#m; lois lane
jetslay · 6 days
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MAWS' Clark, Lois, and Jimmy by Pablo M. Collar (colors by Nick Filard).
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stardustinthesky · 2 months
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#this show GETS it
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dcladies · 1 year
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My Adventures with Superman (2023) - Official Teaser Trailer
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bidembi · 11 months
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same energy. no i will not elaborate.
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dcmultiverse · 1 year
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SUPERMAN RETURNS (2006) - dir. Bryan Singer
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smashpages · 3 months
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‘My Adventures with Superman’ flies from the TV screen to comics this summer
Josie Campbell and Pablo M. Collar bring the hit Adult Swim series to the printed page in June.
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geekcavepodcast · 3 months
DC Comics Announces "My Adventures with Superman" Comic Book Series
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Animated series My Adventures with Superman is getting a comic book series. Written by series producer Josie Campbell and illustrated by artist Pablo M. Collar, the My Adventures with Superman comic will serve as a bridge between seasons 1 and 2.
"Clark Kent is a bit down and out, spending Christmas alone in Metropolis. But when he gets a tip about a monster in the sewers, Superman, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen spring into action to investigate this mystery. What is this monster that can absorb anything it touches, and why is it here in Metropolis?" (DC Comics)
My Adventures with Superman #1, featuring a main cover by Carli Squiteri, variant covers by Gavin Guidry and Riley Rossmo, and a black sketch variant cover, goes on sale on June 4, 2024.
(Image via DC Comics - Carli Squiteri's Cover of My Adventures with Superman #1)
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potato-on-your-head · 8 months
Clark couldn’t move.
He lay on his side, his limbs cast uselessly in front of him.
The fall from the heavens had turned him into a living bullet, the impact driving him into the ground with crushing force. His entire body was one singular, pulsing wound.
The shadow above Clark leveled a weapon at his chest. A specialized gun, all white and hard edges. It charged with a high-pitched whine.
Sam Lane’s stoic face loomed behind it, staring him down.
“Hnnn.. ahhh…” Clark gasped.
Couldn’t speak. Couldn’t even beg for his life.
The general was going to kill him.
Lois’s dad was going to kill him.
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artbypockets · 1 year
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It's that time again. I usually do the best from each month but I... did not draw every month this year 😔 so these are just my favorites from 2022 in no real order. I'm pretty happy with how colorful my work has been lately, I didn't notice it until I made this lol. most of this is stuff I didn't even post anywhere this year. I should fix that...
BONUS: my best of 2021 that I made last year but completely forgot to post, bc again, I just never post anything anymore apparently
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that-rabbits-dynamite · 10 months
Today, August 17th, is Lois Lane's birthday!
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therainingkiwi · 1 year
percabeth is just clois which is why it's good
happy valentine's day to clois and percabeth, two of the greatest fictional couples of all time.
(for those of you who aren't Fandom People, Clois=Clark Kent and Lois Lane from the Superman comics, Percabeth=Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series)
I think the reason why percabeth works so well is because it's such a similar dynamic to clois (not necessarily on purpose), and clois is just such an iconic pairing.
Think about it.
You've got a guy with incredible powers and an otherworldly heritage, who could destroy the world but really just wants to save it. He's an absolute mama's boy, a softie, a sweetheart, who sometimes feels bogged down by the weight of a massive destiny. He's kind of a dork, even if lots of people who don't know him find him really intimidating. Due to his otherworldly heritage, he had a lot of trouble making friends as a kid, leaving him to feel doubly isolated. He just wants to find someone who makes him feel human and loved, and is okay with the constant dangers in his life.
You've got a girl who grew up around war and fighting but still wants to believe the world is ultimately a good place. She's tough as nails, and is an excellent fighter, but her brains are her real strength. She never had a great relationship with her parents, and has a history of people leaving her, which means that she really just wants to find someone in her life who will stay. She's a strategist who knows how to talk to others and get exactly what she wants. She's also embarrassingly bad at spelling.
The guy's mom has a signature dessert, the girl has a very complicated relationship with her badass but not very understanding military dad, the two of them are absolutely ride-or-die for each other.
I'm just saying. The parallels are kinda scary. Whether or not it was on purpose, i think it's no surprise that these are 2 of my fave fictional couples bc they're so similar in so many ways, and they just work SO well.
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stardustinthesky · 1 month
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You need a cover. What better cover than honeymooners in the honeymoon suite?
+ bonus
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dcladies · 1 year
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TRACY SCOGGINS as CAT GRANT Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman— 1x20, Fly Hard
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rp-partnerfinder · 5 months
hey there! 18+ writers only please. i'm looking for someone who'd be willing to write de or marvel female characters! im a male and i'm looking for someone to write / plot or headcanon around mainly de and marvel characters with, though i'm fine with a few other franchises, but mainly dc.
some of my favorite characters that id love to write opposite with are: talia al ghul, donna troy, cheshire / jade nguyen, artemis crock, black canary, zatanna, yara flor, lois lane, huntress / helena bertinelli, carol ferris, jessica cruz, wonder woman, ravager / rose wilson, sara lance, dawn granger, mera, punchline, poison ivy, elektra, emma frost, jean grey, psylocke, susan storm, kate bishop, etc
those are just the de / marvel characters though tbh, which are the main ones I'm looking for. other than that, some non-comics characters i'd love are: ashe or kiriko / tifa, aerith, jessie / rey, leia / cersei, daenerys, margaery / starlight / gwen tennyson (alien force) / daphne blake / some disney girls (movies or sitcoms), etc.
as for who id play, i'm fine with most anyone, be it canons or ocs or crossovers. it depends on the pairing or plot, we can talk about it!
i'm fine with most themes and kinks as well, and definitely most pairings. no real limits!
if any of this interests, like this and i'll message you! i mainly write through
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dcmultiverse · 2 years
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Clark Kent & Lois Lane in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) dir. Zack Snyder
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suzannemsabol · 2 years
90's Part Deux
90’s Part Deux
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