was so hard to do so. Not when your heart was already fluttering in anticipation of another dream from him. Not when your heart was yearning for them.
And you were too tired to deny your eyes the rest they demanded.
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shurelyasreverie · 3 years
I loved your battle academia Lux hcs! Since battle academia Garen is now a thing, could we get some hcs for lux introducing her s/o to garen?
Ahhhh I’m so glad you liked them!! I think Battle Academia Garen was an interesting addition to the Battle Academia universe, especially since he sounds a lot less honourable than his default lore
Battle Academia!Lux Introducing Her S/O to Garen Headcanons
Lux is very concerned about introducing you to Garen. She's no fool and she knows he holds a lot of contempt towards her due to their parents' prioritising her creation and development over his. Even though she loves her brother and tries to make it up to him, it isn't enough
It takes some time until Lux can bring herself to introduce you two. She was only motivated by your curiosity to meet him and the fact that she wanted you to become a true member of her family, something she believes can only be achieved once you meet all of them
A delinquent in a rival academy, Garen was hard to track down and even harder to keep still. Lux pleaded for him to stay put and have a single peaceful conversation which he eventually agreed to after a lot of time and some potential bribes
Garen acts like he couldn't care less about you dating Lux but in reality he feels a wide range of conflicted emotions. He's jealous that Lux managed to find a significant other before him, and a great one at that. His natural hostility and ability to get angry easily didn't help either
At the same time, Garen knows Lux is a good person and is oddly protective of her in his own way. He's quietly surveying every interaction you have with Lux and making sure you tick every box, which you naturally do. Even if you might not look it, he can sense you have the fighter spirit
Eventually he'll warm up to you, even more so if you agree to spar and practice fighting with him. Lux couldn't be more thrilled with how well you and Garen get along, worried of the worst case scenario where Garen literally scares you away from both him and her. But at the same time, she isn't surprised, to her you're absolutely lovable, who in their right mind wouldn't get along with you? She's hugging and kissing you out of pure joy, so excited to have a new addition to her family
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mintygracious · 3 years
How would Lux react to being kidnapped by some 12 feet tall solarian twin spirit-like beings from another sunblessed realm previously disconnected from Runeterra that are somewhat immune to her light-based powers.
They view her almost like a human would view a lonely kitten, they wanted to protect her from mageseekers and help her to cultivate her magic within their metropolitan city which is atleast six times larger than piltover and zaun.
Lux Headcannon
Correct me if I'm wrong. It does help me alot. Thank you!
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Being kidnapped is something scary for everyone. Even for Lux.
She was scared and confuse when she was kidnapped and bought to a huge city bigger than Piltover and Zuan. She tried to attack the kidnappers with her magic at first, only to find out they were immune to it which only made her feel worse and useless.
But when she started to realize they were no harm and helped her control and develop her powers.
She started opening up to them and became more comfortable around them.
She found out that they just wanted to protect her from the mageseekers, which made her heart warm.
She decided staying at the place was better than Demacia. Yet she still had to go back to her home, her brother will be worried sick.
When they let her go back to Demacia, she promised she will come to visit. She was greatful and thankful for having their protection and help.
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
Lux, why you didn't save those mages? You had the power to do it and it's that you didn't
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Mages? What mages? What are you talking about, silly?
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Our tournament conestants
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi from Persona 5 Royal
Alix from Miraculous Ladybug
Allison and Patti from Kevin Can F**k himself
Anna and Marnie from When Marnie was There
baron draxum and master splinter   rise of the tmnt 2018
Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe from Batman Telltale
Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect
Beca from Pitch Perfect
Betty and Veronica from Riverdale
Blitzen and Hearthstone from Magnus Chase
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Cory and Naveed from Ackley Bridge
Dani Ramos and Grace from Terminator Dark Fate
Darling Charming and Apple White from Ever After High
Dean Winchester
Drs House & Wilson from House MD
emma woods/emily dyer from identity v
Faberry from glee!(Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Fuffy, faith and buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finn and Poe from Star Wars
Firestar and Greystripe from Warriors
foot clan lieutenant and brute  rise of the tmnt 2018  
Ginji Amano & Ban Midou from GetBackers
goro majima and kazuma kiryu -   Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku
Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue
H.G. Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek Beyond
Jade and Bella from Rainbow High
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from Rizzoli&Isles TV series
Janis from Mean Girls
Jess/Jules from Bend It Like Beckham
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug
Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi from Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
kanji/naoto from persona 4
keith and lance from voltron
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
klavier and apollo from ace attorney
L and Light from Death Note
Legoshi and Louis from Beastars
leo and adam from tatort saarbrücken
lightcannon, Jinx and Lux from league of legends
Loki from The Loki show
marc and nathaniel from miraculous
Masumi Itachi from blue flag
Matsuoka rin and haru from Free!
Max from Miraculous Ladybug
Mel and Naomi from Vermonia
merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Milo and Bisco from Sabikui Bisco
Mobius and Loki from the Loki show
narumitsu - Ace Attorney
Naruto and Sasuke
Newt and Hermann from Pacific Rim
Nina and Lily from the movie Black Swan
Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli from Agent Carter
Ravenpaw and Barely from warrior cats
Raya & Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon
rei and nagisa   from Free!
Sam and Bucky from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sherlock and John Watson from BBC Sherlock
Sherlock and Moriarty from BBC Sherlock
Shiro and Adam from voltron
sophie and agatha from The School of Good and Evil
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  the reboot movies
Sterek  (Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf)
Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams from Hawaii 5-0 (the 2010 version)
stiles stilinski from teen wolf
Supercorp! Lena and Kara from Supergirl!
Superman and Batman from the DCEU
SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time)
Sylvie from Loki
Thiel and Boerne from Tatort Münster
Thomas & Newt from the maze runner
troy barnes and abed nadir from community
wednesday and enid from wednesday
yu/yosuke from persona 4
Zari and Charlie from Legends of Tomorrow
Zoro and sanji - one piece
IT CURRENTLY LOOK SLIKE PRELIMINARIES ARE WINNING THE CURRENT POLL. This would mean that there will be randomised polls of two or three ships battling it out for one of the 32 spots on our tournament
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leagueimagine · 4 years
How about Lux with fem S/O who is also a guard that fights mages but it's all becouse S/O fears them? Of course she doesn't know about the fact that Lux is also a mage.
Your job is not easy, fighting mages is always hell and it makes you honestly stressed but if there is some kind of light, literally, in your life is your girl, Lux. 
You’re mostly her bodyguard but also every time someone needs your skills dealing with magic they’d drag you always, but you’d always be back to her once you’re finished, Lux is always so worried she’d jump on you and start to cry how much she missed you and glad you’re back with every piece on place. 
You’d always tell Lux about your missions, and how scary magic can be and how scared you’re about it, you always sense she tenses a little bit as she strokes your face and showers you with small kisses you let it go, she’s really your little light. 
Lux doesn’t have the heart to tell you and she begged the one that knows her secret to keep quiet, you’ll fear and hate her if you know, and she can’t bear this feeling, it always makes her cry if she even thinks about the possibility.
You’re such a strong woman Lux looks up to you a lot and maybe, maybe, she uses her magic on you to make sure you’re protected while you’re gone, you had more than once noticed a light blocking attacks you don’t notice coming but you’ll shove it away, it must be your imagination. 
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riftimagines · 4 years
What would you say to Lux x blind reader headcanons? Btw take care of yourself your an amazing person
Aaaaah, you’re an amazing person!! I’ll try to take care of myself no promises @@“ and I’d say yes to those Headcanons I hope you like them!
Lux x Blind!Reader
-Working as an illuminator she’s seen many blind and or crippled people in the streets of Demacia. It’s always made her heart sad because those people can never see the beauty of the world around them. She feels that sadness when she sees you moving around and tapping the ground with your walking stick.
-It’s in Lux’s good nature to want to help you all the time even when you insist that your fine. Always wanting to hold your arm and guide you, telling you if there’s a person in front of you or an obstacle she feels would be hard for you. It’s a bit overbearing but she does it because she loves you and doesn’t want you to get hurt.
-She’ll be curious about how you perceive the world through touch and sound. How textures feel or common sounds mean more to you then just sound. It’s endlessly fascinating to her to hear your perspective of the world.
-Lux loves to read and even though you can not see she can still share those stories with you by reading to you. To curl up in a comfortable place with with you, read her favorite tales and see your face brighten up with her enthusiastic story voice is one of her favorite things.
-Sometimes she’ll get so comfortable with you she might forget for a moment that your blind and asks you if you think an outfit for a ball or a flower in the garden looks nice. She’ll immediately realize her mistake, fluster and then start apologizing profusely. They maybe lovely but not as lovely as her. Que the near crushing hug and gushing.
-If you ask she’d be completely ok with you feeling her face to get an idea of what she looks like. It’s only fair since she can always see you. It makes her blush when she feels your hands touch her face with such care even more so when you say she’s beautiful. She’ll tell you that your lovely too and so the endless tennis match of complements begins until you’re both red cheeked and giggling.
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