#lynn will fight you
lynnscove · 12 days
cruel dabi and reader soft moments?
Fluffy things cruel!Dabi does for reader!!
(despite his actions, he does love them!)
You two don't go out together a lot, since he's scared you'll run away, but sometimes he'll put a bag over your head and smuggle you out of the apartment. (It's sweet BC he's doing his best to hide the hallway from you🫶)
He'll usually steer you places with a hand on your lower back, or by bending over and pointing to where he wants you to go.
Sometimes he'll hold your hand instead, but he's acutely aware of how much he nauseates you, so he avoids that.
He'll get you just about anything you touch, or even glance at. He's not loaded but he's got enough money to buy you all the lil trinkets you like.
He takes you to a lot of antique stores and thrift stores to let you pick out decorations for the apartment.
He's a door opener, a sidewalk ruler, a gentleman at heart. He's the only one who's allowed to put you in danger. With the exception of some of his friends..
He always orders for you and talks to customer service people for you. You haven't been social in a long time, so he doesn't want you to get too nervous.
He dresses you for days out, does up your hair and makeup, giving you tiny kisses on the cheek and forehead throughout the entire process.
Whenever a carnival or exhibition comes to town, he'll take you. He's happy to, really. His fav rides are the ones that force you to press up against him, he loves the way you panic and try to hold yourself off of him with the safety bar. "I'm sorry if I'm hurting you! I'm totally crushing you! Does that hurt? I'm so sorry! This is so embarrassing.."
Ofc he doesn't mind one bit, and actually enjoys having you up against him. He'll usually wrap an arm around your waist or your shoulders and pull you in close until the ride ends. "You're not hurting me. Would you stop worrying? I'm not made of glass, sweetheart, stop apologizing."
He runs pretty hot, so he wraps you up in all the covers like a little cocoon, and hugs you tight. It's a bit of a pain to remake the bed every morning, but he doesn't mind.
Best believe this man eats pussy in the most romantic, loving way possible. Especially when you're on your period. Everything else with him is violent, but oral is one of those things he wants to take slow. especially when you have cramps.. he knows it helps.
Speaking of cramps, human heating pad!
Prev cruel!dabi stuff:
Cruel!dabi × pupplay
Cruel!dabi brainrot
More cruel!dabi
The first two aren't technically "canon" to his story (that i totally made up in my head) they're more just.. stuff he would do. The last one is mostly stuff he has done.
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ottiliere · 18 days
Lynn is irritatingggg, I don't hate him but like I get the feeling he makes himself a target. He's the problem...I guess that's believable though there are lots of really emotional people out there like that.
I've got a few other messages with the same sentiment but I can't say I understand, myself. He's had a rough enough go without your help… dane thinks he's annoying, though.
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dailykillermoth · 1 year
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musubiki · 11 months
What was Tiramisu like as The Cat Witch™? I’d like to imagine she’d have crazy stories or “mom lore” and she’ll just randomly say the most wack messed up shit that you’ve heard as she goes back to doing mom things.
Tiramisu: yeah there was this one time I got a discount from the Merchant, such a sweetheart he is. Anyone want brownies? They’re still hot!
Cut to the guild now shocked beyond disbelief knowing Mochi’s mom has done the impossible
HONESTLY IM NOT TOTALLY SURE WHAT TIRAMISU'S WITCH LIFE WAS LIKE!!!!!! i think she was the adventurous traveling type....definitely spent a lot of time in the desert region (where she met mochis father)
but certainly had more of a reckless streak than mochi...i think grandma mocha was quite hard on her after amanita disappeared (something about having to really be THE cat witch. owning it on a higher level since its not technically the bloodline. even though passing the magic to a non-relative isnt uncommon, maybe its less common for the coven families? who knows) anyway she was a lot more free spirited, methinks
(and settled down a lot more after she had mochi. her precious baby girl. her sweet little angel)
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midnightdemonhunter · 3 months
this is a hi-5 from me to you as a fellow Jeff appreciater!
FUCK YEAH highfiving you back!!!!! Alexa play You First by Paramore!!!!!! (Jeff song)
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certifiedwerewolf · 6 months
I've been watching Sophomore Year (as I said) and it's really reminding me why I was so glad when we started Junior Year to find out that Kristen and Tracker had broken up, because that entire relationship storyline is so fucking annoying. Like I don't know if I've mentioned or not that I find Kristen really annoying in general, but it turns out Tracker, in conjunction with Kristen, is also annoying.
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bitchyfog · 1 year
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The tavern was rowdy this evening, but pleasantly. Lynn had had a few and, while not exactly social, was still enjoying the atmosphere along with her drink. Bits of conversation drifted from other tables, generally good spirited and out of context, but... "...you might as well tell me that little one over there carried in her big friend, I'd believe you as much!" It carried loudly over the rest of the chatter, and Lynn found herself feeling more competitive than angry. She set down her mug in the moment of relative quiet that followed the statement, and stood on her chair facing the group of men, human and a couple elves, who had spoken
"Would you bet on that, gentlemen?" Her voice was nearly unreadable, and the barkeep looked like he he was ready to break up a fight. "What will you wager me? I'll buy your next three rounds if I can't."
"Now, miss, no need to get upset. We didn't mean anything by it."
"Felix, I need to ask you a favor." She turned back to the table. "I'm being serious. Place a wager."
One of them scoffed. "If you insist on hurting yourself...fine. ten gold, *and* you and your friend's next three rounds."
She hopped off the chair, and everyone in the area backed away to clear a space. Felix managed to look concerned under his veil. "Is this really necessary? I mean, I believe you, but..."
She laughed a bit and stretched. "We need to show them why you don't run your mouth like that where anyone can hear. Are you ready?" Felix just nodded, and a hush fell over the room.
Which exploded into cheers as she bent a little, and hoisted the large paladin onto her shoulders, taking a small step towards the offending table of men, all of whom looked annoyed. "Well? Does this satisfy your belief?" They grumbled, counting out the coins between them as the barkeep watched and nodded approvingly and Lynn set Felix gently back down.
"Another drink, Felix? I believe it's already paid for." She smiled to herself, and took a swig of her drink. The night was going pretty well.
Art fight attack for @ghostbrawl and @yoggybloggy ! Lynn (halfling barbarian) and Felix (redacted paladin) from our Silverlinings dnd campaign! They are buddies :)
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All right, we need to settle this once and for all.
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alynnl · 1 year
Top 5 Ask Game! Top 5 sentences you've written that you can find! Favorites right now, don't be picky, just go through some of your works until you find five you like.
These are not so much sentences, as they are quotes! I hope you don't mind, anon!
“We’ve been over this. There are no such things as extraterrestrials! You don’t get little green men on flying saucers, picking up cows and making crop circles.” - Aftershocks Chapter 2
“It is said that knowing is half the battle,” replied Cyrus. “But the other half is passing down what you’ve learned to those who will come after you. I believe with my heart and soul that knowledge is something that must be shared freely between people. It’s not to be hoarded, or buried because there is no polite way to address our troubled history.” - A Reason to Fight Chapter 4
“She said to me, Cyrus Albright, you’ve got to listen. You and I, we’re only human, and we have such a short time in this world. So it’s up to us to choose the best way to spend it. I know you’re hurting and you feel like giving up. But if you did, who would preserve Hornburg’s legacy? Who else would care enough to keep its name alive? Along with its small number of survivors, that kingdom will need a scribe to tell its story. Without that, it’ll fade into obscurity.” - Legacy of the Lost
Their two lanterns weren’t the only things illuminating their path. As the two walked along the trail, groups of fireflies emitted a yellow glow a short distance away. Their lights went in and out, like the twinkling of hundreds of tiny stars scattered throughout the fields. - Your Pain Shall be Eased
“I can’t speak for anyone else, Mr. Edgeworth, but I don’t expect you to just move on from it,” Gumshoe replied thoughtfully. He reached over, and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You survived a tragedy no one should have to go through. Those sort of memories leave their mark on you, no matter how much time has passed.”
“You sound as though you’re speaking from experience, Detective Gumshoe.”
“Well, sir, you never forget your first day in court. We both know that much.” - You Never Forget
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brawlqueen · 2 years
answer some questions and i’ll give you a character arc  
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hero arc.
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well done - you did things right. this may seem like a boring answer, but i promise it isn't. you believe in goodness and you believe in doing good, and through everything, you work to keep that goodness.
you have seen so much blood, and your instinct is always to stitch. you grew and fought and won, and i'm glad you did, because someone had to. i'm glad you kept believing in the world you were trying to save. you are far braver than most could ever be.
tagged by: lynnie lynn & hakuno ! amazing ladies! @nulltune​ !  tagging: @zelotae​ @beatgod​ @lovedsoul​ @crossingredqueensrealm​ @lykaiia​
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blue-ink-pearls · 5 months
So, I know people are really desperate for Sandra Lynn to have hooked up with Pamela Dawn instead of Bobby Dawn, and I completely understand that!* Bobby Dawn is slimy and awful and we don't know much about Pamela, so maybe she's better? But it is 100% Bobby Dawn for two very clear reasons:
Sklonda literally said it was him
Bobby Dawn has always been a predator
The first thing we learn about Sandra Lynn's affair during Spring Break Sophomore Year was that she had just left Aguefort (she dropped out her senior year and got a diploma later on) and she was very young. She was asked to join an established adventuring party of people who were older than her and that had lost one of its members. She fell in love with another member of the party that was already in a relationship, they had an affair, and then when the affair was discovered, Sandra Lynn was blamed, kicked out of the party, and her name was smeared as far and wide as possible by the person who had taken advantage of her so that person could absolve themselves, likely in the eyes of their partner and the party.
So what we can immediately deduce from this is that Sandra Lynn was an outsider to her new adventuring party, likely looked down on as "just a kid", maybe disdained for being a dropout, and most definitely resented for taking the place of the (presumably) dead party member. She was in actively dangerous and stressful situations while questing with the party and she probably had little support from the group during that time.
Sandra Lynn was very very vulnerable.
When he met Sandra Lynn, Bobby Dawn would have been about 20 years younger than he is now, likely in his late 30s/early 40s.** Probably still handsome, still a "dashing" active adventurer. He was married to Pamela already (not just in an established relationship), since he had a child by then that was close to grown and I don't think the Church of Sol would be very happy about a child out of wedlock. He would have been a cleric of Sol and probably still preaching "the good word of Sol" but it likely wouldn't have been constant. You can't give sermons while fighting monsters. I'm sure he even saved Sandra Lynn's life a few times!
The thing about Bobby Dawn being a televangelist now, but not then, is that when he was young, he was probably just as good at persuasion, at finding vulnerable people and exploiting their weaknesses to get what he wanted, and yet he hadn't made a name for himself as a televangelist, so people wouldn't know to be wary of him trying to convert or manipulate them.
The scene between Bobby and Kristen, when Kristen is pretending that Cassandra died shows exactly what kind of terrible person Bobby really is. He is happy to find Kristen devastated, that she is having "a real dark night of the soul" and needs guidance. He refuses to help Kristen stay at Aguefort (something that's within his power), despite knowing how beneficial that would be to her well-being, because that goes against his own goals. He is smug and condescending and cruel. He is preying on Kristen's devastation and vulnerability (not knowing it's an act), to draw her back into the fold of the Church of Helio/Sol.
The person who did that to Kristen, is the exact same person who took advantage of Sandra Lynn when she was still basically a kid, just out of high school. He took advantage of her feelings for him, her inexperience and isolation. And then, when they were discovered, he threw her away and made her the villain so he could get away with it.
He ruined Sandra Lynn's life. Yes, she's happy now with her daughter, her partner, and the beautiful home they've made at Mordred Manor with Adaine, Kristen, Lydia, Ragh, Tracker, Zayn, Aelwyn, Boggy, and 15 cats. But Sandra Lynn ended up with self-esteem and relationship issues that she is still dealing with to this day. Those issues ruined her marriage, could have ruined her relationship with Jawbone, and likely played a hand in the difficulties between her and Fig in Freshman Year, as Sandra Lynn saw her daughter take her first steps into the world of adventuring.
Because Sandra Lynn first wanted to be an adventurer and Bobby Dawn took that away from her, just like he tried to do to Kristen.
Bobby Dawn has shaped his career as a high priest of Sol and as a televangelist by portraying himself as the epitome of righteousness. He is rotten to the core, a predator in a job where he is meant to help people, and I CANNOT WAIT to see the Bad Kids take him down.
*I don't really understand it. Pamela Dawn is likely just as bad as Bobby. She's the chief paladin of the church of Sol, her husband is a televangelist and a High Priest of Sol, and she would have been around the same age as Bobby and having an affair with a vulnerable young girl who she then kicked out of the group and slandered. It being Pamela would still be awful!
**Even with the assumption that both Bobby Dawn and his child had their kids at a young age, the math still has to take into account that Sandra Lynn's daughter is the same age as Bobby Dawn's GRANDSON.
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lynnscove · 1 month
"Dabi alone is enough to stop us all" umm okay but I could take him💕 and WIN. I AM talking about a fight. I could one punch him and he'd be out I swear I want to kill him (out of love)
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todd-queen · 11 months
hi! I have slowly been watching behind-the-scenes/bonus features of all the Saw movies and I realize they are a bit hard to find! so I thought I would compile a list of the links I've used :) please enjoy!!
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Saw 0.5 (2003)
A hospital orderly tells a police officer that he was kidnapped and forced to commit a horrific act to survive.
This is the short Leigh and James made before showing their script to American film producers :D
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Making of Saw (2004)
A 30 minute behind-the-scenes of the Making of Saw
(I have watched this one so many times.... I think I will again after this list)
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Saw: Full Disclosure Report (2005)
A pseudo-documentary taking place between the events of Saw and Saw II, included in the bonus material of the DVD of the first movie.
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The Scott Tibbs Documentary (2006)
A pseudo-documentary taking place during and shortly after the events of Saw II. The documentary focuses on Scott Tibbs, who decides to film a documentary about the Jigsaw Killer.
(My other favorite. I love Scott so much he's my worstie <3)
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Saw III Deleted Scenes (2006)
Lynn's Escape Attempt and 'Rockstar'
-Lynn attempts to escape and fights with Amanda
-Amanda interacts with Adam before kidnapping him
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Amanda's Dream
-Amanda has a dream of Adam haunting her
(never forget what they took from us)
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The Writing of Saw III (2006)
A 6-minute featurette for behind-the-scenes of Saw III
(if you're like me and eat up literally any bts content you can find then this is for you)
edit: I found a full BTS video that includes the Writing Of! now linked :)
these are all I have so far! so please, do enjoy, and I'd love to talk about whatever your favorites are so please don't be shy, and thanks for checking this out :))
edit: @pendulumxx has a great addition with more videos here :)
and a big thank you to everyone who originally uploaded all these videos, truly doing god's work 🙏
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birbsong · 2 years
These two need to stop going on adventures without mowen
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gonzodangerfeels · 2 years
Lol. His momma gloated a bit when I went to jail.
If mom wasn't fucked up, she would have probably asked her whose son is still alive if she ever brought it up.
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the-eeveekins · 1 year
Holy fucking shit Bandai.
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I can't believe this was your move. G-Witch was created to bring in a new generation of younger fans because the franchise was stagnant and only popular among middle-aged Japanese men. And you SUCCEEDED, beyond anyone's wildest expectations, probably even your own, and grabbed a whole new generation of fans and re-engaged some old ones.
And you choose cowardice. You completely failed to understand your own show and what made it so popular in the first place. You created a BELOVED sapphic couple that was loved and important to so many queer and marginalized people and NOW you're going to hide and call it "open to interpretation?" Just absolute bullshit, Suletta & Miorine are MARRIED, it's in the text of the show, it's supported by the entire staff, including Kana and Lynn! Backpedaling now to appease homophobes is an absolutely cowardly move and you just pissed away all those new fans and the goodwill you built up.
Just imagine having sales numbers like these. Having your show trend weekly during it's airing and multiple times AFTER it airing. Having people celebrate the mention of their marriage so much that Sulemio Marriage trended on Twitter after that interview went live. And you pissed it all away by being cowardly and giving into homophobia.
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I want to thank the staff of G-Witch for fighting to give us what we got, and Kana Ichinose for sticking her neck out to say they're married when clearly the suits at Bandai fought against this the entire way. I firmly believe they had a kiss scene planned (there was even a very reputable leak that a kiss was animated!) and maybe even the wedding (listen to The Way We Wanna Go and tell me you can't hear that playing during their kiss or wedding). This is completely disrespectful to the staff who worked hard to bring us this show and the fans who supported it.
Regardless, like I said before: they can try and censor current and future content, but they can NEVER take Suletta & Miorine's relationship and marriage back from us. There is no "open to interpretation", they are textually and canonically married and nothing Bandai ever does will change how G-Witch ended when it aired.
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