#lyra plays minecraft
lyraeon · 5 months
New Create series started this week!
Join me and six of my Truly Bedrock friends as we bumble around modded and learn some Create mod!
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somuchtowrite · 2 years
nanowrimo update - days two & three
word count - 3016
still a little behind, but not as bad as it could be!! i didn’t write much at all day two so i didn’t see the point in an update, but i feel like i’m finally making some progress. i have no classes tomorrow and nothing planned until evening, so hopefully i get a ton of work done then as well!!
i am TIRED. nanowrimo will do that to you i guess.
He trails off, remembering that we’re not supposed to talk about Eldhem, or the reason I haven’t had a friend since I was eight years old. Other kids may think six years is too long to go without talking to anyone but your parents and an audience, but I hardly remember a time before it.
Only snippets. Specific instances. Playing games, friendly faces, laughter, screams, blood, death and death and death and death and death—
I blink, and the images in my head are gone.
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uchihaxitachi · 9 months
Itachi X OC
Past Life
She threw her briefcase over her head as she slogged through the midnight rain, trampling through traffic and a slapdash of eager museum shuttles. The Met was holding it's annual gala and she did not want to be stuck in this mess. She was en route to the Brooklyn Museum, one of her favorite sites to wind down and focus on her art through classes and meetups.
By the time she was ushered in the gates she was sopping wet and regret stepping out of her leaking apartment and into the eventful night.
"Why leave home and plastic containers of expired chow mein she said, it'll be wet she said.." Lyra murmured to herself, mocking her roommate. "Cause I have class Brittney I can't sit around with my space heater and humidifier playing Minecraft on a borrowed server while my cats sniff catnip all day."
It was only at the entrance that she saw the big sign in red letters that class was canceled.
Fumbling with her wet briefcase Lyra found a relatively quiet table next to an wide array of paintings and arranged her workspace around her.
She drew out a sheet of drawing paper and began to leisurely sketch a man's shape, outlining his long limbs first, his torso and chest. She drew this man many times, in a million different poses but this same man, as if she was drawing from memory. Her pace quickened when she started the grain of his hair, it was muscle movement at this point. The luxury of drawing him was his proportions were exquisite as a model, he was cut from the same cloth as a King or an Emperor, with a long aquiline nose and the most shapely and delicate eyes. His brows were stately and sharp, but if she softened them a bit.. It gave him an appearance of wise beyond his years, as if he had seen much and was left with little mystery, and his bangs grazing his fine contours were expressive of youth.
Why she drew this stranger, she couldn't explain to herself. She sometimes drew him sprawled against a bed of pillows, in silk and embroidery. Crowned with gold. She more often drew him standing with his back to her. His hair was braided or left to freely fall around his shoulders.
Tonight she drew him standing, in a small alcove before a giant painting of a woman, but he wasn't the focus of the art, it was her, with her grey blue eyes in the painting, her staring hauntingly back at him, brushed in stroked of maroon and brown that she needed to draw in detail. He was an idle watcher, wasn't he? What was it about him? Why was she drawing herself these days with him, why was she dreaming of him every night?
The clock strung Itachi’s nerves with a sharp beep of 6 am. A whiffed groan escaping him as he furrowed his brows, seemingly annoyed of being a morning person. It’s not the waking up early that annoys or baffles him. It’s the ‘not being able to sleep’ properly. These days he keeps dreaming of kimonos and robes and some faint glimpses of a woman he does not know. Well, he is an art student — sometimes inspiration strikes through dreams. However, why is it so cryptic?
Itachi scoffed, seemingly grumpy until the first sip of coffee was gouged down his throat with a relaxed him. Boney fingers fiddling with the edges of the round cup as he closed his eyes, tainted fingernails creasing the outline of the sword he held on the table. “What even…” he hums, leaning his head back.
Maybe he shouldn’t think about all this. Then again, it’s Itachi Uchiha… sometimes he feels his self awareness causes problems. “What do you mean?” He hums, as if he’s blankly talking to the coffee mug; but the question is for himself. To himself.
Maybe he should just get ready and go to college, he is a senior and would much rather focus on finishing his Art degree and starting his own art museum, or an art gallery — or just launch a brand. Itachi had so many ideas and so many execution plans. Yes, a feasible way of distraction.
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pyrriax · 2 years
i cannot stop giggling over the concept that yes wtds would've been a minecraft smp outside of lore. the people playing pandora & lyra just busting out laughing when lyra tried to just do the "playful punching" that you do greeting people in mc and accidentally just fucking killed pandora and the person playing pandora is just frantically being like "that's not canon that's not canon! oh my god i have to set it up again, lyra cmon!" "i didn't know!"
oh the silly bits that i ADORE.
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a-shy-mimiktwo · 1 year
Myut: Hold the fuck up. Kane: Excuse me? Myut: I said hold the fuck up. Kane: Myut: I’m the fuck up, hold me.
Myut: You know what I’ve realized? Kane: Some thoughts are better left unsaid? Myut: Nice try, anyways-
Myut: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Lyra, are a fucking cactus.
Mono: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it. Mono: Everything will be fine. You have no choice. Myut: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that? Mono: Ominous positivity.
Mono: You disgust me. Myut: eating a kitkat sideways I realize this and don’t care.
Mono: Hey, Mai. What kind of flowers do you prefer? Mai: I like sunflowers. Mono, pulling out a bouquet of Venus Flytraps: Well, shit-
Mai: The power went out. Myut: Don’t worry, I got this. Myut: shakes rapidly and starts to light up Mai: What-? Myut: I swallowed a glow stick! Mai, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Kane and Mono playing minecraft Kane: Oh no, oh no, oh no- Mono: What’s wrong? Kane: I did a thing. Mono: You regret the thing you dID- Kane: screams Mono: What the fuck did you do- sees mass of aggravated Piglin Damn it- Kane: screams again
Computer: Please enter a password. Mono: types in Myut Computer: Your password is too weak. Mono: How fucking DARE YOU-
Lyra: I'm very scary. Myut: You're about as scary as a wet kitten. Lyra: Wet kittens are cute, at least I've got that going for me. Myut: And small. Lyra: Lyra: …Yeah, yeah. I guess.
Mai: Stop failing. Myut: Don’t tell me what to do! I'll fail right now! Myut: Succeeds Myut: Damn it!
Myut: Lyra, I don't like you. Lyra: What did you say? Myut: You heard me! Lyra, internally: And it turns out I actually didn't hear what the fuck you just said.
Mai: Are you a cuddler? Mono: I'm a machine of death and destruction. Mai: Mono: …Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
Kane: Myut, when’s your birthday? Myut: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me? Kane: …So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Myut, in Mono’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Kane, climbing past Myut: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
Everyone cleaning up Kane: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away. Myut, to Lyra: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in—
Mono: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity? Myut, turning to Lyra: How tall are you? Mono: I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed for you. Myut: This is a sports-related injury. It makes me look cool! Mono: Tripping over a basketball on your way to the bathroom is not cool!
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spacefinch · 2 years
Pokémon characters playing video games
Ingo and Emmet: Minecraft. They’ve recreated the entirety of Nimbasa City in their server. And they have a very complex mine cart system.
Looker: Probably some puzzle game like Samorost 3 or Professor Layton. Occasionally plays Animal Crossing with Emma.
Bugsy: Animal Crossing. All they do is catch bugs and whack villagers over the head with their net (since they’re not allowed to whack people with their net in real life anymore.)
Red, Blue, and Leaf: Mario Kart. And boy, are they competitive. It’s a miracle they’re still friends.
The Nuvema Town kids (Hilda, Hilbert, Cheren, and Bianca) also play Mario Kart. In addition, they also play Animal Crossing and Splatoon.
Serena: Just Dance. Also Animal Crossing as well.
The Johto crew (Ethan, Lyra, Kris, and Silver): Splatoon and Super Smash Bros.
Elesa and Skyla: Splatoon. They often team up with Ingo and Emmet. Skyla also likes playing Wii Sports.
N: Samorost 3. He likes the music and the whole space/naturey vibe of it. And he’s won the record for solving all the puzzles the fastest.
Emma: Kirby, Animal Crossing, Monument Valley.
Red also sometimes plays the Legend of Zelda games.
Iris: Any game with dragons in it. (I don’t play video games, so I don’t know what games have dragons).
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naturestormz · 4 years
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I like to think Silver picks up a few hobbies 
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ghost-rule0 · 3 years
German! Ticci Toby Headcanons
ATTETION: yet unedited
Wanted to write this since I found out he was part german so enjoy :D
-Toby grew up bilingual. His parents moved when he and Lyra were around 5 or 6 because his mother wanted to move closer to her relatives. 
( note here I am not sure which part of his parents IS german because I have never seen it being mentioned in a character sheet or post by the creator (or at least I have not seen it))
-Since he was homeschooled he rather stayed inside to avoid people making fun of his tics (both motoric and verbal) so it didn’t take him long to discover early 2010 Youtube.  -His current humor matched most Youtube Channels that were popular back then like YTitty, Apecrime, Applewar or IBali, tho I am pretty sure his favorite Youtuber was our Queen Coldmirror.  -The internet, by the time he grew older, had to go to school, face bullying and the contant abuse of his own father, was a safe place for him. 
When he didn’t stay at other peoples places or hide in his sisters room, he spend most time in his room reading or surfing the internet.  -You could say he grew up along with the internet. He watched youtubers rise and fall, websites become popular and die and people change.  -Of course he was a Minecraft teen what would you expect? His sister and mother got him a computer for his birthday once and he not only watched letsplays but also played on his own or on server.
He decided to stay out of Teamspeaks as much as possible because of his verbal tics but other than that his tics didn’t affect his gaming experience that much. Motoric tics calm down when he himself is calm so he could peacfully play for hours when his dad wasn’t home.
-He often played together with Lyra of course -Popular letsplayers around that time were GermanLetsPlay, Taddl, Gronkh, Dner and Ungespielt.  -After Lyras accident he locked himself in his room more than ever. He tried to drown the Opertors (Slendermans) effects with music but that didn’t really work.
 Around that time his day also became a lot more agressive and started to drink more beer 
(German beer is a lot harder than americans btw) which stressed him no end, making his tics hard to conrol and for him to play games almost impossible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Coming to his mansion life. -Because most of the Creeps speak english he rarely says something in german. The fact he grew up bilingual made most of them didn’t even notice he could speak german since he lacked the accent. -People only started to notice because he curses most times in german. -He also switches languages when he forgets words. 
If people understand what he means he just shruggs it off tho if they stare at him confused as he tries to explain he gets nervous and his tics start to act up more and more
And when they still don’t understand what he means he can snap under the stress.
-be careful around him, special when he acts calm but randomly starts saying german words you don’t understand.
Most time that indicates that he is mad. -despite Ben and Jeff telling they are most resistant to alcohol out of the group never mess with Toby (or europeans in general) 
-He isn’t even tipsy if one of the two already is passed out. -He is also the one that gets other alcohol than Beer. 
-He is not afraid to teach Sally curse words. Of course only when his boss isn’t watching. -I know I know, the waffel joke is old and over used, I know. 
-Tho i can see him having a sweet tooth, specially for nutella. Which he buys as if an apocalypse starts the next day.  (Because the best nutella still comes from europe and import takes ages).
-He still is a gamer so it’s obvious he often hangs out with Ben. 
-when I said he grew up with his youtuber I really ment that.
Tho of course he couldn’t use wifi on the run from the police -From the youtubers he watched back as a teen he actually only watches Taddl, Ungespielt (Unge) and GermanLetsPlay (GLP) anymore.  -Because most people probebly don’t know them: Taddl or T had a long pause from youtube where he started a band with his best friends and got into rap. By now he is back with Twitch streams and still plays games but also makes music now. -German Rap is bullshit I tell you that. So he has a pretty solid opinion that T is the only good german rapper he listens to.  -He hates german schlager, not only because its bad (and only bareable when you are hella drunk) but I can see his mom Connie as one of those german schlager moms lmao. -when he isn’t out on jobs for his boss he is in his room and just chills. Even years after the accident he isn’t really the most social person
but that doesn’t mean people like Ben, Jeff or Tim and Brian just come to his room and chill with him. -his room is still his favorite place after all -I have a personal headcanon that Ben just puts stuff like LED lights or consols that HE doesn’t have a place for in other peoples room, which is why Toby also has LEDs in his room  -plays the Hypa Hypa Mama Mia Remix to party (IT’S SO GOOD) -most important. He is a stoner like ben. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IT’S SO LONG MY COMPUTER IS LAGGING AHAH- 
anyway that are my first headcannons I have ever written omg most of the stuff here is based on my own childhood  I couldn’t put as much character interactions in here as I would like to but when I dont get hated for this one I will write a second one :DDD also I tried to leave his tics out because even tho they affect his character they don’t define his entair character (like i have seen some people comment)
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Hello to anyone who stumbles onto this welcome to the Defense Witches Archives :D
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Now as this blog continues if your looking for something in particular it could become hard to find so to make things easier here's a table of contents with links :D (I'll update as things get added) I'll do my best to archive things from both Defense witches 1 and Defense witches 2
Just the introduction post what you expect? (Also A breif History of Defense Witches)
Defense Witches 2
What was Defense Witches 2?
Defense Witches Full Game
Easy Method
Memu Method - Part 1
Memu Method - Part 2
History of Anniversaries/Character Polls
10th Anniversary Post/Character Polls History
Spinoff Games
Spinoff Games and Alternate Versions
Characters (DW 1)
Younger Witches
Younger Witches Continued...
Older Witches
Special Witches
Other Important Characters
Characters (DW2)
Year 1 Witches
Year 2 Witches
Year 3 Witches
Other Witches
Puzzle Witches Alternate Outfits
Alternate Outfits
Manga and Hint (World 1)
1-1 & 1-2
1-3 & 1-4
1-5 & 1-6
1-7 & 1-8
1-9 & 1-10
Manga and Hint (World 2)
2-1 & 2-2
2-3 & 2-4
2-5 & 2-6
2-7 & 2-8
2-9 & 2-10
Manga and Hint (Defense Witches 2)
DW2 Manga - Intro
DW 2 Manga - World 1
DW 2 Manga - World 2
DW 2 Manga - World 3
DW 2 Manga - World 4
DW 2 Manga - World 5
DW 2 Manga - World 6
DW 2 Manga - World 7
DW 2 Manga - Character Intros
DW2 Manga - Misc
Official Website 4koma
Lesson 1 & 2
Lesson 3, 4, & 5
Lesson 6, 7, & 8
Lesson 9, 10, & 11
Lesson 12 and Yung 2koma
Background Music
BMG 01 - Title Screen
BMG 02 - In Stage
BMG 03 - World/Stage Select
Full Power + Convos
Full Power Info
Line Stickers
Series 1-3
Phone Background and Twitter Icons
Phoneback Grounds
Twitter Icons
Twitter Panels
Random Stuff By The Development Team
Part 1
Part 2
Surviving Social Media Accounts
While they deleted most of their offical social media sites along with the original game websites for all the games heres some of the surviving social media accounts
Defense Witches 1 Twitter
Defense Witches 2 Twitter
Puzzle Witches Twitter (Spinoff)
Defense Witches Youtube
Other DW Related Content
The Defense Witches English Wiki
The Defense Witches Japanese Wiki
The Defense Witches Korean Wiki
This old blog while also posting other interests they also posted photo tutorials on how to beat some stages
The Very First DW blog on this site (Tumblr)
Remember Defense Witches (DW blog on Insta)
Defense Witches Unofficial First DW blog I used to follow actively ;-; (Facebook)
Can we give some recognition to dwnicola
Ghost Tree on Youtube has their own play through on Defense Witches 1
Defense Taro is Another YouTuber who has a playthrough of DW
For Those of you who want to know what Defense Witches 2 was like heres three different playlists (Playlist 1) (Playlist 2) (Playlist 3)
Kinac The Frog here has this video which shows how to use Memu to play defense witches past world 2 :D
Artist That Worked on Game
the page for the original artist for DW :D
Interestingly seems like one of the artist for dw 2 posted assets here. Includes some character designs, items, enemies, and backgrounds used throughout the game
Ooo According to this post it seems like they were another DW2 artist
Full Download APK
XORGX11xCharlsAtro on Reddit has shared an APK which greatly simplifies the process Kinac shares and makes world 2 and beyond easily accessible for everyone :D
Someone made a TV Tropes page for this game
These old fan fictions
Lmao someone added the girls to a personality database
This user on planet minecraft has made skins for Nicola, Luna, and Tiana
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lyraeon · 10 months
By the way, my next Create mod episode is up!
This time my goblin VTuber friend Tia and I head to the nether to get lava for their factory.
A lot of lava.
But we don't have that fancy trains-through-portals technology quite yet, so how are we going to get it back home?
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graceful-not · 3 years
Heyo! I'm Grace!
Let's start off with some Introductions!
You can call me Grace, or Graceful!
I'm genderfluid! I go by any and all pronouns!
Pronoun thingy is - here -
My tags are:
#grace gvoices gthings (nothing starts with g and I wanted alliteration)
^A tag for the posts I make!(that I actually want to save dhsbbs)
#grace answers asks
^A tag for all the asks~
#my art
^Self explanatory.
I am the Mod of these blogs:
@lyra-the-toppat (Henry Stickmin OC RP blog!)
@wii-forgave-you (a wii-deleted-you AU askblog! co-modded by me and @tired-artist-aqua ! [Currently on indefinite haitus]
The fandoms I'm in are as follows;,,
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
Vincent the Secret of Myers
Friday Night Funkin
Madness Combat/Madness Project Nexus 2
Just Shapes and Beats
The Property of Hate
Oddity Woods
The Stanley Parable
H.I.V.E. (The Higher Institute Of Villainous Education)
Animator VS Animation/Animation VS Minecraft
The Lego Movies
the Ace Attorney trilogy + Apollo Justice (haven't played dual destinies or the aai games yet)
Great Ace Attorney duology
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
The Magium
the Sherlock Holmes canon (ACD)
Dracula (Bram Stoker)
20,000 leagues under the sea (Jules Verne)
Professor Layton (only both trilogies + the movie)
That's pretty much it, though one more thing;
PLEASE please tell me if you need something tagged in any of my posts, I want to make this as safe a place as I can in that sense, though I have to warn those of you uncomfortable with it that I do curse.
Have a great day!
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kotoyin · 3 years
if lyra plays video games, what’s her favorite type of game? does she play mobile games, hand held ones, etc? annnd… what type of video games do you play / enjoy outside of pokémon? what’s a game you want to pick up, but haven’t been able to?
Lyra is absolutely a sweatlord, git gud kind of gamer and she loves any game that priorities skilful movement, provided it’s on console because she thinks PC gamers are lame. Her favourite series are Mario and Zelda, Mario 64, Sunshine, Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask are her absolute favourites. But Mario 64 wins the title of overall favourite, and she’s spent years practising speed running it in the hopes of one day getting a top ten leader board score.
She also loves visiting arcades but she’s much more casual when it comes to cabinet gaming as opposed to console gaming because she struggles to fit trips to them into her schedule.
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I, on the other hand, play baby games. I like sandboxes like Minecraft and Skyrim, weird little indie rpgs like Eastward and farming games. Oh my god. I love farming games. I play excessive amounts of Stardew Valley, Rune Factory and Ooblets for that sweet sweet farming dopamine.
Also. Any game with a fishing mechanic. That is all.
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lyrablack-oc · 3 years
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-basically gamer!Lyra
-streamer name is notlyrablack
-streams daily from 4 p.m to 10 p.m except for Tuesdays and Saturdays
- she mostly plays Valorant, but also plays gta nopixel, minecraft, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and collab games
- enjoys playing games with others, often invites people from their discord to play
- has the generic cat ear headphones but doesn't care
-adores her watchers and subscribers
-online they're really outgoing and loud but irl she's quiet. She stays inside most of the time because she hates large crowds
-owns a whites tree frog named Geromio  and a milk frog named Jason Funderberker
Likes: video games, frogs, lo fi music, anime
Dislikes: 'those' types of gamers, people who gatekeeper, large crowds
Scent: coconut, cinnamon, cherry blossom
Sexuality: bisexual and monagamous
-switch with no lean-
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Backstory:Lyra had a pretty good childhood. She had her parents, and her older brother Zephyr, whom she idolized. When she grew older, she developed a fear of crowds, and they would trigger panic attacks. Zephyr would have to go with her everywhere, and it angered him when she would have an attack, so she began to suppress it, and it only got worse until she couldn't even go outside without having a panic attack. Her parents never took her seriously until it got bad, then they didn't know what to do so they isolated her. Video games became a big comfort to her, and she began streaming when she was 17.
Lyra followed her brother to New York, excited for a fresh new start despite the crowded city. Her streaming career had picked up a bit, and she began to gain a following. 
But her brother had began getting mixed up with people, staying out late, causing trouble, ending up in jail overnight for disorderly conduct. Lyra and Zephyr had an altercation after their apartment was broken into, and they argued and she moved out, losing contact with him completely. 
Writes in this color or uses 👽
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I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do. -Night in the woods
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Gideon, playing Minecraft with Lyra: Why would you set your Minecraft village on fire?
Lyra: The game gave me the means to so why not?
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vanillabat99 · 6 years
My interests include:
Indie music
Rock music
Classical music
Lofi hip-hop and jazz, those "3am falling in love" type playlists on YouTube
J a z z
Scooby Doo
Guild Wars 2 (don't play very often, but I enjoy it)
Circus (juggling, aerial hoop/lyra, hula hooping)
Marvel universe, mostly the Avengers
Dancing (I used to do ballroom and Latin style dancing)
Divination (I have a lenormand deck)
Plants (I'd really like to have a garden of my own)
Lgbt content, events, fundraisers, etc.
Pins, badges, buttons, patches (I have like, 100 buttons/pins)
Art (I do lots of different kinds of art, just ask and I'll probably share!)
Dolls and doll customizing
Cryptids and folklore
SciFi media (I always watch the Doctor Who marathon at Christmas)
Learning French (currently been learning for the past 12ish years, I'd say I'm pretty good)
Anything space related, stars, planets, etc.
Camping, hiking, canoeing
Studio Ghibli movies (haven't seen very many but I like them a lot!)
Reading (don't have much time to read with school and all, but I'll gladly take recommendations!)
Making music (singing, playing guitar, clarinet, and piano)
Just thought I'd share my interests. Sometimes I feel very one-dimensional and lacking, so to feel more like a person I figured this would help. Feel free to talk to me about anything on this list! These are just what I could think of, so there's probably more. Thanks for reading! 💞
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velvetcrowe · 2 years
I played so much Minecraft this weekend I'm making a castle on Lyra's server :)
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